Travel Clinic – LifeScape Premier – Scottsdale AZ


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Health &. Wellness October 2011 - Scottsdale Edition
Sweet Pea In the Pod Doula
and Massage Services
Patient with Breast Cancer
Tiffany Patterson
October 2011
6 Naturopathic Approach to the 22
Cert ified M assage Dou la
Prenata l. Birth & Postpartum Doula
Licensed Massage Therapist MA54 883
When Tantrums Indicate
Something More
8 October Is Pink - Support in 24 Do I Have a Cold... or Might
it be Allergies?
Hair Loss for Cancer Patients
1 a Stay Healthy When
You Travel
Understanding the
Menstrual Cycle
Birth Hypnotherapy
16 Creativity and Se/IIessness
What isa Doula?
18 Healthy Breasts for a
28 Natural vs. Medical Induction
Personal Responsibility
and Wellness
Ale They Safe?
Long and Happy Ufe
2a Giving Birth with
Less Pain
Tiffany Patterson
azhoallhandwcl lncss@gma il.o::om
Spiritual Wellness
Just Two Choices
..f l§
Sonny Grons ing
Kyna Rosen
C. n"..IArlzon.'. HN lth & w./I...... "'_flul,.. can be /(lund", over 1,000 Central
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Desert Springs Cancer Care Offers Breast
Cancer Treatment in a Spa-Like Setting.
Walk Through Our Doors and be Transported ...
Les ley A. Meng, MD, FACes, MACes is Board
Certified i n Medical Oncology. She was selected
as one of America's Top Oncologists In 2009,
Most Compassionate Doctor in 2009 and one
of America's Favorite Physicians for 200B and
2009. Dr. Meng is a Member of t he Speakers
Bureau for several pharmaceutical
companies and, accordingly, speCializes
in giving Individualized treatment based
on tumor characteristics.
To gal your .rtlela pubillhed o r for I d ratal plana contact
Kyna Rosan at (602)348-2330
ky na@azhaaithandwillnus.o::om
AZ He.1ttI & Wellne.. MaIjl8ZIM. PO Box 21131 Sedona, AZ 16351
www.a z h e a lt ha nd wc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Health &. Wellness October 2011 - Scottsdale Edition
Approach to the Patient with
Breast Cancer
By Daniel Rubin, NO, FABNO, Melissa Coats, NO
n modem times, women diagnosed with
breast cancer have mQre options then ever
before. She Can choose from conventional.
alternative or integrative Ircatmcnts. We know now
thai I in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast
CanCer in their lifetime, or roughly 230,000 wOmen
pcr annUnt. Integrative approaches to the Ircalmen!
of women with breast cancer arc coming 10 the
forefront. Many wOmen are turning towards naturopathic medicine as pan ofthei. treatment ""simc_
Naturopathic oncology can be a powerful weapon
for wOnten at any stage of the diagnosis. Take prevention for instance_ The naturopathic oncologist
views prevention in 3 steps: prevention in the first
place, prevention of secondary cancer and prevention of existing disease. In the fon:most. a visit to
cancer either locally (at the site near surgery) or
distantly (metastatic spread). Many womcn tum
to naturopatbic medicine 10 help them through
their chemotherapy or other conventional treatment. Then after treatment naturopathic protocols
allow for strengthening of the body and expeditious re<:overy from the conventional treatment.
Then again. many women do not nced chemotherapy but are seeking naturopathic intervention
to help protect against re<:um:nce.
Naturopathic medicine has a role
in this situation as well.
a naturopathic physician may includc an cxamination of risk facton. lifestyle assessment. dietary
inquiry and a review of symptoms followed by an
exam and a diseussion regarding intCTpTCtation and
declaration of treatment suggestions.
Secondary prevention deals with prevention of
recurrence of disease One someone has gone into
remission or no longer has evidence of cancer.
Regarding breast cancer. so oftcn naturopathic
oncologists visit with patients that are currently
undergoing treatment but have no evidence of
disease. Th is may include women that have
undergone surgery and are currently enrolled into
a chemotherapy course to prevent recurrence of
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www .axhea lthand wellness.eom
Pn.:vention of spread or progression of existing
disease is also a goal of convcntionaltr<:atment and
often times ongoing and chronic use of the
modality is necessary and this can often take its toll
on someone's body. Naturopathic medicine can
oftentimes help the tolerance of the chemotherapy
and help keep the patient on track: by inCr<:asing
vitality onc can continue to undergo the olher
Scottsdale Edit ion - October 2011 Health & Wellness
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Healt h &. Wellness October 2011 - Scottsdale Edition
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Scottsdale Edition· October 2011 Health & Wellness
Today you can find all sorts of lengths and sty les
from the casual to the elegant. You even have the
option of different ae«ssorics or caps to go with
your wig. You can choose a style most similar 10
your natural hair, personality. and life style or be
adventurous by going with a style you have always
dreamed of having.
In the 70s the Caplcss wig was invented to shape 10
the head and allow for more air circulation making
for a comfortable fit and it has only bc:cn improved
since then by designers. To solve for any possible
sweating or 10 protect the wig, there arc accessories
like Headline It! which will absorb any perspiration.
wig. He jokes, "They always 5ai I'm a Blonde in Denial."
The confidence and excitement begins to fade with
the news of losing your hair. Currently, Johnny G
has clients who arc going through Breast Cancer
and understands the COncCTllS of hair loss and the
loss of confidence. As a hairstylist, Johnny G 's
clients have expressed their fears and concerns to
him about the loss of their hair. The number one
concern being, What Can I Do?
During cancer treatments, chemicals in your hair
are not allowed, which concerns even those who
arc lucky enough 10 avoid hair loss. In this case,
Johnny G offers a color conditioning treatment
using all natural enzymes to keep your hair shinny,
healthy. and colorfuL
The comfortability along with the abundance of
styles, options, and accessories today can help
bring back the confidence of having your natural
hair. Johnny G previewed a range of wigs while
with Donna and even had a little fun trying some
on (see picture). He was happy to report bow comfortable they were and how much they felt like real
hair to the touch.
In support of Breast Cancer Awareness, Hair by
Johnny G will be donating SS for any future
appointment made during the month of October to
the Amctican Cancer Society and S I for every new
~Like~ on Hair by Johnny G's faccbook Page. The
American Cancer Society is a leader in cancer
research and one of the originators of NBCAM.
Help fight Cancer!
Hair by Johnny G would like to thank Donna
Connelly and Nancy Verdoliva with Wigs Unlim ited ofSconsdale for their help.
Hili, by Johnny G is located
inside Salon Studios at
1020 I N S<.:ottsdale Rd # I0
S<.:ottsdale, AZ g5258.
To Learn More Visit:
Johnny G believes and says, "It's not about the hair.
it's all about you." Discovering Breast Cancer at an
early stage is more important than wonying about
hair loss due to treatment, so during the NBCAM
take the tim<,: to get scn;cnoo knowing there arc
e~cellent solutions available. If it comes down to
treatment. have some fun t!)'ing new hairstyles with
the wigs and know a place like Hair by Johnny G will
be there to create yOOT dream style when you have
beaten the cancer and your hair begins to grow back.
for thO$c who can no longer go to the salon or have
major hair loss. Johnny G and myself met with the
president of Wigs Unlimited, Donna Connelly. in
Scottsdale to get the latest take on the viable
solution ofa Wig.
Wigs have come a long way in how they look and
arc vinually indistinguishable from natural hair.
Before jumping to the false conclusion of 'Wigs
Look fake'. consider for a moment the entertainment industry. In many plays, television shows,
and films you watch actors and actresses wear wigs
to complete the role. While you walCh, do you
even notice the Wig or do you notice the character
being portrayed? In moSt cases, you may not have
even bc:cn aware of a wig. Wigs for Cancer
From Left to Right, YeJdoli'la (Wig Stylist), Johnl'rl G (Hair by Johnny G). Donna COOnelly
Patients arc no different and you can look as
(President of Wigs Unlimited)
gorgcous as many of the actresses.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.axh e a lthand w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Health &. Wellr.ess October 2011 - Scottsdale Edit ion
ea t
When you Travel
By Norman Biron, PA-C - L.ileScape Travel Medicine Clinic.
The Pre-Travel Health Visit
0, your kids are oiTlo college and you
finally have the chance to take that
trip you've b«n dreaming about for
so long
Maybe your business is outsourcing and you need
IQ travel to India ()1" China.
Spending a semeSter overseas for study Or work
experience? Going on a humanitarian misskm?
Our global economy has opened up the world for
us 1'1 discover and w{)1"ldwidc travel continues 10 be
a steady groWlh industry. In 2010, tllere were close
to a billion touriSt arrivals worldwide. More
traveling overseas. and more than
60"10 of U.S. travelers' destinations were developing countries. According to the COC, 30-60"10 of
American travelers, estimated at greater than 10
million people. bcrome ill as a result Oflhci, traveL
Fortunately, there are many steps you can take to
prevent illness and ensun: y'1ur health and safety
when traveling.
Whether you're going On an African safari Or a
business trip to Thailand. preparation is paramount
to a safe and suc.:essful trip. All travelers should
become info""ed about the potential hazards of the
countries they are traveling to and learn h'1W t'1
minimize any risk to their health. The best way to
be safe is to schedule a pro-travel consultation with
a certified travel medicine specialist. A consultation
includes a review of your medical histot)' and an
evaluation of the health risks specific 10 your destination and activities. Your travel health specialist
can advise you on which vaccines you should have
and provide you with prescriptions for medications
10 prevent and treat illnesses such as malaria and
travelers· dilllThea.
Nonnan Bilon is a physician ass istant. a certified Travel Heattl1
Consultant alld runs the L.ileScape
Travel Medicine Cl inic.
cal (480) 860-5500 to schedule a
wmpreher"osM! prHlM!I ronstfution.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.axh e a lthand w
First, make sun: your rouline vaccinations (such as
MMR, polio and chicken pox) are up-to-date. These
vaccines protect you from diseases that are still
COmmOn in many parts of the world. (jet a Tdap
(tctanU$, diphtheria and pertussis) vaccine if you
haven·t had a tetanus booster in the last 5 year$, and
a flu sh'1t if appropriate. You may need additional
vaccines, such as Hepatitis A and depending on
your destination or activities. Some travel vae<;ines.
such as typhoid ()l" Japanese encephalitis may '1nly
be available in a travel clinic. If your itinerary
includes travel in South America '1r Africa. you
could be prevented from entering your destination
countt)' without a Yell'1w Fever vaccine. which
requires an '1fficial ccnification.
Scottsdale Edition - October 2011 Health & Wellness
Other Health Tips
[lQ not approach any strange animals, including
dogs Or cats, which could carry rabies.
• To avoid cemin parasitic infections. avoid
walking barefoot, and oon't swim in fresh water
lakes or streams.
Stay well hydrated and ",'Car sunscreen.
especially in the tropics and at high altitudes.
Safe Food and Water
Avoid injuries
Most people know thaI you "don~ drink the water"
Statistically. your biggest risk of serious illness
when traveling is from a pre_existing health condition or an injury. Practice common sense and dQn't
take unnecessary risks. Limit alcohol intake and
don't drink and drive. Motor vehicle accidents are
more common in developing countries and more
likely to result in serious injury QT death. Always
Wear a seatbelt. if Qne is available. and avoid traveling after dark Qr on overlQaded buses or mini_
buses. When possible, hire a local driver. If you are
doing adventure activities, Wear protective gear.
such as helmets and life jackets and use caution
arQund water. Lastly. consider purchasing medical
evacuatiQn insurance. which will ensure yQUr
transpo;>rt tQ safety QT tQ get medical care in the
event of an emergency Or disaster.
when you're overseas. Travelers' diarrhea, often
called "Montewma's revenge", is the most
common travel related illncs~ and is caused by
bacteria, viruses or spores in untrealed waler or
contaminated food. Make sur<,: YQU drink QDly
commercial (sealed) OOulOO or boiled water and
don', use ice cubes which are often made with tap
water. AVQid 51,...,,! vendors, slick to hot cooked
meals. and only eal fresh fruil or vegetables that
you can peel yourself.
Malaria and loseel Bite Prevention
Fortunately we don', have many mosquitoes in
Ari:rona, but in tropical climates inSI'C1S can
transmit a host of diseases and parasites, including
malaria, Dengue and Yellow Fever. The first step in
preventing these illnesses is 10 avoid gl'lting bit.
Wear long pants and s leeves and usc insect repellent
containing DEET. Sleep in an air-conditioned or
well_screened room or use a bednet. Talk to your
travel medicine specialist about taking an antimalarial medication if you arc traveling to an area
where malaria is a risk.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.axhe a
• If you arc traveling to mQuntaillQus regions,
such as the Highlands dPeru or Nepal, take
precautions to prevent altitude sickness.
Where to get reliable travel health
YQll can find a wc.alth Qfinfonnation on the Ccntc~
at The website includes
up tQ date IlQtices on disease OUtbreaks around the
world. and lists recommended vaccines and health
risks specific 10 each CQuntry. The CDC also rerommends that )'(IU sec a heahh--can,: provider wI\Q spe-ciali;r.cs in Travel Medicine. TQ have the Il1QSt
benefit. schedule a visit at least 4-6 weeks prior to
dcparrurc tQ allow time for vaccines)'(lu may need
10 take effcct. Also. bring any prior immunization
reroros with you 10 your appointment
A pre-travel health consultation is an investment in
your peace of mind and the benefits may last you
for life. Taking a few precautions and being
informed of your risks will help to ensure that you
bring back only pleasant memories from your trip
ofa lifetime. Be heallhy and Irawl safe!
Health'" Wellness October 2011 . Scottsdale Edit ion
Personal Responsibility and Wellness
By Heather M. Hunter, MA
work with many people of various ages,
backgrounds. belief systems and cultul'CS.
The one prominent common denominator
tial1y able to affect change in a positive QT negative
manncrovcronc's own life as "'ell as olhcrpoop1e.
situations, and events. It is a powerful awareness
believing that life just happens IQ them and there is
very little they can do 10 impact Or shape the
outcome. Those who live with Ihis perspective
in those wl><Jarc able to make a shift into well ness is
•• ' In
. se If- hea I"'"g.
and truth that is a core ~,Oun",,1I0n
In psychology, those who operate from this belief
have what is called an internal locus of control.
Thcrc is an awareness that good and bad shall both
OCCur in life, and those wim an internal locus of
control successfully detach frorn events. stepping
into their personal powcr to make choices as to
how 10 react and respond. Alternately there are
those who have a rnOre fatalistic view of life,
have an extemallocus of control. They often have
an understanding of ~al responsibility. Individuals who can embrace and recognize their bchavioral responsibilities in life 10 themselves and those
around mem are a step ahead in me awareness mat
can facilitate healing.
The key cognitive process is the understanding that
one's life, one's heing, has an impact. One's
tlloughts and choices creale ri pple effects essen-
a feeling ofbcing hclplcss and/or victimized. Not
surprisingly, this disposition is highly correlated
with depressive disorders and chronic illness. The
faC! is. we all have positive and negative events in
Our lives, and it is through me choices we
make-the way in which we perceive and choose
to react to those events-that we encounter the
opportunity to impact our lives for the bener, or to
create more problems and negativity in OIIr lives.
www. ax h e a lthand well _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Scottsdale Edition· October 20 II Health & Wellness
Personal rcsp<;>nsibiliry is nOl Ihe same as selfblame. and Ihe ensuing fcclings of guilt those who
practice self-blame internalize. Those who are
oAen in self-blame take personal l'I:'Sp<;>nsibility to
the negative extreme, believing that most unfonunate things happening in their lives Or around their
lives always have something to do with them per_
s<mally. A self-blamer tends to believe that ifhe or
she were only "a better person» negative events
and unfonunate circumstances would not take
place or exist. This is a rore belief that can be
rather toxic to the pursuit of a fulfilling and
emp<;>wercd life. It is what I consider a "foundational flaw"- a crack in the early foundational
structure of an individual's self esteem which Can
literally disrupt one's ability to move forward with
a p<;>wcrful presence and sense of purpose in life. It
is akin to trying to build a castle upon quicksand.
As a Medical Intuitive I am frequently able to
discern illness. and to connect that illness OJ rondition to lifc events. trnumas. and beliefs. I am often
asked whether I believe we are resp<;>nsible for all of
our illnesses and diseases. My answer is that I truly
believe we are at least panially rcsp<;>nsible. oftentimes to a grealCr dcgn:.: than we can imagine.
Illness and disease can be attributed to more than the
toxins in our environment, genetics, lack of cxen;ise
or what foods wc cat. All ofthcsc factors playa role.
but the level to which they influence health is depen
dent on morc of the psychological. emotional and
"mystical" aspects of lifc. Amazing improvementS
in physical health have rome to those willing to
face some oftheir deepest personal. emotional and
spiritual challenges. lt is something I bear witncss
to On a regular basis in my practice.
Illness and diseomfon an: signals that something
is "out of whack" in the body. However. hy
"body" I am rcferring to any or all three comp<;>nents that make up our human cxperiencephysical. mental, (emotional/psychological) and
spiritual. We feci and function our best when all
of thesc aspects are in alignment. We have far
mOre control Over Our health and wellness on all
of these level s than we believe or have been inten_
tionally or unintcntionally led to believe. Then:
is a strong symholic correlation between many illnesses and life events. issues. traumas and psychological processes.
I will be funher exploring this topic and sharing
modcrn medical intuitive insights in my infonnalive and experiential seminar called Hannonious
Ilealing''': Undcrstanding and Healing Imbal_
ance in thc Body, launching in 2012. To Icarn
mOre about my work and to read mOre about this
seminar, please visit
Wishing you an cmp<;>wen:d lifc of health, love.
and vitality!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Heather M, Hunter, M.A.,
HoIi. tie P. yeholherapl. 1 ..... Medieal lntuili'le, lor
Health and Wen ..... Ma\llldnoo
IIUlhe, /If. lIullte,
""",iwd ' - B.A. in
Ari."OIlQ SWle U~i­
wr.<ity and "" M.A
in Marriage and
jrom TIte Ulliwnity
lIea'Mr ",""n'ly
specializes in idemifying and ,Iu<Nlf'<"IIiCIJIIy lrealing IIu<
root ClJu.J'"
~lien's' emotional.
psyclrologiCIJI and physical s,'mplOlllS. SIte effeclively
addresses mind, I>ody. tuId spiri' billana and healiA milizing Iu<, lruining, aperiena, and in,wilive skills, lfeIJthe,
Is [reqwently consulled by litoH """b/e 10 flNi relief of
r«Iirrenl S,'lltpl0IIIS. SM Is ,iu<. FOWIder and Director of
Ca<II /lfariposa ImernalioNJl In Ca/'tfiw ArizoM, "
....el/nus cenW' oJfrring privaM and group susions.
classes, "","11' and 8""'"11' [0CI<Sed 011 AoIlslic AeallA and
healing, tuId mlnd/bodylsplri' s,'ne'lO'
Heather is available for prtvate sessionS,lectures,
WOIkshops. and speaking engagements.
'MIW.HealherMHunter.oom I Office: (602)390-0295
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Health & Wellr.ess October 2011 - Scottsdale Edit ion
By Chris Spheeris
OSI of you who are reading Ihis
do nOI have a due as to who I
am. I see this as a good thing. In
fact. I myself strive to be mon: and mon: clueless in
this way. One thing J do know about me is that J am
an imlrumen! of en:ativiry. I also know that the
more I reinforee my self-concept. the less creative
I allow myself to be. Here is something else I know
of myself in this moment: I am a facilitator of
inspiration and creativity workshops. Creativity
has always been a fascination of mine. rve spent
most of my life being creative and part of my life
thinkingaboutereativiry. What I have always fell is
that creativity comes through me ~athe~ than from
me. As I have become mon: SC<,:un: with myself
over the years. r have also become more comfortable with letting go of who J think I am and who J
think I nced to be. The more I get out of my own
way in this fashion. the more creativity passes
through me. And now. in full swing of daily creativity. I can say with the confidence of a lifetime
that creativity is a selncss act.
I was a full_lime recording artist for throe decades.
I enjoyed sining in Ihat seal for most oflhatlimc.
and for most of that time, il worked for me. I nOw
facilitate workshops on creativity and inspiration,
When [ first started doing this, [ believed ;1 would
be a fun. playful, uplifling, illuminating. freeing
experience for all involved. What was revealed 10
We allow inspiration to flow through us by
opening up the hean. The heart opening in the
presence of trust allows us to surrender to that
which comes through nalUrally. Now it is quite
obvious to me that the samc loving, trusting spacc
from which I create in my own personal studio, is
what is established in the worbhops. This environment allows us all to transcend ourselves and
let connection, flow, spontaneity, and unpredi,,ability be a natural part of our experience. Not surprisingly, the prescnce of love in general has the
same effcct.
The creation of the workshops was for me a
me from Ihe first day <)flhc first workshop is that
selfless act II demanded of me that J sum:ndermy
love is whallums the wheel of in spiral ion and ereidentity as a "composer", "recording BreisI" \0
8tivity. The hearl is the true vehicle ofinsp;","';,O,"•. ~. .~
open up 10 being a "facilitator" I have always
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
becn a public servant in my own eyes. This move
was just another way of expressing the public
servant in me. So where it gets interesting and
more powerful is in the space in which I'm willing
to suspend not only my idemity. my title. my role.
all the way down to my self concept in order to
allow inspiration to create whatever it has in mind
(or in "no mind"). An a1"/iSI mllSl be willing 10 j eopIJt"(iize his or her eslablished $lyle in order 10 grow
in a way Ihal is genuine and free and naturol.
Likewise, if r in the creation and expression of my
life want 10 truly welcome the universe in to fully
engage me in my highest. I must be willing to put
everything up for grabs. Another way to say this is
"to not be auached to outcome". Jf r want to grow.
if I want to be in the full dynamic of "presence", I
must be open to any possibility.
Scottsdale Edition - October 2011 Health 3< Wellness
_____________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Health & Wellr.ess October 2011 - Scottsdale Edit ion
for a Long and Happy Life
By Susan Wilder, MO
LileScape Premier, LLC www.l~escapeprem~.oom
lthough heart disease, strokes,
lung cancer and chronic lung
disease are lhe leading killers of
women, breast tanCC' 00"", hits women in the
prime of life and is a dim:t assault on our femininity. Virtually all of uS know someone affected by
this prolific disease . Fortunately, survival rates arc
improving and we have several actions weean take
to reduce Our breast CanCcr chances:
• Maintain a healthy weight !king overweight or
obese increases your risk of breast cancer, makes
finding Ihe cancer more difficult, incn:ases the risk
of recurrence if you've had breast cancer. and
reduces your survival chances.
• Eat more plants, less animals. Eating a diet rich in
colorful fruits, vegetables. and omega 3 fats itn)ll"OVCS
breast health. Cruciferous vegetables like brocroli,
cauliflower and kale are panicularly breast_healthy.
Eat organic as much as po$Sible and wash any
produce thoroughly. Amid animal fats, meal or daily
from hormone-fed animals, and foods or liquids in
plastic. Women can consider supplements such as
DIM or Indole-3-Carbinol if diet is Il()I optimal.
Dr, Sustm Wilder is
CEO of LifeScape
Premier and LifeScape
She was a founding
DirectQJ of the Mayo
Oink: Soonsdale Family
program and Director
of Clinical Genomics
Education. At the Mayo
Clinic. Dr. Wilder sm"ed in numerous leadership and
CJ[ecutive roles and was the recipient of sev<:ral
honors including the Family Medicine Educator of
the Year. Dr. Wilder is Board ootified in Family
Medicine and camcd a CeniflCate of Added Qualifi_
cations in Sports Medicine. Dr. Wilder has gained
special experlise in personalized, fwlctional medicine
with a focus on primary prevention and addressing
underlying causcs of illness while reducing reliance
on medications. She practices full-spectrum Family
Medicine for all ages including well_v.mnan, pediat_
ric, and adolescent care as well as geriatrics. She has
special experlise in nutritional interventions for mood
di~ in adults and children and advanced
hormone management Dr. Wilder is listed regularly
as a "Top Doc" by Phoenix Magazine and is a
multiple recipient Qf 10 I North magazinc's "P,-,,!!lc's
COOice" award. Dr. Wilder can be oont.actcd at 480860-5269.
• Amid alcohol. &my girls, even small atTI()unts
Qf alcohol increases )'QUr bn:ast cancer risk
• Limit Estrogenic Ex)lOSW"eS. Although there is 00
clear risk es1ablished for long-term use of birth
control and biQ-identical hoooones, honnooes should
always be usW with great caution. We neOO longterm research 10 establish safety of these products. fes"l pep remi er. (om
To learn more contact l.ife5cape Premier. 875 7 East Bell
Road, Scottsdale, Arizona 85260, Tel: 480.860.5269,
days per week is proven to reduce breast cancer
Fax: 480.860.5260. Office Hours: Monday·Thursday:
risk and improve survival
7 AM - 6 PM Fridltf. 7 AM - 2 PM saturday: gAM - 12 PM
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
• Exercise regularly. Intensive exercise al leasl 3
Scottsdale Edition - October 2011 Health 3< Wellness
• Avoid any tobacco. Smoking and passive
tobacco eXpOsure increase risks for many canCCl$.
• Limit exposure to honnonc disruptive chemicals. The average woman applies 16 products with
over 160 chemical& on a daily basis and our teen
daughters even more. There is a dear need for
more research and regulatory oversight into what
we put on and in Our bodies. In general, try 10 use
fewer and simpler products, panicularly avoiding
phthalates (in many fragrances and nail polishc&)
and parabens.
Check o"t hllp:I/w...w.e....g.orgIskindeepi for more
A NOIe About Genetics - Only S-IOo;. of breast
cancers are thOUght 10 be genctic and several genes
have been identified. Clues to a genetic risk
indude multiple relatives with breast or ovarian
cancer, a relative having multiple cancers, or relatives who developed cancer at a young age.
Affected family members, if still alivc, should be
ideally have gcnetic testing before testing any
unaffected family members. Any history of breast
cancer in a man is assumed to be genetic. Women
of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage, Norwegian, Dutch
and Icelandic people have higher rates of genetic
breast cancer.
Screenln9 - Mammography is the gold Standard
for S<.:=ning for breast cancer. The amount of
radiation used now is minimal. Between 50 and 75
years old, regular mammography at least every 2
ycars clearly improves morbidity and monality
from breast cancer and benefits outweigh the risks.
Between 40 and 50, however, breasts are more
denS<.: SO mammography is not as S<.:nsitive and
breast caI>C<:r$ arc more aggressive so the
risklbenefit ratio for low risk women is ROt asdcar
and should be discussed with your physician.
Screening breast ultrasound or MRI S<.:reening
might be considered if breasts are dense or in
high_risk patients. Continuing S<.:reening beyond
age 75 is an individual decision that should be discussed with your physician.
Sumer L.
f OR OilER 35 YEARS.
w, pride ...... _ ill ~ized b••UII cote \hoi ~eeelI potieefs
AS women, we have a huge reSpOnsibility to SO
many in our lives. So fight like a girl and protect
. .......k.n _
- .......k . n eo.. ... of s..~
- ,.t;"'IO' 0.0;" ....... ..:1 1008, lOO9 &. 1(1'0
• R«<>sn ....t in , ... G<Jid< to ....... ic. ~
Top PI.>.tic s..~ lOO9 &. 1010
..,;que.-do. 0.. ... ,, _ _ t... '" "" ........ _
W.... _ _ "'*","_pon..i ""_
..rn..: -:t pn>fdoional ......
Preventive Intenlentions - Women at high risk
for breast cancer (check OUI hnp:/
bcrisklOOlllO evaluate your personal risk) should
consider medications such as Tamoxifen Or Evista
that have been proven to reduce your risk of breast
cancer. Surgery (mastectomy and/or oophorectomy) is sometimes considered in women at very
high risk.
/wllll_ .... 1><>/ pouibl< "..,i/J'<>!11jit.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.axhe a
Health & Wellr.ess October 2011 - Scottsdale Edit ion
Giving Birth
By Tiffany Patterson- Birth 00013, Labor Massage Tharapisl & Prer.ataJ Massage Therapist
hat evC'I)' woman wants for
Labor Massage
tllciT binh is to feel as link
labor massage has been shown t'1 instill
relualion in bolh Ihe mOlher and baby. A
relaxed body will he lp speed up Ihe labor
process by all'1wing Ihe bodyt'1 work as it is
inlcnded. Being relaxed will also keep Ihe
pain-cyele al bay. When a woman's body
tenses up during a contmclion she will expe_
rience more discomfon. labor massage
helps keep Ihe body relaxed during contmctions. minimizing discomfon.
discomfort as pl.>S$ible. Bul
can birth really be: a painless experience?
That would depend on the person, Ihe
choices Ihey make for pain management,
and their thought processes about birth.
With all the options available today, a
woman can be empowered 10 create a binh
thaI is perfect for her. There is nO "right" Or
"wmog" method of pain management.
While many women choose to use pain
medication, natur:al pain management has
been plVven to be safer and healthier for
both the mom and baby. Would it surprise
you to know that birth doesn't have 10 be a
l'1ng, arduQUs and agonizing experien<:e?
Women in many countries around the world
give birth without the drama and screaming
Ihat we in the West associate wilh child_
birth. Some natural techniques Ihal can help
creale a less painful hinh are: Labor
Massage. Guided Visualiullion. Binh Hypnolherapy. Brealhing Exercises. & Having a
Doul& prescnl al your hinh. Many wOmen
have said that they had linle pain using
Ihese techniques. Some women even
reponed baying no pain. hUl an orgasmic
binh e~pcriencc.
Guided Visualization
Guided visualiunion is Ihe conscious use
'1f Ihe imaginali'1n and the mind to ereale
posilive images or senings in order 10 relax
the body and the mind during labor. It has
also been shown 10 be effcclive in helping
10 visualize Ihe cervix opening- which
helps 1'1 speed up lhe labor process.
Crealing mental images is nOlhing new for
mesl people; everyone has daydreams.
Guided imagery takes lhis natural process
a step further. By working wilh a midwife.
a doula. a lrained therapisl, or using spe.:ial
audi'1tapes. you can learn t'1 communicate
m'1re effcctively with your une'1nsci'1us
mind. training your body 10 funclion oplimal1y during childhinh.
Scottsd a le Edition - October 2011 Health &- Wel lness
Birth Hypnosis
Many people hear the word "hypnosis" and think
of people acting foolish on stage or on television
shows. Hypnosis for childhinh is not like this at
all; it is more like a type of meditation. It puts the
woman in a very relaxed state, but she is still
he=lf and still very aware of everything that is
happening around her and within her body. She is
able to take herself out of the relaxed state (or out
of hypnosis) any time she wishes. And she will
never do anything that she doesn't want to do while
in a state of hypnosis.
Research has shown that using Birth Ilypnosis can
help to achieve the following:
• Instilling Relaxation which helps to speed
up the labor process.
Overcoming Fear
• Reduce the need for pain medication
• A relaxed and healthy baby (less chance
of distress)
• Efficient labor and birth
• Less interventions- Pitocin or C-Sections
Faster recovery
• Reduced post-natal depression
• Breast-feeding success
Breathing Exercises
Breathing Exercises such as those practiced during
prenatal yoga is another way 10 reduce the sensations of pain during labor. Yoga is beneficial
because it helps you learn to breathe deeply and
relax, which will COme in handy as you face the
physical demands of labor. birth, and motherhood .
In fact. one oflhe first things you learn in a yoga
class is how to breathe fully. The breathing tech_
nique known as ujjayi requires you to take in air
slowly Ihrough your nose, filling your lungs, and
exhale completely until your stomach compresses.
Learning how 10 do ujjayi breathing primes you
for labor and childbinh by training you 10 stay
calm when you need it most. When you're in pain
or afraid. your body produces adrenalin and may
decrease Ihe production of oxytocin, a hormone
that makes labor progress. A regular yoga practice
will help you fight the urge to tighten up when you
feel pain, and show you how to relax instead.
It is irnportant to prepare for you birth rnany
months before your due date. In order to have a
painless birth experience, fear about the birth
process and even about your ability to be a parent
must be erased. Birth affinnations are also useful
tools to reinforee your ability to create a safe and
painless birth experience . Your rnidwife or doula
can help prepare you for your birth by practicing
these techniques with you prior to your birth.
They can also help to create a birth plan that will
allow you to enjoy one of the most memorable
events in your lives.
Halling a Birth Doula Support your Birth
Women have complex needs during childbinh. In
addition to medical care and the love and companionship provided by their partners, women need
someone experienced C()Ilsistently by their side.
They need someone to offer continuous: reassurance, COmf0l1, encouragement guidance, and
respect, while advocating for their best inter<:StS.
Doulas have been trained in the art of childbirth.
They know how 10 keep labor going, shorten the
labor pn.x:ess and mosl importantly help a wornan
to relax. A Birth Doula can help alleviate discomfort wilh massage therapy, aromalherapy, acupres
sure, and suggestions about poSitioning. And Ihey
can remind a woman 10 usc her breathing exercises. visualizations or birth hypnotherapy lools.
Casa :MariJ?,/!J.~
T<ffany Pal/erron has been supporting women and
their famiNes for five years. She is a Birlh Doula.
Prenatal Massage Therapisr, Law Massage
Therapist, Hypno-Doula, and PrenOlal Yoga
Instructor. T<ffany has experience with births 01
home. birth centers. and hospitals. She has
assisted with medicated births, nalUral births,
lotus birlh!andC-Seclions, T<ffanycan be reached
al 918_154_7191. For mat'!! information ,·isit her
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Health'" Wellness October 2011 • Scottsdale Edition
When Tantrums Indicate
U'TC witnessing your child's temper
tantrum and it shows no signs of
lening up. [\ started with whining and
crying and prog=d 10 screaming, kicking, and
hilting. You're growing weary and looking for
relief from this stressful situation. Every parent has
to cope with temper tantrums and challenging
behavior. While some parents have lodeal with this
On occasion, olher parents encounter behavior
challenges Qn a fll'qu\:1lt basis_
What Causes Tantrums 01'" Behavior
Problems in Young Children?
There are causes of /(miT1lmJ Ihal are !ami/jar /0
parnms everywhere:
• The child is tired, hungry, {)1" uncomfonable
• The child is seeking allcnlion
• The child can', get something ordo somelhing
they want
• The child Wants a scn!>C ofindcpcndcnce
T/tere is one problem rhat oftell gelS overlooked!
A communicalion delay/disorder!!
• The child understands mOre !han !hey
can express
• The child has difficulty understanding others
• The child has trouble with speech articulation
and olhers don 'I undC'rstand Ihem_
Imagine not being able 10 communicate your needs
someone _ a fruSlraling experience lhal may precipitate a tantrum or even just a moment of
negative behavior.
Put Yourself InThelr Shoes
Imagine being a child having !rouble communicating
wi!h others_For Ihe child the !rouble wi!h communication occurs throughout !he day. II can be exhausting and often leads to acting out and/or tanlruIIlS.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www. axhe a lthand w
Scottsdale Edition - October 2011 Health & Wellness
What You Can Do About Tantrums
Think about why your child i~ really having a
tantrum. Is it because there is a breakdown in communication? Pay attention to the non-verbal cues
such as body language and facial expressions of
your child.
Try IV head offsifll(Jlions tMI couse temper lanlnm1J:
• Explain things on hislher leveL This will help you
avoid communication breakdowns with your
child before they happen
• Be consistent in your evel)'day routines and try to
anticipate times when problems may occur
• Make sure your child is getting enough positive
- Allow your child some control by offering
choices such as "Do you want milk or juice?" or
"Shall we clean up before or after snac k?"
- Replace the desired object with a different one to
distract your child
• Start a new activity to replace an activity you do
not allow
• Change the envimnmcnt by moving to a new
room or outside
- Don 't offer your child a task that is too C(>mplex
In The Midst of A Trantrum ..•
- Keep cooL Your child will feel your frustration
and this may escalate the tantrom
• [ryour child is disappointed. you may need to
provide comfort
• If your ehi ld refused 10 do something, ignore the
outburst if it poses no physical threat to your child
Perhaps your child's expressive language skills arc
delayed, or articulation challenges arc the issue. [f
it is detemtined that your child has a problem with
his language andlor his speech you can rest assured
that your child can get the necessary help to C(>mmunicate beller with others.
or others in the area. Stay within eyesight of your
child. Cominue what you were doing, but don't
leave your child alone.
• Do not give in, as this will only demonstrate that
tantrums are effective ways to get what they want
After The Tantrum
What you say and do as a parent i~ very important.
You want your child 10 begin to understand that
what they say and what they do has an impact on
others. This is the beginning of early $O<;ial
thinking and learning to take the perspective of
others. So when your child has a tantrom and
throws a toy, you might say, "When you thmw
toys, cry and scream. how do you think Sam
feels?" Share with your child how his behavior
makes you feeL
• Working with a psychologist may be helpful if
your child is still leaming ways to control themselves. Children who are biting, hitting, being disroptivc and noncompliant may need 10 learn
strategie~ for self-regulation.
• Your child's pediatrician i~ likely a great resour<:e
and may have a lot of experience with these issues.
The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends
(hat you call your pediatrician if:
- Tantrums increase in frequency and intensity
- Your child injures himself or herself or others or
destroys property during tantrums
What Should I Do?
Tantrums usually an:n~ cause forconcem and generally diminish as children mature developmentally. If your child's behavior escalates, continues
for a long time , or occurs along with other
pmblems. you may wish to seek professional help.
• Your child holds his Or her breath during
tantrum~. especially if he or she faints
- Your child also has nightmares, reversal of toilet
training, headaches, stomachaches, refuses 10 cat
or go to bed. an~iety. or e~ccssive clinging to
• [ftantroms keep happening and you think it may
have something to do with your child's ability to
communicate. contact a certified speech language
pathologist. Your child's language s kill s can be
assessed to determine if language comprehension
challenges or processing problems are a factor.
Lowenstein, D., Temper tantrums - They Drive Parents
Cnzy!1 hnp:llwww.drlowenstein.comI_datalu.eu1ocsl
MaIrs, L, When Toddler Tantrums Me.n More.
http: //www, speech languagefeeding.comftoddle.-
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Health & Wellr.ess October 2011 - Scottsdale Edit ion
By JaM Nelson, Family Nurse Prac:tiIionef
he fall scawn is here and along with
that comes a common oommcnt heard
in Our office ..... "J don't know if 1
have a cold or allergies but I feci miscrablc." The
symptoms of colds and allergies often overlap and
have a similar presentation. This article is going to
look at some of the differences between Ihcsc \Wo
very common oonditions.
TIME OF YEAR: A cold is a viral infe<:1ion. which
is caused by one of many rhinoviruses that affect the
nose. Although il is possible to "catch" a cold al any
time, cold viroses arc mon: common during the
winter months. By contrast. an allergic reaction inn
immune response 10 a hannlcss substance and is
most prominent during the spring and fall months
when pollen counts from lIttS, grasses, and weeds
arc at their highest.
SYMPTOM ONSET: One of the early differences
bc=n colds and allergies is how rapidly
symptoms occur. Cold symptoms generally have a
gradual onset over a period of several days. A oold
may begin wim a general sense of fatigue, sore
throat, or runny nose and over time progresses 10
severe nasal oongestion, beadal:he, and perhaps
even fever and body aches. The symploms of allergies have an abrupt onset (when exposure 10 the
allergen occU/$) wim One of me fi1"$t and most
oonunon symploms being Sl"leCzing ..... oficn
multiple times in a row.
pcT$ist for anywhere from S-IO days and then gradually improve. Allergy symptOlTlS may last for months
or lIS long as you are e~posed to the allergy trigger. If
yoo are symplomatic greater than 10 days, you will
want 10 consider the possibility of your sympIOntS
being of an allergic nature. Remember, a pcrwn can
develop allergies at ANY time in thcir life, so just
because you don'l have a history of allergies in the
past, tIocsn't mean you don't have them now!
SYMPTOMS: How many times have you been
asked in a health care setting, "what color are your
nasal secretions"' (interesting question huh?!) This
is an impOrtant due to determine the cause of your
symptoms. Both conditions may cause a runny nose
or nasal congestion but nasal secretions will be consistemly clear and watery when you are experienc_
ing allergies. A cold virus may begin with clear
nasal secretions but over 3-4 days the mucous
becomes yellow/green and opaque as me illness
develops. Another impOrtant difference is mat itching
of the eyes, nose. throat. or ears are uncommon with
a cold but are very common allcrgy symptoms. If
you have a fever or feci achy, chances are you have
a cold and not allergies. It is impOrtant to remember
that with either allergies or a cold, continued nasal
discharge mat beeomes mick, brown, dark yellow,
or green mighl indicale a sinus infection and may
require Ihe use of an antibiotic.
While a cold is a condition thaI just requires a bil of
time 10 clear up, allergies do necessitate treatment.
If you arc e~pcriencing allergic symptoms which
are persistent in nature, seek the advise of an allergist so that appropriate testing and treatment can be
initiated. AI AlIcrgy, Asthma, & Immunology, our
clinicians and staff are committed 10 improving
your health and yoor quality of life. We look
forward to hearing from you!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.axhe a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Scottsdale Edition - October 2011 Health 3< Wellness
Mens rual CycJ
. . .... 1.4.0.
enses, Period, Flow. Catamenia
an.: all different ways of saying
the same thing, but what is a
menses? Why docs the your doctor care so much
about it and it's details, and bow docs it reflect fertility and health?
We have all heard the story of a women becoming
pregnant without even getling her period. The
reason this is possible is because it is the act of not
gctting pregnant that leads to a rnell$CS. Every
month a women's endornetriurn (the lining of the
uterus) builds up to support a pregnancy. If she
becomes pregnant then the lining will remain in
place to support a pregnancy. However. ifshe docs
not become pregnant then the lining will shed.
However not all bleeding is frorn this irnponant
cycle and is the reason why your physician is so
interested in the details of your menses; 10 deterrnine if;t is physiological (nonnal) or pathological
(abnonnal) bleeding.
To stan, women have two main hormones: Estrogen
and Progesterone. Estrogen comes frorn the ovaf)'.
Progesterone also comes from the ovary but only
comes from the ovary after ovulation. This is
because it is the collapsed cyst left frorn ovulation
that releases the progesterone for a specific length of
tirne. This collapsed cyst, the corpus luteurn, will
release progesterone for appro~imately 12-14 days.
If pregnancy occurs, beg, the bonnone of pregnancy
will be released from the embryo. which will
prevCIltthe corpus luteum from being destroyed to
continue releasing progesterooo Wltil the placenta
has been established to take over this job. If pregnancy does not occur, then the corpus luteum win
cease in 12-14 days and stop producing progesterone. If progesterone stops being released, the endo>metriurn will no longer be supponed and will shed.
leading 10 a menses.
This is an irnponant concept. A physiological
mcnses only COmeS after o\'lliation. Since progestcrone is released and it's withdraw is what causes a
menses. it is common for women who an.: having
menses to have symptOmS prior to menses due to the
progesterone. These symptorns associated with progesterone are breast tenderness, bloating, mood
changcs and other symptoms. Your physician asks
about these symptorns to find out if the rnenses you
an.: having are due to progesterone (demonstrating
o\'lliation) or if they are pathological occurring
w ithout o\'lliation. A wOman who is having a regularly timed menses (monthly) and has these
syrnptoms is highly li kely to be ovulating regularly.
This lets your doctor know that your infertility is not
due to a timing issue with O\'lliation.
When a menses is abnonnal it may present is
several ways. Some wornen will have various length
in days between their menses, such as one month 30
days, the next month 45 days and SO forth. These
women don't always have the progesterone
(premenstrual) symptoms before each menses
because the rnenses are not due 10 o\'lliation. Th is
lets your doctor know that o\'lliation is an issue and
could point towards o\'lliatory disorders sueh as
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Thyroid
problems. and other issues. If sponing occurs
between the monthly menses this could rcpreSCllt
intnuterine pathology (issues in the uterus) such as
uterine fibroids, polyps, and other issues.
The point of this article is 10 give you insight into
the irnportanc<.: of the menstrual cycle . Like vital
signs (hean rate, blood pressure. respiratory rate.
and temperature) the menstrual cycle provides vital
infonnation into the health of women. It can let a
physician know vital infonnation that can help the
physician diagnose medical issues and help provide
treatment. If you have iTTCgularity in your menses
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www . a xhe a lthand w
your gynerologist. Usually we do not recommend
fertility treatment for women until a fter one year of
anempting to get pregnant. However, if you an.:
having im:gular cycles as discussed above you
should sec your doctor in 6 months since an issue
may be present.
OffIce: 480·946·9900 fu: 480·946-9914
Website: _ Email: azartoeaza
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Health'" Welloess October 2011 . Scottsdale Edition
}2Jrlv Hypnotherapy
auld il surprise you to know Ihal
birth doesn't have to be a long,
arduous and ag<JIIiring experience?
Women in many countries around the world give
binh without the dnuna and screaming that we in the
West associate with childbirth. When you use visualizalion and hypnosis in the birthing process you can
create an expcnence that you will always dlcrish.
Many people hear the word "hypnosis' and think
of pooplc acting foolish (In stage or Qn television
shows. Hypnosis for childbirth is not li ke this at
all; it is mOre li ke a type puiS the
Isn't this what 8V8f)' pregnant woman wantsa comfortable birth, with a healthy baby and
a swift recovery?
So how does hypnosis help birth?
1. Relaxation. The Slate of hypnosis is highly
relaxing for Ihe mind and body. In Ihis Slale Ihe
enlire body relaxes and so do Ihe blood vessels.
This relaxing Or dilalion of the blood vessels
ensures a beller blood flow Ihroughoul Ihe body
and espedally to Ihe womb.
woman in a very relaxed state. but she is still
2. Efficient Birth. During labor. a relaxed body
herself and still very aware of everything Ihat is
happening around her and within her body. She is
able to take herself out (lfthe relaxed state. or out
will ensure Ihal blood is diverted 10 Ihe ulerus in
order thaI il Can contracl efficiently and progress
labor smOOlhly and swiftly. A relaxed mind and
body will ensure Ihal Ihe womb has Ihe blood
supply il needs. During poslpartum Ihere is a better
milk supply because of the increased blood flow.
of hypnosis. any lime she wishes. and will never
do anything that she doesn'l want 10 do while in a
stale of hypnosis.
Research has shown that Birth Hypnotherapy can help to achieve the following:
• faster more efficient labor
• Less pain medications used
• Less interventions
• A relaxed and heahhy baby with less chance
of distress
• faster recovery
• Reduced incidence OfPOSlpanUm depression
• Breasl-feeding success
3. Calm the Emotions. Theeffecl On the mind
and emolions is profound. Wilh hypnolherapy a
",,'Oman can relieve stress and anxiety. This relief can
help In achieve a calm birthing experience and laler
calm the emotions during the p<}Slpanum period.
4. Overcome Fear. fear is Ihe single grealest
factor Ihat you can change aboul your labor. Fear
inhibils labor, conslricls Ihe blood supply and
increases Ihe perceplion of pain. This leads to Ihe
f ear.Tension.Pain cycle. where fear creates
tension, which creales pain. which creales more
fear of pain and so it goes on. If you Can remOve
fear Ihen you can aid your own body 10 do what
comes nalurally and Ihat is 10 binh a baby com·
fortably and easily.
5. Stress Relief. When we are messed or
fearful we release adrenaline and olher Slress
honnones into Ihe blood stream. This lenses our
bodies and a lense body feels pain and creales ils
own pain. Blood rushes In the armS and legs ready
to fight or run, laking blood away from Ihe ulerus
where it is nceded to help Ihe uterus 10 contract. If
there is not enough blood flow 10 the uterus. it
works less efficiently and slower and blood flow to
Ihe baby can be disrupled. resulting eventually in
dislress. OIher blood vessels can be constricled,
again slopping Ihe utC'IUS from working wclL You
can sec Ihal when hypnosis removes mess from Ihe
experience of childbirth, then a swift, comfortable
binh of a relaxed baby will normally result.
6. Relaxed Baby. A lense mOlher will release
Slress hormones. adrenaline and coni sol inlo Ihe
blood stream. These can in lum Slress Ihe baby,
who Ihen appears di slressed to medical staff and
inlervenlions can resuh in order 10 speed up labor
orbring Ihe baby oul quickly. Babies are designed
10 wilhSland many hours of labor and a relaxed
baby will cope well even if labor docs nOI
progress as smoothly Or quickly as hoped.
7. Postpartum Recovery. A relaxed mOlher
will have good blood flow around Ihe body. This
blood flow will assisl soft lissues in recovery and
promole a good milk supply. Slress is known 10
have an adverse effeci on milk production SO Ihe
relaxed mOlher has a head stan.
Tiffany Panerson is a Binh Doula and Licensed
Massage Therapist. She has been Irained as a
Hypno- Doula and can use Birth Hypnotherapy
with her pregnanl clienlS 10 help a mOlher bener
prepare for her child's binh. She has also supported mOlhen during Iheir labor process with Ihe
usc of Binh HypnOlherapy.
Tiffany can be reached at 928· 254· 7192.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ www.alhealthandwel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Scottsdale Edition - October 2011 Health 3< Wellness
"Doula" i~ a Greek word whQSC definition has
come to mcan in mOOcm times as- a womcn
educated in the art of childbirth. Doulas are trained
and experienced in the birth procc~~; they know
how to kcep laoor progressing while keeping them
other comfortable. She is someone who provides
continuou~ physical, emotional and informational
support to thc mother. father, and their family. This
support begins with the pregnancy, and continues
through labor and postpartum.
Af\er the binh. many labor doulas will spend a
short time helping mothers begin the breastfeeding
process and encouraging bonding between the new
baby and family members.
Benefits of Doula Support
S/lidies done on Ihe effecls of conliiluous labot"
support show IhM WOmeil are:
- 6()''/o less likely to have an epidural or other
A Birth Doula
· 30% less likely to use any type of pain medicine
• Recognizes birth as a key experience the
mothcr will remcmber all her lifc.
• 40% less likely to need to be induced
• 50% less likely to give birth using
cesarean section
• Understands the physiology of birth and the
cmotional needs of a woman in laoor.
• 40"/0 less likely to give binh using vacuum
extraction or forceps
the woman in preparing for and
carrying out her plans for birth.
- 25% less likely to have a lengthy labor
Long-term benefits include:
• Stays with the woman throughout the labor.
• A greater satisfaction with the binh
• Provides emotional support, physical comfort
measures and an objective viewpoint. as well as
helping the woman get the information she
needs to make informed decision.
• Is an advocate for the mother- facilitates
communication between the laboring woman,
her partner and her clinical care providers.
• Perceives her role as nurturing and protecting
the woman's memory of the birth experience.
• Allows the woman's partner to participate at
hi&lher comfort level.
• Honors your privacy and your choices.
• A Doula docs not replace your doctor or
midwife- they do not provide clinical care.
• A Doula docs not make decisions for you.
What does a Doula do?
Most doula and client relationships begin a few
months before tbe baby is due. During this time,
they establi~h a relationship that gives the mother
complete freedom to ask questions, express fears
and concerns, and take an active role in creating a
• Fewer incidences ofpostpanum depression
birth plan. Most doulas make themselves available
to the mother by phone or email to answer que~tions
or explain any developments that may arise in pregnancy. Doulas do not provide any type of medical
care. However, they are knowledgeable in the
medical aspect of labor and delivery so they can
help their clients get a better understanding of procedures and complications that may arise in late
pregnancy or during delivery.
During delivery, doulas arc in constant, close proximity to the mother at all times. They can provide
comfort with pain relief techniques, such as breathing, relaxing, massage, birth hypnotherapy, and
laooring positions. Doulas also encourage participation from the partner and offer reassurance. A doula
acts as an advocate for the mother, encouraging her
in her desires for her birth. She is able to remind the
mother about simple things that are oflen forgoltenlike going to the bathroom, drinking fluids, and
eating. The goal of a doula is to help the mother
have a positive and safe binh experience, whether
the mother wanlS an un-medicated birth, medicated
binh. or is having a planned cesarean binh. Doula
suppon is perfect for any setting: hospital, birth
center, or homebinhs.
• Grea(er breast feeding success
• Increased bonding between mother & baby
• KIQUf. Ma,..loallll.. M.D.• Ph}1/i.< Kid .... M. Ed. "'.Jolon
K..MI. M.D.• MOIh,rl"l th. MOIit<T, N.J" ,{dd_. "~u.y
Wheil you are ilear or al your
due dale (or overdue) and your
doc/or Or midwife says it is
okay 10 Iry se/fin<iuc/ion leclt,
niques. contacl PreltlliaULabot"
Massage Therapisl and Donla_
riffany Patterson. riffany uses
a combinalion of Massage, Essential Oils,
Guided Visualization. and Acupressure lechiliques 10 help slimulale Ihe ulerus 10 begin ConIraClions./iI addilion 10 olher ai-home lechniques
10 use sim ultaneously. riffany has helped many
women begin Iheir labor experience nalUrolly
and safely.
Tiffany can be contacted by phone at 928-254-7192
or visit her ...'Cbsitc _sweetpe/ for
more information.
www.axh e a lthand w _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Scottsdale Edition
Health'" Welloess October 2011
Natural vs. Medical Induction
a e?
any Midwives and NaturOpathic Physi(ians believe that
it is p<;>SSible to be induced natu_
rally without the use of medical interventions. But a
woman's body n«<ls 10 be ready (Ihe ligaments
relaxed; cervix ripened- "etraced") for natural
induction to be effective. Iflbe cervix is not ready
for 13OOr. Ihen no methods of induction will helpalternative or otherwise. Natural Induction is the
best approach for both the ml.>thcr and baby '$ health
and well being. Medical Inductions are resp(msible
for many complications during labor. increase rick
of needing a C·Section, and harm to either the
mother or baby. Medical Inductions are also
responsible for babies not being born with their full
radiance and alertness.
Medical Induction
There has been many repl.>rts of complications of
medical ind\lClions with. Pilocin and Cervidcl.
Nearly 50% ofPilocin induced labors result in Ihe
need ofa C· Seclion. II was broughllO my alienI ion
by a labor and delivery nurse Ihal they use 3 times
Ihe necessary amounls of PilOCin 10 induce labor
than is necessary. This meallS thaI Ihey eQuid start
labor effectively with only 1/3 the amount that is
ordered by some physicians.
The term "Pit 10 Distress" is found in this 2006
anicle in this Wall Street Journal anicle:
"Oxytocin is a hormone released during labor that
causes contractions of the uterus. The most
common brand name is PilOCin, which is a syn·
thetic version. 11'$ often used to speed or jump-start
labor, but if the contractions become too strong and
frequent, the uterus becomes "hyperstimulated,
which may cause tearing and slow the supply of
blood and oxygen to the fetus. Though there are no
precise statistics on its use, lHl says reviews of
medical · malpractice claims show oxytocin is
involved in more than SO percent of situations
leading to binh trauma.
" Pitotin is used like candy in the OB world, and
that's one of the reasons for medical and legal risk,"
says Carla f'rovost, assistant vice president at
Baystate, who noICS that in many hospitals it is
conunon practic<: to ''pit 10 dislress
or use the
rnaximwn dose of Pitocin to stimulate contractions.
Potential adverse reactions to pitocln
(source: RxList Drug Guide)
I) POlential otberst rtoelions in Iht mOlher:
• Anaphylactic rea.::tion
• Postpartum hemorrhage
• Cardia.:: arrhythmia
• Fatal afibrinogenemia
• llypenensivc episodes
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Prematun: ventricular contractions
Pelvic hernatoma
• Subarachnoid hemorrhage
• Hypcnensive episodes
Rupture of the uterus
• Excessive dosage or hype1$Cnsitivity to the drug
may result in uterine hypenonicity, spasm,
tetanic contraction, or rupture of the uterus.
• Severe water intoxication with convulsions and
coma has occurred, associated with a slow
oxytocin infusion over a 24-hour period.
Maternal death due to oxytocin-induced water
intoxication has been reponed.
1) POlemial odvtrse UIlCtilltlS ill Ihe f elus or
lltollOle rtlOled 10 hY/H"I'SlimuIOliOll of u/trus:
• Premature ventricular contractions and other
Permanent eNS or brain damage _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Scottsdale Edition - October 2011 Health & Wellness
• Fetal death
• Neonatal seizures have been reponed with
the use of Pitocin.
J) Potentill/Ildverse relletions in the fetus re/Ilted
to uu of oxyfocin in the mother:
• Low Apgar scores at five minutes
• Neonatal jaundice
• Neonatal rC1inal hemorrhage
Natural Methods of being Induced
1. Hawng )"ou. Dacia. 01" Midwife S .._p (0.
stripping) your membranes. The procedure
prompts the release of inflammatory mediators,
including prostaglandin Fla- a promoter of
cervical dilation. This technique should ideally be
used if the membranes are intact. the cervix is ripe,
the mother is at least to tenn and there are no signs
of infcction and no suspicion of 3 marginal
placenta previa or group B-strep colonization. The
procedure Can be painful and it carries the risk of
inadvenent "-,pture of membranes and infection_ as
well as the risk of damaging a marginal placenta
J. U'/rlchit,g birth vid~s Ilnd hellrit,g other
"",men givt birth Can be po ..'t!rful and enCou ,...
agement to get labor going. But please only watch
positive and uplifting binh experiences like
"Orgasmic Binh", "Binh as we know it", "The
Business of Being Born" or "Binh Day".
4. Slimulale the Nipples. 15 minute sessions every
4105 hours is the safest fonn of induction- it uses
the bodies own oxytocin. Nipple stimulation
during intercourse is even better if you are brought
to orgasm. as orgasm releases oxytocin as well.
5. Female OrgIJsm- this also releases natural
oxytocin which stimulates labor.
6. Aroma/herapy Belly Man age
9. Induction MaJSllg~: This session includes a
relaxing Prenatal Massage. Aromalherapy. Guided
Visualization. and Acupressure to stimulate the
When )"OU are ~ear or al your due dale (or
overdue) and )"Our doc/or Or mid...ife says il is
okay 10 Iry self-induction lech~iques, CO~lac/
Pre~<lIallLabor Massage The.apis/ a~d DoulaTiffany Patterson. Tiffany uses a combination of
MilSsIJge, Essential Oils. Guided VisualizOlion,
and Acupressure lechniques to help slimulOle Ihe
uteI'"U.J to begin cOn/roc/ions. In IJddilion to olher
m.home techniques /0 use simultoneous/y. Tiffany
hos helped mony ...omen begin theirlobor experience nOluroll)" IJnd sofely.
7. Rejluology and AcuprtsSure po,'nls
&. lIeriHIl Tincture: Use only under the direct
supervision ofa Licensed Naturopathic Physician!
Tiffany can be oontacted by phone m 928-254-7192
Or visit her website ",,,,,,,.swt:etpeaimhepod. com
for more infonnalion.
1. V,sua/iUion Ilnd Re/llXation: Visualizing your
cervix opening and reluing is the key to binh- and
it is the key to induction. Work with your body and
it will work with you. Sometimes there are psychological Or emotional issues that you may need to
work through befon: labor can begin. An honest
self..evaluation of your present cireumstances an
prayer/meditation on what you can do to let go of
any fears or stressors may be just what your body
needs to let go and release itsclfinlO labor.
www.axh e a lthand _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Health & Wellr.ess October 2011 - Scottsdale Edit ion
Just Two Choices .••
by TJ Freema n fbstor of
Two Choices
[ can slill piCTUre the camp din:cl0r standing On the
stage. He had a thick. Southern drawl, and
seemed larger than life as he ope>led his Bible and
began 10 {each. I enjoyed lis,,,,,;ng 10 the man, but
I neVer imagined that ,",'ell over a docade latcr, his
words would slill be so fresh in my mind.
"There's JUSt two choices on the shelf,H he said,
"pleasing God, OJ pleasing ..,If,'·
In all of my (eenage wisdom. [rejc<:tcd what the
camp di=tor had said, "Just two choices," I
dlOught, "that's ridiculous!" Sure. I agreed that
God was not pleased when [sinned. But, how
could it be possible that every decision I made had
such significant Spirimal ramificati{ms? Did God
really care about what r ate. what kind of music I
listened to, or where I gOI my hair cm? I was
certain He did not.
Two Voices
The truth is, I was wrong. That camp director
understood something that I was missing in my
theology. Although I would not havc said it this
way, I was operating und", that assumption that I
was a "pretty good guy." After all, I was not
committing any of the major sins. I read my
Bible, prayed. and tried to treat everyone with
love and '<'spect. Sure, I madc mistakes, but
nobody is perfect. J failed to realize the true condition of my heart. The Bible painua grim description
of the heart in Matthew 15:18-1'1. While addressing
the Pharisees, Jesus takes a moment to explain that
the reason for sin has everything 10 do with the heart.
"But the things that eome out of a person's mouth
come from the heart, and these defile them. Forout
ofthc heart come evil thoughts-murder, adultery,
sexual immorality, theft. false testimony. Slander."
By God's grace. those who put their faith in Christ
have been saved from the penalty of sin. It is the
shed blood of Christ that covers our sin. and allows
uS to entcr into an eternal relationship with God.
However, the evil that exists within the heart do«
nOt go away after Salvation. In James 4: 1-3, we are
told that there is a battle raging within us. In other
words. We have two voices calling uS in opposite
directions. Our sin nature, which is only satisfied
when we seek to please ourselves. and the Holy
Spirit, who calls us to follow Ood.
Glory to God
With such a battle raging inside of us. it is clear that
even OUr most routine decisions ha,-e significant Spiri-
lllal impact. Paul undct"Stood this well as he explained,
"'Whether therefore you eat, or drink, or whatever you
do, do all 10 the glory ofOod." This verse, found in I
Corinthians 10:31, teaches that, in everything we do,
our primary goal is the glory of God. When we begin
to understand that we exist for Him, our lives begin to
change. Suddenly, our behavior takes on a higher
level of significance. lbe way we re5JXlnd to the
employ", who has treated US poorly is an opportunity
to glorify God. lbe ~ision to love a spouse who has
gone cold is an opportunity 10 glorify God. Even the
decision to sit down at the family dinn", table is an
opportunity to bring glory to God.
Maybe. li ke me, you have underestimated the sig.
nificance of your decisions. It is easy to fall into the
routine of being a "pretty good person," but accord·
ing to God's Word. you will never be good enough.
Take some time today to evaluate your heart. I
suspect that, if you're honest, your ultimate focus
has been more on the glory of you than the glory of
God. Thanks 10 His abundant grace. He will give
you the strength and power to truly follow Him - for
the glory of God!
ww w.axhe a lthand w _--'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
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