Milling Inserts - Missouri Carbide
Milling Inserts - Missouri Carbide
Milling Inserts Nexus High-Performance Milling Inserts LT 30 Multi-Mat™ Milling = ADKT AOMT APKT APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW LT 05 Alu-Turning The Concept Milling OFER OFMT •High-performance in different materials – same as solid carbide tools •Eliminate insert guesswork •Flexible — 1 grade across most materials high performance PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX •Minimize changeover and set up time •Much less inventory to buy and manage •Always have the right insert available SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT Innovative Technology Let Us Prove it to You! Simplify •Breakthroughs in honing and coating technologies •Thickest PVD coating in the industry •Freedom from the cycle of “new grade” announcements The old way SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT The Lamina way Attacking Heat & Vibration is in Our DNA. APET APEX APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts SNKX High Feed Cutter Inserts SNKX High Feed Cutter Inserts Designedtoachievethesamefeed pertoothasbiggerinserts Excellentfor near-to-shape workpieces 8 3x the Thickness of Conventional PVD! Morecuttingedgespercorner createshigherproductivity Highstabilityreducesvibration The Power of 8! 8! Milling with 8 Cutting Edges Simplify We’re excited about our new, 8-cornered negative rake insert with positive geometry. This new-design, high feed insert is optimized for use in steels, cast irons, and hardened materials. See our special high-feed promotion for this insert on page 4. Features Benefits • Greatforprofileandcopymilling • 8cuttingedges • Excelsinplungemilling • Longtoollife • Greatforroughingoperationson pocketsand3Dsurfaces • Excellentfordrymachining ofmouldsanddies • Highproductivity(morecutting edgespercorner) • Superiortoughness&wear resistances Part No. Description Grade Programming Radius Operation Material 2502115 SNK09T3-HF LT 30 .165 Roughing P-K-H P=steel,K=castiron,H=hardenedmaterial All Nexus Tool products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 52 31 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts Milling ADKT Insert Grade Descriptions Insert Grade Descriptions AOMT APKT APMT 3x the Thickness of Conventional PVD! LDMT Simplify Simplify ODMT LT 05 ODMW PVDCoatedwithChromiumNitride.Greatforaluminum<6%siliconandtitanium OFER LT 30 Milling OFMT Asub-micrograinsubstratewithaverythickhigh-pulsePVDcoatingwithbetteradhesionthannormalcoatings. Itcanberuninallmaterialsincludingaluminum PNEG 101 RDMT Uncoated Ultra Micro-grain Carbide Usedmostlyforthegeneralmachiningofaluminum RDMW Canbeusedinallnon-ferrousmaterialsandhightemperaturealloys RDMX 202 SDKT PVD Coated Grade Ultra-finegrainsubstrateprovidesexcellentresistancetoplasticdeformation SDKX NANO-TiAlNCoated Usedforwiderangeofgeneralmillingapplicationsinavarietyofmaterials SDMT 351 SEKN CVD Coated Grade SEKR Verytoughsubstratewithhighwear-resistance Multi-coatingcontainsTICN,Al2O3,andTIN SEKT Usedforroughmillingofsteel,stainlesssteelandcastiron SNKX GH05 SPKN Uncoated ultra micro-grain carbide Averysharp,high-polishedgeometryusedinthegeneralandfinishmachiningofaluminum SPKR WSK10 SPMT Uncoated ultra micro-grain carbide SPG Averysharp,high-polishedgeometryusedinthegeneralandfinishmachiningofaluminum TPKN 32 TPKR Same Day Shipping Until 6:00 pm ET. (800) 597-3921 • TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 53 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts MULTI-MAT™ The Lamina Multi-MatTM LT 30 Grade for Milling can machine most materials with ONLY ONE GRADE Steel Stainless Steel Cast Iron High Temp. Alloys Hardened Steel Aluminium & Non ferrous Alloys True Multi-Mat™ inserts for real productivity 54 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts Milling A D K T ADKT AOMT APKT APMT 85° Ø 15° d LDMT m s l Shape Clearance Angle Tolerance Fixing Chip breaker d ± 0.002 m ± 0.005 s ± 0.001 ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT Part No. Description Grade 1506065 ADKT 1505 PDTR LT 30 l s r 0.512 0.222 0.038 Direction Stock Right • • Stocking Non-stocking Face Milling Insert with 90° Lead Angle PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT Multi purpose 90° Milling insert. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Slotting, Shoulder and Face Milling operations. SEKN SEKR Application Guide SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. WPGT F Productivity All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel APET VC APEX 55 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions ADKT 1505 PDTR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 56 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts Milling A O M T α° Ø d Clearance Angle APKT LDMT s Tolerance α = Special AOMT APMT m l Shape ADKT Fixing Chip breaker d ± 0.002 m ± 0.003 s ± 0.005 ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT Part No. Description Grade 3153311 AOMT 123608 PETR LT 30 l s Direction Stock r 0.409 0.143 0.031 PNEG • Right • RDMT Stocking Non-stocking Face Milling Insert with 90° Lead Angle RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT Multi purpose 90° Milling insert. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Slotting, Shoulder and Face Ramping down Milling operations. SEKN SEKR Application Guide SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. TPUN WPGT F Productivity All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel APET VC APEX 57 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions AOMT 123608 PETR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 58 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts Milling A P K T Ø 11° d Clearance Angle AOMT APKT APMT m LDMT s l Shape ADKT Tolerance Fixing Chip breaker d ± 0.002 m ± 0.005 s ± 0.001 ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT Direction Stock 0.409 0.138 0.016 Right LT 30 0.409 0.138 0.031 Right APKT 100312 PDTR LT 30 0.409 0.138 0.047 Right 3154444 APKT 100332 PDTR1 LT 30 0.409 0.138 0.126 Right 3154455 APKT 100340 PDTR1 LT 30 0.409 0.138 0.157 Right • • • • • Part No. Description Grade 3154422 APKT 100304 PDTR LT 30 3154411 APKT 1003 PDTR 3154433 1 l s r Replacing APLX 100332 and APLX 100340 respectively; no change in cutter bodies 1506075 APKT 1604 PDTR-NEW LT 30 0.606 0.187 0.031 Right 1500300 APKT 160424 ER LT 30 0.606 0.187 0.094 Right 1506077 APKT 1705 PETR LT 30 0.646 0.205 0.031 Right RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX • • • SDMT SEKN • Stocking Face Milling Insert with 90° Lead Angle PNEG Non-stocking SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. TPUN WPGT F Productivity All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel APET VC APEX 59 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts A P K T Ø 11° d m s l Shape Clearance Angle Tolerance Fixing Chip breaker d ± 0.002 m ± 0.005 s ± 0.001 Application Guide Multi purpose 90° Milling insert. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Slotting, Shoulder and Face Milling operations. Face Milling Insert with 90° Lead Angle Face Mill for APKT. See page 30. d1 d End Mill for APKT. See page 44. Coolant Path d D l1 L L D PowerLOC End Mill for AP_ _ 1003. See page 45. d Square Square 60 d D l1 L D l1 L Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling APKT 1003 PDTR LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 61 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions APKT 100304 PDTR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 62 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling APKT 100312 PDTR LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT APMT Suggested Starting Parameters LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 63 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions APKT 100332 PDTR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 64 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling APKT 100340 PDTR LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 65 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions APKT 1604 PDTR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 66 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling APKT 160424 ER LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT APMT Suggested Starting Parameters LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 67 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions APKT 1705 PETR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 68 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts Milling A P M T Ø 11° d Clearance Angle AOMT APKT APMT m LDMT s l Shape ADKT Tolerance Fixing Chip breaker d ± 0.002 m ± 0.003 s ± 0.005 ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT Direction Stock Part No. Description Grade 3153317 APMT 0903 PDTR LT 30 0.375 0.125 0.016 Right 3153321 APMT 1135 PDTR LT 30 0.374 0.139 0.028 Right 3151134 APMT 1604 PDTR LT 30 0.625 0.187 0.026 Right 3153325 APMT 160408 PDTR LT 30 0.625 0.187 0.031 Right l s r • • RDMT RDMW RDMX • • Stocking Face Milling Insert with 90° Lead Angle PNEG Non-stocking SDKT SDKX SDMT Multi purpose 90° Milling insert. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Slotting, Shoulder and Face Milling operations. SEKN SEKR Application Guide SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. WPGT F Productivity All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel APET VC APEX 69 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions APMT 0903 PDTR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 70 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling ADKT APMT 1135 PDTR LT 30 AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 71 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions APMT 1604 PDTR & APMT 160408 LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 72 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts Milling L D M T Ø 15° d Clearance Angle AOMT APKT APMT m LDMT s l Shape ADKT Tolerance Fixing Chip breaker d ± 0.002 m ± 0.003 s ± 0.005 ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT Part No. Description 3161989 LDMT 1504 PDTR LT 30 Grade l s r Direction 0.575 0.187 0.029 Stock Right • Stocking Availability is subject to special agreement Non-stocking Face Milling Insert with 90° Lead Angle PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT Multi purpose 90° Milling insert. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Slotting, Shoulder and Face Milling operations. SEKN SEKR Application Guide SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. WPGT F Productivity All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel APET VC APEX 73 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions LDMT 1504 PDTR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 74 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts Milling O D M T APKT m APMT d 15° Clearance Angle LDMT s l Shape AOMT Ø 135° ADKT Tolerance Fixing Chip breaker s ± 0.005 For l = 05, d ± 0.003 m ± 0.005 For l = 06, d ± 0.004 m ± 0.006 ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT l s Direction Stock Part No. Description Grade r 3954406 ODMT 0504 ZZTR LT 30 0.207 0.187 0.031 Right 3954411 T ODMT 060508 TN LT 30 0.259 0.219 0.031 Right • • RDMT RDMW • Stocking Face Milling Insert with 45° Lead Angle PNEG RDMX Non-stocking SDKT SDKX SDMT Multi purpose 45° Milling insert with 8 cutting edges. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Face Milling, Plunging and Ramping down operations. SEKN SEKR Application Guide SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. WPGT F Productivity All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel APET VC APEX 75 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions ODMT 0504 ZZTR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 76 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling ODMT 060508 TN LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 77 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts 15° Ø 135° d m O D M W l Shape Clearance Angle Part No. Description Grade 3954415 ODMW 060508 TN LT 30 s Tolerance Fixing Chip breaker d ± 0.004 m ± 0.006 s ± 0.005 l s Direction Stock r 0.259 0.219 0.031 Right Face Milling Insert with 45° Lead Angle • • Stocking Non-stocking Multi purpose 45° Milling insert with 8 cutting edges and flat rake surface. Designed for materials that generate short chips. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing - Face Milling, Plunging and Ramping down operations. Application Guide Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. F Productivity 78 Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel VC Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling ODMW 060508 TN LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT APMT Suggested Starting Parameters LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 79 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts 25° Ø 135° d m O F E R l Shape Clearance Angle Part No. Description Grade 3954421 OFER 070405 TN LT 30 l s Tolerance Fixing Chip breaker d ± 0.001 m ± 0.001 s ± 0.001 s r Direction Stock Right • 0.268 0.187 0.031 • Stocking Face Milling Insert with 45° Lead Angle Non-stocking Multi purpose 45° Milling insert with 8 cutting edges and flat rake surface. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Face Milling, Plunging and Ramping down operations. Application Guide Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. F Productivity 80 Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel VC Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling OFER 070405 TN LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT APMT Suggested Starting Parameters LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 81 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts 25° Ø 135° d m O F M T l Shape Clearance Angle s Tolerance s ± 0.005 For l = 05, d ± 0.003 m ± 0.005 For l = 07, d ± 0.004 m ± 0.006 Fixing Chip breaker Direction Stock Part No. Description Grade 3954431 OFMT 05T305 TN LT 30 0.207 0.156 0.031 Right V3954441 OFMT 050405 TR LT 30 0.217 0.187 0.021 Right V3954435 OFMT 070405 TN LT 30 0.268 0.187 0.020 Right l s r Face Milling Insert with 45° Lead Angle • • • • Stocking Non-stocking Multi purpose 45° Milling insert with 8 cutting edges and flat rake surface. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Face Milling, Plunging and Ramping down operations. Application Guide Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. F Productivity 82 Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel VC Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling OFMT 05T305 TN LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT APMT Suggested Starting Parameters LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 83 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions OFMT 050405 TR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 84 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling OFMT 070405 TN LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 85 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts P N E G Part No. Description Grade 3959999 PNEG 110512 R CM 152 l s Cast Iron Cutter for PNEG 1105. See page 32. d1 d r 0.213 0.219 0.047 Direction Stock Right • • Stocking Non-stocking L D1 D Application Guide See the back of the box for speeds and feeds. 86 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts Milling R D M T Ø s Shape Clearance Angle AOMT APKT APMT d l 15° ADKT Tolerance s ± 0.005 For l = 06/08/10, d ± 0.002 For l = 12, d ± 0.003 Fixing Chip breaker LDMT ODMT r Direction Stock ODMW 0.236 0.094 - Neutral • OFER LT 30 0.276 0.094 - Neutral RDMT 0803 M0 LT 30 0.315 0.125 - Neutral 3355533 RDMT 1003 M0 LT 30 0.394 0.125 - Neutral 3355536 RDMT 10T3 M0 LT 30 0.394 0.156 - Neutral 3355543 RDMT 12T3 M0 LT 30 0.472 0.156 - Neutral 3355541 RDMT 1204 M0 LT 30 0.472 0.187 - Neutral 3351881 RDMT 1604 M0 LT 30 0.630 0.187 - Neutral Part No. Description Grade 3355528 RDMT 0602 M0 LT 30 3351882 RDMT 0702 M0 3355531 l OFMT • • • • • PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT • Stocking • Non-stocking d d1 Face Mill for RDMT. See page 33. s SDKX SDMT SEKN L SEKR SEKT D Application Guide SNKX Surfacing Insert Lead angle 90° SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN Multi purpose Round insert. Suitable for Roughing to Semi-Finishing Copying of 3D surfaces and Face Milling operations. Face Milling Insert with 90° Lead Angle TPKR Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. TPUN WPGT F Productivity All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel APET VC APEX 87 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions RDMT 0602 M0 LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 88 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling RDMT 0702 M0 LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 89 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions RDMT 0803 M0 LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 90 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling RDMT 1003 M0 LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 91 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions RDMT 1204 M0 LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 92 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling RDMT 10T3 M0 LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT APMT Suggested Starting Parameters LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 93 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions RDMT 12T3 M0 LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 94 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling RDMT 1604 M0 LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 95 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts Ø l 15° d R D M W s Shape Clearance Angle Fixing Chip breaker Tolerance d ± 0.002 s ± 0.005 Direction Stock Part No. Description Grade l s r 3355546 RDMW 10T3 M0 LT 30 - 0.156 - Neutral 3355548 RDMW 1204 M0 LT 30 - 0.187 - Neutral Face Milling Insert with 90° Lead Angle • • • Stocking Non-stocking Multi purpose Round insert with flat rake surface, designed for Hard materials. Suitable for Roughing to Semi-Finishing Copying of 3D surfaces and Face Milling operations. d d1 Face Mill for RDMT. See page 33. L D Application Guide Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. F Productivity 96 Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel VC Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling RDMW 10T3 M0 LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 97 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions RDMW 1204 M0 LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 98 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts Milling R D M X ADKT AOMT APKT d APMT LDMT Ø l 15° s Shape Clearance Angle Fixing Chip breaker Tolerance d ± 0.002 s ± 0.005 ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT l s r Direction Stock Part No. Description Grade 3351552 RDMX 10T3 M0 LT 30 0.394 0.156 - Neutral 3355549 RDMX 1204 M0 LT 30 0.472 0.187 - Neutral RDMT • • Stocking Face Milling Insert with 90° Lead Angle Non-stocking RDMW RDMX SDKT d d1 Face Mill for RDMT. See page 33. PNEG SDKX SDMT L SEKN SEKR D SEKT Multi purpose Round insert. Suitable for Roughing to Semi-Finishing Copying of 3D surfaces and Face Milling operations. SNKX Application Guide SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. TPUN WPGT F Productivity All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel APET VC APEX 99 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions RDMX 10T3 M0 LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 100 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling RDMX 1204 M0 LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 101 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts S D K T d m 15° Ø 90° l Shape Clearance Angle Part No. Description Grade 3254411 SDKT 1204 AETN LT 30 l s Tolerance Fixing Chip breaker d ± 0.003 m ± 0.0005 s ± 0.0001 s 0.500 0.187 r Direction Stock - Neutral • • Stocking Non-stocking Face Milling Insert with 45° Lead Angle Multi purpose 45° Milling insert, designed for high depths of cut. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Face Milling, Plunging and Ramping down Milling operations. Application Guide Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. F Productivity 102 Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel VC Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling SDKT 1204 AETN LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 103 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts S D K X l s r Pr. R. Direction Stock Part No. Description Grade 2503095 SDKX 0904 HF LT 30 0.375 0.187 0.031 0.031 Neutral 2503096 SDKX 1205 HF LT 30 0.500 0.219 0.031 0.031 Neutral • • • Stocking Non-stocking Face Mills coming early 2014. End Mills coming late 2014. Pr. R. = Programming Radius Application Guide 104 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling SDKX 0904 HF LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Material Group Steel Non-alloyed VDI Gr. Grou N° p 1 1 2 3 6 Low alloyed 2 4,6 5,7 8 10 High alloyed 3 Austenitic 4 10 11 NF Hardened Mat. High Temp.Alloys Cast Iron Stainless Steel 11 Duplex Ferritic & Martensitic Grey Malleable & Nodular Fe, Ni & Co based Ti based Steel Chilled Cast IronCast White Iron Al (>8%Si) 5 6 7 14 14 14 14 12 13 15 15 Material Examples* Hardness D.O.C. [inch]Feed [inch/tooth] min max min max 0.059 0.079 125 HB C35, Ck45, 1020, 1045, 190 HB 0.020 0.059 0.012 0.079 1060, 28Mn6 250 HB 0.059 0.079 180 HB 0.055 0.071 42CrMo4, St50, 0.055 0.071 230 HB Ck60, 4140, 0.012 0.020 0.055 0.071 280 HB 4340, 100Cr6 0.055 0.071 350 HB 220 HB 0.051 0.063 X40CrMoV5, 0.051 0.063 280 HB H13, M42, D3, 0.012 0.020 0.051 0.063 320 HB S6-5-2, 12Ni19 0.051 0.063 350 HB 304, 316, X5CrNi18-9 180 HB 240 HB 0.020 0.047 0.012 0.055 0.047 0.012 0.055 0.035 0.035 X2CrNiN23-4, 290 HB 0.020 0.012 S31500 0.035 0.035 310 HB 0.047 0.039 410, X6Cr17, 200 HB 0.020 0.012 17-4 PH, 430 42 HRc 0.039 0.031 0.059 0.079 GG20, GG40, 150 HB EN-GJL-250, 200 HB 0.020 0.059 0.012 0.079 No30B 0.059 0.079 250 HB 16 17,1 0.059 150 HB 9 GGG40, GGG70, 17,1 8 200 HB 0.020 0.059 0.012 50005 9 18,2 0.059 250 HB 0 31,3 Incoloy 800 240 HB 0.051 2 Inconel 700 250 HB 0.020 0.051 0.012 9 33 0.071 0.071 0.071 0.031 Vc [sfm] min 620 490 490 420 420 290 290 190 190 620 520 220 490 290 max 1080 420 360 680 420 390 680 490 780 490 720 320 590 620 650 490 140 11 38 220 41 G-X300CrMo15 55 HRc 0.012 0.035 0.012 0.031 38 38 40 12 25 0.020 0.051 0.012 0.028 Ni-Hard 2 400 HB 0.012 0.039 0.012 0.031 130 AlSi12 130 HB 0.020 0.059 0.012 0.071 650 90 0.059 0.051 290 820 0.067 0.067 490 130 - 0.031 0.055 550 0.047 0.047 X100CrMo13, 45 HRc 440C, 50 HRc 0.012 0.039 0.012 0.039 G-X260NiCr42 55 HRc 0.035 0.031 T40 0.051 ODMW 450 OFER 390 OFMT 260 PNEG 620 RDMT 290 RDMW 420 RDMX 590 SDKT 590 SDKX 420 SDMT 90 SEKN SEKR 490 620 180 37 0.051 590 0.067 680 90 10 - ODMT 650 130 350 HB TiAl6V4 650 0.067 0.028 Stellite 21 LDMT 780 820 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.047 0.047 0.035 0.031 0.047 0.035 0.039 0.028 0.059 0.071 0.059 0.063 720 420 320 720 320 620 650 520 490 100 140 0.051 0.024 210 0.024 180 260 0.047 0.039 190 190 0.035 0.031 140 260 190 0.051 0.024 0.039 0.035 0.039 0.031 0.035 0.031 1310 0.059 0.063 APMT 820 0.059 0.071 80 36 Vc 980 0.031 34 Suggested Starting Parameters D.O.C. Feed 90 130 180 160 160 130 910 SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 105 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions SDKX 1205 HF LT 30 Material Group Steel Non-alloyed VDI Gr. Grou N° p 1 1 2 3 6 Low alloyed 2 4,6 5,7 8 10 High alloyed 3 10 11 NF Hardened Mat. High Temp.Alloys Cast Iron Stainless Steel 11 Austenitic 4 Duplex 5 Ferritic & Martensitic 6 Grey Malleable & Nodular Fe, Ni & Co based Ti based Steel Chilled Cast IronCast White Iron Al (>8%Si) 106 7 14 14 14 14 12 13 15 15 Material Examples* Hardness D.O.C. [inch]Feed [inch/tooth] min max min max 0.098 0.118 125 HB C35, Ck45, 1020, 1045, 190 HB 0.020 0.098 0.012 0.118 1060, 28Mn6 250 HB 0.098 0.118 180 HB 0.087 0.110 42CrMo4, St50, 0.087 0.110 230 HB Ck60, 4140, 0.012 0.020 0.087 0.110 280 HB 4340, 100Cr6 0.087 0.110 350 HB 0.079 0.098 220 HB X40CrMoV5, 0.079 0.098 280 HB H13, M42, D3, 0.012 0.020 0.079 0.098 320 HB S6-5-2, 12Ni19 0.079 0.098 350 HB 304, 316, X5CrNi18-9 180 HB 240 HB 0.020 0.079 0.012 0.059 0.079 0.012 0.059 0.079 0.039 X2CrNiN23-4, 290 HB 0.020 0.012 S31500 0.079 0.039 310 HB 0.079 0.047 410, X6Cr17, 200 HB 0.020 0.012 17-4 PH, 430 42 HRc 0.079 0.039 0.098 0.118 GG20, GG40, 150 HB EN-GJL-250, 200 HB 0.020 0.098 0.012 0.118 No30B 0.098 0.118 250 HB 16 17,1 0.098 150 HB 9 GGG40, GGG70, 17,1 8 200 HB 0.020 0.098 0.012 50005 9 18,2 0.098 250 HB 0 31,3 Incoloy 800 240 HB 0.059 2 Inconel 700 250 HB 0.020 0.059 0.012 9 33 34 10 36 37 38 Stellite 21 350 HB T40 - TiAl6V4 - 0.059 0.020 0.059 0.059 0.012 0.098 0.098 0.098 0.035 490 420 420 290 290 190 190 620 520 220 490 290 490 320 0.031 130 0.035 0.031 41 G-X300CrMo15 55 HRc 0.012 0.039 0.012 0.035 12 25 490 80 11 38 40 620 0.035 0.055 0.055 X100CrMo13, 45 HRc 440C, 50 HRc 0.012 0.047 0.012 0.047 G-X260NiCr42 55 HRc 0.039 0.039 38 Vc [sfm] min max 1080 0.098 0.102 780 0.094 650 0.087 490 820 680 620 420 360 680 420 390 680 490 780 720 620 650 590 490 140 AlSi12 130 HB 0.020 0.118 0.012 0.079 650 0.079 0.079 0.071 0.071 0.079 0.047 0.079 0.031 0.079 0.031 0.079 0.028 0.098 0.102 0.098 0.079 720 650 590 450 420 390 320 260 720 620 320 290 620 420 650 590 520 590 490 420 100 140 0.059 0.028 210 0.024 180 260 0.055 0.047 190 190 0.039 0.035 140 220 90 0.079 290 820 0.094 0.087 490 130 130 0.087 550 180 400 HB 0.012 0.047 0.012 0.035 Vc 820 980 90 Ni-Hard 2 Suggested Starting Parameters D.O.C. Feed 260 190 0.059 0.024 0.047 0.039 0.047 0.031 0.039 0.031 1310 0.098 0.063 90 90 130 180 160 160 130 910 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts Milling S D M T ADKT AOMT APKT APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT Part No. Description Grade l s r Direction Pr. R. Stock 3253310 SDMT 09T312 DM 202 0.3750.1560.047 Neutral 0.098 3253320 SDMT 120412 DM 202 0.5000.1870.047 Neutral 0.157 High Feed Face Mill for SDMT 09T312 & 120412. See page 35. Coolant Path d L • • • Stocking Non-stocking Pr. R. = Programming Radius PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT High Feed Indexable End Mill for SDMT. SDKX See page 46. SDMT Coolant path SEKN ap D SEKR SEKT Application Guide SNKX See the back of the box for speeds and feeds. SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 107 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts S E K N d m 90° Ø 20° l Shape Clearance Angle Part No. Description 3254415 SEKN 42 AFTN (ANSI) LT 30 s Fixing Chip breaker Tolerance m ± 0.0005 s ± 0.001 For l = 12, d ± 0.003 For l = 15, d ± 0.004 r Direction Stock 0.500 0.125 - Neutral • 0.500 0.187 - Neutral • 0.625 0.187 - Neutral • l Grade s SEKN 1203 AFTN (ISO) 3254417 SEKN 43 AFTN (ANSI) LT 30 SEKN 1204 AFTN (ISO) 3254421 SEKN 53 AFTN (ANSI) LT 30 SEKN 1504 AFTN (ISO) • Stocking Non-stocking Coolant Path d1 d Face Mill for SEKN. See page 31. L Face Milling Insert with 45° Lead Angle D Multi purpose 45° Milling insert, designed for high depths of cut. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Face Milling, Plunging and Ramping down Milling operations. D1 Application Guide Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. F Productivity 108 Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel VC Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling SEKN 1203 AFTN LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 109 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions SEKN 1204 AFTN LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 110 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling SEKN 1504 AFTN LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 111 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions S E K R d m 20° Ø 90° l Shape Clearance Angle l s Tolerance Insert Type Clamping Chip breaker d ± 0.003 m ± 0.0005 s ± 0.0001 s Direction Stock r Part No. Description Grade 3254431 SEKR 42 AFTN (ANSI) LT 30 0.500 0.125 - Neutral • LT 30 0.500 0.187 - Neutral • SEKR 1203 AFTN (ISO) 3254433 SEKR 43 AFTN (ANSI) SEKR 1204 AFTN (ISO) Face Milling Insert with 45° Lead Angle • Stocking Non-stocking Multi purpose 45° Milling insert, designed for high depths of cut and materials that generate long chips. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Face, Plunging and Ramping down Milling operations. Application Guide Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. F Productivity 112 Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel VC Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling SEKR 1203 AFTN LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 113 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions SEKR 1204 AFTN LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 114 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts Milling S E K T m s l Shape Clearance Angle AOMT APKT APMT LDMT d 20° Ø 90° ADKT Fixing Chip breaker Tolerance d ± 0.003 m ± 0.0005 s ± 0.0001 ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT Direction Stock Part No. Description Grade 2506169 SEKT 12T3 AGSN LT 30 0.528 0.156 - Neutral 3254435 SEKT 1204 AFTN LT 30 0.187 - Neutral l s r V Face Milling Insert with 90° Lead Angle • • PNEG RDMT • Stocking Non-stocking RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT Multi purpose 45° Milling insert, designed for high depths of cut. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Face, Plunging and Ramping down Milling operations. SEKN SEKR Application Guide SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. WPGT F Productivity All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Stainless Steel APET VC APEX 115 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions SEKT 12T3 AGSN LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 116 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling SEKT 1204 AFTN LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 117 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts S N K X 90° d m 0° Ø 09T3-HF s l Clearance Angle Shape Tolerance d ± 0.0002 m ± 0.0005 s ± 0.0001 Fixing Chip breaker 1607-45˚ Description Grade s r 2502115 SNKX 09T3-HF LT 30 0.146 - Right 0.165 LT 30 0.658 0.269 - Right 0.165 2502205 SNKX 1607-45° l Direction Pr. R. Stock Part No. • • • Stocking Non-stocking Face Mill for SNKX 09T3. See page 34. Pr. R. = Programming Radius d Coolant Path L High Feed Indexable End mill for SNKX 09T3. See page 47. D d L D l1 D1 Cutter bodies for SNKX 1607 coming early 2014. Exclusive and unique design insert with 8 cutting edges for High Feed. Suitable for Roughing to Semi-Finishing Copying of 3D surfaces and Face Milling operations. Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. F Productivity 118 Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling SNKX 09T3-HF LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 119 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions SNKX 1607-45° LT 30 Cutter bodies coming early 2014. 120 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts Milling S P K N d l Clearance Angle Shape APKT LDMT Ø 11° AOMT APMT m 90° ADKT s Fixing Chip breaker Tolerance m ± 0.0005 s ± 0.001 For l = 12, d ± 0.003 For l = 15, d ± 0.004 ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT r Direction 0.500 0.125 - Right LT 30 0.500 0.187 - Right LT 30 0.625 0.187 - Right Part No. Description Grade 3263336 SPKN 42 EDTR (ANSI) LT 30 l s Stock RDMT SPKN 1203 EDTR (ISO) 3263341 SPKN 43 EDTR (ANSI) RDMW RDMX SPKN 1204 EDTR (ISO) 3266029 SPKN 53 EDTR (ANSI) SDKT • Stocking SPKN 1504 EDTR (ISO) PNEG Non-stocking Face Mill Insert with 75° Lead Angle SDKX SDMT SEKN Square inserts with 75° lead angle, designed for High depths of cut. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Face Milling operations. SEKR Application Guide SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. TPUN WPGT F Productivity All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes APET APEX 121 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions SPKN 1203 EDTR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 122 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling SPKN 1204 EDTR LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 123 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions SPKN 1504 EDTR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 124 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts Milling S P K R d s l Clearance Angle Shape APKT LDMT Ø 11° AOMT APMT m 90° ADKT Tolerance d ± 0.003 m ± 0.0005 s ± 0.001 Fixing Chip breaker ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT Part No. Description 3263336 Grade SPKR 42 EDTR (ANSI) l s r Direction Stock LT 30 0.500 0.125 - Right • LT 30 0.500 0.187 - Right • SPKR 1203 EDTR (ISO) 3263341 SPKR 43 EDTR (ANSI) SPKR 1204 EDTR (ISO) • Stocking Face Mill Insert with 75° Lead Angle Non-stocking PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT Square inserts, with 75° lead angle designed for high depths of cut and materials that generate long chips. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Face Milling operations. SEKN SEKR Application Guide SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. TPUN WPGT F Productivity All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes APET APEX 125 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions SPKR 1203 EDTR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 126 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling SPKR 1204 EDTR LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 127 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts S P M T d m 90° Ø 11° l Shape Clearance Angle Part No. Description Grade 3263347 SPMT12T308 LT 30 l s Fixing Chip breaker Tolerance d ± 0.003 m ± 0.005 s ± 0.005 s r 0.523 0.156 0.031 Face Mill Insert with 90° Lead Angle Direction Stock • Right • Stocking Non-stocking Multi purpose 90° Milling insert with 4 cutting edges. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Slotting, shoulder and Face Milling operations. Application Guide Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. F Productivity 128 Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling SPMT 12T308 LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 129 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts S P G d m 90° Ø 11° l Clearance Angle Shape Part No. Description Grade 3263333 SPG 422 (ANSI) LT 30 s Tolerance d ± 0.005 m ± 0.008 s ± 0.005 l s r Fixing Chip breaker Direction Stock 0.500 0.125 0.031 Neutral SPUN 120308 (ISO) • • Stocking Non-stocking Multi purpose Square insert with corner radius and a flat rake surface. Use for Face Milling. Roughing to Finishing Application Guide Machine Recommendations Guide Details on page 19. F Productivity 130 Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling SPG 422 LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 131 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts 60° Ø d 11° m T P K N l Shape s Tolerance Clearance Angle Fixing Chip breaker m ± 0.013 s ± 0.0005 For l = 16, d ± 0.002 For l = 22, d ± 0.003 Part No. Description Grade 3567741 TPKN 32 PDTR (ANSI) LT 30 0.650 0.125 - Right • LT 30 0.866 0.187 - Right • l s r Direction Stock TPKN 1603 PDTR (ISO) 3567745 TPKN 43 PDTR (ANSI) TPKN 2204 PDTR (ISO) • Stocking Non-stocking Multipurpose 90° Milling insert with 3 cutting edges. Use for Slotting, Shoulder Milling and Face Milling. Roughing to Finishing. Application Guide Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. F Productivity 132 Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling TPKN 1603 PDTR LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 133 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions TPKN 2204 PDTR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 134 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts Milling T P K R ADKT AOMT APKT Ø d 11° m APMT 60° Shape LDMT s l Tolerance Clearance Angle Fixing Chip breaker m ± 0.0005 s ± 0.001 For l = 16, d ± 0.002 For l = 22, d ± 0.003 ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT Part No. Description 3567751 TPKR 323 PDTR (ANSI) LT 30 Grade r Direction Stock 0.650 0.125 - Right • 0.866 0.187 - Right • l s RDMT TPKR 1603 PDTR (ISO) 3567755 TPKR 43 PDTR (ANSI) LT 30 TPKR 2204 PDTR (ISO) PNEG RDMW RDMX • Stocking Non-stocking Multi purpose 90° Milling insert with 3 cutting edges, designed for materials that generate long chips. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Slotting, Shoulder and Face Milling operations. SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR Application Guide SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. F Productivity All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 TPUN WPGT No No Yes Yes APET APEX 135 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Milling Machining Conditions TPKR 1603 PDTR LT 30 Suggested Starting Parameters 136 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling TPKR 2204 PDTR LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 137 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts 60° Ø d 11° m T P U N s l Shape Tolerance Clearance Angle Part No. Description Grade 3567761 TPUN 322 (ANSI) LT 30 l Fixing Chip breaker d ± 0.003 m ± 0.005 s ± 0.005 s r 0.650 0.125 0.031 Direction Stock Right • TPUN 160308 (ISO) • Stocking Non-stocking Multi purpose 90° Milling insert with 3 cutting edges and corner radius. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Slotting, Shoulder and Face Milling operations. Application Guide Machine Recommendations Guide. Details on page 19. F Productivity 138 Coolant 1, 2, 3, 4 7, 8, 11 10, 12 5, 6, 9 No No Yes Yes Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Milling TPUN 160308 LT 30 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 139 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts W P G T Part No. Description Grade 3451112 WPGT 050315 ZSR HF 351 l s r Direction 0.197 0.138 0.059 Neutral Stock • • Stocking HP = High Polish Non-stocking High Feed Indexable End Mill for WPGT. See page 46. Coolant path D d l1 L Application Guide See the back of the box for speeds and feeds. 140 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Milling Alu-Milling Inserts ADKT AOMT APKT APMT LT 05 Alu-Milling LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET Attacking Heat & Vibration is in Our DNA. APEX APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts for ALUMINUM A P E T A P E X Part No. 3151232 3151236 3151239 Description APET 160402 LH APEX 100304 PDFR F01 HP APEX 1604 PDFR F01 HP Grade l s r Direction Stock • • • 101 0.704 0.227 0.008 Neutral 5005 0.393 0.125 0.016 Right GH05 0.704 0.227 Sharp Right • Stocking Non-stocking Face Mill for AP_ _. See page 30. d1 d End Mill for AP_ _. See page 44. Coolant Path d D l1 L L PowerLOC End Mill for AP_ _ 1003. See page 45. d D Square Square d D l1 L D l1 L Application Guide See the back of the box for speed and feed information. 142 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts for ALUMINUM Milling A P G T d Ø Tolerance Clearance Angle APKT LDMT s l Shape AOMT APMT m 11° ADKT Fixing Chip breaker d ± 0.001 m ± 0.001 s ± 0.005 ODMT ODMW OFER Part No. Description Grade 1506501 APGT 1003 PDER ALU LT 05 0.409 0.136 0.022 Right 1506505 APGT 1604 PDER ALU LT 05 0.606 0.187 0.037 Right l s r Direction Stock • • • Stocking Non-stocking OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX Face Milling Insert with 90° Lead Angle SDKT For cutter bodies, see page 30, page 44, and page 50. SDKX SDMT Highly positive inserts with a unique coating and 90° lead angle for Aluminium. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Slotting, Shoulder and Face Milling operations. SEKN SEKR Application Guide SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 143 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts for ALUMINUM Machining Conditions APGT 1003 PDER ALU LT 05 Suggested Starting Parameters APGT 1604 PDER ALU LT 05 Suggested Starting Parameters 144 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Inserts for ALUMINUM Milling S E E T ADKT AOMT APKT APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER Part No. Description Grade 3251239 SEET 13T3 HP WSK10 l s 0.528 0.158 Chamfer Face Mill for SEET. See page 31. d1 r Coolant Path Direction Stock Neutral • • Stocking Non-stocking HP = High Polish d OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX L Fits in cutter bodies that take the 12T3 insert. SDKT SDKX D SDMT D1 SEKN Application Guide SEKR See the back of the box for speeds and feeds. SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 145 APGT SEET SEGT Milling Inserts for ALUMINUM S E G T d m 20° Ø 90° l s Shape Tolerance Clearance Angle d ± 0.001 m ± 0.001 s ± 0.005 Part No. Description Grade 2506509 SEGT 1204 AFEN ALU LT 05 0.500 0.187 l s r - Face Milling Insert with 45° Lead Angle Fixing Chip breaker Direction Stock • Neutral • Stocking Non-stocking Highly positive inserts with a unique coating and 90° lead angle for Aluminium. Suitable for Roughing to Finishing-Slotting, Shoulder and Face Milling operations. Application Guide 146 Same Day Shipping Until 5:00 pm EST. (877) 616-6016 • Machining Conditions Inserts for ALUMINUM Milling SEGT 1204 AFEN ALU LT 05 ADKT AOMT APKT Suggested Starting Parameters APMT LDMT ODMT ODMW OFER OFMT PNEG RDMT RDMW RDMX SDKT SDKX SDMT SEKN SEKR SEKT SNKX SPKN SPKR SPMT SPG TPKN TPKR TPUN WPGT APET APEX All Nexus products are backed by our 100% satisfaction guarantee. 147 APGT SEET SEGT
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