Spring 2016 Newsletter


Spring 2016 Newsletter
The Children’s Place
SPRING 2016 News Letter
The Children’s Place Board of Directors requests the
pleasure of your company at our 17th Annual Gala
Saturday April 9th, 2016
Evangelo’s (Black Tie Optional)
2530 East Parks Highway
Wasilla, Alaska
Hosted by Deena M. Paramo, Ed. D.
Mat-Su School District Superintendent
Music provided by Fireside Quarter
Live Art Demo by Jamie Bottoms
Door open at 6:00pm (No host cocktails)
6:00 - Silent Auction
6:30 - Welcome
7:00 - Dinner and Program
8:15 - Live Auction
Table Sponsorships Available (8 seats per table)
Silver ……….$1250.00
Single Seating……….$75.00
“To offer hope and healing to families impacted
by child abuse and neglect through a coordinated
community response”.
Seating is limited
Please RSVP by March 25th, 2016
The Children’s Place is excited to announce and
introduce our newest Administration Assistant,
Danielle Jones.
My name is Danielle Jones, I am a born and raised Alaskan and I love this beautiful state that we are
blessed to call home. I recently started at The Children’s Place as the Administrative Assistant and I
am so excited to be here. I have a heart for helping children and families and I am honored to get the
chance to work with some amazing people and make a difference in the Mat-Su Valley.
Please join us in giving her a warm welcome to
The Children’s Place!
If you would like to receive the newsletter via e-mail or would like to be removed from our mailing list, please send a message to:
djones@thechildrens-place.org or call us at 357-5157.
April was first declared Child Abuse Prevention Month by presidential proclamation in 1983.
Since then, April has been a time to acknowledge the importance of families and communities working together to prevent child
abuse. In Child Maltreatment 2013 (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children's Bureau) it was reported that in FFY 2013 in the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, an estimated
679,000 children were victims of child abuse; and 1,484 children died as a result of abuse or neglect…
A body of research has identified factors known to prevent and reduce child abuse and neglect. These factors—including parental
resilience, nurturing and attachment, social connections, knowledge about parenting and child development, social and emotional
competence of children, and concrete supports for parents-are outlined in Preventing Child Maltreatment and
Promoting Well-Being: A Network for Action 2015 Resource Guide, also developed by the Children's Bureau.
Here are some things you can do as a concerned individual.
Raise the issue. Call or wr ite your candidates and elected officials to educate them about issues in your community
and the need for child abuse prevention, intervention, and treatment programs. Contact your local school district and faith
community to encourage them to sponsor classes and support programs for new parents.
Reach out to kids and parents in your community. Anything you do to suppor t kids and par ents in your family
and extended community helps to reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. Be a good neighbor. Offer to baby-sit.
Donate your children’s used clothing, furniture, and toys for use by another family. Be kind and supportive, particularly
to new parents and children.
Report suspected abuse or neglect. If you suspect abuse or neglect is occur r ing, r epor t it —and keep reporting it—
until something is done. Contact our local Wasilla Office of Children’s Service (357-9797) or the Alaska State Troopers
(Excerpts from: What Everyone can do to Prevent Child Abuse: 2004 child abuse prevention community resource packet 2nd edition
GO BLUE RALLY: Wear blue and join us in Wasilla on Apr il 1st at 9:00 A.M. at Wells Far go Bank,
(in the Target Parking lot). Individuals and organizations will band together across Alaska to make a visible
commitment to prevent child abuse and support strong families and healthy children. Featured speakers will
include Alexa from Facing Foster Care in Alaska and Wasilla Mayor, Bert Cottle.
WEAR BLUE: Ever y Fr iday in Apr il to show your suppor t for child abuse pr evention.
CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION DISPLAY: The Childr en’s Place will have a infor mational table at the Mat-Su Regional
Medical Center throughout the month of April. On display will be the 2016 Children’s Place quilt, “My Safe People”. This quilt is
made up of drawings created by children who received services through The Children’s Place. The pictures are then transferred to
cloth and made into a beautiful quilt by the Valley Quilters Guild.
$$ Make your Amazon dollars go further $$
Support Matanuska Community Health Care Inc.(The Children’s Place)
by shopping at AmazonSmile.
What is AmazonSmile?
AmazonSmile is a website operated by Amazon that lets customers enjoy the same wide
selection of products, low prices, and convenient shopping features as on Amazon.com. The
difference is that when customers shop on AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com),
the AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the
charitable organizations selected by customers.
Register at Smile.amazon.com and choose Matanuska Community Health Care Inc.
as your charity.
Earning dollars for The Children’s Place by using your Fred
Meyer rewards card.
Link your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to The Children’s Place
at www.fredmeyer.com/communityrewards.
 You can search for us by name, Matanuska Community Health Care Inc.,
or by our non-profit number (84670).
 It's that easy...please share
Upcoming Event
The Alaska Children’s Alliance
Conference Dates November 14-16, 2016
Post Conference Dates November 17-18, 2016
Anchorage Hilton Hotel
More information will be available in our summer newsletter and on The Children’s Place Facebook page
The Children’s Place Board of Directors
Trina Sears—Board Chair
Paul Dombroski—Vice Chair/Treasurer
Robin Thompson—Vice Treasurer
Kibe Lucas– Secretary
Michelle Steward— Director
Roger Beck, DDS —Director
Anna Clark—Director
Paula Jones— Executive Director *non voting
Cathy Baldwin-Johnson, MD—Medical Director
*non voting member
Our Board has vacancies! If you have ever considered
serving on the Board of Directors for
The Children’s Place, now is the time!
For more information about The Children’s Place, please visit our website at: http://www.alaskachildrensplace.com
The Children’s Place
P.O. Box 871788
Wasilla, AK 99687
«First Name»
«Last Name»
«City», «ST1» «Zip»
Saturday, April 9, 2016
Evangelo’s Restaurant in Wasilla
(see inside for details)
The Children’s Place is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit
Your tax-deductible donations are accepted and greatly
appreciated all year.
Donations are accepted in the form of cash, checks, money orders,
cashier’s checks, Visa and Master Card.
We are funded by:
State of Alaska Department of Health and Social Services
Alaska Children’s Alliance
Mat-Su Borough Human Services Community Matching Grant
United Way of Mat-Su
Alaska Children’s Alliance
and contributions from many corporate and individual donors.
Join us on Facebook
“The Children’s Place Alaska”

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