Read July 12 edition - MacDill Thunderbolt


Read July 12 edition - MacDill Thunderbolt
Vol. 40, No. 28
Thursday, July 12, 2012
The Dos and Don’ts of political activity
- page 10
Do vote; Don’t advertise it!
Air Force Illustration by Staff Sgt. Linzi Joseph
Everyone is encouraged to participate on election day, and everyone who votes should be proud to exercise their rights. Keep in mind, however,
displaying stickers or buttons on a uniform like this is against Air Force regulations.
An outstanding display of Wingmanship
by Col. Kelly Martin
6th Air Mobility Wing vice commander
Benjamin Franklin said, upon
signing the Declaration of Independence, “We must all hang
together, or assuredly we shall all
hang separately.”
On July 4, 1776, the 13 colonies
claimed their independence from
England, an event which eventually led to the formation of the United States. Fifty-six men signed the
Declaration of Independence that
Congress ordered to be made July
19, 1776. Everywhere were military parades, bells ringing, toasts,
fireworks, and music. And now,
more than 230 years later, we still
celebrate with military parades
like the one in Brandon, toasts
and music like what was happening in backyards everywhere, and
fireworks like the ones in downtown Tampa. And the words by
Benjamin Franklin still ring as
true today as now, more than ever,
we continue to fight for freedom,
democracy and basic human rights
around the world.
The Air Force currently has
40,000 Airmen deployed and
133,000 in combatant commands
across the globe. As we were celebrating the Fourth of July with
family and friends here at home,
we had many MacDill Airmen deployed in support of combat operations. In fact, some of our MacDill
team members had a close call
while serving outside the wire in
Afghanistan. Thankfully, they are
all OK.
Several things about this “close
call” impressed me. First, the outstanding display of the Wingman
concept. Airmen downrange immediately set about providing first
class medical care and ensuring
that everything was being done
to ensure a speedy recovery. Additionally, Airmen here at MacDill
AFB began engaging with the
families of these Airmen, ensuring they were informed, supported
and cared for during what can be
a very traumatic event. “Hanging
together,” as Benjamin Franklin
articulated, is fundamental to
what makes our Air Force strong.
And it’s what will ensure we remain the most powerful air and
space force in the world.
The second thing that impressed me was the resiliency of
our Airmen themselves. They employed their training at the time
of the incident, minimizing the
potential damage where ever possible. Once they reached the medical facility, they let themselves
be taken care of by the available
medical professional. Next, they
reached out to their families themselves to let their loved ones know
they were ok, receiving strength
and support as well. Finally, as
soon as they were cleared, they
returned to duty. Preparing and
training so that you’re ready for
anything, getting help when you
need it, reaching out to give and
gain emotional support — this is
what being resilient Airmen is all
When I think about the profession of arms I often describe it using a quote from a favorite movie
of mine, A League of Their Own.
At one point, the main character
is getting ready to quit the baseball league saying, “It just got too
hard,” to which the Tom Hanks
Col. Kelly Martin
character replies, “Of course it’s
hard. If it were easy, anyone would
do it. It’s the hard that makes it
What we do as Airmen day in
and day out is hard; what is asked
of us is more than is asked of
most in the civilian world; and the
standards we live by are higher
than those in other professions.
But never forget, it’s the hard that
makes it great.
The Action Line provides a two-way communication between the 6th Air
Mobility Wing commander and the MacDill community. A 24-hour recording
service is provided so personnel may submit questions, concerns or comments. Call the Action Line at 828-INFO (4636) or email
MacDill Thunderbolt
Publisher: Terry Jamerson
Editor: Nick Stubbs
The MacDill Thunderbolt is published by Sunbelt Newspapers, Inc., a private firm in no way connected with the
U.S. Air Force. This commercial enterprise newspaper is an
authorized publication for distribution to members of the
U.S. military services on MacDill. Contents of the MacDill
Thunderbolt are not necessarily the official views of, or
endorsed by the U.S. government, the Department of De-
fense, the Department of the Air Force or the 6th Air Mobility Wing.
The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Department
of the Air Force, 6th Air Mobility Wing or Sunbelt Newspapers, Inc., of the products or service advertised.
Everything advertised in this publication shall be made
available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to
race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status,
physical handicap, political affiliation or any other non-merit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron.
Display advertising or classified advertising information
may be obtained by calling 259-7455.
News items for the MacDill Thunderbolt can be submitted to the 6th Air Mobility Wing Public Affairs office, Bldg.
25, MacDill AFB, FL 33621, or call the MacDill Thunderbolt
staff at 828-2215. Email:
Deadline for article submissions is noon, Thursdays to
appear in the next week’s publication. Articles received after deadline may be considered for future use. All submissions are considered for publication based on news value
and timeliness.
Every article and photograph is edited for accuracy, clarity, brevity, conformance with the “Associated Press Stylebook and Libel Manual” and Air Force Instruction 35-101.
Your T-bolt Today
News/Features: page 4
Rejuvi-Nature for resiliency
‘There I was...’
by Lt. Col. Dorneen Shipp
927th Maintenance Group commander
News/Features: page 6
Natural disaster season
Briefs: page 8
News to know
News/Features: page 10
Do’s and don’ts of politics
News/Features: page 16
Chill Out event coming
Community: page 17
Events, chapel, more
Critical Days of Summer
Beat the summer heat
During late spring and summer many
people like to spend time outside in the sun
for fun or work. But overexposure to the sun
can damage the skin and could cause skin
cancer. Heat stroke, heat exhaustion, heat
cramps and heat rash are possible when you
become overexerted in the heat. Put your
health first in order to enjoy the summer.
Adhere to some simple guidelines to protect yourself. Wear a wide-brimmed hat to
keep your head and face cool. Wear a longsleeved shirt at all times. Carry a source of
water with you; drink every 15 minutes. Adjust gradually when working in long periods
of heat. Wear sunscreen that has an SPF of
at least 15 or higher.
Nothing says summer like attending a scout
camp closing ceremony and bearing witness to
hundreds of kids being kids, spending time outdoors, free of their electronic distractions and
learning to negotiate all the reality, splendor and
obstacles that nature has to offer. Being outdoors
seems to reconnect children with each other, to
teach them coping skills and expand their horizons to the full potential of what it means to be
But the benefits of being outdoors are just
as important to us adults. In today’s technology
age and information overload, we are becoming
increasingly out of touch with some of our most
instinctive qualities.
Having visited the Outdoor Recreation booth
during MacDill’s recent Cirque de Resiliency, I
was happily reconnected with the variety of outdoor opportunities available to MacDill members
and their families. The connection between the
outdoors and resiliency is certainly worth exploring. There’s a lot of research that supports that
Lt. Col. Dorneen Shipp
Resilience from a therapy dog perspective
by Code Blue
6th Medical Group Resiliency dog
The 6th Medical Group has a new therapistin-training on duty and the staff is proud to
introduce her to you … her name is Saoirse (Sierra Shea) and her first assignment as a member of the 6th Medical Group team took place
at last week’s Cirque du Resiliency Fair at the
fitness center.
Now, before you question the wisdom of the
four-legged provider, take a few moments to review her recommendations for a happy, healthy
u Take your owner on frequent walks.
u Shake off life’s troubles.
Courtesy photo
u “Wag more, bark less.”
Maj. Melissa Prevo and Saoirse taking a break
u Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
during the Cirque du Resiliency Fair.
See THERAPY, Page 15
‘There I was...’
Lending a helping hand in the DR
by Maj. Salvador Torres-Torres, BSC
927th Aeromedical Staging Training Squadron
espite the fact I have served in the military for 26 years, every
humanitarian mission I have served as a physician’s assistant is
a new experience and adventure. My last humanitarian mission
was in the beautiful Dominican Republic, where we provided medical
care to 8,532 people of Puerto Plata in 10 days.
This deployment provided a rare opportunity to conduct a joint mission with the Dominican air force, as they provided force protection, overnight supply, security, translators, and medical providers. The Dominican
air force leadership was extremely responsive in meeting all requests.
“The team I worked with came from different
units, but every day we worked as one and
the feeling of family was stronger every day.”
- Maj. Salvador Torres-Torres
Our medical team consisted of seven medical doctors, three dentists,
three optometrists, four nurses and eight medical technicians. We were
ready and anxious to start the mission and worked together with local
medical providers to learn some of the clinical services they offer to their
people. As we arrived every day to our clinic our jaws would drop to see
the never-ending lines of people waiting to be seen since 4 o’clock in the
Despite the wait, the local people always greeted us with a smile and
joy in their eyes. It was a definite wake-up call for some of the troops in
our unit to see that the simple things like decent healthcare we receive
in the United States are a rare privilege for the people of Puerto Plata.
Every day we saw more that 500 patients and some days more than
1,000 people, which made time fly by in the steamy weather. During
the mission we supplied more than 9,800 prescriptions and gave more
than 2,380 lenses to those who could not afford them. Needless to say,
throughout the mission there were several emotional moments.
The team I worked with came from different units, but every day
we worked as one and the feeling of family was stronger every day. We
shared the Dominican people’s struggles and happiness and the best of
all, their delicious cuisine! There are no words to express how grateful
and humbled I was, as the people of Puerto Plata shared what little they
had with me.
I thank my commanding officer, Lt. Col. Dawn Moore, 927th Aeromedical Staging Training Squadron, for the opportunity of serving this outstanding final mission, as I will retire this August from the military. It
has been a true privilege and honor to have served in the United States
military and in the five humanitarian missions since I arrived to Madill
AFB in Tampa, Fla. For me all five missions, especially those in the Dominican Republic, will remain priceless memories that will stay in my
heart forever.
Courtesy photo
Maj. Salvador Torres-Torres with a young patient of Puerto Plata
Courtesy photo
Long lines of patients await free medical care in the city of Puerto Plata,
Dominican Republic.
On the way home, Maj.
Torres-Torres boards a
C-17 departing the Dominican Republic.
Courtesy photo
Natural disaster season, insurance claims, and you
by Dan Holt
6th Air Mobility Wing judge advocate intern
It’s that time of year again – it’s now officially
hurricane season here in the lightning capital of
the United States! Should severe weather strike
MacDill AFB and cause any damage, you’ll want
to know how the Air Force Claims Service Center can help. The following is some general information regarding AFCSC and claims arising
from severe weather.
Hurricanes, thunderstorms, and severe
weather are regular occurrences in the MacDill
area, and you should adequately prepare your
property to ride out these storms. Regarding severe weather, storms are not ordinarily considered “Acts of God” or “unusual occurrences” for
insurance purposes. Storms occur routinely in
the MacDill area, and damage claims from regularly occurring storms normally are not paid.
However, if a particular storm is of extreme intensity or causes damage to an unexpected de-
gree of severity, it may be considered an unusual
AFCSC, with the recommendation of the
MacDill Legal Office staff, will make the determination of whether or not any severe weather
qualifies as an unusual occurrence and is the
final authority. In addition, AFCSC will only
consider claims for loss or damage from military and federal civilian employees whose property was located at an authorized location on or
off base. There are no provisions to pay claims
for contractors or non-base-connected persons.
AFCSC can only process the claims of U.S. Air
Force employees, so members of other services
must file with their respective military branch.
If you experience property damage as a result of
any qualifying severe weather, be sure to contact
your insurance company as soon as possible. If
your property has been damaged by any qualifying severe weather, report it to the security forces squadron on base, take photos of the damage
and the cause if possible, and report the damage
to your private insurer and complete your insurance claim process.
However, you may also need emergency funds
to cover the costs of repair or replacement right
away. In such emergency situations, AFCSC
has an arrangement with the Defense Finance
and Accounting Service to provide emergency
payments. In order to receive these funds, it is
critical you provide the necessary account information and execute the Emergency Payment
Agreement. The MacDill AFB Legal Office staff
will interview you to determine the need for partial payment/emergency partial payment, and
may approve an amount up to (but not exceeding) 50 percent of the total estimated claim value. It is important to note that you must file a
claim with your insurance company within two
years of the incident and within 90 days of receiving partial payment/emergency partial payment from AFCSC. AFCSC does not consider
your claim to be filed until they receive it, so if
mailing, be sure to allow plenty of time!
To file a claim electronically log in to https:// To get a user name, log in from
a government computer. If you do not have access to a government computer for your first login, call AFCSC at 1-877-754-1212 to be authenticated. If you intend to mail your claim, send all
required documents to: AFCSC/JAD, 1050 Forrer Blvd, Dayton, OH 45420. For more information, or for any questions regarding the claims
process, call AFCSC at 1-877-754-1212, or email
at, or call the MacDill
AFB Legal Office Front Desk at 828-4421.
The Harris Wofford Youth Award
The award is given to a young person 5 to 25
who is a resident of the U.S. who demonstrates
exemplary commitment and action to involving
peers in service, youth voice, service-learning or
civic engagement activities. The recipient will
receive a $500 award and $500 to give to a nonprofit of his choice to support program activities. Visit for more. For more information
about YSA Grant programs, visit Youth Service
America at:
Boy Scout opportunities
MacDill Boy Scout Troop 56 is looking for
Eagle Scouts or individuals interested in helping with the Boy Scouting program on base
to serve as leaders, merit badge counselors or
guest speakers. Contact Eric Sanders at 2995689, or Paul Wiegman at 220-9772. The Troop
meets at building 1064 behind the commissary
off Great Egret Avenue Wednesdays at 6:30
Toastmasters available on MacDill
Are you afraid of public speaking or looking
for personal career development? Toastmasters
International is designed to teach public speaking and leadership skills. Visit one of the meetings at 11:30 a.m. Thursdays at CENTCOM
(must have access) or the MacDill Chapel. For
more information, e-mail Ashley Vargas at
Chapel youth programs starting
MacDill Chapel is currently running a youth
ministry program specifically for middle and
high school students. The “Club Beyond” meets
Thursdays from 6 to 7 p.m. in Chapel Annex 2.
This program is meant to help build community within MacDill’s youth population, while
providing the opportunity to relax and have a
good time. Contact Shea Voslar at 482-7875 for
more information.
Bayshore Gate new hours
Bayshore Gate hours are 5 a.m. to 9 p.m.
DCC is seeking an E-5 to E-6
The Davis Conference Center has an opening for a staff sergeant to technical sergeant.
Any Air Force Specialty Code (5- or 7-skill level)
may apply for the position, with a report date
of July 15. Applicants are expected to remain in
this position for one year. Individuals must obtain their unit commander’s approved release.
To apply, contact Kevin Thompson at 828-6601
Former general to speak at chapel
Retired Army Lt. Gen. William Boykin will
be the guest speaker, sharing his testimony
during the 9 a.m. service at the base chapel
July 29. Gen. Boykin spent most of his military
career in top secret mission, but it was his outspoken Christian faith that brought him the
most attention. Gen. Boykin will also be signing copies of his new book, Never Surrender,
following the service.
(Below) Military members are encouraged to
vote even though they may not currently reside in their “Home of Record” state. To register for an absentee ballot, military members
and their family can contact their unit voting
representative or visit
U.S. Air Force illustration by Staff Sgt. Linzi Joseph
Military members can register to vote and vote
in elections.
(Right) Military members can campaign for a political party or candidate in civilian clothing, off
an installation and without military association.
U.S. Air Force illustration by Airman 1st Class Melanie Bulow-Kelly
(Below) Military members cannot
conduct political opinion surveys or
publically recruit others to become a
partisan political candidate for nominations or elections to civil office.
U.S. Air Force illustration by Staff Sgt. Linzi Joseph
Military members cannot use official authority or influence to interfere with the outcome of an election,
to affect its course, to solicit votes for or against a
particular candidate or issue, or to require or solicit
political contributions.
U.S. Air Force illustration by Staff Sgt. Linzi Joseph
Trainees prepare for basic training and life in the reserves
by Staff. Sgt. Shawn Rhodes
927th Air Refueling Wing
Once the contract has been signed and the
oath taken, the most looming thing in a new recruits life is usually basic training. Because of a
new program in the 927th Air Refueling Wing,
fear is no longer an option.
A newly-organized Development Training
Flight helps enlisted members prepare for the
change between civilian and military life.
“Trainees are informed on what to expect
their experience will be like at basic military
training,” said Chief Master Sgt. Nina Watkins,
command chief for the 927th Air Refueling Wing.
“That way, they are better prepared for the transition from civilian to military life.”
Many trainees have anxieties about what to
expect during basic training, Watkins said. She
added that having someone there to answer
questions and teach basic rank structure and
reporting procedures helps relieve a lot of their
See RESERVES, Page 14
Photo by Alan Boedeker
Military Training Instrutor Tech. Sgt. James Thomas corrects a trainee giving a salute during
Basic Military Training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. Learning Air Force customs and courtesies is an essential part of the eight and a half week training.
From Page 12
The new course also focuses on
Air Force customs and courtesies,
dress and appearance and fitness
standards. Above all, it exists to ensure trainees are motivated about
their choice to serve their country
and have all the skills they will
need to succeed.
“We’ve already had two flights,
and we are preparing for the third
one,” said Staff Sgt. Eivette Icaza,
material management specialist
with the 927th Logistics Readiness
Squadron and sole facilitator. “For
the trainees, the biggest challenge
has been the physical fitness. Even
though they knew about it, they
didn’t realize how much they needed it.”
The 927th is still waiting for the
return of its first class of 5 trainees
to complete their eight and a half
week basic military training and
technical schools before they will
know how effective the development
training flight is. In the meantime,
plans are underway to draw upon
the experience in the wing to help
the flight grow.
“I want to get the word out for
volunteers to give an hour to the
flight to show the trainees what
they know,” said Icaza. “I’ve spoken
to the honor guard because they
know the drill and ceremony aspect
of the curriculum. Former training
instructors in the wing can volunteer their time to give trainees a
taste about what to expect.”
Photo by Alan Boedeker
Air Force trainees learn how to march under the supervision of Military
Training Instructor Tech. Sgt. James Thomas. Air Force drill and ceremonies play a fundamental part of Basic Military Training.
From Page 3
u Smiles and praise are powerful
u Don’t give people the paw (This
is especially true when driving!).
u Pick up after yourself.
u Embrace the smallest of successes.
u Stop and smell all of Earth’s
u Live in the moment.
u Take time out each day to play
catch with someone you love.
u A good meal is a happy motivator.
Saoirse’s pet therapy resiliency program was inspired by Army
combat stress control team therapy dogs, Sgt. 1st Class Albert and
Sgt. 1st Class Zack, during their successful 2011 tours of duty in Balad,
While pet therapy here at MacDill deals with different challenges,
the objective is the same: provide love, support and compassion to keep
friends and family safe and secure.
Those a doctor deems would benefit from a therapy dog can arrange
obtaining a canine companion through the Mental Health office.
From Page 3
direct exposure to nature is essential for our physical, emotional, and spiritual development. The author Richard Louv,
explores this need for nature for both children and adults
with a concept he refers to as “Nature Deficit Disorder.” He
attributes the lack of nature in our lives today in our “wired
generation” to disturbing trends such as rises in obesity, Attention Deficit Disorder and depression. On the other hand,
exposure to nature becomes a catalyst to creative and critical
thinking, problem solving and decision making.
In a state where well-manicured concrete paradises attract
thousands, it’s sometimes a bit of a challenge to avoid the
lure of the theme parks and main tourist attractions. However, with a little research and planning, one can discover the
endless adventures very close to home. If you enjoy beaches,
of course you’ll want to take advantage of the close proximity to our beautiful beaches. If you’re tired of the salt life, one
sure way to beat the summer heat and spend some quality
time is to explore any of Florida’s freshwater springs. These
springs offer crystal clear, fresh water and maintain a cool
temperature of 72 degrees. There are endless activities in the
springs and their connected parks, to include boating, tubing,
camping, picknicking, swimming, snorkeling, scuba diving
and wildlife observation. (See
locations or )
Another great starting point for outdoor adventures is
“Everyday Adventures: A Florida Outdoors Guide,” by Terry
Tomalin, Tampa Bay Times Outdoors and Fitness editor. This
book tells how to get started in an outdoor adventure, even if
you’re not the “outdoorsy” type. Finally, you’ll find plenty of
adventure ideas in the base library if you visit the non-fiction
section 917.
So when it’s time to reset your batteries and enjoy a day off
from work, think about outdoor options. See if the outdoors
can help cure what’s ailing you, and as always, stay safe.
Surf’s Edge Club
Membership Breakfast from
6:30-9 a.m. Club members: FREE;
Non-members: $6.95
Boss & Buddy & Friday Bash
Bring your Boss! Bring your
Buddy to Boomer’s Bar & Grill!
Join the fun beginning at 3 p.m.
FREE Bar snacks, drink specials,
bar bingo, DJ, music & fun. Club
members sign up to win $100
cash! Not a member? Sign up! E1E4 receive FREE membership!
Call 828-1453.
Base Pool
Open from Recreational Swimming from 11 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Bay Palms Golf Complex
Full Day Junior Golf Camp
from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. $175. Call
840-6904 to register.
Youth Center
Teen Outdoor Adventure Camp
(13-18 year olds) – Activities include: canoeing, kayaking, horseback riding, fishing, and team
building Activities. FREE for
members and $10 for non-members with priority going to youth
of deployed parents. Call 828-7956
to register.
Base Pool
Open for Recreational Swimming from 2-6 p.m.
Airman & Family Readiness
Center (Brandon)
Summer Fun for Kids (7-12)
– Photo Frame Project! Call 6559281 for more info.
Honorary chief
Courtesy photo
Col. Lenny Richoux (center), 6th Air Mobility Wing commander, gets inducted as an honorary chief
master sergeant by the MacDill Chiefs Group, June 29. The Chiefs Group hasn’t inducted any honorary chiefs since 2005, and Richoux was chosen for his service and dedication to the enlisted Airmen on MacDill.
Protestant services
Sunday - 11 a.m. - Contemporary Service
Islamic services
Catholic services
Saturday - 5:30 p.m. - Mass
Sunday - 9:30 a.m. - Mass
Friday - 1:30 p.m. - Muslim Prayer Service
Call the chapel at 828-3621 for more information or visit the chapel web site

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