ZS 420x297 EN 2015 TLAC:Sestava 1
ZS 420x297 EN 2015 TLAC:Sestava 1
■ A C C O M M O D AT I O N Thermia Palace ★★★★★ accommodation (7 nights) with half board ■ 11 procedures per person during the stay Price per person for 7 nights in a room of the Standard category Single room ■ guarded parking Double room ★★★★★ Thermia Palace 1085 EUR 945 EUR Minimum stay of 7 nights. Local tax is not included in the price. Reservation is arranged by the organizer, all following communication regarding the confirmation of reservation is secured by the Thermia Palace hotel. Balnea Esplanade Palace ★★★★ Balnea Splendid ★★★ accommodation (3 nights) with breakfast ■ guarded parking Price per person and 3 nights in a room of a Standard category Single room Balnea Esplanade ★★★★ Balnea Palace ★★★★ Balnea Splendid ★★★ Double room 279 EUR 225 EUR 288 EUR 234 EUR 234 EUR 186 EUR Minimum stay of 3 nights. Local tax is not included in the price. ■ BONUS The Piešťany Spa offers a 50% discount on purchased of additionally spa procedures during the stay. ■ B A S I C O R G A N I S AT I O N A L I N ST R U CT I O N S Confirmation of application: The organizer will confirm receipt of the application in the same way as it was received. Only applicants who have paid the advance payment of the starting fee will be contacted by the organizer, unless otherwise arranged by the organizer. The advance payment is refundable once the participant withdraws from participation before May 15, 2015. After this date, the advance payment will not be paid back. The presentation will begin at the Spa Island in the Balnea Grand Hotel (Orange Hall) on June 11, 2015 continuously from 12:00 to 19:30. Guarded parking of the historic and accompanying vehicles is secured on the Spa Island. We look forward to meeting you: Event´s Director: Ján Horňák President of AMK- VCC Piešťany Tel: +421 905 276 191, e-mail: oldtimer@hornak.sk Honorary Directors: Lev Novobilský Director General of the Léčebné lázně Mariánské Lázně a.s. and Chairman of the Board of Directors of SLOVENSKÉ LIEČEBNÉ KÚPELE PIEŠŤANY, a.s . Miloš Tamajka Mayor of the City of Piešťany Juraj Porázik President of the Slovak Historic Vehicles Association SR Secretary, Treasurer: Lýdia Anderlová, tel: +421905962047, oldtimer@hornak.sk Route managers: Pavol Kušnír, František Baďura Advertising and promotion: Matej Hrubý, tel: +421905586497, matej.hruby@slovanet.sk PIEŠŤANY GOLDEN RIBBONS CONCOURS D’ELEGANCE PIEŠŤANY SPA ISLAND SLOVAKIA 11th June - 14th June 2015 ■ ■ w w w. p i e s t a n s k e z l a t e s t u h y. s k I N V I TAT I O N Dear friends, The Slovak Health Spa Piešťany, Horňák Ján Company, AMK-VCC Piešťany, Piešťany Municipality and the Slovak Historic Vehicle Association take the liberty to inviting you to the 24th meeting and beauty show of historic vehicles „PIEŠŤANY GOLDEN RIBBONS - CONCOURS D´ELEGANCE 2015“ ■ PROGRAMME 1 1 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 5 T H U R S D AY Arrival of the participants to the Spa Island, registration at the Balnea Grand Hotel in the Orange Hall, paying up the starting fee, taking over the itinerary and checking in. After registration, participants will be welcomed in the Kursalon restaurant with a banquet. Drive of the historic vehicle across the pedestrian zone. In the evening, we invite you to a ceremonial opening reception in the premises of the Spa Piešťany. 1 2 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 5 F R I D AY The day begins with the start at 10.00 AM from the Spa Island: Route for the historical vehicles manufactured before the year 1918: Piešťany - ranch Podkylava - with a lunch - Piešťany Route for the historical vehicles manufactured from 1919: Piešťany - village Báb - visit to the vinery Vinidi - with lunch - Čertova pec with game reserve - sightseeing - Piešťany After returning to Piešťany, the participants will be welcomed with a glass of champagne at the pedestrian zone and will be introduced to the audience. After the show, the vehicles will be parked at the Spa Island. Dinner with grilled specialities will be served at the Balnea Palace Hotel, accompanied with music. ■ A P P L I C AT I O N S A N D I N FO R M AT I O N Only cars manufactured before 1945 will be allowed to enter the “Piešťany Golden Ribbons 2015”. More recently produced cars may only apply after prior consent of the organiser. Please, send your filled applications together with a photograph of your car no later than by April 14, 2015 together with an advance payment of at least 50% of the starting fee to the following address: By post: Ján Horňák, Na Výhone 338, 922 21 Moravany nad Váhom, Slovak Republic By e-mail: oldtimer@hornak.sk Advance payment in EUR to the account number: SLSP 0048287936/0900 SWIFT: GIBASKBX, IBAN: SK93 0900 0000 0000 4828 7936, Variable symbol: 2015, and the name of the driver For any additional information, please call or write to: Lýdia Anderlová Juraj Androvič tel.+421905962047 (for German) e-mail: oldtimer@hornak.sk tel.+421905276192 (for English) e-mail: oldtimer@hornak.sk You can always find new updated information on our website: www.piestanskezlatestuhy.sk The organizer reserves the right to choose the participants. ■ 1 4 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 5 S U N D AY 7.00 - 10.00 AM breakfast, departure of participants The number of participants of the Piešťany Golden Ribbons 2015 is limited to 50 crews. RULES The participants will get an itinerary and the programme of the entire event at the registration. At the „Concours d´Elegance“, the jury will judge the originality, appearance and contemporary clothing. Each participant will get a remembrance gift. 1 3 . 0 6 . 2 0 1 5 S AT U R D AY The third day begins with start at 10.00 AM from the Spa Island to the Casino Olympic in Trnava. In Trnava, the participants will have the opportunity to play social games and will be served with refreshment. After returning to Piešťany, the programme will continue with cultural and accompanying festivities at the Spa Island. In the evening, the day will culminate in front of the Hotel Thermia Palace under the artificial lighting with the beauty show of the „Concours d´Elegance“. The international jury will choose the most beautiful vehicles and the best contemporary clothes of the crew in the individual categories.. After announcing the results of the “Concours d’Élégance”, the festivities will continue in front of the Thermia Palace Hotel. In the evening, there will be fireworks and a party for the participants and invited guests. All bank charges are to be born by the payer: OUR The advance payments will be returned to those applicants who will not be chosen for the event. Once your application is confirmed, please pay up the fee no later than by May 15, 2015. ■ Vehicles manufactured before 1918 150 EUR (driver) 150 EUR (passenger) 150 EUR (each other passenger) STA R T I N G F E E Vehicles manufactured from 1919 to 1945: 300 EUR (driver) 300 EUR (passenger) 300 EUR (each other passenger) Vehicles manufactured after 1946: 400 EUR (driver) (only after the organiser´s prior consent) 400 EUR (passenger) 400 EUR (each other passenger) Children up to 10 years of age do not pay any fee. The starting fee includes food, refreshment on the terrace, evening programmes, prizes for the winners of the „Concours d´Elegance“, remembrance gifts, parking fees for competing and accompanying vehicles, local fees, technical assistance and tow-away service and accommodation in the Balnea Grand Hotel★★★ (excl. spa procedures). If the participant wishes to be accommodated in another hotel, he/she can choose on his/her own expenses from the following hotels: