City of West Torrens REVOCATION OF COMMUNITY LAND CLASSIFICATION CONSULTATION REPORT ALLOTMENTS 21,22,23,24,25 & 62 SOUTH ROAD THEBARTON At the Meeting of Council held 2l"tAugust 2007 Council endorsed the Revocation Report required under Section 194 of the Local Government Act 19gg for public Consultation. ln accord with Council's Public Consultation Policy A1711, public notification was placed in the Messenger Press (Weekly Times gitlOtOl and in the Advertiser public Notices (Wednesday 31110107). Letters were sent to adjacent properties an to Lessees of buildings on the property. A copy of the Revocation l_eport was placed on Council's Website and a hard copy was made available at the Council Offices. submissions closed at 5:00 p.m. on Friday 23'd November 2007. A total of 47 responses were received incruding one petition containing 404 signatures and an additional I letters of support from individuals and jrorps directed to the Folk Federation. copies of all submission received are included in this report. This report (The Consultation Report) will form the basis of information provided to Council to enable further consideration of issues raised before deciding on future actions. \ \\Ê\ [ä']tiå:X.,on \ ù\ Allotments 21, 22,29,24,25 and 62 South Road, Thebarton (125 - f33 South Road, Thebarton) J ,4 \ ts -\.\ ..^\';. ï( -v ,.è 1\' Notice is hereby given that,-pursuant to the provisíons of Section 1 94 of the Local Government Act 1999 and Council! public Consultation Policy, the Council proposes to revoke the Community Land Classification of Allotments 21 ,22,23,24,25, (Cf Sg3B/321 . DP13s7) and 62 (CT 5800/903. Fp 1 19781) South Road Thebarton. ^su Centre sale plan THE community is being consulted on West Torrens Council's plan to sell the SA Folk Centre building and the old Thebarton council chambers. on the corner of South Rd and George St, Thebarton. Written submissions on the proposal must be received bythe council by Friday, November23. For more information visit ø<u/jy'/a/o7 ;/G"r¿¿, W The purpose of the proposed revocation is to facilitate sale of the properties. A detailed revocation report may be viewed at the Council Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive. Hilton. or on Council,s website, gov.a u. Residents may obtain further information bv contacting John Voigt on 8416 6210. Written submissions on the proposal are invited from interested people and must be leceived by 5pm on Friday 23 November 2007. These can be addressed to: ' John Voigt City of West Torrens 'i65 Sir Donald Bradman Drive. Hilton 5003 Alternatively, submissions can also be emailed to jvoigt@wtcc.saì or made via Council's website. Submissions received will be the subject of a report to a subsequent meet¡ng of Council. 165 Sir Donald Brad¡$an Drive, Hilton 5033 8415 6333 Fi 8443 S7O9 E: csu@wtcc, W: w$,v,wtcc.sâ, P: Authorised, T. Starr (Chief Executive Officer) lue wt ffi w '/ St/ta /¿tYe,ñr¿- re @ t'"'iåtr , S V,|ZTM ii*?åi Toraens ;lêh+:i!:irirr, n ,zøltt 2ur- +ltx¡,iåà":i¿-t'""dtË.,i"i:i ,ble ol i-tv )ll lâide .-l I I )unsE I 6:","i:u I 3t ityl ¡ll â : T Ã."""1t,ii,"i""."-'f :1t -Stiä.ifÌå.ii-"tu'1ill.ü e¡oe dfi88''iå'¡ðåî,'Jf'l I 'äi[iföü"ií'ä'íidH" KETS åuË',;*:f"ffi .10R "*.wÈffiru:;?"" lu , tunit¡es SEGURITY "a"* vtcEs CAREER iE couase )ec ¡bêr t'd,",$#,##Flp- ry ðide **:+iti*";4ï¡¡Ë',t* ffi ffi :wëHîË+* ;K IACÍICAT IRAINING 4C ,¡t End tvator, ¡NG 1I f i::ùifl:'" l*",. 'X 1'.11î3 r ¡ "" r¡overnment of south Austral¡a't*ent roñTõilÈìWJ \llllZ Energy and lnfrastructure .. tt¡on. tr.i:i¡Ëiq,:lii;ï"'î"tråï tSvc. rok IIì'IPOUNDED SEIT ESIfEIII d ¡9 -ái.t /sz=Ée\ :.4 1.- - _ any ! for 't the Læen m CÍ|URSE DevetoÞ æslt¡ve Setf Esteem tu ;äirunËËiffiËil*- Heuås rirã' i ;ä;ü-i ¡íå1"iÌ:+i i,ü#i:'fi€H-år'æ't' pu¡l¡caiiòïö¡-t-rìiäääíitä _ F('RM529 .ÀJBåegxLâ,tÄ",l"s;6¡3f 3L. 3 VEHICTES The following vehicles have been lil$::3"#j#,:å??i;?lT fi,'JiffJr'il;99Í'YK-037 Fords lBFR-6O5 section eo of u H t-234 C¡vic Centre 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive H¡lton, SA 5033 Tel 08 84'16 6333 Fax 08 8443 5709 \ñF.. City of West Torrens Email Website October 2007 Notice to Residents Dear Resident Revocation of Gommunity Land classification The City of West Torrens is proposing to revoke the 'Community Land' classification of 125 - 133 South Road, Thebarton (between August and George streets). This land is currently occupied by three buildings and includes the sealed cár park and landscaped areas. The purpose for seeking the revocation is to enable Council to sell the land. The buildings require considerable expenditure to meet current building code requirements and Council considers this expenditure of public money compared with the benefits offered to the community to be unjustified. As such, we believe that selling the property and reinvesting the funds into the development of modern, multi-use Community Facilities will provide far greater community benefits. More information about the revocation of Community Land classification is available from Council's Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton, b033 or on our website t¡ Written submissions on the proposal can be made before close of business Friday, 23 November 2007. All submissions received will be presented to Council on a date to be advised. Should you require further information, please contact John Voigt on 841 6 6210 or email your comments to Receivq::rl : û í{ûv ?$ti 4* .*o,"%#p¿ü7*+ -{;*pâ árra vwalLs--u,rìfrî¿, ljÆt .;-lorn,l^S)^ /i.-rx' t*Wr"*m-€Þsrw- "*#r,*b¿-wvt €- .b'w;t-e.b"-c;t-A- *wt *r^l l'4/ãt Å-+rurr"{" í;Æ irø -Þytæ. 5+ ,n.w Ctn/vruu4,ff;Å An unz.Ul,zÆÁ,LaaÅ.þ, A r F1 . ¡l /i G -Uù- kl- /)Ëi*Åá:ætÊ,.{u*r*,*e&q^aÅle f: Ç --l-/) -,[s^øþ * -'wØâ>â"e $avtp¡> *urd odlur,rr"dþffitñ øv* "o^oQ,4 t:y AAûôg, An^fr ,{f**14'A Ê,G g, {n% ß,,,,r& fr,r^+rrf*tu,- ¿&,n"4,q^ß*,r&-&ÅfuM. efi i^MM:ú*f4 e C""/rî )ã-ril*, _fúr,^L o,n i,fpoeú, ã" K"árã; tt-Ytea-t f.a*¿l¿_t #,Ate*( a,rL61i**J¡*,o,¿t rueß"," f*.*¿lÈ-{ tr,ndLr*f*r.n¿Ê ru&,, t"ÍÍÁ,n" t"fÊÅ on Æ'*- #fu y ;*M' "W #* rh%#h o.¿*e-i )/qj(. )E-Jæ le(^ "- .-,,if& #"ÞA c-e*àp¿,ta,4_3,r"ff:fu*#- ffif ß"hry' *! ''--1-/).". u,e l:ù,Ê *#-ff + Mes **n FA"¿ TtÉ,"(-' C.i*t- Ç7¿ ''.u: qÊÊ, -rfu* ffi; fþÉ*:å f* :i : f' ;::f:k : *W í",ru,*-;"f*,æ {eø + ^, Íaútr. 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At'þ6"t""X, e^h *¿M"h x:*ra,*b ù€ 4q iou ø. 1j<,ty @,rÊr¿t wc74" ^rr4à .w-rU,ry% 5 ,H" pr".,uÅ J, *oú*+#ar,"*rÌÅ iî€A c,,úx¡e.u-!þ,e,<f X-e 4*1¡"^âov r*,ñ-*- ñ -ßQ. þ*#*t fu., Y'*nÁ:fr&W, ' Åurli-Å -("Ar*¿ O,*ëe,, ' í) n-, tl .-,/|rátl/rÊrri-t| Åct$, /, ffi ' )t*. #Å,^ )1;tt 7],o. iYlLãÊ. ñ** t * Æ,Le fr.^t{- *wb- *,,1 þ4*,fu) I F ¡ & ir Megatrends j I960s would have been ot ¡f rhe rheMarsha¡Ipr";a*åîi::îÍ:l'^i::!outrheluq-qçþ.s,s.p"¿ --:: Marshall -','.i'",^.¡1:l_114¡r, wnrch,,n f!.añ',*wñ-iëh, în glvlqg sivi lTay for ovei fiuê"îãäir go_odrye,$p-:-rcenr il of a mucrr poäièiî;#J. own prospe¡i¡y prosperi[y alonø along with that rhrr of .,f its ;r" neighbá.s :_ it -L e-.;Jl,l,^ i., " cN¿ä.írèji; * t{ n ¡ I i ñ";ihf 1 The more economically.interdependenr we become, the '^,,:- inore we will do tl o"Tî.îil m o re e *i v e ";i l ï,,ï,ä;,1 #L Ï.#lå; ñï a r i: ss $ua$es. The globalization of our economies will be accompanied by a renaissance in language and cultural ass€rnveness. years ago, rvhen rhe sream eng"ine and railroads tr,. saro we would world ru¡tnr or. Ianguage: English. ;:iil-'.udv ffrat aian,t occui i^ __. "".ì,..,:;;-. ï:lr^t,2U *.*.;";ä; ö'Júïi::ff j1",..ñ., [::L:T: become one :: rhen a..t it ..",T:T.,l1.glo*,ai".uJ,l,.;;il;;;;;iri'*üåi,åJ :llffii, I i:i:-^.: "s:'t s.': nö ffi ; il :äili; Jüi Ë'ff ;Ïii; j:::fo* y,ili,;ffi il:ï'inlä,.,*,,,o_ *',.:l*',ll*, r *" rã u"l råi i'li;:iïT.' gl?_g:1 i fj iiïl :ï: and liñguisti.:*r...;;íå;;; cunural " " In shorr, the Swedes becãme more Swedish, the Chinese, more Chinese. And -will the French, CoJ f,.lp us, more French. Thínktng Globaily For Americans, it is self_evident that this is the time ro learn an_ learn ir;;Ìt. îh;;j;å, p,oxr*iry, îlTI t1e'"g"*"lg and eco_ nomrc promises of Latin America *uL. Sp"rrirh an attractive choice. If you were in ,h. t;;;. ð;Ëlir'r,uu. orher overseas experience, that will become increasingly valuable, O: really successful, you will have r v ro rv be uç trilingual: fluenr in IP English, Spanish, ,oa .á_p,rt"r.--I t expect to buy more_quality goods from , __ as-the :"r prorecrionisri abroad_not less, woutd;";i.i;r"believe. This is the time for business, even sm¿ll business, ,rifri"t exports. And isn,t it provincial ro consider b"ryg,,r.k;;ïï; rhe New york Stock Exchange or rhe Ameri.""í iñ;;;b;ïiloË grobat economic vil_ 76 :l 4 ,:] THEBARTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY INC P.O. BOX 500 TORRENSVILLE PLAZA SA 5031 2ô Nov 20fi7 City of West Tor9¡¡ rntorãrätioi Management Unit submission Re: community consultatÍon community Land Revocation Allotments 2lr2ZrZ3rZ4r25 and 62 South Road, Thebarton (125-133 South Road, Thebarton) Dear Mr Voigt Thebarton Historical Society Inc wish to thank the City of West Torrens for the opporfunity to summjt our submission regarding the Revocation of Community Land allotments 2r,22,23,24,25 and62 south Road, Thebarton (125-133 south Roaã, Thebarton. Thebarton Historical Society Inc opposes the above Revocation of Community Land. This site was purchased for the community for the benefit of the community and has been in continual use_ for community purposes since 1gg5. The community (in the form of the former Thebarton council, its residents and ratepayers and other community organizations) invested significantly in the purchase and continued use of the site, adding amenities as required. The social benefit to the community over that time has been invaluable and can continue to so in the future. The zoning and site should be retained solely for community use. We have provided some sriggestions (under the section titled rhe future) on how the site ca., be retained an¿ usã¿. The Land The former Thebarton Council on behalf of their community bought this land in lgg4 for the pu{poses of a Town Hall. The site has significant historical value to the community being the first purchase of community properry by the Council and having been used continuously for community services for 123 years. The numbers of the site being 2I-25 and 62 are also significant in they are the original allotment numbers surveyed by Colonel William Lighiin the planning of the clty-of Adelaide and its suburbs. Colonel TVilliam Light selected theìite of Ãdelaide asainst great opposition from his fellow founding fathers and the govemment of the ¿ay-ln England. Light selected a nearby allotment for his own home (Section l); another historical site which has been lost to the community since 1926. 1. The original Thebarton Town IIaII The original Thebarton Town Hall opened in 1885 for administration and communitv uses. sections of this building were destroyed in by fire in 194g. However noteworthy features such as the stone and brick walls remained intact and were the basis for rebuilding. The Hall was reopened in 1950 and continued to serve as a community service venue until 1980. Since that time it has served a variety of purposes all of which have provided some form of community services. The GirI Guide and Boy Scouts Hall The Girl Guide and Boy Scouts movement in Thebarton did not have a separate meeting hall of their own until December 1938 when the former Thebarton Council assisted this worthy organization to fund a project to meet a community need. The Girl Guide and Boy Scouts Associations entered into a partnership witñ the Council, which involved reimbursing Council for the cost of the building. The cost, which was 300 pounds, was repaid over a period of three years. This was a significant amount of money at the time and this agreement was fully supported by the community in a time of severe frnancial hardship being the last years of the Great Depression. The hall opened on the site in 1939 during the start of World War Two and is now local heritage listed. This hall rüas a significant element in the provision of social and recreational facilities for the youth of the Thebarton community during the period of the Second World War. Between 1939 and 1944 a plan was developeJto provide a Youth Centre for boys and girls groups of varying ages and providing a vàriety of activities from sports, films, music and dance. This concept providedexcelleni life and social skills to the youth of the area and made significant impact on the community environment of the Thebarton area with many sporting and community leaders developed by their participation. The Girl Guide and Boy Scouts Hall formed part of the Thebarton Community Centre as its allotment abuts the centre's car park on South Road. The RSL Hall The RSL Hall was built on the South Road frontage in the early 1960's for those who served in all conflict since WWI and their families in the local community. While this building is not heritage listed, it has provided a much-needed venue for critical support for those who suffered wartime injuries and post-war trauma and for social activities for veterans who served their country in times of wo¡ld conflict. Significant Trees There are six Norfolk Island pine trees and one peppercorn tree, which have been listed as significant trees, on this site. These ffees have been landmarks of the local landscape for many years. It is believed that the peppercorn tree may be over 100 years old but this cannot be accuratelv verified. 2. Current use The SA Folk Federation has occupied the Girl Guide and Boy Scouts Hall and the RSL Hall since 2000. The Folk Federation provides a venue for both local and state functions e.g. music and other Arts events and the administration of the Folk Federation in sA. The Folk centre is the only Folk Music venue in Australia. Approximately 20 community and volunteer groups including those providing tuition in singing, music and dance, migrant groups and self-help and support groups for people with disabilities currently use the Folk Centre. The Mighty Good Production Company (commonly known as the Junction Theatre) uses the original Town Hall for storage purposes. Why this site should be retained for community land purposes There are many and varied reasons why this site should be retained under Community Lands protection. 1. The West Torrens Council has a social and moral dufy to retain the site for the community. This site and the buildings were obtained and developed for the communify by the community and have been in use for community purposes for over 120 years. The community invested in the site in the form of rates and taxes, grants, loans and community fund raising events and in supporting the groups involved in utilising the venue. volunteering forms a major part of developing leadership opportunity in the community and volunteers need venues to provide services. While the venue in its current state and use cannot currently have the same impact on the development of community skills such as leadership, relationship building and physical wellness, much of this malaise can be laid at the feet of both Councils for failing to maintain and develop appropriate usage of the site for wider community benefit. Retention of the site acknowledges the respect the community has for those who had the foresight to invest wisely for the betterment of the community. 2. The demographic of the area is returning to a lower age profile with the aging post war generation vacating their homes for a younger family occupancy. There is also a large influx of new migrants from Africa and the Middle East with local accommodation facilitating their attendance at integration and eduction services provided at Thebarton Senior College. There wilt be a need for community services to support this change including a venue for the groups that will develop from the needs of this generational change. This support will not be in the form of traditional services to the community such as sporting, service and leadership groups but will comprise specialised and often short term services i.e. less than 5-10 years services such as special needs groups for young mothers and settlement programs, literacy and adult tutoring for new arrivals. J. 3. There is not a more cofilmunity-orientated site more needing special historical preservation in the current west Torrens Council area. Markers ànd plaques indicating the sites of demolished heritage buildings can never same "ng"nà.rìhe sense of pride or acknowledgement of our history as the genuine article. West Torrens Council must become more pro-active in ensuring that further heritage sites and icons are not lost to the community. If a site with such a rich historical sigiificance was located in Unley or St Peters, the Councils of these areas would have no hesitation in ensuring that it was not only retained for community use but that it was preserved in a manner befitting its historical and social placement in the area. There shòuld be no reason ever for consideration being given to revocation of the zoning of this site. Rather Council should be taking every opporfunity to ensure the site is retained and developed for community use. 4' There has been a trend for purchasers ofproperties containing significant trees to apply for their destruction on the grounds of safety reasons. The future This is an ideal opportunity for the retention and development of the site to provide improved community facilities in the area and will be a much more cost effective option than the proposed community Super Centres. The¡e appears to be little community support for the Super Centre concept with many bèüeving it will only provide opportunities for well-established large groups or those suppórted by paid staff e.g. sporting groups or those charging costly membership feei. The services currently provided by Thebarton Neighbourhood House could be moved to this centre, thus provided extensive and comprehensive use of a community owned venue. The sale of the Falcon Avenue properly would offset a great part of thl cost of redeveloping the site. The retention of the Folk Centre and its availability to a wide variety of community groups is essential to the well being of the community and provides opportunity for the community to develop, support and care for its own. The redevelopment of the site could provide â more suitable venue for groups currently requiring relocation such as Thebarton Senior Citizens and Thebarton Historical Sociefy. The sale of the current Senior Citizens site would also ofßet the cost of redeveloping the site. The site could also be developed as a museum and/or tourism venue given its location in one of the earliest developments in South Australia, particularly iflt na¿ a theme based on Colonel William Lieht. Yours sincerely // ? u,e¿1 Kevin Kaeding President Thebarton Historical SocieW Inc. 4-. Page 1 of I John Voigt From: Sent: To: AnnAuld] Tuesday, 30 October 2007 5:08 PM John Voigt Subject: folk centre Hi John, Thanks for reading this. I and my band from the Barossa Valley, Little Black Dress, would love to voice our support for the Folk Centre and its continuing presence binding a wide range of musos together. It stands as a focus for the great culture of folk music (surely the basis of most forms of popular music). It is an integral part of the gathering of people and sharing of their music. It's loss would mean it would never be replicated and that years of community effort would have to be unacknowledged. Let's keep the Folk Centre and the wonderful cultural and socialfabric it is oart of. Ann Auld Little Black Dress vr4¡/.mys_pace.c_q.m4Atl_eþlAqküesstheband member of Folk SA 261t1/2007 From: Sent: To: Subject: Mike Brown [] Tuesday, 30 October 2007 6:06 PM John Voigt The Folk Federatíon Centre l4r Voigt. I am a member of the Folk Federation, and f travel from El-izabeth many of the funetions that are held in the Centre. on a personal basis, it tois att.end an importänt part of my life, both as an audience member and as a performer. Apart from that, the Centre provides a meeting and performance venue for many varied cultural- groups' most of whom would not be abl-e to afford one of the more "uf market,, establishments. Although it is nominalJ-y the Folk Centre, it actuatly caters to a much wider sectlon of the population than ls provlded by those of us who ãre interested in fofk music. The Folk Federation makes a valuable contribution to south Australian cuftural life. anrl r-lra r-anrra in itrs central and accessible focation is an important part of it's activities. À^ L^^^ +L^! r o.o nope cnac !che Council- wifl affow the Federation t.o continue to use the buildings so that the work that they carry out can continue. T Yours SincereÌy. Mlke Brown Page 1 of I John Voigt From: Lisa Buttery [] Tuesday, 30 October 2007 7:2T pM Sent: To: John Voigt Subject: support for SA Folk Centre Dear Mr Voight I am writing to you to let you know that I am really worried that the council is considering a change to the venue that the SA Folk Centre runs from. This Centre is a successful focus of the arts and music sãene in Adelaide and instead of placing it at risÇ the council should be proud of it and indeed, help promote it and put it forward as one of the councils many successes! Yours Sincerely Lisa Buttery Check our comprehensive Salary Centre _evefp_aid Or U¡de¡p¡jd? 26/1112007 Page 1 ofl John Voigt From: Sent: To: Subject: Cat Sorensen-Clark [] Wednesday, 31 October 2007 g:26 AM John Voigt SAVE THE FOLK CENTRE! lmportance: High Dear John, As a paying member of the SA Folk Centre, we as an organisation (and personally as a songwriter/musician/singer) have used the centre many times. It is an affordable venue that provides frontline quality acts and performers from all over the world. With such a huge multi-culturàl audience and acts attracting a diverse range of people, I do not want to see this venue closed or relocated. The SA Folk Centre has been a predominant Adelaide live music venue for many years and they provide an atrrazing community service to the area. Please, hear mine (and I am sure many others) correspondence regarding this and seriously consider the injustice that would result if the SA Folk Centre was sold. Ca.tSoren¿ertzCIalþ lf you have received this message in error, please notify me immediately and delete the orig¡nal. This e-mail may be confìdential and or legally privileged. lf you are not the intended recipient, any use, reprodúction, disclosure or distribution of the infôrmation in this email is prohibited. < (o¿o) > 26/tl/2007 Page 1 ofl John Voigt From: AMOR JACKIE Sent: To: Wednesday, 31 October 2007 10:25 AM John Voigt Subject: Re Save the Folk Centre Dear Sir I have just become involved with the Folk Centre in Adelaide and I love it. I was formerly in the country and loved attending bush dances each month or so. I was looking forward to doing this in Aàelaide and couldn't believe that there were hardly any run here at all. However, I found out that the Folk Centre is really trying to promote bush dancing and folk culture. lt would be a shame to lose it. I find that nearly everything people want to do here seems to come from America. Australian Bush Dancing is definitely Australian añd if we don't continue on with this tradition of singing and dancing, it will get lost to the future generation. Please consider this request and save our folk centre. Cheers Jackie Amor ålü,"-"" andlor copyright. If you are not the intended recipient please notifu the sender by reply email and immediately delete this email. Use, disclosure or reproduction of this email by anyone other than the intended recipient(s) is strictly prohibited. No representation is made that this email or any attachments are free of viruses. Virus scanning is recommended and is the responsibility of the recipient. 26/1U2007 Page I of2 John Voigt From: Sent: To: Wednesday, 31 October 20071:16 pM John Voigt Subject: Community re classification John We write as a City of environment 'West Torrens ratepayers and as professionals involved in the arts and We believe the process of arranging reclassification of the land between August/George/South Rd is against the interest of ratepayers. The arguments being presented to sell this property have not been established. To argue that the Folk Centre for example is not of benefit to the WT community is spurious and is not backed up by a knowledge of that organisation. The Folk Centre brings many thousands of people into West Torrens due to the work of that organisation. I am sure there are numbers of other councils who would appreciate the significant rental they pay each year. This amount has been subsidised by ArtsSA (SA Govemm.nt) fundi.rg u, well as the considerable work of many volunteers and coordinators. (This is goodwill and community benefit that the'WT Council can ill afford to lose) If there are plans for a modern community centre to house such organisations as the Folk Federation this should be'sorted out'with the Folk Federation prior to the eviõtion of such organisations. West Torrens does not exactly have a thriving arts and cultural sector and we are in danger of losing one of the few unique community groups in SA from our area. This Council is eroding our local cultural resources through this sort of approach. Such action needs to be carefully considered. As residents, we require more information about the nature of such proposed community centre. There needs to be an outlined plan to make them viable. Who will uie ihemZ what is their function? what community needs are being addressed, what existing organisations. There are enough examples of grandly announced community centres that'flop' to merit this. If we have no survivin! organisations in our council region there will be no cultural groups to use these Centres 'ãxcept outside groups'. I am not convinced that Council understands the need to support cultural activity or has a plan for how best to support and devlope the cultural aspects of local people's lives in our council region. WT Council could do well to go to the Adelaide City Council's website to see how this can be done. To simply sell our assetts is not good enough without proposing what will take its place and ensuring that our existing and valuable community and cultural assetts are protected and supported. The Folk Federation at least deserves some support and continuity to ensuelhey stay in our Council. We ask that this email be presented to the next Council meeting in November and responded to. Sincerely Uma & Keith Preston 37 Lonaine Ave Lockleys SA 5032 26/Tr/2007 Page2 Tel 8352 4618 04t8 839 264 Email and AIM finally together. You've gotta check out free AoL Mair! 26trI/2007 of2 From: Sent: To: marie banfield [marie.] Thursday, 1 November 20A7 10:26 AM John Voigt Thebarton Folk Centre Subject: Hi John, is Marie Banfield and for the past 8 monLhs my friends and I have been attending the Bushdancing and Musical events at Thebarton. r urge you to alfow the fol-k cenLre to stay as a fofk centre. If this centre is closed t.he amount of peopl-e it wouf d ef fect wouf d be enormous. It means so much to be able to make new friends as wefL as have some physical workouts. I have encouraged a fot of my friends to join j-n and they Loó really appreciate what the centre has done for them soc_ialty and physicalÌy. My name Thankinñ Marie vôìr in enl- i¡'ie¿}/qufn¡linn vr¡. q¡ref Page 1 ofl John Voigt From: Sent: To: PamBollenhagen[] Thursday, 1 November 2007 10:29 AM John Voigt Subject: SA Folk Centre Dear Mr Voigt, Please do not close the SA Folk Centre Down. I use the centre every week and thoroughly enjoy the dancing and folk music sessions. lts a great way to keep fit and enjoy life. So please think long and hard about closing it down. I am just one of the many people who look forward to the events, in a local end easily accessible location. Thankyou for your time. Pam Bollenhagen. 26/1U2007 From: Sent: To: Veron ica Vargas [trianaflam] Sunday, 4 November 2007 5:02 PM John Voigt SA FOLK CENTRE VENUE Subject: Dear Mr Voigt, having just used the Fofk Centre venue for mr¡ cnrl çrru of v! r¡e:r rsoL nerfnrn Psrrurrtrârìcê rnr mr¡ Ðerlvur, <¡Ìrnnr i;-.;":,,1;:"^i:::-:'i: ::'ì^::'l'::-'""-' am quite disturbed to -Learn that this may be disappearing. Apart from school functions I have a Fl-amenco Dance Company wniòh puts on perfoimancàs. VrIe are not funded or assisted in any way by qovernment and as an arts organisation make Our OWn l^/ay. There are very few venues feft for our type of organisation and we are soon to lr..rse the Unj-on Hafl and Scott Theatre at the University in the name of the almighty dollar. This State has not been the State of the Arts Since Don Dunstan's dav and it is getting worse regardless of Lhey hype put ouL by bhe government. As a Council you need to be seen to be supporting the arts communlty as wefl as the business communrty. Please rethink and review your decision as the Venue ptays an importanL rofe in Lhe arts worfd as an affordable music and performance venue and we shoufd not l_ose it. Reqards Veronica Vargas Director Trj-ana Fl-amenco Dance Studio - Brompton Veronica Vargas Dance Ffamenco Companv Tef. 0438 366 931 trianaffamenco www, . com Blank Page 1 ofl John Voigt From: Sent: To: Cc: Martin I Campbell-Colquhoun [] Tuesday, 6 November 2007 6:29 PM John Voigt 'Folk Federation of SA' Subject: Folk Centre Dear John. I have been a member of the Folk Federation for over 10 years. I was the second user of the hall for a regular dance class which I held there for over a year. I believe the venue should be retained and preferably upgraded. There are an untold number of people that have used the venue since it opened and some amazing talent has been given an opportunity to perform in a friendly, non-smoking, no pokies environment. This includes acts from interstate and overseas, and from individuals to large groups. There are regular dances which I enjoy going to and so do my dancing friends. It is a pleasure to be able to have live bands to play music at a reasonable cost, and the variety is equal to Womadelaide but with lesser known performers. It is available all year and is accessible to people from all over Adelaide and we even have friends that come from Murray Bridge for events there. Another facet is the sterling work done by Cliff Milne and the volunteers in promoting Folk in South Australia and in Canberra at the National Folk Festival. South Australia is the featured state in 2009 believe. It would be a pity to see all this disappear. Your council's help and work on the centre since it opened is much appreciated. Finally I would like to add my support to retaining the Folk Centre. Regards, Martin Campbell-Colquhoun 261t112007 I From: Sent: To: Subject: Adrienne Piggott [] Wednesday, 7 November 2007 B:38 AM John Voigt Closure of the SA Folk Centre Dear Sir - I am writing on behalf of local Adelaide Folk/Rock Band Spiral Dance and Hot for Joe Morris Dancers. We have heard about the proposed closure of the SA Folk Federation by the West Torrens City Council and as local performers we are absolutely horrified. The Folk Çentre is a non-profit organisation that hai been home to many community groups over the years and is the only full time venue left in Australia dedicated to Folk Music and supporting local and original bands and performers. Workshops are run there throughout the year teaching and encouraging up and coming new and young performers to move into the 'live'folk circuit. lnteistate and ovãrseas performers play regularly at this venue as well as its being utilised throughout the week by local groups as a practice hall i.e. dance groups and instrument lessons. lt is the preferred choice óf many local bands thro-ughôut Adelaide and surrounds as a 'venue.' because it is pokie free and has always been smoke free unlike the pubs a'nd clubs. Being Non-Profit m.eans relying on volunteers that do an exceptionãt ¡on because they believe in tñe 'spirit' of folk music being kept alive here in SA. The Venue itself has character and warmth, parking is never a probiem and because it is non-profit prices are always kept low on door charges/bar prices and food unlike other venues in Adelaide. To see this venue close would be extremely detrimental to the folk scene here in South Australia. Adrienne K Piggott Spiral Dance/Hot For Joe No virus found in this outgoing message. Checked by AVG Free Edition. Version: 7.5.503 / Virus Database: 269.1s.2311114 - Release Date: 6/1 1t2oo7 g:05 pM Page 1 of 1 John Voigt From: Sent: To: Michael Betts [] Sunday, 11 November 2007 10:42PM John Voigt Subject: The Folk Centre Dear Mr. Voight I am writing to you to add my support to retain the S.A. Folk Centre in its current and format. I do not live in the city but have been in the South Australian folk music "scerìe" for more than forty years and I get involved in its activities as often as time permits. The Folk Centre in unique in Australia in its ability to central the wide genre of the folk arts; to Iose it would be a tragedy as it acts not only as a performance cenre but as a repository for items of great cultural relevance to this state. I recognise that Councils are under huge pressure from many groups who all think their cause should take top priority and I realise the site is a valuable one and has to be best used. ln this instance I think the Council needs to have at the front of their collective minds that the Folk Centre is a "one of a kind". Such resources are too easily lost and hard to regain and in this culturally more aware time the Centre's value to South Australia can only lncrease. The arguments are complex and lengthy and not appropriate to this email but much distress and even anger may result in the facility being wasted. I thank you for taking the time to accept and read this email and I hope my plea will not be in vain, Yours Sincerely. Dr. MichaelW Betts Waikerie 2611U2007 Page I ofl John Voigt From: Sent: To: Ron [] Monday, 12 November 2OO7 9:59 PM John Voigt Subject: Folk Centre Dear Mr Voigt The City of West Torrens (or its predecessor) is to be congratulated on its far sightedness in providing the facility for a Music Centre which is unique in Australia and apparently, in the world. lt has provided a focus for the wide range of activities and music styles which come under the broad umbrella of "folk'. Many of us have been brought out of our shells and been encouraged to participate. "Life Be ln lt" in action. It will be a grave disappointment to many people if this facility is lost. The complexity is too great to allow it to happen in association with sporting teams and other organizations in a shared facility. Thank you for your interest. Regards Ron Sweeney 261tt12007 John Voigt From: Sent: To: Subject: Secon Consulting Engineers [] Tuesday, 13 November 20A7 9:24 AM John Voigt SA Folk Centre Dear Mr Voigt T arn ¡,,^ -ñ a - ^-^,.¡ prouo austraflan citizen who is an admirer and supporter of Austrafia's example -L t.o the worl-d of how to successfuJ-ly assimilate people from many different cuJ-tures, whilst encouraging diversity and t.olerance. T befieve that the SA Folk Centre 1s an tconic insbitution that prov-ides a venue for us afl to enjoy this diversity and I ask ,,^,, !^ i^ !L ^l I yuu LU uu drr !-rrat you can to save the venue so that it. can remain as a meetinq place !v! uù drI. Thanl¿ r¡nrr 'ì n âñl-i^ìñ-lì^ñ urrLf çrPa LIUll. Regards Stewart Forster FIE Aust John Voigt From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Andrew Pattison [] Tuesday, 13 November 2007 11:52 AM John Voigt Folk Centre Hef.Lo John lust a note to say that if the Fofk Centre cfosed. it would be an enormous loss nationalfy and internationally , as it is the foremost and often the only venue rn South Austrafia to exist as an important l-ink in a national touring circuit for ¡¡¡rrqrin / Fa1Ll roots musicians from overseas (as well as from r-nterstate). f have been a promoter / agent for prominent American and British musicians for over tv\¡enty years' and the Fol-k Centre has become the first choice venue for an Ade]aide concert for such performers. If it were to close it woul-d leave a biq hole in tour itineraries, and woufd often mean that Adefaide woufd miss out orr .o.ró..ts with these artJ_sts. Yours sincerely Andrew Pattison. John Voigt From: Sent: To: Tuesday, 13 November 2007 6:02 PM John Voigt Subject: SA Folk Centre Meredith & David Parker [] Dear John Voiqt f was very sorry to hear that the SA Folk CenLre Building is earmarked for sale by VÍest Torrens Council. I urge council to reconsider and save this building, so that it can continue to be the fantastic community resource that it has become. Volunteer members of the Folk Federation have contributed many hours to physicalty enhance the building to make it a pleasant venue. I do not five in the !üest Torrens Councif area, but travel from Humbug Scrub to listen to great concerts and participate in fundraising and mufticul-tural- activities. The SA Folk Centre is a great example of "l-ess j-s more", where funding and fundraising is used Lo great advanL.age in estabÌishing a venue with extensive and diverse uses. Your sincerely Meredith Parker Bassnet Rd Humbuq Scrub From: Sent: To: Simon Eddy [] Wednesday, 14 November 2007 1:39 PM Subject: frim Simon Eddy 9 chapman st rorrensville community consultation f)o¡ r John Voigt Mr \/a i a{- f woufd li-ke to make a contribution to the public consultation process concerning the SA Fofk centre. community centres such as the Fol-k centre real-Ly are a vital part of the way that we keen are soci e1-r¡ r¡nni n¡y cnl-roqi r¡ol orrlvv Lltf urrv jr¡ :nj v çr)i ' Y smnn1-hl The way that peopfe can personarly interact. in ãn atmosphere free from pressures of pokies or the need to consume afcohof as a focus of activity,the commercial for exmple, 'ì < i rronl ¡¡a¡l.rl a r The aims of the Fofk Centre seem to be to promote creativity and gì-ve it an outl-et in a wel-coming and sharing environment. This has to be maintaiñed for Adel-aide to be an interesting and peaceful place Lo five. r have been fiving in the Torrensvifle are for the last 15 years and f have often been to concerts at the folk centre. I have been to theatre presãntatlons at the o,l-d Hindmarsh Town Hafl. lr7hat a wond.erful buildinq. I DO NOT SUPPORT THE EV]CTION AND SALE OF THE SA FOLK CENTRE OR THE OTHER BU]LDINGS ON THAT SITE I Thankyou for your time and I hope you see the sense in my point of vlew. Yours Sincerely, Simon Eddy Page 1 of John Voigt From: Paul Jewell [] Sent: Wednesday, 14 November 2007 2:47 PM To: John Voigt Subject: Folk Centre Hi. I'm surprised the Council is thinking of selling the Folk Centre and really hope it decides not to. Folk music and dance is an essential part of Adelaide's character and the west suburbs its traditional home. The Folk Centre nurtures community spirit, encourages young artists, puts on charity concerts and showcases Australian and overseas talent. A couple of shows I've been to there recently are good examples. One was a bunch of talented youngsters putting on a concert to raise money for an impoverished school in India. Another gave an up and coming local Greek band the chance to share a stage with Andy Irvine's international folk supergroup,Mozalk. I'm hiring the place myself for a couple of shows in the near future. There's a lot of worthwhile stuff happening there. I think the Council should be proud of it, support it, boast about it and promote it. ?utLfauùL 26/tt/2007 1 Page I of I John Voigt From: Dennis Trevorrow [] Sent: Thursday, 15 November 2007 3:51 PM To: John Voigt Subject: The SA Folk Centre. I am sending this email in protest at the sale of the SA Folk Centre which I use a member of the Adelaide Colonial Dancers. ln our modern world it is difficult enough to maintain some of our heritage and I believe that the interest that is shown in preserving the colonial dance regime should be encouraged rather than dismissed. We heritage list a whole swag of useless old things but do so for the sake of our fuiure generations and righfly so even |trougn some of these things are useless in today's environment. Could you therefore ask Council to review their decision regarding the sale so that we, and many other groups like us have a place to preserve small pieces of our heritage Sincerely Yours Dennis Trevorrow 26ltt/2007 Page I of1 John Voigt From: Sent: To: DennisTrevorrow[] Thursday, 15 November 2007 3:55 PM John Voigt Subject: The SA Folk Centre I am sending this email via my husbands computer as I don't have access to my own. I wish to put forward my plea for Council to reconsider the sale of the SA Folk Centre so that l, and others like myself have a place to pursue our interest in preserving the Colonial Dances as our contribution to our heritage. Yours truly, Anthea Trevorrow 26t11/2007 Page 1 ofl John Voigt From: Sent: To: clarke [] Thursday, 15 November 2007 4:06 PM John Voigt Subject: SA Folk Centre Mr. John Voigt Ctty of West Torrens 165 Sir Donold Brodmqn Drive HILTON 5033 Re. The SA Folk Cen'lre Deqr Mr. Voigt, f would like to odd my voice to the mony who ore concerned obout the prospective loss of the premises of the SA Folk Centre at Theborton. fn this oge of economic rotionolism, it would be so good if you ond your fellow councillors could stond up ond be counted os q Council who understqnds thot sometimes decisions need to be mode f or lhebenefit of humonity. This club is only small, f gront you, but it fulfils avery worthy publíc need. ft brings disporote peoplø toge'fher in the love of music. ft gives o voice to the young qnd old, os well qs our indigenous people. We are oll brought Toge'fher by music, ond our world is so much betler for thot. Could not your Council be in the f orefront of SA Councils by understonding this, ond continuing to give us voice? Please ollow us to go on bringing pleosure to so mony people. Yours sincerely, Lesley Clarke L6 The Old Jqm Foctory, First Lane ST. PETER,5 5069 26nU2007 !e[n Voigt From: Sent: To: Subject: Meredith & David Parker [] Thursda¡ 15 November 2007 10:07 PM John Voigt SA Folk Centre Dear John Voigt Further to Meredith's email, senL fast Tuesday, in which she mentioned that we do not live in the lrlest Torrens Council- areã, I would like to add we do support local businesses, and are rate payers Lhrough property ownership. I reafise that. the building is ofd and wil-l require some maintenance down the track, but it is worth the effort, and will gain capital value. I therefore urge you to reconsider the safe of the SA Fofk Building, because it is a fantastj-c comrnunity resource, and a great venue for concerts and mul-ticulturaf activities. Cheers David Parker Humbuq Scrub Page 1 ofl John Voigt From: Sent: To: Gc: KeithLovell] Saturday, 17 November 2007 B:07 AM John Voigt 'Folk Federation of SA' Subject:SAFolkCentre Hi John As a member of the S A Folk Federation I must protest the proposal to sell the current premises, given that no suitable affordable premises have been found to which to relocate. I have read Council's reports on the website, and to address all of the many inaccurate statements contained therein would be beyond the scope of a simple email. I will therefore address the main points. On the subject of Council's alleged 'financial' concerns, I believe that we have been paying above-market rent for several years, despite the fact that we are a non-profit organisation and provide below-market venue hire to the WTCC area, as well as the wider community. I know that often, rather than use Council resources, repairs etc. are dealt with onsite and at the time by the Coordinator and volunteers. The loss of the SA Folk Centre would force many artists, who currently perform here, into the pubs, and since many are simply not suited to that performance environment they would simply stop coming to Adelaide. wonder if you realise that we are actually unique? I attend festivals in many states and speak to people from all over the country - no other state has a setup like ours. I Another significant concern is our unique library. We received a Federal grant two years ago for a significance and preservation assessment, which is currently ongoing. This process would be disrupted, possibly irreparably, if we had to move the entire library before its completion. I believe we provide significant community benefits. We are used most nights of the week, either by ourselves or by the various dance and music groups who hire the hall, so the concept of shared premises (in the new, yet-to-be-built Community Hubs) would not be a viable option for us. Considerably more consultation needs to happen before we are closed down and moved on. Yours Liz Lovell 26/11/2007 Page 1 ofl John Voigt From: Martin & Sue [] Sent: Monday, 19 November 2007 1:21 PM To: John Voigt Subject: The S.A. Folk Centre Dear Mr Voigt, I am writing to express my dismay that council is intending to sell the premises currently occupied by the Folk Centre. I have no idea how many inferior Community Centres could be financed by such a sale, and am amazed that council sees "no defined benefit" in the current facility. Said facility has 70 car parks, is on a bus route less than ten minutes from the centre of Adelaide, has shady outdoor areas, disability access and toilets and is made up of heritage listed buildings. The main building has sprung wooden floors, ideal for dance, good stage, lighting, and sound systems, and a 2SO-person capacity. How much would it cost to build even ONE new Community Centre of equal merit? The centre is well-used by various community groups. Perhaps council should investigate other methods of funds-raising if more community centres are needed and leave alone the one that is already successfully operating. Sue Timmins Folkie 26t11/2007 Page 1 of I John Voigt From: Sent: Monday, 19 November 2007 1:51 PM To: John Voigt Subject: Reconsider sale of SA Folk Centre Mr John Voigt City of West Torrens Dear John, I am advised that the City of West Torrens is considering selling the property which has been the home of the SA Folk Centre for the last 7 years. With my brother-in-law being a CEO of a major council I am well aware of the pressures under which the council must perform and realize the council must act in the best interests of many grass roots issues. One of these pressures, of course, is the support of worthwhile community activities and I really wish to stress how important the music community is to all of us and in particular the folk community. The folk community embraces a wide range of people of all ages. lt is spread throughout the whole of Australia and it is a real credit to the City of West Torrens that they have for 7 yearsbeen a supporter of the centre of this for the whole of South Australia. I ask you to reconsider th-e sale of this property as it is such a wonderful part of the lives of so many people. Additionally, like is done for other community functions in the council for the area I live in, really poðiiive ' support of the SA Folk Centre by the City of West Torrens would provide credit to the council ás well as enhancing a community function for many other people in the council area. With hope and regards, Lindsay Lindsay Doherty Adjunct Senior Lecturer / Principal Consultant School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Adelaide Mb: +61 (0)409 998 262 Email : 26/11t2007 SA Folk Centre closure Page 1 of2 John Voigt From: Sent: To: Cc: steve keirl [] Monday, 19 November 2007 5:00 PM John Voigt Folk Federation of SA Subject: SA Folk Centre closure To John Voigt City of West Torrens 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive Hilton 5033 From Steve Keirl Coordinator of Frances Folk Gathering Representative for International Performance Poet, Les Barker Member SA Folk Federation Member South Coast Folk Club Performance poet and sometime Concert MC Dear John I would have thought that the West Torrens Council would have been proud of its role in supporting the SA Folk Federation and its Centre. Council's decision to close the Centre is puzzling but, more, is also of deep concern. I would like to offer the following observations: Folk music across the world, and nationally, is an eclectic beast. It is about roots - deep in time and varied in place. In a multicultural society like ours there is much to celebrate and promote in the name of folk music and culture and there are few places to do this. It is not a mass movement - it has subtle differences, nuances and approaches within and across it. No single group or culture lays claim to being 'the'genuine folk experience. Folk is about what people make of their times and circumstances. Folk is one of the most community-generating genres of the arts. It is welcoming and supportive of multiple approaches to music and poetry. South Australia has many folk clubs or groups who regularly meet and play. It also has at least five proudly state-based folk festivals or gatherings - Fleurieu, Frances, Goolwa, Kapunda, and Stinky Creek. Scratch the surface of any of these and you'll find connections back to, and involvement with, the activities and support of the Folk Centre which sits in your jurisdiction. The Folk Federation and the Folk Centre prove to offer virtual, personal and physical support to all these clubs and events - by the very fact or being who and where they are. In this age of volunteerism it is marvellous to know that there are hubs like this to provide both focus and momentum. All of this statewide energy values its physical and shared space - it gives both place and identity. As coordinator of the Frances Gathering I value opportunities to use the auspices of the centre and its dedicated staff for advice, publicity and events. As someone who brings an international pertormer to tour Australia (and who personally knows other such performers) I can assure you that the Folk Centre is a highly attractive venue for such performers and is now almost the only one suitable for many - being neither too large nor too small, not brash and being very well run. I know that it is the envy of many interstate folk organisations. I have attended many events at the centre. I have performed in minor ways there - for charity concerts and supporling other folk events. The hard-working volunteers are warm, welcoming individuals who run an excellent Centre in a well-managed way. I repeat, why wouldn't any council be proud of such a phenomenon and, rather than close it, look to imaginative and creative ways to promote it - across the city, across the state and nationally? I urge you not only to reconsider the wisdom of closure of the Folk Centre but also to look to ways to celebrate and 26/7t/2007 SA Folk Centre closure extend its achievements. Yours sincerely, Steve Keirl. 261tU2007 Page2 of2 Page 1 of1 John Voigt From: Melton, Ray [] Sent: Tuesday, 20 November 2007 10:49 AM To: John Voigt Subject: SA Folk centre Dear Mr Voigt, I am writing to express my concern at the proposed closing of the SA Folk Centre. This place brings a lot of pleasure to a lot of people from all different walks of life, especially me ! I watch daily with fear as our great culture is eroded away in this country and this is another blow that confirms this fear. It has been said that there is "no defined benefit" in having a Folk Centre. I'd sure like to know what a defined benefit is ! of MORE "defined benefit" ??? High density slum...oops sorry , housing, McDonalds, some trendy boutique? Man , we need more of them!! My other concern is , if the Folk Centre goes, what is going on that site that will be the Folk Centre provides a great community service that a lot of other things would be very hard pressed to match. I think Regards t RaqTlleltaø':tfl:rLecturer, Ground Training Flight Training Adelaide Pty Ltd Hangar 54 , Kittyhawk Lane Parafield Airport S.A. 5106 Australia Tel +61 (08) 82094318 Mob 041 17'1 '1580 261tL12007 Page 1 ofl John Voigt From: Plympton Cycles] Sent: Tuesday, 20 November2007 9:52 AM To: John Voigt Subject: SA Folk Centre Mr John Voigt, West Torrens City Council I would like to object strongly to the proposed sale of the property that the SA Folk Federation has been successfully developing and using for the last seven years. As a financial member and strong supporter of the Folk Federation I would think that Council would be proud to be associated with a venue that consistently supports and foster the folk arts community of South Australia. The Folk Centre is used on a regular basis by many community groups including the Centre for Aboriginal Studies in Music and Offenders Aid and Rehabilitation Society as well as many dancing and singing groups.. The Folk Centre is a first class facility that has been developed by the SA Folk Federation over the last seven years. I am surprised to discover that the Council can see "no defined benefit" in the use of the facility for the support of the SA Folk community in its many diverse forms. As a ratepayer within the City of West Torrens council area I would appreciate the Council's re-consideration of this proposed sale. Yours sincerely, John Sennett Plympton Cycles 4288 Marion Road, Plympton Sa 5038 26t1U2007 Page 1 of1 John Voigt From: Sent: To: Hendriks2, Jenny [] Tuesday, 20 November 2007 4:25 PM John Voigt Subject: SA Folk Centre Hetto John, I wish to express my support for the SA Fotk Federation and the wonderful community-based entertainment that it offers through the SA Folk Centre. I woutd be very opposed to any relocation that would disadvantage the ongoing viabitity of its operations. ïhank you, Jenny Hendriks 3 Garrod Place Stirling SA 5152 Note: This email, including any attachments, is confidential. If you have received this email in error, please advise the sender and delete it and all copies of it from your system. If you are not the intended recipient of this email, you must not use, print, distribute, copy or disclose its content to anyone. 261r112007 Page 1 of1 John Voigt From: Hans Broweleit [] Sent: Tuesday,20 November 2007 6:14PM To: John Voigt Dear John, I would like to express my support for the Folk Centre. We attend irregularly but frequently and are proud of the support the Folk Centre gives to local artists in particular as well as artists from outside the City of Adelaide. The amount of volunteer labour involved in nurturing talent, as well as showing off talent that is blossoming, is quite huge. Without volunteer labour a great deal would be lost to our way of life. urge you to reconsider the fate of the Folk Centre, and at the very least, ensure it continues with Council support in some form or other. Hans Broweleit 83 Penzance Street Glenelg SA 5045 Ph: 08 8294 8353 Hans Broweleit 83 Penzance Street Glenelg SA 5045 Ph: 08 8294 8353 26ltr/2007 I Page 1 of I John Voigt From: Sent: To: Gc: Wednesday, 21 November 2007 12:22 PM John Voigt Subject: re: Folk Centre Hello John I wish to place on record my support for the Folk Gentre and all that it encompasses. This venue is the hub for folk related activities and people come, not only from South Australia, but from interstate and overseas. The variety of these performances are equal to any that perform at Womadelaide and the cost is considerably less. It is also a pleasure to sit in a friendly no smoking, no pokies atmosphere and meet up with people who enjoy the mix of genres and the amazing talent that the Folk Gentre presents. The Bush Dances that are held every month are enjoyed by allwho love dancing and is a chance to catch up with friends. lt is especially good to dance to Live Bands. Cliff Milne and his volunteers especially deserve recognition for their endeavours in promoting Folk activities in South Australia and in Ganberra at the National Folk Festival and it is imperative that they be allowed to continue to do so. To say there is 'no defined benefit' in relation to the Folk Gentre is an extremely short sighted view; there is nowhere else in Adelaide that provides all the above and more. I would have thought the councilwould be proud to have a world class music venue in its midst. Finally, I believe that the Heritage Listed Buildings - including the Original Hindmarsh Town Hall on the site - SHOULD BE PRESERVED for future generations. lt has been said 'That to know where you are going, you need to know where you have been' and these buildings are a fine example of Adelaide's history. Please reconsider your decision. Thank you for your time Kind regards SybilAilion 26nU2001 Page 1 ofl John Voigt From: Sent: To: Alan Boman [] Thursday, 22 November 2007 9:47 AM John Voigt Subject: SA Folk Centre Sir, I am a long time user and member of the SA Folk Federation. I have learned to play guitar and sing later in life and the SA Folk Centre has not only provided me with support, resources and encouragement, but a venue to experiment and gain experience with singing in public. The SA Folk Centre provides dedicated resources to the next generation of up and coming talent, which is not readily available anywhere else. The SA Folk Centre also provides an affordable venue in which to present world class entertainers who might othenruise bypass South Australia altogether. The range of musical styles supported by the Centre is vast, and many have no other venue. You will understand therefore that I am devastated by the proposal to close the centre Thank you Alan Alan Boman 'å. o+oa 014 234 Ê E oa B2TB 4ios PO Box 84, BELAIR, SA, 5052 26n1t2007 - please reconsider. Page 1 of1 John Voigt From: Sent: To: Judy Drummond [] Monday, 19 November 2007 10:59 PM John Voigt Subject: sa folk centre The SA Folk Centre is of great benefit to me as a weekly meeting place. My family belong to one of the many community groups using the centre.This week we were there four times.Please decide to keep the centre yours open so that we can keep the special work done there going on. sincerely J Drummond. 26lrI/2007 Mr. John Voigt, City of West Torrens, 165 Sk Donald Bradman Dr. Hilton 503i ?2 Clty NOv 2007 ol Wesl Toriþns lnbrmstþn Managornent Unit 2Utt/47 Dear Mr. Voigt, Re: Pronosed Ciosure of the SÄ Foik Centre Visiting the Centre a couple of weeks ago for an Oxfam/Community Aid Abroad Fundraiser I was perturbed to realize that the Centre could be shut. I have attended the folk centre over the past 5 years about 6 times a yeaÍ for a real variety of events- I have heard mu-sic from indigenous and ethnic cultures, as well as world class Folk singers such as Eric Bogle, Vin Garbutt , Steve Tilston, Enda Kenny, Roy Bailey, Dick Gaughan and Kristina Olsen. I have also attended a private function or two there. I have enjoyed good personal and artistic times at the centre, gaining an appreciation of different kinds of music. It is a well run venue, that is clean and well maintained, with prices that are very reasonable in these times of increasing costs. When I go to the Folk Centre my füends and I like to have an evening meal at a restaurant on Henley Beach Rd, with "Urban India" a particular favourite. These days I don't drive a car and I hnd the Centre convenient for public transport, whether from the city or my West Croydon home. These days with no major festival, like the Victor Harbour Folk Festival in SA, I feel the Folk Centre has a very important role to play on the SA Cultural scene in bringing together different sections of the community. As an aside, I did not know the original Hindmarsh Town Hall was on site, until the other day. My paternal grandfather was a Hindmarsh councillor in the 1920s and 1930s and is mentioned in the 1936 Centenary Handbook, along with all councillors. Most of my family barracked for the West Torrens football club and I still go to games there when the " Eags" play atThebarton Oval. As well,I have played squash at West Adelaide Squash Club weekly over many years, with a compulsory drink and meal at the Royal Hotel afterwards. Like these institutions, the Folk Centre has become a real institution of the Inner West and it is to the great credit of the City of \Mest Torrens to have been associated with it and shown generosity to the Folk Centre. I would urge the City of West Torrens to maintain its association with important cultural matters by allowing the Folk Centre to stay in its present location. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require me to make a verbal presentation. Yours faithfully, y*¿, t Jack Humphrys, 5/39 Pñìllip St, West Croydon, SA 5008. 57ft qmail j humphrys@vtown. Ph.83 469 From: Sent: To: Subject: B & J Samuels [] Thursday, 22 Novembet 2O0T 9:32 pM John Voigt Proposed revocation of Community Land Classification - 125-133South Road, Thebarton Dear Mr Voigt r write to make the fol-fowing submission in relatron to the above. I have never been invofved in the management of the Fofk Federation of SA but have attended many of its events and activiLies since its formation in Ig:-IAs someone invoLved in promoting South Austral-ia1s hj-story and herrtage for over 4O years, both professionally and in voluntary organj-zationsl r bel-ieve the Federationls activities are very deserving of councilts-coniinued support, not least because the Federatj-on1s ro.l-e is of broad sociaf importance. The Federation is a body t.hat does not just serve its own members, but reaches ouE co the broader community by arranging concerts, dances, workshops and other activities to teach and maintain fofk traditions. From \979 to 2001 it al-so ran an annual- State Fo-lk Festivaf which was very well attended. The Federationls role of sustaining traditionaf activities such as slnging, dancrng ql-n¡rz and t-allì¡ qlru oLvrv ucrrrrrÇ.is very important in a re]atively new count.ry such as Aùstralia where such traditions can easily be lost, and in some instances have been lost and have had to be revived. eri^h activities rrv ouur¡ imnnrJ-=n# f5 ¿ â rrorrr vcry lupur e arru contribution to sustaining peoplels ,dc:+vl-Eae: .t"sense of local identity and belonging in a world where globalisation is thrðatènrng to al imìn¡t-a raaì^^ar differences by spreading an homogeniÃed pop cu.l-ture across the worfd. M¡inl¡inin^ r am aware that Council owns a very large number of properties and that it makes sense to rationalise some of them. However, I suggest that not al-1 activities are sulted to mrrlri-ñrrrñ^aâ +'citities one size does noù fit alf and urge Council to bafance the need for economies of scale with the need for smalfer and móre intimate facilities. The current near clty location of the Fofk centre is ideal, given that it draws ¡rrdion¡ac añ^ ñôrformers Ð rrvr[ from dLrvoo across 1-hc --^Lr¡ç molrnnnli]-¡rLrEL!U¡JU_LJ_ Lan afea, and I urge Council- to work with the Federation and other appropriate partners to find some way of maintaining the Centre on its present site. Yorrrq qi nnaral., Brian Samuel-s 2 Angas St, Alberton 5014 Page 1 ofl John Voigt From: Melanie Morris [] Sent: Friday, 23 November 2007 12:55 PM To: John Voigt Subject: Keep the Folk Centre alive! Hi John, I am one of the Board Members of the Management Committee of the Folk Federation of South Australia which made the decision to move office from The Governor Hindmarsh Hotel in 1999. One of the significant factors in this move, aside from the increased office space, was the availability of a concert venue on the site. When the FFSA moved in on February 1 l th 2000 we did so into an office and venue with very basic facilities to say the least. While the West Torrens City Council has supported the Folk Centre both financially and materially over the last 7 years the FFSA Boards of Management which followed from 2000 and FFSA members have worked extremely hard to build the Folk Centre into what it is today. We are all extremely proud of what has been achieved over the last 7 years and would ask for the opportunity to continue go on to even greater success. The SA Folk Centre is unique in Australia. Adelaide, South Australia has the only specific Folk Music venue in the country! And it's located in the West Torren Gity Gouncil. To lose this vital and valuable asset would be a devastating to all concerned - the Folk Federation of South Australia Board of Management and Members, the music fans, the musicians, the various community groups who make use of the centre for both musical and non-musical purposes and I would suggest to the West Torrens City Council itself which has the privilege of having the Folk Centre in its precinct. Just ask John Trainer about the night he spent at the Folk Centre celebrating the Year of the Outbackl Yours sincerely, Melanie Morris Folk Federation of South Australia Board Member (1999 - 2003) 5 Stewart Court Kidman Park SA 5025 Ph: 8353 33ô2 26/tU2007 Page 1 of1 John Voigt From: Sent: To: Andrew & Elaine Dyson [] Friday, 23 November 2007 5:00 PM John Voigt Subject: Proposed sale of land on South Road between George and Augusta Streets Dear Sir, Adelaide has its own character that attracts many visitors form interstate and overseas and part of its charm lies in the older buildings. Each time another of these heritage buildings is demolished and replaced by modern buildings Adelaide becomes more like any other city and therefore loses its attraction. Heritage listeC buildings are listed for a reason - to preserve our heritage - and some effort could be made to re-use them in a viable and cost-effective manner. No doubt more money could be gained by selling the land and collecting rents, but this does nothing to lift the amenity of the area or to keep the character which was what made other residents want to live in the area in the first olace. The Folk Centre brings visitors to the state, provides somewhere for many community groups to gather and a very much needed venue for live music. The report states that this could be moved to another venue, but it took some time to arrange this one and there has been no suggestions for other possible places. This is an important venue, much envied by people from other states and countries, which should be able to continue Adelaide is an important place for live music and we need to keep up the flow of visitors and also opportunities for the less well heeled - not just keep things like the Festival Theatre and leave popular music to local halls and pubs. Hoping that you will consider alternatives to selling this part of our history and culture. Yours faithfully, Elaine Dyson 42, Regent Street, Kensington South Australia. 5068 Ph 08 8331 9654 618 8331 9654 (from overseas) dy-ç,,qngp-s@çe-n-e--t.,ç-qm.a,u 26t1U2007 Yoß?rveVtïIotl ,'&Æ* Supportiog =::: F"ll, A"t, ¡o SouIÅ Au"lruJiu Received 14 August 2007 The Mayor and Councillors of the City of 'West Torrens 1 C¡ty. 5 Ail$ 2lt7 oi 11.*st 'io¡¡eng lntormot¡on Månogn*,u;i unlt Dear Sir/\4adam - I am writing this letter to inform you of the facts around the South Australian Folk Federation and the impact of the recent decision to sell the property housing the Folk Centre at the comer of George Street and South Road. The South Australian Folk Federation is a not-for-profit organisation. It receives approximately one third of its funding from the State Go;ernmenithrough A¡tsSA for its contribution to developing musíc and other arts in South Australia. The-remainder of the funding is generated by the organisation through its activities, the majority coming from ticket & bar sales and hire of the venue. The Federation employs on" pËr-*"ni purttime administrator, and various professional and casual staffãs required. The remainder of its adminishation and venue staffing is provided by a pool of about 50 volunteers. The Folk Federation has leased the venue from the Council for the last ten years. During that time a significant amount of capital (both real dollars and volunteer time) has been invested in the centre. According to many testimonials from perforïners, it i, no* recognised as one of the best performance venues in Adelaide and provides one of the few venues (outside of hotels) for emerging South Australian and lesser known international and national arti.sts to perform. In addition to performances, the venue is regularly hired by community groups. In particular, the disabled facilities are well regarded, as cited by WABI $oiren' with Acquired Brain Injury) who are one of our regular hirers. The hall aiso provides a multicul¡ral hub as cited by S*day and lhe Filipino Baptisis who hire the hall have extra hires for special cultural events. I enclose a list of all events "u"ry atlhe venue for 2006 and a more detailed description of our activities for your review. The minutes of the Council meeting where the recommendation to sell the property was documented was subject to "... Iiaising wíth the SA Folk Federatioi tå iiuntij relocation options and to develop a transitÌonal strategy that facilitates a contínued programme of culnu'al díversity". Notably, there has not been a single incidence of "liaising" that was not initiated by the Folk Federation. In fact, there has still not been a formal notification, from the administration, regarding the plans for this site. The Federation found out through the Messenger press. Located: corne¡ south Tet 8354 4606. Fax *u * nlrfnJlf'ffå-T,.r. Aderaide south Aust¡atia 8 354 4609 email: infor@folk-sa.asn.4u webpage: Postal Add:ess: GpO Box 525 Adelaide, S.A., 5001 wr,q¡¡ At a meeting with property services staff it was clear that no one understood what was actually meant by the liaison clause in the report. The Folk Federation has been offered, and has acce,pted, a six month lease with a rent discount of (approximately) $800 per month. At the end of the lease the administration will extend the lease on a month-bymonth basis and offers one month's notice of termination. For the last 7 years the Folk Federation has been papng $1,800 per month while providing community services as described above, and in the attached documents. The report tabled at the Council meeting indicates that the expected commercial rent return for the property is only $1,350 per month. We have apparently been 'overcharged' $400 to $500 per month for at least the last ten years. The Folk Federation has provided the administration with a set of minimum requirements for an altemative location to ensure its ongoing viability. The response, from property services, is "It is unlikely thal the Council can assist in finding a new location þr your organisation in the short term as we do not have any vacant or suitable properties however are mindful of your requirements. I would think that you would be actively inves tìgatíng options and alternatíves ". Initial investigations have ¡evealed no suitable locations. Further investigation will require commitment of funds for a professional properly search. It will take several months of the rent reduction to fund such a search. Given the capital investment by us in the current property, it is unlikely that a suitable property wiil be located. The Federation is talking to ArtsSA about possible funding for any capital shortfall and also during the transition period when it will not be possible to generate revenue. Should this and a suitable properfy not be available then any decision by the Council to terminate the lease will probably cause the Folk Federation to fail, with the subsequent loss of the resource to both West Torrens and the greater Adelaide community. One possible solution would be to delay sale of the Folk Centre until a Community Hub, which has an area suitable for use by the Folk Federation, was built. This could be planned and developed to meet the Council's objectives for the performing arts and access by community groups. I urge the Council to reconsider the decision to sell the property at this time. Regards ///^,,Í Keith Lovell Chairman \eport for tfr¿ lv{øyar ønl Courrcifbrs of tñe City of ,I,/est Torrens regørl'íng tfrz S outfi Austrøfíøn f o tfrC entre Background The SA Folk Centre is managed by the Folk Federation of S.A. Inc. and is the only folk music venue in Australia which is managed by a state folk organisation. We receive about one third of our income from Arts SA as a funded arts organisation. The Folk Federation is a non-profit incorporated association whose mission statement is ...... ' To support ønd promote the folk ø.rts ín South Aastralìa-, In approaching this mission we have focused our effort into several areas: a community access performance and workshop venue, a community music support ofÍice and a consultancy and promotional network for other folk related clubs, groups and activities. V/e also manage (or co-manage as sub-contractors) music events and festivals such as the South Australian Wooden Boat & Music Festival at Goolwa. We have supported, and continue to support, the development of music events such as Kapunda Celtic Festival, Glendi Festival, The Medieval Fair, Fleurieu Festival, Stinky Creek Festival, Frances Folk Gathering, Port Arts Festival and more. We have an artists' register of hundreds of SA performers and we provide consultancy, faining and performance opporlunities for artists at all levels of development. To thjs end the Folk Federation also manages severai projects of its own including the SA Foik centre, sA Folk Awards, Music camps, and the state Folk convention. Folk Centre Venue The Folk Centre is a converted hall leased from the West Torrens Council. The Folk Federation has built (with mostly volunteer labour) a bar, kitchen and a cafe extension in the ten years we have been there. We also built the stage and installed the sound and lighting equipment. The venue is staffed almost entirely by volunteers, and we have won the National Australia Bank Ar.vard for our work with volunteers. In 2006 the Folk Federation hosted over 75 functions at the SA Folk Centre which featured live music. More than 50 of these were directly managed by the Folk Federation, We covered a great diversity ofgenres and cultures from blues to bluegrass, bush dances to beat boxing. Ernerging artists and seasoned perfonners came from all points of the compass to visit our steadily improving venue. The qualify of performers and performances has been consistently high and, given our strong commiúnent to community groups and folkInfo for Council Aug07.sxw , Àsociated activities, we are very pleased with our current achievements in developing this venue. Please see the attached listing of the live music events we hosted in 2006. (this only includes private hires or special purpose worluhops they were public events and had a signif.cant live music component.) f These live music performance events are but the tip of the iceberg. Our community support focus means that the Folk Centre is also used by a myriad of other groups, associations and clubs, not all of which are music oriented. The dancers particularly like the venue because it has a good quality sprung parquetry floor. (Council has persistently refused to maintain this floor so our volunteers have begun a regular oiling and polishing routine, at our own cost for materials, to ensure its survival.) Groups to have used the SA Folk Centre so far in2007 include :- Weekly users :La Bomba Latin Dancers Colonial Dancers Greek Orthodox Dancers Fiiipino Baptists Monthly or Fortnightly users :W.A.B.I. Workshop for Women with Acquired Brain Injury run by Uniting Care Wesley The Jam, The Mix, The Gig project. Workshops for survivors of mental illness SA Council For Country Music Singers Session Junior Country Crossover Others, semi-regular or casual:Sudanese community Eritrean Community Centre for Aboriginal Studies in Music ( Deparhnent of Adelaide University) Catholic Education Centre Edmund Rice Camps Offenders' Aid & Rehabilitation SocieW Migrant Resource Centre Scottish Fiddle Club East Timor Friendship Sociefy Australian & Traditional Bush Dance Society Australia-Cuba Friendship S ociety We host fortrrightly workshops from communify support groups such as W.A.B.I. Women (Women with Acquired Brain Injury) and the JMG project (for survivors of mental illness) which are genuine ouheaches to people with special needs in our community. We are also pleased to host regular performances and/or workshops by the Centre for Aboriginal Studies in Music, the Migrant Resource Centre and the Offenders' Aid and Rehabilitation Society, all of whom used our venue on a regular basis, private hirers by the local community fór weddings, parties, almost anything also continued strongly. All categories included, we estimate over 12,000 person entries to the hall per annum. doubt there is a more heavily utilised community music venue in Australia. I Folk Centre Office The ofÍice provides a vital link for many in the folk community. We receive thousands of phone cails a year and many of those relate to the Folk Federation providing information and support to folk activities outside of the Folk Federation. 'We also provide consultation and promotional support for regional folk events and S.A. Folk Clubs, and are continuing to develop our links to the wider music and arts cornmunity. We also develop and manage all of the projects, like Music Camp, Folk Awards and Convention, and the Wooden Boat and Music Festival, throughout the year. In summary we believe we have built a unique and powerful social and community facility which serves many community needs and which will not be easily relocated without destroying it. Cliff Milne Coordinøtor FoIk Federation of South Australia Info for Council Aug07.sxw Folk Centre Usaqe 2006 2006 The Folk Federation hosted over 75 events at the Folk Centre 11 events featured international arfisfs, I featured nationalaÍrsfs and 61 had local acts. 33 evenfs featured a non-Enqlish speakinq culture. Over 33 evenús featured originalarfnfs and over 30 new ar emerginq acts pertormed. informatíon does not include lsor" private hires are included if ular works over 150 in 2006) or r hirers. also involved live music & Folk Fed support. Genre or otherl: Music & Dance showcase by Sudanese Acoustíc Eidolon Mozaik lrish/multiculturaf DATE Genre or .ARTrsr(s) othøInfo Or Event SUPPORT ACT {prillcont.) ri7 9' Bushdance/ Tradewinds Singers Session )lanet Woman f,xfam Goat Concert localartists Fri28h SoiralDance Sat 29h Chris Finnen/ Wintergreen Émerqino artists sinqarou nd. lnternational Geltic/South Sea lslander tour group r'ariety concert by SA artists -ocal electric, original folk -ocal folUblues/ world 3ushdance/Diddychwy lnventíon ln Time Sinqers Session East Timor Dinner Bluegrass Junction Aussie/Celtic Folk National (Sydney?) eclectic, semiclassical folk Emerqinq artists singaround. y'arious artists, Timorese & Portuguese background. National bluegrass champions Aussie/Celtic Folk lndigenous Emerging performers showcase Emerging artists sincaround. lnternational folk artist -ocal emerging singer/songwriter y'arious artists, project for survivers of mental illness Sun Thur 20h Sat 22no fes Raw Honey fes Yes vay Fri 5h Sat 6h Sun 14ü Sat 20' Sat 27* Yes Yes Yes June =îi 2"d 3ushdance/Me Three Sat 10h ]ASM Sun f 1' Fri 16' Singers Session Doug Ashdown Jim Lesses The Gig Sat 1 7ü Sat 24h fes fes Jackv Smith Ves ulv Sat 1't Sun 2no y'oice & Music Studio ¡e Hall 7 hdance - D'chwv Fiddlechicks Singers Session CARS qu¡z night luiz Night llindmans Holiday =ri Sat th Sun I' =ri 14b Sat 15* Frí28t -- Showcase for young & emerging performers \ational singer I songwriter (Victoria) Aussie/Celtic Folk Aussie/Celtic Folk Emergíng artists singaround. Offenders Aid & Rehabilitatíon Society fundraiser Folk Federation fundraiser National multigenre touring group fes fes Soursob Bob Yes fes aRrIST(S) DATE Genre or other I Or Event SUPPORT ACT {ugust ri 4h Sat 5h Fri 11ü Sat 12h Sun 13h Sun 13' Sat l9ü Sat 26h Bushdance - T\rínds 3rihini fundraiser SA Folk Awards Dinner State Folk Convention State Folk Convention Sinqers Session Sudanese - p. hire Sathy Fraser & Duncan Smith September Fri 1" Bushdance - Cliff etc. Sun 10m Singers Session Sat 16h CARS fundraÍser \ussie/Celtic Folk r'ariety concert by SA artists fes Local group'Vincents Chair' Yes Showcase events bv SA Folk Groups, develooment semin¿ Yes Showcase events bv SA Folk Grouos. develooment semin¿ Yes Emerqino artists sinqaround. Music & Dance showcase by Sudanese Refugees -ocal artísts Sun 17' MalWebb Fri Fri Linda Rankin Dylan Ferguson Aussie/Celtic Folk Emerging artists singaround. Cffender Aid & Rehabilitation society fundraiser National touríng singer/songwriter & beatboxer Scottish/Aussie/Celtic Fol k y'arious local emerging singer/songuvriters (4 groups) Margret RoadKnight - R Sheilas Private hire Singers Session Faerd Hills tundraiser 3luegrass Junction National touring singer/songwriter (Queensland) {ussie/Celtic Folk \ussie/Ceftic Folk Emerging artists singarou nd. Touring from Denmark, European folk Variety concert by SA artists National bluegrass champions 22no 29' Yes Yes Yes fes Yes Yes Yes fes October fhu 5h Fri 6n Sat 7n 3un th Fri 13h Sat l4h Sat 28h B'dance Yes fes Slissando fes ,T.RTTsT (S) DATE Ganre or other I Or Event SUPPORT ACT \ovember Fri 3d Sat 4h Sun 11m Fri 16' Sat 17' Sun 18h lushdaneæ - D'chwy I remember you \ussie/Celtic Folk Private hire JBE/SO/OCO Private hire Vlemories & Memorabilia of SA Folk Emeroinq artists sinsaround Ihree Victorian Sinqer/sonqwriters lndigenous Emerging performers showcase Aussie/Celtic Folk Various original SA groups Aussie/Celtic Folk :ri 1d :ri th 3ushdance - Me 3 Â/intergreen {ussie/Celtic Folk \ussie/Celtic Folk Sat 9b MedievalFeast \4edieval music & Dance (4 groups) =merginq artists sinqaround. {ussie/Celtic Folk nternational Blues sínger /songwriter Aussie/Celtic Folk Various artists, project for survivors of mental illness Various localartists Various local artists Sat 24h Sun 25n Singers Session Sweet Remedy CASM Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes )ecember [4on I 1t lhu 14ü Fri 15h Sat 16' Sun 17ü Fri22'd Sinqers Session Private hire Brian Fraser Private hire JMG performance Private hire Private hire - Trovi Cliff Yes Yes Steve Gower les es Eo(lSþ+ submission to the west Torrens cify council. Revocation of Community Land Consultation Regarding The S.A. Folk Centre T_haryk you for the opportunity to respand to the Revocation Report regarding the sale of ffie S,4 Folk Çentre. Firstly we would like to stress to council that the Folk Federation is an incorporated non-profit community association who have managed an open access community arts venueìn WTCC area for more than 7 years. We have attracted strong support from local residents and the wider community and receive organisational funding from the State government, through Arts SA, which recognises & supports the service we provide to the arts community. We are a well established and respected wo¡ld-class arts venue which attracts top artists from all over Australia and the world to the West Torens area. We also support emerging and developing artists (many of whom live or work in WTCC area) with opportunities to pe-rform which *ã"1ã otherwise not exist. Please see enclosure I for listing of letters of support we have received from artists, managers and community groups attesting to this fact. It is disappointing that, despite significant documentation sent to both councillors and stafi the revocation report states there is'no defined benefit' in retaining the SA Folk Centre. lVe have many supporters and community groups who have responded to this public consultation and a petition from more than 500 people which refutes such a claim. Is council seriously suggesting that approximately 70 music &/or dance performances per year and over 20 community groups accommodated is of no benefrt? The other reason put forward by council for sale is economic. The Revocation Report states that the properties are in fact a liability to council. We can only assume they mean in a hnancial sense which we entirely refute. We have sought, on more than one occasion, access to financial data to substantiate such claíms and been refused. We wonder if councillors have ever seen any past financial figures or future predictions to substantiate this claim. We have paid over $20,000 p.r yr* to WTCC in rent and rates. According to the Urban Services report to council (in March 0Z) th FFSA paid $18,181p.a. (not including rates). The 'specialist advice'in the report suggested the commercial market rate was only $16.046p.a. This confirms that we have béen payrng approx $2,000 p.a. to council above what it could have expected from a commercial lease. The above figures show that the council has received over $140,000 over the last 7 years. A recent email from the Managernent Advisor, Property Services suggested that corurcil had spent about $15,000pa on the buildings (not sure if this is all three or just'our'two) which implies a cash,flow profit to council of over $5000. We hope that corrncil will seek verification of the financial situation before a decision is made to close a community service which council has profited from over many yeat. For those who understand accounting the above figures are on a cashflow basis and do not take into account holding costs, notional opportunity costs or the concept of Net Present Value used in the inilia-l Property Services report. We refi¡te that the dilapidation, capital works, significant upgrades and_ failure to comply with building codes referred to in the consultation document appliei to the Folk Centre. We regularly pass inspection regarding the Places of Public Entertainment Act and Liquor Licensing and have requested information from council staff for details of our alleged noncompliance. No compliance issues have been identified. We have been refused access to the property services report which details the works required and are thus unable to provide accurate rebuttal. We are not aware of any significant capital works required at the Folk Centre and the only issue we have bought up with council staff is the possibility of conditioning. a1r- 2 3 N0V 2il07 City of W€st Tonêns lnformalion Management Unit We refute the N'P'V estimates in the original report because they are based on vague estimates and upgrade costs which are not substantiated. It alsã should be noted rhat the FFSA häs put significant money & time into maintaining& improving the asset. The cafelannexe extension alone is valued at over $15'Û00 and we also built the stage, bar, installed lights, painted the venue & carpeted the ofÍice' In early 2007 we contacted the council regarding thJ excellent sprung parquery ¡originally) floo¡ which had received no maintenance from couicil ià over a decade arr¿'wa" br"onring dilapidated to the point of dangerous. Council staff refused to maintain the floor in any way and we have since expended considerable expense and volunteer time in restoring and maintaining the floor ourselves- See enclosure 2 for a fuller tisting of the ongoing improvenients we have made to the properties. Sy'e are also certain that the proposed Comrnunity Hubs a significantly nnore negative' will be even less financially viable and have N.V.P. Given th¿t the plans for a nev/ commtnity Hub do not include any suggestion of providing a more significant ðommunity service than currenly exists at the Folk Centre we are bemused that council Çould choose to forgo u profit in exchange "urnno* for ongoing on a facility which may n9t provide any better service than currenuy occurs -significatrt, at the Folk Centre. Again we asked staff to eiucidate what services the new hubs would provide whìch ìs not already avaìlable at the Folk Centre but no details were forthcoming. Givcn that we currently provide a cafe, bar, dance, music, visual arts, meeting spaces, formal åi*..r, office & admin support with a family-friendly, smoke-free and pokie-freã oèo,r" it is hard to envisage how the new hubs will top-this. certainly it may be larger *å *or" modern but that does not mean that it will be more amenable or accessible to the local õommunity. Certainly no physical plan for the new Thebarton hub exists,.-to it impossible to be certain it will be better i"'*v way. More 'modern, 5 Yes, better ? Very unlikely. Especially at lower cost that $5,000pa profit to ro.*"it. Paragraph 6 of the Revocation Consultatíon Report also says there are altemative venues available. This directly conhadicts what was said in a méeting between Keith Lovell (Chairperson FFSA) & CliffMilne (Coordinator FFSA), John Voigt and Terry Buss (WTCC). \ryh; expiaining why tírey were making no attempt to comply with the council resolution to'liaise with the SA Folk Federation to identify relocation o*ions and develop a transitional stralegy...', I recall John saying no -havesuitable altematives where available. i know that some gf the groupr currentþ hosted he¡e sought altematives unsuccessfully. We have sought details as tó the altemative venues alluded to in the Revocation report but staffhave been unable to provide us with any. We have contacted most of the other councils in central Adealide seeking altematives, but none have been able to even suggest a posibble option. The report says council has 'no involvement' in the Folk Centre but council has used the venue for it's own activities and events and we are an active part of their Community Arts Network and have been consulted on music events and provided performers for council functions. The same report says that the Folk Cenbe, is essentially a venue for hire to local community g1oups at subsidised rates as though this is some kind of bad titing. We have never refused access to a local community group in the four years I have been here and Keith Lovell said at the meeting previously referred to that we would be happy to negotiate a condition of use with council whieh guaranteeá such access' Will not the proposed community hubs be essentially venues for hire to locJ gtoups at subsidised rates? How will the proposed new facilþ provide a significantly better community service than that already provided? The Folk Centre office also houses a heritage library of music, literahre, instruments and paraphemalia relating to the history of Folk Music in South Aushalia. This library is so well respected that we are currently in receipt of grant money from the National Library, Canbena to preserve &, and protect a eollection considered of national significance. of heritage, we specifically oppose the loss of the two heritage buildings on the site. Even council chooses to destroy the excellent communíty service we are lroviding we urge cormcil to Speaking. if seek ways to use the buildings, especially the original Town Hall to support heritage of the area. & showcase the local We also have concerns about the consultation process itself. After the sale decision was made in March 07, we told council we would participate in the public consultation process. Since then the public consultation policy itself has been changed without informing us or inviting us to comment on the changes. This is in direct conflict with the'old'(and new) cJnsultation pt*.s as \rye were clearly stakeholders in the process itself yet were not informed or invited to participate. Even within the current procoss, we informed council staff in writing of hundreds of petition signers who are 'stakeholders'. 'We offered to give the staff names & addresses so they could be speeifi-cally informed & included in the consultation but they have been excluded by not being iniormed by council. We also expressed concern re being lumped in with other buildings in the Revocation Consultation process especially as most of the capital works issues refer to the old Town Hall which has been aliowed to get into a seriously dilapidated condition by council. We consider it is entirely inappropriate for council to reward itself for an incompetent (or deliberate) failure to maintain an asset by saying that a significant heritage building is now not worthy to be restored or maintained. If council offered us a 2-5 year lease without any significant upgrading we would still be very in staying, we would still be compliant with all laws and we would till be providing a significant community benefit whilst providing a positive cash-flow to council. interested / ,Ø/41 CliffMilne r Coordinator Folk Federation of South Austraiia. For and on behalf of the Board. n-/ .-r-J / /o /1 ,/// ,/" Enclosures ll 2/ 3/ 4l : Letters of support. Copy of petition. (still ongoing) List of improvements by FFSA. Brochure of recent activities. Enclosure 1 - Signíftc*nt letters af support. (copies are included) Women S/ith Brain Injury group, Uniting Care Wesley. Centre For Aboriginal Studies in Music, Adelaide University. The Jam The Mix The Gig, mental health project. Eric Bogle AM, international performing artist and songwriter. Carole Whitelock, ABC presenter. Margaret O'Rielly, volunteer over a decade. Ian Mclaren, Colonial Dancers. Stavros Papadopoulos, Plays Greek Music and local resident. We are also aware of a significant number of written and Emailed submissions directly to the Public Consultation. Enclosure 2 * Líst of signíficønt physical ímprovements by the Folk Federølion. Carpeted the entire office. Built new timber bar, put in fridges. Installed ( & since upgraded) sound and lighting equipment. lnstalled blinds on all windows. Installed mood loghting in hall nd foyer. Built the Cafe/Annex extention. Cost over $12,000 plus much volunteer labour. Organised Murals on several external walls. lnstalled phone & fax lines. Put up street signage & large noticeboard. Purchased 200 sets crockery, cutlery, cups etc. Organised purchase of comfotable chairs for patrons. Cost ûver $5,000. Wesley UnitingCara Wesley Adelaide lnc DISABILITY SERVICES 101 Henley Beach Road Mile End SA 503'l PO Box 389 Tonensville Plaza SA 5031 Tel; (08)8150 7200 Fax: (08) 8351 8080 Email; iennv.widdop@ucwadelaide.oro,au Thursday lh June 2007 Liz Lovell Adminístrator S A Folk Centre Thebarton Re: Citv of West Torrens Sale of the Folk Federation of SA Site Hello Liz, The thought of the possible sale of the Folk Centre s¡te at Thebarton fills us with dismay. We have been using the site as a base for one of our groups, WABI {Women with Acquired Brain tnjury), for the past 2-3 years. This site has provided us wíth more than suitable facilities to hold our fortnighly sess¡ons: . . . ¡ . . . . r r Wheelchair accessible toilets with handrail supports Kitchen facilities Use of tables and chairs Wheelchair access into the venue Stage for those spec¡al events Large area for ease of movement for all attending Use of cupboard space for our resources Heating and cooling Venue hire for other Wesley functions Central to allattending As well as the benefits of such a site, the friendly staff of the Folk Federation of SA have been wonderfully supportive of our group attending there, ensuring any of our queries or requests are handled promptly and cooperatively. They have also been very generous in the rates of hire they have given us, ensuring it is wellwithin our budget. We would be hard pressed to find another venue with all of these positive benefits and urge the Council of West Torrens to reconsider any decision to sell the site. Your sincerely Jenny Widdop Coordinator, Take Five UCWAdelaide unitingcøre wesley Adelaide lnc. (formerly Adelaide central Mission) BN 33 174 490 37i 'THE JAM, THE MrX, THE GrG' Chairperson Folk Federation of SA 18fttA7 Dear Chairperson, ln my capacity as Musical and Project Director for The Jam, The Mix, The Gig music and mental health projec{ | am writing to_ express my major concern at the proposed closure of The Folk Centre by the West Torrens Council. This decision will have a major impact on the various community music and performance groups that not only use The Folk Centre but also call it their home. nt ihe present t¡me ttrãre is nõtning like this venue in terms of its ease of access, flexibility, affordable hìre rates and welcoming atmosphere. These qualities are what has made The Folk centre the home for The Jam, The Mix, The Gig in the almost 2 years that we have run our regularworkshop and performrn." progr'å* there. For people with a mental illness one of the major challenges they face is social isolation both on a personal levelthrough loss of confidence and networks, but alsothrough the stigma that is still attached to this health condition by the broader community. As a result it is vitalthat ongoing activities such as The Jam, The Mix, The Gig are held in mainstream venues such as The Folk Centre which at the same time have a ãupportive atmosphere. The Folk Centre is also very disability friendly in terms of good public transport access, parking and very accessible for those in wheelchairs or with other special physical needs. However of greatest importance is that the venue is well run by The Fotk Federation of sA whose staff and volunteers always make us feelwelcome and that The Jam, The Mix, The Gig has the same value and standing as all the other users of the venue. I fear that all these qualities wíll be lost if the proposal to close The Folk Cenire goes ahead and have great concern with any assurances that an alternative venue will be found.-For our project, The Folk Centre is unique and should be maintained and developed as a priority for commuñity use in conjunction with The Folk Federation and all its users. For all the above reasons The Jam, The Mix, The Gig Project expresses its major concern at the proposal to close and demolish The Folk Centre, and urge West Torrens Council to not proceed with this. Yours Sincerely, ß./) Robert Petchell Musical & Project Direc{or The Jam, The Mix, The Gig 4l2McÇoll Street Woodvílle SA 5011 Ph: 0402 429 197 Email: rpetchell@optusnet. com. au I / Ht¿FiHllTiåå'" ffioutt*ouo WiltoYerlo Centre for Australjan lndigenous Fesearch and Studies 27'h June 2007 To whom it may concern My name is Anthony Pak Poy. I am a lecturer at the University of Adelaide's Centre for Aboriginal Studies in Music (CASM). As an aspect of my work at CASM I assist in organising public performances for CASM, and have worked closely with the SA Folk Centre and its staff over the years. I am writing this letter in support of the South Australian Folk Centre, and to draw attention to the unique qualities of the premises on South Rd. CASM provides a nationally-focussed, tertiary-level lndigenous music education program. The CASM prograrn attracts lndigenous students from the local community and from around Australia. Over the last 4 years, on a regular basis CASM has hired the SA Folk Centre facilities for public pedormances, and for non-public performances that are a part of the assessment requirements for students studying at the Centre. Our public performances at the SA Folk Centre draw audiences from the Adelaide metropolitan area, regional SA and interstate. The current SA Folk Centre premises on South Rd. are an excellent facility for CASM. From our point of view, key features of this unique facility include: . . '. . r , . . . Flexible space for music and dance performances (including large and smaìl bands, and traditional lndigenous dance)with a community hall ambienceiatmosphere Ease of access by public transport, and close to the city Good access for people with disabilities Ease of access for loading musical equipment Ease of parking including off-street parking Adjacent on-site office space for ease of communication between SA Folk Centre staff and community venue hirers during the day (office areas can also be used as dressing rooms as appropriate) Kitchen and bar facilities (with liquor license) lndoor and 'outdoor' spaces Professional quality ln House Public Address / Sound System Tables and chairs (for concert or cabaret settings) ln my opinion the current location provides a unique facility that is well suìted to our performance needs and to the needs of our students and audiences. ln addition I ' e ð¿*' ¡l.r+crÐii¡ lHll¿FîHH,Y'3Ê'" \lE¡fly M ð AUSTRAUA Wiltolêrlo Cente for Austral¡an lndigenous Research and Studies believe that the current facilities also provide significant benefits to the local area and to surrounding businesses by attracting people to the area. I urge you to consider these issues in determíning the future of the current facilities. I would also urge you to consider the good work of the SA Folk Centre, in particular the flexible and responsive team of part time and volunteer staff. They provide outstanding professional level community support and service to CASM through their community networks and through the good management and provision of an appropriate, unique community based facility. Yours sincerely ANTHONY PAK POY Lecturer Anthony Pak Poy Lecturer Norlh Ter¡ace Campus G22, Ground Floor, Hartley Bu¡lding The Unive¡sity of Adelaide South Austral¡a 5005 Telephone: +ô18 8303 3654 Toll Free: 1800 651 763 Mob;,e: )C\XXXX,Y.XX Facsimile: +61B 8303 4396 CRICOS Povider Nùmb€r aOl23M date: 10.11.07 To: The City of. West JorrensCouncil RE: The South Australian Eolk Mu-sic Centre - Thqbarton I am writing this letter in support of the above centre. I have been a professional musician and songwriter for 27 years, and, in this capacity, have toured extensively both in Australia and overseas during that period. ln my experience, very few of the places I have toured either in Australia or overðeas have had a permanent venue dedicated to the Folk Arts. Most folk clubs and organisations exist in a more or less transient state, dependent mainly on the economic dictates and personalwhims of publicans or restauranUcafe owners. The fact that the Folk Arts in South Australia has had a permanent home at the above venue for quite a few years now makes it, in my opinion, pretty unique. But it is in the depth and breadth of the presentation of folk music and the associated arts where the uniqueness of the South Australian Folk Centre really lies. Even a cursory glance at the programme of events presented by the centre over the years will illustrate this. An incredible array of music and dance from different cultures and countries has been presented over this period, and has given many ethnic groups within Australia and lrom overseas a chance to showcase their music and culture to the South Australian public. The ideal outcome of course would be for these events to continue to be staged in the present venue, as it is accessible, intimate, friendly, and extremely popular with the public who attend the concerts there. Failing that however, I would stongly urge the council, in any possible future redevelopment plans of this site, to seriously consider the needs of the Folk Music community in South Australia, and to make provision for a new venue within these plans to accommodate them, as you have done so generousty in the past regarding the present venue. Yours faithfully / / ú'. ion ERIC BOGLE AM PO BOX 1037, UNLEY, 5A5061 AUSTRALIA e-mail : karmerik @ internode.on. net phone: 041 9869807 (mobile) I8,t}J¿{ûr,r*S¿ /Uov¿ea*/ 5H{eû7 /ù&6/w44>ú¿¿+td /5'{-Ô1 i .ÅE¿t( //ø¿¿ /Ø4/3 ,-3 lll,,t-tþ4hØ,¿¡to/ ilL cæ¿*wt¿-/2 /t¿¿.5 ,t/rnwç 6%# rvúfllM, //4/pgøMfl*t^ (wt ¿ulfnhl¿L 7ì,,¿ r*t* I ú^ ì / ,1 o,tnL6 ð / CcNta,t'Yt¿/¿/ultlfuot4r nuru,;#ffiffiffi:'i *¿'/u"/ ß-r//)/ ffi, n¿,trl fr lwzlu,fur,4 lvu)¿n4d"/L d.Á u^L Sat'¿/çs ¿'L (^ ¡L'"Åaä¿/ ¡,a'üe)t't /4A tu'^! q/vL¿/ /t'/'Lu*/'¿- /utÉfr'r #"{l,ffi,w-, rtryL'/ ¿'l¿t¿ßþMMl uL/-ó /l 'e*M, offith/t.t( L_ P/rbn44 üúl/L /'tufu-¿l û-/ u t1 ( k/,y & ?orK ?eyeRnÜofio Supporliog F"!1, 'Lrt, ¡o SoutÁ ,Lrrr*J¡¡u 'åÆ*' 7ft June, 2007 NAB Volunteer Awards Manager I am writing to express my appreciation of my experience of being a voluntee¡ at the Folk Federation of SA Inc. I have been involved with the organisation for more than three years. As a retiree, being a volunteer at the Folk Centre enables me to havc continued involvement with music, poetry, literature and the arts, all which have been passionate interests for me all my life. I regularly work in the venue at night when an event such as a concert, dance or cuitural event is being staged. I usually manage the door and take the money. This has enabled me to become acquainted with many of the more recent arrivals to Australia - from Africa and South America and aiso groups of young Aboriginal musicians who use the Centre. A very special experience for me was a function we held during Refugee Week when people from Afghanistan, Iran, Cambodia and Vietnam shared their music and stories with us, I regularly work in the office performing various tasks including reception and perform other tasks in off,rce as required by the Co-ordinator. As receptionist I am responsible for the - Receiving and recording incoming phone calls. Giving relevant information as appropriate Liaising with performers, organizations and others wishing to arrange use of the venue. Collating and sending out essential information to callers to faciiitate their use of the cenre, Communicating effectivelly with the Co-ordinator, staff and volunteers to ensure efñcient process procedures in the Cent¡e. All policies of and procedures are clearly recorded in files which are identified with correct labels. Essential information about the criteria and conditions of hiring the venue. deposits required etc are clearly documented to be explained and handed out or posted to interested parties. These files are kept at all times at easy access in the reception area. I strongly commend the Co-ordinator and staff of the Centre for their initial support and mentoring r,vhen I cornmenced working rvith them. This support continues. Staff are ahvays accessible, if not in the cent¡e, on the phone. Essential information re policies may change and if so staff take the time to explain changes, the reasons for the change and how this may have implications for procedures in the office. The Co-ordinator and other staff ar€ very supportive in ailowing flexibility to enable volunteers to meet other needs at times and yet continue to be involved with the Folk Centre. Yours sincerely \ t/-,H**@rø Nfar{gÉet O'Reilly 5..d. Folk Centre Located: corner South Rd & George St. Thebarton. Adelaide, South Australia Tel 8354 4606. Fax I 354 4609 emait: Webpage: . Postai Addressr GPO Box 525 Adelaide, S.4., 5001 5/31 South Esplanade Glenelg South sA 5045 Australia E-mail: ragworm@ gnail. com Home: (08) 8294 9697 Thursday, 23 August 2007 Dear SirÀ4adam, I am writing regarding the proposal to sell off the Foik SA building on South Rd, Thebarton. I am a member of the Adelaide Colonial Dancers Inc. and we use the building for dancing evøy'Wednesday evening. I also attend Bush dances a¡rd folk concerts in the building on a regular basis. I would like to express my concern that any change of venue after the sale would be unlikeþ to match the unique facilities at Folk SA with an excellent sprung floor for dancing and a stage and sound control desk for concerts. It also has the advantage of being a'1.{o Smoking" venue. To my mind, investment in the building would be a wise investment, maintaining an excellent facility for the City of West Torrens. Yours, Ã^ J* nr'(n^- ú c4¡{+ t'\;\n1 I {.\-r-1 r\.oo',Çer a- r"r\ ,L-v." tzÉ,r,,¡ cv Ç"(w FrÅ,.r__Ç*,_- ?'y--.r\ l- -!r* â1 q:-*,r{ * { I L*o þ"\li { --.,\,7' I Lre I ¡(1çÊ, t [-o G lø ,4,** , {,' S 4 p(*-trs ê^-- r--' ,)r f.t ; ,1 bì.^\-1 o\,4{*-* .-l{r..o-s þ;-"-t L-., + Lrr r":1Li i L. -*is j ì n'¡z J" r\ G"- .V ì r t ,- r \"^J ?*.;\ ,,-\dr--*- ^--- r\ <- þ^n¿.si -*i c( <-rJ i *- Lr, , (.o ^-N 3.o-r--^-.- \ fr\\\L, a+ ¡--\"( b*- rL q*1 lo,, ì* t{^ì+ -LL" côtv,'w.,l1 c*...'Ç-=- cu''r¿'-¿. l. b. S{.o, t.-e) t?.f.o{--, (ror--{-,\ , .[.-1.-'"{, .^ NÕlV -T\ìÉ [twfrt- ÞËrTnoñ h.rof *__--l_ \¡f. ts\P É -r1tbfüùìm" \ &t \ l d r ç.x \--urs ß8vù 000 ¡ / tuú¿"u l-/gp-ç " To the Mayor and Councillors of the City of West Torrens. Petition Conl-act person: Cliff Ìvlilne Plrone 0427 601 428 C/ O Folk Feclcration of South Australi¿'r PO Box 525, Adelaide. SA, 5001 This petition is fronr thc- friencls, sllpporters, auclience and clients of the SA Folk Centte. We woulcl like to cirar'v the attention of Council to our opposition to the resolntion of Council in March 7A07 io remove the SA Folk CenLre frclm its current facility. : We, tlie trnciersigtred, strottgly support tire 5A Folk Centre as it currently exisfs. We know it to be an exceller providing unique arrc{ tnuch needecl services to the local (and statewide) communiry in all its culturai and art We urge vou to reconsider yolu' clecision to force the SA Fotk Centre to relocate, t, '¡Cd, i Ntttttc ff frltìtç -/, tf' /4,,1*5, ltflf pí- ltl\Ë¡1¡51ç N\)RùIS ßritici 1rTØ/Ð 'frrÈi?. ta ) l Á ildrass Sigrrttlurc )-< laty 4y{*¿^¿ . h¡É'r, /y'rìana,r<¡ft', 3l *f Tu5¡vo45 fr UE t ¿-f4#¿ ott , { $IË\ùMar cocrrai" Rrurar,t¡ P*At< bÂ< $"1 I'lffl$ brì\ Ru Èu¿f,ßÈ111 tqr\ 9ñti\3 . l) A,rb¡a¡ # El ;rabe"fÅ çt sn ,tt L æ.-'et/ ,/r/ /',/ Live or work in City s¡ ¡¡t"t, Torrens aren lt| ¿,"_ Petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the Cify of West Torrens tde, the undersigned, strongly support the SA Folk Cenhe as it currently exists. We know il lo be a¡ exceller providing unique and much needed services to the local (and statewide) community in all its cultu¡¿rl and ¿rr' We urge you to reconsider yollr decísion to force tire 5A Folk Cenfre to relocate. 'dress L'l!ùl! .\.ú Sigrtolure i C r-( - sKE -_.._{41K\E_ _ Åtu -F:¡u-Ø:l Ì{ú Vr: (*oø<) .Á, NJa ----+-<-* -) ci{ \" r -''¿ ,/ ¿QcJil'\Wç L?çtJr.rt:tç' LV-qVeQ_VçyLV.qK&Vþr* i-2\ AVt+ AvB _ .ron ?l+g!_ l-'¿\ - .rOnr.cfrrç .t'*¡<t<*, Lo-ct(,n657 F,r, øÆ¿t¿j f{. fu¿Ay_ I It 4 _Y!t b+ Hiqhqøl-e å|.+t -V\ttuÞ--Ì- itZ Chucch r\ \\ 'J U -' \,rn¡ ]¡41 i \\ -fr"\Mq- tslæri -6Êføø fl +)*lsfil /'tççraç4er(3,t^rsr*r*t lh¡t* çÇAtlf. ßTY | :S '.J /V., NIA t \L-/ úrl \\ l./c) //+, (o¿t Cztk* ,i NO Nc. _._ bA- ,-1.. v* Hc> 4r, o far, tvtc,tl Çr r, æÐu rr F ¡1,¡ s S4 I 7 Lt.a c:v=í s ¡ Hycfr Fk >,+ -H+q -FPñ: J**- G,',^);r", *:sß1-00 Rj D,*- r¡.- ki-{q - ttl,-i.u flr=¡.l[çr^ i ¡1r.[Urt*\*e\,Rt*ù, Kd\l¡\'tu bsot''5"' trc.rrzç\ I rq nå.o--lylorto,q i tA l<€?ro;/' .,Jr, Pq,-l.iaicle. ceêp *]CÞ^ I\o (,r.¡ÉléL5 só H,t N6n\rr-, -&á --* | C-o ßo*.sb ÉcrrlnA"J I "To B a :\\ r c,-+t G fr-.6; - fß"! tl,r, lõrrmrn i t,; ío* ß il,,,A',"/¿ -"-----I Líve or x,ork itt Cìty of Þl/esl Trlrrens ureu , /\t'o No Mcs l\J r.¡ /vc .L- NO. f I 1 .-- "l Petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the City of West Torrens We, the undersigned, strongly support the 5A Folk Cenhe as it currently exists. We know it to be arr exceller providing unique and much neectecl services to the local (and statewide) community in ali its cr-rlLural ancl ar' We urge you to reconsider your decision to force the SA Foik Centre to relocate. Addrcss ñü,,u -.{----- l/"i'. Sk , f n #*ôÀì¿ \ Y-aæv t a -'. I 9ttlic.+- \i--t\n'45€\-i Søûa"r9 N b*zflc¡t Çu^Å;* ñ'lø^( î3 l¿ Ç'wwçcW t'. !iur-a-¡<ì-'= Ro=*,/. tlI i @req fl(tnnC( i 'L-lNù/- c1!-t!!:. -W n. fritrM,¡ Nn¿,¿rt ffi"^:ø*a*a l c.r.,- Yl" d(irc^,t<;¡iSr-t {_( GzrT âf// "- vJ n{ ut !2 /dncnq tr¡ 51!? ,lun*rt¿t{ ile1gnt" S/6? ?6 lßn Fv/tLtSl,l'7n,,rfl6t9 l,t¡n fnA ., " , 13 Íe-vrvu*fu"t rh9íkr'*o ^?'utIL L3 \a-,,^-ç->.". Ña , bJç.1*.t+'"-.- /=4 ú"rttíL .Srrue R fic¡. Sxr-o.*r,., Tkcrd"S *,ftatneCS $¿¡t¡an' )P á u ll ,4aryry /¿t uc) r\à NO ¡/c Ñ,rl ñç¡ \,/ lva vf \ +ff= I l'Ò ]\p tsl cr taY3 Moalburu¡ oolbu *V l:AW$u'{-t^A N)c: lçt t.') FÉ afp¿ fuwreur Ave II l-f'\l .t.,^ /ì*¿ I A ize¡,r'sÞ Aue [,íva or work in Ciry of'l4tast T'orrctts urea /t'€bb'J(L*\ tli t hl(,.J ßo, P r-y m n r' lo u nlnrc SH^ ¡.fu2r ltllz¿"u t t \\-'-ç--\cØlfr Qw , ?,,¡t,il\'to tt ço t+1 Lt i^rAIÀJf fìuí I pnttLtu\íou 9r 42,*= ")-2 Lç¡'-re . --r.J Cc>c2¡'4 þ¡ .'.^{Qe\J fË,3-t= ,tA Ss-,{ *-c /'.-\. . S.c¿¡o¡-rl --Þ¡l I Sigrt flÙ. NO l--/ o. ,t..Jo ¡tio ll Se;1møvv A,E< ;Mcdø,r)tlçt \lJ A/cr Petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the City of West Torrens We, the ünclersigned, sfrongly support the SA Folk Centre as it currerrtly exists. We know it to ire arr exceller providing unique and mucir needed services to tl"re local (and statewicie) comrnuniLy in all its culLural ancl ar We urge you to reconsider youl decision to force the SA Folk Centre to relocate. Nsnrc Signnlure Address Li>'e or v'ork itt City of lltest Torrcns nren -Ch*'îth/,1, - 3Ìe,e Þtlih 9åLY¡J-$d-\-s 6:{-øYts 13- - - {€1aP= ' ßøt O< e Lt l\- ftZc{,, A)Ò lv} ña ?f,Y-io-..-, ?-Ç-."t{tcuÒLLs xt¿Ql.Àr=I?, -- Aot.; f.l-kJ Çr*-u LL'- lr*ar¿ 11.15 t.l.llq-¿n-^- -5-¡, c&es , { ?4 ltl I z{t ,tra¡Jô/ ?u!-tt¡A:-Ë i fu* CllLt^i*.y t?u¡çi¡+Y /\_/'ói N:r &cl+tut',yqt .5o-.r.3 Þr*8,r<>d , -Í11 t-Q- - _774q&Ø#_ çÊ æs4 -lt2 çl?Rcr{4ï ilÐ$.Kç ¡oî5 c*aLÀqsrrru . /. a,\,e--/Vl--tÅ):tL€û0ai 5r', tttvt s-r+g Nç Nu l!Ætuwtttu Aëta\ta( t4ttu's i t tt; / /n^le-,o'¿ 6n ,&zt4rCILJ Sbïü n^<)/ L A.,a /'l ^,-r\.* 5o-8(o-Spnrñi;ll/Lr- *V¿.OA<D¡u t/o i ¡ríU ñù i ¡Vlçi --ßc,r='{ì=-1..4 St"e åc.,=s.<, l-tr^u.¡ G(er.eQ N 5(J'$l ',o_u to¡vì]Ì-lr !1t\ ß ç 0{rl-1 9"" /)vú nvú CcLoüÊLv"l lt< /vØ<t<t6 _fr ,ngg Nþ71 - -' ço4t '1 1"'--'l | 1,) - - /YoA I lL It-/rr Dcxs¿ hvt , R rÞc, ç¡4 ¡vtN s-o'] 7 +,3 ) NO ftJt 6¿æ¿t^t.on'4 l'N- Q,*t¿.t',uoo.¿ ¡1vtl. rr'u Ê. ii ,:tJ Uo*r, S--*i' 0ð Tn"i-¡= A\ü--t*'*;, 'o'-- Yr-=-4-- lA]U p fFOr¿Û ;--- 27 nou,,tFo,4l V L'./ rj( I illco lrshtn five- +''^'J*-' rñc YrÞ* N"o l t , | ./r L, -,L,r5 /\íD ^ NjÒ L. l).' ( , D .¡ Petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the City of West Torrens We, the undersigned, strongly support the SA Folk Centre as it currentiy exists. We klrow it to be an excellel providing unique and much needed services to the local (and statewide) comrnunit-y in all its cr-rltural ancl ar We urge you to reconsider your decision to force the SA Folk Cenffe to relocate. Live or n,r¡rk itt City o¡ ¡Ynt, Torrct¡¡'oren ¡lddress AJo fr fut: I r3i ¡r!r: S<¡ R ¿- Ye) Y{( &-3- ¡4qNeno Re 9ßcnF-/¿ç T;: /huy- _ ,{Õ. -;Øtut,^ç.--il-l/ l, rc /}t' sr, /L{r .ßeq<¿K: tï1k- Bfrßp€fz ßo* eS3 -1ùÊt*t -ò-rro,J ¡1P o(Rnrt''S gr KtÒn'tr+t'") pñ<K sâ Dqnne'i,€!ál i wl+ - - J:L?rþf ^gu&' - - 9 ÞI/¿l-lßa;þ/il '$ -k¿qf J,ç ño h{,¿r- i iä.,¿ ---'l.q_.L, r{îrt Ro*r ' v* ßD p,rurnâQ-AcVA riM,Il ir', :.' P-'4 1, */, r(^ l- Én,u ,t bL t_ '- < F . $=l--" /l LtEÇl+dA, 'd,-Ç-c{-" Cà >ffN c\¡-FA Alo ).¿ 5? lL Ara -..,/, -'Pû rÇc*s ¡1 Ãc ú(/r*-.¿A I No' /v a-' ytsr ,+-Õs " þ1 f Petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the CiLy of West Torre¡s tî Ve, the undersigned, strongly suppolt the 5A Folk Cenhe as it currently exists. We k¡ow it Lo be arr excr:llc troviding unique and much needed services to the iocal (ancl statewid") .omrrrunity irr all its cultr-rral arrcl a: Ve urge you to reconsider your decision to force the SA Folk Centre to relocate. Nsnrc ,,Í --- -- -;--" .) ,O r'-')fi"?u-5 2lJ 8 Cçu f=L ç,:¿¡ç * ñvit l( t) -9.. Ct*¡¡çLsl tttl i J. -{r. L'+.LL9-- - É-t ¿a/;J* 'Ç>. ç-- --(= --:(- | Live- r¡r tyorlt it¡ Ciîy 'l'orrettï urctt , / .'.rr-O.;, . .//r( ) c d ll/est 'Ò'i .'. u{ .- rü ... --!.-Ge"u\o-- ãÇ.\N1 -- e-, q çIl??" -,-- -:=?-. t'c¡^s ô 'l¡þlrl '(LY \i" \* L/.r.ûi Q,nl, :ui¿ - 'L.3,ç?ù¿.c¡Sr-r iÈ-te? -- "".r\ _!i r¡v( \*¿1"*4¿i,:ur.=- fiZ llA"r,¿"t¡-':r ¡1 .f' .-i- ("\ , , .. YZ t', I ñc, i' 3Z 6¡rtÅnl fr {ir4,,orcl .P,lj ¿j l.*.-,¡. - Ç l,- ,.-', --* 5-: z- 1 FzJ:\v¿v2 l i\¿ I //../L. i- *q (-- ¿ ( _.,-. -n".Q) 1,, ¿ i ', _il)= .-. .' ,1.- -',/ /''{'/f ¿, t(,- \ ) I - \ V(vL ) ij-,"a i /\,: ,:- ¡j /ua ^O lÞ'Ü /',0 /// 1., Lt'> t--/, , Pæ9'¡ ¡v I r/ ç:;> \-.> / - i ?:' /"q 7 "fl Petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the City of West Torrens We, tire undersigned, sfrongly support the 5A Folk Centre as it currently exists. We know it to be arl exceller providing unique and much neecled services to the local (and statewide) community in all ifs cultnral a¡d ar We urge you to reconsider your decision to force the SA Foik Centre to relocate. Nanrc Arldrcss ---trr\[, c¡-(- K;çq Signulura Æøaá&& zØá9,52 -tt (órdp,t 'ßri s) ç: t{L'-' ãP-*.-- Ç.!-rFt+ Ç ?arl( s0:, t.f'r CP-e Cc> ar ¡lc1A€ \ *"Jl#Er_i; I ', \" ' Tvrrrrl<_ ,u \ tr;'; ., tr.' b ].,i, l{.=1,-.- Êçç,.L. 5rt. -..;.'!c+.^).s:. e L 'rii'/'v"" i \ a'A :fr*r, ,,/ ñO tJ l c{< . \¿'1É:r- .i¿,,t.t>t t:t'/ (çÇ.!1 Ç 4ç:r1 9'** /3aJ/u- I rr I S.t ì-/*.-r= S ,+. S';.--K ,5 llcltv k'r .4"e Dlq,, )t)'lû/ t I -"-f= \.n -t</"= ti?-.-,--\.....*: -'.Ì| -h'-c. P-C' 8., /- . /, ..- lt 1': þ,\ J i , (,o rC ,ro "¡f Pl,^*r 2 .,/-.- sr Ç"o.F,ç**, \J '-<- t ¿ þ,t I If** 6,9tFu.bri -i:;e . t'7.-. Ur¿.þ n',- t-lc,l lc_rcaK cccLc - \¡({rvc.itø- ., e, nd6j rl r./)-r"a'> Q-.-lz/¿2,<tx¿_. ,Jþo(,i ,,_1 7'.!,/ --t\r^ qn,1.a ¡ *Þ<l¡<-l.Q ( "\-\f\^ Þ-,cv cñ 6 fu'\'t-1-! N19ç $co-{þ'i \ t 4 ßo ¡,,,.31- Í,i )ir,(la -ll ( .. -¿-- .i ¡.jt ',/b -/¿1rì,1::4,*.¿ È N 3\Lrn-_çq{ lø, è. lvl. 1l É*.$ç . ,'l zi - <r¿r-rp -h,y¡t-S. -- Li* d:rt.4ce;-i,¿-t . N N o LÉR ¿r: A'o "u Æ It i( I V1,l-fc'"*t - 6llor"L:r"-', __ ¿-/L.t¿ç4.{.(i i.-.. <, I I .ltl. - -. 'is,.l<;¿t rn.--t€ø./€J ì\flÈ,"ûî*/Y\n" lI:, /1/¿,. y \i¿ t tJ I r[ ..:- \¿.L"-+L Ç\ l)-E \ì ¿.J="-+L È E- \f¿ø_L¿_tL €rl>--t í ¡¡U mT Vl , \..,¡ ß*\ Vl itr ir itrVò,\. K*\ rf^r(rr\nr\-rr \..,r uì i \c.=< úil-l[ õ Ll',\ -K*"aþ\"Jr"s l- tE n \ [-ive or n,ork itt City of llest Tt¡rratts areu 'Q '( L''¿'t{- -t^ -' { ;1 ¿'(w,: t, 4.4É-.11¿G2_-_ .{, )^.\ t \t" 'r-. / ,L.: t ) /.1 .r' "y ", t ) K\, ru,U¡ ' )?":/ ,'L'\.'¡'i¡'¡, ' ^/.,//- - 2L/: v¡. ,,.a ^/ /'7 ,1 ,/ w þ'{.; ' l\-tc /\", !-, - LC1 '' it.a¿ - ,.,,o'^ ;) 1\<; l\c-, L t_) \\^l IL r(" ,l^ \/Ìr \L' r, f,¿-tt' lt¡!-¡.: /a 7¿*t t¿l 1tll,l¿=rtL Þ\lr.ç \ /rF Petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the City of West Torrens We, the ur-rdersigned, strongly support the SA Folk Cenlre as it currently exists. We k¡ou, it to be an exceller rroviding unique and much needed services to the local (and statewide) community in all its cultural a¡cl ar1 //e urge you to reconsider your clecision to force the SA Folk Centre to relocate. Artdress Nønrc i Sigrtnlure -ffi.¿;rY-g=;-U" U t . \/ ru] lL -Þ"r,u! -4¡ll .t I-ive or wr¡rk in City of ll/esÍ To rre tts t, ron ( r¡ e 7 /¡gl 1-T7 ilo tl' -{å4r-du-I:y,ÇV*+-1""i"" ( Ìøn qq l,J)dd cú Â)*-c> \,/ lcs þ-,s f\c, ilo. -{. t.lç No v r'.-.. LlÀU)\ |\)Uù4 rlÀ{t¡t.- Þ^\.ò1,/ Ytr. 6r lul*o*d\ÈÀ tçcrçcct ¡to @ %* tt 6*rt.,^r*J 6 /+ ç drfr¿ee¿fl¿¿ r¿I A.,! UW<u fç frî7 ttrtñ/€ KÞ- (rù 6e/t4véA/ foqî .11ê ¡'lquraysl tlovî lôqr _??P_A¿¡r7 ôv gcelcl?SÞrv F4ßK |l tq îlrtcL , Mcl,.rs a |a...þxEr 11 }or-¡ñJ ytc9 _ 'tu.fC¿¡ Caû¿rsft{ No NQ. Á/a bq . Vo. Ìvo MT Y6t / ,, .-J' Petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the City of West Torre¡s the urrdersigned, sfrongly support the SA Folk Centre as it currently exists. We l<¡orv it to be a¡ qxcellc¡ rovidinguniqueand rnuchneecled services to thelocal (andstatewide) conuluniLl, in aIl itscr-rltural¿rrrcl ar t'e urge you to reconsider your decision to force ihe SA Folk Cenke to relocate. Ve, ¡lddre f U8/6LTutr .çs -fu5¿€ 6sg.¡11 j "tl c_çreñi Êq-ñp_ Aîþr€)Çronc S,4 .322 .cÞ'g Rooct Cila^dar\:- :'A 5057 e(¿e Ayç 44 . (oo qk,,e 5 4 X .E+a--c C.A-{ %oe-a<J+ ¿{o Gñ!,r,rs Sì 'rQv.o.þ, Sr J>- e qççe 5-þ -,. s,lo u\.ii\Lo1, uA !S ,. . -=e,¡-ct s tl i[t lPd Ë'û"" /l ¡ tli -S,4 -lk 9-,6,6, lþu UozZærVtln *f e r,J,4 "¡!,c¡¡\ S I Ji pr, 4 -¡ Þrc .-¡ '¡! \ ,l I.ive or tyorl¡ itt City of ll/est '['o rrctt.ï u rcil t'ìc: /úi s_:11 ¡'\'.? s-oqf TW Sc \-) ( 'i ,'. \- ô 5'*ó lbrt _ i-:*f AF' {tv Ar-ð t4A t!9 ñ¿. 'j" Petition to fhe Mayor and Councillors of the Cify of West Torrens We, the undersigned, sfrongly support the SA Folk Cenbre as it currently exists. We know it to be an excellel providing unique and much needed services to the local (and statewide) communiby in all its cultural and ar We urge you to reconsider your decision to force the SA Folk Centre to relocate. Nanrc | ì =-;:"--{D\ ruu\* - i^,t, ol/cr4'"1 Átldrcss ,' nl r-t Iti .ïr-\ T(¿ t-Þ;a:tÅ tr/(51) ì 'od e.û -r / Ddt,tt{ Ddt,a+t á_2442_-qf__ ¿_2442_-qf__ I 3+s rtntrtcoci t1 t' t/ t( ¿l J- tJovT¡ I --;;;i ( !__l+d+ ç4__ - JW,an^** J-24,(*,an^** i Liva or x'ork itt CiÍy of lllest Torrens nrea Signnture tæ,Últ-a--.-- t I i ì r/lt Çu,-i,J- \"llu,&;CL^";)l!CpL=t¿_n9I(&< _ [' ru,&¿!w q/'a aqnudT _ ¿ ."------*æ Petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the City of West Torrens We, tl're undersigned, strongly support the SA Folk Centle as it currently exists. We knon, it to lre an exceller providing unique and much needed services to the local (and statewide) community in ail its culturai and ar We urge you to reconsider your decision to force the SA Folk Centre to relocate. Signnlure Address I.ive or x,nrk ín City o!'ll/est Torretts area \ì t\\¡-i '.r v rt ^fo ¡./ N.C \Ð t\/ o ,Alc t-/ ,* ^ 14 > t'¿ -¿-l15 G- .!.ÓcrÌl¿ e- v,) Sn,*\\ S+ [-]r 1<r llo - /' ft" e L.J r^jk-e,-yl\l g NO to l\..*"t Srr s-ó ç L \ 5 ¿ïtÉ s\, 5- ${1cz¡1 - ¡(o - Nlcf Uo' /3-_:-* fVC /t, lJo,. l.\e) vo , Petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the Cify of lVest Torrens We, the undersigned, sfrongly support the 5A Folk Cenlre as it currentiy exists. lVe k¡ow it to be an exceller providing unique and much needed services to the local (and statewide) community ilr all its cultural apcl ar We urge you to reconsider yoff decision to force the SA Folk Centre to relocate. Nunrc Adilress -"; -'; -¿Fô-.. lf ,t -f-ovrth /t A*ft , fuoo Sign i' ' J"lll< êd-"-r /. \l alura c.ffi r' fa %tl Liva or v,ork itt Ciry of Lltest Torrens flre$ i---- ' /a t-VV u -Ewg "1/ h-Jì) d ¡../o 5-e=r t),¡ -ô-t*-+*ry--Matøvrq- Nl¿.-l^^ø\ ît/o ,'4 í!- Ç¡ ç+t-Ø,t\ ñÞt'ft+ tfJq<:n C Aaou N ult+Tt ', NO- ó 4?q/4 /vc. . petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the Cify of West Torrens We know it to be an excellen We, the u.clersigrrecl, strongly support the SA Folk Cenlre as it currently exists. in all its cultural and arl provic{i.g r-rniclr-re ancl nrucl-, ,-lu".1*.1 services to the local (ancl statewidu) .o*.ttunify relocate' VV" .,rg. you to reconsicler youl clecision to force the SA Folk Centre to k"s)Y¿;o') Kø; l.,/\r (J u-htJ Òtln ctt,vsðn L,l / Y¡c42' l*c i4 i Lr-rr--'-^-. îX2k-{c' 15=re..'irr Êrccòrd, iþ"ku' R¡io*-rrs l.Oo"_ l-' l hoNÊ ÇÌ$au*vr i- - tu,'* Lcr¿h ('(,/¿,'¡t- f,vú'¿i/ IAr*nto :ç'I I )\¿-\¿{ i'\ \ l',ttt*'t ;" 5)-'"+/, /r'-r/ c-/€'5 E,,l.U 5^>€l F--rp¿o^- 5=?] i3 -r-y,-) € ftte--.,ae 3b CcúJi t1 uJ,c{xr ft{.5 SO¡jl fu P>co<pV"^,,rJj Oa6ø¡r-.,< porr lsi Vtc{-ÒÉlra rfc'l+'ù, Pc.οxL\rcJ+ù SÕìÞ tst \l(c{-ÒRlr¿t â¡rtu, lX¡-eAt<rt¡ -.-5Õ[t, lz/. ilrt/ i t'241. í/,:/t//¡/ Eé ¡lrl l1 rîr nir ¡ t( fttt;tr bY6 tr 6 Ç_ ø v{ - . u[ld.¿ lt -' f çoao 1r' fi",tr rla*.,1 c-ßs 4 {W7Aa¡.J _ -Lcr*,n*Ar*' if..\¡{.[-uçr - r i.] 5-o{å S Sl.r<,,fi S,4reo{ 'V"Åþ\rl" {o}U & I l'{ Á,*fe ¿¿",¡17. AÞ€L41n€ - SJt-*¿ l\J\i,l\n\ ftAnl ¿L tü Ítl- r{ Av¿: EL-et r( \rJtt..:¿ n le p-ufe\^, I /32 ûpr6( s,*-uLl-,fi), eøu¡t i 3r, Llþ¡:zr ltult Fd, Gl¿Trrrltn. 5Qí7 R_oLc'<_r_[f t-. l-hrct l(],'t*o Signølure Addre ss Nutttc -/ '/ I nA ^,çdü I a- ve or work in CítY of ÍVesl Torrens areø Petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the Cify of West Torrens We, the uldersignect, slrongly support the SA Folk Cenbre as it currently exists" We know it to be an exceller providing unique anci much neecled services to the local (and statewicle) cornmr,rnify in all its cultural anct ar We urge you to reconsider your decision to force the SA Folk Centre to relocate. Nnrr" Arldress I , lil---l JoL,*,s" J ] 4s $**Ira- þqiv- ñ:r:4 Hergd _Q."r L \-J I '7 .'fn" r.¿yøxo .-r.o s tlÐ.ft v *r S;rz-l1u oF ì^t I I[ÆT"A ft^¡67fr. A lÊ"d Pftrr v \-ÀLhl ø,. )-1 /42-, õRr;r¡J -r¿ r fc m / ßÊ, n o I o Uo* iLbr 4 inlNcD TUE Ê5ÊLeruRr:È XeS¡-Ell äS Tn*..:<ss S1 *S.¡ç.çi¡-'r (V ÇLLu^ ¡{"" tt,,,'r/*1¡*ufu i? 1r¿o.o. ( -, &^/,,1 f/62 "wFe¿A l,-lo^, * fl,/lo-J 3c I l't+*n,t-*rce7 \trzr*tt r..{:\*gc,$nrtY l+\*-,W' l'Ë*l^ /{rhÉ,/ ede €rø"+*'< ede |e&_n^ | &ø,'øo lJqrc''s i Live or work in City of Wesf Torrens ørea Cc:-t+"--¿c.Ã;;Zr æt {ð"tÇ'¡{.{4La/vtÂk- ['t¡-. \- aztÀ 1nq ¡¿"É '-' 't"-*-t--- ç-fbFf+c-H ßo¿-LËNHoc^gn¡. ,aÀ r\^ Signnture ßrnrpB*t¿ bR,rz , H frLlrp.a¡ñ s(1b ca u: E - .s-.{ 5-t So_g_)_ -Ygl ct be-Nzî:, " 3 ¡g f-o^Lo' z^ {Lfu Sos¿ {1.tír3æ. "f.lä^$*d&i i(ftît :- ng,cJ.lsr i i{t--r.* É.T-irrÉLs clos i-.Q ic.*.'c-tÎl l$&tt l\uc*¡ f Ngñ(6R Petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the City of West Torrens We, tl're undersigned, strongly support the 5A Folk Cenlre as it currently exists. We know it to be an exceller providing unique and much neeclecl services to tire local (and statewide) community in all its cr-tltural ancl ar We urge you to reconsicler your clecision to force the SA Folk Cenlre to relocate. t¡f'þVest I.iva or x,ork it¡ Citv 'ieaa-* t ì IUt'rcils ttt'ctç-& b<tá\ "rJ ) /\h No\ Ll€ ' i IJÜ ,lpç I ".-J 7€S w¿ y¿5 ì, J6. 'i\ ¿-r Yeç ñ)c¡ ¿.J,1 q L-Ki rr Atre t:'r¡RAtoc,l& 5 t( -IVWC (Ma,VLUiq (c..flnn-tz:> r-É ÇqG-1 5oo-r4.e..&"4r=1: : I lçllutrary ta:ryP\€. |'([tt {tEôÅ17 {-1- ¡A,trenY;at 5c-7c¡ ftr{r'rÊt Rñpw-'mJ I ttrøn tl,Jl-l- S , Êvevatet:-. þQc-_ F*.L æn I4Ã;[;- lit 4"¿ flr*.' LLtn M.; &õ,ur U&a]37 çt.(ric -âv, ( !o,n"//J (k" l1+L S{.cl.ùÀ¡{.,þ \Cr¿bP,tC-' 4\ T<¡v{e¡n> ç*d ú-.'ìÀey\"c^,lnn.5ut\ (.loire Robcrl¡ 6l3b Arr¡e\1on Shesl 1^¡o.1rriTle ôk Srì1\ l îú ") ¡)o /v/o ,, : N-/C' A/ /lt'O , Mo. /r') ¡ v\,_/ ^ Nc r Petition to the Mayor ancl Councillors of the City of West Torrerrs We, the ur-rdersigttecl, sfrongly suppolt the SA Folk Cenhe as it currently exists. We know it to be a¡ exccllr provicling unique and much neecleci services to tire local (and stat'ewide) conrrur:niry, in all its cr.¡itt.rr.rl ¿rrrcl a We urge you to reconsider your decision to force Lhe SA Folk Centre to relocate. Nnn¡e ,4drl rass S rlure igrt [-iva r¡r n,orl¡ iu CitÌ 0f T'orrett.s't¡rau K7 IlsI ,st^ ,fu:^*f -1ry9. - A4ú, " oor tu€ 6 fo,L Ëä"å?url{.= I I tl t,Xc ct i c6t&e l"u Fva "-- r/- 6rr,Å 5tÞIt llc lu¿crlapfl| --Z,ii,^,^ú*, /t" rlç-¡o-^.r åLr< / rJ n¡rlr-:ùSd¡ 1t -t ewn-. - !-.1-e :" tt * n - - - tì"* . ; t -iuq.r.l,-*o, (r No ltorc-, - '1.=,t, ¡Uc- I pa k\(¿ fl çl ( fufr-tLt.6 lüù ¡)a"-,*{-c7^ tG I N" (ì ñr-'v'/{cr'¡ ret<,lstllì,' ü rt l t-."T1' -S ¡4 ft$t I 'ó ¡(¿ g ¡-\ivr [r -.-¡J-.: Àfo t ñ.3 Ðro Nj <=ì- ¡ t+- Ld- Cl. T^.ìrn flr , ./( ê pàr t Et( )ftr Lington- ,^^. (i i r-- Ë^*.¡'ß, -1þ' åf u 6ç;-- snu{/ S/ y',-lt ,tror*l Nt-frL.ot'2"* l'4"rcL;J'* lu 4a2ao^/e 15t r7¿ &zakza iþSri 1tãz uj¡¡¡ ilc,.iwc-"cl w*"{tc ÉtttnøI 1 f\tt\\> r-.-\4, D¿F*,^ Sl, ¿ v*ltt , 5 JII lñ Urçe> .\ Jeu^se-vt [V1o^lau{ 't -í)ìr,r4 Ç ¡l,ld ]/ '{o¡"p Sa PA{-KSiPø A Scsnx¡ S',+ "\ ft/o l, ",. Þ_Þa]^_ \ ¡r+-.-A!^ -.-<,;jb an/)l/'\-< Vt /.' iil-, Iì tê^-L^¿\,^\. N¡ / ro 6) 9r- u.€í c{zalç¿¡ cÐo & r,.{; ¿f u"7, L c <¡ þ,1C !i..-- ¿*-.ô' À--'<''-'> '1 *t No \Ì\ '( ¿v Njr) Petition,to the Mayor and.CouncilLors of the City of West Torrens We, the undersigned, strongly support the SA Fslk Cenhe as it currentiy exists. We know it to be an excellen providing unique and much'to bhe iocal.(and statewide) commurrify in all its cultural and ar1 We urge you to your clecision to force the SA Foik Centre to relocate. @!&-rI o S-¡W-n I t orcst Pc,!'k!y-?y ( o _olqt rt11yi -!11! ) "(tgîçÉ ê.r. '(çre^t:,su 4n3 4) lulwi ¿!as, lv]\t'"/"1!,1 lt¿ 5,orì Petitíon,to the Mayor and Councillors of the City of West Torrens We, the undersigned, strongly support the 5A Folk Centre as it currently exists. We know it to be an excellen providing unique and rnuch needed-services'to the local,(and statewide) community in all its cultural and art We urge you to reconsider yoff decision to force ti're SA Folk Cenfre to relocate. Sígnnture Arldress Nome I i [ra 6,-'n reü;?El!^ !f-". ßd P.^;-Í,1ß :s"s(l:l-L-ñJ-J V.9<ek€-ra-{.ttÉ- 5D+3 tq/Sø trk.*+y*ç't'<, Vp -D.>lr".-** 1 t'* Corro'.t>--o-, frr-a , 6b**l& ^ €os-+= fu*tt /¿¿y i 4 ¿(efemo'' .¿"J, F/%2/z/./ /¡/1- 9-,-'.?Í7 ìlún¡.r (3 r trr>i i"i ,,*,* u,uú, .Çae& (.,km€c; .Çrltß t{ :1 n'rø T é,|ztn È{en Do you live or City llestüorrons ørea? '*"'-i I .. .--'l--*-- ..1, -l':::::'-..:--a-.,--.--: , - - -. -*\ "-'*ße-(-u. \*Iç* Y\\!$h. >¡9 ùì v- :: :.1:1,..- :-.-. i :<"1.c*.|."--ir- dn4 '0/îAv@øp -- ' ,"u t),^),)^ C to^u:ø. Mrv,e¿u^tu¿ poa:uÇ i I I tløtøl- _ q;*3Ë *att.t, +; s,* *;;;*,;e ,-- C i+2Qe1ruls lv* Mpe)i -ll , .-. t^l*ltl- -Ñ."dr^.-J*.*. i t3 kntæ'ú A*"t SÈø*,r'tç, /È" tl/ r: ____ i ¡_ tto&\ gpf_rc (L pt> '"+tr $or,ø,¡ s I i *--ì O@-y*>hdl 7 û ,,ú//l^ of Fetition'to the Mayor and.Councill,ors of the Cify of West Torrens We, the undersigned, strongly support the SA Folk Cenhe as it currently exists. We know it to be an exceilen provi$ing unique and much needed-senricesto'dre.loca['(and statewide) community in all its cullural and art We urge you to reconsider your decision to force the SA Folk Centre to relocate. Address I t'{ø¿ 8-uó*/' -' -çL-d)/"þt--Qr--tT,rftñÅ"¡;4a6øú/ülvvþqT gZ L0óó 2 -*r2:cJavig{. z - i 2 - L.o.'_tcri -ne-_J$¿eJìi tchq u'l fÇ " lWN -HØLq -- 7- FÅ rrûzz ii 0 aD --ÈREnftllc Kú--'ikeffi*€-ß j / ^a*-r* -Tç ç , ce-,rr-nE-¿- Ç-* Á/.p,*:rL¿- {futu¿e r' wlt-s J\ nãQÒL i {H4 NN HJrTfra¿l{ j ¿ _ t -514._rJ!z or,. þnu*rtw /fî 4L"e*.,,r,{#<,xz A n A N -sr-- b2 | Z_*tuJ w&ã*Ez<¿lZt-Ç-ù-æ-ø"z,sp¿è--ævrezzuJ7ø7--- Do you líve or Qty llest4lorrcnyareu? I --.-_t_*."--..--....._-a'T- & 'aPtev _ -'-,r1 of q- -^(if -,; -"*' .----' Nledl#ffiie*eh& a-'</ -=./:4 ffinlr ST Petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the City of West Torrens We, the undersignecl, sLrongly support the SA Folk Centre as it currently exists. We krrow it to be an exceller providing unique ancl much neecled services to the local (ancl statewide) comrnunity in all its cultural and all We urge you to reconsider your decision to force the SA Folk Celrtre to relocate. Address Signoiir:u Live or work ín Ciþ af Torrens areø J Þ..\ev R"C, Cqbr""¿'ls. R Jorb l-J () ,\/o ,4 . "-S .Â..*,,-- Yt*^*:-/^ u8Ø AJÕ:. h"0 tv-¡l Lvesr Petition to the Mayor and Councillors of the City of West Torrens J We, the undersigned, strongly support the SA Folk Centre as it currently exists. We know it to be an excellerr providing unique and much needecl services to the local (and statewide) community in all its cultr-rral and ar{ We urge you to reconsider your cìecisiorr to force the SA Folk CenLre to relocate. Nonte i- {¿¿; Signulure Address t/ìø[r*- ' zg s cû e-ßüßr,",tn(r¿ z: L-SitÞ,c.rBuE r- -'1,9;x6,-í: :', i\O.ttrlp;4Þií i_Àgft.l j-\-Y- -5>r-l¡.rÇ'- D\Tîa Þ\Tît2 r (t) D;Jæso Js ,Sac.-**ç6$*o] Su-.i fte)*,- M ,,b.,*\,t-"C\A: -lEs l¡\àq*t* Mcyeùs i { s-=usoo;, ¿ex-vÊ:C \c¡Þ.wr-AÑ -Èr¡gu Sn¡( ù\i,e_ e Artcr*-r Aîtrcr*--r \ i Ð-I Co..:e. c \R Så,l+c,.p*= Rts r Ëtç-. iI Su .. sløtíe l__Çøqw /t'\ IL_ __ t-}'ryd4l,l jNtu'l4 I .____L__ Cvr¡ KrJ L__ ' ),ridt Qlnel( I Ir3 4eclqS sj_ S_r$ ßúfr-ç-J_ _ | -ãtøve- lJ"''icÈi ;.'^ì co.urie- JR " 1".',foøl iììç" I V¿Eaic^^ Þ¡o\*¡', 4tø u3 a$e'r\oo lÒ¡-r-'¿\ot-^cte, _ l. I I i- Live or work in Cþ of lVest Torrens orea @ \ ,Q KE=^'iq1 Fetition'to the Mayor and.Councill.ors of the Cify of West Torrens We, the undersigned, strongly support the SA Folk Centre as it currently exists. We know it to be an excellen providing unique and much needed-sen¡ices-to'the loca}.(and statewide) cornmunify in all its cultural and art We urge you to reconsider your decision to force the SA Folk Centle to relocate. !, :CI rf\' ib"d 1o ßo6'lç-c"c Joilï- >osil 16ç6e-\ù\u¿- y(c--lS.*\- -{/øry {qtzryÚa:s r'zþ¡t,Ke&= 1 "(-)' \ 44Á hu *1 -\rn r-[ç -{-c¿ø-S . Ia"r- gq qÉ f'r I i fo*v ß* dl- -ì3, (-[-.'.n, I /v, _-* Petitien to ühe Mayor and.Councillors of the Cify of West Torrens We, the urdersigned, strongly support the SA Fslk Centre as it currently exists. We know it to be an excellen providing unique and much needed-services-to'the locâl'(and statewide) community in all its cuitural and art We urge you to reconsider your decision to force ttre SA Folk Centre to relocate. Address Nnnrc i ? s¿ * B-'-:i- ÈßL*L¡ruçü ù:ìç.+Ë\ ir\*f-ù?CA;et ^ : 8o^-klx 65 3 --Ø-t /¿ pe¿ fa¿-e*fl,-slJio{4' W*,fu A"x % /,.5ó)&o,g:-,Íl: J aþ:). S\yt- çut-trsSu y¿*aÆ,", - /--¿t¡.'-L-ö- I Z^J*lt"çee ,ru .Iàç_ t, ".uoecë"Èí-€'- t/k ,"* r¿ r,l_ffi_-L:_t.{.Ë-.5Å_ &,¿ * U'^-:{ "" ft [ro, --Tl __. 7 l:> //t, c¡ A 4<./'1 r'Q ly' ..t/-.-.1..4' -}-f. .". I-/-. L 3 __ ')U) ÉotLLpa- --?{'11 ßo - cd ,qEç-È-wÇth-/3n<â,aoø9'2;< 48 i tt/f Çf,vpoxg R,ç e ¡lrax+N i AL.L 'r ¡{,+ßY t4t {-'.S ,_ iÇz /a/vt) Fetition to the Mayor and"Councill.ors of the Cify of West Torrens We, the unclersignecl, skongly support the SA Folk Cenke as it currently exists. We know it to be an excellen providing unique and nluch neected.sen/ices to the local,(and statewicle) communify in all its cuitural and art We urge you to reconsider your clecision to force the SA Folk Centre to relocate. Signnlure Áddress Do you live or Cíty Vleit4lonens'øres? ilr ,u &,l-.¿uii,unt È,h.4s Gâ^- &.;-*** ft*-Åì:*"-' 'y/_Çê_&4 í,7_]_ Ê{¡* R.** îrt:ç ',5 lt.b."Lv-tnl rþ44 Þ9'%,Øcl l'**:(loÇJ=r'* "e-4h.ox--<s'* -&ßgslb-Î-' -llJJlJM '/tønt¿Ø-*çÉ*f1fr 3b¡¿- ú¿lur,rilt-/¿,s: 17 h)uwaDA'sT j Lß:-!-UJUK Muu 3 -2t¿Ð\*;fír 'ìa-rJ$-D -,ta - -á¿¿a'ú&, 442 ,\. -ø/_4,1%n" ------T-'"-,t1- - ffittet ; 1+ r?yf*€'Ð,r,vif ,"ñü/n*^'-eírtfF-iâ (oc,'vt,f3 p Artrlr,S" ü u1^çr\.}a (Å' ' 4ï i **. mevç)"*,| W(¿,tllÃ.ll1l* i¡r farL, (þ* Lili,- 5/,..-r.í-).r¡ó- ø*:LtlLç& Ø; of Fetition'to the Mayor and Councill.ors of the Cify of West Torrens We, the undersigned, strongly support the SA Folk Centre as it currently exists. We know it to be an exceller providing unique and much neecled.servicesto the locâl'(and statewide) communify in all its cultural and ar We urge you to reconsicler your decision to force the SA Folk Centre to relocate. &J;JË;--: t-Xc^s-tì,1a7/tupf w\ |$tzu1Ttu*(,u\i-...r.|(¡(,(-'t@.s,"'.";,--:= it,*lhÈL;o &.Ð *[:R;- B;--* l*11¿ 4y "G"^ (0R\¿^¿- iicllr ,.o{Jor.,00r,¡ kvrnetF{,tsrv\,r*r,rr ! -*Q,P^^rztr .,\,K\¡tri H¿a+-ruri3E.]Çor,nçt¿çt4LRo-..-p4o,,tÑ*^-s'Ç?i*-:il*ÆF:Fr -]_l :>'l vl t^ I !.Ò-: Sr zt3 \\\¿¡*^o**¡'.\\et-.-rl ilJ çaor+ ! !¡ kryu_:r. t4_ l:oæfutæ (o' '\\ - L--]Jã. | ",^ i ----f ._*__-__._i THE F0LK FEDERATT()N oF soù'in ffiNc The Folk Federation of south Australia is a non profit communþ Music Association, receiving the bulk of its filnding from ARTS SA. It was formed tg1l and incorporated in 1975. It has been at its piesent location for over ten yeais and has established a reputation as a landmark venue for both local and international performers. Th9 ¡'rv Fglk ! v¡Ã Centre vwrrLr! (venue) (Yçr¡uçl presents aooul 70 /U events eventS annually which Pr{tJËrlts about whlch feature têatUfe li live rnusic, including international, national and local artists. lYe also strongly support a diverse range of musical styles and cultures. All cultures are welcom" uná we especia¡y encourage and promote emerging artists. The Folk Centre is available for private hire, offering good facilities and very Many. communþ groTgs reeularly*ul" o,r, u"ourro, ãoäägr, :l1o*?]" 1ut:r. uiz nights and dances, multi-cultural showcase ces. n UnitingGare Wesley Adelalde lnc DISP.BILITY SERVIC=S 101 Henley Beach Road Mile Fnd SA 5031 PO Box 389 Tone.nsville Plaza SA 5031 Tel; (08) 8150 7200 Fax: (08) 8351 8080 Email: iennv.wíddoo@ucwadelaì Thursdav 7tn June 2007 Liz Lovell Administrator S A Folk Centre Thebarton Re: Citv of West Torrens Sale_of the Folk Federation of SA Site Hello Liz, The thought of the possible sale of the Folk Centre site at Thebarton fllls us with dismay. We have been using the site as a base for one of our groups, WABI (Women with Acquired Brain lnjury), for the past 2-3 years. This site has provided us with more ihan suitable facilities to hold our fortnightly sessions: r Wheelchair accessible toilets with handrail suooorts . Kitchen facilities . Use of tables and chairs . Wheelchair access into the venue . Stage for those special events . Large area for ease of movement for all attending . Use of cupboard space for our resources . Heating and cooling . Venue hire for other Wesley funciions ' Central to all attending As well as the benefits of such a site, the friendly staff of the Folk Federation of SA have been wonderfully supportive of our group attending there, ensuring any of our queries or requesis are handled promptly and cooperatively. They have also been very generous in the rates of hire they have given us, ensuring it is well within our budget. We would be hard pressed to find another venue with all of these positive benefits and urge the Council oí West Torrens to reconsider any decision to sell the site. Your sincerely Jenny Widdop Coordinator, Take Five UCWAdelaide UnitingCare Wesley Adelaide lnc. (formerly Adelaide Central Mission) ABN 33 t 74 49O 173 *THE JApE, TFIE MIX,' T'HE GIG' Chairperson Êolk Federaiion of SA 18t7107 Re: Expressins maior concern at proposed closure of The Folk Centre Dear Chairperson, ln my capacity as Musicaland Projeci Directorfor The Jam, The Mix, The Gig music and mental nealín pioieci I am writing to express my major concern at the proposed ciosure of The Folk centre by the West Torrens Councii. This decislon will have a major impact on the various community music and performance groups that not only use The Folk Centre but also call it their home. At the present iime there is nothing like this venue in terms of its ease of access, flexibility, aifordable hire rates ancì welcoming atmosphere. These qualities are what has made The Folk Centre the home forThe Jam, The Mlx, The Gig in the almost 2 years that we have run our regular workshop and performance program there. For people with a mental illness one of the major challenges they face is social isolaiion both on a personal level through loss of confidence and networks, bui also through ihe stigma that is still attached to this health condition by the broader community' As a result it is vitalthat ongoing activities such as The Jam, The Mix, The Gig are held in matnstream venues such as The Folk Centre v¡hich at the same time have a suppotlive atmosphere. The Folk Cenire is also very disability friendly in terms of good public transpori âccess, parking and very accessible for those ín wheelchairs or wìth other special physical neecls. However of greatest impodance is that the venue is well run by The Folk Fecjeratton of SA whose stafí and volunteers always make us feel welcome and ihat The Jam, The lt'lix, The Gig has the same value and standing as allthe other users of the venue' that all these qualities wììl be lost if the proposal io close The Foik Cenii-e goe s ahead and have great concern with any assurances that an aliernative venue wiil be found. For cur Projeci, ffie fotf Centre is unique and should be maìntainecj and cieveloped as a prroriiy for communiiy use ìn conjunciion with The Folk Federatìon and all its users. I fear the For all the above reasons The Jam, The Mix, The Gig Prcjeci expresses its major concern at proceed to no! Councll Torrens proposal to close and demolìsh The Folk Centre, and urge West with thls. Yours SincerelY, 1\A/) /L ./.) Y-L*LL-,-1'I Rob'eri Petchell Musical & Proiect Direclor The Jam, The Mix, The Gig 412 McColl Street Woodville SA 5011 Ph: 0402 429 197 Email. I \MABI V/ABI ...Women wíth Acquired Brain lnjuries me€t every fortnight at the Folk Cenhe in I Thebarton to have craft classes and afternoon tea. WABI appreciate the accessibilþ of the Folk , I I ¡ Centre and the disabled facilities. I i I læl*lats#3ÑFÈTãÈryc.ãrr, È'€e.€isü{!pll#4-sFæ'l.f.weq**Sc¡ñ.?Eã<Ìl!!ftÊrietfgtqï.=gæqtçsiær'ryry.*ø*ii4.+¡.p:..æffiÊ jTHE JAIUI' THE iltDç THE GlG... A music proiect funded by the Queen Elizabeth hospital for survivors of mental illnessn meeting every fortnighttat the Folk Gentre, to play music & culminating in popular & well attended public Performance. BUSHDÁNCING AT TI-IE FOLK CENTRE THE FIR5T FRTDAY EVERY OF rl,lONTH WITH A DIFFERENT ITVE BÁND EVERY ,IAONTH A LON6RUNNIN6 & POruLÁR EVENT i i THE GREEK E@ffiffiITNITTY & TF{E F@LK GENîTRE I j iAPODIMI COMPAFIIA left) lntemational Greek (pictured at live at The Folk Centre in April zAW. Atreat indeed for band performing : I i , the huge Greek i I i Local band i DIONYSIS (pictured right) opened the evening for our Intemational visitors. Paddy Montgomery ' (centre) at only eighteen I has already embarked on , his international career and . rs at pr€sent rn ureece recording with I Apodimi :Compania. I EON (left) played to a packed house in February 2007. Pictured right, I members ofthe Greek community turned out in force to support EON. They danced the night j away and enthusiastically suggested that we hold similar fi.rnctions on a mol€ regular basis. I Local Greek band fsæ+.+'#æË%sf4rcçÞæS!Ð*.ft*!qrå.r¡$Ìs¡g]!ffiæl¡ã€ñ@ææ'w:{w{E'ãq¡*!|g4$se?s¡æ*j#ffii*:*f*ry'æry'ifa' *@lisr'É}? C-ti {+ f,',\ne' 'f ,r*o,t.þ.ro ø-.Å I L* ¿\r,a (.u. Ç(W FrÅ*n=_(,*.-- u9'''-) 7'v-'Å' 'le b* '\ 6'-v'a .Þr\ti . --.\7 I f,¿ l ,(?u-€ "{ f*,ttl -rL-* G lø ,4,- I Ê îti*-ls ¿,+ '') ¡t Y'^'l ' 'r U^^a-) L.-- "*o'j s Ln^ir,,{r ,-r, I + þlÁ .--1,r,*ç Å,-t{*.-* i-.^ 1o'r'* t."'Lu^ -Ì-L* ¡w-'sì r--- :ç.'-'tr it , \' i ^¿r l.* Å G*" - \4 ì ,"- \ r [-''- , L-i 1*."* +, -rË-- a-u' ,\ 't\t t -5'r "s'icc <- -þ- <';J i ' f'^o o-J"l '- t- L.." ':)n- "-'''*- \ ,--.,-['( L*. ;L î*å l"' þ tL' 3+ f'\\,., -i l'* (-';\"ì--., bt-- {+.''i" ilt,¡v¡ot-,'., ,ìr\ ) ' -f ¿ ' \\ ,-, :,2^ .i/ul ,- Sì .. =*^o\,-\ \ S{..., ' r'; * v'* ) 'Î.,-io--..t.--' ¡t-l'- ! TITE SA FOLK CENTRE HOSTS MAT{Y FUNDRAISING EYENTS FOR A WIDE VARIETY OF WORTITY CAUSES & AS A RESULT \ryE DRAW TOGETHER A WII}E CROSS-SECTION OF PEOPLE FROM OTHER COMMUNITIES AND BACKGROUNDS. ETIINIC ffi :++:æ :Í.-'fë¡4q..r;Frt r*--teÊf:¡¡E:ræl]!ø..T3¡Piì!&f5Ì!æ4.æ.9É¡t4t_n'¡ã'rrr!' i t l '' +.Ì*¡'p,:rns*r4:i.trfl.-: THE HILLS FOLK CLUB CHARITY CONCERT, OCTOBER 2006. TIIESE VARIETY CONCERTS ATTRACT À LARGE AUDIENCE FROMMANry DIVERSE COMMTJNTTIES THROUGIIOUT AI}ELAIDE & TIELP TO HIGIILIGHT OUR WORKTMRE AT TI{E FOLK CENTRE. i firous¿NDs oF DoLLARS \ryERE i RAISED F'OR DISABLED ORPHÄNS IN CAMBODIÄ, TIIROUGH TI{E RABBIT SCHOOL. BorH PRoFEssroNAL & AMATEIR MUSIcTÄNS GAYE tP' & TALENTS. l¡t!D¡\ TIME i TIüIR lfllrf¡\ -1.[l.Ylll Grú i tt rl t: ¡l L__-: i nn¿¡W BUSINESSES DONATE GOODS & SERyICES TO AID IN TUNDRAISING EF'FORTS. i I L_'--- ls.Ëj]#FFæt-E;i:Jr ri'Í:!'';'1.9*lq-i:ëf..¡ÉÉjt4g¡_¡#-i#Ìr$eæsF#24ryâPrêfFt*¡rñ4dFfr ol' i i INTERNATIONAL PERF.ORMERS INCLI]DE TTIE FOLK CENTRE AT TI{ABARTON IN TIIEIR TOURING ITINERÀRY... NIÂ.I\IY j APODIMI COMPANIA, ì GREECE. i PACTFIC CURLS, NEW i i iSRrTrNAgllEIjj_l ! VIN GARBUTT. UK. WITH ERIC i i ZEALAND. rneRD . DENMARK DICK CAUGHAN. SCOTLAND. i BOGLE. i The international performers pictured above have all appeared at the Folk Centreat I Theba*on in the last twelve months. Many international performers are regular visitors. i Through theirweb pages we arç known intemationally as a desirable live music Yenue¡ both rvelcoming to a*ist and audience alike. Our small venue here at Thebarton helps to i i putAdelaide on the world music map! local i By hosting international performers lve are able to give young and emerging musicians' finest world's ofthe with some stage i performers a chance to appear on I it B ,t'üdf¿øt'u' 5É r?ffi, /û&f4y€,,núu+t*/ /5- I -Ô4 I .\ç¿'r{ lVw¿/r¿Å/s 3 iûttc4i*s(i'nr'/ ñL ct{¿'wLr/ /+e¿-s g^t *uþ-' ¿¿¿t't¡¿u/ rJ*"ry le h È'*'t6 HJ' /LU H¿ S,/) í-,*þ-V*/ri'*ú"* *L ,#i*g,, tuw* rip'd,ß":1W, k ,l^*_ L lh¿_rs " /il4¿A4 t%f--,*r/ ø _/d.,L t ^;nÅft'41 t'r'urfin 7ì^ø ut/¿/¿¿' ,P'M'/¿'S Csnt,wtnuthfttúth "L/nt f#'"5 (ü a- t''tA b'il' {¿¿¿t'+/-/9 (¿úr, fl;.ü A' ty,ù/ {¡/LLúA. u Lal.w ffi, lftt¿,øtbø++ h¿'*¿- nu+nl h;;¡r"d,,r^ rÊM¿l ¡L e/*r#l'/ ¡u¡/w'l ,ÅL á,]//tÅ,s ¡,L u5 wtr,y,':;, Joffac-, tL¿^-(cut't'/l'{}¿&¿'¿-/t'¿¿/rf/ffi\rLÜ*"-- With Complimenfs 891 ABC Adelaide A8O Lseat ñadio r85l-,lodh Ësst.R0ad Ð0l1ir6$d3cd SA W b,MM li0gi GPOBoxS94 Ádqarde sA $o01 Tell +S1 E Ê343 488i Fax¡ + Êrl I iS3æ 44eP VARIOUS EVENTS CATER FOR A WIDE RANGE OF TASTES... ì I gLUEGRASS o' iL____ BLUES ¡ & I iORIGINAL CONTEMPORARY RRI S DANCING iMEDIEVAL F'EASTING *fÈ}-4Fæ.is-5d..;1¡rq¿¡'¡1:¡r.r¡:j-ìT4ÊJl':i¡:ãl:f'r}€;,-{:ílsrÈ\:*lfvrr:j'ÈÞ.i?+l&''q\Fæq\n THE STNGERS' SBSS]ON. . MEETS AT THE FOLK CBNTRB ON THE zND SUNDAY OF EACii MONTH. . ì THE STNGERS'SESSTON; TS A LONG RIJNNÏNG & POPULAR GROUP & OFTEN WELCOMES INTERSTATB & OVER. SEAS VISTTORS. .:-:iF¡59¡8ilr.. THE COLO¡{IAL I}AI{CE,RS MEET E\rERY \ryEDhIESDAY NIGHT AT THE FOLK CENTRE, TIIEBARTON. .t fFJi.;4ir* '1a-Þ4s THE UNIVEHSITY OF ADELAIDE AUSTEALIA W 4T WiltoYerlo Cen!'a lor Auslraiian lndigenous Êesearch and Sludies 27'n June 2007 To whom it maY concern Centre My name is Anthony Pak Po¡1. I am a lecturer at the University of Adelaìde's I assist in at CASI'vl work for Aboriginal Studies in tr,,lusic (CASM). As an aspect of my SA Folk the with organisirig public performances for CASM, and have worked ciosely South of the staffoverthe years. I am writing this letterìn support CJntre premises "ñ¿'itr Australìan Folk Centre, and fo draw attention to the unique qualities of the on South Rd. CASM provicles a nationally-focussed, terliary-level lndigenous music education program. The CASlvl program attracts lndigenous students.from the local communltv has hired und fro* around Ausiraliã. Over the last 4 years, on a regular basis CASlrl non-public and for performances, the SA Folk Centre facilities for public performances that are a part of the assessment requirements for students studying at ihe Centre. Our public performances at the SA Folk Centre draw audiences from the Adelaide metropolìtan area, regional SA and interstate' The current sA Folk centre premises on south Rd. are an excellent facilit;'' for CASM. From our point of view, key features oí this unique facility include: . ' . . o , . . . , Flexible space for music and dance performances (including large ancì small bands, and traditional lndigenous dance)wìth a communit¡r hall ambiencei atmosPhere Eese oí access by publìc iransport, and close to lhe cìty Goocr access for people with disabiliiles Fase of access for loading musical equipment Ease oi parking including off-street pai-ktng Acjjaceni on-site office space fcr ease oi commirnicaiion between S-r. Fclk Centre staíi and conimunity venue hirers during ihe da.v (ofiice a¡e:s can also be used as clressing rooms as appropriaie) Kiichen and bar facilìties (witn liquor license) lndoor and 'oL:idooI' spaces Prolessional qLiality ln Fiouse Piiblic Ac,Jress I Scr-lnd Syslenr Tables anc cilairs (íor concerl or cabarel settinqsì ln my opinicn the current iocallon pror,rìcles a i;itìque íaolriy that is well suii:: to ct¡r penórmance neecs end to the neecjs olourslr:dents anii audiences ln arj:liion I ffii,mp,Hläö¡" # WiltoYerlo Centre for Austialian indigenous Research and Studies to the local area and believe that the current facilities also provide significant benefits you to consider u.rge I area' the people to io .urrounOing businesses by attracting also urge you to I would facilities, these issues in determining in* future óf the current and flexible the particular consider the good work of ìhe SA Folk Centre, in provide outstanding r*Joniiu* teäm of part time and volunteer staff. They their communit¡' piof*s.ionul level community support and service to CASM through unique an appropriate, of provision networks and through the góod munug"*ent and communitY based facilitY' Yours sincereìY t u{,r.12, ' .,-¡ ANTHONY PAK POY Lecturer Anthony Pak Poy Lecturer Ì'lûrih Terrac: Ce:nprs G?2, GrÒuÍrC i'¡cr. H¡iiei'ÐuilJ;' 'j Tiì¿ Uni\ ersii) c' Ac?:¡,ie S-ìuih Âusir¡'r: :¡,jj Tsleoììare +3iS 8313 Ic'll Ffù¿ ¡.lêbile. lo!ii >-\:X ctrl 3ô5'1 /?J \:\;(\,\\ Fa.srnìil3 *ô I -q t3ti ':3Ûô anthony pakpc"'eadelaide edu åu r*vrv a d elaide. eiu.auì,vìlto-yerlo Cî;COS P€i:c.a ì¡r:e. æll:¡¡ qrfisfs and ffinãt¡on"tga!,gls=g_featured --------'_"';*--;.,-- i-- ^.-;;.":^-:''" '@rgstø-lø:eætrsuluæ'natíanal utgltlat at'¡ëLr strv r*utrnqpi@new Some private hires are irrcluded if tlrey alqo-$lolved live rygg!ç 3l9lk gleÜip,'.* t9!-su!P:o.r-J- , American Folk Singer /so ieval - SA Artists Hans Theessink Acoustic Eidolon t n te rn a t¡ o n a I I ri s h/m u I tì i-t-- pgrfg!!ry'{-- -" or - emerging,39!9 v ¿--'-*- '!"--*----*i---'- v:-"'--:-"*" gye¡l{ù- lvdlutëu JJ evenfs over 33 luvef 61 had local acts cu I tu r? l !9u rI rr S -SljLU!- --..l I iì i I ,4,RflsT (S) Or Event shdance/ Tradewinds -- -l---- Genre or other ocal artists Emerqinq artists s nternational Celtic/South Sea slandT, I I Oxfam Goat Concert shdance/DiddYchwY lnvention ln Time Sinqers Session East Timor Dinner Info ysrgiveelegl! jv-gA3$i!I9- ---- tg11 1 g¡o u p - leq3lglsgllg.gllgrrylrolllLocal folt</blues/ world --l.r- ---'- - --- --l' artists singarouno. q¡te@Þa-'lE'oq!s I hdance/Me Three nussiãlõeltic rorr @ Local emerging singer/songwriter Sat 24' _ _- i;;lJ:: I exe___. ----- --;-,.- -olryÉel,lllle,s-q he Gig 'J: -l --li;;-i;;-.*;,in J-dulv *-oi " - , lYel Y--"r- -" ional sinqer / sie/Celtic Folk ssielCeltic Folk Sinqers Sesslon OARS quiz night mans Holid na Offenders Aid & Rehabilitation Society Yes - DATE Fri 1 1' r---- l;" ¿n'n-sr rs) Ol Event Bushdance * T'winds rihini fundraiser SA Folk Awards Dinner Folk Convention Folk Convention ers Session Sudanese - P. hire Fraser & Duncan Smith ushdance - Cliff etc. Linda Rankin B'dance * R Sheilas Private hire Faerd ss Junction - Ì iürrónr "/ "th"rlrrf" =-v-ei@ Locatsroup'Vilestlgjlell-:-.- ACT ,-]i:*- -iYç'- vr¡\ Groups, v¡vvl"r' :':_::-':r_:,:_::-:::-:l-::i.,------... SA IFolk vy u^ events by Shìwcase 9gyglgg1g4jgrynelI-g-tPrìowgg:-l:rrrù I - G'_o:lg."99Y9l9Pl-9.t!l9Ttry1v-e-s E*"lg'ng attitt=_qinguroq --- --*-=--;-**--l#:- @g!! vtusic a Dance showcqgq [v-!g{314s-9¡9lqge9l- Aussie/Celtic Folk -- lIgs ] i i ,- "-- *-l--f---- DATE November Fri 3'o Sat 4._* $ñlT Fri 16h Sat 1 7* Sun 18' Sat 24* Sun 25" _ __ 19t!i-/q K-*- of 53 Folk Memories & Menlorabilia You _lmerqino artists singaround' Sinqers Session è Viclorian Singer/songwriter Sweet Remedy =-__ _ __l three lndigenous Emerging performers showcase CASM Bushdance-Dglqy I remember ri 8* Sat th Mon 11* [hu 14' Fri 15' Sat 1 6' Sun 17ù Fri 22nd I i I Aussie/Celtic Folk Private hire BE/SOiOCQ Private hire December Fri 1"' Genre or other Info Bushdance * vanous onglnal ù4 €Ieepl * Aussie/Celtic Folk Me 3 Winterqreen Medieval Feast Singers Session Private hire Brian Fraser Private hire .JMG oerformance ¡rivate hire - Trovi ivate hire * Cliff AussielCeltic Folk AUSSTe/L ,elllc rolK Medieva music & Dance (1gIgtrPJ¿_ :r ilsr 9¡r ssie/C eltic FolK Inlernallof Ìar ,?*191 :yg=!":_Yr: Aussie/Celtic Folk project Varíous local arllsts r¡ous local anlsls V"tjo j:1 "_,__-_,__._. Sr,t^Io SuÅ*T rc/, þ7 o$ 86f-BË (t7 /oì.{ /%d'f/7¡ 3d.- L/oì{f e,, o{ \,t"*f..,** lbl ? C¡V of Wq¡t'lbnsns þlorma{lon Uarræmüt üt \u S..,- Þ**a*Aß^.u {tr[+"..^.. Sr{ g¿j3 (u-.- ),+'fõtk Cs.+ü<- ì**.r 5;f*, "A ¿,L\-qù\^!"¿ 3 N0ìl 2ff7 { ;^ &r.4 u,;,7/' ./-".,o "7"( Jryç -,4- --+- I t cÞç4 iS ' a.* ne-L.';ì.*g b'ç.J -t-t tlL-l /l /1^. I C¿Ð 4 W-{\-€rr{q -,#^-f aa¿ê ^1'Ä*-n " 5ú*"W --ffirÁ n gzú* r êL- *.-ou{¿( *{-g( rvp.;g\u ,-pnve_ L" _f-4 t ^-& æù'\t+&èJ(^- S*--r\c--L* -*.ffiç/ | " Ffo---*-r .&/* #- Srl F.=& C-,{k A *"{&- ?V*"["-- /. /n--^otts' ,oÃs'.- þ*"- ,or*uo,Quornsoutnffsrratia s433, S i"-**(y Teleph0ne€8.8ú?5-2úâ3 Facsimile 08 8675 2683 Email RAN sz egz .1rq-<-'fkb ffi-& l¡dzoz -/ nr\ n ,9/t"' Atrþf?. Received Mr. Joh¡ Voigt, City of West Torens, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Dr, Hìlton 5O31 22 No\/ C¡ty ol Wes.t 2007 lirmrns !$o!!?üot, Managoment 2lllt/07 Dear Mr. Voigt, Re: Proposeri Ciosure oiihe SÀ Foik Cenire visiting the centre a couple of weeks ago for an oxfam/Community Aid Abroad Fundraiser I was perturbed to realize that the centre could be shut. I have attended the folk centre over the past 5 years about 6 times a year for a real variety of events- I have heard mu^sic from indigenous and ethnic cultures, as well as world class Folk singers such as Eric Bogle, vin Garbutt , steve Tilston, Enda Kenny, Roy Bailey, Dick Gaughan and Kristina Olsen. I have also attended a private flrnction or t\¡/o there. I have enjoyed good personal and artistic times at the centre, gaining an appreciation of different kinds of music. It is a well run venue, that is clean and well maintained, with prices that are very reasonable in these times of increasing costs. when I go to the Folk centre my friends and I like to have an evening meal at a restaurart on Henley Beach Rd, with "urban India" a particular favourite. I don't drive a car and I find the Centre convenient for public transport, whether from the city or my West Croydon home. These days with no major festival, like the Victor Harbour Folk Festival in SA, I feel the Folk Centre has a very important role to play on the SA Cultural scene in bringing together different sections of the community. As an aside, I did not knowthe original Hindmarsh Town Hall was on site, until the other day. My patemal grandfather was a Hindmarsh councillor in the 1920s and 1930s and is mentioned in the 1936 centenary Handbook, along with all councillors. Most of my family barracked for the West Torrens football club and I still go to games there when the " Eags" play at Thebarton oval. As well, I have played squash at west Adelaide Squash Club weekly over many years, with a compulsory drink and meal at the Royal Hotel afterwards. Like these institutions, the Folk Centre has become a real institution of the Inner West and it is to the great credit of the City of West Torrens to have been associated with it and shown generosity to the Folk Centre. I would urge the City of West Torrens to maintain its association with important cultgral matters by allowing the Folk Centre to stay in its present location. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require me to make a verbal presentation. Yours faithfullvThese days Ph.83469570; qmail Unir r+* \i*t ctCrl ol i.^xles1-l6;ß¡1s'"t -5o l(o5 5,*-Do*n+ ßøU,nrÑ H, ",Tc'.s -<,n ^ 3*. fc, &¿x 4+ fP"'Sqef ' :' :' €tfr5¡ Çxtt {'-/V,Xa"ßc< 'ôt , ¡-t>s J ep*lr* þ-.61 ¿r ,4x.ø-ia¿ p-'qÅlt a-"kra-L< , #uf <'{.o-* /.h^ik N*A-¿*'Ðr"Jtt ù:fu,'rtà. í4** 4¿//'ør^, L¿aL'vV¿<J u-<x).gttl< q ce,trtv)i à.a.*ú \94.- t4-\L,\-/J/44 4 vwtffL/\/L?\\ ^9/r<. (t^*{U il,L n,'. n ^ ] {Ê ,-4à n a*ø*y'**" ñ. r I-.&, ùr^/tlJ., "!",.tt\a fr{r^^* e-*i ^f.f* %r, 4 ¿.,*,.1- Q*;Uf, t tdþ Ø-,,¿<+ Hft k* ;t4x¿Mve,¿-ffil.i,f;& e!e*,hTo, y f \r¿/r*ft"r-A., rrtwr7 ntt"^{, "-#.t Cû"-^*(d ;,QtJ, tÊ*; '^j¿åA '>t--offöt \t *h4-rt)\aL, ffi^:;.-:.s'I -.1il,X_-_;_.5i ' Recslved 1 g NOV 2007 of Wesr Tonons qtNE,l.,ØtUo,,t t |I r*'-iPî ",,, üüisåîlili"u"¡l f ræ-*,ç fu-ac*{¿v - /€ (q-u>.,4. Q;1.,".c; ll<no 4**ç G..ræE tlsuall æ^ 'o r,refi33eiVed 2 û NoV 2007 City ol West Tofl€ns lnlormalbn Manaoemenl Unit ur.f4--44{á,-- Yi -h- Y.44 ,Ë "-Ê,**{**Þ ø-* ;^"'^ ef 'ft' ¡r''--'aoø Ç*.0,2 æ * f Ç.^,.o_ -rr $-/^,1* _ Å-¿ -;---'./ ik, rtLLúI I ^',*, , u T-*, tt*-/+.t- F"tÅ- G*t- É e-Jiá c'.^-c.p- 'u^¡^*--.- Ë Á*^ -fL¿f "K* cnn-Zu" '/o-'t-o' ,-- Ã-z .4"* ' *-,fu -.íu /"l '--"t, þ-* /{o.,* "*,*- ,L ,,¿ú,-^l ,t* ,*f )*-f .þ. V¿n-u^ *"1Å e-T*/ ß-*.t^ /,;V-7,'-n M,*9,' *¿r'L ø-e' / t--*"^-{*.- $"J-r -fu<- ,,-.-Ç' "^, /U'^- *'¿J L¡.-l¿ & *A/"- l" n"*-21."^ 4 þ,e LþJ ,t ¿--,.--,ti þ,t-,ff /- L. **f--b'i' 4þ 4/-?Z 1 I J^'''dr I *h*J,,/* /--'^/ ¿-"{ É 'a{\ e *? /*Z xa^lt*-J *f þef "y ,{, '^*+ *--où/ Ê^-- **y fA UT' g : X,J-, ¿/"'>* y 15 November2007 Mr John Voieht City of lVest Torrens 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive Hilton 5033 Recelved I g Nov 2007 Gþ ol Wsst Torrans lnfornatioo Management Unit Dear M¡ Voight &'West Torrens Council I write to ask you to ¡econsider your decision to sell up the Folk Centre and move the Folk Cente people and associated groups out. My wife and I have been many times to the Folk centre in recent years and have greatly enjoyed the interesting array of different people who have performed there - some that come to mind immediately are country bluegrass bands, an aboriginal band, a Chilean goup, a Russian group, a Scottish duo on fiddle and piano, a Cajun band from Perth, a Scandinavian band, a Spanish Catalan ba¡rd. It has been a wonderful ex¡rerience to hear such an anay of performers, which may well not have been possible in other venues. I believe that currently you have a rare teasure within the Council Area" and it would be very unfortunate to simply close it down and send all this creativity packing. Yours sincerely Ken & Janet Sanderson, 130 Upp". Shrt Road, Glenalt4 5052 (".- $"^-þ'r>-%Æñ II 7 Windsor Ave Clapham 5062 1Bt11t2AO7 John Voight City of West Torrens 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive Hilton 5033 20 N0v 2007 Cify ol Wost Ton6ns tnlormátion Managemsnt Un¡t Dear John, I am writing to you to express concern at the Counc¡l's proposed selling of the Folk Centre. I think the West Torrens Council should be proud and supportive of the world class music venue and the strong community service the Folk Centre provides with 20 community groups who also use this venue. Regards, {4/*, {a"Julie Haar T;,-Ã. ;\ y1*r1 óo,.r*e-x-i l(-NÞ'-r '2Él D*,^ (;*,*lt¡ L l{ar* To *l^" F-t k- Coz,.JFi¿ çr.r c( F*ìoor u!;/rl Ê*-=,ã BusL.' beñc-e Ço'" *it .\ c,ct 2 0 NOv 2007 ,nr,fiå'*T H"Tnl?#ffu"n .I+S Fc. o..J ,.ek€r.s,å-'e, **-j "So-* L - Þs- L.¿o=L rL s ¿-.r<¿ hte €4loï f*¡{=¡^âå{,-r Þ¿.flt, QSes eq+t+ .'4LoY it*¡¡ ff.,=- B.> \r¿¿ s oÇ l*; u<. lfséiè +- -b"^.= E G¡.*= &¡¡l ruA LIS io,þ ,'ñ t*Þcpr- +"'l-+ ShÞ*¿s As öou GJ¡¿f c<--t-:., bu=1 -L Si*"r¿*4 r*bfè.t, E*. f,.. U r,"'J- *lrrnn*- is o Åt&o,J 1Øq-V "F [,cìe,+s ,5o Lo,r*le " 1-- Vl,*x Su-h <,{- R*,qn .=ftlrrl., -ìY* ¿-rc-. L. Ar.,¡ th* Co ox-, ¡R ,-tt y1ctJ,-e, \,JäËJ}= A pi*ce T+å Sà.;-J- -i]_s FLrj, I+ Høk<_s Voo S loJ À.x¡D l1o¡z¡2, /+t {['e " ?.-ók eu'<' So ñ{Jo' tÑÞr..J t^)¿ Þ*^rc-. , b)< ille=-l's tYttsic , Liu<- -fl^t i¿4<t*-hø'*) i { l--\-lr -9o ,1f<øþ úi"reú &t"t4 +b''ggþ*te- s-f-iÞ-+J Þ¡tf""l+ n ql.oll -: *,1 -ù2t7 <t\' Ï,=eV a, Lnvq:' æl t è2cu ÐC Ð- rrç )o-,4rnct -\; ->(v Y^fç2'>it W =L"'tì- þur.rr7$ f11orq¡ asv -rPlç ' W-f)>a)oof*I è)d*z a^.,tz,lÇÐ è:b)c T)"l+ -)=.rç7 =,rI+ "n'il,V Zr"ol ls r= )1"ð) *È. J J Ju=,Jn,=Ê r, -l brv.rl.lÞ.\ bsoJ ; -aarrc?n ey¡ 5/31 South Esplanade Glenelg South sA 5045 Australia E-mail: Home: (08) 8294 9697 Tuesday, 20 November 2007 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing regarding Thebarton. the proposal to sell off the Folk SA building on South Rd, I am a member of the Adelaide Colonial Dancers Inc. and we use the building for dancing every Wednesday evening. I also attend Bush dances and folk concerts in the building on a regular basis. I would like to express my concem that any change of venue after the sale would be unlikely to match the unique facilities at Folk SA with an excellent sprung floor for dancing and a stage and sound control desk for concerts. It also has the advantaee of being a "No Smoking" venue. To my mind, investment in the building would be a wise investment, maintainins an excellent facility for the City of West Torrens. I am not resident or employed in the City of West Torrens. Yours, å* Iu'f*- C¡vic Centre 165 Str Donald Eradman Dnve Hilton, SA 5033 Tel 08 841 6 6333 tãF.. City of West Torrens Fax 0B 8443 5709 Ema¡ì citymgr@wtcc.s¿ Webs¡te gov.a u 4 February 2008 lan McLaren 5/31 South Esplande GLENELG STH SA 5045 Dear SiriMadam, Re: Revocation of Community Land Classification 125-133 South Road Thebarton Thank you for your comments regarding the proposed revocation of the Community Land Classification of 125-133 South Road Thebarton. I write to advise that ihe Consultation Report required under Section 1g4 of the Local Government Act 1999 will be presented for consideration at the Meeting of Council on Tuesday 19th February 2008. Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting which commences at 7:30 p.m. in the Civic Centre, 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive, Hilton. Any person wishing to present a deputation to Council on that night must apply in writing to the Chief Executive Officer at least one (1) week prior to the meeting date. For further information or advice please contact Mr. John Voigt on g4166210 Yours sincerely John Voigt Management Advisor Property Services Ms. Judith Crossley PO Box 408 GREENACRES SA 5086 Thebarton Historical Society lnc. PO Box 500 TORRENSVILLE PLAZA SA 5031 Uma & Keith Preston 37 Lorraine Avenue LOCKLEYS SA 5032 Simon Eddy 9 Chapman Street TORRENSVILLE SA 5031 Lesley Clarke 16 The Old Jam Factory First Lane ST. PETERS SA 5069 Ray Melton Flight Training Adelaide Hanger 54 Kittyhawk Lane PARAFIELD AIRPORT SA 5106 John Sennett Plympton Cycles 428b Marion Road PLYMPTON SA 5038 Jenny Hendriks 3 Garrod Place STIRLING SA 5152 Hans Broweleit 83 Penzance Street GLENELG SA 5045 Alan Boman PO Box 84 BELAIR SA 5052 Jack Humphrys 5/39 Phillip Street WEST CROYDON SA 5OO8 Brian Samuels 2 Angas Street ALBERTON SA 5014 Melanie Morris 5 Stewart Court KIDMAN PARK SA 5025 A. & E. Dyson 42 Regent Street KENSINGTON SA 5068 Mr. Cliff Milne Co-ordinator Folk Federation of SA GPO Box 525 ADELAIDE SA 5OO1 S. & B. Tulloch PO Box 60 QUORN SA 5433 S. Patroni PO Box 634 PROSPECT EAST SA 5082 Wendy Trow 4124Wakefield Street KENT TOWN SA 5067 K. & J. Sanderson 130 Upper Sturt Road GLENALTA SA 5052 Julie Haar 7 Windsor Avenue CLAPHAM SA 5062 lan Mclaren 5/31 South Esplande GLENELG STH SA 5045 Page I ofi John Voigt From: Lea Nikitin Sent: Monday, 4 February 2008 3:33 PM To: ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; '';'';''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; '';'' Subject: Revocation of Community Land Classification 125-133 South Road Thebarton Please find attached letter re: Revocation of Community Land Classification 125-133 South Road Thebarton. For further information or advice please Email or telephone 8416 6210. Cheers Lea Lea N¡k¡t¡n Personal Assistant Urban Services City of West Torrens 165 Sir Donald Bradman Drive H¡lton SA 5033 P: 8416 6210 Ft 8443 5709 E-Mail: ln¡ 4/02/2008 Review of lssues Raised 1. The benefits provided by the Folk Federation. Many (43) comments advocated the community benefits provided by the Folk Federation. lt was noted that the majority of these were from members or patrons of the facility. Comments included the uniqueness of the Folk Federation and its value as a venue for alternative and new acts. The social benefits provided through the use of the venue for fundraising and multicultural events and the work undertaken by volunteers. lt provides affordable entertainment in a friendly atmosphere. Gomment The benefits and worth of the programs and events run by the Folk Federation are not disputed. As suggested in the Revocation Report, Council is not involved in the activities and business conducted by the Folk Federation. The Lease was commercially based (now expired) and the Federation is being heavily subsidised by councilthrough reduced rentalarrangements ($1,000 per month). This was approved to enable the Folk Federation to develop a transition strategy however, they have advised that, to this date they have been unable to find suitable or afforda ble alternative accommodation. The option to relocate to one of the proposed hub facilities exists however, the timing remains an issue. Notably only 3 of the 47 respondents identified themselves as residents of West Torrens. 2. Historical significance of the site and buildings. Eight (8) respondents referred for the need to preserve the heritage buildings on site suggesting the site should be retained because of its historical significance. The Thebarton Historical Society suggested redevelopment as a Community Centre or Museum. They also referred to significant trees on the site. Comment The original Thebarton Town Hall and the Boy Scouts and Guides Building are both listed on the Thebarton Local Heritage List and are contained within the draft Local Heritage PAR. Any future actions will require Development Approval. The significant trees on site are afforded similar protection through the Development Act. As such, Council retains some control over the future of the buildings regardless of ownership. 3. The Folk Federation helps support local business through attracting trade. One respondent suggested that the activities of the Folk Centre generate additional trade for local business. Comment There is no data available to support this claim. 4. One respondent disputed the need and estimated costs to upgrade the buildings to current Building Gode requirements and claimed that the Folk Federation were already paying above commercial returns for the property. Gomment The audits and estimates quoted were undertaken by qualified Building Engineers and measured compliance to current building code requirements. Forecasts for the two buildings occupied by the Folk Federation totalled some $434,000 whilst the Junction Theatre was estimated at $744,000. Recently tested markets for lease of South Road properties indicated a return of $100 per square metre was achievable. At this rate, the buildings occupied by the Folk Federation would return $64,000 pa. The Folk Federation are currently paying $12,000 per year including rates. Summary It is evident that the Folk Federation has no desire to relocate and is understandably opposed to the revocation and sale of the site. They have mustered considerable support for their cause, however dispute wide spread notification and press relating to Council's intent, very little comment was received from West Torrens residents and community. The Local Historical Significance of the Old Thebarton Town Hall in particular is recognised through the Local Heritage Listing which affords some protection to the buildings and trees on the site regardless of ownership. Considering the stated objective of the major review and audits of council owned properties was "to identify and subsequently hold and develop those assets that enhance service delivery and are of community benefit and conversely identify and dispose of those considered surplus to requirements." Previous resolutions of Council have identified this site for potential disposal and that funds raised through sale are to be used to facilitate development of community hubs. Key considerations in the decision making are: . 2. 3. 4, 1 The future use of the buildings if retained. The costs involved in upgrade to fit for purpose. The Community benefits derived from current use. The future of the Folk Federation.