Desert Yarns - Diamantina Shire Council
Desert Yarns - Diamantina Shire Council
Diamantina Shire Council Desert Yarns February, 2011 Upcoming Community Events Distributed free to all residents. Message from the Mayor Tourism Development Plan Public Consultation - February 7 Birdsville - February 8 Bedourie Ordinary Council Meeting - Feb 20 State Elections - March 24 Volume 4 Issue 48 I would like to welcome everybody back into Diamantina Shire for 2012. I hope whatever you do within the shire, that this year turns out the way you wish. I would like to welcome Rob Gibb and his wife from Orrooroo who will be taking on the position of Deputy Chief Executive Officer, with Council. Congratulations! Local Government Election - April 28 CEO Scott Mason, Barcoo Mayor Bruce Scott, Mr Ray Heffernan RAPAD Board Executive Manager for Strategy and Innovation and I, met with Telstra executives in Easter Week-end - April 6-9 Brisbane on January 23. This meeting was to receive the quote for fibre-optic to be Betoota Gymkhana - April 14 and 15 delivered to the Barcoo and Diamantina Shires. Initially, we had included for fibre to connect Quilpie to Birdsville via Windorah, but at $30,000/km we had to drop this 645k. We have been handed a quote for $21.4m, $5.6m of which we have secured. Our next move is to work with Bruce Scott MP to gain meetings with The Hon Simon Crean MP, these meetings will be regarding a RDA (Regional Development Australia) submission, Minister Stephen Conroy (communications) and a couple of other associated colleagues are yet to be organised, then meet with Mike Quigley (NBN CEO). Message from the Mayor 1 Writings from the CEO 2 Works Report Mayors Message 1 4-6 Council News Housing News 4 Library News 4 The Arts Health News Positions Vacant 4 7 8-11 12 World‟s Greatest Shave Community NewsWalk from Gulf Fundraising 3 13-14 to News Gulf Police 5 15 Health News Birdsville Hotel 6 16 Community Notice Board Betoota Gymkhana Flyer Diamantina Shire Events 2012 7 I would like to take this opportunity to ask community members to consider the Local Government elections coming up on April 28, 2012. We need the best, motivated people that we can to put your hand up and have a go! It is not rocket science and council does supply training. It needs some time though especially the mayors job, as I am not standing. To make life a bit easier there has been a fair pay rise granted by the State Government enquiry, beginning January 1, 2012. CEO will display amounts in his report. The election date April 28, will be on the same date as my eldest son Ben‟s birthday. Ben was born when I was fixing a windmill and cementing a tank at Four Mile for Bill and David Brook in 1981. Peewee Clark, who was managing Glengyle Station at the time. landed in the station plane and gave me the message that Del had a boy in Townsville Hospital - bit of history. Mayor Cr Rob Dare 17 18 Diamantina Shire Council 07 4746 1202 17 Herbert Street 07 4746 1272 BEDOURIE QLD 4829 Page 2 Desert Yarns Writings from the CEO The 2012 Quadrennial Local Government Election has been postponed one month. The key dates are as follows. January 31 Voters roll closed at 5pm March 10 Caretaker period commencement March 10 Nominations open March 27 Nominations close at 12 noon April 28 Election Day The Returning Officer for this election is Mrs Robyn Webster of Bedourie. It‟s important to note that the election is being conducted by the Electoral Commission of Queensland (ECQ). If you are interested in contesting the election in a mayoral or councillor capacity, there are sources of information available to you. These include the Department of Local Government and Planning, the LGAQ (Local Government Association of Queensland) and ECQ. Also, our current councillors could answer any questions of what it is like to be an elected member for Diamantina Shire Council, as can I. On a similar note, the Remuneration Tribunal has handed down a remuneration increase effective January 1, 2012. The pay rate for elected members has been significantly increased. Amounts are per annum and are displayed in the table below. Mayor $72,003 Deputy Mayor $30,859 Councillor $17,144 With regard to housing in the communities of Birdsville and Bedourie, it is true that some homes are vacant. Council maintains a list of „key‟ housing for select positions to ensure that there is a vacant home when an appointment is made to that particular position. The community housing stock that Council manages are only available to applicants that meet criteria set by the State. In some circumstances, a “hard to let” label is assigned to a particular home allowing Council to use its discretion to tenant the property while no one is on a waiting list for a community house. Some homes in Birdsville and Bedourie have been set up for aged, mobility impaired or infirmed people. Again these properties at times are tenanted to able-bodied persons under the covenant that they move should a person require that particular type of accommodation. The matter of housing is quite complex and from the „outside looking in‟ it‟s impossible to gain an appreciation of just how complex it can be. On a positive note, Council is presently addressing the maintenance backlog by upgrading and updating homes. If you have any concerns about your home or how Council manages the housing stock, please contact me directly or my Property Officer, Mrs Maggie Den Ronden. Mayor Rob Dare has included an update in his article regarding fibre optic telecommunications. It‟s quite exciting to be this close to an improvement that will transform lives for all in western Queensland. The benefits are incalculable to areas of policing, education, health, grazing, business, tourism and overall quality of life. This technology will bring changes we cannot comprehend now. Council, through RAPAD (Central Western Remote Area Planning and Development Board) has been working on a digital readiness project called “The Digital Revolution”. Its purpose is to create an awareness for the types of technology and communicative means that surround us, many of which have never been available to Diamantina‟s population, and to stimulate creative ideas for how this technology can be used for all sorts of purposes. There is a guest speaker coming to Bedourie and Birdsville to talk on these things and I encourage everyone to attend if they can. The Bedourie Workshop is on March 20, 2012 from 8am to 1pm and the Birdsville Workshop is on March 21, 2012 from 8am to 1pm. I‟ll sign off for now wishing everyone a safe and prosperous 2012. We‟ve got a huge amount of work on our plate this year and could do without a major flood. That said, some rain right now would be good. Page 3 Desert Yarns Works Report Work is back in full swing after the Christmas break. All Crews are progressing well. CONSTRUCTION CREW This Crew has returned to Carcoory to Stony Crossing Road doing flood damage works for re-sheeting. The 4 mile re-alignment has most of the heavy formation works and drainage completed and should be ready for re-sheeting as soon as the Crew completes the Carcoory to Stoney Crossing Road. Checking work out at Carcoory GRAVEL CREW The Gravel Crew have completed the Betoota Bypass re-alignment, and have moved on to complete flood repairs and total re-sheeting of the Betoota to Mooraberree Road. D10 AND CRUSHER PLANT The D10 is stockpiling at the Roseberth pit, once this is completed it will move to the Cluny Pit to effect the same. CONTRACTORS CREW This Crew has completed re-sheeting the Diamantina Lakes to Springvale Road. They are now working on the Springvale to Boulia Road doing heavy formation work. Another Multi-skilled Contractor Crew is continuing on with flood repairs on the Kamaran and Sandringham Roads. MULTI SKILLED CREW This Crew is progressing with repair works on the Bedourie to Boulia Road doing washouts. They will then move to the Industrial Estate Levee pipe and installation of northern town entry Levee Sluice gate. PATROL GRADER CREW This Crew re-commenced work on the flood damage to Griffith Tank on the Coorabulka Road. Welcome to David Beardmore to the new Construction Crew Foremen role. His experience will be resourceful for this new role. On January 18 and 19, Diamantina Shire Council organised a Traffic Management Training Level I and II by Civil Train. Thanks to the Contractors and the workforce for making the effort and attending the training. Harin Karra Assistant Works Manager Page 4 Desert Yarns Business Information Local Business Information Maps Tourist Information maps have been installed in Birdsville and Bedourie. These maps have A4 holders designed to promote local businesses, coming events and activities. Council is providing these spaces free of charge to assist local operators. If you would like to display information on the signs please contact the Bedourie or Birdsville Visitor Centres call (0477) 680 700 or email COMMUNITY EVENTS – Website Listings The Diamantina Shire Council Website has undergone a facelift and Community Event Organisers now have the capacity to add their own information to our website. Adding Community Events to the Diamantina Shire Council Website: Step 1 Visit Step 2 Click the Add Event Tab which drops down under Events in the Top Menu. Step 3 Enter your event details and click SAVE. Step 4 COUNCIL MEETING DATES Check the website after a week to see if your event has been uploaded and that the details are correct. If not please contact the Bedourie Visitor Information Centre staff on 07 47461202 or email Council Meeting - February 20 Council Meeting - March 19 IT’S THAT EASY! Council Meeting - April 16 Council Meeting - May 21 Council Meeting - June 18 If you have any questions be sure to ask the friendly staff at the Visitor Information Centre for assistance. Council Meeting - July 16 Council Meeting - August 20 Council Meeting - September 17 Council Meeting - October 15 Council Meeting - November 19 Council Meeting - December 14 Craig’s Safety Tip/Quote of the Month “WHEN YOU BET WITH SAFETY, YOU BET YOUR LIFE.” Page 5 Desert Yarns Page 6 Desert Yarns The Australian Red Cross presents: FOODcents journey A nutrition and food budgeting presentation including health benefits of the 5 food groups plus learning to read food labels so you can make healthier choices. FREE EVENT Time: 6:00pm start Venue: Birdsville Shire Hall Date: Monday 21th February, 2012 Bushfire Enrol to vote To enrol to vote for the first time or to re-enrol, follow these three easy steps: Start your enrolment at Complete, print and sign the online form Return your form to the AEC Birdsville had a scrub fire on Thursday, January 26, Australia Day. The fire was caused by lightning strikes which occurred five kilometres North of Birdsville, it eventually burnt itself out. All Australian citizens over 18 are required by law to enrol and vote. Remember, it is a legal requirement to update your enrolment when your details change. If you don't, you could be removed from the electoral roll and be unable to vote. Courtesy of Jeff Smith You can enrol if you are 16 or over but you can't vote until you turn 18. Page 7 Desert Yarns RADF FUNDING AVAILABLE The RADF (Regional Arts Development Fund) Program was established in 1991, is a highly successful State and Local Government partnership that supports professional artists and arts practitioners living in regional Queensland. The Program focuses on the development of quality art and arts practice for, and with, regional communities. To be eligible to receive a RADF grant you may for example engage the services of a professional artist to run developmental workshops for the general public. This can range from professional singers/ bands, clowns, painters, wood workers, circus acts, indigenous artists and the list goes on – keeping in mind they MUST be professionals in their field. The funding may go toward this person’s accommodation and expenses, travel costs, hourly rates and material costs. Should you wish to obtain funding please submit “applications for assistance” to Council by the above deadline. Please contact the RADF Liaison Officer Jo Lewington on telephone 4746 1202 for further information or an application kit. We can also assist you with filling out the application. Flood & Cyclone Mosaic Project Diamantina Shire residents are being asked to contribute their own photos from the state‟s 2010-2011 summer of disasters to the State Library of Queensland‟s Flood & Cyclone Mosaic project. The aim is to collect photos from people and communities affected by disaster to form a digital Queensland memory of these events, viewed online and as a part of Floodlines, a major State Library exhibition in 2012. The dynamic and interactive mosaic will be a visual record of what happened through the eyes of our community - to share with current and future generations, as a way of remembering, learning, understanding and healing. Visit or contact Alex Clowes on 4746 1202 or for further information. Bedourie Playgroup Hours Tuesday - 9am to 12 noon Wednesday - 9am to 12 noon Thursday - 9am to 12 noon Friday - 9am to 12 noon Birdsville Playgroup Hours Monday - 8am to 12.30pm Wednesday - 8am to 12.30pm Thursday - 8am to 12.30pm *** Children from 0-12 years are invited to attend. It is compulsory that all children are accompanied by a responsible person. ALL WELCOME! Page 8 Desert Yarns Clinic 2012 Update BEDOURIE IMPORTANT DATES RFDS GP Clinic Friday 10/2/12 RFDS GP Clinic Friday 24/2/12 RFDS GP Clinic Friday 9/3/12 RFDS GP Clinic Friday 23/3/12 Physiotherapist Monday 13/2/12 To assist recovery of damaged tissue, muscles and joints. Podiatrist Monday 13/2/12 The foot specialist! Personal trainer Monday 13/2/12 To plan how to accomplish that New Year’s resolution! Diabetic educator Monday 13/2/12 For diagnosed diabetics and their families. SUMMER OPENING HOURS Both clinics will be working slightly reduced hours until after Easter weekend. Weekday hours remain unchanged. Access available for emergencies only outside of these hours, weekends and public holidays. SCRIPTS The clinics cannot fill scripts as there is no licensed Pharmacist on location. The clinic only stocks a limited amount of pharmacy, and this is reserved for emergency clinic use. Individuals are responsible for their own scripts. To have a script filled, you can contact Mt Isa „Pharmacy First‟ 47433773, Quilpie Pharmacy 46562254 or Charleville Pharmacy 46541672. RFDS GP CLINICS Please be aware that RFDS requires an appointment list prior to clinic. Only urgent appointments can be added to the list the day of, or the day before clinic. Maternal and Child Health nurse appointments are also necessary for immunizations and antenatal consultations. BIRDSVILLE IMPORTANT DATES RFDS GP Clinic Wednesday 22/2/12 RFDS GP Clinic Wednesday 7/3/12 RFDS GP Clinic Wednesday 21/3/12 Physiotherapist Tuesday 14/2/12 To assist recovery of damaged tissue, muscles and joints. Podiatrist Tuesday 14/2/12 The foot specialist! Personal trainer Tuesday 14/2/12 To plan how to accomplish that New Year’s resolution! Diabetic educator Tuesday 14/2/12 For diagnosed diabetics and their families. Women‟s Health Medical Doctor Dr Simone Peacock Cardiac team Wednesday 7/3/12 Appointments filling fast! Wednesday 18/4/12 Appointment and referral necessary. Patients are responsible for organizing a referral from GP clinic. Page 9 Desert Yarns Page 10 Desert Yarns Page 11 Desert Yarns MEDIA RELEASE 19 January 2012 Health groups unite to tackle obesity A group of Queensland‟s peak non-government health organisations are working together to reduce lifestyle diseases that are killing people before their time. Led by Diabetes Queensland, the Heart Foundation, Cancer Council Queensland and Nutrition Australia Qld are collaborating in support of the national Swap It, Don‟t Stop It campaign to draw attention to the links between obesity and chronic diseases and urge people to take steps for better health. Diabetes Queensland CEO Michelle Trute said obesity had reached epidemic proportions in Queensland, putting a high proportion of the population at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. “Our expanding waistlines are the common risk factor for developing these diseases,” she said. “More than half the adult population now weighs more than recommended for good health – one in three adults is overweight and one in four is obese.” Heart Foundation CEO Cameron Prout said obesity was a major cause of premature death and disability in the state. “Largely preventable chronic diseases cause more than 22,000 deaths in Queensland each year – that‟s almost double the national road toll,” he said. “Although higher numbers of people are at risk in larger metropolitan populations, statistics show those in regional and remote communities of the state are 15 per cent more likely to be overweight or obese than those living in cities.” Cancer Council Queensland CEO Professor Jeff Dunn said the campaign would focus on community awareness and action. “We know that one in three cancers can be prevented with simple lifestyle changes, including eating healthily, moving more and maintaining a healthy weight.” he said. “That is why we are combining our resources in support of the Swap It, Don‟t Stop It campaign to urge individuals at risk, and those who already have chronic diseases, to take action.” Although the message is relevant to everyone, Nutrition Australia Qld Nutrition Program Manager Aloysa Hourigan said the group effort was being directed at 25-50 year olds throughout the state. “The beauty of the Swap It campaign is the practical way it encourages people to make simple, incremental changes in their everyday lives, in their own way and their own time,” she said. “It‟s about small actions that can make a big difference to your overall health - swapping big meal portions for small, eating fewer treats and being more physically active by moving rather than sitting and playing instead of watching.” If current trends continue, Ms Trute said diabetes rates were likely to double and about 65 per cent of Queenslanders would be overweight or obese by 2020. “Unless action is taken now to eat healthily, move more and lose weight, we face being the first generation of Queenslanders not to outlive our parents. Collectively we are saying enough is enough before chronic disease becomes an even greater burden on the community, our home lives, work productivity and economic prosperity,” she said. “It‟s time for all of us to take responsibility for our own health by becoming community of swappers rather than statistics.” The non government health organisations‟ collaborative Swap It project is funded by Queensland Health to June 2013 under the National Partnership Agreement on Preventive Health, as part of a joint Australian, State and Territory Government initiative. For information on how to become a swapper, visit Media contacts: Diabetes Australia Queensland Ph: 07 3506 0944, Mb: 0404 772 352. Heart Foundation: Ph: 07 3872 2541, Mb: 0421 911 116 Cancer Council Queensland Ph: 07 3634 5372, Mb: 0409 001 171 Nutrition Australia Qld Ph: 07 3257 4393, Mb: 0417 078 956 Page 12 Desert Yarns MEDIA RELEASE 1 February 2012 What: Time to register for World’s Greatest Shave 2012! Where: Nationwide When: 15-17 March 2012 Why: Be brave and shave! Register at to raise much-needed funds for leukaemia and blood cancer patients. Sign up to shave! It‟s time to take a holiday from haircuts and start growing some long locks for the Leukaemia Foundation‟s biggest annual fundraising event - World’s Greatest Shave to be held 15 – 17 March 2012. The Foundation is seeking the long haired, the dreadlocked and the unshaven to sign up now at to commit to losing their locks for the leukaemia cause. The 2012 World’s Greatest Shave aims to raise $4 million towards medical research and vital support services for blood cancer patients and their families. It‟s easy and fun to take part and you can nominate to shave, colour or wax. There‟s plenty of advice at on how to start planning your individual, workplace or club shave event. Schools are invited to involve their whole community by holding a Crazy Hair Day where kids and teachers colour their hair or wear „crazy‟ hairstyles in return for a donation. Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland acting Chief Executive Officer, Keiran Mylrea said World’s Greatest Shave 2012 was more important than ever as the Foundation continues its investment in critical medical research and extends its accommodation facilities to cater for increasing demand. “The Leukaemia Foundation will have more home-away-from-home style apartments available to patients in Townsville and Brisbane from mid 2012, reducing the need to place patients undergoing intensive medical treatment in motel rooms; a situation that is far from ideal,” Mr Mylrea said. “Support and care of patients is our number one priority and this can only be achieved with the generosity of individuals, businesses and community organisations contributing to fundraising events like World’s Greatest Shave.” The Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland is a not-for-profit organisation and receives no on-going government funding. Free practical care and emotional support is available to patients and their families living with leukaemias, lymphomas, myeloma and related blood disorders. The Foundation also funds medical research into cures and improved treatments for leukaemia and related blood disorders. BE BRAVE AND SHAVE! 1800 500 088 Media contact: Lindsay Marshall, Senior Marketing and Communications Coordinator Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland P: 3318 4422 E: Page 13 Desert Yarns It’s a Boy... Bedourie State School welcomed two new Prep students, Ben Farran and Cassidy Bell, Both were excited on the commencement of their first day. The six year seven students that have recently commenced their secondary education, seem to have adjusted well to their new environment. From below going clockwise is Isiah coulthard, (Spinifex College Mount Isa) Cassandra Kath, (The Cathedral School Townsville) Clara Jansen - left (St Peters Brisbane) Tearnee Lewington, (The Glennie School Toowoomba) Kiara McIntyre, (Mitchell State High School) and Kurtis Farran (Downlands Toowoomba) Good luck to you all for 2012. Congratulations to Steve, Jeena, Cody, Bridie and Beau on the arrival of “Jack Maxwell” Cramer. Jack was born in Longreach at 10:30am, January 22, weighing 7 pounds, 3 ounces and was 53cm long. Photograph above taken of Jack at one day old and below with his brother and sisters at his christening at two days old. Another Baby Girl... Kerri-Ann & Robbie Pollock, along with Molly & Ben welcomed the safe arrival of Claudia Margaret into their family on the 7th November, 2011. Her weight was 9lb (4.090k) and she was 53cm long. Molly & Ben are having lots of fun with their new baby sister and Barry & Narelle, the proud grandparents, have one more baby to spoil much to their delight. Page 14 Desert Yarns Did you know...... Birdsville First prize - $120.00 Gift Voucher Winner - Birdsville Caravan Park Runner up - $80.00 Gift Voucher Winner - Miranda Palmer & Quinton Parsons Bedourie First prize - $120.00 Gift Voucher Winner - Farran Family Runner up - $80.00 Gift Voucher Winner - Tearnee & Yarryn Lewington Congratulations to the winners and runner ups and well done to all the people that made the effort. Let’s hope next year will be bigger and better! Uses of Coca-Cola You can use a can of coke... To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coke into the toilet bowl. Let the "real thing" sit for one hour, then flush clean. The citric acid in Coke removes stains from vitreous china. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with a crumpled-up piece of aluminium foil dipped in Coke. To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coke to the rusted bolt for several minutes. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coke into the baking pan; wrap the ham in aluminium foil, and bake. Thirty minutes before the ham is finished, remove the foil, allowing the rippings to mix with the Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy. To remove grease from garments: Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy clothes, add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The Coke will help loosen grease stains. It will also clean road haze from your windshield. One of the most popular drink in the world! That 90% of an iceberg sits under water. The croissant was invented in Austria. In eastern Africa you can buy beer brewed from bananas. African Grey Parrots have vocabularies of over 200 words. A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21 inch tongue. Australia was originally called New Holland. 'Lonely Planet' for travelers is based in Melbourne Australia. The sentence "the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English alphabet. The Grand Canyon can hold around 900 trillion footballs. All the blinking in one day equates to having your eyes closed for 30 minutes. Your foot has 26 bones in it. The average human brain contains around 78% water. Your brain uses between 20 - 25% of the oxygen your breathe. 1 nautical knot equates to 1.852 Kph. (1.150 mph) If you add up all the numbers from 1 to 100 consecutively (1 + 2 + 3...) it totals 5050. Sponges hold more cold water than hot. Lightning strikes the Earth 6,000 times every minute. Fire usually moves faster uphill than downhill. Cats have over 100 vocal chords. Camel's milk doesn't curdle. He who loses money, loses much; He who loses a friend, loses much more, He who loses faith, loses all. - Eleanor Roosevelt Page 15 Desert Yarns Police News Bedourie Welcome to 2012 everyone. I hope everyone had a safe and Happy Christmas and New year. I would like to thank Andrew Cridland for relieving in my position whilst I was away on holidays. I would like to take this opportunity to point out that the Bureau of Meteorology has predicted a late flood again. With this in mind I would like to warn everyone about driving through floodwaters and on closed roads. Driving on a closed road is a $600 on the spot fine and you also leave yourself open for any recovery and rescue costs. Insurance companies also do not pay out if you have an accident on a closed road. Please be careful when driving through the floodways. If you know water is on the road before you leave think about how urgent your trip is and if it can wait. The water can damage your car, it gets in the wheel bearings and electrics. It could even wash you off the road. I think it is time to remind everyone again about their dirt bikes. Not everyone likes to listen to your really cool noisy bike with the aftermarket pipe or the baffles ripped out. I, and many other people find it bloody annoying especially when it is at 7am on a Sunday morning. I have told everyone where they can ride. I am now going to remind you where you cannot ride. 1. Wodonga street Yes, it is dirt but this is a public road and will be enforced as such. Anyone caught riding an unregistered bike on this road will be going to court for traffic offences. BE WARNED! If you are caught you WILL lose your car licence as well. 2. In front of the stables There are thousands of acres to ride your bikes on, use it. We don‟t want to listen to your bikes and have them kicking up dust into the town. Remember I can seize motorbikes for excessive noise complaints. Do it enough times and your bike goes to the Auctions. 3. The Roadhouse This is a place of business and a public place. Doug does not appreciate dust in his shop. If you need fuel push your bike there or use a jerry can. 4. This is just plain common sense. WEAR A HELMET! Your noggin isn‟t designed to impact with anything faster than running and they tend not to fare too well to people falling off bikes. Till next month - stay safe! Tim Farran Officer in Charge Bedourie Police Station Page 16 Desert Yarns RMLV & RSA course 14th & 15th February 2012 The ‘Responsible Management of Licensed Venues’ (RMLV) course is a legal requirement by the Queensland Liquor Licensing Division for any BIRDSVILLE HOTEL CATERING Should you wish the Birdsville Hotel to cater for a function, including birthdays. person who is to become a licensee or a nominee of a licensed premises or an approved manager. This course may be undertaken by any person who wishes to enhance their career path within the Hospitality Industry. RMLV training may also be required for permit holders under certain circumstances. Prices: $660 (inc RMLV & RSA) Please send details to so we have it in writing. A minimum of 7 days notice is also required to fulfill your request. $550 (RMLV only) $90 (RSA only) Please contact Kate at the pub should you wish to attend. Many Thanks! BIRDSVILLE HOTEL P: 07 - 4656 3244 F: 07 - 4656 3262 E: W: Page 17 Desert Yarns Page 18 Desert Yarns Diamantina Shire Events 2012 Betoota Gymkhana & Motorbike Event Friday, April 13 - Sunday, April 15, 2012 For further information contact: Lorraine Kath (07) 4656 4949 Birdsville Bronco Branding Friday, May 11 - Sunday, May 13, 2012 For further information contact: Don and Judy Rayment (07) 4656 3321 or the Wirrarri VIC (07) 4656 3300. Birdsville Gymkhana, Rodeo & Bikekhana Friday, June 22 – Sunday, June 24, 2012 For further information contact: Don and Judy Rayment (07) 4656 3321 or the Wirrarri VIC (07) 4656 3300. Bedourie Campdraft, Rodeo and Gymkhana Saturday, June 30 - Sunday, July 1, 2012 For further information contact: Steve and Jeena Cramer (07) 4746 1236 Bedourie Camel Races Saturday, July 7, 2012 For further information contact the Diamantina Visitors Centre 1300 794 257. Betoota Races Saturday, August 25, 2012 For further information contact: Bev & Geoff Morton (07) 4656 3250. Birdsville Races Friday, August 31 & Saturday, September 1, 2012 For further information contact: Diamantina Visitors Centre 1300 794 257 Bedourie Races Friday, September 7 and Saturday, September 8, 2012 For further information contact: Garth and Kathi Tully (07) 4746 1219 Bedourie Outback Ute & Traveller’s Muster Friday, September 7 and Saturday, September 8, 2012 For further information, contact the Diamantina Visitors Centre on 1300 794 257 or email Bedourie Bikekhana Saturday, December 1, 2012 For more information contact Jo Lewington (07) 4746 1202 or email BEDOURIE-BIRDSVILLE-BETOOTA Contact details: Name Position Business Hours Contact After Hours Contact Cr Rob Dare Mayor (07) 4746 1291 (07) 4746 1205 Cr Barry Gaffney Deputy Mayor (07) 4656 3236 (07) 4656 3236 Cr Garth Tully Councillor (07) 4746 1219 (07) 4746 1219 Cr Joyce Crombie Councillor (07) 4746 1113 (07) 4746 1045 Cr Steve Cramer Councillor (07) 4746 1236 (07) 4746 1236 Scott Mason Chief Executive Officer (07) 4746 1202 (07) 4746 1009 Vacant Deputy Chief Executive Officer (07) 4746 1202 Trevor Stewart Works Manager (07) 4746 1202 Vacant Corporate Services Manager (07) 4746 1202 Jenny Neale Finance Manager (07) 4746 1202 (07) 4746 1109 Steven Baldwin Tourism and Community Manager (07) 4656 3300 (07) 4656 3331 (07) 4746 1021 0408 824 179 Paul Veal Birdsville Town Services Foreman (07) 4656 3350 (07) 4656 3069 Jodie Girdler Bedourie Town Services Foreman (07) 4746 1202 (07) 4746 1160 Shire Profile The Diamantina Shire is the second largest shire in Queensland, with an area of approximately 95,000 square kilometres and a population of 350 people. The 95,000 square kilometres includes three towns – Birdsville, Bedourie and Betoota. The shire is predominantly a beef producing area containing some of the best contaminant-free natural fattening country in Australia. The Diamantina Shire shares borders with the Northern Territory and South Australia and lies within the region known as the Channel Country. The Diamantina and Georgina Rivers, Cooper and Eyre Creek are the main players in a network in western Queensland Rivers. These three great river systems draw water from an area of 556,000 square kilometres. In the regular dry periods these systems contain numerous waterholes that can vary in depth and length. Points of Interests Betoota Birdsville Bedourie Deon‟s Lookout Big Red Sandhill Aquatic Centre Betoota Hotel Waddi Trees Mud Hut Browns Creek Camping Area Simpson Desert National Park Diamantina National Park The Bilby Way Cuttaburra Crossing Carcoory Ruins Historic Hotel Burke & Wills Campsite To add your name to the newsletter mailing/email list, or to change your contact details, please advise Mrs Jo Lewington on 07 4746 1202 or email Alternatively, you may elect to remove your name from the mailing list and access the newsletter via the shire website at
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