Fall-Winter 1985-86 - The American Lhasa Apso Club
Fall-Winter 1985-86 - The American Lhasa Apso Club
••••.• Jeanne Hope 9600 Accord Drive Potomac, MD 20854 (301) 299-3240 Joyce Johanson 295 let Street David City, NE 68632 (402) 367-4385 PRESIDENT Carolyn Herbel RFD 01 Lucas, KS 67648 (913) 525-6142 VICE PRESIDENT Dorothy J. Kendall 4841 Gransback Philadelphia, PA 19120 (215) 457-4947 SECRETARY Carole Garrett 2344 Greenwood Court Macon, GA 31206 (912) 788-0570 TREASURE. Mary Whitman 23 Great Oaks Drive Spring Valley, NY 10977 (914) 425-0765 BOARD MEMBERS Marie Allman 111 Ivy St., Rt. 3 Freeport, TX 77541 (409) 233-1853 Keke Blumberg 2740 Lundy Lane Huntinzdon Valley, PA 19006 (205) 657-2524 Lynet'_e Glooney 25 Rancho Drive, North Keller, TX 76248 (817) 379-5408 Susan Giles 3916 West Franklin Richmond, VA 23221 (804) 353-9605 Don Ranson 2214 South Fir Olyzcia, WA 98501-3044 (206) 943-6067 Lynn Lowy P.O. Box 5284 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (213) 859-3930 Barbara Wood 102 Kenilworth Blvd. Cranford, NJ 07016 (201) 272-8995 AKC DELEGATE E. Raymond Sledzik 1704 Shagbark Circle Reston, VA 22090 (703) 471-7584 AKC GAZETTE Lynette Clooney AKC SLIDE/VIDEO SHOW Stephen Campbell, Chmn Keke Blumberg Lynette Clooney Jean Kausch Fergus Carolyn Herbel Norman Herbel Dorothy J. Kendall Bobbie Lee Phyllis Marcy Marianne Nixon Ray Sledzik AWARDS Angie Taylor 2::•7 BREED STANDARD Norman Herbel, Chmn Keke Blumberg Stephen Campbell Lynette Clooney Bob Cooper Peggy Huffman Dorothy J. Kendall Ellen Lonigro Lynn Lowy Marianne Nixon Ray Sledzik Janet Whitman Barbaro Wood CAROLYN MIRESEL PRILOKNT P101)•1 WWI KAMMAJ 17111411 16131M-414i PRESIDENT'7, MESSAGE Another year is history for ALAC! CHEER S to all those who helped to make it the success that it was---the officers that did their jobs so faithfully throughout the year, the board members who responded to the various ballots and projects presented to them, the committees who carried out their various responsibilities, especially the Futurity and Specialty whose combined efforts helped to make our 1985 Regional Futur ities and the 1985 National Specialty successful events, the Logo for useful items with which to display our ALAC Logo, Obedience for the birth of an album and activities at the Specialty, the BULLETIN for the interesting and informative isbues, the Local Club Liason for contacting all local clubs, Roster for keeping up with the "on the move" members, Yearbook Distribution for the avail ability of yearbooks at ALAC functions, AKC Gazette for meeting all deadlines and keeping ALAC represented, Education for the pamphlet that is soon to be available, Awards for the lovely prize s for our yearly accomplishments, Yearbook for the attempt to have a book available at the National, the nominating committee for new concepts and an effort to present the membership with a renre sentative slate, the general membershi7 for their participation in the Futurities, ALAC National Opecialty, nominations of judges, election of officers and board members, selection of judges, troph y donations, participation in the Yearbook, advertising in the BULLETIN, and for understanding that this club is a voluntary effort by the officers, board members and committees and we try our best to make the club what you want it to be. 1 "President's Message" Page 2 RASPBERRIES to the officers and board members who did ted not respond to all the various ballots and projects presen sibilites to them, to the committees that did not take their respon clubs local the to year, seriously and just drifted through the would do they said who did not respond to ALAC, to the people that who always something specific for ALAC and didn't, to the peonle things good the for) look (or find fault with ALAC and never see not ints compla with we have accomplished, to the people who lead yearbook or compliments, to the people 'inc did not sunnort the the BUIL2TI: with advertisement. s an: -7,`IZRATUI,'217:17:3 to all :he newly elected Dffcer board members. :o those of you that were not elected :nay = x7ress my personal gratitude to you for your willingness to serve ALAC. Thank you for a good year and help us make next year even better! ADDENDUM TO THE PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE d after the Annual Board The above is the President's Message that I prepare held in conjunction with were which August last s meeting hip Members General and the Specialty in Lockport New York. not published until now. For reasons beyond our control the Fall Issue was judge of what is no longer Much of What I said is still true and you can be the apropos. in February and I am so The ALAC Board of Directors met in New York City a very bright future with at looking now very excited about our plans. ALAC is s . project planned g excitin many from ALAC that COMMUNICATION? You are going to get so much correspondence you will be tired of hearing from us1 cah 2 'Junior Showmanship There are many fine Junior Handlers competing in tne Junior Showmanship ring with their Lhasa Apsos. These young people are the future of dog shows and many will go on to become breeders or handlers. The Bulletin is going to start giving them the recognition they deserve, so if you have any news about Juniors in your area, be sure to contact Sally Silva or Julie Elliott and let them know about it. The Bulletin will be happy to share their accomplishments with the rest of the Lhasa World. Congratulations to Monette Thiele, age 16, Janesville, Wisconsin. Monette is currently listed as the Number 2 Junior Handler in the Non-Sporting Group nation-wide, according to the Canine Chronicle. Monette competes in the Open Senior Class with her Lhasa, Amberwood's Alcheringa. Congratulations! ***********************************************a****************** A "Specials Class" for Juniors: On November 22, 1982 the Merrimac Lhasa Apso club sent a proposal to AKC that a new class for Juniors be established. Recognizing that the competiton to qualify for Westminster is always very intense and many Juniors 'who have already won their 8 qualifying wins often finish out the year with many more, taking away the chance for other Juniors to qualify, it was suggested that a "Specials" class for those Juniors who have already received their 8 wins be established. Juniors could compete in that class for Best Junior Handler, as well as for the national points scale ratings. AKC needs feed-back regarding this idea. If you would like to see another class for Juniors established, present the idea to your local breed-club, specialty club, or consider writing a letter yourself to the following people: James P. Crowley Director of Show Plans AKC 51 Madison Ave. New York, N.Y. 10010 Paul Nigro 1763 West 13th St. Brooklynn, NY 11223 3 ALAC 1985 National Specialty Results Friday, Aug. 30, 1985 and Saturday, Aug. 31, 1985 Held at Lockport, NY Judge: Miss Dorothy Nickles Dogs in Competition: 196 DOGS: 6 months to 9 months 1 WYNDWOOD'S SUNDANCE OF MAI II, Kay Hales & Anita Pounds 2 MA LEE'S SPIRIT OF FINAGLE, Marilyn Lisciandro 3 WYNDWOOD'S DOUBLE TROUBLE, Kay & Bobby Hales 4 SHAGGY GABLES BLACK JACK, Margaret 'Irvine ' 9 months to 12 months 1 MOHICAN YANKEE GOLDSMITH, Deborah L. & Thelma G. Hartman 2 HALE ALIT MAJOR MOVE, Valiene Heckart 3 TABU'S CL HERO FOR HIRE, Carolyn Herbal & Nancy J. Plunkett 4 HElLI PETERBILT, Lynn & Sue Jamison & E. B. Dick 12 months to 18 months 1 TOPPERS YAP? YELP? YOGI BEAR. Cynthia Copeland & Brent Stewart 2 TN HI HOT TODDY, Mary Stafford and Anne & Joyce Hadden 3 MADOROG COVER UP, Don & Marie Ross 4 WOODLYN'S TOTAL ECLIPSE, Pat Martello & Martha Shade Bred by Exhibitor 1 ANBARA-RIMAR'S HOT TIP, Barbara Wood & Stephen Campbell 2 GARSAN JOKANG FIRST EDITION, Charlotte Curtis & Susan Guilmino 3 ROSEGREST BANJO BANDIT, Tami A. & Paul D. Bagley 4 MOKIEMA'S NO REGRETS, Mary Powers Open Dogs 1 TALSMA'S E'NUFF SAID, Mary & Alan Capko 2 LUTY CRACKER, LuAnn Busse 3 JOYMARC'S FIRE & ICE, Winifred & Eugene Graye I. BARCON'S REPEAT PERFORMANCE, Janet Smith & Lorraine Shannon Winners Dog: TALSMA'S E'NUFF SAID, Mary & Alan Capko Reserve Winners Dog: ANBARA-RIMAR'S HOT TIP, Barbara Wood & Stephen Campbell BITCHES: 6 months to 9 months 1 WESTGATE'S SARAH B., Nancy Sehnert 2 KINDERLAND TA SEN TIGER LILY, Richard & Beverly Drake 3 NORTHWIND GOOD NIGHT FRENE, Cindy Butsic 4 WYNDWOOD GYPSY'S BLUE DENIM, Skip & Pat Johnson and Kay & Bobby Hales 9 months to 12 months 1 TIMARA'S CENTER FOLD, Helen Hailes % Dorjon Kennels 2 MIO'S ROSES 'R' RED, Joan Pettit & Janet Whitman 3 MOKIEMA GENE FRESHN' FRIENDLY, G. Edward Moses & Mary E. Powers 4 HALE ALIT CHANTILLY LACE, Valieno S. Heckart 12 months to 18 months 1 MADORCS COVER GIRL, Don & Marie Ross 2 BARKER'S SHEER ELEGANCE, Drs. Randolph & Sandra Barker 3 TABU'S A PARTIKIN, George Gassett & Carolyn Herbal % Nancy Plunkett A SAN SEI KISS 'N TELL MISS, Susan A. Rich Bred by Exhibitor 1 WESTGATE'S THE SHOW OFF, Nancy Sehnert 2 BALA'S SUGAR FREE, Brenda Schmelzel 3 SHARIL DAN-BA SECOND NATURE, Cherlynn Jozwick & Amy laPorest 4 TABU'S SOUTHERN HOSPITALITY, Nancy Clarke Plunkett 4 American Bred 1 MOKIEMA PHOEBE OF MIDMORN, James B. & Carol D. Hamilton and Mary E. Powers 2 JOROC'S ABRA-KA-DABRA, Craig Grein & Rose Cappadona 3 RHU-HA'S DRAGON LHADI, Jason Allen Lynch 4 NORBULTNGKA'S IRINA OF BARJEA, Stephanie Kodis & Phyllis Marcy Open Bitches 1 COOKIES N' CREAM OF TAHNA, B. Ramon 2 BIHAR'S VALLEY GIRL O'SHANSUN, Heather McCarthe y & Carol Strong 3 ORLANE'S THE BRAT, Misty Denato 4 BARKER'S SUGAR COATED, Sherri Andrews and R & S Barker Winners Bitch: COOKIES N' CREAM OF TAHNA. B. Hamon Reserve Winners Bitch: BIHAR'S VALLEY GIRL O'SHANSUN, Heather McCarthey & Carol Strong Veteran Dogs 1 CH. BIHAR'S REVENGER OF SANK RAJA, Carol A. Strong 2 CH. RIMAR'S GOTT-CHA NUM-BHER, Mary Powers 3 CH. JA-MA'S RENNEGADE, Catherine L. Freedman 4.CH. MAI LING TAM KE, Bonnie Provencher Veteran Bitches 1 CH. TASHI'S ROCK-A-BYE BABY DIEH, Renate B. Mueller 2 CH. CHIYOKO RIK KI OF LARAN, Marie Allman 3 CH. VANITY'S CHRYSANTHEMUM, Judy Famiguetti & Carol A. Strong & Joan A. Vanderhoof 4 CH. PIPER'S KID KANDITO, Edward Moses & Ken Doffing Stud Dogs 1 CH. BIHAR'S REVENGER OF SAMMI RAJA, Carol A. Strong 2 CH. CAMEO'S KHOR-ICE SAN O'HONEYDEW, Mrs. Joyce Redden 3 MEILI PETER PETER PUNKIN ETER, Lynn Jamison & Sue C. Jamison Brood Bitch 1 MEILI POPPIN BLAKAMOOR, Lynn Jamison & Sue C. Jamison Best of Breed: CH. NEXUS LAM KAM CHIN (D), Lillian K Woods & Rebecca Kraus Best of Winners: COOKIES N' CREAM OF TAHNA, B. Ramon Best of Opposite Sex: CH. ANBARA-RIMAR MARY PUPPINS, Barbara Wood & Stephen Campbell Junior Showmanship: Novice Junior 1 Michael E. Whittler Jr. 2 Misty Denato 3 Christina Tupa Open Junior 1 Dawn Miccile 2 Linda Roes 3 Jennifer Ward Open Senior 1 Stephanie Kodis Best Junior Handler: Dawn Miccile Obedience: Novice A 1 IME ASIAN'S MIRROR IMAGE APA, Valerie Weston 179.0 Open B 1 HALCYON'S GOLDEN KISMET HD, Betty Wathne 197.0 Highest Scoring Dog in Regular Classes: HALCYON'S GOLDEN KISMET HD, Betty Wathne 5 A word to the wise.... ADVERTISE! Take Advantage of the Bulletin's Low Rates and High Circulation! Let the Fancy Know What You're Doing !... Brag a Little !.... Let People Know You're Out There! Deadlines: April 15 SPRING July 15 SUMMER FALL October 15 WINTER January 15 Send your ads to: Julie Elliott 314 W. Court Street Janesville, WI 53545 6 YES! I'd like to take advantage of the Bulletin's low-cost advertising! Please find enclosed my check for: FULL PAGE AD WITH PHOTO $30.00 FULL PAGE AD (NO PHOTO) $10.00 $ 7.00 PAGE AD $ 3.00 LITTER-BASKET LISTING Kennel Name Proprietor's Name Address Phone Sire Dam Date Whelped Dogs Bitches KENNEL LISTING IN THE BREEDER'S DIRECTORY-4 issues...$10.00 Kennel Name Proprietor's Name Address Phone PUPPIES STUD SERVICE GROWN DOGS Send your advertising copy to Julie Elliott 314 W. Court St. Janesville, WI 53545 PHONE 608-754-1625 if you have any questions or problems ALL ADVERTISING MUST BE PRE-PAID. WE'LL BE GLAD TO HELP WITH LAY-OUT--just print all information clearly. V4ELP youRSLLS Support bVERT15 a 1986 FUTURITIES 1986, HOSTED REGION 1: AUGUST 17, H: IN CONJUNCTION WIT ANNAPOLIS K.C. ANNAPOLIS, MD SUPT. THOMAS J. CROWE, P.O. BOX 22107 27420 NC GREENSBORO BY CENTRAL MARYLAND LAC CONTACT PERSON: ROSEMARY CLARKE 4002 RAYMONN AVE 21213 MD BALTIMORE (301) 325-2496 JUDGE: BEVERLY DRAKE IDE-SAN BERNARD INO 1986, HOSTED BY RIVERS REGION 2: JULY 1, CONTACT PERSON: H: IN CONJUNCTION WIT SALLY SILVA ALAC SPECIALTY 5634 MALVERN WAY CA TORRANCE, 92506 CA RIVERSIDE Y. SEC SHOW ELAINE SALDIVAR, (714) 369-9369 434315 BURNS AVE 90029 CA O LOS ANGELES JUDGE: ELLEN LONIGR LAC ND LAC 1986, HOSTED BY CHICAGOLA REGION 3: JULY 12, CONTACT PERSON: H: IN CONJUNCTION WIT DIANE SELMER GOLDCOAST K.C. 3045 LINCOLN /L RIVERGROVE, IL 60131 FRANKLIN PARK KEN SLEEPER, SUPT. (312)678-7677 P.O. BOX 307 46738 IN T GARRETT JUDGE: CAROLE GARRET STON LAC OF GREATER HOU 14, 1986, HOSTED BY REGION 4: AUGUST CONTACT PERSON: WITH: .IN CONJUNCTION LESLIE BEAN LACGH SPECIALTY & 1711 MEMORIAL #267 IES SER ASTROWORLD 77024 TX HOUSTON TX HOUSTON 3) 977-8186 (71 T. JACK ONOFRIO, SUP HARDSON P.O. BOX 25764 JUDGE: ROBERTA RIC 73125 OK OKLAHOMA CITY PREMIUM TER WILL RECEIVE A HAS NOMINATED A LIT IF YOU WHO /T. SON T PER UES H EAC TO REQ THAI REGION WITHOUT HAVING ASE CONTACT PLE LIST FOR HIS/HER , ION REG R THE ANO FOR T LIS M A PREMIU WISH ISTANCE. CONTACT PERSON FOR ASS SUPERINTENDENT OR COMPETE MAY ENTER AND OF A NOMINATED LITTER D I! BER ERE MEM ENT ANY BE REMEMBER, 00 DOG, HOWEVER, MAY COMPETITION. IN ANY FUTURITY URITY. MORE THAN ONE FUT BREE1 LTY OR ALL CTION WITH A SPECIA EREI JUN ENT CON IN IS TY BE MUST EACH FUTURI FUTURITY AWARDS, A DOG FOR LE GIB ELI TO BE SHOW. A REGULAR CLASS. IN AND COMPETE IN 8 THE FUTURITY IS CONSIDERED AN EXTRA CLASS AND YQU MUST INCLUDE YOUR FUTURITY NOMINATION NUMBER ON THE ENTRY FORM TO BE CORRECTLY ENTERED. (SEE EXAMPLE.) tkoGI5 NAIFINF/:' : LAsc ADDi-no ,u ALt4 LA-Sc : 44of MY — rAo.s P-o—ru rry 86- )0)( DOGS MUST BE SHOWN BY BREEDER, OWNER, OR AN AMATEUR SUBSTITUTE. DURING APRIL ALL THOSE WHO HAVE NOMINATED LITTERS WILL RECEIVE A SUMMARY OF LITTERS NOMINATED FOR THE 1986 FUTURITIES AND THE NOMINATION NUMBERS FOR THOSE LITTERS. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU SAVE THIS INFORMATION SO THAT YOU WILL HAVE IT AVAILABLE WHEN MAKING ENTRIES. AS OF THE END OF FEBRUARY, WITH ONE MONTH REMAINING TO NOMINATE ELIGIBLE LITTERS, OVER 150 LITTER NOMINATIONS HAVE BEEN RECEIVED. I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR SUPPORT OF THE FUTURITY AND WISH YOU WELL /N THIS YEAR'S COMPETITIONS. 1985 REGIONAL FUTURITY RESULTS REGION I Held August 30, 1985 Hosted by Canal Country In Lockport, New York Judge: Cassandra de la Grand Futurity Winner & Best Puppy - Wyndvood's Lhasa Apso Club Rosa Beat Adult - Wyndwood's Stormy Weather Sundance of Mai Li REGION II Held July 13, 1985 Hosted by Willamette Valley Lhasa Ipso Club In Brush Prairie, Washington Judge: Wendy Harper Grand Futurity Winner & Best Puppy - San Jo's Quite an Olive Best Adult - Ch. Rufkin's Chip Off the 01' Rock REGION III Held August 17, 1985 Hosted by Lansing Area Lhasa Ipso Club In Flint, Michigan Judge: Susan Giles Grand Futurity Winner & Best Adult - Tamara's Sugar is Sweet Best Puppy - Northwind I Kina I an REGION IV Held August 17. 1985 Hosted by Colorado Lhasa Apse Club In Fort Collins, Colorado Judge: Barbara Steele Grand Futurity Winner & Beat Adult - KuSengis Chan-Tilly Lace Best Puppy - Trail's End Sengti Khan 9 BREEDERS OR OWNERS Of: Ch. Raggs of Cornwallis BIS km-Bet -Can. at Ku Ka Boh of Pickwick BIS Ch. Tibet of Cornwallis ROM*** BIS at Kindertand's Tonka ROM* Ch. Lams Cheti La (clam of BIS male) Ch. Gindy of Norbulingka ROM*** Karma Tharpa (sire of 2 BIS males) Multiple Group Winning Ch. Tabu's King of Hearts ROM*** Ch. Tabu's Rhapsody in Red at Tabu's Kiss Me Kale Ch. Tabu's Raquel Ch. Tabu's Double or Nuthin Multiple Group Winning Ch. Tabu's Chubby Checkers Group Winning Ch. Tabu's Gold Galaxy Ch. Tabu's Make Mine Minx ROM Ch. Tabu's Miss Chimney Sweep Am.-Can. a. Tabu's Digger O'Dell CO Am.-Can. Ch. Tabu's Idle Tune Ch. Tabu's Inger With A 1 Am.-Can. Ch. Tabu's Elfin Eavesdropper Ch. Tabu's Hello Dolly Ch. Tabu's Triple Threat Ch. Tabu's Dresden Doll Ch. Tabu's Indian Summer Ch. Tabu's Bronze Bonanza Am.-Can. Ch. Tabu's Pacesetter Ch. Tabu's Naturally Nutmeg Multiple Group Winning Tabus Fame and Fortune km-Can. Ch. Tabu's Appleseed Annie Ch. Tabu's Cinnamon Stick Ch. Tabu's Rags to Riches Ch. Tabu's Gold Digger Ch. Tabu's Bric A Brac Ch. Tabu's Unsinkable Molly Brown Ch. Tabu's Jazz Man ROM* Ch. Tabu's Firebird ROM Ch. Talk's Strawberries N Cream Ch. Tabu's Beau Raintree Ch. Tabu's Queen of Hearts Ch. Tabu's Stan And Stripes Ch. Tabu's Music Country Style Ch. Tabu's Dutch Treat Ch. Tabu's Fancy Face Group Winning Ch. Tabu's Cover Story Ch. Tabu's Music Man Ch. Tabu's Spring Fever Ch. Tabu's Hearts Are Trump Ch. Tabu's Magic Magic of Tiara South African Ch, Tabu's Heart of Gold 0 Gramar South African Ch. Tabu's Heart To Heart Gnmar of Penash Tabu's Master Muppet Cl) Maw's Julieof Laran ROM Ch. Tabu's Cover Up Tabu's Very Much A Lady ROM* Ch. Chiyoko Vivid Impressions Ch. Tabus Very Short Tale Ch. Tabu's Magic Piper of Tiara SENDS Best Wishes To THE NEWEST TABU CHAMPIONS SWEDISH CH. TABU'S EBONY AND AMBER Owned & Handled by Isobell Boman Bred by Norman & Carolyn Herbel CH, TABU'S FIRST IN LINE Owned by Becky Johnson Handled by Becky Johnson Marge Lewis Bred by Mr. & Mrs. Norman Herbel Norman I. Carolyn Herbal RFD 1 Lucas, Kansas 67646 (913)525-6142 10 -a-ar •l! 1 mak 2/. fiLall. • cLot. kex6t_ 5/Tip,c;,ib: (1.3) . EMS .4s J3/5 Aiii.0 MI) EY pciECTNY Jbai OLflCb );t1Q6ALL. N GAL olif6y 4insbruk) 1kLPsbt CH tielArie'S JuLit 6,0JErz—Hpiniw.0 L.9 UorT f• • inupr 'il)n et." 4.'rushed her Charnpathuhip atober )J6)Ng.> t16 drid aHir wirinmq. c ApEtstion. Undtr £E1) — w1 on 1-t A GROUP OA6 le'btu v_ Breed over h IA)• 13iric rn ibus4stern Competitor "Oi th-e iihnneapol -rte tinder ueken1 ac lieu) Spi;•(:ial , She i-104-An a r 11.1.5itrioc,Iowa. took (Jeca 2_ WE. and in/emeld SileS dit. Alt.()- wdkkle006/11 a ct 1.1)aidi bc ha ILJA/1- ay oSpc-lai az11.()NA cou, aLuitt, Cuu_ft ciA-itsvi , 11:4 53595 (6.,X) '154- 11 All Gakei .• WE'RE ON OUR WAY TO TORRANCE, CALIFORNIA FOR THE 86 ANNUAL ALAC NATIONAL SPECIALTY, AWARDS BANQUET, GENERAL MEETING AND THE WESTERN FUTURITY LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING ALL OF YOU THERE JUIE 29 LCO6 EACH KENIE1 CLUB ALL IKE' SHOD 'JUNE 30 R/SILAF SWEEPSTAKES JULY I ODEJIENCE A.M. WESTERN FUTURITY P.R. MAC 104R1 OF DIRECTORS MEETING JULY 2 JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP HALL OF FAME PARADE SPECIALTY CONFORmATION GENERAL MEETING JULY 3 SPECIALTY CONFORMATION MAC ANNUAL AdARDS BANQUET JULY 4 LACSC SPECIALTY* *PENDING ARC APPROVAL BREED STANDARD FORM DATE AND TIME TO BE DETERMINED AFTER ENTRIES CLOSE JULY 3--FREE DAY JULY 6 VENTURA COUNTY DOG FANCIEAS ASSOCIATION-ALL BREED SHOW TRANSPORTATION AVAILABLE-CHARTERED PUS LODGING AND SON SITE HOLIDAY IS, 21333 HANDSOME EV1., TORRANCE, CA 90303. Q131540-0500 SUPERINTENDENTS SPECIALTIES: ELAINE SALDAVAR 4343 1/2 111RW3 ONE.,LA,CA 90029 12131 663-516806 644-1471 ALL BREED: JACK DRADSHAN P.0.101 7303, LA,CA 90022 12131 727-0134 MAC NATIONAL SPECIALTY COMNITTEE DALE PETERSON 86 NAT'L SPECIALTY DEO CHAIRNAN BARBARA PETERSON 86 WESTERN FUTURITY CHAIRMAN SALLY SILVA 86 OBEDIENCE TRIAL CHAIRHAN BONNIE PROYENCHER R/S1LAF SNEEPSTAKES CHAIRMAN SALLY SILVA 4LACSC SPECIALTY CHAIRMAN RICHARD COMM *PENDING ARC APPROVAL ENTRIES 1ST ENTRY $15.00 2ND SANE DOG $10.00 PUPPY $10.00 BRED BY $10.00 FUTURITY $10.00 HALL OF FAME $10.00 JUNIOR HANDLING ONLY $10.00 JH AS ADD'L CLASS $1.00 SWEEPSTAKES $10.00 CLOSING DATE: JUNE 11, 1986 12 Now is the time to advertise in the 1986 National Specialty Cat alog FULL PAGE S35.00 HALF PAGE S25.00 QUARTER PAGE S15.00 PHOTO (full T.,a,q7e only) $8.00 each ALL ADS MUST EL' CAMERA READY. Make checks tayal':le to: .;LAC DEADLINE: May 19, 1 986 SEND ADS TO: /*--/ .• Lynn Lowy Advertising Chairman PO Box 5284 Beverly Hills, CA 9021: ',r,L ! 4S4 13 Mario is proud to announce Rocky's first BEST in SHOW March 2, 1986 Faith City Kennel Club Wichita rails, Texas Am./Can.Ch. Marla Rocky Road Owner-Breeder: Lynn Lowy PO Box 5284 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (213) 859-3930 Handler: 14 C. L. Eudy Ch. Mario Unexpected Pleasure Mario Bells Are Ringing Mario Tinker Bell congratulate their Daddy: Am./Can.Ch. MARLO ROCKY ROAD on his BEST in SHOW & Congratulations to Rocky's breeder/owner, Lynn Lowy from Marilyn Campbell itter basket MARL() LHASA APSOS-Lynn Lowy Linebred on Ch. Marlols Icecream Man OtRimmon Mario Kaam Constant Comment x Mario Honeysuckle Rose Whelped 2/1 7/86. 3 dogs, 4 bitches Golds with White markings and Creams with White markings PO Box 5284, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (213) 859-3930 15 Bulletin Time! Where is it!! ALAC Uarn, it's not here!! Uh-Oh! I forgot to send my change of address ALAC M77:-11 / =11 e to ALAC If you are moving PLEASE send your address chang mailed Roster Chairman, Sondra Rogers. When your Bulletin is the Post to the incorrect address, the back page is torn off by charge. Office and returned to the Bulletin Editor with a 3% you that insure To oyed. destr is in The rest of your Bullet a out fill may you le, possib as y receive your Bulletin as quickl ntee guara must you and change of address card at the post office we receive forwarding postage. Then it is forwarded to you and keep our help the notice (along with the 3% charge). Please as you postage costs down. Send your address change as soon know it. ALAC CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTIFICATION Name: Please add - change - delete (circle one) the following: Telephone If: Kennel Name: man, Please send address changes, etc. to the ALAC Roster Chair Sondra Rogers, 7240 Kipling Street, Arvada CO 80005. 16 January 2, 1986 ALAC MEMBERSHIP ROSTER Patricia Adams 4115 Hudson Drive Youngstown OH 44512 216/732-1277 "Amberhurst" Joanne Baker 208-E South Bridge Drive Glen Burnie MD 21061 301/768-5224 "ChizAri" Linda Allen 2900 Poinsettia Avenue Manhattan Beach CA 90266 213/546-1049 "Lin Dalai" Shirley Balentine 2533 E. Highland Avenue Phoenix AZ 35016 "Hi Lan" 602/955-8045 Raymond L. Allen 1812 Brakestone Oklahoma City OK 73120 405/348-3695 "PAAR" Drs. R. S: S. Barker 2013 Huber Road Charleston WV 25314 304/346-6221 "Barker" Wilmer & Marie Allman 111 Ivy Street, Rt. 3 Freeport TX 77541 409/233-1353 "Chiyoko" James L. Basham 601 Orangewood Drive Conroe TX 77302 409-273-5229 Virginia Anderson 7023 Durham Road Whitehall MI 49461 Elsie I. Basler 153 Dawes Avenue Syracuse NY 13205 315/469-7989 "Po:pourri" Ricki Andrews 2101 Hazeltine Lane Austin TX 78747 Leslie Bauman 3832 Pat Street Ypsilanti MI 43197 313/434-6354 "Khaldan" 512/232-6676 Nancy Askren 1813 Woodward Avenue Springfield OH 45506 513/323-9563 Joe, Donna & Sherry Baxley 3953 Bayville Road Baltimore MD 21220 "Bonneford" Dale & Mary Badar 2954 W. 75th Place , Merrillville IN 46410 ?/769-74I3 Larry 3: Sharon Belcher 3068 Upper Charleys Crk. Rd. Culloden WV 25510 304/562-3823 Helen E. Bailey 12 Nicholas Drive Albany NY 12205 Joyce Bell* P.O. Box 137 Boring OR 97009 518/869-0636 *Yew applicant. Not board approven. 11 Bill & Shirley Benedict 11202 Promesa Drive San Diego CA 92124 714/278-2484 Harriet Borsuch RD#1, Box 354, Alain White Rd Morris CT 06763 203/567-9754 Christine M. Bennett PO Box 211 APO NY 09233 Richard & Joan Bouman 261 Oakridge Drive Port St Lucie FL 33452 ?/378-0459 Noel Benson P.O. Box 269, 51 Sunset Hill Bethel CT 06801 "Llenroc" Betty Jo Bowman 603 Locust Hill Drive Harrisonburg VA 22801 703/434-3147 "Tiko" Jan & Douglas Bernaras 25741 Velan Drive Valencia CA 91355 805/259-3229 "Summerhill" Marion Brake Trails End Ranch Collbran CO 81624 "Trails End" Dr. & Mrs. S. B. Bigman 20 Linden Street Waltham MA 02154 617/899-2300 "Rjay" Robert & Martha Jane Brewer 1000 S. Hewitt Lane Bowling Green KY 42101-9718 502/731-8917 "Ru Ku" Katherine Bird 2400 McCutz 1183 Houston TX 77056 Charles & Betty Brice 9556 Dartridge Drive Dallas TX 75238 214/348-9273 "Charbet" 713/978-7639 Janet Bridgeforth 12583 Whittier Place Brea CA 92621 Irene Bishop 7002 Wagon Wheel Lane Houston TX 77088 713/466-7390 Linda & Stan Blake 506 S. Carleton Farmington MO 63640 Wilson 3c Jane Browning 1531 Blanford Circle Norfolk VA 23507 304/489-2831 "Taglha" Carolyn Blonde! 46 Summit Road Verona NJ 37044 Sami Brush Samara Farms, PO Box 522 Sunbury OH 43074 "Samara" 614/965-2301 Keke Blumberg 2740 Lundy Lane Huntingdon Valley PA 19006 "Potala Keke" 215/657-2524 Larry & Jan Bruton 2404 N.E. 20th Avenue Portland OR 97212 "Fanfair" 503/237-1451 Joan M. Buck 2002 Millville - Shan.:on Hamilton OH 45013 Joyce L. Bormann 15 Friend Street Manchester MA 01944 617/526-4163 Witt 111 Debbi Burke 317 Mill Road Oreland PA 19075 "Kaleko" 215/837-1770 Janine Charboneau 11029 Cotillion Drive Dallas TX 75223 214/681-8100 "Cameo" Herbert & Helen Burpee 932 Fairway Drive Pensacola FL 32507 "San" 904/456-2555 Patricia Chenoweth Box 2121 Saratoga CA 95070 403/395-4213 "Chen" Cindy Butsic 3546 Berridge Road Greenville MI 43838 "Northwind" 616/754-0376 Neodie & Lenora 2herry Rt. 1, Box 247H3 Marsnillie NC 23.133 74/624-2365 Nancy Chew 704 Washington Street New York NY 10014 212/924-5172 Richard & Judith Camacho 15101 Jackson Street Midway CA 92655 714/398-5352 Elizabeth Chidley 3434 S. W. 181st Terrace Miami FL 33157-6052 "Tatli Su" 305/235-7303 Edwaro & Tanya Campbell 396 Heather Lane Vanoenberg AFB CA 93437 305/734-.62S Marilyn F. Campbell 2203 Midvale Avenue Los Angeles CA 90064 213/475-4024 Rona Clare 6252 Tapia Drive Malibu CA 90265 Stephen G. C. Campbell 1 DeWitt Road 11403 Elizabeth NJ 07208 "Rimar" 201/289-0395 Charles & Donna Clark 11554 Riverview Houston TX 77077 713/493-4233 Rose Cappadona P.O. Box 349 Danville NH 03319 603/332-4917 Joan Clarke 357 Tuscolum Road Nashville TN 37211 "Habib" 615/333-2394 Domenick A. Casella 13925 Burning Tree Drive Victorville CA 92392 619/243-5427 Rosemary Clarke 40002 Raymonn Avenue Baltimore MD 21213 "Wenrou" 301/325-2496 Verna Catalanotti* 13027 Ave Del General San Diego CA 92129 619/484-5660 Delores Cleary RD 1/2 Box 241 B Munnsville NY 13409 "Tarah" 315/495-2301 Jolene Cazzola 7105 N. Ridge Blvd Chicago IL 60645 "Jolee" 312/465-4817 Lynette Clooney 25 Rancho Drive, North Keller TX 76243 "Sin-Sa" 317/379-5408 213/457-2532 ti Victor Cohen 1121 Old Hickory '-ane East Lansing MI 43823-2721 512/351-1672 Robert & Nancy Damberg PO Box 216, Pawprints Lane Boring OR 97009 "Pawprints" 503/663-2551 Barbara 3. Connor 1307 Glenwood Drive Concord CA 9!-518 Michele Darby PO Box 1782 Poughkeepsie NY 10003 "Rho-Mhi" 914/691-7310 Kathy Cook 13233 Saratoga Place Chino CA 91710 714/591-5227 Arlene Dartt Worchester Road Stowe VT 05672 'Ralda'' Charlotte Cookman 5233 Roberts Drive Greendale WI 53129 "CharIn" Elizabeth Davis 6801 Glenwood Overland Park KS 66204 Robert Cooper 4523 Garden Drive Racine WI 53403 414/552-7949 "Gardenway" Pat Davis 1043 Sixth Avenue Austral N.S.W. 2171 Yvonne Copeland 3074 E. Belmont Springfield MO 65302 417/381-7389 S02/253-4639 AUSTRALIA Robert C. 3c Janice D. Davis* 1442 Tcpar Avenue Los Altos CA 94022 415/943-0130 Jan Cote Box 40, GRP381, RR3 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C2E7 CANADA "Jalco" 204/661-1995 Bill Dawson 1343 Farmstead Avenue Hacienda Heights CA 91745 213/330-9557 "Cameo Acres" Beverly Cov.atch Road 111, Shenango Park Rd. Transfer PA 16154 • 412/646-0741 Donald D'Alexander 9707 South Seemann Roao Union IL 60130 :15/923-4223 Rose Marie Curfman Route 1, Box 58 Davisville WV 26142 304/423-0356 Cassandra De la Rosa 1312 11th Court S.W. Olympia WA 98502 "Suntory" 206/357-6743 Helen Curtis 3 Split Tree Road Scarsdale NY 10533 914; 693-3:23 Michael De Ponzi 7606 208th Avenue Redmond WA 98052 206/383-8614 Ruth Deck Cranberry Point Phippsburg ME 04.62 Teresa J. Curtis 1703 West Adams Muncie IN 47303 ?/286-4312 20 Ester DeFalcis 472 Cricket Hill Trail Lawrenceville GA 30245 404/979-0070 "Art-Est" Linda Douglas 3741 Hazard Avenue Westminster CA 92683 Loretta Delaney 1023 Meek Road 1125 Humble TX 77333 713/446-6350 Ted Douglas 4277 C. R. 220 117 Findlay 011 45840 "Ba-Do" 419/423-8208 Robert G. Delaney 1946-B Deckson Circle Honolulu HI 96818 808/422-0153 Beverly Drake 11506 Harford Road Gen Arm MD 21057 "Mis:i Acres" 331'592-6636 Sandra Ann DeLlano 593 N-State Road Briarcliff Manor NY 10510 914/941-9419 "San-Mar" Charles & Jenny Drastura 5262 West Pea Ridge Road Huntington WV 257:5 613/367-6332 Marilyn Drew 7 Eagle Drive Ormond Beach FL 32074 904/673-2151 Charlene R. Dellinger Route 5, Box 5615 Pearland TX 77534-9539 713/339-1161 Betty C. Duffy 1373: 16th N.E. 301C Seattle WA 98125 206/362-7490 Victoria E.. DeLisle 1330 Route 5 Eibridge NY :3060 315/689-6892 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duke 1604 Shilling Drive Fort Worth TX 76103 817/531-2077 Linda DeProfio 33 Shoreham Terrace Fairfield CT 06430 203/259-9551 Madeline Durholz 2708 Bird View Road Westminster MD 21157 "Chiz An" 301/375-2772 Joe & Sylvia DiBenedetto 344 Angelus Drive Rochester NY 14627 716/342-1384 Barbara Ann Dwelly 38 Devonshire Drive Novato CA 94947 415i392-307 Fred dc Patricia Dieball 2304 Koper Drive Sterling Heights MI 48077 313/979-6749 Mr. & Mrs. John Dyson, Jr. 42 Monmouth Drive Riverside RI 02915 "Rhojondy" 401/433-3153 Myra Dipesa P.O. Box 251 Hialeah FL 33011-0251 305/888-5448 Marilyn Domingo 2016 Adelson Street Colorado Springs CO 80916 Joyce L. Dzincioloski 4623 S. White Court Littleton CO 80127 303/979-2296 21 Florence & Elaine Edlkraut P.O. Box 1 Riverdale NO 07457 201/697-1734 Dorothy A. Faulkner 2508 S. Cincinnatti Avenue T..ilsa OK 74114 913/587-0233 Ecidie & Betty Edwards 3301 Greyledge Austin TX 73753 512/336-0307 Elizabeth Faust 471 Cranes Mill Rd New Braunfels TX 73130 "Lamoc" 512/835-4857 Linette A. Edwards 8301 Greyledge Austin TX 78753 512/336-0307 Olivia Feldman 201 E. 19th Street 1/73 New York NY 10003 "O'Beau" 212/777-2945 512/836-0307 Lois Fellows R.D. 112 Box 162 Kintnersville PA 18930 215/847-2123 Tamra E. Edwards 8301 Greyledge Austin TX 78753 Marie Ehmer • 7613 Whitaker Avenue Philadelphia PA 19111 Jean Kausch Fergus PO Box 427, 4125 La Salle Ave Culver City CA 90230 "Dolsa" 213/838-4369 Leigh J. Ehrenkrantz 403 Deptford Road Glassboro NJ 03028 609/381-0530 Hilda E. Fillat 2243 W. 234th Street Torrance CA 90501 Julie K. Elliott 314 W. Court Street Janesville WI 53545-3837 608/754-1625 "JuEll" William Fish 710-7th Street Marion NC 28752 "Kim-Ber" 704/652-5039 June Elwyn 316 N Pine Sparta IL 62246 613/443-2973 Patricia A. Fitton 24 Waters Street Millbury MA 01527 "Excel" 617/865-4520 Leslie Ann Engen 11507- 243 Avenue NE Redmond WA 98053 206/783-5454 "San Jo" Sarah Fitzgerald 14 Iroqouis Roaa Cranford NO 07016 ”Aiasara" 201/276-2827 Joan (Ditton) Ernst Route 1, Box 26 Waverly MO 64096 316/493-2422 "Jerec" Ruth Flumerfelt 3132 Lackland Avenue St. Louis MO 63116 314/776-5557 Kathy Fallon 633 Harding Road Feasterville ?A 19047 "Moja" Gloria & Robert Fowilr 1717 Clark Avenue Bakersfield CA 93304 "Everglo" 22 Garnet & Doris Gehr, Jr. Route 10, Box 62A Hangerstown MD 21740 "Gar-San" 301/733-5460 Gary Fox 329 S. Magnolia Anaheim CA 92304 714/8234800 June Frank! 17 Brackley Road Beckenham Kent Joseph dc Colette Genarella 4125 N. Davis Highway Pensacola FL 32503 904/438-2226 ENGLAND Susan Giles 3916 West Franklin Richmond VA 23221 "To Sen" 304/353-9605 Gloria E. Frazier 6543 Palatine North Seattle Wa 98103 206/782-7359 Catherine L. Freedman 33 Jones Avenue Toronto, Ontario M4M27.3 CANADA "Irlees" 416/461-5525 Lawrence & Bettye Gotelli 565 Diehl Avenue San Leandro CA 94577 "Tula" 415/633-3071 Jay E. ik Jennifer Freeman 1209 Hermitage Road Colonial Heights VA 23834 "Lorien" 304/526-0997 ?an C. Graunke 294 Illinois Street Elmhurst IL 60126 312/530-2366 Neil & Johanna Graves 110 Dovercliffe Close SE Calgary, Alberta T2BIW3 CANADA ''Tru Blu' 272-1827 Gayle Fristad 21037 N.E. 97th Place Redmond WA 98053 206/868-3096 Winifred & Eugene Graye 24991 Middlebelt Road Farmington Hills MI 48013 "Joymarc" 313/476-8231 Barbara Fritz* 5043 Portland Avenue South Burnsville MN 55337 7/435-5273 Tim ik Kathy Frizzell 3638 Hemlock Fontana CA 92335 714/829-3939 Clyde Grimsinger 5119 Staplehurst San Antonio TX 73228 512/434-6498 Joyce Garman 357 Tusculum Road Nashville TN 37211 615/833-2394 Janine Grinta 4741 Carterwooci Drive Fairfax VA 22032 703/323-7985 Ronald,Carole 3c Bess Garrett 2344 Greenwood Court Macon GA 31206 912/783-0570 "Ka-Ron" Carol Ann Grooms 1320 Old Creek Trail Birmingham AL 35216 205/322-5624 George D. Gassett 10414 Mirror Lake Drive Parkville MO 64152 Susan Gehr Guilmino Route 2, Box 267E Martinsburg WV 25401 "Gar-San" 304/274-3384 23 Nydia Haberlie 2245 Richelieu Drive Vienna VA 22130 703/573-1122 "bony" Wendy Harper 320 Penn Way Los Gatos CA 95030 408/356-1916 "Krisna" Thelma G. Hartman 36 Mohican Hill Road Fairfield CT 06430 203/255-3909 "Mohican" Barbara Hack 3860 Mu!liken Road, Route 5 Charlotte MI 43313 517/543-6002 "Haltbar" Jack Haserick 911 Kerper Street Philadelphia PA 19111 215/342-5447 Joyce Haden P.O. Box H Stanfordville NY 12531 ''Tn Hi" Helen Hailes RR 1, Box 1, Toad Lane Ringoes NJ 08551 201/732-3641 Ruth Hatcher 2345 Green Ridge Road NW Roanoke VA 24019 703/366-4748 "Rhu-Ha" Tamara Haislet 3136 Austell Way Sacramento CA 95323 916/393-1514 Ruth Hayden 4400 Peppertree Street Cocoa FL 32926 "Char-Ru" Kay & Bobby Hales Rt 3, Box 109 Manvel TX 77573 "Wyndwood" 713/489-7519 Jackie B. Haynes 4270 S. Richfield Street Aurora CO 80013 "Ru-Jac" Katherine Hammond 443 Seymour Avenue Winter Park FL 32739 7/644-3372 Heath Lloyd D. & Freda 5801 Kenwood Kansas City MO 64110 816/333-1713 Jack & Jodi Handly Route 1, Box 481F Needville TX 77461-9407 "Majoha's Inc." 409/793-4897 Phyllis J. Hebrard 322 Penn Way Los Gatos CA 95030 George & Marilyn Hanks 1403 Copperfield Court Richmond TX 77469 713/334-1216 Valiene (Weathers) Neckar: P.O. Box 4114 Auburn CA 35604 "Hale Alii" Don & Naomi Hanson 2214 South Fir Olympia WA 98501-3044 "Zhantor" 206/943-6067 Sandra L. & Meianie A. Heckert* 112 Dinnerbell Road Butler PA 16001 412/586-7229 10(2/qq-3 —6067 Kristy Heide 14256 B East Montana Cir. Aurora CO 30012 "Tuklan" 303/696-0795 Wayne & Mary Harding 155 Edgernont Avenue Palmerton PA 13071 215/326-4331 24 Sally Ann Helf Kachina's Place, Box 673 Clarkson NY 14430 "Kachina" Jeanne Hope 9600 Accord Drive Potomac MD 20354 "Hope-Full" 301/299-3240 Donald Helfrich 93 Westbrook Ofallon MO 63366-2451 "Fantasia" 304/343-8294 Bonnie Hubert 11107-511 Gatensbury Street Coquitlam, B.C. V335E7 CANADA "Shankara" 604/931-6458 John, Nancy & Ann Hemstreet 1200 1 Street, 1/806 Anchorage AK 99501-4373 Peggy Huffman 2590 SW 87th Place Ocala FL 32671 "Tara Huff" 904/237-5527 Mel & Joy Henderson 2301 Ozark Avenue Joplin MO 64801 "Ozari" 417/731-4847 Richard & Pat Huffnail 24 Monadnock Drive Westford MA 01886 617/692-2419 Norman & Carolyn Herbel Route 1 Lucas KS 67648 "Tabu" 913/525-6142 Karen & Bruce Hutchinson 199 Park Street North Reading MA 01364-2304 "Tiffany" 6171664-0461 Margene Herron 4939 Scott Road NW Cohutta GA 30710 "Herron's" 404/694-8403 Midge Hylton 981 Micnegan Avenue San Jose CA 95125 "Hy Lan" 209/462-7111 Ted & Nat Heskett 23 Winchester Drive Atherton CA 94025 "Tena" 415/323-8866 George & Helen Inge! 24 Idlewild Road Levittown PA 19057 ''Kymba' 215/945-5158 Jeanne Hillendahl 1711 Huge Oaks Houston TX 77055 "Hillenaahl" 713/465-7318 Anne J. Ingle 537 Tennessee Street Bolivar TN 38008 901/658-6591 Judith Irene Hodgson 2506 Radnor Court Waldorf MD 20601 301/343-3656 Robert 5: Barbara Ingram .263 Indian Creek Drive Levittown PA 19057 215/547-0917 Janis M. Hogan 7771 East Mary Drive Tucson AZ 35730 "Manchu" Rita Jackson Route III, Box 117K Tuttle OK 73089 "El Tut" 405/381-3871 Nancy & Norman Holmes, Jr. 31915 Debbi Magnolia TX 77355-3716 15 Linda Jarrett 3028 Tepusquet Road Santa Maria CA 93454 "Sera Mar" 805/937-0740 Jean Jefferson 25 Broadway Florham Park NJ 07932 "Chu Shu" Dr. & Mrs. Larry Keely 1103 Neal Pickett College Station TX 77340 4:9/696-3695 Marcia Jewell Road til, Box 90 Lindley Road Canonsburg PA 15317 412/745-7070 "Mar-Mei" Patricia Keen 3910 East Morse Road oi ,2A 95240 T1367-4910 Joyce Johanson 295 1st Street David City NE 63632 402/367-4335 "Joyslyn" Becky Johnson 41 Tiara Imperial MO 63052 314/464-7547 "Tiara" Skip & Patricia Johnson • P.O. Box 969 League City TX 77573 ?/332-3366 "Gypsy" David P. Jordan 3701 North Normandale Street Fort Worth TX 76116 ?/244-6358 Cherlyn Jozwick 23819 Barfield Farmington Hills MI 43024 313/473-3394 "Shari!" David & Marilyn Just 22 Allen Drive Wayne NZ 07470 201/623-3531 Lila Kaiser 44 West Geary Street Stockton CA 95204 209/943-3332 "Likala" Margaret E. Kenan 11292 Buffalo Drive Riverside CA 92505 714/637-7179 Dorothy Joan Kendali 4841 Gransback Street Philadelphia PA 19120 215/457-4947 "Orlane'' Linda Kendall-Smith Road 2, Box 123A Wyoming DE 19934 302/697-6936 "Orlane" Elaine King R. D. 2 Dillsburg PA 17019 717/432-9352 "Bodnath" Diana Kingston 1626 N. 10th Street Paducah KY 42001 "Diehz-Anz" Mary Jane Kinsey 229 Rockland Road Hendersonville TN 37:75 615/S24-6910 John Klarenoeck 11716 Copper Place, N.E. Albuquerque NM 87123 505/294-5226 Florence Kantor 2000 Yorktown Avenue Ft. Collins CO 80526 303/434-4271 Stella Ann Kman Route 1 West Salem IL 62476 6131342-7232 Stephen & Joan Karger 25 Charlotte Rd Swampscott MA 01907 617/599-5024 "Dandi-Lion" Marion Knowlton 2740 Spalding Drive Dunwoody GA 30333 404/396-2302 ''Knolwood" FUTURITY RULES ',he Futurity Is an annual event sponsored by the American Lhasa Apso Club. Inc. to encourage the exhibition of recently whelped Lhasa Apsos. It Is open to all Lhasa Apso litters whelped during the year beginning January let and ending December 31st. Futurity Zilgfellity: Nomination of the litter must be made within ninety days of whelp. Nomination forms are available from the Club secretary or the Futurity Chairman. By nomination of the litter, all dogs In that litter ere eligib le to enter the Futurity Irrespective of subsequent ownership change. futurity Location and Oates: Five futurities are authorized each year. One IS held In each of the geographic regions designated below. Dogs from a nominated litter may be shown in any of the Regional Futurities. but, In no circumstances, may any dog be shown in more than one futurity. All futurities must be held during the Months of July and August following the close of the futurity year. Within these months, the data Is at the election of the Host Committee. futurItY Stakes and Prizes: The American Lhasa Apso Club. Inc. offers the Robert W. GrilfIng Memorial Plaque to the BREEDER of the Grand Futurity Winner in each Region. There shall be a pool of Prize Monies in EACH Futurity Region consisting of all nomination fees for litters whelped In Region (divided by age). $5.00 of the entry fees for those dogs entered In each Region (divided by age and sex). The awards will be distributed as follows: 5% of 5% OF 5% OF 30% OF 15% OF 10% OF 5% OF TOTAL REGIONAL TOTAL REGIONAL TOTAL REGIONAL REGIONAL CLASS REGIONAL CLASS REGIONAL CLASS REGIONAL CLASS POO! POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL POOL TO TO TO TO TO TO TO MANI FUTUR!TY U9INER. BEST ADULT IN FUTURITY. BEST PUPPY IN FUTURITY. FIRST IN CLASS. MOND IN CLASS. THIRD IN CLASS. FOURTH IN CLASS All undistributed awards are the property of the American Lhasa Apso Club. Inc. futurity Shows and Classes: following ci All Futurities will be divided by Sex and be Judged in the PUPPY DOGS: 6 to 9 months; 9 to 12 months. PUPPY BITCHES: 6 to 9 months; 9 to 12 months. Winning Puppy in each class to compete for BEST PUPPY IN FUTURITY. ADULT DOGS: 12 to 15 months; 15 months and older. ADULT BITCHES: 12 to 15 months! 15 months and older. OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM American Lhasa Apso Club Futurity FUTURITY. NUMBER ENTRY FEE 5 10.00 to -nominate a litter for the Year beginning November.1, and ending October 31, MAKE CHEM.'S and MONEY ORDERS payable to the Ameri can Lhasa Apso Club. ALAC NATIONAL FUTURITY MAIL ENTRIES with FEES to CASSANDRA DE LA ROSA, CHAIRMAN 1312-11TH COURT S.W. OLYMPIA, WA 98502 (206) 357-6743 REGION PLEASE TYPEWRITE OR PRINT CLEARLY IMPORTANT — Read carefully instructions accom panying this form. Whelping Date Breed;r Sire Dam Name of Person Making Envy Street Address For Official We Only Number of Males Number of Females Place of Birth City: State: AGREEMENT I (we) acknowledge that the "Rules Applying to Registration and Dog Shows" have been made available to me (us) and that I ar (we are) familiar with their contents I (we) agree that the Club holding this show has the right to refuse this entry for cause whic• the Club shall deem to be sufficient In consideratio p of the acceptance of this entry and of the holding of the show and of opportunity to have the dog judged and to win prize money,• ribbons or trophies, I (we) agree to hold this Club, its member directors, governors, officers harmless from any claim for loss or Injury which may be alleged to have been caused or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or upon the show grounds, or near :ny entran direCti ce there! and I (we) personally assume all responsibility and liabili ty for any such claim, and I (we) further agree to hold the aforemention parties harmless from any claim for loss of dog by disappearance, theft, death or otherwise, and from any claim for damage ec Injury to the dog, whether such loss, disappthis earance, theft, damage or Injury be caused or alleged to be caused by the negligence c the Club or of any of the parties afore mentioned. I CERTIFY that I am the actual owner of this bitch or dog being qualified or that I am the duly authorized agent of the actu owner whose name I have entered above. In consideratio n of the acceptance of this entry, I (we) agree to abide by regulations of the American Kennel Club in effect the rules an at the time of this Futurity, and further agree to be bound by the "Agreement accompanying this entry form. I (we) certify and represent that the dog entered is not a hazard to persons or other entry Is submitted for acceptance on the dogs. Th foregoing representation and agreement. Single copies of•the latest edition of th• "Rules Applying to Regist any Superintendent or from the American Kennel Club, 51 Madisration and Dog Shows" may be obtained without charge fror on Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10010. SIGNATURE of owner or his agent duly authorized to make this entry co compota or 1,ti nuull III1.0:u11le. BEST PUPPY IN FUTURITY AND BEST ADULT IN FUTURITY TO compete foe GRAND FUTURITY WINNER. Should the futurity be held in conjunction with an AKC point show, the following procedure will.apply: All dogs entered In the Futurity MUST ENTER AND COMPETE in one or more of the regular classes of the show-giving club. The entry in the Regular Classes and the Futurity Class MUST be made on the entry blank of the show-giving club. The entry blank must be marked in the "ADDITIONAL CLASS" section with the word "Futurity" and the assigned litter nomination number. The Entry Fee for the Additional Futurity Class must accompany each entry to the show-giving Superintendent and/or Show Secretary. OTHER: There are NO AKC Championship Points awarded In the Futurity. All dogs MUST be handled by the Breeder. Owner. a member of his houaehold or an Amateur Astitute. NO REFUNDS will be mode in the event of. deafuit by the person making the entries. FUTURITY REGIONS REGION I: Connecticut, Delaware, District of Colombia, Florida, Georgia, 41Aine„ Maryland, µAssachusetts. Now Hampshire, New Jarsay, New Yark, Korth Carolina, Pannsyltenia, ahude Island. South Carolina. Vermont,'Virginia. %kat Virginia; 'REGION II: Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington; REGION III: Illinois. Indiana, Iowa, Michigan. Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohlo, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Womlng; REGION IV: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi Missouri, , New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas; HAWAIIAN: Hawaii. Futurity Hosts and Juchrs: Applications for Host Committees to act as Show Committees for each of the futurities will be solicited annually from the membership. The Board of Directors of the American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc. by • majority vote will select the Host Committees from tho applications with primary consideration given to Specialty Clubs and Club Members. The Host Committee selects the site and the date of each Regional Futurity (provided it is held In the months of July & August). The futurity may be either a separate event or held lb conjunction with an American Kennel Club approved point show at the election of the Host C ommittees. Judges will be nominated by the membership of the American .these Apso Club, Inc. and election o judges for each region will be by wsitten ballot by the entire membership of the American hasa :Ipso Club. inc. Those candidates who are,pecond in the balloting shall be designated ",Alternate Judges should the first be unable to judge. Lane & Mary Koch 131 Carrillon Lane Pueblo CO 31005 "Madan" Allan .1c Paula Lieberman 3440 Steven Road Baldwin Harbor NY 11510 516/226-3631 "Tyba" Carol A. Koidis 291 Pleasant St Canton MA 02021 617/323-055.3 Al Likewise 974 South 4th Street Lindenhurst NY 11757 516/226-3631 "Ebbtide" Dorothy Kramer 1717 SW Little Cliffs Drive Dunnellon FL 32630-9582 904/489-9376 "Kumara" Elsa Lindhard 12 Balanced Rock Terrace Sparta NJ 07371 201/729-7678 "Tai-Kai" William & Rebecca Kraus 4215 Bishop Road Detroit MI 43224 313/886-6292 "Arkay" Macy Lindsay 28891 Boleada Drive Mission Viejo CA 92692 714/495-7317 "Kallista" Miriam Krum 9718 Overbrook Road Leawood KS 66203 913/383-2381 "Greenponci" Bobbie Ling 920 Peggy Lane Menlo Park CA 94025 415/323-3S57 "Bhe-jei" Sandra L. Kuebler 5309 Northcliff Avenue Cleveland OH 44144 216/741-5316 Jo Anne Lingo 3005 N Aim Ct Bakersfield CA 93309 Amy LaForest 23645 Millard Southfield MI 43034 313/356-3153 "Dan:43a" Nicole Marshall & Harolo Logue Box 2734 Bryan TX 77305 Roberta Lombardi 2420 Ladera Ranch Road Ojai CA 93023 ?.1646-5066 Marge Lang 3921 Colorado South . St. Louis Park MN 55416 612/929-3679 "Mar-Lan" Enid Londis 508 Buliville Road Bullville NY 10915 Pam Lawson 91241': Hein Needville TX 77461 i-091793-3745 "Lora's" 914/361-3081 Ellen Lonigro %Susan Giles, 3916 W.Franklin Richmond VA 23221 "Kinderland" Bobbie Lee 1/58 South Lake Shore Drive Ransom Canyon TX 79366 806/745-9194 "Kyilee" Bea Loob 219 Montecito Blvd. Napa CA 94558 707/224-5382 "Zijuh" Joyce Leoleis 12 Meadow Lane North Grafton MA 01536 21 Jackie Love 4353 North 19th Street Milwaukee WI 53209 "Lovemi" 414/264-1326 Arna & Alan Margolies 6 Birchwood Road Randolph MA 02363 "Rjay" 617/963-7696 Lynn Lowy P.O. Box 5234 Beverly Hills CA 90210 "Mario" 213/859-3930 Doris Marquez 3634 West 187th Street Torrance CA 90504 "Dormar" 213/532-795S Al & Rosemary Lynch 867 Emerald Street San Diego CA 92109 "Mantra" Theresa Martell° P.O. Box 376 Cedarburg WI 53012 “3/3771 Bill & Sam Martin 1316 Carriage Irving TX 75062 Diana M. Lynn 2024 W. Chicago Avenue Chicago IL 60622 312/252-3132 214/255-0741 Dennis A. & Lois A. Martin 1215 Pondarosa Jefferson City MO 65101 Jeffrey Nlacek 2536 E. Whitton AVenue Phoenix AZ 35016 602/956-4=74 Robertha Matranga 87 Aiken Way Sacramento CA 95819 916/457-3623 Eileen C. MacLennan 903 North Howard Street Alexandria VA 22304 "Benji-Lin" 703/751-3557 Deanna Maxwell 2343 Fig Street Simi Valley CA 93063 Linda Maderitz 1116 Beechwood Girard OH 44420 ?/539-6857 Kenneth W. McGee P.O. Box 1115, 6530 Highway 9 Felton CA 95018 408/335-7362 Lois Magette 1812 Knoxville Avenue Long Beach CA 90815 "Magestic" 213/430-4429 James G. McMurtry, MD One Cobb Lane Tarrytown NY 10591 Pamela L. Magette 2009 Ocana Street Lang Beach CA 90815 Darby McSorley 18549 Blythswood Drive Los Gatos CA 95030 "Rumtek" John Mahan 459 Central Street Avon MA 02322 617/586-5559 Dorothy V. Meloney 30 Via De La Vista Inverness CA 94937 41,/669-1003 Phyllis Marcy Box 174 Thetford Hill VT 05074 "Norbulingka" 302/735-4553 11 Suzette Michele 2302 Stockton Road Joppa MD 21085 301/877-3075 "Sulan" Ralph & Connie Morris 1240 Sayles Ketchikan AK 99901 907/225-2625 "Sho Amai" Norma Mileham Route 1, Box 52 Decatur IL 62526 217/877-0193 "Darno" Edward Moses 46 Lyndeboro Rd, PO Box 1084 Amherst NH 03031-1084 603/380-7111 "Piper" Arlene Miller 2685 Trillium Place North Vancouver BC VT.N132 CANADA "Desiderata" Renate B. Mueller 5922 Rhode Island A Cincinnati OH 45237 513/351-3230 "Tashi" Jacqueline Miller Route 3, 3724 Raintree Drive Roanoke TX 76262 317/430-0073 "Hi Life" Lois I. Mullany 4 Alden Court Vincentown NJ 03088 6091268-2155 "Jay-Lo's" Gaylan & Christina Moffett 4901 W. Marshall, PO Box 5935 Longview TX 75608 214/297-7315 "Chryslan" Lorraine MuHecker 159 Sunrise Parkway Mountainside NJ 07092 201/654-5671 Teresa Mohr RD #1-Box 274 MacLean Drive Rock Tavern NY 12575 "Talimer" Bowen & Helen Munday Route /13 South Salem NY 10590 914/834-3065 Genevieve Moore 1610 Napa Road Sonoma CA 95476 707/938-2047 Jack A. Myers* 2919 W. Birch Street Rialto CA 92376 Suzanne E. Moore 1517 Long Beach Blvd. Lakewood NJ 08701 201/376-7767 "Se-Mor" Lois J. Nelson 1024 N. Ash Street Escondido CA 92097 6I9/74-3272 James Morano 9707 S. Seeman Road Union IL 60130 "Good As Gold" Si 5/923-.223 Elizabeth Morgan 12 Village Roac Florham Parr< NJ 07932 201/377-4739 "Mor-Knoil" Lynn L. Morgan 1516 El Oso Drive San Jose CA 95129 403/446-9739 "Lyngso" 714/S75-5407 Barbara Nette 70 Cedarhurst Lane Fairfield CT 06430 203/333-4417 Marianne Nixon 13216 N.E. 40th Bellevue WA 93005 206/335-3149 "San Jo" Francis & Walter Nordin 19102 Devonshire Northridge CA 91324 213/363-5530 Arlene Nowicici 2202 N, Parkfield Drive West Bend WI 53095 "Noal" 414/334-9556 Cherry Parker 1503 Castleberry Avenue East Ridge TN 37412 615/894-6006 June O'Brien 11079 LomaRica Rd, Firewater Rch Marysville CA 95901 916/743-7266 Melodye H. Passan 1459 Kenwood Drive Bethlehem PA 18017 Judy A. O'Dell 1386 Dunning Drive Laguna Beach CA 92651 714/494-8322 Pat Patterson 1333 Reid Street Western Springs IL 60558 312/246-0248 "Pride N' Joy" Denise Olejniczak 2572 Pacific Parkway Rockford IL 61111 ?/877-8997 Carolyn Paulson 4400 Peppertree Street Cocoa FL 32926 "Char-Ru" Joanne Pavlik 53 Patton Road New Burgh NY 12550 "Joni" 914/564-3595 Arlene C. Oley* 4249 Telegraph Road Cobble Hill BC VOR ILO CANADA 654/743-5724 Etta Orenstein 50037 230th Street Bayside NY :136;4 Wendy Penn 1300 Edgehill Road Columbus OH 43212 "Shangrelu" ?/299-5340 Jack & Monica Os:erby 209 Tee Road Carpentersville IL 60110 312/423-11148 William c1c Norma Perna 11820 Gainsborough Road Potomac MD 20854 301/299-6262 Brenda Peters 348 Zinnia Casper WY 82604 ''Shakira" 307/265-1736 Laurie Ann Owen 1814 Holiday Drive, S.W. Wyoming MI f:959 402/494-5712 "Royal" Barbara 4c Dale Peterson 18325 Chablis Road Ramona CA 92065 "Barjea" 714/739-4864 Pat Page 318 Motley Road Hopkins SC 29061 "Ky-Ken" 803/783-J593 Terrie Petrikin 12021 South Quanah Avenue Jenks OK 74037-9669 "Ta-Mara" Georgia Palmer 4N 043 Swift Roaci Addison IL 60101 "Ruffway" 312/627-1388 Joan & Burton Pettit 121 Longworth Avenue Woodmere NY 11598 "Mio" 516/374-2066 Jean Pantoga 5201 Dakota Drive West Des Moines IA 50265 515/224-1948 30 Diane Pickett 3994 GamSer Road Vicksburg MD 21043 Bonnie Provencher 1543 Paseo Avenue La Verne CA 91750 "Mai Ling" 714/593-6110 Loretta Pierce 336 Riviera Drive Union City CA 94537 415/L.37-26:6 Jo Quintenz 3624 S. San Rafael Tucson AZ 35713 632/389-3396 Tanya Pinard 15603 S. E. 173rd Street Renton WA 93353 236/071-4609 Peter D. Rachansky 1121 Old Hickory Lane East Lansing MI 48323-2721 H.C. Pittman-Turner PO Box 990 Cary NC 27511 "Serenity" Sandra Radlof Route :, Box 233, Kreklow Road Fort Atkinson WI 53538 414/563-2074 Terry & Connie Plagman Route 2, Box 340 Albany OR 97321 533/923-8729 "Tehr Khan" Shirley Ray 603 St. Edwards ;venue Salinas CA 93905 "Hosh:ra" 403/758-9393 James M. & Nancy C. Plunkett 14290 Greenview Drive Greencastle PA 17225 717-597-=:757 "Tabu" Peter D. Reagan 5036 Riverfront Drive Braden:own FL 33501 313/748-7337 Wm. Portman 2919 W. Birch Street Rialto CA 92376 714/875-5407 Bradley. W. Reese 1520 Pershing Blvd Dayton OH 45419-3117 254-4374 "Marquis" Mary Powers 291 Pleasant St Canton MA 02021 617/823-0553 "Mokiema" Lynn Repiogie 1218 Amsterdam ;venue Macisdn WI .52:7:6 "Wocc,:n" Robert J. Prenger 8431 Timberline Drive Utica MI 43037 313/739-8722 Shirley Rhodes 1704 West Britton Road Oklahoma City OK 73120 "Shi-Rho" 405/343-3212 Mrs. Baroara Prida 25204 79,tn Ave, East Graham WA 93333 206/347-6736 Roberta Richardson 1401 Lillian Way Reno • NV 89509 702/322-9211 Dorothy J. Primm Paris MO 65275 816/327-5576 Leonard Ripley 981 Rockrimmon Road Stamford CT 06903 "Rimmon" 202/233-4119 31 Sondra & Niall Rogers 7240 Kipling Street Arvada CO 80005 "Niall's" 303/425-7381 Zoanne Sanders 1909 Longhorn Trail Grapevine TX 76051 Carol & Wesley Rose 28 Jennifer Road Scotia NY 12302 "Kar Lee" 518/399-3906 Harriett Sandy 2N215 Highland Avenue Glen Ellyn IL 60137 312/858-8224 Margaret & Bob Roser 31269 Knoll Drive 'Redlands CA 92373 Michael Santora 13010 SW 63rd Ct. Kendall FL 33156 "Sanlo" 305/666-17::; Gloria & RoseIlen Rosier 4597 Donalbain Circle Fremont CA 94536 408/797-7426 Jeanne Sauve 1885 Dellwood Avenue Roseville MN 55113 612/634-5717 Don & Marie Ross 122 North Park Lane Porter TX 77365 "Madoros" 713/572-2039 Elaine Scharf 1138 Camino Del Rio Santa Barbara CA 93110 805/967-672 Lenore Rosseiot PO Box 355 Belle Meac NJ :3502 Arlene & Milford Scheeler 64 Hyland Road Depew NY 14043 ?/683-4734 Debby Rothman 8391 London Lane Conifer CO 80433 "Fleetfire" 303/674-0136 Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Scheur 10 Heritage Road East Williamsville NY 14221 Donald & Virginia Runner 11118 Sands Point Houston TX 77072 "Nizam" 713/495-9945 Brenda Schmelzel 9 Gettysburg Road Belleville IL. 62223 "Bala" 613/277-6515 .Sandra Rushing 616 Sixth Street Montgomery AL 36110 205/265-0948 Carol B. Schmitz 7 Beverly Court Tinton Falls NJ 07724-3018 William & Sharon Russett 4530 West Sprague Road Parma OH 44134 "Sharbil" 216/845-3661 Anna Schneider-Louter Knibbelweg 50 2761 3e Zevenhui HOLLAND Mary & C. W. Sanders 2980 Alton Drive St. Petersburg FL 33706 813/360-8649 Dorothy Schottgen Route ill, Box 427 Picayune MS 39466 "Dor Thi" 32 Mary Schroeder 5395 S. Miller Street Littleton CO SC127 "Fleetfire" 303/973-3680 Ken Sharpton 1343 Farmstead Avenue Hacienda Heights CA 91745 213/330-9557 "Cameo Acres" Emily Schumm C.31C1 Spring Road Liberty NY 12754 Dr. S. and Billie Shaver Route 5, Box 920W Charlotte NC 28203 7.04/393-8573 "Billie's Follie" Dcnna L. Scott 3191 West Colorado Avenue Denver CO 80219 303/922-1764 Laura St Darrell Shein 791 Longview Avenue North koodmere NY 11531 "Shen Pa'' 516/791-3063 Mary Lou Scruoato 904 Stag Way Oxon Hill MD 20744 301/339-9322 Zanie Sheridan 908 Stonetrail Drive Plano TX 75023 214/423-7424 "Tijans" Francis Sefton PO Box 186 Windsor, NSW 2756 AUSTRALIA "Cheska" 045-774269 Rosemary Sherrill 3334 S. E. 13th Street Ocala FL 32671 904/694-6462 "Snerrillon" Nancy Sehnert 7349 Westgate Lane Liverpool NY 13C33 "Westgate" Wanda G. Shipiett PO Box 38 Davis OK 73830 Diane Selmer 3045 Lincoln Franklin Park IL 60131 312/678-7677 "Ma-Jik" Gwanoolyn Shook 1416 Griffiths Street Valinda CA 91744 WiIna Shaak 329 Wilson Road Hatboro PA 19040 "Twin Maples" 215/675-5757 Sally & Marcos Silva 5634 Malvern Way Riverside CA 92506 "Tornar" Audrey Shaner Road 111, Mountain Road Dillsburg PA 17019 "Tall Oaks" 717/432-5717 Kenne-.h & Harrtet Silverman 27 Brook Road Marblenead MA 31945 "ShuK:i 617/631-5196 Lorraine D. Shannon 2359 Alhambra Norco CA 91760.1109 "Lori Shpn" E. R. & Carolyn Sledzik 1704 Shagbark Circle Reston VA 22090 "Pon Go" 703/471-7584 Robert Sharp 150 Melrose Avenue A.lbany NY 12203 "Sharpette" 518/438-7539 Elnore Slette 3364 Stillwater Blvd, North Lake Elmo MN 55042 "Shen-El" 612/770-9399 11 Mary Lee Smiser 11303 Willow Grove Road Oklahoma City OK 73120 405/751-3268 Mary Ann Strysick Route 2, Hwy. 23 Sheboygan Falls WI 53085 "Mardel" 414/467-4971 Virginia Snare 1B Kling Terrace Voorheesville NY 12136 518/765-4318 "Gold N" Emily Svendsen 8364 Stillwater Blvd, North Lake Elmo MN 55042 "Shen-Em" 612/770-9399 Mary Soto 2117 West 48th Place Gary IN 46408 "Sunshine" 219/980-8000 Sherry Swanson 7951 Peppertree Road Dublin CA 94568 208/336-2523 Mary Anne Stafford 1451 Oakwood Avenue Hanover Park IL 60103 "Honeydew" 312/337-5139 John bc Dorothy Sweeney 348 Millbrook Avenue Randolph NJ 07869 "Dorjon" 201/361-0928 Charles & Barbara Steele 1845 Wilson Avenue Colusa CA 95932 "A Tantras" Linda M. Tackett 2320 Malraux Drive Vienna VA 22180 703/560-7713 Barbara Stewart 1029 34th Street Yuma AZ 85365 "Amberdunes" 602/344-2371 Tom dc Kathy Stone 4983)4 Sonoma Highway Santa Rosa CA 95405 7071539-0937 Mary E. Taillon Box HC 104 Climax NY 12042 518/731-9524 Joan Tarn berino 108 Tenbury Road Lutherville MD 21093 "Jo-Mar" 301/337-9341 Donna Strand 5568 North Mohawk Avenue Glendale WI 53217 ?/332-6294 Angie Taylor 421 Leppo Road Westminster MD 21157 "An-Adayre" 301/848-3527 Fran M. Strayer 15090 E. Florida Ave Aurora CO 80012 "NuSeng" 303/750-3167 Seymour & Carole Thaler 45 Saxon Way New Rochelle NY 10804 914/632-2045 Valerie Stringer Saluq Chase, Haste Hill Haslemere Surrey GU27 2HA (0428) 53137 Larry & Barbara Thomas Box 42 Stanton MD 63079 "Encore" • ENGLAND Carol Strong 4634 Lincklaen Road Cazenovia NY 13035 "Bihar" 315/655-8037 Carol Thomasson P.0. Box 333 Dinwiddle VA 2384k "Thmilo" 804/469-3175 71 Floy J. Thompson 122 Northpark Lane Porter TX 77365 713/572-2065 Gail Thompson 4509 Stuart Street Denver CO 80212 303/477-2096 !3 Jane Thorrtur; SVI. 7110 Victorville 'CA 32392 "Penciray" 714/243-3800 Yo.lerle Viets 450 North Moss Burbank CA 915'02 213/846-4475 Dr. John & Denise Vigorita 618 Springfield Avenue Summit NJ 07901 "Dejah" Paul S. & Lois H. Voigt 13745 Wellington Cr. Burnsville MN 55337 "Wellington" 612/890-2945 Janice M. Tilley 13 Gary Road Dade City FL 33525 904/567-1350 Ellen & Stacy Voss 101 North Vista Los Angeles CA 90036 "Galaxy" 213/934-8292 Barry 3c Connie Tompkins 354 South 4th Street Fulton NY 13069 315/593-2555 "BarCon" Lois M. & Robert W. Wade 1356 N. Evans McMinnville OR 97128• 503/472-6732 Frank & Barbara Trujillo 1904 Beason Bryan TX 77801 "The Bears Den" 409/775-8368 Patricia Traina Wakefield C/O 1716 Cache Road Lawton OK 73501 405/248-3303 Marie J. Tupa 11226 Sagewillow Lane Houston TX 77089 ?/484-3507 P. Renee Watkins* 11030 Ballard Drive Norman OK 73071 405/364-4133 Blanche Turner P.O. Box 434 St. Charles IL 60174 312/584-0986 Carol S. Walker 680 South Hacker Road Brighton MI 48116 Gayel L. Ulery Box 75 Beaman IA 50609-0075 Lynda Walker 6206 Cooper Road Lansing MI 89104 "Lhan-Sing" 517-393-6591 Carol Valentine Andrew Avenue Islip Terrace NY 11752 516/277-1087 "Carovale" Deborah A. Walsleben 7 Claret Ash Littleton CO 80127 "Free Spirit" 303/9734385 !3 3 Larry D. Vickers Box 164 Sherman MS 38869 "Southwind" 601/842-7401 Harold & Ida Warner 701 Alice Lewisville TX 75067-4354 Carmen Watson 6207 Welham Road Indianapolis IN 46220 317/849-6334 Bari L. Williams 916 W. Woodland Road Lake Bluff IL 60044 312/295-7017 Walter E. Watson 24392 Lanark Road Brooksville FL 33512 904/796-7788 Barbara Wood 102 Kenilworth Blvd Cranford NJ 07016 "Anbara" 201/272-3995 Fran Wesley 14007 Foxland Road Phoenix MD 21131 301/592-6498 "Windermere" Ferne E. Woodbury 9-37 Boyd Road, RFD #7 Londonderry NH 03053 603/a32-8326 Marvin & Janet Whitman 23 Great Oaks Drive Spring Valley NY 10977 914/425-0765 "3a-Ma" Suzanne Wr1ght 1638 Anna Drive Middleburg FL 32063 Dianna L. Yarbrough Rt 1, Box 252-C, Travis Field Savannah GA 31408 "Yarbro" 912/964-2671 Mike & Charlotte Whittler 19345 Babler Forest Road Chesterfield MO 63017 Raena Wilks 350 W. 55th Street, Apt 2C New York NY 10019 212/246-9303 Cheryl & David Zink 30453 Birchwood Westland MI 48185 "Ming" 313/728-5810 The roster has been updated since the printing of this bulletin. If your listing is incorrect, check the mailing label. If the label is OK the current roster is OK. If your mailing label is not correct, please notify Sondra Rogers. NOTE: If there is an asterisk on your mailing label, your dues are paid. not, please send current dues to Mary Whitman, AC Treasurer. tog09/ . 1 .% LANSING AREA LHASA APSO CLUB Meetine - Nov. 19,.1985 President: Barbara Hack Treasurer: Cindy Butsic . Secretary: Laurie Owen 1814 Holliday Dr. S.W. Wyoming, MI 49509 Ii If Th Amor-icon Lhasa Aoso Cluo °resents.. Lhasa tvpso Club nie kolcricali THE NUMBER ONE BOK FOR LHAg\ FANCY!! THE CCMPLETE LHASA APSO RECORD FOR THE YEAR Photographs and Pedigrees The Total List of Champions Obedience Degree Winners Futurity Winners...Regional & National Specialty Winners Group & Best In Show Winners, Junior Handlers...Registry of Merit Award Winners DO YOU HAVE YOURS? NlIllommmrn•mmmmmmmmmmmm 1976 CHAMPION-CD YEARBOOK(S) $10.00 1977 CHAMPION-CD YEARBOOK(S) $10.00 1978-81 HARDBACK YEARBOOK(S) $30.00 NAME ADDRESS ZIP ENCLOSED IS A CHECK (OR MONEY ORDER) MADE PAYABLE TO AIAC FOR $ MAIL TO: SUSAN S. GILES 1916 WEST FRANKLIN ST. RICHMOND, VA. 23221 POSTAGE: 76 OR 772.00 78-81 DETACH AND MAIL TODAY I 31 Breeder's Directory Key to Abbreviations: P. Puppies; D. Grown Dogs; S. Stud Service ARIZONA MANCHU LHASAS Patrick & Janis Hogan 7771 E. Mary Drive Tucson, AZ 85730 (602) 745-9956 P., S. CALIF ORNIA BARJEA LHASA APSOS Barbara & Dale Peterson 18325 Chablis Road Ramona, CA 92065 (619) 789-4864, 588-5127 P., D., S. CHEN LHASA APSOS ROM Patricia & Thomas Chenoweth Cedar Terrace 2873 So. Bascom Ave., 11208 Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 559-9362 P., S. EVERGLO LHASA APSOS Gloria D. Fowler 1717 Clark Ave. Bakersfield, CA 93304 (805) 831-0454 P., D., S. KALOON LHASA APSOS William J. Porrman & Jack A. Myers 2919 W. Birch Street Rialto, CA 92376 (714) 875-5407 P., D., S. 31 MARLO LHASA APSOS Lynn Lowy P.O. Box 5284 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (213) 859-3930 P., D., S. ME-TU LHASA APSOS June O'Brien Firewater Ranch 11079 Loma Rica Road Marysville, CA 95901 (916) 743-7266 TOMAR LHASA APSOS Sally & Tony Silva 5634 Malvern Way Riverside, CA 92506 (714) 369-9369 P., D., S. COLORADO NIALL'S Niall & Sondra Rogers 7240 Kipling Street Arvada, CO 80005 (303) 425-7381 P., D., S. FLORIDA TARA HUFF KENNELS Peggy W. Huffman 2590 SW 87th 'lace Ocala, FL 326'/1 (904) 237-5527 F., D., S. KANSAS PENNSYLVANIA TABU LHASA APSOS ROM Norman & Carolyn Herbel RFD #1 Lucas, KS 67648 (913) 525-6142 P., D., S. J-TOI LHASA APSOS J. Windish & J. Haserick 911 Kerper Street Philadelphia, PA 19111 (215) 342-5447 P. MOJA LHASA APSOS Kathy P. Fallon 603 Harding Road Feasterville, PA 19047 (215) 322-2808 P., S. NEW JERSEY TAI-KAI LHASA APSOS 71sa A. Lindhard 12 Balanced Rock Terrace Sparta, NJ 07871 (201) 729-7678 P., D., S. VIRGINIA RHU-HA LHASAS Ruth M. Hatcher 2845 Green Ridge Road NW Roanoke, VA 24019 (703) 366-4748 NEWYORK BAR-CON LHASA APSOS Barry & Connie Tompkins 354 South 4th Street Fulton, NY 13069 (315) 593-2555 P., D., S. P., 0., S. WEST VIRGINIA BARKER LHASA APSOS Randolph & Sandra Barker 2013 Huber Road Charleston, WV 25314 (304) 346-6221 P., D., S. KACHINA LHASA APSOS Sally Ann Helf Kachina's Place, Box 673 Clarkson, NI 14430 (716) 638-6701 P., D., S. WISCONSIN OHIO SHARBIL LHASA APSOS William & Sharon Russett 4530 West Sprague Road Parma, OH 44134 (216) 845-3661 P., D., S. 39 NOAL'S LHASA APSOS Arlene A. Nowicki 2202 N. Parkfield Drive West Bend, WI 53095 (414) 334-9556 P., D., S. Clef Sila Mgr (1.7,rvj• e _ , dock) Lf.1Sa_ Prett4 &nn4 (Part, tip (001d- U,' 1000_t`t.T; • Or) a WIZ)) bliCX toina 5-1-85 j &bets cf Ofii-ernititit and tirrpecinEfiC ?Pcf•Lisc cne, -Ltiont ;Shoal A wii;n7fiq ccinbir Pal , - • — 2/4 tt L6uAL sr r e 1L7 lb 154. ( 40t:2 /2E., 41 coar liks! -6-u,qtcr \V• ,otf sz •- _SOMETHING NEW! How many time4 have you wondeted jut what waA acing on in di66etent patt4 o6 the countty? Who i4 doing .some nice winning? Any intelezting Aing-Aide tid-bitz....gtooming hint, peopte don'-. .you know the 4ott o6 thino. We'd tike to i44ue a catt 6ot att o6 tho4e azpiting Ring—side tepottet4 to 4hakpen theit pencit4 and come 6o2watd. We need votunteel4 to do tino-4ide tepotting 6tom the Eat CoaAt, the South, and the Notthwe4t and Notthea4t. Satty Silva, Buttetin Editoic, ha4 votunteeted to nepott on the We4t coa,st Happening4 and lutie Ettiott, Advetti4ing Editort, witt 6itt you in on the Midwezt Happening4.. 16 you'd tike to be patt oi the patty tine on a tegutat bazi4, ptea4e contact Satty Sitva 5634 Maven Way Rivet4ide, Ca1i6otnia 92506 and c66et you' 4eAv1ce4. Ot, i6 you have home inteteAting in6o to 4hate, tet u4 know and weitt inctude it. We'ne atAo going to 4tatt pubti4hing a 3 genvtation pedig4ee o6 att NEW CHAMPIONS-4o i6 you have a ecent Champion, 4end in a pediakee.Vou'le te4pon4ibte 6ot acculacy—ptcase make , sulte .Lt'- cteatty wtitten,too. 41 AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB 1986 NATIONAL SPECIALTY Hosted by Riverside/San Bernardino Lhasa Apso Fanciers Chairman: Barbara Peterson Western Futurity Chairman: Sally Silva Riverside/San Bernardino Lhasa Apso Fanciers Sweepstakes Chairman: Sally Silva IT IS TROPHY FUND TIME WE NEED YOUR HELP! As the host club for the 1986 American Lhasa Apso Club National Specialty and Western Futurity, we have been enthusiastically making plans for next July. We have decided on Wilton Armetal• for the trophies. River-aids/San Bernardino Lhasa Apso Fanciers is giving a Sweepstakes which is scheduled the same week. If you with a portion of your contribution to go to the Sweeps, please specify. Your contribution will be placed in a General Trophy Fund with your name listed as a contributor. PLEASE SEND YOUR TROPHY CONTRIBUTIONS TO Co-Chairman Gwen Shook Chairman Sally Silva 5634 Malvern Way, Riverside CA 92506 714/369-9369 Co-Chairman Marilyn Campbell PLEASE SEND ALL TROPHY DONATIONS BY MAY 24, 1986. 42 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB, INC. NAME DATE STREET CITY PHONE: STATE ZIP CODE: OCCUPATION PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY I hereby apply for membership and agree to abide by the AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB'S constitution and by-laws and the rules of the Amer! can Kennel Club If accepted for membership. I am eighte en years or older and in good standing with the American Kennel Club. Signed Recommended by the following two American Lhasa Apso Club members: 1. 2. Yearly dues (July 1 to June 30) $20.00 Single $25.00 Family $5.00 Extra outside U.S.A., Canada & Mexico Make checks payable to American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc. Mail check and application to: Joyce Johanson 295 1st Street David City, NE 68632 (402) 367-4385 43 BARJEA MEX AM CH NORBULINGKA QUA-LA-TI SANDMAN CONGWOLOS- CH MAI LINO JU LU YEN SEE Bonnie Provencher, Owner CH BARJEA'S TARA Barbara Peterson, Owner MAI LING THE RED BARON (PTD) Bonnie Prove ncher, Owner BARJEA'S SNOOTY LADY Barbara Peterson, Owner BARBARA AND DALE PETERSON 18325 CHABLIS ROAD RAMONA, CALIFORNIA 92065 619/789-4864 44 BARJEA HN6T7UL :, .-ES CUE iTAP CH. BARJEA'S TARA CH Neibuiingka Qua-LA -Ti Sandman — Cummins Daffity L,t;ic OWNED BY BARBARA PETERSON BRED BY 1.A. AND B.A. CUMMINS HANDLED BY BARBARA PETERSON AT HOME MEx. AMERICAN CH, NORBULINGKA QUA-LA-TI SANDMAN MEX. AMERICAN CH. QUA-LA-TI'S LOVE TAO. BARJEA CH. SAN JO tHANTOR SUGARPLUM CH. BARJEA'S LITTLE GUY GETTING READY. FOR THE SHOW RING ARE: BARJEA S SNOOTY LADY BARJE45 TABATHA BARJEA SAN JO WHIP TO TH'TOP BARJEA SAN JO SMART N SNAPP! BARJEA SAN JO PLUM PUDDIN BARBARA AND DALE PETERSON 18325 CHABLIS ROAD RAMONA, CALIFORNIA 92065 619/789-4864 45 AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB AWARDS FORM PLEASE SUBMIT ONE FORM PER AWARD APPLIED FOR TO: PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION Due May 1, 1986 Angie Taylor #1 Winfrey Court Baltimore, MD 21236 (301) 665-4960 AWARD APPLYING FOR• NAME OF DOG ACTUAL OWNER ADDRESS STATE CITY ZIP PHONE CO-OWNER PERSON APPLYING FOR AWARD PLEASE FILL OUT SECTION THAT APPLIES TO THE AWARD ASKED FOR. A. CHAMPION OR OBEDIENCE AWARD AKC GAZETTE MONTH DATE FINISHED YEAR B. REGISTER OF MERIT SIRE: List Champions with AKC Gazette Month & Year. Month 1. Year 2. Month Month 3. 4. 5. Year Month Year Year Month Year C. REGISTER OF MERIT DAM: List Champions with AKC Gazette Month & Year. 1. 3. Month Year Month Year Month Year D. REGISTER OF MERIT BREEDER OR OBEDIENCE. List on Separate piece of paper your 10 Champions with the AKC gazette month and year of publication. For OBEDIENCE list your three titles completed with AKC Gazette Confirmation. If you are not planning to attent the Awards Banquet at the National Specialty, please sent $4.00 to cover mailing plaque directly to you. Duplicate plaques for Co-owners are available at the cost of: $10.00 for Champion and Obedience awards $12.00 for Register of Merit awards &15.00 for Special Awards Old plaques can be ordered at the above prices. WAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO ALAC. 46 • TO ALL ALAC MEMBERS: It is time once again to submit your applications for ALAC Achievement Awards for the year 1985. This means that dogs that finished conformation are eligible to recieve a Championship award at the 1986 National Specialty. Register of Merit awards will go to any dog whose 5th offspring, or bitch whose 3rd offspring finished during 1985 and any breeder who has bred 10 champions, with the 10th one finished sometime in 1985. The results of these championships must appear in the AKC Gazette by the March 1986 issue in order for the award to be approved. The absolute cut-off date this year for submitting award applications will be May 1st. Since the 1986 Specialty is during the first week in July the order must be sent to the manufacturer in early May, so no applications can be accepted after May 1st. If you submit your application after May 1st you will be required to pay for your award plaque and you will not receive the award until the 1987 National Specialty. Please note the fees shown on the application form for duplicate plaques and for mailing. Checks should be made out to ALAC. Anyone picking up awards for someone else at the Specialty will be required to sign for them. Thanks for your cooperation. you in Californial Hope to meet all of Angie Taylor, Awards Chairman #1 Winfrey Court Baltimore, MD 21236 (301) 665-4960 41 ALAC MEMBER CLUBS - 1986 X - Sanctioned XX - Sanctioned Specialty Please send all corrections to: FERNE WOODBURY, ALAC Local Club Mason 9-37 Boyd Rd. RFD /17 Londonderry, NH 03053 (603) 432-8326 CANAL COUNTRY LHASA APSO CLUB President: Sally Ann Helf Secretary: Sherry Daley 13 Elaine Ct. Cheektowaga, NY 14215 (716) 835-4507 LANSING AREA LHASA APSO CLUB President: Barbara Hack Secretary: Laurie Owens 1814 Holliday Dr. S.W. Wyoming, MI 49509 (616) 532-2709 CASCADE LHASA APSO FANCIERS OF GREATER SEATTLE - XX President: Kathy Rittenoure Secretary: Margaret Starling 1815 200th St. SW Lynnwood, WA 98036 (206) 774-4505 LHASA APSO CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON - XXI President: Kay Hales Secretary: Loretta Delaney 1023 Meek Rd. No. 25 Humble, TX 77338 LHASA APSO CLUB OF GREATER NEW YORK - XX President: Janet Whitman Secretary: Florence Edlkraut PO Box 647 New Foundland, NJ 07435 (201) 697-2311 CENTRAL MARYLAND LHASA APSO CLUB , X President: Rosemary Clark Secretary: Angie Taylor 421 Leppo Rd. Westminster, MD 21157 LHASA APSO CLUB OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA President: Midgl Hylton Secretary: Luretta Pierce 336 Riviera Dr. Union City, CA 94587 (415) 487-5566 CHICAGOLAND LHASA APSO CLUB President: Harriet Sandy Secretary: Ellie Gurosh 677 Hawthorn Dr. Franklin, IL 60423 (815) 469-2519 LHASA APSO CLUB OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA President: Ken Sharpton Secretary: Judy Ritter 1820 Walnut Ave Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 (213) 545-3129 LHASA APSO CLUB OF CENTRAL COLORADO President: Niall Rogers Secretary: Sondra Rogers 7240 Kipling St. Arvada, CO 80005 (303) 425-7381 GREATER DETROIT LHASA APSO CLUB XX President: Becky Kraus Secretary: Pauline McClintock 33677 Harper St. Clair Shores, MT 48082 (313) 792-1111 LHASA APSO CLUB OF WESTCHESTER - XX President: Leona Bay Secretary: Etta B. Orenstein 50-37 230 St. Bayside, NY 11364 (212) 225-2279 GREATER MILWAUKEE LHASA APSO C1MB - X President: Dennis Diedrich Secretary: Jackie Love 4353 North 19th Milwaukee, WI 53209 (414) 264-1326 MERRIMACK LHASA APSO CLUB - XX President: Evelyn Bigman Secretary: Arne Margolies 6 Birchwood Rd. Randolph, MA 02368 (617) 963-7696 HEART OF AMERICA LHASA APSO CLUB - X President: Lynn Jamison Secretary: Marge Hammond 10708 Fremont Kansas City, MO 64134 (816) 763-8056 NATIONAL CAPITAL LHASA APSO CLUB - XX President: Carolyn Gilland Secretary: Carol Kuendel 6591 Terry Dr. Springfield, VA 22150 48 RIVERSIDE/SAN BERNARDINO LHASA APSO FANCIERS President: Sally Silva Secretary: Tony Silva 5634 Malvern Way Riverside, CA 92506 (714) 369-9369 TWIN CITY LRASA APSO CLUB President: Elnore Slette Secretary: Marg Lang 3921 Colorado South St. Louis Park, MN 55416 (612) 929-8679 SAN DIEGO COUNTY LHASA APSO CLUB, INC. President: William Benedict Secretary: Rosemary Lynch 867 Emerald St. San Diego, CA 92109 (619) 483-6097 WILLAMETTE VALLEY LHASA APSO CLUB President: Nancy Damtairg Secretary: Sue Goentner 8740 N. Curtis Ave. Portland, OR 97217 XX MOMMOMMMOMOO A - Dear ALAC Local Clubs, HELP! A - you! We know you're out there, but in some cases cannot find ALAC wishes to make a strong effort to up-date all of the listings for the Local clubs in order to make a big start to the year with a lot of activities involving the Local clubs. Will you please take a minute to go through the following list to be sure that the address of your Club's Corresponding Secretary is correct. Also, check to be sure that your Club is included on the list as some Clubs are thought to be inactive. If there is a correction, please mail it to me as soon as possible so that your Club can be included in the forthcoming contests that ALAC will be holding for the Local clubs. Thank you, Ferne Woodbury ALAC Local Club Liaison 9-37 Boyd Rd. RFD #7 Londonderry, NH 03053 603-432-8326 (evenings) 49 Finished at the Garden in 8 shows with 4 majors English Best in Show Winner *Ch. REMARC RUFFIAN OWNED BY: KATHY COOK 13283 SARATOGA PLACE CHINO, CA 91710 714 591-5227 • PENDING ANC CONFIRMATION DOROTHY J. KENDALL fleetfire a heritage of excellence chaupions ch. fleetfire red zin ger ch. fleetfire par ting shot ch. fleetfire fash on red ch. fleetfire hot tam alie ch. fleetfire zshoi zhel ch. fleetfire zhel 1-e bhel lee ch. san jo fleetfire ch. niall's fleetfire o' blu patina ch. niall's patina ch. nyima's a little nachas ch. nyima's hot stuff tonite ch. almont's jb of nyima rom* ch. kyi-ra chen nyima of krisna ch. manchu poise 'n ivy ch. aurora's kim-tu dynasty champion producers ch. fleetfire zhel lee bhel lee ch. niall's fleetfire o' blu patina ch. nyima's a little nachas ch. almont's jb of nyima rom* ch. kyi-ra chen nyima of krisna best in show winAer ch. nyima's hot stuff tonite group winners ch. fleetfire hot tam alie ch. san Jo fleetfire ch. nyima's hot stuff tonite prand futurity winner ch. san Jo fleetfire group placers ch. niall's fleetfire o' blu patina ch. nyima's a little nachas major pointed fleetfire red rover red rover, pointed fleetfire red rox fleetfire red fern fleetfire won an on lee fleetfire no zhel lee fleetfire little big man dcbby rothman mary schroeder 303/674-0136 303/973-3600 er,co 80433 conif lane n 8391 londo 51 punctuality accuracy quality A reekas THE LHASA APSO REPORTER P.O. BOX L CLARKSON,NEW YORK 14430 Let the World know about your Lhasa in the Reporter The On-Time Monthly 12 issues anually SUBSCRIPTION RATES —U.S.A.— $50 First Class Second Class —CANADA— $50 $42 First Class Surface —OVER SEAS— Air Mall-1st Class A/0(Air Mall) Surface Individual Issues (also covers handling & postage) 52 $110 $90 $52 $5 BULLETIN Sally Silva, Editor 5634 Malvern Way Riverside, CA 92506 (714) 369-9369 Lynn Lowy, Advisor Julie Elliott, Adv. Ed. 314 W. Court Janesville, WI 53545 (608) 754-1625 LOGO Marie Allman IEMBERSIIIF Joyce ;Tot-Jensen OBEDIENCE Brencla Schmelzei 9 Gettysburg Rea3 Belleville, IL 95901 (619) 277-6515 DOROTHY BENITEZ MEMORIAL ASSISTANCE FUND Raena Wilk, Chmn 350 W. 55th St., Apt. 2C New York, NY 10019 Stephen Campbell Leonard Ripley Marvin Whitman Barbara Wood PERPETUAL TROPE": SCIICITATION Sar.zara Wood PROGRAM LISTING June O'Brien 11079 Loma Rica Rd. Marysville, CA 95901 (916) 743-7266 EDUCATION Sally Ann Half Box 673 Clarkson, NY 11,430 (716) 638-6701 FINANCE Mary Whitman Stephen Campbell Paul Voigt FUTURITIES Cassandra de is Rosa 1312 - 11th Court SW Olympia, WA 98502 HEALTH Peggy W. Huffman 2590 SW 87th Place Ocaln, FL 32674 (904) 237-5527 Connie Tompkins 354 South Fourth Street' Fulton, NY 13069 (315) 593-2555 HISTORIAN Becky Johnson #1 Tiara Imperial, MO 63052 (314) 464-7547 LOCAL CUR LIASON Fame Woodbury 9-37 Boyd Rd., RFD #7 Londonderry, NH 03053 (603) 432-8326 R0.77FR & YEARBOOK Sondra Rogers 7240 Kipling Street Arvada, CO 80005 (303) 425-7381 SPECIALTY Dale Peterson 18325 Chablis Road Ramona, CA 92065 (619) 789-4864 SPECIALTY SHOW PLANS & JUDGE SELECTION Dale Peterson Barbara Peterson Sally Ann Helf YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION Susan Giles 1 Sally Silva, Editor American Lhasa Apso Club Bulletin 5634 Malvern Way Riverside, CA 92506 Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Permit #2005 Riverside, CA PLEASE FORWARD ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED * Paul S. & Lois H. Voigt 13745 Wellington Cr. Burnsville MN 55337
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