D • j o 1 D .. i I RSEAS MOVEMENT] .I l I ~ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY HEADOUARTERS 2.'" INFANTRY DIVISION OFFICE OF 'HE COMMANDING GENERAL APO 09112 24 February 1968 ABTGCG SUBJECT: Family Preparaij,on for REFORGBR TO: All Military Sponsors If you and your family are to accom.pany us to Fort· Riley, Kansas, If m sure many questions have entered your mind. This booklet has been designed to answer your questions and to bring together the many items contained in the REFORGER Bulletins we previously published. We are trying to make this move the easiest and most comfortable one you have made or will make during your military service. We sincerely hope all problems have been foreseen and solved. Unfor tunately, there will be some details we have overlooked, so please let us know if you have any suggestions which will make the operation as nearly perfect as possible (can't help out on late aircraft, thoughl). I hope you will find this booklet benefiCial, and I wish you Godspeed on your journey. Mrs. Wetherill and I will join you on 1 Kay. Sincerely, .~~£ It /WETHERILL •.jor General, USA Commanding CONTENTS Letter from the Commanding General Schedule of Events for Reforger Actions Annexes: '\ I Household goods and Hold baggage Annex A POV shipping and registration Annex B Transient Messes Annex C Quarters Clearance Annex D Shipment of l?ets Annex E Departure airfield procedures & facilities Annex F Arrival airfield procedures & facilities on arrival in CONUS Annex G Fort Riley family quarters Annex H Schools Annex I Dependents remaining in Europe Annex J Withdrawal of savings deposits Annex K Pay actions Annex L Passports and visas Annex M Central clearance facilities Armex N Privately owned firearms Annex 0 American Red Cross (ARC) Annex P Army Emergency Relief (AER) Annex Q POV Safety Annex R Miscellaneous Information Annex S Para 1. ~ Income Tax Miscellaneous Information (cont) Para 2. 3. Immunization Pregnancy 4.. Commercial air travel 5. Separation physical examinations 6. Leave policy 7. Change of address 8. MOS testing ------------------------------..........., ~ SCHEDULE OF EVENTS. FOR REFORGER ACTIONS 1. Listed below is the schedule of events for your information from departure dates minus (D-) 120 days through departure date (D). 2. Departure dates (D-DAY) for advance parties, units and rear parties remain the same as published in 24th Division OPLAN 4400. D-120 POV inspection: Parent unit inspects all POV's to assure that they are meohanically sound and safe. If repairs are needed, take immed iatesteps to have these completed and notify UNIT COMMANDER when completed. D-120 Inspection of passports: Passports expire 3 years from date of issue and should be turned into PSNCO 90 days prior to expiration for re newal. All dependents must be listed (including picture) on the primary dependent passport unless they have a separate valid passport. Alien dependents must obtain an immigrant visa. This includes wives, adopted children, step-children and dependent parents (Annex M-Details). ...I D-75 PeS orders published: Information on delay en route and port of embarkation and dependents included on these orders. Discrepancies must be brought to the attention of your PSNCOfor immediate correction. D-75 Household goods packing instruotions: South Bavarian 'District will conduct a briefing on packing and shipping of household goods. Time and place will be announced. The sponsor should attend this meeting. If for some reason the sponsor cannot attend, the principal dependent (wife) must. Six copies of PeS orders must be carried to this briefing. The standard Form 117 (Inventory of Household Goods) will be completed in two copies at this briefing. One will be turned in to SBD and one will be retained for personal file. D-60 Documentation inspection: Each sponsor must have passports, visas, ID cards, ID tags, and immunization records inspected by ·unit. Cor rections must be made at this time and immunizations brought up to date. D-60 Household goods packed: Household goods should have been packed and shipped by this date. Schedule of packing announced at the D-75 briefing by SBD. Sponsors electing to keep their household goods until a later date are informed that the arrival date in Fort Riley will be some time after they arrive in CONUS • D-45 Stored household goods: Personnel having household goods stored in CONUS should request shipment from storage to Fort Rile,y on this date if they are needed when the family arrives at Fort Riley. D-45 POV insurance: Request commercial marine insurance for shipment of POV, if desired. This applies to both commercial and government ship ments. Claims for damag~s during government shipping can be processed through the claims office at destination, however, commercial in surance is recommended to facilitate processing of aqy claim. D· D D-30 Hoad baggage shipment: SBJ conducts a briefing for all sponsors and other personnel desiring to Ship hold baggage. Place and time to be announced. Instructions and schedules will be announced at this time. D D-30 SBD: Distribute quarters clearance procedures during hold baggage meeting. Place and time to be announced (Annex D). H H D-30 Personnel records: personnel records. PSD team arrives in unit area and checks all Emergency data cards updated at t~s time. u-25 POV shipment briefing: Personnel with POV's attend a class on pro cedures for POV shipment and return transportation from Bremer haven (see Annex B). Place and time of meeting to be announced. D-25 POV convoy: Convoy of POV's depart unit area for Bremerhaven. De to parture date of this convoy depends on ship departure date from u-15 Bremerhaven. H. H D-20 Finance briefing: Finance Officer briefs unit personnel on travel pay, advance pay and collects data on payment desired. D-15 Hold baggage packing: Hold baggage packing will begin at D-15. to (Refer to schedule distribution on U-30). Hold baggage will be packed, D-5 customs inspected, banded, stenciled, and picked up. Hold baggage for personnel with Non-COMMANu sponsored dependents will be packed by the sponsor and delivered to their unit area for processing with hold baggage for unaccompanied personnel. D-5 H. H. Dependent transient mess: A dependent transient mess will begin operating on this date for all personnel desiring to use i t (see Annex C). : D-5 Personnel clearance: Central clearance located at Bldg's 3 and 4 Reese Kaserne for Augsburg personnel and Buildi~ 2, McGraw Kaserne for Hunich personnel. Personnel Clearance Form {DA Form 137) turned in to Unit Project Officer. All items completed. Project Officer 2 H. delivers completed forms to PSD. D-J Shipment data: On this date aircraft manifests and bus manifests are delivered to units. Flight nUmbers and departure times viII be announced. Bus numbers and pick up times are also given. D-1 PICKUP NOTIFICATION: NOOIe of departure airfield bus personally visits sponsors and dependents to notify them of the time Quarters Inspector vill arrive at their quarters for final clearance check. Families viII be notified of the time (plus or minus 10 minutes) the bus viII arrive for pickup the folloving morning. D-DAY DEPARTURE DAY: Aircraft departure time is designated as H-hour. H-8 hrs Augsburg H-6 hrs MunichMess Bus: Dependent transient mess begins operation early to feed personnel departing on flights. Mess bus viII commence passenger pickup at H-8 hra in Augsburg and H-6 hrs in l~ch area. A German restaurant is available at the airfield, prices are reasonable. A PX snack 'bar viII be available at the airfield for pre-packed sandviches, drinks and other pre-packed food items. A mobile delicatessen and book store viII also be available at the DAr. H-8 to H-6 hrs Augsburg H-6 to H-4 hrs MunichQuarters check: At some time between these hours a SBD Quarters in spector viII make a final quarters inspection. Exact time (plus or minus 10 minutes) viII be provided on D-1. Housekeeping kit vill be displayed as indicated in Annex D. Inspection viII be as indi cated in Annex D. H-6 hrs Augsburg H-4 hrs Munich 'Bus pickup: Transportation will arrive at quarters for personnel and luggage. (Exact time provided on D-1). Luggage viII be assembled at the bottom of the stairs for pickup. Personnel must be ready to depart. Iil cards, ID tags, passports and shot records vill be checked when boarding the bus. Sponsors will carry these items for their dependents. En route to the DAF the NOOIC of the bus viII brief passengers on processing procedures at the DAF and inform personnel of the stat.us of their POV i f the information is available. H-2 hrs Arrive at departure airfield: All personnel arrive at the DAF and be gin processing. NOOIC viII announce fi~al instructions before 3 .l ---- --..--.~.- dismounting the bus. Personnel are advised not to leave the ter minal since no loud speaker system exists in other areas of the building. F t a S p s s a w p o f r u H-Hom AUFWIEDERSEHEN 1 i P e t d s e a o o o w d 4 ANNEX A HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND HOLD BAGGAGE 1. SHIPMENT OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS (HHG) FROM CONUS STORAGE TO FORT RILEY. A. Reference Joint Travel Regulations and AR 55-71. B. Personnel who have HHG stored in CONUS are advised that en titlement to non-temporary storage of their HHG terminates on date of arrival in the United States for duty. Date of arrival in the United States for duty is the date of arrival in the United States when under permanent change of station orders. Personnel desiring to have their HHG shipped from storage to their new duty station may arrange for this shipment with the SBD Transportation Officer at the same time they make arrangements to ship their HHG from Germany. Additional information will be required, i.e. where property is located in the States, TO res ponsible for storage of HHG, lot number or warehouse receipt number, name of commercial company which has HHG in storage. DD Form 1299, application for shipment of HHG, will be prepared by SED. Item #17, date shipment required at destination, should be accurate because of storage involved upon arrival at destination. C. Personnel who would rather leave their HHG in storage at its present location in the States, not to exceed 90 days, may do so, providing they mail six (6) copies of new PCS orders with letter of explanation to the TO concerned in the States. Personnel who utilize this full 90 days storage are reminded that when HHG arrive at new duty station (i.e. Fort Riley), they will not be authorized any additional storage in transit, but must accept property upon arrival at Fort Riley except under unusual circumstances as explained below. D. Personnel in category C above may obtain authority for an additional 90 days storage at either origin (current storage location) or destination (Fort Riley) under unusual circumstances. In order to obtain this authority, personnel must contact either the .local Transportation Officer or the Transportation Officer responsible for storage of their IlliG with full justification as to why the additional period of storage is required. 2. SHIPMENT OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS (IlliG) FROM GERMANY Househola goods may be shipped from Germany to one of three ' destinations as indicated below • ... r A. Direct to Transportation Otticer, Fort Riley, Kansas. All personnel who have quarters assigned, have made arrangements tor ott post housing, or are sure they want their HHG delivered to Fort Rlley. Only 90 days storage is authorized at Fort Riley, unless owner goes person nally to the TO and requests an additional 90 days storage. Maximum. stor age at Fort Rlley is 180 days. B. Shipments ot HHG to MOT, Bayonne, New Jersey, "Hold tor further Instructions" • Personnel who do not wish to take dependents to Fort Rlley pending quarters assignments, or who'are expecting reassignment soon atter arrival at Fort Rlley, may ship their HHG to MOT, Bayonne, NJ, "Hold tor turther Instructioas". When making shipments to this destination, personnel should make sure the origin TO (i.e. SBD TO) giv~s them a separate DD Form 1299. All columns ot this document except 1114 should be tilled out by the SBD TO. Members will hand carry this DD Form 1299 with them to CONUS destinations. As soon as the individual decides where HHG should be shipped, he should till in column 1114 r£ DD Form 1299 and air mall to TO, Bayonne, NJ. The TO, Bayonne, NJ, v1ll hold HHG tor a period ot 90 days, unless member not1£ies and requests additional 90 days storage. In the event this is necessary, member should report to his nearest TO tor assistance. When member talls to notit,y TO's concerned tor additional 90 days storage, HHG will be placed in commercial storage at member's expense, and member will be notitied ot such. c. Home ot Record. Personnel may ship their HHG at government expense to their HOR, providing the distance trom port ot entry is less than trom port ot entr;y to duty station (Fort Riley). Personnel whose HOR is beyond duty station may ship to their HOR, providing they are not getting out ot service, and sign a statement that they agree to pay excess cost involved. D. Personnel shipping to their HOR (C above) must bear in mind that they cannot have their HHG shipped again at government expense untll they receive new PCS orders. E. In order to insure that HHG are at Fort Riley when the individual arrives, it is necessary to pack and ship them at least 60 days prior to the individual departing Germany. However, it the individual desires to keep his HHG in Germany longer apd ship at a later date, he may do so, but 1£ it is decided to ship HHG later than 0-60, individuals are reminded that they will not have their HHG at Fort Rile.y when they arrive. Arrangements tor late shipping should be made with the SBD TO at the HHG instructional meeting held at approximately D-90. 3. SHIPMENT OF WASHING MACHINES AND URYmB All married personnel .aheduled tor redeployment with the Division A-2 are advised that they may retain their washing machines and dryers and ship them with their hold baggage; however, this will delay arrival of washing machine and dryer at destination for approximately 35 days. Machines will not be shipped by air, but will be shipped by normal comme~61al channel. Machines will be charged against HHG weight and not against HB weight allowance. HOUSEHOLD WEIGHT ALLOWANCE; PERSONNEL WITH AUTHORIZED DEPENDEN1'S 1. Baggage of air travelers: Military personnel and civilian employees---100 Ibsj Dependents over 12---100 Ibs; Dependents under 12---65 Ibs. 2. Column one: This is the maximum net weight of household goods authorized to ship from your overseas station. 3. Column two: This column shows maximum gross weight of hold baggage authorized to ship from your overseas station. Additional hold bag gage for dependents shown below at asterisk (*). TOTAL NET WT OF HHG AUTH PCS HOLD BAGGAGE RANK FOR SHIP FROM GERMANY (Gross Weight) (1) (2) MAJ GEN BRIGGEN COLONEL LT COL MAJ cw-4 CW-3 Cpr CW-2 lLT 2LT W-l SGM MSG SFC SSG SGT CPL over 4 yrs serv OTHER EM *DEPN OVER 12 *DEPN UNDER 12 3,625 3,375 3,375 3,250 1,000 800 800 3,000 600 600 2,750 2,500 2,375 2,375 2,250 2,125 2,000 2,000 2,000 600 600 600 400 400 400 400 400 400 200 350 175 Personnel are reminded that fragile items should not be packed in hold baggage. If fragile items are shipped in HB, extra precaution should be taken in packing. A-3 • I HOUSEHOLD WEIGHT ALLOWAIWE: BACHELOR PERSONNEL AND/OR SPONSORS WITH NOil CCl-IMAND SPONSORED DEPEN.iJENTS . RANK MAJ GEN BRIG GEl'f COLONEL LT COL MAJ CW-4 CPT CW-3 1LT CW-2 2LT W-1 FROM SGN TO E-4 OVER 4 IRS OTHER EM TOTAL NET WT OF HHG AUTH FOR SHIP FROM GERMANY PCS HOLD BAGGAGE (Gross \o/eight) 3,625 3,375 3,375 3,250 3,000 500 500 500 1,000 800 800 600 600 600 600 600 500 400 200 ANNEX B POV SHIPPING AND REGISTRATION 1. This annex is prepared to assist you in preparing your car for shipment, pick-up, and registration in CONUS. The following information is contained herein: A. Instructions for filling out necessary documents for shipment of POV: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Packing List (DD Form 859) POV Shipping Document (DD Form 788) Custom Declaration Form (DD Form 1252) Application for USAREUR POV clearance (AE Form 3383) Key Tag (DD Form 1253-1) Windshie~d Sticker (AEZB Labell. 801 Philadelphia) B. Pick-up in Philadelphia of POV's. C. Bus schedules and fares to Northern Metal Company. D. Shipment of Non-government sponsored automobiles. E. CONUS license requirements by states. 2. If you take your car to port yourself you will need the following. A. Three copies of your complete PeS Orders. B. POV Registration. C. All forms listed in this annex. If your agent takes your car he will need all of the above plus two copies of a power of attorney. 3. All vehicles must be protected to minus -20 degrees fahrenheit with a permanent type antifreeze. 4. Owners are reminded that foreign cars manufactured after 1 January 1968 must conform and be equipped with safety features required on 1968 model U.S. automobiles, and have a certificate to this effect by the manufacturer. Instructions for filling out neoessary doouments for shipment of POV. (uu Form 788, DD Form 1252, stioker). UD Form 1253-1, AE Form 3383 and the Windshield . Du FQrm 788 POV Shipping UgoYment: A. The two light blue sheets of carbon paper must be remoYed before filling out this form. B. This form must be typewritten. Spaoe#l. Orders authorizing return of service member (name o.f issuing Headquarters). To be filled in at Veh. Proc. Center. Fill in IU. Fill in AK4T 32. 9 digits are to be used in this block. ft " #2. #3. " #4. ft #5. a. The first two will indicate the year the oar was made (i.e. 68). b. The digits 3-6 will be the first four letters of the type of car (i.e.Chev). c. The digits 1:2 will determine the model and vhether the POV is domestic or foreign manufacture. Use ~ if it is a domestic sedan. Use J2Q if it is a domestio station wagon. Use JQQ if it is a foreign sedan. Use 1JQ if it is a foreign station wagon. Use JlQ if it is a motorcycle. Space#6. ft #7. " #8. " " " II 19. #10. #11. i12. Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill in in in in in in in ill and the initials of person typing the dooument. lKB. YO. A25Z6E. ~. ~. A186 if you are an Arrq enlisted personnel. ill.2 if you are an Arrq officer. " II " "~if you are an Arrq civilian. "F9Z8 if you are an Air Foree officer or enlisted personnel. " B-1 0IIIIIIIIIIa -. . ~.··.·--~,..-"""'""'c Fill in F9AO if you are an Air Force civilian. " II A209 if you are an EES civilian. E Fill in 1. Fill in the weight of the vehicle. Fill in the cube of vehicle (length X width X height equals cube). Fill in make and year of car. Fill in owners name, grade and serial number. Fill in manufacturer's serial number (obtainable from registration). Fill in motor number (obtainable from registration). Fill in current license plate number. Fill in color and body type.of POV. To be filled in upon arrival at the Vehicle Processing Center. Fill in AK4T32. Fill in USATCEUR. Fill in yOUl' CONUS mailing address. #26. To be filled in upon arrival at VPC. /127. To be filled in upon arrival at VPC. Space#13. " #14. II #15. " #16. " #17. " #18. tI #19. II #20. tI #21. " #22. II #23. " #24. " #25. " II C. If the vehicle is to be turned in by an AGENT, he will fill in the block in the lower left hand corner. D. Air Force personnel only, will complete the block in the lower ~ hand corner. s " " II II " " " " s" D A B 51 " " " " " It II " " " D A: A B-2 Dil Form 859 Packing List: A. Make sure that there are three copies attached. B. This Form must be typed or PRINTED legibly with a ball point pen. Fill in the make and year of the vehicle (i.e. Ford 1965). Fill in body style (i.e. St& Wag.). Fill in the engine number (this may be obtained from the " #3. registration. Fill in the name of owner. " #4. Fill in the owner's grade. " #5. " ~. Fill in the owner's service number. Check off items to be left in car carefully following the instructions on the form. Signature of owner or authorized representative. " #8. n #9. Fill in the date the POV is turned in. Fill in Bremerhaven. " #10. Spaces #11, 12, 13 to be filled in at the Veh. Proc. Center. Space#1. " 112. " n. DD Form 1252 Customs Declaration Form: A. Hake sure that there are three copis attached. B. This Form must be typed or PRINTEu legibly with a ball point pen. Space#1. " #2. " #3. To be filled in at the Veh. Proc. Br. Filled in at Philadelphia, Penn. To be left blank. Fill in owner's name Fill in owner's grade. Fill in owner's service number. Fill in owner's CONUS mailing address. Fill in the number of dependents in this command at present. (If none, indicate "0") Check off space ~. Fill in the date of POV turn in. Owner's signature. " #4. " " " #5. #6. 1f7. " " " " D. !l8. ~. #10. #11. In the Remarks section at the bottom of the page, the owner/agent must read the statement and sign it. AE Form 3383 Application for USAREUR POV Clearance: A. This form must be PRINTEV legibly with a ball point pen. B-3 . B. In the left hand block of the card: Spaced1. II #2. Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill Fill " #3. 114. #5. 116. II " II in in in in in in owner's owner's owner's owner's owner's date of name. serial number. rank. current organization. current APO. departure from command. c. In the right hand block: . Space#1. Fill in signature of applicant; D. In the bottom block from left to right: Spaced1. II #2. Fill in the present license ~late number. Fill in the make of vehicle {i.e. Ford 1965). Fill in the vehicle's serial number (may be obtained from the registration) • Leave blank. Fill in the date the vehicle is turned into the Veh. Proc. Br. " #3. " #4. " D~ #5. spaces 2 and 3 are left blank. Form 1253-1 Key Tag A. This Form must be PRINTEJ legibly with a bAll point pen. B. Only the back side is to be filled in. Spaced1. " #2. " 113. The owner t s name. The owner's rank. The owner's service number. The owner's CONUS address. Fill in the make of the vehicle. Fill in the year of the ~e. Fill in the vehicle serial number the vehicle registration). Fill in the vehicle engine number Check off appropriate description Fill in color of POV (no codes). Fill in present license number of Fill in USAR~UR. #4. II " " " 11 " " II II ~. #5. #6. /h. #8. #9. #10. 1111. #12. (from registration). of POV. POV. A double "6" inch string must be attached to this card. Windshield Sticker AEZB Label A. (this may be obtained from 801 Philadelphia: This Form must be typed or PRINTE.Ll legibly with a ball point pen. B-4 B. Fill in all blanks (self explanatory) EXCEPT the priority number which will be left blank. B-5 ~ INFORMATION O~ -,p--- PICK UP OF PRIVATELY OWNEJ.) VEHICLE 1. Port of ilischarge: PHILAJELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. 2. Pick up privately owned vehicles at Northern Metal Jompany, located on the Delaware River in Northeast Philadelphia, one mile North of the 'lecony-Palmyra Bridge on State Road, Qne block I~orth of Gottman Avenue. 1 1 \ ( J. Hours of Operation: 0800 to 1700 brs seven days a week, including all holidays. 4. Philadelphia Telephone Number: Mayfair 4-7700, Extension 6 or 7. 5. Personnel shipping vehicles to Philadelphia and traveling by air to McGuire AFB New Jersey are reminded that a complete up to date roster of all vehicles on hand at Northern Hetal Company is maintained at the Information Desk at the Air Passenger Terminal, HcGuire AFB. Personnel may also obtain information there regarding express bus service to the Northern Metal Terminal. F .tv. a .... r 6. You may use your USAREUR plates in all states while en route to your new assignment. Q B B P c f B-6 BUS SCHEJULE The Northern Metal Gompany is a contract representative of the United States Terminal Command Atlantic, who receives and delivers Privately Owned Vehicles shipped on Department of Jefense Travel Authorization TO and FROH Overseas Ports. Ar~ Hours of Operation are 0800 Hours to 1700 Hours, Seven (7) days a week. Prior to pick up of your vehicle, it is IMPORTANT THAT yOU CALL NORTHERN Mll.""'TAL COMPANY, HAYFAIR 4-7700, to .JF:l'ERHINE IF YOUR VEHICLE HAS ARRIVEJ and also to inform us which bus you are taking so that we will have transportation waiting for you at l~ple Shade Transfer Point, also to have your vehicle ready for prompt delivery to you. ~ DIRECT EXPRESS BUS----------------------------------------_________ j1.20 Between Maple Shade Transfer Point and Fort Dix-HcGuire AFB-------- ~ .95 Between Northern 11etal Company and Maple Shade-----------------NO CHARGE Pick up or delivery time is approximately 20 minutes. The Northern Metal Company provides FREE SHUTTLE Service to and from l~ple Shade Transfer Point for connection with Public Service buses to or from Fort ilix-McGuire AFB. B-7 SUBJEC~ MONDAY THRU FRIDAY: TO NORTHERN METAL COMPANY BUS LEAVES McGUIRE AFB 7:39AM 9:48AM EXPRESS BUS 1 : 30PM LEAVES FORT DIX 7:46AM 9:55AM 1:37PM LEAVES NORTHERN METAL COMPANY Station Wagon 9:30AM Express Bus 12:00NOON Express Bus 3:00PM Station Wagon 4:30PM ARRIVES MAPLE SHADE Garage 8:40AM Lenola RD & KINGS Hwy 10: 56AM Exp Bus Direct to N.M. CO 2:30PM ARRIVES MAPLE SHADE ARRIVES McGUIRE AFB Lencia Rd & Kings Hwy lOAM 11:13AM Exp Bus Direct to McGuire 1:00PM Exp Bus Direct to McGuire 4:00PM Asbury Park ExP Bus at 73 & 38 Maple Shade Diner--5:40PM FORT DIX ONLY 6:15PM istere, SATURDAY-NO EXPRESS BUS SERVICE FROM NORTHERN METAL COMPANY: BUS LEAVES McGUIRE AFB 7:44AM 9:48AM 11: 48AM 1:48PM 2:48PM LEAVES NORTHERN METAL COMPANY Station Wagon 9:30AM Station Wagon . 11:30AM Station Wagon 1:30PM Station Wagon 3:30PM POV's 4 rates, ARRIVES MAPLE SHADE Lenola RD & Kings Hwy Lenola RD & Kings Hwy Lenola RD & Kings Hwy Lenola RD & Kings Hwy Lenola RD & Kings Hwy 8: 58AM 10: 58AM 12:58PM 2: 58PM 3:58PM ARRIVES MAPLE SHADE ARRIVES McGUIRE AFB Lenola RD & Kings Hwy 10:11AM 11:23AM Garage 12: 11PM 1: 14PM LenolaRD & Kings Hwy 2:11PM 3:23PM Lenola RD & Kings Hwy 4:11PM 5:23PM Asbury Park Exp Bus at 73 & 38 Maple Shade Diner--5:;oPM FORT DIX ONLY 6:15PM SUNDAY-NO EXPRESS BUS SERVICE FROM NORTHERN BUS LEAVES McGUIRE AFB ARRIVES MAPLE 8:17AM Garage 11:27AM Garage Garage 1:35PM METAL COMPANY: SHADE ARRIVES N.M. COMPANY 9:25AM 9:55AM 12:35PM 1:00PM 2:53PM 3:20PM ARRIVES McGUIRE AFB LEAVES NORTHERN METAL COMPANY ARRIriS MAPLE SHADE Station Wagon 9:15AM Garag 9:40AM 10:45AM Station Wagon 11:30AM Maple Shade Diner 11:55AM 12:59PM Station Wagon 1:15PM Garage 1:40PM 2:45PM Station Wagon 3:30PM Maple Shade Diner 4:00Pm 5:05PM Station Wagon 4:30PM Garage 5:41PM 6: 34PM NORTHERN METAL COMPANY . MILNOR & BLEIGH STREETS PHONE: Philadelphia Area Code 215, MflYfair 4-7700, Extensions 6, 7, 8 B-8 ment p: Volksw MAKE/M Austin GMA, M Healey Merced 19Q3L 200 & 2203 ~ 230 & 250S l 3003, Opel Kadet Kapit Rekor Porse SUBJECT: Shipment of Non-Government Sponsored Automobiles DEPARTMENT of DEFENSE has authorized the shipment of unsponsored POV's owned by Reforger personnel via MSTS at rates equal to the lowest rates available from commercial shipping firms. Unsponsored POV's are: 1. Second cars in a family 2. POV's owned by personnel not authorized POV shipment 3. Foreign-made automobiles not shipped from CONUS at Government expense. To be authorized shipment by MSTS the vehicle must have been reg istered on or before 20 January 1968. The following prices are quoted for your information. To each ship ment price quoted you must add port handling costs. For Beetle-type Volkswagens and smaller: $20.00; for all other types: $22.00. -------- 3 ", Y MAKELMODEL BAYONNE NEW ORLEANS Austin Healey 3000 $122 $115 $140 GMA, Midget $100 $ 85 $130 Healey Sprite $100 $ 85 $130 Mercedes Benz 19Q5L & 230SL 200 & 200D 220S & 220SE 230 & 230S & 230SE 250S & 250SE & 300S & 300SE $160 $205 $215 $205 $135 $160 $160 $160 $205 $245 $245 $245 $215 $170 $255 Opel Kadett, Coupe & Caravan $120 Kapit, Admir ~ Deplomat $215 Rekord $170 $125 $190 $15b $175 $270 $245 Porsche, all models $107 $175 $130 B-11 .... SEATTLE > MAKELMODEL BAYONNE NEW ORLEANS SEATI'LE Sunbeam Alpine $120 $110 $165 Triump TR-4 Spitfire Hearld Hardtop $115 $115 $130 $100 $ 99 $115 $1 45 $145 $160 Volkswagen All Battle models Large Models 1500, 1600 Variant and Karmin Ghia VW Camper & busses $ 94 $ 94 $159 $104 $136 $104 $106 $164 $240 Volvo PV 544 121-122S P1800 P144 $155 $160 $145 $170 $150 $150 $130 $155 $215 $220 $200 $230 Peugot 404 (except station wagon) $170 $145 $210 Renault R4 Dauphin R8 Rl0 R16 $130 $140 $1 45 $160 $120 $120 $120 $120 $170 $185 $185 $200 Citroen 2 Chevaux Ami 6 lB 19, 21, 21F, Rake $150 $155 $200 $125 $125 $165 $190 $180 $275 Fiat 850 Normal 850 Coupe 850 Spider 124 2300S Coupe $100 $125 $100 $145 $170 $ 95 $100 $ 95 $130 $145 $1 2 5 $1 4 5 $125 $185 $210 Simca 1000 1000 Coupe $115 $115 $110 $105 $150 $155 B-12 MAKE/M AlfaR All Gu Spider ' 2600 Ford (I 12M 15M 17M & ; curbin, shippi: 4080-7 MAKELMODEL BAYONNE NEW ORLEANS SEATTLE Alfa Romeo All Guilia Spider 1600 2600 $140 $145 $185 $120 $120 $160 $190 $185 $235 Ford (German) 12M 15M 17M & 20M $160 $160 $180 $140 $140 $195 $195 $235 ______ ~~60 For prices on automobiles call FLAK(2582)797. Personnel are encouraged to use this mode of shipment to assist in curbing the gold flow and because it is less inconvenient for the sponsor. Anyone approached by a commercial firm with an offer of a lower shipping price contact Reforger at 2582-797 from military phones or 4080-797 from civilian phones. B-13 CONUS Lioense Requirements: Arrangements with looal state lioensing bureaus to obtain updated or renewed operator's permits should be made as soon as possible. The USAREUR Operator's Permit (AE Form 206) is not valid in some states and for only short periods of time in other states. Valid lioense plates and driver's lioense from other states are aooeptable in Kansas. Advanoe arrangements should also be made, whenever possible, for issuanoe of rov license prior to individual departing USAREUR. (A guide on the val idity of USAREUR license plates in various states is provided: STATE GRACE PERIOD FOR OB TAINING NEW PLATES RECOGNIZE US FORCES OPERATOR'S LICENSE STJ NE\I NE\I NOr NOr OH] OKI ORE m RHC Sot 4. days No Information None None Date US Forces Reg Expired, or Dec ~, whichever first Yes, ,:J days COLORADO Yes, ,:J days CONNECTICUT Yes, ,:J days DELAWARE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA None Yes, ,:J days FLORIDA GEORGIA 3 days 10 days HAWAII None IDAHO Yes, ,:J days ILLINOIS No information INDIANA End of month in which IOWA Vehicle enters state Yes, 60 days KANSAS None KENl'UCKY Yes, ,:J days LOUISIANA None MAINE Yes, ,:J days MARYLAND MASSACHUSE.TI'S 5 days 90 days MICHIGAN MINNESOTA 7 days :J.) days MISSISSIPPI None MISSOURI None MONTANA 20 days NEBRASKA 10 days NEVADA 7 days NEW HAMPSHIRE 60 days NEW JERSEY B-l4. ALABAMA ALASKA ARIZONA ARKANSAS CALIFORNIA Yes, ,:J days Yes, but apply immediately Yes, but apply immediately Yes, for non-resident mili tary personnel oyer 21 Yes, ,:J days Yes, ,:J days Yes, ,:J days No Yes, ,:J days Under study Yes, 60 days for those over 20', Yes, but apply immediately Yes, ,:J days Yes, but must obtain before end of month Yes, 60 days No Yes, ,:J days Yes Under study Yes, 5 days Yes, 60 days Yes, 90 days Yes, 60 days Yes, but apply immediately Yes, 90 days Yes, ,:J days Yes, 10 days Yes, 7 days Yes, ,:J days Sot TEl TEl UT! VEl VII WA~ WE~ wn WY( lS STATE ,anoe ES Ii: NEW MEXICO NEW YORK NORTH CAROLINA NORTH DAKarA OHIO OKLAHOMA OREGON PENNSYLVANIA RHODE ISLAND SOUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKarA ly ly L1. ver 20'" ly GRACE PERIOD FOR OB TAINING NEW PLATES ;t::J days 3 days ;t::J days ;t::J days 3 days "Reasonable time" None ;t::J days ;t::J days Date US For Reg expires 15 days, residents 60 days, non-residents TENNESSEE TEXAS ;t::J days ;t::J days UTAH None ;t::J days, non-residents None None ;t::J days None "Reasonable time" VERMONT VIRGINIA WASHINGTON WEST VIRGINIA WISCONSIN WYOMING RECOGNIZE US FORCES OPERATOR'S LICENSE Yes, 90 days No Yes, 90 days ,Yes, but apply immediately Yes, 3 days No No No No Yes, valid until expiration date Yes, 15 days, residents 60 days, non-residents Yes, ;t::J days Yes, but only non-residents Yes, but apply immediately No No Under study Yes Yes, but apply immediately Yes, but apply immediately NarE: USAREUR license plates and operator's permits are authorized for transiting all states, however, during temporary delays, the individual is subject to local licensing policies. ore y B-15 ANNEX C TRANSIENT MESSES 1. Dependent transient messes have been established by authority contained in AR 30-41 for the use of families returning to CONUS on Reforger. The messes are located in: Sheridan Kaserne Bldg 134 'dill Kaserne Bldg 1631 McGraw Kaserne Bldg 16 Augsburg area North Munich area South Munich area 2. These messes are operational from five days prior to departure date through breakfast on departure date for the advance parties. Be ginning 27 March 1968 they will operate continuously until the main elements have departed. 3. Special Reforger shuttle bus service has been established and will deliver personnel to these messes and return them to their quarters. Bus schedules that include stops are attached as an inclosure to this annex. These bus stops are the current school bus stops. MEAL SCHEDULE Breakfast Dinner Supper 0700-0900 1100-1300 1700-1830 Prices Adults 15i 45~ 30¢ 25¢ 60i i I I ~ I Children 27~ 4. Sponsors desiring this mess support are required to submit a form 2496-1 to the mess concerned. These forms must be obtained from the 24th S&T Battalion by the UNIT COr~urnDER. 5. A transient mess has been established at Fort Riley for arriving personnel at building 1310, Funston. Hours of operation will be covered at the in briefing at Fort Riley. APPENDICES: Mess Prices 2. Bus Schedules (Augsburg) 3. Bus Schedules (South Munich) 4. Bus Schedules (North Munich) 1. BUS SCHEDULE -- PERLACBBR FORS'!' TO FIELD MESS. MCGRA.W KA.S breakfast de¥arture times Bldg 336 06300 00 0130 0800 0631 0101 0131 0801 Bldg 333 Bldg 361 0632 0102 0132 0802 Bldg 365 063i 010i 013i OBOi Bldg 36 063 010 013 080 Bldg 41A 0635 0105 0135 0805 Bldg 424 0636 0106 0136 0806 Bldg 4f9 063~ 010~ 013~ O~ Bldg .If. 3 063 010 073 0 BldS 3B3 0639 0709 01i6 0809 0640 0710 01· OBIO Bldg 321 Bldg 324 0641 0111 0141 OBll 0642 0712 0742 OB12 Bldg 309 Bl dS 306 064i 071i 074i OBli OBl 064 Bldg 301 071 014 A.RR MlSSHALL0658 0122 0152 oB22 Bldg Bldg Bldg Bldg Bldg Bldg Bldg Bldg Bldg Bldg Bldg Bldg Bldg Bldg Bldg 336 333 361 365 ~6A 1 424 4i9 4 3 3B3 321 324 309 306 301 supper lunch times 1130 1200 1131 1201 1132 1202 113i 1203 1204 113 1135 1205 1136 1206 113~ 120 120A 113 lli6 1209 11 1210 1141 1211 1142 1212 114i 1213 114 1214 1152 1222 de~arture 1030100 1031 1101 1032 1102 1033 1103 1034 1104 1035 1105 1036 1106 103~ 103 lOi6 LO 1041 1042 1043 l044 1052 110~ 110 1109 1110 1111 1112 111i 111 1122 1630100 1631 1101 1632 1102 163 110i 163 170 1635 1105 1636 1106 163~ 17° 163 110A 16 1109 16 . 1110 1641 1111 1642 1712 164i 111i 164 171 1652 1722 1 16 plJU,ACHlm FORST lNBNINO BUS SCHEDULE arrival times d~arture times 193000 2100 2200 HCO CLUB 1948 201B 211B 1931 2001 2101 2201 1932 2002 2102 2202 OFFICERS CLUB 1950 2020 2120 193i 200~ 210~ 220i 220 210 BCMLINO ALLEY 1952 2022 2122 200 193 1935 2005 2105 2205 FAM THEA'l'ER 1956 2026 2126 1936 2006 2106 2206 193~ 200~ 21gA 220~ 21 220 200 193 19~ 1009 2109 2209 2010 2110 2210 19 1941 2011 2111 2211 1942 2012 2112 2212 1943 201i 211i 221i 221 211 1944 201 BUS SCHEDULE---WARNER HOUSING AREA TO FI~LD MESS, DIV ARTY tilHs 1130 1800 1131 1801 1132 IB02 113i IBOi 113 IBo 1135 IB05 1136 IB06 173 IB03 113A 180 1739 IB09 1140 IBI0 1141 IBll 1742 IB12 17 4i IBli 174 IBl 1752 IB22 de~arture 221B 2220 2222 2226 BUS SCHEDULE---WARNER HOUSING AREA TO FIELD MESS, DIV ARTY Breakfast Bldg. Bldg. Bldg. Bldg. Bldg. Bldg. Bldg. Bldg. Bldg. 1739 Dep. 0630 1799 Dep. 0632 17Tr Dep. 0634 1 Tr8 Dap. 0636 1157 Dep. 0638 1759 D~p. 0640 1760 Dep. 0642 1761 Dep. 0644 1749 Dep. 0646 MESS HALL Arr. 0653 Lunch Dep. Dep. Dep. Dep. Dep. Dep. Dep. Dep. Dep. Arr. Arr. Arr. Arr. 1030 1032 1034 1036 1038 1040 1042 1044 1046 0723 0753 0823 1053 1123 1153 1223 1930 1932 1934 1936 1938 1940 1942 1944 1946 1950 1952 1954 1956 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2020 2022 2024 2026 2100 2102 2104 2106 2108 2110 2112 2114 2116 2120 2122 2124 2126 2200 2202 2204 2206 2208 2210 2212 2214 2216 2220 2222 2226 1100 1102 1104 1106 1108 1110 1112 1114 1116 1200 1202 1204 1206 1208 1210 1212 1214 1216 0700 0730 0800 0702 0732 0802 0704 0'[34 0804 0706 0736 0806 0708 0738 0808 0710 0740 0810 0712 0742 0812 0714 0744 0814 0716 0746 0816 EVENING BUS SCHEDULE Bldg. 1739 Bldg. 1799 Bldg. 1777 Bldg. 1778 Bldg. 1757 Bldg. 1759 Bldg. 1760 Bldg. 1761 Bldg. 1749 Warner Kas. NCO Club Theatre Officers Club Supper 1130 1132 1134 1136 1138 1140 1142 1144 1146 1r(00 1730 1702 1732 1704 1734 1706 1736 1708 1738 1710 1740 17121742 16~k 1714 1744 1646 1716 1746 1630 1632 1634 1636 1638 1640 1642 1800 1802 1804 1806 1808 1810 1812 1814 1816 1653 1723 1753 1823 ANNEX D QUARI'ERS CLEARANCE 1. This annex establishes the standards and clearance procedures from Government Quarters for those personnel assigned to units deploying to CONUS. 2. Policy: Families are permitted to remain in quarters presently occupied until departure date to the departure airfield (Munich). This policy should facilitate an orderly movement and minimize individual hardships. 3. Responsibilities: This policy and the procedures that follow will succeed if attention is given at all levels of command and individual sponsors respond to the requirements. Acts of irresponsibility by a few can jeopardize the entire program and possibly require cancellation. 4. General: A. Based on present schedules, normally household goods will Those families who own their furniture and require items l'.fhen household goods are picked up must contact the FamUy Housing Office at least 3 days prior to packing date. Families should retain sufficient kitchen/dining room items (pots, pans, dishes, cups, etc.) to carryon normal household functions until hold baggage is packed. be packed 90 to 60 days prior to departure date. B. Hold baggage will be packed 15 to 5 days prior to departure date. C. Household Kit: (1) A household kit composed of sheets, blankets, pillows, pillowcases, silverware, cooldng utensils, dishes and/or trays, will be issued to each family on a temporary hand 'receipt. Delivery of household kits will be accomplished from 15 to 5 days prior to departure and coincide generally, with hold baggage packing. This kit will be accounted for and displayed on day of departure. (2) Those items that are now in quarters which duplicate items included in the household kit will be picked up at the time the kit is delivered. These items are in short supply and are required to make up additional REFORGR'1 household kits. Hand receipts will be adjusted to reflect this turn-in. D-l ..... p d. The activities listed at Appendix 1 may be contacted for assistance concerning individual problems arising from termination of quarters. The activities are manned from 0800-1700 hours, Monday through Friday, and 0800-1200 hours, Saturday. If activity representatives cannot be contacted during duty hours, the Duty Officer may be called for information. ative wj to indic 5. Quarters Inspection: a. A formal quarters inspection and inventory will be accom plished approximately 5 days prior to your departure from government quarters. You will be notified in advance of the date and time for this inspection. If there are no discrepancies on the initial quarters inspection, the occupant will receive his termination of quarters orders, when pro cessing through Central Clearance. b. Upon completion of quarters inspection and inventory, sponsors must designate one of the following methods to pay for any lost, damaged or destroyed property~ (1) Cash collection (payable at final administrative clearance prior to departure). (2) Statement of charges (to be deducted from individuals pay at a later period). (3) Report of Survey (only in case damage or loss is not due to fault or neglect of sponsor). c. A final administrative clearance, to include preparation of documents for charges, if any, will be made 2 to 4 days prior to departure. You will be informed of the date and time to report to the clearance clerk (Room 27, Building 4, Reese Kaserne, Augsburgj Room 227, Building 2, McGraw Kaserne, Munich). Termination of quarters order will be issued at this time but will not be effective until date of departure. Sep~'ate instructions for Central Clearance procedures are being published. 6. Departure: On the day you depart from your government quarters, the following check-out will be accomplished: a. A rapid inspection of the quarters will be accomplished to insure that a standard established in Appendix 2 has been maintained. In the event the quarters cannot be cleared, your shipping date may be changed to a later date and your unit Commander will be advised that additional clearing is required to correct specific deficiencies. b. Household kit will be inventoried. Items in kit, with the exception Qf linens, pillows and blankets, must be clean and displayed on counter top in the kitchen. Linens, pillows and blankets will be uni formly folded and displayed on the dining room table. (Inventory will be accomplished prior to arrival of your transportation). D-2 Appendix J Appendix ~ Appendix' Appendix i c. Upon arrival of transportation, a Family Housing represent ative will collect the keys to the apartment from you. Keys must be tagged to indicate building and apartment number. 10n. d. List of available cleaning teams---Appendix 4. )n, s ce Appendix Appendix Appendix AppendIx l-List of Activities 2-Check list for Quarters Clearance ;-Instructions for Cleaning Ranges 4-Cleanlng Teams D-; ACTIVITY AUGSBURG Phone Bldg/Kaserne Duty Off-Duty MUNICH Bldg/Kaserne Phone Duty Off-Duty Amerioan Red Cross 3 Reese 8378 7659 368471 2 McGraw 8440 8013 Army Emergenoy Relief 3 Reese 8539 368175 2 MoGraw 8860 8013 ~ Baohelor Quarters 4 Reese 367565 2 MoGraw 8044 ~ 8394 8013 Community Servioes 3 Reese 8395 368506 2 MoGraw 8860 8013 >c! ~ Family Housing 4 Reese 368490 2 MoGraw 3 Reese 368175 2 MoGraw 8135 8170 8258 632800 Passports/Visas 8380 8591 8539 Transportation 3 Reese 403330 2 MoGraw 4 Reese 7 MoGraw 8580 7161 8013 631079 Staff Duty Offioer 8450 8387 8303 H c+ 0 I ~ APPENDIX 1 to ANNEX D 8013 APPENDIX 2 to ANNEX D CHECK LIST FOR QUARTERS CLEARANCE 1. Walls: a. All walls will have spots, grease, crayon or pencil marks, stains, hand prints or similar marks removed. b. Kitchen and bathroom walls will be thoroughly cleaned. c. Remove cobwebs from the walls and ceilings of all assigned areas, including basement and garage. d. Do not remove nails, picture hangers, tacks or staples from walls and woodwork. 2. Floors: a. Thoroughly clean all wooden floors, including areas under rugs. Dirty or encrusted wax will be removed and a light new coat of wax will be applied. Remove dust from corners. The use of water on wooden floors, except that in a slightly damp mop, is prohibited since excessive water will cause damage for which the occupant can be held responsible. b. Stairs, tile and cement floors will be cleaned but not c. Thoroughly clean asphalt tile floors in Temporary Quarters. waxed. 3. Woodwork: a. Woodwork includes all painted wood surfaces. It is re commended that woodwork be cleaned with a mild soap and water solution. Abrasive type soap and cleaners such as Comet, Ajax, Brillo Pads and Spic and Span should not be used since they may remove luster from painted surfaces. b. Clean all woodwork to include baseboards, door frames, kitchen cabinets, drawers, shelves, closets, wardrobes and interior wood portions of window frames. c. The exterior wooden portion of frames will be cleaned on those windows which open inward. (One exception is the window located beyond reach in stairwells of single and duplex houses) • .. ... API Appendix 2 to Annex D 4. Windows: a. of Wash and clean interior of all glass panes and windows. anc fi) b. Window screens will not be removed but will be cleaned by brushing with a dry brush from the inside 5. Household Furnishings: a. Clean rugs, rug pads and upholstered material with a vacuum cleaner and/or brush. b. 001 be Clean mirrors. doc fOI c. Clean metal and wood furniture. Wood furniture will be lightly polished. (If a strong polish such as Old English is used, furniture must be thoroughly dried to prevent damage to clothing). d. Curtains and draperies to inelude valances will be brushed free of dust and lint and left hanging. e. Arrange furniture appropriately by room, (i.e. all dining room chairs in dining room; end tables, coffee tables in living-room; and nightstands in bedroom). All floor and table lamps will be placed in living room, disconnected on date of departure. f. Fully extend dining room and drop-leaf tables. g. All blankets, sheets mattress pads, pillow cases will be folded uniformly and stacked neatly on one bed in the master bedroom. h. et pr th Clean and dust bedsprings and frames. be 6. Household Fixtures: a. Wall or ceiling mounted lights must have serviceable bulbs in all sockets. Quarters inspectors will annotate serviceable, unser viceable, or missing bulbs on their inspection. Bulbs will be replaced by Family Housing prior to reassignment of quarters. b. gl, Remove and wash globes or glass shades on hanging fixtures. DO NOT ATTEMPT TO WASH GLOBES OR GLASS SHADES WITHOUT FIRST REMOVING THEM FROM THE FIXTURES. D-2-2 : Appendix 2 to Annex D c. Remove stains, heavy calcium deposits (except under lip of commode), scum and dirt from bath tubs, wash basins, commodes, sinks and plumbing fixtures. Remove trash from drains, clean and dry chrome fixtures. d. Dust and clean radiators. 7. Kitchen Appliances and Wares: a. Refrigerator. Defrost and disconnect refrigerators, recommend at least 3 hours before final departure. Food and freezing compartments will be dry. Food storage racks and vegetable trays will be left on the bottom storage rack. Rubber moulding around refrigerator doors should be lifted gently and spread carefully to clean particles of food out from under and between the ridges on the moulding around the doors. b. Stoves. Special instructions are attached at Appendix 3. c. Wares. Thoroughly clean cooking utensils, silverware, glassware and china and arrange on the kitchen counter or table. 8. Miscellaneous: etc. a. Basement window walls will be cleaned of all dirt, leaves, Dust will be removed from pipes in assigned basement rooms. b. Remove trash from all rooms and place in trash receptacles provided outside of quarters. c. Do not use acid on porcelain. Acids will deteriorate the surface by pitting and removing the porcelain. d. All drawers, kitchen cabinet doors and closet doors will be open on day of inspection and day of departure. e. KIT ITEMS WILL BE DISPLAYED ONLY ON DEPARTURE DAY. D-2-3 APPENDIX 3 to AN1~ D INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLEANING RANGES 1. Purpose: To insure a high maintenance standard of all kitchen ranges, the following detailed procedure for the proper cleaning of ran~es that are in government quarters is recommended: It 2. GENERAL: Soak all removable parts for approximately hours in a strong vinegar solution. If commercial cleaners such as "Easy Off" or "Brillo Pads" are used they must be used sparingly and with care. Avoid scratohing or chipping the e~amal surface or damage to the finish of the framing grate on the top of the rangel. Do not dis connect range from wall for the purpose of cleaning Underneath or behind. Specific cleaning is broken down by type or range by area in paragraph 3, below. 3. SPECIFIC CLEANING BY PART: A. Top of Range. Electric Range: Clean all of top of the range that is accessible. Remove reflector trays; clean and replace. Lift top (US models) and clean exp,ose'd area (remove all dust, dirt, grease, food). Sides of range. Clean enamel with warm soapy water. Remove heat control dials and thoroughly clean; replace. Storage Drawer. Clean and replace. assembly. (1) Lift off framing grate which contains flame diverter If framing grate is affixed with screws, do not remove. (2) Using a screwdriver, remove the 8 screws (2 per bracket) and 4 bracKets that hold the 4 pilotlight flame-divarter tubes in place. (3) Clean framing grate. (4) Clean screws, brackets, and flame diverter tubes, then replace them in framing grate. (5) Remove burner deflector, clean and polish. (6) Remove gas burners from sockets (lift up and towards control knobs). DO NOT use commercial cleaners such as "Easy Off" on the inside of the sockets or in the gas Jets. (7) Clean all of the top of range that is accessible. (8) Clean around pilot-light, DO NOT use commercial cleaners such as "Easy Off" on head of pilot-light assemblies or attempt to remove assemblies. (If faulty notify the Post Engineer). (9) Clean overflow tray and replace. Appendix 3 to Annex D (cont) b. (10) Replace burner into sockets. (11) Replace burner deflectors into burners. Oven and Broiler. Electric Range. (1) Remove metal racks and broiler tray and clean. (2) Clean the sides, rear, and bottom panels inside oven. (3) Clean oven door, broiler door, and hinge recesses (do not remove doors). (4) Clean broiler pan sliding section. (5) Replace metal racks and broiler tray. (6) DO NOT use commercia:l cleaners such as "Easy Off" to clean heating element. GAS RANGE (1) Remove metal dividers or racks, broiler tray and clean. Clean rear inside of oven, DO NOT use commercial cleaners such as "Easy Off" to clean oven burners. (2) Remove bottom plate (lift up and slide out) and clean. (;) Remove side oven plates (lift up and out), clean and replace. (4) Replace bottom oven plate. (5) Clean broiler pan section. (6) Replace metal racks and broiler tray. (7) Clean door and hinge recesses. 4. DOls and DON'Ts. (1) a. DO's When finished turn off pilot light and gas. (2) When repairs are needed, turn off main shut-off valve and call Engineers. (3) In cleaning removable parts., place in undiluted vinegar solution for 45 minutes, then use brush or use steel wool type pads as necessary. D-3-2 cl tl Appendix 3 to Annex D (cont) (4) Wipe all parts (5) b. dry. Remove all burned on grease food particles and stains. DON'Ts. (1) Don't disconnect range from wall outlet. (2) Don't remove hinges, doors and handles. (3) Don't use commercial cleaners such as "Easy Off" to. clean pilot light or oven burners. (4) Don't remove (except) for the tubes) any screws on range. (5) 8 screws on flame diverters Don't use knives or harsh abrasives. (6) Don't remove flame control and pilot control valves. (7) Don't attempt to clean or ream out pilot light Jets. (8) LAST - don't attempt repair, call your Engineer Representative. D-3-3 ! I ~ APPENDIX 4 to ANNEX D QUARTERS CLEARANCE CLEANING TEAMS Following is a list provided by South Bavaria District Community Services Center of cleaning teams that are available in the Augsburg area. Similar information for the Munich area will be published as soon as obtained. NAME PHONE NAME PHONE Marie Kai tinger Leila Owen Rita Spencer Mrs. Coleman Mrs. Graham Mrs. Ferdinand Hedwig Herr (f~~ Ac407633 Ac360686 Ac360807 Ac369940 Ac367714 AC301140 AC497574 Mrs. Frank Rodgers Mrs. Kelbay Mrs. Lehner Mrs. Burnham Mrs. Singer Mrs. Uebel Brigette Gallant AC567361 AC402417 AC376639 Ac360616 Ac401524 AC 40 3248 Ac360274 Janett Zielinsky Mrs. Gerhardt Mrs. Hager Ingeberg Roberts Ursula LaGrand AC53719 Ac367292 Ac369510 Ac402379 Ac402375 Helga Swconk Irene Bias Eva Morgan Linda Plllerin Mrs. Clayton Ac360387 Ac366009 Ac402374 Ac407751 Ac402380 , , ANNEX E SHIPMENT OF PETS 1. Shipment of pets by air is not authorized at government expense. Shipment by commercial air must be arranged by the owner. 2. Shipment services for pets are offered by the following airlines: A. Pan American World Airways- Tel: B. Trans World Airlines- Frankfurt Civ C. Sabena Airlines- D. Seaboard World Airways- Tel: Tel: Mun Civ 472075 250031 Mun Civ 470075 Tel: Mun Clv 472081 & 82 Military personnel stationed in Munich may dial direct. Military personnel stationed outside Munich should use prefix 0811 for Munich and 0611 for Frankfurt. These are civilian prefixes. 3. Things you'll need to know: A. Orders: All shipments require two (2) copies of PeS orders. B. Crate: Crate service is offered by airlines for personnel not having their own. Prices range from $6.50 to $16.50~ depending on size of crate required to ship pet. Owner will provide feeding bowls. C. Price: The average cost per pound is $1.37 (air cargo). The weight of dog plus crate equals cost for shipment. The food is not included in the weight for shipment. D. Documents: (1) Vaccination Certificate. All animals requiring rabies shots must be innoculated not more than six months or less than thirty days prior to date of departure, and so notated on certificate. (2) Health Certificate. Pets must be examined by veternarian or autqprized representative not more than ten days prior to departure. Shipper must have certificate in order to ship pet. (3) Affidavit and Waiver of Responsibility. Completed by shippers agents and pet owner at time of application for shipment. ANNEX F DEPARTURE AIRFIELD PROCEDURES & FACILITIES 1. Upon the arrival of the passenger buses at the Depar~ure Airfield (Munich Riem Airport), they will be met by a representative of the 24th Infantry Division. Dependents will be debarked first'and escorted to the seating area in the terminal. Sponsors will assist dependents as required and return to the bus. A member of the PSD processing team will then dis tribute a processing check sheet to each sponsor and unaccompanied passenger. After fil,ing out the processing check sheet as instructed, sponsors and unaccompanied personnel will be debarked and proceed through the pro cessing line. Sponsors with dependents must keep in their possession all items listed.below- (Asterisk (*) indicates those items unaccompanied personnel must have in their possession.): *A. Installation Clearance Record (DA 137) 3 coples B. Passport for dependents C. Visa for Alien Dependents and Immigration Packet *D. ID Card *E. ID Tags with chain *F. Shot Record- Sponsor must have dependents shot record *G. Three (3) copies of orders 2. The last station in the processing line will check personnel against the aircraft manifest and issue MAC Boarding Passes. One board ing pass will be issued for each individual boarding the aircraft. Once processing is completed, personnel will proceed to the seating area. Fifteen (15) minutes prior to Boarding Call, an announcement will be made so that passengers will be prepared to leave the terminal when the aircraft is ready for boarding. When the Boarding Call is made, passen gers will assemble at the departure door where they will be checked through by the number on their MAC Boarding Pass. All passengers will board an airport bus at the departure door and be taken to the aircraft. To facilitate processing passengers must have their MAC Boarding Pass in their hand when checking out of the terminal to board the bus going to the aircraft. Sponsors should hold boarding passes of their small children and insure that their dependents numbers are checked. - - - - - - - - - - -......... 7- r PASSENGERS SHOULD NOT ENTER THE MAIN TERMINAL FOR ANY REASON! ! 3. The following facilities will be available at the Departure Airfield: A. PX Truck- At entrance of Departure Terminal B. Snack TruckC. Nursery- At entrance to Departure Terminal With cribs and play pens D. Special Services Table- With games, cards and reading material E. Medical Aid Station and American Red Cross F. Finance Booth- Deutsch Mark Exchange (Paper only) G. Airport Restaurant- An area is set aside for REFORGEh pas sengers. The restaurant will aooept either DM's or Dollars in payment H. infc and of t for nigh Refo Base 3 is Stars & Stripes News Stand I. Latrine Facilities are available in the Departure Terminal. (Pfennigs are not required for utilization of toilet facilities) bell'lj port~ assil they theil forw~ indi, Appe Appe Appe i: ANNEX G ARRIVAL AIRFIELD FACILITIES AND PROCEDURES ON ARRIVAL IN CONUS 1. McGUIRE: Attached as Appendix 1 and 2 are sheets containing information on facilities at McGuire and information on hotels, motels, and government billets. The Division Liaison Officer, LTC DOIRON has advanced notification of the arrival of all personnel at McGuire. He makes prior arrangements for POV pickup at Philadelphia and can advise personnel remaining over night of quarters and transportation. LTC DOIRON will meet all arriving Reforger aircraft. 2. FORBES: Personnel and hold baggage shipped to Forbes Air Force Base near Fort Riley are met by Division personnel. Attached at Appendix 3 is schedule of events at Forbes AFB. Transportation will be furnished directly to quarters for those families being assigned quarters on post. Unaccompanied personnel will be trans ported to their billets after in-processing. Sponsors and dependents not assigned quarters on post will be delivered to temporary on-post billets or they may choose to use commercial facilities. Sponsors will be advised of their options by the in-briefing team. An advance roster of personnel going direct to Fort Riley has been forwarded to the processing team at that station and pr~paratjons for individuals and families by name and age of children have been made. Appendix 1Appendix 2Appendix 3- Facilities at McGuire Air Force Base Sequence of events at McGuire Sequence of events at Forbes Air Force Base INFORMATION ON McGUIRE ARRIVAL 1. ARRIVAL: From the time of plane touchdown it will take approximately 30 minutes for immigration to clear the plane for debarkation and arrival in the terminal. After arrival in the terminal it will take about one hour to be oriented, processed and cleared through customs. In about l~ hours from touchdown you should be free to be on your way. TERMINAL FACILITIES: A. There are ticket agenCies for airlines, rail, bus and limousines and you can purchase tickets to any destination. B. FREE Nursery is available during processing. (Limit 2 hours). C. Red Cap Por~er service (PX operated) is available at 20~ per bag not to exceed $1.00 per family for in excess of 5 bags. Make sure you know where you are going before the Red Cap puts the bags down. A pick up again will cost an addtional fee. D. 24 hour operational Base Exchange (has baby food) and cafeteria. E. Telephones and coin operated luggage storage cabinets. F. Lounge with TV. (? 3. TRANSPORI'ATION A. BUS: Counter in terminal. Direct commercial bus service to Northern~tal for POV pickup at 0739, 0948, and 1330 at $1.20 per person. Additional buses put on as needed for arriving flights. Government buses utilized when necessary. Commercial buses leave direct from the Air Terminal for Baltimore, Itlashington, NYC, Newark airport and Philadelphia. Bus to Trenton Railroad station 70¢. B. AIRLINE and RAIL ticket agents in terminal for all points. C. LIMOUSINES a;aIlable at $3.00 for City of Philadelphia airport; $3.50 for Philadelphia airport; $3.00 for Northern Metal; $5.00 for Bayonne carport; $7.50 for NYC, JFK airport and LaGuardia airport. Children under 2 in arms free, age 2 to 7 yrs - t fare.· . D. TAXI on base 50¢ for 2 persons, additional passenger 25¢. footlocker 50¢, other baggage free. Children under 6 free. Closest off base Motel $1.00 E. Bus to Northern Metal - l~ hr down. ~ hr processing, l~ back Total 3 hours. 4. BILLETS: A. OVERSEAS FAJllILY HOTEL - McGuire. Capacity 629 - officers and EM families. Bedrooms with varying number of beds - latrines down the hall. Adults $2.00, children under 12 $1.00. McGuire outgoing passengers have priority over incoming. Red Cap service here 25¢ per bag, limit of $1.25 per family with over 5 bags. Has Exchange, Cafeteria, Lounge and Nursery at 40¢ prhr, 20¢ per hr each additional child. B. VOQ/BOQ - rooms for couples, no children under 12. Capacity 232 Cost $2.00 per person. Bath between each two rooms. C. TRANSmIT' ENLISTED: Capacity 219. Bachelor only. D. MOTELS: (1) Singles $5 to $12 TAXIs: $1 to $3 to Motels depending (2) Doubles $8 to $14 'Ori""distance. Base taxi to Motel (3) Triples $11 to $15 cheaper than local taxi to return (4) 2.Doubles (4) $12 to $16 to Base. Cheaper Motels further out. (5) Rollaways $1 to $2 Taxi rate is per load. not per person. (6) Cribs $1 Backup E. FORT DIX BACKUP BIlLETING: Has 32 Guest House facilities. of 200 billets to be available in out of cycle Basic Training Company Billets. Appendix 1 to ANNEX G REFORGER 1. MATCO personnel will meet all flights with Reforgerpersonnel aboard and provide accurate POV information. 2. Daily Courier Service between MATCO, McGuire and Philadelphia Outport has been established. 3. Military Bus Transportation to be provided by Fort Dix in the event Commercial Transportation cannot meet workload. 4. Additional Bus Transportation to be provided by loca~ transit companies at cost of $1.20 per person. Limousine service available at cost of $3.00 per person. 5. McGuire AFB and/or Fort Dix will provide on-post transportation from the Air Passenger Terminal to the Overseas Passenger Facility, VOQ, and Fort Dix back-up billeting. 6. Billeting at McGuire has total capacity of 629. to have priority. Reforger personnel 7. Back-up billeting at Fort Dix to have capacity of 200 or more. 8. Billeting personnel will meet each flight and issue room assigrunents in the Passenger Terminal. 9. LTC DOIRON, 24th Inf Division, has established CP in MATeO office for 6 month period. ~O. USAREUR has been requested to provide MATCO the names of Reforger personnel by flight, 24 hours prior to their arrival at McGuire. 11. r·'lATCO to provide escort services to all VIP personnel. Appendix 2 to ANNEX G ... ~p. ~ j ii J 1 II ~I 1 J tJlli.lllj 11M 11III I ~111M INFORMATION ON HOTELS a MOTELS 1!fllilliflIIIIIIIIJII11;lllJltll '1'" • • • I •• I ~c .0 A • _ O.H~ ~ IN THE VICINITY OF MC GUIRE AIR FORCE BASE N.J. FOR INFORMATION ONLY SUBJEC T TO CHANGE NOT GOVERMENT SPONSORED TJU.S llIfOR.KlTlt:W.L P1~ LI:Jt:; ..n~ 0'1 THl:: lm~ Am) HOTELJ 3HlClt T;uNaIiiltl PQ..3QtNLJ.. l~l' CllUl,;t, TO UTIl.IZG SlD1LI) Of'F-8I\.:£ HCJUSOO m: ti..liQ:litnI:O OO.:'llIJ lOUl\ J';U AT taiUlrti AlIi I"!IiCi lio\...M::., N~ Ji:ltJt.l. rtlfio~tI~td:aJnzr}r:cTV1.\_.!:.:~t~~~j·o~~li)~~·~~\~~.h!!7t~bu.. RADS "iA,RT DiPDIntJIll Uf'QI THE .lIi'J.JCfl, ;:;IZE OF fA!.:lLI Arm 'TIP::' .jf ACCOt-;u,JATICffJ n~IHJ.:l,l (.-i5.00 To $18.00 t.IlILl); AND, IN THE i".1QnlTY 0' C;'di;U, JP~I1.L ::Il.ITAfiI ai Pi\;;ILY r"'T:.:J ,'II<.... A'.~llJdlJ..:; utur; ;~";~li:....Jr. ;tLi·:r FWliT :_;;..,..,-AUIIANT J:Ql'I!J.., ti.;;. IiW;y lJO (1.2 Hi ~ of) DorciMt.cnm • • • • • M (.1) oe H&p~ 'lU:1 406.00 i;r.;hOli.: !i!98OO1)j57. tiito: 25 unit. wit-n tNii T '. c:~'t.¥ Idt.cbtft. )/4 iI1,lt t,.. I'nte\loNftt, 1d.t.c.bl:Det.t..., air cooler. 11 ndl.. trom t&u~ Fat TH:tS m.m, ~ :I1'fUlIGLt r~ filAT COST at .lCCCIODltlTIam. ra: ClLL TtL; ;·V't2 ~ HOtt!. 'Ji !w,,- t.:HuICi:.: TO WTALlLI..at TIL:. mAIn f'(:RCE A.Ull;A.C IN Il) ",;n ~ THE :mLiJ.,.j AUU HC'l"..:L;i LI:..".;:!.) IilJ'J::J1,I. ~ LJ..:,T:mc:; AJj,; FOfi TOOIt AS$IS't\~ CIfLI. ADDITlcat LIJTllIS., Q\ L'a\rJ;.\flct~ .li :--;,ClU'TLi.i !.hi !.1I'Hlt1t ,\R.Ji\...i liU D6 ,OUNlJ nl Til! 'D:tUU P.\CE.:3 OF TKt n:u:PHCIiE illi-:.Il'/;:tmISd. CCtlSlJLT r~ c.tm'~ LOCi,T"..ll III 'flit; ':'':pJm~L ...oo.EY. _ =. u.s• .,. 130. 80_ _.... 13 .uN t,.. biN. Tad $'.00 To1o_. 298-m7. tl"M ftin.••l'oa.!~ oott'H, tOW" .. Hap. .u.s Mo,. u.s . .,. 130 (3 iii • or) IItIrl.\natOll HJ• • • • • _ (A) ... Tad 1'6.00 T~' 32 w:1S:t.e wi\!! trw TV, ~ pool, ~, cott.. abop, Idt.c-..ttu, W ccm.. mot ~ eOLalIAt wnsm: ni.....~, u.u.. t,.. ..... . st. e.......... IIJ. . . . . . . . (e) ... Ifop. T&:II1 il.2.5 T _ , ~t oott.. ..,. d:r cond.1t.1on.1nc, 1/2 .u... tr. ..... lNIIlmIlt. _ &Ot 12 W\i WiG tt, 7~1I.iI644. IJIIl-lI.!. JCmI:I.. ,. mOl Db; D iii... lAth II1I'SL IIIICIIII:I8 _ A.... COURT. ,. Db; oort_..,. w St. ~, l!.I . . . . . . . . (K) ... Ifop. ~ il.OO T~' ocmd1t.1.c1r.Ma, ~I. ~ 7~. 1/2 ~ bola ..... 801'<l_l!.I. . . . . . . . (E) OIl ,,"po Tad "".00 fi1ili&liii: tIiL4ti56. Into: "unite n\!! f'roM TV, IIWi8t.As pool, rut.aunnt, cott.. aDop, &1r cond.1UoN.n.&, laoaW 1II1t. "I, N.J,~. 10 Jdl.M troa bu•• ~"!fu ~~ ~~: =:",~~.o4J;.;..t": ~...:":t~..;~..;~.:-=. from _ . 1O.u.. '''p. PI£I!EJIIC! la'!:!.. U.S • .,. 130. _ •• NJ . . . . . . . . CJ) ... Tad #>.00 T.lAIpbooo: 499-1672. QCI 16 Wilt. with tr.e tt, IIWiIIm1nI pool, 1/a block rna ..\1n& tuillt.;r, 1'I.1l.lr~ k1t.ebelDlttt..e. W 0CIId1t.1on1na. ~'. pla;r.,.., 14 .u. t,.. bilH4 "",,,)4. /'PAllI'I!!!2I1'S. 'Z/ If. st... st. T _ . HJ• • • • •300 (D) on llap. T&:II1 <0.00. To1.-, hOi ~ ... to ~ w1tM. TV, 4 400rt r,.. -UDa tu1llU. 1 bloU t:rca cott.. kI."-too, _ _ Oiz .-101OiWla. 16 .u.. r- _. ~lII' WOol Db abop. au JIIlIlEII 1IOm.. ~ Rd. """""....... lIJ• • • • •Joe CE) OIl H.p. aOt !d UD1.ta w1t.l& tr.e color TV, ~ pool, 1 BloU t,.. .tnooe to ....f. :';'.00. a.:l.&hto. _ _·S _ 72.l-764l. at. -t.1.na t&oillty, trw cott.., loc&t«l IIoll¥ .... lit. 1Ioll¥. OJ• • • • ,;,\00 It) OIl l;op. T&:II1 $'.00 lIiD1M 1d.t.l& f'roM TV, IIWiIIm1nI pool, ~. COf't.. IMp, a1r CODd1.t.loai.Dfj, t,.. baM. I".J. ~t 1.2 ...m.S!mal !..OOOE. 3qlMo litO: i UlitG. j Telo_, n II1lte _!!4, tr. baH~ .u... J........ NJ • • • • • Boo CGl ",lIr.p. ~ .1.50 Tolo_, ~1. tu1Uu, ;QS8lImCII !DlSt Dl!L. H1,rlI ......r st. Nt ..t.J:lf4. 'lolo_, ntrt.acra_, 72;),,7527. IXPERIAL }mEL. &: P..EJTAUf..urr. u.s. Ittq' ilO6, EIol"'Chlnt.aMD, NJ• • • • • 3M: (F) on HIP. Ta:c1 .;..1..00 t.:l.ttpbM.: tifOI D UillU 1d.t.h rr.. TV, ~ pool, ~. ~t.. shop, 1I:1t.Q.~Ua, &S.:r conl.u. bea Uit. "I U.J. 'fufonp1k" 9 IlI1lM boa . . . . JJL)S4~ 41t.1oN.n.&. loaaW iJ::OOmE OOI..,l.06Y:m::::r.., CoolUJt.cnm...;rit',htllt.cMotl ;-:4~ :;~, NJ • • • • •oJ" (II) onA,';f.p. 1'a.x1 ".1.50 t.l.Pf\&if: 7ttJjtb~ !nto~ ~O an.1ts with tne 'l'V. P'1.":III:d.nI pool, reataurant. cottee !IMp. k1teb/illt'ilttt(»J, &1r eopd.1tlo.una. 1ocat.-! 1A &iloPJd..nfI t!wrtel' aero., tram bue entt"MCo. 1Ioll¥. NJ. '. . . . . . . CI) . . r.. -t.Ulr todl.I.lf'. tiiIO. liII W.oo. 1 _ 1Ia,. ~ 7~72. ....00r.. _. """""'" . . . <IIlI'. 13 .u.. !~. HaIiA.IlO .l(HlS(Jl'SHOrCll J..ClIX:S, U.s. _13O.206,~, tt.1. ~ •• os.. (p) ClII. . .p'1'l.:d. .....OO T~: fiLSdOO. moe ~,.~~, ............ 24 blINn, TY. a.1z ...u~, NJ ....... 10 ..u.o r... _ . • 3/4 milo r- .. it . . . . . . . .,. . . . . . . . . . _ tORI em """"" LI8l'll<06 THE 'OWl.cn:G ''"'' ttIllt IlOTEW a.\:Z Sl'ECl1t lllUrAnt1llD/CI! P1lQ].tlU.'!iO C_ _ P.!.JEP.V).1'ICI'31·a1 CCBTACf THE u.s.o., 132 W£S'1' un mEllI, lOW 1tU em, CAU. lIt'DJID ~)I IMIICD'l'URI ltJf~, l.llll. 46th dt:rwt., n..-. 7..1300 .roes- :I,..JOJO DIll. CURIlXiE, ..... & _ • lIIIl J!:OWAlUl 1mIlt. UO 11. "".. St..-. _ IIOI'EL LATIlUI. 4 Z. 28th _ . HO'UL lU:t, 106 \Ii.. It-7th 3EDDiR HOI'EL. $t.rw\, a..)9OO IIIIrnI' I!W. ~ PIA.. 7..6'50 50 u, Ut.b St.rwt t JIhoora7 RUl 2-'940 LCmIl. . . .~ 'ftILiI&iIW: S7::&DO. iIifol " loonI4 .a\ EZi\ " T&:II1 ';1.00 .u. TlIlV!II.T'I'E 11)!'EL. O.S • .,. 130. _ . 11.1• • • • •' " (I.) .. Ifop. _ ".00 t~. :IJI.,.Ufl Wo: WiltIi 1d.th tI"tII TV. itCIO ,.,. trea _Uq ltlt.cl.llrlnftt._, U:r OIDllt.ionSal, 10.u ""i.Ih-. IJ. . . . . . . . (k) ... Ifop. T&:II1 $1.00 _ , 72)..iU2.l. -\ina t&O.1.11., d:r oon4lUCIId.III, ~. 1/a IlI1lAt traa .... liNn i3WU au :n:;;n, rata..-, _ _ -1.OCQII.lJJ II!. tr.. U.S • .,. 206. 86;;n; .. 1Iop, Tad 1'4.00~, -Uztc tu1l.1\J. , Id.~_. Sta.. St.. TnIl..... IIJ• • • • •.so. CD) .. Ifop Tad ,,'.00 To1o_, 1d.\!! TV, ~, aott.. _bop, w c:ODd.1t1ord.nc. 17 t,.. ....~ rItm 'IREIII'. ,111 r~. V!lIGINIAN 1lCIr£l.. """ T _ .... IIJ• • • • •Boo (I) Oft 110,. T&:II1 ~1.25 tifo: 14 WilG 1d.t.h trw TV, IIWi8t.As pool, • ~, pi_a u.. ~\J u~, oottN t hoM UsniIp;wrt.aU. \4'~, l'.u. tro. . . . ~ WriIIM-.rr. tIw ",300ft mOl --..00 oott. . .p, a.1z 11r&f:ta:! =TV~~:tT::=,,:: ~;..::":D~an.::tu!:!.~if~t~ Bl!IIL IELUBB. U2 ,.,..,. ill, ~_. IJ• • • • • .so. CD) ... Ifop. Tad 06.00 T _ , 393-9226 mOl 13 illiita w1tll tIw '%V, 1/2 bl.oo.k tr. -UD& tu1llt.7, Jd.t.oMraM.\et. aU oonUuon.t.n.c, .) blocka ru t,.. "bI.M. trea .... ~=~:~~~L ~'r~ ;.~e~:w.~:: r..u!!·~,!-==-' 7~1U3OS. tr.._. ImXL Coanlt. d:r = . ~~~: ~.!X~,*J~~:~.:': ...u... l.ow\p, , SL\lUIIIllILtIll :<>TEL. u.s• .,. 206 U II!. E ot) Nt 1Io~. 11.1• • • • •Boo cx) 267-M~ Into I .1.2 Wl1t. 1d.UI flW fY, I!~ ooft", li Jdl.M tr. ol.r _1tion1J1«. 7 _ r.. _. dit.iclu4, 2 i-' ~ CA!I4..... 1IlI'ZL. ""'.. .,. 110 73. IIIpl.<I _ . l!.I. . . . . . . . (Q) an llap. Tu1 $10.00 T.1._, ~2OO. 6, UD1.t. wi\!! :r.. T"'. ~ pool.....te1D"Ut., aU cc:ad1~. a5 tr<e .... , .... ~\1aD to and. tr.. lIoJooothIIm ~ Co. CIIlmllUlOX 1mBL. Q ;'§-;m~ l~TJ~:'& t1oft1n&. r.:~WtM.m.1d~Sb!'~i :i!!M::':~ t.d.llS;, (~~~i..~--r~~.~ ~ ~:9719. jEftlil. ::I "'1 .il.>:£P! GRANDE :mEl., •• 0 • .,. :ulI ~ 206. _ _, UJ• . . . . . . . Ct) ...... _ :WLOm. Lifo: IS um.t.a wi.'Ut trM TV. IiC1janut. to ~\MInD:t-, oockt&U ~ _ .-101"""". 1.8 _ r... _ . S ". Si'O: H j o.i!\HOt1.U l:atq·. !..OlXU:,;j u • .;~ .,. 206, &ctrdea:t.O'/ri, Jl.1• • • • • • (F) an Hap. Tu:1 ~.OO Tela!pncrael Dii'ictOl"'Jo Wo; 60 WItt. W1t.h trw T., IIWi8t.As pool, l'U'\I.u:rut., oookt.&1ll,oQap. 40ttN cond.itiClO1tol. locaWd at. k1t. 7 N.J. 'lWnp1b, 9 baH. a1l.N...,... r» trOill. _t.1.nc tecWU••1r OCI3d1t.1oc'tJ.t.&, IiilO: 14 \liilG W1t.l& t,... TV, 250 r~ UDi.\a, * *....... . NJ • • • • • s.. (3) !totAL .:-mJ<:LS Old Trwnton !:4e ~1J'1&bt..t.cnm, liJ. . . . . . . (to on KIp. Tu:1 ;l.a, T~t 723-3)]6. .3 ~ka t'J'CIII_~ t.ol.ll"t.7t.1r caad1t.1on1nc. l.u. t:raa .... ~1t.s W1t.h hoM T:, IIOI'EL SIIWll!ilIE. eo.. 3'7t.lI .. ' - " " . 5H!I..'rClt 'rtWERJ HOTEL, It-9tb at • *'I..U ..........t1ana _t. be .u tq """""" lWJ. 9-'200 ~, I&i.l. n.... 5-fI,OCXI F CD ,.,l> :u rr1 c G) ~ o 1. 2. 3. 4. APPE SEQUENCE OF EVENTS AT FORBES AFB 1. Airaraft land. 2. Unaccompanied military personnel are off-loaded and moved to Fort Riley billets by bus. Baggage will be delivered to the billets. 3. Accompanied personnel are off-loaded and moved by bus to King Field House. A. Baggage is moved to King Field House by truck and arranged in alphabetical order for claiming by sponsor. B. Families are reJoined by sponsors and moved to either transient facilities for the night or to perlnanent quarters. (1) If permanent quarters are earmarked for an individual, he may be moved directly into these quarters. To accomplish this, basic essential items will have been previously placed in the quarters. These items are: Cot, folding - 1 per person Crib - 1 per child under 2 Table, folding, field - 1 per family Chairs, folding - 4 per family Dishes - 6 Cups - 6 Bowls - 6 Glasses - 6 Knives. ForIes, Spoons - 6 each Pot - 1 Pan - 2 Egg Turner - 1 Tissue & Paper towels Sheets - 2 per bed Blankets - 2 per bed (2) If permanent quarters are not available, or if there will be a waiting period, the sponsor will take the individual and family to a pr.eassigned transient facility. Keys and assignment will be readily available upon arrival at King Field House. Sponsor will fill in the registration card provided and return it to the processing center the following day. 4. Sponsors at Fort Riley will be assigned to incoming personnel who will be assigned government quarters., Fort Riley sponsors will make every effort to contact incoming personnel to determine any spec~al reqUirements of these families prior to arrival. Appendix 3 to ANNEX G ~ ANNEX H FORT RILEY FAMILY QUARTERS 1. Government Housing at Fort Riley A. On post housing at Fort Riley will be limited initially and will be allocated by rank and date of rank. Personnel in the following cat agories may expect on post housing: (1) Officers: a. Lieutenant Colonels, (Battalion Commanders and Chiefs of General Staff Sections in the grade of Lieutenant Colonels), all other LTC with date of rank prior to 1 Jan 1963. b. Majors with date of rank prior to 1 Jan 1966. c. Captains with date of rank prior to 31 Dec 1967. d. Officer and Warrant Officer personnel not in the catagories above will be required to obtain off post housing initially. (2) Enlisted: a. E9, E8, and E7's may expect government quarters. b. E6 with date of rank prior to 31 Dec 1966. c. All other enlisted ranks will be required to obtain off post housing initially. B. Quarters are allocated as listed above based on the personnel on the morning reports of the Division regardless of when they arrive~ not on a first come first served basis. If you fit in one of the above cata gories you will be allocated quarters before anyone with a later date of rank even though you may be on the rear detail and the other individual on the advance party. Being on the advance party does not assure you of on post housing. 2. Off post housing A. There are approximately 7000 houses and apartments available ~--------- ......... - - - - • within commuting distance of Fort Riley. of rental per month to be: 1 1 2 2 bedroom unfurnished bedroom furnished bedroom unfurnished bedroom furnished 3 bedroom unfurnished 3 bedroom furnished Efficiency Apts unfurnished Efficiency Apts furnished B. A survey shows the average costs $50-90 $95-125 $85-115 $95-140 $115-148 $130-180 $65-115 $75-130 eit thE to Thj rec the pti1ities costs range from $15 to $60 per month. c. Most furnished economy quarters have cooking ranges and refrigerators furnished. A survey shows that these two can be rented for $5 per month with $4 of this being applied to purchase price if desired. wit the bee bot stu mak in by men arr 1 M cur pril the QUI' dat rep 196 has and whi H-2 pri sch the num exp str aut: ANNEX I SCHOOLS 1. Each parent deploying to Fort Riley, who has a student in either the local elementary or high school, has recieved a letter from the principal of the appropriate school. The letter asked each parent to notify the principal of the ~xpected date of departure of the student. This will enable the school to appropriately annotate the scholastic records of the departing students for their personnel hand-carrying of these records to the CONUS SQhool. 2. To clarify the transfer procedures the following facts apply: A. Students who remain through 1 May 1968 will be credited with a completed school year and will be recommended for promotion to the next higher grade provided that the school work for the year has been in accordance with standards set by the school. This applies to both elementary and high schools students. B. High school seniors will be allowed to graduate if the student remains through May 1 1968. It is imperative that sponsors make arrangements for high school seniors to remain through 1 May 1968 in order to complete the final examinations. This may be accomplished by the sponsor leaving the student with dependents for later deploy ment, by leaving the student with an appointed sponsor, or by making arrangements for sponsor's shipment with a.unit which deploys after 1 May 1968 (under these conditions, sponsor would remain assigned to current unit and attached to a later shipping unit for movement only). C. For students (elementary and high school) who will deploy prior to 1 May 1968, the principal of the appropriate school will provide the standard report card which will contain the grades of all subjects during the year. These grades will evaluate all subjects through the date of departure. Please note the written comment on your child's report card, page 8, concerning grade placement of your child for the 1968/1969 school term. This commentary, written by your child's teacher has had the prior approval of the Superintendent of Schools, District X, and the local school authorities. Reading charts and names of books which have been read by the student will be added if applicable. 3. The Superintendent of the local school district and the school principals anticipate no difficulty in enrolling students in ~he Kansas schools. It is imperative, however, that students transferring from the local schools to the Kansas school remain out of school the least number of days possible. This is particularly true, if the student is experiencing scholastic difficulty or is on the border line. It is strongly recommended that parents effect "early enrollment and postpone authorized leave until after the school year is completed at Fort Riley (see para 5, below. for closing dates). 4. A summer session will be available to assist marginal students in the Manhattan, Junction City and Fort Riley school systems. The session will begin on or about 3 June and will last for approximately 8 weeks. A. The elementary program is designed to help marginal or slow students but no grade credit will be given. Students will not be advanced to the next grade based on summer performance. B. For the junior high program, credit and advancement will be given based on student performance as determined by the individual instructor1s evaluation•. C. High School credit and advancement will be offered in high school based on student performance as determined by the indiv idual instructor1s ev~luation. D. For high school seniors, the following applies: (1) Junction City and Fort Riley: Students who have completed the required courses but lack sufficient credit hours can graduate in the summer session by completing the courses offered. Students who have insufficient required courses must complete the course in summer session to be eligible for graduation. A course will not be offered unless sufficient students enroll. (2) Manhattan: Seniors can graduate from the summer session provided they have completed a minimum of one semester resident instruction during the school year. (Dependents of division personnel will arrive in Kansas too late to meet the residency requirement and therefore will not be eligible for graduation during the summer school.) 5. For planning purposes, the following school closure dates are provided: Junction City & Fort Riley Public School: Junction City Catholic School: Junction City Lutheran School: Manhattan Public School: Manhattan Catholic School: 28 May 24 May 25 May 29~ 24 May The Easter recess is as follows: Junction City & Fort Riley Public School: Manhattan: I-2 , .~ 12-16 Apr 6-14 Apr F 6. It is reported that students may enroll in either Junction Fort Riley, or Manhattan schools at any time prior to the last day of school. However, the Manhattan Catholic School is closed to 5th, 6th, and 7th grade enrollments at this time. City~ 7. A child may be enrolled in either the Manhattan or Junction schools prior to establishing a permanent address. If this should be done and it is found that your permanent address, once established, is in a district other th~ the one inwhich your child is enrolled the parents must assume the responsibiTity of transporting the child to school, or have the child transferred to the school in which district they reside. 8. In response to inquiries made as to the availability of pupil space in the Catholic Elementary and High Schools in the Fort Riley area the following information is given: A. spon scho, nine depel MANHATTAN, KANSAS - Seven Dolors Church (nearby Fort Riley) (1) Seven Dolors - Elementarx School (Grades 1-8) Openings available on a first come, first served basis. Tuition is $20.00 per month if residing outside of Manhattan. $15.00 if residing in Manhattan. CONTACT: Sister Georgina, Seven Dolors Elementary School, Box 844, Manhattan, Kansas 66502 (2) Luchey High School A large number of vacanies available. Tuition same as Elementary School. CONTACT: Sister Dominic, Luchey High School, Box 844 Manhattan, Kansas 66502. B. JUNCTION CITY, KANSAS - St. Xavier's Church (about 15 miles from Fort Riley) (1) st.Xavier's Elementarx School (Grades 1-6) (2) St.Xavier's Junior High School (Grades 7-8) There are 200 vacancies available in the above grades. Army Bus service <GO school. Tuition: $20.00 per month for 1st child $15.00 for second, $12.00 for third. (3) St. Xavier's High School Unlimited vacancies available. Tuition same as above. CONTACT FOR AIL ABOVE: Rt. Rev. Thomas Keogan Box 399 Junction City, Kansas 66441 C. auth nine scho ALL CONTACTS SHOUID BE MADE PERSONALLY TO THE ADDRESSES ABOVE. 1-3 seng~ a mee after senge year close in ac ANNEX J DEPENDENTS REMAINING IN EUROPE 1. You are advised that dependents remaining in Europe are not authorized use of the European Exchange System (EES) of Commissary after ninety (90) days from departure of sponsor. The exception would be a high school senior (class of 1967-68). 2. Dependents remaining in Europe ninety (90) days after departure of sponsor are entitled to medical care, legal assistance, and dependent schooling. Command sponsored dependents may remain in government quarters ninety (90) days after the departure of sponsor. ,. Due to advanced stages of pregnancy, or age of new-born children, dependents will be allowed to remain in Europe until they are able to travel. A. Pregnant women up to 240 days of gestation may fly in a pas senger status unless a medical doctor advises against it. They must submit a medical statement indicating length of pregnancy and fitness for-travel. B. Women will not be accepted for air travel until six after delivery. (6) weeks C. Infants six (6) weeks old or older are acceptable for air pas senger travel. They ~ ha~e acceptable proof of small pox vaccination. 4. Dependent student~s) of redeploying sponsor, who are in their senior year of high school (1967-68) have the option of remaining until the close of the senior year, providing the sponsor obtains an lIalternate" sponsor in accordance with Hq, USAREUR Circular 621-325, dated 18 July 1961. ANNEX K WITHDRAWAL OF SAVINGS DEPOSITS 1. The Savings Deposit Program is intended as a device to reduce the spending of U. S. Armed Forces personnel stationed overseas. To allow a service member to make deposits, accumulate the 10~ interest, and then to withdraw the money while still overseas, thus freeing it for spending, would defeat the purpose of the program. For this reason, a depositor may not withdraw money from his savings deposit acoount while he is overseas except: A. When a member retires or otherwise separates without an im mediate reenlistment while overseas. B. When unforseeable and unavoidable circumstances would cause the member and/or his dependents extreme hardship if withdrawal were not permitted. Determination in such cases is made by the Oommanding Officer and monitored closely by the Finance Officer; it should be noted that such requests are infrequently granted. 2. There are two methods by which a member may request withdrawal: A. NORMAL WITHDRAWAL- Permits a member to accrue interest (but not make any deposits) up to 90 days after arrival in CONUS. If the 90 day period ends on any day other than the last day of the month, interest accrues through the last day of the proceeding month. ·The request for withdrawal is made after the depositor's arrival in CONUS. B. ACCELERATED FINAL REPAYMENT- Application may be prepared anQ submitted to the Finance Center, U.S. Army, before the depositor's de parture from overseas. This will be done by the Finance Officer at the request of the service member. For an accelerated repayment request to be prepared, the depositor must possess PeS reassignment orders returning him from overseas; the request may not, however, be prepared prior to 30 days before DEROS. Since there is an early deadline for receipt of this request by the Finance Center, it is strongly suggested that application for withdrawal be as close to 30 days prior to DEROS as possible. 3. To facilitate normal withdra~al, company clerks will prepare DA Form 2082 before the depositor's rotation to CONUS. The depositor will submit the 20Ba upon his return to CONUS through his servicing Finance Officer in CONUS. Form 2082 will be prepared as follows: r A. Blocks 1 and 2- Complete as directed on the form. In addition, enter member's Social Security Account Number (SSAN) in block 2 direotly below the service number. B. Block 3- Enter the address in the United States or its possession to which the check is to be mailed. C. Block 4- Complete as directed on the form. D. Block 5- Leave blank. Submission of deposit tickets is not required and interest is computed by FCUSA. visit the vi advane Do not use the two sub-blocks. depart submit roster Finane The ro imatel to the used i "During the period 4 May through 13 Aug 66 any deposits made byrne were not in excess of my unallotted pay and allowances, except ($ or NONE)'. NOTE: When addlt10nal space is needed, use block 19 (Remarks) as a continuation of block 13. and rna E. Blocks 6 through 12- Leave blank. Delete "in the amount indicated in block 5." Enter in block 13 all periods of foreign servioe subsequent to 13 Aug 19 or NONE. Foreign service dates will be verified and/or obtained from official records. In addition, f.or members returning from overseas, an entry will be made in block 13 as follows: F.Block 13- G. Blocks 15 and 16- To be completed by the preparing officer. H. Blocks 17 and 18- To be completed by the depositor. I. Block 19- May be used for additional information or as an extension of blook 13 when necessary. If insufficient space is provided, information may be continued on the reverse of the form; in that case, a notation will be placed on the face to avoid oversight. MeGuir to adv uals f Advanc except marrie elects member indiv: units that I would query K-2 these the b ANNEX L PAY ACTIONS 1. Plans are presently being made for teams of Finance personnel to visit units, returning to CONUS, prior to their departure. The purpose of the visit will be to give a class and answer questions concerning various advance payments individuals will be entitled to receive prior to departure. 2. Visits will be made approximately 20 days prior to the uni t ' s departure. At the end of each class the company Commanders will be asked to submit rosters of people in their units who desire special payments. These rosters will be submitted througlh the battalion adjutant to the Division Finance Officer, ATTN: LT Casillo six days after the class has been given. The rosters must indicate whether or not the individual is married. Approx imately five days prior to the departure of the unit the team will return to the unit to make payments based on the requests. The rosters will be used in lieu of DA Form 2142 (Request for Pay Action). 3. The following are criteria for advances of pay, advances of travel, and maximum partial pays: A. ADVANCE TRAVEL PAY: If an individual is' scheduled to fly to McGuire Air Force Base and later proceeds to Ft. Riley, he will be entitled to advance travel pay. The amount of the payment will be $75.00. Individ uals flying directly to Ft. Riley are not to receive advance travel pay. Advance travel for dependents is not authorized. B. ADVANCE PAY: All provisions of 24th Inf Div Reg 35-10 apply except for the method of requesting payment. See para 2 above. All married members will be entitled to advance of pay. NOTE: If an individual elects an advance of pay he cannot receive an adyance of travel pay. Single members are not eligible for advances of pay. C. MAXIMUM PARTIAL PAYS: Maximum partial pays will be made to individuals leaving on or after the lOth day of the month. Individuals in units leaving earlier than the 10th will not receive partial pays due to that day's nearness to a payday. 4. There are so many different facets of dependent travel that it would not be feasible to try and list them here. However, sponsors should query finance personnel about their particular case at the class. 5. Any further questions concerning entitlements to any or all of these payments, prior to or after the class, should be directed through the battalion PSNCO. ANNEX PASSPORT M AND VISA 1. WIVES and/or STEPCHILDREN who were previously residing in the United States as PERMANENT residents, have in their possession Alien Regis tration Receipt Cards (Form 1-151), and have only been living with you in Germany during the time you were officially stationed here, do NOT require visas to return to the United States. In such cases, they will require only their Alien Registration Receipt Cards and suitable evidence that they have been residing here with you during a period when you were officially stationed in Germany, including the East Zone of Germany, during their stay abroad. 2. ALIEN HIVES, STEPCHILDREN, and ADOPl'ED CHILDREN of U.S. citizen mili tary personnel IVHO HAVE NEVER PREVIOUSLY BEEN LAWFULLY ADMI'ITED INTO THE UNITED STATES FOR PERMANENT RESIDENCE require, i f they plan to reside indefinately in the United States: A. A valid passport issued by the authorities of their country nationality. of (1) To obtain passports, GERMAN nationals should apply to the Passport Office at the local Police Preasidium where they are nO\"1 living. Cost: DM 6.00, valid for 5 years. (2) Aliens of other foreign nationalities residing in Germany probably already have valid passports. If not, they should inquire at the Consulate or Embassy of their country of nationality. Such offices are usually found in the larger cities in Germany. B. A United States Immigration Visa issued by the American Consulate General In Munich, 5 Koeniginstrasse (three blocks away from the main PX). To obtain United States Immigration Visas you must follow the procedures outlined in the paragraphs below which apply to your particular dependents. • (1) For wives and stepchildren BORN IN EUROPE, AFRICA, ASIA, or AUSTRALIA, file one copy of Form 1-130, Petition to Classjfy Status of Alien Relative for Issuance of Immigrant Visa, with the Immigration and Naturalization Service, Department of Justice, 11 Platenstrasse, Frankfurt/~~in, Germany - Telephone: Fraru{fu~t Civil 770731 extension 293 Mailing Address: • p Officer in Charge Immigration and Naturalization Service American Consulate General APO 09757 READ INSTRUCTIONS ATTACHED TO THIS FORM CAREFULLY! Certain doc uments and a fee of US $10.00 must accompany each petition. Separate petitions are required for wife and each stepchild. i'lhen approved, the petitions will be sent from Frankfurt to the American Consulate General in Munich for further processing. Allow at least 3 weeks time for approval in Frankfurt. Wives and stepchildren born in Central and South Ameri~a or Canada DO NOT REQUIRE the filing of Form 1-130. (2) If your wife and stepchildren are GERMAN nationals, and entry into the United States is planned within 4 months obtain all of the following documents I~ll1EDIATELY: a. GERNAN PASSPORI' BIRI'H CERTIFICATES, 2 copies for each dependent: ~ARRIAGE CERI'IFICATE, 2 copies; 2 copies of an up-tO-date GERNAN POLICE CERTIFICATE FOR EACH alien over 16 years of age, issued by the local police where alien now resides; 3 PHOTOGRAPHS of EACH alien, size l~ by inches. b. In addition to all of these items, the following must also be obtained IF APPLICABLE to your case; -- If alien convicted previously of crimes or offenses, the court record (Urteil mit Begruendung) in 2 copies covering Each previous conviction and an English translation. -- If alien plans to leave minor children behind, the applicant must present a written statement indicating the means of support for the child/children during her absence, giving the name and address of the person who will care for the child/children during such absence. This statement must be prepared by the person who will care for the child/ children or by the youth Office (Jugendamt). Should a parent intend to immigrate together with an illegitimate child or a child by a previous marriage, she will be required to present documentary evidence that she has been assigned custody of the child by a competent court or the consent from the appropriate youth Office (Jugendamt) having jurisdiction in the child's case. If alien has resided for more than 6 months since attaining age 16 outside of Germany, police certificates from the other countries in which he or she lived. Inquiry can be made at American Consulates as to where to get other than German police certificates. Police certificates from England and Turkey are not available. M-2 tool ALL ( POSSE (Munj to tl sulai appol be t, also to Sl fees (Thel aminl nati( Genel not ( and 1 2b(1 or Al shou: In SI cern Germ. In S' achm (see !\mer in 'E Hher be ( c. Go I~~IATELY to the personnel officer of your unit to obtain one (1) INDORSED copy of following from your personnel file: AE Form 3306 (Auszug aus dem Strafregister - German Criminal Records Check) AE Form 415 Or other evidence of a Central Registry Check. d. \~en Form 1-130 is approved by Frankfurt AND you have ALL of the documentation specified in sections 2a and b above in your possession, write or telephone the American Consulate General in Munich (Munich Civil 228931, ext 623) for an appointment for your wife to come to the Consulate to make formal visa petition. Do NOT call the Con sulate until you have AIL of the above paperwork completed. vJ'.hen an appointment is given all the previously mentioned documentation must be taken to the Consulate by your wife. ~CH immigrating alien must also be brought to the Consulate. On the. daY of the appointment, plan to spend all morning and half the afternoon there. The following visa fees must be paid on this day (no personal checks accepted): US $37.50 for each person 14 years of age or over. US $35.00 for eac~ person under 14 years of age. (These fees include U.S. Public Health Service fees for physical ex amination and blood test.) (3) If your wife and/or stepchildren are OTHER THAN. GERMAN nationals, call personnally with your wife at the American Consulate General in I''!unich IMl'IJEDIATELY for detailed instructions. However, do not delay the filing of the petition Form 1-130 with the Immigration and Naturalization Service in FrankfUrt as indicated under paragraph 2b(1) above, if wife or stepchildren were born in Europe, Africa, Asia Or Australia. (4) If the SERVICEMAN is NOT yet a United States citizen, he should NOT file a petition form 1-130 for his wife and/or stepchildren. In such cases, consult the American Consulate General ~IA~ELY con cerning the proper procedure. (5) Alien CHIIDREN who are in the process of BEING ADOPl'ED in Germany or who HAVE BEEN ADOPl'ED in Germany also need immigrant visas. In such cases, the first step is to file petition form 1-600 and att achments with the Immigration and Naturalization Service in FrankfUrt (see 2b(1) for fUll address). Petition forms can be obtained from any American Consulate and should be filed without delay. After approval in Frankfurt, the form will be sent to the appropriate American Consulate. ~fuen the form is received at the American'Consulate the parents will be asked to act on the following: M-3 ~ a. Obtain: GERMAN PASSPORT for the child; BIRTH CERTIFICATE in 2 copies (amended to read in adopted name if adoption is already final); ADOPTION DEGREE in 2 copies (if adoption is final); 3 PHOl'OORAPHS of child, size l~ by l~ inches b. tl/hen the above documents are obtained, write or telephone the American Consulate General in Munich for an appointment. The child must be brought to the Coosulate on appointment day along with the documents listed above. On that day, visa and physical ex amination fees totaling US $35.00 must be paid. No checks are accepted in payment for fees. in AUj and 4 McGral c. IF CHILDS NATURAL PARENTS ARE BOI'H LIVING, do NOl' file petition form 1-600, INSTEAD, call the American Consulate General IMMEDIATELY for guidance in ESTABLISHING whether Form 1-600 is or is not necessary. 3. CLAIM TO US CITIZENSHIP OF MINOR CHILDREN FATHERED BY SERVICEMAN. If US citizen serviceman's ALIEN vITFE has given birth to a child in Germany before or after marriage, it is possible that this child has a claim to US citizenship. In these cases, go to your unit personnel ser geant or officer IMMEDIATELY for assistance in preparing documentation to be submitted to the American Consulate General. 4. If US citizen serviceman's AMERICAN WIFE has given birth to a child in Germany your personnel sergeant or officer should be Ir~IATELY contacted so that the necessary forms can be filled out to confirm the child as an American citizen and to have them added to the mother!s passport as a minor child. 5. ALIEN FINANCEES of US servicemen have no special priviledge or priority in obtaining immigrant visas. The alien financee should contact the American Consulate General for information. At least 6 to 8 weeks time is necessary to have such cases processed at the Consulate. direc persc ANNEX N CENTRAL CLEARANCE FACILITIES 1. South Bavaria District has central clearance facilities both in Augsburg and Munich; Augsburg facilities are located in Buildings 3 and 4 on Reese Kaserne; Munich facilities are located in Building 2 on McGraw Kaserne. 2. The following areas will be cleared at these facilities: A. American Red Cross B. Vehicle registration C. Personal weapons D. Pets E. ID cards F. Passports G. Army Emergency Relief H. Bundespost (Quarters telephones) I. Family housing J. Dependent schools K. NCO and Officer clubs L. Library, with a collection box for library books. 3. Upon arrival at the clearance facility personnel will see signs directing them to the various clearing stations. At the time of clearance, personnel should take all NEO material with them for turn-in. l. ANNEX 0 PRIVATELY OWNED FIREARMS 1. Rifles and firearms may be shipped as part of HHG or HB weight authorization. Personnel requesting shipment must have their firearms cleared with unit commanders on AE Form 2496 and registered with the Provost Marshal on AE Form 11. Ammunition may be shipped by surface transportation only. It must be encased in metal or wooden container provided by the owner and painted red with the word "AMMO" printed on the sides. The standard-sized container for shipment is 12" x 8" x 4t1. 2. A recent review by State Department representatives of the prOVisions of Chapter 13. AR 55-71# concerning shipment of privately owned firearms and ammunition, revealed the regulation does not con form with the State Department Regulation. "International Traffic in Arms", which governs the importation and exportation of privately owned weapons and ammunition into and out of the United States. 3. Pending change to AR 55-71, the following is effective imm ediately for all military and civilian personnel shipping personally owned firearms and ammunition to the United States at Government expense: A. Bonafi~e war trophies and war souvenirs as provided in AR 643-20/AFR 125-13 may be shipped or brought (but not mailed) to the United States without an import license issued by the Department of State, provided the firearms are nonautomatic,a re for personal use only, and a written authorization (DD Form 683-1). war trophy regis tration/authorization, issued by the appropriate major commander under the provisions of Paragraph 7, AR 643-20, is presented the US Customs representative. B. Not more than three nonautomatic firearms other than bon afide trophies and war souvenirs and not more than 1,000 pounds of ammunition for the three nonautomatic authorized firearms may be im ported into the United States without a license issued by the State Department, after declaration by the individual that such weapons are intended exclusively for his personal use fdr sporting purposes or for personal protection and not for resale, and after inspection by a customs representative. Those weapons must be on the person of the individual who is so authorized or shipped with his baggage or personal property. This exemption from State Department license does not apply to crew members of vessels or aircraft unless they are otherwise en titled to an exemption upon the termination of extended duty abroad. 1 - p C. Each DD Form 1252, Owner's US Customs Declaration and Entry and Inspecting Officer's Certificate executed for shipments contain ing privately owned firearms and ammunition will be annotated in the remarks section to show the quantity, make and serial number of each weapon included in the personal property shipped from overseas. Also a mailing address must be shown to indicate where the owner may be reached, if necessary, inadd it ion, a complete packing list will be prepared specifically indicating each container in which privately owned weapons are packed and a complete description of the amount and type of ammunition included in each container. This packing list will be securely attached to all copies of the DD Forms 1252 furnished the carrier for presentation to customs representatives and the one copy forwarded to the CONUS military terminal, with copies of DD Form 1299 and orders, as requested by existing regulations. D. Import licenses are required for all weapons imported in excess of three (3), all ammunition in excess of 1,000 pounds, and all amm unition shipped for a weapon other than the three being imported with out a license. All ammunition is subject to inspection by US Customs representatives upon arrival in the US. Import licenses are free and may be obtained from the Office of Munitions Control. Department of State, i'lashington, D.C. 20525. nisi and relj may assj wit} pone kno," ditj affe Cros of a a cc sitt disc mane thel prol tho~ thof pem or 0-2 ~ · ANNEX P AMERICAN RED CROSS (ARC) 1. Amer1can Red Cross Field Directors at military installations fur nish the following assistance when needed: A. Counseling in the field of personal and family problems to all military personnel and their dependents. B. The Red Cross may furnish supplemental information on federal and state legislation, service allotment regulations and insurance, civil relief, and other government benefits for servicemen and dependents, and it may assist servicemen in obtaining such benefits. C•. Field Directors and Chapter Workers offer communications assistance when the servioeman and his family are unable to communicate with each other direct or to obtain desired information through corres pondence. D~ On request of commanding officers, and with the serviceman's knowledge, the Red Cross obtains confidential information about home con ditions, inoluding personal and family matters to aid in making decisions affeoting the morale and welfare of the serviceman and his family. Red Cross reports are confidential and are not allowed to fall into the hands of anyone not authorized such information. E. A Red Cross emergency leave report is provided on request of a oommanding officer when seriQus illness, death or other grave or urgent situation involves a serviceman's immediate family. F. Reports relating to compassionate reassignment and hardship disoharge are obtained by the Red Cross only at the request of the com manding officer having final decision authority. 2. Emergency finanoial assistance is available to servicemen and their wives and children in cases of emergency need and in the solution of problems arising from the consequent laok of funds. Emergency needs are those that are urgent and require immediate attention as distinguished from those that are desirable but do not require immediate action. A. Funds are made available as loans for emergency leave ex penses for an emergency that occurs in the servicemen's immediate family or someone acting in "Loco ParentiS." B. For assistance to dependentp for basic maintenance when • family allotments are delayed or interrupted. This assistance is given generally for family maintenance, i.e., food, rent,. clothing, utilities. A h s· C. For personal needs of an essential and emergency nature to the servicemen for such items as toilet articles, dry cleaning, laundrY. D. dependents. Financial assistance may be made available to stranded 3. Sinoe all Red Cross funds or" expenditures are made from monies voluntarily contributed for the express purpose of meeting emergency needs and relieving hardship, loans and grants for certain purposes are not con sidered appropriate. These purposes are: A. Repayment or consolidation of debts. B. Business ventures. C. Cost of obtaining a divorce. D. Payment of fines or employment of counsel when violation of civil or military law is alleged. E. Posting of bail. F. Supplementation of service pay that is insufficient to meet a desired standard of living. 4. Location of ARC Field Offices: A. Augsburg: Reese Kaserne, building 3. Phone Numbers- AM 7659/8278. Military units located at Landsberg and Lager Lechfeld are offered coverage by this offioe. A Hospital Red Cross office 1s located in the 30th Field Hospital with a Red Cross staff member assigned office hours 0730 to 1700. Phone Flak Mil 838. A staff member is on duty Oall 24 hours a day. After duty yours, weekends and holidays, the duty worker can be reached by phoning the 24th Inf Div SDO, Flak Mil 825 or the SED Duty Officer, Phone AM 8303/7697. B. Munich- McGraw Kaserne, Building 2. Phone Munich Military 8200/8400. This office provides coverage to military personnel and depen dents in the viCinity of Warner, Will Henry, Schleissheim, Garmisch, Ober ammergau, Murnau, Bad Toelz, Bad Aibling, Berchtesgaden, Dachau and Landshut. P-2 wj 01 Ar Fi Pc I ... 3 A staff member is on call 24 hours a day. After duty hours, weekends, and holidays the duty worker can be reached by telephoning the SDNCO Munich Station, Tel: Mun Mil 8013. A sUb-office is located in Warner Kaserne, Building 1729, Phone Number Will Mil 6451. This office gives coverage to all 24th Inf Div units and supporting units located in North Munich and is open during normal duty hours only. A Hospital Red Cross office is located in the US Army Hospital, with a Red Cross staff member assigned. Phone Number Mun Mil 8202/8550. This office is open during normal duty hours only. C. Fort Riley- There is an ARC Field Director's office located on Arnold Avenue near the post office which maintains 24-hour coverage. The Field Director can be contacted by phoning the telephone operator or the Post Staff Duty Officer. P-3 ANNEX Q ARMY Er-'lERGENCY RELIEF (AER) 1. Members of the active Army and their dependents being deployed to CONUS are eligible for financial assistance to pay indebtedness to local firms. The individual concerned should obtain from the firm con cerned a written notification that payment is required. 2. Military personnel may be provided with loan transfer service from American Express Company (AMEXCO) upon their written request. Individuals should transfer local loans to AMEXCO, New York Office. If a loan is in arrears (not in current status) an AER loan may be authorized to bring the loan to current status and make it eligible for transfer to the New York Office, AMEXICO. 3. Locations of AER facilities: A. Augsburg - Reese Kaserne, Bldg 3, Tel: 258l-853Y/7366. B. S. Munich - McGraw Kaserne, Bldg 2, Tel: C. Ulm - Offenha:usen Supply Center, Bldg 132, Tel: 252l-~860. 25~4-8l79. 4. Processing of Applications: Copies of DA Form 1103 may be picked up in orderly rooms or the local AER office. The following procedure will insure rapid processing of the request: STEP 1: Three copies of DA Form 1103 must be completed. insure the following are accurate: Check to A. Amount of financial assistance requested. B. Brief explanation of why request is being made. C. If money is needed to pay accounts with FRG business or ganizations a statement of charges from the business or company must accompany the application for assistance. This may be in either German or English. D. Signature of the applicant. STEP 2: The CO or his representative must recommend in writing on DA Form 1103 approval of the request for assistance. STEP 3: The application (DA Form 1103) must be taken to the nearest American Red Cross office for processing and interview. Army Regulations require that DA 1103 must be processed through ARC personnel before being processed by AER . ,,~ .....01 E t STEP 4: If ARC does not provide the required financial assistance on the amount provided by ARC is not sufficient, take 1103 to local AER office. STEP 5: An AER representative will discuss your situation with you and determine of AER assistance can be provided to you. If financial assistance is approved, you will be required to initiate a Class "E" allotment to repay the loan. The allotment forms will be completed in the AE~ office upon approval of your request for financial assistance. 5. AER assistance can be given to.oan individual for the following OI of a I frien( date 1 acros: chall~ reasons: to as: recei' A. To dissolve debts with FRG firms before departing to a new station. J,.lhen: B. Travel expenses of an emergency nature. C. Non-receipt of pay. D. Loss of pay. E. Emergency medical, dental and hospital expenses. inforl and a: 1 brief F. Payment of rent to prevent eviction. G. Death of dependents. H. Burial fees. requi andt vehic (50 m I. Cases of a sensitive or confidential nature, which may cause embarrassment to the individual or the command. 6. In the event your situation does not fall into one of the above categories, contact your nearest AER office for a more specific explanation of AER's ability to assist you. alert (prim drive volun we at! comp; on ar disp: (che l wipe: Q-2 , ANNEX R POV Safety . One Taroman (on advance party), has already been killed as a result of a privately oNned vehicle accident. He died as a passenger in a friends car, out on the town, on the last night before his reporting date to Ft. Riley. Driving your POV to Port (Bremerhaven), and then across the states to Ft.Riley, represents one of the biggest driving challenges that you have faced to date. Controls have been programmed to assist you in getting your POV to the port of Bremerhaven. You will receive specific instructions on POV movement prior to your departure. ~fuen you get on the other side, you are on your own. The following information is provided to help remind you of proper driving conduct, and assist you in having a safe trip to your new post. 1. Augsburg/Munich to Bremerhaven: A. Comply with all instructions and controls cited in POV briefing packet issued by your unit. B. Insure the mechanical safety of your vehicle. You are required to have a complete inspection performed by qualified personnel, and this fact certified by complete check list, before you drive your vehicle to port. C. Do not exceed the maximum road speeds cited in your instructions (50 mph average road speed - 65 mph maximum speed). D. Take all the rest breaks you need to maintain your physical alertness. and constant surveillance of the condition of your vehicle (primarily the condition of tires). E. Do not forget or fight the driving ~ustoms of the local drivers - expect the unexpected. Adjust your driving to traffic volume, road surface and visibility. Slow down in all bad weather. F. If you should have mechanical trouble, get your vehicle completely off the autobahn where possible. If your vehicle stops on any portion of the traveled roadway (or shoulder), be prepared to display a highway warning device at the proper distance. 2. U.S. Port to Ft. Riley • A. Give your vehicle a quick check before starting your trip (check tires for uneven wear, rips, or tears; make sure brakes, lights, wipers, are functioning properly). r B. Take your time. You have been given four days travel time, in addition to whatever leave you are taking. Don't leave a thousand miles travel to the last day. C. Take plenty of rest breaks during a days travel. Get a good nights sleep between extended periods of travel. Your over~ll physic'al fitness is most important on this trip. 15 A] D. Adjust to the road discipline that you have been unaccustomed to in Europe. Remember. we have speed limits and STOP signs on all our roads. (Never forget though, we have our share of reckless, inconsiderate. impatient road hogs in the United States. E. Avoid driving at night. If you must - slow down, and adjust your driving to road surface and visibility. Never look directly into oncoming headlights - direct your vision to the right edge of the road. F. Slow down in rain, snow - all bad weather. than 15 A] insu: pr1o: Have a safe trip -- see you at Ft. Riley! 3 ye booS' immu will R-2 1s 1 ably howe fact ing to C date .... $ j ANNEX S MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATI ON 1. Income tax filing procedures A. All personnel who are scheduled to arrive in CONUS prior to 15 April 1968 are reminded they must file income tax returns not later than 15 April 1968. B. All personnel who are scheduled to arrive in CONUS after 15 April 196H must file income' tax returns not later than 15 June~. 2. Redeployment immunizations A. Conmtanding Officers of units being redeployed to CONUS will insure that: (1) Troops of his conmtand have the following immunizations prior to departure: a. Smallpox- within one year of departure date. b. Typhoid-Paratyphoid- basia series or booster within 3 years of departure date. c. Tetanu8-diptheria, adult typebooster within six years of departure date. d. (2) Typhus- basic series or currently no longer required. Dependents of his personnel have the following immunization: a. Smallpox- within three years b. Children under six (6) months may be exempt from this inmtunization if they possess a certificate from a physician to this effect. B. To insure compliance with the above, Division representatives will check immunization records at the DAR. 3. Pregnancy: If your wife is pregnant and the expected delivery date is less than six weeks before or after your unit's movement date, you prob ably will not be able to move at the same time as your unit. This does not however defer you from the unit move. You should notir.y your PSNCO of the fact and submit a request for separate movement. A statement from the attend ing physician (AE Form 30tj6) must accompany the request. You will be moved to CONUS on a date that will not conflict with your wife's expected delivery date. L 4. Commercial Air Travel in CONUS: ,If you are authorized delav enroute (leave) in your redeployment orders l you must have five copies of the Military Standby Authorization for Commercial Air Travel (DD Form 1580) when you report to the departure airfield. This form permits you to travel on leave in CONUS at a .reduced rate. The form is only provided for the military member; de pendents are not included. You may obtain this form in your unit. 5. Separation Physical Exams: If you are scheduled for discharge within 60 days atter you arrival in CONUS I you should complete your separation physical prior to departing USAREUR. you should receive notification to take the phySical approximately six months prior to your ETS. If you wait until atter you arrive in CONUS and shortly before your ETS, you discharge could be delayed. 6. Leave Policl: Due to the fact that you are moving as part of a unit move, leave enroute can be granted to only a small number of persons and leave may not exceed 10 days. Persons desiring longer leaves will have to request leaves from their commanding officers after reporting for duty at Fort Riley. Personnel must report to Fort Riley by the" Not Later Than", reporting date listed in special instructions in PeS Orders. 7. Change of Address Notices: You should send change of address cards to all of your correspondents not later than 45 days prior to your movement date. This will preclude undue delays in r~ceiving your mail after you arrive at Fort Riley. DD Form 1175 (Change of Address and Directory Record) on which postage is paid by Department of the Army may be used for this purpose. The form is available through publications channels. 8. MOS Testing: If your eligible for MOS testing, you should remember that May is a test month. Since several personnel actions, including promotions, depend on your MO$ evaluation score, it is to your advantage to be sure that you are tested. Personnel departing with units in April will be tested after arrival at Fort Riley. Per sonnel in May and later units will be tested prior to leaving USAREUR. Check with you PSNCO to see if you are scheduled for testing in May. 8-2 0- lli662