footnotes - Ware Joggers


footnotes - Ware Joggers
August 2013
on Sat Aug
10th at Gunpowder Park Watham Abbey got off to a bang!
Full results can be viewed via the web site but a special
well done to Mark Ford, Larry Mangleshot and Mark Cyl,
placing 1st—3rd and Sue Millward, Annette Fairhurst and
Carla Bell for the ladies. Larry was also streets ahead on
his age grading and Anne Ramsden blasted a 78.52%
grading (blimey!) In all, 48 Ware Joggers took part, 10
scoring their best ever times at a PARKRUN, and 33 Ware
Joggers took part in a PARKRUN for the first (and hopefully
not the last) time.
Please let me share with you from Jane Appleton, run director of the Gunpower PARKRUN, “Just a quick note to
say thank you to everyone who helped today and with all
the organization and I thought it went really well and enjoyed it. I hope your runners enjoyed it as much, and
thank you for spreading the word about PARKRUN.”
“Run, Forrest!
- Jenny Curran - Forrest Gump
Thanks to Jon, Rachel and Toni who did a turn as tea ladies, Richard for the loan of a generator and to everyone
who bought into the spirit of the event and understood
what PARKRUN was all about.
Sue Millward Race/Fixtures Secretary
Well done to all competi-
In This Issue
Youth Hostel Weekend
Fairlands Valley Spartans
Thunder Run 2013
Lake Relay in Stevenage.
Meet a Joggeroo!
It was hot, humid and fast
Race to the Stones
tors who raced at the
but was well represented
by the Joggers!
First Friday in
the Month
Drinks (FFMD)
Next One: Sept 6th
The monthly Friday drinks are a regular for
us Ware Joggers, there was a great turn out
last month it was a lovely evening!…. So to
all you Joggers every first Friday in the
month there will be a gathering in a local pub
for some beverages and fun… you will notice
that we brush up pretty well and that we do
wear something other than spandex! So
come down and chat with us it’s a great
chilled out evening.
The Punch House, 7 West Street, WARE
Back Row: Chris Williams, Mike Bagnall, Jon Williams, Maria Page, Andrew Cavanaugh, Howard Roden
Front Row: Jess Taylor, Mark Cyl, Steve Sadler, Jude Manser, Anne Ramsden
Three Ware Joggers teams (above) took part in the 5th running of the Thunder Run last month.
The Thunder Run is a 24 Hour off-road race, based in Catton Park in Derbyshire. The event is a relay race against the clock. The idea is that teams of 2
to 8 compete against each other to complete the most 10k circuits in 24
hours. One team member must be on the course at all times. During the
night team members have to wear head torches to negotiate the unlit
All the teams have to specify a team name and there were some really inventive/funny ones on
show such as The Fat and the Furious. The three Ware Joggers teams were: GO HARD OR GO
The day was charactericed by all the worst and best of British weather. The start was baking hot
with temperatures above 30 degrees. But the rain began shortly after, followed by a thunderstorm which wouldn’t have been out of place in a gothic horror film. This continued through the
night making the conditions treacherous on the hilly course. Mike Bagnall, captain of the GO
HARD TEAM, and not noted for his sense of direction, managed to take a wrong turn on the
course and take several other competing teams with him. His excuse was that the marker tape
had come down in the rain!
All three teams managed some very creditable results. MUD came 4th in their 5 man category
with 29 laps, only 2 behind the winning team. GO HARD were 6th in their 8 man category with 30
laps and SCRAMBLED LEGS 120th out of 253 teams, with 22 laps.
Race 1
OBSESSED is just The Gunpowder Parkrun
a word the LAZY
use to describe
Free entry
Saturday 10th August
9am start
****Note that this is a SATURDAY event!***
the dedicated.
You must be registered with to take part in this event and receive a registered time.
Race 2
Sunday 8th September
Bedford Harriers 10k
£10 for affiliated runners
10am start
Just you and the Entry is now open and full race details at
ground. Nothing
fancy. Race 3
Sunday 22nd September
No excuses. Pleshey and Essex Half Marathon
£15 for affiliated runners
10.30am start
Entry is now open and full race details at
Race 4
A marathon is
just a 10K with a
Sunday 20th October
Thurlow 10 mile
20 mile warm-up. £10 for affiliated runners
10am start
Entry is open and full race details at
Race 5
Sunday 1st December
Perivale 5
This race is not yet open for entry but there are details at
Wye Valley Youth Hostel
Youth Hostel Weekend Wye
Valley Youth Hostel Fri 1stSun 3rd November 2013
OK so the Youth Hostel Weekend had a
change of venue, but is still very close by
to St Briavels. It will be a fun weekend, an
opportunity to get to know joggers and
spend time relaxing.
There are plenty of walks, jogs and activities in the area. It is £80 per person and
£70 for those under 18. Please bring family and friends along for the weekend. We
are booking this presently so you need to
get your deposits in PRONTO! If you miss
this then there will be an opportunity to
book later yourselves as we weren't able
to fill the hostel.
Annette Hardman Social Secretary
Next ramble is
going to be on
Saturday 21st
September. A 9
mile walk from
Regents Park to
Road Market in
Notting Hill. We
will be catching
the 09.43am
train from Ware.
In each edition we will be bringing you a Joggeroo
so that you can get to know them better. This
edition we bring you:
Kate Hipkin
100g/4oz pumpkin or sunflower seeds, or a mixture of both
Birthday: June 27th
50g/2oz desiccated coconut
How long have you been a member of the club? About 5
50g/2oz plain flour
What/Who inspires you to run? The desire to have more
energy for my kids and to be part of creating a healthy, active
and inspiring home life for them to grow up in. Unlike my own
childhood where I was bought up by a more musical/arty family
of 'fatties' (am I allowed to say that)!
300g/11oz porridge oats
200g/7oz butter
200g/7oz golden syrup
150g/5oz soft brown sugar
Favorite race and why? No competitive achievements
worth speaking of yet, but my favorite run is probably the 'long
route' (apx 5miles!) from my front door step, up Chapel Lane,
through Well Pond Green, Bromley, touching on Much Hadham and home again!... on a bright morning before breakfast
with the family!
150g/5oz dried apricots, chopped
Significant others: Howard Roden - officially Hubby as of
last year, but we are still to straighten out the 'family name'
dilemma! Ila (yes, spelt without an 's'!) - 5.5yrs, Archie - 4yrs.
Favorite holiday destination and why? Camping in Cornwall - Being outdoors, the beautiful countryside, lovely beaches and great food are a winning combination every time! ... as
well as being close to my in-laws for a spot of much appreciated 'child care'!
2. Line an 18cm/7in x 28cm/11in swiss roll tin with non-stick
parchment, leaving a little of the parchment hanging over the edges for easier removal later.
Any hobbies? Loads I'd like to have once we get through
these 'early years' with the kids... or am I fooling myself that
things will get easier?!
125g/4.5oz crunchy peanut butter
1 tsp vanilla essence
1. Preheat oven to 160C/325F/Gas3
3. Place oats, seeds, coconut and flour in a large bowl and mix
4. Place the butter and golden syrup into a saucepan and cook
until the two have melted and combined
Food: Heaven and
Hell? Heaven - I love
ALL food - but especially anything cooked by
my 'live in' chef (aka
5. Off the heat, add sugar, chopped apricots, peanut butter and
vanilla extract to the saucepan and mix well. Then pour this mixture into the bowl of dry ingredients and mix together until all have
become evenly combined.
Hell...almost certainly
some of the unrecognizable delights offered
to me when travelling in
China for work!
6. Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and press down firmly
with a wooden spoon. Transfer the tin to the oven and bake for
20-25 minutes or until the mixture has become golden-brown and
slightly firm. Remove the mixture from the oven and allow it to
cool in the tin.
Drink: Heaven and
Hell? Heaven - A hot
cup of tea, or a frozen
Hell - A large glass of
Pripsen... I was a child of the 70/80's where every time the cat
got worms we were all treated for them! (am hoping someone
else out there will relate to this and 'feel my pain'!)
One interesting fact that people may not know about you?
I have been a ladies underwear designer for a number of UK
brands, high street stores and supermarkets for almost 20
years - so it is likely that a large proportion of the Ware Joggers are wearing my 'knicks'!
7. Once cooled, remove from the tin and, still in the paper, cut into
18 bars
8 Store in an air-tight container for up to one week. They will also
freeze well.
Provided by Margaret Waddingham
A reminder that if you need Club Kit please order from Jon Little in
plenty of time to avoid disappointment.
Ware Joggers London Marathon Club places are calculated on our EA membership, in recent years 1 place for
every 50 first claim registration. We currently have over 90 members registered. Membership also provides insurance cover when you run in open races. EA membership costs an additional £10 p.a. made payable to Ware Joggers to either Chris Reed or Margaret Waddingham. The Club sends your registration fee to EA at the end of the
month, it takes 6 weeks for EA to process the months registrations', they have stopped issuing annual competition license cards. They
send your competition license card when you register for the first time, as well as your login details for the “athlete portal’, where you can
check your licence number, amend your data and also see special offers for kit etc
EA membership also gives you a minimum of a £2 reduction in race entry costs.
Bexley A.C. 10k
Paul Ryan
BUPA London 10k
Angela Little
Liz Watson
Umborne UG 10k
Phil Hudson
Martin Blacker
St Albans 1/2 Marathon
Angela Little
Stowmarket Friday 5m
Phil Hudson
Orion Fell 5k
Phil Hudson
Newman Hilly 5m
Phil Hudson
Orion Forrest 5m (Race 2)
Phil Hudson
Race to the Stones 100k
Les Taylor
Felstead 10k
Kenny Blyth
Harlow 5k Ladies Series
Anne Ramsden
Janet Readitt
Anne Ramsden
Janet Readitt
Carla Bell
Harlow 5k Ladies Series
Be inspired by our
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classic styles at affordable prices.
Find us at 4 Star Street, Ware, Herts
Tel: 01920 468664 or 01920 466664
Open Mon-Sat 9am-5pm
Mad Joggers and Englishmen…….
It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is to talk a good run. 100k non-stop – no problem; we’d
survived 2 days of mud, rain and hills on The Pilgrim Challenge in February so the Ridgeway in
July couldn’t be that difficult…… and so it came to pass that training for the inaugural “Race To
The Stones” started, not in earnest but in Pearces Farm Shop, with copious pots of tea.
Noel Coward was right; it is only mad joggers and Englishmen that run out in the midday sun.
With temperatures forecast to reach 86°C it was only the insane, the stupid and the optimistic
who collected their race pack and lined up at the start. Which group we aligned to is still subject
to debate. While Les and Garth talked tactics, Helen and I agreed our fiendishly cunning race
plan: (i) have a nice time (ii) finish in one piece (iii) enjoy the scenery. Experts consider the
Ridgeway to be the oldest path
in the UK; travellers have traversed the route for centuries,
making use of its dry, high
ground above the downs. We
started gently, leaving Chinnor
in Oxfordshire on wellmaintained tracks up over the
Chilterns and along the magnificent Grim’s ditch, an Iron Age
earthwork where the overarching trees gave some very welcomed shade, before dropping
down to the Thames and crossing the river at Goring. The first
30k went like clockwork, the sun
was out and the temperature
was climbing rapidly but we
were trotting along at a steady
Avebury Stone Circle
pace. There were support stops
approx. every 10k so we took
the opportunity at each one to hydrate, slosh our heads with cold water and check for “hot-spots”
on our feet.
After Goring we started to climb up onto the North Wessex Downs and into the full heat of the
midday sun. The views were stunning, fields of wheat dotted with great swaths of blood-red poppies; late flowering rape, grasses and wild flowers as far as the eye could see. We slowed down
and enjoyed the views. At 45k the route split, those doing the course over two days peeled off to
enjoy the luxuries offered by the halfway campsite and suddenly we were alone.
We made the 50k pit stop in good shape but took a 45 minute break to get some pasta and lots
of tea down our necks. We deliberately avoided sugar/glucose; instead, we ate “proper” food and
took salt tables every 10k. This worked well and we managed to avoid the dreaded nausea that
so many people were suffering from. We were warned that the next section was long so we
resorted to the alphabet game – films being with the letter A, B etc - which pass some of the time
and entertained the people we overtook on route. Finally, we reached the next support stop and
the brilliant medics sorted out Helens blister. We pressed on hoping to reach the 70k stop before
having to unpack our head torches.
It was just getting dark when I heard a little plaintive cry from Helen “have you got any chafeease handy, I think I’m getting a sore spot on my bum”. We stopped and after much ferreting
about in her knickers she suddenly produced a very large blade of spiky grass, which had apparently stuck to her sweaty body during an emergency communion with nature some 20k previous.
Having removed the offending item, we were ready to trot on and to enjoy the delights of icecream and chips at the 80k support stop.
With our head torches on full beam, we set off again. My confidence in Helen as a vet was only
slightly dented when she mistook a field full of horses for sheep but in her defence, hallucinating
in the dark after being on the move for 15 hours is quite normal. The long section on road over
the M4 motorway wasn’t terribly inspiring and we were grateful that we were running it at midnight with very little traffic. Back up onto the Ridgeway path for the final 10k and the terrain became tougher – the deep rutted tracks were hard to navigate by torchlight and we slowed down
considerably as we tried to avoid falling or twisting an ankle.
At last, Avebury came into view. The sting in the tail was a 2k loop around the iconic Neolithic
stones before heading back the way we came and finally cross the finish line. Behind us, dawn
started to break. We’d done it; elated we collected our medals and goodie bags and headed for
the showers.
Race to the Stones is a great event and the organisation and support first class. Threshold, the
company that organised the race, has a publicity strapline which is “THERE’S MORE WITHIN
YOU”. We all proved them right on what was the hottest day of 2013 to date.
Jan Stock
Contact Me
Amanda Sykes
07788 923434
Visit us on the web at: