Legends of Ranching - College of Agricultural Sciences


Legends of Ranching - College of Agricultural Sciences
Legends of
Performance Horse Sale
April 27, 2013
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Table of Contents
Welcome Letter..........................................................................................19
Sale Staff......................................................................................................20
Schedule of Events.....................................................................................21
Map, Directions, and Lodging.................................................................23
Advisory Committee.................................................................................25
Special Notices for Buyers/Absentee Info..............................................26
Terms and Conditions........................................................................ 27-30
Index of Consignors............................................................................ 32-35
Consignors’ Ranch Information........................................................ 37-60
Index of Horses.................................................................................... 61-62
Consignments in Hip Order..........................................63-80 and 89-152
Ranching Heritage Breeders are those that breed and raise the
ranch-type horse, which remains at the core of the American
Quarter Horse Association and epitomizes the breed’s
versatility. Ranching Heritage Breeders are recognized as
leaders in the ranching industry and are eligible to compete
in Ranching Heritage Challenge events.
Special Pre-Sale Lots.................................................................................81
Gold Sponsors...................................................................................... 82-88
Hat Raffle..................................................................................................153
Faculty and Staff......................................................................................157
2014 Sale and Thank You........................................................................159
Student Class Photos.......................................................................162-163
Become an AQHA Ranching Breeder today.
Applications are available at aqha.com
or by calling (806) 376-4811
Welcome to the 8th Annual CSU Legends of Ranching Sale!
Dear Friends:
When this sale started eight years ago, no crystal ball or computerdriven prognostication formula could have foreseen or predicted
where it stands today. The sale itself has grown in size and reputation,
and we are proud of the marketplace position it now holds.
Change, of course, is inevitable – be it weather, the economy, world
events, or any number of things. Regarding this sale, however,
one constant remains: the paramount importance of the students’
participation and growth. What really matters in this sale is not what
the horses bring, but what the students learn. While everyone may
talk of averages and high-sellers, the real value is in the hands-on
education they experience.
Student Experiences:
• Those first few rides in a training class
• Observing young horses in a new environment
• Realizing the day-to-day work to prep 40 young sale horses
• Learning pedigree research methods
• Writing substantive, top-notch catalog notes
• Marketing and promoting a horse industry event
• Interacting with consignors and buyers
Our buyers understand this, our consignors support this, and our
advisory committee takes pride in this. We consistently challenge
ourselves to ensure their participation at a meaningful level and they
consistently rise to the test.
Thus, our measures of success may be slightly different from others
who evaluate the progress of a sale. Naturally, we want it to run
smoothly and for consignors to sell and buyers to obtain horses at
good value. Yet, the education of our students and the experiences
from which they learn are the real, long-term payoffs for buyers,
consignors, the industry, and the students themselves.
Thank you for your consistent and continued support of our students
and our program. GO RAMS!
Jerry B. Black, D.V.M.
Wagonhound Land & Livestock
Chair in Equine Sciences
Gary L. Carpenter, M.Ed.
Industry Outreach and
Liaison Director
Sale Staff
Jeff Tebow
Justin Holmberg
Kevin Meyer
Bid Spotters:
Wilford Brimley
Spence Kidney
Jody Doescher
Justin Morris
Legends of Ranching
Performance Horse Sale 2013
Take home a part of the legend!
Schedule of Events
Friday, April 26
9 a.m. – Sale horses will be on-site and available for viewing until 4 p.m.
2 p.m. – Rope horse preview practice
4 p.m. – Equine Reproduction Laboratory Grand Re-Opening
(Refreshments and tours. Tours end at 5:15 p.m.)
5:30 p.m. – Consignors’ Dinner Hospitality
Saturday, April 27
9 a.m. – Sale horse preview begins
1:30 p.m. – Horse sale begins
Catalog Notes:
Equine Sales Management Students
Horse Training Lab Students
A delicious lunch will be available for purchase and
catered by the CSU Meat Judging Team.
A concession stand for drinks/snacks will be available all day
and run by the CSU English Riding Club.
Pedigree Information:
Robin Glenn Pedigrees, Inc.
Catalog Layout and Design:
Colorado State University Communications and Creative Services
Equine Sales Management Students
Marian Carpenter
Cassidy Kurtz
Photography Credits:
Kennedy Snyder, Burnett Ranches (6666)
Equine Sales Management Students
Tiare Santistevan
Sale Ring:
Stuart Barringer
B.W. Pickett Equine Center
Colorado State University
735 S. Overland Trail
Fort Collins, Colorado
(Directions and Host Hotel information – page 23)
Sale Managed by:
CSU Equine Sciences Program
735 S. Overland Trail
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1679
(970) 491-8373 • FAX: (970) 491-8419
Directions to the B.W. Pickett
Equine Center
Terry Lak
e Rd.
From I-25, take exit 269B for State Highway 14 West.
Merge onto CO-14/Mulberry Street, heading west.
Follow Mulberry Street west for about 7 miles.
Turn left onto S. Overland Trail.
Turn right into the B.W. Pickett Equine Center,
735 S. Overland Trail.
Mountain Vista Rd./County Rd. 50
Lemay Ave.
College Ave./U.S. 287
Country Club Rd.
Vine Dr./County Rd. 48
Vine Dr.
Rampart Rd.
Overland Trail
Meridian Ave.
Ziegler Rd.
Lemay Ave.
College Ave./U.S. 287
Horsetooth Rd.
Ziegler Rd.
County Rd. 38E
Strauss Cabin Rd.
Shields St.
Taft Hill Rd.
Horsetooth Rd.
Harmony Rd.
Harmony Rd.
Host Hotel:
Hilton Fort Collins
“Choice Hotel for Colorado State University’s
Friends and Families”
425 W. Prospect
(970) 482-2626
Ask for the CSU Legends of Ranching Performance Horse Sale
special rate. (Must book by April 4 to secure reduced rate.)
Drake Rd.
Research Blvd.
Timberline Rd.
Prospect Rd.
th Re
it V
Pitkin St.
Fort Collins
CSU Campus
Lake St.
Elizabeth St.
Drake Rd.
Mulberry St./Hwy. 14
City Park Ave.
Pitkin St.
Prospect Rd.
Laurel St.
Plum St.
Elizabeth St.
Sonny Lubick
Field at
Interstate 25
Mulberry St.
Howes. St.
Mountain Ave.
Centre Ave.
B.W. Pickett
Equine Center
Loomis Ave.
LaPorte Ave.
Equine Sciences Advisory Committee
We would like to thank the following catalog and sale sponsors:
Thank you to our Advisory Committee members
for their support, leadership, and encouragement!
American Quarter Horse Journal
Billy Cook Saddles
Brighton Feed & Saddlery
Cowan Select Horses, LLC
Equibrand (Martin Saddlery)
Greeley Hat Works
Neal Hansen
Hilton Fort Collins
Iddings Makers
KeSa Quarter Horses
Merck Animal Health
Dr. Gordon Niswender
Pfizer Animal Health
Platinum Performance
Purina Animal Nutrition
Quarter Horse News
Quarter Horse TRACK magazine
Ranch Sorting National Championships
Resourceful Paper, Inc.
Robin Glenn Pedigrees, Inc.
Rocky Mountain Quarter Horse Association (RMQHA)
Spur Mercantile
Standlee Hay Co.
Transwest Truck and Trailer
Wagonhound Land and Livestock
Wagner Rents
Western Horseman
Jason Abraham, Texas
Woody Bartlett, DVM, Alabama and Wyoming
Glenn Blodgett, DVM, Texas
Kathryn Britton, Colorado
Rick and Lori Bucholz, Nebraska
Chris Collins, California
Vaughn Cook, Colorado
Terry Crofoot, Texas
Dustin Ewing, Wyoming
Julie Goodnight, Colorado
Neal Hansen, Nebraska and Colorado
Leslie Lange, Colorado
Tom Lenz, DVM, Kansas
Doyle Meadows, Ph.D., Tennessee
Kevin Meyer, Wyoming
George Phillips, Colorado and Mississippi
Randel Raub, Ph.D., Minnesota
Dan Rosenberg, Kentucky
Thomas Saunders, Texas
Kirk Shiner, DVM, Colorado
Bill and Carole Smith, Wyoming
John Snobelen, Ontario, Canada
Jeff Tebow, Oklahoma
Carla Wennberg, North Carolina
Kristen York, Wyoming
Special Notices to Buyers
Terms and Conditions
Includes: Absentee bidding information
Legends of Ranching Performance Horse Sale 2013
PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS ARE CAUTIONED: Buyers should read the entire Terms
and Conditions of the sale on pages 27-30 of this catalog.
FROM: Colorado State University (the Auctioneer)
TO: All Sale Participants – Take Notice
ANNOUNCEMENTS: To avoid making costly errors, please pay attention to
all announcements made from the sales office and the auction stand, especially
concerning horses on which you intend to bid.
(970-222-7993) will be available to assist at bidder’s expense, on request to the sales
company, on Friday, April 26 from noon to 5 p.m., and Saturday, April 27 from 8 to
10 a.m. Veterinary exams must be requested by contacting the sales company in the
stalling office and must be approved by the consignor.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF PURCHASE: After making the final bid on a horse, the
buyer will be asked to complete and sign the Buyer’s Acknowledgment of Purchase
Agreement. Be sure to confirm the correct hip number and price before you sign.
PLEASE PRINT YOUR NAME and address clearly, since this document is used for
transfers, invoicing, and in publishing sale results.
ALL ACCOUNTS MUST BE PAID AT TIME OF SALE: All accounts must be paid in
cash, check, or credit/debit card at the time of the sale. The sale office will be open ONE
HOUR after the completion of the sale for buyers’ convenience. Cost of collection,
including attorney’s fees, will be assessed to the buyer.
HORSES PASSES AT THE FALL OF THE HAMMER. At that time, the purchaser
assumes all risk and responsibility for the horse. Purchasers are advised to contact the
consignor to confirm that proper care is being provided. ALL HORSES MUST BE
THE SALE. Any delays in shipment of horses must be approved by the sales office.
RELEASE OF HORSES: As stated in Terms and Conditions, buyers must pay for
horses in the sale office and receive a payment form before release of horses may be
granted to the buyer.
Absentee Buyer Information
Buyers who cannot attend and wish to bid should visit www.csuequine.com prior to
the sale to register. Through our website you can learn about the process and bidding
options. Look for a menu option to sign-up and establish credit prior to the sale.
Various options are available; these include “live” bidding, as well as pre-set bid limits
arranged prior to the sale.
If you have questions about the process please call Gary Carpenter at CSU Equine
Sciences (970) 491-8373.
PHONE BIDDING: Phone bidding services will NOT be provided by CSU. If
a potential buyer wishes to bid by telephone, that buyer should enlist a friend or
colleague to be present at the sale and manage the telephone bidding.
Neither the Auctioneer, any representative thereof, nor their consultants shall be
responsible for any liability whatsoever, including, but not limited to, the loss,
damage, injury, death, or illness of any horse, person, or property before, during,
or after the sale. All horses consigned to the sale are offered in accordance with
the laws of the State of Colorado and all transactions between Buyer, Seller, and
the Auctioneer are governed by the laws of the State of Colorado. Sellers are
hereby bound by the Consignment Agreement completed upon nomination of
sale entry, as well as these Conditions of Sale.
The right to bid or repurchase a horse is reserved by the Seller or his
representative. Title of the horse passes to the Buyer automatically at the final fall
of the Auctioneer’s gavel, unless such repurchase is clearly indicated immediately
by the Seller, his representative, or the Auctioneer. The highest bidder shall
become the Buyer. Any successful bidder shall sign a Buyer’s Acknowledgement
of Purchase which shall be presented by an auction clerk immediately after the
purchase has been made. Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any and all bids.
If a dispute should arise between or among two or more bidders, the Auctioneer
shall settle the dispute, and his decision shall be absolute, final, and binding on
all parties. In such a case, the Auctioneer has the right, but not the obligation,
to reopen the bid and ask for advance bids, solely between the bidders having
claimed the last bid. If there is no advance bid, the horse shall be sold to the
bidder from whom the Auctioneer recognized the final bid. If for any reason
the bid should be reduced below the recognized bid at the beginning of such a
dispute, the Auctioneer may reopen the bidding to all bidders with the highest
bidder becoming the Buyer regardless of whether or not the final bid exceeds the
bid which was originally disputed.
Title passes to the Buyer automatically at the final fall of the Auctioneer’s gavel
unless a repurchase is made by the Seller, his representative, or the Auctioneer
on the Seller’s behalf. At such time, Buyer assumes all risk of loss and the
responsibility, maintenance, care, and expenses for the horse sold passes
immediately from the Seller to the Buyer. This shall be the condition in the case
of illness, injury, or death of any horse after it has been sold. Upon the passage of
title, the Buyer agrees to indemnify and hold the Auctioneer, any representative
thereof, or consultants for harmless from all loss, cost, and expense including
but not limited to: (a) the illness, injury, or death of purchased horse, or (b) loss
or damage to property, and (c) injury or death of persons caused by the Buyer,
his agents, employees, or the purchased horse. Title and all risks are assumed
by the Buyer whether or not delivery has been made. Delivery of a purchased
horse shall be contingent upon the Buyer making a full settlement to the sale
cashier as described in Condition No. 5. After a satisfactory settlement is made,
delivery will be in the form of a release for the horse from the auction grounds.
In addition to the release, the Buyer will receive the current Coggins test and a
copy of the registration certificate.
Settlement for any purchase must be made in full and paid directly to the sale
cashier within the specified time announced prior to the commencement of
the auction. Payment to any other source is prohibited and is not recognized
as settlement. Settlement for any purchase must be made for the full purchase
price with U.S. Currency or with funds from a U.S. Bank in the form of check
or credit/debit card. A valid drivers license and/or other forms of positive
identification are required upon settlement. Any person signing a check in the
State of Colorado is liable for the full amount of the check. Any party issuing a
check returned as “insufficient funds” or “payment stopped” or “account closed”
or a check that shall for any reason not clear drawee’s bank, will be liable for
three times the amount thereof, costs, and attorney fees, and may be prosecuted
to the full extent of the law.
After signing the Buyer’s Acknowledgement of Purchase, Buyer shall be
responsible for the full purchase price, as stated, for the horse. A Buyer who fails
in any respect whatsoever to make settlement as described in Condition No. 5,
shall be declared in default. Upon default, any horse purchased by Buyer may
be resold by Auctioneer for the Seller and all costs associated with such resale
shall be borne by the defaulting Buyer. Should such a resale fail to satisfy in full
the balance due, the Buyer shall immediately pay Auctioneer the amount of the
balance owing. The Seller or Auctioneer may bring suit against the Buyer who
shall be responsible for all costs, plus reasonable attorney’s fees, incurred by
Auctioneer in collection of amounts owing, or in enforcement or interpretation
of this contract and/or the sale condition.
A. Prospective Buyers are hereby cautioned and advised by the Auctioneer to
examine horses thoroughly prior to purchasing. Buyers have the right, at their
expense, to have an on-site routine veterinary examination performed by a
mutually agreed upon veterinarian on any horse prior to the sale. There is no
warranty, expressed or implied by the Auctioneer, any representative thereof, or
consultants for as to the soundness, physical condition, health, or disposition,
PURPOSE of any horse offered in this sale. All horses are sold “as is” with
all existing conditions and defects except as expressly provided below or as
otherwise announced at the time of sale on the Seller’s behalf from the auction
block. Any and all guarantees announced on the Seller’s behalf from the auction
block are made solely between the Seller and the Buyer and shall not be binding
on or effective as against the Auctioneer.
B. The Seller does represent and warrant unto Auctioneer and the Buyer of each
horse the following (unless otherwise announced at the time of sale): (1) The
horse is not vision impaired; (2) The horse is not a “cribber”; (3) The horse has
not been nerved, nor foundered, nor has navicular disease; (4) The sex of the
horse is as described in the catalog; (5) There is not an obvious gap between the
upper and lower teeth; (6) The horse has not had abdominal or joint surgery; (7)
Title of horse is free from all adverse claims of ownership, use, or possession and
Seller agrees to defend title against all claims.
No guarantees are made by the Auctioneer, any representative thereof, or
consultants for, regarding pregnancy status, eventual foaling, or fertility of any
horse offered for sale. Final pregnancy status on broodmares will be announced
at the time of sale on the Seller’s behalf and will take precedence over printed
material in the catalog or in advertising. Any contractual agreements between
owners of broodmares in the sale and owners of stallions to which these mares
may have been bred are strictly between the Buyer and the Seller.
Buyers are cautioned to pay close attention to announcements from the auction
block regarding changes in the sale catalog, as such announcements take
precedence over printed material. The accuracy of all information in the catalog
is the sole responsibility of the Seller, as is the certainty that all announcements
regarding catalog changes or warranties are made while the horse is in the
auction arena. While certain information may have been procured by the
Auctioneer from third parties on behalf of the Seller, it is nonetheless solely
the responsibility of the Seller to verify the accuracy of such information
and to make certain such changes are made public while the horse is in the
auction arena. The Auctioneer, its representatives and consultants assume no
responsibility or liability for errors or omissions, or for any verbal or written
statement regarding the horse sold.
A. All original registration certificates, transfer reports, and/or applicable breeders certificates, and/or registration applications, will be held by the Auctioneer
until the Buyer’s payment clears the drawee bank and becomes unconditional
credit. Upon payment clearance, all applicable paperwork will be forwarded
directly to the proper breed association from the Auctioneer. The Seller shall be
responsible for payment of all applicable transfer fees.
B. Pending registration applications being processed by the appropriate registration agency at the time of sale will be returned from the agency to the Seller who
shall in turn deliver to the Auctioneer. The Auctioneer will then forward the
registration certificate and transfer report to the proper breed association.
C. Original registration certificate and accompanying paperwork will be released
to Sellers for horses not sold (repurchases), after all expenses are paid and the
Seller’s payment has cleared the bank.
All horses in this sale have been required to have been tested negative for Equine
Infectious Anemia (Coggins test). Additionally, all horses selling have been
requested to have a health certificate issued to the auction grounds.
A. Each horse consigned to this sale, or a substitute, must pass through the
auction arena and all transactions must go through the sale office.
B. Hip numbers shall not be removed by the Seller or the Buyer while the horse
is on the grounds.
C. All persons attending this sale do so at their own risk, and are urged to use
caution while on the sale grounds.
D. Any item not covered in these Conditions of Sale shall be regulated according
to the established customs and practices of professional auction management
The Auctioneer, or any representative thereof, does not act as agent for nor
represent the Buyer or Seller, but only provides a medium for bringing together
the Buyer and Seller for the purpose of a sales transaction. In the event of any
legal dispute between the Buyer and the Seller, Auctioneer will occupy the
position of a mere stakeholder and will be discharged from all obligations owing
to the Seller or Buyer upon delivery of any property or funds held by Auctioneer
to the court having jurisdiction of such dispute.
CHOICE OF LAW. The laws of the State of Colorado and rules and regulations
issued pursuant thereto shall be applied in the interpretation, execution, and
enforcement of this contract. At all times during the performance of this
contract, the Buyer and Seller shall strictly adhere to all applicable federal and
State laws, rules, and regulations that have been or may hereafter be established.
Venue for any action arising from or in connection with this contract shall be
exclusively in the Colorado District Court in and for the City of Fort Collins,
Larimer County, Colorado.
Index of Consignors
Hip # Registered Name
Gender Sire
Gelding Smart Avenger
A Blue Light Special
Avengers Blue Boy
AR Especials Barmaid 2011
AR Onesmart Especial 2011
Gelding One Smart Peppy
AR Especially Sassy
Colonel Doc Bar Chex Especials Little Badger
Playguns Wilson
Beans Pepto Gun
Gelding Hell No Doc
Sand Sparkin Snappy
Gelding Genuine As Diamonds Peppy Two Wimpy
SO Blk Satin Playgun
Gelding VNK Lonegun
Double S Satin
Gelding Hairpin Whiskey Up
Delightful Sis Doll
Peptos Blueprint
Sally Big Cat
Backwoods Princess
2011 Mare
ELS Scottish Nick
Lil Princess Di
Flying B Specialty
2011 Mare
Bee My Sierra
Red Desert Rap
Gunpowder Pick
PG Gunpowder
Pick The Pay
Shesa Roan Fletch
Four Roan Fly
Shesa Smart Fletch
Gender Sire
Black To Heaven
Black To Basics
Red Hot Heaven
MS Hot Prescription
Black To Basics
Docs Red Hot Affair
OF Chex Your Powder 2010
PG Gunpowder
Irish Chex
Playin Windy
Playin Attraction
Miss Red Hot Windy
Red Hot Rescate Gal
Black To Basics
Red Hot Elsie
Red Hot Slush
Gelding Four Wood Cutter
Red Hot Elsie
DM Lil Peppys Autumn 2011
DM Playin It Rich
Gelding Nic It In The Bud
Autumn Acre
Partner By Peppy
Miss Play Ola
Reeds Little Amigo
Gelding Little Blue Amigo
Box Car Annie Gee
Traveling Gypsy Gee
Gypsy Due Gee
Little Blue Amigo
Awesome Wolfcreek
Gelding Wolf Creek Red Buck Awesome Misty
Classy Lil Wolfcreek
Wolf Creek Red Buck Wheat Chex Out
MS ID Bell
Rare Two ID
Watch MS Baron
Reeds Hot Deline
Red Hot Hancock
Blue Deline
Annies Hickory Stik
Hip # Registered Name
RPM Mr Stylish
Aledo Stray
CF San Kai 524
Gelding Peppy San Kai
CF Twenty Four
Lil Mr Mickey
Gelding Snickelfritz Mickey
Lil Miss Honeysuckle
Mickey 521
Gelding Snickelfritz Mickey
CF Twenty One
San Kai 124
Mickey 1124
Chicory Del Cielo
Gelding Gallo Del Cielo
This Chicks A Hick
Mickey Steel
Gelding Snickelfritz Mickey
Im Continental Steel
HR Smart Play
Gelding HR Hickory Player
Sally Mobally
Peppy 0876
Gelding Peppy San Kai
Centennial 876
Gelding Pepto Taz
Desire A Playboy
Real Mickey 1424
CF Real 424
Spin A Bluestem
Gelding Spooks Bluestem
Spin A Huey
Rusty OCF Thirteen
Gelding Rusty Gun 876
This Chics Blue
This Chics A Hick
Gelding Driftwood Sensation Foxy Two Valentine
Spooks Bluestem
Snickelfritz Mickey
Snickelfritz Mickey
CF Thirteen
Sensations Fox
Hip # Registered Name
Gender Sire
Bucks Lady Badger
Happy Doc Flit
Dun Time With A Bay
SCR Bit Of Hollywood 2010
Katerina Gold
Pauls Pistolena
Gelding Smart Paul Olena
Zan Bar Freckles
Rio Time Hancock
Gender Sire
Gelding Thorn Doc Lena
Happy Flit
SCR Hollywood Bingo
SCR Boonlight Dancin 2010
A Smooth Edition
Dance With Boon
SCR Pep Express
SCR Smoken Express
SCR Smooth Reminic
A Smooth Edition
SCR Mysticinic
SCR Vanna Lena
Gelding Thorn Doc Lena
Hip # Registered Name
Gelding Plenty Roan Hancock Rio Queenie
SH Rufus
Gelding Snickelfritz Husker
NLD Kay Cee Queen
SJ Pluto
Gelding Snickelfritz Jake
Watch Dude Jessica
Bartona Vanna
Cowtowns Smoothie
2011 Mare
Cowtowns Cat
Taris Vandel
ELS Scottish Nick
Leadin The Pack
Lead Me N Feed Me
Sixes Chaparral
Gelding Sixes Country
Special Show Two
Sixes Cherrybomb
Sixes Pick
Peppys Raletta Sioux
Sixes Magnolia
Sixes Pick
Special Roxy
Sixes Prince
Gelding Sixes Pick
Equine Senorita
Charming Story
Colonel Haidas
Gelding Haidas Little Pep
Colonel Missy
Fevered Kiss
Playboys Buck Fever
Quanahs Kiss
Little Doc Fritz
Lucero Del Rey
Mounties Little Doe
Look At This Gal
WR This Cats Smart
A Smart Little Gal
Mounties Jewel
Playboys Buck Fever
Little Doc Fritz
Pardee Cat
Gelding WR This Cats Smart
MP Lonely Pardee Gal
Pardee Smart
MP Lonely Pardee Gal
Sand Jo Tari
Gelding San Jo Lena
WR Gay Bar Tari
Sixes Tenino
Tenino Cue
Dixies Valentine
Haidalenas War Chant 2008
SM Whisper Skip
Gelding KM Valentine Skip
Friendly Dixie
Gelding Haidalenas War Doc
Annies Sunny Charge
2008 Gelding KM Valentine Skip
Jazzy Whisper
Joanes Sport
2010 Mare
Sport N Bet
Joane Capitan
Sporty Joane
Sport N Bet
Joane Reed
PC Frenchmans Hayday Sabre Sign
WR This Cats Smart
Playboys Buck Fever
WH Golden Paloma
Gelding Bob Paloma
Golden Curves
Goin Both Ways
2008 Gelding Pale Face Jose
Swingin Star Lady
WR Mr Rock Star
Gelding Missies Little Star
Shining Lil Bit
Natural Red Buck
Gelding Sallys Natural Buck
Zerina Coosa Bar
WR Shiner Four
Gelding Four Lucky 063
Shiny Justins
SS Bay Harmon 811
Lots Of Harmon 811
WR Shining Class
Gelding Shining King Cody
FF Class Lena
WR Smokin Whiskey
Gelding WR Smooth Whiskey
Miss Smokin Beauty
Ladys Bay Gun
Abraham Equine
Jason and Bonnie Abraham
10693 Mendota Road
Canadian,TX 79014
Phone: (806) 323-8260
Abraham Equine of Canadian, Texas, is owned by Jason and Bonnie A
­ braham.
Jason is a fourth generation resident of Hemphill County. ­Abraham Equine
is located on the Mendota
Ranch where Jason and
Bonnie, along with their two
children, Maddie and Luke
reside. The ranch history
starts back in 1880 with
Jason’s great grandfather,
W.W. Lewis. The original
property he owned is now
part of the Mendota Ranch.
The Mendota Ranch was
purchased in 1993 by the
three Abraham brothers,
Eddie, Salem, and Jason.
formed when their first
stallion, Freckles Smokin
Doc, stood to the public.
From there, Jason became
deeply involved in embryo
transfer and realized the
need for a good recipient
mare. Abraham Equine
first partnered with Timber
Creek Veterinary Hospital
in Canyon, Texas, in 1997 in
supplying recipients for embryo transfer. Over the years, Abraham Equine
grew to be the largest recipient herd, consisting of more than 2,000 head at
one time. Abraham Equine currently supplies the recipient mares for the
Colorado State University ERL and has for most of the last decade.
We are deeply involved in cutting horses. Our cutting horses that don’t make
the traveling team are top-notch ranch horses. They are used on the ranch to
handle, gather, and move mares. We currently stand Strait Silver and Smart
Avenger to the public.
Atwood Ranch
Bar Rock-n-Bean
Atwood Quarter Horses, Inc.
16565 Reeds Creek Road
Red Bluff, CA 96080
Phone: (530) 528-0504 • www.AtwoodRanchNaturally.com
14339 WCR 74
Eaton, CO 80615
Phone: (970) 590-5551
E-mail: tbeanplatinum@aol.com
Cutters, cattle, cabernet …
With Atwood Ranch cattle, vineyards, and timber operations scattered over
four western states, our horse breeding facility is nestled in the foothills of the
Coastal Mountains of northern California. Mares and foals enjoy plentiful
native grasslands in the oak studded landscape.
The Atwood Ranch
horse herd is Quarter
Horse based, as it
has been since the
beginning. Our true
proven blood with good
minds, has remained
steadfast. The goal has
always been to breed
and raise horses with
outstanding bloodlines,
correct conformation,
solid bone, a winning
of course, good looks. At Atwood Ranch we take great pride in our horses
excelling as performance horses. We are equally proud when they become
productive ranch horses or thrive in the hands of a passionate student on a
personal journey of horsemanship.
In recent years our focus has evolved to include not only solid breeding,
but foundation training and matchmaking as well. We specialize in young
horse development, beginning with the foals’ early learning and continuing
through our yearling program, to starting a select group under saddle. With a
strong emphasis on the fundamentals, we build on curiosity and confidence.
Through our program the yearlings establish ground skills that will lay the
foundation for future riding maneuvers and lifelong partnerships. A unique
buying experience awaits customers who visit the ranch. The selection
process includes compatibility testing and personalized coaching, as well as
accounting for individual skills and interests.
Bar Rock-N-Bean Quarter Horses is located near Eaton, Colorado, and was
started by Todd and Kristen Bean. Todd went to school and played football
at Colorado State University from 1987 to 1991 and has kept ties with CSU
over the years. Todd and Kristen had been attending the Legends of Ranching
Sale every year. They were very impressed with the quality of the sale and
what a great job the
Equine Program was
doing, and wanted to be
The sire for the ­program
is Quail Hunter, aka
Hooch, a gray son of
Paddys Irish Whiskey,
purchased from the
Four Sixes. Hooch is
a heavy built ranch/
rope type horse with an
­incredible disposition.
He is passing this
disposition and body
type on to his offspring.
Kristen shows Hooch at local shows with mares and geldings in the arena.
With the trainability and the mind that this horse has, nobody knows he is a
The mares are all very well bred daughters and granddaughters of Playgun,
Real Gun, and Peptoboonsmal. They all have great minds, good bone, nice
feet, and raise their babies on pasture. The goal in crossing Hooch on these
mares is to put a well minded, athletic, and versatile horse on the ground that
can go many directions. Thanks for looking at the Bar Rock-N-Bean horses
and supporting CSU.
Horses are offered throughout the year at varying stages of development. The
breeding you want, with the foundation they need, from the brands you trust.
Bartlett Ranches
Burnett Ranches, LLC
2050 Meriwether Road • Pike Road, AL 36064
Phone: (334) 281-0486 office • Fax: (334) 281-9208
6666 Ranch • P.O. Box 130 • Guthrie, Texas 79236
Phone: (806) 596-4424 • Fax: (806) 596-4550
www.6666ranch.com • e-mail: gb@6666ranch.com
Bartlett Ranches is currently made up of three ranches located in Alabama,
Texas, and Wyoming. Established in 1954, the Alabama ranch is home for
H.B. “Woody” Bartlett, DVM and is the foundation of the ranches. It consists
of five thousand acres and runs a herd of 850 commercial cows and 200
American Quarter Horses. Dr. Bartlett started with the purchase of Quick
Henry, AAA and AQHA champion, by Sugar Bars and out of a Leo mare. This
was the foundation of
the broodmare band.
Although most of
the broodmares are
bred through artificial
insemination, a few are
pasture bred.
Along with its famous slogan, “Horses with a History; Brands with a
Background,” legendary Quarter Horses and superior cattle are hallmarks
of “The Four Sixes,” a historic Texas ranch that is part of Burnett Ranches,
LLC. Owned by Mrs. Anne W. Marion, the great-granddaughter of the ranch’s
founder, Captain Samuel “Burk” Burnett, the ranch stands some of the most wellrespected Quarter Horse stallions in the industry, including the finest cutting,
reining, ranch horses,
anywhere. Our elite
produce some of the
best race, ranch, and
performance horses
in the country.
Bartlett Ranch West,
located just west of
Weatherford, Texas, was
purchased in 1995 and
is managed by Milton
Scott. Milton oversees
approximately 35 head
of outstanding bred
cutting horses ranging
from weanlings to
broodmares to show
horses on 1,100 acres.
Some of the top broodmares include Billies Short Lena, NCHA Lifetime
earnings $198,847, Can You Handle It, NCHA Lifetime earnings $207,154,
Cool Little Feet, NCHA Lifetime earnings $206,083 and Playguns Desire,
NCHA Lifetime earnings $124,325. Bartlett Ranch Wyoming in LaGrange,
Wyoming, is the largest of all three ranches with nearly 75,000 acres. In
addition to the 300 head of horses, 3,000 head of steers and 1,000 head of
broodcows sometimes occupy the grassy pastures. In 2000, Dr. Bartlett
partnered with long time friend and former PRCA World Champion Saddle
Bronc rider Bill Smith, offering ranch raised horses to the public. The WYO
Quarter Horse Sales, which are held in the spring and fall, have become a
leading source for ranch broke geldings.
The Burnett holdings
cover 275,000 acres
on two Texas ranches:
the 6666 Ranch
(headquarters), near
Guthrie, and the
Dixon Creek Ranch,
between Panhandle
and Borger – both
located in the western half of the state. The ranch is dedicated to superior
water and range management practices, working as much as possible to
reclaim land for native grasses and restore or improve natural water resources.
Our American Quarter Horses are consistently ranked among the best in the
breed, as evidenced by our receipt of the AQHA Best Remuda Award and
as an AQHA All-Time Leading Breeder of Performance Horses and Race
Money-Earners and Winners. A steady stream of champion performance,
race, and ranch horses are bred and produced by the 6666s, and are ridden
by our cowboys for work on the ranch, as well as being shown in cutting, cow
horse, and other performance events. Look for a description of our distinctive
brands, as well as other information, on our website, listed above.
Cowan Select Horses, LLC
Crofoot Ranches, LLP
Lisa Cowan Huestis – Owner and General Manager
P.O. Box 1280 • Havre, MT 59501 • Phone: (406) 265-1424
Zach Iddings – Montana Manager • Phone: (406) 395-5105
Bob Jones, Manager
PO Box 53188 • Lubbock, TX 79453
Phone: (806) 798-6262 • Fax: (806) 798-9888
E-mail: crofootcattle@yahoo.com
Cowan Select Horses, LLC is based both in North Central Montana and
Purcell, Oklahoma; the two locations complement each other well. The central
location of Cowan Select, in Purcell, allows us easy access to show in cutting,
reined cow horse, and ranch horse versatility
events at all the major AQHA, NCHA,
and NRCHA events. Our stallion, Spooks
Bluestem, stands in Purcell, along with many
of our performance-proven broodmares.
Now moving into the fourth generation of family ownership, Crofoot Cattle
Co., Inc and its affiliates make up a diversified agribusiness operation. Over
the years it has owned and operated multiple commercial feedyards with a
one-time capacity of 180,000 head and
a stocker program numbering over
100,000 yearlings per year.
In Montana, we run in conjunction with
Cowan & Son Ranch, established in 1888.
Our horses are used in everyday work on the
ranch: health checking, pasture doctoring,
dragging calves to the branding fire, sorting
and trailing cattle, etc. The ranch is located in
a beautiful area with many extremes in both
climate and terrain which, in turn, lends
a hand in raising strong, sure-footed, and
good-minded horses.
Our broodmare band is made up of mares
that are selected for their conformation,
athleticism, and ability to work a cow. All of
our mares have been ridden extensively and
have proven themselves as either a ranch or
a performance horse prior to joining our
broodmare band. Many of our mares have a
performance record.
Crofoot Ranches, LLP is the operating
company for both owned and leased
ranches. Crofoot Ranches currently
runs a 1,600 head cow-calf operation
and a Quarter Horse breeding program
at Bittercreek Ranch, Clarendon, Texas,
and Rescate Canyon Ranch, Lubbock,
The horse breeding program and
training program is an integral part
of the overall ranching operation.
The goal of the Quarter Horse
breeding program is to produce an
all-around ranch horse with the cow,
conformation, speed, and disposition
to be used on the ranch, in the arena,
in versatility, and on the trail.
This year, we are bringing five lots to the Legends of Ranching Performance
Horse Sale. Cowan Select is pleased to be a part of this sale and strives to bring
you good quality horses with conformation and ability.
Diamond McNabb Ranch Horses
Gould Ranch Cattle Company
1541 Diamond Drive
Casper, WY 82601
Phone: (307) 233-3909
16400 Winview Mile Road – Fort Morgan, CO 80701
Phone: (970) 483-5148 – Fax: (970) 483-5150
Based out of Douglas, Wyoming, along LaPele Creek, Diamond-McNabb
Ranch Horses is comprised of two partners, Diamond Ranches and Ken
McNabb Horsemanship. Diamond Ranches focuses on raising beef cattle
but couldn’t do it without quality ranch horses. With the help of longtime
horseman and professional clinician Ken McNabb, the two partners came
together to produce performance bred, pasture raised, McNabb trained, and
ranch experienced horses.
The Gould Ranch Cattle Company is a family owned and operated ranch. It
all began in 1971, when Guy L. Gould bought a cow herd and leased a ranch
near Lyons, Colorado, at the age of 19.
Diamond-McNabb horses
are known for being
versatile, good minded
and well rounded Quarter
Horses. Bred for medium
size, durable conformation,
and innate cow sense, these
horses are put out on the
ranch to test their skills.
Drawing their breeding
stock from performance
background of success,
the ranch has cow-bred
stallions in the breeding
program. Playgun Will Travel, or “Paladin,” is the son of the increasinglylegendary cutting sire Playgun and out of a 2x roping champion dam. Their
second stallion, Heavens Rooster or “Quest,” has agility and cow sense in
every corner of his pedigree. His sire, Gallo del Cielo, is one of the three highly
successful half-brothers by Peppy San Badger and his dam is a daughter of
Freckles Playboy.
headquarters of the
ranch we have a small
feedlot where we
background calves,
develop bulls and
heifers, and finish
cattle that we sell for
freezer beef. Along
with the cattle we also raise, train, show, and sell American Quarter Horses.
The Gould Ranch Cattle Company is honored to be a part of the Ranching
Heritage program that the AQHA started in 2011. The ranch corporation
consists of Guy and Sherry Gould; Clint, Anna Marie and their sons, Conagher
and Cash Gould; and Jed and Holly Roark and their three children, Colton,
Fallon, and Pake Roark.
Because mares have at least as much influence on how a foal turns out as
a stallion does, the ranch’s goal is to have a group of constantly-upgrading
broodmares to produce excellent foals. Today, Diamond-McNabb runs about
30 broodmares sired by Peppy San Badger, Two Eyed Red Buck, Boonlight
Dancer, and Royal Fletch. Although still a young program, they are enjoying
the first few foal crops and are optimistic for the future of these versatile,
“ranch ready” offspring!
We are now located just 25 miles south of Fort Morgan, Colorado. Our Irish
Blacks seedstock operation runs between 300 and 400 Irish Black and Irish Red
Cattle, which are registered through the American Celtic Cattle Association.
We also have a 1,000 head commercial cow herd that we run primarily in
the Rocky Mountains
of Colorado near
Hartsel on 40,000
acres, ranging in
elevation from 9,000
to 11,000 feet.
Hanging H Ranch
Haythorn Ranch Company
Neal C. Hansen
Foreman & Ranch Manager – Patrick Stokey
40813 West Highway 30 • Sutherland, NE 69165
Phone: (308) 386-8397 • www.hanginghranch.com
Haythorn Ranch Company
25500 E. Haythorn Road
Maxwell, NE 69151
Phone: (308) 520-4017 • e-mail: ranch4@msn.com
The Hanging H Ranch is nestled between Nebraska’s rolling sandhills and
several miles of the South Platte River, making it a premier destination
for horseback riding, hunting, and simply appreciating the beauty of this
legendary landscape.
Haythorn Ranch Company is located in the sandhills of Nebraska, along the
Platte River Valley near Maxwell. It is comprised of 20,000 acres of grass,
meadow hay, and sweet water from the Ogallala Aquifer. We are primarily a
cow/calf operation running up to 1,500 mother cows.
We run a medium-sized
registered Angus cow/
calf operation. We have
selected our foundation
herd from some of the
top cows of reputable
Angus breeders. We
breed for high-quality
and marketable genetics.
The Haythorns have been ranching in the Nebraska sandhills since 1884.
Harry Haythornthwaite (later shortened to Haythorn) stowed away on a
ship bound for the U.S.A. at
the age of 16, and when found
he was put to work caring for
the Hereford bulls that were on
board. Docking in Galveston,
Texas, he went to work for the
rancher who owned the bulls.
He later made four cattle drives
on the Western trail, two of
which passed through Ogallala,
Neb. Harry spent his wages
on a livery stable in Ogallala
where he married Emma
Gilpin. Harry and Emma filed
on a homestead in 1884, thus
beginning the long legacy of Haythorn Ranches. Haythorn Ranch is entering
its sixth generation of traditional ranching.
We raise commercial
grain crops, and in
addition to feed for our
cattle operations, we
have recently begun
growing and marketing
hay specifically produced
for horse operations.
The Hanging H Ranch is committed to breeding, raising, and training quality
American Quarter Horses with proven bloodlines, as well as conformation,
agility, athleticism, and disposition. We breed to our own stallion and to
very select outside stallions to achieve specific breeding objectives. These
objectives include producing great horses with the conformation and athletic
ability to compete effectively and do an honest day’s work on the ranch, as
well as the intelligence and temperament to be quality, reliable horses.
We recently completed a significant project with Ducks Unlimited involving
the cleanup and restoration of three miles of the South Platte River. We have
also restored abused pastureland and turned marginal cropland into first-class
upland game habitat. It has been a fascinating project to be able to transform
this resource back to an area that supports abundant wildlife, thousands of
migrating waterfowl, as well as effective farming and ranching operations.
We have been breeding American Quarter Horses since before the registry’s
inception in 1940. We pasture breed 20 to 35 mares a year and run 40 to 50
saddle horses in our remuda. Our horses are bred for use on the ranch, not to
follow the whims of the market. They must have good bones and feet, strong
muscles, a kind disposition, and lots of cow sense.
All this translates into versatile horses that can be used by a wide variety of
people for anything that can be done on horseback. Recent accolades include
AQHA 50 year legacy award for Haythorn Ranch Company in 1993 and
Howard Haythorn in 2009. Howard was inducted into the Cowboy Hall of
Fame and the Hall of Great Westerners in 2008. Haythorn Ranch is honored
to be the 2009 recipient of the AQHA-Pfizer Best Remuda Award.
KeSa Quarter Horses
Kurtz Ranch
Sam Shoultz
51 Rustic Rd. • Bellvue, CO 80512
Phone: (970) 484-5688 • www.kesaquarterhorses.com
25545 County Rd. 56
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
(970) 879-5029 – Cell: (970) 846-7090
KeSa Quarter Horses raises and promotes the foundation bloodlines of Blue
Valentine and Driftwood blended with the bloodlines of Peppy San and Leo.
The proven disposition and cow sense of these families is the backbone of our
longtime breeding operation. The golden cross of these families is a proven
one for performance horses. KeSa currently uses eight stallions, seven which
we raised ourselves, and about 60 broodmares, most of which we also raised.
The Kurtz Ranch is a family operated ranch located in the beautiful Elk River
Valley north of Steamboat Springs, Colorado. Along the banks of the river we
have raised mountain grass hay, cattle, and Quarter Horses for several decades.
It is a landscape of lush meadows, rugged mountains, and deep snow, and is
an ideal environment for developing horses that are healthy, hearty, adaptable,
and sure-footed. The valley has a rich heritage of quality horses, having been the
home of Marshall Peavy and Quentin Semotan, two of the original founders of
the American Quarter
as well as Semotan’s
sire, Starduster.
We are competing, and
points with horses that we
raised, and they are shown
on the highly competitive
AQHA open class circuit.
We do this to prove the
breeding and to show that
our home raised horses can
compete with the best that
are showing today.
Our home raised stallion
Blue Fox Hancock, with over
500 AQHA open points,
is an AQHA performance
champion, and in 2009 was the runner-up for the high point horse, all events
and all ages, in the USA, all around high point stallion, high point SR heeling
horse, has superiors in heeling, heading, and tie down roping, performance
register of merit, high point SR heeling stallion, five year end top 10 ropings
titles, superiors in heeling, heading, and tie down roping, and several AQHA
all around awards.
Our home raised Driftwood stallion, MR Junewood, has been to the AQHA
World Show four times and was in the top 10 twice. He has 192 points in
heeling plus a ROM and superior in that event, and points in heading and
calf roping.
A special KeSa Production Sale will be held August 23-25 at CSU. Information
and pedigrees can be found at www.kesaquarterhorses.com.
We would like to thank CSU for including us in the Legends of Ranching Sale,
and are proud to support the Equine Sciences Program.
In our horse operation
we strive to raise
good-minded horses
that will excel on
the ranch or trail as
well as in the arena.
We want them to be
versatile with correct
conformation and lots of cow sense. While most of our horses go on to be
ranch, trail, or roping horses, a select few are chosen as show prospects.
These go to our son, Andy Kurtz, who trains them for competition in AQHA,
NRCHA, and NSHA shows. We currently have horses showing in reined
cowhorse, ranch versatility, and an occasional roping event.
In the summer months, we usually conduct a number of clinics ranging from
colt starting and horsemanship to cowhorse and beginning cutting. We also
host Common Ground Clinics, which demonstrate how fundamentals in
early training can be the same in both Western and English disciplines.
Mantz Creek Horses
Pete Becker Ranch, Inc.
450 Bedtick Road
Douglas, WY 82633
Phone: (307) 331-8953
www.mantzcreekhorses.com • e-mail: kmeyer@mantzcreekhorses.com
Pete Becker
Box 129 • Ashby, NE 69333
Phone: (308) 458-2222 • Fax: (308) 458-2528
Mantz Creek Horses was established with the goal of maintaining the
traditions of the western stock horse and its place in the modern west.
Pete Becker Ranch, Inc. is a 22,000 acre ranch in the heart of the sandhills
of Nebraska. My grandfather, Peter Becker, purchased the ranch in 1898.
Our first registered Quarter Horses were two mares that came to the ranch
in 1948. In 1949, two
more registered mares
were purchased. Revenue
2070 was purchased from
Walter Merrick in 1950. He
was the first stud owned
by the Becker Ranch. Two
more registered mares
were also purchased at this
time. This was the nucleus
of our original registered
Quarter Horse program.
Founded by Kevin Meyer, a horseman with a background in both the
traditional working ranch and performance/show discipline of the equine
industry, Mantz Creek Horses strives to bring together all the best aspects
of each to make the
most versatile horse
Horses are exposed
to both performance
horse training, where
they are shown in
ASHA shows, as well
as used on our stocker
cattle operation where
they are expected to
“earn” their living at
8,000 feet of elevation.
Through training, clinics, and limited horse sales, it is the goal of the company
to provide horses and riders the tools to perform with confidence, both in and
out of the arena.
Through the years, the
ranch has owned or leased
some very good stallions,
including Poco Tom,
Johnny Zero, RBM Duster
Wolf, and Snickelfritz Chex. RBM Duster Wolf was an AQHA Champion and
superior cutting horse. Snickelfritz Chex was leased from Calvin Ross and
spent ten years at the Becker Ranch.
We now stand Special Gun, son of All-Time Leading Cutting and Reined
Cowhorse Sire Playgun. Special Gun earned $3,001 in ranch horse
competition. A Western Heritage Ranch Horse Classic Senior Champion,
he was third in the 2010 Black Hills Ranch Horse Open, sixth in the 2009
Fort Worth AQHA Versatility Ranch Horse Open, third in the 2008 RHAA
National Finals Senior class, and third in the Open class, and a member of the
Ranch Cutting Horse Association Open Top Ten.
Our senior stallion today is Snickelfritz Jake, a top performance son of
Snickelfritz Chex out of a top Eddie 80 mare.
The ranch is a cow-calf operation and runs 1,000 head of cows. All of the
cattle work is done on horseback and not on four-wheelers. We like doing
things the old fashioned way, as some may call it, but we have the Quarter
Horses to make the job enjoyable.
Purina Animal
Nutrition Center
P.O. Box 66812 – St. Louis, MO 63166
Phone: (800) 227-8941 – www.horse.purinamills.com
Owned by Land O’Lakes, the Purina Animal Nutrition Center in Gray Summit,
Missouri, is home to the Purina Equine Research Facility. Established in 1926,
the Purina Animal Nutrition Center (PANC) is the premier animal nutrition
research facility in North America
and one of the leading centers in the
world. Each year, “the farm” plays
host to thousands of visitors, ranging
from customers and distinguished
academics to 4-H club members.
Spread across 1,188 acres of rolling
Missouri pasture land, PANC
is tangible evidence of Purina’s
strong belief in nutrition research
and development. It represents a
continuing commitment to help
customers grow healthier and more
productive livestock and pets. PANC
is home to 12 different animal species, and off-site collaborative research
allows the nutritional needs of other species to be studied.
At the Equine Facility the horse’s digestive physiology, palatability,
reproduction, growth and development, and exercise physiology are studied
to better meet the horse’s nutritional needs in the face of changing demands.
Purina’s facility is unique to the feed industry and helps Purina create some of
the best performing horse feeds in the world.
The equine herd is comprised of 60-70 horses, and utilizes shipped cooled
semen to continually enhance its breeding program. The Purina Equine
Research Facility has been breeding registered quarter horses for 45 years as
part of its program. Purina has been a lifetime AQHA member since 1980
and is proud to continue to be a part of the industry by producing well-bred
performance and ranch horse prospects.
Rocking G Ranch
Box 552, Redwater, Alberta, Canada, T0A 2W0,
Phone: (780) 736-3595 or (780) 918-5437
Rocking G Ranch is located near Redwater, Alberta, and is owned and
managed by Blair and Tami Gigian. It runs approximately 200 head of
American Quarter Horses and a herd of purebred Black Angus cattle.
We stand several stallions
on our ranch, some of
which include: Olenas
Olena, KM Valentine
Skip, Blue Bird Cody, and
King Wimpy Two. We
cover approximately 70
broodmares of our own
and stand some of our
stallions to the public.
Our mares carry the
bloodlines of Playgun,
Skipper W, Genuine
Peppy, Haidas Little Pep, Blue Boy Quincy, Tuf N Busy, Bueno Chex, and
Colonel Freckles. Our colts are bred for disposition and good conformation,
and to look good and have cow sense. These colts have proven themselves to
be useful in everyday work on the ranch as well as in the show pen.
We are pleased to be invited into The Legends of Ranching Performance
Horse Sale. We are offering for sale some of the geldings that represent the
quality horses we are striving to produce in our breeding program.
Saunders Ranch
Silver Spur Ranch
Thomas B. Saunders V
4414 Old Dennis Rd. • Weatherford, TX 76087
Phone: (817) 992-4251 • Fax: (817) 596-2847
P.O. Box 714
Encampment, WY 82325
Phone: (307) 327-5550 • Fax: (307) 327-5998
www.silverspurranches.com • e-mail: kyork@Spurranches.com
Saunders Ranch headquarters was established in 1929 in Weatherford, Texas.
Tom Saunders III, a descendant of the prominent Saunders clan who came to
Texas in 1850 and established prospering cattle commission companies in Ft.
Worth, San Antonio, and Houston, Texas, put together additional holdings
that are now known
as Twin V Ranch and
Saunders Cattle Co. in
Parker County, Texas.
Silver Spur Ranch is one of the nation’s largest commercial cow-calf operations
with ranches in Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, and Nebraska. They also
run registered Charolais, Red Angus, Angus, Herefords, and a Range Fire
Composite. The ranches
stretch from the historic
Bell and TO Ranches in
New Mexico to Silver Spur
Feeders in Nebraska. Also
included are high altitude
operations at Encampment,
Wyo. and Walden, Colo. The
Kiowa, Colo., division sits
centrally located between all
of the other ranches.
president of the NCHA,
got his family roots
as a cowpuncher and
horseman on his father’s
Borden Co. and Archer
Co., Texas, and Choteau,
Okla. His ranching
education predicated a
good cow brute as well as
top horse flesh. He had
both, and he demanded
good hands. His sonin-law, Jim Calhoun, owned, rode, and trained the first world champion
cutting horse stallion, Kings Pistol, in 1957. The female offspring of this
line of breeding has produced industry leading sires such as Playgun, Smart
Little Pistol, and Cat Silver, and has provided the basis for the present line of
Thomas Saunders V, raised on this cow outfit in central Texas, represents
this same line of breeding his family has stood for. He has started cutting
and ranch horses under saddle for more than 30 years for numerous ranches
in Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and California. Thomas served as boss
wrangler of the Ray Hunt Tribute as well as multiple movies and productions.
Being exposed to and working side-by-side with Chris Cox, Craig Cameron,
Van Hargis, and Terry Crofoot, he has seen many outstanding approaches
to advanced horsemanship techniques. This sixth generation cowboy enjoys
passing that knowledge on.
At Silver Spur Ranch there
is a focus on producing
cattle that thrive in a variety
of environments and are
profitable in a feed-lot setting. The original Silver Spur operation dates back
to the 1950s and the ranch is home to and employs several multi-generation
families. A core focus throughout all of the operation is maintaining the
ranches for future generations.
In our horse operation, we believe in combining the sturdy steadfast bloodlines
of yesterday with the progressive cow horses of today. Our horses are not only
used on the ranches for the day to day necessities of ranching, but are starting
to be used in the show pen. You can currently catch our cowboys and our
horses at ranch rodeos. Recently, JB Miller of the Silver Spur Bell Division
rode Hat Brim Fever in the Cowboy Class during the Ranching Heritage
Show in Fort Worth and was Reserve Champion. In addition, we purchased
that mare at CSU’s Legends of Ranching Sale.
Building Ranch Traditions for Tomorrow’s Generations.
Wyoming -Colorado -New Mexico -Nebraska
Singleton Ranches
T-Cross Ranches
90 SC Ranch Road • Lamy, NM 87540
Phone: (505) 466-3021 • Fax: (505) 466-1208
www.Singletonranches.com • e-mail: singletonhorses@mac.com
970 Summer Games Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80905
Office: (719) 227-9722 • Fax: (719) 227-9294
Singleton Ranches is the largest cow-calf operation in New Mexico, and
including the California ranches is among the top five ranching operations in
the United States. Singleton received the AQHA Best Remuda Award in 2012.
Singleton Ranches’ equine program originated from the need to mount many
cowboys on strong, dependable horses. All the horses are raised and started in
the roughest country at the
San Cristobal Ranch. Most
of the geldings go to the
ranch cowboys, and the
mares get broke and ridden
the same as the geldings
early on. Many top horses
are aimed at the show
pen. The young horses
are used for gathering,
sorting, dragging calves to
the fire, and anything else
that needs to be done at the
Stallions we are currently
standing are Dualwithme,
a son of Dual Pep and out
of Cowstruck by Smart
Little Lena. Dualwithme was the 2005 and 2006 Hi-Point Honor Roll Cutting
Horse and has been shown at the AQHA World Show the last three years.
Timber Cat 101 is by Doc’s Hickory and out of Cats Full Measure, a champion
daughter of High Brow Cat. He has earned money in NCHA and was the
Reserve Top Horse at the New Mexico Championship Ranch Rodeo in 2007.
A Smooth Edition is by Smooth as a Cat and out of SR My Quixote Lady, a
daughter of Docs Quixote.
T-Cross Ranches, a family owned ranching operation, is located at the foothills
of Pikes Peak just south of Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Started in the early 1950s by Robert
C. Norris, the ranch consists of a
registered Quarter Horse breeding
operation, a registered Hereford
and Salers unit, and a commercial
cow/calf unit on approximately
100,000 acres.
The T-Cross horse breeding
program is dedicated to the
total performance abilities of
the American Quarter Horse as
evidenced by winning the 2011
AQHA reserve high point year
end award for Versatility Ranch
Horse. These classes consist of 5 different events which include cutting,
roping, and conformation, showcasing the versatility of the quarter horse over
other breeds.
Also in 2011, Mr. Norris was honored by AQHA by being presented the
American Quarter Horse Association Legacy award which recognizes those
breeders who have bred and registered Quarter Horses for 50 consecutive
years! T-Cross Ranches is also an AQHA Ranching Heritage Breeder and all
horses from our breeding operation are eligible for this great program.
Please check us out at www.singletonranches.com.
Valley Oak Ranch
Wagonhound Land & Livestock, LLC
Dr. Jerry and Melinda Black
5906 Windemere Road – Loveland, CO 80537
Phone: (209) 765-2110
1061 Poison Lake Road • Douglas, Wyoming 82633
Phone: (307) 358-7028 • www.wagonhound.com
Established in 1996 near Oakland, Calif., Valley Oak Ranch was a large
breeding operation that focused on producing western stock horses capable of
competing at the highest levels in a wide range of performance events, as well
as doing ranch work. At one point, the Blacks were breeding 400 mares a year
and standing 12 high-profile stallions. Many of the horses produced went on
to be award-winning
athletes owned and
shown by horsemen
and women all across
the country.
In 2010, the family
moved to Loveland,
Colo., where they
continue to be involved
in western competition,
particularly with their
cutting horses. Even
though Valley Oak has
downsized, the quality
of its horses remains
the Blacks’ number
one priority. They
continue, on a much
smaller scale, to use
western stock horse bloodlines to breed and produce Quarter Horses with
the potential to compete in the show ring, work cattle on the ranch, or carry
riders safely over the trails.
Wagonhound Land and Livestock’s roots go back to the late 1800s when the cattle
drives came up from Texas and the pioneers traveled through on the Oregon
Trail. The original Wagonhound Land and Livestock is now part of and represents
the entire ranching operation in Douglas, Wyoming. Located along Wyoming’s
Laramie Range, the east edge of the Rocky Mountains, the ranch consists of more
than 150,000 mostly private acres with an elevation varying from 5,000 to 9,000
feet. The very diverse, scenic ranch runs a commercial Red Angus herd of mother
cows and summer stocker cattle, operates two feedlots, harvests 4,000 acres of
alfalfa hay, and offers elite outfitted hunts specializing in trophy elk.
The objective of Wagonhound Land and
Livestock’s horse breeding program,
consisting of more than 200 American
Quarter Horses, is to raise high-quality
ranch horses for both ranches use and
that of the public. The strong, wellproven Quarter Horse pedigrees within
the breeding program not only support
this goal but also routinely produce
horses with the ability and talent to
compete successfully in the most
prestigious cutting, reining, reined cow
horse and ranch competitions.
Wagonhound’s broodmare band is anchored by some of the most famous mares in
the industry such as all-time leading reined cow horse producer Kings Masterpiece,
AQHA World Show Junior Cutting Top 5; Little Tenina, NCHA Open Futurity,
Derby, Classic and World Finals Champion; A Smart Little Gal, NCHA World
Champion producer; Tassa Mia, an all-time leading cutting producer and dam of
an NCHA Super Stakes Classic Open Champion and an NCHA World Champion.
Ranch owned stallions include WR This Cats Smart, a young sire whose get has
already earned more than $3.6 million in NCHA, NRCHA and AQHA events, as
well as up and coming sire Genuine Masterpiece an AQHA and NRCHA Cow
Horse World Champion.
Results of this program can be seen in the ranch’s remuda, which is comprised of
“horsemen’s horses” with outstanding quality and conformation. Wagonhound
Land and Livestock continues to develop, grow, and evolve in today’s ranching
industry, remaining steadfast in maintaining the highest of standards.
In addition Wagonhound is proud to support CSU Equine Sciences Program
through the endowed Wagonhound Land & Livestock chair, as well as a proud
annual supporter of CSU’s Legend of Ranching Equine Student Competitions.
Wood Ranch
P.O. Box 471 • Heber Springs, AR 72543
Phone: (501) 556-0870 • Fax: (501) 556-0871
Website: www.woodranchquarterhorses.com
E-mail: woodranch@earthlink.net
The Wood family ranches on land owned by their ancestors since 1820. Wood
Ranch has been home to fine ranch-bred American Quarter Horses since 1956.
With few exceptions, broodmares owned by the Woods were bred on the ranch
or were bred by an AQHA Best Remuda Award recipient. These include W.T.
Waggoner Estate, 6666
Ranch, and R.A. Brown
Ranch. The Wood family
came to the Pumpkintown
community in White
County, Arkansas, up the
Little Red River in 1820
from Tennessee. This land
has been owned, ranched,
and farmed by the Wood
family continuously since
that time. The Wood
family has always been
involved with livestock
and land, including the
breeding and raising of
cattle and horses and
farming rice, soybeans, and hay. The ranch consists of 8,000 acres of pasture
and farm land. Wood Ranch runs horned Herefords, bred to Angus bulls,
along with Angus, Charolais, and Black baldie commercial cattle. Along
with this they breed approximately 100 AQHA ranch mares. The mares are
bred to outstanding stallions such as Rey of De Playboy, by Dual Rey. Rey of
De Playboy is currently being shown in NRHA and AQHA events by Sam
Schaffhauser. Cat Proof, by High Brow Cat, is a 2010 NCHA Futurity finalist
with current earnings of $37,000+ and is currently being shown by Sean
Flynn. WR Smooth Whiskey, sired by Paddys Irish Whiskey, has an AQHA
ROM in Reining and is an NRHA money earner. Reference sires for Wood
Ranch include Shining King Cody, Blue Diamond Hancock, and BP Smart
Little Pep. Horses from the Wood Ranch have competed and won at the
AQHA World Show, the All American Quarter Horse Congress, the AQHA
Youth World Championships, and all major state fairs. Wood Ranch horses
have also attained the distinction of winning AQHA Honor Roll status.
Index of Horses
Annies Hickory Stik........................1
Mickey 521......................................74
AR Especials Barmaid...................71
Mickey 1124......................................5
AR Onesmart Especial..................38
Mickey Steel....................................35
Avengers Blue Boy...........................7
Mounties Jewel...............................80
Awesome Wolfcreek......................14
MS Hot Prescription......................76
Backwoods Princess......................26
MS ID Bell......................................33
Beans Pepto Gun............................28
Natural Red Buck...........................39
Black To Heaven.............................61
OF Chex Your Powder...................31
CF San Kai 524...............................79
Pardee Cat.......................................75
Charming Story..............................12
Pardee Smart..................................66
Chicory Del Cielo..........................48
Pauls Pistolena................................56
Classy Lil Wolfcreek......................73
Peppy 0876......................................22
Colonel Haidas...............................62
Cowtowns Smoothie..................... 45
Playin Windy....................................6
Dixies Valentine.............................77
DM Lil Peppys Autumn................55
Real Mickey 1424...........................40
DM Playin It Rich..........................69
Red Hot Rescate Gal......................42
Fevered Kiss....................................34
Red Hot Slush.................................51
Flying B Specialty...........................53
Reeds Hot Deline...........................60
Goin Both Ways.............................70
Reeds Little Amigo........................58
Gunpowder Pick............................57
Rio Time Hancock.........................18
Haidalenas War Chant....................9
Rusty OCF Thirteen.......................63
Happy Doc Flit.................................4
Sand Jo Tari.....................................16
HR Smart Play..................................2
Sand Sparkin Snappy.....................65
Joanes Sport....................................82
SCR Bit Of Hollywood..................54
Katerina Gold.................................21
SCR Boonlight Dancin..................67
Lead Me N Feed Me.......................24
SCR Pep Express............................19
Lil Mister Mickey...........................25
SCR Smooth Reminic....................64
Little Doc Fritz...............................37
SCR Vanna Lena............................44
Look At This Gal..............................8
Sensations Fox................................41
(continued on next page)
Index of Horses
Shesa Roan Fletch..........................17
Sporty Joane...................................36
SH Rufus.........................................50
SS Bay Harmon 811.......................49
Sixes Chaparral..............................32
This Chics Blue...............................15
Sixes Cherrybomb.........................59
Traveling Gypsy Gee......................13
Sixes Magnolia.................................3
WH Golden Paloma......................72
Sixes Prince.....................................68
Sixes Tenino....................................47
WR Mr Rock Star ..........................27
SJ Pluto............................................78
WR Shiner Four.............................46
SM Whisper Skip...........................30
WR Shining Class..........................52
SO Blk Satin Playgun.....................43
WR Smokin Whiskey....................20
Consigned by Colorado State University
Annies Hickory Stik
2007 Sorrel Mare
RPM Mr Stylish
Annies Hickory Stick
Docs Stylish Oak
Hickory Ann Mac
Texas Stray
Aledo Stray
Triangle F Monica
Doc’s Oak
Docs Stylish
Doc’s Hickory
Annie Boon
Peppy San Badger
Doctor Kachina
Bar Day’s Lad
Triangle F Hicky
Spin A Bluestem.............................81
Annies Hickory Stik is an attractive, kind, gentle, and athletic mare. She has
been worked on cattle, can turn around, and wants to stop. She has been used
as a teaching horse in all of our CSU classes and in ASHA Collegiate Stock
Horse. Her sire, RPM MR Stylish, has offspring earnings of $37,000 in both
NRCHA and NRHA. RPM Mr Stylish is a son of Doc’s Stylish Oak, whose
offspring have earned $8.7 million in cutting, reining, and reined cow horse
events. Her dam is by RHAA money-earner Texas Stray, a son of AQHA Hall
of Fame Stallion Peppy San Badger, who is the sire of offspring that have
earned $25 million. Trained by CSU student Jennifer Schram.
Consigned by Cowan Select Horses, LLC
HR Smart Play
2002 Bay Gelding
HR Hickory Player
HR Smart Play
Freckles Playboy
SR Hickory Lena
Smart Little Lena
Sally Mobally
Saturdays Playmate
Consigned by Purina Animal Nutrition
Jewel’s Leo Bars
Gay Jay
Doc’s Hickory
Bardoc O’Lena
Doc O’Lena
Smart Peppy
Freckles Playboy
Measles Olena
Sixes Magnolia
2011 Chestnut Mare
Sixes Pick
Sixes Magnolia
Tanquery Gin
Natural Pick
Special Show
Special Roxy
Jacks Easter Miss
Doc O’Lena
Gin Echols
Tenino Badger
Special Effort
Flaunt It
Jack Henry
Roxy Rockette
HR Smart Play, known around the ranch as “Roany,” is a high-quality gelding
with a great handle, and is easy to get along with. A medium-sized gelding, he
stands 15 hands tall and weighs 1,100 lbs. He has been used on the ranch since
he was started under saddle and has had plenty of arena time, as well. Take
him to the show ring, the trails, or the ranch and you won’t be disappointed;
just sit up there and ride and he’ll take care of you. Roany is smooth in all
gaits and is super broke and gentle. He has a soft face, plenty of whoa, and a
great turnaround. He’ll watch a cow and work a rope, and would make a great
versatility ranch horse. Roany will make a safe family horse, but has enough
talent and work ethic to keep mom and dad happy, too. Our horses always sell
current on farriery and vaccinations. Ridden by Andie Lee.
Sixes Magnolia is an athletic filly who is also feminine and willing to please.
Her sire, Sixes Pick, was the first AQHA World Champion in Versatility
Ranch Horse. Sixes Pick has sired multiple champion ranch horse performers,
including Sixes Sixgun. Her grandsire is Tanquery Gin, an all-time leading
cutting and broodmare sire whose daughters have produced foals earning
over 5,470 AQHA points and $2.7 million. Sixes Magnolia’s dam, Special
Roxy, is by Special Show, who earned $150,800 on the racetrack. Trained by
CSU student Joshua Singer.
Consigned by Singleton Ranches
Consigned by Haythorn Ranch Company
Happy Doc Flit
1999 Bay Gelding
Thorn Doc Lena
Happy Doc Flit
Doc O Dynamite
Surfine Babe
Flit Five
Happy Flit
Ruby Five
Doc O’Lena
Gay Bar Dixie
My Van Thorn
Gyro Babe
Scharbauer’s King
Double Express
Nixie Five
Mickey 1124
2011 Sorrel Mare
Snickelfritz Mickey
Mickey 1124
Snickelfritz Chex
Duster Daisy Mae
Peppy San Kai
San Kai 124
CF Twenty Four
King Fritz
Poco Brickhouse
RBM Duster Wolf
Watch Naomi
Lani Kai
Bonnie Beretta
Continental Fly
Nero Three
Happy Doc Flit has been used on Singleton Ranches for his entire life. The
general manager rode him in the WRCA Ranch Rodeo Finals and many other
ranch rodeos. He has dragged lots of calves and has done any other ranch
work that needed to be done.
Mickey 1124 is a quiet, balanced mover. Her sire, Snickelfritz Mickey, is by
Snickelfritz Chex, who earned AQHA superior awards in reining and western
pleasure and was an AQHA World Show finalist in working cow horse. Her
great grandsire, King Fritz, is an NRCHA Hall of Famer and his daughters
produced earners of $3 million in performance event. Her maternal grandsire,
Peppy San Kai, is by NCHA money earner Lani Kai, whose offspring earned
$240,000 in NCHA events. Trained by CSU student Amanda Dingley.
Consigned by Crofoot Ranches, LLP
Consigned by Abraham Equine
Playin Windy
2010 Bay Roan Mare
Playin Attraction
Playin Windy
Playin Stylish
Ginnin Attraction
Red Hot Hancock
Miss Red Hot Windy
Windy Reeds
Docs Stylish Oak
Playboys Mom
Tanquery Gin
Miss Holly Tip
Hancock’s Dude
Mira Bay Hancock 3
Windy Wood
Reeds Rhapsody
Avengers Blue Boy
2010 Gray Gelding
Smart Avenger
Avengers Blue Boy
Smart Little Lena
Roseanna Dual
Smart Little Pistol
A Blue Light Special
Tickets Sue Ellen
Doc O’Lena
Smart Peppy
Dual Pep
Hickorys Patty
Smart Little Lena
Miss Silver Pistol
Tuff Ticket
Barjetta Sue
Playin Windy is an eye-catching, good-minded filly that really covers the
country nicely. This filly knows where her feet are at all times; she is really
sure-footed, and is a beautiful bay roan color.
Avengers Blue Boy is an athletic and quick-footed gray gelding who is a smooth
mover. He is by Smart Avenger, who has NCHA earnings of $62,000. Smart
Avenger is by Smart Little Lena, whose foals have won $40 million. Avengers
Blue Boy is out of a daughter of Smart Little Pistol, an All-Time Leading
NCHA sire and an All-Time Leading Maternal Grandsire whose offspring
have earned $4 million. Avengers Blue Boy is a half-brother to NCHA moneyearner AQI Smart N Special. Trained by CSU student Emily Dickson.
Consigned by Wagonhound Land & Livestock, LLC
Look At This Gal
2008 Sorrel Mare
WR This Cats Smart
Look At This Gal
High Brow Cat
The Smart Look
Smart Little Lena
A Smart Little Gal
Baby Prescription
Consigned by Rocking G Ranch
High Brow Hickory
Smart Little Kitty
Smart Little Lena
Dox Royal Smoke
Doc O’Lena
Smart Peppy
Freckles Playboy
Docs Christa
Haidalenas War Chant
2008 Black Gelding
Haidalenas War Doc
Haidalenas War Chant
War Doc Mitzi
China Sun
Annies Sunny Charge
Quick Charge Annie
Haidas Little Pep
Lena’s Sis
War Doc Leo
Mitzi Black
China Bill
Charge It To Daddy
Dazzling Girl
Look At This Gal is a compact cow horse mare that is nice to be around.
She is athletic with a nice extended trot that can really cover some country.
This mare has been used for ranch roping, roping out of the box, and can
follow a cow in the cutting pen. “Gal” is sired by WR This Cats Smart, NCHA
Open Finals Champion and 2011 NRCHA #1 leading sire, 2012 NRCHA #3
leading sire, and 2012 NCHA #6 leading sire. WR This Cats Smart’s foals have
won over $3.8 million in earnings. Gal is out of A Smart Little Gal, who is an
NCHA money earner and is a producer of get with over $230,000 in earnings.
Gal’s maternal great-grandsire is Smart Little Lena, a NCHA Triple Crown
winner and a leading sire in the NRCHA, NCHA, and NRHA. His foals have
won more than $40 million. This mare would make a great addition to your
saddle string or broodmare band.
Haidalenas War Chant, also known as “Angus,” is really handy and as good a
black horse as you’ll find anywhere in the country. He’s got a big hip, pretty
head, and is a good mover. Look for him in the preview before the sale.
Consigned by Bar Rock-N-Bean
2007 Sorrel Gelding
Hellno Doc
Son Of Bar Heels
Sixes Pocahantas
Big Cat Hancock
Sally Big Cat
Tarzans Mary
Bar Heels
Adela Sue
Ginnin Six
Kiki Heather
Lammey Hancock
Centauris Pride
Travelers Breeze
Popsjetbean, also known as “Pops,” was born and raised on our place. He has
always been sound and really wants to be with you and work hard. He has
been elk hunting and will have 90 days professional roping training by sale
Consigned by Wagonhound Land & Livestock, LLC
Charming Story
2011 Palomino Mare
PC Frenchmans
Charming Story
Sun Frost
Caseys Charm
Sign John Doe
Sabre Sign
Uisge Baugh
Consigned by Gould Ranch Cattle Company
Doc’s Jack Frost
Prissy Cline
Tiny Circus
Casey’s Ladylove
The Signature
Hialeah Story
My Bar Vandy
Sabre Wood
This flashy, well-made palomino filly is by PC Frenchmans Hayday, whose
progeny have earned $2 million. Her sire is a full brother to French Flash
Hawk, or “Bozo,” four-time World Champion Barrel horse. Charming Story
is out of Sabre Sign, by racing sire Sign John Doe, who sired AQHA Racing
Champion Sign It John. Trained by CSU student Leigh Cooper.
Traveling Gypsy Gee
Little Blue Amigo
Traveling Gypsy Gee
Azul Caballo Amigo
Queen O Clubs
Son A Bob Gee
Gypsy Due Gee
Clawdean Gee
Blue Laven
Plenty Blue
Diamond N Senor
Clubs Delight
Bob H Again
Hollis Beauty
Peavy’s Chris
Claw Due
Traveling Gypsy Gee, aka “Traveler,” is a pretty-made, brown-almost-black
mare who also spent the last two years on our commercial operation at Hartsel,
Colo. She has dragged her share of calves to the branding fire, roped outside,
and done every job we have asked of her. She is not for the inexperienced
rider; however, if you want a horse that can go all day outside and still turn
steers at night without peddling her, Traveler is your mount.
2006 Brown Mare
Consigned by Hanging H Ranch
Consigned by Cowan Select Horses LLC
Awesome Wolfcreek
2010 Buckskin Gelding
Wolf Creek Red Buck
Awesome Wolfcreek
Two Eyed Red Buck
Tina Jo Jack
Awesome Cougarand
Awesome Misty
PJ Misty Morning
Mr Baron Red
Ima Tyree
Monsieur Joe Jack
Oak Creek Princess
Chica Dallas
Docs Taylor
PJ Misty
This Chics Blue
2011 Sorrel Mare
Spooks Bluestem
This Chics Blue
Grays Starlight
Crab Grass
Hey Houston
This Chics A Hick
Hickorys Classy Star
Peppy San Badger
Doc’s Starlight
Smart Little Lena
Sugar Bars Flicka
Smart Chic Olena
Paula Tari
Akamai Prom
Awesome Wolfcreek is a strong, smooth, and easy-moving gelding. He is by
Wolf Creek Red Buck, an earner of 113.5 AQHA points in heading, heeling,
breakaway roping, and halter. His grandsire, Two Eyed Red Buck, sired 15
AQHA World Show Finalists in heading, heeling, tie-down roping, breakaway
roping, and performance halter. Awesome Wolfcreek is out of AQHA open
reining point earner, Awesome Misty. Trained by CSU student Danielle
This Chics Blue is a flashy, well-built filly who is kind and learns quickly. She
is by Spooks Bluestem, an AQHA World Champion in Amateur Cutting.
Spooks Bluestem is by leading sire Grays Starlight, whose offspring earned
$12 million in cutting, reining, and reined cow horse competition. Her dam,
This Chics A Hick, is an AQHA point and an NRCHA money earner by
Hey Houston. He earned 232 AQHA points and is a money earner in both
NRHA and NRCHA. This Chics Blue is AQHA Incentive Fund and Ranching
Heritage Breeders Challenge enrolled. She is Breeders Invitational, National
Reining Breeders Classic, and NRHA nominated. Trained by CSU student
Jessica Werner.
Consigned by Wagonhound Land & Livestock, LLC
Sand Jo Tari
2005 Sorrel Gelding
San Jo Lena
Sand Jo Tari
Peppy San
Jo O’Lena
Doc Tari
WR Gay Bar Tari
Gay Bars Priss
Consigned by Burnett Ranches LLC (6666)
Leo San
Peppy Belle
Doc O’Lena
Dolly Bacchus
Doc Bar
Puro’s Linda
Gay Bar King
Schura Leo Priss
Shesa Roan Fletch
2011 Sorrel Mare
Four Roan Fly
Shesa Roan Fletch
Continental Fly
Happy Hancock 23
Royal Fletch
Shesa Smart Fletch
Shesa Smarty Lena
The Continental
My Beaver 6
Happy Hancock
Last Pick 7
Jae Bar Fletch
Royal Blue Dually
Smart Little Lena
Shesa Playmate
Sand Jo Tari, or “Jo,” is an experienced eight-year-old gelding that is the
package deal: calm, athletic, responsive, and versatile. He has been used for
every aspect of ranch work, from dragging calves to the fire at brandings to
gathering pastures, roping, and doctoring cattle in the spring. In addition to
being a great ranch horse, Jo is also a NRCHA money earner in the hackamore
and two-rein classes. Jo is quiet enough to go as a guest horse out on a trail
ride and then take a more experienced rider to go work cattle or show. This
gelding would be a true asset to any ranch program.
Shesa Roan Fletch is an attractive and well-balanced filly by Four Roan Fly,
who earned 43 AQHA points in 4 events, was a Halter Grand Champion,
and a World Show qualifier in heading and calf roping. He sired the 2011
ARHA World Champion Open Mare, Roan Mama. Shesa Roan Fletch’s dam,
Shesa Smart Fletch, is an NCHA money-earner by the NCHA Cutting Horse
Futurity Champion Royal Fletch. Shesa Smart Fletch is out of a daughter of
Smart Little Lena, whose foals have combined NCHA earnings of $141,000.
Trained by CSU student Kim Rounds.
Consigned by Mantz Creek Horses
Rio Time Hancock
2003 Bay Roan Gelding
Plenty Roan Hancock
Rio Time Hancock
Roan Ambrose
Haps Hot Stuff
Plenty Time
Rio Queenie
Peso Day Jinks
Blue Valentine
Ambrose Sue 30
Happy’s Cardinal
Susan’s Chico
Red Ed Hancock
Maids Time
Quarter’s Peso
One May Day
Pre-Sale Live Auction Items
The items below will be auctioned off just prior to the sale horses. Proceeds
will directly benefit our Equine Sciences students and help fund a special
educational CSU Equine Breeds Trip this spring. We appreciate and
encourage your kind participation!
Martin Saddle
Known for fit, workmanship, and attention to detail, you will enjoy this
Martin saddle, and your horse will appreciate the fit, every time you ride.
Many thanks to the Equibrand folks for their third year of sponsorship to
our program!
Niswender Turquoise Jewelry and Bolo
Talented silversmith Gordon Niswender, Ph.D., a CSU Distinguished
Professor who has long been heavily involved in CSU equine programs, has
again created beautiful turquoise earrings and a matching necklace, plus
matching bolo tie, complete with the Equine Sciences logo.
Standlee Hay Co. Hay Cubes
Our friend Neil Woods of the Standlee Hay Co. of Idaho has donated a ton
of the highest-quality hay cubes for our auction. We suggest you be on your
toes when they are sold. Your horses will thank you – and you’ll want to
make Standlee Hay your go-to forage!
Rio Time Hancock is a bona fide, whole-family ranch gelding. “Rio” has been
on a high-altitude yearling and cow-calf outfit for the last four years. Dealing
with water, timber, roping, anything you need to do on the ranch, this horse
has already done it.
One Year’s Supply of Jeans
David Dean, president and CEO of Rocky Mountain Clothing Company,
the parent company of CINCH, Cruel Girl, and Rod Patrick Boots and other
fine brands, is donating a year’s supply of jeans (12 pair!) to ensure you stay
stylish and up to date! Select 12 CINCH, 12 Cruel Girl, or six of each.
“Sacred Circle” Bev Doolittle Print
Equine Science Advisory Committee member George Phillips and wife
Nicole of Sumrall, Miss., and Silt, Colo., have donated this beautiful,
haunting, signed and numbered print by famous artist Bev Doolittle, entitled
“Sacred Circle.” It will look great in your home or office!
Custom Bit and Bridle
Equine Science Advisory Committee member Neal Hansen of Denver and
the Hanging H Ranch of Sutherland, Neb., have donated a beautiful custom
bit and bridle that you will certainly want to inspect. The craftsmanship is
top-class and this working bridle will look great on your horse!
All brands are the property of their respective owners. © Pfizer Inc. All rights reserved. EQB12091
Market Dynamics Inc, February 2011
Data on file, Study Report No. B671-08-004.R, Pfizer Inc.
WEST NILE-INNOVATOR® vaccines have helped protect millions of horses from
mosquito-borne diseases.1 And FLUVAC INNOVATOR® is the only vaccine with equine
influenza virus strain (EIV) KY’97 that helps deliver demonstrated protection against
heterologous challenge with Ohio ’03,2 plus rhinopneumonitis (EHV-1 and EHV-4).
Together, our INNOVATOR vaccines help offer time-tested disease protection. In
fact, the kind of protection we’re willing to back up with an equine Immunization
Support Guarantee (ISG). To learn more, visit PfizerEquine.com/ISG, or talk to your
Pfizer Animal Health representative.
Consigned by Singleton Ranches
SCR Pep Express
2010 Sorrel Mare
SCR Pep Express
Dual Pep
The Hot Express
SCR Smoken Express
Henrietta Smoke
Peppy San Badger
Miss Dual Doc
Smart Little Lena
Clarks Little Fanny
Zan Parr Express
Lil’ Hotshot Bar
Sonitas Smoke
Henrietta Gal
SCR Pep Express is an athletic and responsive filly. Her sire, Dualwithme, was
the 2006 AQHA High-Point Junior Cutting Horse and is a son of Dual Pep,
whose offspring have won $25 million in NCHA and NRHA events. Her dam,
SCR Smoken Express, is by The Hot Express, an AQHA Champion, AQHA
World Show Top 10 winner, and AQHA Performance Champion who earned
500 performance points. Trained by CSU student Nikki Goettl.
Consigned by Wood Ranch
Consigned by Kurtz Ranch
WR Smokin Whiskey
2010 Bay Roan Gelding
WR Smooth Whiskey
WR Smokin Whiskey
Paddys Irish Whiskey
Katies Smooth Rocks
Mr Solano Smoke
Miss Smokin Beauty
Miss King Rack
Peppy San Badger
Doc’s Starlight
Eddies Smooth Heart
Miss Speedy Rock
Doc’s Solano
Miss Sabrina Smoke
Poco King Tuck
Bee Lika Rack
Katerina Gold
2008 Palomino Mare
Zan Parr Express
Zan Bar Freckles
Annieote Freckles
Katerina Gold
Two Eyed Red Buck
Bucks Lady Badger
Moore Lady Badger
Zan Parr Bar
Gay Bar Moon
Colonel Freckles
Annie Glo Quixote
Mr Baron Red
Ima Tyree
Mr Baron Badger
Rhinestones Lady
WR Smokin Whiskey is a great-minded and kind gelding that is soft in
the bridle. He is by Paddys Irish Whiskey, an NRCHA and NRHA AllTime leading sire who has sired offspring that have produced $1.2 million
and gained over 3,270 AQHA points. WR Smokin Whiskey is out of Miss
Smokin Beauty, who is by WR Solano Smoke. This sire has produced working
cowhorse money earners and is by the million dollar sire Docs Solano, who
has sired offspring producing $3.3 million in both cutting and reining events.
Trained by CSU student Mandy Brandt.
As pretty as they come, this big, strong palomino mare is ready to go in any
direction. “Katy” has been used on the ranch, worked cows, been trail ridden
in the mountains, and started in the heading box. Gentle, sweet, and willing,
she is easy to train and is safe for anyone to ride. She will really watch a cow
and has a huge natural stop. She has a soft, light handle, works well off legs,
crosses water, opens gates, and is good-minded about it all. This is a horse
the whole family can ride. Her full brother was one of last year’s top-selling
geldings at the CSU Legends of Ranching Sale. Her sire has his AQHA ROM
in roping and is a multiple ranch versatility winner. And, best of all, she has
the ability to reproduce herself! Call (970) 879-5029 for more information.
Consigned by Haythorn Ranch Company
Peppy 0876
2010 Bay Roan Gelding
Peppy San Kai
Peppy 0876
Lani Kai
Bonnie Beretta
Eddie Centennial
Centennial 876
Six Pick
Consigned by Bar Rock-N-Bean
Senor George
Betsy Bull
Beretta San
Miss Leemon
Eddie 70
Happy Hancock 21
Billy Two Hat 2
Two Eyed D Ann
2008 Dun Gelding
Hairpin Whiskey Up
Whiskeydun Bean
Hairpin Whiskey Sour
Hairpin Red N Smart
Mastered Perfection
Delightful Sis Doll
Majestic Delight Bar
Paddys Irish Whiskey
Sons Alamitos
Valentine Red Rogers
Smart Little Mona
All Dun Dreamin
Spoonful A Ginger
My Peppy Doc Bar
Majestic Dis
Peppy 0876 is a large-framed and powerfully-built bay roan gelding who is
eager to please. He is by a son of Lani Kai, whose offspring have $240,000 in
NCHA earnings. Peppy 0876 is out of a daughter of Eddie Centennial, whose
bloodlines combine the best of several legendary ranches. Trained by CSU
student Logan Bennett.
Whiskeydunbean, aka “Whiskey,” was born and raised on our place. He has
been sound every day of his life and has an exceptional mind, big bone and
foot, and is athletic. He wants to work and will have 90 days professional
roping training by sale time. He has also been elk hunting.
Consigned by Valley Oak Ranch
Consigned by Haythorn Ranch Company
Lead Me N Feed Me
2011 Bay Mare
ELS Scottish Nick
Lead Me N Feed Me
Scudder Tom
Wyo Thirsty Bar
Sugar Trix Leo
Leadin The Pack
Quick Leader
Scudder Scott
Be Mine Honey
Tee Jay Three Bars
Thirsty Wendy
Bar’s Trixie
Woody Rey
Quick Henry
Catbird Leo
Lil Mister Mickey
2004 Sorrel Gelding
Snickelfritz Mickey
Lil Mister Mickey
Snickelfritz Chex
Duster Daisy Mae
Regal Roan Hock
Lil Miss Honeysuckle
Whammy O Buff
King Fritz
Poco Brickhouse
RBM Duster Wolf
Watch Naomi
Tee Jay Badger
Av Eight
Whammy Cat
Buffy Charge
Lead Me N Feed Me is a balanced and attractive filly by ELS Scottish Nick,
WYO Quarter Horse Ranch sire, who can be traced back to AQHA Hall of
Fame stallion Jackie Bee. Lead Me N Feed Me’s dam is by Sugar Trix Leo, who
has sired competitors in roping and barrel racing. This cross represents some
of the finest bloodlines from the program of Bill Smith and Woody Bartlett,
DVM. Trained by CSU student Tara Leibensperger.
Lil Mister Mickey, better known as “Bear,” is a great all-around ranch horse.
He can cover a lot of country at a long trot and have plenty left to complete
the job at hand. Bear is gentle for anyone to ride, has a calm disposition and a
smooth gait. Bear would make a great addition to anyone’s ranch string for all
phases of ranch work or just a quiet trail ride. Bear is 15.3 hands and weighs
1,325 lbs. Ridden by Wylie Johnson.
Consigned by Bartlett Ranches
Backwoods Princess
2011 Buckskin Mare
ELS Scottish Nick
Backwoods Princess
Scudder Tom
Wyo Thirsty Bar
Royals Diligents
Lil Princess Di
Tuff Lil Handle
Consigned by Wood Ranch
Scudder Scott
Be Mine Honey
Tee Jay Three Bars
Thirsty Wendy
Royal Tailwind
Continental Frosty
Handle Bar Doc
Tuffern Chico
WR Mr Rock Star
2010 Sorrel Gelding
Missies Little Star
WR Mr Rock Star
Grays Starlight
Little Missie Lena
Shining King Cody
Shining Lil Bit
Little Bitty Doc
Peppy San Badger
Doc’s Starlight
Smart Little Lena
War Leo Missie
Shining Spark
Genuine Doc
Little Saratoga
Backwoods Princess is a willing and quiet buckskin filly. She is by WYO
Quarter Horse Ranch sire ELS Scottish Nick, who goes back to AQHA Hall of
Fame stallion, Jackie Bee. Backwoods Princess is out of Lil Princess Di, whose
dam is by NCHA World Champion Handle Bar Doc by Doc Bar. Trained by
CSU student Mandy Brandt.
WR Mr Rock Star is sure to live up to his name, as he is very athletic and wants
to please. He has a gentle disposition, has worked cattle and has been roped
on. This is a very nice gelding. He is by Missies Little Star, NCHA money
earner of $80,000 and out of a granddaughter of Shining Spark. WR Mr Rock
Star is AQHA Ranching Heritage eligible.
Consigned by Bar Bock-N-Bean
Consigned by Cowan Select Horses, LLC
Beans Pepto Gun
2010 Bay Mare
Peptos Blueprint
Beans Pepto Gun
Most Unique
Playguns Wilson
Wilsons Gay Jewel
Peppy San Badger
Royal Blue Boon
Haidas Little Pep
Pats First Martini
Freckles Playboy
Miss Silver Pistol
Doc Wilson
Easter Jewel
2004 Sorrel Gelding
Pepto Taz
Sweet Lil Lena
Freckles Playboy
Desire A Playboy
Genuine Desire
Peppy San Badger
Royal Blue Boon
Smart Little Lena
Jewel’s Leo Bars
Gay Jay
Genuine Doc
Peppy’s Desire
Beans Pepto Gun is an attractive, agile, and responsive filly. Her sire, Peptos
Blueprint, is a son of leading NCHA sire Peptoboonsmal, whose offspring
have earned $16 million. Beans Pepto Gun is out of Playguns Wilson, whose
sire is Playgun. Playgun’s offspring have earned $8 million in NCHA, NRHA,
and AQHA events. Playguns Wilson is out of Wilsons Gay Jewel, whose foals
have earned $120,000 and 110 performance points. Trained by CSU student
Mary Misgen.
Peptoplay, better known around the ranch as “Taz,” is a dark red sorrel gelding
set apart from the rest by a little chrome. He is a finished bridle horse that
stands 15.1 hands, weighs 1,200 lbs., and wears a number 1 shoe. Taz has
been the “go to” horse in my string for five years. We have ridden thousands
of miles, dragged hundreds of calves to the branding fire, doctored sick cattle,
and wrangled horses on more crisp Montana mornings than I can count.
Additionally, Taz has been ridden extensively in the arena. Expect him to be
soft and collected with a huge stop and impressive spin. Taz would make an
excellent team sorting, mounted shooting, or versatility ranch horse. If you
are looking for a trail riding or ranch horse for anyone in the family you won’t
be disappointed. Our horses always sell current on farriery and vaccinations.
Ridden by Zach Iddings.
Consigned by Rocking G Ranch
Consigned by Crofoot Ranches, LLP
SM Whisper Skip
2008 Blue Roan Gelding
KM Valentine Skip
SM Whisper Skip
Shi Blue Valentine
Skip On Candy
Whisper Seeker
Jazzy Whisper
Jessie Goldrose
Shi Bar Skip
Rockys Gray Lady
Shi Bar Skip
Skips Candy
Goldseeker Bars
October Jody
Sunny Jim Orr
Jessica Skip
OF Chex Your Powder
2010 Gray Mare
PG Gunpowder
OF Chex Your Powder
Powderriver Pepidoc
Paddys Irish Whiskey
Irish Chex
Dox Rosie O Grady
Freckles Playboy
Miss Silver Pistol
Peppy San Badger
Doc A Holly Lena
Peppy San Badger
Doc’s Starlight
Doc O’Lena
Rose Chex
SM Whisper Skip, better known as “Skip,” is one of those geldings that has
been started right. He has a great foundation with the potential to be a top
horse. He is also a beautiful blue roan with a small pretty head, big hip, and a
willing attitude. He has been ridden in the pasture and is being roped off of
this winter. Look for him in the roping preview before the sale.
OF Chex Your Powder is a great gray color, and she is really easygoing, and is
an athletic mare. She has been used outside in rough country. This filly travels
really well and wants to be very gentle.
Consigned by Purina Animal Nutrition
Sixes Chaparral
2011 Bay Gelding
Sixes Country
Sixes Chaparral
Salt Lake
Brim Lady
Special Show
Special Show Two
Raletta Roxy
Consigned by Hanging H Ranch
Deputy Minister
Take Lady Anne
Tanquery Gin
Black Brim
Special Effort
Flaunt It
Jacks Easter Miss
MS ID Bell
2005 Bay Mare
Rare Two ID
MS ID Bell
Two ID Bartender
Rare Bear
Baron Eyed Cody
Watch MS Baron
MS Katie Watch Jo
Two Eyed Jack
Prissy Joann
Red Roany Bear
Cash Rastus
Dynamite Joe Jack
Bluebell Annie
Mr Baron Jack
Debutante Jo
Sixes Chaparral is a well-balanced gelding with a kind eye. His sire, Sixes
Country, was an AQHA World Show qualifier and earned points in heading
and heeling. Sixes Country is sired by Salt Lake (TB), a sire of race winners
earning $59 million. Sixes Chaparral is out of Special Show Two, daughter of
Special Show, a race winning sire that won $275,000. Trained by CSU student
Sarah Morgan.
Eight-year-old MS ID Bell is quick, smart, and cowy – and has the sweetest
disposition. “Bell” is perfectly happy doing whatever is asked of her, from
trail riding to working cattle. She has been used in many aspects of cattle
work and has become reliable and handy on the ranch. Bell would make a
great family horse, as well. She was ridden in the feedlot for three months last
winter. 12-year-old Kaine has currently been roping on her and she is natural
and easy going.
Consigned by Wagonhound Land & Livestock, LLC
Fevered Kiss
2010 Bay Mare
Playboys Buck Fever
Fevered Kiss
Freckles Playboy
Tsarina Chexanic
Quanah O Lena
Quanahs Kiss
Peppys O Lena
Consigned by Haythorn Ranch Company
Jewel’s Leo Bars
Gay Jay
Bueno Chex Kaweah
Doc O’Lena
Bar Socks Babe
Peppy San Badger
Riv O Lena
Mickey Steel
2003 Black Gelding
Snickelfritz Mickey
Mickey Steel
Snickelfritz Chex
Duster Daisy Mae
Tee J Jack Steel
Im Continental Steel
CF Thirteen
King Fritz
Poco Brickhouse
RBM Duster Wolf
Watch Naomi
Jackie Bee
Lady Leola Bars
Continental Fly
Nero Twelve
Fevered Kiss is a stout filly who is quiet and learns quickly. Her sire, Playboys
Buck Fever, is an NRCHA Supreme Reined Cow Horse and NRCHA all-time
leading sire, with lifetime earnings of $62,000. Playboys Buck Fever sired both
the 2010 NRCHA Futurity Non-Pro Bridle Champion and 2011 NRCHA
Non-Pro Derby Champion. His first 15 foals to show earned over $286,000.
Fevered Kiss’s dam, Quanahs Kiss, has $11,000 in NCHA earnings and her
sire, Quanah O Lena, has offspring with $1 million in NCHA earnings. The
dam of Quanahs Kiss, Peppys O Lena, is by AQHA Hall of Famer Peppy San
Badger and has produced foals earning $23,000. Trained by CSU student
Crystal Canady.
Mickey Steel is one of the top horses in Blake Sall’s string. He is full of
foundation blood from top to bottom. “Steel” has the muscle and bone to
carry a rider all day while working and doctoring cattle. He is full of cow and
is big and stout. Steel has a big heart and aims to please. Ridden by Blake Sall,
Steel is 15.1 hands and weighs 1,200 lbs.
Consigned by Saunders Ranch
Consigned by Wagonhound Land & Livestock, LLC
Sporty Joane
2011 Red Roan Mare
Sport N Bet
Sporty Joane
Rips Sport Model
Bet Yer Boons
Riviera Reed
Joane Reed
Hobos Joane
Rip Rip
Sport Model Queen
Bet Yer Blue Boons
Reed Me Roan Doc
TTS Riviera
Hobo Dunny
Bens Cuero
Little Doc Fritz
2002 Bay Mare
Lucero Del Rey
Little Doc Fritz
Docs Fritzie
Cosa Bonita
Sign John Doe
Mounties Little Doe
Sabre Mount
Fritz Command
Ann Doc Bar
Nita’s Booger
The Signature
Hialeah Story
Robbie 1
Sabre Wood
Sporty Joane is a quiet, athletic, and willing red roan filly by Sport N Bet
and out of Joane Reed. Sport N Bet is by Rips Sport Model, who has NCHA
earnings of $7,000 and has offspring with earnings of nearly $50,000. Sport
N Bet’s dam, Bet Yer Boons, is by leading sire Peptoboonsmal. Bet Yer Boons
earned $74,000 in NCHA and her offspring have $215,000 in NCHA earnings.
Trained by CSU student Kayla Gillespie.
Little Doc Fritz is an attractive, gentle bay mare that knows her way around
the ranch. She has done all ranch jobs from dragging calves to the fire and
gathering up herds to doctoring cattle in the spring. She has been started
roping out of the box and has given us some fine colts to add to our herd. With
her stout build and 15.1 hands in height, she is a solid mare with a willing,
responsive attitude and is ready to go any direction you want to take her.
Consigned by Atwood Quarter Horses
Consigned by Silver Spur Ranches
AR Onesmart Especial
2011 Sorrel Gelding
One Smart Peppy
AR Onesmart Especial
Peppy San Badger
One Time Soon
AR Especially Sassy
Premium Sassy Miss
Mr San Peppy
Sugar Badger
Smart Little Lena
Uno Princess
Doc Bar
War Leo’s Lady
Premium Skip
Apron Bar
Natural Red Buck
2003 Bay Gelding
Sallys Natural Buck
Natural Red Buck
Two Eyed Red Buck
Natural Sally Ann
El Coosa
Zerina Coosa Bar
Neva Poco Duchess
Mr Baron Red
Ima Tyree
Natural Attraction
Misties Getty
Coosa Lad
Elusive Difference
Leo Bar Moore
Bond Duchess
AR Onesmart Especial is responsive, willing, and eager to please. He is by One
Smart Peppy, a son of AQHA Hall of Fame stallion, Peppy San Badger. NCHA
Open Futurity winner Peppy San Badger sired foals with earnings of $25
million in cutting, reining, and reined cowhorse. AR Onesmart Especial is out
of AR Especially Sassy, who is a full sister to AQHA World Show qualifier and
multiple ROM earner Especial Sierra and a half-sister to an NRCHA money
earner. AR Especially Sassy is by Doc Bar’s AQHA Champion and NCHA
money earning son, Especial. Trained by CSU student Audre Etsitty.
Natural Red Buck (HYPP N/N) is a 15.2 hand, 1,200 pound, bay gelding. He
is stout, big-boned, good-looking, and gentle. He has been used to doctor
cattle outside, to sort and drag calves at brandings, and for all other aspects
of ranching. He can be used to head and heel on in the arena. He pulls hard
from the horn, has plenty of cow and is gentle for most anyone. He is by
Sallys Natural Buck, a three-time AQHA World Show qualifier, who has a
Superior in heeling and additional points in heading and tie-down roping. His
famous grandsire is Two Eyed Red Buck who boasts over 500 AQHA points
accumulated in halter and performance classes and too many successful
progeny to mention. The bottom side goes back to the famous Coosa Lad, an
AQHA All Time Leading Sire and Equistat Leading Sire. Natural Red Buck
has a strong pedigree both top and bottom.
Consigned by Haythorn Ranch Company
Real Mickey 1424
2011 Sorrel Mare
Snickelfritz Mickey
Real Mickey 1424
Snickelfritz Chex
Duster Daisy Mae
Real Gun
CF Real 424
CF Twenty Four
Consigned by KeSa Quarter Horses
King Fritz
Poco Brickhouse
RBM Duster Wolf
Watch Naomi
Miss War Chips
Continental Fly
Nero Three
Sensations Fox
2011 Bay Roan Gelding
Driftwood Sensation
Sensations Fox
My Blue Warrior
Beulah’s Annie
Blue Valentine Two
Foxy Two Valentine
Fox Coup
Happy’s Warrior
Setumup Miss
War Booger
Brown Beulah
Rowdy Blue Man
Blues Pole Cat
Plenty Try
Diane Valentine
Real Mickey 1424 is a feminine and attentive filly by Snickelfritz Mickey, a
son of Snickelfritz Chex, who earned AQHA Superior awards in both reining
and western pleasure. Daughters of her great grandsire, NRCHA Hall of Fame
stallion King Fritz, have produced foals earning $3 million. Real Mickey 1424 is
out of CF Real 424, a daughter of Real Gun, the 2004 AQHA World Superhorse
and earner of $47,800. He is by Playgun, an all-time leading sire whose progeny
have earned $8 million. Trained by CSU student Desirae Newell.
Sensations Fox is a kind bay roan gelding who learns quickly. His sire,
Driftwood Sensation, has AQHA points in heading and heeling. His dam,
Foxy Two Valentine, is a daughter of Fox Coup, who has produced multiple
performing offspring that have earned 746 AQHA points. Trained by CSU
student Anna Eklund.
Consigned by Crofoot Ranches, LLP
Consigned by Bar Rock-N-Bean
Red Hot Rescate Gal
2008 Red Roan Mare
Black To Basics
Red Hot Rescate Gal
Mr San Peppy
Continental Jo Dee
Red Hot Hancock
Red Hot Elsie
Spanish Elsie
Leo San
Peppy Belle
Continental Rey
Diamond Debutante
Hancock’s Dude
Mira Bay Hancock 3
Rack Pal 161
Spanish Pick
SO Blk Satin Playgun
2011 Chestnut Gelding
VNK Lonegun
SO Blk Satin Playgun
Mr Cross Play
MP Wooden Figure
Double S Whiz
Double S Satin
Maysdorf Black Satin
Miss Colonel Freckle
Lone Drifter
Figure Four 449
Sputnik’s Playboy
Double Bid Beauty
Pacific Nick
Maysdorf Princess
Red Hot Rescate Gal – better known as “Shortcake” – is a great-granddaughter
of the great ranch horse sire Rack Pal 161. She has extremely good ranch
horse bloodlines on both sides, and produced a 2012 red roan colt by Sixes
Sixgun. Sixes Sixgun was an AQHA Versatility Ranch Horse Reserve World
Champion and RHAA World Champion. Shortcake has been ridden on the
ranch since October and has had a job outside and in the pens.
SO Blk Satin Playgun is an athletically-made gelding who has a desire to
please. His sire is VNK Lonegun, who is by Mr Cross Play, an AQHA point
earner and NCHA earner of $44,000. SO Blk Satin Playgun’s great grandsire,
Playgun, has offspring who have earned $8 million in NCHA, NRHA, and
AQHA events. Trained by CSU student Liah Hens.
Consigned by Singleton Ranches
Consigned by T-Cross Ranches
SCR Vanna Lena
1999 Bay Gelding
Thorn Doc Lena
SCR Vanna Lena
Doc O Dynamite
Surfine Babe
Pajarito Doc
Bartona Vanna
Miss Vanna Jet
Doc O’Lena
Gay Bar Dixie
My Van Thorn
Gyro Babe
Dry Doc
Gay Bartona
Twin Jet
Miss Vanna Bid
Cowtowns Smoothie
2011 Chestnut Mare
Cowtowns Cat
Cowtowns Smoothie
High Brow Cat
Cute Little Magic
Tari Pines For You
Taris Vandel
Aprils Vandal
High Brow Hickory
Smart Little Kitty
Haidas Magic
Texas Evening
Doc Tari
Pines Cross Too
Smooth Joe Vandal
Lemons April
SCR Vanna Lena is a Singleton Ranches-raised gelding that has been used
for all phases of ranch work on the Bojax Division ranch. He has been hauled
to high school rodeos and a few college rodeos where he has excelled as a
heeling horse.
Cowtowns Smoothie is a stylish, balanced filly who learns quickly. Her sire,
Cowtowns Cat, earned $29,000 in cutting and is by NCHA All-Time Leading
Sire, High Brow Cat. High Brow Cat’s offspring have earned $49 million. Her
dam, Taris Vandel, is a daughter of Tari Pines For You, an AQHA point earner
who has $23,000 in NCHA earnings. Trained by CSU student McKenzi Kyle.
Consigned by Wood Ranch
WR Shiner Four
2008 Sorrel Gelding
Four Lucky 063
WR Shiner Four
Lucky Bottom Pal
Eddie 763
Shining King Cody
Shiny Justins
Miss Pavo Degree
Consigned by Wagonhound Land & Livestock, LLC
Lucky Star Mac
Cindee Ann Bailey
Eddie Eighty
Miss Starla
Shining Spark
Peppys Pavo
Miss Nifty Alejo
Sixes Tenino
2010 Bay Mare
Playboys Buck Fever
Sixes Tenino
Freckles Playboy
Tsarina Chexanic
Tenino Badger
Tenino Cue
Keota Jo McCue
Jewel’s Leo Bars
Gay Jay
Bueno Chex Kaweah
Peppy San Badger
Tenino Fair
Dondi Jo Jack
Keota Cue
WR Shiner Four is a 15.2 gelding, weighs 1,250 lbs., and can do any job on
the ranch. He has worked cattle, roped head and heels in the arena and in the
pasture. Kids ride him; Shiner is just the nicest horse! He has won at jackpot
ropings, and is one of the nicest head horses you will see.
Sixes Tenino is a well-balanced, level-headed, and attractive bay mare. She is
by Playboys Buck Fever, an NRCHA Supreme Reined Cow Horse and NRCHA
all-time leading sire, with lifetime earnings of $62,000. Playboys Buck Fever
sired both the 2010 NRCHA Futurity Non-Pro Bridle Champion and 2011
NRCHA Non-Pro Derby Champion. His first 15 foals to show earned over
$286,000. Sixes Tenino’s maternal grand sire is Tenino Badger, an NCHA
money-earner of $90,000. Trained by CSU student by Rebecca Mullen.
Consigned by Cowan Select Horses, LLC
Chickory Del Cielo
2010 Bay Gelding
Gallo Del Cielo
Chickory Del Cielo
Peppy San Badger
Doc’s Starlight
Hey Houston
This Chics A Hick
Hickorys Classic Star
Consigned by Silver Spur Ranches
Mr San Peppy
Sugar Badger
Doc Bar
Tasa Tivio
Smart Chic Olena
Paula Tari
Akamai Prom
SS Bay Harmon 811
2011 Sorrel Mare
Ladys Bay Gun
SS Bay Harmon 811
Dualin Gun
Playboys Lady Too
Steel Harmon
Lots of Harmon 811
Lots Of Popping
Dual Pep
Miss Silver Pistol
Playboy Joys Boy
Becaco Some Bay
Scottish Harmon
Bold Angel
Arkansas Poco Doc
Lots Entertainment
Chickory Del Cielo is a promising young gelding with a lot of personality
and good looks. “Diego,” as he is better known, has a good handle and will
watch a cow. We have ranch-roped some smaller calves with him in the arena,
too. Diego would be a great prospect for breakaway roping, heeling, or ranch
horse events. He’s got a huge stop, nice soft lope, moves out at a walk, and
is sure-footed, reliable, and gentle. Though we expect him to grow more, he
would be a nice choice for those looking for a smaller gelding, standing 14.1
and weighing 900 lbs. We feel that he would be safe for any adult rider and his
temperament should lend itself to being a good kid’s horse in the future. Diego
has the talent and the mind to do great things. He also is National Reining
Breeders Classic-nominated. Our horses always sell current on farriery and
vaccinations. Ridden by Andie Lee.
This athletic mare is quick and responsive. Her grandsire, Dualin Gun, has sired
19 money earners in NCHA and NRHA. Dualin Gun is by Dual Pep, whose
foals have earned $24 million. SS Bay Harmon 811 is out of Lots Of Harmon
811, who is by Steel Harmon, who was used as a herd sire at the historic Bell
Ranch near Newkirk, N.M. Trained by CSU student Elizabeth Canda.
Consigned by Pete Becker Ranch, Inc.
Consigned by Crofoot Ranches, LLP
SH Rufus
2008 Bay Gelding
Snickelfritz Husker
SH Rufus
Snickelfritz Chex
Tigsea Mandy
Show Bar Bob
NLD Kay Cee Queen
LY Cherri
King Fritz
Poco Brickhouse
Tiger of the Sea
Zero’s Mamie
Blondy’s Dude
Lady Show Bob
Vel Tee Quest
Oh Miss Candy
Red Hot Slush
2010 Red Roan Gelding
Four Wood Cutter
Red Hot Slush
Slush Wood
Squaw Lynx Cutter
Red Hot Hancock
Red Hot Elsie
Spanish Elsie
Drifts Chip
Raspberry Slush
Doc WM Cutter
Ginger Squaw Lynx
Hancock’s Dude
Mira Bay Hancock 3
Rack Pal 161
Spanish Pick
SH Rufus is a Becker Ranch born and raised, good-looking bay gelding. He
was started right and went directly to work ranching in the Nebraska Sandhills.
Ridden by Harley Altena, this horse has always had a job. He has been used for
ALL types of ranch work, such as calving, sorting, moving cows, pasturing,
doctoring calves, etc. Rufus loads and unloads easily. He is kind and always
willing to please! He shows a lot of interest in cattle and you should be able to
take him any way you want. Rufus is by Becker’s senior stallion, Snickelfritz
Jake, a top performance son of Snickelfritz Chex. Rufus is bred to be a cow
horse, top and bottom.
Red Hot Slush is a tall, red roan gelding who is balanced and has plenty of
bone. His sire, Four Wood Cutter, is by Slush Wood, who earned AQHA
points, as well as money in RHAA and reined cow horse events. His dam is by
Red Hot Hancock who earned AQHA points in heading and heeling and was
a sire of multiple AQHA point earners. Trained by CSU student Carly Little.
Consigned by Wood Ranch
WR Shining Class
2009 Palomino Gelding
Shining King Cody
WR Shining Class
Shining Spark
Mr Freckles Olena
FF Class Lena
Four Class
Consigned by Bartlett Ranches
Genuine Doc
Diamonds Sparkle
Okie Leo
King Cody’s Slim
Colonel Freckles
Kitty Olena
Handy Eddie Cinco
Watch Joe Classy
Flying B Specialty
2011 Gray Mare
Bee My Sierra
Flying B Specialty
Sierra Te
Jackie Bee Linda
Son Of A Rap
Red Desert Rap
Chico Wine
Te N’ Te
Miss Snoflurry
Jackie Bee
Annie Badger 68
Reynolds Rap
Skippa Pretty Miss
Skip Chico
Quick Trust
WR Shining Class is one fancy gelding. He will work a cow in the pasture or
arena, has been roped on and is AQHA Ranching Heritage eligible. “Classy” is
very athletic and fun to ride. He is gentle, has no bad habits, and you will not
see a prettier horse. Be sure and look at Classy!
Flying B Specialty is a balanced and responsive gray filly. Her sire, halter
champion Bee My Sierra, sired 12 performance winners. Bee My Sierra is
by Sierra Te, whose offspring include 30 AQHA World Show Finalists, 2002
AQHA Barrel Horse of the Year, and have earned over $609,000. Trained by
CSU student Sarah Darville.
Consigned by Singleton Ranches
SCR Bit Of Hollywood
2010 Chestnut Mare
SCR Bit Of Hollywood
SCR Hollywood
Dual Pep
Bit Of Heat
Bingo Bay Menagerie
Consigned by Diamond McNabb Ranch Horses
Peppy San Badger
Miss Dual Doc
Smart Little Lena
Clarks Little Fanny
Hollywood Heat
Bit Of Zan
Penns Gray Bingo
Doc Menagerie
DM Lil Peppys Autumn
2011 Bay Mare
Autumn Acre
DM Lil Peppys Autumn
Bob Acre Doc
Autumn White
Peppy San Badger
Partner By Peppy
Partner In Law
Son Ofa Doc
Sapp’s Sandy
Smart Little Lena
Autumn Boon
Mr San Peppy
Sugar Badger
Doc O’Lena
Chic Midnight
SCR Bit Of Hollywood is a very flashy colored filly with a great deal of
potential. She is by the highly successful Dualwithme, who is of course by
the great Dual Pep. On her dam’s side, she carries the legendary Doc Bar and
Hollywood Gold bloodlines, assuring her promising future.
DM Lil Peppys Autumn is a sensible, attractive filly who is responsive and
learns quickly. She is by Autumn Acre, an NCHA Futurity and Super Stakes
finalist, and earner of $345,000. DM Lil Peppys Autumn is out of Partner By
Peppy, a daughter of AQHA Hall of Famer Peppy San Badger, whose foals
have earned $25 million in cutting, reining, and reined cow horse. Partner
By Peppy’s siblings had NCHA earnings of $138,000. Trained by CSU student
Taylor Dolak.
Consigned by Kurtz Ranch
Pauls Pistolena
2008 Bay Gelding
Smart Chic Olena
Smart Paul Olena
Paula Tari
Pauls Pistolena
Hes Dun His Time
Dun Time With A Bay
Chexs Out Ct
Consigned by Burnett Ranches, LLC (6666 Ranch)
Smart Little Lena
Gay Sugar Chic
Tari Glo
Pauls Marathon
Hollywood Dun It
Betsy Bar Cody
Colonel Rey Lena
Miss Kitty Chex
Gunpowder Pick
2011 Sorrel Mare
PG Gunpowder
Gunpowder Pick
Powderriver Pepidoc
Sixes Pick
Pick The Pay
Raise The Pay
Freckles Playboy
Miss Silver Pistol
Peppy San Badger
Doc A Holly Lena
Tanquery Gin
Natural Pick
Preferred Pay
Docs Monkey
Pauls Pistolena is truly an all-around gelding. Finished as a reining horse,
“Pistol” was shown in the 2011 Colorado Reining Futurity, so he has that
great reiner’s handle. He has been used on the ranch, worked cattle, been
trail ridden, and started in the heading box. Quiet and gentle enough for
anyone to ride, he has a great mind and never seems to get worried. Pistol
is cowy and could easily go on and make a reined cow horse, be shown in
ranch versatility, or make a great recreational trail horse. Quiet to shoe, wash,
clip, and load. Sired by Smart Paul Olena, Aaron Ralston’s multiple AQHA
World Champion stallion. Also registered in the Foundation Quarter Horse
Association, nominated to the National Reining Horse Association Derby
program and the National Reining Breeders Classic. Call (970) 879-5029 for
more information.
Gunpowder Pick is a quiet, well-balanced filly with a full hip. She is by
PG Gunpowder, an NCHA earner of $18,000; among his first few foals are
several NCHA, RHAA, and SHOT performers. Gunpowder Pick’s grandsire
is Playgun, whose foals have earned $8 million in cutting, reining, and
cowhorse events. This mare is out of Pick The Pay, who is a daughter of AQHA
World Champion Versatility Ranch Horse Sixes Pick. Pick The Pay’s dam is
by highly-regarded ranch horse sire Preferred Pay. Trained by CSU student
Kawena Schuman.
Consigned by Gould Ranch Cattle Company
Reeds Little Amigo
2006 Brown Gelding
Little Blue Amigo
Reeds Little Amigo
Azul Caballo Amigo
Queen O Clubs
Bob H Again
Box Car Annie Gee
Hollis Beauty
Consigned by Purina Animal Nutrition
Blue Laven
Plenty Blue
Diamond N Senor
Clubs Delight
Peavy’s Chris
Plenty Blue
Quarter Hancock
Reed’s Special 1
Reeds Little Amigo is a nice, big, stout all-around ranch horse. He has been on
our Hartsel, Colo., ranch for the last two years where we run 1,000 commercial
cows on 40,000 acres at 10,000 feet in elevation. This horse is gentle, easy to
catch and shoe. He is a big circle horse that has dragged calves to the branding
fire, roped and doctored cattle in the pasture, and dragged bulls into the halftop trailer. Big motor for the cowboy who needs an experienced horse to do
whatever cowboy jobs pop up, or go to the arena and rope steers.
Sixes Cherrybomb
2011 Sorrel Mare
Sixes Pick
Sixes Cherrybomb
Tanquery Gin
Natural Pick
Peppys Raletta Sioux
Raletta Docs Sioux
Doc O’Lena
Gin Echols
Tenino Badger
Peppy San Badger
Doc’s Spencer Bar
Latham Sioux
Sixes Cherrybomb is a quiet, feminine, and attractive filly. Her sire, Sixes
Pick, was the first AQHA Versatility Ranch Horse World Champion. He
sired numerous ranch horse champions, including Sixes Sixgun. Sixes Pick
is by Tanquery Gin – an all-time leading cutting and broodmare sire whose
daughters have produced foals earning over 5,470 AQHA points and $2.7
million. Sixes Cherrybomb is out of Peppys Raletta Sioux, a daughter of
Peppycree, who earned $15,000 in NRHA events. Trained by CSU student
Taylor Campbell.
Consigned by Hanging H Ranch
Reeds Hot Deline
1997 Bay Roan Mare
Red Hot Hancock
Reeds Hot Deline
Hancock’s Dude
Mira Bay Hancock 3
Rack Pal 161
Blue Deline
Blue Affair
Consigned by Crofoot Ranches, LLP
Joe Queen
Flicka Hancock
Lowry Hancock Jr
Bay Ella
Poco Rack
Miss Pep 161
Sonny’s Nightshade
Gold Deline
Black To Heaven
2011 Bay Mare
Black To Basics
Black To Heaven
Mr San Peppy
Continental Jo Dee
Seven From Heaven
Red Hot Heaven
Owens Red Hot Lady
Leo San
Peppy Belle
Continental Rey
Diamond Debutante
Peppys From Heaven
Red Hot Hancock
Owens Lady
Reeds Hot Deline, better known as “Reba,” is a 1997 bay roan with the dun
gene. She is a big, pretty mare that has had extensive work on the ground and
over trail obstacles, and has done all types of ranch work, proving her worth
on the ranch. Her incredible work ethic and experience are priceless. She has
a superb disposition and personality, as well as agility and athleticism. Reba
is a versatile horse that is tough enough to cowboy on and still gentle enough
to take care of the kids. She has also been an exceptional producer for the
ranch – giving us pretty, good-minded offspring.
Black To Heaven is a quiet filly who learns quickly. Her sire, Black To Basics, is
a son of two-time NCHA World Champion and AQHA Hall of Fame stallion,
Mr San Peppy. Black To Basics is an NCHA, ACHA, and AQHA money earner.
Black To Heaven is out of a daughter of AQHA World Champion Seven From
Heaven. Trained by CSU student Chelsea Beisel.
Consigned by Wagonhound Land & Livestock, LLC.
Colonel Haidas
1996 Sorrel Gelding
Haidas Little Pep
Colonel Haidas
Peppy San Badger
Doc’s Haida
Colonel Freckles
Colonel Missy
Miss Caro Doc
Consigned by Haythorn Ranch Company
Mr San Peppy
Sugar Badger
Doc Bar
Teresa Tivio
Jewel’s Leo Bars
Christy Jay
Doc’s Tom Thumb
Caro Too
Rusty OCF Thirteen
2010 Bay Roan Gelding
Rusty Gun 876
Rusty OCF Thirteen
Real Gun
Centennial 876
Continental Fly
CF Thirteen
Nero Twelve
Miss War Chips
Eddie Centennial
Six Pick
The Continental
My Beaver 6
Royal Nero
Happy Hancock 12
Colonel Haidas is a responsive, trustworthy gelding with a lot of talent. Colonel
has a wide range of ranch experience and has done it all, from gathering
pastures to roping, doctoring, and dragging calves to the fire at branding. He
has been used as a guest horse on our ranch and he has also recently gone
on an extensive mountain hunting trip where he performed exceptionally.
Not only does he show his athletic ability in ranch work, but Colonel is also a
money earner in roping and cattle working events. Colonel is an exceptional
horse and is ready to go home and do anything you ask him to do.
This stout, bay roan gelding learns quickly. He is by a son of AQHA Superhorse
Real Gun, who earned $48,000 in calf roping, heading, heeling, working cow
horse, reining, and cutting. His dam, CF Thirteen, is a daughter of NRCHA
money earner Continental Fly. Trained by CSU student Kayla Scolman.
Consigned by Singleton Ranches
SCR Smooth Reminic
2010 Sorrel Mare
A Smooth Edition
SCR Smooth Reminic
Smooth As A Cat
SR My Quixote Lady
Daniel B Boom
SCR Mysticinic
Mystical Smoke
Consigned by Bar Rock-N-Bean
High Brow Cat
Shes Pretty Smooth
Doc Quixote
My Leo Lady
Melissa Parker
Sonitas Smoke
Mystic Menagerie
Sand Sparkin Snappy
2001 Sorrel Gelding
Genuine As Diamonds
Sand Sparkin Snappy
Genuine Doc
Diamonds Sparkle
Mr Sizota Wimpy
Peppy Two Wimpy
Ms San Peppy Two
Doc Bar
Gay Bar’s Gen
Mr Diamond Dude
Pollyanna Rose
Sizota San Peppy
Bayonne Jay West
Sizota San Peppy
Maya Jack
SCR Smooth Reminic is athletic and responsive. She is by A Smooth Edition,
whose sire, Smooth As A Cat, is a leading NCHA sire with offspring earnings
of $9.2 million. She is out of SCR Mysticinic, who was sired by Daniel B Boom,
a high point and money earning AQHA and APHA World Champion. SCR
Mysticinic is a half sister to a NRHA money earner. Trained by CSU student
Jessica Mullin.
Sand Sparkin Snappy, aka “Snappy,” was owned by a long-time friend, Dick
Pitner. Dick rode this horse 350 miles last summer on the Colorado trail at
70 years old. I bought him two weeks after the trail ride and this horse is solid
and sound. My kids have ridden him this past winter and I decided that this
horse was bred extremely well and is very athletic and needed to start roping.
He will have 90 days professional roping training by sale time.
Consigned by Wagonhound Land & Livestock, LLC
Pardee Smart
2011 Sorrel Mare
WR This Cats Smart
Pardee Smart
High Brow Cat
The Smart Look
Lone Drifter
MP Lonely Pardee Gal
Whos Parr Dee
Consigned by Singleton Ranches
High Brow Hickory
Smart Little Kitty
Smart Little Lena
Dox Royal Smoke
Driftwood Ike
Moore Yen
Prince Charger Bar
Dee Parr Dee
SCR Boonlight Dancin
2010 Red Roan Mare
A Smooth Edition
SCR Boonlight Dancin
Smooth As A Cat
SR My Quixote Lady
Boonlight Dancer
Dance With Boon
High Brow Cat
Shes Pretty Smooth
Doc Quixote
My Leo Lady
Little Dancer Lena
Freckles Playboy
Senorita Sun Up
Pardee Smart is an athletic, willing, and attentive filly that is eager to please.
She is by NCHA World Champion WR This Cats Smart, whose foals have
earned more than $3.4 million in cutting and reined cow horse events. WR
This Cats Smart is by High Brow Cat, whose offspring have $49 million in
earnings. Pardee Smart is a great-granddaughter of Driftwood Ike, a leading
sire of rope horses. Trained by CSU student Stormy Havens.
SCR Boonlight Dancin is a cute roan filly who is nicely started, has an
exceptional pedigree, and a great deal of potential. Her bloodlines contain
such illustrious names as Freckles Playboy, Peptoboonsmal, and High Brow
Cat, and she has the promise of an outstanding future.
Consigned by Purina Animal Nutrition
Sixes Prince
2011 Sorrel Gelding
Sixes Pick
Sixes Prince
Tanquery Gin
Natural Pick
Skip To A Cowboy
Equine Senorita
Diggers Senorita
Consigned by Diamond McNabb Ranch Horses
Doc O’Lena
Gin Echols
Tenino Badger
Skipa Star
Impressive Cowgal
San Bar Senorita
DM Playin It Rich
2010 Bay Gelding
Nic It In The Bud
DM Playin It Rich
Genuine Redbud
Freckles Playboy
Miss Play Ola
Miss Doc Ola
Doc’s Remedy
Genuine Doc
Seven S Margarita
Jewel’s Leo Bars
Gay Jay
Doc O’Lena
Miss Ola Bar
Sixes Prince is a flashy, quick and athletic gelding by Sixes Pick, who was the
first AQHA Versatility Ranch Horse World Champion. Sixes Pick has sired
multiple champion ranch horse performers, including Sixes Sixgun. His
grandsire is Tanquery Gin, an all-time leading cutting and broodmare sire
whose daughters have produced foals earning over 5,470 AQHA points and
$2.7 million. Sixes Prince is out of Equine Senorita, sired by an AQHA halter
point earner, Skip To A Cowboy. Trained by CSU student Ben Eike.
Willing, stout, strong, and eager to please, DM Playin It Rich is by Nic It In
The Bud, an NRCHA and NRHA champion with offspring earnings over $1
million. DM Playin It Rich is out of Miss Play Ola, an NCHA money earner
by leading sire Freckles Playboy. Miss Play Ola’s dam, Miss Doc Ola, is also
an NCHA money earner and is sired by AQHA Hall of Famer Doc O’ Lena.
Trained by CSU student Lorraine Johnston.
Consigned by Silver Spur Ranches
Goin Both Ways
2008 Sorrel Gelding
Pale Face Jose
Goin Both Ways
CD Olena
Joses Dually
Justa Swinging Peppy
Swingin Star Lady
Lynx Star Lady
Consigned by Atwood Quarter Horses
Doc O’Lena
CD Chica San Badger
Dual Pep
Joses Sunrise
Peppy San Badger
Special Medicine
Doc’s Lynx
Jessie’s Star Lady
AR Especials Barmaid
2011 Sorrel Mare
Colonel Doc Bar Chex
AR Especials Barmaid
Colonel Freckles
Shirley’s Doc Bar
Especials Lil Badger
Bossey Little Badger
Jewel’s Leo Bars
Christy Jay
Doc Bar
Shirley Chex
Doc Bar
War Leo’s Lady
Peppy San Badger
Bossey Little Miss
Better known as “Hardy,” Goin Both Ways is a strong, stout gelding standing
15 hands and weighing 1,150 lbs. He has spent time in the pasture doctoring,
dragging calves, and covering some country. He ropes out of the box on both
ends, is smart, willing, cowy, good-looking and easy to be around. Hardy has
spent some time in cutting training with Grant Setnicka. His sire is Pale Face
Jose, earner of $209,808, and a multiple cutting champion, including Suncoast
Fall Non Pro Classic/Challenge Non Pro Champion; and is a multiple open
and non pro major event finalist. He’s the sire of 64 registered foals including
first to show, Palefaced Hickory ($19,011 NCHA) and Ima Sneakin Flash
($5,925 NCHA). Hardy’s dam, Swingin Star Lady, earned $114,387 NCHA,
and is the dam of 10 foals, including two performers: Swingin Star Pepto
($205,385 NCHA) and IC The Swingin Lady ($11,511 NCHA).
AR Especials Barmaid is an attractive, quiet filly who is willing and learns
quickly. Her sire, Colonel Doc Bar Chex, is a NCHA, NRHA, and NRCHA
money earner. He is a son of AQHA Hall of Famer and NCHA Futurity winner
Colonel Freckles, whose offspring have earned $5 million. AR Especials
Barmaid is out of Especials Lil Badger, a daughter of the AQHA Champion
and NCHA money-earning son of Doc Bar, Especial. Especials Lil Badger is
out of Bossey Little Badger, who produced NCHA earners of $14,300. Trained
by CSU student Taylor Randall.
Consigned by Wood Ranch
Consigned by Hanging H Ranch
WH Golden Paloma
2010 Palomino Gelding
Bob Paloma
WH Golden Paloma
Bob Acre MD
Ta Paloma
Shining King Cody
Golden Curves
Taris Impression
Bob Acre Doc
Smokin Mink
Taquito Sugar
Paloma Lisa
Shining Spark
Jay Bee Tari
Stylish Sox
Classy Lil Wolfcreek
2010 Gray Mare
Wolf Creek Red Buck
Classy Lil Wolfcreek
Two Eyed Red Buck
Tina Jo Jack
Chex That Out
Wheat Chex Out
Sunnys Lil Freckle
Mr Baron Red
Ima Tyree
Monsieur Joe Jack
Oak Creek Princess
Smart Little Lena
Chex Lady
Freckles Playboy
Ollie Olena
This flashy gelding, WH Golden Paloma, is very easy going and has a very
good disposition. He has been used on the ranch driving cattle and has been
roped on. He will suit the most discriminating buyer, so take a good look at
Paloma. He is AQHA Ranching Heritage eligible.
Classy Lil Wolfcreek is a stout, quiet grey filly who is smooth under saddle.
Her sire is Wolf Creek Red Buck, who earned 113.5 AQHA points in roping
events and halter. Her grandsire, Two Eyed Red Buck, sired 15 AQHA World
Show finalists in heading, heeling, tie-down roping, break away roping, and
halter. Classy Lil Wolfcreek’s dam is by Chex That Out, who earned $49,000
in reining and reined cow horse and was the 1999 NRCHA Open Stakes
Champion. Her second dam, Sunnys Lil Freckle, is a half-sister to Peppys
Blues Clues, who was an AQHA World Show qualifier in heading, heeling,
and halter. Trained by CSU student Kim Nettleton.
Consigned by Haythorn Ranch Company
Mickey 521
2005 Bay Gelding
Snickelfritz Mickey
Mickey 521
Snickelfritz Chex
Duster Daisy Mae
Continental Fly
CF Twenty One
Eddies Happy Queen
Consigned by Wagonhound Land & Livestock, LLC
King Fritz
Poco Brickhouse
RBM Duster Wolf
Watch Naomi
The Continental
My Beaver 6
Eddie 70
Happy Hancock 21
Pardee Cat
2010 Sorrel Gelding
WR This Cats Smart
Pardee Cat
High Brow Cat
The Smart Look
Lone Drifter
MP Lonely Pardee Gal
Whos Parr Dee
High Brow Hickory
Smart Little Kitty
Smart Little Lena
Dox Royal Smoke
Driftwood Ike
Moore Yen
Prince Charger Bar
Dee Parr Dee
Mickey 521, also known as “Hammer,” has done it all on the ranch. He is
gentle and a pleasure to ride. Hammer rates cattle well and has good feet and
bone to stand up to the rigors of pasture doctoring and general ranch work.
Hammer is 15.1 hands and weighs 1,275 lbs. Ridden by Harry Haythorn.
Pardee Cat is a stout, quiet, and willing gelding who is also athletic and kind.
He is by NCHA World Champion WR This Cats Smart, whose foals have
earned more than $3.4 million in cutting and reined cow horse events. WR
This Cats Smart is by High Brow Cat, whose offspring have $49 million in
earnings. Pardee Cat is a great-granddaughter of Driftwood Ike, a leading sire
of rope horses. Trained by CSU student Michele Kane.
Consigned by Crofoot Ranches, LLP
MS Hot Prescription
2010 Brown Mare
Black To Basics
MS Hot Prescription
Mr San Peppy
Continental Jo Dee
Docs Seven Eleven
Docs Red Hot Affair
Blues Red Hot Affair
Consigned by Rocking G Ranch
Leo San
Peppy Belle
Continental Rey
Diamond Debutante
Doc’s Prescription
Kay Otoe
Red Hot Hancock
Blue Affair
Dixies Valentine
2009 Brown Gelding
KM Valentine Skip
Dixies Valentine
Shi Blue Valentine
Skip On Candy
Friendly Flo
Friendly Dixie
Alcars Justa Dixie
Shi Bar Skip
Rockys Gray Lady
Shi Bar Skip
Skips Candy
Friendly Fritz
Sheza Winners Okie
Justa Quince
Sunny Mitch Bar
MS Hot Prescription is kind and willing, and she is starting to watch a cow.
She has had lots of outside miles. She is a full sister to the high-selling filly at
the 2011 CSU Legends of Ranching Sale, and shows just as much promise.
Better known as “Leo,” Dixies Valentine is a beautiful brown gelding that has
always been great to work with. He has superb confirmation and an excellent
disposition. His great attitude has made him very trainable. Leo is a smoothriding horse with lots of cow sense. We hate to offer him up for sale. He’s the
kind of horse you’ll always be proud to ride. He will be roped off of this winter
and shown in the roping preview before the sale.
Consigned by Pete Becker Ranch, Inc.
Consigned by Haythorn Ranch Company
SJ Pluto
2010 Sorrel Gelding
Snickelfritz Jake
SJ Pluto
Snickelfritz Chex
Eddie Mimi
And A Dude Jack
Watch Dude Jessica
Snickelfritz Patty
King Fritz
Poco Brickhouse
Eddie Eighty
Dusters Lena
Watch Joe Jack
Anda Dude
Snickelfritz Chex
Two Eyed Stephanie
CF San Kai 524
2005 Bay Gelding
Peppy San Kai
CF San Kai 524
Lani Kai
Bonnie Beretta
Continental Fly
CF Twenty Four
Nero Three
Senor George
Betsy Bull
Beretta San
Miss Leemon
The Continental
My Beaver 6
Royal Nero
Happy Hancock 17
SJ Pluto is a sturdy, willing gelding who wants to get along. He is by Snickelfritz
Mickey, a son of Snickelfritz Chex, who earned AQHA Superior awards in
both reining and western pleasure. Daughters of his great-grandsire, NRCHA
hall of fame stallion King Fritz, have produced foals earning $3 million. SJ
Pluto is out of Watch Dude Jessica, a granddaughter of AQHA Champion,
Watch Joe Jack. Trained by CSU student Sinead Collazo.
CF San Kai 524, also known as “Jake,” has been a great asset on the ranch. He
has been used for all aspects of ranch work, including calving duties, dragging
calves to the fire, pasture doctoring calves, cows, and even bulls. Jake rates
cattle well and has lots of speed and a good disposition. He is 15.1 hands and
weighs 1,280 lbs. Ridden by Blake Sall.
Consigned by Wagonhound Land & Livestock, LLC
Mounties Jewel
2010 Buckskin Mare
Playboys Buck Fever
Mounties Jewel
Freckles Playboy
Tsarina Chexanic
Lucero Del Rey
Little Doc Fritz
Mounties Little Doe
Consigned by Cowan Select Horses, LLC
Jewel’s Leo Bars
Gay Jay
Bueno Chex Kaweah
Docs Fritzie Command
Cosa Bonita
Sign John Doe
Sabre Mount
Spin A Bluestem
2010 Bay Gelding
Spooks Bluestem
Spin A Bluestem
Grays Starlight
Crab Grass
Hey Houston
Spin A Huey
Spins Isabella
Peppy San Badger
Doc’s Starlight
Smart Little Lena
Sugar Bars Flicka
Smart Chic Olena
Paula Tari
Doc Spinifex
Creeky Lena Au
Mounties Jewel is a kind buckskin filly by Playboys Buck Fever, who is an
NRCHA Supreme Reined Cow Horse and NRCHA all-time leading sire,
with lifetime earnings of $62,000. Playboys Buck Fever sired both the 2010
NRCHA Futurity Non-Pro Bridle Champion and 2011 NRCHA Non-Pro
Derby Champion. His first 15 foals to show earned over $286,000. She is out
of Little Doc Fritz, a granddaughter of Doc Fritzie Command, an AQHA
Reserve World Champion Junior Reining Horse. Trained by CSU student
Meredith Thompson.
Spin A Bluestem, whom we call “Drake,” is friendly, willing, and athletic.
He currently stands 14.3 and weighs 1,100 pounds, but we expect him to
grow more. Although just three, he is calm and has had exposure to various
situations. We have ridden him on the trails, crossing logs and creeks. Drake
has been on small cattle drives and been used to wrangle horses. He is started
on cattle and we have roped smaller calves on him in the arena. We have
worked with him predominantly to be a ranch horse, but don’t rule him out as
a weekend show horse. Drake is soft in the face and body and is developing a
nice stop and turn around. Suitable for adult riders of any experience level, in
a couple years he would be good for kids, as well. Drake is AQHA Incentive
Fund nominated. Our horses always sell current on farriery and vaccinations.
Ridden and trained by Zach Iddings.
Consigned by Saunders Ranch
Joanes Sport
2010 Sorrel Mare
Sport N Bet
Joanes Sport
Rips Sport Model
Bet Yer Boons
Docs Capitan
Joane Capitan
Joane Reed
We Start With
Rip Rip
Sport Model Queen
Bet Yer Blue Boons
Capitol Letters
Docs Cuchara
Riviera Reed
Hobos Joane
Hat Raffle
Hat Donated by Greeley Hat Works
Joanes Sport learns quickly and has a ground-covering stride. She is by Sport
N Bet and out of Joane Reed. Sport N Bet is by Rips Sport Model, who has
NCHA earnings of $7,000 and has offspring with earnings of nearly $50,000.
Sport N Bet’s dam, Bet Yer Boons, is by leading sire Peptoboonsmal. Bet Yer
Boons earned $74,000 in NCHA and her offspring had $215,000 in NCHA
earnings. Joanes Sport’s dam is a granddaughter of Capitol Letters, who has
sired money earners in cutting, reining, reined cow horse, and ranch horse
events. Trained by CSU student Ian Kersch.
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better bodies.
Faculty and Staff
Colorado State University
Equine Sciences Program
Louise Ansell
Jerry Black
Rick Brandes
Ryan Brooks
Jason Bruemmer
Sherry Butler
Elizabeth Canda
Gary Carpenter
David Denniston
Kay Gallatin
Tanja Hess
Sandy Hopper
Cassidy Kurtz
Katy Lippolis
Chuck Peterson
Tiare Santistevan
Bobbie Walton
On behalf of Colorado State University,
the CSU Equine Sciences program,
our students,
our faculty,
and our horses,
thank you for attending the
8th Annual Legends of Ranching
Performance Horse Sale.
We’ll see you next year at the 2014
Legends of
April 26, 2014
Sales Production Class: (Back row, left to right): John Ludwig, Chanel
Schvaneveldt, Chelsea Boggs, Courtney Pisano (TA), Kelsey Tofany, Bailie
Van Leuven, Katharine Dozier, and Blair Dickerson. (Front row, left to right):
Lauren Martin, Hayley Osborne, Rachel Epstein, Stormy Havens, Katherine
Parker, Hannah Kopenhafer, Annie Pault, and Brittany Rybolt (TA).
Training Lab 2: (Back row, left to right): Ian Kersch, Sinead Collazo (TA),
Joshua Singer, Logan Bennett, McKenzi Kyle, Danielle Kurkowski, and
Elizabeth Canda. (Front row, left to right): Carly Little (TA), Amanda Dingley,
Kawena Schuman, Emily Dickson, Taylor Campbell, Kim Nettleton, Leah
Roepke (TA), and Audre Etsitty.
Training Lab 1: (Back row, left to right): Ben Eike (TA), Meredith Thompson,
Sarah Darville, Mary Misgen, Sarah Morgan, Kim Rounds, and Jessica Mullin.
(Front row, left to right): Liah Hens, Michele Kane, Rebecca Mullen, Kayla
Gillespie, Nikki Goettl, and Leigh Cooper.
Training Lab 3: (Back row, left to right): Lorraine Johnston (TA), Ashley
Thybo (TA), Crystal Canady, Chelsea Beisel, Desirae Newell, Kayla Scolman,
and John Barker (TA). (Front row, left to right): Taylor Randall, Tara
Leibensperger, Morgan Klatt (TA), Jessica Werner (TA), Mandy Brandt (TA),
Stormy Havens (TA), Taylor Dolak, and Anna Eklund.
Colorado State University
Bringing Excellence
to Equine Science and
Health Since 1870
James L. Voss Veterinary
Teaching Hospital
(970) 297-5000
Orthopaedic Research Center
(970) 297-4165
Equine Reproduction Laboratory
(970) 491-8626
Equine Medicine and Surgery
(970) 297-5000 (24-hour emergency)
(970) 297-4472 (outpatient and surgery
Equine Field Service
(970) 297-5000
Equine Sports Medicine
(970) 297-5000 (24-hour emergency)
(970) 556-3931 (appointments)
Equine Science Undergraduate and
Graduate Degree Programs
(970) 491-8373
Thank You to Our Clinicians!
Each year, top industry professionals share their time and talents with our
Training Lab students as the young people work with their horses. This year, in
particular, we wish to thank the following:
Julie Goodnight is an internationally respected trainer and clinician with
widely-varied experience. She earned her Master Instructor and Clinician
ranking with the Certified Horsemanship Association (CHA), the association
she continues to represent as International Spokesperson. In 2008 she was
named Equine Affaire’s Exceptional Equestrian Educator – one of only three
awards ever given. Julie is now best known for her award-winning television
show airing weekly on RFD-TV: “Horse Master with Julie Goodnight.” See:
Kevin Meyer is the owner of Mantz Creek Horses, Douglas, Wyo. Former
head trainer and Horse Division Manager of Wagonhound Land & Livestock,
and a professional cowboy of over 20 years, Kevin has experience training
performance horses in cutting, reining, and reined cow horse, and his program
has produced hundreds of broke, reliable ranch horses. With his excellent
knowledge of working Quarter Horse pedigrees, Kevin also is the announcer
for the Legends of Ranching Sale. See: www.mantzcreekhorses.com.
Bill Smith, along with his wife, Carole, is the owner of WYO Quarter Horse
Ranch, Thermopolis, Wyo. A lifelong horseman, Bill specializes in training
and prepping the highest quality working ranch horses for others to purchase,
use, and enjoy. Since 1983, the Smiths have put on two popular sales each
year – one in the spring and one in the fall. In 2003, H.B. “Woody” Bartlett,
DVM joined the sale. This year the spring sale will be May 18 at the Hot
Springs County Fairgrounds in Thermopolis. See: www.wyohorses.com.
Coming to the Legends of Ranching Performance Horse Sale?
Join Us for the Grand Opening of the
Equine Reproduction Laboratory
Friday, April 26, 4 p.m.
The College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences invites you to attend the grand
opening celebration of the Equine Reproduction Laboratory. Enjoy refreshments, live music,
and guided tours of the ERL’s new research, teaching and clinical services flagship facility.
The celebration begins at 4 p.m., with short remarks at 4:15 p.m. Guided tours will be given
until 5:15 p.m. Come by and enjoy the hospitality of the faculty, staff and students at the new
Equine Reproduction Laboratory.
RSVP to https://advancing.colostate.edu/EVENTS/ERLGRANDOPENING
The Equine Reproduction Laboratory is located immediately
northwest of the B.W. Pickett Equine Center.