Nov 17, 2015 - Altamonte Springs
Nov 17, 2015 - Altamonte Springs
CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS COMMISSION AGENDA NOVEMBER 17, 2015 (REVISED) 7:00 P.M. REGULAR MEETING INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INFORMAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE FLOOR 1. CERTIFICATION OF NOVEMBER 3, 2015 ELECTION RESULTS ADMINISTRATION OF OATH OF OFFICE TO COMMISSIONERS GARDNER HUSSEY AND SARAH REECE SELECTION OF VICE MAYOR 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 20, 2015 INFORMAL COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE FLOOR 3. PUBLIC HEARING (2nd READING) A. Ordinance 1688-15- Request to Change the Future Land Use Designation of the Southeast Corner of West Town Parkway and Pearl Lake Causeway B. Ordinance 1689-15- Request to Rezone the Southeast Corner of West Town Parkway and Pearl Lake Causeway 4. PUBLIC HEARING (1st READING) Ordinance 1690-15- Land Development Code Amendment for the regulation of medical marijuana retail centers and marijuana-related land uses. 5. PUBLIC HEARING (1st READING) Ordinance 1693-15- City Code of Ordinances amendment to reorganize Chapter 19, Local Business Taxes and City Permits, and adopt regulations for marijuana businesses 6. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL Purchase Agreement between Genesis Professional Center Condominium Associates, Inc., a Florida Corporation and the City of Altamonte Springs 7. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL Transfer ownership of K-9 Aron to MPO Roberto Ruiz City Commission Meeting of November 17, 2015 Page 2 8. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL Waive Formal Solicitation and Approve Sole SourceAurora and Layne Vertical Turbine Pump Parts & Repairs 9. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL Waive Formal Solicitation and Approve Sole SourceWater Storage Tank Cathodic Protection Upgrade and Inspection 10. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL Waive Formal Solicitation and Approve Sole SourceConductive Electrical Weapon and Accessories 11. DISCUSSION City Manager Review ADD ON ITEM: 12. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL Temporary Access and Limited Construction Easement Agreement required for issuance of the Waterfront Improvement Permit BP15-1115 for 447 Meander Drive North Persons with disabilities needing assistance in participating in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk Department ADA Coordinator 48 hours in advance of the meeting at 407-571-8122 (Voice) or 407-571-8126 (TDD). Persons are advised if they wish to appeal any decision made at the hearing/meetings, they will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made which includes the testimony evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, per Chapter 286.0105, Laws of Florida. The City of Altamonte Springs does not provide this verbatim record. Official Use Only Commission Action:_......,,__ _ _ _ _ __ From: City M a n a g e r : - - - - - - - - - - Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SUBJECT: Certification of November 3, 2015 Election Results SUMMARY EXPLANATION & BACKGROUND: Attached is a copy of the Election Summary Report and Statement of Votes Cast as certified by the Seminole County Supervisor of Elections Office, who also served as the Canvassing Board for the election. A total of 1371 Votes were cast for the three (3) Charter Amendments with each amendm.ent passing as shown in detail below: • Referendum 1: 1069 (78.43%)-Yes 294 (21.57%)-No Total Votes: 1363 • Referendum 2: 730 (53.72%)-Yes 629 (46.28%)-No Total Votes: 1359 • Referendum 3: 1048 (76.95%)-Yes 314 (23.05%)-No Total Votes: 1362 Certification of results are required by Section 13-17 of the Altamonte Springs City Code of Ordinances. FISCAL INFORMATION: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION: Certify the results of the November 3, 2015 Election provided by the Seminole County Supervisor of Elections as required by Section 13-17 of the Altamonte Springs City Code of Ordinances. Initiated by: Erm O'Donnell ELECTION SUMMARY REPORT City of Altamone Springs November 3, 2015 Seminole County, Florida OFFICIAL RESULTS Cards Cast 13 71 ALTAMONTE REFERENDUM 1 Total \1 ates YES NO Total 1363 1069 294 78.43% 21.57% Total 1359 730 629 53.72% 46.28% Total 1362 1048 314 76.95% 23.05% ALTAMONTE REFERENDUM 2 Total Votes YES NO ALTAMONTE REFERENDUM 3 Total \1 ates YES NO Date: 11II2/15 Time: 14:55 :56 Page: 1 of I REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OCTOBER 20, 2015 Pursuant to due notice, a regular meeting of the Commission of the City of Altamonte Springs, Seminole County, was held at 225 Newburyport Avenue, in said City on October 20, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. PRESENT WERE: Mayor Bates, Commissioners Batman, Hussey, Reece, and Wolfram ALSO PRESENT WERE: Frank Martz Skip Fowler Erin O'Donnell City Manager City Attorney City Clerk The meeting was called to order by Mayor Bates at 7:00 p.m. INVOCATION: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion: Moved by Commissioner Wolfram, seconded by Commissioner Reece, to approve the minutes of the regular Commission Meeting of October 6, 2015 as presented. Motion carried unanimously. INFORMAL COMMUNICATION FROM THE FLOOR: None 1. PUBLIC HEARING (1st READING) A. Ordinance 1688-15- Request to Change the Future Land Use Designation of the Southeast Corner of West Town Parkway and Pearl Lake Causeway B. Ordinance 1689-15- Request to Rezone the Southeast Corner of West Town Parkway and Pearl Lake Causeway Bob Atkins and Maurizio Leon, representing the property and the applicant appeared before the Commission to let them know they were available to answer any questions and also provided detail views of the property and surrounding area. The attorney read the title of the ordinance into the record. Minutes of the City Commission Meeting -October 20, 2015 Page 2 of4 Motion: Moved by Commissioner Wolfram, seconded by Commissioner Batman to approve Ordinance 1688-15 on first reading and set second reading for November 17, 2015. Commissioner Batman - yes; Commissioner Hussey - yes; Commissioner Reece - yes; Commissioner Wolfram -yes; Mayor Bates -yes. Motion carried 5-0. Motion: Moved by Commissioner Hussey, seconded by Commissioner Batman to approve Ordinance 1689-15 on first reading and set second reading for November 17, 2015. Commissioner Batman - yes; Commissioner Hussey - yes; Commissioner Reece - yes; Commissioner Wolfram -yes; Mayor Bates -yes. Motion carried 5-0. 2. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL Motion: 3. 4. Moved by Commissioner Hussey, seconded by Commissioner Wolfram to approve the access easement. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL Motion: New Access Easement for 48" Effluent Pipe to Little Wekiva Rive Solid Waste Franchise Renewals for FY 15/16 Moved by Commissioner Wolfram, seconded by Commissioner Batman to approve the renewals for FY 15/16. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL 2015/16 Neighborhood Improvement Grant Program Commissioner Batman asked Mr. Martz when the restriction on allowing Condominiums to apply for this program was lifted. Mr. Martz replied that as long as he has been City Manager, he was not aware of such restriction but he'd be happy to check on that and get back to him. Motion: s. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL Motion: 6. Moved by Commissioner Wolfram, seconded by Commissioner Reece to approve the 2015/16 Neighborhood Improvement Grant Program. Motion carried unanimously. Advisory Committee (CAC) Moved by Commissioner Hussey, seconded by Commissioner Batman to approve John Florio as the appointment for another four (4) year term. Motion carried unanimously. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL Motion: Metroplan Citizen's appointment Purchase Agreement between, George Groetzner and Ana Groetzner, husband and wife and the City of Altamonte Springs Moved by Commissioner Wolfram, seconded by Commissioner Reece to approve the purchase agreement. Motion carried unanimously. Minutes of the City Commission Meeting -October 20, 2015 Page 3 of 4 7. FINANCE ITEMS A. ITB 16-001-CE-Dumpster Service for various City Properties-Annual Requirements- Award ITB 16-001-CE to Progressive Waste solutions of Florida, Inc. in the bid amount of $106,754.28 B. ITB 14-0198 Fire Station and Southwest Elevated Water Storage Tank Rehabilitation- Approve Final Payment in the amount of $304,500.00 to Utility Service Company, Inc. and accept the closeout documentation Motion: Moved by Commissioner Hussey, seconded by Commissioner Reece to approve finance items A and B. Motion carried unanimously. INFORMAL COMMUNICATION FROM THE FLOOR: None REPORTS: CITY ATTORNEY -None CITY CLERK Reported that the precincts for the November 3, 2015 Election were temporarily moved for this election only. Residents west of 1-4 will be voting at Westmonte Park, while residents living east of 1-4 will be voting at City Hall. CITY MANAGER Reported that the City is in the middle of their current Cranes Roost Park renovation. The City has been having a lot of feedback from citizens on the project and will be continuing to update the website with current information as well as looking into alternative walking routes as a temporary solution. It is better for the park to close it all down at once and do a total renovation so we are able to open up as soon as possible next year. Lastly, he briefed the Commission that the subject of medical marijuana will be coming up with them as the City has already been identified in the news media as a potential site for a facility dispensary. The City is looking into Ordinances and with the help of the Seminole County Sherriff's Office, we will be ready if and when it passes on the ballot next year. COMMISSIONER BATMAN Asked for clarification on the Cranes Roost closures in response to comments he's received from residents. Mr. Martz replied the south side of the park is open. Two boardwalks and sidewalks are having the tread ways replaced and railings replaced. In the course of an evaluation, the structural integrity of the boardwalks was in jeopardy due to their age. As stated before, the City is looking into alternative walkways and better signage to better redirect. COMMISSIONER REECE- None Minutes of the City Commission Meeting -October 20, 2015 Page 4 of 4 COMMISSIONER HUSSEY-None COMMISSIONER WOLFRAM-None MAYOR BATES- None The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. ATIEST: MAYOR CITY CLERK Official Use Only Commission Action: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City M a n a g e r : - - - - - - - - - - Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SUBJECT: Ordinance Nos. 1688-15 and 1689-15 (2nd Reading) - Request to change the future land use designation and rezone the southeast corner of West Town Parkway and Pearl Lake Causeway. SUMMARY EXPLANATION & BACKGROUND: A Comprehensive Plan amendment to change the subject property's future land use designation from Industrial to Commercial/Office and rezone from 1-L (Very Light Industrial District) to MOC-1 (Mixed Office Commercial District). The MOC-1 zoning is proposed to be restricted to prohibit retail-related uses, restaurants, lounges, bars, or other drinking or dining establishments and parking garages. The property owner has executed a Restricted Use Agreement with the City. At its July 8, 2015 meeting, the Planning Board recommended approval of the proposed ordinances for comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning with restrictions. FISCAL INFORMATION: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION: A. PASS AND ADOPT Ordinance 1688-15 on second and final reading. B. PASS AND ADOPT Ordinance 1689-15 on second and final reading. Initiated by: John Sember, Growth Management ORDINANCE NO.: 1688-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING "CITY PLAN 2030," THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, BY CHANGING THE FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION OF THAT PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WEST TOWN PARKWAY ANO PEARL LAKE CAUSEWAY (AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN), FROM INDUSTRIAL TO COMMERCIALJOFFICE; FINDING CONFORMITY WITH STATE STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida, on October 5, 2010, adopted Ordinance No. 1628-10, the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Altamonte Springs, referred to as "City Plan 2030"; and WHEREAS, on the Planning Board of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida, held public hearing on the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan to change the future land use designation of this property; and WHEREAS, public hearings on the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment hereinafter described were duly advertised and held by the City Commission of the City of Altamonte Springs, and at such hearings interested parties and citizens for and against the proposed plan amendment were heard; and WHEREAS, the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida, and its Land Planning Agency have complied with the requirements of the Community Planning Act in preparing the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed amendment to be adopted by this Ordinance complies with the statutory and regulatory requirements of the aforesaid Act. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION ONE: This Ordinance is adopted in conformity with and pursuant to the Community Planning Act, Sections 163.3161 through 163.3248, Florida Statutes (2014), and the Municipal Home Rule Powers Act, Sections 166.011 through 166.0497, Florida Statutes (2014 ). SECTION TWO: The Comprehensive Plan amendment approved by the City of Altamonte Springs Planning Board on July 8, 2015 is hereby adopted and approved. SECTION THREE: The following described property, comprising approximately 1.04+/- acres, is hereby designated a future land use of City Commercial/Office: Owners: Leon Investment Properties, Inc. Address: That property located at the Southeast corner of West Town Parkway and Pearl Lake Causeway in the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida more particularly described as follows: Lot 7, LORRAINE COMMERCE PARK, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 26, PAGE 79, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. SECTION FOUR: Any and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION FIVE: If any provisions of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared severable. SECTION SIX: This ordinance shall become effective 31 days after ad optic n, unless cha lie nged prior to that date pursuant to Section 163. 31 87(5), Florida Statutes, and if challenged shall become effective when a final order determining compliance is issued by the state land planning agency. PASSED THIS _ _ _ DAY OF _ _ _ _ _ _ , 2015. FIRST READING: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADVERTISED: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PAT BATES, MAYOR CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA ATTEST: ERIN O'DONNELL, CITY CLERK Approved as to form and legality for use and reliance of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida JAMES A. FOWLER, CITY ATTORNEY ORDINANCE NO.: 1689-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP OF THE CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION FROM 1-L (VERY LIGHT INDUSTRIAL) TO MOC-1 (MIXED OFFICE COMMERCIAL) ON THAT PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF WEST TOWN PARKWAY AND PEARL LAKE CAUSEWAY AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; FINDING CONFORMITY WITH STATE STATUTES AND THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, public hearings on the question of zoning of the property hereinafter described were duly advertised and held by the City Commission of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida, and at such hearings interested parties and citizens for and against the proposed zoning were heard; and WHEREAS, the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida, and its Land Planning Agency have complied with the requirements of the Municipal Home Rule Powers Act, Sections 166.011 through 166.0497, Florida Statutes (2014), in considering the proposed zoning; and WHEREAS, after said public hearing, the City Commission of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida, has determined that the said property shall be zoned from the classification of 1-L (very light industrial) to MOC-1 (mixed office commercial) as this classification is defined in the Land Development Code of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida, and has further determined that said zoning is consistent with "City Plan 2030," the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA as follows: SECTION ONE: That the Official Zoning Map of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida, be and the same is hereby amended as follows: The property legally described as: Lot 7, LORRAINE COMMERCE PARK, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 26, PAGE 79, PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA be and the same is hereby designated and assigned the zoning classification of MOC-1 as this classification is defined in the Land Development Code of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida. SECTION lWO: This ordinance is adopted in conformity with and pursuant to "City Plan 2030," the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Altamonte Springs, the Community Planning Act, Sections 163.3161 through 163.3248, Florida Statutes (2014), and the Municipal Home Rule Powers Act, Sections 166.011 through 166.0497, Florida Statutes (2014). SECTION THREE: If any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are declared severable. SECTION FOUR: Any and all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. SECTION FIVE: After its final passage, this ordinance shall become effective concurrently with the effective date of City of Altamonte Springs Ordinance 1688 - 15 (the comp plan ordinance). PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF _ _ _ _ , 2015. FIRST READING: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ADVERTISED: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ PAT BATES, MAYOR CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA ATTEST: ERIN O'DONNELL, CITY CLERK Approved as to form and legality for use and reliance of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida JAMES A. FOWLER, CITY ATTORNEY l-'-A--~"-f"r-7•'b'ft--' ~l--~~~~.L--~~~~~-r-t,__~~~~1 <( Pearl Lake causeway / Type of Application: Rezoning and Future Land Use Map Amendment. _ Address: Southeast corner of West Town Parkway and Pearl Lake Causeway. Map Date : June 17, 2015 Municipal Planning. Board Staff Report City of Altamonte Springs Growth Management Department APPLICATION INFORMATION DATE OF HEARING: July 8, 2015 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF: Future Land Use Amendment· Ordinance 1688·15 Rezoning-Ordinance 1689-15 PUBLIC HEARING: Yes PROJECT NAME: Pearl Lake Causeway FLUM & Rezoning PROJECT NUMBER: 15-21000001 PROPERTY LOCATION: Southeast Corner of Pearl Lake Causeway and West Town Parkway PARCEL ID NUMBER: 16-21-29-507-0000-00 70 PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE { S): Property Owner: Maurizio Leon Agent: Robert Atkins Leon Investment Properties, Inc. Atkins Commercial Real Estate, LLC TRACT SIZE: +/-45,150 square feet (1.04 acres) ACTIVITY CENTER: None A vicinity map for the subject property is enclosed. Legal descriptions and sketches of description have been provided by the applicant and are on file with the Growth Management Department. Page 1 Agenda Item 3a STAFF FINDINGS 1. REQUEST. The Applicant requests a change of the future land use designation from Industrial to Commercial/Office and a rezoning from 1-L Very Light Industrial to MOC-1 Mixed Office Commercial. The property is currently vacant. The adjacent properties have the following zoning designations: Direction Jurisdiction Future Land Use Zoning West City Low Density Residential R-lA North City West Town Center MOR-2 South City Industrial IL Abiding in Christ Ministries, Inc., Internet video studio and office• East City Industrial IL Magnolia Rainer Office Building (Z88.3 Radio) Radio station studio and office. Warehouse and office space (approved under prior zoning code) Use Brantley Estates Subdivision Consulate Health Care *Professional Offices and Professional Service uses, which include business offices, data processing and computer centers, to include a web site design office, approved as a similar and compatible use in 2006 by the Growth Management Director. The original development was an Internet web hosting company. The property owner proposes to develop the property with a daycare and office use, neither of which are permitted in the 1-L zoning district. The MOC-1 zoning district wlll permit these two uses. In order to be eligible for MOC-1 zoning, the future land use map would need to be changed to Commercial/Office. As shown on the enclosed zoning map, other lands zoned MOC-1 exist along SR 434, and a large tract of MOR-2 Mixed-Office/Residential zoning exists on the north side of West Town Parkway. MOR-2 zoning is a desirable transitional zoning for the subject property and would normally be the preferred option. However, child care centers are not permitted in MOR-2 districts outside of activity centers. In order to balance the applicant's proposed uses of daycare and office with the objective of implementing a transitional zoning and not having full commercial activity jump over to Pearl Lake Causeway, staff is recommending approval of the request with the condition that the MOC-1 zoning be restricted to prohibit retail- Page 2 Agenda Item 3a related uses and restaurants, lounges, bars, or other drinking or dining establishments. Such a restriction would prohibit the following MOC-1 district uses: • • • • • • • Auto/home supply stores Convenience stores Hardware stores Restaurants with or without lounges Retail stores and shops Supermarkets Major alcoholic beverage establishments (on-premises consumption of beer, wine, or liquor with less than 51% of gross revenue from sale of food and nonalcoholic beverages) Staff has created a table that compares the permitted and conditional uses in the MOC-1 and MOR-2 zoning districts for reference. The table i.s located at the end of this report. 2. GENERAL FINDINGS. Staff reviewed the application submitted by the Applicant, and offers the following general comments: 1. The proposed change of land use and rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code. The request, ifrestricted, is consistent with the development patterns and surrounding land uses in the area. 2. Development of the subject property shall conform to the City's Land Development Code and applicable City rules and regulations, 3. Pursuant to the Intergovernmental Planning Coordination Agreement of 1997, on June 23, 2015 the Seminole County Planning Staff was provided with information related to this request. 4. The request for a future land use map change is considered a small scale Comprehensive Plan amendment because it does not exceed 10 acres. 5. The proposed rezoning complies with the minimum parcel size requirement of Land Development Code section, which states the following: Except where the proposal for the rezoning of property involves an extension of an existing district boundary, no change in the zoning classification of land shall be considered which involves less than 40,000 square feet of area and 200 feet of street frontage. Page 3 Agenda Item 3a 3. STAFF ANALYSIS OF REQUEST. A. REVIEW REQUIREMENTS: In accordance with subsection of the City's Land Development Code for Comprehensive Plan amendments and rezonings the Planning Board shall consider the following issues before making a recommendation to the City Commission. 1. The proposed change is not contrary to the established land use pattern. This block consists of office type uses and a retention pond. 2. The proposed change, if restricted, will not create an isolated district. In this case, the proposed change will be consistent with the established land use pattern and will act as a transitional district between the light industrial to the east and the residential to the west. 3. The proposed change would not alter the population pattern and is expected to develop commercially, not residentially. 4. The existing district boundaries are logically drawn in relation to existing conditions on the property proposed for the change as seen on the vicinity map. 5. The proposed change would not be contrary to the land use plan and would not have an adverse effect on the Comprehensive Plan. 6. Development in the area has changed the character of the area enough to warrant the passage of the proposed amendment. The industriallyzoned properties in this area have developed with uses not typically considered industrial, the land is located on a four-lane major collector roadway, and single-family subdivisions have developed to the west. 7. The proposed change will not adversely influence living conditions in the area. 8. The proposed change will not create or excessively increase traffic congestion or otherwise affect public safety. 9. The proposed change will not create a drainage problem as the property is vacant. Drainage matters will be address at the site plan review stage at the time of development. 10. The proposed change will not reduce light or air to adjacent properties as the property is vacant. Proposed development on this site as well as in the immediate area is for similar uses and will be held to the requirements of the Land Development Code. Page 4 Agenda Item 3a 11. The proposed change is not expected to adversely affect property values in the adjacent area. 12. The proposed change will not be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accordance with existing regulations as this parcel will follow those same regulations. All development will be subject to the regulations, guidelines, and benefits under the City's Land Development Code. 13. The proposed change, if restricted, will not constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual owner. 14. There are substantial reasons why reasonable use of the property is improved with the proposed zoning. The proposed MOC-1 zoning will allow a wider range of potential uses with less potential impact than industrial uses. The owner's proposed daycare and office uses are two such examples. 15. There are substantial reasons why a reasonable use of the property cannot be accomplished under existing zoning. The property's location lends itself more to transitional uses and neighborhood-oriented uses than industrial uses. 16. The proposed change is not out of scale with the needs of the area or the city. 17. The proposed use of the property is for child care center and office development which is compatible with the surrounding land use of the adjacent property. 18. This action does not place restrictions on any other matters which the City Commission is authorized to regulate. B. CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN: Future land use amendment requests are reviewed for consistency with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and must also show consistency with the overall designation of land uses as depicted on the Future Land Use Map. According to Policy 1-1.2.26 la) of the City of Altamonte Springs Comprehensive Plan, Commercial/Office areas shall be regarded as areas that serve local and related needs within the community. Office uses within Commercial/Office areas are compatible with adjacent community shopping and Activity Center uses and may be used as a buffer between these areas and adjacent residential uses. The Subject Property is proposed to offer childcare services to serve the needs of the residential community, while creating a buffer between light industrial properties, the West Town Activity Center, and the residential areas. Page 5 Agenda Item 3a According to Policy 1-1.2.26 (d), the Commercial/Office areas with MOC-1 Mixed Office/Commercial zoning shall be located on major collectors or roadways in a higher classification, and located along the SR 434 corridor between Douglas/Markham Woods Road and Montgomery Road . The subject property is located on West Town Parkway, which is a major collector. C. CONCURRENCY WITH PUBLIC FACILITIES: In accordance with the comprehensive plan, Policy 2-1.1.1: Exception from Statemandated Transportation Concurrency, development/ redevelopment within the City is exempt from state-mandated transportation concurrency. However other impacts on public facilities have been reviewed as described below. As directed by the State of Florida when assigning a future land use designation to a property, analysis of impacts created by proposed development on the site are to be measured at the highest and most intense use allowed under the proposed future land use designation regardless of the Applicant's development plan or confines as the result of concurrency. The maximum intensity allowed by right in the MOC-1 zoning district is a floor area ratio of 0.35. The following analysis is based on this use and intensity scenario. 1. Potable Water Potable water lines are accessible to the subject property and there is available capacity in the City system to accommodate the proposed development. Please see the attached St. Johns River Water Management District Potable Water Availability Worksheet. 2. Sanitary Sewer Sanitary sewer lines are accessible to the subject property. Currently the City's sanitary sewer/reclaimed water system operates at approximately 50% of the design capacity and has available capacity to accommodate the project's needs. 3. Stormwater Stormwater requirements are handled during the site plan review process and are also subject to the Department of Environmental Protection and St. Johns River Water Management District review and permits. 4. Parks and Recreation and Public School As the subject property is proposed to be developed as commercial, recreation and public school concurrency is not applicable. Page 6 Agenda Item 3a As per Article 11, Concurrency Management, of the City's Land Development Code, Comprehensive Plan Amendments and Rezoning requests are considered Type II Preliminary Development Orders, and an internal concurrency test is required. As indicated above, this internal test indicates capacity is available. Future development on the subject property will be required to submit to a full review for adequate public facilities based on the actual proposed development plan. D. POTENTIAL IMPACT ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY: The subject property is not in a flood zone area pursuant to information on the Federal E~ergency Management Agency's Flood Map Service Center (https ://m sc. f E. COMPATIBILITY WITH THE SURROUNDING AREA: The Applicant requests a change of the future land use designation of the subject property to Commercial/Office and a rezoning to MOC-1. This proposed change, ifrestricted, is compatible with the surrounding land uses. 4. FINDINGS. Staff reviewed the proposed future land use amendment and rezoning request and determined that applicable <;:oncurrency requirements have been met and that the request is consistent with Policy 1-1.19.1 of the City's Comprehensive Plan and subsection of the City's Land Development Code. 5. NEXT STEP. With the recommendation of the Planning Board, the City will draft a Restricted Use Agreement for the owner's review and signature. This application will then be presented to the City Commission. After Commission action, the future land use amendment will be transmitted to the state and the Restricted Use Agreement will be recorded in the public records. Page 7 Agenda Item 3a RECOMMENDATION The Growth Management Department recommends that the Planning Board take the following action (requires two separate motions): 1) Recommend Approval of the requested comprehensive plan amendment to change the future land use designation from Industrial to Commercial/Office. 2} Recommend Approval of the requested rezoning changing the zoning designation of the subject property from 1-L Very Light Industrial to MOC-1 Mixed Office Commercial, restricted to prohibit retail-related uses and restaurants, lounges, bars, or other drinking or dining establishments. Attachments: 1) St. John's River Water Management District Potable Water Availability Worksheet 2) Future land use map 3) Zoning map ADVISEMENTS Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at this meeting, they will need a record of the proceedings and for such purposes, they will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City of Altamonte Springs does not provide this verbatim record . Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk Department ADA Coordinator at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407) 571-8121(Voice) or (407) 571-8126 (TDD). This report was prepared by the Altamonte Springs Growth Management Department, Planning and Development Services Division (407) 571-8150. S:\GM\Commission and Boards\BZA & Planni11g Board\REPORTS- Planning Board\Reports 2015\Pearl Lake Cswy fLUM and Rezoning\Pearl Lake Cswy FLUM-Rezone PB Report.doc Page 8 Agenda Item 3a St. Johns River Water Management District Potable Water Availability Worksheet 111is worksheet is for use by local governments submitting comprehensive plan amendments to determine the availability of potable water resources to serve proposed development. Instructions and St. Johns River Water Management District (SJRWMD) staff contact information are attaChed. 1. General Information Date: May 21, 2013 Contact name: Janlie Coker Phone:407-571-8146 Local government: City of Altamonte Springs Potable water supplier: City of Altamonte Springs E-mail: 2. Infrastructure Information Water treatment plant permit number: FL3590026 Permitting agency: D_E_P_ _ _ _ _ __ Permitted capacity of the water treatment plant(s):17.96rnillion gallons a day (mgd) Total design capacity of the water treatment plant(s): 21.03 (based on Firm Capacity)mgd Are distribution lines available to serve the property? Yes [2j No D If not, indicate how and when the lines will be provided: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Developer responsible for extensions by City Code to service site. Are reuse distribution lines available to serve the property? Yes l'2J No D If not, indicate if, how and when the lines will be provided: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Developer responsible for extension by City Code to service site. 3. SJRWMD Consumptive Use Permit (CUP) Information CUP number: 2-117-8372-2 Expiration date: _3_/8_/_2_0__ 26_ _ _ _ _ _ __ Total CUP duration (years): ---,--20=--+y~e=arc_=s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ CUP allocation in last year of permit: 3~·~2_4_1._2_m ____g.,,__y_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Current status of CUP: In compliance l'2J Not in compliance D Allocations to other local governments: Fern Park (Seminole County) Reserved capacity: _N~o~n~e~-------------------------- 4. Consumptive Use Analysis Designate mgd D or mgy fgl A. Current year CUP allocation: B. Consumption in th~rcvious calendar year: C. Reserved capacity~ or growth projection D (check the one used): D. Projected consumption by f,roposed comprehensive plan amendment areas E. Amount available for all ot 1er future uses (A - n - c - o = E): 2,974.00 1,895.84 267.41 31.19 748.70 If the amount in Eis zero or a negative number, explain how potable water will be made available for future uses: -------------~------------- This worksheet is available electronically at http://www.sjrwmd.comlprogramsloutreachllocal_govl 912/03 PEARL LAKE CAUSEWAY FLUM AND REZONING APPLICATION COMPARISON OF PERMITTED AND CONDITIONAL USES IN MOC-1 DISTRICT TO MOR-2 DISTRICT Prepared June 29, 2015 by the City of Altamonte Springs Growth Management Department Key: P = Permitted Use; CU =Conditional Use; Blank = Not a Listed Use in District. Highlighted uses are uses the applicant has proposed for the subject property. ~tnu:t< thFs1::1gh uses are recommended to be restricted (retail-related uses, restaurants, lounges, bars, or other drinking or dining establishments) . w/ Office/Comm FLU MOR-2 {Alternative) w/ Office/ Res FLU p p MOC-1 (Proposed District) Uses Residential Related Uses Multifamily and townhome dwellings and customary accessory uses and structures Community residential homes with one to 14 residents in multifamily dwelling units (see section 3.44.23, Community residential homes) Home occupations Nursing homes Retirement centers, adult congregate living facilities (only as part of a multi-use or mixed-use project} p p p p p p p Commercial ;;tnd Jnstitutional Uses A wtg,ll:ieFRe !iWpp l'f !it9Fe& ~ Broadcasting studios, but not freestanding communication towers Business service uses (see definition below table) Child care centers l;QR1,10Ri@R(;@ !itQF@!i 0 XG@p~ g;u;g liR@ awtQ !il3Fl1liGe p p p ~ p p p p p p p Garage, parking p p p l=l;;11:dwai:e 5tQFQ5 µ Data processing and computer centers Dental/medical clinics and laboratories Financial institutions Fire and police stations Furniture, furnishings and equipment Health and fitness centers Laundry and dry cleaners on-premises only, does not include distribution centers Offices, professional, business, physician or gove rnmenta I 1 p p p p p Uses Office-showroom uses where no more than 40 percent of the building may be used for storage or warehousing (see definition below table) Personal service uses (see definition below table) Post offices Professional service uses (see definition below table) Public colleges and universities Public parks, recreation areas Quick copy printing shops ~esta1.1FaRts •Nitt:i eF witt:ie1.1t l01.1Rges Retail steFe5 aREl 5A8f35 with Rs 01.1t5ise 5teFage ~ 1.113eFFR aFket5 Oa 1Jt Ret te i REl 1:18 e wirn le5a le feed ~ Support commercial uses will be permitted only in an activity center as part of an office or mixed-use office/residential project. Sup po rt commercial uses may occupy 20 percent of the total acreage at a maxim um FAR of 0.20. These businesses include: (1) Retail stores and shops, with no outside storage; (2) Personal service uses; (3) Restaurants with or without lounges; (4) Health and fitness centers; (5) Child care centers; (6) Professional services uses. Veterinary clinics with no outside kennels MOC-1 (Proposed District) MOR-2 (Alternative) w/ Office/Comm FLU w/ Office/Res FLU p p p p p p p p p p. p. p. p p MOC-1 List of Conditional Uses Automobile service stations Carwashes Funeral homes Gasoline pumps as an accessory use Hospitals Houses of worship with their attendant educational and recreational buildings and off-street parking Libraries, community centers, civic centers, museums MajeF alEeRel esta91isRFReRt5 (see definition below table) Nonprofit clubs Private colleges and universities Public local schools, and private and parochial schools (pre-kindergarten through grade 12) 2 cu cu cu cu cu cu cu cu p (civic centers are only in activity centers) G6l cu cu cu cu cu Uses Public utility installations where need can be demonstrated Treatment and rehabilitative facilities Vocational, trade and business schools Wholesale distributors with no outdoor storage MOC-1 (Proposed District) MOR-2 (Alternative) w/ Office/Comm FLU w/ Office/Res FLU cu cu cu cu cu p p Conservation Uses p Conservation are as The subject property is not within an activity center, so the table does not include other uses that are only permitted in activity centers or uses that are not applicable to this situation. Definitions: Alcoholic beverage establishments. Term applies to those establishments selling alcoholic beverages and includes bars, nightclubs, cocktail lounges, package store and similar businesses. For the purposes of these regulations, such establishments shall be classified as follows: (a) Minor establishment. Those businesses selling beer, package only; wine, package only; beer and wine, package only; liquor, package only. Does not allow for on-premises consumption of beer, wine or liquor. (b) Major establishment. Those businesses selling beer, package and on-premises consumption; wine, package and on-premises consumption; beer and wine, package and on-premises consumption; and liquor, package and on-premises consumption. (c) Restaurant establishment. Those businesses equipped to serve full-course meals at tables and deriving at least 51 percent of their gross revenue from the sale of food and nonalcoholic beverages. Business service. A permitted use with a primary purpose of rendering services to business establishments generally in all commercial and industrial areas and the MOR-2, MOR-3, C-L, C-G, MOl-1, MOl-2 MOC-1, MOC-2, MOC-3, PUD commercial and PUD mixed other. Permitted uses for business services include: (a) Advertising; (b} Consumer reporting agencies; (c) Commercial art and photography; (d) Employment agencies; (e) Computer programming/software systems; (f) Photo finishing laboratories; (g) Appraisers; (h) Bond agencies; (i) Convention bureau; {j) Fund raising-Contractor fee; (k) Interior decorating/consulting service; (I) Message and telephone service; (m) Microfilm recording and developing service; (n) Notary public; (o) · News desk; 3 (p) Packing and labeling service; (q) Paralegal service; (r) Parcel packing service; {s) Tax collecting agencies; (t) Tax title dealers; (u) Telemarketing; (v) Tourist information bureaus; (w) Welcoming service; (x) Security systems services; (y) Any other similar and compatible use as determined by the growth management director. Office showroom. Office showroom is primarily a type of wholesale distributor use. It is an establishment where the principal use is the selling of goods or merchandise to the general public in either small lots or bulk quantities. Items for sale are displayed in a showroom. Warehousing or storage of goods or me rcha nd ise us ua fly aIsa occurs. Any assembly of mate ria Is wil I be considered as an accessory use. The office section of the use is where office related business occurs or where sales are transacted. In several districts office showroom is stated as a permitted use. If office showroom is not specifically stated as a permitted use, then it would be classified as a wholesale distributor use and regulations pertaining to wholesale distributor uses would be enforced. Personal service uses. A land use primarily engaged in providing services involving the care of a person, his or her apparel, or small appliances, and including any of the following uses: (a) Appliance service; (b) Barbershops; (c) Beauty shops; (d) Laundromats; (e) Shop repair; (f) Radio and television repair; (g) Tailoring; (h) Books, stationery and newsstands; (i) Pharmacy, drug store. Professional services uses. A land use primarily engaged in providing services to support an office related business to include the following uses: {a) Office, business; (b) Office, professional; {c) Office, governmental; (d) Office, supply store; (e) Quick copy printing shop; (f) Broadcasting station, except no tower; (g) Data processing and computer center. 4 M C-1 Lowe's MOC-1 ORANGE AVE Oasis at Pearl Lake Consulate HealthCare West Town Corners West Town Comers MOC-1 Pearl Lake Causeway FLUM & Rezoning R""3 Request: FLUM Amendment and Rezoning Location: SEC of S. Pearl Lake Cswy and West Town Pkwy Map Date: June 2015 Legend City Boundary Subject Property Rezoning Map Amendment West Town FLU Lowe's / r ORANGE AVE Consulate HealthCare Industrial VINERIDGE RUN Gateway Center FLU Legend City Boundary Subject Property FLU Map Amendment Pearl Lake Causeway FLUM & Rezoning Request: FLUM Amendment and Rezon ing Location : SEC of S. Pearl Lake Cswy and West Town Pkwy Map Date: June 2015 Municipal Planning Board City of Altamonte Springs Growth Management Department Altamonte Meeting Minutes July 8, 2015 6:30 P.M. REGULAR MEETING Board members present: David Konstan, Chairman; Lucius Cushman, Vice Chairman; Shereena Dann; Paul Marczak; Robert Licato; and Charles Wallace. Board member(s) absent: Bob O'Malley Staff present: Tim Wilson, Director of Mobility; John Sember, Director of Gr9wth Management; Cathleen Craft, Chief Planner; Katlyn Maillo, Development Specialist; Mary Sneed, Assistant City Attorney; and Jackie Rivera, Recording Secretary. REGULAR MEETING The Chairman called the meeting of the Planning Board to order at 6:30 p.m. 1. ANNOUNCEMENTS a) Document Submittal - The Chairman read the following statement into the record: Any documents being submitted or displayed for Board review will become the property of the City and made a part of the application's official case file. Pursuant to State of Florida public records law, said documents become public record and are subject to public review. Submitted documents are not returnable. Should you need copies for your records, direct your requests to the Board Secretary. b) 2. Votes Required -The affirmative vote of four members of the Planning Board is necessary for any item. PRELIMINARY BUSINESS a} Approval of Minutes-June 10, 2015 Draft version - has not been reviewed and approved by the Planning Board Page 1 City of Altamonte Springs, Planning Board July 8, 2015 - Motion made to approve the minutes, for June 10, 2015, Planning Board Meeting. Motion made by Paul Marczak, seconded by Bob Licato. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). b) 3. Disclosure of Conflicts of Interest - None PUBLIC HEARINGS a) Project Name: Project Number: Project Type: PEARL LAKE CAUSEWAY FLUM & REZONING 15-21000001 Rezoning/Amendment to the Future Land Use Map Subject Property Address(es): Southeast Corner of West Town Parkway and Pearl Lake Causeway Mr. John Sember stated that this is a public hearing and showed proof of publication. He explained that this is the first of three required public hearings. The next two hearings will be before the City Commission, likely in October. A public hearing notice will be sent to property owners within 300 feet regarding those hearings, likely in September. Mr. Sember displayed a map of the parcels within 300 feet of the subject property and explained that, in the residential areas to the west of Pearl Lake Causeway, the lots closest to the subject property would have received public hearing notices but that the lots farther away would not. This results in a situation where some residents in a subdivision received a notice while their neighbors did not. Ms. Katlyn Maillo stated that this item is a request for a future land use amendment and rezoning of 1.04 acres. The vacant property is located on the southeast corner of Pearl Lake Causeway and West Town Parkway and is not located within an activity center. The applicant is requesting a future land use amendment from Industrial to Commercial/Office and a rezoning from 1-L Very light Industrial to MOC-1 Mixed Office Commercial to allow for future uses of a daycare and an office which are not permitted or conditional uses in the 1-L zoning district. Ms. Maillo stated that the rezoning map included other property zoned MOC-1 exist along SR 434, Mixed-Office/Residential zoning exists on the north The MOR-2 zoning is a desirable transitional zoning with the staff report shows and a large tract of MOR-2 side of West Town Parkway. for the subject property and Draft version - has not been reviewed and approved by the Planning Board Page 2 City of Altamonte Springs, Planning Board July 8, 2015 would normally be the preferred option; however, child care centers are not permitted in MOR-2 districts outside of activity centers. Ms. Maillo explained that in order to balance the applicant's proposed uses of daycare and office with the goal of implementing a transitional zoning district between the light industrial to the east and the residential to the west, staff is recommending approval of the request with the condition that the MOC-1 zoning be restricted to prohibit retail-related uses and restaurants, lounges, bars, or other drinking or dining establishments by entering into a Restricted Use Agreement as a condition of approval which would be tied to the land which is the subject of the rezoning. Ms. Maille stated that the Growth Management Department reviewed the proposed future land use amendment and rezoning request and determined that applicable requirements have been met and recommends approval of the request with the conditions listed in the staff report. Mr. Sember stated that three people contacted him in response to the public hearing notice. The first was Dick Davidson, a resident of Brantley Estates, who is a homeowners' association board member. He called to obtain additional informatio.n and was sent a copy of the staff report; the second person was Marc Bahn of 1153 Brantley Estates Drive, who said he preferred the current zoning of Very light Industrial. He said that he does not necessarily have a problem with the request, but would want to see a specific plan for development before considering it. The third person was Lee Chotas, an attorney representing Z88 Radio. Z88 owns the adjacent property to the east. Mr. Chotas submitted a letter, copies of which were provided to the board members, Ms. Sneed, and the applicant. Mr. Sember explained that Z88 has a 120-foot high tower on their property which is screened from the nearby residential properties by the trees on the subject property. Z88 is concerned that the tower will be more visible to the residential areas when the subject property is developed and the trees are removed, which could lead to difficulties in the future if the tower ever needed to be replaced or upgraded and a public hearing was involved. At a minimum, they wished to ensure that it was disclosed that there is a tower on their property that would become more visible. Mr. Sember went on to explain that Z88 is the primary emergency signal broadcaster that sends emergency broadcast signals to all of the other broadcasters in the area, and that they had upgraded the tower a few years ago to fulfill that role. Under the current code, the tower could be repaired or even replaced with a similar tower without the need for a public hearing. A public hearing would be requir:ed should the tower height increase above its current 120 feet height. Draft version - has not been reviewed and approved by the Planning Board Page 3 City of Altamonte Springs, Planning Board July 8, 2015 Ms. Shereena Dann asked ifthe Restricted Use Agreement will limit the amount of tenants occupying the subject property. Mr. Sember responded that there is not a limit on the number of offices or units occupying the building other than the size limitation, which is based on the area of the property, required buffers, maximum floor area ratio, and any other applicable land Development Code regulations. The Chairman opened the public hearing. Mr. Bob Atkins, representative of the property owner, Leon Investment Properties, Inc., approached the Board and stated he concurs with staff's re commend at ions. Ms. Kathleen Furey-Tran of 1172 Brantley Estates wishes to have the uses of parking garages and daycares restricted. She explained that a school bus stop is directly across the street from the subject property and she believes that the approval of this item will lead to additional traffic congestion in the mornings when daycare drop-offs are occurring at the same time. Ms. Furey-Tran opined that the application does not conform to the review standard number 8 because the proposed change will affect traffic congestion and public safety. She believes the request would also increase noise levels and decrease property values in Brantley Estates. Ms. Furey-Tran noted that Pearl Lake Causeway floods in front of the subject property when it rains and explained that her property is beyond the 300-foot notification area. She asked that she be notified of future hearings regarding this application and Mr. Sember agreed to keep her informed. Mr. Ed Burns, who resides at 665 Oak Hollow Way and serves as a member of the Board of Directors of the Country Creek Estates, agreed with Ms. FureyTran's statements. Mr. Burns added that there is plenty of vacant commercial areas in West Town Corners that should be used before additional property is changed to commercial. Mr. Dan Lopresto of 1125 Brantley Estates Drive stated he is a Brantley Estates HOA board member and agreed with Ms. Furey-Tran's statements. Mr. Atkins addressed the Board to respond to the public comments. He countered that daycare traffic will not add to additional congestion since dropoff/pick-up routines vary and do not often occur at the same time. In response to the noise concerns, Mr. Atkins added that he does not believe the sound of children playing would be offensive to the community. He also said that from an Draft version - has not been reviewed and approved by the Planning Board Page4 City of Altamonte Springs, Planning Board July 8, 2015 appraisal perspective, the property value will increase for the Brantley Estates Subdivision. Mr. Lucius Cushman asked if a parking garage can be added as a future use. Mr. Sember replied that a parking garage is a permitted use listed in the Land Development Code. Mr. Cushman sought clarification regarding an increase in traffic and traffic congestion. Mr. Sember explained that the proposed change [and future development] will increase traffic, but not create or excessively increase traffic congestion. The change from industrial uses to commercial uses increases the amount of trips, but not to the point of excessive congestion. Mr. Sember stated that a trip generation report was required for the application process and that the report was prepared by a traffic engineer, which concluded that the requested rezone and future land use amendment would, at most, reflect 7% of the capacity on Pearl Lake Causeway and 3% of the capacity of West Town Parkway. Mr. Sember stated that the table of uses provided with the staff report only compared MOC-1 and MOR-2 uses. It did not include the allowable uses of the Very Light Industrial zoning district and proceeded to name a few. A number of those allowable uses include the manufacturing of glass, candles, shoes, furniture, and electrical equipment; cold-storage and frozen food lockers; greenhouses; wholesale; key and dry-cleaning shops; machine shops; mechanical garages; truck terminals; technical and trade schools; gas pumps; printing shops, radio studios; warehouse; cabinetry; upholstery; general government offices; police and fire stations; and more. He added that MOC-1 Mixed Office Commercial was better suited to the land than Very Light Industrial and was selected because it is the lowest intensity commercial zoning that would allow a daycare and office use. Mr. Paul Marczak asked if a second public hearing is anticipated for a site plan approval. Mr. Sember replied if the site plan design deviates more than 15% from the standard code then it would require a public hearing before the Planning Board. The Chairman closed the public hearing and asked for a motion. Draft version - has not been reviewed and approved by the Planning Board Page 5 City of Altamonte Springs, Planning Board July 8, 2015 A motion was made to recommend approval of the requested comprehensive plan amendment to change the future land use designation from Industrial to Commercial/Office. Motion made by Paul Marczak, seconded by Charlie Wallace. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). A motion was made to recommend approval of the requested rezoning changing the zoning designation of the subject property from 1-L Very Light Industrial to MOC-1 Mixed Office Commercial, restricted to prohibit retail-related uses and restaurants, lounges, bars, or other drinking or dining establishments, as well as parking garages. Motion made by Paul Marczak, seconded by Shereena Dann. Motion carried unanimously (6-0). 4. PRELIMINARY PLANS ANO PLATS a) Project Name: Project Number: Project Type: BRADSHAW CENTER-A REPLAT AND DEVELOPMENT PLAN 14-50000005 Minor Plat and Development Plan Subject Property Address(es): 798 & 820 WEST TOWN PARKWAY Applicant: Jason P. Mahoney, PE Leopoldo J. Ayala, PE Owner: Scott Fish Surveyor: Lochrane Engineering, Inc. CPH, Inc. UP Fieldgate US InvestmentsBradshaw, LLC Christopher LaBerge, PSM Lochrane Engineering, Inc. At staff's request, the Board agreed to hear agenda item 4b, the Walmart Site Plan, before item 4a, the Bradshaw Center Development Plan and Plat. Both items concerned the Walmart project and the change in order was requested because the site plan includes more of the significant details related to the development. Ms. Cathleen Craft stated that this request consist of two components: Bradshaw Center, a Replat and the supporting development plan. The subject property is made up of lands that are currently part of the West Town Center, Replat and includes the project formerly known as the Links at 434 and the Macy's store property and associated open space tracts. She explained that the Bradshaw Center Development Plan demonstrates how the proposed lots meet land development code requirements and outlines the needed infrastructure for future development. Draft version - has not been reviewed and approved by the Planning Board Page 6 LETTERS RECEIVED 1. Letter received July a, 2015, from Lee Chotas of Chotas Consulting, LLC, regarding the Z88.3 Orlando property adjacent to the subject property. Staff presented this letter to the Planning Board at the July 8 public hearing. 2. Letter received July 15, 2015, from Richard Davidson, a property owner in Brantley Estates. lt was received between the July 8 Planning Board hearing and the August 5 meeting City staff held with homeowners in Brantley Estates. At the time it was sent, Mr. Davidson had requested that this letter be provided to the City Commission. CHOTAS CONSULTING, LLC Lee Chotas, Principal 1205 Windsong Road, Orlando, FL 32809, mobile (407) 256-3600, work (407} 256-3600 Mr. John Sember Planning Department 175 Newburyport Ave. Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 RECEIVED JULO 8 2015 Re: Pearl Lake Causeway FLUM and Rezoning #15-21000001 Dear Mr. Sember. GROWTH MANAGEMENT This firm represents Z88.3 Orlando, which owns a parcel ofland adjacent to the subject parcel. We recognize that a property owner has rights, which rights must be respected for our system to work. We also recognize that to achieve a well conceived FLUM and rezoning of property the proposed use must be compatible with neighboring uses. Our client is concerned that the use approved for this parcel does not negatively impact its flexibility in pulling permits to repair or replace the existing 120 foot tower if it becomes damaged and/or as it ages or technology changes. Essentia!Jy that means disclosing to the neighbors what changes may occur so that they are not surprised and their site developments are approved with the tower use in mind. Our client also would like to relocate the existing emergency generator behind its 1067 building adjacent to the subject property, the permitting of which will precede your receipt of a development permit for the subject property. Should either of these concerns be addressed in the Restricted Use Agreement should the ordinances be approved? Thank you for your consideration. Regards, S/Lee Chotas Lee Chotas Cc: James Hoge, Z88.3-0rlando Richard Davidson l HO .Brantley Estates Dri\•e• Altamonte Springs, Florida .!!27H Phone: 407-869-5096 •E-Mail: Date: July IS, 201.5 RECEIVED Mr. John Sember Director of Growth Management City of Altamonte Springs 226 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, Florida S270I JUt 1 5 2015 GROWTH MANAGEMENT Dear John; Thank you for the information you have provided us regarding the Pearl Lake O;wy & West Town Pkwy FLUM Rezoning Application ("Application"). I have passed on the information to a number of interested, and in some cases, concerned, residents here in the adjourning Brantley Estates Subdivision. I have several issues with the Application and the staff report, and ask that this Jetter be submitted as part of the Application package to the Board. I do not argue that there may be uses that would be very inappropriate for this transitional area which would be allowed as a matter ofright under the existing Light Industrial classification. Nevertheless, the location of this small one-acre parcel on the corner of Pearl Lake Causeway and West Town Parkway represents an important buffer or transition between commercial and industrial uses, and a major residential area. Any radical change to this parcel extending high density commercial uses to this corner is unwise for several reasons: I. It would allow uses which constitute spot zoning and can be very incompatible with the surroundings, especially the residential area. 2. Commercial zoning, spedfically the heavy commercial classification of MOC-1 (the same clo.ssif1cation as lines the busy SR 4S4 corridor to the immediate cast) allows a wide range of possible commercial uses immediately adjacent to Brantley Estates subdivision and other properties along the west side of Pearl Lake Causeway. The applicant apparently wants the higher MOC-1 classification rather than a more limited MOC-2 classification because the latter does not allow childcare, a vague use possibility which the applicant suggests. Though there is no specific site or commitment to this use, of which I am aware, once the zone change is passed, many wies are available as a matter of dght {unless specifically precluded in the final resolution). S. Even ifone could argue that a child care facility was a good use of this parcel (though many could argue it would create a traffic ha;r;ard to a parcel at the corner of two busy streets), the failure to have a binding site plan approval as to design, access, and use, prior to any zoning change, does not protect the many residents in the area. Page'J 4. The City should require a transitional use for this corner lot, blending i~ into the current uses on both sides of the crossing streets at this corner. It clearly is a Jocation for low impact office use, and not for an extension 'of the high traffic commercial use fuund on the properties along SR 454, a short distance to the east. I recognize the owner of this subject parcel has the right to use his property for his profit. Nevertheless, such use should be compatible with the best design for development and the enhancement of the neighborhood, not the increase in negative effects. Thank you for the opportllllity to submit this material to the Board for its consideration. Official Use Only . Commission A c t i o n : - - - - - - - - City M a n a g e r : - - - - - - - - - - - SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 1690-15 (1st reading) - Land Development Code Amendment for the regulation of medical marijuana retail centers and marijuana-related land uses. SUMMARY EXPLANATION & BACKGROUND: The proposed amendment regulates medical marijuana-related uses within the City of Altamonte Springs. The regulations would allow medical marijuana retail centers in the Mixed-Office/Industrial and Very Light Industrial zoning districts by conditional use, establishes a review process and det1;1iled . standards and considerations for review, and prohibits other types of marijuana~related uses in all zoning categories. This is a citywide ordinance. If approved by the City Commission, the existing temporary moratorium on the operation of low-THC cannabis dispensing organizations and medical marijuana facilities within the City of Altamonte Springs will be rescinded and these regulations shall be in place. At its November 11, 2015 meeting, the Planning Board recommended the approval of the proposed ordinance for amendment to the land development code. FISCAL INFORMATION: Not applicable RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVE Ordinance No. 1690-15 on first reading, and SET second reading for December 1, 2015. Initiated by: Tina Demostene, Growth Management ORDINANCE NO.: 1690-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, RELATING TO MARIJUANA; AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES, CHAPTER 28, "LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE," BY AMENDING ARTICLE I, "GENERAL PROVISIONS," SECTION 1.2.2, "DEFINITIONS," TO PROVIDE DEFINITIONS; BY AMENDING ARTICLE Ill, "ZONING REGULATIONS," TO AMEND DIVISION 5, "LAND USES NOT ALLOWED," SECTION 3.5.1, "LAND USES NOT ALLOWED," TO PROHIBIT VARIOUS RELATED USES AND NONMARIJUANA MEDICAL/RECREATIONAL MARIJUANA USES IN ALL ZONING CATEGORIES; TO AMEND DIVISION 14, "1-L - VERY LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT," SECTION 3.14.3, "CONDITIONAL USES," TO PROVIDE THAT MEDICAL MARIJUANA RETAIL CENTERS ARE A PERMITTED CONDITIONAL USE; TO AMEND DIVISION 21, "MOl-1 MIXED OFFICE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT," SECTION 3.21.3, "CONDITIONAL USES," TO PROVIDE THAT MEDICAL MARIJUANA RETAIL CENTERS ARE A PERMITTED CONDITIONAL USE; TO AMEND DIVISION 22, "MOl-2 MIXED OFFICE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT," SECTION 3.22.3, "CONDITIONAL USES," TO PROVIDE THAT MEDICAL MARIJUANA RETAIL CENTERS ARE A PERMITTED CONDITIONAL USE; TO AMEND DIVISION 44, "SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS", BY ADOPTING SECTION 3.44.8, "MEDICAL MARIJUANA RETAIL CENTERS," TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL STANDARDS AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION FOR A MEDICAL MARIJUANA RETAIL CENTER, AND TO AMEND SECTION 3.44.27, "HOME OCCUPATIONS," TO PROHIBIT MARIJUANA-RELATED HOME OCCUPATIONS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the 2014 Florida Legislature approved Senate Bill 1030 providing forthe growing, processing, and distributing of specific forms of low-THC (non-euphoric) cannabis to qualified patients and their caregivers for the treatment of listed medical conditions, which became effective on June 16, 2014 as Chapter 2014-157, Laws of Florida, and is codified at Section 381.986, Florida Statutes ("Senate Bill 1030"); and 1 WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Health has adopted rules implementing Senate Bill 1030; and WHEREAS, despite the adoption of Senate Bill 1030, the activities it condones remain illegal under federal law; and WHEREAS, on November 4, 2014, Florida voters narrowly rejected an amendment to the Florida Constitution to allow for broader medical use of any kind of marijuana (including euphoric strains) within the State; and WHEREAS, as of September 2015, the Florida Division of Elections has approved proposed initiatives for placement on the November 2016 ballot proposing to amend the Florida Constitution to authorize recreational use of cannabis, if the required number of signatures are obtained to place the initiatives on the ballot; and WHEREAS, in addition to the potential recreational initiatives, a medical marijuana initiative is also collecting signatures for placement on the ballot for the November 2016 election, which would amend the Florida Constitution to authorize medical marijuana (hereinafter the "proposed 2016 ballot initiative"); and WHEREAS, the Florida legislature may consider and enact legislation permitting the use of additional alternative forms of medical marijuana (medical marijuana in all its forms including low-THC cannabis, together referred to as "medical marijuana") and alternative dispensing methods (including, but not limited to, smoking and food products); and WHEREAS, the failed Constitutional Amendment, as well as the proposed 2016 ballot initiative, authorizes and defines "Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers" to encompass the entire supply chain {cultivation, processing, storage, distribution, etc.), not just retail sales to qualified patients; and WHEREAS, if the proposed 2016 ballot initiative secures the requisite signatures, is placed on the ballot, and approved, it will amend the Florida Constitution to permit the use 2 of additional alternative forms of medical marijuana (medical marijuana in all its forms including low-THC cannabis, together referred to as "medical marijuana") and alternative dispensing methods (including, but not limited to, smoking and food products); and WHEREAS, in the event the Florida legislature enacts legislation expanding the approved forms of medical marijuana and alternative dispensing methods for medical purposes, or in the event the proposed 2016 ballot initiative for medical marijuana or one of the proposed 2016 ballot initiatives for non-medical/recreational marijuana passes, the City Commission believes it is in the best interests of the citizens of Altamonte Springs to have in place certain regulations regarding medical marijuana and non-medical/recreational marijuana; and WHEREAS, even in the event that no medical marijuana expansion is approved by the Florida legislature or citizens in 2016, the trend of approval of medical and nonmedical/recreational marijuana initiatives in other states is evident, and the City Commission believes it is in the best interest of the citizens of Altamonte Springs to have in place certain regulations regarding medical marijuana and non-medical/recreational marijuana in the event the laws in regard to same are amended by federal or state legislation, or by constitutional amendment; and WHEREAS, significant safety and security issues exist for any establishment involved in the cultivation, processing or distribution of medical marijuana or nonmedical/recreationa! marijuana, because they maintain large drug inventories and are forced to deal in cash as their activities have not been sanctioned by federal law; and WHEREAS, such businesses are inherently attractive targets for criminals, and it is therefore essential that the City limit the permissible scope of such uses and regulate them 3 to ensure their compatibility with surrounding businesses and the community, and to protect and advance the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, other attributes of land uses dealing with medical marijuana and non- medical/recreational marijuana, such as odors, must be regulated to minimize their impact on surrounding properties and uses and prevent the creation of attractive nuisances; and WHEREAS, both Senate Bill 1030 and the proposed 2016 ballot initiative are silent on the topic of local government regulation and, consistent with Florida caselaw governing preemption, local governments are therefore not preempted from regulating marijuana uses; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizenry and general public to prohibit non-medical/recreational marijuana businesses, sales and uses within the City of Altamonte Springs to ensure the safety of businesses, properties, the community as well as citizens and visitors to the City; and WHEREAS, the City Commission conducted a first and second reading of this Ordinance at duly noticed public hearings, as required by law, and after having received input from and participation by interested members of the public and staff, the City Commission has determined that this Ordinance is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and in the best interest of the City, its residents, and its visitors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1. Recitals. The preceding "Whereas" clauses are ratified and incorporated as the legislative intent of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. Section 1.2.2, "Definitions," of Article I, "General Provisions," of Chapter 28, "Land Development Code," of the Altamonte Springs Code of Ordinances is hereby 4 amended to include the following definitions, which definitions shall be codified alphabetically into the existing definitions set forth in said Section: 1.2.2 - Definitions. * * * Dispensing organization. An organization approved by the Florida Department of Health to cultivate, process, and dispense low-THC cannabis (low-THC marijuana) pursuant to Section 381.986, Florida Statutes. Dispensing organizations are prohibited except as authorized as part of a medical marijuana retail center. Low-THC cannabis Oow-THC marijuana). Has the meaning given to low-THC cannabis in Section 381.986(1 )(b), Florida Statutes. Low-THC cannabis dispensarv. A business operation for the distribution of low-THC cannabis or related supplies, whether a principal use or accessory use, pursuant to Senate Bill 1030, codified at Section 381.986, Florida Statutes, constitutional amendment or any other provision of Florida law. Low-THC cannabis dispensaries are prohibited except as authorized as part of a medical marijuana retail center. Low-THC cannabis facilitv. Any authorized low-THC dispensary, dispensing organization or any other facility that dispenses, processes, grows, cultivates, distributes, sells, or engages in any other activity that involves or is related to low-THC cannabis, pursuant to Florida law. Low-THC cannabis facilities are prohibited except as authorized as part of a medical marijuana retail center. Medical marijuana. Any strain of cannabis, in any form, including low-THC cannabis, which is authorized by state law to be dispensed or sold in the state of Florida for treatment of certain medical conditions. 5 Medical marijuana dispensary. A business operation for the distribution of medical marijuana or related supplies, whether a principal use or accessory use, pursuant to constitutional amendment or any other provision of Florida law. Medical marijuana dispensaries are prohibited except as authorized as part of a medical marijuana retail center. Medical marijuana permit. A business permit issued by the city pursuant to Chapter 19, Altamonte Springs Code of Ordinances, authorizing a business to sell medical marijuana in the city. Also referred to as "permit." Medical marijuana retail center. A retail establishment, licensed by the Florida Department of Health as a "medical marijuana facility," "medical marijuana treatment facility," "medical marijuana treatment center," "medical marijuana dispensary", "dispensing organization," "dispensing organization facility," "low-THC cannabis dispensary," "low-THC cannabis facility," or similar use, that sells and dispenses medical marijuana for individual use, but does not engage in any other activity related to preparation, wholesale storage, distribution, transfer, cultivation, or processing of any form of medical marijuana or medical marijuana product, and does not allow on-site consumption of medical marijuana. Any entity that acquires, grows, cultivates, Medical marijuana treatment center. possesses, processes (including development of related products such as food, tincture~ aerosols, oils, or ointments), transfers, transports, sells, or distributes medical marijuana, or that administers medical marijuana, products containing medical marijuana, related supplies, or educational materials to qualifying patients or their personal caregivers and is registered by the Department of Health. Medical marijuana treatment centers are prohibited except as authorized as part of a medical marijuana retail center. Medical marijuana facility. Any authorized medical marijuana treatment center, medical marijuana dispensary, or any other facility that dispenses, processes, grows, cultivates, distributes, sells, or engages in any other activity that involves or is related to medical marijuana 6 pursuant to Florida law. Medical marijuana facilities are prohibited except as authorized as part of a medical marijuana retail center. Non-medical/recreational marijuana uses. The production, growing, cultivation, distribution, purchase, sale, transfer, delivery or any other similar or related use of marijuana, cannabis, cannabis-based products or cannabis plants when such production, growing, cultivation, distribution, purchase, sale, transfer, delivery or any other similar or related use is not associated with any medical purpose or use, whether or not such purchase, sale, transfer or delivery is lawful under federal or state law. Non-medical/recreational marijuana uses are prohibited. SECTION 3. Article 111, "Zoning Regulations," of Chapter 28, "Land Development Code," of the Altamonte Springs Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as follows: *** DIVISION 5. - LAND USES NOT ALLOWED 3.5.1 - Land uses not allowed. The following list of uses shall not be considered to be a permitted use, a conditional use, an accessory use, a support use, or ancillary use, nor shall these uses be allowed by virtue of variance or waiver in any of the zoning districts of the City G L, G G, GO, I L, MOC 1,2,3, MO! 1,2, MOR 1,2,3, PUD RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCl.t~.L, MIXED OTHER, RM, R 1, R 1A, R 1M, R 1AAA, R 2, R 3, R 4: (a) Asphalt plants; (b) Landfills; (c) Industrial effluent injection wells; (d) Plating plants; (e) Stripping vats; (f) Food irradiation plants; 7 (g) Hazardous waste storage or processing facilities; (h) Incinerators; (i) Cement plants; (j) Automobile or heavy equipment junkyards; (k) Fiberglass manufacturing plants; (I) Electric power transmission lines in excess of 240 kilovolts; (m) Boilers fueled by anything other than natural gas or #2 fuel oil; (n) Bulk fuel storage facilities; (o) Petroleum pipelines; (p) Bulk chemical storage or processing facilities; (q) Citrus processing; (r) Crematorium; (s) Blast furnaces; (t) Smelting plants; (u) Pickling plants (wood or metal); (v) Battery manufacturing facilities; (w) Refineries; (x) Waste tire storage or processing facilities~ {y) Dispensing organizations, except as part of a medical marijuana retail center; {z) Low-THC cannabis dispensaries, except as part of a medical marijuana retail center; {aa) Low-THC cannabis facilities, except as part of a medical marijuana retail center; {bb) Medical marijuana dispensaries, except as part of a medical marijuana retail center; (cc) Medical marijuana treatment centers, except as part of a medical marijuana retail center; {dd) Medical marijuana facilities, except as part of a medical marijuana retail center; 8 (ee) Non-medical/recreational marijuana uses. * * * DIVISION 14. - 1-L VERY LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT * * * 3.14.3 - Conditional uses. (a) Off-site signs; (b) Communication towers, subject to waiver and performance standards set forth at division 40, Communication tower regulations; (c) Accessory uses and structures which: (1) Are customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to permitted or permissible uses and structures. (2) Do not involve operations or structures not in keeping with the character of the district or which are not compatible with uses of adjacent properties or which pose adverse environmental or public health consequences~ (d) Medical marijuana retail centers. * * * DIVISION 21. - MOl-1 MIXED OFFICE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT * * * 3.21.3 - Conditional uses. (a) Libraries, community centers, civic centers, museums; (b) Houses of worship with their attendant educational and recreational buildings and offstreet parking; (c) Hospitals; (d) Treatment and rehabilitative facility; (e) Reserved Medical marijuana retail centers; (f) Communication towers, subject to waiver and performance standards set forth at division 40, Communication tower regulations. 9 (g) Retail stores or shops with no outdoor storage; (h) Restaurants and lounges; (i) Office of a contractor, including necessary storage of equipment and vehicles; (j) Manufacturing of the following: (1) Garments; (2) Photographic equipment and supplies; (3) Bakery products; (4) Boats; (5) Ceramics, pottery using kilns; (6) Chemical products and processing; (7) Dairy products; (8) Electrical machinery and equipment; (9) Furniture; (10) Glass and glass products, using kilns; (11) Pharmaceutical products; (12) Shoes and leather goods, except no leather processing; (13) Brooms and brushes; ( 14) Candy and confectionery products; (15) Cosmetics and toiletries, except soap; (16) Candles; (17) Jewelry; (18) Optical equipment; (19) Perfume; (20) Precision instruments and machinery; 10 (21) Plastic products, except pyroxylin; (22) Silverware; (23) Spices and spice packing; (24) Stationery; (25) Toys; (26) Electronic equipment and assembling; (27) Cabinetry, metal, upholstery, and woodworking with no outside storage. (k) Beverage bottling and distribution; (I) Machine shops; (m) Mechanical garages; (n) Mini-warehouses for storage only; (o) Broadcasting studios and/or towers; (p) Public utility installations where the need can be demonstrated; (q) Accessory uses and structures which: (1) Are customarily accessory and clearly incidental and subordinate to permitted or permissible uses and structures. (2) Do not involve operations or structures not in keeping with the character of the district or which are not compatible with uses of adjacent properties or which pose adverse environmental or public health consequences. *** DIVISION 22. - MOl-2 MIXED OFFICE INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT * * * 3.22.3 - Conditional uses. (a) Libraries, community centers, civic centers, museums~-; (b) Houses of worship with their attendant educational and recreational buildings and offstreet parking~-; 11 (c) Hospitals~-: (d) Treatment and rehabilitative facilities~-: (e) Vocational, trade and business schools~-: (f) Support manufacturing and assembly uses in an activity center as part of a mixed-use office/industrial project that occupy greater than 20 percent of the total acreage~-: (g)RetaH stores or shops with no outdoor storage~.,. (h)Restaurants and lounges~ (i) Mini-warehouses for storage only, shall not be freestanding but must be an integral part of a mixed-use project~-: (j) Public utility installations where the need can be demonstrated~.,. (k) Medical marijuana retail centers. * * * DIVISION 44. - SUPPLEMENTAL DISTRICT REGULATIONS * * * 3.44.8 - Reserved Medical marijuana retail centers. Medical marijuana retail centers are subject to the following requirements: {a) Application. In addition to the standard development approval application requirements and meeting all the requirements for a conditional use under this Land Development Code, an application for conditional use approval for a medical marijuana retail center shall: (1) Be a joint application by the property owner and the tenant, if the medical marijuana retail center and the property are not owned by the same person or entity; (2) Be accompanied by a lease or letter of intent identifying the specific use, if the medical marijuana retail center and the property are not owned by the same person; and (3) Provide proof to the city that the medical marijuana retail center business operator is authorized by the state of Florida to sell medical marijuana to persons authorized by the state of Florida to purchase same for treatment of certain medical conditions. (b) Location requirements. A medical marijuana retail center shall not be established: (1) Within 2,500 feet of another medical marijuana retail center; 12 (2) Within 300 feet of child care center, public, private or parochial school (prekindergarten through grade 12) or public park; a. Where a medical marijuana retail center is located in conformity with the provisions of this Article, the subsequent locating of one of the uses listed in subsection 2. above within 300 feet of an existing medical marijuana retail center shall not cause a violation of this section. b. Whenever a conditional use approval for a medical marijuana retail center has been lawfully procured and thereafter a public, private or parochial school (pre-kindergarten through grade 12), child care center or public park be established within a distance otherwise prohibited by law, the establishment of such use shall not be cause for revocation of the conditional use approval or related medical marijuana permit or prevent the subsequent renewal of same; and (3) Distances shall be measured using a direct line measurement from the property line of the property on which the medical marijuana retail center is located to the nearest property line of the use identified in (b) 1. and (b) 2. that existed before the date the medical marijuana retail center submitted its initial application for approval. (c) Other uses. Unless disclosed and authorized as part of a conditional use approval, the medical marijuana retail center shall be the only use permitted on the property if the medical marijuana retail center is located in a freestanding building or within the medical marijuana retail center tenant space if the center is part of a multi-tenant structure. (d) Prohibited activities. A medical marijuana retail center shall not engage in any activity other than those activities specifically defined herein as an authorized part of the use. The preparation, wholesale storage, distribution, cultivation, growing or processing of any form of marijuana or marijuana product, and on-site consumption of any marijuana or marijuana product is specifically prohibited at a medical marijuana retail center. On-site storage of any form of marijuana or marijuana product is prohibited, except to the extent reasonably necessary for the conduct of the on-site retail business. (e) Performance standards and conditions. All medical marijuana retail centers shall comply with the following standards, which may be further incorporated into conditions of approval: (1) The building within which a medical marijuana retail center is proposed must be at all times architecturally and aesthetically compatible with immediately adjacent buildings and buildings and development in the surrounding area, and shall have neutral coloring of not more than two complementary colors. (2) No medical marijuana retail center shall have drive-thru or drive-in service. All sales and purchases of medical marijuana shall occur from inside the medical marijuana retail center. (3) The hours of operation for a medical marijuana retail center shall be limited to between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. 13 (4) A medical marijuana retail center shall provide adequate seating for its customers and business invitees and shall not allow customers or business invitees to stand, sit (including in a parked car), or gather or loiter outside of any building where the medical marijuana retail center operates, including in any parking areas, sidewalks, rights-of-way, or neighboring properties for any period of time longer than that reasonably required to arrive and depart. The medical marijuana retail center shall post conspicuous signs stating that no loitering is allowed on the property. (5) A medical marijuana retail center shall meet all parking requirements set forth in the code, and any parking demand created by the medical marijuana retail center shall not exceed the parking spaces located or allocated on-site. (6) Each application for a conditional use shall be accompanied by a conditional use concept plan incorporating the regulations established herein. The plan shall be drawn to scale indicating property lines, rights-of-way, and the location of buildings, parking areas, curb cuts and driveways, parking calculations and site lighting. (7) Other standards as may be necessary to ensure compatibility with the surrounding area. (f) Conditional use conditions. In addition to any other specific conditions set forth by the planning board in approving a conditional use application, all conditional use approvals for a medical marijuana retail center shall contain the following conditions: (1) The medical marijuana retail center operator shall not open a medical marijuana retail center without first obtaining a medical marijuana permit as set forth in Section 19-30, Citv Code of Ordinances. (2) All requirements set forth in Section 19-30, Citv Code of Ordinances, in regard to the medical marijuana permit, including all permit operational requirements, must be complied with at all times. (3) Prior to issuance of a medical marijuana permit and prior to occupancy a medical marijuana retail center shall obtain all changes of use and changes of occupancy approvals as may be required for the proposed use, shall have installed the lighting and security plan elements (including doorway/exit and building perimeter lighting), air/odor filtration system, and completed all other requirements pursuant to the medical marijuana permit regulations. (4) No other activity or use of the premises shall occur except those specifically authorized as part of the medical marijuana retail center approval, which shall be listed in the condition (such as other retail activities, which require an additional conditional use approval). (5) Conditional use approval for a medical marijuana retail center shall only be transferable to another medical marijuana retail center business operator if approved by the city, pursuant to the transfer process provided in Land Development Code Section 3.44.S(i). 14 (g) Conditional use duration. A conditional use approval for a medical marijuana retail center shall expire 12 months after approval if the use is not implemented, pursuant to the conditional use procedures set forth in division 4; otherwise, a conditional use approval shall remain valid for the duration of the business operation of the medical marijuana retail center, subject to the following: (1) Complete and continuous compliance with the conditions of approval, all state laws, and all licensing, permitting and operational requirements. (2) Sales shall be only for low-THC or other strains of medical marijuana approved by the state of Florida for sale for medical purposes. (3) The characteristics of the business and use impacts remain the same as set forth in the conditional use approval. (h) Revocation of conditional use approval. Any conditional use approval granted under this section shall be immediately terminated if any one or more of the following occur: (1) The medical marijuana retail center owner/operator or owner of the property upon which a medical marijuana retail center is located provides false or misleading information to the city; (2) Anyone on the premises knowingly dispenses, delivers, or otherwise transfers any medical marijuana or medical marijuana product to an individual or entity not authorized by state law to receive such substance or product; (3) A medical marijuana retail center owner/operator or manager is convicted of a felony offense; (4) Any medical marijuana retail center owner/operator, manager or employee is convicted of any drug-related crime under the Florida Statues; (5) The medical marijuana retail center owner/operator fails to correct any city code violation or to otherwise provide an action plan to remedy the violation acceptable to the city within the time frames and compliance deadline provided in the notice of violation; (6) The medical marijuana retail center owner/operator fails to correct any state law violation or address any warning in accordance with any corrective action plan required by the State within the timeframes and completion date the medical marijuana retail center owner/operator provided to the city; (7) The medical marijuana retail center owner/operator's State license or approval authorizing the dispensing of medical marijuana expires or is revoked; (8) The medical marijuana retail center owner/operator fails to maintain a medical marijuana permit as required by Section 19-30 of the City Code of Ordinances. 15 (9) The medical marijuana retail center owner/operator fails to comply with all conditions set forth in the conditional use approval. (i) Transfer of medical marijuana retail center conditional use approval. (1) A conditional use approval for a medical marijuana retail center shall be transferable to another medical marijuana retail center business or operator. In order to transfer the conditional use approval, the location, operation, and characteristics of the medical marijuana retail center must in all aspects remain the same as set forth in the conditional use approval. No transfer shall be approved until a new medical marijuana permit has been obtained in accordance with Section 19-30 of the Citv Code of Ordinances by the person or entity seeking the conditional use approval transfer. (2) An application for a conditional use approval transfer, meeting the requirements of Section 3.44.8 (a), Land Development Code, shall be filed with the Growth Management Director at the same time the new medical marijuana center owner/operator files its application for a medical marijuana permit with the City Clerk. (3) The application for a conditional use approval transfer shall be accompanied by a conditional use approval transfer fee in an amount equal to that of the fee for extensions of conditional use approvals. ( 4) If the person or entity seeking the conditional use approval transfer is granted a medical marijuana permit and the transfer application meets the requirements of Section 3.44.8 (a), Land Development Code and all other codes and ordinances of the city, the city shall approve the conditional use approval transfer. (5) A conditional use approval is particular only to the location and shall not be transferred to another location. (6) An attempt to transfer a conditional use approval either directly or indirectly in violation of this Section is hereby declared void, and in that event the conditional use shall be deemed abandoned, and the related medical marijuana permit shall be forfeited. *** 3.44.27 - Home occupations. *** (i) The following shall not be considered home occupations: Beauty shops, barber shops, band instrument or dance instruction, swimming instruction, studio for group instructions, public dining facility or tearoom, antique or gift shop, photographic studio, fortunetelling or similar activity, outdoor repair, food processing, retail sales, nursery school, kindergarten, or the giving of group instruction of any type. Medical marijuana retail centers, medical marijuana facilities, dispensing organizations, low-THC cannabis dispensaries, low-THC cannabis facilities, medical marijuana dispensaries, medical marijuana facilities, medical 16 marijuana treatment centers and non-medical/recreational marijuana uses are specifically prohibited as a home occupation. * * * SECTION 4. Conflicts. Any and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed, to specifically include Ordinance 1686-15. SECTION 5. Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared severable. SECTION 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective immediately after passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS _ _ _ DAY OF DECEMBER, 2015. FIRST READING: _ _ _ _ _ __ ADVERTISED: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SECOND READING: PAT BATES, MAYOR Of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida ATTEST: ERIN O'DONNELL, CITY CLERK Approved as to form and legality for use and reliance by the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida JAMES A. FOWLER, CITY ATTORNEY 17 Municipal Planning Board Staff Report Altamonte Springs City of Altamonte Springs Growth Management Department APPLICATION INFORMATION DATE OF HEARING: November 11, 2015 PROJECT NAME: Ordinance amending the Land Development Code to regulate marijuana-related land uses ORDINANCE NO.: 1690-15 REQUEST FOR: Recommendation to the City Commission for approval PUBLIC HEARING: Yes GROWTH MANAGEMENT DEPT. PROJECT NUMBER: 15-20000002 APPLICANT: City of Altamonte Springs STAFF EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. PROPOSAL. This is a request by the city to amend the Land Development Code to regulate medical marijuana-related uses within the City of Altamonte Springs. The proposed regulation would allow medical marijuana retail centers in the Mixed-Office/Industrial and Very Light Industrial zoning districts by conditional use and establishes a review process and detailed standards and considerations for review. The request prohibits other types of marijuana-related uses in all zoning categories. 2. BACKGROUND. The state approved the Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act in 2014. A brief timeline of events is as follows: • The Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014 (Senate Bill 1030) required the Florida Department of Health to establish a compassionate use registry, select the five dispensing organizations, monitor physician Page 1 Agenda Item 3a registration and ordering of low-THC cannabis, and adopt rules for implementation of the Act on or before January 1, 2015. e On January 20, 2015 the City Commission approved Ordinance No. 168215, which provided for a temporary moratorium until July 20, 2015 on the operation or city approval of any low-THC cannabis dispensing organizations or medical marijuana facilities within the City of Altamonte Springs. The moratorium ordinance was enacted in order to allow the state administrative rules to be completed and to provide city staff with sufficient time to review and make recommendations for the possible enactment of regulations governing such activities. • A lawsuit delayed the implementation of the Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014. On May 27, 2015, an administrative judge approved the proposed rules. The rules became effective on June 16, 2014.2 as Chapter 2014-157, Laws of Florida, and are codified at Section 381.986, Florida Statutes. e Since the state rules were not finalized until June, the city could study the situation and develop a medical marijuana ordinance before the moratorium end date of July 20. Therefore, on July 7, 2015 the City Commission extended the temporary moratorium through December 31, 2015 via Ordinance No 1686-15. There remain many opportunities for the introduction of both medical and non-medical marijuana in Florida in the near future: • As of September 2015, the Florida Division of Elections has approved initiatives proposing to amend the Florida Constitution to authorize recreational use of cannabis. The proposed ballot-initiatives, will be placed on the November 2016 ballot if the required number of signatures are obtained. • A medical marijuana initiative is collecting signatures for placement on the ballot for the November 2016 election, which would amend the Florida Constitution to authorize medical marijuana. • The Florida legislature may consider and enact legislation permitting use of additional alternative forms of medical marijuana and alternative dispensing methods, including, but not limited to, smoking and food products. In the event the Florida legislature enacts legislation expanding the approved forms of medical marijuana and alternative dispensing methods for medical purposes, or in the Page 2 Agenda Item 3a event the proposed 2016 ballot-initiative for medical marijuana passes, or one of the proposed 2016 ballot-initiatives for non-medical/recreational marijuana pass, the city will have regulations in place regarding land uses related to medical marijuana and nonmedical/recreational marijuana. 3. CODE AMENDMENT SUMMARY. Proposed Ordinance No. 1690-15 includes the following: • Defines a number of marijuana-related land use activities and states they are prohibited in Land Uses Not Allowed. • Defines a "medical marijuana retail center" and allows it as a conditional use within the Mixed-Office/Industrial Low, (MOl-1), Mixed-Office/Industrial Medium (MOl-2), and Very Light Industrial (IL) zonirig districts. • Provides standards for medical marijuana retail centers in areas such as applications, separation distances, prohibited activities, and performance standards. This includes a requirement that a medical marijuana retail center operator shall not open a medical marijuana retail center without first obtaining a medical marijuana permit as set forth in Section 19-30, City Code of Ordinances. • Provides for the duration of conditional use approvals, revocation of approvals, and transfer of approvals. • Prohibits medical marijuana retail centers as a home occupation. A companion ordinance, Ordinance No. 1693-15, has been developed to establish business regulations in the City Code of Ordinances for medical marijuana retail centers. It would require that all individuals related to a medical marijuana retail center obtain a City medical marijuana permit; lists the information to be provided and the review topics for Growth Management {building, zoning) and Police; establishes fee and basis for denial of an application; describes permit contents, reasons for possible revocation, permit and business operation requirements, and appeal process. As it is a proposed amendment to the City Code of Ordinances, Ordinance No. 1693-15 is not reviewed by the Planning Board. 4. NEXT STEPS. This ordinance (Ord No. 1590-15) will be presented to the City Commission on November 1z.g and December 1, 2015. If approved by the City Commission, the existing moratorium will be rescinded and these regulations shall be in place. Ordinance No. 1693-15 to the City Code of Ordinances will scheduled for City Commission review on the same dates. Page 3 Agenda Item 3a RECOMMENDATION The Growth Management Department recommends that the Planning Board take the following action regarding this request. Recommend APPROVAL of Ordinance No. 1690-15. ADVISEMENTS General Advisements Persons are advised that if they decide to appeal any decision made at this meeting, they will need a record of the proceedings and for such purposes, they will need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. The City of Altamonte Springs does not provide this verbatim record. Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk Department ADA Coordinator at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting at (407} 571-8121(Voice} or (407} 571-8126 (TDD). This report was prepared by the Altamonte Springs Growth Management Department (407) 571-8150. S:\GIVl\Commission and Boords\BZA & Planning Boord\REPORTS- Planning Boord\Report5 2015\Medicol Morijuono\Ordinonce 169015\0RD1690-15_PB Stoff Report.doc Page 4 Agenda Item 3a Official Use Onlv Commission Action:----.,.---.--....,,.----City M a n a g e r : - - - - - - - - - - - SUBJECT: Orqinance No, 1693-15 (Pt reading) """City Code of Ordinances amendment to reorganize Chapter 19, Local Business Taxes and City Permits, and adopt regulations for marijuana businesses SUMMARY EXPLANATION & BACKGROUND: The proposed ordinance revises Chapter 19 by renaming the chapter and dividing it into two articles. The existingtocal Business Taxes are located in Article I and otherwise remains unchanged. The new Article II is entitled "City Business Permits" and contains provisions for marijuana businesses, starting withSec. 19-30 on page 26 ofthe ordinance. Medical Marijuana Permits would be required annually for all businesses and individuals involved with a medical marijuana retail center in the City.The ordinance lists the information to be provided with the application, describes the review process and other procedures, and establishes fees .and operational standards for businesses. In order for the City to issue a Medical Marijuana Permit, the applicant must successfully completethe application review with the City, have obtained conditional us.e approval for the planned business location, completed any improvements to change the use of the property or the building occupancy, if necessary, and implemented the approved security plan and other improvements specific to the business. FISCAL INFORMATION: Not applicable RECOMMENDED ACTION: APPROVE Ordinance No. 1693-15 on firstreading, and SET second reading for December 1, 2015. Initiated by: John Sember, Growth Management ORDINANCE NO.: 1693-15 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY, BY RENAMING CHAPTER 19, "LOCAL BUSINESS TAXES," TO "LOCAL BUSINESS TAXES AND CITY PERMITS," ESTABLISHING ARTICLE I, "LOCAL BUSINESS TAXES," AND ADOPTING ARTICLE II, "CITY BUSINESS PERMITS," SECTION 19-30, "MARIJUANA BUSINESSES," TO PROVIDE FOR PERMITS, REGULATIONS, RESTRICTIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR THE OPERATION OF MEDICAL MARIJUANA RETAIL CENTERS; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City Commission recognizes that changes to the adopted Code of Ordinances are periodically necessary in order to ensure that the City's regulations are current and consistent with the City's planning and regulatory needs; and WHEREAS, the 2014 Florida Legislature approved Senate Bill 1030 providing for the growing, processing, and distributing of specific forms of low-THC (non-euphoric) cannabis to qualified patients and their caregivers for the treatment of listed medical conditions, which became effective on June 16, 2014 as Chapter 2014-157, Laws of Florida, and is codified at Section 381.986, Florida Statutes ("Senate Bill 1030"); and WHEREAS, the Florida Department of Health has adopted rules implementing Senate Bill 1030; and WHEREAS, despite the adoption of Senate Bill 1030, the activities it condones remain illegal under federal law; and WHEREAS, on November 4, 2014, Florida voters narrowly rejected an amendment to the Florida Constitution to allow for broader medical use of any kind of marijuana (including euphoric strains) within the State; and 1 WHEREAS, as of September 2015, the Florida Division of Elections has approved proposed initiatives for placement on the November 2016 ballot proposing to amend the Florida Constitution to authorize recreational use of cannabis, if the required number of signatures are obtained to place the initiatives on the ballot; and WHEREAS, in addition to the potential recreational initiatives, a medical marijuana initiative is also collecting signatures for placement on the ballot for the November 2016 election, which would amend the Florida Constitution to authorize medical marijuana (hereinafter the "proposed 2016 ballot initiative"); and WHEREAS, the Florida legislature may consider and enact legislation permitting the use of additional alternative forms of medical marijuana (medical marijuana in all its forms including low-THC cannabis, together referred to as "medical marijuana") and alternative dispensing methods (including, but not limited to, smoking and food products); and WHEREAS, the failed Constitutional Amendment, as well as the proposed 2016 ballot initiative, authorizes and defines "Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers" to encompass the entire supply chain (cultivation, processing, storage, distribution, etc.), not just retail sales to qualified patients; and WHEREAS, if the proposed 2016 ballot initiative secures the requisite signatures, is placed on the ballot and approved, it will amend the Florida Constitution to permit the use of additional alternative forms of medical marijuana (medical marijuana in all its forms including low-THC cannabis, together referred to as "medical marijuana") and alternative dispensing methods (including, but not limited to, smoking and food products); and WHEREAS, in the event the Florida legislature enacts legislation expanding the approved forms of medical marijuana and alternative dispensing methods for medical purposes, or in the event the proposed 2016 ballot initiative for medical marijuana or one of 2 the proposed 2016 ballot initiatives for non-medical/recreational marijuana passes, the City Commission believes it is in the best interests of the citizens of Altamonte Springs to have in place certain regulations regarding medical marijuana and non-medical/recreational marijuana; and WHEREAS, even in the event that no medical marijuana expansion is approved by the Florida legislature or citizens in 2016, the trend of approval of medical and nonmedical/recreational marijuana initiatives in other states is evident, and the City Commission believes it is in the best interest of the citizens of Altamonte Springs to have in place certain regulations regarding medical marijuana and non-medical/recreational marijuana in the event the laws in regard to same are amended by federal or state legislation, or by constitutional amendment; and WHEREAS, significant safety and security issues exist for any establishment involved in the cultivation, processing or distribution of medical marijuana or nonmedical/recreational marijuana, because they maintain large drug inventories and are forced to deal in cash as their activities have not been sanctioned by federal law; and WHEREAS, such businesses are inherently attractive targets for criminals, and it is therefore essential that the City limit the permissible scope of such uses and regulate them to ensure their compatibility with surrounding businesses and the community, and to protect and advance the public health, safety and welfare; and WHEREAS, other attributes of land uses dealing with medical marijuana and non- medical/recreational marijuana, such as odors, must be regulated to minimize their impact on surrounding properties and uses and prevent the creation of attractive nuisances; and WHEREAS, both Senate Bill 1030 and the proposed 2016 ballot initiative are silent on the topic of local government regulation and, consistent with Florida caselaw governing 3 preemption, local governments are therefore not preempted from regulating marijuana uses; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizenry and general public to prohibit non-medical/recreational marijuana businesses, sales and uses within the City of Altamonte Springs to ensure the safety of businesses, properties, the community as well as citizens and visitors to the City; and WHEREAS, the City Commission has determined that it is in the best interests of the citizenry and general public to provide appropriate business regulations to ensure the compatibility of any business related to marijuana with the surrounding businesses, properties, and community, as well as the safety of the employees, neighbors, customers and area residents; and WHEREAS, the City Commission conducted a first and second reading of this Ordinance at duly noticed public hearings, as required by law, and after having received input from and participation by interested members of the public and staff, the City Commission has determined that this Ordinance is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan and in the best interest of the City, its residents, and its visitors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, THAT: SECTION 1. Recitals. The preceding "Whereas" clauses are ratified and incorporated as the legislative intent of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. Renaming. Chapter 19, "Local Business Taxes" of the Altamonte Springs Code of Ordinances, is hereby renamed "Local Business Taxes and City Business Permits." 4 SECTION 3. Relocation and Adoption. Article I, "Local Business Taxes," of City Code of Ordinances Chapter 19, "Local Business Taxes and City Business Permits," is hereby established and former Chapter 19 "Local Business Taxes" is hereby relocated and set forth in its entirety into Article I, as follows; and Section 19-30, "Marijuana Businesses", of Article 11, "City Business Permits," of Chapter 19, "Local Business Taxes and City Business Permits," of the City Code of Ordinances is hereby adopted to read as follows: CHAPTER 19. LOCAL BUSINESS TAXES AND CITY BUSINESS PERMITS ARTICLE I. LOCAL BUSINESS TAXES. Sec. 19-1. - Intent. This chapter is adopted consistent with F.S. chapter 205 providing a reasonable and uniform method of imposition of a local business tax for the privilege of engaging in or managing any business, profession or occupation within the jurisdiction of the city. Issuance of a local business tax receipt by the city clerk does not mean that the city clerk has either investigated or approved the quality, nature or reputation of the business. Inquiries of such nature should be made through the Better Business Bureau, state attorney's office and other appropriate agencies. Sec. 19-2. - Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter and any other section of this chapter associated therewith, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Business means any activity engaged in by any person, or caused to be engaged in by such person, with the object of private gain, benefit or advantage, either direct or indirect. Charitable organization means only nonprofit corporations, holding a 501 C designation issued by the Internal Revenue Service, operating physical facilities in this state at which are provided charitable services, a reasonable percentage of which are without cost to those unable to pay. Classification means the method by which a business or group of businesses is identified by size or type, or both. Local business tax means the fees charged and the method by which the city grants the privilege to engage in or manage any business, profession, or occupation within its jurisdiction. Also known as business tax. 5 Manage/managing means to direct, supervise or carry on business activities or affairs. Merchant means any person engaged in the business of selling merchandise retail, wholesale or import/export, except a manufacturer or processor who creates or fabricates an entirely new or different product or article from inventory. Persons not falling into specific classifications set forth herein, and who do not create an entirely new or different article, shall be deemed merchants for the purposes of this article. Occupation means the particular employment, trade or calling of a person which engages such person's time and efforts. Person means any individual, firm, agency, partnership, joint venture, syndicate, or other group or combination acting as a unit, association, club, corporation, estate, trust, business trust, trustee, executor, administrator, receiver or other fiduciary, engaged in any business, occupation or profession subject to the provisions of this chapter. Profession means a vocation or occupation requiring special, usually advanced, education or skill. Professional means any person engaged in any business, occupation or profession as enumerated in section 19-21, but not limited to the same, and not falling into other classifications specifically set forth herein, or any person required to maintain an active and valid State of Florida, regulatory license, permit, registration or certificate. Receipt means the document that is issued by the city which bears the words "Local Business Tax Receipt" and evidences that the person in whose name the document is issued has complied with the provisions of this chapter relating to the local business tax. Also known as local business tax receipt and formerly known as occupational license tax certificate or license. Sec. 19-3. - Levy. There is hereby levied a local business tax in the amounts set out in this chapter for the privilege of engaging in or managing any business, profession or occupation within the city on the following: (1) Any person who maintains a permanent business location or branch office within the city for the privilege of engaging in or managing any business, profession or occupation within its jurisdiction; and (2) Any person who does not qualify under the provisions of (1) above and who transacts any business or engages in any occupation or profession in interstate commerce where such license tax is not prohibited by section 8 of article I of the United States Constitution. 6 Sec. 19-4. - Required. No person shall engage in or manage any business, occupation or profession for which there is a local business tax required by this chapter or any other provisions of this Code unless such person shall first procure a local business tax receipt to conduct the same from the city clerk. It shall be no defense of nonpayment of any business tax required by this chapter that the receipt holder did not receive any bill or notice that the same was due from the city. Sec. 19-4.5 - County receipt required. No person shall engage in or manage any business, occupation or profession for which there is a local business tax required by Seminole County, Florida, unless such person has first procured a Seminole County local business tax receipt to conduct such business, occupation, or profession. Sec. 19-5. - To be signed by city clerk. All receipts shall be signed by the city clerk and shall be upon forms furnished by the city. Sec. 19-6. - Duty to display. Every person required to procure a local business tax receipt shall exhibit it whenever called upon to do so by the city clerk or his/her designee, city code compliance officer, chief of police or any police officer of the city. Sec. 19-7. -Application; required. (a) No local business tax receipt shall be issued except upon written application signed by the owner of the business, an officer of the corporation, or his/her designee bearing a notarized letter of authority and payment of a fifteen-dollar nonrefundable administrative or processing fee. It shall be the duty of the city clerk, before issuing a receipt to require the owner, officer or authorized agent applying for such receipt to file an application giving full and complete information. The applications shall be retained as a part of the records of the office of the city clerk, in accordance with public records retention laws. (b) Any sign, advertisement, building occupancy, directory listing or activity indicating that a business, profession or occupation is being conducted at a location within this municipality shall be prima facie evidence that the person is liable for a receipt. (c) Any person owing delinquent business taxes shall be required to pay such delinquent business taxes before being issued a new receipt. Sec. 19-8. - Location; ownership, name; transfer. 7 Local business tax receipts shall be good only for the particular business or person(s), and at one (1) particular place of business, which shall be named and for the person(s) or business to whom issued, but receipts may be transferred when there is a bona fide sale and transfer of the property used in the business, stock in trade, or the transfer of the same from one location in the city to another, including moving to another suite, or a change in business name under the same ownership, upon application to the city clerk, and presentation of evidence supporting the transfer. The original receipt shall be surrendered to the city clerk upon application for transfer. However, this provision for transfer of receipts shall not apply where the transfer is regulated by provisions applicable to the particular business or person( s) for which transfer is sought. Sec. 19-9. - Transfer fee. When a receipt is transferred, payment of a transfer fee of up to ten (10) percent of the annual local business tax, but not less than three dollars ($3.00) nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00), and presentation of evidence supporting the transfer, shall be required. Sec. 19-10. - Limit on; term. Each receipt shall be issued to cover only one (1) occupation or business classification unless otherwise permitted. The amounts assessed as local business taxes against the various businesses, professions or occupations are hereby fixed per annum unless otherwise specified. Sec. 19-11. - Duplicate receipt. Duplicate receipts may be issued by the city clerk. A fee of five dollars ($5.00) will be assessed for each duplicate receipt issued. Sec. 19-12. - Term; expiration date. No receipt shall be issued for longer than one (1) year. All receipts shall expire on the thirtieth day of September and shall be payable on or before the thirtieth day of September unless otherwise specifically provided by law or as otherwise provided. Half-year receipts may be issued by the city clerk to any person commencing business during the period April 1 to September 30, upon payment of one-half(~) of the business tax fixed as the amount of such receipt for one (1) year. The business tax for all other businesses shall be one hundred (100) percent of the yearly tax unless otherwise provided. Sec. 19-13. - Delinquency; enforcement. (a) Those receipts not renewed on or before September 30 shall be considered delinquent and subject to a delinquency penalty of ten (10) percent for the month of October, plus an additional five-percent penalty for each month of delinquency thereafter until paid; 8 provided, however, that the total delinquency penalty shall not exceed twenty-five (25) percent of each business tax for the delinquent establishment. (b) Any person engaging in or managing any business, occupation or profession without first obtaining a local business tax receipt, if required in accordance with this chapter, shall be subject to a penalty of twenty-five (25) percent of each business tax and may be subject to an additional surcharge of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per said receipt. However, an extension of up to two (2) weeks may be granted by the city clerk. (c) Failure to secure a receipt and pay the required local business tax, penalty and surcharge shall be deemed to be a violation of this section and may be punished as provided in section 1-14 of the Altamonte Springs City Code, provided such remedy shall not be exclusive and the city may take such other lawful action as it deems necessary to prevent or remedy any violation of this chapter. (d) Any person who engages in any business, occupation, or profession covered by this chapter who does not pay the required local business tax within one hundred fifty (150) days after the initial notice of tax due, and who does not obtain the required receipt is subject to civil actions and penalties, including court costs, reasonable attorney's fees, additional administrative costs incurred as a result of collection efforts, and a penalty of two hundred fifty dollars ($250.00). (e) All costs of collection and enforcement of the terms of this chapter, to include attorney's fees whether or not litigation is commenced, shall be the responsibility of the person for which a receipt is or was required. (f) As an additional means of ensuring compliance with the provisions of this chapter, the Altamonte Springs Code Enforcement Board shall have jurisdiction and authority to hear and decide alleged violations occurring in the corporate limits of the city and to impose administrative fines and liens for violations. Proceedings before the code enforcement board shall be governed by its rules and procedures, chapter 3 of the Code of Ordinances and F.S. chapter 162. (g) Any person owing delinquent business taxes shall be required to pay any such delinquent business tax and penalty before being issued a new receipt. Sec. 19-14. - Power of city to revoke or deny. The city shall have the authority to refuse the issuance of any receipt, and may at its discretion revoke any such receipt, upon a determination that the business profession or occupation is public nuisance, and may order the refunding of any part or all of the moneys paid for such receipt when the same is revoked; and any person conducting any such business after such action by the city shall be liable for the specified penalties. Sec. 19-15. - Hearing required before denial. 9 The applicant for a local business tax receipt denied by cause by the city shall have the right to be heard before the city commission and show cause, if any, why such receipt should be issued or renewed. Sec. 19-16. - Procedure for revocation. (a) The city shall have the right, for just cause, to revoke any receipt issued or renewed and may, in its discretion, order the refunding of any part or all of the moneys paid for the receipt when it is revoked; and any person conducting any business, occupation or profession after revocation by the city shall be liable for the penalties as specified in section 1-14, City Code of Ordinances, or as may be imposed by the code enforcement board, together with fines and liens which may be enforced against the property of the violator as may be provided by law. (b) If the city desires to revoke any local business tax receipt, it shall cause the holder of said receipt to be served with written notice of its intention to do so, stating the cause for the proposed revocation and setting a time for a hearing. The notice shall be prepared and signed by the city clerk and served by the chief of police or any police officer upon the holder of said receipt by delivery of a copy not less than five (5) days before the date set for the hearing. (c) The hearing shall be held in the city hall, and the holder of the receipt shall have the right to be heard, either in person or by counsel, and if, after the hearing, the city shall determine that said receipt should be revoked, it shall be revoked and a continuance to engage in the business, occupation or profession for which said receipt has been issued shall constitute the doing of business without a receipt. Failure of the person to appear and testify at the hearing before the city shall create a presumption that the person does not contest the revocation and that same is valid and appropriate. (d) The local business tax receipt holder shall have such right as may exist by law to appeal to any court of competent jurisdiction for a review of the order revoking such receipt. (e) The provisions of this section for the revocation of a local business tax receipt shall not apply to a revocation of a license for the sale, distribution or manufacture of alcoholic beverages. Sec. 19-17. - Duty to inspect, enforce, report violations; right of entry. (a) It shall be the duty of the city clerk and he/she is hereby directed to enforce each and every provision of this chapter, except as otherwise in this chapter expressly provided, and the chief of police shall render such assistance in the enforcement of this chapter as from time to time may be required by the city clerk. The city clerk is authorized to prescribe such reasonable rules and regulations and make such interpretive rulings as may be necessary to effectuate the provisions of this chapter. 10 (b) Right of entry to places of business, profession or occupation. The city clerk and his/her designees shall have the authority, as may be permitted by law, to enter, free of charge, during business hours, any place of business, profession or occupation in connection with which a business tax is imposed under this chapter, and to request exhibition of the receipt and evidence of the amount and date of the last business tax paid. All persons to whom a receipt has been issued hereunder shall exhibit the receipt upon request. Sec. 19-18. - Record required. The city clerk shall keep a record of all receipts issued, including the names of all persons holding receipts, the numbers of the receipts, the occupation classification, date of issue and expiration of each receipt, and the sum paid. Sec. 19-19. - Exemptions. (a) All disabled persons who are incapable of manual labor, widows with minor dependents, or persons sixty-five (65) years of age or older, who are residents of the state, who employ not more than one (1) employee or helper, and who use their own capital only, not in excess of one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), shall be granted, upon due proof of his/her qualification for exemption, a receipt to engage in any business, profession or occupation without being required to pay a business tax. (b) Any veteran of any war in which the United States armed forces has participated who is a resident of the state, and who was honorably discharged from the services of the United States and who at the time of his/her application for a local business tax receipt has a rated service-connected disability shall, upon due proof of his/her qualifications for exemption, according to [F.S.] § 205.171 (3), be granted a receipt to engage in any business, profession or occupation which may be carried on mainly through the personal efforts of the receipt holder as a means of livelihood and for which the business tax does not exceed the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00). When any such person shall apply for a receipt to conduct any business, profession or occupation for which the business tax exceeds the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00), the remainder of such business tax in excess of fifty dollars ($50.00) shall be paid by the receipt holder. (c) Any charitable organization shall be granted, upon proof of their status as a charitable organization, a local business tax receipt to engage in any business, profession or occupation without being required to pay a business tax. Employees, independent contractors or affiliates of a charitable organization shall not be exempt from the business tax unless said persons separately qualify as a charitable organization. (d) In no event, shall any person, veteran or otherwise, be allowed any exemption whatsoever from the payment of any amount required by law for the issuance of a license to sell intoxicating liquors or malt and vinous beverages. (e) Nothing in this section shall be construed to require a receipt for practicing the religious tenets of any church. 11 Sec. 19-20. - Compliance with other provisions of Code. The issuance by the city clerk and receipt by the applicant of a local business tax receipt shall in no case be deemed authority to establish, conduct or maintain a business, profession or occupation in contravention of any other provisions of this Code. Sec. 19-21 . - Classifications/fees. The following schedule sets forth classifications and fees for local business tax receipts: [+denotes state license, receipt or registration may be required.] A (A 1) Abstract title company ..... $ 120. 75 (A2) Adult entertainment establishment ..... 735.00 (A3) Advertising ..... 120.75 (A4) Administrative office ..... 90.30 (A5) Ambulance service: a. Office only ..... 90.30 b. Each vehicle including aircraft ..... 24.15 (A6) Amusements: a. Billiards (pool) ..... 183.75 b. Boats, rental ..... 183. 75 c. Bowling alley ..... 183. 75 d. Dance halls/public ballrooms ..... 262.50 e. General amusement facility ..... 242.55 f. Golf course (regulation/miniature), driving range ..... 120. 75 g. Shooting gallery/range ..... 183.75 h. Skating rink, permanent location ..... 183.75 i. Theater, motion picture, live performance, exhibition .... .262.50 j. Video arcade (each machine requires additional license) ..... 120. 75 (A7) Animal services: 12 a. Grooming ..... 90.30 b. Hospital (also see Veterinarian) ..... 120.75 c. Boarding/kennel ..... 120.75 (AB) Appraisal agency/appraiser (other than real estate) ..... 72.45 (A9) Armored car service: a. Office only ..... 90.30 b. Each vehicle ..... 24.15 (A 10) Artist .... .46.20 (A 11) Auctioneer, permanent+ ..... 90.30 (A 12) Auction house/shop + .... .486.15 (A 13) Automobiles and other vehicles: a. New/used agency or dealer with lot+ ..... 364.35 b. New/used agency or dealer without lot+ ..... 178.50 c. Repair shop (includes towing or wrecker service or mobile repair)+ ..... 120. 75 d. Cleaning/buffing/waxing/detailing of vehicles ..... 120.75 e. Auto service club ..... 120.75 f. Parking garage/lot ..... 364.35 g. Wrecker service: h. 1. Office only ..... 90.30 2. Each vehicle ..... 24.15 Painting/designing/body shop+ ..... 120. 75 (A 14) Authors ..... 24.15 (B 1) Bakery+ ..... 178.50 (B2) Bar/lounge+ ..... 242.55 (B3) Bonds, bail: B 13 a. Agency ..... 90.30 b. Agent, each+ ..... 120.75 (B4) Broadcasters, radio/television ..... 242.55 (85) Brokerage company/Broker (other than mortgage or real estate) ..... 115.50 (C1) Caterer or catering service+ ..... 120.75 c (C2) Civic/sports center complex (including sports, entertainment promotional, theatrical and parking activities) ..... 1,214.85 (C3) Club, social, civic, investment, athletic, etc ...... 178.50 (C4) Coin-operated machines, each slot (business office requires a separate license) ..... 17.85 (C5) Collection agency (other than real estate) (C6) Computer services: + ..... 120. 75 a. All types of accounting, printing, computing and other services done by computer ..... 120. 75 b. Computer courses/classes ..... 120. 75 c. Consultant/systems analyst/support/network ..... 120. 75 d. Software development/website design ..... 120.75 e. Repairs computers ..... 90.30 f. Internet services: 1. Internet service provider ..... 303.45 2. All other services being done by internet (except for sales-See Merchant) ..... 120.75 (C7) Consulting agency/consultant ..... 120. 75 (C8) Contractors a. Alarm systems+ ..... 120. 75 b. Carpentry ..... 90.30 c. Drywall ..... 90.30 14 d. Electrical+ ..... 120. 75 e. General/residential/building+ ..... 120. 75 f. Heating and/or air conditioning+ ..... 120. 75 g. House moving ..... 90.30 h. Irrigation ..... 90.30 i. Painter/wallcoverings ..... 90.30 j. Paving/sidewalk/brick/masonry ..... 90.30 k. Plumbing+ ..... 120. 75 I. Roofer+ ..... 120. 75 m. Subcontractors ..... 90.30 n. Pool/spa+ ..... 120.75 o. All others not specified: 1. State-licensed+ ..... 120. 75 2. Not state-licensed ..... 90.30 (C9) Coordinator (party, events, etc.) ..... 120. 75 (C10) Crafts (home occupation only) ..... 59.85 (C11) Credit association (information only) ..... 120. 75 (D1) Dating service ..... 178.50 (D2) Day care:+ D a. In-home only ..... 59.85 b. All others ..... 120. 75 (D3) Delivery/express service: a. Office only ..... 90.30 b. Each vehicle ..... 24.15 (D4) Designer/design agency (blueprints/floor plans/clothes, etc.) ..... 90.30 15 (D5) Detective/investigator/patrol and/or security/guard services:+ a. Agency ..... 90.30 b. Detectives/investigators, each (except that a detective or investigator holding a class C license issued under F.S. ch. 493 shall pay no fee) ..... 59.85 c. Patrolman/guard, each ..... 24.15 (D6) Development company (of land) ..... 120. 75 (D7) Distributor/manufacturer's representative/independent sales office (does not stock merchandise but orders for customers only/desk space only) ..... 120. 75 E (E1) Employment: a. Agency/personnel services ..... 90.30 b. Employee leasing+ ..... 120.75 (E2) Entertainment: a. Agency/group ..... 90.30 b. Individual .... .46.20 (E3) Escort service ..... 606.90 (E4) Excavation (clearing of land) ..... 120.75 (E5) Exhibition facility, (demonstrating, selling or taking orders for any goods, wares or merchandise from booths, exhibits or similar devices): a. The operation of a facility, such as, but not limited to, convention centers, hotels, shopping malls, open-air markets, or flea markets in which exhibitions/trade shows/seminars/sporting events are regularly held ..... 1,214.85 Note: Individual event license taxes as provided in paragraph b. hereof are not required if the operator of the facility in which the exhibition/trade show/seminar is held has paid the license tax as provided herein; however, the operator of a facility which has a limited number of exhibitions/trade shows may elect to have each event separately and directly taxed as provided in paragraph b., in lieu of payment of the facility operator tax provided in paragraph a. b. Exhibitions/seminars/sporting events/sales/shows such as, but not limited to coin, stamp, bottle, home, antique, art/open-air or flea markets, unless such 16 events are held in a facility licensed in accordance with paragraph a. hereof (license is responsibility of promoter, association or person in charge): 1. 1-15 exhibitors, each day, no proration ..... 178.50 2. 16-50 exhibitors, each day, no proration ..... 364.35 3. Over 50 exhibitors, each day, no proration .... .425.25 F (F1) Finance: a. Banks and bankers, credit unions, trust companies, bankruptcy, receivership company, savings and loan association, building and loan association, (except those exempt by federal or state law), each location+ .... .486.15 b. Small loan companies, money lenders, salary purchasers, title loan companies, each location+ ..... 364.35 c. Automated teller machines, each service terminal (except those attached to structure of, and used in conjunction with, a financial institution) ..... 178.50 d. Advisor/counselor/consultant ..... 120. 75 e. Financial services not otherwise licensed hereunder+ ..... 242.55 (F2) Florist ..... 178.50 (F3) Funeral:+ a. Home/facility ..... 364.35 b. Director/embalmer ..... 120. 75 (F4) Furniture moving/general hauling: + a. Office only ..... 90.30 b. Each vehicle ..... 24.15 G (G1) Garbage, refuse/recyclable waste collection: a. Office only ..... 303.45 b. Each vehicle ..... 24.15 (G2) Gas, liquefied petroleum or other gases used for fuel, (dealers in and/or installers of fittings and appliances for the use of: (No licenses shall be issued to an 17 applicant to engage in the businesses set out above in this item until such applicant shall have provided the city clerk with satisfactory evidence that the applicant has complied with the state with reference to the bond or public-liability requirements for persons licensed by the state to carry on the business of selling liquefied petroleum gas or making installations for the use of same. For the purpose of this item, the definition of liquefied petroleum gas is the same as the definition set out in the statutes of the state ..... 120. 7 5 (G3) Gasoline fueling station/facility ..... 120. 75 (G4) Group home+ ..... 178.50 (G5) Guaranty or surety company ..... 120.75 (H1) Health:+ H a. Spas/gyms/studios ..... 242.55 b. Personal trainers ..... 59.85 (H2) Health care:+ a. Facility/emergency clinic ..... 364.35 b. Diagnostic/screening ..... 178.50 c. Equipment/supplies ..... 178.50 d. Personnel ..... 120.75 e. Hospital/sanitarium .... .486.15 f. Nursing home/assisted-living facility ..... 364.35 (H3) Hypnotist ..... 120. 75 (11) Instructors (teachers of music, piano, dancing, tutoring, etc. other than schools), each ..... 24.15 (12) Insurance: a. Each company or corporation writing life, fire, accident, health, public liability, indemnity, motor vehicle, industrial or other type or form of insurance collecting premiums from within the corporate limits of the city+ ..... 120. 75 18 b. Agency/claims office (also see Agent)+ ..... 90.30 c. Agent, broker, adjuster, etc., each+ ..... 29.40 d. Title insurance company+ ..... 120.75 L (L 1)Laboratories, analytical/dental/medical, etc.+ ..... 120.75 (L2)Laundry, self-service facility with coin-operated equipment (may require additional license(s) for coin-operated merchandise l}lachines) ..... 120.75 (L3)Leasing agency/office ..... 90.30 (L4 )Linen, towel supply and uniform service, etc ...... 120. 75 M (M1) Machine shop ..... 120. 75 (M2) Manufacturing, fabricating, processing, assembling and shipping ..... 242.55 (M3) Marketing company/agency ..... 120. 75 (M4) Merchant ..... 178.50 Metaphysical/spiritual (to include astrologer, clairvoyant, divine healer, fortune (MS) teller, palmist or palm reader, phrenologist, psychic and every person engaged in any occupation of a similar nature) ..... 120.75 (M6) Microfilm/document-imaging company ..... 120. 75 (M7) Modeling agency ..... 242.55 (M8) Mortgage:+ a. Company/lender (no broker required) ..... 364.35 b. Brokerage business (broker required) ..... 120.75 c. Broker, each ..... 29.40 N (N1) News depot, dealer or distribution point for current periodicals ..... 59.85 (N2) Notary public ..... 24.15 0 19 (01) Oil (fuel, illuminating, heating or lubricating, gasoline): a. Dealer/agent ..... 178.50 b. Each delivery vehicle ..... 24.15 (02) Open-air sales (includes sales by vendors outside a permanent structure as allowed by chapter 28, Land Development Code): a. Holiday sales (no proration) ..... 120.75 b. Food sales (no proration)+ ..... 120.75 c. Other open air sales and temporary amusement or recreational activity, each day (no proration) ..... 120. 75 p (P1) Pawnbroker+ ..... 242.55 (P2) Peddler, each vehicle, including transient merchant:+ ..... 91.35 (P3) Personal services (may require additional retail license): a. Shop/parlor/facility (barber, beauty, tan, nail, tattoo, etc.)+ ..... 90.30 b. Each chair, station, device, etc ...... 17.85 c. Independent contractor within an established facility+ ..... 59.85 d. Massage therapist, each+ ..... 59.85 (P4) Pest control/exterminator: a. Office only+ ..... 90.30 b. Each vehicle ..... 24.15 (P5) Pharmacy:+ ..... 120. 75 (P6) Photography/photographer: a. Photographic studio ..... 91.35 b. Film developer/developing ..... 120. 75 c. Freelance, no studio ..... 59.85 (P7) Printing/copying/blueprint/quick copy ..... 120. 75 (P8) Production company: 20 a. Movie, television, music, etc ...... 242.55 b. Video ..... 120.75 (P9) Professional agency/firm/corporation/partnership/P.A., office only ..... 90.30 (P10) Professional men and women:+ a. Accountant (CPA) ..... 120.75 b. Acupuncturist ..... 120. 75 c. Architect (including landscape architect) ..... 120. 75 d. Attorney ..... 120.75 e. Chiropractor/chiropractic physician ..... 120. 75 f. Clinical social worker ..... 120.75 g. Dentist (including orthodontic surgeons) ..... 120. 75 h. Engineer and planner ..... 120.75 i. Hearing aid specialist/audiologist ..... 120. 75 j. Interior designer ..... 120. 75 k. Marriage and family therapist ..... 120. 75 I. Mental health counselor ..... 120. 75 m. Optician or ocularist ..... 120. 75 n. Optometrist or ophthalmologist ..... 120. 75 o. Physician assistant or ARNP ..... 120.75 p. Physician/surgeon/psychiatrist/radiologist, etc ...... 120. 75 q. Psychologist ..... 120. 75 r. Surveyor ..... 120. 75 s. Therapist, occupational/physical, etc ...... 120. 75 t. Veterinarian ..... 120. 75 u. All others not specified in this section ..... 120.75 (P11) Professional men, women, and firms (not state-licensed): 21 a. Accounting/bookkeeping ..... 90.30 b. Audit agency/auditor (unless licensed as certified public accountant) ..... 90.30 c. Counselor ..... 90.30 d. Court reporting/stenography ..... 90.30 e. Interior decorating ..... 90.30 f. All others not specified in this section ..... 90.30 (P12) Promoters of entertainment, exhibits, shows, boxing, wrestling, television closed circuit, fundraising (includes charity when reimbursed), etc., unless the operator of the facility has paid the exhibition facility license ..... 242.55 (P13) Property management ..... 120.75 (P14) Publishing firm: a. Reserved. b. Other than newspaper; to include desktop publishing and typesetting ..... 90.30 c. Newspaper ..... 120.75 R (R1) Real estate+ a. Agency, each ..... 72.45 b. Broker/principal, each ..... 57. 75 c. Salesperson, each ..... 29.40 d. Appraiser, each ..... 59.85 (R2) Rental service: a. Automobiles or other motor vehicles ..... 242.55 b. Miscellaneous equipment or supplies ..... 120. 75 (R3) a. Rental units: Apartments, condos, adult congregate living facility:+ 1. 1-10units ..... 120.75 2. 11-24 units ..... 178.50 22 3. 25-49 units ..... 242.55 4. 50-99 units ..... 364.35 5. 100-199 units .... .486.15 6. 200 and over ..... 606.90 b. Boarding or rooming house ..... 35.70 c. Hotel/motel+ ..... 120. 75 d. Each additional hotel/motel rental room ..... 12.60 (R4) Restaurants, cafeterias, delicatessens, snack bars:+ a. No seating ..... 120.75 b. Seating/dining room ..... 178.50 c. Alcoholic beverage served (may require additional bar/lounge license) ..... 59.85 d. Drive-up window ..... 59.85 s (S1) Schools (giving instruction for gain): a. Ballroom dance studios+ ..... 120.75 b. Training facility (not falling into proper classification as a school) ..... 120. 75 c. Private ..... 120.75 d. All others not specified ..... 120. 75 (S2) Service and/or repair: a. Carpet cleaning ..... 90.30 b. Classes/workshops/instruction (within a licensed facility) ..... 90.30 c. Cleaning service/janitorial ..... 90.30 d. Dry cleaner/laundry/dyer (also see Tailor/seamstress) ..... 90.30 e. Furniture/ (upholsterer/mender/refinisher, etc.) ..... 90.30 f. Gunsmith ..... 90.30 g. Handyman ..... 90.30 h. Inspections ..... 90.30 23 i. Installation ..... 90.30 j. Jewelry ..... 90.30 k. Lawn/landscape maintenance (pest control+) ..... 90.30 I. Locksmith ..... 90.30 m. Mass mailing ..... 90.30 n. Pool/spa maintenance ..... 90.30 0. Secretarial ..... 90.30 p. Shoe/boot ..... 90.30 q. Telephone answering ..... 90.30 r. Television/radio/video, etc ...... 90.30 s. Tree surgeon/tree trimmer ..... 90.30 t. All others not specified ..... 90.30 (S3) Shows: a. Shows of all kinds giving performances or exhibitions under tents or other temporary structures, or within temporary enclosures, except as otherwise provided, each day (no proration) ..... 242.55 b. Circuses, each day (no proration) ..... 364.35 (S4) Storage/warehouse/public storage ..... 91.35 (S5) Studio, recording/filming/processing/testing (sound and/or film) ..... 242.55 (T1) Tailor/seamstress (including alterations) ..... 24.15 (T2) Talent agent/agency+ ..... 242.55 (T3) Tax-preparation service ..... 90.30 (T 4) Telephone solicitation/telemarketing+ ..... 303.45 (T5) Telephone/telecommunications company: T a. Business office ..... 90.30 b. Sales office ..... 178.50 24 c. Rental ..... 120.75 d. Service, repair, installation ..... 90.30 e. Other telephone devices/services ..... 90.30 (T6) Television cable company ..... 315.00 (T7) Travel agency/seller of travel+ ..... 91.35 u (U1) Unclassified: Persons or firms doing business in the city from an office or store building, not otherwise specifically identified, and not falling into proper classification as merchants ..... 120. 75 v (V1) Vehicles for hire, taxicab/bus/limousines, etc. (additional requirements per F.S. §§ 324.022, 324.031 and 324.032): a. Office only ..... 90.30 b. Each vehicle ..... 24.15 w (W1) Wedding chapel (other than church-affiliated facility) ..... 242.55 (W2) Weight-control center (food item sales require merchant license) ..... 120. 75 Sec. 19-22. - Vehicle for hire carrier permit. It shall be unlawful to operate, or cause to be operated in the City of Altamonte Springs, a motor vehicle engaged in the commercial carriage of passengers to include charter carriage, limousine and taxicab, for which a permit has not been issued by the city as provided for in this chapter, or upon which said permit has not been affixed. Said permit shall be affixed to the outside of the vehicle in a manner prescribed by the city clerk, said permit shall be nontransferable from the vehicle for which the same was issued, except upon a showing to the city clerk that said vehicle has been permanently or temporarily lost from service and then upon the payment of a three-dollar transfer fee. Sec. 19-23. - Zoning to apply. No receipts shall be issued to any applicant giving an address that does not comply with the appropriate zoning laws of the city. Sec. 19-24. - Merchant's tax where not specifically imposed. 25 Any person engaged in selling goods, wares and merchandise which is specifically classified shall pay the specifically classified local business tax, but any business not specifically licensed, and engaged in such business, shall pay the merchant's business tax. Sec. 19-25. - Refund. Business taxes paid to the city shall not be refundable for any reason other than denial of an application for a license or renewal thereof or clerical error on the part of the city. Before making a refund to a licensee, all amounts payable under a proper license shall be paid by such licensee. Sec. 19-26. - Procedure for enforcement of payment. (a) The payment of any business tax may be enforced by the seizure and sale of the property employed in the business, profession or occupation upon which such business taxes are imposed. This procedure shall be in addition to all other means available to the city to enforce and collect payment of the tax. (b) The city clerk may issue a warrant in the name of the city for the collection of the business tax and such warrant may be executed by the chief of police or any police officer of the city, who shall seize the property employed in such business, profession or occupation, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay said business tax and shall offer the same for sale to the highest and best bidder for cash between the hours of 11 :00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., according to the official time prescribed for the state, at the front door of the city hall, after publication of notice once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published in the county, or after publishing notice by posting in three (3) public places in the city, one (1) of which shall be the city hall, for ten (10) days, of the time and place of sale. (c) Out of the proceeds of such sale, the amount of such business tax and cost connected with such sale shall be paid to the city and the balance shall be paid to the owner of the property. ARTICLE II. CITY BUSINESS PERMITS. Sec. 19-30. Marijuana Businesses. (a) Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this Article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: Permit~ 1) Applicant means an individual or business applying for a Medical Marijuana 2) Business Operating Name means the legal or fictitious name under which a medical marijuana retail center conducts its business with the public. 26 3) Dispensing Organization means an organization approved by the Florida Department of Health to cultivate, process, and dispense low-THC cannabis pursuant to Section 381.986, Florida Statutes. 4) Employee means a person authorized to act on behalf of the medical marijuana retail center, whether that person is an employee or a contractor, and regardless of whether that person receives compensation. 5) Low-THC Cannabis Oow-THC marijuana) has the meaning given low-THC cannabis in Section 381.986(1 )(b), Florida Statutes. 6) Low-THC Cannabis Dispensary means a business operation for the distribution of low-THC cannabis or related supplies, whether a principal use or accessory use, pursuant to Senate Bill 1030, constitutional amendment or any other provision 'of Florida law. 7) Low-THC Cannabis Facility means any authorized Low-THC dispensary, dispensing organization or any other facility that dispenses, processes, grows, cultivates, distributes, sells, or engages in any other activity that involves or is related to LowTHC cannabis, pursuant to Florida law. 8) Medical Marijuana means any strain of cannabis, in any form, including low-THC cannabis, which is authorized by state law to be dispensed or sold in the state of Florida for treatment of certain medical conditions. 9) Medical Marijuana Dispensarv means a business operation for the distribution of medical marijuana or related supplies, whether a principal use or accessory use, pursuant to constitutional amendment or any other provision of Florida law. 10) Medical Marijuana Facility means any authorized medical marijuana treatment center, medical marijuana dispensary, or any other facility that dispenses, processes, grows, cultivates, distributes, sells, QL.engages in any other activity that involves or is related to medical marijuana pursuant to Florida law. 11) Medical Marijuana Permit means a business permit issued by the City pursuant to this Article authorizing a business to sell medical marijuana in the City. Also referred to as "Permit." 12) Medical Marijuana Retail Center means a retail establishment, licensed by the Florida Department of Health as a "medical marijuana facility," "medical marijuana treatment facility," "medical marijuana treatment center," "medical marijuana dispensary," "dispensing organization/' "dispensing organization facility," "low-THC cannabis dispensary," "low-THC cannabis facility," or similar use, that sells and dispenses medical marijuana for individual use, but does not engage in any other activity related to preparation, wholesale storage, distribution, transfer, cultivation, growing or processing of any form of medical marijuana or medical marijuana product, and does not allow on-site consumption of medical marijuana. 27 13) Medical Marijuana Treatment Center means any entity that acquires, grows, cultivates, possesses, processes (including development of related products such as food, tinctures, aerosols, oils, or ointments), transfers, transports, sells, or distributes medical marijuana, or that administers medical marijuana, products containing medical marijuana, related supplies, or educational materials to qualifying patients or their personal caregivers and is registered or licenses by the Department of Health. A medical marijuana treatment center may include retail sales or dispensing of marijuana. A facility which provides only retail sales or dispensing of marijuana shall not be classified as a medical marijuana treatment center under this Chapter. Also may be referred to as a "medical marijuana treatment facility" or "dispensing organization" or other similar term recognized by state law. 14) Non-Medical/Recreational Marijuana Uses means the production, growing, cultivation, distribution, purchase, sale, transfer, delivery or any other similar or related use of marijuana, cannabis, cannabis-based products or cannabis plants when such production, growing, cultivation, distribution, purchase, sale, transfer, delivery or any other similar or related use is not associated with any medical purpose or use, whether or not such purchase, sale, transfer or delivery is lawful under federal or state law. 15) Owner or Owner/Operator means any person, including any individual or other legal entity, with a direct or indirect ownership interest of 5% or more in the Applicant, which interest includes the possession of stock, equity in capital, or any interest in the profits of the medical marijuana retail center, or any person who operates a medical marijuana retail center, regardless of ownership interest. 16) Premises means the building, within which a medical marijuana retail center is permitted to operate by the City, including the property on which the buildil}gj§ located, all parking areas on the property or that are utilized by the medical marijuana retail center and sidewalks, alleys and parkways adjacent to the property on which the medical marijuana retail center is located. 17) Qualified registered patient/Qualified patient means a resident of the state of Florida who has been added to the State's compassionate use registry Qy_§. physician licensed under chapter 458 or chapter 459, Florida Statutes to receive medical marijuana from a dispensing organization or medical marijuana treatment center or similar use as defined in Florida Statutes. (b) Permit required. In addition to payment of all required business taxes, it shall be unlawful for any business or person to operate a medical marijuana retail center, or to otherwise offer for sale or in any way participate in the conduct of any activities upon the Premises within the city without first obtaining a conditional use approval and a Medical Marijuana Permit. Each person employed in the conduct of such activity shall be screened and approved pursuant to this Article and required to obtain a Permit before the Center opens for business or, for persons who become involved with the 28 Center after it is open, before commencing employment or having any involvement in Center's activities. No such Permit shall be transferable; each person must obtain a Medical Marijuana Permit directly from the City. (c) Applications for Permit; investigation and issuance; term. (1) Application. Applications for a Medical Marijuana Permit shall be made by the Applicant in person to the City Clerk, or designee, during regular business hours upon such forms and with such accompanying information as may be established by the city. Such application shall be sworn to or affirmed. Every application shall contain at least the following: a. The Business Operating Name and each Applicant and Owner/Operator information. If the Applicant or Owner/Operator is: 1. An individual, his or her legal name, aliases, home address and business address, date of birth, copy of driver's license or a state or federally issued identification card; 2. A partnership, the full and complete name of the partners, dates of birth, copy of driver's license or state or federally issued identification card of all partners, and all aliases used by all of the partners, whether the partnership is general or limited, a statement as to whether or not the partnership is authorized to do business in the State of Florida and, if in existence, a copy of the partnership agreement (if the general partner is a corporation, then the Applicant shall submit the required information for corporate applicant in addition to the information concerning the partnership); or 3. A corporation, the exact and complete corporate name, the date of its incorporation, evidence that the corporation is in good standing, the legal names and dates of birth, driver's license numbers or state or federally issued identification card numbers of all officers. and directors. and all aliases used, the capacity of all officers, and directors. and, if applicable, the name of the registered corporate agent, and the address of the registered office for service of process, and a statement as to whether or not each corporation is authorized to do business in the State of Florida. 4. The addresses required by this section shall be physical locations, and not post office boxes. b. A complete copy of the business' application to the State of Florida and all related exhibits, appendices, and back up materials for approval and licensure as a Medical Marijuana Treatment Center. c. A statement as to whether the Applicant or any Owner/Operator or Employee has previously received a Medical Marijuana Permit from the City. d. A statement as to whether the Applicant or any Owner/Operator or Employee holds other permits or licenses under this Code and, if so, the names and 29 locations of such other permitted or licensed establishments. e. A statement as to whether the Applicant or any Owner/Operator or Employee has been a partner in a partnership or an officer or director of a corporation whose permit or license issued under this Code has previously been suspended or revoked, including the name and location of the Establishment for which the license was suspended or revoked, as well as the date of the suspension or revocation; f. A statement as to whether or not the Applicant or any Owner/Operator or Employee has lost any privilege or had any permit or license to do business suspended or revoked by any local, State or Federal government and, if so, the nature of such privilege, permit or license and the reason for such suspension or revocation. g. A statement as to whether or not the Applicant or any Owner/Operator or Employee has been found guilty of or has pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to a felony relating to any business in this State or in any other state or Federal court, regardless of whether a judgment of conviction has been entered by the court having jurisdiction of such cases. h. A statement as to whether or not the Applicant or any Owner/Operator or Employee has been found guilty of, or have pleaded guilty or nolo contendere to, a felony relating to a battery or a physical violence on any person in this State or in any other state or Federal court, regardless of whether a judgment of conviction has been entered by the court having jurisdiction of such cases. i. A statement as to whether or not the Applicant or any Owner/Operator or Employee has filed a petition to have their respective debts discharged by a bankruptcy court having jurisdiction of such cases. j. Written documentation that the Applicant, every Owner/Operator, and each employee has, within the preceding 90 days, completed Level-2 background screening. k. A list of all employees' names, aliases, nicknames, home addresses, dates of birth, copy of drivers licenses or identification cards. I. A passport-sized photograph of the Applicant, every Owner/Operator, and each Employee. m. A notarized, signed, and sworn statement that the information within the application is truthful, independently verifiable, and complete and that the photocopies of the attached driver's licenses or state or federally issued identification cards are true and correct copies of the originals. n. In addition to demonstrating compliance with this Article, the Applicant shall pay a nonrefundable application fee of $200.00 (or as may be otherwise set by resolution of the City Commission), which amount must be paid for each Applicant, each Owner, and each Employee to cover City administrative 30 costs and expenses incurred in reviewing and administering the application and notice to the Applicant, irrespective of the issuance of the Medical Marijuana Permit or denial of the application. Each Applicant shall also pay an annual nonrefundable, nonproratable Permit fee as provided herein before receiving a Medical Marijuana Permit. (2) Rejection of application. In the event the City determines that the Applicant has not satisfied the application requirements for a proposed permit, the Applicant shall be notified of such fact; and the application for the Medical Marijuana Permit shall be rejected as incomplete. (3) Optional pre/iminarv application review. Any Applicant has the option to request preliminary review of a Medical Marijuana Permit application, as follows. a. Submittal and preliminary review request. An Applicant may submit a Medical Marijuana Permit application to the City Clerk, or designee, prior to obtaining a conditional use approval for the operation of a medical marijuana retail center by submitting the application, signing a waiver of the application review time periods as set forth in this Article, paying a $300.00 Application and Preliminary Review fee, and signing an acknowledgement that no Medical Marijuana Permit shall issue until and unless a conditional use approval is granted for the operation of a medical marijuana retail center at the location for which the Medical Marijuana Permit is requested and all conditional use requirements and conditions have been satisfied. b. Review. The City staff shall review the application as set forth in Subsection (4) below; however, there shall be no issuance of a Medical Marijuana Permit, only review and comments as to whether a Medical Marijuana Permit would be appropriate based on the information provided in the application (and only in the event of obtaining the requisite conditional use approval for operation of a medical marijuana retail center at the location for which the Medical Marijuana Permit is requested and satisfaction of all conditional use requirements and conditions). Once all city review comments have been received, the Application will remain open (unless requested to be closed by the Applicant) for up to six months to allow a conditional use application for the proposed location to be submitted and considered. c. Final Review. If conditional use approval is granted for a medical marijuana retail center at the location for which the Medical Marijuana Permit is requested, the City Clerk. or designee, shall distribute the held Application to the Growth Management Department and Police Department for final review, as set forth in Subsection (4 ), below. No further application fee shall be required. ( 4) Application review. a. Citv Clerk review. The City Clerk, or designee, shall accept the application and compile all information, review same and, if complete, within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the completed application, forward the application to the Growth Management Director and Chief of Police for review and investigation. 31 b. Growth Management review and investigation. Upon receipt of the application from the City Clerk, or designee, the Growth Management Director, or designee, within fifteen {15) days, shall review the application and documentation provided, shall provide comment and confirm conditional use approval, consistency with all conditional use conditions of approval, and that any and all change of use permits or and provide change of occupancies have been obtained, recommendations regarding the Medical Marijuana Permit application to the City Clerk. c. Police Department review and investigation. Upon receipt of the application from the City Clerk, or designee, the Chief of Police, or designee, within fifteen (15) days, shall review the application and documentation provided, including the security plan, and conduct a background screening of the Applicant, each Owner/Operator and Employee, and shall provide recommendations regarding the Medical Marijuana Permit application to the City Clerk. d. Citv Manager acceptance. Upon receipt of such material from the Chief of Police and the Growth Management Department, the City Clerk, or designee, shall provide the City Manager with the recommendations of the City Clerk Department, Growth Management Department and Police Department regarding approval or denial of the application. The City Manager shall initial the notification and return same to the City Clerk. e. f. Applicant notification. Within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the recommendations from the Growth Management Department and Police Department. the City Clerk shall either: 1. Notify the Applicant that the Permit has been denied and the reason for such denial; or 2. Issue a Permit, with or without conditions; or 3. Issue comments to be addressed to the City's satisfaction before a Permit can issue. If City comments are not addressed within 30 days, the Permit shall be denied. If a resubmittal addressing City comments is provided, the City shall commence a second review as set forth in this subsection. Duration and Fees. Upon notification of approval of the application, and upon payment of the $250.00 Medical Marijuana Permit fee (or amount as otherwise set by resolution of the City Commission), a Medical Marijuana Permit shall be issued for a one-year period for a term commencing October 1, or the date of issuance, and ending the following September 30. g. Denial. The City shall deny an Applicant's application for, or renewal of, a Medical Marijuana Permit if an investigation of the Applicant, Owner/Operator, or the Applicant's application, indicates that the Applicant, an Employee, or any Owner/Operator: 32 1. Has failed to pass a Level 2 background screening within the preceding 90 days of application or renewal application; 2. Has failed to pay required licensing fees; 3. Has failed to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of this Article; 4. Has a criminal prosecution pending against him/her in any state or Federal court for fraud or a felony; 5. Has been convicted. whether through a plea-bargain, jury trial or judicial determination, of fraud or felony by any state or Federal court within the past five years; 6. Has obtained any governmental permit by fraud or deceit; or 7. Has negligently or intentionally misrepresented or concealed information required by this Article in an application for a Permit. 8. Should not be granted a Permit based upon information obtained in the review of the application which would support a denial of the Permit; 9. Has not received conditional use approval, or the application is not consistent with the conditional use approval requirements, as set forth in the City Land Development Code. (d) Permit. In connection with the issuance or renewal of a Medical Marijuana Permit by the City, the Chief of Police shall verify a successful Level 2 background screening for each Applicant for a Permit as well as for each Owner/Operator and each Employee. On the face of each Permit there shall be placed the following: (e) ( 1) A photograph of the ApplicanUOwner/Operator/Employee; (2) The Permit number; (3) The Permit holder's name and address; ( 4) The name and address of the medical marijuana retail center, along with the State License that the ApplicanUOwner/Operator/Employee holds; and (5) The expiration date of the Permit. Revocation. Any Medical Marijuana Permit issued under this Article shall be immediately revoked if any one or more of the following occurs: (1) The Applicant provides false or misleading information to the City; (2) Anyone on the premises knowingly dispenses, delivers, or otherwise transfers any medical marijuana or medical marijuana product to an individual or entity not authorized by state law to receive such substance or product; (3) The Applicant, an Owner/Operator or a manager is convicted of a felony offense; 33 (f) (4) Any Applicant, Owner/Operator, manager or Employee is convicted of any drugrelated crime under Florida Statutes; (5) The Applicant fails to correct any City Code violation or to otherwise provide an action plan to remedy the violation acceptable to the City within the time set for compliance in the notice of violation; (6) The Applicant fails to correct any State Law violation or address any warning in accordance with any corrective action plan required by the State within the timeframes and completion date the Applicant provided to the City; (7) The Applicant's State license or approval authorizing the dispensing of medical marijuana expires or is revoked; or (8) Any conditional use approval granted by the City for the use of a medical marijuana retail center at a particular location expires or is revoked. Permit operation requirements. Any business operating under a Medical Marijuana Permit shall comply with the following operational guidelines. (1) Business Identification. The words "bong," "bud," "cannabis," "chronic," "demp," "dope," "ganja," "grass," "green," "hash," "hashish," "hemp," "herb," "hydro," "indo," "joint," "laughing," "marijuana," "mary jane," "medical" "Peyote," "pot," "puff," "reefer," "smoke," "wacky tabacky," "weed," or synonyms for such words or similar words, or variations of such words, or illustrative graphics, shall not be permitted in the Business Operating Name of the medical marijuana retail center. (2) Hours of operation. Operation is permitted only between the hours of 7 A.M. through 9 P.M .. (3) On-Site consumption of Marijuana. No medical marijuana retail center shall allow any medical marijuana to be smoked, ingested or otherwise consumed on the Premises. The medical marijuana retail center shall take all necessary and immediate steps to ensure compliance with this paragraph. No person shall smoke, ingest or otherwise consume medical marijuana on the Premises. (4) Alcohol prohibited. No medical marijuana retail center shall allow the sale, service, or consumption of any type of alcoholic beverages on the Premises, and shall take all necessary and immediate steps to ensure compliance with this paragraph. No person shall consume an alcoholic beverage on the Premises. (5) Tobacco sales prohibited. No medical marijuana retail center shall allow the sale, service or consumption of any type of tobacco product on the premises, and shal[ take all necessary and immediate steps to ensure compliance with this product. No person shall consume tobacco products on the premises. (6) Outdoor activitv. There shall be no outdoor displays, sales, promotions, or activities of any kind permitted on the Premises. All activities and business shall be conducted within the confines of the permanent building containing the medical marijuana retail center. 34 (7) On-site storage. There shall be no on-site storage of any form of medical marijuana or medical marijuana product, except as reasonably necessary for the conduct of the medical marijuana retail center's on-site business. (8) Live plant materials. No living marijuana plants are permitted on the site of a medical marijuana retail center. (9) Garbage. Refuse or waste products incident to the sale and distribution of medical marijuana for individual use shall be destroyed, in a manner similar to medical waste, on-site at least once every 24 hours. (10) Securitv. With the application, the Applicant shall submit a security plan demonstrating compliance with Section 381.986, Florida Statutes, and all other applicable statutes, State administrative rules, and Altamonte Springs Police Department requirements to the satisfaction of the Chief of Police, or designee. a. In addition to proving compliance with all State requirements, the security plan shall, at a minimum, provide the following: 1. Fully operational site lighting and alarms reasonably designed to ensure the safety of persons and to protect the Premises from theft, both in the Premises and in the surrounding rights-of-way, including: i. a silent security alarm that notifies the Police Department or a private security agency that a crime is taking place; ii. a vault, drop safe or cash management device that provides minimum access to the cash receipts; and iii. a security camera system capable of recording and retrieving images within and immediately around the medical marijuana retail center, and which shall be operational at all times during and after business hours. The security cameras shall be located: (i) at every ingress and egress to the medical marijuana retail center, including doors and windows; (ii) on the interior where any monetary transaction shall occur; and (iii) at the ingress and egress to any area where medical marijuana is stored; iv. 2. a lighting plan, providing adequate site lighting, including security lights above doorways/exits and other areas on the perimeter of the building. Doorways/exits shall have wall mounted fixtures. Traffic management and loitering controls, including signs prohibiting loitering, and location of same; 35 3. Cash and inventory controls for all stages of operation on the Premises, and during transitions and delivery. b. The Chief of Police shall review the Applicant's operational and security plan utilizing Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles. The Chief may impose site and operational revisions as are deemed reasonably necessary to ensure the safety of the Applicant, Owner(s), Employees, customers, adjacent property owners and residents, which may include items such as methods and security of display and storage of marijuana and cash, limitations on window and glass door signage, illumination standards, revisions to landscaping, and any other requirement designed to enhance the safety and security of the Premises. c. The Owner/Operator shall at all times ensure compliance with Chapter 5 of the Citv Code of Ordinances, relating to alarms. d. Any instance of breaking and entering at a medical marijuana retail center, regardless of whether Marijuana or Marijuana-based products are stolen, shall constitute a violation of this Article if the security alarm shall fail to activate simultaneous with the breaking and entering. ( 12) Odor and air qualitv. A complete air filtration and odor elimination filter and scrubber system shall be provided ensuring the use will not cause or result in dissemination of dust, smoke, or odors beyond the confines of the building, or in the case of a tenant in a multi-tenant building, beyond the confines of the occupied space. A double door system shall be provided at all entrances to mitigate odor intrusion into the air outside the medical marijuana retail center. (13) Delivery Vehicle Identification. For security purposes, no vehicle used in the operation of or for the business purposes of a medical marijuana retail center shall be marked in such a manner as to permit identification with the medical marijuana retail center. (14) Notification Signage. Signage for a medical marijuana retail center shall be as set forth in the Land Development Code for signage, and additionally shall post, at each entrance to the medical marijuana retail center the following language: ONLY INDIVIDUALS WITH LEGALLY RECOGNIZED MARIJUANA OR CANNABIS QUALIFYING PATIENT OR CAREGIVER IDENTIFICATION CARDS OR A QUALIFYING PATIENT'S LEGAL GUARDIAN MAY OBTAIN MARIJUANA FROM A MEDICAL MARIJUANA RETAIL CENTER. The required text shall be in letters a minimum of one-half inch in height. (15) On-site community relations contact. The medical marijuana retail center shall provide the City Clerk, and all property owners and tenants located within one hundred (100) feet of the entrance to its building, with the name, phone number, 36 and e-mail or facsimile number of an on-site community relations staff person to whom they can provide notice during business hours and after business hours to report operating problems. The medical marijuana retail center shall make every good faith effort to encourage neighbors to call this person to try to solve operating problems, if any, before any calls or complaints are made to the Police Department or other City officials. (16) Emplovment restrictions. It shall be unlawful for any medical marijuana retail center to employ any person who: a. is not at least 21 years of age; and b. has not passed a Level 2 background screening. ( 17) Persons allowed to enter the Premises. a. Underage entry. It shall be unlawful for any medical marijuana retail center to allow any person who is not at least 18 years of age on the Premises during hours of operation, unless that person is authorized by State law to purchase Medical Marijuana, whether as a qualified patient with a valid identification card or primary caregiver or legal guardian of a qualified patient with a valid identification card, or said person is accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who is a qualified patient with a valid l.D. card. b. Entry by persons authorized by State law. It shall be unlawful for any medical marijuana retail center to allow any person on the Premises during the hours of operation if that person is not authorized by State law to be there, as either the Owner, operator. employee or qualified patient or minor child who is a qualifying patient or accompanying a qualified patient. (18) Product visibility. No marijuana or product of any kind may be visible within three (3) feet from any window or exterior glass door. (19) Sole business. No business other than the dispensing of medical marijuana shall be permitted to be conducted from the Premises, except as may be disclosed and authorized as part of the conditional use approval. (20) Compliance with State regulations and licensure requirements. A medical marijuana retail center must comply with all federal and state laws, licensing and regulatory requirements. a. A medical marijuana retail center shall notify the City within five (5) business days of receipt of any notice of violation or warning from the State or of any changes to its State licensing approvals. b. If a medical marijuana retail center receives a notice of violation or warning from the State, it shall, no later than twenty (20) business days after receipt of the notice, provide a copy of the corrective action plan and timeframes and completion date to address the identified issues to the City. 37 (21) Prohibited activities. A medical marijuana retail center shall not engage in any activity other than those activities specifically defined herein as an authorized part of the use. The preparation, wholesale storage, distribution, cultivation, or processing of any form of marijuana or marijuana product, and on-site consumption of any marijuana or marijuana product is specifically prohibited at a medical marijuana retail center. On-site storage of any form of marijuana or marijuana product is prohibited, except to the extent reasonably necessary for the conduct of the on-site retail business. (g) Appeals. Any Applicant may appeal a denial of a Medical Marijuana Permit or renewal, or may appeal a revocation of a Medical Marijuana Permit, as follow: ( 1) Appeal of Medical Marijuana Permit, renewal or revocation of Permit. An Applicant aggrieved by the denial, non-renewal, or revocation of a Medical Marijuana Permit may appeal such decision to the City Manager of the City of Altamonte Springs within 30 days from said decision denying, denying renewal or revoking said Permit. The City Manager, within 45 days, shall hear said appeal, which shall be a review of the application, department recommendations and comments and all pertinent and relevant information, and may affirm, reverse, or modify the decision, via written determination within 30 days from the appeal hearing. (2) Appeal of Citv Manager decision. An Applicant aggrieved by the decision of the City Manager in the appeal of a denial, revocation or non-renewal of a Medical Marijuana Permit may appeal such decision, within 30 days, to the City Commission. The city commission shall schedule a hearing on the appeal at the next available commission meeting and shall review all relevant information presented to them and shall not be limited to a mere portion or part of the overall matter. The city commission determination shall be by voice motion and vote at the appeal hearing. QlAppeal of cil:t.__!1ommission decision. An Applicant aggrieved by the determination of the city commission may appeal to the circuit court within 30 days from the date of said determination, for review by certiorari, not de novo. Such appeal to the circuit court shall be restricted to the record before the city commission, or, if the city commission concurs with the decision of the City Manager, the record to be reviewed shall be that of the hearing before both the City Manager and city commission~ SECTION 4. Conflicts. Any and all Ordinances or parts of Ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. Severability. If any provisions of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid 38 provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared severable. SECTION 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective immediately after passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS - - - DAY OF DECEMBER, 2015. FIRST READING: - - - - - - - ADVERTISED: - - - - - - - SECOND RE A D I N G : - - - - - - PAT BATES, MAYOR Of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida ATTEST: ERIN O'DONNELL, CITY CLERK Approved as to form and legality for use and reliance by the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida JAMES A. FOWLER, ESQ. CITY ATTORNEY 39 Meeting Date: November 17, 2015 From: Official Use Only Commission Action: _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City Manager:-,..,.-----,-"------- Approved· Date: _ _ _ _ _ _,___ _ _ _ __ SUBJECT: Purchase Agreement between Genesis Professional Center Condominium Associates, Inc., a Florida corporation and the City of Altamonte Springs SUMMARY EXPLANATION & BACKGROUND: As part of the Orienta Avenue Improvements project, Orienta Avenue will be reconstructed with an urban cross-section which will include, among other improvements, wider sidewalks, drainage and landscaping. The project will result in increased pedestrian connectivity asweU as substantial aesthetic enhancements. Theproposed improvements require the acquisitionof additional right-of-way from parcels along the corridor. We have reached a proposed agreement with Genesis Professional Center Condominium Associates, Inc., one of the affected property owners. Under the proposed agreement, the City will pay $9,000 to Genesis Professional Center Condominium Associates, Inc., Jor the right-of-way. The purchase price is. based on an appraisal dated June 3, 2015,prepared for the City by DeRango,Bestand Associates which placed the value . of the property at $7,456.00, plus $1,544.00 additional compensation to cover the cost of consideration and review ofthe proposal by the multiple owners involved. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the Purchase Agreement between Genesis Professional Center Condominium Associates, Inc., and the City of Altamonte Springs and authorize the Mayor to execute same. Initiated by: Uana Griffiths, Finance PURCHASE AGREEMENT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT (the "Agreement') is made and entered into this day of ~~, 2015, by and between GENESIS PROFESSIONAL CENTER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller" and THE CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as "Purchaser,". Seller and Purchaser may sometimes be referred to in this Agreement individually as a "Party" or collectively "Parties." ;UJ~ WIT N ES S ETH: WHEREAS, the Purchaser requires the hereinafter described Property for right of way improvements, including, without limitation, street re-paving, sidewalk installation and upgrade, drainage and stormwater utility improvements as well as installation, repair and replacement of other utilities ("the Improvements"); and WHEREAS, t.he Seller is willing to sell the Property necessary for completion of the Improvements to the Purchaser subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained, the Seller hereby agrees to sell and the Purchaser hereby agrees to buy the following Property upon the following terms and conditions: I. PROPERTY. The Property to be conveyed from Seller to Purchaser is set forth on the Sketch of Description, with Legal Description, attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and incorporated herein by this reference (the "Property"). All of the Property shall be conveyed, assigned and transferred to Purchaser at Closing (hereinafter defined) free and clear of all liens, claims, and encumbrances. Comprising a portion of Parcel I. D. Number: 13-21-29-524-0COO-OOOO II. PURCHASE PRICE. (a) The Seller agrees to sell and convey the above described Property by Warranty Deed, free of liens and encumbrances, unto the Purchaser for the sum of $9,000.00 (the "Purchase Price") based on the appraisal dated June 3, 2015, by DeRango, Best and Associates. Purchaser shall escrow the Purchase Price with Empire Title Company of Florida, Inc. upon execution of this Agreement. (b) The Purchaser shall be responsible for the recording fees for the Warranty Deed. The Purchaser shall be responsible for acquiring its own title insurance at the Purchaser's expense. (c) Closing costs and pro"rata real estate taxes shall be withheld by Empire Title Company of Florida, Inc. from the proceeds of this sale and paid to the proper authority on behalf of Seller and Purchaser, as appropriate. (d) The Seller covenants that there are no real estate commissions due any licensed real estate broker and further agrees to defend against and pay any valid claims made in regard to this purchase relating to covenants made herein by the Purchaser. (e) Purchaser shall pay to Seller the balance of the Purchase Price, net of any liens or encumbrances, in cash, on the date of closing of the Property. m. CONDITIONS. (a) The Purchaser shall pay to the Seller the sum as described in Item IL, above, upon the proper execution and delivery of all the instruments required to complete the above purchase and sale to the designated closing agent. The Seller agrees to close within thirty (30) days of notice by the Purchaser or the Purchaser's closing agent that a closing is ready to occur. (b) This Agreement is contingent upon the approval of the sale of the Property by the Altamonte Springs City Commission. (c) Prior to closing, Seller shall provide to Purchaser any offsite easements necessary for construction of the Improvements described above. (d) The Seller agrees to surrender possession of the Property upon the date of delivery of the instruments and closing of this Agreement. (e) Seller warrants that there are no facts known to Seller materially affecting the value of the Property which are not readily observable by the Purchaser or which have not been disclosed to the Purchaser. (f) The instrument(s) of conveyance to be utilized at closing shall, in addition to containing all other common law covenants through the use of a Warranty Deed, also include the covenant of further assurances. (g) The Parties shall fully comply with Section 286.23, Florida Statutes, to the extent that said statute is applicable. (h) To the extent permitted by Florida law, the Purchaser shall be solely responsible for all of due diligence activities conducted on the Property. The Seller shall not be considered an agent or employee of the Purchaser for any reason whatsoever on account of the Agreement IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in their respective names on the day and year first above written. Seller: ~M~"""? ;;74.,0R~~ {;plll)o#ll/Jl.V-,1;\ ~All~/ /,,Jc,,. • ~~~~~~~~~~~~-'a~,__~~~~~~~~- authorized to conduct busi es n the State of Florida By: Name: Title: STATE OF FLORI~ COUNTY OF /t1 f(vo1-ve J diJ 'tf- ~,The foregoing instrument was ack110?1~dged ,;before me this day of ut,fo8f- P, 2015, by ~/~ , as the ~~ of GENESIS PROFESSIONAL CENTER CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation, authorized to conduct business in the State of Florida, and (s)he acknowledged before me that (s)he had the authority to and did execute same on behalf of the corporation. ~;) /\ AFFIX NOTARY STAMP 111•41, --f~t!l'·~".~!;:, g.; KATHRYN ANNE JANES '.•~ MY COMMISSION# EE874335 :::% .. l •, ""' ,, l l {40 7) 396-01 53 (fl--·1,,,.....,~ J (Print Notary Name) k:(Personally known, or D Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced: EXPIRES February 12 2017 F!Cr«!3N¢1 Semce com [Additional Signature Page Follows] Psychological Wellness for Children and Families, Inc., A Florida Corporation Barbara A. Mara, CEO By: Name: Barbara A. Mara Title: Owner of Unit 1010 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE . The fore~oing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 0l ti./< 2015, by Barbara A. Mara, an individual, who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. AFFIX NOTARY STAMP j :i~':~~- ; i'; KATHRYN ANNE JANES :•~ MY COMMISSION# EEB74335 I ~~· ,,,,91',. ..-',• ; \40?) 3W-01S3 EXPIRES February 12 2017 (Print Notary Name) MPersonally known, or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced: Fll:lfldaNotaryService com [Additional Signature Pages Follow] Lehmann East, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By: Name: Keith Lehmann, Manager Title: Owner of Unit 2020 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /7 :ai. day of oc robar , 2015, by Keith Lehmann, in his capacity as manager of Lehmann East, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, who is personally known to me or who has produced as 1dentif1cat1on ana he acknowledged before me that he had the authority to and did execute same on behalf of the company. Signature of Nata P lie ftt-r ,,.._ey,,v !l.-v(Vlf' -'_4,,,v4 AFFIX NOTARY STAMP '(Print Notary Name) ti'Personally known, or --~~,;Ji~k~. KATHRYN ANNE JANES "iro. ·~· MY COMMISSION# EE874335 EXPIRES February 12 2017 ~~. ~f I (401i':i88-0153 D Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced: FloodaNotaryServtce com [Additional Signature Pages Follow] JEM PROPERTY, LLC, a Florida limited liability company By: Name: Title: Owner of Unit 1030 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE J The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this / day of 11 vC, ~r·.:J/3 fL , 2015, by Jennifer C. Frank, Manager of Jem Property, LLC, a Florida limited liability company, who is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and she acknowledged before me that she had the authority to and did execute same on behalf of the company. Signature of Notary1Public (Print Notary Name) AFFIX NOTARY STAMP I ~Aff=iRYN ANNE JANES M¥ eOMMISSION # EE874335 !;li(f§IUU!S Febwary 12 2017 ,~ £1 Personally known, or D Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced: $41fVlO!ileMI [Additional Signature Pages Follow] DESIGN ENTERPRISES, INC., a Florida corporation By: Name: Lisa Bellini, Vice President Title: Owner of Unit 1040 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this J ~ -if day of 0 t. 7ofc3 f2 K , 2015, by Lisa Bellini, Vice President of Design Enterprises, Inc., a Florida corporation, who is personally known to me or who has produced F-L])IJ,gus Ll &,~. as identification and she acknowledged before me that she had the authority to and did execute same on behalf of the corporation. AFFIX NOTARY STAMP (Print Notary Name) D Personally known, or ·S:Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced: [Additional Signature Pages Follow] HANSEN & VERONA, IJ>.ICjj a Florida corporation 1/1/ p ;JJJ l . f/LJL-,_~··-- By: Name: Mark A. Hansen, President Title: Owner of Unit 1050 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of -----""---'"-----'------ 2015, by Mark Hansen, President of Hansen & Verona, Inc., a Florida corporation, who is personally known to me or who has produced - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - as identification and he acknowledged before me that he had the authority to and did execute same on behalf of the company. AFFIX NOTARY STAMP ·-.. KATHRYN ANNE JANES ~ MY COMMISSION# EEB74335 / EXPIR~~ Ftbwary 12 2017 ~ (Print Notary Name) ~Personally known, or D Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced: com [Additional Signature Pages FollowJ GOVIND M. CHAUDHARI REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST UTD 08/01/1990 ~· By: Name: Meena G. Chaudhari, Trustee Title: Owner of Unit 1060 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ;2 0 day of 2015, by Meena Chaudhari, Trustee of the GOVIND M. CHAUDHARI REVOCABLE LIVJNG.;2-UST,UT9 08/?111990, who is pers~nally_ ~no~n to me or who has produced f-k// a /J.F1 Vc/z c-enzf: as 1dent1f1cat1on and she acknowledged before me that she had the authority to and did execute same on behalf of the Trust. Oe-fok-er , h Signature of Notary Public AFFIX NOTARY STAMP ~(Print Notary Name) D j?ersonally known, or 12( Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced: M·r;;4, Jk/'vr/~. £~-f'L6E i . .. Purchaser: THE CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS Date: ATTEST: Erin O'Donnell, City Clerk Approved as to form and legality for use and reliance by the City of Altamonte Springs James A. ("Skip") Fowler, City Attorney STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __ day of _ _ _ _ , 2015, by Pat Bates and Erin O'Donnell, Mayor and City Clerk respectively, of the CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, who are personally known to me and they acknowledged executing the same freely and voluntarily under authority vested in them and that the seal affixed thereto is the true and corporate seal of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida. Signature (Notary Seal) Print or type name Notary Public-State of Florida Commission No:- - - My Commission Expires: __ Attachments: Exhibit "A" the Sketch of Description of Property LEGAL DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT "A" PARCEL: 105 TA FEE SIMPLE PURPOSE: ROAD RIGHT OF WAY A port of that certain parcel of land as described and recorded in Official Record Book 1891, Pages 434, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida, being a portion of Lot 452 of the Altomonte Land, Hotel and Navigation Co. according to the plot thereof as recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 12 of said Public Records, lying within Section 13, Township 21 South, Range 29 East, Seminole County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northwest comer of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 18, Township 21 South, Range 30 East, Seminole County, Florida being a 5" x 5 11 concrete monument with brass disc (JWG #1585 #1819); thence run North 00 degrees 58 minutes 45 seconds West a distance of 38.51 feet to a 4 11 x 4 11 concrete monument with no identification; thence continue North 00 degrees 58 minutes 45 seconds West along the East line of said Lot 452 a distance of 5.00 feet to a point on the North Right-of-way line of Orienta Avenue as described in Official Record Book 1925, Pages 760-762 for a Point of Beginning; thence run South 88 degrees 51 minutes 19 seconds West along said North Right-of-way line as described in Official Record Book 1925, Pages 760-762 of said public records a distance of 139.34 feet to a point on the West line of said Lot 452; thence departing said North Right-of-way line run North 00 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds West a distance of 3.80 feet; thence North 88 degrees 21 minutes 48 seconds East a distance of 139.33 feet; thence South 00 degrees 58 minutes 45 seconds East a distance of 5.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 613 square feet, more or less. SURVEYOR'S NOTES: BUCHHEIT ASSOC/A TES INC. PROJECT NUMBER: 2120003-0001 DRAWING No: PARCEL 105 DATE: 6 /26 /2014 REVISED: 9 /11 /2015 SH T 1 OF 2 1. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. 2. THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE ASSUMED, BASED ON A BEARING OF N88.57'20"E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP 21 SOUTH. RANGE 30 EAST. 3. SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND /OR RIGHTS OF WAY OF RECORD. 4. SEE SHEET 2 FOR SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION. BUCHHEIT ASSOCIATES, INC. SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS LICENSED BUSINESS # 6167 NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION PARCEL: 105 1" = LEGEND: POINT OF BEGINNING PLAT BOOK PAGE RIGHT OF WAY RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING CENTRAL ANGLE (DELTA) P.C. POINT OF CURVAtURE P.O.C. POINT OF COMMENCEMENT P.T. POINT OF TANGENCY SEC. SECTION TWP. TOWNSHIP RNG. RANGE 0.R. OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK C.M. CONCRETE MONUMENT SQ. SQUARE FT. FEET P.0.8. P.B. PG. R/W R L Ch 30' ALTAMONTE LAND HOTEL AND NAVIGATION CO. P.B. 1, 12 N If) ..;- I- 0 ...J LOT 452 w z 3: :J 0..... I- (/) ~ io "d- ~ ·Oco o o. z t") 5.00' S88"51 '19"W 139.34' P.O.B. NORTH R/W LINE PER O.R. 1925, PGS. 760- 762 ORIENTA AVENUE (R/W WIDTH VARIES) N88'57'20"E P.O.C. NW CORNER SW 1/4 SEC. 18, TWP. 21 S, RNG. 30 E 5"x5" C.M. "JWG #1585 #1819 (BEARING BASIS) NORTH LINE SW 1/4 SEC. 1~ TWP. 21 S, RNG. 3u E BUCHHEIT ASSOCIATES INC. SHEET 2 OF 2 SEE SHEET 1 FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION, NOTES AND CERTIFICATION PROJECT NUMBER: 2120003-0001 DRAWING No: PARCEL 105 DATE: 6/26/2014 REVISED: 9 /11 /2015 Official Use Only Commission A c t i o n : - - - - - - - - City Manager:---..,..--------- SUBJECT: Transfer ownership of K-9 Aron to MPO Roberto Ruiz SUMMARY EXPLANATION & BACKGROUND: Due to his age, Aron recentlyretired from the City of Altamonte Springs. His handler, MPO Roberto Ruiz,would like to own Aron. MPO Ruiz is uniquely qualified to own Aron because of both of their combined training, and MPO Ruiz's experience in the care, control, and supervision of Aron. FISCAL INFORMATION: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve ownership transfer of K-9 Aron from City of Altamonte Springs to MPO Roberto Ruiz and authorize the Mayor to sign the transfer agreement. Initiated by: James Riggs, Investigations Division Commander.'- Police Department City of Altamonte Springs AGREEMENT FOR DONATION OF CANINE This agreement is made and entered into between the City of Altamonte Springs, (hereinafter referred to as "CITY"), and Master Police Officer Roberto Ruiz (hereinafter referred to as "RECIPIENT"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, SECTION 274.06 authorizes the CITY to donate agency property under specified conditions; and WHEREAS, due to his age and a deteriorating medical condition it has been determined that it is in the best interest of K-9 Officer Aron (hereinafter "Aron") that he be medically retired from the City of Altamonte Springs, and; WHEREAS, the CITY recognizes "Aron" for his faithful service and wishes to make arrangements for his future well-being and; WHEREAS, RECIPIENT informed the City of Altamonte Springs via memorandum dated November 7, 2015 that he would like to take possession, ownership, and responsibility for K-9 Officer "Aron" and; WHEREAS, the CITY, believes the donation of K-9 Officer "Aron" to his handler and companion is in best interests of both the City of Altamonte Springs and K-9 Officer "Aron"; and WHEREAS, RECIPIENT desires to own and care for K-9 Officer "Aron" and is uniquely qualified to do so because RECIPIENT is K-9 Officer "Aron's" current handler and has been trained to care for, control, and supervise canines which have been trained and used for law enforcement purposes; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual considerations, understandings, and covenants set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: TERMS OF DONATION OF CANINE 1. CITY hereby agrees to donate all rights, title, and interest in K-9 Officer "Aron" to RECIPIENT. 1 City of Altamonte Spring 2. RECIPIENT hereby agrees to accept ownership of K-9 Officer "Aron" and to take full responsibility for his care, control, and supervision upon donation and execution of this agreement. 3. RECIPIENT agrees to release, hold harmless, defend, and indemnify the City of Altamonte Springs, elected and appointed officials, officers, agents, representatives, and employees from any and all claims of liability for damages of any nature whatsoever allegedly arising from the actions and incidents and/or ownership requirements of retired K-9 Officer "Aron" commencing from the date of this donation. 4. RECIPIENT understands and agrees that the CITY makes no guarantees or representations including but not limited to the health, temperament, disposition, or physical and mental condition of K-9 Officer "Aron." 5. RECIPIENT and CITY agree that the donation of K-9 Officer "Aron" is binding and final. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY AND RECIPIENT have knowingly and voluntarily made and executed this agreement for the purpose herein expressed. Date Mayor Patricia Bates Master Police Officer Roberto Ruiz, Recipient 2 Date Meeting Date: November 17, 2015 Official Use Only Commission A c t i o n : - - - - - - - - - - City M a n a g e r : - - - - - - - - - - Date: ______________~ SUBJECT: Request for Approval Waive Formal Solicitation and Approve Sole Source -Aurora and Layne Vertical Turbine Pump Parts & Repairs SUMMARY EXPLANATION & BACKGROUND: The Aurora and Layne vertical turbine pumps at the City's Regional Water Reclamation Facility are nearing the end of their usefulness. On October 21, 2014, the Commission waived the formal solicitation process and approved Barney's Pumps as the sole source provider to repair the first of three Aurora and Layne vertical turbine pumps. In October 2015, the Procurement Division received a request from the Public Works Department seeking authorization to waive the formal solicitation process and approve Barney's Pumps as the sole source provider to provide parts and repair the remaining two Aurora and Layne vertical turbine pumps in excess of $70,000.00. Aurora and Layne vertical turbine pumps are just two of Pentair Flow Technologies product lines. Aurora and Layne manufacture the vertical turbine pumps. Barney's Pumps is the only distributor for the vertical turbine pumps authorized to sell in our territory. The cost of Aurora and Layne vertical turbine pumps will exceed the formal solicitation threshold ($25,000 and over). Therefore, procurement procedures require Commission approval to waive the formal solicitation process (Procurement Procedure No.003 & 004 and Resolution No. 988) and approve single and sole source purchases. FISCAL INFORMATION: Fund: Wastewater Treatment Facility Acct/Project No.: 40508050-504620 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Waive the formal solicitation process and approve Barney's Pumps as the sole source provider to repair and provide parts for Aurora and Layne vertical turbine pumps in excess of $70,000.00 for fiscal year 2016. Initiated by: Finance/Procurement Cc: E Torres/J Wickert/J Jackson/S Causseaux/A Lobban/J Guiffreda, PW's Meeting Date: November 17, 2015 Official Use Only City Manager:----,.---------- SUBJECT: Request for Approval Waive Formal Solicitation and Approve Sole Source Inspection Water Storage Tank Cathodic Protection Upgrade and SUMMARY EXPl,ANATION & BACKGROUND: The Procurement Division received a requestfrom the Public Works Department seeking authorization towaive the formal solicitation process and >approve Corrpro Companies, Inc. asthe sole source provider to provide annual inspection services. and upgrade the two elevated towers existing cathodic protection· systems for an estimated amount of $30,000.00. Public Works obtained a quote for $27,750.00to complete the upgrades and the balance is for the annual inspection services and other minor repairsand services. Cathodic Protection is the process that helps maintain the added energy in refined metalsand prevents the onset of corrosion. Corrpro Waterworks, a division ofCorrpro Companies, is a recognized.leader in the field ofcathod.ic protection corrosion control for water storage tanks, water and wastewater treatment units and other related structures .. Corrpro . Waterworks provided the design, materials, installation,. and maintenance service.s for the cathodic protection systems on our water storage tanks. Because Corrpro Waterworks manufacturesmany of the major components .assodatedwith these cathodic protection systems, they are also.a sole source provider for any replacement componentsthat may be required. The cost to upgrade the cathodic protection and provide inspection will exceed the formal solicitation threshold ($25,000 and· over}. Therefore,. procurement procedures. require Commission approval to waive the formal solicitation process (Procurement Procedure No.003 & 004 and Resolution No. 988) and approve single and sole source purchases. Fund: Repair & Maintenance Fund: Water Sewer Operating Acct/Project No.: 40208100-563700 (upgrade} Acct/Project No.:40108180-503499 (inspections} RECOMMENDED ACTION: Waive the formal solicitation process and approve Corrpro Companies, Inc. as the sole source provider to upgrade and inspect the water storage tanks cathodic protection system in an estimated amount of $30,000.00 forfiscal year 2016. Initiated by: Finance/Procurement Cc: ETorres/J Wickert/J Jackson/S Causseaux/TSillitoe, PW's Meeting Date: November 17, 2015 From: M~Bkl~~ Official Use Only Commission A c t i o n : - - - - - - - - - City Manager:------------ SUBJECT: Request for Approval Waive Formal Solicitation and Approve Single and Sole Source-Conductive Electrical Weapon and Accessories SUMMARY EXPLANATION & BACKGROUND: The Procurement Division received a request from the Police Department seeking authorization to waive the formal bid process and approve Taser International as a single irnd sole source provider ofT<1ser® stun guns, a Conductive Elei::trical Weapon (CEW's), <1nd associated accessories. In fiscal year 2003, the Police Department made their first single and sole source purchase of CEW's manufactured by Taser International. . Since then, each year we have waived the solicitation process· <rnd approved thesingle and sole source purchases. Forfiscal year2016, the Police Department budgetincludes funds to purchaseCEW's and accessories with the intent of outfitting remaining officers withthe current supported CEW's who currently do. not have one.assigned and to replace the department's inventory of outdated, obsolete, and outof warranty units. The initial purchase request is $35,386.06 with other incidental purchases during the fiscal year ofabout $4,300. After .considerable· research· into. companies with similar products, the POiice ·Department ·has conduded Tciser lnternational's CEW's is. the product which best meets the· Department's standards for. safety, reliability, and effectiveness. Taser International does not h<1ve any authorized law-enforcement dealers in Florida so our purchaseswill bemade directly from the dealer; The sole/single source purchases this fiscal year will exceed the formal solicitation threshold of$25,000 and over. Therefore, procurement procedures require City Commission approval to waive the formal solicitation process (Procurement Procedure No.003 & 004 and Resolution No. 988) and approve single <1nd sole source purchases. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Waive the formal solicitation process, approve Taser International as a single source product, and authorize the sole source purchase .of conductive electrical weapons and accessories from International for fiscal year 2016 in an amount exceeding $25,000. cc: Pending Req/PO; M. McCoy/D Becton/RBrady, PD Meeting Date: November 17, 2015 From: Official Use Only Franklin W. Martz, II, City Manager Commission A c t i o n : ' - - - - - - - - - City Manager:-------------'-Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SUBJECT: City Manager Rev.iew SUMMARY EXPLANATION & BACKGROUND: The City Commission must determine what merit, if any, it wishesto award me. As in the past, I request that any merit you might award not exceed the average merit awarded City employees this year. In fact, the average City merit is 3.48% and I request my merit not exceed the average merit awarded our employees. FISCAL INFORMATION: Sufficient funds are avaJlable in the 2015/16. budget. RECOMMENDED ACTION: N/A Meeting Date: November 17, 2015 Official Use Only Commission Action: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ City M a n a g e r : - - - - - - - - - - - Date: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ SUBJECT: Temporary Access and Limited Construction Easement Agreement required for issuance of the Waterfront Improvement Permit BP15-1115 for 447 Meander Drive North. SUMMARY EXPLANATION & BACKGROUND: The property owners at 447 Meander Drive North, Sharon Friel and Paul Barbara, are experiencing erosion problems from the overland flow of stormwater from their property towards the Little Wekiva River during storm events. The erosion has affected an adjoining city owned parcel between the subject property and the river. Ms. Friel and Mr. Barbara have submitted a Waterfront Improvement Activity Permit that includes temporary access and limited construction over, under, upon, across and through the adjoining city owned parcel. The proposed work includes placement of #57 stone or approved drainage material to replace eroded soils, not to exceed more than thirty (30) feet in width total (easterly and westerly)_and no more than ten (10) feet (northerly) into the city property. In order to allow the proposed work on City property and as a condition of approval of Waterfront Improvement Activity Permit BP15-1115, Ms. Friel and Mr. Barbara have to enter into the Temporary Access and Limited Construction Easement Agreement with the city. FISCAL INFORMATION: No fiscal impact. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the Temporary Access and Limited Construction Easement Agreement and authorize Mayor to execute same. Initiated by: Danielle Marshall, Division Director, Streets and Stormwater THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY AND SHOULD BE RETURNED TO: James A. Fowler, Esq. Fowler, O'Quinn, Feeney & Sneed, P.A. 28 W. Central Blvd. Orlando, FL 32801 -------------------------------------------[SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDING DATA]-------------------------------------------- TEMPORARY ACCESS AND LIMITED CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AGREEMENT THIS TEMPORARY ACCESS AND LIMITED CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT AGREEMENT (this "Easement Agreement") is entered into as of the _ _ day of 2015 (the "Effective Date"), by and between the CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation whose address is 225 Newburyport Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32701 (hereinafter referred to as "Grantor" or "City"), and SHARON FRIEL AND PAUL BARBARA, wife and husband whose address is 447 N. Meander Drive, Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 (hereinafter referred to as "Grantee"). Grantor and Grantee may sometimes be referred to in this Easement Agreement individually as a "Party" or collectively as "Parties." RECITALS: WHEREAS, Grantor is the owner of that certain real property located in Seminole County, Florida, as more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein (the "Off-Site Property"); WHEREAS, Grantee is the owner of that certain real property located in Seminole County, Florida which is contiguous to the Off-Site Property, as more particularly described on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein (the "Grantee Property"); WHEREAS, the Grantee Property is experiencing erosion problems from the overland flow of stormwater during storm events which have impacted existing Grantee Property improvements; WHEREAS, the Grantor has determined that the overland flow is a localized private drainage problem on the Grantee Property to be resolved by the Grantee, at Grantee's sole cost and expense; WHEREAS, the Grantee has presented a solution to the erosion problem that will require temporary access and limited construction over, under, upon across and through a portion of the Off-Site Property; WHEREAS, the Grantor has advised the Grantee that the Grantee's proposed solution to the erosion problem (the "Work") may not ameliorate or resolve the overland flow of stormwater during storm events but has agreed to issue the required Waterfront Improvement Permit at the request of the Grantee; WHEREAS, the Grantee has requested a temporary non-exclusive easement for access and limited construction purposes over, under, and upon the portion of the Off-Site Property described in Exltibit "C", allached herelo and incorporated herein (the "Easement Property"); WHEREAS, Grantor is willing to grant a temporary non-exclusive easement for access and limited construction purposes over, under, upon across and through the Easement Property subject to the specific terms and conditions; and WHEREAS, Grantor and Grantee desire to enter into this Easement Agreement in order to provide the Gran tee with the necessary temporary non-exclusive easement for access and limited construction purposes over, under, upon, across and through the Easement Property to faci 1it ate the Work and to provide for the terms and conditions under which such temporary access and limited construction shall take place; and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, terms and conditions set forth herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the Parties hereto agree as follows: AGREEMENT Section 1. Recitals. The above recitals are true and coITect, fmm a material part of this Easement Agreement, and are incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. Grant of Temporary Access and Construction Easement. Grantor hereby creates, declares, grants, reserves, and delivers to Grantee for the benefit of the Grantee Property and Grantee, its contractors, employees, and agents, a temporary, non-exclusive access and construction easement (the "Access and Construction Easement") over, under, upon, across and through the Easement Property for the purpose of filling voids with City approved materials and hannonizing the Off-Site Property (collectively, the "Fill and Harmonizing Improvements"), at Grantee's sole cost and expense. Section 3. Construction of Fill and Harmonizing Improvements. Grantee shall, at its sole cost and expense, be responsible for the construction and completion of the Work, including Fill and Harmonizing Improvements, and shall obtain all necessary permits and approvals from the appropriate governmental authorities in order to construct and complete the Work, including Fill and Hannonizing Improvements. Section 4. Duration of Access and Construction Easement. The Access and Construction Easement created and established by this Easement Agreement shall be temporary in duration, becoming effective on the Effective Date and shall automatically terminate without the necessity of Grantor obtaining a release from Grantee, upon the Grantee's completion of the Work, including Fill and Harmonizing Improvements, under the Waterfront Improvement Permit, or one (1) year from the Effective Date, whichever is earlier. Notwithstanding the foregoing, upon tem1ination of the Access and Construction Easement, and upon request of Grantor, Grantee shall join with Grantor in the execution of a tennination of the Access and Construction Easement to be recorded in the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. Section 5. Limitations and Restoration. This Access and Construction Easement is granted on the condition that the Work, including Fill and Hannonizing Improvements, shall not extend beyond the limits outlined in this Easement Agreement, and that all Fill and Harmonizing Improvements shall confonn to all existing and proposed structural improvements within the limits designated in the approved permit application, including supporting pennit documents, and City Waterfront Improvement Permit. Grantee shall restore the Easement Property to its original or better condition immediately following the installation of Fill and Harmonizing improvements. Section 6. No Barriers. In furtherance of the Access and Construction Easement declared and established herein, other than the Fill and Harmonizing Improvements, there shall not be constructed or placed within the Off-Site Property or Easement Property any barriers, walls, fences, gates, improvements, structures, equipment, motor vehicles, personal property, or other items that would preclude, prohibit, or hinder in any fashion the use of such Off-Site Property by the Grantor. Section 7. Indemnification. The Grantee shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Grantor from and against any damages, liability, actions (including pre-suit, pre-trial, trial and appeals), claims and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees, paralegals fees and court costs) in connection with the loss of life, personal injury and/or damage to property arising from or out of the Work, including Fill and Harmonizing Improvements, by the Grantee, its contractors, employees, and agents hereunder. Section 8. Lien Free Construction. The Grantee shall at all times keep the Off-Site Property, including, without limitation, the Easement Property, free from mechanics' or similar liens arising on account of or resulting from the Grantee's exercise of its rights under this Easement Agreement. In the event any mechanics' or similar lien is recorded against the Off-Site Property, or any portion thereof, on account of any act by or on behalf of the Grantee, its agents or permittees, the Grantee shall immediately cause such mechanics' lien to be removed from the Off-Site Property. Section 9. Amendment. This Easement Agreement, together with the Access and Construction Easement, covenants, rights and obligations hereby granted, created and conveyed, may not be changed, amended, or modified other than as expressly provided herein, except by an instrument in writing executed by each Party to this Easement Agreement, or City approved successors and assigns. The temporary access and construction easement rights granted herein shall automatically tem1inate in accordance with the tenns of this Easement Agreement. Section 10. No Partnership or Joint Venture. None of the terms or provisions of this Easement Agreement shall be deemed to create a partnership between the Parties in their respective businesses or otherwise, nor shall such terms cause them to be considered joint venturers or members of any joint enterprise. Section 11. Permitted Work. The City's review of the Grantee's permit application, including supporting permit application documents, and issuance of a City Waterfront Improvement Permit is to direct the Grantee to the applicable City code sections pertaining to the Work. The City does not guarantee or assume any responsibility for the permit application, including supporting permit application documents, provided by the Grantee during the plans review process or the Work. The responsibility for the Work complying with sound engineering principles and practices for resolving the overland flow drainage problem, rests solely upon the Grantee as the permit applicant and owner of the Grantee Property. Without Jimitations thereto, the Grantee as the Waterfront Improvement Pennit applicant for the Work, and owner of the Grantee Property, is responsible for determining the source of the problem, and accurately presenting a solution that incorporates and adheres to the following: A. B. C. D. E. F. Legal descriptions of the Grantee Property, the Off-Site Property, and Easement Property; Location of Grantee Property lines and required setbacks; Existing watercourse or natural drainage will not be converted or relocated as a result of proposed improvements to negatively impact the Off-Site Property or other surrounding or adjacent properties; Fill and Harmonizing Improvements shall be constructed with materials resistant to flood damage or flotation; Work shall be designed (or modified) and adequately anchored to prevent flotation, collapse or lateral movement of the structure resulting from hydrodynamic and hydrostatic loads; and Minimize the danger that materials used for construction shall not be swept onto the Off-Site Property or other lands to the injury of others. Grantee acknowledges that City is hereby relieved from and shall have no liability for any damage accruing to persons or property as a result of any act or by reason of an act or omission in the discharge of its official duties unless otherwise provided by law. Section 12. Reservation of Rights. It is expressly agreed and understood that the easement hereunder granted, together with all rights and privileges granted hereby, shall be nonexclusive and the Parties hereto reserve for themselves and their successors in title the right to grant such other easements as they deem desirable over, under, upon and across their respective properties, provided that such other easements shall not unreasonably interfere with the rights under the easement granted hereby. Section 13. Easement in Gross. Until terminated as provided herein, this Easement Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the Parties specified herein. Section 14. Attorneys' Fees. In the event it shall be necessary for any Party to this Easement Agreement to bring suit to enforce any provisions hereof, the prevailing Party shall be entitled to recover from the non-prevailing Party, in addition to any damages or other relief granted as a result of such suit, all costs and expenses of such suit and reasonable attorneys' fees as set by the court. Section 15. Private Use. The provisions hereof are not intended and do not constitute a dedication of any portion of the Easement Area or Off-Site Property for public use other than its use by the City prior to the grant of this easement. The easement provided herein is for temporary access and construction of the specified Fill and Harmonizing Improvements only. Upon completion of such Work, except for Fill and Harmonizing Improvements within the Easement Area, the constructed improvements shall not be dedicated to nor maintained by the public, but shall be maintained by Grantee. Section 16. No Implied Easements. Nothing contained in this Easement Agreement shall be deemed lo create any implied easements not otherwise expressly provided for herein. Section 17. Counterparts. This Easement Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. There may be duplicate originals of this Easement Agreement, only one of which need be produced as evidence of the terms hereof. [Signatures Continue on Following Page] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Easement Agreement as of the day and year first above written. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: Cl-f/"rS L.Jc.. ;nF;{!: "GRANTEE" SHARON FRIEL AND PAUL BARBARA, wife and husband By:_~'--------- PrintName L. :So :Y< 1 A'- <{d=b_ Print Nam STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF__c::: __>r ·~ "- "'-<> \__Z The foregoing Easement Agreement was acknowledged before me this /'-=>~ay of \~OGe\J\l\J-e.JC , 2015, by SHARON FRIEL AND PAUL BARBARA, wife and husband, and they acknowledged before me that they had the authority to and did execute same. ~~~·~ ~y Public : - : __ .( "' C' ~ 0- \.. ,) \ \ AFFIX NOTARY STAMP ~~~;.v.'.'~8<0 GINGER WRIGHT * ..~ * MY COMMISSION# FF 188994 ~,.. EXPIRES: January 12, 2019 '\,,°" F~rl>"' Bonded Thru Budget Notaiy Sel'licet D Personally known, or ~duced Identification Type of Identification Produced: ·-+ }-._ ~-D "< . L1 c · LC:.-:~ __ SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED IN THE PRESENCE OF: "GRANTOR" I "CITY" CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, a Florida municipal corporation Signature of Witness #1 PAT BATES, Mayor Print Name Signature of Witness #2 ERIN O' DONNELL City Clerk Print Name [CORPORATE SEAL] STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoing Easement Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 2015, by PAT BATES and ERIN O'DONNELL, Mayor and City Clerk respectively, of the CITY OF ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA, who are personally known to me and they acknowledged executing the same freely and voluntarily under authority vested in them and that the seal affixed thereto is the true and corporate seal of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida. Signature of Notary Public AFFIX NOTARY STAMP List of Exhibits: Exhibit "A" - Off-Site Property Exhibit "B" - Grantee Property Exhibit "C" - Easement Prope11y (Print Notary Name) EXHIBIT "A" OFF-SITE PROPERTY Seminole County Parcel No: 10-21-29-508-0000-1450 D (';\ V;J 520 EXHIBIT "B" GRANTEE PROPERTY Seminole County Parcel No: 10-21-29-508-0000-0220 QI\lEQ k1iN SEC 2 '1\J \\.{>:,... 0 '~:b '"_,.v) Co .::,:; - ....1 "" 0 ,..,•:!> 1 13 "' ~ QIVEQ E'.I\JN SEC 3 6' ;_,; ~1 2 ~ "' °" 0 0 "' u'l ~ '.J."::. f"·- 21 EXHIBIT "C" EASEMENT PROPERTY A Portion of Seminole County Parcel No: 10-21-29-508-0000-1450 described as follows: Grantee's work within the limits of- the Off-Site Property shall be performed along, and generally adjacent to, the rear of the Grantee Property. The Grantee's placement of fill (#57 stone or other approved material) shall not exceed more than thirty (30) feet in width total (easterly and westerly) and no more than ten (10) feet in depth (northerly) into the Off-Site Property.