Royal Leamington Spa Pump Room Gardens
Royal Leamington Spa Pump Room Gardens
18c ENTRANCE PLANTING BEDS All year floral interest with mixed shrub and herbaceous planting to reflect style of planting in Jephson Gardens Shade mix beneath mature high canopy trees and sun borders Flowers/perennial as understory 4/m2 planted in drifts CMP 18 PLANTING AREAS a - g 18a LINEAR RAISED BED ON THE PARADE. 5-12Nr per species i.e: medium height mixed herbaceous border plants to includeBergenia cordifolia, Heuchera 'Palace Purple Sedum spectabile, Verbena rigida, Sisyrinchium striatum, Iris pallida 'Variegata' Eryngium x oliverianum Nepeta nervosa, Origanum vulfare, O.aureum Bulbs: Allium, Scilla bifolia, Chionodoxa luciliae Pump Room Frontage - Specimen trees ie: Cedrus atlantica, C.deodara, Cryptomeria japonica, Picea omorika Taxodium distichum (swamp cypress) Pinus radiata (Monterey Pine) Tilia cordata (Small leaved lime), Tilia tomentosa/ peteolaris (Lime) Rosmarinus 'Severn Seas' ET ER P LACE nue 82 84 80 El Sub Sta DORM Ground cover roses: Rosa 'Grouse' R. Swany Hardy bulbous plants in sweeps beneath trees to include: Cyclamen hederifolia, Cyclamen coum Colchicum autumnale 'Major' Narcissus - dwarf varieties Crocus spp Typical cross section of shrubbery border 18c NTS Presbytery n Ave Hydrangea quercifolia Sarcoccocca humilis Skimmia 'Kew Green' edged with Luzula sylvatica, Stachys lanata, Iris germanica , Tall Tulip with Forget-me-Not for Spring Linde Autumn/ Winter interest foliage/berries Cerastostigma willmottiana Abelia chinensis Daphne odoro Fuschia magellanica 18b BANDSTAND BORDER Formal planting to reflect early 20th century images with shrub roses of Astrantia major, A. maxima Anemone 'September Charm' Bergenia cordifolia Cimicifuga ramosa 'Brunette' Euphorbia spp Geranium spp (Cranesbill) Helleborus spp Iris foetidissima Sedum 'Herbstfruede' Allium sphaerocphalon Fritillaria imperialis 160 Riverside Walk - Specimen trees ie: Cedrus atlantica, C. deodara Broad leaved trees - Quercus palustris, Quercus robur,(Oak) Platanus x acerifolia (Plane) Spring/Summer interest flowering shrubs as accents: Close mown grass verge 162 TREE PLANTING Linden Avenue replacement trees- semi mature Tilia platyphyllos (Broad leaved Lime) BEDFORD STRE PLANTING STRATEGY Meadow grass areas 2 x annual cut Planting areas See Lists 5 to 7 18d BATH CHAIR RAMPS - Curved borders with colourful floral plants as accents viewed across the Pump Room Gardens: Planted in curves to reflect arc and raked height ie: Low front edge Anchusa azurea Geum 'Mrs Bradshaw' Stachys lanata Mid height : Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagreb' Salvia nemorosa 'May Night' Physostegia virginiana 'Vivid' Accent grasses: Molinia caerula Panicum virgatum 'Rubrum' pennisetum alopecuroides 'Hameln' Taller backdrop: Chrysanthemum rubellum Heliopsis 'Ballet Dancer' Veronicastrum virginicum Rudbeckia tribola Maintain vegetation to encourage diversity throughout the riverside banks. Retain the existing river edge protection. New Seating Bay Planting to create a focal point and interest around benches using mainly native species Existing mature trees retained- refer to Midland Tree surgeons Report Nov. 2014 1553A Weeping willow - pollard 13 Trees to be felled - 1546 Sycamore, 1549A Poplar, 1550 Red Horse Chestnut, 1557 White poplar, 1561 Ash. 168 19 21 23 ER P LACE 170 DORM Typical cross section of Bath Chair Ramps 18d NTS TH Rain Garden EP 18e RAIN GARDEN AREA - Former AR n Ave nue E G developed from 19c. Create a sensory garden area associated with the water pool and SUDS drainage. Semi natural in character with ornamental features associated with new rockwork. AD Linde Grass areas CMP18f CMP18c CM AM Yo NE LE ZO ER f IV R 18 3 8a k al W P1 rk Bandstand Bandstand CMP18c G ro up 18 f CMP18d C ZO CMP18b CMP18f 6 NE - York Bridge ot Tree Group C - Retain good standard trees with clear stem. Coppice remainder in rotation and encourage low groundcover. Maintain existing grass and herb layer around Bath Chair ramps with selective ground cover and perennial planting: Tree Group C to Rain Garden riverside: Clear woody vegetation to establish herb layer. Introduce native wildflower species to include : Iris pseudoacorus Filipendula purpurea Meadowsweet Lythrum salicaria Purple Loosestrife Veronica gentianoides Speedwell Viola canina Dog Violet Ferns ie: Athryium felix foemina 9 11 18f RIVERSIDE BANKS Managed in 3 zones - Pump Room to York Bridge-(includes tree Groups A& B) Coppice ash & sycamore and reduce undergrowth to maintain low understorey beneath tree canopy. Introduce accent shrubs and groundcover to include: Ilex aquifolium, Hedera helix, Lonicera periclymenum. Backdrop planting along boundary and riverside, coppiced to reduce general height: Laurel, Cornus spp, Hazel, Holly, Yew, Box, Ribes spp. Salix caprea, Viburnum spp. Ligustrum vulgare Lonicera 'Graham Thomas' Ferns in variety, Arum italicum 'Pictum' Marginal & aquatic planting to include: Butomus umbellatus Caltha palustris Hosta sieboldiana 'Elegans' Iris pseudoacorus Epimedium perralderianum Geranium spp. Mentha aquatica Myosotis scorpiodes Rodgersia aesculifolia Iris laevigata Juncus effusus Grasses ie: Miscanthus zebrinus Festuca glauca Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus' 18g YORK PROMENADE BORDERS To improve the appearance of the planting from across York Bridge and access paths Foliage and low growing shrubs to ensure visibility is maintained on pedestrian access routes. To increase variety of existing planting but retain ivy understory in places. Epimedium x rubrum, Geranium macrorrhizum Euphorbia robbiae, Helleborus orientalis, Luzula sylvatica Bergenia cordifolia Mahonia Lonicera pileata Skimmia japonica 'Fructo-albo' Sarcococca humilis Hebe spp Cistus spp Bulbous plants - Anemone blanda Viola,Cyclamen, Eranthis hyemalis See Detail Drawing AP-556-01-6b 2 K R YO York Bridge AD O R G Cross section of Riverside Banks- from Library to York Bridge with existing tree cover 18f NTS 12 Group B CMP18f 18f CMP18g Group A NE RIVE R L 1 EAM ZO Royal Pump Room and Baths G 15 01 5 metres 10 15 The Lodge Cross section of Riverside Banks- from York Bridge NW 18f NTS 1:500 Pump Room Gardens - Royal Leamington Spa Planting Strategy AP-556-01-04 HLF Project PP 13-0598 Scale 1:500 @A1 June 2015 Ashmead.Price