Parent Review - Spring Grove Area School District


Parent Review - Spring Grove Area School District
2013-2014 MP1
Parent Review
for parents of students in grades 7-12
Quilt of Valor Takes Best in Show
Our girls tennis team WON
the Divisional Championship
for first time since 1987 and
went on to take the League
Title, as well.
WAY to GO, ladies!
National Honor Society Inducts 53
The 2013 Quilt of Valor took Best in Show at this year’s York
Fair. The project, completed by Middle School students, also received first place in Community Service. The quilt was presented
to the family of Spc. Cameron J Stambaugh, a 2010 SGAHS graduate, who was killed in action in Afghanistan in July 2012.
The Quilt of Valor project is a significant example of how our
students learn to appreciate the sacrifices that others make on
our behalf. This is the sixth year for the project, described by one
participants as the best thing he has ever done in his life.
MS teachers, Ruth Benner and Nancy Daniels direct the students
in their work on the quilt.
Student’s Grad Project Makes
Christmas Special for Children
Evan Greer, Class of 2014, used his graduation project to brighten the holidays for area children. Evan collected over 1,300 toys
and over $2,600 in donations to support the Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys for Tots campaign. The majority of the contributions
came through a basket bingo fundraiser that Evan planned in September. He is shown above with retired Marine Paul Hendricks.
Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities
In compliance with new state regulations, Spring Grove Area
School District has filed the Interscholastic Athletic Opportunities
Disclosure Form for the 2012/13 school year. This new reporting
requirement provides a detailed review of athletic programs
offered by Spring Grove Area School District and includes the
number of students participating and the cost of each competitive
athletic program for grades 7 through 12.
A copy of the report is available on the District's website. Printed copies are also available for review at the Administration Office
and the main office of the High School and Middle School.
Will bad weather cause changes? Here is how to find out.
Twitter: @SGSchoolNews; Facebook: SGASD; TV/Radio: WGAL-TV Ch.
8 and ABC 27, WSBA (910 AM), WARM (103 FM), WGET (1320 AM) &
WGTY (107.7 FM). Telephone Messaging: Computerized call to the 2
numbers parents provided on emergency information sheet. On-Line: Highlights. Via text: Sign up for E-Alerts through the
District web site ( Quick Links)
The SGAHS Excalibur Chapter of the National Honor
Society inducted 53 new members this past Wednesday. 16 seniors and 37 juniors joined the 36 current
members of the honor club to bring the chapter to its
largest size yet. 89 students are now members of the
The Chapter conducts a wide array of activities, including collecting food stuffs and other needed items for those in need (see
Fill the Bus article on back page), offering
Previously Inducted:
Peer Tutoring, assisting with several large
Sabrina Ankney
Alexis Aument
fundraisers and participating in activities
Ryan Barnes
with both younger students and the older
Corey Bossom
adults at Windy Hill on the Campus.
Amanda Craver
New inductees included:
Brooke DiPaula
Class of 2014:
Morgan Arden
Madison Collins
Nathan Glatfelter
Kaleb Hamme
Alexandria Harris
Alexis Hersh
Destiny Howdyshell
Leah Miller
Dempsey Murphy
Matthew Newcomer
Jackson Palumbo
Nathaniel Russell
Ty Sager
Todd Thoman
Megan Wentz
Andrew Whitman
Class of 2015:
Kyle Abrahims
Leanne Bahn
Erin Bankert
Alexandra Botts
Andrew Bowman
Sara Daugherty
Raven Day
Sarah Eckersley
Erika Gregory
Madison Grubb
Jacob Guinn
Karinna Hamme
Lydia Harris
Maria Hildebrand
Sarah Hoffman
Emily Jenkins
Ryan Joel
Delaney Kane
Dallas Kline
Olivia Lauer
Olivia Lua
Jarrod McGraw
Kacie Meckley
Ashton Miller
Erin Miller
Austin Muff
Ashley Myers
Erik Myers
Aaron Nace
Wyatt Nace
Danielle Patterson
McKenna Schmittel
Makensey Schuhart
Marisa Schutz
Amy Senft
Albert Taglieri
Justice White
Emily York
Anna Fenstermacher
Carter Forry
Krystine Hill
Emma Hoffnagle
Jacob Jenkins
Benton Joel
Kylie Jones
Brooke Kessler
Hunter Markle
Miranda Markle
Thomas Maughlin
Kiah Morrison
Andrew Moul
Lindsey Ohl
Veer Pandya
Joshua Patterson
Geoffrey Rappoldt
Samuel Roberts
Jon Schumacher
Jeremy Seitz-Brown
Matthew Sheehan
Isaac Smith
Haley Staub
Marybeth Taglieri
Michaela Taylor
Jake Thoman
Luke Walko
Amber Walter
Christina Wilmot
Alec Zorbaugh
Music Honor Society
to Hold Induction
on Nov. 12
A program of the National Association for
Music Education, the Tri-M Music Honor
Society currently has over 6200 chapters
worldwide. The society continues to promote the ideals of service to the school
music program, the school-at-large, and
the community.
Current members of our Tri-M chapter
include Leanne Bahn, Richard Baublitz,
Sean Dye, Amanda Eveler, Maria Hildebrand, Destiny Howdyshell, Brandy Jenkins, Dallas Kline, Ashley Myers, Danielle
Patterson, Heather Secrist, Marybeth Taglieri, Justice White, and Christy Wilmot.
New Inductees include:
Darby Baublitz
Nick Chrissomallis
Shalynn Conrad
Kaitlyn Frankenfield
Angela Ketterman
Jarrod McGraw
Megan Miller
Samantha Myers
Devin Mundorf
Marisa Schutz
Rebekah Silar
Ashlynn Young
Madison Walker
Students K-12 will be working from now until December 20 to
Fill the Bus with canned and boxed food items for local families in
need. By combining their efforts in all grades and all buildings, the
students hope to reach 10,000 items to be donated to the local food
pantry, Harvest of Hope. Ask at your building office about collection
dates and locations, or check the district web site.
High School Program on College Planning
Tuesday, November 26th
6PM in the High School Library
This workshop, which is being held in conjunction with our
Parent Conferences, will help both parents and students
navigate the college application process.
News Briefs
 MS chess club needs chess sets (boards and pieces). Even random extra pieces would be helpful. Drop them at the MS office
or call 225-4731 x6060.
 The Middle School FCS Program is in need of the following
items: Woven Fabric, Thread, Buttons, Polyester Fiberfill, Pillow
Forms, Cording, Long Shoe Laces, and Miscellaneous Sewing
Items. Again, drop them at the MS office or call 225-4731
The Spring Grove Area High School students proudly present The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe, the C.S.Lewis
classic tale focusing on the power of children to make a
Set in two acts, the show tells of an imaginary land discovered by four lonely children during World War II. The children are quickly caught up in the struggle between Asland,
the great lion, and the White Witch, who is determined to
defeat him with her evil.
This story of love, faith, courage and giving, with its triumph of good over evil, is a family favorite, whether in film,
story or on the stage.
Don't miss this show!
November 22 and 23 at 7pm; with matinees at 2 pm on
Saturday, November 23 and Sunday, November 24. Tickets
are $8 each; with preferred seating available for an additional $2. Children, students and adults over 65 are $5 each.
Partners in Learning
Register today at .
Up to 1% of all qualified purchases made at
Kennie’s Markets through the first quarter of
2014 will be shared with participating schools.
DEADLINE to register is February 15, 2014
You will need the following information from your Kennies Card:
The District recently received checks totaling $1,692.20, which
was split between all six schools. These funds, along with other similar programs, are much appreciated ‘gifts’ from our
local businesses!
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Our HS Rocket Scientist Club came
in at SECOND PLACE at the recent
Pumpkin Chuckin’ contest at
West York HS!