Award of Garden Merit Plants 2007 Published in 2007 by The Royal Horticultural Society 80 Vincent Square, London SW1P 2PE All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of it may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher. ISBN XXX First published in 1993, second edition 1994, third edition 1998, fourth edition 2000, fifth edition 2002, sixth edition 2003, seventh edition 2004, eighth edition 2006 (online only), ninth edition 2007 (online only) Copyright © The Royal Horticultural Society 2007 Visit the Royal Horticultural Society website at: Registered charity no: 222879/SC038262 Contents Introduction 5 Ornamental Plants 9 Fruit 166 Vegetables 178 Descriptions of AGM 2006 Plants 228 Appendices A: Trials in 2007 245 B: Key to Code Combinations 246 C: Guide to Selected Plant Types 247 D: Group Codes 248 Introduction Changes in this edition In this new edition of AGM Plants, the text of AGM Plants 2006-7 has been fully updated to include all awards made to plants after trial in 2006. Plant names have been revised in the light of new taxonomic information, and notes and hardiness ratings have been modified where necessary. Descriptions of plants recently awarded the AGM have been added as an appendix. These have been drawn up by members of the RHS Botany Department. AGM criteria The AGM is intended to be of practical value to the ordinary gardener. It is awarded therefore only to a plant that meets the following criteria: • • • • • • it must be of outstanding excellence for ordinary garden decoration or use it must be available from nurseries, seed suppliers or specialist growers it must be of good constitution it must not require highly specialist growing conditions or care it must not be particularly susceptible to any pest or disease it must not be subject to an unreasonable degree of reversion in its vegetative or floral characteristics Plants of all kinds can be considered for the AGM, including fruit and vegetables. An AGM plant may be cultivated for use or decoration. It can be hardy throughout the British Isles, or suitable only for cultivation under heated glass. It can range in size from Sequoiadendron giganteum to Cornus canadensis. Though growing conditions and plant types may vary, the purpose of the award is always the same: to highlight the best plants available to the ordinary gardener. Committee assessment The AGM is only awarded after a period of assessment by the Society’s Standing and Joint Committees. Committees draw upon the knowledge and experience of a wide range of members, including nurserymen, specialist growers, and well-known horticulturists. Assessment for AGM takes place in one or more of the following ways: • • • during trials at one of the Society’s gardens or at some other venue during examination of specialist collections during round-table discussions by committee members, with contributions by specialists when necessary Each Committee is responsible for recommending plants for the AGM from within its own particular area of interest. Round-table discussion necessarily played a large part in the first ten-yearly AGM review, the results of which appeared in the 2003 AGM PLANTS 2007 6 edition, but trials continue to be the principal means of judging garden merit. This is especially the case in plant groups where large numbers of new cultivars are introduced each year. There is no grading system within the AGM, and no attempt is made to distinguish the good from the very good. Committees are expected to set a particular standard against which each plant is to be judged: if a plant equals or exceeds the standard, it may be recommended for the award. No limit has been placed on the number of plants that may hold the award at any one time, but in groups that include many cultivars, standards have to be set especially high if the AGM is to offer helpful guidance to the gardener. How to use this book AGM Plants 2007 includes all confirmed awards as of June 2007. To the left of each name there is a reference to the year in which the plant received its award, e.g. 93 T ‘Pink Delight’ (H4). Fruit and vegetables appear under their common names. All other plants are listed by botanical name. Common synonyms are cross-referred. Hardiness rating Every AGM plant has a hardiness rating. This is intended to serve as a general guide to growing conditions, and should be interpreted as follows: H1 H2 H3 H4 H1-2 H2-3 H3-4 H1+3 requires heated glass requires unheated glass hardy outside in some regions or particular situations or which, while usually grown outside in summer, needs frost-free protection in winter (e.g. dahlias) hardy throughout the British Isles intermediate between H1 and H2 intermediate between H2 and H3 intermediate between H3 and H4 requires heated glass; may be grown outside in summer In the notes that follow entries for plants requiring heated glass, further guidance is given as follows: Minimum temperature 15C hot glasshouse 10C warm glasshouse 2C cool glasshouse INTRODUCTION 7 The hardiness rating is an integral part of the AGM, and should be included in any citation of the award. Abbreviations Plants within certain genera are classified by group codes (see Appendix D). For instance, with Rosa ‘Belle de Crécy’ (G) (H4) reference to Appendix D, under Rosa, indicates that (G) = a Gallica rose. Other more general abbreviations are used throughout the book: Codes between year and plant name: † rock & alpine plants A annual B bulb, corm or tuber Ba bamboo C conifer C* dwarf conifer Cl climber Codes after the plant name (C) culinary (D) dessert (d) double-flowered (f) female (F) fruit (m) male (v) variegated CS cacti & succulents F fern G grass G* grass suitable for drying H herbaceous perennial P perennial grown as annual T tree or shrub ‡ * PBR triploid (fruit only) suitable for northerly, colder, higher rainfall areas (fruit only) Plant Breeders’ Rights apply How to recognise the award The trophy symbol is used throughout the horticultural trade. It appears on plant labels, in nursery catalogues, and in many books and magazines – including, of course, all the Society’s own publications. It is always worth checking that a plant labelled AGM is included in AGM Plants. Orchids All orchids other than those suitable for cultivation as rock garden or alpine house plants have been removed from the AGM list. The Orchid Committee is of the opinion that it cannot award AGMs to orchid cultivars, since these are generally only available for sale as tissue-cultured plants for periods of as little as six months. 8 AGM PLANTS 2007 Series sold as mixtures An AGM is sometimes awarded to a particular blend of the variants that constitute a Series. In such cases, the AGM applies only to the mixture, and not to every cultivar in the series. (If an AGM has been awarded to a particular cultivar, it will be listed separately.) Note that where ‘Series’ is followed by ‘mixed’, the mixture may vary in the proportions in which each component is present. Where ‘Series’ is followed by ‘formula mixed’, the proportions should be fixed and unvarying from year to year. Acknowledgements The Society would like to thank all Committee members for the care and attention that has been given to the AGM assessment process during the past year. Contact details If you have any queries about the Award of Garden Merit, or would like to use the trophy symbol in a nursery catalogue or other publication, please contact the compiler at: Award of Garden Merit Botany Department The Royal Horticultural Society RHS Garden Wisley Woking Surrey GU23 6QB Email: Ornamental Plants ABELIA (CAPRIFOLIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 02 T chinensis misapplied ~ see Abelia × grandiflora floribunda (H3) × grandiflora (H4) rupestris misapplied ~ see Abelia × grandiflora schumannii (H4) ABIES (PINACEAE) 93 C* balsamea Hudsonia Group (H4) ~ previously listed as A. balsamea f. hudsonia 93 C concolor (H4) 93 C* — ‘Compacta’ (H4) — ‘Glauca Compacta’ ~ see Abies concolor ‘Compacta’ 93 C koreana ‘Silberlocke’ (H4) 93 C* lasiocarpa var. arizonica ‘Compacta’ Hornibr. (H4) nobilis ~ see Abies procera 93 C nordmanniana (H4) 93 C* — ‘Golden Spreader’ (H4) 93 C pinsapo ‘Glauca’ (H4) 93 C procera (H4) ABROMEITIELLA (BROMELIACEAE) 93 H brevifolia (H1) ~ min. 2C ABUTILON (MALVACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 99 T 99 T 93 T 93 T 93 T ‘Canary Bird’ (H2) ‘Cannington Carol’ (v) (H2) ‘Cannington Peter’ (v) (H2) ‘Kentish Belle’ (H2-3) ‘Linda Vista Peach’ (H2) ~ as a pot plant for the glasshouse ‘Marion’ (H2) megapotamicum (H3) × milleri hort. (H2) ‘Nabob’ (H2) 93 T 99 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T ‘Orange Glow’ (v) (H2) ~ foliage mottled ‘Savitzii’ (v) (H2) ~ as a foliage plant for summer bedding and cultivation under glass ‘Souvenir de Bonn’ (v) (H2) × suntense ‘Jermyns’ (H3) vitifolium ‘Tennant’s White’ (H3) — ‘Veronica Tennant’ (H3) ACACIA (MIMOSACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T armata ~ see Acacia paradoxa baileyana (H2) — ‘Purpurea’ (H2) dealbata (H2) paradoxa (H2) pravissima (H2-3) retinodes (H2) ACAENA (ROSACEAE) 93 H† microphylla (H4) ACALYPHA (EUPHORBIACEAE) 02 H 93 T 02 T 02 T 02 T hispaniolae (H1) ~ min. 15C hispida (H1) ~ min. 15C wilkesiana ‘Hoffmannii’ (H1) ~ min. 15C — ‘Marginata’ (H1) ~ min. 15C — ‘Musaica’ (H1) ~ min. 15C ACANTHUS (ACANTHACEAE) 93 H spinosus L. (H4) ACER (ACERACEAE) 93 T 93 T campestre (H4) capillipes (H4) 10 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T AGM PLANTS 2007 cappadocicum ‘Aureum’ (H4) — ‘Rubrum’ (H4) davidii ‘George Forrest’ (H4) — ‘Serpentine’ (H4) griseum (H4) grosseri var. hersii (H4) japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’ (H4) — ‘Aureum’ ~ see Acer shirasawanum ‘Aureum’ — ‘Filicifolium’ ~ see Acer japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’ — ‘Laciniatum’ ~ see Acer japonicum ‘Aconitifolium’ — ‘Vitifolium’ (H4) palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ (H4) — ‘Burgundy Lace’ (H4) — ‘Chitose-yama’ (H4) — var. dissectum (H4) — — ‘Crimson Queen’ (H4) — — ‘Garnet’ (H4) — — ‘Inaba-shidare’ (H4) — — ‘Seiryū’ (H4) — ‘Katsura’ (H4) — ‘Nigrum’ (H4) — ‘Ōsakazuki’ (H4) — ‘Red Pygmy’ (H4) — ‘Sango-kaku’ (H4) — ‘Senkaki’ ~ see Acer palmatum ‘Sango-kaku’ — ‘Trompenburg’ (H4) pensylvanicum (H4) platanoides (H4) — ‘Crimson King’ (H4) — ‘Schwedleri’ (H4) pseudoplatanus ‘Brilliantissimum’ (H4) rubrum ‘October Glory’ (H4) rufinerve (H4) shirasawanum ‘Aureum’ (H4) tegmentosum subsp. glaucorufinerve ~ see Acer rufinerve triflorum (H4) ACHILLEA (ASTERACEAE) 93 H† ageratifolia (H4) 93 H ‘Coronation Gold’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 1999 99 H filipendulina ‘Cloth of Gold’ (H4) 93 H — ‘Gold Plate’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 1999 99 H — ‘Parker’s Variety’ (H4) 99 H ‘Helios’ (H4) 93 H† × lewisii ‘King Edward’ (H4) 99 H ‘Lucky Break’ (H4) 99 H millefolium ‘Belle Epoque’ (H4) 99 H — ‘Christine’s Pink’ (H4) 99 H — ‘Credo’ (H4) 99 H — ‘Heidi’ (H4) 99 H — ‘Hella Glashoff’ (H4) 99 H — ‘Kelwayi’ (H4) 99 H — ‘Lachsschönheit’ (Galaxy Series) (H4) 99 H — ‘Lansdorferglut’ (H4) 99 H — ‘Martina’ (H4) 99 H ‘Mondpagode’ (H4) 93 H ‘Moonshine’ (H3) 99 H ptarmica ‘Aunt Stientje’ (H4) 99 H — (The Pearl Group) ‘The Pearl’ (clonal) (d) (H4) Salmon Beauty ~ see Achillea millefolium ‘Lachsschönheit’ (Galaxy Series) 99 H ‘Summerwine’ (H4) 93 H† tomentosa (H4) × ACHIMENANTHA (GESNERIACEAE) 02 H ‘Inferno’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ACHIMENES (GESNERIACEAE) 02 H 02 H 02 H 02 H ‘Ambroise Verschaffelt’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Hilda Michelssen’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Paul Arnold’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Stan’s Delight’ (d) (H1) ~ min. 10C For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS ACIS (AMARYLLIDACEAE) ACTINIDIA (ACTINIDIACEAE) 93 B† autumnalis (H4) ~ previously listed as Leucojum autumnale 93 B† nicaeensis (H2-3) ~ previously listed as Leucojum nicaeense 93 Cl kolomikta (H4) ADENIUM (APOCYNACEAE) 02 CS obesum (H1) ~ min. 10C; shrubby ADIANTUM (ADIANTACEAE) ACONITUM (RANUNCULACEAE) 93 H 93 H 02 H 93 H 93 H × bicolor ~ see Aconitum × cammarum ‘Bicolor’ ‘Bressingham Spire’ (H4) ~ likes moist soil × cammarum ‘Bicolor’ (H4) ~ likes moist soil carmichaelii (Arendsii Group) ‘Arendsii’ (H4) — (Wilsonii Group) ‘Kelmscott’ (H4) ~ likes moist soil hyemale ~ see Eranthis hyemalis ‘Spark’s Variety’ (H4) ~ likes moist soil ACTAEA (RANUNCULACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 02 H alba misapplied ~ see Actaea pachypoda erythrocarpa ~ see Actaea rubra matsumurae ‘Elstead Variety’ (H4) ~ previously listed as Cimicifuga simplex var. matsumurae ‘Elstead’; dislikes lime pachypoda (H4) ~ awarded as A. alba; dislikes lime racemosa (H4) ~ previously listed as Cimicifuga racemosa; dislikes lime rubra (H4) ~ dislikes lime simplex (Atropurpurea Group) ‘Brunette’ (H4) ~ dislikes lime 97 F aleuticum (H4) 97 F† — ‘Subpumilum’ (H4) ~ previously listed as A. aleuticum var. subpumilum capillus-veneris ‘Mairisii’ ~ see Adiantum × mairisii cuneatum ~ see Adiantum raddianum 97 F × mairisii (H3) ~ sterile; needs vegetative propagation pedatum misapplied ~ see Adiantum aleuticum 93 F pedatum L. (H4) — var. subpumilum ~ see Adiantum aleuticum ‘Subpumilum’ 97 F raddianum (H2) 97 F — ‘Brilliantelse’ (H2) 97 F — ‘Fritz Lüthi’ (H2) 93 F — ‘Kensington Gem’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 F tenerum ‘Farleyense’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 F venustum (H4) AECHMEA (BROMELIACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H chantinii (H1) ~ min. 10C fasciata (H1) ~ min. 10C Foster’s Favorite Group (H1) ~ min. 10C fulgens var. discolor (H1) ~ min. 10C nudicaulis (H1) ~ min. 10C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 11 AGM PLANTS 2007 12 93 H 93 H 93 H orlandiana (H1) ~ min. 10C racinae (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Royal Wine’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 T 93 T 93 T × neglecta ‘Erythroblastos’ (H4) parviflora (H4) pavia (H4) splendens ~ see Aesculus pavia AETHIONEMA (BRASSICACEAE) AEONIUM (CRASSULACEAE) 93 CS arboreum (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS — ‘Atropurpureum’ (H1) ~ min. 2C; also suitable for summer display as (H2) 93 CS haworthii (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS tabuliforme (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS undulatum (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS ‘Zwartkop’ (H1) ~ min. 2C; also suitable for summer display as (H2) 93 T† grandiflorum (H4) 93 T† — Pulchellum Group (H4) pulchellum ~ see Aethionema grandiflorum 93 T† ‘Warley Rose’ (H4) AGAPANTHUS (ALLIACEAE) 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B AESCHYNANTHUS (GESNERIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T longicaulis (H1) ~ min. 15C marmoratus ~ see Aeschynanthus longicaulis pulcher (H1) ~ min. 15C radicans (H1) ~ min. 15C speciosus (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 B AGAPETES (ERICACEAE) 02 T AESCULUS (HIPPOCASTANACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T × carnea ‘Briotii’ (H4) flava (H4) hippocastanum (H4) — ‘Baumannii’ (d) (H4) — ‘Flore Pleno’ ~ see Aesculus hippocastanum ‘Baumannii’ (d) indica ‘Sydney Pearce’ (H4) africanus (H1) ~ min. 2C — ‘Albus’ (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Argenteus Vittatus’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C; previously listed as A. praecox subsp. praecox ‘Variegatus’ campanulatus subsp. patens (H3) caulescens (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Loch Hope’ (H3) nutans ~ see Agapanthus caulescens praecox subsp. praecox ‘Variegatus’ ~ see Agapanthus ‘Argenteus Vittatus’ umbellatus L’Hérit. ~ see Agapanthus africanus 93 T ‘Ludgvan Cross’ (H1-2) ~ min. 2C serpens (H1) ~ min. 2C AGASTACHE (LAMIACEAE) 04 H 04 H Acapulco Bicolor Salmon Rose ‘Kiegabi’ (H3-4) Acapulco Orange ‘Kiegador’ (H3-4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 04 H 04 H ‘Blue Fortune’ (H3-4) ‘Tangerine Dreams’ (H3) AGAVE (AGAVACEAE) 94 CS americana (H1) ~ min. 2C; may be grown outside in some areas 03 CS — ‘Marginata’ (v) (H3-4) — ‘Mediopicta’ misapplied ~ see Agave americana ‘Mediopicta Alba’ 94 CS — ‘Mediopicta’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C; leaves with a yellow centre stripe; may be grown outside in some areas 94 CS — ‘Mediopicta Alba’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C; leaves with a white centre stripe; may be grown outside in some areas 94 CS — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C; leaves with a yellow edge; may be grown outside in some areas ferdinandi-regis ~ see Agave victoriae-reginae 94 CS filifera (H1) ~ min. 2C 94 CS parviflora (H1) ~ min. 2C 94 CS potatorum (H1) ~ min. 2C 94 CS stricta (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS utahensis (H1) ~ min. 2C 94 CS victoriae-reginae (H1) ~ min. 2C AGERATUM (ASTERACEAE) 95 A 95 A 93 A 02 A 93 A 02 A 02 H 96 H altissima ‘Chocolate’ (H4) ~ previously listed as Eupatorium rugosum ‘Chocolate’ ligustrina (H3) ~ previously listed as Eupatorium ligustrinum houstonianum ‘Blue Danube’ (H3) ~ annual, from seed — ‘Blue Horizon’ (H3) ~ annual, from seed — ‘Blue Lagoon’ (H3) — ‘Hawaii White’ (H3) — ‘Pacific’ (H3) — ‘Pacific Plus’ (H3) AGLAONEMA (ARACEAE) 02 H 93 H 93 H costatum f. immaculatum (H1) ~ min. 15C modestum (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Silver Queen’ (H1) ~ min. 15C AGROSTEMMA (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) coronaria ~ see Lychnis coronaria AICHRYSON (CRASSULACEAE) 93 CS × domesticum ‘Variegatum’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C AIRA (POACEAE) 95 G* elegantissima (H3) AJUGA (LAMIACEAE) 93 H reptans ‘Catlin’s Giant’ (H4) — ‘Macrophylla’ ~ see Ajuga reptans ‘Catlin’s Giant’ ALBIZIA (MIMOSACEAE) 93 T AGERATINA (ASTERACEAE) 13 distachya ~ see Paraserianthes lophantha julibrissin f. rosea (H2-3) lophantha ~ see Paraserianthes lophantha ALCHEMILLA (ROSACEAE) 93 H† erythropoda (H4) 93 H mollis (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 14 ALLAMANDA (APOCYNACEAE) 93 Cl cathartica ‘Hendersonii’ (H1) ~ min. 15C neriifolia ~ see Allamanda schottii 93 T schottii (H1) ~ min. 10C ALLIUM (ALLIACEAE) 95 B 93 B† 02 B† 93 B† 02 B† 93 B† 93 B 93 B† 93 B† 95 B 95 B 95 B 95 B 93 B 02 B 93 B† 93 B† aflatunense misapplied ~ see Allium hollandicum albopilosum ~ see Allium cristophii azureum ~ see Allium caeruleum ‘Beau Regard’ (H4) beesianum misapplied ~ see Allium cyaneum caeruleum (H4) — azureum ~ see Allium caeruleum caesium (H4) carinatum subsp. pulchellum (H4) — — f. album (H4) cernuum ‘Hidcote’ (H4) — ‘Major’ ~ see Allium cernuum ‘Hidcote’ cirrhosum ~ see Allium carinatum subsp. pulchellum cristophii (H4) cyaneum (H4) flavum (H4) giganteum (H4) ‘Gladiator’ (H4) ‘Globemaster’ (H4) hollandicum (H4) — ‘Purple Sensation’ (H4) — ‘Purple Surprise’ (H4) insubricum (H4) ~ most plants sold as A. narcissiflorum are this species karataviense (H3) komarovianum ~ see Allium thunbergii 93 B† moly ‘Jeannine’ (H4) murrayanum misapplied ~ see Allium unifolium narcissiflorum misapplied ~ see Allium insubricum 93 B† oreophilum ‘Zwanenburg’ (H4) pulchellum ~ see Allium carinatum subsp. pulchellum 02 B† thunbergii (H4) 02 B† unifolium (H4) ALNUS (BETULACEAE) 93 T 93 T cordata (H4) glutinosa ‘Imperialis’ (H4) ALOCASIA (ARACEAE) 93 H 02 H × amazonica (H1) ~ min. 15C macrorrhiza ‘Variegata’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C ALOE (ALOACEAE) 02 CS arborescens ‘Variegata’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 5C; shrubby 94 CS aristata (H1) ~ min. 2C 94 CS bakeri (H1) ~ min. 2C barbadensis ~ see Aloe vera 02 CS brevifolia (H1) ~ min. 5C 02 CS descoingsii (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 CS haworthioides (H1) ~ min. 10C 94 CS melanacantha (H1) ~ min. 2C 94 CS rauhii (H1) ~ min. 2C 94 CS somaliensis (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS variegata (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 CS vera (H1) ~ min. 2C AMARYLLIS (AMARYLLIDACEAE) ALOYSIA (VERBENACEAE) AMELANCHIER (ROSACEAE) 94 T citriodora ~ see Aloysia triphylla triphylla (H2) 02 B 93 T 93 T ALSTROEMERIA (ALSTROEMERIACEAE) 94 B 94 B 94 B 94 B 94 B 94 B 94 B 94 B ‘Apollo’ (H4) ~ recommended for cultivation in the open ground ‘Coronet’ (H4) ~ recommended for cultivation in the open ground ‘Friendship’ (H4) ~ recommended for cultivation in the open ground H.R.H. Princess Alexandra ‘Zelblanca’ (H2) H.R.H. Princess Alice ‘Staverpi’ (H2) ~ recommended for cultivation under unheated glass; previously listed as A. Fiona ‘Orange Gem’ (H4) ~ recommended for cultivation in the open ground ‘Orange Glory’ (H4) ~ recommended for cultivation in the open ground ‘Yellow Friendship’ (H4) ~ recommended for cultivation in the open ground saxatile ~ see Aurinia saxatilis 93 T† spinosum ‘Roseum’ (H4) AMARANTHUS (AMARANTHACEAE) 93 A 93 A hypochondriacus ‘Green Thumb’ (H3) — ‘Pygmy Torch’ (H3) canadensis K. Koch ~ see Amelanchier lamarckii × grandiflora ‘Ballerina’ (H4) lamarckii (H4) ~ often grown as A. canadensis AMMOBIUM (ASTERACEAE) 02 P alatum ‘Bikini’ (H3) AMPELOPSIS (VITACEAE) henryana ~ see Parthenocissus henryana ANAGALLIS (PRIMULACEAE) 93 P 02 P monellii (H4) — ‘Gentian Blue’ (H4) ANANAS (BROMELIACEAE) 93 H bracteatus var. tricolor (H1) ~ min. 10C ANAPHALIS (ASTERACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H margaritacea var. yedoensis (H4) triplinervis (H4) — ‘Sommerschnee’ (H4) — Summer Snow ~ see Anaphalis triplinervis ‘Sommerschnee’ ANCHUSA (BORAGINACEAE) 93 H ALYSSUM (BRASSICACEAE) belladonna (H2-3) azurea ‘Loddon Royalist’ (H4) myosotidiflora ~ see Brunnera macrophylla ANDROMEDA (ERICACEAE) 93 T† polifolia ‘Compacta’ (H4) 93 T† — ‘Compacta Alba’ (H4) 93 T† — ‘Macrophylla’ (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 15 AGM PLANTS 2007 16 ANDROSACE (PRIMULACEAE) 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† carnea var. halleri ~ see Androsace carnea subsp. rosea — subsp. laggeri (H4) — subsp. rosea (H4) halleri ~ see Androsace carnea subsp. rosea lanuginosa (H4) mucronifolia misapplied ~ see Androsace sempervivoides primuloides ~ see Androsace studiosorum sarmentosa misapplied ~ see Androsace studiosorum — var. yunnanensis misapplied ~ see Androsace studiosorum sempervivoides (H4) studiosorum (H4) ~ awarded as A. sarmentosa misapplied ANEMANTHELE (POACEAE) 04 G lessoniana (H4) ANEMONE (RANUNCULACEAE) 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† 97 H 93 H 97 H 93 H apennina (H4) blanda (H4) — ‘Radar’ (H4) — var. rosea (H4) — ‘White Splendour’ (H4) hepatica ~ see Hepatica nobilis hupehensis ‘Bowles’ Pink’ (H4) — ‘Hadspen Abundance’ (H4) — var. japonica ‘Pamina’ (H4) — — Prince Henry ~ see Anemone hupehensis var. japonica ‘Prinz Heinrich’ — — ‘Prinz Heinrich’ (H4) — ‘September Charm’ ~ see Anemone × hybrida ‘September Charm’ × hybrida ‘Albert Schweitzer’ ~ see Anemone × hybrida ‘Elegans’ 97 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 97 H† 93 H† 93 H† 01 H† 93 H† 93 H† 97 H† 93 H† — ‘Bowles’ Pink’ ~ see Anemone hupehensis ‘Bowles’ Pink’ — ‘Elegans’ (H4) — ‘Honorine Jobert’ (H4) — ‘Königin Charlotte’ (H4) — ‘Max Vogel’ ~ see Anemone × hybrida ‘Elegans’ — ‘Pamina’ ~ see Anemone hupehensis var. japonica ‘Pamina’ — Prince Henry ~ see Anemone hupehensis var. japonica ‘Prinz Heinrich’ — Queen Charlotte ~ see Anemone × hybrida ‘Königin Charlotte’ — ‘September Charm’ (H4) ~ previously listed as A. hupehensis ‘September Charm’ × lipsiensis ‘Pallida’ (H4) nemorosa (H4) — ‘Allenii’ (H4) — ‘Evelyn Meadows’ (H4) — ‘Robinsoniana’ (H4) — ‘Vestal’ (d) (H4) — ‘Virescens’ (H4) pulsatilla ~ see Pulsatilla vulgaris ranunculoides (H4) sulphurea ~ see Pulsatilla alpina subsp. apiifolia vernalis ~ see Pulsatilla vernalis ANIGOZANTHOS (HAEMODORACEAE) 93 H 93 H humilis Lindl. (H1) ~ min. 2C manglesii (H1) ~ min. 2C ANOMATHECA (IRIDACEAE) cruenta ~ see Anomatheca laxa For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 02 B 02 B laxa (H2-3) — var. alba (H2-3) ANTENNARIA (ASTERACEAE) dioica var. rosea ~ see Antennaria rosea 93 H† rosea (H4) 93 P 05 P 05 P 05 P 02 P ANTHEMIS (ASTERACEAE) 93 H† punctata subsp. cupaniana (H3-4) 05 P ANTHERICUM (ANTHERICACEAE) 93 B† liliago ‘Major’ (H4) 05 P ANTHURIUM (ARACEAE) 05 P 02 H 02 H 02 H andraeanum (H1) ~ min. 15C crystallinum (H1) ~ min. 15C scherzerianum (H1) ~ min. 15C 05 P 05 P 02 P ANTHYLLIS (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 H† montana ‘Rubra’ (H4) — Floral Carpet Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 — ‘Floral Showers Deep Bronze’ (Floral Showers Series) (H3) — ‘Kim Rose’ (Kim Series) (H3) — ‘Kim Scarlet’ (Kim Series) (H3) — Kim Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 — ‘La Bella Pink’ (La Bella Series) (H3) — ‘La Bella Red’ (La Bella Series) (H3) — ‘La Bella Rose’ (La Bella Series) (H3) — ‘Liberty Classic Light Pink’ (Liberty Classic Series) (H3) — ‘Montego Pink’ (Montego Series) (H3) — Sonnet Series, formula mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 ANTIRRHINUM (SCROPHULARIACEAE) APHELANDRA (ACANTHACEAE) 94 P 93 T 93 P 05 P 05 P 94 P 94 P 05 P ‘Chimes Bronze’ (Chimes Series) (H3) ~ awarded as ‘Bronze Chimes’ Coronette Series, formula mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 ‘Double Azalea Bronze’ (Double Azalea Series) (d) (H3) ‘Double Azalea Pink’ (Double Azalea Series) (d) (H3) majus ‘Bells Pink’ (Bells Series) (H3) ~ awarded as ‘Pink Bells’ — ‘Bells Yellow’ (Bells Series) (H3) ~ awarded as ‘Yellow Bells’ — ‘Coronette Cherry’ (Coronette Series) (H3) 17 squarrosa ‘Louisae’ (H1) ~ min. 10C APTENIA (AIZOACEAE) 02 CS cordifolia (H1-2) ~ min. 2C; short-lived perennial AQUILEGIA (RANUNCULACEAE) akitensis misapplied ~ see Aquilegia flabellata var. pumila 03 P ‘Alaska’ (State Series) (H3-4) ~ omitted from previous listings in error 93 H† bertolonii (H4) 02 P ‘Bluebird’ (Songbird Series) (H2) 02 P ‘Bunting’ (Songbird Series) (H2) 93 H canadensis (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 18 03 P ‘Chaffinch’ (Songbird Series) (H3-4) ~ omitted from previous listings in error 93 H coerulea (H4) 02 P ‘Dove’ (Songbird Series) (H2) 93 H† flabellata (H4) 03 P — ‘Georgia’ (State Series) (H3-4) ~ omitted from previous listings in error — ‘Nana Alba’ ~ see Aquilegia flabellata var. pumila f. alba 93 H† — var. pumila (H4) 93 H† — — f. alba (H4) 02 P ‘Florida’ (State Series) (H2) 93 H ‘Hensol Harebell’ (H4) japonica ~ see Aquilegia flabellata var. pumila 98 H longissima (H4) 02 P ‘Louisiana’ (State Series) (H2) 93 P Music Series, mixed (H4) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 02 P ‘Origami Red and White’ (Butterfly Series) (H2) ~ may be sold as Red Admiral 02 P ‘Origami Rose and White’ (Butterfly Series) (H2) ~ may be sold as Crenise Rosa 03 P ‘Origami Yellow’ (Origami Series) (H3-4) ~ omitted from previous listings in error vulgaris Munstead White ~ see Aquilegia vulgaris ‘Nivea’ 93 H — ‘Nivea’ (H4) 93 H — var. stellata ‘Nora Barlow’ (Barlow Series) (d) (H4) 03 P ‘Yellow Star’ (Star Series) (H3-4) ~ omitted from previous listings in error 93 P — — ‘Schneehaube’ (H4) — — Snowcap ~ see Arabis alpina subsp. caucasica ‘Schneehaube’ 93 P blepharophylla ‘Frühlingszauber’ (H4) — Spring Charm ~ see Arabis blepharophylla ‘Frühlingszauber’ ferdinandi-coburgi ‘Variegata’ ~ see Arabis procurrens ‘Varie-gata’ 93 H† procurrens ‘Variegata’ (v) (H4) ~ probably correctly treated as a form of A. × suendermannii Snow Cap ~ see Arabis alpina subsp. caucasica ‘Schneehaube’ ARALIA (ARALIACEAE) 93 T 93 T ARAUCARIA (ARAUCARIACEAE) 93 T 93 H† alpina subsp. caucasica ‘Flore Pleno’ (d) (H4) excelsa misapplied ~ see Araucaria heterophylla heterophylla (H1) ~ min. 2C ARBUTUS (ERICACEAE) 93 T 93 T ARABIS (BRASSICACEAE) chinensis misapplied ~ see Aralia elata elata (H4) ~ may sucker; for wild garden — ‘Albomarginata’ ~ see Aralia elata ‘Variegata’ — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H4) papyrifera ~ see Tetrapanax papyrifer sieboldii ~ see Fatsia japonica × andrachnoides (H4) ~ omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 menziesii (H3) ~ omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 T 93 T unedo (H4) ~ omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 — f. rubra (H4) ~ omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 93 H 93 H 93 H ARCHONTOPHOENIX (ARECACEAE) 93 T cunninghamiana (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 H 93 H ARCTOTIS (ASTERACEAE) 98 H 98 H × hybrida hort. ‘Flame’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C — ‘Mahogany’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 93 H ARDISIA (MYRSINACEAE) 93 T crispa (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 H 93 H ARENARIA (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) 93 H† montana (H4) 93 H ARGYRANTHEMUM (ASTERACEAE) 93 H 02 H 93 H 93 H Butterfly ‘Ulyssis’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C canariense hort. ~ see Argyranthemum frutescens subsp. canariae ‘Cornish Gold’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Donington Hero’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C foeniculaceum misapplied pink- 19 gracile ‘Chelsea Girl’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; valued as a foliage plant ‘Jamaica Primrose’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Jamaica Snowstorm’ ~ see Argyranthemum ‘Snow Storm’ ‘Levada Cream’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C maderense (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Mary Cheek’ (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ochroleucum ~ see Argyranthemum maderense ‘Petite Pink’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Pink Delight’ ~ see Argyranthemum ‘Petite Pink’ ‘Qinta White’ (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Snow Storm’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Vancouver’ (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Whiteknights’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ARISAEMA (ARACEAE) 93 B† candidissimum (H4) ARISTOLOCHIA (ARISTOLOCHIACEAE) elegans ~ see Aristolochia littoralis 93 Cl littoralis (H1) ~ min. 10C flowered 93 H 93 H 02 H ~ see Argyranthemum ‘Petite Pink’ foeniculaceum ‘Royal Haze’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; valued especially as a foliage plant frutescens subsp. canariae (H1+3) ~ min. 2C — ‘Sugar Button’ (PBR) (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ARMERIA (PLUMBAGINACEAE) caespitosa ~ see Armeria juniperifolia — ‘Bevan’s Variety’ ~ see Armeria juniperifolia ‘Bevan’s Variety’ 93 H† juniperifolia (H4) 93 H† — ‘Bevan’s Variety’ (H4) 93 H† maritima ‘Vindictive’ (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 20 ARTEMISIA (ASTERACEAE) ARUNCUS (ROSACEAE) 93 T 93 H 93 H 93 T 02 T 02 H 93 H abrotanum (H4) absinthium ‘Lambrook Mist’ (H3-4) — ‘Lambrook Silver’ (H4) alba ‘Canescens’ (H4) arborescens (H3) — ‘Brass Band’ ~ see Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’ assoana ~ see Artemisia caucasica canescens misapplied ~ see Artemisia alba ‘Canescens’ 93 H caucasica (H3-4) douglasiana ‘Valerie Finnis’ ~ see Artemisia ludoviciana ‘Valerie Finnis’ 93 H† frigida (H3-4) 93 H lactiflora (H4) lanata Willd. non Lam. ~ see Artemisia caucasica 93 H ludoviciana subsp. ludoviciana (H4) ~ previously listed as A. ludoviciana var. ludoviciana 93 H — ‘Silver Queen’ (H4) 93 H — ‘Valerie Finnis’ (H4) pedemontana ~ see Artemisia caucasica 93 T ‘Powis Castle’ (H3) procera Willd. ~ see Artemisia abrotanum 93 H schmidtiana (H4) 93 H† — ‘Nana’ (H4) splendens misapplied ~ see Artemisia alba ‘Canescens’ vallesiaca ~ see Seriphidium vallesiacum ARUM (ARACEAE) 93 B italicum subsp. italicum ‘Marmoratum’ (H4) — ‘Pictum’ ~ see Arum italicum subsp. italicum ‘Marmoratum’ aethusifolius (H4) dioicus (m) (H4) plumosus ~ see Aruncus dioicus sylvestris ~ see Aruncus dioicus ARUNDINARIA (POACEAE) auricoma ~ see Pleioblastus viridistriatus fastuosa ~ see Semiarundinaria fastuosa fortunei ~ see Pleioblastus variegatus japonica ~ see Pseudosasa japonica murielae ~ see Fargesia murielae variegata ~ see Pleioblastus variegatus viridistriata ~ see Pleioblastus viridistriatus ASARINA (SCROPHULARIACEAE) erubescens ~ see Lophospermum erubescens ASARUM (ARISTOLOCHIACEAE) 07 H europaeum (H4) ASPARAGUS (ASPARAGACEAE) 93 Cl asparagoides (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 H densiflorus ‘Myersii’ (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 H — Sprengeri Group (H1) ~ min. 2C plumosus ~ see Asparagus setaceus 93 Cl setaceus (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 Cl — ‘Pyramidalis’ (H1) ~ min. 2C For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS ASPERULA (RUBIACEAE) 93 H† arcadiensis (H3) ~ widely grown as A. suberosa, which is quite distinct aristata subsp. thessala ~ see Asperula sintenisii nitida subsp. puberula ~ see Asperula sintenisii 93 H† sintenisii (H2-3) suberosa misapplied ~ see Asperula arcadiensis ASPIDISTRA (CONVALLARIACEAE) 93 H 93 H elatior (H1) ~ min. 2C — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C ASPLENIUM (ASPLENIACEAE) bulbiferum misapplied ~ see Asplenium × lucrosum 93 F × lucrosum (H1-2) ~ previously listed as A. bulbiferum. Plants cultivated under this name are now thought to be hybrids 93 F nidus (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 F scolopendrium (H4) 97 F — (Crispum Group) ‘Crispum Bolton’s Nobile’ (H4) 97 F† — ‘Kaye’s Lacerated’ (H4) ~ comes true from spores 97 F trichomanes (H4) ASTELIA (ASTELIACEAE) 94 H chathamica (H3) — ‘Silver Spear’ ~ see Astelia chathamica ASTER (ASTERACEAE) 93 H† 93 H 93 H 93 H alpinus (H4) amellus ‘Framfieldii’ (H4) — ‘Jacqueline Genebrier’ (H4) — ‘King George’ (H4) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 98 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 02 H 04 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 21 — ‘Veilchenkönigin’ (H4) — Violet Queen ~ see Aster amellus ‘Veilchenkönigin’ ‘Connecticut Snow Flurry’ ~ see Aster ericoides f. prostratus ‘Snow Flurry’ ‘Coombe Fishacre’ (H4) cordifolius ‘Chieftain’ (H4) — ‘Sweet Lavender’ (H4) ericoides ‘Blue Star’ (H4) — ‘Brimstone’ (H4) — ‘Golden Spray’ (H4) — ‘Monte Cassino’ ~ see Aster pilosus var. pringlei ‘Monte Cassino’ — ‘Pink Cloud’ (H4) — f. prostratus ‘Snow Flurry’ (H4) × frikartii ‘Mönch’ (H4) — Wonder of Stafa ~ see Aster × frikartii ‘Wunder von Stäfa’ — ‘Wunder von Stäfa’ (H4) ‘Kylie’ (H4) lateriflorus var. horizontalis (H4) ~ previously listed as A. lateriflorus ‘Horizontalis’ laterifolius ‘Snow Flurry’ ~ see Aster ericoides f. prostratus ‘Snow Flurry’ ‘Little Carlow’ (cordifolius hybrid) (H4) novae-angliae ‘Harrington’s Pink’ (H4) — ‘Rosa Sieger’ (H4) novi-belgii ‘Fellowship’ (H4) ‘Ochtendgloren’ (pringlei hybrid) (H4) ‘Photograph’ (H4) pilosus var. demotus (H4) — var. pringlei ‘Monte Cassino’ (H4) ‘Ringdove’ (ericoides hybrid) (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 22 93 H ‘Snow Flurry’ ~ see Aster ericoides f. prostratus ‘Snow Flurry’ tradescantii misapplied ~ see Aster pilosus var. demotus turbinellus misapplied (H4) ASTILBE (SAXIFRAGACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H† 93 H 93 H† 93 H 93 H† 93 H 93 H† 93 H 93 H ‘Brautschleier’ (× arendsii) (H4) Bridal Veil (× arendsii) ~ see Astilbe ‘Brautschleier’ ‘Bronce Elegans’ (simplicifolia hybrid) (H4) chinensis var. pumila (H4) — var. taquetii ‘Superba’ (H4) × crispa ‘Perkeo’ (H4) — ‘Peter Pan’ ~ see Astilbe × crispa ‘Perkeo’ ‘Fanal’ (× arendsii) (H4) glaberrima var. saxatilis (H4) — saxosa ~ see Astilbe glaberrima var. saxatilis Ostrich Plume ~ see Astilbe ‘Straussenfeder’ pumila ~ see Astilbe chinensis var. pumila ‘Rheinland’ (japonica hybrid) (H4) ‘Saxosa’ ~ see Astilbe glaberrima var. saxatilis simplicifolia (H4) — Bronze Elegance ~ see Astilbe ‘Bronce Elegans’ ‘Sprite’ (simplicifolia hybrid) (H4) ‘Straussenfeder’ (thunbergii hybrid) (H4) ‘Superba’ ~ see Astilbe chinensis var. taquetii ‘Superba’ ASTRANTIA (APIACEAE) carniolica ‘Variegata’ ~ see Astrantia major ‘Sunningdale Variegated’ helleborifolia misapplied ~ see Astrantia maxima 93 H 93 H 93 H major subsp. involucrata ‘Margery Fish’ ~ see Astrantia major subsp. involucrata ‘Shaggy’ — — ‘Shaggy’ (H4) — ‘Sunningdale Variegated’ (v) (H4) maxima (H4) ASTROPHYTUM (CACTACEAE) 93 CS myriostigma (H1) ~ min. 2-10C ASYSTASIA (ACANTHACEAE) bella ~ see Mackaya bella ATHYRIUM (WOODSIACEAE) 93 F 97 F 97 F 93 F 97 F filix-femina (H4) — ‘Frizelliae’ (H4) — ‘Vernoniae’ (H4) goeringianum ‘Pictum’ ~ see Athyrium niponicum var. pictum niponicum f. metallicum ~ see Athyrium niponicum var. pictum — var. pictum (H3) ~ also valued for cultivation under glass otophorum (H4) AUBRIETA (BRASSICACEAE) 02 H† 02 H† 02 H† 02 H† 93 H† 02 H† 02 H† albomarginata ~ see Aubrieta ‘Argenteovariegata’ ‘Argenteovariegata’ (v) (H4) ‘Aureovariegata’ (v) (H4) ‘Bressingham Pink’ (d) (H4) ‘Red Cascade’ (Cascade Series) (H4) ‘Doctor Mules’ (H4) ‘Golden King’ ~ see Aubrieta ‘Aureovariegata’ ‘Greencourt Purple’ (H4) ‘Mrs Rodewald’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 04 H Royal Series, mixed (H4) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 05 H 05 H 94 H AUCUBA (AUCUBACEAE) 93 P 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 05 H 05 H japonica ‘Crotonifolia’ (f/v) (H4) — ‘Golden King’ (m/v) (H4) — f. longifolia (H4) — ‘Rozannie’ (f/m) (H4) AURINIA (BRASSICACEAE) 93 H† saxatilis (H4) 93 H† — ‘Citrina’ (H4) 02 H AVENA (POACEAE) 02 H candida ~ see Helictotrichon sempervirens AZARA (FLACOURTIACEAE) 05 H 05 H 94 H 93 T 02 T 97 P microphylla (H3) serrata (H3) BABIANA (IRIDACEAE) 02 B stricta (H1-2) ~ min. 2C 97 P 05 H 93 H BALLOTA (LAMIACEAE) 02 T 93 T acetabulosa (H3-4) pseudodictamnus (H3-4) BAPTISIA (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 H australis (H4) BEAUCARNEA (DRACAENACEAE) 93 T recurvata (H1) ~ min. 2C; previously listed as Nolina recurvata BEGONIA (BEGONIACEAE) 94 H 97 P 94 H ‘Alto Scharff’ (H1) ~ min. 15C; shrub-like ‘Ambassador Rose’ (Ambassador Series) (S) (H3) ‘Burle Marx’ (H1) ~ min. 15C 02 P 05 H 05 H 94 P 94 P 94 H 23 ‘Carolina Moon’ (R) (H1) ‘China Curl’ (R) (H1) ‘Cleopatra’ (H1) ~ min. 15C; rhizomatous Cocktail Series, mixed (H2-3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 ‘David Blais’ (R) (H1) ‘Dewdrop’ (R) (H1) discolor ~ see Begonia grandis subsp. evansiana Dragon Wing Red ‘Bepared’ (H1+3) ~ min. 10C dregei (T) (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Emerald Beauty’ (R) (H1) ‘Escargot’ (R) (H1) ‘Esther Albertine’ (C) (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Expresso Rose’ (Expresso Series) (S) (H3) ‘Expresso Scarlet’ (Expresso Series) (S) (H3) ‘Fireworks’ (R) (H1) foliosa var. miniata (H1) ~ min. 10C; previously listed as B. fuchsioides fuchsioides ~ see Begonia foliosa var. miniata glaucophylla ~ see Begonia radicans Vell. grandis subsp. evansiana (H3-4) ‘Helen Lewis’ (H1) ‘Hilo Holiday’ (R) (H1) homonyma (T) ~ see Begonia dregei ‘Illumination Orange’ (H2-3) ‘Illumination Salmon Pink’ (Illumination Series) (H2-3) incarnata ‘Metallica’ ~ see Begonia metallica ‘Irene Nuss’ (C) (H1) ~ min. 15C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 24 05 H 94 H 02 H 04 H 94 H 02 H 05 H 93 H 02 P 93 H 94 H 05 H 05 H 94 H 94 H 05 H 93 P 97 P 97 P 94 H 94 P AGM PLANTS 2007 ‘Ironstone’ (R) (H1) limmingheana ~ see Begonia radicans Vell. listada (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Little Brother Montgomery’ (H1) ~ min. 15C luxurians (H1) maculata (C) (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Marmaduke’ (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Martin Johnson’ (R) (H1) masoniana (H1) ~ min. 15C Memory Series, mixed (H2-3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 ‘Merry Christmas’ (R) (H1) ~ min. 15C metallica (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Midnight Magic’ (R) (H1) ‘Mikado’ (R) (H1) ‘Mirage’ (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Munchkin’ (H1) ~ min. 15C; rhizomatous ‘Namur’ (R) (H1) natalensis (T) ~ see Begonia dregei Nonstop Series, mixed (T) (H2-3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 ‘Olympia Starlet’ (Olympia Series) (S) (H3) ‘Olympia White’ (Olympia Series) (S) (H3) ‘Orange Rubra’ (C) (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Panorama Scarlet’ (H2-3) partita ~ see Begonia dregei 02 P 94 P 02 P 94 H 05 H 05 H 94 H 94 H 94 H 94 H 05 H 05 H 05 H 05 H 05 H 05 H 93 H 02 H 94 H 94 H 02 P 02 P 93 H 94 H 94 H Party Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 ‘Pin Up’ (H2-3) ‘Pin Up Flame’ (H2-3) ‘Pinafore’ (C) (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Pink Champagne’ (R) (H1) ‘Princess of Hanover’ (R) (H1) procumbens ~ see Begonia radicans Vell. radicans Vell. (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Raspberry Swirl’ (R) (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Raymond George Nelson’ (H1) ~ min. 15C; shrub-like ‘Ricky Minter’ (H1) ~ min. 15C; rhizomatous ‘Rocheart’ (R) (H1) ‘Roi de Roses’ (R) (H1) ‘Sal’s Comet’ (R) (H1) ‘Sea Serpent’ (H1) ‘Silver Cloud’ (R) (H1) ‘Silver King’ (R) (H1) ‘Silver Queen’ (R) (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Snowcap’ (C) (H1) ~ min. 15C solananthera (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Sophie Cecile’ (C) (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Super Olympia Light Pink’ (Super Olympia Series) (H3) Super Olympia Series, mixed (H2-3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 sutherlandii (T) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Thurstonii’ (H1) ~ min. 15C; shrub-like ‘Tiger Paws’ (H1) ~ min. 15C; rhizomatous For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS BELLIS (ASTERACEAE) BERGENIA (SAXIFRAGACEAE) 02 P 97 H perennis Tasso Series, mixed (H4) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 BELOPERONE (ACANTHACEAE) guttata ~ see Justicia brandegeeana 93 H 93 H BERBERIS (BERBERIDACEAE) aquifolium ‘Fascicularis’ ~ see Mahonia × wagneri ‘Pinnacle’ 93 T darwinii (H4) 93 T dictyophylla (H4) 93 T × frikartii ‘Amstelveen’ (H4) 02 T ‘Georgei’ (H4) 02 T julianae (H4) ‘Little Favourite’ ~ see Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea ‘Atropurpurea Nana’ 93 T × lologensis ‘Apricot Queen’ (H4) 93 T × media ‘Red Jewel’ (H4) 93 T × ottawensis f. purpurea ‘Superba’ (H4) 93 T × stenophylla Lindl. (H4) 93 T† — ‘Corallina Compacta’ (H4) 02 T temolaica (H4) 93 T thunbergii (H4) 93 T — f. atropurpurea ‘Atropurpurea Nana’ (H4) 93 T — — ‘Bagatelle’ (H4) 02 T — — ‘Golden Ring’ (H4) 93 T — — ‘Red Chief’ (H4) 93 T — — ‘Rose Glow’ (v) (H4) — ‘Atropurpurea Superba’ ~ see Berberis × ottawensis f. purpurea ‘Superba’ — ‘Crimson Pygmy’ ~ see Berberis thunbergii f. atropurpurea ‘Atropurpurea Nana’ 93 T verruculosa (H4) 93 H 93 H 98 H 93 H 93 H ‘Ballawley’ clonal (H4) ~ previously listed under B. purpurascens beesiana ~ see Bergenia purpurascens ‘Bressingham White’ (H4) cordifolia ‘Purpurea’ (H4) crassifolia ‘Orbicularis’ ~ see Bergenia × schmidtii ‘Delbees’ ~ see Bergenia ‘Ballawley’ clonal ‘Morgenröte’ (H4) Morning Red ~ see Bergenia ‘Morgenröte’ purpurascens (H4) — var. delavayi (H4) × schmidtii (H4) ‘Silberlicht’ (H4) Silverlight ~ see Bergenia ‘Silberlicht’ BESCHORNERIA (AGAVACEAE) 93 H yuccoides (H3) BETULA (BETULACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T alba L. ~ see Betula pendula albosinensis Burkill (H4) — var. septentrionalis (H4) costata misapplied ~ see Betula ermanii ‘Grayswood Hill’ ermanii ‘Grayswood Hill’ (H4) nigra Heritage ‘Cully’ (H4) pendula (H4) — f. crispa ~ see Betula pendula ‘Laciniata’ — ‘Dalecarlica’ misapplied ~ see Betula pendula ‘Laciniata’ — ‘Laciniata’ (H4) — ‘Tristis’ (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 25 AGM PLANTS 2007 26 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T utilis var. jacquemontii ‘Doorenbos’ (H4) ~ this plant may be available in the trade as Betula utilis var. jacquemontii — — ‘Grayswood Ghost’ (H4) — — ‘Jermyns’ (H4) — — ‘Silver Shadow’ (H4) ~ this plant may be available in the trade as Betula utilis var. jacquemontii verrucosa ~ see Betula pendula 93 F tabulare (Thunb.) Kuhn (H1) ~ rare in cultivation; most ferns grown under this name are B. chilense BOCCONIA (PAPAVERACEAE) cordata ~ see Macleaya cordata (Willd.) R. Br. BOMAREA (ALSTROEMERIACEAE) 93 Cl caldasii (H1) ~ min. 2C BOUGAINVILLEA (NYCTAGINACEAE) BIDENS (ASTERACEAE) 93 H ferulifolia (H1+3) ~ min. 2C BILLARDIERA (PITTOSPORACEAE) 94 H longiflora (H3) BILLBERGIA (BROMELIACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H × gireaudiana (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Muriel Waterman’ (H1) ~ min. 10C pyramidalis (H1) ~ min. 10C vittata (H1) ~ min. 10C × windii (H1) ~ min. 10C BLECHNUM (BLECHNACEAE) 02 F brasiliense (H1) ~ min. 15C 97 F chilense (H3) ~ often found under the name B. tabulare magellanicum misapplied ~ see Blechnum chilense 97 F† penna-marina (H4) 93 F spicant (H4) tabulare misapplied ~ see Blechnum chilense 93 Cl × buttiana ‘Killie Campbell’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 06 Cl — ‘Miss Manila’ (H1) 93 Cl — ‘Mrs Butt’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 Cl — ‘Poulton’s Special’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Crimson Lake’ misapplied ~ see Bougainvillea × buttiana ‘Mrs Butt’ ‘Enchantment’ ~ see Bougainvillea (Spectoperuviana Group) ‘Mary Palmer’s Enchantment’ 93 Cl glabra (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Hawaiian Scarlet’ ~ see Bougainvillea ‘San Diego Red’ ‘Mary Palmer’s Enchantment’ ~ see Bougainvillea (Spectoperuviana Group) ‘Mary Palmer’s Enchantment’ ‘Mrs Butt’ ~ see Bougainvillea × buttiana ‘Mrs Butt’ ‘Penelope’ ~ see Bougainvillea (Spectoperuviana Group) ‘Mary Palmer’s Enchantment’ For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS ‘Poultonii Special’ ~ see Bougainvillea × buttiana ‘Poulton’s Special’ 06 Cl ‘San Diego Red’ (H1) Scarlett O’Hara ~ see Bougainvillea ‘San Diego Red’ 93 Cl spectabilis ‘Margaret Bacon’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 06 Cl (Spectoperuviana Group) ‘Mary Palmer’s Enchantment’ (H1) ‘Tango’ ~ see Bougainvillea × buttiana ‘Miss Manila’ BRACHYGLOTTIS (ASTERACEAE) 93 T 93 T (Dunedin Group) ‘Sunshine’ (H4) greyi misapplied ~ see Brachyglottis (Dunedin Group) ‘Sunshine’ laxifolia misapplied ~ see Brachyglottis (Dunedin Group) ‘Sunshine’ monroi (H4) BRUNNERA (BORAGINACEAE) 93 H 93 H 04 H rosea ‘Minor’ ~ see Amaryllis belladonna BUDDLEJA (BUDDLEJACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T BRIMEURA (HYACINTHACEAE) 02 T BRUGMANSIA (SOLANACEAE) 93 T 93 T arborea ‘Knightii’ (d) (H1) ~ min. 2C; previously listed as Brugmansia × candida ‘Knightii’ × candida ‘Grand Marnier’ (H1) ~ min. 2C — ‘Plena’ ~ see Brugmansia arborea ‘Knightii’ meteloides ~ see Datura inoxia suaveolens (H1) ~ min. 2C BRUNFELSIA (SOLANACEAE) 93 T calycina ~ see Brunfelsia pauciflora pauciflora (H1) ~ min. 10C macrophylla (H4) — ‘Hadspen Cream’ (v) (H4) — ‘Jack Frost’ (PBR) (H4) BRUNSVIGIA (AMARYLLIDACEAE) 03 B† amethystina (H4) 93 T 27 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 T alternifolia (H4) asiatica (H2) davidii ‘Black Knight’ (H4) — ‘Dartmoor’ (H4) — ‘Empire Blue’ (H4) — ‘Nanho Blue’ (H4) ~ previously listed as B. davidii ‘Nanho Petite Indigo’ — ‘Nanho Petite Indigo’ ~ see Buddleja davidii ‘Nanho Blue’ — ‘Nanho Petite Plum’ ~ see Buddleja davidii ‘Nanho Purple’ — ‘Nanho Petite Purple’ ~ see Buddleja davidii ‘Nanho Purple’ — ‘Nanho Purple’ (H4) ~ previously listed as B. davidii ‘Nanho Petite Purple’ — ‘Petite Indigo’ ~ see Buddleja davidii ‘Nanho Blue’ — ‘Royal Red’ (H4) — ‘White Profusion’ (H4) fallowiana var. alba (H3) globosa (H4) ‘Lochinch’ (H3-4) madagascariensis (H1) ~ min. 2C nicodemia ~ see Buddleja madagascariensis officinalis (H2) ‘Pink Delight’ (H4) × weyeriana ‘Sungold’ (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 28 rugosa ~ see Calceolaria integrifolia BUTOMUS (BUTOMACEAE) 93 H umbellatus (H4) BUXUS (BUXACEAE) CALENDULA (ASTERACEAE) 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 A 93 T 93 T balearica (H4) sempervirens (H4) — ‘Elegantissima’ (v) (H4) — ‘Japonica Aurea’ ~ see Buxus sempervirens ‘Latifolia Maculata’ — ‘Latifolia Maculata’ (v) (H4) — ‘Silver Variegated’ ~ see Buxus sempervirens ‘Elegantissima’ — ‘Suffruticosa’ (H4) CALIBRACHOA (SOLANACEAE) 03 P 03 P 03 P 03 P CALAMAGROSTIS (POACEAE) 06 G officinalis Fiesta Gitana Group (H4) Carillon Carmine Red ‘Sk9151’ (H3) Million Bells Trailing Fuchsia ‘Sunbelrkup’ (Million Bells Series) (H3) Million Bells Trailing Pink ‘Sunbelkupi’ (Million Bells Series) (H3) Superbells Pink ‘Uscali11’ (Superbells Series) (H3) brachytricha (H4) CALLA (ARACEAE) aethiopica ~ see Zantedeschia aethiopica CALATHEA (MARANTACEAE) 02 H 93 H 02 H 93 H 02 H 02 H 02 H 02 H 93 H crocata (H1) ~ min. 15C lancifolia (H1) ~ min. 15C majestica (H1) ~ min. 15C makoyana (H1) ~ min. 15C mediopicta (H1) ~ min. 15C ornata ~ see Calathea majestica picturata (H1) ~ min. 15C — ‘Argentea’ (H1) ~ min. 15C roseopicta (H1) ~ min. 15C zebrina (H1) ~ min. 15C CALLICARPA (VERBENACEAE) 93 T bodinieri var. giraldii ‘Profusion’ (H4) CALLISIA (COMMELINACEAE) 93 H elegans (H1) ~ min. 10C CALLISTEMON (MYRTACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T citrinus ‘Splendens’ (H3) linearis (H3) salignus (H3) CALLISTEPHUS (ASTERACEAE) 02 A chinensis Milady Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 CALLUNA (ERICACEAE) CALCEOLARIA (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 93 T 93 P integrifolia (H3) — ‘Sunshine’ (H2-3) ~ also suitable for summer display vulgaris ‘Alba Elongata’ ~ see Calluna vulgaris ‘Mair’s Variety’ For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 02 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T — ‘Alexandra’ (PBR) (H4) — ‘Alicia’ (PBR) (Garden Girls Series) (H4) — ‘Allegro’ (H4) — ‘Anette’ (PBR) (Garden Girls Series) (H4) — ‘Annemarie’ (d) (H4) — ‘Anthony Davis’ (H4) — ‘Beoley Gold’ (H4) — ‘County Wicklow’ (d) (H4) — ‘Dark Beauty’ (PBR) (d) (H4) — ‘Dark Star’ (d) (H4) — ‘Darkness’ (H4) — ‘Elsie Purnell’ (d) (H4) — ‘Firefly’ (H4) — ‘Gold Haze’ (H4) — ‘J.H. Hamilton’ (d) (H4) — ‘Joy Vanstone’ (H4) — ‘Kerstin’ (H4) — ‘Kinlochruel’ (d) (H4) — ‘Mair’s Variety’ (H4) — ‘Mullion’ (H4) — ‘My Dream’ (d) (H4) — ‘Peter Sparkes’ (d) (H4) — ‘Radnor’ (d) (H4) — ‘Robert Chapman’ (H4) — ‘Roland Haagen’ (H4) — ‘Serlei Aurea’ (H4) — ‘Silver Queen’ (H4) — ‘Silver Rose’ (H4) — ‘Sir John Charrington’ (H4) — ‘Sister Anne’ (H4) — ‘Snowball’ ~ see Calluna vulgaris ‘My Dream’ — ‘Spring Cream’ (H4) — ‘Sunset’ (H4) — ‘Tib’ (d) (H4) — ‘Velvet Fascination’ (H4) — ‘White Lawn’ (H4) — ‘Wickwar Flame’ (H4) CALOCEDRUS (CUPRESSACEAE) 93 C decurrens (H4) 29 CALTHA (RANUNCULACEAE) 93 H 93 H palustris (H4) ~ needs boggy soil — ‘Flore Pleno’ (d) (H4) ~ needs boggy soil CAMASSIA (HYACINTHACEAE) 93 B leichtlinii ‘Alba’ hort. ~ see Camassia leichtlinii subsp. leichtlinii — subsp. leichtlinii (H4) CAMELLIA (THEACEAE) 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 96 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T ‘Black Lace’ (reticulata × williamsii) (H4) ‘Contessa Lavinia Maggi’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘Lavinia Maggi’ ‘Cornish Snow’ (cuspidata × saluenensis) (H4) ‘Cornish Spring’ (japonica × cuspidata) (H4) ‘Doctor Clifford Parks’ (reticulata × japonica) (H2) ‘Donckelaeri’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘Masayoshi’ ‘Francie L’ (saluenensis × reticulata) (H3-4) ‘Freedom Bell’ (hybrid) (H4) hiemalis ‘Sparkling Burgundy’ (H3) ‘Inspiration’ (reticulata × saluenensis) (H4) japonica ‘Adelina Patti’ (H4) — ‘Adolphe Audusson’ (H4) — ‘Akashigata’ (H4) — ‘Alba Plena’ (H4) — ‘Alexander Hunter’ (H4) — ‘Annie Wylam’ (H4) — ‘Apple Blossom’ (H4) — ‘Australis’ (H4) — ‘Ave Maria’ (H4) — ‘Ballet Dancer’ (H4) — ‘Berenice Boddy’ (H4) — ‘Bob Hope’ (H4) — ‘Bob’s Tinsie’ (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 30 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 07 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 93 T AGM PLANTS 2007 — ‘Bokuhan’ (H4) — ‘Brushfield’s Yellow’ (H4) — ‘C.M. Hovey’ (H4) — ‘Carter’s Sunburst’ (H4) — ‘Chandleri Elegans’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘Elegans’ — ‘Colonel Firey’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘C.M. Hovey’ — ‘Commander Mulroy’ (H4) — ‘Coquettii’ (H4) — ‘Deep Secret’ (H4) — ‘Desire’ (H4) — ‘Doctor Tinsley’ (H4) — ‘Donckelaeri’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘Masayoshi’ — ‘Drama Girl’ (H2) — ‘Elegans’ (H4) — ‘Fire Falls’ (H4) — ‘Glen 40’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘Coquettii’ — ‘Gloire de Nantes’ (H4) — ‘Grand Prix’ (H4) — ‘Grand Slam’ (H2) — ‘Guilio Nuccio’ (H4) — ‘Hagoromo’ (H4) — ‘Hakurakuten’ (H4) — ‘Joseph Pfingstl’ (H4) — ‘Joy Sander’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘Apple Blossom’ — ‘Jupiter’ Paul, 1904 (H4) — ‘Konronkoku’ (H4) — ‘Kouron-jura’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘Konronkoku’ — ‘Lady Clare’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘Akashigata’ — ‘Lavinia Maggi’ (H4) — ‘Lily Pons’ (H4) — ‘Lovelight’ (H4) — ‘Magnoliiflora’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘Hagoromo’ — ‘Margaret Davis Picotee’ (H4) — ‘Mars’ (H4) 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 02 T — ‘Masayoshi’ (H4) — ‘Mathotiana Alba’ (H4) — ‘Mathotiana Rosea’ (H4) — ‘Mercury’ (H4) — ‘Nigra’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘Konronkoku’ — ‘Nuccio’s Gem’ (H4) — ‘Nuccio’s Jewel’ (H4) — ‘R.L. Wheeler’ (H4) — ‘Rubescens Major’ (H4) — ‘San Dimas’ (H4) — ‘Scentsation’ (H4) — ‘Souvenir de BahuaudLitou’ (H4) — ‘Sylva’ (H4) — ‘Tom Thumb’ (H4) — ‘Tricolor’ (H4) — ‘Wilamina’ (H4) — ‘Wisley White’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘Hakurakuten’ ‘Jury’s Yellow’ ~ see Camellia × williamsii ‘Jury’s Yellow’ ‘Leonard Messel’ (reticulata × williamsii) (H4) ‘Pink Spangles’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘Mathotiana Rosea’ ‘Royalty’ (japonica × reticulata) (H3) sasanqua ‘Crimson King’ (H3) — ‘Hugh Evans’ (H3) — ‘Jean May’ (H3) — ‘Sparkling Burgundy’ ~ see Camellia hiemalis ‘Sparkling Burgundy’ ‘Spring Festival’ (cuspidata hybrid) (H4) ‘Tinsie’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘Bokuhan’ ‘Tom Knudsen’ (reticulata × japonica) (H3) ‘Tricolor Sieboldii’ ~ see Camellia japonica ‘Tricolor’ For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 99 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 06 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 06 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T ‘Tristrem Carlyon’ (reticulata hybrid) (H4) × williamsii ‘Anticipation’ (H4) — ‘Bowen Bryant’ (H4) — ‘Brigadoon’ (H4) — ‘China Clay’ (H4) — ‘Clarrie Fawcett’ (H4) — ‘Daintiness’ (H4) — ‘Debbie’ (H4) — ‘Donation’ (H4) — ‘E.T.R. Carlyon’ (H4) — ‘Elegant Beauty’ (H4) — ‘Elizabeth Anderson’ (H4) — ‘Elsie Jury’ (H3) — ‘Galaxie’ (H4) — ‘George Blandford’ (H4) — ‘Glenn’s Orbit’ (H4) — ‘J.C. Williams’ (H4) — ‘Joan Trehane’ (H4) — ‘Julia Hamiter’ (H4) — ‘Jury’s Yellow’ (H4) — ‘Les Jury’ (H4) — ‘Mary Christian’ (H4) — ‘Mary Phoebe Taylor’ (H4) — ‘Muskoka’ (H4) — ‘Saint Ewe’ (H4) — ‘Senorita’ (H4) — ‘Water Lily’ (H4) — ‘Wilber Foss’ (H4) 93 H 93 H† 02 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 02 H 93 H 93 H† 94 H† 93 H† CAMPANULA (CAMPANULACEAE) 93 H† 93 H† 93 H 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† betulifolia (H4) ‘Birch Hybrid’ (H4) ‘Burghaltii’ (H4) carpatica (H4) chamissonis ‘Superba’ (H4) cochlearifolia (H4) finitima ~ see Campanula betulifolia 93 H† formanekiana (H2-3) 93 H† garganica (H4) 93 H† — ‘W.H. Paine’ (H4) 93 H glomerata ‘Superba’ (H4) 93 H isophylla (H2) 93 H — ‘Alba’ (H2) 93 H† 97 H† 31 — ‘Mayi’ (H2) ‘Joe Elliott’ (H2-3) ‘Kent Belle’ (H4) lactiflora ‘Alba’ (H4) ~ AGM applies to a selected pure white clone — ‘Loddon Anna’ (H4) — ‘Prichard’s Variety’ (H4) — ‘Superba’ (H4) latiloba ‘Alba’ (H4) — ‘Hidcote Amethyst’ (H4) — ‘Highcliffe Variety’ (H4) — ‘Percy Piper’ (H4) muralis ~ see Campanula portenschlagiana persicifolia ‘Chettle Charm’ (PBR) (H4) — ‘Fleur de Neige’ (d) (H4) — ‘George Chiswell’ ~ see Campanula persicifolia ‘Chettle Charm’ — subsp. sessiliflora ‘Alba’ ~ see Campanula latiloba ‘Alba’ pilosa ‘Superba’ ~ see Campanula chamissonis ‘Superba’ portenschlagiana (H4) poscharskyana ‘Stella’ (H4) × pulloides hort. ‘G.F. Wilson’ (H4) ~ previously listed as C. ‘G.F. Wilson’ pusilla ~ see Campanula cochlearifolia raineri (H4) tommasiniana (H4) CAMPSIS (BIGNONIACEAE) 93 Cl radicans f. flava (H4) — ‘Yellow Trumpet’ ~ see Campsis radicans f. flava 93 Cl × tagliabuana ‘Madame Galen’ (H4) CANARINA (CAMPANULACEAE) 93 T canariensis (H1) ~ min. 2C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 32 CANNA (CANNACEAE) CARDAMINE (BRASSICACEAE) 02 H 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 00 H† pentaphylla (H4) 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B ‘Alaska’ (H3) ‘Amundsen’ (H3) ‘Annaeei’ (H3) ‘Aphrodite’ van Klaveren (H3) ‘Delaware’ (H3) ‘Durban’ Hiley, orange-flowered ~ see Canna ‘Phasion’ × ehemanii (H3) ‘Erebus’ (H3) ‘General Eisenhower’ (H3) indica ‘Russian Red’ (H3) ‘Ingeborg’ (H3) iridiflora misapplied ~ see Canna × ehemanii ‘Lenape’ (H3) ‘Liberté’ ~ see Canna ‘Wyoming’ ‘Louis Cayeux’ (H3) ‘Malawiensis Variegata’ ~ see Canna ‘Striata’ ‘Musifolia’ (H3) ‘Mystique’ (H3) ‘Phasion’ (v) (H3) ~ previously listed as C. Tropicanna ‘Picasso’ (H3) ‘Pretoria’ ~ see Canna ‘Striata’ ‘Professor Lorentz’ ~ see Canna ‘Wyoming’ ‘Ra’ (H3) ‘Roi Soleil’ (H3) ‘Schwäbische Heimat’ (H3) ‘Shenandoah’ (H3) ‘Striata’ (v) (H3) Tropicanna ~ see Canna ‘Phasion’ ‘Verdi’ (H3) ‘Whithelm Pride’ (H3) ‘Wyoming’ (H3) CANTUA (POLEMONIACEAE) 04 T CAREX (CYPERACEAE) 02 H 93 H 98 H 93 H buchananii (H4) elata ‘Aurea’ (v) (H4) — ‘Bowles’ Golden’ ~ see Carex elata ‘Aurea’ — ‘Knightshayes’ (H4) ‘Evergold’ ~ see Carex oshimensis ‘Evergold’ oshimensis ‘Evergold’ (v) (H4) riparia ‘Bowles’ Golden’ ~ see Carex elata ‘Aurea’ stricta ‘Bowles’ Golden’ ~ see Carex elata ‘Aurea’ CARPANTHEA (AIZOACEAE) 02 CS pomeridiana (H3) ~ annual; min. 2C CARPENTERIA (HYDRANGEACEAE) 93 T californica (H3) CARPINUS (CORYLACEAE) 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T betulus (H4) — ‘Fastigiata’ (H4) — ‘Pyramidalis’ ~ see Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’ japonica (H4) turczaninowii (H4) CARRUANTHUS (AIZOACEAE) 02 CS caninus (H1) ~ min. 2C CARYOPTERIS (VERBENACEAE) 02 T 02 T 02 T × clandonensis ‘Arthur Simmonds’ (H4) ~ often sold as ‘Heavenly Blue’ — ‘First Choice’ (H3-4) — ‘Worcester Gold’ (H3-4) buxifolia (H2-3) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS CARYOTA (ARECACEAE) 02 T mitis (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T CASSIOPE (ERICACEAE) 93 T† 93 T† 93 T† 93 T† ‘Edinburgh’ (H4) lycopodioides (H4) ‘Muirhead’ (H4) ‘Randle Cooke’ (H4) 93 T 93 T 02 T 33 — ‘Topaze’ (H4) ‘Edinburgh’ (H3) ‘Italian Skies’ (H3) ‘Puget Blue’ (H4) repens ~ see Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. repens ‘Southmead’ (H3) thyrsiflorus var. repens (H3) — ‘Skylark’ (H3) CASTANEA (FAGACEAE) 93 T 02 T sativa (H4) — ‘Albomarginata’ (v) (H4) — ‘Argenteovariegata’ ~ see Castanea sativa ‘Albomarginata’ CATALPA (BIGNONIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T bignonioides (H4) — ‘Aurea’ (H4) — ‘Purpurea’ ~ see Catalpa × erubescens ‘Purpurea’ × erubescens ‘Purpurea’ (H4) CEDRUS (PINACEAE) 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C atlantica Glauca Group (H4) ~ previously listed as C. libani subsp. atlantica Glauca Group deodara (H4) — ‘Aurea’ (H4) libani (H4) ~ previously listed as C. libani subsp. libani CELASTRUS (CELASTRACEAE) 93 Cl orbiculatus Hermaphrodite Group (H4) CATANANCHE (ASTERACEAE) CENTAUREA (ASTERACEAE) 93 H 93 P caerulea ‘Major’ (H4) cineraria subsp. cineraria (H3) CATHARANTHUS (APOCYNACEAE) CERATOSTIGMA (PLUMBAGINACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 T 93 H roseus (H1) ~ min. 10C — (Albus Group) ‘Albus’ (H1) ~ min. 10C CEANOTHUS (RHAMNACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T arboreus ‘Trewithen Blue’ (H3) ‘Autumnal Blue’ (H3) ‘Blue Mound’ (H3) ‘Burkwoodii’ (H3) ‘Cascade’ (H3) ‘Concha’ (H3) ‘Dark Star’ (H3) × delileanus ‘Gloire de Versailles’ (H4) plumbaginoides (H3-4) willmottianum (H3-4) CERCIDIPHYLLUM (CERCIDIPHYLLACEAE) 93 T 02 T japonicum (H4) — f. pendulum (H4) magnificum f. pendulum ~ see Cercidiphyllum japonicum f. pendulum CERCIS (CAESALPINIACEAE) 93 T 93 T canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ (H4) siliquastrum (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 34 CEROPEGIA (ASCLEPIADACEAE) 93 CS linearis subsp. woodii (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 CS sandersonii (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS stapeliiformis (H1) ~ min. 2C woodii ~ see Ceropegia linearis subsp. woodii CESTRUM (SOLANACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 C hort. 02 C 93 C 93 C* 93 C* 93 C* ‘Newellii’ (H2) parqui (H3) CHAENOMELES (ROSACEAE) 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T speciosa ‘Apple Blossom’ ~ see Chaenomeles speciosa ‘Moerloosei’ — ‘Geisha Girl’ (H4) — ‘Moerloosei’ (H4) × superba ‘Crimson and Gold’ (H4) — ‘Knap Hill Scarlet’ (H4) — ‘Nicoline’ (H4) — ‘Pink Lady’ (H4) — ‘Rowallane’ (H4) 93 C 93 C 93 C* 93 C 93 C CHAMAECYPARIS (CUPRESSACEAE) 93 C* 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C* 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C lawsoniana ‘Aurea Densa’ (H4) — ‘Chilworth Silver’ (H4) — ‘Ellwoodii’ (H4) — ‘Ellwood’s Gold’ (H4) — ‘Fletcheri’ (H4) — ‘Gimbornii’ (H4) — ‘Grayswood Pillar’ (H4) — ‘Green Hedger’ (H4) — ‘Intertexta’ (H4) — ‘Jackman’s Green Hedger’ ~ see Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Green Hedger’ — ‘Kilmacurragh’ (H4) — ‘Lane’ misapplied ~ see Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Lanei Aurea’ — ‘Lanei’ misapplied ~ see Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Lanei Aurea’ — ‘Lanei Aurea’ (H4) ~ awarded as C. lawsoniana ‘Lane’ 93 C 93 C 93 C* 93 C* 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C* 93 C — ‘Little Spire’ (H4) — ‘Lutea’ (H4) — ‘Lutea Nana’ (H4) — ‘Minima Aurea’ (H4) — ‘Minima Glauca’ (H4) — ‘Nana Lutea’ ~ see Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Lutea Nana’ — ‘Nyewoods’ ~ see Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Chilworth Silver’ — ‘Pelt’s Blue’ (H4) — ‘Pembury Blue’ (H4) — ‘Pygmaea Argentea’ (v) (H4) — ‘Stardust’ (H4) — ‘Van Pelt’ ~ see Chamaecyparis lawsoniana ‘Pelt’s Blue’ — ‘Wisselii’ (H4) leylandii ~ see × Cupressocyparis leylandii nootkatensis ‘Pendula’ (H4) obtusa ‘Crippsii’ (H4) — ‘Crippsii Aurea’ ~ see Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Crippsii’ — ‘Nana’ (H4) — ‘Nana Aurea’ (H4) — ‘Nana Gracilis’ (H4) pisifera ‘Boulevard’ (H4) — ‘Filifera Aurea’ (H4) — ‘Filifera Nana Aurea’ ~ see Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Golden Mop’ — ‘Golden Mop’ (H4) thyoides ‘Ericoides’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 35 CHAMAECYTISUS (PAPILIONACEAE) CHIONODOXA (HYACINTHACEAE) 93 T forbesii Siehei Group ~ see Chionodoxa siehei 93 B† luciliae Boiss. (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2003 93 B† sardensis (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2003 93 B† siehei (H4) ~ previously listed as C. forbesii Siehei Group; reconfirmed after trial 2003 purpureus ‘Atropurpureus’ (H4) — ‘Incarnatus’ ~ see Chamaecytisus purpureus ‘Atropurpureus’ CHAMAEDOREA (ARECACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T elegans (H1) ~ min. 10C erumpens ~ see Chamaedorea seifrizii metallica O.F. Cook ex H.E. Moore (H1) ~ min. 10C seifrizii (H1) ~ min. 10C; many plants sold under this name are C. microspadix. Awarded as C. erumpens × CHIONOSCILLA (HYACINTHACEAE) 03 B† allenii ‘Frà Angelico’ (H4) CHIRITA (GESNERIACEAE) 02 A 93 H lavandulacea (H1) ~ min. 10C; annual sinensis (H1) ~ min. 10C CHAMAEROPS (ARECACEAE) 93 T excelsa misapplied ~ see Trachycarpus fortunei excelsa Thunb. ~ see Rhapis excelsa humilis (H3) CHLOROPHYTUM (ANTHERICACEAE) 93 H 93 H comosum ‘Variegatum’ (v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C — ‘Vittatum’ (v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C CHEIRIDOPSIS (AIZOACEAE) CHOISYA (RUTACEAE) 02 CS denticulata (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS peculiaris (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 T 93 T 93 T ‘Aztec Pearl’ (H4) ternata (H4) — Moonsleeper — Sundance ‘Lich’ (H3) CHIASTOPHYLLUM (CRASSULACEAE) CHORIZEMA (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 H† oppositifolium (H4) simplicifolium ~ see Chiastophyllum oppositifolium 93 T cordatum (H1) ~ min. 2C CHRYSALIDOCARPUS (ARECACEAE) CHIMONANTHUS (CALYCANTHACEAE) 93 T 93 T praecox ‘Grandiflorus’ (H4) — ‘Luteus’ (H4) ~ previously listed as C. praecox var. luteus 93 T lutescens (H1) ~ min. 10C; previously listed as Dypsis lutescens For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 36 AGM PLANTS 2007 CHRYSANTHEMOPSIS (ASTERACEAE) hosmariense ~ see Rhodanthemum hosmariense CHRYSANTHEMUM (ASTERACEAE) Disbudded All buds except the top one are removed to leave a single flower (for cut flower and garden display). Spray Top bud removed, remainder allowed to develop to produce many flowers (for cut flower and garden display). Cushion Compact, floriferous, cushion-shaped (for front of border and pot display). 06 H 04 H 93 H 97 H 95 H 97 H 93 H 03 H 94 H 94 H 94 H 94 H 94 H ‘Action’ (22c) (H3) ~ cushion ‘Action Yellow’ (22) (H3) ‘Allouise’ (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Amber Enbee Wedding’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Amber Yvonne Arnaud’ (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Angora’ (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open; reconfirmed after trial 2003 ‘Anna Marie’ (19c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Annie Lea’ (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Apricot Enbee Wedding’ ~ see Chrysanthemum ‘Bronze Enbee Wedding’ ‘Apricot Margaret’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Apricot Shoesmith Salmon’ (4a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Bagley Rose’ (15b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Bagley Tang’ (15b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Beacon’ (5a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass 93 H 05 H 05 H 05 H 05 H 05 H 95 H 00 H 03 H 94 H 93 H 95 H 93 H 01 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 99 H 93 H 98 H 01 H 01 H 93 H ‘Blush Shoesmith Salmon’ (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Boulevard Yellow’ (22) (H3) ~ cushion ‘Boulou Bronze’ (H2) ~ disbudded ‘Boulou Rose’ (H2) ~ disbudded ‘Boulou White’ (H2) ~ disbudded ‘Boulou Yellow’ (H2) ~ disbudded Bravo ‘Yobra’ (22c) (H3) ~ cushion ‘Brietner’ (24b) (H3) ‘Bronze Boulevard’ (H3) ~ cushion ‘Bronze Cassandra’ (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Bronze Enbee Wedding’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Bronze Fairie’ (21b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Bronze Margaret’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Bronze Max Riley’ (23b) (H3) ‘Bronze Mayford Perfection’ (5a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Bronze Nurosemary’ (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Bronze Pennine Wine’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Bronze Talbot Parade’ (29c) (H3) ‘Cameo’ (28a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Candlewick Limelight’ (29d) (H3) ‘Cassandra’ (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded; late-flowering ‘Cerise Mundial’ (H2) ~ spray; late-flowering ‘Cerise Shoesmith Salmon’ (4a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 96 H 93 H 05 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 05 H 03 H 94 H 94 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 98 H 96 H 94 H 93 H ‘Cherry Nathalie’ (19c) (H3) ~ spray, grown in the open without overhead protection at flowering time ‘Chestnut Talbot Parade’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Claudia’ (24c) (H3) ~ as a spray ‘Cream Margaret’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Creamist’ (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Crimson Shoesmith Salmon’ (4b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Crimson Yvonne Arnaud’ (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open Dana ‘Yodana’ (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Daphne Davis’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray ‘Dark Pink Gin’ (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Dark Red Mayford Perfection’ (4b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Deane Dainty’ (9f) (H2) ~ spray, under glass Debonair ‘Yodebo’ (22c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Dee Gem’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Denise’ (28b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Dowches Patricia’ (29d) (H3) ‘Eastleigh’ (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded; grown in the open without overhead protection at flowering time Emily ‘Yoemily’ (22) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Enbee Wedding’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 04 H 04 H 04 H 95 H 94 H 03 H 03 H 93 H 05 H 04 H 93 H 94 H 94 H 93 H 01 H 94 H 93 H 93 H 04 H 93 H 96 H 93 H 37 ‘Endurance’ (22) (H3) Ernst ‘Yoernst’ (H3) ‘Evening Glow’ (10b) (H2) ~ disbudded ‘Fairie’ (28a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Fiji’ (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Filmstar’ (H3) ~ cushion ‘Firecracker’ (PBR) (22) (H3) ~ cushion ‘Fleet Margaret’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Foxtrot’ (PBR) (H3) ~ cushion ‘Gala’ (PBR) (22) (H3) ‘Galaxy’ (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘George Griffiths’ (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Gold Enbee Wedding’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Gold Margaret’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open; previously listed as C. ‘Golden Margaret’ ‘Gold Mundial’ (H2) ~ spray; late-flowering ‘Golden Cassandra’ (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Golden Creamist’ (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Golden Mayford Perfection’ (5a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Golden Rain’ (10a) (H2) ~ disbudded ‘Golden Shoesmith Salmon’ (4a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Golden Snowdon’ (3b) (H2) ~ late-flowering Goldmine ‘Yogol’ (22c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 38 94 H 93 H 93 H 04 H 93 H 04 H 04 H 06 H 04 H 02 H 93 H 03 H 06 H 01 H 93 H 03 H 99 H 93 H 95 H 98 H 04 H 93 H 04 H AGM PLANTS 2007 ‘Goodlife Sombrero’ (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open Grenadine ‘Yogrena’ (22c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Heide’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Holbein’ (PBR) (22) (H3) Holly ‘Yoholly’ (22b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Horace Hockedy’ (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded hosmariense ~ see Rhodanthemum hosmariense ‘Janet Elizabeth’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray ‘Joshua Hunter’ (H3) ~ as a spray ‘Karen Taylor’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray ‘Lautrec’ (PBR) (H3) ‘Lemon Margaret’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Lilian Shoesmith’ (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass Linda ‘Lindayo’ (22c) (H3) ~ cushion Lisa ‘Yolisa’ (22c) (H3) ‘Long Island Beauty’ (6b) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Lucy’ (29a) (H3) ~ spray Lynn ‘Yolynn’ (22c) (H3) ‘Madeleine’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Mancetta Bride’ (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Mancetta Jupiter’ (29a) (H3) ‘Mancetta Pippin’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray maresii ~ see Rhodanthemum hosmariense ‘Margaret’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Mary Sweeney’ (29c) (H3) 05 H 04 H 95 H 93 H 96 H 93 H 03 H 93 H 03 H 93 H 97 H 96 H 94 H 99 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 05 H 93 H 05 H 93 H ‘Matinee’ (H3) ~ cushion ‘Matisse’ (PBR) (H3) ‘Mavis’ (21) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Max Riley’ (23b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘May Shoesmith’ (5a) (H2) ~ late-flowering ‘Mayford Perfection’ (5a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Mermaid Yellow’ (H3) ~ cushion Mirage ‘Yomira’ (22b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Moulin Rouge’ (PBR) (22b) (H3) ~ cushion ‘Myss Angie’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Myss Madi’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Nantyderry Sunshine’ (28b) (H4) ‘Nathalie’ (19c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open Nicole ‘Yonicole’ (22c) (H3) ‘Nora Brook’ (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Nuflair’ (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Nurosemary’ (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Orange Shoesmith Salmon’ (4b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Orno’ (29b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pat Machin’ (H2) ‘Payton Dale’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Payton Linda’ (H3) ~ as a spray ‘Payton Prince’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 H 93 H 94 H 00 H 96 H 93 H 93 H 94 H 93 H 93 H 94 H 98 H 94 H 93 H 93 H 96 H 94 H 93 H 94 H 97 H 93 H ‘Peach Allouise’ (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Peach Enbee Wedding’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Peach Fiji’ (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Peak Glow’ (H3) ‘Pennine Alfie’ (29f) (H3) ~ spray, grown in the open without overhead protection at flowering time ‘Pennine Calypso’ (29b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Canary’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Club’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Flute’ (29f) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Gambol’ (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Ginger’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Glory’ (29c) (H3) ‘Pennine Goal’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Jade’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Jude’ (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Lace’ (29f) (H3) ~ spray, grown in the open without overhead protection at flowering time ‘Pennine Lotus’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Magic’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Magnet’ (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Marie’ (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Oriel’ (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 93 H 99 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 96 H 94 H 94 H 94 H 93 H 93 H 04 H 98 H 03 H 93 H 97 H 00 H 93 H 39 ‘Pennine Phyllis’ (29b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Polo’ (29d) (H3) ‘Pennine Signal’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Silver’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Soldier’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Sweetheart’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Tango’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Twinkle’ (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pennine Whistle’ (29f) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pink Deane Joy’ (9a) (H2) ~ late-flowering ‘Pink Frill’ (9f) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Pink Gin’ (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Pink Julie Ann’ (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Pink Margaret’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Pink Nurosemary’ (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Pink Splendour’ (10a) (H2) ~ disbudded ‘Pinocchio’ (29c) (H3) ‘Pitstop’ (PBR) (22) (H3) ~ cushion ‘Poppet’ (28a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Primrose Allouise’ (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Primrose Enbee Wedding’ (29d) (H3) ‘Primrose Mayford Perfection’ (5a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 40 01 H 93 H 93 H 02 H 94 H 93 H 96 H 93 H 93 H 04 H 94 H 98 H 05 H 94 H 03 H 96 H 93 H 03 H 93 H 94 H 94 H AGM PLANTS 2007 ‘Princess Anne’ (4b) (H2) ~ disbudded; late-flowering ptarmiciflorum ~ see Tanacetum ptarmiciflorum ‘Purple Pennine Wine’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Purple Shoesmith Salmon’ (4a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Purple Talbot Parade’ (H3) ‘Red Bagley Tang’ (15b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Red Medallion’ (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Red Resilient’ (4b) (H2) ~ late-flowering ‘Red Wendy’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Regalia’ (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Rembrandt’ (PBR) (H3) ‘Resilient’ (4b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Rio Yellow’ (PBR) (H3) ~ awarded as ‘Yellow Rio’ ‘Rita McMahon’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray ‘Robeam’ (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Romark’ (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Ropure’ (9c) (H2) ~ late-flowering ‘Rose Mayford Perfection’ (5a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass Rose Pink Debonair ‘Rosepink Yodebo’ (22c) (H3) ~ cushion ‘Rosedew’ (25a) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Roy Coopland’ (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Royal Fiji’ (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass 96 H 98 H 05 H 03 H 93 H 94 H 93 H 94 H 94 H 96 H 93 H 94 H 93 H 93 H 94 H 05 H 05 H 03 H 93 H 94 H 93 H ‘Royal Knight’ (22c) (H3) ~ spray, grown in the open without overhead protection at flowering time ‘Ruby Enbee Wedding’ (29d) (H3) ‘Ruby Mound’ (21c) (H3) ~ as a spray ‘Ryeflare’ (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Rylands Gem’ (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Rynoon’ (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Rystar’ (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Salmon Cassandra’ (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Salmon Enbee Wedding’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Salmon Fairie’ (28a) (H3) ~ spray, grown in the open without overhead protection at flowering time ‘Salmon Nurosemary’ (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Salmon Pennine Rose’ (29b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Salmon Pennine Wine’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Salmon Talbot Parade’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Satin Pink Gin’ (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Sea Urchin’ (21f) (H3) ~ as a spray ‘Sheena’ (PBR) (H2) ‘Shepherd’ (H3) ~ cushion ‘Shoesmith Salmon’ (4a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Snowdon’ (5b/9c) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Solley’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 05 H 05 H 93 H 97 H 96 H 01 H 02 H 93 H 01 H 93 H 03 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 02 H 04 H 94 H 02 H 04 H 93 H 94 H 93 H 93 H ‘Southway Sparticus’ (29d) (H3) ~ as a spray ‘Southway Spirit’ (29d) (H3) ~ as a spray ‘Southway Sure’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Southway Swan’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Sputnik’ (9f) (H2) ~ late-flowering ‘Stockton’ (3b) (H2) ~ disbudded; late-flowering Sunny Linda ‘Sunny Lindayo’ (22c) (H3) ‘Superbronze Shoesmith Salmon’ (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Susan’s Bonnet’ (29a) (H3) ‘Swalwell’ (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘Syllabub’ (H3) ~ cushion ‘Talbot Bouquet’ (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Talbot Imp’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Talbot Parade’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Tightrope’ (H3) ‘Tinseltown’ (H3) ‘Tricia’ (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Turner’ (H3) uliginosum ~ see Leucanthemella serotina ‘Upton Rose’ (H3) ~ spray ‘Vibrant’ (9c) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Victor Rowe’ (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Wendy’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Wessex Shell’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open 95 H 93 H 93 H 96 H 94 H 94 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 94 H 93 H 02 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 94 H 94 H 93 H 93 H 93 H ‘Wessex Tang’ (29d) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘White Allouise’ (25b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open ‘White Margaret’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘White Rynoon’ (9d) (H2) ~ late-flowering ‘White Sands’ (9a) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Yellow American Beauty’ (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Yellow Fairie’ (28b) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Yellow Galaxy’ (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Yellow Heide’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Yellow John Hughes’ (3b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Yellow Long Island Beauty’ (6a) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Yellow Mancetta Bride’ (H3) ‘Yellow Margaret’ (29c) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Yellow Mayford Perfection’ (5a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Yellow Nurosemary’ (9d) (H2) ~ spray, under glass ‘Yellow Pennine Oriel’ (29a) (H3) ~ spray, in the open ‘Yellow Resilient’ (5b) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass ‘Yellow Shoesmith Salmon’ (4a) (H2) ~ disbudded, under glass yezoense (H4) ‘Yvonne Arnaud’ (24b) (H3) ~ disbudded, in the open CHRYSOTHEMIS (GESNERIACEAE) 93 H 41 pulchella (H1) ~ min. 10C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 42 CHUSQUEA (POACEAE) 93 Ba culeou (H4) CISSUS (VITACEAE) 93 T 93 Cl antarctica (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 Cl rhombifolia (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 Cl — ‘Ellen Danica’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 T 93 T CISTUS (CISTACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T × aguilarii ‘Maculatus’ (H3) algarvensis ~ see Halimium ocymoides × argenteus ‘Peggy Sammons’ (H3) crispus misapplied ~ see Cistus × purpureus — ‘Sunset’ ~ see Cistus × pulverulentus ‘Sunset’ × cyprius (H4) — var. ellipticus ‘Elma’ (H3) × dansereaui ‘Decumbens’ (H4) ‘Elma’ ~ see Cistus × cyprius var. ellipticus ‘Elma’ ladanifer misapplied ~ see Cistus × cyprius ladanifer L. (H3) lasianthus ~ see Halimium lasianthum laurifolius (H4) × lenis ‘Grayswood Pink’ (H4) ‘Merrist Wood Cream’ ~ see × Halimiocistus wintonensis ‘Merrist Wood Cream’ ocymoides ~ see Halimium ocymoides parviflorus misapplied ~ see Cistus × lenis ‘Grayswood Pink’ ‘Peggy Sammons’ ~ see Cistus × argenteus ‘Peggy Sammons’ 93 T 02 T populifolius var. lasiocalyx ~ see Cistus populifolius subsp. major — subsp. major (H3) ~ awarded as C. populifolius var. lasiocalyx × pulverulentus ‘Sunset’ (H3) × purpureus (H3) — ‘Betty Taudevin’ ~ see Cistus × purpureus sahucii ~ see × Halimiocistus sahucii ‘Silver Pink’ misapplied ~ see Cistus × lenis ‘Grayswood Pink’ × skanbergii (H3) ‘Snow Fire’ (H4) wintonensis ~ see × Halimiocistus wintonensis × CITROFORTUNELLA (RUTACEAE) 93 T microcarpa (F) (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 T — ‘Tiger’ (v/F) (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Variegata’ ~ see × Citrofortunella microcarpa ‘Tiger’ mitis ~ see × Citrofortunella microcarpa CITRUS (RUTACEAE) 02 T 02 T limon ‘Variegata’ (F/v) (H1) ~ min. 10C × meyeri ‘Meyer’ (F) (H1) ~ min. 2C microcarpa Philippine lime ~ see × Citrofortunella microcarpa mitis ~ see × Citrofortunella microcarpa CLEISTOCACTUS (CACTACEAE) 93 CS ritteri (H1) ~ min. 2-10C For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 CS strausii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C CLEMATIS (RANUNCULACEAE) 02 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl† 05 Cl 02 Cl 02 Cl 02 Cl 02 Cl 05 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 02 Cl 02 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 93 Cl 93 Cl 93 Cl 93 Cl 93 Cl ‘Abundance’ (Vt) (H4) Alabast ‘Poulala’ (EL) (H4) ‘Alba Luxurians’ (Vt) (H4) ‘Alionushka’ (I) (H4) alpina (H4) — ‘Columbine White’ ~ see Clematis ‘White Columbine’ — ‘Pamela Jackman’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed 2006 Anna Louise ‘Evithree’ (EL) (H4) ‘Apple Blossom’ (Ar) (H4) ‘Arabella’ (I) (H4) Arctic Queen ‘Evitwo’ (EL) (H4) ‘Ballet Skirt’ (A/d) (H4) ~ reconfirmed 2006 ‘Betty Corning’ (Vt) (H4) ‘Bill MacKenzie’ (Ta) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001; plants raised from seed are not entitled to this cultivar name ‘Błękitny Anioł’ (LL) (H4) Blue Angel ~ see Clematis ‘Błękitny Anioł’ ‘Broughton Star’ (M/d) (H4) buchananiana Finet & Gagnep. ~ see Clematis rehderiana × cartmanii hort. ‘Avalanche’ (PBR) (Fo/m) (H3) cirrhosa var. purpurascens ‘Freckles’ (H3) — ‘Wisley Cream’ (H3) ‘Comtesse de Bouchaud’ (LL) (H4) ‘Constance’ (A) (H4) ‘Daniel Deronda’ (EL) (H4) × durandii (H4) ‘Edith’ (EL) (H4) ‘Elizabeth’ (M) (H4) ‘Ernest Markham’ (LL) (H4) ‘Étoile Violette’ (Vt) (H4) 02 Cl 93 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 93 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 93 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 02 Cl 02 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 02 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 43 × fargesioides ~ see Clematis ‘Paul Farges’ flammula ‘Rubra Marginata’ ~ see Clematis × triternata ‘Rubromarginata’ ‘Foxy’ (A) (H4) ‘Frances Rivis’ (A) (H4) ‘Frankie’ (A) (H4) ‘Freda’ (M) (H4) ‘Fuji-musume’ (EL) (H4) ‘Gillian Blades’ (EL) (H4) ‘Gipsy Queen’ (LL) (H4) Golden Tiara ‘Kugotia’ (Ta) (H4) ‘Helsingborg’ (A) (H4) ‘Henryi’ (EL) (H4) ‘Huldine’ (LL) (H4) ‘Jackmanii’ (LL) (H4) ‘Jackmanii Superba’ misapplied ~ see Clematis ‘Gipsy Queen’ ‘Jacqueline du Pré’ (A) (H4) ‘John Huxtable’ (LL) (H4) Josephine ‘Evijohill’ (EL) (H4) ‘Ken Donson’ (EL) (H4) ‘Kermesina’ (Vt) (H4) ‘Lambton Park’ (Ta) (H4) ‘Lasurstern’ (EL) (H4) macropetala ‘Blue Lagoon’ ~ see Clematis macropetala ‘Lagoon’ Jackman 1959 02 Cl — ‘Lagoon’ Jackman 1959 (A/d) (H4) 05 Cl — ‘Wesselton’ (A/d) (H4) ~ reconfirmed 2006 93 Cl ‘Madame Grangé’ (LL) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Madame Julia Correvon’ (Vt) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Marie Boisselot’ (EL) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Markham’s Pink’ (A/d) (H4) 93 T† marmoraria (H2-3) 02 Cl ‘Mayleen’ (M) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Minuet’ (Vt) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Miss Bateman’ (EL) (H4) 93 Cl montana var. grandiflora (H4) 93 Cl — var. rubens ‘Tetrarose’ (H4) 93 Cl ‘Mrs Cholmondeley’ (EL) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Mrs George Jackman’ (EL) (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 44 AGM PLANTS 2007 93 Cl ‘Nelly Moser’ (EL) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Niobe’ (EL) (H4) nutans var. thyrsoidea ~ see Clematis rehderiana 02 Cl ‘Pagoda’ (Vt) (H4) ‘Pamela Jackman’ ~ see Clematis alpina ‘Pamela Jackman’ 02 H ‘Pangbourne Pink’ (I) (H4) 02 Cl ‘Paul Farges’ (Vt) (H4) 05 Cl ‘Pauline’ (A/d) (H4) ~ reconfirmed 2006 02 H Petit Faucon ‘Evisix’ (I) (H4) 02 Cl ‘Pink Flamingo’ (A) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Polish Spirit’ (LL) (H4) potaninii ‘Summer Snow’ ~ see Clematis ‘Paul Farges’ 93 Cl ‘Praecox’ (H) (H4) 02 Cl ‘Prince Charles’ (LL) (H4) 02 Cl ‘Princess Diana’ (T) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’ (Vt/d) (H4) 93 Cl rehderiana (H4) 93 Cl ‘Richard Pennell’ (EL) (H4) 93 H ‘Rosea’ (I) (H4) 02 Cl ‘Rosy O’Grady’ (A) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Royal Velours’ (Vt) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Royalty’ (EL) (H4) Summer Snow ~ see Clematis ‘Paul Farges’ 02 Cl ‘Sunset’ (EL) (H4) texensis ‘The Princess of Wales’ ~ see Clematis ‘Princess Diana’ 93 Cl ‘The President’ (EL) (H4) ‘The Princess of Wales’ (T) ~ see Clematis ‘Princess Diana’ 93 Cl × triternata ‘Rubromarginata’ (H4) 93 H tubulosa ‘Wyevale’ (H) (H4) ~ previously listed under C. heracleifolia var. davidiana 93 Cl ‘Venosa Violacea’ (Vt) (H4) 02 Cl ‘Victoria’ (LL) (H4) 02 Cl viticella (H4) 02 Cl ‘Warszawska Nike’ (EL) (H4) 93 Cl ‘White Columbine’ (A) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Will Goodwin’ (EL) (H4) CLEOME (CAPPARACEAE) 93 A hassleriana ‘Helen Campbell’ (H3) CLERODENDRUM (VERBENACEAE) 02 T chinense var. chinense (d) (H1) ~ min. 15C; awarded as C. chinense ‘Pleniflorum’ — ‘Pleniflorum’ ~ see Clerodendrum chinense var. chinense fragrans var. pleniflorum ~ see Clerodendrum chinense var. chinense 02 T myricoides ‘Ugandense’ (H1) ~ min. 15C philippinum ~ see Clerodendrum chinense var. chinense 93 Cl splendens (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 Cl thomsoniae (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 T trichotomum var. fargesii (H4) CLETHRA (CLETHRACEAE) 93 T 93 T alnifolia ‘Paniculata’ (H4) barbinervis (H4) CLIANTHUS (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 T 93 T puniceus (H2) — ‘Albus’ (H2) — ‘Red Admiral’ ~ see Clianthus puniceus — ‘Red Cardinal’ ~ see Clianthus puniceus — ‘White Heron’ ~ see Clianthus puniceus ‘Albus’ CLIVIA (AMARYLLIDACEAE) 93 H miniata (H1) ~ min. 2C For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 H 02 H 02 H — ‘Aurea’ (H1) ~ min. 2C — var. citrina (H1) ~ min. 2C nobilis (H1) ~ min. 2C COLOCASIA (ARACEAE) 93 B antiquorum ~ see Colocasia esculenta esculenta (H1) ~ min. 15C COLUMNEA (GESNERIACEAE) COBAEA (COBAEACEAE) 02 T 93 P 93 P scandens (H3) — f. alba (H3) 93 H COCOS (ARECACEAE) 02 T weddelliana ~ see Lytocaryum weddellianum CODONOPSIS (CAMPANULACEAE) convolvulacea misapplied ~ see Codonopsis grey-wilsonii forrestii misapplied ~ see Codonopsis grey-wilsonii 93 Cl† grey-wilsonii (H4) ~ previously listed as C. convolvulacea, under which name the plant is widely cultivated nepalensis Grey-Wilson ~ see Codonopsis grey-wilsonii COLCHICUM (COLCHICACEAE) 93 B† agrippinum (H4) autumnale var. major hort. ~ see Colchicum byzantinum Ker Gawl. 97 B† — ‘Nancy Lindsay’ (H4) — ‘Pannonicum’ ~ see Colchicum autumnale ‘Nancy Lindsay’ 93 B† byzantinum Ker Gawl. (H4) 97 B† ‘Pink Goblet’ (H4) 97 B† ‘Rosy Dawn’ (H4) 93 B† speciosum (H4) 93 B† — ‘Album’ (H4) 97 B† — ‘Cedric Morris’ (H4) 97 B† tenorei (H4) 97 B† ‘Waterlily’ (d) (H4) 93 T 93 T 93 T × banksii (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Chanticleer’ (H1) ~ min. 10C gloriosa ‘Superba’ (H1) ~ min. 15C hirta (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Kewensis Variegata’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Stavanger’ (H1) ~ min. 10C CONOPHYTUM (AIZOACEAE) 02 CS bilobum (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS flavum (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS gratum (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS longum (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS minimum (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS obcordellum (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS pellucidum (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS truncatum (H1) ~ min. 2C CONVALLARIA (CONVALLARIACEAE) 93 B majalis (H4) CONVOLVULUS (CONVOLVULACEAE) 93 T† cneorum (H3) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 45 AGM PLANTS 2007 46 mauritanicus ~ see Convolvulus sabatius 93 H† sabatius (H3) 93 A tricolor ‘Blue Ensign’ (H4) 93 H 01 A COPIAPOA (CACTACEAE) — ‘Grandiflora’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 — ‘Moonbeam’ (H4) ~ seed-raised plants should be avoided when buying this cultivar — ‘Old Timer’ (H4) — ‘Zagreb’ (H4) 93 CS hypogaea (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 01 A 01 A COPROSMA (RUBIACEAE) CORNUS (CORNACEAE) 02 T 95 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T repens ‘Marble Queen’ (m/v) (H1-2) ~ min. 2C — ‘Picturata’ (m/v) (H1-2) ~ min. 2C CORDYLINE (AGAVACEAE) 93 T 94 T 04 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 04 T australis (H3) — ‘Albertii’ (v) (H3) — ‘Lemon Fountain’ (H3) — ‘Sundance’ (H3) — ‘Torbay Dazzler’ (v) (H3) ~ as a bedding plant and for containers; reconfirmed after trial 2004 — ‘Torbay Red’ (H3) fruticosa ‘Amabilis’ (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Baptistii’ (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Firebrand’ (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Guilfoylei’ (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Red Edge’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Purple Tower’ (H3) alba ‘Aurea’ (H4) — ‘Elegantissima’ (v) (H4) — ‘Sibirica’ (H4) — ‘Spaethii’ (v) (H4) — ‘Westonbirt’ ~ see Cornus alba ‘Sibirica’ 93 T alternifolia ‘Argentea’ (v) (H4) — ‘Variegata’ ~ see Cornus alternifolia ‘Argentea’ 93 H† canadensis (H4) 93 T controversa ‘Variegata’ (v) (H4) 93 T ‘Eddie’s White Wonder’ (H4) 93 T florida ‘Cherokee Chief’ (H4) 93 T kousa var. chinensis (H4) 93 T — ‘Miss Satomi’ (H4) 02 T mas ‘Golden Glory’ (H4) 93 T — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H4) 93 T ‘Norman Hadden’ (H4) 93 T ‘Porlock’ (H4) 93 T sericea ‘Flaviramea’ (H4) ~ awarded as C. stolonifera ‘Flaviramea’ 02 T — ‘White Gold’ (v) (H4) ~ awarded as C. stolonifera ‘White Gold’ — ‘White Spot’ ~ see Cornus sericea ‘White Gold’ COREOPSIS (ASTERACEAE) 93 A 00 A grandiflora ‘Early Sunrise’ (H4) ~ previously listed as C. tinctoria ‘Sunrise’ — ‘Unwins Gold’ (H4) verticillata ‘Golden Shower’ ~ see Coreopsis verticillata ‘Grandiflora’ CORONILLA (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 T 93 T glauca ~ see Coronilla valentina subsp. glauca valentina subsp. glauca (H3) — — ‘Citrina’ (H3) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS CORREA (RUTACEAE) CORYLOPSIS (HAMAMELIDACEAE) 02 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 02 T alba ‘Pinkie’ (H2) backhouseana (H2) ‘Dusky Bells’ (H2) ‘Harrisii’ ~ see Correa ‘Mannii’ ‘Mannii’ (H2) ‘Marian’s Marvel’ (H2) pulchella (H2) reflexa (H2) CORTADERIA (POACEAE) fulvida misapplied ~ see Cortaderia richardii (Endl.) 93 T 93 G 93 G richardii (Endl.) Zotov (H3-4) selloana ‘Aureolineata’ (v) (H3) — ‘Gold Band’ ~ see Cortaderia selloana ‘Aureolineata’ — ‘Pumila’ (H4) — ‘Sunningdale Silver’ (H3) CORYDALIS (PAPAVERACEAE) 00 H† 02 H† 93 H† 00 H† 00 H† 00 H† 93 H† 00 H† caucasica var. alba misapplied ~ see Corydalis malkensis decipiens misapplied (H4) decipiens Schott, Nyman & Kotschy ~ see Corydalis solida subsp. incisa flexuosa (H4) malkensis (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2000 schanginii subsp. ainii (H2) solida subsp. incisa (H4) — subsp. solida ‘Dieter Schacht’ (H4) ~ previously listed under f. transsylvanica — — ‘George Baker’ (H4) ~ previously listed under f. transsylvanica; reconfirmed after trial 2000 triternata (H4) pauciflora (H4) sinensis var. calvescens f. veitchiana (H4) — var. sinensis (H4) veitchiana ~ see Corylopsis sinensis var. calvescens f. veitchiana willmottiae ~ see Corylopsis sinensis var. sinensis CORYLUS (CORYLACEAE) 93 T Zotov 02 G 93 G 47 93 T colurna (H4) maxima ‘Purple Filbert’ ~ see Corylus maxima ‘Purpurea’ — ‘Purpurea’ (F) (H4) CORYPHANTHA (CACTACEAE) 93 CS andreae (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS pallida (H1) ~ min. 2-10C COSMOS (ASTERACEAE) 99 A 93 A bipinnatus ‘Sensation Pinkie’ (H4) — Sonata Series, mixed (H4) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 COTINUS (ANACARDIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T americanus ~ see Cotinus obovatus coggygria (H4) — ‘Royal Purple’ (H4) ‘Flame’ (H4) obovatus (H4) COTONEASTER (ROSACEAE) 93 T† adpressus (H4) 93 T atropurpureus ‘Variegatus’ (v) (H4) 93 T bullatus (H4) — f. floribundus ~ see Cotoneaster bullatus For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 48 93 T† cashmiriensis (H4) ~ usually grown as C. cochleatus 93 T† conspicuus ‘Decorus’ (H4) 93 T dammeri (H4) 93 T frigidus ‘Cornubia’ (H4) 93 T horizontalis (H4) — ‘Variegatus’ ~ see Cotoneaster atropurpureus ‘Variegatus’ humifusus ~ see Cotoneaster dammeri 93 T† integrifolius (H4) ~ often sold as C. microphyllus 93 T lacteus (H4) microphyllus var. cochleatus 93 CS — ‘Hummel’s Sunset’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 CS perfoliata var. falcata (H1) ~ min. 10C portulacea ~ see Crassula ovata 93 CS pyramidalis (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 CS rupestris (H1) ~ min. 10C CRATAEGUS (ROSACEAE) misapplied 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T ~ see Cotoneaster cashmiriensis — var. thymifolius (Lindl.) Koehne ~ see Cotoneaster integrifolius ‘Rothschildianus’ (H4) simonsii (H4) sternianus (H4) × watereri ‘Cornubia’ ~ see Cotoneaster frigidus ‘Cornubia’ — ‘John Waterer’ (H4) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T crus-galli misapplied ~ see Crataegus persimilis ‘Prunifolia’ laevigata ‘Coccinea Plena’ ~ see Crataegus laevigata ‘Paul’s Scarlet’ — ‘Paul’s Scarlet’ (d) (H4) — ‘Rosea Flore Pleno’ (d) (H4) × lavalleei ‘Carrierei’ (H4) ~ often listed as C. × lavalleei persimilis ‘Prunifolia’ (H4) prunifolia ~ see Crataegus persimilis ‘Prunifolia’ COTYLEDON (CRASSULACEAE) gibbiflora var. metallica ~ see Echeveria gibbiflora var. metallica oppositifolia ~ see Chiastophyllum oppositifolium simplicifolia ~ see Chiastophyllum oppositifolium CRAMBE (BRASSICACEAE) 93 H 02 H CREPIS (ASTERACEAE) 93 H† incana (H4) CRINODENDRON (ELAEOCARPACEAE) 93 T hookerianum (H3) CRINUM (AMARYLLIDACEAE) 93 H 97 H cordifolia (H4) maritima (H4) × powellii (H3) — ‘Album’ (H3) — ‘Roseum’ ~ see Crinum × powellii CRASSULA (CRASSULACEAE) CROCOSMIA (IRIDACEAE) argentea ~ see Crassula ovata 93 CS ovata (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 B 93 B 02 B × crocosmiiflora ‘Carmin Brillant’ (H3-4) — ‘Solfatare’ (H3) — ‘Star of the East’ (H3) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 B 93 B 02 B 02 B ‘Lucifer’ (H4) masoniorum (H3) — ‘Rowallane Yellow’ (H3-4) ‘Severn Sunrise’ (H3-4) CROCUS (IRIDACEAE) 93 B† angustifolius (H4) aureus ~ see Crocus flavus subsp. flavus 93 B† banaticus (H4) 93 B† ‘Blue Pearl’ (H4) 93 B† cartwrightianus (H4) — ‘Albus’ misapplied ~ see Crocus hadriaticus 94 B† — ‘Albus’ Tubergen (H4) 93 B† chrysanthus (H4) 93 B† — ‘Cream Beauty’ (H4) 93 B† — ‘E.A. Bowles’ (H4) 93 B† — ‘Zwanenburg Bronze’ (H4) ‘Cloth of Gold’ ~ see Crocus angustifolius 93 B† corsicus (H4) ‘Dutch Yellow’ ~ see Crocus × luteus ‘Golden Yellow’ 93 B† etruscus (H4) 93 B† flavus subsp. flavus (H4) ‘Golden Mammoth’ ~ see Crocus × luteus ‘Golden Yellow’ 93 B† goulimyi (H4) — ‘Albus’ ~ see Crocus goulimyi subsp. goulimyi ‘Mani White’ 94 B† — subsp. goulimyi ‘Mani White’ (H4) 94 B† hadriaticus (H4) — var. chrysobelonicus ~ see Crocus hadriaticus 93 B† imperati (H4) 93 B† kotschyanus (H4) 93 B† ‘Ladykiller’ (H4) 94 B† laevigatus (H4) 94 B† 93 B† 93 B† 93 B† 94 B† 93 B† 93 B† 93 B† 93 B† 93 B† 93 B† 93 B† 94 B† 93 B† 93 B† 05 B† 94 B† ‘Large Yellow’ ~ see Crocus × luteus ‘Golden Yellow’ longiflorus (H4) × luteus ‘Golden Yellow’ (H4) malyi (H2-4) medius (H4) ochroleucus (H4) pulchellus (H4) sibiricus ~ see Crocus sieberi sieberi (H4) — ‘Albus’ (H4) — ‘Bowles’ White’ ~ see Crocus sieberi ‘Albus’ — ‘Hubert Edelsten’ (H4) — subsp. sublimis ‘Tricolor’ (H4) ‘Snow Bunting’ (H4) speciosus (H4) — ‘Albus’ (H4) susianus ~ see Crocus angustifolius tommasinianus (H4) tournefortii (H2-4) ‘Vanguard’ (H4) ‘Yellow Mammoth’ ~ see Crocus × luteus ‘Golden Yellow’ ‘Zephyr’ (H4) ~ awarded as C. pulchellus ‘Zephyr’ CROSSANDRA (ACANTHACEAE) 02 T infundibuliformis (H1) ~ min. 15C CRYPTANTHUS (BROMELIACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 49 bivittatus (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Pink Starlight’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C bromelioides var. tricolor (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C fosterianus (H1) ~ min. 10C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 50 93 H 93 H ‘It’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C zonatus (H1) ~ min. 10C CRYPTOMERIA (CUPRESSACEAE) 93 C 93 C 93 C 98 C* 93 C* japonica (H4) — ‘Bandai-sugi’ (H4) — ‘Elegans Compacta’ (H4) — ‘Globosa Nana’ (H4) — ‘Vilmoriniana’ (H4) CTENANTHE (MARANTACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H amabilis (H1) ~ min. 15C lubbersiana (H1) ~ min. 15C oppenheimiana ‘Tricolor’ (H1) ~ min. 15C — ‘Earlidawn’ ~ see Cucumis melo ‘Early Dawn’ 93 C sempervirens ‘Pyramidalis’ ~ see Cupressus sempervirens Stricta Group — var. sempervirens ~ see Cupressus sempervirens Stricta Group — Stricta Group (H3) ~ previously listed as C. sempervirens ‘Stricta’ CYANANTHUS (CAMPANULACEAE) integer misapplied ~ see Cyananthus microphyllus 93 H† lobatus (H4) 93 H† microphyllus (H4) CYANOTIS (COMMELINACEAE) 93 CS kewensis (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 CS somaliensis (H1) ~ min. 10C CUPHEA (LYTHRACEAE) CYCAS (CYCADACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T hyssopifolia (H1) ~ min. 2C ignea (H1) ~ min. 2C platycentra ~ see Cuphea ignea × CUPRESSOCYPARIS (CUPRESSACEAE) 02 C leylandii (H4) 93 C — ‘Gold Rider’ (H4) 93 C — ‘Robinson’s Gold’ (H4) CUPRESSUS (CUPRESSACEAE) 02 C 93 C 93 C 93 C 02 C arizonica var. glabra ‘Blue Ice’ (H3) — ‘Pyramidalis’ (H3) cashmeriana (H2) ~ previously listed as C. torulosa ‘Cashmeriana’ macrocarpa ‘Goldcrest’ (H3) — ‘Golden Pillar’ (H3) revoluta (H1) ~ min. 2C CYCLAMEN (PRIMULACEAE) 93 B† cilicium (H2-4) 95 B ‘Concerto Apollo’ (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C 93 B† coum (H4) 93 B† — subsp. coum f. coum Pewter Group (H2-4) europaeum ~ see Cyclamen purpurascens 93 B† hederifolium (H4) 96 B ‘Laser Rose’ (H2) ~ intermediate type 96 B ‘Laser Salmon with Eye’ (H2) ~ intermediate type 96 B ‘Laser Scarlet’ (H2) ~ intermediate type 96 B ‘Laser White’ (H2) ~ intermediate type For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 B† mirabile (H2-3) 96 B ‘Miracle Deep Rose’ (H2) ~ miniature 96 B ‘Miracle Deep Salmon’ (H2) ~ miniature 96 B ‘Miracle Scarlet’ (H2) ~ miniature 96 B ‘Miracle White’ (H2) ~ miniature neapolitanum ~ see Cyclamen hederifolium orbiculatum ~ see Cyclamen coum 93 B† peloponnesiacum (H2-3) ~ previously listed as C. repandum subsp. peloponnesiacum 95 B persicum ‘Halios Bright Fuchsia’ (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C 95 B — ‘Halios Scarlet Red’ (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C 95 B — ‘Halios Violet’ (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C; awarded as C. ‘Halios Cattleya Violet’ 95 B — ‘Halios White’ (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C 93 B† pseudibericum (H2-3) 93 B† purpurascens (H4) 93 B† repandum subsp. repandum (H3) 95 B ‘Sierra Fuchsia’ (Sierra Series) (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C 95 B ‘Sierra Light Purple’ (Sierra Series) (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C 95 B ‘Sierra Pink With Eye’ (Sierra Series) (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C 95 B ‘Sierra Scarlet’ (Sierra Series) (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C 95 B ‘Sierra White With Eye’ (Sierra Series) (H1) ~ from seed; min. 2C 51 CYDONIA (ROSACEAE) 93 T oblonga ‘Vranja’ (F) (H4) CYNARA (ASTERACEAE) 93 H cardunculus (H3-4) CYNOGLOSSUM (BORAGINACEAE) 93 A amabile (H4) CYPERUS (CYPERACEAE) 93 H 02 H 02 H alternifolius misapplied ~ see Cyperus involucratus haspan misapplied ~ see Cyperus papyrus ‘Nanus’ involucratus (H1) ~ min. 2C papyrus (H1) ~ min. 5C — ‘Nanus’ (H1) ~ min. 5C CYRTANTHUS (AMARYLLIDACEAE) 93 B 02 B elatus (H1) ~ min. 10C falcatus (H1) ~ min. 2C purpureus ~ see Cyrtanthus elatus speciosus ~ see Cyrtanthus elatus CYRTOMIUM (DRYOPTERIDACEAE) 93 F 97 F falcatum (H3) ~ min. 2C fortunei (H4) CYTISUS (PAPILIONACEAE) albus misapplied ~ see Cytisus multiflorus ‘Andreanus’ ~ see Cytisus scoparius f. andreanus 93 T† ardoinoi (H4) 93 T battandieri (H4) 94 T — ‘Yellow Tail’ (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 52 93 T† 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T† 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T × beanii (H4) ‘Boskoop Ruby’ (H4) ‘Burkwoodii’ (H4) ‘Hollandia’ (H4) × kewensis (H4) ~ only for the largest of rock gardens ‘Lena’ (H4) multiflorus (H4) ‘Porlock’ ~ see Genista ‘Porlock’ × praecox ‘Allgold’ (H4) — ‘Warminster’ (H4) purpureus ‘Atropurpureus’ ~ see Chamaecytisus purpureus ‘Atropurpureus’ racemosus ~ see Genista × spachiana scoparius f. andreanus (H4) × spachianus ~ see Genista × spachiana ‘Zeelandia’ (H4) DABOECIA (ERICACEAE) 93 T 03 T 03 T 93 T 03 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T cantabrica f. alba ‘David Moss’ (H4) — ‘Arielle’ (H4) — ‘Barbara Phillips’ (H4) — ‘Bicolor’ (H4) — ‘Rodeo’ (H4) — subsp. scotica ‘Jack Drake’ (H4) — — ‘Silverwells’ (H4) — — ‘William Buchanan’ (H4) — ‘Waley’s Red’ (H4) DACTYLORHIZA (ORCHIDACEAE) 93 B† elata (H4) 93 B† foliosa (H4) maderensis ~ see Dactylorhiza foliosa DAHLIA (ASTERACEAE) 96 H 94 H 93 H 99 H ‘Allan Sparkes’ (SWL) (H3) ‘Almand’s Climax’ (GD) (H3) ‘Alva’s Doris’ (SS-c) (H3) ‘Alva’s Supreme’ (GD) (H3) 96 H 04 H 00 H 94 H 97 H 98 H 95 H 96 H 99 H 95 H 02 H 06 H 04 H 02 H 95 H 06 H 95 H 96 H 95 H 00 H 95 H 05 H 93 H 94 H 02 P 95 H 95 H 00 H 96 H 04 H 99 H 06 H 99 H 02 H 00 H 00 H 04 H 00 H 05 H 01 H 06 H ‘Andrew Magson’ (SS-c) (H3) ‘Ann Breckenfelder’ (Col) (H3) ‘Asahi Chohje’ (Anem) (H3) ‘Autumn Lustre’ (SWL) (H3) ‘Aylett’s Gaiety’ (MinD/DwB) (H3) ‘Bednall Beauty’ (Misc/DwB) (H3) ‘Bishop of Llandaff’ (Misc) (H3) ‘Bridge View Aloha’ (MS-c) (H3) ‘Brookfield Delight’ (Sin/Lil) (H3) ‘Candy Cupid’ (MinBa) (H3) ‘Catherine Bateson’ (MinWL) (H3) ‘Charlie Dimmock’ (SWL) (H3) ‘Cherwell Skylark’ (SS-c) (H3) ‘Chessy’ (Sin/Lil) (H3) ‘Clair de Lune’ (Col) (H3) ‘Collerette Princess’ (Col) (H3) ‘Cream Alva’s’ (GD) (H3) ‘Dark Stranger’ (MC) (H3) ‘Davar Donna’ (MS-c) (H3) ‘Davar Jim’ (SS-c) (H3) ‘David Howard’ (MinD) (H3) ‘Don Hill’ (Col) (H3) ‘Ellen Huston’ (Misc/DwB) (H3) ‘Fascination’ (SWL/DwB) (H3) Figaro Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 ‘Figurine’ (SWL) (H3) ‘Finchcocks’ (SWL) (H3) ‘Freya’s Paso Doble’ (Anem) (H3) ‘Freya’s Thalia’ (Sin/Lil) (H3) ‘Fusion’ (MD) (H3) ‘Gallery Art Deco’ (PBR) (SD) (H3) ‘Gallery Art Fair’ (PBR) (MinD) (H3) ‘Gallery Art Nouveau’ (PBR) (MinD) (H3) ‘Gallery Cobra’ (PBR) (MinD) (H3) ‘Gallery Degas’ (PBR) (MinD) (H3) ‘Gallery Leonardo’ (PBR) (SD) (H3) ‘Gallery Monet’ (PBR) (SD) (H3) ‘Gallery Pablo’ (PBR) (SD) (H3) ‘Gallery Rembrandt’ (PBR) (MinD) (H3) ‘Gallery Renoir’ (PBR) (SD) (H3) ‘Gallery Singer’ (PBR) (MinD) (H3) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 99 H 93 H 93 H 00 H 93 H 04 H 94 H 93 H 93 H 96 H 97 H 93 H 97 H 96 H 96 H 96 H 95 H 03 H 93 H 00 H 94 H 04 H 94 H 94 H 98 H 05 H 94 H 93 H 95 H 04 H 01 H 96 H 95 H 05 H 06 H 95 H 05 H 01 H 98 H ‘Gallery Vincent’ (PBR) (MinD) (H3) ‘Garden Party’ (MC/DwB) (H3) ‘Geerlings’ Indian Summer’ (MS-c) (H3) ‘Geoffrey Kent’ (MinD) (H3) ‘Glorie van Heemstede’ (SWL) (H3) ‘Grenadier’ (SWL) (H3) ‘Hamari Accord’ (LS-c) (H3) ‘Hamari Bride’ (MS-c) (H3) ‘Hamari Gold’ (GD) (H3) ‘Hamari Rosé’ (MinBa) (H3) ‘Hamari Sunshine’ (LD) (H3) ‘Hamilton Lillian’ (SD) (H3) ‘Harvest Amanda’ (Sin/Lil) (H3) ‘Harvest Inflammation’ (Sin/Lil) (H3) ‘Harvest Samantha’ (Sin/Lil) (H3) ‘Harvest Tiny Tot’ (Misc/Lil) (H3) ‘Hillcrest Desire’ (SC) (H3) ‘Hillcrest Regal’ (Col) (H3) ‘Hillcrest Royal’ (MC) (H3) ‘Honka’ (Misc) (H3) ‘Ice Cream Beauty’ (SWL) (H3) ‘Inflammation’ ~ see Dahlia ‘Harvest Inflammation’ ‘Jean Fairs’ (MinWL) (H3) ‘Jeanette Carter’ (MinD) (H3) ‘John Street’ (SWL) (H3) ‘Jomanda’ (MinBa) (H3) ‘Juul’s Allstar’ (Misc) (H3) ‘Karenglen’ (MinD) (H3) ‘Kathleen’s Alliance’ (SC) (H3) ‘Kathryn’s Cupid’ (MinBa) (H3) ‘Kelsea Carla’ (SS-c) (H3) ‘Kenora Sunset’ (MS-c) (H3) ‘Kenora Valentine’ (LD) (H3) ‘Kidd’s Climax’ (GD) (H3) ‘Lakeland Sunset’ (SC) (H3) ‘Le Castel’ (D) (H3) ‘Lemon Elegans’ (SS-c) (H3) ‘Lilac Marston’ (MinD) (H3) ~ awarded as ‘Lilac Marston’ ‘Lilac Taratahi’ (SC) (H3) ‘Lismore Willie’ (SWL) (H3) 96 H 00 H 04 H 98 H 01 H 98 H 98 H 98 H 96 H 03 H 95 H 96 H 93 H 95 H 06 H 94 H 01 H 95 H 94 H 05 H 06 H 06 H 05 H 06 H 98 H 93 H 06 H 03 H 98 H 00 H 05 H 06 H 05 H 99 H 04 H 04 H 05 H 05 H 05 H ‘Little Dorrit’ (Sin/Lil) (H3) ‘Marie Schnugg’ (Misc) (H3) ‘Mary’s Jomanda’ (SBa) (H3) ‘Minley Carol’ (Pom) (H3) ‘Miss Ellen’ (Misc) (H3) ‘Moonfire’ (Misc/DwB) (H3) ‘Nicola Jane’ (Pom) (H3) ‘NZ’s Robert’ (MinWL/Lil) (H3) ‘Omo’ (Sin/Lil) (H3) ‘Oreti Jewel’ (MinS-c) (H3) ‘Paso Doble’ misapplied (Anem) ~ see Dahlia ‘Freya’s Paso Doble’ ‘Peach Cupid’ (MinBa) (H3) ‘Peachette’ (Misc/Lil) (H3) ‘Pearl of Heemstede’ (SD) (H3) ‘Phill’s Pink’ (SD) (H3) ‘Pink Giraffe’ (O) (H3) ‘Pink Pastelle’ (MS-c) (H3) ‘Pink Sensation’ (SC) (H3) ‘Porcelain’ (SWL) (H3) ‘Preston Park’ (Sin/DwB) (H3) ‘Rhonda Suzanne’ (Pom) (H3) ‘Ryecroft Jan’ (MinBa) (H3) ‘Ryecroft Marge’ (Anem) (H3) ‘Samantha’ ~ see Dahlia ‘Harvest Samantha’ ‘Sascha’ (SWL) (H3) ‘Shep’s Memory’ (SWL) (H3) ‘Small World’ (Pom) (H3) ‘So Dainty’ (MinS-c) (H3) ‘Staleen Condesa’ (MS-c) (H3) ‘Stevie D’ (SD) (H3) ‘Tally Ho’ (Misc) (H3) ‘Taratahi Ruby’ (SWL) (H3) ‘Teesbrooke Red Eye’ (Col) (H3) ‘Tiny Tot’ (Lil) ~ see Dahlia ‘Harvest Tiny Tot’ ‘Trelyn Kiwi’ (SS-c) (H3) ‘Trelyn Rhiannon’ (SC) (H3) ‘Tu Jays Nicola’ (Misc) (H3) ‘Twyning’s After Eight’ (Sin) (H3) ‘Twyning’s Candy’ (Sin) (H3) ‘Twyning’s Chocolate’ (Sin) (H3) ‘Twyning’s Pink Fish’ (Col) (H3) ‘Twyning’s Smartie’ (Sin) (H3) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 53 AGM PLANTS 2007 54 93 H 99 H 99 H 97 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 94 H 94 H 94 H 95 H ‘Wandy’ (Pom) (H3) ‘Weston Pirate’ (MinC) (H3) ‘Weston Spanish Dancer’ (MinC) (H3) ‘White Alva’s’ (GD) (H3) ‘White Ballet’ (SD) (H3) ‘Wittemans Superba’ (SS-c) (H3) ‘Wootton Cupid’ (MinBa) (H3) ‘Wootton Impact’ (MS-c) (H3) ‘Yellow Hammer’ (Sin/DwB) (H3) ‘Yelno Harmony’ (SD) (H3) ‘Zorro’ (GD) (H3) DATURA (SOLANACEAE) 02 P DAVALLIA (DAVALLIACEAE) 93 F DAPHNE (THYMELAEACEAE) 93 T† 93 T 93 T† 02 T 93 T† arbuscula (H4) bholua ‘Jacqueline Postill’ (H3) × burkwoodii (H4) — ‘G.K. Argles’ (v) (H4) cneorum ‘Eximia’ (H4) japonica ‘Striata’ ~ see Daphne odora ‘Aureomarginata’ 93 T† × napolitana (H4) 02 T odora ‘Aureomarginata’ (v) (H3-4) — ‘Marginata’ ~ see Daphne odora ‘Aureomarginata’ 93 T pontica (H4) retusa ~ see Daphne tangutica Retusa Group 93 T† tangutica (H4) 93 T† — Retusa Group (H4) DARLINGTONIA (SARRACENIACEAE) 93 H californica (H1) ~ min. 2C DARMERA (SAXIFRAGACEAE) 93 H peltata (H4) ~ can be invasive DASYLIRION (DRACAENACEAE) 02 T wheeleri (H1) ~ min. 2C inoxia (H3) ~ can be annual or perennial meteloides ~ see Datura inoxia suaveolens ~ see Brugmansia suaveolens versicolor ‘Grand Marnier’ ~ see Brugmansia × candida ‘Grand Marnier’ 93 F canariensis (H1) ~ min. 10C mariesii (H3) ~ min. 2C DAVIDIA (CORNACEAE) 93 T 93 T involucrata (H4) — var. vilmoriniana (H4) DELOSPERMA (AIZOACEAE) 02 T aberdeenense (H1) ~ min. 2C DELPHINIUM (RANUNCULACEAE) 01 H 00 H 03 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 99 H 96 H 03 H 01 H 98 H 99 H 93 H 98 H 03 H 00 H 93 H 93 H 93 H ‘Atholl’ (H4) (Belladonna Group) ‘Atlantis’ (H4) — ‘Völkerfrieden’ (H4) ‘Blue Dawn’ (H4) ‘Blue Nile’ (H4) ‘Bruce’ (H4) ‘Can-Can’ (H4) ‘Cassius’ (H4) ‘Celebration’ (H4) ‘Cherub’ (H4) ‘Claire’ (H4) ‘Clifford Sky’ (H4) ‘Conspicuous’ (H4) ‘Constance Rivett’ (H4) ‘David Mannion’ (H4) ‘Elizabeth Cook’ (H4) ‘Emily Hawkins’ (H4) ‘Faust’ (H4) ‘Fenella’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 02 H 93 H 93 H 06 H 06 H 04 H 03 H 93 H 95 H 93 H 93 H 01 H 98 H 94 H 00 H 98 H 96 H 06 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 00 H 06 H 93 H 96 H ‘Galileo’ (H4) ‘Gillian Dallas’ (H4) ‘Giotto’ (H4) ‘Jill Curley’ (H4) ‘Kestrel’ (H4) ‘Langdon’s Blue Lagoon’ (H4) ‘Langdon’s Pandora’ (H4) ‘Langdon’s Royal Flush’ (H4) ‘Lilian Bassett’ (H4) ‘Loch Leven’ (H4) ‘Lord Butler’ (H4) ‘Lucia Sahin’ (H4) ‘Michael Ayres’ (H4) ‘Min’ (H4) ‘Olive Poppleton’ (H4) ‘Oliver’ (H4) ‘Our Deb’ (H4) ‘Purple Velvet’ (H4) ‘Rosemary Brock’ (H4) ‘Royal Flush’ ~ see Delphinium ‘Langdon’s Royal Flush’ ‘Sandpiper’ (H4) ‘Spindrift’ (H4) ‘Summerfield Miranda’ (H4) ‘Sungleam’ (H4) ‘Sunkissed’ (H4) ‘Susan Edmunds’ (PBR) (d) (H4) ‘Tiddles’ (H4) ‘Walton Gemstone’ (H4) DESFONTAINIA (LOGANIACEAE) 93 T spinosa (H3) — f. hookeri ~ see Desfontainia spinosa DESMODIUM (PAPILIONACEAE) 02 T elegans (H4) tiliifolium ~ see Desmodium elegans DEUTZIA (HYDRANGEACEAE) 93 T chunii ~ see Deutzia ningpoensis × elegantissima ‘Rosealind’ (H4) 93 T 94 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 55 × hybrida ‘Mont Rose’ (H4) — ‘Strawberry Fields’ (H4) longifolia ‘Veitchii’ (H4) × magnifica ‘Rubra’ ~ see Deutzia × hybrida ‘Strawberry Fields’ ningpoensis (H4) setchuenensis var. corymbiflora (H4) DIANTHUS (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) 94 H 93 H† 93 H† 06 H ‘Alfriston’ (b) (H4) alpinus (H4) — ‘Joan’s Blood’ (H4) ‘Amazon Neon Purple’ (Amazon Series) (H3) 06 H ‘Amazon Rose Magic’ (Amazon Series) (H3) 02 H ‘Anders Kath Phillips’ (pf) (H4) 97 H ‘Ann Franklin’ (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 96 H ‘Ann Unitt’ (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 H† × arvernensis (p) (H4) ‘Auvergne’ ~ see Dianthus × arvernensis 04 H ‘Bailey’s Daily Mail’ (p) (H4) 93 P barbatus ‘Auricula-Eyed Mixed’ (H4) 06 H — ‘Festival White’ (Festival Series) (H3) 06 H — ‘Magic Charms Coral’ (Magic Charms Series) (H3) 06 H — ‘Magic Charms White’ (Magic Charms Series) (H3) 93 P — Nigrescens Group (p,a) (H4) 06 H — ‘Super Parfait Strawberry’ (Super Parfait Series) (H3) 93 H ‘Becky Robinson’ (p) (H4) 04 H† ‘Ben Gascoigne’ (p) (H4) 98 H ‘Betty Morton’ (p) (H4) 94 H ‘Bovey Belle’ (p) (H4) 04 H ‘Brian Tumbler’ (b) (H4) 02 H ‘Brilliant Star’ (p) (H4) 94 H ‘Bryony Lisa’ (b) (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 56 AGM PLANTS 2007 caesius ~ see Dianthus gratianopolitanus 02 H ‘Calypso Star’ (p) (H4) 03 H ‘Carmine Letitia Wyatt’ (PBR) (p) (H4) 98 H Carmine Valda ‘Devon Louise’ (p) (H4) ‘Catherine’s Choice’ ~ see Dianthus ‘Rhian’s Choice’ 04 H ‘Cheerio’ (pf) (H2) ‘Cheryl’ ~ see Dianthus ‘Houndspool Cheryl’ 05 H ‘Chesswood Barbara Arif’ (b) (H4) 05 H ‘Chesswood Beryl James’ (b) (H4) 05 H ‘Chesswood Lidgett’ (b) (H4) 98 H ‘Chesswood Sandilands’ (p) (H4) 99 H ‘Chetwyn Doris’ (p) (H4) 94 H ‘Chris Crew’ (b) (H4) 02 H ‘Christine Dickinson’ (pf) (H4) 96 H ‘Claire Tautz’ (b) (H4) 95 H ‘Claret Joy’ (p) (H4) 06 H ‘Corona Cherry Magic’ (H3) 94 H ‘Coronation Ruby’ (p) (H4) 94 H ‘Cranmere Pool’ (p) (H4) 01 H ‘Crimson Joy’ (p) (H4) 98 H Crimson Valda ‘Devon Kitty’ (p) (H4) ‘Daily Mail’ (p) ~ see Dianthus ‘Bailey’s Daily Mail’ 00 H ‘Dainty Dame’ (p) (H4) 96 H ‘Dark Pierrot’ (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 97 H ‘David Russell’ (b) (H4) 94 H ‘David Saunders’ (b) (H4) 93 H† deltoides (H4) 96 H ‘Devon Carla’ (p) (H4) 93 H ‘Devon Dove’ (PBR) (p) (H4) 93 H ‘Devon Glow’ (p) (H4) 93 H ‘Devon Maid’ (p) (H4) 96 H ‘Devon Pride’ (p) (H4) 06 H ‘Devon Sapphire’ (p) (H4) 95 H ‘Devon Wizard’ (PBR) (p) (H4) 06 H ‘Devon Zane’ (p) (H4) 96 H ‘Diane’ (p) (H4) 93 H ‘Doris’ (p) (H4) ‘Doris Ruby’ ~ see Dianthus ‘Houndspool Ruby’ 93 H ‘Dunkirk Spirit’ (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 06 H ‘Dynasty Orchid’ (Dynasty Series) (H3) 97 H ‘Eileen Neal’ (b) (H4) 93 H ‘Eileen O’Connor’ (b) (H4) 06 H ‘Elaine’s Choice’ (p) (H4) 03 H ‘Evening Star’ (p) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 94 H ‘Flanders’ (b) (H4) 93 H ‘Fragrant Ann’ (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 95 H ‘Golden Cross’ (b) (H4) 93 H ‘Golden Sceptre’ (b) (H4) 93 H ‘Gran’s Favourite’ (p) (H4) 93 H† gratianopolitanus (H4) 97 H ‘Grey Dove’ (b) (H4) 95 H ‘Hannah Louise’ (b) (H4) 95 H ‘Haytor Rock’ (p) (H4) 93 H ‘Haytor White’ (p) (H4) 94 H ‘Hazel Ruth’ (b) (H4) 01 H ‘Hot Spice’ (PBR) (p) (H4) ~ previously listed as ‘Redstart’ 94 H ‘Houndspool Cheryl’ (p) (H4) 93 H ‘Houndspool Ruby’ (p) (H4) 94 H ‘Howard Hitchcock’ (b) (H4) 06 H ‘Ideal Select Rose’ (Ideal Select Series) (H3) 06 H ‘Ideal Select Whitefire’ (Ideal Select Series) (H3) 98 H ‘Incas’ (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 H ‘India Star’ (PBR) (p) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 95 H ‘Indios’ (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 H† ‘Inshriach Dazzler’ (p) (H4) 93 H ‘Irene Della-Torré’ (b) (H4) 98 H ‘Irene’s Choice’ (p) (H4) 93 H ‘Jacqueline Ann’ (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 94 H ‘Jean Knight’ (b) (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 98 H 93 H 02 H 95 H 97 H 93 H 06 H 05 H 93 H† 98 H 02 H 95 H 99 H 04 H† 94 H 94 H 96 H 99 H 93 H 99 H 98 H 01 H 00 H 06 H 97 H 93 H 03 H 96 H 04 H† 96 H 02 H 96 H 96 H 97 H 93 H† 03 H 93 H 93 H† 99 H ‘Jenny Gascoigne’ (p) (H4) ‘John Faulkner’ (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘John Sandall’ (b) (H4) ‘Joy’ (p) (H4) ‘Kathleen Hitchcock’ (b) (H4) ‘Kesteven Kirkstead’ (p) (H4) Kiro ‘Lonkirok’ (pf) (H1) ‘Komachi’ (pf) (H1) ‘La Bourboule’ (p) (H4) ‘Lemsii’ (p) (H4) ‘Leon Tautz’ (b) (H4) ‘Letitia Wyatt’ (p) (H4) ‘Linfield Dorothy Perry’ (p) (H4) ‘Linfield Kathy Booker’ (p) (H4) ‘Louise’s Choice’ (p) (H4) ‘Maisie Neal’ (b) (H4) ‘Malaga’ (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Mambo’ (pf) (H4) ‘Marg’s Choice’ (p) (H4) ‘Marion Robinson’ (b) (H4) ‘Maureen Lambert’ (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Mendlesham Belle’ (p) (H4) ‘Mendlesham Maid’ (p) (H4) ‘Merlin’ (H4) ‘Michael Saunders’ (b) (H4) ‘Monica Wyatt’ (p) (H4) ‘Moulin Rouge’ (p) (H4) ‘Natalie Saunders’ (b) (H4) neglectus ~ see Dianthus pavonius ‘Neon Star’ (PBR) (p) (H4) ‘Nichola Ann’ (b) (H4) ‘Night Star’ (p) (H4) ‘Oakwood Gillian Garforth’ (p) (H4) ‘Oakwood Romance’ (p) (H4) ‘Oakwood Splendour’ (p) (H4) pavonius (H4) ‘Pennine Treasure’ (b) (H4) ‘Peter Wood’ (b) (H4) ‘Pike’s Pink’ (p) (H4) Pink Valda ‘Devon Judith’ (p) (H4) 02 H 57 ‘Pixie Star’ (PBR) (p) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 99 H ‘Prado’ (pf) (H4) 03 H ‘Red Star’ (PBR) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004; awarded as ‘Red Dwarf’ 93 H ‘Rhian’s Choice’ (p) (H4) 94 H ‘Riccardo’ (b) (H4) 94 H ‘Rose Joy’ (p) (H4) 98 H ‘Rose Monica Wyatt’ (PBR) (p) (H4) 95 H ‘Royal Scot’ (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Ruby’ ~ see Dianthus ‘Houndspool Ruby’ ‘Ruby Doris’ ~ see Dianthus ‘Houndspool Ruby’ 97 H ‘Ruth White’ (b) (H4) 93 H ‘Sandra Neal’ (b) (H4) 94 H ‘Sheila’s Choice’ (p) (H4) 02 H ‘Spinfield Betty’s Pink’ (b) (H4) ~ previously listed as ‘Betty’s Pink’ 94 H ‘Spinfield Bridesmaid’ (b) (H4) 95 H ‘Spinfield Happiness’ (b) (H4) 04 H ‘Spinfield Joy’ (b) (H4) 96 H ‘Spinfield Lane’ (b) (H4) 04 H ‘Spinfield Party Dress’ (b) (H4) ~ previously listed as ‘Party Dress’ 01 H ‘Spinfield Strawberry Crush’ (b) (H4) 01 H ‘Spinfield Verona’ (b) (H4) 97 H ‘Spinfield Wizard’ (b) (H4) 05 H ‘Starry Eyes’ (p) (H4) 97 H ‘Suffolk Pride’ (p) (H4) 93 H ‘Suffolk Summer’ (p) (H4) 94 H ‘Tamsin’ (p) (H4) 94 H ‘Tamsin Fifield’ (b) (H4) 98 H ‘Tempo’ (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 04 H† ‘Tintagel’ (p) (H4) 96 H ‘Trisha’s Choice’ (p) (H4) 94 H ‘Uncle Teddy’ (b) (H4) 97 H ‘V.E. Jubilation’ (pf) (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 H ‘Valda Wyatt’ (p) (H4) 99 H ‘Whatfield Cancan’ (p) (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 58 00 H 96 H 01 H ‘Whatfield Magenta’ (p) (H4) ‘White Joy’ (PBR) (p) (H4) White Valda ‘Devon Isolde’ (p) (H4) 93 H† ‘Whitehill’ (p) (H4) 93 H ‘Whitesmith’ (b) (H4) 95 H ‘Widecombe Fair’ (p) (H4) 96 H ‘Zoe’s Choice’ (p) (H4) ‘Boothman’s Variety’ ~ see Dicentra ‘Stuart Boothman’ 93 H ‘Langtrees’ (H4) 93 H ‘Luxuriant’ (H4) 05 H† ‘Queen of Hearts’ (H4) 93 H spectabilis (H4) 93 H — ‘Alba’ (H4) 93 H† ‘Stuart Boothman’ (H4) DIASCIA (SCROPHULARIACEAE) DICKSONIA (DICKSONIACEAE) 95 H 93 F 97 F 97 F barberae ‘Blackthorn Apricot’ (H3-4) 95 H — ‘Fisher’s Flora’ (H3-4) 93 H† — ‘Ruby Field’ (H3-4) 02 H Coral Belle ‘Hecbel’ (H3-4) cordata misapplied ~ see Diascia barberae ‘Fisher’s Flora’ cordifolia ~ see Diascia barberae ‘Fisher’s Flora’ 95 H ‘Dark Eyes’ (H3-4) elegans misapplied ~ see Diascia vigilis 95 H ‘Elizabeth’ (H3-4) flanaganii misapplied ~ see Diascia vigilis 95 H ‘Frilly’ (H3-4) 95 H ‘Hector’s Hardy’ (H3-4) 95 H integerrima (H3-4) integrifolia ~ see Diascia integerrima 95 H ‘Joyce’s Choice’ (H3-4) 95 H ‘Lady Valerie’ (H3-4) 95 H ‘Lilac Belle’ (H3-4) 95 H ‘Lilac Mist’ (H3-4) 93 H rigescens (H3) ‘Ruby Field’ ~ see Diascia barberae ‘Ruby Field’ 95 H ‘Rupert Lambert’ (H3-4) 95 H ‘Twinkle’ (H3-4) 93 H vigilis (H3) DICTAMNUS (RUTACEAE) 93 H 93 H 02 H albus var. albus (H4) — var. purpureus (H4) fraxinella ~ see Dictamnus albus var. purpureus DIEFFENBACHIA (ARACEAE) 02 H 02 H 02 H 02 H × bausei (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Camille’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Exotica’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Tropic Snow’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C DIGITALIS (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 02 H 93 H 93 H 93 A 93 A DICENTRA (PAPAVERACEAE) antarctica (H3) fibrosa (H3) squarrosa (H2) ambigua ~ see Digitalis grandiflora ferruginea (H4) grandiflora (H4) × mertonensis (H4) orientalis ~ see Digitalis grandiflora purpurea ‘Alba’ ~ see Digitalis purpurea f. albiflora — f. albiflora (Thompson & Morgan) (H4) — Excelsior Group (Suttons; Unwins) (H4) ‘Bacchanal’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 A 93 A — radicatum ~ see Dodecatheon pulchellum radicatum ~ see Dodecatheon pulchellum — (Gloxinioides Group) ‘The Shirley’ (H4) — ‘Sutton’s Apricot’ (H4) DIONYSIA (PRIMULACEAE) 93 H† aretioides (H2) DORONICUM (ASTERACEAE) 93 H ‘Miss Mason’ (H4) DIOON (ZAMIACEAE) 02 T edule (H1) ~ min. 5C DOROTHEANTHUS (AIZOACEAE) 02 A bellidiformis (H3) DIOSCOREA (DIOSCOREACEAE) DRABA (BRASSICACEAE) 02 B 93 H† longisiliqua (H2) batatas ‘Rudolph Rhoers’ (H1) ~ min. 5C 02 Cl elephantipes (H1) ~ min. 5C 02 T DIPELTA (CAPRIFOLIACEAE) 02 T 02 T floribunda (H4) DISANTHUS (HAMAMELIDACEAE) 93 T DRACAENA (DRACAENACEAE) 93 T cercidifolius (H4) 02 T DISOCACTUS (CACTACEAE) 93 T 02 CS flagelliformis (H1) ~ min. 2C; previously listed as Aporocactus flagelliformis 93 CS nelsonii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 T DODECATHEON (PRIMULACEAE) 02 T 94 H† 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† amethystinum ~ see Dodecatheon pulchellum dentatum (H4) hendersonii (H4) integrifolium ~ see Dodecatheon hendersonii meadia (H4) — f. album (H4) pauciflorum (Dur.) E. Greene ~ see Dodecatheon meadia pauciflorum misapplied ~ see Dodecatheon pulchellum pulchellum (H4) 02 T 93 T 93 T 02 T draco (H1) ~ min. 10C fragrans (Deremensis Group) ‘Lemon Lime’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C — — ‘Warneckei’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C — — ‘Yellow Stripe’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C — ‘Massangeana’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C marginata (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C — ‘Tricolor’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C reflexa ‘Variegata’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C sanderiana (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C surculosa ‘Florida Beauty’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C DRIMYS (WINTERACEAE) 02 T winteri (H4) DRYAS (ROSACEAE) 93 T† octopetala (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 59 AGM PLANTS 2007 60 93 T† — ‘Minor’ (H4) 93 T† × suendermannii (H4) DYPSIS (ARECACEAE) lutescens ~ see Chrysalidocarpus lutescens DRYOPTERIS (DRYOPTERIDACEAE) 93 F 97 F 97 F 97 F 97 F 97 F 97 F 97 F 97 F 93 F 93 F 93 F 97 F 97 F 93 F affinis (H4) — ‘Crispa Gracilis’ (H4) ~ including cultivated stock of D. ‘Crispa Congesta’, which is almost certainly the same plant — ‘Cristata’ (H4) — ‘Cristata Angustata’ (H4) — ‘Cristata The King’ ~ see Dryopteris affinis ‘Cristata’ — ‘Polydactyla Mapplebeck’ (H4) atrata misapplied ~ see Dryopteris cycadina austriaca ~ see Dryopteris dilatata cycadina (H4) dilatata (H4) — ‘Crispa Whiteside’ (H4) — ‘Lepidota Cristata’ (H4) erythrosora (H4) — ‘Prolifera’ ~ see Dryopteris erythrosora var. prolifica — var. prolifica (H4) ~ awarded as D. erythrosora ‘Prolifera’ filix-mas (H4) — ‘Crispa Congesta’ ~ see Dryopteris affinis ‘Crispa Gracilis’ — ‘Cristata’ (H4) — ‘Grandiceps Wills’ (H4) hirtipes misapplied ~ see Dryopteris cycadina pseudomas ~ see Dryopteris affinis wallichiana (H4) ~ there is a lot of variation within this species, depending upon the country of origin ECHEVERIA (CRASSULACEAE) 93 CS agavoides (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS ‘Bittersweet’ (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS derenbergii (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS × derosa ‘Worfield Wonder’ (H1) ~ min. 2C; previously listed as ‘Warfield Wonder’ 93 CS elegans (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS ‘Frank Reinelt’ (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS gibbiflora var. metallica (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS × gilva ‘Blue Surprise’ (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS — ‘Red’ (H1) ~ min. 2C glauca Baker ~ see Echeveria secunda var. glauca 93 CS harmsii (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS leucotricha (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS ‘Perle von Nürnberg’ (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS pulidonis (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS pulvinata (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS secunda var. glauca (H1) ~ min. 2C; suitable for use as a bedding plant 93 CS setosa (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS ‘Victor Reiter’ (H1) ~ min. 2C For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS ECHINACEA (ASTERACEAE) 03 H 03 H 03 H 03 H purpurea Elton Knight ‘Elbrook’ (H3) — ‘Magnus’ (H4) — ‘Rubinstern’ (H4) ~ buyers should be wary of variation in seed-raised plants — ‘Ruby Giant’ (H4) 02 H 02 T 61 pininana (H2-3) ~ monocarpic wildpretii (H2-3) EDRAIANTHUS (CAMPANULACEAE) 93 H† pumilio (H4) ELAEAGNUS (ELAEAGNACEAE) ECHINOCEREUS (CACTACEAE) 93 CS berlandieri (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS reichenbachii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS subinermis (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 T 02 T 93 T ECHINOPS (ASTERACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 96 H 95 H angustifolia Caspica Group ~ see Elaeagnus ‘Quicksilver’ × ebbingei ‘Gilt Edge’ (v) (H4) pungens ‘Goldrim’ (v) (H4) ‘Quicksilver’ (H4) ~ usually grown as E. angustifolia var. caspica ELATOSTEMA (URTICACEAE) bannaticus ‘Taplow Blue’ (H4) ritro L. (H4) — subsp. ruthenicus (H4) — ‘Veitch’s Blue’ misapplied ~ see Echinops ritro L. repens (H1) ~ min. 10C; previously listed as E. repens var. repens — var. pulchrum (H1) ~ min. 15C; awarded as E. pulchra EMBOTHRIUM (PROTEACEAE) ECHINOPSIS (CACTACEAE) 93 CS ancistrophora (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 02 CS chamaecereus (H1) ~ min. 2C cinnabarina ~ see Lobivia cinnabarina 93 CS eyriesii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C kermesina ~ see Echinopsis mamillosa var. kermesina 93 CS mamillosa var. kermesina (H1) ~ min. 2-10C ECHIUM (BORAGINACEAE) 02 T candicans (H2-3) fastuosum ~ see Echium candicans 93 T coccineum (Lanceolatum Group) ‘Ñorquinco’ (H3) ENKIANTHUS (ERICACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T campanulatus (H4) cernuus f. rubens (H4) perulatus (H4) ENSETE (MUSACEAE) 02 T ventricosum (H1+3) ~ min. 5C EPIMEDIUM (BERBERIDACEAE) 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† 93 H grandiflorum (H4) — ‘Nanum’ (H4) — ‘Rose Queen’ (H4) — ‘White Queen’ (H4) macranthum ~ see Epimedium grandiflorum × perralchicum (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 62 93 H pinnatum subsp. colchicum (H4) — elegans ~ see Epimedium pinnatum subsp. colchicum 93 H × rubrum (H4) 93 H × versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (H4) 93 H† × youngianum ‘Niveum’ (H4) EPIPREMNUM (ARACEAE) 93 Cl aureum (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 Cl pinnatum ‘Aztec’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ERANTHEMUM (ACANTHACEAE) 02 T pulchellum (H1) ~ min. 10C ERANTHIS (RANUNCULACEAE) 93 H† hyemalis (H4) 93 H† — (Tubergenii Group) ‘Guinea Gold’ (H4) EREMURUS (ASPHODELACEAE) 98 H 98 H robustus (H4) stenophyllus (H4) ERICA (ERICACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 94 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T arborea var. alpina (H4) — — ‘Albert’s Gold’ (H4) — ‘Arbora Gold’ ~ see Erica arborea var. alpina ‘Albert’s Gold’ — ‘Arnold’s Gold’ ~ see Erica arborea var. alpina ‘Albert’s Gold’ — ‘Estrella Gold’ (H4) australis (H4) — ‘Mr Robert’ (H3) — ‘Riverslea’ (H4) canaliculata (H3) carnea ‘Adrienne Duncan’ (H4) — ‘Ann Sparkes’ (H4) — ‘Challenger’ (H4) — ‘Foxhollow’ (H4) 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 03 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T — ‘Golden Starlet’ (H4) — ‘Ice Princess’ (H4) — ‘Isabell’ (H4) — ‘Loughrigg’ (H4) — ‘Myretoun Ruby’ (H4) — ‘Nathalie’ (H4) — ‘Pink Spangles’ (H4) — ‘Praecox Rubra’ (H4) — ‘R.B. Cooke’ (H4) — ‘Rosalie’ (H4) — ‘Springwood White’ (H4) — ‘Sunshine Rambler’ (H4) — ‘Vivellii’ (H4) — ‘Westwood Yellow’ (H4) ciliaris ‘Mrs C.H. Gill’ (H4) — ‘Stoborough’ (H4) cinerea f. alba ‘Alba Minor’ (H4) — — ‘Hookstone White’ (H4) — ‘C.D. Eason’ (H4) — ‘C.G. Best’ (H4) — ‘Champs Hill’ (H4) — ‘Cindy’ (H4) — ‘Eden Valley’ (H4) — ‘Fiddler’s Gold’ (H4) — ‘Golden Hue’ (H4) — ‘Graham Thomas’ ~ see Erica cinerea ‘C.G. Best’ — ‘Knap Hill Pink’ (H4) — ‘Lime Soda’ (H4) — ‘P.S. Patrick’ (H4) — ‘Pentreath’ (H4) — ‘Pink Ice’ (H4) — ‘Stephen Davis’ (H4) — ‘Velvet Night’ (H4) — ‘Windlebrooke’ (H4) × darleyensis ‘Arthur Johnson’ (H4) — ‘Cherry Stevens’ ~ see Erica × darleyensis ‘Furzey’ — ‘Furzey’ (H4) — ‘Ghost Hills’ (H4) — ‘J.W. Porter’ (H4) — ‘Jenny Porter’ (H4) — ‘Kramer’s Rote’ (H4) — ‘White Perfection’ (H4) erigena ‘Golden Lady’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 95 T 93 T 93 T 93 T — ‘Irish Dusk’ (H4) — ‘W.T. Rackliff’ (H4) lusitanica (H3) × stuartii ‘Irish Lemon’ (H4) terminalis (H4) tetralix ‘Alba Mollis’ (H4) — ‘Con Underwood’ (H4) — ‘Pink Star’ (H4) vagans ‘Birch Glow’ (H4) — ‘Cornish Cream’ (H4) — ‘Kevernensis Alba’ (H4) — ‘Lyonesse’ (H4) — ‘Mrs D.F. Maxwell’ (H4) — ‘Valerie Proudley’ (H4) × veitchii ‘Exeter’ (H3) — ‘Gold Tips’ (H4) × watsonii ‘Dawn’ (H4) × williamsii ‘P.D. Williams’ (H4) macradenum ~ see Erodium glandulosum 93 H† × variabile ‘Roseum’ (H4) ERYNGIUM (APIACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 A 99 A 93 H 04 H 99 H 93 H aureus ‘Canary Bird’ (H4) ‘Dunkelste Aller’ (H3) ‘Foersters Liebling’ (H4) karvinskianus (H3) mucronatus ~ see Erigeron karvinskianus ‘Profusion’ ~ see Erigeron karvinskianus alpinum (H4) bourgatii ‘Oxford Blue’ (H4) decaisneanum misapplied ~ see Eryngium pandanifolium giganteum (H4) — ‘Silver Ghost’ (H4) × oliverianum (H4) pandanifolium (H4) planum ‘Bethlehem’ (H4) × tripartitum (H4) ~ reconfirmed 1999 ERYSIMUM (BRASSICACEAE) ERIGERON (ASTERACEAE) 94 H† 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 P 04 P 04 P allionii misapplied ~ see Erysimum × marshallii ‘Bowles’ Mauve’ (H3) ‘Bredon’ (H3) cheiri ‘Persian Carpet’ (H4) — ‘Sunset Apricot’ (Sunset Series) (H4) ~ as a bedding plant — ‘Sunset Primrose’ (Sunset Series) (H4) ~ as a bedding plant × marshallii (H4) ~ previously listed as E. allionii ERINACEA (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 P 93 T† anthyllis (H4) pungens ~ see Erinacea anthyllis ERYTHRONIUM (LILIACEAE) ERINUS (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 93 H† alpinus (H4) ERIOBOTRYA (ROSACEAE) 93 T japonica (F) (H3) 63 94 B† 93 B† 93 B† 93 B† 93 B† 93 B† californicum (H4) — ‘White Beauty’ (H4) dens-canis (H4) ‘Pagoda’ (H4) revolutum (H4) tuolumnense (H4) ERODIUM (GERANIACEAE) ESCALLONIA (ESCALLONIACEAE) chamaedryoides ‘Roseum’ ~ see Erodium × variabile ‘Roseum’ 93 H† glandulosum (H4) 93 T 02 T 93 T ‘Apple Blossom’ (H4) bifida (H3) ‘Donard Radiance’ (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 64 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T ‘Iveyi’ (H3) ‘Langleyensis’ (H4) montevidensis ~ see Escallonia bifida ‘Peach Blossom’ (H4) ‘Pride of Donard’ (H4) rubra ‘Crimson Spire’ (H4) ESCHSCHOLZIA (PAPAVERACEAE) 93 A 93 A 03 A 03 A 93 A 03 A 03 A 03 A caespitosa (H4) californica (H4) — ‘Appleblossom Bush’ (Thai Silk Series) (H4) — ‘Apricot Chiffon’ (Thai Silk Series) (H4) ~ omitted from AGM Plants 2004-5 in error — ‘Dali’ (H4) — ‘Lemon Bush’ (Thai Silk Series) (H4) — ‘Rose Chiffon’ (Thai Silk Series) (H4) — Thai Silk Series, mixed (H4) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 EUCHARIS (AMARYLLIDACEAE) 02 B EUCOMIS (HYACINTHACEAE) 02 B 02 B 98 B ESPOSTOA (CACTACEAE) EUCRYPHIA (EUCRYPHIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T dalrympleana (H3) gunnii (H3) niphophila ~ see Eucalyptus pauciflora subsp. niphophila parvifolia (H4) pauciflora subsp. niphophila (H4) glutinosa (H4) × intermedia ‘Rostrevor’ (H3) × nymansensis ‘Nymansay’ (H3) EUONYMUS (CELASTRACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 CS nana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C EUCALYPTUS (MYRTACEAE) autumnalis (Mill.) Chitt. (H2-3) bicolor (H2-3) pallidiflora (H4) undulata ~ see Eucomis autumnalis (Mill.) Chitt. ESCOBARIA (CACTACEAE) 93 CS roseana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C amazonica (H1) ~ min. 10C grandiflora misapplied ~ see Eucharis amazonica 02 T 93 T 99 T 93 T alatus (H4) — ‘Ciliodentatus’ ~ see Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’ — ‘Compactus’ (H4) europaeus ‘Red Cascade’ (H4) fortunei ‘Emerald Gaiety’ (v) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 — ‘Emerald ‘n’ Gold’ (v) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 — ‘Emerald Surprise’ (v) (H4) — ‘Tustin’ (H4) japonicus ‘Aureovariegatus’ ~ see Euonymus japonicus ‘Ovatus Aureus’ — ‘Chollipo’ (H4) — ‘Marieke’ ~ see Euonymus japonicus ‘Ovatus Aureus’ — ‘Ovatus Aureus’ (v) (H4) phellomanus (H4) planipes (H4) sachalinensis misapplied ~ see Euonymus planipes For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS EUPATORIUM (ASTERACEAE) 06 H 06 H 93 H 06 H 06 H 06 H capillifolium (H3) ~ as an annual fistulosum ‘Album’ (H4) ligustrinum ~ see Ageratina ligustrina maculatum ‘Atropurpureum’ (H4) — ‘Orchard Dene’ (H4) — ‘Purple Bush’ (H4) — ‘Riesenschirm’ (H4) micranthum ~ see Ageratina ligustrina weinmannianum ~ see Ageratina ligustrina EUPHORBIA (EUPHORBIACEAE) 93 H amygdaloides var. robbiae (H4) biglandulosa Desf. ~ see Euphorbia rigida 98 H characias ‘Portuguese Velvet’ (H4) 93 H — subsp. wulfenii (H3-4) ~ omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 93 H — — ‘John Tomlinson’ (H3-4) ~ omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 93 H — — ‘Lambrook Gold’ (H3-4) ~ omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 02 H cornigera (H4) epithymoides ~ see Euphorbia polychroma 02 H Excalibur ‘Froeup’ (H4) 02 T fulgens (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 H griffithii ‘Dixter’ (H4) 02 CS horrida (H1) ~ min. 5C; shrubby longifolia misapplied ~ see Euphorbia cornigera longifolia Lam. ~ see Euphorbia mellifera 93 H × martini (H3) 02 T mellifera (H3) 65 02 CS meloformis (H1) ~ min. 5C 93 T milii (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 T — var. splendens (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 H† myrsinites (H4) 02 CS obesa (H1) ~ min. 5C 93 H palustris (H4) pilosa ‘Major’ ~ see Euphorbia polychroma ‘Major’ 93 H polychroma (H4) 96 H — ‘Major’ (H4) 02 H Redwing ‘Charam’ (H4) 04 H rigida (H4) robbiae ~ see Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae 93 H schillingii (H4) 02 H sikkimensis (H4) 02 CS viguieri (H1) ~ min. 10C; shrubby wallichii Kohli ~ see Euphorbia cornigera EURYOPS (ASTERACEAE) 93 T† acraeus (H4) evansii ~ see Euryops acraeus 93 T pectinatus (H2) EXACUM (GENTIANACEAE) 02 A affine (H1+3) ~ min. 10C; annual/biennial EXOCHORDA (ROSACEAE) 93 T × macrantha ‘The Bride’ (H4) FABIANA (SOLANACEAE) 93 T imbricata f. violacea (H3) FAGUS (FAGACEAE) 93 T sylvatica (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 66 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T — ‘Dawyck’ (H4) — ‘Dawyck Gold’ (H4) — ‘Dawyck Purple’ (H4) — ‘Fastigiata’ misapplied ~ see Fagus sylvatica ‘Dawyck’ — var. heterophylla ‘Aspleniifolia’ (H4) — ‘Pendula’ (H4) — ‘Purple Fountain’ (H4) — ‘Riversii’ (H4) FARFUGIUM (ASTERACEAE) 93 H japonicum ‘Aureomaculatum’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C FELICIA (ASTERACEAE) 93 T 93 T amelloides ‘Santa Anita’ (H3) — ‘Santa Anita Variegated’ (v) (H3) FENESTRARIA (AIZOACEAE) 02 CS aurantiaca (H1) ~ min. 2C FEROCACTUS (CACTACEAE) 93 CS fordii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS glaucescens (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS viridescens (H1) ~ min. 2-10C FARGESIA (POACEAE) FESTUCA (POACEAE) 93 Ba murielae (H4) 02 Ba — ‘Simba’ (H4) 02 Ba nitida ‘Nymphenburg’ (H4) spathacea misapplied ~ see Fargesia murielae 93 G† glauca ‘Blaufuchs’ (H4) — Blue Fox ~ see Festuca glauca ‘Blaufuchs’ FICUS (MORACEAE) 93 T × FATSHEDERA (ARALIACEAE) 93 T lizei (H3) 93 T — ‘Annemieke’ (v) (H3) — ‘Lemon and Lime’ ~ see × Fatshedera lizei ‘Annemieke’ — ‘Maculata’ ~ see × Fatshedera lizei ‘Annemieke’ 93 T — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H3) FATSIA (ARALIACEAE) 93 T 93 T japonica (H4) — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H3) papyrifera ~ see Tetrapanax papyrifer FAUCARIA (AIZOACEAE) 93 CS candida (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 02 CS tigrina (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS tuberculosa (H1) ~ min. 2C benjamina (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 T — ‘Starlight’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 T binnendijkii (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 T deltoidea (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 T elastica ‘Black Knight’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 T — ‘Decora’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 T — ‘Doescheri’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 T — ‘Schrijveriana’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 T — ‘Tricolor’ (H1) ~ min. 10C longifolia misapplied ~ see Ficus binnendijkii 93 T lyrata (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 Cl pumila (H1) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 T 02 T rubiginosa (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C 67 FREESIA (IRIDACEAE) laxa ~ see Anomatheca laxa FREMONTODENDRON (STERCULIACEAE) FILIPENDULA (ROSACEAE) 93 T 93 H 93 H FRITHIA (AIZOACEAE) purpurea (H4) rubra ‘Venusta’ (H4) — ‘Venusta Magnifica’ ~ see Filipendula rubra ‘Venusta’ ‘California Glory’ (H3) 02 CS pulchra (H1) ~ min. 2C FITTONIA (ACANTHACEAE) FRITILLARIA (LILIACEAE) 93 H 93 B† acmopetala (H4) 97 B† hermonis subsp. amana ‘Cambridge’ (H4) 93 B imperialis ‘Maxima Lutea’ (H4) 93 B† meleagris var. unicolor subvar. alba (H4) 93 B† michailovskyi (H2) nigra Mill. ~ see Fritillaria pyrenaica 93 B† pallidiflora (H4) 96 B† persica ‘Adiyaman’ (H4) 03 B† pontica (H4) 93 B† pyrenaica (H4) 93 H albivenis Argyroneura Group (H1) ~ min. 15C; awarded as F. verschaffeltii var. argyroneura — Verschaffeltii Group (H1) ~ min. 15C; awarded as F. verschaffeltii verschaffeltii ~ see Fittonia albivenis Verschaffeltii Group FORSYTHIA (OLEACEAE) 93 T 96 T 02 T Gold Tide ~ see Forsythia Marée d’Or × intermedia ‘Lynwood Variety’ (H4) — Week-End ‘Courtalyn’ (H4) Marée d’Or ‘Courtasol’ (H4) FUCHSIA (ONAGRACEAE) 93 T 02 T FORTUNELLA (RUTACEAE) 02 T 02 T × crassifolia ‘Meiwa’ (F) (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Fukushu’ (F) (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 T 02 T 93 T FOTHERGILLA (HAMAMELIDACEAE) 93 T major (H4) FRAXINUS (OLEACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T angustifolia ‘Raywood’ (H4) excelsior ‘Jaspidea’ (H4) — ‘Pendula’ (H4) — ‘Westhof’s Glorie’ (H4) ornus (H4) 93 T 02 T 05 T 02 T ‘Achievement’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Alice Hoffman’ (d) (H3-4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Alison Patricia’ (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Alison Sweetman’ (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Annabel’ (d) (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Army Nurse’ (d) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Autumnale’ (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Baby Blue Eyes’ (H3-4) ‘Ballet Girl’ (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 5C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 68 02 T 05 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 05 T 05 T 02 T 93 T 05 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T AGM PLANTS 2007 ‘Bella Forbes’ (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Bernisser Hardy’ (H3-4) ‘Billy Green’ (T) (H1+3) ~ min. 10C boliviana var. alba (H1+3) ~ min. 10C — var. luxurians ‘Alba’ ~ see Fuchsia boliviana var. alba ‘Border Queen’ (H3-4) ‘Brutus’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Carla Johnston’ (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Celia Smedley’ (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Chang’ (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Checkerboard’ (H3) ‘Chillerton Beauty’ (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Coachman’ (H4) ‘Conspicua’ (H3-4) ‘Corallina’ (H3-4) cordifolia misapplied ~ see Fuchsia splendens ‘Dancing Flame’ (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Dark Eyes’ (d) (H4) ‘David’ (H3-4) ‘Display’ (H4) ‘Doctor Foster’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Dollar Prinzessin’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004; awarded as ‘Dollar Princess’ ‘Empress of Prussia’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Flash’ (H3-4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Foxgrove Wood’ (H3-4) fulgens (H1+3) ~ min. 10C ‘Garden News’ (d) (H3-4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 04 T 93 T 05 T 93 T 05 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 05 T 04 T 93 T 05 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T ‘Gartenmeister Bonstedt’ (T) (H1+3) ~ min. 10C ‘Genii’ (H4) ‘Golden Marinka’ (v) (H3) gracilis ~ see Fuchsia magellanica var. gracilis ‘Hawkshead’ (H3-4) ‘Heidi Ann’ (d) (H3) ‘Henning Becker’ (H3) ‘Herald’ (H4) ‘Howlett’s Hardy’ (H3-4) ‘Jack Shahan’ (H3) ‘John E. Caunt’ (H3-4) ‘Jomam’ (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘La Campanella’ (d) (H3) ‘Lady Thumb’ (d) (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Lena’ (d) (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Liebriez’ (d) (H3-4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Lottie Hobby’ (E) (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Love’s Reward’ (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Lye’s Unique’ (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Madame Cornélissen’ (d) (H3) magellanica var. gracilis (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 — — ‘Aurea’ (H3-4) — — ‘Tricolor’ (v) (H3) — — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H3) — ‘Thompsonii’ (H3-4) ‘Margaret’ (d) (H4) ‘Margaret Brown’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Marin Glow’ (H3) ‘Marinka’ (H3) ‘Mary’ (T) (H1+3) ~ min. 10C For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T ‘Micky Goult’ (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Mieke Meursing’ (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Monsieur Thibaut’ (H4) ‘Mrs Lovell Swisher’ (H4) ‘Mrs Popple’ (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Mrs W.P. Wood’ (H3) ‘Nellie Nuttall’ (H3) paniculata (T) (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Phyllis’ (d) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Pink Marshmallow’ (d) (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Preston Guild’ (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Princess Dollar’ ~ see Fuchsia ‘Dollar Prinzessin’ ‘Prosperity’ (d) (H3) ‘Riccartonii’ (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Rose of Castile Improved’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Royal Velvet’ (d) (H3) ‘Rufus’ (H3-4) ‘Snowcap’ (d) (H3-4) ‘Son of Thumb’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 splendens (H1+3) ~ min. 10C ‘Swanley Gem’ (H3) ‘Swingtime’ (d) (H3) ‘Tennessee Waltz’ (d) (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 ‘Thalia’ (T) (H1+3) ~ min. 10C ‘Thompsonii’ ~ see Fuchsia magellanica ‘Thompsonii’ ‘Tom Thumb’ (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 04 T 02 T 02 T 93 T ‘Tricolor’ ~ see Fuchsia magellanica var. gracilis ‘Tricolor’ ‘Wendy’ Catt ~ see Fuchsia ‘Snowcap’ ‘Wharfedale’ (H3) ‘White Pixie’ (H3-4) ‘Whiteknights Pearl’ (H1+3) ~ min. 5C ‘Winston Churchill’ (d) (H3) GAILLARDIA (ASTERACEAE) 93 A × grandiflora ‘Dazzler’ (H4) GALANTHUS (AMARYLLIDACEAE) 93 B† ‘Atkinsii’ (H4) caucasicus misapplied ~ see Galanthus elwesii var. monostictus 93 B† elwesii (H4) 93 B† — var. monostictus (H4) ~ previously listed in error as G. caucasicus (Bak.) Grossh. graecus Orph. ex Boiss. ~ see Galanthus elwesii 93 B† ‘Magnet’ (H4) 93 B† nivalis (H4) 93 B† — f. pleniflorus ‘Flore Pleno’ (d) (H4) ~ previously listed as G. nivalis f. pleniflorus ‘Flore Pleno’ 93 B† plicatus (H4) ~ including both subsp. plicatus and subsp. byzantinus 02 B† reginae-olgae subsp. reginae-olgae (H2-4) 93 B† ‘S. Arnott’ (H4) 02 B† woronowii (H4) GALEGA (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 H 02 H 02 H × hartlandii ‘Alba’ (H4) — ‘Lady Wilson’ (H4) officinalis ‘Alba’ (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 69 AGM PLANTS 2007 70 GALTONIA (HYACINTHACEAE) 02 B 93 H candicans (H4) 96 P GARDENIA (RUBIACEAE) 02 T augusta ~ see Gardenia jasminoides florida L. ~ see Gardenia jasminoides grandiflora ~ see Gardenia jasminoides jasminoides (H1) ~ min. 15C 96 P 96 H 96 H 96 H GARRYA (GARRYACEAE) 93 T elliptica ‘James Roof’ (m) (H4) 96 H 93 H GASTERIA (ALOACEAE) 02 CS batesiana (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS nitida var. armstrongii (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 P ‘Cookei’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Daybreak Bright Orange’ (Daybreak Series) (H3) ~ bedding type ‘Daybreak Garden Sun’ (Daybreak Series) (H3) ~ bedding type ‘Dorothy’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Michael’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Northbourne’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C rigens var. uniflora (H1+3) — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Talent Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 GELSEMIUM (LOGANIACEAE) GAULTHERIA (ERICACEAE) 93 T† cuneata (H4) 93 T mucronata ‘Bell’s Seedling’ (f/m) (H4) ~ hermaphrodite; whereas male or several plants are required for the production of fruit in all the other cultivars listed 93 T — ‘Crimsonia’ (f) (H4) 93 T — ‘Mulberry Wine’ (f) (H4) 93 T — ‘Pink Pearl’ (f) (H4) 93 T — ‘Sea Shell’ (f) (H4) 93 T — ‘Wintertime’ (f) (H4) 93 T† procumbens (H4) GAURA (ONAGRACEAE) 93 H lindheimeri (H4) GAZANIA (ASTERACEAE) 93 H 93 P ‘Aztec’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Chansonette’ (H3) 93 Cl sempervirens (H1-2) GENISTA (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 T aetnensis (H4) delphinensis ~ see Genista sagittalis subsp. delphinensis 93 T† lydia (H4) 93 T ‘Porlock’ (H3) ~ previously listed as Cytisus ‘Porlock’ 93 T† sagittalis subsp. delphinensis (H4) — minor ~ see Genista sagittalis subsp. delphinensis 93 T × spachiana (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 T tinctoria ‘Flore Pleno’ (d) (H4) — ‘Plena’ ~ see Genista tinctoria ‘Flore Pleno’ 93 T — ‘Royal Gold’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS GENTIANA (GENTIANACEAE) 93 H† acaulis (H4) angulosa misapplied ~ see Gentiana verna ‘Angulosa’ 06 H 05 H 93 H 05 H hort. 93 H† asclepiadea (H4) 93 H† ‘Inverleith’ (H4) kochiana ~ see Gentiana acaulis lagodechiana ~ see Gentiana septemfida var. lagodechiana 93 H† × macaulayi (H4) 93 H† — ‘Edinburgh’ (H4) 93 H† septemfida (H4) 93 H† — var. lagodechiana (H4) 93 H† sino-ornata (H4) 93 H† × stevenagensis (H4) 94 H† ‘Strathmore’ (H4) 02 H† verna ‘Angulosa’ hort. (H4) GERANIUM (GERANIACEAE) aconitifolium misapplied ~ see Geranium palmatum anemonifolium ~ see Geranium palmatum 96 H ‘Ann Folkard’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2005 05 H ‘Anne Thomson’ (H4) armenum ~ see Geranium psilostemon 04 H ‘Blue Cloud’ (H4) 05 H Blue Sunrise ‘Blogold’ (H4) 04 H ‘Brookside’ (H4) ‘Buxton’s Blue’ ~ see Geranium wallichianum ‘Buxton’s Variety’ 93 H† (Cinereum Group) ‘Ballerina’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2006 06 H (Cinereum Group) Rothbury Gem ‘Gerfos’ (H4) 96 H clarkei ‘Kashmir White’ (H4) 93 H† dalmaticum (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2006 93 H 05 H 93 H 06 H 06 H 93 H 06 H 93 H 06 H 06 H 06 H 93 H 93 H 04 H 04 H 04 H 93 H 05 H 93 H 93 H 05 H 06 H ‘Danny Boy’ (H4) ‘Dilys’ (H4) endressii (H4) — ‘Castle Drogo’ (H4) — ‘Wargrave Pink’ ~ see Geranium × oxonianum ‘Wargrave Pink’ himalayense alpinum ~ see Geranium himalayense ‘Gravetye’ — ‘Gravetye’ (H4) ibericum misapplied ~ see Geranium × magnificum — var. platypetalum misapplied ~ see Geranium × magnificum ‘Ivan’ (H4) ‘Johnson’s Blue’ (H4) ‘Jolly Bee’ (PBR) (H4) × lindavicum ‘Gypsy’ (H4) macrorrhizum ‘Album’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2006 — ‘Bevan’s Variety’ (H4) — ‘Ingwersen’s Variety’ (H4) — ‘Mount Olympus’ ~ see Geranium macrorrhizum ‘White-Ness’ — ‘Mytikas’ (H4) — ‘White-Ness’ (H4) maculatum ‘Elizabeth Ann’ (H4) maderense (H2) × magnificum (H4) ‘Mavis Simpson’ (H4) ‘Nimbus’ (H4) ‘Orion’ (H4) × oxonianum ‘A.T. Johnson’ (H4) — ‘Beholder’s Eye’ (H4) — ‘Wargrave Pink’ (H4) palmatum (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 Patricia ‘Brempat’ (H4) phaeum ‘Our Pat’ (H4) platypetalum misapplied ~ see Geranium × magnificum For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 71 72 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H† 93 H† 06 H 93 H† 05 H 05 H 06 H 93 H† 93 H† 05 H 04 H 93 H† 06 H AGM PLANTS 2007 pratense ‘Flore Pleno’ ~ see Geranium pratense ‘Plenum Violaceum’ — ‘Mrs Kendall Clark’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 — ‘Plenum Violaceum’ (d) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 — ‘Rectum Album’ ~ see Geranium clarkei ‘Kashmir White’ psilostemon (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2005 rectum ‘Album’ ~ see Geranium clarkei ‘Kashmir White’ renardii (H4) × riversleaianum ‘Russell Prichard’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 Rozanne ‘Gerwat’ (H4) sanguineum ‘Album’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2005 — ‘Ankum’s Pride’ (H4) — ‘Aviemore’ (H4) — var. lancastrense ~ see Geranium sanguineum var. striatum — ‘Little Bead’ (H4) — ‘Nanum’ ~ see Geranium sanguineum ‘Little Bead’ — var. prostratum (Cav.) Pers. ~ see Geranium sanguineum var. striatum — ‘Shepherd’s Warning’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2006 — var. striatum (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2006 — — ‘Splendens’ (H4) ‘Sirak’ (H4) subcaulescens (H4) ~ previously listed as G. cinereum var. subcaulescens — ‘Giuseppii’ (H4) 93 H† — ‘Splendens’ (H4) ~ previously listed as G. cinereum subsp. subcaulescens var. subcaulescens ‘Splendens’; reconfirmed after trial 2006 93 H sylvaticum ‘Album’ (H4) 93 H — ‘Mayflower’ (H4) 93 H wallichianum ‘Buxton’s Variety’ (H4) GEUM (ROSACEAE) alpinum ~ see Geum montanum 93 H ‘Fire Opal’ (H4) 93 H ‘Lady Stratheden’ (H4) 93 H† montanum (H4) 93 H ‘Mrs J. Bradshaw’ (H4) GILLENIA (ROSACEAE) 93 H trifoliata (H4) GINKGO (GINKGOACEAE) 93 C biloba (H4) GLADIOLUS (IRIDACEAE) 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B byzantinus ~ see Gladiolus communis subsp. byzantinus callianthus ~ see Gladiolus murielae × colvillii ‘The Bride’ (H3) communis subsp. byzantinus (H4) murielae (H3) ‘Robinetta’ (recurvus hybrid) (H3) GLAUCIDIUM (GLAUCIDIACEAE) 93 H† palmatum (H4) GLEDITSIA (CAESALPINIACEAE) 93 T triacanthos ‘Sunburst’ (H4) GLOBULARIA (GLOBULARIACEAE) 93 T† cordifolia (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS GLORIOSA (COLCHICACEAE) 93 Cl superba (H1) ~ min. 10C GRAPTOPETALUM (CRASSULACEAE) 02 CS bellum (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS quehlianum (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS tillianum (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS uruguayense (H1) ~ min. 2-10C GYMNOCARPIUM (WOODSIACEAE) GREVILLEA (PROTEACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T banksii ‘Canberra Hybrid’ ~ see Grevillea ‘Canberra Gem’ ‘Canberra Gem’ (H3-4) robusta (H1+3) ~ min. 2C rosmarinifolia (H3) 93 F† dryopteris (H4) 97 F — ‘Plumosum’ (H4) ~ comes true from spores GYNURA (ASTERACEAE) 93 H GRISELINIA (GRISELINIACEAE) 93 T 02 T littoralis (H3) — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H3) aurantiaca ‘Purple Passion’ (H1) ~ min. 15C sarmentosa misapplied ~ see Gynura aurantiaca ‘Purple Passion’ GYPSOPHILA (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) GUNNERA (GUNNERACEAE) 93 H 06 H chilensis ~ see Gunnera tinctoria manicata (H3-4) scabra ~ see Gunnera tinctoria tinctoria (H4) 93 H paniculata ‘Bristol Fairy’ (d) (H4) 93 H† repens (H4) 93 H ‘Rosenschleier’ (d) (H4) ‘Rosy Veil’ ~ see Gypsophila ‘Rosenschleier’ Veil of Roses ~ see Gypsophila ‘Rosenschleier’ GUZMANIA (BROMELIACEAE) HABERLEA (GESNERIACEAE) 93 H 93 H† rhodopensis (H4) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H lingulata (H1) ~ min. 15C — var. minor (H1) ~ min. 15C monostachya (H1) ~ min. 15C musaica (H1) ~ min. 15C sanguinea (H1) ~ min. 15C HABRANTHUS (AMARYLLIDACEAE) 02 B 02 B andersonii ~ see Habranthus tubispathus robustus (H1) ~ min. 5C tubispathus (H1) ~ min. 5C HACQUETIA (APIACEAE) GYMNOCALYCIUM (CACTACEAE) 93 CS andreae (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS baldianum (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 H† epipactis (H4) HAEMANTHUS (AMARYLLIDACEAE) 02 B albiflos (H1) ~ min. 5C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 73 AGM PLANTS 2007 74 02 B coccineus (H1) ~ min. 5C kalbreyeri ~ see Scadoxus multiflorus subsp. multiflorus katherinae ~ see Scadoxus multiflorus subsp. katherinae HAKONECHLOA (POACEAE) 02 G 93 G macra ‘Alboaurea’ (H4) — ‘Aureola’ (H4) — ‘Variegata’ ~ see Hakonechloa macra ‘Alboaurea’ 93 T 93 T 93 T 05 T 93 T 05 T 93 T — ‘Copper Beauty’ ~ see Hamamelis × intermedia ‘Jelena’ — ‘Diane’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed 2006 — ‘Jelena’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed 2006 — ‘Pallida’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed 2006 — ‘Vesna’ (H4) mollis (H4) ~ awarded to grafted plants only — ‘Jermyns Gold’ (H4) vernalis ‘Sandra’ (H4) HAMATOCACTUS (CACTACEAE) HALESIA (STYRACACEAE) 93 T monticola var. vestita (H4) × HALIMIOCISTUS (CISTACEAE) algarvensis ~ see Halimium ocymoides revolii misapplied ~ see × Halimiocistus sahucii 93 T sahucii (H4) ‘Susan’ ~ see Halimium ‘Susan’ 93 T wintonensis (H3) 93 T — ‘Merrist Wood Cream’ (H3) HALIMIUM (CISTACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T lasianthum (H3) ocymoides (H3) ‘Susan’ (H3) wintonense ~ see × Halimiocistus wintonensis HAMAMELIS (HAMAMELIDACEAE) 05 T 05 T 93 T 05 T 97 T × intermedia ‘Angelly’ (H4) — ‘Aphrodite’ (H4) — ‘Arnold Promise’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed 2006 — ‘Aurora’ (H4) — ‘Barmstedt Gold’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed 2006 setispinus ~ see Thelocactus setispinus HARDENBERGIA (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 Cl comptoniana (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 Cl violacea (H1) ~ min. 2C HATIORA (CACTACEAE) 93 CS gaertneri (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 CS rosea (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 CS salicornioides (H1) ~ min. 2-10C HAWORTHIA (ALOACEAE) 93 CS attenuata f. caespitosa (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 02 CS pumila (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS reinwardtii (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS retusa (H1) ~ min. 2C tesselata ~ see Haworthia venosa subsp. tesselata For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 02 CS truncata (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS venosa subsp. tesselata (H1) ~ min. 2-10C HEBE (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 93 T† albicans (H4) 93 T ‘Blue Clouds’ (H3) 02 T ‘Caledonia’ (H3) ‘Carl Teschner’ ~ see Hebe ‘Youngii’ ‘E.B. Anderson’ ~ see Hebe ‘Caledonia’ elliptica ‘Variegata’ ~ see Hebe ‘Silver Queen’ ‘Emerald Dome’ ~ see Hebe ‘Emerald Gem’ 93 T† ‘Emerald Gem’ (H3) ~ previously listed as ‘Emerald Green’ ‘Emerald Green’ ~ see Hebe ‘Emerald Gem’ × franciscana ‘Variegata’ ~ see Hebe ‘Silver Queen’ 93 T ‘Great Orme’ (H3) ‘Green Globe’ ~ see Hebe ‘Emerald Gem’ 93 T hulkeana (H3) ‘James Stirling’ ~ see Hebe ochracea ‘James Stirling’ ‘Knightshayes’ ~ see Hebe ‘Caledonia’ mackenii ~ see Hebe ‘Emerald Gem’ 93 T† macrantha (H3) 02 T ‘Margret’ (PBR) (H4) ‘McKean’ ~ see Hebe ‘Emerald Gem’ 93 T ‘Midsummer Beauty’ (H3) ‘Milmont Emerald’ ~ see Hebe ‘Emerald Gem’ 93 T ‘Mrs Winder’ (H4) 02 T ‘Neil’s Choice’ (H4) 02 T ‘Nicola’s Blush’ (H4) 93 T† ochracea ‘James Stirling’ (H4) 02 T 02 T 93 T† 93 T† 93 T† 02 T 93 T 93 T† 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 75 ‘Oratia Beauty’ (H4) ‘Pascal’ (H4) perfoliata ~ see Parahebe perfoliata ‘Pewter Dome’ (H4) pimeleoides ‘Quicksilver’ (H4) pinguifolia ‘Pagei’ (H4) ‘Pink Elephant’ (v) (H3) ‘Porlock Purple’ ~ see Parahebe catarractae ‘Delight’ ‘Purple Emperor’ ~ see Hebe ‘Neil’s Choice’ rakaiensis (H4) recurva ‘Boughton Silver’ (H3) ‘Red Edge’ (H4) ‘Sapphire’ (H4) ‘Silver Queen’ (v) (H2) topiaria (H4) vernicosa (H3) ‘Waikiki’ ~ see Hebe ‘Mrs Winder’ ‘Warleyensis’ ~ see Hebe ‘Mrs Winder’ ‘White Gem’ (brachysiphon hybrid) (H4) ‘Wingletye’ (H3) ‘Wiri Cloud’ (H3) ‘Wiri Dawn’ (H3) ‘Youngii’ (H3-4) HEDERA (ARALIACEAE) 93 Cl algeriensis ‘Gloire de Marengo’ (v) (H3) ~ previously listed as H. canariensis hort. ‘Gloire de Marengo’ 93 Cl — ‘Marginomaculata’ (v) (H3) ~ previously listed as H. canariensis hort. ‘Marginomaculata’ 93 Cl — ‘Ravensholst’ (H3) ~ previously listed under H. colchica and H. canariensis canariensis ‘Variegata’ ~ see Hedera algeriensis ‘Gloire de Marengo’ 93 Cl colchica (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 76 AGM PLANTS 2007 93 Cl — ‘Dentata’ (H4) — ‘Dentata Aurea’ ~ see Hedera colchica ‘Dentata Variegata’ 93 Cl — ‘Dentata Variegata’ (v) (H4) — ‘My Heart’ ~ see Hedera colchica — ‘Paddy’s Pride’ ~ see Hedera colchica ‘Sulphur Heart’ 93 Cl — ‘Sulphur Heart’ (v) (H4) — ‘Variegata’ ~ see Hedera colchica ‘Dentata Variegata’ cristata ~ see Hedera helix ‘Parsley Crested’ 93 Cl helix ‘Angularis Aurea’ (H4) 02 Cl — ‘Caecilia’ (v) (H4) 02 Cl — ‘Ceridwen’ (v) (H4) 93 Cl — ‘Congesta’ (H4) — ‘Cristata’ ~ see Hedera helix ‘Parsley Crested’ — ‘Curleylocks’ ~ see Hedera helix ‘Manda’s Crested’ — ‘Deltoidea’ ~ see Hedera hibernica ‘Deltoidea’ — ‘Discolor’ ~ see Hedera helix ‘Minor Marmorata’ 02 Cl — ‘Duckfoot’ (H4) 93 Cl — ‘Erecta’ (H4) 93 Cl — ‘Glacier’ (v) (H4) — ‘Gold Harald’ ~ see Hedera helix ‘Goldchild’ 93 Cl — ‘Goldchild’ (v) (H3-4) — ‘Golden Ann’ ~ see Hedera helix ‘Ceridwen’ — ‘Golden Ester’ ~ see Hedera helix ‘Ceridwen’ 02 Cl — ‘Golden Ingot’ (v) (H4) — ‘Golden Kolibri’ ~ see Hedera helix ‘Midas Touch’ (v) — ‘Helvig’ ~ see Hedera helix ‘White Knight’ 93 Cl 93 Cl 02 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 02 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 02 Cl — ‘Holly’ ~ see Hedera helix ‘Parsley Crested’ — ‘Ivalace’ (H4) — ‘Maculata’ ~ see Hedera helix ‘Minor Marmorata’ — ‘Manda’s Crested’ (H4) — ‘Maple Leaf’ (H4) — ‘Melanie’ (H4) — ‘Midas Touch’ (v) (H3-4) — ‘Minima’ misapplied ~ see Hedera helix ‘Spetchley’ — ‘Minima’ M. Young ~ see Hedera helix ‘Congesta’ — ‘Minor Marmorata’ (v) (H4) — ‘Parsley Crested’ (H4) — ‘Salt and Pepper’ ~ see Hedera helix ‘Minor Marmorata’ — ‘Spetchley’ (H4) — ‘White Knight’ (v) (H4) hibernica (H4) ~ especially for large gardens — ‘Deltoidea’ (H4) HEDYCHIUM (ZINGIBERACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H coccineum (H1) ~ min. 2C — ‘Tara’ (H3) gardnerianum (H1) ~ min. 2C HELENIUM (ASTERACEAE) 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H ‘Baudirektor Linne’ (H4) ‘Blütentisch’ (H4) ‘Butterpat’ (H4) ‘Feuersiegel’ (H4) ‘Gartensonne’ (H4) ‘Karneol’ (H4) ‘Moerheim Beauty’ (H4) ‘Ring of Fire’ (H4) ‘Rubinzwerg’ (H4) ‘Sahin’s Early Flowerer’ (H4) ‘Summer Circle’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 01 H 01 H ‘Waltraut’ (H4) ‘Wesergold’ (H4) HELIANTHEMUM (CISTACEAE) 93 T† ‘Amy Baring’ (H4) 93 T† ‘Fire Dragon’ (H4) ‘Fireball’ ~ see Helianthemum ‘Mrs C.W. Earle’ 93 T† ‘Henfield Brilliant’ (H4) 93 T† ‘Jubilee’ (d) (H4) 93 T† ‘Mrs C.W. Earle’ (d) (H4) ‘Mrs Clay’ ~ see Helianthemum ‘Fire Dragon’ 93 T† ‘Rhodanthe Carneum’ (H4) ‘Snow Queen’ ~ see Helianthemum ‘The Bride’ 93 T† ‘The Bride’ (H4) ‘Wisley Pink’ ~ see Helianthemum ‘Rhodanthe Carneum’ 93 T† ‘Wisley Primrose’ (H4) HELIANTHUS (ASTERACEAE) 00 A 00 A 00 A 93 H 01 H 01 H 93 H 01 H 93 H annuus ‘Claret’ (H3) — ‘Pastiche’ (H3) — ‘Valentine’ (H3) ‘Capenoch Star’ (H4) ‘Gullick’s Variety’ (H4) ‘Lemon Queen’ (H4) ‘Limelight’ ~ see Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’ ‘Loddon Gold’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 ‘Miss Mellish’ (H4) ~ previously listed as H. × laetiflorus ‘Miss Mellish’ ‘Monarch’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 coralloides ~ see Ozothamnus coralloides 93 T italicum (H3) ledifolium ~ see Ozothamnus ledifolius marginatum misapplied ~ see Helichrysum milfordiae 93 H† milfordiae (H2-3) 93 T petiolare (H2) ~ min. 2C; suitable for use as a bedding plant — ‘Aureum’ ~ see Helichrysum petiolare ‘Limelight’ 02 T — ‘Goring Silver’ (H2-3) ~ min. 2C; suitable for use as a bedding plant 96 T — ‘Limelight’ (H2) ~ min. 2C; suitable for use as a bedding plant 93 T — ‘Variegatum’ (v) (H2) ~ min. 2C; suitable for use as a bedding plant 93 T splendidum (H3) trilineatum ~ see Helichrysum splendidum HELICTOTRICHON (POACEAE) 93 G HELIOCEREUS (CACTACEAE) 93 CS speciosus (H1) ~ min. 2-10C HELIOPSIS (ASTERACEAE) HELICHRYSUM (ASTERACEAE) alveolatum ~ see Helichrysum splendidum angustifolium ~ see Helichrysum italicum sempervirens (H4) 01 H Golden Plume ~ see Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ‘Goldgefieder’ helianthoides ‘Limelight’ ~ see Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’ — var. scabra Ballerina ~ see Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ‘Spitzentänzerin’ — — ‘Benzinggold’ (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 77 78 93 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H AGM PLANTS 2007 — — Golden Plume ~ see Heliopsis helianthoides var. scabra ‘Goldgefieder’ — — ‘Goldgefieder’ (H4) — — ‘Light of Loddon’ (H4) — — ‘Sonnenglut’ (H4) — — ‘Spitzentänzerin’ (H4) — — ‘Waterperry Gold’ (H4) HELIOTROPIUM (BORAGINACEAE) 94 T 94 T arborescens ‘Chatsworth’ (H1) ~ min. 2C; suitable for use as a bedding plant — ‘Princess Marina’ (H1) ~ min. 2C; suitable for use as a bedding plant HELLEBORUS (RANUNCULACEAE) 93 H argutifolius (H4) corsicus ~ see Helleborus argutifolius 93 H foetidus (H4) 93 H† lividus (H2-3) — subsp. corsicus ~ see Helleborus argutifolius 93 H† niger (H4) 93 H × nigercors (H4) ~ seedlings variable; clones may be virused 93 H × sternii Blackthorn Group (H3-4) HEMEROCALLIS (HEMEROCALLIDACEAE) 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B ‘Beloved Returns’ (H4) ‘Berlin Lemon’ (H4) ‘Berlin Red’ (H4) ‘Berlin Red Velvet’ (H4) ‘Burning Daylight’ (H4) ‘Cartwheels’ (H4) ‘Chief Sarcoxie’ (H4) ‘Corky’ (H4) flava ~ see Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus ‘Golden Chimes’ (H4) ‘Green Flutter’ (H4) ‘Helle Berlinerin’ (H4) 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 94 B 93 B 94 B 93 B ‘Lemon Bells’ (H4) lilioasphodelus (H4) ‘Marion Vaughn’ (H4) ‘Missenden’ (H4) ‘Neyron Rose’ (H4) ‘Nova’ (H4) ‘Pink Damask’ (H4) ‘Red Precious’ (H4) ‘Royal Mountie’ (H4) ‘Stoke Poges’ (H4) ‘Tetrina’s Daughter’ (H4) ‘Whichford’ (H4) HEPATICA (RANUNCULACEAE) angulosa ~ see Hepatica transsilvanica 93 H† nobilis (H4) 93 H† transsilvanica (H4) triloba ~ see Hepatica nobilis HEUCHERA (SAXIFRAGACEAE) 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 93 H 01 H ‘Blackbird’ (H4) ‘Burgundy Frost’ (H4) ‘Can-can’ (H4) ‘Chocolate Veil’ (H4) ‘Fireworks’ (PBR) (H4) ‘Magic Wand’ (PBR) (H4) ‘Molly Bush’ (H4) ‘Purple Petticoats’ (H4) ‘Quilter’s Joy’ (H4) ‘Raspberry Regal’ (H4) ‘Regina’ (H4) sanguinea ‘Alba’ (H4) ‘Sashay’ (H4) ‘Scintillation’ (H4) ‘Smokey Rose’ (H4) × HEUCHERELLA (SAXIFRAGACEAE) 01 H ‘Kimono’ (PBR) (H4) 93 H tiarelloides (H4) HIBANOBAMBUSA (POACEAE) 02 Ba tranquillans ‘Shiroshima’ (v) (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS HIBBERTIA (DILLENIACEAE) HIPPOPHAE (ELAEAGNACEAE) 93 Cl scandens (H1) ~ min. 2C volubilis ~ see Hibbertia scandens 93 T HIBISCUS (MALVACEAE) HOHERIA (MALVACEAE) 02 T 93 T 93 T 95 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 03 T 93 T 03 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T rosa-sinensis ‘Cooperi’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 15C schizopetalus (H1) ~ min. 10C syriacus Blue Bird ~ see Hibiscus syriacus ‘Oiseau Bleu’ — ‘Bredon Springs’ (H4) — ‘Cicola’ (d) (H4) — ‘Diana’ (H4) — ‘Hamabo’ (H4) — Lavender Chiffon ‘Notwoodone’ (H4) — ‘Lenny’ (H4) — ‘Meehanii’ (v) (H4) — ‘Oiseau Bleu’ (H4) — ‘Red Heart’ (H4) — White Chiffon ‘Notwoodtwo’ (d) (H4) — ‘William R. Smith’ (H4) — ‘Woodbridge’ (H4) 93 H 93 H 93 H HILDEWINTERA (CACTACEAE) HIPPEASTRUM (AMARYLLIDACEAE) 93 B 93 B 02 B 93 B ‘Belinda’ (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Bestseller’ (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Orange Souvereign’ (H1) ~ min. 2C papilio (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Star of Holland’ (H1) ~ min. 2C rhamnoides (H4) ~ male or several plants are required for the production of fruit ‘Glory of Amlwch’ (H3) lyallii (H4) sexstylosa ‘Stardust’ (H4) HOSTA (HOSTACEAE) 93 CS aureispina (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 B 79 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H albomarginata ~ see Hosta sieboldii ‘Paxton’s Original’ ‘Argentea Variegata’ (undulata) ~ see Hosta undulata var. undulata ‘Aureomaculata’ (fortunei) ~ see Hosta fortunei var. albopicta ‘Aureomarginata’ (ventricosa) (v) (H4) ‘Blue Angel’ misapplied ~ see Hosta sieboldiana var. elegans ‘Blue Angel’ (sieboldiana) (H4) ‘Cream Delight’ (undulata) ~ see Hosta undulata var. undulata crispula (v) (H4) ‘Eldorado’ ~ see Hosta ‘Frances Williams’ ‘Elegans’ ~ see Hosta sieboldiana var. elegans ‘Fortis’ ~ see Hosta undulata var. erromena fortunei var. albopicta (v) (H4) — — f. aurea (H4) — var. aureomarginata (H4) — var. hyacinthina (H4) ‘Francee’ (fortunei) (v) (H4) ‘Frances Williams’ (sieboldiana) (v) (H4) glauca ~ see Hosta sieboldiana var. elegans ‘Golden Tiara’ (v) (H4) (Tardiana Group) ‘Halcyon’ (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 80 93 H 04 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H AGM PLANTS 2007 ‘Holstein’ ~ see Hosta (Tardiana Group) ‘Halcyon’ ‘Honeybells’ (H4) (Tardiana Group) ‘June’ (PBR) (v) (H4) ‘Krossa Regal’ (H4) lancifolia (H4) ‘Love Pat’ (H4) ‘Marginata Alba’ misapplied ~ see Hosta crispula ‘Mediovariegata’ (undulata) ~ see Hosta undulata var. undulata ‘Obscura Marginata’ (fortunei) ~ see Hosta fortunei var. aureomarginata ‘Picta’ (fortunei) ~ see Hosta fortunei var. albopicta plantaginea var. grandiflora ~ see Hosta plantaginea var. japonica — var. japonica (H4) ~ awarded as H. plantaginea var. grandiflora ‘Robusta’ (fortunei) ~ see Hosta sieboldiana var. elegans ‘Royal Standard’ (H4) ‘Sagae’ (v) (H3-4) ‘Sazanami’ (crispula) ~ see Hosta crispula ‘Shade Fanfare’ (v) (H4) sieboldiana var. elegans (H4) sieboldii ‘Paxton’s Original’ (v) (H4) ‘Sum and Substance’ (H4) undulata var. erromena (H4) — var. undulata (v) (H4) — var. univittata (v) (H4) ‘Variegata’ (undulata) ~ see Hosta undulata var. undulata ‘Variegata’ (ventricosa) ~ see Hosta ‘Aureo-marginata’ ‘Variegated’ (fluctuans) ~ see Hosta ‘Sagae’ ventricosa (H4) venusta (H4) 93 H ‘Wayside Perfection’ ~ see Hosta ‘Royal Standard’ ‘Wide Brim’ (v) (H4) ‘Yellow Edge’ (fortunei) ~ see Hosta fortunei var. aureomarginata ‘Yellow Edge’ (sieboldiana) ~ see Hosta ‘Frances Williams’ (sieboldiana) HOWEA (ARECACEAE) 02 T 93 T belmoreana (H1) ~ min. 10C forsteriana (H1) ~ min. 10C HOYA (ASCLEPIADACEAE) bella ~ see Hoya lanceolata subsp. bella 93 Cl carnosa (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 Cl — ‘Exotica’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 T lanceolata subsp. bella (H1) ~ min. 10C HUMULUS (CANNABACEAE) 93 Cl lupulus ‘Aureus’ (H4) HUNNEMANNIA (PAPAVERACEAE) 03 A fumariifolia ‘Sunlite’ (H4) HYACINTHOIDES (HYACINTHACEAE) 03 B† italica (H4) HYACINTHUS (HYACINTHACEAE) 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B amethystinus ~ see Brimeura amethystina azureus ~ see Muscari azureum orientalis ‘Anna Marie’ (H4) — ‘Blue Jacket’ (H4) — ‘Borah’ (H4) — ‘City of Haarlem’ (H4) — ‘Delft Blue’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B — ‘Gipsy Queen’ (H4) — ‘L’Innocence’ (H4) — ‘Ostara’ (H4) — ‘Pink Pearl’ (H4) HYDRANGEA (HYDRANGEACEAE) 93 Cl 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 99 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T anomala subsp. petiolaris (H4) arborescens ‘Annabelle’ (H4) — ‘Grandiflora’ (H4) aspera ‘Macrophylla’ (H3) — subsp. sargentiana (H3) — Villosa Group (H3) involucrata ‘Hortensis’ (d) (H3-4) macrophylla ‘Altona’ (H) (H3-4) — ‘Ami Pasquier’ (H) (H3-4) — ‘Blue Wave’ ~ see Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Mariesii Perfecta’ — ‘Bluebird’ misapplied ~ see Hydrangea serrata ‘Bluebird’ — ‘Europa’ (H) (H3-4) — ‘Générale Vicomtesse de Vibraye’ (H) (H3-4) — ‘Geoffrey Chadbund’ ~ see Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Möwe’ — ‘Lanarth White’ (L) (H3-4) — ‘Lilacina’ ~ see Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Mariesii Lilacina’ — ‘Madame Emile Mouillère’ (H) (H3-4) — ‘Mariesii Grandiflora’ (L) (H3-4) ~ awarded as H. macrophylla ‘White Wave’ — ‘Mariesii Lilacina’ (L) (H3-4) ~ awarded as H. macrophylla ‘Lilacina’ — ‘Mariesii Perfecta’ (L) (H3-4) — ‘Möwe’ (L) (H3-4) ~ previously listed as H. macrophylla ‘Geoffrey Chadbund’ — ‘Nigra’ (H) (H3-4) ~ valued in particular for its stem effect — ‘Parzifal’ (H) (H3-4) 99 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 99 T 93 T 99 T 93 T 99 T — ‘Tokyo Delight’ (L) (H3-4) — ‘Veitchii’ (L) (H3-4) — ‘Vicomte de Vibraye’ ~ see Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Générale Vicomtesse de Vibraye’ — ‘Westfalen’ (H) (H3-4) — ‘White Wave’ ~ see Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Mariesii Grandiflora’ paniculata ‘Grandiflora’ (H4) — ‘Kyushu’ (H4) — Pink Diamond ‘Interhydia’ (H4) — ‘Unique’ (H4) petiolaris ~ see Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris ‘Preziosa’ (H3-4) quercifolia (H3-4) sargentiana ~ see Hydrangea aspera subsp. sargentiana serrata ‘Acuminata’ ~ see Hydrangea serrata ‘Bluebird’ (L) — ‘Bluebird’ (L) (H3-4) — ‘Diadem’ (L) (H3-4) — ‘Grayswood’ (L) (H3-4) — ‘Miranda’ (L) (H3-4) — ‘Rosalba’ (L) (H3-4) — ‘Tiara’ (L) (H3-4) tiliifolia ~ see Hydrangea anomala subsp. petiolaris villosa ~ see Hydrangea aspera Villosa Group HYMENOCALLIS (AMARYLLIDACEAE) 02 B 93 B 02 B 81 × festalis (H1) ~ min. 10C × macrostephana (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Sulphur Queen’ (H1) ~ min. 10C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 82 HYPERICUM (CLUSIACEAE) 93 T forrestii (H4) grandiflorum ~ see Hypericum kouytchense 93 T ‘Hidcote’ (H4) 93 T kouytchense (H4) leschenaultii misapplied ~ see Hypericum ‘Rowallane’ 93 T × moserianum (H4) 93 T† olympicum (H4) 93 T† — f. uniflorum ‘Citrinum’ (H4) 93 T ‘Rowallane’ (H3) ‘Sungold’ ~ see Hypericum kouytchense HYPOESTES (ACANTHACEAE) 93 H phyllostachya (v) (H1) ~ often grown as H. sanguinolenta; min. 10C sanguinolenta misapplied ~ see Hypoestes phyllostachya 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T IBERIS (BRASSICACEAE) commutata ~ see Iberis sempervirens 93 T† sempervirens (H4) — Schneeflocke ~ see Iberis sempervirens ‘Snowflake’ 93 T† — ‘Snowflake’ (H4) 93 T 93 T 93 T IMPATIENS (BALSAMINACEAE) 93 P ILEX (AQUIFOLIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 95 T 93 T × altaclerensis ‘Belgica Aurea’ (f/v) (H4) — ‘Camelliifolia’ (f) (H4) — ‘Golden King’ (f/v) (H4) — ‘Hodginsii’ (m) (H4) — ‘Lawsoniana’ (f/v) (H4) — ‘Silver Sentinel’ ~ see Ilex × altaclerensis ‘Belgica Aurea’ aquifolium (H4) — ‘Amber’ (f) (H4) — ‘Argentea Marginata’ (f/v) (H4) — ‘Argentea Variegata’ ~ see Ilex aquifolium ‘Argentea Marginata’ — ‘Aurea Regina’ ~ see Ilex aquifolium ‘Golden Queen’ — ‘Ferox Argentea’ (m/v) (H4) — ‘Golden Queen’ (m/v) (H4) — ‘Handsworth New Silver’ (f/v) (H4) — ‘J.C. van Tol’ (f) (H4) — ‘Madame Briot’ (f/v) (H4) — ‘Myrtifolia Aurea Maculata’ (m/v) (H4) — ‘Pyramidalis’ (f) (H4) — ‘Pyramidalis Fructu Luteo’ (f) (H4) — ‘Silver King’ ~ see Ilex aquifolium ‘Silver Queen’ — ‘Silver Queen’ (m/v) (H4) — ‘Silver Sentinel’ ~ see Ilex × altaclerensis ‘Belgica Aurea’ crenata ‘Convexa’ (f) (H4) — ‘Golden Gem’ (f/v) (H4) × koehneana ‘Chestnut Leaf’ (f) (H4) 06 P 06 P 06 P 02 H 93 H 06 P 06 P 06 P Accent Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 ‘Blue Pearl’ (H3) ‘Envoy Cherry’ (Envoy Series) (H3) ‘Envoy North Shore Mix’ (Envoy Series) (H3) marianae (H1) ~ min. 10C repens (H1) ~ min. 10C walleriana ‘Blitz 3000 Red’ (Blitz Series) (H3) — ‘Cajun Jambalaya Mix’ (Cajun Series) (H3) — ‘Cajun Uni Mix’ (Cajun Series) (H3) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 06 P 06 P 06 P 06 P 06 P 06 P 06 P 06 P 06 P 06 P 06 P 06 P 06 P 06 P 06 P 06 P 02 P 06 P 02 P 06 P 06 P — ‘Candy Carmine’ (Candy Series) (H3) — ‘Candy Deep Salmon’ (Candy Series) (H3) — ‘Candy Red’ (Candy Series) (H3) — ‘Candy Scarlet’ (Candy Series) (H3) — ‘Carnival Salmon’ (Carnival Series) (H3) — ‘Expo Coral’ (Expo Series) (H3) — ‘Expo Lavender Blue’ (Expo Series) (H3) — ‘Expo Lilac’ (Expo Series) (H3) — ‘Expo Rose Picotee’ (Expo Series) (H3) — ‘Expo Salmon Blush’ (Expo Series) (H3) — ‘Expo Salmon Rose’ (Expo Series) (H3) — ‘Impuls Deep Rose’ (Impuls Series) (H3) — ‘Impuls Red’ (Impuls Series) (H3) — ‘Impuls Salmon’ (Impuls Series) (H3) — ‘Stardust Rose’ (Stardust Series) (H3) — ‘Stardust Salmon Improved’ (Stardust Series) (H3) — Super Elfin Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 — ‘Tempo Rouge Mix’ (Tempo Series) (H3) — Tempo Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 — ‘Xtreme Salmon’ (Xtreme Series) (H3) — ‘Xtreme White’ (Xtreme Series) (H3) 93 T INDOCALAMUS (POACEAE) 02 Ba tessellatus (H4) INULA (ASTERACEAE) 02 H amblyantha (H4) gerardiana ~ see Indigofera heterantha magnifica ‘Sonnenstrahl’ (H4) IPHEION (ALLIACEAE) 93 H† ‘Rolf Fiedler’ (H2-3) 93 H† uniflorum ‘Froyle Mill’ (H4) 93 H† — ‘Wisley Blue’ (H4) IPOMOEA (CONVOLVULACEAE) acuminata ~ see Ipomoea indica 93 Cl horsfalliae (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 Cl indica (H1) ~ min. 2C learii ~ see Ipomoea indica 93 A tricolor ‘Heavenly Blue’ (H3) IRESINE (AMARANTHACEAE) 93 H lindenii (H1) ~ min. 10C IRIS (IRIDACEAE) 98 B 02 B 93 B 93 B 94 B 03 B 98 B 00 B 04 B 06 B 06 B INDIGOFERA (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 T heterantha (H4) 93 B 96 B 04 B ‘Acstede Nine Hundred’ (IB) (H4) ‘Adoring Glances’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Adrienne Taylor’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Agnes James’ (CH) (H3) albicans (H4) ‘Alexia’ (TB) (H4) ‘Alison Taylor’ (IB) (H4) ‘Alizes’ (TB) (H4) ‘Allison Elizabeth’ (BB) (H4) ‘Ambroisie’ (TB) (H4) ‘Andalou’ (TB) (H4) anglica ~ see Iris latifolia ‘Annikins’ (IB) (H4) ‘Apricorange’ (TB) (H4) ‘Apricot Drops’ (MTB) (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 83 84 93 B 93 B 94 B† 02 B 93 B 07 B 02 B 04 B 94 B 02 B 98 B 93 B 94 B AGM PLANTS 2007 ‘Arctic Fancy’ (IB) (H4) ‘Arnold Sunrise’ (CH) (H3) aucheri (H2) ‘Ballet Lesson’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Banbury Beauty’ (CH) (H3) ‘Bangles’ (MTB) (H4) ‘Bedford Lilac’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Bee’s Knees’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Belise’ (Spuria) (H4) ‘Berlin Tiger’ (SpH) (H4) ‘Bewdley’ (IB) (H4) ‘Bibury’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Big Money’ (CH) (H3) biglumis ~ see Iris lactea 00 B ‘Black Sergeant’ (TB) (H4) 98 B ‘Blackbeard’ (BB) (H4) 93 B ‘Blue Ballerina’ (CH) (H3) 06 B ‘Blue Bossa’ (CH) (H4) 99 B ‘Blue Line’ (SDB) (H4) 93 B ‘Blue Luster’ (TB) (H4) 00 B ‘Bob Nichol’ (TB) (H4) 02 B ‘Bold Stroke’ (IB) (H4) 06 B ‘Brave New World’ (TB) (H4) 96 B ‘Breakers’ (TB) (H4) 94 B ‘Broadleigh Carolyn’ (CH) (H3) 94 B ‘Bromyard’ (SDB) (H4) 94 B ‘Bronzaire’ (IB) (H4) 93 B ‘Brown Lasso’ (BB) (H4) 94 B† bucharica Foster (H3-4) 02 B ‘Bumblebee Deelite’ (MTB) (H4) 03 B ‘Calm Stream’ (TB) (H4) ‘Cambridge Blue’ ~ see Iris ‘Monspur Cambridge Blue’ 07 B ‘Cameo Queen’ (SDB) (H4) 96 B ‘Cardew’ (TB) (H4) 99 B ‘Carolyn Rose’ (MTB) (H4) 02 B ‘Cee Jay’ (IB) (H4) chamaeiris ~ see Iris lutescens 02 B ‘Chance Beauty’ (SpecHybrid) (H4) 02 B ‘Chickee’ (MTB) (H4) 93 B ‘Chiltern Gold’ (IB) (H4) 94 B chrysographes (H4) 95 B 98 B 00 B 05 B 94 B 02 B 02 B 96 B 07 B 94 B† 94 B 93 B 06 B 94 B 02 B 93 B 98 B 95 B 94 B 93 B 02 B 00 B 95 B 93 B 00 B 04 B 99 B 07 B 07 B 94 B 99 B 99 B 05 B 99 B 99 B 95 B 95 B 05 B 96 B 96 B 96 B 95 B 95 B ‘Clara Garland’ (IB) (H4) ‘Clarke Cosgrove’ (Spuria) (H4) ‘Clear Morning Sky’ (TB) (H4) ‘Clyde Redmond’ (La) (H4) confusa (H3) ‘Cool Treat’ (BB) (H4) ‘Cranapple’ (BB) (H4) ‘Cream Soda’ (TB) (H4) ‘Cranbrook’ (H4) cristata (H4) crocea (H4) ‘Dark Rosaleen’ (TB) (H4) ‘Dawning’ (TB) (H4) delavayi (H4) ‘Delicate Lady’ (IB) (H4) ‘Designer’s Choice’ (TB) (H4) ‘Destination’ (Spuria) (H4) ‘Diligence’ (SDB) (H4) douglasiana (H4) ‘Dovedale’ (TB) (H4) ‘Driftwood’ (Spuria) (H4) ‘Dwight Enys’ (TB) (H4) ‘Eardisland’ (IB) (H4) ‘Early Light’ (TB) (H4) ‘Eileen Louise’ (TB) (H4) ‘El Torito’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Eleanor Clare’ (IB) (H4) ‘Elegant Lass’ (BB) (H4) ‘Enriched’ (MTB) (H4) ensata (H4) — ‘Aldridge Snow Maiden’ (H4) — ‘Aldridge Visitor’ (H4) — ‘Alpine Majesty’ (H4) — ‘Barr Purple East’ (H4) — ‘Caprician Butterfly’ (H4) — ‘Continuing Pleasure’ (H4) — ‘Flying Tiger’ (H4) ~ previously listed in error as ‘Flying Fox’ — ‘Frilled Enchantment’ (H4) — ‘Fringed Cloud’ (H4) — ‘Give-me-Patience’ (H4) — ‘Hue and Cry’ (H4) — ‘Imperial Magic’ (H4) — ‘Katy Mendez’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 99 B 96 B 02 B 96 B 96 B 02 B 96 B 96 B 95 B 95 B 96 B 96 B 95 B 96 B 94 B 93 B 06 B 00 B 03 B 94 B 97 B 07 B 00 B 94 B 94 B 94 B 94 B 99 B 03 B 04 B 94 B 00 B 02 B 94 B 06 B 94 B 96 B 03 B 00 B 00 B 03 B — ‘Kozasa Gawa’ (H4) — ‘Lasting Pleasure’ (H4) — ‘Machimusume’ (H4) — ‘Magic Opal’ (H4) — ‘Mancunian’ (H4) — ‘Murasame’ (H4) — ‘Ol’ Man River’ (H4) — ‘Returning Tide’ (H4) — ‘Rose Queen’ (H4) — ‘Southern Son’ (H4) — ‘Summer Storm’ (H4) — ‘The Great Mogul’ (H4) — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H4) — ‘Vintage Festival’ (H4) ‘Eye Magic’ (IB) (H4) ‘Eyebright’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Falcon’s Crest’ (Spuria) (H4) ‘Fern Oakley’ (TB) (H4) ‘Feu du Ciel’ (TB) (H4) ‘Fierce Fire’ (IB) (H4) ‘Fine Line’ (Cal-Sib) (H3) ‘Flirting Again’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Floating World’ (CH) (H4) ‘Florentina’ (IB/TB) (H4) foetidissima (H4) — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H4) forrestii (H4) ‘Fritillary Flight’ (IB) (H4) ‘Frosted Biscuit’ (TB) (H4) fulva (H3) × fulvala (H4) ‘Garlanda’ (TB) (H4) ‘George’ (Reticulata) (H4) ‘Gerald Darby’ ~ see Iris × robusta ‘Gerald Darby’ germanica (H4) — var. florentina ~ see Iris ‘Florentina’ ‘Going Home’ (TB) (H4) ‘Golden Waves’ (Cal-Sib) (H3) ‘Goring Ace’ (CH) (H3) ‘Goring Butterfly’ (H4) ‘Goring Passion’ (CH) (H4) ‘Goring Steeple’ (CH) (H4) ‘Goring Sunrise’ (CH) (H4) 94 B 85 graminea (H4) graminifolia ~ see Iris kerneriana 93 B ‘Green Spot’ (SDB) (H4) 99 B ‘Gwyneth Evans’ (BB) (H4) 03 B ‘Gypsy Romance’ (TB) (H4) 06 B ‘Handshake’ (TB) (H4) 93 B ‘Happy Mood’ (IB) (H4) 04 B ‘Headcorn’ (MTB) (H4) 03 B ‘Hello Darkness’ (TB) (H4) 06 B ‘High Roller’ (TB) (H4) 93 B ‘Holden Clough’ (SpecHybrid) (H4) 02 B ‘Honeyplic’ (IB) (H4) 94 B hoogiana (H3) 93 B ‘Ice Dancer’ (TB) (H4) 06 B ‘Iced Tea’ (TB) (H4) 98 B ‘Ila Crawford’ (Spuria) (H4) 02 B ‘Impetuous’ (BB) (H4) 95 B ‘Innocent Heart’ (IB) (H4) 93 B ‘Jane Phillips’ (TB) (H4) 00 B ‘Janine Louise’ (TB) (H4) 94 B japonica (H3) 94 B — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H3) 93 B ‘Jeremy Brian’ (SDB) (H4) kaempferi ~ see Iris ensata 96 B ‘Katharine Hodgkin’ (Reticulata) (H4) 94 B ‘Katie-Koo’ (IB) (H4) 00 B ‘Ken’s Choice’ (TB) (H4) 94 B kerneriana (H4) 06 B ‘Kiss of Summer’ (TB) (H4) 02 B ‘Kitt Peak’ (Spuria) (H4) 94 B lactea (H4) 94 B† lacustris (H4) 99 B ‘Lady Belle’ (MTB) (H4) 93 B laevigata (H4) — ‘Rose Queen’ ~ see Iris ensata ‘Rose Queen’ 94 B — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H4) 99 B ‘Langport Wren’ (IB) (H4) 00 B ‘Lark Rise’ (TB) (H4) 93 B latifolia (H4) 94 B lazica (H4) 94 B ‘Lincoln Imp’ (CH) (H3) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 86 99 B 94 B 07 B 02 B 03 B 02 B 06 B 04 B 99 B 94 B† 96 B 99 B 02 B 94 B† 99 B 93 B 94 B 04 B 04 B 96 B 03 B 99 B 00 B 94 B 99 B 06 B 94 B 02 B 00 B 02 B 02 B 96 B 96 B 93 B 06 B 06 B 98 B 93 B AGM PLANTS 2007 ‘Lisa Jane’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Little Tilgates’ (CH) (H3) ‘Londonderry’ (IB) (H4) ‘Loose Valley’ (MTB) (H4) ‘Louis d’Or’ (TB) (H4) ‘Love for Leila’ (Spuria) (H4) ‘Lucky Devil’ (Spuria) (H4) ‘Lucy’s Gift’ (MTB) (H4) ‘Luli-Ann’ (SDB) (H4) lutescens (H4) ‘Lydia Jane’ (Spuria) (H4) ‘Madeleine Spring’ (BB) (H4) ‘Magic Bubbles’ (IB) (H4) magnifica (H3-4) ‘Mary Constance’ (IB) (H4) ‘Mary McIlroy’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Maui Moonlight’ (IB) (H4) ‘Maui Surf’ (BB) (H4) ‘Medway Valley’ (MTB) (H4) ‘Meg’s Mantle’ (TB) (H4) ‘Mer du Sud’ (TB) (H4) ‘Michael Paul’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Midnight Mango’ ~ see Iris ‘Midnight Web’ (IB) ‘Midnight Web’ (IB) (H4) milesii (H4) ‘Mini Might’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Missouri Orange’ (Spuria) (H4) missouriensis (H4) — ‘Tollong’ (H4) ‘Mister Matthew’ (TB) (H4) ‘Monspur Cambridge Blue’ (Spuria) (H4) ‘Morning’s Blush’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Morwenna’ (TB) (H4) nertschinskia ~ see Iris sanguinea ‘Nicola Jane’ (TB) (H4) ‘No Name’ (CH) (H3) ‘Nora Eileen’ (TB) (H4) ‘Norfolk Belle’ (TB) (H4) ‘Norton Sunlight’ (Spuria) (H4) ochroleuca ~ see Iris orientalis Mill. ‘Orange Dawn’ (TB) (H4) 94 B 95 B 93 B 94 B 94 B 94 B 94 B 93 B 93 B 00 B 94 B 04 B 02 B 96 B 06 B 95 B 03 B 05 B 96 B 02 B 07 B 96 B 94 B 98 B 99 B 94 B 02 B 94 B 07 B 04 B 94 B 06 B 95 B 94 B 06 B orchioides misapplied ~ see Iris bucharica Foster orientalis Thunb. ~ see Iris sanguinea orientalis Mill. (H4) ‘Orinoco Flow’ (BB) (H4) ‘Ouija’ (BB) (H4) ‘Pajaro Dunes’ (CH) (H3) ‘Pale Shades’ (IB) (H4) pallida ‘Aurea’ ~ see Iris pallida ‘Variegata’ hort. — ‘Aurea Variegata’ ~ see Iris pallida ‘Variegata’ hort. — var. dalmatica ~ see Iris pallida subsp. pallida — subsp. pallida (H4) — ‘Variegata’ hort. (v) (H4) ‘Paradise Bird’ (TB) (H4) ‘Pascoe’ (TB) (H4) ‘Peacock Pavane’ (CH) (H4) ‘Peggy Chambers’ (IB) (H4) ‘Peter James’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Phil Edinger’ (H4) ‘Phil Keen’ (TB) (H4) ‘Philippa Baughen’ (Spuria) (H4) ‘Pink Parchment’ (BB) (H4) ‘Piroska’ (TB) (H4) ‘Pixie’ (Reticulata) (H4) ‘Precious Heather’ (TB) (H4) ‘Prince of Burgundy’ (IB) (H4) ‘Princess Bride’ (BB) (H4) ‘Princess Sabra’ (TB) (H4) ‘Professor Blaauw’ (Dut) (H4) ‘Protégé’ (Spuria) (H4) ‘Prudy’ (BB) (H4) pseudacorus (H4) — ‘Roy Davidson’ (H4) — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H4) ‘Pumpin’ Iron’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Pure Allure’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Purple Landscape’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Queen’s Circle’ (TB) (H4) ‘Rain Dance’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Raspberry Blush’ (IB) (H4) ‘Reg Wall’ (TB) (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 05 B ‘Regal Surprise’ (SpecHybrid) (H4) 93 B† reticulata (H4) 94 B ‘Ring o’ Roses’ (CH) (H3) 00 B ‘River Avon’ (TB) (H4) 97 B ‘Robin Goodfellow’ (MTB) (H4) 05 B × robusta ‘Dark Aura’ (H4) 93 B — ‘Gerald Darby’ (H4) ‘Rose Queen’ ~ see Iris ensata ‘Rose Queen’ 93 B ‘Royal Contrast’ (SDB) (H4) rudskyi ~ see Iris variegata 94 B sanguinea (H4) 94 B ‘Sarah Taylor’ (SDB) (H4) 93 B ‘Scintilla’ (IB) (H4) 94 B setosa (H4) 96 B ‘Severn Side’ (TB) (H4) 94 B ‘Shelford Giant’ (Spuria) (H4) 95 B ‘Sherbet Lemon’ (IB) (H4) 96 B ‘Sherwood Primrose’ (TB) (H4) 07 B ‘Shirley Chandler’ (H4) 94 B ‘Short Order’ (CH) (H3) 06 B ‘Shurton Princess’ (TB) (H4) 06 B ‘Shurton Sunrise’ (TB) (H4) 94 B sibirica (H4) 96 B — ‘Annemarie Troeger’ (H4) 95 B — ‘Berlin Ruffles’ (H4) 02 B — ‘Blaue Milchstrasse’ (H4) 02 B — ‘Bournemouth Beauty’ (H4) 95 B — ‘Butter and Sugar’ (H4) 93 B — ‘Cambridge’ (H4) 99 B — ‘Cleedownton’ (H4) 95 B — ‘Cleeton Double Chance’ (Sino-Sib) (H4) 96 B — ‘Crème Chantilly’ (H4) 93 B — ‘Dreaming Spires’ (H4) 96 B — ‘Dreaming Yellow’ (H4) 02 B — ‘Exuberant Encore’ (H4) 96 B — ‘Glanusk’ (H4) 95 B — ‘Glaslyn’ (H4) 02 B — ‘Granny Jean’ (H4) 96 B — ‘Harpswell Happiness’ (H4) 05 B — ‘Hohe Warte’ (H4) 96 B — ‘Isla Serle’ (H4) 99 B 02 B 96 B 95 B 96 B 05 B 99 B 99 B 96 B 96 B 96 B 96 B 93 B 05 B 99 B 95 B 95 B 05 B 02 B 96 B 95 B 05 B 05 B 02 B 05 B 05 B 95 B 95 B 95 B 96 B 94 B 93 B 00 B 02 B 95 B 04 B 93 B 02 B 06 B — ‘Kathleen Mary’ (H4) — ‘Lavendelwein’ (H4) — ‘Mikiko’ (H4) — ‘Oban’ (H4) — ‘Perfect Vision’ (H4) — ‘Peter Hewitt’ (H4) — ‘Plissee’ (H4) — ‘Prussian Blue’ (H4) — ‘Regency Belle’ (H4) — ‘Reprise’ (H4) — ‘Roisin’ (H4) — ‘Rosselline’ (H4) — ‘Ruffled Velvet’ (H4) — ‘Shaker’s Prayer’ (H4) — ‘Shall We Dance’ (H4) — ‘Shirley Pope’ (H4) — ‘Silver Edge’ (H4) — ‘Simple Gifts’ (H4) — ‘Siobhan’ (H4) — ‘Smudger’s Gift’ (H4) — ‘Soft Blue’ (H4) — ‘Spencer’ (H4) — ‘Tiki Bird’ (H4) — ‘Trim the Velvet’ (H4) — ‘Viel Creme’ (H4) — ‘Wealden Butterfly’ (H4) — ‘Welfenprinz’ (H4) — ‘White Swirl’ (H4) — ‘Zakopane’ (H4) sieboldii ~ see Iris sanguinea sindjarensis ~ see Iris aucheri ‘Sindpers’ (Juno) (H3) sintenisii (H4) ‘Snowy Owl’ (TB) (H4) ‘Somerset Blue’ (TB) (H4) ‘Sonoran Señorita’ (Spuria) (H4) ‘Sparkling Lemonade’ (BB) (H4) spuria subsp. ochroleuca ~ see Iris orientalis Mill. ‘Staplehurst’ (MTB) (H4) ‘Stepping Out’ (TB) (H4) ‘Stinger’ (SDB) (H4) ‘Stoke Courcy’ (TB) (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 87 88 AGM PLANTS 2007 99 B ‘Strawberry Love’ (IB) (H4) stylosa ~ see Iris unguicularis 99 B ‘Sun Doll’ (SDB) (H4) 95 B ‘Sunny Dawn’ (IB) (H4) 02 B ‘Sunrise in Sonora’ (Spuria) (H4) 02 B ‘Sunset Colors’ (Spuria) (H4) 93 B ‘Superstition’ (TB) (H4) 95 B ‘Susan Gillespie’ (IB) (H4) 94 B ‘Sweet Kate’ (SDB) (H4) 05 B ‘Tango Music’ (H4) 94 B ‘Tarot’ (BB) (H4) tectorum ‘Variegata’ misapplied ~ see Iris japonica ‘Variegata’ 95 B ‘Templecloud’ (IB) (H4) 00 B ‘Thornbird’ (TB) (H4) thunbergii ~ see Iris sanguinea 93 B ‘Tintinara’ (TB) (H4) 93 B ‘Tirra Lirra’ (SDB) (H4) 93 B ‘Titan’s Glory’ (TB) (H4) ‘Tol-long’ ~ see Iris missouriensis ‘Tollong’ 06 B ‘Tom Johnson’ (TB) (H4) 93 B unguicularis (H4) 02 B — ‘Mary Barnard’ (H4) 93 B ‘Vanity’ (TB) (H4) 94 B variegata (H4) 94 B versicolor (H4) 94 B ‘Vinho Verde’ (IB) (H4) 93 B ‘Violet Icing’ (TB) (H4) virginica ‘De Luxe’ ~ see Iris × robusta ‘Dark Aura’ 93 B ‘Warleggan’ (TB) (H4) 99 B ‘Welch’s Reward’ (MTB) (H4) 93 B ‘Wensleydale’ (TB) (H4) 99 B ‘Westar’ (SDB) (H4) 93 B ‘Wharfedale’ (TB) (H4) 93 B ‘Whiteladies’ (IB) (H4) 94 B wilsonii (H4) 94 B† winogradowii (H4) 03 B ‘Winter Crystal’ (TB) (H4) 00 B ‘Wise Gift’ (Cal-Sib) (H4) 02 B ‘Wyoming Cowboys’ (Spuria) (H4) 02 B xiphioides ~ see Iris latifolia ‘Zero’ (SDB) (H4) ISMELIA (ASTERACEAE) 93 A carinata ‘Court Jesters Mixed’ (H4) ~ awarded as Chrysanthemum segetum ‘Court Jester’; previously listed as I. versicolor ‘Court Jesters Mixed’ and Xanthophthalmum segetum ‘Court Jester’ ITEA (ESCALLONIACEAE) 93 T ilicifolia (H3) JASMINUM (OLEACEAE) 02 Cl angulare (H1) ~ min. 5C 93 Cl azoricum (H1) ~ min. 2C blinii ~ see Jasminum polyanthum 02 Cl grandiflorum L. ‘De Grasse’ (H1) ~ min. 5C 93 T humile ‘Revolutum’ (H4) 93 Cl mesnyi (H2-3) 93 T nudiflorum (H4) 93 Cl officinale (H4) 93 Cl — ‘Argenteovariegatum’ (v) (H4) 02 Cl — ‘Inverleith’ (H4) — ‘Variegatum’ ~ see Jasminum officinale ‘Argenteovariegatum’ 93 Cl polyanthum (H1-2) primulinum ~ see Jasminum mesnyi reevesii hort. ~ see Jasminum humile ‘Revolutum’ 02 Cl sambac (H1) ~ min. 5C 02 Cl — ‘Maid of Orleans’ (d) (H1) ~ min. 5C sieboldianum ~ see Jasminum nudiflorum For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS JATROPHA (EUPHORBIACEAE) 93 C 02 CS podagrica (H1) ~ min. 10C; shrubby — ‘Holger’ (H4) virginiana ‘Sulphur Spray’ ~ see Juniperus × pfitzeriana ‘Sulphur Spray’ JOVELLANA (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 93 T violacea (H3) JUSTICIA (ACANTHACEAE) 93 H JUGLANS (JUGLANDACEAE) 93 T 93 T nigra (F) (H4) regia (F) (H4) 93 H JUNIPERUS (CUPRESSACEAE) 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C* 93 C 93 C 93 C* 93 C* 93 C 93 C* 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C* 93 C 93 C chinensis ‘Aurea’ (H4) — ‘Blaauw’ (H4) — ‘Kaizuka’ (H4) — ‘Obelisk’ (H4) — ‘Plumosa Aurea’ (H4) — ‘Pyramidalis’ (H4) — ‘Sulphur Spray’ ~ see Juniperus × pfitzeriana ‘Sulphur Spray’ — ‘Torulosa’ ~ see Juniperus chinensis ‘Kaizuka’ communis ‘Compressa’ (H4) — ‘Green Carpet’ (H4) — ‘Hibernica’ (H4) — ‘Hornibrookii’ (H4) — ‘Repanda’ (H4) × gracilis ‘Blaauw’ ~ see Juniperus chinensis ‘Blaauw’ ‘Grey Owl’ (H4) horizontalis ‘Blue Rug’ ~ see Juniperus horizontalis ‘Wiltonii’ — ‘Wiltonii’ (H4) × pfitzeriana ‘Blaauw’ ~ see Juniperus chinensis ‘Blaauw’ — ‘Old Gold’ (H4) — ‘Pfitzeriana Compacta’ (H4) — ‘Sulphur Spray’ (H4) ~ previously listed as J. virginiana ‘Sulphur Spray’ procumbens ‘Nana’ (H4) squamata ‘Blue Carpet’ (H4) — ‘Blue Star’ (H4) brandegeeana (H1) ~ min. 10C guttata ~ see Justicia brandegeeana rizzinii (H1) ~ min. 10C KALANCHOE (CRASSULACEAE) 02 CS beharensis (H1) ~ min. 10C; shrubby 02 CS manginii (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 CS ‘Mariko’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 CS marmorata (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 CS millotii (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 CS pumila (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 CS ‘Tessa’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 CS tomentosa (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 CS ‘Wendy’ (H1) ~ min. 10C KALMIA (ERICACEAE) 93 T† 02 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T angustifolia (H4) — f. rubra (H4) latifolia (H4) — ‘Freckles’ (H4) — ‘Little Linda’ (H4) — ‘Olympic Fire’ (H4) — ‘Pink Charm’ (H4) KALMIOPSIS (ERICACEAE) 93 T† leachiana (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 89 AGM PLANTS 2007 90 KENTIA (ARECACEAE) belmoreana ~ see Howea belmoreana forsteriana ~ see Howea forsteriana KOHLERIA (GESNERIACEAE) 93 H 02 H 93 H KERRIA (ROSACEAE) 93 T 93 T japonica (d) ~ see Kerria japonica ‘Pleniflora’ — ‘Golden Guinea’ (H4) — ‘Pleniflora’ (d) (H4) 93 H 93 H eriantha (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Jester’ (H1) ~ min. 15C ‘Strawberry Fields’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Tane’ (H1) ~ min. 10C warscewiczii (H1) ~ min. 10C KIRENGESHOMA (HYDRANGEACEAE) KOLKWITZIA (CAPRIFOLIACEAE) 93 H 93 T palmata (H4) amabilis ‘Pink Cloud’ (H4) KLEINIA (ASTERACEAE) LABURNUM (PAPILIONACEAE) 02 CS stapeliiformis (H1) ~ min. 10C; shrubby 93 T × watereri ‘Vossii’ (H4) LACTUCA (ASTERACEAE) KNIPHOFIA (ASPHODELACEAE) 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 06 B 04 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B ‘Bees’ Sunset’ (H4) ‘Brimstone’ (H4) ‘Buttercup’ (H4) ‘C.M. Prichard’ misapplied ~ see Kniphofia rooperi caulescens (H3-4) ‘David’ (H4) galpinii Baker (H4) ~ name often misapplied ‘Nobilis’ ~ see Kniphofia uvaria ‘Nobilis’ northiae (H4) ‘Prince Igor’ misapplied ~ see Kniphofia uvaria ‘Nobilis’ rooperi (H4) ‘Royal Standard’ (H4) ‘Samuel’s Sensation’ (H4) ‘Sunningdale Yellow’ (H4) ‘Toffee Nosed’ (H4) uvaria ‘Nobilis’ (H4) KOELREUTERIA (SAPINDACEAE) 93 T 03 A 03 A 03 A ‘Bijou’ (H3) ‘Pentared’ (H3) ‘Redina’ (H3) ~ for ornamental use only LACHENALIA (HYACINTHACEAE) 93 B 93 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B paniculata (H4) 02 B aloides var. aurea (H1) ~ min. 2C — var. quadricolor (H1) ~ min. 2C — var. vanzyliae (H1) ~ min. 2C bulbifera (H1) ~ min. 2C — ‘George’ (H1) ~ min. 2C contaminata (H1) ~ min. 2C orchioides (H1) ~ min. 2C pendula ~ see Lachenalia bulbifera pustulata (H1) ~ min. 2C viridiflora (H1) ~ min. 2C For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS LAGERSTROEMIA (LYTHRACEAE) 93 T indica (H1) ~ min. 2C LAGURUS (POACEAE) 95 G* ovatus (H3) LAMIUM (LAMIACEAE) 93 H maculatum ‘White Nancy’ (H4) LAMPRANTHUS (AIZOACEAE) aberdeenensis ~ see Delosperma aberdeenense deltoides ~ see Oscularia deltoides oscularis ~ see Oscularia deltoides LAPAGERIA (PHILESIACEAE) 93 Cl rosea (H3) LAPEIROUSIA (IRIDACEAE) cruenta ~ see Anomatheca laxa laxa ~ see Anomatheca laxa LARIX (PINACEAE) 93 C 93 C decidua (H4) kaempferi (H4) leptolepis ~ see Larix kaempferi LATHYRUS (PAPILIONACEAE) cyaneus misapplied ~ see Lathyrus vernus 93 Cl latifolius (H4) 98 Cl — ‘Albus’ (H4) ~ perennial, tall, old-fashioned — Pink Pearl ~ see Lathyrus latifolius ‘Rosa Perle’ 97 Cl — ‘Rosa Perle’ (H4) — Weisse Perle ~ see Lathyrus latifolius ‘White Pearl’ 91 — ‘White Pearl’ misapplied ~ see Lathyrus latifolius ‘Albus’ 93 Cl — ‘White Pearl’ (H4) ~ most plants now sold under this name are ‘Albus’ 00 A odoratus ‘Alaska Blue’ (H4) 95 A — ‘America’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, old-fashioned 97 A — ‘Aunt Jane’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 03 A — ‘Ballerina Blue’ (H4) 97 A — ‘Bert Boucher’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 94 A — ‘Bishop Rock’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 04 A — ‘Blush Strokes’ (H4) 00 A — ‘Bobby’s Girl’ (H4) 99 A — ‘Bristol’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 02 A — ‘Brook Hall’ (H4) 02 A — ‘Cathy’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2003 93 A — ‘Charlie’s Angel’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 06 A — ‘Chris Harrod’ (H4) 94 A — ‘Colin Unwin’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 97 A — ‘Dave Thomas’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 97 A — ‘Dawn Chorus’ (H4) ~ annual, medium height, Spencer 95 A — ‘Dorothy Eckford’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, old-fashioned 96 A — ‘Evening Glow’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 02 A — ‘First Flame’ (H4) 95 A — ‘Flora Norton’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, old-fashioned 99 A — ‘Florencecourt’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 98 A — ‘Gwendoline’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 96 A — ‘Hannah’s Harmony’ (H4) ~ annual, medium height, Spencer For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 92 01 A 03 A 01 A 95 A 94 A 94 A 95 A 97 A 01 A 99 A 04 A 97 A 96 A 97 A 94 A 94 A 97 A 00 A 01 A 99 A 97 A 95 A 99 A 96 A 99 A 01 A AGM PLANTS 2007 — ‘Heartbeat’ (H4) — ‘Heathcliff’ (H4) — ‘Isabella Cochrane’ (H4) — ‘Janet Scott’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, old-fashioned — ‘Jayne Amanda’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer — ‘Jilly’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer — ‘King Edward VII’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, old-fashioned — ‘Kiri Te Kanawa’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer — ‘Linda C’ (H4) — ‘Lizbeth’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer; previously listed as ‘Lisbeth’ — ‘Magic Star’ (H4) — ‘Margaret Joyce’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer — ‘Marie’s Melody’ (H4) ~ annual, medium height, Spencer — ‘Millennium’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer — ‘Mrs Bernard Jones’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer — ‘Noel Sutton’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer — ‘Oban Bay’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer — ‘Oklahoma’ (H4) — ‘Oxford Blue’ (H4) — ‘Patricia Anne’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer — ‘Phoebe’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer — ‘Pink Cupid’ (H4) ~ annual, dwarf, old-fashioned — ‘Pinocchio’ (H4) ~ annual, dwarf, Spencer — ‘Pocahontas’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer — ‘Ron Entwistle’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer — ‘Rowallane’ (H4) 94 A — ‘Royal Flush’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 03 A — ‘Sandi Jones’ (H4) 95 A — ‘Sicilian Pink’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 06 A — ‘Solway Ballerina’ (H4) 04 A — ‘Solway Charm’ (H4) 06 A — ‘Solway Classic’ (H4) 96 A — ‘Solway Fanfare’ (H4) ~ annual, medium height, Spencer 04 A — ‘Solway Lullaby’ (H4) 04 A — ‘Solway Minstrel’ (H4) 03 A — ‘Solway Minuet’ (H4) 06 A — ‘Solway Sapphire’ (H4) 02 A — ‘Solway Serenade’ (H4) 03 A — ‘Solway Snowflake’ (H4) 04 A — ‘Solway Splendour’ (H4) 94 A — ‘Southbourne’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 04 A — ‘Starlight’ (H4) 00 A — ‘Starlight Sonata’ (H4) 04 A — ‘Sunny Jim’ (H4) 02 A — ‘Sunset’ (H4) 96 A — ‘Tahiti Sunrise’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 04 A — ‘Tara’ (H4) 96 A — ‘Teresa Maureen’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, old-fashioned 94 A — ‘Toby Robinson’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 03 A — ‘Tranquillity’ (H4) 04 A — ‘Tribute’ (H4) 01 A — ‘Valerie Harrod’ (H4) 99 A — ‘Virgo’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 01 A — ‘Wedding Day’ (H4) 94 A — ‘White Supreme’ (H4) ~ annual, tall, Spencer 04 A — ‘William Willson’ (H4) 02 Cl rotundifolius (H4) 93 H† vernus (H4) 97 H† — ‘Alboroseus’ (H4) LAURUS (LAURACEAE) 93 T nobilis (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 T — ‘Aurea’ (H4) LAVANDULA (LAMIACEAE) 02 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 01 T 02 T 93 T 93 T angustifolia ‘Alba Nana’ ~ see Lavandula angustifolia ‘Nana Alba’ — ‘Beechwood Blue’ (H4) — ‘Hidcote’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed 2001; plants raised from seed are not entitled to this cultivar name — ‘Imperial Gem’ (H4) — Little Lottie ‘Clarmo’ (H4) — ‘Loddon Blue’ (H4) — ‘Loddon Pink’ (H4) — ‘Miss Katherine’ (PBR) (H4) — Miss Muffet ‘Scholmis’ (H4) — ‘Nana Alba’ (H4) — ‘Wendy Carlile’ (H4) × chaytoriae ‘Richard Gray’ (H3-4) — ‘Sawyers’ (H4) ‘Cornard Blue’ ~ see Lavandula × chaytoriae ‘Sawyers’ dentata var. dentata ‘Royal Crown’ (H2-3) ‘Hidcote Blue’ ~ see Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’ × intermedia ‘Alba’ (H4) — ‘Hidcote Giant’ (H4) — ‘Sussex’ (H4) ~ previously listed as ‘Arabian Night’, a synonym of both ‘Sussex’ and ‘Impress Purple’ ‘Sawyers’ lanata (H3) ‘Loddon Pink’ ~ see Lavandula angustifolia ‘Loddon Pink’ pedunculata subsp. pedunculata (H3-4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 1999; previously listed as L. stoechas subsp. pedunculata 93 T 02 T 93 spica ‘Hidcote Purple’ ~ see Lavandula angustifolia ‘Hidcote’ stoechas (H3-4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 — ‘Papillon’ ~ see Lavandula pedunculata subsp. pedunculata — subsp. pedunculata ~ see Lavandula pedunculata subsp. pedunculata ‘Willow Vale’ (H3-4) ~ previously listed as L. stoechas ‘Willow Vale’ LAVATERA (MALVACEAE) 97 T 97 T 97 T 93 T 93 T 96 A 02 A 96 A 96 A 96 A 96 A arborea ‘Rosea’ ~ see Lavatera × clementii ‘Rosea’ bicolor ~ see Lavatera maritima × clementii ‘Bredon Springs’ (H3-4) — ‘Burgundy Wine’ (H3-4) — ‘Candy Floss’ (H3-4) — ‘Rosea’ (H3-4) maritima (H2-3) ‘Rosea’ ~ see Lavatera × clementii ‘Rosea’ trimestris ‘Beauty Formula Mixture’ (H3) ~ annual, from seed — Beauty Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 — ‘Pink Beauty’ (H3) ~ annual, from seed — ‘Salmon Beauty’ (H3) ~ annual, from seed — ‘Silver Cup’ (H3) ~ annual, from seed — ‘White Beauty’ (H3) ~ annual, from seed × LEDODENDRON (ERICACEAE) 93 T† ‘Arctic Tern’ (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 94 LEIOPHYLLUM (ERICACEAE) LEUCOCORYNE (ALLIACEAE) 93 T† buxifolium (H4) 02 B purpurea (H1) ~ min. 5C LEPISMIUM (CACTACEAE) 93 CS houlletianum (H1) ~ min. 2-10C LEPTOSPERMUM (MYRTACEAE) humifusum ~ see Leptospermum rupestre prostratum ~ see Leptospermum rupestre 93 T rupestre (H4) 93 T scoparium var. incanum ‘Keatleyi’ (H3) 93 T† — (Nanum Group) ‘Kiwi’ (H3) 93 T — ‘Nichollsii’ (H3) 93 T† — ‘Nichollsii Nanum’ (H2-3) — var. prostratum hort. ~ see Leptospermum rupestre 93 T — ‘Red Damask’ (d) (H3) 02 T ‘Silver Sheen’ (H3) LESPEDEZA (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 T thunbergii (H4) tiliifolia ~ see Desmodium elegans LEUCOJUM (AMARYLLIDACEAE) 93 B aestivum ‘Gravetye Giant’ (H4) autumnale ~ see Acis autumnalis 93 B† vernum (H4) LEUCOTHOE (ERICACEAE) 93 T 93 T fontanesiana (H4) ~ previously listed as L. walteri — ‘Rollissonii’ (H4) ~ previously listed under L. walteri walteri ~ see Leucothoe fontanesiana LEWISIA (PORTULACACEAE) 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† brachycalyx (H2) cotyledon (H4) — var. heckneri (H4) — Sunset Group (H4) tweedyi (H2) LEYCESTERIA (CAPRIFOLIACEAE) 02 T formosa (H4) LEUCANTHEMELLA (ASTERACEAE) LIBERTIA (IRIDACEAE) 93 H 98 H serotina (H4) LEUCANTHEMOPSIS (ASTERACEAE) LIBOCEDRUS (CUPRESSACEAE) hosmariensis ~ see Rhodanthemum hosmariense LEUCANTHEMUM (ASTERACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H hosmariense ~ see Rhodanthemum hosmariense maximum uliginosum ~ see Leucanthemella serotina × superbum ‘Aglaia’ (d) (H4) — ‘T.E. Killin’ (d) (H4) — ‘Wirral Supreme’ (d) (H4) grandiflora (H4) decurrens ~ see Calocedrus decurrens LIGULARIA (ASTERACEAE) 93 H 93 H 98 H 93 H dentata ‘Desdemona’ (H4) ‘Gregynog Gold’ (H4) przewalskii (H4) ‘The Rocket’ (H4) tussilaginea ‘Aureo-maculata’ ~ see Farfugium japonicum ‘Aureomaculatum’ For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS LIGUSTRUM (OLEACEAE) LIMONIUM (PLUMBAGINACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 P 93 T 93 T lucidum (H4) — ‘Excelsum Superbum’ (v) (H4) ovalifolium ‘Aureomarginatum’ ~ see Ligustrum ovalifolium ‘Aureum’ — ‘Aureum’ (v) (H4) quihoui (H4) LILIUM (LILIACEAE) 02 B 02 B 93 B 93 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 93 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 02 B 93 B 02 B 93 B 02 B 02 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 02 B 93 B African Queen Group (VIa) (H4) ‘Apollo’ (Ia) (H4) candidum (IX) (H4) ‘Casa Blanca’ (VIIb) (H4) ‘Connecticut Beauty’ (1a) (H4) ~ previously listed as L. ‘Medaillon’ ‘Fata Morgana’ (Ia/d) (H4) ‘Garden Party’ (VII) (H4) Golden Splendor Group (VIa) (H4) ‘Gran Cru’ (Ia) (H4) henryi (IX) (H4) ‘Joy’ (VIIb) (H4) ‘King Pete’ (Ib) (H4) lancifolium var. splendens (IX) (H4) ‘Le Rêve’ ~ see Lilium ‘Joy’ ‘Lennox’ (H4) longiflorum (IX) (H2-3) martagon (IX) (H4) — var. album (IX) (H4) ‘Medaillon’ ~ see Lilium ‘Connecticut Beauty’ ‘Nove Cento’ (H4) pardalinum (IX) (H4) Pink Perfection Group (VIa) (H4) pumilum (IX) (H4) regale (IX) (H4) ‘Sam’ (VII) (H4) tenuifolium ~ see Lilium pumilum × testaceum (IX) (H4) LIMNANTHES (LIMNANTHACEAE) 93 A douglasii (H4) bonduellii ‘Forever Gold’ (H3) LINDERA (LAURACEAE) 93 T obtusiloba (H4) LINUM (LINACEAE) 93 T† arboreum (H4) 93 T† ‘Gemmell’s Hybrid’ (H4) 93 A grandiflorum (H3) LIPPIA (VERBENACEAE) citriodora ~ see Aloysia triphylla LIQUIDAMBAR (HAMAMELIDACEAE) 93 T 93 T styraciflua ‘Lane Roberts’ (H4) — ‘Worplesdon’ (H4) LIRIODENDRON (MAGNOLIACEAE) 93 T 93 T tulipifera (H4) — ‘Aureomarginatum’ (v) (H4) LIRIOPE (CONVALLARIACEAE) 93 B graminifolia misapplied ~ see Liriope muscari muscari (H4) platyphylla ~ see Liriope muscari LITHODORA (BORAGINACEAE) 93 T† diffusa ‘Grace Ward’ (H4) 93 T† — ‘Heavenly Blue’ (H4) × intermedia ~ see Moltkia × intermedia 93 T† oleifolia (H4) LITHOPS (AIZOACEAE) 02 CS aucampiae (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS bromfieldii (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS hallii (H1) ~ min. 2C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 95 AGM PLANTS 2007 96 02 CS hookeri (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS karasmontana (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS lesliei (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS olivacea (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS pseudotruncatella (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS salicola (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS schwantesii (H1) ~ min. 2C LITHOSPERMUM (BORAGINACEAE) ‘Grace Ward’ ~ see Lithodora diffusa ‘Grace Ward’ ‘Heavenly Blue’ ~ see Lithodora diffusa ‘Heavenly Blue’ oleifolium ~ see Lithodora oleifolia 93 P 93 P 98 P 98 P 98 P 98 P LIVISTONA (ARECACEAE) 93 T chinensis (H1) ~ min. 2C LOBELIA (CAMPANULACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 P 02 P 93 P cardinalis (H3) — ‘Queen Victoria’ (H3) ‘Cinnabar Deep Red’ ~ see Lobelia × speciosa ‘Fan Tiefrot’ ‘Cinnabar Rose’ ~ see Lobelia × speciosa ‘Fan Zinnoberrosa’ Compliment Scarlet ~ see Lobelia × speciosa ‘Kompliment Scharlach’ erinus ‘Cambridge Blue’ (H3) — Cascade Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 — ‘Colour Cascade’ (H3) 96 H 97 P 97 P 97 P 97 P 93 P 97 H — ‘Crystal Palace’ (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 1998 (N.L. Chrestensen selection only) as a cultivar suitable for growing in the open ground — ‘Mrs Clibran’ (H3) — ‘Regatta Midnight Blue’ (H3) ~ as a cultivar suitable for growing in the open ground and trailing in hanging pots — ‘Regatta Sky Blue’ (H3) ~ as a trailing cultivar suitable for growing in hanging pots — ‘Richardii’ ~ see Lobelia richardsonii — ‘Riviera Blue Eyes’ (H3) ~ as a cultivar suitable for growing in the open ground — ‘String of Pearls’ (H3) ~ as a cultivar suitable for growing in the open ground; award applies to S.E. Marshall’s selection Fan Deep Red ~ see Lobelia × speciosa ‘Fan Tiefrot’ ‘Fan Deep Rose’ ~ see Lobelia × speciosa ‘Fan Orchidrosa’ fulgens ~ see Lobelia cardinalis ‘Queen Victoria’ ~ see Lobelia cardinalis ‘Queen Victoria’ richardsonii (H1+3) ~ min. 10C × speciosa ‘Fan Orchidrosa’ (H3-4) ~ previously listed as L. Fan Orchid Rose — ‘Fan Scharlach’ (H3-4) — ‘Fan Tiefrot’ (H3-4) — ‘Fan Zinnoberrosa’ (H3-4) — ‘Kompliment Scharlach’ (H3-4) — ‘Pink Elephant’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS LOBIVIA (CACTACEAE) 93 CS aurea (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS cinnabarina (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS jajoiana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS winteriana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS wrightiana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C LOBULARIA (BRASSICACEAE) 02 A 02 A 98 A 98 A 98 A 98 A maritima Easter Bonnet Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 — Golf Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 — ‘Rosie O’Day’ (H3) — ‘Snowdrift’ (H3) — ‘Violet Queen’ (H3) — ‘Wonderland White’ (H3) 93 Cl 93 Cl 93 T 93 Cl 02 Cl 93 Cl 97 periclymenum ‘Belgica’ misapplied ~ see Lonicera × italica — ‘Florida’ ~ see Lonicera periclymenum ‘Serotina’ — ‘Graham Thomas’ (H4) — ‘Serotina’ (H4) ~ the plant selected at East Malling (EM85) is the more vigorous × purpusii ‘Winter Beauty’ (H4) sempervirens (H4) similis var. delavayi (H4) tragophylla (H4) LOPHOSPERMUM (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 93 P erubescens (H2-3) LOTUS (PAPILIONACEAE) 02 T 02 T 02 T berthelotii deep red-flowered (H1+3) ~ min. 2C berthelotii × maculatus (H1+3) ~ min. 2C hirsutus (H3-4) LUCULIA (RUBIACEAE) LONICERA (CAPRIFOLIACEAE) 93 Cl 97 Cl 97 Cl 93 Cl 93 Cl 97 Cl 93 T × americana misapplied ~ see Lonicera × italica caprifolium (H4) — f. pauciflora ~ see Lonicera × italica ‘Early Cream’ ~ see Lonicera caprifolium etrusca ‘Donald Waterer’ (H4) — ‘Superba’ (H4) flexuosa ~ see Lonicera japonica var. repens × italica Tausch (H4) ~ often sold as L. × americana; the true L. × americana is much less common japonica ‘Halliana’ (H4) — var. repens (H4) nitida ‘Baggesen’s Gold’ (H4) 93 T gratissima (H1-2) LUMA (MYRTACEAE) 93 T 02 T apiculata (H3) — ‘Glanleam Gold’ (v) (H3) LUNARIA (BRASSICACEAE) 93 A annua var. albiflora (H4) LUPINUS (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 T 93 P arboreus (H4) Band of Nobles Series, mixed (H4) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 LYCHNIS (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) 93 H 98 H chalcedonica (H4) coronaria (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 98 — ‘Abbotswood Rose’ ~ see Lychnis × walkeri ‘Abbotswood Rose’ 93 H — ‘Alba’ (H4) 02 H† flos-jovis (H4) 93 H† viscaria ‘Splendens Plena’ (d) (H4) 93 H × walkeri ‘Abbotswood Rose’ (H4) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T LYSICHITON (ARACEAE) 93 H 93 H americanus (H4) camtschatcensis (H4) 93 T LYSIMACHIA (PRIMULACEAE) 96 H ciliata ‘Firecracker’ (H4) — ‘Purpurea’ ~ see Lysimachia ciliata ‘Firecracker’ 93 H clethroides (H4) 93 H† nummularia ‘Aurea’ (H4) LYTHRUM (LYTHRACEAE) 02 H 93 H salicaria ‘Blush’ (H4) — ‘Feuerkerze’ (H4) — Firecandle ~ see Lythrum salicaria ‘Feuerkerze’ LYTOCARYUM (ARECACEAE) 93 T weddellianum (H1) ~ min. 10C MACKAYA (ACANTHACEAE) 93 T bella (H1) ~ min. 2C MACLEAYA (PAPAVERACEAE) 93 H 02 H 93 H cordata (Willd.) R. Br. (H4) × kewensis ‘Flamingo’ (H4) microcarpa ‘Kelway’s Coral Plume’ (H4) 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T MAGNOLIA (MAGNOLIACEAE) 93 T 93 T ‘Ann’ (H4) ~ De Vos hybrid ‘Betty’ (H4) ~ Kosar hybrid 93 T denudata (H3-4) ‘Elizabeth’ (H4) ‘Galaxy’ (H4) grandiflora ‘Exmouth’ (H3-4) — ‘Victoria’ (H3-4) ‘Heaven Scent’ (H4) ~ Gresham hybrid heptapeta ~ see Magnolia denudata hypoleuca ~ see Magnolia obovata Thunb. ‘Jane’ (H4) ~ Kosar hybrid × kewensis hort. ex Pearce ‘Wada’s Memory’ ~ see Magnolia salicifolia ‘Wada’s Memory’ liliiflora ‘Nigra’ (H4) × loebneri ‘Leonard Messel’ (H4) — ‘Merrill’ (H4) ‘Milky Way’ (H4) obovata Thunb. (H4) ~ awarded as M. hypoleuca ‘Pinkie’ (H4) ~ Kosar hybrid salicifolia (H3-4) — ‘Wada’s Memory’ (H4) ~ previously listed as M. × kewensis ‘Wada’s Memory’ ‘Sayonara’ (H4) ~ Gresham hybrid sieboldii subsp. sieboldii (H4) × soulangeana ‘Brozzonii’ (H3-4) — ‘Etienne Soulange-Bodin’ (H3-4) ~ usually grown as M. × soulangeana — ‘Lennei’ (H3-4) — ‘Lennei Alba’ (H3-4) — ‘Nigra’ ~ see Magnolia liliiflora ‘Nigra’ — ‘Rubra’ misapplied ~ see Magnolia × soulangeana ‘Rustica Rubra’ — ‘Rustica Rubra’ (H3-4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T ‘Star Wars’ (H4) stellata (H4) — ‘Waterlily’ (H4) ‘Susan’ (H4) ~ Kosar hybrid wilsonii (H4) MAHONIA (BERBERIDACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T aquifolium ‘Apollo’ (H4) — ‘Fascicularis’ ~ see Mahonia × wagneri ‘Pinnacle’ japonica (H4) lomariifolia (H3) × media ‘Buckland’ (H4) — ‘Lionel Fortescue’ (H4) — ‘Underway’ (H4) — ‘Winter Sun’ (H4) pinnata misapplied ~ see Mahonia × wagneri ‘Pinnacle’ × wagneri ‘Pinnacle’ (H4) MAIANTHEMUM (CONVALLARIACEAE) 93 B racemosum (H4) ~ previously listed as Smilacina racemosa MALUS (ROSACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T ‘Evereste’ (H4) floribunda (H4) ‘Golden Hornet’ ~ see Malus × zumi ‘Golden Hornet’ hupehensis (H4) ‘John Downie’ (C) (H4) Perpetu ~ see Malus ‘Evereste’ × robusta ‘Red Sentinel’ (H4) ‘Royal Beauty’ (H4) transitoria (H4) tschonoskii (H4) × zumi ‘Golden Hornet’ (H4) MALVA (MALVACEAE) bicolor ~ see Lavatera maritima 93 H 99 moschata f. alba (H4) MAMMILLARIA (CACTACEAE) 93 CS baumii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS bocasana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS bombycina (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS candida (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS carmenae (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS elongata (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS geminispina (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS hahniana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS parkinsonii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS plumosa (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS pringlei (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS prolifera (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS sphaerica (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS spinosissima (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS zeilmanniana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C MANDEVILLA (APOCYNACEAE) 93 Cl × amabilis ‘Alice du Pont’ (H1) ~ min. 10C; previously listed under M. × amoena 02 Cl boliviensis (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 Cl laxa (H2) 02 Cl splendens (H1) ~ min. 10C suaveolens ~ see Mandevilla laxa For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 100 MARANTA (MARANTACEAE) 02 H 93 H leuconeura var. erythroneura (H1) ~ min. 15C — var. kerchoveana (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 H virginica (H4) ~ awarded as M. pulmonarioides METASEQUOIA (CUPRESSACEAE) 93 C glyptostroboides (H4) MATTEUCCIA (WOODSIACEAE) MICROBIOTA (CUPRESSACEAE) 93 F 93 C* decussata (H4) struthiopteris (H4) MATTHIOLA (BRASSICACEAE) 93 P MICROCOELUM (ARECACEAE) Cinderella Series, mixed (H1) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 weddelianum ~ see Lytocaryum weddellianum MILIUM (POACEAE) MATUCANA (CACTACEAE) 93 CS aurantiaca (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS intertexta (H1) ~ min. 2-10C MAURANDYA (SCROPHULARIACEAE) erubescens ~ see Lophospermum erubescens MECONOPSIS (PAPAVERACEAE) baileyi ~ see Meconopsis betonicifolia 93 H betonicifolia (H4) (Infertile Blue Group) ‘Dawyck’ ~ see Meconopsis (Infertile Blue Group) ‘Slieve Donard’ 93 H† — ‘Slieve Donard’ (H4) 93 H† quintuplinervia (H4) MEDINILLA (MELASTOMATACEAE) 02 T magnifica (H1) ~ min. 15C 98 G MIMULUS (SCROPHULARIACEAE) ‘Andean Nymph’ ~ see Mimulus naiandinus 93 T aurantiacus (H2-3) 93 P ‘Calypso’ (H3) 93 P cardinalis (H3) 93 H† cupreus ‘Whitecroft Scarlet’ (H4) glutinosus ~ see Mimulus aurantiacus — luteus ~ see Mimulus aurantiacus 93 H† ‘Highland Red’ (H4) 93 P lewisii (H3) 02 P Magic Series, mixed (H4) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 93 H† naiandinus (H3) ~ previously listed as M. ‘Andean Nymph’ MISCANTHUS (POACEAE) 01 G MELIANTHUS (MELIANTHACEAE) 93 T major (H3) ~ also suitable for summer display MERTENSIA (BORAGINACEAE) pulmonarioides ~ see Mertensia virginica effusum ‘Aureum’ (H4) 01 G 01 G 01 G 01 G 01 G 01 G sinensis var. condensatus ‘Cosmopolitan’ (v) (H4) — ‘Flamingo’ (H4) — ‘Gewitterwolke’ (H4) — ‘Ghana’ (H4) — ‘Gold und Silber’ (H4) — ‘Grosse Fontäne’ (H4) — ‘Kaskade’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 01 G 01 G 01 G 01 G 01 G 01 G 01 G 01 G — ‘Kleine Fontäne’ (H4) — ‘Kleine Silberspinne’ (H4) — ‘Morning Light’ (v) (H4) — ‘Septemberrot’ (H4) — ‘Silberfeder’ (H4) ~ awarded as ‘Silver Feather’ — Silver Feather ~ see Miscanthus sinensis ‘Silberfeder’ — ‘Strictus’ (v) (H4) — ‘Undine’ (H4) — ‘Zebrinus’ (v) (H4) 02 T 02 T 93 T MOLINIA (POACEAE) 93 G caerulea subsp. caerulea ‘Variegata’ (v) (H4) 93 T MOLTKIA (BORAGINACEAE) 93 T† × intermedia (H4) 02 T — ‘Zebrina’ (H1+3) ~ min. 10C basjoo (H3-4) cavendishii ~ see Musa acuminata ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ (AAA Group) (F) coccinea (H1) ~ min. 10C; awarded as Musa uranoscopus misapplied ensete ~ see Ensete ventricosum nana misapplied ~ see Musa acuminata ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ (AAA Group) (F) ornata (H1) ~ min. 10C uranoscopus misapplied ~ see Musa coccinea velutina (H1+3) ~ min. 10C MONARDA (LAMIACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H 01 H ‘Beauty of Cobham’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 ‘Cambridge Scarlet’ (H4) ‘Croftway Pink’ (H4) ‘Gardenview Scarlet’ (H4) ‘Marshall’s Delight’ (H4) ‘Squaw’ (H4) ‘Talud’ (H4) ‘Violet Queen’ (H4) MONSTERA (ARACEAE) 93 Cl deliciosa (F) (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 Cl — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C MUSCARI (HYACINTHACEAE) 93 B† 03 B† 03 B† 93 B† 93 B† armeniacum (H4) — ‘Christmas Pearl’ (H4) — ‘Saffier’ (H4) aucheri (H4) azureum (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2003 ‘Baby’s Breath’ ~ see Muscari ‘Jenny Robinson’ chalusicum ~ see Muscari pseudomuscari 04 B† ‘Jenny Robinson’ (H4) ~ previously listed as M. ‘Baby’s Breath’ 03 B† latifolium (H4) 93 B† pseudomuscari (H4) MORUS (MORACEAE) 93 T nigra (F) (H4) MUSA (MUSACEAE) 93 T acuminata ‘Dwarf Cavendish’ (AAA Group) (F) (H1) ~ min. 10C MYOSOTIS (BORAGINACEAE) 93 A 04 A 04 A 04 A 04 A ‘Blue Ball’ (H4) ‘Bluesylva’ (Sylva Series) (H4) ‘Musik’ (H4) ‘Rosesylva’ (Sylva Series) (H4) ‘Snowsylva’ (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 101 AGM PLANTS 2007 102 04 A 93 A Sylva Series, mixed (H4) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 sylvatica ‘Ultramarine’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2004 MYRTUS (MYRTACEAE) 93 T 93 T apiculata ~ see Luma apiculata communis (H3) — ‘Jenny Reitenbach’ ~ see Myrtus communis subsp. tarentina — ‘Microphylla’ ~ see Myrtus communis subsp. tarentina — ‘Nana’ ~ see Myrtus communis subsp. tarentina — subsp. tarentina (H3) ‘Glanleam Gold’ ~ see Luma apiculata ‘Glanleam Gold’ luma ~ see Luma apiculata NANDINA (BERBERIDACEAE) 93 T 02 T domestica (H3) — ‘Fire Power’ (H3) NARCISSUS (AMARYLLIDACEAE) § at the end of the description denotes a smaller or miniature daffodil. 01 B 95 B 93 B ‘Aberfoyle’ (2) (H4) ~ bright yellow with a deep orangered corona; free-flowering and very early ‘Accent’ (2) (H4) ~ a sturdy flower with a wonderfully deep pink corona ‘Actaea’ (9) (H4) ~ an old and reliable poeticus daffodil, fragrant and with a deep red rim 06 B 96 B ‘Angelito’ (3) (H4) ‘April Tears’ (5) (H4) ~ a deep lemon-yellow daffodil of great charm, with several neatly formed pendent flowers per stem 93 B ‘Arctic Gold’ (1) (H4) ~ a vigorous and free-flowering trumpet daffodil of the deepest golden-yellow 01 B ‘Arkle’ (1) (H4) ~ a deep yellow trumpet daffodil of immense size and vigour 93 B ‘Armada’ (2) (H4) ~ a strong and vigorous plant with vivid yellow petals and orange corona 94 B† asturiensis (13) (H3-4) ~ miniature yellow trumpet daffodil, hugging the ground; requiring acid soil and flowering from late winter to early spring 95 B ‘Avalanche’ (8) (H3) ~ a plant of amazing vigour, with strong stems bearing up to a dozen beautifully formed yellow and white flowers 98 B ‘Badbury Rings’ (3) (H4) ~ a wonderful yellow small-cupped daffodil with an orange rim; a leader on the show bench as well as a good garden plant 93 B ‘Bantam’ (2) (H4) ~ a bright and perky intermediatesized daffodil with golden petals and an orange corona often sharply rimmed with red § 98 B ‘Barnum’ (1) (H4) ~ large and robust; deep goldenyellow with very wide petals; a long-lasting flower of great substance and proud stance 93 B ‘Bawnboy’ (1) (H4) ~ a deep yellow trumpet daffodil; strong-growing and reliable For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 05 B 01 B 93 B 01 B 02 B 01 B 93 B 98 B 93 B 03 B 06 B 95 B 98 B ‘Beauvallon’ (4) (H4) ~ good constitution and impact. Bright colours held well above foliage ‘Ben Hee’ (2) (H4) ~ a pristine white daffodil of beautiful form ‘Biscayne’ (1) (H4) ~ a most reliable and vigorous yellow trumpet daffodil of excellent pose ‘Border Beauty’ (2) (H4) ~ a very large and showy bright red and yellow flower of excellent pose ‘Boslowick’ (11a) (H4) ~ an excellent, early-season flower with spreading orange corona ‘Boulder Bay’ (2) (H4) ~ a large yellow flower with trumpet-like corona and flared orange rim; distinct ‘Brabazon’ (1) (H4) ~ a deep golden yellow trumpet daffodil; tall, strong and freeflowering ‘Bram Warnaar’ (1) (H4) ~ a sturdy and long-lasting yellow flower with a bold trumpet ‘Bravoure’ (1) (H4) ~ an extremely large flower with wonderful contrast between white petals and bold yellow trumpet ‘Bridal Crown’ (4) (H4) ‘Brooke Ager’ (2) (H4) ‘Broomhill’ (2) (H4) ~ sparkling white; wonderfully reliable for both show and garden ‘Bryanston’ (2) (H4) ~ a tall, strong and early-flowering plant of ‘look you in the eye’ pose, with well formed and long- 103 lasting flowers of deep goldenyellow 94 B† bulbocodium (13) (H3-4) ~ hoop petticoat; miniature yellow flowers with narrow petals and large corona; best in a wet position on acid soil § 98 B ‘Bunting’ (7) (H4) ~ fragrant; one of the brightest of the orange and yellow jonquils 95 B ‘Camelot’ (2) (H4) ~ large round mid-yellow flower; robust and vigorous 96 B ‘Cantabile’ (9) (H4) ~ the poeticus daffodil by which all others are judged; reliable and well-formed 94 B† cantabricus subsp. cantabricus var. cantabricus (13) (H2) ~ icy white hoop petticoat flowers on short stems; flowering in the alpine house in early spring § 94 B† — — var. foliosus (13) (H2) ~ milk-white hoop petticoat daffodils flowering in late autumn § 98 B ‘Carib Gipsy’ (2) (H4) ~ strong and vigorous plant; pale yellow petals and a well contrasted white corona with broad golden yellow rim 95 B ‘Carlton’ (2) (H4) ~ famously reliable for large-scale planting 95 B ‘Ceylon’ (2) (H4) ~ one of the best orange and yellow daffodils for sun resistance and a striking pose 93 B ‘Charity May’ (6) (H4) ~ a free-flowering daffodil of shy pose and swept-back petals § 93 B ‘Charter’ (2) (H4) ~ a large flower with petals and corona rim of luminous lemonyellow For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 104 95 B AGM PLANTS 2007 ‘Cheerfulness’ (4) (H4) ~ sturdy and fragrant, with several neat semi-double flowers per stem 99 B ‘Chesterton’ (9) (H4) ~ a poeticus daffodil of good foliage, form and colour; stands up well to the weather 96 B ‘Chit Chat’ (7) (H4) ~ dainty and bright yellow, with two to four nicely formed round flowers per stem 01 B ‘Chromacolor’ (2) (H4) ~ eye-catching large flower with pure white petals and bright pink trumpet-shaped corona 03 B ‘Chukar’ (4) (H4) 98 B ‘Crackington’ (4) (H4) ~ reliable orange and yellow double daffodil of rapid increase; standing well in all weathers 93 B† cyclamineus (13) (H4) ~ miniature yellow trumpet daffodil with strongly reflexed petals; flowering in early spring in a wet position on acid soil; very durable 95 B ‘Daydream’ (2) (H3) ~ a beautifully formed flower with the petals bright lemon-yellow and the corona gradually turning white 01 B ‘Desdemona’ (2) (H4) ~ a tall and reliable all-white daffodil 02 B ‘Dickcissel’ (7) (H4) ~ very free-flowering with heads held well above the foliage; good for show, flower arranging and cutting as well as for the garden 99 B ‘Dispatch Box’ (1) (H4) ~ an outstanding yellow trumpet daffodil; free-flowering, with the blooms held well above the foliage 01 B 93 B 93 B 02 B 02 B 95 B 01 B 93 B 01 B 98 B 93 B ‘Doctor Hugh’ (3) (H4) ~ a large bold flower of great impact, with pure white petals and bright orange cup; a leading show variety ‘Double Event’ (4) (H4) ~ well formed double daffodil with yellow and white petals intermingled ‘Dove Wings’ (6) (H4) ~ sister seedling to ‘Charity May’, with all the same qualities but dressed in yellow and white § ‘Drumlin’ (1) (H4) ~ large and strong, with yellow and white flowers of great impact over a long period ‘Dutch Lemon Drops’ (5) (H4) ~ very free-flowering, and over a long period. Previously listed in error as ‘Lemon Drops’ ‘Dutch Master’ (1) (H4) ~ a very large traditional yellow trumpet of great vigour ‘Eaton Song’ (12) (H4) ~ a short-stemmed, twin-headed, yellow and orange daffodil with a very long flowering period ‘Empress of Ireland’ (1) (H4) ~ stately and imposing white daffodil with a beautifully flanged trumpet ‘Exception’ (1) (H4) ~ a sturdy trumpet daffodil of deep golden-yellow; free-flowering in early spring ‘Falconet’ (8) (H4) ~ multi-headed, brightly coloured and fragrant ‘February Gold’ (6) (H4) ~ distinct profile with swept-back petals and long trumpet; ideal for naturalising For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 B 95 B 03 B 95 B 95 B 98 B 98 B 03 B 95 B 95 B 93 B 95 B 93 B 95 B ‘Feeling Lucky’ (2) (H4) ~ a colourful flower of rapid increase ‘Foundling’ (6) (H4) ~ a sturdy and prolific plant of intermediate size with reflexed white petals and a neat corona of bright pink § ‘Gamay’ (11a) (H4) ‘Gay Kybo’ (4) (H4) ~ a large and imposing double daffodil of neat form on a strong stem ‘Geranium’ (8) (H4) ~ multi-headed, reliable and fragrant; and good for cutting ‘Gin and Lime’ (1) (H4) ~ lime-yellow trumpet daffodil of immense size and vigour ‘Glenfarclas’ (1) (H4) ~ one of the few orange trumpet daffodils; very bright and cheerful ‘Gold Beach’ (2) (H4) ‘Gold Convention’ (2) (H4) ~ smooth flower of beautiful form and deepest yellow; strong constitution and good pose ‘Golden Aura’ (2) (H4) ~ well rounded flowers of perfect form and polished golden yellow ‘Golden Dawn’ (8) (H3) ~ reliable tazetta daffodil of attractive colouring; several scented flowers per stem ‘Golden Jewel’ (2) (H4) ~ deep golden-yellow flower with jewel-smooth texture; excellent stem and pose ‘Golden Rapture’ (1) (H4) ~ a massive golden-yellow trumpet daffodil of great impact ‘Golden Vale’ (1) (H4) ~ a sturdy yellow trumpet daffodil with broad and spreading petals 01 B 98 B 06 B 01 B 95 B 04 B 01 B 99 B 03 B 04 B 03 B 02 B 93 B 105 ‘Goldfinger’ (1) (H4) ~ a deep yellow trumpet daffodil; free-flowering, long-lasting and consistent ‘Grasmere’ (1) (H4) ~ a large and formal yellow flower with neatly frilled trumpet ‘Great Gatsby’ (2) (H4) ‘Hambledon’ (2) (H4) ~ a strong and vigorous plant, with the corona of the large lemonyellow flower becoming a subtle buff-pink ‘Hawera’ (5) (H4) ~ a vigorous and free-flowering triandrus daffodil with a number of neatly nodding flowers per stem ‘Heamoor’ (4) (H4) ~ rich, golden-yellow early double ‘High Society’ (2) (H4) ~ lives up to its name; beautiful white flowers with pink-rimmed yellow corona § ‘Highfield Beauty’ (8) (H4) ~ tall weather-resistant flowers of strong constitution and very good pose ‘Highfire’ (2) (H4) ‘Hillstar’ (7) (H4) ~ a mid-season jonquil with lemon-yellow perianth, white at the base, ivory corona, yellow at base and 2 to 3 heads per stem ‘Homestead’ (2) (H4) ‘Hoopoe’ (8) (H4) ~ durable, yellow and orange flowers produced in great quantity over a long period ‘Ice Follies’ (2) (H4) ~ creamy white flowers, frilled and highly ornate; robust and reliable in all climates; ideal for naturalising For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 106 01 B AGM PLANTS 2007 ‘Ice Wings’ (5) (H4) ~ small clusters of nodding pure white flowers on 9-inch stems; vigorous and reliable § 06 B ‘India’ (2) (H4) 03 B ‘Indian Maid’ (7) (H4) 01 B ‘Intrigue’ (7) (H4) ~ hauntingly luminous yellow flowers, with the small corona becoming white 93 B ‘Irish Minstrel’ (2) (H4) ~ a big round flower with white petals and contrasting deep yellow cup; strong and vigorous 95 B ‘Itzim’ (6) (H4) ~ a bright little flower with sweptback petals and long red trumpet § 95 B ‘Jack Snipe’ (6) (H4) ~ a cyclamineus daffodil with creamy white petals typically reflexed and the cylindrical corona in vividly contrasting yellow § 93 B ‘Jenny’ (6) (H4) ~ the white sibling of ‘Charity May’ and ‘Dove Wings’ § 95 B ‘Jetfire’ (6) (H4) ~ a cyclamineus daffodil with orange corona; vigorous and freeflowering; early season § 94 B† jonquilla (13) (H4) ~ jonquil; up to six strongly scented yellow flowers on a round stem § 95 B ‘Jumblie’ (12) (H4) ~ two to three orange and yellow flowers per stem with reflexed petals; a small neat plant ideal for the rock garden § 98 B ‘Kaydee’ (6) (H4) ~ sparkling white reflexed petals and a lightly flared trumpet of vivid pink § 01 B 93 B 04 B 93 B 05 B 00 B 01 B 97 B 93 B 02 B ‘King’s Grove’ (1) (H4) ~ a bold flower with yellow petals and orange trumpet; tall and of excellent pose ‘Kingscourt’ (1) (H4) ~ a mid-yellow trumpet daffodil of classic form and smoothest texture ‘Kokopelli’ (7) (H4) ~ highly floriferous jonquil; yellow perianth, deeper yellow corona, 2-4 flowers per stem ‘Larkwhistle’ (6) (H4) ~ reliable all-yellow cyclamineus daffodil § ‘Le Torch’ (4) (H4) ~ glowing colour, good weather resistance; holds head well above the foliage ‘Lingerie’ (4) (H4) ~ a floriferous double daffodil on a strong stem, holding its head up well; petals of lemon-yellow and white intermingled ‘Little Beauty’ (1) (H4) ~ well named dwarf daffodil with lovely contrast between the white petals and yellow trumpet ‘Little Gem’ (1) (H4) ~ a well-formed miniature trumpet daffodil of great vigour; ideal for the rock garden lobularis Schultes ~ see Narcissus obvallaris ‘Loch Owskeich’ (2) (H4) ~ a sturdy and rather shortstemmed plant, with robust orange and yellow flowers holding their colour well in full sun ‘Manly’ (4) (H4) ~ a large double flower of great impact, standing up well on a strong stem For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS marvieri ~ see Narcissus rupicola subsp. marvieri 01 B ‘Menehay’ (11a) (H4) ~ excellent example in orange and yellow of the modern splitcorona daffodil 93 B ‘Merlin’ (3) (H4) ~ petals of purest white; the brilliant yellow corona is rimmed with true red minimus misapplied ~ see Narcissus asturiensis (13) 98 B ‘Minnow’ (8) (H3) ~ beautifully formed miniature flowers; better for a milder climate 94 B† minor (13) (H4) ~ small yellow trumpet daffodil with forward-facing petals 05 B ‘Mint Julep’ (3) (H4) ~ a lovely flower, with good impact and subtle colours 01 B ‘Mission Bells’ (5) (H4) ~ several icy-white bell-like flowers per stem; ideal for smaller gardens § 95 B ‘Misty Glen’ (2) (H4) ~ an impeccably formed white flower enhanced by the deep green in the eye of the corona 01 B ‘Mite’ (6) (H4) ~ strongly swept-back petals on a lightweight little flower ideal for the rock garden 03 B ‘Monza’ (4) (H4) 01 B moschatus (13) (H4) ~ a creamy white trumpet daffodil of medium size with forwardfacing petals § 95 B ‘Mount Hood’ (1) (H4) ~ a most reliable white trumpet daffodil 99 B 93 B 06 B 93 B 98 B 04 B 93 B 93 B 95 B 05 B 01 B 04 B 107 ‘Notre Dame’ (2) (H4) ~ floriferous and late-season, with sun-resistant pink rim obvallaris (13) (H4) ~ the Tenby daffodil; sturdy yellow trumpet daffodil of medium size with spreading petals; early spring flowering § ‘Oregon Snow’ (2) (H4) ‘Ormeau’ (2) (H4) ~ a beautifully smooth flower, greenish yellow and well proportioned ‘Oryx’ (7) (H4) ~ three or four perfectly formed light yellow flowers on each tall stem ‘Pacific Coast’ (8) (H4) ~ late, dwarf, floriferous tazetta with light greenish-yellow perianth and deeper yellow corona ‘Papua’ (4) (H4) ~ a strong all-yellow double daffodil which stands well in the garden ‘Passionale’ (2) (H4) ~ a refined daffodil of great vigour, with pastel-pink corona ‘Peeping Tom’ (6) (H4) ~ a deep golden yellow trumpet daffodil, strong-growing and reliable, with slightly reflexed and nicely twisted petals ‘Penkivel’ (2) (H4) ~ good display, excellent upright foliage, floriferous ‘Pimpernel’ (2) (H4) ~ a large flower with yellow petals and a small corona of sunresistant orange ‘Pineapple Prince’ (2) (H4) ~ a bold daffodil of good constitution and weather resistance; deep lemon perianth For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 108 AGM PLANTS 2007 and increasingly white corona with blooms produced over a long period 93 B ‘Pinza’ (2) (H4) ~ a colourful sun-resistant flower of excellent pose and great impact 01 B ‘Pipit’ (7) (H4) ~ up to four neatly formed flowers of luminous lemon-yellow per stem 96 B ‘Pixie’s Sister’ (7) (H4) ~ a number of well-formed scented flowers gracefully held on a short stem; needs dry summer dormancy 93 B — var. recurvus (13) (H4) ~ pheasant’s eye; strongly scented flowers with pure white reflexed and twisted petals and a short green or yellow corona with crimson rim; flowering in late spring 01 B ‘Precocious’ (2) (H4) ~ a distinctive white-petalled flower of great impact, with frilled corona of startling reddish pink 94 B† pseudonarcissus (13) (H4) ~ Lent lily; medium-size trumpet daffodil with downward-facing flowers, straw coloured forwardfacing petals and a darker yellow corona with little flange 05 B ‘Punchline’ (7) (H4) ~ good constitution and weather resistance; plenty of flowers 01 B ‘Purbeck’ (3) (H4) ~ an immaculately formed flower, with white petals and a small orange-banded corona 98 B ‘Quail’ (7) (H4) ~ a multi-headed jonquil of deep golden yellow; vigorous, freeflowering and fragrant § 05 B ‘Quasar’ (2) (H4) ~ long flowering period, good sun resistance. Tall, strong stems with a circular cup of pink orange 01 B ‘Rainbow’ (2) (H4) ~ a reliable white flower with a well-defined rim of salmon-pink; good for mass planting 01 B ‘Rapture’ (6) (H4) ~ one of the most perfectly formed of all the golden-yellow daffodils with swept-back petals § 93 B ‘Red Devon’ (2) (H4) ~ a very good orange and yellow flower of rounded form 98 B ‘Reggae’ (6) (H4) ~ a dainty pink and white flower with fly-away petals; very free flowering, with blooms held well above the foliage § 93 B ‘Rijnveld’s Early Sensation’ (1) (H4) ~ earliest to flower of all the larger daffodils; a strong and robust yellow trumpet, withstanding the winter weather and lasting a long time in the garden 95 B ‘Rippling Waters’ (5) (H4) ~ several pure white pendulous flowers per stem 03 B ‘Rising Star’ (7) (H4) 95 B ‘Romance’ (2) (H4) ~ a wonderfully strong round flower, with white petals and deep pink lobed corona 94 B† romieuxii (13) (H2-3) ~ pale primrose hoop petticoat flowers on short stems; flowering in late winter in the alpine house § 01 B ‘Rosemoor Gold’ (H4) 93 B ‘Rugulosus’ (7) (H4) ~ a multi-headed and fragrant jonquil; very vigorous and strong-growing; good for cutting For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 94 B† rupicola subsp. marvieri (13) (H2) ~ solitary yellow flowers on short stems; narrow spreading petals and a conical corona with lobed rim; for the alpine house § 94 B† — subsp. rupicola (13) (H2-3) ~ solitary yellow flowers on short stems, the petals spreading and usually broad, the corona deeply lobed; for the alpine house § 06 B ‘Sagitta’ (H4) 06 B ‘Sailboat’ (7) (H4) 93 B ‘Saint Keverne’ (2) (H4) ~ deep golden-yellow daffodil; tall, straight and regimentally formal 01 B ‘Salome’ (2) (H4) ~ very consistent; with the corona opening yellow and turning to warm pink 96 B ‘Segovia’ (3) (H4) ~ a most attractive little flower in yellow and white; for the rock garden 99 B ‘Serena Lodge’ (4) (H4) ~ a long-lasting and showy double daffodil standing on strong stems 05 B ‘Sherborne’ (4) (H4) ~ large flower, great impact in the garden and good weather resistance 03 B ‘Shrike’ (11a) (H4) 02 B ‘Silent Valley’ (1) (H4) ~ a strong plant with plenty of flowers both for show bench and garden 98 B ‘Sir Winston Churchill’ (4) (H4) ~ several scented double flowers per stem in orange and white 05 B ‘Skilliwidden’ (2) (H4) ~ an early, floriferous daffodil providing an excellent garden display; good constitution and weather resistance 98 B 109 ‘Special Envoy’ (2) (H4) ~ a sturdy and reliable all-yellow daffodil 93 B ‘Spellbinder’ (1) (H4) ~ an entrancing sulphur-yellow flower, with the trumpet turning white at maturity 03 B ‘Spindletop’ (3) (H4) 03 B ‘Stint’ (5) (H4) 03 B ‘Stratosphere’ (7) (H4) 96 B ‘Sun Disc’ (7) (H4) ~ flowers like gleaming little gold discs; ideal for the rock garden § 98 B ‘Surfside’ (6) (H4) ~ an imposing yellow and white flower with beautifully reflexed petals 93 B ‘Suzy’ (7) (H4) ~ several fragrant yellow flowers per stem, with small coronas of bright orange 93 B ‘Sweetness’ (7) (H4) ~ wonderfully fragrant flowers shining like golden stars § 01 B ‘Swift Arrow’ (6) (H4) ~ flower well named for its flyaway golden-yellow petals and long trumpet § 95 B ‘Tahiti’ (4) (H4) ~ sturdy and prolific double daffodil with neat orange and yellow flowers 98 B ‘Tamar Fire’ (4) (H4) ~ one of the brightest double daffodils in its colour range; standing well in the garden 93 B† ‘Tête-à-tête’ (12) (H4) ~ a magnificent free-flowering little daffodil for pots, rock garden or naturalising § 05 B ‘The Alliance’ (6) (H4) ~ very early cyclamineus; longflowering and floriferous For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 110 AGM PLANTS 2007 01 B† ‘Topolino’ (1) (H4) ~ a very reliable plant for the rockery, with creamy white petals and a brightly contrasted yellow trumpet § 97 B ‘Toto’ (12) (H4) ~ a graceful flower, with the narrow corona opening yellow and becoming white; of excellent increase 01 B ‘Tracey’ (6) (H4) ~ a charming little white daffodil with swept-back petals 04 B ‘Trebah’ (2) (H4) ~ many medium-sized, deep golden flowers, produced over several weeks 01 B ‘Trena’ (6) (H4) ~ classic form combined with a wonderful contrast between white petals and yellow trumpet make this a much coveted variety § 95 B ‘Trevithian’ (7) (H4) ~ two to three soft yellow fragrant flowers per stem 94 B† triandrus (13) (H3) ~ Angel’s tears; two to six small white pendent flowers per stem, with sharply reflexed petals; flowering on acid soil § 04 B ‘Trigonometry’ (11a) (H4) ~ very showy, robust; creamy-pink split corona and white perianth 01 B ‘Tripartite’ (11a) (H4) ~ several small mid-yellow flowers per stem with the corona neatly split; exceptionally free-flowering and vigorous § 98 B ‘Triple Crown’ (3) (H4) ~ a golden-yellow flower with deep red rim; free-flowering and quick to increase 04 B 95 B 98 B 93 B 02 B 01 B 93 B 93 B 95 B 93 B 01 B 03 B ‘Trumpet Warrior’ (1) (H4) ~ lemon-yellow perianth and white slightly flared corona, ruffled at the brim; long-flowering and good impact ‘Tuesday’s Child’ (5) (H4) ~ one to three yellow and white weather-resistant flowers per stem, standing up well in the flower border ‘Tyrone Gold’ (1) (H4) ~ large deep golden trumpet daffodil; a strong plant with "look you in the eye" pose ‘Ulster Prince’ (1) (H4) ~ a golden-yellow flower with large pointed petals and bold trumpet ‘Unique’ (4) (H4) ~ a robust double flower holding its colour well and flowering fairly early in the season ‘Vernal Prince’ (3) (H4) ~ a vigorous and beautiful daffodil, with smooth white petals and deep greenish-lemon cup ‘Verona’ (3) (H4) ~ completely round, all-white flower with a small disc-like corona ‘Vigil’ (1) (H4) ~ a strong and vigorous trumpet daffodil of distinctvely angular form in icy white ‘Viking’ (1) (H4) ~ a trumpet daffodil of beautiful form in deep golden-yellow ‘Vulcan’ (2) (H4) ~ a tall flower with sun-resistant bright orange corona ‘Wheal Coates’ (7) (H4) ~ a distinctive orange and yellow flower with a very long flowering season ‘Whipcord’ (7) (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 B 98 B 95 B ‘White Lion’ (4) (H4) ~ a many-petalled double daffodil of nice form, well posed on a strong stem ‘Willy Dunlop’ (2) (H4) ~ a flower of great size and substance with a good contrast between pure white petals and deep yellow corona ‘Yellow Cheerfulness’ (4) (H4) ~ an all-yellow sport of ‘Cheerfulness’, with the same admirable attributes NEOPORTERIA (CACTACEAE) 93 CS multicolor (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS napina f. mitis (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS paucicostata (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS wagenknechtii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C NEOREGELIA (BROMELIACEAE) 93 H 93 H NEMATANTHUS (GESNERIACEAE) 02 T 93 T gregarius (H1) ~ min. 15C radicans ~ see Nematanthus gregarius ‘Tropicana’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 H NEPETA (LAMIACEAE) 02 H NEMESIA (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 99 H 99 H 99 H 99 H 99 H 99 H Blue Cloud ‘Penblu’ (H3) caerulea ‘Sea Mist’ (H3) denticulata (H3-4) — ‘Confetti’ ~ see Nemesia denticulata ‘Fleurie Bluebird’ (H3) ~ distinct from N. Bluebird ‘Hubbird’ ‘Innocence’ (H3) Melanie ‘Fleuron’ (H3) NEOCHILENIA (CACTACEAE) mitis ~ see Neoporteria napina f. mitis paucicostata ~ see Neoporteria paucicostata NEOHENRICIA (AIZOACEAE) 93 CS sibbettii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C carolinae f. tricolor (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C marmorata (H1) ~ min. 10C spectabilis (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 H × faassenii (H4) mussinii misapplied ~ see Nepeta × faassenii mussinii Spreng. ~ see Nepeta racemosa racemosa (H4) reichenbachiana ~ see Nepeta racemosa NEPHROLEPIS (OLEANDRACEAE) 97 F 02 F 02 F 02 F exaltata (H2) — ‘Elegantissima’ (H1) ~ min. 5C — ‘Fluffy Ruffles’ (H1) ~ min. 5C — ‘Hillii’ (H1) ~ min. 5C NERINE (AMARYLLIDACEAE) 93 B 02 B 98 B bowdenii (H3-4) sarniensis (H2-3) ‘Zeal Giant’ (H3-4) NERIUM (APOCYNACEAE) 02 T oleander ‘Variegatum’ (v) (H1+3) ~ min. 5C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 111 AGM PLANTS 2007 112 NICOTIANA (SOLANACEAE) NYSSA (CORNACEAE) 93 A 93 T 93 T 93 A 93 A 93 P Domino Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 langsdorffii (H3) ‘Lime Green’ (H3) sylvestris (H3) NIDULARIUM (BROMELIACEAE) 02 H fulgens (H1) ~ min. 15C NIEREMBERGIA (SOLANACEAE) 93 H caerulea ~ see Nierembergia linariifolia hippomanica ~ see Nierembergia linariifolia linariifolia (H1) ~ min. 2C; awarded as N. caerulea NIGELLA (RANUNCULACEAE) 93 A 93 A damascena ‘Miss Jekyll’ (H4) — ‘Miss Jekyll Alba’ (H4) NOPALXOCHIA (CACTACEAE) OENOTHERA (ONAGRACEAE) cinaeus ~ see Oenothera fruticosa subsp. glauca fruticosa Fireworks ~ see Oenothera fruticosa ‘Fyrverkeri’ 93 H — ‘Fyrverkeri’ (H4) 93 H — subsp. glauca (H4) 93 H† macrocarpa (H4) missouriensis ~ see Oenothera macrocarpa tetragona ~ see Oenothera fruticosa subsp. glauca — var. fraseri ~ see Oenothera fruticosa subsp. glauca OLEARIA (ASTERACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 CS phyllanthoides (H1) ~ min. 2-10C NOTOCACTUS (CACTACEAE) concinnus ~ see Parodia concinna sinensis (H4) sylvatica (H4) 93 T macrodonta (H3) × mollis (Kirk) Cockayne ‘Zennorensis’ (H3) ~ valued in particular for its foliage effect × scilloniensis Dorrien-Smith (H3) OLSYNIUM (IRIDACEAE) 93 H† douglasii (H4) NYMPHAEA (NYMPHAEACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H ‘Escarboucle’ (H) (H4) ‘Gladstoniana’ (H) (H4) ‘Gonnère’ (H) (H4) × helvola ~ see Nymphaea ‘Pygmaea Helvola’ ‘James Brydon’ (H) (H4) ‘Marliacea Chromatella’ (H) (H4) ‘Pygmaea Helvola’ (H) (H4) ‘Tuberosa Flavescens’ ~ see Nymphaea ‘Marliacea Chromatella’ OMPHALODES (BORAGINACEAE) 93 H† cappadocica (H4) 96 H† — ‘Cherry Ingram’ (H4) 93 A linifolia (H4) — alba ~ see Omphalodes linifolia ONOCLEA (WOODSIACEAE) 93 F sensibilis (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS ONOPORDUM (ASTERACEAE) 93 H arabicum ~ see Onopordum nervosum nervosum (H4) OREOCEREUS (CACTACEAE) 93 CS hendriksenianus var. densilanatus (H1) ~ min. 2-10C ONOSMA (BORAGINACEAE) ORIGANUM (LAMIACEAE) 93 H† taurica (H4) 93 H† 93 H 93 H 93 H† 93 H OPHIOPOGON (CONVALLARIACEAE) ‘Black Dragon’ ~ see Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’ graminifolius ~ see Liriope muscari 93 H† planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’ (H4) ~ also valued as a pot plant under glass 113 amanum (H2-3) laevigatum (H3) — ‘Herrenhausen’ (H4) rotundifolium (H4) vulgare ‘Aureum’ (H4) ORNITHOGALUM (HYACINTHACEAE) 02 B 93 B 02 B dubium (H1) ~ min. 5C nutans (H4) thyrsoides (H1) ~ min. 5C OPLISMENUS (POACEAE) 93 G africanus ‘Variegatus’ (v) ~ see Oplismenus hirtellus ‘Variegatus’ hirtellus ‘Variegatus’ (H1) ~ min. 10C; awarded as O. africanus ‘Variegatus’ ORYZOPSIS (POACEAE) lessoniana ~ see Anemanthele lessoniana OSCULARIA (AIZOACEAE) 02 CS deltoides (H1-2) ~ min. 2C OPUNTIA (CACTACEAE) 93 CS microdasys ‘Albata’ (H1) ~ min. 2-10C — ‘Angel’s Wings’ ~ see Opuntia microdasys ‘Albata’ 02 CS rufida (H1) ~ min. 2C ORBEA (ASCLEPIADACEAE) 93 CS variegata (H1) ~ min. 2C ORCHIS (ORCHIDACEAE) elata ~ see Dactylorhiza elata foliosa ~ see Dactylorhiza foliosa maderensis ~ see Dactylorhiza foliosa OSMANTHUS (OLEACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T × burkwoodii (H4) delavayi (H4) heterophyllus ‘Argenteomarginatus’ ~ see Osmanthus heterophyllus ‘Variegatus’ — ‘Gulftide’ (H4) — ‘Variegatus’ (v) (H4) × OSMAREA (OLEACEAE) burkwoodii ~ see Osmanthus × burkwoodii OSMUNDA (OSMUNDACEAE) 97 F 97 F 93 F 97 F cinnamomea (H4) claytoniana (H4) regalis (H4) — ‘Cristata’ (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 114 OSTEOSPERMUM (ASTERACEAE) 02 B barberae misapplied ~ see Osteospermum jucundum (Phillips) Norlindh 93 H 95 H 93 H 95 H 95 H 95 H 95 H 93 H 93 H 95 H 93 H 93 H ‘Buttermilk’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C caulescens misapplied ~ see Osteospermum ‘White Pim’ ecklonis var. prostratum ~ see Osteospermum ‘White Pim’ ‘Hopleys’ (H3-4) jucundum (Phillips) Norlindh (H3-4) — ‘Blackthorn Seedling’ (H3-4) — ‘Langtrees’ (H3-4) — ‘Merriments Joy’ (H3-4) ‘Lady Leitrim’ (H3-4) ‘Merriments Joy’ ~ see Osteospermum jucundum ‘Merriments Joy’ ‘Pale Face’ ~ see Osteospermum ‘Lady Leitrim’ ‘Pink Whirls’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Silver Sparkler’ (v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Tauranga’ ~ see Osteospermum ‘Whirlygig’ ‘Weetwood’ (H3-4) ‘Whirlygig’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘White Pim’ (H3-4) OURISIA (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 93 H† ‘Snowflake’ (H4) OXALIS (OXALIDACEAE) 93 B† adenophylla (H4) 93 B† enneaphylla (H4) 93 B† ‘Ione Hecker’ (H4) regnellii ~ see Oxalis triangularis subsp. papilionacea 02 B triangularis subsp. papilionacea (H1) ~ min. 2C versicolor (H1) ~ min. 2C OXYPETALUM (ASCLEPIADACEAE) caeruleum ~ see Tweedia caerulea OZOTHAMNUS (ASTERACEAE) 93 T† coralloides (H2-3) 93 T ledifolius (H4) 93 T rosmarinifolius ‘Silver Jubilee’ (H3) PACHYPODIUM (APOCYNACEAE) 02 CS geayi (H1) ~ min. 10C; shrubby 02 CS lamerei (H1) ~ min. 10C; shrubby PACHYSANDRA (BUXACEAE) 02 T 93 T terminalis ‘Green Carpet’ (H4) — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H4) PACHYSTACHYS (ACANTHACEAE) 93 T lutea (H1) ~ min. 10C PAEONIA (PAEONIACEAE) 93 H† 93 T 93 H 02 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 T cambessedesii (H2-3) delavayi (S) (H4) lactiflora ‘Bowl of Beauty’ (H4) — ‘Cheddar Gold’ (H4) — ‘Duchesse de Nemours’ (H4) — ‘Félix Crousse’ (H4) — ‘Festiva Maxima’ (H4) — ‘Lady Alexandra Duff’ (H4) — ‘Laura Dessert’ (H4) — ‘Monsieur Jules Elie’ (H4) — ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ (H4) — ‘Whitleyi Major’ (H4) ludlowii (S) (H4) ~ previously listed as P. delavayi var. ludlowii 93 H mlokosewitschii (H4) 93 H† obovata (H4) 93 H† — var. alba (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H officinalis ‘Anemoniflora Rosea’ (H4) — ‘Rosea Plena’ (H4) — ‘Rubra Plena’ (H4) peregrina ‘Otto Froebel’ (H4) — ‘Sunshine’ ~ see Paeonia peregrina ‘Otto Froebel’ ‘Sunshine’ ~ see Paeonia peregrina ‘Otto Froebel’ PANDANUS (PANDANACEAE) 93 T 93 T tectorius ‘Laevis’ (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Veitchii’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 115 PARADISEA (ANTHERICACEAE) 93 B† liliastrum (H4) PARAHEBE (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 93 T† catarractae ‘Delight’ (H3) — ‘Porlock Purple’ ~ see Parahebe catarractae ‘Delight’ ‘Greencourt’ ~ see Parahebe catarractae ‘Delight’ 02 T lyallii ‘Julie-Anne’ (H3) 93 H† perfoliata (H3-4) PARASERIANTHES (MIMOSACEAE) 93 T distachya ~ see Paraserianthes lophantha lophantha (H1) ~ min. 2C PANDOREA (BIGNONIACEAE) PARIS (TRILLIACEAE) 93 Cl jasminoides ‘Rosea Superba’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 06 H polyphylla (H4) PAROCHETUS (PAPILIONACEAE) PAPAVER (PAPAVERACEAE) 93 A 02 A 05 H 05 H 05 H 05 H 97 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 97 H 97 H 97 H 97 H 97 H 97 H bracteatum ~ see Papaver orientale var. bracteatum commutatum (H4) — ‘Ladybird’ (H4) ‘Matador’ (H4) nudicaule ‘Garden Gnome’ (H4) — ‘Solar Fire Orange’ (H4) — ‘Summer Breeze Orange’ (H4) orientale ‘Aglaja’ (H4) — ‘Black and White’ (H4) — var. bracteatum (H4) — ‘Cedric Morris’ (H4) — ‘Effendi’ (H4) — ‘John III’ (H4) — ‘Karine’ (H4) — ‘Khedive’ (d) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 — ‘Leuchtfeuer’ (H4) — ‘Lighthouse’ (H4) 93 H africanus (H2) communis misapplied ~ see Parochetus africanus PARODIA (CACTACEAE) 93 CS concinna (H1) ~ min. 2-10C; awarded as Notocactus apricus 93 CS crassigibba (H1) ~ min. 2-10C; awarded as Notocactus crassigibbus 93 CS magnifica (H1) ~ min. 2-10C; previously listed as Notocactus magnificus 93 CS mairanana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS mammulosa subsp. mammulosa (H1) ~ min. 2-10C; awarded as Notocactus mammulosus 93 CS penicillata (H1) ~ min. 2-10C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 116 93 CS schwebsiana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C scopa ~ see Parodia scopa subsp. scopa 93 CS — subsp. scopa (H1) ~ min. 2-10C; awarded as Notocactus scopa 93 CS subterranea (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS werneri subsp. werneri (H1) ~ min. 2-10C; previously listed as Notocactus uebelmannianus 93 Cl mollissima (Kunth) L.H. Bailey (F) (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 Cl quadrangularis (F) (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 Cl racemosa (H2) 93 Cl ‘Star of Bristol’ (H2) 93 Cl × violacea (H1) ~ min. 2C PARROTIA (HAMAMELIDACEAE) PAVONIA (MALVACEAE) 93 T 02 T persica (H4) PAULOWNIA (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 93 T tomentosa (H3) multiflora Jussieu (H1) ~ min. 15C PARTHENOCISSUS (VITACEAE) 93 Cl henryana (H4) 93 Cl quinquefolia (H4) 93 Cl tricuspidata (H4) 02 CS tithymaloides ‘Variegatus’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 5C; shrubby PASSIFLORA (PASSIFLORACEAE) PELARGONIUM (GERANIACEAE) 93 Cl alata (F) (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 Cl ‘Amethyst’ (H1) ~ min. 2C; not P. amethystina Mikan, though has been distributed under this name amethystina misapplied ~ see Passiflora ‘Amethyst’ antioquiensis misapplied ~ see Passiflora × exoniensis 93 Cl antioquiensis Karst (H2) 93 Cl caerulea (H3) × caeruleoracemosa ~ see Passiflora × violacea chinensis ~ see Passiflora caerulea 93 Cl × exoniensis (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 Cl ‘Incense’ (F) (H1) ~ min. 2C mayana ~ see Passiflora caerulea 93 H PEDILANTHUS (EUPHORBIACEAE) 93 H 94 H 99 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 94 H 93 H ‘Alice Crousse’ (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Amethyst ‘Fisdel’ (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Ann Hoystead’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Antik Orange ‘Tikorg’ (Antik Series) (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; single; recommended for cultivation under glass ‘Apache’ (Z/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Apple Blossom Rosebud’ (Z/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Ashfield Monarch’ (Z/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Ashfield Serenade’ (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Askham Fringed Aztec’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Attar of Roses’ (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 H 93 H 99 H 93 H 93 H 02 H 02 H 94 H 96 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 94 H 99 H 93 H ‘Aztec’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Balcon Imperial ~ see Pelargonium ‘Roi des Balcons Impérial’ (I) ‘Balcon Lilas’ ~ see Pelargonium ‘Roi des Balcons Lilas’ (I) ‘Balcon Rouge’ ~ see Pelargonium ‘Roi des Balcons Impérial’ (I) ‘Balcon Royale’ ~ see Pelargonium ‘Roi des Balcons Impérial’ (I) ‘Ballerina’ (R) ~ see Pelargonium ‘Carisbrooke’ (R) ‘Belinda Adams’ (Min/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Bellinzona ‘Klebelli’ (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; single ‘Ben Franklin’ (Z/d/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Bird Dancer’ (Dw/St) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Black Magic Rose’ (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Black Magic Scarlet’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Bodey’s Picotee’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Bolero’ (U) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Brackenwood’ (Dw/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Bredon’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Bridal Veil’ (Min/C) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Bushfire’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Cardinalis’ (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; single ‘Cariboo Gold’ (Min/C) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 94 H 94 H 96 H 93 H 96 H 99 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 94 H 93 H 93 H 94 H 93 H 94 H 93 H 99 H 93 H 117 ‘Carisbrooke’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Cascade Lilac ~ see Pelargonium ‘Roi des Balcons Lilas’ ‘Catford Belle’ (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Charity’ (Sc) (H1+3) ‘Chelsea Gem’ (Z/d/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Citriodorum’ (Sc) (H1+3) ‘Claire’ (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; single; recommended for cultivation under glass ‘Copthorne’ (U/Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Corsair’ (Z/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Crimson Unique’ (U) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C crispum ‘Variegatum’ (Sc/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Dame Anna Neagle’ (Dw/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Darmsden’ (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Dolly Varden’ (Z/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Earl of Chester’ (Min/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Eileen Postle’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Fantasia’ white-flowered (Dw/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Fareham’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Flakey’ (I/d/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; valued especially for its foliage ‘Flamenca’ (Z) (H1+3) ~ single ‘Flower of Spring’ (Z/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 118 93 H 93 H 94 H 93 H 93 H 94 H 96 H 94 H 02 H 96 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 94 H 94 H AGM PLANTS 2007 ‘Francis Parrett’ (Min/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Frank Headley’ (Z/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Fringed Aztec’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Galilee’ (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Galway Star’ (Sc/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Gemma Jewel’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Gemstone’ (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Georgina Blythe’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Golden Harry Hieover’ (Z/C) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; suitable for use as a bedding plant ‘Grace Thomas’ (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Grenadier’ (Z/St/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Happy Thought’ (Z/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Hillscheider Amethyst’ ~ see Pelargonium Amethyst ‘Hope Valley’ (Dw/C/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Ingres ‘Guicerdan’ (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Irene’ (Z/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Irene Cal’ (Z/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Irene Toyon’ (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Isidel’ (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Joy’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Julia’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 99 H 94 H 93 H 93 H 96 H 94 H 96 H 94 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 94 H 02 H 93 H 02 H 93 H 93 H ‘Juve’ (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; single ‘Kettlebaston’ (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘La France’ (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Lady Plymouth’ (Sc/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Lara Candy Dancer’ (Sc) (H1+3) ‘Lara Maid’ (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Lara Starshine’ (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Lavender Grand Slam’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘L’Élégante’ (I/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; valued especially for its foliage Lilac Cascade ~ see Pelargonium ‘Roi des Balcons Lilas’ ‘Little Alice’ (Dw/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Lord Bute’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Lord de Ramsey’ ~ see Pelargonium ‘Tip Top Duet’ ‘Mabel Grey’ (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Madame Crousse’ (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Madame Salleron’ (Min/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Margaret Soley’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Maverick Scarlet’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Morval’ (Dw/C/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Moulin Rouge’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Mr Henry Cox’ (Z/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Mrs J.C. Mappin’ (Z/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 02 H 02 P 96 H 96 H 02 H 96 H 93 H 93 H 96 H 96 H 02 H 96 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 96 H 93 H ‘Mrs Quilter’ (Z/C) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; suitable for use as a bedding plant Multibloom Series, mixed (Z) (H1+3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 ‘Mystery’ (U) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Nervous Mabel’ (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Orange Appeal’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Orsett’ (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Paton’s Unique’ (U/Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Pavilion’ (Min) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Peter’s Luck’ (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Princeanum’ (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Princess of Balcon’ ~ see Pelargonium ‘Roi des Balcons Lilas’ ‘Pulsar Deep Rose’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Radula’ (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Red Cascade’ (I) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Renee Ross’ (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Rodomont’ (I) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Roi des Balcons Impérial’ (I) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Roi des Balcons Lilas’ (I) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Roller’s Satinique’ (U) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Rosais (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C 93 H 96 H 94 H 94 H 94 H 02 H 93 H 93 H 94 H 94 H 94 H 96 H 94 H 93 H 94 H 94 H 93 H 99 H 93 H 119 ‘Rosita’ (Dw/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Royal Oak’ (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Royal Princess’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Sancho Panza’ (Dec) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Sefton’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Sensation Blush’ (Sensation Series) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Solidor (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘South American Bronze’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Spanish Angel’ (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Splendour’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Starlight Magic’ (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Stellar Grenadier’ ~ see Pelargonium ‘Grenadier’ ‘Sweet Mimosa’ (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘The Barle’ (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘The Boar’ (Fr) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘The Tone’ (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Tip Top Duet’ (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C tomentosum (Sc) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘United’ (Z) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; single ‘Vancouver Centennial’ (Dw/St/C) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 120 94 H 94 H 93 P 02 H 02 H 96 H 94 H 94 H 93 H ‘Variegated Madame Layal’ (A/v) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Velvet Duet’ (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C Video Series, mixed (Dw) (H1+3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 ‘Vogue Carmine Red’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Vogue Red’ (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Voodoo’ (U) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Wayward Angel’ (A) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘White Glory’ (R) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C ‘Yale’ (I/d) (H1+3) ~ min. 2C PELLAEA (ADIANTACEAE) 93 F 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 T† 93 H 93 T† 93 T† 93 H 93 H 93 H rotundifolia (H2) PENNISETUM (POACEAE) longistylum misapplied ~ see Pennisetum villosum 93 G orientale (H3) rueppellii ~ see Pennisetum setaceum 95 G* setaceum (H3) awarded as P. rueppelii 04 G — ‘Rubrum’ (H4) 02 G villosum (H3) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H PENSTEMON (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H ‘Alice Hindley’ (H3) ‘Andenken an Friedrich Hahn’ (H4) ‘Apple Blossom’ (H3-4) ‘Barbara Barker’ ~ see Penstemon ‘Beech Park’ ‘Beech Park’ (H3) ‘Bisham Seedling’ ~ see Penstemon ‘White Bedder’ 93 T† 93 H 93 H 93 T† 98 T† ‘Burford White’ ~ see Penstemon ‘White Bedder’ ‘Catherine de la Mare’ ~ see Penstemon heterophyllus ‘Catherine de la Mare’ ‘Cherry’ (H3) ‘Cherry Ripe’ misapplied ~ see Penstemon ‘Cherry’ ‘Chester Scarlet’ (H3) ‘Connie’s Pink’ (H3) davidsonii var. menziesii (H4) ‘Evelyn’ (H4) ‘Firebird’ ~ see Penstemon ‘Schoenholzeri’ fruticosus var. scouleri (H4) — — f. albus (H4) ‘Garnet’ ~ see Penstemon ‘Andenken an Friedrich Hahn’ ‘George Home’ (H3) hartwegii (H3-4) heterophyllus ‘Catherine de la Mare’ (H4) ‘Hewell Pink Bedder’ (H3) ‘Hidcote Pink’ (H3-4) isophyllus (H3-4) ‘John Nash’ misapplied ~ see Penstemon ‘Alice Hindley’ ‘June’ ~ see Penstemon ‘Pennington Gem’ ‘Lord Home’ ~ see Penstemon ‘George Home’ ‘Margery Fish’ (H3) ‘Maurice Gibbs’ (H3) ‘Mrs Morse’ ~ see Penstemon ‘Chester Scarlet’ newberryi (H4) ‘Osprey’ (H3) ‘Pennington Gem’ (H3) ‘Phyllis’ ~ see Penstemon ‘Evelyn’ pinifolius (H4) — ‘Wisley Flame’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS ‘Pink Bedder’ ~ see Penstemon ‘Hewell Pink Bedder’ 93 H ‘Port Wine’ (H3) 97 T† procerus ‘Roy Davidson’ (H4) 93 H ‘Raven’ (H3) ‘Roy Davidson’ ~ see Penstemon procerus ‘Roy Davidson’ ‘Royal White’ ~ see Penstemon ‘White Bedder’ 93 H ‘Rubicundus’ (H3) ‘Ruby’ misapplied ~ see Penstemon ‘Schoenholzeri’ 93 T† rupicola (H4) 93 H ‘Schoenholzeri’ (H4) scouleri ~ see Penstemon fruticosus var. scouleri ‘Sissinghurst Pink’ ~ see Penstemon ‘Evelyn’ ‘Snow Storm’ ~ see Penstemon ‘White Bedder’ ‘Snowflake’ ~ see Penstemon ‘White Bedder’ ‘Sour Grapes’ misapplied ~ see Penstemon ‘Stapleford Gem’ 02 H ‘Sour Grapes’ M. Fish (H3-4) ‘Souvenir d’André Torres’ misapplied 93 H ~ see Penstemon ‘Chester Scarlet’ ‘Stapleford Gem’ (H3) ‘True Sour Grapes’ ~ see Penstemon ‘Sour Grapes’ M. Fish 93 H ‘White Bedder’ (H3) PEPEROMIA (PIPERACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H argyreia (H1) ~ min. 10C caperata ‘Emerald Ripple’ (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Little Fantasy’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 H 93 H 02 H 93 H 02 H 93 H 02 H — ‘Luna Red’ (H1) ~ min. 15C — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C griseoargentea (H1) ~ min. 15C obtusifolia (H1) ~ min. 10C — (Magnoliifolia Group) ‘USA’ (H1) ~ min. 15C sandersii ~ see Peperomia argyreia scandens (H1) ~ min. 10C velutina (H1) ~ min. 15C PERILLA (LAMIACEAE) 93 A frutescens var. crispa (H2) — var. nankinensis ~ see Perilla frutescens var. crispa PERNETTYA (ERICACEAE) mucronata ‘Sea Shell’ ~ see Gaultheria mucronata ‘Sea Shell’ PEROVSKIA (LAMIACEAE) 93 T ‘Blue Spire’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 PERSICARIA (POLYGONACEAE) 93 H† affinis ‘Darjeeling Red’ (H4) — ‘Dimity’ ~ see Persicaria affinis ‘Superba’ 93 H† — ‘Donald Lowndes’ (H4) 93 H† — ‘Superba’ (H4) 93 H amplexicaulis ‘Firetail’ (H4) 93 H bistorta ‘Superba’ (H4) 93 H† vacciniifolia (H4) PETRORHAGIA (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) 93 H† saxifraga (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 121 AGM PLANTS 2007 122 PETUNIA (SOLANACEAE) 02 P 02 P 02 P 02 P 02 P 02 P 02 P 02 P 05 P 05 P 93 P 93 P 99 P 99 P 99 P 05 P Cascadias Yellow Eye ‘Dancasye’ (Cascadias Series) (H3) Charlie’s Angels Champagne ‘Caschamp’ (Charlie’s Angels Series) (H3) ‘Charlie’s Angels Charlie’ (Charlie’s Angels Series) (H3) Conchita Blueberry Frost ‘Conblue’ (Conchita Series) (H3) Conchita Cranberry Frost ‘Concran’ (Conchita Series) (H3) Conchita Evening Glow ‘Conglow’ (Conchita Series) (H3) Conchita Strawberry Frost ‘Constraw’ (Conchita Series) (H3) Duo Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 ‘Explorer Pink’ (Explorer Series) (H3) ‘Explorer Purple’ (Explorer Series) (H3) × hybrida Carpet Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 — Mirage Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. Page 8 — ‘Storm Lavender’ (H3) ~ Grandiflora type, grown from seed — ‘Storm Pink’ (H3) ~ Grandiflora type, grown from seed — ‘Storm Salmon’ (H3) ~ Grandiflora type, grown from seed ‘Lavender Wave’ (H3) multiflora Carpet Series ~ see Petunia × hybrida Carpet Series — Mirage Series ~ see Petunia × hybrida Mirage Series 02 P 05 P 02 P 02 P 02 P 02 P 05 P 05 P ‘Petitunia Happy Dream’ (Petitunia Series) (H3) ‘Ramblin’ Nu Blue’ (Ramblin’ Series) (H3) Surfinia Pink Vein ‘Suntosol’ (Surfinia Series) (H3) Surfinia Purple ‘Shihi Brilliant’ (Surfinia Series) (H3) Surfinia Purple Vein ‘Sunpurve’ (H3) Surfinia Sky Blue ‘Keilavbu’ (Surfinia Series) (H3) ‘Wave Pink Improved’ (Wave Series) (H3) ‘Wave Purple’ (Wave Series) (H3) PHALARIS (POACEAE) 93 G arundinacea ‘Elegantissima’ ~ see Phalaris arundinacea var. picta ‘Picta’ — var. picta ‘Picta’ (v) (H4) ~ can be invasive PHANEROPHLEBIA (DRYOPTERIDACEAE) falcata ~ see Cyrtomium falcatum fortunei ~ see Cyrtomium fortunei PHILADELPHUS (HYDRANGEACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T ‘Beauclerk’ (H4) ‘Belle Etoile’ (H4) coronarius ‘Aureus’ (H4) — ‘Bowles’ Variety’ ~ see Philadelphus coronarius ‘Variegatus’ — ‘Variegatus’ (v) (H4) ‘Manteau d’Hermine’ (d) (H4) ‘Sybille’ (H4) PHILODENDRON (ARACEAE) 93 Cl angustisectum (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 T bipinnatifidum (H1) ~ min. 10C For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS elegans ~ see Philodendron angustisectum 93 Cl erubescens (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 Cl — ‘Burgundy’ (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 Cl scandens (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 A 97 A 93 H† 93 H 93 H 02 H PHLEBODIUM (POLYPODIACEAE) 93 F aureum (H1) ~ min. 10C; previously listed as Polypodium aureum PHLOMIS (LAMIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 H chrysophylla (H3) fruticosa (H4) lanata (H3-4) russeliana (H4) samia Boiss. ~ see Phlomis russeliana viscosa misapplied ~ see Phlomis russeliana 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H PHLOX (POLEMONIACEAE) 93 H† adsurgens (H4) canadensis ~ see Phlox divaricata 02 H carolina ‘Bill Baker’ (H4) 93 H — ‘Miss Lingard’ (H4) ‘Chattahoochee’ ~ see Phlox divaricata subsp. laphamii ‘Chattahoochee’ ‘Daniel’s Cushion’ ~ see Phlox subulata ‘McDaniel’s Cushion’ 93 H† divaricata (H4) 93 H† — subsp. laphamii ‘Chattahoochee’ (H4) 93 H† douglasii ‘Boothman’s Variety’ (H4) 93 H† — ‘Crackerjack’ (H4) 93 H† — ‘Iceberg’ (H4) 93 H† — ‘Red Admiral’ (H4) 93 H 93 H 02 H 93 H 93 H 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† drummondii Buttons Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. Page 8 — ‘Phlox of Sheep’ (H3) ‘Kelly’s Eye’ (H4) maculata ‘Alpha’ (H4) — ‘Omega’ (H4) — ‘Princess Sturdza’ (H4) ‘Millstream’ ~ see Phlox × procumbens ‘Millstream’ paniculata ‘Alba Grandiflora’ (H4) — ‘Albert Leo Schlageter’ (H4) — ‘Blue Ice’ (H4) — ‘Brigadier’ (H4) — ‘Bright Eyes’ (H4) — ‘Dodo Hanbury-Forbes’ (H4) — ‘Eventide’ (H4) — ‘Fujiyama’ ~ see Phlox paniculata ‘Mount Fuji’ — ‘Le Mahdi’ (H4) — ‘Mother of Pearl’ (H4) — ‘Mount Fuji’ (H4) ~ previously listed as P. paniculata ‘Fujiyama’ — ‘Mount Fujiyama’ ~ see Phlox paniculata ‘Mount Fuji’ — ‘Orange Perfection’ ~ see Phlox paniculata ‘Prince of Orange’ — ‘Prince of Orange’ (H4) — ‘Prospero’ Foerster (H4) — ‘Starfire’ (H4) — ‘White Admiral’ (H4) — ‘Windsor’ (H4) × procumbens ‘Millstream’ (H4) stolonifera ‘Blue Ridge’ (H4) subulata ‘McDaniel’s Cushion’ (H4) — ‘Red Wings’ (H4) PHOENIX (ARECACEAE) 93 T 123 canariensis (H1+3) ~ min. 2C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 124 93 T roebelenii (H1+3) ~ min. 10C PHORMIUM (PHORMIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T cookianum subsp. hookeri ‘Cream Delight’ (v) (H3-4) — — ‘Tricolor’ (v) (H3-4) ‘Duet’ (v) (H3) ‘Sundowner’ (v) (H3) tenax (H4) — Purpureum Group (H3-4) — ‘Variegatum’ (v) (H3-4) ‘Yellow Wave’ (v) (H3) × PHYLLIOPSIS (ERICACEAE) 98 T† ‘Coppelia’ (H4) PHYLLITIS (ASPLENIACEAE) scolopendrium ~ see Asplenium scolopendrium PHYLLODOCE (ERICACEAE) 93 T† caerulea (H4) — japonica ~ see Phyllodoce nipponica 93 T† nipponica (H4) PHYLLOSTACHYS (POACEAE) PHOTINIA (ROSACEAE) 93 T 93 T × fraseri ‘Red Robin’ (H4) villosa (H4) PHYGELIUS (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 02 T 96 T 93 T 96 T 97 T 97 T aequalis albus ~ see Phygelius aequalis ‘Yellow Trumpet’ — ‘Aureus’ ~ see Phygelius aequalis ‘Yellow Trumpet’ — ‘Cream Trumpet’ ~ see Phygelius aequalis ‘Yellow Trumpet’ — ‘Indian Chief’ ~ see Phygelius × rectus ‘African Queen’ — ‘Trewidden Pink’ (H4) — ‘Yellow Trumpet’ (H3-4) capensis (H3) ~ including plants sold as P. capensis coccineus — coccineus ~ see Phygelius capensis ‘Golden Gate’ ~ see Phygelius aequalis ‘Yellow Trumpet’ × rectus ‘African Queen’ (H3-4) — ‘Devil’s Tears’ (H4) — ‘Salmon Leap’ (H4) 93 Ba aurea (H4) aureocaulis ~ see Phyllostachys aureosulcata f. aureocaulis 02 Ba aureosulcata f. aureocaulis (H4) 02 Ba — f. spectabilis (H4) 93 Ba nigra (H4) 93 Ba — f. henonis (H4) 02 Ba vivax f. aureocaulis (H4) PHYSALIS (SOLANACEAE) 93 H alkekengi (H4) PHYSOCARPUS (ROSACEAE) 93 T 02 T opulifolius ‘Dart’s Gold’ (H4) — ‘Diabolo’ (PBR) (H4) PHYSOPLEXIS (CAMPANULACEAE) 93 H† comosa (H2-3) PHYSOSTEGIA (LAMIACEAE) 93 H 93 H virginiana ‘Snow Queen’ ~ see Physostegia virginiana ‘Summer Snow’ — ‘Summer Snow’ (H4) — ‘Vivid’ (H4) PHYTEUMA (CAMPANULACEAE) comosum ~ see Physoplexis comosa For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS PICEA (PINACEAE) 93 C* 93 C* 93 C 93 C* abies ‘Little Gem’ (H4) — ‘Nidiformis’ (H4) breweriana (H4) glauca ‘Echiniformis’ (H4) kosteri ‘Glauca’ ~ see Picea pungens ‘Koster’ 93 C* mariana ‘Nana’ (H4) 93 C omorika (H4) 98 C* — ‘Nana’ (H4) 93 C — ‘Pendula’ (H4) 93 C orientalis (H4) 93 C — ‘Aurea’ (v) (H4) 93 C — ‘Globosa’ (H4) 93 C — ‘Hoopsii’ (H4) 93 C — ‘Koster’ (H4) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 Cl viburnoides (H4) PINUS (PINACEAE) 93 C 93 C 93 T 97 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 96 T 93 T 96 T 93 T 93 T ‘Firecrest’ (H4) ‘Flaming Silver’ (v) (H4) ‘Forest Flame’ (H4) formosa var. forrestii ‘Wakehurst’ (H3) japonica ‘Blush’ (H4) — ‘Cavatine’ (H4) — ‘Debutante’ (H4) — ‘Grayswood’ (H4) — ‘Little Heath’ (v) (H4) — ‘Little Heath Green’ (H4) — ‘Mountain Fire’ (H4) — ‘Pink Delight’ (H4) — ‘Prelude’ (H4) — ‘Purity’ (H4) — ‘Sarabande’ (H4) — ‘Valley Valentine’ (H4) — ‘Variegata’ misapplied ~ see Pieris japonica ‘White Rim’ — ‘White Rim’ (v) (H4) ~ often confused with ‘Variegata’ in the trade PILEA (URTICACEAE) 93 H cadierei (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Minima’ (H1) ~ min. 10C involucrata ‘Moon Valley’ (H1) ~ min. 15C — ‘Norfolk’ (H1) ~ min. 15C peperomioides (H1) ~ min. 10C PILEOSTEGIA (HYDRANGEACEAE) PIERIS (ERICACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 125 93 C* 93 C 93 C* 93 C* 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C* 93 C 93 C 93 C coulteri (H4) griffithii ~ see Pinus wallichiana heldreichii (H4) ~ previously listed as P. heldreichii var. leucodermis — var. leucodermis ~ see Pinus heldreichii — ‘Schmidtii’ ~ see Pinus heldreichii ‘Smidtii’ — ‘Smidtii’ (H4) jeffreyi (H4) leucodermis ~ see Pinus heldreichii mugo ‘Mops’ (H4) — Pumilio Group (H4) ~ previously listed as P. mugo var. pumilio muricata (H4) nigra (H4) — var. calabrica ~ see Pinus nigra subsp. laricio — var. corsicana ~ see Pinus nigra subsp. laricio — subsp. laricio (H4) — subsp. maritima ~ see Pinus nigra subsp. laricio parviflora ‘Adcock’s Dwarf’ (H4) patula (H2-3) pinaster (H4) pinea (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 126 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C ponderosa (H4) pumila ‘Glauca’ (H4) radiata (H3-4) sylvestris (H4) — Aurea Group (H4) ~ previously listed as P. sylvestris ‘Aurea’ — ‘Aurea’ ~ see Pinus sylvestris Aurea Group 93 C* — ‘Beuvronensis’ (H4) 93 C wallichiana (H4) PITTOSPORUM (PITTOSPORACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T eugenioides ‘Variegatum’ (v) (H3) ‘Garnettii’ (v) (H3) ‘Nanum Variegatum’ ~ see Pittosporum tobira ‘Variegatum’ (v) tenuifolium (H3) — ‘Irene Paterson’ (m/v) (H3) — ‘Silver Queen’ (f/v) (H3) — ‘Tom Thumb’ (H3) — ‘Warnham Gold’ (m) (H3) tobira (H3) — ‘Variegatum’ (v) (H2-3) 93 F 93 F PLATYCLADUS (CUPRESSACEAE) 93 C* orientalis ‘Aurea Nana’ (H4) ~ previously listed as Thuja orientalis ‘Aurea Nana’ 93 C — ‘Elegantissima’ (H4) ~ previously listed as Thuja orientalis ‘Elegantissima’ PLATYCODON (CAMPANULACEAE) 93 H† grandiflorus (H4) 93 H† — Apoyama Group (H4) 93 H† — ‘Mariesii’ (H4) PLECTRANTHUS (LAMIACEAE) 98 H PLAGIANTHUS (MALVACEAE) lyallii ~ see Hoheria lyallii PLATANUS (PLATANACEAE) 93 T 93 T 02 T × acerifolia ~ see Platanus × hispanica × hispanica (H4) orientalis (H4) — f. digitata (H4) — ‘Laciniata’ ~ see Platanus orientalis f. digitata grande hort. ~ see Platycerium superbum superbum (H1) ~ min. 15C; awarded as P. grande hort. veitchii (H1) ~ min. 10C 03 H 93 H argentatus (H2) ~ also suitable for summer display coleoides ‘Variegatus’ ~ see Plectranthus madagascariensis ‘Variegated Mintleaf’ madagascariensis ‘Variegated Mintleaf’ (v) (H1) ~ also suitable for summer display oertendahlii (H1) ~ min. 2C; also suitable for summer display PLEIOBLASTUS (POACEAE) auricomus ~ see Pleioblastus viridistriatus 93 Ba variegatus (v) (H4) 93 Ba viridistriatus (H4) PLATYCERIUM (POLYPODIACEAE) 93 F alcicorne misapplied ~ see Platycerium bifurcatum bifurcatum (H1) ~ min. 15C PLEIONE (ORCHIDACEAE) 93 B† formosana (H2) 93 B† limprichtii (H2) ~ previously listed as P. bulbocodioides Limprichtii Group For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 B† Shantung grex ‘Muriel Harberd’ (H2) 93 B† Versailles grex ‘Bucklebury’ (H2) 127 POLIANTHES (AGAVACEAE) 93 H tuberosa (H1-2) POLIOTHYRSIS (FLACOURTIACEAE) PLEIOSPILOS (AIZOACEAE) 93 CS bolusii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 02 CS compactus (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS nelii (H1) ~ min. 2C PLEOMELE (DRACAENACEAE) reflexa ‘Variegata’ ~ see Dracaena reflexa ‘Variegata’ (v) PLUMBAGO (PLUMBAGINACEAE) 93 T 02 T 02 T auriculata (H1-2) — f. alba (H1-2) ~ min. 5C capensis ~ see Plumbago auriculata indica (H1) ~ min. 15C — rosea ~ see Plumbago indica larpentiae ~ see Ceratostigma plumbaginoides PLUMERIA (APOCYNACEAE) 02 T rubra (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 T POLYGALA (POLYGALACEAE) 93 H† calcarea ‘Lillet’ (H4) 93 T† chamaebuxus (H4) 93 T† — var. grandiflora (H4) — ‘Purpurea’ ~ see Polygala chamaebuxus var. grandiflora — ‘Rhodoptera’ ~ see Polygala chamaebuxus var. grandiflora 93 T × dalmaisiana (H1) ~ min. 2C myrtifolia ‘Grandiflora’ ~ see Polygala × dalmaisiana POLYGONATUM (CONVALLARIACEAE) 93 H 02 H 93 H 02 H PODOCARPUS (PODOCARPACEAE) 93 C chilinus ~ see Podocarpus salignus salignus (H3) 93 H archibaldiae (H4) foliosissimum misapplied ~ see Polemonium archibaldiae ‘Lambrook Mauve’ (H4) falcatum ‘Variegatum’ ~ see Polygonatum odoratum var. pluriflorum ‘Variegatum’ × hybridum (H4) japonicum ~ see Polygonatum odoratum multiflorum misapplied ~ see Polygonatum × hybridum odoratum (H4) — ‘Flore Pleno’ (d) (H4) — var. pluriflorum ‘Variegatum’ (v) (H4) officinale ~ see Polygonatum odoratum POLYGONUM (POLYGONACEAE) vacciniifolium ~ see Persicaria vacciniifolia POLEMONIUM (POLEMONIACEAE) 02 H sinensis (H4) POLYPODIUM (POLYPODIACEAE) 97 F aureum ~ see Phlebodium aureum cambricum ‘Cambricum’ (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 128 97 F 97 F 97 F 97 F — (Cristatum Group) ‘Grandiceps Fox’ (H4) — ‘Whilharris’ (H4) glycyrrhiza ‘Longicaudatum’ (H4) interjectum ‘Cornubiense’ (H4) POLYSCIAS (ARALIACEAE) 02 T 02 T 02 T guilfoylei (H1) ~ min. 15C — ‘Victoriae’ (H1) ~ min. 15C scutellaria ‘Marginata’ (H1) ~ min. 15C POLYSTICHUM (DRYOPTERIDACEAE) 93 F 97 F 97 F 93 F 97 F 97 F 97 F 97 F aculeatum (H4) falcatum ~ see Cyrtomium falcatum fortunei ~ see Cyrtomium fortunei munitum (H4) polyblepharum (H4) setiferum (H4) — (Divisilobum Group) ‘Divisilobum Densum’ (H4) — — ‘Divisilobum Iveryanum’ (H4) ~ not available spore-grown — ‘Pulcherrimum Bevis’ (H4) tsussimense (H4) PONTEDERIA (PONTEDERIACEAE) 93 H cordata (H4) POPULUS (SALICACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T ‘Balsam Spire’ (f) (H4) ~ also grown as P. ‘TT32’ × canadensis ‘Aurea’ (H4) lasiocarpa (H4) nigra ‘Italica’ (m) (H4) ~ awarded as P. nigra var. italica — ‘Pyramidalis’ ~ see Populus nigra ‘Italica’ ‘Serotina Aurea’ ~ see Populus × canadensis ‘Aurea’ 93 T ‘Tacatricho 32’ ~ see Populus ‘Balsam Spire’ tremula (H4) POTENTILLA (ROSACEAE) ambigua ~ see Potentilla cuneata 93 H† cuneata (H4) davurica ‘Abbotswood’ ~ see Potentilla fruticosa ‘Abbotswood’ fragariiformis ~ see Potentilla megalantha 93 T fruticosa ‘Abbotswood’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 02 T — ‘Chelsea Star’ (H4) 02 T — ‘Groneland’ (H4) 02 T — ‘Hopleys Orange’ (H4) 02 T — ‘Jackman’s Variety’ (H4) 02 T — ‘King Cup’ (H4) 02 T — ‘Limelight’ (H4) — ‘Lovely Pink’ ~ see Potentilla fruticosa ‘Pink Beauty’ 02 T — Marian Red Robin ‘Marrob’ (H4) 02 T — ‘Medicine Wheel Mountain’ (H4) 02 T — ‘Penny White’ (H4) 02 T — ‘Pink Beauty’ (PBR) (H4) ~ awarded as P. fruticosa Lovely Pink 93 T — ‘Primrose Beauty’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 — Red Robin ~ see Potentilla fruticosa Marian Red Robin 02 T — ‘Sommerflor’ (H4) 02 T — ‘Yellow Bird’ (H4) 93 H ‘Gibson’s Scarlet’ (H4) 93 H† megalantha (H4) 93 H nepalensis ‘Miss Willmott’ (H4) 93 H† × tonguei (H4) 93 H ‘William Rollison’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS willmottiae ~ see Potentilla nepalensis ‘Miss Willmott’ 93 H† 93 H† 93 H 93 H† PRIMULA (PRIMULACEAE) acaulis ~ see Primula vulgaris 02 H† allionii (Au) (H2) 02 H alpicola (Si) (H4) × arctotis ~ see Primula × pubescens 93 H† auricula L. (Au) (H4) 98 H Barnhaven Blues Group (Pr/Prim) (H4) ~ a hardy overwintering type; from seed in the open ground 93 H bulleyana (Pf) (H4) 02 P Charisma Series, mixed (Pr/Prim) (H1) ~ award applies only to the mixture (see page 8); for pot and container culture; min. 2C 93 H chionantha (Cy) (H4) 02 H cockburniana (Pf) (H4) 97 H ‘Crescendo Blue Shades’ (Crescendo Series) (Pr/Poly) (H4) 97 H ‘Crescendo Bright Red’ (Crescendo Series) (Pr/Poly) (H4) 97 H ‘Crescendo Golden’ (Crescendo Series) (Pr/Poly) (H4) 97 H ‘Crescendo Pink and Rose Shades’ (Crescendo Series) (Pr/Poly) (H4) 93 P ‘Danova Purple, White Edge’ (Danova Series) (Pr/Prim) (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 P ‘Danova Rose’ (Danova Series) (Pr/Prim) (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 P Danova Series, mixed (Pr/Prim) (H1) ~ award applies only to the mixture (see page 8); for pot and container culture; min. 2C 97 H 93 H† 02 P 93 H† 02 H 02 H 93 H 93 H† 93 H† 98 H† 93 H† 98 H† 129 denticulata (De) (H4) elatior (Pr) (H4) florindae (Si) (H4) frondosa (Al) (H4) ‘Garryard Guinevere’ ~ see Primula ‘Guinevere’ (Pr/Poly) glutinosa All. ~ see Primula allionii Gold-laced Group Beeches strain (Pr/Poly) (H4) ~ awarded as P. ‘Gold Laced’ graminifolia ~ see Primula chionantha ‘Guinevere’ (Pr/Poly) (H4) helodoxa ~ see Primula prolifera Husky Series, mixed (Pr/Prim) (H4) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 ianthina ~ see Primula prolifera ‘Inverewe’ (Pf) (H4) japonica ‘Miller’s Crimson’ (Pf) (H4) — ‘Postford White’ (Pf) (H4) kewensis (Sp) (H2) ‘Lady Greer’ (Pr/Poly) (H4) leucophylla ~ see Primula elatior littoniana ~ see Primula vialii macrocalyx ~ see Primula veris marginata (Au) (H4) — ‘Beamish’ (Au) (H4) ~ a hardy plant, but in the south of England recommended for cultivation in alpine house conditions — ‘Linda Pope’ (Au) (H4) — ‘Prichard’s Variety’ (Au) (H4) ~ a hardy plant, but in the south of England recommended for cultivation in alpine house conditions For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 130 98 H 98 H 93 H 93 H† 93 H 93 H 97 H 97 H 97 H 93 H† 93 H† 02 H 93 H† 93 H† 98 H 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† nivalis Pallas ~ see Primula chionantha obconica ‘Libre Magenta’ (Ob) (H1) ~ min. 2C; from seed, under glass — ‘Libre White’ (Ob) (H1) ~ min. 2C; from seed, under glass prolifera (Pf) (H4) × pubescens (Au) (H4) pulverulenta (Pf) (H4) — Bartley hybrids (Pf) (H4) ‘Rainbow Blue Shades’ (Rainbow Series) (Pr/Poly) (H4) ‘Rainbow Cream Shades’ (Rainbow Series) (Pr/Poly) (H4) ‘Rainbow Scarlet Shades’ (Rainbow Series) (Pr/Poly) (H4) ‘Ravenglass Vermilion’ ~ see Primula ‘Inverewe’ rosea (Or) (H4) sibthorpii ~ see Primula vulgaris subsp. sibthorpii sieboldii (Co) (H4) sikkimensis (Si) (H4) smithiana ~ see Primula prolifera veris (Pr) (H4) vernalis ~ see Primula vulgaris vialii (So) (H4) vulgaris (Pr/Prim) (H4) — ‘Husky’ ~ see Primula Husky Series — subsp. sibthorpii (Pr/Prim) (H4) — subsp. vulgaris (Pr/Prim/d) (H4) ‘Wanda’ (Pr/Prim) (H4) PRUNELLA (LAMIACEAE) 93 H PRUNUS (ROSACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T PROSTANTHERA (LAMIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 02 T cuneata (H4) ovalifolia (H2) rotundifolia (H2) — ‘Chelsea Girl’ ~ see Prostanthera rotundifolia ‘Rosea’ — ‘Rosea’ (H2) grandiflora ‘Loveliness’ (H4) 93 T 93 T ‘Accolade’ (H4) ‘Amanogawa’ (H4) avium (H4) — ‘Grandiflora’ ~ see Prunus avium ‘Plena’ — ‘Plena’ (d) (H4) ‘Blaze’ ~ see Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’ × blireana (d) (H4) ‘Blushing Bride’ ~ see Prunus ‘Shōgetsu’ cerasifera ‘Nigra’ (H4) ‘Cheal’s Weeping’ ~ see Prunus ‘Kiku-shidare-zakura’ × cistena (H4) ~ valued in particular for its foliage effect — ‘Crimson Dwarf’ ~ see Prunus × cistena ‘Hillieri Spire’ ~ see Prunus ‘Spire’ ‘Ichiyo’ (d) (H4) ~ previously listed as P. ‘Choshuhizakura’ incisa ‘Praecox’ (H4) ‘Kanzan’ (H4) ‘Kiku-shidare-zakura’ (H4) ‘Kursar’ (H4) laurocerasus (H4) — ‘Otto Luyken’ (H4) lusitanica (H4) ‘Mount Fuji’ ~ see Prunus ‘Shirotae’ ‘Okame’ (H4) ‘Okumiyako’ misapplied ~ see Prunus ‘Shōgetsu’ padus ‘Colorata’ (H4) — ‘Grandiflora’ ~ see Prunus padus ‘Watereri’ — ‘Watereri’ (H4) ‘Pandora’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T pendula ‘Pendula Rosea’ (H4) — ‘Pendula Rubra’ (H4) ‘Pink Perfection’ (H4) ‘Pink Shell’ (H4) ‘Pissardii Nigra’ ~ see Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’ sargentii (H4) ‘Sekiyama’ ~ see Prunus ‘Kanzan’ serrula (H4) — var. tibetica ~ see Prunus serrula serrulata ‘Erecta’ ~ see Prunus ‘Amanogawa’ — ‘Grandiflora’ ~ see Prunus ‘Ukon’ — ‘Longipes’ ~ see Prunus ‘Shōgetsu’ — ‘Miyako’ misapplied ~ see Prunus ‘Shōgetsu’ — ‘Rosea’ ~ see Prunus ‘Kiku-shidare-zakura’ ‘Shidare-zakura’ ~ see Prunus ‘Kiku-shidare-zakura’ ‘Shimizu-zakura’ ~ see Prunus ‘Shōgetsu’ ‘Shirofugen’ (H4) ‘Shirotae’ (H4) ‘Shōgetsu’ (H4) ‘Spire’ (H4) × subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’ (H4) — ‘Autumnalis Rosea’ (H4) — ‘Pendula’ misapplied ~ see Prunus pendula ‘Pendula Rosea’ — ‘Pendula Rosea’ ~ see Prunus pendula ‘Pendula Rosea’ — ‘Pendula Rubra’ ~ see Prunus pendula ‘Pendula Rubra’ ‘Taihaku’ (H4) tibetica ~ see Prunus serrula ‘Ukon’ (H4) 93 T × yedoensis ‘Somei-Yoshino’ (H4) ‘Yoshino’ ~ see Prunus × yedoensis ‘SomeiYoshino’ PSEUDOLARIX (PINACEAE) 93 C amabilis (H4) kaempferi ~ see Pseudolarix amabilis PSEUDOMUSCARI (HYACINTHACEAE) azureum ~ see Muscari azureum PSEUDOPANAX (ARALIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T (Adiantifolius Group) ‘Cyril Watson’ (H1) ~ min. 2C lessonii ‘Gold Splash’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Purpureus’ (H1) ~ min. 2C PSEUDOSASA (POACEAE) 93 Ba japonica (H4) PSEUDOTSUGA (PINACEAE) 93 C menziesii (H4) taxifolia ~ see Pseudotsuga menziesii PTELEA (RUTACEAE) 93 T trifoliata ‘Aurea’ (H4) PTERIS (PTERIDACEAE) 93 F 93 F cretica (H1+3) ~ min. 2C — var. albolineata (H1) ~ min. 2C PTEROCARYA (JUGLANDACEAE) 93 T fraxinifolia (H4) PTEROSTYRAX (STYRACACEAE) 93 T 131 hispida (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 132 PTILOTRICHUM (BRASSICACEAE) spinosum ‘Roseum’ ~ see Alyssum spinosum ‘Roseum’ 93 T 02 T 02 T 02 T — ‘Flava’ (H4) Saphyr Orange ‘Cadange’ (H4) Saphyr Rouge ‘Cadrou’ (H4) ‘Teton’ (H4) PULMONARIA (BORAGINACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 97 H angustifolia (H4) ‘Highdown’ ~ see Pulmonaria ‘Lewis Palmer’ ‘Lewis Palmer’ (H4) ‘Margery Fish’ (H4) rubra (H4) saccharata Argentea Group (H4) ~ awarded as P. saccharata ‘Argentea’ ‘Sissinghurst White’ (H4) ~ previously listed under P. officinalis ‘Vera May’ (H4) PULSATILLA (RANUNCULACEAE) 93 H† alpina subsp. apiifolia (H4) — subsp. sulphurea ~ see Pulsatilla alpina subsp. apiifolia 93 H† halleri (H4) 93 H† — subsp. slavica (H4) lutea ~ see Pulsatilla alpina subsp. apiifolia 93 H† vernalis (H2) 93 H† vulgaris (H4) 93 H† — ‘Alba’ (H4) PYRETHROPSIS (ASTERACEAE) hosmariense ~ see Rhodanthemum hosmariense PYRUS (ROSACEAE) 93 T 93 T QUERCUS (FAGACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T PUNICA (LYTHRACEAE) 02 T 93 T granatum var. nana (H3) — f. plena ‘Rubrum Flore Pleno’ (d) (H3) ~ previously listed as P. granatum ‘Flore Pleno’ calleryana ‘Chanticleer’ (H4) salicifolia ‘Pendula’ (H4) 93 T borealis ~ see Quercus rubra canariensis (H4) castaneifolia ‘Green Spire’ (H4) coccinea ‘Splendens’ (H4) frainetto ‘Hungarian Crown’ (H4) × hispanica ‘Lucombeana’ (H4) ~ awarded as Q. × lucombeana ‘William Lucombe’ ilex (H4) × lucombeana ‘William Lucombe’ ~ see Quercus × hispanica ‘Lucombeana’ palustris (H4) pedunculata ~ see Quercus robur petraea (H4) robur (H4) — f. fastigiata ‘Koster’ (H4) ~ previously listed in error under Q. robusta rubra (H4) sessiliflora ~ see Quercus petraea RADERMACHERA (BIGNONIACEAE) PYRACANTHA (ROSACEAE) 02 T 93 T 93 T ‘Golden Charmer’ (H4) ~ often sold as ‘Orange Charmer’ ‘Orange Glow’ (H4) rogersiana (H4) 93 T sinica (H1) ~ min. 10C RAMONDA (GESNERIACEAE) 93 H† myconi (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 H† nathaliae (H4) pyrenaica ~ see Ramonda myconi 133 steinbachii ~ see Sulcorebutia steinbachii 93 CS violaciflora (H1) ~ min. 2-10C RANUNCULUS (RANUNCULACEAE) 93 H 02 H 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† aconitifolius ‘Flore Pleno’ (d) (H4) acris ‘Flore Pleno’ (d) (H4) calandrinioides (H2-3) gramineus (H4) montanus ‘Molten Gold’ (H4) REBUTIA (CACTACEAE) 93 CS 93 CS 93 CS 93 CS 93 CS 93 CS 93 CS 93 CS 93 CS arenacea ~ see Sulcorebutia arenacea aureiflora (H1) ~ min. 2-10C candiae ~ see Sulcorebutia candiae canigueralii ~ see Sulcorebutia canigueralii deminuta (H1) ~ min. 2-10C donaldiana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C glomeriseta ~ see Sulcorebutia glomeriseta haagei (H1) ~ min. 2-10C kupperiana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C marsoneri (H1) ~ min. 2-10C mentosa ~ see Sulcorebutia mentosa muscula (H1) ~ min. 2-10C narvaecensis (H1) ~ min. 2-10C neocumingii ~ see Weingartia neocumingii pseudominuscula ~ see Rebutia deminuta senilis var. kesselringiana (H1) ~ min. 2-10C REHMANNIA (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 02 H 93 H angulata misapplied ~ see Rehmannia elata elata (H2) glutinosa (H3) RHAMNUS (RHAMNACEAE) 93 T alaternus ‘Argenteovariegata’ (v) (H4) — ‘Variegata’ ~ see Rhamnus alaternus ‘Argenteovariegata’ RHAPHIOLEPIS (ROSACEAE) 93 T umbellata (H2-3) ~ valued in particular for cultivation under glass RHAPIS (ARECACEAE) 93 T excelsa (H1) ~ including R. humilis; min. 2C RHEUM (POLYGONACEAE) 02 H palmatum ‘Atropurpureum’ ~ see Rheum palmatum ‘Atrosanguineum’ — ‘Atrosanguineum’ (H4) RHIPSALIDOPSIS (CACTACEAE) gaertneri ~ see Hatiora gaertneri RHIPSALIS (CACTACEAE) houlletiana ~ see Lepismium houlletianum 93 CS monacantha (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS pilocarpa (H1) ~ min. 2-10C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 134 RHODANTHEMUM (ASTERACEAE) 93 T 93 H† hosmariense (H4) RHODOCHITON (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 93 Cl† atrosanguineus (H1-2) volubilis ~ see Rhodochiton atrosanguineus RHODODENDRON (ERICACEAE) 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T ‘Addy Wery’ (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Albert Schweitzer’ (H4) ‘Alexander’ (EA) (H4) ‘Alice’ (hybrid) (H4) ‘Annabella’ (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Arctic Tern’ ~ see × Ledodendron ‘Arctic Tern’ ‘Argosy’ (H4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter argyrophyllum subsp. nankingense ‘Chinese Silver’ (H4) augustinii ‘Electra’ (H3-4) ‘Avalanche’ (H4) ~ i.e. the RHS First Class Certificate clone; prefers light shade and shelter ‘Bashful’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 ‘Beethoven’ (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Berryrose’ (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Blaauw’s Pink’ (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens Blaue Donau ~ see Rhododendron ‘Blue Danube’ ‘Blewbury’ (H4) ‘Blue Danube’ (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Blue Peter’ (H4) ‘Blue Steel’ ~ see Rhododendron fastigiatum ‘Blue Steel’ 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T† 93 T† 02 T† 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T† 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 05 T ‘Bouquet de Flore’ (G) (H4) ~ Verschaffelt’s deciduous azalea; suitable for small gardens ‘Bow Bells’ (H4) ‘Bruce Brechtbill’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens bullatum ~ see Rhododendron edgeworthii bureavii (H4) ~ valued especially for its foliage; sometimes spelt R. bureaui calophytum (H4) calostrotum ‘Gigha’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens — subsp. keleticum (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens campylogynum (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Cannon’s Double’ (K/d) (H4) ‘Canzonetta’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Caroline Allbrook’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 ‘Cecile’ (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Cetewayo’ (H4) ‘Champagne’ (H3-4) ~ Tortoiseshell Group ‘Chevalier Félix de Sauvage’ (H4) ‘Choremia’ (H3) ~ i.e. the RHS First Class Certificate clone ‘Cilpinense’ (H3-4) ~ i.e. the RHS First Class Certificate clone; suitable for small gardens ‘Coccineum Speciosum’ (G) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Corneille’ (G/d) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Countess of Haddington’ (H2) ‘Crane’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Crest’ (H3-4) ‘Crete’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 T† ‘Curlew’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; prefers cooler conditions 93 T ‘Cynthia’ (H4) 93 T dauricum ‘Mid-winter’ (H4) 93 T ‘David’ (H4) ~ Rose’s ‘Hugh Koster’ hybrid 93 T davidsonianum (H3-4) 93 T ‘Daviesii’ (G) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 02 T decorum (H4) discolor ~ see Rhododendron fortunei subsp. discolor 93 T ‘Doctor M. Oosthoek’ (M) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Dopey’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; reconfirmed after trial 2001 93 T ‘Dora Amateis’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Double Damask’ (K/d) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 02 T ‘Dreamland’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T edgeworthii (H2-3) 93 T† ‘Egret’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Electra’ ~ see Rhododendron augustinii ‘Electra’ 93 T ‘Elisabeth Hobbie’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 02 T ‘Elsie Lee’ (EA/d) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Exquisitum’ (O) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Fabia’ (H3) ~ i.e. the RHS First Class Certificate clone 93 T ‘Faggetter’s Favourite’ (H4) 93 T falconeri (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter ‘Fanny’ ~ see Rhododendron ‘Pucella’ 02 T 02 T† 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T† 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T† 02 T 02 T 05 T 93 T 93 T 93 T† 135 ‘Fantastica’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens fargesii ~ see Rhododendron oreodoxa var. fargesii fastigiatum ‘Blue Steel’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Fastuosum Flore Pleno’ (d) (H4) fictolacteum ~ see Rhododendron rex subsp. fictolacteum ‘Fireball’ (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Florida’ (EA/d) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens fortunei subsp. discolor (H4) ‘Fragrantissimum’ (H2-3) ‘Frank Galsworthy’ (H4) fulvum (H4) ‘Furnivall’s Daughter’ (H4) ‘Gartendirektor Rieger’ (H4) ‘Geisha Orange’ ~ see Rhododendron ‘Satschiko’ ‘Gibraltar’ (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Ginny Gee’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Golden Torch’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Goldkrone’ (H4) ‘Gomer Waterer’ (H4) ‘Gristede’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Hachmann’s Marlis’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Hachmann’s Polaris’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Hachmann’s Porzellan’ (H4) ‘Helene Schiffner’ (H4) ‘Hinamayo’ ~ see Rhododendron ‘Hinomayo’ ‘Hino-crimson’ (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Hinomayo’ (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 136 AGM PLANTS 2007 hippophaeoides ‘Bei-ma-shan’ ~ see Rhododendron hippophaeoides ‘Haba Shan’ 93 T — ‘Haba Shan’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Homebush’ (K/d) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 02 T ‘Horizon Monarch’ (H3-4) 93 T ‘Hotei’ (H4) 93 T ‘Hotspur Red’ (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Hydon Dawn’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Hydon Hunter’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 ‘Iceberg’ ~ see Rhododendron ‘Lodauric Iceberg’ impeditum ‘Blue Steel’ ~ see Rhododendron fastigiatum ‘Blue Steel’ 93 T insigne (H4) 93 T ‘Irene Koster’ (O) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Irohayama’ (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘J.M. de Montague’ ~ see Rhododendron ‘The Hon. Jean Marie de Montague’ 93 T ‘James Burchett’ (H4) ‘Jean Marie Montague’ ~ see Rhododendron ‘The Hon. Jean Marie de Montague’ 02 T ‘Johanna’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Kate Waterer’ (H4) 93 T† keiskei var. ozawae ‘Yaku Fairy’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens keleticum ~ see Rhododendron calostrotum subsp. keleticum 05 T ‘Ken Janeck’ (H4) ‘King George’ Loder ~ see Rhododendron ‘Loderi King George’ 93 T† kiusianum (EA) (H4) ~ shows great variation but generally excellent; suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Klondyke’ (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Kluis Sensation’ (H4) ‘Koichiro Wada’ ~ see Rhododendron yakushimanum ‘Koichiro Wada’ 93 T ‘Lady Alice Fitzwilliam’ (H2-3) 93 T ‘Lady Clementine Mitford’ (H4) 05 T ‘Lady Romsey’ (H4) 93 T ‘Lavender Girl’ (H4) 93 T ‘Lem’s Cameo’ (H3) 93 T ‘Lem’s Monarch’ (H4) 02 T ‘Linda’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Lodauric Iceberg’ (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 02 T ‘Loderi Game Chick’ (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 93 T ‘Loderi King George’ (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 93 T ‘Loderi Pink Diamond’ (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 02 T ‘Loderi Pink Topaz’ (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 93 T ‘Loderi Venus’ (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 93 T ‘Loder’s White’ (H3-4) 02 T ‘Lord Roberts’ (H4) 93 T lutescens ‘Bagshot Sands’ (H3-4) 93 T luteum (A) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T maccabeanum (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 93 T makinoi (H4) 05 T ‘Marietta’ (H4) 93 T ‘Marion Street’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Markeeta’s Prize’ (H4) 02 T ‘Martha Isaacson’ (Ad) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 T ‘May Day’ (H3-4) ~ i.e. the RHS Award of Merit clone; suitable for small gardens 93 T† ‘Merganser’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T† ‘Moerheim’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Morning Cloud’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Mother’s Day’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Mount Seven Star’ ~ see Rhododendron nakaharae ‘Mount Seven Star’ 93 T ‘Mrs A.T. de la Mare’ (H4) 93 T ‘Mrs Charles E. Pearson’ (H4) 93 T ‘Mrs Davies Evans’ (H4) 93 T ‘Mrs Furnivall’ (H4) 02 T ‘Mrs J.C. Williams’ (H4) 93 T ‘Mrs Lionel de Rothschild’ (H4) ~ i.e. the RHS Award of Merit clone 93 T ‘Mrs R.S. Holford’ (H4) 93 T ‘Mrs T.H. Lowinsky’ (H4) 93 T mucronulatum ‘Cornell Pink’ (H4) 02 T† nakaharae ‘Mount Seven Star’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 02 T ‘Nancy Evans’ (H3-4) 93 T ‘Nancy Waterer’ (G) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Narcissiflorum’ (G/d) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Niagara’ (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T niveum (H4) 93 T ‘Norma’ (R/d) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T occidentale (A) (H4) ~ extremely variable; suitable for small gardens 02 T ‘Old Port’ (H4) 02 T ‘Olga’ (H4) 93 T ‘Orange Beauty’ (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 02 T orbiculare (H3-4) 93 T 02 T 137 oreodoxa var. fargesii (H4) ‘Osmar’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T pachysanthum (H4) ~ valued especially for its foliage 93 T ‘Palestrina’ (EA) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 02 T ‘Panda’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Patty Bee’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Penheale Blue’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Percy Wiseman’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; reconfirmed after trial 2001 93 T ‘Persil’ (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Peter John Mezitt’ ~ see Rhododendron (PJM Group) ‘Peter John Mezitt’ 93 T ‘Pink Cherub’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; reconfirmed after trial 2001 02 T ‘Pink Pancake’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Pink Pebble’ (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T (PJM Group) ‘Peter John Mezitt’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Polar Bear’ (H3-4) ~ i.e. the RHS First Class Certificate clone; prefers light shade and shelter ‘Polaris’ ~ see Rhododendron ‘Hachmann’s Polaris’ 93 T† polycladum (Scintillans Group) ‘Policy’ (H4) ~ i.e. the RHS First Class Certificate clone of the Scintillans Group; suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Praecox’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 138 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T† 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 93 T† 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T† 93 T† 93 T† AGM PLANTS 2007 ‘Princess Anne’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Professor Hugo de Vries’ (H4) pseudochrysanthum (H4) ‘Ptarmigan’ (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Pucella’ (G) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Purple Splendour’ (H4) ‘Purple Triumph’ (EA) (H3) ‘Purpurtraum’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Queen Elizabeth II’ (H4) racemosum (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens — ‘Rock Rose’ (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Racoon’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Ramapo’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Razorbill’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Rendezvous’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Renoir’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; reconfirmed after trial 2001 rex subsp. fictolacteum (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter — subsp. rex (H3-4) ~ prefers light shade and shelter ‘Rosata’ (Vs) (H4) ‘Rosebud’ (EA/d) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens roxieanum var. oreonastes (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens russatum (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Saint Merryn’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Sarled’ (H4) ~ i.e. the RHS Award of Merit clone; suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Satan’ (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 02 T ‘Satschiko’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; awarded as ‘Geisha Orange’ 93 T† ‘Scarlet Wonder’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 05 T ‘Schneekrone’ (H4) 05 T ‘Silberwolke’ (H4) Silver Cloud ~ see Rhododendron ‘Silberwolke’ 05 T ‘Silver Jubilee’ (H4) 93 T ‘Silver Slipper’ (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T sinogrande (H3) ~ prefers light shade and shelter 93 T ‘Sir Charles Lemon’ (H3-4) 93 T ‘Souvenir de Doctor S. Endtz’ (H4) 93 T ‘Souvenir of Anthony Waterer’ (H4) 93 T ‘Spek’s Orange’ (M) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 02 T ‘Squirrel’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens stenophyllum ~ see Rhododendron makinoi 93 T ‘Strawberry Ice’ (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Summer Fragrance’ (O) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Sunte Nectarine’ (K) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Susan’ (H4) ~ Williams’s R. campanulatum hybrid 02 T ‘Tatjana’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Taurus’ (H4) 93 T ‘Tessa Roza’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘The Hon. Jean Marie de Montague’ (H4) 93 T ‘The Master’ (H4) ~ Slocock’s ‘China’ hybrid For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 02 T ‘Tibet’ (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 02 T ‘Tidbit’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens ‘Tortoiseshell Champagne’ ~ see Rhododendron ‘Champagne’ 93 T ‘Tortoiseshell Orange’ (H3-4) 93 T ‘Tortoiseshell Wonder’ (H3-4) 02 T† trichostomum (Ledoides Group) ‘Collingwood Ingram’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Unique’ (campylocarpum hybrid) (H4) ~ Slocock’s R. campylocarpum hybrid; suitable for small gardens. Omitted in error from AGM Plants 2002 93 T ‘Vanessa Pastel’ (H3-4) 93 T vaseyi (A) (H3-4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Vintage Rosé’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; reconfirmed after trial 2001 93 T viscosum (A) (H4) ~ variable, but good in all forms; suitable for small gardens 02 T ‘Viscy’ (H4) 93 T ‘Vulcan’ (H4) ~ Waterer’s R. griersonianum hybrid 93 T ‘Vuyk’s Rosyred’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Vuyk’s Scarlet’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘W.F.H.’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 02 T† ‘Wee Bee’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 02 T ‘White Lights’ (A) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T ‘Whitethroat’ (K/d) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 93 T williamsianum (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens 02 T wiltonii (H4) 93 T 02 T 05 T 93 T 05 T 93 T 93 T 139 ‘Winsome’ (hybrid) (H3) ~ i.e. the RHS Award of Merit clone; suitable for small gardens ‘Wombat’ (EA) (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens yakushimanum ‘Edelweiss’ (H4) — ‘Koichiro Wada’ (H4) ~ suitable for small gardens; reconfirmed after trial 2001 — ‘Schneekissen’ (H4) ‘Yellow Hammer’ (H4) yunnanense ‘Openwood’ (H3-4) RHODOHYPOXIS (HYPOXIDACEAE) 93 H† baurii (H4) RHOICISSUS (VITACEAE) 93 Cl capensis (H1) ~ min. 2C RHOMBOPHYLLUM (AIZOACEAE) 02 CS rhomboideum (H1) ~ min. 2C RHUS (ANACARDIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T cotinus ~ see Cotinus coggygria hirta ~ see Rhus typhina × pulvinata (Autumn Lace Group) ‘Red Autumn Lace’ (H4) typhina (H4) ~ may sucker — ‘Dissecta’ (H4) ~ may sucker — ‘Laciniata’ hort. ~ see Rhus typhina ‘Dissecta’ RIBES (ROSACEAE) 93 T 02 T 93 T sanguineum ‘Pulborough Scarlet’ (H4) — White Icicle ‘Ubric’ (H4) speciosum (H3) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 140 RICINUS (EUPHORBIACEAE) 93 P communis ‘Carmencita’ (H3) 02 T 93 T 93 T ROBINIA (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 T 93 T pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’ (H4) × slavinii ‘Hillieri’ (H4) 93 T 94 Cl 93 Cl RODGERSIA (SAXIFRAGACEAE) 93 H 98 H 93 H 93 H aesculifolia (H4) ‘Irish Bronze’ (H4) pinnata ‘Superba’ (H4) podophylla (H4) 93 T 93 T ROMNEYA (PAPAVERACEAE) 93 H 02 H coulteri (H4) — ‘White Cloud’ (H4) × hybrida ~ see Romneya coulteri ‘White Cloud’ 94 T 93 T 93 T ROSA (ROSACEAE) 93 T 93 Cl 02 T 93 T 93 Cl 93 Cl 93 T 02 Cl 93 T 93 T 93 T 94 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 Cl 93 T Abbeyfield Rose ‘Cocbrose’ (HT) (H4) ‘Adélaïde d’Orléans’ (Ra) (H4) ‘Agnes’ (Ru) (H4) × alba ‘Alba Semiplena’ (A) (H4) — Celestial ~ see Rosa ‘Céleste’ ‘Albéric Barbier’ (Ra) (H4) ‘Albertine’ (Ra) (H4) Alexander ‘Harlex’ (HT) (H4) ‘Aloha’ (ClHT) (H4) Amber Queen ‘Harroony’ (F) (H4) Anisley Dickson ‘Dickimono’ (F) (H4) Anna Ford ‘Harpiccolo’ (Min/Patio) (H4) Anna Livia ‘Kormetter’ (F) (H4) ‘Arthur Bell’ (F) (H4) Avon ‘Poulmulti’ (GC) (H4) Baby Love ‘Scrivluv’ (yellow) (Min/Patio) (H4) ‘Ballerina’ (HM/Poly) (H4) banksiae ‘Lutea’ (Ra/d) (H3) ‘Belle de Crécy’ (G) (H4) 94 T 93 T 94 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 96 T 02 Cl 93 Cl 93 Cl 93 Cl Berkshire ‘Korpinka’ (GC) (H4) ‘Blairii Number Two’ (ClBb) (H4) ‘Blanche Double de Coubert’ (Ru) (H4) ‘Blessings’ (HT) (H4) ‘Bleu Magenta’ (Ra) (H4) ‘Bobbie James’ (Ra) (H4) ~ more suitable for larger gardens Bonica ‘Meidomonac’ (GC) (H4) ‘Buff Beauty’ (HM) (H4) californica ‘Plena’ ~ see Rosa nutkana ‘Plena’ ‘Canary Bird’ ~ see Rosa xanthina ‘Canary Bird’ ‘Cantabrigiensis’ (S) (H4) ~ more suitable for larger gardens ‘Capitaine John Ingram’ (CeMo) (H4) ‘Cardinal de Richelieu’ (G) (H4) ‘Castle Shrimp Pink’ ~ see Rosa Fascination ‘Cécile Brünner’ (Poly) (H4) ‘Céleste’ (A) (H4) ~ previously listed as R. ‘Celestial’ ‘Céline Forestier’ (N) (H3) Centenary ‘Koreledas’ (F) (H4) × centifolia ‘Cristata’ (Ce) (H4) ‘Cerise Bouquet’ (S) (H4) Champagne Cocktail ‘Horflash’ (F) (H4) Chapeau de Napoléon ~ see Rosa × centifolia ‘Cristata’ ‘Charles de Mills’ (G) (H4) Charlotte ‘Auspoly’ (S) (H4) ‘Chinatown’ (F/S) (H4) chinensis ‘Mutabilis’ ~ see Rosa × odorata ‘Mutabilis’ Cider Cup ‘Dicladida’ (Min/Patio) (H4) ‘Climbing Arthur Bell’ (ClF) (H4) ‘Climbing Cécile Brünner’ (ClPoly) (H4) ‘Climbing Etoile de Hollande’ (ClHT) (H4) ‘Climbing Iceberg’ (ClF) (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 Cl ‘Climbing Lady Hillingdon’ (ClT) (H3) ‘Climbing Little White Pet’ ~ see Rosa ‘Félicité Perpétue’ (Ra) 93 Cl ‘Climbing Mrs Sam McGredy’ (ClHT) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Climbing Shot Silk’ (ClHT) (H4) ‘Climbing White Cloud’ ~ see Rosa White Cloud 93 Cl ‘Compassion’ (ClHT) (H4) 93 T ‘Complicata’ (G) (H4) ‘Comte de Chambord’ misapplied ~ see Rosa ‘Madame Knorr’ 93 T ‘Constance Spry’ (H4) 93 T ‘Cornelia’ (HM) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Crimson Shower’ (Ra) (H4) ‘Cristata’ ~ see Rosa × centifolia ‘Cristata’ 02 T Dawn Chorus ‘Dicquasar’ (HT) (H4) 93 T ‘De Resht’ (H4) 02 T ‘Deep Secret’ (HT) (H4) 02 Cl ‘Dortmund’ (ClHScB) (H4) 93 Cl Dublin Bay ‘Macdub’ (Cl) (H4) 93 T ‘Duc de Guiche’ (G) (H4) 93 T ‘Duchesse de Montebello’ (G) (H4) 02 Cl ‘Easlea’s Golden Rambler’ (Ra) (H4) 02 T Eglantyne ‘Ausmak’ (S) (H4) 93 T Elina ‘Dicjana’ (HT) (H4) 02 T ‘English Miss’ (F) (H4) 94 T Escapade ‘Harpade’ (F) (H4) 02 T Evelyn ‘Aussaucer’ (S) (H4) ‘F.E. Lester’ ~ see Rosa ‘Francis E. Lester’ ‘Fairy Rose’ ~ see Rosa ‘The Fairy’ 93 T ‘Fantin-Latour’ (centifolia hybrid) (H4) 02 T Fascination ‘Poulmax’ (F) (H4) Fée des Neiges ~ see Rosa Iceberg 93 T ‘Felicia’ (HM) (H4) 93 T ‘Félicité Parmentier’ (AxD) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Félicité Perpétue’ (Ra) (H4) 02 T Fellowship ‘Harwelcome’ (F) (H4) 93 T ‘Ferdinand Pichard’ (Bb) (H4) 93 Cl 02 T 96 T 94 T 93 Cl 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 94 T 93 T 02 T 93 Cl 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 Cl 02 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 141 ferruginea ~ see Rosa glauca Pourr. filipes ‘Kiftsgate’ (Ra) (H4) ~ more suitable for larger gardens Flower Carpet Pink ~ see Rosa Pink Flower Carpet Flower Carpet White ‘Noaschnee’ (GC) (H4) ‘Fragrant Delight’ (F) (H4) ‘Francis E. Lester’ (HM/Ra) (H4) × francofurtana misapplied ~ see Rosa ‘Impératrice Joséphine’ — ‘Empress Josephine’ ~ see Rosa ‘Impératrice Joséphine’ ‘François Juranville’ (Ra) (H4) ‘Fred Loads’ (F/S) (H4) Freedom ‘Dicjem’ (HT) (H4) Friend for Life ‘Cocnanne’ (F) (H4) ‘Fritz Nobis’ (S) (H4) ‘Fru Dagmar Hastrup’ (Ru) (H4) ‘Frühlingsgold’ (PiH) (H4) gallica var. officinalis (G) (H4) — ‘Versicolor’ (G) (H4) ‘Geranium’ (moyesii hybrid) (H4) Gertrude Jekyll ‘Ausbord’ (S) (H4) glauca Pourr. (S) (H4) ~ sometimes listed as R. ferruginea Golden Celebration ‘Ausgold’ (S) (H4) ‘Golden Showers’ (Cl) (H4) ‘Golden Wings’ (S) (H4) Gordon’s College ‘Cocjabby’ (F) (H4) Graham Thomas ‘Ausmas’ (S) (H4) Grouse ‘Korimro’ (S/GC) (H4) ‘Hakuun’ (F/Patio) (H4) Handel ‘Macha’ (Cl) (H4) Hertfordshire ‘Kortenay’ (GC) (H4) High Hopes ‘Haryup’ (Cl) (H4) hugonis ~ see Rosa xanthina f. hugonis — ‘Plenissima’ ~ see Rosa xanthina f. hugonis Ice Cream ‘Korzuri’ (HT) (H4) Iceberg ‘Korbin’ (F) (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 142 93 T 96 T 93 T 93 T 94 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 02 T 93 Cl 93 T 96 Cl 02 Cl 02 T 02 Cl 93 T AGM PLANTS 2007 ‘Impératrice Joséphine’ (H4) ~ previously listed as R. × francofurtana, R. ‘Empress Josephine’ Indian Summer ‘Peaperfume’ (HT) (H4) Ingrid Bergman ‘Poulman’ (HT) (H4) Isis (HT) ~ see Rosa Silver Anniversary ‘Ispahan’ (D) (H4) Jacqueline du Pré ‘Harwanna’ (S) (H4) ‘Jacques Cartier’ misapplied ~ see Rosa ‘Marchesa Boccella’ ‘Jenny Duval’ misapplied ~ see Rosa ‘Président de Sèze’ ‘Just Joey’ (HT) (H4) Kent ‘Poulcov’ (Towne & Country Series) (S/GC) (H4) ‘Kiftsgate’ ~ see Rosa filipes ‘Kiftsgate’ ‘Königin von Dänemark’ (A) (H4) L.D. Braithwaite ‘Auscrim’ (S) (H4) ‘La Ville de Bruxelles’ (D) (H4) ‘Lady Hillingdon’ (ClT) ~ see Rosa ‘Climbing Lady Hillingdon’ ‘Lady Penzance’ (RH) (H4) L’Aimant ‘Harzola’ (F) (H4) Lancashire ‘Korstesgli’ (GC) (H4) Laura Ford ‘Chewarvel’ (ClMin) (H4) ‘Lavender Lassie’ (HM) (H4) Lawinia ‘Tanklewi’ (ClHT) (H4) ‘Leverkusen’ (Cl) (H4) Little Bo-peep ‘Poullen’ (Min/Patio) (H4) Little Rambler ‘Chewramb’ (MinRa) (H4) ‘Little White Pet’ ~ see Rosa ‘White Pet’ longicuspis misapplied ~ see Rosa mulliganii Lovely Lady ‘Dicjubell’ (HT) (H4) 93 T macrophylla ‘Master Hugh’ (H4) 93 Cl ‘Madame Alfred Carrière’ (N) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Madame Grégoire Staechelin’ (ClHT) (H4) 93 T ‘Madame Hardy’ (ClD) (H4) 93 T ‘Madame Isaac Pereire’ (ClBb) (H4) 93 T ‘Madame Knorr’ (DPo) (H4) 02 T Magic Carpet ‘Jaclover’ (S/GC) (H4) 02 T ‘Maiden’s Blush’ (A) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Maigold’ (ClPiH) (H4) 93 T Many Happy Returns ‘Harwanted’ (S/F) (H4) 93 T ‘Marchesa Boccella’ (DPo) (H4) 93 T Margaret Merril ‘Harkuly’ (F) (H4) 93 T ‘Marguerite Hilling’ (S) (H4) 02 T Marjorie Fair ‘Harhero’ (Poly/S) (H4) 02 T Marry Me ‘Dicwonder’ (Patio) (H4) 02 T Mary Rose ‘Ausmary’ (S) (H4) ‘Master Hugh’ ~ see Rosa macrophylla ‘Master Hugh’ 02 T Matangi ‘Macman’ (F) (H4) 02 T Memento ‘Dicbar’ (F) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Mermaid’ (Cl) (H3-4) 93 T ‘Mevrouw Nathalie Nypels’ (Poly) (H4) 02 T Molineux ‘Ausmol’ (S) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Morning Jewel’ (ClF) (H4) 93 T Mountbatten ‘Harmantelle’ (F) (H4) 93 T mulliganii (Ra) (H4) mundi ~ see Rosa gallica ‘Versicolor’ ‘Mutabilis’ ~ see Rosa × odorata ‘Mutabilis’ ‘Nathalie Nypels’ ~ see Rosa ‘Mevrouw Nathalie Nypels’ 93 T ‘Nevada’ (S) (H4) 93 Cl ‘New Dawn’ (Cl) (H4) 02 Cl Nice Day ‘Chewsea’ (ClMin) (H4) 93 T ‘Nozomi’ (ClMin/GC) (H4) 02 T ‘Nuits de Young’ (CeMo) (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 T 93 T 02 Cl 02 T 93 Cl 02 T 93 T 93 Cl 93 Cl 93 T 93 T 02 Cl 93 T 93 Cl 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 T 02 T 94 T 94 T nutkana ‘Plena’ (S) (H4) ~ usually grown as R. californica ‘Plena’ × odorata ‘Mutabilis’ (Ch) (H3-4) officinalis ~ see Rosa gallica var. officinalis Open Arms ‘Chewpixcel’ (ClMin) (H4) Oxfordshire ‘Korfullwind’ (GC) (H4) ‘Parade’ (Cl) (H4) Pat Austin ‘Ausmum’ (S) (H4) Paul Shirville ‘Harqueterwife’ (HT) (H4) ‘Paul Transon’ (Ra) (H4) ‘Paul’s Himalayan Musk’ (Ra) (H3-4) ~ more suitable for larger gardens Peace ‘Madame A. Meilland’ (HT) (H4) Peaudouce ~ see Rosa Elina ‘Penelope’ (HM) (H4) Penny Lane ‘Hardwell’ (Cl) (H4) × penzanceana ~ see Rosa ‘Lady Penzance’ ‘Perle d’Or’ (Poly) (H4) ‘Phyllis Bide’ (Ra) (H4) Pink Flower Carpet ‘Noatraum’ (GC) (H4) ‘Pink Grootendorst’ (Ru) (H4) ‘Président de Sèze’ (G) (H4) Pretty Lady ‘Scrivo’ (F) (H4) Pretty Polly ‘Meitonje’ (Min) (H4) primula (S) (H3-4) Princess of Wales ‘Hardinkum’ (F) (H4) ‘Prolifera de Redouté’ misapplied ~ see Rosa ‘Duchesse de Montebello’ ‘Prosperity’ (HM) (H4) Queen Mother ‘Korquemu’ (Patio) (H4) Queen of Denmark ~ see Rosa ‘Königin von Dänemark’ 143 93 Cl ‘Rambling Rector’ (Ra) (H4) ~ more suitable for larger gardens 93 T Remember Me ‘Cocdestin’ (HT) (H4) 02 T Remembrance ‘Harxampton’ (F) (H4) ‘Rescht’ ~ see Rosa ‘De Resht’ ‘Rosa Mundi’ ~ see Rosa gallica ‘Versicolor’ 93 T ‘Rose d’Amour’ (S) (H4) ~ now considered to be a R. virginiana hybrid ‘Rose de Rescht’ ~ see Rosa ‘De Resht’ 93 T ‘Roseraie de l’Haÿ’ (Ru) (H4) 93 T Rosy Cushion ‘Interall’ (S/GC) (H4) 93 T Royal William ‘Korzaun’ (HT) (H4) rubrifolia ~ see Rosa glauca Pourr. 93 T rugosa ‘Alba’ (Ru) (H4) 93 T — ‘Rubra’ (Ru) (H4) 93 T ‘Sally Holmes’ (S) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Sander’s White Rambler’ (Ra) (H4) 93 T Savoy Hotel ‘Harvintage’ (HT) (H4) 93 T ‘Scabrosa’ (Ru) (H4) Scarlet Fire ~ see Rosa ‘Scharlachglut’ Scarlet Glow ~ see Rosa ‘Scharlachglut’ 02 T Scepter’d Isle ‘Ausland’ (S) (H4) 93 T ‘Scharlachglut’ (ClS) (H4) Schneewittchen ~ see Rosa Iceberg 93 T ‘Schneezwerg’ (Ru) (H4) 93 Cl ‘Seagull’ (Ra) (H4) ‘Semiplena’ ~ see Rosa × alba ‘Alba Semiplena’ 93 T Sexy Rexy ‘Macrexy’ (F) (H4) 02 T Shine On ‘Dictalent’ (Patio) (H4) 02 T Silver Anniversary ‘Poulari’ (HT) (H4) 93 T ‘Silver Jubilee’ (HT) (H4) ‘Snow Dwarf’ ~ see Rosa ‘Schneezwerg’ For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 144 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 Cl 02 T 02 Cl 93 T 94 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 Cl 93 T 93 T 02 Cl 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 02 T 93 Cl 93 T AGM PLANTS 2007 soulieana (Ra/S) (H3-4) ~ more suitable for larger gardens ‘Southampton’ (F) (H4) ‘Spanish Beauty’ ~ see Rosa ‘Madame Grégoire Staechelin’ spinosissima ‘Andrewsii’ (H4) ~ previously listed as R. pimpinellifolia ‘Andrewsii’ Summer Wine ‘Korizont’ (Cl) (H4) Sunset Boulevard ‘Harbabble’ (F) (H4) Sunset Celebration ~ see Rosa Warm Wishes Super Elfin ‘Helkleger’ (Ra) (H4) Surrey ‘Korlanum’ (GC) (H4) Swany ‘Meiburenac’ (Min/GC) (H4) Sweet Dream ‘Fryminicot’ (Patio) (H4) Sweet Magic ‘Dicmagic’ (Min/Patio) (H4) Tall Story ‘Dickooky’ (F) (H4) Tequila Sunrise ‘Dicobey’ (HT) (H4) ‘The Fairy’ (Poly) (H4) ‘The Garland’ (Ra) (H4) The Lady ‘Fryjingo’ (S) (H4) ‘The New Dawn’ ~ see Rosa ‘New Dawn’ The Times Rose ‘Korpeahn’ (F) (H4) ‘Tipo Ideale’ ~ see Rosa × odorata ‘Mutabilis’ Tradition ‘95 ‘Korkeltin’ (Cl) (H4) Troika ‘Poumidor’ (HT) (H4) Trumpeter ‘Mactru’ (F) (H4) ‘Tuscany Superb’ (G) (H4) Valencia ‘Koreklia’ (HT) (H4) Valentine Heart ‘Dicogle’ (F) (H4) ‘Veilchenblau’ (Ra) (H4) versicolor ~ see Rosa gallica ‘Versicolor’ virginiana (H4) — ‘Plena’ ~ see Rosa ‘Rose d’Amour’ 93 Cl Warm Welcome ‘Chewizz’ (ClMin) (H4) 02 T Warm Wishes ‘Fryxotic’ (HT) (H4) Weisse Wolcke ~ see Rosa White Cloud 93 T Westerland ‘Korwest’ (F/S) (H4) 02 Cl White Cloud ‘Korstacha’ (S/ClHT) (H4) White Cover ~ see Rosa Kent 93 T ‘White Pet’ (Poly) (H4) 93 T ‘William Lobb’ (CeMo) (H4) 02 T Wiltshire ‘Kormuse’ (S/GC) (H4) 93 T xanthina ‘Canary Bird’ (S) (H4) 93 T — f. hugonis (H4) ‘Yellow Cécile Brünner’ ~ see Rosa ‘Perle d’Or’ 93 T ‘Yesterday’ (Poly/F/S) (H4) 93 T ‘Yvonne Rabier’ (Poly) (H4) ROSCOEA (ZINGIBERACEAE) 93 H† cautleyoides (H4) 98 H — ‘Kew Beauty’ (H4) 93 H† humeana (H4) ~ name often misapplied ROSMARINUS (LAMIACEAE) 02 T 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T officinalis var. angustissimus ‘Benenden Blue’ (H4) — ‘Collingwood Ingram’ ~ see Rosmarinus officinalis var. angustissimus ‘Benenden Blue’ — ‘Fastigiatus’ ~ see Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Miss Jessopp’s Upright’ — ‘McConnell’s Blue’ (H4) — ‘Miss Jessopp’s Upright’ (H4) — f. pyramidalis ~ see Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Miss Jessopp’s Upright’ — ‘Severn Sea’ (H4) — ‘Sissinghurst Blue’ (H4) RUBUS (ROSACEAE) 93 T ‘Benenden’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 02 T 96 T 93 T biflorus (H4) cockburnianus ‘Goldenvale’ (H4) thibetanus (H4) — ‘Silver Fern’ ~ see Rubus thibetanus juncea ~ see Russelia equisetiformis SALIX (SALICACEAE) 93 T RUDBECKIA (ASTERACEAE) 00 A 93 H 02 H 93 H 00 P 00 P 02 H 93 H 02 H 07 T amplexicaulis (H3) Autumn Sun ~ see Rudbeckia laciniata ‘Herbstsonne’ deamii ~ see Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii fulgida var. deamii (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2002 — var. speciosa (H4) — var. sullivantii ‘Goldsturm’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2002 hirta ‘Indian Summer’ (H3) — ‘Toto’ (H3) laciniata ‘Goldkugel’ (d) (H4) — ‘Goldquelle’ (d) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2002; previously listed as R. ‘Goldquelle’ — ‘Herbstsonne’ (H4) ~ previously listed as R. ‘Herbstsonne’ newmannii ~ see Rudbeckia fulgida var. speciosa speciosa ~ see Rudbeckia fulgida var. speciosa triloba (H4) 145 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T† 02 T 93 T 93 T† 93 T† 93 T 93 T 93 T† acutifolia ‘Blue Streak’ (m) (H4) alba f. argentea ~ see Salix alba var. sericea — ‘Chermesina’ hort. ~ see Salix alba var. vitellina ‘Britzensis’ (m) — var. sericea (H4) — ‘Splendens’ ~ see Salix alba var. sericea — var. vitellina (H4) — — ‘Britzensis’ (m) (H4) babylonica var. pekinensis ‘Tortuosa’ (H4) ‘Boydii’ (f) (H4) elaeagnos ‘Angustifolia’ ~ see Salix elaeagnos subsp. angustifolia — subsp. angustifolia (H4) hastata ‘Wehrhahnii’ (m) (H4) helvetica (H4) lanata (H4) magnifica (H4) matsudana ‘Tortuosa’ ~ see Salix babylonica var. pekinensis ‘Tortuosa’ purpurea ‘Pendula’ (H4) reticulata (H4) rosmarinifolia misapplied ~ see Salix elaeagnos subsp. angustifolia RUELLIA (ACANTHACEAE) 93 H makoyana (H1) ~ min. 10C RUMOHRA (DAVALLIACEAE) 93 F adiantiformis (H1) ~ min. 10C RUSSELIA (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 93 H SALPIGLOSSIS (SOLANACEAE) 02 A sinuata Royale Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture. See page 8 SALVIA (LAMIACEAE) acetabulosa ~ see Salvia multicaulis equisetiformis (H1) ~ min. 10C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 146 93 P 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 P 93 H 93 P 93 H 96 H 93 H 02 H 96 H 96 H 96 H 93 H 96 T 96 T 96 T 96 T 96 H 96 H AGM PLANTS 2007 ambigens ~ see Salvia guaranitica ‘Blue Enigma’ argentea (H3) bacheriana ~ see Salvia buchananii buchananii (H1+3) ~ min. 2C cacaliifolia (H1+3) ~ min. 2C candelabrum (H3-4) ~ min. 2C cardinalis ~ see Salvia fulgens coccinea ‘Lady in Red’ (Nymph Series) (H3) darcyi misapplied ~ see Salvia roemeriana discolor (H1) ~ min. 2C farinacea ‘Victoria’ (H3) fulgens (H3) greggii ‘Blush Pink’ ~ see Salvia microphylla ‘Pink Blush’ guaranitica ‘Blue Enigma’ (H3-4) haematodes ~ see Salvia pratensis Haematodes Group involucrata (H3) — ‘Bethellii’ (H3-4) — ‘Boutin’ (H3) × jamensis ‘Los Lirios’ (H3-4) — ‘Raspberry Royale’ (H3-4) leucantha (H1) ~ min. 2C microphylla ‘Kew Red’ (H3-4) — var. microphylla ‘Newby Hall’ (H3-4) — ‘Pink Blush’ (H3-4) — ‘Pleasant View’ (H3-4) multicaulis (H4) nemorosa ‘Amethyst’ (H4) — Blue Mound ~ see Salvia × sylvestris ‘Blauhügel’ 96 H 96 H 96 H 96 H 93 T 93 T 93 H 94 H 94 P 93 H 96 H 94 P 96 H 96 H 93 P 96 H 93 H 96 H 96 H 96 H 96 H 93 H 93 H — East Friesland ~ see Salvia nemorosa ‘Ostfriesland’ — ‘Lubecca’ (H4) — ‘Ostfriesland’ (H4) — ‘Plumosa’ ~ see Salvia nemorosa ‘Pusztaflamme’ — ‘Porzellan’ (H4) — ‘Pusztaflamme’ (H4) ~ awarded as S. nemorosa ‘Plumosa’ officinalis ‘Icterina’ (v) (H4) — ‘Purpurascens’ (H4) — ‘Variegata’ ~ see Salvia officinalis ‘Icterina’ oppositiflora misapplied ~ see Salvia tubiflora patens (H3) — ‘Cambridge Blue’ (H3) — ‘Oxford Blue’ ~ see Salvia patens — ‘Royal Blue’ ~ see Salvia patens ‘Phoenix Mixed’ (H3) pratensis Haematodes Group (H4) — ‘Indigo’ (H4) ‘Red Arrow’ (H3) roemeriana (H3) spathacea (H3-4) splendens ‘Vanguard’ (H3) — ‘Van-Houttei’ (H3) × superba (H4) — ‘Rubin’ (H4) × sylvestris ‘Blauhügel’ (H4) — ‘Mainacht’ (H4) — May Night ~ see Salvia × sylvestris ‘Mainacht’ — ‘Tänzerin’ (H4) tubiflora (H1+3) ~ min. 2C; previously listed as S. oppositiflora, under which name this plant is often sold in the UK uliginosa (H3-4) ‘Van-Houttei’ ~ see Salvia splendens ‘Van-Houttei’ For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS SAMBUCUS (CAPRIFOLIACEAE) 93 T 02 T 93 T 93 T nigra ‘Aurea’ (H4) — ‘Gerda’ (PBR) (H4) — f. laciniata (H4) — f. porphyrophylla ‘Black Beauty’ ~ see Sambucus nigra ‘Gerda’ racemosa ‘Sutherland Gold’ (H4) 147 93 H† × olivana (H4) SARCOCOCCA (BUXACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T confusa (H4) hookeriana (H4) — var. digyna (H4) ruscifolia var. chinensis (H4) ~ often listed as S. ruscifolia SANGUINARIA (PAPAVERACEAE) 93 H† canadensis f. multiplex ‘Plena’ (d) (H4) SARMIENTA (GESNERIACEAE) SANSEVIERIA (DRACAENACEAE) SARRACENIA (SARRACENIACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H trifasciata ‘Bantel’s Sensation’ (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Craigii’ (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Golden Hahnii’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Hahnii’ (H1) ~ min. 10C — var. laurentii (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Moonshine’ (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 H† repens (H2) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H SANTOLINA (ASTERACEAE) chamaecyparissus (H4) — var. corsica ~ see Santolina chamaecyparissus var. nana 93 T† — var. nana (H4) incana ~ see Santolina chamaecyparissus 93 T pinnata subsp. neapolitana (H4) 93 T rosmarinifolia subsp. rosmarinifolia ‘Primrose Gem’ (H4) tomentosa ~ see Santolina pinnata subsp. neapolitana × catesbyi (H1) ~ min. 2C × chelsonii (H1) ~ min. 2C × excellens (H1) ~ min. 2C flava (H1) ~ min. 2C leucophylla (H1) ~ min. 2C × mitchelliana (H1) ~ min. 2C × wrigleyana (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 T SAPONARIA (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) 93 H† ‘Bressingham’ (H4) 93 H† ocymoides (H4) 93 H† — ‘Rubra Compacta’ (H4) SASA (POACEAE) tessellata ~ see Indocalamus tessellatus SATUREJA (LAMIACEAE) 93 T† coerulea (H4) SAXIFRAGA (SAXIFRAGACEAE) × apiculata sensu stricto hort. ~ see Saxifraga ‘Gregor Mendel’ 93 H† callosa (8) (H4) — lingulata ~ see Saxifraga callosa × canis-dalmatica ~ see Saxifraga ‘Canis-dalmatica’ 03 H† ‘Canis-dalmatica’ (× gaudinii) (8) (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 148 AGM PLANTS 2007 93 H† cebennensis (15) (H2) 93 H† ‘Clarence Elliott’ (umbrosa) (11) (H4) 93 H† ‘Cranbourne’ (× anglica) (7) (H4) ‘Crimson Rose’ (paniculata) ~ see Saxifraga ‘Rosea’ 98 H† ‘Cumulus’ (iranica hybrid) (7) (H4) 96 H† ‘Duncan Lowe’ (andersonii) (7) (H4) ‘Elliott’s Variety’ ~ see Saxifraga ‘Clarence Elliott’ 93 H† ‘Faldonside’ (× boydii) (7) (H4) × farreri hort. ~ see Saxifraga (Silver Farreri Group) ‘Reginald Farrer’ 93 H† federici-augusti subsp. grisebachii (7) (H2-3) 93 H† ferdinandi-coburgi (7) (H4) ‘Flavescens’ misapplied ~ see Saxifraga ‘Lutea’ 93 H† fortunei (5) (H4) 93 H† ‘Gloria’ (burseriana) (7) (H4) 93 H† ‘Gregor Mendel’ (× apiculata) (7) (H4) grisebachii ~ see Saxifraga federici-augusti subsp. grisebachii 93 H† ‘Jenkinsiae’ (× irvingii) (7) (H4) 93 H† ‘Kathleen Pinsent’ (8) (H4) 03 H† ‘Lagraveana’ (paniculata) (8) (H4) lingulata ~ see Saxifraga callosa ‘Lutea’ (aizoon) ~ see Saxifraga ‘Lutea’ 93 H† ‘Lutea’ (paniculata) (8) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2003 93 H† ‘Luteola’ (× boydii) (7) (H4) 93 H† ‘Major’ (cochlearis) (8) (H4) ‘Major Lutea’ ~ see Saxifraga ‘Luteola’ 93 H† ‘Minor’ (cochlearis) (8) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2003 03 H† ‘Monarch’ (8) (H4) 94 H† ‘Peter Burrow’ (× poluanglica) (7) (H4) 93 H† 03 H† 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† 03 H† 03 H† 03 H† 93 H† 93 H 03 H† 93 H† 93 H 93 H† 93 H† 03 H† 03 H† 03 H† 93 H† primuloides ~ see Saxifraga ‘Primuloides’ ‘Primuloides’ (umbrosa) (11) (H4) ~ previously listed as S. umbrosa var. primuloides ‘Reginald Farrer’ ~ see Saxifraga (Silver Farreri Group) ‘Reginald Farrer’ (Silver Farreri Group) ‘Reginald Farrer’ (8) (H4) ‘Rosea’ (paniculata) (8) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2003 ‘Rubra’ (aizoon) ~ see Saxifraga ‘Rosea’ ‘Sanguinea Superba’ (× arendsii) (15) (H4) sarmentosa ~ see Saxifraga stolonifera Southside Seedling Group (H4) — ‘Slack’s Ruby Southside’ (H4) (Silver Farreri Group) ‘Snowflake’ (8) (H4) — ‘Southside Star’ (H4) ‘Splendens’ (oppositifolia) (7) (H4) ‘Spotted Dog’ ~ see Saxifraga ‘Canis-dalmatica’ stolonifera (5) (H2) ‘Superba’ (callosa subsp. callosa var. australis) (8) (H4) ‘Theoden’ (oppositifolia) (7) (H4) ‘Tricolor’ (stolonifera) (5) (H2) ‘Tumbling Waters’ (8) (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2003 × urbium (11) (H4) ‘Valborg’ ~ see Saxifraga ‘Cranbourne’ ‘Valentine’ ~ see Saxifraga ‘Cranbourne’ ‘Venetia’ (paniculata) (8) (H4) ‘Whitehill’ (8) (H4) ‘Winifred Bevington’ (8×11) (H4) ‘Wisley’ (federici-augusti subsp. grisebachii) (7) (H2-3) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS SCABIOSA (DIPSACACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 A caucasica ‘Clive Greaves’ (H4) — ‘Miss Willmott’ (H4) stellata ‘Drumstick’ (H3) SCADOXUS (AMARYLLIDACEAE) 93 B 02 B multiflorus subsp. katherinae (H1) ~ min. 2C — subsp. multiflorus (H1) ~ min. 5C SCHEFFLERA (ARALIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T actinophylla (H1) ~ min. 10C arboricola (H1) ~ min. 10C — ‘Gold Capella’ (H1) ~ min. 10C elegantissima (H1) ~ min. 10C SCILLA (HYACINTHACEAE) 93 B† 03 B† 03 B† 03 B† 93 B† 03 B† 93 B† amethystina ~ see Scilla litardierei bifolia (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2003 bithynica (H4) italica ~ see Hyacinthoides italica litardierei (H4) mischtschenkoana (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2003 — ‘Tubergeniana’ (H4) persica (H4) pratensis ~ see Scilla litardierei siberica (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2003 ‘Tubergeniana’ ~ see Scilla mischtschenkoana ‘Tubergeniana’ SCHIZANTHUS (SOLANACEAE) SCINDAPSUS (ARACEAE) 02 A aureus ~ see Epipremnum aureum 93 Cl pictus ‘Argyraeus’ (H1) ~ min. 10C pinnatus ‘Hit Parade’ (H3) SCHIZOPHRAGMA (HYDRANGEACEAE) 02 Cl hydrangeoides ‘Roseum’ (H4) 93 Cl integrifolium (H4) SEDUM (CRASSULACEAE) SCHIZOSTYLIS (IRIDACEAE) 93 B 93 B 93 B coccinea ‘Gigantea’ ~ see Schizostylis coccinea ‘Major’ — ‘Grandiflora’ ~ see Schizostylis coccinea ‘Major’ — ‘Jennifer’ (H4) — ‘Major’ (H4) — ‘Sunrise’ (H4) — ‘Sunset’ ~ see Schizostylis coccinea ‘Sunrise’ SCHLUMBERGERA (CACTACEAE) 93 CS × buckleyi (H1) ~ min. 10C SCIADOPITYS (SCIADOPITYACEAE) 93 C verticillata (H4) 96 H 93 H† 06 H 93 H 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† Autumn Joy ~ see Sedum ‘Herbstfreude’ ‘Bertram Anderson’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2006 cauticola (H4) — ‘Lidakense’ (H4) — ‘Robustum’ ~ see Sedum ‘Ruby Glow’ ellacombeanum ~ see Sedum kamtschaticum var. ellacombeanum ‘Herbstfreude’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2006 kamtschaticum (H4) — var. ellacombeanum (H4) — var. kamtschaticum ‘Variegatum’ (v) (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 149 AGM PLANTS 2007 150 06 H ‘Marchants Best Red’ (H4) 06 H ‘Matrona’ (H4) 93 CS morganianum (H1) ~ min. 2C 06 H ‘Mr Goodbud’ (H4) 06 H ‘Red Cauli’ (H4) 93 H† ‘Ruby Glow’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2006 93 H sieboldii ‘Mediovariegatum’ (v) (H2-3) 93 H† spathulifolium ‘Cape Blanco’ (H4) 93 H† — ‘Purpureum’ (H4) 93 H spectabile (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2006 93 H — ‘Brilliant’ (H4) spurium Dragon’s Blood ~ see Sedum spurium ‘Schorbuser Blut’ 93 H† — ‘Schorbuser Blut’ (H4) 93 H telephium subsp. maximum ‘Atropurpureum’ (H4) 06 H — ‘Purple Emperor’ (H4) 93 H† ‘Vera Jameson’ (H4) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2006 ‘Washfield Purple’ ~ see Sedum telephium ‘Purple Emperor’ SELAGINELLA (SELAGINELLACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H kraussiana (H1) ~ min. 2C — ‘Brownii’ (H1) ~ min. 2C — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C martensii (H1) ~ min. 10C uncinata (H1) ~ min. 10C SEMIARUNDINARIA (POACEAE) 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† — ‘Laggeri’ ~ see Sempervivum arachnoideum subsp. tomentosum — subsp. tomentosum (C.B. Lehm. & Schnittsp.) Schinz & Thell. (H4) arvernense ~ see Sempervivum tectorum ciliosum (H4) ‘Commander Hay’ (H4) densum ~ see Sempervivum tectorum tectorum (H4) webbianum ~ see Sempervivum arachnoideum subsp. tomentosum SENECIO (ASTERACEAE) 02 P 93 P cineraria ‘Cirrus’ (H3) — ‘Silver Dust’ (H3) ‘Gregynog Gold’ ~ see Ligularia ‘Gregynog Gold’ greyi misapplied ~ see Brachyglottis (Dunedin Group) ‘Sunshine’ 02 CS haworthii (H1) ~ min. 2C laxifolius hort. ~ see Brachyglottis (Dunedin Group) ‘Sunshine’ leucostachys ~ see Senecio viravira 93 Cl macroglossus ‘Variegatus’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C monroi ~ see Brachyglottis monroi przewalskii ~ see Ligularia przewalskii ‘Sunshine’ ~ see Brachyglottis (Dunedin Group) ‘Sunshine’ 93 T viravira (H3-4) 93 Ba fastuosa (H4) SENNA (CAESALPINIACEAE) SEMPERVIVUM (CRASSULACEAE) 93 H† arachnoideum (H4) 93 T artemisioides (H1) ~ min. 2C For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS SEQUOIA (CUPRESSACEAE) 93 C sempervirens (H4) SEQUOIADENDRON (CUPRESSACEAE) 93 C giganteum (H4) SERIPHIDIUM (ASTERACEAE) 93 H vallesiacum (H4) grandiflorum ~ see Olsynium douglasii 02 H† idahoense var. macounii ‘Album’ (H4) 93 H† macrocarpon (H2-3) ‘May Snow’ ~ see Sisyrinchium idahoense var. macounii ‘Album’ SETARIA (POACEAE) SKIMMIA (RUTACEAE) 95 G* macrostachya (H3) 93 T 93 T SIDALCEA (MALVACEAE) 02 H 93 H ‘Elsie Heugh’ (H4) ‘William Smith’ (H4) SILENE (CARYOPHYLLACEAE) 93 H† alpestris ‘Flore Pleno’ (d) (H4) 93 H† schafta (H4) — ‘Abbotswood’ ~ see Lychnis × walkeri ‘Abbotswood Rose’ SILPHIUM (ASTERACEAE) 02 H 93 T 93 T × confusa ‘Kew Green’ (m) (H4) japonica ‘Fragrans’ (m) (H4) — ‘Fragrant Cloud’ ~ see Skimmia japonica ‘Fragrans’ (m) — ‘Nymans’ (f) (H4) — ‘Rubella’ (m) (H4) SOLANUM (SOLANACEAE) crispum ‘Autumnale’ ~ see Solanum crispum ‘Glasnevin’ 93 Cl — ‘Glasnevin’ (H3) 93 Cl laxum ‘Album’ (H3) ~ awarded as S. jasminoides ‘Album’ perfoliatum (H4) SOLENOSTEMON (LAMIACEAE) SINARUNDINARIA (POACEAE) 94 T murielae ~ see Fargesia murielae 94 T SINNINGIA (GESNERIACEAE) 93 H 98 P 98 P 02 P canescens (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Empress Purple Spotted’ (H1) ~ min. 5C; from seed, under glass ‘Empress Red’ (H1) ~ min. 5C; from seed, under glass Empress Series, mixed (H1) ~ min. 5C; award applies only to the mixture (see page 8) 94 T 94 T 94 T 94 T 94 T 94 T SISYRINCHIUM (IRIDACEAE) douglasii ~ see Olsynium douglasii 151 94 T ‘Buttermilk’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Crimson Ruffles’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Firebrand’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Glory of Luxembourg’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Lord Falmouth’ (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Paisley Shawl’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Picturatus’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Pineapple Beauty’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Pineapplette’ (H1) ~ min. 2C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 152 fusiformis ~ see Sollya heterophylla 93 Cl heterophylla (H1) ~ min. 2C aucuparia ‘Sheerwater Seedling’ (H4) 93 T — var. xanthocarpa (H4) ~ previously listed as S. aucuparia ‘Fructu Luteo’ 93 T cashmiriana Hedl. (H4) 93 T commixta ‘Embley’ (H4) fruticosa ‘Koehneana’ ~ see Sorbus koehneana. 93 T hupehensis C.K. Schneid. (H4) 93 T — var. obtusa (H4) — ‘Rosea’ ~ see Sorbus hupehensis var. obtusa 93 T hybrida L. ‘Gibbsii’ (H4) 93 T koehneana C.K. Schneid. (H4) ~ previously listed as S. fruticosa ‘Koehneana’ 93 T† reducta (H4) 93 T sargentiana (H4) 93 T thibetica ‘John Mitchell’ (H4) 93 T vilmorinii (H4) SONERILA (MELASTOMATACEAE) SPARAXIS (IRIDACEAE) 93 H 02 B 94 T 94 T 94 T ‘Royal Scot’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Walter Turner’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C ‘Wisley Tapestry’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C SOLIDAGO (ASTERACEAE) 02 H 93 H ‘Gardone’ (H4) ‘Goldenmosa’ (H4) ‘Lemore’ ~ see × Solidaster luteus ‘Lemore’ × SOLIDASTER (ASTERACEAE) 93 H luteus ‘Lemore’ (H4) SOLLYA (PITTOSPORACEAE) margaritacea (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 T grandiflora (H2-3) SPARRMANNIA (TILIACEAE) SOPHORA (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 T 02 T 93 T japonica (H4) Sun King ‘Hilsop’ (H4) tetraptera (H3) 93 T africana (H1) ~ min. 2C SPARTIUM (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 T junceum (H4) SORBARIA (ROSACEAE) 93 T aitchisonii ~ see Sorbaria tomentosa var. angustifolia tomentosa var. angustifolia (H4) SPATHIPHYLLUM (ARACEAE) 93 H ‘Mauna Loa’ (H1) ~ min. 15C SPIRAEA (ROSACEAE) SORBUS (ROSACEAE) 93 T 93 T aria ‘Decaisneana’ ~ see Sorbus aria ‘Majestica’ — ‘Lutescens’ (H4) — ‘Majestica’ (H4) — ‘Mitchellii’ ~ see Sorbus thibetica ‘John Mitchell’ 02 T 93 T 02 T ‘Arguta’ (H4) × arguta ‘Bridal Wreath’ ~ see Spiraea ‘Arguta’ × cinerea ‘Grefsheim’ (H4) japonica ‘Alpina’ ~ see Spiraea japonica ‘Nana’ — ‘Candlelight’ (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 02 T 02 T 02 T — ‘Dart’s Red’ (H4) — Golden Princess ‘Lisp’ (H4) — Magic Carpet ‘Walbuma’ (v) (H4) 93 T† — ‘Nana’ (H4) — ‘Nyewoods’ ~ see Spiraea japonica ‘Nana’ 93 T nipponica ‘Snowmound’ (H4) — var. tosaensis misapplied ~ see Spiraea nipponica ‘Snowmound’ 93 T thunbergii (H4) venusta ‘Magnifica’ ~ see Filipendula rubra ‘Venusta’ 02 T 93 T 93 T 93 T koreana ~ see Stewartia pseudocamellia Koreana Group malacodendron (H4) pseudocamellia (H4) — Koreana Group (H4) sinensis (H4) STIPA (POACEAE) 93 G arundinacea ~ see Anemanthele lessoniana brachytricha ~ see Calamagrostis brachytricha gigantea (H4) STACHYS (LAMIACEAE) STOMATIUM (AIZOACEAE) 93 H 02 CS meyeri (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS niveum (H1) ~ min. 2C macrantha ‘Robusta’ (H4) ~ will grow in total shade STACHYURUS (STACHYURACEAE) 93 T praecox (H4) STRELITZIA (STRELITZIACEAE) STAPELIA (ASCLEPIADACEAE) 93 CS gigantea (H1) ~ min. 2C marmoratum ~ see Orbea variegata variegata ~ see Orbea variegata 93 H STREPTOCARPUS (GESNERIACEAE) 93 H 02 H 02 H STENOTAPHRUM (POACEAE) 93 G secundatum ‘Variegatum’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 H 02 H STEPHANOTIS (ASCLEPIADACEAE) 93 Cl floribunda (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 H 02 H STEWARTIA (THEACEAE) gemmata ~ see Stewartia sinensis ‘Korean Splendor’ ~ see Stewartia pseudocamellia Koreana Group reginae (H1) ~ min. 10C 93 H 02 H 93 H ‘Albatross’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Amanda’ Dibley (H1) ‘Bethan’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Carys’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Catrin’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Chorus Line’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Crystal Ice’ (PBR) (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Cynthia’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Daphne’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Falling Stars’ (H1) ~ min. 10C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 153 AGM PLANTS 2007 154 02 H 93 H 02 H 93 H 93 H 02 H 93 H 02 H 93 H 02 H 02 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H glandulosissimus (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Gloria’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Happy Snappy’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Heidi’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Helen’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Jennifer’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Kim’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Laura’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Lisa’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Maassen’s White’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Melanie’ Dibley (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Paula’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Ruby’ (H1) ~ min. 10C saxorum (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Snow White’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Stella’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Susan’ (H1) ~ min. 10C ‘Tina’ (H1) ~ min. 10C STREPTOSOLEN (SOLANACEAE) 93 T jamesonii (H1) ~ min. 2C STROBILANTHES (ACANTHACEAE) 93 T dyeriana (H1) ~ min. 10C STROMANTHE (MARANTACEAE) 93 H amabilis ~ see Ctenanthe amabilis sanguinea var. spectabilis (H1) ~ min. 15C STYLIDIUM (STYLIDIACEAE) 93 H crassifolium (H2) ~ min. 2C STYRAX (STYRACACEAE) 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T hemsleyanus (H4) japonicus (H4) — Benibana Group (H4) — ‘Roseus’ ~ see Styrax japonicus Benibana Group obassia (H4) SULCOREBUTIA (CACTACEAE) 93 CS arenacea (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS candiae (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS canigueralii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS crispata (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS flavissima (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS glomeriseta (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS mentosa (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS mizquensis (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS steinbachii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS tunariensis (H1) ~ min. 2-10C SYAGRUS (ARECACEAE) weddeliana ~ see Lytocaryum weddellianum For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS SYMPHYTUM (BORAGINACEAE) 02 H 93 H caucasicum (H4) × uplandicum ‘Variegatum’ (v) (H4) SYNGONIUM (ARACEAE) 93 Cl podophyllum (H1) ~ min. 10C SYRINGA (OLEACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T × hyacinthiflora ‘Esther Staley’ (H4) × josiflexa ‘Bellicent’ (H4) meyeri ‘Palibin’ (H4) palibiniana ~ see Syringa meyeri ‘Palibin’ patula misapplied ~ see Syringa meyeri ‘Palibin’ × persica (H4) — ‘Alba’ (H4) × prestoniae ‘Elinor’ (H4) pubescens subsp. microphylla ‘Superba’ (H4) ~ awarded as S. microphylla ‘Superba’ — subsp. patula ‘Miss Kim’ (H4) vulgaris ‘Andenken an Ludwig Späth’ (H4) — ‘Charles Joly’ (d) (H4) — ‘Firmament’ (H4) — ‘Katherine Havemeyer’ (d) (H4) — ‘Madame Lemoine’ (d) (H4) — ‘Mrs Edward Harding’ (d) (H4) — ‘Souvenir de Louis Spaeth’ ~ see Syringa vulgaris ‘Andenken an Ludwig Späth’ — ‘Vestale’ (H4) TAGETES (ASTERACEAE) 01 A 01 A 93 A 93 A 93 A erecta Gold Coins Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture; see page 8 — ‘Inca Orange’ (Inca Series) (H3) patula ‘Aurora Light Yellow’ (H3) — ‘Dainty Marietta’ (H3) — ‘Disco Orange’ (H3) 93 A 93 A 93 A 93 A 93 A 93 A 93 A 93 A 93 A 93 A 93 A 155 — ‘Disco Yellow’ (H3) — ‘Discovery’ (H3) — ‘Hero Orange’ (H3) — ‘Honeycomb’ (H3) — ‘Perfection’ (H3) — ‘Queen Sophia’ (H3) — ‘Safari Mixture’ (H3) — ‘Safari Scarlet’ (H3) — ‘Safari Tangerine’ (H3) — ‘Tiger Eyes’ (King; Marshall) (H3) — ‘Zenith Lemon Yellow’ (H3) TAMARIX (TAMARICACEAE) 93 T 93 T ramosissima ‘Rubra’ (H4) — ‘Summer Glow’ ~ see Tamarix ramosissima ‘Rubra’ tetrandra (H4) TANACETUM (ASTERACEAE) 93 H 93 H 02 H coccineum ‘Eileen May Robinson’ (H4) — ‘James Kelway’ (H4) ptarmiciflorum (H3-4) TAXODIUM (CUPRESSACEAE) 93 C 93 C ascendens ‘Nutans’ ~ see Taxodium distichum var. imbricatum ‘Nutans’ distichum (H4) — var. imbricatum ‘Nutans’ (H4) TAXUS (TAXACEAE) 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C baccata (H4) ~ male and female flowers are usually borne on separate plants — ‘Adpressa Variegata’ (m/v) (H4) — ‘Dovastoniana’ (f) (H4) — ‘Dovastonii Aurea’ (m/v) (H4) — ‘Fastigiata’ (f) (H4) — ‘Fastigiata Aureomarginata’ (m/v) (H4) — ‘Hibernica’ ~ see Taxus baccata ‘Fastigiata’ (f) — ‘Repandens’ (f) (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 156 93 C 93 C 93 C 93 C — ‘Repens Aurea’ (v) (H4) — ‘Semperaurea’ (m) (H4) — ‘Standishii’ (f) (H4) × media ‘Hicksii’ (f) (H4) THELOCACTUS (CACTACEAE) 93 CS bicolor (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS setispinus (H1) ~ min. 2-10C TECOMA (BIGNONIACEAE) 93 T capensis (H1) ~ min. 10C TECOPHILAEA (TECOPHILAEACEAE) 93 B† cyanocrocus (H2) 93 B† — ‘Leichtlinii’ (H2) TETRANEMA (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 93 H roseum (H1) ~ min. 2C TETRAPANAX (ARALIACEAE) 93 T papyrifer (H2-3) ~ min. 2C; may be grown outside in some areas TETRASTIGMA (VITACEAE) 93 Cl voinierianum (H1) ~ min. 15C THUJA (CUPRESSACEAE) ‘Extra Gold’ ~ see Thuja plicata ‘Irish Gold’ (v) 93 C occidentalis ‘Danica’ (H4) — Emerald ~ see Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’ 93 C — ‘Holmstrup’ (H4) 93 C* — ‘Lutea Nana’ (H4) 93 C — ‘Rheingold’ (H4) 93 C — ‘Smaragd’ (H4) orientalis ‘Miller’s Gold’ ~ see Platycladus orientalis ‘Aurea Nana’ 93 C plicata ‘Atrovirens’ (H4) 93 C — ‘Aurea’ (H4) 93 C — ‘Fastigiata’ (H4) 93 C — ‘Irish Gold’ (v) (H4) 93 C — ‘Stoneham Gold’ (H4) THUJOPSIS (CUPRESSACEAE) TEUCRIUM (LAMIACEAE) 93 T 93 C dolabrata (H4) fruticans ‘Azureum’ (H3) THUNBERGIA (ACANTHACEAE) THALICTRUM (RANUNCULACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H aquilegiifolium ‘Thundercloud’ (H4) delavayi (H4) — ‘Hewitt’s Double’ (d) (H4) dipterocarpum misapplied ~ see Thalictrum delavayi flavum subsp. glaucum (H4) speciosissimum ~ see Thalictrum flavum subsp. glaucum THAMNOCALAMUS (POACEAE) spathaceus misapplied ~ see Fargesia murielae 93 Cl grandiflora (H1) ~ min. 10C 02 Cl gregorii (H1+3) ~ min. 5C 93 Cl mysorensis (H1) ~ min. 15C THYMUS (LAMIACEAE) ‘Anderson’s Gold’ ~ see Thymus pulegioides ‘Bertram Anderson’ citriodorus ‘Aureus’ ~ see Thymus pulegioides ‘Aureus’ — ‘Bertram Anderson’ ~ see Thymus pulegioides ‘Bertram Anderson’ For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 T† 93 T† 93 T† 93 T† 93 T† — ‘Golden Lemon’ misapplied ~ see Thymus pulegioides ‘Aureus’ — ‘Silver Queen’ (v) (H4) ‘Coccineus’ ~ see Thymus Coccineus Group Coccineus Group (H4) ~ sometimes listed incorrectly under T. serpyllum ‘E.B. Anderson’ ~ see Thymus pulegioides ‘Bertram Anderson’ polytrichus subsp. britannicus ‘Thomas’s White’ (H4) ~ sometimes listed incorrectly under T. serpyllum; previously listed as T. polytrichus subsp. britannicus ‘Albus’ praecox subsp. arcticus ‘Albus’ ~ see Thymus polytrichus subsp. britannicus ‘Thomas’s White’ pulegioides ‘Aureus’ (H4) ~ awarded as T. × citriodorus ‘Aureus’ — ‘Bertram Anderson’ (H4) ~ awarded as T. × citriodorus ‘Bertram Anderson’ serpyllum coccineus ‘Minor’ TILIA (TILIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T cordata (H4) — ‘Greenspire’ (H4) × euchlora (H4) × europaea ‘Wratislaviensis’ (H4) ‘Petiolaris’ (H4) platyphyllos ‘Corallina’ ~ see Tilia platyphyllos ‘Rubra’ — ‘Rubra’ (H4) tomentosa ‘Brabant’ (H4) TILLANDSIA (BROMELIACEAE) 02 H 02 H 93 H argentea (H1) ~ min. 15C cyanea (H1) ~ min. 15C lindenii (H1) ~ min. 15C TITANOPSIS (AIZOACEAE) 02 CS calcarea (H1) ~ min. 2C TOLMIEA (SAXIFRAGACEAE) misapplied ~ see Thymus Coccineus Group 93 T† — ‘Pink Chintz’ (H4) ~ sometimes listed incorrectly under T. serpyllum 93 H menziesii ‘Goldsplash’ ~ see Tolmiea menziesii ‘Taff’s Gold’ — ‘Maculata’ ~ see Tolmiea menziesii ‘Taff’s Gold’ — ‘Taff’s Gold’ (v) (H4) ~ valued in particular as a pot plant under glass — ‘Variegata’ ~ see Tolmiea menziesii ‘Taff’s Gold’ TIARELLA (SAXIFRAGACEAE) collina ~ see Tiarella wherryi 93 H† cordifolia (H4) 93 H† wherryi (H4) TRACHELIUM (CAMPANULACEAE) 93 H caeruleum (H1) ~ min. 2C TRACHELOSPERMUM (APOCYNACEAE) TIBOUCHINA (MELASTOMATACEAE) 93 T semidecandra hort. ~ see Tibouchina urvilleana urvilleana (H1) ~ min. 10C 157 93 Cl asiaticum (H2-3) 93 Cl jasminoides (H3-4) 93 Cl — ‘Variegatum’ (v) (H3-4) majus Nakai ~ see Trachelospermum asiaticum For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 158 TRACHYCARPUS (ARECACEAE) TRICHODIADEMA (AIZOACEAE) 93 T 02 CS densum (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 CS stellatum (H1) ~ min. 2C fortunei (H3-4) TRADESCANTIA (COMMELINACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 02 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H (Andersoniana Group) ‘Isis’ (H4) — ‘J.C. Weguelin’ (H4) — ‘Osprey’ (H4) blossfeldiana ‘Variegata’ ~ see Tradescantia cerinthoides ‘Variegata’ cerinthoides ‘Variegata’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C fluminensis ‘Aurea’ (H1) ~ min. 2C — ‘Quicksilver’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C — ‘Tricolor Minima’ (H1) ~ min. 2C — ‘Variegata’ ~ see Tradescantia fluminensis ‘Aurea’ pallida (H2-3) — ‘Purpurea’ (H2-3) ~ awarded as T. pallida ‘Purple Heart’; also suitable for summer display pendula ~ see Tradescantia zebrina purpurea ~ see Tradescantia pallida ‘Purpurea’ sillamontana (H1) ~ min. 2C spathacea ‘Vittata’ (H1) ~ min. 10C tricolor ~ see Tradescantia zebrina zebrina (H1) ~ min. 2C — pendula ~ see Tradescantia zebrina — ‘Purpusii’ (H1) ~ min. 2C — ‘Quadricolor’ (v) (H1) ~ min. 2C TRICYRTIS (CONVALLARIACEAE) 93 H formosana (H4) TRILLIUM (TRILLIACEAE) 93 B† chloropetalum var. giganteum (H4) — var. rubrum ~ see Trillium chloropetalum var. giganteum 93 B† erectum (H4) 93 B† grandiflorum (H4) 93 B† luteum (H4) 93 B† rivale (H3) sessile ‘Rubrum’ ~ see Trillium chloropetalum var. giganteum TRITONIA (IRIDACEAE) 02 B crocata (H2-3) TROLLIUS (RANUNCULACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H chinensis ‘Golden Queen’ (H4) × cultorum ‘Goldquelle’ (H4) — ‘Orange Princess’ (H4) — ‘Superbus’ (H4) europaeus ‘Superbus’ ~ see Trollius × cultorum ‘Superbus’ TROPAEOLUM (TROPAEOLACEAE) 93 Cl ciliatum (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 A majus Alaska Series, mixed (v) (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture (see page 8) 02 A — ‘Darjeeling Double’ (d) (H4) — ‘Darjeeling Gold’ ~ see Tropaeolum majus ‘Darjeeling Double’ 93 H — ‘Hermine Grashoff’ (d) (H2-3) ~ min. 2C For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 05 Cl — ‘Tip Top Alaska Scarlet’ (Tip Top Alaska Series) (H3) 05 Cl — ‘Tutti Frutti Mixed’ (Tip Top Alaska Series) (H3) 93 Cl speciosum (H4) 93 Cl tricolor (H1) ~ min. 2C 93 Cl tuberosum var. lineamaculatum ‘Ken Aslet’ (H3) 93 A Whirlybird Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture (see page 8) TSUGA (PINACEAE) 93 C 93 C 93 C canadensis ‘Jeddeloh’ (H4) — ‘Pendula’ (H4) heterophylla (H4) menziesii (Mirb.) hort. ~ see Pseudotsuga menziesii TULIPA (LILIACEAE) 97 B 93 B 97 B 97 B 93 B 99 B 95 B 93 B 99 B 93 B 93 B 97 B 95 B 95 B 93 B† 95 B 93 B 95 B 99 B 97 B 97 B 93 B ‘Addis’ (14) (H4) ‘Alfred Cortot’ (12) (H4) ‘Ali Baba’ (14) (H4) altaica (15) (H4) ‘Ancilla’ (12) (H4) ‘Angélique’ (11) (H4) ‘Antonio Moro’ (3) (H4) ‘Apeldoorn’s Elite’ (4) (H4) ‘Apricot Beauty’ (1) (H4) ‘Apricot Parrot’ (10) (H4) ‘Aristocrat’ (5) (H4) ‘Arma’ (7) (H4) ‘Artist’ (8) (H4) ‘Astarte’ (3) (H4) aucheriana (15) (H4) ‘Baby Doll’ (2) (H4) ‘Ballade’ (6) (H4) ‘Ballerina’ (6) (H4) ‘Barcelona’ (3) (H4) batalinii ~ see Tulipa linifolia Batalinii Group ‘Bella Vista’ (14) (H4) ‘Ben van Zanten’ (3) (H4) ‘Big Chief’ (4) (H4) 95 B 95 B 99 B 95 B 97 B 95 B 97 B 97 B 93 B 99 B 93 B 95 B 95 B 93 B† 99 B 95 B 93 B 95 B 99 B 97 B 97 B 93 B 95 B 97 B 93 B 93 B 95 B 95 B 93 B 97 B 97 B 97 B 93 B 99 B 99 B 95 B 93 B 93 B 97 B 93 B 99 B 99 B 99 B 99 B 97 B 159 ‘Black Diamond’ (5) (H4) ‘Black Parrot’ (10) (H4) ‘Blue Bell’ (3) (H4) ‘Blue Heron’ (7) (H4) ‘Buttercup’ (14) (H4) ‘Calgary’ (3) (H4) ‘Calypso’ (14) (H4) ‘Candela’ (13) (H4) ‘Capri’ (4) (H4) ‘Carnaval de Nice’ (11/v) (H4) ‘China Lady’ (14) (H4) ‘China Pink’ (6) (H4) ‘China Town’ (8) (H4) clusiana var. chrysantha (15) (H4) — ‘Cynthia’ (15) (H4) ‘Companion’ (3) (H4) ‘Corsage’ (14) (H4) ‘Cruquius’ (3) (H4) ‘Crystal Beauty’ (7) (H4) ‘Czaar Peter’ (H4) ‘Daydream’ (4) (H4) ‘Demeter’ (3) (H4) ‘Don Quichotte’ (3) (H4) ‘Donald Duck’ (14) (H4) ‘Donna Bella’ (14) (H4) ‘Dover’ (4) (H4) ‘Dreamland’ (5) (H4) ‘Dynamite’ (3) (H4) ‘Early Harvest’ (12) (H4) ‘Early Star’ (14) (H4) ‘Easter Moon’ (13) (H4) ‘Easter Surprise’ (14) (H4) ‘Engadin’ (14) (H4) ‘Esperanto’ (8/v) (H4) ‘Etude’ (3) (H4) ‘Fancy Frills’ (7) (H4) ‘Fantasy’ (10) (H4) ‘Fidelio’ (3) (H4) ‘Fire Queen’ (3) (H4) ‘First Lady’ (3) (H4) ‘Flaming Youth’ (13) (H4) ‘Fringed Beauty’ (7) (H4) ‘Fringed Elegance’ (7) (H4) ‘Friso’ (3) (H4) ‘Garden Party’ (3) (H4) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 160 99 B 97 B 99 B 95 B 93 B 95 B 95 B 99 B 93 B 97 B 93 B 93 B 97 B 97 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 95 B 93 B AGM PLANTS 2007 ‘Gerbrand Kieft’ (11) (H4) ‘Glück’ (12) (H4) ‘Grand Prestige’ (14) (H4) ‘Grand Style’ (5) (H4) ‘Halcro’ (5) (H4) ‘Hamilton’ (7) (H4) ‘Heart’s Desire’ (3) (H4) ‘Holberg’ (3) (H4) ‘Hollands Glorie’ (4) (H4) ‘Ivory Floradale’ (4) (H4) ‘Jeantine’ (12) (H4) ‘Jewel of Spring’ (4) (H4) ‘Juan’ (13) (H4) ‘Julius Caesar’ (14) (H4) ‘Keizerskroon’ (1) (H4) ‘Kingsblood’ (5) (H4) kolpakowskiana (15) (H4) ‘Koningin Wilhelmina’ (4) (H4) ‘Lambada’ (7) (H4) ‘Landseadel’s Supreme’ (5) (H4) ‘Lilac Wonder’ ~ see Tulipa saxatilis (Bakeri Group) ‘Lilac Wonder’ 99 B ‘Lily Schreyer’ (3) (H4) 93 B† linifolia (15) (H4) 93 B† — Batalinii Group (15) (H4) 95 B† — — ‘Bright Gem’ (15) (H4) 04 B — — ‘Red Hunter’ (15) (H4) 97 B ‘Little Beauty’ (15) (H4) 97 B ‘Longfellow’ (14) (H4) 97 B ‘Marina’ (14) (H4) 97 B ‘Marit’ (4) (H4) 93 B ‘Marjolein’ (6) (H4) 93 B ‘Maureen’ (5) (H4) 99 B ‘Maywonder’ (11) (H4) 95 B ‘Mieke Bos’ (3) (H4) 93 B ‘Mirella’ (3) (H4) 93 B ‘Monte Carlo’ (2) (H4) 99 B ‘Monte Rosa’ (3) (H4) 93 B ‘Most Miles’ (3) (H4) 93 B ‘Mrs John T. Scheepers’ (5) (H4) 99 B ‘Musical’ (3) (H4) 93 B ‘My Lady’ (4) (H4) 97 B ‘Odia’ (14) (H4) 99 B ‘Ollioules’ (4) (H4) 97 B 93 B 97 B 97 B 95 B 93 B 95 B 97 B 97 B 93 B 99 B 99 B 93 B 95 B 93 B 97 B 95 B 97 B 97 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 95 B 95 B 97 B 97 B 93 B 97 B 95 B 95 B 93 B 97 B 97 B 93 B 95 B 93 B 95 B 97 B 95 B 99 B 93 B ‘Olympic Flame’ (4) (H4) ‘Orange Bouquet’ (3) (H4) ‘Orange Emperor’ (13) (H4) ‘Orange Princess’ (11) (H4) ‘Orange Sun’ ~ see Tulipa ‘Oranjezon’ ‘Orange Surprise’ (3) (H4) ‘Oranje Nassau’ (2) (H4) ‘Oranjezon’ (4) (H4) ‘Oratorio’ (14) (H4) ‘Oriental Beauty’ (14) (H4) ‘Oriental Splendour’ (14) (H4) ‘Orleans’ (3) (H4) orphanidea Whittallii Group (15) (H4) ‘Oxford’ (4) (H4) ‘Parabole’ (7) (H4) ‘Parade’ (4) (H4) ‘Perfectionist’ (14) (H4) ‘Picture’ (5) (H4) ‘Pink Impression’ (4) (H4) ‘Pink Sensation’ (14) (H4) ‘Plaisir’ (14) (H4) praestans ‘Fusilier’ (15) (H4) ‘President Kennedy’ (4) (H4) ‘Prince Charles’ (3) (H4) ‘Princess Victoria’ (3) (H4) ‘Princesse Charmante’ (14) (H4) ‘Prins Carnaval’ (1) (H4) ‘Prinses Irene’ (3) (H4) ‘Purissima’ (13) (H4) ‘Queen of Bartigons’ (5) (H4) ‘Queen of Sheba’ (6) (H4) ‘Red Georgette’ (5) (H4) ‘Red Impression’ (PBR) (4) (H4) ‘Red Paradise’ (1) (H4) ‘Red Riding Hood’ (14) (H4) ‘Red Shine’ (6) (H4) ‘Red Surprise’ (14) (H4) ‘Red Wing’ (7) (H4) ‘Rosanna’ (14) (H4) saxatilis (Bakeri Group) ‘Lilac Wonder’ (15) (H4) ‘Sevilla’ (3) (H4) ‘Showwinner’ (12) (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 99 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 93 B 99 B 93 B 99 B 93 B† 99 B 95 B 93 B 99 B 93 B 97 B 97 B 93 B† 95 B 93 B† 99 B 99 B 97 B 95 B 95 B 95 B 95 B 99 B 97 B 97 B 93 B ‘Smyrna’ (14) (H4) ‘Sorbet’ (5) (H4) sprengeri (15) (H4) ‘Spring Green’ (8) (H4) ‘Stockholm’ (2) (H4) ‘Stresa’ (12) (H4) ‘Strong Gold’ (3) (H4) ‘Sweet Harmony’ (5) (H4) ‘Synaeda King’ (6) (H4) tarda (15) (H4) ‘Ted Turner’ (H4) ‘Telecom’ (3) (H4) ‘Temple of Beauty’ (5) (H4) ‘Tender Beauty’ (4) (H4) ‘Toronto’ (14) (H4) ‘Toulon’ (13) (H4) ‘Trinket’ (14) (H4) turkestanica (15) (H4) ‘Union Jack’ (5) (H4) urumiensis (15) (H4) ‘Valentine’ (3) (H4) ‘Vivex’ (4) (H4) vvedenskyi ‘Tangerine Beauty’ (15) (H4) ‘West Point’ (6) (H4) ‘White Emperor’ ~ see Tulipa ‘Purissima’ ‘White Triumphator’ (6) (H4) whittallii ~ see Tulipa orphanidea Whittallii Group ‘Wildhof’ (3) (H4) ‘Wirosa’ (11) (H4) ‘World Expression’ (5) (H4) ‘Yellow Dover’ (4) (H4) ‘Yellow Purissima’ (13) (H4) ‘Zampa’ (14) (H4) TWEEDIA (ASCLEPIADACEAE) 93 H UVULARIA (CONVALLARIACEAE) 93 B† grandiflora (H4) VACCINIUM (ERICACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T† VELTHEIMIA (HYACINTHACEAE) 93 B 93 B 06 H 93 H album (H4) nigrum (H4) VERBASCUM (SCROPHULARIACEAE) 02 H 93 H chaixii ‘Album’ (H4) (Cotswold Group) ‘Cotswold Beauty’ (H4) 93 H — ‘Gainsborough’ (H4) 93 H — ‘Pink Domino’ (H4) 93 T† dumulosum (H2-3) 93 T† ‘Golden Wings’ (H2-3) 93 T† ‘Letitia’ (H3) VERBENA (VERBENACEAE) 02 H 01 P 06 H caerulea (H2) europaeus ‘Flore Pleno’ (d) (H4) — ‘Plenus’ ~ see Ulex europaeus ‘Flore Pleno’ bracteata (H1) ~ min. 2C capensis (H1) ~ min. 10C viridifolia misapplied ~ see Veltheimia capensis viridifolia Jacq. ~ see Veltheimia bracteata VERATRUM (MELANTHIACEAE) ULEX (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 T corymbosum (F) (H4) cylindraceum (H4) glaucoalbum (H3-4) vitis-idaea Koralle Group (H4) 93 H bonariensis (H3-4) brasiliensis misapplied ~ see Verbena bonariensis canadensis ‘Toronto’ (G) (H3) ‘Claret’ (G) (H3) incompta ~ see Verbena bonariensis ‘Jenny’s Wine’ ~ see Verbena ‘Claret’ ‘Lawrence Johnston’ (G) (H3) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 161 AGM PLANTS 2007 162 01 P 01 P 01 P 93 P 93 P 93 H 93 H ‘Lois’ Ruby’ ~ see Verbena ‘Claret’ ‘Moon River’ (G) (H3) patagonica ~ see Verbena bonariensis ‘Peaches ‘n’ Cream’ (G) (H3) ‘Pink Bouquet’ ~ see Verbena ‘Silver Anne’ Quartz Series, mixed (H3) ~ awarded to the mixture sold as ‘Bunting’ (see page 8) rigida (H3) ~ reconfirmed after trial 2001 Sandy Series, mixed (G) (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture (see page 8); reconfirmed after trial 2001 ‘Silver Anne’ (G) (H3) ‘Sissinghurst’ (G) (H2-3) ‘Tenerife’ ~ see Verbena ‘Sissinghurst’ venosa ~ see Verbena rigida VERONICA (SCROPHULARIACEAE) austriaca var. dubia ~ see Veronica prostrata 93 H — subsp. teucrium ‘Crater Lake Blue’ (H4) 93 H — — ‘Royal Blue’ (H4) 93 H† cinerea (H4) 93 H gentianoides (H4) perfoliata ~ see Parahebe perfoliata 93 H† prostrata (H4) 97 H† — ‘Spode Blue’ (H4) rupestris ~ see Veronica prostrata 93 H ‘Shirley Blue’ (H4) VIBURNUM (CAPRIFOLIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T 93 T × bodnantense ‘Charles Lamont’ (H4) — ‘Dawn’ (H4) — ‘Deben’ (H4) × burkwoodii ‘Anne Russell’ (H4) — ‘Fulbrook’ (H4) — ‘Park Farm Hybrid’ (H4) × carlcephalum (H4) carlesii ‘Aurora’ (H4) cinnamomifolium (H3) davidii (H4) ~ male or several plants are required for the production of fruit farreri (H4) fragrans Bunge ~ see Viburnum farreri furcatum (H4) × hillieri ‘Winton’ (H4) × juddii (H4) mariesii ~ see Viburnum plicatum f. tomentosum ‘Mariesii’ opulus ‘Compactum’ (H4) — ‘Notcutt’s Variety’ (H4) — ‘Roseum’ (H4) — ‘Sterile’ ~ see Viburnum opulus ‘Roseum’ — ‘Xanthocarpum’ (H4) plicatum f. tomentosum Mariesii’ (H4) — — ‘Pink Beauty’ (H4) ‘Pragense’ (H4) sargentii ‘Onondaga’ (H4) tinus ‘Eve Price’ (H4) — ‘French White’ (H4) — ‘Gwenllian’ (H4) VINCA (APOCYNACEAE) VESTIA (SOLANACEAE) 93 T foetida (H1) ~ min. 2C lycioides ~ see Vestia foetida 02 H 93 H 02 H difformis (H3-4) major ‘Elegantissima’ ~ see Vinca major ‘Variegata’ (v) — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H4) minor f. alba (H4) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H — — ‘Gertrude Jekyll’ (H4) — ‘Argenteovariegata’ (v) (H4) — ‘Atropurpurea’ (H4) — ‘Azurea Flore Pleno’ (d) (H4) — ‘Bowles’ Blue’ ~ see Vinca minor ‘La Grave’ — ‘Bowles’ Variety’ ~ see Vinca minor ‘La Grave’ — ‘Caerulea Plena’ ~ see Vinca minor ‘Azurea Flore Pleno’ — ‘La Grave’ (H4) — ‘Purpurea’ ~ see Vinca minor ‘Atropurpurea’ — ‘Rubra’ ~ see Vinca minor ‘Atropurpurea’ — ‘Variegata’ ~ see Vinca minor ‘Argenteovariegata’ 93 H 93 P 99 P 99 P 99 P 02 H 99 P 02 P VIOLA (VIOLACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† 93 H† ‘Aspasia’ (Va) (H4) ‘Beshlie’ (Va) (H4) ‘Clementina’ (Va) (H4) cornuta (H4) — Alba Group (H4) — ‘Minor’ (H4) cucullata (H4) ‘Haslemere’ ~ see Viola ‘Nellie Britton’ 93 H ‘Huntercombe Purple’ (Va) (H4) 93 H ‘Inverurie Beauty’ (Va) (H4) 93 H† ‘Jackanapes’ (Va) (H4) 93 P Joker Series, mixed (P) (H4) ~ award applies only to the mixture (see page 8) 99 P ‘Juliette Blue, Pale Wings’ (H4) ~ small-flowered 93 H ‘Little David’ (Vtta) (H4) 93 H ‘Lorna’ (Va) (H4) 93 H ‘Maggie Mott’ (Va) (H4) 93 H ‘Martin’ (Va) (H4) 93 H† ‘Molly Sanderson’ (Va) (H4) 93 H ‘Moonlight’ (Va) (H4) 93 H ‘Nellie Britton’ (Va) (H4) 99 P obliqua ~ see Viola cucullata odorata ‘Wellsiana’ (Vt) (H4) Princess Series, mixed (H4) ~ award applies only to the mixture (see page 8) ‘Sorbet Blueberry Cream’ (Sorbet Series) (H4) ~ small-flowered ‘Sorbet Yellow Delight’ (Sorbet Series) (H4) ~ small-flowered ‘Sorbet Yellow Frost’ (Sorbet Series) (H4) ~ small-flowered sororia ‘Albiflora’ (H4) ‘Splendid Blue and Yellow’ (H4) ~ small-flowered Universal Plus Series, mixed (H4) ~ award applies only to the mixture (see page 8) ‘Velour Purple and White’ (Velour Series) (H4) ~ small-flowered VITIS (VITACEAE) 93 Cl ‘Brant’ (O/B) (H4) 93 Cl coignetiae (H4) henryana ~ see Parthenocissus henryana inconstans ~ see Parthenocissus tricuspidata quinquefolia ~ see Parthenocissus quinquefolia 93 Cl — ‘Purpurea’ (O/B) (H4) VRIESEA (BROMELIACEAE) 93 H 93 H 93 H 93 H 163 duvaliana (H1) ~ min. 15C fosteriana (H1) ~ min. 15C psittacina (H1) ~ min. 10C saundersii (H1) ~ min. 15C For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 164 93 H splendens (H1) ~ min. 15C 93 Cl WAHLENBERGIA (CAMPANULACEAE) pumilio ~ see Edraianthus pumilio 93 Cl WASHINGTONIA (ARECACEAE) 93 T filifera (H1) ~ min. 2C WEIGELA (CAPRIFOLIACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T 02 T florida ‘Foliis Purpureis’ (H4) ‘Florida Variegata’ (v) (H4) ‘Praecox Variegata’ (v) (H4) ‘Red Prince’ (H4) WEINGARTIA (CACTACEAE) 93 CS multispina (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS neocumingii (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS pilcomayensis (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 CS pulquinensis (H1) ~ min. 2-10C 93 Cl 93 Cl — ‘Macrobotrys’ ~ see Wisteria floribunda ‘Multijuga’ — ‘Multijuga’ (H4) — ‘Pink Ice’ ~ see Wisteria floribunda ‘Rosea’ — ‘Rosea’ (H4) — ‘Shiro-naga’ ~ see Wisteria floribunda ‘Alba’ — ‘Shiro-nagi’ ~ see Wisteria floribunda ‘Alba’ — ‘Shiro-noda’ ~ see Wisteria floribunda ‘Alba’ — ‘Snow Showers’ ~ see Wisteria floribunda ‘Alba’ multijuga ‘Alba’ ~ see Wisteria floribunda ‘Alba’ sinensis (H4) — ‘Alba’ (H4) WOODSIA (WOODSIACEAE) 97 F polystichoides (H4) WOODWARDIA (BLECHNACEAE) 93 F radicans (H3) ~ min. 2C XANTHOCERAS (SAPINDACEAE) WESTRINGIA (LAMIACEAE) 93 T fruticosa (H1) ~ min. 10C rosmariniformis ~ see Westringia fruticosa 93 T sorbifolium (H3-4) XANTHOPHTHALMUM (ASTERACEAE) segetum ‘Court Jester’ ~ see Ismelia carinata ‘Court Jesters Mixed’ WISTERIA (PAPILIONACEAE) 93 Cl floribunda ‘Alba’ (H4) — ‘Hon-beni’ ~ see Wisteria floribunda ‘Rosea’ — ‘Honey Bee Pink’ ~ see Wisteria floribunda ‘Rosea’ — ‘Honko’ ~ see Wisteria floribunda ‘Rosea’ — ‘Longissima’ ~ see Wisteria floribunda ‘Multijuga’ — ‘Longissima Alba’ ~ see Wisteria floribunda ‘Alba’ XEROCHRYSUM (ASTERACEAE) 93 A 02 A bracteatum ‘Bright Bikini’ (H3) — Chico Series, mixed (H3) ~ award applies only to the mixture (see page 8) YUCCA (AGAVACEAE) 93 T 93 T 93 T elephantipes (H1) ~ min. 2C filamentosa (H4) — ‘Bright Edge’ (v) (H3) For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 ORNAMENTAL PLANTS 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T 93 T — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H3) flaccida ‘Golden Sword’ (v) (H3) — ‘Ivory’ (H3-4) gloriosa (H4) — ‘Aureovariegata’ ~ see Yucca gloriosa ‘Variegata’ — ‘Variegata’ (v) (H4) guatemalensis ~ see Yucca elephantipes recurvifolia (H4) robusta ~ see Habranthus robustus ZINNIA (ASTERACEAE) 02 P 02 P 02 P 02 P ZANTEDESCHIA (ARACEAE) 93 B 97 B 93 B 93 B 93 B aethiopica (H3) — ‘Crowborough’ (H3) — ‘Green Goddess’ (H3) elliottiana (H1) ~ min. 2C rehmannii (H1) ~ min. 2C 02 P 02 P 02 P 02 P ZAUSCHNERIA (ONAGRACEAE) 02 P 93 T† californica ‘Dublin’ (H3) — ‘Glasnevin’ ~ see Zauschneria californica ‘Dublin’ 02 T — ‘Western Hills’ (H4) 02 P 02 P 02 P 02 P ZELKOVA (ULMACEAE) 93 T ‘Benary’s Giant Lilac’ (Benary’s Giants Series) (H1+3) ‘Dasher Orange’ (Dasher Series) (H1+3) ‘Dasher Pink’ (Dasher Series) (H1+3) ‘Dreamland Mixed’ (Dreamland Series) (H1+3) ‘Dreamland Rose’ (Dreamland Series) (H1+3) ‘Dreamland Scarlet’ (Dreamland Series) (H1+3) ‘Dreamland Yellow’ (Dreamland Series) (H1+3) ‘Oklahoma Mixed’ (Oklahoma Series) (H1+3) ‘Peter Pan Gold’ (Peter Pan Series) (H1+3) ‘Profusion Orange’ (PBR) (H1+3) ‘Profusion White’ (H1+3) ‘Short Stuff Orange’ (Short Stuff Series) (H1+3) ‘Starbright Orange’ (Starbright Series) (H1+3) serrata (H4) ZEPHYRANTHES (AMARYLLIDACEAE) 02 B 165 grandiflora (H2-3) For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D Fruit ALL FRUITS ARE best grown in sheltered sites, with protection from spring frosts and cold winds. Brief guidance is given below on suitability for different locations, rootstocks, pollination and storage. Location Most of the apple cultivars listed here succeed all over the country, including the north of England. Those which have been found to be particularly successful in higher-rainfall and colder areas are marked with an asterisk; this is also used to highlight other fruits that have been found to be successful in northern regions. Pears crop best in sheltered warm situations; in the more exposed areas and northern counties, some pears will benefit from the protection of walls. Plums are susceptible to spring frosts and also need warm summers to ripen fully. Only early ripening plums can be relied upon in the shorter season of northern counties. Currants, gooseberries, raspberries and berry fruits are generally satisfactory in most parts of the country, but cold winds at flowering time can be a problem. Strawberries can be grown all over the country, but will need some protection in exposed sites and from spring frosts. Blueberries are hardy plants but require light, well-drained, moisture-retentive, acid soil (pH 4.05.5). Nectarines, peaches, apricots and figs can crop satisfactorily in sheltered, warm situations in southern England. In northerly areas they will need protection such as a south-facing wall, or to be grown under glass or in polytunnels. Pollination Most tree fruits need to be pollinated by another tree of the same kind growing reasonably close by, which flowers at approximately the same time. Apples and pears listed as triploid (†) are poor pollinators and require a normal (i.e. diploid) pollinator to set fruit. Gardeners should be aware that this diploid pollinator will not itself set fruit unless pollinated by another diploid tree. Many Malus species and crab apples, such as ‘Golden Hornet’ and ‘Evereste’, are also a good source of pollen for dessert and culinary apples. A number of the plums listed are selffertile or partly self-fertile and will produce crops without a pollinator, but a pollinator is needed for all other plums. Cherries listed as self-fertile will crop without a pollinator, but otherwise cherries need a pollinator. Peach, nectarine and apricot cultivars listed are self-fertile, as are the soft fruits, except that blueberries may need a pollinator. Rootstocks All tree fruits are grafted onto rootstocks of varying vigour. Choice of rootstock will determine the ultimate size of the tree and hence needs to be borne in mind when selecting new trees for the garden. For example, apple trees on ‘M9’ rootstock are suitable for small gardens, while those on ‘M25’ will produce large, standard trees. The size of the tree will also be determined by the vigour of the cultivar. It is often advisable to obtain a very vigorous FRUIT cultivar, for example ‘Bramley’s Seedling’, on a more dwarfing stock. Apples are available on ‘M27’ (very dwarfing), ‘M9’ (dwarfing), ‘M26’ (semidwarfing), ‘MM 106’ (semi-vigorous), and ‘M25’ (vigorous) rootstocks. Pears are available on ‘Quince C’ (dwarfing), ‘Quince A’ (semi-vigorous), ‘BA 29’ (semi-vigorous) and seedling pear (vigorous) rootstocks. Some pear cultivars are incompatible with a quince rootstock and these are sold with a pear interstock (usually ‘Beurré Hardy’). Plums are available on ‘Pixy’ (semidwarfing) and ‘Saint Julien A’ (semivigorous) rootstocks; cherries on ‘Tabel’ (very dwarfing), ‘Gisela 5’ (dwarfing), and ‘Colt’ (semivigorous). Peaches, nectarines and apricots are available on ‘Saint Julien 167 A’ (semi-vigorous) and ‘Pixy’ (semidwarfing). Apricots are also available on ‘Torimol’ (semi-vigorous). Storage Early apples and pears will not store, but many more of the apple and pear cultivars listed will store to Christmas and some to the Spring. This calls for good storage conditions, i.e. a cool, dark, frost-free place that is not subject to fluctuating temperatures. Often this can be achieved in sheds and garages, but in general centrally heated houses are not suitable for long-term storage. 168 AGM PLANTS 2007 APPLE (Malus domestica) 98 ‘Alkmene’ (D) (H4) ~ aromatic, Cox-like flavour. Good, regular crops; some resistance to scab and mildew. Season: late Sept.– late Oct. 93 ‘Charles Ross’ (C/D) (H4)* ~ quite rich flavour; needs no sugar when cooked. Handsome exhibition fruit. Good, regular crops; hardy tree; some resistance to scab. Season: Oct.–Dec. 93 ‘Arthur Turner’ (C) (H4) ~ flavoursome cooker. Large, golden exhibition fruit. Good, regular crops; prone to mildew; some resistance to scab. Striking, deep pink blossom, for which AM 1945. Season: Sept.– Nov. 93 ‘Claygate Pearmain’ (D) (H4)* ~ rich and nutty flavour. Good, regular crops, but can be poorly coloured. Season: Dec.–Feb. 93 ‘Ashmead’s Kernel’ (D) (H4) ~ intense, fruit-drop flavour. Cropping erratic; prone to bitter pit. Season: Dec.–Feb. 93 ‘Belle de Boskoop’ (C/D) (H4)*‡ ~ needs little or no extra sugar when cooked; mellows to brisk eating apple. Good, regular crops; very vigorous tree. Season: Oct.–Apr.; keeps well 93 ‘Blenheim Orange’ (C/D) (H4)*‡ ~ characteristic nutty flavour. Use early for cooking. Some resistance to mildew; very vigorous tree; partial tip-bearer; light crops. Season (C): from late Sept. (D): Oct.–Dec./Jan. 93 ‘Bramley’s Seedling’ (C) (H4)*‡ ~ cooks to very sharp, savoury purée; retains acidity to spring. Heavy crops; prone to bitter pit and scab; partial tip bearer; can bear fruit parthenocarpically; tendency to be biennial if over-cropped; blossom susceptible to frost. Very vigorous tree. Season: Nov.–Mar.; stores well 98 Delbarestivale ‘Delcorf’ (D) (H4) ~ bright, attractive fruit; sweet, honeyed taste. Heavy, regular crops. Season: Sept.–Oct. 93 ‘Discovery’ (D) (H4)* ~ bright red, crisp, juicy; keeps longer than most earlies. Ornamental tree. Good, regular crops; partial tip bearer; good resistance to scab and mildew. Season: mid Aug.–Sept. 93 ‘Dummellor’s Seedling’ (C) (H4) ~ previously listed as apple ‘Dumelow’s Seedling’. Cooks to wellflavoured, juicy purée; retains acidity to spring. Good, regular crops, but fruit can be small for a cooker. Season: Nov.–Apr. 93 ‘Edward VII’ (C) (H4)* ~ cooks to well-flavoured purée, not as acidic as ‘Bramley’s Seedling’. Large, regular, exhibition fruit. Deep pink blossom; flowers very late so escapes frosts; needs late-flowering pollinator. Good, regular crops; resistant to scab; some resistance to mildew. Season: Dec.–Apr. 93 ‘Egremont Russet’ (D) (H4)* ~ characteristic nutty flavour. Good, regular crops; fruit resistant to scab, For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 FRUIT but prone to leaf scab; very prone to bitter pit and woolly aphids. Season: Oct.–Dec. 93 ‘Ellison’s Orange’ (D) (H4) ~ rich, aniseed flavour. Good, regular crops; some resistance to scab, but susceptible to canker. Season: late Sept.–late Oct. 93 ‘Elstar’ (D) (H4) ~ intense flavour, honeyed, crisp. Heavy regular crops. Season: late Oct.–Dec. 93 ‘Emneth Early’ (C) (H4)* ~ codlin type, cooking to fluffy purée; needs hardly any sugar. Heavy but biennial crops; needs thinning for size. Some resistance to scab and mildew. Season: Aug.–Sept. 93 ‘Falstaff’ (PBR) (D) (H4) ~ attractive, crisp fruit. Heavy, regular crops; frost-resistant blossom; some resistance to scab. Good pollinator. Can show poor fruit colour; ‘Red Falstaff’ is more highly coloured clone. Season: Oct.–Dec. 93 ‘Fiesta’ (PBR) (D) (H4) ~ aromatic, Cox-like flavour. Heavy, regular crops; frost-resistant blossom; less prone to disease than Cox, but can be susceptible to scab and develop canker in some sites. Season: Oct.–Dec./Jan. 93 ‘George Neal’ (C/D) (H4) ~ brisk eating apple; sweet, delicate taste when cooked. Striking, deep pink blossom. Good, regular crops. Season: late Aug.–Sept. 169 93 ‘Golden Delicious’ (D) (H4) ~ honeyed, very sweet when well ripened. Heavy, regular crops; prone to scab. Good pollinator for other trees; stores well. Season: Nov.–Feb. 93 ‘Golden Noble’ (C) (H4) ~ cooks to a well-flavoured purée, not as acidic as ‘Bramley’s Seedling’. Attractive blossom. Good, regular crops; partial tip bearer; some scab and mildew resistance. Season: Oct.– Dec. and longer 93 ‘Greensleeves’ (PBR) (D) (H4) ~ crisp, brisk, becoming sweeter. Very precocious and heavy, regular crops; needs thinning for good fruit size. Blossom has some frost resistance. Can be susceptible to scab. Season: late Sept.–Oct.; short season once picked 93 ‘Grenadier’ (C) (H4)* ~ cooks to sharp purée. Heavy, regular crops; good disease resistance. Season: Aug.–Sept. 93 ‘Idared’ (D) (H4) ~ crisp apple, with moderate flavour; keeps very well. Good, regular crops; prone to canker, scab; very prone to mildew. Season: Nov.–Mar. 93 ‘James Grieve’ (C/D) (H4)* ~ savoury, crisp to melting flesh; when cooked keeps shape, with juicy, delicate flavour. Good, regular crops; fruit bruises easily. Prone to scab, canker; resistant to mildew; requires well-drained soil. Season: Sept.–Oct. and longer For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 170 AGM PLANTS 2007 93 ‘Jonagold’ (D) (H4)‡ ~ attractive, crisp, honeyed taste; large fruit. Heavy, regular crops; prone to canker. Fruit can be poorly coloured, but many more colourful sports exist. Vigorous. Season: Nov.–Jan./ Feb.; stores well 93 ‘Jupiter’ (PBR) (D) (H4)*‡ ~ Cox-like flavour, but sharper. Heavy crops, but biennial if allowed to over-crop; fruit can be irregular shape and heavily russetted. Vigorous. Season: late Oct.–Jan. 93 ‘Kidd’s Orange Red’ (D) (H4) ~ very attractive; rich aromatic, perfumed taste. Good, regular crops; fruit prone to coarse russet. Season: Nov.–Jan. 93 ‘King of the Pippins’ (C/D) (H4)* ~ well ripened, good flavour. Cooked, keeps shape, flavoursome; suited to open tarts, etc. Heavy, regular crops; upright habit; good resistance to disease; keeps well. Season: Oct.– Dec.; can store to Feb. 93 ‘King Russet’ (D) (H4) ~ russetted form of ‘King of the Pippins’. Improved eating quality; good distinct ‘russet’ flavour. Not as heavy cropping. Season: Oct.–Dec. 93 ‘Lane’s Prince Albert’ (C) (H4)* ~ cooks to brisk purée, not as acidic as ‘Bramley’s Seedling’. Large fruit. Good, regular crops; fruit easily bruised. Hardy; makes neat small tree. Resistant to scab; very prone to mildew; prone to canker on all but very well-drained soils. Season: Nov.–Mar.; stores well 93 ‘Laxton’s Epicure’ (D) (H4)* ~ delicate, aromatic, Cox-like flavour. Heavy, regular crops; needs thinning for size; prone to bitter pit, canker. Season: late Aug.–Sept. Awarded as ‘Epicure’ 93 ‘Laxton’s Fortune’ (D) (H4) ~ sweet, lightly aromatic flavour; needs to colour well for good quality. Good crops, but tendency to be biennial. Fruit bruises easily, can be poorly coloured. Prone to canker, good resistance to scab. Season: Sept.–Oct. Awarded as ‘Fortune’ 93 ‘Lord Lambourne’ (D) (H4)* ~ sweet, juicy, attractive flavour. Skin can become greasy when stored. Good, regular crops. Partial tip bearer; resistant to mildew. Season: late Sept.–Nov. 93 ‘Merton Charm’ (D) (H4) ~ sweet, crisp to firm flesh, lightly aromatic. Crops heavy, but fruit small unless thinned; can be poorly coloured. Semi-weeping habit. Season: late Sept.–Oct. 93 ‘Mother’ (D) (H4)* ~ sweet, perfumed, distinctive flavour. Crops can be erratic, light; good resistance to scab and mildew. Season: Oct .–Dec. 93 ‘Newton Wonder’ (D/C) (H4)*‡ ~ cooks to juicy, brisk, well-flavoured purée, but with much less acidity than ‘Bramley’s Seedling’. Matures to brisk eater. Heavy crops but strongly biennial; prone to bitter pit. Vigorous tree. Season: Nov.–Mar. and longer For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 FRUIT 93 ‘Peasgood’s Nonsuch’ (C/D) (H4) ~ cooks to sweet, delicately flavoured purée; needs no or little extra sugar. Exhibition apple with large, handsome regular shape. Good, regular crops; resistance to mildew and red spider; moderate resistance to scab. Season: late Sept.–Dec. 93 ‘Pixie’ (D) (H4)* ~ intensely aromatic, Cox-like flavour, but sharper and firmer-fleshed. Good to heavy crops, but small fruit unless thinned. Season: Dec.–Mar. 93 ‘Ribston Pippin’ (D) (H4)‡ ~ intense, rich, aromatic flavour; more acidity and more robust than Cox. Good, regular crops; resistant to scab; prone to mildew and canker. Season: Oct.–Jan. 93 ‘Rosemary Russet’ (D) (H4) ~ sweet-sharp acid-drop taste, resembling ‘Ashmead’s Kernel’. Crops good, regular; vigorous tree with upright habit. Season: Nov./ Dec.–Mar. 93 ‘Royal Gala’ (D) (H4) ~ more highly coloured form of ‘Gala’. Sweet, quite honeyed flavour. Heavy, regular crops; fruit can be small. Prone to scab. Season: Oct.– Jan.; stores well 93 ‘Saint Edmund’s Pippin’ (D) (H4)* ~ very attractive; richly flavoured when fully ripe. Good, regular crops; fruit bruises easily. Prone to mildew. Season: late Sept.–Oct. 171 small fruit. Resistant to scab; prone to mildew and canker. Season: Oct.– Dec. 93 ‘Suntan’ (D) (H4)‡ ~ intensely flavoured, aromatic, but can be over-sharp; needs keeping to Dec. to mellow. Good, regular crops; prone to bitter pit, canker. Lateflowering. Season: Nov./Dec.–Feb. 93 ‘Warner’s King’ (C) (H4)‡ ~ cooks to well-flavoured purée; not as acidic as ‘Bramley’s Seedling’. Attractive, deep pink blossom. Heavy, regular crops; fruit can be very large. Prone to bitter pit. Vigorous. Season: late Sept.–Dec. 93 ‘Winston’ (D) (H4)* ~ aromatic and rich. Good, regular crops; fruit can be rather small; good disease resistance. Season: Dec.–Apr.; keeps very well 93 ‘Worcester Pearmain’ (D) (H4) ~ intense strawberry flavour when well-ripened and scarlet. Tip bearer; heavy, regular crops. Resistant to mildew; some susceptibility to canker. Season: late Sept.–Oct. APRICOT (Prunus armeniaca) 98 ‘Moorpark’ (D/C) (H3) ~ good quality fruit. Can crop well in southern England in sheltered site. Blossoms very early. Prone to dieback disease. Season: late July–early Aug. ‘Early Moorpark’ often sold under this name 93 ‘Sunset’ (D) (H4) ~ aromatic, like small early Cox, but sharper. Heavy, regular crops, but For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 172 AGM PLANTS 2007 BLACKBERRY (Rubus ssp.) *Season extends from late July to early Sept. 93 ‘Fantasia’ (D/C) (PBR) (H4) ~ good size; well-flavoured fruit when fully ripe. Excellent for pies, tarts etc. Very heavy crops; very vigorous 93 ‘Loch Ness’ (D/C) (PBR) (H4) ~ large, well-flavoured berries. Thornless; heavy cropping; moderate vigour; hardy. Good resistance to purple blotch and botrytis, but prone to downy mildew 94 ‘Silvan’ (D/C) (H4) ~ attractive large, well-flavoured fruit. Early ripening. Very vigorous; thorny BLACKCURRANT (Ribes nigrum) *Season extends from early July to mid Aug. 95 ‘Ben Connan’ (C) (PBR) (H4) ~ large fruit; medium long strigs. Heavy crops; compact habit. Good resistance to mildew, leaf-curling midge. Season: early late; good for frost-prone sites; partly self-fertile. Season: early 03 ‘Spartan’ (D) (H4) ~ excellent flavour; medium-sized fruit. Quite good crops; not selffertile. Vigorous; upright habit. Good autumn colour. Season: early– mid CHERRY, MORELLO (Prunus cerasus) 93 ‘Morello’ (C) (H4) ~ dark red, acid cherry; excellent for preserves, tarts, etc. Regular, good crops; very attractive in blossom; self-fertile. Crops on north-facing site. Season: late July–early Aug. CHERRY, SWEET (Prunus avium) 03 ‘Colney’ (D) (H4) ~ late, regular cropper. Excellent flavour; not self-fertile. Season: late July–early Aug. 93 ‘Ben Lomond’ (C) (PBR) (H4) ~ large fruit, good flavour. Heavy crops. Some resistance to frost. Season: mid 04 ‘Hertford’ (D) (H4) ~ late/mid season. Large black fruit with pink-red flesh; excellent flavour. Very heavy crops. Some resistance to bacterial canker. Upright, spreading habit. Not selffertile 93 ‘Ben Sarek’ (C) (PBR) (H4) ~ large fruit. Heavy crops; compact plant. Resistant to frost, mildew and leaf-curling midge. Season: early/ mid 95 ‘Merchant’ (D) (H4) ~ early black cherry; well-flavoured. Regular crops. Pollination: universal donor, but not self-fertile. Season: early July BLUEBERRY (Vaccinium corymbosum) *Blueberries begin to ripen in mid July and continue to late Aug. 03 ‘Duke’ (D) (H4) ~ good flavour, medium to large fruit. Crops well; easy to grow. Flowers 93 ‘Stella’ (H4) ~ black cherry; large, rich, high quality. Heavy, regular crops; selffertile. Prone to splitting in wet weather. Season: late July For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 FRUIT 04 ‘Summer Sun’ (D) (H4) ~ late (July). Produces firm, wellflavoured, red to black fruit. Very good crops. Some resistance to bacterial canker. Attractive, upright, spreading habit; moderate vigour. Not self-fertile DAMSON (Prunus insititia) 00 ‘Farleigh Damson’ (C) (H4) ~ excellent flavour. Regular, heavy crops. Blossom shows some resistance to frost. Season: late Aug. 98 ‘Prune Damson’ (C) (H4) ~ larger fruits than ‘Farleigh Damson’, but typical damson flavour. Regular, good crops. Season: late Aug. FIG (Ficus carica) 93 ‘Brown Turkey’ (D) (H3) ~ fruits regularly in the open in southern England and in many parts of the Midlands and East Anglia in a warm position. For good crop, root restriction advisable. Season: mid Aug.–mid Sept., depending on site GOOSEBERRY (Ribes uva-crispa) *Season extends from early June to mid Aug. For culinary use, pick from early June. For ripe fruit pick from about early July 93 ‘Careless’ (C/D) (H4) ~ green fruit. Reliable, good crops. Good for tarts, jam, etc. Prone to mildew. Season: mid 94 ‘Greenfinch’ (C/D) (H4) ~ green fruit; compact bush. Some resistance to mildew and leaf spot. Season: mid; similar to ‘Careless’ 93 ‘Invicta’ (C/D) (H4) ~ green fruit; quite good flavour. Heavy crops; very vigorous; 173 spreading habit; large thorns. Some resistance to mildew. Young shoots can be damaged on exposed site. Season: mid; slightly earlier than ‘Careless’ 93 ‘Leveller’ (C/D) (H4) ~ large, yellow fruit; good dessert quality. Season: mid to late 93 ‘Whinham’s Industry’ (C/D) (H4) ~ red fruit; quite good dessert quality. Heavy, reliable crops. Very susceptible to mildew. Season: mid GRAPE (Vitis) 04 ‘Boskoop Glory’ (D) (H4) ~ black grape. Good outdoor vine for the amateur, both dessert and wine; crops reliably; disease-resistant. Moderately good flavour, but better than many shop-bought grapes. Awarded as ‘Gloire de Boskoop’ 04 ‘New York Muscat’ (D) (H4) ~ black grape. A good dessert Muscat with blackcurrant flavour. Diseaseresistant. Best when grown on a warm site or wall LOGANBERRY (Rubus × loganobaccus) 93 ‘Ly 59’ (C) (H4) ~ large, dark fruit; typical loganberry taste. Season: July 93 ‘Ly 654’ (C) (H4) ~ large, dark fruit; distinctive flavour; good crops. Thornless. Season: July NECTARINE (Prunus persica var. nectarina) 98 ‘Early Rivers’ (D) (H3) ~ good flavour. Season: mid July 98 ‘Lord Napier’ (D) (H3) ~ good flavour. Season: early Aug. For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 174 AGM PLANTS 2007 PEACH (Prunus persica) 98 ‘Duke of York’ (D) (H3) ~ white-fleshed; good quality and flavour. Needs protection to crop and grow well. Season: mid–late July 98 ‘Peregrine’ (D) (H3) ~ white-fleshed; good quality and flavour. Crops in open in southern England, but best protected. Season: mid Aug.–early Sept. Season: Dec.–Mar./Apr.; keeps very well 93 ‘Concorde’ (PBR) (D) (H4) ~ sweet, buttery, fragrant flavour, similar to ‘Conference’, but superior. Heavy, regular crops; frost-tolerant blossom. Young trees very precocious. Season: late Oct./Nov.– Dec. 98 ‘Rochester’ (D) (H3) ~ yellow-fleshed; reasonable flavour and quality. Grows well with some protection; can be grown in open in south. Season: mid Aug. 93 ‘Conference’ (D) (H4)* ~ sweet, buttery, quite rich taste. Heavy, regular crops. Can produce fruits without pollinators, but resulting fruits often misshapen. Season: Oct.–Nov./Dec. PEAR (Pyrus communis) 93 ‘Beth’ (D) (H4) ~ attractive; good quality and flavour. Small fruit. Heavy, regular crops. Season: mid/late Aug.–early Sept.; short season once picked 93 ‘Doyenné du Comice’ (D) (H4) ~ very rich flavour; very juicy, buttery, perfumed. Excellent quality, but moderate crops, although older trees more regular. Vigorous tree; prone to scab. Season: Nov.–Dec. 93 ‘Beurré Hardy’ (D) (H4)* ~ very melting and fragrant with rosewater perfume. Good, regular crops. Very hardy, vigorous tree; slow to bear; resistant to scab. Season: Nov.– Dec. 06 ‘Gorham’ (D) (H4) ~ a beautiful green pear with a good covering of russet. Has an excellent flavour; a good reliable cropper and readily available to the amateur gardener. Late 06 ‘Beurré Superfin’ (D) (H4) ~ an excellent September-cropping cultivar for the amateur gardener, with a lovely cinnamon-russet colour and an exquisite flavour. Gives a good, consistent yield and is not over vigorous. Mid-season 93 ‘Joséphine de Malines’ (D) (H4) ~ very rich, buttery and perfumed. Crops good, reliable, but needs warm site. Fruit easily bruised. Tipbearer; resistant to scab. Season: Nov.–Dec./Jan. 93 ‘Catillac’ (C) (H4)‡ ~ large fruit, but culinary only; with long, slow cooking, slices soften and turn red. Large attractive blossom. Good, regular crops. Vigorous tree. 03 ‘Louise Bonne of Jersey’ (D) (H4) ~ richly flavoured, buttery and juicy. Good, regular crops. Hardy tree; blossom shows some resistance to frost; susceptible to scab. Season: Oct.–Nov. For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 FRUIT 93 ‘Onward’ (D) (H4) ~ sweet, rich, buttery, somewhat like an early Comice. Good, regular crops. Prone to scab. Season: Sept.– early Oct.; short season 93 ‘Pitmaston Duchess’ (C/D) (H4)‡ ~ quite sugary and melting; sweet delicate flavour when cooked. Large, handsome exhibition fruit. Attractive blossom. Vigorous tree; susceptible to scab. Season: late Sept.–Oct.; short season 93 ‘Williams’ Bon Chrétien’ (D) (H4)* ~ sweet, melting, juicy flesh with distinctive musky flavour. Good, regular crops; good disease resistance, but susceptible to scab. Season: late Aug.–Sept.; picking right time is essential–usually mid/late Aug. PLUM (Prunus domestica) 00 ‘Blue Rock’ (C/D) (H4) ~ quite well-flavoured blue plum. Regular, good crops; not self-fertile. Neat tree. Season: mid Aug. 95 ‘Blue Tit’ (C/D) (H4) ~ pleasant flavour; blue plum. Regular, good crops. Self-fertile. Season: mid Aug. 98 ‘Cambridge Gage’ (D) (H4) ~ honey, sweet, excellent greengage quality, but more reliable than most greengages. Reasonably regular crops in favourable situations. Partly selffertile. Season: mid Aug. 93 ‘Czar’ (C/D) (H4) ~ well-flavoured; early blue plum; use for jam but also moderate eating 175 quality. Heavy, regular crops. Selffertile. Season: mid Aug. 93 ‘Early Laxton’ (C/D) (H4) ~ red, early plum; good for jam and reasonable eating quality. Heavy, regular crops. Not self-fertile. Season: late July–early Aug. 94 ‘Edwards’ (C/D) (H4) ~ handsome, large, exhibition plum; light crops; prone to blossom wilt. Season: late Aug. to early Sept. 93 ‘Imperial Gage’ (C/D) (H4) ~ gage quality but not as rich as ‘Cambridge Gage’. Regular crops. Partly self-fertile. Season: mid Aug. 94 ‘Jefferson’ (D) (H4) ~ yellow flushed with red; rich, gage quality. Moderate, regular crops. Not self-fertile. Season: mid to late Aug. 95 ‘Laxton’s Delight’ (D) (H4) ~ large, yellow, attractive plum; good rich flavour. Good, regular crops. Partly self-fertile. Season: mid to late Aug. 00 ‘Mallard’ (D) (H4) ~ medium-sized, red plum; quite good flavour. Good, regular crops. Moderate vigour; not self-fertile. Season: mid–late Aug. 93 ‘Marjorie’s Seedling’ (C) (H4) ~ late, blue plum. Good for jam. Reliable good crops; vigorous, upright habit. Self-fertile. Season: late Sept.–early Oct. 95 ‘Opal’ (D) (H4) ~ small, purple plum; good flavour. Reliable, heavy crops; needs For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 176 AGM PLANTS 2007 thinning. Partly self-fertile. Blossom buds very prone to bird damage. Season: early–mid Aug. 93 ‘Oullins Gage’ (D) (H4) ~ large, yellow flushed with pink. Not typical gage quality, but quite rich. Heavy, regular crops. Partly selffertile. Season: mid Aug. 93 ‘Pershore’ (C) (H4) ~ large, yellow plum. Bottling favourite. Heavy, regular crops. Selffertile. Season: mid Aug. flavour; large fruit. Good crops. Resistant to aphid vectors of virus disease and phytophthora root rot. Season: crops late July to early Oct. 00 ‘Glen Ample’ (PBR) (D) (H4) ~ large fruit, excellent flavour. Recommended for freezing. Heavy crops; spine-free canes. Resistant to main aphid vector of virus disease; some tolerance to phytophthora root rot; some susceptibility to leaf and bud mite. Season: mid 95 ‘Reeves’ (D) (H4) ~ very attractive, yellow-orange to pinky red plum; good, rich dessert quality. Not self-fertile. Mainly light crops, occasionally heavy. Needs warm site. Season: mid–late Aug. 93 ‘Glen Moy’ (PBR) (D) (H4) ~ medium-sized fruit, good flavour. Heavy crops; moderate vigour; spine-free canes. Resistant to main aphid vector of virus disease; susceptible to midge blight and phytophthora root rot. Season: early 93 ‘Sanctus Hubertus’ (D) (H4) ~ large, blue plum; the largest of the earlies. Good, regular crops. Not selffertile. Season: early Aug. 93 ‘Glen Prosen’ (PBR) (D) (H4) ~ medium-sized, firm fruit. Moderate vigour; good crops; suited to wet regions. Season: mid 95 ‘Valor’ (C/D) (H4) ~ blue, medium-sized plum. Good quality. Moderately good, regular crops. Not self-fertile. Season: late Aug. 93 ‘Leo’ (PBR) (D) (H4) ~ large, firm fruit; excellent flavour. Good crops. Very long laterals. Season: late 93 ‘Victoria’ (C/D) (H4) ~ red plum; reasonable to good eating quality; excellent for bottling, jam and tarts. Heavy, regular crops. Selffertile. Season: mid to late Aug. RASPBERRY (Rubus idaeus) *Raspberries crop from late June–early Aug. Autumn primocanes from late July–early Oct. 93 ‘Autumn Bliss’ (PBR) (D) (H4) ~ primocane-fruiting (fruiting on current season’s canes). Excellent 93 ‘Malling Admiral’ (D) (H4) ~ good quality; medium to large, attractive fruit. Consistent, moderate to good crops; tall canes; withstands wet conditions, but laterals easily damaged in exposed sites. Good disease resistance. Season: mid to late 93 ‘Malling Jewel’ (D) (H4) ~ good flavour and crops. Season: early to mid For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 FRUIT 177 REDCURRANT (Ribes rubrum) *Redcurrants crop from mid July to early Sept. 93 ‘Jonkheer van Tets’ (C) (H4) ~ large, handsome fruit; long strigs. Heavy crops. Season: early 94 ‘Hapil’ (D) (H4) ~ large glossy berries; good flavour. Heavy crops; vigorous. Susceptible to verticillium wilt. Season: early/mid. Reconfirmed after trial 2004 93 ‘Red Lake’ (C) (H4) ~ good quality medium to large fruit; cropping on long trusses. Prone to wind damage in exposed sites; in summer prune early. Season: mid to late 93 ‘Honeoye’ (D) (H4) ~ excellent flavour. Heavy crops; susceptible to verticillium wilt. Season: early. Reconfirmed after trial 2004 93 ‘Stanza’ (C) (H4) ~ medium-sized fruit; good quality. Compact habit; heavy crops. Season: mid to late STRAWBERRY (Fragaria × ananassa) *In an early season, strawberries begin to crop mid June; in a late season, mid to late June 93 ‘Aromel’ (D) (H4) ~ everbearer. Good flavour; crops over long period, but can be erratic. Few runners produced. Season: July–Oct. (only few berries per plant at any time) 06 ‘Alice’ (PBR) (D) (H4) ~ a good consistent cropper, with a high percentage of mid to large, bright orange-red, sweet, juicy fruit. Scored well in taste tests and performed well at different geographical locations (Stafford, Kent, Dundee) in HDC trials. Has good resistance to verticillium wilt; very useful to home gardener. Mid to late season 93 ‘Cambridge Favourite’ (D) (H4) ~ good flavour; medium size, but rather soft berries. Moderate crops; excellent resistance to disease. Good runner production. Season: mid 94 ‘Pegasus’ (PBR) (D) (H4) ~ good flavour; quite soft flesh. Good disease resistance; tolerance to verticillium wilt. Season: mid. Reconfirmed after trial 2004, 2006 94 ‘Rhapsody’ (D) (H4) ~ good flavour; medium to large berries. Resistant red core; some resistance to verticillium wilt and mildew. Season: late. Reconfirmed after trial 2006 95 ‘Symphony’ (PBR) (D) (H4) ~ good flavour; bright, firm berries. Vigorous; good resistance to red core; susceptible to mildew. Good runner production. Season: mid to late. Reconfirmed after trial 2006 TAYBERRY (Rubus Tayberry Group) 93 Tayberry Group (H4) ~ distinctive flavour. Larger fruit; heavier crops than loganberry. Excellent for cooking, freezing, jam. etc. Season: July WHITECURRANT (Ribes rubrum) 93 ‘White Grape’ (D/C) (H4) ~ attractive, translucent berries; good flavour. Season: mid July For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D Vegetables ASPARAGUS (Asparagus officinalis) 01 ‘Backlim’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; consistently high yield of large spears 95 ‘Vernal’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. Long, bulbous, shiny fruit 93 ‘Connover’s Colossal’ (H4) ~ AGM awarded to Sore’s maintenance only. Early; heavy yield of good quality spears. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 Broad bean, November or spring sown (Vicia faba) 93 ‘Aquadulce Claudia’ (H4) ~ not too tall; a good compact plant. An early crop when spring sown. Reconfirmed after trial 1999 01 ‘Gijnlim’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Consistently high yield of mid-green spears with purple tips 93 ‘Lucullus’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; later cropping. Good yield of medium-sized spears AUBERGINE (Solanum melongena) 95 ‘Adona’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. High yield of large shiny purple fruit 95 ‘Bonica’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. Very large, bulbous, shiny purple fruit. Excellent cropper 93 ‘Galine’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. Very large, round, shiny fruit 95 ‘Mohican’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. Compact habit with bulbous white shiny fruit 93 ‘Rima’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. High yield of large, typically bulbous, shiny purple fruit BEANS Broad bean, November sown (Vicia faba) 95 ‘Aquadulce’ (H4) ~ dark green foliage, showing some variability. Long pods; the highest yielding in the trial 95 ‘Aquadulce Loretta’ (H4) ~ uniform plants with long pods Broad bean, spring sown (Vicia faba) 93 ‘Express’ (H3-4) ~ quick maturing, with well-filled pods 93 ‘Imperial Green Longpod’ (H3-4) ~ good green colour and flavour; particularly good for freezing. Reconfirmed after trial 1999 99 ‘Jubilee Hysor’ (H3-4) ~ good yield; uniform, well-filled pods 99 ‘Masterpiece Green Longpod’ (H3-4) ~ slender, well-filled pods; good green colour and flavour; suitable for freezing 99 ‘Medes’ (H3-4) ~ high yield of uniform, good-sized pods For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 179 93 ‘Meteor’ (H3-4) ~ an early crop with well-filled, even pods; good flavour. Reconfirmed after trial 1999 00 ‘Emerite’ (round) (H3) ~ a medium to high yield of uniform, medium to long, slightly curved, fleshy, attractive beans 93 ‘The Sutton’ (H3-4) ~ dwarf compact plants, with nice flavour; ideal for smaller gardens and windy situations. Reconfirmed after trial 1999 93 ‘Eva’ (round) (H3) ~ very early. Long straight fleshy pods, wider-podded than other round varieties. Reconfirmed after trial 2000 95 ‘Topic’ (H3-4) ~ early maturing; good yield. Reconfirmed after trial 1999 93 ‘Hunter’ (flat) (H3) ~ attractive long stringless pods. Slow to show seed development. Reconfirmed after trial 2000 93 ‘Witkiem Major’ (H3-4) ~ a good early yield, with uniform pods; plants not too tall. Reconfirmed after trial 1999 00 ‘Kingston Gold’ (flat) (H3) ~ attractive smooth, yellow pod; uniform, slow-maturing, greenpodded beans 99 ‘Witkiem Manita’ (H3-4) ~ a good early yield, with uniform pods 93 ‘Kwintus’ (flat) (H3) ~ high yield with long stringless pods 93 ‘Witkiem Vroma’ (H3-4) ~ early cropping with medium-length, well-filled pods 93 ‘Musica’ (flat) (H3) ~ quick to mature, with long stringless pods Climbing French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) 93 ‘Algarve’ (flat) (H3) ~ high yield; uniform mid-green stringless pods. Reconfirmed after trial 2000 00 ‘Sultana’ (round) (H3) ~ early, attractive French bean type. Medium to high yield of very uniform, medium to long, midgreen, reasonably fleshy beans. Does not seed too quickly 00 ‘Cobra’ (PBR) (round) (H3) ~ very high early yield; long, fleshy; very attractive 93 ‘Cunera’ (round) (H3) ~ mid-green stringless pods 93 ‘Diamant’ (round) (H3) ~ stringless pods Dwarf French bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) 93 ‘Annabel’ (H3) ~ slightly curved green pods, held high in the plant; upright habit. Reconfirmed after trial 1996 96 ‘Artigo’ (H3) ~ strong-growing with high yield of large long green pods For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 180 AGM PLANTS 2007 02 ‘Berggold’ (wax podded) (H3) ~ attractive, clear golden, medium to long beans with slightly curved and flattened pods 01 ‘Maradonna’ (H3) ~ medium to short, mid-green, flattish pods 01 ‘Cantare’ (PBR) (H3) ~ medium length, fleshy, good taste 01 ‘Marona’ (H3) ~ late; medium length, dark green, fat pods; good potential yield 93 ‘Cropper Teepee’ (H3) ~ upright habit. Mid-green large pods, held high in the plant. Reconfirmed after trial 1996 01 ‘Nomad’ (H3) ~ medium to short, fairly pale, uniform, straight, slightly flattened pods. High yield 93 ‘Delinel’ (H3) ~ strong-growing with long, dark green pods. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 02 ‘Orinoco’ (wax podded) (H3) ~ medium yield of medium to long, rounded, straight, slim, greenishyellow pods 96 ‘Ferrari’ (H3) ~ high yield; compact habit with straight, shortish, dark green pods 01 ‘Safari’ (H3) ~ short, slim, mid-green, round, attractive pods. Low yields 01 ‘Filao’ (H3) ~ a short, fine, good quality bean 02 ‘Sonesta’ (wax podded) (H3) ~ early. High yield of bright yellow, fairly long, straight, slightly flattened pods. A compact plant 02 ‘Golddukat’ (wax podded) (H3) ~ very early; high yield of pale yellow beans with some greening. Slightly curved and flattened pods 93 ‘Sprite’ (H3) ~ heavy yield, with long, dark green pods 96 ‘Irago’ (H3) ~ very early; high yield. Upright habit; long, straight, mid-green pods held high in the plant. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 96 ‘The Prince’ (H3) ~ AGM awarded to Suttons maintenance only. Excellent yield; straight pale green pods 01 ‘Jessica’ (H3) ~ medium length, fleshy, attractive beans with a good flavour. Potentially high yield Runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus) 93 ‘Achievement’ (H3) ~ maincrop with long, smooth, slender pods 01 ‘Maja’ (H3) ~ long, fat, good for slicing; the highest yield in the trial 99 ‘Achievement-Merit’ (H3) ~ very long, straight, slender, smooth pods For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 06 ‘Aintree’ (H3) ~ mid-season. Red-flowered, producing attractive, good quality, slim, straight, long pods with sweet flavour 06 ‘Celebration’ (H3) ~ high yield of attractive, straight, smooth, good quality, fleshy pods with good colour and flavour. Flowers are a decorative pink 99 ‘Desiree’ (H3) ~ stringless pods with thick fleshy walls 99 ‘Enorma’ (H3) ~ late; long, smooth, slender pods 99 ‘Flare’ (H3) ~ attractive slender pods; high yield 99 ‘Lady Di’ (H3) ~ attractive, blemish-free, long, slender pods 93 ‘Liberty’ (H3) ~ very long pods; a popular show variety 06 ‘Red Flame’ (H3) ~ red-flowered, setting well with smooth, long, straight pods 99 ‘Red Rum’ (H3) ~ good early and late yield; slim, straight, stringless pods, of medium length 99 ‘Rotblühende’ (H3) ~ broad pods, fairly straight and smooth; good yield 181 99 ‘Titan’ (H3) ~ long, straight, slender pods; good yield 99 ‘White Apollo’ (H3) ~ long, smooth, fleshy pods; excellent early and late yield 99 ‘White Emergo’ (H3) ~ late; smooth, tender, uniform pods, with good colour 06 ‘White Emergo-Snowy’ (H3) ~ white-flowered; straight, fleshy pods with good flavour. Continued to crop well in trial even when the temperature was high 99 ‘White Lady’ (PBR) (H3) ~ late; very fleshy pods 99 ‘Wisley Magic’ (H3) ~ very long pods; very high early and late yield; previously listed as ‘Pulsar’, a name already in use for an earlier cultivar BEETROOT (Beta vulgaris) * The seed of beetroot, called a cluster, is the dried seedhead of the plant, which may contain as many as three true seeds. Monogerm varieties are bred to produce one seed per cluster. Beetroot varieties with long red root 93 ‘Cheltenham Green Top’ (H4) ~ good crop of uniformly shaped roots for late harvest; smooth skins and smooth shoulders. Good internal colour and sweet flavour. Reconfirmed after trial 2005 93 ‘Forono’ (H4) ~ open pollinated. Cylindrical, with fairly smooth skins and roots of For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 182 moderate uniformity; good internal colour. Slow to bulk up. Reconfirmed after trial 2005 93 ‘Monogram’ (H4) ~ monogerm* with good flesh colour and smooth skins Beetroot varieties with round red root 93 ‘Action’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Smooth uniform roots with good flesh colour and freedom from rings. Appears to have good bolting resistance. Bulks up quickly. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 and 2005 93 ‘Pablo’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; very early. Uniform roots with very smooth skins; very good internal colour and freedom from internal rings. Appears to have good bolting resistance. Widely used as a show cultivar. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 and 2005 05 ‘Alto’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Cylindrical, uniform, smooth roots with very good internal colour. Potential to bulk up well. 01 ‘Pronto’ (H4) ~ very uniform, with smooth skins and high yield potential 93 ‘Bikores’ (H4) ~ open-pollinated; uniform roots, with good flesh colour and freedom from internal rings. Good bolting resistance; bulked up well. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 and 2005 93 ‘Boltardy’ (H4) ~ good bolting resistance 93 ‘Bonel’ (H4) ~ good flesh colour and freedom from internal rings. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 05 ‘Boro’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Early, slightly flattened round shape. Bulked up well. Very smooth skins 01 ‘Monodet’ (H4) ~ monogerm*; uniform roots with smooth skins and good flesh colour 01 ‘Red Ace’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; uniform roots with good flesh colour and no rings 93 ‘Regala’ (H4) ~ very good flesh colour and good bolting resistance. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 05 ‘Rubidus’ (H4) ~ early; slightly flattened round shape. Fairly smooth roots with good internal colour 05 ‘Solo’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; monogerm*. Round to slightly flattened shape. Bulks up well; smooth roots of good internal colour 93 ‘Wodan’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid with round, slightly flattened shape. Smooth roots; good internal colour. Bulks up well. Reconfirmed after trlal 2005 For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES BORECOLE or CURLY KALE (Brassica oleracea Acephala Group) 00 ‘Afro’ (H4) ~ medium height; mid-green leaves, curled to the edge. Winters well 93 ‘Bornick’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; finely curled pale to midgreen leaves. For early cropping 93 ‘Fribor’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; mid to dark green wellcurled leaves. Winters well 99 ‘Redbor’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Tall plants with open habit; strongly curled purple-green leaves. Winters well 99 ‘Reflex’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Tall plants with very finely curled blue-green leaves. Winters well 93 ‘Winterbor’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Tall plants with finely curled blue-green leaves; winters well. Reconfirmed after trial 1999 BROCCOLI, SPROUTING (Brassica oleracea Italica Group) Purple sprouting broccoli 03 ‘Bordeaux’ (H4) ~ early. Compact plants which stand well over winter; fairly large heads of good colour 95 ‘Claret’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Very tall; heavy yield of dark purple spears from March through April 183 95 ‘Early Purple Sprouting Improved’ (H4) ~ very tall; steady crop from March to April 95 ‘Late Purple Sprouting’ (H4) ~ late. Vigorous tall plants, with good yield potential, easy to pick; reconfirmed after trial 2003 03 ‘Purple Sprouting Improved’ (H4) ~ long cropping period; vigorous plants; high yield 95 ‘Red Arrow’ (H4) ~ early to mid-season; long cropping period. Good winter hardiness; bushy, vigorous plants. Reconfirmed after trial 2003 95 ‘Red Spear’ (H4) ~ early to mid-season; long cropping period. Good winter hardiness and yield; head colour fairly deep. Reconfirmed after trial 2003 95 ‘Redhead’ (H4) ~ very tall plants; a good crop of large spears of good purple colour from early March through April White sprouting broccoli 95 ‘White Eye’ (H4) ~ tight white buds; early white spears for picking in March 95 ‘White Star’ (H4) ~ good weight; late white spears for cutting in April BRUSSELS SPROUTS (Brassica oleracea Gemmifera Group) 06 ‘Abacus’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; early to mid-season. Good crop of dark green, solid, round sprouts For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 184 AGM PLANTS 2007 99 ‘Bosworth’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; late. Oval, mid to dark green, solid, closely spaced sprouts. Easy to pick; plants stand well. Quality still good in February 06 ‘Braveheart’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; late season. Vigorous plants that stand well and produce a good yield of dark green, well spaced, easy to pick, oval buttons. Good nutty flavour 99 ‘Cascade’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; late. Smooth, clean, well spaced, fairly round sprouts. Uniform plants which stand and yield well 93 ‘Cavalier’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; midseason. Dark green, well spaced sprouts. Plants produce high yields of good quality 99 ‘Clodius’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; midseason. Good quality, round, smooth, solid, sweet sprouts. Plants stand and yield well 99 ‘Diablo’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; mid season. Vigorous, uniform plant; sprouts well-spaced with good yield potential; round, medium-sized, pale green, and easy to pick. Reconfirmed after trial 2006 06 ‘Eclipsus’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; uniform, tall plants with well-spaced sprouts and an open habit, producing a good crop of round, mid-green sprouts 06 ‘Genius’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; mid to late season. Shorter plants, producing good quality, mid-green, oval sprouts. Good yield potential. Holds well 93 ‘Icarus’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Large, smooth, solid sprouts. Plants stand well. Susceptible to white blister and ringspot 93 ‘Igor’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Mid to late season; attractive, vigorous, uniform plants producing well spaced, solid, round, mid-green sprouts. Reconfirmed after trial 2006 99 ‘Lunet’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; midseason. Tall plants producing a very high yield of large, oval, fairly sweet sprouts which are easy to pick and have good resistance to ringspot. Plants can lodge (lean over) 06 ‘Maximus’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; early to mid season. Uniform plants, producing a good crop of mid to dark green, smooth, solid sprouts 06 ‘Montgomery’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Mid to late season; tall, uniform plants that stand well, producing a good crop of clean, smooth, round mid to dark green, well-spaced sprouts 06 ‘Nelson’ (H4) ~ F1; early. Good yield of attractive, smooth, pale green, solid sprouts 06 ‘Oliver’ (H4) ~ F1; early. Uniform plants producing a good crop of solid, medium green sprouts of excellent quality For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 93 ‘Patent’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Large, round, smooth, dark green, solid sprouts 99 ‘Revenge’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; late. Very uniform plants producing a good yield of solid, round, clean, mid-green sprouts. Can be hard to pick 93 ‘Roger’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Large, smooth, good quality, pale green sprouts. Plants stand well 99 ‘Romulus’ (PBR) (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; late mid-season. Tall, vigorous plants that stand well. Good crop of attractive, clean, round, mid green sprouts. Reconfirmed after trial 2006 06 ‘Silverline’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Tall, vigorous, uniform, clean plants, producing large numbers of midgreen, round, easy to pick sprouts 06 ‘Valencia’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; early to mid-season. Medium to tall plants producing a good yield of well spaced, large, round, mid green sprouts. Reported to have done well in organic trials at other sites 00 ‘Wellington’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; late. Very good quality smooth, dark green, round, solid sprouts 185 CABBAGE (Brassica oleracea Capitata Group) Spring cabbage (all pointed) 01 ‘Dorado’ (H4) ~ as a hearted cabbage. Attractive bluegreen leaf; short-stemmed; wellhearted and uniform 93 ‘Duncan’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Mid to dark green uniform heads with well-closed bases. A good early yield; plants heart slowly to produce small, solid heads. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 as spring greens and hearted cabbage 01 ‘Durham Elf’ (H4) ~ as a hearted cabbage; dark bluegreen leaf; short-stemmed 01 ‘First Early Market 218 – Early Market’ (H4) ~ as hearted greens. Quick-maturing, good quality heads 01 ‘First Early Market 218 – Mastercut’ (H4) ~ as spring greens; attractive dark green outer leaves; well-filled hearts 93 ‘First Early Market 218’ (H4) ~ mid-green, fairly compact heads of good colour and uniformity. Plants heart slowly to produce large, rather loose heads. Also as hearted greens 94 ‘Jason’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; a vigorous variety producing heavy heads 93 ‘Offenham 1 Myatt’s Offenham Compacta’ (H4) ~ mid to dark green attractive heads; medium to large, fairly solid hearts. For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 186 AGM PLANTS 2007 Reconfirmed after trial 2001 as hearted cabbage green heads. Reconfirmed after trial 2004 01 ‘Offenham 3 – Mastergreen’ (H4) ~ as spring greens; very uniform heads with tidy leaf bases; light green leaves; well-filled hearts 93 ‘Derby Day’ (H3) ~ early. Bright, round, mid-green, well-filled heads. Reconfirmed after trial 1998 93 ‘Pixie’ (H4) ~ mid-green with good basal quality, producing small well-hearted heads. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 as a very early hearted cabbage 98 ‘Elisa’ (PBR) (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Compact round heads with bright green glossy leaves 94 ‘Pyramid’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Very uniform, mediumsized, solid pointed heads, quite slow to mature; reconfirmed after trial 2001 as a hearted cabbage, and after trial 2002 as a summer cabbage 01 ‘Sparkel’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Late; attractive dark green leaves Summer cabbage (season June to August) 98 ‘Augustor’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Bright green compact plants; uniform, solid, med-ium-sized round heads with a short core 04 ‘Candissa’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Uniform, medium green, well-filled heads 02 ‘Cape Horn’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season to late; pointed. A larger, smooth-leaved cabbage 98 ‘Charmant’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Firm, uniform, attractive, medium to dark 02 ‘Excel’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; pointed; mid-season to late. Uniform, tidy cabbage with a good colour and well-filled head 93 ‘First of June’ (H3) ~ early. Round, mid-green, with fairly long internal core 98 ‘Golden Cross’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Very uniform, small, round, solid, bright green cabbage 98 ‘Gonzales’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. A compact round cabbage with small, dense heads and attractive pale green leaves 98 ‘Green Express’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Round, medium to large, dark green heads, wellfilled with short cores 93 ‘Grenadier’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Rather large, round, uniform, mid-green heads 02 ‘Greyhound’ (H3) ~ early-maturing; pointed; pale to mid-green; medium to large frame For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 98 ‘Hermes’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early mid-season. Compact, round, solid, mid-green heads with short cores 02 ‘Hispi’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Smooth, pointed, dark green outer leaves, with good uniformity and well-filled heart 04 ‘Hotspur’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Uniform, med-ium green, well-filled heads with shorter core 04 ‘Independence’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Uniform, med-ium to dark green, solid, wellprotected heads 02 ‘Marshall’s Kingspi’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; pointed; early. Small frame with a well-filled head 98 ‘Metino’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; late. Flat to round, smooth heads with dark green leaves and very short cores 98 ‘Nordri’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early to mid-season. Round, solid, blue-green heads with short cores 98 ‘Patron’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Round, solid, bright green heads with erect outer protecting leaves and short cores 04 ‘Puma’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Early, uniform, medium to dark green, well-filled heads 187 94 ‘Pyramid’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Very uniform, mediumsized, solid pointed heads, quite slow to mature; reconfirmed after trial 2001 as a hearted cabbage; after trial 2002 as summer cabbage 04 ‘Redsky’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Low-growing, compact plants producing small, round, dense heads with good dark red colour. Stands well. 04 ‘Shelta’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Mid-season, uniform, neat, smaller-framed plants; medium to dark green with very solid heads 02 ‘Spitfire’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Pointed; quite large, with smooth, dark green outer leaves; good habit 93 ‘Stonehead’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; late. Uniform, round, mid-green heads. Also useful for cropping into the autumn from later planting Savoy cabbage (season September to March) 00 ‘Alaska’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season to late. Dark green, well-blistered leaves; small to medium heads 95 ‘Clarissa’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Flattened round heads, with dark green leaves; solid. Good peppery flavour 00 ‘Denver’ (PBR) (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; early to mid-season. Dark outer leaves with fine blister; heads For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 188 AGM PLANTS 2007 dense, paler green, small to medium size 01 ‘Endeavour’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; late. Attractive, midgreen, well-blistered, medium-sized heads with good internal quality and sweet taste. Long stems 95 ‘Famosa’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; very early. Bright midgreen leaves with reddish veins. Plants uniform 93 ‘Julius’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; very early. Bright green, attractive, large, round heads. Reconfirmed after trial 1995 95 ‘Midvoy’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Dark green blistered outer leaves with mid-green, solid, round hearts 00 ‘Primavoy’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Round, solid heads which do not stand well 95 ‘Protovoy’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; very early. Dark green, well-blistered outer leaves; pale green, round, solid hearts 93 ‘Taler’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Round to flat round, grey-green heads with good uniformity 93 ‘Tarvoy’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season to late. Mid to dark grey-green, small, round, solid heads. Will stand for a long period after maturity. Reconfirmed after trial 2000 01 ‘Tundra’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; dark green, slightly blistered leaf; heads solid and attractive. Sweet-tasting; overwinters well 01 ‘Wintessa’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; late. Dark green wellblistered leaves, with uniform wellfilled heads of good quality and flavour. Plants stand well 00 ‘Wivoy’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; late. Tidy, dark green well-blistered leaves; slightly flattened, round, well-filled heads Early red cabbage (non-storing; season September to October) 93 ‘Langedijker Red Early’ (H3) ~ F1 round to oval, solid heads; less uniform than the hybrids 96 ‘Rodeo’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Good colour, short core; uniform 96 ‘Rondy’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Oval, smooth, uniform, solid heads 96 ‘Rookie’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Round to slightly flat heads 93 ‘Ruby Ball’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Uniform, round heads Winter hybrid cabbage (season November to March) 98 ‘Beretta’ (H4) ~ dark green, blistered, Savoy-like leaves with dense heads of good flavour For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 98 ‘Celtic’ (H4) ~ large leafy plants with bright green leaves and good, solid, uniform heads. Reconfirmed after trial 2000 98 ‘Colt’ (PBR) (H4) ~ a medium-sized, dense, good quality cabbage with good flavour 98 ‘Embassy’ (H4) ~ lightly blistered, bright green leaves; well-filled and sweet-tasting 98 ‘Renton’ (H4) ~ early-maturing 98 ‘Roulette’ (H4) ~ small, well-filled heads; suitable for the smaller garden 98 ‘Winchester’ (PBR) (H4) ~ small, good quality heads; suitable for the smaller garden January King cabbage (season November to March) 98 ‘Flagship’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; relatively early. Uniform, flat, round heads with pronounced purple colour. Plants stand well 98 ‘Holly’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; flat, round, heads; dark green leaves with good purple colouring. Winters well 93 ‘Marabel’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-green leaves with good, deep red colour; round heads with good standing ability. Reconfirmed after trial 2000 01 ‘Robin’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; dark green leaves with good purple colour; very sweet- 189 tasting. Heads small and solid; plants have long stems which lean. Winter-hardy Winter white cabbage (for storage) 93 ‘Marathon’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; to harvest and store before frosts (stores well). Round to flat, solid heads CALABRESE (Brassica oleracea Italica Group) 95 ‘Arcadia’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; May sown. Late, small, mid to dark green buds, medium to heavy yields 03 ‘Belstar’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; May sown. Mid to late season; uniform medium-sized plants, with attractive heads and medium to small buds 95 ‘Corvet’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; May sown. Large heads with small buds; medium maturity (84 days from sowing); holds well; heads easy to see 95 ‘Fiesta’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; May sown. Medium-sized heads with small buds set deep in the leaf; late-maturing (92 days from sowing) 95 ‘Flash’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; May sown. Crops over a long period; large heads with small to medium bud size hold well (80– 90 days from sowing) 03 ‘Griffen’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; May sown. Mid-season, uniform, attractive, medium-sized For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 190 AGM PLANTS 2007 heads with medium to large buds and succulent stalks 03 ‘Hydra’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; May sown. Mid to late vigorous plants; uniform crop, medium to small, dark green, domed heads. Average yield of very large to medium-sized secondaries about 5 weeks after the primary heads 03 ‘Kabuki’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; May sown; early. Short, compact plants, producing a good crop of medium green, deep, wellrounded heads with uniform buds. Average yield of medium-sized secondaries, produced 3 to 5 weeks after the primary heads 95 ‘Lord’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; May sown. Mediummaturing; large heads set down within leaves (85 days from sowing) 03 ‘Mistral’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; May sown; mid-season, uniform, vigorous plants with attractive, dark green, well-domed heads with uniform buds 95 ‘Skiff’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; May sown. Medium to large heads crop over a long period and hold well (80–90 days from sowing) 95 ‘Tiara’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; May sown. Early, medium-sized heads 95 ‘Trixie’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; May sown. Early to midseason, medium-sized plants with blue-green leaves and attractive medium to dark green, domed heads with small buds. Very high yield of medium-sized secondaries produced 3 to 5 weeks after the primary heads. Reconfirmed after trial 2003 95 ‘Viking’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; May sown. Early, small heads. Does not stand well. Concentrated maturity (80 days from sowing) CARROT (Daucus carota) 99 ‘Adelaide’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; very early. Quickly forms very smooth, stump-ended roots; almost coreless; fine tops. Ideal for successional sowings and early sowing in frames. Reconfirmed after trial 2006 06 ‘Amsterdam Forcing 3’ (H3) ~ open-pollinated. Relatively smooth, long and cylindrical, with good flesh and core colour; bulks up well. Strong foliage that does not grow too tall 95 ‘Autumn King 2’ (H3) ~ maincrop. Large, tapering stump roots; strong tops; bold shoulders. Ideal for storing 93 ‘Bangor’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Blunt, medium-length, smooth roots. Well-filled with good uniform shape and medium-orange internal colour. Bulks up well. Can be stored over winter; reconfirmed after trial 2005 95 ‘Barcelona’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; maincrop. Long, smooth, cylindrical, deep orange roots. For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES Strong healthy tops; shows mildew tolerance. Ideal for winter storage 95 ‘Berjo’ (H3) ~ maincrop. Heavy yields of smooth cylindrical roots with bright orange flesh. Suitable for storing 95 ‘Bertan’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; maincrop. Very sweet orange-fleshed cylindrical roots that resist splitting. Ideal for storing 93 ‘Bolero’ (PBR) (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Later-maturing maincrop; long, slender, cylindrical roots of good uniformity and colour; can be stored from later sowings 93 ‘Camberley’ (H3) ~ maincrop. Long roots, deep orange flesh 95 ‘Camden’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; ‘Chantenay’ × ‘Autumn King’. Maincrop maturity. Large bold roots with deep orange flesh. An excellent storing variety 93 ‘Campestra’ (H3) ~ open-pollinated. Best lifted before Christmas. Medium to long, cylindrical, blunt, smooth roots with uniform deep orange internal colour; well-filled. Bulks up well. Reconfirmed after trial 2005 05 ‘Carson’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; ‘Chantenay’ type. Medium to short, conical, smooth, uniform roots with good internal colour. Strong growing tops; bulks up well. Characteristic good ‘Chantenay’ flavour. Its short roots 191 makes it useful for heavy, difficult soils 93 ‘Cleopatra’ (H3) ~ F1 ‘Autumn King’ hybrid. Heavy, smooth, long, well-coloured roots of good flavour. Excellent storage variety 05 ‘Eskimo’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; medium-length, smooth roots with good colour. Useful size, well-filled. Grows with crowns at or below ground level, so very little crown discoloration. Good overwintering cultivar 94 ‘Evora’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; a long, slender-rooted hybrid, excellent as a bunching carrot. Ideal for successional sowings and for early sowing in frames 99 ‘Flyaway’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Maincrop; mediumlength, well-filled, stump-ended roots with good flesh and core colour. Good strong tops. Partial resistance (i.e. lack of attraction) to carrot flies. Reconfirmed after trial 2006 06 ‘Ideal’ (H3) ~ open-pollinated. ‘Nantes’ type; uniform crop of fairly smooth, medium length, cylindrical wellfilled roots with good flesh and core colour. Strong top growth 05 ‘Indiana’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. ‘Imperator’ type. Very long, slim, pointed root with good internal colour and no green shoulders. Vigorous top growth. Suited to deep, light soils For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 192 AGM PLANTS 2007 93 ‘Ingot’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Maincrop; almost coreless, long, cylindrical roots; sweet, deep orange flesh with claimed high vitamin ‘C’ content 95 ‘Kamaran’ (H3) ~ F1 ‘Autumn King’ hybrid. Best lifted before Christmas. Uniform, bluntrooted, medium to long with smooth skins. Good internal colour. Well-filled; bulks well. Reconfirmed after trial 2005 95 ‘Kazan’ (H3) ~ F1 ‘Autumn King’ hybrid for later sowing for winter storage. Very good colour and flavour for a late carrot. Strong tops. Heavy yields 95 ‘Kingston’ (H3) ~ F1 ‘Autumn King’ hybrid for later sowing for winter storage. One of the best for colour, taste, yield and uniformity. Strong tops 99 ‘Maestro’ (PBR) (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Best lifted before Christmas. Blunt, smooth-skinned, medium to slim, fairly well-filled roots, uniform in size and shape. Mid to pale internal colour with some green shoulders. Widely grown by organic carrot growers. Reconfirmed after trial 2005 93 ‘Mokum’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Slightly tapering roots, well-coloured to the tip; good sweetness; almost coreless. Good for bunching 99 ‘Nairobi’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; second early/early maincrop. Strong tops, with uniform, broader-shouldered, cylindrical, stump-ended roots. Heavy yields. Reconfirmed after trial 2006 93 ‘Nantucket’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early-maturing maincrop. Smooth, deep orange, blunt-ended, good quality roots. Ideal for successional sowings and early sowing in frames. Reconfirmed after trial 1999 93 ‘Napoli’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid, very early maturing. Strong tops for easy pulling; quick to bulk up. Ideal for successional sowings and early sowing in frames 94 ‘Natan’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early-maturing. Strong tops for easy pulling; quick to bulk up. Ideal for successional sowings or early sowing in frames 93 ‘Newmarket’ (H3) ~ maincrop; longer-rooted F1 hybrid. Heavy yields of broader-shouldered, smooth, tapering roots of sweet taste and good colour 93 ‘Panther’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early-maturing. Smooth, cylindrical, stump-ended, coreless roots. Ideal for successional sowings or early sowing in frames 93 ‘Parabell’ (H3) ~ early-maturing, round-rooted, smooth ‘Paris Market’ type of good flavour. Ideal for successional sowings and early sowing in frames. Reconfirmed after trial 1999 For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 93 ‘Parano’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Smooth-skinned, cylindrical, almost coreless, bluntended roots with good flesh and core colour. Ideal for successional sowings and early sowing in frames. Reconfirmed after trial 2006 93 ‘Parmex’ (H3) ~ hybrid. Early-maturing, roundrooted 'Paris Market' type; smooth roots with high crown and good colour. Also very good for successional sowing from mid May and pulling young. Matures in 10-12 weeks. Reconfirmed after trial 2006 06 ‘Primo’ (H3) ~ hybrid; uniform crop of smooth, stump-ended roots with good length and good colour. Strong tops 05 ‘Sugarsnax 54’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Very long, smooth, ‘Imperator’ type with roots of good internal colour. Suited to deep, light soils. Commercially used, cut into short lengths and sold as pre-packed ‘baton’ carrots 94 ‘Sytan’ (H3) ~ maincrop; smooth, broadershouldered, tapering roots of good colour and sweet taste; shows partial resistance (i.e. lack of attraction) to carrot fly. Reconfirmed after trial 1999 99 ‘Tempo’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Smooth, medium-length stump-ended roots of good colour and taste; quick to bulk up. Ideal for successional sowings and early sowing in frames 193 06 ‘Trevor’ (H3) ~ hybrid (‘Nantes’ × ‘Touchon’). Uniform crop of stump-ended, smooth roots with uniform length and good flesh and core colour 06 ‘Valor’ (H3) ~ hybrid; early ‘Nantes’ type. Smooth, blunt roots of good length with good flesh and core colour. Bulks well. Has strong tops 99 ‘Yukon’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; very uniform crop. Bulks up quickly to produce cylindrical stump-ended roots of good length, colour and flavour. Ideal for successional sowings and early sowing in frames. Reconfirmed after trial 2006 CAULIFLOWER (Brassica oleracea Botrytis Group) Winter cauliflower for spring heading (maturing from March to May) 97 ‘Admirable’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; early mid-season. Good quality, medium-sized heads 05 ‘Aalsmeer’ (H4) ~ open-pollinated cultivar; early midseason. Produces medium to small, cream-coloured, slightly lumpy, well-protected curds that have a good depth. This cultivar produced several multiple heads and sideshoots, many of usable quality 97 ‘Christingle’ (H4) ~ open-pollinated; mid to late season. Vigorous plants producing a high yield of creamy to white, solid curds with very good depth. Reconfirmed after trial 2005 For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 194 AGM PLANTS 2007 97 ‘Colombo’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; very early. Deep white curds 97 ‘Dalton’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Very good quality; medium to large curds 05 ‘Evita’ (H4) ~ open-pollinated cultivar. Late season. Good quality, medium-sized curds produced over a period of almost four weeks. A cultivar that the Committee particularly noted for the length of cutting time 97 ‘Galleon’ (H4) ~ early mid-season. Medium to large, good quality curds, with very good leaf protection 97 ‘Jerome’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; early mid-season. Vigorous plant, producing good quality, well-covered curds. Curds well-rounded, medium to small and cream-coloured. Reconfirmed after trial 2005 97 ‘Martian’ (PBR) (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; early mid-season. Very vigorous plants, producing good quality, medium-sized curds wth good depth. Reliable cultivar countrywide. Reconfirmed after trial 2005 97 ‘Mayfair’ (PBR) (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Good quality, medium-sized, solid curds 97 ‘Nomad’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Good quality, medium-sized curds 05 ‘Patriot’ (H4) ~ open-pollinated cultivar; mid to late season. Produces a good yield of quality, medium-sized curds that have a good depth and are well covered 97 ‘Prestige’ (H4) ~ open-pollinated; mid to late season. Produces medium-sized, creamy curds. A reliable cultivar countrywide. Reconfirmed after trial 2005 97 ‘Walcheren Winter 3 – Armado’ (H4) ~ early with a long cutting season. Good quality curds 97 ‘Walcheren Winter – Armado May’ (H4) ~ early mid-season. Good quality, medium to large curds Summer heading cauliflower (season June to mid July) 97 ‘Amsterdam’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Midseason to late, large to medium sized, well-protected deep, white, solid curds. Reconfirmed after trial 2006 as spring sown 06 ‘Andes’ (H3) ~ hybrid; early. High quality curds, medium-sized, creamy-white and solid. Leaves give moderate curd protection 97 ‘Asterix’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Vigorous plants with long leaves and medium-sized, white, solid, wellprotected curds For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 195 93 ‘Aubade’ (H3) ~ early to mid-season. Not very vigorous plants with semi-erect leaves and smooth curds 97 ‘Mayflower’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; very early. High quality, medium-sized, white, solid curds Reconfirmed after trial 2006 06 ‘Avalanche’ (H3) ~ hybrid; midseason. Attractive, high quality, medium to large sized, white, solid curds 97 ‘Nautilus’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; late. Vigorous plants with deep, white, well-protected curds of excellent quality 06 ‘Aviron’ (H3) ~ hybrid; late. High quality, wellprotected, large to medium sized solid, white heads 93 ‘Perfection’ (H3) ~ very early. Large curds; tend to be flat 97 ‘Barcelona’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Deep, round, solid, well-protected curds 97 ‘Beauty’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season to late. Fairly vigorous plants with deep, white, solid curds 97 ‘Fargo’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; late. Deep, white, wellprotected curds 97 ‘Fastman’ (H3) ~ early to mid-season. Plants with rather spreading leaves and solid heads 06 ‘Flamenco’ (H3) ~ hybrid; midseason to late. Very high quality, large to medium sized, white, solid curds with good depth 97 ‘Gypsy’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Plants with medium to large frames; white curds 93 ‘Plana’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; midseason. Uniform, vigorous plants with large creamy white curds 97 ‘Predominant’ (H3) ~ early midseason. Medium sized, solid, deep curds 93 ‘White Rock’ (H3) ~ late. Deep, white, well protected curds Autumn heading cauliflower (season September to November) 02 ‘Autumn Glory’ (H3) ~ early, cropping over a longer period; smaller, creamy curds; good depth 02 ‘Aviso’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early cropping, with a short cropping period; high proportion of first-class, smooth, white curds 93 ‘Belot’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; very late, large, compact, deep, solid, very white curds. Extremely well-protected For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 196 AGM PLANTS 2007 93 ‘Castlegrant’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Wellprotected, smooth, solid curds which can be flattish and show some looseness 93 ‘Kestel’ (H3) ~ early mid-season. Smooth curds, tending to yellow 93 ‘Lindon’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season. Wellprotected, good quality, deep curds 02 ‘Minneapolis’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season to late maturity, cropping over a long period; deep, smooth, firm curds 02 ‘Moby Dick’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early with a short cropping period; uniform, very deep, heavy curds 02 ‘Pavilion’ (PBR) (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early with a short cropping period; very uniform; good white colour, size and depth 02 ‘Regata’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; mid-season with a long cropping period; deep, solid curds 02 ‘Skywalker’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early with a short cropping period; very good white colour, size and depth 94 ‘Talbot’ (H3) ~ late with a long cropping period; good depth and size; creamy colour. Reconfirmed after trial 2002 02 ‘Valtos’ (H3) ~ early. White deep well-protected curds 93 ‘Vidoke’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; late. Medium-sized, solid, deep, white curds 02 ‘White Excel’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early with a short cropping period; very uniform; bright white colour; good size and depth. High proportion of first-class, superb, firm curds Coloured and Romanesco 94 ‘Alverda’ (H3) ~ early to mid-season. Smooth, green curds of good depth with some bracting. When cooked, the contrast between the green surface of the curd and its white centre is very attractive 05 ‘Cheddar’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; firm, deep orange-yellow curds that keep their colour both internally and externally when cooked 05 ‘Emeraude’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; solid, heavy, smooth, bright green curds, which keep their surface colour when cooked. This contrasts well with the white internal flesh 94 ‘Esmeraldo’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Smooth green curds of good depth. Attractive when cooked 05 ‘Graffiti’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Small to medium, high quality, solid curds of a very attractive amethyst colour. Colour For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES fades a little if boiled, but is retained better if steamed. Raw curds have a good flavour and would be a colourful addition to a salad or dish of crudités. Midseason. Reconfirmed after trial 2006 94 ‘Marmalade’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; very early; deep, orange curds 94 ‘Minaret’ (H3) ~ early. Green curd formed of a spiral of pyramidal pinnacles. Can become loose 94 ‘Red Lion’ (H3) ~ very late. Small, attractive, purple heads 05 ‘Veronica’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; appetising light green Romanesco type. Uniform goodsized, solid, well-shaped heads 94 ‘Violet Queen’ (H3) ~ very early. Purple, medium-sized curds of good depth 94 ‘Violetta Italia’ (H3) ~ very early. Purple, medium to large curds of good depth CELERIAC (Apium graveolens var. rapaceum) 00 ‘Diamant’ (H3) ~ clean, white, medium-sized 00 ‘Ibis’ (H3) ~ neat round ball, very uniform, fairly small 197 93 ‘Monarch’ (H3) ~ white-skinned, bold and smooth 00 ‘Prinz’ (H3) ~ smooth, small to medium, flattened and round CELERY (Apium graveolens var. dulce) 93 ‘Celebrity’ (H3) ~ self-blanching, fairly short plants, with ribbed petioles and good flavour. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 94 ‘Crystal’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; self-blanching, fairly tall, with smooth petioles and attractive, upright habit 93 ‘Giant Pink – Mammoth Pink’ (H3) ~ pink-tinged, green variety for blanching or earthing up; solid stems 05 ‘Granada’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; pale green, reasonably smooth, quite fleshy petioles. Medium to strong flavour. Resistant to celery leaf spot (blight) caused by the Septoria apiicola fungus 93 ‘Ivory Tower’ (H3) ~ self-blanching; tall with smooth petioles and good flavour 94 ‘Lathom Self Blanching – Galaxy’ (H3) ~ self-blanching; medium-length petioles; ribbed, bold plants 93 ‘Lathom Self Blanching’ (H3) ~ self-blanching, with short ribbed petioles and good flavour. Vigorous habit. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 00 ‘Kojak’ (H3) ~ flattened ball shape, clean and white; very smooth For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 198 AGM PLANTS 2007 94 ‘Loret’ (H3) ~ self-blanching short plants; rather ribby 00 ‘Fordhook Giant’ (H3) ~ attractive shiny green, puckered leaf with long succulent white petioles 05 ‘Loretta’ (H3) ~ open-pollinated; early. Uniform, long, well-blanched, attractive petioles. Good sweet flavour 00 ‘Lucullus’ (H3) ~ plenty of tender, light green leaf with long succulent white petioles 01 ‘Moonbeam’ (H3) ~ good length of smooth petioles; good weight 94 ‘Octavius’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Attractive, uniform crop; short to medium-length, slightly ribbed, succulent petioles. Reconfirmed after trial 2005 01 ‘Tango’ (H3) ~ open-pollinated; slower-maturing, long, mid-green, fleshy petioles. Reconfirmed after trial 2005 94 ‘Victoria’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Tall, well-filled plants with medium-green, smooth, fleshy petioles. Widely used for commercial crops. Reconfirmed after trial 2005 CHARD (Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla var. flavescens) – see also spinach beet 00 ‘Bright Lights’ (H3) ~ good colourful mix, including reds, yellows and whites; very ornamental and decorative 00 ‘Bright Yellow’ (H3) ~ bright golden-yellow petioles and mid-green puckered leaf 00 ‘Charlotte’ (H3) ~ striking red colour, nice upright leaf, neat plant habit 00 ‘Rhubarb Chard’ (H3) ~ good red colour; uniform CHICORY – LEAFY TYPES (Cichorium intybus) Radicchio 02 ‘Indigo’ (H3) ~ dense round heads; very uniform with dark green outer leaves and red hearts 02 ‘Leonardo’ (H3) ~ well-developed heart; good internal red colour 02 ‘Palla Rossa’ (H3) ~ medium to large heads; well-filled red hearts; fairly uniform. No bolting Sugar loaf 02 ‘Pan di Zucchero’ (H3) ~ uniform plants with medium to large frames and dark green outer leaves. Hearts blanch well 02 ‘Zuckerhut’ (H3) ~ medium-sized plants with dark green outer leaves and welldeveloped, well-blanched hearts CHILLI PEPPER (Capsicum species) 06 ‘Apache’ (H2) ~ decorative, growing to 45cm; does well in both large and small pots. Produces large crop of small, juicy, For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES hot peppers that ripen from bright green to red and are held outwards from the stems 06 ‘Caribbean Antillais’ (H2) ~ quite small, blocky, bright red fruits; aromatic and very hot, of a type widely used in South American and Caribbean cooking. Later cropping, best sown in January and given a higher temperature to germinate 06 ‘Demon Red’ (H2) ~ a small, ornamental plant, starred with white flowers, it produces an abundant crop of tiny upward pointing fruits that mature to dark, bright red. Fruits are hot and used in Thai cooking 06 ‘Etna’ (H2) ~ attractive bunches of erect, shiny peppers that mature from bright mid-green to red, carried on compact plants that are suitable for growing in pots. Large crop of very hot peppers. 06 ‘Fiesta’ (H2) ~ highly ornamental, 80cm high plants; starred with white flowers and covered in small, jewel-like, conical fruits that ripen through purple, yellow and orange to bright red. Excellent decorative plant for growing in pots 06 ‘Filius Blue’ (H2) ~ attractive, highly ornamental plants. The young leaves are mid-green, becoming very dark green with a purple flush; the plants are covered with purple, orange and bright red fruits that are spicy and hot 199 06 ‘Firecracker’ (H2) ~ very ornamental, uniform plants with small, very hot peppers that are held upright and give an attractive sunset display once they have matured beyond purple 06 ‘Fresno’ (H2) ~ fairly short, upright growing plants; very productive. The conical fruits ripen from light green to deep scarlet red, with medium thick flesh that is very hot 06 ‘Fuego’ (H2) ~ good yield of early, easy to harvest, big, red fruits. A hot pepper with thick, meaty flesh 06 ‘Habanero’ (H2) ~ very attractive, blocky, orange fruits; very hot. Plants quite compact; good yield; suitable for growing in pots. Later-cropping, it is best sown in January 06 ‘Hungarian Hot Wax’ (H2) ~ conical fruits ripening from pale yellow to bright red; medium hot; very good for frying, stuffing and using in salads. One of the easiest to grow. Suitable for growing in pots 06 ‘Navaho’ (H2) ~ sturdy plants with stiff stems that carry the fruits well. Bright red, large, thick-fleshed, semi-hot peppers; good for stuffing 06 ‘Prairie Fire’ (H2) ~ very attractive, short (20cm high), spreading plants covered in a mass of very small, very hot, upright peppers that ripen from white, For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 200 AGM PLANTS 2007 through yellow and orange, to red. Ideal for pots or a windowsill 06 ‘Summer Heat’ (H2) ~ reliably early, very hot, Jalapeno type pepper. Prone to corkiness and cracking, which is a trait valued by Mexican cooks 06 ‘Super Chilli’ (H2) ~ ornamental plants; well suited to growing in pots. Produces a high yield of very hot, thin-walled fruits that are held upright and ripen from light green to orange-red 06 ‘Thai Dragon’ (H2) ~ very hot pepper used in Thai cooking. Plants fruit prolifically, but tend to be rather rampant and may need tying. Also responds well to stopping 06 ‘Tri-colour Variegata’ (H2) ~ ornamental foliage attractive midgreen, splashed cream and purple. Small fruits mature from purple, through orange to red. 70cm-high plants with a rather spreading habit, but can be pruned to shape CHINESE CABBAGE (Brassica rapa Chinensis & Pekinensis Groups) 03 ‘Early Jade Pagoda’ (H3) ~ cylinder-shaped or ‘Michihili’ type. Uniform tall plants; dark green, clean outer leaves; later-maturing, short internal stem 03 ‘Green Tower’ (H3) ~ intermediate between barrel and cylinder. Above average height; uniform, clean outer leaves; wellfilled heads of good weight; short internal stems 03 ‘Kasumi’ (H3) ~ barrel-shaped, small-framed; solid heads, good yield, well-blanched, with short internal stems; attractive green outer leaves 93 ‘Kingdom 65’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; medium, green barrelshaped heads 93 ‘Mariko’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Barrel-shaped, smallframed. Slower-maturing, attractive green outer foliage, well-blanched, stands well. Reconfirmed after trial 2003 03 ‘Mirako’ (H3) ~ barrel-shaped. Attractive, neat, good internal blanching; slower-growing than some others in trial; nice green outer foliage; stands well 93 ‘Nerva’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early, dense, barrelshaped heads 03 ‘One Kilo SB’ (H3) ~ barrel-shaped. Early-maturing, medium to pale green outer leaves; slow to bolt; solid heads; short internal stem 03 ‘Yuki’ (H3) ~ barrel-shaped. Medium green, slightly savoyed outer leaves; very short internal stem; medium-sized heavy head; well-blanched CORNSALAD (Valerianella locusta) 94 ‘Baval’ (H3) ~ mid-green, medium-leaved; good flavour. Made good growth and remained free of disease under frames For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 201 94 ‘Cavallo’ (H3) ~ long-leaved traditional type; gives a good yield under frames 98 ‘Jemmer’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Bush type; high yield of slim yellow fruits 94 ‘Medaillon’ (H3) ~ slow-growing, short, thick-leaved under frames 93 ‘President’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. A high yield of mediumsized, medium-speckled fruits COURGETTE (Cucurbita pepo) 93 ‘Acceste’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Very high yield of heavy, medium to long, lightly speckled fruits 98 ‘Raven’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Bush type; a good yield of dark green fruits 93 ‘Astoria’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. High yield of heavy, medium-length fruits 98 ‘Bambino’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Bush type; a high yield of dark green fruits 98 ‘Blackjack’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Bush type; a high yield of slender, very dark green fruits 98 ‘Consul’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Bush type; a very high yield of slender, mid-green fruits 93 ‘Defender’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. A high yield of mediumsized, slender, very lightly flecked fruits 93 ‘Early Gem’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; a high yield of slender, lightly speckled fruits. Easy to see on the plant 98 ‘El Greco’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Bush type; plant of open habit with mid-green fruits 93 ‘Supremo’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. A very high yield of heavy, dark green fruits 98 ‘Valiant’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Bush type; a good yield of dark green fruits 98 ‘Venus’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Bush type; smooth, spinefree stems with dark green glossy fruits CUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus) 93 ‘Athene’ (H1-2) ~ F1 hybrid. High yield of mediumlength, slim, bright, dark green fruits with slightly bulbous end; slightly ribbed 02 ‘Birgit’ (smooth-skinned) (H1-2) ~ F1 hybrid. High yield of mediumlength, smooth fruits; good for exhibition 95 ‘Bush Champion’ (ridge) (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. High yield of short dark green fruit 02 ‘Carmen’ (H1-2) ~ F1 hybrid; high yield of standard length, dark green, slightly ribbed fruits For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 202 93 ‘Danimas’ (H1-2) ~ F1 hybrid. Very short-fruited variety, producing many well-proportioned fruits per plant 01 ‘Tokyo Slicer’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; long, smooth-skinned, dark green, uniform fruits. Grown in the open garden 93 ‘Femdan’ (H1-2) ~ F1 hybrid. Traditional long cucumber with nice neck and very dark prolific fruiting 02 ‘Tyria’ (H1-2) ~ F1 hybrid; attractive, dark green, slightly ribbed fruits 95 ‘Fortos’ (gherkin) (H3) ~ attractive uniform fruit 02 ‘Macao’ (H1-2) ~ F1 hybrid; high yield of very attractive, glossy, straight, dark green fruits; very uniform 95 ‘Marketmore’ (ridge) (H3) ~ good yield of short, attractive, dark green fruits. Grown in the open garden. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 01 ‘Masterpiece’ (H3) ~ fairly short, slender, smoothskinned, dark green cucumber, nice and straight, with good flavour and healthy foliage. Grown in the open garden 93 ‘Monique’ (H1-2) ~ F1 hybrid. Traditional long cucumber; long-necked but very straight. Moderate yield 01 ‘Prima Top’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; medium-length, dark green, long, smooth-skinned cucumber with good flesh colour and healthy foliage. Grown in the open garden 02 ‘Zeina’ (H1-2) ~ F1 hybrid; very high yield of short, very uniform, bright fruits with a slight handle. A very strong-growing plant ENDIVE (Cichorium endivia) 96 ‘Atria’ (curled) (PBR) (H3) ~ very fine-cut leaf. Well-blanched and solid-hearted 02 ‘Frisée Glory’ (H3) ~ frisée endive with small frame and uniform, deeply, finely cut leaf. An attractive addition to a salad 96 ‘Golda’ (H3) ~ short-leaf Batavian type. Wellhearted 96 ‘Jeti’ (curled) (H3) ~ a broad-leaved endive with uniform mid-green heads of good quality. Reconfirmed after trial 2002 02 ‘Lassie’ (PBR) (H3) ~ frisée endive; high yield, very deeply cut leaf; medium frames; good flavour 96 ‘Pancalieri’ (curled) (H3) ~ very strong cut-leaf type. Does not blanch well 02 ‘Teide’ (H1-2) ~ F1 hybrid; medium to long, midgreen, slightly ribbed fruits For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 96 ‘Sally’ (curled) (H3) ~ extra fine-cut leaf. Small size and flat-growing 02 ‘Wallone’ (H3) ~ frisée endive, very vigorous, with a large frame. High yield of mid to dark green, finely cut leaf. Suits ‘cut and come again’ cropping FENNEL, FLORENCE (Foeniculum vulgare var. azoricum) 05 ‘Amigo’ (bulb) (H3) ~ F1; early-cropping. Vigorous, uniform foliage; attractive, mediumsized, well-filled bulbs with good white colour 96 ‘Atos’ (bulb) (H3) ~ quick-maturing with uniform, medium to large round bulbs 96 ‘Carmo’ (bulb) (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Quick-maturing with medium-sized, round, fine quality bulbs 96 ‘Dover’ (bulb) (H3) ~ early with large roundish bulbs. Moderate uniformity 96 ‘Heracles’ (bulb) (H3) ~ quick-maturing. Medium large, slight-ly flattened bulbs of excellent quality 05 ‘Pronto’ (bulb) (H3) ~ early-cropping; attractive, mediumsized, flat, well-filled bulbs with good white colour 05 ‘Victorio’ (bulb) (H3) ~ F1; good crop of solid, well-filled, attractive bulbs with uniform shape; tends to be greenish-white in colour 203 96 ‘Zefa Fino’ (bulb) (H3) ~ quick-maturing. Medium large, round, very uniform bulbs of excellent quality GARLIC (Allium sativum) 04 ‘Arno’ (H4) ~ attractive white with smooth skin for July cropping. Soft neck, stores well, good yield, even size; also performed well at Harlow Carr 04 ‘Cristo’ (H4) ~ soft neck. Uniform crop of attractive, white-skinned bulbs; high yield. Also performed well at Harlow Carr 04 ‘Early Wight’ (H4) ~ very early crop (during May); good fat cloves. Hard neck; best used immediately after harvest 04 ‘Echo’ (H4) ~ late. Hard neck; tidy, good fat purple-skinned cloves; milder flavour; uniform; high yield. Also performed well at Harlow Carr 04 ‘Germidour’ (H4) ~ late-maturing, virus-free selection. Soft necks; well-packed, purpleskinned cloves 04 ‘Ivory’ (H4) ~ early. Soft neck; large, well-formed cloves. Also performed well at Harlow Carr 04 ‘Long Keeper’ (H4) ~ soft neck; uniform bulbs; good size and high yield. Also performed well at Harlow Carr For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 204 04 ‘Solent White’ (H4) ~ late. Soft neck; many purpleskinned, very attractive cloves, with appealing bouquet; high yield; keeps beyond Christmas (up to March). Also performed well at Harlow Carr 04 ‘Spring Wight’ (H4) ~ early. Purple, soft neck; uniform, clean cloves. Also performed well at Harlow Carr 04 ‘Wight Cristo’ (H4) ~ soft neck; uniform bulbs with attractive purple cloves; variable but with a satisfactory yield. Also performed very well at Harlow Carr and Rosemoor KALE, CURLY – see borecole KOHLRABI (Brassica oleracea Gongylodes Group) 97 ‘Adriana’ (H3) ~ good quality, flattened globe shape; uniform, green, small to medium size. For an open pollination type, quick-maturing 93 ‘Domino’ (H3) ~ early, for cultivation under frames 06 ‘Erko’ (H3) ~ open-pollinated. Early, uniform bulbs that fill quickly. Short tops. Crisp flesh with mild, sweet flavour 06 ‘Kolibri’ (H3) ~ hybrid; uniform crop of purple, decorative bulbs with crisp flesh and good flavour. Medium-sized tops and moist, with high yield and attractive short leaves 06 ‘Korist’ (H3) ~ hybrid; very early crop of goodsized, tender, juicy bulbs with a mild flavour 06 ‘Lanro’ (H3) ~ hybrid; smaller bulbs with sweet, tender flesh. Suitable for ‘baby veg’ production 06 ‘Olivia’ (H3) ~ hybrid; uniform crop of very tender, juicy bulbs that have a sweet, fresh flavour. Medium tops with slender petioles 97 ‘Quickstar’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Uniform crop of juicy, tender bulbs with a mild flavour. Medium-sized tops. Reconfirmed after trial 2006 97 ‘Rapidstar’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Very uniform; green; med-ium to large and flattened LEEK (Allium porrum) Early maturing leek 00 ‘Autumn Giant 2 – Porvite’ (H4) ~ dark green erect flags; uniform, solid, long shafts; slight bulbing, high yield, low levels of rust 00 ‘Autumn Mammoth 3 – Firena’ (H4) ~ dark green erect plants, with a good yield of well-blanched leeks. Some bolters from early sowing; little bulbing and low levels of rust 97 ‘Kongo’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Exceptional quality; green, very rapid grower, very sweet For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 00 ‘Brecon’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Uniform, dark green, erect, with long smooth shafts and no bulbing 00 ‘Carlton’ (PBR) (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Plants with mid to dark green flags and good uniformity. Above average bolting 00 ‘King Richard’ (H4) ~ very long shafts with pale green flags; high yields with low levels of bolting 00 ‘Mammoth Blanch’ (H4) ~ a show variety suitable for December sowing. Early-maturing, with high yields of well-shaped leeks with pale green flags, long, heavy shafts and no bolters 00 ‘Pancho’ (H4) ~ good early yield of medium long, mid green, solid shafts with only slight bulbing. Little rust 00 ‘Swiss Giant – Prelina’ (H4) ~ pale flags with a good yield; some rust 00 ‘Swiss Giant – Tilina’ (H4) ~ very high yield of medium to long, slightly bulby leeks with slight bolting 00 ‘Upton’ (PBR) (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Uniform, very dark green flags with no bulbing and very little bolting and rust 205 Maincrop leek 02 ‘Apollo’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; smooth, with slightly pale green leaves; high December yield 93 ‘Autumn Mammoth 3 – Cobra’ (H4) ~ mid-season to late. Short to medium with dark green flags, but below average uniformity 93 ‘Autumn Mammoth 3 – Enak’ (H4) ~ early to mid-season. Medium long, well-blanched, with mid to dark green, erect flags 93 ‘Blauwgroene Herfst – Profina’ (H4) ~ early to mid-season. Medium to long, erect, slim shafts with dark green flags and some bulbing 93 ‘Blauwgroene Herfst – Verina’ (H4) ~ early. Medium length with midgreen flags and little bulbing 02 ‘Blue Green Autumn – Conora’ (H4) ~ medium length; smooth straight shanks with mid-green leaves 02 ‘Blue Green Autumn – Poristo’ (H4) ~ long clean shanks, good length of blanch, dark green flag, good yield 02 ‘Blue Green Winter – Laura’ (H4) ~ medium-length, well-blanched and slightly bulby 93 ‘Giant Winter – Catalina’ (H4) ~ mid-season to late. Uniform short shafts with dark green flags 02 ‘Kajak’ (H4) ~ quite short shanks; uniform, wellblanched, dark green leaves For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 206 93 ‘Longbow’ (H4) ~ mid-season. Uniform, mediumlength, slightly bulby leeks 02 ‘Mammoth Pot’ (H4) ~ uniform, with whole stem blanched and light green flag. High December yield. A good short garden plant 02 ‘Oarsman’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; erect plant, with very straight shank, uniform, smooth; flag leaf clean 00 ‘Swiss Giant – Jolant’ (H4) ~ for December cropping; high yield; medium to dark green flags; long, solid shafts with little bulbing and very few bolters. Low levels of rust infection. Reconfirmed after trial 2002 02 ‘Toledo’ (H4) ~ late. Uniform, medium to long, smooth shanks, with dark green flags 93 ‘Winterreuzen – Granada’ (H4) ~ late. Uniform, with dark green flags; tends to split LETTUCE (Lactuca sativa) Butterhead, for spring cropping under protection 97 ‘Beverley’ (PBR) (H3) ~ produces small, solid, mid-green heads with rapid growth 00 ‘Cynthia’ (H3) ~ well-hearted, mid-green, uniform, good shape 00 ‘Oskar’ (H3) ~ very good quality; heavy heads; very clean, very uniform, medium to large frame; dark green, attractive, well-hearted, thick-leaved 00 ‘Ravel’ (H3) ~ early, well-hearted, thick-leaved variety; medium dark green, with fairly erect leaf 00 ‘Ricardo’ (H3) ~ firm-hearted 00 ‘Tzigane’ (H3) ~ nice open-hearted, uniform, medium to large frame; dark green, clean base Butterhead, for summer cropping in the open garden 02 ‘Cassandra’ (H3) ~ slower to mature; large, tidy frame, with short internal stem and pale to mid green leaves 02 ‘Diana’ (H3) ~ slower to mature; large frame, with short internal stem and leafy, uniform, mid to dark green heads 02 ‘Enya’ (H3) ~ uniform, dense, well-hearted, tidy heads. Good garden variety 02 ‘Fatima’ (H3) ~ large frame; uniform, dense, pale to mid green, well-hearted heads 93 ‘Lilian’ (H3) ~ round, well-filled heads, with smooth mid-green leaves. Reconfirmed after trial 1997 and 2002 For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 02 ‘Mikola’ (H3) ~ ‘Marvel of Four Seasons’ type; medium-sized frame; tidy heads with green, bronze-tipped leaves and solid hearts. Slow to bolt. Reconfirmed after trial 2003 02 ‘Plenty’ (PBR) (H3) ~ uniform, pale to mid green, with tidy, well-filled hearts 02 ‘Roxy’ (H3) ~ ‘Marvel of Four Seasons’ type; very uniform, attrractive, medium to dark green bronze-tipped leaves. Slow to bolt. Reconfirmed after trial 2003 02 ‘Sangria’ (H3) ~ a large frame; soft, loose, pale green leaves, tipped pinkish-red; good uniform hearts; slower to mature. Reconfirmed after trial 2003 02 ‘Titan’ (PBR) (H3) ~ mid-green, well-hearted, tidy heads; slower to mature. Good garden variety Butterhead, for autumn cropping under protection 97 ‘Avondefiance’ (H3) ~ medium to large mid-green heads 97 ‘Beverley’ (PBR) (H3) ~ produces small, solid, mid-green heads with rapid growth 97 ‘Clarion’ (H3) ~ open heads, with pale to mid green leaves. Reconfirmed after trial 2002 00 ‘Ricardo’ (H3) ~ firm-hearted 207 97 ‘Sunny’ (PBR) (H3) ~ a good-sized lettuce; very early and quick-maturing. Reconfirmed after trial 2002 Cos lettuce 99 ‘Attico’ (PBR) (H3) ~ early. Mid to dark green ‘Little Gem’ type with dense heads 99 ‘Bubbles’ (H3) ~ small heads with dark green crinkly leaves 93 ‘Corsair’ (H3) ~ vigorous large frame with mid to pale green slightly blistered leaves 99 ‘Cosmic’ (H3) ~ medium size with pale to mid green slightly blistered leaves 99 ‘Crisp Mint’ (H3) ~ very fast growing; crinkly leaf and well-filled heart 99 ‘Darkland Cos’ (H3) ~ not too blistered; good standing; uniform, nice even medium dark green colour 00 ‘Density’ (H3) ~ semi-Cos with leafy, erect habit; dark green, very uniform 03 ‘Exbury’ (H3) ~ Cos type with very bright red, glossy, erect leaves 93 ‘Jewel’ (H3) ~ larger than ‘Little Gem’ with slightly more blistered leaves. Reconfirmed after trial 1999 For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 208 99 ‘Kendo’ (PBR) (H3) ~ a red-leaved ‘Little Gem’ type. Reconfirmed after trial 2000 99 ‘Verte Maraichere’ (H3) ~ a very old variety; erect, medium to pale leaves with slight blistering 99 ‘Little Gem Pearl’ (H3) ~ ‘Little Gem’ type but with paler green, more blistered leaves Crisphead lettuce 94 ‘Beatrice’ (H3) ~ small to medium-sized mid-green leafy heads; early to mature 93 ‘Little Gem’ (H3) ~ small solid heads with mid green, medium-blistered leaves. Reconfirmed after trial 1999 99 ‘Little Leprechaun’ (H3) ~ semi-Cos with dark red leaves 93 ‘Lobjoit’s Green Cos’ (H3) ~ large, rather open heads, with relatively smooth mid-green leaves. Reconfirmed after trial 1999 03 ‘Nymans’ (H3) ~ midi-cos. Very attractive, deep red colour on glossy leaves. Slow to bolt 03 ‘Pandero’ (H3) ~ ‘Little Gem’ type. Very attractive, uniform plants; small frame, with leaves flushed deep red over dark green 99 ‘Parris Island’ (H3) ~ vigorous with pale green uniform heads 99 ‘Pinokkio’ (H3) ~ medium-sized, dark green 99 ‘Romany’ (H3) ~ early to mature. A round-edged, well-turned leaf; some mildew resistance 01 ‘Blush’ (H3) ~ a baby iceberg with slight red blush on grey-green outer leaves 01 ‘Challenge’ (PBR) (H3) ~ very large solid hearts; mid to dark green leaves 01 ‘Court’ (H3) ~ compact and early 01 ‘Dickinson’ (H3) ~ medium to large frame, solid wellfilled heads; early 94 ‘Kelvin’ (PBR) (H3) ~ greyish-green solid hearts which are early to mature 93 ‘Lakeland’ (H3) ~ large frame with well-hearted heads and bright green leaves; later to mature 94 ‘Leopard’ (H3) ~ large frame with well-filled heads 94 ‘Malika’ (H3) ~ early. Small-framed, dark green wellfilled heads 94 ‘Minigreen’ (H3) ~ early. Uniform, attractive heads with well-formed hearts. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 209 01 ‘Robinson’ (PBR) (H3) ~ medium to large frame, good quality solid hearts 95 ‘Cocarde’ (H3) ~ large oak-leaved type, with bronze green-tinged leaves 94 ‘Roxette’ (PBR) (H3) ~ shorter-leaved type with tidy, solid hearts 95 ‘Cordoba’ (H3) ~ a darker ‘Lollo Rossa’ type. Tightly frilled 01 ‘Set’ (PBR) (H3) ~ medium to large size; an early, solid, heavy lettuce 03 ‘Delicato’ (H3) ~ oak-leaved type with attractive cherry-red colour. Uniform plants; slow to bolt 03 ‘Sioux’ (H3) ~ smooth leaves, large frame, with a green heart and outer leaves tipped red. Slow to bolt Leafy lettuce 03 ‘Barosso’ (H3) ~ Batavian type; vigorous large frame with a bright red tinge 03 ‘Bijou’ (H3) ~ Batavian type with attractive bright red glossy colour and good flavour. Uniform plants with a fairly small frame; slow to bolt. For ornamental use also 95 ‘Black-seeded Simpson Improved’ (H3) ~ yellow-green leaves with frilled edges. Cos-like in growth 95 ‘Catalogna’ (H3) ~ strong-growing oak-leaved type. Light green slightly blistered leaves 03 ‘Cerize’ (H3) ~ oak-leaved type. Uniform plants with a large frame and attractive deep, bright cherry-red leaves. Slow to bolt 95 ‘Ferrari’ (H3) ~ an oak-leaved type. Frilled with heavily bronzed outer leaves 95 ‘Frillice’ (PBR) (H3) ~ small-growing plants with heavily serrated dark green leaves 95 ‘Frisby’ (H3) ~ compact growth with mid-green tightly frilled leaves 95 ‘Ibis’ (H3) ~ Batavian type; medium to large framed, mid to dark green, blistered leaves with bright bronze leaf tips; good flavour. Reconfirmed after trial 2003 95 ‘Impuls’ (H3) ~ ‘Lollo Rossa’ type with tightly frilled bronzed and red leaves 95 ‘Krizet’ (H3) ~ ‘Salad Bowl’ type with light green frilled leaves 03 ‘Lollo Rossa – Assor’ (H3) ~ Lollo Rossa: a selection with a large frame and pale green leaves, tipped pink. Uniform plants For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 210 AGM PLANTS 2007 95 ‘Lollo Rossa’ (H3) ~ round, medium-sized plants with green-centred leaves and bronzed frilled outer leaves 95 ‘Loros’ (H3) ~ a slightly smaller-growing ‘Lollo Rossa’ type 95 ‘Sesam’ (PBR) (H3) ~ a smaller-growing darker-leaved ‘Lollo Rossa’ type 95 ‘Sunburst’ (H3) ~ a medium-sized cabbage lettuce with deep red/bronze outer leaves MANGETOUT – see pea, mangetout 95 ‘New Red Fire’ (H3) ~ large, with puckered light bronze outer leaves 03 ‘Nika’ (H3) ~ ‘Lollo Rossa’ type; medium red leaf, plants slow to bolt; good mildew resistance 03 ‘Pentared’ (H3) ~ seaweed-leaved lettuce, so named because deeply cut leaves separate easily when stalk base cut off. Attractive dark leaves, very slow to bolt. Also for ornamental usage MARROW (Cucurbita pepo) 97 ‘Badger Cross’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Later bush variety; small, good shape with dark-striped fruits. Claimed CMV tolerance 97 ‘Clarita’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early cropping. High yield of pear-shaped, green-white fruits. Needs cutting when small 97 ‘Minipak’ (H3) ~ later bush variety; small dark striped fruits 95 ‘Raisa’ (H3) ~ compact oak-leaved type with bronze and frilled out leaves 97 ‘Tiger Cross’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. High yield of pale-striped fruits. Claimed CMV tolerance 95 ‘Red Ruffles’ (H3) ~ large oak-leaved type, open-hearted with bronze blistered leaves MELON (Cucumis melo) 93 ‘Amber Nectar’ (H2) ~ oval fruit of good size. Ripe fruit flesh is orange with very good flavour 95 ‘Red Salad Bowl’ (H3) ~ large oak-leaved type. Green leaves flushed with red on the edge 03 ‘Rusty’ (H3) ~ midi-cos, uniform, with a small erect frame. Dark emerald, blushed leaves 95 ‘Salad Bowl’ (H3) ~ large open-hearted plants with light green frilled leaves 99 ‘Durandal’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; early to mid-season. Flattened globe-shaped fruit with faint grooves and heavy cork netting; flesh orange when ripe 99 ‘Early Dawn’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; early ripening. Oval fruit with dark green grooves and heavy cork netting; flesh orange when ripe For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 99 ‘Edonis’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; early ripening. Oval to globular fruit with dark green grooves and heavy cork netting; flesh orange when ripe 93 ‘Ogen’ (H2) ~ oval-round fruit; yellow-green flesh 93 ‘Sweetheart’ (H2) ~ early ripening; globular, mediumsized, cream-coloured fruit with orange flesh ONION (Allium cepa unless otherwise stated) Salad onion – non bulbing with strong flavour (A. fistulosum and hybrids) 96 ‘Beltsville Bunching’ (H3) ~ tall stems with a good length of blanch 96 ‘Emerald Isle’ (H3) ~ medium strong stems; very uniform 04 ‘Emerald Star’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Medium-green leaf with good contrast between leaf and blanch stem. Slow to bolt 96 ‘Feast’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Medium to dark green, erect leaves; well-blanched bases; slow to bolt. Reconfirmed after trial 2004; also performed well at Harlow Carr 04 ‘Guardsman’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid: cross between A. fistulosum and A. cepa. Medium to dark green leaves. Very vigorous; well-blanched with some bulbing. Also performed well at Harlow Carr 211 96 ‘Ishiko’ (H3) ~ strong-growing, mid to dark green leaves with a good yield 96 ‘Ishikura’ (H3) ~ strong-growing; long-stemmed 96 ‘Laser’ (H3) ~ medium to dark green leaves. Uniform, vigorous, straight tops with good length of blanch. Reconfirmed after trial 2004; also performed well at Harlow Carr 04 ‘Long White Koshigaya’ (H3) ~ uniform plants with erect, slender, medium to dark green leaves; long blanch; slow to bolt. Also performed well at Harlow Carr 04 ‘Parade’ (H3) ~ very straight, strong-growing, uniform plants with good length of blanch; slow to bolt. Also performed well at Harlow Carr 04 ‘Photon’ (H3) ~ neat, uniform plants, with dark green tops and long blanch 96 ‘Savel’ (H3) ~ long stems with a good length of blanch 04 ‘Summer Isle’ (H3) ~ late. Erect, vigorous, uniform plants, with a good length of blanch. Also performed well at Harlow Carr 96 ‘White Spear’ (H3) ~ long slender stems with dark green leaves For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 212 AGM PLANTS 2007 Salad onion – traditional; can be bulby; mild flavour; can be winter hardy 04 ‘Deep Purple’ (H3) ~ vigorous plants with bright, medium-green leaves; of good shape. Attractive deep red-purple colour to base 04 ‘Elody’ (H3) ~ strong plants, producing slightly bulbed onions. Good blanch 04 ‘Lilia’ (H3) ~ dark green leaves with attractive deep red base. Tends to be bulby. Also performed well at Harlow Carr 96 ‘Ramrod’ (PBR) (H4) ~ later-cropping. Versatile cropper with medium-green leaves and a good length of blanch. Reconfirmed after trial 2004 93 ‘White Lisbon’ (H4) ~ medium-green leaves with good length of blanch. Good for early and successional sowing. Reconfirmed after trial 2004 93 ‘Winter Over’ (H4) ~ dark green leaves, with high yields; may become bulby. Overwinters well 93 ‘Winter White Bunching’ (H4) ~ strong-growing with dark green leaves. Overwinters well Maincrop bulb onion 93 ‘Golden Bear’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Thin-skinned, highshouldered bulbs; do not store well 95 ‘Goldito’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Dark straw-coloured bulbs with thick skins; store well 93 ‘Hygro’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Good yields of thickskinned straw-coloured bulbs; store well 95 ‘Hyton’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Good yields of dark straw-coloured bulbs; store well 95 ‘Marco’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Flattened globe-shaped bulbs; store well 95 ‘Rijnsburger 5 Balstora’ (H3) ~ thick-skinned, dark straw-coloured bulbs; store well 95 ‘Unwins Exhibition’ (H3) ~ an exhibition onion suitable for January sowing under heated conditions Overwintered bulb onion, grown from seed 93 ‘Buffalo’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Good yields of flattened globe-shaped bulbs with thin skins 93 ‘Imai Early Yellow’ (H4) ~ slightly flattened globe-shaped bulbs; dark straw-coloured, with fairly thick skins Bulb onions grown from sets 02 ‘Autumn Gold Improved’ (H3) ~ uniform, excellent size, with good skin and colour; good yield 93 ‘Centurion’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Flattened globe-shaped bulbs with straw-coloured skins of For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES good thickness. Reconfirmed after trial 2002 02 ‘Hercules’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; slightly elongated bulbs with good skin. No bolters 93 ‘Jagro’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Good yield of globeshaped bulbs, with good skin; later ripening. No bolters. Reconfirmed after trial 2002 93 ‘Jetset’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Uniform, flattened globe-shaped bulbs with thick, yellow-brown skins 02 ‘Setton’ (PBR) (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Good yield, with good dark skin 02 ‘Sturon’ (H3) ~ very good yield of globe-shaped, slightly high-shouldered bulbs, with good yellow-brown skins. Reconfirmed after trial 2002 93 ‘Turbo’ (H3) ~ globe-shaped to slightly conical bulbs with brown skins. Some skin splitting Red, from seed or sets 05 ‘Red Baron’ (H3) ~ high yield of attractive, darkskinned, globe-shaped bulbs with good internal colour. Plants in the trial grown from seed produced a higher yield and bolder bulbs than those grown from sets 213 05 ‘Red Spark’ (H3) ~ attractive globe-shaped, uniform, med-ium-sized bulbs with tight, dark skins and good internal colour Shallot 93 ‘Atlantic’ (H3) ~ medium to large bulbs with thin, straw-yellow skins. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 01 ‘Delvad’ (PBR) (H3) ~ uniform bulbs with thick reddish brown skins 93 ‘Giant Yellow Improved’ (H3) ~ uniform, large bulbs with bright, pale brownish skins. Very good yield 01 ‘Golden Gourmet’ (H3) ~ well-shaped, good size; high yield 01 ‘Jermor’ (H3) ~ good skin, uniform shape and size; suitable for exhibition 01 ‘Longor’ (PBR) (H3) ~ good yield and shape; also suitable for exhibition 01 ‘Matador’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; thick skins, and good yield 93 ‘Pikant’ (H3) ~ bulbs well-protected by many layers of reddish brown skins. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 93 ‘Santé’ (H3) ~ attractive, reddish brown, uniform bulbs with smooth skins. Plant a month later than others to avoid bolting For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 214 93 ‘Success’ (H3) ~ reddish brown bulbs with good skins PARSLEY (Petroselinum crispum) 97 ‘Bravour’ (H4) ~ a reliable cropper, good stalks, well curled 97 ‘Curlina’ (H4) ~ compact and uniform; tightly curled 01 ‘Excalibur’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. A long cream-coloured parsnip with a smooth skin; uniform shape 01 ‘Gladiator’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; very smooth skin, good potential yield, uniform shape, shallow lenticels 97 ‘Decora’ (H4) ~ uniform; dark green curled 93 ‘Javelin’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid. Wedge-shaped; yields well. Good canker resistance 97 ‘Envy’ (H4) ~ uniform; mid-green curled 93 ‘Tender and True’ (H4) ~ long roots of mixed size 97 ‘Favorit’ (H4) ~ very even; dark green and nicely curled 01 ‘White Spear’ (H4) ~ uniform shape, shallow lenticels, smooth skin, good white colour 97 ‘Garland’ (H4) ~ good vigorous growth; mid-green curled PEA (Pisum sativum) 98 ‘Ambassador’ (H3) ~ maincrop; medium-sized twin pods, easy to pod; good yield with even distribution 93 ‘Moss Curled 4 – Afro’ (H4) ~ well curled, dark green 93 ‘Moss Curled’ (H4) ~ well curled PARSNIP (Pastinaca sativa) 93 ‘Cobham Improved Marrow’ (H4) ~ wedge- and bayonet-shaped roots with smooth skins; good canker resistance. Reconfirmed after trial 2001 01 ‘Countess’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; smooth skin, shallow crowns, pale cream colour 01 ‘Dagger’ (H4) ~ F1 hybrid; a smooth parsnip with a shallow crown, very uniform 05 ‘Balmoral’ (PBR) (H3) ~ late maincrop; dark-foliaged plant produces a heavy crop of double and triple pods per node. Short pods have an average of seven peas per pod, with good sweet flavour 04 ‘Banff’ (H3) ~ early crop of double pods per node with an average of 7 big peas per pod; good flavour 97 ‘Bayard’ (H3) ~ early; a good crop with an average of 8 peas per pod; plants semi-leafless and therefore easy to pick For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 215 93 ‘Cavalier’ (H3) ~ AGM awarded to Tozers maintenance only. Maincrop; long straight pods, mostly paired; variable maturity therefore good for garden use. Reconfirmed after trial 1998 93 ‘Hurst Greenshaft’ (H3) ~ maincrop; heavy yield of dark green, medium-length, pointed pods. Average of nine good-flavoured peas per pod. Reconfirmed after trial 1998, 2005 98 ‘Cockpit’ (H3) ~ maincrop; semi-leafless with very long pod; well-filled with a good colour 05 ‘Jaguar’ (H3) ~ early maincrop; heavy crop of mainly double pods per node. Medium-length pods have an average of seven peas per pod, with good flavour 05 ‘Dorian’ (PBR) (H3) ~ early maincrop; good crop of easy to pick, very long, straight pods. Plants not too tall; produce mainly double pods per node that contain an average of nine big, well flavoured peas 93 ‘Early Onward’ (H3) ~ early, high yield of blunt-ended pods borne in pairs 05 ‘Greensage’ (H3) ~ maincrop; strong-growing, semileafless plants produce easy to pick, mainly double pods per node. Long pods have an average of ten big sweetly-flavoured peas per pod 98 ‘Griffin’ (H3) ~ maincrop; dark green, with small to medium pods in twos or threes; good flavour 97 ‘Holiday’ (H3) ~ early; a good cropper; long pods with 8 very sweet peas per pod; easy to pick 97 ‘Hunter’ (H3) ~ early; a heavy cropper with pods over the whole of the plant; an average of 8 peas per pod 97 ‘Kelvedon Wonder’ (H3) ~ early maincrop. Long, dark green pods, with an average of 7-8 peas per pod. Reconfirmed after trial 2004, 2005 97 ‘Little Marvel’ (H3) ~ early-maturing, good-flavoured pea, easily shelled with an average of 7 peas per pod 04 ‘Misty’ (PBR) (H3) ~ early. Compact plants; good crop of double pods per node; pods evenly set, with an average of 6 peas; good flavour 98 ‘Oasis’ (PBR) (H3) ~ maincrop; a later-maturing variety. Cropped well; blunt-ended pods 98 ‘Onward’ (H3) ~ first of the main crop with a high yield and good flavour 98 ‘Oregon Trail’ (H3) ~ maincrop; good habit; short pods. Good yield over a long picking period For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 216 AGM PLANTS 2007 98 ‘Rondo’ (H3) ~ maincrop; large, broad, straight, pointed pods 93 ‘Edula’ (H3) ~ fairly dwarf habit with a good crop of curved fleshy pods 98 ‘Saturn’ (H3) ~ maincrop; a heavy cropper, not too tall, with dark green foliage; a long picking period 00 ‘Norli’ (H3) ~ medium height. About the earliest maturing and a heavy cropper but over a short period and so requires successional sowing. Stronger flavour than ‘Oregon Sugar Pod’ 05 ‘Serge’ (PBR) (H3) ~ maincrop; semi-leafless plants produce a heavy crop of easy to pick pods. Med-ium-length pods have an average of ten peas per pod, with good flavour 98 ‘Show Perfection’ (H3) ~ maincrop; an ‘exhibition’ pea, very tall with long dark green pods. A high yield over a long period 04 ‘Spring’ (H3) ~ early crop from compact plants. Single and double pods per node. Pods evenly set, with average of 6 peas; good flavour 05 ‘Starlight’ (PBR) (H3) ~ early maincrop; heavy crop for picking over a long period. Blunt, medium-length pods are easy to see and pick. Mainly double, but also several triple pods per node. Short pods have on average seven peas per pod, with good sweet flavour Mangetout pea 00 ‘Delikata’ (H3) ~ tall, with similar pods to ‘Oregon Sugar Pod’. A shade earlier and carries a heavy crop. Pods soon form strings if not picked regularly. Mildew and fusarium resistant 93 ‘Oregon Sugar Pod’ (H3) ~ AGM awarded to Bakker maintenance only. Medium length, with flushes of broad, flat pods over an extended picking period. Must be picked while young and stringless. Reconfirmed after trial 2000 93 ‘Reuzensuiker’ (H3) ~ medium height, pods larger, broader and more fleshy than ‘Oregon Sugar Pod’ with a concentrated set high on the plant 00 ‘Snow Wind’ (PBR) (H3) ~ semi-leafless type producing sweet, dark green pods. Good crop over a long picking season. Would be selfsupporting if grown in a block instead of rows SUGAR DWARF SWEET GREEN see ‘Norli’ Sugarsnap pea 00 ‘Cascadia’ (H3) ~ dwarf habit producing very fleshy, crisp, sweet pods, which remain tender and sweet over a longer period than many snaps. Heavy crops over a long picking season 00 ‘Delikett’ (H3) ~ dwarf habit. Young, dark green pods stringless but soon form strings; For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES become fleshier and sweeter with age. Very well cropped and a long season of picking 00 ‘Sugar Ann’ (H3) ~ medium height. Very early maturing with a huge crop of pale green pods of succulent, sweet taste 00 ‘Sugar Lord’ (PBR) (H3) ~ very tall vigorous plant; extremely high yield of uniform good-coloured pods POTATO (Solanum tuberosum) Potato (1st early) 98 ‘Accent’ (PBR) (H3) ~ a super-tasting ‘new potato’, with pale creamy-yellow waxy flesh. Eelworm and common scab resistance 93 ‘Concorde’ (H3) ~ long oval yellow tubers with waxy yellow flesh. Eelworm resistant. Reconfirmed after trial 1998 98 ‘Foremost’ (H3) ~ originally ‘Suttons Foremost’. Ever popular ‘new potato’ with slightly waxy, firm, white, good-flavoured flesh that does not discolour or disintegrate on cooking 98 ‘Red Duke of York’ (H3) ~ oval red sport of ‘Duke of York’ with moist pale yellow flesh of superb flavour. Excellent roasted but a good all-rounder as tubers bulk up quickly if left to mature as a late Second Early 217 98 ‘Winston’ (PBR) (H3) ~ bulks up quickly to produce large, even-shaped tubers. Creamy moist flesh of excellent flavour which does not discolour on cooking Potato (2nd early) 98 ‘British Queen’ (H3) ~ heavy and uniform crop of whiteskinned and floury-textured tubers of delicious flavour for all cooking purposes 98 ‘Dark Red Norland’ (H3) ~ dark red-skinned oval tubers and pure white flesh. Heavy cropping. Good flavour for boiling and roasting 98 ‘Kondor’ (PBR) (H3) ~ large pale red-skinned oval tubers with tasty, almost waxy, yellow flesh. Very high yields. Excellent for baking 98 ‘Lady Christl’ (PBR) (H3) ~ bulks up very quickly and is almost a First Early. Long oval, shalloweyed, pale yellow-skinned and creamy flesh which remains firm on cooking. Eelworm resistant 98 ‘Nadine’ (PBR) (H3) ~ exceptionally smooth skin and shallow eyes. Cream flesh with a moist, waxy texture that does not discolour on cooking. Heavy uniform yields. An exhibitor’s favourite 93 ‘Stroma’ (PBR) (H3) ~ long oval orange red-skinned tubers with firm yellow waxy flesh with a mild flavour; can be left as early maincrop For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 218 AGM PLANTS 2007 Potato (early maincrop) 93 ‘Avalanche’ (PBR) (H3) ~ ‘Maris Piper’ as a parent gives guaranteed yields and flavour. Creamy, quite floury flesh for mash, chips and baking 93 ‘Maxine’ (PBR) (H3) ~ large, smooth, pale red-skinned tubers with white waxy flesh. Uniform tubers so also recommended for exhibitors. Eelworm resistant. Reconfirmed after trial 1998 03 ‘Annabelle’ (PBR) (H3) ~ first early. High yield, oval tubers, shallow eyes, waxy, yellow flesh 98 ‘Charlotte’ (H3) ~ long oval variety producing yellowskinned and waxy tubers with creamy yellow flesh of first-class flavour either hot or cold 03 ‘Cherie’ (PBR) (H3) ~ good yield; pink-skinned, oval tubers. Pale yellow, waxy flesh, good flavour 93 ‘Navan’ (PBR) (H3) ~ heavy crop of oval, white-skinned and creamy white-fleshed tubers. Ideal for chips and roasting. Eelworm resistant 03 ‘Mimi’ (PBR) (H3) ~ maincrop. Small, round, uniform, high-quality tubers; attractive pink skin. Low yielding; suitable for pot culture 93 ‘Picasso’ (PBR) (H3) ~ one of the heaviest croppers with creamy skin and striking bright red eyes. Waxy fine-flavoured flesh, particularly when boiled. Eelworm resistant and good resistance to common scab. Reconfirmed after trial 1998 03 ‘Pink Fir Apple’ (H3) ~ late main crop (22 weeks from planting). Very vigorous plants, elongated, knobbly tubers; good flavour 98 ‘Roseval’ (H3) ~ early main crop. High yield, uniform, oval tubers, attractive vivid carmine skin. Retains much of its skin colour when cooked, contrasting well with the yellow, waxy flesh; of superb flavour as a salad, hot or cold. Reconfirmed after trial 2003 Potato (salad) 03 ‘Amandine’ (PBR) (H3) ~ first early. High yield, uniform, oval tubers, shallow eyes, pale yellow, waxy flesh 03 ‘Princess’ (PBR) (H3) ~ first early. High yields; oval tubers, cream-coloured, floury flesh and good flavour 03 ‘Ratte’ (H3) ~ early main crop. Oval tubers, waxy, cream flesh; good flavour 03 ‘Shelley’ (H3) ~ second early. Uniform, oval tubers, shallow eyes, white fleshRADICCHIO – see chicory RADISH (Raphanus sativus) 96 ‘Cherry Belle’ (H3) ~ medium-sized leaf. Round red roots of good size For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 96 ‘Cyros’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Small leaf; round red roots of excellent colour. Reconfirmed after trial 2002 96 ‘Flamboyant Sabina’ (H3) ~ quick-maturing red roots, small white tip 02 ‘Flamboyant’ (H3) ~ cylindrical type; red with small white tip. Uniform, medium-sized tops 219 00 ‘Printo’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; excellent colour; nice round shape; medium tops 93 ‘Ribella’ (H3) ~ small leaf. Round bright red roots; reconfirmed after trial 1996 93 ‘Rondar’ (H3) ~ round bright attractive uniform roots; reconfirmed after trial 1996 96 ‘French Breakfast 2’ (H3) ~ uniform crimson roots with white tip 00 ‘Rougette’ (H3) ~ a very quick grower with very short tops and round shape; uniform and of good colour. Reconfirmed after trial 2002 96 ‘French Breakfast 3’ (H3) ~ crimson roots with one-third white tip 02 ‘Rudi’ (PBR) (H3) ~ round type; uniform, with good red colour; very short tops 00 ‘Gandar’ (H3) ~ uniform; cylindrical shape; good red colour with small white tip; attractive bunch 02 ‘Saxa’ (H3) ~ round type; large root, maturing early; bright red, medium-length tops 00 ‘Isar’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; excellent size and form; round shape with erect short tops 96 ‘Scarlet Globe’ (H3) ~ round medium to large red roots 00 ‘Juwasprint’ (H3) ~ very uniform; globe shape; bright red colour with short tops 93 ‘Short Top Forcing’ (H3) ~ small leaf. Deep round roots of excellent colour. Reconfirmed after trial 2000 96 ‘Marabelle’ (H3) ~ small leaf. Early with round red smallish roots. Reconfirmed after trial 2000 and 2002 96 ‘Sparkler’ (H3) ~ AGM awarded to Unwin’s maintenance only; slightly flattened round red roots with a white base 00 ‘Mirabeau’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. A widely grown variety with short tops; globe shape; bright red. Reconfirmed after trial 2002 96 ‘Summer Crunch’ (H3) ~ ‘French Breakfast’ type with small white tip For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 220 AGM PLANTS 2007 02 ‘Sunto’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; round type; good colour, early, very short tops well outside, but even better colour when forced SHALLOT – see onion 96 ‘Tinto’ (H3) ~ small leaf with large round red roots RHUBARB (Rheum × hybridum) 03 ‘Fulton’s Strawberry Surprise’ (H4) ~ maincrop. Very attractive bright red colour. Strong plant, but not too vigorous for the garden 03 ‘Grandad’s Favorite’ (H4) ~ first early. Vigorous plants, high yield, thick, fairly sweet stem, bright colour, good leaf to stem ratio. Suitable for showing 03 ‘Hawke’s Champagne’ (H4) ~ second early. Compact plants, high yield potential. Attractive, bright red, medium length, uniform stems 03 ‘Mac Red’ (H4) ~ maincrop. Strap-shaped stems; clear; whole stem has bright red colour; good flavour. A vigorous plant of good size and shape for the garden 03 ‘Reed’s Early Superb’ (H4) ~ maincrop. Long, straight, medium to thick stems, bright red colour grading to dark green, succulent and tender. Vigorous plant. Good exhibition potential 03 ‘Stein’s Champagne’ (H4) ~ maincrop. Very bold, bright red stems, with the colour along the full length. Medium vigour 03 ‘Timperley Early’ (H4) ~ first early. Thick stems, early, high yield. Bred for forcing; performs very SPINACH (Spinacia oleracea) 96 ‘Atlanta’ (H3) ~ mid-green large round leaves. Good cropper 02 ‘Campania’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Quick-maturing, with mid to dark green leaves; large frame. Bulks up quickly 02 ‘Emilia’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Mid to dark green, with slightly blistered (semi-Savoy) leaves. Prostrate, slower developing plants 02 ‘Grodane’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Smooth, bright, mid to dark green leaves with slight blistering. Vigorous plants producing a bulky crop 00 ‘Matador’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Thick, dark green, upright leaf 96 ‘Mazurka’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Round, dark green leaf. Useful crop; stands well before bolting. Reconfirmed after trial 2000 00 ‘Medania’ (H3) ~ slightly blistered, large round leaves. Bulked well 96 ‘Monnopa’ (H3) ~ upright leaf habit. Round, pale green leaves and a good crop 00 ‘Palco’ (H3) ~ late; mid-green, upright leaf For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 221 02 ‘Scenic’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Large, bright, prostrate mid-green leaves. High-yielding, with mid-season maturity. Suitable for ‘cut and come again’ SPINACH BEET (Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla var. cicla) – see also chard 00 ‘Perpetual Spinach’ (H3) ~ mid to pale green with fairly soft texture, medium vigour 96 ‘Space’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Round, yellow-green, slightly puckered leaf. Latermaturing; stands well SQUASH (SUMMER) (Cucurbita pepo) 06 ‘Clarion’ (H3) ~ hybrid; mid season. Healthy plants produce a high yield of attractive cylindrical fruits that are a mottled light green. Useful for stuffing if left to grow bigger 02 ‘Spartacus’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Attractive, very dark green, blistered leaf. Tight hearts; good vigour. Fairly slow to mature. Would suit ‘cut and come again’ cropping 96 ‘Spokane’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Round, dark green leaf; smaller-growing. Later-maturing and stands well. Reconfirmed after trial 2000 and 2002 00 ‘Tetona’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Very upright, smooth, rounded leaf; slow-growing 02 ‘Toscane’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Very uniform; quite smooth, with green petioles and attractive, mid to dark green leaves. Later-maturing crop 93 ‘Triathlon’ (H3-4) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Large, pointed, yellow-green leaves; strong-growing. An excellent crop 02 ‘Trinidad’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Upright, vigorous, dark green shiny leaf. Slightly blistered. Later to mature; well-suited to autumn cropping 06 ‘Eight Ball’ (H3) ~ good yield of round, green fruits; easy to see and pick from the compact, upright plants 06 ‘Geode’ (H3) ~ early and heavy crop of uniform, round, mid to pale green, marbled fruits with smallish blossom end scar. Clean, healthy plants 06 ‘Jemmer’ (H3) ~ hybrid; good yield of bright, light yellow, cylindrical fruits. Vigorous, healthy, upright plants with fruits that are easy to see and pick; also recommended as a courgette 06 ‘Parador’ (H3) ~ hybrid; crops early and gives a high yield. Nicely shaped fruits are cylindrical, straight and an attractive bright yellow. Flowers are held on the fruits until completely faded. Plants are healthy and compact 06 ‘Peter Pan’ (H3) ~ uniform crop of light-green, scallopshaped fruits should be harvested when small For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 222 AGM PLANTS 2007 06 ‘Satellite’ (H3) ~ hybrid; smaller, compact plants produce an early and prolific crop. Oval fruits are an attractive, vibrant dark green 06 ‘Soleil’ (H3) ~ hybrid; early to crop. Attractive, bright yellow, cylindrical fruits with yellow stalks. Healthy, compact, productive plants 96 ‘Dynasty’ (supersweet) (H3) ~ mid-season maturity. Tall plants, with long, well-filled cobs 03 ‘Earlibird’ (supersweet) (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; 2nd early. Uniform cobs; good vigour 03 ‘Golden Giant’ (supersweet) (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; maincrop. Vigorous, with clean foliage and large, good quality cobs 06 ‘Sunburst’ (H3) ~ hybrid; attractive yellow, scallopshaped fruits. Used for ‘baby veg’; best harvested when small (5-6cm diameter) 96 ‘Golden Sweet’ (supersweet) (H3) ~ mid-season variety. Very tall plants, with medium-length cobs SUGARSNAP – see pea, sugarsnap 96 ‘Gourmet’ (supersweet) (H3) ~ early to mature. Tall plants with long, very well-filled cobs SWEDE (Brassica napus Napobrassica Group) 02 ‘Brora’ (PBR) (H4) ~ uniform crop; very good smooth shape and colour 03 ‘Lark’ (extra tender sweet) (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; 2nd early. Plants with moderate vigour; very sweet, tender cobs 02 ‘Magres’ (H4) ~ fairly round; good size. Yellow flesh contrasts with purple skin 03 ‘Mainstay’ (supersweet) (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; maincrop. Vigorous plants, reliable crop, well-filled cobs 02 ‘Ruby’ (PBR) (H4) ~ good colour skin, good yellow flesh; elongated shape with a long handle 96 ‘Northern Extra Sweet’ (supersweet) (H3) ~ early to mature. Plants of medium height; good length cobs with large kernels 02 ‘Wilhelmsburger’ (H4) ~ uniform, good round shape; short handle; green skin with creamy white flesh SWEET CORN (Zea mays) 96 ‘Dickson’ (supersweet) (H3) ~ early to mature; tall plants, with good length cobs. Some colour variation 96 ‘Ovation’ (supersweet) (H3) ~ early to mature. Tall plants with long cobs 03 ‘Prelude’ (supersweet) (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; maincrop. Vigorous, high yield, with well-filled cobs For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 96 ‘Start Up’ (supersweet) (H3) ~ quick-maturing. Plants of medium height, with medium-length cobs of fine quality 93 ‘Sundance’ (H3) ~ early to mid-season. Short plants, with short well-filled cobs 03 ‘Swallow’ (extra tender sweet) (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; well-filled, shorter, sweet and tender cobs 03 ‘Swift’ (extra tender sweet) (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; 2nd early. High yield; med-ium-sized, sweet and tender cobs 223 red. Reconfirmed after trial 1998, 2005 98 ‘Bendigo’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; an early variety. Bright shiny fruits with thick flesh 05 ‘Calimero’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; uniform round, smooth, small to medium-sized fruits; good for stuffing, with a good flavour. Maturing from mid-green to bright red 93 ‘Canape’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. Good shape; bright red fruits; reconfirmed after trial 1998 05 ‘Corno di Toro Rosso’ (H2) ~ open-pollinated; later-cropping. Long, horn-shaped, very fleshy fruits that have a good flavour. Maturing from pale green to bright red SWEET PEPPER (Capsicum annuum var. annuum Grossum Group) 98 ‘Ace’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; productive plants produce uniform, blocky, bellshaped, fleshy fruits that ripen from mid-green to a bright, attractive red. Reconfirmed after trial 2005 98 ‘Cuneo Giallo’ (H2) ~ very large fruits; good for stuffing 98 ‘Ariane’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. Early-cropping and productive. Blocky, bell-shaped fruit ripen from mid-green to an attractive orange. Reconfirmed after trial 2005 05 ‘Diablo’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; very productive, producing large, pointed, hornshaped fruits with a very good flavour. Fruits ripen from mid-green to an attractive bright red 05 ‘Atris’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; plants give a good yield of long, pointed, horn-shaped, fleshy fruits with a good flavour. Fruits ripen from mid-green to an intense, deep red that darkens with maturity 05 ‘Friggitello’ (H2) ~ open-pollinated; productive plants with small, long, slim, pointed fruits. Ripening from mid-green to red; the versatile sweet-flavoured fruits have the appearance of a hot pepper and are also suitable for stirfry and pickling 93 ‘Bell Boy’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; blocky, bell-shaped fruits ripen from dark green to shining For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 224 AGM PLANTS 2007 05 ‘Gourmet’ (H2) ~ open-pollinated. Uniform crop of blocky, bell-shaped, fleshy fruits with a sweet flavour. Maturing from dark green to a good bright orange 93 ‘Gypsy’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; early-cropping. High yield of long, blocky fruits with a good flavour, ripening from pale green to an attractive bright red. Reconfirmed after trial 1998, 2005 05 ‘Mohawk’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. Medium-sized, bellshaped fruits that ripen from dark green to bright yellow; good flavour. Dwarf-growing plants are well suited to growing in pots 05 ‘Redskin’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; small to medium, blocky, bell-shaped fruits that ripen from dark green to a glossy, dark red. Compact plants give a high yield and are well suited to growing in pots from dark green to bright red and have a good flavour 05 ‘Topgirl’ (H2) ~ early-cropping, medium-sized, beef tomato shape; good for stuffing. Fruits mature from pale green to red; good flavour. Dwarf-growing plants, well suited to growing in pots 98 ‘Unicorn’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. Nice tapering shape; good colour and yield 98 ‘Vidi’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. Compact plants, with a high yield of thick-fleshed, goodcoloured fruits TOMATO (Lycopersicon esculentum) 97 ‘Alicante’ (H2) ~ good shape; heavy crop of attractive fruits which ripen well 97 ‘Arasta’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. Good shape and flavour; very bright juicy flesh 05 ‘Sweet Spot’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; attractive, long, slim fruits ripen from pale yellow-cream to bright orange-red 97 ‘Cristal’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. Good shape and flavour; very high yield of large, attractive fruits with glossy skin and dark flesh 05 ‘Topboy’ (H2) ~ mid to late cropping; medium to large, beef tomato shape that is good for stuffing. Fleshy fruits mature from mid-green to bright yellow 97 ‘Golden Sunrise’ (H2) ~ later-maturing; small yellow fruits 05 ‘Topepo Rosso’ (H2) ~ open-pollinated; productive, earlycropping plants. Medium-sized, beef tomato shape that is good for stuffing. Attractive fruits mature 93 ‘Outdoor Girl’ (H2) ~ early. Indeterminate, round red fruits with good flavour 97 ‘Pannovy’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. Thick skin; very high yield For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 97 ‘Piranto’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. Good shape and colour; high yield of large fruits with good succulent flesh. Small calyx, average flavour 93 ‘Shirley’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; fairly early. Uniform trusses; nice round red fruit of medium size and average flavour. Reconfirmed after trial 1997 97 ‘Spectra’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; a later variety. Good quality; uniform and attractive greenback-free fruits 97 ‘Tangella’ (H2) ~ small fruits, of an attractive orange colour; fairly low yield but early 93 ‘Tigerella’ (H2) ~ interesting attractive striped fruit; quite good flavour; reconfirmed after trial 1997 93 ‘Tornado’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Bush plants, with thin-skinned juicy fruits 97 ‘Vanessa’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid. High yield of greenbackfree, succulent fruits with very nice flavour 93 ‘Yellow Perfection’ (H2) ~ indeterminate, uniform, round, pale, yellow fruit Beefsteak tomato 03 ‘Amana Orange’ (H2) ~ attractive orange-yellow fruit; solid flesh; very little seed. Good flavour 225 03 ‘Beefsteak’ (H2) ~ very high yield; bright red, attractive, large fruits with solid flesh and good flavour 03 ‘Costoluto Fiorentino’ (H2) ~ high yield; medium sized, attractive bright red, highly ribbed, succulent fruit with good flavour 03 ‘Flame’ (H2) ~ low number of very large, attractive fruit; yellow flesh merging into a flame-red core. Very good flavour 03 ‘Legend’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Determinate plants; large, bright red fruit. Claimed blight resistance 03 ‘Marmande’ (H2) ~ high yield; large, bright red, attractive fruits, with solid flesh and good flavour 03 ‘Ponderosa Pink’ (H2) ~ late; vigorous, uniform plants, with attractive, large, rosy-red fruit of excellent flavour 03 ‘White Beefsteak’ (H2) ~ low number of large, pale yellow fruits; solid flesh; very little seed Cherry tomato 93 ‘Gardener’s Delight’ (H2) ~ indeterminate plants, producing long trusses of fruits of good flavour under glass or outside; reconfirmed after trial 1998 93 ‘Gold Nugget’ (H2) ~ early. Compact plants, with golden yellow, oval fruits. Reconfirmed after trial 1998 For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 226 AGM PLANTS 2007 98 ‘Jenny’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. A tall variety; good trusses of bright orange fruits 98 ‘Nectar’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Good shape, with trusses of bright red fruits 98 ‘Ruby’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Vigorous habit; a prolific crop of even-sized, bright red fruits on long single trusses 98 ‘Sun Baby’ (H3) ~ good trusses of uniform, attractive, yellow fruits 98 ‘Sunset’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Good yield of bright orange fruits 98 ‘Sweet Million’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Long trusses of sweet, round, bright red fruits; good yield 98 ‘Yellow Debut’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Good-flavoured, medium sized fruits on long, strong, branched trusses Plum tomato 04 ‘Delicacy’ (H2) ~ very early, indeterminate plants. High yield of attractive, medium to small, fairly elongated, juicy fruit 04 ‘Floridity’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; early; high yield from indeterminate plants. Attractive, small to medium, bright red, torpedo-shaped fruit 04 ‘Grande’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; vigorous determinate plants, with a reasonable crop of attractive, fleshy, bright red fruit. Can be expected to grow well outside 04 ‘Ildi’ (H2) ~ vigorous, indeterminate plants; heavy crop of small, attractive, yellow, plum-shaped fruit 04 ‘Myriade’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; vigorous, indeterminate plants; high yield of large, uniform, plum-shaped fruit, with smooth skin and bright red flesh. Fleshy and juicy with acceptable flavour 04 ‘Olivade’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Plants of moderate vigour; medium-sized, attractive, red, juicy fruit with good flavour 04 ‘Orama’ (H2) ~ attractive golden-yellow fruit from vigorous plants with strong foliage. Uniform, medium to large, juicy, fleshy fruit with good flavour 04 ‘Santalina’ (H2) ~ very early; high yield from indeterminate plants. Attractive, bright red fruit of mixed size, but mostly small; good flavour 04 ‘Sultana’ (H2) ~ early; high yield from indeterminate plants. Uniform, attractive, small to med-ium-sized fruit with good flavour 04 ‘Summer Sweet’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; very early, indeterminate plants. Very high yield of attractive, medium to small, juicy fruit with good flavour For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 VEGETABLES 04 ‘Sweet Olive’ (H2) ~ F1 hybrid; very early. Very high yield from vigorous, healthy, determinate plants. Small, red, round to plum-shaped fruits, a little difficult to pick, but of good flavour TURNIP (Brassica rapa Rapifera Group) 97 ‘Atlantic’ (H3) ~ early to mid season. Attractive flattened round roots with a purple top; very quick to mature. Reconfirmed after trial 2004 97 ‘Ivory’ (H3) ~ uniform, attractive, long cylindrical roots, white and smooth, with a sweet flavour 97 ‘Market Express’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Uniform, medium size, smooth, round, pure white, shiny roots. Reconfirmed after trial 2004 04 ‘Oasis’ (H3) ~ good early crop of conical white roots 04 ‘Primera’ (H3) ~ uniform crop of flat-shaped roots with purple top and attractive smooth skin. Good internal flesh 04 ‘Tiny Pal’ (H3) ~ attractive round white roots with very smooth skin 93 ‘Tokyo Cross’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid; early. Uniform, medium size, smooth, round, pure white, shiny roots; reconfirmed after trial 1997 and 2004 97 ‘Tokyo Top’ (H3) ~ F1 hybrid. Uniform size; small, white, shiny, round roots For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM 2006 Plant Descriptions Bougainvillea ‘San Diego Red’ (H1) AGM 2006 Leaves dark green 147A, younger leaves dark olive green 148A; bracts orange red 43A, becoming mostly purplish red 57C at maturity; flowers greenish white with a purplish flush on inner faces of sepals. Very good colour Bougainvillea (Spectoperuviana Group) ‘Mary Palmer’s Enchantment’ (H1) AGM 2006 Leaves dark green, more vibrant than 147A; young bracts creamy white, maturing to pure white; flowers white, greenish yellow middle with green throat. Flowering from end of May to end of September. White flowers all the way up; bracts shatter well when over Bougainvillea × buttiana ‘Miss Manila’ (H1) AGM 2006 Leaves mid green 137A; young bracts pinkish orange 40D, mature bracts pinkish purple 62B overflushed with purple 68B edged 40D; flowers whitestriped deep pink 47C. Flowers evenly up stem; distinct clear muted orange with pink blush; good performance in spring and autumn Camellia japonica ‘Deep Secret’ (H4) AGM 2007 Good foliage and petal substance; very reliable, flowering every year; a stunning red double, wonderful form and colour. Dark green glossy leaves Camellia × williamsii ‘Clarrie Fawcett’ (H4) AGM 2006 Virtually no petal blight or frost damage; good shape, colour and habit; compact, pure pale warm pink; very free-flowering, showing up well against the leaves Camellia × williamsii ‘Elizabeth Anderson’ (H4) AGM 2006 Nice form, shatters well, soft rose double, very special, an excellent plant Chrysanthemum ‘Action’ (22c) (H3) AGM 2006 Vibrant orange cushion chrysanthemum that forms a large even mound, spreads well, remaining fresh and lasting well over a long period Chrysanthemum ‘Joshua Hunter’ (H3) AGM 2006 A lovely vibrant yellow chrysanthemum; flowers stay fresh for a long time. White rust resistance seems to be good, with very little present, in a particularly bad year Chrysanthemum Linda ‘Lindayo’ (PBR) (22c) (H3) AGM 2006 A good clean creamy white cushion chrysanthemum that forms a large even mound, spreads well, remaining fresh and flowering late into the season Dahlia ‘Charlie Dimmock’ (SWL) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height up to 185cm. Inflorescence 15cm in diameter, outer florets long and incurved apricot orange, inner florets more yellow in colour. Flowering from 18 July 2006 Dahlia ‘Collerette Princess’ (Col) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 154cm. Inflorescence 7.5cm in diameter, outer florets short, broad, bright pink with a central band of dark red, white tips. Inner florets white, central yellow disc. Flowering from 15 July 2006 Dahlia ‘Gallery Art Fair’ (PBR) (MinD) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 50cm. Compact For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 PLANT DESCRIPTIONS inflorescence 9.5cm in diameter, florets white, short, narrow and incurved. Flowering from 3 July 2006 Dahlia ‘Gallery Singer’ (PBR) (MinD) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 42cm. Compact inflorescence 6.5cm in diameter, florets bright red, short, narrow and incurved. Flowering from 3 July 2006 Dahlia ‘Le Castel’ (D) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 160cm. Loose inflorescence 18cm in diameter, outer florets white with greenish yellow tinge, long and broad, overlapping and reflexed. Flowering from the end of July Dahlia ‘Pink Giraffe’ (O) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 135cm. Inflorescence 11cm in diameter; outer florets have pale pink upper side which is hardly seen as the shocking pink underside curls inwards to cover it. Inner florets are shorter and darker pink. Flowering from 25 July 2006 Dahlia ‘Ryecroft Jan’ (MinBa) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 165cm. Very compact inflorescence 9cm in diameter, outer florets broad, incurved and white. Good strong stem 22cm average length. Flowering from 18 July 2006 Dahlia ‘Ryecroft Marge’ (Anem) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 151cm. Inflorescence 11cm in diameter, outer florets long and narrow, pale pink suffused with white, being more white towards the centre. Bright yellow, incurved inner florets in a compact cluster. Flowering from 18 July 2006 Dahlia ‘Shep’s Memory’ (SWL) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 185cm. Inflorescence 15cm in diameter, outer florets strong orange, long and broad, overlapping and 229 pointed. Flowering from end of July/early August Dahlia ‘Staleen Condesa’ (MS-c) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 164cm. Inflorescence 17cm diameter, outer florets pink, very long and narrow, overlapping and reflexed. Flowering from 20 July 2006 Dahlia ‘Trelyn Kiwi’ (SS-c) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 164cm. Inflorescence 14cm in diameter, outer florets very long and narrow, pale lilac. Inner florets suffused with a darker purple/pink. Flowering from 27 July 2006 Delphinium ‘Jill Curley’ (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous, spreading perennial to 210cm, branching, large mid green leaves. Floriferous, up to 15 tapering spikes, to 80cm with many side spikes. Flowers semi-double, to 8.5cm, white 155c, eye more creamy white, long-stalked. Spur 2.8cm, not hairy. 50% flowering 19 June 2006. Stunning tall, free-flowering, white delphinium, excellent for the back of the borders; lasts well Delphinium ‘Kestrel’ (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous perennial to 200cm, branching, large, dark green leaves. Floriferous, up to 14 blunt spikes to 90cm long, with many strong side spikes. Flowers semi-double, 6.5cm diameter, closest blue 100A, eye dark brown 200A with some yellow hairs, not long stalked. Spur 2cm, not hairy. 50% flowering 12 June 2006. A very early flowering delphinium, that puts on a magnificent display of vibrant cobalt/ turquoise blue flowers with soft dark hairy centres Delphinium ‘Purple Velvet’ (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous, spreading, perennial to 242cm, branching, large green leaves. Floriferous, For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 230 AGM PLANTS 2007 up to 22 quite blunt spikes to 85cm long, with many strong side spikes. Flowers close, semi-double, to 7.5cm diameter, closest to dark violet-blue N89A, paling to violet-blue 90B towards the centre, eye dark brown N200A with very fine noticeable yellow hairs, appearing velvety. Spur 2cm, not hairy. 50% flowering 22 June 2006. A very tall, vigorous delphinium, that has superb, striking, rich purple columnar blooms, an unusual colour for the back of the border Delphinium ‘Susan Edmunds’ (PBR) (d) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous perennial to 238cm, branching, mid/small pale green leaves. Floriferous, to 15 tapering spikes, to 100cm long with a few strong side spikes. Flowers double, 5.5cm diameter, outer petals pale violet-blue 91A, inner petals having yellow-green 144A mid stripe, long stalked. Spur 1.8cm, not hairy. 50% flowering 19 June 2006. Unusual, frilly, fully double pale violet flowers on columnar spikes, held above compact, neat, slightly lime-green foliage; an excellent garden plant and a superb choice for flower arranging Dianthus ‘Amazon Neon Purple’ (Amazon Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 60cm. Inflorescences are made up of individual, 2.3cm diameter, vibrant red-purple 74A flowers that have fringed petals and are subtly scented. Amazing colour, very vibrant. Sturdy plants that stand well. Very uniform and floriferous. Excellent cutting flower Dianthus ‘Amazon Rose Magic’ (Amazon Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 60cm. Inflorescences are made up of flowers in three separate colours: pink 68A; deep pink 67B; white, marked with pink 67B. Individual flowers have fringed petals and average 1.8cm in diameter. Interesting and attractive bi-colour gives a superb display. Sturdy plants that stand well. Very uniform and floriferous. Excellent cutting flower Dianthus ‘Corona Cherry Magic’ (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 24cm. Large, 6cm diameter individual flowers with fringed petals form a cushion of colour. A mixture with plants in four colour combinations – white, streaked pink 67A, with dark cherry-red 53A eye; pale pink, marked dark pink, with dark cherry-red eye 53A; deep cerise with very dark greyed-purple 187A marking around self-coloured eye; deep cerise, marked white, with very dark greyed-purple 187A marking around selfcoloured eye. Uniform. Very attractive blend of cherry-red and white with good impact; predominantly white with a cherry eye and cherry with a white eye. New flowers open above the fading blooms Dianthus ‘Devon Sapphire’ (p) (H4) AGM 2006 Growing to 33cm tall and spreading to 40cm in diameter. Flowers have a deep magenta eye and lacing interspersed with white patches flushed magenta. 50% flowering from 6 June 2006. Compact plant with plenty of uniform flowers Dianthus ‘Devon Zane’ (p) (H4) AGM 2006 Neat, compact plant, growing to 22cm tall and spreading to 30cm in diameter. Flowers are a vivid pink with a paler eye. 50% flowering from 9 June 2006. Good, compact plant, producing plenty of uniform flowers Dianthus ‘Dynasty Orchid’ (Dynasty Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 47cm. 3cm diameter, semi-double flowers with fringed petals and a light, clove scent are bright red-purple 70B, streaked maroon 60A. Outstanding colour. Medium sized, For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 PLANT DESCRIPTIONS 231 semi-double, even, clean flower. Good habit. Some scent throughout the year together with a clove scent Dianthus ‘Elaine’s Choice’ (p) (H4) AGM 2006 Growing to 43cm high with a spread of 34cm diameter. Glaucous grey-green foliage with long, stout flower stems. Flowers double, white self, petals broad and slightly fringed. The abundance of petals falls slightly open at the centre to reveal a long curled stigma. 50% flowering from 16 June 2006. Nice white flowers held well above foliage. Vigorous Dianthus barbatus ‘Festival White’ (Festival Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 33cm. 4cm diameter; scented flowers are bright white and have cut-edged petals. Very bright, dazzling white. Large flowers have good shape with new flowers hiding the fading blooms Dianthus ‘Ideal Select Rose’ (Ideal Select Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 34cm. Bright, deep pink 61C flowers are 3cm in diameter, have cut-edged petals and a light clove scent. Uniform colour and habit. Lots of flower. Good colour contrast with foliage Dianthus ‘Ideal Select Whitefire’ (Ideal Select Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 28cm. 3.5cm diameter flowers have cutedged petals and are white flecked pink, with pink centre 63B and strong purplered 60B eye. Very attractive with good impact. Floriferous plants are covered in small white flowers with a red eye. Some variation in colour adds to the effect Dianthus ‘Merlin’ (H4) AGM 2006 A vigorous plant, growing to 40cm tall and spreading to 50cm in diameter. Flowers have a dark currant-red eye and lacing, with white patches flushed pale magenta. 50% flowering from 13 June 2006. Good, strong growth, beautifully marked flowers Dianthus Kiro ‘Lonkirok’ (PBR) (pf) (H1) AGM 2006 A flower of outstanding quality, with good vibrant colour, form and excellent ability to provide flowers Dianthus barbatus ‘Magic Charms Coral’ (Magic Charms Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 23cm. 3.5cm diameter flowers have cut-edged petals and are glowing pink 52A. Very even colour. Tremendous impact. Large flowers with good succession of developing buds Dianthus barbatus ‘Magic Charms White’ (Magic Charms Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 25cm. 5cm in diameter flowers have cut-edged petals and are a bright white. Very clean, dazzling white. Fine cut edges to petals Dianthus barbatus ‘Super Parfait Strawberry’ (Super Parfait Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height 22cm. Large, 6cm diameter flowers have cut-edged petals and are white, lightly blushed 44A, with a scarlet 44A eye. Good plant habit. Very floriferous with dramatic colour contrast Eupatorium capillifolium (H3) AGM 2006 Upright and free-standing, branching below, 160 × 100cm wide, mid green (137B), a few leaves becoming tinted reddish brown (183C). Green stem with short, longitudinal brown striations, thickly covered with long wispy white hairs. Usually non-flowering; insignificant when produced. Fresh green leaves; a terrific structural plant For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 232 AGM PLANTS 2007 Eupatorium fistulosum ‘Album’ (H4) AGM 2006 Upright, V-shaped, stately, 170 × 120cm wide. Leaves dark yellow green, paler than 147A, leaves mostly in whorls of 5, lanceolate and serrate. Hollow-stemmed. White flowers. Flowering from 26 July to 30 August 2006. Excellent bold foliage and flowers, attractively arranged; has a certain presence; a useful white perennial for this time of year Eupatorium maculatum ‘Orchard Dene’ (H4) AGM 2006 Upright, 240 × 150cm. Mid green 137B leaves, lanceolate and serrate. Stems green, very strongly dark purplish red 187A, fine longitudinal black dashes, especially noticeable on green areas. Flower dusky pink 186C. Flowering from 24 July to 18 September 2006. Dark stems showing up well against the flowers; shorter, stouter and more imposing than other clones Eupatorium maculatum ‘Purple Bush’ (H4) AGM 2006 Upright to lightly spreading, 210 × 150cm. Stem green, very strongly dark purplish red 187B, fine longitudinal black dashes, especially noticeable on green areas. Leaves lanceolate, serrate, dark green 147A. Flowers dusky pink 186C. Flowering from 24 July to 4 September 2006. Useful smaller size; bushy; standing up well; just as good as the taller hybrids but more compact and an excellent garden plant Eupatorium maculatum ‘Riesenschirm’ (H4) AGM 2006 Upright V-shaped, 160 × 110cm wide. Leaves dark green 147A. Stem N186C dark greyed red purple. Huge heads of flowers, greyed pink 186C, maturing to 186B. Flowering from 20 July to 18 September 2006. Lovely dark stems and veins on leaves; very effective dark purple stems; statuesque and has presence Geranium ‘Danny Boy’ (H4) AGM 2006 Light and airy, 50 × 160cm wide. Leaves yellowish mid green 146A. Flower to 3.5cm, vivid purple 78A, finely veined red 60A. Flowering prolifically from 30 May 2006 to 4 August 2006, peaking from the end of June to the beginning of July. Oozes class, airy and clean Geranium ‘Jolly Bee’ (PBR) (H4) AGM 2006 Fairly rampant spreader, 70 × 160cm wide. Foliage yellowish mid green 146A, lightly mottled paler yellow green 146B–C. Pronounced large red stipules. Flower to 4cm, bluish violet 88B with light blush of pinkish purple 82A, veined red 60B, petals white at base. Mature flowers becoming pinkish purple 82A. Flowering prolifically for a prolonged period, from 8 June 06 to the first frosts Geranium (Cinereum Group) Rothbury Gem ‘Gerfos’ (H4) AGM 2006 Plant forms a low mound of mid-green foliage, a little bluer than 137B: height 10cm, spread 20cm. Flowering from 17 May to 28 August. Flowers are 3cm in diameter; pale purple 75B/C, veined dark purplish-red 71A; anthers are brownish-yellow. Handsome silvery foliage and attractive pale purple flowers with deep, purple-red centre Geranium Rozanne ‘Gerwat’ (PBR) (H4) AGM 2006 Low, semi-prostrate, 30 × 100cm wide. Foliage dark green 147A, lightly blotched yellow green 146B-C. Flower top 4cm, violet 88B, grading to pale pink 82D on basal half of petal. Lightly veined translucent red. Anthers dark purplish brown. Flowering prolifically for a prolonged period, from 8 June 06 to the first frosts Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Bevan’s Variety’ (H4) AGM 2006 Mat-forming, compact and vigorous, 35 × 125cm wide. For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 PLANT DESCRIPTIONS Leaves 12 × 14cm wide, light green. Single flowers, to 3cm, near to red purple N74A; petals discrete and flat. Flowering prolifically from 8 May 2006 to 8 June 2006, peaking in late May. Masses of vibrant flowers held well above the foliage; split every 2 to 3 years to retain flower power; a perfect underplanting for cherry trees Geranium macrorrhizum ‘Mytikas’ (H4) AGM 2006 Low mat-forming, vigorous, 40 × 150cm wide. Leaves 3.5 × 4cm wide, yellow green 146A. Single flower, to 2cm, purplish pink N78B, 84C eye, petals flat to reflexed, slightly overlapping with a shallow notch. Anthers 180B, style and stamens 71B. Flowering prolifically from 15 May 06 to 20 June 06, peaking during the first two weeks of June. Effective ground cover making a low tight carpet; very neat; compact, wide-spreading habit making good ground cover; lots of small flowers with stunning colour; foliage looks good through the summer Geranium macrorrhizum ‘White-Ness’ (H4) AGM 2006 Mat-forming, compact and vigorous, 45 × 100cm wide. Leaves 8.5 × 9cm wide, greyish yellow green 147B. White, single flowers held well above foliage, to 2cm, petals overlapping, flat. Long drooping anthers, white filament and golden yellow stamens. Flowering prolifically, with numerous small flowers, from 25 May 06 to 28 June 06, peaking during the first to third weeks of June. Bright green calyces, apple-green buds and a pure white flower, complemented by a pale leaf; the best white selection; neat shape and masses of flower, which die well. Excellent for a dry, shady place, the white flower ‘jumping out at you’; perfect for a shaded woodland setting 233 Geranium maculatum ‘Elizabeth Ann’ (H4) AGM 2006 Upright, 70 × 95cm wide, flowers in and above chocolate foliage. Leaves dark reddish brown, a little redder than 200B, to 14 × 17.5cm wide. Flower to 3.5cm, pale pinkish purple 81C/D. Flowering prolifically from 2 May 06 to 5 June 06, with a second flush from 19 June 06 to mid July. Holds itself well; even when the flowers are over, the lime-green calyces are attractive Geranium phaeum ‘Our Pat’ (H4) AGM 2006 Upright and free standing, 110 × 90cm wide. Foliage yellow green 146A, stem spotted with brown 200D. Flower to 12 × 16cm wide, dark purple 79A/B, silvery white at base of petals. Flowering from 14 May 06 to 28 June 06. Long-flowering; presents flowers and stands well; good sized and colour blooms Geranium sanguineum ‘Little Bead’ (H4) AGM 2006 Semi-evergreen plant with very low, semi-prostrate habit and flowers held above mid-green 137B, semi-evergreen foliage: height 14cm, spread 55cm. Flowering from 23 May to 15 July then sporadically to 5 October. Flowers are 4cm in diameter; pinkish-purple 78B, finely veined purplish-red 61A/B with small white patch at base of petals. Low-growing plants have lovely rounded, pinkish purple flowers with overlapping petals Geranium subcaulescens ‘Giuseppii’ (H4) AGM 2006 Semi-evergreen plant forms a mound of mid-green 137B foliage with upright to decumbent inflorescences. Flowering from 20 April to 15 July and sporadically in August and September. Flowers are 3cm in diameter; vivid purple 74A, faintly veined dark purplish-red 71A with veins uniting at the base of the petals to give a dark eye; anthers are black. The For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 234 AGM PLANTS 2007 striking flowers, which are held well above the compact foliage, are a vivid purple with darker veins and eye Geranium × lindavicum ‘Gypsy’ (H4) AGM 2006 Plant is low growing with largish, mid green 138A leaves and semi-sprawling inflorescences: height 15cm, spread 20cm. Flowering from 10 May to 8 July with a second flush in August. Flowers are 3cm in diameter; vivid purple 74A, veined dark purplish-red 71A and have a dark eye surrounded with white. Attractive, vivid purple flowers have dark veins and a dark eye with white surround. Flowers are held well above the foliage giving an airy appearance Impatiens ‘Envoy North Shore Mix’ (Envoy Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 50cm, spread to 50cm. Flowers average 5.5cm in diameter: mix of five colours – pale, soft-purple N78D with red-purple eye N74B; soft purple N78B with redpurple, butterfly eye N74B; cerise 67A; white. A well-balanced combination of colours. Flowers well over an extended season Impatiens walleriana ‘Blitz 3000 Red’ (Blitz Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 55cm, spread 50cm. Flower diameter 5cm: red 42A. Vigorous plants with very uniform habit. Large flowers are a good red Impatiens walleriana ‘Cajun Jambalaya Mix’ (Cajun Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 50cm, spread to 60cm. Flowers average 5.5cm in diameter: mix of four colours – scarlet 44B; dark salmon-pink 43C; deep glowing pink, closest to 52A; white. A very pleasing mixture of salmon shades. Uniform habit and very floriferous Impatiens walleriana ‘Cajun Uni Mix’ (Cajun Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 20cm, spread to 40cm. Flowers average 4cm in diameter: mixture of colours – bright orange-red with iridescent sheen closest to N30A; dark wine-red 61A; cerise, closest to red-purple N74A; bright cherry closest to 53C; rich red closest to 45B flushed lightly with 46A; dark salmon-pink 43C; pink N66D flushed N66C; dark pink N66B flushed N66A; white. Excellent mixture with even spread of colours. Uniform plant habit Impatiens walleriana ‘Candy Carmine’ (Candy Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 60cm, spread to 50cm. Flower diameter 6.5cm: deep glowing pink, similar to but deeper than 52A. Attractive big flowers are a vivid, clear colour. Self-cleaning. Long flowering season Impatiens walleriana ‘Candy Deep Salmon’ (Candy Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 30cm, spread to 50cm. Flower diameter 5.2cm: bright salmon-red 40B with iridescent sheen. Very floriferous with big flowers. Started flowering early and continued to give a good display. Robust, disease resistant plants Impatiens walleriana ‘Candy Red’ (Candy Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 30cm, spread to 50cm. Flower diameter 5.6cm: rich, bright scarlet 44A, blushed with 45B. Very floriferous. Large flowers with rich, intense colour. Copes well with the weather Impatiens walleriana ‘Candy Scarlet’ (Candy Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 50cm, spread to 50cm. Flower diameter 6cm: scarlet 44B. Striking colour that contrasts well with the foliage Impatiens walleriana ‘Carnival Salmon’ (Carnival Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 50cm, spread to 50cm. For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 PLANT DESCRIPTIONS Flower diameter 4.5cm: dark, salmon-pink 43C. Very floriferous with a good, clear colour. Uniform plants and not much damage from the weather Impatiens walleriana ‘Expo Coral’ (Expo Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 45cm, spread to 55cm. Flower diameter 4.5cm: colour is a glowing pink 52C. Large flowers cover plants well. Attractive colour. Open habit allows dead petals to fall through Impatiens walleriana ‘Expo Lavender Blue’ (Expo Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 20cm, spread to 40cm. Flower diameter 5cm: soft-purple colour N78D with richer, red-purple butterfly marking at eye N74A. Good flower cover. Attractive, medium to large flowers are an interesting colour with nice eye. Weather resistant Impatiens walleriana ‘Expo Lilac’ (Expo Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 30cm, spread to 40cm. Flower diameter 5.3cm: rich, red-purple N74A. Good rich colour and very floriferous. Healthy plants with good leaf colour and even habit Impatiens walleriana ‘Expo Rose Picotee’ (Expo Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 40cm, spread to 45cm. Flower diameter 5cm: deep pink 67C, blushed with magenta N66A that increases in density around the edges of the petals. Vibrant colour. Attractive and unusual lighter centre. Dead flowers fall off and are hidden Impatiens walleriana ‘Expo Salmon Blush’ (Expo Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 50cm, spread to 50cm. Flower diameter 5.5cm: glowing pink 52A with bright, salmon-red 40B butterfly marking at centre. Very clean. Flowers have an 235 attractive colour combination and are held well above the bright foliage Impatiens walleriana ‘Expo Salmon Rose’ (Expo Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 25cm, spread to 40cm. Flower diameter 5.3cm: deep, glowing pink 52A that deepens at the eye and has an iridescent sheen. Masses of flower with attractive, iridescent, even colour that does not fade. Weather resistant Impatiens walleriana ‘Impuls Deep Rose’ (Impuls Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 40cm, spread to 50cm. Flower diameter 4.5cm: magenta N66A. Provides a good display over a long period. Floriferous with an intense, vivid colour that does not bleach. Taller growing plants have good leaf colour and uniform habit. Stands up well to the weather Impatiens walleriana ‘Impuls Red’ (Impuls Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 60cm, spread to 55cm. Flower diameter 5cm: rich, dark red 45A. Masses of large flowers with intense, vivid colour that does not bleach. Good green leaf. Good vigorous plants with uniform habit. Stands up to weather well Impatiens walleriana ‘Impuls Salmon’ (Impuls Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 45cm, spread to 50cm. Flower diameter 5cm: deep, glowing pink 52A blushed with salmon-red 40A. The clean plants are very uniform in habit. Attractive colour with a metallic sheen. Nice dark green foliage Impatiens walleriana ‘Stardust Rose’ (Stardust Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 45cm, spread to 50cm. Flower diameter 4cm: dark pink N66B with white star at centre, flecked with For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 236 AGM PLANTS 2007 N66B. Attractive marking on flowers. Uniform plants are very floriferous and have lots of flower to come Impatiens walleriana ‘Stardust Salmon Improved’ (Stardust Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 35cm, spread to 50cm. Flower diameter 5cm: salmon-red 43B with white star at centre. Outstanding cultivar. Very attractive, uniform star pattern. Good contrast of colours. Uniform habit and flower Impatiens walleriana ‘Tempo Rouge Mix’ (Tempo Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 50cm, spread to 50cm. Flowers average 5.75cm in diameter: mix of four colours – rich red-purple 60B; deep-cerise 61B; deep pink; white with salmon-red 43B butterfly marking at centre. A wellbalanced blend of colours with good even habit Impatiens walleriana ‘Xtreme Salmon’ (Xtreme Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 50cm, spread to 50cm. Flower diameter 4.5cm: deep salmon-pink 43C. Pretty, sparkling colour that varies attractively within the individual flowers. Very floriferous Impatiens walleriana ‘Xtreme White’ (Xtreme Series) (H3) AGM 2006 Plant height to 50cm, spread to 50cm. Flower diameter 4.5cm: white. Good white flowers that are fairly self-cleaning. Strong foliage with darker green leaves Iris ‘Ambroisie’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and spreading, foliage 77 × 4.5cm, erect and green. Flower stems to 103cm, straight, not erect with seven medium well-proportioned flowers per stem. Standards 8.5 × 7.5cm, cupped, erect, circular and wrinkled, closest purple N78C. Haft pale pink-purple 75D, mottled red-purple 70A. Falls 9 × 8cm, horizontal, obcordate, smooth, ruffled at margin, greyed-purple 186B. Haft creamy white 155D, heavily veined greyed-purple 186B. Style branches broad, erect, orange-white 159A at margin, midrib greyed-purple 186C, becoming greyed-red 182B near crest. Crest large, fringed greyed-red 182B. Beard conspicuous beard, closest greyedred 179B. Flowering 30 May to 20 June. Lovely, ruffled, raspberry pink self, flowers held well on many flower spikes Iris ‘Andalou’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and spreading, foliage 76 × 3.5cm, erect and glaucous. Flower stems 92cm, not erect, slightly zigzag with seven well-proportioned medium flowers per stem. Standards cupped, erect, fiddleshaped, smooth and wrinkled at margin, closest yellow 12B. Haft yellow 12B, speckled greyed-orange 176A. Falls drooping, circular, velvety and lightly wrinkled at margin, closest greyed-purple 185A, appearing red, very fine margin of greyed-yellow 162A. Haft yellow 84A, heavily veined greyed-purple 183A. Style branches broad, erect, yellow 12B at midrib, yellow 12A at margin. Crest, large, fringed and revolute, yellow 12A. Beard conspicuous yellow 13A. Flowering 23 May to 16 June. Excellent variegata with velvety red falls and bright, pure yellow standards, flowers well over a long period, a super bright iris for the garden Iris ‘Blue Bossa’ (CH) (H4) AGM 2006 Entered as Sdg FJW 19/00. Vigorous, compact plant. Foliage 36 × 1cm, lax and green. Flower stems to 26cm, straight, with up to two well-proportioned, medium flowers per stem. Standards 5.5 × 2.7cm, cupped, erect, spathulate, smooth and lightly wrinkled at margin, For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 PLANT DESCRIPTIONS purple-violet N82B, overlaid with fine veining of violet 83B. Haft pale purpleviolet N81D, veined purple N79B. Falls 5.5 × 3.7cm, horizontal, obovate, smooth and lightly wrinkled at margin, purpleviolet N82A with fine violet 83A veining radiating from violet 83A signal. Haft pale yellow 10c at centre, finely veined violet 83A, purple violet N81A at margin. Style branches narrow, close on haft, midrib purple-violet N 82C, margins N88C. Crest small, fringed purple-violet N82C. Flowering 19 May to 13 June. A super, compact plant, with many attractive violet flowers that last well Iris ‘Brave New World’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and compact foliage 60 × 5.5cm, erect and glaucous. Flower stems 106cm, erect and straight with up to 9 medium, well-proportioned flowers per stem. Standards 8.5 × 7cm, cupped, arching, circular, smooth and ruffled at margin, white flushed pale violet 84D, flushed deeper violet 84B at mid base of standard. Haft white 155C at midrib, veined greyed-orange 166B at margin, fading to greyed-orange 163B at base of standard. Falls 8.5 × 7.5cm, drooping, obovate, smooth and ruffled at margin, white 155B, flushed pale violet 84D at margin. Haft white 155C, veined greyedorange 166B, veining fading to greyedorange 163B at margin. Style branches broad, erect, white flushed palest violet 85D. Crest large, fringed, white flushed palest violet 85D. Conspicuous beard, yellow-orange 14A in throat, extending through white to violet 84D horn at tip. Flowering 31 May to 19 June. Striking ruffled, lavender-tinted white flowers, with eye-catching beards, yellow-orange in throat extending to a lavender horn 237 Iris ‘Dawning’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and spreading, foliage 60 × 4.5cm, erect and glaucous. Flower stems 91cm, not erect, zigzag, with seven medium, well-proportioned flowers per stem. Standards 8.5 × 7.2cm, floppy, circular, smooth and very wrinkled at margin, yellow-orange 14D, flushed peachy yellow-orange 18B. Haft pale yellow-orange 14D, midrib plain, sides lightly mottled greyed-orange 166A. Falls 9.8 × 3cm, drooping, obovate, smooth and very wrinkled at margin, yellow 11B, with a fine flushing of yellow 5B, signal patch white 155B. Haft flushed peachy, greyedorange 168D, veined lightly greyed-orange 166C. Style branches broad and close on haft, yellow 11B, flushed 168D, midrib greyed-orange 168D. Crest large, fringed yellow 11B. Beard inconspicuous, orange N25A at centre, becoming lighter yelloworange 17C on falls. Flowering 24 May to 14 June. Attractive lemon, blended pink flowers, appearing soft peachy orange, opening gradually providing a lengthy, consistent display Iris ‘Falcon’s Crest’ (Spuria) (H4) AGM 2006 A slowly spreading plant of good vigour. Foliage 80 × 3cm erect and green. Flower stem 90cm, erect and straight, with up to 4 well-proportioned medium flowers per stem. Standards 6 × 3.5cm, cupped, erect, spathulate with a cleft at tip, yellow 9A, with very heavy, almost solid, dark brown veining 200A, radiating from haft up and out to margin. Haft yellow 9A heavily veined Brown 200C. Falls 7 × 5cm, drooping, circular, smooth, closest bright yellow 9A, margin dark brown 200A with brown 200B rays radiating into and stopping at centre of fall. Haft yellow 9B, midrib slightly darker yellow 9A, pronounced yellow veining radiating to margin, becoming brown 200D at base of For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 238 AGM PLANTS 2007 haft. Style branches broad and close on haft, greyed-orange 163B at margin, overlaid with a wash of brown 200D that becomes more pronounced toward fine midrib brown 200D. Flowering 15 June to 3 July Iris ‘Going Home’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and spreading, foliage 71 × 3cm, lax and glaucous. Flower stems 92cm, not erect, zigzag, with seven, medium wellproportioned flowers per stem. Standards 8 × 6.5cm, cupped, arching, circular, creped, white 155C, very lightly flushed palest pink-white N155C at central base of standard. Haft pale green-yellow 1D, lightly mottled greyed-purple 187A. Falls 8.5 × 7.5cm flaring, obovate, creped, white 155A flushed closest greyed-orange 174C close to haft fading closest greyed-orange 165D at tip of fall. Haft white 155A veined greyed-purple 183A at midrib radiating to margin becoming mottled closest greyedorange 165C. Style branches broad, erect, white 155C flushed greyed-yellow 160B either side of midrib. Crest large, fringed, white 155C, tip of midrib at crest greyedorange 163B. Beard conspicuous greyedorange N172C. Flowering 23 May to 16 June. A lovely buff amoena, with good branching and many flowers per spike, lasts well Iris ‘Handshake’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and compact, foliage 66 × 5cm, semi lax, glaucous. Flower stems 80cm, erect, straight, with seven to ten medium, well-branched flowers per stem, palest violet-blue 92C flushed violet-blue 90C at centre. Haft small, narrow, white, veined greyed-purple 187A. Falls 9.5 × 8cm, incurved, circular, wrinkled, violet 88D suffused violet 88C, darkening to violet 88B towards margin, giving an almost blended, speckled appearance, slim V- shaped signal deep violet 88A. Haft broad, white, heavily veined red-purple 71A. Style branches broad, erect, raised midrib violet-blue 94C flushed violet-blue 88B either side, fading to white flushed violet 88D at margin. Crest, large, fringed and revolute, pale violet-blue 95D. Beard inconspicuous, pale violet blue 95D, tipped pale yellow, darkening to yellow 13A on haft. Flowering 19 May to 9 June. Pretty, gently ruffled violet blue flowers with clear blue, apricot-tipped beards, wellbranched with many flowers per spike Iris ‘High Roller’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Very vigorous and spreading, foliage 70 × 3.5cm, lax and green. Flower stems 90cm erect and straight, with up to nine large, well-proportioned flowers per stem. Standards 8.5 × 8cm, floppy, circular, creped, greyed-orange 163B at centre, flaring from haft to base of standard, flushed greyed-orange 163C mid fall, filling out to greyed-orange 176B. Haft greyed-orange 163B at mid-rib, flaring out to base of standard, margins boldly veined greyed-orange 175A. Falls 10 × 8.5cm, drooping, obovate, creped and wrinkled at margin, white signal, mid fall flushed greyed-orange 176B and yellow 12B, becoming greyed-orange 174B, deepening to greyed-orange 176B at margin. Haft yellow 12A, fine greyed-orange 165B veins radiating from beard becoming fuller at margin. Style branches broad, close on haft, greyed-orange 163B. Crest large, fringed and revolute, greyed-orange 166D. Beard conspicuous yellow-orange group 17A. Flowering 30 May to 16 June. A very vigorous, floriferous, lovely warm, light rosewood tan self with orange yellow hafts and beards Iris ‘Iced Tea’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and compact, foliage 69 × 3.5cm, For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 PLANT DESCRIPTIONS erect green-glaucous. Flower stems 80cm erect and straight, with seven small, wellproportioned flowers per stem. Standards 8 × 6.5cm, erect, circular, smooth and wrinkled at margin, pale violet-blue 91B with a bold central margin of violet blue 90B starting at haft and fading down length of standard, overlaid with pale splashes of yellow-green 151A, becoming a more solid band of colour at margin, standard appearing bronze-green. Haft, yellow 8A veined greyed-purple 183A at base of standard, becoming paler towards centre. Falls 8 × 6.5cm, drooping, obovate, smooth and lightly wrinkled at margin, violet-blue 91B becoming paler violet blue 91C towards margin, encircled by 6mm yellow-green 153A band at margin. Haft white 155C heavily veined yellow-green 153A at margin near to fall, becoming darker, greyed-orange 177A towards base of haft. Style branches broad, erect, pale violet-blue 92C at centre, pale yellowgreen 153D at margin, midrib at crest yellow-green 153D, fading into style branch. Crest pale violet-blue 92C flushed yellow-green 153D at centre and crest midrib. Beard conspicuous, yellow-orange 14A at base, becoming mainly under laid with violet-blue 91B towards tip. Flowering 29 May to 16 June. An unusual, striking, sturdy flower, bronze standards, held erect above violet blue flaring falls with a contrasting bronze margin Iris ‘Kiss of Summer’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and spreading, foliage 83 × 5cm, lax and glaucous. Flower stems 105cm, not erect, zigzag, with nine large, wellproportioned flowers per stem. Standards 9 × 7.5cm, cupped, erect, undulate, smooth and wrinkled at margin, white 155A very lightly flushed yellow 4D, being more pronounced at tip and base of standard. Haft pale yellow-green 154D, 239 lightly mottled greyed-orange N167A. Falls 10 × 8.2cm, drooping obovate, smooth and wrinkled at margin, white 155A, flushed palest yellow 4D, being more pronounced at margin. Haft white 155A, heavily veined yellow 6A radiating from beard to margin. Style branches broad, erect, white 155A at centre, wide strip of yellow 4D at each margin. Crest large, fringed, pale yellow 4D. Beard inconspicuous, white at tip, deepening to yellow 7A at mid beard, becoming yelloworange 17A at base. Flowering 31 May to 20 June. A lovely iris, with many large, soft, pale yellow flowers held well above the foliage Iris ‘Lucky Devil’ (Spuria) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous, spreading, sturdy, erect green foliage, 106 × 2.5cm. Flower stems erect, straight, 140cm, with 3 medium-large flowers per stem. Standards 6.5 × 3cm, cupped, erect, spathulate, velvety, closest violet 86A. Haft yellow 10A heavily veined violet 86A. Falls 7 × 4cm, flaring, circular, velvety with lightly creped margins, very dark violet-blue N92A, becoming yellow 12A heavily veined dark violet blue N92A, signal greyed-yellow 160A. Haft mid yellow 8A, midrib greyed-orange 175A, violet-blue N92A veins running parallel to midrib, with paler greyed-brown 199A veins radiating to margin. Style branches broad and close on haft, purple 77B at margin becoming closest violet-blue N92A at midrib. Crest large, revolute, closest violet-blue N9A. Flowering 17 June to 6 July. Tall, beautiful, velvety, rich, deep bluepurple and bronze flowers held well above erect, dense green foliage, a clump makes a truly stunning display Iris ‘Missouri Orange’ (Spuria) (H4) AGM 2006 Very vigorous, spreading green foliage 100–120 × 3.3cm, top of foliage lax. Flower stems erect, straight, 140cm, For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 240 AGM PLANTS 2007 with 3–4 medium-large, well-proportioned flowers per stem. Standards 6.5–2.5cm cupped, erect, oblong, smooth and lightly wrinkled at margin, yellow orange 17B. Haft yellow 12A. Falls 7.5 × 3.8cm, flaring, circular, smooth and lightly wrinkled at margin, yellow-orange 17A. Haft yellow 12A, becoming yellow-orange 17B at midrib. Style branches narrow, close on haft, yellow-orange 17C at midrib, fading slightly toward margin. Crest small, revolute, yellow-orange 17C. Flowering 13 June to 3 July. A striking, rich orange-yellow iris that puts on a super display; lasts well Iris ‘Nora Eileen’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and compact, foliage 68 × 4.2cm, lax and green-glaucous. Flower stems 98cm, not erect, zigzag, with eight medium, well-proportioned flowers per stem. Standards 7.5 × 6.5cm, floppy, circular and wrinkled, purple-violet N81A, overlaid with very fine veining of violet 83A, becoming paler purple-violet N81C at centre closest to haft. Haft white 155B flushed purple-violet N81C at midrib, becoming paler at base, margins mottled greyed-purple 183A. Falls 9 × 7.5cm, drooping, obovate, velvety and wrinkled at margin, closest purple-violet N81A overlaid with very fine veining of violet 83A, flushed purple-violet N82A around and from tip of beard. Haft white N155B, heavily flushed and veined purple-violet N81A radiating from beard, becoming more heavily veined greyed-purple 183A towards margin. Style branches broad, erect, purple-violet N82B at base of crest, paler purple-violet at base, wide band of white N155B at margins. Crest large, fringed, revolute, closest purple-violet N80A. Beard conspicuous, closest violetblue 94A. Flowering 30 May to 19 June. An eye-catching iris with stunning violet- purple flowers and a wonderful contrasting violet-blue beard Iris ‘Norfolk Belle’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and spreading, foliage 70 × 4.5cm, lax, green-glaucous. Flower stems 92cm; erect, straight, with 10 wellproportioned medium flowers per stem. Standards 7.5 × 7cm, cupped, arching, circular and wrinkled at margin, white 155A, with fine veining giving the standard an over all appearance of flushed palest yellow 9C, more pronounced at margin. Haft pale yellow 9D finely mottled grayed-orange 166A. Falls 8.5 × 7cm, flaring, obovate, smooth and wrinkled at margin, white 155B, flushed yellow 10A at margin, becoming broader at base with yellow 9A veining close to haft. Haft yellow 155B, veined yellow 9A, becoming greyed-orange N170A at base of haft. Style branches broad, close on haft, midrib yellow 9B, white 155B to either side with broad yellow 9B flush at margin. Crest yellow 9C. Beard inconspicuous, yellow 13A becoming almost white at tip. Flowering 25 May to 20 June. A beautiful iris with lovely fresh lemony flowers and a well-branched, upright habit Iris ‘Philippa Baughen’ (Spuria) (H4) AGM 2006 Entered as Iris spuria Sdg BB/Myst. Vigorous, spreading foliage, 130 × 1.5– 1.7cm, green and erect. lax at top. Flower stems erect, straight, 120–140cm, 4 wellproportioned medium flowers per stem. Standards 7 × 3.5cm, cupped, erect, spathulate, with a cleft at tip, smooth and lightly wrinkled at margin, ground yellow 9B, veining yellow 9A. Falls 7cm × 4cm, incurved, circular, smooth and slightly wavy at margin, yellow 9B, veins and signal yellow 9A tinged yellow 14B. Haft tinged yellow-green 2B, strongly defined double midrib, yellow-green 145B veins For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 PLANT DESCRIPTIONS radiating outwards. Style branches broad and erect, yellow 6C, slightly darker yellow 6B at midrib. Crest small, revolute, yellow 6C. Flowering 9 June to 30 June. A vigorous, very floriferous, lovely mid-yellow iris that flowers well above the foliage Iris ‘Queen’s Circle’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and spreading, foliage 64 × 5.2cm, foliage both lax and erect, glaucous. Flower stems 87cm, not erect, straight, with up to 8 large flowers per stem. Standards 9 × 7.5cm, floppy, obcordate, wrinkled and closest to white group 155C. Haft palest yellow 4D, edges faintly speckled greyed-brown N199C. Falls 9.7 × 8.7cm, horizontal, circular, smooth and wrinkled at margin, white flushed palest yellow 4D, within a band violet-blue N89C at margin. Haft palest yellow 4D, veined greyed-brown N199B. Style branches broad, erect, white 155C. Crest large, fringed white 155C. Beard conspicuous yellow-orange 17A, denser colour at centre, finer on fall. Flowering 23 May to 13 June. An outstanding iris, with pristine white standards over white falls boldly edged with dark blue set off by distinctive, contrasting, orange beards Iris ‘Reg Wall’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and spreading, foliage to 92 × 5.5cm, lax and green-glaucous. Flower stems 86cm, erect, zigzag, with 10 large well-proportioned flowers per stem. Standards 8 × 6cm, cupped, arching, undulate, velvety, very wrinkled at margin, closest violet N87A, very finely veined violet-blue N89A. Haft white N155B, finely veined greyed-purple N187A at margin. Falls 9 × 7cm, drooping, obovate, velvet, wrinkled at margin, closest violet N87A, very finely veined violet-blue N89A. Haft white N155B, veined greyed-purple 187A. Style branches 241 broad, close on haft, midrib violet N88B, fading through violet N88C to palest violet 84D, almost white. Crest large, fringed violet N88B. Beard conspicuous, yellow-orange 15A, becoming pale violetblue 91B towards centre of fall. Flowering 22 May to 22 June. A delightful, deep violet self, with a lovely scent and many spikes with good branching, lasts well Iris ‘Shurton Princess’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and compact, foliage 70 × 3.5cm, erect and glaucous. Flower stems 88cm, not erect, zigzag with up to 9 medium well-proportioned flowers per stem. Standards 8.5 × 7cm, erect, arching, obcordate and wrinkled, purple-violet N80C, lightly veined purple-violet N80B. Haft white N155D, mottled greyed-orange 166B. Falls 8.5 × 7cm, drooping, obovate, smooth, wrinkled at margin, purple 77B, slight violet 86C flush mid fall. Haft white 155B, veined greyed-orange 166B, becoming more full at margin. Style branches broad, erect, purple-violet N82D at midrib, palest violet almost white 85D either side of midrib. Crest pale purpleviolet N82D. Beard conspicuous, yelloworange 15A, becoming white on fall. Flowering 30 May to 19 June. A lovely iris with soft, smooth, delicately ruffled, amethyst coloured flowers Iris ‘Shurton Sunrise’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and spreading, foliage 73 × 4cm, lax and glaucous. Flower stems 75cm, erect, straight, with 7 small-medium wellproportioned flowers per stem. Standards 7.5 × 7cm cupped, erect, circular and wrinkled, white 155C flushed strong yellow 7B at base, fading at centre to become stronger at margin. Haft yellow 2A, faintly speckled greyed-orange 165B. Falls 8.8 × 7cm flaring, smooth and wrinkled at margin, white 155B at centre, For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 242 AGM PLANTS 2007 heavily veined yellow 9A at base of fall, radiating from beard, becoming yellow 9C either side of white centre fall fading to almost white at margin. Haft white 155B lightly veined greyed-orange 163A, fading and blending at margin to greyed-orange 163B. Style branches broad, close on haft, white at base, midrib becoming yellow 9A mid way and up into crest, white either side of midrib, yellow 9A at margin. Crest large, fringed, flushed yellow 9C, yellow 9A at midrib. Beard inconspicuous, yellow-orange 17A at base fading to yellow 9A on fall. Flowering 30 May to 19 June. An attractive smaller flowered iris, flowers are yellow with a central white panel to the fall, enhancing the co-ordinating yellow beard Iris ‘Stoke Courcy’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Entered as Sdg C-98-48. Vigorous and spreading, foliage 80 × 4cm, erect and green. Flower stems 95cm, erect, zigzag with 8 large, well-proportioned flowers per stem. Standards cupped, erect, smooth and lightly wrinkled at margin, purpleviolet N82B on white 155C plicata, showing more purple than the fall. Haft midrib white 155C, lightly speckled purple-violet N82B, base and margins flushed pale yellow 6D, heavily veined greyed-purple 187A. Falls 10 × 8cm horizontal, obovate, smooth and lightly wrinkled at margin, purple-violet N82A on white 155C plicata. Haft white 155c, sparsely veined greyed-purple 187A, radiating from beard, becoming flushed yellow 6D overlaid with thick greyedpurple 187A veining. Style branches broad, erect, closest greyed-yellow 160A at margin, midrib purple N77C broadening to fill crest. Crest purple N77C. Beard inconspicuous yellow 13A at base, becoming violet 85B at tip. Flowering 30 May to 19 June. A most attractive, eye- catching iris, a precise, purple-violet plicata on white Iris ‘Tom Johnson’ (TB) (H4) AGM 2006 Vigorous and compact, foliage 66 × 4cm, erect and green. Flower stems to 86cm; erect, straight, up to 9 small, wellproportioned flowers per stem. Standards 7.7 × 6.5cm, floppy and wrinkled, violet 86A. Haft palest violet 84D, veined violet 86A at centre, becoming darker violet-blue N92A at margin. Falls 8.5 × 7.2cm horizontal, obcordate, velvety and wrinkled at margin, closest to violet-blue N92A at centre, fading to violet 83A at edges. Haft white 155B heavily veined purple N79A radiating to almost solid colour at margin. Style branches broad, erect, violet 87A at midrib fading through violet 87C through to near white at margin. Crest large and slightly fringed, violet N87A. Beard very conspicuous, greyed-orange 169B. Flowering 22 May to 12 June. A superb iris, with small, neat, rich, velvety purple flowers and an eye-catching, vibrant red-orange beard Lathyrus odoratus ‘Chris Harrod’ (H4) AGM 2006 Light blue. Plant 206cm high, vigorous; flower stems 25cm long, 3 flowers per stem. Flowers 5cm in diameter; standards reflexed and waved; wings spreading and waved; both pale blue (92B). Flowering from 12 June 2006 Lathyrus odoratus ‘Solway Ballerina’ (H4) AGM 2006 Pink blush on white. Plant 147cm high, vigorous; flower stems 21cm long, 3 flowers per stem. Flowers 6cm in diameter; standards reflexed and waved; wings drooping and waved; both pale pink (68A–69A). Flowering from 7 June 2006 For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 PLANT DESCRIPTIONS Lathyrus odoratus ‘Solway Classic’ (H4) AGM 2006 Red-veined semi-dwarf. Plant 134cm high, vigorous; flower stems 16cm long, three to four flowers per stem. Scented flowers 3.5cm in diameter; standards hooded, round; wings hooded and round; both red (61B) on top and white (NI55D) on underside, red shows through giving a pale pink tinge to the white. Flowering from 12 June 2006 Lathyrus odoratus ‘Solway Sapphire’ (H4) AGM 2006 Blue-veined semi-dwarf. Plant 129cm high, vigorous; flower stems 14cm long, 3 flowers per stem. Slightly scented flowers 4cm in diameter; standards spreading and drooping; wings spreading, hooded and round; both blue-purple (86A) on top and white (N155D) on underside, blue-purple shows through giving pale purple tinge to white. Flowering from 7 June 2006 Narcissus ‘Angelito’ (3) (H4) AGM 2006 Upright habit of stem, leaves bend over, flowers face outwards and tilt down slightly. Stem reaching up to 53cm in height, dark glaucous foliage up to 41cm. 10 bulbs produced on average 43 flowers. Flowers 10cm in diameter. Flowering from 17 April to 5 May 2006. Good, bold colour, late variety which extends the daffodil season Narcissus ‘Brooke Ager’ (2) (H4) AGM 2006 Upright habit, flowers facing outward and tilting slightly downwards. Stem reaching up to 44cm in height, dark glaucous foliage up to 37cm. 10 bulbs produced on average 26 flowers. Flowers 7cm in diameter. Flowering from 18 April to 3 May 2006. Magnificent plant, wellproportioned, outstanding colour Narcissus ‘Great Gatsby’ (2) (H4) AGM 2006 Mainly upright habit with some 243 leaves bending over, flowers face outward and upward. Stem reaching up to 75cm in height, light glaucous foliage up to 65cm. 10 bulbs produced on average 28 flowers. Flowers 11cm in diameter. Flowering from 11 April to 3 May 2006. Very bright, clean, excellent yellow/red flower. Lots of impact, flowers held well above the foliage Narcissus ‘India’ (2) (H4) AGM 2006 Very upright habit, flowers pointing outward and upward. Stem reaching up to 65cm in height, very glaucous grey-blue foliage up to 57cm. 10 bulbs produced on average 28 flowers. Flowers 11cm in diameter. Flowering from 3 to 26 April 2006. Excellent strong, showy lemon flower Narcissus ‘Oregon Snow’ (2) (H4) AGM 2006 Upright habit, flowers facing outward and downward. Stem reaching up to 51cm in height, slightly glaucous foliage up to 48cm. 10 bulbs produced on average 28 flowers. Flowers 12cm in diameter. Flowering from 5 April to 3 May 2006. Lovely white, long lasting, has stood against weather well Narcissus ‘Sagitta’ (H4) AGM 2006 Upright habit, flowers facing outward, tilted down slightly. Stem reaching up to 62cm in height, slightly glaucous foliage up to 49cm. 10 bulbs produced on average 34 flowers. Flowers 12cm in diameter. Flowering from 10 March to 19 April 2006. Outstanding garden plant, very long flowering period, even during cold spell Narcissus ‘Sailboat’ (7) (H4) AGM 2006 Upright habit, flowers pointing outward and upward. Stem reaching up to 42cm in height, dark green foliage up to 34cm. 10 bulbs produced on average 85 flowers. Flowers 6cm in diameter. Flowering from 6 to 27 April 2006. Very floriferous, lasts For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D 244 AGM PLANTS 2007 well. Whilst sister seedling ‘Toto’ is suitable for potting, ‘Sailboat’ is not Sedum ‘Marchants Best Red’ (H4) AGM 2006 Upright and neat, 60 × 70cm wide. Foliage yellow green 146D, strongly flushed red 187A/B, less so on lower leaves. Stem dark red 187A. Grey green calyx, sepals pink 57D, no petals or stamens, carpel strong reddish pink 60A. Flower 4mm. Flowering from 6 August to 29 September 2006. Glossy foliage, better autumn colour than ‘Red Cauli’, very effective with other plants; excellent Sedum ‘Matrona’ (H4) AGM 2006 Flowering from 8 August to 27 September 2006. 100 × 200cm wide, unusually flopped badly on over fertile soil. Foliage yellowish mid green 137C with fine dark red, almost black, edge, basal half of midrib red 183C. Stem green, flushed greyed red 183D especially in inflorescence, deeper beetroot red 187A at stem base, light bloom. Bud greenish white tipped pink 182D, petal white tipped pink 62B, carpel pink 62C, styles slightly darker 62B, becoming greenish white with dark pink styles, flower 14mm. One of the best; display carries on after flowers are over Sedum ‘Mr Goodbud’ (H4) AGM 2006 Upright and tight, 60 × 60cm. Foliage yellow green 146B-C, trace of dark red on leaf edge and teeth, fairly pliant, mostly flat to slightly convex upper surface. Stem green flushed pinkish purple 185C with bloom. Bud white to very pale pink; petal white base, pink 66C; carpel pink 66D tipped darker pink 66A. Flower 12mm. Flowering from 4 August to 25 September 2006. Good dark stems, sturdy; outstanding, excellent pink flower and height Sedum ‘Red Cauli’ (H4) AGM 2006 Usually upright, flopping on over fertile soil, 70 × 90cm wide. Thick foliage dark green 147A (lower leaves much paler) with dark purple brown 187A flush, basal half of midrib red 187D. Stem red 187B-D, bud greenish white, tipped dusky pink 182C, carpel red 185B. Flower 5mm, lacking petals and stamens. Flowering 30 July to 25 September 2006. Wonderful red stems; outstanding red flowers still good after going over; attractive small flower Sedum cauticola ‘Lidakense’ (H4) AGM 2006 Prostrate habit, flattish mound, 15 × 65cm wide. Foliage yellow mid green 137C with strongly glaucous 189B bloom, upper leaves and bracts with purple 187D flush; especially at tips. Stem green on underside, grey brown 197A on upper, this very finely mottled and striated red 183D. Bud greenish white streaked pink 71B, petal pink 186B, carpel red 187D becoming greenish white streaked red. Flower 11mm. Flowering from 11 September to 18 October 2006. Excellent front of border plant; attractive in bud; striking glaucous foliage Sedum telephium ‘Purple Emperor’ (H4) AGM 2006 Upright to slightly flopped, widely branched, 60cm × 100cm wide. Foliage , thick and very brittle, mid green 137A, very strongly bronzed dark purple, darker than 187A, almost 200A. Stem green at base and beneath nodes, strongly flushed red 187B-C elsewhere. Bud white base with pink 187D tips, petal off white with red 187C mid petal, carpel buff 161C flushed red 187D, becoming red 187C. Flower 8mm. Flowering from 25 July to18 September 2006. Compact, standing well and not sprawling despite over fertile soil; attractive floral structure and dark leaves For key to hardiness ratings and general codes, see pages 6 and 7 Appendix A: Trials 2007 Floral from seed Pansies (winter-flowering) Petunia multiflora Verbascum Floral from plugs Verbena in hanging baskets and containers Floral plants Aconitum Bergenia Cortaderia Kniphofia Verbascum Rock garden Crocus, spring-flowering Sempervivum Vegetable Trials Broccoli, purple–sprouting (autumncropping) Calabrese (June-sown, to crop September/ October) Courgettes, green Lettuce, cos and semi-cos Potato (early; cultivars released in the last 10 years) Spinach (for August and September cropping) Tomato, cherry (in unheated plastic tunnel) Woody plant trials Abelia Berberis thunbergii Buddleja Ceanothus Hydrangea paniculata Indigofera & Lespedeza Lonicera (climbing/deciduous) Fruit trials Raspberry Blackcurrant LONG TERM TRIALS IN 2007 Daffodil Chrysanthemum, garden Dahlia Delphinium Iris, bearded Iris, Pacific Coast Iris, tall bearded Iris, moisture-loving Iris sibirica Iris spuria Miniature and dwarf pinks Garden pinks Border carnations Perpetual-flowering and spray carnations Sweet peas Tulips, small-flowered 2006-2008 Appendix B: Key to Code Combinations Some previous editions of AGM Plants presented the plant list in sections, according to plant type. The following key may be used to determine plant type when using the alphabetical listing. For example, if you wanted to find all climbers that were previously included in the Unheated Glass Protection section, you would look for plants with the code Cl and hardiness rating H2 or H2-3. (See also Appendix C.) 1. Hardy Trees, Shrubs, Climbers and Bamboos All in combination with H3 or H4: Trees and Shrubs: code T Climbers: code Cl Conifers: codes C, C* (dwarf ) Bamboos: code Ba 2. Hardy Herbaceous Perennials, Grasses, Bulbs and Ferns All in combination with H3 or H4: Herbaceous perennials: code H Grasses: codes G, G* (suitable for drying) Bulbs, corms & tubers: code B Ferns: code F 3. Hardy Rock and Alpine Plants All codes marked with an obelisk †, in combination with H3 or H4. 4. Plants for Glass Heated Glass Protection: General: any code except CS or Cl, with hardiness H1 or H2 Cacti & Succulents: code CS, with hardiness H1 or H2 Climbers: code Cl, with hardiness H1 or H2 Summer Display (i.e. perennials for overwintering under heated glass, placed outside in summer): any code with hardiness H1+3 Unheated Glass Protection General: any code except Cl, with hardiness H2 or H2-3 Climbers: code Cl, with hardiness H2 or H2-3 Plants for the Alpine House: Any code marked with an obelisk †, with hardiness H2 or H2-3. 5. Hardy and Half-hardy Annuals All in combination with hardiness H3 or H4: Annuals for the garden: codes A, P Annual grasses for drying: code G* Appendix C: Guide to Selected Plant Types Some of the plant types given in Appendix B are represented by relatively few genera. These are listed below for ease of reference. For example, if you wanted to find all dwarf hardy conifers in the list, you would look for plants marked C* in combination with H3 or H4 under the genera listed below. Alpine house: Look for codes marked with an obelisk † under Asperula, Campanula, Clematis, Corydalis, Cyclamen, Dionysia, Draba, Fritillaria, Helichrysum, Helleborus, Ipheion, Iris, Leptospermum, Leucojum, Lewisia, Narcissus, Origanum, Ozothamnus, Paeonia, Physoplexis, Pleione, Primula, Pulsatilla, Ranunculus, Sarmienta, Saxifraga, Sisyrinchium, Tecophilaea, Verbascum Bamboos, hardy: Look for code Ba in combination with H3 or H4 under Chusquea, Fargesia, Hibanobambusa, Indocalamus, Phyllostachys, Pleioblastus, Pseudosasa, Semiarundinaria, Thamnocalamus Climbers, for unheated glass: Look for code Cl in combination with H2 or H2-3 under Jasminum, Mandevilla, Passiflora, Trachelospermum Conifers, dwarf hardy: Look for code C* in combination with H3 or H4 under Abies, Chamaecyparis, Cryptomeria, Juniperus, Microbiota, Picea, Pinus, Platycladus, Thuja Ferns: see Adiantum, Asplenium, Athyrium, Blechnum, Cyrtomium, Davallia, Dicksonia, Dryopteris, Gymnocarpium, Matteuccia, Onoclea, Osmunda, Phanerophlebia, Phyllitis, Polypodium,Polystichum, Woodsia, Woodwardia Grasses, for drying: Look for code G* under Aira, Lagurus, Pennisetum, Setaria Grasses, hardy: Look for code G in combination with H3 or H4 under Cortaderia, Festuca, Hakonechloa, Helictotrichon, Milium, Miscanthus, Molinia, Pennisetum, Phalaris, Stipa Summer display: Look for H1+3 under Arctotis, Argyranthemum, Begonia, Bidens, Chlorophytum, Ensete, Exacum, Fuchsia, Gazania, Grevillea, Lobelia, Lotus, Musa, Nerium, Osteospermum, Pelargonium, Phoenix, Pteris, Salvia, Thunbergia, Zinnia Appendix D: Classification Codes BEGONIA (C) Cane-like (R) Rex Cultorum (S) Semperflorens Cultorum (T) × tuberhybrida (Tuberous) (12b) (13a) (13b) (13c) CHRYSANTHEMUM (National Chrysanthemum Society codes) (1) Indoor Large (Exhibition) (2) Indoor Medium (Exhibition) (3a) Indoor Incurved: Large-flowered (3b) Indoor Incurved: Medium-flowered (3c) Indoor Incurved: Small-flowered (4a) Indoor Reflexed: Large-flowered (4b) Indoor Reflexed: Medium-flowered (4c) Indoor Reflexed: Small-flowered (5a) Indoor Intermediate: Largeflowered (5b) Indoor Intermediate: Mediumflowered (5c) Indoor Intermediate: Smallflowered (6a) Indoor Anemone: Large-flowered (6b) Indoor Anemone: Mediumflowered (6c) Indoor Anemone: Small-flowered (7a) Indoor Single: Large-flowered (7b) Indoor Single: Medium-flowered (7c) Indoor Single: Small-flowered (8a) Indoor True Pompon (8b) Indoor Semi-pompon (9a) Indoor Spray: Anemone (9b) Indoor Spray: Pompon (9c) Indoor Spray: Reflexed (9d) Indoor Spray: Single (9e) Indoor Spray: Intermediate (9f) Indoor Spray: Spider, Quill, Spoon or Any Other Type (10a) Indoor, Spider (10b) Indoor, Quill (10c) Indoor, Spoon (11) Any Other Indoor Type (12a) Indoor, Charm (14a) (14b) (14c) (15a) (15b) (15c) (16) (17a) (17b) (17c) (18a) (18b) (19a) (19b) (19c) (19d) (19e) (19f) (20) (21a) (21b) (21c) (21d) Indoor, Cascade October-flowering Incurved: Largeflowered October-flowering Incurved: Medium-flowered October-flowering Incurved: Smallflowered October-flowering Reflexed: Largeflowered October-flowering Reflexed: Medium-flowered October-flowering Reflexed: Smallflowered October-flowering Intermediate: Large-flowered October-flowering Intermediate: Medium-flowered October-flowering Intermediate: Small-flowered October-flowering Large October-flowering Single: Largeflowered October-flowering Single: Mediumflowered October-flowering Single: Smallflowered October-flowering Pompon: True Pompon October-flowering Pompon: Semipompon October-flowering Spray: Anemone October-flowering Spray: Pompon October-flowering Spray: Reflexed October-flowering Spray: Single October-flowering Spray: Intermediate October-flowering Spray: Spider, Quill, Spoon or Any Other Type Any Other October-flowering Type Korean: Anemone Korean: Pompon Korean: Reflexed Korean: Single CLASSIFICATION CODES (21e) (21f) (22a) (22b) (22c) (22d) (22e) (22f) (23a) (23b) (23c) (24a) (24b) (24c) (25a) (25b) (25c) (26a) (26b) (27a) (27b) (28a) (28b) (29a) (29b) Korean: Intermediate Korean: Spider, Quill, Spoon or Any Other Type Charm: Anemone Charm: Pompon Charm: Reflexed Charm: Single Charm: Intermediate Charm: Spider, Quill, Spoon or Any Other Type Early-flowering Outdoor Incurved: Large-flowered Early-flowering Outdoor Incurved: Medium-flowered Early-flowering Outdoor Incurved: Small-flowered Early-flowering Outdoor Reflexed: Large-flowered Early-flowering Outdoor Reflexed: Medium-flowered Early-flowering Outdoor Reflexed: Small-flowered Early-flowering Outdoor Intermediate: Large-flowered Early-flowering Outdoor Intermediate: Medium-flowered Early-flowering Outdoor Intermediate: Small-flowered Early-flowering Outdoor Anemone: Large-flowered Early-flowering Outdoor Anemone: Medium-flowered Early-flowering Outdoor Single: Large-flowered Early-flowering Outdoor Single: Medium-flowered Early-flowering Outdoor Pompon: True Pompon Early-flowering Outdoor Pompon: Semi-pompon Early-flowering Outdoor Spray: Anemone Early-flowering Outdoor Spray: Pompon (29c) (29d) (29e) (29f) (30) 249 Early-flowering Outdoor Spray: Reflexed Early-flowering Outdoor Spray: Single Early-flowering Outdoor Spray: Intermediate Early-flowering Outdoor Spray: Spider, Quill, Spoon or Any Other Type Any Other Early-flowering Outdoor Type CLEMATIS (Cultivar Groups as per Matthews, V. (2002) The International Clematis Register & Checklist 2002, RHS, London.) (A) Atragene Group (Ar) Armandii Group (C) Cirrhosa Group (EL) Early Large-flowered Group (F) Flammula Group (Fo) Forsteri Group (H) Heracleifolia Group (I) Integrifolia Group (LL) Late Large-flowered Group (M) Montana Group (T) Texensis Group (Ta) Tangutica Group (V) Viorna Group (Vb) Vitalba Group (Vt) Viticella Group DAHLIA (By the National Dahlia Society with corresponding numerical classification according to the RHS’s International Register) (Sin) 1 Single (Anem) 2 Anemone-flowered (Col) 3 Collerette (WL) 4 Waterlily (unassigned) (LWL) 4B Waterlily, Large (MWL) 4C Waterlily, Medium (SWL) 4D Waterlily, Small (MinWL) 4E Waterlily, Miniature AGM PLANTS 2007 250 (D) (GD) (LD) (MD) (SD) (MinD) (SBa) (MinBa) (Pom) (C) (GC) (LC) (MC) (SC) (MinC) (S-c) (GS-c) (LS-c) (MS-c) (SS-c) (MinS-c) (Misc) (Fim) (SinO) (DblO) (B) (DwB) (Lil) 5 Decorative (unassigned) 5A Decorative, Giant 5B Decorative, Large 5C Decorative, Medium 5D Decorative, Small 5E Decorative, Miniature 6A Small Ball 6B Miniature Ball 7 Pompon 8 Cactus (unassigned) 8A Cactus, Giant 8B Cactus, Large 8C Cactus, Medium 8D Cactus, Small 8E Cactus, Miniature 9 Semi-cactus (unassigned) 9A Semi-cactus, Giant 9B Semi-cactus, Large 9C Semi-cactus, Medium 9D Semi-cactus, Small 9E Semi-cactus, Miniature 10 Miscellaneous 11 Fimbriated 12 Single Orchid (Star) 13 Double Orchid Botanical Dwarf Bedding Lilliput (in combination) DIANTHUS (RHS codes) (b) Carnation, border (M) Carnation, Malmaison (pf) Carnation, perpetual-flowering (p) Pink (p,a) Pink, annual FUCHSIA (E) Encliandra (T) Triphylla GLADIOLUS (B) Butterfly (E) Exotic (G) Giant (L) (M) (Min) (N) (P) (S) (Tub) Large Medium Miniature Nanus Primulinus Small Tubergenii HYDRANGEA (H) Hortensia (L) Lacecap IRIS (American Iris Society codes) (AB) Arilbred (BB) Border Bearded (Cal-Sib) Series Californicae × Series Sibiricae (CH) Californian Hybrid (DB) Dwarf Bearded (not assigned) (Dut) Dutch (IB) Intermediate Bearded (La) Louisiana Hybrid (MDB) Miniature Dwarf Bearded (MTB) Miniature Tall Bearded (SDB) Standard Dwarf Bearded (Sino-Sib) Series Sibiricae, chromosome number 2n=40 (Spuria) Spuria (TB) Tall Bearded LILIUM (Classification according to The International Lily Register (ed. 3, 1982) with amendments from Supp. 10 (1992), RHS) (I) Early-flowering Asiatic Hybrids derived from L. amabile, L. bulbiferum, L. cernuum, L. concolor, L. davidii, L. × hollandicum, L. lancifolium, L. leichtlinii, L. × maculatum and L. pumilum (Ia) Upright flowers, borne singly or in an umbel (Ib) Outward-facing flowers (Ic) Pendant flowers CLASSIFICATION CODES (II) (III) (IV) (V) (VI) (VIa) (VIb) (VIc) (VId) (VII) (VIIa) (VIIb) (VIIc) (VIId) (VIII) (IX) Hybrids of Martagon type, one parent having been a form of L. hansonii or L. martagon Hybrids from L. candidum, L. chalcedonicum and other related European species (excluding L. martagon) Hybrids of American species Hybrids derived from L. formosanum and L. longiflorum Hybrid Trumpet Lilies and Aurelian hybrids from Asiatic species, including L. henryi but excluding those from L. auratum, L. japonicum, L. rubellum and L. speciosum Plants with trumpet-shaped flowers Plants with bowl-shaped flowers Plants with flat flowers (or only the tips recurved) Plants with recurved flowers Hybrids of Far Eastern species as L auratum, L. japonicum, L. rubellum and L. speciosum (Oriental Hybrids) Plants with trumpet-shaped flowers Plants with bowl-shaped flowers Plants with flat flowers Plants with recurved flowers All hybrids not in another division All species and their varieties and forms NARCISSUS (RHS codes, revised 1998) (1) Trumpet (2) Large-cupped (3) Small-cupped (4) Double (5) Triandrus (6) Cyclamineus (7) Jonquilla and Apodanthus (8) Tazetta (9) Poeticus (10) Bulbocodium (11a) (11b) (12) (13) 251 Split-corona: Collar Split-corona: Papillon Miscellaneous Species NYMPHAEA (H) Hardy (D) Day-blooming (N) Night-blooming (T) Tropical PAEONIA (S) Shrubby PELARGONIUM (A) Angel (C) Coloured Foliage (in combination) (Ca) Cactus (in combination) (d) Double (in combination) (Dec) Decorative (Dw) Dwarf (DwI) Dwarf Ivy-leaved (Fr) Frutetorum (I) Ivy-leaved (Min) Miniature (MinI) Miniature Ivy-leaved (R) Regal (Sc) Scented-leaved (St) Stellar (in combination) (T) Tulip (in combination) (U) Unique (Z) Zonal PRIMULA (Classification by Section as per Richards. J. (2002) Primula (2nd edition). Batsford, London) (Ag) Auganthus (Al) Aleuritia (Am) Amethystinae (Ar) Armerina (Au) Auricula (A) Alpine Auricula For key to classification codes after names, see Appendix D AGM PLANTS 2007 252 (B) (Bu) (Ca) (Cf) (Ch) (Co) (Cr) (Cu) (Cy) (Da) (De) (Dr) (F) (G) (Ma) (Mi) (Mo) (Mu) (Ob) (Or) (Pa) (Pe) (Pf) (Pi) (Pr) (Pu) (Py) (R) (Si) (So) (Sp) (Sr) (Su) (Y) Border Auricula (S) Show Auricula (St) Striped Auricula Bullatae Capitatae Cordifoliae Chartaceae Cortusoides Carolinella Cuneifoliae Crystallophlomis Davidii Denticulatae Dryadifoliae Fedtschenkoanae Glabrae Malvaceae Minutissimae Monocarpicae Muscarioides Obconicolisteri Oreophlomis Parryi Petiolares Proliferae Pinnatae Primula (Poly) Polyanthus (Prim) Primrose Pulchellae Pycnoloba Reinii Sikkimenses Soldanelloides Sphondylia Sredinskya Suffrutescentes Yunnannenses RHODODENDRON (A) Azalea (deciduous, species or unclassified hybrid) (Ad) Azaleodendron (EA) Evergreen azalea (G) Ghent azalea (deciduous) (K) (M) (O) (R) (V) (Vs) ROSA (A) (Bb) (Bs) (Ce) (Ch) (Cl) (D) (DPo) (F) (G) (Ga) (GC) (HM) (HP) (HT) (Min) (Mo) (N) (Patio) (Poly) (PiH) (Ra) (RH) (Ru) (S) (T) Knap Hill or Exbury azalea (deciduous) Mollis azalea (deciduous) Occidentalis azalea (deciduous) Rustica azalea (deciduous) Vireya rhododendron Viscosa azalea (deciduous) Alba Bourbon Boursault Centifolia China Climbing (in combination) Damask Damask Portland Floribunda or Cluster-flowered Gallica Garnette Ground Cover Hybrid Musk Hybrid Perpetual Hybrid Tea or Large-flowered Miniature Moss (in combination) Noisette Patio, Miniature Floribunda or Dwarf Cluster-flowered Polyantha Pimpinellifolia hybrid (Hybrid Scots Briar) Rambler Rubiginosa hybrid (Hybrid Sweet Briar) Rugosa Shrub Tea SAXIFRAGA (Classification by Section from Gornall, R.J. (1987). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 95(4): 273-292) (1) Ciliatae (2) Cymbalaria CLASSIFICATION CODES (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) Merkianae Micranthes Irregulares Heterisia Porphyrion Ligulatae Xanthizoon Trachyphyllum Gymnopera Cotylea Odontophyllae Mesogyne Saxifraga TULIPA (Classification by Cultivar Group from Classified List and International Register of Tulip Names by Koninklijke Algemeene Vereening voor Bloembollenculture 1996) (1) Single Early Group (2) Double Early Group (3) Triumph Group (4) Darwinhybrid Group (5) Single Late Group (including Darwin Group and Cottage Group) (6) Lily-flowered Group (7) Fringed Group (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) 253 Viridiflora Group Rembrandt Group Parrot Group Double Late Group Kaufmanniana Group Fosteriana Group Greigii Group Miscellaneous VERBENA (G) Species and hybrids considered by some botanists to belong to the separate genus Glandularia. VIOLA (C) (dVt) (ExVa) (FP) (PVt) (SP) (T) (Va) (Vt) (Vtta) Cornuta Hybrid Double Violet Exhibition Viola Fancy Pansy Parma Violet Show Pansy Tricolor Viola Violet Violetta 254 NOTES NOTES 255 256 NOTES