The 900-hour inspection- page 10


The 900-hour inspection- page 10
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Vol. 43, No. 12
News/Features: page 3
Levitow Award winner
News/Features: page 3
Sexual assault support
Week in photos: page 4
Images from MacDill
News/Features: page 14
HAWC hosts big week
Community: page 17
Events, Chapel, more...
The 900-hour inspection - page 10
Photo by Senior Airman Shandresha Mitchell
Members of the 6th Maintenance Group perform a 900-hour inspection on a KC-135 Stratotanker at MacDill Air Force Base, March 11. During a
900-hour inspection, each section of the aircraft is disassembled and carefully put back together once it has been thoroughly examined.
A letter from the 18th Air Force commander
by Lt. Gen. Carlton D. Everhart II
18th Air Force commander
Mobility Airmen,
In my last letter to you, I asked you to call
“time out” and re-evaluate how we can safely
accomplish our local and global mission. Since
then, our wings have held safety down days
and the feedback I have received from your
leadership has been very positive.
We are off to a good start, now I challenge
you to continue to maintain that momentum.
Safety is a marathon, not a sprint. With that
in mind, a regular focus on basic airmanship,
personal discipline, and workplace safety
must to be part of your daily routine. The
stakes are simply too high for you to accept
anything less.
You are central to mission success. Simply
being vigilant, using common sense, and having the courage to speak up when something
is not right can break the chain of events that
could lead to an accident. You can prevent a
fellow Airman from getting hurt or worse due
to an avoidable mishap.
As I have said before, I take safety very
seriously and I expect you to take it seriously
too. The lower the mishap rate, the higher our
combat capability and the probability of successful mission accomplishment. Safety is a
force multiplier. Practice it every day and it
becomes habit.
Airmen at every level have the responsibility and the authority to ensure the mission is
conducted safely and responsibly. Programs
and processes are in-place to assist you when
it comes time to make the safe call. I empower
you to speak up when you see something that
puts you, your teammates, or the mission at
unnecessary risk. We will never turn a blind
eye to your concerns.
Thank you for what you do every day. It is
my honor to serve beside you!
Lt. Gen. Carlton D. Everhart II
Be sure to visit the MacDill Air Force Base website at
MacDill on the web
The Action Line provides two-way communication between the 6th Air
Mobility Wing commander and the MacDill community. A 24-hour recording service is provided so personnel may submit questions, concerns or
comments. Email
MacDill Thunderbolt
Publisher: Brian Burns
Editor: Nick Stubbs
The MacDill Thunderbolt is published by Sunbelt Newspapers, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air
Force. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized
publication for distribution to members of the U.S. military
services on MacDill. Contents of the MacDill Thunderbolt are
not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by the U.S.
government, the Department of Defense, the Department of
the Air Force or the 6th Air Mobility Wing.
The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement
by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air
Force, 6th Air Mobility Wing or Sunbelt Newspapers, Inc., of
the products or service advertised.
Everything advertised in this publication shall be made
available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to
race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status,
physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit
factor of the purchaser, user, or patron.
Display advertising or classified advertising information
Instagram: macdill_afb
Twitter: @macdill_afb
may be obtained by calling (813) 259-7455.
News items for the MacDill Thunderbolt can be submitted
to the 6th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office, 8208 Hangar
Loop Dr., suite 14, MacDill AFB, FL 33621. Call the Thunderbolt
at 828-2215. Email:
Deadline for article submissions is noon, Wednesdays to
appear in the next week’s publication. Articles received after
deadline may be considered for future use. All submissions
are considered for publication based on news value and timeliness.
Every article and photograph is edited for accuracy, clarity,
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and Libel Manual” and Air Force Instruction 35-101.
No surprise this MacDill Airman won John L. Levitow Award
by Airman 1st Class Danielle Conde
6th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs
The dining hall exploded in a roar of applause at the announcement of her name.
On Feb. 12, Senior Airman Chelsey Hibsch,
6th Security Forces Squadron installation patrolman, was presented with the highest award
to an Airman Leadership School graduate who
demonstrated the most outstanding leadership and scholastic qualities of the class.
“Anyone who has worked with Senior Airman Hibsch will tell you her winning the John
L. Levitow Award was not lucky or by chance,”
said Officer Jason Atkinson, 6th SFS Emergency Service Team officer in charge. “It was
Since her enlistment in 2010 at the age of 17,
Hibsch has continued to strive for excellence.
“I am constantly looking for ways to improve
myself through training, education, physical
fitness, volunteering and so on,” said the Attica, New York native.
To add to her main job and additional duty
as part of the EST, Hibsch has taken up Bra-
zilian Jiu Jitsu, a martial art and combat sport
that teaches a smaller person how to defend
against a larger adversary by using leverage
and proper technique.
“With every roll at every practice you learn
something new,” Hibsch said. “I have competed
in a few tournaments in Florida and I love it!”
She went on to point out that BJJ is a sport
that requires a lot of skill, and the support and
experience she has received from her security
forces job has helped her to become more confident in her physical abilities.
“My coworkers on the EST and I are very
close, like family,” she said. “It helps to keep a
positive environment and I strive in more optimistic atmospheres.”
With just one class remaining, the 22-yearold hopes to complete her Bachelor of Arts in
social science degree in April, before sewing on
her staff sergeant stripe in May.
“Hibsch is an innovator,” said Tech. Sgt. Jaime Perez, 6th SFS flight chief. “Such a young
Airman with the knowledge and creativity we
hope to see in all levels of followership and
Remember: Dial 211 for sexual assault
by Airman 1st Class Danielle Conde
6th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs
The Sexual Assault Response Coordinator at
MacDill Air Force Base is encouraging service
members to learn more about the resources
available to them in the community.
“Sometimes people just need
someone to talk to...” - Kathy Foley
“Crisis Center of Tampa Bay is a long standing partner for MacDill and provides valuable
sexual assault crisis services for us,” said Kathy
Foley, 6th Air Mobility Wing SARC. “They also
have a grant to fund the ‘MyFloridaVet’ program which serves all military members, including retired, on a 24/7 hotline.”
This center is unique because it is run for
veterans by veterans who have experienced
similar difficulties in transitioning from the
military back to civilian life.
“They are highly trained professionals who
are genuinely doing this because they care,”
said Foley, who went on to explain that she
has witnessed a crisis call in person. “They immediately had empathy and were able to talk
through the situation with the caller.”
As well as providing an outlet to talk, the crisis center offers resources and referrals to Veterans Affairs funded services and other community-based services that may be closer to the
caller’s location.
“Sometimes people just need someone to talk
to, and are overwhelmed with their options”
said Foley. “The one thing they should remember is dial 211.”
Free, confidential crisis counseling and referrals are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a
year at both the MacDill helpline at 828-7272
and the 211 crisis hotline.
Photo by Airman 1st Class Danielle Conde
Senior Airman Chelsey Hibsch, 6th Security
Forces Squadron installation patrolman, poses
for a photo at MacDill Air Force Base, March 2.
Hibsch’s new passion is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
Photo by Senior Airman Tori Schultz
Members from the base chapel and clergy from the Tampa area pose for a group photo at MacDill Air Force Base, March 11. The chapel hosted a
clergy day to give local clergy the opportunity to experience the life of a chaplain.
Airman 1st Class Brandon Gentry, 6th
Maintenance Squadron aircraft metals technology technician, welds an
aluminum bench March 12, at MacDill
Air Force Base. Aircraft metals technology technicians are trained to weld
aluminium, steel, titanium and magnesium, but the most common metal is
Photo by Senior Airman Jenay Randolph
AF guidelines for engaging in political activities
by Tech. Sgt. Travis Craig
6th Air Mobility Wing Legal
The military
is more on the
minds of the
American public and in the
forefront of national issues
on the political stage than
at any time in
recent memory. With that
in mind, it is
a good idea to
stay informed
on the Do’s and
Don’ts in regard to political activities.
The Air Force policy encourages Airmen and
its Department of Defense civilians to carry
out their obligations of citizenship fully; however, the rules are not always well understood
and can be applied incorrectly with potentially
embarrassing, and even criminal, results.
In order to avoid conflicts of interest and
the appearance of improper endorsement in
political matters, Airmen on active duty are
prohibited from engaging in certain political
activities such as attendance of political meetings in uniform. Airmen need to remember to:
(1) avoid partisan activities, (2) refrain from
attending any political events or rallies in uniform, (3) express only personal opinions, and
(4) steer clear of any conduct which implies
official endorsement or representation. Even
with these guidelines, Airmen still have a
great deal of flexibility in how they participate
in our democratic process.
They can vote and express personal opinions
on political candidates and issues. In most cases, they can sign petitions, write letters to the
editor as a private citizen, and contribute to
political organizations or committees favoring
a particular candidate or slate of candidates.
They can also attend political meetings or rallies as a spectator, or join associations and
attend meetings when not in uniform. Under
certain circumstances and with the right level
of command approval, they may even serve as
election officials.
For DoD civilians, participation in political
activities is regulated by a number of sources:
the Hatch Act (5 USC 7321 – 7326), implementing regulations (5 CFR 733 and 5 CFR 734), as
well as DoD policy. For purposes of the Hatch
Act, political activity is defined as “an activity directed toward the success or failure of a
political party, candidate for partisan political
office or partisan political group.” Importantly,
application of the rules varies depending on
an employee’s position or office. Thus, it is extremely important that employees know which
rules to apply.
Social media is something that DoD civilians and Airmen need to be aware of when it
comes to political activities. Civilian and military personnel may generally express their
personal views on public issues or political
candidates via social media platforms, such as
Facebook, Twitter, or personal blogs, much the
same as they would be permitted to write a
letter to the editor of a newspaper. If, when
expressing a personal opinion, personnel are
identified by a social media site as DoD employees, the posting must clearly and prominently state that the views expressed are
those of the individual only and not of the Department of Defense.
As previously noted, however, active duty
military members and further restricted civilian employees are prohibited from participating in partisan political activity. Therefore,
while these employees may “follow,” “friend” or
“like” a political party or candidate running
for partisan office, they may not post links to
“share” or “re-tweet” comments or tweets from
the Facebook page or twitter account of a political party or candidate running for partisan
office. Such activity is deemed to constitute
participation in political activities.
Service members must also be careful not
to comment, post, or link to material that violates the Uniform Code of Military Justice or
service regulation. Examples include showing
contempt for public officials, releasing sensitive information, or posting unprofessional
material that is prejudicial to good order and
discipline under the UCMJ.
For more information, contact the MacDill
Legal office at 828-1696.
Importance of the Well Woman exam
by Airman 1st Class JazzyMae Torres
6th Medical Operations Squadron
I remember thinking to myself,
“how awful, I didn’t know I had
a history of breast cancer in my
My aunty was telling me stories
about how blessed she was while
fighting thyroid cancer. I looked
at her in disbelief. Even though
she had been fighting thyroid cancer for about four years, she was
blessed her cancer wasn’t as ruthless as my great grandmother’s.
She told me memories about how
breast cancer overtook grandma
Medina. I was young then, but
I remember how she looked me
straight in the eye and told me
how crucial it is to get checked,
especially because of my family
I began my women’s health
journey straight out of tech school.
I did not rotate through Women’s
Health in Phase II training, so
I never expected to work in this
clinic. Even so, I’m a woman; I
should have known what to expect, right? Wrong! Feeling overwhelmed by adjusting to work,
and all the extra trimmings that
went along with the job, I gradually began realizing the importance of the annual well woman
appointment. Let’s start with the
An annual exam consists of a
breast and pelvic exam to check
for any abnormalities. If any abnormal masses are detected, a
mammogram or ultrasound will
be ordered for further assessment.
A pelvic and breast exam should
occur yearly, regardless if the patient is due for a pap test. A woman typically begins receiving her
annual well woman beginning at
age 21. Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death
in women, and claims 40,000
lives annually. I can’t emphasize
enough that it is vital to practice
self-breast exams monthly, in addition to having a yearly mammogram, if over 40 years of age.
Now, we’ll start getting a little
more in depth. The pap test is recommended for women between
ages 21 and 65. It is a significant
step in the prevention of cervical
cancer. The Department of Defense currently follows American
Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology guidelines.
See HEALTH, Page 12
Airman 1st Class JazzyMae Torres
6th Contracting Squadron guide to FY15 purchases
Courtesy of the 6th Contracting Squadron
As we finish another month in 2015 it is important to remember that
our fiscal year started Oct. 1, 2014. Near the halfway point it is crucial
to plan for upcoming requirements and coordinate those requirements
through the 6th Contracting Squadron as early as possible.
Our mission is to purchase contracting requirements for the 6th Air
Mobility Wing, the 927th Air Refueling Wing, and our mission partners
as needed to accomplish their mission. Contracting works for you and
we will do our best to acquire the items you request. However by law
there are certain regulations that contracting officers must abide by
when making purchases. Therefore, sole-source and brand-name justifications should only be used on a very limited basis. Please keep that
in mind when prioritizing requirements for fiscal year 2015.
GPC holders can make purchases up to $3,000 for commodities,
$2,500 for services, and $2,000 for construction projects. Certain circumstances will allow for up to a $25,000 purchase, please discuss this
potential option with the GPC program coordinator. To allow 6 CONS
to process your contracting requirement in a timely manner please
start planning your requirements now and avoid the mad dash scramble July through September.
For FY15 requirements, coordination with 6 CONS is absolutely critical before the following dates:
*April 1:
All construction projects regardless of cost Services over $2 million
June 3:
Services between $150,000 and $2 million Commodities/supplies (Including GSA) over $2 million
July 1:
Service recurring rentals and preventive maintenance agreements
Commodities/supplies (including GSA) $150,000 to $2 million
August 3:
One-time services up to $150,000
August 17:
Commodities/supplies (including GSA) up to $150,000
*As a result of the Defense Enterprise Accounting and Management
System migration on June 1, we ask that units not submit their unfunded/planning documents in the legacy system.
However, please contact your contract administrator or one of our
contacts listed below to advise of your FY 16 intentions.
Fiscal year 2015 close-out for all base activities supported by 6 CONS
will be Sept. 26. The last day we will take purchase requests is Sept.
20, with the exception of verified emergencies.
Questions may be directed to the appropriate Contracting Squadron
points of contact:
u Edward “Jerry” Simmons, 828-4783, : Specialized Flight, SCENTCOM/USSOCOM/JCSE/SOCCENT
u Douglas Willard, 828-7454: Performance Management Flight, Civil Engineers and Avon Park
u Calvin Daniels, 828-4784: Base Support Flight, 6th AMW units
and other tenant units
u Melissa Biggar, 828-3110: Government Purchase Card Program,
GPC holders
u James “Kirk” Krempasky, 828-7482: closeout monitor, general inquiries
Profile of the 900-hour inspection
Photos by Senior Airman Shandresha Mitchell
(Above) Airman 1st Class Blake Bennett and Senior Airman Corey Timmons, 6th Maintenance Squadron
aerospace propulsion technicians,
open an F108 fan cowling on a KC135 Stratotanker at MacDill Air Force
Base, March 11. This is part of a 900hour routine inspection that takes
place over a three-day period. (Left)
Senior Airman Matthew Potter, 6th
Maintenance Squadron crew chief, replaces a roller on a cove lip door of
a KC-135 Stratotanker at MacDill Air
Force Base, March 11. Members of
the 6th Maintenance Group were performing a 900-hour inspection on the
Senior Airman Austin Patten, 6th Maintenance Squadron crew chief, installs a seal on a cove lip door of a
KC-135 Stratotanker at MacDill Air Force Base, March 11. This is part of a 900-hour routine inspection that
(Above) Airman 1st Class Earl Fasching, 6th Maintenance
Squadron crew chief, replaces the panels on the struts of
a KC-135 Stratotanker at MacDill Air Force Base, March 11.
This is one of the aspects of a 900-hour overall inspection of
the aircraft. (Left) Airman 1st Class Earl Fasching, 6th Maintenance Squadron crew chief, picks out tools required to replace panels on the struts of a KC-135 Stratotanker at MacDill Air Force Base. During a 900-hour inspection, every part
of the aircraft is thoroughly inspected for any faults.
Senior Airman Alan Hills
6th Communications Squadron
Job Title: Cyber Transport Systems technician
Hometown: Indianapolis, Ind.
Short-term goals: Continue to develop skills as a technician and
make myself a better Airman. In the next two to four years I would
like to be a NCO and obtain many professional level certifications
such as CCNA, Project+, MCSA, and CWNA.
Long-term goals: In the next five to10 years I would like to continue to obtain many advanced professional level IT certifications such
as CCIE, CWNE, CISSP, and PMP. The overall goal is to work myself
into a position as an advanced network engineer, project manager,
and a leader.
Advice to others: Always spend more time listening than talking.
God gave you two ears and one mouth for a reason. Always strive to
make yourself a better person by challenging yourself every day. Be
the best you can be.
From Page 7
In addition to these guidelines, the frequency of how often a pap test
should be per-formed is dictated by each individual’s medical history.
Abnormal cells may be the result of an infection or the start of precancerous cells, which can be treated if caught early. Human Papilomavirus testing, which is also done according to ASCCP guidelines, is
a test that checks for high risk strains of HPV. This test can be done
from the same sample as the pap test, and routinely starts at age 30.
An additional step to reduce the risk for cervical cancer is to get vaccinated. Gardasil and Cervarix are vaccines that protect against different strains of HPV.
It seems as if every woman gets a little knot in her stomach when
she thinks about visiting a women’s health provider. As understandable as it is to be hesitant to schedule an appointment, it is essential to
be in control of your health. No one is immune.
Cervical and breast cancer can be prevented and is treatable if
caught within its early stages of development. However, it is up to you
to be health conscious. An annual exam may catch the beginning of a
problem or may catch an ongoing one that could have remained undetected for years.
Understanding more about your body can help ease the discomfort
of a women’s health visit. The staff is trained to take care of you, and
it should be understood there is no shame in asking questions. So, let’s
give cancer the boot and schedule your annual exam today! No referral
is necessary.
Pirate’s Log: 19 March 2003
KCͲ135sfromMacDilldeployedinsupport,whileseveralotherStratotankers followedthem
during their rotations. Major combat operations lasted for 21 days, during which the
combined forces of the U.S., the United Kingdom, Australia, and Poland overthrew the
Ba’athist governmentofSaddamHussein.InmidDecember,ajointSpecialOperationsteam
trackeddowntheIraqidictatornearhishometown,Tikrit,inOperationRedDawn (namedfor
Photos courtesy of the HAWC
The MacDill Health and Wellness Center had a
busy week last week, hosting free warm bamboo massage sessions at the Medical Group
building (Left), and the distribution of fresh fruit
to units throughout the base March 12 (Above).
Photo courtesy of the HAWC
The MacDill Health and Wellness Center set up in the courtyard of the Medical Group Friday,
where visitors were able to pick up free samples and information on a variety of health and wellness topics.
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month
Courtesy of Brent Conklin
Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center
MacDill now has a traumatic brain injury office for clinical evaluations.
Who we are:
Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center
DVBIC serves active duty military, their beneficiaries, and veterans with traumatic
brain injuries through state-of-the-art clinical care, innovative clinical research initiatives and educational programs.
DVBIC fulfills this mission through ongoing collaboration with the Department of
Defense, armed forces, Veterans Affairs, civilian health partners, local communities, families, and individuals with traumatic brain injury.
What we do at the base:
DVBIC now has offices on MacDill Air Force Base, where service members can be seen
for second-line TBI evaluations. TBI clinic evaluations may result in recommendations for
additional services on base or referral to the Tampa VA for more comprehensive evaluation and treatment for conditions such as PTSD, TBI, headaches, sleep problems, chronic
Providers can make referrals to the Mental Health TBI Clinic for assessment and
treatment of TBI symptoms. Call 813-903-4503 for more information.
Youth Center
Operation Night Hoops, from
6:30-8:30 p.m., is a monthly program that educates teens on tobacco, drug, alcohol awareness, the
importance of athletics, and we will
also play organized basketball for
ages 13-18. Free.
Kids Day Out – give parents a
break program
9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Available at the
CDC 1 for ages 6 months to 9 years;
ages 9-18 at the Youth Center. For
more info, call 828-3332 or 8287956.
Arts & Crafts Center
Intro to Wood Shop Equipment
from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. • Cost: $20.
The shop’s expert woodworker, Denny, will guide participants through
the use of the shop’s big equipment,
including the table saw, band saw,
router and more. Gain hands-on
time using the equipment. Call
828-2093 for more information.
Paintin’ Plates Class
4-6 p.m. Cost: $35. Pre-register
and pay by two business days prior
to Save $3. Bunny on an Egg Plate.
Call 828-4413 for more info.
Mark your calendar
March 27 — Family/Youth Talent Show
March 28 – Easter Egg Hunt
April 3 – MOMC Annual Parade
April 5 – Easter Brunch
April 11 – Operation Bayfest
April 12-18 – National Library
April 17 – MacDill Day
Log onto for
more information
Photo by Airman 1st Class Danielle Conde
Service members assigned to MacDill Air Force Base attend the 5th Annual Enlisted Meet & Greet
Reception event in Tampa, March 8. The two-hour cruise was designed to introduce E-1 through E-5s
to local community and business leaders in the Tampa Bay community.
Protestant service
Sunday - 11 a.m. - Contemporary Service
Sunday - 9:30 a.m. - FAMCAMP Service
Islamic service
Catholic services
Saturday - 5:30 p.m. - Mass
Sunday - 9:30 a.m. - Mass
Monday-Thursday - 12:10 p.m. Mass
Friday - 1:30 p.m. - Muslim Prayer Service
Call the chapel at 828-3621 for more information or visit the chapel web site
Light It Up Blue #LIUB
April 2015
Homes & Neighborhoods
Public Structures
Recreational Facilities
FREE Blue light bulbs- until
Contact Venetia D Waters
828-0122 or 828-0145 #4

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