Bear Facts APR 2013 - Busy Bears Quilt Guild
Bear Facts APR 2013 - Busy Bears Quilt Guild
The Bear facts Busy bears quilt guild APRIL 2013 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE CALEDAR - 2013 April 13: SSQG Mtg in Carson April 15: Meeting—Rita Verroca April 16: Workshop—Appliqué w/Rita May 1: Board Meeting at Wendy’s May 20-Meeting –Lyn Mann May 21-Workshop—w/ Lyn June 5: Board Meeting at Wendy’s June 17: Meeting– Dawn Farrier June 18: Workshop w/ Dawn DINNER BEFORE THE MEETING’ Dinner at the Elks Lodge before the meeting has been doing great!! Several of the husbands have been coming to which is GREAT! This month we will be having Beef or Chicken Taco’s in a hard or soft shell for $1.00 each. Nacho’s, Beef or Chicken will be $5.00 & we are going to add Taco Salads this month, again Beef or Chicken for $5.00. Hopefully the avocado’s will be ripe so we will have guacamole this time. Give me a call & let me know what you’d like & we will have it ready for you. Hope to see you there!! Mary Price 909-584-0050 April is not about fools! It’s about beautiful floral applique! I’m talking about our workshop this month! I hope you all had a chance to view the sample at the March guild meeting of Rita Verrocca’s rose applique block! It is just amazing and she teaches all skill levels. I hope you will consider signing up for her class! I have and I’m very excited about it! Speaking of guest speakers, I hope you all filled out your survey for Lorraine Taylor last month. This is your chance to have input on our future speakers and workshops! This is an opportunity to increase our quilting knowledge! Quilting has come a long way since my first class at Bearly Stitchin in the 90’s. There are a lot of tips of getting it done faster and easier so these workshops are very worthwhile. I’d like to thank our members that instructed at the stations last month, Lorraine, Jeanne Arnieri, Carol Henderson and myself. They were fun projects ! Laurie Nahay EDITOR’S EPISTLE To all of our members & non-members, our BBQG web site has been updated & it’s great, take a look & you’ll want to go on to it every month...all the newsletters for this year will be available, along with our workshops & teachers & many other things…... Thanks to Mo Franks, our webmaster.. Jacqué Holmes Kay Higdon BUSY BEAR QUILT GUILD MINUTES FOR FEBRUARY 18,2013 President Laurie Nahay called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Lorraine Taylor led the Pledge of Allegiance. Laurie thanked Sue Bost and Bonnie Snell for setting up the room, and all the members who brought refreshments and raffle prizes tonight. MEMBERSHIP – Welcome to Cathy Frazier, who became a new member, and to our guests this evening: Kaylee Hayes and Randi Hayes, who came with Diana Bedwell, and Lys Axelson, who came with Mo Franks. We presently have 73 members. MINUTES – Ann McNicholl made a motion that the February 18, 2013 Minutes be approved. Motion was seconded by Sandi Cannarella. Motion passed. TREASURER’S REPORT – Sandi Cannarella made a motion that the February 2013 Treasurer’s Report be approved. Motion was seconded by Lori Felber. Motion passed. MARY JOHNSON MEMORIAL QUILT – Wendy Green thanked everyone who brought a frog block and reported that we now have plenty of blocks for the quilt. Pete Johnson will be making a plexiglass cover to protect the quilt when it is hung here in the meeting hall. 2013 OPPORTUNITY QUILT – Loretta Castelluccio announced that we earned $426 at the Glendale show. She thanked Fran Martin, Bonnie Snell, Sally Klein, Janet Walz and her sister, Shirley Hartwick and Lillian Hart for helping with ticket sales at that event. She also thanked Lorraine Taylor, who has been selling tickets at many guild meetings recently and has earned about $390. 2014 OPPORTUNITY QUILT – Carol Henderson has been preparing for her husband’s upcoming surgery, so there isn’t a committee report this month. PROGRAMS – Lorraine Taylor described our future programs: This evening we will be learning about some fun quick projects at Sew University. Tomorrow’s workday will be follow-up instruction on tonight’s demonstrations, and also open sewing. We’ll be serving a pot luck salad bar luncheon. At our April meeting, Rita Verroca will speak about traditional Baltimore Album style appliqué. Her Tuesday workshop is entitled ‘Album Roses’ and will include information about needle turn appliqué and about color, design, and embellishment. Also at the April meeting, Jan Chapman will be offering a shopping table. At our May meeting, Lyn Mann will present ‘The Best Little Quilt Show in Town.’ Her workshop, called ‘Throw Tradition a Curve’ will include a choice of four different curved piecing patterns. WEBSITE COMMITTEE – Laurie Nahay thanked Mo Franks and Jeannie Mazzacane for the work they’ve been doing on our revamped website. It’s looking great, and more improvements are planned. SUNSHINE AND SHADOWS – Loretta Castelluccio reported that Kay Higdon was recovering after her gall bladder surgery. Loretta’s granddaughter fell and injured her back. Carol Henderson’s husband is having knee replacement surgery next week. PHILANTHROPY – Sue Hart thanked everyone who brought pop-tops and items for this evening’s Super Soup Spectacular can collection. Next month we’ll be having a Breakfast Blowout. She has two styles of patterns and also fabric kits available tonight for our ongoing ‘Stockings for Soldiers’ project, so stop by the table during break and sign some out. They will be due at our November meeting. Sue will need more Christmas fabrics for this project and would appreciate donations. Comfort Quilt kits are also available at the table tonight. -2- Continued from page 2 QUILT SHOW – Sandi Cannarella announced that the next Quilt Show Committee meeting is scheduled for April 11 at 1:30 p.m. at Janine Miller’s home. Everyone is encouraged to attend and get involved. We are still in need of a volunteer to organize the potluck and run the kitchen for the show. Barbara Olsen and Bonnie Snell volunteered to fill that vacancy together. Sandi continues to work with the school district regarding our facility use contract, and she is currently appealing a rate increase. She reminded the guild that this will be her final year as show chairperson, and invited anyone interested to start working with her now to learn the position in preparation for becoming her successor. BLOCK OF THE MONTH – Sandi Cannarella thanked participants who brought BOM blocks. Instructions for sections five and six can be picked up this evening. Carol Henderson and Jeanne Arnieri were tonight’s participation prize winners. Sandi has yardage info about the entire quilt if anyone needs it. CHALLENGE QUILT – Janine Miller still has a few Silver Jubilee kits available for $10. The quilts will be due at our August meeting, and will be eligible for cash prizes at that time. SCCQG – Janine Miller is coordinating a group trip to the ‘Meet the Teachers’ Fair on April 13 at the Carson Convention Center. Please contact her if you plan to attend. OTHER BUSINESS – Lorraine Taylor is distributing a survey form seeking suggestions and feedback about future workshops and teachers. Please fill it out and turn it in before you leave tonight. Ruth Grenier has a quilting frame available. Contact her for more information. Laurie Nahay thanked Wendy and Mike Green for installing our new show-and-tell display system, and Sue Bost, Sue Hart and Jeannie Mazzacane for hanging tonight’s quilts. SHOW AND TELL – Sue Hart – sweet pink and green baby quilts for a friend Lillian Hart and Shirley Hartwick – four interesting tote bags with many pockets, they made eight special bags all together, and used them for gifts and donations Karen Cumberland – the block she worked on at our February applique class Shirley Clinton – a pink herringbone quilt for her great granddaughter Sandi Cannarella – a strippy quilt with house appliques for Doves Lorraine Taylor – a coffee-pot-print strippy quilt for Doves Bonnie Snell – a mystery quilt she finally completed for use in her motorhome Jeanne Arnieri – an applique block from the February class, a 30s sampler quilt for Doves, and a pink string quilt for Doves NEXT BOARD MEETING – April 3 at 9:00 a.m. at Wendy Green’s house. Open to all guild members. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m. Jeanne Arnieri, Recording Secretary -3- S H O W & T E LL BONNIE SNELL SHIRLEY CLINTON LILLIAN HART SHIRLEY HARTWICK SUE HART SANDI CANNARELLA JEANNE ARNIERI LORRAINE TAYLOR KAREN CUMBERLAND -4- JEANNE ARNIERI “MOUNTAIN MENAGERIE” BBQG 2013 OPPORTUNITY QUILT “Mountain Menagerie I have no scheduled events to take our Opportunity Quilt at this time but hope you all will be thinking of the wine event in Big Bear Lake in July. Please call me at 909/584-4799 or email Loretta Castelluccio 6/12 9/12 10/12 10/12 -5- Busy Bears Quilt Guild CALEDAR OF QUILT EVETS TREASURERS REPORT/2013 March 2013 BALACE Income Expenses Balance 2/28/2013 3/31/2013 Income: Birthday Exchange $ 66.00 Membership 2012 25.00 Misc Income Bargain Table 22.35 Opp Qlt Tickets 954.00 Qlt Show Vendor Income Booth Rent 1,500.00 Lunches 14.00 Apr 27-28: 6th Annual Seven Sisters Quilt Show at the Alex Madonna Expo Center in San Luis Obispo. Info: Smitty Price, 805/550-5636 $ 13,557.46 $ 2,581.35 ($ 150.21) $ 15,988.60 Expenses: Newsletter Printing Postage Rent Wounded Warriors Bank Fee 32.89 13.20 50.00 14.85 6.00 July 7-11: CampWatch-a-Patcher– Orange Cty Qlters Gld at Vanguard University at Costa Mesa, near O.C. Fairgrounds Info: Aug31-Sep1: Mtn Treasures XXV Quilt Show at Big Bear Middle School Info: Sep 14-15: Flying Geese Qlter Gld “Harvest of Quilts” Quilt Show at Soka Univ. Info: _ _______ $ 150.21 _________ $ 2,581.35 Wendy Green/Treasurer SUNSHINE AND SHADOWS Sue Tumbleson the owner of Cozy Quilting passed away on Friday am March 29, 2013. Her service was at Sunset Hills in Apple Valley on Monday April 8, 2013. Her sister will keep the shop open. Carol Howerton had surgery on her neck and is recovering now. Carol says hello to all and hopes to be able to come up to Big Bear soon. Please remember to call if you have news of our members or email me. 909/584-4799 Loretta Castelluccio 11/12 BARGAIN TABLE This month there will not be a bargain table because we are having Jan Chapman visiting with her shop. Come see us next month! Carol Henderson & Penny Penn 6/12 -6- PHILATHROPY Comfort Quits, Wounded Warriors & Food Pantry FOOD PANTRY-BREAKFAST BLOWOUT!!!!!! This month the pantry donation will be a breakfast blow-out! It’s the most important meal of the day, so lets all donate things we have for breakfast. Here’s some ideas: Cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix, syrup, jams, jellies & juices. Of course as always anything you bring in will be appreciated! Also a big thanks to Ruth Grenier for the Christmas fabric donated for our Christmas Stockings. COMFORT QUILTS Comfort quilts were turned in this month by Sandi Cannarella, Lorraine Taylor & Jeanne Arnieri. Thank you! The quilts have been donated to Doves, where they will warm the hearts of moms & kids who are staying at the shelter. Please stop by the Comfort Quilts table at the April meeting & select a fabric kit to take home. Every quilt we make & donate will brighten the day of someone special! Feel free to call me if you need batting, or if I can assist you with your CQ project. Jeanne Arnieri 909-806-0436 Sue Hart 2014 OPPORTUNITY QUILT QUILT SHOW The planning committee for our 2014 quilt will have it’s first meeting on Monday April 29 at We have received a rather large bill for contracting the Big Bear Middle School rental Jeannie Arnieri’s home at 10am, so if you are for our Quilt Show but I have submitted a letter interested in helping with the new quilt, please imploring them to reconsider the sum since we come to this meeting. Kits to get started making donate to the school each year. I will update block will be distributed. The quilt is based on you when their revision of the contract the pattern Northern Wilderness designed by arrives. Marie Noah, Mary Thompson & Heather Griffen Barbara Olsen was so kind to volunteer to by Northern Thread Designs, you can look at it head up the kitchen crew for our show weekonline. It is a combination of pieced blocks and end, for which I thank her. Please, all of you consider volunteering to help her. Bonnie Snell machine appliquéd blocks. We’ll need lots is the first to sign up with Barbara. Thank you, of helping hands. Bonnie. The next Quilt Show planning meeting is April 11 at 1:30pm at Janine Miller’s home. EVERYONE is welcome to join in, so please plan to join us for some fun. Update: Good news, we have received a new quote from the BB Middle School: $1064 instead of $1600 ! Sandi Cannarella Carol Henderson SCCQG MEETING The meeting will be on April 13th in Carson. The meeting will be very interesting, ...Meet the Teachers. If you want to attend, contact Janine to go in a car pool… 909/585-9871 Janine Miller and -7- Janet Walz M EM B E R S H I P We had 41 members attend our March Meeting with 2 guest & 1 new members Cathy Frazier, Lys sent her membership in later. ———————————————————————- Axelson, Lys (05/06) *MAY*MAY-S (2013) 1001 Paradise Way 909909-585585-2856 BBC, Ca. 92314-8936 Lys has been sewing freeform as she says forever. she’s interested in painting, illustrations, beading, riding, camping, etc, etc. ——————————————————— (02/28) *FEBFrazier, Cathy *FEB-E (2013) P.O. Box 132222 C/909C/909-965965-8802 BBL, Ca., 9231592315-8987 740 Cypress Lane BBC, Ca., 92314 ——————————————————— We now have 74 members Kay Higdon BIRTHDAY EXCHANGE If you are a APRIL Baby, GUESS WHAT, you get to bring an item for the Birthday Exchange. Make sure your item totals at least $10.00 and is quilt related. OH and have a very Happy Birthday ! APRIL - Birthday Exchange and Refreshments AME BIRTHDAY BE/R Emery, Linda 13 APR APR Howerton, Carol 26 DEC APR Lo Presti, Karen 04 APR APR Martin, Fran 18 APR APR Olsen, Barbara 12 APR APR Schiavone, Denise 21 MAR APR ---------------------------------------------------------Cumberland, Karen 03 APR MAY Walz, Janet 06 APR SEP ---------------------------------------------------------- If you are listed for this month BE/R, this is your month to bring a GIFT for the Birthday Exchange Table & FOOD for Refreshments & don’t forget to sign each list. If you missed your assigned month, pick another month to bring a Gift & Food. CHOW DOW BIRTHDAY DOATIOS REFRESHMETS Sue Hart Caramel Corn Shirley Hartwick Irish Cup Cakes Gale Murphy Cookies Christine Meleg Cookies Shirley Clinton Cookies Sue Bost Macaroons Betty Heller Pumpkin Pie Janine Miller/909-585-9871 and Susan Meyers/909-585-5258 GIFT EXCHAGE Sorry the lists have been misplaced COGRATS -GIFT EXCHAGE WIERS ditto -8- BLOCK OF THE MONTH The month of April will bring in Block #7 & #8. Photos are included here, and the directions will be available for you to pick up at our April guild meeting. We will also have another drawing for a prize for the person bringing in finished blocks #5 & #6. See you then, and happy block building. Sandi Cannarella 4/12 12/12 9/12 2/13 -9- 2013 PROGRAMS & WORKSHOPS Greetings! Spring is here and the daffodils are blooming. Yeah! What fun projects at Sew University. Quick. Easy projects to make for yourself or as a gift. I hope everyone enjoyed the program. The workshop was fun. We moved from table to table for further instruction on the projects that were presented the night before, then people chose what they wanted to make. Some did all of them while others just enjoyed making one or two. Once again, we did a Salad Bar. It’s always so yummy when each person brings something to add to the salad. Below is information for the next few programs and workshops. We are heading into our “Out of town Guest Speaker” season, so do hope you will plan to join us. April’s guest speaker will be Rita Verroca. She will be presenting her fabulous trunk show. Workshop: Rita teaches needle turn appliqué. She will focus on stitching techniques, both for novices and advanced appliquérs, Students have the opportunity to learn all the basic appliqué skills: basic stitch, perfect point, inverted V’s and valleys, reverse appliqué, skinny stems and split leaves. You will discuss in depth, the tricks and techniques of picking fabrics that will enhance design, shading and dimensions of the pattern, what fabrics to choose and how to use the inking and embroidery can further enhance any appliqué. You will leave this class knowing that you have learned something new to add to your skills. >>>>>>>> May’s guest speaker will be Lyn Mann– Her lecture is “Best Little Quilt Show in Town” Workshop: Throw Tradition a Curve. In this class you will replace half-square triangles in traditional blocks with a curved two-patch to give a whole new contemporary look to old favorites. A new design adventure with untold possibilities but easy enough for the confident beginner. The “Creative Curve” ruler will be used for ease in rotary cutting. There will be four different patterns to choose from. June’s guest speaker will be Dawn Farrier– owner of the Creation Station in Buellton CA. Her talk is “Holiday Décor from Scraps, Trash and Little Cash”. Dawn is a fabulously creative person. I had the opportunity of hearing her speak last week. She will get your creative juices flowing. Workshop: Super Simple Sew Unique Gifts: The small simple projects are made from things you have at home. Great ideas for the show boutique and to give as gifts or even keep yourself. Workshops are $20 for members and $35 for nonmembers. Payment is due at time of signing up for the class. They are held on Tuesday after the meeting starting at 9:30 usually going to mid afternoon. Looking forward to seeing you all at the April meeting. Lorraine Taylor SUPPLY LIST FOR RITA VEROCCA CLASS 4/16 CHALLENGE 2013—SILVER JUBILEE We hope you have started on your challenge. We are looking forward to some wonderful wall hangings with many different interpretations of our twentyfive years as a guild. There are a few kits left at $10 in case you haven’t picked up yours yet. Janine Miller and Jacqué Holmes -10- “A Study of Color and Fabric” Fabric: *One piece of 18” square of muslin or any other background fabrics of your choice * Lots of small pieces of fabric in various colors for flowers, leaves, stems, & buds to match image of your personal preference. Hints: Variegated fabric, small prints, & fabric with many shades are good choices: Tightly woven fabrics are easier to appliqué. Supplies: Appliqué needles Size 10 & 11 Embroidery needles, size 9 Threads to match fabric Embroidery floss in various colors (variegated) Small appliqué scissors & paper scissors Thimble Glass Pins & sm Clover Patchwork pins Clover Water soluble Marker in thick 2 or 3 Clover Eraser pens Pigma Micro 01 to light & dark brown Personal sewing lamp & extension cord MII GROUP REPORTS There is always room for more members to join a mini groups --give them a call. CUT-UPS–Our March meeting was at Wendy Green’s. Didn’t do much, just hung out and visited. Wendy made ham sandwiches. I guess I will have to make a Quiche for our April 10th get together. Hope to see you at my house at 10am. 4/12 Fran Martin HAPPY HEARTS-We had a great time together this month reviewing the Christmas stocking project. We meet again at Marilyn Birdwell’s home on April 25, 10:30am, bring your lunch & have some fun. Carol Henderson STITCHY FIGERS– we had a delightful time chatting and laughing at Jeanne Arnieri’s lovely home on the 22nd. So glad the weather is warming up so we don’t miss so many of our getto-gethersl Our next one will be one the 12th at Lorna Hatfield’s and then at my house on the 26th Jill Gilham RULES FOR QUILTING 1. Always buy new fabric no matter how much you already have. 2. Sew all day and night, absolutely no cooking allowed. 3. And always start a new project before the last one is finished. 4. This requires you to go back to Step 1. works for me…………. FOR SALE: 1938 SINGER MACHINE. With many attachments & bench. Beautiful condition. Asking $1000 OBO. Call for more information. Scott 909-547-6116 or call Ruth Beattie 7/12 -11- BUSY BEARS QUILT GUILD Meetings are held the 3rd Monday of each month at the Community Church Recreation Bldg Mary Johnson Center 40946 Big Bear Blvd, Big Bear Lake 5:30 pm— pm—Social 6:00 pm— pm—Meeting Workshops every Tuesday at 9:30 am following the Monthly meeting unless otherwise noted Check our website at For information, contact: NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: APRIL 30TH Kay Higdon & Jacqué J Holmes 909/585– 909/585– 5670 P.O. Box 135009, Big Bear Lake CA 92315 Busy Bears Quilt Guild P.O. Box 7015 Big Bear Lake CA 92315 DO’T FORGET! Bring to the meeting ame tag for extra door prize ticket Refreshments & Door Prize (if it’s your turn—extra tickets!!!!) Library Books (return those overdue) Show and Tell ewsletter contributions Donations of Food for Emergency Fund Cupboard at the Community Church Pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House To help save the environment and some Money for the Guild ……….how about bringing your OW mug for your coffee or tea ? ! ! TO: