927th ARW back from the UK - page 12


927th ARW back from the UK - page 12
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Vol. 42, No. 18
News/Features: page 3
‘There I was...’
Week in photos: page 4
Images from MacDill
News/Features: page 6
CENTCOM open house
News/Features: page 8
Asian-Pacific heritage
Community: page 21
Events, Chapel, more...
927th ARW back from the UK - page 12
Photo by Capt. Joe Simms
Master Sgt. John Pullen, 63rd Air Refueling Squadron boom operator, briefs a family of space-available passengers prior to departing Royal Air
Force Mildenhall, England, for MacDill Air Force Base. The 63rd ARS was in England to bring home members of the 927th Air Refueling Wing,
there training to meet their annual tour requirement.
Are you prepared for hurricane season?
by Robert Hughes
6th Civil Engineer Squadron director
Every day, every hour, and for the most part,
every minute we have a decision or choice to
We strive to stimulate a culture of responsible choices throughout the Air Force. In our
wings and squadrons, we stress the importance
of making responsible choices, both on the job
and away from the work centers. As leaders,
we remind people during commander’s calls
and safety briefings, always encouraging personnel to think about their choices before making a decision. Making good decisions needs to
be a part of our everyday lives.
Most of us try to do the same away from
work. I know that I stress it with my own kids
and as a high school lacrosse coach. Make it
a recurring theme about doing well in school,
getting homework done and not waiting until
the last possible minute to study or finish assignments. Everyone on the team (and my kids
at home) nod their heads yes, but I still wonder
if they get it. But if we keep reminding them
about the importance, they will. If not now,
they certainly will later on.
So how do you define a good choice? Some
are obvious, like not driving after drinking or
taking short cuts on safety when performing
potentially risky tasks. Wear your safety gog-
gles and other personal protective equipment.
Use your fundamental skills that have been
developed through training.
Career path decisions will take longer to see
the results. Most people want to leave future
options open should circumstances or preferences change. Finishing that degree or deciding which degree to get may open different
doors in the future. Sometimes just taking an
additional class or achieving a top score will
have just as significant of an impact.
Take a step back and look at the big picture.
Then decide what is important and look at
where you are headed. Continuously improving
ourselves should factor into the decisions that
we all try to make. Most of our options in life
are a direct result of the effort and preparation
Being prepared is an important decision
as well. All of the items listed above involve
planning and preparation. These do not come
without a commitment to making a decision to
be prepared. How many times have we been
educated on having a plan if we plan to drink
alcohol? And unfortunately, how many times
have we heard about someone’s plan falling
apart. Or preparing for that test, have you
done everything that you could have to prepare
for that test. We should all be planning for a
successful career.
How do you prepare for a successful career?
Robert Hughes
Does it involve taking additional classes, pursuing that Community College of the Air Force degree, filling out your assignment dream sheet?
See CORNER, Page 16
MacDill on the web
The Action Line provides two-way communication between the 6th Air
Mobility Wing commander and the MacDill community. A 24-hour recording service is provided so personnel may submit questions, concerns or
comments. Call the Action Line at 828-INFO (4636) or email macdillwingcommander@us.af.mil.
MacDill Thunderbolt
Publisher: Bill Barker
Editor: Nick Stubbs
The MacDill Thunderbolt is published by Sunbelt Newspapers, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air
Force. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an authorized
publication for distribution to members of the U.S. military
services on MacDill. Contents of the MacDill Thunderbolt are
not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by the U.S.
government, the Department of Defense, the Department of
the Air Force or the 6th Air Mobility Wing.
The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement
by the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air
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the products or service advertised.
Everything advertised in this publication shall be made
available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to
race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status,
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Display advertising or classified advertising information
Website: www.macdill.af.mil
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may be obtained by calling (813) 259-7455.
News items for the MacDill Thunderbolt can be submitted
to the 6th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office, 8208 Hangar
Loop Dr., suite 14, MacDill AFB, FL 33621, or call the MacDill
Thunderbolt staff at 828-2215. Email: thunder.bolt@us.af.mil.
Deadline for article submissions is noon, Wednesdays to
appear in the next week’s publication. Articles received after
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are considered for publication based on news value and timeliness.
Every article and photograph is edited for accuracy, clarity,
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and Libel Manual” and Air Force Instruction 35-101.
‘There I was...’
by Master Sgt. Walter Dworak
927th Security Forces Squadron
t was 2 a.m. and the first words we heard as we exited the passenger terminal were “Welcome to Kabul.” So began our six-month
tour living and working among the Afghan Air Force’s Kabul Air
Wing at Kabul International Airport, Afghanistan.
The security forces mission there was unique to say the least. We
provided the standard base defense, but due to an attack on U.S. forces
on April 27, 2011, where nine advisors lost their lives, our main mission was ensuring the safety of U.S. advisors. The security we provided
enabled the advisors to continue training AAF outside the wire. Maintaining positive tactical counter insurgency awareness was a full-time
requirement whenever we were working beside our AAF counterparts.
In occasions when AAF Airmen said something that could be interpreted as a threat, advising duties immediately ceased and the threat
was evaluated.
In addition, security forces provided protection for fly away missions throughout the theater, but our mission was unique in that we
provided security for the crew, not the aircraft. The aircraft were a
mixture of fix winged, C-208 and C-130, and rotary wing, Mi-17. We
flew into both large and small AAF bases throughout the country. For
example, the first passenger mission for the Afghan C-130 was interesting; flying to four locations returning to Kabul. We departed around
10 a.m. and returned after dark, even though the aircraft and Afghan
crew were not certified to fly at night. Through the partnership and
oversight of U.S. pilots, we completed the mission. In the course of the
Photo by Maj. Christine Stanaback
Members of the 439th Air Expeditionary Advisory Squadron stand together at Kabul International Airport, Afghanistan. The 439th AEAS’s
mission was to provide security to advisors training the Afghan Air
trip we picked up 17 wounded and two fallen Afghans. Afghan VIPs
joined the U.S. crew in deplaning and paying respect to Afghan fallen
heroes. Other typical security forces missions with the AAF included
flying as gunners on Mi-17s and providing over-watch on C-208 pilot
See ‘THERE I WAS...”, Page 19
Retiree finds career opportunities through the VEP
by Capt. Joe Simms
927th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
Many veterans spend more than half their lives serving their country, and they carry this core value with them long after they hang up
the uniform and join the civilian workforce.
This desire to serve others is what drove retired Master Sgt. Joe
Halenka, during his 26-year career in the Air Force and Air Force Reserve, and continues to drive him today.
Joe, a former boom operator and husband of Master Sgt. Roxanne
Halenka, 927th Air Fueling Wing, found himself working for a pharmaceutical manufacturer after he retired in 2010, but he knew he could do
more with the next chapter of his life.
One day, while walking his dogs, he realized what he needed to do
was become his own boss and provide a service for military and civil
service workers who spend hours and days away from home.
Photo by Capt. Joe Simms
“Walking my two dogs every day, I noticed how many pets were inside their apartments just wanting to go outside and play,” he said. Retired Master Sgt. Joe Halenka and Master Sgt. Roxanne Halenka,
“Roxanne and I can relate to dog owners whose work schedules don’t 927th Air Fueling Wing, created a dog-walking service with the help of
allow them to care for their pets during the day so we decided to start a Florida University’s Veterans Entrepreneurship Program. The program
is free to qualified disabled veterans and provides classroom instrucSee DOGS Page 10
tion and mentorships.
Families from Team
MacDill participate in
a cake walk at MacDill
Air Force Base, April
19. MacDill’s youth
center hosted an Easter egg hunt for children 1 to 11 years old.
Photo by Airman 1st Class Tori Schultz
Photo by Airman 1st Class Tori Schultz
Photo by Airman 1st Class Tori Schultz
Volunteers paint children’s faces during an Easter egg hunt at MacDill Members of Team MacDill stand for the National Anthem during a volAir Force Base, April 19. Activities included a cake walk, face painting, unteer appreciation luncheon at MacDill Air Force Base, April 23. Volunpictures with the Easter bunny, and a balloon animal maker.
teers from the base were recognized for their volunteer hours.
USCENTCOM hosts open house at MacDill for families
by Sgt. Fredrick J. Coleman
U.S. Central Command Public Affairs
U.S. Central Command leaders opened the
doors to the headquarters April 18 to host the
families of USCENTCOM personnel during the
first ever Family Open House.
The event, which drew more than 1,300 family members, gave families the opportunity to
learn more about the contributions their USCENTCOM member makes to the command,
and also the USCENTCOM mission and the
complexity of the area of responsibility. Additionally, the event gave senior leaders a chance
to thank family members for supporting their
sponsors by giving them an unclassified look at
how the command operates.
The event kicked off with members escorting
U.S. Marine Corps photo by Sgt. Fredrick J. Coleman
their families to see their specific workspaces,
followed by a brief from their directorate se- Tamara Parker, U.S. Central Command Communication Integration directorate program mannior leaders. During that time, directors intro- ager, educates a child on how to read from a teleprompter to simulate what it’s like to give a
media briefing. The simulated media brief and brief on the directorate were available for families
See CENTCOM, Page 16
during USCENTCOM’s Family Open House at MacDill Air Force Base, April 18.
May is Asian-Pacific Heritage Month
U.S. Air Force graphic
by Tech. Sgt. Gary Agundo
6th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
The month of May is a time to reflect and celebrate the impact Asian
American and Pacific Islanders have had in the United States. This
commemorative month encompasses the diverse heritage of the Asian
continent and the Pacific islands of Melanesia (New Guinea, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji and the Solomon Islands), Micronesia (Marianas,
Guam, Wake Island, Palau, Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Nauru and the
Federated States of Micronesia) and Polynesia (New Zealand, Hawaiian Islands, Rotuma, Midway Islands, Samoa, American Samoa, Tonga,
Tuvalu, Cook Islands, French Polynesia and Easter Island).
In June 1977, U.S. Congressional Representatives Frank Horton, of
New York, and Norman Y. Mineta, of California, introduced a House
resolution which called upon the president to proclaim the first 10 days
of May as Asian-Pacific Heritage Week. The following month, U.S. Senators Daniel Inouye, and Spark Matsunaga, introduced a similar bill in
the Senate. Both were passed. On October 5, 1978, President Jimmy
Carter signed a joint resolution designating the annual celebration.
Twelve years later, President George H.W. Bush signed an extension
which expanded the national observance into a month-long celebration.
In 1992, the official designation of May as Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month was signed into law. The month of May was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese to the United States
on May 7, 1843, and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the
transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. The majority of the workers
who laid the tracks were Chinese immigrants.
This year, the 6th Maintenance Group is proud to sponsor AsianSee ASIAN-PACIFIC, Page 14
6th Contracting Squadron guide to FY14 purchases
Special to the Thunderbolt
As we finish another month in 2014 it is important to remember that
our fiscal year started Oct. 1, 2013.
Near the halfway point it is crucial to plan for upcoming requirements and coordinate those requirements through the 6th Contracting
Squadron as early as possible. Our mission is to purchase contracting
requirements for the 6th Air Mobility Wing, 927 Air Refueling Wing,
and our mission partners as needed to accomplish their mission. Contracting works for you and we will do our best to acquire the items you
request. However by law there are certain regulations that contracting
officers must abide by when making purchases. Therefore sole source
and brand name justifications should only be used on a very limited
basis. Please keep that in mind when prioritizing requirements for fiscal year 2014.
Government Purchase Card holders can make purchases up to
$3,000 for commodities, $2,500 for services, and $2,000 for construction
projects. Certain circumstances will allow for up to a $25,000 purchase,
please discuss this potential option with the GPC program coordinator.
To allow 6 CONS to process your contracting requirement in a timely
manner please start planning your requirements now and avoid the
mad dash scramble July through September.
For FY14 requirements, coordination with 6 CONS is absolutely critical before the following dates:
See FY14, Page 19
From Page 3
company to provide the dogs food and water, take them for a walk, and
provide transportation to the vet or groomer if needed.”
“Joe and I saw a need in our neighborhood and we wanted to provide
a solution so we started Halenka’s Dog Service,” Master Sgt. Halenka
Like many new entrepreneurs, Joe and Roxanne knew what they
wanted to do, but weren’t sure where to start until they found the Veterans Entrepreneurship Program at the University of Florida.
The VEP provides training and entrepreneurial services for former
military members and disabled vets looking to start a new business.
The program is available at no cost to veterans.
All applicants must meet three requirements to be considered for
the VEP.
Veterans must have separated with an honorable discharge, have
been identified as a disabled vet by Veterans Affairs or the Department
of Defense or “service distinguished” based on exemplary military conduct, and demonstrate an intense interest in entrepreneurship and
small business ownership.
The VEP is comprised of three phases: a five-week self-study component, an intense eight-day training program at the University of
Florida in Gainesville, and an eight-month mentorship program where
the university provides a mentor to work with the business owner as
the venture progresses.
According to the VEP website, this three-phase program offers an
innovative and effective combination of focused, practical training in
venture creation and growth, as well as support for the graduates of
the program.
“It was an intense screening process, over 100 applied and only about
30 were accepted from as far away as Alaska,” Joe said. “To be selected
you had to answers questions such as ‘When you look out five years,
what specifically would you like to accomplish?’ and you had to provide
a business model for them to review.”
Joe and Roxanne’s business model is based on the idea of a young
military member who wants to take their family to Disney World, but
can’t take their pet with them.
“We established our company with the deployed military member’s
or civil service employee’s family in mind who is unable to take their
pet on a daily walk or wants to go on a family vacation and keep their
pet at home and not have to pay for kennel fees,” Joe said.
Joe begins the Phase II portion of the program May 3 which is the
“Entrepreneur Bootcamp.” This week-long course will allow him an opportunity for hands-on learning and interaction with faculty, and will
expose him to the “nuts and bolts” of business ownership.
“What I’m most excited about is being able to soak up the knowledge
and experience of the instructors and speakers and gaining perspectives and ideas,” Joe said. “I truly believe knowledge is gained through
experiences and this is a program to help individuals like myself who
want to help society and explore ideas.”
For more information on the Florida University Veterans Entrepreneurship Program, go to http://warrington.ufl.edu/centers/cei/vep/.
927th SFS returns from
RAF Mildenhall training
story and photos by Capt. Joe Simms
927th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
embers of the 927th Security Forces Squadron at MacDill
Air Force Base returned home April 16 after completing
their two-week annual training requirement at Royal Air
Force Mildenhall, England.
The 27-person team provided support for the local SFS by performing gate guard duties, patrols and flightline security.
“This is the first chance for many of our reservists to spend their
annual training doing something other than a stateside exercise
or inspection,” said Master Sgt. Walter Dworak. “It’s a great opportunity for these Airmen to gain some experience outside of the
normal operations at home station.”
As a tenant unit at MacDill, the 927th SFS’s role at home station
is different than what it would be in a deployed environment.
“This two week deployment allowed us to accomplish much needed training in areas we normally wouldn’t be tasked to perform at
MacDill,” said Senior Master Sgt. James Zuehlke, 927th SFS operations superintendent.
“Some of our reservists were able to bring experiences from their
civilian careers with them to England while the rest were going on
patrols or manning a gate in a real world setting for the first time,”
Zuehlke continued.
In addition to the patrols, these defenders tested their skills during unauthorized gate access and flightline intrusion scenarios. A
few members even accompanied the local civilian police on ride
alongs and responded to calls in the civilian community.
Senior Airman Reginald Randall, a Hillsborough County firefighter, used his time at RAF Mildenhall to prepare for his upcoming deployment.
“This trip was an excellent chance for someone like me, a firefighter, to see the police side of the job and to prepare me for our
deployment next year,” Randall said.
Many 927th SFS members have civilian careers as police officers
or correctional officers which allow them to utilize their experience
while performing their military duties. But for some reservists, the
unit training assemblies and annual training requirements are
their only chance to hone their skills as a defender as Staff Sgt.
Steven Ramirez explains.
“The on the job training we received was great for reservists new
to the career field and have no active duty experience. It’s a way for
them to see the job from the active duty perspective,” he said. “It’s
also a good refresher for those that came to the Reserves from active duty.”
The 927th SFS is made up of approximately 60 reservists, the
majority of which are scheduled to deploy overseas in early 2015.
Stay up to date with the 927th SFS and the rest of the 927th Airlift Wing at www.927arw.afrc.af.mil.
Capt. Jeff Grove, 63rd
Air Refueling Squadron, completes his preflight checklist before
departing MacDill Air
Force Base, for Royal
Air Force Mildenhall,
England, April 14.
Master Sgt. Thomas
Cole, 927th Aircraft
Maintenance Squadron, services the oxygen system of a KC135 Stratotanker prior
to departing for MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.
from Royal Air Force
Mildenhall, England,
April 16.
Crewmembers from
the 63rd and 91st Air
Refueling Squadrons
make final preparations before departing
MacDill Air Force Base
for Royal Air Force
Mildenhall, England,
April 14. The Reserve
and active duty crew
flew to England and
brought home a group
of reservists who completed their annual tour
requirement overseas.
From Page 8
Pacific American Heritage Month at MacDill Air Force Base. The celebration will kick off with a flag flown over our nation’s capital on a
KC-135 Stratotanker to commemorate the special roles Asian and Pacific culture has played in the history of America and its great military.
A series of events will follow throughout the month of May:
May 1-15: This is the much anticipated lumpia sale. Prices are $5 for
six lumpias, and/or $10 for 15 lumpias. Place your lumpia order May
1-14. Lumpias will be ready on May 15. Please contact Tech. Sgt. Gary
Agundo at gary.agundo@us.af.mil or by phone at 828-5512, and/or Airman 1st Class Christine Carragher at christine.carragher@us.af.mil or
by phone at 827-9570.
May 5-9: There will be Japanese lantern craft and cultural book
reading to the children at the MacDill Child Development Center.
Please contact Tech. Sgt. Mia Wilson at mia.wilson.1@us.af.mil to volunteer for the book reading.
May 12-14: Learn how to roll lumpias in minutes at the base chapel
annex. An expert will be available 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
May 15: Sample Asian and Pacific Island dishes held at the base
Medical Group facility courtyard. Everyone is invited, donations accepted.
May 28: Final lunch/luau event will be at the base chapel annex
from noon to 2 p.m.. Come and enjoy the heritage.
Explore the diverse cultures from Asia and the Pacific. Learn their
vibrant heritage, influence and how it impacted U.S. culture today.
From Page 6
duced themselves and explained their department’s role within the
After directorate briefs, USCENTCOM members gave their families
self-paced tours of the building pointing out some of the highlights including the wall featuring all the Medal of Honor recipients from battles that took place in the command’s AOR, and the Joint Operations
Center where joint staff members provide timely, accurate and actionable information to the commander and component commanders.
Families were able to visit interactive static displays set up around
the facility. These included small-arms weapons, non-lethal weapons,
media briefing and night-vision goggles.
One of the more popular displays, a baton training demonstration,
allowed kids the opportunity to test their training baton wielding skills
on an instructor wearing protective equipment.
In addition, Vice Adm. Mark Fox, USCENTCOM deputy commander,
and Army Maj. Gen. Michael Garrett, USCENTCOM chief of staff, gave
AOR briefs to the families to better explain the role of the command.
“Although USCENTCOM is the smallest of the geographic combatant commands, this is where most of the action is happening,” said Vice
Adm. Fox during his brief.
At the event’s conclusion, several spouses and children said it helped
them better understand the USCENTCOM mission and their sponsor’s
role at the command.
“I appreciate the opportunity to visit where my husband works and
learn more about CENTCOM,” said Blanca Perez, wife of Gunnery Sgt.
Roque Perez, who works with USCENTCOM’s Special Security Office.
From Page 2
On June 1st, we enter another hurricane
season. Living in Tampa requires that we
spend time and be prepared for a significant
weather related event.
As an installation, we do this very well. We
review plans, scrub checklists, perform table
top exercises and visit our alternate operating
locations. We develop a squadron roster that
contains information for each squadron or unit
member regarding their safe house or safe haven to ensure that all personnel have thought
through the question of where you will go if we
need to take cover and how do we get in touch
with you afterwards to determine your safety.
So if you have not reviewed or updated this
information in your plan, do it this week. If
you are new to MacDill and have not thought
through where you and your family will go
during an event, or are unfamiliar with the
Adopt a Family or Safe House and Safe Haven
programs, please get with your supervisor, review the following regarding each program and
make a plan.
The AAF program is a unit administered
program designed to match volunteer families
living outside evacuation zones with families
who live in an evacuation zone or who live in
a manufactured or mobile home in the Tampa
Bay region.
When a Category 1, 2 or 3 hurricane is forecast to impact the Tampa Bay region, personnel who live in an evacuation zone or who live
in a manufactured or mobile home in the Tampa Bay region should plan to relocate to a safe
house. Safe houses must be within 100 miles of
MacDill and personnel should plan to return to
base within four hours of recall. Units should
encourage personnel living outside the evacuation zones to volunteer as host families. Coordination with other units may be necessary
if there are not enough volunteer families in a
particular unit.
Safe house locations and contact information for unit personnel will be updated in the
6th Air Mobility Wing accountability database
every September and April or as personnel
in-process to ensure all personnel have data
entered for Safe House and Safe Haven. All
personnel will also be briefed on how to update
their information on the Air Force personnel
accountability and assessment system once they
arrive at their safe house or haven.
When a Category 4 or 5 hurricane is forecasted to impact the Tampa Bay area, total
area evacuation may be recommended and all
MacDill personnel will be directed to evacuate
to a safe haven outside the Tampa Bay region.
Safe haven evacuation locations are limited
to the continental United States however unit
commanders may impose specific limits for
their unit personnel depending on mission requirements.
Personnel should plan to return to base from
safe haven locations within 24 hours of recall.
Safe haven locations and contact information
for unit personnel will be updated in the 6
AMW accountability database every September and April or as personnel in-process to
ensure all personnel have data entered for Safe
House and Safe Haven. All personnel will also
be briefed on how to update AFPAAS once they
arrive at their safe house or haven.
From Page 3
training missions.
With our help, the AAF made great strides in becoming self-sustained
and combat effective. On October 2013, the AAF took delivery of two
C-130 aircraft from the U.S. That day was a combination of months of
planning and collaboration between the Afghans, NATO and 438th Air
Expeditionary Advisory Group. The C-130 celebration was attended by
over 250 guests to include four members of Afghanistan’s parliament,
the U.S. Ambassador to Afghanistan, and more than 20 general officers
on the base. A week prior to the event, Afghan media announced the
celebration, putting everyone at risk by creating a high-value target
that insurgents would know the time and place to engage. During the
event, the AAF security forces provided the outer ring of security on
base while our guys secured the inner ring. The event was a success and
ultimately showcased the possibility of future joint U.S. and Afghan operations. Overall, we found the Afghans to be a proud people who were
eager to learn and wanted to take control of their own destiny.
From Page 10
All Construction projects regardless of cost
Services over $2 million
June 3:
Services between $150,000 and $2 million
Commodities/Supplies (Including GSA) over
$2 million
July 1:
Service recurring rentals and Preventive
Maintenance Agreements (PMA)
Commodities/Supplies (including GSA)
$150,000 to $2 million
August 1:
One time services up to $150,000
August 15:
Commodities/Supplies (including GSA) up to
*As a result of the Defense Enterprise Accounting and Management System (DEAMS)
migration on June 1 we ask that units not submit their unfunded/planning documents in the
legacy system. However, please contact your
contract administrator or one of our POCs listed below to advise of your FY 15 intentions.
Fiscal year 2014 close-out for ALL base activities supported by 6 CONS will be Sept. 26.
The last day we will take purchase requests is
20 September 2014, with the exception of veri-
fied emergencies.
Contracting Squadron Points of Contact:
• Edward “Jerry” Simmons, 828-4783, : Specialized Flight, SCENTCOM/USSOCOM/JCSE/
• Douglas Willard, 828-7454: Performance
Management Flight, Civil Engineers and Avon
• Calvin Daniels, 828-4784: Base Support
Flight, 6th AMW units and other tenant units
• Melissa Biggar, 828-3110: Government
Purchase Card Program, GPC holders
• James “Kirk” Krempasky, 828-7482: Closeout Monitor, general inquiries
Surf’s Edge Club
Membership Breakfast from
6:30-9 a.m. Club members free;
Non-members: $7.95.
SeaScapes Beach House
Rockin’ Rodeo from 4-9 p.m. DJ,
with Country Western Music/Line
Dancing • Pony Rides • Mechanical “Wild Bill” Bull • Mining for
Gold • Horseshoes • Fire Pits for
Roasting Marshmallows • “Cowboy Crabs” Along With the Other
Traditional Offerings, Plus a Special “Cowboy Kids” Menu. Club
Members register to WIN a PS4.
Bay Palms Golf Complex
Two Person Las Vegas Scramble at 8 a.m. Shotgun start on
South Course. Four divisions:
men, women, seniors, and mixed.
AGF - $27 • E1-E4 - $32 • E5-O3
- $41 • O4-up - $45 • Civ Guest $53. Fees include: golf, cart, lunch
after play, and gift certificates to
winning teams. Call 840-6904 to
Grand tour
Photo by Senior Airman Melanie Bulow-Gonterman
Airman 1st Class Dennis Sulick, 6th Civil Engineer Squadron explosive ordinance disposal apprentice, demonstrates how to work a F6A robot during the Leadership Tampa tour at MacDill Air Force
Base, April 23. More than 60 people from various organizations around the area were introduced to
the military culture. They explored a KC-135 Stratotanker static display, observed a military working
dog demonstration, and much more during an all-day tour.
Short Fitness & Sports Center
Warrior Challenge 5K Run
starts at 7 a.m.
Short Fitness & Sports Center
Cardio Challenge from 7 a.m.
- 4 p.m. Push your cardio to the
limit with this three-stage event:
elliptical, treadmill and spin bike.
Base Theater
Free movie: “Frozen” at 5:30
p.m. Everyone welcome and feel
free to bring your own food and
Protestant service
Sunday - 11 a.m. - Contemporary Service
Sunday - 9:30 a.m. - FAMCAMP Service
Islamic service
Catholic services
Saturday - 5:30 p.m. - Mass
Sunday - 9:30 a.m. - Mass
Monday-Thursday - 12:10 p.m. Mass
Friday - 1:30 p.m. - Muslim Prayer Service
Call the chapel at 828-3621 for more information or visit the chapel web site
at http://www.macdill.af.mil/macdillchapel.

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