DynAmp Brochure June07.p65


DynAmp Brochure June07.p65
Power Conversion and Process
Measurement, Control & Protection
Global Leader in
LKCO : Fully Closed-loop, Optical
Current Measurement System
Formed with the integration of knowledge
from LEM SA and Halmar, DynAmp has a
unique, in-depth understanding of high
current applications. With over 50 years of
experience, thousands of systems have been
installed in electro-chemical and other energy
intensive processes throughout the world.
A technical breakthrough in
high current measurement.
Using advanced optical technology to
accurately measure the phase shift in
light routed around a current carrying
conductor caused by its magnetic field.
DynAmp Headquarters
Ohio, United States of America
DynAmp's know-how extends well beyond
current measurement. We understand the
value of the information our systems provide
and how it is used in decision making.
Our in-depth understanding of harsh industrial
and electromagnetic environments allowed us
to develop our exclusive OLOP TM technology
as well as the only fully compensated, closed
loop optical technology for a new generation
measurement systems.
DynAmp Europe
Geneva, Switzerland
The need for energy
intensive processes to
increase efficiency,
objectively compare
multiple plants and
improve power
conversion has never
higher. The DynAmp
team stands comitted to
helping you meet the
challenges you face today
as well as preparing for
the future.
Measurement of high current involves a unique set of concerns.
Errors of only 0.25% can hide significant process inefficiencies. As
process currents and efficiencies increase, even small changes
have large financial impacts.
LKCO utilizes a unique, patented, “fully compensated” closed-loop
system developed over 8 years of lab and field experience, to
ensure long-term 0.1% performance. This technology places the
entire system ( light source, opto-electronics, fiber optics and even
the output signals ) under closed-loop control automatically compensating for any long-term sensitivity, gain or zero point change.
Additional Key Features and Benefits
Superior rejection of external influences.
Provides the highest accuracy performance, even when installed
on compact and complex bus work. No need for exact positioning
to optimize performance.
Extremely compact and light weight.
Designed to be “bus bar mounted”. Eliminates additional support
and protection structures. Compact modular head allows installation with less than 20cm of bus clearance
Advanced Accuracy Diagnostics (A2D)
Immediately identifies specific installation problems, developing
problems and faults. A2D even records events for subsequent
analysis and root cause investigation.
LKP : High Accuracy for
Process Mainline & Rectifier
Highly accurate and dependable measurement systems
are needed to provide process experts with the information they need to positively identify any problems early
and keep processes running efficiently.
LKP systems eliminate these concerns by providing
globally proven 0.1% accuracy. All LKP systems include
DynAmp's computerized Bus AnalysisTM to ensure the
highest performance in most any installation.
Key Features and Benefits
Industry Standard Accuracy and Performance
Tighter and more accurate measurements enable tighter
process control and better process "visibility". This
enables better process management and lower product
Automatic, Self Monitoring of Performance
The "Accuracy Diagnostics" option continuously monitors for hardware failures and external influences which
could compromise accuracy, allowing your management
and control decisions to be made with confidence.
LKAT : Integrated Rectifier
Measurement & Protection
LKAT plus utilizes DynAmp-developed OLOP technology
to provide AC/DC current measurement for high power
rectifier measurement and control applications.
Available "Protection Extensions" add advanced rectifier
protection functions for a single, dependable rugged
Key Features and Benefits
Two systems in one.
The LKAT Plus system provides a both a current
measurement output and a set point relay output for
overcurrent or reverse current protection. Optional
Protection Extensions add a second independantly
scaled measurement output plus two additional relay
outputs for additional alarm points.
Superior application flexibility and performance.
Thanks to the OLOP technology utilized in the LKAT
Plus and practically infinite head size possibilities, LKAT
can be installed on practically any bus configuration.
This allows bus construction to be simplified and
installation costs reduced.
Compact design enables simple, "on-bus" mounting
The small, lightweight measurement head is easily
mounted directly on buswork. The IP67 rating allows the
system to be mounted almost anywhere.
Automatic, self monitoring ensures performance
All LKAT systems inlcude "Accuracy Diagnostics" which
continuously monitor the system for hardware failures
and external influences which could effect accuracy.
Portable Measurement
• Clamp-on DC Current Measurement
The COP system is
a proven, highly
reliable system ideal
for harsh environments. Its rugged
lightweight measurement head is
available in a wide
variety of configurations.
Service and Support
DynAmp provides expert services for high current system users.
Our global network of service centers, subsidiaries and agent s
support industry’s need for accurate, high current measurement.
DynAmp Service
• Snap-around AC Current Measurement
The RR-60000's
unique flexible
measurement head
installs easily to
monitor high AC
currents to 60kA.
Commissioning - Ensure that all systems are properly installed
and are functioning perfectly on start-up.
Calibration Verification - Because our systems operate for many
years, periodic examination assures correct operation and
production efficiency.
On-site Troubleshooting - The best way to restore performance.
Upgrade - Specifications and performance of some older systems
can be improved via hardware upgrade.
Rectifier Monitoring,
Analysis and Protection
• Rectifier Monitoring and Analysis System
The RCEM system
allows users to
analyze rectifer
performance down
to the individual
rectifying device for
balance and capacity optomization.
Equipment Rental - Temporarily need a system? Some models
can be rented through DynAmp's Service Department.
Training - Equip in-house staff to handle and prevent problems.
Preventive Maintenance - Eliminate downtime and unexpected
costs with less expensive, scheduled maintenance.
Statistical Characterization - Accurate, automated data
acquisition provides permanent records of many readings
DynAmp History
Sales and Support
Americas : DynAmp
Tel : +01 614 871 6900
Europe : DynAmp Europe ( CH )
Tel : +41 22 706 1446
Russia : Toxsoft
Tel : +7 095 917 4430
South Africa : Denver Tech.
Tel : +27 11 626 2023
India : Sirius Controls
Tel : +91 80 668 4207
China : Sun King
Tel : +86 10 5983 1390/91
Japan : Current Japan
Tel : +81 (0)42 743 9912
Australia : Pacific Test
Tel : +61 2 9659 2300
Halmar founded and develops
DynAmp current measurement
LEM introduces LKC high-current
measurement systems
• Reverse and Over-current Protection
The BRP system
provides rectifiers
with the highest
degree of dependable reverse current
and optionally over
current protection.
Halmar-Robicon sells DynAmp
business to LEM
LEM establishes High Current
Systems business unit
LEM HCS introduces next
generation LKP systems
Dedicated European Market
Service Center established
Existing HCS Managers purchase
business with LEM support to
establish DynAmp
DynAmp introduces LKCO closedloop optical technology systems