Audio Greetings - Myra Faye Turner
Audio Greetings - Myra Faye Turner
StepByStep HowTo,,r boxfor youto addyourpersonal mesage; simin thetextbox,andyou're plytypeyourmessage almostreadyto go.Somesiteswill alsoallow oneofmoreof thefollowingadditional features. Selectyour music.Someof themusical funes,andyoucannot cardshavepreselected change them,but manysiteslet youselectthe musicyouwantto use.Whatareyourchoices? Eachsite'sselections vary.Wefound,Bobby "Don'tWorytBeHappp"Whihey McFerrin's "l Will Alwayslove You,"andNeil Houston's "L,ove Will KeepUsTogether," aswell A HolldayFor Eueryllay, Sedaka's Mostsitesfollownearlythesameproce asthefuchies'versionof "Sugar,Sugar."For therearemanypopular dure.Oncevoulocate thesiteyouwant ttreyoungergeneration / indudingWill Smith's"Gettin'|iggy to us€,r'ouwill bepresented withvari- selections, to choose from. Wit'1t."Thenumberof musical selections varies ouscardcategories / by If you're not how find site. sure a particular selecSome of the categories you'll I include Special tion sounds/you cangenerallylistento a clip (Birth- beforemakingyourfinalselection. Occasions \ day,Anniversary, Famousquotes. Can'tfind the right yourundyingloveor to tell Care& wordsto express g Weddings), all of the rn (Get Well yourmomhowmuchyouappreciate shemadefor you?Don'tworry, CheerUp,Think- sacrifices Of You),Romance, somesiteshavea stableof famousquotes foryouruse. OfficeHumor.You'll available Colors,backgrounds,and borders. find seasonal cards, for kids,andgreetings Manyof the sitesgiveusersthe optionof thecolors, backgrounds, andborden teens.Wefoundcardsfor changing your from the preselected of card schemes. traditional holidav and Delayeddelivery.Don'tevenstartworfor some,well,notsotaditional "l love you, you love ffi€, rve're a birthdav, ryingthatyou'llforgetanimportant huppy fam-i-Iy...", as plays open anniversary, milestone. vou Running The or Many of thesites Beautidan's Dayflune25), Bulls Of I I youraudiogreeting card.Yes,thegreat Dav(Jul1'7), and,everyone's give you the option of delaying the deliverv favorite,Ugly purple one himself,Barney,has a special TruckDavfiuly20). dateof yourcards(up to 17monthsaway) m es s agewait in g fo r y o u fro m a l o v e d youwant,the Youcancreateyourcardsmonthsin advance Oncevouselectthecategory A udio fu n w a y c ard s a re a to one. s e n d nextstepis to choose thecardtype.Select your andthensit backandrelax.Yourlovedones personalizedgreetingsto family, friends, cardh'pe,birthday, forinstance, andthenexam- will think you arethemostthoughtfulanC and lovedones.Findinga cardis easy:There inevourchoices. person onearth. Thenumberof choices avail- considerate ar e lit er ally t h o u s a n d so f s i te so ffe ri n g ablein each Onceyouhavecompleted theabovesteps varieswitheachsite'soffercategory v is it or s f r ee c a rd s fo r p ra c ti c a l l y a n y ing.You'llhaveasfew asfiveselections to youcanpreviewyourcard,editingit asncesoccasion.We'll show you how easyit is dozens withyouraeation of cardsfor someof themorepopular sary.Whenyouiuesatisfied to send greetingsusing one of the many categories, andmajorholidays. selecta deliverydate,andyou'rereadyto senc suchasbirthdays freeonlinesites. youreye,reviewit, and it. Eachsitewill havea sendbutton,sucha. Clicka cardthatcatches orClickHereToSend. if you'resatisfied with yourselec- C]ickHere,Send, Clickit mailyourgreet- andyourcardwill beofftoyourrecrpient's tion,beginpersonalizing deliverydate. ing.Startby enteringtherecipient's box,unlesyouhaveadelayed Mostservices senda confirmation thatyou: andname,andyou'll emailaddress Takeadvantage ofthemyriad ofsources online wantto double-check thee-mail cardhasbeensent,alongwith anID number whereyoucanfindfreeaudiocardstosendfor openshise-mailinbox,h. addres.Althoughmostaskforboth When*re recipient traditional holidays, birthdays, andsomerather fromthesitealertinghir nameande-mailaddres,somesites will havea message obscure celebrations. will request theemailaddress only. thatyou havesenta greeting.A link will h andtherecipientca: Next,you'll beaskedto addyour includedin themessage, ll youdon'twanttosenda premade card,comit reffieve simply dick to the card.If therecipier: name and address, and finalemail your mercialsoftware isavailable tohelpcreate is not an program thatsuppor,, lvhere using e-mail ly, here's you add yotu own youwhere own;we'llshow tofindsome. special touch:yourpersonalized linla, shewill haveto copyandpastethemehaveL;* greeting.Eachsitewill havea text sageinto herbrowser.Someservices Find& Greate AudioGreetings 122 rctips/ Learningsenes StepByStep mr're f,w 5. cal :lot the es? ,by ley .eil ;ell For rlar rs' :ies l ^ ^ trL- :lip tht tell tne messages sailacrossyoru screenlike actorson a in what'shapstage.You becomeso engrossed peningyou forgetit's a card.And thenseemingly out of nowhere,poof,the message appears. Unlike the otheroption,\:0u can savevour Message Matemessages to readoverand over againor forwardto others. Anothervariationis the Desktope-cardor MoreThanJust A Message. mini card.Theselittle cardsaresmallself-exeSomesitessendthe cardsase-mailattachments cutingprogramsthatlooklike realcardswhen Thevarealsosentaseinsteadof havingrecipientsgo to the service's openedon your screen. Mates mail attachments and canbe savedbv the Web site to retrievethe card.Message ( is onesuch recipient.You canfind an ertensiveselection (hti p:i ,/n' w w site,but be preparedto encountera bit of low- o f mi n i cardsat W Mi ni cardsal socomervi th a as an e-mail .w o tc brow humor.To senda message thatsitson your you'll follow the sameprocedures Desktopornament(animation attachment, outlinedabove.Therecipientwill receivea mes- Desktop)for you to keep. sagethat you havesenta customizedgreeting. To readyour card,the recipientcansimply GreateYour Own Gards. Arguably,usingoneof the manr':reesitesis a downloadit (about30 seconds)and view it. Matecardsarepopularand just plain goodway to impressand n't-tr'r our friends Message Mate and loved ones.But suppoSrvt'run ant to neat.More thanjust a card,Message recipientsvisit the Web site to retrievetheir cards.At the homepa1e,recipientswill click PickUp CardandenteranID, andtheircardwill be displaved.Thecardsyou createwill be availablefor a limited time only,generallyfor around tlueeweels.Thee-mailtellsthe recipientsexactly horvlongtheyhaveto pick up theircards. createyour own spectacular greeting.If you decideto go this route,thereare a numberof commercial softwareproductsavailable. One exampl ei s Greeti ngCar d Expr ess (http:I I w w w .greeti ngc ar dexpr ess. com ) , which lets you customizeyour own text and program(software photos.This shareware that is freeto try for a limited time,usuallv30 days,and you pay the developer if you decide to keep i t) costs$9.95an d com eswit h a WelcomePackof morethan100cardsand stationary.Themessage is sentasthee-mailitself, no links or downloadsnecessary. E l ectroni ccards,the po st car dsof t he Internet,are a wonderfulway to sendsmiles to family, friends,and loved ones,and you don't evenneedan excuseto sendone.Don't wait for a specialoccasion. Now that you know horv easythey are to create,go ahead andmakesomeone's day. E byMyraFayeTurner '71 ' tes WhereToGetTheGreetings rs. ,-; ier: thatoffer Vou canfindsites I greeting cards byusing any waded engine. We've search you through severalto bring some ofthebest. withhundreds to ofsongs from. choose tabtoget ClicktheGreetings tothecards. .com)features a neatselection ofhumorous andwacky cards. Multimedia EverydayGreetingCards (htp/ EmailCards (http re hasa nicecardsforspecial com/g /Avww.thepocket. features occasions. eting.htm) self-executandeveryday Balloon Boutique (http://www, balIoonbou has . 1001Postcards ForeverYoursMusical a customizable cgllection postcards. (http//www. flowers, org/post ofvirtual balloons, GreetingGards (htp/ trww. zworks.comlforev hasanexhaustive list andgreeting cardsandlets cards) you voice it adda recorded er)letsyouaddJPEG(Joint ofcategories andselections; Photographic Expefts Group) features fromcards messages. evefihing Interchange forleft-handers, tokissand orGIF(Graphics images files Format) ormusic make up,toloveyourself or BlueMountain youhavetheURL) (http/^M^ (provrded /, loveyourtoilet. features inseveral lanandhasmorethanonehuhcards . AllYours Digital Postcards guages including French, dredmusical selections. (http :i/www. sllryou Spanish, Chinese, andKorean. hasloads GreetingCardsDepot ofcustomization (http:i/www. greetingsdepot forgreeting DAlRgram cards options pic(http ://www. .com)features andpostcards, including nd caricatures, dairgram. com/i Des*top and tures, music, backgrounds, ex.cgi) hasanexcellent animations, collection flashanimations. colors, dateofdelivery, card of3-Dcardswith Youcan layout, manycategories tochoose andmore. evensendanypicture or from. Hallmark (http://www. has music fileyouhavesaved on yourharddrive, ofcards, many 3DGreetings a nicBseleclion (http/M, has withsounds andanimation. . AudioCards greeting really cool3-D cards plus3-D (http formanyoccasions, HumorGreetings //www. audiocards. com) greeting (http://www. humorgreeti ngs offers singing cards kisses, hugs, andflowers. ingmultimedia cards compatiWindows The only. blewith cards runfullscreen orappear ina window, andtherecipient need onthe onlydouble-click .EXE fileinherFileManager Explorer area. orWindows willeven software Some e-mail letyoudouble-click fromwithin themailprogram. (http://www. has hundreds tochoose ofcards fromforalloccasions. Youcan recipisendcarGtomultiple tobe entsandschedule cards inadvance. sent17months WeGotCards (http//www.wegotcards. com ) features a niceselection ofall occasion cads,plusafreecaricature need ofyou,butyou'll toupload a photo ofyourself. i parninn \eries / PtTins123