Winter 1988 - The American Lhasa Apso Club
Winter 1988 - The American Lhasa Apso Club
MAC 1987 -1988 PRESIDENT Carolyn Herbel Rt. 1, Box 50 Putnam, OK 73659 (405) 661-3299 VICE PRESIDENT Dorothy J. Kendall 1044 Cedar Ave. Bensalem, PA 19020 (215) 245-6872 SECRETARY Sondra Rogers 7240 Kipling Street Arvada, CO 80005 (303) 425-7381 TREASURER Mary Whitman _23 Great Oaks Drive Spring Valley, NY 10977 (914) 425-0765 BOARD MEMBERS Lynette Clooney 25 Rancho Drive, North Keller, TX 76248 (817) 379-5408 Cassandra de la Rosa 1312 - 11th Court SW Olympia, WA 98502 (206) 357-6743 Carole Garrett 2344 Greenwood Court Macon, GA 31206 (912) 788-0570 Susan Giles 3916 West Franklin Richmond, VA 23221 (804) 353-9605 Joyce Johanson 295 1st Street David City, NE 68632 (402) 367-4385 Becki Kraus 4215 Bishop Road Detroit, MI 48224 (313) 886-6292 Lynn Lowy P.O. Box 5284 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (213) 859-3930 Barbara Trujillo 1904 Beason Bryan, TX 77801 (409) 775-8368 Barbara Wood 102 Kenilworth Blvd. Cranford, NJ 07016 (201) 272-8995 AKC DELEGATE E. Raymond Sledzik 1704 Shagbark Circle Reston, VA 22090 (703) 471-7584 AKC GAZETTE Connie Tompkins 354 South 4th Street Fulton, NY 13069 (315) 593-2555 AWARDS Barbara Wood BREED STANDARD Norman Herbel, Chmn Keke Blumberg Stephen Campbell Lynette Clooney Bob Cooper Peggy Huffman Dorothy J. Kendall Ellen Lonigro Lynn Lowy Marianne Nixon Ray Sledzik Janet Whitman Barbara Wood WINTER 1988 The Lhasa Bulletin TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS NEW MEMBERS PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE SECRETARY'S PAGE NOTES FROM THE EDITOR A NEW VIRAL DISEASE IN DOGS by Barbara Schwartz 1988 NATIONAL SPECIALTY SCHEDULE SPECIALTY RAFFLE SOLICITATION LOCAL CLUBS INFORMATION REQUEST 1989 FUTURITY JUDGE NOMINATION FORM TROPHY SOLICITATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION YEARBOOK ORDER FORM YEARBOOK QUESTIONNAIRE FUTURITY ENTRY FORM SPECIALTY CATALOG ADVERTISNG BULLETIN ADVERTISING FORM ALAC ANNUAL AWARDS FORM RESULTS-NCLAC SPECIALTY RESULTS-NCLAC SWEEPSTAKES CHANGE OF ADDRESS FORM FUTURITY REPORT 1988 FUTURITY SCHEDULE BREEDERS DIRECTORY LITTER BASKET NEW CHAMPIONS ADDRESS and OTHER CHANGES BUSINESS CARDS 1989 FUTURITY HOSTS SOLICITATION CALENDAR 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 15 16 17 19 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 40 1 NEW ALAC MEMBERS Karen Acker Rugelsberg 7 2061 ITZSTEDT West Germany Marion Matteson 3114 W. Court St. Janesville, WI 53545 (608) 745-1625 Randolph Scot't Arand 920 E. Fairchild, PO Box 301 Iowa City, IA 52240 ( ) 338-9680 Linda McCutcheon 609 W. Main Marlow, OK 73055 (405) 658-6213 Liz & Sharon S. Baker 31111 Calle Santa Rolalia San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 (714) 493-5516 Mary Jane & Charles D. Orrie 827 Bayonet Circle Fort Ord, CA 93941-5000 (408)384-6953 Margaret Jean Bethe 7848 W. Palmetto Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53218 (414) 461-5235 Donna Peterson 657 Hornblower Ct. San Jose, CA 95136 (408) 629-9292 Gerti Bracksieck Am Schiffberge 3a 4800 Bielefeld West Germany Gaye Pierson PO Box 75 Beaman,IA 50609 (515) 366-3109 Laura J. Burkhart 201 S. McKim Avenue Indianapolis, IN 46201 (617) 236-9742 Elaine L. Rattigan 18 Durant Avenue Maynard, MA 01754 ( ) 897-9276 Linda Crabill 4334 Haines Avenue San Jose, CA 95136 (408) 265-6381 Marilyn Schultz 1302 Tuckshoe Park Dr. Valparaiso, IN 46383 (219 462-1030 Captain & Mrs. Cameron Gillespie MC, USN Quarters #M, NSWC 10901 New Hampshire Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20903-5000 (301) 572-7587 Connie Smith 3301-56 Ave. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33714 (813) 527-5419 Greg & Linda Guidarelli 402 Veja Baja Ct. Rio Rancho, NM 87124 (505) 892-9370 Kenneth & Barbara Troy 29 Miller Rd. Wayne, NJ 07470 (201) 694-5618 Mrs. Irene V. Hock 3132 SW Chelsea Drive Topeka, KS 66614 (913) 272-2613 Mariann H. Watkins 7 Island Road Stuart, FL 34996 (305) 283-8638 Suzanne London 5629 Banting Way Dallas, TX 75227 (214) 381-6950 Rodney J. Weed 312 N. Greenwood Avenue Green Bay, WI 54303 (414) 433-0162 2 FROM YOUR PRESIDENT CAROLYN HERBEL PRESIDENT Box 50 RFD #1 Putnam OK 73659 (405) 661 3299 Please forgive me for failing to get a message for the last issue of the LHASA BULLETIN. Perhaps you know that we have moved to Oklahoma. The process of moving the possessions of an author, collector, a 30 year old kennel and the contents of a thirty-one year old household is monumental. God bless our children who simply shook their heads and loaded boxes of "mom's junk"! We are very pleased with our new location - possessing a cozy brick home and complete kennel and office facilities. Of course we most enjoy being only four miles from Kent and his family and only 15 mile from Carmen's family. Our family would be complete here if Nancy and Jim would move to Oklahoma but I have heard that they will no doubt be staying in Greencastle for a long time having just purchased their lovely home. It seems impossible that time can pass so quickly; however, if my calculations are correct we have less than five months until the "annual ALAC festival", namely the 1988 National Specialty. I hope everyone will plan to attend as there are so many fun activities connected with the Specialty that anyone who attends is "a winner"! Some of the highlights are the presentation of awards; the annual meeting; the region 4 futurity; the seminar; the breed standard committee report and meeting; the perpetual raffle; the Lhasa Game; visiting with old friends; making new friends and perhaps most fun of all is seeing and meeting 200 or more of the most beautiful Lhasas in the world. Be sure to respond to the solicitations from the various committees that help to make the National Specialty the success that it is year after year; especially the trophy committee and the catalog advertising committee. Also please pledge items for the raffle and Lhasa Game. My thanks to each and everyone of you who have participated in the activities of ALAC and helped to make it a club that has served its breed. As you know the AKC produced video of the Lhasa Apso has been available for several months. It seems to have net with general approval from the reports that I have heard. What a positive accomplishment for the Lhasa Apso and the ALAC to have been able to help the AKC produce this educational tool. A special thanks to Steve Campbell and Joan Kendall who initiated the script being written so that we were high on the AKC's list to be produced. This whole committee took their job seriously and I hope that the breed appreciates their work. The breed standard committee is hard at work amplifying and interpreting the standard. They also are very concientious and sincere about the commission bestowed upon them by ALAC. I hope that you will wait for their printed word before developing an opinion. To fight or debate rumors is and empty effort. I'll see you in Colorado - America's Tibet! 3 SECRETARY'S REPORT Sondra Rogers ZIP + 4 Many of you may have noticed the new nine-digit zip codes on your labels. I had the U.S. Postal Service upgrade ALAC's mailing list with the new Zip+4 codes. This helps speed the mail to you faster using their new automated equipment. In addition, the USPS also corrected the addresses so that they may be used correctly with their new equipment. Some of you have sent me address corrections changing your address back to the way it was prior I have to the U.S. Postal Service correction. changed those addresses back to the way you prefer. AWARDS CHAIRMAN The new Awards Chairman is Barbara Wood, approved January 16, 1988. Barbara's address is on the front cover. All Awards Forms received by Angie Taylor are being forwarded by Angie to Barbara Wood. FUTURITY JUDGE ELECTION Ballots for the 1988 Futurity were counted by a counting committee consisting of ALAC members approved by the ALAC Board. A report appears elsewhere in this Bulletin. LOCAL SPECIALTY CLUBS The Local Club Liaison Chairman, Marilyn Campbell, and I have been trying to compile a listing of local clubs. A letter was sent to local clubs in October advising them of the Local Club Representative and requesting an update as to President and Secretary, but very few responses have been received. One reason may be that ALAC's listing is too old. Therefore, we have included the form in this ALAC Bulletin in hopes that it will get to the right individuals and be completed and returned as soon as possible. 4 ALAC HANDBOOK The ALAC Board of Directors has approved the publication of a "Handbook" to be sent to ALAC Members. This will be in the same format as the Bulletin and will contain the roster, ALAC forms and other pertinent information about ALAC and its committees. You should be receiving this shortly. The ALAC Board of Directors approved the following Motions November 4, 1987. MOTION 87-37 re Ballot Counting "That ballots for 1989 and later Futurity Judges and the National Specialty Judge Final Ballot of 10 be sent out in advance (but no later than the Annual Election Ballot) so that they may be counted by a Teller's Committee selected by the ALAC Board during the ALAC National Specialty." MOTION 87-38 re Local Specialty Club Award That an award be established for the local specialty club having the most members present at a national specialty. This would not include the Host Club. The award would be determined by counting individuals signing in the guest book at the Hospitality Room indicating their club affiliation by NOON the day of the Awards Banquet. ASSISTANT TO THE SECRETARY Sally Silva was appointed in October 1987 to be the Secretary's Assistant. This position was approved by the ALAC Board in August 1984. MEMBER DUES For future reference, membership dues should be sent to the treasurer NOT to the Membership Chairman or the Secretary. Sondra Rogers Secretary 5 NOTES FROM THE EDITOR: Here we are again, another season, another issue. By the time you get this Westminster will be over along with the PLC board meeting. I am sorry that I won't be able to attend this one, but I am looking forward to seeing all of you in Denver, at the National Specialty, Annual Meeting, Board Meeting, etc., etc., etc. What a See the week it is going to be - including four all-breed shows. schedule on page 8 of this issue. As Yearbook Chairman, I am planning to have the 1984 Yearbook available at the Specialty. The ad solicitation is going out next week. Please be sure to fill out the questionnaire on page 17 to let us know what kind of Yearbook you want in the future. Also in this issue is the nomination form for 1989 Futurity Judges. Please don't forget to send that in with the necessary signatures. The RAFFLE described on page 9 is a great deal for anyone planning to attend the specialty. Hurry and buy your tickets now, before its too late! Your Bulletin Again, I must plead with you all to advertise. is now on schedule and has been for quite a while now. I get a lot of positive mail about the improvement in the Bulletin over the fast 2 years. But, there simply is not enough advertising to If advertising does not support the Bulletin at this time. improve, there will have to be a cut-back in the number of pages in the Bulletin, and of course that means less information will go out to the members. It is up to you. The roster is usually in the Winter issue, but we are trying something different. Sondra Rogers, ALAC Secretary, and I are putting together a handbook that will include all PLC forms, general information, and the current roster. It will be out very Watch for it and hang on to it. It should be very useful soon. over the coming year. 6 A NEW VIRAL DISEASE IN DOGS Report by Barbara Schwartz from Collie Club of America Over the last year several cases of dogs dying with unusual symptoms have been reported. A breeder in Arizona lost many dogs to this disease during the winter. Similar experiences have been reported during the subsequent months. This is an insidious disease because the dogs do not seem to be seriously ill until they die. Death is swift and often unexpected. Prompt medical attention at the first sign of symptoms is essential to save the animal. Even with this, the treatment is not always successful. The symptoms are: A. A SLIGHT COUGH - (not a canine-cough sound, but more like a throatclearing sound.) This symptom is often missed because the person observing the animal does not heed it. It is usually noted in retrospect, or when multiple animals have come down with the disease and observers are more attentive. At this time, the dog is still active, usually eating and playing. B. WRETCHING SLIGHTLY, THROWING UP FLUIDS - (almost as if the animal has eaten grass or had too much water too quickly.) This may not progress to vomiting. Some dogs have died before ever really vomiting. This symptom has been reported by all whose dogs have had the disease. C. SLIGHTLY OFF FEED - This progresses to not eating at all. Since this disease is often found in hot weather, most owners are not overly concerned if the animal is off its feed. All have reported this symptom. D. LETHARGY - The dog does not feel well, stops playing and would rather. be left alone. This too has often been attributed to the heat. E. INFLAMATION AND RUNNING OF THE EYE. F. TEMPERATURE OF 103 OR MORE - Many owners are surprised at the temperature because the dogs had not appeared that sick. G. MUCUS STOOL WITH A SPOT OF BLOOD - This progresses to bloody' diarrhea, but dogs have died before reaching this stage. H. DEATH - Usually occurs within 36 hours after onset of symptoms. There haie been several instances of death in which the dogs never showed any blood in the stool and died before any diarrhea or true vomiting (beyond the wretching of water stage) occured. This has been especially true of Collies and Shetland Sheepdogs. Upon postmortem examination, dogs that have died from this disease have been found to have totally eroded intestinal tracks with blood found throughout the digestive systems. The disease resembles Parvo-Virus, Coronavirus and Salmonellois in its attack. Generally veterinarians have incorrectly called it Parvo-virus or a Parvo-like virus. Dogs that have been immunized for Parvo-virus and have high titers have come down with this disease. It does not have the characteristic smell and symptoms of Coronavirus. Like most diseases, puppies, dogs under stress and older animals are the most susceptible. The disease seems to be airborne and appears to proliferate in warm weather. Isolation and disinfection are important. If your dogs comes down with this disease, it must be treated promptly by a veterinarian. I.V. fluids and Gentocin injections for a minimum of 3-5 days seem to be the treatment of choice if the dog is to survive the onset of symptoms. Many do not live even with prompt treatment. If your dog comes down with the disease or succumbs to it, please have your veterinarian contact: Dr. Leland Carmichael, Baker Institute for Diseases of Dogs, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853. (607) 2773044. 1988 NATIONAL SPECIALTY WEEK IN REVIEW 29 May (Sunday) Terry-All Kennel Club Judge: Carolyn Herbel 30 May (Monday) Plum Creek Kennel Club Judge: Dorothy Bonner 31 May (Tuesday) ALAC Measurement Clinic Lhasa Apso Club of Central Colorado Sweepstakes "Wine and Cheese" Party 1 Thine Judge: June Frankl (Wednesday) Educational Seminar by Dr. Eisner & Continental Breakfast Judge: Marion Knowlton ALAC Reg 4 Futurity ALAC Annual Meeting 2 June (Thursday) ALAC Obedience Trial Junior Showmanship Dog Judging Hall of Fame Judge: Charles Mulock Judge: Barbara Wood Judge: Barbara Wood 3 June (Friday) Bitch & Intersex Judging ALAC Annual Awards Dinner Judge: Barbara Wood 4 June (Saturday) Evergreen Kennel Club Judge: Frank Sabella 5 'him (Sunday) Flatirons Kennel Club Judge: Dennis Grivas You will be receiving a 1988 National Specialty Information Package in the mail shortly. 8 4 Nights FREE! Win a room at the 1988 National Specialty Host Motel as guest of Lhasa Apso Club of Central Colorado (guaranteed groundfloor) DRAWING TO BE HELD APRIL 16, 1988 If you wish to receive raffle tickets, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to: Joyce Dzincioloski 303/979-2296 4623 S. White Ct. Littleton, CO 80127 Joyce will send you tickets to fill out and return to her with payment. Deadline to enter: April 10, 1988 Make checks payable to LACCC. 1 Ticket - $5.00 5 Tickets - $20.00 9 LOCAL SPECIALTY CLUB INFORMATION SHEET Club: Name of President: Name & Address of Secretary: Contact Person for Membership & Mtg Info: Address & Phone Place, Time and Date of Regular Meetings: (i.e. Third Tuesday of Month, The Plush Poodle, 5395 Miller, 5:30pm unless otherwise noted in meeting notice) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ALAC Local Club Representative ALAC Representative: Address: Phone: Please Return This Form To: 10 Sondra Rogers, Secretary American Lhasa Apso Club 7240 Kipling St Arvada CO 80005-3858 Nominations: Futurity Judges Nominations are now being accepted for 1989 ALAC Futurity judges. Please remember that: *Anyone who judged a Futurity or accepted an assignment to judge a Futurity in 1986 or 1987, or will be judging in 1988, or anyone who is a licensed AKC judge of any breed, is ineligible to judge a 1989 Futurity. *Futurity judges are personally responsible for all expenses incurred in such assignment. *Any person elected to judge a Futurity .all be held accountable for subsequent failure to fulfill assigament by being listed as ineligible for Futurity judging for a period of three years. Names may be submitted for any one of the four regions holding the Futuriy, namely Eastern, Western, Midwest North, and Midwest South. The Eastern Futurity will be held in conjunction with the 1989 ALAC National Specialty. Each Nominee must sign the nomination blank below, indicating acceptance and understanding of the accompanying responsibilities. The nomination form must also bear the signatures of the person nominating and two additional ALAC members. Nominations must be returned to the National Futurity Chairman bearing a US Postal service postmark of not later than 4/1/88. Nomination for 1989 Futurity Judge I would like to nominate: Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone Number. TO JUDGE THE (designate Futurity): Eastern No. Midwest Western So. Midwest Date (signature of person nominating) Date (signature of ALAC member) Date (signature of ALAC member) I ACCEPT THIS RESPONSIBILITY AND AM FULLY AWARE OF THE COMMITMENT AND RESPONSIBILITY TO ALAC AND THE LHASA FANCY SHOULD I BE ELECTED. Date (signature of nominee) Return by April 1, 1988 to: Cassandra de la Rosa, Futurity Chairman,1312-11th Court, SW, Olympia, WA 98502. 11 KINDERLAND'S TA SEN ISIS, ROM * * * * * 16 CHAMPIONS 3 GRAND FUTURITY WINNERS* TOP PRODUCING LHASA BITCH 1984,1985,1986 NO. 1 NON SPORTING TOP PRODUCER 1985 NO. 2 ALL BREEDS TOP PRODUCER 1985 WINNER BROOD BITCH NATIONAL SPECIALTY 1987 THE CHAMPIONS OF ISIS Sire: Am & Eng BIS Ch. Orlane's Intrepid, ROM Ch. *Ch. Ch. Ch. Kinderland's Ta Sen Kinderland's Ta Sen Kinderland's Ta Sen Orlane's Just About Apollo Shogun Asterte Right *Ch. Kinderland Ta Sen Bizzi Buzzi Ch. Kinderland Ta Sen Holy Tara Ch. Kinderland Ta Sen Spectator BIS Ch. Windsong's Gusto of Innsbrook, ROM Am & Can BIS Ch. Misti's Play It Agian Sam, ROM Ch. Westgate's Give em Hell Harry Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. *Ch. Ch. Ch. Ch. Kinderland Kinderland KInderland Kinderland Kinderland Kinderland Kinderland Kinderland Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Ta Sen Sen Sen Sen Sen Sen Sen Sen Mime O'Sam Shades O'Tara Amity O'Isis Snap Dragon Coral Bells Tiger Lily Daisy Candy Tuft Ch. Kinderland Ta Sen Nite Satin SUSAN S GILES & ELLEN LONIGRO 3916 WEST FRANKLIN STREET RICHMOND VA 23221 804-353-9605 * NATIONAL SPECIALTY TROPHY COMMITTEE The National Specialty Trophy Committee was formed at the ALAC Board Meeting of February 1986. The Committee currently consists of three members, Don Hanson (WA>, Bobbi Wood (NJ), and Jeanne Hope (MD). The Committee was formed to provide assistance to regional clubs which host a National Specialty. In addition, the Committee will work closely with the National Specialty Coordinating Committee. There ar* three primary functions for this committee. The first is that of assisting the regional clubs in the planning for their trophy needs. The Committee is planning to assemble a handbook which will be available to each host club at the time the ALAC Board authorizes their 'bid" for a National. All the details of planning will be outlined in such a handbook. The second function focuses on establishment of identity and uniformity of the trophies which are awarded at the National Specialty. The Committee has selected, with the Board's approval, Wilton Armetale Pewter which was used at this Year's specialty. Since there will added flexibility and be continuity to the trophies selected from year to year, the pewter pieces selected will be crested with the ALAC Logo and/or engraved. The third function, and one of significant importance, will be that of fundraising for the Trophy Fund. The Board has stated that the cost of the trophies ordered for a given Specialty shall not exceed the amount of money raised. As such the monies raised by February I preceding a National Specialty shall dictate the number and types of trophies to be ordered. Everyone who has donated to this fund by this date will be acknowledged in the National Specialty Catalog. It is noted that commercial backing for the Trophy Fund will also be actively pursued in order to subsidize this effort. It is only with a contribution from each and every ALAC member that this can be accomplished. WE ASK THAT YOU NOT DELAY; PLEASE GET YOUR rONTRIBUTIONS IN THE MAIL TODAY!!! Send your Trophy Fund donations to: DON L. HANSON 2214 SOUTH FIR OLYMPIA, WA 98501 THANIK YOU IN A0'..JANCE CONTRIBUTIONS! 4,7r -X- -1* 14 FOR YOUR MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB, INC. NAME DATE STREET CITY PHONE STATE ZIP OCCUPATION PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY I hereby apply for membership and agree to abide by the AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB'S constitution and by-laws and the rules of the American Kennel Club if accepted for membership. I am eighteen years or older and in good standing with the American Kennel • Club. Signed Recommended by the following two American Lhasa Apso Club members: 1. 2. Yearly dues (July 1 to June 30) $20.00 Single $25.00 Family $5.00 Extra outside U.S.A., Canada & Mexico Make checks payable to American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc Mail check and application to: Joyce Johanson 295 1st Street David City, NE 68632 (402) 367-4385 15 e erica Lhasa /Ipso Club prosents.... THE COMPLETE LHASA APS° RECORD FOR THE YEAR Photographs and Pedigrees.... The Total List of Champions.. Obedience Degree Winners Futurity Winners...Regional & National Specialty Winners Group & Best In Show Winners Junior Handlers...Registry of Merit Award Winners DO YOU HAVE YOURS? trniummismiummummummimam mummill 1976 CHAMPION-CD YEARBOOK(S) $10.00 1977 CHAMPION-CD YEARBOOK(S) $10.00 1978-82 HARDBACK YEARBOOK(S) $30.00 1982-83 LOOSELEAF YEARBOOK(S) $20.00 NAME ADDRESS ZIP ENCLOSED IS A CHECK (OR MONEY ORDER) MADE PAYABLE TO ALAC FOR $ MAIL TO: SUSAN S. GILES 16 POSTAGE: 76 OR 77 $2.00 3916 WEST FRANKLIN ST. 78-81 $4.00 RICHMOND, VA 23221 82-83 $3.00 DETACH AND MAIL TODAY! FUTURE YEARBOOKS QUESTIONNAIRE ALAC has published four yearbooks up to this time. Two of them (1976 and 1977) were soft bound, one of them (1978 through 1981) was hard bound, and the last one (1982-1983) was a three-ring, looseleaf style. The 1984 Yearbook is being worked on now, and is an addition to the 82-83 looseleaf. It should be available at the Specialty in Denver. The Yearbook Committee is also working on plans for the 1985, 1986 & 1987 books. The soft bound was very popular and the cost for ads and for sale of the book was reasonable. The hardbound was beautiful, but very expensive, both to the advertisers and to purchasers of the book. The looseleaf was reasonably priced for advertising and sale. Some members have expressed a desire to go back to the softbound version. Other members have raved about the convenience of the notebook style. This is an opportunity for all members to voice their opinions. The results of this questionnaire will be tallied and sent to the Board. The Board will then decide what form will be used for the next Yearbooks. Please fill this out and return it to me by March 31, 1988. Which style would you prefer (Please check one): Softbound C3 Looseleaf 0 Spiral bound 0 Other Why? Please send to: Sally Silva 3197 First Street Riverside, CA 92507-2620 11 5 §co)co)cctc.o)cctcctco)co,cotco)cocotco,cotcotco)cotc.otco)co,co,cotcotcc., 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 CONGRATULATIONS TO: 5 5 CINDY BUTSIC NORTHWIND LHASA APSO'S 5 5 5 a 5 5 MARY ANN STRYSICK MARDEL LHASA APSO'S 5 5 5 5 ON QUALIFYING FOR YOUR BREEDERS ROM IN 1987 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 BEST WISHES, DENISE cc 4NNE OLEgNIC24K 5 5 5 5 5 BYRNWOOD 1114S4'S co)cotco)c.otco)cctcctco)cctectcopcotcotcotcacotcctcctectcotcotco)cctcot 18 5 5 FUTURITY REGIONS Region It Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New 3ersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia; Region It: Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington; Region III: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Wyoming; Region IV: Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas; HAWAIIAN* Hawaii. Futurity Hosts and 3tidges: Applications for Host Committees to act as Show Committees for each of the Futurities will be solicited annually from the membership. The Board of Directors of the American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc., by a majority vote, will select the Host Committees from the applications with primary consideration given to Specialty Clubs and Club Members. The Host Committee selects the site and the date of each Regional Futurity. The Futurity may be either a separate event or held in conjunction with an American Kennel Club approved point show at the election of the Host Committee. 3udges will be nominated by the membership of the American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc. and election of judges for each region will be by written ballot by the entire membership of the American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc. Those candidates who are second in the balloting shall be designated Alternate 3udges should the lint be unable to judge. American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc- Futurity OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM ENTRY FEE $10.00 to nominate a litter for the and year beginning , 19 , 19 . ending MAKE CHECKS or MONEY ORDERS payable to the American Lhasa Apso Club. MAIL ENTRIES with FEES to: IMPORTANT - For Official Use Only FUTURITY NUMBER Cassandra De La Rosa 1312 11th Court, S.W. Olympia WA 98302 REGION Read carefully instructions accompanying this form. Please TYPE or PRINT Clearly COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS WITHIN HEAVY BLACK LINES. Whelping Date Breeder: Number of Males: Place of Birth City: Number of Females: State: Sire: Dam: Name of Person Making Entry: Phone Number: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: AGREEMENT I (we) acknowledge that the "Rules Applying to Registration and Dog Shows" have been made available to Inc (us) and that I am (we are) iamiliar with their contents. I (we) agree that the Club holding this show has the right to refuse this e•ttry for cause which the Club shall deem to be sufficient. In consideration of the acceptance of this ent:y and of the holding of the show and of the opportunity to have the dog judged and to win prize money, ribbons or trophies, I (we) agree to hold this Club, its members, directors, officers, harmless from any claim for loss or Injury which may be alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly to any person or thing by the act of this dog while in or upon the show grounds, or near any entrance thereto, and I (we) personally assume all responsibility and liability for any such claim, and I (we) further agree to hold the aforementioned parties harmless from any claim for loss of this dog by disappearance, theft, death or otherwise, and from any claim for damage or injury to the dog, whether such loss, disappearance, theft, damage or Injury be caused or alleged to be caused by the negligence of the Club or any of the parties aforementioned. I CERTIFY that I am the actual owner of this bitch or dog being qualified or that I am the duly authorized agent of the actual owner whose name I have entered above. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, 1(we)agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the American Kennel Club in effect at the time of this Futurity, and further agree to be bound by the "Agreement" accompanying this entry form. 1 (we) certify and represent the dog entered Is not a hazard to persons or other dogs. This entry is submitted for acceptance on the foregoing representation and agreement. Single copies of the latest edition of the "Rules Applying to Registration and Dog Shows" may be obtained without charge from any Superintendent or from the American Kennel Club, 31 Madison Avenue, New York NY 10010. SIGNATURE of owner or his agent duly authorized to make this entry American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc. Futurity OFFICIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT FORM For Official Use Only FUTURITY NUMBER POSTMARK DATE IMPORTANT - Whelping Date Breeders Read carefully instructions accompanying this form. Please TYPE or PRINT Clearly COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS WITHIN HEAVY BLACK LINES. Number of Males: Number of Females: Place of Birth City: State: Sire: - Dam: Name of Person Making Entry: Phone Number: Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: A sell-addressed, stamped envelope must be Included with this form. The envelope will be used to return the form above which will be proof that your futurity nomination his been recorded. This acknowledgement will be returned to you within 30 days of the postmark on your application. In the event that this form Is not returned to you within 30 days of your date of aphcation, you will have 14 days to file an appeal to have your litter nominated. Failure to file an appeal with the prescribed time will forfeit any further consideration for the litter in question. Appeals must include all information and dates pertaining to the nomination of the litter and MUST be sent by Certified Mall, Return Receipt Requested, to the ALAC Futurity Appeals Board: Ms. Marie Allman III Ivy Street, Rt 13 Freeport TX 77341 Decision of the Appeals Board Is final. In no instance will any litter that exceeds the 90 day nomination period, the 30 day processing period and the 14 day appeal period be considered for futurity nomination. A self-addressed, stamped envelope MUST be included with an appeal. AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB,INC. FUTURITY RULES The Futurity is an annual event sponsored by the American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc. to encourage the exhibition of recently whelped Lhasa Apsos. FUTURITY ELIGIBILITY: Nomination of the Utter must be made within ninety days of whelp. Nomination forms are available from the club secretary or the Futurity Chairman. By nomination of the Utter, all clogs in that litter are eligible to enter the Furutiy irrespective of subsequent ownership change. FUTURITY LOCATION AND DATES: Five Futurities are authorized each year. One is held in each of the geographical regions designated below. Dogs from a nominated Utter may be shown in any of the Regional Futurities, but, in no circumitances, may any dog be shown in more than one Futurity. FUTURITY STAKES AND PRIZES: The American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc. offers the Robert W. Grilling Memorial Plaque to the !WEEDER of the Grand Futurity Winner in each Region. 3% of total regional pool to Grand Futurity Winner 3% of total regional pool to Best Adult In Futurity 3% of total regional pool to But Puppy in Futurity 30% of regional class pool to First in Class 13% of regional class pool to Second In Class 10% of regional class pool to Third in Class 3% of regional class pool to Fourth in Class All undistributed awards are the property of the American Lhasa Apso Club, Inc. FUTURITY SHOWS AND CLASSES( AU Futurities will be divided by Sex and be judged In the following classes: 6 to months PUPPY DOGS, to 12 months PUPPY BITCHES: 6 toI months 9 to 12 months Winning puppy in sad: class to compete for Best Pucoy In Futurity, ADULT DOGS* ADULT BITCHES* 12- 13 months IS months and older 12 - 13 months 1$ months and older Winning Adult in each class to compete for Best Adult in Futurity, Best Puppy In Futurity and Best Adult in Futurity to compete for Grand Futurity Winner, Should the Futurity be held in cosqunction with an AKC point show, the following procedure will applyt All dogs entered in the Futurity MUST ENTER AND.COMPETE in one or more of the regular classes of the show-giving dub. The entry in the Regular Classes and the Futurity Class MUST be made on the entry blank of the show-giving club. The entry blank must be marked in the "ADDITIONAL CLASP section with the work "Futurity' and the assigned litter nomination number. The entry fee for the Additional Futurity Class must accompany each entry to the show-giving Superintendent anchor Show Secretary. OTHER: There are NO AKC Championship Points awarded in the Futurity. All dogs MUST be handled by the Breeder, Owner, a member of his household or an Amateur Substitute. NO REFUNDS will be made in the event of default by the person making the entries. Which ever way you get there.... Don't forget to advertise! The 1988 ALAC National Specialty Catalogue RATES: Full Page: $35.00 .$8.00 for each photo Half Page: $25.00 Quarter Page: $ 15.00 Business Card: $10.00 **DEADLINE APRIL 19,1988** Ad Copy May Be Sent To: Becki Kraus, Chmn., 4215 Bishop Rd., Detroit, MI 48224 Skip & Pat Johnson,8216 CR 190, Manvel, TX 77578 Sally Silva, 3197 First St., Riverside, CA 92507 Nlarg Lang, 3921 Colorado So., St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Lynn Lowy, PO Box 5284, Beverly Hills, CA 90210 Janet Whitman, 23 Great Oaks Dr., Spring Valley, NY 10977 It pays to ADVERTISE! ---, YES! I'd like to take advantage of the Bulletin's low-cost vivertising! Please find enclosed check for: 0 FULL PAGE AD WITH ONE PHOTO $30.00 each additional photo on same page. $ 5.00 0 0 FULL PAGE AD (NO PHOTO) $15.00 0 i PAGE AD $ 9.00 0 LITTER BASKET LISTING $ 3.00 0 BREEDER'S DIRECTCRY ( 4 issues) $10.00 CI BUSINESS CARD $ 3.00 0 BUSINESS CARD (4 issues) $12.00 LITTER BASKET FM: Kennel Name Proprietor's Name Address Phone Sire np r. Date ';;helped Dogs__ ;ches BREEDER'S DIRECTORY FaRM: Kennel Name Proprietor's Name Address Phone PUPPIES GROWN DOGS STUD SERVICE SEND YOUR ADVERTISING COPY TO: Sally Silva, Editor 3197 First Street Riverside, CA 92507 Phone (714) 369-9369 if you have any questions or problems. Deadline for SPRING issue is APRIL 15. 24 AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB AWARDS FORM PLEASE SUBMIT ONE FORM PER AWARD APPLIED FOR TO: BARBARA WOOD PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT ALL INFORMATION. 102 KENILWORTH BLVD. CRANFORD, NJ 07016 DUE APRIL 1, 1988 AWARD APPLYING FOR: NAME OF DOG: ACTUAL OWNER: ADDRESS: STATE: CITY: PHONE NUMBER: PERSON APPLYING FOR AWARD: ZIP: PLEASE FILL OUT SECTION THAT APPLIES TO THE AWARD ASKED FOR. A. CHAMPION OR OBEDIENCE AWARD: YEAR DATE FINISHED: AKC GAZETTE MONTH B. REGISTER OF MERIT SIRE: List Champions with Gazette Month & Year YEAR MONTH 1. MONTH YEAR 2. YEAR 3. MONTH MONTH YEAR 4. MONTH YEAR 5. C. REGISTER OF MERIT DAM: List Champions with Gazette Month & Year MONTH YEAR 1. MONTH YEAR 2. MONTH YEAR 3. D. REGISTER OF MERIT BREEDER (CONFORMATION OR OBEDIENCE): List on a separate piece of paper your 10 Champions with AKC Gazette month and year of publication, or for obedience list three titles with Gazette information. If you are not planning to attend the Awards Banquet at the National Specialty, please send &4.00 to cover mailing plaque to you. Duplicate plaques for Co-owners are available at the cost of: $10.00 for Champion and Obedience Awards $12.00 for Register of Merit Awards $15.00 for Special Awards Old plaques can be ordered for the above prices. MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO ALAC. 25 Results... Results... Results... We will print the results of your local Lhasa Apso Club Specialty Send a marked catalog or Xerox Shows, Sweepstakes, and Matches. copy of marked catalog to Sally Silva, 3197 First Street, Riverside, CA 92507-2620. NATIONAL CAPITAL AREA LHASA APSO CLUB SPECIALTY Held at Centreville, VA Sunday, September 27, 1987 Judge: Mr. Edd Embry Bivin Dogs in Competition: 42 DOGS: 6 to 9 months 1 KINDERLAND TA SEN ROCK SOLID, Susan S. Giles & Ellen Lonigro 9 to 12 months 1 SOLGAY'S ROYALE SALUTE, Gayle Kozloff Bred By Exhibitor 1 KINDERLAND TA SEN LATE NITE, Susan S. Giles & Ellen Lonigro 2 MISTI ACRES SUGAR DADDY, Beverly A. Drake 3 ANBARA I MEAN BUSINESS, Barbara Wood American Bred 1 RHU-HA'S T'U-CHANG CHIH LUNG, Ruth M. Hatcher Open Dog 1 TABU'S BOY SCOUT OF TIARA, Joan Dudman 2 JOKANG CHARRU WINNING STREAK, Charlotte Curtis & Ruth Hayden 3 KYMBA-KAILAS ROYAL FLUSH, H. Ingel & P. Williams 4 ANBARA-KHASA GAITERS, Barbara & Don Schwartz Winners Dog: RHU-HA'S T'U-CHANG CHIH LUNG Reserve Winners Dog: TABU'S BOY SCOUT OF TIARA BITCHES: 6 to 9 months 1 KINDERLAND TA SEN STEAL A KISS, Susan Giles & Ellen Lonigro 2 ANBARA MOR-KNOLL RANI SONNET, Barbara Wood & Toni Fiorello 3 KINDERLAND TA SEN IVORY LACE, Margaret P. & Don L. Evans 4 B THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN, Gina Pastrana 9 to 12 months 1 NORTHWIND NO FOOLIN OF JOIST, Cindy Butsic 2 KALEKO'S NOEL, Debbie Burke 3 TN HI LADY JAZ MIN, Mrs. Joyce Hadden 4 SHEN GLI MAY CHAN, Captain & Mrs. Cameron Gillespie Bred by Exhibitor 1 CHALIN'S SPARKLING SHERRY, Linda M. Tackett 2 ANBARA FOXY BUSINESS, Barbara Wood 3 SAN SEI CHERRY CORDIAL, Susan A. Rich 26 Open Bitch 1 CHALIN'S EBONY LACE, Linda M. Tackett 2 SAN JO BAR JEA WHO POPPED UP, Victor Cohen & Leslie Ann Engen 3 LA TOY'S T LIL I TAWNY GIRL, Frances Langerud & Dot Prima 4 VICTORY VICTORIA, Virginia Anderson Winners Bitch: CHALIN'S EBONY LACE Reserve Winners Bitch: SAN JO BAR JEA WHO POPPED UP Best of Breed: CHALIN'S EBONY LACE Best of Winners: CHALIN'S EBONY LACE Best of Opposite Sex: CH MARDEL'S WEE WILLY WONKA, Mary Ann Strysick, Cindy Butsic & Heather Rakow NATIONAL CAPITAL AREA LHASA APSO CLUB SWEEPSTAKES Held at Centreville, VA Sunday, September 27, 1987 Judge: Mr. Ronald N. Rella Dogs in Competition: 18 DOGS: 6 to 9 months 1 KINDERLAND TA SEN ROCK SOLID, Susan S. Giles & Ellen Lonigro 9 to 12 months 1 MISTI ACRES SUGAR DADDY, Beverly A. Drake 2 SOLGAY'S ROYALE SALUTE, Gayle Kozloff 3 KAISHAN'S MIRROR IMAGE, Nydia I. Haberlie & Linda M. Tackett 12 to 15 months 1 ANBARA I MEAN BUSINESS, Barbara Wood 2 KRISHEL WALTS A.L.F. O I CHAR, Charlotte Rickell & Deborah Serbo BITCHES: 6 to 9 months 1 KINDERLAND TA SEN STEAL A KISS, Susan S. Giles & Ellen Lonigro 2 KINDERLAND TA SEN IVORY LACE, Margaret P. & Don L. Evans 3 B THE UNSINKABLE MOLLY BROWN, Gina Pastrana 4 ANBARA NOR-KNOLL RANI SONNET, Barbara Wood & Toni Fiorello 9 to 12 months 1 NORTHWIND NO FOOLIN OF JOLEE, Cindy Butsic 2 MA-SON'S KOOKIES-N-CREAM, Nancy & Joyce Beach 12 to 15 months 1 ANBARA FOXY BUSINESS, Barbara Wood 2 KINDERLAND TA SEN NITE SATIN, Esther DeFalcis 3 TALL OAKS MERRILY MOPPIN, S. Kay & Paul E. Shaner 4 SAN SEI CHERRY CORDIAL, Susan A. Rich Best in Sweepstakes: ANBARA I MEAN BUSINESS Best of Opposite Sex: KINDERLAND TA SEN STEAL A KISS 21 PLEASE correct your address NOWIll Next issue will include the ROSTER! If you are moving PLEASE send your address change to ALAC Roster Chairman, Sondra Rogers. When your Bulletin is mailed to the incorrect address, the back page is torn off by the Post Office and returned to the Bulletin Editor with a 3(4 charge. The rest of your Bulletin is destroyed. To insure that you receive your Bulletin as quickly as possible, you may fill out a change of address card at the post office and you must guarantee forwarding postage. Then it is forwarded to you and we receive the notice (along with the 3% charge). Please help keep our postage costs down. Send your address change as soon as you know it. ALAC CHANGE OF ADDRESS NOTIFICATION Name: Please add - change - delete (circle one) the following: Telephone Kennel Name: Please send address changes, etc. to the ALAC Roster Chairman, Sondra Rogers, 7240 Kipling Street, Arvada CO 80005. 26 ch fleetfire red fern 'st\ *oo-owned and finished by Corrie Thompson Fleeffire mary schroeder 303/973-3600 8391 london lane debby rothman 303/674-0136 conifer, colorado 8043; 29 The cutoff date for eligibility for the 1988 futurities was December 1, 1987. Any litter born December 2, 1987 or thereafter, is eligible only for the 1989 futurities. Eligibility is determined by the date the litter is whelped. I regret that there has been some confusion in this regard. The 1989 cutoff will be established as soon as the date of the earliest 1989 futurity is determined. The new futurity nomination form is now in use. It was included in the last bulletin and should be included with each bulletin you receive. Please fill out BOTH halves and include a self-addressed, stamped envelope according to the instructions. I have been acknowledging nominations received without envelopes or using the old forms. Beginning May 1, 1988, any nomination received on the old form, without the envelope, or with only one half of the new form, will not be acknowledged until April, Your 1989. nomination will be accepted, but you will not receive your acknowledgement or number until April, 1989. If you have any questions, need information or help, or wish to volunteer to help with the futurities, please write or give me a call. 30 1988 FUTURITIES & JUDGES Region 1 Supt: Contact: July 9, 1988 Judge: Darby McSorley In conjunction with Genesee Valley Kennel Club Hamlin Fireman's Field, Hamlin, NY Rowe Sally Ann Helf or Carole Strong Region 2 July 2, 1988 Judge: Janet Whitman In conjunction with Shoreline Dog Fanciers Assoc. of Orange County Breed Judge: Eleanor Rotman Entry supported by Lhasa Apso Club of Southern Calif Orange Coast College Location: 2701 Fairview Rd, Costa Mesa CA Supt: Newport Dog Shows Contact: Richard Camacho Region 3 August 6, 1988 Judge: Frank Trujillo In conjunction with Greater Detroit Lhasa Apso Club Specialty Show Breed Judge: Marianne Nixon Location: Sunnybrook Motel 7191 E. 17 Mile Rd, Milford MI 48042 Supt: Phyllis Howard, 1-517-685-8362 Chairman: Victor Cohen Region 4 Location: Supt: Contact: June 1, 1988 Judge: Marion Knowlton In conjunction with ALAC National Specialty Sheraton Greystone Castle 83 E 120 Ave, Northglenn CO Jerri Hobbs Niall Rogers 303/425-7381 31 Breeder's Directory Key to Abbreviations: P. Puppies; D. Grown Dogs; CALIFORNIA FLORIDA CHEN LHASA APSOS ROM Pat & Tom Chenoweth 496 Bird Avenue Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 395-1932 P., S. BERMUDA'S MOONGATE KENNEL Ann L. Hurst 7210 Carlowe Avenue Cocoa, FL 32927 (305) 636-3717 P., S. ME-TU LHASA APSOS June O'Brien Firewater Ranch 11079 Loma Rica Road Marysville, CA 95901 (916) 743-7266 P., D., S. MASSACHUSETTS MARLO LHASA APSOS ROM Lynn Lowy P.G. Box 5284 Beverly Hills, CA 90210 (213) 859-3930 P., D., S. TOMAR LHASA APSOS Sally & Tony Silva 3197 First Street Riverside, CA 92507 (714) 369-9369 P., S. COLORADO NIALL'S LHASA APSOS Niall & Sondra Rogers 7240 Kipling Street Arvada, CO 80005 (303) 425-7381 P., D., S. 32 S. Stud Service. SHUKTI LINGKA LHASAS Ken & Harriet Silverman 27 Brook Road Marblehead, MA 01945 (617) 631-5196 P., D., S. MICHIGAN ARKAY LHASA APSOS Bill & Becki Kraus 4215 Bishop Road Detroit, MI 48224 (313) 886-6292 P., D., S. LORNICH KENNELS Lorri E. Nichiow 35445 Mound Heights, MI 48310 (313) 979-25-7 P., D., S. NEW JERSEY NEW YORK ANBARA LHASA APSOS ROM Barbara Wood 102 Kenilworth Blvd. Cranford, NJ 07016 (201) 272-8995 P., D., S. JA-MA LHASA APSOS Janet & Mary Whitman 23 Great Oaks Drive Spring Valley, NY 10977 (914) 425-0765 P., D., S. NEW MEXICO TALIMER LHASAS Terre Mohr MacLean Drive Rock Tavern, NY 12575 (914) 496-9794 & 496-5938 P., D., S. SAN-DHI'S LHASA APSOS Saundra & Bill Devlin 1117 Western Meadows Rd. NW Albuquerque, NM 87114 (505) 898-0813 P., S. TEXAS GYPSY LHASA APSOS Skip & Patricia Johnson 8216 CR 190 Manvel, TX 77578 (713) 489-1599 P., D., S. • L I TTER BASKET CHRYSLAN LHASAS, gayJan g Ch/u14.tina No//eti. LLWiz whp_ippd 12/21/87 Ch. 0/ziane',3 Ti/mtImpioLon x PA-inePim (PAInce daughteA) 3 dog, 3 glicheis 4901 N. MaA/shdei Ave. Lonyv,ieh4 7X 75604 214/297-7315 NOR7HOIND LHASAS, Cindy Butisic LateA whe-tped 11/13/87 Ch. Maizdei' o OPP 01-eiy Wonka x Ch. Noitthwind I Kina I Kan 3 dog's, 2 gii.che 8546 BeizAidye Road g/teenvitte, NI 48838 616/754-0376 33 BEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONS Three generation pedigrees of new Lhasa Apso champions belonging American Lhasa Apeo Club will be printed free, if sent in by the the dog's name, sex, owner's name and breeder's name, along with typed pedigree that does not need to be returned. Send to Sally to members of the owner. Please send a neatly printed or Silva, 3197 First Street, Riverside, CA 92507-2620. CH. BARBO'A STRUT 'N PUFF Female Breeder: Lynn Lowy & Bob Prenger Owner: Bob & Barbara Prenger CH. CHRYSLAN'S CHANCE A LOT Male Breeder: Gaylan & Christina Moffett Owner: Nan & Mike Graves & C. Moffett Ocon Joymarc Daredevil Ch. Sharil Patent Pending Everglo Mary Mary Ch. Dan-Ba Sharil Natural High Ch. Joymarc's Boyd Midnight Frost Joymarc's Dan-Ba Cinnabar Joymarc's Darlin' Clementine Ch. Suntory Silver Shadow Ch. Suntory Four on the Floor Suntory Anemone Ch. Mario Ultrabrite Ch. Pawprints Pied Piper Ch. Marlo's One of a Kind ROM Marlo's Icecream Sundae Ch. Orlane's Inimitable ROM Ch. Orlane's Invader of Gebeba Ch. Sakya Tabriz ROM Ch. Orlane's Prince of Chryslan Ch. Orlane's Intrepid ROM Orlane's Danielle Ch. Choctaw's Peppermint Stacie Ch. Annie's Golden Fluff Ch. Windsong's Gusto of Innsbrook ROM Cajohn's Buffieh of Windsong ROM Ch. Orlane's Black-A-Bit Ch. Orlane's Front Runner Orlane's Blackberry Dunklehaven Tigress CH. CHARLN'S REGGAE MUSIC Male Breeder: Owner Owner:. Charlotte A. Cookman CH. CHRYSLAN'S LITTLE BIT 0 HONEY Female Breeder: Owner Owner: Christina Moffett Ch. Orlane's Span-Kieh CD Ch. Delami Gangbusters . Ch. Shyr-Lyz Sassi Red Hots Charin The Devil Made Me Do It Ch. Charin's St. Nicholas Charin's Min-Dee Is Fine Charlyn's Fanci That Ch. Ruffway Mashala Chu Ch. Ruffway-Patra Pololing Ch. Ruffway Tashi Charin's Holiday of Sa-Su Ch. Lamplite's It's A What Lamplite Ghin-Chin of Charin Ch. Stonewall's Brocade Ch. Vir-Lyn Ce Chi Se-Po Ch. Vir-Lyn The Dragon Song Ch. Lamacita's Moon Beam of J'Hers Vir-Lyn The Magic Dragon Ch. Arborhill's Bhran Dieh Ch. Windsong's Vir-Lyn Fair Cher Ch. Windsong's Jellieh Bean Ch. Tiffany's Copper Cajun Lang Wong Tone Anber Lin-Soong Shwe Shing Ling Ding Benji Ti-Loon Taylor Kelly Sherni Tomoni Sho Croquette Keni Sudesh Sahni Kelly CH. CHRYSLAN'S AIN'T SHE SOMETHIN' Female Breeder: Gaylan & Christina Moffett Owner: Debra J. Harris & Christina Moffett CH. EXCEL'S MISTI ACRES TASSIE Female Breeder: Patricia & Kim Fitton Owner: Larry D. Vickers Ch. Orlane's Inimitable ROM Ch. Orlane's Invader of Gebeba Ch. Sakya Tabriz ROM Ch. Orlane's Prince of Chryslan Ch. Orlane's Intrepid ROM Orlane's Danielle Ch. Choctaw's Peppermint Stacie Ch. Annie's Golden Fluff Ch. Windsong's Gusto of Innsbrook ROM Cajohn's Buffieh of Windsong ROM Ch. Orlane's Black-A-Bit Ch. Orlane's Front Runner Orlane's Blackberry Dunklehaven Tigress Ch. Rhojondy's Damingo Ch. Rhojondys Spring Fling Ch. Innsbrook Vintage Year Ch.' Tra Mar's Defender Ch. Dolsa Yojimbo Ch. Yojimbo Tennile Blackbay Sass a Frhass Ch. Ja-Ma's Bohemian Rapso Dieh Ch. Tra Mars Tangleloft Cozmik Raz Lazsefare Ho-Lie Terrah Ch. Excel's You Needed Me Majoma's Mighty Mac Ch. Kandi Sue's Golden Dawn Sue Kim's Little Lady 34 CS CH. JOYSLYN .TAMMEENG FANTASIA Female Breeder: J. & L. Johanson & Elaine Scharf Owner: Joyce & Lynn Johanson CH. PARADE'S ELUSIVE BUTTERFLY Female Breeder: Ruth Flumerfelt Owner: Ruth Flumerfelt& Joyce Madden Ch. Orlane's Vindicator ROM Sho Tru's The Mud Pie Sunji Laitse of Krisna ROM Ch. Tammering's Samara Lea Ch. Arborhill's Rapso-Dieh ROM Ch. Ja-Ma Kris-Tal Lea of Tammering Ch. Joval's Midnight Lace ROM Ch. Arborhill's Rah-Kieh ROM Ch. Joyslyn's Piece of the Rock ROM Joyslyn's Hiss Buffy Jo Ch. Joyslyn's Promise Ch. Yat-Sac's Khana Ch. Sinka's Sirronna Khan ROM Friday's Gift of Gold Ch. Annie's Golden Fluff ROM Ch. Windsong's Gusto of Innsbrook ROM Cajohn's Buffieh of Windsong Bel Air's I Am A Parade Ch. Barcon's The Avenger Ch. Orlane's Brandywine Orlane's Mi T Jen-Ni-Lee Jolee's Giseldo Ch. Ky-Ken's Bad Boy Ky-Ken's Black Magic Ky-Ken's Made In U.S.A. Ch. Ky-Ken Everglo Somethin Else Ky Ken's Giggle Galore R and J's Golden Lady of Tibet CH. ORLANE'S FIRST IMPRESSION Male Breeder: Linda Kendall Smith Owner: Linda Kendall Smith & Chris Moffett CH. SMARM'S LADY LUCK OF BARBO Female Breeder: Cherlynn Jozwick Owner: Bob & Barbara Prenger Ch. Annie's Golden Fluff ROM Ch. Windsong's Gusto of Innsbrook ROM Cajohn's Buffieh of Windsong ROM Ch. Orlane's Inimitable ROM Ch. Everglo Spark of Gold ROM Yorktown's Sassy Satin Orlane's Golden Charisma Ch. Windsong's Gusto of Innsbrook ROM Ch. Sakya Hallelujah Ch. Sakya 7abriz ROM Ch. Orlane's Sparkler Ch. Al-Mar's Ala Kazam Ch. Green Pond Sparkle Plenty Ch. Od-Bin-An of Green Pond CD Ch. Everglo Zijuh Tombs ROM Sharbo Kashum Ba Everglo Kusu of Cabo Ch. Rin Po Che III Ch. Karma Rusti-Gu Ch. Sharbo Zijuh Cha-Ti Ch. Zijuh Cha La Joymarc's Barnabus O'Winric Ch. Joymarc's Zorro 01 Willowday Ch. Joymarc's Sunshine ' Sharil's Boom Boom Kai-La-Sha Rudi O l Tru Tyme Sharil's Sabrina Joymarc's Bonnie Belle ' ADDRESS and OTHER CHANGES Richard & Joan Bouman„ 1701 SW Stuart W. Blvd., Palm City, FL 34990-5454 Evelyn & William Domings, 14 Woodland Circle, Methuen, MA 01844-3525 Dorothy Faulkner, address unknown Jennifer Freeman, 5511 SW 35th, Gainesville, FL 32608-5232 Winifred & Eugene Graye, 5821 31st St. N., Birmingham, AL 35207-1015 Midge Hylton, 1240 Birchwood Dr., Sunnyvale, CA 94089-2205 Dr. & Mrs. Larry Keely, Rt. 3, Box 213, College Station, TX 77840 Dorothy J. Kendall, 1044 Cedar Ave., Bensalem, PA 19020-6303 Amy W. LaForest, 8780 Wise Rd., Union Lake, M148085 Shirley Rhodes, address unknown Mary Taillon, PO Box 2134, Seabrook„ NH 13874 Ann Zevnik, 1044 Cedar Ave., Bensalem, PA 19020-6303 35 BARBARA WOOD Joyslyn's Lhasa Apsos 201/272-8995 bad Lynn and Joyce Johanson 295 First Street David City, Nebraska 68632 LHASA APSOS 102 Kenilworth Blvd., Cranford. N.J. 07016 Puppies Occasionally Stud Service (402) 367-4385 Mario Lhasa Apsos ANN L. HURST Lynn Lowy 213/859-3930 BERMUDA'S MOONGATE KENNEL 7210 Carlo-we Avenue Cocoa, Florida 32927 PO Box 5284 Beverly Rills, California 90210 ;305i 636-3717 ”o6hilia Lhma lIpsos Howard and Shirley Ray 603 St. Edwards Ave. Salinas, CA 93905 Telephone: (408)7580398 RON'dROVVDER • EDOJECJICHESON Routo;3:8oxi4 -BiLie'SOritte,mo a4q15 ,iefis3220968: :TAW AlitlF11111. lanri .0,1 Mary Wiwi; 23 Gri-.0 ni V.111,7 14 v' 0r11 914 425'0765 1:NASAZIA.P40;.:,',414.104 TAV: PIKIN544.4;117- 1 RFD 1 LUCAS KANSAS 67648 xsi.'cos 60,5,3. \J 18131 525-6142 WHERE SOUNDNESS TEMPERMENT AND TYPE ARE PRIORITY ONE 15101 Jackson SI_ Won Oct Cl 926.5 Akio Othw Cs..a. heard Cameo 71,491.5352 eJo Etynwood Zzasa cAlaao dinni Dreiniezak 74565(Van,yke cRomto,.4t 1 484765 (313) 752-5674 egansi2ion c.Sfiai cce taict '1J/lAtics Ocaasion4 ************ 1989 FUTURITY HOSTS ALAC is currently accepting applications from Local Specialty Clubs or interested Groups to host a 1989 Futurity. Region 1 (Eastern) - Will be hosted by National Capital Area Lhasa Apso Club in conjunction with the ALAC National Specialty. Regions 2 (Western), 3 (Midwest North), and 4 (Midwest South) are open at the present time. If you are interested in hosting a futurity, please contact CASSANDRA DE LA ROSA, Futurity Chairman, address on the inside cover. 31 11+14iSfl bINEfIGE Lhasa Apso pedigrees d out within 2 day service - pedigrees will be maile etely filled compl 48 hours of reciept this form, out. 3 4 5 6 gen. $6[ $8 [ gen. gen. $12 [ gen. $20 [ ] ] ] ] Name of Dog Sex Sire Stud Date / Dam Stud Date / Send Pedigree to: Address: Make checks to: Sally Silva 3197 First Street Riverside, CA 92507-2620 (714) 369-9369 The Bear's Den Lhasas (Ch. Light Up's Red Alert X Ch. Mi-Ling Golden Bear) r"REDDY" and "MI LING" are i) TEXAS PROUD of their daughters— CH. MI SASSIE BABY BEAR ..,, Owned by Rosemary Putman YUPPIES KLASI SASI KISI BEAR Owned by Barbara & Frank Trujillo For their "Best of Breed" wins MINGT E DANCIN 1 LADY BEAR Owned by Sally Norman & Frank Truji lbo GOLDEN BEAR ••••, y Rosemary & Tracy Putman Oyned For Going "Winners 'Ritch" From The "Puppy Class" MAI SHAWL 0 Frank & Barbara Trujillo 409/775-8368 1904 Beason Bryan, Texas 77801 39 DATES TO REMEMBER MARCH 1988 Lhasa Apso Club of Greater Houston Specialty, 18 Houston Farm and Ranch Club APRIL 1988 Last day to apply for ALAC Annual Awards for 1987 • 1 Deadline for 1989 Futurity Judge Nominations • 1 Lhasa Apso Club of Northern California Specialty 8 Watson Fairgrounds, Watsonville, CA Judge: Mrs. Marianne Nixon 8 Lhasa Apso Club of Northern California Sweepstakes Judge: Mrs. Leslie Ann Engen Bulletin Deadline for Spring Issue * 15 * 19 Deadline for National Specialty Catalog Advertising National Capital Area Lhasa Apso Club Specialty 22 Corner Kick Soccer Area, Gaithersburg, MD MAY 1988 Lhasa Apso Club of Central Colorado Sweepstakes • 31 Judge: June Frankl JUNE 1988 1 Region 4 Futurity, Denver, Colorado * Judge: Marion Knowlton * 2/3 ALAC National Specialty, Denver, Colorado Judge: Barbara Wood Merrimack Lhasa Apso Club Specialty, Canton, MA 17 JULY 1988 ALAC dues are due for the 1988/1989 year * 1 • 2 Region 2 Futurity, Costa Mesa, California Judge: Janet Whitman • 9 Region 1 Futurity, Hamlin, New York Judge: Darby McSorley 9 ALAC Supported Entry at Genessee Valley Kennel Club's 50th Anniversary Show Bulletin deadline for Summer Issue * 15 AUGUST 1988 6 Greater Detroit Lhasa Apso Club Specialty Judge: Mrs. Marianne Nixon • 6 Region 3 Futurity, Milford, Michigan Judge: Mr. Frank Trujillo 27 Cascade Lhasa Apso Fanciers of Greater Seattle Specialty Gold Creek Tennis & Sports Club, Woodinville, WA 40 BULLETIN Sally Silva, Editor 3197 First Street Riverside, CA 92507-2620 (714) 369-9369 DOROTHY BENITEZ MEMORIAL ASSISTANCE FUND Raena Wilks, Chmn 350 W. 55th St., Apt. 2C New York, NY 10019 EDUCATION Lynette Clooney FINANCE Mary Whitman Stephen Campbell Paul Voigt FUTURITIES Cassandra de la Rosa GUIDEBOOK Carolyn Herbel, Co-Chmn Sondra Rogers, Co-Chmn HEALTH Dr. S. B. Bigman 20 Linden Street Waltham, MA 02154 (617) 899-2800 NATIONAL SPECIALTY COORDINATION Jeanne Hope, Chmn 9600 Accord Drive Potomac, MD 20854 (301) 299-3240 Niall Rogers Lois Voigt NATIONAL SPECIALTY CATALOG ADVERTISING Becki Kraus NATIONAL SPECIALTY TROPHY Barbara Wood, Chmn OBEDIENCE Brenda Schmelzel 9 Gettysburg Road Belleville, IL 62223 (618) 277-6515 PROGRAM LISTING June O'Brien 11079 Loma Rica Road Marysville, CA 95901 (916) 7443-7266 _ ROSTER Sondra Rogers HISTORIAN Becky Johnson #1 Tiara Imperial, MO 63052 (314) 464-7547 VIDEO Debby Rothman, Chmn 8391 London Lane Conifer, CO 80433 (303) 674-0136 LOCAL CLUB LIASON Marilyn Campbell 446 North Curson Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90036 (213) 653-1760 YEARBOOK Sally Silva LOGO Marie Allman 111 Ivy St., Rt. 3 Freeport, TX 77541 (409) 233-1853 MEMBERSHIP Joyce Johanson YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION Susan Giles SALLY SILVA, Editot AMERICAN LHASA APSO CLUB BULLETIN 3197 Ft StIeet Rivelside CA 92507-2620 Fotwatding and Addless Cottection Requested DATED MATERIAL - TIME VALUE - Wellington Paul & Lois Voigt 13745 Wellington Ores Burnsville MN 55337-4336 Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Permit #2005 Riverside, CA
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