Weekly Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin
SEPTEMBER 11, 2016 – 24TH
Daily Mass Schedule,
Mass Intentions &
Readings for the Week
Monday, September 12, 2016
1 Cor 11:17-26,33
Communion Service: 7:00 a.m.
Lk 7:1-10
Vocation Intention: Clark Lenz, Seminarian
Tuesday, September 13, 2016, St. John Chrysostom
Mass: 5:30 p.m.
1 Cor 12:12-14,27-31
Intention: Paula Merrill +
Lk 7:11-17
Vocation Intention: Those discerning their vocation
Wednesday, September 14, 2016, The Exaltation of
the Holy Cross
Nb 21:4-9
Mass: 7:00 a.m.
Phil 2:6-11
Intention: Margaret Held +
Jn 3:13-17
Vocation Intention: For married couples
Thursday, September 15, 2016, Our Lady of
1 Cor 15:1-11
Mass: 7:00 a.m.
Jn 19:25-27
Intention: Intention of Pastor
Vocation Intention: Bishop Emeritus Joseph Hart
Friday, September 16, 2016, Sts. Cornelius and
1 Cor 15:12-20
Mass: 7:00 a.m.
Lk 8:1-3
Intention: Intention of Pastor
Vocation Intention: Those struggling in their faith
Saturday, September 17, 2016, St. Robert
Wis 7:7-10
Mass: 5:30 p.m.
Mt 7:21-29
Intention: Intention of Pastor
Vocation Intention: Dylan Ostdiek, Seminarian
Sunday, September 18, 2016
Am 8:4-7
Mass: 8:30 a.m.
Ps 113:1-2,4-8
Intention: Pro Populo
1 Tm 2:1-8
Ten Sleep Mass: 5:00 p.m.
Lk 16:1-13
Intention: Intention of Pastor
Vocation Intention: Those preparing to become Catholic
Deceased +
Parish office hours are Tuesday-Friday, 9:00 a.m.- Noon
Rectory: Phone – 347-2820 • Fax – 347-2450
Email: stmarym@rtconnect.net
Website: www.worland.com/magdalen
School and Hall – 347-6441
Prayer Line – 347-4389
Food for the Needy – 347-6123 Rosary Group – 347-2286
CCW – 347-4626 or 366-2508
Music Ministry – 388-0930
Gift Shop – 347-8425
Kof C – 347-2334
Bulletin – stmarym@rtconnect.net
Bulletin Information Deadline: Wednesday at Noon
Next Weekend Lay Ministry Schedule:
5:30 p.m.
September 18
8:30 a.m.
Mary Buchanan
Gail Klispie
Jaden Earl
Mike Warner
Connie Bowers
Nancy Critz
Jeri Mull
Paula Murphy
Dan Arps
Pam Arps
Annie Toman
Mary Vigil
Isabel Accurso
Luke Lamb
Elizabeth Lungren
Carter Lungren
Emilee Harrington
Nicole Harrington
Aaron Vigil
A.C. Vigil
Katie Dunham
Dan and Pam
Coffee and Rolls: Cipriano and Isaura Vega
9/14 Religious Education Meal: Senior and Junior Classes
From Fr. Ray . . .
“This saying is trustworthy and deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to
save sinners. Of these I am the foremost. But for that reason I was mercifully treated, so that
in me, as the foremost, Christ Jesus might display all His patience as an example for those who
would come to believe in Him for everlasting life.”(1 Tm 1:15,16) As our parish is now all but in
full stride with CCD, prayer groups, RCIA, bible studies, and other activities, God wants us to be
absolutely clear as to why all these activities exist! The Church exists for the salvation of souls!
Each of us has been entrusted with the stewardship of the mysteries of God (cf 1 Cor 4:2) for
the mission of reconciliation in Christ. We are called to humbly continue to enter His mercy
ourselves by accepting God’s grace for our sinfulness and also to practice the Spiritual Works of
mercy (admonish the sinner, counsel the doubtful, instruct the ignorant, comfort the sorrowful,
forgive injuries, pray for the living and the dead.) May we continue to be like our merciful
Savior, always seeking out the lost, the forsaken, and the sinner!
Elevator Update: We are currently waiting for Point Architects to finish their construction
documents which will be inspected by the State of Wyoming Building Inspector and then the
Diocese of Cheyenne Building Commission. Once those inspections are complete, which may
take another three weeks, we will be given final approval to proceed with the project. If
weather allows we may be able to begin construction once all approvals are obtained. If not, we
will begin construction when the weather warms. If you have any further questions please
contact Fr. Ray or our Elevator committee: Dave Mischke, Ron Sopko, Deacon Mike Martinson,
and Phil Schmeltzer.
"Este dicho es digno de confianza y ser recibida por todos: que Cristo Jesús vino al mundo para
salvar a los pecadores. De estos yo soy el primero. . Pero por eso me han tratado con misericordia,
para que en mí, como el primero, Jesucristo podría mostrar toda su paciencia como un ejemplo para
los que vendrían a creer en él para vida eterna "(1 Tm 1: 15,16 ) a medida que nuestra parroquia es
ahora casi en su totalidad con el paso del CCD, grupos de oración, RICA, estudios bíblicos, y otras
actividades, Dios quiere que sea absolutamente claro por qué existen todas estas actividades! La
Iglesia existe para la salvación de las almas! Cada uno de nosotros ha sido encomendada la
administración de los misterios de Dios (cf 1 Cor 4: 2) para la misión de la reconciliación en Cristo.
Estamos llamados a seguir humildemente para entrar en Su misericordia a nosotros mismos al
aceptar la gracia de Dios por nuestro pecado y también para practicar las obras de misericordia
espirituales (amonestar al pecador, consejo al que, instruir a los ignorantes, la comodidad a los
tristes, perdonar las injurias, orar por la vivos y los muertos.) Puede que siguen siendo
misericordiosos como nuestro Salvador, siempre la búsqueda de los perdidos, los abandonados, y el
Ascensor Actualización: Estamos esperando actualmente para el punto de Arquitectos para
terminar sus documentos de construcción que serán inspeccionados por el estado de Wyoming
inspector de construcción y luego la Diócesis de Cheyenne Comisión de Consolidación. Una vez que
esas inspecciones se han completado, lo que puede tener otras tres semanas, se nos dará la
aprobación final para proceder con el proyecto. Si el tiempo lo permite, podemos ser capaces de
iniciar la construcción, una vez obtenidas todas las aprobaciones. Si no es así, vamos a comenzar la
construcción cuando el clima se calienta. Si tiene alguna duda póngase en contacto con el P. Ray o
nuestro comité Ascensor Dave Mischke, Ron Sopko, Mike Deacon Martinson, y Phil Schmeltzer.
Altar Server Training
Wednesday, September 14th following CCD
Saturday, September 10th at 9:00 a.m.
Molly Hixon, Felipe and Christina Lara, Harold McDonald, Jerry House, Felicitas Zuniga, Ernie Hernandez, Val
Crumley, Linda Sopko, Lyle Gannon, Maggie Rodriguez, Brock Greek, Ranee Gonsalez, Rhonda Schmeltzer,
Joe Vigil, Valentina Aguayo, Grace Sopko, Buddy Kelley, Pedro Garcia, Mike Montoya, Noemi Sandoval, Dan
Peters, Ella Kozlowski, Desiree Munoz, Susanna Butler, Leo Martinson, Martha Taylor, Quentin Fabiano,
Reyna Salazar, Daniel Paulson, Ramon Villescas, Kimberly Rios, Chris Vilos, Anita Hinton, Cassie Ruiz,
Jessie Sanchez, Reene Herrera, Brian Ebel, Dennis Toman, Jose Herrera, Gene Stringari, Sierra Herrera,
Hannah Hopster, Sandie Lenz, and Berthe Bonnard, Josie Flores, Marilynn White, Marge Hernandez,
Margaret Ruiz, Annie Kimps, Harold Costalez who are residents of the Worland Rehabilitation Center. (Please
let us know when those we are praying for may be taken off the list.)
Last Weekend’s Collection: $2,526.53
Building Fund Balance: $16,260.79
Living and Giving in Christ: Unity through Diocesan Ministries
St. Mary Magdalen Goal: $33,595
Pledge: 70 families have contributed $29,351.22
Remaining Balance: $4,243.78
We are grateful for your generosity and appreciate your loyalty to our parish.
Thank you for embracing the biblical vision of stewardship and tithing.
Collection for Retirement Fund for Religious
Your donation works for aging religious. “I read that roughly 95 percent of donations to the Retirement Fund
for Religious aid senior religious,” a donor writes. “That’s wonderful when we truly want our donations to
work.” Your gift works for elderly religious by helping to furnish medications, nursing care, and more. Please
support next week’s collection for the Retirement Fund for Religious, and give to those who have given a
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults will be starting on Thursday, September
15th at 7:00 p.m. The classes are for anyone who is interested in becoming
Catholic or learning about the faith.
This week’s Second Collection is for those affected by natural disasters in 2016
Earlier this year, the USCCB asked all dioceses to take up a second collection to meet the needs of those
affected by natural disasters in 2016. Due to the recent flooding in Louisiana, I am now asking all parishes to
take up a second collection for disaster relief on the weekend of September 10-11, 2016. Please give
generously! The funds will be used to provide assistance to those affected by natural disasters that occur
throughout 2016. I ask for your prayers for our brothers and sisters who have suffered due to natural
disasters. Thank you for your generosity and for your prayers! Bishop Etienne
Wyoming Catholic Women’s Retreat . . . Are you connected?
September 16-17 at the Best Western Ramkota in Casper
Cost is $50 to reserve your spot. Scholarships are available!
Featuring Joia Farmer. Joia is a singer/songwriter/speaker who hails from the wild west of Wyoming. She is a
convert to Catholicism, Joia uses her music and message to bring others the joy, peace, and freedom she has
found in Christ. Questions? Call Patti at 307-266-1095
Tuesday, September 13
Spanish Prayer Group meets from 5:30 – 8pm
Wednesday, September 14th
Grades K-5 from 3:30-4:45 p.m. with Altar Server training following class
Grades 6-12 7-8:15p.m.
Thursday, September 15
RCIA classes at 7:00 p.m.
Saturday, September 17th
Praying the Rosary for Peace at 9:00 a.m.
Religious Education is still looking for the following:
 Substitutes in the afternoon and evening classes
 Bus Driver / Substitute bus driver (Class C license)
 Westside bus aide starting in November
Please call Jana Dworshak at 431-6028 if you would like to help.
Happy Anniversary!!
Willie and Amy Wright 9/4
Jim and Jane O’Connor 9/7
Kevin and Jacque Lempka 9/17
Mykle and Amy Baugh 9/17
Carlos and Paula Pacheco 9/26
Stan and Jane Wostenberg 9/28
Men, mark your calendars. That Man is You! begins September 27, at 6:00 a.m. Modeled on some
of the country’s leading men’s programs, That Man is You! combines Scripture, solid secular research,
and a little fun to address the pressures and temptations facing men in our modern culture. It seeks
to form authentic leaders who will be capable of transforming homes and society. There are
registration forms available in the pews. Please fill one out and stop by the registration table for
further information. We look forward to your participation.
If you want to use the parish facilities please call the office at least 2 weeks in advance
to check the parish schedule. Thank You
Divine Mercy Radio
95.3 FM
PO Box 1021
Worland, WY 82401