2008-06-13 - The Law Society of Upper Canada
2008-06-13 - The Law Society of Upper Canada
June/ Ju in 2008 LET R I GHT PREVA IL Barreau The Law Society of du Haut-Canada Upper Canada Special Conseil Convocation extraordinaire The conferring of an honorary degree and La remise d'un grade honorifique et l'assermentation the call to the bar des candidats et of the candidates des candidates CONTENTS NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa, Ontario Friday, June 13, 2008 9:30 a.m. 6 CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS Ottawa (Ontario) Le vendredi 13 juin 2008 9 h 30 LONDON CONVENTION CENTRE London, Ontario Monday, June 16, 2008 2:30 p.m. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:00 a.m. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Thursday, June 19, 2008 2:30 p.m. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday, June 20, 2008 9:00 a.m. 10 12 /6 20 MESSAGE FROM THE TREASURER LE MESSAGE DU TRESORIER ne of the most enjoyable and rewarding responsibil ities of the Treasurer and Benchers of the Law Society is to preside at call to the bar ceremonies. une des taches Jes plus pl aisantes et satisfaisantes du tresorier et des conseillers et conseill eres du Barreau est de presider Jes ceremonies d' assermentation. 2 O You represent the future of the legal profession. You have completed your formal legal education and are now about to embark upon a career that you will find both challenging and satisfying. You are being called to the bar at an exciting time. There have always been many opportunities in the law but never more than there are today. The law is not merely a trade or business. It is a profession, and as such it comes with professional obligations. One of those obligations is to protect the legal rights of people who cannot pay for our services. Never are we more respected than we are when we do so. You will fi nd that some of your most reward ing hours as a lawyer will be those for which you never render an account. On behalf of the Benchers and members of the Law Society of Upper Canada, I congratulate each of you on your accomplishment. I al so congratulate your family and fri ends, because this is their accomplishment as well. Best wishes in yo ur professional journey. L Yous representez l 'avenir de la profession juridique. Yous avez termine votre formation ju ridique formell e et YOUS YOUS appretez aYOUS lancer dans une Carriere qui s'averera a la fois exigeante et gratifiante. C'est une periode stimulante pour etre assermente. Le droit a toujours offert de nombreuses possibilites, mais jamais plus qu e maintenant. L'exercice du droit est plus qu'un commerce ou qu'un metier. C'est une profession qui comporte par consequent des obligations professionnelles. Une de ces obligations est de proteger Jes garanties j uridiques des personnes qui ne peuvent pas se payer nos services. C'est quand nous montrons de la generosite que nous sommes le plus respectes. Yous trouverez que vos heures de travail Jes plus enrichissantes en tant qu'avocat seront souvent celles pour Jesquelles vous ne remettez pas de facture. Au nom des conseilleres et des conseillers et des membres du Barreau du Haut-Canada, je felicite chacun de vous pour vos accomplissements. Je fe]icite egaJement VOtre familJe et VOS amis qui, aleur fa~on , ont contribue avotre reussite. Mes meilleurs vceux dans votre cheminement professionnel. Gavin MacKenzie Treasurer Le tresorier, Gavin MacKenzie CALL TO THE BAR ADMISSION AU BARREAU 3 he call to the bar takes place in two separate procedures. First, the Benchers of The Law Society of Upper Canada, who are responsible for the governance of the legal profession in Ontario, are called to order on the stage in a Special Convocation by the Treasurer, who is the head of the Society. The candidates wi ll be presented by a representative of the Pro fession al Development and Competence Committee to the Treasurer who wi ll confer on them the degree of Barrister-at-Law and ca ll them to the Bar of Ontario. Convocation will then adjourn and a Special Session of the Court of Appea l for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice will be convened by the Registrar. The Chief Justice of Ontario, or designate will preside over the administering of the Oath of Allegiance, and the Oath to the newly called members of the Bar. The Court will then adjourn . The graduates now are called to the bar as Barristers and Solicitors, and are authorized to practise law in the Province of Ontario. T 'admission au barreau se deroule en deux temps. En premier lieu, le tresorier, qui est chef de la direction du Barreau, ouvre un Conseil extraordinaire sur l'estrade des conseillers du Barreau du Haut-Canada, qui sont responsables de !'administration de la profession d'avocat en Ontario. Une representante ou un representant du Comite du perfectionnement profess ionnel et de la competence presente Jes candidats et candidates au tresorier qui leur remet le diplOme cl'avocatplaideur ou d'avocate-plaideuse et Jes re<;:oit au barreau de !'Ontario. La seance du Conseil est L alors levee et le greffier convoque une session extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de !'Ontario et de la Cour superieure de justice. Le juge en chef de ['Ontario, ou la personne designee, preside a la prestation du serment cl' al legeance et du serment par Jes nouveaux membres re<;:us au barreau. La seance de la Cour est alors levee. Les candiclats et les candidates sont maintenant avocats-plaideurs ou avocates-plaideuses et procureurs ou procureures, et sont autorises aexercer le droit clans la province de !'Ontario. BENCHERS OF THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA MEMBRES DU CONSEIL DU BARREAU DU HAUT-CANADA Treasurer/Tresorier Gavin MacKenzie Ex-Officio Benchers/ Membres d' office 4 Elected Benchers/ Membres elus Bob Aaron Melanie L. Aitken Raj Anand, LSM Constance Backhouse, LSM Larry Banack Jack Braithwaite Christopher D. Bredt John A. Campion James R. Caskey, Q.C. Thomas G. Conway Marshall A. Crowe, LSM Mary Louise Dickson, Q.C. Avvy Yao-Yao Go Alan D. Gold Gary Lloyd Gottlieb, Q.C. Jennifer A. Halajian Susan M. Hare Carol Hartman Thomas G. Heintzman, O.C., Q.C. Paul J. Henderson The Hon. Doug Lewis, P.C., Q.C. , F.C.A. Susan T. McGrath W. A. Derry Millar Janet E. Minor Laurie H. Pawlitza Julian Porter, Q.C. Judith M. Potter Nicholas John Pustina, Q.C. Heather J. Ross Linda R. Rothstein, LSM Clayton Ruby, C.M. Mark Sandler Paul B. Schabas Alan G. Silverstein Joanne St. Lewis Gerald A. Swaye, Q.C. Beth Symes, LSM Bonnie A. Tough Bonnie R. Warkentin Bradley H. Wright Paralegal Benchers/ Conseillers parajuristes W. Paul Dray Brian J. Lawrie Appointed Benchers/ Membres nommes Marion Boyd Abdul A. Chahbar S. M. Aslam Daud, M.B.B.S . Seymour Epstein, P.Eng . Dow Marmur Jack Rabinovitch, C.M., O.Ont. Baljit Sikand Catherine Strosberg The Hon. Christopher Bently The Hon. Michael J. Bryant Ronald W. Cass, Q.C., LSM The Hon. W. Dan Chilcott, Q.C. John T. Clement, Q.C. Austin M. Cooper, Q.C. Paul Copeland E. Susan Elliott, LSM Abraham Feinstein, Q.C. Neil Fi nklestein The Hon. James M. Flaherty, P.C . Patrick Garret Furlong, Q.C.,LSM The Hon. John D. Ground, Q.C. Howard G. Hampton, MPP Charles A. Harnick, Q.C., LSM George D. Hunter Vern Krishna, C.M., Q.C. , FRSC The Hon . Allan F. Lawrence, P.C., Q.C., LSM Laura L. Legge, 0. Ont., Q.C. Ronald D. Manes The Hon. R. Roy McMurtry, Q.C. Daniel J. Murphy, Q.C. Ross W. Murray, Q.C. Alan W. Pope, Q.C. The Hon. Sydney L. Robins, Q.C., LSM The Hon. Allan M. Rock, P.C., Q.C. Arthur R. A. Scace, C.M., Q.C. Norm Sterling, MPP Harvey T. Strosberg, Q.C. Robert C. Topp J. James Wardlaw, Q.C., LSM Roger D. Yachetti, Q.C. David S. Young Honorary Benchers/Membres honoraires His Royal Highness Prince Charles, Prince of Wales The Right Honourable Margaret Thatcher The Honourable Lincoln M. Alexander, Q.C., LSM . OATHS SERMENTS 5 OATH OF ALLEGIANCE SERMENT D'ALLEGEANCE You do swear or affirm that you will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her heirs and successors according to law. Yous jurez OU affirmez fidelite et allegeance a Sa Majeste la Reine Elisabeth II, a ses heritiers, heritieres, successeurs et successeures, conformement a la Joi. OATH SE RM ENT You do swear or affirm that you will conduct all matters and proceedings diligently and faithfully and to the best of your knowledge and ability. You will not seek to destroy any person's property. You will not promote suits upon frivolous pretences. You will not pervert the law to favor or prejudice any person. In all things, you will conduct yourself truly, honestly and with integrity. You will abide by the standards and rules governing the practice of law in the Province of Ontario. You will seek to improve the administration of justice. You will uphold the rule of law and you will uphold the interests, rights and freedoms of all persons according to the constitution and the laws of Canada and of the Province of Ontario. Yous jurez ou affirmez que vous allez traiter toutes Jes affaires et instances avec diligence et fidelite en votre ame et conscience. Yous ne chercherez pas adetruire Jes biens de qui que ce soit et vous n'intenterez pas d'actions frivoles . Yous ne detournerez pas la Joi pour favoriser ou defavoriser qui que ce soit. En toutes choses, vous agirez avec loyaute et integrite. Yous respecterez Jes normes et Jes regles regissant l'exercice du droit dans la province de I'Ontario. Yous chercherez a ameliorer I' administration de la justice. Yous respecterez et defendrez la regle de droit et !es interets, droits et libertes de toute personne conformement a la Constitution et aux lois du Canada et de la province de !'Ontario. OTTAWA PROGRAMME PROGRAMME 6 NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa, Ontario Friday, June I 3, 2008 9:30 a.m. CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS PROCESSION ENTREE SOLENNELLE The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the Opera. The Treasurer, Gavin MacKenzie, will open Convocation. L' assistance se !eve lorsque le tresorier et Jes membres du conseil entrent dans I' opera. Le tresorier, Me Gavin MacKenzie, ouvre le Conseil. CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE GRADE HONORIFIQUE The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, upon Dr. Margaret Ogilvie Le tresorier confere le grade de docteur en droit honoris causa a la professeure Margaret Ogilvie Ottawa (Ontario) ADDRESS ALLOCUTION Le vendredi 13 juin 2008 9 h 30 Dr. Margaret Ogilvie will address Convocation. La professeure Margaret Ogilvie prononce une allocution devant le Conseil. OTTAWA ADMISSION AU BARREAU CALL TO THE BAR The candidates.for call to the bar 11·i/I be presented to the Treasurer bY a representati1•e of the Professional De1·e/opment and Competence Co111111it1ee. Une representanre ou un representallf du Comite du /Je1fecrionneme11r projessionnel er de la competence presellfe au tresorier Jes rnndidars er candidates it /'admission au barreau. David Michael Aaron Marie Louise Cassis James Andrew Dingwall Philippe Joseph Jean Gauvin Ihab Gamaleldin Aboul Serour Travis Raymond Leonard Chalmers Kelly Marie Doctor Eric Bernard Gerestein Scott Edward Doucet Kathryn Anne Gilmore Lillian Elizabeth Agar Jacques Maxim Jonathan Charron Joshua Paley Hunt Rudd Dougherty Nicholas Zachary Gordon Omar Jamal Ansari Yi -Hsiu Chen An ika Chung Clark Marisa Ashley Webb Dowswell Sadler Clersaint Shawn Matthew Dubuc Laura Leigh Baker Jeffrey Ernest Coles Dale Anthony Barrett Dermod Leo Coombs Anne-Marie Elisabeth Candide Duquette Sean Peter Bawden Jean-Philippe Pierre Luc Couture lain David Aspenlieder Maria Jacqueline Diana Aube Scott William Beattie Christopher Kurt Becker Ian Hamilton Bell Dagney Lynne Benton Sonia Marie Micheline Lisette Bessette Noah Rus sell Billick Darryl Joseph Bilodeau John Lawrence Haffner Margaret Laura Hage Tanis Marie Halpape Stephanie Lauren Ham ilton Nancy Hamzo Dereck Edwin Eby Joshua Ryan Hanet Karen Eli sabeth Edgar Brendan Holtom Haveman Douglas Ed ward Gordon Cudney Vicky Lynn Edgecombe Lisa Marie Hawley Hafida El Bilali Fran9ois Alexis Hebert John Kendall Cumming James Ross El ford Rachel Elizabeth Heft Kimberley Ann Cunnington-Taylor Jason William Franci s Enouy Aaron Dennis Hirschorn Nicholas John Czyzewski Meaghan Alexis Reid Enright Sylvie Daigle Karen Ann Hogan Michael Patrick Hollingworth Jahmiah Benj i FerdinandHodkin Maegan May Hough Andrea Pamela Flewelling Adam Rainis Houston Heather Shannon Fogo Crystal Joy Hu lley Nicolas John Sanderson De lahousse Erica Ann Fraser Melissa Anne Hunt Amanda M ichelle Fullerton Ian David lsbester Marie Lynn Celi ne Delorme Jessica Sarah Fullerton Kristin Em il y Janson Tamara Rebecca Despres Robin Del Garnett Joseph Shiban Jebreen Harincler Bir Singh Dhaliwal Leigh-Anna Rachael Gates Tyler Evyn Johnson Cori nne Elizabeth Brule Brian John Cacic Sarah Theresa Diebel Marc Gilles Joseph Gauthier Alexander Christie Johnstone Penny Anne Brady Nathaniel Alexandre Brand Ash ley Nicole Bressette Margot MacPherson Brewer Jennifer Lynn Brigancli Audrey Marie Brousseau Charlene Lumina Davidson Daniel Simcha Davies Lucette Anik Marie-Claude Boulanger Day 7 OTTAWA 8 Lisa Carmen Joly Jocel yn Mary Loosemore David Eric Page Demeenakaur Seyan Shankar Karnath Eleanor Ann Shepherd Low Adam Jonathan Kaminsky Roy Machaalani Matthew Andrew Francis Page Jonathan Sommerville Shanks Michelle Elizabeth Kellam Caroline Helene Cecile Magnan Karin Monika Page Ahmed Shehata Natasha Dawn Pappin Amanpreet Singh Sidhu Simon Christopher Parham Kathleen Gwendolyn Simmons Eric Douglas Kendrick Marianne Keriakos Naomi Catherine Kikoler Noreen Majeed Gregoire David Major Indu Praveenala Maniappan Karen Susanne Park Yasuda Sinha Christopher James Kitchen Cecilia Senra Perdigao Marie-Renee Sirois Margaret Shirleen Katherine Koostachin James Andrew Manson Christian Pilon Marie-Astrid Daphne Juliana Martel Christa Marie SmithWorthy lake James Joseph Anthony Pinto Hanya Soliman Martin Hubert Wilhelm Kreuser Edwin Carl Kroeger Benjamin Adam Laflamme Joseph Jean Benoit Laframboise Julie Marguerite Marie Lauzon Clinton Donald Cash Martin Jod i Jennifer Chrisie Martin Chad Willis Matheson Mark John Mc Cans Albertos Theologos Polizogopoulos Jeanette Songolo Melanie Jacqueline Jacynthe Pronovost Sarah Danielle Speevak Rahim Nazmudin Punjani Lisa Marie Renaud Faye Lorraine Sonier Craig Dwayne Stehr Aleisha Lynn Stevens Neil Douglas George McCormick Gabriel Dov Riff Alexandra Leanne Stockwell Daniel Paul McKeown Hel ene Diana Robertson Paul Christopher Sykes Christopher Robert Newton McLeod Emily Melissa Robichaud Mani Taheri Melissa Rachel Robins Harland Isaac Tanner Paul William Taylor Alison Mary Mitchell Marie Chantal Jolyane Sabourin Ian Paul Theil Mante Beryl Mo lepo Sulini Sarugaser Mylene Luce Theriault Paula Ann MurphyStjepanovic Reid Emerson Thompson Jason Nathan Lewis Stacey Ann-Margaret Saufert Dong Liu Wesley Ronal d Novotny Sharon Ruth Ann Scharfe Angela Michelle Long Edudzi Akosua Ofori Melissa Ann Seal Manon Adeline Blanche Lavoie Patrick James Laycock Karine Marie-France LeBlanc Victoria Bernadette Legris Pierre Robin Letourneau Anne Sara Marie Levesque Maria Elizabeth McQuaid Adam Marcus Tracey Danielle Pauline Marie Vaillancourt OTTAWA 9 Derek John Van Dusen Leila Melanie Wright Carrie Joanne Vanderveen K. C. Karen Colleen Wysynski Daniel William Veinot Ali Veshkini Natalie Anne Monique Viau Petros Yannakis Matthew Richard Zadro A lexis Veronica Aenne Graefin von Finckenstein Joelle Walker Michael Charles Walsh Tamara Lee Watters Travis Allen Webb Joanna Kathleen Wells Beth Christine Allison White Marc David Dunn Whiteley Natalie Emma Worsfold CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN LA SEANCE DU CONSEIL EST LEVEE Special Sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice Session e.rtraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de /'Ontario et de la Cour s11perieure de justice The Honourable Justice Charl es T. Had.land, Regional Senior Justice, East Region, Superior Court of Justice, Monsieur le juge, C harles T. Hackland. juge principale regionale, Region Est, Cour superieure de justice. tient une session extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as so licitors. !'Ontario et de la Cour su perieure de justice afin de faire preter serment au x d ipl6mes et dipl6mees et de Jes admettre comme procureurs. THE COURT WILL RISE LA SEANCE DE LA COUR EST LEVEE LONDON PROGRAMME 10 LONDON CONVENTION CENTRE London, Ontario Monday. Jun e 16. 2008 2:30 p.111. PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the Auditorium. The Treasurer, Gavin MacKenzie, will open Convocation. CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, upon The Honourable Coulter A. Osborne ADDRESS The Honourable Coulter A. Osborne will address Convocation. LONDON CALL TO THE BAR The candidates for call to the bar ;rill be presemed to the Treasurer by a representatil'e of the Professional Del'elopment and Competence Committee. Amira Vanessa Abouali Laura Patricia Hall Aden ike Olutoke Aderibigbe Jason Wyman Harris Ekanem Akua A kan Marcia Deanna Barbara Hilli ard Jennifer Bai Andersen Eric Glenn Hines Jennifer Alison Barlow Karen Elizabeth Jacques Kari Lynne Barry Colin James Bondy William Robert Roy Bonham Harpreet Kaur Burmy Daniel Peter Michael Byskal Kristin Ashley Carnie Ali Abdul Rahim Chahbar Desmond Fook Cheong Ng-Cheng-Hin Steven Michael Nicoletta Susanna Margaret Noorloos Brinn A llen Norman John Carl O 'Brien Jody Ellen Johnson Dennis Yiu Tong Ong Fanny Kiritsis Dinesh Shantilal Parakh Lindsay Michelle Kirk Lisa Anne Penick Tachelle Kristen Kirkpatrick Sarah Louise Kirshin Mi chael Nicholas Podrebarac Maria Elaina Kopcok Mi chele Angelo Polvere Lisa Marie K wase k Paul Constantin Pop Matthew Benjamin Lerner Sanja Popovic Allan Christopher Lovett Lucas Eldon Price Anthony Vincent Reginald Martin Erin Kathleen Prisner Jocelyn Rolleen Cleary Gary Douglas Ellis Rasha Mohamed Said El-Tawil Mercy Verginia Mathew Laura Leanne Emmett Ti mothy David Meloche Kelly Gabrielle Fawcett Ursula Irene Miletic Erinn Alexandra Fitzpatrick Dmitry Frenkel Phillip Andrew Malcolm Millar Jason Robert Laing Frost Patricia Ann Muriel Miller Danielle Marie Garbaty Paul Matthew Garner Ashley Elizabeth Gibson Joseph Christopher Giorgi Sarah Ann Greatrix Frederick Oliver Gutz Derek Bennett Mix-Ross Ambrese Jessica Montagu Robert Daniel Moss Mich ae l Roger Mumby Tinodaishe Jean Muneri Kasingakore Emily Joan Pudden Megan Jamal Reid Aileen Mc Gregor Russell Shane Michael Rutledge Robert David Ryan Andrew Thomas George Sad ler Julie Marie Santarossa Helen Jane Scott Joanne Marie Sequeira Alicia Jane Mercer Siebert Andrew Nichol as Simpson Kevin James Souch Lori Jean Sprott Monica Lynn Staley Andrew Edmund Stevens Heather Ann Tanner Erin-Brie Cheline Warwick Jeffrey Alan Wesley Lisa Anna White Kristi Megan W hitfield Kristine Ann RobinsonLimanek Marian Wolanski Alexandra Rosu Janice Lynne Wood CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Special Sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice The Honourable Justice Grant Cam pbell, Superior Court of Justice, Fam ily Court, will preside over a special sitting o f the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. THE COURT WILL RISE II TORONTO PROGRAMME 12 ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Thursday. June 19, 2008 9:00a.m. PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the Auditorium. The Treasurer, Gavin MacKenzie, will open Convocation. CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, upon The Honourable Justice Frank N. Marrocco ADDRESS The Honourable Justice Frank N. Marrocco will address Convocation. TORONTO CALL TO THE BAR The candidates.for call to the bar il'ill be presented to the Treasurer by a representative of the Professional Development and Competence Committee. Yousuf Pervaiz Aftab Teresa Lynn Buchanan Glorie Alfred Damien Matthew Evert Buntsma Michelle Alaine Alton Basiliki Andrikopoulos Shannon Esther Anthony Michal Antonik Jason Giacinto Arcuri Dean Alexander Ardron Matthew Gordon Cameron Anna Maria Cartaginese Jonah Abba Arnold Antoni Gabriel Casalinuovo Jason Jivan Badal Jennie Song Bae k Mark Andrew Bailey Vishal Bansal Matthew John Bassani Ol ivia Agustin Bautista John Marc Beauchamp I Christopher James Bun Lisa Marie Carty Joanna Marta Babula \ John Price Burnett Christopher George Arms trong Meredith Katherine Ashton \, Shannon Michelle Burkinshaw Michael Eric CrowtherBarrenger Linh Xuan Dang Alexandru GhitaDuminica Peter Najeeb Danner Lee-Ann Gibbs William Michael Darling Joanna Lisa Go ldenberg Satyajit Brijesh De Silva Jordana Heather Goldlist Riccardo De l Vecch io Adam Phillip Goodman Sumeet Kaur Dhanju Cesia Elizabeth Green Jeremy Dov Diamond Colin Carmichael Green Diandra Merissa Cherylyn Dickson Natasha Gregory Cynthia Mary Grelik Agatha Dix Andrea Scime Griese William Joesph Dorsey Gerald Jonathan Griffiths Ravinder Singh Dusanjh Salvatore Rom ualdo Guerriero Amanda Marie Case Sean Robert Chambers Ernest Yoe-Ming Chan Wing Man Vivian Chan Yan Kiu Chan Tejdeep Singh Chattha Eva Yi-Jing Chen Eun Young Cho Lara Michal Gertner Daron Linda Earthy Golnaz Emam Nils Frederi k Jonas Engelstad Graham Clare Siemens Erion Colin Fredrick Gus ikoski Sarah Han Catherine Mary Victoria Hariton Blake Gordon Harley Gary Jim-Cute Chui Eugene Martin FisherHaydis Colin Richard George Henderson William Hyun Chung Baaba Manko Forson Kevin Michael Henderson Andrew Hershel ClarfieldHenry Jennifer Antoinette Franssen Jeffrey Mark Hershenfield Alastair Winston Clarke William Ndze Fuhgeh Adam Howard Hirsh Mara Denise Clarke Daniel Buchanan Fuke Stephanie Lynn Horgan Meli nda Margaret Booth Karen Fiona Flynn Cooke Valerie Roland Ena Garcia Elizabeth Jane Horrocks Andrew Lampert Bratt Stefan Thomas Cool ican Suzanna Gasparetto Scott William Hounsome Robert Allan Brett Merina Denise Crowe Christos Chris Gazeas Claire Louise Houston Ladislav Beganyi Paul Da\ id Bent Danny Meneses Bertao Rishi Singh Bhasin Anil Bhole Stephen Michael Birman Sang Kook Choi Amanda Maria Heydon 13 TORONTO 14 Deborah Joan Hudson Kae leigh Annaka Kuzma Jocelyn Elizabeth Mackie Bibi Rabeena Mussalin Me lissa lnsanic Freda Kwon Sharmi Mahajan Balachandran Muthaiah Rosina Isabella Stelliani Kyriacou Jagpal Singh Mann Virginia Anne Nelder Tamara Patrice Jackson Ayesha Abdul Rahman Lal di n Jennifer Natasha Marquis Kath arine Robertson Neufeld Jason Jude Jacob Geoffrey Joseph Janoscik Jordon Leonard Scott Lamontagne Leila Nuhu Jawando Jennifer Joanne Lau John Mark Joblin Kell y Lynn Lauzon Christiaan Alexander Jordaan Tara Olivia Law Lesly Tresa Joseph Sheena Kapoor Laila Karimi Kathryn Elizabeth Kellough Dominique Cote Kennedy Mich ael Allan Kershaw Heather Devora Marshall Andrew Beullac Gray Martin Brad ley Kyl e Newman Nancy Moiah Ng Paul Joseph Martin Krystle Anne Ng-A-Mann Anna Matas Sang Hee No Ian Charles Matthews Jessica Jane Norman Craig Russell Lawrence Peter Ross Maund Ryan Patrick OConnor Nicole Karen Maurer Conor Patrick O'Neill Tamina Abdul-Malik Mawj i Philip Brittain O'Shea Terra Jani Lennox-Zepp Elise Michelle Lenser James Daniel Mc Conville Joan na Mei Hing Leong Malcolm Robert Mc Rae Hannah Jane PallettArthurs Jonathan David Lerman John Craig Lea Rajah Singh Lehal Melanie Ouanounou Gurrinderpa l Singh Pannu Adrienne Ya-Ting Liang Christopher Bri an McClelland Josephine Marie Kiang Gavril Leron Lindo Rose-M arie Mercury Manoja Paramananthamoorthy Eugene Kim Ilana Nechama Lipkin Shaun Andrew Miller Jaehyun Park Grace Jae Kim Yuen-Tse Liu Naseem Banu Mithoowani Darshana Patel Amanda Evelyn Klein Tess Lee Ann Lofsky Jean-Michel Cooper Picher Jonathan Edward Kline Jennifer Ko Adrian Peter Nicholas Lomaga Matthew Christopher MacKenzie Morden Magy Morgan Tiziana Preston Leigh-Ann Kopp And rew Jeffrey Lord Patrick Elwyn Morris Setu Nimish Pu rohit Diana M arie L. Lumba Yonatan Moussadji Kiran Qureshi Robert James Mac Lachlan Susan Anne Munn Julianne Marie Rawson Damian Will iam Kraemer Edward Sawyer MacDonald Nisarg Devang Munshi Daniel Solomon Remick Jesse Benjamin Kugler Jeffrey John MacKenzie James Alexander Murray Daniel Tracy Resnick Michelle Kunnel Sandra Patricia MacKenzie Rebecca Bridgette Murtha Jason Ward Reynar Mireille Khoraych Ni koleta KoutsoubosGiovanoglou Mark Adam Piel TORONTO 15 Sarah Louise Rickard Maninder Singh Sidhu Jelena Urosevic Ora Michelle Wexler Katherine Angela Rivington Leah Michelle Simon Nicole Margaret Vaillancourt Derrick Nathan Wong Alison Lake Rogers Amanda Ann Rogers Clifford Singh Henareet Kaur Singh Andre~ David Valentine Laura Velma Van Soelen Roxanne Michelle Wong Aaron Emil Lee Wudrick Erec Daniel Ro lfe Jason Anthony Joseph Skukowski Moira Visoiu Jordan Daniel Ross Natasha Eliza Skupsky Sarah Fina Volpentesta Warren David Ross David Andrew Smith Elliot Adam Smith Linus Kienyuan Yung Aram Ryu Agnes Erika Sophie von dem Hagen Yung Ha Ryu Matthew Todd Soble Lana Rachel Walker Ryan Michael Zalis Paul Jonathan S Saguil Somya Sood Donna Miche lle Walrond Kate Andrea Zavitz McGregor Van Rensselaer Sainsbury Ryan Gregory Stabile Todd Michae l Wasserman Trevor Stefan Zhukrovsky Kerry Jean Watson Isaac Zisckind Alisha Nicole Watts Laura Lynn Zizzo Don-Han Yang Derek Tien-Jen Yap Kenneth Cecil Younie Sareena Harpreet Samra Sheryl Leah Toba Saperia Adam Jose ph Savaglio David Aaron Schatzker Natalie Sabrina Vidia Scherni tzki Christina Anne Larissa Schwarz Geoffrey Barron Stratton Lorne Michael Swartz Gabriella Monika Szerze Sarah Anne Weintrop Alexander Clarke Tedesco Cheryl Anne T hacker Allison Elizabeth Thomas Jayson Wesley Thomas David William Thompson Tobias Benjamin Scott Kristen Leanne Thompson Anna Leora Selchen Tanya Gwen Thompson Elichai Shmuel Shaffir Ilana Thouin Seema R. Shah Sergiy Timokhov Aman Sharma Lauren Marie Tomasich Subhash Chander Sharma David Maurice Tortell Muneeza Masood Sheikh Ryan Donald Tre leaven Angela Christine Shen Jacqueline Elizabeth Tsai The Honourable Justice Edward Then, Superior Court of Justice, Regional Senior Just ice, for Toronto Region will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appea l for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. Sarah Rose Shady Faran Joseph Umar-Khitab THE COURT WILL RISE CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Special Sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice TORONTO PROGRAMME /6 ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Thursday, Jun e 19, 2008 2:30 p.m. PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the Auditorium. The Treasurer, Gavin MacKenzie, will open Convocation. ADDRESS The Honourable Justice Frank N. Marrocco will address Convocation. TORONTO CALL TO THE BAR The candidates for call to the bar iri// be presented to the Treasurer by a representatil'e of the Professional Development and Competence Committee. Iman Hussein Abokor Dena Nancy Bonnet Daniel James Cole lmran Ahmad Laura Jean Boswall Aaron Thomas Collins Andrea Lee FellowsPa parizos Morvarid Akhbari E lizabeth Anna Bozek Michael Terrance Collis Daniel Azriel Flatt Jennifer Elizabeth Aleluia C laudia Jane Brabazon Edward Simon Flood Kristin Grace Al i Jennifer Lauren Brent Katherine Alexandra Coolican Delia Cristea Valerie Lisa Fox Phi lip pe Jean Pierre Alma Andrea Brigneti Christina Lee Croteau Alexis Marie Alyea Daniel Laurentiu Brinza Andrea Maria AmaralLe Blanc Melissa Mary Brockley Fatema Dada Aileen Mary Daley Shabir Ani l Amlani Richard Aldo Bruns killBoccia Jill Melissa Daley Baba k Arfai Andrew Michael Bunston Robert Frank Benjamin Davis S herif Ragai Ashamalla Bradley Robert Burgess Jennifer Nicole Davy Lynne Elaine Atkinson Jonathan Grant Burkinshaw Brian Joseph Decaire Ian Eliot Aversa Alexandra Peta Regina Campbell Harminder Singh Dhillon Sacha Kamran George Baharmand Valerie Nicole Baker Emtiaz Bala Davi d Aaron Balaban Elizabeth Champion Barefoot Neil Jonath an Dietrich Michael Peter Abdelkerim Cara bash Francesco Carialdo Caruso Milton Chan Warren Chan Bonnea C hanne Adam Gerald Forbes Paul Derek Frueh Faruk Gafic Meredith Leigh Gayda Step hanie Christine Hayes Giannandrea Katherine He len Maitland Gibson Inderpreet Kaur Gill Kiranjeet Gil l Heather Colleen Diggle Chantel Christine Goldsmith James William Dinning Jared Andrew Gordon Shaun Michael Doody Monmi Goswami Dustin Troy Down Ruth Naomi Gottfried Melanie D'Souza Amy Elizabeth Grenon Jordan Neil David Baum Katherine Ann Chin Quee Janice Katherine Dubiansky Nadia Darlene Bechai Renald Ching Adam Lee Dunlop Jonathan Bryce Grayson Bell Paul Malcolm Chornobay Mark Samuel Dunn Lauren Anne Hanley Andrea Yuen-Ting Chow Alon Eizenman Quinn Ryan Hanna Roxanne Vivienne Chow Mari a Paloma Fiona Ellard Leigh Erin HarrisonWilson Erin Elizabeth May Ellis Kimberly Anne Haviv Daniel Steven Engel Julie Anne Hearty T homas Edward Feather Jennifer Elizabeth Heath Navroop Singh Bhandal James Nelson Blackburn James Bruce Blain Nafisah Chowdhury Faren Hillary Bogach Cameron Robert George Clark Marla Ji ll Boltman Ryan James Clements Benjamin Stanley Grubner Tarek Hamam I7 TORONTO 18 David James Henderson Maya Shari Krishnaratne Lucinda Emma Main Gregory John Herget Philip Anthony Kuca Hanna Malazhavaya Claire Anne Hicks Neetu Nikki Kumar Ori Mandowsky Karen Louise Hindle Michelle Anne Kushnir Richard Andrew Manias M ichelle Arlene Hooshley Natalie Kuy umcu Alyssa Jean Manning Christopher Michael Hope Carina Wen-Heng Kwan Stuart Harold Hough Alim Lalani Erik James Broughton Marshall Afsoon Houshidari Joseph Pascal Cedric Lamarche Sarah Annabe lla MasonCase Eric Charles Nanayakkara Martin Otto Coll Lapner Clara Evelyn Matheson Anne Margaret Law Jennifer Ilana Matyas Margaret Mary Ng Thow Hi ng Marie Stephanie Hynes Brenda Anne Lawson Jonah Samuel Mayles Maria Malgorzata Niedzielski Ali Ani Irani William Bradley Lawson Allison Rose Marie Mc Alpine Constance Nielsen Malcolm Derek Isbister Sara Beth Lazer K im berley Anne Le Blanc Katherine Mary Lenore Mc Grann Andrew James Nisker Robert Alexander Jeavons-Fellows Janye Patricia Lee Caroline Mc Grath Rachel Sarah Nusinoff Jeffrey Andrew Levine Margaret Michelle Mc Kel vey William Arnol d Chat Ortved Bryan Douglas Mc Leese Stephanie Lois Ostreicher Anita Houshidari Stacey Vida Heather Huxtable James Reginald Jones Jodi Avra Kaiman Serge Kalloghlian Tessie Kalogeras Fern Margaret Karsh Rael Levy Patrick Michael Leyland Jaimie Lynn Lickers Pei-Chun Li n Scott Charles Mc Mahon Alexis Thea Becher Kazanowski Lauren Rae Lodenquai Meaghan Kathleen McCl uskey Siewing Khow Janine Hollis Barkley Loubert Erin Marissa McLaughlin Sofia Khwaja Sonia Anastasia Amelia Molodecky Evan Andrew Moore Sean Michael Moring Beverly Jane Morton Sheizana Mu1ji Tiffany Lee Murray Matthew Mark Napier Alessandra Victoria Nosko Michael John Kaja! Pal Natasha Magdalena Palacio Joanne Park Patricia Louise McLean Andrew Charles Crichton Parley Jean-Claude Robert Killey Christopher Andrew Wallace Mac Donald Mahvish Hina Mian Natasha Persaud Caroline Donna Kim Gavin Neil Mac Donald Daniel Ari Michaelson Courtney Marc Peterson Alex Carl Kolandjian Graham John Mac Leod Sara Missaghie Karen Kai Hang Poon Reena Anil Kotecha Dov Maierovitz Mary Mitsios Morris Michael Popowich TORONTO 19 David El ias Preszler Sejal Shah Audrey Irene Teofilovici Blair Davis Wiley Geoffrey Shawn Rabideau Hanah Ais ha Shaikh Mindy Tessler-Scott Gillian Suzanne Wilkins Danie l Radin Sherica Sharda Amit Thakore Prashant Rai Andrew Ralph Morgan Shaw Stewart Douglas Thom John Douglas Broadfoot Wilkins Rafeena Badora Rashi d John Peter Recoskie Alison Mitchell Ritchie Sylvia Maria Robin Charlene Fern Rochman Kevin William Shipley Stephen Charles Panar Shore Fawad Ahmad Siddiqui Anil Neil Ranji Singh Henry Patrick O'Hagan Rogers Jasvinder Kaur Singh Ron a Moran Roifman Michael Joseph Sloniowski Jenn ifer Lynn Rook Lisa Marie Roscoe Zane Jordan Roth Joanna Emily Smith Kristin Michel Theresa Smith Erin Samantha Thomas Marc Andrew Toppings Thomas Markus Trachsler Kami! Umar Mostafa Vaez-Zadeh Asadi Evan Noel Van Dyk Paul Anthony Wilkins Amanda Marjorie Willett Justin Michael Langley Williams Kori Ricardo Williams Sharon Christine Wilmot Li nda Joanne Wilson Marc-Andre Wilson David Anthony Vitale Melanie Joan Wlodek Angela Noreen Waite Fabia Bowie Wong Jennifer Marie Warwick Yat Ming Wong Melanie Jennifer Webb Andrew Xiao Jin Xu Matthew Ronald Rounding Atkey Balkar Singh Saini M ichelle Salvana Megan Wells Sanford Brian John Savage Corey Jonathan Sax Victor Chien-Yaw So Shae! Darren Richard Weinreb Kateryna Yason Jonathan Jacob Weisman Andrew Nolan Zabrovsky Sara Jane Souliere Afeeza Sovani Courtney Anne West Vera Spirovski Robyn Agnes Eileen White Steven Mitchell Sokalsky Maxim Zavet Pamela Keri Zbarsky Ryan Daniel Zener Kristine Marie Staats Jessica Cara Stern CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Myriam Marie Seers Ju lie Loretta Eileen Stewart Special Sirring of" the Court of Appeal for Ontario a11d the Superior Court of" Justice Mandy Lynn Seidenberg Andrew John Stirling Shannon Patricia Seitz Sharaf Sultan Shamini Selvanayagarajah Sharareh Tabesh Noel Wynton Semp le Miho Tamaru The Honourable Justice Susan Himel. Superior Court of Justice. will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario an d the Superior Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. Parul Shah Ryan Christopher Taylor THE COURT WILL RISE Dan Saul Scheiner TORONTO PROGRAMME 20 ROY THOMSON HALL PROCESSION Friday, The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the Auditorium. The Treasurer, Gavin MacKenzie, will open Convocation. June 20, 2008 9:00a.m. CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE Toronto, Ontario The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, upon The Honourable Vibert A. Lampkin ADDRESS The Honourable Vibert A. Lampkin will address Convocation. TORONTO CALL TO THE BAR The candidates for call to the bar will be presented to the Treasurer by a representative of the Professional Development and Competence Committee. Alana Miriam Abells Christopher Eric Bergs Jonathan Paul McCauley Collings Debra Jeane Margaret Eveleigh Alyssa Marie Adams Byron Scott Beswick Enza Irene Agazzi Aliyah Bhayani Ian Donald Corneil Volodymyr Fedorchuk Giuseppe Agostino Kathryn Jane Bird Jaime Lynne Corneil Jennifer Leanne Fehr Christopher Keith Aguilera Saad Ahmad Jedidiah Montegu Blackburn Cynthia Emily Cosentino Giovanni Antonio Filiberto Frankie Domenico Costantini Katharine Jourdaine Donna Finlay Samiya Ahmad James Daniel Blonde Joanna Louise Cox Sina Akbari Charles Andrew Bozzato Valerie Dawn Culp Tracie Blair Allan David Brand Peter Gordon Armstrong Tamara Ester Broder Graham Harvey Houston Darling Joshua Ross Freeman Scott Charles Arnold Jesse Samuel Brodlieb Kenneth Robert Davidson Jonathan William Fuller Kamal Singh Bobby Athwal Kimberley Roberta Dixon Broome David Alexander de Groot Andrew Anthony Furgiuele Onwer Norman Deeb Svibor Marun Gamulin Melissa Raquel Azevedo James Richard Brown Andrew Eric Derksen Christopher Huntly Badenoch Eric Augustine Bruce Matthew James Alexander Watts Gemmell Matthew Zev Derkson Olena Brusentsova Justin Rajshastri Paul Baichoo Michael Andrew Devereux Sean Robert Ernest Butt Gary Adam Diamond Lindsay Jean Bailey Helen Byon Vanessa Annemarie Dimilta Hari Balaraman Lisa Cavion Shawna Nicole Downey Vi Thuan Banh Davin Wayne Charney Karen Anne Drake Sarah Elissa Barrow Kisha Chatterjee Sarah Joyce Draper Giselle Genevieve Basanta Richard Yolande Cheung Hilary Marion Dudding Carla Maria Goncalves Gouveia Melanie Theresa Battaglia Theodore Joseph Chiasson Ruth-Joy Elnekave Bryn Emlyn Gray Sharon Bauer L ily Yee Lee Chow Eleanor Jean Elstub Adriana Leigh Greenblatt Sara Beheshti Heather Wing Man Chu Ildiko Maria Sophia Erdei Bradley John Greenshields Avy Jordan Ben Zui Meghan Elisabeth Clarke Lee Ann Bennett Evan Wilfred Cobb Tanya Maria Escudero Woods Michel le Fabiana Greenwood Miriam Beth Bergart Anat Cole Huw Rosser Evans Mark Daniel Haber Jordana Bergman Avi Jonathan Cole Ryan Thomas Evans Rovena Hajderi Jillian Anaise Flesch Robert Gordon Fraser John Georgakopoulos Elisa Claire Giaco me lli Deanna Samantha Gilbert Jason Lancaster Gilman Jeremy Lawrence Glick Shannon Elizabeth Goffin 21 TORONTO 22 Adam John Phili p Hartling Jesse Leah Langdon Danielle Marie Marks Jana Alexandra Hassan Chantelle Marie Lapointe Koren Belinda Marriott Samantha Rose Hay ward SheJTi Nicole Lavine Paul Elliott Francis Martin Stephanie Eli zabeth Henderson Genevieve Marie Denise LeComte Peter Vytenis Tomas Matukas Veronique Onika Henry Chad Michael Leddy Alicia Wanda Mc Keag Audrey Szu Yee Ngo-Lee Darryl Ryan Holyclay Douglas Wai Lee Andrea Jane Mc Kinnon Andrew Allan Nicholls Maureen Aron a Hopman Benjamin Darryl Leith Daniel Laurence Lerner Bradley William Anthony Nicpon Ian Hu Alexander John Scott McLeod Antoinette Michele Lewis Karin Johanna McCaig Erin Catherine Norman William John Hutcheson Efstathia Liclakis And rew Wil son McDougall John Peter O'Connor Becherue Hyacinth Jordan David Linet! Graham George McNeil Michelle Oliel Yuping Liu Matthew James McPherson Tanza Olyfvelclt Jeffrey Taylor Love Robin Rachel Mecklinger Erinn Melissa O'Marra Lisa Alexandra Lui Dunniel Medina Ashley Marie Palmer Edward Walter Lynde Tara Leigh Mesensky Jyotsana Panwar Franklin Adam Lyons James Leigh Ducharme Miglin Garifa lia Karen Papadopoulos Amy Victoria Mitchell Justin Seungyoun Park Sandra Ann Marie Jackson Meenaz Mirza Jaffer Saman Masood Jaffery Yau-Wing Kenneth Jim Pau l And rew Johnson Agata Kaczmarska Jeffrey Donald Basil Murray Teri Dayle Mychasiw Yvanna Olga Mycyk Shacli Nasseri Shally Kalra Catherine Britton Macartney Shannon Maureen Kampf John Rodney MacDonald Brennan Nielsen Mitchell Paul Ivan Pasalic M ichelle Dawn Kemper Francesca Maria Maio Mueecl Peerbhoy lmran Ashraf Khan Ho-Ian Mak Kaitl yn Erin Balagus Mitchell Nahla Khouri Athar Kamal Malik Ryan Frederick Christopher Mitchell Eui Chui Kim Michael Miles Stewart Malleson Dalia Lena Moftah Jillian Stacey Pinkus Joh n Francis Ross Moher Jennifer Lynn Poirier Louise Francine Moher Donna Aileen Polgar Paul Michael Manciel Kimberly Ann Monteith Flora Man-Wah Poon Carly Nicole March Sean Michael Morrison Dimitri Steven James Markoulakis Matthew William Robertson Mulholland Derek Matthew James Powers Ewelina Anne Kostanska Jason Jerome Lakhan Raclhi ka Praful Lakhani David Ho Yin Lam Emily Yan-Yee Lam Lindsay Joan Lang Bertrand Joseph Elie Raymond Malo Catherine Song Thuong Phan John Dain Philp Shannon Matthew Puddister TORONTO 23 Jennifer Billie Pauline Pyke Dinesh Ramanathan Aliya Ramji Leah Mary Ramkaran Asha Florence Rampersad David Mahen Seevaratnam Sylvia Na-Kyung Seo Sonia Shanna Laure l Rae Sherret Jeremy Hart Shimkofsky Jacqueline Sylvia Swaisland Sara Justine Sytsma Erica Terri Tait Marios Thomaidis Sona! Thomas Adam Samuel Ship Thang Nhan Trieu Jennifer Marie Raso Simret Kaur Sidhu Robert Alexander Nei l Rastorp Emily Marian Sinclair Annette Marie UetrechtBain Bushra Rehman Manjit Si ngh Jay Niranjan Vaghela David Gabriel Reiner Ravinder Singh Rishi Vaid Natalie Jane Renner Sonia Singh Jeffrey Mi chael Van Bake! Sheila El izabeth RitsonBennett Ke lsey Laine Sitar Gjergji Vani Kathrine Ann Smirle Emily May Rix Michael Ballard Smith John Adrian Dooley Vellone Frank Saul Robinson Sandra Jennifer Robin Smith Gavin Todd Ashley Robinson Sandra Kay Smith Christian Frederick Vernon Chri sto pher Charles Norman Vollmershausen Andrew Robert Warman Nicole Ann Washington Lori Kathleen Ann Watson Tara Welat Bradley John Wells Carissa Nichole Whiteman Sara-Ann Emily Wilson Urszula Alina Wojtyra Janet Lisa Wong Linda Wen -Lu Wu Ange la Carolyn Wynn Colin Mc Nairnie Yao Claire Alayne Young Jamison Alexander Seruatius Young Celestine Anne Therese Wigglesworth Zarb Hooman Zargarzadeh Pau l Simon Rochford Ho-Shik Son Leonardo Sergio Russomanno Maxwell John Spearn Nadine Marie Lise Waldman Katherine Josephine Zavitz Elizabeth Ann Stacey Pei-Shi ng Bernard Wang Curtis Charles Zizzo Carla Jeanne Sage Asad Saji Angela Immacolata Salvatore Sorina Tze Chun Sam Sukhwinder Singh Samra Christopher James Lawson Sanz David Richard Schulze Kym Anthony Stasiuk Daniel Hartley Steinberg Gabriel Morris Alyluia Stern CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Special Sitting of" the Court of" Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Justice Vasan Abe Sun The Honourable Ju stice Romain Pitt, Superior Court of Justice, will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Superior Court of Ju stice to adm ini ster the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. Dana-M ihaela Suvagau THE COURT WILL RISE Elizabeth Valerie Stratton Rahim Suleiman NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa, Ontario Friday, June 13, 2008 9:30 a.m. CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS Ottawa (Ontario) Le vendredi 13 juin 2008 9 h 30 LONDON CONVENTION CENTRE London, Ontario Monday, June 16, 2008 2:30 p.m. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Thursday, June 19, 2008 9:00 a. m. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Thursday, June 19, 2008 2:30 p.m. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday, June 20, 2008 9:00 a.m.
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