Grapevine Autumn 2014


Grapevine Autumn 2014
Grapev ne
Tenant Newsletter / Autumn 2014
go digital
page 4 and 5
From the Executive Director Linc Homes
in this issue we cover....
Page 2 | Grapevine Autumn
From Trevor Saunders, Executive Director Linc Homes:
Welcome to the Autumn issue of the
Grapevine. Many thanks to those of you
who have commented on the Grapevine
about how much you enjoy reading it. Don’t
forget, if you’d like to contribute an article,
we’d love to hear from you.
Our work with tenants to get them online is
very exciting. Some of you have commented
that it is ‘life changing’ and has opened up a whole new world, or as
one tenant put it – ‘wow!’
An area we are becoming increasingly active in is food co-ops. These
help local families to buy fruit and veg at reasonable prices, saving
them money and eating healthily. If you are interested in taking part
in your area, get in touch and we’ll see if we can help.
Don’t forget, we are here to help – if there’s something you’d like to
discuss, or if you need advice, get in touch on 0800 072 0966.
Please send in your suggestions and photos for the next edition of
Grapevine, and remember you can read this newsletter and previous
editions online at
Best wishes,
Trevor Saunders,
Executive Director
Linc Homes
Contact us
Linc-Cymru Housing Association,
387 Newport Road, Cardiff CF24 1GG
Freephone: 0800 072 0966
Approved by Grapevine Reading Group
Reading G
2 Welcome
3 A message from The
Tenant Panel
3 Summer fun in St Mellons
4 - 5 Tenants go digital
6 Escaping the bedroom tax
6 Easy & fun Halloween
7 Get help with your
energy bills this winter
7 Save money on your
water bill
8 - 9 Sunshine & gardening
in extra care
10 Do you struggle to get
to sleep?
11 Seasonal flu-jab - free
for all carers
11 Shingles vaccine for 70,
78 & 79 years olds
12 Linc's Contractor
Review Panel
12 Adapting your home to
meet your needs
13 Keeping good
relationships with your
14 Ways to pay your rent
15 Top tips from tenants
16 Want to join our tenant
services testers
16 Oxygen Cylinders
17 Energy Advice Project
17 How to register to vote
has changed
18 Estate Inspections
19 Useful contacts
20 Newport Residents
The Grapevine Reading Group has read and
approved the content of this newsletter. The
Group is made up of tenants from Linc's 134
Club. For information on the 134 Club or to
find details on joining see page 5 or visit
From The Tenant Panel
A message from
The Tenant Panel
Hello all,
Welcome to our Autumn update.
Following our Tenant Panel Meeting in June,
we met again to discuss value for money. What an
interactive session it was! We all had
a chance to share our thoughts which
will now be reported back to Linc to
help develop their approach to achieving
value for money. I think we all agreed that value for
money is not just about the cost. It is about ensuring
quality, delivering benefits and doing things better.
Summer fun at a
Community Day in
St Mellons, Cardiff
As a Panel, our representatives continue to attend
Contractor Review Meetings where they help to
keep track of progress or any difficulties facing
tenants. They also offer suggestions on how to
report your feedback. Whilst they are always
suggesting improvements it really helps for you to
let Linc know how well the contractors are doing.
After a repair is completed, Linc will send you a
'Tenant Satisfaction Form' to complete. Linc also
phone tenants to get their feedback. It really is
important that these forms are completed and
returned to Linc so that changes can be made to
improve services. You may not think these forms
matter – but whether the service is good or bad,
Linc want to hear.
There are a couple of training events coming up
so if you are a member of a Tenants Association,
a local group, the 134 Club or think you would
like to attend, please get in touch with us and we
may be able to help. Contact Karen Jeffreys, Tenant
Participation Officer on 029 2047 4023 or email
Places are limited so hurry!
The Tenant Panel
Grapevine Autumn | Page 3
Tenant News
Tenants go digital
Community 2.0 & Linc work together to offer computer
training to tenants
Written by Fiona Gardner, Linc Homes Digital Champion
who delivered the computer training sessions
2.0 is a digital inclusion project in
Wales which offers free training and support to
help people to use a computer and get online.
In partnership with Communities 2.0, we recently
held computer sessions at our sheltered housing
scheme Cwrt Gwalia in Bridgend. Once a week
during July, tenants spent two hours learning how
to get the most out of using a computer.
When the group met for the first session, there
were laptops, notebooks, a kindle, iPad and iPhone
available to get to grips with.
The tenants were very enthusiastic and keen to
learn as much as they could. We had fun playing
games on the computer which helped them to get
used to the actions of the mouse.
The sessions covered:
1. Using a computer: Switching on your
computer. Using a mouse and keyboard.
Desktop and icons.
2. Using the internet: What is the internet?
Searching the internet. Staying safe online.
3. Using email: Sending and receiving email.
4. Further help for beginners: Jargon
Buster – a glossary of useful terms. Know
the basics? What to learn more? More
places to get help.
Using a computer for the first time and getting
used to how it can assist you in your daily life is an
extraordinary thing, although for some, it comes
as second nature. However, if you are one of the
large number of people who have not yet had the
opportunity to see exactly how it can change your
life – it can be daunting and a little overwhelming.
Page 4 | Grapevine Autumn
Most tenants wanted to learn how to send and
receive emails, open and send attachments such as
photographs, research things on the internet, shop
and make contact with family and friends.
There are also lots of free games
online such as crosswords, jigsaws and
sudoku that can keep your mind active
Tenant News
Quotes from the tenants who
took part in the computer
sessions at Cwrt Gwalia:
“I sent my son an email with my
photograph (wow), I will now take a lot
more photos”
“This course has given me a lot more than
I expected. I’ve learnt my way around the
computer, without being afraid”
For many tenants, it really opened their eyes to the
wonders of what can be done online. For example,
shopping, looking up new recipes, banking and
paying bills, researching your family tree, looking
up the weather forecast - the list is endless. And
if unsure of anything, just type a question into the
address bar and you will be amazed at the answers
you get.
“These sessions have opened my eyes
to lots of ways to access lessons, to learn
computer skills and it has motivated me to
get going”
Linc's website ( is great to visit
as you can find out more about where you live,
look for events in your area, understand what you
can expect from Linc and the services available, and
of course read previous editions of the Grapevine.
The site is continually updated so keep visiting it.
“I have really enjoyed this course and am
more confident about sending emails”
Linc with the help of Communities 2.0, is rolling
out an IT programme in two of our extra care
schemes in Newport between September and
November 2014. The IT programme is a result of a
series of successful computer sessions which took
place at the Lysaght Institute during the spring. The
new sessions will take place at Wellwood House in
Ringland on Saturday mornings and at Capel Court
in Pill on Wednesday evenings. They will provide an
excellent opportunity for you to become a little
more confident using computers and a chance to
understand the benefits that they can bring. If you
would like to join in contact Karen Jeffreys, Tenant
Participation Officer on 029 2047 4023 or email
“Thanks for taking the time to teach older
people to deal with the future”
“I know how to make folders so that I can
keep my emails safely and can keep my
inbox tidy”
Pictured here are the tenants at Cwrt Gwalia with their
certificates for completing the computer course.
Grapevine Autumn | Page 5
Money Advice
Escaping the Bedroom Tax
One tenant told us:
“I never went in to my spare bedroom.
I was paying money for a room I never
even walked into. I would definitely
advise someone who is paying the
Bedroom Tax to move.”
The Under Occupancy Charge, also known as the
“Bedroom Tax” was introduced in April 2013. This
new legislation reduces the housing benefit of those
considered to have one spare bedroom by 14%, and
those that have two or more spare bedrooms by
25%. Currently, 343 Linc households are affected by
the Bedroom Tax (figures recorded in April 2014).
One way of avoiding the charge is to move to
a smaller property. As well as saving the weekly
shortfall, you will also save on household bills. Smaller
properties generally cost less to heat, require less
electricity and have lower water charges. Linc can
help you with the move.Your Housing Officer can
advise you how to find a smaller property in your
preferred areas, and your Money Advisor can help
you to apply for financial help with removal costs
and paying the shortfall until you move.
Since the Bedroom Tax was introduced many
tenants have moved to escape the shortfall.
Another tenant said:
“I had been preparing myself for 6
months beforehand. I packed away
and disposed of things I didn’t need
and this helped get me in the right
frame of mind.”
This tenant also said that her food and travel costs
have reduced significantly as she lives closer to local
amenities now, and that her well-being has hugely
improved. Both tenants received financial help with
their moves, arranged by Linc staff. Moving isn’t for
everyone but it was the best option for the tenants
we have told you about here.
If you are affected by the Bedroom Tax and want
to discuss your options, call us on 0800 072 0966.
Easy & fun Halloween games
Dangling Donuts - Hang ring donuts with bits of string so they swing
at head height. Children must eat their donut with their hands behind their back.
Quickest eater wins!
Make your own sweet apples - Fill a bowl with melted
chocolate for children to dip their apple in, then they can decorate with sprinkles,
raisins, candy laces and peanuts. Place finished apples on a plate in the fridge to set.
Page 6 | Grapevine Autumn
Money Advice
Tips from
the money
advice team!
Get help with your
energy bill this winter
The Warm Home Discount is back for its fourth winter. The big
energy suppliers (British Gas, EDF, E.ON, N Power, Swalec and
Scottish Power) and some of the smaller ones are taking part, each
paying £140 to vulnerable households who are in or at risk of fuel
If you are over 75 years old and getting the Guarantee Credit
element of Pension Credit or are under 75 and getting the
Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit only (not Saving
Credit) you will qualify and be identified automatically by your
energy supplier. If you meet the criteria for the Broader Group
(which varies from supplier to supplier) then you will need to apply.
Payments will be made by 31st March 2015.
If you are unsure if you qualify please contact Linc’s Money Advice
Team, or your energy supplier, for more information. There is also a
Warm Discount Scheme Helpline 0845 603 9439.
Call the Money
Advice Team today
for advice over the
phone or to arrange
a home visit...
0800 072 0966
Save money on your water bill!
If you have a water meter then you can reduce your bill by doing some of these things…
1. Fix leaking taps. A small leak can waste up to 20 gallons of water each day.
2. Use less water to wash by turning the shower off while you are soaping or shaving, and turning the tap
off while you are brushing your teeth.
3. Make sure your dishwasher or washing machine is fully loaded for each use. Half load settings use
almost as much water as standard settings.
4. Keep a bottle of water in the fridge. This avoids running the tap until the water is cold for a drink.
5. Fit a water saving device in your cistern and save up to three litres a flush.
6. Use a water butt to collect rain water for use in the garden and for washing the car.
7. When you replace household appliances, look for water efficient ones.
If you’re interested in having a water meter fitted contact the Money Advice Team on the
number above or Welsh Water (0800 052 0145).
Grapevine Autumn | Page 7
Tenant News
in ex
Capel Court extra care, Newport
News from Tricia Pringle, Service Manager
Perkins (pictured below) has been living at
" Percy
Capel Court since it opened in 2007. Percy is a
very keen gardener and looks after the hanging
baskets and flower pots around the scheme with
the support of other tenants. As well as flowers,
Percy is growing tomatoes which are proving a
great success.
As the Service Manager at Capel Court, I think it’s
so important to encourage tenants to remain as
active and independent as possible and to support
them with their interests. During the summer,
tenants have really enjoyed making use of the
garden. Percy does a great job.
Tenants and visitors often comment on how
colourful and lovely the garden looks and how hard
he works to keep the plants watered, especially in
warm weather.
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Tenant News
Llys Glyncoed extra care, Ebbw Vale
News from Jayne Williams, Service Manager
It has been an enjoyable few months sitting in the
garden enjoying our beautiful surroundings.
Llys Glyncoed extra care in Ebbw Vale, a group
"Atof tenants
look after the garden flower beds.
We support this by buying flowers, shrubs and
garden pots for the garden. The group recently got
together to do the planting in the raised beds.
One tenant said, “This has been a glorious afternoon;
it has brought back the fondest memories from when
I had my own garden. I have really enjoyed planting.”
Glorious sunshine has helped the flowers to
flourish throughout the garden and a new water
feature has enhanced the tranquil atmosphere.
If you have any news or photographs to share
with Grapevine readers, we would love to hear
from you. Email:
Grapevine Autumn | Page 9
Tenant News
Health & wellbeing
Do you struggle to get to sleep? Here are some tips to try...
Your bedtime routine
• Go to bed and wake up the same time each day.
• Ensure your room isn’t too hot or cold. Consider playing relaxing
music or wear ear plugs if noise bothers you.
• Take a warm bath - relaxed muscles will help you to feel sleepier.
• Put down your phone, iPad or other electrical devices and read a
book before you sleep. This can gently help you to switch off.
Eating and exercising
• Avoid drinking alcohol before you go to bed. It
could wake you up later in the night.
• Avoid eating food just before you go to bed.
• Don't drink tea or coffee during the evenings.
• Stop smoking. Nicotine can disturb your sleep and
you can feel withdrawal symptoms during the night.
• Regular exercise can help - short bursts
throughout the day can be really effective.
Relaxing your mind
• Don't put pressure on yourself to fall asleep. Try
deep breathing exercises.
• Stop worrying and thinking of things you need to do
when you’re in bed. Make notes and deal with them
in the morning when you will feel much fresher.
If you have tried all of these suggestions, yet still struggle with your sleep, you may be suffering with a sleep
problem such as insomnia. This could require professional help so please seek advice from your doctor.
Page 10 | Grapevine Autumn
Health News
Seasonal flu-jab - free
for all carers!
Shingles vaccine for
70, 78 & 79 year olds
With the beautiful weather we've had this
summer it's hard to imagine winter is on its way.
However, it's time to start protecting ourselves
against Seasonal Flu. Don’t forget that all unpaid
carers are entitled to receive a free flu vaccine.
The flu jab protects you, your family and the
person you care for. If you are employed as
a carer please ask your employer where you
can be vaccinated, as they are obliged to offer
you this vaccine as part of their occupational
health responsibility. As well as ensuring you are
vaccinated it is important the person you care
for also receives their vaccination.
Are you or do you care for someone aged 70,
78 and 79? If so, you or the person you care
for will be invited to have the Shingles vaccine
by your GP.
Anyone who has had chickenpox, and at least
90% of us have, can develop shingles. It can
be a very unpleasant illness and the risk of
having shingles increases over 50 years. 1in 4
of us will develop shingles and 20% will go on
to develop complications, the most common
being neuralgia (nerve pain).
Nuala Mahon, Immunisation Co-ordinator for
Cardiff and the Vale University Health Board says:
“Flu can be a very serious illness for anyone
but especially for an elderly or vulnerable
person. It can result in hospitalisation and
long term incapacity.
If you have ever spoken to anyone who
has had “flu” they will tell you how terrible
they felt, and it can take you several weeks
to recover. Every surgery has a Carers
Champion and must maintain a Carers
Register. Speak to your GP receptionist
to ensure you are included on the carers
register in your surgery. "
Surgeries are being encouraged to invite all
carers on their register for an appointment
or to advise when flu clinics are being held.
If you have not received your invite by midOctober contact your surgery. A number of
pharmacies in Cardiff and the Vale will once
again be offering flu vaccination, watch out in
the local press to find out which pharmacies
are participating.
Last year there was a lot of confusion
regarding who was entitled to be vaccinated.
The national supply of the vaccine is limited
and therefore it is only available to selected
age groups mentioned above. When the
programme is fully established it will be offered
to everyone, once they have reached their
70th Birthday.
For more information contact Nuala Mahon,
Immunisation Co-ordinator on 02920 336207.
Grapevine Autumn | Page 11
Tenant News
Linc’s Contractor Review Panel
We caught up with tenants Brian Thomas and Steve Waite who are on the
Contractor Review Panel with other tenants and staff...
Linc recognises the importance of any work that is carried out in your home. To make sure we get it
right, we hold regular Contractor Review Meetings. These meetings are attended by four members of
the Tenant Panel who have an opportunity to talk to contractors, share your feedback and recommend
improvements to any services provided.
Steve said "Recently we met with R&M Williams Building Group to share ideas on how to get
more feedback from you in order to help improve their services. At the meeting, we came up
with lots of ideas.We have already taken one forward and created a large banner to take to
community days and events to encourage you to talk to us and share your feedback."
The group also learned of a new system that is now in place
with some of the contractors. Hand held computers are now
being used by some contractors to enable tenants to sign if a job
has been completed.
Adapting your home
to meet your needs
Tell us how
we're doing!
Tenants on the Contractor Review Panel
need your help! When you receive a tenant
satisfaction survey, please take the time to
complete the form. Let us know your
experience with our contractors. If you
would like to submit your feedback but
do not have a form, please contact us on
0800 072 0966 and we will send you one.
Page 12 | Grapevine Autumn
Could you benefit from a minor or major
adaptation to your home? We have helped
many tenants to enjoy the comforts of their
own home by making adaptations such as...
• Level access showers
• Stairlifts
• Hoists
• Ramps
• Disabled adapted kitchens
• Handrails
• Lever taps
Call the Maintenance Team on 0800 072 0966
to find out if you're eligible for an adaptation and
how much you would need to pay to service it.
Tenant News
8 top tips
Keeping good relationships with your neighbours
1. Introduce yourself to your neighbours to help establish good relationships
2. Avoid noisy chores like DIY or vacuuming early in the morning or late at night
3. Avoid placing TVs and speakers against
shared walls or directly on floors and keep
the noise to a reasonable level
4. Keep your pets under control
and clean up after them promptly
5. Tell your neighbours if you are planning a party
6. Keep gardens and
shared areas clean and
clear of clutter
7. Respect one another’s differences
8. Treat others how you wish to be treated yourself
If you are experiencing problems with a neighbour and need further support or advice, please contact us
on 0800 072 0966 (Freephone) or speak to your Housing Officer.
Grapevine Autumn | Page 13
Tenant News
Ways to pay your rent
Deciding what works best for you
We try to make it as easy as possible for you to pay your rent, so offer various ways in which you can...
Freephone from a landline: 0800 072 0966
Standard rate charge from a mobile: 0300 123 1134
Call Allpay on 0844 557 8321 (rent card & tenant reference needed)
Visit our website and click on the Pay your Rent button:
Contact us to set up over the phone (weekly, fortnightly, fourweekly or monthly) or download a form from our website.
Set this up with your bank. Details for payment are:
Cheque /
Postal Order
Made payable to Linc-Cymru Housing Association (remember to write
your name and tenancy address on the back)
Acc number: 41291513 Sort Code: 40-16-18
HSBC, Churchill Way, Cardiff (please remember to give your tenant reference number)
When to Pay your Rent
Your rent is due in advance, whether you choose to pay weekly, fortnightly, four weekly or monthly.
Check your Rent Account
You can check your rent account balance at any time by logging into MyTenancy on the Linc website at If you haven't logged on to this already, contact us on 0800
072 0966 for log in details.
Money Advice
Giving advice on benefits or grants you may be entitled to, help completing benefit claim forms and
finding the cheapest energy tariffs are some of the things covered by our Money Advisors. We can
do this over the telephone, at our Office or at your home.
Please call us, we're here to help! Freephone from a landline: 0800 072 0966 or call from a mobile
(standard rate charge): 0300 123 1134
Page 14 | Grapevine Autumn
Tenant News
Top tips from tenants!
Interview skills & CV tips
- from tenant Rachel Hinton
of us are currently looking for work so I have put together a few helpful tips
on writing that all important CV and some useful information on Interview Skills!
Your Personal CV
Your Interview Skills
All CVs must include the following: Preparation is key:
1. Full Name
2. Date of Birth
3. Address
4. Contact Details (Phone and Email)
5. Educational History
6. Qualifications
7. Employment History
8. Hobbies/Interests
9. Other Relevant Info; Training, Driving Licence
This is very important! You should always use clear
headings for your sections and make them easy to
read. Make sure your CV is brief and to the point.
Keep your CV relevant to the job that you are
applying for! There are many ideas online that will
help you make the best CV that suits you! Type it
up, print and get sending!!
When preparing for an interview you should
always keep in mind the person specification for
the job and link your positive attributes to key
points. You need to keep calm and think positive!
Prepare yourself for likely questions, time your
answers and link your experiences to questions
where appropriate. Sell yourself and think before
you answer!
First impressions always count:
Dress Smart! Stay Calm! Be on time! Smile!
After your interview:
Think about what went well and what could have
gone better then think for the future, keep focused
and stay positive! If you’re unlucky keep smiling and
keep on trying!!
Volunteering is a great opportunity to gain new
skills and build experience. There are many
organisations that look for people who are willing
to dedicate time and commitment. Start looking
today! Volunteering could be your gateway to
success! It looks good on any CV!
Grapevine Autumn | Page 15
Tenant News
Want to join our Tenant Service Testers?
We're looking for new members!
You’ve probably all heard about our Tenant Service Testers and
the great job they are doing at testing our Service Standards.
Now’s your chance to become one.
Tenant Service Testing involves working together with a
team of tenants, with support from staff to do the tests.
Tests can involve anything from looking at the quality of
the service being tested, right through to contacting
tenants to find out whether they felt that service standards had been met in their experience. To become a
Tenant Service Tester you will need to undertake a range of training sessions to get you going and to make
sure Tenant Service Testing is for you. It requires a range of skills that we can support you to achieve.
Amongst some of the things required...
You will need to be able to work as a team and make a positive contribution, working to help
improve the many services
You need to be able to look at information objectively and look at the evidence before
coming to a conclusion
You will need to sign up to a code of conduct and confidentiality agreement
You will need to be able to look at a variety of services, some of which you will have limited
knowledge about at first, some of which you may have lots of experience of
Tenant Service Testing can take a long time. Most tests will take between 6 - 9 months to complete. It
requires a lot of time and dedication. Tenant Service Testers meet during the day time, on a monthly basis
(normally at our Head Office in Cardiff, although this varies depending on the type of test being carried out).
We’d like more new members to come and join us so if you want to find out more or want to come along
and talk to us, please contact us on 0800 072 0966.
Oxygen Cylinders - Let us know if you have any in your home!
Some of you may have oxygen cylinders in your home for medical use. In the event of a fire, these
can represent a danger. In order that we are able to inform emergency services that there are
oxygen cylinders in the home, please inform us either by calling 0800 072 0966 or telling your
Maintenance Officer or Housing Officer.
We do not want to remove them, we just need to know if they are in any homes for safety reasons.
Page 16 | Grapevine Autumn
Tenant News
Registering to vote has changed!
The way you register to vote has changed. You may need to take action to join a new register, even
if you were registered in the past, in order to be able to vote in future. Councils have recently
written to you to let you know whether you need to re-register. If you received a letter telling you
that you needed to re-register, it’s important that you do so.
Council electoral registration staff have been working on the biggest change to the way people
register to vote in over 100 years. The transition to Individual Electoral Registration in 2014 means
that everyone will register to vote individually, rather than by household as they did before. While
most people will be transferred automatically to the new register, around 10% of the electorate will
need to re-register. We are focused on ensuring those people have the information they need to
take action. It’s important that you respond to the letter if it asks you to take action.
If you weren’t registered previously, you can register at or by ringing your local
council. You’ll need to provide your date of birth and have your National Insurance number to hand.
If you want to register online but need help,
please visit your local library and staff will
be able to help you. For further information,
please see your local council's website.
Grapevine Autumn | Page 17
Tenant Information
Estate Inspection Dates 2014/15
Address / Estate
Bridgend C.B.C
Kenfig Hill
Neath Port Talbot C.B.C
Melyn Fach
Llys Morfa
Abbots Mews
Llys Groeswen
Morrison Court
Caerphilly C.B.C.
Hillside Ave
Glebe Road
Oak Tree Drive
Old School Grange
Parc Derwen
Cwrt Llanfabon
Borfa Place
Cwrt Golwy Y Sianel
Clos Tir Y Pwll
Hilary Court
Torfaen C.B.C.
Jerusalem Close
Llandegfedd Way
Address / Estate
Newport C.B.C.
Commercial Road
Albion Close
Ringwood Place
Constables Close
Blaenau Gwent C.B.C.
Plantation Row
Queen Street
Cwrt Bracty
Cwrt Alexandra
Caer Odyn
Ty Heulwen
St Mellons
Trowbridge Green
Ffordd James Mcghan
Barrack Lane
Cwrt Pen Y Bryn
Check out our website
for up-to-date inspection
dates in your area. Visit
Join our housing and
maintenance staff on estate
inspections and help us to
make improvements!
Issues that have been
reported on previous
estate inspections include...
Fencing & gate repairs
Guttering repairs
Roofing repairs
Removal of rubbish
Fly infestation
Garden maintenance
Carrying out disabled
adaptation installations
• Fixing solar panels
• And much more!
We look forward to
seeing you - your help is
very much appreciated!
Compliments & Complaints:
Customer feedback whether positive or negative helps us to continually improve our services. We
value your comments and will always do our best to respond to you as quickly as possible. If you
would like to make a compliment or complaint, you can contact us on 0800 072 0966 or submit
your comments at
Page 18 | Grapevine Autumn
Tenant Information
Useful contacts
Linc-Cymru Housing Association
387 Newport Road
Cardiff CF24 1GG
How to report a repair, pay
your rent or make an enquiry
If you can smell Gas:
Please call the National
Emergency Gas Service on
0800 111 999
(24 hour freephone)
Other Useful Numbers:
Citizens Advice Bureau (Wales)
0844 477 2020
National Debtline
0808 808 4000
Moneyline Cymru (a local service providing
loans, savings, basic bank accounts and advice)
Cardiff: 029 2034 4460
Newport: 01633 258 233
Cwmbran: 01633 877123
Pontypridd: 01443 493009
Bridgend: 01656 655592
Money Made Clear (a helpline for enquiries
about financial products and services)
0300 500 5000
Electricity, Gas and Water Supply
Heating or Plumbing Repairs:
(Liberty Gas - 24hr)
0808 208 2432 (low cost from a landline)
0330 123 9622 (low cost from a mobile)
All Other Enquiries:
Customer Contact Team
(office hours: Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:00pm):
0800 072 0966
(free if you are calling from a landline)
0300 123 1134
(if you use this number when you are calling
from a mobile phone, you will be charged the
cost of a normal phone call)
Out of Hours: Emergency
0800 072 0966 (after 5pm and on
To find out who your electricity supplier is
please contact 0845 601 5972
To find out who your gas supplier is please
contact: 0870 608 1524
To contact Welsh Water please contact:
0800 052 0145
0844 557 8321 (to pay your
rent with a credit or debit card)
Grapevine Autumn | Page 19
u Are InvIted 
 Yo
for al ily
At: Newport Leisure CeNtre
on: sAturDAY 11 oCtoBer,
Please bring me to the festival and hand me into registration to
be entered into the prize draw.
name: __________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________
_______________________  ____________________________
 ______________________________________________________
Who is your landlord? _____________________________________
In partnership with