1997-02-19 - The Law Society of Upper Canada
1997-02-19 - The Law Society of Upper Canada
1997 LET R I GHT PREVAI L Barreau The Law Society of du Haut-Canada Upper Canada Special Conseil Convocation extraordinaire The coriferring of on honorary degree ond the call to the bar of the graduates of the bar admission course Les diplomes et diplomees du Cours de formation professionnelle du Barreau sont odmis ou Barreau et se voient decerner un grade honorifique CONTENTS NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa, Ontario Wednesday, February 19, 1997 3:00 p.m. 6 CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS Ottawa (Ontario) Le mercredi 19 fevrier 1997 15 h ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday, February 21, 1997 10:30 a.m. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday. February 21, 1997 3:15 p.m. ALTHOUSE COLLEGE (University of Western Ontario) London. Ontario Monday. February 2..J., 1997 2:30 p.m. 9 13 18 MESSAGE FROM THE TREASURER LE MESSAGE DE LA TRESORIERE ou are being called to the bar in a very special year for the Law Society of Upper Canada. Two hundred years ago on July I 7. l 797 in what is now Niagara-on-the-Lake. ten lawyers gathered to V 2 Y form the Law Society of Upper Canada. The face of the law has changed dramatically over those two centuries reflecting the phenomenal changes in the society lawyers serve. What has lasted. however, and it is testimonial to the foresight of the founding members of the Law Society, is our commitment to otre admission au barreau co"incide avec une annee tres importante pour le Barreau, car ii y a deux cents ans. le I 7 juillet 1797, dix avocats fondaient le Barreau du Haut-Canada la ou se trouve maintenant Niagara-on-the-Lake. Ces deux siecles ont ete marques par I' evolution spectacuJaire du droit, qui fait pendant aux bouleversements phenomenaux qui se sont produits dans la societe a laquellc Jes juristes se devouent. justice and our dedication to govern the legal pro- Ce qui n' a pas change et temoigne de la prescience des membres fondateurs du Barreau, c'est notre attachement fession in the public interest. ala justice et notre volonte de reglementer la profession dans l'interet public. It has been the practice since J 80 I - the year the first qualified candidates were presented - that the call to the bar take place at Convocation. While the L'assermentation se deroule en Conseil depuis 1801. J'annee de la presentation des premiers growing number of applicants made it necessary to physically move the event outside of Osgoode Hall, candidats qualifies. Bien que le nombre croissant de candidates et de candidats nous ait conduits a the ceremony is still conducted at special meetings of Convocation - in Toronto. Ottawa and London. ctelaisser Osgoode Hall, la cerernonie a toujours lieu !ors d'un Conseil extraordinaire - aToronto, a Ottawa et The call to the bar itself has undergone some change over the years. The events we know today, with their speeches, pageantry and social reception are relatively new, corning about in I 936. Prior to aLondon. La cerernonie a, elle aussi, connu certaines transformations au fil des ans et elle date, sous sa fonne actuelle. d'une epoque relativernent recente. aux alentours de 1936. Les discours, le faste et la reception n' etaient pas de mise auparavant. 3 that the process consisted of candidates being presented at Convocation with certification that they were fit to practise law; oaths were sworn and the rolls signed. A big component of the modern call to the bar is the festive atmosphere in which graduates get to lorsqu'il s'agissait simplement de presenter Jes candidates et candidats en Conseil, apres avoir atteste de leur aptitude aexercer, de leur faire preter serment et de signer le tableau de l' ordre. La ceremonie moderne se distingue notamment celebrate the day with friends and family and to par J' atmosphere festive de cette journee passee en famille et entre amis pendant Jaquelle les nouveaux reflect on their future in the profession of law. The call to the bar was once an opportunity for membres s' accordent un moment de reflex ion sur leur avenir dans la profession. II fut un temps ou one final test when in the earlier part of the 19th century, being called included oral examinations l'assermentation etait !'occasion d'une derniere epreuve lorsque, au debut du x1xe siecle. Jes given right in Convocation. candidats ne pretaient serment qu'apres avoir subi des examens oraux en Conseil. I congratulate the candidates being called to the bar in this the Law Society's bicentennial year. I trust that each of you will strive to add to the legacy of professionalism and dedication which have been the hallmarks of Ontario's lawyers for the past 200 years. Je felicite chaleureusement tous Jes candidats et candidates qui sont rer;us au barreau en cette annee ou nous celebrons notre bicentenaire . .Te compte sur chacun et chacune d' entre vous pour enrichir cet heritage deux fois seculaire que les juristes ontariens ont bati sur le ctevouement et le professionnalisme. La tresoriere du Barreau, Susan Elliott Treasurer, The Law Society of Upper Canada Me Susan Elliott CALL TO THE BAR ADMISSION AU BARREAU 4 T he ceremony of Call to the Bar takes place in two 5eparate procedures. First, the Benchers of The La~ Society of Upper Canada. who arc responsible for the government of the legal profession in Ontario. are called to order on the stage in a Special Convocation by the Treasurer. who is the head of the Society. The candidates will be presented by a representative of the Admissions and Equity Committee to the Treasurer who will confer on them the degree of Barrister-at-Law and call them to the Bar of Ontario. Convocation will a ceremonie entourant I' admission au Barrcau se deroule en deux temps. En premier lieu. la Tresoriere. qui est chef de la direction du Barreau, L ouvre un Conseil extraordinaire sur J'estrade des conseillers du Barreau du Haut-Canada, qui sont responsables de I' administration de la profession juridique en Ontario. Une representante ou un represent<mt du Comite des admissions et de I' equite presente Jes candidats et candidates a la Tresoriere qui Jeur rernet le diplome d'avocatplaideur ou d' avocate-plaideuse et Jes re<;:oit au Barreau de !'Ontario. La seance du Conseil est then adjourn and a Special Session of The Court of Appeal for Ontario and The Ontario Court of Justice (General Division) will be convened by the alors levee et le greffier convoque une session extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de J'Ontario et de Registrar. The Chief Justice of Ontario or his designate will preside over the administering of la Cour de justice de I' Ontario (Division generale). Le juge en chef de I' Ontario, ou la personne qu'il the Oath of Allegiance, the Barristers Oath and the designe, preside ala prestation du serment d'allegeance, du serrnent des avocats-plaideurs et Solicitors Oath. to the newly called members of the Bar. The Court will then adjourn. Upon completion of these two ceremonies the graduates become Barristers and Solicitors, authorized to practise law in the Province of Ontario. de celui des procureurs par Jes nouveaux membres admis au Barreau. La seance de la Cour est alors levee. A !'issue de ces deux ceremonies, !es diplomes et diplomees deviennent avocatsplaideurs ou avocates-plaideuses et procureurs ou procureures. et sont autorises clans la province de J'Ontario. a exercer le droit OATHS SERMENTS 5 OATH OF ALLEGIANCE SERMENT D'ALLEGEANCE You do swear that you will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her heirs and successors according to law. So help you God. Yous jurez fide lite et allegeance aSa Majeste la Reine Elisabeth IL a ses heritiers. heritieres. successeurs et successeures conformement ala Joi. Ainsi Dieu vous soit en aide. BARRISTERS OATH SERMENT DES AVOCATS-PLAIDEURS You are called to the Degree of Barrister-at-law to protect and defend the rights and interest of such citizens as may employ you. You shall conduct all cases faithfully and to the best of your ability. You shall neglect no one's interest nor seek to destroy any one's property. You shall not be guilty of champerty or maintenance. You shall not refuse causes of complaint reasonably founded, nor shall you promote suits upon frivolous pretences. You shall not pervert the law to favour or prejudice any one, but in all things shall conduct yourself truly and with integrity. In fine, the Queen's interest and the interest of citizens you shall uphold and maintain according to the constitution and law of this Province. All this you do swear to observe and perform to the best of your knowledge and ability. So help you God. Le dip16me d' avocat-plaideur/d' avocate-plaideuse vous est confere pour que vous protegiez et defendiez Jes droits et interets de vos concitoyens et concitoyennes qui font appel a vos services. Dans toutes Jes causes qui vous seront confiees, vous agirez avec loyalement et de votre mieux. Yous ne negligerez les interets de qui que ce soit ni ne chercherez a detruire ses biens. Yous ne participerez aaucun pacte de quota litis ni ne souticndrez une partie sans interet Jegitime. Yous ne refuserez pas de defendre des causes raisonnablement fondees ni n'intenterez d'actions frivoles. Yous ne tournerez pas la Joi pour favoriscr ou defavoriser qui que ce soit, mais, en toutes choses, vous agireL avec loyaute et integrite. En brcf, vous respecterez et defendrez Jes inten'.!ts de la Reine et de vos concitoyens et concitoyennes conformement a la constitution et aux lois de cette province. Yous jurez d' observer et d'appliquer routes ces regles en votre ame et conscience. Ainsi Dieu vous soit en aide. SOLICITORS OATH You also do sincerely promise and swear that you will truly and honestly conduct yourself in the practice of a solicitor according to the best of your knowledge and ability. So help you God. SERMENT DES PROCUREURS Yous promettez de rneme sincerement et jurez d' exei·cer avec loyaute et honnclcte votre profession de procureur/procureure. en \ otre ame et conscience. Ainsi Dieu vous soit en aide. OTTAWA PROGRAMME 6 NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa, Ontario Wednesdm; Februa rv 19. 1997 3:00 p.111. CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS Ottawa (Ontario) Le mercredi 19 jevrier 1997 15 h PROCESSION ENTREE SOLENNELLE The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the Opera. The Treasurer, Susan Elliott, will open Convocation. L' assistance se !eve lorsque la Tresoriere et Jes conseillers entrent dans la salle. La Tresoriere, Susan Elliott ouvre le Conseil. ADDRESS ALLOCUTION Christopher Moore will address Convocation. Christopher Moore prononce une allocution devant le Conseil. PRESENTATION OF PRIZES The Treasurer will present the prizes won by the graduates of the Bar Admission Course. The candidates will be introduced by the Regional Director, Marie Fortier. Awarded a share of The Elisabeth Slasor Prize donated by Gow ling, Strathy and Henderson for the student attaining the highest grade in Estate Planning at Ottawa D{/\ 1id Jeffrey Brown Karen Dawn Michele Leef Awarded a share of The Herbert Egerton Harris Advocacy Scholarship for the student attaining the second highest grade in Civil Litigation Leslie Anne Kinsman REMISE DES PRIX La Tresoriere remet les prix decernes aux diplomes et diplomees du Cours de formation professionnelle du Barreau. La directrice regionale, Marie Fortier. presente Jes candidats et candidates. Une partie du prix Elisabeth Slasor, offert par le cabinet Gow ling, Strathy & Henderson, decernee l'etudiant ou l'etudiante qui se classe au premier rang en Droit successoral a Ottawa David Jeffrey Brown Karen Dawn Michele Leef a Une partie de la Bourse Herbert Egerton Harris de pJaidoirie, decernee aJ'etudiant OU J'etudiante qui se classe au deuxieme rang en Contentieux civil Leslie Anne Kinsman OTTAWA ADMISSION AU BARREAU CALL TO THE BAR The candidare.~ for call ro rhe bar 1ril/ be presented to the Treasurer by a representatire of the Admissions and Equity Committee. Nemer Dib Abou Rizk David Marc Adderley Gordon Henry Andreiuk Peter Bryant Bean Judith Kathleen Begley Michel Beland Gordon Wallace Blackmore Lisa Catherine Blais Kathryn Marie Boone Warren Thomas Walter Boucher Darcy Andrew Earl Bowman Susan Florence Bromley David Jeffrey Brown Jane Marilyn Burton Paul Steven Carenza Yves Joseph Paul Caron Anne Catherine Carty John Paul Robert Cassan Gloria Chao Mark Alexander Chapman Janice Eileen Cheney Joseph Georges Marc Chenier Claire Melinda Russell Church Thomas James Clearwater Julie Ann Colden Deborah Joy Cooper Reid Laurence Cooper Une repre1entante ou w1 represenrum du Camire des admivsions et de /'equire preseme cl la Tresoriere /es candidats et candidates ii /'admission au Barreau. Christopher .lames Anthony Corbett Elizabeth Ann Creates Andrew Clifford Grant Shalene Stephanie CunisMicallef Paolo Orlando D'Angelo Tracy Michelle Darling Thomas Jeffrey Denholm Irene Masako Desmond Mark Kenneth Green Roberta Lyn Hawes Timothy John Henderson Lisa Marie Hickey William Harold Hinz Douglas William Hoover Eric Jean Dufour Julianne Catherine Dunbar Kelly Patricia Dunsdon Marie Angeline Lyne Durocher Sarbjit Duthie Miriam Beck Dysart Lois Frances Fitzgerald Donald John Fraser Lisa Mary Fudge-Lunetta Andrea Marie Horton Jane Victoria Howlett Mark Allan Huckabone Barry Edwin Hutsel Jaroslaw Jarosz Jaspreet Kaur Kalra Laura Hope Fuster Douglas Gillies Hamilton Fyfe Susan Helen Gallant Margaret Seabourne Geale-Barker Marie Rose Patricia Genier Moise Elizabeth Susan Gioiosa Dillabough Kathryn Vanessa Austin Grant Karen Beth Kastner Joel Bernard Kealey Leslie Anne Kinsman Beverley Kirshenblatt Mitchell Kent Kitagawa Darrell Lee Kloeze Stuart Winslow Konyer Christine Margaret La Casse Julio Alberto Lagos Diana Lynn Laing-Waal Karen Ann Laitner Joyce Laldin Suzanne Nicole Lalonde Linda Elizabeth Langlois Joseph Arthur Christian Lanie I Karen Dawn Michele Leef Roland Olivier Joseph Legault Johanne Leger David Harley Leith Kathleen Elizabeth Lemieux Scott Philip Little John Patrick Lundrigan Tracy Patricia Ljle Grant Wilbert Lynds Martin Gregoire Masse George Steven Mather Renee Joanne Marie Mc Burney Mary Kathleen McManus Joann Mary Frances Meloche Gregory James Moore Joseph Yvon Denys Morel Susan Marie Morrb Heather Catherine Morrison Ronald Muckenheim William Francis Murray Michael Naufal Joseph Leo Robert Neron Jennifer Rae Nichols 7 OTTAWA 8 Elizabeth Jane Northey Shawna Maria Noseworthy Jennifer Anne Oulton Robert Leslie Paddick Vincent Melville Panetta Marie Germaine Julie Parent Todd Kiley Plant Jacqueline Marie Prefontaine-Moore Scott Morris Prescott Brenda Eileen Price Dominique Gisele Marie Proulx Tanya Naseem Punjabi Nicholas Mark Roger Quinn Wendy Diane Riel Robert Marc Riopelle Gregory John Rose Roberto Antonio Santamaria Elisa Angela Scali Virginia Kim Schweitzer Mark Patrick Seebaran Pikloo Sharma Christopher Gerard Simboli Anne Elizabeth Simpson Patricia Barbara Simpson Gregory Edwin Smart Robert Andrew Sullivan Kohji Suzuki Cynthia Lynne Tape Julie Thibault Michael Karl Edgar Thiele Candace Lynn Thomas Reginald Shawn Thompson Marie Marthe Anne Touchette Lorie Jane Turner John Jesse Van Massenhoven Timothy John Walker Mark Leslie Warren John Robert Swain Westdal Michael Edward Wilson Joseph Normand Wong Leanne Sue Wong Robert Douglas Wood TRANSFERS Marilyn Deborah MacNair CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN LA SEANCE DU CONSEIL EST LEVEE Special Sitting cf the Cuurt c!f'Appealfor Ontario and the 011tario Court of Justice (Ge11eral Dil'isio11) Session e:r:tmordi11aire de la Cour d'appel de /'Ontario et de la Cour de justice de l'011tario (Division ge11erale) The Honourable Roydon J. Kealey, Ontario Court of Justice (General Division), will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Ontario Court of Justice (General Division) to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. THE COURT WILL RISE L'honorable juge Roydon J. Kealey, de la Cour de justice de !'Ontario (Division generale), tient une session extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de I' Ontario et de la Cour de justice de !'Ontario (Division generale) afin de faire preter serment aux dipl6rnes et dipl6mees et de les admettre comme procureur. LA SEANCE DE LA COUR EST LEVEE TORONTO PROGRAMME 9 PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer, Susan Elliott, will open Convocation. Awarded The William Belmont Common, Q.C. Pri ze for Criminal Procedure for the student attaining the second highest grade in Criminal Procedure Catherine Leslie Maunder CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, upon June Cal/wood, 0. C. ADDRESS June Callwood will address Convocation. PRESENTATION OF PRIZES The Treasurer will present the prizes won by the graduates of the Bar Admission Course. The candidates will be introduced by the Director of Bar Admissions, Margaret Angevine. Awarded The Practitioners' Prize in Real Estate for the student attaining the highest grade in Real Estate Richard Michael Kimel Awarded a share of The Stuart Thom Prize donated by Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt for the student attaining the highest grade in Business Law; Awarded a share of The McCarthy Tetrault Business Law Prize donated by McCarthy Tetrault for the student attaining the highest grade in Business Law at Toronto Bryan Todd McNulty Awarded a share of The S.J. Birnbaum, Q.C. Scholarships, Third Prize for the student attaining the third highest grade in Estate Planning Nicole Samara Rosenberg Awarded The SJ. Birnbaum, Q.C. Scholarships, First Prize for the student attaining the highest grade in Estate Planning Elina Constance Yakimov Awarded a share of The SJ. Birnbaum, Q.C. Scholarships, Second Prize for the student attaining the second highest grade in Estate Planning Rhonda Lynn Maines Alexander John Ki/loch ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto. Ontario Fridm·, Felmwr\" 21. 1997 10:30 (/,/II, TORONTO CALL TO THE BAR .. . ... The ca11didure1.f(>r ml! to the /)(Ir iri// he ;>resented to the ~ rca1111u /;ya repre.1entatil'e of' the Admis.1io11s a11d £11111ty Co111111J/I< e. 10 Maria Helena Candeias Alberto Michelle Sonia Alexander Drew Keith Allen Andrea Lynne Alliston Yasmin Al pay Okay Hyacinth Anyadicgwu Nancy Josee Arnold Evan Douglas Atwood Richard Wayne Auger Jennifer Anne August Amanda Ellen Bafaro Janelle Susan Harvie Bcreznick Edward Gordon Betts Raymond Andrew Biggart Denis Aldo Bigioni John Nicholas Birch Jan Stuart Bird Ariana Candace Birnbaum Edouard Philippe Bissada Benedict Matthew Bissonnette Sonia Lynn Bjorkquist Ari Matthew Blicker l\fark Alan Blumberg I:.rez Blumberger Laube Helen Bo<.ron Effie Bouzalas Andre\\ John Boyd Sharon L) nn Bozniak Rosanna Beth Breitman Angela '.\lilka Brooks Angu' Graham Bro\\ n Bonnie Helen Bro11 n David '.\lichael Br01111 Suzanne i\larguerite Bruce Scott James Bryan Michael Anthony Bubas John Mau Om id Buote Donald Peter Campbell Norie Clare Campbell Esther '.\liriam Carnor David Jansen Carinci Angela Nadine Carpenter Brett Albert .\lfrcd Carron Dianne Marie Caner Lora Castellucci Hatshepsut Isis Elliott Caulder Debi Chakrabony Joseph Andre Chamberlain William \Vai Kin Chan Gabriel .loon-Jae Chang Jennifer Cheung Lois P1hyun Chiang Nadia Chiodo Lisa Carol Chislett Rosanne Choi Tania Isabella Chugani Kirsten Ines Cockburn Luana Colalillo Christine .Juliann Colin Tracy Sarah Jane Connelly Scott Mervyn Cook Steven Christopher Cooney Jud\ Uizabeth Cotte Jeft~·ev Ldmund Couch ~ennit'er ,\nne Cr;m l'ord John Compton Currie Danny Nay1m Dagan Sharon Carolyn Dagan Carol Ann Dalgado Ilia Danef Helen Claudia Daniel Tasncem Zakirali Gulamali Gulamhu,ein DatooMeghji ~lalcolm cdv,ard Davidson Jonathan Alan Dawe Karen Lee Decker Nancy Lynne Denni-,on Darcy Stephen Deslauriers (lary Deutsch Terrie-Lynne Devonish Patricia Louise D'Heureux Anna Rita D1 Filippo James Fredrick Diamond Kevin George Dias Rossana Maria Santa Di Lieto Robert l\lartin Dilworth Dan Dishv Anoop Dogra Sarah Elizabeth Downie Yucheng Duan Tara Nomi Dubrow Brent Kev in Duguid Judith cllu1 Dunstan Roberto Michel Giuseppe Durante Naiic.\ \lcgan Eastman George Ellinidis Karen Dc:nise Elliott fiona Ellen Empke \\ illiam Colin Empi--e Katharine ..\nne Ernns l lsu Shen Fan Leilani babl'lla Farha Joseph ..\nthony Fera Harry \\erner rieguth Joan Marie Llizabeth Fiset Terrance Jame-, Fitzpatrick Pasquale Forgione Kim Ellen rorwell Mark Freeman Sheldon Neil freeman David Todd I ruitrnan H,utlcy Wayne Gardner Jacqueline Lorraine Gardner Richard Bnan Gelder Hagit Miriam Genossar Danny Giantsopoulos Angela Gib..,on Jasprit Kaur Gill Domagoj Glavota }crn Tammy Glowinsky Darren Anthony Gluckman Hans Christian Goddard Paul Denb Godin Elliott Jay Gold Paul Wind,or Golding Alyson Franeine Goldman l:.lysse Fern Goldman Sernion Goldstein Susan Debra Goodman \lessandra Pavlova Goulet Robert John Graham John William Groenewegen Samantha Rose Hans Steven Michael Harris Eric Carson Ifa<>lett Judith Ela111e Hayes Lisa Christine Ha>es Paul Da\id Hayward Ree-,a '.\Ierle Heft I isa ~hlrie Heidman TORONTO II Andrew Derek Heitelman Ursula Hendel Garri Benjamin Hendell Andrew Gordon Herr Michael Ian Roger Holder Brenda Lynn Hollingsworth Edward John Holmes Lorne Michael Honickman Tracy Lynne Hooey Kelly Elizabeth Hooper Laurie Evan Trent Horne Robert Bruce Horton Jennifer Diana Howard Katherine Geraldine Howitt Diane Marie Hryniuk Felix Hsu Chri-;tina Alexandra Margarete Hueniken Kathryn Groves Hunter Nilufa Husein Stephen Noel lnfuso Gregory Hugh lsraelstam Jordan Mark Jacobs Craig Brent Jay Kenneth Scott Jepson Christopher Harrington Jones Mario Josipovic Thomas Tomislav JurkoYic Preet Mohinder Singh Kaler Mark Robert Kantor Sunil Kapur Scott Alexandc:r Kelly Jonathan Ambrose Kielb Ale,\ander John Killoch Barbara Dianne Kilner Richard Michael Kimel Lisa-Marie King Elizabeth Andrea Kiss Phaedra Klodner Catherine Ann Korte Kirsten Elizabeth Kos Eugene Stephan Kosziwka Charles Michael Kray Malathie Suranganie Kumaranayake Kam Man Kwan Michael William Lacy Annette Lambros Lynn Marie Landry Jamie Dee Larkam Matthew Joseph Latella Sean Philip Lawler Carolyn Ruth Leach Ting Shing Lee Wendy Laraine Lee Louis Leibowitz Sandra Lynn Leider Ori Mordechai Levy Sandra Elizabeth Levy Andrew Clare Lewis Barn-Yen Li Elana Danielle Liberman Jeffrey Howard Lieberman Karen Lee Liebesman Robert William Howard Lightle Un Young Lim Justin Scott Linden William Leighton Liske Patricia See-Wing Lo babelle Loffredi Dm id Thomas Logan Niveditha Logsetty Kenneth Andrew Love Lynn Dianne Lovell Marian Yvonne MacGregor Jean-Marc Mackenzie Melissa Jane MacKewn Iain Andrew Campbell MacKinnon Antonio Macri Ina Marie Maher Rhonda Lynn Maines Theresa Lai Ming Man Rand) Harvey Manis Willa Sima Sona Katherine Marcus Helen Maroudas Maria Chan Martin Patrick Kim Martin Rose Maslen Donna Gayle Mason Andrew Bruce Matheson James Stefan Matiation Sarah Frances Matthews Catherine Leslie Maunder Derek James McCallum Helen Mary McCullough Jonine Suzanne McGregor Maureen Bernadette McGuigan John Stuart Mclnnes Mark Randolph McMackin Lori Anne McMillan Bryan Todd McNulty Peter Andrew McSherry Joseph Edward Meehan Lisa Anne Mendelson Lillian Messih Mary Messih Matthew Paul Michell Giuseppe Valentino Michelucci Anthony Milazzo Agnes Jane Milburn Danielle Tracy Miller Jeffrey Mark Miller Paul Stephen Miller Lisa Jean Mills William Warren Milne Allen Minuskin Lynn Leila Mitchell Richard Joseph Morel li Jennifer Mariel Morgante Blair Sean Lisle Morley Steven Muller Azam Murji Jeffrey David Arthur Murray Terry Ness Myers Rebecca Jennifer Netley John Charles Ross Newman Jason Anthony Ni col Michael Howard Niren Gregory David Norris Shannon Marie O'Hearn Sean Carlos O'Neill Thomas Steven Onyshko Mathew Ken -Loen Ou Alana Victoria Page Laura Paglia Alexander Patrick Palimaka Christine Marie Pallotta Christopher Stephen Pang Douglas Michael Parker TORONTO 12 Marian Frances Bishop Passmore Vladimira Pavicevic Manjusha Bhaskar Pawagi Nancy Park Pei Mark Douglas Penner Pamela Rita Pereira Maria Armanda Da Silva Pin ho Heather Margaret Plewes Michal Lynne Pomotov Shail Pooransingh Suzana Popovic-Montag Daniel Jonathan Porte April Gayla Postnikoff Jordan Neil Potasky John Pozios Peter Prattas Caroline Marie-Luise Pres her Andrew Derek Pyper Jeffrey Lloyd Raphael Linda Susan Rapp Lloyd Matthew Richards Damiano Giuseppe Rigolo Mya Rimon Tammy Renee Ring Mark Christopher Keith Robinson Sherrill Grace Maria Robinson Steven Anthony Robinson Vincenzo Rondinelli Nicole Samara Rosenberg Francine Rosenzweig :'foam Elie Rotenberg James Gordon Rumball Joseph William Ryan Karina Vanessa Sacca Mark William Sajewycz Jason Allen Saltzman Douglas Bruce Sanderson Jams Pearl Sarra Glenda Annette Savage Michael David Schatler Alvin Ivan Schieck Jonathan Adam Brian Schwartzman Neil Laurence Seeman Ming Zee Shah Riun Shandler Christine Ann Sharp David Edward Sharpe Gillian Mary Shaw Pamela Jaye Shime Marlene Michelle Shiner Megan Elizabeth Shortreed Jennifer Samara Shuber Derek Matthew Sigel Sheldon Clifford Silverman Kim Silvestri Ona Aldona Slivinskas Gillian Margaret Smith Haydn Allan Solomons Jeffrey Peter Sommers Brian Edward Soye Timothy Michael Squire Neil Aron Sternthal Marni Beth SternthalDicker Jocelyn Margaret Stoate Lowell Andrew Strug Frederic Thomas Stupart Jason Anthony Swales Stuart Stacey Swartz Christopher Stewart Sweeney Andrew Aaron Taylor Christopher Normand Taylor Philip Lewis Taylor Thomas Wilfrid Teahen Pierre-Etienne Jacques Tellis Christa Joanne Thomas Julian Richard George Thomas Owen Delbert Thomas Dawn Shannon Farrell Ti moon Elizabeth Whitney Tinker Jennifer Lynne Toone Francesco Tosto John Tsagarelis Susan Elizabeth Tucker Michael Shawn Ulster Rita Loreta Urbonavicius Rocco Vacca Marcus Andrew Valencia Tina Franca Vitale Francesco Vivacqua Christoph Herbert Juergen von Boetticher George Gerard Vuicic Scott Kennedy Wallace Philip Raymond Walsh Daniel Mark Webber John Gregory Webster Del Marlene Weig lein Maureen Louise Whelton Laura Kay Williams Christopher Nathaniel Wilson Victoria Baird Wilson Hyain William David Winer Joe Gokjim Wong Lisa Tara Wong Richard Gok Chung Wong Jillian Beth Wortsman Robins Alfred Man Tsuen Wu Elina Constance Yakimov Laura Christine Young Kelley Celene Yukich Patricia Jean Yurchuk CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Special Sirti11g of the Court of Appeal for 011tario and the Onrario Court of Justice (General Di1•isio11) The Honourable Patrick J. LeSage, Chief Justice, Ontario Court of Justice (General Division). will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Ontario Court of Justice (General Di\ision) to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. THE COURT WILL RISE TORONTO PROGRAMME 13 PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer, Susan Elliott, will open Convocation. Award for the student who, among the graduates of the Faculty of Law, University of Western Ontario, attained the highest grades in the Bar Admission Course Robert Alexander Vaux CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE The Treasurer will confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, upon The Hon. Allan Rock, B.A., LL.B., P.C., Q.C. Awarded a share of The SJ. Birnbaum, Q.C. Scholarships, Third Prize for the student attaining the third highest grade in Estate Planning Katherine Elizabeth Kaur Basi ADDRESS The Honourable Allan Rock, Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada will address Convocation. Awarded The Law Society Second Prize for the student attaining the third highest grades in the Bar Admission Course Anne Elizabeth Butler PRESENTATION OF PRIZES The Treasurer will present the prizes won by the graduates of the Bar Admission Course. The candidates will be introduced by the Director of Bar Admissions, Margaret Angevine. Awarded a share of The Herbert Egerton Harris Advocacy Scholarship for the student attaining the second highest grade in Civil Litigation Richard Andrew Elliott Jin Won Kim Awarded The Treasurer's Medal, The Roland 0. Daly Scholarship, and The Edwin George Long, K.C. Memorial Scholarship for the student attaining the highest grades in the Bar Admission Course; Awarded a share of The Stuart Thom Prize donated by Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt for the student attaining the highest grade in Business Law; Awarded a share of The McCarthy Tetrault Business Law Prize donated by McCarthy Tetrault for the student attaining the highest grade in Business Law at Toronto; The Margaret McNulty Jeffrey John Simpson Awarded The Joseph Sedgwick, Q.C. Prize for Criminal Procedure, and The Vera L. Parsons Prize for the student attaining the highest grade in Criminal Procedure Robin Allan Fh1111e1felt ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday. February 21, 1997 3:15 p.111. TORONTO 14 Awarded The Samuel Lerner, Q.C. Prize in General Advocacy for the student attaining the highest combined grades in Civil Litigation, Public Law, and Family Law Rosemarie Franca Galli Awarded The Law Society First Prize, The Edwin George Long, K.C. Memorial Scholarship, and The Isadore Levinter Memorial Award for the student attaining the second highest grades in the Bar Admission Course Alan Veng Bun Lo Awarded The Arthur Wentworth Roebuck Award donated by friends of the late Senator Roebuck for the student attaining the highest grade in Family Law Heidi Lee Hougham Awarded The Isadore Levinter Prize donated by The Advocates' Society for the student attaining the highest grade in Public Law Lonny Goff/on Knox Awarded a share of The McCarthy Tetrault Business Law Prize donated by McCa1thy Tetrault for the student attaining the highest grade in Business Law at Ottawa; Awarded a share of The Margaret P. Hyndman, O.C., Q.C., D.C.L. Prize donated by the Alpha Mu Chapter, Kappa Beta Pi Legal Association for the student attaining the second highest grade in Business Law; The Harcourts Advocacy Award for the student attaining the highest combined grades in Civil Litigation. Family Law. and Criminal Procedure Jan Bertrand Lee Awarded The Gowling, Strathy & Henderson Prize for the student attaining the highest grades in the Bar Admission Course at Ottawa; Awarded a share of The McCarthy Tetrault Business Law Prize donated by McCarthy Tetrault for the student attaining the highest grade in Business Law at Ottawa, Awarded a share of The Margaret P. Hyndman, O.C., Q.C., D.C.L. Prize donated by the Alpha Mu Chapter. Kappa Beta Pi Legal Association for the student attaining the second highest grade in Business Law Mark Edward McE!heran Awarded The International Academy of Trial Lawyers Plaque, and The Herbert Egerton Harris Advocacy Scholarship for the student attaining the highest grade in Civil Litigation Susan Kim Paterson Awarded The Law Society Third Prize for the student attaining the fourth highest grades in the Bar Admission Course Edward Joseph Preto TORONTO CALL TO THE BAR The candidates for call to the bar 11·il/ be presented to the Treus11rer bY a representmi1·e of the Ad111issions and EquitY Co111111ittee. 15 Darryl Allen Aarbo Alexandra Abramian Jasmine Tanja Akbarali Olivia Akotoye Michael John Callaghan Kelly Ann Callon-McLean Sandra Caponecchia Salvatore Caramanna Timothy Grier Anderson Surinder Singh Aujla Carol Lynn Aultman Denise Maureen Faithia Badley Todd Douglas Bailey Ann Catherine Barnes Joan Mary Barrett Katherine Elizabeth Kaur Basi Christopher Anthony Lawrence Caruana Vincent Anthony Casiero Kathlyn Loui se Michelle Beatty Andrew Robert Berk Franklin Bernhardt Jonathan Glenn Betteridge Marilyn Gloria Biderman William Scott Childs Giovanni Chimienti Peter WS Choe Eva Chow Wendy Wing Yan Choy Robert Adam Bobker Geoffrey Aaron Bogo Alan David Bowman Kathleen M ary Breedyk Stern Jerome Breslin Joseph Norman Robert Brouillette Paul Sim Brown Douglas Alexander Bryce Peter John Buck Jean-Paul B. Bureaud Anne Eli zabeth Butler Christopher Leonard Byers Karen Lynn Byrne Carol Anne Cahill Robert William Calderwood Joseph Edward Callaghan Melissa Jane Catalano Julie Anne M arcus Caughran Thomas Piers Chadwick Karen Anne Chambers Danielle Nicolle Chandler Michael Francis Charles Erika Chozik Janice Ya-Sze Chung Paul Chia-Fu Chung Kathleen Elizabeth Church John Joseph Ciardullo Russell Paul Cohen Marie Comiskey Daniel Patrick Condon Charlotte Ellen Conlin Hans Christian Connor Laurie Jean Cook Lynn Deanne Cook Christopher Constant Cooper Jim Coppolino Steve Anthony Coroza Joseph Cosentino Noel Andrew Courage Chantelle-Marie Courtney Nicola Crow Paula Cristina Da Silva Nadine Denise D'Aguiar Karen Lorraine Dalgleish Andrew Peter Antonius Danyliw Nicholas Dasios Jeffrey Michael Davis Salvatore De Caprio Lisa Elisabeth Michele Maria De Marco Timothy Paul Decker Timothy John Alexander Denison Raimondo Luciano Di Gregorio Anthony John Di Silvestro Ulana Romanna Domazar Janna Donskoy David Jonathan Doorey Alexander Joseph Du Owen Anthony Louis Duck man Andre Durette Jonathan Laurence Dye Benjamin David Eisner Richard Andrew Elliott Yehiel Elmaliah Delano V. Europa George Joseph Eydt Mihad Fahmy Mark Anthony Falbo Michael Leslie Farago Donald Robert Fawcett George Mi chael Richard Feindel Thomas Henry Ferns Anne Marie Kathleen Finn Joe Patrick Paul Fiorucci Gregorius Marcus Brude Firnau Brian Howard Fisher Robin Allan Flumerfelt David Michael Flynn Verlyn Floretta Francis Alana Rebecca Freedman Joanne Marie Frenschkowski Matthew Adam Friedberg Richard Stephen Frost Barbara Lynn Fydell Rutu Gadhia Leonard James Gaik Peter Mutonyi Gakiri Rosemarie Franca Galli Michael Burns Ganley Alan Patrick Gibney Robert Patrick Gibson David Gicza Camille Lee Glover Stuart Goldfarb Audrea Jeannette Golding Kevin John Gormely Vasilios Goumakos Randy Norman Graham John Colin Grant Paolo Greco Jennifer Anne Greenan Valerie Sandra Grei fen berger Jenni fer Jane Griffiths Irina Grunberg Elizabeth Alexandra Hall Shereen Yousry Hamdy Arthur Lloyd Hamilton Judith Gail Hamilton TORONTO /6 Douglas Y. Han Donald Ian Metcalfe Harvey Nizam-U-Din Hasham Robert Mark Haslam Miriam Vanessa Henry Alexandra Elizabeth Hersak Stephanie Louise Heyens Ilk.im Hmcer Robert Paul Hine Rubsun Ho Bruce MacGregor Hogg Sang-Kook Hong Gary Hopk.inson Andrea Townsend Horton Heidi Lee Hougham Lynne Wendy Howard Karen Lynne Hryciuk Alana Maria Hunt Hue Chung Huong Vittoria Carmela lacovazzi Brian Eli Berl Illian Gary Dror Indech Kimberly Joyce Inksater Antoinette Theresa Issa Jennifer Joan Jackson Hyuk Jang Diane Marie Janisse Shelley Beth Kaufman John David Keith Arnold Fitz Gerald Kelly Larry Wynn Keown Raphael Menachem Kertesz Jennifer Lindsay Kertland Alexander Tadeusz Ketrzynsk.i Amman Ahmed Khan Ausma Zehanat Khan Jin Won Kim Sang-Hee Kim John David Kingdon Deborah Anne Kinsella Lonny Gordon Knox Christina-Marie Claire Kobi Mark Toshia Koyama Elissa Maria Kuipers Silvya Linde Kuppek Dace Anna Kuze Erin Renee Kuzz Nancy Lai Ping Lam Seema Lamba Adrian Catherine Lang Elisabeth Ann Lang Jane Alexandra Langford Louis Lashkovski Jeffery Darrell Jenkins Todd Christian Jenney Alnaz Ismail Jiwa Susan Rachel Jodhan Suzanne Leigh Johnson Craig Matthew Johnston Jasminka Kalajdzic Jimmy Bernard Kandaji David Jonathan Katz Nadia Sarah Lassman Charmaine Deborah Lau Richard Don Leblanc Ian Bertrand Lee Maja McCallum Miller Lees Mitchell Andrew Leitman Leslie Ann Leroux Nadine Marguerite Letson Sue-Chun Liang Philip Bradley Lirnpert Alan Veng Bun Lo Tak Hang Lo Allan Julius Lobel Christine Elizabeth Long Scott Vaughan MacEachern Robe11 Randall MacEwen Elizabeth Callon Macfarlane Norma Jean MacKenzie Patsy Grace Maclean Angelina Macri Atoosa Mahdavian James William Mahler Michael Mariano Mancini Seth David Mandell Nick Mantas Adrienne Noriko Mark Sheryl Anne Markel Patrick William Marley Jennifer Nichol Maron Jacqueline Pamela Masaba Mark Alan Mason Kristin Elizabeth Maw Michael Patrick McCloskey Brian Paul McCutcheon Lisa Anne McDowell Mark Edward McElheran Herbert Scott McEvoy Jeremiah David McGrath Paul McKeever Mark John McLaughlin Craig John McTaggart Shonagh Lianne McVean Gary Vincent Melanson Robyn Deborah Mendelson Joseph John Menegon lsfhan Merali Marie G. Michaels Debbie Lynn Middlebrook Warren Scott Milka Sheila Marie Minnie Daniel Francis Moore Terrance Victor Moore Georgette Louise Morin Janet Mary Simkin Moss Roslyn Florence Mounsey Joshua Andrew Mullen Gavin Harris Naimer Eden Naomi Goldberg Narneri Nadine Nasr John Christopher Panet Naudie Sara Elizabeth Neamtz Laura Ann Nenych Pamela Lesley Newey Cuong The Nguyen Paul Verner Noble Steven Todd Norman Britt Oldenburg Susan Orlando Janet Ozembloski Michael Christopher John Padfield Dalkeith Palmer Giovanna Marisa Paolucci Susan Kim Paterson Thomas Hugh Percival Paolo Oreste Petrelli Andrew Douglas Pilla Jean-Paul Pilon TORONTO 17 Robert Gordon Plate Denise Claire Hutner Pollock Richard Joseph Posner Michelle Katherine Pottruff Parmanand Lalta Prashad Jill Renee Presser Edward Joseph Preto Neil Vijay Puddicombe Tracey-Lynn Pullen Scott Raymond Pundsack Julianne Catherine Ralph Larry Peter Reimer George Reis Peter Alexander Richardson Alan Owen Ritchie Christian Rene Riveros Tanya Nicole Road James Lawrence Robbins Heather Margaret Robertson Robert Ian Robertson Jay Phillip Rosenzweig Angela Mae Ross Meredith Anne Roth Michelle Chalene Roth Susan Eli1abeth Rothfels Michelle Louise Rumble Valeria Ruoso Tyrol Douglas Russell Danial Lawrence Rutman Sonja Marie Salmon SanjiY Krishnaji Samant Claudia Norma Santoro John Charles Munro Sayers Ian Stuart Scarlett David Robin Schlesinger Michael Steven Schmidt David Michael Scrimger Andreas Gerald Seibert Gu1jot Kaur Sekhon Elizabeth Seo Michael Robe11 Shapray Earl Patrick Shea Richard Alan Sherman Margaret Amy Shoemaker Elizabeth Reid Shriver Baljit Sierra Carolyn Nicole Sigouin Mary Jocelyn Sigouin Richard Douglas Simmons Jeffrey John Simpson Margaret Roos Sims Raju Singh Luciana Siraco Michael Robert Slinger Sheri Lea Snitman Ian Howard Solomon Hee Eun Song Kay Young Song Jitendra Kumar Sood Jane Southren Arkadi Spektor Amy Elizabeth Stahlke Colleen Marie Patricia Stanley Michelle Lea Stark Jana Rae Steele Tracey Beth Stern Shoshanna Nicole Stone Jacqueline Jan Strecansky Terra Lee Strong Kurt Anthony Sunn Susan Lynn Surtees Maurice James Swan Lori Michelle Swartz Aaron Ross Tanaka Jack Bernard Tannerya Christopher Jeffery Thiesenhausen David Anthony Thomas Paula Marie Thompson Daniel Hugh Thomson Michael Allan Tile Mary Anne Theresa Tobin Radoslav Tofilovski Alan John Tonner Man Ha Tse David-John Koichiro Ujimoto Mahzulfah Shahzia Uppal Caroline Genevieve Ursulak Stephany Nadia Vaccari Michael Alan van Bodegom Wayne van der Meide Robert Alexander Vaux Jamuar Sharat Vijaya Katalin Aniko VilaghyBrown Yasmin Karim Visram John Luke von Kaufmann Angelo Vumbaca Kathryn Sarah Watson Dawne Patricia Way David Edward Willans Elspeth Marion Williams Audrey Wineberg Jeffrey Adam Winick John Sebastian Winny David Lee Wiseman Andrea Patricia Wojtak Debbie Lorraine Wolanski Corinne Patricia WolfeBetz Cary Kava Wong Tzu Yun Wong Wan- Yee Sabrina Wong A1juna Di lip Yog~sundram Stephen Edward Yoker Eun Mi Yu Robert Avery Zeidman Giovanni Zingaro Anthony Bruce Zuber TRANSFERS Marie-Helene LeB lanc CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Special Sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Onrario Court of Justice (Genernl Dil'i.lion) The Honourable R. Roy McMurtry. Chief Justice of Ontario. will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Ontario CoLirt of Justice (General Di\'ision) to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. THE COURT WILL RISE LONDON PROGRAMME 18 ALTHOUSE COLLEGE (University of Western Ontario) London. Ontario l"1011dav. Februan 24, 1997 2:30 p.m. PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer. Susan Elliott, will open Convocation. ADDRESS Christopher Moore will address Convocation. PRESENTATION OF PRIZES The Treasurer will present the prizes won by the graduates of the Bar Admission Course. The candidates will be introduced by the Assistant Director, Margaret A. McSorley. Awarded The Pensa & Associates Prize for the student attaining the highest grades in the Bar Admission Course at London; The E.J. McGrath Prize for the student at London who has most clearly demonstrated excellence in the skills required in Criminal Law Practice Terry Neil Armstrong Awarded The McCarthy Tetrault: Business Law Prize donated by McCarthy Tetrault for the student attaining the highest grade in Business Law at London; The Beverley Genest Prize for the student attaining the highest grade in Family Law at London Michael Anthony Rayner Awarded a share of The Elisabeth Slasor Prize donated by Gowling, Strathy and Henderson for the student attaining the highest grade in Estate Planning at Ottawa Daina Inara Groskaufmanis LONDON CALL TO THE BAR The candidates.for call to the bar >l'ill be prese11ted to the Treasurer /Jy a representatil·e of the Admissions and EquitY Co111111ittee. /9 Arlene Bernadette Alvares Terry Neil Armstrong Constantina Athanassiades Carolyn Diane Ayre Andrew Norbert Baumgartner Jason Todd Bechtel Sheryl Noreen Beckford Kimberley Marie Bertholet Bradley Gordon Beuttenmiller Rosalene Marie Bilash Darren Michael Black James Martin Boonstra Judith Fiona Bradford Judy Gertrude Irma Burns Joseph Anthony Byrne Darren Ronald Charters Robyn Leigh Cook Elizabeth Kathleen Cormier Kathleen Erin Cullin Jeffrey Thomas Dodgson Nammarra Neela Marie Dokken George Susan Jane Dollar Patrizia Forte Kimberley Diahann Gagan Flavia Rosina Gallo Martha Kay Green Daina lnara Groskaufmanis Christopher James Haskell Christopher Alan Hazel Todd Cariton Hein Maura Ann Helsdon Bryan Michael Hicks Susan Elaine Hirota Brandon Gregory Houser Judith Anne Hull Jennifer Lynne Jones Jennifer Lynn Kent Ian Randall Kerr Nicholas John Koppert Kimberly Marie LeClair Robert Burns MacKay Monica Anne MacKenzieBolle Joseph Marra Denise Eleanor Appleton Marshall Moira Elsa McCamey Susan Marie McCorquodale David Michael McNevin Ingrid Blanca Francisca Miranda Patricia Julia Moore Karen Marilla Murray Melanie Karen Murray Dimitrios Nikolakakos Laurie Lynn Parent Brian Alan Pickard Sean William Plat Barbara Ann Quick Michael Anthony Rayner Leslie Anne Reaume Melissa Claudine Schofield Jan Hendrik Schut Robert Patrick Sirizzotti James Spangenberg Stephen Lindsay Taran Augusta Louise Tribe Kenneth Walter Vigeant Paul Harris Voorn Jacalyn Denise Walters Michael Andrew Wills Helga Wintal Carol Lea Woodcock Larry Yelen Jane Marie Young CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Special Sitting of the Court ()f Appeal.for Ontario and the Ontario Court ()f Justice (Gene ml Di1•ision) The Honourable Lynne Leitch, Ontario Court of Justice (General Division). will preside over a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Ontario Court of Justice (General Di\ ision) to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. THE COURT WILL RISE NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa, Ontario Wednesday, February 19, 1997 3:00 p.m. CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS Ottawa (Ontario) Le mercredi 19 fevrier 1997 15 h ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday, February 21, 1997 10:30 a.m. ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday, February 21, 1997 3: 15 p.m. ALTHOUSE COLLEGE (University of Western Ontario) London, Ontario Monday, February 24, 1997 2:30 p.m. 1797 - 1997 1997 SPECIAL CONVOCATION ADDENDUM ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday, February 21, 1997 10:30a.m. The following candidates will be present to receive their call during this ceremony: Hue Chung Huong John Luke von Kaufmann The following candidates will not be present to receive their call: David Todd Fruitman Darren Anthony Gluckman 1797 - 1997 1997 SPECIAL CONVOCATION ADDENDUM ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday, February 21, 1997 3:15 p.m. 1797 - ltt7 The following candidates will be present to receive their call during this ceremony: Christine Juliann Colin
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