Myatts Field North – Moving Forward Now


Myatts Field North – Moving Forward Now
Myatts Field North – Moving Forward Now
March 2014 Update
The construction of the new community centre is well under way. The teams of builders have been working
really hard to stay on schedule and already the foundations for the community centre are complete.
Further to this (pictured above) you can see the skeleton of the building with walls being built around it.
The projected completion of the new community centre is August 2014. This is a major project remodeling
the Myatts Field North estate to make it a more open, welcoming and a greener environment.
(Continued page 11)
Map of New Road
Assisted Patrols on
Myatts Field North
Heating Unit
and Eon road
See Page 3
See page 8
See page 10
See page 13
Welcome to your Housing Management Team
Bayo Igoh
Tarequl Islam
Contracts Manager
Performance Manager
Tel: 0203 664 1009
#Suzanne Ste-Croix
Tel: 0203 664 1000
Tom Watson
Housing Services Manager
Tel: 0203 664 1000
Customer Services Officer
Tel: 0203 664 1000
Mary Odei-Asante
Camelia Trail
Housing Manager
Tel: 0203 664 1000
Customer Services Officer
Tel: 0203 664 1000
Edward Samuel
Andrew Wilson
Community Warden
Tel: 07803623060
Homeowner Manager
Tel: 0203 664 1000
Housing Management Team Structure Chart
Contract Manager
CPO Manager
Bayo Igoh
Andrew Wilson
Housing Services Manager
Performance Manager
Suzanne Ste-Croix
Tarequl Islam
Community Warden
Edward Samuel
Housing Manager x 2
Mary Odei-Asante
Janet Gayle
Customer Services
Officer x 2
Camelia Trail
Tom Watson
CPO Project
2 years
Assisted Patrol on Myatts Field North Estate
On the 31 of January Police officers arrived on the Myatts Field
Estate approximately at 8.35pm to do a joint Pinnacle and Police
Pictured: Community Warden on assisted patrol
In attendance was PCSO, Chris Hotwood and PCSO, Steve Hunt.
The Community Warden Team Leader Edward Samuel and officers
patrolled the whole of Myatts Field North Estate.
Residents of Treherne Court questioned the police on their patrol
and were advised the purpose of joint patrols to ensure the safety
of our community warden and residents on Myatts Field. The patrol
ended 10.30pm.
Following on from the success of the patrol we are now planning to have more accompanied patrols on the Myatts
Field Estate.
The resident in the picture above is Mr. Chigs Terry (whom we spoke with) who liked the idea of the police being
there for the community.
The community warden is hoping to develop this, as part of feeling safe in the community and make it a common
occurrence to see police just because they are here, not because they have come for someone.
If there are acts of Anti-Social Behavior the Community Warden can be contacted at first instance. However, if the act
is criminal please do not hesitate to contact the Police.
There is a dedicated officer for Myatts Field North estate PC Louise Steeden.
She has replaced PC Allen, providing support to residents of MFN and the local surrounding areas.
Should you need to get in contact with PC Louise Steeden her details are:
Telephone: 0207 091 5852
Mobile 07733 003216
In writing to: Ground Floor East Wing, SNT, Edinburgh House, 170 Kennington Lane, SE11
Make Rent A Priority
Getting into rent arrears can be distressing. But don't ignore the situation. If you don't take action to pay back what you
owe, you could end up losing your home.
Our aim and ethos is not to evict tenants but to help them sustain and maintain their tenancy. However, where a tenant
consistently withholds rent payments for no reason other than to do so, we will take every necessary action to repossess
the property.
If you are experiencing difficulties, please contact your Housing Managers by calling
the Housing Office on: 0203 664 1000.
Top tips
Housing Managers suggested five priorities for people struggling with their rent.
Rent is a priority debt so please make this your top priority
Don't bury your head in the sand, explain your situation and
circumstances and remember we are here to offer help and advice
Work out a personal budget
Make sure you receive any housing benefit you are entitled to
Speak to Pinnacle Housing Management team
How to pay your rent
Residents of Myatts Field North Estate you can use any of the below methods in order to pay your rent:
By direct debit
You provide us with your details and your bank sets up the Direct Debit rent payments - no more queuing or rent swipe
This can be accessed here:
By pay point
Cash payment can now be made at Pay Point outlets across the country. Outlets providing this facility include newsagents,
supermarkets and petrol stations. Just take your existing rent or garage swipe card to a Pay Point with your rent payment.
By phone
The 24 hour automated hotline number for making payments by credit or debit card is 0208 290 2086.
By standing order
To make regular automatic payments direct from your bank account.
At the cashiers office
Payments can be made in the cashiers' office at:
Brixton Customer Centre,
18 Brixton Hill,
Open Monday to Friday 9am – 4.15pm.
At any post office using your existing rent swipe card. Hand your swipe card and payment to the cashier, the cashier will
credit your payment and give you a receipt.
By post
Cheques and money orders should be made payable to 'London Borough of Lambeth' and sent to:
Lambeth Revenue Services
PO Box 22003
London SW2 1WS
Please write your rent account reference number on the back of the cheque or money order.
Repairs Surgery offered in
the Housing Office
1. Pinnacle Customer Service Officer Tom
Watson from the housing office - helped assist a
resident in Winterslow Road by learning how to
use their EON HIU unit. He then visited the
resident’s property to help get her heating to
work without the requirement of a visit from Eon.
Rydon have organized drop-in repair surgery
Theses surgeries will take place on:
 The first Tuesday of each month.
The session will begin at 9.00am in the Housing
Office and will be conducted by Henry Jones
(Rydon Supervisor)
2. Camelia Trail (Pinnacle Customer Service
Officer) - Showed residents of Eythorne Road
their new build. The resident seemed extremely
pleased with her new property and was thankful
to Camelia for taking the time to assist.
Monthly Estate Walkabouts
3. Edward Samuel (Pinnacle Warden Team
Leader) successfully resolved an ASB cases
without having the assistance of either the
Housing Manager or the police. The resident of
Foxley Square commented that he was really
happy with Eddy’s intervention and Eddy further
increased customer satisfaction by visiting the
resident daily on his patrols on Myatts Field North.
4. Residents of Crawshay court were satisfied
with the warden services provided by Pinnacle;
in particular the patrolling of Crawshay Court.
The wardens took extra care to patrol the area
following complaints of young youths causing
ASB on the top decks of Crawshay Court.
Edward and the wardens were praised because
their continuous presence was a deterrent to the
5. Housing Manager Nick Gibson closed 2 noise
nuisance ASB cases which led to both resident
increased satisfactions. Residents were very
happy that HM intervened and nick further
followed up with the victims to see if the issues
have come back. Thankfully to date there have
been no issues.
The Housing
Management Team
in partnership with
Resident association
monitoring board
(RAMB), members of
Pinnacle Grounds
Maintenance, Rydon and Lambeth
Council carry out monthly Estate
Walkabouts with all residents welcome!
These take place: Second Wednesday
of every month at 3.45pm.
The meeting point is outside Bramah
Green Community Centre.
The duration of the walk about is
approximately 1 hour. We hope to see
you there.
Complaints and Compliments
We aim to provide excellent services to meet
customers’ needs in every area of our
management. However, we do recognise that
sometimes things can go wrong and for that
reason if you wish to make a complaint, you can
do this:
By telephone: 0800 0851230 landlines & 0330
1239166 mobiles
By email:
In writing or in person: Regenter Myatt’s Field
North Office: 45 Cowley Road, SW9 6AJ
Equally, if you wish to make a comment or
compliment you can do so in the same way as
MFN Local
Women in Construction
According to national statistics, women make up approximately 49%
of the workforce; however they are under-represented in
construction making up only 11% of the workforce.
According to Women in Construction, research suggests that 80% of
women who train and qualify in construction do not obtain jobs
within the industry.
Now, whilst most women would say ‘NO’ when asked if they would
work in construction, the Myatts Field North site has found a few
women who have answered ‘YES’ to that question.
On site we have approximately 17 female staff, all of whom have
completed their CSCS training and range from office staff to fork lift
drivers and trainee site agents. We like working with a diverse
workforce and using our employment support partner, we are able
to provide training to those who would like to get into construction.
Some of the female operatives have gone on to complete further
specialist courses such as: asbestos survey training, fire marshal
training, first aid training and more. The National Skills Academy for
Construction has given us the opportunity to provide further training
to those who want to progress further in the construction industry.
Polly Moona- Higgins Construction Ltd said “Using the funding from
the National Skills Academy for Construction, I am able to travel into
local schools, colleges and universities, to inspire more females to
enter into construction”. Being a female herself, the younger
generation can see first-hand that construction does not have to be
gender specific.
For further information on employment please contact Bryne Parker:
 Email:
 Tel: 0207 688 8016
 Mob: 07872506721
Alternately, please visit the Housing Office for more information.
MFN Local Employment
Meet a new Lambeth film star for
National Apprenticeship Week
March 3, 2014 Written by: Love-Lambeth Campaigns Team
Helping us to celebrate National Apprenticeship Week 2014, Shaqueele Brown is our
March Apprentice of the Month and star of our new film. The film shows a day in the
life of Shaqueele and fellow apprentices, Miguel and Zethan.
Shaqueele is working towards a level 3
originally discovered through the ‘Build It
Lambeth’ programme, where young people
and trades people volunteer together to
improve community spaces. From this, he
gained work experience and then an
apprenticeship with Higgins Construction.
Keeping it local, 20-year-old Shaqueele
now works on the Myatt’s Field North
estate, which is a five minute walk from his
home. The regeneration of Myatt’s Field
North is a multi-million pound investment
which involves the demolition of 305
existing units and the construction of 808
new homes, as well as other refurbishment
and repair work. At least 40 local
apprentices will be employed during
construction, as well as 12 trainee site
managers and student work placements.
Shaqueele is proud to be able to point out
improvements in his own neighbourhood
and to say he helped to make them happen:
“I’m helping build up a new scheme in my
local borough and later on in your life you
can say, ‘I was here working on it’.”
Talking about the apprenticeship he said:
“Now I understand the difference between
what you learn at college and what you
learn on-site. I look forward to coming to
work. This is something I really want to do.
“It is good to get a trade. You’ll always
have your skills with you and they will
open doors for you.
But you have to be prepared to work hard.”
We are aware that there have
been concerns regarding the
instructions of how to use the
Heating Controls.
The feedback from residents was
the manuals were not clear
enough. Fortunately, we have
received instruction manuals in
DVD format. This has also been
passed to the residents by the
Resident Liaison Officer.
In addition, we also have a
youtube link for residents to use.
The link below will get to our
instruction guide
Your home is fitted with a two
zone thermostat. One located in
your living room which controls
the temperature of the radiators
on the lower ground.
The other thermostat is located in the master bedroom which controls all the radiators in the upper rooms.
The room thermostat simply switches the heating system on and off as necessary. It works by sensing the air temperature,
switching on the heating when the air temperature falls below the thermostat setting and off once set temperature has
been reached. Your thermostat has different programmes: comfort, reduced and anti-freeze.
 Comfort mode (on) will continuously provides you with heating during the day at a set temperature.
(Recommended temperature setting is 21oC, this mode is best for winter or colder days)
 Reduced mode (off) should be set to the minimum temperature required when there is no one at home.
(Recommended temperature setting is 10oC, this mode is best for summer as the radiators will not come on)
 Anti-Freeze mode should only be set for frost protection, when the property is left unoccupied for long periods of
time. Anti-freeze will kick in the heating when the temperature falls below the set 10oC.
We’re committed to giving excellent service to our customers. That’s why we’ve laid down some guaranteed standards
for all those customers benefitting from the heat supplied to them over our E.ON heat supply network.
In the unlikely event that we should fail to meet any of the standards set here, upon request we will make a payment to
you in line with the details below. Our guaranteed standards and associated compensation payments are as follows:
Heat Supply Network and Quality
Guarantee of Heat Supply
Should your heat supply to your heat exchange unit be interrupted, we will guarantee to restore that supply within 24
Should we fail to meet this standard you will be eligible to claim £20 for every full 24 hour period you remain off supply.
Response time for fault resolution
Should you report a fault relating to our heat network during normal working hours (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday) which
has resulted in the failure of your heat supply, we will guarantee to respond to that call within 4 hours. For faults reported
outside normal office hours which result in the failure of your heat supply, we will guarantee to respond to that report
within 12 hours.
The guaranteed standard for heat supply shall be suspended under the following exceptional circumstances:
Should there be an interruption to the primary gas and electricity fuel supplies to the E.ON Energy Centre used to generate
heat for your network and that interruption being beyond E.ON’s direct control, this guaranteed standard will be
suspended until such time as those primary supplies are restored.
Should the heat network failure be due to an act of interference or vandalism by a third party, this guaranteed standard
will be suspended until such time as any damage or interference is remedied.
Should the heat network failure be due to an unforeseen event or circumstances beyond our reasonable control, this
guaranteed standard will be suspended until such time as that circumstance or event has ceased.
Guaranteed Standard for Customer Service
Prompt answers to heat supply invoice queries
If you ask us about your account’s accuracy, we will reply to you in 5 working days. If we fail to meet this deadline, you
shall be eligible to claim £20.
If you request a refund and we agree that a refund is due on your account, we will make your refund payment within 10
working days. If we fail to meet this deadline, you shall be eligible to claim £20.
Temporary heating facilities
If your heat supply is interrupted and you are a priority domestic customer, as registered on E.ON Priority Service Register,
we will offer you temporary heating facilities within 24 hours. If we fail to provide temporary heating you shall be eligible
to claim £20.
Our commitment to you
If we fail to deliver the standard of service you expect, we want to know about it so that we can put it right. Please contact
the Regenter call centre or visit the housing office.
Eon in partnership with RAMB- Energy Road shows
 19th March 2014, 39 Mostyn Road
 Start:5pm-End:7pm
Windows Info and Resident Liaison Meet & Greet:
 20th and 21st March 2014, 39 Mostyn Road
 Early Session: 11am-1pm Late Session: 2pm-5pm
Rubbish and Bins around the Estate
We would like to remind residents to keep in mind ‘Think Tidy’ on
the estate. Residents from Akerman Road and Fitzpatrick Road
(Pictured right) have raised their concerns with the use of bin pods.
To ensure there are no missed collections the Refuse Team have
advised cars should not be blocking or reducing access to entrances
for the bin pods.
Lambeth Refuse Collection Days
Individual wheelie bins: Tuesday
Recycling Bin collections: Monday
Large/Bulk collection: Tuesday and Thursday
We request residents to please be mindful of the collection days
and avoid parking in front of the pods on the days advised.
Pinnacle Bulk Collection Days:
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Location: Bin Chambers
Dog Fouling on Myatts Field North
We have been advised of dog fouling on Myatts Field North in
particular Lennox road and Akerman road. Dog bins are
installed in several locations on the estate:
Bramah Green next to the play area
Grassed area opposite Cancel Road
Myatts Field North Park next to Foxley square
Akerman Road
Why is dog fouling a problem?
Dog fouling is not only unpleasant it is dangerous. The biggest threat to public health from dog excrement is
toxocariasis and despite the health concerns many residents find dog fouling an offence amongst the public.
What is Toxocariasis?
Toxocariasis is an infection of the roundworm toxocara canis. The eggs of the parasite can be found in soil or sand
contaminated with faeces and if swallowed, result in infection that lasts between six and 24 months. Symptoms
include eye disorders, vague ache, dizziness, nausea, asthma and, in extremely rare cases, seizures/fits. Often the
eggs are ingested when passed to the mouth by the hands, but this can also occur through contact with dogs or
other inanimate objects including the wheels of toys and the soles of shoes. Infected soil samples are often found in
play areas and as a result, Toxocariasis most commonly affects children between 18 months and five years.
Whose responsibility is it to clear away dog fouling?
It is the responsibility of the dog owner or the person in charge of the dog to clear up any dog foul left by their dog.
If you fail to clean up after your dog you can be issued with a Fixed Penalty Notice, or if the case goes to court a
fine of up to £1,000.
The regulations state specifically, that being unaware that the dog has fouled, or not having a suitable means of
removing the faeces is not a reasonable excuse for failing to clean up after your dog.
We would like to remind residents to respect the wishes of their neighbours and keep in mind ‘Think Tidy’ so please
pick up after yourselves and your dogs.
Getting Involved!
Easter Egg Hunt and Crafts Activities
Sunday 6th April 2014
At: The Happenings Community Centre
40 Bramah Green
Time: 2.00pm to 4.00pm
 Making Easter cards
 Egg and spoon race
 Bunny hopping
 Refreshments
ALL FREE and Hosted by the Happenings Board
For more information contact Dorothy on: 07956 0669932
France Trip
The Happenings Board will be having a
shopping Trip to France on: Saturday
3rd May 2014
For more information please contact
Marcia on: 0207 582 6885 or 07947
Evening Exercise classes
Cheryl (working in the community)
Are you interested in local exercise classes, well look no further. If you
are interested in Zumba, aerobics, circuit, core stability and more,
then the Happenings Community Centre will have a class starting on
Thursday 1st May 2014
 Time: 6.30pm or 7.00pm
 Duration: 1 hour per class
Do let Cheryl know if you are interested and what time sounds best.
Contact Cheryl on : 07983 278078
Places are Available!
Every Saturday from 10am-2pm (during term
 Saturday School is run by qualified
teachers with years of experience.
 We offer Science, Mathematics and
English at Key stages 3 to 5.
 There are currently places in primary
and secondary departments.
Lessons cost £3.00 per subject
Registration is at The Happenings Community
Centre during lessons. For more information,
please contact the Saturday School
coordinator on: 07984 787588
Hire Available
The Happenings Community Centre
Parties | Christenings | Meetings | Classes
Capacity for up to 80 people
£25 per hour
Available Times:
Monday – Friday 4pm - 10pm (Term Time)
Monday – Friday 8am – 10pm (Holidays)
Saturday/Sunday 3pm – 11pm
Elderly Project
The Happenings Board will soon be starting an Elderly Project.
A questionnaire will follow shortly, on options of activities.
Please, fill out and return to The Happenings community
centre. For more information please contact Marcia on: 0207 582
6885 or 07947 777037
ESOL and EAL lessons for children and
adults who need help with English
2 Days outing for Youth in MFN
Date: Tuesday 15th April 2014
Place: Queens Ice Bowling
Time: 2.00pm to 5.00pm
Go- karting:
Date: Thursday 17th April 2014
Place: Surbiton Go Kart
Time: 12.00pm to 4.00pm
Limited places available please contact Denise on:
We are aware there are residents who may
have just arrived in the UK or who speak
little or no English.
If we can provide optional periodsSaturday or evenings. We will deliver
based on majority choice in response to
this advert. Please show your interest by
contacting Mr. Yaw Poku-Prempeh on
Myatts Field North
(continued from page 1)
The master plan focuses on the open spaces, at the
heart of which is a new central park and community
The plan incorporates new technologies for heat and
power, a strategy to develop and enhance the ecology of
the area and the placement of art
Pictured top right (Site 21) is the second shared
ownership block, which is to be completed shortly in
2014. The shared ownership properties are provided in
partnership by Notting Hill Housing Association.
The final part of construction continues on Dundas Road.
These properties are part of the first private sales.
(Pictured right)
The estimated completion for this property is November
Site 19 b (black bricked build to the right) was completed
in February 2014 and Site 19a (Dundas Road) completed
pre- Christmas 2013.
Pictured right is Bramah Road. The development is
progressing very well and due for completion April 2014.
Dundas Road and Bramah Road (part) will remain a no
through road until the due completion in April 2014.
We welcome residents to see the development of their
estate and visit Dundas Road.
A map of Myatts Field North is provided (page 12 of this
newsletter) so you can navigate your way to the new
parts of the estate.
For any further information please make an
appointment with the housing office on 45 Cowley
Current Map of Myatts Field North Estate
New Road
Renamed Road
Please note that the Dundas
Road and Bramah Road
(part) will remain a no
through road until the due
completion in April 2014.
Existing Road
Myatt's Field North
Residents Association and Monitoring Board
The MFN RAMB meets the last Wednesday of each month at Bramah Green Community Centre from 7pm to 9pm. We
also hold KPI (key performance indicators) meetings on the second Wednesday of the month, at the same venue and time.
In this meeting we discuss and scrutinize the delivery of services by the Regenter Consortium.
The next RAMB meeting will be held on 26th March 2014.
If you require further dates please contact the RAMB by email alternatively you can
call on 07415 764 352 (Charges may apply from landlines and network providers).
You can visit the Regenter website:
The Regenter free phone and repairs
numbers are:
 0800 0851230
(From Landlines)
 0330 1239166
(From Mobiles).
If your call is out of hours and is not an
emergency repair your details will be passed onto
the relevant part of Regenter and you will be
contacted in the next available working day.
You can also email your repair to:
You can also write to us or visit:
45 Cowley Road, London, SW9 6AJ