Phoenix - Jon Regen
Phoenix - Jon Regen
sat down with foundingmemberChristian French-pop technophiles Phoenix Mazzalaito delvedeep into the sounds havelandedstateside.Thistime,the behind Wolfgang, and the keYsto FrenchRevolulionwill be televised, Phoenix'srisingsuccess. Sincetheirformationoutsideof Parisin guitar-gilded the late'90s,the synth{aden, One of the intriguing things about the quartethas earnedlegionsof fans on both r'false startstt sidesof the Atlantic.With multi-instrumentaFnew album is how many you had - from recordangon a house' ist brothersChristianMazzalaiand Laurent boat in Paris, to holing uP in a New Brancowitzchurningout a steadystreamof York hotel. You were searcfiing for danceablehookson guitarand keyboards, something, it seems. the band has built a ravenousfollowing We startedhere,at the BoweryHotel.We aroundsongslike"TooYoung,"(fromtheir just had thesesmall,verycheaprecorders, debut albumUnited),and "Everythingls and guitars,That's somesmallkeyboards, ngj' from its follow-upAIp habetical' Everythi without any to create it. We had an idea Now with the releaseof 2OO9'sWolfto takethe decided gang AmadeusPhoenix,theband raisesits limitsof time,so we for self-imposedbaronceagain,with a ten-song timeto go in a new direction us.We opusthat marriesundeniablepop panache hadthis fantasyto write songslikepuzzles, sonicallysophis- to write piecesof music,and thento try with painstakingly-crafted, and combinethemto makesongs' Co-producedby felticatedarrangements. We were all in one room.We didn't PhilippeZdar,(of Cassius low Frenchman wantto write in a studio.Thenwe renteda fame),the albumbrimswith continuous attentionto creativedetail- fromthe jangle was just to havea vibe.We didn't havea recordcontract- our dealwith EMI of guitars,propulsiveAdamAnt-ishdrum was finished.So we recordedit just like fills,and swirlingkeyboardson the infecour first record,just for us.We put all our to the artpop, tiousopener"Lizstomania," renting on "Love moneyintofindinginspiration, explorations TangerineDream-like marriage beautifulplacesand hotelrooms.So at the LikeA Sunset."lt's a near-perfect end,we had no money,and we endeduP of guiltypop pleasureand auralacumen. Justdaysafterthe band'sgame-chang- stayingat our friendPhilippeZdar's place.He had a studio,whichwas not yet ing appearanceon SaturdayNight Live,l 38 xEYBoARD os.2ooo finished,and we endedup stayingtherefor morethana year. What kind of gear did You bring to those early sessions at the Bowery Hotel? \Mat we loveis to useeithervery,verycheap or veryhighqualityones'We instruments, don'tlikethinkinginthe middle.So,for example,in NewYorkwebroughtthis cheapCasio keyboard- it's reallylikea's small,and costssomethinglike$20 on eBay'lt hasa smallsamplerwith a microphone- very cheap,and if you pressthe button,you can recordyourown voice.So on the record,a lot of the padsareour own voices. Are you talking about the Casio SK'l? Yeah,exactly.The SK-1.We boughtthis one,and the wholeseries.We havesomeWe bought thing like20 smallkeyboards. all of themon eBay. I have the Casio MT-65'with the mini' keys and the auto-accompaniment. .. . Ah yeah,we haveit too! There's something about going bad< to the most basic of sounds. Those cfieap keyboards with the built'in drums and bass lines iust take You someurhere different. Exactly.And on the SK-1, you can loopthe samplesin a very bad way. Umitatesthe stutteringsound of a note looping'l And ELECTRII ARTPIIP F[|RTHEMASSES byJon Rese whenyou playa chord,the loopson each of the notesare not the samelength,so it soundslikeit's breakingup.And that's what we like. Almost like the tapes on a Mellotron. Yeah,'s a Mellotron.Theyhave the samebeauty. Are you using the Casios on tour with you? | noticed on your S/lll. appearance that you had two small keyboards in front, and then what looked like a Rhodes in the back. Yes.There'sone CasioSK-1on-stage,and we also havea YamahaVSS-200.The one in the backis a customDoepferMlDl keyboardthat we had made.The keysare totallyblack.And it triggerssamplesfrom our songs. What other kinds of sounds went in to the writing sessions for the new a lbum? We havea smallDictaphonerecorderthat we's stereo,and is reallydesigned for takingmemos,not for musicat all.But if you pushthisone compression button,the compressionis so big, likeeverythingis's exactlythe kindof soundwe's veryblurry.Thatis one of our strategiesto writesongswith.Youwrite lots of things,and thenyou hearthem back and you can't hearthemwell.They'reall blurry.So afteryou hearthemback,you can imaginethemas you want. We wouldrecordon the Dictaphone, and thentransferit to iTunes.We had somethinglike '15 hoursof recordingswe put themon verses,bridges- we had something like200 verses.So in the end, the albumwentfrom15 hoursto 35 took us a yearto listenbackto all the music. Were there any other instruments that inspired you during the making ot Wolfgang? We lovethe FenderBulletguitars- they are reallycheapand soundgreat.Alsothe Tenori-On- it's a Japanesecon[Yamaha] trollerwith oush buttons.Youcan do random,SteveReichkindsof thingswith it. We also lovethe old YamahaCS-80 analog synthesizer, which is our favorite,and the KorgTridentas well. PHOENIX What were you listening to when you were coming up as a musician? Whenwe wereteenagers, we were listening to rockmusic- thingslikeVelvet whichwas veryimportant Underground, for us. I don't likevirtuosity. I thinkit's very dangerous, and thereareveryfew virtuosos I love.My brotherand I learnedguitar togetherjust by watchingTV - very slowly,pressingthe pausebuttonwhile watchingpeoplelikeBob Dylan- and lookingfor the chordhe was playing. What we loveis that the morewe grow up, the lesswe are playing,in {act.I don't reallyliketo playbig chords.I liketo play two or threenotes,and my brotherwill play the otherones.And we createharmonv that way. Like whispering at somebody instead of screaming at them, Exactly.E PHACTS Webpage:, Selected discography: WolfgangAmadeusPhoenix(Loyaute/Glassnote), f 's NeverBeen LikeThat (Source),Alphabetical(Astralwerks) , United (Astralwerks). Selected gear used on Wolfgang: Casio SK-l, Yamaha CS-80,YamahaTenori-On, Dictaphonetape recorder. O 9.2OO S KEYBO ABO
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