2006 GR LP Compendium
2006 GR LP Compendium
EUROPEAN COMMISSION M O C N E P D IU 2 6 0 GRUNDTVIG 2 LEARNING PARTNERSHIPS PROJECTS DESCRIPTION JANUARY 2007 1 EXPLANATORY NOTE The Learning Partnerships are grouped in the Compendium according to the country of their coordinating institution. The countries appear alphabetically and in the following order by EU, EFTA/EEA and Acceding/ Candidate countries respectively: BELGIUM CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK GERMANY (Deutschland) ESTONIA GREECE (Ellas) SPAIN (España) FRANCE IRELAND ITALY CYPRUS LATVIA LITHUANIA HUNGARY (Magyarorszag) MALTA THE NETHERLANDS AUSTRIA (Österreich) POLAND PORTUGAL SLOVENIA SLOVAK REPUBLIC SUOMI/FINLAND SWEDEN UNITED KINGDOM ICELAND NORWAY BULGARIA ROMANIA TURKEY 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS BELGIUM (FLEMISH COMMUNITY ........................................................................................... 1 E A S Y.........................................................................................................................................................................1 European Learning Partnership on easy-to-read and plain language ..........................................................................2 STelLa (The stimulation of eLearning for life long learning for adults) .......................................................................3 EDUCAP – Educational Capacity of Learners ...............................................................................................................4 Let’s Go For It: Learning English to start going forward into intereuropean travel .....................................................5 TELL ME Teaching Europe in Lifelong learning ............................................................................................................6 E.N.O.P.S. – European Network on Parenting Support ................................................................................................7 SUITCASE – Sharing an Understanding of Identity through Culture, Art and Self-Expression.....................................8 BELGIUM (FRENCH COMMUNITY) ........................................................................................... 9 Renforcer la dimension émancipatrice dans l’alphabétisation des adultes en Europe .................................................9 Y a-t-il une Europe de la sagesse populaire ? ...........................................................................................................10 CZECH REPUBLIC ................................................................................................................. 11 Grundtvig Active Parents Education (GRAPE) ............................................................................................................11 ENETRAC - Education in Gender................................................................................................................................12 Knowledge of the Nature ..........................................................................................................................................13 MoDAL – Motivating Disadvantaged Adult Learners (previous name Mr. DAL)..........................................................14 Learning Educators ....................................................................................................................................................15 BADED - Barriers in Adult Education.........................................................................................................................16 SET - Knowledge transfer on education in later life..................................................................................................17 DENMARK........................................................................................................................... 18 SHARE - Sharing experiences in learning local arts and crafts .................................................................................18 PILPE - Promoting ICT Learning Processes in Europe .................................................................................................19 INTEGRALL - Integration by language learning .........................................................................................................20 NEM - New Empowerment with Media .....................................................................................................................21 Optimal Parents for the Future..................................................................................................................................22 ICCORD - Intercultural Co-Existence - Rights and Duties .........................................................................................23 Unified by Diversity ...................................................................................................................................................24 3 European Historic Turning Points Reflected in Art ....................................................................................................25 METODA: Methodological Exchange between Trainers Of Disadvantaged Adults ......................................................26 EALP: Efficient e-learning for adult with literacy problems: conditions and effects .................................................27 ALOS: Adult Learning of Science..................................................................................................................................28 Promotion and motivation for Life Long Learning in rural areas....................................................................................29 Holistic learning self-knowledge as a guideline from pre-vocational training into the labour market.............................30 GERMANY............................................................................................................................ 31 Biographisches Lernen aus schwierigen Zeiten für eine gemeinsame Gegenwart und Zukunft........................................31 Miki – media learning in kindergartens ..................................................................................................................32 "The Path / Der Pfad" - Erfahrungsaustausch über die methodische Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Konzepten für thematische Lernpfade................................................................................................................................................33 Lernen fürs Leben - Learn for Life ................................................................................................................................34 Learning Landscape - a New Approach to Regional Adult Education in Europe..............................................................35 Oxymoron...................................................................................................................................................................36 JETE - Jüdische Bildungstraditionen in Europa / Jewish Traditions in Europe ...........................................................37 Info-Hilfe-Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe .....................................38 L.I.T.E.R.A.L.I.A. - Learning in Tandem to Encourage Reciprocal Autonomous Learning in Adults ..............................39 Cross cooking & learning...........................................................................................................................................40 Highways to Society..................................................................................................................................................41 ELV - Europaïsche Lebenswerte Vermitteln - Die Regel Benedikt von Nursias (6. Jahrhundert) und die gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen der Gegenwart ..............................................................................................42 NEFOMA - Network with Focus on Marketing...........................................................................................................43 Fortbildung ehrenamtlicher Mitarbeiter/innen in Europa ..........................................................................................44 Tierhaltung im Blickpunkt des öffentlichen Interesses der EU...................................................................................45 The development of storyTelling skills of adults - a European approach ........................................................................46 E3 - Education for Entrepreneurship in Europe .........................................................................................................47 Literacy and life skills in prison.................................................................................................................................48 ESCAPE into life - European Social Concept and Professional Employment ..............................................................49 Intercultural Gardens: New Ways of Learning...........................................................................................................50 MOMO - Mobilitätsmotivation als Ergebnis von veränderten arbeitstherapeutischen Behandlungskonzepten in Drogen- und Suchtbehandlungszentren ....................................................................................................................51 Chance-Kenntnis-Verantwortlichkeit ........................................................................................................................52 4 PULSE - Perceptions and Understandings through Life Stories in Europe..................................................................53 RECOORD - Regional Cross-border Development and Coordination of Education an Training in Rural Areas ...........54 Aller Anfang ist leicht ...............................................................................................................................................55 Building Bridges - Exploring ICT based collaborative learning networks in local adult education projects and European contact of learners ....................................................................................................................................56 E.L.I.S.E. - Europäisch leben in sozialem Engagment - Bilgungsstrategien ................................................................57 MIR - Motivation, Involvement and Resources of local development actors.............................................................58 Qualimedia- Die Qualität von Multimediaprodukten für eurokulturelle Bildung und Blended-Learning in Europa verbessern .................................................................................................................................................................59 PLESES - Parental leave Experiences & Skills for Enterprises and Society.................................................................60 ILSE - Intergenerational Learning in Schools in Europe.............................................................................................61 Empowerment and Learning through the Arts...........................................................................................................62 SONART .....................................................................................................................................................................63 Experiencing Self-Esteem and Empowerment by Intercultural and Inclusive Workshops ..........................................64 AWARECOMP - Awareness raising on the linguistic and cultural competences acquired informally and non-formally by adults (women and men) in the building sector and its neighbouring fields ........................................................65 EWCOL - Europe’s Women – At the Centre of Life ....................................................................................................66 New Approaches to Nutritional Education in Museums ................................................................................................67 Second language learning through the experience of intercultural activities.................................................................68 DLEARNING- Democracy Learning in the process of lifelong learning in Europe.......................................................69 CHAT - Communication Harmoniously Agreed Together ...........................................................................................70 EduPART - Educational Partnership activates families ..................................................................................................71 BICOM – Promoting bilingual and intercultural competencies in public health ........................................................72 Zivilgesellschaft in Europa - Voneinander lernen, gemeinsam Handeln .........................................................................73 Was ist denn bloß mit unseren Kindern los? Erarbeiten eines neuen Verständnisses im Umgang mit den Kindern..74 Leben in Europa - Menschen mit schwerer geistiger und/oder mehrfacher Behinderung entdecken die Vielfalt Europas......................................................................................................................................................................75 Orientation, motivation and education for young mothers .......................................................................................76 COMEDU-EU Community Education and Non-formal Learning in a European Context .............................................77 CLAY - Cooperative Learning by Ambiental Activity..................................................................................................78 SPPAE - Strategic Perspectives for Providers in Adult Education ..............................................................................79 IDEA - Intercultural Diversity in Educational Approach.................................................................................................80 e-tridem.net ...............................................................................................................................................................81 5 Horex – extension of horizon – common research on and common action against racism and xenophobia .............82 Learning Europe towards a learning Democracy – Developing new methods for the integration of minority groups and migrants in society .............................................................................................................................................83 Learning is it! ............................................................................................................................................................84 Integration through Participation ................................................................................................................................85 MAESTRO - Multipliers in Adult Education - Structures and Organisation ...............................................................86 Euro Tools – Intercultural Preparation for European Understanding .........................................................................87 Methoden zur Identifikation formell und informell erworbener Kompetenzen ...............................................................88 MWHV - Making Women's History Visible in Europe.................................................................................................89 Weiterbildungskonzepte für pädagogische Professionals ..........................................................................................90 KEYWORKERS - Learning in cultural institutions ......................................................................................................91 Equal chances............................................................................................................................................................92 BELL - Bringing E-Learning to life .............................................................................................................................93 PAP - Prejudice as a Path............................................................................................................................................94 QualiFLY - Quality in Family Literacy ........................................................................................................................95 WIT - Ways of Internet Teaching...............................................................................................................................96 ESTONIA ............................................................................................................................. 97 Experienta Docet .......................................................................................................................................................97 ELTE – European language teaching exchange ..........................................................................................................98 GRESE - Grundtvig experiences in supporting entrepreneurial training to disadvantaged groups ............................99 Health awareness among parents............................................................................................................................100 OPEN WINDOWS – A way to improve learning methods and cultural awareness of adult learners.........................101 ALF – Adult learners forum......................................................................................................................................102 CULTOUR – Cultural tourism development ..............................................................................................................103 IRELAND ........................................................................................................................... 104 European Puzzle: From Local & National Towards European Citizenship.................................................................104 Reflect.....................................................................................................................................................................105 Dialogue Through Tradition .....................................................................................................................................106 LinxXchange ............................................................................................................................................................107 A.P.P. - Assessment/Progression Project ..................................................................................................................108 "PLACE" People Learning for Active Citizenship in Europe ......................................................................................109 6 Culture and Language to Promote Citizenship ........................................................................................................110 Traditional Arts In Context ......................................................................................................................................111 MDVI ACTIVE Project ...............................................................................................................................................112 GREECE............................................................................................................................. 113 Training of the Trainers for the Spreading of Prenatal Education, Preparing on .....................................................113 ALFAVITARI - Alphabetbook.....................................................................................................................................114 New approach for the education of adult immigrants...........................................................................................115 Geomythology ........................................................................................................................................................116 Tourism and environment: The role of women in connection with social, economic and cultural growth in the light of promotion of diversity through the course to the European completion.............................................................117 SPAIN ............................................................................................................................... 118 A distance learning approach..................................................................................................................................118 Creating space for change.......................................................................................................................................119 A European eye on immigration, integration and inclusion.....................................................................................120 In the mirror of their eyes .......................................................................................................................................121 SKILLNET: Continuous training in Social Skills for Adults .......................................................................................122 ENTRAMUS - European Network of Traditional Music Schools ................................................................................123 ARCHAEOLOGY PLUS – Valorisation of Archaeology, Heritage and Cultural Roots ...................................................124 Customer service in small businesses of tourist areas.................................................................................................125 COLABORA: Collaborative learning and cross cultural integration...............................................................................126 Applying the e-portfolio to learning in AE .................................................................................................................127 Barriers to employment (B to E) ................................................................................................................................128 Babelia.....................................................................................................................................................................129 Opening doors: changing the strange and foreign into the known and familiar ...........................................................130 ICT tools for building European citizenship ................................................................................................................131 ELBA: Electronic Book for Adults ...............................................................................................................................132 Adult education and special educational needs: a challenge with a European dimension.............................................133 Movint 2 –Mobile Telephones and internet ................................................................................................................134 Enterprise and immigration in EU ..............................................................................................................................135 UNITED: Unity from Diversity ....................................................................................................................................136 Vocational integration of travelling people in Europe .................................................................................................137 7 VITAE: Visits and Itineraries in Adult Education..........................................................................................................138 TTS - Training technical staff ....................................................................................................................................139 @RINCONATE- A project of computer literacy by means of reusing and recycling computers to promote social and labour inclusion of disadvantaged persons and also environmental education.............................................................140 European citizenship.................................................................................................................................................141 New approaches to the LLL process in European Dimension (AMICA) ..........................................................................142 ICT50+, promoting ICT in people older than 50 ..........................................................................................................143 MODEL: Motivating the disadvantaged through empowering learners....................................................................144 ALERTA - Application of education to the recovery of the environment ......................................................................145 An intercultural approach to an active and democratic citizenship .............................................................................146 SPIN COLOR - Specific experiences in collaborative work using ICT, and PIG- Photographic Internet Gallery................147 ENREDATE: women and ICT .......................................................................................................................................148 Music & Art: a limitless world ...................................................................................................................................149 RASP: Guide to raise aspirations of adults living in rural areas ...................................................................................150 An intercultural approach to learning foreign and second languages in Europe ...........................................................151 Languages across cultures.........................................................................................................................................152 Analysis of the difficulties and achievements in Adult Education................................................................................153 Skills ........................................................................................................................................................................154 Good Practice Handbook for training ski and horse riding monitors for young palsy persons .......................................155 FRANCE ............................................................................................................................ 156 Contrybution ...........................................................................................................................................................156 La dynamique intergénérationnelle .........................................................................................................................157 Euro Validation........................................................................................................................................................158 Employabilité et formations de publics migrants précarisés....................................................................................159 Together in completeness........................................................................................................................................160 Echanger sur les méthodes d’éducation des adultes................................................................................................161 Développement d’outils et de méthodes pour le respect de la diversité et l’éducation interculturelle dans les lieux d’accueil de la petite enfance .................................................................................................................................162 EUROPEX .................................................................................................................................................................163 Echanges d’expériences et de pratiques dans les maisons de retraite en Europe ....................................................164 Let’s communicate! .................................................................................................................................................165 TIC et sensibilisation des publics à la protection de la nature ................................................................................166 8 Interval....................................................................................................................................................................167 ADEX........................................................................................................................................................................168 LOMOCODEV - Local Models of education provision promoting effective Community Development ......................169 CRIAR - Patrimoine tout au long de la vie ..............................................................................................................170 De l'autre côté du miroir Recherche d'une pédagogie ouverte pour construire une culture libérée du genre .........171 AMIE (Acteurs Milieu Rural Enfance) : Une formation des acteurs de la vie locale en milieu rural fragile .............172 AMALIA - Art en Méditation Appliqué à la Littératie et l'Insertion par l'Activité....................................................173 Compétences pour les entreprises et les personnes en recherche d'emploi .............................................................174 La culture et les arts comme moyen de soutenir les personnes handicapées et de les aider à être considérés comme des personnes à part entière ...................................................................................................................................175 Compétences pour agir, pour gérer et pour entreprendre........................................................................................176 Bibliothèque européenne.........................................................................................................................................177 Apprendre et entreprendre ......................................................................................................................................178 Référentiel d'observations en milieu de travail .......................................................................................................179 Publics défavorisés, pauvreté culturelle et dynamique européenne.........................................................................180 Europe festivart.......................................................................................................................................................181 COMPACT - Compétences Actives ...........................................................................................................................182 Le développement des centres sociaux et socioculturels du Bas-Rhin ....................................................................183 Partages et échanges pour l'insertion par la culture et le chant choral ..................................................................184 "RURALITES" ............................................................................................................................................................185 La mixité dans les métiers d'aide à la personne ......................................................................................................186 Echanges et bonnes pratiques touristiques en espace rural ....................................................................................187 EUROPIZATE : Prévention des risques en agriculture ...............................................................................................188 FASADETORU - Faune sauvage et developpement du Tourisme Rural......................................................................189 Echanges interculturels et mutualisation des expériences en EcoTourisme.............................................................190 Place de la viticulture et de la fabrication des boissons fermentées dans la culture et l'identité régionale à travers différents territoires européens...............................................................................................................................191 Une main d'œuvre de qualité pour des produits de qualité : Comment créer une dynamique d'accès à l'emploi durable dans les entreprises de production agricole ...............................................................................................192 SEED - Partager et échanger des expériences de développement durable dans les zones rurales ...........................193 ITALY ................................................................................................................................ 194 CITTA’: women learning for an active citizenship. ...................................................................................................194 9 RE SO - Faciliter la reintegration social des prisonniers par le partenariat local ....................................................195 FEMALE – Fostering Self Entrepeneurship for Women in Adult Education ..............................................................196 Young people and alcohol .......................................................................................................................................197 R.E.W.I.N. – Reconciliation of working life and family for women ..........................................................................198 EDU-ACTION ............................................................................................................................................................199 BRIDGE: women in social economy .........................................................................................................................200 INDACO – INcreasing Disable Abilities and COmpetencies ......................................................................................201 Museums Tell many stories – The use of museum collections to promote interculturality......................................202 European Citizenship: from North to South, from East to West. .............................................................................203 PEACE - Parents' Enpowerment and Active Citizenship Exercise .............................................................................204 Pour des relations et des ressources de proximité...................................................................................................205 Adult Music Education for a Musical Life................................................................................................................206 ABC Acquisition of Basic Competences for digital inclusion ...................................................................................207 E.I.N. European Inclusion Network ..........................................................................................................................208 Counselling Centre for training sensory disables.....................................................................................................209 L.I.S.T.E.N. Lifelong Info on Studies and Training for Educational Needs .................................................................210 Democratic Arts for the Citizenship ........................................................................................................................211 PORTFOLIO...............................................................................................................................................................212 PEACE - Parents' Enpowerment and Active Citizenship Exercise .............................................................................213 Competencies in Marketing for Trainers in Continuing Education (CMCE)..............................................................214 ESSQA - Educazione allo sviluppo sostenibile e alla qualità dell'Ambiente.............................................................215 Cinema for family school.........................................................................................................................................216 TELLING EUROPE - Stories’ network for matching different European culture ........................................................217 Alternative jobs using creativeness .........................................................................................................................218 E.D.O.L. - European Digital Older Learners...............................................................................................................219 Education for parents of the 3° millennium ............................................................................................................220 PASS – Influence of personal access to education for people with migrant background ........................................221 TIC-TAC - technologies de l'Information et de la Communication - Technologies Adaptées aux Chercheurs d'emploi ................................................................................................................................................................................222 TEAM - Training of educators of adults in an intercultural module ........................................................................223 De la mémoire à la citoyenneté...............................................................................................................................224 Promotion of entrepreneurial culture in an enlarged Europe ..................................................................................225 10 CELCIT-To develop competences in e-Learning and Certification in tourism for adult educators ...........................226 SCHOOL FOR ALL .....................................................................................................................................................227 Blended Learning for adults ....................................................................................................................................228 SPALL – Strategies for promoting adult immigrant participation to Life long learning...........................................229 DIEP - Diversity and Identity of European people....................................................................................................230 Ecoattitude..............................................................................................................................................................231 GENDERT.I.D.E. – Gender training for Information and Documentation expert. ......................................................232 Women: active citizens ...........................................................................................................................................233 ALPICOM - A Learning Partnership in Conflict Management...................................................................................234 Il Merletto: a European Net.....................................................................................................................................235 CYPRUS ............................................................................................................................ 236 EPAEE - E-pedagogy in Adult Education in Europe..................................................................................................236 LATVIA .............................................................................................................................. 237 ENHE – Environmental heritage ..............................................................................................................................237 Arts & Crafts across Europe.....................................................................................................................................238 Not Just Books – Library for All (Lifelong Learning) ................................................................................................239 EmRuCo – Empowering rural consumer...................................................................................................................240 FRESH START – Engaging marginalised groups through accessible and flexible training ........................................241 VMit – Virtual museum as innovatie tool for adult education ................................................................................242 Deaf are not deaf ....................................................................................................................................................243 LITHUANIA ........................................................................................................................ 244 Awareness of needs for continuing learning/ motivation & sensitising - measures ................................................244 Parents education in pre - school institutions: spreading European experience .....................................................245 Aesthetic and Artistic Activity for Silver Age ..........................................................................................................246 Seniors On Stage .....................................................................................................................................................247 HYMN - Healing Yarns of Music Notes ...................................................................................................................248 Using of the "Fighting the fire cases management" practice and experience in the aggression context ................249 The importance of active citizenship for young adults in education and training...................................................250 Mentorship Competencies for Education of the Disabled........................................................................................251 Career Management in the Long-Life Learning Context..........................................................................................252 11 New strategies for promoting foreign language learning in disadvantaged areas...................................................253 National similarities and differences of the EU countries .......................................................................................254 Epoch of new chance ..............................................................................................................................................255 Cultural Awareness through Lifelong Language learning ........................................................................................256 Disseminating European experience on development of entrepreneurship skills of ex-prisoners ............................257 Voluntary Palliative assistance of Senior to Elderly people .....................................................................................258 HUNGARY ......................................................................................................................... 259 Developing new approaches and offers for religious-cultural education by connecting Bibliodrama and Ignatian Excercises with the help of transnational and co-operative consultation and support - NETBIB.EXE .....................259 By Learners, for Learners .........................................................................................................................................260 COM – For - Skills ...................................................................................................................................................261 “Opportunities Don’t Know Limits”..........................................................................................................................262 SIGN - Learning partnership for sign language education.......................................................................................263 To learn to progress.................................................................................................................................................264 MALTA .............................................................................................................................. 265 DECA: Developing European Citizenship and intercultural Awareness throughout adult tourism and food preparation..............................................................................................................................................................265 REACHING OUT! – From School to work, prepared for the Change..........................................................................266 BUM BUM Adolescence is here! ..............................................................................................................................267 C’YOU – C’ME. Looking both ways...........................................................................................................................268 PAMS - Curricular education for professionals allied to medicine working in epilepsy...........................................269 PHOENIX: Preparing for and Handing Opportunities for Employment saying “No” to Isolation and Xenophobia ....270 THE NETHERLANDS............................................................................................................ 271 LILLA - Land Life Learning .......................................................................................................................................271 Inspirational Engagement........................................................................................................................................272 IPEIPIT - Immigration Professionals Experience Integration in Türkiye....................................................................273 PA.CI.EU - Parents skills in developing the citizens of tomorrow, in a united Europe .............................................274 From Migrant to European Citizen ..........................................................................................................................275 AUSTRIA ........................................................................................................................... 276 KERI - Project ..........................................................................................................................................................276 Bridging the cultural divide.....................................................................................................................................277 12 SGE - Safety goes Europe ........................................................................................................................................278 PEACE - Power Exchange through acting interCultural Experience.........................................................................279 Imagine Peace .........................................................................................................................................................280 Zielgruppenorientierte Bildungsangebote- Methodik und Didaktik zur Stärkung der Lern- und Handlungskompetenz ................................................................................................................................................................................281 Seniors Learn in Different Ways ..............................................................................................................................282 What makes Telelearning female? ...........................................................................................................................283 Integration- ein Wort auf der Suche nach Inhalten: Ergänzende Ansätze aus Bildung und Sozialarbeit ................284 Spaceship Earth.......................................................................................................................................................285 Erwachsenenbildung im Grenzraum Österreich-Ungarn-Slowakei. Ein Überblick über Angebotsstruktur und grenzüberschreitende Kooperationsformen .............................................................................................................286 C´you - C´me. Looking both ways............................................................................................................................287 European Study circle for peace and global learning ..............................................................................................288 Einsatz von drama-techniques in der Erwachsenenbildung.....................................................................................289 Woman´s health and equal opportunities in Adult Education .................................................................................290 European Music schools Unison ..............................................................................................................................291 COMmon comMENT / COMparison and developMENT of teaching methods in the adult education .......................292 “FRISM 50+” Finding, Reaching and involving senior migrants 50+ .......................................................................293 MOOSE - Models Of Sustainibility Edcuation ..........................................................................................................294 Young Woman: Fit for Politics! ...............................................................................................................................295 Landmark.................................................................................................................................................................296 European Dimensions in Culture Management Training ..........................................................................................297 POLAND ............................................................................................................................ 298 Parent-Teacher Partnership for Children’s Transition to School ..............................................................................298 Diagnosis of teachers’ needs and evaluation of teachers’ development forms in partner countries – comparison and looking for the most effective solutions..................................................................................................................299 WWW - golden-age.................................................................................................................................................300 ITEFAFU - IT Education as an activating factor of adults from areas under danger of unemployment....................301 You are not alone ....................................................................................................................................................302 Singing it is! ............................................................................................................................................................303 Traditional and modern methods of teaching foreign languages to blind people....................................................304 Roots .......................................................................................................................................................................305 Education for counteracting HIV/AIDS ....................................................................................................................306 13 PRE-A-TENTION - Pre-adolescent in the centre of teacher’s and parental attention ..............................................307 Professional Activation of Practically Incapable People, Unadjusted to Challenges of Modern Job Markets and Information Society – Based on Knowledge ............................................................................................................308 Autonomous citizens in United Europe....................................................................................................................309 READCOM – Reading Clubs for Adult Learning Communities ..................................................................................310 EUFORCOM - Europe Formation Communication ....................................................................................................311 PORTUGAL ........................................................................................................................ 312 Roots and Wings .....................................................................................................................................................312 Habilitas ..................................................................................................................................................................313 Mental Health – The Socially Inclusive Life Project.................................................................................................314 LIMA - Life Management Skills ...............................................................................................................................315 Maré-Alta................................................................................................................................................................316 SALK – Sharing of Affection and Life Knowledge ....................................................................................................317 SLOVENIA ......................................................................................................................... 318 ALDA – Adult Learners in Digital Art .......................................................................................................................318 Empowerment of disadvantage target groups members..........................................................................................319 SLOVAK REPUBLIC ............................................................................................................. 320 EFOSEC - EFOS enlargement and cooperation .........................................................................................................320 European dimension of teaching and training of the seniors ..................................................................................321 Weblogs for Senior Learners – The Story of my Life ................................................................................................322 International Exchange Program “Region-Build”.....................................................................................................323 REDEAL – Regional and Development through Adult Learning ................................................................................324 MEEC - Multicultural Education for European Citizenship......................................................................................325 10 Crafts .................................................................................................................................................................326 FINLAND ........................................................................................................................... 327 Gender Equality in Learning and Employment.........................................................................................................327 RTE - Route towards Europe....................................................................................................................................328 PERFECT - Peaceful European Road for Educating Citizens Together ...........................................................................329 YOUNG FARMER - New ideas for sustainability and farm development via European young farmer's exchange............330 Recording memories and traditions for the future ......................................................................................................331 14 EX-MEMO 4 ALL (Exchange of Experience in Teaching and Evaluation Methods and Motivational Methods in Adult Language Learning....................................................................................................................................................332 AENERT - The adult Education Network in the field of Ecological and Rural Tourism ...................................................333 The role of artists in learning communities°...............................................................................................................334 MERLIN, StoryTelling as Lifelong Learning°................................................................................................................335 SWEDEN ........................................................................................................................... 336 Creative Listening – Extended Informal Learning for Music Experiences......................................................................336 COTOLODE – Community toolkit for Local Development .........................................................................................337 ARTSECTRA – Sahring Cultural Enrichment through the Arts ..................................................................................338 LAPH - Learning Aphasia .........................................................................................................................................339 SALILL – Stories and Legends in Langugae Learning................................................................................................340 2nd language: key in to society ................................................................................................................................341 StepS - Stepping Stones into the Digital World ......................................................................................................342 Europe in Person......................................................................................................................................................343 Adult Immigrant Learners Needs for socio-cultural Integration..............................................................................344 UNITED KINGDOM ............................................................................................................. 345 Get the Message – SMS – Specific Marketing Strategies ........................................................................................345 EUROPE NET ............................................................................................................................................................346 Exploring the Art of Dying Wool with Natural Plants and Associated Needlecrafts ................................................347 Pro-Active - Project Active......................................................................................................................................348 Tales from the Past – Stories for the Future............................................................................................................349 Fifty Onwards ..........................................................................................................................................................350 Memento .................................................................................................................................................................351 Visiting in Prison .....................................................................................................................................................352 Literacy through Legend..........................................................................................................................................353 The Nature of Learning – Taking Learning Outdoors ...............................................................................................354 LaFOra – Learning Families Outside.........................................................................................................................355 Spoken Spaces.........................................................................................................................................................356 P.A.D.D.L.E – Project to Accelerate the Development of Distance Learning Environments.......................................357 European Community Champions ............................................................................................................................358 Tandem plus Learning..............................................................................................................................................359 15 PACT - Participatory Active Citizenship Tools .........................................................................................................360 RAOUL - Raising awareness of the use of language ................................................................................................361 Social Inclusion for Adult Learners with Learning Disability ...................................................................................362 My Voice .................................................................................................................................................................363 Interwrite ................................................................................................................................................................364 Explorations in European Economic Education........................................................................................................365 The Three Cs – Coping with Cultural Changes in different European Areas ............................................................366 Empowerment and Disability: Informal learning through self-advocacy and life history ........................................367 Re-Vision: Celebrating Diversity through Photography ...........................................................................................368 RACATEL - Raising Civil Awareness through English Language ...............................................................................369 It’s all in the mind. ..................................................................................................................................................370 TEDDY BEART winning the Elderly Disadvantaged and Disabled with the Young by Enabling Active Reminiscence 371 LIVE – Learning in Voluntary Experience .................................................................................................................372 Second Chance Working Winners ............................................................................................................................373 BERNIE - Building education resources and networks in Europe .............................................................................374 Research and Development of Appropriate Interpersonal Skills and Qualities in Supporting Open, Flexible and ELearning ..................................................................................................................................................................375 Languages through Lyrics ........................................................................................................................................376 ICELAND ........................................................................................................................... 377 Teaching Flex: Teaching and learning in distance / flexible education....................................................................377 NORWAY .......................................................................................................................... 378 A new chance ..........................................................................................................................................................378 Social inclusion in action ........................................................................................................................................379 Tourism in coastal areas..........................................................................................................................................380 Reconnizing life skills: validation of prior learning .................................................................................................381 BULGARIA ......................................................................................................................... 382 Improved Service Delivery in Prisoner Education.....................................................................................................382 Initial Application of an Educational Strategy Measures on Children Internet Safety For Teachers And Parents....383 Future Workshops for Europe ..................................................................................................................................384 ROMANIA ......................................................................................................................... 385 16 Internet for Autonomous Lifelong learning .............................................................................................................385 Core skills development – The capacity of changing people lifestyle ......................................................................386 MEDIA – The influence of media in adult education development ..........................................................................387 TRA.C.E.C - Traditions and customs in the context of European community ................................................................388 Transfer and Implementation of European Best Practices in the Field of Counselling Young Adults ..............................389 Design intercultural education at community level ....................................................................................................390 AMIC - Arts as Mean for Improving the Self Confidence of Social Disadvantaged People.............................................391 Cultural Heritage from peoples to united Europe .......................................................................................................392 IECUVADVLA - Improvement of Employment chances of the Unemployed and the Visual and Auditive Disabled by using Virtual Learning Applications.........................................................................................................................393 CITELE – Ceative industries trans-European learning ..............................................................................................394 YnterACT - YouNgsters Together for European Research of Active eduCational Tool ..............................................395 Educational partnership "join us"............................................................................................................................396 Education for the health of people..........................................................................................................................397 IC&T – A gateways tofuture for disabled people .....................................................................................................398 A new approach to the teacher parent-learner relationship ...................................................................................399 Education for adoptive parents ...............................................................................................................................400 TURKEY............................................................................................................................. 401 Systems of Integration Of People With Disabilities Into Labour Market..................................................................401 E-Learning for Adults ..............................................................................................................................................402 LINGUA – Learning Innovative in Disadvantaged Rural Areas .................................................................................403 Struggle against Drugs ............................................................................................................................................404 RAPT - Raising Ability of Parents and Trainers ........................................................................................................405 House WWWives .....................................................................................................................................................406 Developing EU Culture in Suburban Areas of the City.............................................................................................407 In-Shape..................................................................................................................................................................408 U.R.O.P.E United Research of People of Europe .......................................................................................................409 I Want To Be Here For My Disabled Child (Community of Practice for Parents of Children with Hearing Impairments) ...........................................................................................................................................................410 INDEX ............................................................................................................................. 411 17 18 BELGIUM (Flemish community) BELGÏE Project reference: V /0306/co/110-2006 EASY The aim of the project is to find out whether a concept of European identity has already developed in citizens’ consciences during local educational activities and to what extent and in which form. The target of the project is an inquiry by the “older” population about their experiences of the building process of the European Community. The starting point is to investigate how and if, starting from one’s own national and cultural identity, seniors have acknowledged a European identity. On the other hand, the project wants to learn about the concept of European identity among young people, whose historical approach to such a concept is naturally different. The best way to do that is by creating an interactive learning environment in which older and younger citizens can learn form each other and their perspectives (of being an European citizen). The project will create a comparison between seniors’ and youth’s perception and, of course, expression of the European identity in a local educational setting. The idea is to create a transfer of experiences from older people to youth and to start up an interactive way of learning between these groups about actual local issues and the awareness of being a European citizen. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1 Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Inter generational relationships Perceptions of European Identity Project Objectives Intergenerational learning and exchange knowledge Make inventories on coping strategies with societal differences. Exchange good practices on the use of storyboard techniques in (non)formal education on a European level Stimulate the use of an interactive ICT environment with both younger and older citizens (by creating discussion for a) on societal topics. Stimulate the intergenerational exchange by mutual learning and enhance critical thinking about prejudges (concerning age, conviction, background) Define a European identity. Provide a perspective on European citizenship. Target Group(s) Senior citizens Local community groups Youth COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: rijzinnig Studie-, archief- en documentatie centrum ‘Karel Cuypers’ Name of the contact person: Suzy Mommaerts Address: Breughelstraat 60 B 2018 Antwerp E-mail: suzy.mommaerts@pandora.be Tel: +32 3 2160926 cell phone +32 479367467 Fax: + 32 Website: www.sencom.org Partners A. Vermeylenfonds vzw, BE Spectrum Centrum Maatschappelijke Ontwikkeling, NL Università degli Studi del Molise, IT Berufsförderungsinstitut Tirol (BFI Tirol), AT Belfast Institute of Further and Higher education B I F H E, UK 1 BELGIË Project reference: European Learning Partnership on easy-to-read and plain language In many countries of the EU 25 % or more of the adult population cannot use written information effectively to cope in daily life. Everybody has the right to information on their own conditions. The use of plain or ‘easy-to-read’ language can help all people with reading or writing difficulties to become a full member of society. Since many years, in several countries of the EU exist ‘easy-to-read’ newspapers and/or ‘plain language centres’. In this project partners will form a learning partnership to exchange experience, practice and successful methods, make an inventory of the present situation and needs in the field of easy-to-read and plain language in the participating countries and carry out joint actions. The result of this partnership must be a European co-operation project where partners work together on quality improvement, marketing-strategy and Web-strategy for their newspapers; a European easy-to-read newspaper on current affairs in the EC; awareness campaigns on the need of easy-to-read or plain language in the EC; lain language rewriting services and courses; testing methods to evaluate rewritten texts; an easy-to-read and plain language quality label; and other. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 2 Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues Languages The media Learning about European countries/the European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Target Group(s) People with reading and/or writing difficulties for whatever reason Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Marginalised groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Migrants/ethnic or other minorities COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Vlaams Ondersteuningscentrum voor Basiseducatie Name of the contact person: Karine Nicolay Address: Kardinaal Mercierplein 1 – 2800 Mechelen E-mail: karine.nicolay@vocb.be Tel: + 32 15 44 65 00 Fax: + 32 15 44 65 00 Website: www.vocb.be and www.wablieft.be Partners Centrum för Lättläst, SE Eenvoudig Communiceren BT, NL The Norwegian News Agency Inc, division Klar Tale, NO Overblik pt tekst I/S, K Kehitysvammaliitto ry, F Plain English Society Limited, UK 2 BELGIË Project reference: V/0306/co/090-2006 STelLa (The stimulation of eLearning for life long learning for adults) Life long learning will be a key factor for the professional, personal and social success of adults in tomorrow’s society. It is the ambitious aim of sTelLLa to develop a generic method for autonomous learning for adults that can be implemented in the training courses of various professions. First of all, we will share information and experiences. The expertise of each partner combined with the well balanced constitution of the group guarantees a synergetic cooperation and a cultural enrichment. Starting from concrete eLearning tasks; trainers, learners and the partner institutions will create new good practice examples for several domains. Adult learners will be involved in the test settings. We will promote these new eLearning techniques to enhance the Life Long Learning opportunities for adults. Also, we want to stimulate trainers and learners to use an eLearning environment as communication tool and for didactical purposes; to use modern ICT methods not only to communicate but also to acquire and exchange knowledge. Via transnational meetings and discussions with trainers, learners and specialists, via conferences (life and video-), the eLearning platform and our Website, we will optimize and promote this eLearning method as a stimulating factor in the open and distance learning for adults. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 Basic skills, active citizenship, intercultural issues, languages, learning about European countries, information technology, media, didactical methods for trainers of adult education centers and adult learners who will become future teachers Strategy for stimulating adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical methods Others all trainers of adults who want to train adults on demand, in a personalised way. The target group can cover the previous mentioned but not necessarily COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs Hoger Instituut der Kempen Departement GPB Name of the contact person: Manuella Borghs Address: leinhoefstraat 4 E-mail: cvohik@hik.be Tel: + 3214562321 Fax:+ 3214584859 Website: www.hik.be Partners ANOVA Multimedia Studios GmbH (GE) ANFE DELEGAZIONE REGIONALE SICILIA (IT) ZESPOL SZKOL ELEKTRONICZNYCH I TELEKOMUNIKACYJNYCH W OLSZTYNIE, CENTRUM KSZTALCENIA USTAWICZNEGO (Po) Šola za ravnaTelje (SLO) Cyprus Neuroscience & Technology Institute (CY) Centro Navarro de Autoaprendizaje de Idiomas, s.a (SP) 3 BELGIË Project reference: V/0306/co/89-2006 EDUCAP – Educational Capacity of Learners Educational capacity can be described as the learner’s potential in terms of motivation, abilities and learning experiences that are relevant for their access to, active participation in and processing of a specific training course or educational programme. The aim of the project is to share and exchange experiences of the partners in order to increase the common knowledge and practice with regard to educational capacity. A second aim is to produce - based on the existing practices and experiences - user-friendly instruments/tools for gauging and improving the educational capacity of the (potential) learner with respect to the access to and the alignment of specific learning programmes. The instruments will be developed and tested by the partners with close involvement of the learners. The project will be coached by professor Dr. Herman Baert of the Catholic University of Leuven (Centre for Research on Adult and Continuing Education). Training of the partners and dissemination of the interim and final results on a European level will be an integral part of the project. A Website will be developed open to the public to continually comment on and improve the draft instruments. The common actions of sharing experiences, development of tools and coaching will stimulate the learning process of all the partners involved on the topic of educational capacity. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1 Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Basic skills, active citizenship, intercultural issues, learning about European countries/ the European Union, education for parents Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison disabled persons migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: SoCiuS – Support Point for Non-Formal Adult Education Name of the contact person: Theo Van Malderen Address: Gallaitstreet 86, 1030 Brussels, Belgium E-mail: theo.van.malderen@socius.be Tel: 32 (0)2 215 27 08 Fax: 32 (0)2 215 80 75 Website: www.socius.be Partners Lithuanian Association of Adult Education – LT Secondary School Anselmo de Andrade – PT 4 BELGIË Project reference: 05-BEN01-S2G01-00010-1 Let’s Go For It: Learning English to start going forward into intereuropean travel The project aims at promoting language learning among adult learners by introducing them to attractive and up-to-date means of cross-border communication. The purpose is to break down resistance to e-learning particularly among senior citizens and reduce cultural prejudice by organising effective means of communication between the learners and members of staff of the institutions concerned. The project should develop the learners’ aptitude at self-learning as well as stimulate team work; it should lay the foundation of a group of friendly relations within the enlarged European framework. Duration: years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Other: social network communication Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies 1. Senior citizens 2. Other: Mixed-age groups of learners 3. Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CVO De Bargie Name of the contact person: De Wilde Marijke Address: Bargiekaai 1 9000 GENT E-mail: mdewilde@cvodebargie.be Tel: 09- 225 68 05 Fax: 09- 225 03 46 Website: www.cvodebargie.be Partners Kauhavan-Härmäin kansalaisopisto (FI) Life 90 (CZ) Volkshochschule Lingen GmbH (DE) CEA “CASA DE LA CULTURA” DE GETAFE (ES) Lodz University for the third age (PL) PANCYPRIAN ORGANISATION FOR ADULT EDUCATION CENTRES (CY) 5 BELGIË Project reference: TELL ME Teaching Europe in Lifelong learning Tell me is an educational project aimed at underprivileged young adults and seniors, . Young adults and elderly persons will interview each other about their experiences of childhood and will record their memories digitally, especially about the history and evolution of the European Union. Their reminiscences will be supplemented with secondary material that they research themselves, in order to place the memories in their social and historical context. Elderly persons and young adults from the same countries will work together, but they will also travel ‘virtually’ to participating European countries and interview elderly persons and young adults abroad about their experiences of childhood (Webcams and videoconferencing can be used as tools to realise this). This comparative material will be published as part of an online community, and will also be made into an edited DVD on European childhood from 1950 onwards. Young adults and elderly persons will also work together to produce a number of self help DVDs where they share life experience and personal advice on topics such as Europe, living independently, grief and other issues that may be of significance to the participants. It is expected that these materials will be disseminated to libraries and schools in the participating countries, and may be used as educational learning materials. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 Intercultural issues Languages (German, Spanish, English, Dutch, French) Learning about European countries / the European Union Information technology Arts, music, culture The media Education for parents improving literacy and educational levels increased knowledge about European social, historical and political processes increasing European citizenship improving IT and digital media skills increasing self esteem and improving language skills Recognising the role of elderly people in society Improving intergenerational communication Combating social exclusion and loneliness experienced by elderly people Senior citizens Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CTT Limburg Name of the contact person: Theo Jeurissen Address: Halmstraat 12, 3600 Genk BE België/Belgien/Belgique (Belgium) E-mail: theojeurissen@cttlimburg.be Tel: + 32 89 84 99 11 of 0478 54 98 45 Fax: + 32 89 84 99 16 Website: www.cttlimburg.be Partners Nova College, NL Instituto de Educación Secundaria de Teis, ES 6 BELGIË Project reference: E.N.O.P.S. – European Network on Parenting Support In this project, the partner institutions, with their specific expertise, will exchange new approaches and support for people with inTellectual disabilities, who have parenting problems. The new ideas and insights will be used for exchange and application in the participating institutions. Staff members and teaching staff of the partnership will gather in seminars and taskforces in order to work out new training models which will contribute in a better quality of support for the target group. In a first phase of the project, the partnership will collect data and basic information. In a second phase, different taskforces in each country will work out specific aspects in the support for the target group, from different perspectives. In the last phase, the partnership will organise a seminar in which an evaluation will be made of the collected information and insights of the different taskforces. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Education for parents Sustainable development Basic skills Active citizenship Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Disabled persons Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Universiteit Gent Name of the contact person: Dieter Windels Address: Henri Dunantlaan 2 E-mail: dieter.windels@ugent.be Tel: + 32 9 264 64 65 Fax:+ 32 9 264 64 91 Website: Partners Universität Siegen- DE Stichting Arduin - NL Universidade do Minho - PT 7 BELGIË Project reference: V/0306/CO/R2/058-2006 SUITCASE – Sharing an Understanding of Identity through Culture, Art and Self-Expression ‘Identity’ as a concept has been undergoing a number of changes over the last few decades, on both a social and cultural level. Factors such as opening the European borders, migration, the accelerated technological development and the broad distribution of new communication resources influenced these changes. S.U.I.T.C.A.S.E. aims to work with adult learners in exploring these concepts on a personal, local/regional and European level, in order to promote mutual understanding and enable new forms of cultural exchange. Each partner will set up a Project Working Group incorporating staff and learners. The primary activities of the group will be an art exchange, facilitated by workshops, in which learners create ‘artefacts’ under a theme of culture and identity and then send them to learners in partner countries. The receivers are then tasked with responding to the piece with an artwork of their own. Information on the sender’s culture will be intrinsic to the piece, as art is always in some way, a reflection of the culture that creates it. Trans-national visits will also play an important role in the project, and will involve both staff and learners in group meetings, exchange of experience and expertise, and engagement in cultural activities and foreign language. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2 Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/European Union Multimedia Strategy for stimulating adult learner’s demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CVO Antwerpen-Zuid (Belgium) Name of the contact person: Koen Daenen Address: DisTelvinklaan 22, 2660 Hoboken E-mail: k.daenen@skynet.be Tel: + 32(0)3 830 4105 Fax:+ 32(0)3 830 3379 Website: www.cvoAntwerpen.be Partners Darndale Belcamp Resource Centre, Dublin (Ireland) CTP5° Circolo Didattico Portici (Italy) Vantaan aikuisopisto, Vantaa (Finland) Gerede Municipality Presidency, Gerede (TÜRKIYE) Tolerant Youth Association, Vilnius (Lithuania) Vraa Folk High School, Vraa (Denmark) 8 BELGIUM (French community) BELGIQUE Project reference: 06-BEF01-S2G01-00014-2 Renforcer la dimension émancipatrice dans l’alphabétisation des adultes en Europe Echanges, mutuellisation et évaluation critique, entre partenaires éducatifs actifs dans l’alphabétisation des adultes en Europe, d’outils, de méthodes, de pratiques et de processus méthodologiques qui contribuent à l’autonomie et à l’émancipation individuelle et collective dans le champ de l’alphabétisation des adultes, et plus largement aux pratiques citoyennes. Ce projet vise, par l’échange organisé, à renforcer la dimension émancipatrice dans les pratiques pédagogiques pour adultes. Concrètement, il s’agira de: • L’apprentissage d’une langue (celle du pays d’accueil) • Les pratiques de lecture et d’écriture avec la pédagogie développée dans l’aTelier ECLER • Le processus participatif pour l’émancipation individuelle et collective avec l’approche REFLECT ACTION • Les critères de qualité au sein des dispositifs d’alphabétisation, impliquant participants, formateurs et directions. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues Languages Pédagogie émancipatrice Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Learning of languages illiterates Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Collectif d’alphabétisation Name of the contact person: Anne Loontjens Address: 12 rue de Rome – 1060 Bruxelles (B) E-mail: anne.loontjens@collectif-alpha.be Tel: +32 2 538 36 57 Fax: +32 2 538 27 44 Website: www.collectif-alpha.be Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) UK: North Lanarkshire Council – STEPPS – whitee@northlan.gov.uk FR : Association ATELEC « Lettres pour l’être » - BOURG-EN-BRESSE – anne.seyve@aTelettre.fr DE: Iwd – SAARBRUECKEN – michael.heipp@iwd-gmbh.de BE : Lire et Ecrire Hainaut occidental – Tournai – hainaut.occidental@lire-et-ecrire.be ES : Elhuyar-Zubize, S.L.U. – Usurbil 9 BELGIQUE Project reference: 06-BEF01-S2G01-00018-2 Y a-t-il une Europe de la sagesse populaire ? A partir de plusieurs milliers de proverbes allemands, anglais, espagnols, français et luxembourgeois, montrer qu’au-delà des convergences économiques, juridiques et politiques qui font aujourd’hui la cohésion européenne, il en existe une très ancienne et très profonde qui fait l’union des peuples autour d’un même bon sens populaire. Les proverbes sont collectés dans les six langues et publiés de Telles manières que les résultats puissent servir de base à une méthode innovante pour l’apprentissage des connaissances linguistiques. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Family, society Collecter des éléments de la sagesse populaire et présenter les résultats obtenus de manière Telle qu’ils puissent servir de base d’apprentissage et à l’approfondissement des connaissances historiques et linguistiques européennes. Senior citizens Young people COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Centre Universitaire du troisième âge de Namur Name of the contact person: Paulin Duchesne Address: 61 rue de Bruxelles – 5000 NAMUR E-mail: paulinduchesne@swing.be Tel: +32 81 72 46 87 Fax: +32 81 72 55 01 Website: www.utan.be Partners (Name of the organisation and country code) FR : Université tous ages – VANNES – utavann@club-internet.fr ES : Agrupacio de formacio permanent d’aules a la gent gran de Catalunya – BARCELONE – mlamua@wanadoo.es LU : service RBS asbl – ITZIG – reuter@rbs.lu 10 CZECH REPUBLIC CESKA REPUBLIKA Project reference: 06-CZE01-S2G01-00004-3 Grundtvig Active Parents Education (GRAPE) The project aims to develop an educational module that could help disadvantaged parents better understand developmental problems of their children, help improve their understanding of the education system, and enable them to take a more active part in the education of their children, so the children themselves could become more active in creating their own future within the European Community. At the same time we hope to establish a European network of professionals from various fields and institutions in social and educational environments in order to promote the issue of lifelong and life-wide education specifically in relation to developing citizenship skills of disadvantaged social groups. Expecte outcomes for learners. Improve family interaction and better understanding of human relationships. Improve skills to help children with schoolwork. Readiness to get involved in education of own children. Readiness to cooperate with the school. Better understanding of how the school system works. Improved ability to plan the educational career of own children. Readiness to get involved in the life of local community Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Basic skills Active citizenship Health The media Education for parents Guidance / counselling or other support services Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners. Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Jihoceska univerzita, Pedagogicka fakulta Name of the contact person: Vaclav Soucek Address: Jeronymova 10, 371 15 Ceske Budejovice E-mail: vsoucek@pf.jcu.cz Tel: +420 387 773 233 Fax: +420 386 354 927 Website: ww.pf.jcu.cz Partners Asociatia de educatioa adultilor“RADACINI SI ARIPI”, Suceava, RO Tarptautine moteru organizacija Zonta Alytus Club, Alytus, LT Roc Rijn Ijssel College, Arnhem, NL Escola Profissional Cristóvão Colombo, Funchal , PT Escola Secundária c/3° Ciclo de Albergaria-a-Velha, Albergaria-a-Velha, PT 11 CESKA REPUBLIKA Project reference: 06-CZE01-S2G01-00007-3 ENETRAC - Education in Gender The project aims at exchanging information and experiences regarding the gender friendly methodologies in adult education. Partners developed a questionnaire for both women and teachers in adult education to investigate strengths and weaknesses, advantages and disadvantages of existing teaching methods. Both national and translational reports were elaborated. Examples of the best practices in gender friendly adult education as well as a contribution to gender oriented methodology are collected and will be disseminated on CD-ROMs. During the second year of the project, the Czech version of the CD-ROM was developed. During the third year of the project, the translations of the CD-ROM to other partners’ languages will be made and the European dimension will be enlarged by discussion with partners. Project outcomes will be promoted and disseminated within seminars and workshops held in all partner countries. The CD-Rom will be distributed also to other European countries. The project Website www.enetrac.net was created to support the exchange of experiences and to provide the information about the project to wider public. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Active citizenship Basic skills Information technology Education for parents Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ATHENA – Spolecnost pro vzdelavani a rozvoj zen Name of the contact person: Klara Hanelova Address: Premyslovcu 48, 709 00 Ostrava E-mail: athena@wo.cz Tel: +420 599 529 980 Fax: +420 599 529 980 Website: wwww.athena.euWeb.cz Partners Training organisation EPICENTRE S.A., Syros, GR Menntasmiqjan a Akureyri, Akureyri, IS ITD - Innovación, transferencia y desarrollo, Barcelona, ES Yale College of Wrexham, Wrexham, UK Deeside College, Connah´s Quay, UK 12 CESKA REPUBLIKA Project reference: 06-CZE01-S2G01-00010-3 Knowledge of the Nature The present project will enrich the knowledge of informal ecological education among teachers and leaders of ecology clubs and organizations from European countries. The participating organizations will introduce their successful practice and rich experience in the interpretation of the common European subject of environmental preservation and prudent use of local natural resources. Through scientific and practical seminars the participants will display new commonly applicable methods of teaching, emphasizing on non-standard forms and ways of acquiring knowledge about nature in the open air. The teachers in natural sciences and the leaders of ecology clubs are to release their most creative and applicable interpretation practices and experience in a Guide of Informal Ecological Teaching and on a CD to disseminate their experience in other European countries. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Environment Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Mgr. Jana Karpecka, Infinity – jazykove a vzdelavaci centrum Name of the contact person: Jana Karpecka Address: Bocanovice 94, 739 91 Jablunkov E-mail: jana.karpecka@seznam.cz Tel: +420 558 363 203 Fax: Website: www.infinitycentrum.com Partners Slovenske muzeum ochrany prírody a jaskyniarstva, Liptovsky Mikulas, SK House of Water - International Resource Centre, Alba Iulia, RO 13 CESKA REPUBLIKA Project reference: 06-CZE01-S2G01-00017-2 MoDAL – Motivating Disadvantaged Adult Learners (previous name Mr. DAL) The project aims to identify the factors that enable disadvantaged adult learners to remain on learning programmes. Partner organisations will jointly develop a research framework and reporting methodology to identify key factors, trial and test them in a variety of settings and evaluate their effectiveness. The project targets adult learners from disadvantaged backgrounds, for example, people who have not completed their education, women experiencing disadvantage, those with mental health problems, learners who live in rural isolation, those experiencing social exclusion, people from ethnic minorities, older learners and single parents. Each partner will establish a retention baseline at the start of the project. This will describe retention patterns within their own institution. Along with the baseline, the partners will describe strategies used within their own teaching practises to encourage adult learners to stay on course and also the factors that they believe adversely and positively affect retention. Over the two year period, partners will exchange ideas and try out new strategies and tactics to improve their own organisation’s adult learner retention rates. The findings of the two year research project will be disseminated through publications, a summative conference for both tutors and learners, and Web sites. Year one activities will focus on the compilation of retention baselines and strategies. Year two will focus on the implementation and evaluation of strategies in partner organisations and dissemination of findings. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Ustav jazykove a odborne pripravy Name of the contact person: Vaclav Gotz Address: Vratislavova 10, 128 00 Praha 2 E-mail: vaclav.gotz@ujop.cuni.cz Tel: +420 224 990 411 Fax: +420 224 990 440 Website: www.ujop.cuni.cz Partners Cornwall College Camborne, Redruth, UK Cooperativa Cramars Scarl, Tolmezzo, IT Machm-it.org e.V., Ausleben, DE Yorkshire and Humber Development Consortium, York, UK Dobeles Rajona Pieaugušo Izglitibas un Informacijas centrs, Dobele, LV Achaia Adult Education Institute, Patras, GR Dikmen Anatolian Vocational, Technical High School, Ankara, TR 14 CESKA REPUBLIKA Project reference: 06-CZE01-S2G01-00039-1 Learning Educators In the project the participating organisations will study and exchange the best teaching methods of the European Language Portfolio in different EU countries, get the feedback how effective the used teaching methods are through the co-operation with the local language teachers and educators and their students and to disseminate the information among the target group of the project, which are the local community language teachers. The participants will actively study the use and the spread of the ELP in all participants´ countries together with deep studies of their educational systems; they will visit different types of schools, meet the local educators and teachers, discuss and exchange the methods of teaching languages. In this way, through the co-operation and help of the local teachers and through a brochure and a CD-Rom ´The Useful Tips about the ELP´ the best teaching methods of the ELP will be found and disseminated among a great number of learners and teachers in the participants´ countries. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Education for parents Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Lenka Pavilkova – Channel Crossings Name of the contact person: Eliska Rafajova Address: Vrazska 238, 153 00 Praha 5 - Radotin E-mail: radotin@chc.cz Tel: +420 257 912 575 Fax: +420 224 946 315 Website: www.chc.cz Partners Escuela oficial de idiomas de Cartagena, Cartagena, ES KEMOP, Nafpaktos, GR 15 CESKA REPUBLIKA Project reference: 06-CZE01-S2G01-00058-1 BADED - Barriers in Adult Education The project aims at defining barriers preventing adults, especially those coming from geographically and socially disadvantaged regions, from further education of various forms and kinds (e.g. barriers originating in the educational or guidance system, in the labour market as well as in socio-cultural norms or barriers given by the individual’s mental condition). The barriers would be widely discussed, classified and evaluated and consequently guidance services eliminating these barriers should be designed in relation to previous results. In order to reach this aim the existing services in the project countries concerned would be analysed and examples of good practices and marketing strategies would be identified. A qualitative research in form of questionnaires and directed interviews should offer a solid base for wide range of information. The sample for the surveys is basically the adult population in general with more specific focus on the target group. The adults potentially interested in further education would be welcome into the project in order to gain more authentic opinions. The questionnaires and methodology for the directed interviews would be created by the project partners. The project should result in publishing a summarized study “Barriers in Adult Education”. The institutions of adult education might make use of it afterwards when planning their guidance services but also Authorities at higher levels (e.g. regional ones) can take advantage of it. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Other: counselling for adults Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Local community groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Narodni vzdelavaci fond, o.p.s. Name of the contact person: Zuzana Freibergova Address: Opletalova 25, 110 00 Praha 1 E-mail: freibergova@nvf.cz Tel: +420 224 500 580 Fax: +420 224 500 501 Website: www.nvf.cz Partners Centro Territoriale Permanente c/o SMS „G. Rossetti“, Vasto, IT Mag Ingrid Wagenhofer, Fischamend, AT Länsi-Pirkanmaan koulutuskuntayhtymä, Ikaalinen, FI 16 CESKA REPUBLIKA Project reference: 06-CZE01-S2G01-00098-1 SET - Knowledge transfer on education in later life Systematic and meaningful education of seniors is generally a problem that does not stand at the priority of the society's interest. Lack of interest can be observed both on the side of educational institutions and (especially) on the side of the seniors themselves. Particularly remarkable is this problem in the new EU member countries. This project objective is to collect, to compare and to evaluate experiences with senior life-long education organizing in partner´s countries both in countries with traditional heavy geriatic social programme (Sweden, Austria), in countries with heavy social programme for minorities (Spain) and in new EU countries (Czech Republic). Based on this data the project partners will define basic ideas how to increase senior interest for further education, to mobilize their inTelectual potential, to swatch from letargy and resignation. Using such instruments we´ll demonstrate the practical impact for everyday seniors´ life. For most seniors the practical utilisation is the main criterion of their doing. The accomplishment of this task will be accommodated with generally formulated theses, as well as examples of practical cases in particular demonstrating how the seniors can apply the outcome of their lifetime education in the practice of their lives. On the other hand the effort of the investigators will be to address education institutions in the project's partner countries and make them interested in expanding the offer of study possibilities for the seniors. It should be an offer that will be compelling for them and that will really enrich their lives in some way. The third task will be to formulate a principle of seniors' lifetime education contribution in general from the corporate, social point of view. Conclusions: the basic project objective is the knowledge transfer on education for seniors among project partners. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Basic skills Health Information technology Other: Educational and training methodology for senior citizens Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Senior citizens Disabled persons Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Free Art Records, s.r.o. Name of the contact person: Tomas Sokolovsky Address: Bohumínská 788/61, 710 00 Ostrava 2 E-mail: sokolovsky@free-art.cz Tel: +420 596 244 502 Fax: +420 596 244 502 Website:www.freeart.cz Partners Ostravska univerzita, Fakulta prirodnich ved, Ostrava, CZ Föreningen Urkraft, Skelleftea, SE Centro de Investigacion para el Desarrollo, Cartagena, ES GEFAS Steiermark, Graz, AT 17 DENMARK DANMARK Project reference: 06-DNK01-S2G01-00004-1 SHARE - Sharing experiences in learning local arts and crafts Exchange our national experiences and knowledge in order to strengthen adult education. To create international cooperation between craftsmen. To implement a new international approach to crafts-making in the informal education system. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 1st Arts, music, culture Basic skills Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Netop Name of the contact person: Jørgen Lehmann Address: Gl. Kongevej 39 G, 1. 1610 København V. E-mail: info@oplysning.dk Tel: +45 3393 0096 Fax: +45 3333 0096 Website: www.netoplysning.dk Partners Kommunaler Eigenbetrieb Kultur und Bildung Hoyerswerda, Germany 'Heritage' Omodos Folk and Culture Centre of Troodos Network, Cypres 'Magia Kaszub' Muzeum Básni, Poland KIRKKALE HALK EGTIM MERKEZI VE AKSAM SANAT OKULU MUDURLUGU, TÜRKIYE MTÜ Rahvakunsti Klubi, Estonia 18 DANMARK Project reference: 06-DNK01-S2G01-00005-1 PILPE - Promoting ICT Learning Processes in Europe The project aims to identify the barriers that hinder adult learners from using ICT in their learning process, as well as identify the factors that give adult learners negative attitude towards using ICT. Project findings will serve as basis for forwarding recommendations on developing “learner-friendly” methodologies on use of ICT in the learning process. Learners will be asked their opinion through online surveys. Moreover, adult students will be requested to write articles to encourage other learners to try ICT in their training. These articles will be posted at the project’s Website that will serve as a venue for exchanging “positive stories” on IT learning, and best practices in teaching adults using ICT. At the end of the project, a seminar will be held among adult educators, learners, and institutions involved in adult education to present the project’s findings and recommendations. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Videnscenter for Integration Name of the contact person: Elizabeth Gregersen Address: Havneparken 2, 7100 Vejle E-mail: ije@vejle.dk Tel: +45 7643 2272 Fax: +45 7643 2297 Website: www.vifin.dk Partners Starostwo Powiatowe w ´Swidnicy, Poland Metal Isleri Mesleki egitim Merkesi, TÜRKIYE Associacion D'Alumnos FPA Beniassent, Spain Centro de Profesores de Belmonte, Spain Opus Rana, Moheia vg. Skole, Norway Kauno Rajono Svietimo Centras, Lithuania Kreisvolkshochschule Gross-Gerau, Germany 19 DANMARK Project reference: 06-DNK01-S2G01-00006-1 INTEGRALL - Integration by language learning INTEGRALL compares the institutional policy frames of partner countries and exchange good practise in formal and informal language learning as a second leanguage. The exchanges and adapted ideas thereby become more valid, comparable and effective in language learning and integration of target groups: Unemployed and employed immigrants/refugees in risk of loosing their jobs. Employers will be part of the clarifying process towards the identification and understanding of the cultural and social institutional policies that make the frame of the doings of each partner in the partner countries. A common European understanding for the role of the institutions in cultural and social aspects makes the platform upon which the project will identify, define and compare key elements of integration policies acting upon themselves. Each partner will identify key ideas and good practice being aware of the institutional policies and then compare good practice with students involved in the process of adapting ideas in order to facilitate language learning and integration onwards. Audio/visual evidence will be provided as examples of good practices (when they are appropriate). A Website informs and disseminates goals, objectives, activities and outcomes. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Basic skills Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Sprogskolen i Kolding Name of the contact person: Jesper Pind Jensen Address: Ågade 27, 6000 Kolding E-mail: sprogskolen@kolding.dk Tel: +45 79308510 Fax: +45 79308560 Website: www.sprogskolen.suite.dk Partners INBA - The book and reading institute, Greece Volkshochschule der Bundesstadt Bonn, Germany Volkshochschule der Stadt Bad Salzuflen, Germany VDAB Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding, Belgium Bærum Kommune, Norway 20 DANMARK Project reference: 06-DNK01-S2G01-00007-1 NEM - New Empowerment with Media Parenting is about providing, about guiding and about character-building. In all European countries this is today a difficult task, because you have to find values for tomorrow even if you are not certain about the values of today. And at the same time you have to create a safe environment, provide for your children in many ways, and you feel alone, many times without the support of family or neighbours. Therefore it is necessary to provide a new kind of community for parenting. We want to define a network-orientated community, opening new possibilities to empower single parents to find ways to get jobs, or to get better jobs through community building and shared practise in and between our communities to create local communities in a European network to share parenting, networking to enhance the possibilities of providing for your children in realistic and wellinformed ways as active European citizens. Shared practise courses in ICT and Media skills, tools and competencies as gateways to offer a combination of better possibilities. In the diversity of European parenting the project is going to combine the courses and create a community Website offering multilingual advice and communication and with interactive links with other associations, local networks and foundations. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Education for parents Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: NETVÆRKET Name of the contact person: Ann Thorsted Address: Glentevej 15, 8900 Randers E-mail: projektkontoret@mail.dk Tel: +45 86 421287 Partners Kansan Sivistystyön Litto KSL, Finland Työväen Sivistystyön Litto KSL, Finland Fundacion Belen, Spain ESPIRAL, ENTITAT DE SERVEIS, Spain 21 DANMARK Project reference: 06-DNK01-S2G01-00009-1 Optimal Parents for the Future In order to equip parents of children with special needs with the ability to actively support their children’s education we will exchange experiences of special needs education with focus on parents’ ability and responsibility, examine the problems of inclusion, compare our findings and develop new methods to overcome problems, try out the new methods in each of our countries and compare the results in order to find the best practise. To achieve the optimal training and support for the parents of our project we will involve professionals, i.e. the regional department of education, psychologists, counsellors of further education, the social authorities for the protection of children, health care personnel, clubs for youngsters, the police, religious institutions, job agencies. We will form networks between parents at each of our institutions so that they can find acceptance, confidence and support from each other and confidence in themselves. At our second year project meetings we will bring professionals from each of the countries together and in our third project year we will bring parents to our project meetings. As a result we will have networks between parents, professionals and institutions, Websites, brochures, a multinational EU-guide for parents and professionals and better parents. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Education for parents Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Parents of children with special needs COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Alléskolen Name of the contact person: Marie Præstegaard Address: Nørre Allé 5, 7000 Fredericia E-mail: aspj@fredericiakom.dk Tel: +45 72105820 Fax: +45 72105828 Website: www.alleskolen.fredericiakommune.dk Partners Scola de Arte si Meseri "Simion Mehediniti", Romania National Education Local Authority Kahramanmaras, TÜRKIYE Pagalbos Mokytojui ir Mokiniui Centro, Lithuania 22 DANMARK Project reference: 06-DNK01-S2G01-00012-1 ICCORD - Intercultural Co-Existence - Rights and Duties “The global village” has come nearer to every community in Europe, because of increased travelling all over the world the opening of the European Union to new countries the admission of immigrants and refugees to the countries, and the influence of news coverage in worldwide mediaIn every part of Europe various cultures are meeting each other. Our common project will try to help the mutual understanding between the citizens in our local communities. We hope through education, intercultural dialogues and meetings to develop tolerance and respect for our common human rights to create understanding of the need of both rights and duties in a democratic society, and to increase the interest of being an active citizen in every participant The personal and professional experience of the participants will be enriched through everyday interaction between people who belong to different cultures and with different values meetings and seminars with participation from all partner countries, and communication through electronic media. The meeting with partners from the northern, southern, eastern and Western Europe will increase the interest in learning languages and hearing about the conditions for life in all parts of Europe, and at the same time give knowledge of one’s personal and cultural identity. The institutions will have the possibility of sharing teaching methods, such as role plays, pedagogical strategies and ways of recruiting learners. Also experience of dissemination and contact with local community can be passed on.The partners will develop their knowledge and mastery of the IT media and try to establish a newsletter group or a Website for the project. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: NETOP Jægerspris Name of the contact person: Agnete Andersson Address: Vestervangsvej 3, 3630 Jægerspris E-mail: n.a.andersson@get2net.dk Tel: +4547522206 Partners Mersin Merchant Marine Academy, TÜRKIYE Aula Hispanica, Spain 23 DANMARK Project reference: 06-DNK01-S2G01-00014-1 Unified by Diversity The purpose of the project is to learn from each other and reveal best practice in facilitating integration processes as we exchange educational staff. The partners will individually focus upon a subject within the overall frame “how to facilitate integration with focus on second language learning and acquisition” i.e. learning language through structural education in classes, and as autodidact learner in informal learning situations such as jobs. The complexity among the participating organisations will secure the overall covering of the project, where each of the partners contributes with a topic on which they have developed a special expertise. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Sprogcenter Nykøbing Falster Name of the contact person: Jens Peter Petersen Address: Kraghave Gaabensevej 100, 4800 Nykøbing F E-mail: sprogcenter@nyk-f-kom.dk Tel: +45 54861066 Fax: +45 54861105 Website: www.sprogcenter-nyk-f.dk Partners SCVO Site, Belgium Epimorfotika Kentra Pafou, Cypres Volkshochschule Heide, Germany 24 DANMARK Project reference: 06-DNK01-S2G01-00015-1 European Historic Turning Points Reflected in Art The purpose of the project is to learn from each other and reveal best practice in facilitating integration processes as we exchange educational staff. The partners will individually focus upon a subject within the overall frame “how to facilitate integration with focus on second language learning and acquisition” i.e. learning language through structural education in classes, and as autodidact learner in informal learning situations such as jobs. The complexity among the participating organisations will secure the overall covering of the project, where each of the partners contributes with a topic on which they have developed a special expertise. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: VUC Vestsjælland Syd Name of the contact person: Aase Steinmetz Address: Herrestræde 11, 4200 Slagelse E-mail: slagelse@vuc-vestamt.dk Tel: +45 58555050 Fax: +45 58555066 Website: www.vuc-vestamt.dk Partners Escola Básica Integrada Frei António das Chagas, Portugal Agri Halk Egitim Merkezi, TÜRKIYE Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania 25 DANMARK Project reference: 06-DNK01-S2G01-00017-2 METODA: Methodological Exchange between Trainers Of Disadvantaged Adults We are seven organisations from different European countries and we have different kinds of services, but we all have the same objective: to involve young adults who are marginalised in society into lifelong learning. We want to investigate, exchange and develop different methods how to engage young disadvantaged adults into learning activities and to keep them motivated for learning and for future projects of work. To achive this the Learning Partnership plans: to exchange different pedagogical methodologies used in the various partner organisations in particular to learn from each other about different methods of engaging and motivating into learning to investigate the potential of peer learning and mentoring approaches to develop and implement a transnational seminar to train trainers in the participating organisations in these methodologies to apply these training methods in the partner organisations and evaluate their suitability for the respective target groups to develop and implement a transnational seminar for learners of the participating institutions in which the acquired methodological knowledge is applied where the participants form all the countries involved can discuss and evaluate together the various methodologies they have experienced thorugh the project and can encounter the European dimension. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Information technology Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Produktionsskolen i Hvidovre Name of the contact person: Martin Taarup Address: Stevnsbovej 1, 2650 Hvidovre E-mail: prod@stevnsbo.dk Tel: 36779110 Fax: 33773804 Website: www.stevnsbo.dk Partners Mensajeros De La Paz-Madrid, Spain Service Enfance/Jeunesse/Médiation, France Grado 16 - Officine dell`autopromozione, Italien Die Berater, Østrig Highland Community Learning, Storbritannien 26 DANMARK Project reference: 06-DNK01-S2G01-00018-2 EALP: Efficient e-learning for adult with literacy problems: conditions and effects In the “Lisbon strategy” (2000) ICT were identified as playing a key role in achieving higher growth, more and better jobs and greater social inclusion. E-learning is one of the ICT tools, and the last years there has been an increasing use of elearning. Adults with literacy problems are one of the groups who might take advantage of using e-learning and ICT in education and every day life. Effective e-learning could be one step forward closing the “digital divide” and may help improving employability and adaptability to the job market, for adults with literacy problems. The partners in this project, who already provide e-learning, want to exchange experiences and good practice. The project will focus on ongoing experiences with e-learning for adults with literacy problems. We will share and disseminate good practice, how to make e-learning effective and easier for all kinds of adult learners as a way to give equal possibilities to everyone. We will make a framework for evaluation of the effect of e-learning for adults with literacy problems. The successful implementation of these new learning possibilities requires new literacy and e-learning competencies which are central challenges both world-wide and regionally. Funding year: 2nd Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Basic skills Information technology Literacy, dyslexia, media literacy, e-inclusion Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support service Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Adults with literacy problems COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Nordjyllands Amts Taleinstitut Name of the contact person: Anders Sigh Address: Borgmester Jørgensens Vej 2, 9000 Aalborg E-mail: nat.nat@nja.dk Tel: +45 98144144 Fax: +4598147844 Website: www.taleinstituttet.dk + www.ealp.org Partners AntalyaAzize Kahraman Halk Egitimi Merkezi, TÜRKIYE AGORA, France Collectif Formation Société, Belgium Thueringer Volkshochschulverband e. V., Germany 27 DANMARK Project reference: 06-DNK01-S2G01-00020-3 ALOS: Adult Learning of Science The project aims at exploring multicultural varieties of adult teaching and learning strategies within the area of science and it will involve both learners and teachers in the process. The project intends to develop an international network of science teachers, for exchange of experiences and development of new methods. The discussions and work will result in the planning of a conference for European Science teachers, where the emphasis will be on methodologies and ideas used by each institution and how the can be integrated in order to Foster common or new educational methods. The project hopes through that to be able to set up a list of recommendations for better science lessons in the EU. As a result of the project we also establish a free discussion board on the internet, where the discussions among the partners and other European science teachers can continue. Another aim of the project is to compare the curriculum in the partner organisations in order to describe possibilities for student and teacher exchange. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3rd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Environment Information technology Science Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Adults who need accredited courses in science COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: VUC Roskilde Amt Name of the contact person: Lene Hedegaard Jensen Address: Læderstræde 4, 4000 Roskilde E-mail: vuc-roskilde@ra.dk Tel: +45 46 30 86 40 Fax: +45 46 30 86 19 Website: www.vuc-roskilde.dk Partners Staatl. Weiterbildungskolleg, Germany Berufskolleg Senne der Stadt Bielefeld, Germany Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Czech Republic 28 DANMARK Project reference: 06-DNK01-S2G01-00061-1 Promotion and motivation for Life Long Learning in rural areas The aim of the project is to develop new methods of promotion and motivation for lifelong learning for adults living in rural areas. Hereby the partners hope to be able to reach more adults and to motivate them into lifelong learning and active citizenship. The partners will exchange good experiences and develop new methods by participating in international workshops and seminars, by comparing motivation methods in youth and adult education as well as in the governmental and the private sector and by implementing results of previous projects. At the international visits we shall see different local projects and be in contact with learners/users, which can tell us about their experiences with adult education and give good advice from their point of views. We shall see projects of very different nature, but all of them have proven to work in a rural area, i.e. distance learning, seminar learning, self studying, IT supporting, open classroom studies and hopefully something we have never thought of. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: VUC Holstebro-Lemvig-Struer Name of the contact person: Mona Blaabjerg Nielsen Address: Valdemar Poulsensvej 8, 7500 Holstebro E-mail: vuchi@ringamt.dk Tel: +45 96275820 Fax: 45 97840174 Website: www.holstebro-vuc.dk Partners Rovaniemen Koulutuskuntaytymäl/Lapin ammattiopisto, Finland AOF Dronninglund, DANMARK IES LAS FLORES, Spain Adana Egitim Gonullueri Ve Yardimlasma Demegi, TÜRKIYE Firma Szkoleniowo - Doradcza Anna Szywala S.C., Poland Anyksciy svietimo centras, Lithuania 29 DANMARK Project reference: 06-DNK01-S2G01-00069-2 Holistic learning self-knowledge as a guideline from pre-vocational training into the labour market This project will focus on a ‘personalised approach’, ensuring that diversity of learning styles are catered for, and equipping learners with required skills for employment in the 21st Century. Lifelong learning represents a key tool for adaptation of people on the dynamic job market. So, the aim is supporting lifelong learning as a common practice emphasising non-formal and informal training. Each partner will exchange experiences and methods in training courses ‘Learners: how to learn to learn’ and ‘Teachers/lectures: how to guide, support and teach’: training of lecturers in partner’s institution in order to use the experiences of learning and guiding processes for students with their own specific and special needs. In the background, a quality plays an important role: it is necessary and essential to keep in mind demands of quality in training and educational processes of learners. The objectives in this project are the following: - To gather partners’ different ways/methods of assessment of learning styles, guidance, advising and supporting students’ learning processes, e.g. to find individual learning styles and techniques - To exchange ways to bring out what and how to assess and guide students in their learning process - To provide training courses for teachers, trainers and guides concerning how to guide & support students towards a holistic self-knowledge and course for learner how to learn to learn - To benchmark good practices - To disseminate good practises and methods via project’s Website and workshops Funding year: 2nd Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Basic skills Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Adults with special needs COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Vitus Bering DANMARK Name of the contact person: Lone Ørsted Address: Strandpromenaden 4, 8700 Horsens E-mail: vb@vitusbering.dk Tel: +45 76255000 Fax: +45 76255111 Website: www.vitusbering.dk Partners ASV Horsens, DANMARK County Longford Vocational Education Committee, Ireland VHS Regen, Germany 30 GERMANY DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00001-1 Biographisches Lernen aus schwierigen Zeiten für eine gemeinsame Gegenwart und Zukunft Deutschland, Österreich, Südtirol und die Tschechische Republik haben im 20. Jahrhundert vor allem in der Kriegs- und Nachkriegszeit eine schwierige, konfliktreiche und für die Beteiligten schmerzhafte Periode durchgemacht. Die Senioren können sich noch durch Kindheit und Jugend gut an diese prägende Zeit erinnern, die für Viele den Verlust der Heimat und einen völligen Neubeginn bedeutete. Sie haben dies unterschiedlich erfahren und verarbeitet. Die Generation, die es bewusst erlebt hat, stirbt langsam aus oder ist nicht mehr mobil. Daher ist der Austausch über die Erinnerung und Biographie sehr wichtig. Die Begegnung mit Senioren aus verschiedenen europäischen Staaten hilft, diese Reflektion zu verändern und anders zu erleben. Es wird damit auch an der gemeinsamen europäischen Gegenwart und Perspektive gearbeitet, die Krieg und Vertreibung unmöglich macht. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Intercultural issues Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Roncalli-Haus e.V. Name of the contact person: Georg Halfter Address: Max-Josef-Metzger-Straße 12/13, D - 39104 Magdeburg E-mail: halfter.roncallihaus@t-online.de Tel: + 49 / (0)391 / 5961400 Fax: + 49 /(0)391 / 5961440 Website: www.roncallihaus.de Partners Biskupstvi kralovehradecke Diecézni teologický, CZ Seniorenreferat der Diözese St. Pölten St. Pölten, AT 31 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00003-1 Miki – media learning in kindergartens Project description: Children in preschool age need support and assistance for discovering playfully the media environment and to integrate it into their own life. Many parents and adults living and working with preschool children in Europe feel not prepared for this order of media education. The focus of the project Miki is on European exchange of experience and good practices of adults (trainers in education, the educators themselves and parents, grandparents and childminders) as learning partners in the common task media and education in preschool age. Miki gives the possibility to get an impression of activities in the field of media learning in kindergartens in several European countries what includes also the discussion of need and understanding about media learning and education now and in the future.Concepts, ideas and good practise from the involved countries are to be collected, discussed and examined for transferability with special focus on disadvantaged families. This happens face to face in 4-days transnational meetings in several partner countries. The collected results of exchange will be arranged on a Website which includes also communication in special and several forums between the project participants. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Education for parents Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution Senior citizens Women Other:parents, grandparents, educators, trainer COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Institut für berufliche Aus- und Fortbildung gGmbH Name of the contact person: Michaela Helmrich Address: Muhliusstr. 40, D - 24103 Kiel E-mail: michaela.helmrich@ibaf.de Tel: +49 (0) 431/24 06 820 Fax: +49 (0) 431/24 06 854 Website: www.ibaf.de Partners CVU Centre of higher education Copenhagen, DK Social og sundhedsskolen Aarhus, DK Berufsförderungsinstitut Steiermark, AT Volkshilfe Steiermark gBgmbh, AT Eötvös Loránd Universität, HU 32 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00006-2 "The Path / Der Pfad" - Erfahrungsaustausch über die methodische Entwicklung und Umsetzung von Konzepten für thematische Lernpfade Die Idee der neuen Lernpartnerschaft beruht auf der gemeinsamen Spezifik von strukturschwachen ländlichen Regionen der LPMitglieder und der Entwicklung von Bildungsangeboten für Bewohner und Gäste. Hinter der Idee der Lernpfade verbirgt sich ein realer Weg (Wander-, Radweg, Straße) zu bestimmten Themen, wie Kultur, Religion, Gesunde Ernährung, Technik etc. In der Uckermark (D) bietet sich hierfür beispielsweise das generationsübergreifende Lernthema „Erneuerbare Energien“ für einen solchen Lernpfad an. Lehrende und Lernende beschäftigen sich mit der Energieerzeugung von Gestern und Heute, entwickeln Methoden zur Heranführung von Bewohnern und Gästen unterschiedlicher Altersgruppen an das Thema, Betreiber der Anlagen werden in die Arbeit einbezogen. Die Erfahrungen sind abstrahierbar, unter konkreten thematischen Ansätzen und Bedingungen der beteiligten Regionen nachnutzbar. Lernende werden motiviert und sensibilisiert sich mit ihrem Umfeld auseinander zu setzen. Durch den transnationalen Aspekt der LP erhalten sie Einblicke in andere Länder und Kulturen. Dies fordert Auseinandersetzung mit dem europäischen Gedanken, erhöht die interkulturelle Kompetenz. Das Thema zeigt Lernenden Beschäftigungsmöglichkeiten auf. Lehrende setzen sich mit anderen Lehrmethoden auseinander, wobei transnationale Erfahrungen der Partner der LP einfließen. An konkreten Standorten werden didaktisch-methodische Konzepte zur altersgruppengerechten Besucherbetreuung entwickelt. Die Arbeit der LP wird durch ErsTellung und Pflege einer Webseite unterstützt. Darauf werden Lernpfade der einzelnen Länder gezeigt. Im Ergebnis der Arbeiten entsteht eine zusammenfassende Projektbroschüre. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Arts, music, culture Environment Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other (Tourists, visitors of the region) COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ABU - Akademie für Berufsförderung und Umschulung gGmbH Name of the contact person: Hans-Joachim Borchert Address: Beilsteiner Straße 118, D - 12681 Berlin E-mail: borchert@abu-ggmbh.de Tel: + 49 / (0) 30 / 54 99 60 248 Fax: + 49 / (0) 30 / 54 99 60 111 Website: www.abu-ggmbh.de Partners Stowarzyenie Ekologiczno Kulturalne ZIARNO, PL Istituto Antonio Provolo, IT "Gartenstrasse Kärnten" e.V, AT 33 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00008-2 Lernen fürs Leben - Learn for Life Das Verhältnis zum lebenslangen, eigenverantwortlichen Lernen wird beim Übergang ins Erwachsenenleben wesentlich geprägt. Sozial benachteiligte junge Erwachsene sind durch fehlenden Zugang zum Lernen und andere Gründe in ihren Entwicklungschancen eingeschränkt und zunehmend von gesellschaftlicher Ausgrenzung bedroht. Ziel der Lernpartnerschaft ist ein europäischer Erfahrungsaustausch unter Praktikern der Erwachsenenbildung über erfolgreiche Lernstrategien und -praktiken zur sozialen Integration dieser Zielgruppe in städtischen sozialen Brennpunkten. Im MitTelpunkt steht dabei das informelle Lernen im sozialen Umfeld. Themen des auf 3 Jahre angelegten Erfahrungsaustausches sind u.a. Motivation für informelles Lernen; interessen- und praxisbezogenes Lernen; Dokumentation informell erworbener Kompetenzen; Modularisierung Zugangsmöglichkeiten; Unterstützungsstrukturen; Anreizsysteme; Vernetzung. Lernberatung; Verknüpfung von Lernformen Der Erfahrungsaustausch findet unter Einbeziehung von Lernenden bei den Lernpartnern vor Ort statt. Die Einbeziehung von Vertretern aus Politik und Öffentlichkeit in den transnationalen Erfahrungsaustausch soll diese für die Erwachsenenbildung sensibilisieren, um verbesserte Lernbedingungen für sozial benachteiligte junge Erwachsene in den beteiligten Regionen zu schaffen. Der Erfahrungsaustauch wird durch eine Website und Webdiskussionen unterstützt. Die Ergebnisse werden dokumentiert. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd, Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ABU - Akademie für Berufsförderung und Umschulung gGmbH Name of the contact person: Hans-Joachim Borchert Address: Beisteiner Straße 118, D - 12681 Berlin E-mail: borchert@abu-ggmbh.de Tel: +49 (0) 30/54 99 60 248 Fax: +49 (0) 30/54 99 60 111 Website: www.abu-ggmbh.de Partners Associazione N.E.T. , IT Irfa est interregion, FR The Cresco Trust Limited, UK ANJAF - Associacao Nacional de Jovens para , PT Szaraznad Nevelesi - Oktatasi Központ Ovoda, HU 34 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00010-1 Learning Landscape - a New Approach to Regional Adult Education in Europe The learning partnership "Learning Landscape" will assess and evaluate models of „best practice“ of the adult education in rural areas / disadvantaged regions in different European countries and analyse the basic conditions in the respective country specific environment. Information on basic conditions (such as organisational structures, content matters, personnel, methodology, didactics) of these models should be identified and it should be checked if it is possible to implement them in other organisations, cultures and structures in the different regions/countries. Aims are: a) to develop a data base with information on how and why programs of adult education in the respective regions are successful in order to provide the target groups of adult education with new perspectives for their life and new ways to participate in civil society, to enhance their possibilities of self-reflection in times of uncertainty and to provide them with tools and mechanisms to deal with role conflicts and role expectations in their professional and private life b) to render possible a qualified description of the evaluated concepts of adult education with respect to methodical and didactical questions in order to improve the availability and implementation of these models across country borders. c) to capacitate the participants and target groups of the international exchange on adult education in the respective regions to identify new possibilities, new methods and new forms od AE. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Other: learn how to learn, to motivate to learn Project Objectives Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Evangelische Erwachsenenbildung Niedersachsen (EEB) Name of the contact person: Michael Albe Address: Saarstr. 6; D – 26789 Leer E-mail: EEB.Leer@evlka.de Tel: +49 (0)491 / 9198150 Fax: +49 (0)491 / 9198240 Website: www.eeb-leer.de Partners Centro de Educacion de Adultos de Castuera , ES Pilietinés visuomenes institutes, LT Paide town Government, EE Inarin kansalaisopisto, FI 35 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00013-1 Oxymoron Das Projekt "Oxymoron" hat die gesellschaftliche und kulturelle Integration von Migranten zum Ziel. Es geht davon aus, dass diese nur auf der Grundlage eines kulturellen Austausches/Kennenlernens/Verstehens zwischen europäischer Aufnahmekultur und der/den Migrantenkultur(en) möglich ist. Das erste erforderliche Werkzeug für Austausch/Kennenlernen/Verstehen ist die Sprache. Und die Sprache in ihrer zu Dichtung verdichteten Form wird Motor des Integrationsprojektes "Oxymoron" sein. Einheimische und Migranten tauschen sich literarisch aus. Eine gemeinsame Website wird als interkulturelle Kommunikationsplattform geschaffen Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Reckenberg-Ems Name of the contact person: Stephan Crass Address: Kirchplatz 2, D - 33378 Rheda-Wiedenbrück E-mail: stephan.crass@vhs-re.de Tel: +49 (0) 5242 / 903023 Fax: +49 (0) 5242 / 9030323 Website: www.vhs-re.de Partners Centre de Formacio de Persones Adultes Cullera/Valencia, ES COSP Verona Comitato per l'orientamento, IT 36 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00016-1 JETE - Jüdische Bildungstraditionen in Europa / Jewish Traditions in Europe "Jüdische Bildungstraditionen in Europa“, das ist für viele Europäer unter 40 Jahren ein nur noch historisches Thema. Seine Bezüge zur Gegenwart beschränken sich auf die Zusammenarbeit europäischer Gedenkstätten und spärliche Informationen über das Vorhandensein jüdischen Lebens von höchstens lokaler Bedeutung. Die historische Erfahrung des Genozids ist in Europa – inbesondere in Deutschland – so präsent, dass eine Beschäftigung mit jüdischer Kultur- und Bildungsgeschichte besonderer Sensibilität bedarf. Das jüdische VierTel Josefov in Prag oder das Marais in Paris bietet dem zunehmenden Interesse der Touristenströme eher eine Gratwanderung zwischen Gedächtnisort und jüdischer Folklore. Unsere Lernpartnerschaft verfolgt die Absicht, sich mit den gemeinsamen Bildungsgrundlagen auseinander zu setzen, die Bestandteil der gesamteuropäischen Identität sind. Der Bildungsbegriff umfasst hier die politische und gesellschaftliche Bildung, Geschichten aus der Geschichte der Juden als Europäer, den interreligiösen Austausch, historische Ereignisse als exemplarische Stationen europäischer Geschichte und die Bedeutung christlicher und jüdischer Werte. Was kann eine Lernpartnerschaft zur Auseinandersetzung mit jüdischen Bildungstraditionen beitragen? Ziel ist, den Dialog der Kulturen und Generationen zu unterstützen, Reichtum, Vielfalt und Schönheit der Vielvölkerkultur des alten Europa zu entdecken, Vorurteile abzubauen, eine Zukunft gestalten zu helfen, in der sich die Unmenschlichkeiten der Vergangenheit nicht wiederholen können. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 1st Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture, Learning about European countries/the European Union, Intercultural issues, Languages, Sustainable development Other: interreligiöser Dialog, Orte, Bilder und Mythen für die Erwachsenenbildung nutzen, Vermarktungsstrategien kritisch analysieren Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Senior citizens Other: Lehrende, Dozenten, Kursleiter/innen, Beschäftigte bei Bildungsanbietern, Bildungsinitiativen, Vereinen, Tagungshäusern, Schulungsanbietern, Hochschulen, privaten Bildungs- und Beratungsunternehmen COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ttg team training GmbH Name of the contact person: Annerose Walter Address: Holzmarkt 7, D - 72070 Tübingen E-mail: team-training@team-training.de Tel: +49 (0) 7071 / 51396 Fax: +49 (0) 7071 / 252976 Website: www.team-training.de Partners Telsiu suaugusiuiu vidurine mokykla, LT Société Civile Auvillaraise De Contacts Franco-Allemands, FR Volkshochschule Hietzing, AT Telsiu svietimo centras, LT Institut Tolerancji, PL Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri, IT Castrum Peregrini, NL Bildung und Kunst = Heiterkeit e.V., DE 37 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00017-1 Info-Hilfe-Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe In dem Projekt INFO-Hilfe arbeiten Einrichtungen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe aus Deutschland, Belgien und Luxemburg zum Thema Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien zusammen. Einrichtungen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe sind meist in strukturschwachen Regionen angesiedelt und häufig schlecht ausgestattet. Personenkreise, welche an Maßnahmen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe teilnehmen, sind meist in hohem Maße von Benachteiligung hinsichtlich des Zugangs zu Ressourcen betroffen. n dem Projekt sollen Schulungsbedarf und Möglichkeiten von erwachsenen Lernenden, welche durch Strukturen der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe erreicht werden, erhoben werden. Dies sind auf der einen Seite das Personal, welches in den Einrichtungen tätig ist, zum anderen Eltern und Junge Erwachsene, welche durch die Maßnahmen unterstützt werden. Dieser Personenkreis soll für Chancen und Risiken im Bereich der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie sensibilisiert werden und Perspektiven für den Einsatz dieser Medien auf den verschiedenen Ebenen erarbeitet werden. Bei zwei Projekttreffen sollen die Teilnehmer gemeinsame Konzepte zur Umsetzung des Projekts erarbeiten, welche dann national ausgeführt werden. Weiterhin sollen bilateral existierende Projekte länderübergreifend verbreitet werden. Die Ergebnisse des Projekts sollen auf einer virtuellen Plattform in form einer Webseite veröffentlicht werden. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Arts, music, culture Basic skills Education for parents Health Information technology Languages Media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Institut für Kinder- und Jugendhilfe Name of the contact person: Dr. Julia Bock-Knoblauch Address: Saarstr. 1; D – 55122 Mainz E-mail: macsenaere@ikj-mainz.de Tel: +49 (0)6131 / 94 79 70 Fax: +49 (0)6131 / 94 79 777 Website: Partners Mosaik, BE Gemeinnützige Schottener Reha GmbH, DE Institut St. Joseph Rumelange, LU Kannerheem Izeg KMA Association Victor Elz, LU 38 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00018-1 L.I.T.E.R.A.L.I.A. - Learning in Tandem to Encourage Reciprocal Autonomous Learning in Adults The project partners of the project L.I.T.E.R.A.L.I.A. will explore the opportunities of tandem learning for their organisations, exchange ideas on how tandem learning can support adult learners in their self-directed learning process and actively help disseminate this method. Furthermore the project partners will evaluate how tandem learning can support adult learners in the acquisition of the 8 key competences for lifelong learning identified by the European Parliament and Council, especially the key competences of communicating in the mother tongue and foreign languages, digital competence and learning to learn, as well as interpersonal and intercultural competences. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Media Other: Reflection on learning and teaching in continous and vocational education Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Ostkreis Hannover Name of the contact person: Martina Emke Address: Rathausplatz 2; D – 31275 Lehrte E-mail: martina.emke@arcor.de Tel: +49 (0)5132 / 50 00 14 Fax:+49 (0)5132 / 50 00 33 Website: www.vhs-ostkreis-hannover.de Partners Centro Territoriale Permanente di Pontedera, IT Bildungszentrum Wolfsburg gGmbH, DE Wyzsza Szkola Bankowosci i Finansow w, PL The Open University, Department of Languages, UK 39 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00019-1 Cross cooking & learning The project aims to rediscover and preserve traditions in cooking across Europe, whilst enhancing the possibilities of learning and cross-generational and cultural cohesion. Today’s society sees people eager to learn about cooking and healthy eating, about sustainable living and are actively promoting the collection of traditional local recipies and encouraging sustainable living. Yet the associated knowledge and required skills tend to be de-valued and lost. Traditional life, especially in rural communities, includes food production, preparation and cooking as well as activities and festivities that are linked to the seasons, products and aspects of social life. These activities ensure the community’s continuation as a living culture and help in the formation of identity and can enhance the authenticity of experiencing community, locality and tradition. Traditional cooking is geared to what grows locally, to local breeds and seeds, to local skills and resources. It is a key element in ensuring integrated, sustainable development at local, regional and global levels. Younger people tend to have lost these skills and the ability to sustainably utilise traditional resources, disabling their potential in the traditional world. They also lack the advanced skills required to create a different life for themselves in the globalized world. Elderly people and rural women have tended to become isolated in our fast moving, ready-made world. It has seemed that there is no interest in the skills and memory they possess and they do not think in terms of exact methods and measurements that are easily transferred or recorded in written form. Such isolation can cause related social, health and economic problems. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Basic skills Consumer education Environment Health Learning about European countries/the European Union, Information technology Intercultural issues Sustainable development Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Machm-it.org e.V. Name of the contact person: Christine Graf Address: Hauptstraße 3a, D –06386 Elsnigk E-mail: cgraf@machm-it.org Tel: +49 (0) 5332 521332 Fax:+49 (0) 1212 513423937 Website: www.machm-it.org Partners Gregus mate Mezögazdasagi Szakközepiskola, HU Cooperative Cramars Scarl, IT University Wales, UK Finlands svenska Marthaförbund r.f., FI 40 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00020-1 Highways to Society The project aims to increase citizens’ knowledge and skills, to make them active and integrate them in their community, to identify and try to overcome “inhibition level/barriers” of access to society in new and innovative ways. Basically it is necessary to define the different view of “participation” (i.e., what it means to be a European citizen). The object of this Grundtvig Learning Partnership is the exchange on the different national activities in the area of educationally disadvantaged people and the promotion of non-formal learning with regard to civic activities, education and training, in the perspective of different experiences from EU countries as well as an exchange of their organisational structures and financing, the different requirements and experiences with inclusion of disadvantaged, distance education learners, and methods for promoting non-formal, self-organized learning, as well as the connection between education and social urban development. Main focus is to extend knowledge and skills, find ways to reach out to less educated people attending nonformal education in the area of active citizenship. Beside that the project partners interchange on different methods of competence analysis and assessments as well as on the matter how to certify non-formally acquired knowledge and skills. The national experiences regarding their transfer and dissemination into other countries will be evaluated and some project documentation will be established. The project aims at the promotion of project’s results in our communities in all partner countries, the structural improvement on the education availability of low educated people traditionally far away from education, and at the improvement on efficiency of education offered by local co-operation and by networking of protagonists and organisations. The partner organisations plan to exchange good practice and to find out the activities that will work with our target groups. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Löbau-Zittau Name of the contact person: Matthias Weber Address: Theaterring 1, D - 02763 Zittau E-mail: m.Weber@vhs-loebau-zittau.de Tel: +49 (0) 3583 512205 Fax: +49 (0) 3583 512206 Website: www.vhs-loebau-zittau.de Partners Crosscare, IE Läcentrum Östersunds kommun, SE Universitatea Tehnica Gheorghe Asachi Iasi, RO Stowarzyszenie liderów lokalnych grup, PL 41 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00021-1 ELV - Europaïsche Lebenswerte Vermitteln - Die Regel Benedikt von Nursias (6. Jahrhundert) und die gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen der Gegenwart Das Ziel der Lernpartnerschaft ist es, europäische Grundwerte zu definieren und zu vermitTeln. Im Projekt werden diese Grundwerte auch Lebenswerte genannt. Die Regel des Benedikt von Nursia (Benediktinerregel) enthält alle wesentlichen Grundwerte, die gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen der Gegenwart in Europa zu analysieren und dadurch Antworten zu finden, wie die Achtung vor der Würde des Menschen und seinen sozialen Beziehungen die Freiheit der Person die Förderung des Einzelnen und der Gemeinschaft die Achtung und Toleranz gegenüber den unterschiedlichen Religionen und Kulturen. Die Benediktinerregel gibt Anweisungen für das optimale Zusammenleben der Menschen, Konfliktlösungsmodelle und eine praktische Gestaltung des Alltags. In der Gegenwart wird sie als Impulsgeber für die Wirtschaft wieder entdeckt und in Ausbildungskursen und für Betriebsführung mit Erfolg angewendet. Sie hat sich seit 1500 Jahren nicht nur für das Leben in Klostergemeinschaften bewährt, sondern war Motor für die wirtschaftliche, soziale und kulturelle Entwicklung Europas. Das Projekt will die europäischen Grundwerte und deren Bedeutung für ein friedliches Zusammenleben in der europäischen Gemeinschaft auf Grundlage der Benediktinerregel in geeigneten und zeitgemäßen Formen vermitTeln und ins Bewusstsein der Menschen bringen. Die gegenwärtigen Konflikte in Europa, die Diskussion um die Verfassung und die Suche nach gemeinsamen Grundlagen machen dieses Projekt notwendig Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Sustainable development Other: Ethics and regional development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Local community groups Other: Multipliers in the social area COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kloster Seeon Name of the contact person: Wolfgang Stamm Address: Klosterweg 1; D – 83370 Seeon E-mail: wstamm@kloster-seeon.de Tel: +49 (0)8624 / 897400 Fax: +49 (0)8624 / 897420 Website: www.e-l-v.eu / www.kloster-seeon.de Partners Villa Palagione, IT Europakloster Gut Aich, AT Ljudska Univerza AZM, SI 42 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00024-1 NEFOMA - Network with Focus on Marketing Purpose of the learning-partnership is the development of a network consisting of educational institutions. Marketing is a relatively new area for (new instrument used by) educational institutions, working with adult learners. In order to reach potential learners various strategies have been implemented. These are embedded by factors that characterise a nation and by the values of the educational institution itself. By comparing strategies applied, it is our intention to find a common and fitting approach for reaching new potential learners. The motivation of people to further their education, the heightening of their general awareness of the necessity, value, the importance and of the advantages of life long learning - particularly for people who experience difficulties accessing such services and for the hard to reach, these learning outcomes will be achieved and enhanced by modern educational marketing. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Intercultural issues Other: company, philosophy, marketing Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kolping-Bildungswerk Baden-Württemberg e. V. Name of the contact person: Karin Beckham Address: Herrenkellergasse 8; D – 89073 Ulm E-mail: karin.beckham@kolping-bildungswerk.de Tel: +49 (0)731 / 14 02 893 Fax:+49 (0)731 / 14 02 895 Website: www.kolping.de Partners Volkshochschule Hietzing AT Witchford Village College UK 43 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00026-1 Fortbildung ehrenamtlicher Mitarbeiter/innen in Europa This training partnership aims to allow partner organisations to exchange information about training courses and methods for volunteers working in the social field in Europe. The emphasis is on learning about training already available in the partner countries and discussions about possible future developments. A central topic here is improving the participation of volunteers in society. The public administrations’ declining social budgets mean that volunteers are making an increasingly important contribution to social work in the Member States and are thus supporting the work of professional organisations. It is therefore becoming more and more important that social service organisations develop and provide attractive training offers for their voluntary staff. These must take account of the target group’s educational and professional backgrounds, their time allocation as well as their personal motivation. Training for volunteers should also provide them with more confidence both in the work they are doing and society generally. Both teachers/trainers and volunteers from the partner organisations will take part in the exchange programme ensuring that their views, as those directly affected, are included in the project work. The partners will share information about the type and design of training courses for volunteers in their areas of work and compare their similarities and differences. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues Other: Ehrenamt Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Diözesan-Caritasverband für das Erzbistum Köln e.V. Name of the contact person: Dr. Thomas Möltgen Address: Georgstr. 7; D – 50676 Köln E-mail: thomas.moeltgen@caritasnet.de Tel: +49 (0)221 / 20 10 247 Fax: +49 (0)221 / 20 10 389 Website: www.caritasnet.de Partners Stichting Steunpunt Minderheden Overijssel, NL Caritas der Diözese Linz, AT Federation Nationale des Equipes Saint Vincent, FR 44 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00027-1 Tierhaltung im Blickpunkt des öffentlichen Interesses der EU Unsere Grundidee ist, Zoos und Wildtierhaltungen als Lernort für interessierte Erwachsene außerhalb des Zooschulbereichs, der für Kinder und Jugendliche vorhanden ist, zu nutzen. Es soll den interessierten Erwachsenen die Möglichkeit gegeben werden, ihr Wissen und ihre Kompetenzen über Tiere mit fachgerechter Unterstützung zu erweitern und auszubauen. Dazu sind Informationswege und -methoden zu entwickeln, die den Lehr- und Lernbedürfnissen Erwachsener entsprechen. Die private Haltung von Tieren verlangt Sachkenntnis. Das sind zum Beispiel Kenntnisse über den Umgang mit Tieren, über Krankheiten von Tieren, über den Transport von Tieren, über biologische Hintergründe und Bedrohungen und über den Tierschutz. In Fachgremien und bei zuständigen Behörden ist bekannt, dass die Sach- und Fachkenntnis für den artgerechten Umgang mit Tieren/ Wildtieren leider nur unzureichend vorhanden ist. In Europa gilt seit 1999 die „Richtlinie 1999/22/EG vom 20.03.1999 – Über die Haltung von Wildtieren in Zoos (EU-Zoorichtlinie). Zoos sind definiert als Orte der Erholung, der Bildung, des Artenschutzes und der Forschung. Die Anforderungen an einen Zoo ist im Artikel 3 wie folgt festgelegt: „Zoos fördern die Aufklärung und das Bewusstsein der Öffentlichkeit, in bezug auf die Erhaltung der biologischen Vielfalt, insbesondere durch Informationen über die zur Schau gesTellten Arten und ihrer natürlichen Lebensräume“ Damit kommt den Zoos und Wildtierhaltungen eine eindeutige Bildungsaufgabe. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Health Other: artgerechte Tierhaltung Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Local community groups Senior citizens Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Sächsische Bildungsges. für Umweltschutz und Chemieberufe Dresden mbH Name of the contact person: Ingrid Weißwange Address: Gutenbergstr. 6; D – 01307 Dresden E-mail: i.weisswange@sbgdd.de Tel: +49 (0)351 / 4445751 Fax: +49 (0)351 / 4445754 Website: Partners Univerzita veterinarskeho lekarstva, SK Fövarosi A'llat is Növekykert, HU Zoo garden Kosice, SK ALF, AT SVOPAP - vzdelavace centrum s.r.o, CZ 45 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00030-1 The development of storyTelling skills of adults - a European approach The project has three main objectifs: 1) All three participating learning partners join forces to train adults to develop their story Telling skills. The primary target group for the training are so called "young seniors", people who are looking for new areas of interest after retirement. They should be trained to become storyTellers and prepared to work within social environments (kindergardens, primary schools etc.) 2) There should be a regular exchange of storyTelling trainers and learners established between the participating learning partners in order to benefit from best practice exchange and to develop and refine new methodology for the "development of storyTelling competence in adults" should illustrate the results of these joint efforts. 3) A further goal is the exchange of local narrative patterns and stories between the participating member-countries in order to enhhance mutual cultural understanding and friendship. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Local community groups Women Other: newly retired people, so called young seniors who are looking for new tasks after their professional life in order to contribute to the community COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Goldmund, Verein zur Förderung der Erzählkultur und Forschung in Europa, e.V. Name of the contact person: Norbert Kober Address: Breisacher Straße 12, D - 81667 München E-mail: goldmund-verein@Web.de Tel: +49 (0) 89 64260990 Fax: Website: www.goldmund-verein.de Partners Kuldiga: Latvia, Kurzemes kulturas mantojuma, LV The Village StoryTelling Centre, UK 46 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00031-1 E3 - Education for Entrepreneurship in Europe Recently entrepreneurship became one of eight capacities the long life learning activities of the EU will have to focus on. Against this backdrop E³ wants to establish a partnership dealing with experiences in different European countries and different Grundtvig target groups. To determine the European dimensions of entrepreneurship and its teaching, it is necessary to learn about the different concepts, practices and culture-specific valuations of entrepreneurship throughout Europe and about the different didactical methodologies, especially the breakdown of entrepreneurship into a set of competences and the respective learning targets. Thus the partnership wants to develop a repository for each participating country regarding - The definition and image of entrepreneurship - How entrepreneurial education is structured - The attitude towards entrepreneurship, and - How entrepreneurship is stimulated. The repository will also contain general information about European studies and projects concerning entrepreneurship. On this analytical basis the partners want to use the results for the improvement of their own teaching and to disseminate these results on a general level in order to increase awareness of the need for specific training methodologies in spite of the common European aspects of entrepreneurship. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Intercultural issues Other: Entrepreneurship Guidance / counselling or other support services Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: AKAD Wissenschaftliche Hochschule Lahr GmbH Name of the contact person: Bernd Remmele Address: Hohbergweg 15-17; D – 77933 Lahr E-mail: bernd.remmele@whl-lahr.de Tel: +49 (0)7821 / 92 38 46 Fax: +49 (0)7821 / 92 38 63 Website: http://www.whl-lahr.de/whlgb Partners OPUS Gjovik/Toten, NO Centrum voor Volwasseneenonderwijs, BE 47 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00032-1 Literacy and life skills in prison The project “Literacy and Life Skills in Prison” aims at analyzing and improving the curriculum and literacy material for literacy and life skills training in prisons in different European countries. The prison population is disadvantaged group that generally has a background of poverty and a lower level of education than the average of the national population. In some countries an important percentage of inmates are migrants who cannot read and write in the national language. Existing literacy training often fails to address the specific context that inmates have to cope with while being in prison. The lack of relevance of the curriculum and literacy material is having a negative impact on the motivation of potential learners to join literacy courses or to finalize them successfully. Literacy is an important tool for the social integration of each person. In the case of prisoners, the lack of literacy and other life skills will make their reintegration more difficult. The project partners will use a Website to exchange their experiences on curricula and learning material in the field of literacy and life skills. They will try to identify good practice examples in different countries and jointly develop criteria for improved curricula and material for literacy and life skills training with a lifelong learning perspective. Further, the project partners want to promote exchange and cooperation among trainers, - professional or volunteers, - working in the field of literacy in prisons. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning Name of the contact person: Dr. Ulrike Hanemann Address: Feldbrunnenstr. 58; D – 20148 Hamburg E-mail: u.hanemann@unesco.org Tel: +49 (0)40 / 44 80 41-40 Fax: +49 (0)40 / 410 77 23 Website:Partners ARSIS, GR ANGEL, RO Justizvollzugsanstalt Billwerder, DE 48 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00034-1 ESCAPE into life - European Social Concept and Professional Employment Der unmitTelbare Zusammenhang von Erwerbslosigkeit bei Frauen und sozialen Notlagen ist mittlerweile unbestritten. Dieser Trend wird sich zukünftig europaweit noch verstärken und vor Ländergrenzen nicht Halt machen. Das Projekt ESCAPE hat zum Ziel, benachteiligten Frauen durch die Entwicklung von Qualifizierungsangeboten für einen späteren Einsatz im Verwaltungsbereich sozialer Dienste und Einrichtungen den Zugang zu Lebenslangem Lernen und Beschäftigung mitTelfristig zu erleichtern. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Lernpartnerschaft haben sich Partner aus DE, LT und LUX zusammengeschlossen, um die Grundlagen für eine institutionelle Kooperation auf europäischer Partner-Ebene sowie die spätere Entwicklung und Erprobung eines modularen Bildungsganges zu schaffen. Dabei soll jedes Land gleichberechtigt seine Erfahrungen einbringen können. Das Projekt umfasst eine Analyse des Qualifikationsstandes der Zielgruppe, die systematische Erfassung bestehender Bildungsangebote und die Definition von Bereichen für eine gemeinsame Curriculumentwicklung auf europäischer Ebene. MitTelfristig sollen die beteiligten Partner und deren Organisationen auf der Grundlage eines länderübergreifenden Bildungsganges in die Lage versetzt werden, für die Zielgruppe ein echtes, auf die länderspezifischen Bedürfnisse abgestimmtes Hilfeangebot anbieten zu können und somit benachteiligten Frauen die Möglichkeiten zu eröffnen, durch verbesserte Beschäftigungsfähigkeit dauerhaft der sozialen Ausgrenzung entfliehen zu können. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Basic skills Environment Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen - Zentrale e.V. Name of the contact person: Michael Bender Address: Agnes-Neuhaus-Str. 5; D – 44135 Dortmund E-mail: bender@skf-zentrale.de Tel: +49 (0)231 / 55 70 26 32 Fax:+49 (0)231 / 55 70 26 45 Website: -www.skf-zentrale.de Partners VSI Socialis, LT Caritas Luxembourg, LU 49 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00036-1 Intercultural Gardens: New Ways of Learning Objective of the learning partnership is to initiate and generate new learning processes resuming the results of competence balance, to test new ways of education, furthermore to exchange information and experiences among the participant organisations, to evaluate and to spread the results.The learning partnership will be the first step to further cooperation and networking in this area on a European level - not only among the project managers, but also among the gardeners. In 2008, two new partner organisations will join the project, in 2009 two further organisations. In the end, the gardeners will be able to manage autonomously their project and also the European network. Lingual diversity is one of the most important ressources of the gardens. Intercultural gardens are locations where immigrants make use of knowledge they bring along and generate new ideas and capacities to develop and accomplish their own life perspectives. They are locations in which distinctive learning processes will be initiated and transcultural knowledge will be produced. Learning processes in the gardens depend on the participants, the potentials and resources of the gardeners, local/regional circumstances, political conditions etc. In every case, intercultural gardens as learning locations promote knowledge and competences in the following areas: biological gardening, intercultural communication, social competences, language competence, education of democracy and tolerance and especially civic engagement, fundraising, self organisation etc. Target group of the garden projects are immigrants of different national/ethnic background and native citizens. Step by step, the garden projects and the European network shall be autonomously organized by the gardeners. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture, Environment, Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Sustainable development Other: civic engagement (project management, fundraising, lobbying, networking), human rights education/education of tolerance and democracy Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Anstiftung, gemeinützige Forschungsgesellschaft mbH/ Stiftung Interkultur Name of the contact person: Gudrun Walesch Address: Daiserstraße 15/Rgb., D - 81371 München E-mail: g.walesch@stiftung-interkultur.de Tel: +49(0)89-74746012 Fax: +49(0)89-74746030 Website: www.anstiftung.de; www.stiftung-interkultur.de Partners Black Environment Network, UK Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Müllvermeidung, AT Stichting Nest!, NL 50 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00038-1 MOMO - Mobilitätsmotivation als Ergebnis von veränderten arbeitstherapeutischen Behandlungskonzepten in Drogen- und Suchtbehandlungszentren Das Projekt soll die Arbeitstherapie in Drogen- und Suchtbehandlungszentren auf der motivationalen Ebene verändern, um bei Arbeitstherapeuten („leadlearners“) und behandelten Patienten Lernprozesse in Gang zu setzen, die auf den Aspekt der beruflichen Mobilität focussieren. Bei der Zielgruppe der Patienten handelt es sich um Menschen mit Abhängigkeitserkrankungen, die sich in Behandlung begeben haben und damit eine Grundmotivation für ein drogenfreies Leben beweisen. Diese Menschen haben durch die schnellen Veränderungen der Arbeitswirklichkeit der letzten Jahre ein großes Problem mit der Anpassung an die veränderten Bedingungen. Der Prozess des lebenslangen Lernens (im Sinne eines positiven Entwicklungsprozesses) ist bei ihnen durch den SuchtmitTelkonsum während der Persönlichkeitsreifung kaum in Gang gesetzt, der häufig mangelhafte Ausbildungsstand bedingt zudem eine deutlich unzureichende berufliche Mobiliät. Trotz absolvierter Therapie findet sich bei dieser Zielgruppe eine beängstigend hohe Arbeitslosenquote. Somit manifestiert sie sich erneut als sozial benachteiligte Randgruppe. Wir wollen im Austausch mit anderen europäischen Partnern eine Sachstandserhebung durchführen, die Klarheit über die Anforderungen an „mobilitätsorientierte“ Arbeitstherapie verschafft. Die Erkenntnisse sollen neue Konzepte zur Motivationsförderung von Arbeitstherapeuten und „lernenden“ Patienten ermöglichen. Die Ziele sollen u.a. auch durch Erfahrungsaustausch mitTels gegenseitiger Hospitation von Arbeitstherapeuten als Multiplikatoren für Lernende erreicht werden. Die Partnerschaft soll in einem Symposium zur Weiterentwicklung der Diskussion gipfeln. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other Drogen- und SuchtmitTelabhängige COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Arbeiterwohlfahrt, Unterbezirk Hagen-Märkischer Kreis Name of the contact person: Marion Wassermann Address: Im Deerth 6, D - 58135 Hagen E-mail: wassermann@deerth.de Tel: +49 (0) 2331 / 908418 Fax: +49 (0) 2331 / 908490 Website: www.deerth.de Partners Tannenhof Berlin-Brandenburg e. V., DE Volba pro Slavonicko (VPS), CZ Kur- und Gesundheitszentrum Knappenhof, AT Regionalny Osrodek Metodycno.Edukacyjny, PL 51 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00042-1 Chance-Kenntnis-Verantwortlichkeit Es ist uns ein Anliegen als kooperierender Partner unsere Einrichtung“ Kulturfabrik Neukirchen“ mit diesem Projekt der internationalen Lernpartnerschaftsarbeit weiter zu entwickeln und unter Einbeziehung unserer lokalen Netzwerke ein neues Aufgabengebiet zu erschließen. Wir möchten die Gestaltungsprozesse der Europäischen Union dahingehend unterstützen, dass wir mit unserer Lernpartnerschaft Zusammenhänge der Europäischen Politik, besonders der Kunst- und Kulturpolitik aufnehmen und erörtern und öffentliche Diskussionsforen organisieren. Durch gemeinsames Lernen in Workshops, Seminaren, Gestalten von AussTellungen, wird gegenseitiges Verständnis und Toleranz zur kulturellen Identität der Beteiligten gefördert. Über Kreativität, Kunst und Kultur, erlangen so alle Beteiligten, neue Kenntnisse und entwickeln gleichzeitig einen gemeinschaftlichen Lernprozess. Weiterhin wollen wir durch gegenseitigen Austausch von persönlichen Erlebnissen und Kenntnissen wertvolles Wissen älterer BürgerInnen zu traditionellen Gestaltungstechniken, SpitzenhersTellung, Kunsthandwerktechniken wie Bauernmalerei, Firnistechniken, Intarsien-Holz-Steintechniken wiederauffrischen und in geeigneter Form jüngeren Erwachsenen (Generationsübergreifend) vermitTeln. Zielgruppe für in diesem Projekt geplante Lernpartnerschaften sind KünstlerInnen, StudentenInnen, PädagogInnen sowie an Kunst und Kultur interessierte BürgerInnen. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Media Sustainable development Other Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kulturkreis Neukirchen e.V. Name of the contact person: Marie-Luise AposTel Address: August-Bebel-Str. 2, D - 09221 Neukirchen/Erzgebirge E-mail: nfo@kulturfabrik-neukirchen.de Tel: +49 (0) 371 / 2824076 Fax: +49 (0) 371 / 2824070 Website: www.kulturfabrik-neukirchen.de Partners Partnersky Spolek Litvinov o.p.s., CZ Centrum Kultury Bobowa, PL Erzgebirgischer Verein für Arbeitsförderung, DE 52 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00043-1 PULSE - Perceptions and Understandings through Life Stories in Europe Europe is a colourful and interesting mixture of different countries and nationalities. The attitudes of individuals towards Europe and towards its inhabitants also vary. What causes people to be fearful, sceptical, open or hopeful in this connection? Our project PULSE originates at Europe´s pulse, that is, at its people. The project partners agree that perceptions about the formative attitudes towards people from different countries represent an essential enrichment of further education work. The personal histories of Europeans from the participating countries are captured with the help of extensive, biographically oriented interviews, done by the Oral History Method (a scientific method in the form of half-open interviews) as a means of learning more about the interviewees than through the standard surveys predominantly carried out to date. During the joint preparation phase the project partners already initiate a discussion about Europe´s diversity, its differences and common grounds. In the course of the project this discussion is intensified by means of a regular exchange within the learning partnership and extended to the actively participating learners. With our project we are making a novel, up-to-date contribution to cultural and political education by applying the Oral History Method. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) (oral history method) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: young adults COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Stadt Norderstedt, FORUM Name of the contact person: Claudia Meyer Address: Rathausallee 50, D – 22846 Norderstedt E-mail: Claudia.meyer@norderstedt.de Tel: +49 (0) 40 535 95 367 Fax:+ 49 (0) 40 535 91 383 Website: Partners Bassingbourn Village College, UK Odensetekniske skole, DK Viljandi Linnaraamatukogu, EE Työväen Akatemia, FI 53 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00044-1 RECOORD - Regional Cross-border Development and Coordination of Education an Training in Rural Areas Zur SichersTellung des Strukturwandels in ländlichen Regionen sollen die Lebens- und Beschäftigungsfähigkeit der Menschen vor Ort nachhaltig angehoben werden. Das Projekt soll insbesondere bildungsfernen Frauen in ländlichen Regionen neue Bewältigungskompetenzen vermitTeln, zum Erlernen neuer Fertigkeiten ermuntern, die Notwendigkeit Lebenslangen Lernens verdeutlichen und langfristig die notwendige Bildungsbasis für Strukturwandel, Beschäftigung und regionale Entwicklung erhöhen. Ein zukunftsweisendes Feld ist der ländliche Kulturtourismus. Hier lassen sich allgemeine und berufliche Weiterbildung ohne Brüche miteinander verbinden (Funktionsintegration); es kann ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Verbesserung der interkulturellen Kompetenz und Europäisierung geleistet werden. Das Projekt analysiert, wie Angebote im ländlichen Raum gestaltet sein müssen, damit bildungsferne Frauen bereit sind, diese zu nutzen und effektiv anzuwenden. Durch den Einbezug der Zielgruppe sollen ihre Bedürfnisse bei der Gestaltung berücksichtigt werden. Dies bezieht neben inhaltlichen Wünschen auch logistische Aspekte ein (z.B. Lernort, Lernzeit). Lernmöglichkeiten mit und über Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien sollen erschlossen werden. Weiterbildungskonzepte sollen auf der Grundlage von Blended-Lerning erfolgen (Kurseinheiten über Internet und in der Lerngruppe). Inhalte der Weiterbildungen: Selbstmanagementkompetenzen, interkulturelle Kompetenzen, wirtschaftliches Handeln, Sprachkompetenzen. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Environment Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Frauen helfen Frauen e. V. Name of the contact person: Ursula Feldmann Address: Moorlage 8; D – 48448 Emsbüren E-mail: feldmannmoorlage@t-online.de Tel: +49 (0)5906 / 813 Fax: +49 (0)5906 / 814 Website: Partners Vilties Tiltas, LT VFA-Valter Fissamber & Associates Ltd., GR Stowarzyszenie Wspierajace Rozwoj Wsi, PL Katholische Erwachsenenbildung e.V., DE 54 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00046-1 Aller Anfang ist leicht Anbieter im Bereich Lebenslanges Lernen – abschlussbezogene Angebote / nicht-abschlussbezogene Angebote – sTellen zunehmend fest, dass sich Interessenten melden und einen Kurs beginnen, die ihre Voraussetzungen schwer bis gar nicht einschätzen können, d.h. sie über- bzw. unterschätzen ihre Leistungsfähigkeit und ihre Voraussetzungen deutlich. Deshalb sollen in dieser Lernpartnerschaft Diagnoseinstrumentarien entwickelt werden, die den Bewerbern einen besseren Abgleich mit ihren Lerninteressen, ihrer Lernmotivation und ihren biographischen Lernerfahrungen ermöglicht. Dazu zählen: • Differenzierte DarsTellung der Angebote einer Einrichtung • Verbesserung der Beratungsstrukturen Viele erwachsene Lerner haben immer noch diverse Zugangsschwierigkeiten: • Schlechte Vorerfahrungen mit früheren Lernprozessen • Sprachliche Zugangsprobleme in einer multikulturellen Geselschaft / Lernergruppe • Heterogene Teilnehmergruppen • Unspezifische Informationen über aktuelle Angebote • Überschätzung oder Unterschätzung der eigenen Möglichkeiten • Geschlechtsspezifische / sozialspezifische Vorbehalte • Migrationshintergrund • Hedonistische Lebensauffassung Um bereits im Vorfeld "Selbsttests“ zu ermöglichen oder standadisierte Testverfahren anbieten zu können, das dem Bewerber die Annonymität sichert, die gerade zur Überwindung der Schwellenängste sehr wichtig ist, sollen Module entwicklet werden, die für potentielle Bewerber in einem Assessment-Training verwendet werden können. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Basic skills Environment Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Pellionis-Verein e.V. Name of the contact person: Dr. Michaell Lönz Address: Oberntorwall 25; D – 33602 Bielefeld E-mail: pellionis@aol.com Tel: +49 (0)251/6 98 93 Fax: +49 (0)5425/ 95 42 Website: Partners ROC van Amsterdam, NL Zdruzenie na podporu celozivotneho, SK 55 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00047-1 Building Bridges - Exploring ICT based collaborative learning networks in local adult education projects and European contact of learners The Partnership will explore the approach of 'ICT based cooperative learning networks' It wants to find ways to involve learners into longer term engagement of the use of computers in everyday life, progressing beyond their formal learning. Starting learning-network projects on a local level, the participants in the learning-partnership want to share experiences, good practice and problems encountered when implementing and using such an approach in different settings. In the second phase of the project the participants want to build bridges between the local learning-networks, encouraging the learners to participate in a common learning-network exchanging views and knowledge on a European level. Using ICT as a tool in this collaborative approach of learning the participants want to build bridges for the use of computers in adult education with people that, very often, didn't use ITC at all in the past. Using an internet-based platform themselves while working together and evaluating the experiences, chances and difficulties when using such a tool, the participants expect to gain a better understanding of collaborative networks for their future practice. Furthermore they hope to raise the awareness of potential benefits to learners, staff, institutions (and maybe to communities?) when collaboration is encouraged in learning-processes. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Basic skills Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Other COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Stadt Esslingen am Neckar, Dez. IV, Projekt buerger-gehen-online Name of the contact person: Wolfgang Kirst Address: Ritterstr. 16; D – 73728 Esslingen E-mail: wolfgang.kirst@esslingen.de Tel: +49 (0)711/ 35 12 34 06 Fax: +49 (0)711/ 35 12 55 34 06 Website: www.esslingen.de Partners Instituto de Education Secundaria Campo de , ES EKONOMA- soukroma obchodni akademie, CZ Instituto de Education Secundaria Laxeiro, ES Centrum enviromentalnych aktivit, SK Fjell Vaksenopplearing, NO Türkiye Omurilik Felcliler Demegi Nigde Subesi, TR 56 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00049-1 E.L.I.S.E. - Europäisch leben in sozialem Engagment - Bilgungsstrategien Im Jahr 2007 wird in vielen europäischen Regionen an die Heilige Elisabeth von Thüringen erinnert. Als ungarische Königstochter, 1207 auf dem Gebiet der heutigen Slovakei geboren, wurde sie auf die Wartburg bei Eisenach gebracht und mit dem Thüringischen Landgrafen vermählt. Durch die Begegnung mit Franziskanern übernahm sie die Frömmigkeits- und Lebensideale des Franz von Assisi. Sie widmet ihr Leben und ihr Vermögen den Benachteiligten ihrer Zeit. Nach dem Tod muss sie Thüringen verlassen und verbringt den Rest ihres kurzen Lebens in Marburg, wo sie ein Krankenhaus für Arme einrichtet. Die heilige Elisabeth von Thüringen steht als eine europäische Integrationsfigur bis heute auch für die soziale Seite des europäischen Gedankens. Das Projekt E.L.I.S.E. verbidnet Bildungseinrichutngen aus der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, der Slovakei und aus Ungarn. Ausgehend von verschiedenen europäischen Traditionen sozialen Engagements wollen wir im Elisabethjahr nach gemeinsamen Strategien bei der Entwicklung von Fortbildungsangeboten für sozial engagierte MultiplikatorInnen suchen. Im MitTelpunkt stehen dabei UnterstützerInnen von Arbeitslosen, insbesondere von besonders benachteiligten Langzeitarbbeitslosen, wie z.B. Behinderten. Im Rahmen des Projektes sollen Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen von Mitarbeitenden der beteiligten Einrichtungen und von Teilnehmenden aus den drei Ländern zusammengeführt werden, um ein gemeinansames Rahmenmodell für die begleitende Fortbildung von Coatches für besonders benachteiligte Arvbeitslose zu entwicklen. Duration: 1 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Health Sustainable development Other: soziale Strukturen, Arbeits- und Arbeitslosigkeit Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Disabled persons Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Evangelische Erwachsenenbildung Thüringen Name of the contact person: Thomas Ritschel Address: Lutherstraße 3, D – 07743 Jena E-mail: info@eebt.de Tel: + 49 (0) 3641 / 573837 Fax: + 49 (0) 3641 / 573832 Website: www.eebt.de Partners Bibelschule Martin, SK Katolikus Karitàsz, HU 57 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00079-1 MIR - Motivation, Involvement and Resources of local development actors The project has by main objectif to integrate the main functions of education in regional development, by motivating people to become local actors, get them involved and integrated in the process of local development and provide resources of knowledge and experience, in order to promote social and economic development, for better social inclusion and equal opportunities. To achive this goal, the project partnership will exchange information and experiences, in order to import, export or adopt the practices used by the transnational partnes at local in their own territory. The exchange of information and practices will be related to activities developed at local level by the project partners, namely: - Recruiting, supporting and maintaining motivation of people in disadvantage areas - Networks of motivation (changes as chances) - Facilitating personal choices on background of local development plans - Linking actors and regional decision makers - Regional education institution in the future. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Other: local development initiatives Guidance / counselling or other support services Local community groups Other: local development agents COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Kreis Kronach Name of the contact person: Heinz Tischler Address: Kulmbacher Straße 1, D – 96317 Kronach E-mail: heinz.tischler@vhs-kronach.de Tel: + 49 (0) 9261 / 60600 Fax: + 49 (0) 9261 / 606060 Website: www.vhs-kronach.de Partners Municipality of Episkopi, CY GIVE_ Forschungsgesellschaft - Labor für Globale Dörfer, AT An Cosan, The Shanty Educational Project Ltd.; IE 58 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00091-1 Qualimedia- Die Qualität von Multimediaprodukten für eurokulturelle Bildung und BlendedLearning in Europa verbessern Das Projekt verfolgt das Ziel, die Qualität von Multimediaentwicklungen und Multimediaproduktionen für die eurokulturelle Bildung und Blended-Learning in Europa in allen jenen Organisationen und Unternehmungen zu fördern und zu verbessern, in denen Personen in der Entwicklung, HersTellung, Verbreitung und Nutzung von Multimediaprodukten bzw. Multimediaprogrammen tätig sind. Dazu wird ein Erfahrungsaustausch in Europa organisiert, an dem alle an Multimediaentwicklung und Multimedianutzung beteiligten Personen aus relevanten Bereichen (Produktion, Design, Didaktisierung, Verbreitung und pädagogische Nutzung) einbezogen werden sollen. Die Anforderungen an Qualitätsstandards sollen auf folgende vier Qualitätsfelder konzentriert werden. 1. im Hinblick auf pädagogische Inhalte 2. im Hinblick auf didaktische und methodische Möglichkeiten 3. im Hinblick auf Design und Gestaltung 4. im Hinblick auf Bedienungsqualität Die Partnerschaft wird sich auf folgende Aufgaben und Aktivitäten konzentrieren: Durchführung von europäischen Multimedia-Workshops als Erfahrungsaustausch; Durchführung von europäischen Projekttagungen als Qualitäts- und Weiterbildungsforen; Erarbeitung und Verbreitung von Qualitätsvorschlägen und Qualitätskriterien; Dokumentation von qualitätsgerechten Multimediaprodukten (Datenbank); Verbreitung von beispielhaften Multimediaprodukten (Internet, Newsletter, Multimedia-Messe); Errichtung eines transnationalen Internetforums für Lehrende Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Media Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Other: COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Institut für Bildung u. Medien (IB&M) Name of the contact person: Dr. Bernd Mikuszeit Address: Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60, Haus 14; D – 10315 Berlin E-mail: gpi-ev@t-online.de Tel: +49 (0)30 / 51069333 Fax:+49 (0)30 / 51069333 Website: Partners univerza v Mariboru, SI Media & Communicatie Instituut der Universiteit, NL Universität Athen, GR Infinity GmbH, HU Universität Wien, Institut für Publizistik und, AT 59 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00093-1 PLESES - Parental leave Experiences & Skills for Enterprises and Society PLESES deals with an important societal problem which needs more attention, action and research. It is necessary to develop a more intensive awareness and appreciation for skills gained in parental leave. Target groups of educational work of the project are participating partner organisations, fathers/men and enterprises. Skills and experiences acquire in parental leave shall be identified. Their value and importance for the individual, the economy and the society are to be spelled out. The public shall be more sensitised for these skills useful for the job. Enterprises shall learn about the special skills fathers gain in paternity leave and how these skills can be integrated and used for entrepreneurial purposes. On ideal level, the partners will learn about the situation by common and mutual learning via gender mainstreaming approach in the participating European countries. On concrete level, educational modules dealing with the subject of paternity skills are going to be developed in common work processes of the partners. Gender equality in enterprises and society shall be supported. A European exchange about this strategic subject shall be initiated; European and local co-operation shall be promoted. The results of this learning partnership will be put into a process of valorisation and dissemination. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Basic skills Education for parents Other: Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Other: COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: LOSOL- Leaning on the Stage of Life - European Network Name of the contact person: Kathrin Schramm Address: Theatherstr. 76; D- 09111 Chemnitz E-mail: losol@t-online.de Tel: +49 (0)371/ 33 46 014 Fax: +49 (0)371/ 33 46 016 Website: Partners MTÜ Naikoolituse Keskus, EE The World of NGO's Informationsplattform, AT University of Trento, IT 60 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00096-1 ILSE - Intergenerational Learning in Schools in Europe ILSE (Intergenerational Learning in Schools in Europe) will promote life long learning for older citizens. It will do this by sharing knowledge about opportunities to learn new skills and knowledge through intergenerational learning projects which are located in schools. It will also extend learners knowledge of European languages, volunteering and the educational system of the participating countries. Together the organisations involved will identify good practices which make such learning opportunities sustainable and possibly transferable to different countries. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Other: intergenerational learning Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Senior citizens Other: schools (head teachers, teachers, pupils) COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Pfefferwerk Stadtkultur gGmbH, Projektebüro "Dialog der Generationen" Name of the contact person: Iris Marreel Address: Fehrbelliner Str. 92, D – 10119 Berlin E-mail: dialog-der-generationen@pfefferwerk.de Tel: + 49 (0) 30 / 44 383 475 Fax: + 49 (0) 30 / 44 383 452 Website: www.generationendialog.de Partners Asociación Oferta Cultural de Universitarios, ES Mátyásfa Környezetvédö Egyesület, HU Seniorpartner in School e. V. – SiS, DE Intergen, UK 61 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00097-1 Empowerment and Learning through the Arts In europäischen Städten stehen zu viele Menschen im sozialen Abseits, manche von klein auf. Wie können sie den Weg in ein aktives, gemeinschaftliches, selbst gestaltetes Leben finden? Was motiviert Menschen, die das Lernen nie gelernt haben zu einer aktiven Lebenshaltung und zu neuen Erfahrungen? In dieser Lernpartnerschaft tauschen Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen Methoden aus, mit denen ihre Teilnehmenden diese Barriere überwinden, indem sie die natürliche Kreativität mobilisieren. Es geht um informelles Lernen mit künstlerischen Methoden wie Musik, Tanz, Malerei, Fotografie und Computerdesign. Die Methoden werden von Lehrenden und Lernenden vorgesTellt und anschließend verglichen und diskutiert. Die Relevanz einer Methode wird dabei daraufhin geprüft, wieweit sie zur Persönlichkeitsbildung und zur Ausbildung sozialer Kernkompetenzen der Lernenden beiträgt und ob oder unter welchen Prämissen sie europaweit einsetzbar ist. Ziel ist es, vielfältige kreative Methoden für das informelle Lernen transnational bereit zu sTellen, zu vergleichen und die Bedingungen dafür aufzuzeigen. Dieses Ziel dokumentiert ein Katalog, in dem die Methoden unter verschiedene Kriterien und Kategorien dargesTellt werden. In einem "Creativ Camp" zur Mitte der zweijährigen Lernpartnerschaft arbeitet eine transnationale Gruppe von Lernenden gemeinsam zu einem Thema, Vorschlag "Where I Feel Home". Der Prozess der Lernpartnerschaft und die Ergebnisse werden in einer WanderaustsTellung veröffentlicht. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Marginalised groups Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: Obdachlose COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Melanchthon-Akademie Name of the contact person: Leonore Kampe Address: Im MediaPark 7, D – 50670 Köln E-mail: kampe@komed.de Tel: + 49 (0) 221 / 5743346 Fax: + 49 (0) 221 / 5743349 Website: www.melanchthon-akademie.de Partners Federazione Italiana per l'Educazione continua, IT Universita Europea del Tempo libero, IT Federation des Centres Sociaux de Vaucluse, FR School for education of unemployed women, DK 62 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00099-1 SONART SONART will start an exchange as well as common and mutual learning process in the field of non-formal learning between the partners regarding their experiences in doing writing projects (literature work / creative writing / poems / short stories / story Telling / fragments of the verbal communications, letters) transformed into literature in different areas of culture / also taking into account the cultural differences between prisoners § biographical work as a basis for later performances in theatre work for performances inside of prisons and outside the prison § mask work, costume designing, requisite designing as a part of a comprehensive performing art work § theatre work as such (including rehearsal and open performances) § Sensitising the public for re-integration of prisoners by public performances, workshops, events. SONART will look for good models in motivating the national and foreign inmates to participate in different collective art activities in order to strengthen the capabilities for self-esteem and re-integration and prepare them for the social life outside the prison. § Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 1st Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Other: promoting self-esteem and skills for re-integration of prisoners as well as sensitise the public for becoming open for re-integration in society after prison. Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups Other: family members of prisoners COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Strategy transnational e.V. Name of the contact person: Heidemarie Wünsche-Piétzka Address: Theaterstraße 76, D - 09111 Chemnitz E-mail: strategy.eu@t-online.de Tel: +49 (0) 371 / 33 460 15 Fax: +49 (0) 371 / 33 460 16 Website: www.strategy-transnational.org Partners Zaklad Karny w Rzeszowie, PL Hustad fengsel (Kriminalomsorgen Region west, NO Juvenile Prison in Volos - Special school with foreign prisoners, GR Prisons Department - Central Prisons, CY Escola Secundária de Pacos de Ferreira, PT Cooperativa ELIOS, IT 63 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00103-1 Experiencing Self-Esteem and Empowerment by Intercultural and Inclusive Workshops The partners of the project are social providers who offer adult education focused on and accessible for people with disabilities. All partners have experience and know-how regarding musical and creative workshops and courses. The target groups of the project are adult learners with learning disabilities and adult education professionals. One aim of the project especially for the disabled learners is getting contact with people from other countries. The common experience in the intercultural workshops is meant to increase the awareness of own competences. The project is meant to lead to a public event such as an exhibition or a performance to focus another aim: bridging to the community. The project will be permanently monitored and evaluated by a project steering group. The results of the project will be disseminated by a Website and a report. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Disabled adult learners Adult education professionals COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Robert-Kümmert-Akademie gGmbH Name of the contact person: Andreas Hermann Address: Sedanstr. 25; D – 97082 Würzburg E-mail: ahermann@heilerziehungspflege-wuerzburg.de Tel: +49 (0)931/61 58 340 Fax:+49 (0)931/61 58 347 Website: www.josefs-stift.de/bildung.htm Partners PROSVASI, CY FENACERCI, PT Asturian Foundation of Care for people with disabilities, ES Latvian Association of Disabled Women, LV Svefi Academy, SE 64 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00104-1 AWARECOMP - Awareness raising on the linguistic and cultural competences acquired informally and non-formally by adults (women and men) in the building sector and its neighbouring fields Given the increasing competition between employees, the documentation of competencies, including those acquired informally and non-formally is growing in importance. Most of the adults having linguistic and cultural skills acquired outside the classical learning system, are not aware of the possibilty of documenting these skills. Thus, the main objective of the project is to make the direct target group represented by adults, e.g. in the building sector and its neighbour field, in the participating countries: Germany, Romania, Portugal, Hungary, TÜRKIYE (women and men), who have lived and worked abroad, aware of the possibility of documenting - e.g. through The Europass Language Passport - their linguistic and cultural competences acquired "by chance", informally, respectively non-formally. Other potential users e.g. the companies where these adults work, teachers, instructors of the target group at further and advanced training courses, other stakeholders (Chambers of Trade, Commerce, Labour Force Offices etc.) will be involved from the beginning in the project. Main activities: roundtable talks, interviews, seminars, conferences, building a multi-lingual project internet site. An added value is that the project idea can be transferred to any other field of activity. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: Adults aged below 50 at the risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Handwerksbildungszentrum Brackwede, Fachbreich Bau e.V. Name of the contact person: Michael Zehner Address: Arnsberger Straße 1-3 E-mail: HBZ-International@hbz.de Tel: + 49 (0) 521 / 94 28 431 Fax: + 49 (0) 521 / 942841-0 Website: www.hbz.de Partners Fundatia Româno Germanâ de Pregatire se Perfectionare Profesinala in Domeiul Constructiilor, RO Heves County Chamber of Commerce and Industry, HU The Turkish Employers Association of of Construction Industries, TR Sociedade Portugesa de Inovacao, PT 65 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00107-1 EWCOL - Europe’s Women – At the Centre of Life The project appeals to women over the age of forty who become aware of their new competencies as mature women. The target of the project is to utilise this potential for personal projects but also in a social, economic and political environment. Middle-aged women in European societies are generally strongly integrated and challenged coping with both family and work. During these years they develop a strong professional and social competence. With the second half of the “forties“, many changes ensue. Individually they may be differing substantially. This is a time of change, of summing up, of the realistic contemplation of what is not possible anymore – and, on the other hand, a time to recognise one’s own potential and re-focus. In Europe, women in the age group of 45 to 65 – the group we would like to address primarily – has a long life perspective and only few “suitable” role models. In the learning partnership we would like to work with the concepts of salutogenesis and empowerment. Together, we want to develop visions, images of the future and perspectives. Meetings with partners, workshops, lectures and a “future workshop” in spring 2007, will enable the exchange of experience, the introduction to cultures and traditions of project partners and joint learning – from one another and with each other - as well as the expansion of the educational offers of all partners. We deem intercultural exchange extremely important and effective – it enables us to compare the different images and requirements of women across Europe and to use these insights for mutual invigoration. We have also scheduled an internal evaluation (by questionnaire) at the “small” meetings as well as with the future workshop in early spring 2007. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Health Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Senior citizens Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Ost-West-Europäisches FrauenNetzwerk e.V. (OWEN) Name of the contact person: Brigitte WörTeler Address: Anklamer Straße 38, D - 10115 Berlin E-mail: mail@owen-berlin.de Tel: + 49 (0) 30 / 283 2251 Fax: + 49 (0) 30 / 283 2252 Website: http://www.owen-frauennetzwerk.de/ Partners NGO Preili Women's Club, LV ImPuls-Forum für Gesundheit und Prävention e.V., DE Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku (UTW), PL 66 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00199-3 New Approaches to Nutritional Education in Museums Nutrition-related disorders are on the increase throughout Europe. The controversial discussion about what constitutes ‘proper’ nutrition underlines the need for up-to-date nutritional education in place of the insufficiently effective classical nutritional education, particularly for adults. What is more, the food sector is also subject to increasing global uniformity, associated with a loss of diversity. Since nutrition is closely related to traditions and lifestyles, museums – as places of historical and social reflection and of aesthetic perception – can combine these two aspects. By offering sense and taste-training sessions and events that emphasise the enjoyment of food and regional specialities, these extra-mural places of learning can play an important role in the development of responsible eating habits. Furthermore activities on local food products can be an important chance to point out scientific topics such as genetically modified food and biodiversity. The project is intended to discuss these challenges by promoting an exchange of experience between museums and scientific institutions, in order to improve the partners’ practice-oriented programmes. The partners will bring in different approaches to the subject and a variety of cultural backgrounds. Discussion of these will provide the museums’ educational staff with new ideas for nutritional education, emphasising regional and cultural peculiarities and facilitating inter-cultural dialogue. The target groups are people with disabilities, senior citizens and other sections of the population who are not usually accessed through mainstream educational institutions and – for various social reasons – can’t receive an adequate nutritional education in their families or peer groups. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Consumer education Learning about European countries/the European Union Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Disabled persons Senior citizens Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Stiftung Deutsches Hygiene-Museum Name of the contact person: Jörg Naumann Address: Lingnerplatz 1, D – 01069 Dresden E-mail: joerg.naumann@dhmd.de Tel: + 49 (0) 0351 / 4846777 Fax: + 49 (0) 0351 / 4846587 Website: www.dhmd.de Partners Fondazione IDIS Città della Scienza, IT Eesti Tervishoiu Muuseum, EE Agropolis-Museum, FR 67 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00201-2 Second language learning through the experience of intercultural activities In most of the European countries many adults learn a second or a third language with different aims. But there exists a lack of possibilities for these persons to exchange their language learning experiences by personal contacts to other second/third language learners. Although many of these language learners like to travel around through many European countries most of these trips are reduced to aspects of tourism and don’t aim at achieving real understanding of another culture. Also many of these adult learners have at their disposal other cultural abilities that would facilitate an active exchange, e.g. abilities in dance, music, painting, craft or others. Our objectives therefore are: To improve verbal interpersonal language communication by a multi-disciplinary approach (visit of local and regional monuments, craft/dance/theatre/music workshops, ethnic cooking, video/photography workshops, interaction with local medias), § To create consciousness of the own cultural identity, § To promote social integration. In case the present project proposal gets a positive approach we are going to follow establishing face-to-face meetings between teachers and students of different European countries. We are going to updating the steady Web-site as a platform for an informal exchange of teachers and students, and implement IT tools (chat, E-mail, online–conferences). We would also like to write some methodological hand-outs for teachers in foreign language teaching situations. § § Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Arts, music, culture Basic skills Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Other: Adults with foreign language skills COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Kleve Name of the contact person: Renate Schmitz Address: Hagsche Poort 22, D – 47533 Kleve E-mail: renate.schmitz@kleve.de Tel: + 49 (0) 2821 / 7231 22 Fax: + 49 (0) 2821 / 7231 11 Website: www.vhs-kleve.de Partners Centro sociale anziani "Villa Gordiani", IT Tech Amergin Community Education Centre, IE Cech kamenarov Slovenska, SK Cornwall College Saltash, UK 68 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00202-2 DLEARNING- Democracy Learning in the process of lifelong learning in Europe This learning partnership project which is designed for three years aims to develop a sustainable European network of organisations and institutions promoting "democracy learning" and civic education in different contexts. The partners have composed a study group integrating learners from their local networks. This group reflects on European democracy in transformation, compares the conditions of civic education on national levels, exchanges ideas, concepts and methods in order to create an integral concept of "democracy learning" and develops and implements tools, methods and projects. The approach of the project with regard to "democracy learning" pays particular attention to interfaces of civic education regarding formal and non-formal learning and participation of young adults and minorities in local contexts. The participants work together in an intercultural and intergenerational learning process. Reflection groups are formed in order to work on particular aspects and contexts of democracy learning. An internet platform assures a continous collaboration of the partners. The results of the learning partnership are published online continously and are also multiplied by means of publications and/or an international conference. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Zeitpfeil e.V. Studienwerk Berlin-Brandenburg im Politischen Arbeitskreis Schulen Name of the contact person: Christian Ernst Address: Zepplinstraße 98, D – 14471 Potsdam E-mail: info@zeitpfeil.org Tel: + 49 (0) 331 / 5858089 Fax: + 49 (0) / 68054359 Website: www.zeitpfeil.org Partners Citizens in Action, GR ICE Instituto das Comunidades Educativas, PT Service municipal de la jeunesse de Gennevilliers, FR 69 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00203-2 CHAT - Communication Harmoniously Agreed Together The purpose of this project as a learning partnership is the transnational exchange of ideas and practice in the field of non-violent communication between institutions whose target groups are socially disadvantaged young people who are unemployed and at risk of further social descent. As initial position can be seen complaints of employers which are regularly expressed in newspapers, tv and also by umemployment offices concerning the social competencies of young people who come from school and want to enter the employment market. A lot of young people cannot get a vocational training because they don't fulfil the basic qualifications which are needed. To work with non-violent communication strategies can be the first step to develop and improve social competencies of socially disadvantaged young people. During the meetings the experts of the participating institutions will first compare and analyse their experiences, national conceptions and ideas concerning non-violent communication by incorporating an external adviser into the discussion. Following to this learners of the institutions are to be enabled to test them. As they will be transnational groups of learners who probably don't have a commun language we will also use games and body language and we will work creatively like making collages. In the second year of the project there shall be visited institutions that have already worked with non-violent communication strategies in order to inspire further discussions among experts. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Other: social competencies Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Fürth gGmbH Name of the contact person: Susanne Scharrer Address: Hirschenstraße 27/29, D – 90762 Fürth E-mail: Susanne. Scharrrer@vhs-fuerth.de Tel: + 49 (0) 991 / 974 1711 Fax: + 49 (0) 991 / 974 1706 Website: www.vhs-fuerth.de Partners Naturskolen, DK C.E.P.A. Pan Bendito, ES Banbury Homes – Foyer, UK Ogres vakara vidusskola, LV 70 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00204-2 EduPART - Educational Partnership activates families Das Projekt zielt auf die Entwicklung einer Lernpartnerschaft zwischen insgesamt 5 Einrichtungen aus Deutschland, Litauen, Polen und Österreich. Inhaltlich konzentriert sich der Austausch auf den Bereich der Eltern- und Familienbildung als einer wichtigen Dimension der Erwachsenenbildung. Es soll dabei zunächst die Gestaltung der Erziehung in der Spannung zwischen familialen und beruflichen Anforderungen erörtert werden. Die Umsetzung erfolgt im Rahmen eines strukturierten und ergebnisorientierten Austausches zwischen den Einrichtungen. Im Rahmen von zwei internationalen Familienkonferenzen realisiert sich (1) der Austausch über die soziale Situation von Eltern und deren Familien in den jeweiligen Ländern als lebensweltlicher Kontext der Elternbildung in den Partnereinrichtungen; (2) der Austausch über die Praxis und Erfahrungen in Bezug auf Elternbildung; (3) die Wahrnehmung von sozialen Differenzen und Mentalitätsunterschieden in den jeweiligen Ländern und (4) der Austausch bzw. die Reflexion über deren Bedeutung für die jeweilige Praxis der Elternbildung. Die genannten Dimensionen des Austausches sollen dazu beitragen, eine tragfähige und effiziente Arbeitsbasis zu erarbeiten, auf der die teilnehmenden Einrichtungen evtl. gemeinsam Strategien der Elternbildung entwickeln, insbesondere für solche Eltern, die sich mitTels der herkömmlichen Orte und Methoden der Erwachsenbildung nicht oder nur schwer motivieren lassen, an Bildungsangeboten teilzunehmen. Der aktivierenden Elternarbeit kommt hier eine zentrale Funktion zu, die sich auch im TiTel des Lernprojekts ausdrückt. Der Austausch von Lehrenden soll den Erfahrungs- und Wissentransfer realisieren helfen und eventuell den Ausbau der notwendigen Strukturen vor Ort fördern. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Education for parents Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Women Other: Eltern / Erziehende COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Familienbund der Katholiken im Bistum Erfurt und im Freistaat Thüringen Name of the contact person: Dr. Kurt Herzberg Address: Herrmannsplatz 3, D – 99084 Erfurt E-mail: fdk@familienbund-erfurt.de Tel: + 49 (0) 361 / 5662083 Fax: + 49 (0) 361 / 5662084 Website: www.familienbund-erfurt.de Partners Akademie für Familienpädagogik Schönstatt am Kahlenberg, AT Miejski Osrodek Pomocy Rodzinie, PL Pal. J. Matulaicio seimos pagalbos centras, LT Familienbund der Katholiken im Bistum Mainz und LV Rheinland-Pfalz, DE 71 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00205-2 BICOM – Promoting bilingual and intercultural competencies in public health Medical care for patients with limited proficiency in the national language causes serious problems in European hospitals. Staff members are not equipped to communicate in foreign languages. The use of English depends on the educational background of both the patient and the health care provider. In view of these limitations, bilingual staff members, relatives of the patients or external voluntary mediators frequently act as ad hoc-interpreters. In some countries professional interpreting services for medical purposes exist, but they are not accessible in all hospitals. Anyway, ad hoc-interpreting will continue to play a major role in communication with non-native patients in all European countries. During a two-year exchange process leading clinic employees, linguistics, and cultural scientists, public health-experts and ad hocinterpreters (employees or volunteers) will come together to highlight multilingualism as a human resource. This resource, however, requires constant encouragement and promotion. The overall goal is to maintain the EU’s linguistic diversity and to enhance linguistic competencies. In the project conditions and existing practices in different European metropolitan areas will be investigated and the needs of bilingual ad hoc-interpreters will be analysed. This will be done via group discussions, meetings with local experts (i.e. scientists AND ad hoc-interpreters), the collection of “stories” told by ad hocinterpreters, excursions and workshops. Participants will bring in their own experience and reflect on their needs and already existing initiatives for ameliorating medical services for non-native patients. Together, they will present the results in a publication. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Health Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women Other: health care staff COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: dock europe GmbH, Bildung - Beratung - Moderation Name of the contact person: Bernd Meyer Address: Amandastraße 60, D – 20357 Hamburg E-mail: ortrun-kliche@dock-europe.net Tel: + 49 (0) 40 / 80609222 Fax: + 49 (0) 40 / 80 60 92 15 Website: www.dock-europe.net Partners Cooperativa Sociale COOSS Marche ONLUS Soc. Coop. p.a., IT University College London, UK Utrecht University, NL 72 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00206-2 Zivilgesellschaft in Europa - Voneinander lernen, gemeinsam Handeln Dieses Projekt ist eine Kooperation von Vertretern der Zivilgesellscht aus acht europäischen Ländern, die in verschiedenen Feldern der Erwachsenenbildung tätig sind: sie arbeiten mit Behinderten, in räumlich benachteiligten Regionen, in mit den Themenfeldern Gender und der interkulturellen Erziehung. Da im ersten Jahr leider nur fünf der Partnervereine eine Bewilligung erhielten, werden wir das Projekt nun in dieser Zusammensetzung weiterführen. Unser Ziel ist auf verschiedenen Ebenen voneinander zu lernen: 1. Kennenlernen der anderen Organisationen mit ihren Methoden und Arbeitsweisen 2. Reflektion darüber, wie die behandelten Bereiche in die eigene Bildungsarbeit integriert werden können 3. Aufbau von internationlen Partnerschaften und Erarbeitung gemeinsamer Projekte Währen der Projekttreffen soll erforscht werden, welchen STellenwert die verschiedenen Themen bei der Bildungsarbeit der Gastgeber, aber auch im sonstigen zivilgesellschaftlichen und öffentlichen Raum des jeweiligen Landes einnehmen. FragesTellungen sind beispielsweise: Wie sind Menschen mit Behinderung integriert? Wie werden sie in der Bildungsarbeit einbezogen? Welche Integrationskonzepte gibt es im zivilgesellschaftlichen Raum? Welche Gesetzgebungen sind vorhanden? Zwischen den Projektttreffen sollen Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede erarbeitet und reflektiert werden, ob und ggfls. wie das Erlernte in die eigene Bildungsarbeit integriert werden kann. Im dritten Projektjahr ist geplant, auch anderen Organisationen in Europa an dem Lernprozess teilhaben zu lassen. Zudem möchten wir in der fünfnationalen Zusammenarbeit die gemeinsamen Erfahrungen konkret in unsere nationle Bildungsarbeit einfließen lassen. Geplant sind Projekte in Verbindung von Gender, Behinderung, Internationales und ländl.Gebieten. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Other (describe if applicable) Disabled persons Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other: Lernende und Lehrende der Partnerorganisationen COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: interkulturelles netzwerk e.V. Name of the contact person: Sebastian Maas Address: Christinenstr. 18/19, D – 10119 Berlin E-mail: info@interkulturelles-netzwerk.de Tel: + 49 / (0) 30 / 54713910 Fax: + 49 / (0) 30 / 54713911 Website: www.interkulturelles-netzwerk.de Partners Ufficio Scambi Internationali, IT ADAPT Action by Differently Abled People in Tynedale Northumberland, UK Union Peuple et Culture, FR REDS Red Europea de Diálogo Social, ES 73 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00207-2 Was ist denn bloß mit unseren Kindern los? Erarbeiten eines neuen Verständnisses im Umgang mit den Kindern Auf einer breiten gesellschaftlichen Ebene wird immer wieder die Frage aufgeworfen, was mit unseren Kindern los ist. Sie sind einerseits reifer und sensibler, andererseits partiell unkonzentrierter und aggressiver. Viele Kinder fordern ihre Eltern, Lehrer und Erzieher heraus, neue Wege im Umgang mit ihnen zu suchen. Ratlosigkeit und Überforderung seitens der Lehrer, Erzieher und Eltern haben zu verstärkten Aktivitäten im Bereich der Familien-/Elternbildung geführt. In vielen europäischen Ländern wächst der Bedarf an Aufklärung, Beratung und Hilfe. Bestehende Bildungssysteme sind oft überfordert. Elterninitiativen und Elternbildung nehmen einen immer größeren Raum bei der Übernahme der Verantwortung für unsere Kinder ein. Die kleinste Zelle der Gesellschaft, die Familie, ist aufgefordert, mit Verantwortung zu übernehmen. In diesem Prozess entscheiden sich immer mehr Eltern ihrem Kind eine Ausbildung mit individueller pädagogischer Ausrichtung zukommen zu lassen. Statistiken zeigen, dass z.B. in Deutschland seit 1995 ca. ein VierTel mehr Kinder eine Alternativschule besuchen. Nicht jedem Kind ist dies möglich. Eltern suchen auch innerhalb bestehender Bildungseinrichtungen nach Lösungen. Dennoch fühlen sich viele Eltern überfordert. Es fehlt ihnen das Wissen, wie sie als Eltern ihr Kind komplementär begleiten können. Eltern sind bereit, gemeinsam mit Pädagogen stärker Verantwortung für die Entwicklung der Kinder zu übernehmen. Unsere Partnerschaft setzt genau an diesem Punkt an. Funding year: 2nd Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Other: COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Bildung der Kinder e.V. Name of the contact person: Ute Brinkmann Address: Georg-Knorr-Straße 4; D - 12681 Berlin E-mail: ute-brinkmann@gmx.de Tel: +49 (0)30/93 66 48 69 Fax: +49 (0)30/55 36 091 Website: Partners Astrid Lindgren Zentrum, Verein für Pädagogik, AT "LosPicones" Centro de Ecucación de Adultos, ES 74 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00208-2 Leben in Europa - Menschen mit schwerer geistiger und/oder mehrfacher Behinderung entdecken die Vielfalt Europas Ziel dieser Lernpartnerschaft ist der Erfahrungsaustausch über Möglichkeiten der Erwachsenenbildung für Menschen mit schwerer geistiger und/oder mehrfacher Behinderung. Lernende aus Tagesstätten aus Spanien, Belgien und Deutschland bilden sich weiter anhand des Themas ‚Leben in Europa’. Sie erfahren die Vielfalt der Lebensmöglichkeiten in Europa wie z.B.: - Leben auf dem Lande oder in der Großstadt - Kultur und Kunst, Arbeit und Tätigsein - Geschichtliche Ursprünge und Zukunftsperspektiven Die behinderten Teilnehmenden können sich - ausgehend von ihren individuellen Fähigkeiten - dieses Thema mit allen Sinnen, mit innovativen, kreativen Methoden und mit Formen unterstützter Kommunikation erschließen. Die Partner informieren sich gegenseitig darüber hinaus über vorhandene Bildungs- und Arbeitsmöglichkeiten in den einzelnen Tagesstätten. Die beteiligten Fachkräfte erwerben durch das Projekt Kompetenzen für die Bildungsarbeit mit schwerer behinderten Menschen. Die eingesetzte Didaktik wird ausgewertet, gesammelt und einem größeren Interessentenkreis zugänglich gemacht. Menschen mit (geistiger) schwerer Behinderung werden in ihren Bildungsbedürfnissen benachteiligt, da es nur wenig Angebote für sie gibt und sie auf lebensbegleitende Unterstützung angewiesen sind. Die Forderung der EU nach Chancengleichheit für benachteiligte Personen, wie sie im Sokrates-Programmes beschrieben ist, setzen wir in die Tat um. Die politisch geforderte Teilhabe aller Bürgerinnen und Bürger an gesellschaftlichen Prozessen kann so der zunehmenden Ausgrenzung entgegenwirken. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Barmherzige Brüder Straubing Name of the contact person: Anna Rieg-Pelz Address: Äußere Passauer Straße 60, D – 94315 Straubing E-mail: foerderstaette@barmherzige-straubing.de Tel: + 49 (0) 978-0 Fax: + 49 (0) 978 / 41499 Website: www.barmherzige-straubing.de Partners Behindertenstätten Eupen VoG, BE Sant Joan de Deu-Servis de Salut Mental, ES 75 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00209-2 Orientation, motivation and education for young mothers Starting situation: The welfare services observe the rise of young mothers without vocational training, partly also without secondary education. The extended maternity leave is an education-free time. The unfavorable consequence of this situation is that the vocational integration of the target group is very difficult. Target group: Young mothers aged between 16 and 25 years with young children, without vocationnal training and secondary education, who are threatened with social exclusion. Objectives of the project: 1. Exchange with transnational partners • How and where is the target group advised and cared for? • Which educational provisions are there for the target group? • Which education-motivating measures are offered? 2. Improvement of education consulting processes • Skills extension of employees in the advisory boards 3. Motivation of the target group • Production of documentation, in order to lead young women to education • Motivation campaign • Participation of the target group in the process Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Basic skills Education for parents Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Caritasverband für die Region Mosel-Eifel-Hunsrück e.V. Name of the contact person: Birgit Reuter Address: Herrenstr. 9; D – 56812 Cochem E-mail: birgit.reuter@caritas-cochem.de Tel: +49 (0)2671/ 97 520 Fax: +49 (0)2671/ 91 299 Website: Partners Alytus Labor market training and counselling, LT Verein für Sozialprävention und, AT The straight talking project, UK Instytut Naturalnego Planowania, PL 76 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00210-2 COMEDU-EU Community Education and Non-formal Learning in a European Context Objective is the exchange on the different national activities in the area of „community education“ and the promotion of non formal learning with regard to the specific political,legislative and administrative framework of community education as well as an exchange on their organisational structures and financing, the different requirements and experiences with inclusion of disadvantaged, education distant groups, methods for promoting non formal, selforganized learning, the connection of education and social urban development and „Neighbourhood Renewal“. Main focus in the concepts of community education service centers and the Swedish study circle method. Beside that the project partners interchange on different methods of competence analysis and assessments as well as on the matter how to certificate non formal gained knowledge and skills. The national experiences regarding their transfer and dissemination into other countries will be evaluated and project documentation will be established. The project aims at the structual improvement on the education availibility of disadvantaged people traditionally far away from education and at the improvement on efficency of education offers by local co-operation and by networking of protagonists and organisations. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd, Active citizenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Arbeit und Leben DGB/VHS Hamburg Name of the contact person: Rüdiger Winter Address: Besenbinderhof 60; D – 20097 Hamburg E-mail: ruediger.winter@hamburg.arbeitundleben.de Tel: +49 (0)40/28 40 16 11 Fax: +49 (0)40/28 40 16 16 Website: Partners Swindon Learning Partnership, UK DEMA - Departament d'Estudis des Medis, ES 77 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00211-2 CLAY - Cooperative Learning by Ambiental Activity The aim of the CLAY-project is that all participating partners examine some of their regional and global problems, exchange information and ideas and disseminate their results in order to learn from one another and to create a sense of awareness which will lead to a different attitude towards environmental issues. In addition, CLAY will promote the partners examining traditional and long established methods of dealing with everyday problems and altering their habits by applying newer technologies and modern approaches. It is not the aim of the project to solve these problems but to expose them and to learn from the endeavours of the partners to solve them. The long-term aim is also to hold courses at schools and institutions of adult education in order to interest people in environmental issues and to promote changes in their attitude. These changes should include the use of modern technologies as well as the re-use of historic but effective methods. Hence the name of the project CLAY: Cooperative Learning by Ambient Activity Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Environment Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Local community groups Senior citizens Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Schrobenhausen e.V. Name of the contact person: Roland Schneidt Address: Angerhof Str. 34; D – 85293 Reichertshausen E-mail: roland.schneidt@Web.de Tel: +49 (0)8441/ 80 44 70 Fax: +49 (0)8441/ 80 44 71 Website: http://www.fvls.de/projekte/sokrates/index.html Partners Municipality of Orestiada, GR Demos Agiou Athansiou, CY Centro Risorse Territoriale Essere Al Centro, IT 78 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00213-2 SPPAE - Strategic Perspectives for Providers in Adult Education "Wer und was wollen wir sein in einem Europa des Wissens?" Diese Zukunftsfrage nach Vision und Leitbild steht am Anfang der Strategieentwicklung für eine Partnerschaft bestehend aus Erwachsenenbildungsorganisationen mit unterschiedlichem Profil. Innovative Akteure erkennen, dass sie ihre Existenz längerfristig nur mit Blick auf die gemeinsamen europäischen ProblemsTellungen hinaus sichern können. Der Wettbewerb und die Konkurrenz werden härter. Um weiterhin wettbewerbsfähig bleiben zu können muss die Erwachsenenbildung auf den Einspartrend bei den öffentlichen und privaten Geldgebern reagieren: Kernangebote ändern, Angebote entwickeln, die einen Markt finden. Jede Organisation hat eine Strategie und agiert im täglichen Geschäft nach spezifischen Grundüberzeugungen. Häufig ist die Strategie eher intuitiv, die strategischen VorsTellungen über das was die Auftraggeber, die Lernenden und die Zukunft wollen, bleiben unausgesprochen. In dem Projekt empfehlen sich für die strategische Analyse und den Blick in die Zukunft die Stakeholder-Analyse und die Szenario-Methode. Hauptthemen des Projekts sind: aktuelle und zukünftige Bedürfnisse der Lernenden, Markt und Angebote, Ressourcen, Stärken und Schwächen und die Analyse der europäischen Wettbewerbs- und Branchenlogik. Die Zukunftschancen der Organisationen hängen davon ab, wie sie im Erfahrungsaustausch von ihren europäischen Partnern lernen und zu einem gezielten und fortlaufenden Strategieentwicklungsprozess finden. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Other: Strategieentwicklung, Qualitätsmanagement Management of adult education organisation / institution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Other: COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ttg team training GmbH Name of the contact person: Annerose Walter Address: Holzmarkt 7; D – 72070 Tübingen E-mail: team-training@team-training.de Tel: +49 (0)7071 / 51 396 Fax: +49 (0)7071 / 25 29 76 Website: www.team-training.de Partners Volkshochschule Hietzing, AT Fondo Formación Euskadi, ES IDAP Institut de Déloppement des Activités de, FR R&R.COM Renk & Reyeros GbR, DE 79 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00214-2 IDEA - Intercultural Diversity in Educational Approach This project intends to reflect upon the different possibilities and ways of teaching to certain adults learners' groups in an intercultural context. It will also develop appropriated teaching material for senior citizens. One of the approach will be to include arts as a support in teaching languages. Aims: prepration and implementation of different approaches and materials including internet material and material based on the involvement of arts in language classes. Objectives: to recognize the needs of different groups of Adult learners, especially of senior citizens; to check the learners' expectation in the countries involved in the project and reflect on some effective and appropriated ways of responding to their demand and to the educational challenge of an ageing polulation in an enlarged Europe; to reflect upon innovative and appropriated intercultural teaching methods for each group, e.g. by working together with arts sections or including arts in language teaching and learning; to improve the learners' knowledge in the cultural and intercultural fields of language (impact of history on arts, impact of arts on laguages, sounds related to ceremonies, to situations, ….); to involve internet use in teaching and learning and as a communicating tool between learners of the different countries involved in the project to motivate the learners to share their experience through internet or in meeting with learners' groups of all countries involved in the project. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 2nd Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Other: brain training Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Senior citizens Other: Citizens needing improvement of language knowledge (even of their own) COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Olching e.V. Name of the contact person: Hélène Sajons Address: Hauptstraße 82 , D – 82140 Olching E-mail: helene.sajons@gmx.de Tel: + 49 (0) 8142 / 489027 Fax: + 49 (0) 8142 / 489015 Website: www.vhs.olching.de Partners Rete CTPi Padova CTP D. Valeri, IT Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Oviedo, ES CEPA Francesc de Borja Moll, ES 80 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00217-2 e-tridem.net The objective of the project "e-tridem.net" is the promotion of learning concepts for intercultural and linguistic learning with New Media. Through the best-practice-exchange between all participating institutions and with scientific monitoring of the University of Education in Ludwigsburg (coordinator) a course concept for virtual linguistic and intercultural exchange between adult learners with different native languages is developed, tested and evaluated. Hereby the online phases on a virtual learning platform alternate with accompanying face-to-face terms and local tutorial supervision (Blended Learning). The learners communicate virtually in international groups of at least three adults from different countries. They work together on tasks reflecting intercultural aspects and using three different languages. With this innovative "tridemconcept" the learners have the opportunity to enhance simultaneously three competencies: their foreign language skills, their intercultural competencies and their media literacy. All of the three named competencies are more and more important in an extended Europe especially in terms of promotion of job mobility in a growing information and knowledge society. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups Marginalised groups Senior citizens Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg Name of the contact person: Ulrike Steiger Address: Reuteallee 46; D – 71634 Ludwigsburg E-mail: Ulrike.Steiger@vw.ph-ludwigsburg.de Tel: +49 (0)7141 / 140-0 Fax:+49 (0)7141 / 140-434 Website: www.ph-ludwigsburg.de/eu_forsch/ & www.e-tridem.net Partners Volkshochschule Stuttgart, DE Volkshochschule Götzis, AT Escuela Oficial de Idiomas A Coruna, ES Institute of Education, University of London, UK 81 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00218-2 Horex – extension of horizon – common research on and common action against racism and xenophobia An der Lernpartnerschaft sind 5 lokale Organisationen beteiligt, die sich mit der Integration von benachteiligten Personengruppen beschäftigen. Sie alle haben in ihrer täglichen Arbeit mit Rassismus, Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Diskriminierung zu tun. Sei es, dass rassistische oder fremdenfeindliche EinsTellungen unter ihren Lernenden verbreitet sind oder dass die Lernenden selbst Opfer von fremdenfeindlichen Handlungen oder EinsTellungen sind. Daher besteht die Notwendigkeit sich mit dem Thema auseinander zu setzen. Es existieren in jeder Einrichtung bereits Konzepte und Methoden, um das Thema mit den Lernenden zu bearbeiten. Zusätzlich gibt es aber weiteren Lernbedarf. Zielgruppen der Lernpartnerschaft sind zum einen junge Erwachsene, die von sozialer Ausgrenzung bedroht sind bzw. sozial/beruflich nicht integriert sind. Zum anderen werden die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter der beteiligten Partnerorganisationen als Lernende einbezogen. Ziele der Lernpartnerschaft sind: a) Die Verbesserung des Informationsstands in Bezug auf die Phänomene Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Rassismus in den beteiligten Ländern; b) Kennen lernen des Umgangs mit den o.g. Phänomenen in der alltäglichen Arbeit mit den Zielgruppen, die damit erzielten Erfolge und aufgetretene Hindernisse; c) die Reflexion und Optimierung der bisher angewendeten Konzepte und Methoden in transnationalen Arbeitsgruppen; d) Entwicklung von konkreten Projekten für die Zukunft, z.B. ein spezielles themenbezogenes Konzept für einen Austausch von Zielgruppenteilnehmern/innen; e) Verbreitung der Ergebnisse in der jeweiligen Region (z.B. in Schulen), in der die Organisationen tätig sind, und via Internet und/oder in Druckform an einschlägigen Institutionen. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Arbeit und Bildung e.V. Name of the contact person: Angelika Funk Address: Krummbogen 3, DE – 35039 Marburg E-mail: info@arbeit-und-bildung.de Tel: + 49 (0) 6421 / 9636-0 Fax: + 49 (0) 6421 / 96 36 37 Website: www.arbeit-und-bildung.de Partners KAOS - Bildungservice gGmbH, AT Associacion Semilla, ES Probens, ES ADCAVL - Ass. Dromoise Chantiers, FR 82 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00219-2 Learning Europe towards a learning Democracy – Developing new methods for the integration of minority groups and migrants in society The aim of the project is to exchange practical experience and to learn from the other partners how they enable minority groups, migrants and the disadvantaged to retain their cultural identity, whilst integrating them into the democratic structures of their (new) home country. Our aim is that they should become active citizens being acquainted with democracy – in the European context. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Other: Integration Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Institut für Migrations- und Aussiedlrfragen – Heimvolkshcohschule St. Hedwigs-Haus e.V. Name of the contact person: Gabriele Meymann-Christians Address: hermannstraße 86, D – 33813 Oerlinghausen E-mail: info@St-Hedwigshaus.de Tel: + 49 (0) 5202 / 91650 Fax: + 49 (0) 5202 / 6654 Website: www.St-Hedwigshaus.de Partners Inkerin Kulttuuriseura Ry, FI Iraqi Kurdish seekers and refugees organization, NO Centro Studi ed Iniziative European Onlus, IT Lisalmen Nourison Tuki ry, FI Mediterranean SOS Network, GR Diefthinsi Defterovathmias ekpedefsis nomou, GR 83 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00220-2 Learning is it! There are three aspects to look at the problem of rising rates of young unemployed people. 1. They have not enough knowledge and competences. 2. They lost their motivations. 3. There are too less perspectives for them for life and work. What do the societies do, to solve these problems? What is successful? and why? Aims of the Learning partnership are: To find out how to promote learning competences How to rise motivation and How to give perspectives in job and life for this people. One way might be to show the competences the people have got formaly and informally. The chance is to support the strength, which the young people have and to power o believe in themselves. During the project the partners find out criterias to value the activities and results and they will benchmark the instruments and methods of motivation and finding job-perspectives. In the end there will be (on Web-site, CD and paper) A benchmark-system to value and compare activities and their results (to use for controlling and quality management and to support the work of teachers and coaches of young adult learners) A list of good- practice of motivating young people for learning A short description of the situation in the participating countries especially the perspectives of young job-seekers and consequences for the work. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Basic skills Other: Employability, Benchmarking Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Soester Entwicklungs Netz SEN Name of the contact person: Ulrich Meyer-Kocot Address: Doyenweg 23; D – 59494 Soest E-mail: ulrich.meyer-kocot@sen-ev.de Tel: +49 (0)2921-6639282 Fax: +49 (0)2921-6639290 Website: www.sen-ev.de Partners Escola dÀdults de Macanet de la Selva, ES Pitsilia Youth Centres Net-Work, CY Rize Halk Egitim Merkezi, TR 84 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00222-2 Integration through Participation Twenty-five staff members, learners and affiliated professionals of different educational organisations from seven European countries (Czech Republic, DANMARK, France, Germany, Hungary, and The Netherlands) that work with different groups of people who face social and educational disadvantages in their lives for various reasons will exchange their knowledge and train their skills with regard to practices and methods that focus on the resources of the disadvantaged learners, that promote self-expression and creativity and that provide opportunities to disadvantaged learners to share their creativity and the results of self-expression with the larger community. Through their involvement and participation in activities, disadvantaged learners will experience social integration. These practices are also expected to increase the self-confidence of disadvantaged learners, to further build up their resources, to encourage them to take up lifelong learning and to train social skills and competences. Over a period of two years the partners will first exchange and collect good and interesting practices and then implement one practice that fulfils the resource-oriented approach at each organisation. During the second year the partners will in addition develop “learn to learn”-modules based on the results of the first year and teach them to other professionals who work with and for disadvantaged learners. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Project Objectives Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Other (describe if applicable) COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: IN VIA KOFIZA LandessTelle Bayern (Kontakt-, Förderungs- und Integrationszentrum für außereuropäische Frauen und deren Familien) Name of the contact person: Agnes Calda Ranzinger Address: Lessingsstr.3, 80336 München E-mail: kofiza@invia-bayern.de Tel: + 49 (0) 89 / 54 497 240 Fax: + 49 (0) 89 / 54498 232 Website: www.invia-bayern.de Partners Center for kompetenceudvikling, DK CFFPA Jules Rieffel, FR Diözesan-Arbeitslosenseelsorge München, DE REINTEGRA, CZ ROC Rijn Ijssel, NL Burgenlandi Felnöttképzési Intézet Szombathely, HU 85 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00223-3 MAESTRO - Multipliers in Adult Education - Structures and Organisation In diesem Projekt soll es darum gehen, Erwachsenenbildung an sogenannten „anderen Lernorten“ zu stärken. Es werden jeweils eine Einrichtung der Erwachsenenbildung mit einem regionalen Museum zusammen arbeiten, um gemeinsam mit den Fachleuten des Museums Module zu entwickeln, die für „Lerneinheiten im Museum“ oder zur Unterstützung der Erarbeitung historischer, künstlerischer und kultureller Themen geeignet sind. Es sollen in dieser Zusammenarbeit gemeinsame Konzeptionen ersTellt werden, die mit den europäischen Partnern ausgetauscht werden sollen und die ggf. auch zu einem Material bzw. Personalaustausch führen können. Zusätzlich soll begleitend zu dieser Lernpartnerschaft ein Grundtvig 1 Projekt beantragt werden, in dem es darum gehen soll, Kompetenzen zu entwickeln und zu schulen, die gerade in diesem Schnittbereich Bildung / Kultur wichtig sind. Geplant ist ein kleiner „Lehrreicher Museumsführer“, der es Einzelpersonen, Gruppen oder auch Seminarteilnehmern ermöglicht, AussTellungen unter solchen Aspekten zu erkunden, die bewusst in Frage gesTellt, problematisiert, reflektiert, in einen größeren Kontext eingebracht etc. werden. Funding year: 3rd Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues Media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Project Objectives Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Senior citizens Women Other: COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Westfälisches Forum für Kultur und Bildung e.V. Name of the contact person: Dr. Ulrike Kurth Address: Oberntorwall 25; D – 33602 Bielefeld E-mail: WeFoKuBi@aol.com Tel: +49 (0)521/69 893 Fax:+49 (0)521-69 893 Website: Partners Kadrioru Väliskunsti Muuseum Österreichische Gesellschaft für MetocickoPedagogicke Centrum CVO Tweedekansonderwijs vzw Moysikologiki Etaireia Kyproy EE AT SK BE CY 86 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00224-2 Euro Tools – Intercultural Preparation for European Understanding The aim of the project is to develop a toolbox to raise intercultural awareness and counteract the "shock" often felt by people confronting other cultures either at home or abroad. The project is particularly aimed at adults who have had little or no opportunity to travel and experience other countries. The toolbox will also enhance a better knowledge of each other's culture and habits, making it possible for workers to cross borders and find suitable jobs. The emphasis will be on the process of engaging learners in defining and understanding culture in terms of the everyday aspects such as daily routine, food, travel and work, linguistic diversity and an appreciation of cultural products such as music, art and crafts. Activities will be communication classes and creative arts and multimedia as appropriate to the individual partner. There will be opportunities for learners to focus on presenting aspects of their own culture and gaining information about others by communicating via email and Internet chat-rooms. Learners will be responsible for planning the contents of the pilot version of the toolbox in a variety of media and presenting the results at a learner conference in the Spring of 2007. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Max-Eyth-Schule Name of the contact person: Gerhard Zinßer Address: In der Krebsbach 8, D – 36304 Alsfeld E-mail: verwaltung@mes-alsfeld.de Tel: + 49 (0) 6631 / 96700 Fax: + 49 (0) 6631 / 967035 Website: www.mes-alsfeld.de Partners Domaine de la faye lycée agricole, FR Istituto di Istruzione Superiore Einstein - Alberghiero, IT Mikkelin ammattiopisto MAST, FI 87 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03 - S2G01-00225-3 Methoden zur Identifikation formell und informell erworbener Kompetenzen Menschen lernen nicht nur in der Schule oder in Weiterbildungseinrichtungen, sie eignen sich Kompetenzen bei der Ausübung ihrer privaten Interessen, im Rahmen ehrenamtlicher Arbeit oder im sozialen Kontext an. Informell erworbene Kompetenzen rücken immer mehr in den Fokus bildungspolitischer Überlegungen. Menschen, denen klar ist, was sie alles können, wird auch klarer, wo sie sich einbringen und wie sie sich weiterentwickeln können. In dieser Lernpartnerschaft werden die Lernbilder der beteiligten Einrichtungen analysiert und diskutiert und unter dem Kriterium beleuchtet, ob der Lernende in der einzelnen Institution durch die Brille eines Defizit- oder eines Potentialansatzes betrachtet wird. Die Kommunikation der einzelnen Partner über ihre Konzepte von Lehrenden und Lernenden mündet in die Betrachtung der Unterschiede bzw. Gemeinsamkeiten bei den einzelnen Einrichtungen / Ländern. Als zweiter Schritt werden die verschiedenen Konzepte diskutiert, wie informell erworbene Kompetenzen bei Kursteilnehmern identifiziert und berücksichtigt werden, bzw. welche Möglichkeiten praktikabel sind. Die verschiedenen Konzepte werden mit den Vertretern der einzelnen Einrichtungen auf einem gemeinsamen Symposion diskutiert und die Ergebnisse in die einzelnen Einrichtungen zurückgespiegelt. Ziel ist es, best practice Modelle aufzuzeigen und eine Entwicklungslinie in den Weiterbildungseinrichtungen zu stärken, die von einem Potentialansatz getragen ist und Methoden fördert, die bei Kursteilnehmern die vorhandenen Kompetenzen identifizieren. Ggf. können in Zukunft diese Kompetenzen mit MitTeln wie einem Weiterbildungs- bzw. Kompetenzpass dokumentieren werden. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Basic skills Sustainable development Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other: Identifikation informell erworbener Kompetenzen Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: haupt- und nebenberufliche Lehrende; indirekt: Teilnehmer/innen an Weiterbildung COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: HeurekaNet - Verein zur Förderung von Lernenden Regionen e.V. Name of the contact person: Marcus Flachmeyer Address: Windthorststr. 32, D - 48143 Münster E-mail: flachmeyer@heurekanet.de Tel: + 49 (0) 251 / 3 999 59 42 Fax: + 49 (0) 251 / 3 999 59 43 Website: www.heurekanet.de Partners Burgenländische Volkshochschulen, AT GIP Alsace , FR Akadémia vzdelávania Bratislava, SK ROC van Twente, NL Bildungswerk der Katholischen Arbeitnehmerbewegung (KAB), DE 88 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00226-3 MWHV - Making Women's History Visible in Europe Die Lernpartnerschaft hat das Ziel, im zusammenwachsenden Europa durch gemeinsame Lernprozesse die Unterrepräsentanz von Frauengeschichte sichtbar zu machen und für die Verstärkung geschlechtergerechten historischen Bewußtseins zu wirken. Die Verbreiterung und Stärkung des Anteils frauengeschichtlicher Präsentationen in historischen Museen Europas und die Förderung eines geschlechterdemokratischern Perspektivenwechsels in den unterschiedlichen DarsTellungen sind projektübergreifende ZielsTellungen aller Projektpartner. Durch das Kennenlernen und Wertschätzen sowohl der Unterschiede als auch der Gemeinsamkeiten sollen die Zugänge zu gemeinsamen Wurzeln in der kulturellen Überlieferung erweitert und in entsprechenden Bildungsangeboten sichtbar gemacht werden. Die Partner werden in einem Symposium Sichten auf einen frauengeschichtlichen historischen Zeitraum zusammentragen, sich über die jeweilige Methodik des gemeinsamen Vorgehens sowohl bei der Arbeit zu den auf Geschlechtergerechtigkeit zielenden Inhalten als auch in einer die Vielfalt wertschätzenden Arbeitsweise bei der Durchführung des Lernpartnerschaftsprojekts verständigen. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3rd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Media Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Other: COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Haus der Frauengeschichte e. V. Name of the contact person: Prof. Dr. Annette Kuhn Address: Rodderbergstr. 95; D – 53179 Bonn E-mail: kuhn.bonn@freenet.de Tel: +49 (0)228/85 79 036 Fax: +49 (0)228/34 54 22 Website: Partners University of Tallinn, Tallinn, EE Südwind Entwicklungspolitik Niederösterreich, AT Neolithia Foundation, MT 89 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00227-2 Weiterbildungskonzepte für pädagogische Professionals Die Weiterbildung pädagogischer Professionals sTellt eine Herausforderung dar, weil die nationalen Weiterbildungssysteme bei aller Differenz nur eine mittlere Systematisierung aufweisen. Darüber hinaus verfügen pädagogische Professionals über implizite und explizite Theorien ihres beruflichen Handelns und beanspruchen als Lehrende Kompetenz für die Unterstützung von Lernprozessen. Beides gilt es für pädagogische Weiterbildungskonzepte zu beachten. Das lange Zeit vorherrschende normative Verständnis in Weiterbildungskonzepten, Lehrenden immer neue „bessere“ Lehrkonzepte anbieten zu wollen, hat sich als ungeeignet erwiesen, denn Lernanforderungen in Fortbildungsmaßnahmen führen nicht automatisch zu Veränderungen in der Praxis. Untersuchungen belegen, dass Weiterbildungsprozesse an den identitätsrelevanten STellen einsetzen müssen, dort wo die Lehrenden ihr praktisches Handeln problematisch empfinden. Die Notwendigkeit einer verbesserten/effektiveren Fort- und Weiterbildung pädagogischer Professionals ist um so dringlicher, je mehr die Anforderung besteht, Bildungseinrichtungen zu innovieren und in ihren Qualitätsstandards weiterzuentwickeln sowie die Erwartungen der Lernenden an individuelle Lernbegleitung zu erfüllen. Dieses Ziel soll durch die Nutzung der vielfältigen nationalen Ansätze und verschiedenen Weiterbildungskulturen unterstützt werden. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Other: COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Universität Potsdam Name of the contact person: Prof. Joachim Ludwig Address: Postfach 6015 53; D – 14415 Potsdam E-mail: ludwig@uni-potsdam.de Tel: +49 (0)331 / 9772100 Fax: +49 (0)331 / 9772618 Website: Partners Stoas Onderwijs BV NL Verband Wiener Volksbildung AT Universität für Weiterbildung Krems AT 90 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00228-2 KEYWORKERS - Learning in cultural institutions In the last year's museums, art galleries and libraries have proven to be important agencies of new learning societies. Their roles are both educative and educational. Learning environments and the creation of general dispositions to creativity and learning are crucial for the participation of people in learning activities throughout life. There is a growing market to offer learning opportunities in cultural areas but at the same time a lack of knowledge for learners about the “superlearningeffects” by using the cultural environments for learning. In workshops carried through in the participating countries the learners will be trained in different packs, to learn from one another, to exchange and to pass special examples of good practice and to get informed about the growing opportunities to make use of training offers in their own countries in order to enable them to make use in their own countries of these learning opportunities Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kulturkuratorin GbR Name of the contact person: Dr. Jutta Thinesse-Demel Address: Geyerspergerstraße 42; D – 80689 München E-mail: thinesse-demel@t-online.de Tel: +49 (0)89 / 58 06 664 Fax: +49 (0)89 / 58 03 466 Website: Partners Rumsiskes Museum Estate Academy, LT Associazione Culturale "Il Filo d'Arianna, IT APOREM, PT 91 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00229-2 Equal chances Im MitTelpunkt der Arbeit steht der blinde oder sehbehinderte Mensch und seine Chancen in der Gesellschaft. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt der Lernpartnerschaft liegt hierbei auf der europaweiten Verbesserung der Integrationsfähigkeit für diese Menschen. Kern des Projektes ist die Organisation einer bisher nicht vorhandenen multilateralen Kooperation der Bildungseinrichtungen für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen. Durch Austausch von Erfahrungen über praktische Erleichterungen im Alltag, barrierefreies Lernen und einen effektiven Wissensaustausch zwischen den beteiligten Bildungseinrichtungen wird eine Brücke über die enormen Niveauunterschiede bezüglich technischer Ausstattung und Ausbildungsstandards der beteiligten Projektpartner gebaut. Unser Ziel ist die verbesserte gesellschaftliche Integration, die aktive Teilnahme an der Bürgergesellschaft und die Erfahrbarmachung der europäischen Integration, Chancengleichheit in der Bildung und im Berufsleben für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen. Die beteiligten Schulen haben sich in dem EU Projekt GD EAC Nr. 55/03 "European Conferences for Equal Chances and Social Integration and against the Discrimination of Disabled People" kennengelernt. Dabei wurde deutlich, dass ein großes Interesse an einer vertiefenden Zusammenarbeit besteht. Im MitTelpunkt dieser Lernpartnerschaft steht daher nun der Erfahrungsaustausch über die didaktische Grundlage und Methodik im Bereich Blinden- und Sehbehindertenbildung, mit Schwerpunkten in den Bereichen IT und Kunst. Dies geschieht auf 3 Netzwerktreffen, die Basis für Lernende und Lehrende, an einem Austauschprogramm teilzunehmen. Ein weiteres MitTel ist Einrichtung eines Internet Forums zum Erfahrungs- und Best Practice Austausch für Schüler und Lehrer der beteilten Bildungseinrichtungen. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Media Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Disabled persons Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Deutsche Blindenstudienanstalt e.V. Bildungs- und HilfsmitTelzentrum für Blinde und Sehbehinderte Name of the contact person: Jürgen Hertlein Address: Am Schlag 8, D – 35037 Marburg E-mail: hertlein@blista.de Tel: + 49 (0) 6421 / 606 101 Fax: + 49(0) 6421 / 606 229 Website: www.blista.de Partners Osrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy dla Dzieci Niewidomych i Slabowidzacych, PL Liceul pentru Deficienti de Vedere, RO L'Institut Montéclair, FR 92 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00230-2 BELL - Bringing E-Learning to life The results from the previous GR2 learning partnership “New confidence in e-learning” brought to light that the drop out rate was fairly high, the image of the demands required for studies in learning surroundings was often diffuse and needed technical skills not qualified enough. What could not be solved were the reasons behind these outcomes. We know that e-learning supplements the range of learning opportunities and that it will meet the need of many for whom conventional education is inappropriate or unavailable – i.e. people living in rural areas and disabled people. Another advantage of e-learning is that it will lead to a better exchange and network both locally and throughout Europe. How can we convince learners/students of e-learning? This learning partnership will focus on a) The tutors/teachers and staff of educational institutes as well as on the companies dedicated to further education. If we can motivate them to methodically apply e-learning to their lessons and to provide a learning infra-structure, it will considerably increase the acceptance of learners/students regarding e-learning. b) The educational institutions which provide the learning environment. They have to provide the infra-structure so that e-learning courses can develop and uncertainty will be removed. Examples of good practices of institutions in Europe will point out that e-learning can add value to the learning experiences. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Lingen gGmbH Name of the contact person: Margrit Lehmkuhl-Wiese Address: Am Pulverturm 3; D – 49808 Lingen (Ems) E-mail: m.lehmkuhl-wiese@vhs-lingen.de Tel: +49 (0)591/91 20 24 00 Fax: +49 (0)591/91 20 21 99 Website: www.e-vhs-akademie.de Partners Kuressaare Ametikool, EE Politiktraining., AT Masarykova Universizita, CZ 93 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00243-2 PAP - Prejudice as a Path This project explores the cultural and emotional differences that create the barriers for a better acceptance and intercultural understanding. It aims at promoting the idea of European citizenship according to the motto of the European Constitution “unity in diversity”. We will start by confronting the participants/ learners with their own prejudice and those of others. This will be done through workshops with the learners in each partner organisation. The participants will subsequently initiate learning processes at a national and trans national level. We have to take into account that prejudice might be difficult to overcome but it can also be used as a positive tool for mutual understanding and respect. Finding the common ground of European culture will open learner´s mind to accept diversity and view it as an enrichment of his/her own individual horizon. This will establish innovative methods emerging from the different cultures and an awareness of one´s own identity. It will involve teachers and students alike. The aim is to empower individuals to influence their own situation through better understanding of their own and others´ cultural background. A collective approach to this issue will enhance effectiveness, efficiency and innovation. The exchange of information, ideas and expertise between transnational project partners will take place during seminars and visits in order to : · Deepen the awareness of own cultural identity · Develop and share methods of how to cope with and understand the reasons behind prejudice and xenophobia · Actively involve learners · Take the step from prejudice, to discovery, to curiosity, to reflection · Identify alternative solutions or approaches · Adapt pedagogical approaches to situations in each member state Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Languages Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults at or about to start vocational training and adults alike Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Max-Eyth-Schule, Alsfeld Name of the contact person: Arno Zierk Address: In der Krebsbach 8, D – 36304 Alsfeld E-mail: verwaltung@mes-alsfeld.de Tel: + 49 (0) 6631 / 9670-0 Fax: + 49 (0) 6631 / 9670-35 Website: mes-alsfeld.de Partners Escola Tecnológica, Artistica e Profissional de Pombal, PT Ljudska univerza Kranj, Center za izobraževanje in kulturo, SI Odense tekniske skole, DK Escuela oficial de idiomas de Linares, ES James Watt College of Further & Higher Education, UK Instituto Provincial de Educación de Adultos, ES 94 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00247-2 QualiFLY - Quality in Family Literacy Family Literacy represents an intergenerational and community learning approach – linking elements of adult education, parents’ education and pre-school or primary education – to enhance the literacy of both adults and children and support teachers and parents in preventing future drop-outs. While a few European countries have a long-standing experience with „Family Literacy“ programmes, other European countries have only little or no experience with the approach. The QualiFLY project aims at promoting family literacy and especially promoting good quality in family literacy programmes by experiencing, observing and monitoring best practice in family literacy in a range of cultural settings through • The exchange of ideas and best practice between different European institutions running family literacy programmes or aiming to set up such a programme; • disseminating best practice through the creation of a project Website; • reviewing monitoring and evaluation methods to identify quality indicators and promoting new approaches for effective programmes; • creating a core group of expertise in each partner country through the active involvement of tutors in the project; • doing advocacy work for the family literacy approach through the Website of the partnership and the individual networks of each partner Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Active citizenship Basic skills Education for parents Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Project Objectives Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning Name of the contact person: Maren Elfert Address: Feldbrunnenstr. 58; D – 20148 Hamburg E-mail: m.elfert@unesco.org Tel: +49 (0)40 / 44 80 410 Fax: +49 (0)40 / 410 77 23 Website: Partners Universita popolare di Roma Fondazzjoni Ghal Servizzi Edukattivi Akoya Ltd. Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Anne Cocuk Egitim Vakfi (ACEF) IT MT UK DE TR 95 DEUTSCHLAND Project reference: 06-DEU03-S2G01-00270-2 WIT - Ways of Internet Teaching This project intends to consider the different ways and possibilities of teaching to adults' groups in an enlarged Europe by including the use of internet and e-learning as a daily tool in classroom and home work. It will open internet teaching/learning possibilities to a large group of learners and offer e-learning as an everyday mean of communication well adapted for lifelong learning in different fields. It will also propose to senior citizens the possibility to develop their skills using internet and improving language knowledge with the help of this modern tool. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year 2nd Arts, music, culture Basic skills Education for parents Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Olching e.V. Name of the contact person: Hélène Sajons Address: Hauptstr. 82; D – 82140 Olching E-mail: helene.sajons@gmx.de / sajons@vhs-olching.de Tel: +49 (0)8142-489027 Fax:+49 (0)8142-489015 Website: www.vhs-olching.de Partners Centro de Educacion de personas adultas, ES Lieksan kansalaisopisto, FI Kauno Kolegijos Kédainiu Jonuso Radvilos, LT 96 ESTONIA EESTI Project reference: 06-EST01-S2G01-00019-1 Experienta Docet Im Zusammenhang mit dem Eintritt Estlands und Lettlands in die EU sind die Probleme der Resozialisierung von Straftätern in diesen Ländern sehr aktuell geworden. Die Vereinheitlichung und Verbesserung der Erfahrungen und Arbeitsmethoden durch engere Zusammenarbeit zwischen den neuen und den alten EU Ländern ist eine Chance diese Probleme zu lösen. So ist Ziel des Projektes die Resozialisierungsarbeit in den neuen EU Ländern - unter Berücksichtigung der dortigen personellen und finanziellen Möglichkeiten - zu verbessern/zu bereichern. In Estland und Lettland gibt es viele Inhaftierte mit einer Strafzeit von mehr als 3 Jahren und ihrer Rückkehr in die Gesellschaft nach der Entlassung folgt oft eine erneute Inhaftierung. Um diese Rückfälle zu vermindern muss der Sozialdienst moderne und zweckmäßige Arbeitsmethoden kennenlernen, um sie in ihrer täglichen Arbeit einzusetzen. Der Anteil der drogenabhängigen Gefangenen und deren Probleme ist groß. Sowohl für Estland als auch für Lettland ist die Behandlung entsprechender Straftäter sehr neu. Gleiches gilt auch für die Behandlung von Sexualstraftätern. Das Ziel ist insofern die hier vorhandenen Behandlungsprogramme für die genannten Zielgruppen unter Berücksichtigung der bei den neuen EU Partnern vorhandenen personellen und finanziellen Möglichkeiten zu übertragen. Funding year: 2nd Duration: 2 years (2005 – 2007) Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Learning about European countries/the European Union Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Justizvollzugsanstalt Murru Name of the contact person: Ele Mälk Address: Haapsalu mnt 11, Rummu, Harjumaa E-mail: ele.malk@just.ee Tel: + 372 672 9275 Fax: + 372 672 9238 Website: Partners Justizvollzugsanstalt Valmiera – LETTLAND Justizvollzugsanstalt Tegel – DEUTSCHLAND Justizvollzugsanstalt Wien-Favoriten - ÖSTERREICH 97 EESTI Project reference: 06–EST01–S2G01–00028-1 ELTE – European language teaching exchange The project enhances cooperation in the field of education, in particular by encouraging innovation in the development of educational practices and materials. Language teachers will be equipped with innovative teaching methods, helping learners become more effective communicators, developing self-directed learning skills, encouraging creativity and teamwork. Specific objectives are: • the study of teachers/learners needs and expectations to language teaching/learning in partners organisations, • feedback on the results of partners study, application of appropriate innovative methods related to needs analyses and exchange of teaching experience, • Permanent development and dissemination of supportive material to language teachers of adults, based on our project experience and good practice. Our main target groups: • adult language teachers, • migrants/travellers/unemployed persons, • Local community groups. The project’s work programme is based on a number of study visits to each-others countries, during which the partners experience different methods as the Method of Activation of Individual and Group Potential, Tandem – Learning, Multiform Method, European Language Portfolio, a Web-based environment Xenios and other IT-based innovative solutions for language studies. The implementation of the project means application of the methods in current language courses for adults in partner's organisations. The general contributions to learning and teaching foreign languages to adults will be measured by the degree of dissemination of the theme in seminars and workshops, through local media and IT. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups Language teachers for adults COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: LANGUAGE SCHOOL SUGESTO LTD Name of the contact person: Monika Veisson Address: Narva mnt. 6-9, Tallinn, EESTI 10117 E-mail: monikasg@uninet.ee Tel: + 372 6601559 Fax: + 373 6601343 Website: www.sugesto.ee Partners 1. EDUCA – VZDĚ LÁVACÍ CENTRUM, 46 602 Jablonec nad Nisou (participated only on the first year) – CZECH REPUBLIC 2. VASA ARBIS - 65100 Vasa - FINLAND 3. KRISTIANSUND Opplæringssenter (KO) 6501 Kristiansund - NORWAY 4. Ε Ρ Ε Υ Ν Η Τ Ι Κ Ο Α Κ Α Δ Η Μ Α Ϊ Κ Ο Ι Ν Σ Τ Ι Τ Ο Υ Τ Ο Τ Ε Χ Ν Ο Λ Ο Γ Ι Α Σ Υ Π Ο Λ Ο Γ Ι Σ Τ Ω Ν , GR 261 10 PATRAS (participated only on the second year) - GREECE 98 EESTI Project reference: 06–EST01–S2G01–00023-1 GRESE - Grundtvig experiences in supporting entrepreneurial training to disadvantaged groups The main aim of this project is to support disadvantaged groups (who are defined differently in every participating country, like unemployed, immigrants, people in rural areas and gypsies) in acquiring entrepreneurial knowledge so that they would be more secure in setting up their own enterprise or have better change to succeed in working life. The objectives of the project are: • To exchange experiences in adult training methods and activities for trainers to improve their skills in promoting disadvantaged learners; • To use entrepreneurship as a method for the immigrants to learn a second language and acquire knowledge about the society; • To develop cooperation between partners and create new partnerships. As the result of the project better opportunities will have been opened for the disadvantaged people to seek for and receive assistance, counselling, and support from the counsellors. The counsellors will have the chance to compare their experiences and knowledge with the partners from different cultural background. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Languages Entrepreneurship Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: EESTIN VILLAGE MOVEMENT KODUKANT / KODUKANT TRAINING CENTRE Name of the contact person: MAI KOLNES Address: VÄIKE-AMEERIKA 19-220, TALLINN 10219 E-mail: mai.kolnes@mail.ee Tel: + 372 5194 1537 Fax: + 372 646 6636 Website: www.kodukant.ee Partners 1. Arad County School - ROMANIA 2. Jyväskylä Vocational Institute - FINLAND 3. Alfa-College – THE NETHERLANDS 4. KLG Consultancy NL – THE NETHERLANDS 5. Senter for voksenopplaering – NORWAY 99 EESTI Project reference: 06–EST01–S2G01–00032-1 Health awareness among parents The main aim of the project is to facilitate parental awareness on health issues. The aim will be achieved through identification of the main areas of concern, establishment of local and international collaboration networks, exchanging findings, and identifying the best practices in empowerment of parents and dissemination of information. The implementation of the project will increase collaboration between parents of different countries, spread stories of success, and stimulate better communication between generations and nations. The main activity of the first year was conducting a comparative research and disseminating the results, as well as preparing an educational package for parent training. The main activity occupying the second year is to prepare the study programs for parents and organize pilot studies. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Education for parents Health Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Tartu Folk High School Name of the contact person: Ingrid Leinus Address: Pepleri 4, Tartu 51003 E-mail: info@rahvaylikool.ee Tel: +372 736 1541 Fax: +372 736 1540 Website: www.rahvaylikool.ee Partners 1. Agentur Kultur GbR, Dr. Jürgen Halberstadt und Dr. Rudolf Halberstadt - GERMANY 2. Jaunimo sveikatos centras (Youth Health Center) - LITHUANIA 3. Università delle LiberEtà del F.V.G. (University of free Ages of F.V.G.) - ITALY 100 EESTI Project reference: 06–EST01–S2G01–0009-1 OPEN WINDOWS – A way to improve learning methods and cultural awareness of adult learners The project “OPEN WINDOWS” unites institutions from EESTI, Norway, and Greece involved in both formal and non-formal education. The main aim is to improve the methods of dealing with socially disadvantaged people, disabled, immigrants, school system drop-outs, and become more effective offering higher quality services through intercultural exchange and experience. The project objectives are to be achieved through the following activities: working in local teams in cooperation with local communities and authorities, partner meetings, exchanges of staff, creation of a Website, making a questionnaire, publishing methodological materials, and a final conference. The Website of the project (www.nvtc.ee/openwindows) includes information about the institutions, events, good practices, results and findings of the project. The methodological materials will include findings of the project, recommendations on working with the target groups, examples of best practices, etc. Cooperation with local communities and authorities ensures a sound basis for our ideas and activities and provides an increased awareness of European cultures not only in the participating institutions but also in the areas they are situated in and local and national organisations dealing with the target groups. Working together in one international team we support each other in solving problems connected with the training of target groups, share and develop methods, and open for our learners a window towards other cultures. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Narva Vocational Training Centre Name of the contact person: Jelena Lohmatova Address: Kreenholmi 45, 20104 Narva E-mail: jelena.lohmatova@nvtc.ee Tel: + 372 356 9349 Fax: + 372 356 9370 Website: www.nvtc.ee Partners Tysvær opplæringssenter (Tysvær Training Centre) - NORWAY Technological Educational Institute of Messolonghi - GREECE 101 EESTI Project reference: 06-EST01-S2G01-00005-1 ALF – Adult learners forum The aims of the project are: - To establish permanently operating Adult Learners’ Forum (ALF) in partner countries, to ensure adult learners’ position as active citizens in society and open the dialogue in different European countries. - To work out the model of ALF on the basis of the practice and experiences of permanently working ALF-s. The ALF is the place where learners’ meetings, workshops and seminars will take place, where they could discuss their problems, hold dialogues with training providers and social partners and make proposals for solving their problems. The main activities to achieve the goal are: creating the learners initiative group and network; launching an experimental ALF; establishing permanently operating ALF; holding the international ALF in order to bring the partner countries’ learners together; publishing the booklet “Learners Voices”. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2 nd Active citizenship Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Other - All learners COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Association of EESTIn Adult Educators Andras (AEAE Andras) EE Name of the contact person: Sirje Plaks Address: Valge Street 10, Tallinn 11413 E-mail: sirje@andras.ee Tel: + 372 6211 671 Fax: + 372 6211 670 Website: www.andras.ee Partners 1. TECNOPRAS di Miliacca Luigino& C.s.a.s. - ITALIA 2. Aidlearn, Consultoria em Recursos Humanos, Lda - PORTUGAL 3. Ο Λ Υ Μ Π Ι Α Κ Η Ε Κ Π Α Ι Δ Ε Υ Τ Ι Κ Η Κ Α Ι Α Ν Α Π Τ Υ Ξ Ι Α Κ Η – Π .Π Α Ν Α Γ Ι Ω Τ Ο Π Ο Υ Λ Ο Σ Κ Α Ι Σ Ι Α Ο .Ε . - GREECE 4. FEDERACION PROGRESISTA DE ASOCIACIONES DE MUJERESY CONCUMIDORES DE GUADALAJARA - SPAIN 102 EESTI Project reference: 06-EST01-S2G01-00046-1 CULTOUR – Cultural tourism development Developing cultural tourism is one of the possibilities to strengthen active citizenship within a community and to develop co-operation at local, regional, national as well as international level. During the learning process, in each participating country sample local cultural products will be created. These products will be based on different services provided by local inhabitants, on local natural and historical resources, cultural traditions and crafts, regional food etc. The target group includes different disadvantaged groups e.g. minorities, senior citizens, women, rural inhabitants. The project aims to involve these target groups in the process of being an active citizen and to encourage them to participate in the creation of cultural tourism products to promote their region to tourists both from domestic market as well as from abroad. Project activities will include: * Current situation analysis of cultural tourism offer in a region; * Selection of specific project participants; * Identification of expectations and needs of project participants; * Tailor-made short training course for participants on how to compose a cultural tourism product; * Elaboration of cultural tourism products within a community; * testing of these cultural tourism products by project partners from other countries; * Constant experience exchange between project partners through partners meetings, study visits or exchanges; * Constant dissemination of project results. Project results will include: * Brochure on “best-practice” examples of culture tourism development in partner countries; * Brochure describing the created culture tourism products in partner countries; * Information leaflet about the project. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Environment Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Sustainable development Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Senior citizens Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: MTÜ SIKSALI ARENDUSSELTS / SIKSALI DEVELOPMENT CENTRE Name of the contact person: Kaidi-Mari Liping Address: Jüri 32 a, Võru 65609 E-mail: kaidimari@siksali.ee Tel: +372 782 1266, gsm +372 55 655 172 Fax: +372 782 1266 Website: www.siksali.ee Partners 1. Obbiettivo Formazione / Objective Training – ITALY 2. Folk Applied Art Studio Bauska of Museum of Bauska local history and arts – LATVIA 3. BOW-Polska - POLAND 103 IRELAND ÉIRE Project reference: 06-IRL01-S2G01-00005-1 European Puzzle: From Local & National Towards European Citizenship The Education Ministers in the EU have chosen active citizenship education as one of eight pillars on which common European educational objectives should be built by the year 2010. This project aims to explore best practice in citizenship education for adults, paying particular attention to how to integrate a European dimension citizenship education (i.e. what it means to be a European citizen). The participants will research examples of citizenship education in their own countries. Each partner will then attend 2 workshops accompanied by adult educators from their organisation involved in citizenship education. For the purposes of this project, the learners are adult educators. The first workshop will share experiences and practices and consider common ideas and factors in successful projects, as well as identifying why some projects/programmes are less successful. The second workshop will consider how to integrate a European dimension into citizenship education - where is this happening currently, what works/doesn't work and how practices might be transferred to other settings. From the basis of research and workshops, the project will develop guidelines for promoting best practice in citizenship education for adults, with a particular emphasis on integration of the European Union. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Active citizenship. Arts, music, culture Basic skills. Consumer education Education for parents. Environment. Gender issues Health. Learning about European countries/the European Union. Information technology. Intercultural issues Languages. Media. Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Disabled persons, Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities. Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups. Marginalised groups Senior citizens? Women. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: University College Dublin Name of the contact person: Rhonda Wynne Address: Adult Education Centre, Belfield, Dublin 4 E-mail: Rhonda.wynne@ucd.ie Tel: 00 353 1 7167581 Fax: 00 353 1 7167500 Website: www.ucd.ie/adulted Partners Charles University in Prague – Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, CZ Co Donegal VEC, IE Munich Academy of Adult Education, DE Centrum Edukacji ObywaTelskiej, PL Escola Universitaria Das Artes De Coimbra, PT Universitatea Tehnica “Gheorghe Asachi” Iasi, RO Slovenska Akademicka Informacna Agentura Zilina, SK 104 ÉIRE Project reference: 06-IRL01-S2G01-00006-1 Reflect Through comparative analysis of current practice within a range of different types of adult education services this project aims to engage tutors, managers and those responsible for in-service & training provision in a process of critical reflection and analysis on current professional development opportunities, models, policies and organisational perspective the current needs for improved approaches at organisational level for adult education tutors working within an intercultural context. The outcome of the project will be the development of a more appropriate model for each of the organisations that can be integrated as part of an ongoing approach to professional development within an organisation that can also be used to inform practice in other organisations. The recommendations that will emerge will be based on the active reflection of practising tutors. This will be the central methodology of the project. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship. Arts, music, culture. Basic skills Consumer education. Education for parents. Environment Gender issues. Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues. Languages. Media Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups Marginalised groups Senior citizens Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Dun Laoghaire VEC Name of the contact person: Deirdre Keyes Address: Century Court, 100 Upper Georges Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin E-mail: dkeyes@dlvec.ie Tel: 00 353 1 2147200 Fax: 00 353 1 2147234 Website: Partners Karis Kurcenter – Karjaan Kurssikeskus, FI College of North East London, UK Egitim Bilimleri Fakultesi, TR 105 ÉIRE Project reference: 06-IRL01-S2G01-00018-2 Dialogue Through Tradition The project seeks to provide a learning experience of the traditional arts. Arts education affords a learning opportunity that transcends language. Barriers are broken down through music, dance etc Adults of varying abilities and experience will enjoy and learn from this experience. It is a two part learning process. Initially facilitators will learn about other countries creative traditions. Following this these facilitators will offer this learning to the wider community in their home country. The adult learners will be provided with learning of partner country's traditional creativity in the areas of music, song, dance and folk art of other countries. The adult learner participants will vary from country to country. The project will have a learning process that includes, experiencing different cultures, learning the traditional music, dance and folk-art of partner countries, passing on this learning to an identified adult group in home countries e.g. isolated geographical area, socially isolated population, senior citizens etc. Possibility of an end presentation of learning experience to share learning about other cultures through music, dance song and folk art, produce a DVD and documentation and a Website to share the learning experience and evaluate the effectiveness of the project. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture Basic skills, Consumer education Education for parents Environment. Gender issues. Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues .Languages. Media Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups Marginalised groups Senior citizens Women, Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kerry County Council Name of the contact person: Kate Kennelly Address: Rathass, Co Kerry E-mail: kkennell@kerrycoco.ie Tel: 00 353 66 7183541 Fax: 00 353 66 7183613 Website: www.kerrycoco.ie Partners Valasske Sdruzeni Dubrava, CZ Pammessogiaki Tradicional Choir “The Melodic Arch”, GR Vasarhelyi Neptancert Alapitvany, HU 106 ÉIRE Project reference: 06-IRL01-S2G01-00019-2 LinxXchange The main aim of the LinxXchange project is to promote an increased awareness of other cultures through language learning. The project arose following a Grundtvig contact seminar in Murcia, Spain”INTERCULTURAL LEARNING IN ADULT EDUCATION” (May 2004). One split into groups where partner countries identified their areas of expertise, the area of language learning and ICT in particular was identified as a common weakness by all partner countries, which had the potential to open up new intercultural teaching and learning opportunities for adult educators and learners. LinxXchange aims to use ICT as a tool to engage students & staff in language learning through the development of a on-line newsletter that can be accessed and updated by students in participating countries. Students will be encouraged to write articles on an aspect of their culture in one of the languages they are studying, to then be submitted to the newsletter. In undertaking this activity the LinxXchange project will directly contribute to the key theme identified as a Grundtvig action, namely to "improve adult learners' knowledge of European languages and cultures". The project will also improve the content and delivery of language teaching and learning, which is cited as a priority area for Grundtvig projects. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship. Arts, music, culture Basic skills. Consumer education, Education for parents. Environment Gender issues. Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology. Intercultural issues. Languages. Media. Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups Marginalised groups. Senior citizens. Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Ballsbridge College of Business Studies Name of the contact person: Peter Keogh Address: Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4 E-mail: info@ballsbridge.cdvec.ie Tel: 00 353 1 6684806 Fax: 00 353 1 6682361 Website: www.ballsbridgecollege.ie Partners Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Santiago de Compos Tela, ES CVO Temse, BE Savon Consortium for Education, FI Nova College, NL 107 ÉIRE Project reference: 06-IRL01-S2G01-00031-2 A.P.P. - Assessment/Progression Project The project aims to explore from a theoretical perspective assessment methodologies and progression routes to support learners who are long term unemployed and/or disadvantaged. The application of theories selected by partners together will promote transnational learning and good practice among partner organisations as well as a number of experimental projects. The idea of this project emanated from learning that emerged from work undertaken between ROC Rijnlssel College, Tallaght. Partnership who co-operated in the Grundtvig 1 Flex All project. The partners involved will; share academic knowledge and facilitate agreement on theories regarding assessment/progression to be explored; exchange information regarding one another’s work in the area of assessment/progression routes for vulnerable learners; design, test and evaluate experimental pilot projects regarding assessment and progression routes will adult learners; disseminate learning from partnership work undertaken together at local, regional, national and transnational levels. The partners in this project represent a variety of institutions with very different yet inter-related experience in this field. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship. Arts, music, culture. Basic skills Consumer education. Education for parents Environment. Gender issues. Health. Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology. Intercultural issues. Languages. Media Sustainable development Assessment methodologies and best practice specific to the needs of disadvantaged learners. Promotion of learning between partners through sourcing, sharing and analysis of appropriate assessment and progression theoretical frameworks and models. Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons. Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups. Marginalised groups Senior citizens. Women. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Marginalised men who are vulnerable learners, have mental health issues and/or are socially marginalised. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Tallaght Partnership Name of the contact person: Mary Sheehan Address: Killinarden Enterprise Centre, Tallaght, Co Dublin E-mail: mary.sheehan@tallpart.com Tel: 00 353 1 4664280 Fax: 00 353 1 4625423 Website: Partners Regionalal Opleidingen Centrum Rijnljssel, NL North Western Institute of Further & Higher Education, UK Institut fr Bildung und Beratung GmbH, DE 108 ÉIRE Project reference: 06-IRL01-S2G01-00053-1 "PLACE" People Learning for Active Citizenship in Europe The main objective of the project is to promote active citizenship through adult learning in a community based personal development project. “PLACE” will use a series of modules to focus on personal development of the participants, building self-esteem and self-confidence, exploring leadership and facilitating participation in the community as active citizens. “PLACE” will engage reluctant adult learners in relevant and inclusive accessible capacity building programmes and will endeavour to provoke change in their lives. Partners will access and identify learner’s competences and develop those competences. Appropriate strategies will be devised to engage, improve, promote, generate and share experiences. Learners will meet in year 2 of the project. “PLACE” will use both qualitative and quantitative analysis. “PLACE” will conclude with a dissemination seminar where a publication relating personal experiences of learners and the seminar report “INPLACE” will be launched. The project will facilitate the development of greater levels of engagement in society by learners not alone at a local level but will broaden horizons at a European level. The project will endeavour to develop meaningful opportunities for people to become active citizens and thereby possess greater levels of competence to become integrated in society in a European and local dimension. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Funding year 1st Active citizenship Arts, music, culture. Basic skills. Consumer education Education for parents Environment. Gender issues. Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology. Intercultural issues Languages. Media, Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups. Marginalised groups. Senior citizens Women, Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Wexford Area Partnership Name of the contact person: Melaine Ni Dhuinn Address: 9 Mallin Street, Cornmarket, Wexford E-mail: melhidhuinn@eircom.net Tel: 00 353 53 23994 Fax: 00 353 53 21024 Website: Partners Adeima-Associacao Para O Desenvolvimento Integrado De Matosinhos, PT Atlantide Associazione Culturale Onlus, IT Zdruzenie zien Slovenska, SK Yalova City Education Management Office, TR Directorate of Secondary Education of Eastern Attica Educational and Training Department, GR Ventnor Community Projects, UK MDC – Napoli Vomero, IT 109 ÉIRE Project reference: 06-IRL01-S2G01-00057-1 Culture and Language to Promote Citizenship The project aims to explore for the purpose of developing recommendations for best practice the way in which the arts can be used in adult education. Models that will allow art forms to provide marginalised communities a vehicle to express issues related to their communities resulting in a sense of responsibility for issues raised and in turn creating more active citizens. To develop a list of recommendations of best practice using arts in education that provide communities a sense of ownership of the work, a sense of belonging in the community and a resulting heightened sense of responsibility. The project aims to discuss the link between languages, culture and identify the ways in which they work together to develop active citizenship. Also to explore how to integrate this area into educational programme to promote active citizenship. During 4 multilateral exchanges the partners will meet to discuss and observe how drama, theatre and other art forms can develop language skills, and self confidence particularly with immigrant and other disadvantaged groups and support their active participation in the community. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture. Basic skills Consumer education. Education for parents. Environment. Gender issues. Health. Learning about European countries/the European Union. Information technology. Intercultural issues, Languages. Media. Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons. Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups Marginalised groups. Senior citizens. Women. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Smashing Times Theatre Company Ltd Name of the contact person: Freda Manweiler Address: Coleraine House, Colerains Street, Dublin 7 E-mail: fredamanweiler@eircom.net Tel: 00 353 1 8656613 Fax: 00 353 1 8735283 Website: www.smashingtimes.ie Partners Helsingin aikuisopisto, FI Cultural Company of Education in Kilkis, GR Voksenopplaeringen for Innvandrere par Hamar, NO Foundation for Development of Goldcap Region, PL Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, ES Federacao Nacional de Cooperativas De Solidariedade Social, PT 110 ÉIRE Project reference: 06-IRL01-S2G01-00060-1 Traditional Arts In Context Overall aim of the project: To create an exchange that aims to develop through collaborative intercultural activities (workshops) with learning providers and individual learners in peer group training sessions. The participants will gain new knowledge, skills and experience resulting in the development of a multicultural community based celebration developed by the participants. This project has been developed in response to requests from learners and workers within the network of partner organisations. These partner groups all work in disadvantaged communities using “the arts” as a means of social, personal and professional development. More specifically these organisations use a variety of art form including: doll making, storyTelling, festivals, arts and crafts and music as a means of social intervention and a way of celebrating the diversity of cultural heritage to be found within minorities across Europe. This project has inspired by the way different cultures; communities and nationalities celebrate. This will be a project for participants to show and express through arts works that draws upon cultural traditions/heritage, but which is very much informed by contemporary social and political issues. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture. Basic skills Consumer education. Education for parents Environment, Gender issues. Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages. Media Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons, Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups. Marginalised groups. Senior citizens Women. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Francis Street Community Education Centre Name of the contact person: Christian Koty Address: St Catherine's Foyer, Marrowbone Lane, Dublin 8 E-mail: francom1@eircom.net Tel: 00 353 1 4530833 Fax: Website: Partners Kea’s agency of Development, GR Kreativelabor uckermark e.V, DE Cultural Institution “ I VIDDANEDI DELLA VALLE DEL BELICE” IT Norgaards hojskole, DK Leituvos Dailes Muziejus, LT “Amatu Gildija” LT Jyvas ya Vocational Institute, College of Arts and Crafts, FI 111 ÉIRE Project reference: 06-IRL01-S2G01-00061-1 MDVI ACTIVE Project The overall aim of the project is that, through transnational collaboration, the participants will explore and identify issues for lifelong learning in the development of people with multiple disabilities and visual impairment during their transition towards active citizenships. The project beneficiaries are people who have special educational needs, who have left the formal educational system in their Member State, and for whom the identified the need to increase their capacity to play an active part in society and to improve their potential employability by acquiring or updating basic and general skills. The Learning Partnership and its Work Groups includes a range of expertise – such as adult learners, vocational trainers, special education teachers, university lecturers and researchers, together with parental and user organisations – and it will look at the issues involved in enabling this target group to develop their active citizenship, including routes to forms of work, continuing education, personal and social development, and the methodologies, materials and staff training required to achieve this. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship. Arts, music, culture Basic skills. Consumer education Education for parents. Environment Gender issues. Health, Learning about European countries/the European Union, Information technology. Intercultural issues Languages. Media, Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups. Marginalised groups Senior citizens. Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: St Joseph's School for the Visually Impaired Name of the contact person: Mary Leonard Address: Gracepark Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 E-mail: mleonard.stjosephs@indigo.ie Tel: 00 353 1 8373635 Fax: 00 353 1 8373884 Website: www.stjosephsvi.ie Partners Palacky University Olomouc, CZ Institutte for Blinde og Svagsynede, DK Arla Institute, FI Sudbayerische Wohn- und Werkstatten fur Blinde und Sehbehinderte gGmbH, DE Sjonstoo Islands and Blindravinnustofan, IS Lega del Filo d’Oro Onlus, IT ONCE Direccion General Adjunta de So Sociales para Afiliados, ES Resource Centre Vision/Ekeskolan, SE Gymnasieforvaltningen Tullangsskolan, SE 112 GREECE ELLÁDA Project reference: 06- GRC01-S2G01-00105-1 Training of the Trainers for the Spreading of Prenatal Education, Preparing on The scientific and genetic research shows us that during the prenatal period of life, the human being constructs the first bases of his health of his psychological balance and of his inTelligence. There is a relation between the physical and psychological conditions of life of future parents and the health, the well-being and the social behaviour of the child to be born, as well as of the adult that he will become. Therefore it is essential for the future generations, the future parents to be informed by a fundamental preparation on parenthood as to assure the best conditions for the prenatal development of their children. The project aims: The training of the trainers on prenatal education by transnational seminars animated by qualified European specialists around two axes: a) the scientific and psychological knowledge on prenatal education and b) the methods to transfer it. The spreading of the prenatal education by these trained persons within their country by seminars, workshops, information and guidance services, large edition of documents for the couples, the future parents, the young people, the health and educational professionals. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship. Arts, music, culture. Basic skills Consumer education. Education for parents Environment. Gender issues. Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology. Intercultural issues Languages. Media. Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning. Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies. Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities. Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas. Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups. Marginalised groups, Senior citizens, Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Couples, future parents, young people COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Hellenic Association on Prenatal Education Name of the contact person: Ioanna MARI Address: 34 Miltiadou str, 16675 Glyfada, Athens ELLAS E-mail: prenatalgr@hotmail.com Tel: 0030210.9629704 Fax: 0030210.3839151 Website: Partners Association Nationale pour l’Education Prénatal FR Association Nationale d’Education Prénatale ES Association pour l’Education Prénatale de Roumanie RO Association de Développement Périnatal de Lettonie LV 113 ELLÁDA Project reference: 06-GRC01-S2G01-00003-2 ALFAVITARI - Alphabetbook The ALPHABETBOOK is an educational process that combines cultural, artistic and learning goals. In the various stages of the ALPHABETBOOK the participants will create images that are illustrations of a word that derives from a letter of the alphabet from the culture where they come from. This process will demand skills that have to be learnt and, more important, understanding of various concepts (aesthetic, social, artistic). Each partner will choose their learner’s group, and organize them in workshops. These groups will be selected on the basis on whether the process of the project can help the struggle of the particular group against prejudice and xenophobia. The partners will decide whether they will be working with the same group for the whole period of the program or if they will work with different groups in various periods of time. The process can incorporate art forms other than the visual ones, such as theater or music. The main concept of the ALPHABETBOOK derives from the belief that culture and education are probably the most powerful tools for the empowerment of the individual. The final outcome will be an actual book, the ALPHABETBOOK, and it will prove that various ideas and concepts can find common ground under the same format and thus create new interpretations. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship. Arts, music, culture. Basic skills. Consumer education. Education for parents. Environment. Gender issues Health. Learning about European countries/the European Union. Information technology. Intercultural issues. Languages. Media. Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning. Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counseling or other support services Management of adult education organization / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons Migrants/travelers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups. Marginalized groups Senior citizens. Women Young adults at risk of social marginalization COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Cultural Center of Chalkida Name of the contact person: Ioannis Ziogas Address: St. Dimitriou sq., Chalkis 34100 ELLAS E-mail: chalket@otenet.gr Tel: 003022210 81811 Fax: 00302210 86366 Website: www.chalket.gr Partners Liudska Univerza Institution for Adult Education Skofja Loka, SI Vilnius College in Higher Education, Faculty of Health Care, LT Community Action Network, IE Planina Vedez Sentjur, SL Dienos Centras Sviesa, LT 114 ELLÁDA Project reference: 06-GRC01-S2G01-00001-3 New approach for the education of adult immigrants Our project intends to build a new approach concerning adult education through three strategic aims: 1. The collection of information about each country’s foreign adult education system. 2. The acquisition of knowledge concerning the methods and ways of teaching within the frame of education and social integration of immigrants, refugees and repatriated people. 3. The creation of competence to use innovated methods in groups of socially excluded foreigners Through operational aims: 1. Familiarization with the culture and religion of the communities of immigrants and refugees 2. Familiarization with the methods of resolving problematic situations regarding nationality, religion and tradition 3. Familiarization with the way in which we deal with social integration 4. Learning the procedures of acquiring citizenship in each country 5. Learning the parameters of the work of teachers who deal with these people 6. Learning the methods and teaching methodology used in the education of groups with different culture 7. Creation of a new approach in teaching foreign groups 8. Engagement in activities oriented towards the solution of problems relating to the education of socially excluded groups 9. Development of information activities Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3rd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship. Arts, music, culture. Basic skills. Consumer education. Education for parents. Environment. Gender issues. Health. Learning about European countries/the European Union. Information technology. Intercultural issues. Languages. Media. Sustainable development. Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services. Management of adult education organisation / institution. Methods for providing accreditation of competencies. Disabled persons 1 Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities. Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas. Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners 3 Local community groups. Marginalised. Groups. Senior citizens, women 2 Young adults at risk of social marginalisation. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Regional committee of Lifelong Learning of Kavala - KEK N.A. N.EL.E Kavalas Name of the contact person: Papas Nikolaos, Moulas Nikolaos Address: Piiti 18 – Kavala 65201 ELLAS E-mail: kek_na_nele@kav.forthnet.gr Tel: 0030 2510 831126 Fax: 0030 2510 838634 Website: Partners Teacher continuing education institute PL Permanent territorial centre CTP - Comprehensive school “Maria Capozzi” IT 115 ELLÁDA Project reference: 06- GRC01-S2G01-00028-1 Geomythology The environment does not remain static but was, is and will be connected to the meaning of “change”. The environmental changes (geographical, geological, climatological, etc) led the “homo sapiens” to the creation of myths for the understanding and interpretation of the phenomena that caused them. These myths are similar in all European nations. The sciences today have come to confirm and interpret with the use of the new technologies (ratio-dating, examination of specks of pollen, Oxygen isotopes, etc) the truth of these sayings. All these myths have influenced the creation and evolution of the European civilization. The knowledge of environmental changes of the past leads to environmental awareness, resulting in a more rational usage of energy resources. Climate and geomorphological changes during the last 18.000 years before present. How mythology and history had been influenced of them. Their contribution to now day European civilisation. The necessity of all above in environmental education. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1 Area(s) covered Intercultural issues. Information technology Sustainable development. Learning about European countries / the European Union. Environment Education for parents Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Parents COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION CENTER OF STYLIDA Name of the contact person: Papageorgiou Marina Address: ARI VELOYHIOTI, ERGATIKES KATIKIES 35300, STYLIDA, ELLAS E-mail: kpestyl@sch.gr - kpestypa@otenet.gr Tel: 0030 22380 23121 Fax: 0030 22380 23137 Website: Partners National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Faculty of Geology, Department of Dynamic Tectonic Applied Geology, GR Lithuanian Multiple Sceloris Union, LT Ecognosia – Unit for Environmental Studies, CY 116 ELLÁDA Project reference: 06-GRC01-S2G01-00004-2 Tourism and environment: The role of women in connection with social, economic and cultural growth in the light of promotion of diversity through the course to the European completion The project provides the import of women with low socio-economic profile, that they have developed or intend to develop, experiences in the space "tourism-environment", under the spirit of European collaboration, including citizens and professionals in the project. Similar objectives, are expected to be achieved with the realization of the present project through which, seminars will be carried out on issues as: the feminine enterprising spirit dexterity, the history and the institutions of European Union, the models of European completion, the use of new technologies, the multicultural model in the achievement of European collaboration. Moreover, is provided the linguistic preparation of instructors and educated, for the overshooting of communication obstacles that result from the national identity of each inter-country institute. Thus, is achieved the real communication between the inter-country partners so much at the exchanges (visits in different states) that at their attendance in the seminars with various thematic units (tourism, environment, technology of information, business dexterity, European Union). With the development of this project, are expected the achievement of educative growth and the improvement of conditions of socio-economic life participating in the project. Final objective, the creation of the conditions for future forms of cooperatives and the growth of commercial relations through the acquaintance of inter-country partners under a historical, cultural and environmental prism, as expressions of communication and exchange Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2 Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship. Arts, music, culture. Basic skills. Consumer education. Education for parents, Environment. Gender issues, Health. Learning about European countries/the European Union. Information technology. Intercultural issues. Languages, Media. Sustainable development. Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning. Experimentation with new pedagogical approach (es). Guidance / counselling or other support services. Management of adult education organisation / institution. Methods for providing accreditation of competencies. Disabled persons. Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities. Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas. Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups. Marginalised groups. Senior citizens. Women. Young adults at risk of social marginalization. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: MUNICIPALITY OF DYMI Name of the contact person: Vasilis N. Kanellopoulos Address: Plateia Dimokratias 1, Kato Achaia E-mail: kanelb@1321.syzefxis.gov.gr, kanellbil@gmail.com, kanelb@dymi.gr Tel: 0030 26930 25720 Fax: 0030 26930 25720 Website: www.dymi.gr Partners UNIVERSITY OF PATRAS, DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICS OF COMPUTERS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY – LABORATORY OF MULTIMEDIA AND GEOGRAPHIC SYSTEMS OF INFORMATION, GR WOMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF AGROS, CY CENTRO TURISTICO GIOVANILE GRUPPO TERZO MILLENNIO , IT ASSOCIAZIONE TURISTICO CULTURALE – PRO LOCO “ACQUARICA DI LECCE, IT POLYTECHNIC UNIVERSITY OF BUCHAREST, RO 117 SPAIN ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00053-1 A distance learning approach The aim of the project is to bring to disadvantaged rural areas a quality socioeducational offer within the LLL frame that gives an answer to the new needs and demands in training through the use of ICT. This project intends to be a learning experience conducive to a Grundtvig 1, clarifying the educational needs of all the partner institutions and the proposals to meet those needs in order to define a common product to be elaborated in a future TCP. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 Basic skills. Active citizenship Intercultural issues ICT Languages European countries Media Strategies to stimulate adult education demand Management of adult education institutions Guidance, counselling, information services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults. Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Centre de Formación de Personas Adultas FPA Beniassent Name of the contact person: Cristina Llorens Address: Avda. del País Valencià, 147, 03820 Concentaina E-mail epa@cocentaina.org Tel: +34 965 59 32 30 Fax :+34 965 54 43 06 Organisation/Project Website: http://intercentres.cult.gva.es/fpabeniassent Partners Centro de educación permanente, Ubrique, ES Frauen und FamilienberatungsteTelle, Oberpullendorf, AT Kerstins Udde Spa & Turism ekonomisk förening, Trehörningsjö, SE Kurttepe Endüstri Meslek Lisesi, Seyhan, TR Alytous Labour market training and counselling service, Alytus 118 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00091-1 Creating space for change We think that Education is the best way to improve the coexistence and life quality in prisons, and also to achieve personal changes of the persons in prison that facilitate their social inclusion. In most prisons there are educational activities, but in many cases these activities don’t take on board important issues that affect deeply the life of prisoners: health (problems with addictions), family, prison culture, psychosocial problems, etc…Thus the educational offer is underused and is not as effective as it should be in the social inclusion of inmates. The project intends to face the educational activities in prisons in a coordinated and integral way, working on all the different facts that affect the life of inmates and their coexistence. Our project intends to create Educational Spaces in prisons, where we can put into practice learning experiences in the formal, non formal and informal education. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Active citizenship Basic skills European countries/European Union ICT Art, music, culture Consumer education Health Media Languages Others, drugadiction Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Strategies to stimulate AE demand Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Management of AE institutions Other groups socially or economically disadvantaged, unemployed or persons in prison COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Unidad terapéutica y educativa del centro penitenciario de Villabona Name of the contact person: Julio Florencio Fernández Rubio Address: Tabladiello Alto, s/n, 33271 Villabona, Asturias E-mail florencfr@educastur.princast.es Tel: +34 985 10 52 14 Fax: +34 985 10 52 03 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Lancaster and Morecambe Collge, Lancaster, UK Galli Group, Wien, AT Festival of friends preventional theatre, Erfurt, DE Prison Uherce Mineralne, Uherce Mineralne, PL Debica Prison, Debica, PL 119 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00118-1 A European eye on immigration, integration and inclusion The central topic of the project is to study how people learn and how immigrants/individuals can be included in our European communities. We will start by choosing one case in each country and then we will introduce it in MOODLE, an internet based platform, which is our tool for collaborative learning. The potential case studies would be: 1. Marginalized groups. 2. Socially disadvantaged persons. 3. Low qualified persons. 4. Immigrants The cases will be grouped in two categories: 1. Learning and training. 2. Analyzing the integration process: describing the way since they arrive in a country until they are integrated and have a regular job. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues ICT Strategies to stimulate/promote the demand in AE Guidance and information services Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Migrants/travellers/ethnic and other minorities Young adults Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: IES Reina Victoria Eugenia Name of the contact person: Grancisco García Guerrero Address: General Astilleros, 54, 52006 Melilla E-mail withoutcondition2000@yahoo.es Tel: +34 952 67 33 83 Fax: +34 952 67 39 24 Organisation/Project Website: Partners The association for educational activities, Helsinki, FI Centre academique de formation continue, Noumea, FR CEPA Fuentes de Ebro, Fuentes de Ebro, ES 120 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00124-2 In the mirror of their eyes It is a multicultural project that intends to share different experiences with migrant people of diverse background, coming to the EU from all parts of the world, and becoming learners in our adult education institutions. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Active citizenship Intercultural issues Guidance / counselling or other support services Migrants/travellers/ethnic minorities COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CEPA Pablo Guzman Name of the contact person: Piedad Hernández Address: C/ Andorra, 19, bis, 28043, Madrid E-mail:phernanzoi@Telefonica.net Tel: +34 91 300 37 25 Fax: +34 91 300 37 25 Organisation/Project Website: centros6.pntic.mec.es/cea.pablo.guzman/ Partners Istituto tecnico per attivita sociali Pietro Scalcerle, Padova, IT GRETA Val Guvey Leman, Oyyonax Cedex, FR 121 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00251-2 SKILLNET: Continuous training in Social Skills for Adults The students in training courses aiming at getting a job are lacking in basic and instrumental skills. Basic skills are acquired in formal education through subject matters like maths, native language, sciences, etc… Social skills are acquired informally, they are not included in a formal curriculum, though they are important to get a job, and when the candidates are deficient in this area, they are bound to be excluded professionally and socially. We intend to analyse the social skills required in social and professional relationships, so that we can determine the concrete training needs of the users of Continuous Training Courses for Adults. Then this experience can be transferred to trainers, parents, teachers, etc.. Our partnership will try to create training modules in social skills that could be of general use. Duration: 2 years Funding year: Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Basic skills ICT Others, Training in Social Sills for adults Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Strategy for stimulating AE demand Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Management of AE institutions. Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ayuntamiento de Vinalesa Name of the contact person: Francisco Ramón Ample Address: C/ La Fábrica, 1, 46114 Vinalesa (Valencia) E-mail: pasiv@vinalesa.org Tel: +34 96 149 97 98 Fax: +34 96 149 56 21 Organisation/Project Website: www.vinalesa.org Partners Casa Corpului Didactic Prahova, Ploiesti, RO Çukurova Developmental Institute Society, TR Ayuntamiento de Pobla de Vallbona, ES 122 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-000276-3 ENTRAMUS - European Network of Traditional Music Schools The revival of traditional music is a cultural and pedagogical issue that tries to value the native European cultures but is usually dealing only with the local ones. The traditional music in AE has the advantage of proximity, dejà-vu of most materials that encourage and stimulate the demand of adult learners. The partnership will try to reach the target groups in rural areas which have a more difficult access to learning, through a training course of traditional music and dancing, exchange of trainers and the creation of a network of cooperation with the partner institutions. Duration: 3 years Funding year: Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Art, music, culture Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Escuelas de música tradicional de la comarca de la sidra Name of the contact person: Luis Carlos Vecino Address: Paraes, 33529 Nava E-mail: adl@lacomarcadelasidra.com Tel: +34 985 71 84 13 Fax: +34 985 71 85 31 Organisation/Project Website: www.lacomarcadelasidra.com Partners Loimaan Seudun Musiikkiopisto, Loimaa, FI Association Tera, Saint Groux, FR 123 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00365-2 ARCHAEOLOGY PLUS – Valorisation of Archaeology, Heritage and Cultural Roots The project addresses adults living in rural areas of archaeological interest. It will have three phases. The first one will include research about similar activities carried out in the areas of the partner institutions and develop materials that answer the needs of the participants involved. In the second phase each institution will test the materials developed by means of different pilot activities like workshops, seminars, conferences, training courses, with the aim to disseminate the results of the research phase and to promote archaeology and acknowledgement of their own cultural heritage among adults living in rural communities. The third and last phase will consist of the organisation of study tours in sites of archaeological interest. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries/European Union Sustainable development Art, music, culture Strategy to stimulate AE demand Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Migrants/travellers/ethnic minorities COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Asociación Emprendedores para el Empleo Name of the contact person: Jesús Sánchez Address: C/ Santander Mediterráneo, 9-2º D, 50300, Calatayud (Zaragoza) E-mail jesusasanchez@europainterface.net Tel: +34 976 89 72 00 Fax :+34 976 89 72 00 Organisation/Project Website: www.emprende-empleo.com Partners E. Portuoli SIA E.E., Faliro, GR Asociata Feneilor Din Romania, Bucarest, RO Interkulturelle Personalentwicklung, Wien, AT 124 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00425-1 Customer service in small businesses of tourist areas The main aim of the project is to gather experiences and know-how in the partner countries about the policy to help customers in small or family businesses in tourist areas. Then the standards and qualifications of staff can be improved to be more competitive.The tendency in the market is the growth of quality tourism with customers more demanding and with a high income that ask for quality services. In all the partner countries there is the feeling and the need to update the tourist services to be able to face the social integration in Europe. Another important objective of the project is that students and trainers can benefit from this transnational experience and improve their foreign language skills. Another objective is to enforce the relationships, exchange and dissemination of good practices and benefit from results of previous projects about these same issues. Then we will provide managers, owners and directors of SME with the exchange of experiences and the sharing of common problems and interests. Each partner will do some analytical research about the help the customers get at local level, their needs and the quality of the service. Then a guide of good practices will be produced that will include methodological approaches to better deal with the services the customers are entitled to. The work of each partner will be included in a CDROM. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Active citizenship Intercultural issues European countries/European Union Sustainable development Art, music, culture Basic skills Languages Strategies to stimulate AE demand People who live in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Grupo Inforempresa Name of the contact person: Rosa Padilla Address: Calle CuarTeles, 2-Bajo, 29002, Málaga E-mail: dptoeuropeo@inforempresa.com Tel: +34 952 36 33 68 Fax: +34 952 36 34 42 Organisation/Project Website: www.inforempresa.com Partners CO.EUR- Associazione di consulenza e formazione europea, Roma, IT Alytous business incubator, Alytus, LT 125 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00076-1 COLABORA: Collaborative learning and cross cultural integration With this project we intend to work simultaneously with immigrants and ethnic minorities, and young adults in risk of social exclusion for lack of training. With the first group we will design motivating strategies in formal and non formal learning (linguistic skills, ICT, culture, norms and laws) so that learners can be integrated in the education system. We will try to improve the self esteem of the target groups and also try to eradicate racism and xenophobia. There will be activities designed so that these minority groups can transfer their knowledge and cultural and linguistic skills as well. There will be a Permanent Observatory on the integration of minorities through Forums to be celebrated periodically in each of the partner countries. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages ICT Others, Integration of minorities Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Strategy for stimulating AE demand Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas. Local community groups Migrants, travellers, ethnic and other minorities COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: IES Monte CasTelo Name of the contact person: Victoria Pérez Ramos Address: C/ Os Matos s/n, 27880 Burela, Lugo E-mail ies.monte.casTelo@edu.xunta.es Tel: +34 982 58 08 89 Fax: +34 982 58 08 89 Organisation/Project Website: www.i-montecasTelo.com Partners Yalova Il Milli Egitim Mudurlugu, Yalova, TR University of Lecce, Lecce, IT Centro Cívico del Ayuntamiento de León, León, ES Urad Prace Semily, Semily, CZ 126 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00110-1 Applying the e-portfolio to learning in AE This project intends to help the participating institutions explore the European Portfolio for Languages through research within the partner institutions but also with other ones involved in language teaching. The aim is to explore the way the European Reference Framework and the European Portfolio for Languages can be implemented in the teaching/learning of foreign languages in AE. We intend to share our experiences and learn from one another. We have called it e-portfolio because our aim is to promote language learning in our learners in an autonomous and independent way through the use of ICT like internet, E-mail, chats and on-line programmes. We will explore ways that allow adult learners to self-evaluate and self-monitor their progress in this LLL that language learning implies. Durations: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Intercultural issues Languages European countries/European Union Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Migrants/travellers/ethnic and other minorities Young adults Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: EOI de Murcia Name of the contact person: Belén Alcalde Address: Avda. de Miguel de Cervantes s/n, 30009 Murcia E-mail paco@eoimurcia.org Tel: +34 968 29 13 09 Fax: +34 968 28 11 91 Organisation/Project Website: www.eoimurcia.org Partners Alytaus Kolegija, Alytus, LT Community GMBH, Chemnitz, DE Ottilie Schoenewald Weiterbildungskolleg der Stadt Bochum, Bochum, DE 127 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00121-3 Barriers to employment (B to E) Many people with disabilities have to face a lot of barriers to get a job. There is no organization that can provide the full support and help they need. This project intends to create a framework of integral assistance to facilitate a common strategy. The standards of qualifications are an important element to get a job or to be promoted in a job, and one of the lacking skills is ICT, for the public in general and for disabled persons in particular. That is one of the main barriers for this group in all the participating countries in this LP, and the result is marginalisation, discrimination, difficulties in communication and also in access to services. So far we have exchanged methodologies to improve the implementation of results, we have produced a Website with a forum where participants can exchange ideas, and we have developed courses about digital literacy, exchanged good practices among the participating partners and disseminated the project through social networks. This third year will be devoted to study in depth some of the problems and questions raised in these first two years and to a better and broader dissemination of results. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Basic skills Information technology Others: Integration of persons at risk of social exclusion Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Fundación INTRAS Name of the contact person: Pablo Sánchez Address: Santa Lucia, 19, 1º, 47005 Valladolid E-mail psp@intras.es Tel: +34 983 399633 Fax: +34 983 217565 Organisation/Project Website: www.intras.es Partners Toucan Europe, Manchester, UK CJD, Dortmund, DE 128 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00165-2 Babelia This Learning Partnership is composed by public adult education institutions from France, Romania and United Kingdom and Spain with the priority aim to promote and stimulate language learning among adult learners and trainers in order to improve the communication skills. Active citizenship and intercultural education will be stressed and the interest of participants in the culture, language, folklore, food, and traditions of the participating countries will be stimulated by cultural and linguistic activities. ICT will also be promoted. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages European countries/European Union ICT Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategies to stimulate AE demand Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic minorities Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CEPA de Parla Name of the contact person: Juan Sabe Address: C/ Galilea, 11, 28980 Parla, Madrid E-mail juansabe@mi.madriTel.es Tel:+34 91 698 64 30 Fax:+34 91 699 93 23 Organisation/Project Website: centros6.pntic.mec.es/cea.de.parla Partners CFPPA St Yrieix, St Yrieix, FR The Foundation Resource Centre, Cluj-Napoca, RO Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education, Belfast, UK 129 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00187-1 Opening doors: changing the strange and foreign into the known and familiar Bearing in mind how different the institutions of this LP are and also the different needs they face, we intend to work on a project where every partner has a paramount role and can contribute his unique experience to help and enrich the work of all the other partners, and also where language and culture have an integrating role with a twofold aim in mind: 1. Bring the citizens near the problems immigration involves with its transnational dimension and its risk of social exclusion, and make them participate in the activities devised: seminars, workshops, presentations etc. 2. Make those socially excluded play an important role in the project through participation in the activities and their direct cooperation in the joint search for solutions. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Funding year: Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages European countries/European Union ICT Art, music, culture Media Others, cultural integration of people from different cultures Project Objectives Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic minorities Other groups economically or socially disadvantaged, unemployed, prisoners Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: EOI de Ferrol Name of the contact person: Ana Fernández Address: C/ Real, 29, 15402 Ferrol E-mail:eoi.ferrol@edu.xunta.es Tel: +34 981 32 40 20 Fax: +34 981 37 01 45 Organisation/Project Website: www.eoiferrol.org Partners Samsun public adult education centre and art school, Samsun, TR Lernia SFI Swedish for immigrants, Östersund, SE 130 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00370-2 ICT tools for building European citizenship The project intends to change the traditional teaching methodology for new ways that include ICT, by means of exchange of good practices and experience among trainers and learners, give the trainers the opportunity to use ICT in and out of the classroom, include content and materials related to tolerance, social skills, etc… and create a European meeting point for trainers and learners. The project tries to combine the use of ICT and the improvement of digital literacy with the inclusion of didactic materials that address issues related to tolerance, social skills, appreciation of differences, and the value of the development of a European identity and European citizenship. The impact will go beyond the partner institutions to include also the local communities. And it will try to improve adult education through teacher training. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues ICT Strategies to stimulate the demand of AE Experimenting with new pedagogical approaches Methods for providing credits for skills acquired in non formal environments Young adults Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CEA Fernando Marrero Pulido Name of the contact person: Montserrat Tramunt Address: C/Huelva,9, 35411, Arucas E-mail 35009619@gobiernodecanarias.org Tel: +34 928 605967 Fax: +34 928 625186 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Savoirs pour reussir, Marseille, FR Greta For, Saint Etienne, FR Alfa College, Groningen, NL IES José Arencibia Gil, Telde, ES 131 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-05028-2 ELBA: Electronic Book for Adults The aim of the project is: -To study the literature of the participating countries that corresponds to a certain period or thematic area within a period. Specially focused to the creation of an anthology of XXth century poetry of the participating countries where the values of intercultural and multiethnic integration are underlined. -To integrate ICT so that the participants can be familiar with the electronic books and digital libraries. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Intercultural issues ICT Art, music, culture Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Strategies to stimulate AE demand Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Migrants/travellers/ethnic minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ALDESOC Name of the contact person: Pilar Cataño Address: Calle Moratín, 48-2º, 28014 Madrid E-mail catcan@gmail.com Tel: +34 91 429 40 46 Fax: +34 91 429 40 46 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Vilnius Gabrieles Petkevicaites Bites Suaugusiuiu Mokymo Centras, Vilnius, LT Adult Educational Centre, Larnaka, CY EPTHB Scientific and Educational Union, Livadeia, GR Carpiformazione, Carpimo, IT Associazione Kelidon, Milano, IT 132 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-05056-1 Adult education and special educational needs: a challenge with a European dimension The philosophy behind the project is adult education for those who for different reasons are in need of it. First, for those who when youngsters were lacking in motivation and didn’t see the meaning of what they were supposed to be learning, or suffered some kind of disability that impaired their hearing and their communication abilities. Secondly, education for adults who wish to go on with their education either for their own personal fulfilment or because they need to update their skills due to the new demands of society or the job market, specially in the field of ICT, if they want to keep abreast in their own careers or access a better qualified job. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Active citizenship European countries/European Union ICT Consumer education Languages e-learning Strategies to stimulate AE demand Counselling/information and guidance Experimenting with new pedagogical approaches Persons with disabilities People who live in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: IES la Rosaleda Name of the contact person: María Soledad Moreno Address: Avda. de Luis Buñuel, 6, 29011 Málaga E-mail: 29005916.averroes@juntadeandalucia.es Tel: +34 952 64 00 35 Fax: +34 952 64 12 66 Organisation/Project Website: www.juntadeandalucia.es/averroes/ieslarosaleda Partners EFESO, Ente di Formazione per l’Economia Sociale, Bologna, IT Ogre District Council, Ogre, LV 133 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00388-1 Movint 2 –Mobile Telephones and internet The project is targeted at consumers in social guarantee and curricular diversification groups, and also at people in adult education, and the main aim is to develop methodological approaches that are efficient and dynamic for learning and acquiring new skills in ICT. We intend to achieve results that can be multiplied and help, inform and guide other consumers. The specific objectives will be based on questionnaires, design of a media and a training campaign with programs in radio and information in internet, besides a training plan on-line. The content will be centred in four main topics: European countries, ICT, consumer education, and media. These four modules will be developed taking as a practical example the Media- mobile Telephones and internet. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Information technology Consumer education Media European countries/European Union Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Methods to validate learning acquired in non formal environments Young adults Disabled persons Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Escuela europea de consumidores Name of the contact person: Nieves Álvarez Address: Nicolás Salmerón 5 y 7, 39009 Santander E-mail: escuela@infoconsumo.es Tel: +34 942 21 06 00 Fax: +34 942 21 08 67 Organisation/Project Website: www.infoconsumo.es/escuela Partners 1. Agencia de sanidad ambiental y consumo del principado de Asturias, Oviedo, ES 2. Lithuanian National Consumers' Federation, Vilnius, LT 3. Association of consumer organizations, Stara Lubovna, SK 134 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00291-2 Enterprise and immigration in EU The project intends to help employers and employees to understand better the multicultural people they work with. The origin and sociocultural situation of the countries where the immigrants come from will be taken into account. It is important to understand these facts when working in a multicultural milieu. The philosophy behind the project is “knowledge versus ignorance” to help keep Europe at peace and combat racism and xenophobia. Immigrants are potential workers in all European countries and their employers do not know their languages, culture, traditions, ways of life etc… Nowadays we can find training courses for immigrants about the culture, language and ways of life of the countries they have emigrated to, but there are no training courses for employers and colleagues about the culture and languages of this labour force coming from very different countries in the world. The aim of the project is to integrate the immigrants better in their jobs and in their new countries through training courses that can help to have a better mutual understanding of their traditions, ways of thinking and peculiarities. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Active citizenship Intercultural issues Strategy to stimulate adult education demand Guidance/counselling/information services Migrants/travellers/ethnic minorities Women Others, Employers and employees who work with immigrants COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Instituto de Formación Integral S.L. Name of the contact person: Emilia Martín Address: C/ Alcalá, 21-3º Drcha., 28014 Madrid E-mail emiliamartin@unihost.org Tel: +34 91 701 14 94 Fax:+34 91 701 14 93 Organisation/Project Website: www.ifionline.com Partners Carpiformazione, Carpi, IT Europahuset Västra Götaland, Axvall, SE 135 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00275-2 UNITED: Unity from Diversity We intend to know how elderly people from different European countries organize their time and also discover their interests, worries, expectations and needs, to look for common points, to connect, unify and try to satisfy them through common educational programmes designed for elderly learners. The work will be two-fold: a) To know leisure habits, lifestyle, needs, of people older than 60, who live in urban areas and who demand education, with the aim of designing a syllabus adapted to their interests. b) To analyse the education of elderly people in the different countries and try to improve it with the shared good practices helped by ICT. The project can be of interest to coordinators, directors, and planners in institutions with senior learners, also to actual and future trainers and to government institutions in charge of the socioeducational care of elderly people. We will produce training courses and conferences using common pedagogical materials. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Active citizenship, Basic skills Intercultural issues, European countries/European Union ICT, Sustainable development Art, music, culture, Consumer education Health , Media Environment Languages Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Strategies to stimulate AE demand Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Management of AE institutions Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Asociación Nacional de Gerontología Name of the contact person: Ramona Carmona Address: Campus Universitario de La Cartuja, 18011 Granada E-mail rrubioh906@hotmail.com Tel: +34 958 24 28 48 Fax: +34 958 24 20 95 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Universidad de Almería, Almería, ES Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Szialwesen, Kassel, DE Nyiregyhaza Foiskola, Nyiregyhaza, HU Centre for mental health, clinical psychologist, Athens, GR 136 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00194-1 Vocational integration of travelling people in Europe The way of life of the gypsy population is frequently an obstacle for their social and professional inclusion, and for their vocational and educational training. The education system is not adapted to the irregular attendance of gypsy children, and makes it difficult a special educational approach for the youth of this minority. The main aim of the project is, through research, needs analysis and the use of European successful practices, to improve: -The percentage of students who stay at school after compulsory education, mainly in vocational training. -The percentage of gypsy girls in vocational training. -The image of the gypsy woman through education and their enrolment on the labour market. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning. Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Migrants/travellers/ethnic and other minorities Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CEPA de Olmedo Name of the contact person: Alvaro García Prieto Address: Plaza de Santa María s/n, 47410 Olmedo E-mail deolmedo@centros6.pntic.mec.es Tel: +34 98362 31 28 Fax: +34 983 62 31 28 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Groupment d’interêt public formation continue-formation profesionelle, Clermont-Ferrand, FR CEPA de Peñafiel, Peñafiel, ES Modern didactic centre, Vilnius, LT Training Company Rekval, Ostrava, CZ 137 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00174-1 VITAE: Visits and Itineraries in Adult Education Life takes place out of the classroom. The final aim of education is to prepare students for life. Visits and exchanges are an essential tool in education. This is especially important in adult education and all the other educational pathways it involves. The main aim of this project is the exchange of ideas and good practices in the field of didactic exploitation of the institution environment mainly in rural areas. Both museums and educational institutions will collaborate in this task. We will deal with the preparation of visits, both in forums using internet, and in the classroom. We will use the reports after visits as a means of reflection and encouragement and also virtual visits and exchange of the results so that all the learners and participants can share the benefits of them. All the materials will be published both in paper and in the web. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: ICT Basic skills European countries/European Union Art, music, culture Environment Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Methods for providing credits for skills acquired in non-formal education Young adults Migrants/travellers/ethnic and other minorities Persons living in rural or deprived areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: IES Bajo Aragón Name of the contact person: José Ramón Ollés Address: Pardo Castrón S/n, 44600 Alcañiz E-mail : jrolles@iesbajoaragon.es Tel: +34 978 83 10 63 Fax:+34 978 87 05 40 Organisation/Project Website: www.faea.es Partners 1. Centro de cultura e historia amalfitana, Amalfi, IT 2. Bridge to education, Semily, CZ 3. CFPA Tirant lo Blanc, L’ Alcora, ES 138 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00122-1 TTS - Training technical staff The main aim of the project TTS is to improve the training of teachers and trainers who work with people in risk of social exclusion, specially people with disabilities and immigrants, so that their skills and attitudes can be better adapted to the learners’ needs. This methodological improvement is necessary to offer the target groups better quality and more innovative services, and also to develop the skills of trainers in managerial and coordinating tasks to be used with crosscurricular teams, in order to improve and stimulate their self-determination, self-esteem and life quality. To achieve these objectives, we plan to do needs analysis of trainers in the partner countries, and also exchange of good practices; training courses according to the detected needs; produce guidelines for the methodological approach to be used; strengthening of the cooperation among the different partner institutions so that the training of trainers can benefit from the examples of good practices in the different countries; encourage the practice of mentoring to implement active ageing and the transfer of knowledge and experiences among professionals; and finally, encourage the use of ICT in the training of trainers by means of a Website that includes all the partners in the LP. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Basic skills Information technology Others: pedagogical training of trainers who work with learners in risk of social exclusion Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Fundación INTRAS Name of the contact person: Pablo Sánchez Address: Santa Lucia, 19, 1º, 47005 Valladolid E-mail psp@intras.es Tel: +34 983 399633 Fax: +34 983 217565 Organisation/Project Website: www.intras.es Partners ADMEstrela-Development and improvement association, Guarda, PT The Copenhaguen day folk high school for women, Copenhaguen, DK 139 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00080-1 @RINCONATE- A project of computer literacy by means of reusing and recycling computers to promote social and labour inclusion of disadvantaged persons and also environmental education Nowadays we frequently hear and read about the differences existing among countries, regions and people in what we call digital literacy, and we can also refer to it as “digital gap”, meaning the gap between the people who use ICT in everyday life, both for professional or private reasons, and those who have no access to these technologies or even if they have they lack the ability to be able to profit from them. This gap is crucial to access information, knowledge and education through ICT. We intend with this LP to promote ICT as a means of social and labour inclusion, with a program of digital literacy using old recycled computers. We will also try new methodological approaches with learners with disabilities so that they can avoid social exclusion using ICT. We also intend to promote the environmental care recycling computers. Duration: 3 years Funding year: Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) ICT Consumer education Education for parents Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Strategies to promote AE demand Methods to validate knowledge acquired in non formal environments Guidance, counselling, information services Economically and socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Women Young adults Migrants/travellers/ethnic and other minority groups Disabled persons Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: IES El Rincón Name of the contact person: Luis Henriquez Address: José Sánchez Peñate s/n, 35010 Las Palmas, Islas Canarias E-mail : luishenriquezarmas@hotmail.com Tel: +34 928 273890 Fax: +34 928 222102 Organisation/Project Website: www.ieselrincon.org Partners Centro cultural hispano-heleno Federico García Lorca, Tesalonica, GR F.C. Europa Club, Roma, IT 140 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00063-1 European citizenship We intend to study deeply each of the Rights of the European Union, devoting the first year to the Right to Equality and the Right to Dignity. We will pay special attention to those particular points which are more relevant in our areas. As citizens of a changing, plural and democratic society, we understand equality not only as the absence of differences, but also as respect to minorities, to differences, to equality to rights within diversity. We try to help: -promote equality between men and women, fighting gender violence, stereotypes and prejudices. -do away with racist and intolerant attitudes, or social exclusion of minorities. -protect the rights and dignity of citizens and make them aware of their democratic responsibilities. -build a democratic society where we can share peace, multiculturalism and plurality. Our work will be dealing mainly with men and women, immigrants and marginalised minorities and all the problems they usually involve. In the first meeting we will present the priority needs of our areas and we will program the activities accordingly. We will gather information and materials after having dealt with the questionnaires previously applied and answered. We will also compare how the different Rights are dealt with in the various countries and regions, and plan activities to correct anomalies in their use. Then we intend to exchange trainers and learners to live in situ different ways of living in society, and finally, disseminate the results. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Active citizenship, Intercultural issues Information technology Arts, music, culture, Sustainable development Consumer education Health, Media, Environment European Citizenship, European countries/European Union Languages Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Young adults Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Asociación Cultural Hablamos Name of the contact person: Juana Carmen Camacho Ríos Address: Avda. De Andalucia, 8, bloque 3-6º A, 23700 Linares E-mail: asociacionhablamos@hotmail.com Tel: +34 953651191 Fax: +34 953651191 Organisation/Project Website: Partners 1. Sahinbey Adult Educatoin Centre, Sahinbey Gaziantep, TR 2. Lieporiu School Community, Siauliai, LT 141 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00057-3 New approaches to the LLL process in European Dimension (AMICA) The majority of the problems we face in adult education deal with the affective component of the learning process that is left aside by the traditional teaching approaches. Our course proposal for adult educators intends to address all these issues using new methodologies in the light of the psycho-pedagogical research. The main objective of the project is to create an innovative active-learning training course for a broad group of adult educators with the intention of bringing together and adapting various non-traditional user-friendly methods for different subjects, fields, levels and ages of students and countries. During the project phase series of pilot courses will be held in the different partner countries using various languages, and different alternative approaches and avant-garde methods will be presented in several course modules, namely: Motivation in the Adult Classroom, Techniques to increase Self-esteem, Anxiety reduction for Adult Learners, Drama Techniques, Affective Component of Adult Learning and Mental Imagery as a Tool to Foster LLL. Great importance will be given to the European Dimension of the course through European evenings and European learning/teaching “brain-storming”- exchange of ideas and experience and team of trainers from different partner countries. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Intercultural issues Active citizenship Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education institutions Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Asociación cultural Comenius de enseñantes europeos Name of the contact person: Christian Ciappara Address: Avenida Concordia, 4, chalet 8, 28840, Mejorada del Campo, Madrid E-mail: tradchris@wanadoo.es Tel: +34 91 668 05 13 Fax:+34 91 668 05 13 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Euro-Schulen, Görlitz, DE Catalyst, Firenze, IT Technology Educational Institute, Heraklion, Crete, GR CETA, Asociación de profesores de inglés, Córdoba, ES Escola básica dos ciclos Falho de Almeida, Cuba, PT 142 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00034-2 ICT50+, promoting ICT in people older than 50 We intend to create a working group with institutions related to the education of people over 50 in the area of ICT, with the purpose of sharing good practices in the field of education, and collecting methods and techniques to design courses aimed at stimulating the use of ICT by older people, so that they can control better their environment. The objectives are to: -share guides, practices, techniques and relevant documentation. -share approaches to stimulate older people to use ICT. -develop courses to increase the use of internet for their own personal purposes: how to improve their health, languages, culture, leisure, and stimulate intercultural communication. -improve social interaction and older people participation. Duration: 2 years Funding year: Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Basic skills Health Active citizenship Intercultural issues ICT Strategies to stimulate adult education demand Management of adult education institutions Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Disabled persons Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Universidad Jaume I Name of the contact person: Roger EsTeller Address: Av. Vicent Sos Banyat, s/n, 12071, CasTellón E-mail majors@uji.es Tel: +34 964 72 80 00 Fax : +34 964 72 90 16 Organisation/Project Website: www.uji.es Partners Suomen MS-liitto ry, Masku, FI Landästorget Seniorsenter, Bergen, NO KEB Rheinland-Pfalz Lag, Mainz, DE Senioren Lernen on-line, Kiel, DE 143 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00058-3 MODEL: Motivating the disadvantaged through empowering learners The aim of the project is to develop innovative strategies to stimulate the demand of AE of those in a disadvantaged situation. Each partner identifies a group to work with, analysing the learning needs and difficulties to develop adequate strategies to attract and motivate them. These priority groups are: unemployed, ethnic minorities, (including gypsies and travellers), single parent families and families and young adults in a disadvantaged situation. We have the cooperation of institutions with specific experience about the target group and also with members of the target groups themselves. All together we will develop strategies and materials specifically designed to motivate and develop positive attitudes to learning and training so they can avoid social and labour exclusion. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Basic skills ICT Education for parents Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance and information services Experimenting with new pedagogical approaches Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Migrants/travellers/ethnic and other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, or prisoners COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation:IES Ginés de los Ríos Name of the contact person: Inmaculada García Saura Address: Carretera de Barajas, km 2,1, 28100, Alcobendas, Madrid E-mail: iesginers@educa.madrid.org Tel: +34 91 652 54 66 Fax: +34 91 651 11 64 Organisation/Project Website: www.iesginer.org Partners Paideia Iasi, Iasi, RO Poe educo, Ostrava, CZ 144 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00074-1 ALERTA - Application of education to the recovery of the environment Bearing in mind the dramatic changes in the climate that have taken place in Europe in 2005, due partly to natural disasters but also to the carelessness and ignorance of people, we have designed a project about the protection of the environment. We will produce posters, flyers, leaflets,.and then we will visit the areas where the problem is more acute, talking to the people, giving them information materials and all these activities will be recorded in a video where all participants will present their work with a common message: to preserve the environment in this changing world. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues European countries/European Union ICT Sustainable development Art, music, culture Environment Languages Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Strategies to stimulate AE demand Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Management of AE institutions Young adults Other socially or economically disadvantaged groups, unemployed, people in prisoners. Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CEPA Suroccidente Name of the contact person: Jesús Rodríguez Address: Avda. de González Mayo, 16-2º, 33870 Tineo, Asturias E-mail jesusrf@educastur.princast.es Tel: +34 985 80 14 03 Fax: +34 985 80 03 45 Organisation/Project Website: www.cepasuroccidente.org Partners Nemeth Laszlo Secondary and Primary School, Hódmezövásárhely, HU Anatolian Highschool of Fine Arts, Aksaray, TR 145 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00183-2 An intercultural approach to an active and democratic citizenship The aim of the project is to research how the minority cultures are represented in the EU. The starting point will be the definitions in the EU official documents, specially the European Active Citizenship in the Constitution, part I, articles 1-10. The project intends to analyse this definition and see if it is valid and includes all the minority groups. When special needs are detected in these groups, we will work on ways to integrate them and reinforce a common cultural understanding. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Active citizenship Guidance/counselling and information services Experimenting with new pedagogical approaches Migrants/travellers/other ethnic minorities Young adults (15-25) at risk of marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: AIPC-Pandora Name of the contact person::Ana Eseverri Address: Gran Vía 71, 2pl, 28013 madrid. E-mail ana@aipc-pandora.org Tel: +34 91 758 37 32 Fax: +34 91 559 06 79 Organisation/Project Website: www.aipc-pandora.org Partners Department of LLL, University of Wales, Bangor, UK Istituto comprensivo statale di Asolo, Asolo, IT Centrul municipal de assistenta psichopedagogica-Inspectoratl, Buchartest, RO G. Olivotti societá cooperativa, Venecia, IT Associaciao para unha formacao socioeducativa, Lisboa, PT 146 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00270-1 SPIN COLOR - Specific experiences in collaborative work using ICT, and PIG- Photographic Internet Gallery SPIN COLOR intends to build up a European network to exchange initiatives and to participate in a specific experience using ICT in adult education. The main aim is too widespread the use of ICT platforms and services and to allow citizens to benefit from them. Partner institutions will have a three-fold role: -they will show the results of previous pilot projects and experiences using ICT in adult training in their region, -they will discuss different existing tools and e-learning platforms to be used in this project, -and they will participate in a specific experience of collaborative work using ICT in their areas. The PIG project (Photographic Internet Gallery) will use personal photos of adult and senior learners which will be digitized and used as part of recent history, local and national ways of life, and will provide the background for collaborative work among them. This project will provide basic digital skills in order to minimize the risk of the digital gap. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: European countries/Union ICT Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Ayuntamiento de Manresa Name of the contact person: Marta Serra Address: Plaza Mayor, 1, 08241 Manresa E-mail mserra@ajmanresa.org Tel: +34 93 878 24 26 Fax: +34 93 878 23 22 Organisation/Project Website: www.ajmanresa.org Partners CPZ, International Centre for knowledge promotion, Ljubljana, SI EESTI E-Ülikol, Plovdiv, EE VUC Nordjylland, Aalborg, DK 147 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 6-ESP01-S2G01-00283-2 ENREDATE: women and ICT The influence of ICT in people is reflected in their social, cultural, economical, working and even in their political life. The technological development has changed ways of life, work, and access to education, public services, and communication and learning tools, having become one tool of everyday life. However, its use requires specific knowledge and skills that if not attained will increase the differences between those who have those skills and those who have not, creating a new way of social exclusion: technology. The LP will work on new approaches from the detected needs in ICT and from a perspective of gender. The ample experience of the participating institutions will guarantee an enriching debate on the practice, methodology, materials and techniques on Women and ICT. And that will produce materials (training modules, handbooks, Website) to be disseminated at European level. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues ICT Media Strategies for stimulating/promoting AE demand Guidance/counselling/information services Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Universidad Popular de Cartagena Name of the contact person: Fulgencia Plaza Address: C/ Jacinto Benavente, 7, 1º, 30203 Cartagena, Murcia E-mail chenchi.upopular@ayto-cartagena.es Tel: +34 968 12 88 59 Fax: +34 968 12 88 54 Organisation/Project Website: www.ayto-cartagena.es/universidadpopular/up.htm Partners Centro territoriale nº 8 A Narbone per l’instruzione degli adulti, Caltagirone, IT Groupement d’interet public formation professionnelle, Limoges, FR 148 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-0050-2 Music & Art: a limitless world The Schools of Art, Music and Dancing have a long history in most European countries. They fulfil an important social role in their communities because they target at very different types of learners: children, adults, disabled, socially disadvantaged persons etc… They are educational institutions of “culture”, in which the same methodological and didactic processes as in formal education are carried out. Our project will exchange know-how and teaching experiences among the different partners as the approaches in this type of education depend on the traditions and culture of each country. We intend that the trainers learn, experience and research the strategies developed in the different countries and that both trainers and learners share experiences and appreciate the identity of each country and learn their cultural traditions. Duration:2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages European countries(European Union Art, music, culture Others: Analysis of other pedagogical approaches/Art as a way of getting a job/Art as leisure Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Management of AE institutions Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Escuela Municipal de Música y Danza “Eusebio Rubalcaba” Name of the contact person: Desirée Martínez Address: Matadero, 17, 45600 Talavera de la Reina, Toledo E-mail emusica@aytotalaveradelareina.es Tel: +34 925 821 069 Fax:+34 925 820 966 Organisation/Project Website: Partners 1. Kulturskolan Stockholm, Stokholm, SE 2. Utrechts Centrum Voor de Kunsten, Utrecht, NL 149 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00027-1 RASP: Guide to raise aspirations of adults living in rural areas With this project we intend to give new opportunities to our learners in rural institutions by means of guidance that increase their self-esteem and their aspirations. We will work with groups of people different in age, background, social class, nationality, unemployed, ethnic minorities etc… from the area where our institution is situated, 7 kms away from the provincial capital, and with the learners of the partner institutions. Then we will produce guidance materials to be distributed among all the stakeholders involved and through internet, with the aim to increase self-esteem and motivation. Finally, after having shared experiences, ideas and materials related to guidance issues, we will analyze and evaluate the project to check the impact it has achieved in the European context. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Information technology Basic skills Active citizenship Languages Education for parents Marketing strategy European countries/European Union Guidance / counselling or other support services Strategies to stimulate/promote adult education demand Young adults Disabled persons Senior citizens Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants/travellers/ethnic and other minorities Local community groups Women Other groups socially or economically disadvantaged, unemployed, persons in prison COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CEPA Valles del Cerrato Name of the contact person: José Oscar López Bravo Address: Avda. de la Aguilera s/n, 34190 Villamuriel de Cerrato, Palencia E-mail: oscarlbravo@yahoo.es Tel: +34 979 77 62 87 Fax:+34 979 77 62 87 Organisation/Project Website: www.centros6.pntic.mec.es/cea.valles.del.cerrato Partners 1. Järviseutu Adult Education Centre, Evijärvi, FI 2. Scottish wider access programme, Glasgow, UK 3. Viesite city and rural territory council, Viesite, LV 4. Sonneberg Adult Education Centre, Sonneberg, DE 5 .Odemis Vocational High School, Odemis, TR 150 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00116-2 An intercultural approach to learning foreign and second languages in Europe The LP intends to help all partner institutions to explore intercultural issues via teaching and learning European languages (even the minority ones), in a varied context, and involve learners and trainers in a process of reflection on non formal and LLL, and share ideas and good practices in this field. We will develop materials and training modules, strategies and action research with the aim to promote intercultural topics in foreign and second language teaching and learning. All these products will be shown and disseminated in a web site. We also intend that this experience will produce new training courses for European teachers and trainers. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: European countries/European Union ICT Basic skills Languages Intercultural issues Art, music, culture Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Strategies to promote AE demand Methods to validate knowledge acquired in non formal environments Economically and socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Others, adults involved in language learning COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: English Matters Name of the contact person: Eduardo Marín Address: Avda. De Madrid, 35, P. 7-4º Izda., 23008, Jaen E-mail : emu111@supercable.es Tel: +34 677565600 Fax: +34 953 27 56 42 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Museums Pädagogische Werstatt Schloss, Obernzenn, DE Lenka Pavilkova-Channel Crossings, Praha, CZ Hendek Halk Egitimi Merkezi, Sakarya, TR Young Teachers SIG, Narva, EE Yorkshire and Humber Development Consortium, Bradford, UK Verin zur Förderung multikultureller Kommunikation, Graz, AT Universidad de Jaén, Jaén, ES 151 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00023-2 Languages across cultures Our project intends to: 1) raise the motivation and the improvement in language learning of any learner no matter his age or background, offering opportunities to practice his skills through transnational contacts; 2) promote intercultural understanding through exchange of information and experiences in a direct and personal contact with the possibility to visit the partner countries; 3) make the learners aware of the national and regional differences in the field of social habits, cooking, traditional music, folklore, etc… researching all these issues in the participating countries. Duration: 2 years Funding year: Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) European countries/European Union Languages Intercultural issues Art, music, culture Strategies to promote AE demand Economically and socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners Young adults COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: EOI de Avilés Name of the contact person: Carmen Gómez Address: Dolores Ibarruri, 15, 33400 Avilés E-mail : eoiavile@educastur.princast.es Tel: +34 985 52 2049 Fax:+34 985 52 25 19 Organisation/Project Website: www.eoiaviles.org Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Swallow School of English, Liberec, DE Municipality of Sabinov, Sabinov, SK Folk School of Eslov, Eslov, SE Blackpool and the Fylde College, Bispham, UK 152 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00035-2 Analysis of the difficulties and achievements in Adult Education We intend to do a comparative analysis among adult learners of the participating countries of the attitudes and sociocultural values that make adults enrol in AE training. This analysis will allow us to detect and compare the motivation of those who demand education, whether it involves basic skills or not, in order to clarify concepts and basic strategies that can help to provide an adequate intervention in this educational field. We will try and develop the social skills in a structured way because this reflects the way other skills are acquired, and that will help us detect the previous cognitive abilities and facilitate the learners a positive interpersonal relationship. The main aim is to innovate and improve the education quality in a collaborative way with all the partners, and to learn about other cultures and languages. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: European countries/European Union, ICT Active citizenship Languages Intercultural issues Art, music, culture Media Education for parents Health Experimenting new pedagogical approaches Strategies to promote AE demand Methods to validate knowledge acquired in non formal environments Guidance, counselling, information services Economically and socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: IES Politécnico de Las Palmas Name of the contact person: Inés MarTel Address: Canalejas, 43, 35003 Las Palmas, Islas Canarias E-mail : 35002984@correo.rcanaria.es Tel: +34 928 36 17 24 Fax:+34 928 36 08 48 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Centro cultural hispano-heleno Federico García Lorca, Tesalonica, GR F.C. Europa Club, Roma, IT 153 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00056-1 Skills The aim of SKILLS is to improve the competence of learning to learn using a self evaluation tool that can assess the starting point of learning and that allows the learners to organise their learning, manage the time devoted to it and the information they can use and also ways of motivating themselves. After that, by means of descriptors, they will check their competence and will try to improve it. Each partner will work with one of the three issues (Time planning, Organization of information and Motivation to learn) and design with the learners a model of initial self evaluation of the issue in question, a list of descriptors and proposed activities. They will also select and recommend reading lists for trainers, will exchange materials with the partner institutions that will be assessed and implemented. In this way the adult learners will be aware of learning to learn skills, will improve their education and will be able to self evaluate their own skills. The trainers can rely on tools to assess learning skills, plan tasks and learning strategies. A CDROM will be produced and translated into the different languages of the partner institutions. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: Intercultural issues Basic skills European countries/European Union Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Young adults Migrants/travellers/ethnic and other minorities Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Federación de Asociaciones de Educación de Adultos Name of the contact person: Virginia Calvo Address: Paseo de Fernando el Católico 29, 1º Izda., 50006 Zaragoza E-mail: virginia.calvo@faea.es Tel: +34 976 55 37 73 Fax: +34 976 55 28 42 Organisation/Project Website: www.faea.es Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) 1. University of Pitesti, Pitesti, IT 2. Link Consulting, Ptenza, IT 3. Academy of Management, Lodz, PL 154 ESPAÑA Project Reference: 06-ESP01-S2G01-00061-3 Good Practice Handbook for training ski and horse riding monitors for young palsy persons In the framework of the 2004 International Sports Year, we intend to use our experience in the field of sports education for people with disabilities to improve their life standards and their mental and physical wellbeing, and in that way also improve their socialization and physical rehabilitation. In this process the role of monitors is essential. Both ski and horse riding are very beneficial practices for these persons. Objectives: -Determine the objectives of each sport for people with palsy: the beneficial results, applied methodology, adaptation of materials. -Guidance on how to use the materials -Putting together all the materials in a Handbook of Good Practices -Exchanges between the monitors and the learners -Dissemination of the results and publishing of the Handbook. Duration: 2 years Funding year: Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Others: Sport for persons with palsy Health Intercultural issues Active citizenshiip Art, music, culture Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Asociación Esclat Name of the contact person: Lola de la Fuente Address: Rambla de la Montaña 61, 08041 Barcelona E-mail lola@esclat.info Tel: +34 93 4501150 Fax:+34 93 4560246 Organisation/Project Website: Partners GIMC, Paris, FR Assoziazione Vivalda, Genola, IT SONCEK, Ljubljana, SI Folkuniversitet, Sôdertâlje-Sôdermanland, SE 155 FRANCE FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00521-3 Contrybution Objectif priincipal: conduire une réflexion collective sur les métrhodes formelles et informelles, traditionnelles et identifiées dans les organisations participantes, visant à prévenir toute forme d'exclusion, qu'elle soit sociale, professionnelle ou ethnique. Ils'agit de permettre à différents groupes cibles en difficulté, recensés au sein des organisations partenaires (chômeurs de plus de 45 ans, prisonniers, immigrés) d'accéder à une citoyenneté active, une plus grande employabilité et une réelle insertion sociale et professionnelle. Les thèmes de réflexions du projet sont les suivants: • Les outils transférables d'une structure à l'autre pour lutter contre l'exclusion • Les stratégies à adopter pour favoriser l"insertion d'in groupe cible: méthodes traditionnelles et/ou modernes, formelles et/ou informelles? • Le développement personnel et social: l'estime de soi, l'autonomie, la confiance en soi. • Les moyens de communication: identification des stratégies transférables favorisant l'insertion sociale et professionnelle. • La formation professionnelle comme facteur d'inclusion. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approch(es) Guidance/counselling or other support services Migrands/travellers/ethnics or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisonners Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: GRETA INDUSTRIEL DES TECHNOLOGIES AVANCEES Name of the contact person: François ROCHER Address: 74 Avenue Philippe Auguste, 75 011 PARIS E-mail: francois.rocher@gita.greta.fr Tel: + 33 1 43 70 22 48 Fax:+ 33 1 43 79 10 72 Website: www.gita.greta.fr Partners Escola Profissional Do Pico, PT Istituto Statale Di Istruzione Superiore Agraria E Alberghiera G Raineri E G. Marcora, IT Evangelische Akadelie Bad Boll, DE E.E.E.K. Kallithea, GR Merikosken Ammatlillen Koulutuskeskus Aikuiskoulutus, FI 156 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00523-3 La dynamique intergénérationnelle Le monde moderne développe pour chaque génération une culture qui lui est propre. Nous voudrions rechercher dans chacun de nos pays ce qui caractérise la culture de chacune de ces générations, (Génération des 60 ans et +, celle du " baby boom ", celle des 25-40 ans, des 5-25 ans et la toute dernière : 0-5). Pour cela, nous nous sommes fixés les objectifs suivants : - Observer des situations pouvant caractériser l'attitude ou la réponse d'une génération - Enrichir nos réflexions par ces apports mutuels - Proposer des solutions: créer ou recréer des liens entre générations pour aider la dernière génération (celle des 0-5 ans) à se construire. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Active citizenship Education for parents Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other : family and senior COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation : Centre de Formation initiale et continue pour adultes et association de parents d’élèves Name of the contact person: Madame Viviane DEVRIESERE Address: 54 boulevard Godard 33300 BORDEAUX E-mail: cfp.aquitaine.direction@wanadoo.fr Tel: 00 33 556 398 106 Fax: 00 33 556 431 328 Website: www.cfpaquitaine.org Partners IPSS Rosa Luxembourg, IT STOWARZYSZENE SRODOWISKOI MY; Krakow, PL 157 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00527-1 Euro Validation L'Europe, à travers la déclaration de Bologne et le processus de Copenhague, s'est fixé comme objectif de devenir un espace économique de savoir et de connaissance performant. Afin d'avancer dans ce sens, les partenaires du projet ont décidé de travailler ensemble à la mise en commun et à la création d'outils, méthodes, programmes ou actions qui tendent aujourd'hui à permettre la reconnaissance des qualifications et des expériences en Europe ; quel que soit le système initial actuellement utilisé (NVQ ou d'inspiration NVQ, VAE ou d'inspiration VAE, ZMT,...). Ceci afin notamment de travailler à la mise en place d'un système de crédit de formation ; modèle ECVET (European Credit for Vocational Education an Training) pour les 4 organismes de formation continue à vocation sociale dans les pays partenaires du projet (Grèce, Slovaquie, Italie et France), puis plus largement sur les territoires du projet à travers les réseaux partenariaux. Il s'agira d'accompagner les structures dans la mise en place d'une offre de formation qui répondra le plus rapidement possible aux exigences européennes, en termes de qualité, transferabilité et de pertinence par rapport à un marché de l'emploi en profonde mutation. Ceci devrait, à l'heure où l'on parle d' "euro comptabilité" avec la création du cadre européen des certifications (EQF), permettre aux équipes pédagogiques du programme de mutualisation leur approches et de largement s'inspirer des outils exploités dans le cadre de la démarche EUROPASS, et d'en proposer des améliorations. Le projet constituera un terrain idéal de communication, de partage et tendra vers une vision européenne des modes de certification en Europe. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Other : exchange of experiences Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation : Institut pour le Développement et la Formation Name of the contact person : Sébastien LECCIA, chargé de mission projet Address : Les terrasses du Fango Bâtiment D 20 200 BASTIA E-mail: id.bastia@wanadoo.fr Tel: + 33 (0)4 95 31 36 41 Fax: + 33 (0)4 95 31 73 20 Website: Partners K.A.B.A. Slovensko, Martin, SK PROMIDEA Consorzio per la Promosione delle Sviluppo Locale Societé Cooperativa; IT 158 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00532-1 Employabilité et formations de publics migrants précarisés Procéder à des investigations de terrains pour repérer et répertorier les emplois, fonctions, activités, tâches occupés par des personnes précarisées en situation d'immigration. Identifier ces emplois, les qualifier pour favoriser l'intégration de ces personnes. Contribuer à générer des dispositifs d'insertion qui endiguent des comportements asociaux de ces personnes migrantes, précarisées par défaut de connaissance et d'acceptation des règles d'intégration culturelles, professionnelles et sociales. Identifier les formations adaptées pour qualifier les emplois occupés et aboutir à l'élaboration d'une charte de bonnes pratiques venant qualifier les dispositifs de formation à partir des potentialités apprenantes de ces populations. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Health Other : learning, social and culturel inclusion Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other : migrants unemployed COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation : AIFRISSS Association Internationale de Formation et de Recherche en Instruction Spécialisée, Santé, Social Name of the contact person: Bernard SEGUIER, coordinateur pédagogique Address : 5 Place de la République 33 270 FLOIRAC E-mail: aifrisss@laposte.fr Tel: + 33 (0) 5 56 86 75 38 Fax: Website: Partners Hogerschool van Amsterdam Department of Social Community Work, Amsterdam, NL Universidad del Païs Vasco Ciencias de la Educacion, San Sebastian, ES CRIDF, Centre regional d’information sur les droits des femmes, Avignon, FR 159 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00533-1 Together in completeness Nous sommes 5 partenaires dans ce projet : Nous sommes dans le champ de la formation, du développement individuel de la personne et nous offrons des opportunités différentes d'expressions personnelles à travers les arts, les média ; nous travaillons sur l'estime de soi, la confiance et nous ouvrons des horizons professionnels et personnels aux participants du projet, principalement aux personnes défavorisées. A travers des tâches apportant du sens et des responsabilités, nous voulons explorer le travail en équipe, l'emploi, et enseigner une communication vraie : l'expérience acquise sera une motivation, satisfaisante sur la durée pour la recherche d'activités créatives dans la vie de tous les jours, pour suivre les cours reconnus et pour trouver de travail. Nous créerons différents produits dans ce projet : vidéo/DVD relatant le processus créatif, aussi bien que des spectacles, des expositions résultant des activités du projet. On développera aussi un outil d'évaluation pour mesurer la confiance en soi. On diffusera notre travail et nos résultats à travers des canaux d'information différents (le web, des prospectus, des évènements publics). Dans le cadre de nos visites et d'échanges bilatéraux et multilatéraux entre bénéficiaires et du personnel encadrant, nous allons promouvoir les valeurs culturelles nationales et européennes, élargir la prise en de conscience de finalités et des résultats pour nos groupes cibles : Together in completeness. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation : ADPI, Association pour le développement de la pédagogie individualisée Name of the contact person: Nathalie BOUDOL, Directrice Address : 88/92 rue Philippe de Girard 75 018 PARIS E-mail: adpi@club-internetr.fr Tel: +33 (0)1 40 36 21 21 Fax: + 33 (0)1 40 36 83 01 Website: Partners GRETA PMS, Antenne AISP, adaptation integration sociale et professionnelle, FR SV STOCKOHLM, SE Vilnius Gabrieles Petkevicaites – Bites Suaugussiuju Mokymo Centras, LT Hellenic Institute of Sign Language, GR Volkshochschule Schaumburg, DE 160 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00534-2 Echanger sur les méthodes d’éducation des adultes Améliorer la dimension européenne en matière d'innovation et d'accessibilité de l'orientation professionnelle tout au long de la vie des adultes de tous niveaux d'enseignements. Nouer des partenariats éducatifs avec différents organismes des états membres de l'Union Européenne et aux pays associés d'Europe Centrale et Orientale afin de préparer des projets GRUNDTVIG dans le cadre de déplacement. Initier des acteurs de la formation à un outil présentant le parcours professionnel d'adultes, de jeunes. Elaborer la construction d'une base de données commune d'expériences professionnelles d'adultes et de jeunes à partir d'un support multimédia (son, image, texte, séquence vidéo, dessin, etc.) pouvant être enrichi régulièrement. S'entretenir avec des adultes, des jeunes, quel que soit leur diplôme, leur capacité physique, leur parcours professionnel et diffuser leur caractéristique, leur environnement afin de le communiquer à toute personne souhaitant s'orienter, se renseigner sur une activité professionnelle quelle que soit ses connaissances et ses qualifications élémentaires. Mettre au point à terme un support informatique et un système d'accompagnement à distance (lieu de travail, domicile, centre de ressources pédagogiques) reprenant la description des profils des apprenants à destination de personnes vivant dans des régions rurales ou défavorisées. Apporter une solution pragmatique au travers de la description personnalisée des métiers de chaque apprenant pour des publics ayant des besoins spécifiques en matière d'éducation Tel que des notions concrètes de la recherche, de la préparation d'une formation ou d'une insertion professionnelle. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other : young adults COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation : CCI d’Arles, Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie du Pays d’Arles, centre de formation continue Name of the contact person : Frédéric MOYNE, chargé des relations entreprises Address : Chemin du Temple, Z.I. Nord 13 200 ARLES E-mail: fmoyne@arles.cci.fr Tel: +33 (0) 4 90 99 08 27 Fax: +33 (0) 4 90 99 08 00 Website: www.arles.cci.fr Partners Instituto Provincial de Formancion de Adultos, Almeria, ES Asociata Pentru Invatare Permaenta, RO XIV Instituto Comprensivo Centro Territoraile permanente, IT CEMIC GRESIC, Université de Bordeaux 3 Michel de Montaigne, FR Le Studio Espace Libertes (Sel) du campus ceria de la commission communautaire française (COCOF) de Belgique, BE ITS- GMBH, Institut fur technische Dokumentation, Schulung und Beratung, DE 161 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00538-2 Développement d’outils et de méthodes pour le respect de la diversité et l’éducation interculturelle dans les lieux d’accueil de la petite enfance Les responsables de ces 7 organisations travaillent sur des outils et des méthodes pour favoriser un travail autour du respect de la diversité sociale et culturelle et l'éducation interculturelle dans les lieux d'accueil de la petite enfance. Ces outils et ces méthodes ont pour objectif de favoriser un dialogue interculturel entre les familles et les professionnels des lieux d'accueil. Ils ont aussi pour objectif de mettre en place une pédagogie en direction des enfants qui les sensibilisent à la diversité. Ces responsables ont eu l'occasion à travers le réseau DECET d'échanger sur ces outils et méthodes et ont constaté qu'elles étaient complémentaires les unes des autres. Parallèlement, chacun des partenaires a mis en place dans son pays des formations et des actions de sensibilisation pour diffuser ces outils et ces méthodes. Il s'agit par ce programme de permettre aux parents et professionnels bénéficiaires de ces formations de participer à des séminaires européens communs pour analyser ces outils et méthodes, en élaborer d'autres, stimuler leur apprentissage et leur engagement, afin qu'eux mêmes puissent à leur tour transmettre et diffuser ces outils et méthodes. Une approche pédagogique participative et adaptée à chacun sera mise en place pour favoriser la participation active de tous les parents et les professionnels (possibilité d'utilisation des langues maternelles, d'activités artistiques...). 2 produits seront réalisés : une vidéo et une plaquette présentant ces différents outils. Ces produits ainsi que les résultats seront largement diffusés au sein des pays partenaires et au niveau européen. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Education for parents Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Association des Collectifs Enfants Parents Professionnels (ACEPP) Name of the contact person: Madame Emmanuelle MURCIER Address: 15 rue du Charolais, 75012 PARIS E-mail: emmanuelle.murcier@acepp.asso.fr Tel: 00 33 144 738 529 Fax: 00 33 144 738 539 Website: Partners ISTA, Institut fur des Situationsanstz der internationalen Akademis, DE MUTANT, NL 162 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00540-1 EUROPEX EUROPEX est un projet d'échanges de savoir-faire entre les professionnels européens de la culture (artistes, administratif et techniciens), à travers diverses actions ; - échanges de personnel, formateurs et apprenants entre centres européens partenaires. - aTeliers artistiques et techniques, aboutissant à la production d'outils ou d'évènements par les apprenants (concerts, festivals, production sonore ou vidéo, site web) Dans un secteur fragile où la circulation (des artistes et des œuvres) est la clé de voûte de l'économie, il devient urgent que les artistes, administratifs et techniciens s'insèrent dans un réseau européen. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 1st Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Système Friche Théâtre Name of the contact person: Séverine CAPPIELLO, chargée des relations Internationales Address: 41 rue Jobin, 13 003 MARSEILLE E-mail: scappiello@lafriche.org Tel: +33 (0)4 95 04 95 23 Fax: +33 (0)4 95 04 95 00 Website: www.lafriche.org Partners Circolo Culturale Buenaventura, IT Stichting Melkweg, NL Co-opérative, Marseille, FR Pekarna Magdalenske Mreza, SO (to be confirmed) Clo Ceardlann na gnoc, IE (to be confirmed) 163 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00548-2 Echanges d’expériences et de pratiques dans les maisons de retraite en Europe Permettre aux différents acteurs travaillant dans les métiers de service dans les maisons de retraite de valoriser leur vie sociale et professionnelle. Grâce à des échanges transnationaux, tous les acteurs pourront acquérir une dimension européenne et internationale. Ce projet entend servir de tremplin à toutes ces personnes afin qu'elles prennent conscience que leurs préoccupations et interrogations se retrouvent dans d'autres pays européens. A travers des échanges de pratiques éducatives et de solutions entre les partenaires du projet, l'objectif commun sera d'aider les personnes travaillant auprès de personnes âgées à avoir envie d'apprendre en se tournant vers les autres pays européens, ainsi que les personnes âgées à être plus autonomes et à ne pas se sentir exclues. Nous viserons à améliorer la qualité des services apportés à ce public et à créer des échanges via Internet. Le projet a pour objectif d'éduquer tout citoyen pour que chacun prenne conscience que tout individu quelque soit son âge a droit à sa place dans la société. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: GRETA PARAMEDICAL ET SOCIAL Name of the contact person: Madame Véronique DALLES, conseiller en formation Address: 9, rue Francis de Croisset Antenne AISP 75 018 PARIS E-mail: vdalles@greta-pms.com Tel: +33 (0)1 44 92 33 05 Fax: +33 (0)1 44 92 33 10 Website: http://greta-pms.scola.ac-paris.fr Partners SVENSKA KYRKAN, SE UNIVERSITA DEL TERZO SETTORE-UNITS, IT ANTIGONE, GR 164 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00550-2 Let’s communicate! Le principal objectif de Let's communicate! Est d'encourager des migrants à apprendre la langue de leur pays d'accueil afin de leur assurer une meilleure intégration. Dans le cadre de ce projet, afin d'assurer la qualité de l'apprentissage, nous souhaitons dans un premier temps que les enseignants engagés dans ce travail échangent des méthodologies alternatives d'éducation linguistiques. Pour ce faire, les enseignants devront se rendre dans les pays partenaires. A ce terme de ce projet, nous souhaitons assurer une meilleure compréhension et appréciation des cultures, des langues, des méthodologies et des besoins des apprenants : migrants et réfugiés. Par ce biais, les enseignants seront donc mieux à même d'enseigner les langues à ce public cible et de les encourager à apprendre la langue du pays d'accueil ; assurant ainsi une meilleure intégration. Funding year: 2nd Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Centre de culture européenne, Saint Jacques de ComposTelle Name of the contact person: Jennifer FROST, chargée du développement culturel Address: Abbaye Royale, 17 400 Saint Jean D’Angely E-mail: cceangely@wanadoo.fr Tel: +33 (0) 5 46 32 60 60 Fax: +33 (0) 5 46 32 60 70 Website: www.cceangely.org Partners Centre of Adult Education Antwerp – South, BE Kristiansund Educational Centre, NO Sykkylven Educational Centre for Adults, NO Secondary School of Vila Real de Santo Antonio, PT 165 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00554-2 TIC et sensibilisation des publics à la protection de la nature La sauvegarde de l'environnement est une préoccupation mondiale qui figure au rang des objectifs majeurs des nations. La Communauté européenne à maintes occasions a inscrit cet impératif parmi ses priorités, tout en prenant en compte la nécessité de valoriser les activités économiques et industrielles dans la logique du Développement Durable. Notre projet s'oriente vers une analyse du rôle des TIC dans la sensibilisation des publics adultes à la protection de la nature. L'étude portera plus précisément sur des territoires géographiques qui présentent la double particularité d'être d'une part des zones sensibles du point de vue des écosystèmes végétaux et animaux et d'autre part des régions à forte fréquentation touristique. Dans cette situation paradoxale, il s'agit de voir comment des intérêts à première vue contradictoires peuvent se concilier tout au moins en partie grâce à l'information et à la formation des publics. Il s'agit d'observer les dispositifs mis en place dans plusieurs pays européens par des structures comme les parcs nationaux et régionaux, les collectivités locales et territoriales, les associations, à destination des visiteurs. Puis, après analyse et comparaison, de procéder à un échange de bonnes pratiques. Cette procédure sera facilitée par la mise au point de fiches, site web, colloque. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Environment Information technology Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Local community groups Other : Collectivités locales; Parcs naturels COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CEMIC-GRESIC Université de Bordeaux III – Michel de Montaigne Name of the contact person: Lise VIEIRA, directrice du GRESIC Address: Esplanade des Antilles, 33 607 PESSAC E-mail: lvieira@info.msha.u-bordeaux.fr Tel: +33 (0) 5 56 84 68 14 Fax: +33 (0) 5 57 12 45 28 Website: www.montaigne.u-bordeaux.fr Partners NT-LAB, ATHENS, GR ISOL, Information Systems, Organisations and Learning, IE (to be confirmed) C.I.T.I., LIBONNE, PT CREATIC, UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES, BE 166 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00559-1 Interval Dans le cadre de la stratégie de Lisbonne pour "faire de l'apprentissage tout au long de la vie une réalité concrète", un nouveau système européen de transfert d'unités capitalisables pour l'enseignement et la formation professionnelle (ECVET) vient d'être adopté. La mise en place de ce nouveau système va bouleverser les pratiques actuelles et se confronter à une grande diversité d'approche, de pratiques et de compétences mise en œuvre dans les dispositifs de validation. L'enjeu de ce projet est de faciliter ce changement; d'engager une réflexion commune sur les conditions de mise en œuvre concrète du système ECVET en liaison avec les différents dispositifs de validation des acquis des apprentissages non formels et informels développés (ou en projet) dans les différents Etat de l'Union; de repérer les "leviers" et les actions à mener, ainsi que les instruments à créer pour faciliter une adéquation efficace entre ces dispositifs et leur système ECVET. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Other : Validation des acquis et système ECVET Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Other : adultes, tout public souhaitant valider ses acquis de l’expérience COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: GIP FORMAVIE Name of the contact person: Nadine HILBERT, conseillère en formation continue Address: 31 rue de l’Université, 34 064 MONTPELLIER CEDEX 2 E-mail: dafco@ac-montpellier.fr Tel: +33 (0)4 67 15 82 82 Fax: +33 (0)4 67 15 82 58 Website:: www.gretalr.com Partners Service de la formation professionnelle, LU Conseil de l’éducation et de la formation, Bruxelles, BE Savo Vacational College, KUOPIO, FI 167 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00560-3 ADEX Echange de réflexion et bonnes pratiques entre 4 pays partenaires + 1 nouveau candidat qui travaillent tous pour l'éducation d'adultes à des niveaux variés d'expérience en matière d'éducation au développement. Exploration des contextes de travail et des stratégies, des approches et des activités déployées par chaque pays partenaire (cf. la résolution européenne sur l'Education au Développement du 8 novembre 2001). Chaque organisation partenaire accueillera au moins une rencontre pour : - Présenter ses actions en matière d'éducation au développement pour adultes avec visites des installations ; - Faciliter l'organisation de séminaires, aTeliers et conférences sur ses approches éducatives, y compris pour impliquer les groupes de minorités ethniques en la matière ; - Faire participer des apprenants locaux et des représentants de la société civile. Les mobilités impliqueront au moins 5 personnes (éducateurs et apprenants, personnel, autant que possible). Le projet, pendant 36 mois, porte sur un échange d'expériences, qui bénéficiera à tous et permettra : - L'accès à l'information nouvelle et l'acquisition de connaissances et de capacités spécifiques ; - La mise en œuvre de certains projets, productions, matériaux éducatifs circulant librement ; - L'enrichissement des groupes cibles d'apprenants par l'acquisition de savoirs et le développement de nouveaux savoirfaire. Chaque organisation partenaire diffusera largement les résultats du projet et toutes les ressources de ce partenariat éducatif pour démultiplier l'impact du projet. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Active citizenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Other : égalité des chances pour les femmes et les hommes COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: FORMIRIS /UNAPEC – Union régionale des associations pour la promotion pédagogique et professionnelle dans l’enseignement catholique Name of the contact person: Fulgence KONE, coordinateur Address: 35 rue VAUGELAS, 75 015 PARIS E-mail: f-kone@scolanet.org; fkone@formiris.org Tel: + 33 (0)1 53 73 73 60 Fax: + 33 (0) 1 53 73 73 37 Website: www.formiris.org Partners SYNDESMOS GGONEON LYKEIOU APOSTTOLOU VARNAVA, CY PEKADE: PANHELLENIC ASSOCIATION OF STATE SCHOOL TEACHERS OF ENGKLISH, GR FARE 16, Formation Adaptation Réinsertion Emploi, FR 168 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00562-1 LOMOCODEV - Local Models of education provision promoting effective Community Development Ce projet vise à analyser plusieurs méthodes d'éducation contribuant au développement local, dans différents contextes. Ces méthodes d'éducation visent au renforcement des compétences d'un public adulte pour le développement des communautés. Les apprenants participent à la conception et à la mise en œuvre du projet. Le partenariat et la concertation avec plusieurs organisations permettront de comparer nos approches et nos pratiques du développement local des concepts jusqu'aux méthodes et outils: Quels sont nos différences, nos points communs ? Comment mutualiser nos expériences ? Comment progresser ? En analysant les projets et les travaux de chaque organisation, les formateurs et les apprenants inscrits dans ce partenariat pourront prendre du recul par rapport à leurs connaissances et pratiques et envisager une évolution de leurs outils. Un document de capitalisation de l'expérience permettra de diffuser les bonnes pratiques découvertes au cours du projet ainsi que ses résultats. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1ST Active citizenship Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Learners of Sustainable development training COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: IFAID Name of the contact person: Céline GARLENQ Address: 17 Cours des Aubiers, 33000 BORDEAUX - FRANCE E-mail: projets@ifaid.org Tel: + 33 (0) Fax: + 33 (0) Website: www.ifaid.org Partners COUNTY WEXFORD PARTNERSHIP - IE ASSOCIATION CONVERSSAS DE RUA - PT ISLE OF WIGHT COUNCIL – UK CENTRUL REGIONAL PENTRU DEZVOLTARE RURALA DURABILA - RO 169 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-574-1 CRIAR - Patrimoine tout au long de la vie Le projet CRIAR-Patrimoine tout au long de la vie s'organise en trois axes : Communication Patrimoine - Citoyenneté – Activités: - Partenariat, nationaux/européens, intéressées dans la réflexion, recherche, action, sur la valorisation/reconnaissance du patrimoine expérientiel des personnes, des communautés, des territoires. - Référentiels communs d'intervention, chez les adultes - femmes, hommes, nationaux, immigrés- en situation socioéconomique défavorisée, de façon contextualité. - Condition de compréhension / attestation du processus, concernant à l'apprentissage et à la formation expérientielle, en envisageant la reconnaissance formelle des compétences et des savoirs acquis tout le long de la vie des adultes - cible du projet. - visibilité du patrimoine existentiel des personnes que, malgré leurs savoirs et cultures, n'arrivent pas à être reconnues socialement. - Chemins d'inclusion et de bien être, réinventant une Europe des Citoyens, en Dialogue, Apprentissage, Reconnaissance. - Innovation et efficacité au niveau du processus et des résultats, en construisant : Production : Website - outils de travail, formation, communication, communauté de pratique, registres de vie. Guide Anthropologique - mémoires collectives des communautés et territoires. CdRom - publication du projet et des matériaux transmissibles le concernant. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION CULTURE ET LIBERTE GARONNE Name of the contact person: Christian LEFEUVRE Address: 5 Rue Boileau, 31000 TOULOUSE - FRANCE E-mail: libertegaronne@aol.com Tel: +33 (0) Fax: Website: Partners CENTRO DI CULTURA E STORIA – IT ASSOCIACION BEN BASO - ES 170 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00575-1 De l'autre côté du miroir Recherche d'une pédagogie ouverte pour construire une culture libérée du genre Les partenaires du projet se proposent d'analyser et d'identifier ensemble des bonnes pratiques et des pratiques innovantes qui favorisent l'intégration de la coéducation, de l'éducation non sexiste, de l'égalité entre les garçons et les filles, les hommes et les femmes, dans els contenus de formation et dans les pratiques éducatives professionnelles initiales et continues. Les partenaires s'engagent dans une requalification mutuelle de leurs propres pratiques, contenus et méthodes pédagogiques. Les partenaires veulent démontrer et donner à comprendre qu'intégrer un travail de conscientisation dans une pratique professionnelle éducative transforme celle-ci (éducation à la démocratie, démocratie dans l'éducation). L'objectif du projet est de constituer un référentiel commun permettant de développer et de renforcer la prise en compte de l'égalité pour inscrire l'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes dans les fondements même de l'éducation donc, dans une dynamique de transformation sociale. L'éducation nouvelle, active et interactive forme, pour les partenaires participants, un socle commun, de valeurs et de pratiques éducatives, moteur et conditions de réussite du projet ainsi nommé : "De l'autre côté du miroir", recherche d'une pédagogie ouverte pour construire une culture libérée du genre Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Gender issues Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Trainers in continuous training sessions, social workers COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: INSTITUT DE FORMATION COOPERATIVE SOCIALE EGALITERE Name of the contact person: Jean-Luc BASTOS Address: 14, Rue Jules Amilhau, Appt 235, 31100 TOULOUSE E-mail: egalitere@free.fr Tel: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) Website: http://egalitere.free.fr Partners SCUELA PUBLICA DE ANIMACION Y EDUCACION EN EL TIEMPO LIBRE INFANTIL Y JUVENIL – ES INTERCAMBIO EUROPEU DE JOVENS - PT ASSOCIATION FORMAPAP – FR CENTRE DE FORMATION C.E.M.E.A. - FR 171 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00576-3 AMIE (Acteurs Milieu Rural Enfance) : Une formation des acteurs de la vie locale en milieu rural fragile Ce programme prend place dans le cadre d'une mise en réseau de 3 organisations en Europe (France, Espagne et Portugal) qui se sont données pour objectif de mutualiser et produire des connaissances sur les questions d'éducation, de participation des parents et habitants concourant au développement des territoires ruraux fragilisés. Si des réflexions se mènent dans ces organisations pour autant, il était important de permettre la montée en compétence, l'enrichissement des acteurs eux-mêmes impliqués dans ces territoires ruraux. C'est pourquoi l'objectif de ce programme consiste à former des acteurs (parents, habitants, professionnels petite enfance, socioprofessionnels, élus locaux, techniciens des municipalités) agissant dans les territoires ruraux. Pour ce faire, ces formations s'appuieront sur l'appréhension et l'acquisition : • de pratiques de terrain et d'expérimentation au travers de visites et de stages • d'apports théoriques et méthodologiques par le biais de séminaires, forum et publications. La base de ce programme est sa dimension collective: échanges dans un même pays et avec les autres pays, avec des acteurs à différents niveaux afin de mutualiser, d'échanger sur ces méthodes et pratiques. Les différents acteurs sont : • les parents qui renforcent leur capacité auprès des enfants et deviennent responsables associatifs de services à l'enfance créant ainsi des dynamiques dans les territoires ruraux • les professionnels (éducateurs, professeurs et techniciens des municipalités) qui renforcent leur compétence professionnelle et leur capacité à encadrer et animer des groupes d'enfants et de parents et à créer du lien avec l'environnement local • les développeurs, coordinateurs et animateurs locaux qui mobilisent les parents, les habitants et les élus locaux en les mettant en relation afin de leur donner la motivation et la capacité d'initier des projets et d'en assumer la responsabilité de fonctionnement dans la durée. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Active citizenship Education for parents Environment Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION A.C.E.P.P. Name of the contact person: Madame BROCHET Françoise Address: 15, rue du Charolais, 75012 PARIS 12 - FRANCE E-mail: francoise.brochet@acepp.asso.fr - emmanuelle.murcier@acepp.asso.fr Tel: + 33 (0) Fax: + 33 (0) Website: Partners INSTITUTO DAS COMMUNIDADES EDUCATIVAS – PT PREESCOLAR NA CASA – ES 172 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00580-1 AMALIA - Art en Méditation Appliqué à la Littératie et l'Insertion par l'Activité Le partenariat éducatif réalisera un état des lieux des bonnes pratiques existantes dans le domaine de la médiation artistique. Cette collection de bonnes pratiques sera formalisée en une base de données où seront répertoriés les éléments suivants : élément essentiel la transférabilité interinstitutionnelle des "bonnes pratiques" ; comme le projet concerne une meilleure insertion sociale via la médiation artistique, il s'agira de vérifier la pertinence de ces "bonnes pratiques" par rapport à la théorie générale de la médiation ; on y trouvera aussi les critère d'élaboration d'une évaluation constructive ; ces "bonnes pratiques" permettront aussi l'évaluation comparative des supports utilisés en fonction des publics ; le tableau réalisé déterminera aussi les élément autorisant la formalisation par les acteurs lorsque les "bonne pratiques" sont transférées et utilisées avec d'autres publics ; une étude de cas par partenaires sera réalisée sur la base d'un canevas commun rédigé par le partenariat éducatif. L'échange concernera directement des intervenants spécialisés en médiation artistique et des responsables de projets ainsi que des apprenants, la cible finale étant constituée de personne en besoins éducatifs spécifiques, tels des personnes en situation de handicap (social et inTellectuel). Le partenariat travaillera également sur le dépôt d'un grand projet d'éducation et sur les moyens de le pérenniser en élargissant le réseau construit à l'occasion du partenariat éducatif. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION AGORA Name of the contact person: LAVEAUX Francis Address: 2A, Boulevard Franchet d'Esperey, 56100 LORIENT - FRANCE E-mail: flaveaux@agora56.asso.fr Tel: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) Website: www.agoraservices.fr Partners TERRAS DENTRO - ASSOCIACAO PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO DE MICRO REGIOES RIRAIS – PT YESILIRMAK RIVER BASIN DEVELOPMENT UNION – TR LANDKREIS EICHSFELD - DE 173 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00584-2 Compétences pour les entreprises et les personnes en recherche d'emploi Tous les partenaires de ce projet partagent un même constat dans leurs différents contextes locaux et nationaux. Même si des services et des projets réussis ont été et sont menés dans le champ du conseil et de l'orientation socioprofessionnelle par ces partenaires, ils se retrouvent face à de nouveaux défis. En effet, le développement, au niveau européen de la culture de formation tout au long de la vie implique la création de nouveaux outils, approches et comportements de la part de tous (salariés, entreprises, services d'orientation et de conseil, agences de l'emploi, centres de formation, etc.). Des changements dans les méthodes de travail, de nouvelles méthodes d'apprentissage, de nouvelles manières d'évaluer les compétences et les formations ainsi que la reconnaissance des compétences acquises sont à appréhender et à prendre en compte dans les pratiques professionnelles de chacun. 2 objectifs principaux : - organisation d'échanges et de production d'outils sur et pour les différentes méthodologies et méthodes de conseil et d'orientation socioprofessionnelle aux personnes en recherche d'emploi ou aux personnes souhaitant changer d'orientation socioprofessionnelle (en incluant le bilan et la validation de leurs compétences dans les différents cadres de loi des pays partenaires). - organisations d'échanges et de production d'outils sur et pour le travail qui doit être mené avec les entreprises (spécialement les PME/PMI) pour mieux identifier les compétences dont elles ont besoin et être capable de mieux conseiller les personnes en recherche d'emploi ou celles désireuses d'un changement d'orientation socioprofessionnelle. Au premier niveau seront impliquées les professionnels de l'orientation socioprofessionnelle et les personnes qui travaillent avec les entreprises pour développer des réseaux et des coopérations entre elles et avec elles. Au deuxième niveau seront impliqués les entreprises elles-mêmes et les personnes en recherche d'emploi ou de réorientation socioprofessionnelle dans les années suivantes de ce projet qui aura une durée de 3 ans. Les activités proposées seront des visites d'études entre pays partenaires et des séminaires. Les productions seront des boîtes à outils communes (newsletters, étude de cas et guide de bonnes pratiques). Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Sustainable development Other : intégration socioprofessionnelle et validation des compétences Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Other: Professionnels de l’orientation socioprofessionnelle et des compétences – Entreprises – Chercheurs d’emploi ou personnes en réorientation socioprofessionnelle. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION M.E.F. Name of the contact person: Monsieur FREDERICK Steve Address: COMITE DE BASSIN D'EMPLOI - 1, rue d'Anjou - B.P.81 - 50130 CHERBOURG OCTEVILLE E-mail: chrisTel.seigneur@mef-cherbourg.com - mef@mef-cherbourg.com Tel: Fax: Website: www.mef-cherbourg.com Partners AYUNAMENTO DE PUNTA UMBRIA – ES WEST CUMBRIA COUNCIL FOR VOLUNTARY SERVICE WHITEHAVEN EMPLOYEMENT SUPPORT PROJEC – UK FUNDATIA EDUTECH – RO FUNDACION SECRETARIADO GENERAL GITANO – ES INSTITUTO NAZIONALE DI FORMAZIONE COOPERATIVA – INFORCOOP – IT CEVESIP SOCIAL COOPERATIVE – IT SOUTHAMPTON CITY COUNCIL – UL 174 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00587-1 La culture et les arts comme moyen de soutenir les personnes handicapées et de les aider à être considérés comme des personnes à part entière Le projet de partenariat éducatif du CAT 'LA MEE', de Franciskus e.V et de l'association polonaise pour les personnes handicapées consiste à échanger mutuellement des connaissances et des pratiques auprès de publics handicapés. Le partenariat permettra dans un premier temps de s'ouvrir sur l'Europe et sur ces pratiques éducatives notamment via la culture ; et de faire découvrir aux apprenants handicapés des structures d'accueil différentes en Europe. Dans un deuxième temps, le projet rassemblera les publics des trois pays partenaires pour réaliser ensemble une pièce de théâtre valorisant les compétences et savoir-faire spécifiques de chaque structure européenne (réalisation, mise en scène, musique, décors, costumes,...) Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CENTRE D AIDE PAR LE TRAVAIL "LES ATELIERS DE LA MEE" Name of the contact person: CHATELIER Colette Address: 43, rue Ancenis, 44110 CHATEAUBRIANT - FRANCE E-mail: grundtvig@catchateaubriant.com Tel: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) Website: Partners G31 GESELLESCHAFT FUR BILDUNGSINITIATIVEN - DE POLISH ASSOCIATION FOR PERSONS WITH MENTAL HANDICAP - PL 175 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00598-1 Compétences pour agir, pour gérer et pour entreprendre Bon nombre de responsable de PME ou d'artisans européens se retrouvent aujourd'hui confrontés à des difficultés liées à la reprise de leur activité par des jeunes ou par des salariés qui ne possèdent pas forcément toutes les compétences managériales adéquates. Un grand nombre de créateurs se retrouvent confrontés à des difficultés lorsqu'il s'agit de recruter du personnel qualifié. Ce projet a pour objectif d'accompagner les responsables et les futurs responsables de ces petites structures (TPE) et de les outiller d'outils mutualisés de gestion leur permettant de mieux anticiper les besoins de leur structure (notamment en matière de formation). Il s'agit aussi de leur permettre de pallier les difficultés liées à la gestion prévisionnelle des compétences au sein de leur propre structure. Il s'agira en effet, tout au long du projet de : - mettre en synergie des partenariats transnationaux et locaux afin de valider les expériences positives et de les transférer dans les pays partenaires. - créer des outils ayant pour objectif de mieux accompagner et suivre les futurs créateurs d'activités ainsi que les repreneurs (entreprises, associations, etc.). - favoriser la création d'espace de communication entre les créateurs et les repreneurs. Les partenaires du projet sont des structures européennes qui aujourd'hui accompagnent les personnes (demandeurs d'emploi, personne en insertion, personnes en reconversion professionnelle) qui souhaitent créer ou reprendre une activité professionnelle. Pour cela, ils souhaitent mutualiser leurs compétences et leurs savoir-faire en matière de suivi, de Coaching, d'évaluation et d'accompagnement. Ceci afin de favoriser et valoriser la création et la reprise d'activités en Europe. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Other: Methods & skills exchange SME’s Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Local community groups Adults in general COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION BOUTIQUE DE GESTION ACCES CONSEIL Name of the contact person: BONNET Laurent Address: 16, Rue de la République, 13001 MARSEILLE - FRANCE E-mail: bg.acces-conseil@wanadoo.fr Tel: 33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) Website: Partners KOMAROM ESZTERGOM MEGYEI REGIONALIS VALLALKOZASFEJLESZTESI KOZHASZNU ALAPITVANY – HU MANCOMUNIDAD SIERRA DE SAN PEDRO – ES 176 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00602-2 Bibliothèque européenne Œuvrer concrètement en posant les pierres d'une bibliothèque européenne dans le souci de récolter, diffuser les productions des stagiaires. La place des textes écrits pendant la formation, leur utilisation et leur préservation sont un problème majeur en alphabétisation. Pour valoriser et donner un sens à cette étape d'écriture et de lecture, la mise en ligne est un outil efficace qui permet d'actualiser et diversifier le réservoir de lectures des groupes en formation en fonction des intérêts. Dans une démarche commune d'aTeliers d'écriture, la bibliothèque européenne prend en compte toute production écrite quelque soit le niveau du formé pour en faire un outil directement utilisable en cours et à partir duquel se bâtissent des apprentissages. La souplesse de la démarche créatrice incite le stagiaire à devenir curieux et productif. La mise en ligne est une solution réaliste pour la mise à disposition du public à un autre public. Pour cette action nous souhaitons nous appuyer sur une démarche commune. Lors des scénarios et des propositions élaborées en aTeliers, repérer et prendre en compte les particularités linguistiques pour les introduire dans des scénarios et fabriquer du texte ciblé facilitant la compréhension d'une langue et l'accès à la structure du texte. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Institut Régional de Formation pour Adultes (IRFA) Sud Name of the contact person: Madame Ghislaine TAFFOREAU Address: 30 avenue Maurice Planès – Val de Croze E-mail: gtafforeau@irfa.fr Tel: 00 33 467 070 430 Fax: 00 33 467 070 431 Website: Partners Lire et Ecrire Bruxelles, BE BEST-Institut für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und Personaltraining GmbH, AT 177 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00606-1 Apprendre et entreprendre Les partenaires du projet souhaitent travailler en réseau afin d'améliorer leur intervention en direction des publics auprès desquels ils interviennent. Ils agissent pour la plupart, en amont de la création d'entreprise et aident, conseillent les porteurs de projet afin de les intégrer dans les dispositifs déjà existant et les accompagner dans cette phase d'apprentissage particulier qu'est la création d'activité. Leur mission est de favoriser l'émergence de nouvelles initiatives créatrices d'emploi et porteuses de cohésion sociale et d'apporter un appui technique et humain aux créateurs. Une fois plongé dans le dispositif prévu, le futur créateur à l'essai est mis en situation "d'entrainement" sans risque. Il bénéficie d'un hébergement juridique, conserve son statut social et ses revenus pendant la période de test de l'activité et peut donc apprendre à entreprendre en situation réelle. Notre projet permettra un échange de bonnes pratiques et d'ingénieries entre les organisations partenaires, la réalisation d'outils européens d'apprentissage et d'aide à l'émergence de projet. Les partenaires ont choisi de positionner leur travail sur le thème du parcours d'accompagnement du porteur de projet. Au cours de séminaires, chaque partenaire explicitera sa façon d'évaluer les compétences des entrepreneurs dans la phase ante-création. Ils travailleront ensemble à la création d'outils qui donnent la capacité de prévoir la réussite du projet de l'apprenant. Le projet conduira à la capitalisation de ces approches à travers la création d'un guide méthodologique, d'un recueil d'expériences innovantes et de la mise en place d'un réseau transeuropéen des couveuses. Des lors, les acteurs concevront de nouveaux outils en lien direct avec l'insertion par l'activité, et donc liés au développement durable. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Basic skills Other: support to social enterprise creators & self employment Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION UNION DES COUVEUSES Name of the contact person: TORTERAT Catherine Address: 14, rue Delambre, 75014 PARIS - FRANCE E-mail: uniondescouveuses@free.fr Tel: +33 (0) Fax: +33 ( Website: http://uniondescouveuses.com Partners BIC SPISSKA NOVA VES – SK NERSANT – PT 178 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00611-2 Référentiel d'observations en milieu de travail Depuis 2 décennies, l'ensemble des pays européens développent des outils pour répondre au problème endémique du chômage de longue durée. Les résultats n'ont pas été à la hauteur et la problématique persiste. L'emploi reste donc une priorité au centre des préoccupations des états membres. Ceux-ci ont développé des stratégies d'éducation tout au long de la vie en améliorant la qualité et l'efficacité des systèmes de formation, afin de permettre à tous les individus d'acquérir les compétences nécessaires à une main d'œuvre moderne. Ainsi, les collectivités territoriales ont développé des dispositifs pour répondre aux difficultés de recrutement exprimées par les milieux économiques et pour surmonter les obstacles de l'insertion des publics fragiles. La juxtaposition de ces différentes politiques en faveur de l'emploi des plus démunis n'a pas permis d'obtenir des résultats significatifs. Dans ce contexte, nous proposons de mettre en œuvre une réflexion dans le cadre d'un partenariat transnational pour la construction d'outils visant à améliorer les situations actives d'insertion. Notre action devrait déboucher sur une approche et une lecture globale des difficultés rencontrées par les publics ; une lisibilité de l'ensemble des outils d'insertion et de formation existants ; une mutualisation des bonnes pratiques à l'échelon européen ; une proposition des analyses des pratiques professionnelles transnationales ; une démultiplication des compétences, des expériences et des cultures. Au travers de ce projet Grundtvig, nous avons l'ambition d'être une force de propositions pour politiques publiques et pour les décideurs des territoires tant au niveau de projets innovants que par la définition de critères d'évaluation. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Basic skills Other: insertion par l’économique Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Young adults COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Union Régionale des Fédérations des Oeuvres Laïques de Bourgogne (URFOL) Name of the contact person: AgostinoBURRUNI Address: 63 rue de Strasbourg,, 71000 MACON E-mail: urfol-bourgogne@laligue.org Tel: 00 33 385 388 689 Fax:00 33 385 384 469 Website: Partners Diputacion Provincial de Almeria, ES Baranya megyei munkaugyi kozpont, HU IREFORR, IT 179 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00617-2 Publics défavorisés, pauvreté culturelle et dynamique européenne Le projet vise à créer une dynamique de réflexion pédagogique sur les nouveaux moyens qu'offre un partenariat européen, en termes d'outils éducatifs de mobilisation des publics sur la culture (histoire, géographie, art, etc.) ; sortir nos publics de leur ghetto de pauvreté sociale et culturelle pour les mettre dans des situations d'accès à une vision élargie et à une culture de base vitale pour leur insertion sociale et professionnelle ; développer la curiosité et l'intérêt culturels de nos publics défavorisés, leur permettre un accès minimal à de nouvelles connaissances culturelles, par une implication concrète d'accueil et de participation active dans un partenariat européen ; mettre en valeur leur culture de base fondée sur leur propre vécu, leur milieu d'origine, leur histoire, et leur apprentissage professionnel. Pour les formateurs/éducateurs : réflexions sur les déficiences et régressions culturelles des publics, comparaison des études et moyens mis en œuvre dans chaque pays ; étude du minimum culturel vital nécessaire à l'insertion des publics, élaboration de pratiques communes de partenariat ; préparation culturelle, linguistique des apprenants en vue des échanges et des perspectives d'opportunités d'expériences européennes d'insertion. Pour les bénéficiaires : connaissance du projet, sensibilisation à cette opportunité culturelle, sociale et d'insertion ; rafraîchissement des acquisitions de base de la culture de leur propre pays dont ils seront les hôtes d'accueil et les ambassadeurs dans les différents échanges ; découverte, approfondissement des caractéristiques culturelles des pays partenaires. Public visé : jeunes et adultes en difficulté d'insertion sociale et professionnelle, jeunes et adultes en situation de réentraînement, d'apprentissage professionnel ; publics sans emploi, en situation de précarité, avec des besoins de guidance, de revalorisation. Compte tenu des lacunes à combler, le projet se déroule sur 3 ans, afin d'obtenir une maturité d'ouverture culturelle de nos publics, opérante en termes d'insertion. - année 1 : Connaissance des partenaires, mise en place des méthodes et outils communs. - année 2 : Etude pédagogique des déficiences, implication progressive d'accueil par les bénéficiaires. - année 3 : Mise en application des acquis culturels des publics par l'accueil et les séjours transnationaux. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: A.D.S.E.A.LOGIS FORMATION Name of the contact person: Sylvere COCHELIN Address: 2, rue de l’église, Saint Germain-laxis, 77 950 MAINCY E-mail: adsea77.logis.aae@wanadoo.fr Tel: +33 (0) 1 64 14 42 00 Fax: + 33 (0) 1 64 52 43 76 Website: www.adsea77.com Partners I.E.S. CAURA, ES WIES W XXI WIEK FOUNDARION, PL S.C.NEW HOPE S.R.L., RO 180 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00621-2 Europe festivart Le principe selon lequel les hommes doivent apprendre à se connaître et à échanger leurs valeurs pour mieux se comprendre, s'accepter et coexister, est à la base de ce partenariat visant à promouvoir le multiculturalisme de l'Union Européenne par le biais de l'apprentissage formel et informel. Il s'agit de permettre à tout apprenant et groupe de la communauté locale d'exprimer leur identité culturelle et leurs traditions, de les partager et de les échanger en utilisant les moyens d'information et de communication (journal écrit, internet, visioconférence et autre support) mais également à travers des visites et séminaires. Le projet comprend l'organisation d'un festival européen des arts et traditions qui se tiendra sous forme d'aTeliers artistiques, animations culturelles, exposition et autre spectacle pour promouvoir les arts locaux, l'artisanat, le folklore, la gastronomie de différents pays d'Europe. Ce projet contribuera à la construction de passerelles interculturelles entre les populations et à une meilleure prise de conscience par les citoyens de leur appartenance à une même communauté, à la sensibilisation à la diversité culturelle des pays de l'Union. Il s'attachera à pérenniser les liens et contacts pour garantir le dialogue interculturel en Europe à travers des actions futures. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION VILLANELLE Name of the contact person: Monsieur MALET Harry Address: 164, route de Notre-Dame de la Paix 97418 PLAINE DES CAFRES E-mail: maletgreg@wanadoo.fr Tel: Fax: Website: Partners ASSOCIZIONE CULTURAL RAFAELLO – IT RELIGIONSPADAGOGISCHE AKADEMIE DER ERDIOZESE WIEN – AT DOM KULTURY W GOLDAPI – PL PUBLIC INSTITUTION SINTAUTU AKADEMIJA – LT 181 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00626-2 COMPACT - Compétences Actives Pour les adultes en recherche d'emploi, l'accès au travail est souvent conditionné par le niveau d'étude et/ou de qualification professionnelle. L'Europe élargie à 25, renforce les incertitudes en termes d'emploi pour les chômeurs peu ou pas qualifiées. De nombreuses études démontrent que le chômage persistant conduit à une perte de confiance durable et une appréciation négative des capacités individuelles. Cependant et pour être compétitifs, ces publics doivent démontrer des compétences actualisées et une réelle adaptabilité... En réponse à cette problématique, ce projet vise à améliorer les chances d'accès à l'emploi des adultes au chômage. Plus précisément, il s'agira de produire de la connaissance pour et avec chaque apprenant, afin d'optimiser l'orientation vers l'offre d'apprentissage existante et/ou à construire. Aussi, le processus d'apprentissage intervient comme une étape conduisant à l'emploi. La dimension européenne permettra la réflexion comparée et le transfert des expériences. La démarche consiste à valoriser des connaissances et des compétences dans un projet professionnel. Les activités prévues sur 24 mois, permettront d'expérimenter auprès des publics cibles, la mise en œuvre d'outils et méthodes élaborés en partenariat. Les apprenants seront accompagnés par périodes de 6 mois. Le projet s'organisera en 3 phases : 1) conception - élaboration 2) expérimentation 3) évaluation - production. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Young adults COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: DEVeloppement MEDiterranée (DEVMED) Name of the contact person: Madame Elena BLANCO Address: 20, place Jean Jaurès, 13001 MARSEILLE E-mail: devmed@wanadoo.fr Tel: 00 33 ( 0) Fax: 00 33 490 967 415 Website: Partners Estudios, Proyectos y Asesoramiento Linguistico, S.L., ES Libera Universita Europea Terza eta Campania, IT Stromso upper secondary school, department of Drammen prison, NO DKOMMER INTERKULTURELLE PERSONALENTWICKLUNG – AT OKTAV FURTHER EDUCATIONAL CENTER INC. – HU 182 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00638-2 Le développement des centres sociaux et socioculturels du Bas-Rhin Objectifs globaux : - construire des partenariats européens entre associations implantées localement en zone urbaine et rurale / publiques et privées pour analyser des méthodes et processus ainsi que pour des bonnes pratiques de développement culturel. - Favoriser une meilleure connaissance des pratiques non formelles dans des champs d'intérêts communs : développent de la participation active des habitants, à partir des modes d'expression artistiques et culturels. Tout autant nous mènerons : - Des analyses de politiques de l'éducation non formelle et des pratiques de nos associations et terrains respectifs. - La promotion et l'accompagnement des pratiques culturelles dites populaires permettant la coopération apprenant (salarié ou volontaire) et artiste. - La collecte des pratiques et outils innovants. - La réalisation d'un site Internet. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Fédération des centres sociaux et socioculturels du bas-Rhin Name of the contact person: Patricia BRENNER Address: 1a Place des orphelins, 67 000 Strasbourg E-mail: europe-casf@wanadoo.fr; patriciacasf@wanadoo.fr Tel: +33 (0) 3 88 35 72 30 Fax: +33 (0) 3 88 35 00 31 Partners CAGDAS DRAMA DERNEGI, TR STOWARZYSZENIE INICJATYW TWORCZYCH, PL 183 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00639-2 Partages et échanges pour l'insertion par la culture et le chant choral Le patrimoine artistique et musical régional est riche et souvent mal connu. Dans notre société, les individus vivent souvent de façon isolée pour des raisons professionnelles ou de précarité d'emploi. La pratique d'un art ou d'activités musicales, notamment dans le cadre du Chant Choral est source de rencontres, d'échanges, de partages qui conduisent les individus à renouer des liens sociaux qui sont porteurs sur le plan social et économique et sources d'enrichissements culturels. L'ouverture aux pays européens et à leurs ensembles artistiques, instrumentaux ou de choristes, permettra aux apprenants et au personnel de s'approprier de nouvelles richesses culturelles, de découvrir un espace élargi de citoyenneté européenne, voire même dans certains cas d'envisager un emploi dans les pays découverts. La réalisation de manifestations artistiques communes, dans chacun des Etats-Membres partenaires, facilitera la création d'un esprit européen, fait de découvertes et de reconnaissance réciproque. Ces manifestations seront médiatisées et les résultats seront diffusés auprès des réseaux des partenaires et de leurs sites web, afin de faciliter les transferts méthodologiques des institutions qui souhaiteraient s'associer aux partenaires et/ou créer leurs propres réseaux. Le succès de ce projet permettrait de développer des réseaux inter artistiques, de façon non formelle ou dans le cadre de Grundtvig1. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 2nd Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION POP UP Name of the contact person: BISCARRAT Julien Address: Chemin des Boissières, 84410 CRILLON LE BRAVE - FRANCE E-mail: popuph840@aol.com Tel: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) Website: Partners COMUNE DI S.TERESA DI RIVA – IT CONSORZIO TERRA IMPAREGGIABILE – IT ASSOCICAO ARTISTICO-MUSICAL "SANT BLAI" – ES LICEUL DE ARTA BAIA MARE – RO ASSOCIATION DE PROMOTION DES ARTS COMTADINS – FR AYUNTAMIENTO DE POTRIES – ES 184 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00644-1 "RURALITES" Le projet RURALITES est un partenariat entre organisations œuvrant pour la promotion du monde rural. Il contribuera à la mise en place d'activités nouvelles en faveur du développement durable dans les régions rurales de tous les pays partenaires. Le projet permettra de comparer et de confronter les différentes approches européennes en matière de développement d'activités socio économiques à travers des études de cas et des visites d'entreprise en marche au sein de la communauté rurale. Des travaux de recherches, visites d'études, échanges ruraux et séminaires menés par les pays partenaires, seront utilisés comme moyen d'apprentissage. L'intérêt du travail de groupe sera mis en valeur tout comme le comportement éco citoyen sera encouragé; la solidarité entre différents secteurs d'activités sera appuyée et les partenariats locaux seront incités. La mise en place d'un forum pour la recherche et de l'apprentissage permettra aux participants d'explorer de nouvelles activités de développement rural tout en prenant conscience et en célébrant les différences culturelles entre partenaires. Le projet offrira de nouvelles opportunités d'apprentissage à des adultes vivant en milieu rural, lesquels sont souvent privés des moyens éducatifs, travaillent de manière isolée et sont dans certains cas, coupés du monde extérieur et de l'étranger à cause de leur situation géographique. Le partenariat se consacrera à la production des cahiers ruraux sous la forme d'un kit d'apprentissage ou "Learning package" qui affichera la dimension européenne en présentant dans un document commun le savoir faire et les bonnes pratiques ainsi que les études de cas de tous les pays participants. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Intercultural issues Sustainable development Other/ Agro-tourism Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION VILLANELLE Name of the contact person: Harry MALET Address: 164 route de Notre-Dame de la Paix, 97418 PLAINE DES CAFRES – LA REUNION - FRANCE E-mail: villanelle-reunion@wanadoo.fr Tel: +33 (0) Fax: Website: Partners I.R.I.P.A.A.T – IT GOLDAPSKIE STOWARZYSZENIE PSZCZELARZY – PL ASOCIACIJA "ZANAVYKU SEIMELIS" – LT COMUNE DI SCALA – IT 185 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00659-2 La mixité dans les métiers d'aide à la personne Objectifs généraux : - Recenser et analyser certains métiers ou activités d'aide à la personne, en regardant particulièrement la dimension de la mixité dans ces métiers, - Traduire en compétences professionnelles les activités familiales et domestiques, - Mettre en relation ces 2 analyses pour proposer des pistes d'insertion professionnelle à des femmes et l'ouverture de ce secteur d'activité aux hommes, - Etudier l'influence de la technologie sur l'évolution de ces métiers et sur l'égalité professionnelle Hommes/Femmes, - Proposer à des bibliothèques et à des associations du droit des femmes d'être ces centres de recherche, d'information et d'orientation sur les métiers, afin d'attirer plus de visiteurs et de participer au développement durable d'une zone géographique ou d'un secteur professionnel. Objectif spécifique: proposer une méthodologie et des outils qui permettent de réaliser ces objectifs. Moyens : - Recherches documentaires, réunion d'échanges, constitution de fiches, - Expérimentation avec des associations et des bibliothèques, - Validation de la démarche pour une expérimentation à grande échelle la 2° année du projet. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Sustainable development Other : Orientation et emploi Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CENTRE D’INFORMATION SUR LES DROITS DES FEMMES Name of the contact person: Madame TOMAS Blandine Address: 5, Rue Moustiers 13001 MARSEILLE E-mail: cidfphoceen@wanadoo.fr Tel: Fax: Website: www.infofemmes13.com Partners BIBLIOTECA JUDELEANA PETRE DULFU – RO TRAINING 2000 S.N.C. – IT ASSOCIATION LES MEDITERRANEENNES – FR 186 FRANCE Project reference: 06 – FRA1-S2G01-00674-2 Echanges et bonnes pratiques touristiques en espace rural Procurer des outils aux populations situées en zones rurales afin qu'ils puissent vivre de la valorisation de leur patrimoine par le biais du tourisme rural. La pertinence des réponses issues de ce partenariat tiendra de la richesse des échanges, assurée par une large diffusion des résultats (publications et événements). L'ouverture du partenariat à des organisations extérieures à " Echanges et bonnes pratiques touristiques en espace rural " est souhaitée pour pallier ses éventuels manques et aboutir à une réflexion et à une mise en place d'actions pertinentes pour les populations rurales et pour les territoires. Les prolongements de l'action du partenariat sont dès lors multiples à la fois pour les populations apprenantes mais aussi pour les territoires (insertion sociale, égalité hommes/femmes, professionnalisation des acteurs, développement durable du territoire). Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Environment Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CENTRE DE RESSOURCES DU TOURISME ET DU PATRIMOINE Name of the contact person: Mme GOURDEN Gaëlle Address: Enita – BP 35 63370 LEMPDES E-mail: source.ue@enitac.fr Tel: Fax: Website: www.source.asso.fr Partners CENTRE FOR COMMUNITY ORGANIZING (CCIO) SOUTH BOHEMIA – CZ RESPECT, INSTITUT FUR INEGRATIVEN TOURISMUS UND ENTWICKLUNG – AT 187 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00675-3 EUROPIZATE : Prévention des risques en agriculture Créer une association transnationale d'étude pérenne pour des adultes (des hommes et des femmes) dans le risque d'exclusion sociale par manque de travail. L'association aura comme objet la formation " tout au long de la vie " des ouvriers du secteur agricole dans des territoires ruraux, où le risque d'exclusion sociale est produit par l'isolement géographique. Nous pouvons repérer tant d'indicateurs spécifiques principaux : a) La diminution de l'indice annuel du taux d'accidents de travail dans des secteurs ruraux, b) l'amélioration de la santé et de la sécurité des ouvriers dans le secteur agricole, c) la promotion de l'égalité des chances entre les hommes et les femmes, d) la promotion de l'utilisation des TIC, e) permettre d'accéder à l'information et à la formation en dehors du travail et de le rendre utile. Afin de réaliser cela, nous présentons 2 groupes d'activités : - Analyses et études des besoins de formation. - Développement et expérimentation des outils et des méthodologies : modules de formation en présentes et modules de formation par Internet avec interactivité constante et un forum virtuel d'étude. En conclusion, il est prévu à la fin du projet la création d'un CD et un site web où seront compilées les clefs nécessaires pour assurer la pérennité de l'association. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CFPPA ETIENNE RESTAT Name of the contact person: GEOFFROY Jean Pierre Address: Route de Casseneuil, 47110 STE LIVRADE SUR LOT E-mail: cfppa@ste-livrade.org Tel: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) Website: Partners UNION DE COOPERATIVAS DEL CAMPO DE CASTELLON – ES CENTRUL DE ASISTENCA RURALA – RO ITICA - IT 188 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00686-1 FASADETORU - Faune sauvage et developpement du Tourisme Rural Suite à une réunion transnationale de 1' pays européens du réseau Nymphéa en octobre 2005 à Montélimar, plusieurs centres de formation en milieu rural et forestiers se sont interrogés sur les possibilités d'augmenter la fréquentation des gîtes ou de séjours aux futurs entrepreneurs ruraux, des formations courtes à l'accueil de touristes sur les thèmes liées à la connaissance et l'observation de la faune et de la flore et les espaces protégés. Cette action donnera lieu à la publication en e-Learning, principalement d'un document pédagogique complémentaire à l'accueil et hébergements en milieu rural à disposition des centres de formation et disséminer sur les sites web des intervenants. Seront associés à cette action, les différentes associations ou organismes du monde rural qui animent ces activités : gîtes ruraux, sauvegarde de la nature, chasse et pêche en tant que support de formation et participant à la formation des offreurs d'hébergement de loisirs et d'activités touristiques. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Environment Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CFPPA ETIENNE RESTAT Name of the contact person: Monsieur GEOFFROY Jean-Pierre Address: Route de Casseneuil 47110 - STE LIVRADE SUR LOT E-mail: cfppa@ste-livrade.org Tel: Fax: Website: Partners CENTRE TECNOLOGIC FORESTAL DE CATALUNYA Espagne ITICA Italie 189 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00689-1 Echanges interculturels et mutualisation des expériences en EcoTourisme L'importance de plus en plus forte de l'écotourisme invite tous les partenaires de ce projet à s'associer collectivement, et à faire partager des expériences propres à chacun? La richesse des approches et des expériences tiennent dans la diversité des cultures (en termes de besoins et attentes), des horizons géographiques (européen et de façon plus globale à l'échelle mondiale), des environnements naturels (faune, flore et paysage) et de tous les aspects génériques s'intégrant dans la notion de développement soutenable, et à terme durable. Le projet vise à confronter toutes les expériences éco touristiques spécifiques à tous les partenaires sur une échelle européenne, ces expériences seront ensuite capitalisées, analysées, commentées, pour être ensuite mises en ligne (BLOG) et enregistrées sur support numérique (CD-ROM). La facilité d'accès et d'utilisation de ces supports (BLOG et CD-ROM) permettra à tous les partenaires d'éduquer, d'informer, de sensibiliser sur les différentes expériences éco touristiques tous les apprenants pouvant être en lien avec leurs organismes (élus, personnes en insertion, professionnels en écotourisme, chargés de mission, porteurs de projet). Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Environment Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: LYCEE AGRICOLE ET HORTICOLE D. MATHIRON Name of the contact person: Monsieur DUCLOS Emmanuel Address: Domaine des Chevaliers 86540 - THURE E-mail: lpa.thure@educagri.fr Tel: Fax: Website: Partners COLDIRETTI PADOVA Italie PROVINCE DE PADOUE Italie IEBA CENTRO DE INICIATIVAS EMPRESARIAIS BEIRA AGUIEIRA Portugal IFAPME -INSTITUT WALLON DE FORMATION EN ALTERNANCE ET DES INDÉPENDANTS Belgique Française) ESPACE FORMATION MAGNAC-BELLAC France DE PERIGUEUX France 190 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00690-1 Place de la viticulture et de la fabrication des boissons fermentées dans la culture et l'identité régionale à travers différents territoires européens Les partenaires souhaitent échanger sur des outils permettant aux populations rurales de vivre de la valorisation de leur vignoble et de leur patrimoine par l'oenotourisme. Les partenaires sont issus des territoires européens historiquement viticoles ou de tradition de fabrication de boissons fermentées, ils ont des activités différentes mais complémentaires. L'objet est d'échanger sur les patrimoines culturels (matériel, foncier, immatériel) liés à la viticulture oenologie ou les boissons fermentées et de réfléchir à l'identification des territoires. Ceci permettra de mieux connaître les territoires pour une promotion touristique. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CFPPA DE MACON DAVAYE Name of the contact person: Madame CLERC LAPREE Fabienne Address: Les Poncetys 71960 - DAVAYE E-mail: cfppa.davaye@educagri.fr Tel: Fax: Website: Partners COMITE DU SPORT EN MILIEU RURAL D AQUITAINE France EPLEFPA DE BEAUNE France EZTERHAZY KAROLY Hongrie NADACE PARTNERSTVI République Tchèque 191 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00691-1 Une main d'œuvre de qualité pour des produits de qualité : Comment créer une dynamique d'accès à l'emploi durable dans les entreprises de production agricole Le projet G2 de la FRASAVPA de la Fundacio Catalana de Cooperacio de Sviuppo & Competenze et de Otley College consiste à échanger mutuellement des connaissances et des pratiques en matière de gestion et d'organisation des relations humaines (employeurs/salariés) de valorisation des compétences, de formation professionnelle et de promotion des métiers dans les entreprises agricoles. Le G2 permettra dans un 1er tps de s'ouvrir sur l'Europe et sur les pratiques relationnelles et formatives dans les métiers agricoles et de faire découvrir aux salariés agricoles et aux employeurs de chaque territoire partenaire des pratiques innovantes. Dans un 2è tps, il permettra de formaliser les bonnes pratiques en vue de promouvoir l'emploi durable dans les exploitations agricoles. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Learning about European countries/the European Union Sustainable development Other Agriculture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: FEDERATION REGIONALE DES ASSOCIATIONS DE SALARIES AGRICOLE Name of the contact person: COIFFARD Damien Address: Chambre départementale de l'Agriculture, 14 avenue Joxe BP 80646, 49006 ANGERS cedex E-mail: damien.coiffard@wanadoo.fr Tel: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) Website: Partners CATALONIA QUALITAT – ES SVILUPPO & COMPETENZE, SV&CO – IT 192 FRANCE Project reference: 06-FRA1-S2G01-00694-1 SEED - Partager et échanger des expériences de développement durable dans les zones rurales Ce projet est un projet G2 dont le sujet est "Partager et échanger des expériences de développement durable dans les zones rurales". En anglais son sigle est S. E. E. D.: "Sharing and Exchange of Experiences on Development" se qui se développe ainsi: Sharing and Exchange of Experiences on the practices of durable Development in the rural area". Permettre l'échange d'expériences, de compétences et de connaissances à travers le partenariat afin de motiver les individus des communautés rurales européennes à s'engager dans des parcours de formation axés sur l'étude des voies nouvelles et innovantes en matière de développement rural durable. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: CFPPA DE BOURGES Name of the contact person: DELAVY Bernard Address: Rue Théophile Gautier, BP 4067, 18000 BOURGES cedex - FRANCE E-mail: cfppa.bourges@educagri.fr Tel: +33 (0) Fax: +33 (0) Website: Partners MAATALOUSTUOTTAJAIN SATAKUNNAN LIITTO MTK – FI HOGSKULEN LANDBRUK OG BYGDENAERINGAR – NO NORTHUMBERLAND COLLEGE – UK ESPACE FORMATION MAGNAC-BELLAC – FR 193 ITALY ITALIA Project Reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00039-2 CITTA’: women learning for an active citizenship. Bari is the main city of the Puglia region and it is one of the most significant in terms of history, culture, and economy of the widest cities of the south of Italy. The area of Enziteto is in the surrounding of Bari. The area lacks of services, meeting places, social meeting points, it is absoluTely neglected and many people are living there without visa. In this environment women live at the edge of social and working life also due to theri trend towards a self segregation. The aim of the learning partnership is the transnational exchange of successful training models for women living in geographically and socially disadvantaged urban areas. Besiders, the project will compare a wide variety of cultural diversity and exchange information and opinions, in the framework of life long learning. The LP will also provide help and support the women living in these area, in order create new possibilities and a personal improvement in the society. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2 Basic skills Information technology Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Other, namely: Equal opportunities Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Women Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ASSOCIAZIONE EUROPA Name of the contact person: Rosa Matera Address: vico XV, Corso Vittorio Emanuele n°8 - 70057 Palese - Bari E-mail cooratienziteto@libero.it Tel: + 390805306320 Fax: + 390805306320 Website: Partners AYUNTAMIENTO DE SAN ANDRÉS DEL RABANEDO (ES) IBB Dresden GmbH (DE) NEWHAM COLLEGE (UK) CNA - CEFAG (FR) 194 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00411-1 RE SO - Faciliter la reintegration social des prisonniers par le partenariat local The main idea of the project is the social re-integration of prisonners through life long learning, in co-operation with external institutions. The main objectives are: the involvment to prisoners in various activities, to help the prisonners to start a new learning process, to face a new healthy lifestyle, a new lifestyle in their environement and in their work. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Consumer education Environment Other Social habilities Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Other Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Casa Circondariale di Prato Name of the contact person: Manuela Sebeglia Address: Via La Montagnola, 76-59100- Prato -PO E-mail casacircondarialediprato@tin.it Tel: +39.0574.653201 Fax: +39.0574.650212 Website: Partners EPA Centro Penitenziario a Lama Educacion – ES Stockton Adult Ed. Service – UK Greta Nord Meusien Actipole de Verdun sud – FR Estabelecimento Prisonal de Coimbra - Prison de Coimbra – PT ASM spa Ambiente Servizi Mobilità Area Pratese – IT 195 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00006-1 FEMALE – Fostering Self Entrepeneurship for Women in Adult Education The aim of the proposal is to foster female entrepreneurship spirit through an exchange of experiences and best practice in Adult education. The objectives will be: • Favour the diffusion between women of different cultural, social and economic aspects linked to business activities carried out by women through the dissemination of their success stories; • The exchange of female entrepreneurs best practices and experiences between different local and European stakeholders (adult education agencies, public bodies, associations, private companies, university, foundations, civil society); • Analyse the didactical and educational informal and non formal approaches linked to the success stories examined involving adult learners (entrepreneurs and personnel working in the partnership structures). Activities: • Local stakeholders' awareness of the project aim and involvement; • Identification and involvement of at least eight business women in each country as testimonials; • Best practice collection through the submission of a structured questionnaire to the entrepreneur groups; • ollection and analysis of informal and non formal educational paths followed by the entrepreneurs; • Collection of support and funding laws for the self entrepreneurship; • Valorisation and dissemination of the achieved results (Publication, CD Rom, web sites, seminaries, final conference) The activities will be tightly linked to other local initiatives (Conferences, seminars, workshops) carried out by the involved stakeholders to foster dissemination of the results. Duration: 2 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Gender issues Learning about European countries/the European Union Other, namely Self entrepreneurship Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Information or other support services Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other: Public authorities, Associations, Companies Adult education agencies, COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Tikappa Consultant Srl Name of the contact person: Gianluca Milanese Address: Viale Gramsci, 73 Firenze 50121 - Italia E-mail g.milanese@tikappa.it Tel: +39/055/2466005 Fax:+39/055/2260696 Website: www.tikappa.it Partners PROGET 83 : Promotion et développement des Groupements d’Employeurs – FR ASEM - ASOCIACIÓN EMPRESA MUJER– ES Viešoji į staiga “Panevė žio verslo konsultacinis centras” (Public Institution “Panevezys Business Advisory Centre”) – LT Deutsche AngesTellten-Akademie, DAA Braunschweig – DE Fortbildningscentralen vid Åbo Akademi (Centre for Continuing Education at Åbo Akademi University) – FI 196 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00007-1 Young people and alcohol The problem of alcoholism, even if it is occasional, is a phenomenon which is on the increase in every European country and that involves more and more people, mainly young adults. The number of car accidents because of drinking and driving is growing; family abuses are frequent; permanent damage to health caused by excessive drinking, even if occasional, is often underestimated by the drinkers themselves. Schools are often ill-equipped to deal with the problem in a serious and really educational manner because of the poor knowledge on the subject that teacher and teacher trainers have. The problem gets worse when the measures are directed to young adults or to the students’ parents. While it is quite simple to involve the students who are attending traditional courses in extracurricular activities on health education, it becomes much more complex to involve 18/30 year-old young adults and even parents in an effective manner. The project is centred on a number of discussion and educational meetings for teachers in order to develp common methodology strategies to take preventative measures against alcohol abuse. A second phase is centred on writing the module and a final one on using the module and accomplishing its objectives. The aim is to make the teachers able to select and write one or more didactic extracurricular modules and to use it/them with adults both in the final phase of the project and in the following years. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Education for parents Health Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ITC BODONI Name of the contact person: ROSANNA ROSSI Address: VIALE PIACENZA – 43100 – PARMA - ITALY E-mail: preside@itcbodoni.it Tel: + 39 521.98.67. 60 Fax: + 39 521.23.44.63 Website: www.bodoni.pr.it Partners Alytus region Udrija basic school 64372, LT Educational Centre for adults from Barea, ES Second Chance School Neapoli Thessaloniki, GR Aducational Centre for adults from El Ejido, ES 197 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00008-1 R.E.W.I.N. – Reconciliation of working life and family for women The aim of the project is to compare, develop and improve strategies for the support of the reconciliation between work and family life in Europe with special care toward women needs. The gender gap between work and family responsibilities needs new approaches to promote the intercultural exchange on this issue and to foster new strategies facilitating a right balance between education, job and family. The activities settled for the project imply: Educational exchange of best practice and experiences on initiatives and orientation to employment, education/training, career and family concerning the reconciliation between work and family life for women between of women as testimonials, through a structured questionnaire, with personal testimonies on their experience Analyse, in an European context, of the aspects and the problematic linked to the adult education of women aimed to foster the reconciliation between work and family times taking advantage of the reached results of projects and planned initiatives on the thematic New public institutions, adult learners, teachers or trainers and women interested at the thematic Active involvement approaches for stimulating and promoting adult learners developing a "toolkit" of strategies to overcome the gender gap between work and family life for women Creation of a virtual forum promoting "women friendly" training methods to offering support to women and providing access for them to relevant training material and support information services for disseminating best practice Meetings carried out between the partners countries Monitoring and dissemination of the results Duration: 2 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Gender issues Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Reconciliation between working life and family for women Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Information or other support services Local community groups Women Other: Public authorities, Associations, Adult education agencies, Companies COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Tikappa Consultant Srl Name of the contact person: Michela Calabrese Address: Viale Gramsci, 73 Firenze 50121 - Italia E-mail: m.calabrese@tikappa.it Tel: +39/055/2466005 Fax: +39/055/2260696 Website: www.tikappa.it Partners IFAID (Institut of Training and Support for Development Initiatives) – FR SEDUKON o.p.s – CZ 198 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00013-1 EDU-ACTION The project aims at the creation of an integrated plan, a nework between schools and other learning agencies and institutions that work in the area. The methodology will focus on the action-research in order to explore and transform the existing situation, and improve the existing life quality for the colac community and of the educational system. The project will follow a work in progress approach and the partnership will: Reduce school failure in adult education Get a specific know how to disseminate with a best practice manual, a web site and a Grundtvig 3 training course. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Teacher training Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: C.T.P.8 (DIST.15-CALTAGIRONE I.C.NARBONE) Name of the contact person: Francesco Pignataro Address: VIA DEGLI STUDI N. 5- 95041- Caltagirone - CT E-mail segreteria@alessionarbone.it Tel: +39-0933-21697 Fax: +39-0933-56604 Website: Partners AGORA – FR Group. D'Intérêt pub. Formation Continue et Insertion Prof. Academie – FR MCAST - Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology – MT IES VICENTE ESPINEL – ES 199 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00017-2 BRIDGE: women in social economy The aim of the BRIDGE Learning Partnership is the exchange of experience in social enterprise management and practice at a transnational level, in order to support self entrepreneurship by women. Project beneficiaries are women who have suffered of social marginalisation and need to re-acquire an active role within society and re-enter in the labour market. The effective exchange of information among European Countries has benefits for learning and awareness-raising as well as for creating new opportunities by individuals. These beneficiaries could use the experience presented by projects such as BRIDGE to take control of their lives – both socially and economically. This project will arrange transnational meetings and seminars in collaboration with experts from the third sector. Visits will be organised to non-profit organisation in each participating country (Italy, Spain, Germany). Good practice models will be researched and presented in a single report that will be useful for practitioners as well those planning to set up social enterprises. Duration: 2 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union third sector, social enterprise Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Women Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social exclusion Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed people, ex prisoners. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Associazione N.E.T. – Networking Education and Training Name of the contact person: Mirna Fusaro Address: Via Alfieri, 9 35020 Roncaglia – Ponte San Nicolò (Padova) E-mail info@associazionenet.it Tel: + 390498961994 Fax: + 390498961993 Website: www.associazionenet.it Partners FUNDACION DIAGRAMA ES Wisamar GbR DE 200 ITALIA Project reference : 06-ITA01-S2G01-00023-1 INDACO – INcreasing Disable Abilities and COmpetencies The project aims to offer disabled learners an opportunity to advocate their European citizenship and their right to continuous education. Each partner will select a number of disabled people to be involved, and the educators/parents accompanying them. They will be involved in the laboratories of the partner countries and engaged in unusual tasks, as artistic handicrafts, gardening, theatre or music, according to the specific rehabilitation techniques each partner is specialised in. Disabled are expected to develop specific competencies, to face new realities and new challenges: performing activities that other people can do will push them to try hard to succeed. Parents and educators will have a role as learners: the first will modify erroneous attitudes and prejudiced (all/nothing; able/ disabled), when existing; the second will experiment new methods and acquire know-how on how to transfer skills to disabled learners. The activities performed and the outputs (handicraft products, theatre performances..) will be included in a CD to be illustrated in the final conference and distributed to the local community, to encourage policy makers, local administrators and firms to facilitate the labour insertion of disabled people, either by creating protected niches of market or by making tailored tools and opportunities available. Duration: 2 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Education for parents Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Disabled persons Parents and educators Local community (local bodies, entrepreneurs, policy makers…) COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Cooperativa Sociale COOSS Marche – ONLUS – Soc. Coop. p.a. Name of the contact person: Dr.ssa Francesca Cesaroni Address: Via Saffi, 4 – 60121 Ancona E-mail: f.cesaroni@cooss.marche.it Tel: +39 071 50103 212 Fax: +39 071 50103 206 Website: www.cooss.marche.it Partners Bornova Hasan Tahsin ls Okulu, TR APPACDM, PT Association Sesame Autisme Languedoc, FR 201 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00027-2 Museums Tell many stories – The use of museum collections to promote interculturality The idea behind the project “Museums Tell many stories” is that of using museum collections, objects and artefacts to promote multiculturality as well as interculturality and to enhance ways of looking at the cultures represented in a museum (often the dominant ones) from different perspectives and viewpoints. Provided that museum objects can Tell stories about the culture which originates them in very many different ways, depending on how they are interpreted and put into a context, the project aims at developing the competencies of the personnel in charge of museum education to provide them with the skills needed to develop the narrative related to museum items, to communicate it to the public, to involve the public itself in activities of story Telling and engage it in meaning making processes related to the collections. The impact of the project in terms of multicultural learning derives from the fact that the focus will be on two main aspects: Interpreting “foreign” objects to local audiences (therefore bringing out elements to encourage and support intercultural education and communication) Interpreting/ mediating objects belonging to our culture/cultural heritage to audiences of a different cultural background and different ethnic groups. The project will consist mainly in the organisation of meetings, seminar and study visits involving the partners and other adult learners/museum educators with the objective of sharing experiences and developing models of good practice. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Other: Museum educators, Adult educators, Cultural mediators COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Istituto per I Beni Artistici Culturali e Naturali della Regione Emilia Romagna Name of the contact person: Margherita Sani Address: Via Galliera 21, 40121 Bologna - Italy E-mail: MaSani@ibc.regione.emilia-romagna.it Tel: + 39 51 217 400 Fax: + 39 51 232 599 Website: www.ibc.regione.emilia-romagna.it Partners - Chester Beatty Library – Dublin - IE - Settore Educazione al Patrimonio – Città di Torino - IT - Imagine IC - NL - Engage – UK 202 ITALIA Project Reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00031-2 European Citizenship: from North to South, from East to West. Facilitate the transmission of knowledge in the group and between the partners to make people access to culture all life long. Facilitate the approach to old handicraft tecniques comparing them to those partners' handicraft techniques having a common root: the name of the town. Enhance the European dimension giving the right value to artistic heritages and the specific local identities. Improve the dialogue and the productive cooperation between individual from different cultures. Duration: 24 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Intercultural issues Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Senior citizens Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF VILLAFRANCA SICULA Name of the contact person: Domenico Balsamo Address: Via Marco Polo, 2 _ 92020 Villafranca Sicula (AG) E-mail: Domenico.balsamo@virgilio.it Tel: +39 925550151 Fax: +39 925550043 Website: Partners AYUNTAMIENTO DE VILLAFRANCA DE NAVARRA, Spagna Junta de Freguesia de Vila Franca de Xira_Portogallo; AYUNTAMIENTO DE VILLAFRANCA DE LOS BARROS - UNIVERSIDAD POPULAR (CENTRO DE FORMACIÓN) Spagna 203 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00096-1 PEACE - Parents' Enpowerment and Active Citizenship Exercise The project aims at the strenght of the partent’s responsibility for three targets: partent from extra- EU countries and ethnic's minorities, parents of disables, parents living in rural and disadvanteged areas. The main activities will be: • Coordination, monitoring and evaluation • Research • Open day • Learners selection • Meetings • Dissemination of the results and an handbook of best practices The results will be an increase of selfesteem and the implementation to new methodologies for those family dealing with critical situations through non formal learning. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Basic skills Education for parents Gender issues Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ANFFAS - Associazione Nazionale Famiglie di Disabili InTellettivi e Re Name of the contact person: Paola Mucciconi Address: Via A. Marchesani, 4- 66054 - Vasto - CH E-mail fabiana.rocchi@libero.it Tel: +39.0873.380564 Fax: +39.0873.380564 Website: Partners Turk Telekom Anadolu Teknik Lisesi - TK Bauskas Pilsetas Domes Socialas Palidzibas – LT Associacio catalana de formacio polivalent aplicada Baobab – ES Danmar Computers – PL Prodest - Progetto di espressione e Sviluppo Territoriale – SCARL – IT 204 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00098-1 Pour des relations et des ressources de proximité Le projet s’adresse à des quartiers périphériques des trois communes impliquées (Carcassonne - France, Bochum Allemagne, Monterotondo - Italie) et en particulier aux femmes et aux adolescents de ces territoires. On entend effectuer une cartographie des ressources des quartiers relatives à la connaissance du territoire et à la lecture de ceux-ci. Après un recensement des ressources existantes, ce sont les gens eux-mêmes qui seront appelés à devenir des ressources pour eux-mêmes, pour les autres et donc pour le territoire. Les apprenants, une fois approfondies leurs connaissances, se situeront sur la carte, et constitueront ainsi des aTeliers de quartier, "lieux" où expérimenter la citoyenneté active, acquérir de nouvelles compétences et échanger selon des modalités de communication efficaces. Il s’agit donc d’une démarche qui s’appuie sur le principe que toute personne est en soi une ressource pour elle-même et pour la communauté, et que l’estime de soi et la reconnaissance sociale en découlent. C’est ce potentiel d’autonomie et de responsabilité que le projet veut réactiver chez des personnes que l’exclusion sociale a conduites à une autodévalorisation et à la dépendance vis à vis d’institutions sociales. Le résultat de ce travail sera concrétisé dans une vidéo et/ou une exposition photographique qui seront montrées aux citoyens, aux institutions et aux services impliqués dans le projet Duration: 2 year s Area(s) covered Funding year: 1st Citoyenneté active Enjeux interculturels Communication Project Objectives Stratégie pour stimuler / promouvoir la motivation des apprenants adultes Expérimentation d'approches pédagogiques innovantes Target Group(s) Autres groupes économiquement ou socialement défavorisés, personnes au chômage, personnes incarcérées Groupes de la communauté locale Femmes COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Cooperativa Sociale F.O.L.I.A.S. (Formazione, Orientamento, Lavoro, Informazione, Animazione, Servizi) a r.l. - ONLUS Name of the contact person: Alessandro Braccini Address: Via Salaria 108/B 00016 Monterotondo (Roma) E-mail: folias@mclink.it Tel: + 39 06 900 85 620 Fax: + 39 06 900 85 619 Website: www.folias.it Partners Association Roudel - Relais d'Ouverture et d'Echanges Culturels et Linguistiques, FR TranMedia - Transnationales Institut für interkulturelle Projekte e.V., DE 205 ITALIA Project reference : 06-ITA01-S2G01-00107-1 Adult Music Education for a Musical Life The aim of the project is to promote and add value to Musical Education in an adult audience. Such aim will be achieved through listening and debating activities, which will be coordinated by people working in the musical world, interpreters, composers, organizers of musical events. This will be supported by a proposal regarding the training in basic musical skills, besides guided listening activities, proposal which is addressed to an audience that can be still unaware of scpecific codes and/or knowledge of a cultural heritage. The partners will be given the chance to compare their experience and see which possibility of cultural musical growth can be offered in the territory where their actions take place, also cooperating with other musical entities on the spot. Considering as main aim the diffusion and promotion of basic musical culture and the growth in interest for the classical heritage, partnerships with entities that have non experience in the fields will be privileged. Duration: 2 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Local community groups Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Amici della Musica Udine Name of the contact person: Giuseppina Raso Address: Via Ippolito Nievo 14/a E-mail: pina.raso@libereta-fvg.it, presidente@amicimusica.ud.it Tel: + 39 3386125920 +30 0432 297909 Fax: +39 0432 297033 Website: www.libereta-fvg.it Partners Asociacion Primera Brotada ES Izmir Province Natinal Education Directorate TR 206 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00124-1 ABC Acquisition of Basic Competences for digital inclusion The project aims at an exchange and a comparison between methodologies and best practices on ICT and languages for socially and economically disadvantaged people such as unemployed, migrants, ethnic minorities and seniors. The focus of the project is the development and sharing of new approches for tranining courses on a local and European level. In particular, the project will analyse the link between learning ICT/foreing language and social inclusion/active citizenship. During the project the partner will face the learning problems encountered by the the target groups through the active participation of trainers at meeting, working groups, etc. During the second year, then new approaches and methodologies will be tested in a number of training courses and the results, together with the guidelines, and will be published offline and online for dissemination purposes. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Information technology Languages Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners… Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Irecoop Lombardia soc. cooperativa Name of the contact person: Imbrogno Giuseppe Address: Via Decorati al Valor Civile 15 Milano E-mail imbrogno.g@confcooperative.it Tel: +39 244382012 - 02752912211 Fax: +39 270125954 Organisation/Project Website: http://www.irecooplombardia.confcooperative.it/default.aspx Partners Atrium Research & Innovation LTD - NL Nevron D.O.O. – SI 207 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00126-1 E.I.N. European Inclusion Network Local organisations have a great importance in the development of citizenship, quality of life, evolution of democracy in Europe and the inclusion of people at risk of exclusion. In fact, local associations answer to the needs and necessities of population in sports, culture, traditions, social and educational spheres, health care services for specific groups, etc. They offer to the community services, social support and animation, which has great influence in social cohesion and development. For this reason they are encouraged (and often financed) by local and regional public administrations. The project intends to develop strategies, methodologies of intervention, common objectives and activities to develop with the partners, exchanging good practises, experiences, learning material and results. Starting from this point, we would like to create a co-operation network among all the organisations engaged or interested into this field, in order to create a synergy between individual support and community development. We are planning to create a database for innovative and successful practices, good strategies and methodologies for inclusion and social development, in order to reinforce the active citizenship of the learners. Duration: 2 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Languages Sustainable development Other: development of local network among associations Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: members of local associations COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: EURO-NET Name of the contact person: Anna Lagrotta Address: vicolo Luigi Lavista, 3 – 85100 Potenza (ITALY) E-mail: euro-net1@memex.it Tel: + 39-0971-23300 Fax: + 39-0971-21593 Website: www.synergy-net.info Partners Centrum Wspierania Organizacji Pozarzadowych CeWOP, PL European Institute for Relations and Co-operation, GR KÂHTA MESLEKİ VE TEKNİ K EĞ İ Tİ M MERKEZİ - KAHTA METEM, TR 208 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00134-1 Counselling Centre for training sensory disables The project contributes to the implementation of the Lisbon Strategy which set yo the Union a major strategic goal for 2010 "to become the most competitive and dynamic Many efforts have been made in all the European countries to adapt the education and training system, but the level of failure at school and of social exclusion remain too high. The project intends to promote the insertion of people with sensory disabilities, especially the deaf, into the higher education system. In the partner countries the number of deaf enrolled in the Universities seems to be very low compared to other physical disabilities. The objectives of the project are the following:1) identification and consequent reduction of the physical, social, psychological and cultural obstacles that hinder the pursuit of studies after secondary school;2) experimentation of new learning and teaching methodologies;3) creation of targeted tutoring/ counselling structures within the Universities;4) creation of a trans-national guideline for decision makers. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Other: SIGN LANGUAGE Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Disabled persons Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Regione Abruzzo Name of the contact person: Rita Di Matteo Address: Piazza San Silvestro snc, 67100 L’Aquila E-mail eurostaff@regione.abruzzo.it Tel: +39 0862 364255 Fax: +39 0862 364218 Website: www.regione.abruzzo.it Partners The College of Computer Science PL Institute For Research, Study, Teaching and Diffusion Of Italian Sign Language (Onlus) IT Szegedi Tudományegyetem Egészségügyi Fő iskolai Kar Szociális Munka és Szociálpolitika Tanszék HU 209 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00164-2 L.I.S.T.E.N. Lifelong Info on Studies and Training for Educational Needs The project aims to trace the motivations which drive adult learners coming from different experiences and situations to start school again, and so to develop and increase the motivation to learning of disadvantaged adults (young people socially marginalised, unemployed, people in prison etc.) and to improve the professional skills and competence of the teachers through the exchange of good practice. In the first year the teachers will meet twice and will create a portfolio with the information of their experiences. The experiences of the teachers, dealing with innovative approach, solution of particular problems, particularly motivating methodologies etc. will be presented during a seminar and will be collected in a CD-Rom or in another suitable form, in English. This will encourage the teachers to use their abilities in the use of the technical equipment and of the English language, both essential in school today. During the second year the methodology of biography will be used to motivate and encourage adult learners in their learning path. They will be invited to write their personal stories as adult learners. Every partner will choose 3-4 stories that will be translated in English and collected in a CD-Rom. The students will compare their experiences in a workshop during a meeting. In every meeting the hosting partner will organise the educational visits and will invite experts to talk on social aspects in adult education. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Information technology Basic skills Active citizenship Languages Learning about European countries / the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Other: Adult Trainers COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: IPSSCT DON ZEFIRINO IODI Name of the contact person: TERESA CAPRARA – GRAZIELLA DAVOLI – IVANA SIMONINI Address: VIA DELLA CANALINA, 21/1 – 42100 REGGIO EMILIA ITALIA E-mail jodi@re.nettuno.it Tel: +39 0522325711 Fax: +39 0522294233 Website: www.jodi.re.it Partners IPS ELSA MORANTE – SASSUOLO ( MODENA)- IT ST JOHN’S CENTRAL COLLEGE OF FURTHER EDUCATION AND TRAINING – CORK - IE GORNOSLASKIE CENTRUM EDUCKACJINE – GLIWICE – PL IES ANTONIO JOSE’ CAVANILLES – ALICANTE – ES 210 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00172-2 Democratic Arts for the Citizenship The project joins different Institutions who work both in the field of the citizenship, education and training in order to make the people aware of 1) their potential as citizens (rights and duties); 2) their role in the specific community in which they live; and in order to make them able to “read”, interact and transform the local realities. The project intends to reach these goals through a wide choice of activities such as the “Theatre of the Oppressed by August Boal” or the traditional theatre, arts and photography, courses and meetings, workshops, fieldworks and more. Through this partnership we would like to learn different ways of approaching the young adults and adults so that they take part in the public/political life. At the end of the project we want that all the people involved in it – teachers and learners – choose a specific and practical action of public relevance, do it as a test of people democracy. In addition, we expect the young adults find a space of participation to the community life through which to speak to the local Institutions. Duration: 2 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Consumer education Environment Health Intercultural issues Media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Marginalised groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Adult Education Centre “Biancheri – Cavour” / Centro Territoriale Permanente “Biancheri – Cavour” Italy IT Name of the contact person: Maria Paola Rottino Address: 61, Roma str. – 18039 Ventimiglia (IM) Italy E-mail: educazionepermanente@smventimiglia.it Tel: + 39 0184 351180 Fax: + 39 0184 239364 Website: www.smventimiglia.it Partners Gesellschaft für innovative Strukturenwicklung mbH - DE School for Adult People Galdakao / E.P.A.- Escuela por personas adultas Galdakao - ES 211 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00173-2 PORTFOLIO Actuellement beaucoup de personnes qui s'inscrivent aux cours de formation professionnelle ou aux cours pour l'obtention de titre de étudie, ont des vieilles expériences que, si documentées, peuvent constituer crédit pour la continuation des études et référence pour le monde du travail. Le projet entend mettre à point un formulaire partagé entre tous les partenaires sur lesquels faire paraître, justement, adresses et expériences précédentes, ainsi que certifier les compétences acquises dans le segment de formation en cours et leur utilisation dans le monde du travail et dans le monde de l'instruction/formation. La majorité des États de l'EU a déjà rédigé des épreuves de travail sur les standards: on traite donc de amalgamer les attentes de chaque pays et partager un format reconnaissable dans toute l’Union ainsi comme il a été fait, par exemple, avec le curriculum vitae européen. Duration: years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Disabled persons Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Name of the contact person: Address: E-mail Tel: Fax: Organisation/Project Website: ISTITUTO TECNICO CAMILLO RONDANI Institut Technicien CAMILLO RONDANI BRUNA BASSI VIALE MARIA LUIGIA 9/A – 43100 - PARMA - ITALIA bassib@libero.it ssronda4@provincia.parma.it +39.(0)521.28.70.68 0039. 0521.23.44.63 0039.348.66.46.393 +39.(0)521.23.00.97 www.itg-rondani.it Partners Association pour l'insertion et l'education des personnes atteintes – FR Acib Associacao Comercial e Indiustrial de Barcelos – PT For. P.M.I. Prometeo – IT 212 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00096-1 PEACE - Parents' Enpowerment and Active Citizenship Exercise The project aims at the strenght of the partent’s responsibility for three targets: partent from extra- EU countries and ethnic's minorities, parents of disables, parents living in rural and disadvanteged areas. The main activities will be: o Coordination, monitoring and evaluation o Research o Open day o Learners selection o Meetings Dissemination of the results and an handbook of best practices The results will be an increase of selfesteem and the implementation to new methodologies for those families dealing with critical situations through non formal learning. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Education for parents Gender issues Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ANFFAS - Associazione Nazionale Famiglie di Disabili InTellettivi e Re Name of the contact person: Paola Mucciconi Address: Via A. Marchesani, 4- 66054 - Vasto - CH E-mail fabiana.rocchi@libero.it Tel: +39.0873.380564 Fax: +39.0873.380564 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Turk Telekom Anadolu Teknik Lisesi - TK Bauskas Pilsetas Domes Socialas Palidzibas – LT Associacio catalana de formacio polivalent aplicada Baobab – ES Danmar Computers – PL Prodest - Progetto di espressione e Sviluppo Territoriale – SCARL – IT 213 ITALIA Project Reference : 06-ITA01-S2G01-00182-3 Competencies in Marketing for Trainers in Continuing Education (CMCE) The project aims at understanding and maximise the existing practicies in marketing in order to develop a new transnational cooperation among actor involved in adult education. For that institution maketing could be the key to success but the adult education provider should adapt their know-how to the new marketing strategies. The project will develop the competencies in the activity planning, in term of efficiency en transparency in the marketing oriented mamagement of LLL. Objectives: o to understand the marketing strategies and the structure of the partners o to develop innovations on a European level o to share marketing methodologies o to develop a new immage of the institution (through advertising, custorer care, public relations, mass media, Website) o to develop new European partnerships o to improve the working quality Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Active cititenship Intercultural issues Languages European countries / European Union Marketing / Präsentation / Unternehmensführung Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / insti Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Lehrende, Dozenten, Kursleitende, Beschäftigte bei Bildungsanbietern COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Mainstreaming Agenda Name of the contact person: Fabienne Rinaldi Address: Viale Piemonte, 3 – 90144 Palermo (PA) E-mail: info@mainstreaming.org Tel: +39,09163 15785 Fax: +39 091 364524 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Société Civile Auvillaraise De Contacts, FR Fundacion Objetivo 1, ES Centro Linguistico Italiano Dante Alighieri, IT Telsiai Teachers Education Center, LT 214 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00184-2 ESSQA - Educazione allo sviluppo sostenibile e alla qualità dell'Ambiente The project theme is education in the field of sustainable development and the environment in a European dimension. The project will develop a research-action on the following topics: management of the water resourches along the coasts, waste recycle, biodiversities and agricolture. Besides the project will train facilitators that will inform and train the target groups (mainly local communities) about environmental themes. Duration: 2years Area(s) covered Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Environment Gender issues Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Associazioni Amici della Terra Name of the contact person: Manuela Sebeglia Address: Via Giano di Bella 22 50124 Firenze (FI) E-mail: info@amicidellaterra.org Tel: +39 055 2207304 Fax: +39 055 2207304 Website: Partners Vandspejlet Environment Centre – DK Organizatia Ecologista Neguvemamentala Mare Nostrum – RO Comune di Halki – GR Centro de Formacao de Professores do Centro do Istituto Irene Lisboa- PT 215 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00193-2 Cinema for family school Identification of the relations within a family and social relations (integration between family and school, parents and teachers, parents and parents, parents and other institutions) through the analysis of a specific selection of some films concerning these themes. The program includes a training section on some forms of communication to develop the co-operation among parents, trainers and other professionals working in different educational contexts attended by their children. The project use cinematography as a valid tool to stimulate social aggregation and socialization. It’s foreseen a seminary for adults and young people about: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. theoretic and critical analysis of the film; history of national cinematography; research about the main authors who carried out some films regarding family relationships; compositions of didactic clip regarding family relationship; main skills about a short film composition; main skills about screenplay composition; film shooting techniques; film editing techniques; information about the carrying out and running of a Television network (TELESTREET) in the neighbourhood. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Intercultural issues Education for Parents Health Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services To stimulate civil engagement and solidarity Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: FONDAZIONE IL FORTETO ONLUS Name of the contact person: Luigi Goffredi Address: Frazione Orticaia, 16 – Dicomano (FI) E-mail: segreteria.fondazione@forteto.it Tel: +39- 055 8448376 Fax: +39- 055 8387589 Organisation/Project Website: we don’t have any Website Partners Centre for the children’s and youth’s development programmes PLEIADA TV, CY Escola Secundaria D.Sancho I, PT Asociacion Cultural “UBU TV”, ES 216 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00197-3 TELLING EUROPE - Stories’ network for matching different European culture Project is based on two assumptions: • The existence, in various European countries, of archives that keep individual memories and institutions which work in “Culture memories” promotion field. • The usefulness of creating an iter of sharing and diffusion of those memories, also for the purpose of increasing an idea of European citizenship. Project consists in linking groups of citizens who every year develop a research on memories kept in archives. This above mentioned research will always be connected to a common topic, chosen within the relevant topics of European citizenship. Meetings in the different countries participating to the project would also be arranged in connection with the territorial work, with the aim of coordinating work groups and increasing a network that may continue to develop even after the project ended Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages * (see below) Learning about European countries / the European Union Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Other: Citizens of all the age and culture COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: UNIVERSITÁ POPOLARE DI ROMA (POPOLAR UNIVERSITY OF ROME) Name of the contact person: FRANCESCA LANDI Address: via del Corso 101, 00186, Roma E-mail landi@upter.it Tel: +39 06692043310 Fax: +39 066780702 Organisation/Project Website: www.upter.it; www.europestories.org Partners FONDAZIONE ARCHIVIO DIARISTICO NAZIONALE ONLUS - (National diary archives Foundation ONLUS) - IT Heimatmuseum Treptow & Stadtgeschitliches Archiv - DE ASSOCIATION POUR L’AUTOBIOGRAPHIE ET LE PATRIMOINE AUTOBIOGRAPHIQUE DE BELGIQUE (APA_BEL) - BE UNIVERSIDAD DE LLEIDA Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Departamento de Sociología - (UNIVERSITY OF LLEIDAFACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES- SOCIOLOGY DEPARTMENT) - ES Università Popolare di Melfi - (POPOLAR UNIVERSITY OF MELFI) – IT 217 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00205-3 Alternative jobs using creativeness The Project has two main goals: to rediscover and to bring out local handicrafts and to compare and exchange cultural knowledge and experiences among the learners of the partner countries. In the first year, students will do a research project about their own culture's origins, history and handicrafts. The learners will visit studios, interview artisans and then describe the tools, techniques and the materials used. At the end, they will record all documents produced (slides, photos, video, boards, interviews, learners' opinions) on a CD ROM and insert into a web site and in brochures. The partner learners will exchange and compare this material to find similarities and differences between their traditions (pottery, for example.) Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 3rd Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Environment Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other (describe if applicable) Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CENTRO TERRITORIALE PERMANENTE “SCUOLA MEDIA STATALE G. B. GRASSI PRIVITERA” Name of the contact person: LILIANA NARO Address: VIA PRINCIPE UMBERTO 305 – 90047 PARTINICO (PALERMO) E-mail: annamariaannaloro@hotmail.com oppure gcasarr@tin.it Tel: + 39 91 8906320 Fax: +39 918902616 Website: www.space.tin.it/scuola/gcasarru Partners ADULT EDUCATION SCHOOL RHEINFELDEN DE ADULT EDUCATION – PIELAGOS ES ARCTIC VOCATIONAL FOUNDATION SE THE INFORMAL ART STUDIO OF JURBARKAS V.GRYBAS MEMORIAL MUSEUM LT 218 ITALIA Project Reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00207-3 E.D.O.L. - European Digital Older Learners Overall aim of the project: create a collaborative e-learning environment where all the learners can acquire and improve their digital skills, and seek innovation and best practices in the delivery of E-Learning and digital communication. Developments in new technologies, especially computing and Telecommunications will transform the opportunities available for adult learners. They will make some forms of learning more accessible to some people, but may risk excluding those who do not have access to computers or who lack confidence to use them. The project would suggest that learning how to use a computer may help to compensate for some of the problems and conditions which commonly accompany older age. Ageism can lead to the social exclusion of older people, particularly if we understand “social exclusion” to mean more than a simple lack of economic resources. Age is a major discriminating factor in computer use in many countries: demographic researches today show that there are more elderly people in society than ever before, but the number of older old people using computers is nevertheless small compared with other age groups. The project aims to identify/study the needs of older in order for them to take part in the evolving Digital or Information society and investigated appropriate ways of meeting those needs. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Information technology Learning about European countries / the European Union. Basic Skills Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation. Investigate with trainers the aspects of using a computer which can have a positive effect on promoting or maintaining social inclusion as people grow older. Deliver a basic IT course to provide learners with the knowledge and skills necessary for the E-learning process. Deliver a basic English course necessary for digital exchanges & communication among the learners of the different partner organisations in order to promote & enhance the awareness of the European dimension and organize “virtual meetings” among the adult learners in order to share experiences, memories, cultural information etc… (E-FORUM). Create the following project products: 1) a DVD for summary of the project activities; 2) an E-Diary (Blog) where each learner can write down personal impact about ICT, life experiences, etc… 3) improve the web-site, managed by an I.S.P. Develop a dissemination strategy for the results and products foreseen by the project both for ongoing development within the project and continuation and expansion of the results. People living in rural or disadvantaged areas; Senior citizens; Other: Trainers/carers COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Cooperativa Sociale Prometeo Onlus a Mutualità Prevalente Name of the contact person: Dr. Carla Palmieri Address: C.so M. R. Imbriani, 191/b – 70059 Trani (Ba) - IT E-mail:prometeonlus@virgilio.it Tel: 0883/58.58.95 Fax:0883/50.14.44 Organisation/Project Website: www.prometeonlus.it Partners Centrum voor Talen en Techniek - BE VUC FYN Glamsbjerg - DK Nagle Centre - IE Inishowen Partnership Company - IE ROC Deltion College / Cluster P & R - NL EducaLine- ES The Forum Trust Ltd - U.K. The Vauxhall Centre / U.K 219 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00219-1 Education for parents of the 3° millennium The project will give a support to those partents who are willing to re-create, maintain and improve their communication with their children. The objectives are: - To widen the European co-operation in the learning process and in the parents education, building a tight collaboration between the partner countries. - To improve the parents habilities in terms of psycology, communication, sociology, ICT - To increase the experience in the field of adult education The activities are: - the Project promotion (brochure, depliants) - To identify a target group and a training group - Meetings - Development of questionnaires for partents - Laboratories for parents and trainvers (psycologists, sociologists, teachers) - ICT courses - Final evaluation questionnaire Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Education for parents Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Guidance / counselling or other support services Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women Other: Parents COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: D. MANIN Name of the contact person: Gabriella Di Bartolo Zuccarello Address: VIA DELL'ESQUILINO 31- 00100 - Roma E-mail smsmanin@tin.it Tel: +39-06-4814647 Fax: +39-06-48916049 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Zespol szkol Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego – PL Centrum Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego – PL Public training center – TK 220 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00223-1 PASS – Influence of personal access to education for people with migrant background The project aims on defining ways to improve the access to education for people with migrant background through individual strengthening. It works bottom up through a biographical approach to identify success and failure experiences. How do gender and migrant background interact with the access to the VET-System as well as to informal learning processes in the receiving society? The suppositions of the project partners – drawn from their professional context – will be questioned by experiential knowledge of people concerned. The project will focus on the repertoire of action guides of men and women with migrant background, in order to provide a list of measures for individual support and to contribute, indirectly, to the quality improvement of education provisions. The personal supply of action is shaped by factors like migration experience, gender, cultural background, family as well as political and economical boundary conditions in the receiving society. In the spirit of Gender Mainstreaming we aspire to find out which ways do specifically support female and male migrants. In view of all influencing factors every person has to be considered as a unique human being with a unique and unrepeatable life experience. Support has to consider the unique situation of each person. Duration: 2 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Intercultural issues Other : Key skills Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Other: Young migrants at risk of marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Speha Fresia Cooperative Company Name of the contact person: Ms. CANNOVA Elisabetta Address: Via Agrigento, 19 – 00161 – Rome (IT) E-mail: info@speha-fresia.it Tel: +39 06 44231379 Fax: +39 06 44231396 Organisation/Project website: www.speha-fresia.it Partners Intercultural Association GRIOT IT The “FBI-Centre”, Centre for Social-Scientific Research, Education and Information AT Haus der Begegnung AT Volk Hoch Schule Leer DE HYDRA International Project and Consulting CO. TR Mykolas Romeris University LT 221 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00227-2 TIC-TAC - technologies de l'Information et de la Communication - Technologies Adaptées aux Chercheurs d'emploi Le terme de Technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) couvre un large éventail de services, applications, technologies, équipements et logiciels (outils comme la téléphonie et l'Internet, l'apprentissage à distance, les télévisions, les ordinateurs, les réseaux et les logiciels nécessaires pour employer ces technologies). L'appropriation des TIC nécessite la mise en place de politiques volontaristes dans le secteur de l'éducation/formation/insertion afin d'éviter qu'un fossé ne se creuse entre " ceux qui savent " et " les autres ". Au delà de ce constat évident, il s'agit aussi, dans un monde où les TIC sont devenues des outils de travail et de communication incontournables d'éviter que les méthodes d'enseignement, les modes de communication et les activités de consommation en ligne posent des obstacles supplémentaires à l'intégration des personnes défavorisées ou en situation de recherche d'emploi. Donc, les technologies recèlent un potentiel énorme peu exploité en matière d'insertion socioprofessionnelle, qu'il vaut la peine de stimuler et de valoriser par une " alphabétisation technologique ". Les partenaires de ce projet échangeront et expérimenteront au travers de visites d'étude et de séminaires sur des méthodes pédagogiques d'enseignement des TIC pour favoriser les parcours d'insertion socioprofessionnelle et pour développer et assurer des méthodologies et moyens d'apprentissage tout au long de la vie. Des échanges thématiques (citoyenneté, mixité, éducation) entre stagiaires et personnel pédagogique permettront à ceuxci d'expérimenter ces TIC, tandis que les formateurs pourront ainsi affiner les outils et méthodes développées. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Basic skills Information technology Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: INSTITUTO NAZIONALE DI FORMAZIONE COOPERATIVA – INFORCOOP Name of the contact person: Madame Gabriella Marfori Address: VIA DI S. COSTANZA 46 – 00198 Roma E-mail: g.marfori@inforcoop.it Tel: + 39.06.84240683 Fax: + 39 06 84240681 Website: Partners ECLO INDUSTRIELLE ET COMMERCIALE MOYENNE JULES HIERNAUX – BEF RESEAU EUROPEEN D INITIATIVES D INTEGRATION ECONOMIQUE ET SOCIALE – BEF SC INFO PROJECT S.R.L. – RO 222 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00237-2 TEAM - Training of educators of adults in an intercultural module The basic aim of the project is to promote intercultural awareness by developing competences in a global context for adult educators. In order to achieve this basic aim we have set a number of objectives to fulfil being: - To exchange experiences in adult education and pedagogical and didactic approaches to intercultural training in order to improve the quality of teaching - To identify and exchange best practices in order to motivate learners - To find valid practices in order to learn to learn as to teachers and students - To develop group management methodologies for adult teaching - To define language teaching platforms available for a multilingual development - To adapt and converge with suitable techniques for a multilingual computer assisted language learning - To promote culture as language carrier and developer Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2 nd Information technology; The media; Arts, music, culture; Languages (Spanish, French, Italian, English) Learning about European countries / the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Local community groups Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti – Centro di iniziativa per l’Europa Name of the contact person: Giampiero de Cristofaro Address: Via Tito Angelini, 19 - 80129 - Napoli E-mail fenice.eu@libero.it Tel: +39 / 081 578 82 95 Fax: +39 / 081 2141590 Organisation/Project website: www.fenice-eu.org Partners Aksaray Lİ SESİ –Turkey - TR GIP Groupement d'Intérêt Public Formation tout au long de la vie – France - FR Uludag University – Turkey - TR 223 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00240-1 De la mémoire à la citoyenneté Chaque partenaire organisera une série d’activités (recherches sur le champ et/ou conférences) sur des événements des années centrales du siècle passé, qui soient importants pour la communauté locale: merci le témoignage direct des gens âgées, les plus jeunes pourront devenir conscients de leur histoire; la rencontre entre jeunes et gens âgés mettra tous les deux groupes en condition de participer plus activement aux événements sociaux et politiques contemporains. Le projet permettra de se rendre conscients de la réalité d’aujourd’hui de l’Union Européenne et de ses liens avec l’histoire récente par les moyens suivants: a) la confrontation entre les différentes équipes nationales, pendant les rencontres de projet, au commencement et à la fin de la première année de collaboration, b) des rencontres bilatérales entre groupes d’élèves, pendant la deuxième année de collaboration, c) l’échange des produits des recherches (publications, matériaux informatiques, expositions) Duration:2 year Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Citoyenneté active Enjeux interculturels Stratégie pour stimuler / promouvoir la motivation des apprenants adultes Expérimentation d'approches pédagogiques innovantes Groupes de la communauté locale Senior citizens Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other (describe if applicable) COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Cultural Centre Holy Francis of Charles Albert Name of the contact person: prof. Nicola COCCIA Address: via Real Collegio 28, 10024 Moncalieri ( TO ) E-mail : sfdca@tiscali.it Tel: + 39.011.641571; +39.328.0483077 Fax: + 39.011.663 8340 Organisation/Project website: www.provincia.torino.it/associazioni/SFrancescodelCarloAlberto Partners Centre Culturel de Lisbonne “Pedro Hispano”, PT Très excellente Députation de Leon, ES Association culturelle et d’assistence sociale LE CHEMIN (organisation sans but lucratif d’utilité sociale), IT 224 ITALIA Project reference : Promotion of entrepreneurial culture in an enlarged Europe Entrepreneurship drives innovation, competitiveness, job creation and growth. It allows new innovative ideas to turn into successful ventures in high-tech sectors and can unlock the personal potential of disadvantaged people to create jobs for themselves and find a better place in society. The promotion of the entrepreneurship that we intend to implement through the partnership, should aim to change the image of the entrepreneur and to recognize the contribution of the entrepreneurs to the prosperity of Europe. Starting from this presupposition, our project intends to contribute in creating an experimental model of promotion of the entrepreneurial culture, spendable in a first moment over the national boards of the project country partners and subsequently transferable in the context of enlarged Europe. Six seminars will be organized and they will be developed alternatively in every country partner in order to create a synergy among the respective resources of every Institution for a common interest: an European entrepreneurship Funding year: 1st Duration: 2 year Area(s) covered Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture Basic skills, Consumer education, Education for parents, Environment, Gender issues, Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology, Intercultural issues Languages, Media, Sustainable development Other: Promotion of entrepreneurial culture Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Women Other :young with entrepreneurial aspiration , person out of the labour market who looking for a new job, person with previous and on going work experience intended to start new entrepreneurial activity COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Impresa & Management Name of the contact person: Flaminia Pellicci Address: Viale Algeria 11 E-mail f.pellicci@impresaemanagement Tel: + 39 06 5919301 Fax: + 39 06 591930236 Organisation/Project website: www.impresaemanagement.it Partners Communauté D’Agglomération Périgourdine FR AMTransnational ES Elm Project LT 225 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00283-1 CELCIT-To develop competences in e-Learning and Certification in tourism for adult educators The project aims to develop the European dimension of the training the trainers and to reduce the gap between the school education and the work market. The learning partnership forecast working groups and meetings of trainers in order to identify training needs and exchange work experience necessary for developing a new professional role, namely that of "tourism development agent", and for ensuring training in giving worth and safeguarding cultural and environmental assets. - enrich the professional and methodological competences of the adult educators in training to update to EU standard through the knowledge of new cultures and different didactic training methodologies, favoring the approaches to the TIC; - verify the possible applicability reaching so to define the content of an e-learning course that allows to get various relevant competences; - make all partners to acquire a common frame of reference on which to structure the legal recognition of qualifications founded on well identified competencies; - submit a project proposal within e-Learning Programme aimed to build a portal for the training in e-learning mode of new vocational figures in tourism field. After the conclusion of e-Learning project the institutions in the partnership identified as suitable will provide the courses in their countries and will guarantee the tutoring; Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Arts, music, culture Information technology Intercultural issues Sustainable development Other: training in tourism field Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: teachers & trainers COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti – Centro di iniziativa per l’Europa Name of the contact person: Giampiero de Cristofaro Address: Via Tito Angelini, 19 - 80129 - Napoli E-mail fenice.eu@libero.it Tel: +39 / 081 578 82 95 Fax: +39 / 081 2141590 Organisation/Project website: www.fenice-eu.org Partners Local Autonomic Organisme to Promote Training and Job Promotion ES Businessmen Association of Bucharest (RO) Kaunas College (LT) 226 ITALIA Project Reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00302-2 SCHOOL FOR ALL Social inclusion and mainstreaming education of children and young people with disability is going slowly and inequally within the European Union countries, but the quality of this inclusion often remains poor. This project will focus on: ü Sharing experiences of disabled children’s parents, comparing fulfilments and realities of social and school inclusion within the countries-partners of the project, and recording good practices. ü Together building up tools to evaluate social and school inclusion devices, as well as to improve these devices. These tools which will be usable in each partner country. ü Defining and elaborating training, intervention and communication strategies, to reach the target publics: parents, teachers, sportive and sociocultural educators, social and medicosocial workers, etc. ü Proposing recommendations and spreading them to the governmental and European organisations and to the concerned European and international NGO’s. Planned on 3 consecutive years, this project uses peer counselling, support and active citizenship principles. It is based on experiences sharing and mutual learning, enhanced by intercultural education and the approaches diversity. The aim of the project is to improve the life quality for disabled children and their families, and so to promote a better social cohesion and solidarity. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Iintercultural issues, Learning about involved European countries Information technology Experimenation with new pedagogical approaches Disabled persons Other: teachers, parents living with disables COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ASSOCIAZIONE INTEGRAZIONE ONLUS Name of the contact person: DAL MOLIN MARIA RITA Address: PIAZZA DEL POPOLO 1, 36030 VILLAVERLA (VI) E-mail: integrazione@pedagogiadeigenitori.org Tel: +39 0445 855671 Fax: +39 0445 350224 Organisation/Project website: www.pedagogiadeigenitori.org Partners Groupement pour l’Insertion des personnes Handicapées Physiques Midi-Pyrénées - FR Pancyprian Association of Parents of Deaf Children – CY 227 ITALIA Project Reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00325-2 Blended Learning for adults The project is focused on Learning Distance for adult and it wants to realise an exchange of best practices and valid experiences about this topic among the member of the Learning Partnership. En particular the project will select “practical example” that represent a good case about how E-learning and Blended Learning can be used as instruments to be involved in the adult education. The maturity of E-learning and its diffusion need more and different answer able to adapt the technologies potential to the learning purposes. E-learning brings up several problems already known by the learning world and the project offers the chance to find and to test new answers such as: Internet platforms; co-operative learning; the mix among distance learning, tutoring and workshops; the mix among online learning, the use of Cd-Rom and DVD, TV instruments, books and workshops; opportunities and options to customise learning process, the certification of results achieved, blended learning for adults, blended and distance learning for disadvantaged people The comparison with several experiment, different experiences and different typologies seems to be really important. The project wants to select and put together the best has been done till now about E-learning and would like to realise a significant synthesis that could be reconsidered and extended in future projects through the network support. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European Countries/the European Union Information Technology The media Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance/counselling or other support sevices Local community groups Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Consorzio Formasud Name of the contact person: Tito Livio Mongelli Address: Via Addone, 17 - 85100 Potenza E-mail formasud@galileo.it Tel: +39 097134621 or +39 0655389446 Fax: +39 0971411330 or +39 0655300358 Organisation/Project website: www.galileo.it Partners FOREM, Spain ES PRO-MED, Poland PL ASTRA Association for the Promotion of the Technology Transfer, Slovakia SK FUNDATIA PENTRU MESTESUGURI/CRAFTS FOUNDATION ROMANIA RO NET-MEX Innovacios es Oktato HU 228 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00347-2 SPALL – Strategies for promoting adult immigrant participation to Life long learning In this project educational strategy to promote the involvement of immigrants in the life long learning will be exchanged and further developed. It will analyse the variety of exemplary concepts, which have arisen in European countries out of different historical, political, economic and social situations in intercultural dialogues. Life Long learning for immigrant offers a better chance of freedom and citizenship feeling beyond the demand and obligation of the labour market. It opens chances for a self-determined life in a weak sector of the society, in the sense of further personal growth and social integration. The immigrant involvement in LLL is a key aspect for immigrant integration and the arising of a feeling of citizenship in the hosting country. Through the exchange of good practice it will be possible to enhance the quality of the adult educational centres for immigrants, in order to attract the immigrants in the improvment of their personal skills and abilities and help them with the unwritten rules and expectations of the society. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Others: strategies to promote LLL for adult immigrants Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Marginalised groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Polo Europeo della Conoscenza – Permanent network of schools – Liceo Scientifico Galileo Galilei Name of the contact person: Stefano Cobello Address: Via San Giacomo, 11 – 37135 Verona E-mail: euro.spe@tin.it Tel: + 39 3482681898 Fax: + 39 045 2109960 Organisation/Project website: www.europole.homeip.net Partners Ercmove (economic resource center for migrants and overseas employees) – Netherlands - NL Hofer OEG – Austria - AT Ipf / iniciativas para la formación - ES Intercollege – CY 229 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00355-2 DIEP - Diversity and Identity of European people Diversity is a great value because it represents our historical memory, our culture, and the origin of the progress. Studying the concept of diversity we have developed tolerance, multicultural education, promoted peace and friendship among European countries. However, identity can be a dangerous concept because, frequently in the past, it has been the origin of contrasts and wars, but also the origin of Home, legality, and welfare. Our Home is now Europe, therefore we have to study European identity in all its aspects otherwise we would only have a technical union, thus losing the best part of our own culture. Some months ago we signed the European Constitution in Rome, now we have to build the European people; otherwise this Fundamental Law could become a chart and not the Chart. We think that European identity will grow around 2 angular stones: knowledge and work so our project intends: 1) To develop the employability and adaptability of our students/workers 2) To improve the formative offer of our schools 3) To improve the net knowledge in didactic environment. 4) To test the process of cooperative learning, using ICT among different people 5) To contribute in giving to the workers an effective/real right to work in any country of the EU. Funding year: 2nd Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered ) Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Information technology Strategy for stimulationg/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Eonomically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, prisoners Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Technical Secondary school “Alessandro Volta” private recognised by the Board of Education Name of the contact person: Maria Fanizza Address: via G. Fortunato 8/M Bari 70125 E-mail: preside@avolta.it Tel: +39 080 5026453 Fax: + 39 080 5026453 Organisation/Project website: http://www.avolta.it Partners SECONDARY VOCATIONAL SCHOOL “András Fáy “ - HU Galician Education Institute INGAFOR – ES ANTONIO DE VITI DE MARCO – IT Moletai Secondary School – LT 230 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00362-2 Ecoattitude The aim of the learning partnership is to study a social and professional integration model addressed to disadvantaged adult learners. Partners will focus in particular on methodologies used to develop a certain “eco-sensibility”, as the exclusion of these people is also due to a lack of social and environmental integration. The main result is an innovative training path where beneficiaries will be educated through a new approach to nature and their environment. In this way disadvantaged people will self-include themselves in the community through the acquisition of new social and professional skills. They will be opened to a wider space made of innovation and renewing of practices. They will develop a personality more direct and responsible towards the Community, thus improving their self esteem, as members of a whole. Through the transnational meetings, partners, governmental and private, coming from different countries, will compare their points of view on the reciprocal integration processes and exchange their own local best practices and methodologies on the social inclusion and teaching techniques for disadvantaged people Duration: 2 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Learning about European countries / the European Union Environment Active citizenship Sustainable development Health Information technology Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: CPIPE Centro Professionale di Istruzione Professionale Edile (Provincial Building vocational trainingcentre) Name of the contact person: Vincenzo Gottardo Address: Via Basilicata, 9 E-mail: + 39 049) 761168 Fax: + 39 (049) 760940 Organisation/Project website: www.cpipe.net Partners Komvux, Socialförvaltningen,Svalövs kommun SE Greta de Caen Bayeux FR Synergy event BE 231 ITALIA Project reference 06-ITA01-S2G01-00366-2 GENDERT.I.D.E. – Gender training for Information and Documentation expert. The project aims to develop new methodologies in order to train the people working in the following institutions: women centres and organisations. The partnership will create a European forum in which there will be an exchange of experiences and best practices. Beside the project will produce a compendium that contains the direct experience of the partners, the existing and tested teaching methods and the training approaches. Starting from what has been already developed, the partnership will create new models and innovative methodologies. The final goal will be the creation of a new curriculum for experts in the field of documentation with a gender orientation. Funding year: 2nd Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Information technology Other : services for information and documentation, advanced communication competences Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Associazione Orlando Name of the contact person: Marta Garro Address: Convento di Santa Cristina - via del Piombo 5 – 40125 Bologna E-mail: marta.garro@women.it Tel: +39-06-51-239788 Fax: +39-055-263460 website: www.women.it Partners Women's Issues Information centre - LT Mona- Foundation for the women of Hungary – HU Amazone – BE 232 ITALIA Project Reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00370-2 Women: active citizens The Project intends to search new methodologies and useful aids for young women who want to enter or come back to the labour market. Each partner will study proper strategies to help these women, expelled from the labour market, in order to make them aware of their needs and their personal resources. It is necessary to build a professional project of life, in order to acknowledge women’s personal value and the connected satisfaction. The Project will be addressed to women with no school or professional qualification, to unmarried mothers, to unemployed, to women belonged to ethnic minorities. All of the Partners will use techniques of orientation, such as the counselling, in order to make the women aware of their needs, to support them in overcoming the difficulties, so they will be able to face the labour world. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Education for parents Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Gruppo Euroconsult Name of the contact person: Maria S. Di Rosa Address: Via Messina, 438 – 95126 Catania E-mail : Info@gruppoeuro.com Tel:: + 39 095 7128904 / 0039 095 492540 Fax:: + 39 095 4032897 Organisation/Project website: Partners Centro Territoriale Permanente n° 6 - T TWICS- training for Work in Communities - UK Ufficio Scolastico – Consolato d’Italia a Bruxelles - IT Regional Inspectorate of Education- BG Regional Directorate of education in central Macedonia - GR 233 ITALIA Project Reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00373-2 ALPICOM - A Learning Partnership in Conflict Management The aim of the project is to bring together many of the existing networks, some of the most active European adult training centres, research bodies and associations working on conflict management, non-violence and intercultural communication representing many different European countries. This partnership will improve the quality, content and methodology of peace education and training in conflict management across Europe responding to a strongly recognised need to pool different lessons-learned and best-practices. Through developing the co-operation between the partners it will promote the systematisation of informal exchange of good practices and help the gathering of the knowledge and experience from 10 countries for new innovative approaches in this field. It is also aimed to increase the understanding of EU politics of lifelong learning and the management capacities to use EU programmes, especially Grundtvig within the partner organisations. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship; Intercultural issues; Learning about European countries / the European Union Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Local community groups Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Centro Studi Difesa Civile Name of the contact person: Vanessa Conigli Address: Via Salaria 89- 00198 Roma E-mail v.conigli@pacedifeas.org Tel: + 39 06 8419672 Fax: + 39 06 8841749 Organisation/Project website: www.pacedifesa.org Partners Institut De Recherche A La Résolution Non-Violente Des Conflits (France) – FR AUSTRIAN STUDY CENTER FOR PEACE AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION (ASPR), Austria – AT Bund fur Soziale Verteidigung – DE Norges Fredslag (NFL), Norway – NO NOVA-Centre per a la Innovació Social – ES Partners for Democratic Change Slovakia (PDCS) – SK BOCS Foundation (Hungary) – HU Nederlands Expertisecentrum Alternatieven voor Geweld (The Netherlands) – NL Mouvement pour une Alternative Non-violente (MAN) – FR 234 ITALIA Project reference: 06-ITA01-S2G01-00386-3 Il Merletto: a European Net The project aims to promote the European cooperation between LLL Institutions. The projects wants to give a European training to the embroideries’ craft women, in order to learn and teach the principal techniques of European embroideries, develop working opportunities, learn about other types of embroidery in Europe and preserve the art of the traditional embroidery. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Marginalised groups Senior citizens Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Regione Abruzzo Name of the contact person: Rita di Matteo Address: Piazza San Silvestro E-mail: eurostaff@regione.abruzzo.it Tel: +39.0862.364255 Fax: +39.0862.364207 Organisation/Project website: Partners Sanchez Aparisi SL - ES Forum Alte Spitze Gbr – DE Association DenTelles et Blondes – FR Gymnasium Lace School – SI 235 CYPRUS KYΠ Ρ OΣ Project reference: 06-CYP01-S2G01-00026-1 EPAEE - E-pedagogy in Adult Education in Europe The project aims to contribute to the improvement of the quality of e-pedagogy in adult education. Teachers at the partner institutions need to improve their e-pedagogical approaches and methods in teaching adult learners primarily composed of Grundtvig 2 target groups. Project results will serve as basis for putting forward recommendations on epedagogy in adult education in an increasingly digital world where lifelong learning today involves the inclusion of even more ICT learning tools. A needs assessment among teachers and adult learners regarding e-pedagogical approaches and methods will be conducted through informal surveys and interviews, and online discussions among teachers. The data gathered will serve as input for project discussions and final recommendations. Recommendations will be presented in a handbook on epedagogy and a compilation of best e-pedagogical practices in adult education. Finally, the website for teachers will be open for further discussions and exchanges beyond the project period. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Media Sustainable development Other: Pedagogy Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups Marginalised groups Senior citizens Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: Adult educators working with the above target groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: The Cyprus Computer Society Name of the contact person: Mr Ioannis Ktorides Address: 3 Kypranoros Street E-mail: ccs@spidernet.com.cy Tel: +357 22460680 Fax: + 357 22767349 Website: http://www.ccs.org.cy Partners Adult Education and Information Centre of Auce – LV Jekabpils Further Ecuation and Information Technology Centre – LV Centre de Formation Professionelle – BE Artevelde College of Higher Education - BE Municipal Adult Education in Osteraker Sweden – SE Oslo Adult Education center – NO Eskypehyr Directorate of National Education - TR 236 LATVIA LATVIJA Project reference: 06-LVA01-S2G01-00034-1 ENHE – Environmental heritage Environment of the rural areas in Latvia and in Europe is rich with natural and cultural heritage, which should be maintained and developed. Lack of knowledge and skills of the local society’s values causes problems in management of the environmental resources on different levels (local, national and European). Project aim: The development of a European partnership that has a common aim of maintaining environmental (local) heritage values in order to provide sustainable development of the rural areas through adult education by using effective information transfer methodologies. Objectives: Make an attractive and prosperous local environment for everybody Understand the pressure of different industries on the environment Build awareness of the society values through adult education Stimulate the active participation of adult learners on local, national and European level. Ethnic integration. Close cooperation with adult education organizations and local community initiative groups through seminars, workshops, conferences, mobility activities and visits. Main result: of the project is to get better understanding of the environmental heritage processes by developing new tools and new teaching methodology for sustainable development of rural areas. Funding year: 1st Duration: 2. years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Environment Sustainable development Active citizenship Intercultural issues Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Bauska District Council Name of the contact person: Inga Berzina Address: Uzvaras 1, Bauska, LV3901, Latvia E-mail: Inga.Berzina@bauskarp.lv Tel: + 371 3922233 Fax: + 371 39 24522 Website: www.bauskarp.lv Partners IRFA EST INTERREGION (FR) Fethiye Anatolian HoTel and Tourism Vocational High School (TR) University of Maribor, Faculty of Education (SI) Youth Europe Service (IT) 237 LATVIJA Project reference: 06 – LVA01 – S2G01 - 00027-3 Arts & Crafts across Europe The project will promote the preservation and awareness of European cultures and traditions. Working with visual arts and crafts, teachers and learners will work together across the Learning Partnership to share teaching methods and crafts skills, and ensure the preservation of these skills. The Project will produce a multi-cultural visual archive & glossary of crafts techniques used by each partner organisation. In the 3rd year, the Project will pilot the archive ad glossary with groups of younger learners, so that these skills are not lost, also promoting greater inter-generational communication and understanding. During the course of the project, each partner organisation will host an exhibition and workshop to which all partners will be invited to contribute, sharing their teaching methods and skills at first hand. The Project will promote a boarder awareness of other European cultures and tradition, and an opportunity to learn and share trans-European experience at first hand for groups of older people who may have faced significant social and economic barriers to continuing education. By working primarily through a visual medium, the Project will minimise the difficulties arising from the lack of a common language, recognising that the majority of participant have faced significant socio-economic barriers to the acquisition of foreign language skills. The Project will enhance the confidence and self-esteem of teachers and learners by recognising the importance of their skills, & providing opportunities for these skills to be shared across a number of countries and cultures. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3rd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach (es) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners . Senior citizens People interested in preserving crafts and heritage COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Biedriba Manai mazpilsē ai Aknī stei Name of the contact person: Skaidrī te Medvecka Address: Skolas iela 16°, Aknī ste, Jē kabpils rajons, LV-5208, Latvija E-mail: Sk_medvecka@inbox.lv Tel: + 371 5236604 Fax: + 371 5237750 Website: Partners Age Concern Calderdale, UK Universite Popolare Contemporanea La Grazie, IT Ballybeen Womans Centre, UK Perhonjokilaakso Open College, FI 238 LATVIJA Project reference: 06 - LVA01 – S2G01 – 00011 - 1 Not Just Books – Library for All (Lifelong Learning) “Not Just Books!” “Use Your Library!” “Know your library!” are slogans to show what we want to emphasise in this project. By focusing on the library as an attractive meeting place for all citizens and for activities that are not related to just books we want to invite civil society and the libraries staff themselves from the rural areas to use and know their library through (main activities of the project): • participation in creative writing courses held at libraries in the participating countries; • participation in learning environment courses held at libraries in the participating countries; • language courses and idea generations for librarians to hold creative writing courses themselves afterwards, see future visions of the possible libraries future in the Europe; • Production of the drama out of the creative writers stories and project activities outcomes; • Comparative study on the libraries in project’s partner countries. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Environment Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Librarians and adult learners in the districts of the participating organisations COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP For first project year: Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Balvi District Central Library Name of the contact person: Sanita Putnina Ms. Address: Partizā ņ u iela 18, Balvi, LV-4501, Latvia E-mail: sanitas_eiropa@inbox.lv, zaiga.lapane@inbox.lv Tel: 371 45 22110; +371 28316943 Fax: +371 45 22168 Website: www.balvurcb.lv Partners Vila do Conde´s Public Library-Municipality of Vila do Conde, PT Betanien deaconal university college, NO Nacka kommun (Nacka municipality), SE 239 LATVIJA Project reference: 06-LVA01-S2G01-00004-3 EmRuCo – Empowering rural consumer People living in rural and disadvantaged areas have lack of consumer information and education. The project addresses this need by summarised best practice and adapted for rural target group by members of European network. The project runs under of General European Commission annual priority - sustainable development covering economics, societal - cultural, environmental aspects in a mutually reinforcing way. Empowering Rural Consumer (EmRuCo) is Socrates Grundtvig 2 learning partnership project. EmRuCo consists of 8 organizations with 11 participants from 4 countries – Austria, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania. The overall objective of the project is to empower rural consumer. The project purpose is to provide opportunity for consumer specialists from different countries and organisations to learn from each other. The aim of this EmRuCo learning partnership is to provide education and advise adult educators from disadvantaged areas via informative and teaching material. Final results of the project are: created learning partnership, designed and implemented research about best case practices of "empowering consumer" from participating countries, the research outcome documented and disseminated. The international meetings with exchange of experience multilaterally contribute learning partnership in terms of European dimension. The research designed and implemented, for finding out the particular needs in rural areas in consumer empowering. The collection of research results and best practice ensures the empowering of rural consumer. The best case practices of "empowering consumer" will be summarized adapted for national needs and prepared for use in educatory and consulting work. The results disseminated in arranged seminars and international conference. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Active citizenship Sustainable development Consumer education Learning about European countries / the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Biedrī ba Latvijas Praktisko Mā cī bu Priekšmetu Metodiskā Apvienī ba Name of the contact person: Vija Dišlere Ms. Address: Č akstes bulvā ris 5-437, Jelgava, LV-3001, Latvia E-mail: Vija.Dislere@llu.lv Tel: +371 29217322; Fax: Website: Partners PÄDAGOGISCHE AKADEMIE DES BUNDES IN WIEN, AT KODANIKUHARIDUSE KESKUS, EE VILNIUS PEDAGOGINIS UNIVERSITETAS, LT 240 LATVIJA Project reference: 06-LVA01-S2G01-00007-1 FRESH START – Engaging marginalised groups through accessible and flexible training The project “Fresh Start – Engaging Marginalised Groups through Accessible and Flexible Training” aims to establish a strategy for an inclusion of various socially and economically disadvantaged groups, e.g., young adults at risk of social marginalisation and women who face social and economical problems, through the development of an open-source learning platform, development of a standardised assessment and certification system, training and empowerment of different economically and socially disadvantaged groups within Europe, as well as the study and comparison of the position of such groups in the labour market in different European Countries. The project seeks to help disadvantaged groups to access training and re-qualification in order to be empowered and able to compete in the European labour market. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Marginalised groups Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Education Centre “European School of Management” Name of the contact person: Ms Kristine Kvele-Kvale Address: 2-226 Elizabetes Street, Riga, LV 1340, Latvia E-mail: admin@eurosom.lv Tel: +371 7039760 Fax: +371 7039679 Website: www.eurosom.lv Partners Zone ODL Center Credis Calarasi (RO) I. For PMI Prometeo Puglia (IT) 241 LATVIJA Project reference: 06-LVAO1-S2G01-00002-2 VMit – Virtual museum as innovatie tool for adult education An analysis of the situation in partner countries shows that museums working in association with adult education institutions have a significant contribution in creating knowledge society based on principles of learning partnership and the use of modern information technologies. The main aims and objectives are: • Creating a framework for small-scale co-operation among the partners from Denmark, France, Italy, Malta, Greece, Lithuania and Latvia. • Gathering and mutual exchange of information and experience about two aspects of adult education in the partner countries: historical/cultural heritage and availability of modern information technologies for needs of adult learners • Developing innovative learning tools for adult education. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Senior citizens Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Latvian Museum of History of Chemistry Name of the contact person: Augusts Ruplis Address: Kalku 1, LV-1050, Riga, Latvia E-mail: auruplis@latnet.lv Tel: +371 29334332 Fax: +371 7089216 Website: www.lamunich.lv Partners 1. Folklore Company of Varnava, GR 2. University of Malta, MT 3. Consortium for Euromediteranean and for other Countries Development, IT 4. INFA Lorraine Champagne Ardenne, FR 5. Centre for Cognition Art of Lithuanian Art Museum, LT 6. The Danish University of Education, DK 242 LATVIJA Project reference: 05 – LVA01 – S2G01 - 00017-2 Deaf are not deaf Analysis in project partner countries regarding the situation of the deaf and hard of hearing people shows that the difficulties are quite similar in all partner countries to enable the dialogue between deaf and hearing people. In some old EU countries, e.g. Ireland, there are good solutions of the problem found, but in new EU member states the problems of deaf people considering good social communication and lifelong learning are very actual. The integration of deaf people into community as well as into labour market is still complicated. The problem is even more acute in rural areas, regions and countryside. Deaf and hard of hearing people are a very special and reserved part of community, which need to be accepted and motivated in and by the community? The main target audience is the leaders and workers of NGO-s and other organisations working with deaf and hard of hearing people. During the implementation of the project the target group will be acquainted with the conditions and background of the work of the Irish Health Service Executive, his social partners and other organisations in partner countries. The long-term objectives are improving the position of deaf and hard of hearing people in the community, helping them to break out of social isolation and developing social skills by improving their basic competences for better participation in society, and to help deaf and hard of hearing people enable their dialogue with the hearing world. During the project some partners will research the situation of young adult deaf people, to clarify the main problems and to work out the proposals of solution for new EU member states on the basis of experience of old EU member states. Our aim is to help citizens with special needs to take full advantage of the benefits that new information technology can offer them as a factor of social integration and improvement of their quality of life. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Basic skills Education for parents Educating the staff working with deaf people Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Disabled persons Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Staff working with deaf community COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: SALO BALTIC INTERNATIONAL SIA Name of the contact person: GUNTRA CIRULE Address: Sadovnikova Str 39 , Riga, Latvia E-mail: guntracirule@salo-baltic.lv Tel: + 371 7358676 Fax: + 371 7358677 Website: www.salo-baltic.lv Partners HEALTH SERVICE EXECUTIVE NORTH WESTERN AREA, IE VILNIAUS KURCIUJU REABILITACIJOS CENTRAS, LT ESTONIAN ASSOCIATION OF THE DEAF, EE SECONDARY SCHOOL FOR HEARING IMPAIRED STUDENTS IN KREMNICA, SK 243 LITHUANIA LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00001-3 Awareness of needs for continuing learning/ motivation & sensitising - measures This project is set up to rise awareness for continuing learning. Main target groups of the project are the following groups of society: employees of small and medium enterprises (SME’s), uneducated people, jobless people and women, who’d like to enter or re-enter the regional labour market. Further the project directs to the related target groups qualified to support the process of how to sensitise, inform and encourage people to start on continuing learning: e.g. staff of labour offices, adult education institutions, and politicians. The main aims of the project are: 1. To encourage the main related target groups named above to cooperate in the sphere of life – long learning and continuing learning; 2. To build up a network of SME’s, labour offices and adult education institutions, this will work effectively concerning adult learners’ needs; 3. To raise awareness within adults about the need of continuing learning; 4. To encourage jobless people to participate actively in labour market; 5. To exchange information, training and counselling concepts between participating countries in the sphere of continuing learning. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3rd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Women Other: heads and employees of SME’s COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kedainiu suaugusiuju mokymo centras Name of the contact person: Zilvinas Kapocius Address: Dariaus ir Girėno 52, LT-57153 Kėdainiai, Lithuania E-mail kedsmc@centras.lt Tel: +370 347 60403 Fax: +370 347 60403 Organisation/Project Website: http://kedsmc.w3.lt Partners Pocking Adult Education Centre, DE Selb Adult Education Centre, DE Talsi Night and Extra-mural Secondary school, LV 244 LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00002-2 Parents education in pre - school institutions: spreading European experience The main aim of the project is to share, examine and generalise experience of different European countries on parent's education in pre-school institutions. The project combines knowledge and skills of institutions of formal and non-formal education: kindergartens, non-governmental organisations, research and training institutions. Parents of the project will analyse European perspectives of kindergarten – family relations. Methodical recommendations will be prepared, how to develop meaningful, closer and effective links between home and kindergarten. Recommendations will involve the following issues: encouraging and educating parents to be included into all levels of education in kindergarten, including governance; promoting quality and innovations of parents education; empowering mother and fathers; involving hard-toreach parents; dealing with pressure groups; assisting parents in preparing children for school; etc. The project will promote equal opportunities and combat social exclusion. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Education for parents Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Other : parents of children attending kindergartens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Pazangos centras Name of the contact person: Neringa Vilutyte Address: Sviesos g. 16-21, LT-26109 Elektrenai, Lithuania E-mail: bronev@one.lt Tel: +370 687 96156 Fax: Website: Partners Parents association „Silvium“, IT Community for social solidarity, PT Resourses and training centre of a Coruna, ES Langley First School, West Monkseaton, UK IV kindergarten „T.Fiore“ primary school of Gravina, IT Honningsvag Barnehage, Honningsvag, NO San Andrea Early School, Zebbiegh, MT Vilniaus „Vandenio“ lopšelis-darželis, LT 245 LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00003-2 Aesthetic and Artistic Activity for Silver Age The aim of the AAASA project is to integrate the elderly to a social activity through the art in the field of cross-cultural exchange. The project AAASA is seeking for effective ways to enhance the quality of life for elderly. Partners from different countries work together, change experience, research, create new methods, programs, study new themes of social integration trough art and use it in practice – in daily organizations work and international exchanges of elderly learners. To locate all this collected and useful information we will create the project web site and the book-brochure as “Social integration trough art”. On purpose to increase the quality of communication we plan to organize the sessions of learning English for different participants, which will improve this skill while artistic sessions. Project activity will refill crosscultural exchanges of elderly learners and the results of previous year activity will be used. In the meetings the participant learners will have artistic workshops, natural exchanging of aesthetic and emotional experience, art therapy, seminars, sessions with people of the same age from different countries. The participants from different European countries will work, create together making paintings, pictures, sculptures, fancyworks, straw works, and ceramics also essays etc. We will organize the exhibitions of their works created in meeting and we will visit similar organizations. The material come from these meetings will be located to web site and new book- brochure as “Art of Silver Age”. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Vilniaus dizaino mokymo centras Name of the contact person: Arvydas Bagociunas Address: Kalvariju g. 125, LT-08221 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail: dmc@is.lt Tel: +370 5 2778751 Fax: +370 5 2778751 Website: www.dmc.ks.lt Partners Zielona Gora University of the Third age, PL Service center for the Golden age, CY 246 LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00004-2 Seniors On Stage The main aim of this project is to bring seniors creativity to society. We choose theatre as a tool using it to reach this aim. During this project seniors will be introduced to the basics of theatre, they will get a chance to talk about their problems on a stage. Being on stage should give them more self-confidence and courage to speak to audience and to all society. Also, during this project seniors will be able to share their problems with the same people from the other countries. Participants of the project will learn about life in the other parts of the Europe. They will have possibilities to make strong international connection between organisations, local communities and also between individuals. Seniors would learn the basics of non-verbal theatre, what would help to communicate with the people even without knowing the language. Working together in the workshops, creating performance together they could talk about their problems in the international theatre language. Also this could be a strong basement for an international friendship. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Local community groups Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: VsI “Baltupiu sviesa” Name of the contact person: Vilija Pleskaite Address: Baltupio g. 49-29, LT-08323 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail: vilidili@dtiltas.lt Tel: +370 5 2713486 Fax: +370 5 2480985 Website: Partners Instituto tecnico industriale statale, IT The territorial permanent centre, IT Theatre pedagogical centre TPZ, DE 247 LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00005-2 HYMN - Healing Yarns of Music Notes “Healing yarns of Music Notes” HYMN - is project reflective different cultural attitudes toward family relations and psychological security in a family. The projects “HYMN” aim is to consolidate families through music. Our target group are: families, who have disabled children, or families, where children have experienced loss or stress. These adults feel tired, nervous, they have to care their disabled children and very often they are unemployed. Music activity with children is a good reason to improve their selfesteem. Children will not feel lonely and scared when they play and sing with their family members. Countries participants (LITHUANIA, LATVIA, GREECE, and TÜRKIYE, ITALY) will improve foreign language and share ideas how to organize music activity – sing, play together with grandparents, parents and children. Project meeting in Latvia, staff meeting in Greece, learners and staff change and final concert in Lithuania will be organized. Methods and national repertoire will be discussed and published in a book “HYMN”. Questionnaire will be made about learner’s feelings, behaviour. Results will be discussed in the regional and local press. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Arts, music, culture Education for parents Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Alytaus muzikos mokykla Name of the contact person: Aldona Vilkeliene Address: Sporto g. 12, LT-62152 Alytus, Lithuania E-mail: aldona25@hotmail.com Tel: +370 315 74115 Fax: +370 315 74115 Website: www.ams.lt/muzikosmokykla Partners Institute for Ethno-Music-Therapy, Schloss Rosenau, AT Libera University, Satriano, IT 248 LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00010-1 Using of the "Fighting the fire cases management" practice and experience in the aggression context The target group of the project are parents of disabled children. The problem – parents suffer from aggression and violence of their disabled children. The aim of the “Fighting the fire cases” method is to teach parents to solve the problems caused by their children aggression. The parents will: 1. Learn to use the recourses from the nearest environment 2. Create individual models and methods of managing the aggression. 3. Organize the groups of analysis. 4. Prepare the practical collection of the most effective methods of managing the aggression. They will be able to use it for themselves and other people in various areas in parent education. The impact of the project: 1. The problem solving community of the parents facing the aggression problems will be rallied; 2. The parents of disabled children will learn new skills of creating models and methods. 3. The parents will learn new skills of aggression management. The project progress will be represented by the learners themselves through a material collection and evaluated on international meetings. By this way the learners will process their experiences and make them usable for themselves and other people. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Health Education for parents Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Others: parents COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Šiaulių miesto savivaldybė s dienos užimtumo centras "Goda" Name of the contact person: Rita Brijū naitė Address: Žalgirio g. 3, LT-77165 Šiauliai, Lithuania E-mail: ugcgoda@takas.lt Tel/Fax: +370 41 523979 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Rural adult education of organization, Weimar, DE Metamorphosen NGO, Budapest, HU 249 LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00077-1 The importance of active citizenship for young adults in education and training The principal aim of this project is: a) To investigate how young adults learn to become active citizens. b) To identify the role of education and training in this, and the potential role of lifelong learning, especially its less formal modes (informal and non-formal learning). The main objective is to do a comparative analysis for identifying the impact of non-formal and informal education and training on the development of active citizenship amongst young adults. The learning partnership will focus, in relation to active citizenship, on the following issues: concepts in different countries (links between informal/non-formal learning and different concepts in respect to skills that build active citizenship); lifelong learning objectives (links between learning for active citizenship, prevention of failure and school drop-out, social cohesion, and employability); demand (motivation and benefits of learning skills for active citizenship, ways of advocating for active citizenship skills); etc. The knowledge, skills and understanding residing from this learning partnership identifies aspects of citizenship in which the young adults can make progress: how to become informed citizens; how to develop skills of inquiry and communication; how to develop skills of participation and responsible action. The Learning Partnership AcCyEd wants to create a basis for continuing European cooperation projects, which will contribute to the improvement of civic activism and youth involvement in the community problems. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Intercultural issues Other, namely: informal and non-formal education for young adults Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: VšĮ "Soros International House" Name of the contact person: Daiva Malinauskienė Address: Konstitucijos pr.23 A , LT-08105 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail: daiva@sih.lt Tel/Fax: +370 5 2724839 Website: www.sih.lt Partners Private secondary compliting school in Myslenice, Myslenice, PL European house, Budapest, HU CFPPA Louis GIRAUD, Carpentras, FR Night secondary school for adults, Nicosia, CY Diyarbakir National Education, Diyarbakir, TR 250 LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00013-1 Mentorship Competencies for Education of the Disabled The main idea of the learning partnership is to develop teachers‘and carers‘mentorship competencies to foster and maintain LLL (life long learning) of disabled people. For this purpose we would like to join forces not only by making the geographical alliance, but also joining the specialists from two arias: educational and nursery/care of disabled people. Specialists from both educational and care organisations will participate in the project in order to: • Across boarders to compare learning needs of disabled people in various countries • To make an inventory, exchange, evaluate and disseminate the best in-service training practice, methods which enable teachers and carers (when working with adult disabled people) to acquire and develop their competencies focused on mentoring the disabled in life long learning. • To make a list of suggestions for the teachers’ and carers’ in-service training programs enabling to reach an optimal efficiency when mentoring the non stop learning process, social integration and career guidance for the disabled. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Information technology Health Active citizenship Sustainable development Intercultural issues Education for parents Languages Learning about European countries / the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Klaipė dos universiteto Tę stinių studijų institutas Name of the contact person: Loreta Staškū nienė Address: Sportininkų g. 13, LT-92257 Klaipė da, Lithuania E-mail: loreta.pskc@takas.lt Tel: +370 46 398972 Fax: +370 46 398973 Website: www.tsi.lt Partners Folkuniversitetet Syd, Lund, SE Association of the mentally Retarded Citizen, Vila Nova de Gaia, PT Landliche Erwachsenenbildung im Freistaat Sachsen e.V., Dresden, DE Caritas for the Archdiocese of Cologne, Koln, DE 251 LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00015-1 Career Management in the Long-Life Learning Context Nowadays we may need knowledge and advice on further activities several times during life. We need relevant and precise information discussing possibilities and making decisions. A professional advice can often help to clarify a situation. Future of counseling and orientation can be called ‘brokerage”. An “orientation broker”, having in mind a client’s interests and applying broad knowledge, can decide which direction it is better to act. All these reasons define the need of counseling and orientation services to become more “holistic” and able to satisfy wide needs and requirements of a diverse society. Not only counselors that orientate the long - termed unemployed, ex-convicts, young adults with low basic skills and without clear vision of their professional career, and disabled persons, must have especially deep knowledge and good skills, but every member of the modern society has to be able to plan its professional career. A great importance of this project is that project participants and learners would get acquainted with influence of cultural differences on the process of counseling and orientation that is, what priorities have citizens of different countries and what life values are most important for them. All this could help to orientate for the common European labors market and better integrate into national labors markets. Counselors use methods that often differ in various European countries. The aim of the project is to get knowledge on most progressive vocational counseling and orientation methods in the countries project partners and compile a Career Management Portfolio that could be used not only by counselors, but by all persons going to plan their career. Communication of the project partners and learners in English, Polish and German during workshops and study visits will develop their language skills (many of the project participants know these languages) and allow learning some basics of Spanish, Italian and Lithuanian languages. Career counselors will not only learn new methods, but convey novelties and share their new experience with their colleagues in their native countries. The Career Management Portfolio will be put on the Websites of the partners and printed in paper. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages * (see below) Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counseling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Career counsellors COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Lietuvos darbo rinkos mokymo tarnyba Name of the contact person: Alfreda Karalienė Address: Aguonų g. 10, LT-03213 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail: akaraliene@ldrmt.lt Tel: +370 5 2310242 Fax: +370 5 2310620 Website: www.darborinka.lt Partners Šiaulių darbo rinkos mokymo ir konsultavimo tarnyba, Šiauliai, LT Formacione Sviluppo Occupazione, Rome, IT Berufsfortbuldungswerk Gemeinnutzige Bildungseinrichtung des DGB GmbH, Heidelberg, DE Instituto de Formacion y Estudios Sociales, Valencia, ES The European Initiatives Office, Lodz, PL 252 LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00016-1 New strategies for promoting foreign language learning in disadvantaged areas This learning partnership aims to exchange of experiences, practises and methods of promoting foreign language learning in rural areas. The partners seek adopt new strategies for enhancing availability of educational opportunities and conditions for geographically, economically and socially disadvantaged learner groups in order to forward changes in their social and economical life. The language learning will be organised on the basis of exchange of culture and way of life in rural areas in order to promote the active citizenship of the mentioned participants. This project will last 3 years and the results will be placed in the project webpage and in a book. The part of the latter will serve as a teaching material for foreign language courses in all partner institutions. The participating countries are Lithuania, Latvia, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and TÜRKIYE. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Basic skills Information technology Active citizenship Sustainable development Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Pakruojo suaugusių jų ir jaunimo švietimo centras Name of the contact person: Rima Leimontienė Address: Vytauto Didžiojo 63, LT-83158 Pakruojis, Lithuania E-mail: pakrsjc@pakruojis.net Tel: +370 421 61216 Fax: +370 421 61216 Website: Partners Balvi Further Education and Human Resources Development Centre, Balvi, LV Spanish school in The Pyrenees, Jaca, ES Center Territorial Permanent Adult Education Mons. Aglialoro, Caccamo, IT Vlcany Secondary school, Vlcany, SK Kula Public Education Centre, Kula/Manisa, TR Mersin National education institution Tarsus public education centre, Tarsus/Mersin, TR 253 LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00021-1 National similarities and differences of the EU countries Project is designed for local communities, young adults of participating institutions to share various cultural, social issues, to look back into countries/region’s cultural past and promote its culture in nowadays life. Project’s aims are: § 1. Exchange project partners’ cultural peculiarities. § 2. Encourage intercultural cooperation and other cultures tolerance. § 3. Promote life-long learning through cognition of the EU countries’ cultures. § 4. Encourage target groups to exhibit their personal skills. § 5. Encourage the dialogue between different society groups. Through the proposed activities the participants will be able to know themselves better, develop their communicational skills. While participating in the project meetings exchange the ideas on how important country’s culture is for its citizens, encourage participation in a team work. Project partners would be acquainted with other countries’ culture. Project participants would be able to present their own country’s/region’s culture, customs, dances, national clothes etc. Discuss the impact of being the European Union member on their own national culture. For the second project year national minorities of project partner countries will take active part in the project activities. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Guidance / counselling or other support services Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Local community groups Other: national minorities COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kedainiu suaugusiuju mokymo centras Name of the contact person: Asta Paulauskaitė Address: Dariaus ir Girė no 52, LT-57153 Kė dainiai, Lithuania E-mail: kedsmc@centras.lt Tel: +370 347 31157 Fax: +370 347 31157 Organisation/Project Website: http://kedsmc.w3.lt Partners Trabzon Nonformal Education Centre, Trabzon, TR Local Governments training centre of Southern Latgale, Daugavpils, LV Adult Education Centre OPORTO, Madrid, ES Private Vocational Schools, Myslenice, PL Mersin Merchant Marine Academy, Mersin, TR 254 LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00022-1 Epoch of new chance Healthy lifestyle is working capacity, good temper, great self-feeling etc. We ought to live a healthy life every day and this must become our lifestyle. Our project was designed for learning about a healthy lifestyle, which, as a separate block of learning, would be integrated into common programs of adult learning. Together with partners from European countries we will make a series of recommendations to contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Purposes and tasks of the project:Integration of the programs, stimulating healthy lifestyle (for example “Life without stress!”, “To move means to live!”, “Eating culture begins with temperate eating!”), to adult learning. 1. Preparation of lecturers that propagate healthy lifestyle. 2. To organize an International conference "Live Healthy!" 3. To compare similarities and differences of healthy lifestyle programs in different European countries. 4. To find the most effective and attractive way how to implement healthy lifestyle programs in adult education system. 5. To involve local community in healthy lifestyle programs. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Intercultural issues Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Senior citizens Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: VšĮ "Du pasauliai" ir KO Name of the contact person: Asta Svirkienė Address: Sausio 13-osios g. 37-182, LT-04349 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail: info@dupasauliai.com Tel: +370 689 74714 Fax: Website: www.dupasauliai.com Partners Association for cooperation and education of teachers, Bayrampawa/Istanbul, TR Salihli Public Education Center, Salihli/Manisa, TR State Primary teachers association of northern Greece, Thessaloniki, GR 255 LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00017-1 Cultural Awareness through Lifelong Language learning Objectives: The main aim of the project is to promote intercultural understanding through the establishment of a computer network where it would be possible for adult learners to communicate directly with adult learners of other countries in the language that they are learning. We would like to raise adult learners’ motivation in understanding different cultures. Participation of the students will not only result in a better intercultural awareness and combat stereotypes but also improve their knowledge in the foreign language and computer skills. Specific: We will set up an open learning platform where information and experiences will be exchanged in order to facilitate the study of the chosen language. The adult learners would also be able to access teaching materials that would enable them to master the foreign language offered by the organization (Dutch, French, English, Spanish, Catalan, Lithuanian, Russian, etc.). It is of course welcome that adult learners and teachers will be encouraged to submit materials in this platform. The offered open learning platform would feature social, cultural and economical aspects and traditions of the different countries. We will give special attention to social disadvantages and minorities to join the project. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: T.Goloskokovos užsienio kalbų mokykla Name of the contact person: Tatjana Goloskokova Address: Visagino g. 11-3, LT-31106 Visaginas, Lithuania E-mail: English@tts.lt Tel: +370 386 60584 Fax: +370 386 60584 Website: http://languages.dkd.lt/ Partners The centre of public education in Cigli, Cigli, TR Cepa S"Arenal, A'Arenal Palma de MCA, ES Adult people school of the Caudal Valley, Mieres, ES Regionae Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij Voor Educatie En Recreatie VZW, Knokke-Heist, BE 256 LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00018-1 Disseminating European experience on development of entrepreneurship skills of ex-prisoners Researches carried out in different countries show that ex-prisoners who find stable employment are more likely to succeed in life outside prison than those who do not. However, former prisoners often have inadequate education, underdeveloped work skills and other difficulties, which create significant obstacles when seeking employment. That is why it is very important to improve learning and skills opportunities for offenders, both in prisons and in the community, so that they are less likely to re-offend and have a better chance of moving into jobs and playing a positive role in society. The project "Disseminating European experience on development of entrepreneurship skills of ex-prisoners" will develop specific methodological tools to provide ex-prisoners with skills necessary for creation a successful business (how to know your customer, test and protect your product, test distribution, create a business plan, find the best legal structure, business model, organization plan, marketing plan, financial plan, put together a start up team, etc.) or for finding adequate employment (handling paperwork, finding employment support programs, locating jobs, preparing for interviews, filling out applications and answering questions about having been incarcerated, etc). The project will be developed by various types of institutions (training / consulting centres, NGOs, universities, prisons) having experience in different European countries. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Other, namely: …Entrepreneurship Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Elektrė nų profesinio mokymo centras Name of the contact person: Bronė Vilutienė Address: Rungos 18, LT-26109 Elektrė nai, Lithuania E-mail: bronev@one.lt Tel: +370 528 39523 Fax: +370 528 54301 Website: www.epmc.lt Partners Pažangos centras, Elektrė nai, LT Sinop Public education centre and evening art school, Sinop, TR Jagiellonian University, Krakow, PL Euroface Consulting s.r.o., Kromeriz, CZ 257 LIETUVA Project reference: 06-LTU01-S2G01-00019-1 Voluntary Palliative assistance of Senior to Elderly people The main idea of the project is through non-formal learning to improve and encourage the participation of senior people, especially women, in voluntary activities of NGO, local communities and social work services, in providing moral and social palliative assistance required by elderly people. The project would also stimulate social participation of senior and elderly people thus improving their active quality of life on the basis of the principle “Senior for Elderly”. The project aims to share good practice among participating partners from Lithuania, Cyprus, Geek, Czech, Nederland, and Hungary through workshops, electronic connections and information placements on the web-site. The project will cooperate closely with NGOs, local communities, State institutions, government agencies. With this it will ensure both the understanding of the need of the target groups as well as the dissemination of the results and products. The working language will be English so some participants will improve their language skills though language training. A wider audience of learners is involved in the process of the project lifecycle using multiple methods. The evolution of the project story will be filmed and made available as part of the final training material The first stage consists of introductions of participants, interchanges of project staff, accomplishing of researches, collecting and summarizing of material about each participating country’s situation of senior and elderly people in society: social, demographical, medical aspects, voluntary activity. The second stage will consist of the interchange of learners and distribution of good experience. During this phase the modules for the palliative care will be prepared. The third stage will involve the senior volunteers in the active learning process, through simulation, testing and evaluation of the learning material. The final product consisting of (a) Training courses (b) Good practices and examples and (c) The evolution of the project development story will be published in paper brochure and CD-ROM format. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Basic skills. Active citizenship Intercultural issues. Health. Learning about European countries/the European Union. Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison. Senior citizens. Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Socializacijos ir darbinio mokymo centras Name of the contact person: Danguolė Boguševič ienė Address: Minties 17-7, LT-08231 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail: sdm@centras.lt Tel: +370 5 2330355 Fax: +370 5 2349594 Website: www.sidmc.org Partners Lietuvos paliatyvios medicinos draugija, Kaunas, LT Center of Vocational Training CVT SBIE Ltd, Athens, GR Czech Catholic Women Union, Praha, CZ Association Volunteers Paliative Terminal Care The Netherlands, Bunnik, NL Catholic Caritas Foundation of Pecs Diocese, Pecs, HU 258 HUNGARY MAGYARORSZAG Project reference: SG-1028/06 Developing new approaches and offers for religious-cultural education by connecting Bibliodrama and Ignatian Excercises with the help of transnational and co-operative consultation and support - NETBIB.EXE Religious-cultural education is of great importance for inner-European understanding and the debate with radicalisation and fundamentalism and for the integration of migrants. NETBIB.EXE provides a contribution to religious-cultural education by linking two practises, which up to now have been used mostly in separate areas: The Jesuit-ignation pedagogy, mostly used in catholic surroundings Bibliodrama, a (up to now mostly protestant) method, where biblical texts are put on, interpreted and connected with the everyday-context of the participating group interweaving esthetic presentation and cognitive reflection in the process by teachers of both approaches support and consult with each other and together try out the combination of both approaches. The goal is, to reach more effective approaches to talk about religious questions and values and to impart that knowledge. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 1st Active citizenship. Arts, music, culture. Basic skills Consumer education. Education for parents Environment, Gender issues, Health.. Learning about European countries/the European Union. Information technology, Intercultural issues Languages. Media. Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning. Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Disabled persons. Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities. Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas. Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups. Marginalised groups Senior citizens. Women. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Others: Religious groups, some in majority, some in minority-situations COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Egyházfórum Alapítvány Name of the contact person: Varga, Péter Address: H-1055 Budapest, Markó u. 7 E-mail: vpp6106@t-email.hu Tel: +36/30/9543537 Fax: +36/23/311126 Website: www.egyhazforum.hu Partners Provinzialat Sacré Coeur, AT Österreich, Soumen Bibliodrama Association in Finland, FI Suomi/Finland Gyvenimo Ir Tikejimo Institutas, LT Lietuva Dom Spotkan im. Angelus Silesiusa, PL Polska 259 MAGYARORSZAG Project reference: GR2-2006-62 By Learners, for Learners The project aims at supporting and motivating students in a prison environment in acquiring and strengthening their literacy skills. The students are also introduced to the other participating countries’ folk and prison cultures. The target group includes learners studying literacy from basic to intermediate levels, and they produce writings on the topics of folk and prison cultures. The writings are compiled into reading books that suit the specific age and cultural needs of adult learners in a prison environment. This inspired the title of the project: ”By Learners, for Learners”. Materials to the reading books are contributed by all participating institutions and are translated to all languages involved. Texts for the reading books are also selected by the learners. Materials that could not be included in the compilations are posted on a project Website, where we hope that relatives will be able to access it, and the participating institutions can organize them into smaller reading books suitable for local use. The Hungarian partner serves as coordinator, the British partner takes care of the editing and printing of the reading books, the Belgian partner runs the Website, and the Portuguese partner prepares documentation for the renewal process and other reports. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship. Arts, music, culture Basic skills Consumer education. Education for parents Environment. Gender issues Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages. Media Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons. Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups. Marginalised groups. Senior citizens Women. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Rosti Pál Gimnázium, Általános és Szakképző Iskola Name of the contact person: Mr Tibor MÁRTA Address: H-2400, Dunaújváros, Bartók Béla tér 2—4., HUNGARY E-mail: posta@rosti.sulinet.hu Tel: +36/25/410-936 Fax: +36/25/411-625 Website: www.rosti.sulinet.hu Partners 1. Isle of Wight College, GB 2. Centrum Basiseducatie Noorderkempen, BE 3. Estabelecimento Prisional Regional de Leiria, PT 260 MAGYARORSZAG Project reference : GR2-2006-6 COM – For - Skills The aim of the COM-for-Skills partnership is to develop adult learners’ key competences in order to enhance their chances for labour market integration. Presentation and confrontation of the methods exist in each partner organization concentrating on adult education. Exchange the 10 years’ experience of the method of transit employment with the partners. Since disadvantaged adult learners with special educational needs are the target group of our project; we intend to elaborate on adult learning from various viewpoints: including psycho-social caring, social work, training to enhance motivation for learning and work and the role of ICT in the improvement of skills. Collection and publication of materials: relevant literature and professional journals used among the partner organizations that also include a literature review. Making a resume of the used methods in the adult learners’ key competence improvement, which is, completed by a best practice appendix. A Website will be designed in order to upload documents and materials written. Duration: years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Basic skills Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Other: soft skills Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Országos Tranzitfoglalkoztatási Egyesület - National transit Employment Association Name of the contact person: Ms. Marianna Farkas Address: 2/B II/10 Simonffy Street, Debrecen, 4025 E-mail: ote@resegyesulet.hu Tel: +36 52 410 640 Fax: +36 52 523 537 Website: www.resegyesulet.hu/ote Partners FUNDECYT para desarollar de la Ciencia y Tecnología en Extremadura (ES) STUDIAFORUM cabinet of support to the local and regional development and investment, crl (PT) 261 MAGYARORSZAG Project reference: “Opportunities Don’t Know Limits” In the project “Opportunities without Limits” the partners will be able to learn an opportunity-orientating program that is used successfully in the EU and which they will teach their colleagues in their own organisations and of other organisations. The complex programme offers one an opportunity for more successful life-management through the development of one’s needs, basic abilities and abilities for making contact. The program results in the more successful operating of the whole organisation through the individual’s development. The partners will meet twice during the project; otherwise the learning partnership will work on-line. The participants will be trained at the first meeting and that will be followed by the inland dissemination of the method. In this term the participants will contact with other organisations held up by the same institution, they will train the representative experts who will train their own colleagues, too. Where it is legally possible, they will prepare the accreditation of the program. For the sake of the valorisation the project the participants shows the results of the co-operation at professional conferences, workshops and press conferences. Duration: 12 months Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship. Arts, music, culture Basic skills Consumer education. Education for parents Environment. Gender issues. Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology. Intercultural issues Languages. Media. Sustainable development Other: organisational development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons. Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities. Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas. Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Marginalised groups. Senior citizens. Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Hétszínvirág Children’s Home of Heves County Name of the contact person: Erika Kocsa- headmistress Address: 6/A Dobó Square, 3300 – Eger Hungary E-mail: hmogyege@hevesmegye.hu Tel: +36-36/427-544 Fax: +36-36/427-544 Website: www.hetszinvirag-tuskevar.hu Partners Karlstad Kommun -City Office of Karlstad (SE) Direcţ ia Generală De Asistenţ ă Socială ş i Protecţ ia Copilului CovasnaGeneral Direction for Social Care and Child Protection of Covasna County (RO) Stowarzyszenie na Rzecz Dzieci i Młodzież y „Zielony Dwór” Society for Youth and Children „Zielony Dwór” (“Green Grange”) (PL) 262 MAGYARORSZAG Project reference: SG-1006/06 SIGN - Learning partnership for sign language education The SIGN learning partnership would improve the present sign language and deaf education/training system in Europe. The project partners will form a common platform for discussion and exchange of information on present and new methods of sign language training and educating deaf adults. Specific goals: Conduct an intensive research and assess the current schemes to train sign language interpreters, comparing the training of foreign language interpreters and to the training of sign language interpreters, examine the barriers of training opportunities of deaf people and sign language interpreters and the vocational training provisions. Collect and spread the best practices available in Europe.Develop a new training method for sign language interpreter’s training together with a curriculum ready for accreditation.Create an information portal that will enable to exchange information between all stakeholders, and provide a basis for future e-mentoring and e-learning solutions. Assist the communication between the deaf and people at public administration (local governments, ministries, etc) so that deaf people would be able to arrange their official affairs without any problem. Target groups: Sign language interpreters and people with hearing difficulties Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship. Arts, music, culture Basic skills. Consumer education. Education for parents Environment. Gender issues. Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology. Intercultural issues Languages Media. Sustainable development Other : Sign language interpreter training Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups. Marginalised groups. Senior citizens. Women. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Perfekt Business Consulting, Training and Publishing Company Name of the contact person: Ms. Ágnes Puskás Address: 1143 Budapest Szobránc Street 6-8. E-mail: puskas@perfekt.hu Tel: +36/1/577-1922 Fax: +36/1/577-1949 Website: www.perfekt.hu Partners Research Academic Computer Technology Institute (GR) CONSORZIO INTERUNIVERSITRIO FOR.COM. Formazione per la Comunicazione (IT) Fundatia Senzor pentru Ajutorarea Copiilor si Tinerilor Deficienti de Auz, Senzor Foundation (RO) Confederation Reapanola de Centros de Ensenanza – CECE (ES) 263 MAGYARORSZAG Project reference: GR2-2006-RE-22 To learn to progress The main target of the project is to share experiences and models of good practices in the not regulated vocational training of young and adult people who are in the situation of social disadvantage with exclusion risk and with labour insertion difficulties. According to the present necessities of the rural zones, the project will be based on the not regulated vocational training that affects the impulsion of new occupations related to the conservation and involution of the environment as a resource for the sustainable development of these zones. In order to achieve these goals in 2005, during the starting year of the project, members of the learning partnership managed to exchange their experiences about the training strategies and they created a survey about the good practices. As a result of the learning partnership the strong and weak points of the pedagogical methods used in the not regulated vocational training of each region or country had been analysed. Taking into account the results of the analysis the partnership elaborated methods suggested for use, which will be tested and followed by the experts’ and trainers’ exchange of experiences within the frame of the renewed project. As a particular result of the project a CD-Rom of pedagogical methods will be created to collect the good practices detected in the analysis. This will allow consecutive training for teachers and the cooperation between the new and old European member states. The result of the project will have an effect on the training guidelines and the good practices are expected to fit into the regional or national system of education. Duration: 1 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Environment Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Sustainable development Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Senior citizens Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Együtt a Jövő nkért Alapítvány (“Together for Our Future Foundation”) Name of the contact person: Károlyné Kancsal Address: 8300 Tapolca, Gyulaffy str. 3. E-mail: ej@tapolcanet.hu Tel: +36-30-448-0087 Fax: +36-87-413-688 Website: www.eja.hu Partners CHAMBRE DE COMMERCE ET D’INDUSTRIE DE LA DRÖME - CFPF (FR) CENTRE TECNOLÓGIC FORESTAL DE CATALUNYA - CTFC (ES) INSPECTORATUL SCOLAR JUDETULUI COVASNA (SCHOOL INSPECTORATE OF COVASNA COUNTY) (RO) 264 MALTA MALTA Project reference: DECA: Developing European Citizenship and intercultural Awareness throughout adult tourism and food preparation The project will implement a closer partnership and collaboration between the European bodies on the subjects of common interest so that one can promote a dialogue, share resources, exchange experiences, favour the comparative analysis, enhance the development of sustainable European overtures and, in general, exploit synergies and value , analyse and transfer the experience the results and the acquired lessons consequential from the use Grundtvig to the education and the formation in Europe related to adult tourism. The project will examine how improving the awareness of adult tourism and food preparation helps promote the intercultural awareness and active participation of European Citizens, and therefore break personal, cultural and social frontiers. It will search for possibilities to put adult European tourists in contact. The project will be a complementary tool to propel European programmes for higher education. The main objectives are to promote European citizenship and intercultural exchange between adult learners on local, national and European levels; to include critical thinking about our own country and tolerance towards other European ones; to include the point of view of the tourism industry. The strategy involves the analysis of the impact of learning on the adult students, assistance to the students, implemented by modern ICT means. This will improve the quality of service in the tourism sector. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Basic skills/ Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages: Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Maltese, Polish, English Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology/ Sustainable development Arts, music, culture/ Consumer education/ Health/ The media/ Education for parents Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation/ institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education. Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Computer Domain Ltd. Name of the contact person: Nick Callus Address: Curate Schembri Street, Mosta MST 04, Malta E-mail: nick@computerdomain.net Tel: (+356) 21-433 688 Fax: (+356) 21-438 729 Partners ( International Forum 300021 – Timisoara University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration – Faculty of Food Sciences, Department of Food Engineering; H 1118 – Budapest Comune di Santa Teresa Di Riva – Santa Teresa Di Riva Municipality ; 98028 Santa Teresa Di Riva (ME) Centro Studi e Formazione Pitagora – Associazione No Profit ; 89044 Locri (RC) Infinity Financial Consultancy Ltd; 1146 Budapest Municipality of Kirikkale; 71100 Kirikkale Foundation Pro-etno; 92-701 Lodz Annur Cultural Training; 06006-BADAJOZ 265 MALTA Project reference: REACHING OUT! – From School to work, prepared for the Change The project is motivated from our willingness to support and actively participate in the European Week for Safety and Health at Work 2006 – “Young People at Work”. The project aims to Unite in Malta as a hub coordinating country a number of Health and Safety Educators, practitioners, employers, learners (school leavers and their parents/ responsible adults) and other stakeholders from representative institutions within the European Union. The group target is to develop and put in practice an 8 hour preparatory Occupational Safety and Health Course mainly underlying how to prevent accidents at work to an early prevention culture. The preparatory course targeted audiences are the learners The specific learners are school leaving students including parents/ responsible adults, who apart from their inTelligence and capabilities still did not manage to achieve academic qualifications or achieved the less in the last year at school before entering into the world of work. The reason to focus on this particular group of learners are that the majority of students that finish school with few or none academic qualifications are most of the times like in a natural process to terminate their continuous learning and pre determined to work in environments and sectors involving tasks such as; working at height. Safer and healthier workplaces are an asset for improving the quality of work in Europe – Education and training in safety and Health Principles are a means to achieve. Duration: 2years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 st Basic skills Active citizenship Health Education for parents Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Health and Safety Unit, Department of Planning and Development, Education Division Name of the contact person: Jeffrey Zarb Address: Health and Safety Unit, Department of Planning and Development, Great Siege Road, Floriana cmr02 E-mail: vicjeff@camline.net.mt Tel: +356 2598 2320 Fax: +356 2598 2445 Partners Aristotle University of Thessaloniki; 54124 Thessaloniki, Central Macedonia IMH Creative Solutions Consulting Ltd; 1503 Nicosia Soma Linyit Lisesi; 4550 Soma/ Manisa Instituto Statale D’ Istruzione Secondaria Superiore “A.G.. Roncalli“ ; 71043 Manfredonia (FG) Puglia Belvárosi Általános Iskola ; 5100 Jászberény Mersin Vocational Education Center; 33090 Association “ A.R.C.I”; 71043 Manfredonia (FG) 266 MALTA Project reference: BUM BUM Adolescence is here! Parenting is the most important and challenging role that is undertaken by most adults. However the skill of parenthood is not one that is acquired automatically once a couple becomes a mother and a father. Parents need all the assistance available from society at large particularly from adult education institutions.. This project is informed by liberatory philosophy education. It is envisaged that through this partnership parents acquire a deeper understanding of their situation, as parents of adolescents and feel empowered that through their capabilities they are able to take action. The partnership will study the processes including reciprocal socialisation, and the family as a system, the developmental construction of the relationships, maturation of the adolescent and the maturation of the parents, socio-cultural, historical changes and the family life cycle. They will also analyse parenting techniques and parent-adolescent conflict, autonomy and attachment in adolescence. The partnership will aim to develop a model that could contribute to create and strengthen the cooperative relationships between adults and adolescents that will be used as a model for democratic living and training ground for democratic leadership. There are 9 partners from 8 countries: Malta, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy (2), and Germany. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 st Active citizenship Education for parents Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Others: Families COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Institute Paulo Freire Name of the contact person: Franceanne Borg Address: 16, Dar Guseppi Delia, Misrah Dicembru 13, Zejtun E-mail: Freire@maltanet.net.mt Tel: 0035621694583 Fax: 0035621801387 Website: Partners Lifelong Learning Association ; Sokak 19 / 8 Kizilay – Ankara Business College of Kranj ; 4000 Kranj Partenrship for social inclusion in Region Levice ; 934 01, Levice European Pole of Knowledge ; Verona EUROINFORM Ltd ; 1000 Sofia Schulbuchverlag Anadolu Gmbh ; Huckelhoven NRW/Deutschland The Regional Association for education and development ; 720103 Suceava Training 2000 ; 61040 Mondavio 267 MALTA Project reference: C’YOU – C’ME. Looking both ways The project involves five partners from EU countries, some experienced and some novices in European co-operation. The main goal of the project is to develop and share expertise among the learning partners about the tool of forum theatre as a means to increase people’s awareness of their own roots and to deepen their understanding of different cultural backgrounds. C’you – C’me aims to raise people’s (people disadvantaged for socio-economic reasons, persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas, women) conscious awareness of the cultural traits and specifics they are born into, by exposing them to a different language and culture. Through desk and field research they explore and learn to understand a foreign culture, which is then displayed in a forum theatre role-play, played by the researchers and trained actors. The results of research in form of the interactive role-play are put on stage in the host countries with an active role of the audience. All researcher and actors are part of the audience in case of a role-play, done by another partner and experience themselves and their culture through the eyes of the observers – like a mirror role-play. The stage role-play and interactive audience responses are kept on video and are displayed to a larger audience throughout a culture festival. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Void Project Objectives Void Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: The Business Club “AUSTRALIA” Name of the contact person: Ingrid Wagenhofer Address: Trubelgasse 24/16, 1030 Vienna E-mail: office@the-business-club.info Tel: +43 2232 78248 30 Fax: +43 2232 78248 21 Partners Youth Association Salonkylä; Fl-69600 Kaustinen Municipality of Hortiatis; GR – Thessaloniki P.C. 57010 Drama Group of Akniste Town Council; LV-5208 Akniste Malta Drama Centre; Blata l-Bajda 268 MALTA Project reference: PAMS - Curricular education for professionals allied to medicine working in epilepsy Epilepsy is the most common serious brain disorder worldwide and 15 million people in Europe will have epilepsy at some time in their lives, with profound physical, psychological, social and economic consequences. This learning partnership aims to mobilise resources and improve competence among the partners for training, education of the adults working in the medical field with an interest in epilepsy (PAMs) such as pharmacologists, EEG technicians, neuropsychologists, sociologists, nurses, social workers, social educators, and physiotherapists, as well as the persons with epilepsy themselves. There are very fast scientific developments in the various interdisciplinary medical interventions required in this condition and several PAMs would never have had the opportunity to learn, in an organised manner, the concepts skills required for these new tools. This project would help to establish co-operation in Europe in this area of adult training. This project would thus provide European professionals allied to medicine (PAMs) with tools and methods to improve knowledge and expertise to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment in epileptology and thus help to improve the quality of care to patients with epilepsy. The partners all belong to the European Epilepsy Academy (EUREPA), the agency of the International League against Epilepsy, responsible for European Education, in collaboration with the International Bureau of Epilepsy (IBE). Some preliminary work has already been undertaken in the assessment of the needs of more structured epileptological education for PAMs and establishing a curriculum and an educational network of co-operating centres. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Information technology Health Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation/ institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education. Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Malta Epilepsy Association Name of the contact person: Janet Mifsud Address: Attard E-mail: Janet.mifsud@um.edu.mt Tel: +356 23402845 Fax: +356 21320281 Partners ( European Epilepsy Academy – EUREPA; Bielefeld D-33617 Budapest Bethel Epilepsy Center Foundation; Budapest Epilepsiezentrum Bethel; Maraweg 21, 33617 Bielefeld, Germany 269 MALTA Project reference: PHOENIX: Preparing for and Handing Opportunities for Employment saying “No” to Isolation and Xenophobia This project aims at teaching (through art and the use of new technology) disadvantaged members of society who are finding difficulty in securing a job. Each participating institution will choose its target group (such as prisoners, immigrants, unemployed women etc.) These groups may vary but these participants all have to be unemployed. Through the administration of a questionnaire the problems that the target group (ages 16 to 40) mainly encounter will be identified. After which a programme of studies (using art as a medium but also introducing the group to a cyber world) will be devised. This programme will be administered to 15 unemployed persons from each participating country. The aim of the project is to help participants, who have previously found difficulties in securing a job, by teaching them new skills (e.g. computer literacy), and empowering them to go to seek a job (e.g. motivation). A Website will be created were staff can exchange ideas and introduce discussion forums. The project material will be available on the site. At the end of the project all resources will be available on a CD-Rom. This and a final conference further facilitate distribution. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 st Basic skills Information technology Sustainable development Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Institute of Forensic Studies, University of Malta Name of the contact person: Sandra Scicluna Address: University of Malta, Msida E-mail: sandra.scicluna@um.edu.mt Tel: (356) 2340 2771 Fax: (356) 346016 Website: Partners National Agency for Emigrant Family: Sicilian Regional Deligation 91025 Radviliskis Adults and Youth informal education centre; 82138 Radviliskis Voluntary Works Corps ; 40230 Kalowice Arbeiterwohlfahrt Unterbezirk Dortmund ; 44135 Dortmund 270 THE NETHERLANDS NEDERLAND Project reference: 06-NLD02-S2G01-00005-1 LILLA - Land Life Learning The last decades many structural changes took place in rural areas and villages smaller than 5000 inhabitants in the partner countries. The project focuses on two actors in this sector: organisations for rural development and providers of adult education. Both have in common that they want to support social development, life quality and local entrepreneurship in their areas and agree that education is a key factor to realise this. Organisations for rural development realise many activities that have to do with education. Educational providers offer good programmes, which however in many cases, do not have a clear relation with the situation in the rural sector. The main project aim is to link these two worlds that work rather separaTely: educational providers and organisations for rural development (local Leader-groups and others). The project partners, and their regional second circles, will exchange innovative strategies to make life more attractive in the rural areas/villages, discuss how to organise lifelong learning as a continuous project in the rural area, and analyse the possibilities of meaningful cooperation between the two sectors. Some keywords: local economy projects, multifunctional community centres, rural tourism, etc. The main activities of the project: international seminars with exchange of good practices, field visits and regional second circle activities. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1 Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Environment Sustainable development Other, namely Rural development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Stichting voor Volkshogeschoolwerk in Nederland Name of the contact person: Dhr. K. Bijleveld Address: Jarig van der Wielenwei 32, 9243 SH Bakkeveen E-mail: beraadsgroep.vorming@worldonline.nl Tel: +31 516 543849 Fax: +31 516 543839 Website: www.volkshogeschool.nl Partners Dalarnas Bildningsförbund, SE ACEFIR - Asociación Catalana para Educación, ES Simenntunarmidstodin a Vestularlandi, IS Voksenopplaringsforbondet i Oppland, NO Stichting Doarpswurk, NL Entre-Serras, PT 271 NEDERLAND Project reference: 06-NLD02-S2G01-00013-1 Inspirational Engagement This project is focused on active citizenship, in the recognition that in order for modern society to function properly, citizens must participate in all aspects of society. Citizenship is a two-way process, involving rights and responsibilities and nowadays most governments realise that it is essential to involve citizens in planning and decision-making. However, the most disadvantaged groups often remain difficult to reach or to motivate. Project partners will exchange good practices on active citizenship and will, with their own target groups, endeavour to raise awareness of the pathways to engagement. This project will concentrate on a number of areas, including finding new ways to accredit skills and knowledge based on learners’ (previous) experiences and will explore new methods to reach, understand and empower hidden communities. The project group is keen to explore the dynamics of bottom-up / top-down methods of active citizenship, and will develop a toolkit out of its findings, in the form of a “compendium of shared learning”. Duration: 3years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Environment Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Stichting Enova emancipatieadviesbureau Drenthe Name of the contact person: Mw. M. Ensing Address: Noordersingel 29, 9401 JW Assen E-mail: nfo@enova-ebd.nl Tel: +31 592 316862 Fax: +31 592 317573 Website: www.enova-ebd.nl Partners Chameleon Academy, UK Community Pride Initiative, UK Forstadskonsulenterne Her Majesty's Prison The Verne, UK Troodos Network, CY Caritasverband für die Region Rhein-Mosel-Ahr e.V. Projekt INCULTURA, DE 272 NEDERLAND Project reference: 06-NLD02-S2G01-00065-2 IPEIPIT - Immigration Professionals Experience Integration in Türkiye This project arises from the serious need to tackle the issue how to understand and deal with other cultures. The integration of European professionals in the real world of immigrants has been taboo. The aim of this project is to develop a wide network of European countries dealing with integration policies and integration of minorities. The involvement of professionals in this learning partnership project will be an eye-opener to realize that while making an integration policy program for immigrants one should first focus on the needs and expectations of the people who will work with the target group. For a well prepared integration means not only dismantling of the barriers which prevent many immigrants from participating in local cultural life, but also enabling policy makers and educators to understand easily what are the needs and wishes of the target group. The main objectives are: - To raise awareness of the importance of this issue as a tool for implementing the intercultural competence; - To increase the motivations of educators and policy makers involved in this integration field through their involvement in this project; - To establish a network for European discussion on the intercultural competence. The target groups are policy makers, educational researchers, educational institutions that are involved in integration programs. Expected output a conference, video, handbook, documentation, a network and further project proposal. The last forum in The Netherlands will focus on the presentation of the video and on issues of good practice. All interested parties will attend. Duration: 1years Funding year: 2 Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Intercultural issues Other, namely Educators learn and understand other cultures Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants Other, namely Educators, policy makers COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ROC Midden Brabant Name of the contact person: Dhr. N. Erradi Address: Apennijnenweg 4, 5022 DV Tilburg E-mail: n_erradi@rocmb.nl Tel: +31 13 5397080 Fax: +31 13 5397081 Website: www.educatie.rocmb.nl Partners ROC Rijn Ijssel, NL C.T.E.A. "Felipe II", ES MangfaldsUtveckling, SE Albjódahús, IS Antalya Cagdas Egitim ve Kültür Vakfi (ANTCEV), TR Oravais Flyktingförläggning, FI Rosenhof voksenopplaeringssenter, NO ORFEO Societa Cooperative Sociale a Responsabilita Limitata, IT 273 NEDERLAND Project reference: 06-NLD02-S2G01-00070-2 PA.CI.EU - Parents skills in developing the citizens of tomorrow, in a united Europe The project will help parents develop the necessary skills and knowledge that will enable them to provide the necessary guidance and support to their children. It should help parents learn how to lead their children into becoming useful members of the European society, who will in turn help shape up a better tomorrow for the world. The project will equip parents with knowledge on how to communicate more effectively with their children, knowledge on how to inform them of the risks, opportunities and threats of society, knowledge on how to become active citizens, knowledge on how to plan their lives, how to access the necessary European Union data banks in finding information, etc. The project will stress the use of technology, as a necessary tool that each parent should have access to in order to help his or her children. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2 Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural issues Arts, music, culture Environment Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Environment Sustainable development Other, namely Children with special needs, social issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Disabled persons Local community groups Other, namely Parents of teenagers COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Stichting Enova emancipatieadviesbureau Drenthe Name of the contact person: Mw. A. Eshuis-Manickam Address: Noordersingel 29, 9401 JW Assen E-mail: info@enova-ebd.nl Tel: +31 592 316862 Fax: +31 592 317573 Website: www.enova-ebd.nl Partners Kamares School Parents Association, CY Instytut Psychoterapii i Pedagogiki Gestalt, PL AMPA del C.P. Las Vegas, ES Muratli Vocational & Technical Education Center, TR 274 NEDERLAND Project reference: 06-NLD02-S2G01-00075-2 From Migrant to European Citizen The project “From Migrant to European Citizen” is aiming to prepare migrants from TÜRKIYE better for their new life in a West-European society. Therefore learners and teachers are brought in contact in order to exchange experiences and examples of good practice. Together the actors in this project will investigate what existing materials and methods (for learning a new language and knowledge of society) used in their country are successful; teachers will exchange expertise and learners will become more aware of their role as European citizen, because they get a realistic view on their new country, its inhabitants and values. Learners will learn from each other by talking together frequently, using MSN (computer chatting). They can share their experiences and help new migrants to learn about their new country. They will also visit each other’s countries, in order to complete the picture. Teachers will visit each other’s classes, learn from their methods, and learn to understand each other’s values, way of life. Duration: 1 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants Young adults COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ROC Albeda College, Bureau centrale staf Name of the contact person: Mw. M. de Meurichy Address: Oslo 10, 2993 LD Barendrecht E-mail: m.demeurichy@albeda.nl Tel: +31 6 48133439 Fax: +31 10 2061559 Website: www.albeda.nl Partners VUC Vestegnen, DK TOMER Turkçe Yabanci Dil Arastirma ve Uygulama Merkezi, TR 275 AUSTRIA ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-1-K-F-428 06-AUT01-S2G01-00002-1 KERI - Project The Keri Project will contribute to the support of traditional, but currently declining, rural crafts and skills by recording, demonstrating and teaching them to others. In most countries those who have the knowledge of traditional skills are "older" and therefore in many cases there is an urgency to capture as many of these talents before this generation dies. Our aim is to capture and record at least one “skill” from each country, creating possible groups of skilled people who could provide mentoring and assist with training future generations. Furthermore we aim at compiling all the various methods and possibilities that are used in the participating countries to pass and teach these crafts and skills. Learners will be part of the project process by feeding back how they would like to learn (time of day, venue, and length of session) and they will be invited to show their new talents and participate actively in the final exhibition or product. The project will invite a number of rural organisations, which have access to learners from different socio- economic groups (ex offenders, travellers …) Finally there is a joint product such as a DVD or a pictorial display with can be shown in each country or a Website. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Environment Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Sustainable development Other: traditional crafts and skills in rural area Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Energiemühle Seminarhaus Name of the contact person: Elfriede Fischer Address: Berggasse 26, 7302 Nikitsch E-mail: info@energiemuehle .at Tel: +43/2614/ 7103 Fax: +43/2614/ 7103-4 Website: http://www.energiemuehle.at/ Partners Manchaster Sudanese Tree Development Community, UK Kommunaler Eigenbetrieb "Kultur und Bildung" Hoyerswerda, DE Pacretan Association of Alternative Activities Unima Crete, GR Lakeudenportin kansalaisopisto, FI 276 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-3-K-E-551 Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00118-3 Bridging the cultural divide The aim of the project will be to gain a more in depth understanding of our partners in Europe by breaking down barriers through heritage, culture and traditions. The project will take specific measures to promote intercultural education. It will involve learners in the investigating of historical influences that have occurred. The methodologies used will incorporate information technology and the teaching of presentation skills. Learners in the host country will give a presentation on their area and the historical influences that have shaped it. The learning will be further enhanced through learner exchanges (the main thrust of the project). Learners will visit partner countries and will identify the historical similarities that have shaped the development of Europe. This will highlight that there are many common influences and that the common cultural heritage is a tool to better understand how we can all co-exist and improve relationships between countries. Funding year: 3rdyear Duration: years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Basic skills Intercultural issues Art, music, culture Learning about European countries/ the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner’s demand for learning Management in adult education institutions Persons living in disadvantages areas Senior citizens Local community COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Welterbestudienzentrum Salzkammergut Name of the contact person: Dr. Michael Kurz Address: Goisern 650; 4822 Bad Goisern E-mail: office@basis.or.at Tel: +43/6135/20880 Fax: +43/6135/830130 Website: www.basis.or.at Partners Municipality of Philippi, GR Associazione culturale e sociale delle eta libere, IT Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council, UK 277 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-05-2-K-L-277 Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00005-3 SGE - Safety goes Europe Safety is a central topic of the European community; numerous guidelines are issued as EU adaptation laws. Safety concerns everyday life. Safety awareness of the citizen is not achieved by law. Prescriptions have only favourable effects, if their sense is understood. SGE aims at motivation of the active knowledge citizen concerning safety competence. Life long learning is necessary for achieving those knowledge and skills allowing knowledge- based self protection and enabling to take knowledge-based decisions. The target group of the SGE are adults having to be encouraged to life long learning. Adults are often sensitised by their children in sense of family education, the reason why besides the informal education the formal one is important. Special risk competence must be provided for disabled persons. SGE also improves the teaching methods in formal and non- formal education. Tutorial has to provide also methodical- didactical competence for improving the learner’s motivation. The partnership will exchange their different priorities to develop a “good practice” on a European platform with educational publications. Educational curricula as well as teaching and learning material available for every learner and teacher, integrating the different fields of safety are developed. Women are encouraged to become active also as trainers. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Active citizenship Consumer education Health Sustainable development Other: family learning based on formal school education Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Local community groups Senior citizens Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Pädagogische Akademie des Bundes in Wien Name of the contact person: Hans Fibi Address: Ettenreichgasse 45a, 1010 Wien E-mail: office@pabw.at Tel: +43/1/6029192- 245 Fax: +43/1/6029192- 245 Website: http://www1.pabw.at Partners Panepistimio Critis, Rethymno, GR Masarykova Univerzita v Brne, Brno, CZ Universitatea "Stefan cel Mare" din Suceava,Suceava; RO 278 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-1-K-O-438 Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00008-1 PEACE - Power Exchange through acting interCultural Experience The main goal of the project is to contribute to the understanding of cultural differences in European countries (with a special focus on Eastern European countries), especially on non-verbal communication, and remove communication barriers in direct intercultural interaction. This interaction will take place in workshops where intercultural differences can be explored, discussed and solutions for conflicts and misunderstandings can be developed. The main resources in our project for gathering information about the different cultures in the historic archetypal knowledge we find in fairytales, myths, legends and sagas of the respective countries. To access this knowledge learner will be shown how to use drama methods such as the Galli Method and the psychodrama to discover cultural specifics in a creative way. The knowledge gained through the process will then be shared in public performances, workshops and conferences with a culturally mixed audience of learners such as teachers, social workers, distance students, seniors, the unemployed, and the broad local community. In the process, a communication of friendship between citizens of the participating countries will be developed. Within the dissemination activities there will be published articles, designed new syllabi for intercultural communication and a new methodology for teaching intercultural sensitivity will be elaborated and applied. As a project result a DVD will be produced that shows cultural specifics based on mythological aspects in an artistic way. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups Other: teachers COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Galli Group- Verein für Theater für sozialen Wandel Name of the contact person: Dr.Tatjana Mayer Address: Kranzgasse 18/2, 1150 Wien E-mail: wien@galli-group.com Tel: +43/1/8970293 Fax: +43/1/8970293 Website: http://www.galli-austria.at Partners Slezska univerzita v Opave, CZ Festival of Friends e.V., DE Kesas Konya Egitmcilik ve Sanayi A.S., TR 279 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-2-K-O-443 - Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00099-2 Imagine Peace The idea of this project is based on the question “What is peace?” Peace often gets described as the opposite or absence of war. But we know that peace as the absence of war is often rather the threatening or arming for wars. Peace must be more- something quite different. Therefore this project aims to visualize and illustrate peace as something new, we don’t yet know. And how could we live it if we don’t know it? We have encouraged young people in European institutions to develop ideas accordingly in images, music, dance, theatre, photos etc. On April 19th we are organising a peace conference in remembrance of Bertha von Suttner and her innovative peace activities. It will be a conference with unusual approaches, combining an exhibition of the workshop results with a panel discussion of young people with international peace activists. We will invite delegates of all groups to Vienna, where they introduce their working results and discuss it with international peace activists. An accompanying documentation and scientific study will be published. We want to continue our learning partnership and to work on questions which are arising through the outcomes. We want to analyze the working results and to reflect on possible consequences: + What can be done to overcome the mechanism of reproducing familiar and harmonious images of peace? + What would be an encouragement to break open towards new representations for the idea of peace? + We want to experiment with a broad approach towards a definition of peace as individual and social energy. + And which would then be the consequences for peace- pedagogical approaches? Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Other: peace education Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Local community groups Women Others: teaching Institutions COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Konfliktkultur, Verein zur wissenschaftlichen Erforschung und sozialpolitischen Verbesserung von Konfliktverhalten Name of the contact person: Dr.Susanne Jalka Address: Stadiongasse 5/2, 1010 Wien E-mail: office@konfliktkultur.at Tel: +43/1/ 9441392 Fax: +43/1/ 9441392 Website: ww.konfliktkultur.at Partners : Universität für angewandte Kunst, AT Germika Gogoratuz Asociación, ES Kulturkontakte e.V., DE WienXtra, AT 280 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-2-K-V-457 - Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00038-2 Zielgruppenorientierte Bildungsangebote- Methodik und Didaktik zur Stärkung der Lern- und Handlungskompetenz Um elementaren Interessen, Kompetenzen und FragesTellungen von benachteiligten und von Ausgrenzung bedrohten Personengruppen (so genannter bildungsferner Personen) gerecht zu werden, ist die Erwachsenenbildung gefordert einen Perspektivenwechsel vom Defizit- zum Potenzialansatz vorzunehmen. Dazu bedarf es eines Beratungs- und Bildungsangebotes mit entsprechender Didaktik und Methodik. In diesem Projekt geht es um die Sichtung und Identifizierung von bereits vorhandenen Methoden und Materialien, Angeboten und Erfahrungen in den beteiligten Bildungsinstitutionen, die diesen Anspruch erfüllen. Inhalte dieses Projektes sind: 1.FestsTellung von vorhandenen Lernerfahrungen/Lernbiographien, Wissen, Können und Fertigkeiten (Einstiegsphase) 2. Lern-, Bildungs- und Förderpläne zur Stärkung der Lern- und Handlungskompetenz (Orientierungsphase) 3. Begleitungs- und Unterstützungsangebote (Umsetzung- /Durchführungsphase) 4. Anforderungen an Lehr- und Betreuungspersonen Diese FragesTellungen werden an Angeboten, die sich an die Zielgruppen wenden, untersucht. Themenfelder: u.a. Lebensrealitäten und Alltagsanforderungen; Zugangsmotivation; Lernzielentwicklung; Nachhaltiger Kompetenztransfer unter Berücksichtigung des Potenzialansatzes; Aufrechterhaltung der Lernmotivation; Anforderungsprofile Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Other: competences, enhancement Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Other: competences of knowledge Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Burgenländische Volkshochschulen Name of the contact person: Dr. Elisabeth Deinhofer Address: Pfarrgasse 10, 7000 Eisenstadt E-mail: info@vhs-burgenland.at Tel: +43/2682/61363 Fax: +43/2682/61363-3 Website: www.vhs-burgenland.at Partners Zala Megyei Müvelödesi, Képzési Központ és Szakiskola, HU Bildungszentrum des Handels e.V., DIE 281 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-1-K-F-458 - Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00138-1 Seniors Learn in Different Ways The main focus of this project for the 50+ generation comprises measures to enhance language skills and studying the special requirements of education for senior citizens. The special requirements of the 50+ about foreign languages and cultures shall be explored by use of evaluation forms and experience reports from participating institutions. Also, bilateral meetings of teachers accompanied by seniors’ pupils will contribute to the exchange of knowledge gained through experience. Apart from attending a language course, the above-mentioned measures to enhance the language skills of the 50+ can include the change to get to know people in other countries and/or find out more about one another via internet and letters. In addition to that, there is an optional exchange of teachers and/or senior pupils. Ideally, practising sports and/or dance with inhabitants of the guest- nation becomes a test of both sportive and lingual abilities. Besides, it gives rise finding things one has in common with each other and the feeling of community, friendship and/or sportive comradeship. Pen pal friendships, internet and the like enable participants of language courses to develop a serious interest in positive feelings toward foreign European people, languages and cultures. Additionally, they are encouraged to give feedback in private or public. The whole knowledgebase of experiences and information on acquiring languages and learning about cultures documented in the course of this project will be summed up in a brochure in the final phase of the project. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Other (describe if applicable); sports, esp.dance Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Senioren lernen Anders, Strobl Gerda & Hauser Petra GnbR Name of the contact person: Hauser Petra Address: Panholzerweg 32, 4030 Linz - Ebelsberg E-mail: SeniorenLernenAnders@gmx.,at Tel: +43/732/ 943827 Fax: Website: http://members.liwest.at/lernenanders/senioren/ Partners Yasam Boyu Egitim Dernegi, TR Alytaus jaunimo Centras, LT 282 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-1-K-F-466 - Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00025-1 What makes Telelearning female? The Grundtvig 2 learning partnership wants to discover and investigate frame conditions for successful Telelearning and Teleworking approaches. Within the learning partnership we want to focus on a certain special target group which should be one of the main profiting out of Telelearning and Teleworking- women in rural/ post industrial (possibly re- entering the labour market after maternal leave, divorce, need of a second earner in a family, etc.) In a co-operational approach through the analysis of good and bad practice examples and principles in the different participating countries and regions we want to investigate the necessary frame conditions for successful Telelearning and Teleworking approaches for this target group. Within the partnership we will establish evaluation factors for the evaluation of good and bad practice examples in the single partner organisations, in the second phase the concept of peer evaluation will be applied, where partner organisations will mutually evaluate their experiences and approaches on a bilateral basis including mobility staff and learners. The result of the peer evaluation phase will be integrated into a European report during the last phase of the learing partnership. Duration: 1 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Basic skills Information technology Other: regional development through learning Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Auxilium pro Regionibus Europae in Rebus Culturalibus Name of the contact person: Dr. Michael Schwaiger Address: Elisabethstraße 3, 8010 Graz E-mail: office@auxilium.co.at Tel: +43/316/328044 Fax: +43/316/328027 Website: www.auxilium.co.at Partners Regionaler Entwicklungsverband Eisenerz, AT FOREM Confederal, ES Porin Aikuiskoulutuskeskus, FI OFA KHT, HU LYIT - Letterkenny Institute of Technology, IE D&S Group S.C., IT Soros Educational Center, RO Devon and Cornwall Business Council, UK 283 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-1-K-V-470 - Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00027-1 Integration- ein Wort auf der Suche nach Inhalten: Ergänzende Ansätze aus Bildung und Sozialarbeit Sozialarbeit und Bildung ist - in gegenseitiger Ergänzung - der Auftrag gemeinsam, den Austausch zwischen einer Gesellschaft und ihren Individuen zu öffnen und offen zu halten, d.h. im wörtlichsten Sinne Integration zu fördern. Der Dialog zwischen Sozialarbeit und Bildung in Bezug auf „Integration“ soll über folgende FragesTellungen erfolgen: Wie wäre Integration als gegenseitiger Prozess beschreibbar, der auch die „Mehrheit“ einbezieht, in die Verantwortung nimmt und unterstützt? Welche gemeinsamen, bzw. ergänzenden Aufgaben ergeben sich daraus? Bildung, welche Kooperationsformen sind denkbar? Ziel der Lernpartnerschaft wäre, sich mit diesen Fragen auseinander zu setzen. Da es bei diesem Thema immer auch um eine Auseinandersetzung mit erlebter Macht bzw. Ohnmacht geht, scheint uns ein integrierter Diskurs von Theorie und Praxis unerlässlich. Für die Auseinandersetzung wurden vier Praxisfelder und ein Theoriethema gewählt, um an ihnen die FragesTellungen zu konkretisieren: Bildungsangebote mit integrierter Sozialarbeit für junge Erwachsene, die von sozialer Ausgrenzung bedroht sind. Alphabetisierung und Spracherwerbsvermittlung für MigrantInnen. Managing Diversity in der Arbeit mit sog. Benachteiligten Gruppen. Faktoren sozialräumlicher Integration in Stadtteilen mit hohem MigrantInnen- Anteil Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Verein “Volkshochschule Ottakring – Bezirkszentrum Hernals“ Name of the contact person: Dr. Michaela Judy Address: Ludo-Hartmann-Platz 7, 1160 Wien E-mail: Michaela.judy@vhs-ottakring.ac.at Tel: +43/1/ 4920883 Fax: +43/1/ 4920883 58 Website: http://ottakring.vhs.at/ Partners alpha beta piccadilly Weiterbildungseinrichtung & Sprachschule, IT Evang. FH Reutlingen-Ludwigsburg, DE ASYS - Arbeitskreis für systemische Sozialarbeit, Beratung und Supervision, AT Verein zur Förderung des FH- Entwicklungs- und Forschungszentrums, AT 284 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-2-K-O-475 - Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00124-2 Spaceship Earth The project deals with the awareness of global crisis in European adult training. There are indications to believe that the awareness of global crisis is based on cultural constructions. The ideas of “world”, “end of the world”, “salvation of the world” are influenced by old narratives, than the tackling of global crisis could be seen as an intercultural task. The learners will observe the perception of the global crisis phenomena (for example: change of climate) in their country and the international efforts to tackle the crisis (for example: through world- conferences, concepts of sustainable development, millennium – targets). The observed discussions are going to be compared according to a defined concept. Especially interesting could be the comparison between societies with protestantic, catholic, orthodox or Muslim background. The knowledge gained will finally be transferred in a game: The spaceship earth is caught in a problem. The multicultural crew (portrayed in likeness of the European society) tries to analyse the problem, understand the situation and to deal with it together. As a result, a collection of materials, better a text for a play or a musical shall be created. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd for AT, others 3rd year Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Sustainable development Other: Religion Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Senior citizens Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: Citizens engaged in global movements (like Attack, World Federalist Movement) COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Europahaus Burgenland Name of the contact person: Johann GötTel Address: Campus 2, 7000 Eisenstadt E-mail: europahaus@bibliotheken.at Tel: +43/2682/ 704 5933 Fax: +43/2682/ 704 5931 Website: www.europahausburgenland.net Partners Edaforum - Forum Permanente per l'educazione degli adulti, IT I.E.P.S.A. Instituto 2002 de Estudios Politicos y Sociales de Aragón, ES Gölbhasi Halk Egitim Merkezi Müdürlügü Ankara, TR Vihreä Sivistysliittto ry., FI 285 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-1-K-O-477 - Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00017-1 Erwachsenenbildung im Grenzraum Österreich-Ungarn-Slowakei. Ein Überblick über Angebotsstruktur und grenzüberschreitende Kooperationsformen Bislang gab es keine Untersuchungen und Kenntnisse darüber, ob und inwieweit die Öffnung der Grenzen sowie die vorhandenen Förderprogramme von Institutionen der Erwachsenenbildung im Grenzraum Österreich- Ungarn- Slowakei zur Zusammenarbeit und zum Aufbau grenzübergreifender Kooperationsformen tatsächlich genutzt wurden und werden bzw. in welcher Art und welchem Umfang dies geschieht. Ziel der Lernpartnerschaft ist (jeweils für den Grenzraum Österreich-Ungarn-Slowakei) die Erfassung, Typologisierung und Dokumentation der relevanten Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen; die analysierende Beschreibung der Tradition von Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung in den drei Grenzregionen; die Erfassung, Analysierung und Dokumentation aller bisherigen und laufenden Projekte und Aktivitäten im Bereich grenzüberschreitender Zusammenarbeit von Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen; die Identifizierung von positiven und negativen Einflussfaktoren beim (Nicht-) Zustandekommen von Formen der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit zwischen Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen inklusive der Formulierung von daraus abgeleiteten Empfehlungen für grenzüberschreitende Kooperationen; die Förderung von Vernetzung und die Anbahnung von Projekten zwischen Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen sowie die Bekanntmachung des Projekts und die Verbreitung der Projektprodukte in den beteiligten Institutionen, in relevanten Erwachsenenbildungeinrichtungen im Grenzraum Österreich-Ungarn-Slowakei und auf europäischer Ebene. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Other : grenzüberschreitende Erwachsenenbildung Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Other: Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtungen im Grenzraum COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Burgenländische Forschungsgesellschaft Name of the contact person: Judith Jakowitsch Address: Domplatz 21, 7000 Eisenstadt E-mail: office@forschungsgesellschaft.at Tel: +43/2682/66886 Fax: +43/2682/66886/20 Website: http://www.forschungsgesellschaft.at Partners Berzsenyi Daniel Foiskola, HU Univerzita Komenskeho v Bratislave, SK Akademia vzdelavania Bratislava, SK 286 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-2-K-O-493 - Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00064-2 C´you - C´me. Looking both ways The project involves 5 partners from EU countries, some experienced and some total novices in European cooperation. The main goal of the project is to develop and share expertise among the learning partners about the tool of forum theatre as a means to increase people’s awareness of their own roots and to deepen their understanding of different cultural backgrounds. C´you – C´me aims to raise people’s conscious awareness of the cultural traits and specifics they are born into, by exposing them to a different language and culture. Through desk and field research they explore and learn to understand a foreign culture, which is then displayed in a forum theatre role- play, played by the researchers and trained actors. The results of research in form of the interactive role-play are put on stage in the host countries with an active role of the audience. All researchers and actors are part of the audience in case of a role- play, done by another partner and experience themselves and their culture through the eyes of the observers- like a mirror role- play. The stage role- play and interactive audience responses are kept on video and are displayed to a larger audience throughout a culture festival. Funding year: 2nd Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues Languages Other: personal awareness and self responsibility Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: The business club Name of the contact person: Ingrid Wagenhofer Address: Trubelgasse 24/16, 1030 Wien E-mail: office@the-business-club.info Tel: +43/2232/78248-30 Fax: +43/2232/78248-21 Website: www.the-business-club.info Partners Salonkylän Nuroisoseura ry, FI Hortiatis theatrical team multicipality of hortiatis, GR Aknistes domes amaterteatris, LV Malta Drama Centre, MT 287 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-2-K-O-496 - Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00082-2 European Study circle for peace and global learning The learning form study circle is a common learning form in Sweden, but not very known in South Eastern Europe. The project tries to introduce the study circle and its history in this area through establishing a European study circle with partners from Austria, Hungary, (Sweden) and Slovakia. The partners have the possibility to carry out common research and to exchange each other on a self- defined subject with changing emphasis on different field of attention. The main subjects are peace and global learning and within this context the partners work together on the fields of intercultural communication, improvement of relations to ethnical or gender minorities in their own surroundings, new forms of learning for lesser qualified members of society, information competence and its relevance for democracy and try to express their results in different forms of publications and art forms. The theoretical part of the study circle is guided with a practical travel to the roots of adult education where knowledge and practical skills are generated, i.e. places like libraries, museums, fabrics, universities, artistic studios, etc. and reflected in group based work in its local context. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Health Intercultural issues Media Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Südwind Entwicklungspolitik NÖ Süd Name of the contact person: Dr.Ingrid Schwarz Address: Bahngasse 46, 2700 Wiener Neustadt E-mail: Ingrid.schwarz@oneworld.at Tel: +43/2622/24832 Fax: +43/2662/85321 Website: www.suedwind-noesued.at Partners Universität Györ, Szechenyi Istvan Universität, HU Filologicka fakulta Univerzity Mateja Bela Banská Bystrica, SK 288 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-2-K-C-500 - Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00075-2 Einsatz von drama-techniques in der Erwachsenenbildung Das Projekt dient dem gemeinsamen Lernen bei der Umsetzung von Theater und Spiel (drama-techniques) als soziale Lernform und sinnvolle Freizeitbeschäftigung junger Erwachsener. Veränderungen im Leben in der Gesellschaft verlangen Antworten darauf, welche Kompetenzen zu entwickeln sind und wie der Lernweg drama-techniques das unterstützt. Lehrende sollen Grundlagen der drama-techniques so verstehen, dass sie als Methode bei Projekten eingesetzt werden können. Ergebnisse eigener Arbeit werden überprüft und neue Ideen für die eigene Arbeit entwickelt. Es sollen u.a. Freude am Spielen, DarsTellen und Präsentieren gefördert; Kommunikation und Konfliktbewältigung erprobt/bewältigt; Hemmungen überwunden; Toleranz und Rücksichtnahme stärker ausgeprägt werden. Die Partner sind Einrichtungen, an denen junge Erwachsene lernen und tätig sind und kompetente Nutzer von dramatechniques. An den Einrichtungen sind unter den jungen Erwachsenen z.T. Migranten. Aktivitäten konzentrieren sich auf das Realisieren einer gelungenen Aufführung der jungen Menschen zu einem selbstgewählten Thema mit transnationaler Bedeutung. Der Erfolg wird durch mehrere Treffen und rege Nutzung des Internets durch alle Beteiligten gesichert. Hauptergebnis: Antwort zu folgenden Themen STellenwert der drama-techniques in den Partnerländern Erfahrungen hinsichtlich Motivation und Sicherung des Bildungsziels bei kleineren Rollenspielen und beim Tanztheater Wie wird die Qualität des Prozesses des Miteinanderarbeitens gesichert? Welche erprobten Ergebnisse sind hinsichtlich des Verständnisses für kulturelle Unterschiede übertragbar? Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Theaterpädagogisches Zentrum Hall Name of the contact person: Hermann Freudenschuss Address: Saline 15, 6060 Hall in Tirol E-mail: tpz-hall@gmx.at Tel: +43/5223/43396 Fax: Website: http://www.tpz.at/ Partners Centro Italiano di Solidarietá di Roma, IT Mondstaub e.V, DE Instituto tecnico di Strato per il Turismo "Livia Bottardi", IT 289 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-2-K-O-503 Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00115-2 Woman´s health and equal opportunities in Adult Education Ziel ist, Partnerorganisationen aus unterschiedlichen europäischen Staaten, die sich im Rahmen der Erwachsenenbildung u.a. mit Frauengesundheit beschäftigen, zusammenbringen, um sich über ihre Arbeit auszutauschen, voneinander zu lernen (Arbeitskonzeption, Methodik wie z.B. Beratungsmethoden, Trainingsmethoden usw.) bedeutsame Themen zu diskutieren und die Resultate ihren MitarbeiterInnen, ihren Zielgruppen und einer breiten Öffentlichkeiten zur Verfügung zu sTellen. Ein weiteres Ziel ist die Gewinnung von neuen Erkenntnissen, sowie die Verbreitung dieses gesellschaftspolitisch wichtigen Themas in den jeweiligen Regionen der Partnerorganisationen im Sinne von Bewusstseinsbildung und Sensibilisierung. In der Folge sollen die selbstverantwortlichen Bemühungen der Frauen um ihre eigene Gesundheit noch ernster genommen und noch stärker unterstützt werden. Die teilnehmenden Einrichtungen lernen unterschiedliche Arbeitsmethoden kennen und üben sich in transnationaler Kommunikation. Die VertreterInnen der Partnerorganisationen erweitern ihr praktisches und theoretisches Wissen, welches an die MitarbeiterInnen und Zielgruppen der Organisationen weitergegeben wird. Zielgruppen sind Frauen der teilnehmenden Organisationen, andererseits deren KundInnen und KlientInnen. Eingeschlossen sind sowohl von Gewalt betroffene Frauen, Migrantinnen, Frauen unterschiedlicher Herkunft, Frauen, die auf Grund von Behinderungen Diskriminierungen ausgesetzt sind und alle am Thema Frauengesundheit interessierte Frauen. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Environment Gender issues Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Verein Frauen für Frauen- Burgenland Name of the contact person: Renate Holpfer Address: Spitalgasse 5, 7400 Oberwart E-mail: frauenberatung-oberwart@utanet.at Tel: +43/3352/33855 Fax: +43/3352/33855-4 Website: Web.utanet.at/frauenberatung-oberwart Partners: Institut Im Kontext, AT An Eochair, UK The Feminist Group Ottar, NO Populus-studieforbundet folkeopplysning, NO 290 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-3-K-E-506 Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00121-3 European Music schools Unison Die Entwicklung der Alterststruktur der Westeuropäischen Bevölkerung sowie eine Reihe wirtschaftlicher und sozialer Trends bringt es mit sich, dass der Anteil erwachsener Schüler an Musikschulen langfristig im Steigen begriffen ist. Diese Schüler bringen: andere Bedürfnisse als Kinder. Ihr Alltag ist geprägt durch Technisierung und Automatisierung, Stress, Verschärfung der wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen und Vermarktung. Die Folge ist Bedarf an Ausgleich, wie durch Autonomie, Kreativität, Selbsterfahrungs- und Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten, Freiheit von fremdgesteuertem Leistungsdruck und Leben von Werten um ihrer selbst Willen. andere Voraussetzungen, z.B. eine ausgeprägte Individualität; eigene Absichten, Wünsche, Hoffnungen, Erwartungen, Lernen, Üben und Recherchieren; verschiedene Aspekte anzuerkennen und einzubeziehen. In Anbetracht dieser Tatsachen und des Mangels an spezifischer pädagogischer Vorbereitung soll dieses Projekt konkrete Vorgangsweisen und Methoden a) entwickeln bzw. b) identifizieren, welche es den Lehrern ermöglichen, auf die besonderen Bedürfnisse erwachsener Schüler einzugehen und ihre Voraussetzungen optimal zu nutzen und zu fördern. der Zugang zu erwachsenen Schülern wird unter dem Gesichtspunkt „der Schüler als Partner“ von erfahrenen Lehrern entwickelt werden teilnehmende Lehrkräfte werden sich spezifische didaktische und musikalische Vorgangsweisen in Seminaren aneignen. Die Effektivität des Unterrichts wird am Beginn und Ende des Projekts direkt und durch Auftritte der Lernenden in Konzertabenden evaluiert um durch den Vergleich die Wirksamkeit der neuen Methoden zu überprüfen. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3nd Intercultural issues Art, Music, Culture Learning about European countries/ the European Union Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other: Teacher and adult musicians COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Landesmusikschule St. Georgen an der Gusen Name of the contact person: Christian Fürst Address: Linzerstraße 12, 4222 St.Georgen an der Gusen E-mail: c.fuerst@eduhi.at Tel: +43/7237/2452 Fax:+43/7237/2452-5 Website: www.musikschule4222.at Partners Ecole de Musique d'Amboise et de sa region, FR Musik-, Tanz und Kunstschule Bannewitz, DE Institut für Musikerziehung in deutscher und ladinischer Sprache, IT 291 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-2-K-O-512 - Project ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00049-2 COMmon comMENT / COMparison and developMENT of teaching methods in the adult education Primarily, this project seeks to identify the incentives that make adults join LLL. In particular, the partnership has been designed to examine the participation of adults in LLL, differences and motivation that make adults joining widely in education. Secondly, the partners aim to examine certification and accreditation of knowledge in non formal education in partners´ countries and adopt the best practices to their own needs. Thirdly to work out an active citizenship training module implemented in non formal adult education. Involvement of the learners in the development process and using e-format to disseminate the results will enable non formal education providers to benefit from innovative material in their work. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Information technolgy Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Senior citizens Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: VIF- Virtuelles Institut für Fort- und Weiterbildung Name of the contact person: Ewald Obermaier Address: Mühlgasse 4, 7322 Lackenbach E-mail: direktion@chs-lackenbach.at Tel: +43/2619/ 5005 Fax: +43/2610/ 5005 Website: www.vif.cc Partners Escuela oficial de idioma, ES Verein Bildungsnetzwerk Burgenland, AT Veszprémi Egyetem- Tanácsadó, Veszprem, HU 292 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-1-K-O-516- Parntership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00055-1 “FRISM 50+” Finding, Reaching and involving senior migrants 50+ Labour migration brought millions of workers, mostly from Mediterranean countries, to Europe; their presumed temporary stay became a permanent one. At present the majority of these workers, are now retired facing their old age in the country of immigration. Social exclusion, social isolation increases with the passing of time without the linguistic and educational and social skills, required to overcome this situation. Therefore, one of the main goals must be to encourage various forms of self aid organisation among the elderly migrants. Another is the adjustment of the educational system to meet elderly migrant’s needs. FRISM 50+ will look at ways how to find, reach and involve senior migrants (50+) in learning opportunities. In FRISM 50+ every partner of the learning partnership has its own topic to try out. Exchange of information and expertise will take place through visits and joint activities involving learners and network organisations. From this, the partnership will work towards producing a final product published on the partner Web sites. Throughout the duration of the project learners and people in the 50+ age group will play an active role in activities, visits and the production of the final product. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Interkulturelles Zentrum Name of the contact person: Franjo Steiner Address: Bacherplatz 10, 1050 Wien E-mail: iz@oz.or.at Tel: +43/1/ 5867544-0 Fax: +43/1/5867544-9 Website: www.iz.or.at Partners Sonderborg Aftenskole, DK Hamburger Volkshochschule. DE Konya Buyuksehir Belediyesi, TR EURAG Netherlands, NL 293 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-1-K-O-523-Partnerhsip ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00055-1 MOOSE - Models Of Sustainibility Edcuation Das Projekt MOOSE vereint fünf Organisationen in Europa (aus Österreich, Deutschland, Bulgarien, Italien – Trentino Alto Adige und Italien – Kalabrien), deren Schwerpunkt auf der Förderung von nachhaltigen Lebensstilen und der Bildung für nachhaltige Lebensstile in unterschiedlichen kulturellen und sozialen Zusammenhängen liegt. Sie alle verbindet das generelle Ziel, Individuen zu bestärken, zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung unserer Gesellschaft beizutragen und aktive Bürger/innen in ihrer Gemeinde zu werden. Die Zugänge und pädagogischen Methoden zur Erreichung dieses Ziels sind von Organisation zu Organisation verschieden. Nachdem die Partnerorganisationen bereits Erfahrungen auf ihrem jeweiligen regionalen und nationalen Niveau gesammelt haben, haben sie sich mit diesem Projekt zum Ziel gesetzt, von den Erfahrungen der anderen zu lernen, um auf diese Weise ihre eigenen pädagogischen Methoden in der Praxis zu bereichern und zu verbessern. Alle Organisationen haben unterschiedliche Herangehensweisen, wenn es um das Erreichen verschiedener Zielgruppen in unterschiedlichen sozialen Zusammenhängen, wie etwa in der Großstadt, in entlegenen ländlichen Gebieten, in Dörfern, in Industriegebieten, etc., geht. Mit dem Austausch sollen Methoden, wie äußerst unterschiedliche Zielgruppen erreicht werden können, erkundet werden, und es soll die Möglichkeit entstehen, von den verschiedenen Erfahrungen der Partnerorganisationen zu profitieren. Zum Abschluss des Projekts wird eine internationale Konferenz stattfinden, auf der die Ergebnisse anderen interessierten Organisationen und Initiativen in Europa präsentiert und mit diesen diskutiert werden. Teil dieser Präsentation wird ein kurzer Film sein, der über das Projekt gedreht wird. Duration: 1 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Environment Sustainable development Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: SOL- Menschen für Solidarität, Ökologie und Lebensstil Name of the contact person: Sabine Schleidt Address: Penzinger Str. 18/2, 1140 Wien E-mail: sol@nachhaltig.at Tel: +43/1/8767924 Fax: +43/3356/777212 Website: www.nachhaltig.at Partners Anders Besser leben, DE Associazione Ecolnet, IT Gruppo di Azione Locale (GAL), IT 294 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-2-K-O-542 Project ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00074-2 Young Woman: Fit for Politics! Um die gleichberechtigte Teilnahme von Frauen an politischen Entscheidungsprozessen zu fördern ist es nötig, Programme zu entwickeln und durchzuführen, welche die vielseitigen Potentiale junger Frauen als Ansatzpunkt für ihre spätere aktive Partizipation und Mitbestimmung nehmen. Young Woman: Fit for Politics! ist eine einmalige Initiative, die interessierte und engagierte junge Frauen in die Position versetzt, aktiv für eine Sache einzutreten und einen Beitrag für die Gesellschaft zu leisten. Sie soll die Horizonte der teilnehmenden Frauen mit Rücksicht auf ihre direkte Umwelt erweitern und grenzenüberschreitende Projekte sowie langfristige Kontakt initiieren. Das Hauptziel des Projekts besteht darin, in jungen Frauen zwischen 16 und 25 Interesse für Politik zu wecken und Möglichkeiten und Chancen aktiver politischer Partizipation zu trainieren und anzubieten, sowie die Vermittlung konkreter „Führungsqualifikationen“ (wie Rhetorik, Präsentationstechniken, Durchsetzungsfähigkeit, Selbstsicherheit, konsensorientiertes Diskutieren, Teamarbeit, etc.). Diese Ziele werden durch die Entwicklung eines interaktiven Curriculums erreicht, welches praktische Übungen ebenso wie theoretischen Hintergrund für das als Workshop durchgeführte Training von Führungsqualifikationen enthält. Schließlich wird einmal pro Jahr in jedem Land ein Modell-Workshop organisiert, bei dem 10-20 Frauen trainiert werden. Der Workshop enthält Exkursionen zu politischen und zivilgesellschaftlichen Organisationen und wird den jungen Frauen weibliche Rollenmodelle als Expertinnen vorsTellen. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Intercultural issues Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Frauen ohne Grenzen Name of the contact person: Elisabeth Kasbauer Address: Salzgries 19/21, 1010 Wien E-mail: office@frauen-ohne-grenzen.org Tel: +43/1/ 5334551 Fax: +43/1/ 5334552 Website: www.frauen-ohne-grenzen.org Partners Mediterranean Institute of Gender Studies, CY Toplumsal Katilim ve Gleisim Vakfi-ARI Hareketi, TR 295 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-2-K-F-544 - Partnership ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00067-2 Landmark Dieses Projekt soll mit verschiedenen Methoden der Erwachsenenbildung, wobei eine aktive Beteiligung der Lernenden wichtig ist, Personen in strukturell benachteiligten ländlichen Regionen den Zugang zu Wissen über ihren Naturraum und Kunst ermöglichen. Die Regionen, in denen das Projekt stattfinden soll, zeichnen sich durch besonders schützenswerten Naturraum aus. Dies ist jedoch von der Bevölkerung oft nicht nachvollziehbar bzw. birgt Konfliktpotential in sich, weil es kaum ausreichend Information dazu gab. Durch das Wissen um die Wichtigkeit und die Schönheit „ihres“ Naturraumes sollen eine neue Wertigkeit und Stolz auf die Region entstehen. Weiters sollen die Lernenden angeregt werden, sich selbst mit ihrer Region zu beschäftigen. Da eine Auseinandersetzung mit Natur auch immer mit der sozialen, kulturellen und historischen Dimension der dort lebenden Personen zu tun hat, erfolgt eine umfassende Sicht auf die eigene „Heimat“. Die Ergebnisse („Gelerntes“ und selbst recherchierte Inhalte) sollen in einer öffentlichen AussTellung in der jeweiligen Region präsentiert werden und anschließend zusammengefasst als WanderaussTellung wiederum in jedem PartnerInnenland gezeigt werden. Als zusätzlicher Schritt soll die Einbeziehung von Land Art KünstlerInnen (Land Art ist eine Kunstrichtung, bei der KünstlerInnen vor Ort in der Natur, oft mit dort vorgefundenen Naturmaterialien arbeiten und Besonderheiten durch künstlerische AusdrucksmitTel verstärken) eine neue Sichtweise jenseits der herkömmlichen naturwissenschaftlichen Annäherung ermöglichen. Auch dies soll unter Einbeziehung der Lernenden in einer AussTellung präsentiert werden. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Arts, music, culture Environment Intercultural issues Media Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Local community groups Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Nöhrer Verlag Name of the contact person: Margit Nöhrer Address: Wolfau 238, 7412 Wolfau E-mail: noehrer.verlag@aon.at Tel: +43/3356/7561 Fax: +43/3356/20426 Website: Partners BNVS - Belgische Natur- und Vogelschutzgebiete, BE Matsalu Rahvuspark, EE Parco Natura Viva, IT Centro de Formación e Recursos, ES Gemeinde St. Johann in der Haide, AT 296 ÖSTERREICH Project reference: G2-06-1-K-C-548 - Project ID: 06-AUT01-S2G01-00079-1 European Dimensions in Culture Management Training The European Dimensions in Culture Management Training Project aims to contribute to overcoming the social and cultural inequity of rural and disadvantaged areas and local communities through knowledge, understanding and promotion of European models in the field of adult education in culture management. The project shall bring together adult trainers from organizations with expertise in non-formal education, which will exchange and enrich practices, knowledge and methods in culture management and cultural entrepreneurship training and its social aspects in terms of disadvantaged areas. Adult trainers from 5 countries will raise their key competences through preparation and participation in 3 thematically defined seminars summarizing the theoretical and applied knowledge of the respective country. The participants of the learning partnership will transfer European models at national and local levels by organizing trainings with selected target groups of learners (15 in each country) who are local developers. Development of project Web site and regular meetings and on-line communication between project participant organizations will create media for exchange of practices, knowledge and methods and establish at sustainable partnership for European cooperation in non-formal culture management education. A printed project publication, summarising the experience and practice brought in by partners will serve as background material for further adult training as well as information and promotion material for a wider interested public. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Arts, music, culture Sustainable development Other: culture management Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: B-project/ Theater-, Kunst- und Kulturverein Name of the contact person: Gerald Buchas Address: Westbahnstraße 5/9, 1070 Wien E-mail: mail@b-project.com Tel: +43/1/3300215-21 Fax: +43/1/3300215-10 Website: www.b-project.com Partners Euroface Consulting s.r.o., CZ Associazione Culturale "Il filo d Arianna", IT 297 POLAND POLSKA Project reference: 06-POL01-S2G01-00004-1 Parent-Teacher Partnership for Children’s Transition to School The aim is to share information on the use of the Project Approach as a method and on parental participation in programmes facilitating children’s transition to school. Participants – organisations from Czech Republic, Greece, Poland, Slovakia and the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland) will design a training programme for parents and teachers on the transition-facilitating use of the Project Approach. In the first year each organisation will collect information about the practices adopted in its country and will present them at a seminar in Poland during which the training programme objectives will be agreed. The organisations will then develop training scenarios to be discussed at the next seminar in Ireland. The outcomes of the first year will be training scenarios and educational materials. In the second year a pilot scheme will be implemented in different communities (including disadvantaged ones) and an information guideline will be prepared. Parents and pre-school/primary-school teachers will use the newly acquired knowledge and skills to devise and launch transition-to-school programmes. This will help produce a guideline brochure (with examples of best practices) publicising the project’s effects. The project will involve 3-5 staff members (including at least 2 trainers), and about 40 learners in every country. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Education for parents Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Fundacja Rozwoju Dzieci im. J. A. Komenskiego Name of the contact person: Teresa Ogrodzinska Address: 00-586 Warszawa, ul. Flory 1 m. 8 E-mail: frd@frd.org.pl Tel: +48 22 8811580 Fax: +48 22 8493041 Website: www.frd.org.pl Partners Cesky vybor Svetove organizace pro predskolni vychovu, CZ The Socjety for the Development and Creative Occupation of Children, GR Unia Meterskych Centier UMC, SK The Early Years Organisation NIPPA, UK 298 POLSKA Project reference: 06-POL01-S2G01-00006-3 Diagnosis of teachers’ needs and evaluation of teachers’ development forms in partner countries – comparison and looking for the most effective solutions The main objective of the project is to get to know the teachers’ development and training systems in participating countries as well as to exchange learning and teaching experience as the subject of common interest is gathering the data on topics of courses and opinions about courses’ arrangements, the starting point will be the presentation of diagnosis forms, and then working out a common suggestion including the possibility of an interactive research via the internet. A web site available for all the teachers in European countries will be created and all the data concerning development systems and diagnosis and evaluation methods, reports from the diagnosis and evaluation, and all the documents from the international seminars will be published. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli w Koszalinie Name of the contact person: Anna Walkowiak Address: 75-654 Koszalin, ul. Ruszczyca 16 E-mail: annawu@tlen.pl Tel: +48 94 3476724 Fax: +48 94 3476715 Website: www.cen.edu.pl, www.cenkoszalin.net Partners Pedagogiko Instituto Kyprou, CY Rigas Rajona Padomes Izglibas un Kultura Parvalde, LV Centro de Profesores de Resources de Talavera, ES Centro do Profesores de Resources de Tomelloso, ES 299 POLSKA Project reference: 06-POL01-S2G01-00008-3 WWW - golden-age The main topic of the project is introducing seniors to the IT. We are focusing on different aspects of teaching/learning process and also how to improve the functioning of elderly citizen in the Information Society. IT skills have become “basic skills”. Without them it is very difficult to function in the modern world. Although in all European countries the population of seniors is growing, their IT skills remain very low. There are very few initiatives in Europe trying to solve this problem. Our project has the aim of trying to fill this gap. We are planning a 3-years project which will reach 7 partners from 7 different countries in the last year. The work will be centered about 7 seminars: one in each partner-country. Each partner is responsible for planning and running one seminar devoted to one subtopic. Furthermore each partner organizes a few Internet activities for all partners. Both teachers and senior students are involved in this activity. We design and run a special webpage where we can collect and share information and experiences from all partners. We are developing and testing an universal curriculum of the basic computer course for seniors. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Other: seniors Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Stowarzyszenie Akademia Pełni Ż ycia Name of the contact person: Barbara Kaszkur-Niechwiej Address: 30-046 Kraków, ul. Juliusza Lea 5a/4 E-mail: apz@krk.pl Tel: +48 12 2948135 Fax: +48 12 2948136 Website: www.apz.krk.pl Partners Ceska Technicka Universita Praha, Katedra Pocitacu, CZ Vaasan tyovaenopisto (Vaasa Instytut for Adult Education), FI Budapesti Muvelodesi Kozpont, HU Pagyvenusios moters veiklos centras, LT Cepa “Las Rosas” (Adult Education Center “The Roses”), ES 300 POLSKA Project reference: 06-POL01-S2G01-00011-1 ITEFAFU - IT Education as an activating factor of adults from areas under danger of unemployment The project concerns adults who are unemployed or would like to change their present occupation but due to various reasons, especially connected with their environment, face difficulties in finding a job. The project program is aimed at people living in various weakly urbanized environments: countryside and small towns. The accomplishment of the project will be a multistep program that starts at local government office (employment agency). The objectives are: To identify professional activity areas desirable in a given environment; To encourage unemployed to start their own business; To identify and apply IT to various professional activities (e.g. commerce, services); To apply IT job searching and as means of job offering. The teaching process will mostly be based on an e-learning platform and will be aimed to show the methods of job search with help of IT (data based, offer search). The project will also teach the ways of giving job offers (www pages creation, data bases creation, becoming an agent on a job market). Resulting products will be trial courses and programs of courses e.g. computer skills courses, courses on data bases, www pages, e-commerce, languages in farm tourism, marketing. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Basic skills Information technology Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: SGGW Mię dzywydziałowe Studium Informatyki i Ekonometrii Name of the contact person: Urszula Skórnik-Pokarowska Address: 02-787 Warszawa, ul. Nowoursynowska 159 E-mail: uskornik@mors.sggw.waw.pl, ula.skornik@plusnet.pl Tel: +48 22 5935514 Fax: +48 22 5935513 Website: www.msie.sggw.waw.pl Partners The state institute for further education (SIFE), CY Wyż sza Szkoła Ekonomiczno-Informatyczna, PL Ekonomika fakulta, Univeryita v Kosiciach, SK Rovc Formacion Tecnica s.l., ES Antalya Cagdas Egitim ve Kultur Vakfi, TR 301 POLSKA Project reference: 06-POL01-S2G01-00016-1 You are not alone The project entitled “You are not alone” concerns important and neglected so far sphere of education of adult persons – counselling and supporting of parents in the field of children’s raising and dealing with different upbringing problems, especially those resulting from peer violence among children. The main and final project’s recipients are parents, especially those coming from marginalized and disadvantaged social environment. This group of parents – often experiencing serious difficulties to solve their own problems and “struggling just to survive” – is not always conscious of the necessity to seek professional assistance. In order to reach them, convince to recognize their children’s problems and provide an effective help, there is a vital need to prepare a team of trained specialists. Although just today the above mentioned group of parents has an access to professional assistance offer, in order to improve the quality and results of provided services, the new/up-to-date knowledge and exchanging of experience with other practitioners working with parents on both national and international level, remains a key issue. Therefore our project aims at create an effective parents support system, what we can do through complex and comprehensive training of specialists. The project is expected to last for two years. During its first year specialists from different partner organizations, using their own experiences and practices applied in their countries, will develop a specific training program addressed to specialists. The work on the program will be initiated and its framework will be defined during the first workshop to be organized in the Coordinator’s country, and then it will be continued in other project’s countries. The results of work will be presented and discussed during following workshops, each time organized by other partner organization. Such system of work will be implemented till the final development of the training program. The second year of the project will concentrate on implementation of previously prepared training program, its evaluation and publishing (in order to share its achievements with other organizations). Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Education for parents Other: Specialist knowledge in family counselling, therapy work with parents experienced educational problems, parents, whom children are involved in peer violence Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: Parents of children experienced peer violence COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Oś rodek Pomocy Społecznej Dzielnicy Ż oliborz m.st. Warszawy Name of the contact person: Artur Laskowski Address: 01-644 Warszawa, ul. Dembliń skiego 3 E-mail: artlasko@gmail.com, zolops@ops-zoliborz.waw.pl Tel: +48 22 8331521 Fax: +48 22 8336424 Website: www.ops-zoliborz.waw.pl Partners Ente per la ricerca e la formazione, IT Adana Ismet Inonu Endustri Meslek Lisesi, TR Soma Linyit Lisesi, TR 302 POLSKA Project reference: 06-POL01-S2G01-00019-1 Singing it is! This project brings people from different European countries together to create songs based on the learners experiences of ‘home’ and what it means to them. All participants will have a different concept and experience of this, e.g. some learners will be from groups comprising refugee communities who have very different experiences than learners from other countries. This project takes the learners through a process of creative writing and then turning their words into compositions with music. Songs will be also created for sharing, singing and performing with the other international participants. They will then record the songs and then all the songs will be performed at the end of the Project. This project has been created for learners to gain skills in song writing, music making and performance, while reflecting upon their ideas about home and ‘differences’. Also to experience, first hand cultural exchange. It also gives leaders the opportunity to share skills and exchange techniques and experiences. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Dom Kultury Doroż karnia w dzielnicy Mokotów m.st. Warszawy Name of the contact person: Maryna Czapliń ska Address: 00-709 Warszawa, ul. Siekierkowska 28 E-mail: biuro@dorozkarnia.pl Tel: +48 22 8417217 Fax: +48 22 8419122 Website: www.dorozkarnia.pl Partners Folias, IT Pan Centre for Intercultural Arts, UK 303 POLSKA Project reference: 06-POL01-S2G01-00024-1 Traditional and modern methods of teaching foreign languages to blind people The project is addressed to adults’ teachers, who teach foreign languages to the blind and people who have problems with their eyesight. Traditional methods of teaching foreign languages to the blind are time consuming, laborious and moreover – of little effectiveness. These methods usually are focused merely on provision of an ability to communicate in a given language; however, the students very often have problems with writing or reading skills. To eliminate this, it is necessary to implement new and fresh solutions – more effective and less time-consuming. Benefiting from other countries’ experiences, we would like to increase the efficiency of teaching foreign languages to the blind on diversified levels of education thanks to discovering new solutions in methodology. Taking into consideration the fact that nowadays almost in every job knowledge of a foreign language (and often even two) is necessary, high professional qualifications of foreign language teachers are essential. It is especially vital to provide the blind with high-profile and effective teaching so that their educational chances are equilized. To that end, during the first year of the project, we would like to create “The Best Practice Guide” (containing descriptions of educational aids and examples of lesson plans) which will be helpful for foreign language teachers from various European countries whose students are blind or have a disfunction of sight. The guide is going to be made available on a web side created for the project. In the second year of the project, we are planning to carry out pilot and verification activities concerning the program, so that the program after being thoroughly checked and tested can be used by teachers in their didactical work. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Basic skills Information technology Languages Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Disabled persons Other: Adult teachers, who teach foreign languages to blind people COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Fundacja Pomocy Niewidomym Name of the contact person: Magdalena Kiełczewska Address: 05-092 Łomianki, ul. Zielonej Łą ki 9 E-mail: fundacjapn@interia.pl Tel: +48 22 7516568, +48 500 231 888 Fax: +48 22 7516568 Website: www.fundacjapn.info Partners Cooperativa Sociale Prometeo Onlus a Mutualita Prevalente, IT ACEESCA – Asociacion Comarcal de Education Especial Santisimo, ES AKEAD Avrupa Kultur Egitim ve Arastirma Dernegi, TR 304 POLSKA Project reference: 06-POL01-S2G01-00038-2 Roots Uneducated people under threat of social exclusion have problems with definition of their identity. They have no knowledge about their history, tradition and culture. They cannot identify with common values presented in their local community. They join groups of similar people and create social structures with criminogenic behaviour model (youth gangs, criminal groups, sects). Low level of their educations, no motivation to learn and personal development cause the distance between them and the rest of the society. The aims of the project: - Studying the relationships of persons menaced of social exclusion and the structures presenting the pathological patterns of behaviours - Help in identifying the participants’ identity by recognizing present values in traditions of regions - Learning to live together with different people and to be tolerant through learning about traditions and culture of different nations - Awake motivation to learn, study and develop - Develop key skills (reading, writing, and counting) - Improve skills to work with prisoners by developing social attitudes Methods to be used: - Preparing information by the prisoners about history and present day at their family places - Presenting popular traditions from family regions - Meetings with interesting people - Exchange of experiences between partners - Organizing competition about history and tradition of family region - Preparing a guide book about the project Funding year: 2nd Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Gender issues Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Zakład Karny w Rzeszowie Name of the contact person: Marek Potę pa Address: 35-322 Rzeszów, ul. Załę ska 76 E-mail: zk_rzeszów@sw.gov.pl Tel: +48 17 8580700 Fax: +48 17 8535420 Website: www.sw.gov.pl/index.php/jednostki/11/345 Partners Tallinna Vangla, EE Marijampoles suaugusiuju mokymo centras, LT Vilniaus jaunimo ir suaugusiuju, LT 305 POLSKA Project reference: 06-POL01-S2G01-00056-2 Education for counteracting HIV/AIDS The aim of the project is to create the syllabus – “Education for counteracting HIV/AIDS” which is to be oriented at adults who by virtue of the syllabus will be able to play the role of HIV/AIDS prophylaxis instructors. Using experience of different countries in HIV/AIDS problem partner institutions have enhanced chance to create a universal syllabus which is possible to implement widely in many (if not all) European countries. The syllabus is to prevent discrimination against ill children, youth and adults. Taking into account social consequences of women’s infection (malfunction of the family) it is necessary to pay more attention to their education. The syllabus is designed for adults’ instructors. This group includes teachers, tutors, parents, health service workers, social workers and everybody whose profession or function gives possibility to transfer knowledge and skills about HIV/AIDS subject to others. The final product of the cooperation - the prevention syllabus “Education on how to counterfight HIV/AIDS” - composed of the vademecum, the scripts of the activities and other materials that can help to lead the lessons for the blind persons and people who have problems with their eyesight will be piloted, evaluated and verified in the second year. The pilotage will be the pilot training for adult learners (teachers, tutors, parents, health service workers, social workers). In the third year the syllabus “Education on how to counterfight HIV/AIDS” will be disseminated and the future educators – will be prepared to “how to teach”. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Education for parents Health Information technology Other: prophylaxis Guidance / counselling or other support services Disabled persons Women Other: Adults instructors who can teach and share experience about HIV/AIDS subject in connection with their job, work and occupation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Oś rodek Edukacyjny Taurus s.c. Name of the contact person: Boż ena Strzemieczna Address: 05-825 Grodzisk Mazowiecki, ul. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 8/27 E-mail: wychowanie@wychowanie.pl Tel: +48 22 7241835, +48 605 348 243 Fax: +48 22 7241835 Website: www.wychowanie.pl Partners Fundacja Pomocy Niewidomym, PL Casa Corpului Didactic Dolj, RO Denizli Halk Egitimi ve Aksam Sanat Okulu, TR 306 POLSKA Project reference: 06-POL01-S2G01-00104-1 PRE-A-TENTION - Pre-adolescent in the centre of teacher’s and parental attention The project brings Institutes for Parental Education from Poland together with schools of other European countries in order to create a new course for parents and teachers of pre-adolescent children (10-15 years). The objectives of the course are: To stimulate the dialogue and to reinforce adequate communication between the teachers of the schools concerned and the parents. To improve the knowledge and abilities of teachers and parents on how to they can cooperate to help the adolescent child overcome his/her negative attitudes and develop a well-structured personality. The case-method will be used for this new tool. This innovative method will help both parents and teachers discuss very actively on common problems described in the cases, and thus help them express and understand their mutual points of view. The outcome will be that teachers and parents will cooperate and educate in a mutually reinforcing way to help the adolescent children overcome those most difficult years. The first year teachers and parents of the participating countries will deepen and exchange their knowledge of the specific needs of adolescents in workshops and seminars. They will take part in an international workshop, during which they will exchange the results of their study. A fully new 10-cases course for parents and teachers will be prepared in cooperation with each of the countries. The second year moderators for the newly designed courses will be trained. A pilot course will be organised in each country. Schools, parental organisations and individuals of the participating countries and of new countries will be invited at a final Dissemination Conference. Funding year: 1st Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Education for parents Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Other: Parents and teachers of pre-adolescent children COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Stowarzyszenie Instytut Edukacji I Rodziny Name of the contact person: Maria Szczepań ska-Szewczyk Address: 05-825 Grodzisk Mazowiecki, ul. 11 listopada 3 E-mail: lukaszhardt@onet.pl Tel: +48 22 7556056 Fax: +48 22 6338696 Website: www.akademiafamilijna.pl Partners Instituut van de Familie (IDF), BE Instituto de Iniciativas de Orientacion Familiar, ES 307 POLSKA Project reference: 06-POL01-S2G01-00127-2 Professional Activation of Practically Incapable People, Unadjusted to Challenges of Modern Job Markets and Information Society – Based on Knowledge The Project is to counteract the phenomenon of social rejection, which results from helplessness and lack of adjustment to challenges of modern job markets and demands of the development of knowledge-based information society. The project will be directed especially to women after a long-time maternity leave that discontinued their work and now facing problems with taking it up again, mainly due to improper or incomplete level of education. The second target group will be people 40-45 years of age who for different reasons fell out of the job market and they lack qualification. The learners will be couraged and motivatied to join the main stream of economic life. The group, selected on the basis of social research, surveys or data from national employment agencies, will be actively participating in the works of the partner team and will additionally be equipped with tools necessary for functioning on modern job market. Including the basis of English, law, use of computers. All participants will also undergo training in selfpresentation (a course in PR as well as professional CV creation) as well as in motivation for personal and professional development. As the employees of all partner institutions will come into contract with the people from target groups, the project assumes training them in such a way as to make them sensitive to the needs of these people. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Basic skills Consumer education Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: People 40-45 years of age, who do not possess proper qualifications for joining the job market COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Wyż sza Szkoła Komunikowania i Mediów Społecznych im. Jerzego Giedroycia Name of the contact person: Piotr Sługocki Address: 01-793 Warszawa, ul. Rydygiera 8 E-mail: international@wskims.edu.pl Tel: +48 22 8321522 Fax: +48 22 8338118 Website: www.wskims.edu.pl Partners Epsilon Formation, FR Reduta-Berlin. Schauspieleschule Fur Theater und Film Staatlich, DE 308 POLSKA Project reference: 06-POL01-S2G01-00132-1 Autonomous citizens in United Europe The natural step in building a democratic system today is building the civil society. Its members should be fully aware of their rights and very active in the community, which is accomplished by associating themselves, cooperating with selfgovernment, and other participants of civil and local life. Building the civil society seems to be a constant process, which means, along with society’s activities, establishment and development of organizations and institutions in the civil profile which have stimulating influence on the local societies. This is the reason why both sides should be involved in the project and, in addition, have influence (in area of developing self-governments) on developing closer relationships all the members of the local society. Participation of international partners in the project is a cognitive component, which provide all project’s learners the opportunity of exchanging information and experiences, as well as developing some common ideas in the local societies. During the international seminars, planned in the project, the learners will have a chance to learn about cultural differences and similarities of partner countries. This is very important element in the ICL process (intercultural learning), and is not possible to avoid in these international affairs. The main activities planned in the frame of the project are: - Meetings with potential local partners, representatives of local selfgovernments and institutions/organizations cooperating with local selfgovernments - Making an interview with local selfgovernments to describe the activities with European dimension hey have made and preparing a database of the persons responsible for these activities - Organizing meetings for the representatives of the local society on the civil society, civil and social rights - Creating an e-forum – the platform for exchanging opinions and information – open for all the participants of the project, both on a local and on international level Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: Representatives of self-government COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Ś wię tokrzyskie Centrum Fundacji Rozwoju Demokracji Lokalnej Name of the contact person: Joanna Rudawska Address: Kielce 25-308, ul. Bodzentyń ska 44a E-mail: centrum@frdl.kielce.pl Tel: +48 41 3430038 Fax: +48 41 3430038 wew. 28 Website: www.frdl.kielce.pl Partners Youth Europe Service, IT Europa Formazione, IT Ogretmenler Egitim – Ogretim ve Bilim Hizmetleri Sendikasi, TR 309 POLSKA Project reference: 06-POL01-S2G01-00145-2 READCOM – Reading Clubs for Adult Learning Communities The development of reading habits among adults is one of the best ways of making them inTellectually and socially active. READCOM – Reading Clubs for Adult Learning Communities enable to share the experience and develop knowledge through discussing the diaries, chosen by the members of the clubs. Mentoring and leading the Reading Clubs need to be planned how to collect people, how to train the mentors of the clubs. The aims of the project are: - searching and organising the groups of adults (particularly seniors), being interested in life long learning, inTellectual and social development through READCOM; - developing training courses for trainers, educators, librarians, teachers, Reading Clubs’ moderators and all the others who are willing to be engaged in the activities of local communities; - developing a webpage for communication among READCOM groups across Europe, promoting the exchange of practice and information; - developing appropriate pedagogical strategies; - promoting actions like ‘Literature in translation’ , ‘What can adults do for children’, ‘Grandparents read to children’, ‘The passion of reading’, ‘Fairy-tales in the European countries’, ‘Biographies, describing European culture’, which would encourage the members of the clubs to create their own Reading Clubs; - organising the discussing panels for readers and diarists, taking part in READCOM project; - exchanging the members of Reading Clubs to share experience connected with their activities; - Publishing written guides in the languages of participating countries with methodological approaches to the activities of reading clubs and suggestions of reading lists. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Education for parents Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Languages Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Local community groups Senior citizens Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Biblioteka Publiczna im. Władysława Jana Grabskiego w Dzielnicy Ursus m. St. Warszawy Name of the contact person: Piotr Jankowski Address: 02-495 Warszawa, ul. Plutonu Torpedy 47 E-mail: biblioteka@bpursus.waw.pl Tel: +48 22 8824300 Fax: +48 22 8824300 Website: www.bpursus.waw.pl Partners Volkshochshule Donaustadt, AT Katholieke Hogeschool Leuven Demartement Lerarenopleiding, BE CEMIM – Centrum Edukacji Mię dzykulturowej i Medialnej, PL Escola Superior de Educacao do Instituto Politecnico de CasTelo Branco, PT Instituto Politecnoco de Portalegre, PT Yasama Dair Vakif, TR T.C Kultur ve Turizm Bakanligi Kutuphaneler ve Yayimlar, TR 310 POLSKA Project reference: 06-POL01-S2G01-00147-2 EUFORCOM - Europe Formation Communication L’élaboration et l’acquisition du savoir n’est pas détachée des moyens d’organisation, de transmission et de communication des contenus des savoirs eux même. A l’heure actuelle, l’éducation formelle (l’école) et l’éducation non formelle (le milieu extrascolaire) sont confrontées avec la n écessit é d’utiliser les nouvelles technologies et les nouveaux medias. En même temps, pour ne par créer de nouvelles formes d’analphabétisme inTellectuel, il est nécessaire de toujours relier les apprentissages à une utilisation de la langue et aux relations directes entre les personnes. Beaucoup de formateurs sont enfermés dans une double contrainte: il y a ceux qui savent utiliser les media et les NTC mais qui n’ont pas développé une réflexion pédagogique pertinente et cohérente avec les principes, pour nous, de l’Education Active, et il y a des formateurs qui se refusent d’utiliser les opportunités éducatives offertes par les medias et les NTC. Notre projet veut agir sur les différentes niveaux de la formation des adultes pour favoriser la rencontre entre éducateurs – formateurs de l’école et de l’extrascolaire, pour permettre une mutualisation des pratiques, pour valoriser le rôle des médias dans l’éducation et pour aider les formateur à réfléchir sur la place pédagogique des media. Ce projet veut aussi participer à la construction de nouvelles formes de communication entre différents pays de l’Europe, avec la participation de deux pays de la nouvelle Europe (Pologne, République Tchéque) et de deux pays de l’Europe occidentale (France). Nous avons réalisé les trois premieres phases du projet: 1) récolte des états des lieux et des besoins de formation, 2) définition et réalisation d’expérimentations dans chaque pays autour de la formation des adultes, 3) analyse desrésultats. Pour la quatrieme phase: „diffusion des résultats et élaboration des modules de formations transnationales etnationales, le projet est elargi à une cooperation avec l’Espagne et l’Allemagne pour: - renforcer le reseau de formateurs europoeen - elargir la possibilite d’echanges et de diffusion de pratiques - partager a un niveau europeen la diffusion des bonnes pratiques. La creation de formations transnationales necessite un travail supplementaire d’analyse des contenus pedagogiques et d’elaboration d’outils à la fois partagés et adaptés aux differentes realités des pays. L’Espagne et l’Allemagne sont presents avec des institutions de formation. Les résultats seront présentés aussi dans le site www.cemea.asso.fr/euforcom. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Information technology Media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Polskie Stowarzyszenie Placówek Wychowania Pozaszkolnego Name of the contact person: Alicja Szpot Address: 31-142 Kraków, ul. Krowoderska 8 E-mail: sekr_cm@bci.pl Tel: +48 12 4334442 Fax: +48 12 4225205 Website: www.pswp.pl Partners Institut Deti a Mladeze MSMT, CZ Centres D’Entrainement aux Methodes D’Education Active, FR Escuela Publica de Animacion y Education Juvenil, ES 311 PORTUGAL PORTUGAL Project Reference: 06-PRT01-S2G01-00013-1 Roots and Wings The project “Roots and Wings” focuses on using the experiences and roots of senior citizens as a positive and valuable contribution to local and European communities. It will work on a local, national and international basis and encourage the promotion of lifelong learning through local projects and exchanges. The project will rely on the experiences of nine different institutions from six countries. It will use adult learning approaches to build individual and community confidence and promote greater understanding of different cultures and histories. The project assumes that work with memories and abilities, to reflect one’s own life and to discuss experiences within a group, plays an important role for the individual and the group. Through this experience participants will recognise the similarities and differences in past present lives across European countries. This also has benefits within a European framework, where people compare their personal experiences with official history recordings. From this work in understanding their roots it is anticipated that senior participants will look outward with confidence in their own abilities and so to appreciate other European lives and cultures. The project also aims at helping participants to look at their own past from a fresh angle, coming to terms with it and thereby gaining strength to lead a good and satisfying life. The long term objective is an internalised mental model to be used as a tool in everyday life. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Intercultural Issues Arts, music, culture Information technology European countries Languages: English Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Senior citizens Women Other: Adults COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Arte-Via – Cooperativa Artística e Editorial (PT) Contact person – Ana Filomena Amaral Meiral – Casa Amarela, 3200-095 Lousã Tel: 00351 239994872 Fax: 00351 E-mail: anafamaral@iol.pt Website: Partners Ahjolan Kansalaisopisto (FI) CEPA Pozuelo de ALARCÓN (ES) Falkirk Council (UK) Förderverein Akademie 2. Lebenshalfte im Land Branderburg e V. (DE) Stadtarchiv Dornbirn (AT) Stadtbücherei Dornbirn (AT) 312 PORTUGAL Project Reference: 06-PRT01-S2G01-00034-2 Habilitas The youngsters involved in our project experience in their daily life some negative effects like segregation, intolerance and prejudice. For many defferent reasons they can not get integrated in a society unable to deal with people having difficulties and problems of different nature. Therefore, they are less prepared to enter vocational education and trainning and they have fewer possibilities on the labour market. The partners in this projects wish all students who belong to this target group do not accept the negative image they have and want to encourage them to fight for good work placements during their studies and for equal chances on the labour market. The project partners will help these youngsters to prepare themselves for labour market through the simulation of activities of real professional situations, and exchange best practices concerning the actual participation of youngsters in education, labour market and social life during transnational meetings. Through the several foreseen activities and enthusiasm these yougsters will be able to influence fellow students, parents, employers, local and regional politicians and other decision takers. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2 nd Active citizenship Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation AEVA - Escola Profissional de Aveiro (PT) Contact person – Ana Ribeiro Estrada Nacional, 109 (sobre PBI) – Ap 490 3811-911 Aveiro Tel: 00351 234910160 Fax: 00351 234910169 E-mail: projectos-epa@epaveiro.edu.pt Website – http://www.epaveiro.edu.pt/ Partners SAVAS (FI) Asociación Comumbares (ES) UMAD – (ES) Fundação de Ensino Profissional da Praia da Vitória (PT) 313 PORTUGAL Project Reference: 06-PRT01-S2G01-00100-3 Mental Health – The Socially Inclusive Life Project The goal of our project is to provide our clients learning opportunities regarding the development of each one life project and social inclusion within their environment community, and in the society, implementig better lifelong learning practices and innovative methods. We will do this by developing and implementing a mapping exercise to know each individual’s skills and needs. Then we will research and develop a core curriculum on areas such as empowerment processes, social roles, how to look and manage work, advocacy, human rights. We expect with this to maximize empowerment processes that will lead to greater inclusion. Our main objective is that our users can participate through the all phases of development of the project. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3 rd Basic Skills Active Citizenship Health Other: empowerment processes Guidance/counselling Disabled persons Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation PERSONA - Associação de Apoio a Doentes Mentais Crónicos Contact Person – Marta Lopes Rua Bertholot, nº 1 – Quimiparque 2830-137 Barreiro Tel: 00351 212060999 Fax: 00351 212067050 E-mail: persona_forum@mail.pt Website: Partners JOIA – Associació Joventut Organitzada I Activa (ES) Association for Child and Family Mental Health (PL) Interminds (UK) Fundatia Estuar (RO) 314 PORTUGAL Project Reference: 06-PRT01-S2G01-00113-2 LIMA - Life Management Skills In each partner’s country there are at risk groups who are threatened by a social exclusion. Most of these people have very low level of education and consistently an instable position in the labour market, i.e. they switch frequently from employment to unemployment. This happens not only because of their educational deficits but also because of lack or insufficient use of life management skills (knowledge about their rights, possibilities of counselling and health services, learning opportunities — improvement of basic skills and language, etc.). Despite of training and counselling provision offered by the partner’s institutions they are mostly short-term employed and get back to their “passive” role again. The project aims at enhancing the training of the trainers who work with people with low education level and enable them to counsel and train their course participants in a more effective way. Apart from this primary project target group (teachers, trainers and counsellors from all partners’ organizations being involved in training and counselling of people with low education level), the training participants from each partner’s organization are the beneficiaries of the project. A holistic approach is an answer for designing a more successful and individual-centred training and counselling provision for people with low education level. The acquired life management skills should enable the participants to feel responsible for their lives and participate actively in our society taking advantage of life long learning possibilities. Sharing the ideas and best practices between project partners will enable the trainers to improve and modify their training concepts and curricula. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2 Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) nd Basic Skills Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Other :Trainers and teachers COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Associação de Mulheres Contra a Violência (PT) Contact Person – Carla Pinto Alameda D. Afonso Henriques, 78 - 1º Esq 1000-125 LISBOA Tel: 00351 21 3802160 Fax: 00351 21 3802168 E-mail: amcvportugal@hotmail.com Website – Partners Berfsfortbildungswerk Gemeinnutzige (DE) General Worker’s Union (MT) Fundación Assistencial Mujeres (ES) 315 PORTUGAL Project Reference: 06-PRT01-S2G01-00116-2 Maré-Alta Informal long life learning has a major role to support the inclusion process of families at exclusion risk, specially if learning focuses at access facilitation to welfare society facilities, to long life learning, to individual motivation and self- help, inducing an effective participation in community and the segregation’s barriers braking. Self- determination plays then a great role enabling for self- confidence and maturation of a liable life projects. The aims of this project in are: 1) To sustain a proximity and flexible learning environment, capturing families adhesion and to providing tailored made non- formal learning to meet there needs and inclusion pathways, 2) To empower the families ant its members in order they have more hope, take positive decisions and to plan life goals achievement; 3) To empower social support organisation and the community to create better condition for families inclusion. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2 Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) nd Active citizenship Basic skills Other: group dynamics Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Outra Margem – Cooperativa de Solidariedade Social (PT) Contact person – Rita Pinto Rua 27 de Julho, 6 2825 Trafaria Tel: 00351 21 290380 Fax: 00351 21 2903809 E-mail: Silvino.rego@outramargem.org Website - http://www.outramargem.org/ Partners Ozel Ceceli Okullari (TR) Skaiskane Local Community (LV) Cumulus Society of Social and Educational (PL) 316 PORTUGAL Project Reference: 06-PRT01-S2G01-00117-2 SALK – Sharing of Affection and Life Knowledge The long life learning aiming to value elder’s knowledge from life experience can the same way promote their autonomy, self esteem and recognition, becoming a natural and “emotional” commitment to support the inclusion itineraries of other persons or groups at exclusion risk in the community. Old people main expectations are to maintain or recover the necessary conditions for an active existence adapted to 3rd age conditions, but not to loose or accede to a grateful environment- family, neighbourhood, friendship or other links. You can say than besides the survival needs their biggest lost can be an individualised natural relationship. As the global society more and more give no chance for humanised environments the more fragile suffer the most with institutionalisation or self isolation solutions, when not abandon The aim of the project is to show are beautiful, attractive and useful elder people can be to their fellow citizens and whole the community, creating condition for them to “learn” to share their affections and life knowledge, with other groups who may value and use them. The objectives of the project are 1) Ameliorate elder people life conditions, self confidence and autonomy learning for a better living; 2) Value life knowledge and organise it’s sharing with other community excluded group, learning for socialisation; 3) Ameliorate new basic skills in ITC, traditions and culture; 4) Interact with other partnership groups to view the European Union challenges; The target group is non-institutionalised old and pensioners. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2 nd Information technology Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Sociedade Filarmónica Agrícola Lavradiense (PT) Contact Person – António Sousa Pereira Avenida J.J Fernandes, 41 2935 Lavradio Tel: 00351 21 2042576 Fax: 00351 21 2042576 E-mail: Sousa_pereira@rostos.pt Website - Partners Libera Universitá Europea Terza Éta Basilicata (IT) Metropolitian Municipality of Konya (TR) Lielvardes pensionaru Bierdriba (LV) 317 SLOVENIA SLOVENIJA Project reference: 2006-4163-Gr2 uč na partnerstva ALDA – Adult Learners in Digital Art The ALDA project aims to foster and further develop learning partnership among adult learners in digital art, especially to stimulate exchange of ideas between trainers, tutors and adult educators on the one side, and artists, designers and content providers on the other. The project brings together recognised partners involved in the promotion od digital culture and art in Europe who all share similar experience in educating adults through bot formal and non-formal educational series of workshops, seminars and lectures with the objective to introduce and oush forward progressive creative techniques as well as critical issues related to the intersection of arts and ICT. The participants will exchange experience of their daily work in order to conclude with innovative methodological approaches that would reflect upon the ever changing trends in contemporary cultural practices. The general goal of the project is to internationjalise adult education in digital art via process oriented series of meetings and discussions that would focus on further strengthening of the quality as well as relevance of the learning opportunities. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture, Basic skills Consumer education, Education for parents Environment, Gender issues, Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages, Media, Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas ( Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups, Marginalised groups, Senior citizens, Women. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation. Others: adult learners in digital art COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: KIBLA / association for culture and education Name of the contact person: Peter Tomas Dobrila Address: Ulica kneza Koclja 9, 2000 Maribor E-mail: peco@kibla.si Tel: +386/2 2294012 Fax: +386/2 2294020 Website: www.kibla.org Partners Academy of fine arts in Aix en Provence, FR Altart foundation for alternative arts, RO Foundation gmt + 2, BG 13 kubikov, SK OKNO, BE TMA Trans media akademie, DE Interface cultures kunstuversitaet, AT M2F creations 318 SLOVENIJA Project reference: 2006-4177-Gr2 uč na partnerstva Empowerment of disadvantage target groups members The project titled “Empowerment of disadvantage target group's members” aims to empower members of disadvantage target groups in such field of life where their social and personal power is the weakest using the methodology of support groups. Project partners from 5 EU countries will develop and implement different support groups modules which will assure the empowerment of at least one aspect or field of those target group members life, strengthen their self confidence and self-image and empower them in general. In the proposed project adult education providers will be able to exchange experiences in the field of developing and implementing life long learning for target group members and find common solutions for some problems in that field. Including learners in all stages of project will give them the opportunity to influence the content and methodology of modules and take responsibility for their own learning and improving their disadvantageous situation. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2st Active citizenship rts, music, culture , Education for parents, xinformation technology. Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning. Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, Women. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ADULT EDUCATION CENTRE OF JESENICE Name of the contact person: Maja Radinovič Hajdič Address: CESTA CIRILA TAVČ ARJA 3a, 4270 Jesenice E-mail: univerza.jesenice@siol.net Tel: +00386 4 58 33 800 Fax: +00386 4 58 33 810 Website: http://www.lu-jesenice.net/ Partners Managing Counci of Parents Association of Panagias Theoskepastis Gymnasium) l, CY Center of Adult Education of CasTellana Simula, IT Centro de Educación Permanente de Adultos »Joaquín Costa«, ES Association of Analysis psycho-organic), LT 319 SLOVAK REPUBLIC SLOVENSKO REPUBLICA Project Reference: 06-SVK01-S2G01-00018-1 EFOSEC - EFOS enlargement and cooperation The aim of the project is to create better condition and possibilities to research teaching and learning needs for elderly people with appropriate forms and methods. A thematic seminar, mobility of elderly students and staff exchanges can show us possibilities for better learning policies and for the analysis of trends in pedagogy and to strengthen the position of Universities of the third age. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Languages Learning about European countries / the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners´ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach (es) Management of adult education organization/institution Senior citizens Local community groups Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Univerzita tretieho veku, Centrum ď alšieho vzdelávania Univerzity Komenského Name of the contact person: Nadežda Hrapková Address: Šafárikovo námestie 6 E-mail: hrapkova@rec.uniba.sk Tel: 00421 2 592 445 45 Fax: 00421 2 529 638 36 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Seniorenacademie Groningen and Drenthe, Groningen, /NL/ Uniwersytet Trzeciego Wieku w Uniwersytecie Wroctawskim, Wroclaw, /PL/ 320 SLOVENSKO REPUBLICA Project Reference: 06-SVK01-S2G01-00028-2 European dimension of teaching and training of the seniors The core of the project is senior education (in form of training of mental abilities and memory) aiming at preventing them from social exclusion. There are 4 partner institutions involved in the project. The result of the project should be an overall understanding of different approaches in the field and the creation of a training program usable in all the involved countries. Included in the project is the training of further trainers. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2 Basic skills Health Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners´ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach (es) Disabled persons Seniors COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Centrum MEMORY n.o. Name of the contact person: PaedDr. Mária Č underlíková Address: Mlynarovič ova 21, 851 03 Bratislava E-mail: centrummemory@nextra.sk Tel: 00421 2 62414143 Fax: 00421 2 62414143 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Athens Association of Alzheimer´s Disease and Related Disorders /GR/ Educational Centre „Socialization“ / LV/ Municipal Company for Vocational Training and Studies – Deekme /GR/ 321 SLOVENSKO REPUBLICA Project Reference: 06-SVK01-S2G01-00038-2 Weblogs for Senior Learners – The Story of my Life The aim of the project is to get people together via Telling their life stories and experiences. The given target group offers a wide range of interesting material. Use of ICT is very important for the project as it will enable the participants to develop their skills and spread their works all around Europe. Personal meetings and development of individual creative abilities are also clearly stressed in the project. Final outcome of the whole story-sharing process should be a booklet consisting of best stories translated to various languages. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Languages Learning about European countries / the European Union Guidance / counseling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach (es) Senior citizens Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: ACTIVE- jazykové štúdio, Košice, Slovenská republika Name of the contact person: Brigita Wallová Address: Južná trieda 13, 040 01 Košice E-mail: umosr@gnitnet.sk Tel: 00421 55 678 72 98 Fax: 00421 55 677 11 88 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Inlingua /LU/ Escola Secundaria de Monserrate /PT/ Centro de Educacion de Personas Adultas, Santa Lucia /ES/ Centro de Education de Personas, Ingenio /ES/ Akadémia vzdelávania /SK/ 322 SLOVENSKO REPUBLICA Project Reference: 06-SVK01-S2G01-00035-2 International Exchange Program “Region-Build” The basic of the project is to set up a framework for international co-operation between regional and local authorities, educational institutions, NGOs from Slovakia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, Poland, Greece as a prerequisite for common strategy in developing and improving suitable way of education in the area of building up regional competitiveness. Next step is to transfer and to disseminate examples of good practice at local, regional and international level as strategic grounds for the development of the above mentioned fields in participating. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners´ demand for learning Guidance / counseling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach (es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalization COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Únia miest Slovenska, Bratislava, Slovenská republika Name of the contact person: Jana Péliová Address: Prepostska 4, 811 01 Bratislava E-mail: umosr@gnitnet.sk Tel: 00421 2 54435914 Fax: 00421 2 54435914 Organisation/Project Website: Partners) Vocational Training Centre /GR/ House of Europe /LT/ 323 SLOVENSKO REPUBLICA Project Reference: 06-SVK01-S2G01-00019-1 REDEAL – Regional and Development through Adult Learning Balanced social and regional development is nowdays one of the priorities in European countries. Project REDEAL is putting together various types of institutions in order to apply common experience and develop innovative education materials that could be used by many other institutions in the future. The aims of the project are to cooperate between institutions which have an active role in the framework of Adult Education and Regional Development, to foster the exchange of experiences and good practices, to develop new strategies and work methodologies in the framework of Adult Education for Regional Development Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Information technology Sustainable development Learning about European countries / the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners´ demand for learning Management of adult education organization/institution Persons living in rural or disadvantages areas Women Other /directors, trainers , staff of AE/ COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Slovenský živnostenský zväz Name of the contact person: Viola Kromerová Address: Rač ianska 71, 83102 Bratislava E-mail: sekretariat@szz.sk Tel: 00421 2 49 24 62 34 Fax: 00421 2 49 2466 53 Organisation/Project Website: Partners Magyary Zoltan Higher Education Public Foundation, Budapešť , /HU/ Casa d´ Europa , Siracusa, /IT/ 324 SLOVENSKO REPUBLICA Project Reference: 06-SVK01-S2G01-00018-1 MEEC - Multicultural Education for European Citizenship The aims of the project is to bring together experiences about European citizenship from the perspective of different European areas, increase awareness of the benefits and consequences of the European integration in the target groups and promote the understanding and tolerance among European nations through the teaching languages, cultures an history, traditions customers behaviour and interpersonal communication. Target groups are young adults and local community groups. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners´ demand for learning Guidance /counseling / information or other support activities Young adults /15-25age range/ at risk of social marginalisation Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation: Fakulta ekonomiky a manažmentu Slovenskej poľ nohospodárskej univerzity Name of the contact person: Elena Horská Address: Trieda A. Hlinku 2, 949 76 Nitra E-mail: Elena.Horska@fem.uniag.sk Tel: 00421 37 6508 124 Fax: 00421 37 6511 589 Organisation/Project Website: Partners FH Joanneum, GmbH, Graz, AT Juhoč eská univerzita v v Č eských Budejoviciach, Pedagogická fakulta, Č eské Budejovice, CZ Szent István University, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Godollo, HU University of Oviedo, Faculty of Arts, Oviedo, ES 325 SLOVENSKO REPUBLICA Project Reference: 06-SVK01-S2G01-00023-1 10 Crafts The aim of the project is to prepare the material and instruction for work with the different materials and tools which are characteristic for partner institutions. The priority of this project is to publish craft of work for corresponding regions. It will be prepared material, which will be used by users and clients for their enforcement and help to promote some regions as well inform other partner institutions with singleness and craft view on art and crafts in region. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 Basic skills Information technology Learning about European countries / the European Union Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners´ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach /es/ Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Persons living in rural or disadvantages areas Disabled persons Senior citizens Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating organisation Name of the organisation:Asociácia remeselníkov Karpát – Východné Slovensko Name of the contact person: Gabriel Huraj Address: Generála Svobodu 4, 083 01 Sabinov E-mail: arkvs@pobox.sk Tel: 00421 1 907 354 237 Fax: Organisation/Project Website: Partners Vilniaus Židinio“ Suaugusiuju vidurine mokykla, Vilň us, LT National Association of Folk Art nad Crafts, Raade, NO 326 FINLAND SUOMI-FINLAND Project reference: 06-FIN01-S2G01-0006-3 Gender Equality in Learning and Employment The aim of the project is exchange and analysis of good and best practice between participating institutions regarding the gender issue in adult education. Also to make a common analysis of the possibilities of new strategies for a gender balanced labour market. Exchange of approaches to establish a balanced distribution of responsibilities between women and men in order to recognise male and female identities are one of sector of project. Exchange and analysis of good and best practice in countering gender based disadvantage-widening the focus to include others such as gays, lesbians and transsexuals disadvantaged by gender. Developing of common European innovative concepts and approaches for the progress of equity of women and men based on consultation with adult trainers and other staff and with the target group q. Aim of dissemination of the products of the learning partnership project beyond the participating institutions in all partner countries to ensure a broad impact of the best practice in Europe. Establishment, development and sustainable work of the highly competent, flexible and innovative network at European level, which is based on sustainable work of a highly competent, flexible and innovative network at European level, which is based on earlier, independent initiative, outcomes of real value and will extend beyond the stage of the project funding Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3 rd Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Dissemination of the best practice examples Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Aikuisopettajien liiitto ry.AKOL Name of the contact person: Marja Liisa Pentti Address: Rautalieläisenkatu 6 a 0052 o Helsinki Finland E-mail: marja-liisa.pentti@akol.fi Tel: +358 9 150 24 27 Fax: +358 9 150 24 18 Website: www.akol.fi Partners Wirtschaftsförderungsininstitut – WIFI ÖSTERRIEICH- Internationaler Know-how Transfer, AT Associazione Formazione 80, IT Consorzio Lavoro e Ambiente, IT Presov Regional Chamber of Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry , SK 327 SUOMI-FINLAND Project reference: 06-FIN01-S2G01-00048-1 RTE - Route towards Europe The RTE Project brings together various Programme/Process concerned with the dynamics of Active Citizenship in Cultural European context. Each Partner shall develop a local project -+process and shall report in an agreed and structured way, on its different phases using ICT. The general aim is to develop, learn and disseminate practical pathways towards this goal. The Partners strongly share the view that this growing group of European Citizens can play an increasingly important role in society through their involvement in local and regional projects and thereby and quality of life of the Older Citizen as well as in the general area if social Capital. RTE wile exchange expertise and good practice in relation to enrolment, retention monitoring, managing, and assessment and progression strategies. The dynamics of learning and teaching will benefit both partners and participants. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues European Identity Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas ( Local community groups Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Hyvinkää Adult Education institute Name of the contact person: Virpi Wegge, Ms Address: Helenenkatu 21 E-mail: virpi.wegge@hyvinkaa.fi Tel: +358 400 531 791 Fax: +358 19 459 22 82 Website: http://www..hyvinkaankansalaisopisto.net/ Partners Kirönmaan Adult Education centre, FI BIFHE Belfast Institute of further and Higher Education, UK Senior University – University of La Coruña, ES Chemnitz University of Technology, Department of further education and vocational training, DE VHS Weiden / Neustsadt .eV. Folkhighschool, DE AICCRE – Emilia Romagna Federation, IT 328 SUOMI-FINLAND Project reference: 06-FIN01-S2G01-00017-1 PERFECT - Peaceful European Road for Educating Citizens Together Peaceful co-existence of people with different cultural backgrounds in the European countries has become a central topic of social discourse and also a major topic of the educational institutions of adult education this development has resulted in a number of programmatic challenges. The project will examine the best practise s used in the member countries and organisations. It will deal with the questions of citizens and intercultural communication and this concentrate promoting democratic and equal opportunities for all the participants. The aims of the project are divided in two categories: 1) To foster active citizens on European level • By activating participants to discuss and reflect on European values and achievements (e.g. democracy, tolerance, equality, liberty) • By activating the target groups to take part of social events, seminars and workshops dealing with European values and achievements • By raising levels of awareness to promote tolerance and equality and thus combat racism and xenophobia 2) To identify the unifying factors which lead us back to identical approaches to our specific needs. We have in fact the same EU values like liberty, equality, tolerance and yet our approaches and reactions are so different. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Guidance /counselling or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas ( Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Innova Adult Education Centre Name of the contact person: Petri Satarauta Address: PL 49, FI-23801 Laittila E-mail: Petri.sotarauta@lakk.fi Tel: +358 40 710 44 40 Fax: +358 2 856 851 Website: /www..lakk.fi Partners Ecole Industrielle de Marcinelle –Monceau, BE Centro de educación de personas adultas "Francisco Largo Caballero", ES Volkshochschule für den Landkreis Regen, DE Kusadasi Halk Egitim Merkezi (Kusadasi Public Education Centre), TR 329 SUOMI-FINLAND Project reference: 06-FIN01-S2G01-00028-2 YOUNG FARMER - New ideas for sustainability and farm development via European young farmer's exchange Agriculture is going though a fast change in the whole Europe. Europe. Every year a good number of farms give up production and the size of farms is increasing. People are moving to population centres, young people don't find rural jobs interesting and population in the countryside is aging. Farmers should find answers to following questions: How to maintain farming as a family business? How to get sufficient income on reasonable amount of work? How to enhance sustainable development on one's own farm? How to reconcile environment respect and agricultural activity? How to manage changing regulations coming from EU and from local authorities? In this challenging situation farmers need alternative strategies for developing their enterprises and keeping the countryside alive. Young farmers play an important role in finding new possibilities for the countryside. The idea of this project is that young farmers together with agricultural adult education, organisations acquire knowledge and experiences from other countries and change ideas with farmers from other countries. Young farmers will apply these experiences in promoting the vitality of their own region and on developing their own farms. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Learning about European countries/the European Union Sustainable development Rural development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas ( Women Young farmers COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Keski- Pohjanmaan maaseutuopisto / Central Ostrobothnia Rural Institute Name of the contact person: Mr. Jarmo Matintalo Address: Ollikkalankatu 3, 69100 KANNUS, Finland E-mail: jarmo.matintalo@kpedu.fi Tel: +358 44 7250 620 Fax: +358 6 8748 201 Website: www. Kpedu.fi Partners CFPPA de Saint Pouange, Pouange / the centre for Further Training of Saint –Pouange, FR Bukiškiu Žemės Ukio Mokykla / the Center for further Education in Agriculture, Bukiskiu Agricultural School, LT 330 SUOMI-FINLAND Project reference: 06-FIN01-S2G01-00027-2 Recording memories and traditions for the future The project aims to activate elderly people to participate in the life long learning and thus maintain their inTellectual and memory and to avoid exclusion from the role of active citizen. During the project we will arrange study groups where the attendants can remember and record old memories. In connections with the project the participants will also learn to use services provided by the internet when retrieving and presenting information. Also the group leaders have possibilities to become acquainted with the methods that are used in different countries. For the group leader there will be a short training, too. Local schools, tourist's entrepreneurs, quid's archive and museums will also exploit the material that is collected and recorded in study groups. Personal memories complement historiography and make it live. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Intercultural issues Local history and tradition Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas ( Local community groups Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kuusankosken työväenopisto / Adult Education Centre of Kuusankoski Name of the contact person: Mr. Seppo Tahvanainen Address: Valtakatu 38 B 45700 KUUSANKOSKI, Finland E-mail: Seppo Tahvanainen @ Kuusankoski.fi Tel: +358 5 2804 449 Fax: +358 5 2804 493 Website: www. Kuusankoski.fi and http://www.memtra.frack.dk Partners Pärnu Rahvaülikool, Rääma Noorte Űhing Noorus / Pärnu Folk University, EE Biersted Lokalhistorisk Forening /Local Historical / Association of Biersted in cooperation with LOF of Jammerbugt, DK Petöfi Kulturális KHT / Cultural Centre, HU 331 SUOMI-FINLAND Project reference: 06-FIN01-S2G01-00044-1 EX-MEMO 4 ALL (Exchange of Experience in Teaching and Evaluation Methods and Motivational Methods in Adult Language Learning The purpose of this is to canvas methods to facilitate adult language learning irrespective of social economic status geographic location, literary skills, state-of – the art technology or adult learner's native language. The objectives of this project are as follows: • Exchange of best practices in using different kinds of language teaching materials, with emphasis on e-learning materials in adult education • Exchange of best practices in adult language e-learning • Exchange of good practises in teaching methods, self evaluation and evaluation methods • Exchange of methods of motivating • Exchange of adult learner's e-learning experiences • Creating a network of adult education providers involved in language teaching • Canvassing existing networks of language professionals • Canvassing methods for facilitating efficient ways of language teaching /learning among adult learners from different target groups, such as: learners living in rural areas, senior learners, immigrants. Duration: 1 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Learning about European Countries /the European Union Information technology Languages Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas ( Economically or socially disadvantages group, unemployed COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Savon Ammatti-ja aikuisopisto, Kuopio/Savo Vocational College, Kuopio Name of the contact person: Ms. Anni Kartunen Address: Vuorelankatu 5-7 FI- 70 300 Kuopio, Finland, Finland E-mail: anni.karttunen @ sakki.fi Tel: +358 44 785 86 90 Fax: +358 17 214 87 02 Website: www. sakki.fi Partners OVSG- onderwijssecretariat van de Steden en Gemeenten van De Vlasme Gemeenschap (Education Secretariat of the cities and Municipalities of the Flemish Community) BE AKTIVITY SLOVAKIA SK 332 SUOMI-FINLAND Project reference: 06-FIN01-S2G01-00030-2 AENERT - The adult Education Network in the field of Ecological and Rural Tourism The main aim is to set up an Educational Network Between adult education staff and students in the field of ecological and rural tourism and to improve the training for the adult providers of nature based and rural tourism by intercultural cooperation, exchange of experience and development of new courses in different aspects of this sector of local economies. The Target groups are educational institutions engaged in ecological and rural tourism education; adult providers of rural and eco tourism who are seeking diversification of their business; women and young adults living in rural areas. Main activities include initial meeting, awareness raising, workshops and seminars for the development and elaboration of curriculum focusing on sustainable tourism product development with consideration of the local condition and international demands. The curriculum will include ecological and socio-cultural aspects, and will result in the production of educational manuals, brochures and a web-site. At the end of the project a final conference will be held. Expected outputs: transfer of know-how between adult educational institutions in the field of ecological and rural tourism, methodology and curricula development on ecological and rural tourism for adult providers of tourism in rural area. Producing manuals, leaflets articles and web-site. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Environment Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas ( Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Tampere College, Kuru Institute of Forestry Name of the contact person: Jukka Aro Address: Metsätie 1 34300 KURU, Finland E-mail: jukka.aro @ tpui.fi Tel: +358 20 714 79 05 Fax: +358 20 714 79 11 Website: www. Tpu.fi/kmo Partners Luua Metsanduskool (Luua forestry College) EE Rize Halk Eğitim Merkezi (Rize Vocational Training Centre) TR 333 SUOMI-FINLAND Project reference: 06-FIN01-S2G01-00038-2 The role of artists in learning communities° This project aims to show best practise and raise awareness and understanding of the processes involved in successfully negotiating and implementing public and socially engaged art. This will be achieved over three years and will involve active participation of professional artists, arts educators, learners and staff from each organisation through a research programme participatory contextual art projects, seminars and workshops. This partnership of higher educational institutions and organisations engaged in contextual arts practice aims to: • Develop strategic links between formal and non-formal education providers • Conduct research into best practise in the domain of art and society and the developing role of the artist in this context • Develop quality criteria for maintaining and improving professional standards • Be instrumental in combating social exclusion on a social and cultural level • Identify models of good and innovative practice nationally and internationally • Create a module descriptor that will accredit learning associated with project activities • Promoting professional contextual arts practise through education, information and research • Integrate different communities • Provide opportunities for learning experiences in art and environment projects Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach (es) Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Turku University of Applied Sciences Continuing Education & Services Name of the contact person: Traina Erävaara Address: Kaskenkatu 5, 20700 Turku Finland E-mail: taina.eravaara @ turkuamk.fi Tel: +358 50 598 52 83 Fax: +358 10 553 52 00 Website: www. taideakatemia.turkuamk.fi Partners National College of Art Design, IE COOPERATIONS ASBL, LU Svenska Yrkeshögskola, Kultur, FI 334 SUOMI-FINLAND Project reference: 06-FIN01-S2G01-00036-2 MERLIN, StoryTelling as Lifelong Learning° The storyTelling should get reactivated both as art and cultural treasure of the people. The Telling of fair tales, legends and stories about the regions makes up one part of it. Furthermore, the discovery and reconstruction of stories about the stories, which fell into oblivion, is utterly vital. The exchange of experiences of all the countries will develop a real learning partnership. Aims: 1. The main aim is to use storyTelling as a tool life-wide learning. The project aims to use storyTelling as tool to explore cultural identity and awareness and to facilitate the growth of personal development. 2. To make the organisation get involved in an attractive destination of dynamic cultural growth where the people may explore their roots. 3. The project will also attempt to use storyTelling as a vehicle for promoting understanding and co-operation on local and global level. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd year Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues Media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach (es) Migrants/travellers/etnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Marginalised groups Senior citizens Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Oy Yleisradio Ab. Draamaosasto Name of the contact person: Leena Virtanen Address: Radiokatu 5, PL 91 FIN-00024 YLE Finland E-mail: leena.virtanen @ yle.fi Tel: +358 40 869 11 59 Fax: +358 9 148 1809 Partners AOFSvendborg Daghoejskole, Adult Learning Centre, DK Adulta Oy (Adultan radio-ja Televisio-opisto), FI Zaidimu teatras, LT IM Informatikai Maganiskola Kft, Szanto K. J.u. 64, HU 335 SWEDEN SVERIGE Project reference: 06-SWE01-S2G01-0003-1 Creative Listening – Extended Informal Learning for Music Experiences The project carries as its point of departure a confidence in the concept of life-long learning and the belief that access to and knowledge about a wide range of music is an important part of the single individual’s development rights in a democratic society. The focus is on adults’ potential of learning music and the extension of adult learner’s abilities of experiencing music through informal educational means. The aim of the project is to exchange experiences about and to develop methodology concerning different kinds of informal education of adults towards and through music. Simply put: How to bring people in contact with music they not formally would have discovered? Some of the methodologies to be shared are informal lectures in music history, composer workshop for inexperienced adults and workshop for extending music teachers’ creative abilities through improvisation and arts. Success of the project is measured in terms of active participants’ extended methodologies repertoire, implementation of what is learned into everyday work, increased understanding of the use of informal educational means for extending adults’ listening abilities and increased understanding of the European informal music educational field. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Arts, music, culture Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other (describe if applicable): People with little or limited experience of music COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Musikhögskolan I Piteå, Luleå Tekniska Universitet Name of the contact person: Sidsel Karlsen Address: P.O. Box 744, 941 28 Piteå E-mail: muh-registrator@ltu.se Tel: +46 911 726 00 Fax: +46 911 726 10 Website: Partners Norsk musikkråd Sør-Trøndelag, NO Vorarlberger Landeskonservatorium GmbH, DE Choral Society Armonia of Preveza, GR Society “Oleru manor”, LV Fondazione Scuole Civiche di Milano, IT 336 SVERIGE Project reference: 06-SWE01-S2G01-0008-1 COTOLODE – Community toolkit for Local Development A must have toolkit for every local developer. Based upon experience of the four-country partnership a toolkit of innovative techniques and engagement methods will be developed which development workers and learning providers can use in community setting to enable individuals or community groups to better engage with learning and become Active Citizens. The partners will train each other in their own area of expertise to enable partners to participate. These techniques will be taken from the best practise examples used in the four participating countries: Sweden, oral skills, Portugal, art skills, TÜRKIYE, teambuilding skills, France, practical skill. This toolkit will then be used in a variety of learning settings in each of the participating countries with support from the other partners. After this trial period the partnership will evaluate the success of the new techniques in their country based on feedback from participants, community works, learning providers and appropriate external bodies. The toolkit will then be refined and improved before being retried in the third year by partners prior to dissemination. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Nämnden för arbetsmarknad och vuxenutbildning, Komvux Piteå Name of the contact person: Matz Lindberg Address: Lidgatan 2, 941 50 Piteå E-mail: info@nav.pitea.se Tel: +46 911 696 440 Fax: +46 911 923 13 Website: Partners Municipio de Óbidos, PT Greta Industriel de l’Agglomération Lyonnaise, FR Training Foundation of Turkish Construction and Installation Workers (INISEV), TR 337 SVERIGE Project reference: 06-SWE01-S2G01-00028-1 ARTSECTRA – Sahring Cultural Enrichment through the Arts The project is designed to engage adult people in learning through the arts, music, story Telling and literature in informal settings in libraries and community centres etc. All the partner organisations are involved with marginalised sections of the community including ethnic groups, ex-offenders, persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas and people with basic skills needs. It is important to make people more selfconfident and empower them to integrate into the community. Our project will encourage them to use ideas and tools from their own personal background and familiar to them in order to associate more easily with other people. Through this exchange of ideas, mutual respect and understanding will lead to people becoming valued members of the community. The project will result in Art Exhibition, performances, video films, literature, translations and CD-ROMs. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other: low-educated immigrants COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Vuxenutbildningen I Borlänge kommun Name of the contact person: Nadia Jansson Abdulkarim Address: 781 81 Borlänge E-mail: nadia.jansson-abdulkaraim@edu.borlange.se Tel: +46 243 662 87/ 740 00 Fax: +46 243 748 76 Website: Partners Leicester Adult Education College, UK, Camara Municipal de Cuba, PT Centre de resources Illettrisme et Pédagogique, FR Ligue de l’Enseignement-Federation des Oeuvres Laiques du Loiret, FR Afyonkarahisar Milli Egitim Müdürlügü, TR Netop (netvaerk for pplysing), DK 338 SVERIGE Project reference: 06-SWE01-S2G01-00042-1 LAPH - Learning Aphasia The project concerning adults with acquired aphasia. Aims and objectives: To share and exchange knowledge in how to provide and improve education/training for adults with acquired aphasia including those in the chronic phase and their significant others and thereby enhance participation in social life for this group. In order to achieve this LAPH will work with three topics in the field of teaching people with acquired aphasia in all its phases: Material used in education and training, Education; courses, study circles etc and Methods used in education and training for the target group and related groups. We wish to explore the social and environmental factors that facilitate participation of adults with aphasia in life long learning activities thus addressing specific needs of people with aphasia. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Other: education for adults with aphasia their relatives and volunteers Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Föreningen Furuboda Name of the contact person: Kerstin Olofsson Address: Furuboda KC, 296 86 Åhus E-mail: kerstin.olofsson@furuboda.se Tel: +46 44 781 46 00 Fax: +46 44 781 46 01 Website: Partners Afasifyren, Kristianstads kommun, SE Eesti Afaasialiit, EE, Aivohalvaus-ja dysfasialiitto ry, FI Speech and language Therapy Department, IE ALIAS, Associazione Ligure Afasici, IT Afasie Vereniging, NL Afasiecenturm Rotterdam, NL 339 SVERIGE Project reference: 06-SWE01-S2G01-00047-1 SALILL – Stories and Legends in Langugae Learning The project aims to increase the motivation of European citizens to learn a foreign language and to encourage intercultural communication using a common foreign language. We will mostly use the English language. However, some of the participating schools will also work with the Spanish and German languages. After the first year the project may be extended to include French. The central point of the project is to work in a foreign language with fairy tales, legends and other stories from the different countries and regions. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 1st Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Project Objectives Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Ädelfors folkhögskola Name of the contact person: Pelle Nordin Address: Kunskapens väg 3, 570 15 Holsbybrunn E-mail: pelle.nordin@adelfors.nu Tel: +46 36 168 320 Fax: +46 36 Website: Partners Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Ronda, ES Kingston Adult Education, UK NCO Metodinis Sambüris, LT Narodno Chitalishte Razvitie, BG 340 SVERIGE Project reference: 06-SWE01-S2G01-00054-1 2nd language: key in to society To enable access to the students total skills, capacity and possibilities through working topics within the areas of how to get the access to the labour market and how to be able to participate and be a total part of the society. The learning of the second language will then become a natural tool to achieve the new knowledge instead of being the main goal of it self. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Other : plan and form the access to integration and to the labour market Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: Marginalised groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Comptens i Götaland AB Name of the contact person: Eva-Lena Hammerin Address: Skebokavrnasvägen 370, 124 50 Bandhagen E-mail: eva-lena.hammerin@competens.se Tel: +46 8 724 45 20 Fax: +46 8 568 79 360 Website: Partners Tartu Ülikool (Tartu Unmiversity), EE Direzione didattica statale, Loreto, IT Raupe vog, BE Qualification cntre Introhuset, Sveio, NO 341 SVERIGE Project reference: 06-SWE01-S2G01-00060-1 StepS - Stepping Stones into the Digital World The project aims to share experiences on how to best teach digital literacy do adult learners that otherwise risk being excluded from information society. The objectives are to promote basic ICT skills, lower the threshold and increase the motivation and skills of the staff. Material, methods and good experiences will be shared resulting in a best practice guide produced at the end of the two year project. In order to achieve an inclusive digital society library, information centres and adult educational institutions have an important role to play. The partnership of StepS is built on organizations like this in eight countries representing the North, the East, Central and South of Europe. The work will revolve around project meetings in some of the participating countries and ICT will play a key role in the communication between the partners. The project will raise awareness on the need for digital literacy and put focus on groups who are in need of extra guidance and counselling like senior citizens and migrants. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Information technology Intercultural issues Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Senior citizens Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Alingsås Bibliotek Name of the contact person: Jan Andrée Address: Södra Ringgatan 3, 441 81 Alingsås E-mail: jan.andree@alingsas.se Tel: +46 322 616 610 Fax: +46 322 636 674 Website: Partners Stiftung Digitale Chancen, DE, Tampereen kaupiningkriajston tietorit, FI Latvia Adults Edcuation Association, LV, Vejle Bibliotek, DK, Oppland fylkesbibliotek, NO SPZN (Teachers Trade Union), Porto, PT, Centro Territoriale permanente di Fornovo di Taro, IT 342 SVERIGE Project reference: 06-SWE01-S2G01-00024-2 Europe in Person To motivate adults to develop communication skills, confidence and understanding of their European partners by getting them to publish onto a Website, setting up a Website for this purpose and by involving a wide range of learning groups. To do with input from staff in different countries and including language learning where required. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Vuxenutbildningen I Sandviken Name of the contact person: Yann L’haridon Address: Kyrkogatan 16, 811 80 Sandviken E-mail: yann.lharidon@sandviken.se Tel: +46 26 241 129 Fax: +46 26 259 975 Website: Partners City of Edinburgh council, UK Association “Savoir pour reussir”, FR 343 SVERIGE Project reference: 06-SWE01-S2G01-00082-2 Adult Immigrant Learners Needs for socio-cultural Integration Experimentation with pedagogical methods concerning cultural aspects and introduction of validation In our institutions we notice that some of the immigrants cope badly with our educational system. We are not good enough in motivating them and meeting their expectations in order for them to be integrated into society fast enough. In some cases these immigrants feel trapped in ours schools since we are bad at giving them credit for the skills and knowledge they have acquired earlier. Another important factor is that the cultural understanding from both teaching staff and immigrant learners is not good enough to avoid problems in communication. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Vuxentubildningen I Lidköpings kommun Name of the contact person: Jörgen Öberg Address: Tornväktargatan 14, 531 53 Lidköping E-mail: ove.brodin@lidkoping.se Tel: +46 510 770 951 Fax: +46 510 771 095 Website: Partners Rete CTP della provincial di Padova-CTP 46 Diego Valeri, IT Ålesund Voksenopplaeringssenter, NO Itäkeskuksen Aikuuislukio, Helsinki, FI Centro de Educacion de Adultos Albunol, ES Gáspár András Szakközépiskola, Szakiskola és Zentrum, Kecsemét, HU Direccion provincial de Salamnca, ES 344 UNITED KINGDOM UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00090-1 Get the Message – SMS – Specific Marketing Strategies This project will link adult education providers from institutions in the UK, Belgium, Greece, Germany and Poland. The focus is on the many and varied creative marketing and recruitment strategies used by institutions to attract heard to reach learners. The Learning Partnership will provide the opportunity for staff and learners to share expertise and knowledge about the barriers that must be overcome when promoting learning to adult learners and “getting their message” across to priority/target groups. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1 Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) st Basic Skills Marketing and student recruitment strategies for priority learners Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups. Unemployed persons, persons in prison (plus ex drug uses in treatment) Volunteers and professionals working in adult education COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Ashton Sixth Form College Name of the contact person: Ms Jo Fletcher-Saxon Address: Darnton Raod, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire, OL6 9RL E-mail: jmf@astc.ac.uk Tel: (44) 0161 3302330 / 6668224 Fax: (44) 0161 3391772 Partners Bristol City Council Adult Learning Service (UK) De Groene Kans Vzw (BE) Volkshochschule Vaterstetten (DE) Volkshochschule Löbau-Zittau (DE) Therapy Centre for Dependent Individuals (GR) Centrum Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego ((PL) 345 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00095-1 EUROPE NET The project will create a European Learning Partnership (Europe Net) to foster cooperation and joint learning between adult learning providers, adult learning practitioners, learners and community learning support organisations. The partnership will focus on engaging and empowering adult learners to identify and articulate their needs and contribute to the design and delivery of learning that meets their requirements. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1 Area(s) covered st Active Citizenship Languages Information Technology Education for parents Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Management of adult education organisation / institution Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Women Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council Name of the contact person: Mr Tom Smith Address: Education Services, Adult Education, Berneslai Close, Barnsley S70 2HS E-mail: tomsmith@barnsley.gov.uk Tel: (44) 1226 775270 Fax: (44) 1226 775296 Partners Osrodek Doskonaleia Nauczycieli (PL) Vuxenutbildningen I Ängelholms Kommun (SE) Associación Idem (ES) 346 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00097-1 Exploring the Art of Dying Wool with Natural Plants and Associated Needlecrafts Participating countries will identify a small group of tutors interested in sharing and exploring needlecraft skills and the Art of Dying Wool from natural plants. The skills will be chosen for their ease of learning but also for the traditions, stories and histories attached to them. Learners and tutors will be invited to host and attend workshop session in order to share and compare their craft techniques. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 st The Art of Dying Wool using natural plants Exploring local crafts, traditional to each country/region Developing Entrepreneurial skills Exploring regional approaches to marketing crafts Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Management for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups. Unemployed persons, persons in prison (plus ex drug uses in treatment) Volunteers and professionals working in adult education COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education Name of the contact person: Nuala Bradley Address: Dunlewey Centre 1a Dunlewey Street E-mail: nbradley@belfastinstitute.ac.uk Tel: (44) 028 90234055 Fax: (44) 028 90241963 Partners Asociacion De Veginos ‘As Burgas’ (ES) Yeni Cagdas Santcilar Dernegi (TR) 347 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00006-1 Pro-Active - Project Active Project Active involves a cross section of governmental, non-governmental, private and community agencies working with long term unemployed to identify the barriers to employment and active citizenship faced by this category of unemployed people from the regions of Europe where the project partners are active. We will review the information collated in the context of regional characteristics and in respect of each partner country’s domestic unemployment benefit arrangements. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 st Basic skills Active citizenship Intercultural Issues Information Technology Sustainable Development Environment Strategy for Stimulating /promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance /counselling/ information or other support service Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: British Trust for Conservation Volunteers Name of the contact person: Colin Youngs Address: 171 Sidwell Street, Exeter Street, Exeter, Devon EX4 6RH E-mail: cc.youngs@btcv.org.uk Tel: (44) 1392 496687 Fax: (44) 1392 666464 Partners Urad práce ve Vsetinê (CZ) Platres Youth Centre Network (CY) 348 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00012-1 Tales from the Past – Stories for the Future Project aims to use storyTelling as a tool for groups of language learners, culminating in an annual storyTelling festival in Wales. The storyTelling will be different in each partner organisation and could be through a range of performance techniques. The process in each country will be documented and shared by means of video, photography, IT etc. The motivation for the project stems from a belief that in order to foster understanding and harmony between cultures it is necessary to know our own roots –this knowledge is often lacking in today’s modern world, leading to all sorts of social and individual problems. This project seeks to attempt in a small way to address this. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 st Intercultural Issues Languages Learning About European Countries / the European Union Arts Music Culture Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Local community groups Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Cardiff Council Name of the contact person: Jane Booty Address: County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff Bay, Cardiff CF10 4UW E-mail: eastmoorsac@cardiff.gov.uk Tel: (44) 29 20 462858 Fax: (44) 29 20 462858 Partners Public Institution Service Language Centre (LT) Kolping Bildungswerk Wuertt (DE) Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (ES) Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea della Bassa Lunigiana (IT) Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs (BE) 349 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00180-1 Fifty Onwards The FIFTY ONWARDS project aims to address the learning needs of older people in the 50 plus age range. It will look at ways in which learning opportunities can increase self-esteem and motivation, thereby encouraging people to be more confident of their ability to stay active in both society and the labour market. The partnership will work towards producing an information pack in the form of a toolkit that will highlight the needs and opportunities for this target group. Throughout the duration of the project, learners and people in the 50+ age group will play a key role in visits, activities and the production of outcomes. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 st Basic Skills Active Citizenship Intercultural issues Information Technology Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Disabled persons Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities People in 50 plus age bracket COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: European Institute of Social Services Name of the contact person: Linda Taylor Address: University of Kent, Keynes College, Canterubry,CT7 4NP E-mail: l.s.taylor@kent.ac.uk Tel: (44) 1227 827583 Fax: (44) 1227 827246 Partners BIT Schulungscentter Nfg GmbH & Co KG (AT) Centre Aide par le Travail (CAT) Jacques Monod (FR) The City & Guilds of London Institute (UK) 350 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00123-1 Memento Memento is a community based art project for community groups, artists and adult education providers. The project will celebrate cultural diversity in the local community by developing art projects, which explore local inhabitant's culture and ethnicity, through personal mementos, souvenirs, keepsakes or tokens. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 st Intercultural issues Information Technology Learning about European countries / the European Union Arts, music, culture Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Senior Citizens Local Community Groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Greenwich Community College Name of the contact person: Mathew Kolakowski Address: King George Building, Royal Hill, Greenwich SE10 8PY E-mail: matt@gcc.ac.uk Tel: (44) 208 305 4287 Fax: (44) 208 293 9883 Partners University of the Third Age (PL) TACA – Artists Assoc. of Girona (ES) OVSG (BE) Estonian Academy of Arts (EE) Esperino Lyceum Prevezas, (GR) 351 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00022-1 Visiting in Prison The aim of the project is to create a resource (namely a book) to support children and families visiting prison. Each prison represented will work with learners to produce a book which will reflect that particular prison’s visiting process. Each of these books will be translated into English and will be used as tools to teach partner countries about prison systems and culture, as well as encouraging learners to reflect on the issued surrounding being a parent in prison. During the visits to partner countries good practice will be shared and teaching resources provided to help support the teaching of the European dimension and parenting skills. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 st Basic Skills Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/ the European Union Information technology Education for parents Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Children and families of prisoners COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Her Majesty’s Prison Wolds Name of the contact person: Sandy Watson Address: Sands Lane, Everthorpe, Brough HU15 2JZ E-mail: Tel: (44) 1430 428000 Fax: (44) 1430 428001 Partners Her Majesty’s Prison Winchester (UK) Skolen, Statsængslet ved Horserod, (DK) Centro di Orientamento “don Bosco” (IT) CEALA La Victoria (ES) 352 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00118-1 Literacy through Legend The project aims to bring together organisations that are working with people with functional literacy problems in different European countries. It will support two specific aims. i) To exchange good practice amongst professional practitioners ii) To pilot an innovative way of delivering functional literacy support to adults. This latter aim will be achieved by encouraging adult learners to research local, regional or national legends and to present information about their findings at transnational meetings of the partnership. In this way, the learners will develop oral, aural and written skills, presentation skills and the accompanying growth in self esteem and confidence. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: First Basic Skills Intercultural issues Learning about European countries/ the European Union Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Lancaster and Morecambe College Name of the contact person: John Perry Address: Morecambe Road, Lancaster LA1 2TY E-mail: j.perry@lmc.ac.uk Tel: (44) 1524 521 216 Fax: (44) 1524 843078 Partners Fondazione Santo Stefano (IT) Dogansehir Adult Education Centre (TR) NPA Keila-Joa Training Centre (EE) 353 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00175-1 The Nature of Learning – Taking Learning Outdoors The project is concerned with the Scandinavian concept of ‘Green Schools’, sometimes known as ‘Nature Nurseries’ or ‘Forest Schools’. It is essentially a project to investigate, inform and share good practice in the setting up and running of Green Schools. The project focuses on developing the use of the outdoors as a learning environment, and will enable adults, whether employed, parents or volunteers, who are working or preparing to work within these settings with both children and young people, to share ideas across a range of European partners and educate themselves towards notions of best practice. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 st Learning about European countries/ the European Union Information technology Sustainable development Health Education for parents Environment Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Northumberland College Name of the contact person: Stewart Deas Address: College Road, Ashington, Northumberland NE63 9RG E-mail: stewart.deas@northland.ac.uk Tel: (44) 1670 841226 Fax: (44) 1670 841201 Partners Estonian Survival Society (EE) North Matra Environmental Protection Association (HU) Siauliai University (LT) Invewrde VZW (BE) Social and Pedagogical Measures Bildungsstätte Einschlingen (DE) Private Darussafaka High School (TK) 354 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00075-1 LaFOra – Learning Families Outside The project aims to explore how non-formal experiential outdoor activities delivered within a family context can improve technical, personal and social skills, including self esteem and confidence of the adults and children involved. The target group includes immigrants, Roma, rurally isolated and unemployed adults with few or no formal qualifications and families where the children are under-achieving at school. Activities developed by partners will encourage social integration and active citizenship, promote intercultural understanding and develop healthy lifestyles. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 st Basic Skills Active Citizenship Intercultural Issues Sustainable development Arts, music, culture Health Education for parents Environment Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Oxfordshire County Council Social and Community Services Name of the contact person: Karen FairFax-Cholmeley Address: The East Street Centre, Banbury OX16 3LJ E-mail: karenfair@bancec.org.uk Tel: (44) 1285 265427 Fax: (44) 1285 266825 Partners Santa Casa Da Misericordia De Santarém (PT) Solidários – Fundaçäo para a Desenvolvimento Coolerativo e Comunitario (PT) Baobab Association (ES) 355 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00211-1 Spoken Spaces This is a project about actively encouraging local communities to involve themselves with their historic and cultural centres through the medium of creative arts. The learning experience will be shared between the artists in the collaborating centres, and the participating adults will be able to engage with projects which have been generated in other countries. Their own work will be seen in a European context, and their words and activities presented in context with other languages and ideas. The outcome is to find a process into which non-specialist adults can contribute relevant critique within a changing cultural process which will lead to greater self-awareness and fulfilment. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1 st Active citizenship Sustainable technology Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Management of adult education organisation / institution Local community groups Local people who would not otherwise engage with activities or ideas of each centre, which could also include all the other groups listed COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: The Patrick-Allan Fraser of Hospitalfield Trust Name of the contact person: William Payne / Moira Scott Payne Address: Hospitalfield House, Arbroath DD11 2NH E-mail: wpayne@hosptialfield.org.uk Tel: (44) 1241 87233 Fax: Partners LandKunstLeben (DE) Mecklenburgisches Kunstlerhaus Schloss Pluschow (DE) Monostori Erod Komarom (HU) 356 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00119-1 P.A.D.D.L.E – Project to Accelerate the Development of Distance Learning Environments The project is to explore the use and methods of distance and e learning in the partner countries, and whether these can extend the range of education and training available to prisoners. It will explore how access to modern technologies influences the effectiveness of distance learning in prison. The project will involve prisoners in undertaking research, planning and discussion in choosing what they consider to be important dates of the year. This information will be exchanged among the different partner countries through distance learning packs developed and a calendar will be produced. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Basic Skills Intercultural Issues Learning about European Countries / the European Union Information technology Arts, music, culture Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Lauder College Name of the contact person: Ian Henderson Address: Halbeath, Dunfermline, Fife, KY11 8DY E-mail: mailbox@lauder.ac.uk Tel: (44) 01383 845000 Fax: (44) 01383 845001 Partners Oulu Secondary School for Adults (FI) Justizvollzugsanstalt Celle (DE) Bodoe Secondary School, Bodoe Prison (NO) 357 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00015-2 European Community Champions The aim of the project is to improve the capability of European trainers, tutors and community development facilitators by sharing best practice, across Europe, in order to enhance adult learning. Also, to analyse the effect that local ‘champions’ have on local community development as a by-product of their learning and to share this best practice across regional and European perspective. At the end of this project a toolkit for trainers containing resources and examples of best practice will be produced, together with a Website to disseminate the findings. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Active citizenship Learning about European countries/ the European Union Information technology The link between learning and local community champions and community regeneration Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Target Group(s) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Community Facilitators COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Cumbria Credits Limited Name of the contact person: Trudy Stammer Address: Unit 39, Carlisle Enterprise Centre, James Street, Carlisle CA2 5DB E-mail: trudystammer@aol.com Tel: (44) 7739 615667 Fax: (44) 17683 53473 Partners Business and Innovation Centre (SK) Mazovian Teacher Training Centre in Warsaw (PL) Local Neighbourhood Development Association “ Virgen de los Remedios” (ES) Kerigma-Institute of Innovation and Local Development of Barceos (PT) 358 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00148-2 Tandem plus Learning The aim of this project is to develop a learning / e-learning partnership, to facilitate mutual contact between language learners of English, German, Spanish and French by means of computer-based activities and exchange visits, and to engage adult learners through collaborative language and cultural activities. The envisaged results of this will be international friendships and visits, improved language skills, quizzes in four languages on eight European areas, and visitors’ packs in four languages with various tourist / cultural / language themes. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Languages Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Arts, music, culture Information technology Environment Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Senior citizens Adult Language Learners regardless of age or background COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education Name of the contact person: Babet Gray Address: Brunswick Street, BELFAST, BT2 7GX E-mail: bgray@belfastinstitute.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0)28 9026 5184 Fax: +44 (0)28 9026 5101 Partners Wicklow Further Education Centre (IE) Centre for Vocational Training and Agricultural Promotion (FR) Schorndorf Community High School (DE) North Yorkshire County Council (UK) Drummond Community High School (UK) EOI TOLEDO (ES) 359 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00203-2 PACT - Participatory Active Citizenship Tools PACT, Participatory Active Citizenship Tools for Engagement in the Educative and Political Process, will focus on practical tools or methods for assisting adult learners to participate fully in their decisions about learning and about engagement in democratic processes, thus becoming more active citizens. The tools that each partner will bring and therefore the topics of the project will depend on the methods in use in each partner’s country and the ones we choose to focus on will be established at the research and collation stage, and then several of these will be examined further through seminars and with the help of participants. Specific examples of these tools in the UK are: Philosophical Inquiry, Participatory Appraisal, Collaborative Inquiry, Planning for Real, and Appreciative Inquiry. Duration: 2 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Learning Link Scotland Name of the contact person: Shirley Catherine Grieve Address: Suite 6, 2 Commercial Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6JA E-mail: sgrieve@learninglinkscotland.org.uk Tel: +44 (0)131 553 7992 Fax: +44 (0)131 553 3870 Partners Oslo Adult Education Centre (NO) Lisbon University Foundation (PT) 360 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00185-2 RAOUL - Raising awareness of the use of language RAOUL has arisen from the conviction of its partners that the potential benefits of being able to use a language other than one’s own are overlooked by significant numbers of adults. RAOUL enables its partners to benefit from a panEuropean approach to raising awareness among individuals of the impact of other language competence in workplaces. The development of a motivational tool using the experience of teachers, learners, employees and potential employees in the partner countries will permit participants to explore and promote the advantages of being a competent linguist at work. The longer-term aspirations of the project will be that, in applying the promotional tool, interest in and demand for language learning will increase. In encouraging adults, as individuals, to recognise that language skills may enhance their employability, the project will also embrace consideration of the profile of languages in workplaces within the partner countries. Duration: 2 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Languages Learning about European countries / the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Leicester Adult Education College Name of the contact person: Pauline Swanton Address: Wellington Street, Leicester, LE1 6HL E-mail: ps1@laec.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0)116 233 4343 Fax: +44 (0)116 233 4344 Partners Associazione Internazionale Impegno Civile (IT) Volkshochschule Schopfheim (DE) Université Populaire du Rhin (FR) Cambridge English Language School (HU) 361 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00186-2 Social Inclusion for Adult Learners with Learning Disability This project offers providers of social care and adult education from different EU countries the opportunity to compare services particularly tailored for Adults with Learning Disabilities. Staff from these agencies will be able to collaboratively assess National Legislation for Adults with Learning Disabilities, self-advocacy, travel and housing matters, issues linked to the transition from young person to adult, education and employment opportunities, benefit systems and person centred planning. This comparison will enable the agencies to identify, apply and disseminate good practice to other appropriate organisations locally, nationally and internationally. The aim of the project is to support Adult Learners with Learning Disabilities so that they have a better chance of living independently. The project will improve services and raise the profile of successful work currently done in each partner’s country in isolation. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Active citizenship Learning about European countries / the European Union Information technology Education for parents Health Social inclusion, Life skills, Advocacy, Quality, Person Centred Planning Project Objectives Target Group(s) Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Disabled persons (Learning Disability) COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Middlesbrough Council, Department of Social Care Name of the contact person: Gabriela Rea Address: PO Box 234, Civic Centre Middlesbrough, TS1 2XH E-mail: gabriela_rea@middlesbrough.gov.uk Tel: +44 (0)1642 729 545 Fax: +44 (0)1642 729 984 Partners Iliana Papi Training Centre (GR) TÜRKIYE Disabled Education & Solidarity Foundation (TR) FEAFES Galicia (ES) 362 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00187-2 My Voice This project considers the development of learner focused community education that is based on the personal needs and circumstances through the active listening of potential learners so that they can actively design learning programmes that meet their needs. This will be initially achieved through the research and examination of different European approaches and methodology in engaging the participation of hard to reach learners and citizens within rural and urban districts. Adult and Community Education (Life Long Learning) has a variety of aims and objectives that differ from country to country. This project concentrates on the learning providers being non-formal community and voluntary sector based organisations that have the mutual aim of encouraging active community participation. A key objective in all countries is the active participation of the most disadvantaged members of the community and the active encouragement to become active citizens. The project aims to examine the learning and empowerment journeys of European citizens that want to learn in order to improve their circumstances but lack the confidence and resilience to make steps into formal education or take part in community initiatives. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Sustainable development Learning about European countries / the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: My Time Ltd Name of the contact person: Emma Twigg Address: 172 Herbert Road, Small Heath, Birmingham B10 0PR E-mail: emma@mytime.org.uk Tel: +44 (0)121 766 6699 Fax: +44 (0)121 766 6699 Partners National Ed. & Health Training foundation (TR) Neighbour Federation ‘Eduardo Chao’ (ES) Paritaetische Bundesakademie GmbH (DE) Local Activity Support Centre CAL (PL) 363 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00188-2 Interwrite The project consists of writing workshops in participating countries as a means of encouraging adults with reading and writing difficulties to find their voice. Through the medium of web pages, adults with reading and writing difficulties will communicate by stories, letters, pictures and/or questions via a dedicated Website. A translation facility will enable effective dialogue and a face-to-face meeting of participants will permit further sharing of experiences and motivate all those involved. Duration: 2 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2 nd Basic skills Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: New Leaf Publishers Name of the contact person: Anne Chester Address: 5 Wardley Road, Walton, Warrington, Cheshire E-mail: amchester@btinternet.com Tel: +44 (0)1925 267855 Fax: Partners GAMA (ES) Komvux Halmstad (SE) 364 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00018-2 Explorations in European Economic Education The project aims to enhance the skills of teachers and assistants by devising innovative education programmes that develop, with disadvantaged people, economic understanding – essentially: the value and uses of money for commercial exchange which improves opportunities, choices and quality of life for individuals and groups. The partners will achieve the aim by: developing contextually appropriate experiential and active learning programmes based on agreed underlying educational principles; by encouraging staff and students to develop their economic understanding. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Basic economics Consumer education Information technology Environment Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Pathways: Inspirational Development Ltd Name of the contact person: Ian Ball Address: Y Bwthyn Bachaethlon, Sarn. Newtown Powys E-mail: ianball@ntlworld.com Tel: +44 (0)1686 670 505 Fax: +44 (0)1686 670 505 Partners G. Galilei Commercial Technical Institute (IT) Nicolina Technical High School (RO) 365 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00001-2 The Three Cs – Coping with Cultural Changes in different European Areas Each partner has identified major socio-economic changes within the area where they work. All have access to, or are working with, groups of adult learners who have experienced these changes, but often find it difficult to cope with them. Partner members will use different media as innovative learning tools, e.g. drama, creative writing, art, digital photography, language with their target groups in order for the learners to gain greater understanding of how their lives have been affected by change and how they can best cope with those changes. The sharing of this learning will enable to target groups to appreciate not only the differences, but also the similarities between the various cultures of the partnership. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Arts, music, culture Health Environment Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Pendrell Hall College of Residential Adult Education Name of the contact person: David Evans Address: Codsall Wood, Staffordshire WV8 1QP E-mail: pendrell.college@staffordshire.gov.uk Tel: +44 (0)1902 434 112 Fax: +44 (0)1902 434 113 Partners Community Safety and Meditation Centre (RO) IRFATA (IT) The EB/Birgitta School Health Care Program for Adults (SE) Senioren-Buro mit Info-Zentrum Pflege (DE) 366 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00080-2 Empowerment and Disability: Informal learning through self-advocacy and life history This project promotes exchange between people with learning difficulties who are experienced self-advocates and university researchers that have worked with them to identify the extent and depth of their learning and the learning needs of people in their position. Its purpose is emancipatory. It aims to develop learning content and curriculum for experiential learners and identify ways of recognising the mainly informal educational and related achievements of people with learning difficulties in ways that challenge and help to transform socially excluding stereotypes. This entails developing increased numbers of self-advocates and furthering the place of people with learning difficulties in further and higher education in Europe. The project is inclusive and the outputs will be jointly authored. In a variety of ways, people’s positive life histories as learners will be used to develop relevant, challenging and advanced curriculum material that meets the research and learning demands of self-advocacy and helps secure a recognised place for self-advocates in universities. This will include opportunities to teach and learning experiences that can be accredited. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Learning disability Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Disabled persons Learning difficulty COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: The Open University Name of the contact person: Dr Ian Buchanan Address: Walton Hall, Milton Keynes E-mail: i.h.buchanan@open.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0)908 659 583 Fax: +44 (0)908 868 280 Partners Our New Future vzw (BE) University of Dublin, Trinity College (IE) Haskoli Islands (Uni of Iceland) (IS) 367 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00004-2 Re-Vision: Celebrating Diversity through Photography Seven European centres engaged in teaching and learning through practice in visual arts, crafts, design or media are cooperating on a shared programme of creative learning for socially disadvantaged adults. This innovative project is employing creative approaches to the practice of photography and IT, and led by experienced facilitators in local centres, adult learners create images and texts about how they see themselves and their circumstances. Such collaborative ‘learning through doing’ not only enables learners to re-view themselves in a positive and celebratory way but also encourages self-confidence and stimulates ambition. A Website, created as a virtual gallery of learners’ products, provides a means of learner interaction across all centres. The Re-Vision project is monitored through meetings for managers, facilitators and learners held in different centres within the partnership, alongside public exhibitions of learners’ texts and images. Virtual and physical dissemination of products and processes thus enriches the experience of participant learners, actively promotes social inclusion, shares good practice and innovative ideas, and provides a platform for further trans-national collaboration. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Bournville Centre for Visual Arts, University of Central England in Birmingham Name of the contact person: Tom Jones Address: Linden Road, Bournville, Birmingham, West Midlands, B30 1JX E-mail: tom.jones@uce.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0)121 331 5775 Fax: +44 (0)121 331 5779 Partners Ankara University (TR) ECO Mountain Club Carol Lehmann (RO) Co. Westmeath VEC Midland Arts (IE) LEB Thuringen e.V. (DE) Korsholms vuxeninstitut (FI) 368 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00192-2 RACATEL - Raising Civil Awareness through English Language This project will broaden civil participation by studying and comparing the municipal Websites of each partner in terms of their accessibility and effectiveness for local citizens. The various municipal Websites will be studied, with executive summaries being created in English. Each will be compared and assessed, and discussed with the different partners. A plenary assessment will be undertaken before a final study document is published in traditional and electronic formats. Through this activity, the project partners hope to improve internet skills, promote learning and discussion, gain understanding of similar contexts in other EU member states, and develop language skills. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Languages Learning about European countries / the European Union Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Local community groups Women Senior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Workers’ Educational Association (WEA) Name of the contact person: Edward Hartley Address: 99 Wickersley Road, Rotherham, S60 3PU E-mail: thartley@wea.org.uk Tel:+44 (0)1709 360 886 Fax: n/a Partners Link School of English (MT) Escuela Oficial de Idiomas (ES) Law University of Lithuania (LT) 369 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00070-2 It’s all in the mind. The project will work with a number of European partners to establish the training and support needs of training/teaching staff. This is to ensure that they are better able to work with, and support, learners experiencing mental health problems. The aim of this is to allow people with mental health problems to access mainstream learning as opposed to learning within dedicated or specialist environments. The project will define the term mental health disability for the purposes of this project and will identify the scope of disabilities which can be included for any training materials produced to support training staff. A literature review will be conducted by each participating organisation to establish the current strategy for supporting learners with mental health disabilities and to establish to what extent teaching staff are trained and supported. Furthermore, teaching methodologies will be explored together with identification and sharing of good practise. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Capacity building through shared expertise Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Yorkshire and Humber Development Consortium Ltd (YHDC) Name of the contact person: Khawar Iqbal Address: The Haweli, 2 Yew Tree Crescent, Bradford, BD8 0AG. E-mail: khawar@yhdc.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1274 223 784 Fax: +44 (0)1274 498 224 Partners Co Donegal VEC Adult Education Services (IE) Basbakanlik Ozurluler Idaresi Baskanligi Prime Ministry (TR) Djurslands folkehoejskole (DK) 370 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00065-3 TEDDY BEART winning the Elderly Disadvantaged and Disabled with the Young by Enabling Active Reminiscence This is an intergenerational project involving older people (50+) from all sectors of the community, including those suffering from disadvantage and from mild dementia, sharing their life histories with young children in primary schools (6-12 years). The older persons will encourage the children to respond to their shared life histories with structured questions and by producing creative work such as artwork, drama or written text. The children in turn will act as mentors to the older persons by assisting them with their computer skills. The long-term aim of the project is to encourage the whole community to adopt a more caring approach to its older residents. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Information technology Arts, music, culture The media Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Senior citizens Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: County of Herefordshire District Council Name of the contact person: Paul Olver Address: Plough Lane, PO Box 4, Hereford HR4 0XH E-mail: plover@herefordshire.gov.uk Tel: +44 (0)1432 260192 Fax: +44 (0)1432 383031 Partners Sastamala Community College (FI) Cooperativa Sociale Itaca SCARL (IT) Andragoski Centre Slovenije (SI) 371 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00206-3 LIVE – Learning in Voluntary Experience A key theme of the LIVE partnership is to share experiences among the partner organisations in recognising the worth of the volunteering experience and to develop tools which acknowledge this informal and non-accredited learning. The groups targeted by the project include asylum seekers, ethnic minorities, disabled people, homeless people, ex-offenders, single parents, drug/alcohol misusers and other people facing social exclusion. It is recognised that volunteering can help develop the confidence and personal aspirations of individuals which often leads to further learning, social inclusion and employment. The aim of the project is to widen participation in learning by involving these disadvantaged groups in volunteering activities. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Basic Skills Active citizenship Arts, Music, Culture Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education. Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: South East Derbyshire College Name of the contact person: Sue Pilbeam Address: 1-5 Church Street, Ripley, Derbyshire DE5 3BU E-mail: sue.pilbeam@sedc.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0)1773 744 426 Fax: +44 (0)1773 741 520 Partners Stichting Educatieve Projekten (NL) Pilot Centre for Special Education and Recuperation for Children Primavera (RO) Umbruch – Bildungswerk für Friedenspolitik und gewaltfreie Veränderung (DE) Kiuruvesi Adult Education Centre (FI) Amics de las UNESCO de Barcelona (ES) Cultural Association of Modena (IT) 372 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00208-3 Second Chance Working Winners The project intends to increase the employability of older people by establishing and developing learner competencies and assessing training needs. The target group is older people (40+) who are either unemployed or in work and require 'upskilling' / re-skilling. The partners intend to share the methods used and thus develop models of good practice. Staff, learners and employers will all be involved in the evaluation process. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Workforce development Strategy for simulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Senior Citizens Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Third Age Foundation Name of the contact person: Sylvia Francis Address: Britannia House, 1-11 Glenthorne Road, London W6 0LH E-mail: Sylvia@thirdage.org.uk Tel: +44 (0)20 8748 9898 Fax: +44 (0)20 8748 4250 Partners Initiative 40 (AT) Hogor Instituut Voor Gezinswetenschappen vzw (BE) AGORA (FR) Komvux / Municipal Adult Education (SE) Förderverein Akademie 2, (DE) 373 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00184-2 BERNIE - Building education resources and networks in Europe This project will concentrate on the themes of human rights and citizenship within Europe. Students will be involved in the production of an information pack which will give advice and information to those released from prison and their families on matters around these issues. Each partner will produce three lessons per year on a topic to be decided at project meetings. All will be published on a Website to be created during the course of the project. The overall aims include examining common topics specifically within Adult Education which have National and European themes, including responsibility, culture, traditions and music; establishing networks with partners, enriching students’ lives by making them aware of the needs/feelings of others, and helping them identify as European citizens with the ability to access essential information around the issues of human rights and citizenship in their mother tongue. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Active citizenship Languages Intercultural issues Learning about European countries / the European Union Arts, music, culture Information technology Environment Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling / information or other support services Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Detainees COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Education Department, HMP Maghaberry Name of the contact person: Sheelagh Wilson Address: Old Road, Upper Ballinderry, Lisburn, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland E-mail: sheelagh50@hotmail.com Tel: +44 (0)28 9261 4794 Fax: +44 (0)28 9261 4893 Partners VPU 'Pop Mincho Kunchev' (BG) Kvadraturen School Centre Dept of Prison Teaching (NO) State technical secondary school "Antonio Gramsci" (IT) Dublin Vocational Education Committee (IE) ARSIS Association for the Social Support of Youth (GR) 374 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00209-2 Research and Development of Appropriate Interpersonal Skills and Qualities in Supporting Open, Flexible and E-Learning The aim of this project is to research, develop and disseminate effective practice in supporting flexible learning in adult education. The project partnership will identify successful strategies and work practices used by practitioners to support new and marginalised participants in lifelong learning. A consortium of 8 adult education institutions will be created, each from a separate European state, with a goal of researching appropriate interpersonal skills and qualities of practitioners in supporting open, flexible and e-learning. Each partner will analyse the interpersonal qualities and skills of practitioners in supporting the delivery of such programmes within their own institution, identifying effective practice. An electronic forum will be created to enable communication between participants. The project will identify a “Good Practice Framework”, which outlines effective social support strategies in supporting flexible learning, and which identifies interpersonal skills and qualities essential to practitioners. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Basic skills Active citizenship Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: West Lothian College Name of the contact person: Andrew Murray Address: Almondvale Crescent, Livingston, EH54 7EP E-mail: amurray@west-lothian.ac.uk Tel: +44 (0)1506 427 953 Fax: +44 (0)1506 409 980 Partners Vector Interdisciplinary Centre (BG) Association of environmental educators in Cesis region (LV) Innovative and Other Educational Services (DE) Greta du Velay (FR) 375 UNITED KINGDOM Project reference: 06-GBR01-S2G01-00015-2 n Languages through Lyrics During the first year of this project, the learners will translate lyrics from their mother tongue into English, and the English participants will translate English songs into German and Polish. The translations are placed in files which serve as song-books. During the second year learners translate song books into their native languages. Annual music festivals will make the process enjoyable and enable participants to perform their songs and meet participants form other European countries. Funding year: 2nd Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Languages Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups Migrants / travellers/ ethnic minorities COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Cumbria Adult Education Service Name of the contact person: Sue Doyle Address: 80, Warwick Road, Carlisle, Cumbria CA1 1DU E-mail: sue.doyle@cumbriacc.gov.uk Tel: +44 1228 606321 Fax: +44 1228 606933 Partners Stowarzyszenie Instytut Edukacji Rodziny (PL) Katholisches Jugendosozialwerk Munchen e.V (DE) 376 ICELAND ICELAND Project reference: 05-ISl01-S2G01-00008-1 Teaching Flex: Teaching and learning in distance / flexible education Teaching Flex, teaching and learning in distance/flexible education is a collaborative European project to guide teachers in a distance/flexible learning environment. The aim is to meet the needs of teachers in new learning/teaching environment. New technology, computer programs as well as new kinds of communication tools call for other/different teaching methods. The project aims to enhance the basic skills of teachers in using learning theories, blended teaching methods and in understanding diverse learning styles. The use of modern technology is of consideration when teaching and learning in distance/flexible education. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Basic skills Information technology Other: Teaching and learning in a distance / flexible environment Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Other: Teachers to teach and learn in distance / flexible education COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kennaraháskóli Íslands, Símenntunarstofnun Iceland University of Education, Department of Continuing Education Name of the contact person: Ms. Sólrún B. Kristinsdóttir Address: v/Stakkahlíð, IS-105 Reykjavík, Iceland E-mail: solrunb@khi.is Tel: +354 563 3861 Fax: +354 563 3981 Website: http://www.simennt.khi.is and http://www.khi.is Partners Väglednings – och lärcentrum (Guidance and learning centre), Kristianstad, Sweden Hellenic Open University, Faculty of Humanities, Patras, Greece Hellenic Network of Open and Distance Education, Patras, Greece Centro de Educación a Distancia ‘Profesor Féliz Pérez Parrilla’, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain Association ‘Savoirs Pour Réussir’, Marseille, France Ostravaská Univerzita v Ostrave, Ostrava, Czech Republic 377 NORWAY NORGE Project reference: 06-NOR01-S2G01-00031-1 A new chance The project intends to improve the work to enable the learners to integrate back into society. The main focus will be the different aspects of Digital Literacy, and on the methods used to help the target groups. The partners will try out different approaches to make the clients/learners overcome and/or prevent the development of digital illiteracy as well as different methods in the educational work towards the target group in general. A part of this work will be to make local Homepages with information on and links to local cultural events. Through common meetings the partners will exchange experience concerning the above topics. An outcome of the project will be proposals on god practice concerning the main topics of the project. The outcome will be presented in an e-book as well as on a common Homepage. Use of existing learning platform(s) will also be explored in the project. The project will also be used to establish (digital) contact between the partners both on staff and learner’s level. The learners will also be involved in the project by taking an active part in the common meetings as well as through exchange activities and working with project topics between the meetings. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Languages Sustainable development Other – Life-long learning Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning. Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Brundalen videregående skole, avd. KIF-skolen Name of the contact person: Johan Fløan Address: Postbox 4415, NO-7418 Trondheim, Norway E-mail: johan@floean.no Tel: +47 738 84749 Fax: +47 738 84755 Website: www.brundalen.vgs.no Partners CTP Centro Territoriale Permanente per l’Istruzione e la Formazione in Età Adulta – IT Second Chance School of Serres – GR Adult Education Centres of the Ministry of Education and Culture – CY Kalejimu Departamento Prie Lietuvos Respublikos Teisingumo Ministerijos Klaipedos Regiono Pataisos Inspekcijos Klaipedos Miesto Pataisos Inspekcija - LT 378 NORGE Project reference: 06-NOR01-S2G01-00010-2 Social inclusion in action The project “Social Inclusion in Action” aims to change attitudes and achieve social inclusion and community cohesion through learning and developing methods for motivating both majority-dominated institutions/organisations and minorities. The target groups are: 1. Minorities ethnic minorities, handicapped and socially marginalized groups, including women in rural areas and 2. Majorities members of our organisations, local community members and staff. Staff and learners will meet twice a year in different European countries, taking part in study visits, learning from each others experiences and learning the Process Work method as practised by the partners in UK and Slovakia. Process work is an innovative and cross-disciplinary approach to facilitate individual and collective change. It provides a practical framework through which each individual and group can interact, bringing out all points of view in order to achieve “deep democracy”, the stage where all part of the group or society is valued and accepted as they are. Thorough facilitation of the gathering of groups and individuals who are often in conflict or isolation, leads to greater awareness on each side and allows interacting with more understanding. The tools of Process Work are particularly useful for coping with prejudices, barriers and for empowering the individuals and groups from within, by seeking for the inner resources of power, often hidden under conflicts or painful experiences of marginalisation. The project will evaluate if and how the Process Work method is of practical use to the partners’ activities. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Sustainable development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning. Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Disabled persons. Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities. Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Folkekulturforbundet Name of the contact person: Trine Thommessen Address: Vågå Næringshage, NO-2680 Vågå , Norway E-mail: trine@nhforum.org Tel: +47 926 17770 Fax: +47 667 62212 Website: www.folkekultur.no Partners European Multicultural Foundation – UK ANNWIN – Centrum na podporu a rozvoj l’udského potenciálu – SK Caritas Archidiecezji KatowickiejOsrodek dla Osob Niepelnosprawnych “Milosierdzie Boze” - PL Lietuvos Etniniu Mazumu Asociacija – LT Ljudska univerza Ajdovscina – SI Arendal voksenopplæring - NO 379 NORGE Project reference: 06-NOR01-S2G01-00020-2 Tourism in coastal areas Tourism is one of the most important economic activities in the regions taking part in the European partnership. Therefore it is desirable to stimulate students in adult education to look for jobs in the field of tourism. International cooperation during educational training can guide students in looking for jobs in this sector of the economy. Development of innovative strategies and methods in career guidance and exchange of experience between the partners will allow these schools to work both more and better in the field of European interaction. Main aims: Promoting international mobility for students and teachers Improving knowledge of foreign cultures and languages To stimulate adults under education to apply for jobs in the branch of tourism To try out innovative methods, including education based on ICT Promoting career guidance Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Information technology Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas, Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: OPUS – Vadsø videregående skole Name of the contact person: Jens Pedersen Address: Karl Rasmussens plass 1, NO-9800 Vadsø, Norway E-mail: jens.pedersen@ffk.no Tel: +47 789 55701 Fax: +47 789 43959 Website: www.vadso.vgs.no/opus Partners Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Mar – PT Istituto Tecnico Industriale Statale e Liceo Scientifico Tecnologico “Augusto Righi” – IT Istituto Compresivo L. Piramdello Centro Territoriale di Educazione Permanente Disretto 052 Taranto - IT 380 NORGE Project reference: 06-NOR01-S2G01-00047-1 Reconnizing life skills: validation of prior learning Adults have a lot of different life skills acquired at different ways and in different periods of life. Education does not only mean school. Life long learning is given high priority all over Europe and it consists of formal, informal and also unformal components as a continuing process of life irrespective of age and place. Adults also travel a lot and most European countries have many immigrants coming both from European and non European countries. The school systems vary a lot and former education and knowledge is not easy to identify and accredit in new countries. Many refugees might not even have any diploma to show. This again makes it difficult to enrol the adult school system and also to find a job in the labour market. However, each country needs all the human capital and qualifications each member has got. Identification, assessment and accreditation of competence in respect of upper secondary education have high priority in many countries and will be the focus in this project. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology Intercultural issues Sustainable development Other – validation of prior learning Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Women COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Oslo Voksenopplæring Sinsen Name of the contact person: Bjørg Haugland Address: Postboks 484 Økern, NO-0512 Oslo, Norway E-mail: bjorg.haugland.ovo@ude.oslo.kommune.no Tel: +47 234 66700 Fax: +47 234 66701 Website: www.oslovo.no Partners Greta Paramédical et Social de France – FR ROC Albeda College – NL Lithuanian Adult Education Centres Leaders Association – LT WIFI der Wirtschaftskammer Burgenland - AT 381 BULGARIA Б ъ л г а р и я Project reference: 06-BGR01-S2-G01-00005-2 Improved Service Delivery in Prisoner Education The project is designed to increase the knowledge of partner institutions in the diversity of educational systems in prisons around Europe. Project partners will seek to learn from each other and develop good practices for implementing the Recommendation No.R (89) of the Council of Europe with a focus on the educational offers and conditions in prisons. They will consider different types of programs and establish effective, creative and learning teams for prison education. All project partners will involve prison administration, educators and prisoners in cultural and social activities throughout the project. Significance will be given to creative arts and cultural activities because they will enable prison and prisoners to develop and express themselves and to minimize the detrimental effects of imprisonment. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Arts, music, culture Basic skills Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Management of adult education organisation / institution Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Other : Prison administration, prison educators COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Society for European Educational Cooperation-Lovech Name of the contact person: Valentina Petrova Address: 15, Targovksa str E-mail: seec_vp@hotmail.com Tel: +359 68 604 330, +359 888 423 369 Fax: +359 68 600 360 Website: Partners Vocational Training Centre, CZ 2nd Gymnasium with Lyceum Classes of Avlona-Attica, GR Grønland adult learning center, NO 382 Б ъ л г а р и я Project reference: 06-BGR01-S2G01-00004-2 Initial Application of an Educational Strategy Measures on Children Internet Safety For Teachers And Parents The project extends an already existing partnership, established under a previous Grundtvig 2 project, of European organizations working in the field of consumer protection. It aims at initial implementation of a commonly developed strategy for the informal education of European adult citizens on protecting of children from Internet generated risks. It also aims at exchanging know-how, practical information and expertise between partners and their educational staff in the relevant field. The project envisages the implementation of a workshop, keeping fully functioning educational Website, development of on-line and paper-based educational tools (in five languages) for trainers, parents and teachers, an effective instrument and precondition for applying other protection measures Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Consumer education Education for parents Information technology Guidance / counselling or other support services Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Other: Teachers and parents whose children are Internet consumers Trainers on Internet safety for children COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Bulgarian National Consumers Association Name of the contact person: Bogomil Nikolov Address: 10 “11 August” St. E-mail: bnap@bnap.org Tel: +359/2 989 01 06 Fax: +359/2 989 01 07 Website: http://www.bnap.org/ Partners National Consumer Confederation, LT Association of Polish Consumers, PL Association of Consumer Organizations in Slovakia, SK 383 Б ъ л г а р и я Project reference: 06-BGR-01-S2G01-00006-2 Future Workshops for Europe The Future Workshop (FW) is a methodology that helps people learn about Europe and European institutions, and empower citizens to meet the challenges of a knowledge-based society. We will use FW to reach out to disadvantaged groups through multipliers, like teachers, youth and social workers, and trainers. The FW is an innovative and well-structured process, which has been used for many years to find solutions, and for community-based planning. The FW was originally developed for citizen groups with limited resources, who wanted a say in the decision-making process. It is a technique meant to shed light on common challenges, to generate visions about the future, and to discuss how these visions can be realized. In this case, we will use the FW to work with educators and other multipliers from rural and local areas in order to train them in the methodology. We plan to train self-sufficient teams of trainers who can support each other in implementing the process in their home communities. These teams will use the FW process with their communities to create adult education programs for the purposes of teaching about Europe and European values, and promoting active citizenship. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2 Active citizenship Learning about European countries/the European Union Intercultural issues Local community development Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Institute for the International Cooperation of the German Adult Education Association (IIZ/DVV – Sofia) Name of the contact person: Maria Todorova Address: Ul. Knjaz Boris I 147 E-mail: info@iizdvv-bg.org Tel: + 35929836543 Fax: + 35929836482 Website: www.iizdvv-bg.org Partners Bavarian Adult Education Association, DE Gourri Community Council, CY Public Training Center, TR ZORG om Boer en Tuinde (ZOB), NL European Institute of Social Services, University of Kent, UK 384 ROMANIA ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2-126-HG-RO-C-R2 Internet for Autonomous Lifelong learning The project aims at using Internet to help adult learners get access to basic education (e.g.: language learning, ICT, basic mathematics knowledge, writing skills) and develop subsequent lifelong learning activities, while improving their personal and/or professional skills. The outcome proposed would be a multilingual online resource center including innovative web based learning materials focusing on topics of basic education. A selection of support materials of the database will be published in form of a brochure (for group of adult learners with reduced access to internet) and CD in each of the participating countries. Funding year: 3rd Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Basic Skills Intercultural issues. Information technology Sustainable development Stimulating adult learners demand Guidance and Counselling Autonomous learning through access to web based learning materials The project aims at using Internet to help adult learners get access to basic education (e.g.: language learning, ICT, basic communication skills) and develop subsequent lifelong learning activities, while improving their personal and/or professional skills. The objective of our cooperation would be to develop a Curriculum on How to Use Internet Efficiently and Effectively for the Purposes of Autonomous Lifelong Learning. This topic will foster indisputably the adults’ autonomous lifelong learning, personal and professional development process. Adult learners willing to take part in formal and non-formal educational activities and without continuous access to basic education Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Local community groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the institution: Soros Educational Center Foundation – Miercurea Ciuc Name of the contact person: Ms Zsófia Pál Address: Str. Kossuth Lajos, nr. 9, et. III, 530220, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania E-mail advise@sec.ro Tel.: +40-266/371799 Fax.: +40-266/371799 Partners Associazione Kelidon, Milano, Italy - IT Veb Consult S.r.l., Florence, Italy - IT EKPAIDEFTIRIA KALOSKAMI S.A., Attiki, Greece – GR 385 ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2-92-BN-RO-C-R Core skills development – The capacity of changing people lifestyle The project will develop a dynamic exchange process within the learning community created among project partners and other organisations that will be involved. We recognize that people need more than occupation specific or technical skills to be competent in employment, and employment brings with it a special stress on lifestyle. In this project the partners intend to increase the capacity for changing people lifestyle by the development of lifelong learning based on key skills, basic skills and entrepreneurial skills that can be found under the umbrella of core skills. The project proposes to promote lifelong learning as an opportunity to develop people’s careers and to prevent social marginalization or exclusion. It is focused especially on the definition of basic and core skills, on non-formal and informal education & training instruments creation. Project aims: a. identification of core skills that can determine the modification of curricula and of the learning process by its transformation into learning objectives b. user friendly definition of concepts c. identification and development of a learning model that can be interactive and of a learner centred teaching process d. development of learning communities e. contingency management Activities: - management & organization of the activity in multinational & multicultural environment - country level analysis of core skills and employment needs - partners’ meetings Results: multilateral exchanges of staff, seminars, book about the core skills developed by partners, use of modern communication technology – videoconferences, a skill model - general framework for employment, 6 experimental seminars, local reports circulated between partners, publication in newspaper. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Basic skills, Intercultural issues, Consumer education, Languages Project Objectives Identification of core skills that can determine the modification of curricula and of the learning process by its transformation into learning objectives; User friendly definition of concepts; Identification and development of a learning model that can be interactive and of a learner centred teaching process; Development of learning communities; Contingency management; Target Group(s) Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison; Local community groups; Women; Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: The Camber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Bistrita Nasaud County Name of the contact person: MONICA MURESAN Address: 420081 BISTRITA, STR. PETRE ISPIRESCU NR.15A E-mail: office@cciabn.ro Tel: 0040-263-230640; 0040-263-210039 Fax: 0040-263-210038 Website: www.cciabn.ro Partners Centre regional d'information des droits des femmes (Federation regionale des Cridf) – FR Association Acare Environment – FR Club Amici Di Quasimodo – IT Lawton School S.L. – SP Celtas Bv - NL 386 ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2-94-TM-RO-C MEDIA – The influence of media in adult education development The European Learning Partnership “MEDIA” shall contribute to improve the quality of learning process according to new demands of our society. This project follows to analyze the impact of media in learning process. The partners will exchange knowledge and experience regarding the new challenges that learners have to face (more and various information, new technologies to deal with, concept of elearning). Adult education has to respond to these demands in a professional way, correlating pedagogical, methodological and technical strategies. Socrates programmes, (Grundtvig in this case) improves adult education in the broader sense, foster improvement of the education possibilities available to a various categories of people without basic school qualifications, and encourages innovation in alternative educational pathways. Information becomes a vital fact for humanity. The most efficient way to propagate information in our society is represented by media and the new technologies involved. Today’s reality demands different needs and meanings of education. One of the main roles of the education providers is to improve various modalities of making education happened in one adapted and efficient way. Methods from educational area are needed to be changed and fit them to the new labour market specificities. As a final product, a “guide of good practice” will be developed. This guide will describe new challenges of today’s knowledge society and modality’s to deal with it, so that learning becomes a life long process. Because of the various profile of participant institutions it is assured a wide field of experience, assuring not only knowledge and experience change between participant countries, but a high intercultural communication; a sustainable development in field of in field of new pedagogical and methodological approaches (providing knowledge, skills and competences acquired outside formal education); a stimulating and attractive learning process. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Media, Information technology, Intercultural issues, Sustainable development, Collect concrete information from target group regarding their needs. Provide a complete national report on what is the exactly status of media influence in adult education, in each participant country (for having a staring/comparison point during/at the end of the project); based on this national report the project coordinator will develop a project report entitled “Media and Education” Develop a network (materials, leaflets, experience, resources, trends, challenges, approaches, views, and solutions, sharing information and experience with other institutions) based on: information, support and integration Compile a framework of new pedagogical and e-learning approaches of media in field of adult education Disseminate the existing data in this field and the new materials that follows to be developed (regular newsletter, leaflets, web communication, publications/articles in local/ regional/ national/ international publications) and to evaluate the stage of each activity from the project (deadline, quality criteria, if the information/activity is useful or needed) Promote dialogue inside the target group of the project, to integrated media approach in adult learners learning process, to use education and learning in a open, useful and accessible way Link media and adult education providing e-learning Develop a “good practice guide” describing new challenges of today’s society and modality’s to deal with it, so that learning becomes a life long process. Local community groups, Young adults ready to become employees SeniorSenior citizens COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ROMANIAN INSTITUTE FOR ADULT EDUCATION - IREA Name of the contact person: DIANA SZASZ Address: 300389, TIMISOARA CALEA BOGDANESTILOR, NR.32a, CAMERA 205, 206, E-mail: irea@irea.uvt.ro Tel: 0040-256-592-658 Fax: 0040-256-592-658 Website: inca nu este terminat Partners ( Bit Media e-Learning solution Deutschland GmbH, DE Adult Education Centre of Vilnius, LT DOCUMENTA, European Institute for Training and Development Studies, ES 387 ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2-4-DJ-RO-C-R TRA.C.E.C - Traditions and customs in the context of European community The project’s title is “TRA.C.E.C“: Traditions and customs in the context of European community The problems of encounter among cultures and of lifelong learning in the “knowledge’s society” require answers and proposals suitable for assuring an effective confrontation that makes reliance on methodologies of teaching/learning able to stimulate creativity’s forms. It is manifest the osmotic relation that comes to create in a situation of integration and social inclusion begins by the “other’s” knowledge with reference to personal experienced and to historic roots of different ethnologies. The roots’ knowledge gets married with the research about the culture and popular traditions of different countries. “The rediscovery of narrating as method of investigation about historic springs, the memory’s recovery, the awareness that every story is particular story” (B. Croce) serve to understand the position of a particular people compared with own experienced in a fixed historic moment. To be European citizens can mean to look at the right, at the micro history, at the local history, with the availability to the focus of fundamental problems with a net of relations for significant developments, in view of recovery and exchange. Researching, narrating, building together, but also, rebuilding, revaluing, recovering the heritage of popular and local culture: this is the aim of our proposal. The challenge is in the present that looks at the past and the future in a “pro-positive” way. We hope in promoting in the adult the reinforcement of identity’s process, so as to widen own narrows in a dimension not only at local level but of European ranging-work. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship Education for adults, parents Information technology Intercultural issues, Languages Disabled people education Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning the research about the culture and popular traditions of different countries Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Disabled persons Marginalised groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Parents, grand parents, COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: INSPECTORATUL SCOLAR JUDETEAN DOLJ Name of the contact person: ROXANA TIMPLARU Address: BRESTEI, NR. 97, E-mail: Roxana.tamplaru@rdslink.ro Tel: 0040 / 0351 424 335 / Fax: 004 0251 421 824 Website: www.isj.dj.edu.ro Partners ISTITUTO Tecnico Commerciale “G.Amendola” – Contact person: Mrs. Casadio Vitalba , Salerno, Italy INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY VENHER, Contact person: Mrs. Piguet Carballo Monika, 38611 San Isidro (Tenerife), Spain UNIVERSITATEA DIN CRAIOVA, Contact person :Mr. Paul RINDERU, Craiova, Romania SEPTEM NOSTRA, Ceuta (Spain) North Africa, Contact person : Mrs. Pauline StuartByram Emmerson, Ceuta, Spain. Small Hands Academy, Etiler, Istanbul, TÜRKIYE. Contact person: Leman Cetin. 388 ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2-21-SB-RO-C-R Transfer and Implementation of European Best Practices in the Field of Counselling Young Adults The project aims, on one hand, to improve the abilities of the counsellors/trainers within the partner institutions in counselling young unemployed adults regarding job application and, on the other hand, to motivate the young adults through the acquisition of practical skills in the sphere of IT. Through the European partnership between institutions from Germany, Spain and Romania, there will be an exchange of best practices in the sphere of IT and job application. Partners will share, learn, promote and apply good and modern practices, experiences and methods in counselling and teaching. The partner institutions use the modern communication tools (E-mail) for keeping in contact throughout the project in order to accomplish the project activities. The project passes through three phases: a phase of preparation, including the first international meeting and the staff exchange; the active phase, including the second and third mobility, the preparation of the project materials, the training and the project web-site. The end products will be the training materials for counselling, the brochure about the EU labour market, the training courses and the project website. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Exchange of experience, products and best practices between the partners in the sphere of guidance/counselling, thus enhancing the European dimension in the field of education; Motivation of young adults through the acquisition of practical knowledge and skills in the sphere of job application and IT corresponding to the EU standards; Lowering the threshold and facilitating the access to education and employment of the project target groups; Improvement of the counsellors’ competences and strengthening their role in the vocational training system; Increasing the knowledge about the significance and the role of the EU in the new EU member states and/or EU associated countries; Widening the partners’ cultural perspective and increasing the knowledge about European traditions, culture and way of life. Improving the competences of the partner organizations in the field of guidance, counselling of young adults. Motivating young adults through the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the sphere of job application and IT. Young adults at risk of social marginalisation (unemployed) COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ROMANIAN GERMAN FOUNDATION SIBIU Name of the contact person: CRIN STEFAN CIOCAN Address: SIBIU, 550020 TURISMULUI STR., NR. 15 E-mail: csciocan@frg.ro Tel: 0040-269-214.535; 0040-744-616.510 Fax:0040-269-214.535 Website: www.frg.ro Partners CENTRAL OFFICE FOR CONTINUOUS VOCATIONAL TRAINING IN THE SKILLED CRAFTS – GERMANY - DE FOREM EXTREMADURA TRAINING AND EMPLOYED FOUNDATION EXTREMADURA – SPAIN - ES 389 ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2-44-B-RO-CR Design intercultural education at community level The project will be dealing with skill innovation of teaching methods in intercultural adult education. Our partners are from the Germany, Spain, Poland and Lithuania. The objective of the project is to map out required skills of a teacher, innovative teaching methods in adult education concerning existing learners and co-operation with our partners in the field of intercultural adult education. It is evident that in our society there are constantly a growing number of people who need intercultural education. However, obstacles also exist. Demands on specific knowledge and skills increase constantly. Also teachers can become agents of change promoting intercultural education al local level in community development perspective, too. Individual countries have different experiences. Therefore we have created the partnership and we want to deal with those problems. The period of the project is two years. The target groups are teachers/trainers in the further education as well as informal education of adults and youth. The main activities will be analysis and data processing, information exchange, discussions, workshops. The output of the project is a summary of the required skills and mapping out the possibility of teacher’s cooperation. The asset of the project is to make responses to contemporary intercultural educational needs more flexible, recognition of target group needs and role specification of teachers. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Basic skills Intercultural issues Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning. Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing competencies certification Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Local community groups Teachers COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Academy of Economic Studies – Teacher Training Department Name of the contact person: Corina Cace Address: Piaţ a Romana nr. 6 E-mail: corinacace@rdslink.ro Tel: 004 021-319.19.19 Fax: 004 021. 311. 75. 59 Website: www.ase.ro Partners Dock Europe GmbH, Bildung-Beratung-Moderation (Dock europe education – consulting – mediation), Germany Federación de Asociaciones de Educación de Adultos (Federation of Associations of Adults Education), Spain Klaipedos Socialiniu Mokslu Kolegija (Klaipeda College of Social Sciences), Lithuania Patronato Municipal de Educación Y Bibliotecas – Universida Popular de Zaragoza, (City Council ‘s Entity for Education and Libraries - Adult Education Institute of Zaragoza), Spain Instytut BONUM- Institute for Support of Education and Entrepreneurship BONUM, Poland 390 ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2-66-B-RO-C-R2 AMIC - Arts as Mean for Improving the Self Confidence of Social Disadvantaged People The beneficiaries of the project” Arts as Mean for Improving the Self Confidence of Social Disadvantaged People - AMIC” are young social disadvantaged people that will be encouraged to express their feelings and to surpass the their lack of self confidence, by art – as common language (painting, ceramics, literature or theatre). The main steps in the unfolding of the project are: • Meetings of the partners for exchange experiences and good practices in the field of social disadvantaged people support • Workshops with beneficiaries: o basic skills for the social integration o art therapy (painting, ceramics, literature, theatre, music) o basic skills for using computers o cultural preparation and English lessons • Meetings of the beneficiaries • Elaboration of a magazine, with articles about the participant countries, reflections of the experts and learners, news about the participant organisations and the project, stories writebn by the beneficiaries, etc. • Designing and elaborating of a web site The end produces are pottery objects, paintings, theatre shows, but also the magazine of the project (we already have two numbers), the project diary, the Website. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 3rd Basic skills, Intercultural issues, Arts, music, culture, Languages To create a partnership between organisations working to support the youth with economic and social difficulties, in countries from EU and candidates countries To create the possibility to exchange experiences between partners. To give to the youth economic and social disadvantaged the self confidence to can succeed in their integration in the social life (by acquiring basic skills, art therapy, encouraging them to use English language and computers to can enlarge their area of communication). To offer to the beneficiaries the possibility to meet other young people from other European countries and to improve their cultural knowledge. Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, Disabled persons COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: “Sfanta Macrina” Foundation -ARMS Name of the contact person: Laura Molnar Address: Bucuresti, sector2, str. Ilarie Chendi, nr.14 E-mail: sfmacrina@rdslink.ro Tel/Fax: +4021 252 76 58 Website: sfmacrina@rdslink.ro Partners ADSEA Logis Formation/Haute Bercelle – France -FR Ogre District Adult Education Centre – Latvia- LV Belen Foundation – Spain- ES 391 ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2-67-B-RO-C Cultural Heritage from peoples to united Europe The aims of the project CULTURAL HERITAGE FROM PEOPLES TO A UNITED EUROPE are to use the cultural heritage of each people as a tool for a better self-understanding and to find out the similarities and the differences between different cultures in the respect of understanding and accepting these differences, towards a united Europe. Objectives: § Creating a partnership to support social disadvantaged people for social integration by sharing cultural aspects and by combating xenophobia and racism § Providing support for the social disadvantaged young people in their attempt to find out and understand the base of social norms, values and unwritten laws specific to the ethnic group or people they belong to § Getting in touch with other cultures at local and European level and becoming aware of their definitive elements with the purpose of avoiding xenophobia and racism The beneficiaries of the project are socio-economic disadvantaged young people between 16 and 25 years old, proceeding from poor or disorganized families, orphans, immigrants and gypsies. Beneficiaries will participate to workshops to create art objects or will participate to traditional activities, in mixed teams (natives and immigrants or gypsies), to understand better their own culture and the culture of other peoples they live nearby; they will enlarge their knowledge horizon by visiting other European countries and by meeting people of different cultures. The end product will be a Brochure containing short studies about the peoples involved, examples of traditional customs, aspects from the project unfolding, impressions of the participants. At the end of the third year will be organised an exhibition with products realized by the project’s team and by the beneficiaries. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Intercultural issues Languages Learning about European countries Arts, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Guidance / counselling or other support services Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATON ASPIRATIONS AND MOTIVATIONS FOR FUTURE - AMV Name of the contact person: OANA RADU Address: BUCHAREST, 17, L.PATRASCANU STREET, BL.MC18, APT.10, SECTOR 3 E-mail: amvass@adisys.ro, amv_ass@yahoo.com Tel: 0040-21-340 69 76 Fax: 0040-21-340 69 76 Partners FOUNDATION ’THE GORJ WORD’ – ROMANIA - RO CULTURAL ASSOCIATION ONLUS ATLANTIDE – ITALY - IT EUROGEMS ASSOCIATION FOR SOCIAL PROMOTION – ITALY - IT BEST FORMATION – SPAIN - ES 392 ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2-73-B-RO-C-R2 IECUVADVLA - Improvement of Employment chances of the Unemployed and the Visual and Auditive Disabled by using Virtual Learning Applications The aims and objectives of the project IECUVADVLA are to improve the chances of employment of the senior citizens unemployed and of the persons with hearing and visual impairments, who often have a moderate level of education. In order to reach these aims, in the first 2 years the main activities were: - analyse the unemployment situation in the countries represented in the partnership, the learners' needs and the assistive and supportive technologies necessary for training people with visual and hearing impairments; - establish contacts with representatives institutions, potential employers and with representatives of the target group; - identify the specific learning media methodology and the appropriate software; - carry out of short national studies and matrix comparative report about the specific needs of the target group and educational assistance by electronic means; - carry out of specific instruments for learning, evaluation, training modules and other materials available on web site, on CD and in print form (e.g. the FORTHSIGHT Programme 1.0 - The InTelligent Text Magnifier - DEMO that offers facilities to the persons with visual deficiencies in reading and writing). For the third year the main activities aim the dissemination through seminars and conferences, publications at national and international level, press reports in regional and national newspapers, interviews given to broadcast and TV emissions, using posters, panels, folders and CDs. The training modules will be improved and applied on learners in order to increase the qualification of the senior unemployed. The activities of the third year aims also to disseminate the project results and the best practices from different partner countries, which will be realized by contacting the organisations responsible with disabled, through news letters, discussions with managers, in order to convince them by possibilities to employ qualified unemployed seniors or unemployed seniors with visual/hearing disabilities. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 3rd Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Basic Skills, Information technology Disabled people's education, Reduction of the unemployment rate Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning, Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Unemployed senior citizens Disabled persons Marginalized groups COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP IN THE THIRD YEAR OF THE PROJECT Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: "OCTAV ONICESCU NATIONAL COLLEGE" Name of the contact person: ADINA IONESCU Adress: 29, TRIVALE STREET, BUCHAREST, ROMANIA E-mail: adina_2301@yahoo.com Tel/Fax: (+4021) 4603544 web site: www.onicescu.as.ro Partners in the third year of the project INSTITUT ARBEIT UND TECHNIK – GERMANY - DE STICHTING INTERNATIONAL EXCELLENCE RESERVE - I.E.R. - THE NETHERLANDS - NL FRY-SAMUELS & ASSOCIATES (LYMINGTON) LIMITED - U.K. 393 ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2--86-B-RO-C CITELE – Ceative industries trans-European learning The project aims to enhance the skills of artists/creative industries practitioners engaged in projects which deliver results in social, economic and cultural terms. These will be practitioners trying to develop their own creative business idea, or projects with socially or economically disadvantaged groups. The overall goal is to improve the quality and sustainability of such projects and raise the awareness of the role of creative industries for local development and combating social and economic exclusion through improving skills, confidence and creating employment. This will be an asymmetric learner exchange - some of the partner organisations are more experienced in developing and supporting creative people, ideas and projects, while others have had less interaction with the creative industries agenda. In this project they will get the chance to meet, learn from each other and exchange ideas of how grassroots work can influence policy developments and discuss successful strategies and practices in developing creative industries projects. Using the expertise of the different organisations in the partnership, the project will develop 3 main training courses: Creative Industries and Economic Development, Creative Industries and Social Inclusion and Creative Industries and New Technologies. In the period of 3 years these courses will take place in all 3 participating countries. A core group of three learners and/or staff per participating country will take part in all training courses to enable them to develop an in-depth understanding of the issues, which will allow them to act as mentors to the other learners in the groups. Each year they will attend Creative Clusters conference to get an understanding about the international agenda in creative industries development, present the policy contexts in their countries and meet other practitioners engaged in similar projects worldwide. The results from the project will be disseminated to other organisations locally, nationally and internationally, raising the profile of successful work done in each partners' country in isolation. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship, Other, namely: Entrepreneurial skills Sustainable development, The media, Arts, music, culture Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning, Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Guidance / counselling or other support services Marginalised groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ASOCIATIA NATIONALA A UNIVERSITATILOR POPULARE ( ANUP) Name of the contact person: Ileana BOERU Address: Bucuresti, bd. Nicolae Balcescu, nr.18, sector 1 E-mail: ileanaboeru@yahoo.com Tel: 0040-021-3146637; Fax: 0040-021-3140063 Website: www.updalles.ro Partners NGO TRANSIT PROJECTES -SPAIN – ES FOUNDATION FOR LASTING KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY STRATEGIES – MALTA- MT 394 ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2-87-B-RO-C-R YnterACT - YouNgsters Together for European Research of Active eduCational Tool Nowadays it is said that a normal human being is involved in as many interpersonal communication situations in one week as our ancestors four centuries ago in their whole life. In 2005 we have TV, radio, phone, Fax, Internet! They make communication a lot faster, but not necessary more manageable! On the contrary, the truth is that the speed overwhelms many of us! YnterACT aims to give communication and education a more personal touch! And in the process to promote the use of new pedagogical methods! What for? Because there is a big gap between the desired social skills and the existing ones. The usual forms of education are not enough anymore for the proper development of the soft skills. New forms should be experienced in order to build a bridge over this gap. How? We do not need to reinvent the wheel. There are already so many tools on the market. The best, cheapest and most effective solution is to identify those that we need and to adapt them to our needs as individuals and as members of a institution. Educational tools like formal debate, role simulation, lateral thinking, and creativity games are the right instruments. They are effective because they are fun and one can learn in the same time. YnterACT aims to create a network of Creative Communication Clubs where young adults would have the chance to meet and practice the abovementioned educational tools. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship, Intercultural issues Other: Communication Skills Create a network of so called Creative Communication Clubs (at least one in each institution involved) organize at least one Creative Communication Training Seminar per year Identify and promote at least three different creative communication tools (such as debate, forum theatre etc) in the project Organize at least one European event per year where the CCC should come in contact and exchange experiences (e.g. debate competitions) Goal: providing young adults with interactive educational tools for improving social skills that would put them in the centre of the educational process. Local community groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Asociatia Studentilor Europeni Bucuresti Name of the contact person: Radu Racareanu Address: Academia de Studii Economice, Calea Dorobantilor, nr. 15 – 17, et 2, sala 2218, sector 1, Bucureş ti E-mail: ynteract_with_us@yahoo.com Tel: +4/0723.331.987 Website: www.ynteract.eu Partners Kinisi Fititon Gia Tin Enosi Tis Europis – GR Das europäische Studentenforum - MUENCHEN e.V. – DE Antalya Provincial National Education Directorate - TR 395 ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2-241-DJ-RO-C-R2 Educational partnership "join us" The project EDUCATIONAL PARTNERSHIP “JOIN US!” aims the improvement of the children’s lives within the framework of their families, through enhancing parental abilities and through achieving better ways of communication between children and parents. We also wish to make the parents aware of their active role in their children’s education, through self-education, initiative, knowing one’s own child. The project particularly aim at the parent’s commitment, together with the teachers, to stop school abandonment, abuse and carelessness in order to respect the desiderates for the child’s protection. The parent’s course is the main activity in the Grundtvig 2 project “Educational Partnership –JOIN US! “. The lectures were carried on in a series of five meetings organised, coordinated and held by a team of local trainers and specialists in the fields of parental education. Through the European partnership will be identified the educational needs of the families ( need analyse), developed and produced learning material, that will improve the methods of stimulating attitudes among the teachers, parents and children, and to create a unitary, complex and correlated system of educating the adults. So, the end products will be a bilingual manual of good practise, in English and in each partner’s language, leaflets, posters, course-support, CD-s, photo albums, web-site. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Education for parents Active citizenship Intercultural issues Disabled people education Creation the course strategy in grown-ups education, creation and transfer of teaching methods and practices. Professional development of trainers, increase in the quality of family and school life, support of independent research by school/institutions. Creation of stable regional and European networks and partnerships on problems involving students in difficulty. Parents Teachers to be trained as trainers for adults/parents Disables persons, parents of the children with special needs of education. COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: SCOALA CU CLASELE I-VIII NR. 24 “SFANTU GHEORGHE” CRAIOVA Name of the contact person: DANIELESCU TEODORA Address: CRAIOVA, STR. COLONEL SCARLAT DEMETRIADE, BL. I 7, AP.4 E-mail: teodoradanielescu@yahoo.com Tel: 004 0251 592 259 ; 0744 324 088 Fax: Website: www.join .us.go.ro Partners SCARABEUS-LIVORNO – ITALY ATATÜRK SECONDARY SCHOOL FAMILY ASSOCIATION, KÜTAHYA, TÜRKIYE YOUTH AWARENESS, POTENZA, ITALY 396 ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2-131-DJ-RO-C Education for the health of people The project "EDUCATION FOR THE HEALTH OF PEOPLE” approaches of the important objective education for the people’s health to consider the right to a healthy and balanced life is one of the fundamental rights of man, with great social and demographic implication. The project addresses to the high school pupils and also to the parents of the pupils between 619 years old, to the whole community through courses with targets information, forming some abilities and positive behaviors for people. The long term aim of the project is the harmonious development of the child and teenager and adopt a healthy way of life by the whole population for a good state of health and a better life. The project will be offer knowledge about alimentation, alcohol, smoking, drugs, human sexuality and AIDS, environmental protection. The project includes interactive lessons that insist on taking decisions and accepting the idea of responsibility by every on of us for our own health and for the health of the environment, and on the development of the idea of self-esteem and care for the ones near us. The end products will be a bilingual brochure for presentation our project, the portfolio and conceptual map of the project, posters, exhibitions, reports about the project development, demonstratives CD-s, the web-site. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship Education for parents Health Intercultural issues Disabled people education To train the population for a healthy way of living To create the adult’s educations, stimulating/promoting adult learners depending on their needs of learning To multiply the domains of knowledge and the needs of education in order to create active citizenship Young adults between 16 and 19 of age Parents of children in school Teachers who will adjust their working methods with both adult students and parents Disable persons who has need of education for the health COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution: Name of the organisation: GRUPUL SCOLAR “TRAIAN DEMETRESCU” CRAIOVA Name of the contact person: GOICEANU SANDU Address: CRAIOVA, BULEVARDUL DACIA, BLOC 174 D , SC. 1, ET. 4, AP. 18 E-mail: sandugoiceanu@yahoo.com Tel: 004 0251 432 411 ; 004 0351 414 818 ; 0743 644 990 Fax: 004 0251 432 411 Website: Partners I.E.S. Ribeira do Louro, Porriño, Spain UTENOS DAUNISKIO GYMNASIUM, LT-28185 UTENA, LITHUANIA ANNUR-TRAINING-CULTURE, 06006-BADAJOZ, SPAIN EDIRNE PUBLIC EDUCATION CENTRE AND EVENING VOCATIONAL SCHOOL, 22100 Edirne, TÜRKIYE 397 ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2-159-MM-RO-C-R IC&T – A gateways tofuture for disabled people The project “IT&C - A GATEWAY TO FUTURE FOR DISABLED PEOPLE” aim is to improve the quality and accessibility of disabled people to education, by finding, creating and putting into value the best methods used at European level in the field of using IT&C for disabled people. Through the European partnership will be identified, developed and produced learning materials that will improve the methods of using IT&C for disabled people and for the people taking care of them (parents, social assistants, nurses etc). Partners will share, learn, promote and apply good and modern practices, experiences and methods. The participating institutions will use the modern techniques of communication (e.g. E-mail, e-groups, blogs, and groupware) for keeping in contact in order to develop the project activities. The work-groups and the channels for dissemination will be open to other actors from the countries involved, organizations, institutions and authorities, who will benefit from the experience acquired. This will also help to shaping a positive attitude of the society towards this marginalized group. The end product will be a bilingual manual of good practices, in English and in each partner’s language, published on paper and on the Internet Website and Webblog especially created for this purpose. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship, Education for parents Health, Information technology Intercultural issues Languages, Disabled people education Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Disabled persons Marginalised groups Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Parents COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ESPERANDO ASSOCIATON Name of the contact person: DANIEL FILIPAS Address: 430284 BAIA MARE, STR. G. COSBUC 6/ 6 E-mail: office@esperando.ro Tel: 0040-262-220413; 0040-362-401363 Fax: 0040-401364 Website: www.esperando.ro Partners NGO “JOHN ATANASOV “ – BULGARIA - BG EURO-NET – Italy - IT LIETUVOS SUTRIKUSIO INTELEKTO ŽMONIŲ GLOBOS BENDRIJA “VILTIS” (LITHUANIAN WELFARE SOCIETY FOR PERSONS WITH MENTAL DISABILITY ”VILTIS”) – LITHUANIA - LT Atrium Research & Innovatie BV (ATRIUM RESEARCH & INNOVATION LTD) – Netherlands - NL OZEL DOST EGITIM VE REHABILITASYON MERKEZI (DOST SPECIAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATION CENTER) – TÜRKIYE - TR 398 ROMÂNIA Project reference: 06-G2-162-BV-RO-C-R A new approach to the teacher parent-learner relationship The project proposes the application in education of a new modern concept concerning interpersonal relationships, based on the latest research on human brain functioning, Transactional Analysis, emotional inTelligence, theories of necessities, communication, personal development principles, and lifelong learning, as a base for the cooperation among teachers, parents, and learners within the educational process. The concept is presented in the book “Lumina” (The Light), available in English, edited by Partener Foundation (project coordinator) as result of a previous Grundtvig2 programme. The methodology implementation of the concept will be interactive, participative known as “Forum Theatre” and others drama techniques, meant to ensure e learning based on discovery and practise of behavioural models, which allows the spectators to become actors, provoking exchange of roles, learner to parent or teacher and vice-versa. The project intends to produce a strong impact in the way parents’ conscience perceives the “other”, but also in the conscience of those involved in adults’ education. This is achieved in the context of their participation and confrontation within pilot groups, which also contain learners (children), who, this time, will have the opportunity to “grade” their parents’ and teachers’ behaviour. he next stage will be the cooperation among the three parts in finding together solutions concerning the prediction and solving of problems / conflicts, taking into account the interests of all parts. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship, Education for parents, Intercultural issues Other (describe if applicable): new methods in education Project Objectives Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities, Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other (describe if applicable) PARENTS, TEACHERS COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Fundatia partener Name of the contact person: Ardelean Razvan Address: STR. Rozelor Nr. 48 Brasov 500381 Romania E-mail: office@part.ro; partener@acasa.ro Tel: +40 268 32 57 49 Fax: +40 268 32 57 49 Website: www.part.ro Partners 1. FUNDACION SECRETARIADO GENERAL GITANO (GENERAL SECRETARIAT OF ROMA PEOPLE FOUNDATION) – SPAIN - ES 2. ÇAĞ DAŞ DRAMA DERNEĞ I ( CREATIVE DRAMA ASSOCIATION) - TURKYE - TR 399 ROMANIA Project reference: 06-G2-212-DJ-RO-C Education for adoptive parents The project “The education of the adoptive parents” aims is to provide assistance of people who want to adopt or have already adopted children. The outputs of this project will be: • A short training activities; • Creating the modules of formation and teaching materials; • A guide to help adoptive parents; • A web site with the achievement of the project and forum for good practices sharing. During the first year of the project was done some research about adoption field and the legislation existing in each partner countries. The results of the research were posted on the web site. A booklet for parents who are interested in adopting a child was made. In the second year of the project will continue to offer consultancy and organize training sessions for the parents who have adopted children and a good practice manual will be produced. In the third year, based on the need analyses, we will run the training sessions and produce the necessary materials and a handbook. We will also organise a seminar to disseminate the results of our research and to meet other organisations and institutions interested in the adoption. Duration: 3 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship Education for parents Health Intercultural issues To provide assistance of people who want to adopt or have already adopted children: - Knowledge of the psychology of children; - Knowledge og the legislation in the field; - Consulting to find and adopt a child; - Integration of child in the adoptive family. - people who want to adopt children; - people who have already adopted children; - staff of institutions involved in the children care or children adoption COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: ORGANIZAŢIA SALVAŢI COPIII Name of the contact person: PASĂRE CORNELIA Address: STR. MIHAI VITEZUL 12, 1100 CRAIOVA DOLJ, ROMANIA E-mail: vdudau@yahoo.fr Tel: 0040-251 439865 Partners UNIVERSITÀ DELLE LIBERETÀ OF FRIULI-VENEZIA GIULIA – UDINE, ITALY HOFEROEG, LINY, AUSTRIA 400 TURKEY TÜRKIYE Project reference: 06-TUR01-S2G01-00124-2 Systems of Integration Of People With Disabilities Into Labour Market This project will work with a number of European partners to exchange information on the systems of integration of PWD into labour market for constructing a better vocational training and integration into labour market. Objectives of the project is set as to identify problems of the system in general, share best practices and identify the needs of the trainers who provides vocational training and rehabilitation and accordingly to form a training program for trainers. In this learning partnership project, participant organistaions will first introduce their existent employment system for PWD and legislation on disability. At the following phases, problems in the employment system for PWD will be discussion focus, problems and needs of the trainers will be analysed in detail with a questionnaire survey. Best practices will also be introduced and in each meeting visits to centres will be organised by the host organisation. According tp implications of these analyses, a training program will be formed to increase trainer’s teaching capacity. Thereafter, Grundtvig 1 project on the increasing teaching capacity of trainers will be formed. To increase the multiplier effect, CD, which will include the reports and materials, will be published. Funding year: 2nd Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture, Basic skills Consumer education, Education for parents, Environment, Gender issues, Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology, Intercultural issues, Languages, Media, Sustainable development Other: Capacity building through shared knowledge Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning , Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons , Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities, Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners, , Local community groups, Marginalised groups Senior citizens, Women, Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: T.C. Basbakanlık Özürlüler Idaresi Baskanlıgı (Prime Ministry Administration on Disabled People) TR Name of the contact person: Betül Çevik Address: Ihlamur Sk. No: 1 Kızılay- Ankara/Türkiye E-mail: byalcin@ozida.gov.tr Tel: +90 (312) 419 79 23/2207 Fax: +90 (312) 417 76 20 Website: www.ozida.gov.tr Partners Labour Office in Nachod - CZ Dublin South Supported Employment Ltd. – IE Association for the Disabled, Joy of Life – PL Viljandi Region NGO Singel – EE Supported Employment Association – FI 401 TÜRKIYE Project reference: 06-TUR01-S2G01-00251-2 E-Learning for Adults The project consists in establishing a partnership medium where best practises related to vocational systems, e-learning, online courses, software platforms, etc. can be shared, always within the context of formulating a model for providing quality and efficient e-learning solutions. The project has two major target groups: tutors and learners. However we would add some more like teachers, educators and all the people interested in teaching and learning online. Tutors will use the resources available (information, best practices, models) to improve the design and delivery of training content and to adapt current training content to e-learning platforms. Learners will participate directly in all discussions and their opinions and suggestions will be included in the model that the project will recommend to training professionals. In particular, the project web site will present the following end products - Vocational guidance and tools for tutors; - Effective ways of teaching, best practices and shared experience; - Discussions on important subject (topics will be determined every month by the Project managers) - Chat for better communication and online sessions during the entire project - Surveys to collect and present opinions of tutors, learners and other involved in the training process - Links to documentation and specialized software - Online Tutoring for selected topics and in predetermined times Our project final aim is let the teachers experience their new experience on a e-learning platform. Our teachers will experience an e-learning platform which will be established by us. Duration: 3 year Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 2nd Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture Basic skills, Consumer education, Education for parents, Environment Gender issues, Health, Learning about European countries/the European UnionInformation technology, Intercultural issues Languages, Media, Sustainable development Other: Guidence to adults on how to use e-learning areas Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons, Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups, Marginalised groups, Senior citizens, Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other. Teachers COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: TEV Mübeccel-Albay Serafettin Gezgiç Mesleki Egitim Merkezi - TR Name of the contact person: Mehmet Karaman Address: 100. Yil Sanayii Sitesi Mesleki Egitim Merkezi 59100 Tekirdag/Türkiye E-mail: mkaraman1@gmail.com Tel: +90 (282) 260 17 10 Fax: +90 (282) 262 04 16 Website: Partners Vidzeme University College – LV Associazione Kelidon – IT 402 TÜRKIYE Project reference: 06-TUR01-S2G01-00121-2 LINGUA – Learning Innovative in Disadvantaged Rural Areas The project “LINGUA–Learning Innovative iN disadvantaGed rUral Areas”” wants to develop Pilot experiences about teaching foreign languages to unemployed people of all ages coming from rural areas/disadvantaged communities to improve their language skills in the sector of rural tourism. The targeted people will include: young people from 18 to 35 who wants to live in rural areas, women who wants to combine their own house with touristy rural houses, people over 45, that want to develop activities related to tourism in an alternative way to traditional tourism activities and increase their level of quality of life. In the first part of this project professionals (teachers, trainers etc.) from different countries will prepare researches about rural tourism activities in their own countries. Each partner country will prepare a short survey on ‘how to promote rural tourism’ and make proposals for the teaching methodology. Together they will develop an innovative strategy, new materials and new methodologies to promote foreign languages and vocational training in disadvantaged areas, that will be translated in each language. Each country will choose 2 languages and will test the materials and the innovative methodology prepared in the previous phase through the implementation of a Pilot experience. As a last phase of the project we will disseminate the results of the research, the new materials and the evaluation of the Pilot experiences through publications. This project intends to promote vocational skill of unemployed adults giving them expertise in a particular sector to help them in developing future employment in that same sector. The objectives of the Pilot Language project are to promote new skills in rural sectors, giving the participants an input to start their own activities or to work in the rural sector. The outcome of the project will be to publish and disseminate the innovative methodology and the training materials, to support adults to develop and organize activities related to the rural tourism, improving their quality of life. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 2nd Area(s) covered Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture Basic skills , Consumer education, Education for parents Environment, Gender issues Health,Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology,Intercultural issues Languages,Media, Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Disabled persons, Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Marginalised groups, Senior citizens, Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Genç Iletisim Dernegi - TR Name of the contact person: Yemliha Cem Inci Address: Yesilyurt Mahallesi 35. Sokak No: 4/A 01150 Adana/Türkiye E-mail: Ceminci1@yahoo.com , genciletisim1@yahoo.com Tel: +90 (322) 227 54 49 Fax: +90 (322) 227 54 49 Website: www.genciletisim.org Partners SC FiaTest Centru Educational SRL – RO Institut pre Vzdelavanie – SK Global Interface – ES 403 TÜRKIYE Project reference: 06-TUR01-S2G01-00249-1 Struggle against Drugs The use of Drugs among the Youth is not only a problem of Europe but also the whole world’s. Though there are many organizations and establishments fighting against drugs, both the number of the young people that use drugs increases and also the beginning age decreases. This situation affects both the youth and the families. Even though there are many ways developed to fight this issue, the problem persists to exist. The parents don’t have enough information about drugs, but they begin to search for a solution only after their children get into drugs. But to save a youngster from drugs is a very difficult task after they get used to it. This situation is a wearing process both for the sibling and the family. Our main aims in this Project are, to help teachers and parents to provide help for the youngsters before they start using drugs, to get information on effective ways and methods of fighting against drugs, Determining the most effective ones and spreading these methods among teachers and parents at risk, creating a web site to enhance accessibility about effective ways of fighting against drugs, and finally, providing seminars for the parents and the teachers on the issue. The final aim of the Project is to provide information for the teachers, and parents on the issue (book, web site and brochures), and pave the way for co-operation among all related organizations and institutions against the problem. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Active citizenship , Arts, music, culture, Basic skills, Consumer education Education for parents , Environment, Gender issues Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology, Intercultural issues Languages, Media, Sustainable development Other Project Objectives Target Group(s) Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning, Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups Marginalised groups Senior citizens Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation:Sehit Erkan Özcan Lisesi Okul Aile Birligi (Sehit Erkan Özcan Secondary School Parents’ Association)-TR Name of the contact person: Mevhibe Yildirim Address: 9089/1 Sokak No: 1 Yesilyurt Konak Izmir/Türkiye E-mail: mevhibeyildirim@yahoo.com Tel: +90 (232) 243 66 18 Fax: +90 (232) 243 66 18 Website: Partners Klaipeda Business College – LT (Professional School of Security Service "TRESOR") – PL Aktif Vatandaslik Dernegi - TR 404 TÜRKIYE Project reference: 06-TUR01-S2G01-00115-1 RAPT - Raising Ability of Parents and Trainers This project aims to improve the consciousness of Parents to encourage them about how to raise their healthy children between the ages of twelve and eighteen. Therefore, this project team plans to provide the following subjects to participating families and trainers: The development characteristics of the youngsters between the ages of twelve and eighteen who are growing as normal individuals but need special education: o personal development characteristics, o problems, o needs, o positive and negative impacts of parental behaviours on the personal development of the youngsters between the ages of twelve and eighteen, o primary prevention steps for the youngsters between the ages of twelve and eighteen to avoid major personal risks, o important life skills to be acquired to the youngsters between the ages of twelve and eighteen such as self-recognition, self-presentation, being organized, communication skills, to be able to say ‘no’ when needed, problem solving skills, and skills to take care of things on their own. Duration: 3 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture, Basic skills, Consumer education Education for parents, Environment, Gender issues, Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology, Intercultural issues, Languages, Media Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Other (describe if applicable) Disabled persons, Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas, Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Local community groups, Marginalised groups, Senior citizens Women, Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Target Group(s) COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Özel Muras Egitim Kurumlari (Private Muras Education Foundations) - TR Name of the contact person: Zahide Duman Address: Fatih Caddesi No: 99/2-B Keçiören Ankara/Türkiye E-mail: Zahide_duman@yahoo.com , info@muras.com.tr Tel: +90 (312) 358 80 94 Fax: +90 (312) 359 68 18 Website: www.muras.com.tr Partners Asociacion Ekip Europa – ES CeSSCoM – Centro Studi e Servizi Conciliazione e Mediazione - IT FASE, Formación y Asesores en Selección y Empleo - ES 405 TÜRKIYE Project reference: 06-TUR01-S2G01-00247-1 House WWWives Nowadays the importance of ICT increases day by day in every part of people’s social life Not only for their private life but also being a member of Europe requires a current information flow. On the other hand disadvantaged people do not have the opportunity to access ICT. This project aims to bring an access to ICT for disadvantaged people housewives, who are the omitted majority in a passive situation of an active citizenship As disabled housewives and housewives from a rural area will be brought together to complete each others deficiency , with the support of ICT. This project offers a training course and a certificate (official) of ICT for the learners.This project also offers the awareness of their rights (human rights) which will support the equality between man and woman. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture, Basic skills Consumer education, Education for parents, Environment Gender issues, Health, Learning about European countries/the European Union, Information technology Intercultural issues, Languages, Media Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Disabled persons Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners Local community groups Marginalised groups Senior citizens Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Kütahya Ticaret Meslek ve Anadolu Ticaret Meslek Lisesi - TR Name of the contact person: Hüseyin Öztürk Address: Istasyon Caddesi Vali Konagı Arkası Kütahya/Türkiye E-mail: ktml@kutahyatml.com , ozturkhuseyin28@yahoo.com Tel: +90 (274) 223 62 78 Fax: +90 (274) 224 29 99 Website: www.kutahyatml.com Partners Edinburgh University Settlement – UK Modern Woman Association – AT Cracow Center of Management and Administration Ltd – PL Training and qualification centre of the Saxon Economy - DE 406 TÜRKIYE Project reference: 06-TUR01-S2G01-00102-1 Developing EU Culture in Suburban Areas of the City The European Union itself means not only an economic place to live, but it is a social and cultural "stage" as well. Every nation is both different and similar as economical and cultural characteristics, and this is very important to be known. People living in suburb areas very often are disadvantaged in social and economic aspects. This project will help them bringing together humanistic values as well as those living in city and have possibilities to reach social and cultural potentiality. The project will determine demographic mobility, by producing detailed knowledge about these areas using surveys and interviews discussing the results.Cooperation with industry concerns, municipality, governor, others social and cultural associations, helping them in starting professional courses will determine open ways for their integration. Those disadvantage people can often reach socio-cultural activities such as cinema, theatre, exhibitions. The project activities will serve up these opportunities by involving the local authorities and other interested factors. We will develop "European feeling" on this basic, like saving national values, and enriching the European culture. We are 9 partners from 7 countries: TÜRKIYE, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Romania, Latvia, England. Duration: 2 years Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture, Basic skills, Consumer education Education for parents, Environment, Gender issues, Health Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology, Intercultural issues, Languages, Media Sustainable development Project Objectives Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Target Group(s) Disabled persons, Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners, Local community groups, Marginalised groups Senior citizens, Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Izmir Milli Egitim Müdürlügü - TR Name of the contact person: Mehmet Engin Uysal Address: Konak Meydanı Izmir/Türkiye E-mail: yaygin35@meb.gov.tr Tel: +90 (232) 483 69 44 Fax: +90 (232) 483 69 44 Website: www.izmir.gov.tr Partners Yorkshire and Humber Development Consortium – UK ONECO Organización de Educación Comunitaria - ES 407 TÜRKIYE Project reference: 06-TUR01-S2G01-00008-1 In-Shape The problem of overweight and obese children is a major concern in Malta as well as in many countries worldwide (Malta has the second highest prevalence in certain age groups in Europe; Lobstein and Frelut, 2003). There are various disease and illnesses that have been associated with obesity: in the European Observatory on Health Care Systems in Malta (WHO, 1999), along with inadequate physical activity, it was selected as a main target areas for risk factors causing the high prevalence rate of certain diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke, lung cancer and diabetes. There are also psychological and social consequences such as stigmatisation (Lobstein et al, 2004). The project is an education-based type, where adults will be gathered in small groups of no more than 15 at a time; however, each member of the group will set their own individual targets and responsibilities for their own health. Parents of pupils (through schools) and unemployed people (through local councils) will be offered to join the programme. Interested adults will initially be introduced to the project and briefed about the different phases of the project, which will range from theory lessons to practical healthy cooking and also physical activities. Most of these lectures will be delivered by H&S Unit staff, but these might sometimes require the assistance of experts with certain activities (eg. Chefs during healthy cooking sessions). Participating adults will also, at their own discretion, be invited at the beginning of the project to have their BMI (Body Mass Index) confidentially measured. This will again be measured during and at the end of the project. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture, Basic skills, Consumer education Education for parents, Environment, Gender issues, Health, Learning about European countries/the European Union, Information technology Intercultural issues, Languages, Media, Sustainable development Other: Lifestyle, Decision taking, Needs Identification Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons, Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners, Local community groups, Marginalised groups, Senior citizens, Women, Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Özel Edirne Beykent Lisesi (Edirne Private Beykent High School) - TR Name of the contact person: Seden Chouseinoglou Address: Ayse Kadın Tren Istasyonu Yanı Edirne/Türkiye E-mail: ebeykent@beykent.edu.tr , lisaki@yahoo.com Tel: +90 (284) 235 39 46 Fax: +90 (284) 235 89 19 Website: www.beykent.k12.tr Partners Antalya Büyüksehir Belediyesi – TR The School of Adult Education of the Cyprus Consumers Association – CY István Bocskai Secondary Grammar and Technical School – HU Towarzystwo Edukacyjne “Wiedza Powszechna” – PL Filocalia Foundation – RO 408 TÜRKIYE Project reference: 06-TUR01-S2G01-00038-1 U.R.O.P.E United Research of People of Europe Thanks to a survey proposed to every learner in each institution of the 7 participating countries, one research topic per institution is selected, according to the needs. From then on, research activities are organised within every institution in order to find out pieces of information on the selected topic in any specificity (cultural, economic, ethic). Some interdisciplinarity among trainers is recommended within every institution to help learners to get some specific type of information. The field of investigation is our network of seven countries. The required sources of information are the Internet, a chat forum –already built up – and E-mails (for questions and answers among learners from the learning partnership) and exchange visits of learners and trainers for information checking. We envisage to put our research results (containing text and photo production) in a forum but also in a CD ROM and later on, we expect to design an interactive Website useful to disseminate the information (renewal of the project). This exercise aims at raising the learner’s motivation for English and other languages and keeping them motivated. We assume this can be possible if we manage to involve learners in a practical project where they are actors: the research evolution relies on them. Duration: 1 year Funding year: 1st Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture, Basic skills, Consumer education,Education for parents, Environment, Gender issues, Health Learning about European countries/the European Union, Information, technology, Intercultural issues, Languages, Media, Sustainable development Other: Social, economic, ethnic issues…(unlimited list of possible fields of investigation) Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons, Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners, Local community groups, Marginalised groups Senior citizens, Women Young adults at risk of social marginalisation COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Özel Dil Vizyon Yabancı Dil Kursu - TR Name of the contact person: Faruk Erhan Ceylan Address: Istiklal Mahallesi 116. Cadde No: 33/1 32300 Isparta/Türkiye E-mail: dilvizyon@gmail.com , dilvizyon@hotmail.com Tel: + 90 (246) 218 32 46 Fax: + 90 (246) 218 32 47 Website: Partners I.E.S. Hermanos Machado – ES Sotkamon Kunta / Kansalaisopisto – FI Rakvere Vocational Secondary School - EE 409 TÜRKIYE Project reference: 06-TUR01-S2G01-00246-1 I Want To Be Here For My Disabled Child (Community of Practice for Parents of Children with Hearing Impairments ) The target group of the project are both parents of students with hearing impairments at different settings of school age and supporting organizations. The situation and the needs of the parents are diverse in Europe from basic health care in socially disadvantaged groups e.g. in TÜRKIYE up to specific information and network needs e.g. hearing aid implant in other countries of EU. Most parents of students with hearing impairments in TÜRKIYE are illiterate or low educated .Their socio-economical situation does not allow them to treat the deaf ( about 500.000 students are affected in whole EU at present, including candidate countries) in a correct way both pedagogicaIly and psychologically.Not having adequate access to hearing related information, parents face difficulty overcoming the daily problems occurring so frequently in various forms. Especially in TR there is a lack of knowledge for hearing related healthcare or individual care, parents feel desperate and therefore need urgent specialized help to be able to communicate with their disabled children and support to improve their quality of life. In general, parents feel isolated from the society for having a child with hearing impairments as they feel excluded from the verbally communicating society. It is aimed to empower the parents of hearing impairments to better asses their needs and support each other via the creation of Communities of Practices (COPs) and self organise adequate help. We will achieve our objectives through education and learning processes activated with expert trainers by means of seminars, workshops and use of ICT. This project is innovative with its ICT based content and outcomes to be reached. It is also aimed to promote European awareness and contribute to European dimension by seeing best practice examples in Europe and sharing experiences with the partner institutions. Duration: 2 years Area(s) covered Project Objectives Target Group(s) Funding year: 1st Active citizenship, Arts, music, culture, Basic skills, Consumer education, Education for parents, Environment, Gender issues, Health, Learning about European countries/the European Union Information technology, Intercultural issues, Languages, Media, Sustainable development Other: Managing structural and needs diversty Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning, Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es) Guidance / counselling or other support services Management of adult education organisation / institution Methods for providing accreditation of competencies Disabled persons, Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities, Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas, Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners. Local community groups, Marginalised groups, Senior, citizens,Women, Young adults at risk of social marginalisation Other: Parents of deaf students COMPOSITION OF THE PARTNERSHIP Coordinating institution Name of the organisation: Diyarbakır II Milli Egitim Müdürlügü - TR Name of the contact person: Sabır Ceyhan Address: Yeni Gima Karsısı Sehitlik Diyarbakır/Türkiye E-mail: ab21@meb.gov.tr , sabirceyhan@hotmail.com Tel: +90 (412) 226 58 50-57 Fax: +90 (412) 226 58 42 Website: http://diyarbakir.meb.gov.tr Partners Dr. Pretis Sinn – AT Innovacion Humana, Consultores y Asociados, SL (Human Innovation, Consultants and Partners) – ES Excmo Ayuntamıento de Almeria – Area de Recursos Humanos, Organizacion y Desarrollo (City Council of Almeria – Department of Human Resources and Organisation) – ES 410 INDEX Project Areas, Objectives and Target Groups Page number Active citizenship Arts, music, culture Basic skills 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 65, 67, 70, 77, 78, 79, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 130, 131, 132, 134, 136, 137, 138, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 154, 156, 157, 158, 160, 163, 165, 166, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 177, 180, 182, 183, 184, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 218, 219, 221, 222, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 243, 244, 246, 247, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 257, 258, 259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 271, 272, 274, 275, 276, 278, 280, 281, 284, 288, 289, 292, 293, 294, 295, 298, 300, 303, 305, 308, 309, 310, 312, 313, 314, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 322, 323, 324, 325, 327, 328, 329, 331, 332, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 341, 342, 343, 346, 348, 350, 355, 356, 358, 360, 362, 363, 366, 367, 369, 372, 374, 378, 379, 381, 384, 388, 390, 392, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 5, 6, 8, 19, 24, 26, 34, 37, 38, 39, 43, 47, 51, 53, 54, 63, 64, 65, 69, 75, 76, 81, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92, 93, 95, 97, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 124, 125, 126, 131, 133, 139, 142, 146, 150, 152, 153, 154, 156, 157, 161, 164, 174, 176, 182, 184, 185, 203, 204, 207, 210, 212, 218, 219, 223, 225, 226, 231, 235, 238, 239, 246, 247, 248, 254, 256, 259, 260, 262, 263, 265, 270, 272, 274, 276, 277, 279, 280, 285, 287, 288, 289, 291, 296, 297, 303, 305, 310, 312, 317, 318, 319, 326, 334, 335, 337, 338, 347, 349, 351, 355, 356, 357, 359, 366, 368, 371, 372, 375, 376, 378, 379, 382, 391, 392, 394, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 2, 3, 4, 5, 7; 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 31, 35, 39, 41, 45, 47, 49, 50, 52, 53, 56, 57, 58, 61, 63, 69, 71, 74, 77, 81, 83, 85, 86, 89, 90, 92, 94, 96, 97, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 120, 121, 123, 124, 126, 127, 129, 132, 137, 138, 139, 140, 144, 145, 146, 149, 151, 152, 155, 159, 166, 171, 174, 179, 180, 183, 189, 194, 195, 196, 200, 202, 205, 207, 208, 210, 211, 214, 217, 220, 222, 225, 233, 236, 243, 245, 247, 253, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 270, 272, 274, 277, 282, 411 Consumer education Disabled persons Economically or socially disadvantaged group, unemployed, prisoners…. Education for parents Environment European countries / European Union 283, 284, 292, 293, 298, 299, 301, 304, 305, 308, 311, 314, 315, 316, 318, 321, 326, 337, 342; 343, 344, 345, 348, 350, 352, 355, 357, 362, 364, 365, 372, 374, 375, 377, 378, 381, 382, 385, 386, 390, 391, 393, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 41, 68, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 120, 134, 135, 137, 141, 142, 196, 212, 225, 240, 259, 260, 262, 263, 265, 278, 308, 318, 353, 365, 383, 386, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 2, 4, 7, 9, 12, 18, 31, 49, 58, 65, 68, 74, 76, 82, 93, 97, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 115, 116, 118, 124, 128, 129, 135, 140, 141, 143, 144, 150, 151, 156, 161, 174, 176, 198, 202, 204, 210, 213, 214, 223, 227, 231, 236, 243, 245, 248, 251, 259, 260, 262, 263, 266, 274, 282, 304, 306, 313, 313, 314, 318, 320, 321, 326, 334, 339, 350, 362, 365, 367, 370, 379, 386, 388, 391, 393, 396, 397, 398, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 2, 4, 9, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 30, 31, 51, 64, 81, 82, 84, 86, 98, 99, 100, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 120, 121, 129, 131, 133, 141, 145, 146, 151, 152, 153, 154, 157, 159, 164, 174, 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 194, 195, 196, 198, 200, 201, 206, 208, 211, 216, 219, 222, 230, 231, 232, 235, 236, 238, 240, 241, 244, 245, 246, 248, 252, 253, 256, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 268, 272, 279, 287, 292, 305, 307, 314, 315, 318, 319, 329, 332, 334, 335, 340, 341, 343, 345, 347, 348, 352, 353, 357, 358, 360, 362, 364, 365, 366, 368, 371, 372, 373, 374, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 386, 391, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 4, 6, 7, 12, 13, 16, 22, 23, 33, 39, 61, 72, 96, 97, 101, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 141, 145, 151, 158, 163, 173, 198, 202, 205, 214, 217, 220, 225, 233, 243, 245, 249, 251, 259, 260, 262, 263, 265, 266, 298, 302, 306, 307, 310, 318, 319, 346, 352, 354, 355, 362, 383, 388, 397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 14, 29, 34, 41, 50, 51, 55, 56, 77, 79, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 137, 139, 142, 146, 167, 173, 188, 190, 191, 196, 212, 216, 219, 225, 237, 239, 259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 271, 274, 276, 290, 294, 296, 318, 333, 348, 354, 355, 359, 365, 366, 374, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 33, 36, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 47, 51, 53, 54, 55, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64, 65, 68, 70, 71, 74, 76, 80, 81, 83, 84, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 117, 118, 119, 120, 125, 126, 128, 130, 131, 134, 135, 137, 139, 142, 146, 148, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 159, 161, 162, 164, 165, 176, 177, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 187, 189, 192, 193, 195, 197, 199, 201, 207, 209, 211, 215, 218, 219, 220, 223, 225, 227, 228, 230, 231, 234, 236, 238, 240, 241, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 251, 252, 253, 254, 412 Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches Gender issues Guidance / counselling or other support services Health 255, 256, 258, 259, 260, 262, 263, 264, 265, 267, 271, 274, 275, 276, 277, 279, 282, 285, 286, 289, 290, 291, 292, 293, 299, 300, 303, 305, 308, 309, 310, 312, 318, 320, 322, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 332, 334, 340, 343, 344, 349, 351, 352, 353, 354, 357, 358, 359, 361, 362, 363, 364, 366, 369, 374, 376, 378, 379, 381, 382, 384, 389, 391, 392, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405; 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 34, 35; 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 51, 53, 54, 55, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 99, 100, 101, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 154, 155, 157, 159, 161, 163, 164, 166, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 185, 186, 188, 189, 190, 191, 192, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 246, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 255, 257, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 269, 270, 271, 273, 274, 275, 276, 278, 279, 280, 281, 283, 285, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 294, 295, 296, 298, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 307, 311, 312, 313, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 322, 323, 326, 328, 330, 331, 332, 334, 335, 337, 338, 339, 341, 342, 343, 344, 346, 349, 350, 351, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 358, 359, 360, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 368, 369, 371, 374, 375, 376, 377, 379, 381, 382, 384, 388, 393, 394, 398, 399, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 172, 197, 199, 205, 214, 216, 225, 259, 260, 262, 263, 290, 305, 318, 321, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 4, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 22, 23, 28, 31, 32, 34, 35, 38, 40, 42, 46, 48, 49, 50, 51, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 65, 69, 71, 74, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 85, 87, 91, 93, 94, 98, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 140, 141, 142, 145, 146, 147, 149, 151, 154, 156, 157, 159, 167, 175, 177, 179, 180, 183, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190, 195, 196, 198, 200, 201, 205, 209, 210, 211, 214, 215, 216, 217, 220, 225, 228, 229, 233, 237, 239, 240, 241, 243, 244, 248, 251, 252, 253, 254, 258, 259, 260, 263, 264, 265, 267, 269, 270, 272, 274, 276, 278, 279, 281, 284, 286, 290, 295, 301, 302, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 313, 314, 316, 317, 318, 322, 323, 325, 329, 337, 339, 346, 348, 350, 358, 361, 370, 373, 374, 377, 378, 379, 381, 383, 384, 385, 388, 389, 390, 392, 393, 394, 398, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 12, 18, 39, 41, 43, 46, 51, 58, 67, 73, 97, 101, 105, 106, 107, 413 Information Technology / ICT Intercultural issues Languages Local community groups 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 120, 137, 142, 144, 154, 156, 160, 165, 198, 212, 217, 225, 245, 246, 248, 249, 251, 255, 258, 259, 260, 262, 263, 265, 266, 267, 269, 278, 290, 293, 306, 308, 314, 318, 321, 354, 355, 362, 336, 397, 398, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 1, 3, 5, 6, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 39, 40, 41, 42, 55, 56, 57, 60, 81, 82, 88, 93, 94, 97, 99, 102, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 123, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135; 137, 139, 140, 141, 144, 145, 148, 149, 152, 154, 162, 167, 171, 178, 189, 195, 197, 199, 205, 208, 209, 210, 211, 214, 220, 222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 228, 230, 231, 232, 233, 236, 241, 242, 244, 245, 246, 248, 253, 256, 257, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 267, 269, 270, 272, 274, 283, 292, 299, 300, 301, 304, 306, 308, 309, 311, 312, 317, 318, 319, 320, 322, 323, 324, 326, 332, 340, 342, 343, 346, 348, 350, 351, 352, 354, 357, 358, 359, 362, 364, 365, 369, 371, 374, 375, 377, 378, 380, 381, 383, 385, 387, 388, 389, 391, 393, 398, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 19, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 32, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 132, 133, 136, 137, 138, 143, 144, 146, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 158, 163, 164, 166, 169, 170, 172, 176, 178, 181, 185, 186, 188, 190, 191, 192, 195, 199, 201, 203, 205, 206, 207, 210, 212, 214, 215, 217, 218, 220, 221, 225, 226, 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organisation / institution 74, 78, 80, 87, 91, 94, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 123, 143, 144, 146, 150, 158, 159, 162, 177, 180, 194, 196, 201, 203, 209, 213, 215, 220, 231, 233, 234, 239, 242, 243, 259, 260, 262, 263, 265, 269, 271, 277, 278, 284, 286, 292, 297, 299, 318, 320, 324, 327, 330, 333, 345, 346, 347, 356, 374, 381, 382, 390, 401, 402, 403, 404,405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 Marginalised groups 2, 9, 15, 63, 66, 82, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 212, 229, 235, 241, 259, 260, 262, 263, 318, 335, 341, 388, 393, 394, 398, 402, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 Media 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, 12, 22, 24, 33, 39, 40, 53, 60, 87, 90, 93, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119, 120, 131, 135, 142, 149, 162, 212, 236, 259, 260, 262, 263, 265, 279, 288, 296, 308, 311, 318, 335, 371, 387, 394, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 Methods for providing accreditation 5, 14, 15, 16, 22, 27, 31, 35, 41, 42, 51, 53, 56, 61, 62, 64, 66, of competencies 71, 73, 74, 81, 84, 90, 92, 97, 98, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 120, 132, 123, 127, 133, 137, 139, 141, 146, 152, 156, 159, 160, 161, 162, 168, 171, 173, 175, 181, 183, 196, 221, 225, 233, 234, 241, 242, 246, 248, 251, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 269, 271, 272, 278, 281, 283, 288, 299, 303, 305, 308, 310, 312, 318, 326, 328, 329, 332, 333, 334, 348, 365, 366, 367, 368, 372, 373, 374, 377, 383, 390, 399, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410 Migrants /Immigrants/ethnic or other 2, 4, 8, 9, 10, 12, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 37, 42, 44, 48, 49, 51, 54, minorities 56, 63, 66, 69, 70, 71, 73, 82, 83, 84, 88, 95, 96, 99, 100, 102, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 121, 122, 125, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133, 136, 138, 139, 141, 145, 147, 151, 155, 157, 160, 161, 163, 165, 166, 169, 171, 178, 194, 204, 205, 208, 214, 218, 220, 221, 229, 234, 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