Annual Report 2008 - Diamantina Institute


Annual Report 2008 - Diamantina Institute
Diamantina Institute
UQ Diamantina Institute for
Cancer, Immunology and
Metabolic Medicine
Level 4, R Wing
Princess Alexandra Hospital
Ipswich Rd,
QLD 4102
for Cancer, Immunology and Metabolic Medicine
Telephone (07) 3240 5944
International +61 7 3240 5944
Facsimile (07) 3240 5946
Photography courtesy of
The University of Queensland.
Printed using environmentally
responsible print techniques,
soy-based inks and
sustainable paper stocks.
Annual Report 2008
‘turning scientific discoveries into better treatments’
Annual Report 2008
Research Support Services 2008
$3.2 million grant helps Diamantina
researchers fight cancer
Researchers from the UQ’s Diamantina Institute for
Cancer, Immunology and Metabolic Medicine will be at
the forefront of fighting cancer thanks to a $3.2 million
grant from the Australian Cancer Research Foundation
Announced in March 2008, the ACRF funding will
allow the Institute scientists and their partners from the
Queensland University of Technology, to buy the latest
high-tech tools to help them discover genes linked to
the best in the world in their field. We are committed to
providing these scientists with state-of-the-art facilities
and technology capable of exploring new approaches
to achieve better results for cancer patients in Australia
and around the globe,” he added. The Australian Cancer
Research Foundation has awarded almost $55 million
in cancer research grants to Australia’s leading cancer
Highlights for 2008
Deputy Director, Operations
Anton Sanker
Administration Assistant
Nicole Chandler
Research Infrastructure Manager
Paul Kristensen
Flow Cytometry Facility Managers
Ibtissam Abdul Jabbar
Michael Rist
Finance and Administration Manager
Toni Johnson
Innovation and Commercial Development
Lisa Bidwell
Scientific Research Management Officer
Kylie Hengst
Marketing and Communications Officer
Danielle Fischer
>> March - Professor Ranjeny Thomas and team
develop a simple test which should allow for the
early prediction of the onset of type 1 diabetes in
HR Advisor/Postgraduate Student
Administration Officers
Felicity Ray
Samantha Dyson
Maria Cummings
New instruments will be integrated to form the ACRF
Comprehensive Cancer Genomics Facility. It will be
located at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, and in three
years’ time will move to a more spacious research
building, the Translational Research Institute, with a
remit to develop new treatments for cancer and other
>> March - The Diamantina Institute was officially
launched by the Minister for Tourism, Regional
Development and Industry, Desley Boyle.
Finance Officer
Leanne Conway
Identifying genes linked to common cancers such as
cervical and prostate cancer will help doctors spot
individuals at high risk at an early stage when the cancer
can be easily treated or even prevented, avoiding the
need for unnecessary surgery and radiotherapy later on.
>> August – Associate Professor Nigel McMillan and
team made a groundbreaking discovery that could
ultimately lead to a cure of the world’s most common
form of leukaemia – Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
Professor Gonda said the new tools would give
Queensland’s cancer research community access to the
latest in instrumentation that would “open up whole new
areas of study”.
>> September – Professor Ian Frazer is awarded the
Balzan Prize for Preventative Medicine.
“We will be able to sequence nearly a billion DNA
bases per day, where before it took many months,”
said Professor Tom Gonda, who heads the Molecular
Oncogenesis Group at the Diamantina Institute.
For example, other new technologies in the Facility
would allow scientists to identify genes that may be
targets for new anti-cancer drugs. “We will have the
ability to screen thousands of genes, something we
couldn’t do without the degree of automation offered by
this equipment” he said.
>> June - Professor Mark Kendall was awarded
the 2008 Amgen Medical Research Award for his
excellence in translational medical research studies.
Personal Assistant to Director
Linda Barter
>> October – Professor Ian Frazer is awarded the 2008
Prime Minister’s Prize for Science.
>> November – Professor Ian Frazer is awarded the
Ramaciotti Medal for Excellence in Biomedical
Australian Cancer Research Foundation’s Chief
Executive, David Brettell, comments, “Our sole focus
is to raise and provide funding for projects which are
being undertaken by Australia’s very best scientists;
scientists like Professor Gonda and his team at the
Diamantina Institute, who are recognised as among
2008 Diamantina Institute staff and students.
Microscopy Facility Manager
Sandrine Roy
Floor Managers
Alison Dahler
Claire Hyde
Maria Somodevilla-Torres
Store Assistant
Colin Nachmann
IT Support
Patrick Verhoeven
Peter Gough
Scott Bourke
Nathan Ramsay
Support Staff
Rosemary Scott
Science Writer
William Burns
Highlights for 2008
Chairman’s Report
Director’s Report
Deputy Directors
Commercialisation Update
Cancer Biology Research
10 Molecular Oncogenesis Group
12 Cell Cycle Group
13 Molecular Virology Group
14 Epithelial Pathobiology Group
15Immunology Research
16 Musculoskeletal Genetics Group
17 Immunotherapy Group
18 Dendritic Cell Biology Group
19 Delivery of Drugs and Genes Group
20Metabolic Medicine Research
21 Metabolism and Clinical Metabolic Groups
22 Cell Signalling Group
23 Bone Biology Group
24 Studying at the Diamantina Institute
27 Seminars
28 Collaborations
29 Publications
31 Grants
33 Our Supporters
34 Financials
35 Research Support Services
Chairman’s Report
The UQ Diamantina Institute for Cancer, Immunology
and Metabolic Medicine was established on 1 January
2007 through an amalgamation of the Centre for
Immunology and Cancer Research (headed by Ian
Frazer) and the Centre for Diabetes and Endocrine
Research (headed by John Prins). It has had an
extremely successful first two years.
The Institute’s research income increased from $8.7m
in 2007 to $13m in 2008, five students were awarded
PhDs and the publication output increased slightly from
2007 to 2008. A total of $4.3m was awarded from the
Australian Cancer Research Foundation to establish the
Comprehensive Cancer Genomics Facility.
will undoubtedly see the project to a successful
I have no doubt that the Diamantina Institute will go
from strength to strength and will come to represent a
pinnacle of excellence in biomedical research that has a
strong translational component. I would like to thank the
Board members for the time that they have dedicated
to the Institute and that they will devote in the future. I
would also like to thank Ian and his senior group within
the Institute for their dedication and commitment to the
highest standards of research.
It has also been a year of great honours for the
Institute’s director, Professor Ian Frazer. Ian was
the recipient of the 2008 Prime Minister’s Prize for
Science. This is a huge honour and a fitting recognition
of Ian’s contribution to biomedical science and to
the translation of the results of basic science for the
betterment of patients. He was also the recipient of
a major International prize, the 2008 Balzan Prize for
Preventive Medicine and received the Ramaciotti Medal
for Excellence in Biomedical Research. All in all, it was
quite a year for Ian!
I noted last year that it was an exciting time for the
Institute and it still is. The major issue facing us is
space and the construction of a new building that will
house the Institute, together with researchers from
Queensland University of Technology, the Princess
Alexandra Hospital and the Mater Medical Research
Institute. We are currently waiting to hear the outcomes
of various applications for funding that will go with the
$100m already committed by the Federal Government
and $100m committed by the Queensland Government.
Even with the funding in place, there will be many
problems to be overcome (joint ventures are never
easy), but all who are involved appreciate the strategic
importance of the new Translational Research Institute
building to Queensland and to Australia. That realisation
Professor David Siddle
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), The University of Queensland
Chair, Advisory Board of the Diamantina Institute
Director’s Report
Medical research is a major driver of the innovative
developments in health care that have so much
improved the wellbeing of the community over the
last 150 years. Research also promotes economic
growth. Our institute staff recognise the trust that the
community places in us when providing the funding for
our work. As we are no doubt aware, there is currently
an unprecedented and unpredicted downturn in the
global economy. Research institutes and their sources
of funding are not immune from the difficulties caused
by recession, and we have been fortunate to continue
to receive adequate levels of funding support for our
research in 2008. In addition to the infrastructure
support provided by Federal Government through The
University of Queensland, we received a good number of
competitive project grants, and were additionally a major
stakeholder in four significant joint grants for major
projects. A program grant from the National Health and
Medical Research Council will provide $10.3m over five
years to further the work of Professor Ranjeny Thomas
and her colleagues on immunotherapy for autoimmune
disease, viral infections and the complications of organ
transplantation. A capital grant of $4.3m from the
Australian Cancer Research Foundation will provide
key equipment on the Princess Alexandra Hospital
campus for studies on the molecular and genetic causes
of a range of disease including arthritis and cancer.
An equipment grant from the Australian Research
Council ($0.4m), shared with Queensland University
of Technology, will make possible the purchase of a
microscope that will enable us to watch the immune
system at work in a living animal, to understand how
immune cells interact with their target cells in skin. A
grant of $0.7m from the Balzan Foundation will enable
the training and mentoring of two young scientists within
the Institute over the next five years.
These funds provide much needed support for our
work on cancer, metabolic disease and immunotherapy.
They also set us new challenges in providing housing
for the people and equipment they will support. In
this regard, it is encouraging that our current Federal
Government have recognised publicly the need for
a more generous allocation of funds to meet the
hidden costs of research that are engendered by every
successful grant application and challenge the budget
of every research university and institute. It is to be
hoped that the increased infrastructure support will not
be at the expense of the provision of the research grants
themselves. Smaller grants that we receive are equally
valuable to the work of the Institute, contributing to the
research areas mentioned above, and providing a kick
start to the career of up-and-coming researchers. These
grants are often the result of considerable personal
effort. The Lions Medical Research Foundation dollars,
which provide a research fellowship at the Institute on
an ongoing basis, represent the generous efforts of
the many members of the community who support the
Lions Miss Personality Quest, and of the participants
themselves. To all of them, we are very grateful.
Plans for the new Translational Research Institute on the
Princess Alexandra Hospital campus have progressed
during 2008 to the point where tenders will be sought
for the construction contract in the course of 2009.
This initiative, and the commitment to the construction
continued over page
Professor Ian Frazer FAA
Director, Diamantina Institute
Director's report continued
of a biopharmaceuticals manufacturing facility on the
campus to a 2000 litre scale, will significantly increase
the profile of the campus as an attractive venue for
students, scientists and others from interstate and
overseas whose interests lie in translation of basic
science into clinical outcomes. The Institute continues
to build bridges to cognate institutes around the world,
in anticipation of better opportunities for collaborations
with these organisations when we are located in the
new building, scheduled for completion in 2011. In
the meantime, our focus remains on the production of
quality research. The Australian research community
is about to undergo a government-sponsored external
examination of the quality of the research work we
undertake. This may result in redistribution of research
funds towards the most internationally competitive and
translationally-focused research programs over the
next few years. To be well placed to benefit from any
new funding that may become available, our research
efforts are currently under review to ensure that we can
field teams of adequate critical mass and focus to be
benchmarked against world standards.
The Institute can only achieve what it does through
the supportive efforts of the many groups that provide
and support key infrastructure. This year, I particularly
acknowledge the team that have been working behind
the scenes to provide us with quality information
technology services. Their challenge has been to enable
a data storage and management system that will be user
friendly, efficient, and up-to-date. Digital data volumes
are generated daily by new equipment that exceed the
yearly output of data that was common five years ago,
and their efforts to ensure that we can reap the benefits
of this are much appreciated! 2009 promises to be a
challenging year for the Institute, for universities, and
for the research community – we can only ask that the
wider community recognise that disruption to research
and research training for a year or two can have 20 year
consequences for research output and for human health
and welfare.
Professor Ian Frazer FAA
Director, Diamantina Institute
The Diamantina Institute is governed by an Advisory Board, which provides advice to the Director on the strategic
direction of the Institute; and the Scientific Advisory Committee, which assists the Director by providing critical review of
the scientific programs of the Institute.
Advisory Board
Scientific Advisory Committee
Professor David Siddle (Chairman)
Dr Alan Bernstein OC (Chairman)
Professor Ian Frazer FAA
Professor Ian Frazer FAA
Dr Alan Bernstein OC
Professor Peter Donnelly FRS
Professor Peter Brooks
Professor Ashley Dunn FAA
Professor Mick McManus
Professor Ian Caterson
Professor Peter Gray
Professor Jim Watson
Dr Greg Bitomsky
Mr Malcolm McBratney
Professor David Theile
Professor Ranjeny Thomas
Deputy Directors
Ranjeny Thomas
Nigel McMillan
Anton Sanker
Deputy Director of Research,
Ranjeny Thomas, is head of the
Institute’s Research Committee.
The purpose of this committee is
to drive the strategic development
of the research direction at
the Institute. The Research
Committee will also advise the
Director on matters related to
research funding within the
Institute, such as allocation of
resources based on research
activities. The Committee plays
an important role in developing
careers of academic staff through
a mentorship program, fellowship
and grant readership, and
organising internal review as the
need arises. Finally, the Committee
promotes a productive research
environment through small and
large group meetings, symposia
and development courses.
Deputy Director of Education,
Nigel McMillan is looking after
the Education Committee and is
also the Postgraduate Student
Coordinator. The purpose of the
Education Committee is to attract
talented and committed students
who will contribute to the quality
and international reputation
of research undertaken at the
Institute, as well as looking after
the postgraduate students within
the Institute. The committee is
also responsible for coordinating
the high school educational
program, SPARQ-ed, run by Brian
Gabrielli and Peter Darben, within
the Diamantina Institute and in
collaboration with the Queensland
Government’s Department of
Education and Training.
Deputy Director of Operations,
Anton Sanker, directs and
manages the Institute’s operational
business functions including
finance, human resources,
information technology, research
management, postgraduate
student administration and
marketing. The role of the Deputy
Director of Operations is to ensure
that the research support functions
operate in an effective and efficient
manner and respond promptly
to the needs of the Institute’s
Commercialisation Update
Facts at a glance
Start-up companies
31 active patent families:
Coridon Pty Ltd
4 in provisional patent applications
Dendright Pty Ltd
4 in PCT stage
19 in national phase
54 granted patents
The Diamantina Institute has a strong history of
commercialising early-stage technologies and
successfully translating these to the clinic. Our Manager
of Innovation and Commercial Development, Dr Lisa
Bidwell, works closely with the Institute’s researchers
and our partners to facilitate academic and commercial
relationships and help transition the Institute’s research
discoveries from the bench to the clinic.
The HPV vaccine success story
The world’s first cervical cancer (HPV) vaccines,
Gardasil and Cervarix, which were based on technology
developed by Professor Ian Frazer and colleagues at
the Diamantina Institute, have achieved significant
commercial returns in 2008. The technology was
licensed from The University of Queensland (UniQuest)
to CSL in 1995 and subsequently licensed to Merck and
cross licensed to GlaxoSmithKline. Launched in 2007,
the HPV vaccines have been approved for use in 110
countries with more than 30 million doses distributed
worldwide. In 2008, sales of the vaccine exceeded
US$2.2 billion worldwide. The Institute will continue
to benefit from sales of Gardasil and Cervarix through
The University of Queensland’s royalty stream, which is
expected to continue until 2026.
Intellectual property protection
The Institute’s patent portfolio continues to grow and
diversify. During 2008, three new provisional patent
applications were lodged, and another four progressed
to PCT stage. Other patents in the portfolio continue to
progress through national phase in various jurisdictions.
Our portfolio now includes patents in the fields of HPV
vaccines, treatments for autoimmune diseases and
cancer, diagnostics and vaccine technologies.
Partnerships with industry
The Institute continues to engage industry partners both
in Australia and overseas to assist with the development
and commercialisation of our technologies. In addition,
the Institute assists external companies in their own
endeavours through contract research. 2008 saw a
number of new collaborations formed as well as the
renewal of some existing relationships. Continued efforts
will be made in 2009 to attract commercial partners for a
number of our more advanced technologies.
Start-up companies
The Institute’s two start-up companies, Dendright Pty
Ltd and Coridon Pty Ltd, have made steady progress
towards their goals during 2008. Dendright is advancing
preclinical development of its lead product for the
treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and has negotiated an
agreement to access key intellectual property. Coridon’s
research efforts in the field of vaccine technologies have
resulted in two new provisional patent applications.
The company has also commenced a capital raising
round which it hopes to close in the first half of 2009.
This is intended to fund the completion of the HSV-2
pre-clinical program as well as business development
Cancer Biology
Translational research attempts to connect basic scientific research with
real patient outcomes. Researcher Associate Professor Nigel McMillan
works closely with clinician Dr Devinder Gill in order to bring our
discoveries quickly to the aid of patients.
Molecular Oncogenesis Group
There have been some spectacular successes in cancer treatment with
molecularly-targeted therapies over the past two decades; however the lack of
such therapies for many cancer types remains as a major gap in our arsenal.
The transition from a normal cell to a cancer cell development is driven by changes to genes that either
promote or suppress cancerous properties such as uncontrolled growth and invasion of adjacent tissues.
These two classes of genes (oncogenes and tumour suppressor genes) represent potential targets for cancer
therapy. Cancer cells are often more sensitive than non-cancerous cells to the loss of oncogenes. Thus,
identifying important oncogenes for particular cancer types and subtypes is critical in developing potential
new treatments.
MCF-10A mammary epithelial cells transduced
with lentivirus using the ARVEC high-throughput
robotics platform and imaged using the automated
fluorescence microscope, Cellomics ArrayScan.
They have been analysed for DNA synthesis
(pink); green fluorescent protein (indicating viral
transduction) and nuclear DNA (blue). (Photo by
Max Ranall)
Research in the Molecular Oncogenesis
Group can be divided roughly into two
areas. The first focuses on an oncogene
called MYB that is already known,
through our work and that of others, to
be important in several human cancers
– leukaemia, breast cancer and bowel
cancer. We are trying to understand
how it promotes cell growth and blocks
normal cell maturation. We are also
working on approaches for targeting
MYB that can be developed, either singly
or in combination with other drugs, as
possible cancer treatments. The second
part of our work aims to identify new
targets for cancer treatment. One major
effort in this direction, which we refer to
by the acronym “ARVEC”, is to develop
novel technology to test large numbers
of genes for their ability to confer or
block properties important for cancer cell
Identification and characterisation
of MYB target genes
The MYB oncogene codes for a
transcription factor – that is, a protein that
turns other genes (“target genes”) on or
off. Therefore the key to understanding
how MYB functions is to identify those
target genes. We are currently doing this
using microarray expression profiling to
measure changes in thousands of genes
that occur when MYB itself is switched
on or off, and will combine this with
advanced technology called ChIP-Seq to
map where the Myb protein binds across
the whole genome.
Role of MYB in breast cancer
One of our key findings in recent years
has been that MYB plays a key role in
growth of the most common type of
human breast cancer (“oestrogen receptor
positive”). We now have evidence that
Dr Dennis Dowhan’s Research
Investigation into the alternative
splicing of steroid hormone
regulated genes in breast cancer
Dr Dennis Dowhan
The primary objective of our research is to
investigate and develop an understanding
the role of steroid hormone signalling
pathways and the alternative splicing of
RNA in cancer initiation and progression.
This will be achieved by studying the role
of specific splicing proteins and protein
methylation signalling pathways in the
alternative splicing of genes related to the
initiation and progression of hormonedependent cancers. We have identified
several multifunctional oestrogen
receptor co-regulator proteins that are
involved in the positive regulation of
steroid hormone receptor mediated gene
expression. Interestingly, these cofactor
proteins, CAPERα, CAPERβ and PRMT6
(a protein arginine methyltransferase),
are also involved in the regulation of
RNA processing. It is likely that these
co-regulatory factors function to regulate
specific alternatively spliced genes in
steroid-responsive breast and prostate
cancer, to influence breast and prostate
cells ability to proliferate in response to
steroid hormones. A second study in
our laboratory has identified two splicing
proteins that have the ability to regulate
specific proto-oncogenes that function
to initiate and promote breast and other
cancers. Current studies are aimed at
finding out how these splicing proteins
regulate cell growth and proliferation in
steroid-hormone responsive breast and
prostate cancer.
Contact Details:
Dr Dennis Dowhan
Tel (07) 3240 5285
MYB protects breast cancer cells against
killing by certain drugs and thus that
blocking MYB in combination with such
drugs may be a valuable approach for
developing new breast cancer treatments.
are developing several approaches
to this end, including blocking Myb’s
interaction with essential partner
proteins and looking for compounds
that can switch the MYB gene off.
genes that can enhance or block cancerassociated properties in cultured cells as
such genes may represent novel targets
against which new cancer drugs could be
Development of approaches for
therapeutic targeting of MYB
High-throughput discovery
of novel cancer genes
Contact Details:
MYB is required for the growth and
survival of most human leukaemia cells,
in addition to many breast cancers and
bowel cancers. Therefore blocking MYB
or its action could have widespread
implications for cancer treatment. We
Professor Tom Gonda
Tel (07) 3240 2524
This collaborative project, together with
Associate Professor Brian Gabrielli, aims
to establish a facility (the ARVEC project)
using robotics and advanced imaging
technology to generate and screen large
gene libraries. Specifically, we will identify
I believe that a thorough understanding of
the genetic, cellular and molecular basis
of cancer holds the key to new treatments.
But these treatments won’t just appear –
we have to think about how our discoveries
can be exploited to make them happen.
Professor Tom Gonda
Research Leader
Tom Gonda
Research Fellows
Dennis Dowhan
Ali Naderi
Research Officers
Carolyn Hyde
Dubravka Skalamera
Liang Zhao
Compliance Officer
Jane Sun
Technical Manager
Ben Wilson
Senior Research
Ji Liu
Research Assistants
Nicole Luk
Crystal McGirr
Ehsan Nourbakhsh
Max Ranall
Manaswini Sivaramakrishnan
PhD Students
Yvette Drabsch
Matthew Harrison
Brent Neumann
Diwakar Pattabiraman
Occupational Trainee
Dorothy Sandtel
Affiliated Senior
Research Officer
Paul Leo
Affiliated Senior Research
Ping Zhang
Dr Ali Naderi’s Research
The study of BEX2 pathway in
breast cancer
We are investigating a novel breast cancer
gene, BEX2, which is highly expressed
in a subset of breast tumours. Our group
is currently exploring the functional
significance of this gene in the biology of
breast cancer.
The study of androgen signalling
pathway in molecular apocrine
breast cancer
Dr Ali Naderi
We are investigating a subtype of breast
cancer which is characterised by the lack
of oestrogen receptor and the presence
of androgen receptor. Currently there
are very limited options for the treatment
of this subtype of breast cancer and
therefore, our results can lead to the
discovery of better treatments for this
disease. In this respect, a Phase 2 clinical
trial to study a novel therapeutic approach
for this subtype of breast cancer has been
set up, which will be started in 2009.
Contact Details:
Dr Ali Naderi
Tel (07) 3240 5285
Cell Cycle Group
Cancer is a disease of uncontrolled cell proliferation, and many cancer genes
identified contribute to this unregulated proliferation.
Conventional chemotherapies target proliferating cells in the body and for this reason, often have debilitating
side effects. There is generally only a very small therapeutic window, the dose at which an anti-cancer benefit
is reached with manageable side effects. This is often determined on a patient by patient basis. More targeted
drugs are needed to reduce the burden of side effects and increase the therapeutic window of use.
The images show the nucleus of melanoma cells after exposure to low dose ultraviolet radiation. They are stained for DNA (blue), the cell cycle controller ATR (red), a marker
of DNA damage RPA (green) and the merge of all colours. The larger dots of ATR and RPA directly overlay indicating that ATR is localizing to sites of DNA damage. (Image
from Matthew Wigan)
There are two themes to our research:
Examining normal cell proliferative
controls and how they go wrong in
cancer; and targeting these defective
controls to selectively destroy cancer cells
with these defects.
In the first theme there are three projects:
Defining the role of cdk2/cyclin A in
G2/M progression; defining the molecular
mechanism of the cell cycle response
to suberythemal doses of ultraviolet
radiation; and investigating a novel
mechanism that links cell signalling
to G2/M progression. These projects
examine mechanisms that can contribute
to regulating normal cell division. Our
work is demonstrating that cyclin A/
cdk2 and its upstream regulator, cdc25B,
are critical components controlling cell
division that respond to many different
signals. This pathway appears to be
defective in a number of different cancer
types, including melanoma. The cell cycle
response to ultraviolet radiation is often
defective in melanomas and is being
investigated as a potential drug target.
We have found that its normal role is
to ensure that all the DNA damage that
occurs as a consequence of ultraviolet
radiation exposure is fully repaired.
Ultraviolet radiation-induced DNA damage
is a source of many of the mutations
that are associated with skin cancer,
particularly melanomas.
intact controls. Based on our work on
the ultraviolet radiation response, which
is often defective in melanomas, we are
investigating components of this response
pathway as potential targets for new
drugs that specifically destroy melanomas
with this defective mechanism.
Contact Details:
Associate Professor Brian Gabrielli
Tel (07) 3240 7129
The second theme is based on our
work on the anti-cancer drugs, the
histone deacetylase inhibitors. We have
demonstrated that much of the tumourselective effect of these drugs is based
on their ability to selectively target a
defective cell cycle control in the cancer
cells. Normal tissue is protected by their
Our understanding of how normal cell
regulatory mechanisms are defective
in cancer now provides us with an
opportunity to selectively target their
Associate Professor Brian Gabrielli
Research Leader
Brian Gabrielli
Research Fellow
Heather Beamish
Research Officer
Sandra Pavey
Research Officer
Rose Boutros
Research Assistant
Nichole Giles
Research Technician
Kee Ming Chia
PhD Students
Puji Astuti
Kelly Brooks
Vanessa Oakes
Tanya Pike
Robyn Warrener
Matthew Wigan
Occupational Trainee
Kaneez Jafferi
Molecular Virology Group
The discovery of RNA-mediated gene silencing has revolutionised our
understanding of biology and provided a simple tool for manipulating gene
expression to treat diseases such as viral infections and cancer.
For the last 60 years we have been treating cancer with radiation and chemotherapy. While success rates
have improved, side-effects and resistance to these treatments make these therapies less than ideal and we
need to identify more specific ways to treat cancer. The new technology of gene silencing will allow us to
develop cancer-specific therapies with vastly reduced side-effects.
Gene silencing as a cancer
Human papillomavirus in other
Our laboratory focuses much of its
efforts on developing gene silencing
treatments for cancer. We are interested
in developing practical ways to implement
this new technology. A major area we
have concentrated on is the ability of
this technology to not only kill cancer
cells but also to induce positive immune
responses in our animal models. This
dual activity allows treatment to be much
more effective. Another major barrier in
the use of this technology is the ability to
deliver it in the bloodstream and we have
several projects in collaboration with other
researchers in the pharmacology area
to develop novel delivery systems. We
are currently working on treatments for
cervical cancer as well as melanoma.
While human papillomavirus (HPV) is
known to cause cervical cancer, we are
unsure of its role in other common forms
of cancer. We have been investigating
whether HPV can be found in both
prostate and breast cancer using a novel
test developed by Dr Annika Antonsson.
She has found that HPV DNA is present
in up to half of all breast and prostate
cancers. In an extension of this work, she
has found that HPV is present in the blood
of normal healthy individuals. It appears
that HPV is ubiquitous and its role of
the development of other cancers is still
However, current treatments only reduce
disease burden and there is at present no
cure. In collaboration with haematologists
at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, we
have been working on ways to investigate
novel treatments for CLL. The major
problem is the normal tools available to
investigate cancers, such as cell lines and
animal models, do not exist for CLL. We
have developed a new technique to keep
these cells alive for up to three months
which allows us to now investigate new
treatments. We found a critical set of
growth factors required to keep the cells
alive which may form the basis of a new
Contact Details:
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)
is the most common adult leukaemia.
Associate Professor Nigel McMillan
Tel (07) 3240 5392
Examples of the delivery of our gene silencing drug (E7 siRNA) to the vaginal tract.
Working in a translational research
institute is truly inspiring. The chance to
see a practical outcome of your discoveries
motivates everyone in the laboratory to
greater heights.
Associate Professor Nigel McMillan
Research Leader
Nigel McMillan
Research Officer
Jiezhong Chen
Research Officers
Annika Antonsson
Wenyi Gu
Research Officer
Catherine Cheung
Compliance Officer
Rachel Murphy
Research Assistants
Melinda Burgess
Alice Chen
Annie Keleher
Liz Payne
Richa Singhania
Terry Spurr
PhD Students
Aaron Irving
Norliana Khairruddin
Sherry Wu
Honours Students
Charlotte Har
Jade Hsu
Joanne Ng
Visiting Scholar
Xiao Jing Dong
Epithelial Pathobiology Group
Squamous cell carcinomas of the skin and oral cavity are amongst the most
common cancers afflicting mankind. Osteosarcomas are the most common
primary bone malignancy in children.
In contrast to cancers detected early, advanced or metastatic squamous cell carcinomas and osteosarcomas
are unlikely to be cured by surgery and radiation therapy. These cancers are therefore more difficult to cure
and are frequently associated with patient death. To improve cure rates we need to develop therapies that
can target disseminated disease specifically. Our laboratory focuses on developing novel targeted drug
therapies that selectively kill advanced cancers.
Development of novel therapies for
cutaneous and oral squamous cell
Squamous differentiation occurs in the
external lining of the skin or the lining of
the mouth, nose and throat. In normal
states this process of differentiation is
tightly regulated. However, in squamous
cell carcinomas, the cells of the lining
(keratinocytes) have become disrupted
such that they no longer control growth,
differentiation or cell death appropriately.
Over the past few years we have
demonstrated that a key controller of
differentiation in normal keratinocytes
are the E2F factors. We have also
shown these factors are disrupted in
squamous cell carcinomas. Significantly,
if we reinstate normal control of the E2F
factors in squamous cell carcinoma
cells it reinstates normal differentiation
mechanisms. These experiments have
proved that the E2F factors are a valid
target in squamous cell carcinomas. We
are currently developing the E2Fs as
potential drug targets in the laboratory
and will start in vivo tests of their
potential as an anti-cancer target. We
recently completed our first trial in
patients of an agent that showed some
potential as an anti-E2F drug.
Identifying the biological basis for
osteosarcoma metastasis
Osteosarcoma is the most common
primary bone cancer in children and
adolescents. Patients who do not have
evidence of lung metastases have an
approximately 80% chance of being
cured. In contrast, those patients who
have evidence of lung metastases have
only a 20% chance of cure. In order
to improve cure rates for this disease
(currently approximately 50% overall),
it will be important to develop selective
cures or preventives for metastatic lung
disease. We have completed a study of
patient samples and have discovered
that those patients who will develop lung
metastases also have lost a particular
cell type (osteoclast) in the bone where
the cancer arises. We have now shown
that the loss of the osteoclasts is a
contributing factor in the causation of
lung metastases. We are now conducting
laboratory and in vivo tests of potential
therapeutics that may prevent the loss
of osteoclasts and hence prevent the
development of lung metastases.
Contact Details:
Associate Professor Nicholas Saunders
Tel (07) 3240 5894
Osteoclasts in culture. Osteoclasts are large multi-nucleated cells responsible for bone resorption.
The purple stain indicates the presence of Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase (TRAP), an enzyme
we are currently investigating. (Photo: Andrew Cumming)
I believe that biomedical researchers must take
responsibility for translating the findings from
their basic research into improved treatments for
patients. This requires them to extend themselves
outside the laboratory to become involved in
commercial development and the conduct of
clinical trials.
Associate Professor Nicholas Saunders
Research Leader
Nicholas Saunders
Adjunct Senior
Research Fellows
Alex Gumunski
Scott Somerville
Research Officer
Liliana Munoz
Laboratory Manager
Mehlika Rethinam
Research Assistants
Andrew Cumming
Lilia Merida de Long
PhD Students
Sarina Cameron
Orla Gannon
Kim Hanchard
Immunology Research
Cell culture is an important technique that enables our immunology
researchers to undertake cytotoxicity assays, cytokine profiling
and microscopic imaging of cellular interactions. PhD student Azad
Rahimpour is undertaking an initial examination of the confluence of
cells for antibody production.
Musculoskeletal Genetics Group
Arthritis affects over 3 million Australians and costs the Australian economy
over $9 billion each year.
For the two main forms of inflammatory arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, there are
no treatments which ‘cure’ the diseases or even induce long-term remission. More research is required to
develop better treatments and to develop tests to improve early diagnosis of these common conditions.
Genetics of ankylosing spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis affects ~0.5%
of white Europeans. We are part of an
international consortium studying the
genetic determinants of this disease,
involving Australia, North American and
British colleagues. Our group is principally
responsible for the genetics component
of this study and is also involved in
studies of how the genes involved actually
operate to cause the condition. We are
also part of the Wellcome Trust Case
Control Consortium and are performing
genetic studies in association with this
group, particularly aiming to identify
genes which affect the extent of bony
fusion in ankylosing spondylitis, the
main cause of disability in the disease.
In association with colleagues based
in Shanghai, China, we are studying
genetics of ankylosing spondylitis in
Asian populations. 20% of Australians
have some Chinese ancestry and the
genes involved in ankylosing spondylitis
in this group differ from those in white
Europeans, from which we learn more
about what leads to the condition.
Genetics of osteoporosis
Our group is the main centre for the
Australian Osteoporosis Genetics
Consortium, working together with leading
Australian osteoporosis researchers to
identify genes involved in bone thickness
and thus fracture risk. We also collaborate
with the European Union funded Genetic
Factors for Osteoporosis Study (GEFOS),
which is the main osteoporosis genetics
Dr Gethin Thomas working with the Illumina BeadStation Autoloader.
group internationally. In collaboration with
English colleagues, we are involved in a
program developing new mouse models
of osteoporosis, using ENU mutagenesis.
Genetics of multiple sclerosis
As members of the ANZGene Multiple
Sclerosis Consortium we have performed
a genomewide association study in
multiple sclerosis this year, particularly
focusing on primary progressive multiple
sclerosis. This study has identified
new genes involved in this severe and
disabling disease, which throw new light
onto the diseases aetiopathogenesis.
Genetics of cervical cancer
Cervical cancer is caused by chronic
infection with human papillomavirus
(HPV). Funded by the Australian Cancer
Research Foundation, we are working to
identify genes which affect an individual’s
ability to clear the HPV infection.
Identifying such genes may point to
potential therapies aimed at preventing
cervical cancer by enabling carriers to
clear HPV infection.
Our group also collaborates with others
in studies of the genetics of rheumatoid
arthritis, schizophrenia and pseudoexfoliation syndrome (a cause of
glaucoma). We are also establishing a
program in obesity genetics in children in
and around Brisbane, testing the ability of
genetic screening to identify those at risk
of poor outcomes and identifying further
genes involved in the condition.
Contact Details:
Professor Matt Brown
Tel (07) 3240 2870
As a clinician regularly confronted by the
consequences of these diseases and the limited
benefit our current treatments have for them, I
was inspired to pursue research so that in my
lifetime we would have real cures available.
Professor Matt Brown
Research Leader
Matt Brown
Research Fellow
Gethin Thomas
Research Officer
Emma Duncan
Compliance Officer
Nadia Lengefeld
Research Officers
Patrick Danoy
Evgeny Glazov
Research Nurse
Linda Bradbury
Senior Research Technician
Johanna Hadler
Research Technician
Karena Pryce
Research Assistants
Alison Dowling
Jacqueline Taylor
PhD Student
Stuart Davidson
Honours Student
Ran Duan
Occupational Trainee
Marieke Brugmans
Visiting Scholars
Yu Liu
Fernando Santos
Immunotherapy Group
Cancer is now the commonest cause of death in Australia, with one in five
cancers caused by infections.
Although half of all cancer can be cured with available therapy, there is still a need for improved and more
specific therapy for many cancers. Some cancer cells are visible by the body’s defences against infection, but
the immune response they provoke is insufficient to eradicate the cancer. Our work focuses on understanding
why this occurs and how we can overcome the problems. We are particularly interested in the 20% of cancers
caused by virus infections, as these have clearly identified targets for the immune system.
Overcoming local blocks to
immunotherapy in skin
We can immunise people with tumour
specific proteins and induce immune
responses that can kill tumour cells in the
lab. However, when the same experiment
is done in a patient, the right immune
responses are induced but the immune
cells do not seem able to kill the cancer
cells. We have discovered a range of cells
and signalling proteins, some naturally
produced in skin, and some produced by
skin tumours, that instruct killer cells not
to work in their environment. We are now
researching ways to overcome the blocks
that these cells produce, and testing
these in animals with a view to their use in
How we learn to live with ourselves
The protein building blocks of our body’s
cells are not marked to distinguish them
from foreign invader proteins that form
part of a virus or bug. So how does the
body tell the good self proteins from the
bad invaders? The damage the invader
causes alerts the immune system that
action is needed. However self proteins
and invader proteins tend to get mixed up
at the sites where an invading organism
is creating a problem, so a series of
checks are put in place to make sure we
generally don’t attack ourselves. We are
studying the mechanisms by which one
of these checks, a regulatory T cell that
prevents damage to cells only expressing
self protein, can get in the way of tumour
specific responses against skin cancer
cells that might otherwise be able to get
rid of the skin cancer. Our understanding
of the mechanisms by which these
regulatory T cells do their job will enable
design of custom tricks for switching
them off temporarily to enable cancer
immunotherapy to work.
Strategies for delivering vaccines
in the developing world
Vaccines to prevent cervical cancer
need to be given to 12 year olds, and
three shots are required for effective
immunisation. Even in the developed
world, only about 80% of children return
for their third shot – many just forget.
We are conducting studies in Nepal and
Vanuatu to find out whether distribution
of a silicone wrist band printed with
“remember your next vaccine shot” in the
appropriate local language at the time of
the first vaccine shot will enhance the rate
of completion of the vaccine program.
Testing cervical cancer vaccine delivery strategies in
Nepal. (Photo by Caroline Frazer)
Contact Details:
Professor Ian Frazer
Tel (07) 3240 5954
We do our research on behalf of our
children, as we have benefitted from the
research our parents did for us.
Professor Ian Frazer
Research Leader
Ian Frazer
Research Fellow
Graham Leggatt
Research Officers
Eva Kovacs
Xiaosong Liu
James Pang
Research Officers
Purnima Bhat
Sunny Liu
Steve Mattarollo
Compliance Officer
Tracy Doan
Research Assistants
Allison Choyce
Joanne Dyer
Yvonne Gautam
Sean Smith
Tim Weir
PhD Students
Jennifer Broom
Dora Chan
Rachel DeKluyver
Sam Fiorenza
Azad Rahimpour
Fang Zhou
Occupational Trainee
Jisva Vellenga
Visiting Scholar
Xiaohua Tan
Dendritic Cell Biology Group
Autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and type 1 diabetes, affect
8 in every 100 Australians, with pain, reduced work or school productivity and a
reduced lifespan.
Autoimmune diseases, such as type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, occur in people with a genetic
background that puts them at risk, combined with specific environmental triggers that set off an inflammatory
reaction. Our research aims to understand essential inflammatory pathways in patients and animals with
autoimmune disease that will identify markers of disease risk and immune system targets for treatment.
Rheumatoid arthritis vaccine
Atherosclerosis is measured using
ultrasound imaging of carotid and brachial
arteries to examine whether plaque is
present and to determine the elasticity of
the vessel walls.
We are enrolling patients with rheumatoid
arthritis (RA) in a phase I clinical trial of a
modified dendritic cell vaccine, known as
The vaccine consists of dendritic cells,
grown in the laboratory from the blood
of the patient to be immunised, and an
antigen relevant to the disease. In mouse
studies, we are analysing the survival
and migration of injected dendritic cells
in this vaccine to the lymph glands in
models of rheumatoid arthritis and of
type 1 diabetes. We formulated a cell-free
technology deriving from this vaccine as
microparticles. The microparticles contain
a natural inhibitor, known as curcumin
(from the spice turmeric), deliver antigen,
and are taken up by dendritic cells in
the lymph glands. They are a versatile
platform technology, which can deliver
different antigens or inhibitors.
Type 1 (Juvenile) diabetes
Our studies demonstrate high levels of
systemic inflammation preceding the
onset of type 1 diabetes in humans and
mice. This includes increased levels of
the cytokine interleukin-1 and activation
of the NF-kB inflammatory pathway in
blood cells. In humans this seems to
be triggered by environmental factors
in genetically susceptible individuals.
Uptake of liposomes by peritoneal macrophages
and B-cells. On day after injection of labelled
liposomes (red) into the peritoneal cavity, cells were
isolated, cultured, and then stained for MHC class
II (blue) and the NF-kappaB subunit, RelA (green).
Liposomes are taken up by MHC class II high
macrophages and MHC class II low B-cells. (Photo
by Brendan O’Sullivan)
We have designed a blood test for early
detection of type 1 diabetes susceptibility.
We are following children with an
abnormal test for the next five years to
determine its predictive value. Our next
goal is to prevent disease in those whom
we identify as susceptible.
We found that changes in the lining of
the blood vessel walls (the earliest signs
of vascular disease) are reversible with
suppression of inflammation in early
RA. The immune system’s response to
joint inflammation combines with factors
traditionally associated with vascular
disease, such as cholesterol, excessive
weight and smoking, to accelerate
vascular disease. We are researching
new molecules at the interface of these
pathways which could determine a
person’s risk for development of vascular
Contact Details:
Professor Ranjeny Thomas
Tel (07) 3240 5365
Vascular disease
in rheumatoid arthritis
We are researching factors influencing
the development and progression
of cardiovascular disease in RA.
As a clinician, the suffering of patients with
autoimmune disease drives me to apply my
knowledge towards better treatments through
research approaches, which will one day make
it back to the clinic.
Professor Ranjeny Thomas
Research Leader
Ranjeny Thomas
Research Fellow
Ray Steptoe
Clinical Fellow
Malcolm Turner
Research Officer
Brendan O’Sullivan
Research Officers
Sebastien Bertin-Maghit
Christelle Capini
Kristy Edgtton
Tony Kenna
Mariam Nasreen
Saparna Pai
Merja Ruutu
Shayna Street
and Research
Shannon Best
Emily Duggan
Prascilla Tagore
Senior Research Assistant
Emily Duggan
PhD Student
Alice McNally
Senior Research Technicians
Marion Brunck
Timothy Macdonald
Masters Students
Yueh-Sheng Chen
Soumya Ramu
Suman Yekollu
Research Nurses
Joyce Cotterall
Mia Harris
Helen Pahau
Occupational Trainees
Cheryl Lynn Moore
Roland Ruscher
Eline Van Gorp
Dr Ray Steptoe’s Research
Cellular and molecular pathways of
T-cell tolerance
Diseases of immune dysregulation, such
as autoimmunity and allergies, develop
because the normal mechanisms that
control the immune system fail. Retraining
the immune system through induction of
T-cell tolerance is seen as an attractive
therapeutic for many of these diseases. In
this project we use molecular, biochemical
and cellular immunological approaches in
conjunction with our established models
of tolerance to define key molecular
pathways and cellular interactions that
underlie the induction and maintenance of
T-cell tolerance.
Prevention and reversal of
autoimmune diabetes
Dr Ray Steptoe
We have previously shown that
autoimmune (type 1) diabetes can be
prevented by expression of key disease
targets in dendritic cells. We are testing in a
range of models proof-of-principle studies
that establish whether diabetes-causing
immune responses can be terminated.
Novel methods of gene delivery for
We have developed substantial
background expertise in the induction
of antigen-specific tolerance in both
naïve and memory T cells. Currently
available methods limit the potential for
clinical application of antigen-specific
immunotherapeutic gene therapy. We are
now seeking ways to develop vaccine-like
approaches to facilitate gene-therapeutic
induction of tolerance for application to
autoimmune diseases.
Contact Details:
Dr Ray Steptoe
Tel (07) 3240 5393
Delivery of Drugs & Genes Group
Over 14 million people die each year from infectious diseases despite extensive
vaccine use. These vaccines, delivered with the needle and syringe that was
first invented in 1853, have recently been shown to be limiting the push for
better vaccines by being too “blunt” an instrument and not putting the vaccines
where they need to be delivered.
Professor Kendall’s team, based at the UQ Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology (AIBN),
focuses on the delivery of biomolecules and stimuli to cells in skin and other soft tissue using physical
methods – putting vaccines where they need to go to generate far better immune responses than the needle
and syringe. The goal is novel delivery strategies for step-change improvements in the treatment/vaccination
of key major diseases.
Needle-free vaccine delivery to skin
We are engineering next-generation devices
to outstrip key shortcomings of the needle
and syringe – inaccurate targeting of
biomolecules to key cell locations, giving
poor biological responses; needle-stick
injuries; and needle-phobia. One of our core
technologies is the micronanoprojection
array patch (Nanopatch): a patch with
thousands of tiny projections invisible to the
human eye and dry-coated in biomolecules.
When the patch is placed against the skin,
these projections push through the outer
skin layer and deliver the biomolecules
precisely to the target cells. Our research
is focused on realising this process with
practical devices suitable for clinical
Non-invasive diagnostics
A major stumbling block in the early
diagnosis of diseases (e.g. cancer) that
originate in solid tissues is the absence
of diagnostic biomarkers in blood. So to
detect such diseases, a blood sample
is not enough and tissue biopsies (e.g.
colonoscopy) are required. However,
biopsy is often highly invasive, thus
unsuitable for routine screening that is
vital for early diagnosis. In this project,
we are developing a non-invasive MicroNano projection array tissue sampling
technology that extracts interstitial fluid
from skin and evaluate it for diagnosis
in the mouse model. We ultimately aim
to make a practical on-patch diagnostic
system, dispensing with laboratory
support and giving physicians instant
information for early disease diagnosis.
Contact Details:
Professor Mark Kendall (AIBN)
Tel (07) 3346 4203
Research Leader
Mark Kendall
Research Fellows
Germain Fernando
Tarl Prow
Chen Xianfeng
Research Assistants
Kristin Raphaelli
Cindy Si En Tan
Anthony Yuen
PhD Students
Holly Corbett
Michael Crichton
Anthony Raphael
Frances Pearson
Honours Students
Alex Ansaldo
Rose Lyon
PA to
Professor Kendall
Diana Wilkinson
Research Fellow
Dong Xiaojing
Visiting Scholar
Ojas Joshi
Metabolic Medicine
Patients are an integral part of our metabolism research. In this photo,
researchers from the Clinical Metabolic Group are monitoring a patient
who is undergoing a euglycaemic hyperinsulinaemic clamp study to
investigate the effect of diet and exercise on insulin resistance.
Metabolism and Clinical
Metabolic Groups
Obesity and its metabolic complications, such as cardiovascular disease and
type 2 diabetes, affect approximately half of Australians and is a major cause of
illness and premature death.
The reasons why obesity causes metabolic problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes
and some cancers are not fully understood. Similarly, it is known that weight loss is highly beneficial in many
of these illnesses, but it is not understood why this is so. Our research addresses these two problems.
Photomicrographs of normal (left) and steatotic (fatty) liver (right). The liver cells on the right show the large fat droplets evident in fatty liver. (Photo by Graeme Macdonald)
Studies on regulation of fat
cell growth
These studies on human fat cells are
aimed at identifying key regulators of
fat cell growth, a key component of the
development of obesity. Once regulators
are identified, it may be possible to
develop drugs to interfere with the growth
process, thus creating new treatments for
Mechanisms of
steroid-induced diabetes
Steroids are commonly used drugs that
have a major side effect of increasing
blood sugar, causing diabetes. We are
investigating the way in which the drugs
cause this effect, with a view to either
developing new steroids without this side
effect, or developing drugs to counteract
this effect of steroids.
Lifestyle interventions
in obesity and diabetes
In these studies, we are comparing the
effects of different lifestyle changes (e.g.
diet vs. exercise) to improve diabetes,
heart disease and to reduce weight. The
aim is to develop a set of “designer”
lifestyle intervention programs that are
tailor-made for individuals.
Obesity-related liver disease
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)
is a common problem in individuals with
obesity and/or type 2 diabetes. It has
a significant risk of progression to liver
failure and of liver cancer development.
We are studying the causes of NAFLD
and the impact of lifestyle intervention
and some therapies to reduce the severity
and/or progression of the disease.
Contact Details:
Professor John Prins
Tel (07) 3240 7663
I do research because it is a privilege to
contribute to advancing knowledge plus
its fun and challenging to be continuously
exposed to new data requiring interpretation
and understanding.
Professor John Prins
Research Leader
John Prins
Research Fellows
Clair Sullivan
David McIntyre
Research Fellow
Louise Hutley
Research Officer
Ingrid Hickman
Research Fellows
Jennifer Martin
Trisha O’Moore
Research Officers
Felicity Newell
Research Dietitian
Kathryn Nolan
Compliance Officer
Madonna Spelta
Senior Research
Nishta Ramnoruth
Anais D’Arcy
Elizabeth Leddy
Jan Noeller
Louise Smith
Masters Student
Thien Nguyen
PhD Students
Stephanie Ipavec
Sherry Ngo
Janelle Nisbet
Cynthia Ong
Liza Phillips
Visiting Fellow
Xia Zhang
Cell Signalling Group
The prevalence of diabetes and obesity has never been higher, both in Australia
and around the world. Recent estimates suggest over 7% of Australians have
diabetes and over 30% are obese.
The Cell Signalling Group studies mechanisms which govern insulin sensitivity and metabolic homeostasis.
In insulin resistance and obesity, these processes become defective, resulting in type 2 diabetes and
cardiovascular disease. A detailed understanding of the underlying mechanisms will facilitate the identification
of effective therapeutic strategies.
receptors represent a new class of 7
transmembrane domain receptor and we
have recently identified a novel AdipoR1
interacting protein that modulates
AdipoR1 and adiponectin signalling.
Coordination of insulin signalling
HeLa cells treated with decoyinine for 3.5h, showing
IMPDH (in green), TRITC-phallodin (in red) and
nuclei (in blue).
Understanding adiponectin biology
Our aim is to identify therapeutic
strategies that will improve insulin
sensitivity and metabolism by increasing
circulating adiponectin levels or
increasing adiponectin sensitivity.
Adiponectin is produced and secreted by
adipocytes and it regulates carbohydrate
and lipid metabolism in liver and skeletal
muscle. Adiponectin circulates in a
range of multimeric forms and the most
metabolically active, High Molecular
Weight (HMW) multimers are preferentially
reduced in obese subjects and patients
with Type 2 diabetes. We reported that
post-translational modifications (PTMs)
of adiponectin are essential for efficient
multimerisation and secretion, thereby
establishing these steps as potential
therapeutic targets. Our recent in vitro
studies have identified a dietary factor
that increases these PTMs, with a
concomitant increase in the production of
HMW adiponectin. Current investigations
aim to determine the therapeutic potential
of dietary supplements. We have also
identified novel PTMs in adiponectin
that appear to play a role in determining
rate of clearance of adiponectin from the
In complementary studies we are
also dissecting the cell biology of
the adiponectin receptors, AdipoR1
and AdipoR2, which mediate
adiponectin’s beneficial effects. These
Defects in insulin signalling underpin
the development of insulin resistance
observed in type 2 diabetes. Our studies
of insulin signalling include proteomic
approaches to identify novel proteins
that facilitate efficient insulin signal
transduction by affording the key protein
IRS-1 optimal access to upstream and
downstream effectors, a step which is
commonly dysregulated in humans with
insulin resistance.
We are also exploring the mechanisms
by which glucocorticoids impair glucose
uptake. Glucocorticoids are widely
used to treat a large variety of clinical
conditions including inflammatory
disorders and asthma. Treatment often
leads to a clinically significant abnormality
in glucose homeostasis, requiring
treatment with oral hypoglycaemic drugs.
Our recent investigations have established
that glucocorticoids impair basal and
insulin-stimulated glucose uptake
in insulin responsive cell types via a
mechanism that impairs distal signalling/
trafficking events and we are using
targeted and proteomics approaches to
further define the molecular mechanisms.
IMPDH biology – implications
for obesity
Our recent in vitro and in vivo work
has identified the enzyme inosine
monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH)
as a potential anti-obesity target. IMPDH
catalyses the rate-limiting step in the denovo biosynthesis of guanine nucleotides
(GTP). We previously established that
IMPDH was regulated by insulin and
implicated in lipid accretion by virtue of
its regulated association with intracellular
lipid droplets. More recently, we have
taken a number of complementary
approaches to define the role of IMPDH
in adipogenesis – the process which
underpins the increase in fat mass
associated with obesity – and shown that
inhibition of IMPDH reduces diet-induced
Detailed characterisation of IMPDH
proteins has also revealed unexpected
divergence between isoforms and we are
continuing to explore these differences,
which may confer cell plasticity in a celltype specific, isoform-specific manner.
Contact Details:
Associate Professor Jon Whitehead
Tel (07) 3240 7456
By unlocking the
molecular details of
biological processes
we can identify the
keys to new therapeutic
Associate Professor
Jon Whitehead
Research Leader
Jon Whitehead
Research Assistant
Felicity Rose
Research Officer
Ayanthi Richards
PhD Students
Hayley Charlton
Matthew Stephenson
Hua Su
Elaine Thomas
Yang Zhe
Research Fellow
Jenni Gunter
Research Officer
Janelle Barry
Compliance Officer
Julie Webster
Bone Biology Group
20,000 hip fractures occur in Australia every year and this number is increasing
by 40% each decade.
In the healthy skeleton, bone is continuously removed and replaced to supply calcium to other tissues, such
as the heart, while maintaining a strong structure. When bone formation and removal rates are unbalanced,
as in osteoporosis and some cancer metastases, this can weaken bone. To treat these conditions, we are
studying how bone cells stimulate and respond to neighbouring cells.
Neural control of bone
Several brain circuits which directly
control bone cells have been discovered
in the past decade. We are using
genetic and cell culture models to
study one of these circuits, which work
through neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons
to limit bone formation under normal
circumstances. Interruption of this circuit
increases activity of the bone forming
osteoblastic cell lineage, resulting in an
increase in bone mass and predictors
of bone strength. If this effect could be
harnessed pharmacologically, it could
be developed into an osteoporosis
therapy alone or in combination with
other osteoporosis drugs. To test the
latter possibility, we are therefore working
to understand how the NPY circuit
interacts with parathyroid hormone
(PTH), a major positive regulator of bone
formation that is used clinically to treat
severe osteoporosis. Our investigation of
NPY-PTH interactions in cell culture and
genetic models will help to determine
whether blocking the NPY circuit while
stimulating the PTH response bone
formation is likely to enhance results
obtained with PTH alone. If so, this will
provide a reason to develop combination
therapies to treat patients with
osteoporosis or orthopaedic conditions.
Novel targets of the
Wnt pathway in bone
The Wnt developmental pathway
is strongly implicated in the control
of bone formation but a detailed
understanding of relevant cellular and
molecular mechanisms is limited. We
are investigating two Wnt target genes
that have not previously been studied in
bone cells, which we observed were upregulated in tissues with significant bone
The first gene is strongly expressed
in healing bone and our experiments
have identified a role for the gene in
development of active bone-forming
osteoblastic cells. Structural and
functional analysis indicates that the
encoded protein may help degrade
a protein important in osteoblast
The second gene was chosen for
study because of its high expression
in prostate cancer bone metastases
and its association with high bone
formation levels. It encodes a known
Wnt-associated protein not previously
studied in bone or prostate cancer. We
are exploring the involvement of this
gene or its targets in prostate cancer
progression and metastasis. By varying
its level in prostate cancer cells, we
have identified a role for this protein in
cell migration. We have now begun to
investigate its potential role in prostate
cancer progression using arrayed clinical
Contact Details:
Associate Professor Edith Gardiner
Tel (07) 3240 5944
Microscopic bone-like nodule stained for
calcium with Alizarin Red.
Despite our vast
knowledge about human
biology and health,
there remain crucial
unanswered questions in
every medical discipline.
By answering important
questions of bone
biology, I aim to increase
therapeutic options
for osteoporosis and
related conditions of the
Associate Professor
Edith Gardiner
Research Leader
Edith Gardiner
Compliance Officer
Susanna Rossotti
PhD Students
Leah Worton
Ian Vela
Studying at the
Diamantina Institute
Students at the Diamantina Institute come from a
variety of backgrounds. We have both local and
international students who are selected for their high
level of academic achievement and suitability to
undertake medical research. The Institute currently
has 42 PhD and MPhil students as well as ten honours
students. In 2008 the Institute graduated five PhD
students, one MPhil student and seven honours
students. We currently have 13 students awaiting
approval to undertake a PhD. Each student has
both principal and associate supervisors as well as
a thesis committee, which oversees the progress of
the students work during their time here. As well as
weekly lab meetings, students attend both the Institute
seminars, given by leading scientists from around
Australia, as well as the Friday Forums where students
and postdoctoral fellows present their work to each
The life of a student at the Institute is more than just
research; we are keen to have our students leave with a
well-rounded appreciation of other aspects of scientific
endeavours. Our professional development series
gives the students exposure to a wide range of topics
including bioinformatics, ethics, business, grant writing,
scientific writing, presentations, media training, the
philosophy of science and other key areas. Furthermore,
the Institute has a dedicated writing coach to help each
student develop their skills and written communication.
We offer finishing PhD students information and help on
obtaining postdoctoral fellowships and encourage them
to visit other labs and attend international conferences
to secure a postdoctoral position. Our students in the
past have gone on to work at Cambridge, Oxford,
Harvard and many other leading universities in Europe
and the USA. We also have an active social club which
students and staff are encouraged to be involved in, and
activities range from regular BBQs and morning teas to
soccer tournaments and the annual Christmas party.
After many months of preparation throughout 2008,
the Institute started a new educational program called
SPARQ-ed (Students Performing Advanced Research
Queensland). The program, an initiative of the Institute
and the Queensland Government’s Department of
Education and Training, is a week-long research
immersion program in which senior high school
students and their teachers come to our laboratories
to work alongside researchers from the Diamantina
Institute and to undertake a research project with real
outcomes. Not only do students gain exposure to the
latest research techniques, they also present their
findings to the Institute at the end of the week. The first
students came through the program in March 2009 and
were highly successful.
Several of our researchers also participate in the
CSIRO initiative, “Scientists in Schools” program.
The program builds a relationship between the school
and the scientist and encourages students to interact
and be mentored by a real scientist. The Institute
also hosted a number of school visits to the Institute
throughout 2008. Engaging students from all levels in
aspects of medical research is seen as an essential
tool to increase awareness of medical research in the
wider community and to invest in the education of
our future research scientists. At the end of 2008, the
Institute welcomed two 3rd year university students
to participate in a vacation scholarship program. This
initiative gave the students a taste of medical research
and developed their laboratory skills.
Congratulations to our students who were awarded a
number of significant awards during 2008:
>> Stephanie Ipavec Levasseur – Jian Zhou Student
Travel Award (joint winner)
>> Yvette Drabsch – Cancer Council Queensland
Travel Grant; 1st prize (poster) at the ASMR Student
>> Vanessa Oakes – 2nd prize (poster) at the ASMR
Student Conference
>> Sherry Wu – Jian Zhou Student Travel Award (joint
winner); 3rd prize (poster) at the ASMR Student
>> Azad Rahimpour – Australasian Society for
Immunology Travel Award
>> Nor Malia Abd Warif – Cancer Council Queensland
Travel Grant
>> Sam Fiorenza – The Peter Doherty Medal for Best
Student Presentation at the 9th Annual Brisbane
Immunology Group Meeting; Cancer Council
Queensland Travel Award; Runner Up for the Jian
Zhou Student Travel Award
>> Elaine Thomas – UQ Graduate School Travel Award
>> Matthew Harrison – ANZ Trustees PhD scholarship;
Cancer Council Queensland Travel Grant; Keystone
Symposia Scholarship
>> Liza Phillips – GSK Postgraduate Support Grant
Brent Neumann
Former PhD Student
I first came to the Diamantina
Institute at the start of 2004
after completing my Honours
degree at the University of
South Australia. I remained at
the Institute until early 2008 and in this time completed
my PhD in cancer research under the supervision
of Professor Tom Gonda. My first impression of the
Institute was that everybody was really friendly and
supportive, which was very important since I had just
moved away from family and friends in Adelaide. This
encouraging environment continued throughout my time
at the Institute and combined with the high quality of
research and stimulating work environment, allowed me
to complete my doctorate and significantly mature as a
Throughout my time at the Institute, I had numerous
opportunities to present my research findings, both
internally and at many national conferences. I was
able to attend the Lorne Cancer Conference every
year of my PhD, as well numerous other conferences
around Australia. These opportunities provided me with
essential presentation and networking skills. Apart from
the working environment, the social environment at the
Diamantina Institute was excellent. The annual soccer
tournaments with other Brisbane institutes were always
a lot of fun and helped to promote collaborations.
However, the highlights of the social side were the
themed dress-up parties for Christmas each year. So
much effort went into finding and creating the outfits
each year, but it was always worth it for such a good
Although I have now moved away from cancer
research and into neuroscience at the UQ Queensland
Brain Institute, it was the training I received from the
Diamantina Institute that allowed me to make such a
transition. I was fortunate enough to learn a large variety
of molecular biology techniques and it was this training
and knowledge that made me an attractive target for my
current supervisor. I am extremely happy in my chosen
field and I owe the Diamantina Institute a lot of credit for
getting me to where I am today and providing me with
the confidence to stay in the highly competitive world of
medical research.
I would like to thank everyone at the Diamantina for their
support and friendship during my time at the Institute
and also providing me with a wonderful platform from
which I can begin my postdoctoral scientific career.
Sherry Wu
PhD Student
I am studying cancer genesilencing therapy with Associate
Professor Nigel McMillan. These
gene-silencing molecules are
extremely unstable and cannot
be taken up by tumour cells readily. My project involves
developing a suitable carrier for these molecules so
they can be delivered safely and efficiently into tumour
tissues. Our ultimate goal is to investigate the feasibility
of this treatment strategy in cancer patients.
Coming from a pharmacy background, I appreciate
that our current cancer treatments are far from ideal. I
decided to get into this field of research after completing
my internship year in pharmacy. I have gained a wide
range of skills and techniques during my study and I
feel very fortunate to be involved in such an exciting
project. I am constantly guided by my supervisor whose
enthusiasm and encouragement have helped me to
become a better scientist. The supportive learning
environment, as well as the state-of-the-art facilities here
at the Institute, has definitely made my PhD life easier. I
have thoroughly enjoyed my research experience here at
the Diamantina Institute and in 2009, with the help of the
travel grant provided by the Institute and Queensland
Cancer Council, I will present my work in an international
conference in USA.
Studying at the Diamantina Institute continued
Azad Rahimpour
PhD Student
My research in the Frazer lab
is focused on the influence
of innate immunity on the
induction of adaptive immune
responses in epithelia.
Intraepithelial γδ T cells are known to play a role in
tumour surveillance and maintenance of the natural
physiology of epithelia. My research has shown that
cross presentation of epidermal antigen is augmented
by dendritic epidermal γδ T cells and we are now
investigating the underlying mechanism. Defining
new functions for these cells will allow us to refine our
immunotherapeutic strategies by recruiting a wider
range of protective mechanisms.
While being trained as a veterinarian, I was fascinated by
the ingenuity of the immune system in carrying out such
complex tasks and always wondered if it was possible
to learn (immunobiology) and speak (immunotherapy)
the language of the immune system to an extent that
we could tune it into an invincible system to protect the
body against all disease.
I chose to do my PhD at the Diamantina Institute
because of its success in pioneering the world’s first
vaccine against cervical cancer. What I enjoy about the
Institute is the incredible quality of scientists and their
openness to share their time, knowledge and experience
with new students.
Other strengths include the state-of-the-art facilities and
the willingness of the Institute to fund academic travel
where it benefits students. After presenting my findings
at the Australian Society of Immunology’s annual
meeting in 2008, I was convinced that the Diamantina
Institute has been a great platform for me and I look
forward to learning more about the immune system in
my postdoctoral years.
Elaine Thomas
PhD Student
I developed a taste for insulin
signalling and molecular cell
biology within a clinical setting
whilst working as a research
assistant in the Cell Signalling
Group. After dabbling in developmental biology in
London, I returned to the Diamantina Institute to pursue
a PhD with Associate Professor Jon Whitehead. My PhD
research investigates the regulation of a key enzyme in
the production of cellular energy, IMPDH. In particular,
determining how the two forms of IMPDH differ in
their “energy sensing” and the effect disease-causing
mutations have on this regulation.
At the Institute, we are exposed to interesting and
clinically relevant basic science and have a unique
opportunity to informally meet with visiting speakers at
the student lunches. Being surrounded by enthusiastic
colleagues has helped me develop as a scientist and
has made for an enjoyable working environment.
In 2008, with the financial support of the Institute’s 2007
Jian Zhou Travel Award and a 2008 UQ Graduate School
Travel Award, I spent 2.5 months in a collaborator’s lab
at Stanford University, California. Whilst challenging,
it was an excellent experience and gave me great
appreciation of the support facilities at the Diamantina
Institute. This trip included interviews for a future
postdoctorate position in the UK. I have also had
opportunities to present my research at conferences in
France, New Zealand, interstate and locally.
Science is a collaborative endeavour. The exchange of ideas is essential to the growth of research, and through the
Institute’s regular scientific meetings, leading researchers from around the world are invited to present their findings to
the Institute.
In addition to these regular meetings, the Institute also organises an annual Jian Zhou Memorial Oration, held at Customs
House. The Oration is given by a renowned researcher and held in honour of the late Dr Jian Zhou.
In 2008, Professor Christopher Goodnow, from the John Curtin School of Medical Research, was invited to speak. His
presentation was entitled “Connecting genome with phenome through multiplex libraries of nucleotide variants in the
mouse genome sequence: Examples from the immune system”. Professor Goodnow has pioneered the use of mouse
molecular genetics to reveal key mechanisms that have changed the conceptual framework of the field by showing that
tolerance to self is acquired through a series of regulatory checkpoints at many steps in the maturation of immune cells.
2008 Scientific Seminar Presentations
Dr Melissa Brown
The University of Queensland
Understanding BRCA1: Genes loops,
mRNA dynamics and mammary epithelial
cell biology
Dr Georgia Chenevix-Trench
Queensland Institute of Medical Research
Towards an understanding of the genetic
architecture of breast cancer
Professor Peter F M Choong
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
The challenge of sarcoma management:
From machines to molecules
Associate Professor Alan Coombes
The University of Queensland
Packaging of Biomolecules to improve
presentation and delivery
Associate Professor Greg Cooney
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Energy balance, obesity & metabolic
disease. Is it all a matter of timing?
Dr Mathias Ehrich
Sequenom Inc.
Epigenetic target identification
Professor David Evans
University of Bristol
Human gene mapping: Past, present and
Dr Tony Evans and Dr Guy Heathers
Cancer Therapeutics CRC Pty Ltd
Cancer Therapeutics - from your research,
discovering & developing cancer drugs
Professor David Findlay
Hanson Institute
TNF family proteins in bone
Professor Martyn French
University of Western Australia
Immune reconstitution in patients with HIV
Professor Peter J Fuller
Prince Henry's Institute of Medical
Determinants of tissue and ligand binding
specificity in the mineralocorticoid
Professor Carolyn Geczy
University of New South Wales
New mechanisms regulating chronic
Professor Michelle Haber AM
Children's Cancer Institute Australia
Molecular targeted therapy for childhood
Professor John Schrader
University of British Columbia
M-Ras and Cancer: Caprin1 and RNA who would have guessed?
Dr Changan Jiang
Sichuan University
Drosophila model of Parkinsons
Dr Nithianandan Selliah
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
STAT5 and FOXP3: Activation and
suppression of HIV infection. Potential
implications for HIV latency
Professor Thomas Kay
St Vincent's Institute of Medical Research
Type 1 diabetes: T cells and transplants
Dr Wallace Langdon
University of Western Australia
The roles of c-Cb1 in the thymocyte
selection and myeloid leukaemia
Professor Peter Leedman
Western Australian Institute for
Medical Research
Exploring the functional role of microRNAs
and cancer
Associate Professor Jean-Pierre
Mater Medical Research Institute
Haematopoietic stem cell niches in the
bone marrow
Dr Patrick Ling
University of Hong Kong
Prostate cancer: From mechanism to
Dr Albert Mellick
Griffith University
Bone marrow derived tumour endothelial
progenitor cells and inhibitor of DNA
binding 1 are required for rapid early
tumour vascularisation and metastatic
Professor Angel Lopez
Hanson Institute
The structure of the human GM-CSF
receptor reveals a new mechanism of
cytokine receptor activation
Associate Professor Grant McArthur
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre
Targeting cell cycle and cell growth for the
treatment of cancer
Associate Professor Philip Peake
The University of Sydney
Adiponectin, a versatile molecule from the
fat cell
Dr Helmut Schaider
Medical University of Graz
Chemokines, chemokine receptors & a
viral chemokine receptor homologue in
Professor M. Frances Shannon
The Australian National University
Transcription factors and chromatin in T
cell development and function
Dr Alexander Swarbrick
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Identifying novel mechanisms of tumour
suppressor evasion in tumourigenesis
Dr Stephen Turner
University of Melbourne
The makings of a killer: Molecular aspects
of CD8+ killer T cell function
Professor David Vaux
La Trobe University
Inhibitor of apoptosis proteins: From
baculovirus to bedside and
Ten rules for the presentation and
interpretation of data in publications
Professor Vibeke Videm
Norwegian University of Science and
Inflammation, atherosclerosis and genetic
risk modifiers
Professor Mark von Itzstein
Griffith University
Avian influenza and sialic acid recognition:
New approaches to anti-influenza drug
Associate Professor Matthew Watt
Monash University
Pigment epithelium-derived factor
contributes to insulin resistance in obesity
Professor Wolfgang Weninger
The University of Sydney
Visualising immune responses in tumours
& infections using two-photon microscopy
Associate Professor Simon Barry, The
University of Adelaide and Child Health
Research Institute, Adelaide, Australia
Dr Mark Belhke, International DNA
Technologies, Iowa, USA
Dr Ed Bertram, Australian Phenomics
Facility, Australian National University,
Canberra, Australia
Dr Jeremy Blaydes, University of
Southampton, Southampton, UK
Dr Jacome Bruges-Armas, Hospital
Santo Espírito de Angra do Heroísmo,
Terceira, The Azores, Portugal
Associate Professor Nuala Byrne,
Queensland University of Technology,
Brisbane, Australia
Dr Richard Carr, MSD, Copenhagen
Associate Professor Toby Coates,
Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Adelaide,
Professor Jeff Coombs, The University
of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Associate Professor Greg Cooney,
Garvan Institute of Medical Research,
Sydney, Australia
Professor Gary Gilliland, Brigham and
Women’s Hospital, Boston, USA
Associate Professor Gregory Goodall,
Institute of Medical and Veterinary
Science, Adelaide, Australia
Professor Richard Prince, The University
of Western Australia, Perth, Australia
Dr Sean Grimmond, Institute for
Molecular Biosciences, The University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Associate Professor Robert Ramsay,
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre,
Melbourne, Australia
Professor Ted Gross, University of
Washington, Seattle, USA
Professor Jacqui Rand, The University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Dr Lars Hansen, Bristol-Myers Squibb,
New Jersey, USA
Professor John Reveille, University of
Texas, Houston, USA
Dr Mark Harris, Mater Health Services,
Brisbane, Australia
Dr Justin Rubio, The University of
Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Professor Herbert Herzog, Garvan
Institute of Medical Research, Sydney,
Dr Martin Rudwaleit, Charité Hospital,
Berlin, Germany
Professor Alan Hildesheim, National
Cancer Institute, Washington, USA
Professor Andrew Hills, Queensland
University of Technology, Brisbane,
Associate Professor Geoff Hill,
Queensland Institute for Medical
Research, Brisbane, Australia
Dr Andrew Cotterill, Mater Health
Services, Brisbane, Australia
Dr Luke Hughes-Davies, University of
Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
Professor Jamie Craig, Flinders
University Medical Centre, Adelaide,
Dr Shunsuke Ishii, RIKEN Tsukuba
Institute, Ibaraki, Japan
Dr Nigel Davies, Astra Pharmaceuticals,
Associate Professor Carolyn Deacon,
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Professor Peter Donnelly, The University
of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Professor Bernard Ducommun, Paul
Sabatier University, Toulouse, France
Dr Harry Parekh, The University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Associate Professor Mark Gorrall,
Centenary Institute, Sydney, Australia
Dr Andrew Cope, Kennedy Institute of
Rheumatology, London, UK
Associate Professor Richard D’Andrea,
Institute of Medical and Veterinary
Science and The Queen Elizabeth
Hospital, Adelaide, Australia
Professor Geoff Nicholson, The
University of Melbourne, Geelong,
Professor Graeme Jones, University of
Tasmania, Hobart, Australia
Dr Freddy Sitas, The Cancer Council
New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Dr Millicent Stone, Royal National
Hospital for Rheumatic Disease, Bath, UK
Dr Phil Stumbles, Murdoch University,
Perth, Australia
Dr Aaron Smith, Institute for Molecular
Biosciences, The University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Professor Malcolm Smith, The University
of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia
Professor Raj Thakker, The University of
Oxford, Oxford, UK
Dr Jon Tobias, University of Bristol,
Bristol, UK
Professor Trevor Kilpatrick, The
University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Dr Connie Trimble, John Hopkins
University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Professor Paul Lambert, The McCardle
Institute, Madison, Wisconsin, USA
Professor Andrei Uitterlinden, Erasmus
University, Rotterdam, Holland
Professor Sunil Lakhani, The University
of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Professor John Upham, The University
of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Dr Gary Leong, Institute for Molecular
Biosciences, The University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Professor Bala Venkatesh, Princess
Alexandra Hospital, Brisbane, Australia
Dr Sophia Wang, National Cancer
Institute, Washington, USA
Professor John Eisman, Garvan Institute
of Medical Research, Sydney, Australia
Associate Professor Jean-Pierre
Levesque, Mater Medical Research
Institute, Brisbane, Australia
Dr David Evans, University of Bristol,
Bristol, UK
Dr Peter Liu, Anzac Research Institute,
Sydney, Australia
Dr Nigel Waterhouse, Peter MacCallum
Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Australia
Professor Barbara Fazekas de St Groth,
Centenary Institute, Sydney, Australia
Professor Thomas Marwick, The
University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Professor Michael Weisman, CedarsSinai Medical Centre, Los Angeles, USA
Dr Glenn Francis, Princess Alexandra
Hospital, Brisbane, Australia
Dr Uli Frevert, Bristol-Myers Squibb, New
Jersey, USA
Dr Johannes Fruehauf, CequentPharma
and Harvard Medical School, Boston,
Dr Carolyn Geczy, The University of New
South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Professor Steve Gerondakis, Monash
University, Melbourne, Australia
Professor Beverly Mitchell, Stanford
University, California, USA
Dr Michael Monterio, Australian Institute
for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology,
The University of Queensland, Brisbane,
Professor Bryan Mowry, The University
of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Professor David Nicol, The University of
Queensland, Brisbane, Australia
Professor John Wark, The University of
Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Professor Bryan Williams, Monash
University, Melbourne, Australia
Professor Paul Wordsworth, The
University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Dr Li Wu, The Walter and Eliza Hall
Institute, Melbourne, Australia
Professor Aimin Xu, The University of
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
2008 Publications
>> Ahmed AA, Soyer HP, Saunders
N, Boukamp P, Roberts MS.
Non-melanoma skin cancers.
Drug Discovery Today: Disease
Mechanisms, 5(1):e55-62 (2008)
>> Brown MA. Breakthroughs in genetic
studies of ankylosing spondylitis.
Rheumatology (Oxford), 479(2) 132-7
>> Chen ACH, McMillan NAJ, Antonsson
A. Human papillomavirus type
spectrum in normal skin of individuals
with or without a history of frequent
sun exposure. Journal of General
Virology, 89(11):2891-97 (2008)
>> Chen J and McMillan NAJ. Molecular
basis of pathogenesis, prognosis
and therapy in chronic lymphocytic
leukaemia. Cancer Biology and
Therapy, 7(2): 174-9 (2008)
>> Cloonan N, Brown MK, Steptoe
AL, Wani S, Chan WL, Forrest AR,
Kolle G, Gabrielli B, Grimmond SM.
The miR-17-5p microRNA is a key
regulator of the G1/S phase cell cycle
transition. Genome Biology, 9(8):R127
>> Colley RC, Hills AP, O’Moore-Sullivan
TM, Hickman IJ, Prins JB, Byrne
NM. Variability in adherence to an
unsupervised exercise prescription in
obese women. International Journal
of Obesity, 32: 837-44 (2008)
>> Garland S, Park SN, Ngan HY, Frazer
I, Tay EH, Chen CJ, Bhatla N, Pitts
M, Shin HR, Konno R, Smith J,
Pagliusi S, Park JS. The need for
public education on HPV and cervical
cancer prevention in Asia. Opinions
of experts at the AOGIN Conference.
Vaccine, 26(43):5435-40 (2008)
>> Gonda TJ, Ramsay RG. Estrogen
and MYB in breast cancer: Potential
for new therapies. Expert Opinion on
Biological Therapy, 8(6):713-7 (2008)
>> Gunter JH, Thomas EC, Lengefeld
N, Kruger SJ, Worton L, Gardiner
EM, Jones A, Barnett NL, Whitehead
JP. Characterisation of inosine
monophosphate dehydrogenase
expression during retinal
development: Differences between
variants and isoforms. International
Journal of Biochemistry & Cell
Biology, 40(9):1716-28 (2008)
>> Harney SMJ, Vilarino-Guell C,
Adamopoulos IE, Sims AM, Larence
RW, Cardon LR, Newton JL, Meisel
C, Pointon JJ, Darke C, Athanasou
N, Wordsworth BP, Brown MA. Fine
mapping of the MHC Class III region
demonstrates association of AIF1 and
rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology,
47:1761-7 (2008)
>> Daveson AJM, Macdonald GA.
A case of periportal fibrosis in a
Sudanese refugee. Medical Journal of
Australia, 188(11):677-8 (2008)
>> Hickman IJ, Russell AJ, Prins JB,
Macdonald GA. Should patients
with type 2 diabetes and raised
liver enzymes be referred for further
evaluation of liver disease? Diabetes
Research and Clinical Practice
Journal, 21(6):715-21 (2008)
>> Davies M, Lavalle-González F, Storms
F, Gomis R. Initiation of insulin
glargine therapy in type 2 diabetes
subjects suboptimally controlled on
oral antidiabetic agents: Results from
the AT.LANTUS trial. Diabetes Obesity
& Metabolism, 10(5):387-99 (2008)
>> Hordern MD, Cooney LM, Beller EM,
Prins JB, Marwick TH, Coombes JS.
Determinants of changes in blood
glucose response to short-term
exercise training in patients with type
2 diabetes. Clinical Science (London),
115(9):273-81 (2008)
>> De Boer L, Oakes V, Beamish H, Giles
N, Stevens F, Somodevilla-Torres M,
DeSouza C, Gabrielli B. Cyclin A/
cdk2 coordinates centrosomal and
nuclear mitotic events. Oncogene,
27(31):4261-8 (2008)
>> Jensen J, Gronning-Wang LM,
Jebens E, Whitehead JP, Zorec R,
Shepherd PR. Adrenaline potentiates
insulin-stimulated PKB activation
in the rat fast-twitch epitrochlearis
muscle without affecting IRS-1associated PI 3-kinase activity.
Pflügers Archiv: European Journal of
Physiology, 456(5):969-78 (2008)
>> Erlich RB, Rickwood D, Coman W,
Saunders NA, Guminski A. Valproic
acid as a therapeutic agent for
head and neck squamous. Cancer
Chemotherapy and Pharmacology,
63(3):381-9 (2008)
>> Frazer IH. HPV vaccines and the
prevention of cervical cancer. Update
on Cancer Therapeutics, 3:43-8
>> Kain T, Zochling J, Taylor A, Manolios
N, Smith MD, Reed MD, Brown
MA, Schachna L. Evidence-based
recommendations for the diagnosis
of ankylosing spondylitis: Results
from the Australian 3E initiative in
rheumatology. The Medical Journal of
Australia, 188(4):235-7 (2008)
>> Frith MC, Saunders NF, Kobe B,
Bailey TL. Discovering sequence
motifs with arbitrary insertions and
deletions. PLoS Computational
Biology, 4(4):e1000071 (2008)
>> Kendall BJ, Macdonald GA, Hayward
NK, Prins JB, Brown I, Walker,
Pandeya N, Green AC, Whiteman
DC. Leptin and the risk of Barrett’s
oesophagus. Gut, 57:448-54 (2008)
>> Kenna T, Thomas R, Steptoe
R. Steady-state dendritic cells
expressing cognate antigen terminate
memory CD8+ T-cell responses.
Blood, 111(4):2091-100 (2008)
>> Kovacs EM, Yap AS. Cell-Cell
Contact: Cooperating Clusters of
Actin and Cadherin. Current Biology,
18(15):R667-9 (2008)
>> Li B, Wang X, Zhou F, Saunders NA,
Frazer IH, Zhao K-N. Up-regulated
expression of Sp1 protein coincident
with a viral protein in human and
mouse differentiating keratinocytes
may act as a cell differentiation
marker. Differentiation, 76(10):106880 (2008)
>> Martin J. Statins and Congestive
Heart Failure. Current Atherosclerosis
Reports, 10:369-76 (2008)
>> Moffatt P, Gaumond MH, Salois
P, Sellin K, Bessette MC, Godin
E, Tambasco de Oliveira P, Atkins
GJ, Nanci A, Thomas G. Bril, a
novel bone-specific modulator of
minerilisation. Journal Bone & Mineral
Research, 23(9): 1497-1508 (2008)
>> Mollah ZU, Pai S, Moore C, O’Sullivan
BJ, Harrison MJ, Peng J, Phillips
K, Prins JB, Cardinal J, Thomas
R. Abnormal NF-kappa B function
characterizes human type 1 diabetes
dendritic cells and monocytes.
Journal of Immunology, 180(5):316675 (2008)
>> Naderi A, Hughes-Davies L. A
functionally significant cross-talk
between androgen receptor and
ErbB2 pathways in Estrogen receptor
negative breast cancer. Neoplasia,
10(6):542-8 (2008)
>> Naderi A, Hughes-Davies L. Nerve
growth factor/nuclear factor-kB
pathway as a therapeutic target in
breast cancer. Journal of Cancer
Research and Clinical Oncology,
135(2):211-6 (2008)
>> Neumann B, Zhao L, Murphy K,
Gonda TJ. Subcellular localization
of the Schlafen protein family.
Biochemical and Biophysical
Research Communications,
370(1):62-6 (2008)
>> Phillips LK, Prins JB. The link
between abdominal obesity and
the metabolic syndrome. Current
Hypertension Reports, 10(2):156-164
>> Pointon JJ, Chapman K, Harvey
D, Sims AM, Bradbury L, Laiho K,
Kauppi M, Kaarela K, Tuomilehto J,
Brown MA, Wordsworth BP. Toll-like
receptor 4 and CD14 polymorphisms
in ankylosing spondylitis: Evidence of
a weak association in Finns. Journal
of Rheumatology, 35(8):1609-12
2008 Publications continued
>> Prins JB. Experimental and clinical
pharmacology - Incretin mimetics and
enhancers: Mechanisms of action.
Australian Prescriber, 31(4):102-4
>> Proietto AI, van Dommelen S, Zhou
P, Rizzitelli A, D’Amico A, Steptoe RJ,
Naik SH, Lahoud MH, Liu Y, Zheng P,
Shortman K, Wu L. Dendritic cells in
the thymus contribute to T-regulatory
cell induction. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the
USA, 105(50):19869-74 (2008)
>> Ramsay RG, Gonda TJ. MYB function
in normal and cancer cells. Nature
Reviews Cancer, 8(7):523-34 (2008)
>> Ruuta M, Frazer IH, Liu X. Therapeutic
vaccination against cervical cancer –
are we near? Cancer Forum, 32(2):98104 (2008)
>> Saunders NF, Brinkworth RI, Huber
T, Kemp BE, Kobe B. Predikin
and PredikinDB: A computational
framework for the prediction of
protein kinase peptide specificity
and an associated database
of phosphorylation sites. BMC
Bioinformatics, 26(9):245 (2008)
>> Scott JA, Coombes JS, Prins JB,
Leano RL, Marwick TH, Sharman JE.
Patients with type 2 Diabetes have
exaggerated brachial and central
exercise blood pressure: Relation to
left ventricular relative wall thickness.
American Journal of Hypertension,
21(6):715-21 (2008)
>> Shelley M, Pakenham KI, Frazer IH.
Cortisol changes interact with the
effects of a cognitive behavioural
psychological preparation for surgery
on 12-month outcomes for surgical
heart patients. Psychology and
Health, 99999:1 (2008)
>> Sims AM, Timms AE, Bruges-Armas
J, Chou CT, Doan T, Dowling A, Fialho
RN, Gergely P, Gladman DD, Inman
R, Kauppi M, Kaarela K, Laiho K,
Maksymowych W, Rahman P, Reveille
JD, Tuomilehto J, Wordsworth
BP, Xu H, Brown MA. Prospective
meta-analysis of IL-1 gene complex
polymorphisms confirms associations
with ankylosing spondylitis. Annals of
the Rheumatic Diseases, 67(9):1305-9
>> Sims AM, Shephard N, Carter K,
Doan T, Dowling A, Duncan EL,
Eisman J, Jones G, Nicholson G,
Prince R, Seeman E, Thomas G, Wass
JA, Brown MA. Genetic analyses in a
sample of individuals with high or low
BMD shows association with multiple
Wnt pathway genes. Journal of Bone
and Mineral Research, 23(4):499-506
>> Stevens FE, Beamish H, Warrener
R, Gabrielli B. Histone deacetylase
inhibitors induce mitotic slippage.
Oncogene, 27:1345-1354 (2008)
>> Thomas R, Turner M, Cope AP. High
avidity autoreactive T cells with a
low signalling capacity through the
T-cell receptor: Central to rheumatoid
arthritis pathogenesis? Arthritis
Research and Therapy, 10:210 (2008)
>> Wang XQ, Hayes MT, Kempf M,
Fraser JF, Liu A, Cuttle L, Friend L,
Rothnagel JA, Saunders NA, Kimble
RM. Fetuin-A: A major fetal serum
protein that promotes “wound
closure” and scarless healing. The
Journal of Investigative Dermatology,
128(3):753-7 (2008)
>> Wu SY, Putral LN, Liang M, Chang
HI, Davies NM, McMillan NA.
Development of a Novel Method for
Formulating Stable siRNA-Loaded
Lipid Particles for In vivo Use.
Pharmaceutical Resource, 26(3): 51222 (2008)
>> Yamauchi T, Keough RA, Gonda TJ,
Ishii S. Ribosomal stress induces
processing of Mybbp1a and its
translocation from the nucleolus to
the nucleoplasm. Genes to Cells,
13(1):27-39 (2008)
>> Zeck W, Widberg C, Maylin E, Desoye
G, Lang U, McIntyre D, Prins J,
Russell A. Regulation of placental
growth hormone secretion in a human
trophoblast model - The effects of
hormones and adipokines. Pediatric
Research, 63(4): 353-57 (2008)
>> Zhao L, Neumann B, Murphy K, Silke
J, Gonda TJ. Lack of reproducible
growth inhibition by Schlafen1 and
Schlafen2 in vitro. Blood Cells,
Molecules and Diseases, 41(2):188-93
>> Zhong J, Hadis U, De Kluyver R,
Leggatt GR, Fernando GJP, Frazer
IH. TLR7 stimulation augments
T effector-mediated rejection of
skin expressing neo-self antigen in
keratinocytes. European Journal of
Immunology, 38:73-81 (2008)
>> Zhu et al. A novel gene variation of
TNF alpha associated with ankylosing
spondylitis: a reconfirmed study.
Brown MA. Re: Zhu et al. Annals of
the Rheumatic Diseases, 67(3):434;
discussion 434-6 (2008)
>> Willibald Z, Widberg C, Maylin E,
Desoye G, Lang U, McIntyre D, Prins
JB, Russell A. Regulation of placental
growth hormone secretion in a human
trophoblast model-t the effects of
hormones and adipokines. Pediatric
Research, 63(4):353-7 (2008)
Book Chapters
>> Gabrielli B, Stevens F, Beamish H.
(2008) “Do Histone Deacetylase
Inhibitors Target Cell Cycle
Checkpoints That Monitor
Heterochromatin Structure?”. In
Dai W (Ed) Checkpoint Responses
in Cancer Therapy. (pp 291-310)
Humana Press.
>> Brown MA. (2008) “Epidemiology of
Rheumatic Diseases”. In Luqmani
R, Robb J, et al (Eds) Textbook
of Orthopaedics, Trauma and
Rheumatology. (pp 53-61) Elsevier.
>> Dowhan DH. (2008) “Purification and
Concentration of Nucleic Acids”.
In S. Gallagher and E.A. Wiley
(Eds) Current Protocols Essential
Laboratory Techniques. John Wiley
& Sons.
>> Gu W, Putral L, McMillan NA. (2008)
“siRNA and shRNA as anticancer
agents in a cervical cancer model”
In Barik S (Ed) Methods in Molecular
Biology Vol 442: RNAi: Design and
Application. Totowa: Humana Press.
>> Macdonald GA. (2008) “Suspected
Iron Overload or High Serum Ferritin”.
In Talley N, Segal I, Weltmann M (Eds)
Pocket Clinical Gastroenterology. (pp
389-396) Elsevier.
>> Pai S and Thomas R. (2008)
“Dendritic cells”. In Hochberg M and
Smolen J (Eds) Rheumatoid Arthritis.
>> Smyth MJ, Cretney E, Street SEA and
Hayakawa Y. (2008) “Experimental
Models of Cytokines and Cancer
Prevention”. In Caligiuri MA and Lotze
MT (Eds) Cytokines in the Genesis
and Treatment of Cancer. (pp 211229) Totowa: Humana Press.
>> Whitehead J,Richards A. (2008)
“Adiponectin”. In Leff TA and
Granneman J (Eds) Adipose Tissue in
Health and Disease. Wiley-VCH.
Grants 2008
Arthritis Australia
Matthew Brown
Genetics of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Arthritis Queensland
Ranjeny Thomas
Professorial Chair
Australian Cancer Research
Thomas Gonda
A comprehensive cancer genomics
Australian Research Council
Brian Gabrielli
The function of truncated MEK1 in
a G2 phase cell cycle delay an in
Thomas Gonda
Function and regulation of the
Schlafen gene family: Novel
regulators of blood cell proliferation
and function
The Cancer Council
Annika Antonsson
Development of models to study
human papillomavirus and its
involvement in non-melanoma skin
Brian Gabrielli
Is the heterochromatin checkpoint
a usefu; anti-cancer drug target?
Brian Gabrielli
and Graham Leggatt
Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors can
inhibit tumour growth via induction
of an anti-tumour immune
Kong-Nan Zhao
Codon modifications redirect
expression of HPV16 E7 oncogene
and human oncosuppressor genes
(p53 & Rb) in keratinocytes
Nigel McMillan
RNA Interference to Boost Immune
Responses against Cancer
Thomas Gonda
The role of MYB oncogene in
mammary carcinogenesis)
Diabetes Australia
Research Trust
Clair Sullivan
Prevention of cardiovascular
disease: Understanding the links
between diabetes, obesity and
platelet function
Janelle Barry
The role of FOXO transcription
factors in Glucocorticoid-induced
insulin resistance
Jenni Moffitt
Characterising the IMPDH type
II AMKO mouse in a model of
diet-induced obesity: Potential
validation of a novel therapeutic
Jon Whitehead
Investigation into the functional
role of novel AdipoR interacting
The Garnett Passe and
Rodney Williams Memorial
Foundation Research
Nicholas Saunders
Developing E2F inhibitors as a
potential therapeutic strategy for
the treatment of head and neck
squamous cell carcinoma
Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation (International)
Ranjeny Thomas
Interleukin 1 and tolerance in type
1 diabetes
Ranjeny Thomas
RelB response as a biomarker of
diabetes susceptibility
US$161,418 Raymond Steptoe
Induction of tolerance in memory
diabetogenic T cells
Merck Sharp & Dohme
John Prins
Incretin effects on adipocyte
National Health and Medical
Research Council
Brian Gabrielli
NHMRC Research Fellowship
Brian Gabrielli
CDK4 activity in S/G2 phases
influences mititic fidelity
Christelle Capini
The role of post translationally
modified antigen in rheumatoid
Dennis Dowhan
Investigation into the alternative
splicing of steroid hormone
regulated genes in breast cancer
Ingrid Hickman
Obesity-related inflammation and
insulin resistance in chronic liver
disease. Exercise and diet as
treatment options
John Prins
NHMRC Health Research
Partnership in Type 2 diabetes
Jon Whitehead
Research Fellowship
Jon Whitehead
Adiponectin - Multimerization,
secretion and action
Jon Whitehead
IMPDH and lipid accumulation
Louise Hutley
FGF-1 in human adipgenesis
Matthew Brown
Research Fellowship
Matthew Brown
Australian Genomewide
Association study in Osteoporosis
Nicholas Saunders
Identification of clinically significant
subtypes of head and neck cancer
Nigel McMillan
Non-viral vectors for targeted
delivery of RNAi nucleotides to
cervical cancers
Raymond Steptoe
Tolerance induction by antigenpresenting cell-targeted antigen
Raymond Steptoe
Mechanisms of dendritic cellinduced T-cell tolerance
Raymond Steptoe
Mechanisms of tolerance in
memory T cells
Rose Boutros
Identification and function
analysis of novel post-translational
modifications of CDC25B
Shayna Street
The role of RelB in atopic asthma
Sunny Liu
T cell trafficking and effective
immunotherapy for cancer
Edith Gardiner
Interaction between PTH and Y2
bone anabolic pathways
Thomas Gonda
Determining the role of Rel/NF-kB
Transcription Factors in Myeloid
Ian Frazer
and Ranjeny Thomas
Immunological therapies for cancer
and autoimmunity
Thomas Gonda
FLT3 signalling in acute myeloid
Ingrid Hickman
Type 2 diabetes and chronic liver
disease: An emerging relationship
between co-morbid diseases of
Thomas Gonda
and Brian Gabrielli
Retroviral Expression Cloning using
an Arrayed Full-Length cDNA Gene
Grants 2008 continued
Wenyi Gu
Sensitise cervical cancer cells to
shRNA-medicated gene silence
Won Lee
Mechanisms regulating cell cycle
progression in response to UV
NHMRC International
Collaborative Research/
Wellcome Trust Grant
Ian Frazer
Study of HPV 6L1 virus like particles
as therapeutic vaccine for genital
warts and recurrent respiratory
Ian Frazer
Study of HPV 6L1 virus like particles
as therapeutic vaccine for genital
warts and recurrent respiratory
National Institutes
of Health USA
Matthew Brown
PO1-A Genome wide Association
Study of Ankylosing Spondylitis
Susceptibility (National Institute of
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Skin
Diseases (USA ) and Uni Texas)
PA Foundation
Thomas Gonda
A comprehensive cancer genomics
Cynthia Ong
Androgen deficiency in obese men
Emma Duncan
Does bone regulate energy
metabolism in humans? Evidence
from a clinical cohort of obese and
non-obese individuals
John Prins
Metabolic Research Unit
Liza Philips
Adiponectin - role in modulating
postprandial inflammatory, metabolic
and cardiovascular stress
Matthew Brown
Arthritis complicating inflammatory
bowel disease - prevalence and
genetic predictors
Nicholas Saunders
PAF Cancer Collaborative Group:
QCF Collaborative research grant
Ranjeny Thomas
Phase I trial of autogolous dendritic
cells to induce antigen specific
tolerance in patients with rheumatoid
arthritis: equipment required for cell
Rebecca L Cooper Medical
Research Foundation
Matthew Brown
DNA Quality assessment of genetic
study samples
Ranjeny Thomas
Phase 1 trial of autologous dendritic
cells to induce antigen specific
tolerance in patients with rheumatoid
arthritis: equipment required for cell
Nicholas Saunders
Nigel McMillan
Prostate Cancer
Foundation of Australia
Nigel McMillan
Annika Antonsson
The role of human papillomaviruses
in the development of prostrate
The University of Queensland
Xiao Song Liu
Studying the function of antigen
experienced CD4+GITR+T cells
The Queensland and Northern
NSW Lions Medical Research
Gethin Thomas
New therapies for bone and joint
disease through identification of
novel disease causing genes
Queensland Government
Brendan O’Sullivan
Targeting liver macrophages to
prevent diabetes
Christelle Capini
Liposomal formulation as a cell free
therapy to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis
in an antigen specific manner
Ian Frazer
Innovation Skills Fund Smart State
Premier's Fellowship 2005-06
Brendan O’Sullivan
ECR- Role of NF-kB protein in
human asthma
Eva Kovacs
3D dynamic cell behaviour in a skin
graft model of disease visualised by
multiphoton microscopy-technology
Eva Kovacs
IL-1B signalling in the elimination of
epithelial tumours
Patrick Danoy
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
Zoulika Kherrouche
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship
$380, 000 (UQ);
Brian Gabrielli
$54,953 (NHMRC)
Confocal microscopy
Wesley Research Institute
Nicholas Saunders
Identifying the molecular basis for
osteosarcoma metastasis
Generous funding support from the Australian Cancer Research Foundation has enabled our researchers to establish the ACRF Comprehensive Cancer
Genomics Facility.
Our Supporters
Without financial support, our vital medical research simply could not continue. We are deeply grateful to all the
foundations, organisations and individuals who work hard to generously support our research and help us towards
reaching our goals of turning scientific discoveries into better treatments.
The Queensland and Northern NSW Lions
Medical Research Foundation
Supporting medical research in Brisbane since 1966, the
Queensland and Northern NSW Lions Medical Research
Foundation has been pivotal in providing seed funding
for early-career researchers who are investigating a
range of common diseases. Funds for the Foundation
are derived from donations and fundraising efforts from
Lions Clubs and the wider community. The major source
of funds comes from the annual Miss Personality Quest,
an event that has been running since 1969 and raised
over $11 million to date.
The Lions have been a long term and generous
supporter of the Diamantina Institute since the early
1980’s. In 2008, the Lions Medical Research Foundation
established a Lions/Diamantina Institute Fellowship.
The purpose of the Fellowship is to support early-career
scientists to allow them to establish themselves and
develop their research to a point where they can obtain
independent funding.
Professor Ian Frazer received funding from the
Foundation in 1985 for drug research into the treatment
of AIDS and ideas on how immunology might provide a
vaccine to prevent cervical cancer in women. Professor
Frazer was particularly interested in the role that the
human papillomavirus had on epithelial cancers, and
it was this research that lead to the technology behind
the world’s first vaccine for cervical cancer, released in
Governor of Queensland and Patron to the Foundation, Ms Penelope
Wensley, visiting the laboratories at the Diamantina Institute in
December 2008. Anton Sanker and Gethin Thomas are also pictured.
Some of the researchers from the Diamantina Institute
who have received financial assistance from the
Foundation early on in their careers include Associate
Professor Jon Whitehead for his research into the
development of novel anti-obesity drugs; Dr Graham
Leggatt for his research into developing vaccines for
tumours and viral infections; and Associate Professor
Nicholas Saunders for his research into skin cancer.
The 2008 Lions Diamantina Institute Fellowship recipient
is Dr Gethin Thomas for his research into the genetics of
osteoporosis and ankylosing spondylitis.
“This funding has allowed me to instigate projects to
identify novel genes involved in ankylosing spondylitis
and develop animal models in which to test the roles of
these candidate genes” Gethin comments. “We hope
these studies will enable us to develop diagnostic tests
to identify patients early on in the disease process
before permanent damage has occurred. Identification
of novel disease-associated genes can also highlight
new pathways for development of new therapeutic
Winston Fraser (Deputy Chairman), Dr Gethin Thomas, Irene Dunning
(Chairman 2006-2008) and Ken Scells (Director) at the Lions Medical
Research Foundation Fellowship Award Ceremony in February 2008.
2008 Financials
Operating Statement for the Year
Ended 31 December 2008
C/Fwd from 2007
2008 $
Institutional Grants The University of Queensland - Grant Funding
The University of Queensland - Fellowship funds
The University of Queensland - Infrastructure funding
Teaching and Research Income
T & R Allocation
Project Grants and Fellowships
ANZ Trustees
Arthritis Queensland
Arthritis Australia
Australian Research Council
Australian Cancer Research Foundation
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International
National Health and Medical Research Council
PA Foundation
Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia
Rebecca L Cooper Medical Research Foundation Limited
The Cancer Council Queensland
The Garnett Passe and Rodney Williams
Memorial Foundation
The Queensland and Northern NSW Lions
Medical Research Foundation 75,000
The Scleroderma Association of Queensland
Other Revenue
Commercial Income
Uniquest Pty Ltd Trailblazer/Pathfinder awards
Queensland Government
Wellcome Trust UK
Diabetes Australia Research Trust
Leukaemia Foundation of Queensland
Other revenue
Research Support Services 2008
$3.2 million grant helps Diamantina
researchers fight cancer
Researchers from the UQ’s Diamantina Institute for
Cancer, Immunology and Metabolic Medicine will be at
the forefront of fighting cancer thanks to a $3.2 million
grant from the Australian Cancer Research Foundation
Announced in March 2008, the ACRF funding will
allow the Institute scientists and their partners from the
Queensland University of Technology, to buy the latest
high-tech tools to help them discover genes linked to
the best in the world in their field. We are committed to
providing these scientists with state-of-the-art facilities
and technology capable of exploring new approaches
to achieve better results for cancer patients in Australia
and around the globe,” he added. The Australian Cancer
Research Foundation has awarded almost $55 million
in cancer research grants to Australia’s leading cancer
Highlights for 2008
Deputy Director, Operations
Anton Sanker
Administration Assistant
Nicole Chandler
Research Infrastructure Manager
Paul Kristensen
Flow Cytometry Facility Managers
Ibtissam Abdul Jabbar
Michael Rist
Finance and Administration Manager
Toni Johnson
Innovation and Commercial Development
Lisa Bidwell
Scientific Research Management Officer
Kylie Hengst
Marketing and Communications Officer
Danielle Fischer
>> March - Professor Ranjeny Thomas and team
develop a simple test which should allow for the
early prediction of the onset of type 1 diabetes in
HR Advisor/Postgraduate Student
Administration Officers
Felicity Ray
Samantha Dyson
Maria Cummings
New instruments will be integrated to form the ACRF
Comprehensive Cancer Genomics Facility. It will be
located at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, and in three
years’ time will move to a more spacious research
building, the Translational Research Institute, with a
remit to develop new treatments for cancer and other
>> March - The Diamantina Institute was officially
launched by the Minister for Tourism, Regional
Development and Industry, Desley Boyle.
Finance Officer
Leanne Conway
Identifying genes linked to common cancers such as
cervical and prostate cancer will help doctors spot
individuals at high risk at an early stage when the cancer
can be easily treated or even prevented, avoiding the
need for unnecessary surgery and radiotherapy later on.
>> August – Associate Professor Nigel McMillan and
team made a groundbreaking discovery that could
ultimately lead to a cure of the world’s most common
form of leukaemia – Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia
Professor Gonda said the new tools would give
Queensland’s cancer research community access to the
latest in instrumentation that would “open up whole new
areas of study”.
>> September – Professor Ian Frazer is awarded the
Balzan Prize for Preventative Medicine.
“We will be able to sequence nearly a billion DNA
bases per day, where before it took many months,”
said Professor Tom Gonda, who heads the Molecular
Oncogenesis Group at the Diamantina Institute.
For example, other new technologies in the Facility
would allow scientists to identify genes that may be
targets for new anti-cancer drugs. “We will have the
ability to screen thousands of genes, something we
couldn’t do without the degree of automation offered by
this equipment” he said.
>> June - Professor Mark Kendall was awarded
the 2008 Amgen Medical Research Award for his
excellence in translational medical research studies.
Personal Assistant to Director
Linda Barter
>> October – Professor Ian Frazer is awarded the 2008
Prime Minister’s Prize for Science.
>> November – Professor Ian Frazer is awarded the
Ramaciotti Medal for Excellence in Biomedical
Australian Cancer Research Foundation’s Chief
Executive, David Brettell, comments, “Our sole focus
is to raise and provide funding for projects which are
being undertaken by Australia’s very best scientists;
scientists like Professor Gonda and his team at the
Diamantina Institute, who are recognised as among
2008 Diamantina Institute staff and students.
Microscopy Facility Manager
Sandrine Roy
Floor Managers
Alison Dahler
Claire Hyde
Maria Somodevilla-Torres
Store Assistant
Colin Nachmann
IT Support
Patrick Verhoeven
Peter Gough
Scott Bourke
Nathan Ramsay
Support Staff
Rosemary Scott
Science Writer
William Burns
Diamantina Institute
UQ Diamantina Institute for
Cancer, Immunology and
Metabolic Medicine
Level 4, R Wing
Princess Alexandra Hospital
Ipswich Rd,
QLD 4102
for Cancer, Immunology and Metabolic Medicine
Telephone (07) 3240 5944
International +61 7 3240 5944
Facsimile (07) 3240 5946
Photography courtesy of
The University of Queensland.
Printed using environmentally
responsible print techniques,
soy-based inks and
sustainable paper stocks.
Annual Report 2008
‘turning scientific discoveries into better treatments’
Annual Report 2008