June 2013 - Hartland Consolidated Schools
June 2013 - Hartland Consolidated Schools
Volume 79 Number 6 Superintendent’s Message Janet Sifferman, Superintendent Dear Hartland Graduating Seniors: Your career with Hartland Consolidated Schools is rapidly drawing to a close, and waiting for you at the end of this road is the rest of your life. While it seems inconceivable that you could possibly have better times and better friends than you have now, I promise you the best is yet to come! There will be numerous parties and celebrations awaiting you in the coming weeks and you certainly deserve each and every one of them. However, please remember, this is a very short period at the beginning of a very long and bright future. Do not do anything that will jeopardize your life or your future happiness. You certainly can have a great time and enjoy yourself without the aid of alcohol or drugs. The rules you learned here - Reason, Respect and Responsibility - should remain with you as you go through life. Please remember to think before you act. This time should be remembered for the joy and excitement of achievement, not as a time of tragedy. Congratulations to you and your families. Respectfully, Janet Sifferman, Superintendent In addition to congratulating Hartland’s 2013 graduating class, I would like to thank the entire Hartland community for their continued support of our school district during these trying financial times. The successful passage of the 18-mill Non-Homestead Millage will help us to continue to provide the programming and services for our students that the community has come to expect. It would be impossible for Hartland Schools to do what we do without your continued support. This is a wonderful place to live and work! Thank you. Person of the Month Mary Lou Kellett Mary Lou Kellett, first grade teacher at Round Elementary School, has taught in Hartland 22 of her 39 years in education, and all of those 22 years have been spent teaching first grade – 14 years at Round Elementary and eight years at Creekside Elementary. She received her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Michigan-Flint, and her Early Childhood endorsement and her Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Education from Oakland University. She is married to Fred, who retired as an engineer from Delphi, and has three daughters and two stepdaughters. Four of their girls and their families live in Michigan and one lives in the Boston area. They have seven beautiful grandchildren. Mary Lou lives north of Hartland in the little town of Flushing and enjoys gardening, reading, exercise and traveling. However, spending time with her family is her favorite pastime! Most memorable moments: (“G” rated) “Throughout my years in Hartland, I have several wonderful memories with my students that I will treasure forever. One year that will always have a special place in my heart was the year that I had a terminally ill child in my class. I have never experienced so much love and compassion toward each other as I did that school year. This brave little child truly touched the lives of both adults and children through her amazing display of courage, strength and determination. We all learned a precious lesson in love and friendship that year.” “On another note, teaching little ones over the past 39 years has provided me CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 June 2013 24 Pages 2013 Teacher of the Year Mike Joseph Congratulations to Mi k e Jo s e p h , Ha r t l a n d Consolidated Schools 2013 Teacher of the Year. Mike teaches Honors Algebra 2/ Trig., and Trigonometry at Hartland High School. Mike has taught for 25 years, all of which have been with HCS. Mike was born in Detroit, Michigan and grew up in Ferndale, Michigan with his parents and 3 brothers and 3 sisters. Mike attended Salesian High School in Detroit. He received his Bachelor’s Degree from University of Detroit and his Master’s Degree from Eastern Michigan University. Mike lives in Hartland with his wife of 45 years. He has three daughters. One daughter lives in Hartland, another in Clarkson and another in Toronto, Ontario. He has 6 grandchildren (3 boys and 3 girls, who are the loves of his life! Mike had been in the carpet business for 18 years when he decided to become a teacher. His youngest daughter volunteered him as coach her 6th grade basketball team. After coaching the team, he knew what career he wanted for the rest of his life. He enrolled in college 6 months after that season and became a teacher 4 years later. Since coming to Hartland, Mike has taught all levels of math in grades 7-12. He taught at the Farms Middle School level for 5 years before transferring to Hartland High School. Mike enjoys interacting with his students and watching them grow and mature during their high schools years. He loves hearing about the special moments in their lives. He has fun every single day that he teaches. He loves that his coworkers/friends and students make him laugh every day. Mike’s words of advice to his fellow teachers; “Laugh with their students and let them see your human side.” The memorable moments of the past 25 years are too numerous to mention but the most special moments have been the times that former students and/or athletes return from college or their work place to thank Mike for being part of their education. Hartland Pool CLOSED May 20 - June 16 The pools and deck will be regrouted and the big slide refinished. To view the summer schedule go to hartlandschools.us & follow link to Aquatic Center Open Swims 2 x day, 6 days a week Inside This Issue Editor’s Page......................................... 2 School News................................... 3-13 Cromaine District Library................. 14 Soccer Tryouts and Camps............... 15 Places of Worship ............................. 16 Business Directory............................. 17 HIP Happenings................................. 18 Clubs & Organizations................ 19-20 Recreation.......................................... 21 Scouting News.................................... 22 Art & Entertainment.......................... 23 2/ Community Life/June 2013 Editor’s Page Community Life Advertising Rates Advertisements are designed in a horizontal or vertical format. Requests for specific placement of the advertisement cannot be honored. ANY article that promotes a fundraiser, event or registration to a sport and lists ticket prices, fees, dues, and the sponsoring organization or group, are considered an advertisement and must be prepaid. See rates below. Rates for advertising are as follows: SIZE Full Page 1/2 Page 1/4 Page 1/8 Page 1/16 Page BASE PRICE $375.00 $185.00 $100.00 $ 60.00 $ 40.00 with SPOT COLOR + $25.00 + $15.00 + $10.00 + $ 5.00 + $ 5.00 SIZE 10” x 12” 10” x 6” 5” x 6” 3 ¼” x 4 ¾” Business card size All advertisements MUST BE PREPAID at the time they are submitted. We accept Visa MasterCard & Discover, Business check, Personal check and Cash. If you run your advertisement continuously each month, an account will be set up and an agreement signed to permit Community Life to automatically debit /charge your card. BUSINESS DIRECTORY PAGE ADVERTISEMENTS are contracted for one year (10 issues). Once the advertisement is placed on that page there are no changes except at the annual renewal period. Prices are $275.00 for black ink only and $325.00 with spot color which changes with each issue. Call 810.626.2142 to be placed on waiting list. TYPESETTING FEES: Advertisements that are not delivered “camera-ready” or according to the specifications required by Community Life, will be charged an additional $10.00 typesetting prep fee. Photos and artwork can be submitted, but must be of good reproduction quality and originals are preferred. DEADLINES: Advertisements may be mailed, dropped off in person or emailed to the editor, but must be submitted by the designated monthly deadlines. Pre-payment is required. BILLING: ALL ADVERTISEMENTS and POLITICAL ADS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE OF PUBLICATION. We accept Visa, MasterCard and Discover, personal or business checks or cash. QUESTIONS: Nadine Cloutier, editor Community Life; PO BOX 282; Hartland, MI 48353. Ph.810.626.2142 or email NadineCloutier@hartlandschools.us. Father’s Day Brunch June 16 —8 am - 2 pm Hartland Community Education 810.626.2150 2013-14 Community Life Deadlines Listed below are the Community Life deadlines for articles and advertisements for each month. Please note the deadline is the first Monday of the month by 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted. Then the deadline is the next day/Tuesday following a Monday holiday. Community Life is mailed on the last Wednesday of each month. REMEMBER: I am always working a month ahead. Scheduled mailing dates are listed below. Please note these dates when writing press releases. Thank you! We do not publish in July and August. ISSUEDEADLINEMAILED September 2013 July 15* (early back to school) August 14 October 2013 Sept. 3* (Tuesday after Labor Day) September 25 November 2013October 7October 30 December 2013November 4November 27 January 2014December 2December TBD February 2014 January 6 January 29 March 2014 February 3 February 26 April 2014 March 3 March 26 May 2014 April 7 April 30 June 2014 May 5 May 28 Articles must be typewritten, single space and preferably in Times New Roman size 12. You may also e-mail articles to the editor at: nadinecloutier@hartlandschools.us. Please send email articles as an attachment in Word. Any photos should be sent separately as a jpeg. No handwritten articles will be accepted. Please forward all news and advertising to: Editor, Community Life, Hartland Community Education, P.O. Box 282, Hartland, MI 48353. Hand-deliver to Hartland Education Support Service Center at 9525 Highland Road in Howell, MI 48843 (former high school on M-59). If you have any questions call Nadine Cloutier at 810.626.2142 and leave a message. Thanks for the donations Last year we received a total of $370.00 in donations for FY 12-13 to help offset the cost associated with publishing Community Life. Your support is appreciated for the only paper dedicated to promoting news about the schools and the Hartland Area for the past 78 years. Thank you Sylvia Cole and Marcella & Wayne Kanitz. Hartland Consolidated Schools 2012-13 School Calendar Treat Dad to all his favorites! BBQ Ribs, Country Fried Chicken, Pulled Pork Potato Skins, Knockwurst with Peppers and Onions, Delicious Side Dishes and Scrumptious Desserts! Our Famous Soup & Salad Buffet is included. $10.99 Adults $7.99 children under 10 (includes drinks) June 2013 10 11 12 High School Exams, 1/2 day High School Exams, 1/2 day High School Exams, 1/2 day Last Day of School, ½ day school – PM Teacher work day If needed, snow day make ups begin June 13 HAYAA Football Fundraiser Tuesday, June 4 —6pm - 9pm Dress in Blue & Gold and dine at Big Boy between 6pm -9pm and 15% of your guest check will be donated to the HAYAA Football program! Enjoy a great meal while supporting HAYAA Football! Hartland Big Boy M-59 & US 23 810.632.5710 Visit our website www.hartlandbigboy.com Community Life Volume 79, No. 6 — June 2013 A monthly publication sponsored by the Heartland Foundation in cooperation with the Hartland Board of Education and Hartland Community Education, dedicated to informing the public in matters of education, local government, community services, organizations and cultural opportunities. Founded in October 1933 by the Hartland Area Project in the interest of rural progress and prosperity. Editor: Nadine Cloutier Printing: For information on deadlines, subscriptions and advertising rates, call 810.626.2142 or write Community Life, c/o Hartland Community Education, 9525 Highland Rd., Howell, MI 48843. News may be faxed to 810.626.2151 or Emailed to: nadinecloutier@hartlandschools.us $25.00 subscription rate per year for readers outside of Livingston County. Reader donations appreciated. A minimum of $20.00 is suggested. Community Life/June 2013/3 Schools Hartland Consolidated School District 9525 Highland Rd., Howell, MI 48843 • 810.626.2100 Student achieves Top ACT score John Kelland, son of Mark Kelland and Donna & Randy Rinnas, and a junior at Hartland High School, earned a top composite score of 36 on a recent ACT test. Among test takers in the high school graduating class of 2012, only 781 of more than 1.66 million students earned a composite score of 36. The ACT consists of tests in English, mathematics, reading and science. Each test is scored on a scale of 1 to 36, and a student’s composite score is the average of the four test scores. Some students also take the ACT’s optional Writing Test, but the score for that test is reported separately and is not included within the ACT composite score. ACT test scores are accepted by all major U.S. colleges, and exceptional scores of 36 provide colleges with evidence of student readiness for the academic rigors that lie ahead. Kelland has earned his varsity letter in Track; he also enjoys biking, fishing and golf. He plans to attend a top university so as to pursue his interest in math and science, perhaps majoring in chemical engineering or nuclear physics. 2013 Baccalaureate June 2 at 4pm The baccalaureate is a farewell addressed in the form of a contemporary service delivered to the graduating class in connection with their commencement ceremonies. It is held the Sunday before graduation. This optional graduation activity is a non-denominational service planned and presented by students. There are inspirational speakers, music, student testimonies, scripture readings and more, all designed to send graduates onto the next phase of their lives with a positive message. The graduating seniors sit together for the service. Cap and gown is encouraged, but optional. Please join us on Sunday, June 2 at 4pm in the High School auditorium. Refreshments following sponsored by Mom in Prayer. Person of the Month (continued from page 1) with countless funny things kids have said and done. Almost daily I get a weather report from one of my kids. After a very large snowfall and driving to school on treacherous roads, one of my kids greeted me in the morning with “Mrs. Kellett, did you know it snowed last night?” As one may say, “I could write a book!” One of the many joys of teaching is making that special connection with all of our unique and lovable children.” Why are you are still here? “I came to Hartland in 1991 after teaching 17 years in the Flint area. At that time, Hartland had a reputation of being a great school district, as it still does today. I knew after my first days of teaching in Hartland that I would never leave this district. I was sure it would be my home for the rest of my teaching career. Hartland Schools has given me several wonderful opportunities to grow professionally and personally. The teachers and administrators are of the highest caliber. The children and their families that I have had the pleasure of knowing through the years are a part of my Hartland family. Positive thoughts about Hartland Consolidated Schools: “The Hartland school district is truly an outstanding place for children and their families to live and learn! Throughout my years of teaching in Hartland, I have experienced a strong sense of community and commitment to our children. Hartland Schools upholds the highest standards for our students, always supporting what is best for their needs both present and future. With the leadership of Jan and our Board of Education, our district has made it through some very difficult times in education maintaining a clear vision of what is essential to provide a premiere education for our children. As my teaching career is coming to an end, I am in awe of all of the talented Hartland teachers I have had the honor of working with through the years, the families that have become a part of my family and all of the amazing children that I will treasure in my heart forever. Thank you Hartland Schools.” Dr. Chris McDaniel Dr. Ryan Miller Dr. Ken McDaniel Hartland Consolidated Schools Rent our facilities Did you know that you can rent one of our rooms or a building for a one-time or continuous event or to hold a baby/bridal shower, church services or a meeting for your homeowners association? Call Facilities Coordinator Toni Silsbe at 810.626.2145 for more details on rates or to schedule your event. More information and forms can be found on the Hartland Community Education website www.hartlandcommunityed.com. Please select “Facilities Usage” along the top navigation bar to see several of the buildings available and to download the forms. Dance Instructor Wanted Dynamic Expressions Dance Program is looking to add additional energy to our great program. We are also looking for an experienced individual who can work with children of all ages, who can plan, choreography and teach their own classes. We are looking for well versed teacher with the ability to teach multiple levels and styles of dance. We offer classes in ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, lyrical and creative movement ranging from the ages of 3 to adult. Please send resumes to teresadorough@hartlandschools.us or mail them to Hartland Community Ed, Attention: Teresa Dorough, 9525 E. Highland Rd, Howell MI, 48843. Bus Drivers Needed We have immediate openings for regular and substitute bus drivers for Hartland. Please contact Hartland Transportation at 810.626.2175. Food Service Subs Needed If you are looking for a job that fits around your child’s hours consider working for the School Nutrition Department. Applicants may apply at the Village Elementary Food Service office from 10am to 2pm. Call 810.626.2868 for more information. 4th Annual HAYAA Sports Guard Day Wednesday, July 10 12:00 - 6:00 pm We are offering a custom fit sports guard for kids in the Hartland Area Youth Athletic Association (HAYAA) CALL TO SCHEDULE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! There is a suggested donation of $10. All proceeds will be given to Hartland Relay for Life 11499 Highland Rd. Hartland, MI 48353 810.632.5533 www.hartlandsmilemakers.com 4/ Community Life/June 2013 High School News Principal’s Corner Ben Mainka, Hartland High School Principal Summer is upon us and our Seniors have already completed their journey through High School. We wish them the best of luck, and we look forward to celebrating them at Graduation on June 6. As the rest of the school prepares for summer break, we have so many things to be excited about from this year. It would take more pages than we could print to talk about all of the great things that have happened, but here are a couple quick points from 2012-13: HHS showed lots of spirit this year through pre-game, spirit assemblies, and other school spirit days! Many club accomplishments as student received local, state, and even national recognition for their work in the Optimist, FCCLA, DECA, Forensics, among other clubs. Students performed well through our ACT, MME, PLAN, and EXPLORE testing week and ACT Boot Camp in March. Students turned in high marks again on these assessments! Our Athletic Department celebrated many championships and success (most overall wins in KLAA)! The Talent Show this year featured a record number of audience members (standing room only), and the students displayed amazing talents for their peers! There were even 45 staff members who participated in the event! The students and staff raised over $20,000 for numerous charity organizations including the Wounded Warrior Project, MDA, Hartland Teen Center, Relay for Life, and many more. The school staff and students acclimated to a new principal for the first time in 12 years! Forensics Team Growing and Succeeding! Congratulations to the varsity HHS forensics team members who qualified for the 2013 Michigan Interscholastic Forensics State Tournament. Over 800 students from 70 schools came to Oakland University for two days of speaking competition and team camaraderie. The state tournament was the culmination of a strong season of HHS team and individual awards in a variety of speaking events. Advancing to the semi-final round of state competition were sophomores John Moraitis in Impromptu Speaking and Kendra Rocha in Extemporaneous Speaking. Along with senior teammate, Elizabeth Werstein in Broadcasting, they compete in a division known as the limited preparation categories where students give a different speech each round with only a short amount of time to prepare. Kudos to students who choose to compete in limited prep because although they are difficult, the skills which are developed through participating in one of these categories offer the widest application outside of forensic competition. In their first year of varsity competition, sophomore Bri Edgar and freshman Brenna Rosso qualified for state tournament in Storytelling and Prose. In these very competitive categories, contestants must ‘bring to life’ both characters and narration. Congrats to Edgar who received a perfect score of 1-100 from one of her judges. Thanks to all coaches, parents and community members who helped make this season a success. As this season comes to a close, remember the words of philosopher Henry David Thoreau who said, “It takes two to speak truth: one to speak and another to hear.” HHS Student Council News Student Council has had a very busy spring! In April we hosted our 2nd annual Leadership Academy during which 80 young leaders from Legacy and Hartland High participated in leadership-building activities with Ted Wiese, a nationally recognized speaker. The students learned about the joys and pitfalls of being a leader as well as strategies to improve participation and energy in events. Also in April, our annual spring blood drive collected 72 units of blood for the American Red Cross. With many first time donors, we hope to create life-time donors by giving students and opportunity to donate during school. Special thanks to Bigby Coffee and Bagel Express for their donations to support our drive. 810.626.2200 Girls State – Hartland Shines! Two Hartland High School students were selected to attend Girls State, a leadership and citizenship program sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary for high school girls. Victoria Bosio and Abby Dewstow, both Juniors at Hartland High School, will meet more than 400 girls from around the state. Girls State is recognized by numerous successful career women in business, politics, trades and professions, as an experience that influenced their ambitions. The program participants are divided up into smaller groups that are given city names. The “citizens” of each of these cities then elect mock municipal officials and representatives to the mock State Legislature. If enough “citizens” are present, then a county level is added to the program between city and state. The participants also elect state officials, such as Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and other statelevel officials that their real state has. The legislature then meets to organize, elect leaders, and to pass bills, in a way that is similar to how their actual legislature operates. Some states hold mock trials, the participants volunteering as lawyers, criminals, and juries, and others are able to form bands and choirs from the talent pools that they have assembled. HHS Facilitates Voter Registration 57 students registered to vote on Monday, April 8 at the high school. This is in addition to the over 100 students who registered to vote in September of last year prior to the Presidential election. In the photo, Larry Hopkins, Hartland Township Clerk is assisting Kayla Breckenridge, Brad Beaver, Sarah Tomlinson and Cody Chinn. HP4K hosts Art Night Recently HP4K hosted an Art night at the High School where Mrs. Saint-Onge provided a tour of the art rooms and taught the kids how to work with oil pastels. A fun night was had by all! A special thanks to Mrs. Saint-Onge for taking her time for Hartland students. Registration Dates for 2013-14 Registration for next school year will be August 20 (grades 9 & 12), August 21 (grades 10 & 11). Registration will be done mostly online for next year to expedite the process, and more information on this system will be sent to parents during the summer months. HHSHappenings If you are a parent of a Hartland High School student and would like to have access to the bi-weekly newsletter, HHSHappenings, from Principal Mainka, please make sure that your email address is updated on ParentConnect and you will receive the communication. Community Life/June 2013/5 Middle School News 810.626.2400 Steve Livingway, Principal Thank You I would like to thank the Hartland Middle School staff, faculty and parents and students for another great school year. Good luck to the class of 2017 as they move on to high school. Remember that you are part of Hartland Pride and a long tradition of excellence. For incoming seventh graders and new eighth graders, remember that it is people – teachers, students, support staff, and parents – that make a school great, and we have the best middle school in the State! Students Of The Month Each month, a selection committee at Hartland Middle School selects one seventh and one eighth grade student to receive recognition as “Students of the Month.” Nominated students must meet one or more of the following criteria in order to be selected. • The student must show continued success in all subjects • The student must exhibit good citizenship • The student must make a significant positive contribution to the school and others • The student must exhibit a positive attitude toward school, self, and others Congratulations to our May Students of the Month – Annalise Fowler and Alanna Schiavone -- and our June Students of the Month – Holly Neuens and Ian Kenrick. Annalise Fowler, eighth grade HMS Forensics’ “Dynamic Duo” Wins at State Tournament Close to 600 middle school contestants from all over Michigan came to compete in one of 13 speaking events at the Spring Middle Level State Forensics Tournament held on April 27th at Wayne State University. Once again, Jennifer and Nicole Nelson, seventh grade students at Ore Creek made it to the top four in the category of Original Interpretation. In this event, students write their own prose or poetry pieces -- which requires not only the ability to give a compelling performance, but also rewards excellent creative writing skills. The Nelson sisters have an abundance of both! The spring state tournament brings to a close the Ore Creek forensics season. We are looking forward to next fall when middle school debate will be added to the speech events. For information, contact Doni Dilworth at HartlandForensics@yahoo.com. Alanna Schiavone, seventh grade School Service Project Holly Neuens, eighth grade Ian Kenrick, seventh grade One of Mrs. LeBlanc’s students has created his very own “school service project.” Dakota Dorner put together a box for unwanted, unopened food items in the cafeteria, near the office. His goal is to try to save that food from being thrown away so we can give it to students that may need a little extra for breakfast or lunch. He encouraged students to put their unwanted, unopened food in the collection box rather than the garbage. Livingston Center of Allergy, Sinus, & Asthma Dr. Anna Dobracki, M.D., Ph.D Diplomate of the American Board of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Graduate of the University of Michigan Accepting New Patients 810-227-0906 8546 West Grand River, Brighton, MI 48116 Visit our website: www.drannadobracki.com Keegan Hoose uses every minute to ace Charlie Amenson proudly displays her track shirt during track season. another math quiz. 6/ Community Life/June 2013 Farms Intermediate News 810.626.2500 Mikki Cheney, Principal 1st Row: Brittany Salyers, Autumn Barnhart, Hope Pennala, Colette Owens, Christine Magee, Sydney Lampert and Vera Storm; 2nd Row: Caden Farhat-Tomaszewski, Madison Spurlock, Samantha Martino, Hannah Klamo, Devyn Levoska, Abigail Smith and Toriana Mitchell; 3rd Row: Alexander Acs, Anthony Tamas, Lauren Serafimovski, Elena Salazar, Emma Gruber, Devan Dziobak and Cole Henry; Not Pictured: Grayce Nist Students of the Month Each month at Farms Intermediate School we acknowledge students who have been nominated by their teachers for outstanding academic performance, as well as, for displaying exemplary Reason, Respect, and Responsibility. Students are presented with an All-Star Certificate and their names are announced schoolwide. Congratulations to our Students of the Month! Dr. Zeemo performed with yo-yos focusing on force and motion and gravity and friction which are part of our science curriculum. 1st Row: Elizabeth Vershure and Ashley DiNobile; 2nd Row: Connor Woolf, Kyle Zacharias, Zachery Linfield, Mattison Digue and Alyssa Vincent Star Readers Program Our Star Reader program is designed to encourage students to read, read, read. The Farms teachers select two students each month from their homeroom classes who have exhibited good reading habits. These students are the ones you see reading whenever they have a few minutes to spare. All monthly winners receive a 50 cent gift certificate to our School Spirit Store. Congratulations to our Star Readers! Honor Roll The Girl Scouts supported Anti-Bullying Week. Students signed a pledge to stop bullying! Congratulations to our March Is Reading Month winners! They had a great time at the bowling alley! 4.0-6th Grade Alexander Acs, Kyle Albrecht, Haley Ball, Kelly Bist, Macy Bonar, Nicole Bragg, Jessica Callaghan, Keaton Carrothers, Sydney Casper, Isaac Cazallis, Madison Cheney, Jacob Chilton, Rebecca Corder, Tanner Culver, Amber Danules, Rebecca Darish, Kennedy Duvall, Devan Dziobak, Kaden Eichhorn, Nina Fernandez, Chiara Finelli, Kaylee Furge, Connor Geran, Samantha Gibbs, Hunter Gogoleski, Shelby Good, Carson Hahne, Paige Harde, Cole Henry, Katharina Hoeflich, Emily Horst, Josie Jackson, Bradley Johnson, Hunter Kelley, Ryan Kelm, Hannah Kenrick, Jacob Klamo, Tess Klavon, Elliot Klein, Sarah Klink, Lidia Koivuniemi, Rachel Kolm, Lauren Kreeger, Mitchell Kusser, Jackson LaFontaine, Sydney Lampert, Vincent Lauria, Gabrielle Leedle, Devyn Levoska, Faith Lillemoen, Laya Lobbestael, Marissa Mann, Faith Martinelli, Emma McPherson, Evan Metz, Ryan Mott, Morgan Mundell, Jacob Nadeau, Samantha Nagel, Tiger Page, Daniel Parisien, Loviisa Pasternak, Grayce Payne, Daniela Perry, Samantha Peters, Kathryn Peterson, Joseph Pezzotti, Jacob Pezzotti, Jordan Piatek, Maija Pietila, Samantha Purdom, Abigail Ratkowiak, Layla Ray, Gabrielle Reed, Margaret Ruby, Rhyann Schwander, Anabella Schwartz, Hailey Smith, Tyler Smith, Belle Sophabmisay, Shelby Spangler, Robert Spangler, Mackenzie Spurlock, Juliana Strong, Boyce Swanson, Marlena Szczechowicz, Anna Targett, Benjamin Tervo, Parker Thomas, Riley Thomas, Matthew Trescott, Olivia Triltsch, Brendan Tulpa, Erin Vimr, Mitchell Waters, Emilee Watson, Jonathan Weber, Carrissa White, John Wisniewski, Abigail Yon 4.0-5th Grade Ariana Adams, Angela Altman, Bennett Anderson, Hannah Armstrong, Jordan Barker, Jacob Batten, Lucas Batten, Emily Bredin, Ella Browne, Morgan Cooper, Edward Dewald, Nicole Dompierre, Aaron Dubs, Shannon Ehrlich, Kayla Everett, Caden Farhat-Tomaszewski, Evan Fleck, Jace Gowell, Savannah Grabowski, Nicolas Green, Josephine Huber, Scott Jackson, Samuel Kastamo, Jessica Kean, Grace Kennedy, Mia Keranen, Hannah Klamo, Carson Lampert, Anthony Leick, Hanna Maki, Katelyn Manson, Ethan Markby, Erin Martino, Ella Mott, Elizabeth O’Guin, Veronica Pargulski, Sean Peleg, Samuel Persons, Kelsey Prach, Van Rippon, Cameron Roach, Francine Rosinski, Conner Roy, Elena Salazar, Jack Schaller, Lauren Serafimovski, Freya Stroven, Joshua Teffer, Aaron Thielen, Gina Tolkkinen, Kiley Urquhart, Katerina Willis, Allison Zaluski Community Life/June 2013 /7 Creekside Elementary 810.626.2600 Lawrence Pumford, Principal Fun at the Photo Booth at Family Fun Night The Kull Family enjoying Family Fun Night Twins Kyle and Ethan Coss with our twin dog giveaway Isabella Miller and Haley Barnhart at the Ann Arbor Hands on Museum CREEKSIDE Upcoming Events: June 3: Kindergarten trip to Kensington June 5: 2nd Grade Hartland History Trip June 6: PTO Meeting 4pm June 10: Market Day June 11: Field Day June 12: Last Day of School 1/2 Day Thank you to all the volunteers, donors, staff, teachers, and families for a successful Family Fun Night!!! KENWELL OUTDOOR SERVICES Cole Lamberger having fun at the Ann Arbor Hands on Museum VINCE 810.772.6629 Lawn Maintenance All Yard Work, etc. Light Construction 8/ Community Life/June 2013 Lakes Elementary News 810.626.2700 Lindsay Smither, Principal Mrs. Russano, Lakes art teacher, entered over 40 pieces of Lakes student art in the Got Art show at the Howell Opera House this spring. We are very proud of all of our students and the amazing pieces that they produce throughout the year. Pictured here, second grade student, Colin McFarland highlights his beautiful water color painting at the show. On Earth Day last month, Lakes media specialist, Mrs. LaPointe shared a narrative story and a non-fiction text with first grade students along with a short Disney video clip where the characters were teaching each other how to care for the environment. The stuadents (including Mrs. Atreo’s class shown here) listed ways that they learned to take care of our environment on a green heart, colored in their name, and then added it to the land portion of the globe (pictured here). This was just one activity among many that take place year round as part of the Green School’s initiative at Lakes Elementary. Last month, Lakes’ “Green Folder Group” was excited to host a few members of the Hartland Forensics Club for their monthly enrichment activity. They learned about mental exercises (smile/don’t smile), voice and facial exercises, storytelling (how to see and hear the difference between simply retelling and effectively communicating to the audience through dramatic interpretation), and how to “come out of their shells”. Pictured here, Chelsea Paddock works hard to make Shelby Hopson smile. Great fun and learning was experienced by all! As a culminating activity to the study of Geography in the United States, Lakes fourth grade classes do a Regions Poster and Celebration. Each 4th grade student selects a region of the United States and creates a poster of the region. The posters include information about the climate, economy and landforms of that region. The students can also bring in food from that region, if they choose. The students take time visiting each classroom to read the posters and enjoy the cuisine. Pictured here, Teresa Steerman from Mr. Foster’s class, poses with her excellent poster on the north eastern region (top) and a group of girls check out a poster on the mid-western region (bottom). Community Life/June 2013 /9 Round Elementary News Dave Minsker, Principal 810.626.2800 The Round Elementary School Family would like to thank all people who made this school year a great one. We feel fortunate to have caring people who help us create a positive learning environment for our children. We wish everyone a safe, restful, fun-filled summer and look forward to another exciting school year. The following pictures feature a few students who received recognition for outstanding achievement and winners of our Principal and Secretary of the Day auction items. We have an incredible staff at Round Elementary School and we wish you a great summer. 4th grade student Zoey Lyke was nominated at the Optimist Youth Appreciation Night for the great improvement she has made at Round Elementary. Zoey is a model student and represented Round well. 4th grade student Carson Brooks was nominated at the Optimist Youth Appreciation Night for the obstacles he overcame to be a successful student at Round. We are proud of Carson and his accomplishments. 1st grade student Luke Waldron was the highest bidder at the Round PTO Celebrity Auction and won “Principal of the Day.” Luke spent the day with Principal Minsker helping him run the building . In Hartland’s Fountain Square Plaza 10090 Highland Rd. (810) 632-4400 Your Full Service Family Salon Principal of the Day Luke Waldron and Secretary of the Day Katy Nist visits Central Office and meets Assistant Superintendent Scott VanEpps and Technology Director Scott Usher. Open Monday - Friday, 9am - 8pm Saturday, 9am - 5pm Now Open Sunday, 11am - 3pm 15% Senior Discount Monday - Thursday 9am - 2pm Old US 23 M-59/Highland Rd. $5.00 Eyebrow Wax with any Color Service (offers cannot be combined) Luke and Katy have an important curriculum meeting with the Director of Curriculum Chuck Hughes. They also took a district tour to the bus garage and the pre-school program. Expires 6/30/2013 10/ Community Life/June 2013 Village Elementary News Bill Cain, Principal 810.626.2850 Fourth grade students took on staff members for a volleyball game recently. The game was a prize in the Silent Auction at our Fun Fair. Village students enjoyed learning about the history of folk songs during a recent assembly. Two students won the chance to be Mr. Don and Mr. Cain for the day during our Jump Rope for Heart competition. Here they are enjoying an afternoon brainstorming session complete with donuts! Mrs. Sifferman was recently the Mystery Chef at Village. She came to one of our classrooms, read the students a book, and helped prepare a simple snack that went with the book. Upcoming Events: June 7: Field Day June 12: 4th Grade Awards at 10:30am; 4th Grade Clap-Out at 11:55am; Dismissal at 12:10pm September 3: School Resumes HARTLAND EAGLE FUNDAMENTAL BASKETBALL CAMP For Boys and Girls 3rd- 8th GRADE Clinic Director: Denny Butcher-Hartland Head Boys Basketball Coach SESSION I: JUNE 17 – JUNE 20 (Monday thru Thursday) SESSION II: JULY 15 – JULY 18 (Monday thru Thursday) We have a beautiful new tile wall in our cafeteria thanks to the artwork of our students and staff. Thank you to Andy Brown for installing it for us! LOCATION: Hartland High School Main Gym TIME: 9AM – 3PM COST: $175 Per Session ($150 If Attending Both Sessions) Make checks payable to: Hartland BOY’S BASKETBALL Return to: 10635 Dunham Road Hartland, MI 48353 Check out our website for more information https://sites.google.com/site/hartlandbasketball/home paid advertisement Community Life /June 2013 /11 LEGACY High School News Kirk Evenson, Principal Now that summer is here and the school year is all but behind us, let us all take a moment to relax and celebrate. The seniors have long since left the building and a whole new senior class, The Class of 2014, has taken their spot atop the roost. As the teachers log their final grades and the kids have all gone home we all take a moment to catch our breath from the busy pace of graduation season. Over the summer we will be preparing for the school year ahead, taking applications and conducting interviews of potential students. Each year LEGACY HS accepts approximately 50 new students from Hartland HS and several other surrounding cities and towns. A whole new batch of students to meet, support and connect with as they attempt to finish High School and graduate. As I reflect on the memories from the Class of 2013, I will cherish most the success each student earned. As an educator, there cannot be a greater sight than to see the fruits of your labor in all its glory as the seniors stride across the stage in cap and gown. This is the crowning moment for us at LEGACY HS and high school across America, to see students leave the nest and head out into the world. As for our staff here at LEGACY HS, we had an epic school year and are still ‘feeling the rush’ of it all. We just celebrated our 30-year Anniversary, 1983-2013. Then on the heels of that celebration we were also named “School of the Year” by the Michigan Alternative Education Organization. The staff here at LEGACY HS is amazing and they do a phenomenal job “connecting’ with the at-risk students of Hartland. Hartland Alternative Education, LEGACY HS and HVA are both Community Education programs and can be found online at Hartlandschools.us or by phone at 810.626.2104. Please call today to begin the enrollment process or inquire about educational options. Have a great summer. 810.626.2104 Oh, what a night! Prom 2013 LEGACY Named School of the Year by the Michigan Alternative Education Organization! Meghann Pechota and Cam Early looking great at Prom 2013 12/ Community Life/June 2013 CHILDCARE/PRESCHOOL NEWS Mrs. DeRosier’s and Mrs. Waldron’s classes Everyone had a great time at Mom’s Night! Mrs. Lubeski’s and Mrs. Messner’s Classes The weather cooperated for the “Beach Day” activity. Mom’s Night is always a big hit. Mrs. Pederson’s and Mrs. Yoerg’s M/W AM Class Making a picture frame during Special Person’s Night Creating a geoboard with our Special Person Community Life /June 2013/ 13 Kids Kamp is Here for You Community Education Childcare Center! Does your child need childcare in the summer months? The Hartland Childcare Center is the place to be for some fun and exciting activities! Come and enjoy Swimming, Roller skating, Magic shows, Mobile Ed, Guest Speakers, Outdoor games, Plasterworks, and much more! We will provide your child with the opportunity to socialize and make new friends! Registration forms will be available in the Community Education Childcare Center office, 10235 School Street. Enrollment is opened to all children that have completed Kindergarten through 13 years of age. The Kamp will be held from June 17 through August 29. The weekly tuition amount will vary depending on how many days your child is in attendance. 2013 Summer Kids Kamp Weekly Tuition: 3 days a week=$ 87.00 4 days a week= $116.00 5 days a week= $145.00. If you have more than one child enrolled, Full Time, (five days a week) you will receive 10% discount on the 2nd child! There is a Kamp Activity fee of $295.00, per child, which covers bus transportation, entrance fees, activities fees, etc.. Ask us about our convenient payment plan. If you were not enrolled in the 2012-2013 Before and After School program, you will be charged an additional $25.00 registration fee, which can be included in the payment plan. For more details, call 810.626.2780 or email Linda Easton, Summer Kamp Director, lindaeaston@hartlandschools.us. or Debbie Steger, Office Manager, debbiesteger@hartlandschools.us, Plan now for Fall child care Will your child need Before or After School childcare? The Hartland Community Education Childcare Center will be taking registrations starting on June 3. The program is offered at two convenient locations. The program is available for students who attend Creekside, Round and Village Elementary schools. Students from Lakes Elementary and Farms Intermediate School can attend this program or register for the Lakes Before & After School program. If you are registered in the Before & After School program, you have the option of bringing your child/children to the center on the *No School Days and *Snow Days. The fee charged for these days will be adjusted to reflect the additional cost. Both centers offer gym activities, outside play, snack, and homework time. Stop into the office located at 10235 School Street, in the village of Hartland, to register. For fees and additional information, please call 810.626.2780 and ask for Linda or Debbie. Please register early to guarantee your spot on the bus. HAYAA BASKETBALL (Summer Practice Time) Summer open Gym starting July 8 Location: Former High School on M-59 Girls: Mondays 5:30 to 7:30 Boys: Wednesday 5:30 to 7:30 Girls and Boys 2nd grade thru 8th grade HAYAA coaches will conduct drills and run scrimmages Bring a ball, bring a friend, bring $2 for entry. HAYAA BASKETBALL (League sign-up) Boys and girls 2nd grade to 8th grade 9th graders under age 14 as of December 1st http://www.hayaasports.com/Basketball/registrationInfo.aspd Go to www.hayaasports.com/basketball to register beginning in July. $125 per player entry fee Lots of practice and a minimum of 10 games paid advertisement Hartland Barbershop Family Hair Care, LLC Family Owned and Operated Since 1983 www.PoseySeniorCareHomes.com The Only Licensed Barbers in Hartland! CELEBRATING 810.632.5092 IR CUTS A H $17 SPORTS ON TV! Face Shaves w/Hot Lather/Towels BUZZ Cuts $11 Celebrating 100 years of service to the Hartland Area ( ) Sat. $14 Kids/Senior Discount $14 Monday - Friday 9-6 Thursday till 7pm Saturday 8-2 On M-59, East of US 23 29 Years WE ARE AN EXCELLENT ALTERNATIVE TO NURSING HOMES AND LONELY APARTMENTS. Senior Day Care $5.00 per hour If someone you love needs more care than you can provide . . . . Call 800-427-6298 6077 Linden Rd. www.fentonassistedliving.com in the Dairy Queen Building 5978 Cullen Hartland Proud supporter of Hartland Baseball & Wrestling of EXCELLENCE www.hartlandassistedliving.com 9150 Parshallville www.veteranseniorcarehome.com The Cottage Independent Living and Adult Day Care 14/ Community Life/June 2013 Village Location Historic Hartland 3688 N. Hartland Road Hartland, MI 810.632.5200 Crossroads Branch ( 24-Hour Pick-up is available at the Crossroads Branch!) Hartland Town Center Old US-23, South of M-59 Howell, MI 810.632.7480 www.cromaine.org SUMMER 2013 at Cromaine Library! Visit our website for the FULL program/events calendar for Summer! Cromaine Library - The Place to Connect! www.cromaine.org Break out the Books for Summer Reading Teen Events (For teens in grades 7 through 12) All Day Mega Event! Friday, June 14 from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Steampunk Engineers Underground Bring your blankets, chairs, sun screen and coolers and spend the day reading at Cromaine Library. Events planned all day. Events for every age group. Friends of Cromaine will have books for sale. Village Market Discount for Readers today only! Free popcorn all day! Meet Dora and Diego, bring your camera! Find details at www.cromaine.org Youth Events Please register for these unless Drop-in noted. Harry Potter Second Year Camp Monday through Friday, June 24 - June 28 at 1:00 pm (For grades 3 and up) IMAX-style Theater at Cromaine! Tuesday, July 9 – Three different movies at 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm, and 6:00 pm Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Presents Egyptian Mummies Monday, July 15 at 2:00 pm Hands-on program for the whole family. Pippin Puppets Presents Journey to the Center of the Earth Tuesday, July 16 at 2:00 pm at the Hartland Music Hall Dig into Reading with Dinosaurs and Paleo Joe! Thursday, July 18 at 2:00 pm Real dinosaur bones! For the whole family. We Dig Star Wars! STORM TROOPERS LAND! Saturday, July 20 at 12:00 pm Meet the 501st Legion of fully outfitted Storm Troopers in person!! For the whole family. Drop-in - Village. Family Drive-in Movies Return! Fridays, August 2, 9, 16, 23 from 8:30 pm to movie’s end Drop-in - Village. Animal Magic ~ Live Animals! Wednesday, August 14 at 10:00 am For the whole family. Greek Mythology with the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Tuesday, August 20 at 2:00 pm Real Percy Jackson-time artifacts. For the whole family. This is a paid advertisement. Library Hours: Monday - Thursday 9 am - 8 pm Friday 9 am - 6 pm Saturday 9 am - 4 pm Go to Crossroads Branch for Sunday hours in September (Sunday hours Sept - May) Wednesday, July 10 at 1:00 pm H.G. Wells, Jules Verne and Leviathan’s world - Make Steampunk! The Maze Runner Wednesday, July 17 at 2:00 pm 20 teens, killer monsters, and no way out. Can you survive the Maze? For grades 5 and up. Steampunk: Find out What It Is Monday, August 5 at 6:30 pm Steven Harper and Sarah Zettel talk about steam and fantasy. For grades 5 and up, including adults. WE DIG MUSIC! SUMMER CONCERT SERIES @ CROMAINE LIBRARY! Outdoor Summer Concerts on the Village South Lawn Bring your picnic, or pick up some brats and dogs from partner Ranger’s 4-H and free, fresh popcorn! Rain or shine! Wednesday, June 19 at 6:30 pm ~ Habibi Dancers (inside the Community Room) - please register online. Wednesday, June 26 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm ~ The Duo Project, Jazz/Folk (guitar and sax) Wednesday, July 3 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm ~ Lisa D & E, Top 40 popular Motown, country, and pop tunes with Special Guest the Balloon Sculptor and free Big Boy ice cream! Wednesday, July 10 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm ~ Wildfire! Top 40 Country and Southern Rock Wednesday, July 17 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm ~ Creole du Nord, Cajun Jazz/Folk Wednesday, July 24 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm ~ An Dro, Celtic-infused, World beat Wednesday, July 31 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm ~ Steve King and the Dittilies! Wednesday, August 7 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm ~ Annie and Rod Capps with Jason Dennie performing folk and blues Wednesday, August 14 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm ~ Reverend Robert Jones, Sister Bernice and Family, Gospel Jazz/Folk A full calendar this summer for ADULTS too! Check our online Programs/Events calendar and sign up today at www.cromaine.org. Community Life/June 2013/ 15 Your Summer Adventure Begins at... Hartland Community Soccer Association 2013/2014 Premier and Select Tryout Schedule Hartland Farms Intermediate School 581 Taylor Road, Brighton 48114 Please arrive 30 minutes early for registration Competitive Travel Teams playing is WSSL & MSPSP Professional and Certified Coaches Training by Justin Detter Soccer Academy Coaches - www.justindettersocceracademy.com This summer, bussing to camp from Farms Intermediate School will be on July 8-12 and August 5-9. U8 Girls 6/17 5:30-6:30 and 6/18 5:30-6:30 U10 Girls6/17 6:30-7:30 and 6/18 6:30-7:30 U12 Girls6/16 3:00-4:30 and 6/17 5:30-7:00 U14 Girls6/16 4:30-6:00 and 6/17 6:00-7:00 U18 Girls6/15 10:00-11:30 and 6/16 noon-1:30 U9 Girls 6/15 10:00-11:30 and 6/16 1:00-2:00 U11 Girls6/15 10:00-11:30 and 6/17 7:00-8:00 U13 Girls6/15 9:00-10:30 and 6/16 1:00-2:00 U15 Girls6/15 9:00-10:30 and 6/16 2:00-3:30 U10 Boys 6/15 noon-1:30 and 6/16 1:00-2:30 U11 Boys 6/15 1:00-2:30 and 6/16 1:00-2:30 U12 Boys 6/15 10:00 - 11:30 and 6/17 6:30-7:30 U14 Boys 6/15 10:00 - 11:30 and 6/17 12:00 -1:30 Ages 5 through entering 8th Grade. 8:00am-5:00pm, Mon.-Fri. For more information or to register please call 810-629-9622 or go to www.campcopneconic.org. Dates and times subject to change, for updated information visit our website at www.hartlandsoccer.org or for questions email mhuber@hartlandsoccer.org or dgrattan@hartlandsoccer.org Hartland Community Ed Summer Soccer Camps Challenger British Soccer Camp June 17-21 Farms Intermediate School – various ages/times Sign up on line at www.challengersports.com Justin Detter Soccer Academy Summer Camp Day Camps Overnight Camps Ranch Camps Thousands of Weeds Travel Camps July 25-28 9am – 12 noon $125.00 Farms Intermediate School Sign up on line at www.justindettersocceracademy.com Professional Lawn Mowing and Fertilization State Licensed Technicians One Solution Quality Service For Over 25 Years Professional Grounds Maintenance & Fertilizing Programs Like Us On Facebook! FREE ESTIMATES 517-548-6653 www.coopersturf.com 16/ Community Life/June 2013 Places of Worship Our Savior Evangelical Lutheran, LC-MS Tyrone Community Presbyterian 13667 W. Highland Road (M-59), Hartland, MI 48353 Phone: 248.887.4300 Rev. Christopher Thoma, Pastor; Mrs. Andrea Johnson, School Principal Sunday Divine Services: 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Sunday School/Bible Classes: 10 a.m. www.oursaviorhartland.org 9141 Hartland Rd., Fenton, MI 48430 Phone: 810.750.0350 Pastor: Linda Living-Hawley Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. Sunday School: 10:15 a.m. Fellowship: 11:15 a.m. Bible Study: Wednesdays 6:30 p.m. www.tyronecommunitypresbyterianchurch.com The River Community 9525 Highland Road , Howell (just w. of 23) Mailing address: 10171 Bergin Road Howell, MI 48843 Meets at the Hartland Performing Arts Center, Lead Pastor: Terry Prisk; tprisk@therivercc.net Student Ministry: Kurt Brandemihl; kbrandemihl@therivercc.net 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12:00 p.m. Phone: 810.991.1116 www.theriveron59.com Tri County Christian Hartland United Methodist 10300 Maple Rd. Hartland, Michigan 48353 Phone 810.632.7476 Pastor: Rev. Paul Gruenberg Sunday Worship: 10:00 a.m. secretary@hartland umc.org www.hartlandumc.org All Saints Lutheran, ELCA 12701 W. Highland Road (M-59 Hartland, MI 48353 Church Phone: 248.887.8060 Rev. Drex Morton, Senior Pastor Denise Clarey, Director Little Saints Preschool Preschool Phone: 810.746.0238 Sunday Worship: 8:30 & 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Christian Education for all: 9:45 a.m. www.myallsaints.com 13020 Holtforth Rd., Fenton, MI 48430 810.714.1139 Pastor: Randy Greene Sunday School: 9am Sunday Worship: 10am Various weeky Bible studies www.triccc.com 5530 Runyan Lake Road, Hartland Twp. Pastor Rob Mohr 810.632.3417 heritagehills1@yahoo.com 8:30 a.m. Prayer Group; 9:00 a.m. Sunday School; 10:00 a.m. Fellowship Time; 10:30 a.m. Worship Service www.heritagehillschurch.com Fellowship Bible 2500 Hartland Rd. Hartland, MI 48353 Phone: 810.632.7263 Sr. Pastor: Howard Wideman Sunday School: 10 a.m. Worship 11:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible study 7p.m. www.fbhartland.org 6510 E. Highland Road Howell, MI 48843 517.546.1122 Rev. Joyce E. Wallace, Pastor Worship Sunday 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:00 a.m. Bible Study Sunday www.hardychurch.org Victory Baptist P.O. BOX 523 3642 Washington St., Hartland, MI 48353 810.632.6337 Pastor Ryan Guenther Services: Sunday 10, 11 a.m. & 6 p.m. Wednesday 7 pm. www.vbchartland.org Heritage Hills Free Methodist St. John Catholic 2099 N. Hacker Road, Howell, MI 48855 Office Phone: 517.546.7200 Pastor: Fr. Francis George Mass Schedule: Saturday 5 p.m. Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. (Main Church) Tuesday: 6:45 p.m.; Wed., Thurs., Fri., 9:00 a.m. (Little Church) www.stjohnthebaptisthowell.catholicweb.com Hardy United Methodist Ore Creek Community 3375 Fenton Rd. Hartland,MI 48353 248.887.1133 Lead Pastor: Dave Classen; dclassen@orecreek.org Youth Pastor: Aaron Young; aaron@orecreek.org www.orecreek.org Flood Gate Renewal Fellowship 1623 Old Us 23, Brighton, MI 48114 810.227.2005 Pastors Bill & Clara Bolin Sunday Worship: 10 am Family Night on Wednesday: 7pm www.FloodGateRenewal.org Community Life/June 2013/ 17 Business Directory Family Owned and Operated Since 1983 Varsity Jacket Specialists! If someone you love needs more care than you can provide . . . Call Today Located at M-59 & Grand River 800-427-6298 www.PoseySeniorCareHomes.com We are proud of our clean, modern facility. We invite you to visit us before deciding where to board your pet. Owners: Dennis & Barbara Goodwin countrykennelsinc.com WATER WELLS & PUMPS Installation & Repair 24 Hour Emergency Service 517.546.0600 7215 Highland Rd. Howell MI 48843 Serving the Hartland Area Since 1927 Business Services Payroll, Bookkeeping, Tax and Advice 11479 HIGHLAND RD. (In the Hartland Professional Center) •EVENING HOURS AVAILABLE HARTLAND PROFESSIONAL CENTER www.gentlelaserdental.com ONE MILE ➛ ★ ARENA DR. 810.632.5364 6346 Green Road HIGHLAND RD 1100 N. Old US 23 Howell, Michigan 1 mile S. of M59 10% off RENTAL Community Life Some Restrictions Apply Tools • Equipment • Party Rental 810.632.7368 www.RentStuffHere.com PO Box 138 • 10004 Highland Rd. • Fountain Square Hartland, MI 48353 Tel 810 632 9600 Fax 810 632 7989 Cell 810 397 8182 mahansen@hrblock.com www.hrblock.com M-59 & US 23 Hours: Sun - Thurs 6am - 11pm Fri & Sat 6am - midnight “Kids Night Out” Event Nights 810.632.5710 Call Ahead for Carryout Michigan Rehabilitation Specialists Where Great Smiles Are Created Here at Boss Orthodontics we take great pride in helping patients achieve a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts a life time! Call to schedule your FREE exam and consultation. 11479 Highland Road, Hartland, Michigan 48353 810.632.9095 Visit Us On The Web At: www.Boss-smiles.com A teacher Takes a hand, Opens a mind, and Touches a heart Author Unknown H ARTLAND T E ACHERS C A RE $3995 948 North Old US 23 • Brighton, MI 48114 810-632-7775 Ora Family Dental Meet Our Doctor. No Fee Consultations Call for An Appointment 810.632.5700 Evenings Available 11140 Highland Road, Hartland MI 48353 (1/4 mile east of US 23 on M-59) Orafamilydental.com PREPAID AD: Black & White $275 With Spot Color $325 Breakfast Buffet Daily Friday Night Dinner Buffet Enrolled Agent Franchisee er Landscape Supplies ink p and r p Tree & Shrub Care S tart-u own S t t-d Lawn Maintenance Shu rting A a t Lawn Fertilizing S THIS SPACE AVAILABLE! Hartland Big Boy Family Dining MARTY HANSEN spiritstore@sbcglobal.net Thomas L. Bouhana D.D.S. Comfortable, Affordable Dental Care In As Few Visits As Possible U.S. 23 K E N N E LS FAX 517.545.8834 Gentle Dental Care 517.548.2202 ➛ Boarding Bathing Heated Individual Runs Air Purified 517.545.8831 10 ISSUES! Contact: nadinecloutier@hartlandschools.us 810.626.2142 Tutor Town Your Neighborhood for Learning! Lisa Snyder Physical Therapy & Wellness Jouni K. Mantyla, PT Owner/Physical Therapist 810.632.1000 www.mrspt.com 10860 Highland Rd. Hartland Teacher & Certified Multi-Sensory Instructor Private Academic Tutoring Specialty: ADD, ADHD & Dyslexia Private Piano Lessons 810.632.7786 lisa.snyder@hartlandtutortown.com www.hartlandtutortown.com Carlton Davis “There is no more fascinating vocation than the restoring of a sick clock to health.” Mending time since 2010 . . TIMELY CLOCK REPAIR Cleaning, repairs, free estimates, 3 year guarantee. Specialize in older clocks and family heirlooms Phone: 810.844.3508 (leave message) E-mail: TimelyClockRepair@peoplepc.com U.S. Mail: 1333 Rolling Hills Drive Howell 48843 (Located in Hartland) 18/Community Life/June 2013 HIP Happenings Alice Andrews, Director 810.626.2135 9525 Highland Rd., Howell, MI 48843 www.hartlandseniors.org Day Trips New Program Coordinator Go with the Flo 810.626.2138 We are happy to announce that Hartland area resident, Kim Ladd, will become the new full-time Program Coordinator. Kim has years of experience working in community education and recreation programming. We are looking forward to her leadership and the continued growth of the Hartland Senior Center. Soaring Eagle Casino Monday, July 8 $35.00 — Rebate $10 and $5 Plus ticket to the Ray Price Show Must sign-up before June 21 Greektown Casino Thursday June 6 $25.00 — $20.00 rebate Cook Books People are raving about the recipes they have tried. I like Gloria Rosa and Mary Lou Passmore’s Macaroni and Cheese on page 35 and Joe Petrucci’s Ricotta Gnocchi on page 39. The cookbooks are $12.00 and all proceeds go to support our senior transportation program that provides local seniors who are not able to drive with transportation to medical appointments, shopping and other errands and to the senior center. Gift Shop We have expanded our gift shop to the middle shelf of our glass showcase. If you have small items or jewelry we now can keep them locked. If you would like to place your handmade items in our gift shop: • You must be a member of the Hartland Senior Center • Bring items to the office. • Price your items (the senior center keeps 20% of the sale price.) • Sign waiver • Only handmade items are accepted. Any manufactured items in the gift shop have been donated to the center. Motor City Casino Thursday June 20 $25.00 REBATE $25.00 Cruising with Carol 810.626.2139 Toledo Mud Hens or Hollywood Casino Monday June 24 COMBO TRIP (Detroit Tiger Farm Team) plays Pawtucket (Boston Red Sox Minor Team) $49.00 includes reserved seats behind Mud Hens dug out HOT DOG, POP & CHIPS ALSO anyone who wants a ride to the Hollywood Casino $35.00. We will take you and pick you up. Detroit Tigers Game at Cleveland Sunday July 7 $124.00 includes reserved club house seats, deluxe transportation unlimited gourmet dining from 12 noon to 7th inning-- roast beef, turkey, chicken, oriental, Italian , pizza ,nachos, salads and beverages--dine in with large TV screens or take food to your seats. Sign up soon seats limited. Crusing Down the River Michigan Princess Lansing Boat Cruise includes fabulous lunch, entertainment & transportation Wednesday, July 24 Cost $68.00 Turkeyville – “Why do Fools Fall in Love” DATE: Tues -August 20 Depart: 10:00 AM/Return: 5:30AM (Target Parking Lot) All Inclusive Payment deadline: August 1 Cost: $72.00 (all inclusive-lunch & show) Physical Therapists Tuesdays at 9:30am Julia from Advanced Physical Therapy Thursdays at 9:30am Jouni from Michigan Rehabilitation Specialists Drumming Come to a fun fitness class. Instructor, Kathie Newbold, leads participants through a fun and lively work-out drumming on fitness balls. The class meets on Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m. If you are curious you are welcome to try any of our fitness classes for free on your first visit. Slow Flow Yoga New Yoga class on Tuesdays at 11am. Slow flow yoga improves flexibility, balance, and range of motion. Experience body awareness, harmony and inner strength through coordination of breath and movement. All levels welcome. Some yoga experience helpful. Modifications will be offered. Bring a yoga mat and water. Your first class is free. Cost $5.00 per class or $25.00 punch class for 6 classes. Instructor: Laura Chapman A great time was had by all at our annual “Swing into Spring” concert that was held on Wednesday, May 22. Music director Larry Detter with accompanist Carolyn Berkey. (photo by Joe Kleiner) Hartland Family Health Center 11150 Highland Road • Hartland, MI 48353 (South Side of M-59, East of US 23) 810.632.6380 Christine Kopel, P.A.C. Dr. Kopel, D.O. Focusing on Preventive Medicine For Your Family New Patients Welcome - School Sports Physicals Professional and Friendly Staff Evening Appointments Available U.S. 23 We are very lucky to have free fitness classes taught by our local physical therapists. These classes are great for people with limited mobility, those just beginning and exercise program and for fit individuals. The classes use both weights and therapy bands which can be chosen to fit an individual’s strength. If you have been considering increasing your fitness level, these classes are a great place to start: (South Side of M-59 Between ReMax and PNC) M-59 PNC Bank Family Medical & 11150 Highland Road Dental Center Community Life /June 2013/ 19 Club & Organization News Bricks for Epley Park Support Hartland community by purchasing a memorial brick for the play area at Epley Park. This project has been sponsored by Hartland Area Community Council for over five years but updates need to be continued for the play equipment. The information is on the web site http://hartlandcommunitycouncil.org/events.html under Support Community Council. Flash from the Friends The “Friends” of the Cromaine Library would like to extend a big THANK YOU to the HARTLAND KROGERS for supplying us with a huge quantity of “Brown Grocery Bags” for our Spring Book Sale. Friends are Flowers that never Fade!!!!!!! Hartland Teen Center ONE DAY ONLY HUGE BOOK SALE It is rare to come across such generosity, but here in Hartland that just is not true! Our Teen Center is strictly Non-Profit and relies solely on your kindness and contributions. What a whirlwind it has been these past few months, but here the kids are enjoying some of your fantastic donations. So a huge THANK YOU and please keep them coming! To the many of you who have emailed us and would like to give the gift of time or a demonstration, we are working our way down the list so expect a call soon! Hard Covers-Fiction Paperbacks Childrens The Hartland Area Macintosh User Group (HAMUG) will meet Tuesday, June 11 at 7:00 p.m. at the Spirit of Livingston in Howell. It is our annual potluck and social evening. Carol and Danny Maczik of Spirit will be demonstrating what’s new in the sublimation business. Please bring a dish to pass. Anyone interested in learning more about the Macintosh computer is welcome to attend, regardless of your level of computer knowledge. Have questions or need information? Call Jim Sparks at 810.632.6630. Wednesday, July 31 9:00 am - 8:30 pm Cromaine In The Village Boy Scout Troop 380 Collection Dates The fo1lowing are the 2012-13 dates for Troop 380’s Paper, “Returnable” Can and Bottle Drive June 1, We encourage everyone to attend the concert on the lawn That evening featuring “Steve King and the Dittilies.” July 6, August 3 September 7, October 5, November 2, December 7 Drop off is the first Saturday of each month at the Boy Scout building located at Washington and School Streets next to the Hartland Child Care Center between 10am and 12 noon. We accept all items delivered with your newspaper. AVAILABLE SERVICES Basic Care FOR SENIORS Family Owned and Operated Since 1983 GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE To qualified Veterans and Widows of Veterans Call for details. . . . please visit www.hartlandassistedliving.com If someone you love needs more care than you can provide . . . Call 800.427.6298 5978 CULLEN ROAD • HARTLAND, MI Paid Advertisement •Respite Care •Elderly Men & Women •Alert or Oriented •Hospice Care •Day Care •Incontinent Care •Memory Impaired or Alzheimers OPENI NGS NOW AVAIL ABLE FEATURING 24 Hour Supervision and Assistance •In Home Physician Visits: General, Podiatry, X-ray, etc. •Full Assistance with Activities of Daily Living if Needed •Home Cooked Meals Prepared On Site •Personalized Activities in a Stimulating Home Atmosphere •In Home Rehabilitation Programs •Transportation •Fully Licensed and Insured Facility • Supervised Medication 20/ Community Life/June 2013 The Rotary Club of Hartland HARTLAND FAMILY DENTAL Drew M. Smith, D.D.S. Lois Halstead Becomes our new President 12319 Highland Rd., Ste. 100 Hartland, Michigan 48353 Tel: 810.632.6444 www.HartlandFamilyDental.com Lois becomes Hartland Rotary’s 5th president on July 1. Lois is pictured wearing her “End Polio Now” poncho, while attending the District Conference in Rochester. As we close in on the eradication of Polio, it is easy to be enthusiastic! Even easier with Lois sharing her joy. Rotary meets every Thursday morning for breakfast and an informative presentation. Visitors are welcome to join us at 7:30am at Hartland Insurance, 2351 Old US 23. If you have a passion for community and world service, and enjoy sharing fellowship with those having a similar desire, please join us. For information, visit http://www.hartlandrotary.org/. Services We Provide Potluck and Giant Silk Moths Presentation — June 4 The Hartland Audubon Club will meet on Tuesday, June 4 with a potluck dinner beginning at 6:30pm. Bring a dish to share and table setting. Following a short meeting at 7:15pm we will enjoy an exciting presentation on Giant Silk Moths given by Jim McGrath of Nature Discovery. Our annual Wild Edibles nature walk and picnic will be held on June 8 with details given at the meeting. We meet at the Hartland Educational Support Center 9523 E. Highland Rd. Bring news of any recent bird sightings or other nature happenings to share. We encourage new members in our active, friendly group and have wonderful field trips that are announced at each meeting. Check out Hartland Audubon on hartlandaudubon.weebly.com. For more information contact Birder_John@ hotmail.com or call 517.546.2610. Fenton Rd. US-23 Bullard Fillings Cleanings and Exams Crowns M-59 Bridgework Implants Partial and complete dentures Cosmetic bonding I-96 Veneers Whitening Root canal treatment Periodontal evaluations We are located in the Trillium Professional Center, Suite 100. Nitrous oxide sedation The building is located near the intersection of is available M-59 (Highland Rd.) and Pleasant Valley Road Hartland Audubon Club • • • • • • • • • • • • Bullard Rd. East of US-23. Free Whitening Package! with new patient cleaning, check up and full mouth xray Professional Whitening Gel Sold Separately 10299 Grand River, Suite N • Brighton, Michigan 48116 • Phone 810.229.0220 I Will Never Put My . . . in a Nursing Home Never make a promise you cannot keep. I always cringe when I hear someone say, “I will never put my…(spouse, father mother) in a nursing home.” Sure, it is ideal to think that we can provide the needed care that our loved ones require, but we also have to be realistic. Whether you are providing 24 hour care or helping a few hours a week, caregiving is a very challenging task. If your desire is to keep your loved one safe and meet their needs, follow these simple steps in order to make your efforts successful. 1. Make a list of your loved one’s daily and weekly needs. Prepare a plan of how these needs will be met. For example, if your loved one needs help with medication management, you should set up a pill planner each week and then make a reminder call to them when they should take the medication. 2. Don’t assume total dependence. One of the biggest mistakes caregivers make is assuming their loved one cannot do any-thing on their own. If you loved one can tie his own shoes, let him. Remember when the kids were little and you thought it would be easier to do the task yourself rather than wait for them to do it? Yes, it does take patience, but give your loved one the dignity of being as independent as possible. 3. Don’t be a martyr. Use available community services. Most health insurances provide short-term inhome skilled care, such as nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and home health aides. In addition, there are local agencies that provide long-term in-home services to aid caregivers in providing care. 4. Accept the offer of help. When family members and friends offer to help, take them up on it. It not only helps you, but it also lets them feel good that they can do something. 5. Plan a break. In order for caregivers not to burn out, they must plan a break from care. This should be scheduled weekly, maybe an afternoon off or a whole day. Taking a week off once in a while is also a great idea. Some non-skilled caregiving agencies provide 24hour respite. In addition, assisted living facilities and nursing homes welcome short-term respite admission. 6. Remember to have fun. It can be emotionally difficult for loved ones to rely on others to meet their needs. They may feel guilty and frustrated about their inability to meet their own needs. It is important to find things they can do that are enjoyable. 7. Contact an elder law attorney about available benefits. Navigating the system can be over-whelming and confusing. There are a variety of benefits available to help care for a loved one in the community and to pay for nursing home care. An experienced elder law attorney will be knowledgeable about these bene-fits and can assist you in developing a plan to meet your needs. 8. Use a nursing home when it is needed. Nursing homes are there to help you care for your loved one. If you cannot emotionally or physically continue to provide care, use a nursing home. There is a reason that nursing homes staff three shifts. When nursing home care is needed, you can change your role back to spouse or child in-stead of caregiver. Elder Law Today is published as a service of The Nawrocki Center for Elder and Family Law, 10299 Grand River, Suite N, Brighton, Michigan 48116. This information is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For specific questions you should consult a qualified attorney. Community Life /June 2013/ 21 Recreation Skater earns 1st Place medal Hartland Gymnastics News Hartland Gymnastics Academy started off their new year in Covington Kentucky at the Coaches Spectacular Gymnastics Meet on January 18-20. Gymnasts of all levels from six different states were in attendance. Hartland’s Level 5 team earned an impressive 3rd place trophy. Representing Level 5 on the podium was Nicole Bragg 1st place Vault and 3rd place All Around; Molly Wilson 2nd place Beam and Floor; Alayna Dinsmore 3rd place Floor; Julie Celini 3rd place Vault and Beam; Abbey Highland 2nd place Floor; Lizzie Cazan-Gehrke 3rd place floor. Representing Level 6 on the podium was Courtney Dinsmore 2nd place Vault. Level 7- Kirsten Phifer 1st on Vault, Beam, Floor and All Around. Level 8 on the podium was Emma Bidwell 1st on Vault and All Around, 3rd on Bars and Beam. Gabriella Kasabasic 1st place Beam Representing Level 9 on the podium was Courtney Casper 3rd on Floor. Alexandra Kubasta, age 12, is a straight A, honor roll student at Ore Creek Middle School and the daughter of Ms. Shannon Kubasta. Alex has been rollerskating competitively since she was five years old. On April 7, at the Great Skate in Roseville, she earned 1st place in the Free Style competition and 2nd place in Loops. Last year at the Regional Competition in Illinois she won an individual Bronze medal in Figure/ Loops combined and her precision team won the Bronze medal as well. This year Alex will compete at the Regional competition in Ohio and the National competition at Albuquerque, New Mexico. She practices regularly at Rollerama of Brighton and is coached by Carlesa Williams. Congratulations on your skating accomplishments, Alex. Best of luck! Fall Hurricanes Club Try-outs Try-outs for the fall Hurricanes Swim Club season are August 6 and 7 at 6:00-7:30pm. Prospective swimmers are individually evaluated. They will participate in a “trial practice” that gives them an opportunity to experience what a real practice is like. For further details check the website www.hartlandschools.us. Follow the links to the aquatic center and Hurricanes Swim Club call the pool 810.626.2279 or e-mail hurricanes@hartlandschools.us. Summer Membership at the Hartland Pool? Unless you live on a lake, or next door to someone who generously shares their backyard pool, finding someplace to burn off some of the kids’ energy in the summer can be a challenge. Let us do the math. If a family of 4 comes to the pool once a week for 13 weeks, the walk-in cost ($5 each) would be $260. A family membership costs $170, and you can come as often as you’d like. Open Swims are 6 days a week, Mondays-Thursdays at 2:30-4pm and 7-8:30pm, Fridays and Saturdays 2:30-4pm and 6:30-8pm. Where else can you go where it’s always sunny, warm, safe and clean? Families with young children often bring the kids’ pajamas, and take them home freshly showered and worn-out-ready-for-bed. Membership includes the use of the pool during public scheduled hours, except for classes with an instructor. More information can be found at www. hartlandschools.us, then follow the link to the aquatic center, or call 810.626.2279 Hurricane Summer USS Team The summer Hurricanes Swim Club USS season is June 17-August 1. Swimmers can register online at www.hartlandcommunityed.com. Tier 1 practice time is 4-6pm on Mon.-Thur. Tier 2 & 3 meets Mon.-Thur. from 6-7pm. For full details please visit the Hurricanes website at www.hartlandschools. us or contact Coach Maria mariapuranen@hartlandschools.us or call the pool 810.626.2279. Hartland Athletic Physicals WHEN: Wednesday, June 5 2:30p.m. – 5:00p.m. WHERE: Hartland High School —Main Gym COST: $25.00 Proceeds go to Hartland Athletics Please bring filled out physical form. Services Donated By: Hartland Family Physicians Dr. Mark Kopel D.O. ; Christine Kopel P.A.C. Porretta Center for Orthopedic Surgery: Dr. Todd Frush M.D. Hartland Pediatric:Dr. Joy Inyang M.D. Michigan Rehabilitation Specialists: Jouni K. Mantyla, PT Hartland Gymnastics Academy Gymnast Rocks the Vault USA Regional Courtney Casper, an eighth grader at Scranton Middle School, threw the vault of her life at the 2013 Level 9 USA Gymnastics Regionals. The crowd was brought to their feet as the scoreboard flashed the unprecedented “9.8.” Casper took 1st place on vault in “all” age groups representing five different states. She also took 4th place on the floor with a 9.4. Casper has been doing gymnastics since she was three years old. She trains at the Hartland Gymnastics Academy and credits her accomplishments to hard work, dedication and inspiration from her coaches (Jeff Coulter, Janine Plott and Cathy Short). She hopes to one day achieve her dream of competing college gymnastics. Congratulations Courtney! 5th grade Girl’s Travel Basketball Wins First Place 5th grade Girl’s travel Basketball team won first place at the AAU Hartland Tournament on March 24. The team’s final record for the season was 39-5! The coaches are Shawn Bowen and Spencer Sargeant. The team members are Olivia Baiz, Katie Bowen, Theresa Brcic, Nicole Dompierre, Chloe Eiden, Josie Huber, Maggie Kastamo, Madison Moyer, Grace Sargeant, Lindsey Strutz and Samantha Whaling. 22/ Community Life/June 2013 Scouting News Boy Scout Troop 380 announces Cub Scout Pack 385 News John Rembisz Eagle Scout An energetic group of Pack 385’s cub scouts and their families spent a cold and snowy April morning at the Great Lakes National Cemetery with buckets of water and scrub brushes, honoring those who served our country, by cleaning their final resting place. A group of these young men also participated in Relay for Life by participating in the flag ceremony and then later that day had a campout at Kensington. Finally, they wound down in May by having a float in the Hartland Memorial Day parade. School may be out for the summer, but scouting still goes on. The scouts will have their Pack picnic, a campout after a Toledo Mud Hens game, attend resident camp in July, and have a Mom and Son outing too! If interested in joining Pack 385, contact Pete Ansbro with any questions 810.227.9948. Troop supports Stop the Bullying Girl Scout troop #1818 from Farms Intermediate School presented a week long Stop the Bullying campaign. The Girl Scouts made PSA’s during the morning announcements at school with anti-bullying messages and also asked the students to wear purple to show their support. On April 25, the Girl Abigail Peterson, Abigail Yon, Becca Darish, Scouts held a Stop the Bullying pledge during Marlena Szczechowicz, Chiara Finelli, and lunch hours and invite the students to add a Sammi Peters. handprint to the wall in support. Students then received a purple ribbon and a “Lifesavers” candy. This is a great example of a positive impact Girl Scouts have in our community. Boy Scout Troop 380 of Hartland, MI, chartered to Hartland Fire Department, is proud to announce that John Rembisz has earned the rank of Eagle Scout. His parents John and Mellisa Rembisz have encouraged him and supported him through this endeavor. John began his scouting career at the age of 7 as a Tiger Cub. After Cub Scouts, John joined Troop 380 where he earned an impressive thirty merit badges and became a member of the Order of the Arrow. John’s Eagle project was to build a playscape for the Howell Nature Center. John’s part of the project was to raise funds and to build four elements for a new children’s play area designed to help children connect with nature once again. The name of the project is Alexandria’s Naturescape. John along with many volunteers, created the “Mud Painting” panel, the “Weaving Wall”, the “Bird Blind” and the retaining wall for the “Sand Dune”. The final project was finished well within Howell Nature Center’s established time frame. John also raised the funds for the project by organizing a three day bake sale, garage sale and a bottle drive. John raised over $1500.00 which covered almost everything right down to the bird feeders installed. Donations were accepted as well. John is very excited to join the elite group of Eagle Scouts and at this time is considering his options to either attend college or join the Marine Corps. John celebrated his Eagle Award on April 28 at the Hartland Music Hall. 810-632-3232 3620 Avon (Hartland Road) In The Village X Also Specializing in BBQ Ribs & Roasted Chicken Greek Salad Homemade Soups & Chili Buffalo Wings - Hot or Honey BBQ MONDAY/TUESDAY SPECIAL Medium 1 Topping PIZZA $6.99 NOW OFFERING GLUTEN FREE PIZZA! PASTIES Buy 6 Pasties Get One FREE Offer Valid Through 5-31-13 www.VillagePizza-Pasties.com Pasties Made Fresh Daily in our kitchen from the freshest ingredients. Hours 12 - 8 pm Monday - Thursday 12 - 10 pm Friday & Saturday FRIDAY/SATURDAY SPECIAL XLarge 1 Topping PIZZA $10.99 Community Life /June 2013/23 Art & Entertainment Hartland Rotary Club Cardboard Regatta-July 20 T h e Ha r t l a n d Cardboard Regatta will be July 20, on Lake Walden at Wa l d e n woods. Don’t miss your chance to participate in this fun event! For less than $100, you (with your family or co-workers) can actually build a boat and compete in a regatta! Many in Hartland now have: Jim McGrain of Hartland Insurance has built two boats; Brian Crouse from Waldenwoods built three boats - just last year! Mike Horan with Eric Taylor of Livingston Concrete built and competed with enthusiasm. This is something you can do - NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED! If you are interested in participating in this fun event visit our web-site hartlandrotary.org. Any questions, call Frank Crouse on his cell phone 586.940.4187. Whether or not you build a boat be sure to join us on Saturday, July 20 for a day of fun! You can help us choose the winner of the Pirates Derby - the award going for both the Most Spectacular Sinking and the Unsinkable Molly Brown for the last boat afloat! And then join in with everyone else for a swim in Lake Walden. Of course you’ll feel especially good - knowing you’ve supported Rotary and its important humanitarian projects. (Check out the display ad on this page) 3rd Annual Hartland Rotary CARDBOARD REGATTA Waldenwoods Resort in Hartland SATURDAY, JULY 20 10am-5pm Join the Fun, Build a Boat! For instructions go to HartlandRotary.org Pancake Breakfast • 8am-11am Lunch Tent & Beer Tent after 12pm Silent Auction with great items Bounce House for Kids 50/50 Raffle Corvette Club on Display and of course; The Cardboard Regatta at 1pm Fun for the Whole Family, Don’t Miss It! Heritage Day announcements The 2nd annual photo contest will be held again for Hartland Heritage Day, Saturday September 21. Eligible participants, including students, must reside within the Hartland Consolidated School district. Photos submitted last year are not eligible, but the use of Adobe PhotoShop will be permitted this year. There will be a photography workshop at Cromaine Library Saturday June 15 which will provide tips and information about taking digital photos. Heritage Day application forms will be available at the workshop. Vendors are wanted for Heritage Day in Hartland which will be held on Saturday September 21 from 10 am to 4 pm. You will need to supply your own table, chairs and possibly a tent for inclement weather. Heritage/vintage type items are preferred to sell, but crafts, Hartland Youth Lacrosse would like homemade bird houses, to thank our generous 2013 sponsors! photography, jewelry, canVillage Manor Retirement – Hartland - 810-632-6200 dles, soaps, fall and holiday Waldenwoods Resort – Hartland - 810-632-6400 Camp Copneconec – Fenton – 810-629-9622 decorations, scarves and Kimber-Bee’s Honey and Pollen – 810-240-2500 hats, hot popcorn, water/ Stillwater Grill – Brighton- 810-225-1800 soft drinks/coffee, chilAnimal Crackers – Hartland - 810-632-3344 dren’s games, hair braiding, Perfect Edge – Howell- 517-546-1897 Buffalo Wild Wings - Howell - 517-545-2100 face painting, etc. A hold Black Rock Restaurant – Hartland - 810-632-5500 harmless agreement must Just Baked Cupcakes – Brighton - 810-225-9210 be filled out and submitted Ultimate Pretzel Co. - Brighton - 888-571-0088 with the application form Pure Romance Consultant – Michelle Spisz- 810-730-5679 Miller-White Photography – Hartland - 517-545-3165 and applicable fees, which are available on the website Giegler’s Feed, Seed, & Landscaping – Hartland - 248-887-2177 Braun Family - Hartland for Hartland Community The Rental Store – Hartland- 810-632-3337 Council at http://hartTyrone Hills Golf Course - Fenton - 810-629-5011 Sherry’s Catering – Fenton - 810-714-4612 landcommunitycouncil. Bagel Express - Hartland - 810-632-6932 org. Not for profit groups, Kahuna Coffee – Hartland - 810-632-9681 as well as, for-profit groups Hartland Community Education – Hartland - 810-626-2150 are welcome. paid advertisement Hartland Area Woodcarvers Join us The Guild meets every Wednesday from 8am3pm in the Art Room (#49) located in the Hartland Support Services Center (former high school) on M-59. We are looking for new members and we are open to any ideas to create a more vibrant club. Thanks to all members who worked so hard to support our group. For more information about the Guild contact Chuck Smith at 810.632.3345 or Larry Eichler at 810.240.5475. Be sure to check out the showcase located in the front lobby. We have some tremendously talented carvers! Johnston Farm & Composting (517) 546-6271 Quality Screened Compost Yard Waste Disposal • Cedar Mulch 5292 Center Rd. • Linden (4 miles west of US-23) Romans 15:13 Mon. - Fri. 8-6pm • Sat. 8-4pm Closed Sunday $2 OFF COMPOST or MULCH PER CUBIC YARD PICK UP ONLY Please Present Coupon With Order Limit 5 yards. Expires 6/30/13 24/ Community Life/June 2013 Located Inside of Hartland Mobile General Store Hartland Express Pizza & Grill 810.632.9090 CARRY OUT www.hartlandexpresspizza.com Groceries • MoneyGram • Check Cashing • D & R License • EBT/Food Stamps Open for Breakfast & Lunch • Open Late • Hot Fast Food BBQ Ribs • Chicken • Subs • Hamburgers • Seafood • Salad 10050 Clyde Rd., Fenton, MI 48430 HARTLAND’s OVEN FRESH ROUND PIZZA GARDEN FRESH SALADS Dressing: Gourmet Italian Ranch • Greek • Bleu Cheese Honey Mustard • Thousand Island Sm 10” Med 12” Lg 14” XL 16” TOPPINGS: Pepperoni, Ham, Bacon, Ground Beef, Italian Sausage, Onions, Green Peppers, Green Olives, Black Olives, Feta Cheese Yellow Pepper Rings, Jalapeño Peppers, Mushrooms, Pineapple, Extra Cheese Add Steak, Chicken, or Shrimp 2.50 extra LARGE SQUARE DEEP DISH PIZZA Cheese................................................8.99 Add’l Items.......................................1.50 Sm 10” Med 12” Lg 14” XL 16” Italian................................................6.99 Ham, Salami, Provolone Cheese, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onions, Yellow Mild Peppers Rings, Mayo & Italian Dressing Turkey & Cheese..............................6.99 Turkey, Cheese Lettuce, Tomatoes, Yellow Pepper, Onions, Mayo, Dressing Ham & Cheese..................................6.99 Ham, Cheese, Lettuce, Tomato, Yellow pepper, Onions, Mayo & Dressing Roast Beef.........................................6.99 Cheese, Lettuce, Yellow peppers, Mayo & Dressing Club...................................................7.99 Ham Bacon, Turkey, Cheese, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Yellow Pepper, Mayo, Dressing Meatball............................................6.99 Meatball, Cheese, Marinara Philly Cheese Steak Sub..................7.99 Beefsteak, Cheese, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Mayo & Dressing Grilled Chicken Sub........................7.99 Chicken Breast Strips, Cheese, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Mayo, Dressing Pizza Sub...........................................6.99 Pepperoni, Ham, Bacon, Onions, Mushrooms, Cheese, Pizza Sauce Double Meat 2.00 Double Cheese 1.00 Meat Lovers 10.99 11.99 12.99 13.99 Pepperoni, Ham, Bacon, Italian Sausage, Hamburger Diesel 10.99 11.99 12.9913.99 Pepperoni, Ham, Italian Sausage, Onions, Green Peppers, Yellow peppers Chicken 10.99 11.99 12.9913.99 Fajita Grilled Chicken Breast, Tomatoes, Onions, Green peppers, Mushrooms, Mozzarella and Cheddar Cheese BBQ 10.99 11.99 12.99 13.99 Chicken Grilled chicken Breast, Onions, Mushrooms, Yellow Peppers, Cheese, BBQ Sauce Steak 10.99 11.99 12.9913.99 Steak, Onions, Green Peppers, Mushrooms, Cheese BLT 10.99 11.99 12.9913.99 Bacon, Lettuce, Tomatoes & Ranch Dressing Hawaiian 10.99 11.99 12.9913.99 Bacon Ham, Pineapple Mexican Taco10.99 11.99 12.9913.99 Hamburger, Green Pepper, Onion, Taco Sauce, Cheese Breakfast XL only 19.99 Eggs, Italian Sausage, Bacon, Ham, Green Peppers, Onions and Cheese Chicago XL only 19.99 Double Dough, Pepperoni, Ham, Bacon, Italian Sausage, Double Cheese 2 Items on Each 11 14 $ 99 $ + Tax 99 With Coupon • Limited Time Offer + Tax WING DINGS HARTLAND’s SEAFOOD Shrimp Basket w/fries.....................6.99 Catfish 2Pc w/Biscuit ..................................5.99 3Pc w/Biscuit ..................................7.99 4Pc w/Biscuit ..................................9.99 Add Fries/Coleslaw & Bread $2.50 Extra Chicken & Shrimp.........................10.99 2 Pc Chicken & 5 Pc Jumbo Shrimp Ribs & Chicken..............................11.99 3-4 Bones & 2 Pc Chicken Ribs & Shrimp...............................11.99 3-4 Bones & 5 Pc Jumbo Shrimp Ribs, Chicken & Shrimp...............14.99 3-4 Bones, 2 Pc Chicken & 5 Jumbo Shrimp Smorgasbord..................................17.99 3-4 Pc BBQ Ribs, 2 Pc Chicken 5 Pc Jumbo Shrimp & 2 Pc Cat Fish All Above Includes Fries, Coleslaw, Bread 2 SMALL 99 $ + Tax Small 1.59 1.59 .59 DESSERTS Large 3.29 2.99 2 for 1.19 Cheesecake........................................1.99 Cake Slices........................................1.99 Cookies..............................................1.59 Hand Batter Dipped Black Tiger Shrimp Made Fresh to Order 1/4 lb Shrimp 5 Pc............................5.99 1/2 lb Shrimp 10 Pc..........................8.99 3/4 lb Shrimp 15 Pc........................12.99 1 lb Shrimp 20 pc...........................15.99 Add Fries & Coleslaw 1.50 extra BBQ or Spicy 1.00 extra SANDWICHES Hartland Burger...............................4.99 Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pickles, Onions, Mustard, Ketchup & Mayo Sliders................................................4.99 Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pickles, Onions, Mustard, Ketchup & Mayo Filet of Fish.......................................4.99 Cat Fish, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Tartar Sauce Patty Melt.........................................5.99 Swiss Cheese, Grilled Onions Add Fries & Cole Slaw....................2.00 Add Cheese.......................................1.00 APPETIZERS & SIDE ORDERS Bread Sticks......................................3.99 Cheese Bread....................................5.99 French Fries SMALL......................1.59 French Fries LARGE.....................3.29 Onion Rings......................................2.99 Cheese Stix........................................3.99 Mushrooms.......................................3.99 Potato Poppers.................................2.99 Jalapeño Poppers.............................3.99 Queso Stix.........................................3.99 Bowl of Soup.....................................2.99 Cup of Soup......................................1.99 Chili or Chicken Noodle Potato Wedges..................................2.99 Extra Dressing.....................................50 Large SQ. DEEP DISH With 1 Topping HARTLAND’s BREAKFAST 7 $ 99 Breakfast Muffin Sandwich............1.99 Sausage, Egg & Cheese Breakfast Pizza (slice)......................3.19 2 MEDIUM 2 LARGE 12 13 15 $ FAVORITES Fries Jambalaya Boudin Bites HAND BATTER-DIPPED JUMBO SHRIMP 2 ROUND PIZZAS with 3 Items FREE 2 Liter of Pop 2 Lg CHICKEN Dark Mixed White 2Pc w/1 Biscuit 3.99 4.49 4.99 3Pc w/1 Biscuit 4.99 5.49 5.99 4Pc w/2 Biscuits 5.99 6.49 6.99 8 Pc 8.99 9.99 10.49 12 Pc 11.99 14.99 17.99 16 Pc 17.99 19.99 23.99 25 Pc 24.99 29.99 31.99 Breast 2.99 Thigh 1.99 Leg 1.99 Wing 1.49 CHICKEN TENDERS 4 Pc w/1 Biscuit........................................ 4.99 8 Pc w/1 Biscuit........................................ 8.99 12 Pc w/2 Biscuits.................................. 10.99 25 Pc....................................................... 19.99 BISCUITS .59 each 3 for 1.59 6 for 2.99 COMBO MEALS #1. 2 pc Mix w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.......... 5.99 #2. 2 Pc Dark w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.........4.99 #3. 2 Pc White w/Side, Drink & Biscuit...... 5.99 #4. 3 pc Mix w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.......... 6.99 #5. 3 Pc Dark w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.........6.99 #6. 3 Pc White w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.......6.99 #7. 4 pc Mix w/Side, Drink & Biscuit...........7.99 #8. 4 Pc Dark w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.........7.99 #9. 4 Pc White w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.......8.99 #10 4 Pc Tender w/Side, Drink & Biscuit ....7.99 #11 2 Pc Catfish w/Side, Drink & Biscuit.....7.49 10 Pc..................................................7.99 20 Pc................................................14.99 30 Pc................................................20.99 50 Pc................................................29.99 Spicy or BBQ add 1.00 MON-TUES-WED SPECIAL DOUBLE DEAL NEW~ NEW~NEW KRISPY KRUNCHY CHICKEN 1/2 Slab Dinner...............................12.99 Whole Slab Dinner.........................19.99 Above include Fries, Coleslaw & Bread Slab Only........................................16.99 COMBO PLATTERS SPECIALTY GOURMET PIZZAS HARTLAND’s FRESH 12” SUBS 2 Med SOUTHERN STYLE RIBS Cheese 5.99 6.99 7.998.99 Add’l Items1.00 1.00 1.50 1.50 AntiPasta Salad................................6.99 Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onions, Black Olives, Pepperoni, Ham, Salami, Provolone Cheese Tossed Garden Salad.......................6.99 Fresh Crisp Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onions, Pepperoncini Peppers, Cheese & Croutons Chef’s Salad......................................6.99 Fresh Crisp Lettuce, tomatoes, Onion, Ham, Turkey, American Cheese Greek Salad......................................6.99 Fresh Crisp Lettuce, Tomatoes, Onions, Feta Cheese, Sliced Beets, Pepperoncini Peppers & Black Olives Add Chicken or Shrimp or Steak ..2.50 Extra Dressing.................................. .50 Open 24 Hours Hartland Mobil General Store Gas • Off Road Diesel • Diesel Racing Fuel • Kerosine Propane 99 $ + Tax 99 + Tax Valid Monday - Wednesday Only With Coupon • Limited Time Offer + Tax With Coupon • Limited Time Offer RIBS & PIZZA Full Slab Ribs 1 Large Pizza with 2 items 2 Liter Pop 2499 $ + Tax With Coupon • Limited Time Offer WINGS & PIZZA 20 Pc Wings & 1 Large Pizza with 2 Items 2 Liter Pop 2499 $ + Tax With Coupon • Limited Time Offer
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