DRAMA CLUB - Sunland Village East


DRAMA CLUB - Sunland Village East
*Deadline for copy for the
April 2016 issue is
Thursday, March 10, 2016 by noon.
Send articles to Outlook@svehoa.com
2145 S. Farnsworth Dr. • Mesa, Arizona 85209 • (480) 380-0106 • Security (602) 757-4623
Volume 9, No.3
Sat rday, March 5
Pancake Breakfast
7-9:30 a.m. - Auditorium
Sunday, March 6
Ar & Photo Show
1-4 p.m. –Rosewood & Oakwood
Monday, March 7
Oasis Dance
4 p.m. – Auditorium
Tuesday, March 8
Concer Series - “Jimmy Travis-One Man
3 p.m. & 7 p.m. - Auditorium
Wednesday, March 9
New Homeowners Meeting
8:30 a.m. - Sag aro Room
Wednesday, March 9
Drama Club Play-“Killer Reviews”
11:30 a.m. & 7 p.m. - Auditorium
Thursday, March 10
Board of Directors Meeting
9 a.m. – Auditorium
Sat rday, March 12
Quilt Fair
9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Rosewood & Oakwood
Sat rday, March 12
Dance - 3-Speed
7 p.m. – Auditorium
Monday, March 14
Movie - “The Inter ”
1 p.m. - Auditorium
Tuesday, March 15
Ladies Luncheon
1 p.m. - Auditorium
Thursday, March 17
“Ber ie & Red” Show
7 p.m. - Auditorium
Monday, March 21
Movie - “Man From Uncle”
1 p.m. - Auditorium
Tuesday, March 22
Concer Series - “Buddy Ritchie & The Big
3 p.m. & 7 p.m. - Auditorium
Wednesday, March 23
Village Singers Concer
7 p.m. - Auditorium
Wednesday, March 30
USB Blood Drive
8:30 a.m.-1 p.m. - Auditorium
16 pages March 2016
In 2012 former high school Drama and
English teacher Vickie Briscoe started the
SVE Drama Club. The 14 or so actor hopefuls
meet in early December to discuss different
plays that Vickie has ordered. After reading
through several plays; and based on how
many characters are needed, the group votes
on their favorite, and a final decision is made.
This year’s production is “Killer Reviews”,
a suspenseful “who-done-it” mystery similar to
the Peter Sellers “Pink Panther” character as a
bumbling detective who tries to solve a murder.
Rehearsals started the first week in January
in the auditorium every Monday morning
from 10:00 to noon and Thursdays from
9:00 to noon. The auditorium is in use every
day, so each rehearsal requires the set up and
take down of the numerous props needed for
the production. It couldn’t be done without
the help of husbands who do the moving,
build sets and help wherever needed. And,
of course, there is the dedicated cast who
spent many hours memorizing lines…a
monumental feat at this age!
Photos shown are from last season’s
production, “The Great Nursing Home
Escape”. You will find “Killer Reviews”
just as fun and entertaining. It will be on
Wednesday, March 9 with two performances.
The first will be presented at 11:30 a.m. and
includes a box lunch from Subway. Cost
including lunch is $8.00 and tickets must
be purchased in the SVE office by March 4.
Tickets will be also be available in the office
or at the door for a 7:00 p.m. performance
only. Cost for that is only $4.00.
Please plan to come to the auditorium on
March 9 for either fun performance and try
to figure out who killed who!!
2 March 2016
The Sunland Village East Outlook is published on the
first of each month by Miller Media Services for the
SVE Homeowner’s Association. Through the support
of its advertisers this publication is provided at no cost
to the association or residents. Due to the limited space
available the volunteer Editorial Staff and the publisher
may edit or omit any submitted material for publication.
For content information contact the Sunland
Village East Homeowner’s Association at
For advertising information call
Miller Media Services
(480) 361-4431 • Fax (480) 341-9167
or email ads@millermediaservices.com
John Hewi - President (2018)
Arden Freeman - Vice President (2018)
Linda Cerf - Treasurer (2017)
Mar Ly n War en - Secretar (2017)
Roy Braunberger - Architect ral
Cont ol Commi ee (2017)
Bill Randall - Securit (2017)
Jack Grove - Member-at-Large (2018)
After Office Hours (480) 773-0028
Security (602) 757-4623
Sunland Village East Outlook
Pastor Richard Koerselman
Most of us at one time or another have asked ourselves
big questions: what is God’s will for my life, my marriage,
my work, or the problem I’m facing. Sometimes the answer
is clear, but it doesn’t always come easy and that makes us
ready to try new ways to find what the will of the Almighty
might be. The story below illustrates how a Pastor’s well
intentioned suggestion went a direction he didn’t expect.
A businessman was in a great deal of trouble. His
business was failing, he had put everything he had into the
business and he owed everybody. It was so bad, he was even
contemplating suicide. As a last resort, he went to a pastor
and poured out his story.
When he had finished, the pastor said, “Here’s what I want you
to do. Put a beach chair and your Bible in your car, drive down to
the water’s edge and sit down in the chair with the Bible in your
lap. Open the Bible, the wind will rifle the pages, but finally the
open Bible will come to rest on a page. Read the first thing you
We all say it and
occasionally we can
do something about
it. Now was that time
for the Laguna Azul
Golf II community
to put it into practice.
Residents from the
community and the
Phoenix television
station, CBS TV 5
KPHO gathered to
recognize Harold Bosshart for over 20 years of Good Neighbor
Each week TV 5 KPHO gives a viewer $500. That viewer
has 60 minutes to give the money to someone who deserves a
little boost in life. The viewer in this case was the Laguna Azul
community Harold lives in and unselfishly gives his time to.
Harold has been a fixture in this neighborhood as the
person to call for any number of projects small or large that
needs fixing. Many in the community are not able to solve
maintenance or upgrades on their own. Some are residents
who do not have the physical ability, some do not have the
time or skills needed, but all know Harold and his partner
Jerry Cartwright are willing to tackle the project. Other than
the cost of parts, Harold accepts no money for his work,
just a “Thank You”. A true “Good Neighbor”, Harold also
volunteers with many other activities in the Village.
Thank You Harold for your years of service, and your
willingness to make life better for your neighbors.
see. That will be your answer, it will tell you what to do.”
A year later, the businessman went back to the pastor with
his wife and children. He in a fancy new suit, his wife in a
mink coat and the children were shining. The businessman
pulled an envelope stuffed with money out of his pocket and
gave it to the pastor as a donation in thanks for his advice.
The pastor recognized the benefactor and was curious,
asking him if he had done as he suggested. Absolutely he
replied. I went to the beach, sat in the chair with the Bible in
my lap and let the pages rifle until they stopped. “And what
were the first words you saw?” the pastor asked. Chapter 11!
This story illustrates how careful we need to be when
helping people solve a problem, especially when they are
seeking God’s will. What if the Pastor had said, let’s talk
next week and see what ideas you’ve come up with before
you make a decision. Together, they may have found a much
more constructive solution to his problem.
Deaths in The Village
Gwen Moore ~ Januar 25, 2016
Ger de Schumacher ~ Febr ar 2, 2016
Many thanks to my awesome Pool Sisters for the delicious
lunch, generous gift and fun get together. Our mornings with
each other prove that exercise and laughter helps keep us young
(whether we are or not!). Love you gals!
Thanks, Judy
Sunland Village East Outlook
Betty Elm, Election Committee Chairman
Once again, the election cycle has been completed and we are
happy to report the election registers and contents of the ballot
box balanced perfectly to the number of signed ballot envelopes
received back. This was accomplished by nine dedicated
committee members who manned the Saguaro Room to receive
and record all in-person and mail-in ballots returned.
Our quorum was reached December 28, 2015 with a total of
22%, and ended with 48% by our deadline of January 19, 2016.
We had 40 ballot counters for candidates and 16 ballot counters
for the annual meeting change of date. The new date for our
next annual meeting passed with a 92.4% result (yes votes,
1,959) and (no votes, 161) making our next annual meeting the
third Thursday of March, 2017. The results proved the residents
wanted a change to make Thanksgiving, Christmas and New
Year’s more convenient to travel and be able to participate in the
many wonderful functions available.
We can’t forget the nine committee members who supervised
all stations during the election, four deputized monitors, two
observers, and six count tabulators. Everyone did an excellent
job and made it possible to again have an election procedure that
rivals the best in the public sector. Our Audit Process works!
We sincerely thank all those who worked so diligently to
make our elections and election procedures above reproach.
Charolette Ludwig
The days are longer, the nights are warmer and our
“Arizona Winter” is gone! Spring has sprung!
March is a busy one this year for us at Golf One Condo.
On Sunday, March 13th, we will be having our next condo
“social”. Again, we welcome our renters to participate
(did you buy a place on our street yet?)
It is time for our annual golf outing and covered
dish picnic! If you have not signed up, please see Pudge
Soderberg in Condo No. 72. He is the man in charge of the
last social of this season. This is such a fun event! Please
make your favorite dish and come to the picnic, even if
you aren’t golfing. The picnic is $2 and the golf is $3. If
you need a ride, please let me know (419-260-1353)…we
will get you there. It is so fun to see our neighbors sharing
more than just a wall between us.
May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends by yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life’s passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours!
We are all so blessed. Have a “Lucky” month!
Sandi Cole
Forty-four players attended the annual bridge dinner
held in the Mesa Verde Room on Feb 6. Dottie Brill, Betty
Eggland, Vi Skinner, Betty Roberts, Doris Oliver, Janet
Manring and Kathryn Hart provided a wonderful meal and
evening for all of us. Hats off to them! They also gave
away 24 door and birthday prizes. Anyway good food,
good friends and for some players, good cards.
This year’s winners are posted below with the top prize
of $20.00 donated by SVE’s Social Bridge Club.
1. Mary Jean Crider
2. Marge Pillsbury
3. Jo Fermenich
4. Erv Muth
5. Nancy Balk
6. & 7. Tie, Mona Arch and Sharon Strand
8. Delores Burinek
9. Kathy Obermiller
10. & 11. Tie, Joe Poole and Betty Muth
We look forward to another party next year.
It’s that time of year when the sound of children laughing
is heard around the village, and grandparents are kept
busy finding things to keep them entertained and happy.
Schools around the country give their students a break
from classes in March and April. After a brutal winter over
much of the country, Arizona looks pretty good and a visit
with Grandpa and Grandma sounds like the perfect thing
to do. This means our pools and other amenities will be
very busy in the next few weeks.
If you are lucky enough to have family visiting, you
need to reacquaint yourself with the rules regarding use
of pools and other facilities in SVE. Please read Rules
& Regulations on pages 4 and 5 of the 2016 Community
We realize many of our residents will not be fortunate to
have spring break visitors, but we do ask you to be tolerant
of those who do. If your routine is to have a specific time
in the pool each day, please be patient and let the little
ones have their full allotted time in the water. Instead, sit
back and enjoy their enthusiasm and laughter. Let them
go home with a good memory of how friendly these “old
folks” in Arizona are.
The streets in SVE are public, so unless your guest has
a driver’s license or learners permit and an adult is with
them, it is illegal for them to drive your golf cart. Take
them for a ride, but resist their pleas to let them drive.
Enjoy your spring break visitors whether they are yours
or your neighbors. Their energy and enthusiasm is what
helps keep the rest of us young!
March 2016 3
The January party for Garden Condo III was attended
by 116 fun loving residents, who clearly demonstrated
their ability to have a good time. Everyone enjoyed the
excellent BBQ, cowboy beans and macaroni and cheese
catered by Joe’s of Gilbert. Klondike bars in a variety
of flavors proved to be popular for dessert. Thanks to
all the volunteers who made set up, serving and clean
up a breeze.
The dance floor was crowded for an electric slide
demonstration, as well as a variety of other songs sung
by Gene and Ole Mann of GMANN Entertainment. If
you closed your eyes while Gene was singing Louis
Armstrong’s “What a Wonderful World”, you would
have thought Satchmo himself was in the room.
Be sure to mark your calendars to watch for our next
party in November of 2016 and plan to attend. You
won’t want to miss it!! Dates will be shared as soon as
they become available.
For questions contact Co chairs Julie Hansen or
Teresa Esterly.
The winter season is coming to an end and some of you will be
heading to other locations. Safe travels and enjoy your summer
whether it be here in Arizona or another location.
Before you go, plan to attend our last Condo Social. It will
be a catered meal on Thursday, March 24th. Watch the boards
by the mailboxes for more information. Our Social Chair, Pat
Reed has done a fantastic job. The socials have been fun and
entertaining. She is creative in finding fun activities to work our
brains and meet our neighbors. Thanks Pat, you are a great asset
to our HOA.
Now some reminders. First of all, absolutely NOTHING is to
be mounted on your roof. This means NO satellite dishes. You
need an ACR form for any modification you do outside your
condo. Once you fill that out it is to be given to the HOA Vice
President for approval/disapproval prior to any work being done.
Another reminder is we now have recycle bins by the trash bins
on North Keats. PLEASE do not put plastic bags, Styrofoam,
plastic wrap, fast food containers, diapers, napkins, clothing or
tissues in these gray recycle bins. We have noticed a lot of plastic
bags. Please, please do not put these grocery bags or trash bags
in the recycle bins. If we continue to do this we will lose the bins.
Last reminder is we have a contract with Arizona’s Best to
treat termites in any unit. This is paid by your HOA dues and
all you need to do is call our management company, Heywood
Realty & Investment at 480-820-1519. They will arrange to have
your condo treated.
Our schedule for meetings are March 21st and April 18th at
10:00 am. March 21st will be the first meeting with the newly
elected people from our February election. Plan to attend. We
look forward to hearing from you about your concerns.
After much work by our BOD and residents the Master
Manual has been updated and completed. Great job by all
involved! Residents without e-mail received a printed copy.
A resident who wants a printed copy contact Cheryl Berg at
Author of our Stir-Fry newsletter, Dale Sorenson, has put
together a book of his caricatures. Dale is an imaginative
individual and can tell a story with just one picture or a series
of pictures. Steve Benson move over!
Jean Kinney and Bill Veach returned to their condo after
Jean’s cancer treatments in Colorado. As of this writing Jean
has started Clinical Trials which is a study about new cancer
drugs. Treatment here in AZ could just be the miracle for Jean
we’ve all hoped and prayed for.
Welcome to new neighbors in #272, Lawrence and Mary
Labine, from Argyle, MN.
Overview of our SVE Condo II website was on the February
18 annual meeting agenda. See details in the April Outlook.
Anyone looking for new hors d’oeuvre recipes, our February
16 party would have been the one to visit. Tables were filled
with favorites. In the future perhaps a recipe card placed beside
that favorite and a snap of your phone camera would preserve
the makings of the luscious dishes.
With another winter season waning, the list is growing
shorter for our upcoming activities:
Golf tournament is scheduled for March 5, 2016 with picnic
afterwards for all Condo II residents and renters whether you
golfed or not.
Farewell Dinner & 50’s – 60’s Theme Party. Bring back
memories of the bobby sox, poodle skirt and letter-sweater era.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016.
News for this column should be submitted to me before
the10th of any month in order to appear in the next month’s
Submitted by Mimi Handorff, #259, 480-981-8559, e-mail:
Ed Malone
Great to see you all back and enjoying our delightful
weather. Our February 6th breakfast had the largest turnout so
far this year. We had 632 guests including a child compared
to 478 last month.
As I mentioned in our last article, we had a goodly
amount of supplies carried over to this month, thus helping
our bottom line this month. Our food expenses were down
and our income was up resulting in $2,131.75 for the SVE
General Fund.
I know that I sometimes sound like a broken record but,
our pancake crew is the BEST. They even managed to get me
working. My heartfelt THANKS TO ALL OF YOU!!
Keep coming! Our next breakfast is March 5.
Social Bridge Hosts
For March
Sunday Evening couples- Herb & Nancy Balk, 357-8587
Tuesday Afternoon- Jo Fermerich, 763-331-1746
Tuesday Evening- Mary Ann Fenlason, 380-2535
Wednesday Afternoon-Wilma Poole, 373-8131
Thursday Evening- Mary Ann Fenlason, 380-2535
Friday Afternoon-Sue Edholm, 602-516-8030
Submitted by-Norma Bormeth, 602-363-0662
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Sunland Village East Outlook
4 March 2016
Febr ar 11, 2016 • DRAFT Auditorium
Meeting called to order at 9:00 a.m. by President, John
Hewitt. Present were Arden Freeman, Mary Lynn Warren,
Roy Braunberger, Jack Grove and Linda Cerf. Bill Randall
was out of town. All present stood for Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion was made by Mary Lynn Warren to make a
correction to the minutes for the January 20, 2016 meeting
as follows: Date stated for the Budget meeting held on
November 12, 2015 was incorrectly stated as being held
on December 10, 2015. Seconded by Arden Freeman. A
vote taken by a show of hands was unanimous and passed.
Motion made by Arden Freeman to accept the minutes for
the Election of Officers meeting held on January 21, 2016 as
posted. Motion seconded by Mary Lynn Warren. Vote by a
show of hands was unanimous and passed.
For the month of January, 2016 the total revenue for all
areas of Operations was $152,700.65 which is above budget
by $11,730.67. As for the January expenses, some expenses
such as Activities was above budget. Utilities expense,
landscape maintenance and building and common area repairs
are below budget. Currently, we have a deficit for Operations
of ($1,041). This figure also includes the Bingo revenue
and Bingo expenses and the monthly reserve and capital
allocation. On the Reserve & Capital Fund Statement, there
was the monthly budgeted reserve allocation of $10,736.33
and a Capital Contribution of $8,250.00. There were no
reserve expenditures for January 2016. The total year to date
net surplus for Reserve Capital Statement is $23,329.06. The
bank accounts and investments are reconciled. As of January
31, 2016, for the operations, there is a balance in the bank
accounts and investments of approximately $1,361,292.26.
There were 108 open garage doors and a total of 88 RV’s
parked on the streets overnight during the month of February.
Security escorted the usual Bingo, Singles and Activity
members to their destinations. As a reminder, please double
check your garage doors before retiring for the night so that
Security can focus on patrolling and keeping our community
safe. Additionally, please ensure your visitors or guests that
utilize our facilities have a Guest Pass. These passed can be
acquired at the office.
There were 25 letters of approval for architectural
changes, one (1) unapproved letter, and four (4) letters of
MANAGER’S REPORT - Jack Grove for Lisa Titmas
A portion of the Farnsworth wall was recently painted.
The color is the same as the exterior walls on Baseline. We
will continue to address water/landscape issues for those
residents who share a common wall with the Association. The
trees down Farnsworth are responding well to the nutrients
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they received in December. Please note, to ensure the trees
continue to flourish, they will not be trimmed back for
awhile. That is at the recommendation of the botanist. There
are still a few residents who have not paid their association
dues. The final date to pay the dues without a penalty is
Monday, February 15th. All club and group financials and
inventory request should be turned into the office no later
than the 15th of February also.
The month of January was a slow time after the hectic
elections and holidays. A couple of weeks were taken for rest,
family time and catching up on personal things. Several of us
really needed it…now it’s time to get down to serious work.
There are requests from clubs and individuals coming in that
they would like the Board to consider. We will consider all
requests. PLEASE, when you decide to request something,
we, as a Board, prioritize these in order of number one, what
is best for the majority of the members of the community,
number two club requests and number three, individual
requests. When you think of requesting something, please
consider those priorities. We all know, however, much as
we would like to okay every request, it cannot be done. We
cannot satisfy everyone and do our job right. Either way
we go on our decisions, there are usually satisfied residents
and some that are not satisfied. Which ever way it goes, this
Board promises to evaluate each item and make what we feel
is the best decision for our community.
Motion was made by Mary Lynn Warren to disband
the ACC committee consisting of Roy Braunberger, Earlene
Bolda, David Hughes, Gary Burnham, Kay Burnham Andy
Bormeth, George Frans, Jim Mayberry and Doug Spencer.
Motion seconded by Arden Freeman. Vote by a show of
hands passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Roy Braunberger to assign a new
ACC committee consisting of Roy Braunberger, Earlene
Bolda, David Hughes, Gary Burnham, Kay Burnham, Andy
Bormeth, George Frans, Jim Mayberry and Doug Spencer.
Motion seconded by Jack Grove. Vote by a show of hands
passed unanimously.
Motion was made by Jack Grove to accept the tennis
club bylaws as submitted. Seconded by Linda Cerf. Vote by
a show of hands passed unanimously.
There was no continuing business at this time. Meeting
adjourned at 0918 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Lynn Warren, SVEHOA Secretary
Sunland Village East Outlook
March 2016 5
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6 March 2016
Sunland Village East Outlook
The end of January and into February
were cold months for the valley, but not
inside where the Sunsationals were
tapping their hearts out. They were
learning new steps, new routines,
and preparing for the wonderful
entertainment that’s sure to
please come 2017 Show time!
The Sunsationals did take
time out for social interaction
and visiting, though.
The end
of January found them riding the
Light Rail to Phoenix and dining
(or lunching) at The Old Spaghetti
Factory. They decided that riding
the Light Rail is entertaining in and of
itself. The people riding the Rail probably thought the same
thing about them. It was a whole lot of fun.
The Sunsationals hope your previous month was full of
Valentine love joy. They also hope that Spring comes in as
beautiful as it always does.
Wisconsin Pizza Party
On Saturday, March 19, we are having a pizza party for
past and present Wisconsin residents. It will start at 4:30 p.m.
in the Oakwood Room. Bring your favorite drinks and wear
your name tag.
Price will be $5.00 per person. Please call Earl or Aggie
Hoscheit at 715-641-0310 to make your reservations.
A game of Social Dice will be played after the meal. It
will be fun.
Rummikub Time
Starting March 1, the time of play will start at 10:00 a.m.,
ending at 11:30 a.m. in the small card room across from the
office (same place as before, just a later time). Please join this
friendly group on Tuesday mornings. Individual scores are
not kept, no dues are charged, and players are encouraged to
play with different people each week.
Rummikub rules are easy to learn; however, the
development of skill evolves with time and practice which
keeps devotees coming back as often as possible.
Contact Wanda Cheney at (480) 354-9174 with any
Computer Bits and
Beverly Selvage
March 6th from 1-3 P.M. in the Mesa Verde Room is our big
Photo Show, and this year the Art Group is going to join us. The
Photo Show will be in the Oakwood Room and the Art Show in
the Rosewood Room. All SVE Residents come and enjoy the
beautiful pictures that have been entered. You can vote on which
ones are the best. Make it an afternoon and see both shows.
Do you have an iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Apple Watch, or
MAC computer? No need to wait in long lines at the Apple
store for help. Every 2nd and 4th Monday in the Mesa Verde
Room, Katie Gertz leads training sessions for the iPad and all
other Apple products. The iPad discussion is from 1-2pm and
then all other Apple products runs from 2-3pm. You do have to
be a computer club member. Take advantage of these free help
sessions as Katie has been doing this for 6 ½ years.
March 9th is the Slug (Sunland Linux Group) meeting 6-7:30
P.M. in the Training Facility.
Fix it Tuesday is March 1st, 8th, 15th, 22th and 29th. It is open
to all residents of SVE. Bring your computer to the Training
Room 1 to 3 PM for updates, minor repairs, or adding Ram
(you furnish Ram) Fee is $20.00 first come first served. This
service does not include updating computers to Windows 10.
Make arraignments’ for a house call for this project or take your
computer to a service center.
Be sure and go to our Website svecc.com and see all the
information that is printed there. Lots of articles on Windows
10, free websites, help group and a great newsletter.
Gilbert Kiwanis Club
My name is Curt Davis, a longtime resident of SVE. I am
also a member of the Gilbert Kiwanis Club whose motto is
“Serving the Children of the World”. Since we are located
in the Gilbert School District, we serve five Title One
grammar schools in our area by assembling 500 back packs
at the beginning of each school year. Also, each month we
reward a “Student of the Month” in each school with a prize.
For grades 1-3 we give a bike, helmet and lock, and 4-6
grade students receive an electronic tablet. In addition, at
Thanksgiving and Christmas, we give meal gift cards for
needy families who are identified by the school staff.
We are asking you to join us by bringing your enthusiasm
and new ideas to our Kiwanis group in our endeavors to
encourage these future leaders. I can be reached at (480)
686-0771, or just come to the IHOP restaurant on Power
Road just south of Baseline at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday
mornings. Hope to see you there!
Helen Bittman
The Sunland Village East Veterans Club will meet on
Wednesday, March 16 in the auditorium at 4:30 p.m. for
social time, 5:00 business meeting. A potluck meal will be
provided by members, with dessert furnished by the club.
As of this writing, our entertainment for the evening
is unknown. Entertainment and speakers are provided
through the donation of dues of $10 per person per season.
All veterans and spouses are welcome.
(Family Home Evening Group)
Darlene Dalley
The Family Home Evening Group meets the second
Monday of every month in the Mesa Verde Room at 6:00
pm. In March we will meet on Monday the 14th. We have a
pot luck dinner followed by a wide variety of programs. Our
pot luck dinners are always delicious and more than plenty
of food. Those attending are asked to bring a dish of their
choosing that serves about 10 - 12 people. We furnish all
table service items and water to drink for the meal.
Our entertainment for March will be very unusual. We
have a young lady, Stephanie Meintzer, coming to tell us
about her Christmas time trip to Norway to see all the many
attractions there including the Northern Lights. But most
interesting of all, the events of the trip was her stay in an”
ice hotel.” Yes, literally a hotel built out of ice in which
people can stay. Sounds ever so cozy, doesn’t it? Be sure to
wear your warmest “jammies” that night regardless of what
the outside temperature may be. All are welcome! However,
please call Darlene Dalley at 480-986-6985 to advise us if
you plan to attend so that we can have an accurate count for
the table space we will need.
Sunland Village East Outlook
March 2016 7
Marie Marshall
Congratulations are in order for our new 2016 Board
members from left to right in the photo: Celina DeVriendt and
Beverly Selvage, Members at large; Joyce Shive, Treasurer;
Marie Marshall, Secretary; Scottie Arts, Vice President;
and graciously serving as our President for a second year,
Ruby Plasterer. A big thank you is given to Tammy Evans
for providing the flowers for our new Board members and to
Harriet Otto for a moving opening prayer at our installation
dinner in January. As usual a fun time was had by all!
We hope all the single men and women in the Village will
join us on Wednesday nights for cards and games from 6:008:30pm in the Mesa Verde Room and will attend our fun
group activities for the month of March. Come for a warm
welcome and a hug!
First Event: Lunch at the Cheesecake Factory in
Superstition Mall on Friday, March 4 at 11:30am. Deadline
for sign up is March 2. Separate checks. We will meet for
carpooling in the north parking lot at 11:15am. The driver
fee is $1.00. Contact person: Coreen Renner, 480-830-7572.
Second Event: Saturday Night Dance in the Auditorium
on Saturday, March 12 at 7pm. The cost is $8. Deadline for
sign up and payment is March 2. We will meet at the dance.
Contact person: Christina Clark, 480-272-7249.
Third Event: The Bernie & Red show in the Auditorium
on Thursday, March 17 at 7pm. The cost is $10.00. Deadline
for sign up and payment is March 9. We will meet in the
Auditorium. Contact person: Dan Husted, 480-334-0299
Fourth Event: Modified Dwarf Cars from 1940 racing at
Our March 10 meeting will be held in the Mesa Verde Room
from 10-11:00 a.m.
We have invited representatives from the Donald Trump and
Senators Cruz and Rubio’s campaigns.
The Arizona Presidential Preference Candidate election is
March 22. It is not the objective of the Conservative Club to tell
you how or for whom to vote in this election year. In America
that is a matter of your personal choice. We thoroughly enjoy
examining each candidates program to consider the various
pros and cons. Knowing a candidates past record and their
stand on current issues helps us all vote more intelligently.
Come join us. Everyone is welcome. It is fun and
ET Motor Sport Park on Saturday, March 26 at Dusk. The
cost is $10.00 at the gate. Deadline for sign up is March
23. We will meet in the north parking lot for carpooling
at 6:30pm. The driver fee is $2.00. Contact person: Terry
Howick, 360-584-3498.
March Sunshine Person is Marie Marshall, 602-5780434. Activity members should arrive at the Board meeting
at 5:30pm on February 15 at the home of Marie Marshall,
7940 E Navarro Ave.; phone 602-578-0434 to present April
activities to the Board.
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Sunland Village East Outlook
8 March 2016
Sunland Stitchers
Freda Klein
Join us March 12, 9:00 AM to 2:00PM. for our
Quilt Show in the Palo Verde building. You will
see many examples of what beautiful work our
members create during the year. There
will be two raffles as well as some items
for sale. Classes are in full swing and
several finished products will be on
Sheila Rithmiller has taken
over as president with all systems
working well.
The Valentines party was a huge
success with our red theme of
pizza, salad, dessert and drinks.
Thanks to Lois Gerlitz, Barb
Barclay, Jean Boerner, Debb Smith
and Nancy Mueller for a well organized,
fun party.
Rita Weir led a three part machine quilting lesson with a
large number of students. The charity quilt workers were able
to hear what was going on and it sounded very informative.
March 24 to 27 is the Mesa Quilt Show in the Mesa
Convention Center. Lolly Platt is showing a striking design.
Winter is flying by, but there is still time to get started in
ceramics. Drop by during one of our class times. Classes
are held on Monday and Tuesday mornings from 9:00
a.m.-noon, in the Ceramics room. We have an instructor
present to teach the classes. The cost is $5.00 per day. If
you attend both Monday and Tuesday, the cost for the
Tuesday class is $3.00. Our membership dues are $5.00
per year. For more information contact: Sherrie Larson,
480-822-7124 or Sue Kobiela 480-380-6909.
HORSE HAIR CLASS – The last horse hair class for the
2016 Winter season is scheduled for March 14. If you would
like to participate, you need to sign up in the Ceramics
Room. Your green ware needs to be prepared for the horse
hair firing prior to Friday, March 11. Please note that each
class is limited to 6-8 participants, each with 1-2 pieces.
IN THE SOUP - Our annual membership meeting was
held February 17. It was exciting to have so many of
our part-time members in attendance. For the first time,
this year’s meeting was preceded by a soup luncheon.
Members were busy during previous weeks painting and
glazing their own ceramic bowl for this event. As you can
see by the accompanying photograph, our members let
their creativity spill forth. As we have come to expect, the
door prizes at our luncheon/meeting were fabulous.
Special thanks to our members who contribute to
the continuing success of the SVE ceramics program,
particularly our 2015 officers (Sherrie Larson, President;
Carol Clark, Vice-President; Susan Kobiela, Treasurer;
Sue Hensley, Secretary; and Genie Oganovich, Memberat-large), our firers (Sue Kobiela, Sherry Larson, Genie
Oganovich, and Joy Temple), our monitors (Sue Kobiela
and Joy Temple), our instructor Debbie Galbraith, and
every member who participates with cleaning, set-up’s,
and food contributions.
Diane Moore
Art Club members have
been busy with water
colors, colored pencil, and
watercolor pencils in the Art
Room. Check the Art Room
schedule posted outside the
door for days and times.
We are all working on
our art projects for the
upcoming SVE Photo
Show. We are partnering
with them this year in the
Rosewood Room on Sunday, March 6, from 1:00 – 4:00.
We will have more room to show off our latest creations.
Come and enjoy the artwork of friends and neighbors.
Since we are doing this show, we will not be in the SVE
Arts and Crafts Fair this year.
Our January meeting was fun and well attended. Officers
were voted in for the coming year. Pauline Bergman is
our president, Secretary is Karen Warman and Treasurer,
Arlene Gaviola.
The beautiful watercolor painting you see here is by
Phyllis Craig titled “Poppies.” See you all at the SVE
Photo Show on Sunday, March 6 from 1:00 to 4:00.
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Sunland Village East Outlook
March 2016 9
SVE Genealogy Club
Gary VanValkenburg
Al Stoner was our speaker
in February. Her talk was
on Getting The Most Out Of
Census Records, and was very
constructive with lots of good
useful information. Al is an
experienced Genealogist and
always gives an informative
No speaker is scheduled for March, instead March will be
our clean out our Library month. We are going to pull all the
Genealogy books, magazines and papers out and take time to
review what we have. Although they are not current issues,
they do contain valuable beneficial information. Our library
is available to all our members use anytime.
If you would like your name added to our monthly
email reminder list and receive PDF’s relating to all things
Genealogy, come to our meetings in the Mesa Verde Room
the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 9:00 AM or contact Gary
VanValkenburg at 480-361-5441.
Lapidary and
Silversmith Club
Sharleen Harvey
AND CRAFTS FAIR! Plan to have lunch while you shop at
the fair on Saturday, March 19th. The Lapidary/Silversmith
Club serves as the “food vendor” at the November and March
fairs; earning funds to support the club.
Proceeds from this activity have purchased two new
trim saws this year, one with a 6” blade and the other a 10”
blade. This equipment upgrades the old saws and performs
professional cutting of gem rocks for use in jewelry and
other decorative specimens. Rough stones are available to
members to cut and polish in the club workshop.
On February 25th the club held a potluck dinner in the
Mesa Verde Room. Members enjoyed fellowship and the
sharing of their favorite potluck dishes.
Membership is open to all SVE residents. If you need help
in developing these crafts, members will assist you to learn
both lapidary work and silversmithing skills. The workshop
is open 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Monday through Friday.
L. Paulsen
Crissy is a rescue dog. She is a Shih Tzu and has lived her
seven years in a puppy mill. She was no longer of value to
the breeder when her last two pups were born dead. Laura
Paulsen was looking for an older dog, preferably a Shih
Tzu, when this dog was written up on the internet. Laura
contacted the woman who had picked her up from the mill,
and the rest is history.
Laura’s Lhasa Apso, Cody, had to be put to sleep on June
12 due to cancer. Crissy joined Laura on July 19. Laura says:
“It has taken time for Crissy to trust me and to realize she is
in her forever home. I didn’t know how we would get along,
but it has turned out to be a good match for both of us.”
There are so many dogs needing a loving home. If you are
interested in a certain breed, just go on the internet and ask for
adoptions for that breed. Many are in foster homes and are being
taken care of, but would love to have their own home.
The Dog Club serves many purposes. We meet the third
Saturday of every month except during the summer. Every
other month, we have get-togethers with the dogs, going on a
walk to the grassy area behind the auditorium, or going to the
park on Hawes, or Christmas costume fun. On the alternate
months, we meet for discussions. We are so helpful to each
other with suggestions and concerns for our dogs. We have
coffee and cookies while we discuss new ideas.
All dog lovers are welcome. Our next meeting will be
March 12 in the Mesa Verde room, gathering at 9:30 and
discussions at 10 a.m.
Charlaine Harris is an amazing author. Her writings
always involve a mystery. The majority of her writings have
evolved into a series.To date she is the author six series.
The best known series is probably the Aurora Teagarden
Mysteries. Two of these mysteries have been made into
Hallmark Channel movies. A compilation of the Sookie
Stackhouse vampire stories made it to HBO in an episode of
“True Blood.” Enough of the media extensions of a mystery
The Shakespeare series contains five titles. SVE library
has book numbers 3, 4, and 5. They are located on the
shelves with the other book titles in series. These stories
occur in Shakespeare, Arkansas. You will not be able to
locate Shakespeare on a map; but you will identify Arkansas
from the author’s writing style. Lily Bard is the heroine and
the proprietor of her own cleaning service. From here her
adventures begin. It would not be fair to reveal too much of
the plot or even hint at the ending.
Snookie Stackhouse is a totally different character from
Lily Bard. Snookie teaches us of the paranormal, vampires,
and werewolves. She does not give us textbook learning; but
rather the information is dispensed through the characters and
their actions. And always in the modern setting. Charlaine
Harris, through Snnokie Stackhouse is very easy to read and
learn from.
Jim the Barber
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10 March 2016
Sunland Village East Outlook
Sunland Village East Activity List
Cactus Chicks - Women's Billiards
Barbara Reinsch
(651) 399-0837
Billiard Club
Wayne Berg
Wednesday Superstition League - 8 Ba Dean Jacula
Thunderbird League - 8 Ball
Wayne Berg
Superstition Senior
Nancy Stratman
"500" Cards
Gerrie Mustard
Bridge Social (Mon & Fri)
Sandi Cole
Bridge Social (Tues & Thurs)
Ann Fenlason
Nancy Schmidt
Judy Janousek
Duplicate Bridge
Eileen Condo
John Welker
Lee & Kathy Meemken 354-1760
Carol Stirling
Hand & Foot
Christena Van Driel
International Mah Jong
Roonie Uhrig
Ladies Poker
Gerrie Mustard
Ladie's Texas Hold 'em
Gerrie Mustard
MahJong International
R oonie Uhrig
Jean Boreman
Men's Pinochle
Jerry & Jan Welch
Men's Poker
Robert Chaplinski
Mens Texas Hold'em
Ron Borruso
Mexican Train
Jim Mayberry
Mixed Poker
Robert Chaplinski
Dee Hoogestraat
Diane Roessler
Pinochle/500/Euchre Refresher Class Lydia Sobiech
Wanda Cheney
Cabaret Dances
Marilyn Dehner/Jim Droll 664-9496
Line Dance
Fran Duwar
"The Oasis" Happy Hour Dance
Jackie & Steve Marlatt 984-9268
Square Dancing
Sunsationals Tap Dance
Couples Golf
Ladies Golf
Men's Golf
SVE Golf Club
Village 9er's
Aerobics - M, W, F
Massage Therapist
Personal Fitness Instructor
Saturday Stretch
Water Exercise - North Pool
Water Exercise - South Pool
SVE Artist President
Knitting, Crochet, etc. Guild
Open Painting
Quilting/Sunland Stitchers
Stained Glass
Wood Shop
Bocce Ball
Men's Softball
Ping Pong
Softball Club
Sports Court Volleyball
Tennis Club
Bill Haynes
Linda Peterson
Ed Greene
Verna Berndt
Mike Ryan
Veronica Mensch
Marilyn Glogoss
Paula Malone
Michelle Stilson, LMT
Mike Suski
Darlyne Grant
Judy Janousek
Lila Brekke
Pauline Bergman
Sherrie Larson
Darlyne Grant
Wayne Gish
Claris Olson
Ferne Cohen
Elaine Dube
Bob Doeden
Lyn Goodbar
Don Strang
Steve Farnsworth
Ron Borruso
Darlene Mathews
Gene Trust
Marion Yoder
Al Ludwig
Ted Linde
Gary Larson
Trail Blazers Hiking Club
Travel Club
Water Volleyball
Women's Softball
AARP Instructor
Ladies Luncheon
Book Club
Canada Committee
Chapel Bible Study
Chapel Choir
Computer Club
Dog Club
Drama Group
Friendship Circle
Jam Session (Bocce)
Library Committee
Men's Bible Study
Pancake Breakfast
Red Hat Society
Singles Club
Square and Compass
Sunshine Committee
Veterans Club
Village Chapel
Village People Singers
Women's Bible Study
Sharon Batcher
Sharon Kummerfeldt
Bob Oganovich
Marlene Herickhoff
Bruce Taft
Activities Office
Activities Office
Jan Vineyard
Annette Alender
Jerry Fish
Charlie Simone
Karen Bader
Connie Bowser
Joyce Huettner
Alan Lewis
Betty Eggland
Gary VanValkenburg
Bill Decker
Phoebe Teske
Char Holm
Gus Hippe
Loretta Wellman
Ed Malone
Ruth Weston
Marilyn Glogoss
Ruby Plasterer
Jim Cherry
Darlene Dalley
Charlie Simone
Pastor Koerselman
Connie Allen
Lita West
Sunland Village East Outlook
Judy Hileman
February is always a busy month in SVE with all the
clubs and residents in full “swing”. Couples Golf is no
exception! A Super Bowl Pizza Party was held on February
5 at the regular Friday Social with members enjoying shared
appetizers and pizza.
Our Golf Competition Directors, Gary Mack and Larry
Ash announced the winners of our Super Bowl Board at
the Feb. 12 meeting. February 12 was also the Valentine’s
Dinner and Dance. It was catered by Ed’s Catering followed
by a dance to the music of The Chauffer’s. Thank you to
Sandy Ash and her committee for the great party with festive
red and white Valentine’s décor.
We welcome our new members, Gary and Myrna Church.
Be sure to introduce yourself and say hello if you see them
on the links or at social.
Mark your calendars for the Couples Golf Competition
that started February 26 and will continue on Friday March
4. The Annual Awards Night and Banquet will be held on
March 11 during the regular Friday night social. At this event
our most talented couples’ golfers during the competition
will be announced. A putting contest will also be held and
our most talented lady and man putters will receive a prize!
Golf socials are held every Friday at 5:00 pm in the
auditorium. All 290+ members are invited, so in on those
name tags, fix up some snacks, pour those drinks and come
on over!
GayLynn Brewer, Secretary
The SVE Ladies Golf League welcomed two new
members, Lynn Allardyce and Mary Ann Roers.
Last month’s special events began on February 3rd with
the 9 hole invitational tournament. In spite of a frost delay,
it was a very successful event that was enjoyed by the
ladies from SVE as well as our guest from other clubs.
The winning team was Shirley Schwarz and Linda Gerken
from SVE and guests, Vicki Mendenhall and Marcy
On February 23rd and 25th the SVE ladies played in a
Home & Home with Sunbird. Those winners will be
announced next month. Near the end of this month, the
29th and 31st, SVE will be playing another Home & Home
this time with Sunland Village.
The Handicap and Championship for 2016 were also
held during February. Those winners will be recognized on
March 23rd during the Ladies Spring Award’s Luncheon.
The event will be held in the auditorium with the doors
opening at 11:30.
As most of the winter events wind down for another
year, we will continue our 9 and 18 hole scrambles and
social time into April. Hope to see you there.
Volleyball News
Do you want some exercise??? Do you like to have
fun??? Do you have a spare hour at 8:00 a.m. each morning,
Monday through Saturday??? Then meet at the volleyball
court behind the south pool complex and fulfill your needs!
Volleyball enthusiasts needed, so come one, come all....it is
easier to get that ball over the net when there are more bodies
putting in the effort!
Monthly potlucks are scheduled for the first Monday of
each month, the next being March 7th in the Mesa Verde
Room at the south pool complex. We will meet at 5:00
p.m., and be sure to bring your favorite dish to share, place
settings, and drink of your choice, although coffee and
lemonade are provided. New members, past members, and
current members are welcome. Come and join in the fun,
both on the court and for the potluck.
Any questions, please call Ted Linde 480-656-0330.
Gary Chestek
The SVE community is in full swing with the winter
visitors back and enjoying all the club activities, including
the Fitness Centers. Both facilities had their quarterly
maintenance inspections completed February 5th. During
our annual meeting on January 25th, items discussed
included new officers for 2016:
President———————Paul Christoffers
Vice President—————Paul Herman
Treasurer———————Judy Olson
Secretary/Equipment—— Gary Chestek
A new TV will be ordered for the 2nd Octane elliptical
machine per resident request. The octanes are one of our
more popular pieces of equipment supporting the back
while working the cardiovascular system. Because of the
popularity of the octanes and other aerobic machines,
we ask that you adhere to the 30 minute time limit out of
respect for others waiting to use them.
Other aerobic machines added this year, included the
two new AMT’s (Adaptive Motion Trainers) in the South
Center. They have been very well received. This allowed
the Fitness Club to place to newer elliptical machines in
the North Center, replacing outdated equipment.
Our stretch bands in the aerobic area will be updated.
The new style braided variety are more durable and have
larger hand grips.
The Fitness Club sponsored our 2nd seminar on Back
and Sciatica pain on Feb. 8 in the Rosewood Room. Our
club will strive to educate residents on health related
issues by scheduling additional seminars in the future.
Residents requesting training on equipment please take
advantage of our classes offered every TUESDAY, 10:00
a.m. in the South Center. A signup sheet is available on
the desk.
In closing, thank you again for the generous donation
allowing us to purchase the remaining wind sculptures for
the front entrance.
Carleton Moore
The shuffleboard players are happy these days. We have
a great new bunch of players who joined our group, making
it larger and more fun. We would like even more of you to
come out and give it a try. It is not too late to start.
Our Sloppy Joe Luncheon was a great success! We thank
all the villagers who came out. We especially want to thank
all local businesses that contributed to our raffle and to our
club organizers and workers for all their hard work to make
this a success.
Our Spring Business Meeting and Pot Luck Social will be
on Friday, March 11th in the Mesa Verde Room at 5:00p.m.
Check the bulletin board on the shuffleboard court
building for more details on our activities and the dates for
our Singles Tournament. Remember, we play at 10:00am
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Hope to see you at the
shuffleboard courts. Please come. Our club president is
Marion Yoder 656-4636.
March 2016 11
SVE Men’s Golf League
Mike Kohrn
This month we welcome Bob Johnson, Gary Church, Gene
Vanroekel, Jim Strakes, Jim Ruettigen (Rudy), Steven Guinn,
Bill Brunick, and Larry Falken as new members to the SVE
Men’s Golf Club. There are now 212 active members. Come and
join the group.
Congratulations, Jim Tollefsbol and Larry Ash on your hole in
ones and Tom Krings for his eagle.
The Home in Home tournament with Sunland Village was
a tremendous success. The SVE top 5 winners were: 1st place
Charlie Simone & Bud Bartell, 2nd Len Hofer & Jerry Swedeen,
3rd Larry Ash & Gerry Fish, 4th Lyle Brend & Eric Henshall and
5th Don Kuhn & Cliff Lowum. The SVE closest to the pin winners
were Don Kuhn & Tom Krings. The SVE longest putt winners
were Roger Slotsve & Bob Golay. There were 9 SVE circle hole
winners. The tournament festivities ended with a luncheon of
Cordon Bleu with all of the trimmings at Fat Willy’s.
The President’s Cup tournament was held on February 8th &
10th. We have a tie between Joe Gehrts and Tom Krings for the
overall 18 hole championship. There will be an 18 hole playoff
later this month. This tournament had 2 eagles, 82 deuces, and 60
par 4 birdies. The overall winner of the 9 hole was Herb Grundman
with Bert Mersman as flt 1 winner and Herb Grundman as flt 2
winner. For the 18 hole flight winners flt 1 Tom Krings, flt 2 Joe
Gehrts, flt 3 John Walsh & Wally Rindy, flt 4 Jon Elizondo &
Kermit Alveshere, and flt 5 Cliff Lowum.
The next planned tournament will be the 4 day Club
Championship on February 22nd, 24th, 29th, and March 2nd. There
is also a Home & Home being planned with Sunbird on 4/13 &
4/14. The Men’s Club awards luncheon will be on 3/17 and there
will be a hamburger fry on 4/7.
MaryAnn Anderson
If your resolution for this year is to be outdoors and more
active, then Pickleball is the ideal sport for you! Come to the
Pickleball courts, located at the south activity complex, and join
the other 135 SVE Pickleball club residents that have found
this to be a fun way to up their daily exercise routine. There are
people playing morning, afternoons and evenings every day, so
come join in the fun.
Some scheduled activities include: Lessons: Beginners on
Mondays and Wednesdays, 11:00 AM and Thursday, 6:00
PM. Intermediate Lessons: Tuesday, 11:00 AM. Equipment
provided and tennis shoes required. Invitational’s are scheduled
during the year with nearby resorts at the beginning and
intermediate levels.
Women’s Pickleball members open play 2-4:00 PM on
Monday and Wednesday afternoons. Men’s Pickleball members
open play 2-4:00 PM on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons.
Round Robin play takes place on Thursday mornings at
9:00 AM with sign up beginning the Sunday before. Contact
Rick Mulvenna, 218-553-0660. Ladder play is on Saturday
mornings. You must sign up by Wednesday evening to be
included. Contact Dennis Anderson, 206-473-1101. Ladder
play is competition among players with similar abilities.
Our monthly meetings are the second Sunday of each month
in the Mesa Verde room. They begin with a social hour and a
potluck dinner before the meetings.
Our scheduled activities are posted on the bulletin board
located at the courts. Come check them out and join in the
games being played. For more information contact Darlene
Mathews, president 218-766-9112.
Sunland Village East Outlook
12 March 2016
Tennis Talk
Diana Roskuski
With seasonal League play ending on March 4, Tennis Club
members are gearing up for our big fundraising tournament
of the year. SVE hosts 16 communities for the men’s and
women’s doubles Championships for the East Valley Senior
Tennis League, from March 7-12. There will be extra activity
around the courts, with 384 players at 6 levels competing
for medals and prizes, plus hundreds of spectators cheering
them on!
We truly appreciate your courtesy towards these guests in
our park. Many of our current Club members have moved
to SVE after being exposed to our wonderful facilities and
friendly residents during tournament play.
Admission is free, and residents are invited to watch some
great tennis. Breakfast and lunch items will be available for
sale. Featured “meal deals” from the kitchen and grill areas
include walking tacos, Beeler’s brats, chicken breasts, 1/3 lb.
hamburgers, and more!
Money earned from the Championships is directly
reinvested in maintaining our equipment and facilities.
It is important for members to attend the March 3rd general
meeting, with election of officers for the 2016/17 season.
Recent Club activities have included a Canadian/American
challenge, Crock Pot Soup Night, Invitational with Valle
del Oro, Valentine Dinner/Dance, an 80+ age players vs.
beginners, and our annual pie auction for Multiple Sclerosis.
Players at all skill levels are invited to participate in
round robin play on Monday-Wednesday-Friday. Players
change partners and courts every 30 minutes, and it is a great
opportunity to get better acquainted with players at other
Whether you are new to SVE, or just interested in fun,
fitness and friendship, come up to the courts and talk to one
of our friendly players. Free lessons are offered for both
beginners and experienced players, with many players at
every skill level. Loaner racquets are available.
Trailblazers walking group walks each Thursday. Walks will
be 3 to 4 miles on mainly level terrain. Walkers will meet in the
parking lot east of the Auditorium and carpool. Riders compensate
drivers. For information call Sharon Batcher 480-824-8435.
Starting time for [March is 8:00 am]
First Thursday: Usery Mountain Park
Second Thursday: San Tan Mountain Park
Third Thursday: Cougar Trail Cloudview Trail Head
Fourth Thursday: Crosscut Trail Superstition Mountains
Fifth Thursday: No walk. See you in November
Trailblazers hiking group hikes each Tuesday. Hikers meet in
the parking lot north of the courtyard. Riders compensate drivers.
All hikers carpooling with the hiking group are required to carry
a minimum of 1.5 liters of water on the trail. Food and sturdy
footwear are recommended. For information call Connie Bowser
480-306-8047 or Bob Dever 480-456-0253.
Schedule is subject to change depending on conditions.
Starting time for March is 7:00 am.
Mar 1: Black Mesa Loop [First Water TH 9.0 miles Difficulty
Moderate Elev change 1150]
Mar 8: Cave Trail [Peralta TH off US 60 7.0 miles Elev gain
1360 ft Difficulty Strenuous] Steep climb to Fremont Saddle,
out to lone pine point; the return requires route finding and rock
scrambling with exposure.
Mar 15: Circumnavigate Picket Post Mt. [New hike. 8.5 miles.
Moderate. Terrain is flat to rolling.]
Mar 22: West Boulder Basin [First Water TH off SR 88 9 miles
Difficulty Strenuous] Route finding
Mar 29: Ballantine Trail to Boulder Flat: [Ballantine TH off
SR 87 9 miles Elev gain 1200 Difficulty Strenuous] A good trail
climbs to a valley, then continues up a hill.
Sunland Village East Outlook
March 2016 13
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Open: Mon. thru Sat. from 11:00am to 9:00pm
Phone: (480) 396-8787 ~ www.tiarosas.com
Mexican Restaurant
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Sunland Village East Outlook
14 March 2016
Appliance Repair
Semi-Retired Appliance
Repairman. Over 35 years’
experience. Repairs on all
brands. Call 480-982-6394.
Ask for Walt.
Cleaning Services
Dick Shaw Carpet
Better than truck mount! I’ll
prove it. Try Me Special. 2
rooms only $50. (Large rooms
count as 2.) Thorough 7-Step,
low moisture, fast drying
process (cleans traffic paths
better!) Attended Called to
Protect (Safe Environment)
Class. 480-718-5427
Fast Drying and Residue
Free! Much Better Than
Vac, pre-treat, scrub,
thoroughly clean, rinse and
vac. Open areas Only $20
to $25 per room! Owner/
operator 30+ yrs. Dennis
Coats 480-354-0866.
$66 for 2 room Carpet
Low prices on tile,
upholstery and window
cleaning. Highest rating
on Angie’s List, Yelp and
Facebook. 480-671-6624
or post on our FB page. We
respond within minutes!
Noah’s Carpet and Tile
Window Cleaning with
attention to detail! Honest,
affordable and friendly.
Condos $50 includes inside,
out and screens. Single family
$75 includes in & out. Single
family w/AZ room $85
includes in & out. $2 each
to clean screens. Bonded &
Insured. Family owned and
operated for 20 yrs. A+ rated
BBB member. Call
Ron 480-584-1643.
House Cleaning &
Windows Honest,
dependable and reasonable.
10+ years experience. Ref.
Roxie 964-0922.
The Master’s Touch
Cleaning Service
One-time, Bi-weekly or
Monthly. Angie’s List, BBB,
Cleaning for a Reason partner.
E-verified and insured with 24
hour satisfaction guarantee.
Email sales@tmtclean.com
Wagner Window Cleaning
Quality and dependable
residential window cleaning.
With over 26 years of
experience, call Scott
for a free estimate at
Mesa Carpet Cleaners Inc.
Quality service for over 50
years, since 1960. Carpet,
upholstery, tile and grout
cleaning. Free estimates.
Wall to wall cleaning.
We move furniture. 15%
Discount. 480-969-0332.
Jennifer’s Housekeeping
Call today for a cleaner
tomorrow. Weekly, biweekly,
monthly, seasonal, rentals,
move-in, move-out,
seasonals, rentals, windows,
patios. 8+ years’ experience.
All supplies included. Call
anytime to schedule an
Laura’s House Cleaning
20 years exp.
house cleaning service
Once or regular basis.
Patios, windows, carpets,
etc. (480) 765-4481.
Home Services
Jay W. Birt Handyman
Kitchen and Bath
Remodeling. Cabinet
installation and repair.
Door installation and
repair. Electricalplugs,switches,lights and
ceiling fan installation.
Plumbing-faucets, disposals,
toilets and water heater
installation. Assorted honeydos. Mobile 623-256-0002.
Residence 480-373 -0125.
Home Pro
Kitchen & Bath Specialist. Do
it all, large & small. Serving
your community for 20 years.
References upon request.
Discount for seniors & vets.
Call Gary 480-330-3131.
Steve’s Handy Company
A Company You Can Rely
On With over 40 Years
Experience. Electrical,
Plumbing, Carpentry,
Painting: Inside & Outside.
Roof Coating with White
Elastomeric rubberized roofing
material. Miscellaneous
Maintenance & Repairs. Not
a licensed contractor. Fountain
of the Sun resident. Free
Estimates 480-924-6858.
Licensed Remodeling
King Home Restoration, Inc.
Cell 480-593-2568
Additions, Kitchens, Patios,
Baths, Roofs, Tile, Windows,
Flooring, Doors, Plumbing,
Painting, Electrical, Stucco,
Drywall, Concrete and Trim.
ROC # 244055.
FaceLifts for Homes
Room additions, garages,
patio covers, renovations,
remodeling specialist,
kitchen, baths, windows,
doors, drywall, painting. Call
Rob 480-703-5637. ROC
297942. Bonded, Insured.
B&B Maintenance Repair
More than just a Handyman!
Residential & Commercial.
Electrical, Plumbing,
General Maintenance,
Interior Painting, Ceiling
Fans, Security Lighting &
Doors, Carpentry, Hot Water
Tanks, Drip and Sprinkler
Systems and Evaporative
Coolers. Affordable, License
ROC #198734 and Insured.
Mesa resident over 30
years experience. Work
guaranteed, friendly, clean
and professional Call Buddy
at 480-352-9677. Small Jobs
Welcome. Call with questions
about your type of small
repairs that you’re not sure of.
Andy’s Handyman Service
Fast, Friendly, Dependable,
No Job Too Small. Plumbing,
electrical, interior painting,
doors, locks, fixtures,
drywall, stucco, masonry,
concrete, fencing. For free
estimate call 602-828-0245.
Alex’s handyman,
painting and drywall
Exterior, interior painting,
drywall, popcorn removal,
patch repairs, texture matching,
make readys, pressure
washing, cabinet painting,
concrete stains, epoxys and
other handyman work. Contact
Alex 602-427-8358.
Keith’s Home Maintenance
No job too big. Interior &
exterior painting. Plumbing,
electrical, locks, drywall
repair, fixtures, flooring,
carpentry and more. Call for
free estimate. 480-225-9187.
Jim’s Handy Helper
Service Handyman, General
Household Maintenance
including faucets, shut off
valves, commodes, disposals,
ceiling fans and more. Call
Jim 480-688-7756. A resident
of Sunland Village.
Mel’s Handyman Services
Expert painting, drywall,
stucco repair, plumbing,
water heater installation,
electrical, carpentry.
Careful, courteous, and
professional. Available year
round. 602-565-2993.
Home Remodeling and
Rain Gutter Specialist
AZ Rooms, Dual Pane,
Replacement Windows,
Aluminum & Vinyl Siding &
Trim, Seamless Raingutters30colors. Very ReliableLicensed & Bonded. ROC
#114475 George –
We love small jobs.
Mazon’s Air Conditioning
& Heating Service Only
$18.95 for a complete
heating system check-up.
Includes 20 point check plus
service complete unit. Expert
service and repairs or unit
replacement. Licensed &
Bonded. 480-966-7794 or
Mazon’s Plumbing
Expert service and
repairs. Free water heater
inspections. All plumbing
repairs. Sewer and drains
unclogged. Water heaters,
faucets, garbage disposals,
toilets, water leaks.
Licensed & Bonded.
480-966-7794 or
Garage Door Repairs
Free Service Calls. $20 Off
Any Repair. Always Open
Garage Door LIC# ROC
182785 Bonded/Insured
West Enterprises, LLC
(d.b.a. East Valley Plumbing,
LLC). We are a family
owned & operated plumbing
company with over 30
years’ experience providing
Customers with qualified,
personalized service with
Integrity. Specializing in
Electronic Leak Detection,
Slab Leaks, Sewer &
Drain Service, Water
Service Repair, Trenchless
Excavation, Water Heaters,
Tankless Technology,
Toilets, Faucets, Garbage
Disposals, Fixtures and
much more! We offer Free
Estimates, Cash Pay &
Senior Discounts and all
Work is Warranted. Call
RWB Plumbing, Inc.
Plumber. Licensed, Bonded,
Insured. ROC#178767.
Check out our website for
money saving coupons.
rwbplumbinginc.com Call
Heaven Bound Plumbing
20 Years in the east valley.
Repairs up-grades, water
heaters, no-saltwater
conditioning system. Free
estimate. Guaranteed work,
honest pricing. Owner
operated. Michael
(480) 325-5847.
Garage Door Service
Senior discounts. Veteran
owned. BBB Accredited. My
Garage Guys. 480-630-3638.
Dumping Dave
I haul it all. Yard debris,
junk, appliances, furniture,
home cleanouts. Whatever
you need cleaned up and
hauled away. Dependable
and Honest. I’m a Mesa 6th
grade teacher working his 2nd
job. Dave 480-369-5182.
Garage Floor, Patio &
NEW Coatings & and
Repairs. Epoxy and
Flagstone Coatings. Lic
BBB Member. Family
Owned & Operated. www.
amazoncoatings.com Free
Your Backyard Specialist
Concrete work, all types.
Patios, walks, driveways,
block work, new fences,
gates. Also driveway and
patio coatings such as acrylic
lace, artificial flagstone,
painted concrete. We also
do travertine and concrete
pavers installed. Free
Estimates. Call Allen
480-228-0834. Not a
licensed contractor.
Designing Arizona
Landscape Specializing in
complete desert landscape
and sprinkler install/repair,
trimming, blowing, removal,
rock, lighting. Low Prices
for Seniors. A+ rating
with The Better Business
Bureau. Perfect record with
the Arizona Registrar of
Contractors. Arizona License
#243110. Bonded & Insured.
Free estimates: 480-380-9966.
Sprinkler Repair
Full Service Irrigation
Repair and Installation Drip
system specialists, valves,
timers, leaks, seasonal system
checks, 2 year warranty, free
estimates. ROC#243662.
www.ifixsprinklers.com Mike
Designing Arizona
Landscape Specializing
in all phases of Sprinkler
Repair, PVC, Drip Systems,
Trouble Shooting. Low prices
for Seniors. A+ rating with
The Better Business Bureau.
Perfect record with the Arizona
Registrar of Contractors.
Arizona License #243110.
Bonded & Insured. Free
Estimates: 480-380-9966.
Valley Lawn Sprinkler Co.
Established 1970 Install/repair:
Drip systems, sprinklers,
valves, timers, landscape and
Malibu lighting. Underground
valve and wire locating. Free
estimates and professional
evaluation of sprinkler
systems. Call Don Shinke
480-969-0117 or
Tom the Painter. Over 10
years as Farnsworth’s top
painter I am now available to
paint the interior or exterior
of your home with the same
quality and craftsmanship
that Farnsworth Homes has
provided for an economical
price. Call for free estimates.
Mel Thompson Painting
We do it all! Interior,
exterior painting, wallpaper
removal, dryeall repair,
popcorn ceiling removal
and more Over 40 years
experience. Call for a free
bid. Mel 480-983-0585.
Licensed, Bonded, Insured.
Robak Painting LLC Paint
exterior, interior. Small jobs
welcomed. Paint kitchen
cabinets, popcorn ceilings,
block walls and wallpaper
removal. Senior discount.
Never one complaint filed
against my Lic. in 20 years.
Call Frank 480-586-1090.
Lic #ROC 104337 Bonded
& Insured. Visa accepted.
CALL: 480-361-4431
Computer Services
A+ Computer Services. PC/
Wireless Network Setup,
Troubleshooting/Fix, PC
Virus and Spyware Removal,
Tutoring-Windows, iPad,
iPhone, etc. Very Reasonable
Rates. A+ Certified PC
Technician. Call Marc
HHR Home Watch
Services, LLC will provide
a worry-free service for
homeowners while away
for an extended period of
time. Steve and Denise
Eslick are insured, bonded
and accredited members of
the National Home Watch
Association. For a free
quote, call
or go to www.
Joyce Schuster, LMT,
Licensed Massage Therapist
since 1994. Specializing
in Swedish, Deep Tissue,
Reflexology, Lymphatic
Drainage. Gift Certificates
available. 480-993-4248.
Mary Kay Beauty
Be beautiful inside and out.
Try our amazing products .
I am happy to help. Please
contact me at 480-9935407 or Catherinehendon@
marykay.com. Always Free
Delivery! Thank you!
Diversity Singles Club (age
60 plus) Meets Mondays, 8
a.m. at the Golden Corral in
Mesa for breakfast. Weekly
activities. Newcomers
Cost for a classified ad is
$18 for 30 words or less.
Add a box for only $2.
Ads are to be submitted
in writing via e-mail,
fax, or U.S. mail. ads@
Fax: 480-347-9167 or
Questions call:
CALL (602) 542-1525, (888) 271-9286
Sunland Village East Outlook
March 2016 15
16 March 2016
Sunland Village East Outlook