WHAT A YEAR! - ASHP Foundation


WHAT A YEAR! - ASHP Foundation
Message from the ASHP Foundation Leaders
Vision, Mission & Strategic Priorities
Board of Directors and Staff
Support the ASHP Foundation
Donor Recognition
Message from the
ASHP Foundation Leaders
Stephen J. Allen, Executive Vice President
and Chief Executive Officer
Kevin J. Colgan, Board Chair
The ASHP Foundation’s leaders share the highlights of
2010 with you!
Our vision is that patients receiving medication therapy in our nation’s hospitals and
health systems will receive care in a safe and efficient manner, leading to optimal medication
The mission of the ASHP Foundation is to improve the health and well-being of patients in
hospitals and health systems through appropriate, safe and effective medication use. The
Foundation provides leadership and conducts education and research activities that foster
the coordination of interdisciplinary medication management leading to optimal patient
outcomes. Emphasis is given to programs that will have a major impact on advancing
pharmacy practice in hospitals and health systems, thereby improving public health.
• Design and study of safe and effective medication-use systems
• Advancement of optimal patient medication outcomes
• Expansion of pharmacists’ direct patient care and leadership roles
Kevin J. Colgan, Chair
David R. Gaugh, Vice Chair
Henri R. Manasse, Jr., President
Philip J. Schneider, Treasurer
Stephen J. Allen, Secretary
Barbara Balik, Director-at-Large
Michael S. Flagstad, Director-at-Large
Dallas J. Howe, Director-at-Large
Lynnae M. Mahaney, Director-at-Large
Bruce E. Scott, Director-at-Large
Gordon S. Willcox, Director-at-Large
Joseph A. Oddis, President-Emeritus, Ex-Officio
Diane B. Ginsburg, ASHP President, Ex-Officio
Stanley S. Kent, ASHP President-Elect, Ex-Officio
Stephen J. Allen, Executive Vice President and Chief Executive Officer
Daniel J. Cobaugh, Vice President
Bethany L. Coulter, Director of Communications & Events
Myrna J. Petersen, Director of Development
Richard S. Walling, Director, Center for Health-System Pharmacy Leadership
Jennifer L. Perrell, Senior Program Coordinator
Brandi Goswick, Program Coordinator
Mary Kozlowski, Program Coordinator
Jose A. Carias, Administrative Coordinator
From left to right: Mary Kozlowski, Jose Carias,
Bethany Coulter, Steve Allen, Myrna Petersen,
Daniel Cobaugh, Brandi Goswick, Richard Walling
and Jennifer Perrell.
The scene at the ASHP Foundation’s
exhibit booth during the 2010
ASHP Midyear.
Supported by the Cardinal Health Foundation
The Award for Excellence in Medication-Use Safety is the only awards
program to honor a pharmacist-led multidisciplinary team that makes
significant institution-wide system improvements relating to medication
use. It recognizes on a national level pharmacists who have assumed a
leadership role in the medication-use process. The recipient receives a
$50,000 award, while two finalists each receive a $10,000 award.
From left to right:
Charles Hamm of
Cardinal Health and
Heather Kokko,
David Taber, and
Nicole Pilch of
Watch the Award for Excellence video,
featuring the recipient and finalists, now!
2010 Recipient
Medical University of
South Carolina Medical Center
Charleston, S.C.
“Optimizing Medication Use
and Outcomes in Kidney
Transplant Patients”
See Dr. Heather Kokko accept award
on behalf of MUSC.
Watch Dr. Pilch speak with radio interviewer
Andrea Perry of "Caring for the Community"
during National Patient Safety Week.
From left to right: Kevin Colgan,
Steven Levy, Maria Arias
and Henry Cohen.
2010 Finalists
Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center
Brooklyn, N.Y.
“Clinical Pharmacist-Led Multidisciplinary Program for
Weaning Patients from Mechanical Ventilation”
Lancaster General Health
Lancaster, Pa.
“Improving Medication Safety Through Implementation
of Intravenous Interoperability”
From left
to right:
Kevin Colgan,
Amanda Prusch,
Tina Suess and
Richard Paoletti.
Supported by the ASHP Foundation
The ASHP Foundation Literature Awards Program honors
important contributions by pharmacists to biomedical literature.
Awards recipients exemplify excellence in research and writing
that foster improvements in patient care and medication use,
pioneer new uses of technology and pharmacy personnel and
demonstrate the pharmacist’s role in patient care. Five award
categories recognize important contributions to the literature
of pharmacy practice in hospitals and health systems.
Chris Gentry, Brittany Traylor, Joseph Dasta,
Helen Park and Barry Carter.
Award for Sustained Contributions to the Literature of Pharmacy Practice
Joseph F. Dasta, M.S.
The Ohio State University, College of Pharmacy
University of Texas at Austin, College of Pharmacy
See Professor Dasta accept his award.
Award for Innovation in Pharmacy Practice
“Implementing a Comprehensive, 24-Hour Emergency Department
Pharmacy Program”
Helen K. Park, Pharm.D., Victoria E. Aldridge, Pharm.D., Mark
Bounthavong, Pharm.D., and Anthony P. Morreale, Pharm.D., M.B.A.
American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy 2009; 66:1943-47.
VA San Diego Healthcare System, San Diego, Calif.
See Dr. Park accept her award.
Drug Therapy Research Award
“Adverse Outcomes Demonstrated for Drotrecogin Alfa (Activated)
in Septic Patients With Baseline Bleeding Precautions”
Chris A. Gentry, Pharm.D., Kristin Busse, Pharm.D., Bhanu Sud, M.D.,
and Douglas Drevets, M.D.
Critical Care Medicine 2009; 37:19-25.
Oklahoma City VA Medical Center, Oklahoma City, Okla.
See Dr. Gentry accept his award.
Pharmacy Practice Research Award
“Physician and Pharmacist Collaboration to Improve Blood Pressure Control”
Barry L. Carter, Pharm.D., Gail Ardery, Ph.D., Jeffrey D. Dawson, D.Sc.,
Paul A. James, M.D., George R. Bergus, M.D., William R. Doucette, Ph.D.,
Elizabeth A. Chrischilles, M.S., Ph.D., Carrie L. Franciscus, M.A., and Yinghui Xu, M.S.
Archives of Internal Medicine 2009; 169:1996-2002.
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
See Dr. Carter accept his award.
Student Research Award
“Influence of Genetic Variation of Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptors
in Patients with Cystic Fibrosis”
Brittany R. Traylor, Pharm.D., Thomas T. Skrentny, Jr., Pharm.D., and
Eric Snyder, Ph.D.
The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
181; 2010:A1827
University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz.
See Dr. Traylor accept her award.
Supported by Amgen, Inc.
The Pharmacy Residency Excellence Awards Program recognizes
excellence in pharmacy residency training. Three awards categories –
Preceptor, New Preceptor and Program – honor the achievements of
residency programs and pharmacists who have demonstrated
excellence and innovation in training residents and serve as models
for other pharmacy residency programs and preceptors.
Many residents and colleagues attended
to show support for the awardees.
2010 Program Award
University of Michigan Hospitals and Health Centers and
College of Pharmacy
Postgraduate Year 1 Pharmacy Residency Program
Ann Arbor, Mich.
See Dr. John Clark accept the award on behalf of the residency program.
2010 Preceptor Award
Beth Bryles Phillips, Pharm.D.
University of Georgia
Charlie Norwood VA Medical Center
Athens, Ga.
University of Michigan faculty and residents
celebrate their residency program’s award.
See Dr. Phillips accept her award.
2010 New Preceptor Award
Jennifer Namba, Pharm.D.
University of California San Diego Medical Center
San Diego, Calif.
See Dr. Namba accept her award.
From left to right:
New Preceptor
Awardee Jennifer
Namba, Preceptor
Awardee Beth Bryles
Phillips, and
John Clark
representing UM’s
PGY-1 Pharmacy
Residency Program.
Supported in part by the Walter Jones Memorial Pharmacy Student Financial Aid Fund
The ASHP Student Leadership Award Program annually recognizes 12 students who
demonstrate exceptional interest in health-system pharmacy practice, outstanding leadership
skills and academic achievement. The ASHP Foundation provides a $2,500 award to each recipient.
Class of 2010
Jessica Larva, Purdue University
Shirley Lee, University of Maryland
Brian Marlow, University of Tennessee
Christina Martin, University of Pittsburgh
Class of 2011
Nerissa Alday, University of Florida
Elva VanDevender, Oregon State University
Joseph Dikun, Northeastern Ohio University College of Medicine
David Kramp, University of Cincinnati
Rodney Turner, Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
Class of 2012
Soranarom Kumsaitong, Mercer University
Christine Vi Dang, University of Colorado
Matthew Wolf, University of Michigan
The Center Advisory Panel
The Center Advisory Panel brings
outstanding pharmacy and health-system
leaders together that can offer their
expertise to enhance the type and range
of programs offered by the Center for
Health-System Pharmacy Leadership.
The 2010 panel includes the following
A special message from Richard Walling,
Director of the Center for Health-System
Pharmacy Leadership.
Cynthia Brennan, Pharm.D., M.H.A
Director of Clinical Excellence
Harborview Medical Center
Seattle, Wash.
Marie A. Chisholm-Burns, Pharm.D.
Professor & Head of Pharmacy Practice and Science
University of Arizona
Tucson, Ariz.
Charles W. Ham, Pharm.D., M.B.A.
Vice President, Clinical Affairs
Center for Safety and Clinical Affairs/Cardinal Health
Houston, Texas
W. Michael Heath, Colonel USA (ret.), R.Ph., M.B.A.
Healthcare, Patient Safety & Pharmacy Consultant
Martinez, Ga.
Erin Hendrick, Pharm.D., M.S.
Managing Consultant, Pharmacy Optimization
McKesson Health Systems
Denver, Colo.
Bonnie Levin
Corporate Assistant Vice President, Pharmacy Services
MedStar Health
Silver Spring, Md.
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Agatha Nolen, D.Ph., M.S.
Director, Regulatory Compliance Support
Hospital Corporation of America
Nashville, Tenn.
Kathy Pawlicki, M.S.
Director of Pharmaceutical Services
Beaumont Hospital
Royal Oak, Mich.
Beju Shah, Pharm.D., M.B.A.
Clinical Pharmacist
Medical University of South Carolina
Charleston, S.C.
John Spain, Colonel USA, Pharm. D.
Deputy Commander of Clinical Support
National Naval Center
Bethesda, Md.
Virginia Torrise, Pharm.D.
Deputy Chief Consultant
Department of Veterans Affairs
Washington, D.C.
Sara White, M.S.
Pharmacy Leadership Consultant
Mountain View, Calif.
The Pharmacy Leadership Academy’s
annual orientation and reception at
the 2010 ASHP Midyear.
Midyear attendees flocked to the
Foundation’s exhibit booth for
information about our leadership programs.
Supported by Amgen, Inc.
Alumni share their experiences with the
Academy – watch and listen now!
A message from Academy Course Master
Sharon Murphy Enright.
Academy Faculty
The ASHP Foundation is honored to have a
faculty made up of a host of accomplished
leaders and renowned pharmacists. They are:
Jennifer Austin, Pharm.D.
Susan D. Bear, Pharm.D.
Robert Carta, Pharm.D.
Sharon Murphy Enright, B.S.Pharm., M.B.A.
Marianne F. Ivey, Pharm.D., M.P.H.
Philip E. Johnson, M.S., R.Ph.
James A. Jorgenson, M.S., R.Ph.
Stanley S. Kent, M.S.
Michael J. Magee, M.S., R.Ph.
Douglas E. Miller, Pharm.D.
Karla M. Miller, Pharm.D.
Dawn Moore-Jefferson, Pharm.D., M.S.
Agatha L. Nolen, D.Ph., M.S.
Patrick E. Parker, M.S., R.Ph.
John Poikonen, Pharm.D.
Jennifer Tryon, Pharm.D., M.S.
Sara J. White, M.S.
Billy Woodward, B.S.Pharm.
Pharmacy Leadership Academy
Class of 2010
Melissa M. Allard, Pharm.D.
Medication Safety Clinical Pharmacist
Clarian Health
Indianapolis, Ind.
Carnita R. Allex, Pharm.D.
Director of Pharmacy
Rice Memorial Hospital
Willmar, Minn.
Tara Aslani, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Operations Manager
Memorial Hermann Memorial City
Medical Center
Houston, Texas
Anita M. Atkins, B.S.Pharm., M.B.A.
Assistant Director of Pharmacy
CJW Medical Center - Johnston Wills Campus
Richmond, Va.
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Jeffrey W. Bariteau, Pharm.D.
System Clinical Manager
Springfield, Mo.
Stephanie M. Corbett, Pharm.D.
Director, Clinical Pharmacy Services
The University of Virginia Health System
Charlottesville, Va.
Scott B. Beckmann, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Supervisor
Forsyth Medical Center
Winston-Salem, N.C.
Cathleen E. Cowden, Pharm.D.
Director of Pharmacy
Prince William Hospital
Manassas, Va.
Elizabeth S. Boucher, Pharm.D.
Clinical Pharmacist
Caritas Christi Network Services
Dorchester, Mass.
Donn W. Davis, Pharm.D.
Clinical Pharmacist
H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center
Tampa, Fla.
Laurel A. Brown, Pharm.D.
Supervisor, Inpatient Pharmacy
Virginia Mason Medical Center
Seattle, Wash.
Erik F. DeFreitas, Pharm.D.
PGY-2 Resident Hematology-Oncology
Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Washington, D.C.
Kristina N. Bryowsky, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Manager
SSM St. Clare Health Center
Fenton, Mo.
Michael A. Edwards, Pharm.D.
Corporate Director of Pharmacy
Health First
Melbourne, Fla.
Richard C. Capps, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Manager
Greenville Memorial Hospital
Greenville, S.C.
Jason D. Ernster, Pharm.D.
Assistant Director, Pharmacy Operations
University of Minnesota Medical Center,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Beth A. Carberry, R.Ph., M.B.A.
Pharmaceutical Care Manager
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
Tracie L. Chambers, Pharm.D.
Director of Pharmacy
The Memorial Hospital of Salem County
Salem, N.J.
John P. Clark, Pharm.D.
Catholic Medical Center
Manchester, N.H.
Stephanie B. Clayton, B.S., Pharm.D.
Corporate Director of Clinical Pharmacy
Vanguard Health Systems
Nashville, Tenn.
Patti Ferguson Beninato, B.S.
Pharmacy Manager
Southlake Regional Health Centre
Newmarket, Ontario, Canada
Denise E. Foreman, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Supervisor
Sutter Roseville Medical Center
Roseville, Calif.
Olayinka Fowowe, Pharm.D.
Manager In Training
Cardinal Health (Riverside Regional
Medical Center)
Newport News, Va.
Patricia C. Gellineau, Pharm.D.
Director of Pharmacy
Kendall Regional Medical Center-HCA
Miami, Fla.
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
David H. George, B.S., M.B.A.
Director of Pharmacy
Clarian West Medical Center
Avon, Ind.
Janet Gonzalez, Pharm.D.
Assistant Director of Clinical Programs
UTMB Correctional Managed Care
Huntsville, Texas
Nicole Gordon, Pharm.D.
Clinical Quality Coordinator
Doctors Medical Center
Modesto, Calif.
Brandy M. Haasbroek, B.S.Pharm.
Director of Pharmacy
Missouri Southern Healthcare
Dexter, Mo.
Mary H. Halbert, B.S., M.A.
Director of Pharmacy
Rapides Regional Medical Center
Alexandria, La.
Maurice M. Harbon, Pharm.D.
Lead Pharmacist
New York Presbyterian Hospital of
Columbia and Cornell
New York, N.Y.
Katrina K. Harper, Pharm.D., M.B.A.
Clinical Pharmacy Manager
The Heart Hospital Baylor Plano
Plano, Texas
Chad J. Hatfield, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Supervisor
Emory University Hospital
Atlanta, Ga.
Binh Hoang, Pharm.D.
Fisher BioServices
Rockville, Md.
Kevin L. Hoehn, Pharm.D., M.B.A.
Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator
Faxton St. Luke’s Healthcare
Utica, N.Y.
Todd R. Holt, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Operations Manager
Saint Luke’s Northland Hospital
Kansas City, Mo.
Cheryl A. Hurst, R.Ph.
Pharmacy Director
Overland Park Medical Center
Overland Park, Kan.
Kimberly Janicek, Pharm.D.
Clinical Pharmacy Manager
Provena Saint Joseph Medical Center
Joliet, Ill.
Phyllis D. Jenden, Pharm.D.
DI/ADR Pharmacist
Saudi Aramco Medical Services
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Misty Jensen, Pharm.D., B.S.
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist Leader
Avera McKennan Hospital and University
Health Center
Sioux Falls, S.D.
Janene C. Jones, B.S.
Pharmacy Manager
Harrison Medical Center
Bremerton, Wash.
Hannah M. Kinnett, Pharm.D.
Clinical Pharmacist, Pharmacy Lead
Terre Haute Regional Hospital
Terre Haute, Ind.
Joan S. Kramer, Pharm.D.
Clinical Research & Hospital Medicine
Wesley Medical Center-HCA
Wichita, Kan.
Keith K. Lo, B.S., Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Manager
Seattle, Wash.
Nancy C. MacDonald, B.S., Pharm.D.
Clinical Coordinator
Henry Ford Hospital
Detroit, Mich.
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Chris W. Maloy, B.S., Pharm.D., M.P.A.
Inpatient Supervisor, Pharmacy
Norton Hospital Pharmacy Department
Louisville, Ky.
Piera Polidori, Pharm.D.
Director of Pharmacy Service
Mediterranean Institute for Transplantation
and High Specialized Therapy
Palermo, Italy
Michelle W. McCarthy, Pharm.D.
Director of Medication Management,
Use & Policy
University of Virginia Health System
Charlottesville, Va.
Amanda K. Quebe, Pharm.D.
Clinical Manager
St. Vincent Indianapolis Hospital
Indianapolis, Ind.
Aaron J. Michelucci, Pharm.D.
Assistant Director, Clinical Pharmacy Services
Baystate Medical Center
Springfield, Mass.
Judith Redmond, B.S., M.B.A.
Pharmacy Coordinator
Overlook Hospital
Summit, N.J.
Cheryl Mitchell, B.S.
Staff Pharmacist
Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Affairs
Medical Center
Houston, Texas
Karen Riley, B.S., Pharm.D.
Regional Clinical Pharmacy Manager of
Education and Quality Assurance
Hotel Dieu Grace Hospital and Windsor
Regional Hospital
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
Jack T. Mohr, B.S., Pharm.D.
Assistant Clinical Team Leader
White Earth Indian Health Center
Ogema, Minn.
Michael T. Moran, B.S., M.B.A.
Director of Pharmacy Services
Huron Hospital
East Cleveland, Ohio
Lea M. Morgan, B.S., M.B.A.
Inpatient Pharmacy Supervisor
Department of Veterans Affairs Illiana
Health Care System
Danville, Ill.
Lara A. Nichols, B.S., Pharm.D., M.P.H.
Clinical Pharmacist
Alaska Native Medical Center
Anchorage, Alaska
Darshan Parekh, Pharm.D.
Health-System Director
State Office of Pharmacy Services
Tewksbury, Mass.
Andries J. Pieterse, B.S.
Staff Pharmacist
Sonora Regional Medical Center
Sonora, Calif.
Robert G. Ripley, B.S., Pharm.D.
Director of Pharmacy
Mercy Medical Center
Dubuque, Iowa
James A. Rorstrom, B.S.
Director of Pharmacy Services
Hays Medical Center
Hays, Kan.
Lisa M. Russell, B.S., Pharm.D.
Director of Pharmacy
Inova Mount Vernon Hospital
Alexandria, Va.
Angela S. Schlagel, Pharm.D.
PGY-2 Health-System Pharmacy
Administrative Resident
St. Joseph’s Hospital
Marshfield, Wis.
David P. Schmidt, Pharm.D.
Lead Clinical Pharmacist
Bergan Mercy Medical Center
Omaha, Neb.
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Deepak R. Sisodiya, Pharm.D.
Clinical Pharmacist
Stanford Hospitals and Clinics
Stanford, Calif.
Melissa G. Welch, Pharm.D.
Manager of Central Operations
The Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, Neb.
Jonna Smith, B.S., M.S.
Operations Supervisor
Marion VA Healthcare System
Marion, Ill.
Karen C. Williams, Pharm.D, M.B.A.
Pharmacist, Program Management Officer
Health Resources and Services
Administration, Office of Pharmacy
Rockville, Md.
Debbie L. Taggard, Pharm.D.
Director of Pharmacy
Summit Medical Center
Hermitage, Tenn.
Shirley Tinsley, B.S.
Interim Director of Pharmacy
Jefferson Healthcare
Port Townsend, Wash.
William O. Trownsell III, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Operations Coordinator
Clarian West Medical Center
Avon, Ind.
Kristie Voskuhl, B.S.
Pharmacy Operations Manager
Clarian Health Partners, Riley Hospital
for Children
Indianapolis, Ind.
Deanna Winfield-Gates, Pharm.D.
OR Pharmacy Manager
Memorial Hermann Memorial City
Medical Center
Houston, Texas
Angela W. Yaniv, B.S., Pharm.D.
Sterile Products Manager
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Susan H. Yun, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Clinical Coordinator
Saint Francis Medical Center
Lynnwod, Calif.
Kristie J. Wallace, B.S., Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Clinical Coordinator
Edward White Hospital-HCA
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Heather M. Warhurst, Pharm.D.
Pediatric Clinical Manager
Riley Hospital for Children
Indianapolis, Ind.
Lori A. Warren, B.S.
Pharmacy Operations Manager
Riverside Medical Center
Kankakee, Ill.
Alana J. Washington, Pharm.D.
Director of Pharmacy Services
St. Vincent Women’s Hospital
Indianapolis, Ind.
The Pharmacy Leadership
Institute’s Class of 2010
Supported by the Cardinal Health Foundation;
conducted by Boston University School of
Management Executive Leadership Center
The Pharmacy Leadership Institute uses relevant program curriculum,
high-quality instruction and peer interaction to broaden business skills,
managerial versatility and the extraordinary leadership demanded of today’s
health-system pharmacy leaders. It has been in existence for 11 years and
more than 200 pharmacists have participated.
Class of 2010
Michelle Corrado, Pharm.D.,
B.S.Pharm., B.S. Biology
System Director of Pharmacy Services
Hallmark Health System, Inc.
Medford, Mass.
Suzette Cunicelli, B.S.Pharm.
Pharmacy Operations Manager
St. Mary Medical Center Department
of Pharmacy
Langhorne, Pa.
Bernard Delello, B.S.
Director of Pharmacy
St. Joseph’s Hospital
Syracuse, N.Y.
Lynda Doremus, B.S.Pharm.
Manager Pharmacy Practice
Willingboro, N.J.
Jean Douglas, Pharm.D., B.S.Pharm.
Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator
The Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital
Greensboro, N.C.
Sharon Gurtel, B.S.Pharm.
System Quality Program Manager –
Medication Safety/Pharmacy
Redmond, Wash.
Kevin Hoehn, Pharm.D., M.B.A.
Clinical Pharmacy Coordinator
Faxton St. Luke’s Healthcare
Rome, N.Y.
Nancy Huntington, Pharm.D., B.S.
Director of Pharmacy
Glens Falls Hospital
Glens Falls, N.Y.
Amy Hurwitch, Pharm.D.
Director of Pharmacy
St. Anthony Summit Medical Center
Breckenridge, Colo.
Rehana Jamali, Pharm.D., B.S.
Associate Director
Brookdale Hospital Medical Center
New Hyde Park, N.Y.
Cathie Jamieson, M.A., B.S.Pharm., B.A.
Clinical Manager
Highline Medical Center
Maple Valley, Wash.
Christopher Jellison, B.S.Pharm.
Pharmacy Manager
Parkview Hospital
Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Thomas Kirschling, Pharm.D., M.S.
Manager, Pharmacy Operations
UPMC Presbyterian
Pittsburgh, Pa.
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Holly Phillips, Pharm.D.
Pharmacist Supervisor
University of Colorado Hospital
Castle Rock, Colo.
Lori Lotterman, B.S.Pharm., M.P.H.
Director of Pharmacy
Merrimack Valley Hospital
Boxborough, Mass.
Radhika Pisupati, Pharm.D., B.S.
System Clincal Pharmacy Manager
St. Joseph’s Healthcare System
Montclair, N.J.
Andrea Maisonneuve, B.S., M.B.A.
Pharmacy Manager
Parkview Hospital
Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Scott Samples, Pharm.D., M.B.A., B.S.
Director, Pharmacy Operations
Christiana Hospital
Wilmington, Del.
Eric Maroyka, Pharm.D., B.S.
ASHP Army Officer-in-Residence
American Society of Health-System
Bethesda, Md.
Darin Smith, Pharm.D., B.S.Pharm.
Director, Pharmacy Services and
Performance Improvement
Norman Regional Health System
Norman, Okla.
Ronald McGrier, Pharm.D., M.H.A.
Pharmacy Manager
Health-First: Cape Canaveral Hospital
Orlando, Fla.
Clyde Spence, Pharm.D., M.B.A.
Director of Pharmacy
Charleston Area Medical Center
Memorial Hospital
Charleston, W.Va.
Sidney (Mike) O’Grady, B.S.Pharm., M.S.
Director of Pharmacy
Valley View Regional Hospital
Ada, Okla.
Kethen So, Pharm.D.
Assistant Director of Pharmacy
University of California San Francisco
Piedmont, Calif.
Susan Peppers, B.S.Pharm.
Manager of Operations
Medco Health Solutions
Mason, Ohio
Joseph Woods, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Director
Laguna Honda Hospital
San Rafael, Calif.
Shaun Phillips, Pharm.D.
Director of Pharmacy, Battle Creek
Health System
Residency Program Director, Mercy
Health Partners
Battle Creek Health System
Charlotte, Mich.
Tuck Seng Wu, B.S.Pharm., M.S.
Deputy Director, Pharmacy
National University Hospital
Susan Kleppin, B.S.Pharm.
Pharmacy Manager
Waukesha Memorial Hospital
Madison, Wis.
Supported by Baxter Healthcare Corporation
The Leadership Resource Center provides perspective, tools and opportunities for
experienced, emerging and aspiring leaders to learn and hone new skills. It consists
of component resources to enhance one’s leadership knowledge and foster personal
leadership development, including:
Leadership Primer: The primer provides foundational concepts for leading in a
complex world.
Leadership Self-Assessment: The self-assessment offers personal insights into
individual strengths and development opportunities.
Leader’s Toolkit: The toolkit offers awareness, user tips and access to worksheets
for leadership tools you, your peers, colleagues and organizational leaders will find
useful in everyday practice.
Focused Learning Modules: Learning modules offer in-depth self-study opportunities
on key leadership topics. For a sample, view the “Leading for Influence and
Advocacy” webinar now.
To explore everything the Leadership Resource Center has to offer you, visit
An inspiring group: all past Whitney
Awardees in attendance at the 2010
ASHP Midyear.
Watch scenes from the
2010 Whitney Reception
Supported by sanofi-aventis
The Harvey A. K. Whitney Award Lecture Online Collection
raises awareness of the Harvey A. K. Whitney Award, an
award established to honor a visionary and outstanding
leader in hospital pharmacy who served as the first ASHP
president. The Foundation hosts a Web site that houses the
lectures given by all recipients of the Whitney Award since
The site can be browsed by title, author, or publication
date. Each lecture has a Web page that contains the
awardee’s biography, photograph, the lecture and a PDF version that can be downloaded. There are also videotaped interviews with several recent Whitney awardees. The site is
searchable by keyword as well.
To access the Whitney Award Lectures Web site, visit
Supported by the ASHP Foundation
Philip Almeter, Ted Sindlinger
and Janet Silvester
The Leadership Speakers Bureau brings health-system pharmacy leaders to
pharmacy campuses as a resource to explore with students the importance of
leadership development as a necessary part of their professional development. The Center for Health-System Pharmacy Leadership launched this initiative in 2009 in response to the expressed need of pharmacy students.
The Speakers Bureau is an alliance involving ASHP Foundation staff, ASHP
staff and members. The Student Forum Leadership Development Advisory
Group, composed of ASHP Foundation and ASHP staff along with outside experts, provided guidance and direction for the initiative. The presentation is
hosted at pharmacy schools and colleges by Student Societies of Health-System Pharmacy, working with their ASHP faculty liaisons. ASHP state affiliates
may serve as a possible source for potential speakers.
For more information about the Leadership Speakers Bureau, visit
Supported by Sara J. White
The ASHP Foundation’s “Conversations with Health-System Pharmacy’s Most
Influential Leaders” series features in-depth interviews by Sara J. White with
inspirational health-system pharmacy leaders: R. David Anderson, Sharon
Murphy Enright, John Gans, Harold N. Godwin, Lucinda Maine, Joseph A.
Oddis, Paul G. Pierpaoli, Max D. Ray, Mary Jo Reilly and David A. Zilz. There
are also two tribute videos honoring the careers of Gloria N. Francke and
Clifford J. Latiolais.
These video interviews were produced to offer all health-system pharmacists, but especially students and new practitioners, insight into various successful career paths and how leaders in our profession have met and overcome
challenges. White also developed a discussion guide for in-class use.
To view these thought-provoking conversations, visit www.ashpfoundation.org/
In 2010, the ASHP Foundation partnered with ASHP to begin a discussion
with ASHP members about the future of the pharmacy practice model.
Health care reform is a high national priority for the public, policymakers,
payers, health professionals and health care organizations. This reform will
be driven by multiple factors, including patient and caregiver demand for
higher quality and safer care at lower costs; health professionals who are
pursuing safer care for our society; health professional shortages; and demographic, social and economic influences. Hospital and health-system pharmacists have begun to engage now in the development of future practice
models that are responsive to health care reform and the health system of
the future.
A Pharmacy Practice Model Summit was held in November 2010, bringing
together more than 100 pharmacist participants to address key outcomes
related to the development of a new pharmacy practice model. More than
140 assumptions, beliefs and recommendations came out of the Summit.
In 2011 and beyond, the ASHP Foundation will support translation of the
recommendations into practice through:
• Publication in the American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy of the
proceedings and background documents.
• Development of communication tools, such as a Summit video for use
on the Web and at state meetings, the Midyear and the ASHP Summer
• Development of assessment tools.
• Provision of demonstration grants.
To learn more about the implications of the Summit on the profession
moving forward, watch this video of William A. Zellmer’s closing
We are very grateful to the many pharmaceutical and health care-related
corporations that generously supported the PPMI and the Summit. To see a
complete list of PPMI Corporate Supporters, visit the PPMI Web site.
For more information about the PPMI, visit www.ashp.org/ppmi.
View this video from
the PPMI Summit.
The ASHP Foundation is committed to supporting quality practice research.
We are honored to have accomplished researchers on our advisory panel.
They are:
Michael J. Miller, R.Ph., Dr.P.H., Chair
University of Oklahoma
Tulsa, Okla.
Kathryn V. Blake, Pharm.D.
Nemours Children’s Clinic
Jacksonville, Fla.
Francesca Cunningham, Pharm.D.
Department of Veterans Affairs
Hines, Ill.
(Emily) Beth Devine, Pharm.D., M.B.A., Ph.D.
University of Washington
Seattle, Wash.
Brian Erstad, Pharm.D.
University of Arizona
Tucson, Ariz.
Brent I. Fox, Pharm.D.
Auburn University
Auburn, Ala.
Susan Goodin, Pharm.D.
The Cancer Institute of New Jersey
New Brunswick, N.J.
Michael R. Schmitt, Pharm.D., M.S.
Butler Veterans Affairs Medical Center
Butler, Pa.
Almut G. Winterstein, Ph.D.
University of Florida
Gainesville, Fla.
The Research Advisory Panel meets annually during
the ASHP Midyear. From left to right: Daniel
Cobaugh, Beth Devine, Michael Miller, Susan
Goodin, Michael Schmitt and guest Timothy Pham.
The purpose of funding research studies is the hope for results that will contribute significantly to the advancement
of patient outcomes or pharmacy practice. The following
ASHP Foundation-funded studies were presented or published in 2010 – and one created a big buzz in the media.
See press coverage generated by
“Demonstrating Pharmacists’ Value”:
• Arizona Public Media, “Rx to the Rescue,”
• Business Week, “Pharmacists Improve
Patient-Care Teams”
• U.S. News & World Report, “Pharmacists
Improve Patient-Care Teams.”
Demonstrating Pharmacists’ Value: A Systematic
Evidence Review
Study Title: Demonstrating Pharmacists’ Impact on
Therapeutic, Safety, Humanistic and Economic Health
Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Principal Investigator: Marie A. Chisholm-Burns,
Pharm.D., M.P.H.
University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz.
Click here for this study’s first PubMed citation.
Click here for this study’s second PubMed citation.
Federal Services Junior Investigator Research Grant
Study Title: Medication Adherence in Chronic Kidney Disease
Principal Investigator: Kristen Schmitt, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: Charuhas V. Thakar, M.D.
Cincinnati VA Medical Center
Cincinnati, Ohio
Click here for this study’s PubMed citation.
Hospital Pharmacist-Hospitalist Collaboration: Improving Glycemic Control
in Hospitalized Patients
Study Title: Bridge Over Troubled Waters: Building Safe and Effective
Transitions Off of Insulin Infusion With a Team Protocol Method
Pharmacist Investigator: Kevin W. Box, Pharm.D.
Hospitalist Investigator: Gregory A. Maynard, M.D., M.S.
University of California, San Diego
San Diego, Calif.
Click here for this study’s PubMed citation.
Junior Investigator Research Grant Program
Study Title: Evaluation Effect of Lubiprostone on Nutritional Status and
Pulmonary Function in Adults with Cystic Fibrosis
Junior Investigator: Catherine E. O’Brien, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: Cindy D. Stowe, Pharm.D.
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences College of Pharmacy
Little Rock, Ark.
Click here for this study’s PubMed citation.
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Study Title: A Prospective Observational Study of Medication Errors in a
Tertiary Care Facility
Principal Investigator: Asad E. Patanwala, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: Brian Erstad, Pharm.D.
University of Arizona
Tucson, Ariz.
Click here for this study’s PubMed citation.
Pharmacy/Nursing Partnership for Medication Safety Research Grant Program Erstad
Study Title: An Evaluation of Collaborative Nurse-Pharmacist Intervention for
Improving the Medication Reconciliation Process: Impact on Patient Safety
Pharmacist Investigator: Edward G. Tessier, Pharm.D., M.P.H.
Nurse Investigator: Elizabeth Henneman, Ph.D., R.N.
University of Massachusetts
Amherst, Mass.
Click here for this study’s PubMed citation.
Pharmacy Residency Practice-Based Research Grant Program
Study Title: An Assessment of a Pharmacy-Based Enhancement to the
Hospital Medication Reconciliation Process
Principal Investigator: Lucy Gizzi, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: Douglas Slain, Pharm.D.
West Virginia University
Morgantown, W.Va.
Click here for this study’s PubMed citation.
Study Title: Effects of Cardiopulmonary Bypass on Cefuroxime
Pharmacokinetics in Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery
Principal Investigator: Sarah A. Saft, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: Chad Knoderer, Pharm.D.
Clarian Health Partners-Riley Hospital for Children
Indianapolis, Ind.
Click here for this study’s PubMed citation.
Study Title: The Outcomes of Emergency Pharmacist Participation During
Acute Myocardial Infarction
Principal Investigator: Nicole M. Acquisto, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: Daniel P. Hays, Pharm.D.
University of Rochester
Rochester, N.Y.
Click here for this study’s PubMed citation.
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Unsolicited Grant
Study Title: Medication Errors Recovered by Emergency Department Pharmacists
Principal Investigator: Jeffrey M. Rothschild, M.D., M.P.H.
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Boston, Mass.
Click here for this study’s PubMed citation.
In 2010, the ASHP Foundation awarded $200,000 in research grants to
advance medication use in hospitals and health systems.
Federal Services Junior Investigator Research Grant
Supported by Abbott and Novartis
A Prospective Evaluation of a Medication Therapy Management Clinic
versus Usual Medical Care in Patients Post Acute Coronary Syndrome:
The MUMPS Study
Junior Investigator: Cassandra D. Benge, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: James Anthony S. Muldowney, M.D.
Tennessee Valley Health Care System
Nashville, Tenn.
Effect of Video Consultation on Medication Adherence and Clinical Health
Outcomes in Elderly Alaska Natives and American Indians in Rural Alaska
Junior Investigator: Sara E. Doran-Atchinson, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: Renee F. Robison, Pharm.D., M.P.H.
Southcentral Foundation
Anchorage, Alaska
A Pilot Study to Evaluate a Telepharmacy Intervention to Improve Inhaler
Adherence in Veterans with COPD
Junior Investigator: Amanda R. Margolis, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: Christine Sorkness, Pharm.D.
University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy
Pharmacy Practice
Madison, Wis.
Junior Investigator Research Grant
Supported by the ASHP Foundation
Nonadherence with INR Monitoring and Anticoagulant Complications
Junior Investigator: Daniel M. Witt, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: Mark A. Crowther, M.D.
Kaiser Foundation Health Plan of Colorado
Denver, Colo.
Improving Pharmacist-Led Electronic Medication Reconciliation
Junior Investigator: Shobha Phansalkar, R.Ph., Ph.D.
Senior Investigator: David Bates, M.D., M.Sc.
The Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Inc.
Boston, Mass.
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Pharmacy Resident Practice-Based Research Grant
The Effect of Race and Genetic Variants on Diuretic Requirements in
Patients With Systolic Heart Failure
Pharmacy Resident Investigator: Adam P. Bress, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: Larisa H. Cavallari, Pharm.D.
University of Illinois at Chicago College of Pharmacy
Chicago, Ill.
Effects of Fenofibrate 160mg vs. 54mg Conversion on Triglyceride Levels in
Patients on Statin Therapy
Pharmacy Resident Investigator: Kendra R. Manigault, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: Vanessa E. Smith, Pharm.D.
Kaiser Permanente
Atlanta, Ga.
Evaluation of Cefepime Pharmacokinetics in Critically Ill Medical and
Surgical Patient Subsets
Pharmacy Resident Investigators: Suzanne L. Conyne-Rapin, Pharm.D., and
Molly E. Moore, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: Eric W. Mueller, Pharm.D.
UC Health-University Hospital
Cincinnati, Ohio
Prospective Evaluation of Persistently Positive Methicillin-Resistant
Staphylococcus Aureus Blood Cultures for the Presence of Subpopulations
with Reduced Susceptibility to Vancomycin
Pharmacy Resident Investigator: Courtney B. McKinney, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: David E. Nix, Pharm.D.
The University of Arizona/University Medical Center
Tucson, Ariz.
Promoting Influenza Prevention Grant Program: Pharmacists as
Immunization Advocates
Innovative Pharmacist-Led Strategies to Promote Health Care Worker
Influenza Immunization
Principal Investigators: Diana P. Vinh, Pharm.D., and Betsy M. Elswick, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: Arif R. Sarwari, M.D., M.Sc.
West Virginia University School of Pharmacy
Morgantown, W.Va.
Pharmacists in Advocacy and Immunizer Roles (PAIR): Measuring the Impact
on Health Care Worker Immunization Rates
Principal Investigator: Cherokee Layson-Wolf, Pharm.D.
Senior Investigator: Mona G. Tsoukleris, Pharm.D.
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy
Baltimore, Md.
Supported by sanofi-aventis U.S.
Trainees, listed below by site and faculty:
The University of Illinois at Chicago
Chicago, Ill.
Faculty: Edith Nutescu, Pharm.D.
Katrina Babilonia, Pharm.D.
University of Colorado Hospital
Aurora, Colo.
Patricia Van Cleave, Pharm.D.
Midland Memorial Hospital
Midland, Texas
Thomas Jefferson University
Philadelphia, Pa.
Faculty: Lynda Thomson, Pharm.D.
Melissa R. Dutchak, Pharm.D.
University of Colorado Boulder
Boulder, Colo.
Todd Gundrum, Pharm.D.
University of Toledo Medical Center
Toledo, Ohio
Jane Dateshidze, Pharm.D., M.B.A.
Virtua Memorial
Mt. Holly, N.J.
Uma Srivastava, Pharm.D.
Veterans Affairs Medical Center Dallas
Dallas, Texas
VA Western NY
Healthcare System
Buffalo, N.Y.
Faculty: Kenneth A. Kellick,
Christine F. Holman, Pharm.D.
Salt Lake City Veterans Affairs Medical
Salt Lake City, Utah
Kathryn V. Wolk, Pharm.D.
Philadelphia VA Medical Center
Philadelphia, Pa.
Wisener D. Young, Pharm.D.
Orlando VA Medical Center
Orlando, Fla.
UC Davis Medical Center
Davis, Calif.
Faculty: William E. Dager, Pharm.D.
Giang C. Nguyen, Pharm.D.
Fountain Valley Regional Hospital
Fountain Valley, Calif.
Jessica M. Vink, Pharm.D.
University of Pittsburgh Medical CenterShadyside
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Meriter Hospital
Madison, Wis.
Faculty: Clyde Birringer, Pharm.D.
Stephanie R. Longin, Pharm.D.
St. Vincent Healthcare
Billings, Mont.
Andre Mach, Pharm.D., M.B.A.
Grand Forks, N.D.
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, N.C.
Faculty: Michelle R. Schoonover, Pharm.D.
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Charlie Colquitt, Pharm.D.
Community Health Centers of Pineallas at
Johnnie Ruth Clarke Health Center
St. Petersburg, Fla.
Victoria L. McGruder, Pharm.D.
United Hospital System, Inc.
Kenosha, Wis.
University of Washington Medical Center
Seattle, Wash.
Faculty: Ann K. Wittkowsky, Pharm.D.
Jacqueline E. Morin, Pharm.D.
Mid-Columbia Medical Center
The Dalles, Ore.
Jennifer A. Taylor, Pharm.D.
Providence Holy Family Hospital
Anticoagulation Clinic
Spokane, Wash.
Supported by Amgen, Inc.
Trainees, listed below by site and faculty:
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, N.C.
Faculty: Julia Hammond, Pharm.D.
Clare V. Coppock, B.S.
Rutland Regional Medical Center
Rutland, Vt.
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer
Houston, Texas
Faculty: Deborah A. McCue, Pharm.D.
Ni-Chi Wu, Pharm.D.
Veterans Affairs Maryland Healthcare
Baltimore, Md.
University of Washington Medical Center
Seattle, Wash.
Faculty: Anne Poon, Pharm.D.
Kristopher Zepeda, Pharm.D.
Southwest Cancer Treatment and Research
Lubbock, Texas
Elizabeth Marie Kadlec, Pharm.D.
Rice Memorial Hospital
Willmar, Minn.
Molly L. McAleer, Pharm.D.
Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital Pharmacy
Yakima, Wash.
David R. Blanchard, B.S.Pharm.
Rex Healthcare Pharmacy
Raleigh, N.C.
The Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, Md.
Faculty: Rowena Schwartz, Pharm.D.
Susan E. Klenke, B.S.
The University of Kansas Hospital
Kansas City, Kan.
From L to R: Susan Klenke, Rowena Schwartz,
Clare Coppock and Steve Gilmore.
Donate Now!
RESTRICTED Sources of Funds, Calendar Year 2010
Leadership Program Grants/Major Gifts $344,332
Practice Model Initiative Grants
Awards/Special Program Grants
Education Program Grants
204 David A. Zilz Leaders Fund Gifts
William A. Zellmer Fund Gifts
Walter Jones Scholarship Gifts
Endowment Gifts
UNRESTRICTED (Annual Fund) Sources of Funds,
Calendar Year 2010
Honoraria (Corps/Affiliates/Individuals) $33,164
Other State Affiliate Gifts
Corporate Match/Employee Gifts
Corporate Sponsors
In Honor Of Gifts
In Memory Of Gifts
Membership Renewal Gifts
156 Midyear & Summer Mtg Individ's Gifts
Staff Payroll Deduction Gifts
Other Individual Annual Fund Gifts
Direct Program 76%
Marketing/Development 17%
Administrative 7%
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Cash & Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Fixed Assets @ Cost
Total Assets
Accounts Payable & Accrued Expenses
Deferred Revenue
Intercompany - ASHP
Total Liabilities
Net Assets
Unrestricted Net Assets
Temporarily Restricted Net Assets
Permanently Restricted Net Assets
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities & Net Assets
Investment Income
Other Income
Assets released from restriction
Total Support and Revenue
Program Office
Research Programs
Awards and Special Programs
Leadership Programs
Education Programs
Development Office
Contributed Services
Board of Directors
Audit Fees
Total Expenses
Total Change in Net Assets
Net Assets at Beginning of Year
Add Total Change in Net Assets
Net Assets at May 31, 2010
The Foundation’s statement of financial position and statement of activities have been condensed from the year-end
audit by Tate & Tryon. A copy of the audit is available from the office of the Executive Vice President, ASHP Foundation,
7272 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, MD 20814.
Every year, more and more donors help to raise the bar for health-system pharmacy by
supporting the ASHP Foundation. Gifts from individuals this year to the Annual Fund, the
William A. Zellmer Lecture Fund, the David A. Zilz Leaders for the Future Fund and the
Walter Jones Scholarship Fund came to us via cash, checks, credit cards, stock, speakers
honoraria and multi-year pledges. (Go directly to the Foundation’s Web site for descriptions of programs and ways to give!)
Donors used a variety of methods to transmit those gifts to
us: mail, e-mail, fax, phone, wire transfer, payroll deduction,
automatic credit card payments and hand deliveries at events
such as the Walter Jones Golf Classic and the annual Donor
Match Reception at the Midyear. New in 2011 is online giving,
a major strategy initiated during 2010.
Posting the names of our donors on the Foundation Web
site is just one of our ways of saying “thank you.” As each gift
is received and processed, the donor’s name is posted on the
Foundation’s Contributors by Giving Level Web page, and on
In Honor Of and In Memory Of tribute postings when tributes Midyear attendees helped raise
are included with the donation.
$36,260 during the Foundation’s
annual donor match program.
Corporate donors are listed on the Corporate Sponsors by
Program Web page as well as on the Contributors by Giving
Level Web posting.
New in 2010 was a separate Foundation Ambassadors
Web page to give special recognition to ASHP members and
employees serving as the original source of gifts that came
indirectly to the Foundation (for example, through corporate
matches to employee gifts or through honoraria where the
initiating institution offered a donation in their
However the gift
arrives, and for whatever
Dr. Henri Manasse, ASHP’s Executive
the cause, we are grateVice President, and Steve Allen
ful beyond measure for
accept a contribution in honor of
the generosity of our
Dr. Manasse. The donation was
donors at every level!
presented by Jamie Sinclair and
Kathryn Schultz, ASHP Board member,
and Cynthia Reilly, Director of ASHP’s
Practice Development Division, attended
the 2010 Donor Match Reception.
Kristi Gullickson on behalf of the
Minnesota Society of Health-System
Amgen: Pharmacy Residency Excellence
Cardinal Health Foundation: Award for
Excellence in Medication-Use Safety
Stephen J. Allen: Center for Health-System
Pharmacy Leadership (CHSPL)
Amgen: Pharmacy Leadership Academy
Baxter Healthcare Corporation: Leadership
Resource Center
Henri R. Manasse Jr.: CHSPL
Marvin Samson: CHSPL
Sanofi-aventis Pharmaceuticals: Harvey A.K.
Whitney Lectures Collection
Sara J. White: "Conversations" Leadership
Pharmacy Practice Model Initiative
Apexus, Inc.
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Cardinal Health Foundation
CareFusion Foundation at the San Diego
Cerner Corporation
Epic Systems Corporation
Medco Health Solutions, Inc.
McKesson Corporation
Pharmacy OneSource, Inc.
Research Grants/Program Reviews
CSL Biotherapies: Promoting Influenza
Prevention: Pharmacists as Immunization
Special Programs
PharMEDium Services, LLC: Sterile Products
Outsourcing Tool
Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals:
Antithrombotics Assessment Tool
Amgen: Oncology Patient Care Traineeship
Endo Pharmaceuticals: Pain and Palliative
Care Traineeship
Annual Fund
Advanced Endoscopy Center of Howard
County, LLC
Aidapak Services
American Society of Association Executives
American Society of Health-System
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Bedford Laboratories
Connecticut Society of Health-System
DB Consulting Group, Inc.
Ferris State University
Greenbelt Endoscopy Center, Inc.
Idaho Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists
King Saud University College of Pharmacy
Maine Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Maryland Society of Health-System
McKesson Corporation
Medco Health Solutions, Inc.
Minnesota Society of Health-System
New Jersey Society of Health-System
Novo Nordisk, Inc.
NuAire, Inc.
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Oncology Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Pharmacy Automation Consulting
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
South Carolina Society of Health-System
Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacists
Strategy One, Inc.
United Way of Northern Nevada and
the Sierra
Utah Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Vermont Society of Health-System
Southeastern Michigan Society of
Health-System Pharmacists
West Virginia University, Morgantown,
Student Society of Health-System
Walter Jones Golf Classic &
Scholarship Fund
American Association of Colleges of
The Bernard Consulting Group, Inc.
C.T. Hellmuth & Associates, Inc.
Devall Advertising
Doody Enterprises, Inc.
Freeman Company
Impact Office Products, Inc.
The Jackson-Gaeta Group, Inc.
Landmark Parking, Inc.
Lexi-Comp, Inc.
Marsh U.S. Consumer
Pharmaceutical Press
Pharmacy Technician Certification Board
Pinnacle Technologies
Proforma Docucom Services
Russell Investments
Syscom Systems
Visante, Inc.
Xact Telesolutions
William A. Zellmer Lecture Fund
European Association of Hospital Pharmacists
King Saud University College of Pharmacy
SAP Matching Gift Program
David A. Zilz Leaders for the Future Fund
McKesson Corporation
Medco Healthcare Solutions – Charitable
Match Fund
Pharmacy OneSource, Inc.
Visante, Inc.
The Jones family joined us for the
annual Walter Jones Golf Classic on
September 19, 2010.
The Walter Jones Golf Classic began in 1995 as a
tribute to Walter Jones, a 29-year veteran ASHP
staff member whose true affection and interest in
the students serving as ASHP Executive Residents
had a significant and lasting impact on these young
people. The ASHP Student Leadership Award Program
recognizes students with an interest in pharmacy
practice in health systems who have demonstrated
leadership ability and who represent the very best
attributes and accomplishments of ASHP student
members. ASHP offers up to 12 awards annually.
This team of golfers didn’t win, but they had fun!
(Gift portion only; amounts do not include Fair Market Value paid by tournament participants)
Jones Scholarship Sponsors
(Gifts of $2,500-$5,000)
C. T. Hellmuth & Associates, Inc.
Freeman Company
Jones Scholarship Benefactors
(Gifts of 1,000-$2,499)
Impact Office Products, Inc.
Landmark Parking, Inc.
Marsh U.S. Consumer
Pharmacy Technician Certification Board
Russell Investments
Kevin J. and Georgette P. Ruth
Jones Scholarship Stewards
(Gifts of $500-999)
The Bernard Consulting Group, Inc.
BrightKey, Inc.
Devall Advertising
Doody Enterprises, Inc.
Jackson-Gaeta Group, Inc.
Lexi-Comp, Inc.
Pharmaceutical Press
Pinnacle Technologies
Syscom Services
Xact Telesolutions
York Graphics Services, Inc.
Jones Scholarship Supporters
(Gifts of $250-$499)
American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
Kevin J. Colgan
Sharon Murphy Enright
Proforma Docucom Services
Visante, Inc. (Michael S. Flagstad)
Jones Scholarship Contributors
(Gifts of $100-$249)
Stephen J. Allen
John A. Armitstead
Susan A. Cantrell
Daniel Cassidy
Bethany L. Coulter and Richard L. Cornwell
Benjamin I. Dickinson
David R. Gaugh
Lisa M. Gersema
Christene M. Jolowsky
Andrew J. Leimenstoll
Stan Lowe Jr.
Lynnae M. Mahaney
Dean J. Manke
Janet L. Mighty
Marsha K. Millonig
Joseph A. Oddis
Michael D. Sanborn
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Philip J. Schneider
Jill A. Sellers
Gregory A. Sindlinger
Kasey K. Thompson
David R. Witmer
Carol Wolfe
Jones Scholarship Friends
(Gifts of $50-$99)
Daniel M. Ashby
Joseph K. Bonnarens
Michelle M. Bonnarens
Thomas J. and Leah Ann Christl
Larry C. Clark
Paul Coleman
Brennan Dalecki
Debra S. Devereaux
Malinda Dice-Shah
Scott Dingman
David J. Edwards
Thomas D. W. Fauquier
Diane B. Ginsburg
Barbra Gustis
Kenneth D. Hawkins
Thomas James Johnson
Stanley S. Kent
Randy L. Kuiper
Gregory Leatham
Steve Levy
Marni D. Lun
Scott McLuney
Keith J. and Amy M. Olin
William H. and Hannah Vanderpool
Fern M. Zappala
This fund is used annually to invite a distinguished speaker to
address the practice leaders of ASHP during ASHP Policy Week.
William Zellmer, whose career with ASHP spans over 39 years,
was the lecturer’s inaugural speaker in 2010. A brilliant thinker
and writer, his leadership and influence continue to help shape
the pharmacy profession in the U.S. and abroad. For more information, visit www.ashpfoundation.org/zellmerfund.
Zellmer Sponsors (Gifts of $2,500-$4,999)
European Association of Hospital Pharmacists
King Saud University College of Pharmacy
Henri R. Manasse Jr.
Bruce E. Scott
Zellmer Benefactors (Gifts of 1,000-$2,499)
Malcolm J. Broussard
Susan A. Cantrell
Lisa M. Gersema
Joseph A. Oddis
Zellmer Stewards (Gifts of $500-999)
Fred M. Eckel
Agatha L. Nolen
Jeanette C. Roberts and David J. Francetic
SAP Matching Gift Program
James G. Stevenson
Kasey K. Thompson
David R. Witmer
Zellmer Supporters (Gifts of $250-$499)
Karen Vitacolonna Falk
Diane B. Ginsburg
Harold N. Godwin
William A. Gouveia
Ann and Charles M. King Jr.
Earlene E. Lipowski
Janet L. Mighty
Julie A. Nelson
Colleen H. O’Malley
Marjorie A. and William G. Phillips
Kathryn R. Schultz
Rita R. Shane
Marie Ann Smith
Thomas S. Thielke
William H. and Hannah Vanderpool
Zellmer Contributors (Gifts of $100-$249)
Paul W. Abramowitz
David D. Allen
Jody H. Allen
John A. Armitstead
Daniel M. Ashby
Robert C. Bogash
Mary and Grover C. Bowles Jr.
M. Lynn Crismon
William M. Ellis Jr.
Gregory Higby
James M. Hoffman
Marianne F. and Tom D. Ivey
Christene M. Jolowsky
Kurt A. and Patricia Kienle
Brian M. Meyer
Jimmy R. Mitchell
Charles E. Myers
Myrna J. Petersen and Keith Konajeski
Michael D. Sanborn
Jill A. Sellers
Janet A. Silvester
Lee C. Vermeulen Jr. and Jill Kolesar
Sara J. White
Lewis E. Williams
Dennis B. and Patricia Worthen
Zellmer Friends (Gifts of $50-$99)
Mary Louise Degenhart
Charles W. Jastram Jr.
Paul J. Mosko Jr.
John E. Murphy
Jamie S. Sinclair
Judith Thompson
John L. Woon
David R. Work
The ASHP Research and Education Foundation
established this new fund to pay tribute to one who
has personally and indirectly touched the lives of
countless pharmacists. David Zilz’s influence is
unparalleled in mentoring residents and guiding
emerging practice leaders, and for decades leaders of
industry and health systems have benefited from his
consultations. Thanks to the participation of David Zilz
himself, “Leaders for the Future” is shaping program
content critical to paving the way for future generations of health-system pharmacy leaders. For more
information, visit www.ashpfoundation.org/zilzfund.
David A. Zilz Leaders for the
Future Campaign Committee
The ASHP Foundation would like to
recognize the following individuals for their
hard work and dedication to this fund to
honor David A. Zilz. Thanks to them, more
than $300,000 was contributed to this fund.
Marianne F. Ivey, Chair
Stephen J. Allen
Toby Clark
Debra S. Devereaux
Michael S. Flagstad
Pamela A. Ploetz
Steven S. Rough
Bruce E. Scott
Thomas S. Thielke
Richard S. Walling
Billy W. Woodward
Zilz Bronze Circle (Gifts of $50,000-$99,999)
McKesson Corporation
Zilz President’s Club
(Gifts of $25,000-$49,999)
Visante, Inc. (Michael S. Flagstad)
Zilz Chairman’s Club
(Gifts of $15,000-$24,999)
Dallas J. Howe
Marianne F. and Tom D. Ivey
David Zilz, third from the right in the first row,
was honored by his many colleagues and
residents at the ASHP Foundation’s 2010 Donor
Match Reception.
Zilz Directors Club (Gifts of $10,000-$14,999)
Debra S. Devereaux
Bruce E. Scott
David A. Zilz
Zilz Patrons (Gifts of $5,000-$9,999)
Stephen J. Allen
Toby Clark
James A. and Andrea Klauck
K. Don Lindsay
Zilz Sponsors (Gifts of $2,500-$4,999)
Ric M. Giese
James A. Jorgenson
Allan J. Loeb
Jessica A. Mahoney
Richard S. Walling
Julie L. and C. Edwin Webb
Zilz Benefactors (Gifts of 1,000-$2,499)
Brad G. Blackwell
Susan A. Cantrell
Kavish Jay Choudhary
Kevin J. Colgan
Thomas J. Garrison
Amy M. Goldstein
Raymond P. Grotzinger Jr.
Jonathan Keith Hanchey
Steven C. Hartwig
Christopher A. Hatwig
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Mike Heath
James D. and Sara Herrick
Russell J. Jensen
Stanley S. Kent
Susan M. Kleppin
Carolyn G. Kowalchik
Michael G. and Angela Madalon
Henri R. Manasse Jr.
Medco Health Solutions Charitable Match
John E. and Debbie Murphy
Joseph A. Oddis
Connie R. Peterson and Rod Jorgenson
James R. Rinehart
Jeanette C. Roberts and David J. Francetic
Steven S. Rough
Thomas B. Rough
Charlotte A. Smith
Rodney L. Stiltner
Thomas S. Thielke
Gregory C. Unertl
Steven M. Witz
Karol Wollenburg
Thomas W. Woller
Billy W. Woodward
William A. Zellmer
Mary Ann Zilz, Kristin Lucas and family
Zilz Stewards (Gifts of $500-999)
Paul W. Abramowitz
Ernest R. Anderson Jr.
Terry Lee Audley
Cynthia Brennan
Bill R. Check
Vicki S. Crane
Gordon M. Derzon
Sharon Murphy Enright
Harold N. Godwin
John Patrick Gray
Mick L. Hunt Jr.
Arlene M. Iglar
Mara A. Kieser
Donavan D. Klimpel
Jim M. Koeller
Brad C. Ludwig
Kelly Martin
Douglas E. Miller
Sara Nibbe Turnbow
Stephen Olson
Richard K. and Linda K. Onson
Melissa A. Ortega
David L. Pearson
Myrna J. Petersen and Keith Konajeski
Pharmacy OneSource, Inc.
Pamela A. Ploetz
Bruce D. Roffe
James D. Sheahan
Daniel F. Skalecki
Ronald and Christine Sorkness
Timothy J. and Shelly Stroup
Philip J. and Kari Trapskin
Aaron P. Webb
David R. Witmer
Prati Wojtal
David A. Wolfrath
Zilz Supporters (Gifts of $250-$499)
David M. Angaran
John A. Armitstead
Sara J. Beis and Ronald F. Smetana
Carla J. Brink and Paul Ranelli
Philip Wayne Brummond
Ruth H. Bruskiewitz
Mary E. Burkhardt
Joseph L. Cesarz and Shefoali Sharma
Doris A. Fishman
Kristin K. Hanson
James M. Hoffman
Faisal A. and Gerda A. Kaud
Scott Knoer
Justin P. Konkol
Paul R. Krogh
Douglas Richard Lang
Michael J. Magee
Michael J. Melby
Donald Lee Michalski
Marjorie A. and William G. Phillips
J. Carmelina Rivera
Michael Rubino
Donna L. Soflin
David K. Solomon
Jeffrey T. and Janet M. Taylor
Janet L. Teeters
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Zilz Contributors (Gifts of $100-$249)
Michelle Allen
Daniel M. Ashby
Carol Weise Birk
Robert C. Bogash
Joseph J. Bonkowski
Paul W. Bush
Jannet M. Carmichael
James A. Cattin
Ashley A. Feldt
William L. Fritz
David W. Fuhs
Diane B. Ginsburg
Gale E. Glascock
David W. and Jane S. Henry
Clifford E. Hynniman
Helene Ruth Jacobson
Thomas James Johnson
Patty M. Ketterhagen Kohli
Gary F. Kilsdonk
Randy L. Kuiper
Jennifer P. and John Lendborg
Julie Lenhart
Milap C. Nahata
Garret Lee Newkirk
Paul J. Pisarzewicz
Richard C. and Barbara A. Reynolds
Philip J. Schneider
Jean M. Scholtz
Ronald C. Silberg
Kathleen A. Skibinski
Douglas R. Smith
Jacob D. Spangler
Chad S. Stashek
Lynda S. Stencel
James G. Stevenson
Richard E. Surface
Michelle M. Thoma
Linda S. Tyler
Wendy A. Weingart
Sara J. White
Carol Wolfe
T. Mark Woods
Zilz Friends (Gifts of $25-$99)
Priscilla Arsove
Angela Lynn Bingham
Rachel M. Brewer
Victoria L. Brown
Kimberly C. Burac
Kimberly Lane Carter
Jessica Chao
Delia M. Charest
Meghan V. Davlin
Jillian Leigh Descourouez
Chris M. Doede
Ryan R. Draheim
William A. Edwards Jr.
Stacy L. Elder
Erin R. Fox
Gregory C. Gousse
Roy K. Guharoy
Isha S. John
Dachelle L. Johnson
Ambra King
James Kwon
Liana Mark
Brian Andrew Marlow
Angela McGowan
Elizabeth Miazga
Jennifer Ng
Dina J. Patel
Whitney Redding
Christopher R. Shaw
Steven L. Sheaffer
Katherine A. Simondsen
Elizabeth A. Sinclair
Robert A. Vinti
Marie Jessica Waletich
Thomas Westerkamp
Amy K. Wiglesworth
Frances Wong
Chairman’s Club (Gifts of $15,000-$24,999)
Novo Nordisk, Inc.
Directors Club (Gifts of $10,000-$14,999)
Bedford Laboratories
Presbyterian Healthcare Services
Patrons (Gifts of $5,000-$9,999)
Stephen J. Allen
American Society of Health-System
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP
Dallas J. Howe
Sponsors (Gifts of $2,500-$4,999)
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
King Saud University College of Pharmacy
New Jersey Society of Health-System
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
Benefactors (Gifts of 1,000-$2,499)
Susan A. Cantrell
Daniel J. Cobaugh
Kevin J. Colgan
Dr. Ronald P. Evens Fund
Christopher R. Fortier
David R. Gaugh
Susan Goodin
Bruce M. Gordon
Stephen K. Hetey
Eric T. Hola
McKesson Corporation
Medco Health Solutions, Inc.
Oncology Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Myrna J. Petersen and Keith Konajeski
Brendan J. Reichert
Steven M. Riddle
James Allen Russell
Joseph M. Sceppa
Douglas R. Smith
Spanish Society of Hospital Pharmacists
Rodney L. Stiltner
Julie L. and C. Edwin Webb
Billy W. Woodward
William A. Zellmer
David A. Zilz
Stewards (Gifts of $500-$999)
Fredrick H. Bender
Annette C. Birt
Lawrence J. Cohen
DB Consulting Group, Inc.
David J. Edwards
Ferris State University
Anthea V. Francis
Lisa M. Gersema
Elizabeth Hartnett
Mike Heath
James M. Hoffman
Janice L. Hoyt
Teresa J. Hudson
Illinois Council of Health-System Pharmacists
Kurt A. and Patricia Kienle
Edward P. Krenzelok
Stan Lowe Jr.
Maine Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Dean J. Manke
Maryland Society of Health-System
Minnesota Society of Health-System
Steven P. Nelson
Marjorie A. and William G. Phillips
Pamela A. Ploetz
Bruce D. Roffe
Douglas J. Scheckelhoff
Terrence L. Schwinghammer
Paul M. Seelinger
Jamie S. Sinclair
Dominic A. Solimando Jr.
Southeastern Michigan Society of
Health-System Pharmacists
Utah Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Paul R. Walker
Supporters (Gifts of $250-$499)
Advanced Endoscopy Center of Howard
County, LLC
American Society of Association Executives
Roger W. Anderson
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Daniel M. Ashby
Paul J. Barrett
Rosemary R. Berardi
Laura M. Borgelt
Thomas S. Brenner
John R. Bruggeman
Mary E. Burkhardt
Colleen Bush
Larry C. Clark
Kim C. Coley
William Erling Dager
Susan L. Davis
Carla B. Frye
Michael H. Geerts
Jane Maria Gervasio
Harold N. Godwin
Brandi N. Goswick
Greenbelt Endoscopy Center, Inc.
Carl W. Grove
Karl F. Gumpper
JoAnn S. Harris
Mary M. Hess
Idaho Society of Health-System Pharmacists
Barbara T. Irby
Charles W. Jastram Jr.
Stanley S. Kent
Nancy R. Korman
Henri R. Manasse Jr.
Douglas E. Miller
John E. Murphy
Natasha C. Nicol
Peter M. Pascale
Kathryn R. Schultz
Bonnie L. Senst
Darin L. Smith
Donna L. Soflin
Steven R. Spravzoff
Strategy One, Inc.
William H. and Hannah Vanderpool
Vermont Society of Health-System
David J. Warner
Contributors (Gifts of $100-$249)
Alison A. Apple
Chris Baker
Mary C. Baker
Bona E. Benjamin
Marianne Billeter
Caryn M. Bing
Steven Blanner
Robert C. Bogash
Richard M. Bower
Susan Teil Boyer
Carla J. Brink and Paul Ranelli
Deborah A. Brown
Philip Wayne Brummond
Amy S. Buesing
Paul W. Bush
Anne D. Callas
Jannet M. Carmichael
David Chen
Michael B. Cockerham
Justine K. Coffey
Sarah D. Colgan
Connecticut Society of Health-System
Clare V. and David S. Coppock
Debra Lynn Cowan
Charles E. Daniels
Richard de Leon
Renee Dehart
Debra S. Devereaux
Sarah E. Donegan
James V. Dorociak
Fred M. Eckel
Stephen F. Eckel
Jennifer M. Edwards
Lea S. Eiland
Brooke F. Emmons
Brian L. Erstad
Karen Vitacolonna Falk
Juan F. Feliu
Vickie Lynn Ferdinand-Powell
Nora B. Flint
William L. Fritz
Katrin S. Fulginiti
Ric M. Giese
Marsha Gilbreath
Gale E. Glascock
Johnny L. Goad
Linda Gore Martin
William A. Gouveia
Michael Gulseth
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Karen P. Hansen
Ken Harding
David W. and Jane S. Henry
Andree Suzanne Hest
Joseph M. Hill
Ralph E. Holbrook
Marianne F. and Tom D. Ivey
Rondell C. and Leslie Jaggers
Thomas James Johnson
Christene M. Jolowsky
Dwaine Keller
Lindsey R. Kelley
Patricia Killingsworth
James A. and Andrea Klauck
Miriam Klein
Elliot Kuida
Randy L. Kuiper
Cynthia L. LaCivita
Ronald E. Lay
Marni D. Lun
Shane B. Madsen
Suzanne M. Marques
Matt J. Maughan
Brian M. Meyer
Gerald E. Meyer
Janet L. Mighty
Jimmy R. Mitchell
Meredith L. Mulvanity
Lee B. Murdaugh
Charles E. Myers
Julie A. Nelson
Fred Y. Nishioka
Nuaire Inc.
Joseph A. Oddis
Colleen H. O’Malley
Richard J. Pacitti Jr.
Roland A. Patry
Victor Perini
Beth B. Phillips
Robert L. Poole
Linda Y. Radke
Cynthia Reilly
Carol J. Rollins
Judith K. Schneider
Jean M. Scholtz
Steven L. Sheaffer
Douglas Slain
Kelly M. Smith
Stephen T. Smith
Elaine K. Snow
South Carolina Society of Health-System
Clara Davis Spencer
Lynda S. Stencel
James G. Stevenson
Susan R. Straight
C. Richard Talley
Janet L. Teeters
Ross W. Thompson
Linda S. Tyler
United Way of Northern Nevada and
the Sierra
West Virginia University, Morgantown,
Student Society of Health-System
Paul Dennis and Jean L. Wittmer
Carol Wolfe
John L. Woon
Cindy J. Wordell
Tracy J. Yaklyvich
Friends of the Foundation (Gifts up to $99)
Aidapak Services
Antonia Alafris
Mary A. Andrawis
Jeffrey N. Baldwin
Robert Beckett
Kimberley W. Benner
Deborah K. Bentley
Scott Bergman
Richard J. Bertin
Mary C. Binghay
Curtis D. Black
Mary Kate Blankenship
Barry A. Bleidt
Joseph T. Botticelli
Sharon A. Bronson
Robert J. Buck
Fatosha Bynum
Norman A. Campbell
Laura A. De La Garza
Kristina R. De Los Santos
Ronald L. DeChant
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Anthony Kirk Dennis
Christopher Richard Dennis
Nelson Der
Paul S. Driver
William M. Ellis Jr.
Dayna Evans
Abimbola Oluwabunmi Farinde
Erin R. Fox
Diane L. Fusco
William E. Galarneau Jr
Dennis M. Gates
Joseph F. Gerace
Kristie M. Gholson
Gregory C. Gousse
William L. Greene
Milena Griffith
Alan Gross
Thomas G. Hall
Erin C. Hendrick
Sarah Hopps
Sheri Lynette Arndt
Travis Hunerdosse
Julia Ihlenfeldt
Cherry W. Jackson
Meredith Jannsen
Edward H. Jones
Joy Meier and Thomas E. Kearney
Janet M. Keresztes
Stonewall C. King Jr.
Kelsey N. Kohman
Joanne G. Kowiatek
David P. Lacoste
Evelyn Lear
Elizabeth Leung
Lisa S. Lifshin
Lynnae M. Mahaney
Timothy V. Marcham
William H. Markey
Fred Massoomi
Michelle W. McCarthy
Robert J. McClaskey
Joy L. Meier and Thomas E. Kearney
Ronald E. Mortus
Lovey C. Nabalta
Kurt Neven
Gary D. Peksa
Pharmacy Automation Consulting
Richard S. Plon
Nicholas G. Popovich
Megan Colleen Prasse
Jane M. Pruemer
Kristin Marie Quarterman
Megan Rech
Georgeanna Rechner
Annette Basler Reichenbaugh
Jeffrey A. Reitz
Jill T. Robke
Laura A. Romeu
Steven S. Rough
Nasrine Sabi
Bethany Sawchyn
John H. Schulte III
Beverly A. Schulz
Douglas Shafer
Charles M. Shoff
Thomas R. Simpson III
Mary Beth Stern
Linda M. Strausbaugh
Sheila K. Takayesu
Evelyn M. Tesoro
Jacqueline Karen Thomas
Jennifer Kay Thomas
Dale A. Tucker
Tyler Turek
Richard S. Walling
Ann E. Wehmeyer
Ellen Wilcox
Candice M. Wong
T. Mark Woods
Wendi S. Yamanaka
Barbara F. Young
Fern Zappala
The ASHP Foundation frequently receives donations made in tribute to individuals or
groups. The following list recognizes those who were honored during calendar year 2010,
and the contributors who made those gifts.
Paul W. Abramowitz
Kathryn R. Schultz
Sami Ahmed
Barbara T. Irby
Stephen J. Allen
Christopher R. Fortier
Daniel M. Ashby
Maryland Society of Health-System
Nancy Balch
Barbara T. Irby
Bona E. Benjamin
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Kevin Douglas Berg
Jamie S. Sinclair
Susan A. Cantrell
Stephen J. Allen
Darlene Chaykosky
Gerald E. Meyer
Daniel J. Cobaugh
Edward P. Krenzelok
Justine K. Coffey
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Meghan V. Davlin
Maryland Society of Health-System
Debra S. Devereaux
Diane B. Ginsburg
Brooke F. Emmons
Janet A. Silvester
Tina Farinde
Abimbola Oluwabunmi Farinde
Nora B. Flint
Kevin J. Colgan
Carla B. Frye
Laura A. Romeu
Lisa M. Gersema
Kathryn R. Schultz
Kulwant Gill
Barbara T. Irby
Diane B. Ginsburg
Stephen J. Allen
Lea S. Eiland
Vickie Lynn Ferdinand-Powell
Kathryn R. Schultz
Stuart T. Haines
Susan A. Cantrell
Robert K. Hallisey Jr.
Barbara T. Irby
Elizabeth J. Helms
Gerald E. Meyer
Joseph M. Hill
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Vermont Society of Health-System
Teresa J. Hudson
Diane B. Ginsburg
Christene M. Jolowsky
Diane B. Ginsburg
Minnesota Society of Health-System
Kathryn R. Schultz
Brandon R. Shank
Steven L. Sheaffer
Stanley S. Kent
Diane B. Ginsburg
Janet A. Silvester
Diane B. Ginsburg
Elliot and Shannon Kuida
Lauren Macneil
Gerald E. Meyer
Lynnae M. Mahaney
Kathryn R. Schultz
Henri R. Manasse Jr.
Diane B. Ginsburg
Minnesota Society of Health-System
Scott M. Mark
University of Pittsburgh Management
Residency Class of 2010
Kristin Sherlinski
Gerald E. Meyer
Jamie S. Sinclair
Kathryn R. Schultz
Nicole L. Srivastava
Gerald E. Meyer
Julie L. Webb
Stephen J. Allen
Sara J. White
Lisa M. Gersema
Meghan P. McKee
Janet A. Silvester
Peggy Brown
Kathryn R. Schultz
Joseph A. Oddis
Jean M. Scholtz
Donald S. Ebersman
Kevin J. Colgan
Dwaine Keller
Firdosh Pathan
Barbara T. Irby
Michael D. Sanborn
Diane B. Ginsburg
Philip J. Schneider
Diane B. Ginsburg
Kathryn R. Schultz
Susan A. Cantrell
Judith K. Schneider
Jamie S. Sinclair
Arvind S. Shah
Barbara T. Irby
Thomas S. Foster
William A. Zellmer
Gloria Niemeyer Francke
Marjorie A. and William G. Phillips
James G. Stevenson
Janny Lynn Manasse
David A. Zilz
C. Richard Sheaffer
Stephen J. Allen
American Society of Health-System
Debra S. Devereaux
Henri R. Manasse Jr.
(this is an extra page that is the scrolling list for York)
Neil Milton Springer
Stephen J. Allen
American Society of Health-System
Marianne F. Ivey
Lynnae Mahaney
Henri R. Manasse Jr.
Kathryn R. Schultz
Steven L. Sheaffer
Marilyn Sullivan
Joseph A. Oddis
Pharmacy Technician Certification Board
Rabbi Shmuel Zev and Matilda Stroli
Miriam Klein
301-664-5712 (FAX)