the application of digital radiographic analysis to skeletal assemblages
the application of digital radiographic analysis to skeletal assemblages
THE APPLICATION OF DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS TO SKELETAL ASSEMBLAGES BABAO Funded 2011 DDR undertaken by Mark Farmer/Reveal Imaging Ltd. and Jerry Conlogue, Quinnipiac University, USA Jelena Bekvalac, Centre for Human Bioarchaeology, Museum of London, Gaynor Western, Ossafreelance, Radiography can be defined as ‘That special branch of medicine employing ionizing radiant energy in the diagnosis and treatment of disease.’ (Brogdon, B. G., 1998) Introduction The analysis of human skeletal remains provides a wealth of data including vital evidence of pathology. The diagnosis of diseases is critical to understanding their occurrence in the past but can be hindered by a wide range of factors, including the limited observability of macroscopic pathological changes within bone. This reduces the ability to diagnose conditions according to clinical criteria, the databank for which is currently growing rapidly with expanding use and archiving of digitally recorded clinical cases. Direct digital radiography (DDR) is an exciting new development for palaeopathological investigation that enables rapid, relatively inexpensive analysis of complete skeletal assemblages that is financially viable and can be easily incorporated into commercial and academic projects as well as museum archives and learning resources. Advantages of Digital Images Advantages of DDR in Palaeopathology Robustness: Digital Images do not deteriorate physically or chemically over time Consistency: Digital Images allow true reproduction quality from copy to copy and from generation to generation Flexibility: Digital Images allow a variety of manipulation e.g. magnification, cropping, scaling etc. Featured Contents: Digital images may be easily linked to databases i.e. DICOM Communicability: Access, transfer and storage of digital images is possible across a range of internet enabled media. (Indrajit I.K. and Verma, B. S., 2007) Much greater resource of clinically observed diseases than dry bone specimens: the volume of clinical digital data is increasing (Hines ,E., Rock, C. and Viner, M. D. 2007). Wider range of pathological conditions with radiographic expression than observable macroscopically Confirmation of diagnoses by radiographic signs is more accurate and robust Easier and more objective recording of lesions and can be measured in 2D digital images Diagnosis by radiology from the clinical base may illuminate the variety of macroscopically observable skeletal expression of a disease Technique is minimally invasive, rapid and cost effective with portable equipment available (Hines, Rock and Viner, 2007). Clinical pattern recognition can aid with diagnosis in incomplete or disarticulated remains. Acquisition and display are separate processes Images can be accessed simultaneously at any workstation Viewing stations can be set up in any location Ability to use digital image archives rather than film libraries Availability of soft copy reporting No manual handling of cassettes Lower running costs from use of soft-copy only (Stewart Whitley, A., Sloane, C., Hoadle, G., Moore, et al. 2005) Currently, more than 80% of ante-mortem radiologic examinations obtained for clinical purposes are comprised of routine x-ray examinations and roentgenograms (x-rays) (Brogden, 1998 p.160). Conventional radiography remains the backbone of musculoskeletal radiology despite the advent of newer techniques such as CT, MRI and PET. (Burgener, F. , Kormano, M. and Pudas, T. 2006). After Medical Imaging Resources Application to Skeletal Assemblages When using and accessing new applications it is important to have the right tools available to enable them to have optimum benefit and accuracy. In the clinical setting, images are managed and communicated via PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System), which is a protocol-based standard to facilitate the transfer of digital images and associated information between devices (Hines et al. 2007, p.25). The extensive digital datasets in the clinical field already have in place standards & protocols that are supported by Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine – DICOM. This means that radiographs produced in DICOM format from both clinical and palaeopathological fields can be readily stored and accessed within the same database management system. PACS can be effectively employed within palaeopathology to allow shared access to an international resource of digitised skeletal pathology between universities, museums, hospitals and the commercial sector. sector DDR was tested on two contrasting skeletal assemblages to assess the new application from a biological anthropologist’s standpoint and gauge any difficulties faced when utilising digital images for enhancing pathological diagnosis. The collections examined were St Bride’s Crypt, London and Worcester Royal Infirmary, UK. The former consisted of well preserved articulated individuals whereas the latter was fragmentary, disarticulated surgical waste and anatomical specimens. We noted that the following considerations of DDR’s application to skeletal assemblages: Recording and Interpretation Radiographs represent skeletal structure as the contrast between areas of higher and lower density. Therefore, the recording of radiographic images in skeletal pathology relate to two fundamental indicators of bone form, namely osteopenia and osteosclerosis. These can be generalised or localised expressions of disease. The nature and distribution of these changes are key to diagnosis. 1) Permeative Lesions: these represent the most aggressive bone destruction pattern with rapid growth. This lesion merges imperceptibly with the normal bone. Infiltrative in the bone marrow and/or the cortex, which may present as cortical striation or tunnelling. Found in acute osteomyelitis and rapidly developing osteoporosis. The location and extent of osteopenia and osteosclerosis should be recorded prior to interpretation. A helpful categorisation of the pattern of bone changes may be found in Burgener, F. , Kormano, M. and Pudas, T. 2006 Bone and Joint Disorders, 2nd Edition. Thieme, Stuttgart and New York, p.75: 2) Moth-Eaten Lesions: a poorly demarcated focus of bone destruction with a long zone of transition from normal to abnormal bone indicating its aggressive nature and rapid growth potential. Malignant bone tumours, osteomyelitis and eosinophilic granulomas present with this type of bone destruction. Advantages: Ease of application using mobile radiographic equipment • • Benefit of immediate visibility of the image and ability to instantly re-take if required • Rapidity of imaging: c. 180 images in one day or 10+ complete skeletons • Ability to confirm and find alternative differential diagnoses from the radiographic literature • Identification of diseases with no macroscopic evidence Considerations: • Consistency in positioning of the elements • Information relating to the burial environment for post mortem damage & degradation • Familiarisation with normal bone structure and interpreting radiographs (Guides online & published: see Refs. 3,6 & 7 as examples) • When viewing the radiograph to have the element at hand to compare • When publishing to have the two images together for visual comparison • Use of a recognised, standardised classification system to describe basic changes observed prior to diagnosis • Difference of pathology classifications between the radiographic and palaeopathological literature DDR and radiographic analysis should be integral to diagnosis frameworks within palaeopathology A major advantage of DDR application is the ability to discover lesions with no external manifestations. For example, amongst the Worcester Royal Infirmary assemblage, 6.7% of elements exhibited radiographic lesions only. A further 50.4% with macroscopic changes could be newly or more firmly diagnosed with the aid of clinical radiographic evidence. Osteopathia Striata: Undetectable without radiography, this rare disease, indicated by radiodense vertical striations, was discovered in element [801] from the Worcester Royal Infirmary, UK. Although generally asymptomatic, it can be associated with Goltz syndrome or Focal Dermal Hypoplasia (FDH), for which OS is a key clinical sign. FDH is a rare X-linked dominant disease lethal in the male foetus. About 90% of those affected are female. It is outwardly evident though extensive nodular, reddened skin defects that can ulcerate. A suite of skeletal defects may also be present throughout the body. 3) Geographic Lesions: well defined margin separating it clearly from the surrounding normal bone. Geographic lesions are usually benign, especially when they are marginated by a sclerotic rim. Multiple myeloma and metastases, however, frequently present as geographic lesions without sclerotic borders. Osteoblastic Carcinoma: The skeletal remains of John Paul Rowe, St Bride's crypt [SB79 102] manifested lesions throughout his skeleton indicative of osteoblastic metastatic carcinoma, most probably prostate cancer. All the vertebrae were markedly affected & displayed gross osteoblastic lesions. Radiographs of osteoblastic metastases can vary from barely visible, poorly defined areas of increased densities in some vertebrae to almost complete sclerosis ‘ivory vertebra’2. The x-rayed vertebrae displayed these characteristic changes, including the classic ivory vertebra, providing a corroborative diagnosis for the osteoblastic carcinoma. Conclusion Permeative Aggressive/Acute Moth Eaten Geographic Benign/Chronic Periostitis should be recorded to convene with current radiographic standards to aid interpretation and diagnosis. Differentiation should be made between Solid and Interrupted Periosteal Reactions, with further classification of thin, thick, straight, elliptical, undulating, laminated, perpendicular, amorphous and the presence of periosteal cloaking. There is much that can be gained from the use of DDR in its application for skeletal assemblages. Many protocols and standards are already in place within the medical and clinical field that can be actively utilised by biological anthropologists. Large accessible datasets of skeletal assemblages could be established and accessed following DICOM/PACS for both articulated and disarticulated collections. There are factors to consider as with all applications but if there is a consistency in the approach to its use then the interpretative value of the results would be manifold and of wide-spread benefit. Collaborations between radiologists and biological anthropologists are key to being able to develop more fully the analysis & interpretation of palaeopathological cases. This has the potential for enabling an embedded scientific foundation for diagnostic methods in palaeopathology. References 1. Brogdon, B. G., 1998, Forensic Radiology, CRC Press, USA. 3. 2. Burgener, F. , Kormano, M. and Pudas, T. 2006 Bone and Joint Disorders, 2nd Edition. Thieme, Stuttgart and New York. 4. Chhem, R. and Brothwell, D. 2008. Paleoradiology: Imaging Mummies and Fossils. Springer, Berlin. Hines, E., Rock, C. and Viner, M. 2007. Radiography in Thompson, T. and Black, S. (eds) Forensic Human Identification: An Introduction. CRC Press, USA. 5. 6. Indrajit I.K. and Verma, B. S., 2007. Digital Imaging in Radiology Practice: An introduction to a few fundamental concepts. Journal of Radiological Imaging, 17, pp. 230-6. Matshes, E., Burbridge, B., Sher, B., Mohamed, A. and Juurlink, B., 2005. Human Osteology and Skeletal Radiology: An Atlas and Guide. CRC Press, USA. 7. Moeller, T. and Reif, E. 2000. Pocket Atlas of Radiographic Anatomy 2nd ed. Thieme, Stuttgart. 8. Stewart Whitley, A., Sloane, C., Hoadle, G., Moore, A. D. and Alsop, C. W., 2005. Clark’s Positioning in Radiography. 12th edition. Hodder Arnold, London.
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