Decade of 2000


Decade of 2000
Research Journal
Oil with a Strong Personality.
Figure 1
Primor Line
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
History of Primor Oil
History of Primor Margarine
History of Primor Food Service
History of Primor Cake Mixes
History of Primor Mayonnaise
History of Primor Rice
History of Primor Tomato Products
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
History of Primor Oil
The Fifties
Launched in 1958, when soybeans were just beginning in the Country,
Primor Oil started life linked to the strength of a brand respected by
the gauchos (from Rio Grande do Sul state) in the wheat flour sector:
S.A. Moinhos Rio Grandenses - Samrig. The product was initially
manufactured and sold by Fabrica de Oleos e Gorduras Comestiveis, in Esteio
With the use of modern technology – while oil refining was still in its infancy
in Brazil, Primor oil soon achieved outright leadership in the South and later
spread to Rio de Janeiro.
The new Samrig product was announced in a number of towns and on
highways of Rio Grande do Sul, using the typical outdoor billboards of the
day. Giant tins of Primor Oil were strategically placed in several regions of the
gaucho State.
Collection of Fund of Department of Communication and Public Relations SAMRIG.
Advertisement for Primor Oil on
Amazonas Building in Porto Alegre
Erechim: exit to Marcelino Ramos.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
The Sixties
In 1967, Sanbra1 - Sociedade Algodoeira do Nordeste Brasileiro began the
process of industrial, technological and mercadological integration with
Samrig, and together they re-launched Primor Oil.
In the same year, Primor Oil reached São Paulo with a campaign
produced by the MPM Propaganda agency, and wound up as a benchmark in
Brazilian advertising.
Three characters were created for Primor - the Don Juan, Pilantra and
Paquerador of food. The introductory text of the product was entertaining
and funny.
“Primor Oil is a danger.
He cannot set eyes on a little potato and he turns hot immediately.
But if a cute lettuce shows up, he drops the potato on the spot. He has a
terrible reputation: He takes all of them to the pan. Or to the table. Egg
plants, onions can tell you.
They wind up fried. Primor Oil is a conqueror because he inspires confidence
and quality. He is light, healthy and slightly fickle perhaps. But it could never
be said that he mistreated any fried dish. He is much too refined for that. He
is absolutely loyal: he does not disappear from the frying pan, leaving his
conquests to burn. Gossipers would have it that Primor Oil is good for
frittering time away. Who knows? Nobody is perfect” .(Source:
Revista Atualidades
Sanbra. Número 10. 1969. Archives of Bunge Memory Center.)
Currently Bunge Brasil, Food Division.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Primor Oil Campaign. 1969.
Acervo Fundo de Departamento e Relações Públicas Sanbra.
Source: Archives of Bunge Memory Center
The point of the campaign was to underscore the advantages of refined
soybean oil which arrived in São Paulo with a certain flourish.
The company invested massively in all the media from O Cruzeiro magazine
to then fledgling TV stations. On Sundays in Rio Grande do Sul the company
sponsored Cine Samrig on TV.
Samrig and Sanbra created an advertising campaign based on the good
humor of their new characters using several kinds of material to publicize
them, such as:
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Posters displayed in streets with the most
movement and traffic in Greater São
A cartoon was produced relating the
adventures and conquests of Primor
Oil, shown to female audiences on the
main TV stations of São Paulo during
prime time.
Printed media
Advertisements published in the
Country’s main women’s and
informative magazines with
various recipes on the reverse
side of the inserts.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Promotional actions
Posters for shops, supermarkets and
grocery stores. Offers and free gifts
accompanied the product at points of sale,
to attract consumers. The inserts published
in magazines were also handed out at the
points of sale.
The Seventies
In 1972, a campaign to change the packaging of Primor Oil was
launched. Over a period of several weeks, the radio stations of Rio de
Janeiro insistently asked the question: “What is small and round?”. The
suspense was broken when the new packaging of Primor Oil appeared on
supermarket shelves: round and extremely practical to handle. To launch it,
posters for points of sale, price markers, mobiles and flyers as well as other
advertising items were all prepared.
Campaign to launch the round tin can. 1972.
Source: Revista Atualidades Sanbra. Ano V. Número 27. May/June 1972 – p: 30.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
In 1977, Primor Oil was re-launched with fresh packaging. The new
design was developed with the visual unification of Primor oil and
margarine packages in mind, that is to say, so that both should have the
same basic logomark: the stylized leaf and flower of the soybean were the
chosen graphic elements.
To launch the new packaging, an advertising campaign was created
with the theme: “New face, same Brazilian temperament”.
Change in packaging of Primor Oil. 1977.
Acervo Fundo de Departamento e Relações Públicas Sanbra.
Source: Archives of Bunge Memory Center
MPM Propaganda, the agency responsible at the time, created a number of
promotional and advertising pieces. A 30-second film for TV, shown during
the second fortnight of April, was made with “Gaguinho and his Group” (from
“BECO” – SP), singing and dancing on a stage, which recalled the Golden
Globe TV program, with the logotype of Primor Oil in the background.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
They sang the following samba, which was the same as the jingle on the
“This is the chance
To tell what is new
Do you know who changed his image
And is packaged anew?
Who is it? Who is it?
Primor Oil with his little round tin
He’s got a new face
He’s got a pretty face.
Changed? Changed. Look here.
Oil so pure, it was always the first
It still keeps its Brazilian temperament.
Changed. Changed. Look here...”
Source: Revista Sanbrino. Ano XII. Nº 429. April 1978. Archives of Bunge Memory Center
The Eighties
In the middle of October 1983, consumers in the North and Northeast
of the Country encountered the latest packaging of Primor Oil at
principal points of sale: the 500ml tin. This was something new in the
market of national edible oils, especially of soybean.
New 500ml packaging of Primor Oil. 1983.
Source: Revista Atualidades Sanbra. Ano XVI. Número 79. December 1978.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
In the eighties, the company stopped advertising cooking oil in order to
concentrate on margarines which were more profitable.
The Nineties
In 1994, the company launched a new package for Primor Oil.
Primor Oil in 1992.
Source: Revista Atualidades Sanbra. Ano XXIV. Número 106. August 1992 – contra capa.
New packaging of Primor Oil in 1994.
Source: Relatório Anual da Santista Alimentos 1994 – p:3.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Primor Oil won the 94 Top of Mind Award as the vegetable oil brand with
most recall for gauchos. Its name was mentioned, spontaneously, by 35%
of all the people interviewed in Rio Grande do Sul by Segmento, the market
research company, for the “Top of Mind”, divulged by Amanhã magazine.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
In Porto Alegre, Primor obtained 33% recall. In Greater Porto Alegre, it
obtained 39.8% from the consumers interviewed and in the interior of the
state 32.8% mentioned the brand when approached by market researchers.
The survey heard 1,200 consumers throughout Rio Grande do Sul. Its main
purpose was to identify spontaneous recall of brands and names of
companies or products which are readily remembered by the population.
In 1995, Primor refined soybean oil got new packaging. In order to
modernize the product and make it more attractive at points of sale, the
packaging was given a new design. Besides alterations to the logomark, the
Primor tin can was given more intense, brighter colors of green and the area
of white was increased.
With this more modern presentation, the information “cholesterol free” was
added, since it was produced from 100% vegetable raw material.
New packaging of Primor oil in 1995.
Source: Relatório Anual da Santista Alimentos 1995 – p: 11 – Photo by Mauro Donato.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In 1995, the survey conducted by Datafolha, commissioned by Expressão
Magazine, to identify the positioning of products in 18 different
categories with the population of the South, revealed that Primor Oil
was the strongest brand in Rio Grande do Sul, among the most enduring in
the market. It was not merely a question of the brands most recalled by
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
consumers, but also brands that consumers liked and believed to have the
best quality.
In the year of 1998, Primor Oil started to be sold in PET packaging. The
packaging was modernized to ensure the consumers’ good impression of the
Primor Oil Packaging.
Source: Revista Alimentar. Ano I. Número 9. June 2001 – p: 9.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Decade of 2000
In the year of 2003, to commemorate the growth of the Primor Family,
the packaging of Primor Oil was altered to consolidate its identity.
Source: Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In July 2005, after analyzing the vegetable oil market in an effort to identify
the needs of consumers and also update its products constantly, in the São
Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Espirito Santo and Santa Catarina regions Bunge
launched the new Primor soybean oil, with the ideal formula for frying
and 0% of trans fats, which helps to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol.
“Your Primor Oil even better” was the campaign appeal for the product’s
re-launch, which included approach and promotional actions in major
supermarket chains of the states where the oil was sold. The launch
endeavored to meet the main consumer requirement which was to use
oils for frying. Nevertheless, even with this new formula, the oil continued
to be effective in a variety of culinary productions.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Packaging of Primor Cooking Oil 900ml.
Marketing Presentation Col.Bun.Ali. Dg.T.29 – 2005.
Source: Acer Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In other regions of Brazil, the sale of Original Primor Oil was maintained,
although in new packaging.
Primor Oil Packaging.
Marketing Presentation Col.Bun.Ali. Dg.T.29 – 2005.
Source: Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
In September 2007, the packaging of all consumer products was
revamped. The idea was to innovate so as to offer more options and meet
the needs of Brazilian customers and consumers. The novelties were
accompanied by actions in the media (TV, radio and magazines), fairs, events
and at points of sale. All the websites for the consumer line of Bunge
Alimentos2 were remodeled. The Primor website was visually revamped
to combine with the new design of the products and emphasized the
customs and cultures of different regions in Brazil.
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 05. Número 57. September 2007.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
The packages did away with the standard design for vegetable oils,
margarines and mayonnaises, introducing brighter, more modern
colors, which made it easy to identify the product at the point of sale.
Also added to the packaging were pictures of happy, healthy people, which
helped to raise consumers’ identification with the brands.
Information on the labels (nutritional, ingredients, origin, expiry date and
lot number) became more visible, so as to emphasize the visual appeal
to buy. Packaging with attitude and personality, without losing the essence
and tradition of the brands of Bunge products.
Currently Bunge Brasil, Food Division.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Source: Archives of Bunge Memory Center
On the 12th of August 2008, Bunge
celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of the Primor brand.
To call attention to these five successful decades of the Primor brand, the
involved employees,
consumers and customers. The Primor Kitchen truck, an itinerant action
which visited 35 towns in the Northeast and arrived at the Suape Plant, in
Ipojuca (PE) at the end of August, bringing low-cost recipes, tips on cooking,
storage and utilization of food, nutritional information and household
economy among others to employees and their families. They also took part
in cooking classes and competed for kitchen utensils with games such as
“roulette” and “hit the target”. Regional recipes were collected in the towns
through which the truck passed, so that one from each municipality could be
chosen at the end of the project to make up a book with the title “Flavors of
the Northeast”.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
The purpose of this action was to promote all the categories of the Primor
brand, through involvement with communities and the appreciation of
regional characteristics.
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 06. Número 67. July 2008.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Additionally, on the 12th of August, a dinner was held for the major
wholesale customers, in commemoration of the brand’s 50 years. The
theme of the event was “50 Years of Success – 50 years of Primor and 50
years since the First World Cup” and was held during the 28th Fair of ABAD
(Brazilian Association of Wholesalers and Distributors), at the Expotrade
Convention Center, in Curitiba (PR). Pepe and Zito, soccer players from the
Brazilian national team of 1958, were invited to the event and autographed
official football shirts which were presented to the customers.
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 06. Número 69. September 2008.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Positioning of the consumer brands
Research conducted by the Research International Institute identified a very
significant degree of recall and stimulated familiarity with some of the Bunge
brands. The Cyclus brand and its products, for example, which had only been
created in 2004 and had their communication efforts concentrated in the
South of the country, were already enjoying considerable recall with
Delicia: 94%
Primor: 91%
Soya: 91%
Cyclus: 20%;
Salada: 65%
The results of the survey were obtained through interviews held annually in
the towns of São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Salvador, Recife,
Fortaleza, Porto Alegre and Curitiba. Around 1500 people participated in the
interviews and answered questions about certain categories and motherbrands.
The survey also helped to identify how many people who knew the product
were trying it, as well as how many of those who tried it were using it on a
regular basis. These data helped to identify how effective the communication
was and how convincing the products were. Other analyses extracted from
this survey were the image and positioning of the brands, ways and
occasions of consumption, recall from communication, and the tendencies of
consumption to rise or fall.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Positioning of consumer brands
Every dish asks for Soya every day
Brings joy to your table
It’s more than good. It’s Delicia
Life is made of Cyclus. Renew yourself!
Retains the flavor of the food)
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 06. Número 71. November 2008.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
June is the month to celebrate the days of Saint Peter, Saint John and Saint
Anthony at the well-known June festivities, held in various parts of Brazil.
In June 2009, Bunge got in the party mood for these festivities and
launched a series of special labels for Primor products which were sold
until the end of July throughout the Country. Furthermore, the company
attracted attention with its campaign “Bring the flavor of the Northeast to
your table”. It sponsored the coverage of a Saint John’s party by the SBT
television channel and jingles on radios in the states of Pernambuco, Paraiba,
Piaui, Rio Grande do Norte, Alagoas, Bahia, Ceara and Maranhão. Also part of
the campaign were bus advertisements, a cooking contest in two regional TV
programs and a special game on the brand’s website.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 07. Número 78. June 2009.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Once again, Bunge got into the party mood and launched a series of
special labels for Primor products at Xmas 2010.
Source: Vegetable Oil Marketing. Bunge Brasil. 2011.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Between the 9th and 12th of May, Bunge attracted attention at APAS
2011, the biggest national event in the supermarket sector, and introduced
various innovations. Among them was the revitalized packaging of
products in its portfolio, to be distributed throughout Brazil.
Source: Vegetable Oil Marketing. Bunge Brasil. 2011.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
History of Primor Margarine
The Sixties
Primor margarine was launched by Samrig3 in the month of September
1960. Its manufacture was preceded by patient studies and lengthy
experimentation, for which the company mobilized a massive technical and
scientific investment, and consequently achieved its objective, namely the
production of a top quality product at an accessible price. During this year,
the company devoted itself to a plan to install cold storage chambers in the
principal consumer centers of the Country and expand the respective
industrial capacity. The purpose of these measures was to make it easy to
acquire Primor margarine.
Ad for Primor Margarine in 1961.
Source: História da Indústria Sul-Rio-Grandense - p: 105.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In the first half of 1961, Primor margarine was already penetrating the
strong markets of São Paulo and Guanabara.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
In 1962, thanks to its high quality and exceptional properties, Primor
margarine was the principal product used by the company to conquer
a bigger market, thus rapidly expanding its area of consumption.
In 1962/1963, the Primor brand, not just the margarine, but also the
oil and fat, had been widely introduced and consolidated in the market.
During this period, Samrig expanded and rationalized its sales, promotion
and distribution services, including the installation of new agencies and cold
storage to distribute the margarine.
exclusively soybean oil, thanks to the growing presence of this grain in the
production of vegetable oils in the Central-South region. The company took
maximum care at every step of manufacturing the margarine: in the initial
phase of reception of the oil, refining, deodorization, clarification and
hydrogenation; at the moment skimmed milk was added – which was
pasteurized again in the company’s plants; and in the packaging phase.
In 1969, Sanbra began an innovative promotion, announced by the
actor Grande Otelo, distributing millions in prizes inside the packaging
of Delicia and Primor margarines. The prizes included pre-fabricated
houses, cars, motorcycles, tape recorders, knitting machines, jewelry,
washing machines, kitchen cabinets, mini Mustangs, bicycles, soccer balls
and dolls. To get the prizes, the consumer had to go to Sanbra’s head office
or to one of the company’s branches and hand in the voucher which had
proclaimed Grande Otelo.
Currently Bunge Brasil, Food Division.
Currently Bunge Brasil, Food Division.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Source: Revista Atualidades Sanbra. Número 11. September/October 1969 – p: 32.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
On the 1st of October 1969, Primor margarine was launched in new
packaging, after three months of surveys and tests. The new package,
known as a “little canoe”, introduced three unprecedented properties,
never before used in the Brazilian market:
1. Completely tamper-proof, since the two plastic parts of which it was
composed were hermetically closed with hot application of a label
made of special material, which stuck firmly to the plastic. This process
was carried out without any manual contact and nor could it, since the
label, when removed, would not glue again. It remained on the plastic
lid which the consumer used, while consuming the product.
2. Convenience of use, since Primor margarine went from fridge to
table and from table to fridge, without the need to transfer it to a
fresh pot.
3. Price, because the packaging was prepared in such a way that its cost
was similar to a conventional one, of paper. After usage, it was
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Source: Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Source: Revista Atualidades Sanbra. Número 11. September/October 1969 – p: 24.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
The Seventies
In 1977, Primor margarine was launched with new packaging. The new
campaign starred the couple Tarcisio Meira and Gloria Menezes and
announced: “Primor Margarine, the premiere of the Year” and “Primor: the
margarine of Bread and of Gloria”.
Source: Revista Atualidades Sanbra. Ano X. Número 55. September/October 1976 – p: 24.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In 1978/1979, Samrig planned another expansion of production capacity
and sales of Primor margarine.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
The Eighties
In 1982, Samrig held the leadership position in the conventional margarine
segment with the Primor brand.
In 1983, Samrig launched Primor Cremosa margarine. As well as holding
the position of leader among conventional types of margarine, the company
came to occupy a respectable position in the ranking of creamy ones.
In the year of 1984, the company became leader of the overall market
of margarines in the Southern Region, Samrig’s area of operation,
where the launch of Primor Cremosa was a decisive factor.
Packages of Primor Margarine.
Source: Revista Atualidades Sanbra. Ano XXI. Número 97. 1989 - contracapa.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
The Nineties
In 1990, traditional Primor margarine was relaunched and Primor
Cremosa was introduced throughout the Brazilian market.
Relaunch of Primor Margarine in 1990.
Source: Revista Atualidades Sanbra. Ano XXII. Número 99. Ano 1990 - p: 29.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In March 1992, Sanbra launched Primor Forno & Fogão margarine for
culinary use. Produced with special soybean lecithin, this reduced the
spattering of oil while frying food. With this differential, Primor margarine
strengthened its position among other competing margarines.
Primor Forno & Fogão Margarine Package - 1992.
Source: Revista Atualidades Sanbra. Ano XXIV. Número 106. Ano 1992 - p: 25
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
New packages of Primor Margarine - 1994.
Source: Revista Atualidades Sanbra. Ano XXVI. Número 110. Ano 1994 - p: 25
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
According to Zero Hora newspaper - Porto Alegre 12th of December 1993,
Primor, a hard, more heat-resistant margarine, sold well in regions such as
Rio Grande do Sul, the Mid West and parts of the Northeast, with varying
climactic conditions.
In 1999, in order to hold onto the leadership of Primor in North and
Northeastern markets, Santista5 launched the campaign “Primor – here,
everybody uses it”. The commercials of 30 and 15 seconds shown on
television, showed scenes of breakfast and dinner and mouth-watering
dishes, with the unmistakable touch and flavor of Primor. As well as TV
commercials, the campaign used other supporting media such as posters,
banners on shelves, brochures and a jingle in axé rhythm which animated
youngsters on the main radio stations of the region.
New packaging of Primor Margarine in 1999.
Source: Jornal Em Foco. Ano I. Número 5. March 1999 - p: 3
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Currently Bunge Brasil, Food Division.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
The Decade of 2000
At the beginning of 2001, Primor margarine changed its packaging.
The pot became white, making the product look more modern, and stood out
at the point of sale. Primor, leader in the North and Northeast regions, was
given special publicity at regional patron saints’ festivals and at the traditional
June festivities, as well as spots on the radio.
Source: Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In September 2001, Primor margarine, outright sales leader in the North
and Northeast, began to be sold in a new square package.
New package design of Primor margarine.
Source: Jornal Em Foco. Ano II. Número 27. September 2001 - p: 02
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Leader of the consumer market in the North and Northeast, Primor
margarine caught the public eye in the year of 2002 at the traditional
June festivities, which were held in the months of June and July in Caico
(RN), Campina Grande (PB), Caruaru (PE), Crato (CE) and Juazeiro do Norte
(CE). During the festivities, booths were set up to hand out free gifts and
announce the margarine’s promotion. By simply buying the margarine and
filling out a coupon, people could run for prizes such as: TV’s, cameras and
blenders. In addition, at the time of purchase, the consumer got a voucher to
run for instant prizes.
In 2003, Bunge Alimentos6 launched a new idea for the North and
Northeast of the Country, where the brand was already leader with 31.9%
of market share7. Primor Cremosa, which substituted Primor Salgadinha,
came with new packaging, a new taste and combined creamy consistency
with a formula that withstood the high temperatures typical of these regions.
For the other regions of the Country, Bunge launched Primor Happy Day,
which substituted All Day margarine by the end of 2003. The result was a
new product with a new taste, lighter and more attractive to the consumer’s
palate. Primor Happy Day combined the recognition of the traditional
Primor brand with the happy, contemporary positioning attributed to the All
Day brand of the former Ceval8. Both new products got new packaging. At
the end of this year, media activities were programmed to divulge Primor
Happy Day in the interior of São Paulo and in the South of the
Currently Bunge Brasil, Food Division.
Source: Ibope 2002.
In 1991, Ceval entered the field of vegetable creams, launching All Day margarine. In 1997, in order to
consolidate Bunge leadership in the area of soybean processing and the production of meal and oils, the
company acquired Ceval Alimentos, the biggest crusher and processor of soybeans in Brazil and one of
the most important companies in the sector, founded in 1971, by businessmen connected with the Hering
Textile Group. With Ceval, Bunge also acquired Seara.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
New packages of Primor Cremosa and Primor Happy Day Margarine.
Source: Revista Bunge Com Você. Ano II. Número 8. June/July 2003 - p: 17.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
To advertise the brand, besides a TV and radio campaign, Bunge created
the Vila Primor in an area of 400 m², where leisure activities for the
community were run during the principal popular festivals. This action was
additional support from marketing given to one of Bunge’s most traditional
brands of margarine.
The Primor brand was launched in the South of the Country and over
time obtained high penetration and permanence in the markets of the
Bunge Alimentos, through its promotion Primor Radio Action, gave
consumers from six capitals of the Northeast the chance to go to the
supermarket and not have to pay for their purchases. With this promotion,
Bunge intended to consolidate one of its main margarine brands in the
Brazilian Northeast, where it was already regional leader in vegetable oils and
cake mixes. To participate in the “Carrinho Musical”, the listener just had to
call in to the radio and sign up. The winners had several minutes to fill up the
cart with products and take it all home for free. The promotion was
transmitted live on the radio. The first capital to receive “Primor Radio Action”
was Fortaleza (CE), in a partnership with Radio AM do Povo. The campaign
was then run in Natal, Recife, Maceio, Sergipe and Salvador.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
In 2005, Primor margarine in an ideally-sized package hit the market for
the preparation of various sweet and salty recipes: the new Primor 1Kg
margarine came with a reduced salt content, 75% of lipids and in a
practical package, which made storage easy and allowed for one-time use.
Recommended for culinary use in general, in confectionery and bakery, the
product offered an excellent cost-benefit ratio.
Source: Revista Bunge com Você. Ano III. Número 23. December/January 2005.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
At the beginning of March 2005, Primor, one of the most traditional brands
of margarine from Bunge Alimentos, changed to adapt to the new habits
of the female consumer, more discerning, demanding and concerned with
health and practicality. The product received support from the light version,
with 55% less calories. The new formula of Primor, the only one in all
of Brazil, acknowledged for its excellent results in culinary use, was even
creamier, with milder aroma and flavors. Primor became more
versatile: good for the kitchen and for eating on bread.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
The new Primor margarine was officially introduced to all the regional sales
offices of Bunge Alimentos in Brazil. The Primor package was also
redesigned. It became more contemporary and visually more attractive.
With this, Primor’s mayonnaise and vegetable fat packaging also
changed, since the new visuals were standardized.
Source: Planeta Bunge. Ano 03. Número 28. April 2005.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Source: Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
The launching of new Primor was accompanied by a campaign in all the
communication vehicles. A new film, which demonstrated the versatility
and modernity of the product, was shown during the year of 2005 on the
main national television channels. The purpose was both to consolidate
and expand Primor margarine’s share of the Brazilian consumer
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 03. Número 34. October 2005.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
From September to December 2005, Bunge Alimentos launched
Primor Fest, a major event in thirteen towns of the Northeast of Brazil. The
event was part of a campaign to relaunch the Primor brand and
commemorate 100 Years of Bunge in Brasil. This initiative focused on
beauty, health and well-being. For one whole day, specialists gave the public
advice on the care needed for healthy living and also gave tips on skin and
hair treatment. The action included massage courses and stretching and
dance sessions, as well as evaluations of body mass.
At night, the Primor Fest area was transformed into a large center of culture,
Northeastern dishes. Besides this, three of the Brazilian Northeast’s most
famous beaches received an additional attraction for the summer: sixteen
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
jangadas to color the waters of Boa Viagem and Porto Galinhas in
Pernambuco, and Maceio in Alagoas. While visibility of the Primor brand
increased in the consumer’s preference, Bunge Alimentos was paying
tribute to the people of the Northeast, since the jangada is one of the
strongest symbols of local culture.
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 03. Número 34. October 2005.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In September 2007, the packaging of all consumer products was
Source: Acervo Centro de Memória Bunge.
In June 2009, Bunge got in the party mood for the festivities and
launched a series of special labels for Primor products which were sold
until the end of July throughout the Country.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 07. Número 78. June 2009.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In the month of October 2009, Bunge launched a specific action in the
Northeast cities of Salvador, Recife and Fortaleza. On purchasing a
total of one kilo of Primor brand margarine, the consumer could
choose a salt cellar or toothpick dispenser decorated with typical
figures of the Northeast as a free gift. There were four options which
paid tribute to the outlaw, the lady in traditional attire from Bahia, the lace
maker and the capoeira fighter. The plants of Suape (PE), Luis Eduardo
Magalhães (BA) and Gaspar (SC) also took part in the action, raffling some of
the free gifts among their employees. Nearly 180 supermarkets participated
in the promotion.
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 07. Número 83. November 2009.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In the Northeast, Primor was the foremost brand to be recalled by
consumers. This is what was revealed by the 2009 Top of Mind Survey,
made by the Folha de São Paulo newspaper, which interviewed five thousand
people in Brazil. Conducted by the DataFolha Research Institute in over 160
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
towns, from five regions of the Country, the initiative chooses the most
recalled brands in a number of market segments. The award presentation
ceremony took place on the 28th of October in São Paulo (SP). “Top of Mind
was recognition for all the actions Bunge has been taking in the
Northeast over the years with the Primor brand which, besides being
leader of the margarine market, has become the most remembered
from all categories by consumers”, stated Rosa Nascimbeni, then
Consumer Marketing Manager, Gaspar (SC).
For the 2nd year, Primor margarine was awarded the Folha Top of
Mind prize, presented by the newspaper Folha de S. Paulo, as the
brand most recalled by consumers from the Northeast region of the
country. For the survey, made by type of product, the Datafolha Institute
went out in the market with the following question: “What is the first brand
which comes to mind when margarine is mentioned?”. Among the reasons for
such notability, in the opinion of Bunge, are the striking colors of the
packaging and the product’s resistance to the region’s high temperatures.
The award presentation ceremony took place on the 28th of October in São
Paulo (SP).
Once again, Bunge got in the party mood and launched a series of
special labels for Primor products at Xmas 2010.
Source: New Value Chains – Tomato Products. Bunge Brasil. 2011.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Between the 9th and 12th of May, Bunge attracted attention at APAS
2011, the biggest national event in the supermarket sector, and introduced
various innovations. Among them was the revitalized packaging of
products in its portfolio, to be distributed throughout Brazil. The Primor
appearance, which conveyed its creaminess.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Source: Marketing Margarines. Bunge Brasil. 2011.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
History of Primor Food Service
The Eighties
The so-called “industrial packaging” of Sanbra’s9 traditional household
brands, available in the market since the Sixties (Primor margarine
in cans of 17.5 kg), began to reap success in the Eighties, winning larger
segments of consumers among restaurants, snack bars and industrial
restaurants. The most noteworthy were Primor margarine, in a large tin
package of 16 kg, Maionegg´s, in a bucket of 3 kg, and Primor Oil, in a
giant tub of 18 liters.
Source: Revista Atualidades Sanbra. Ano XVI. Número 79. December 1983.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Currently Bunge Brasil, Food Division.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
The Nineties
In 1994, Sanbra altered the packaging of Primor margarine in a big
tin. The change came about as a result of a project to unify the visual
identity of the family of products. Besides its 16.4 kg packaging, Primor in a
big tin became available in tins of 5kg. With this, the company managed to
meet the many different needs of the product’s customers (restaurants, bars,
hotels, hospitals, schools, and others).
Source: Revista Atualidades Sanbra. Ano XXVI. Número 110. May 1994.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Decade of 2000
In 2001, Bunge Alimentos10 launched Primor Margarine in packaging of
10 and 15kg, ideal for use in bakeries, restaurants and industrial kitchens.
As a result customers gained in versatility and ease of use: a sealing lid,
which opens easily; interior without any creases, which makes it more
practical to remove the product and eliminates the traditional build-up on the
edges and tabs, thus making it easier to handle.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
In 2003, Primor margarine started to be sold in buckets of 3kg, 5kg
and 15kg and in boxes of 10kg. The packages were given a new
appearance with modern colors.
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 01. Número 10. October 2003.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 02. Número 21. September 2004.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Currently Bunge Brasil, Food Division.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
In 2004, Bunge Alimentos launched two new ideas with mayonnaise
for the food service line: Primor Mayonnaise and the new formula of
Soya Mayonnaise. With exclusive formulas, tested and approved in consumer
surveys, these new products offered the ideal consistency for use in sauces,
sandwiches, pâtés, salads, salty snacks and even for decorating dishes.
“The name Primor was chosen because of the widespread acceptance and
recognition which the brand enjoyed”, explained Marck Krauze, marketing
manager of Bunge’s food service area at that time.
The product was launched in a bucket version of 6Kg, a traditional
3kg bucket, a 3kg light bucket and sachets of 8g (of mayonnaise,
ketchup and mustard).
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 02. Número 17. May 2004.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 02. Número 17. May 2004.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In 2005, Bunge Alimentos launched Primor wheat flour, which combined
the quality of a recognized Primor brand with an excellent cost-benefit ratio.
The goal was to bring the customer a quality product at an accessible price.
Its formula was indicated for use in making bread and confectionery products
in general. The launch of Primor wheat flour took place during MinasPão
2005, one of the most important fairs in the bakery sector, which took place
in Belo Horizonte.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Source: Revista Bunge com Você. Ano III. Número 22. October/November 2005.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Also in 2005, Bunge Alimentos launched three new products for
culinary use. The first was Delicia Culinaria Azeite de Oliva (Olive Oil)
margarine, in tablets of 100g. Primor Mais vegetable fat was also
launched in the market. Thanks to this formula, better results were
obtained in dishes, with softer, crispier cakes and pies and the yield in ice
cream also improved. The packaging was practical and versatile.
The third new product was Soya de Primor cholesterol-free vegetable
fat, which female consumers already knew as Primor and which, from this
date on, became part of the Soya family. The goals of these product launches
were to add value to the portfolio and create differentials from the
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 03. Número 36. December 2005.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In 2007, Bunge innovated once again in order to meet the needs of
customers in the bakery sector. It started selling Primor wheat flour in
25kg packages. “The product was launched at a time when the Brazilian
bakery market was growing and looking for practical, cost-benefit solutions.
Primor flour fit this mold since it was a product made for customers who
wanted to diminish purchase volumes, without losing quality”, said Junior
Justino, director of Food Processor at the time.
Primor wheat flour was known as a product with a strong gluten quality,
obtained from milling blends of clean, high quality wheat grains.
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 05. Número 51. March 2007.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
In the same year, Bunge Alimentos participated in and, once again, got
national coverage at the anniversary of the founding of São Paulo,
commemorated on the 25th of January. The birthday cake was made with
products from the Primor brand. Among its ingredients, 644kg of
Primor creamy margarine, the equivalent of approximately 1,300 tubs of
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 05. Número 51. March 2007.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
As of the 15th of August 2007, Bunge products for bakeries were given a
new look. The modifications to the packaging were part of an organizational
project restructuring layouts to improve their appearance and add important
information about the company’s products and so offer more complete
customer service.
Source: Revista Bunge com Você. Ano V. Número 33. August/September 2007.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
In 2011, the Primor line is introduced to the public with the following
products and packaging:
Source: Design – MKT Food & Ingredients. Bunge Brasil. 2011.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Source: Design – MKT Food & Ingredients. Bunge Brasil. 2011.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
History of Primor Cake Mixes
Decade of 2000
In July 2003, Primor cake mix was launched. The product reached the
shelves with the mission to serve customers who were looking for convenient
products that helped out in everyday tasks. With metallized plastic
packaging, the product hit the market with seven flavors. According to a
survey conducted by the Food Products division of Bunge Alimentos¹, the
flavors of chocolate, coconut, orange and vanilla were the favorites of
consumers, whilst those of corn, manioc and banana were the ones they
would most like to have as an option when preparing to make a cake.
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 01. Número 07. July 2003. P: 04.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
History of Primor Mayonnaise
Curiosities about mayonnaise
There are a number of theories about the origin of mayonnaise. There are
those who say that the name comes from mayeunaise, a term deriving from
old French moyeu which means egg yolk. Other specialists believe that
Marechal Rechelieu tried a sauce called mahonnaise, in the town of Mahon,
on the island of Minorca (Spain). Whichever is right, the invention is
certainly French and spread throughout the world in the XIX century. Used
in sandwiches, salads and canapés, mayonnaise is also the basic ingredient
for countless sauces.
Decade of 2000
In April 2004, Bunge Alimentos11 used two of its traditional brands in
mayonnaise segment. Delicia e Primor mayonnaises were launched in the
Primor mayonnaise came on the market in both regular and light versions,
with a complete line of differentiated packaging such as pots, tubes and
To make the new products agreeable to consumers’ tastes, surveys were
conducted which revealed how the Brazilian family consumed mayonnaise.
Actions in the media and promotions at the points of sale throughout
Brazil accompanied the product launches.
Currently Bunge Brasil, Food Division.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 02. Número 16. April 2004. P: 05.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
From 15th of November 2005 until 31st of March 2006, Bunge
Alimentos launched the special edition of “Post Cards of Brazil” pots.
The 500 gram pots of mayonnaise were decorated with photos of tourist
spots and national symbols of Brazil.
The objective was to reclaim and preserve Brazil’s cultural memory and
at the same time boost the image of the Primor brand with consumers.
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 03. Número 36. December 2005.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
In September 2007, the packaging of all consumer products was
Source: Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In June 2009, Bunge got in the party mood for the festivities and
launched a series of special labels for Primor products which were sold
until the end of July throughout the Country.
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 07. Número 78. June 2009.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In the month of September 2010, Bunge introduced consumers to some
new products, which made their meals even more practical and tastier. The
new 250g PET packaging of Primor mayonnaise came on the market.
This new idea not only presented a more accessible price, but also
offered consumers practicality in their day-to-day living. The 250g
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
PET was an excellent option for people living alone or small families,
who needed a product that could be consumed before its expiry date.
Furthermore, the packaging could be purchased for weekend trips or
consumed in one shot for any specific recipe. The label highlighted the
benefits of the mayonnaises, such as 0% Trans Fats, and as a source
of Vitamin E and of Omega 3.
Source: Jornal Mural da Bunge. October 4th 2010.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Between the 9th and 12th of May, Bunge attracted attention at APAS
2011, the biggest national event in the supermarket sector, and introduced
various innovations. Among them was the revitalized packaging of
products in its portfolio, to be distributed throughout Brazil.
Source: Marketing Categorias. Bunge Brasil. 2011.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
History of Primor Rice
Curiosities about rice
China is the biggest producer and consumer of rice in the world. It is
estimated that if every Chinese decided to eat one extra spoon of rice per
day, the Brazilian population would be insufficient to cover this demand.
Brazil is the biggest producer of rice outside the Asian continent.
Type 1 Rice (long grain) – which has the lowest ratio of grain defects –
represents 75% of the market.
Types of rice: Bunge sells rice type 1, in white and parboiled versions. Check
out the differences:
1) Polished (White) Rice:
• The most common, consumed by the majority of Brazilians;
• Translucid and polished aspect;
• Its advantages are:
- Cholesterol-free
- Totally natural
2) Parboiled Rice:
• The parboiling process consists of treating the rice while it is still in the
husk with only heat and water and without any chemical agents. The grain
becomes more compact and retains the vitamins and minerals.
• Its advantages are:
- Rich in vitamins and minerals
- Always less sticky (fluffier)
- Higher yield in the pot
- Keeps its properties after reheating
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Decade of 2000
In 2007, Bunge launched Primor rice. At the time, half of the world’s
population included rice in its daily diet and a Brazilian consumed over 6kg of
rice per month on average. These two bits of information were sufficient to
justify the decision by Bunge Alimentos12 to enter the rice consumer
Why Primor? A traditional brand, found in the housewife’s kitchen
every day, in the form of refined oil, mayonnaise and margarine. For
this reason, the concept exploited the quality of the rice and the daily
consumption of the product: “Fluffy and perfect for cooking every day”.
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 05. Número 59. November 2007.
Available initially in the South of the Country, in Minas Gerais, in Rio
de Janeiro, in Espirito Santo and the Northeast, in white and parboiled
versions and in packages of 1 and 5kg.
This launch marked the beginning of Bunge’s activities in this
category of products. Both white and parboiled varieties are nutritious,
100% natural, cholesterol-free and free of trans fats.
Primor rice was marketed wholesale, in retail stores and in food service.
Currently Bunge Brasil, Food Division.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Bunge acquired the rice from farmers and used partnerships to process the
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 05. Número 58. October 2007.
In April 2009, fifteen months after starting its activities in the rice
market with the Primor brand, Bunge already showed good results in
important regions of Brazil. For example, in the Northeast the product
obtained over 5% market share, as against 11% by the current leader at that
time. A significant portion, considering that the wholesale rice market is
extremely fragmented, with the presence of many regional brands. In the
Northeast, being the second brand of the region, with 6.6% of market
share. “The product has been well received, thanks to the strength that the
brand commands in the Northeast”, pointed out Frederico Serrano, the Sales
Manager of Bunge Alimentos at the time.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
In June 2009, Bunge got in the party mood for the festivities and
launched a series of special labels for Primor products which were sold
until the end of July throughout the Country.
Source: Revista Planeta Bunge. Ano 07. Número 78. June 2009.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In 2010, Bunge was the first in the market to include a seal with
nutritional information on packages of its product. As of February
that year, the consumer of Primor Rice found this new idea on the
packaging. The white rice version presented data such as iron and mineral
content and the information that the product is a source of protein. In the
parboiled rice version, emphasis was given to the vitamins (B1, B3 and
B5) found in the product. Despite the fact that rice is a cereal which
possesses such nutritional benefits in natura, consumers had never been
informed of this by the brands found in the market. Another point
emphasized by the seal was that rice needs no washing before it is cooked
and is therefore more practical when preparing a meal. Development of the
nutritional seal was a collective effort on the part of the areas of Research
and Development and Marketing, as a consequence of market surveys
revealing the increasing importance given by the consumer to nutritional
aspects of the product.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Source: Revista Bunge com Você. Ano 7. Número 47. 2010.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Anyone who likes to eat fluffy, tasty rice grains can, as of July 2010, help
himself in several restaurant chains in the South and Southeast of the
Country. Primor Rice started to appear on the menus of the following
Ragazzo (of the same group as the Habib’s and Arabian Bread chain) with
20 fast food spots in São Paulo.
Viena – has 56 restaurants and 35 cafeterias spread around:
• São Paulo
• Rio de Janeiro
• Parana
• Santa Catarina
• Rio Grande do Sul
Don Pepe di Napoli – with 13 of the chain’s restaurants in the São Paulo
capital, including the following names – Don Pepe di Napoli, Al Mare, Forneria
di Napoli, La Pepa, Vila Conte and Pepitto.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
At the end of 2010, Bunge, with global activities in the rice category,
closed a deal with Anheuser-Busch and acquired Pacific International
Rice Mills – the biggest rice mill in the United States, with a capacity of
360 thousand tons per year.
Once again, Bunge got into the party mood and launched a series of
special labels for Primor products at Xmas 2010.
Source: New Value Chains – Tomato Products. Bunge Brasil. 2011.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
support of the
mountainous region of Rio de Janeiro, Bunge made a donation of
non-perishable products and delivered them to the Civil Defense of
Teresopolis (RJ). 1,640 boxes of Soya oil and 35,000 1kg bags of Primor
Rice were donated.
On the 7th and 8th of April, sales managers from the Food Service segment
took part in the First Sales Training Program “Primor Rice and You” in
Camaquã (RS). One of the partner mills of Bunge rice is located at
this Plant. The 40 participants learned about the rice production cycle, from
the acquisition of the raw material to its shelf display in the market. In
addition to this, they visited the mill to learn about the production process.
The technical differences between white and parboiled rice and also the
methods of quality control were explained. The managers were given
information to enable them to advise customers on how to store and use rice.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Between the 9th and 12th of May, Bunge attracted attention at APAS
2011, the biggest national event in the supermarket sector, and introduced
various innovations. Among these, whiter and fluffier Primor Perfil Nobre
Rice, to satisfy the most demanding consumers who are looking for more
flavor and quality in food. This is a top quality grain, cultivated on the finest
plains of Rio Grande do Sul, where the traits of the subtropical climate are
well-defined seasons and well-distributed rains. Together these produce a
special harvest of insuperable quality. In July 2011, the product was already
being sold in large retail chains, fast food chains, restaurants and bakeries.
The product was launched in a sophisticated package, black in color,
and in 1kg and 5kg options.
Source: New Value Chains - Rice / Oil. Bunge Brasil. 2011.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
In Brazil the rice market is considerably fragmented, with over 2
thousand brands present. In just three years, Bunge has already
become one of the biggest companies in the market, and the Primor
brand the 3rd biggest in the Northeast.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
The Food Service segment (away-from-home meals), which involves
bakeries, restaurants, hotels and others, provides a great opportunity to
expand the Rice category. Bunge is working towards the goal of becoming
the biggest and best rice company in Brazil.
Complete Line of Primor Rice
Source: New Value Chains - Rice/ Oil. Bunge Brasil. 2011.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
History of Primor Tomato Products
Decade of 2000
To expand its presence in retailing, Bunge signed an agreement with
Siol, owner of the Saude brand, for the production of sauces and
tomato extract in its Rio Verde factory in Goias. In the partnership model
agreed with Siol, Bunge finances and monitors tomato growers in the region.
A critical factor for the production of top quality sauce is the origin of
the tomato. Consequently the best seeds in the world are brought by Bunge
to be cultivated in the best region of Brazil, in Goias.
Not only is production controlled by state-of-the-art monitoring technology,
through which information on nutrients, moisture, temperature and pest
control are collected daily, but the company only uses tomatoes harvested
between July and September, the driest period of the year, thus
obtaining redder, more homogeneous and flavorful tomatoes. After
harvesting, the tomatoes are sent to the Siol plant and are processed in up to
18 hours, with quality controlled by a Bunge team installed in the plant.
Furthermore all distribution and sales are Bunge’s responsibility.
The Primor Tomato Products line came into being closely associated
with the concept of 'from field to table' and contributes still more value
to Bunge’s business chains.
Between the 9th and 12th of May, Bunge attracted attention at APAS
2011, the biggest national event in the supermarket sector. In a 250 square
differentiated line which marks the company’s entrance into the new
and promising market of tomato products.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
This line reaches shelves in August, first in the Northeast, the region
where the Primor brand enjoys the most recall by consumers.
This is a Premium line, made with top quality tomatoes, which is
(Pomarola in sauces and Elefante for extracts). The first billing of the
category to Wal Mart in Bahia and Recife occurred on 29/07/2011.
Siol will not be the only company producing for Bunge, but until now there
are no details on who will be the other partners.
With the slogan “Tasty food makes happier days”, the line of tomato products
will be available in the following packaging:
Tomato Sauce
. Traditional 340 and 140g.
. Basil and Pizza 340g.
Source: New Value Chains – Tomato Products. Bunge Brasil. 2011.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Tomato Extract
. Tin 340g.
. Glass 190g.
Source: New Value Chains – Tomato Products. Bunge Brasil. 2011.
Archives of Bunge Memory Center
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Documentary Collection of Texts, Films and Iconography
Annual Reports of Samrig: 1959 to 1989.
Board of Directors’ Report of Sanbra: 1959 to 1977.
Annual Reports of Santista Alimentos: 1994 and 1997.
Annual Reports of Bunge: 1996 and 1997.
Sanbrino: editions of 1966 to 1988.
Atualidades Sanbra Magazine: editions of 1968 to 1994.
Clippings from newspapers and magazines: 1991 to 2011.
Alimentar Magazine. Ano I. Número 9. June 2001.
Jornal Em Foco: March 1999 to June 2002.
Caminhos e Culturas Profile: the History of Samrig.
Profile of Samrig: This is Samrig.
Pesavento, Sandra Jatahy, História da Indústria Sul-Rio–Grandense, Guaíba,
RIOCELL, 1985.
Bunge com Você Magazine. Ano III. Número 13. April/May 2004.
Bunge com Você Magazine. Ano III. Número 19. April/May 2005.
Bunge com Você Magazine. Ano III. Número 21. August/September 2005.
Bunge com Você Magazine. Ano III. Número 22. October/November 2005.
Bunge com Você Magazine. Ano III. Número 23. December/January 2005.
Bunge com Você Magazine. Ano IV. February/March 2007.
Bunge com Você Magazine. Ano V. Número 33. August/September 2007.
Bunge com Você Magazine. Ano V. Número 34. October/November 2007.
Bunge com Você Magazine. Ano V. Número 35. December/January 2007.
Bunge com Você Magazine. Ano 7. Número 47. 2010.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 01. Número 07. July 2003.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 01. Número 10. October 2003.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 02. Número 16. April 2004.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 02. Número 17. May 2004.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 02. Número 21. September 2004.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 03. Número 28. April 2005.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 03. Número 31. July 2005.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 03. Número 34. October 2005.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 03. Número 35. November 2005.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 03. Número 36. December 2005.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 05. Número 51. March 2007.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 05. Número 57. September 2007.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 05. Número 58. October 2007.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 05. Número 59. November 2007.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 06. Número 67. July 2008.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 06. Número 68. August 2008.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 06. Número 69. September 2008.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 06. Número 71. November 2008.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 07. Número 76. April 2009.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 07. Número 78. June 2009.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 07. Número 83. November 2009.
Planeta Bunge Magazine. Ano 08. Número 86. February 2010.
Nossa Bunge Brasil Magazine. Ano 1. Número 4. December 2010.
Nossa Bunge Brasil Magazine. Ano 1. Número 6. February 2011.
Nossa Bunge Brasil Magazine. Ano 1. Número 7. March 2011.
Nossa Bunge Brasil Magazine. Ano 2. Número 10. June 2011.
Jornal Mural da Bunge. 16th of May 2011.
Jornal Mural da Bunge. 20th of June 2011.
Jornal Mural da Bunge. 11th of July 2011
Saboreie com Informação. Número 237. 11th of July 2011.
Bunge Internal Communication. 21st of June 2011.
Portal Bunge Brasil. 30th of August 2010.
Portal Bunge Brasil. 21st of September 2010.
Portal Bunge Brasil. 4th of October 2010.
Portal Bunge Brasil. 12th of April 2011.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Portal Bunge Brasil. 21st of June 2011.
Institutional Films of Sanbra.
Institutional Films of Santista Alimentos.
Slides, chromes and photographs.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718
Archives of Bunge Memory Center – Bunge Foundation
Supervision: Bunge Memory Center
Research and Text: Bunge Memory Center’s Technical Team
1st edition: January 2002
Revision: August 2011
Avenida Maria Coelho de Aguiar, 215 – Bloco D – 5º andar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luís
05804-900 – São Paulo – SP
Tel.: (55 11) 3741-6718
Fax: (55 11) 3741-4134
To get to know the Guide to the Archives of the Bunge Memory
Center access the website
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: / Tel.: 3741-6718

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