Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk
Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk
The Network Rail (Manchester Piccadilly and Oxford Road Capacity Scheme) Order TRANSPORT AND WORKS ACT 1992 Transport and Works (Applications and Objections Procedure) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 THE NETWORK RAIL (MANCHESTER PICCADILLY AND OXFORD ROAD CAPACITY SCHEME) ORDER DOCUMENT 21: ENVIRONMENTAL STATEMENT DOCUMENT 21.18: MANCHESTER PICCADILLY STATION GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY AND GROUND INVESTIGATION SCOPING REPORT Document Reference Doc 21.18 Author Network Rail Date December 2014 Revision Number P01 The Network Rail (Manchester Piccadilly and Oxford Road Capacity Scheme) Order Document 21.18: Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report December 2014 [this page is left intentionally blank] The Network Rail (Manchester Piccadilly and Oxford Road Capacity Scheme) Order Document 21.18: Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report December 2014 This document is a report which was prepared during the engineering design development of the Scheme. Some of the terms and references differ from those in the main text of the Environmental Statement, which simplifies the material, to make it more accessible to the general reader. The Network Rail (Manchester Piccadilly and Oxford Road Capacity Scheme) Order Document 21.18: Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report December 2014 [this page is left intentionally blank] Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 109172 Document Identity and Metadata Information: This information is a mandatory requirement. 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The Network Rail Security Classification attributes are: – Public (Information for Members of Parliament, NR members, the media, line-side neighbours and the general public). – Internal (Information that may be commercially confidential outside of NR and needs to be protected). – Confidential (Documents and records intended for defined roles or posts within NR to enable them to perform specific business duties and may be subject to legal privilege). – Secret (Very sensitive documents and records intended for named individuals within Network Rail in order for them to perform their specific business duties). Only documents with a Security Classification of Public should be forwarded or shared with the general public. Document Author: Martin Barka Issue Record Revision/ Version P01 Page 2 of 27 Date Purpose of Issue / Amendments, description of changes 23-09-13 Fit For Review Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 109172 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 PURPOSE 6 2 SCOPE 6 3 INTRODUCTION 7 4 SOURCES OF INFORMATION 8 4.1 Records 8 5 SITE AREA 9 5.1 Site Location and Description 9 5.2 Historical Development 9 6 GEOLOGICAL SETTING 11 6.1 Geology 11 6.2 Hydrogeology 13 6.3 Mining 13 6.4 Possible Contamination 14 7 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING ASSESSMENT 14 7.1 Introduction 14 7.2 Anticipated Ground Conditions 14 8 PRELIMINARY GROUND INVESTIGATION 15 8.1 Investigation Objectives 15 8.2 Proposed Investigation Scope 16 8.3 Geotechnical Drilling and Installation Requirements 17 8.4 Geo-Environmental Requirements 17 Page 3 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 8.5 Sampling and Testing Requirements 17 9 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 19 9.1 Summary 19 10 REFERENCES 20 FIGURES Figure 1 Site Location Plan Figure 2 Geology Extract of BGS sheet SJ89NW Figure 3 Geological Cross Section DRAWINGS 109172-D-ECV-DRG-PBL-000032 P01 Page 4 of 27 Option 13H5 Proposed Ground Investigation Works Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 Glossary of Terms Abbreviation Term BGS British Geological Survey CPB Chester Pebble Beds CRT Contract Requirements Technical NWR Network Rail UMIST University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology Page 5 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 1 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 PURPOSE This Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report is a civil engineering deliverable submitted as part of the ECS1 projects for Northern Hub GRIP 3. 2 SCOPE The scope of this Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report is the Manchester Piccadilly Station project, one of the Castlefield Corridor projects making up the Phase 2 component part of the Northern Hub ECS1 GRIP 3 contract, defined by v6 of the structure table in Appendix A of CR-T General v2.0. Page 6 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Document Reference Number Project Code Date: 23-09-13 3 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 INTRODUCTION Terms of Reference and Study Objectives The CRT (Civil) Clause 2.11 requires that all available data (Network Rail, Contractor, public sources) shall be used as input to a desk study for the Piccadilly Station improvements. The option known as 13H5 was selected during GRIP 3 Option Selection Phase as the preferred solution. The objectives of this desk study are therefore to prepare a desk study that considers geotechnical aspects relevant to the Piccadilly Station improvements. The desk study sets out a summary of the published geology for the area, supplemented by a review of available exploratory hole logs and addresses the potential risks from any mining activity below the scheme. A site walkover has been undertaken as part of this desk based review. The desk study will conclude with the development of a ground investigation scope (set out in Section 6) sufficient to allow a preliminary understanding of the following key areas. Ground condition variation beneath the site; Geotechnical characteristics below ground level and likely variability; Requirements for preliminary foundation design, including form and size of foundations; Stability for earthworks and embankments; Design requirements of geotechnical structures; Made ground depth, variability and chemistry; Groundwater depth and quality. In terms of construction, the outline preliminary ground investigation scope will allow a reasonable degree of certainty regarding foundation types and likely performance but will not provide sufficient information for detailed design. The preliminary investigations will increase the Page 7 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 level of certainty over GRIP Stage 3 constructability and will in part serve to discharge certain CDM obligations for the client. It will then be possible on the back of the preliminary intrusive work to define further works required to produce the detailed design. 4 SOURCES OF INFORMATION 4.1 Records Several sources of information have been used to review the geotechnical constraints across the study area. The main source of data for this desk study has been from an EnviroCheck © Report produced by the Landmark Information Group (Reference No. 2) specifically for the study site. The report provides a wealth of information relating to site history, geology and groundwater vulnerability, information which would normally be obtained through independent consultations with either the Environment Agency or the British Geological Survey (BGS). In addition to the data available within the EnviroCheck © report, geology maps for the study area have been acquired direct from the British Geological Survey (BGS). This includes the 1:10,000 Scale Solid and Drift Sheet for Manchester and Salford SJ89NW (Reference No. 3). A selection of BGS boreholes lying reasonably close to the site have also been reviewed (see Appendix C), as has the geological memoir for the Manchester area and South-east Lancashire Coalfield (Reference No. 4). A Mining Report has been sourced from the Coal Authority (Reference No.05). Book The Manchester South Junction & Altrincham Railway from F. Dixon published by The Oakwood Press in 1973 (Reference No. 6). For The South Junction line viaduct the book states that in average this over 2 miles long viaduct has foundations 30 – 35 feet below ground. Website of School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, The University of Manchester (Reference No. 7) describing historic development of the area on the far western end of the site. Page 8 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 A copy of the EnviroCheck © Report is presented as Appendix A. The Coal Authority Mining Report for the scheme is presented as Appendix B. Historical borehole logs obtained from the BGS are contained as Appendix C. 5 SITE AREA 5.1 Site Location and Description The site location forms part of an extensive railway upgrade scheme known as the Northern Hub. The railway within the study area is carried by Victorian viaducts with several piers and arches. The area is built up and has a wide variety of usage including retail, residential, offices and industrial. The site is bound by the existing railway to the north and crosses Travis Street, Fairfield Street (B6469), Wyre Street and London Road (A6). South from the site is the River Medlock which meanders in an east to west direction and it has been mostly culverted. Historically the River Medlock used to flow under the viaduct arches on the far western end of the site. It is understood that this section of the river has been culverted and redirected further south, away from the site. An original bend in the river can be traced by observing the angles of two of the arches of the railway viaduct alongside UMIST. These were built slanted to accommodate the winding river. The general location of this rail upgrade is shown on Figure No. 1 at the back of this report. 5.2 Historical Development The historical maps contained within the EnviroCheck(c) report have been used to assess the historical development of the site and the immediate surrounding areas reported as Appendix A. The majority of information has been taken from the 1:2,500 scale mapping supplemented where available with map information at 1:1,250 and 1:10,000. The key developments along the line of the scheme are tabulated below. Page 9 of 27 Document Reference Number Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Project Code Date: 23-09-13 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 Historical Development Map Dates Relevant Historical Information 1848 (1:10,560) The Manchester city centre is shown to be very built up. The River Medlock is open to the surface and is shown to meander to the south of the site in a general east to west direction. On the far western end of the site a meander of the River Medlock extends under the viaduct. Piccadilly Station is present with tracks that extent to the west. No other railway lines are present. 1983 (1,2,500) The area to the east of London Road, south of the site is labelled as Manchester nut and bolt works and London Iron Works. 1894 (1:10,560) Oxford Road railway station is now present which is connected to Piccadilly Station with a railway track which extends to the east on a viaduct. 1922 (1:1,250) The area to the south of Fairfield Street has been redeveloped to include Mayfield Station. 1948 (1:1,250) The buildings around Mayfield Station have undergone redevelopment. An area to the south side of Mayfield Station previously used for housing is now labelled as Engineering works. These engineering works are most likely to be associated with Mayfield Station. 1975 (1:1,250) The area immediately to the east of Piccadilly Station, north and south of Altringham Street is identified as a College. Page 10 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 6 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 GEOLOGICAL SETTING Information with respect to the geological conditions on the site has been obtained from the data sources indicated in Section 2. The following details have been established. 6.1 Geology The geology and hydrogeology of the site has been reviewed with reference to the British Geological Survey (BGS) Sheet No.SJ89NW, 1:10,000 Scale, Solid and Drift Sheet for Manchester and Salford (Reference No. 03). The Geological Society memoir for the area (Reference No. 04) has been reviewed along with a selection of BGS boreholes closest to the proposed construction (Appendix C). Figure No. 3 is an extract of BGS Map SJ89NW, 1:10,000 scale map which show the location of the site. Solid Geology The solid geology is of Triassic age which is comprised of the Sherwood Sandstone Group. The Sherwood Sandstone Group sequence comprises of the Wilmslow Sandstones overlying the Chester Pebble Beds Formation (CPB). The Chester Pebble Beds have been identified under the vicinity of the proposed construction. The Chester Pebble Beds themselves are shown to reach a thickness of approximately 250 m regionally and are described as a red-brown and orange, trough cross-bedded and massive sandstones or pebbly sandstones. The sequence is reported as being inter-bedded with subordinate reddish brown mudstones. Although not underlying the site, 100m to the east of the site the BGS map shows a 100m wide linear Manchester Marl Formation in a north west to south east direction. Structurally, the CPB formation in the vicinity of the rail upgrade dips at approximately 4o to the west. The proposed Piccadilly construction sits between two recorded geological faulting. These being the Manchester East Fault to the west and the Ardwick Fault to the east. Both faults are shown trending north-west / south-east, both with down-throwing to the north. The site extremities touch both fault sets but are not shown to extend over them. Page 11 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 Rockhead depths can be analysed from the historical logs provided by the BGS. The depth of rockhead is highly varied across the site and ranges from a depth of 1.5m to 10.6m. It is not possible to relate some of these depths to the site due to the lack of ordinance datum levels being recorded. Where this has occurred the logs have not been used to produce the geological cross section Figure No. 04. Superficial Geology The 1:10,000 Scale Solid and Drift Sheet for Manchester and Salford (sheet number SJ89NW), shows the superficial deposits to comprise both artificially modified ground (Made Ground) as well as a range of Quaternary age FluvioGlacial, Glacial Till and Alluvial deposits of clays, sands and gravels. The drift coverage on the 1:10,000 scale geology plan suggests the site solely lies on Glacial Till. An area associated with the River Medlock is identified as containing alluvial deposits. The alluvial deposits are located to the west and south of the track upgrade. Borehole data obtained from the BGS (Appendix C) describes the superficial deposits a soft to very stiff brown/grey sandy clay ranging to a very dense red brown silty sand. The depth of superficial deposits identified from the BGS logs range from 3.0m to 8.0m. It should be noted that historical borehole SJ89NE578 was terminated at 7.3m bgl due to encountering a ‘granite boulder’. It is likely that this granite boulder is associated with depositional processes from glacial action. The area has been extensively developed and reworked due to the history of the area and as such a thick layer of made ground is now present across the site. Made ground is highly variable in consistency and thickness. It is highly likely that the area will contain alluvium deposits associated with the River Medlock although the BGS map does not show this. It is likely that the soft cohesive deposits identified in the some of the historical exploratory hole logs reflect this. Page 12 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 6.2 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 Hydrogeology The main hydrogeological details for the site area are summarised in the table below. Details 6.3 Classification Bedrock Aquifer Designation. The Chester Pebble beds of the Sherwood Sandstone Formation are designated Principal Aquifer status. Superficial Aquifer Designations. The Glacial Till which the site is situated on is designated as an unproductive Stratum. Groundwater Vulnerability. The site is designated as an area which is highly vulnerable and has been given a status as major aquifer and a soil class of high. Groundwater Source Protection Zones. Two thirds of the (western side) site is situated on an area which is designated as a Source Protection Zone status III. The eastern third of the site is does not have any status. Mining The information provided in the Coal Authority Mining Report states that the site location is in a zone of influence from working at two coals seams at 1050m and 1100m. These were last worked in 1958 with any ground movement likely to have already taken place.. The area is in an area which may be mined in the future. A copy of the report is present in Appendix B. In should be noted that during the development of the UMIST campus to the west of what is now Sackville Street in 1968 an extensive network of flooded tunnels 10 feet below the surface of the sandstone bedrock was discovered. Over 1000 feet of tunnel and 7 access shafts were recorded. Speculation at the time was that the underground workings provided water storage for the Page 13 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 print works which occupied the site from the 1830's. It has been reported that the 'Dunlop Mills' to the west have an underground reservoir in the sandstone that provided a water supply for fire-fighting. It is understood that after the inspection the tunnels were grouted. For further details (plans and historic records) refer to website of School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, The University of Manchester (Reference No. 7) 6.4 Possible Contamination This is a post industrial site and requires assessment from a GeoEnvironmental Specialist. Refer to document number 109172-D-ENV-REPPBL-0000043 Addendum to Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report – Contaminated Land. 7 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING ASSESSMENT 7.1 Introduction As stated in Section 1.1, Option 13H5 has been identified as the preferred option. It comprises a realignment of the railway tracks, construction of new platforms and access concourse from the station to the new platforms covered with a new roof. The track realignment will require widening of the viaducts on the west and east side of the station. The current widening proposal will require pier extensions to the existing viaducts on south side alongside Altrincham Street and Fairfield Street. The construction of new platforms, elevated concourse and station roof will require provision of new supporting structures founded below existing ground level within area of car park, Fairfield Street and Travis Road. Outlines of proposed foundations where being brought to ground level are shown on Drawing 109172-D-ECV-DRG-PBL-000032. 7.2 Anticipated Ground Conditions Desk based geological information suggests that superficial deposits along this section will contain a layer of Made Ground and Glacial Till which will consist of a mixture of cohesive and granular deposits. The depth of made Page 14 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 ground will be highly variable and should range from 1.2m bgl to 6.4m bgl. Sandstone bedrock likely to be encountered between 3.0 and 11.0m bgl. No indication of ground water levels are given from historical exploratory hole logs obtained from the BGS, as these details have not been recorded or groundwater was not struck during the investigation. Although it is likely that levels are influenced by the River Medlock and perched water tables associated with made ground and till can not be ruled out. Two options are available for foundation depending on whether settlement in excess of 10mm is acceptable. The first option is to have piled foundation where new structures tie into the existing or support high loads. This is to minimise any differential settlement. Where the alignment allows new structures to act independently it may be possible to use spread foundation. Spread foundations would be subject to settlement however this could be managed through maintenance of track ballast. Should settlement not be acceptable for the scheme then piled foundation should be used on all structures. Due to the historical development of the area and the potential for boulders to be present in Glacial Till it is likely that obstructions would be present during foundation construction. On this basis driven piles are not recommended. Problems may occur during installation of bored piles due to the running of granular strata suggesting that casing may be required; however until a further ground investigation has been undertaken it is not possible to comment further. 8 PRELIMINARY GROUND INVESTIGATION 8.1 Investigation Objectives As discussed in the Geotechnical and Geo-Environmental Risk Management Strategy, at this stage a Preliminary Ground Investigation will be undertaken to provide sufficient information to produce the AiPs (NR/L2/CIV/003/F001) for the scheme, to reduce Network Rail's exposure to both Geotechnical and CDM risk and to support the Environmental Impact Assessment. The objective of the ground investigation is to provide preliminary geotechnical data for structures design along the line of the viaduct extension. This will confirm and expand upon the findings of the Desk Study. Page 15 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 8.2 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 Proposed Investigation Scope The proposed ground investigation will be undertaken in accordance with BS EN 1997 Parts 1 and 2, and NR/L3/CIV/071 Issue 4. The methodology for the investigation is based upon an assumed ground profile comprising 5.0m of drift overlying rock strata, although it is recognised that depth to bedrock could be considerably shallower or deeper than this along certain sections of the scheme. The proposed Preliminary Ground Investigation layout for Option 13H5 is presented on Drawing 109172-D-ECV-DRG-PBL-000032. In principle, exploratory holes will be positioned at the corner or outside the footprint of proposed foundations. The boreholes will be spread evenly along the alignment. The investigation for Option 13H5 shall compromise 3 No. trial pits and 12 No. cable percussive boreholes followed on with rotary coring at the locations shown on Drawing 109172-D-ECV-DRG-PBL-000032. Locations of boreholes and trial pits should be carefully selected on site to miss services, drainage gullies, kerbs, street furniture etc. Area of boreholes and trial pits should be reviewed against all available utility plans and cleared using a cable avoidance tool (CAT) before breaking of the ground. All proposed works shall be supervised by a suitably qualified geotechnical engineer to assess ground conditions and advise on progress based on the findings. Trial pits TP101 and TP102 shall be located at footpath level at the top of the existing lower arches supporting the footpath next to viaduct piers immediately adjacent to culverted river Medlock. This is to gain details on extent of lower arches, size and backfill type in order to gain data for design of foundations of pier extensions. Trial Pit TP103 shall be located at adjacent to existing bridge abutment. This is to gain details on existing foundation type, depth and dimensions in order to gain data for back analysis where additional loadings are applied. The observation pit will also inform the design team such that they can integrate the proposed construction solution with the existing foundations/abutment. Note: From anecdotal and other piecemeal evidence, it is anticipated that the existing piers and abutments are founded at a significant depth relative to Page 16 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 existing ground levels. In order to acquire appropriate structure information, it is anticipated that the proposed trial pits may need to reach significant depth, and will therefore require appropriate shoring and access. 8.3 Geotechnical Drilling and Installation Requirements Geotechnical borehole will generally be 5.0 to 15.0 m deep formed using percussive techniques through any drift deposits and follow on with rotary coring. Full in situ geotechnical testing will be carried out in the superficial deposits and weathered bedrock with undisturbed and disturbed sampling carried out where possible for follow-up laboratory based geotechnical testing. Boreholes may be installed with standpipe piezometers however this is very much site dependant and a case by case basis will be the used. Trial pits shall have observations of foundations / back of retaining walls recorded. 8.4 Geo-Environmental Requirements Geo-Environmental issues and requirements will be part of an addendum to this report. Reference should be made to document number 109172-D-ENVREP-PBL-000004 Addendum to Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report – Contaminated Land. 8.5 Sampling and Testing Requirements Geotechnical testing will be carried out on representative soil, rock and groundwater samples recovered during site investigation. A typical approximation for all site investigations discussed above is tabulated below. All testing on rock will be on samples taken from the core recovered. Sampling and Instrumentation Requirements Type of Sample Geotechnical (No.) Bulk disturbed soil samples 112 Small disturbed soil samples 112 Water samples (post installation) 28 Page 17 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Thin wall undisturbed (soil) 75 Stand-pipe peizometers 14 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 In addition to the sampling allowance should be made for up to 75 No. In situ Standard Penetration Tests in the geotechnical boreholes with tests extended to 100 blows in weathered rock. Allowance should be made for the following laboratory geotechnical testing requirements. These are provisional and will depend on the ground conditions encountered. Geotechnical Laboratory Testing Requirements Geotechnical Test Provisional number of tests PSD (Wet Sieve) 80 Atterberg Limits 80 Moisture Content 80 Water Soluble Sulphate 30 Quick, un-drained triaxial testing 30 Consolidated undrained triaxials 10 60 mm Shear Box tests 30 1D Consolidation 10 UCS 10 Point Load Index 60 Page 18 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 9 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 9.1 Summary In summary, there is currently insufficient ground condition information to inform any level of design for the Piccadilly Station scheme. An outline preliminary ground investigation scope for option 13H5 has been prepared which if implemented will inform GRIP Stage 3 and identify any gaps in information to take forward to a detailed investigation and design stage. Page 19 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 10 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 REFERENCES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Page 20 of 27 Mott Macdonald, Northern Hub, GRIP 2 Study, Castlefield Corridor, December 2010. EnviroCheck(c) Report for the Study Area, 2012. British Geological Survey (BGS) 1:10,000 Scale Solid and Drift Sheet No. SJ88NW. The Geology of Manchester and the South-East Lancashire Coalfield. Memoirs of the Geological Survey England & Wales - Explanation of Sheet 85, 1931. Coal Authority Mining Report for the Study Area, 2012 F. Dixon, The Manchester South Junction & Altrincham Railway, The Oakwood Press, 1973. Website of School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, The University of Manchester uction/maps/umist.php Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 Appendix A EnviroCheck© Report Please see Projectwise number 109172-D-REP-PBL-000010- Appendix A This Appendix is available upon request. Page 21 of 27 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Appendix B Coal Authority Mining Report Page 22 of 27 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Appendix C BGS Borehole / Excavation Records Page 23 of 27 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 Tom Webster Parsons Brinckerhoff 29 Cathedral Road Cardiff CF11 9HA United Kingdom Borehole Data Pack: This package provides additional data relating to your selected borehole record ordered via GeoRecordsPlus. It provides index listings of other information held in some key BGS databases for your site and a geological map extract for the surrounding area, taken from the 1:50.000 scale BGS digital geological map of Great Britain (DiGMapGB-50). It should be noted that this package is not a comprehensive listing of all BGS data holdings and other data may be available. Note that index data is also accessible through the BGS Internet Geoscience Data Index on the BGS website at If you wish to place an order for any of the index data please e-mail Report Id: BH_118547_3 Client reference: Borehole location map This map shows the locations of the boreholes you have ordered. This product includes mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey. © Crown Copyright and/or database right 2012. Licence number 100037272 Scale: 1:25 000 (1cm = 250 m) Key Number on Map 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Borehole Number SJ89NW1161 SJ89NW1499 SJ89NW3639 SJ89NW249 SJ89NW870 SJ89NW18 SJ89NW17 SJ89NW555 SJ89NW117 SJ89NW241 SJ89NW4080 SJ89NW4085 SJ89NW1231 SJ89NW1235 SJ89NW1229 Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 2 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Geological Map Extracts This part of the pack contains extracts of geological maps taken from the 1:50 000 scale BGS Digital Geological Map of Great Britain (DiGMapGB-50). The geological information in DiGMapGB is separated into four themes: artificial ground, landslide deposits, superficial deposits and bedrock, shown here in separate maps. The fifth geological formations that occur at the surface, just beneath the soil. More information about DiGMapGB-50 and how the various geological units are classified can be found on the BGS website ( The maps are labelled with two-part computer codes that indicate the name of the geological unit and its composition. Descriptions of the units listed in the map keys may be available in the BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units, which is also on the BGS website ( If available, these descriptions can be found by searching against the first part of the computer code used on the maps. Please treat this labelling with caution in areas of complex geology, where some of the labels may overlap occurrences of several geological formations. If in doubt, please contact BGS Enquiries for clarification. In the map keys the geological units are listed in order of their age, as defined in the BGS Lexicon, with the youngest first. However, where units are of the same defined age they are listed alphabetically and this may differ from the actual geological sequence. Artificial ground: This is ground at or near the surface that has been modified by man. It includes ground that has been deposited (Made Ground), landscaped, disturbed, excavated (Worked Ground) or some combination of these. Landslide deposits: These are deposits formed by localised mass-movement of soils and rocks on slopes under the action of gravity. Landslides may occur within the bedrock, superficial deposits or artificial ground; and the landslide deposits may themselves be artificially modified. Superficial deposits: These are relatively young geological deposits, formerly known in many areas. They include deposits such as unconsolidated sands and gravels formed by rivers, and clayey tills formed by glacial action. They may be overlain by landslide deposits or by artificial deposits, or both. Bedrock: Bedrock forms the ground underlying the whole of an area, commonly overlain by superficial deposits, landslide deposits or artificial deposits, in any : This map shows all the geological themes from the previous four maps overlaid in order of age. Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 3 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 This map shows the surface elements of all four geological layers. Please see keys to the Artificial, Landslide, Superficial and Bedrock geology maps This product includes mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey. © Crown Copyright and/or database right 2012. Licence number 100037272 Scale: 1:25 000 (1cm = 250 m) Fault Coal, ironstone or other mineral vein Note: Faults and Coals, ironstone & mineral veins are shown for illustration and to aid interpretation of the map. Not all such features are shown and their absence on the map face does not necessarily mean that none are present Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 4 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Key to Artificial ground: No deposits found in the search area Key to Landslide deposits: No deposits found in the search area Key to Superficial deposits: Map colour Computer Code Name of geological unit Composition GFDUD-XSV GLACIOFLUVIAL DEPOSITS, DEVENSIAN SAND AND GRAVEL GFSDD-XSV GLACIOFLUVIAL SHEET DEPOSITS, DEVENSIAN SAND AND GRAVEL TILLD-DMTN TILL, DEVENSIAN DIAMICTON Key to Bedrock geology: Map colour Computer Code Name of geological unit Rock type MM-MDST MANCHESTER MARLS FORMATION MUDSTONE SSG-SDST SHERWOOD SANDSTONE GROUP SANDSTONE CS-SDST COLLYHURST SANDSTONE FORMATION SANDSTONE Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 5 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Artificial ground Landslide deposits © Crown Copyright and/or database right 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100037272 © Crown Copyright and/or database right 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100037272 Superficial deposits Bedrock © Crown Copyright and/or database right 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100037272 © Crown Copyright and/or database right 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100037272 Please see key on previous page. Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 6 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Geoscience Data List List of available geological data This section lists the data sets, in addition to boreholes and well records, that are held in the National Geoscience Records Centre that are relevant to your enquiry. Users with access to computing facilities can make their own index searches using the BGS www, This will give access to the BGS Bookshop, Publications catalogue, GeoRecords (borehole browser) and GeoReports. If you want to order any of the data please contact enquiries on For current pricing see internet pages above or do not hesitate to contact us using the list found at the back of this pack. Note that this list contains selective datasets and is not a definitive listing of all data held in BGS Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 7 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Site investigation reports Number of records in search area: 500 Additional laboratory and test data may be available in these reports, subject to any copyright and confidentiality conditions. The grid references used are based on an un-refined rectangle and therefore may not be applicable to a specific site. Borehole records in these reports will be individually referenced within the borehole records collection. Number 2170 2173 2636 3876 3997 4204 4286 6596 6827 6861 6870 6903 6905 6923 7041 7054 7055 7393 7588 8019 8045 8274 8314 8335 8493 8530 9403 9510 9742 9752 10062 10434 10435 10878 10890 10894 11143 11723 Site investigation title MANCHESTER CROWN COURT MANCHESTER PORTLAND ST NW TELECOMS BOARD HQ REPORT ON INVESTIGATIONS FOR SUGGESTED RESERVOIR SCHEMES BROADHEAD CASTLESHAW SHELF HOLDEN WOOD UNITED MANCHESTER HOSPITALS - REDEVELOPMENTS MANCHESTER MINSHULL STREET CROWN COURTS MANCHESTER IRO SCHEDULE E CENTRE CENTRAL RETAIL PARK GREAT ANCOATS STREET MANCHESTER PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT FOR CASHCO OFF THOMPSON STREET MANCHESTER STALYBRIDGE/STUART STREET 132 KV LINE DIVERSION BETWEEN TOWER XQ33 AND XQ35 MISSOURI AVENUE SALFORD HMP STRANGEWAYS GAYTHORN GASWORKS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AT STAFFORDSHIRE WHARF MANCHESTER WHITE CITY RETAIL PARK MANCHESTER NATIONAL FREIGHT CONSORTIUM PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AT GORTON MANCHESTER MANCHESTER UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB STRETFORD END REDEVELOPMENT GREAT NORTHERN FESTIVAL MARKETPLACE MANCHESTER SECOND STAGE MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY HALLS OF RESIDENCE PHASE ONE TRAFFORD WHARF EDGE HOLT TOWN INDUSTRIAL AREA MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROAD JUNCTION BETWEEN A6 LONDON ROAD AND MANCUNIAN WAY SALFORD DOCKS SITE INVESTIGATION BUXTON LANE DROYLSDEN PICCADILLY VILLAGE MANCHESTER GASWORKS REGENT ROAD SALFORD MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROUTE JUBILEE STREET TO CHEETHAM HILL ROAD PROPOSED HOUSING DEVELOPMENT THOMAS STREET MANCHESTER BRAZENNOSE STREET PHASE 2 MANCHESTER HADFIELD STREET STRETFORD MANCHESTER HOUSING DEVELOPMENT GIBSON STREET MANCHESTER PROPOSED CAR PARK CHURCH STREET GREAT NORTHERN FESTIVAL MARKET PLACE SALFORD QUAY ROADWORKS AND DRAINAGE PHASE 3 WOOLHAM PLACE CASTLEFIELD MANCHESTER THE ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SALFORD QUAYS SALFORD QUAYS DEVELOPMENT WHITWORTH STREET MANCHESTER MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROUTE Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 8 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Number 11748 11893 13758 13876 14162 14411 14470 15093 15138 15255 15290 15381 15425 15464 15488 15507 15516 15531 15558 15573 15589 15599 15623 15633 15681 15684 15685 15698 15702 15728 15735 15781 15811 15858 15871 15902 15906 15930 15933 15937 16764 17901 18368 18372 18405 18466 18553 18934 19002 19019 19029 19030 19031 Site investigation title POMONA DOCKS REDEVELOPMENT PHASE A CORNBROOK SIDINGS, TRAFFORD RAILWAY STATION MANCHESTER HADDON HALL ROAD, MANCHESTER LOWER BROUGHTON, SALFORD PROPOSED DE-TOXIFICATION UNIT, THOMPSON STREET, MANCHESTER GRANSMOOR ROAD, OPENSHAW GREEN LANE, FAILSWORTH BRADFORD GASWORKS, MANCHESTER GREAT BRIDGWATER STREET, MANCHESTER WHITE CITY STADIUM CLIFTON STREET, MANCHESTER ALBERT GROVE DEVELOPMENT HIGH STREET, HULME, PHASE 2 TALBOT ROAD FLOOD PREVENTION, STRETFORD NATIONAL EXPRESS COACH STATION, MANCHESTER REDEVELOPMENT OF PARKER-ROSSER SITE, TRAFFORD PARK STARRY WALK, SALFORD SALFORD COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. PROSTHETICS AND ORTHOTICS BUILDING OLD TRAFFORD JUNIOR SCHOOL, MANCHESTER TRAFFORD PARK, CRANE REPLACEMENT DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES, SITE 3, MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY REGENT ROAD, SALFORD. MIXED LEISURE/FOOD RETAIL DEVELOPMENT RIVER MEDLOCK, CLAYTON VALE MANCHESTER SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, UMIST 52-58 BROWN STREET, MANCHESTER PORTLAND ROAD FLOOD PREVENTION MIXED LEISURE AND FOOD RETAIL DEVELOPMENT, REGENT ROAD, SALFORD FAILSWORTH WWTW PROJECT NO. 9-00-01-658 FAILSWORTH WWTW PROJECT NO. 3-31-31-703 CONTACT THEATRE, BRISBANE STREET, MANCHESTER LISSADEL STREET, OFF FREDERICK STREET, SALFORD CHORLTON BROOK, BIRCHFIELDS PARK POTATO WHARF, CASTLEFIELD MANCHESTER ROYAL INFIRMARY PROPOSED CLINICAL WASTE INCINERATOR LOWRY GALLERIA HIGH STREET, HULME, PHASE 1 HIGH STREET, HULME, PHASE 2 THE LOWRY CENTRE, SALFORD QUAYS LISSADEL STREET, OFF FREDERICK STREET, SALFORD VOLUME 1 CLUSTER 7A MANCHESTER INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE HOLLINGWOOD COURT, BRADFORD LEGRAMS STREET, BRADFORD FAIRFIELD COURT, DROYLESDEN CHAPEL STREET BREWERY, SALFORD, MANCHESTER GROSVENOR ROAD, BRADFORD SMEDLEY ROAD, MANCHESTER OBELISK FEATURE, MARKET STREET, MANCHESTER GREAT BRIDGEWATER STREET, MANCHESTER HULME STREET, MANCHESTER. STUDENT VILLAGE DUNLOP BUILDINGS C AND D CLEMINSON STREET, SALFORD MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY HOMES FOR CHANGE, HULME, MANCHESTER Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 9 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Number 19066 19096 19097 19123 19124 19125 19128 19129 19130 19132 19134 19135 19136 19137 19247 19248 19253 19260 19278 19279 19520 19545 19567 19568 19569 19570 19576 19583 19585 19586 19593 19598 19602 19637 19647 19649 19650 19652 19791 19830 19837 19838 19839 19844 19847 19851 19852 19855 19873 19880 19909 Site investigation title POTATO WHARF A57 HYDE ROAD IMPROVEMENT STAGE 1 FLOOD PREVENTION SCHEME SCARSDALE ROAD, MANCHESTER MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROUTE PHASE 2, STAGE 2, DAWSON STREET, SALFORD. EGERTON STREET, MANCHESTER FLOOD PREVENTION SCHEME PRINCESS ROAD, MANCHESTER SACKVILLE PARK REFURBISHMENT SACKVILLE STREET/WHITWORTH STREET, MANCHESTER PORTLAND STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME HULME HALL LANE ACCESS RAMP (MANCHESTER INTERMEDIATE RING ROAD) MANCHESTER MILLENIUM MILLGATE LANE CAR PARK STRETFORD ROAD/PRINCESS ROAD MILLER STREET SEWER RENOVATION SCHEME A6 DIVERSION - STOCKPORT ROAD SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME DICKENSON ROAD, MANCHESTER CITY CENTRE ROAD PHASE 2 MANCHESTER INNER RING ROAD, SECTION 2, PHASE 1, MANCHESTER CORPORATION STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT, MANCHESTER SLADE GROVE/BIRCHFIELDS PARK S AND T SEWER PROPOSED ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND, MOSS SIDE, MANCHESTER SACKVILLE STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME QUAY STREET SEWER RENEWAL SCHEME SALFORD QUAYS LADYWELL SERVICE STATION, SALFORD GREAT ANCOATS STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME DEANS GATE & ST. MARYS GATE LOCAL SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME QUAY STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME 30 MULL AVENUE, LONGSIGHT, MANCHESTER GREAT WATERBRIDGE STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME CHILDRENS CENTRE, ARDWICK GREEN WALMER STREET, MOSS SIDE ALEXANDRA ROAD, MOSS SIDE ANSON ROAD SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME PRINCESS ROAD, PARKSIDE ROAD TO INNER RING ROAD, MANCHESTER PROPOSED SPORTS CENTRE, PLYMOUTH, ARDWICK SALFORD QUAYS PIER 5 STANLEY GROVE (S & T SEWER) VICTORIA STATION AREA SEWERS RENEWAL SCHEME ALEXANDRA PARK CHILDRENS CENTRE BOOTH STREET, MANCHESTER POTATO WHARF, NEW ELM STREET PARKHOUSE STREET, OPENSHAW PARKHOUSE STREET, MANCHESTER TAN YARD BROW ST. ANNS STREET/EXCHANGE STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME 43 SCOTLAND HALL ROAD, NEWTON HEATH, MANCHESTER 25 SCOTLAND HALL ROAD, NEWTON HEATH, MANCHESTER 172A-174A STANLEY GROVE, GORTON, MANCHESTER THOMAS STREET/HIGH STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME SHAWHEATH CLOSE, HULME, MANCHESTER CITY OF MANCHESTER, RED BANK CATCHMENT PARSONAGE SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME WEST MORLEY STREET Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 10 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Number 19917 19918 19922 19923 19927 19928 19933 19934 19953 19954 20038 20040 20041 20045 20047 20049 20053 20054 20077 20078 20083 20085 20086 20087 20090 20094 20105 20106 20108 20110 20135 20140 20142 20145 20146 20147 20162 20172 20184 20187 20197 20199 20204 20205 20206 20207 20217 20231 20300 20306 20307 20322 Site investigation title OLD MILL STREET/WHARF STREET WITHINGTON ROAD, MOSS SIDE, MANCHESTER ROGER STREET, MANCHESTER RIVER MEDLOCK AT PIN MILL BROW MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROAD, REGENT ROAD TO CHESTER ROAD OSBOURNE STREET PORTLAND STREET, MANCHESTER PHILLIPS PARK ENTRANCE, OPPOSITE STUART STREET WALMER STREET, RUSHHOLME, MANCHESTER HOSTEL, WINDER DRIVE, ANCOATS, MANCHESTER BARRETT STREET, OLD TRAFORD UPPER CHORLTON ROAD STRETFORD ROAD, OLD TRAFFORD 109-111 SEYMOUR GROVE, STRETFORD NORTHUMBERLAND ROAD/STANLEY ROAD, OLD TRAFFORD HARPER STREET, OLD TRAFFORD# STRETFORD OUTFALL SEWER STAGE 2 WARWICH ROAD SOUTH SHREWSBURY STREET SEWERAGE TALBOT ROAD, STRETFORD WARWICK ROAD SEWER RENOVATION 25 LYME GROVE. OLD TRAFFORD TALBOT ROAD, STRETFORD STRETFORD TOWN HALL OLD TRAFFORD MAIN DRAINAGE,STAGE 1 MONTAGUE STREET, STRETFORD ESSEX WAY, OLD TRAFFORD CHESTER ROAD BRIDGE 004, OLD TRAFFORD LAND ADJOINING SPORTS CENTRE, CHESTER ROAD, STRETFORD WILTON AVENUE, STRETFORD OLD TRAFFORD MAIN DRAINAGE OLD TRAFFORD MAIN DRAINAGE STAGE 2 SUPPLEMENTARY INVESTIGATION CLYNE HOUSE, STRETFORD CROFTON STREET SEWERAGE, OLD TRAFFORD CORNBROOK SIDINGS, OLD TRAFFORD TRAFFORD WHARF CORNBROOK CULVERT RENOVATION GREAT STONE SCHOOL, STRETFORD, MANCHESTER CITY LINK AND WHITE CITY INTERCHANGE, TRAFFORD, MANCHESTER BRIDGEWATER BOULEVARD, OLD TRAFFORD, MANCHESTER KINGS ROAD SEWER, OLD TRAFFORD OLD TRAFFORD MAIN DRAINAGE, SEYMOUR GROVE VICTORIA STREET, OPENSHAW VICTORIA STREET, OPENSHAW, PIEZOMETER INSTALLATION RINGSTEAD DRIVE, MANCHESTER RUSHOLME GROVE SHUDE HILL/WITHY GROVE SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME, MANCHESTER RIVER IRWELL CROSSING PLATT LANE SPORTS COMPLEX, RUSHHOLME, MANCHESTER TURKEY LANE STUDY NORTH STREET, CHEETHAM HILL, MANCHESTER OBELISK FEATURE, MARKET STREET, MANCHESTER Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 11 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Number 20339 20342 20357 20365 20366 20367 20369 20376 20377 20378 20380 20381 20386 20387 20389 20390 20391 20392 20407 20408 20409 20425 20426 20427 20428 20440 20441 20447 20459 20469 20482 20483 20484 20485 20486 20487 20488 20489 20494 20503 20504 20505 20506 20507 20508 20512 20514 20515 20519 20520 20521 20522 Site investigation title LOWER MEDLOCK UCSOS CONTRACT 1, MAN 0308 77 WAYLAND ROAD, GORTON, MANCHESTER PROPOSED 15 STOREY FLATS, CLIFFORD WARD, STRETFORD PROPOSED SEWER LINE, SALFORD LISSADEL 2 REDEVELOPMENT AREA, SALFORD BRINDLE HEATH, SALFORD PROPOSED INTERSECTION AT WINDSOR CRESCENT, SALFORD SCALES STREET, SEEDLEY BROAD STREET/GARDNER STREET, BRUNSWICK, SALFORD PROPOSED BROAD STREET IMPROVEMENT SCHEME, SALFORD PROPOSED BROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS SCHEME, SALFORD ST. MATTHAIS REDEVELOPMENT AREA, SALFORD SITE 1 TRINITY WAY, SALFORD HIGH STREET/HODGE LANE MAIN DRAINAGE SCHEME PHASE 2 PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICES, SALFORD PROPOSED SEWER AT ELTON STREET, SALFORD EAST ORDSALL LANE, SALFORD PROPOSED SEWER REPLACEMENT IRWELL STREET, SALFORD PROPOSED SEWER RECONSTRUCTION AT ROSAMOND STREET, SALFORD PROPOSED SEWER RECONSTRUCTION AT TRAFFORD ROAD/REGENT ROAD, SALFORD REGENT ROAD, SALFORD NEW OFFICES, LIVERPOOL ROAD, MANCHESTER SALFORD GAS WORKS, LIVERPOOL ST., SALFORD SOUTH ORDSALL REDEVELOPMENT AREA, SALFORD LISSADEL STREET REDEVELOPMENT, SALFORD SEAFORD ROAD SEWER RECONSTRUCTION, SALFORD PROPOSED SEWERCONSTRUCTION, MONTFORD STREET, SALFORD REGENT BRIDGE ROCHDALE CANAL CROSSING CLARENCE ROAD, LONGSIGHT TRAFFORD ROAD, SALFOR, PROPOSED SEWER RECONSTRUCTION NORTH REGENT STREET, SALFORD, SEWER RECONSTRUCTION GOODIERS DRIVE, SALFORD, SEWER RECONSTRUCTION CHAPEL STREET, SALFORD, SEWER REPLACEMENT BLACKBURN PLACE, SALFORD DISUSED SEEDLEY BLEACH WORKS, NONA ST, SALFORD ISLINGTON REDEVELOPMENT, SALFORD STRETFORD TECHNICAL COLLEGE, MANCHESTER BROAD STREET IMPROVEMENT SCHEME STAGE 2 PENDLETON WAY SEWER, SALFORD PROPOSED CRESCENT WIDENING SCHEME CIVIC CENTRE, SALFORD ELLOR STREET REDEVELOPMENT AREA, STAGE V/2 & X/1, SALFORD LOWER BROUGHTON 3. SALFORD PEEL PARK GALLERY, SALFORD ORDSALL REDEVELOPMENT- STAGE 4 ROADS AND SEWERS PEEL PARK TECHNICAL COLLEGE, SALFORD CHARLES STREET, SALFORD SALFORD SURFACE WATER OUTFALL SCHEME ECCLES NEW ROAD, WEASTE OLDFIELD ROAD, SALFORD MICHIGAN AVENUE, SALFORD Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 12 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Number 20523 20524 20528 20534 20535 20538 20545 20548 20549 20550 20551 20552 20553 20554 20555 20556 20557 20569 20576 20577 20578 20583 20584 20585 20586 20590 20591 20592 20593 20650 20666 20667 20668 20669 20670 20671 20672 20673 20691 20692 20723 20730 20785 20786 20787 20788 20789 20856 20911 20937 20946 Site investigation title WINDSOR STREET, SALFORD ECCLES NEW ROAD, SALFORD CITY OF SALFORD CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT MAIN DRAINAGE SURFACE WATER OUTFALL TRINITY CLEARANCE AREA NO.7, SALFORD CLAENDON SPORTS CENTRE- PHASE 1 SALFORD LAUNDRY STREET, SALFORD PROPOSED HIGH STREET REDEVELOPMENT (AREATWO) COBDEN STREET SEWER, SALFORD LOWER BROUGHTON INDUSTRIAL AREA SURFACE WATER SEWER FITZWARREN STREET, SALFORD NEW ROGER STREET BRIDGE TIB STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME CLARENDON DEVELOPMENT AREA, SALFORD PROPOSED SALFORD LIBRARY, MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY AT SALFORD BRINDLE HEATH, SALFORD ORDSALL 14, SALFORD HUMKO PRODUCTS, WESTINGHOUSE ROAD, TRAFFORD PARK, MANCHESTER NORTH EAST ORDSALL, SALFORD TRINITY DEVELOPMENT, SALFORD FREDERICK ROAD, SALFORD ECHANGE QUATS WINDSOR LINK, MANCHESTER CHAPEL STREET, SALFORD BROAD STREET DEVELOPMENT AREA, STAGE 1 CROSS LANE DIVERSION/ A6 WINDSOR BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS SECTION 1 EAST ORDSALL LANE, SALFORD OHIO AVENUE, BROADWAY, SALFORD CONSTANCE AVENUE, WEASTE CITY OF SALFORD ENTERPRISE ZONE, SALFORD DOCKS HUMPHREY ROAD, OLD TRAFFORD PROPOSED ELLER STREET AREA REDEVELOPMENT SCHEME ORDSALL DEVELOPMENT AREA, SALFORD COBDEN STREET STAGE 2 PENDLETON, SALFORD LISSADEL 2, SALFORD PHEBE STREET, SALFORD COBDEN STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT, SALFORD ORDSALL DEVELOPMENT STAGE 3 BARNES OVERFLOW, SALFORD DOCKS IRWELL STREET, SALFORD WHIT LANE REDEVELOPMENT AREA 1,2,3 SALFORD BIRLEY FIELDS BUSINESS PARK, MANCHESTER INTERCEPTOR SEWER STAGE 2, SALFORD VILLIERS STREET, SALFORD, PROPOSED SEWER GREENGATE, SALFORD DOCK ROAD/BROADWAY, SALFORD PROPOSED INTERCEPTOR SEWER ST. MATTHIAS REDEVELOPMENT, SALFORD WINDSOR CLEARANCE AREA, PHASE 1 GREAT BRIDGEWATER STREET DEVELOPMENT PEEL WORKS, SILK ST, SALFORD PROPOSED HOTEL, REGENTS ROAD, SALFORD Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 13 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Number 20947 20948 20949 20995 20996 20997 21062 21063 21064 21065 21066 21067 21068 21069 21084 21118 21213 21221 21223 21225 21267 21268 21269 21270 21271 21272 21273 21274 21275 21316 21317 21318 21340 21352 21353 21354 21398 21399 21400 21401 21402 21403 21404 21405 21423 21446 21447 21451 Site investigation title ARROW STREET TO MILTON STREET BROUGHTON LANE SEWER REPLACEMENT, SALFORD CLEMINSON STREET/GREAT GEORGE STREET AREA GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR BOYS, STRETFORD NEIGHBOURHOOD OFFICE, MOUNT ROAD, GORTON REDGATE LANE, BELLEVUE CARLISLE STREET C.P.O. AREA BOWLING ROAD, ALBERT GROVE DEVELOPMENTS BRADFORD AND OPENSHAW, DISTRICTS OF MANCHESTER, MAIN DRAINAGE WORK 6 GROUND INVESTIGATION ALONG LINE OF PROPOSED SEWER RECONSTRUCTION, BRISCOE LANE BRISCOE LANE/RIVERPARK ROAD, MANCHESTER THE U INTERCEPTING SEWER, OPENSHAW CLOWES STREET, MANCHESTER HOLLAND MILL, MANCHESTER PROPOSED SAILING CENTRE, DEBDALE PARK, GORTON BOOTLE STREET SEWER RENEWAL SCHEME PROPOSED ATR GALLERY/ATHENAEUM LINK, MANCHESTER HILTON STREET, MANCHESTER GREAT ANCOATS STREET CANAL BRIDGE GT MARLBOROUGH STREET CLARENCE STREET, SALFORD BERESFORD ROAD, MANCHESTER GWELO STREET, CLAYTON CLARENCE STREET/BOOTH STREET/BOW LANE SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME SACKVILLE STREET/BLOOM STREET CHURCH STREET/HIGH STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROAD, REGENT ROAD-CHESTER ROAD MOSELY STREET SEWER RECONSTRUCTION MOSS LANE EAST, MANCHESTER MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROUTE, REGENT ROAD TO CHESTER ROAD 33 AMOS AVENUE, NEWTON HEATH, MANCHESTER 31/33 AMOS AVENUE, HARPURHEY, MANCHESTER ASHTON NEW ROAD/ECCLESHALL STREET, CLAYTON CAPITAL CENTRE, SALFORD GORTON LEISURE POOL PHASE 2, GARRAT WAY, GARTON MOUNT STREET, GORBROOK GEORGE STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME EVERY STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME PROPOSED GORTON CULTURAL CENTRE GARRAT WAY GORTON GORTON COMMUNITY CENTRE PROPOSED MALKIN BROOK SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME PHASE 2 NORTH ROAD CLAYTON CHILDRENS CENTRE VARLEY STREET MILES PLATTING EVERY STREET MANCHESTER 6A HATHERSAGE ROAD MANCHESTER NORTON STREET MILES PLATTING BRAZENNOSE STREET MANCHESTER BRIDGE STREET JOHN DALTON STREET SEWER RENOVATION STREET SCHEME BLOOM STREET ABINGDON STREET SEWER REHABILITATION SCHEME Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 14 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Number 21457 21458 21462 21463 21489 21490 21491 21495 21500 21510 21517 21520 21524 21557 21562 21566 21570 21577 21578 21579 21580 21624 21625 21626 21627 21632 21633 21634 21635 21662 21687 21787 21821 21823 21838 21965 21987 22017 22018 22019 22032 22073 22091 22155 22196 22867 23468 23632 25645 25979 26062 Site investigation title 6 EASTERN BY PASS CLAYTON MANCHESTER GORTON STORM WATER RELIEF SEWER 7 ALBERT GROVE LONGSIGHT MANCHESTER PROPOSED RETAINING WALL ON POTTERY LANE AT ASHBURYS STATION MANCHESTER YORK STREET LATUMIST CENTRE HOULDSWORTH STREET LITTLE ANCOATS STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME HULME HALL ROAD WHITWORTH STREET MANCHESTER PROPOSED REFUSE DISPOSAL PLANT FREDERICKS ROAD SALFORD LIVERPOOL STREET RAILWAY BRIDGE SALFORD SALFORD ELLOR STREET BROAD STREET REDEVELOPMENT AREA SALFORD CHRISTIE ROAD SEWER STRETFORD BURY NEW ROAD SALFORD BOOTH STREET EAST 13 BANNERDALE CLOSE LONGSIGHT MANCHESTER CORNBROOK SIDINGS TRAFFORD PARK DUKE PLACE CHEETHAM HILL ROAD SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME CANAL STREET SEWER RENEWAL SCHEME CASTLEFIELD ROADS AND SEWERS WHITWELL WAY GORTON GORE BROOK LOCAL SEWERS PHASE 2 WETHERBY STREET BRADFORD 13 FOLKESTONE ROAD EAST CLAYTON MANCHESTER GROSVENOR STREET CIS BUILDING HANOVER STREET MILLER STREET MANCHESTER GRANBY ROW WHITWORTH STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME FOUNTAIN STREET NPC MANCHESTER FORMER ARDWICK EAST GOODS DEPOT PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT TO BOLTON ROAD (A6) ARDWICK EAST: DERELICT LAND STUDY AKED CLOSE, STOCKPORT ROAD, MANCHESTER AKED CLOSE, STOCKPORT ROAD, MANCHESTER STRETFORD GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR BOYS CENTRAL MANCHESTER COLLEGE ST JOHNS C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL CHURCH STREET & DALE STREET, CONTRAFLOW BUS LANE PROPOSED NEIGHBOURHOOD OFFICE GARRAT WAY, GORTON IRWELL STREET ARCHES, MANCHESTER BRADFORD MILL BRIDGE MANCHESTER ANCOATS JUBILEE STREET TO CHEETHAM HILL ROAD, MANCHESTER 8 EASTERN BY-PASS, CLAYTON, MANCHESTER REGENT ROAD / GORE STREET M6M STOCKPORT NORTH BYPASS STUART STREET POWER STATION CLAYTON VALE LOWRY FOOTBRIDGE SALFORD QUAYS TRAFFORD PARK CORN CLEANING PLANT MANCHESTER TRAFFORD PARK WHITWORTH STREET MANCHESTER Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 15 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Number 26064 26065 26814 27287 27513 27828 28297 28317 29376 29795 29827 29913 30129 30644 30645 30646 30649 30650 30653 30654 30655 30657 30658 30659 30661 30663 30665 30735 31677 31678 31682 31684 31685 31689 31695 31697 31705 31710 31712 31713 31715 31968 31972 32080 32521 32759 32760 32767 32768 32769 32988 Site investigation title AMBERSWOOD HINDLEY WIGAN TRAFFORD PARK MANCHESTER CLAYTON ANILINE COMPANY BUILDING 153 ASHTON NEW ROAD CLAYTON MANCHESTR ANCOATS MANCHESTER LIVERPOOL STREET SALFORD WINDSOR LINK MANCHESTER PROPOSED MIXING PLANT,TARMAC ROADSTONE LTD,AGECROFT,MANCHESTER M6M STOCKPORT NORTH BYPASS LIMER STREET MANCHESTER CHINESE GARDEN EXTENSION MT CARMEL ORDSALL SALFORD PROPOSED STAGE II HOUSING DEVELOPMENT STRANGEWAYS INDUSTRIAL IMPROVEMENT GARTSIDE STREET MANCHESTER LLOYD STREET/HARDMAN STREET SEWER REP. SCHEME LOWER HARDMAN STREET 5-7 KENTON AVENUE, GORTON 8 LONGSIGHT ROAD, GORTON HOLLAND MILL, MILES PLATTING LAUDERDALE CRESCENT, LONGSIGHT LORETTO COLLEGE - PLAYING FIELDS, HULME LAWRENCE SCOTT WORKS, LOUISA STREET, MANCHESTER KING STREET WEST, SEWER RENEWAL SCHEME MAIN DRAINAGE, KING STREET SOUTH MALKIN BROOK PH2 DALE STREET/STEVENSON SQUARE/NEWTON STREET NORTHMOOR ROAD AREA, SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME 34 NANCY STREET, MOSSIDE LOWER MOSLEY STREET PHASE 2 FAIRFIELD ROAD/OGDEN LANE, GORTON, MANCHESTER ST JOHNS COLLEGE,QUAY STREET, MANCHESTER ST JOHNS C E SCHOOL, BIRCH LANE 31 SANDOWN CRESCENT, GORTON, MANCHESTER SIDNEY STREET, TRIAL PIT SURVEY ST CHRYSOSTOMS SCHOOL, LINCOLN GROVE 43 SANDOWN CRESCENT, GORTON TOXTETH STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT TAYLOR STREET, MANCHESTER CRESCENT WIDENING SCHEME SALFORD PROPOSED RETAINING WALL ADJACENT TO GERALD STREET FOOTBRIDGE SALFORD GLEN STREET SALFORD PROPOSED INTERCEPTOR SEWER DOCK ROAD/BROADWAY SALFORD COVERDALE CRESCENT, ARDWICK HENSHAWS, ECCLES OLD ROAD, SALFORD UPPER BROOK STREET MANCHESTER GLOBUS OFFICE WORLD DAWSON STREET MANCHESTER CHORLEY STREET STRETFORD TALBOT ROAD STRETFORD MANCHESTER NEW OFFICE BUILDING WARWICK ROAD STRETFORD 70-82 TALBOT STREET STRETFORD CHORLEY STREET STRETFORD MANCHESTER SALFORD ROYAL COLLEGE OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 16 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Number 33092 33147 33175 33224 33269 33415 33429 33435 33475 33817 33818 34287 34458 34516 34620 34654 34655 34673 34736 34737 34744 34836 34840 34920 34938 34992 34993 34994 34996 35001 35002 35007 35010 35012 35015 35016 35028 35669 36053 36206 36380 36513 36622 36623 36624 36625 36627 36684 36703 36705 Site investigation title CHORLTON BROOK SOUTH MANCHESTER POMONA DOCK LINK TRAFFORD PARK CASTLEFIELD CENTRE MANCHESTER BIRLEY FIELDS HULME WARREN BRUCE WAY CHEETHAM HILL, STRANGEWAYS, MANCHESTER SITE OF PROPOSED SEWER RECONSTRUCTION AT THURLOW STREET OFF BROADWAY SALFORD ECCLES NEW ROAD SALFORD HANKINSON WAY, SALFORD TIMBER WHARF MANCHESTER BLANTYRE STREET MANCHESTER SALFORD QUAYS PIER 8 ASHTON OLD ROAD / STANLEY STREET ASHTON CANAL CORRIDOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENTS PHASE 1 PROPOSED OFFICE DEVELOPMENT SALFORD STANLEY GROVE STOCKPORT ROAD MANCHESTER TAYLOR STREET MANCHESTER LEVER STREET PROPOSED 4 STOREY OFFICE BLOCK AND COMPUTER CENTRE AT ICL WEST GORTON MANCHESTER PROPOSED MANCHESTER INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTRE STANLEY GROVE / ALBERT GROVE LONGSIGHT MANCHESTER MOUNT STREET, MANCHESTER SPRING GARDENS, MANCHESTER LIVESEY/SUDELL STREET MANCHESTER SITES IFF MANCUNIAN WAY MANCHESTER FRANCIS SHAW IRONWORKS, CORBETT STREET 62 CORELLI STREET, MILES PLATTING 3 COURT DRIVE, NEWTON HEATH DANTZIC STREET, SEWER REPLACEMENT 1 CROSSBANK CLOSE, LONGSIGHT 68-70 CROSSLEY STREET, GORTON 53 DEAN ROAD, GORTON, MANCHESTER DEBDALE PARK HOUSE, GORTON, MANCHESTER PORT STREET / HILTON STREET/ DALE STREET STAGE II SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME COLESHILL STREET, MANCHESTER 11 CRADLEY AVENUE, HIGHER OPENSHAW WATERLOO ROAD SEWER STAGE 2 SALFORD QUAYS WHARFSIDE FEASIBILITY STUDY PIER 8 CANAL MANCHESTER INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE SHAFTS ALAN TURING WAY PHASE 2 MILES PLATTING MANCHESTER ASHTON CANAL CORRIDOR HOLT TOWN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE VOL 1 ASHTON CANAL CORRIDOR HOLT TOWN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE VOL 2 ASHTON CANAL MEDLOCK STRUCTURES MANCHESTER ASHTON CANAL CORRIDOR TRANSCO PIPELINE BRIDGE 29 - ELR CMP2 POMONA DOCK AREA REDEVELOPMENT GORTON MONASTERY MANCHESTER MANCHESTER METROLINK-EAST OF ARDWICK VOL 1 Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 17 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Number 36706 36707 36708 Site investigation title MANCHESTER METROLINK-ADDITIONAL WORKS VOL 2 MANCHESTER METROLINK-ADDITIONAL WORKS MANCHESTER METROLINK-WEST OF ARDWICK VOL 3 National Grid geological maps (1:10 000 and 1:10 560 scale) Number of records in search area: 2 Map SJ89NE SJ89NW Type C C Survey 1927 1927 Type Published 1862 1862 1929 1929 0 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 0 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 0 1929 1929 1929 0 1929 1929 1929 1929 County Series geological maps (1:10 560 scale) Number of records in search area: 30 Map Lancashire104FS Lancashire104FS Lancashire104NE Lancashire104NE Lancashire104NE Lancashire104NE Lancashire104NE Lancashire104NE Lancashire104NE Lancashire104NW Lancashire104NW Lancashire104NW Lancashire104NW Lancashire104NW Lancashire104NW Lancashire104NW Lancashire104SE Lancashire104SE Lancashire104SE Lancashire104SE Lancashire104SE Lancashire104SE Lancashire104SE Lancashire104SW Lancashire104SW Lancashire104SW Lancashire104SW Lancashire104SW Lancashire104SW Lancashire104SW Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. C CS C CD D S C D S CD CS C C S CD C D C CS S CD C D C CS Page: 18 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 New Series medium scale geological maps (1:50 000 and 1:63 360 scale) Number of records in search area: 4 Sheet number 85 85 85 85 Sheet name Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Type S D D S Published 1975 1930 1970 1930 Type D S D S Published 1874 1874 1874 1874 Old Series one inch geological maps (1:63 360 scale) Number of records in search area: 4 Sheet number 88SW 88SW 89SE 89SE Sheet name Manchester Manchester Bury Bury Hydrogeological maps (various scales) Number of records in search area: 1 Map Clwyd and Cheshire Basin Scale 1:100,000 Geological Memoirs Number of records in search area: 1 Geological memoir Manchester (& S.E.Lancs Coalfield) Date 1931 Technical reports Technical reports may be available for this area. Please see Waste sites Number of records in search area: 0 Listing of some 3500 waste sites for England and Wales identified by BGS as part of a survey carried out on behalf of the Department of the Environment in 1973. Later information may be available from the Local authority. BGS holds no records of waste sites for the selected area Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 19 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Mining plans Number of records in search area: 9 This listing includes plans of various types, principally relating to mining activity including abandonment plans. The coverage is not comprehensive; however that for Scotland is most complete. Record Type KP KP KP KP Plan No. 1003 1004 1005 18191 KP 3294 KP 3297 KP 3305 KP KP 856 9693 Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Title BRADFORD COLLIERY SEAM-FOUR FEET BRADFORD COLLIERY SEAM-ROGER BRADFORD COLLIERY SEAM-CROMBOUKE WESTPHALIAN A & B OF THE COALFIELDS OF ENGLAND & WALES ( INCLUDING CANONBIE ) PARKER (WORSLEY FOUR FEET) SEAM ST GEORGES,BRADFORD AND CLAYTON COLLIERIES BRADFORD FOUR FEET SEAM CLAYTON,GLENDEN AND ST GEORGES COLLIERIES CROMBOUKE (AGECROFT OR BRADFORD DEEP) SEAM AGECROFT,PENDLETON AND BRADFORD COLLIERIES CITY OF MANCHESTER MAIN DRAINAGE WORK 4 SECTIONS REFERRED TO IN THE PAPER ON THE COAL STRATA OF LANCASHIRE AT THE MANCHESTER GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Page: 20 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 GeoRecords Plus+ Terms & Conditions Our guarantee The BGS will make reasonable endeavours to ensure that the records you order are delivered promptly and at a reasonable cost. If you find that your purchase does not match what you have ordered, you will be provided with a full refund for the item(s) if you inform us within 7 days of receiving the item. If the delivery is defective in any way, we will send you a replacement within 7 days or again give you a full refund (including postage costs) if a replacement is unavailable. This guarantee does not affect your statutory rights. The BGS Enquiry Service (contact details below) will be happy to help you if you have queries or difficulties in ordering products or have problems with delivery. Exclusion of Liability Your use of information provided by the BGS is at your own risk. Please read any warnings given about the limitations of the information, including those listed below. If the file on which the information is delivered to you is corrupt or is otherwise unusable then please inform the BGS Central Enquiries Desk (contact details below) within 7 days and we will replace it. The BGS gives no warranty as to the quality or accuracy of the information, or the medium on which it is provided, or its suitability for any use. All conditions, implied or otherwise, relating to the quality or suitability of the information and the medium, and all liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. The BGS warrants that the information will conform to any specification agreed with the customer and will be suitable for any purpose communicated to the BGS by the customer. The liability, howsoever arising, of the BGS under this warranty and otherwise in connection with the provision of the information is limited to ten times the cost payable by the customer or £50,000, whichever is the lesser. The BGS excludes all liability arising from any errors or omissions in any data provided by you. Except as stated above, the BGS accepts no liability for any loss or damage which may be caused by the condition of the disk or file in which the information is provided to you, and you are expected to operate suitable anti-virus software before loading it into your computer system. You are responsible for ensuring that the form of the information you have ordered is compatible with your computer system and any other data with which the information is to be used. Nothing in these terms and conditions excludes or limits the liability of BGS for death or personal injury arising from its negligence, or for fraud, or for any other liability that, by law, cannot be excluded or limited. Customers should be aware of the following factors and limitations that may affect the quality or accuracy of records information supplied: 1. Geological observations are made according to the prevailing understanding of the subject at the time. The quality of such observations may be affected by subsequent advances in knowledge or improved methods of interpretation and better access to sampling locations. 2. Raw data may have been transcribed from analogue to digital format, or may have been acquired by means of automated measuring techniques. Although such processes are subjected to quality control to ensure reliability where possible, some raw data may have been processed without human intervention and may in consequence contain undetected errors. 3. Although samples and records are maintained with all reasonable care, there may be some deterioration in the long term. 4. The most appropriate techniques for copying original records are used, but there may be some loss of detail and dimensional distortion when such records are copied. 5. Data supplied by external organisations to the BGS, and which the BGS makes available to others, is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness for a purpose. 6. Data, information and related records that have been donated to BGS have been produced for a specific purpose, and that may affect the type and completeness of the data recorded and any interpretation. The nature and purpose of data collection, and the age of the resultant material may render it unsuitable for certain applications/uses. Customers/recipients of such material are advised that it is their responsibility to verify the suitability of the material for their intended usage. 7. The data, information and related records supplied by the BGS should not be taken as a substitute for specialist interpretations, professional advice and/or detailed site investigations. Professional advice should be sought before making technical interpretations on the basis of the materials provided. 8. Detail, which is clearly defined and accurately depicted on large-scale maps, may be lost when small-scale maps are derived from them. Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 21 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 9. Data may be compiled from the disparate sources of information at BGS's disposal, including material donated to BGS by third parties, and may not originally have been subject to any verification or other quality control process. 10. If a report or other output is produced for you on the basis of data you have provided to BGS, or your own data input into a BGS system, please do not rely on it as a source of information about other areas or geological features, as the report may omit important details. 11. The topography shown on any map extracts is based on the latest OS mapping and is not necessarily the same as that used in the original compilation of the BGS geological map, and to which the geological linework available at that time was fitted. 12. Note that for some sites, the latest available records may be quite historical in nature, and while every effort is made to place the analysis in a modern geological context, it is possible in some cases that the detailed geology at a site may differ from that described. Availability of goods The maps provided on this website show where the various records are available. However, if for some reason, after you have paid for a record, the BGS is unable to provide it (for example, due to data or computing problems), we will inform you and offer an alternative record or a full refund. Some of the records held in the National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC) were donated under conditions of confidentiality. For most of these confidential records, the BGS is able to tell you that the records exist, and their location will, therefore, be displayed on the index maps on this website but we will not be able to provide you with a copy immediately. You will, however, be able to place a request to obtain details about the owners of the records who you can then contact to request release of the data. Once this is obtained you will then have to supply the BGS with written confirmation of release, and we will then be able provide you with a copy of the records concerned. Prices, payment and VAT Prices quoted in printed leaflets and internet pages are liable to change without prior notice. Payment can currently only be accepted in Sterling, but may be made by credit or debit card (not by charge card, e.g. Amex), International Money Order, or Bankers' Draft. Electronic Fund Transfers, such as BACS (Bank Automated Clearing System) are also possible, please contact us for details. The BGS reserve the right not to supply goods to purchasers who have previously defaulted on payment, or where there is reasonable evidence that a fraudulent credit card payment may be involved. Value Added Tax (VAT) will be charged in accordance with current regulations. The charges for obtaining copies of records are detailed on this website. There is a minimum charge of £26+VAT on all orders to reflect our minimum administration costs. Delivery Records ordered through this website will be dispatched using your requested method, options being: prints/photocopies by standard post/special delivery/faxing, or digital files (secure PDF format) by e-mail (if file size allows) or on CD by post. Records will normally be dispatched within 10 working days from receipt of the order. However, a special 24 hour Premium delivery can be requested at an additional charge, details of which can be found on this website. On top of these quoted dispatch times, please allow five days for postage in the UK, seven days in the EU and up to 30 days elsewhere. If your order is delayed beyond this time, please contact the Central Enquiries Desk immediately (contact details below). Standard Postal Delivery charges are included in the price of the records. You will only be charged the amount quoted. If you require special delivery arrangements to be made, please contact us before placing your order. Lost, damaged or incorrectly supplied goods The BGS will take all reasonable steps to replace items damaged in transit or those that have been supplied in error. Where this is not possible, a full refund will be made (please see Availability above). If goods are lost or damaged in transit, or have been incorrectly supplied, you should retain them together with all packaging and documents, and notify the BGS immediately. You should do this by letter, fax or email within 7 days of receiving the goods: beyond this period we cannot guarantee that replacements will be available. You then have the choice of having a replacement item or a full refund. Please ensure you quote any customer order numbers and include your full name and address in any communications. Please do not return any faulty or incorrect goods unless asked to do so. We will give you instructions on how, or whether, to return these items, and may ask you to supply appropriate documents. Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 22 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Complaints We would hope that the vast majority of potential problems can be resolved by simply contacting the BGS through the Central Enquiries Desk. If, however, you are not satisfied that the problem has been resolved or handled to your satisfaction, you may wish to make a formal complaint. Your complaint can be sent to the BGS by post, fax or e-mail. In all cases you should aim to provide as much relevant information as possible so that we can deal with your complaint as promptly as possible. Please also include your contact details in case we need to obtain more details from you. All complaints should be sent to the Central Enquiries Desk (contact details below). You will receive an acknowledgement within five working days that your complaint has been received. If you do not receive an acknowledgement, please contact the Head of Enquiry Service at the same address. When acknowledging receipt of your complaint, we will give an indication of how long it will take to send you a detailed response. In most cases, we would aim to provide a detailed response within ten working days. However, this may not always prove possible, especially if we need to obtain further information. In these cases, we will keep you fully informed on the progress of your complaint, and endeavour to provide you with as full a response as possible as soon as we can. Legal issues In the event of a dispute over the description or supply of goods, payment, or ownership, the contract will be deemed to have been made within England and will therefore be subject to the laws of England and Wales. The BGS regret that we are only able to handle enquiries and conduct business matters in English. The historical records held by the BGS date back to the 18th Century. During this long period the meaning of some words has changed, and the meaning of some of the colloquial descriptive terms has been lost. In rare instances some historic records contain words once used commonly that might now cause offence. BGS policy is to provide the records in their original state without amendment or excision of content. This policy is consistent with that of The National Archives. Data protection Please see our 'Privacy policy'. Copyright Research Council (NERC) and/or the commissioning authority under whose auspices the relevant work was carried out. No part of these materials supplied through the GeoRecords service may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a retrieval system of any nature, without the prior written permission of NERC, through the Director, British Geological Survey. Permission to reproduce BGS materials Guidance on commercial and non-commercial use of BGS material is available on the BGS website at : Specific permission to reproduce such materials must be sought in writing from the Head of Intellectual Property Rights, BGS, Keyworth. A basic BGS copyright licence may be taken out which authorises a licensee to include extracts of BGS maps and other documents passed to third parties for a 12 month period. Third parties receiving copies of BGS materials under a licence may not recopy them unless prior permission has been obtained from BGS. A basic BGS licence does not cover any form of digital copying or manipulation; digital data are subject to specific licensing and royalty arrangements, for which specific permission is required. Ownership and conditions of use In order to comply with ownership rights and any express conditions of deposit, information supplied by BGS is provided on the strict understanding that it is for the sole use of the customer, and will not be passed in whole or in part to a third party. This does not preclude its use for the purpose of satisfying a consultancy contract for which the information was sought. Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 23 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_3 Tom Webster Parsons Brinckerhoff 29 Cathedral Road Cardiff CF11 9HA United Kingdom Borehole Data Pack: This package provides additional data relating to your selected borehole record ordered via GeoRecordsPlus. It provides index listings of other information held in some key BGS databases for your site and a geological map extract for the surrounding area, taken from the 1:50.000 scale BGS digital geological map of Great Britain (DiGMapGB-50). It should be noted that this package is not a comprehensive listing of all BGS data holdings and other data may be available. Note that index data is also accessible through the BGS Internet Geoscience Data Index on the BGS website at If you wish to place an order for any of the index data please e-mail Report Id: BH_118547_4 Client reference: Borehole location map This map shows the locations of the boreholes you have ordered. This product includes mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey. © Crown Copyright and/or database right 2012. Licence number 100037272 Scale: 1:25 000 (1cm = 250 m) Key Number on Map 1 2 3 4 Borehole Number SJ89NW872 SJ89NW15 SJ89NE578 SJ89NE112 Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 2 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Geological Map Extracts This part of the pack contains extracts of geological maps taken from the 1:50 000 scale BGS Digital Geological Map of Great Britain (DiGMapGB-50). The geological information in DiGMapGB is separated into four themes: artificial ground, landslide deposits, superficial deposits and bedrock, shown here in separate maps. The fifth es, to show the geological formations that occur at the surface, just beneath the soil. More information about DiGMapGB-50 and how the various geological units are classified can be found on the BGS website ( The maps are labelled with two-part computer codes that indicate the name of the geological unit and its composition. Descriptions of the units listed in the map keys may be available in the BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units, which is also on the BGS website ( If available, these descriptions can be found by searching against the first part of the computer code used on the maps. Please treat this labelling with caution in areas of complex geology, where some of the labels may overlap occurrences of several geological formations. If in doubt, please contact BGS Enquiries for clarification. In the map keys the geological units are listed in order of their age, as defined in the BGS Lexicon, with the youngest first. However, where units are of the same defined age they are listed alphabetically and this may differ from the actual geological sequence. Artificial ground: This is ground at or near the surface that has been modified by man. It includes ground that has been deposited (Made Ground), landscaped, disturbed, excavated (Worked Ground) or some combination of these. Landslide deposits: These are deposits formed by localised mass-movement of soils and rocks on slopes under the action of gravity. Landslides may occur within the bedrock, superficial deposits or artificial ground; and the landslide deposits may themselves be artificially modified. Superficial deposits: These are relatively young geological deposits, formerly known unconsolidated sands and gravels formed by rivers, and clayey tills formed by glacial action. They may be overlain by landslide deposits or by artificial deposits, or both. Bedrock: Bedrock forms the ground underlying the whole of an area, commonly overlain by superficial deposits, landslide deposits or artificial deposits, in any Co : This map shows all the geological themes from the previous four maps overlaid in order of age. Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 3 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 This map shows the surface elements of all four geological layers. Please see keys to the Artificial, Landslide, Superficial and Bedrock geology maps This product includes mapping data licensed from Ordnance Survey. © Crown Copyright and/or database right 2012. Licence number 100037272 Scale: 1:25 000 (1cm = 250 m) Fault Coal, ironstone or other mineral vein Note: Faults and Coals, ironstone & mineral veins are shown for illustration and to aid interpretation of the map. Not all such features are shown and their absence on the map face does not necessarily mean that none are present Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 4 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Key to Artificial ground: No deposits found in the search area Key to Landslide deposits: No deposits found in the search area Key to Superficial deposits: Map colour Computer Code Name of geological unit Composition GFDUD-XSV GLACIOFLUVIAL DEPOSITS, DEVENSIAN SAND AND GRAVEL GFSDD-XSV GLACIOFLUVIAL SHEET DEPOSITS, DEVENSIAN SAND AND GRAVEL TILLD-DMTN TILL, DEVENSIAN DIAMICTON Key to Bedrock geology: Map colour Computer Code Name of geological unit Rock type MM-MDST MANCHESTER MARLS FORMATION MUDSTONE SSG-SDST SHERWOOD SANDSTONE GROUP SANDSTONE CS-SDST COLLYHURST SANDSTONE FORMATION SANDSTONE GML-LMST GREAT MINE LIMESTONE LIMESTONE HA-MDSS HALESOWEN FORMATION MUDSTONE, SILTSTONE AND SANDSTONE HTS-SDST HOLT TOWN SANDSTONE BED SANDSTONE OPS-SDST OPENSHAW SANDSTONE SANDSTONE PUCM-MDSS PENNINE UPPER COAL MEASURES FORMATION MUDSTONE, SILTSTONE AND SANDSTONE ETM-MDSC ETRURIA FORMATION MUDSTONE, SANDSTONE AND CONGLOMERATE Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 5 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Artificial ground Landslide deposits © Crown Copyright and/or database right 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100037272 © Crown Copyright and/or database right 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100037272 Superficial deposits Bedrock © Crown Copyright and/or database right 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100037272 © Crown Copyright and/or database right 2012. All rights reserved. Licence number 100037272 Please see key on previous page. Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 6 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Geoscience Data List List of available geological data This section lists the data sets, in addition to boreholes and well records, that are held in the National Geoscience Records Centre that are relevant to your enquiry. Users with access to computing facilities can make their own index searches using the BGS www, This will give access to the BGS Bookshop, Publications catalogue, GeoRecords (borehole browser) and GeoReports. If you want to order any of the data please contact enquiries on For current pricing see internet pages above or do not hesitate to contact us using the list found at the back of this pack. Note that this list contains selective datasets and is not a definitive listing of all data held in BGS Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 7 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Site investigation reports Number of records in search area: 500 Additional laboratory and test data may be available in these reports, subject to any copyright and confidentiality conditions. The grid references used are based on an un-refined rectangle and therefore may not be applicable to a specific site. Borehole records in these reports will be individually referenced within the borehole records collection. Number 2170 2171 2173 2636 3876 3997 4204 4286 6596 6827 6861 6870 6903 6905 6923 7041 7054 7055 7393 7588 8019 8045 8274 8314 8335 8493 8530 9403 9510 9742 9752 10062 10434 10435 10878 10890 10894 11143 Site investigation title MANCHESTER CROWN COURT MANCHESTER SKILL CENTRE MANCHESTER PORTLAND ST NW TELECOMS BOARD HQ REPORT ON INVESTIGATIONS FOR SUGGESTED RESERVOIR SCHEMES BROADHEAD CASTLESHAW SHELF HOLDEN WOOD UNITED MANCHESTER HOSPITALS - REDEVELOPMENTS MANCHESTER MINSHULL STREET CROWN COURTS MANCHESTER IRO SCHEDULE E CENTRE CENTRAL RETAIL PARK GREAT ANCOATS STREET MANCHESTER PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT FOR CASHCO OFF THOMPSON STREET MANCHESTER STALYBRIDGE/STUART STREET 132 KV LINE DIVERSION BETWEEN TOWER XQ33 AND XQ35 MISSOURI AVENUE SALFORD HMP STRANGEWAYS GAYTHORN GASWORKS PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AT STAFFORDSHIRE WHARF MANCHESTER WHITE CITY RETAIL PARK MANCHESTER NATIONAL FREIGHT CONSORTIUM PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT AT GORTON MANCHESTER MANCHESTER UNITED FOOTBALL CLUB STRETFORD END REDEVELOPMENT GREAT NORTHERN FESTIVAL MARKETPLACE MANCHESTER SECOND STAGE MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY HALLS OF RESIDENCE PHASE ONE TRAFFORD WHARF EDGE HOLT TOWN INDUSTRIAL AREA MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROAD JUNCTION BETWEEN A6 LONDON ROAD AND MANCUNIAN WAY SALFORD DOCKS SITE INVESTIGATION BUXTON LANE DROYLSDEN PICCADILLY VILLAGE MANCHESTER GASWORKS REGENT ROAD SALFORD MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROUTE JUBILEE STREET TO CHEETHAM HILL ROAD PROPOSED HOUSING DEVELOPMENT THOMAS STREET MANCHESTER BRAZENNOSE STREET PHASE 2 MANCHESTER HADFIELD STREET STRETFORD MANCHESTER HOUSING DEVELOPMENT GIBSON STREET MANCHESTER PROPOSED CAR PARK CHURCH STREET GREAT NORTHERN FESTIVAL MARKET PLACE SALFORD QUAY ROADWORKS AND DRAINAGE PHASE 3 WOOLHAM PLACE CASTLEFIELD MANCHESTER THE ANCHORAGE DEVELOPMENT SALFORD QUAYS SALFORD QUAYS DEVELOPMENT WHITWORTH STREET MANCHESTER Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 8 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Number 11723 11748 11893 13758 13876 14162 14411 14470 15093 15138 15255 15290 15381 15425 15464 15488 15507 15516 15531 15558 15573 15589 15599 15623 15633 15681 15684 15685 15698 15702 15728 15735 15781 15811 15858 15871 15902 15906 15930 15933 15937 16764 17901 18368 18372 18405 18466 18553 18934 19002 19019 19029 19030 Site investigation title MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROUTE POMONA DOCKS REDEVELOPMENT PHASE A CORNBROOK SIDINGS, TRAFFORD RAILWAY STATION MANCHESTER HADDON HALL ROAD, MANCHESTER LOWER BROUGHTON, SALFORD PROPOSED DE-TOXIFICATION UNIT, THOMPSON STREET, MANCHESTER GRANSMOOR ROAD, OPENSHAW GREEN LANE, FAILSWORTH BRADFORD GASWORKS, MANCHESTER GREAT BRIDGWATER STREET, MANCHESTER WHITE CITY STADIUM CLIFTON STREET, MANCHESTER ALBERT GROVE DEVELOPMENT HIGH STREET, HULME, PHASE 2 TALBOT ROAD FLOOD PREVENTION, STRETFORD NATIONAL EXPRESS COACH STATION, MANCHESTER REDEVELOPMENT OF PARKER-ROSSER SITE, TRAFFORD PARK STARRY WALK, SALFORD SALFORD COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. PROSTHETICS AND ORTHOTICS BUILDING OLD TRAFFORD JUNIOR SCHOOL, MANCHESTER TRAFFORD PARK, CRANE REPLACEMENT DEPARTMENT OF HUMANITIES, SITE 3, MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY REGENT ROAD, SALFORD. MIXED LEISURE/FOOD RETAIL DEVELOPMENT RIVER MEDLOCK, CLAYTON VALE MANCHESTER SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, UMIST 52-58 BROWN STREET, MANCHESTER PORTLAND ROAD FLOOD PREVENTION MIXED LEISURE AND FOOD RETAIL DEVELOPMENT, REGENT ROAD, SALFORD FAILSWORTH WWTW PROJECT NO. 9-00-01-658 FAILSWORTH WWTW PROJECT NO. 3-31-31-703 CONTACT THEATRE, BRISBANE STREET, MANCHESTER LISSADEL STREET, OFF FREDERICK STREET, SALFORD CHORLTON BROOK, BIRCHFIELDS PARK POTATO WHARF, CASTLEFIELD MANCHESTER ROYAL INFIRMARY PROPOSED CLINICAL WASTE INCINERATOR LOWRY GALLERIA HIGH STREET, HULME, PHASE 1 HIGH STREET, HULME, PHASE 2 THE LOWRY CENTRE, SALFORD QUAYS LISSADEL STREET, OFF FREDERICK STREET, SALFORD VOLUME 1 CLUSTER 7A MANCHESTER INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE HOLLINGWOOD COURT, BRADFORD LEGRAMS STREET, BRADFORD FAIRFIELD COURT, DROYLESDEN CHAPEL STREET BREWERY, SALFORD, MANCHESTER GROSVENOR ROAD, BRADFORD SMEDLEY ROAD, MANCHESTER OBELISK FEATURE, MARKET STREET, MANCHESTER GREAT BRIDGEWATER STREET, MANCHESTER HULME STREET, MANCHESTER. STUDENT VILLAGE DUNLOP BUILDINGS C AND D CLEMINSON STREET, SALFORD MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 9 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Number 19031 19066 19096 19097 19123 19124 19125 19128 19129 19130 19132 19134 19135 19136 19137 19247 19248 19253 19260 19278 19279 19520 19545 19567 19568 19569 19570 19576 19583 19585 19586 19593 19598 19602 19637 19647 19649 19650 19652 19791 19830 19837 19838 19839 19844 19847 19851 19852 19855 19873 19880 Site investigation title HOMES FOR CHANGE, HULME, MANCHESTER POTATO WHARF A57 HYDE ROAD IMPROVEMENT STAGE 1 FLOOD PREVENTION SCHEME SCARSDALE ROAD, MANCHESTER MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROUTE PHASE 2, STAGE 2, DAWSON STREET, SALFORD. EGERTON STREET, MANCHESTER FLOOD PREVENTION SCHEME PRINCESS ROAD, MANCHESTER SACKVILLE PARK REFURBISHMENT SACKVILLE STREET/WHITWORTH STREET, MANCHESTER PORTLAND STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME HULME HALL LANE ACCESS RAMP (MANCHESTER INTERMEDIATE RING ROAD) MANCHESTER MILLENIUM MILLGATE LANE CAR PARK STRETFORD ROAD/PRINCESS ROAD MILLER STREET SEWER RENOVATION SCHEME A6 DIVERSION - STOCKPORT ROAD SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME DICKENSON ROAD, MANCHESTER CITY CENTRE ROAD PHASE 2 MANCHESTER INNER RING ROAD, SECTION 2, PHASE 1, MANCHESTER CORPORATION STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT, MANCHESTER SLADE GROVE/BIRCHFIELDS PARK S AND T SEWER PROPOSED ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND, MOSS SIDE, MANCHESTER SACKVILLE STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME QUAY STREET SEWER RENEWAL SCHEME SALFORD QUAYS LADYWELL SERVICE STATION, SALFORD GREAT ANCOATS STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME DEANS GATE & ST. MARYS GATE LOCAL SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME QUAY STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME 30 MULL AVENUE, LONGSIGHT, MANCHESTER GREAT WATERBRIDGE STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME CHILDRENS CENTRE, ARDWICK GREEN WALMER STREET, MOSS SIDE ALEXANDRA ROAD, MOSS SIDE ANSON ROAD SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME PRINCESS ROAD, PARKSIDE ROAD TO INNER RING ROAD, MANCHESTER PROPOSED SPORTS CENTRE, PLYMOUTH, ARDWICK SALFORD QUAYS PIER 5 STANLEY GROVE (S & T SEWER) VICTORIA STATION AREA SEWERS RENEWAL SCHEME ALEXANDRA PARK CHILDRENS CENTRE BOOTH STREET, MANCHESTER POTATO WHARF, NEW ELM STREET PARKHOUSE STREET, OPENSHAW PARKHOUSE STREET, MANCHESTER TAN YARD BROW ST. ANNS STREET/EXCHANGE STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME 43 SCOTLAND HALL ROAD, NEWTON HEATH, MANCHESTER 25 SCOTLAND HALL ROAD, NEWTON HEATH, MANCHESTER 172A-174A STANLEY GROVE, GORTON, MANCHESTER THOMAS STREET/HIGH STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME SHAWHEATH CLOSE, HULME, MANCHESTER CITY OF MANCHESTER, RED BANK CATCHMENT PARSONAGE SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 10 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Number 19909 19917 19918 19922 19923 19927 19928 19933 19934 19953 19954 20038 20040 20041 20045 20047 20049 20053 20054 20077 20078 20083 20085 20086 20087 20090 20094 20105 20106 20108 20110 20135 20140 20142 20145 20146 20147 20162 20172 20184 20187 20197 20199 20204 20205 20206 20207 20217 20231 20300 20306 20307 Site investigation title WEST MORLEY STREET OLD MILL STREET/WHARF STREET WITHINGTON ROAD, MOSS SIDE, MANCHESTER ROGER STREET, MANCHESTER RIVER MEDLOCK AT PIN MILL BROW MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROAD, REGENT ROAD TO CHESTER ROAD OSBOURNE STREET PORTLAND STREET, MANCHESTER PHILLIPS PARK ENTRANCE, OPPOSITE STUART STREET WALMER STREET, RUSHHOLME, MANCHESTER HOSTEL, WINDER DRIVE, ANCOATS, MANCHESTER BARRETT STREET, OLD TRAFORD UPPER CHORLTON ROAD STRETFORD ROAD, OLD TRAFFORD 109-111 SEYMOUR GROVE, STRETFORD NORTHUMBERLAND ROAD/STANLEY ROAD, OLD TRAFFORD HARPER STREET, OLD TRAFFORD# STRETFORD OUTFALL SEWER STAGE 2 WARWICH ROAD SOUTH SHREWSBURY STREET SEWERAGE TALBOT ROAD, STRETFORD WARWICK ROAD SEWER RENOVATION 25 LYME GROVE. OLD TRAFFORD TALBOT ROAD, STRETFORD STRETFORD TOWN HALL OLD TRAFFORD MAIN DRAINAGE,STAGE 1 MONTAGUE STREET, STRETFORD ESSEX WAY, OLD TRAFFORD CHESTER ROAD BRIDGE 004, OLD TRAFFORD LAND ADJOINING SPORTS CENTRE, CHESTER ROAD, STRETFORD WILTON AVENUE, STRETFORD OLD TRAFFORD MAIN DRAINAGE OLD TRAFFORD MAIN DRAINAGE STAGE 2 SUPPLEMENTARY INVESTIGATION CLYNE HOUSE, STRETFORD CROFTON STREET SEWERAGE, OLD TRAFFORD CORNBROOK SIDINGS, OLD TRAFFORD TRAFFORD WHARF CORNBROOK CULVERT RENOVATION GREAT STONE SCHOOL, STRETFORD, MANCHESTER CITY LINK AND WHITE CITY INTERCHANGE, TRAFFORD, MANCHESTER BRIDGEWATER BOULEVARD, OLD TRAFFORD, MANCHESTER KINGS ROAD SEWER, OLD TRAFFORD OLD TRAFFORD MAIN DRAINAGE, SEYMOUR GROVE VICTORIA STREET, OPENSHAW VICTORIA STREET, OPENSHAW, PIEZOMETER INSTALLATION RINGSTEAD DRIVE, MANCHESTER RUSHOLME GROVE SHUDE HILL/WITHY GROVE SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME, MANCHESTER RIVER IRWELL CROSSING PLATT LANE SPORTS COMPLEX, RUSHHOLME, MANCHESTER TURKEY LANE STUDY NORTH STREET, CHEETHAM HILL, MANCHESTER Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 11 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Number 20322 20339 20342 20357 20365 20366 20367 20369 20376 20377 20378 20380 20381 20386 20387 20389 20390 20391 20392 20407 20408 20409 20425 20426 20427 20428 20440 20441 20447 20459 20469 20482 20483 20484 20485 20486 20487 20488 20489 20494 20503 20504 20505 20506 20507 20508 20512 20514 20515 20519 20520 20521 Site investigation title OBELISK FEATURE, MARKET STREET, MANCHESTER LOWER MEDLOCK UCSOS CONTRACT 1, MAN 0308 77 WAYLAND ROAD, GORTON, MANCHESTER PROPOSED 15 STOREY FLATS, CLIFFORD WARD, STRETFORD PROPOSED SEWER LINE, SALFORD LISSADEL 2 REDEVELOPMENT AREA, SALFORD BRINDLE HEATH, SALFORD PROPOSED INTERSECTION AT WINDSOR CRESCENT, SALFORD SCALES STREET, SEEDLEY BROAD STREET/GARDNER STREET, BRUNSWICK, SALFORD PROPOSED BROAD STREET IMPROVEMENT SCHEME, SALFORD PROPOSED BROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS SCHEME, SALFORD ST. MATTHAIS REDEVELOPMENT AREA, SALFORD SITE 1 TRINITY WAY, SALFORD HIGH STREET/HODGE LANE MAIN DRAINAGE SCHEME PHASE 2 PUBLIC HEALTH OFFICES, SALFORD PROPOSED SEWER AT ELTON STREET, SALFORD EAST ORDSALL LANE, SALFORD PROPOSED SEWER REPLACEMENT IRWELL STREET, SALFORD PROPOSED SEWER RECONSTRUCTION AT ROSAMOND STREET, SALFORD PROPOSED SEWER RECONSTRUCTION AT TRAFFORD ROAD/REGENT ROAD, SALFORD REGENT ROAD, SALFORD NEW OFFICES, LIVERPOOL ROAD, MANCHESTER SALFORD GAS WORKS, LIVERPOOL ST., SALFORD SOUTH ORDSALL REDEVELOPMENT AREA, SALFORD LISSADEL STREET REDEVELOPMENT, SALFORD SEAFORD ROAD SEWER RECONSTRUCTION, SALFORD PROPOSED SEWERCONSTRUCTION, MONTFORD STREET, SALFORD REGENT BRIDGE ROCHDALE CANAL CROSSING CLARENCE ROAD, LONGSIGHT TRAFFORD ROAD, SALFOR, PROPOSED SEWER RECONSTRUCTION NORTH REGENT STREET, SALFORD, SEWER RECONSTRUCTION GOODIERS DRIVE, SALFORD, SEWER RECONSTRUCTION CHAPEL STREET, SALFORD, SEWER REPLACEMENT BLACKBURN PLACE, SALFORD DISUSED SEEDLEY BLEACH WORKS, NONA ST, SALFORD ISLINGTON REDEVELOPMENT, SALFORD STRETFORD TECHNICAL COLLEGE, MANCHESTER BROAD STREET IMPROVEMENT SCHEME STAGE 2 PENDLETON WAY SEWER, SALFORD PROPOSED CRESCENT WIDENING SCHEME CIVIC CENTRE, SALFORD ELLOR STREET REDEVELOPMENT AREA, STAGE V/2 & X/1, SALFORD LOWER BROUGHTON 3. SALFORD PEEL PARK GALLERY, SALFORD ORDSALL REDEVELOPMENT- STAGE 4 ROADS AND SEWERS PEEL PARK TECHNICAL COLLEGE, SALFORD CHARLES STREET, SALFORD SALFORD SURFACE WATER OUTFALL SCHEME ECCLES NEW ROAD, WEASTE OLDFIELD ROAD, SALFORD Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 12 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Number 20522 20523 20524 20528 20534 20535 20538 20545 20548 20549 20550 20551 20552 20553 20554 20555 20556 20557 20569 20576 20577 20578 20583 20584 20585 20586 20590 20591 20592 20593 20650 20666 20667 20668 20669 20670 20671 20672 20673 20691 20692 20723 20730 20785 20786 20787 20788 20789 20856 20911 20937 20946 Site investigation title MICHIGAN AVENUE, SALFORD WINDSOR STREET, SALFORD ECCLES NEW ROAD, SALFORD CITY OF SALFORD CENTRAL REDEVELOPMENT MAIN DRAINAGE SURFACE WATER OUTFALL TRINITY CLEARANCE AREA NO.7, SALFORD CLAENDON SPORTS CENTRE- PHASE 1 SALFORD LAUNDRY STREET, SALFORD PROPOSED HIGH STREET REDEVELOPMENT (AREATWO) COBDEN STREET SEWER, SALFORD LOWER BROUGHTON INDUSTRIAL AREA SURFACE WATER SEWER FITZWARREN STREET, SALFORD NEW ROGER STREET BRIDGE TIB STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME CLARENDON DEVELOPMENT AREA, SALFORD PROPOSED SALFORD LIBRARY, MUSEUM AND ART GALLERY AT SALFORD BRINDLE HEATH, SALFORD ORDSALL 14, SALFORD HUMKO PRODUCTS, WESTINGHOUSE ROAD, TRAFFORD PARK, MANCHESTER NORTH EAST ORDSALL, SALFORD TRINITY DEVELOPMENT, SALFORD FREDERICK ROAD, SALFORD ECHANGE QUATS WINDSOR LINK, MANCHESTER CHAPEL STREET, SALFORD BROAD STREET DEVELOPMENT AREA, STAGE 1 CROSS LANE DIVERSION/ A6 WINDSOR BRIDGE IMPROVEMENTS SECTION 1 EAST ORDSALL LANE, SALFORD OHIO AVENUE, BROADWAY, SALFORD CONSTANCE AVENUE, WEASTE CITY OF SALFORD ENTERPRISE ZONE, SALFORD DOCKS HUMPHREY ROAD, OLD TRAFFORD PROPOSED ELLER STREET AREA REDEVELOPMENT SCHEME ORDSALL DEVELOPMENT AREA, SALFORD COBDEN STREET STAGE 2 PENDLETON, SALFORD LISSADEL 2, SALFORD PHEBE STREET, SALFORD COBDEN STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT, SALFORD ORDSALL DEVELOPMENT STAGE 3 BARNES OVERFLOW, SALFORD DOCKS IRWELL STREET, SALFORD WHIT LANE REDEVELOPMENT AREA 1,2,3 SALFORD BIRLEY FIELDS BUSINESS PARK, MANCHESTER INTERCEPTOR SEWER STAGE 2, SALFORD VILLIERS STREET, SALFORD, PROPOSED SEWER GREENGATE, SALFORD DOCK ROAD/BROADWAY, SALFORD PROPOSED INTERCEPTOR SEWER ST. MATTHIAS REDEVELOPMENT, SALFORD WINDSOR CLEARANCE AREA, PHASE 1 GREAT BRIDGEWATER STREET DEVELOPMENT PEEL WORKS, SILK ST, SALFORD PROPOSED HOTEL, REGENTS ROAD, SALFORD Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 13 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Number 20947 20948 20949 20995 20996 20997 21062 21063 21064 21065 21066 21067 21068 21069 21084 21118 21213 21221 21223 21225 21267 21268 21269 21270 21271 21272 21273 21274 21275 21316 21317 21318 21340 21352 21353 21354 21398 21399 21400 21401 21402 21403 21404 21405 21423 21446 21447 21451 Site investigation title ARROW STREET TO MILTON STREET BROUGHTON LANE SEWER REPLACEMENT, SALFORD CLEMINSON STREET/GREAT GEORGE STREET AREA GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR BOYS, STRETFORD NEIGHBOURHOOD OFFICE, MOUNT ROAD, GORTON REDGATE LANE, BELLEVUE CARLISLE STREET C.P.O. AREA BOWLING ROAD, ALBERT GROVE DEVELOPMENTS BRADFORD AND OPENSHAW, DISTRICTS OF MANCHESTER, MAIN DRAINAGE WORK 6 GROUND INVESTIGATION ALONG LINE OF PROPOSED SEWER RECONSTRUCTION, BRISCOE LANE BRISCOE LANE/RIVERPARK ROAD, MANCHESTER THE U INTERCEPTING SEWER, OPENSHAW CLOWES STREET, MANCHESTER HOLLAND MILL, MANCHESTER PROPOSED SAILING CENTRE, DEBDALE PARK, GORTON BOOTLE STREET SEWER RENEWAL SCHEME PROPOSED ATR GALLERY/ATHENAEUM LINK, MANCHESTER HILTON STREET, MANCHESTER GREAT ANCOATS STREET CANAL BRIDGE GT MARLBOROUGH STREET CLARENCE STREET, SALFORD BERESFORD ROAD, MANCHESTER GWELO STREET, CLAYTON CLARENCE STREET/BOOTH STREET/BOW LANE SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME SACKVILLE STREET/BLOOM STREET CHURCH STREET/HIGH STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROAD, REGENT ROAD-CHESTER ROAD MOSELY STREET SEWER RECONSTRUCTION MOSS LANE EAST, MANCHESTER MANCHESTER AND SALFORD INNER RELIEF ROUTE, REGENT ROAD TO CHESTER ROAD 33 AMOS AVENUE, NEWTON HEATH, MANCHESTER 31/33 AMOS AVENUE, HARPURHEY, MANCHESTER ASHTON NEW ROAD/ECCLESHALL STREET, CLAYTON CAPITAL CENTRE, SALFORD GORTON LEISURE POOL PHASE 2, GARRAT WAY, GARTON MOUNT STREET, GORBROOK GEORGE STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME EVERY STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME PROPOSED GORTON CULTURAL CENTRE GARRAT WAY GORTON GORTON COMMUNITY CENTRE PROPOSED MALKIN BROOK SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME PHASE 2 NORTH ROAD CLAYTON CHILDRENS CENTRE VARLEY STREET MILES PLATTING EVERY STREET MANCHESTER 6A HATHERSAGE ROAD MANCHESTER NORTON STREET MILES PLATTING BRAZENNOSE STREET MANCHESTER BRIDGE STREET JOHN DALTON STREET SEWER RENOVATION STREET SCHEME BLOOM STREET ABINGDON STREET SEWER REHABILITATION SCHEME Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 14 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Number 21457 21458 21462 21463 21489 21490 21491 21495 21500 21510 21517 21520 21524 21557 21562 21566 21570 21577 21578 21579 21580 21624 21625 21626 21627 21632 21633 21634 21635 21662 21687 21787 21821 21823 21838 21965 21987 22017 22018 22019 22032 22073 22091 22155 22196 22867 23468 23632 25645 25979 26062 Site investigation title 6 EASTERN BY PASS CLAYTON MANCHESTER GORTON STORM WATER RELIEF SEWER 7 ALBERT GROVE LONGSIGHT MANCHESTER PROPOSED RETAINING WALL ON POTTERY LANE AT ASHBURYS STATION MANCHESTER YORK STREET LATUMIST CENTRE HOULDSWORTH STREET LITTLE ANCOATS STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME HULME HALL ROAD WHITWORTH STREET MANCHESTER PROPOSED REFUSE DISPOSAL PLANT FREDERICKS ROAD SALFORD LIVERPOOL STREET RAILWAY BRIDGE SALFORD SALFORD ELLOR STREET BROAD STREET REDEVELOPMENT AREA SALFORD CHRISTIE ROAD SEWER STRETFORD BURY NEW ROAD SALFORD BOOTH STREET EAST 13 BANNERDALE CLOSE LONGSIGHT MANCHESTER CORNBROOK SIDINGS TRAFFORD PARK DUKE PLACE CHEETHAM HILL ROAD SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME CANAL STREET SEWER RENEWAL SCHEME CASTLEFIELD ROADS AND SEWERS WHITWELL WAY GORTON GORE BROOK LOCAL SEWERS PHASE 2 WETHERBY STREET BRADFORD 13 FOLKESTONE ROAD EAST CLAYTON MANCHESTER GROSVENOR STREET CIS BUILDING HANOVER STREET MILLER STREET MANCHESTER GRANBY ROW WHITWORTH STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME FOUNTAIN STREET NPC MANCHESTER FORMER ARDWICK EAST GOODS DEPOT PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT TO BOLTON ROAD (A6) ARDWICK EAST: DERELICT LAND STUDY AKED CLOSE, STOCKPORT ROAD, MANCHESTER AKED CLOSE, STOCKPORT ROAD, MANCHESTER STRETFORD GRAMMAR SCHOOL FOR BOYS CENTRAL MANCHESTER COLLEGE ST JOHNS C OF E PRIMARY SCHOOL CHURCH STREET & DALE STREET, CONTRAFLOW BUS LANE PROPOSED NEIGHBOURHOOD OFFICE GARRAT WAY, GORTON IRWELL STREET ARCHES, MANCHESTER BRADFORD MILL BRIDGE MANCHESTER ANCOATS JUBILEE STREET TO CHEETHAM HILL ROAD, MANCHESTER 8 EASTERN BY-PASS, CLAYTON, MANCHESTER REGENT ROAD / GORE STREET M6M STOCKPORT NORTH BYPASS STUART STREET POWER STATION CLAYTON VALE LOWRY FOOTBRIDGE SALFORD QUAYS TRAFFORD PARK CORN CLEANING PLANT MANCHESTER TRAFFORD PARK WHITWORTH STREET MANCHESTER Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 15 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Number 26064 26065 26323 26814 27287 27513 27828 28297 28317 29376 29795 29827 29913 30129 30644 30645 30646 30649 30650 30653 30654 30655 30657 30658 30659 30661 30663 30665 30735 31677 31678 31682 31684 31685 31689 31695 31697 31705 31710 31712 31713 31715 31968 31972 32080 32521 32759 32760 32767 32768 32769 Site investigation title AMBERSWOOD HINDLEY WIGAN TRAFFORD PARK MANCHESTER Every Street, Ancoats, Manchester. CLAYTON ANILINE COMPANY BUILDING 153 ASHTON NEW ROAD CLAYTON MANCHESTR ANCOATS MANCHESTER LIVERPOOL STREET SALFORD WINDSOR LINK MANCHESTER PROPOSED MIXING PLANT,TARMAC ROADSTONE LTD,AGECROFT,MANCHESTER M6M STOCKPORT NORTH BYPASS LIMER STREET MANCHESTER CHINESE GARDEN EXTENSION MT CARMEL ORDSALL SALFORD PROPOSED STAGE II HOUSING DEVELOPMENT STRANGEWAYS INDUSTRIAL IMPROVEMENT GARTSIDE STREET MANCHESTER LLOYD STREET/HARDMAN STREET SEWER REP. SCHEME LOWER HARDMAN STREET 5-7 KENTON AVENUE, GORTON 8 LONGSIGHT ROAD, GORTON HOLLAND MILL, MILES PLATTING LAUDERDALE CRESCENT, LONGSIGHT LORETTO COLLEGE - PLAYING FIELDS, HULME LAWRENCE SCOTT WORKS, LOUISA STREET, MANCHESTER KING STREET WEST, SEWER RENEWAL SCHEME MAIN DRAINAGE, KING STREET SOUTH MALKIN BROOK PH2 DALE STREET/STEVENSON SQUARE/NEWTON STREET NORTHMOOR ROAD AREA, SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME 34 NANCY STREET, MOSSIDE LOWER MOSLEY STREET PHASE 2 FAIRFIELD ROAD/OGDEN LANE, GORTON, MANCHESTER ST JOHNS COLLEGE,QUAY STREET, MANCHESTER ST JOHNS C E SCHOOL, BIRCH LANE 31 SANDOWN CRESCENT, GORTON, MANCHESTER SIDNEY STREET, TRIAL PIT SURVEY ST CHRYSOSTOMS SCHOOL, LINCOLN GROVE 43 SANDOWN CRESCENT, GORTON TOXTETH STREET SEWER REPLACEMENT TAYLOR STREET, MANCHESTER CRESCENT WIDENING SCHEME SALFORD PROPOSED RETAINING WALL ADJACENT TO GERALD STREET FOOTBRIDGE SALFORD GLEN STREET SALFORD PROPOSED INTERCEPTOR SEWER DOCK ROAD/BROADWAY SALFORD COVERDALE CRESCENT, ARDWICK HENSHAWS, ECCLES OLD ROAD, SALFORD UPPER BROOK STREET MANCHESTER GLOBUS OFFICE WORLD DAWSON STREET MANCHESTER CHORLEY STREET STRETFORD TALBOT ROAD STRETFORD MANCHESTER NEW OFFICE BUILDING WARWICK ROAD STRETFORD 70-82 TALBOT STREET STRETFORD CHORLEY STREET STRETFORD MANCHESTER Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 16 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Number 32988 33092 33147 33175 33224 33269 33415 33429 33435 33475 33817 33818 34287 34458 34516 34620 34654 34655 34673 34736 34737 34744 34836 34840 34920 34938 34992 34993 34994 34996 35001 35002 35007 35010 35012 35015 35016 35028 35669 36053 36206 36380 36513 36622 36623 36624 36625 36627 36684 36703 Site investigation title SALFORD ROYAL COLLEGE OF ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CHORLTON BROOK SOUTH MANCHESTER POMONA DOCK LINK TRAFFORD PARK CASTLEFIELD CENTRE MANCHESTER BIRLEY FIELDS HULME WARREN BRUCE WAY CHEETHAM HILL, STRANGEWAYS, MANCHESTER SITE OF PROPOSED SEWER RECONSTRUCTION AT THURLOW STREET OFF BROADWAY SALFORD ECCLES NEW ROAD SALFORD HANKINSON WAY, SALFORD TIMBER WHARF MANCHESTER BLANTYRE STREET MANCHESTER SALFORD QUAYS PIER 8 ASHTON OLD ROAD / STANLEY STREET ASHTON CANAL CORRIDOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPROVEMENTS PHASE 1 PROPOSED OFFICE DEVELOPMENT SALFORD STANLEY GROVE STOCKPORT ROAD MANCHESTER TAYLOR STREET MANCHESTER LEVER STREET PROPOSED 4 STOREY OFFICE BLOCK AND COMPUTER CENTRE AT ICL WEST GORTON MANCHESTER PROPOSED MANCHESTER INTERNATIONAL TRADE CENTRE STANLEY GROVE / ALBERT GROVE LONGSIGHT MANCHESTER MOUNT STREET, MANCHESTER SPRING GARDENS, MANCHESTER LIVESEY/SUDELL STREET MANCHESTER SITES IFF MANCUNIAN WAY MANCHESTER FRANCIS SHAW IRONWORKS, CORBETT STREET 62 CORELLI STREET, MILES PLATTING 3 COURT DRIVE, NEWTON HEATH DANTZIC STREET, SEWER REPLACEMENT 1 CROSSBANK CLOSE, LONGSIGHT 68-70 CROSSLEY STREET, GORTON 53 DEAN ROAD, GORTON, MANCHESTER DEBDALE PARK HOUSE, GORTON, MANCHESTER PORT STREET / HILTON STREET/ DALE STREET STAGE II SEWER REPLACEMENT SCHEME COLESHILL STREET, MANCHESTER 11 CRADLEY AVENUE, HIGHER OPENSHAW WATERLOO ROAD SEWER STAGE 2 SALFORD QUAYS WHARFSIDE FEASIBILITY STUDY PIER 8 CANAL MANCHESTER INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION CENTRE SHAFTS ALAN TURING WAY PHASE 2 MILES PLATTING MANCHESTER ASHTON CANAL CORRIDOR HOLT TOWN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE VOL 1 ASHTON CANAL CORRIDOR HOLT TOWN INDUSTRIAL ESTATE VOL 2 ASHTON CANAL MEDLOCK STRUCTURES MANCHESTER ASHTON CANAL CORRIDOR TRANSCO PIPELINE BRIDGE 29 - ELR CMP2 POMONA DOCK AREA REDEVELOPMENT GORTON MONASTERY MANCHESTER Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 17 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Number 36705 36706 Site investigation title MANCHESTER METROLINK-EAST OF ARDWICK VOL 1 MANCHESTER METROLINK-ADDITIONAL WORKS VOL 2 National Grid geological maps (1:10 000 and 1:10 560 scale) Number of records in search area: 2 Map SJ89NE SJ89NW Type C C Survey 1927 1927 Type Published 1862 1862 1929 1929 0 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 0 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 1929 0 1929 1929 1929 0 1929 1929 1929 1929 County Series geological maps (1:10 560 scale) Number of records in search area: 30 Map Lancashire104FS Lancashire104FS Lancashire104NE Lancashire104NE Lancashire104NE Lancashire104NE Lancashire104NE Lancashire104NE Lancashire104NE Lancashire104NW Lancashire104NW Lancashire104NW Lancashire104NW Lancashire104NW Lancashire104NW Lancashire104NW Lancashire104SE Lancashire104SE Lancashire104SE Lancashire104SE Lancashire104SE Lancashire104SE Lancashire104SE Lancashire104SW Lancashire104SW Lancashire104SW Lancashire104SW Lancashire104SW Lancashire104SW Lancashire104SW Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. C CS C CD D S C D S CD CS C C S CD C D C CS S CD C D C CS Page: 18 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 New Series medium scale geological maps (1:50 000 and 1:63 360 scale) Number of records in search area: 4 Sheet number 85 85 85 85 Sheet name Manchester Manchester Manchester Manchester Type S D D S Published 1975 1930 1970 1930 Type D S Published 1874 1874 Old Series one inch geological maps (1:63 360 scale) Number of records in search area: 2 Sheet number 88SW 88SW Sheet name Manchester Manchester Hydrogeological maps (various scales) Number of records in search area: 1 Map Clwyd and Cheshire Basin Scale 1:100,000 Geological Memoirs Number of records in search area: 1 Geological memoir Manchester (& S.E.Lancs Coalfield) Date 1931 Technical reports Technical reports may be available for this area. Please see Waste sites Number of records in search area: 0 Listing of some 3500 waste sites for England and Wales identified by BGS as part of a survey carried out on behalf of the Department of the Environment in 1973. Later information may be available from the Local authority. BGS holds no records of waste sites for the selected area Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 19 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 Mining plans Number of records in search area: 17 This listing includes plans of various types, principally relating to mining activity including abandonment plans. The coverage is not comprehensive; however that for Scotland is most complete. Record Type KP KP KP KP Plan No. 1003 1004 1005 10277 KP 18191 KP KP KP KP KP 3289 3291 3292 3293 3294 KP 3295 KP KP 3296 3297 KP 3305 KP 3307 KP KP 856 9693 Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Title BRADFORD COLLIERY SEAM-FOUR FEET BRADFORD COLLIERY SEAM-ROGER BRADFORD COLLIERY SEAM-CROMBOUKE M66 MANCHESTER OUTER RING ROAD MINING REPORT VOLUME 2 GEOLOGICAL MAP WESTPHALIAN A & B OF THE COALFIELDS OF ENGLAND & WALES ( INCLUDING CANONBIE ) ROGER SEAM BRADFORD AND ASHTON MOSS COLLIERIES MAJOR (BRADFORD TOP) SEAM BRADFORD COLLIERY MAJOR (BRADFORD TOP) SEAM BRADFORD COLLIERY RADLEY SEAM BRADFORD AND SSHTON MOSS COLLIERIES PARKER (WORSLEY FOUR FEET) SEAM ST GEORGES,BRADFORD AND CLAYTON COLLIERIES BRADFORD TWO FOOT SEAM BRADFORD AND CLAYTON COLLIERIES BRADFORD YARD SEAM CLAYTON AND GLEDEN COLLIERIES BRADFORD FOUR FEET SEAM CLAYTON,GLENDEN AND ST GEORGES COLLIERIES CROMBOUKE (AGECROFT OR BRADFORD DEEP) SEAM AGECROFT,PENDLETON AND BRADFORD COLLIERIES WORSEY FOUR FEET SEAM BRADFORD AND ST GEORGES COLLIERIES CITY OF MANCHESTER MAIN DRAINAGE WORK 4 SECTIONS REFERRED TO IN THE PAPER ON THE COAL STRATA OF LANCASHIRE AT THE MANCHESTER GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY Page: 20 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 GeoRecords Plus+ Terms & Conditions Our guarantee The BGS will make reasonable endeavours to ensure that the records you order are delivered promptly and at a reasonable cost. If you find that your purchase does not match what you have ordered, you will be provided with a full refund for the item(s) if you inform us within 7 days of receiving the item. If the delivery is defective in any way, we will send you a replacement within 7 days or again give you a full refund (including postage costs) if a replacement is unavailable. This guarantee does not affect your statutory rights. The BGS Enquiry Service (contact details below) will be happy to help you if you have queries or difficulties in ordering products or have problems with delivery. Exclusion of Liability Your use of information provided by the BGS is at your own risk. Please read any warnings given about the limitations of the information, including those listed below. If the file on which the information is delivered to you is corrupt or is otherwise unusable then please inform the BGS Central Enquiries Desk (contact details below) within 7 days and we will replace it. The BGS gives no warranty as to the quality or accuracy of the information, or the medium on which it is provided, or its suitability for any use. All conditions, implied or otherwise, relating to the quality or suitability of the information and the medium, and all liabilities arising from the supply of the information (including any liability arising in negligence) are excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. The BGS warrants that the information will conform to any specification agreed with the customer and will be suitable for any purpose communicated to the BGS by the customer. The liability, howsoever arising, of the BGS under this warranty and otherwise in connection with the provision of the information is limited to ten times the cost payable by the customer or £50,000, whichever is the lesser. The BGS excludes all liability arising from any errors or omissions in any data provided by you. Except as stated above, the BGS accepts no liability for any loss or damage which may be caused by the condition of the disk or file in which the information is provided to you, and you are expected to operate suitable anti-virus software before loading it into your computer system. You are responsible for ensuring that the form of the information you have ordered is compatible with your computer system and any other data with which the information is to be used. Nothing in these terms and conditions excludes or limits the liability of BGS for death or personal injury arising from its negligence, or for fraud, or for any other liability that, by law, cannot be excluded or limited. Customers should be aware of the following factors and limitations that may affect the quality or accuracy of records information supplied: 1. Geological observations are made according to the prevailing understanding of the subject at the time. The quality of such observations may be affected by subsequent advances in knowledge or improved methods of interpretation and better access to sampling locations. 2. Raw data may have been transcribed from analogue to digital format, or may have been acquired by means of automated measuring techniques. Although such processes are subjected to quality control to ensure reliability where possible, some raw data may have been processed without human intervention and may in consequence contain undetected errors. 3. Although samples and records are maintained with all reasonable care, there may be some deterioration in the long term. 4. The most appropriate techniques for copying original records are used, but there may be some loss of detail and dimensional distortion when such records are copied. 5. Data supplied by external organisations to the BGS, and which the BGS makes available to others, is provided 'as is' without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of fitness for a purpose. 6. Data, information and related records that have been donated to BGS have been produced for a specific purpose, and that may affect the type and completeness of the data recorded and any interpretation. The nature and purpose of data collection, and the age of the resultant material may render it unsuitable for certain applications/uses. Customers/recipients of such material are advised that it is their responsibility to verify the suitability of the material for their intended usage. 7. The data, information and related records supplied by the BGS should not be taken as a substitute for specialist interpretations, professional advice and/or detailed site investigations. Professional advice should be sought before making technical interpretations on the basis of the materials provided. 8. Detail, which is clearly defined and accurately depicted on large-scale maps, may be lost when small-scale maps are derived from them. Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 21 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 9. Data may be compiled from the disparate sources of information at BGS's disposal, including material donated to BGS by third parties, and may not originally have been subject to any verification or other quality control process. 10. If a report or other output is produced for you on the basis of data you have provided to BGS, or your own data input into a BGS system, please do not rely on it as a source of information about other areas or geological features, as the report may omit important details. 11. The topography shown on any map extracts is based on the latest OS mapping and is not necessarily the same as that used in the original compilation of the BGS geological map, and to which the geological linework available at that time was fitted. 12. Note that for some sites, the latest available records may be quite historical in nature, and while every effort is made to place the analysis in a modern geological context, it is possible in some cases that the detailed geology at a site may differ from that described. Availability of goods The maps provided on this website show where the various records are available. However, if for some reason, after you have paid for a record, the BGS is unable to provide it (for example, due to data or computing problems), we will inform you and offer an alternative record or a full refund. Some of the records held in the National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC) were donated under conditions of confidentiality. For most of these confidential records, the BGS is able to tell you that the records exist, and their location will, therefore, be displayed on the index maps on this website but we will not be able to provide you with a copy immediately. You will, however, be able to place a request to obtain details about the owners of the records who you can then contact to request release of the data. Once this is obtained you will then have to supply the BGS with written confirmation of release, and we will then be able provide you with a copy of the records concerned. Prices, payment and VAT Prices quoted in printed leaflets and internet pages are liable to change without prior notice. Payment can currently only be accepted in Sterling, but may be made by credit or debit card (not by charge card, e.g. Amex), International Money Order, or Bankers' Draft. Electronic Fund Transfers, such as BACS (Bank Automated Clearing System) are also possible, please contact us for details. The BGS reserve the right not to supply goods to purchasers who have previously defaulted on payment, or where there is reasonable evidence that a fraudulent credit card payment may be involved. Value Added Tax (VAT) will be charged in accordance with current regulations. The charges for obtaining copies of records are detailed on this website. There is a minimum charge of £26+VAT on all orders to reflect our minimum administration costs. Delivery Records ordered through this website will be dispatched using your requested method, options being: prints/photocopies by standard post/special delivery/faxing, or digital files (secure PDF format) by e-mail (if file size allows) or on CD by post. Records will normally be dispatched within 10 working days from receipt of the order. However, a special 24 hour Premium delivery can be requested at an additional charge, details of which can be found on this website. On top of these quoted dispatch times, please allow five days for postage in the UK, seven days in the EU and up to 30 days elsewhere. If your order is delayed beyond this time, please contact the Central Enquiries Desk immediately (contact details below). Standard Postal Delivery charges are included in the price of the records. You will only be charged the amount quoted. If you require special delivery arrangements to be made, please contact us before placing your order. Lost, damaged or incorrectly supplied goods The BGS will take all reasonable steps to replace items damaged in transit or those that have been supplied in error. Where this is not possible, a full refund will be made (please see Availability above). If goods are lost or damaged in transit, or have been incorrectly supplied, you should retain them together with all packaging and documents, and notify the BGS immediately. You should do this by letter, fax or email within 7 days of receiving the goods: beyond this period we cannot guarantee that replacements will be available. You then have the choice of having a replacement item or a full refund. Please ensure you quote any customer order numbers and include your full name and address in any communications. Please do not return any faulty or incorrect goods unless asked to do so. We will give you instructions on how, or whether, to return these items, and may ask you to supply appropriate documents. Date: 31 May 2012 © NERC, 2012. All rights reserved. Page: 22 of 23 BGS No: BH_118547_4 1 © All rights are reserved by the copyright proprietors. [SJ89NE BJ 112 .] 2 © All rights are reserved by the copyright proprietors. [SJ89NE BJ 112 .] 1 © All rights are reserved by the copyright proprietors. [SJ89NW BJ 3639 .] 2 © All rights are reserved by the copyright proprietors. [SJ89NW BJ 1499 .] 1 © All rights are reserved by the copyright proprietors. [SJ89NW BJ 1161 .] 2 © All rights are reserved by the copyright proprietors. [SJ89NW BJ 1161 .] 3 © All rights are reserved by the copyright proprietors. [SJ89NW BJ 1161 .] 1 © All rights are reserved by the copyright proprietors. [SJ89NW BJ 870 .] 1 © All rights are reserved by the copyright proprietors. [SJ89NW BJ 249 .] 2 © All rights are reserved by the copyright proprietors. [SJ89NW BJ 249 .] 1 © All rights are reserved by the copyright proprietors. [SJ89NW BJ 249 .] Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 FIGURES Figure 1 Page 24 of 27 Site Location Plan Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 KEY: Site Location OS map data reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO. © Crown copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey licence number 0100040692 NORTHERN HUB PROGRAMME PICCADILLY STATION - GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY AND GROUND INVESTIGATION SCOPING REPORT FIGURE 1. SITE LOCATION PLAN REFER TO DOCUMENT No. 109172-D-ECV-REP-PBL-000010 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Figure 2 Page 25 of 27 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 Geology Extract of BGS sheet SJ89NW Site location Reproduced under corporate basic copyright licence No. IPR/30-10 CSL British Geological Survey. c NERC. All rights reserved. NORTHERN HUB PROGRAMME PICCADILLY STATION - GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY AND GROUND INVESTIGATION SCOPING REPORT FIGURE 2. GEOLOGY EXTRACT OF BSG SHEET SJ88NW REFER TO DOCUMENT No. 109172-D-ECV-REP-PBL-000010 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Figure 3 Page 26 of 27 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 Geological Cross Section Sj89nw579 Sj89nw580 Sj89nw583 Sj89nw582 Sj89nw581 Sj89nw578 Sj89nw18 Sj89nw15 Sj89nw3643 Sj89nw249 Sj89ne17 50.0 Sj89nw579 45.0 Sj89nw580 Sj89nw578 Sj89nw3643 40.0 Ground Level Sj89ne17 Sj89nw249 35.0 Sj89nw583 Sj89nw581 Sj89nw582 Sj89nw18 Sj89nw15 30.0 25.0 KEY: Sj88nw249 20.0 Historic Exploratory Hole Location 15.0 Made Ground 10.0 Glacial Till 05.0 00.0 Ground Level Sherwood Sandstone Reproduced under corporate basic copyright licence No. IPR/30-10 CSL British Geological Survey. c NERC. All rights reserved. NORTHERN HUB PROGRAMME PICCADILLY STATION - GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY AND GROUND INVESTIGATION SCOPING REPORT FIGURE 3. GEOLOGICAL CROSS SECTION REFER TO DOCUMENT No. 109172-D-ECV-REP-PBL-000010 Northern Hub Programme Manchester Piccadilly Station Geotechnical Desk Study and Ground Investigation Scoping Report Date: 23-09-13 Document Reference Number Project Code 109172 Project Number Discipline (Function) Code Document Type Originator Code Sequential Number Revision D ECV REP ECV 000010 P01 DRAWINGS 109172-D-ECV-DRG-PBL-000032 P01 Page 27 of 27 Option 13H5 Proposed Ground Investigation Works HISTORIC COURSE OF RIVER MEDLOCK SHOWN INDICATIVELY ECHO STREET N FA I R FI EL D ST R EE T REET NCHAM ST RI T AL TP103 TP102 TP101 BH102 BH103 RE WY BH104 BH101 BH106 ET RE ST HISTORIC COURSE OF RIVER MEDLOCK SHOWN BH105 INDICATIVELY STRIKING OF BURIED SERVICE APPARATUS FOR OUTLINE PLAN LOCATIONS OF EXISTING BURIED SERVICES REFER TO SCALE 1:1000 CIVILS DRAWINGS Nos. 109172-D-ECV-DRG-PBL-000034 & 35. AREAS OF PROPOSED BOREHOLES AND TRIAL PITS SHOULD BE REVIEWED AGAINST UP TO DATE UTILITY PLANS AND CLEARED USING A CABLE AVOIDANCE TOOL (CAT) BEFORE BREAKING GROUND N BH107 BH110 BH111 F AI RF I EL DST REET BH112 BH109 6 10 BH BH108 S I AV R T T EE R T S 0 OS map data reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of 10 20 30 40 50m PLAN CONTINUED HMSO. © Crown copyright 2009. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey SCALE 1:1000 licence number 0100040692 Legend/Notes SCALE 1:500 Designed Contractor(s) Signed Date 2013-09-23 MARTIN BARKA THIS DRAWING SHALL BE READ WITHPICCADILLY STATION - Drawn GEOTECHNICAL DESK STUDY AND GROUND INVESTIGATION Signed Date Signed Date MIKE BARKA SCOPING REPORTNo. 109172-D-ECV-REP-PBL-000010 Checked PROPOSED EXPLORATORY BOREHOLE LOCATION Mott MacDonald PROPOSED OBSERVATORY PIT Approved PARSONS BRINCKERHOFF NetworkRail 2013-09-23 2013-09-26 A GROVES Signed Date 2013-09-26 I CROOK Network Rail Project INFRASTRUCTURE PROJECTS North England Programmes Square One, 4 Travis Street NORTHERN HUB PHASE 2 Suitability Drawing Title Status P01 26/09/13 FFIT FOR REVIEW MB P00.1 17/09/13 FIRST DRAFT Rev Date AKG IJC FIT FOR REVIEW Scale(s) Drawn Chkd Appr OPTION13H5 - PROPOSED GROUND ELR & Mileage MB Description of Revisions S3 AS SHWON Manchester, M1 2NY Alternative Reference 1 Drawing Number INVESTIGATION WORKS Sheet 109172-D-ECV-DRG-PBL-000032 of 1 Revision P01 Sheet Size A3 297 x 420