10th Annual Meeting of the Presidents` Forum Program
10th Annual Meeting of the Presidents` Forum Program
TH Y R A S R E V I ANN ETING UA L M E O F TH E ANN RU M NTS’ FO E D I S E PR SCANNING THE HORIZON FOR DISTANCE LEARNING Extending Access to Knowledge, Employment, and Prosperity OCTOBER 7–8, 2013 | WASHINGTON, D.C. PROGRAM Senate Room Capital Hilton Hotel 1001 16th Street NW Washington, D.C. 6:00–8:00 pm 7 , 2013 OC TOB ER 8 , 2013 WELC O ME R EC EP TION Hall of Flags U.S. Chamber of Commerce 1615 H Street NW Washington, D.C. 7:30–8:30 am OC TOB ER C O N TIN ENTA L B R EA K FA S T s p o n so r s h i p p r ov i d e d by tata i n t e r a c t i v e s y s t e m s 8:30 am WELC O ME Paul Shiffman, Executive Director, Presidents’ Forum Edward Klonoski, Chair, Presidents’ Forum President, Charter Oak State College 2 John Flores, Executive Director, United States Distance Learning Association Executive Director/Program Professor, Nova Southeastern University/ Abraham S. Fischler School of Education S PEAKER followed by questions and discussion Shifting Policy and Evaluating Outcomes: Higher Education’s Role in Workforce Development and Economic Sustainability Ron Eidshaug Vice President Congressional and Public Affairs, United States Chamber of Commerce S PEAKER : 9:30 am KEYNOTE ADDRESS followed by questions and discussion Taking Online Education to the Next Level: From Expanding Access to Promoting Success 10:00 am S PEAKER followed by questions and discussion The Public University of the Future M. Peter McPherson President Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) PRESIDENTS’ FORUM President and CEO USA Funds OF THE William D. Hansen 10 TH ANNIVERSARY ANNUAL MEETING 9:00 am 3 10:30 am S PEAKER followed by questions and discussion Education and Preparing the Workforce for the 21st Century Anthony P. Carnevale Director Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce 11:00 am ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION followed by questions and discussion Scanning the Horizon: A Discussion of Needed Structural Change in Policy and Practice for Distance Learning MODERATOR Susan Aldridge, Senior Vice President for Online Learning and President, Drexel e-Learning: Harnessing the Power of Continuous Innovation PARTICIPANTS (Authors of Policy Papers) Wallace Boston, President, American Public University System (APUS): Educating Those Who Serve: Navigating the Regulatory Maelstrom of Outcomes Assessment, Compliance and Funding Challenges Tina Grant, Director, National College Credit Recommendation Service (National CCRS): The Question of Quality in Nontraditional Learning Experiences Bryan Kantor, Vice President, Education, Tata Interactive Systems: Designing MOOCs — A White Paper on Instructional Design for MOOCs James Rianhard, President, Flat World Education: What We Learned from Our Summer Interns 4 LUNCHEON followed by questions and discussion Update on SARA Implementation David Longanecker President Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) Marshall Hill Executive Director National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), WICHE s p o n so r s h i p p r ov i d e d by xac t t e l e so lu t i o n s followed by questions and discussion Accreditation, Quality and Extra-Institutional Education: What Do We Expect? What Do We Need? Judith Eaton President Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) PRESIDENTS’ FORUM S PEAKER OF THE 1:00 pm 10 TH ANNIVERSARY ANNUAL MEETING 12:00 pm 5 1:30 pm S PEAKER followed by questions and discussion Disrupting College from the Margins: Innovations in Lifelong Learning Michelle Rhee-Weise Education Senior Research Fellow Clayton Christensen Institute 2:00 pm AWARD PRES EN TATION followed by comments by awardee Presentation of the Champions of E-Learning Award — “The Heavy Lifter” Congressman Jared Polis Co-Chair Congressional E-Learning Caucus 2:30 pm S PEAKER followed by questions and discussion Comments on Federal Regulatory and Budgetary Actions Congresswoman Virginia Foxx Chair of the House Education and the Workforce Subcommittee on Higher Education 6 ROUND TABLE DISCUSSION followed by questions and discussion Scanning the Horizon: A Discussion of Needed Structural Change in Policy and Practice for Distance Learning MODERATOR Douglas Lederman, Editor, Inside Higher Education PARTICIPANTS (Authors of Policy Papers) Judith Eaton, President, Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA): The Policy and Political Horizon for Quality Michael Goldstein, Member, Dow Lohnes, PLLC: The Evolving Legal and Regulatory Burdens of eLearning Burck Smith, CEO, StraighterLine: The “Perfect Market” Challenge to the Subsidy Structure of Higher Education Pamela Tate, President and CEO, Council for Adult and Experiential Learning (CAEL): Keeping College Within Reach: Improving Higher Education Through Innovation Meet the Authors of the Policy Papers PRESIDENTS’ FORUM S UMMAR Y AN D ADJ OUR NM ENT TO VEN D O R R EC EP TION OF THE 4:00 pm 10 TH ANNIVERSARY ANNUAL MEETING 3:00 pm 7 BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR THE PRESIDENTS’ FORUM Meg Benke Professor, School for Graduate Studies Empire State College Robert W. Mendenhall President Western Governors University Wallace E. Boston, Jr. Joseph B. Porter TREASURER, PRESIDENTS’ FORUM SECRETARY, PRESIDENTS’ FORUM President and CEO American Public University System Vice President for Legal & Governmental Affairs and General Counsel Excelsior College John F. Ebersole President Excelsior College Darcy W. Hardy VICE CHAIR, PRESIDENTS’ FORUM Assistant Vice Provost, Technology Education Initiatives The University of Texas at San Antonio Edward Klonoski Paul H. Shiffman EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, PRESIDENTS’ FORUM Assistant Vice President for Strategic and Government Relations Excelsior College Peter Smith Senior Vice President Academic Strategies & Development Kaplan Higher Education CHAIR, PRESIDENTS’ FORUM President Charter Oak State College PRESIDENTS’ FORUM | 7 COLUMBIA CIRCLE | ALBANY, NY 12203 presidentsforum.excelsior.edu EXEC13-003; 9/30/13