Directory Map - Maple Tree Place
Directory Map - Maple Tree Place
991 sq ft 13 11 688 sq ft 12 1,221 sq ft 2,466 sq ft 10 Level 2 Office Bldg F 2 7,902 sq ft 9 24 Bldg C Level 2 Office 67 38 36 7 6 20 19 24 25 26 27 28 2 39 & 66 29 30 3 34 Bldg C 33 49 54 61 59 56 57 58 55 48 Bldg B CONNOR WAY Bldg A 47 46 45 Bldg M Detention Pond Bldg T 65 32 JUNIPER LN Bldg C BOXWOOD ST 1 Bldg J 31 2 1 SYCAMORE ST SYCAMORE ST 5 1 Bldg E 18 40 44 Bldg B MAPLE TREE PL 8 22 17 CYPRESS ST Bldg F 15 CONNOR WAY SYCAMORE ST 16 14 WILLIST ON RD Bldg D WALNUT ST MAPLE TREE PL HAWTHORNE ST 43 63 41 42 64 Bldg B Bldg A 52 GE R O E RD ST G 62 Maple Tree Place 51 Level 2 Level 2 - Office US Route 2 & Vermont Route 2A | Williston, VT 05495 Anchor Stores Beauty Jewelry C34 B44 J40 J39 E01 J41 D17 Glamour Nails D16 Argento Laraine Fine Jewelry Entertainment Men’s Apparel Best Buy Christmas Tree Shops Dick’s Old Navy Shaw’s Staples A57 A58 A61 A62 2A GameStop Guitar Center Escape Room Majestic Cinema T65 Men’s Wearhouse Specialty Stores C32 Yankee Candle Restaurants & Specialty Food F08 F07 Pad43 A54 Pad42 C27 C31 Asian Bistro Belle’s Café Chili’s Grazer’s Longhorn Steakhouse McGillicuddy’s Irish Pub Mexicali Grill & Cantina Services F05 D20 M64 F02 Pho K& K Pizza Hut Starbucks Yogurt City * Specific name s of tenants, their s tatus, locatio n a nd s ize are (i) not intended to be and s hould not be or have bee n relied u pon , (ii) s ubject to ch ange , modification and deletion by L andlo rd and (iii) not a represen tation or w arranty as to the ope ning o r conti nued ope ration of a ny s tore named or depicted o n this s ite plan. The Cypre ss E quities n ame , logo a nd other m ark s a re tradema rks and ser vice marks bei ng lice ns ed to indepe ndent ope rating compa nies b y C E Brand s, LLC . Any pa rticular obligatio n, s ervice o r prod uct is the s ole respo ns ibility of the s pecific entit y that i ncu rs s uch obligation or su pplies s uc h se rvice or pr oduct. C29 F06 D15 D14 M63 AAA AT&T H&R Block Sprint The Rehab Gym Offices D22 B52 C24 C67 C38 C36 GSA GSA Liberty Mutual Management Office Vermont Title Company Wageworks For retail leasing, please contact: Mark Ross 602.682.6093