Classic Cars The Puzzler Breathe Easy Engineering Lingo Kraft


Classic Cars The Puzzler Breathe Easy Engineering Lingo Kraft
Monthly News And Entertainment Magazine For Everyone  Volume 11  Issue 8  August 2009
We could always be found
sitting quietly together on
the bank, dangling our
lines in the water, not
saying much at all, telling
a joke now and then
maybe, and just appearing
to contemplate the greater
meaning of life.
brothers and I
have always
enjoyed the pastime of
fishing. Since the age of five
or six, we would sneak off to
the creek behind the barn on
our farm every chance we
could get. We did this right
through our teens and into
early adulthood.
Alas, as time went on we
all went each our separate
ways, and fishing together
became only a special
once-in-a-while event
when family would gather
back at the old farm for a
birthday or other
Of course, this
didn’t mean that
the only time we
went fishing was when
we returned to the farm,
oh no - fishing was a
necessary part of life and
we each continued to
fish on our own,
with new friends
and on vacation.
This new twist to
fishing life meant
that we would have to
do some serious catchingup on each other and what
we were doing in our own
fishing lives, and thus
began the practice of the
telling of the fishing
stories, grand and
filled with
adventures and
tales of all sorts.
Classic Cars
Put your thinking cap on and see
if you can recognize any of these ....
The Puzzler
Sharpen your pencil and
your mind with a bit of fun .....….....
We would start the story
telling listening intently to
every detail as it was
retold, but brothers being
brothers, the stories would
often become overindulged
and filled with a little
fantasy perhaps. Like the
time my brother Tom swore
that he lost a marlin off his
line when a mermaid
jumped up through the
waves and startled him
near out of his wits.
If only he had
the mind to have
someone on the boat snap
a picture, but alas no one
had a camera with them.
And then there was the
time my other brother Jim
had us in stitches as he
recounted a very long and
extremely detailed story of
how he and his friends
headed out to a lake to do
some ice fishing with a
borrowed shanty. It was
outfitted with comfortable
seating for 4, a flat screen
TV and DVD player, and a
small stove for heat, so
they wouldn't have to keep
their winter parkas on.
He and his friends, never
having ice-fished before,
were greatly surprised
when they discovered that
the stove they had so
cleverly stoked to keep the
shack nice and cozy had
actually melted and
cracked the ice beneath
their shanty, and mid-
Breathe Easy
Summer means hot muggy weather
lots of allergens and more …...........
Engineering Lingo
What they really mean when they
try to baffle you with words …….....
fishing the entire thing
started to sink into the lake
with them all inside.
But I would take top prize for
the most outrageous story
one year, and I swear it’s
entirely true. I had gone
down south on a business
trip and the company
president I met offered to
take me out on his yacht to
do some deep-sea fishing.
I laid out the scene in great
detail so that my brothers
would understand—as
children the most we ever
caught in the creek was a
stray trout. Outfitted with
the very latest and most
expensive gear, off we went,
and in no time at all I was
handed a pole and shown
how to hang on for dear life,
should I catch something.
Of course nothing could
prepare me for the fight that
a 200lb fish could give.
I explained to my brothers
that I was nearly ripped from
my seat and thrown into the
ocean, that it took two of us
nearly three hours to tire out
and reel in that fish. With
their eyes looking at me with
distrust, I pulled the picture
evidence from my wallet and
shoved it in their direction.
Jim looked over the picture
and announced, that fish
can’t be more than 10lbs not 200lbs…. To which I
replied, well you’d loose a lot
of weight after a three hour
fight too, wouldn’t you!
Kraft Recipes
We’re always cooking up
something simple and tasty! .......
A Quick Laugh
Tidbits to share with friends
over tea or coffee break ………….
August 2009
From the Editor
Kevin Estey
Elvis who? OK, enough with the
emails and phone calls and
letters already, we made a
spelling mistake - that’s all, just
a spelling mistake.
We’re not certain who Elvis
Priestly is either, but he must be
famous, because his name will
go down in the annals of ATP
history as the most written
about celebrity of all time I
think. Seriously though, to all
the mega-fans out there who
thought we did a “horrible
thing”, a “great disservice” and
or committed a “travesty” to the
memory of the King, we
apologise for turning your worlds
upside down.
Oh, and I think I’m safe in
assuring one reader that Elvis is
not “rolling over in his grave”, I
know for a fact that he is alive
and well and hiding out on the
South Mountain with the
Sasquatch and Paul Bunion.
OK, here it is - we are only three
issues away from our two
special holiday issues of ATP
that regularly include extra
pages of fantastic stories, news,
events, games, puzzles and
recipes. AND you are only two
months away from the deadline
to send us your personal holiday
remembrances, poems, stories,
vintage Christmas cards (we will
photograph and return them to
you at no cost) and other items
to be included in these two
special issues. Don’t delay—get
your items in to us sooner than
later. Our December issue this
year will mark the end of 11
years in print for ATP.
Subscriptions A lot of
people have been phoning
and mailing and asking about
subscriptions to the
magazine. As we continue to
grow in popularity, it is
becoming more and more
difficult for people to locate
copies of the magazine at
their community drugstore or
market after the first week of
the month - they are just
gone by then. We would love
to be able to increase our
print run, but that would
mean increasing advertising
fees and so on and so on.
If you are not able to get your
copy of the magazine the
same week it hits the stands,
or if you always seem to miss
it for one reason or another,
why not subscribe to it? It’s
not difficult at all. All you
have to do is fill in the form
on page 7 of ANY issue and
send it along with your
cheque or money order for
$15 to the address. You will
receive in your mailbox each
month for the next 12
months, one printed copy of
the magazine. Never miss
another issue, don’t worry
that you can’t get out if the
weather is bad, or if you don’t
have a drive.
We also offer a completely
free electronic version of the
magazine via email each
month. To subscribe to this
service, visit our website You can use
this service to send the
magazine to family and
friends all over the world.
Share the laughs with anyone
with an email address for
FREE—what a great gift idea
for Christmas or a birthday,
or just to share some laughs.
Aged To Perfection Magazine - 10 Years And Going Strong
August is First Aid Month.
August 1-7 - World Breastfeeding Week
August 6 - Full Moon and the Penumbral Lunar Eclipse. The
eclipse will be visible throughout most of the Americas,
Europe, Africa, and western Asia.
August 9 - National Peacekeepers' Day honours and
remembers all Canadian peacekeepers who have served or
who are currently serving in peace keeping operations
around the world.
August 9 - International Day of the World's Indigenous
Peoples is observed on this Day every year during the
Second International Decade of the World's Indigenous
People (2005-2014).
August 10 through September 4 - Saturn Without Rings.
The rings of the planet Saturn will be tilted edge-on to the
Earth, making them impossible to see. Viewing Saturn with
a telescope will reveal the planet to appear to be without its
famous rings. This rare phenomenon only occurs every 14
to 15 years.
August 12 - International Youth Day. In 1999 the UN
General Assembly endorsed a recommendation, originally
proposed by young people, that this Day be declared
International Youth Day.
August 12, 13 - Perseids Meteor Shower. The Perseids is
one of the best meteor showers to observe, producing up to
60 meteors per hour at their peak. This year's peak occurs
on August 13 & 14, Look to the northeast after midnight.
August 13 - International Left Handers Day is raising
awareness of left-handedness and the challenges caused
by living in such a right-handed world.
August 14 - Jupiter at Opposition. The giant planet will be at
its closest approach to Earth. This is the best time to
view and photograph Jupiter and its moons.
August 15 - National Acadian Day is a celebration of the
Acadian people, who have contributed for centuries to
Canada's economic growth and cultural and social vitality. It
is also a day to learn about the rich historical and cultural
heritage of Acadians.
August 16-22 - World Water Week. Experts from 100
countries are assembled this week in a global effort to
improve human, welfare and the planet's health.
August 17 - Neptune at Opposition. The blue planet will be
at its closest approach to Earth. This is the best time to
view Neptune, although it will only appear as a tiny blue dot
in all but the most powerful telescopes.
August 20 - New Moon
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Aged To Perfection Magazine - 10 Years And Going Strong
Can You Identify
These Classic Cars?
August 2009
A bit of a blast-from-the-past, they may not
have been fast by today's standards, but
they sure did have style and grace. Here
are some cars and trucks for you to
identify. The answers and some history on
each vehicle can be found on page 6.
Great Things To
Do For A New
Whether you live right around
the corner or just enjoy visits,
you can begin bonding with
new grandkids almost from the
day they're born.
Sing, Sing, Sing! Crooning to
babies while rocking them is a
perfect way to get their
attention, calm them down,
and maybe even put them to
sleep. Any songs you know will
do the trick. If you're a longdistance grandparent, record
yourself singing some of your
favourite lullabies and send
them to the grandbaby.
Write Love Letters On the day
of each grandbaby’s birth,
write a short letter to welcome
him or her to the family. Then,
every month following, write
another letter on the same
day. Dress up the letters with
brightly-coloured animal
stickers and provide a
special box to keep them in.
When they’re a little older,
the children will love seeing
the notes you wrote to them
during their first year and
hold them as keepsakes.
Make Them Laugh Gently
grab an infant’s hand and
say, "Gotcha!" Then, let the
child squeeze your fingers,
and say, “Hey, you got me!"
Pull your hand away so the
baby has to work (a little) at
catching it. Or try an old
standby like "This Little
Piggy," in which you touch
each toe one at a time while
singing the nursery rhyme,
tickling the child after
reaching the pinky toe. One
more funny game: Imitate the
baby's actions. The baby will
be thrilled and will keep
responding to keep the game
Help Them Sign Before they
learn to speak, babies learn
gestures, including holding
up their hands to show they
want to be picked up, and
pointing to what they want
you to give them. You can
teach them to wave bye-bye,
nod their heads to say yes,
and shake their heads "no."
Make a game of learning the
Make a Family Slide Show
Put a set of photos on a CD
or DVD, or even better in one
of those new fangled digital
picture frames. Sit babies in
front of the screen or frame
so they can watch a slide
show starring themselves,
their parents, their cousins —
and, of course, you. They’ll
like the movement from one
photo to another and
eventually come to recognize
the whole cast of characters.
Art for Baby's Sake When
babies look at or point to a
painting or other artwork, pick
them up and bring them closer
to it. Talk to them about it —
describe the colors, talk about
the subject, or point out and
count repeated motifs such as
flowers or boxes. Babies
especially like watching things
that swing from the ceiling.
Blow on a mobile to get it to
rotate and hold them up to see
it. Pretty soon they’ll pucker
their own lips to imitate the
Bath-time Adventures As soon
as babies can sit up, they can
peel off simple toys made to
stick to the side of the tub and
laugh when you put them back
up. It’s along the same
principle as dropping spoons
from a high chair, only less
back strain for the retriever.
You can also get floating toys:
boats and balls, and plastic
cups to fill and empty. Helpful
supplies to keep the fun going
include a simple open basket
(Continued on page 6)
life to the full!
Dr. Tyler Jones, DC
542-LIFE (5433)
1460 Belcher Street,
Port Williams
681 2284
Kings Centre Plaza New Minas
Aged To Perfection Magazine - 10 Years And Going Strong
August 2009
Your Ticket To Fantastic
Community Events & More
Here’s a new one for you to try your luck at, sort of a twist on
the soduko puzzle - the Strimko. The object of the puzzle is
to fully fill in the given grid with missing numbers 1 through 6
following three rules.
Rule #1 : Each row must contain all 6 numbers - just like
you do in a soduko puzzle.
Rule #2 : Each column must contain all 6 numbers again just the same as in a soduko.
Rule #3 : Each stream (group of 6 circles connected by lines)
must contain all 6 numbers.
Fish Chowder Supper at the Hall's Harbour Fire Hall 3586 Hwy
359, Hall's Harbour on Aug 1, 2009; Sept 5; and October 3;
4:30pm-6:30pm. Menu - Fish Chowder, rolls, dessert,
tea/coffee/juice Adults $10. Child $5. Takeouts available.
Proceeds for the fire hall.
90th anniversary of the Windsor legion, branch #9. Sept 12th.
Come help us celebrate! Open house noon till 1am. Free BBQ
starting at 1pm. Live music all afternoon. Free dance at 8pm. All
events open to everyone 19 and older. Hope to see you there.
The Maryland State Boychoir, under the direction of Stephen
Holmes, will present a concert on Wednesday, August 5 at 7:30
pm at Kings Presbyterian Church, 5563 Prospect Road, New
Minas. The concert program will include classical and
contemporary choral works, both sacred and secular. This
concert is free and open to the public. (A freewill offering will be
accepted to help defray tour costs.) Refreshments will be offered
in the Great Hall following the concert. For more information, call
(902) 681-1333 or visit
The Canadian Red Cross in Kentville is seeking volunteers to
support us with our annual fall Haunted House Fun Raiser at
Noggin’s Farm. Volunteer opportunities are varied, but are not
limited to, actors, committee work, promotion, creative
development, and ticket sales. If interested, call 678-0415.
Hymn Sing at Black Rock Baptist Church Sunday August 16th at
7pm. Music by Matt Balsor & Jack Neily.
Mountain Breakfast at Black Rock Community Centre the first
Saturday or every month May to October. Eggs, Sausages,
Hashbrowns, Pancakes, Homemade Beans, Homemade
Doughnuts & Muffins, Fruit, Tea and Coffee. Free will offering.
Sponsored by the Jolly Workers Sewing CIrcle
Send us your OCTOBER 2009 announcements BEFORE August 21st
“Old” Boy Scouts Plan For Building
A Proper Campfire
1. Split dead limb into fragments and shave one
fragment into slivers.
2. Bandage left thumb.
3. Chop other fragments into smaller fragments.
4. Bandage left foot.
5. Make a structure of slivers (including those
now embedded in the hand).
6. Light match……. Light another match.
7. Repeat "A Scout is cheerful" and light match.
8. Apply match to slivers, add wood fragments,
and blow gently into base of flames.
9. Apply burn ointment to nose.
10. When fire is burning, collect more wood.
11. When fire is burning well, add all remaining
12. After thunderstorm has passed, repeat the
above steps.
Assisted - Independent Living For Seniors
30 Wickwire Avenue, Wolfville Nova Scotia
Amenities Include
Interactive emergency call system
Activities room & Beauty salon
Laundry rooms on each floor
Storage unit with each apartment
Outdoor parking
Staff presence 24 hours per day
Walk-in closets with shelving
Medication management
Light housekeeping weekly
All utilities including heat, hot water,
local telephone and cable TV
Organized recreation programs
Furnished respite suites
Aged To Perfection Magazine - 10 Years And Going Strong
Breathe Easy This Summer
Dian Odin: Chair Central Kings Community Health Board
The number of people in Nova
Scotia suffering from lung
disease has been increasing
over the years. Fortunately there
is now more awareness of the
problems associated with this
Hayfever is triggered mainly by
airborne pollens and causes
irritation of the nose, eyes,
throat and lungs. Another name
for this condition is allergic or
seasonal rhinitus. People with
hayfever should avoid exposure
to the triggers that set off the
symptoms. It is advisable to stay
indoors when the pollen counts
are high and keep the windows
closed. Consider a High
Efficiency Particle Arresting (
HEPA) air cleaner or air
conditioning for your home.
Regular pollen counts for your
area are available on the
Weather Network and often on
the radio.
Asthma is very different from
hayfever. People with asthma
have extra sensitive airways
that are easily irritated and then
over- react to the irritation.
When this happens the airways
become blocked making it hard
to breathe. Triggers are often
dust, strong fumes, inhaled
irritants and smoke.
Chronic bronchitis is an
inflammation of the airways
which produce excessive
mucus, making it hard to
breathe. Another chronic lung
disease, emphysema breaks
down the air exchange sacs
which become enlarged so
there is less oxygen absorbed.
Both bronchitis and
emphysema result in shortness
of breath. While smoking is
the main cause, chronic
bronchitis and emphysema
can also be caused from
exposure to dust, fumes, air
pollution and second hand
Chronic bronchial disease
makes life uncomfortable
enough but air pollution can
increase this discomfort
making it harder to breathe,
irritates the lungs and airways
and worsens other chronic
diseases such as heart
disease, chronic bronchitis
emphysema and asthma.
Children and the elderly or
those with chronic diseases
are more sensitive to the
effects of air pollution. Seniors
are at a higher risk because of
the weakening of the heart,
lungs and the immune system
with age. Most air pollution is
caused by the burning of fossil
fuels but other industrial
processes also produce air
pollutants. Much of the air
August 2009
pollution in Nova Scotia is
blown in from outside of the
province mostly from the
eastern United States and
eastern Canada.
A new Air Quality Health Index
( AQHI) was launched June 3
2009 which has been
designed to help protect our
health from the negative
effects of air pollution. The Air
Quality Index can be found on
the Weather Network
throughout the day and is
available at
Seniors and people suffering
from chronic disease can find
out the level of risk on any
particular day and then take
steps to lessen that risk. Even
if you are relatively healthy, fit
and active you can consult the
Index to decide when and how
much to exercise or work
outdoors. The Health Index
does not, however measure
the effects of pollen on your
health, those who suffer from
hayfever should check the
pollen count and try to avoid
being outdoors when the
pollen count is high.
During hot, humid weather it
is also a good idea to check
the humidex reading for your
area as high humidex
readings can worsen the
discomfort of chronic lung
Plan ahead and use the
information readily available ,
it will help you to breathe
Centrestage Theatre
The Little Theatre with a Big Heart
61 River Street, Kentville
Reservations: 678-8040
No Sex Please,
We’re British
A farce by Alistair Foot and Anthony
Marriott. A mis-delivered parcel of
pornographic postcards end up in
the hands of a respectable British
August 6 (preview), 7, 8, 14, 15,
21, 22, 23 (matinee), 28, 29, 4, 5
Any Number can Die
A comedy mystery by Fred
Carmichael A hilarious Twenties style
mystery with sliding panels, robed
figures, and wills being read at
September 17 (preview), 18, 19,
25, 26, October 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17,
18 (matinee), 23, 24
The King’s New Clothes
A family show by Edith Weiss. A
hilarious retelling of this classic
September 26, 27, October 3, 4,
10, 11 (all 2pm matinees)
For complete show info
Call 678-3502
Collision Repair
Evergreen Home
For Special Care
655 Park St. Kentville 678-7355
And what they really mean
Customer satisfaction is
believed to be assured. (We're
so far behind schedule that the
customer will settle for
Please see me / Let's discuss
it. (I need your help. I've
screwed up again.)
The project is in process. (It's
so tied up in red tape that it's
completely hopeless.)
We're trying a number of
different approaches. (We're
still guessing, at this point.)
Close project coordination. (We
met together and had coffee.)
Years of development. (It
finally worked.)
Aged To Perfection Magazine - 10 Years And Going Strong
August 2009
Energy saving. (Turn off the
power to save electricity.)
We'll have to abandon the
entire concept. (The only
person who understood the
thing just quit.)
We had a major
technological breakthrough.
(It's boring, but it looks high
We're preparing a report with
a fresh approach. (We just
hired a couple of kids out of
Preliminary operational tests
proved inconclusive. (It blew
up when we flipped the ‘on’
Test results proved extremely
gratifying. (Yahoo! It actually
Tell us what you are thinking.
(We'll listen, but if what you
Great Things To Do
For A New Grandbaby
to store toys and let them dry between baths, a
low stool so you can sit comfortably next to the
tub, and fluffy towels with hoods for the littlest
Be a Poet To celebrate first birthdays, write
simple verses to review your favourite activities
with infants during their first year — mention
cuddling, reading, and holding hands as they
learned to walk. Even if you have never written a
say disagrees with what
we've already done or are
planning to do, you can
forget it.)
No maintenance. (If it
breaks, we can't fix it.)
Low maintenance. (If it
breaks, we're not likely able
to fix it.)
All new. (None of the parts
are interchangeable with the
previous design.)
Rugged. (Needs major
equipment to lift it.)
Robust. (More than rugged.)
Light weight. (A little less
than rugged.)
Fax it to me. (I'm too lazy to
write it down.)
poem, seeing the faces of your first
grandchildren may inspire you. And go ahead
and read the poems aloud; even before infants
can understand the words, they can hear the lilt
in your voice.
Go Play Outside Spread a blanket outdoors. Let
your grandbabies discover the smell of grass,
the feel of the breeze in their hair, the sounds of
birds, the colors of flowers. They don’t need to
be entertained by anything called a toy. Instead,
they can keep busy pulling up shoots of grass,
climbing on your lap, reaching for your glasses,
and moving from one position to another.
Name Those Cars
From Page 3
The new 927 Hudson features
one of the highest compression
ratios on the market, thanks to a
radical departure in cylinder head
design. Some external changes
to design have also been made,
including the extension of belt
moldings over the hood and cowl
and the incorporation of a metal
slide panel in the roof on the
custom line.
The new convertible cabriolet
coupe built on the standard
whippet four and six cylinder
chassis offer the advantages of
the open sport roadster, yet are
entirely waterproof when used as
closed cars. This six-cylinder
model lists at $875, and features
snubbers, automatic windshield
wiper, lighter and adjustable
steering wheel.
A low priced eight-in-line sedan
selling for $1,395 has been
introduced by the Elcar Motor
Company. Mounted on a chassis
of 123-inch wheelbase, this
model features a larger motor,
giving it an elongated hood, a
decorative cowl and a tilted
spare tire for a more streamlined
This year, Velie Motors
Corporation of Moline, Illinois has
introduced several new body
types on both the 50 and 60
chassis. This particular model is
a new addition to the Standard
Six line, a four passenger
roadster. A rumble seat is just
one of the features of this
attractive 1927 vehicle which
lists at a price of $1,165
Substantial changes in the
engine of this Franklin sport
touring car are designed to give it
more power in 1927. While the
bore of the engine remains 3
1/4”, the stroke has been
increased to 4 3/4”. The type T2
Stromsburg carburetor has
replaced the OE, and a closed
circuit Northeast ignition is also
Attracting much interest among
automobile enthusiasts this year
is the Essex 70 M.P.H. Speedster
which, equipped with a lower axle
ratio, is guaranteed by the
manufacturer to do 70 miles per
hour. Equally attractive is its list
price of $700, which includes
instrument board, gasoline gage
and traffic signals.
Aged To Perfection Magazine - 10 Years And Going Strong
Grilled Mozza
Chicken Sandwich
Prep Time: 15 min
Total Time: 38 min
Makes: 4
What You Need!
1/2 cup sliced onions
1/2 cup green pepper strips
1 Tbsp. oil
4 small boneless skinless
chicken breasts (1 lb./ 500 g)
1/3 cup KRAFT BarBQ Sauce
3/4 cup KRAFT Part Skim
Mozzarella Shredded Cheese
4 kaiser rolls, split, grilled
August 2009
In The Kitchen
Never Miss
A Single
Exciting Issue!
PREHEAT barbecue to
medium-high heat. Cook
and stir onions and
peppers in hot oil in large
skillet on medium heat 5
min. or until tender; cover.
Set aside; keep warm.
GRILL chicken 8 min.; turn over. Brush with
barbecue sauce. Grill an additional 7 to 9 min.
or until chicken is cooked through (170°F),
turning occasionally and brushing with the
remaining barbecue sauce.
FILL rolls with chicken; sprinkle evenly with
cheese, onions and peppers.
Family Vacation
Caring, luxury living with a
full compliment of services
provided, including level-1
care and 24 hour supervision
391 Highbury School Road
New Minas
“Kevin Estey”
98 Perry Bowles Street
Wolfville N.S. B4P 1N8
Canadian Addresses .……… $15.00
20 copies for a group ……. $40.00
Addresses in the USA ……... $18.00
20 copies for a group ……. $80.00
International Addresses ……. $24.00
We do not charge HST or any other taxes
Pay using VISA, MasterCard,
PayPal or other card by
following the “subscriptions”
link on our website at:
Puzzler Solution - from pg.4
fax: 902 690-2832
Aged to Perfection Magazine, it’s website, and other printed items
bearing the same name are privately owned and printed entertainment
publications distributed freely throughout the Annapolis Valley and
around the world by paid subscription for the sole pleasure of our
readers. All opinions expressed are those of the various contributing
writers or advertisers - we do not endorse any claims made. We do
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omissions in submitted content, and retain the right to refuse and-or
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submissions, we rely on the information given by the submitter. We
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After a few minutes of peaceful driving,
their five-year-old daughter perked up.
"Is it dark yet?"
To receive “Aged To Perfection Magazine”
by regular lettermail for one full year,
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Summer is the common time when
families pack up the car with the kids
and every piece of travel gear
imaginable and go on vacation
somewhere, to get away from all the
hustle and bustle and troubles of life.
Let’s Make It!
Preparing for just such a family vacation,
my sister-in-law and her husband
explained to their young children that
they would be sitting in the car for a
very long time. The kids were told they
would not be arriving at their final
destination until after dark, and were
warned not to keep asking, "Are we there
yet?" every five minutes.
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A Quick Laugh Along The Way
Jokes & tid-bits to share with friends over coffee or tea
Scratch a cat and you will
have a permanent job.
The nicest thing about the
future is that it always starts
Money will buy a fine dog, but
only kindness will make him
wag his tail.
If you don't have a sense of
humour, you probably don't
have any sense at all.
A good time to keep your
mouth shut is when you're in
deep water.
How come it takes so little
time for a child who is afraid
of the dark to become a
teenager who wants to stay
out all night?
Business conventions are
important because they
demonstrate how many
people a company can
operate without.
Why is it that at class reunions
you always feel younger than
everyone else looks?
No one has more driving
ambition than the boy who
wants to buy a car.
There are no new sins; the
old ones just get more
There are worse things than
getting a call for the wrong
number at 4am - it could be
the right number.
No one ever says "It's only a
game." when their team is
old ladies running around
with crazy tattoos, and rap
music will be the “Golden
now she's using her own
Money can't buy happiness,
but somehow it's more
comfortable to cry in a
Porsche than in a Yugo.
Absent Minded
After 60, if you don't wake
up aching in every joint, you
are probably dead!
Always be yourself. Because
the people that matter don't
mind, and the ones that
mind, don't matter.
I've reached the age where
the happy hour is a nap.
Judgement Day
Be careful reading the fine
print. There's no way you're
going to like it.
The trouble with bucket
seats is that not Everybody
has the same size bucket.
A elderly gentleman was
strolling through a quiet
residential neighbourhood
when he came upon a little
boy sitting on the curb, crying.
"What's the trouble, son?" he
asked. "Are you lost?"
Do you realize that in about
40 years, we'll have
thousands of old men and
"Worse than that," the
youngster sobbed. "Mom lost
her book on child rearing and
Upstairs Community Room
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An absent-minded gentleman
was on board a train heading
for Ottawa, but he was unable
to find his ticket.
Seeing he was somewhat
frantic and embarrassed, the
conductor said, "Take it easy.
You'll find it."
When the conductor returned,
the man still couldn't find the
ticket he knew he had
purchased, because he had his
credit card receipt.
The conductor said, "It’s OK sir,
I'm sure you bought a ticket.
Forget about it."
"You're very kind," the man
said, "but I must find it,
otherwise I won't know where
to get off."
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