a necessary condition to determine the symmetry center of
a necessary condition to determine the symmetry center of
Adv. Mat. Sci. & Technol. Recibido 27 10 2013 A NECESSARY CONDITION TO DETERMINE THE SYMMETRY CENTER OF A REAL-ANALYTIC PLANE CURVE V 7 Nº3 Art 1 pp 1-3, 2013 Aceptado 23 11 2013 ISSN 1316-2012 Publicado 01 12 2013 Depósito Legal pp 96-0071 © 2013 CIRES A NECESSARY CONDITION TO DETERMINE THE SYMMETRY CENTER OF A REAL-ANALYTIC PLANE CURVE GUILLERMO F. MIRANDA & EDUARDO J. SANCHEZ* <unigrav@hotmail.com> Adjunct Faculty at San Diego State University, San Diego, California, USA. * Teaching Assistant and Ph.D. Student at San Diego State University, San Diego, California, USA. ABSTRACT A necessary condition to be satisfied by the Cartesian coordinates of the symmetry center of real analytic plane curves is derived. Real analytic means that the implicit function of two real variables used to describe the curve is real analytic in a neighborhood of the symmetry center. This necessary condition amounts to the vanishing of the implicit function´s gradient at the symmetry center, assumed to exist, and its use is exemplified by means of a Bernoullianlemniscate. Key Words: Plane curves. Symmetry. Critical points. Bernoullianlemniscate. UNA CONDICIÓN NECESARIA PARA DETERMINAR EL CENTRO DE SIMMETRIA DE CURVAS PLANAS REAL-ANALITICAS RESUMEN Se deduce una condición necesaria a ser satisfecha por las coordenadas Cartesianas del centro de simetría de curvas planas analíticas reales. Que una curva sea analítica real significa que la función implícita de dos variables reales empleada para describir la curva, admite un desarrollo de Taylor convergente en una vecindad del centro de simetría. Esta condición necesaria equivale a la anulación del gradiente de la función implícita en el centro de simetría, supuesto existente, y se ejemplifica su uso mediante una lemniscata de Bernoulli. Palabras Clave: Curvas planas. Simetría. Puntos críticos. Lemniscata de Bernoulli. FICHA MIRANDA GUILLERMO F. & EDUARDO J. SANCHEZ, 2013.- A NECESSARY CONDITION TO DETERMINE THE SYMMETRY CENTER OF A REAL-ANALYTIC PLANE CURVE Adv. Mat. Sci. & Technol. 7(3): 1-3. ISSN 1316-2012 1 MIRANDA GUILLERMO F. & EDUARDO J. SANCHEZ symmetry center of the aforesaid curve. There is no loss of generality here, since a translation of coordinates preserves analyticity of F. Problem Statement Consider a real analytic plane curve possessing a symmetry center, that is, a plane curve which can be implicitly described in the Cartesian Plane by means of the relationF(x,y) = 0, where F is a real function of two real variables x and y, expandable in a Taylor Series about the origin (0,0), assumed to be the The symmetry assumption implies that F(-x,-y) = F(x,y) identically. By the analyticity assumption, we must have: Hence, it holds identically in x and y: These two scalar equations can be rewritten as a single vector equation, namely, grad F ( 0,0 ) = 0. Thus, the symmetry center coordinates satisfy the same pair of equations which are satisfied by a critical point of F. This also has the obvious implication that while considering the one parameter family of plane curves defined by F(x,y) = c, (c is constant), which characterize the level curves of the surface defined in 3-D space by z = F(x,y), it follows that if (0,0) is a common symmetry center for them, then (0,0) might be a point of maximum or minimum for F. Let y tend to zero first, so that: identically in x, so that, after canceling a factor x, we must have An example will exhibit the usefulness of our necessary condition to be satisfied by the Cartesian coordinates of the symmetry center of a given real analytic plane curve. Suppose you are given the following quartic implicit equation in order to detect a possible symmetry center for the associated plane curve in the Cartesian x-y Plane: Now let x tend to zero, so that: identically in y. This implies, after canceling a factor y, that 2 A NECESSARY CONDITION TO DETERMINE THE SYMMETRY CENTER OF A REAL-ANALYTIC PLANE CURVE Our necessary condition to be satisfied by the coordinates x and y of a possible symmetry center has the form of the 2 by 2 system: and An obvious solution will occur when y = x, so that we have to solve the following cubic equation: that is a standard Bernoulli Lemniscate, something that would have been difficult to ascertain as easily as it has been done with our necessary condition. or CONCLUSIONS It is readily found that x = - 1 is the only real root of this cubic, so that our necessary condition says that if the given quartic curve possesses a symmetry center, it must be x = - 1, y = - 1. It is readily found that this is the case, since after a Coordinate translation defined by x + 1 = X, y + 1 = Y, the original implicit equation for our quartic becomes: Our result admits an immediate generalization for finding symmetry centers of surfaces defined by F( x,y,z ) = 0, with F analytic, since repeating the previous argument almost verbatim, we see that F( -x, -y, -z ) = F( x,y,z ) identically implies grad F( 0,0,0 ) = 0. This curious connection between symmetry and eventual optimization might turn out to have applications in physics and other areas. There are no references included since we have not been able to find anything similar in the literature. In this form, it is immediately seen that the new Coordinate Origin is a symmetry center for our curve, since f( -X. -Y ) = f(X,Y). Besides, by an axis rotation defined by x* = X - Y, y* = X + Y, which eliminates the XY term, the implicit equation becomes: ADRESS GUILLERMO F. MIRANDA <unigrav@hotmail.com> Adjunct Faculty at San Diego State University, San Diego, California, USA. EDUARDO J. SANCHEZ <esanchez@mail.sdsu.edu> Teaching Assistant and Ph.D. Student at San Diego State University, San Diego, California, USA. 3