Fertimport Historical


Fertimport Historical
Bunge Memory Center Collection
Fertimport Historical
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
Opening paths for you
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
The years between 1940 and 1950
The creation of the company that originated Fertimport happened due to a
logistic necessity of Bunge in Brazil. In the decade of 1940, the companies
Serrana and Quimbrasil, actual Bunge Fertilizantes, needed to transport the
raw material produced in the mine of Cajati (SP) to its factories in São Caetano
and Santo André, in the State of São Paulo.
Since the roads were precarious, the solution was to create a maritime route.
The phosphatic rock that came out from the mine of Cajatí, interior of São
Paulo, was transported by land to Cananéia, on the southern shores of São
Paulo. From the port of Cananéia, the cargo was towed to the port of Santos,
and from that point the raw material was sent by train to the two factories.
To perform this maritime trajectory, two ships were acquired, the Serranaum
and the Serranadois and, in 1947, was created the Serrana Sociedade de
Navegação that acted as cabotage shipping line.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
The Sixties
In 1961, the highway BR-116 was inaugurated, and a plant for fertilizers
started to work in Cajati (SP). These two initiatives made the sea transports
obsolete, but Bunge strenghtened itself in the international trade, leaning on
Serrana for the forwarding and navigating services, opening a new market for
the company.
The increase of imports by the Grupo Industrial Santista generated a demand
for services of loading and unloading of ships and customs clearance of the
products that were off-loaded in the port of Santos, this being also supplied by
the Serrana Sociedade de Agenciamento e Navegação.
On the other hand, Quimbrasil was one of the biggest exporters that utilized
the port of Santos making partnerships with other companies to charter bigger
ships, and so lowering the costs of the raw material. The increase of these
tasks made Quimbrasil transfer this activity to the then Serrana Sociedade de
Agenciamento, Navegação e Representação.
The Seventies
On October 1971, Serrana Agenciamento (90%) and Quimbrasil (10%) due to
Transportadora e Comissária de Despachos Ltda (Fertimport Transporter and
Forwarding Agents Ltd.).This period was characterized by a strong increase in
activities, including the expansion of partnerships and service to third parts.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
So, in the decade of 1970, Serrana expanded its installations in order to attend
the companies of the Santista Group and third parties, inaugurating branches
in the ports of Recife (PE), Porto Alegre and Rio Grande (RS), Paranaguá (PR)
and Rio de Janeiro (RJ).
In 1975, exploiting the experience accumulated with the activities developed at
Bunge, Fertimport started to offer its services to other companies.
The Eighties
The relationships developed between Fertimport and the Islamic Republic of
Iran Shipping Lines stand out.Trade agreeements were implemented because
Iran was giving preference to developing countries, such as Brazil, to realize
their acquisitions. In June 06, 1983, Brazilian exporters met with delegates of
the Islamic Republic of Iran Shopping Lines, in the Cenesp - Centro
Empresarial de São Paulo, in the city of São Paulo in a meeting promoted by
In the next year, the president of the Iranian company, Mohammad Souri
visited the headquarters of Fertimport in São Paulo consolidating the
partnership. number of business between the two countries.
In June of 1985 a huge meeting was held. To mark the first cargo of potassium
chloride from the company Amax Chemical arriving in Brazil, Fertimport
promoted a reception to the Brazilian importers of the product. The event was
promoted together with Amax and Potafertz Fertilizantes, on board of the ship
Aliakmon, in the port of Santos (SP).
In the decade of 1980, Fertimport also was an agent for big companies and
coordinated huge unloadings. In 1983, Fertimportwas the agent for the ship
OlgaTopic that brought the biggest cargo of sulphur ever imported to Brazil.In
1983, Fertimport Transportadora e Comissária de Despachos put on the
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
Argentinian1 market a bulk of 5 thousand tons of high concentrated binary
fertilizer (DAP) produced by Fertisul.
The first experience of unloading bulk sodium sulphate in Brazil was made in
February 1984 in the port of Santos (SP). This action had the participation of
Fertimport together with the Mexican export groups Peñoles and the associates
Quirey. With this, the imports that had been made traditionally in small
allotments, with a bagged product, became more spaced.
Still in 1984, one of the biggest private shipping lines of Brazil, the Frota
Oceânica Brasileira S.A. became forwarded in the Port of Santos (SP). In 1985,
representatives of the company visited Fertimport in Santos to discuss issues
of mutual concern and strengthen the relationship2.
In 1985, Fertimport also was an agent for two new bulk carriers of the Cia. de
Navegação Lloyd Brasileiro.The vessel Rio Trombetas coming from the USA,
was the first to enter the port of Santos carrying 35 thousand tons of wheat in
bulk, then came the vessel Rio Jaguaribe II. This navigating and operating
system was considered one of the most modern for that time.
Fertimport also made research in the structure of routes. In April 1985, Carlo
Lovatelli (Santista Trading), Alberto Oppenheimmer (Sanbra), Maurice V.
Rousso and Antônio Carlos Branco (Fertimport) visited the installations of the
railway/port complex of Tubarão (SC) and Praia Mole (SC) and the port of
Vitória (ES) to check the conditions for the shipment of cereals produced in the
Cerrado (grasslands), which up to then were made only through the export
corridor of the quay of Capuaba in the port of Vitória. This visit had the
objective to know the existing plans and ongoing studies for the future
handling of cereals through the installations of Tubarão.
The national fertilizer industry started to export due to the program for substitution of imports
developed since 1974.
Source: Revista Santista nº07 – June 85.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
Thinking about the expansion of its business in March 1986, Fertimport started
to operate the new branch installed in Paranaguá (PR) acting in a diversified
manner, operating with fertilizers, cereals and phosphate rock. In the same
year it entered into airfreight forwarding in the airports of Cumbica and
Viracopos. It also was active in overland transport sevices in Uberaba (MG),
Santos (SP), and Santo André (SP).
In the decade of 1980 it also started to build a terminal specialized in the
storage of grains and fertilizers in the precinct of the Alemoa, in Santos (SP).
In that city, besides the developed activities it also represented the Vera Cruz
Seguradora (insurers) in the follow-up of cargo handling insured by that
company. It also had exclusivity in the operations of salt transport, imported
wheat and fertilizers.
Due to the significance of activities in that port, in 1987 ocurred the transfer of
the commercial, administrative and operational headquarters from São Paulo
to Santos, in order to be closer to the center of port activities.
In this decade, Fertimport was widely recognized in its branch of activity. In
1985 the company stood out in the press for its navigation (by satellite) and
operating systems. In 1987, Fertimport was also considered one of the 15
biggest companies in the sector, among the 400 existing in the country.
By the end of the decade, structural changes happened in the port sector. In
1988, the Management of International Trade and Port Services3 was split into
four areas. Foreign Trade (in which the Santista Comércio Internacional e
Serviços was active); Port Services (which comprehended Fertimport) Import
and Export (Impex); and Finance and Administration which gave support to the
two divisions.
The division of Port Services had as its main activities: the charter and agency of ships, freight
and cargo brokerage, sea anda ir customs clearance of import and export, stowage and
unstowage, warehaousing and transport by road.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
The Nineties
In the decade of the nineties the activities of Fertimport were expanded, her
corporate name was changed to Fertimport S.A., with its main shareholder
being the Santista Alimentos S.A.
To attend the new expansion strategy, ampliations and changes were made in
its infrastructure. The branch of Fertiport in Recife (PE) was inaugurated in
1994. The strenghtening of the company in the capital of Pernambuco occurred
due to the incorporation of the agency Navegação e Comércio Guararapes
Ltda., which provided service to the company as a port operator and operator
of attendance to ships.
In 1995 were initiated the activities of the branch of Fertimport in Rio de
Janeiro (RJ) to attend the Brazilian shipowner Norsul in its line between Brazil
and the Far East.
Several meaningful facts happened in 1996. In October ocurred an important
initiative in the area of customs clearance with the customs authorities, that
allowed to revert procedures that were jeopardizing the import of grains
through the port of Santos (SP). In December, Fertimport started to work for
the first time as a maritime agent of a passenger ship: the vessel Monterey
from the Mediterranean Shipping Cruises line. In this same year it started to
manage the grain charge and discharge terminal of the port of Porto Alegre
(RS) and also was an agent in the transport of giant tubes for the underwater
outfall of Guarujá (SP).
Due to all these innovating actions that ocurred in 1996, the company made
revenues of 13 million Reais with the handling of more than 6 million tons of
bulk cargo, appproximately 8 thousand customs clearance procedures and
about a 100 chartered ships. The company also was recognized and awarded
with quality certificates. By the end of 1996, Fertimport obtained the ISO 9002
certification, becoming the first maritime agency and logistics company in
Brazil to receive this qualification in charter services.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
In January 1998, the services of Port Operator and Maritime Agents achieved
the ISO 9002 certification. In June, Fertimport obtained the recommendation
for the expansion of its ISO 9002 certificate. This time three more services
were audited: Management of Import Processes, Clearance of Airway Imports
and External Representations. With this one more achievement, Fertimport
became the firts Brazilian company in the sector to possess the certification for
the whole international logistics service cycle.
Thinking in modernizing its relationship with its clients, in 1997 was launched
the website of Fertimport. Already in 1999 was launched the new site with the
novelty of the service “Escalas-Liner” (Liner-Schedule), that presented the
always updated programmation of the ships represented by the company.
By the end of the decade of the nineties, Fertimport continued to expand and
diversify its field of activities. In January 1999, Bunge Limited, the holding of
the agribusiness activities of the Bunge Group, became the main shareholder
of Fertimport. Which strenghtened the company´s position in the logistics of
international trade, important for the trading of grains.
Still in 1999, it took over the management of the fertilizer terminal of
Conceiçãozinha(Tefer) of the port of Santos, accredited bgy the Cia. Docas do
Estado de São Paulo S/A (Codesp).In October it broke the record by being the
agent for the unloading of 12.610 tons of sulphur through this terminal,in an
operation that lasted only 24 hours.
The years of 2000
In 2000 was held the e-future, a meeting with the main managers of
analysis of
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
company.With the objective to strenghten the divulgation of this new service,
Fertimport and Zim Lines – one of the most respected lines in the world and
represented by Fertimport in the ports of Recife, Porto Alegre and Rio Grande,
erected a booth in partnership
at the II Expocargo, Fair and Congress of
Handling, Storage and Terminals of Cargo, Logistics and Foreign Trade. The
event was held at the Fenac, in Novo Hamburgo (RS) simultaneously with the
International Congress of Multilogistics in Foreign Trade.
In this beginning of the millenium, the company maintained a full expansion.
In 2000 it chartered more than 80 grain bulk vessels, totalizing 1,6 million tons
of wheat and 610 000 tons of fertilizers and sulphur.
Waging on diversification for the expansion of the branch of its activities,
Fertimport waged on the liner sector through the representation of huge
lines.The branch of Fertimport in São Francisco do Sul (SC) started its
operations in the sector of maritime agents.IN 2001, Fertimport took over the
operations of the Austral Agência Maritima, and installed itself in the port
complex of Espirito Santo, one of the most important in Brazil.
Still in 2001 it inaugurated the branch of Sepetiba (RJ) and the units of
Fertimport in Argentina (Buenos Aires, Bahia Blanca and San Lorenzo). In
September, Fertimport inaugurated the new headquarters of the company in
Rio Grande (RS) to increase its participation on the Brazilian market and in the
Mercosul. In 2002, through the headquarters in Argentina, it acted as an agent
for the ship that charted the maritime seafloor of that country, following a
request from the ONU. “The results of the research allowe the Argentinian
government to plead for an expansion of its territorial waters”
Still in 2002, it became the general agent in Brazil for Stolt-Nielsen, one of the
biggest shipping companies of the world, after a tender with six more
companies. The contract, signed on November 20, established the attendance
of the Stolt ships in all ports of the country. In the same year it attended the
passenger ship Island Escape (that was making short cruises) confirming the
disposition of the company to expand actions in the area of shipping agents. It
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
continues focussed on its ampliation, in 2003, Fertimport took over the
management of imports from Santista Têxtil.
In 2004, the company participated in an alliance composed by 40 national
entities to modernize Brazilian customs, the Alliance for the Modernization of
Logistics of Foreign Trade (Aliança Pró-Modernização da Logística do Comércio
Exterior) the Procomex, and also established a partnership with the company
Ciesa,a specialist in logistics, to attend a project with the Abimaq(Brazilian
Association of Machines and Equipment) whose objective was to incentivate
the installation of production lines in bonded areas of Santos (SP).
In 2004 the Office of Fertimport-Buenos Aires moved to the historical building
of Bunge y Born in the center of the Argentinian capital, Plaza 25 de Mayo.
In 2005 the branch of Fertimport in São Luís (MA) is inaugurated, therefore
acting from North to South in the country.
In 2007 was inaugurated the project for the modernization of the installations
of the Maritime Terminal of Guarujá ( Termag), a result from the partnership of
Fertimport with the América Latina Logística (ALL) and Bunge Fertilizantes.
Together with the Grain Terminal of Guarujá (TGG), Termag formed a complex
that“makes plausible a broadly defended action, based on the sinergy between
unloading of inputs and fertilizers that come from abroad, and the shipping of
the soy reserved for export: now we are in front of an integrated system of
logistics in which railway waggons will transport soy and bran, mainly from the
Center-West, to the TGG, and will be loaded on the Termag with fertilizers and
sulphur whose destination is the very same region”, according to Carlos
Branco, then CEO of Fertimport. This project had an investment of 440 million
Reais and handled about 5 million tons per year of soy and derivates.
On January 27, 2010, Bunge formalized the sale of its business of nutrients in
Brazil to the Vale do Rio Doce, one of the biggest mining companies of the
world. The company started to control the mines of phosphate rocks of Araxá
(MG) and Cajati (SP), the processing plants of phosphates in Guará and
Cubatão (SP) and the participation of Bunge in Fosfértil. The areas of mixing,
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
sales and distribution of fertilizers in Brazil, the operations in Argentina and the
United States and the joint venture in Marrocos remain under the control of
Bunge. This acquisition was concluded by Vale do Rio Doce on May 27, 2010.
In November 2010, Fertimport welcomed the executives David Quester and
Ron Waller, respectively President and VP Sales & Marketing of DSM Chemicals
North América, Inc. The company represented in Brazil by Fertimport,
produces standard (cristal) and granulated amonnium sulphate, having made
sales of the standard product to Brazilian importers.
By invitation from Petrobrás, Fertimport was present in the III Sulphur
Workshop held in November 2010 in the Estanplaza Hotel in São Paulo. In the
event, promoted by Petrobrás, the team of external representations of
Fertimport made a presentation of the international sulphur market,worldwide
production and demand of the product as well as the main producing and
consuming countries, market trends and prices, among other issues.
Fertimport communicating with its partners
Thinking about the improvement of relations with its clients, the company
modernized itself with the computerization of its communication systems.
In 2001, Fertimport inaigurated the Mercante Systemj, created by the Ministry
of Transports to automate the collecting of the AFRMM ( freight surcharge for
the renovation of the merchant marine). In the same year was launched the
new website of Fertimport. In the next year was given the start of the activities
in experimental manner, of the Fertimport system of on-line information about
customs clearances.
In 2002, Fertimport, through the Internet, put at the markets disposal new
maps with technical data of the Brazilian ports and terminals.
Fertimport also participated in huge events to improve relationships and
divulge its poroducts. Betwen the years 2000 to 2003 and 2006, Fertimport
marked its presence in the Intermodal South America.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
The company also modernized its administrative structure in the beginning of
this millenium. In the year 2002, Fertimport adopted the Integrated Corporate
Management, the R/3 of SAP, to rise the standards for organization, control
and efficiency of operational, commercial and administrative activities of the
company. The company created its Integrated Logistics Management, with the
goal to strenghten its activity in this segment, generating new fronts of service
provision to the clients, remaining responsible for the development of
commercialization projects of international freightage of general cargo and
further services that composed the integrated chain of logistics. It also
invested in equipments to reinforce the operational structure of the port of
Paranaguá (PR).
In this decade also was launched the advertising campaign with the title:
” Fertimport is in expansion, but who will grow is your company”. The ad also
brought the new slogan of the company: “Opening Ways for You”.
In 2004 was launched the e-Services Fertimport, “ on-line service control
informations about bulk carriers”, as well as reports and statistical data about
the main ports and terminals of Brazil and Argentina.In November, the
Intranet of Fertimport went into the air, with the objective to support
communication processes and to strengthen the integration and sinergy
between employees, departments and branches.
The recognition through excellence
In 2000, the company was classified as the 9th most efficient in the area of
services, division of transport and storage, item port and airport services, for
obtaining the biggest operational profit of port and airport services, the highest
net profit and highest percentage of return on assets, and the third highest net
revenue per employee. Thinking about expanding its certifications, still in
2000, the branch in Rio de Janeiro implanted the Fertimport Quality System, in
order to receive the ISO 9002 certification, already achieved by the offices in
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
São Paulo (SP) and Santos (SP). The ABS –QE, American Bureau of ShippingQuality Evaluations, perormed in last November another monitoring audit in
the Fertimport Quality System.
The news was the inclusion of the maritime clearance service in the scope of
the quality certificate of the company. The result of the audit concluded with
the recommendation for the inclusion of the service, so complementing the ISO
9002 certification for all services offered by Fertimport.With this expansion of
the scope of the certificate, all services of Fertimport in Santos and São Paulo
started to count with the ISO endorsement. The next step was to extend the
certification to the branches, starting with Rio de Janeiro that already had
fulfilled all the steps of the implementation for the quality system, to also be
submitted to the audit from ABS at the beginning of 2001”4.
In 2003, the same ABS-QE, American Bureau of Shipping-Quality Evaluations
made an audit in the Fertimport units of São Paulo and Santos,proving the
compliance with the Iso 9002 norms, culminating in the renovation of the
quality certification of the company for another year.
Fertimport also was widely acknowledged in its sector, being considered the
biggest port boperator for solid grains in the State of Rio de Janeiro, because it
handled about 55 thousand tons of wheat per month. It was also awarded in
the categories Port Bulk Operator and Port Bulk Terminal (for the performance
of the Tefer) by the magazine Trade & Transport.
In 2003 it was classified between the ten biggest port and airport service
companies, according to the Yearly Report 2002 of the Gazeta Mercantil and
also received the award Top of Quality in Logistics and Products/Services from
the Institute of Studies and Research in Quality of Campinas.
By the end of the decade, more precisely in 2009, Fertimport was the first
maritime agency for bulk cargo to receive the certification of Fenamar- The
Fenamar Quality Seal is given to the maritime agencies that distinguish
themselves for excellent ethics and profissionalism in the provision of services.
Source: Informativo Rumos n. 51, year 04, December 2000, p.04.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
Recommended by the Council of Representatives of the National Federation of
Maritime Agencies to Fenamar, the headquarters of Fertimport (Santos/SP)
and the branches of Rio de Janeiro and Paranaguá received the “Quality Seal”.
The objective of Fenamar was to incentivate shipowners and other users of
maritime transport to priorize partnerships with agencies that feature the seal.
In this way, Fenamar encouraged the relization of initiatives to affirm Brazil in
international scenario and kept in line with the most recent trends of
commercial relations made by sea.
In 2010, the Termag was classified as a triple champion in quality, after the
finishing of the external audits made in August, Termag, in the port of Santos,
received not only one but three recommendations, which correspond to the
integrated certification of the ISO 9001 (quality), ISO 14001 (environment)
and OHSAS 18001 (health and safety).
This process started with the ISO 9001 certification, achieved in April 2009,
that counted with the dedication of the collaborators and partners involved in
the continuous improvement of the processes. The team was prepared with
diverse trainings about the legal requirements verified by the certifications,
and achieved its objective.
What guarantees the ISO 9001 certification is the analysis of the principles –
Focus on the Client;Leadership;Involvement of People; Process Approach;
Sistemic Approach to the Management;Continuous Improvement;Fact oriented
approach for decision making and the mutual benefits in the relations with
suppliers; whereas the minimum necessary requirements to obtain the ISO
14001 cerification are : to have an implemented system of environmental
management (SGS), demonstrate commitment expressed in its environmental
policy, establish and maintain internal regulations aiming for the continuous
improvement of the system; and last, the OHSAS 18001 has its focus turned to
health and safety, which shows the concern of the company with the physical
integrity of its collaborators and partners.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
Already in November of the same year, Fertimport was recommended to
continue with the ISO 9001 certification in its 2008 version (re-certification),
after passing through a monitoring audit. This recognition meant that the
activities were done with excellency under rigid quality standards.The audit
happened on November 22,23 and 24 including the processes of External
Representation, Port Operation and Management (HR, Quality and High
Directorate).This result is due in great part to the work of the team of internal
auditors , who contributed for the continuous improvement of the processes
since the first audit.
Activities of social, environmental and cultural scope
The decade of 2000 was marked by the starting of companies in cultural, social
and sports activities and in the environmental sector through diverse
initiatives, made starting with partnerships or fiscal incentives.
In this aspect, Fertimport sponsored Silvia Rodrigues de Oliveira in the world
skating championship in which she won a silver medal for the Brazilian Show
Skating Team, this was Brazils first participation in this modality.
In April 2003, the branch of Paranaguá (PR) collaborated with the campaign
Friends of Nature, promoted by the magazine Sul Ambiental that consisted in
the distribution of plastic bags for trash stowage, on the highways and toll
stations in the South. Only in the region of Paranaguá was previewed a
distribution of 80 thousand bags, acquired with resources donated by local
In January 2005, Fertimport of Santos started to support the project of the
Oficial Ballett Corps of the City of Santos, an activity made in partnership with
the Educational Community of the Bunge Foundation.
Fertimport also sponsored the exhibition of sculptures and drawings of the
artist Israel Kislansky in the Fundação Pinacoteca Benedicto Calixto in Santos
(SP) held in June of 2005.
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
In 2006 was realized the production of the book “Colheitas do Brasil” (Harvests
of Brazil) by the artist Luís Mendes with the help of Rouanet Law. This book
was created starting with the gathering of works that picture the main
productive chains in Brazil: cotton, soy, corn, coffee and others, besides the
main Brazilian ports.
With 64 years of activities, Fertimport, a company of the Bunge group, acts in
international logistics and port operations and is present in the main ports of
Brazil (Santos, Itaguaí, Paranaguá, Porto Alegre, Recife, Rio de Janeiro,Rio
Grande, São Francisco do Sul, São Luís and Vitória) and of Argentina (Buenos
Aires, Bahía Blanca, San Lorenzo and San Nicolás).
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
- Nossa Bunge Brasil. Year 1 nº05 January 2011
- BFE Portal Intranet – December 7, 2010
- Rumos. Year 14 nº15 December 6, 2010
- BFE Portal Intranet – September 8, 2010
- “Fertimport na lógica do comércio exterior, um atendimento completo”.
Santista Magazine. YearIV, n. 10, December, 1986, pp. 4-5
- “História de sucesso”. Jornal Rumos. Year I, n.6, February 1997, pp. 1-3
- Fertimport Profile, Fertimport Collection
- Historical of Fertimport. Fertimport collection
- Relatórios Anuais da S.A. Moinho Santista e Empresas Associadas 1932/1993
- Clippings of Newspapers and magazines
- Jornal Rumos
- Magazine Planeta Bunge
- Magazine Nosso Campo
- Magazine Santista 1983/1993
Fertimport Site
- www.fertimport.com.br
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718
Bunge Memory Center Collection
Supervision: Bunge Memory Center
Research: Bunge Memory Center Technical Team
Av. Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 - Bloco D - 5th floor
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo - Jd. São Luís
CEP: 05804-900 - São Paulo - SP
Tel: (55 11) 3741-6718
Fax: (55 11) 3741-4134
E-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com.br
See the "Online Collection" at the Bunge Foundation website, visit:
Centro de Memória Bunge
Av.: Maria Coelho Aguiar, 215 Bloco D 5ºandar
Centro Empresarial de São Paulo – Jd. São Luis – São Paulo – SP – Cep.: 05804-900
e-mail: centro.memoria@bunge.com / Tel.: 3741-6718