Sumaq y Conde Nast Traveler 2015
SUMAQMACHUPICCHUHOTELISAWARDEDBYCONDENAST TRAVELERREADERS2015 TheCondéNastTravelerReaderscontestiscarriedoutonceayear,andthisyear,onits 28thedition,thereadersofthisprestigiousmagazinechoseSumaqMachuPicchuHotelas oneofthe2015winnerswithanoutstandingscoreinthecategoryofBestHotelsofSouth America. Thewell-knownReadersChoiceAwardsrankedthisluxuryhotelinthesixthplaceamong 25tophotelsofSouthAmerica,withapercentageof89.59%meaningthatitistheleading hotelofAguasCalientesorMachuPicchuPueblo,asitisalsocalled. The Condé Nast Traveler Readers Choice Awards are given based on the yearly surveys conductedbythismagazineregardingtheexperiencesofmorethan128000readers,who appraised"thebestofthebestofthetrip”-asiscommonlyknown-,andoftheexclusive tourist industry of the world which includes more than 5000 hotels, tens of cruises, airports,airlines,citiesandhundredsofislands. Inadditiontothisimportantdistinctionforthehotel,Peruhasalsobeenrecognizedasa countrywithoutstandinginternationally-renownluxuryhotels,havingobtained11ofthe 25 Reader Choice Awards of the region, compared to 5 awards received by Brazil, 5 by Argentina,3byColombia,yonebyChile. “Thisawardistheresultofourdedicationforover8yearsinMachuPicchu,aworldwide wonder where more travelers should have the privilege of staying and appreciating the sunrise from the impressive Incan citadel”, said Anibal Clavijo, managing director of Sumaq. Furthermore,themanagingdirectorindicatedthatthisawaitedawardisconsistentwith theexpectedincursionofthehotelinthecollectionofVirtuousLuxuryproperties,which isalsoaworld-renownbrandinthehotelsector. ABOUTSUMAQMACHUPICCHU Sumaq Machu Picchu hotel is located at the foot of the grand mountains surrounding Machu Picchu and the shores of the Vilcanota River. The only five star hotel in Aguas CalientesarchitectonicallyinspiredintheenigmaticlostcityoftheIncasandthesymbolic conceptoftheAndeanCross“lachacana” Formoreinformationpleasecontactto: LizethGiurfaB PublicRelationsOfficer SumaqMachuPicchuHotel sumaqhotel #sumaqmomments#sumaqhotel sumaqhotel
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