portfolio - AIMS Meeting
portfolio - AIMS Meeting
th 6 PORTFOLIO Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon 13-15 March 2015 The AIMS Meeting was one of the most memorable conferences I have been to. A 5th AIMS Meeting Speaker rjan Buis Fantastic. Not enough superlatives. The best student organized meeting I have ever been to. Intellectually, culturally, and socially stimulating. J 5th AIMS Meeting Speaker onathan Butcher It was an immense joy and a great honor to participate in the 5th AIMS Meeting. Moments like these are a greater incentive to continue my professional (and vital) path in favour of scientific development in the field of Biomedicine. T 5th AIMS Meeting Speaker iago Brandão Rodrigues It was a privilege for our team to collaborate with you and we will be always available to do it again. On behalf of the cardiology team, congratulations! P 5th AIMS Meeting Workshop Chair edro Canas da Silva 2 Striving for your knowledge. Aiming for our future. 3 INTRODUCTION The AIMS Meeting (Annual International Medical Students Meeting), currently in its 6th edition, is a 3-day congress organized by the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon Students Local Committee (AEFML). It is addressed to students attending health science courses, having undergraduate medical students as the main target audience. In 2009, the AIMS Meeting had its beginning as ENJOY Med (which stands for Encontro Nacional de Jovens Estudantes de Medicina – National Young Medical Students Meeting), a meeting conceived by a group of students from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisboa whose main goal was to involve the future medical generations in the current scientific, clinical and social challenges. 4 Since then, five editions have already taken place, bringing together students and speakers - both Portuguese and international - engaged not only in a scientific, but also in a social program. Over the past few years, the initial concept has gradually evolved towards a more international approach, resulting in the event’s name being changed to AIMS Meeting. From its begining, the AIMS Meeting has been supported by the Association for Investigation and Development of the Faculty of Medicine (Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento da Faculdade de Medicina – AIDFM), an entity recognized as a legal person of public utility and holder of the scientific patronage status. This year, for the first time the project is being developed by the Students Local Committee, a partnership made possible by the existence of multiple common goals. The Organizing Committee is now planning the 6th edition of the event, scheduled for the 13th to the 15th March, 2015. 450 participants are expected to attend this edition. 5 AIMS AND GOALS The congress aims to promote an enriching scientific setting for national and international students to learn, communicate and interact with science. It is our mission to contribute to the academic and human development of the future generations of doctors, other healthcare professionals and researchers, engaging them in the scientific, clinical and social challenges of their time. Our main goal is to build the aforementioned space of communication in a sustainable way, providing a fair, accessible and high quality experience to the highest possible number of students, whether or not they belong to the home institution of the project. 6 OBJECTIVES To p r ov i d e the participants with the opportunity to meet guest speakers from different fields of medical sciences, offering them the opportunity to share their knowledge and personal experiences. To enhance interaction between local and international participants by providing them not only with a scientific program, but also with social activities and a charity program. To allow participants to take part in workshops and other activities designed to improve their clinical and scientific skills. To encourage, recognize and reward students’ achievements in the scientific research field, as well as in clinical reasoning skills. 7 STRUCTURE SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM LECTURES WORKSHOPS COMPETITIONS SCIENCE SPEED DATING STUDENTS’ PRESENTATIONS LISBON TOURS SOCIAL PROGRAM GALA DINNER CHARITY PROGRAM 8 THEMATIC MODULES In order to focus on different domains of the medical sciences, the AIMS Meeting is designed to have three thematic modules, each of which addressing an innovative medical field of international relevance. Our speakers include renowed national and international researchers and physicians who have excelled in their field of expertise. KEYNOTE LECTURES Besides the Thematic Modules there will be time for Keynote Lectures, which are talks that approach a wide variety of topics. These lectures aim to open the students’ horizons - their contents are interesting, appealing and diverse. 9 STUDENTS’ PRESENTATIONS Aiming to promote scientific and clinical research from an early stage, we encourage undergraduate medical students to submit the abstracts of their research projects. Not only do we offer scientific recognition but we also provide participants with the opportunity to share their work with their peers. The projects may be presented in plenary sessions, oral sessions or poster sessions. Every year, a jury composed of researchers and physicians of scientific excellence is appointed. To ensure a fair prize awarding process, we make sure people of various backgrounds are involved in the projects evaluation. COMPETITIONS In order to recognize and reward students’ knowledge and their ability to put it into practice, the medical students are challenged to participate in the Scientific and Clinical Competitions. Both of these competitions are based on clinical cases and allow students to improve their clinical reasoning in small groups. 10 WORKSHOPS - I CHOOSE SESSIONS The “I Choose Sessions” offer more than 35 hands-on and theory-based workshops which aim to develop and improve several aspects of our medical education, in both the basic scientific and clinical fields. The diversity, relevance and quality of our workshops are key elements that distinguish the AIMS Meeting from other congresses for medical students. SCIENTIFIC SPEED DATING Since the AIMS Meeting is a congress which brings together world-wide physicians and researchers, the Scientific Speed Dating is the ideal opportunity to meet them in an enthusiastic and informal atmosphere, stimulating the students to question and learn with renowned scientific entities. 11 SOCIAL PROGRAM In addition to its scientific program, the AIMS Meeting also shares with its participants the best Lisbon has to offer, giving them the opportunity to participate in a social program with two sides: a social/cultural program and a charity program. In our cultural program, we intend to maintain the interactive walking tours in several areas of the city, with the aim to introduce Lisbon from a different perspective and to unveil the mysteries of our city. In the 5th AIMS Meeting these visits were a success, both among city residents and those who visited Lisbon for the first time. 12 Since its first editions, the AIMS Meeting has promoted the communication between its national and international participants and speakers. On the first day of the congress, a casual Welcome Party will take place near the congress venue for everyone to get to know each other. The social program of the event culminates with the Gala Dinner, in which the Organizing Committee and most participants and speakers will be present. The charity program has grown exponentially in the most recent editions of the congress, having led to the establishment of partnerships with a myriad of charity institutions that work in the Lisbon area, including AMI, CASA, Comunidade Vida e Paz and Legião da Boa Vontade. This initiative provides participants with the opportunity to engage in projects with a strong social meaning and to establish a close contact with other environments that can be found in the city of Lisbon. 13 THE UNIVERSITY OF LISBON The University of Lisbon is a Portuguese public university, having its headquarters in Alameda da Universidade, in Lisbon, and several buildings around the city. It is the largest university in the country with regard to the number of students (about 48 thousand) and originates from the fusion of the former University of Lisbon, founded in 1911, with the Technical University of Lisbon, founded in 1930. This process had its roots in the desire to join, in the same institution, different domains of knowledge - thus creating better conditions to follow the contemporary evolution of science, 14 technology, arts and humanities. Therefore, the University of Lisbon is a people-centered research university committed to teaching, innovation and technology. It values knowledge, merit and participation and is closely involved with the Portuguese society and the Lisbon region. The University of Lisbon has European connections and will always keep its doors open to the world. THE FACULTY OF MEDICINE The Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon (FMUL) has an history in education dating back to 1825, but it was only in 1953 that the faculty moved to Hospital de Santa Maria (Santa Maria Hospital), where many of the lecture halls are still located. In 2004, Hospital de Santa Maria was officially declared a University Hospital; and in the same year, the Egas Moniz building, which is a research oriented complex, was inaugurated. It serves both the faculty and Instituto de Medicina Molecular (IMM), a research organization. Currently, FMUL, in cooperation with IMM and Hospital de Santa Maria, all integrate the Centro Académico de Medicina de Lisboa (CAML), which represents an innovative structural concept for research and medical practice. This instituition’s goal is to promote scientific activity by developing a cooperation between biomedical sciences and clinical medicine as well as fostering technological development and the modernization of clinical services. 15 AEFML The Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon Students Local Committee (AEFML), founded in September 30th 1914, is one of the oldest students associations in Portugal. It is a nonprofit organization that aims to safeguard the students of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon during their school life and in their society life. Nowadays, AEFML legally represents about 3000 students. AEFML is aware of its important role in society since its foundation, and each 16 year it strengthens its contribution to the human, scientific, cultural and physical d evelopment of medical students by organizing reputable events that have a great impact on society. THEMATIC MODULES Medicine is constantly evolving at a rapid pace what was innovative in the past may easily become overshadowed by remarkable new findings. Therefore, we recognize the paramount importance of adapting the topics covered in the conference each year by keeping pace with these constant advances. This helps medical students adapt to change and better prepare their future careers. Each lecture reminds students of the ceasless FOLLOW YOUR GUT Gastroenterology innovation associated with our area of expertise – showing that Science and Medicine, when hand in hand, mean dedication, progress and passion. The modules for the 6th AIMS Meeting were chosen based on the opinions and suggestions of participants in previous editions crossed with a careful research process done by the Organizing Committee. GOLDEN HOUR Critical Patient Care PRECISION MEDICINE Transplantation & Personalized Medicine 17 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ENJOY MED 2009 7-8 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2009 EGAS MONIZ BUILDING, FMUL 210 PARTICIPANTS ENJOY MED 2010 11-12 DE DEZEMBRO DE 2010 EGAS MONIZ BUILDING, FMUL 230 PARTICIPANTS 18 ONCOBIOLOGY CLINICAL MEDICINE NEUROSCIENCE CONSCIOUSNESS XXI SURGERY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE GERIATRICS – THE NEW MEDICINE 3rd AIMS MEETING 23-25 MARCH 2012 270 PARTICIPANTS EGAS MONIZ BUILDING, FMUL KEYNOTE LECTURES: FUTURE AIMS FOR RESEARCH IN NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES Chairperson: Prof. Dr. Ana Sebastião Long-term Potentiation and Aging Alzheimer’s Disease: State of the Art Prof. Dr. Maria José Diógenes Prof. Dr. Alexandre de Mendonça Neuroglial and Neurogenic Impairment and Recovery in Alzheimer’s Disease Prof. Dr. José Julio Rodríguez XTREMED Emergency Medicine Dr. Ana Correia Extreme Environments Prof. Dr. Anthony Redmond Adverse Social Situations Nurse Ivo Saruga Military Medicine Prof. Dr. Lopes Henriques INTEGRATIVE HOLISTIC MEDICINE Integrative Medicine in the Present Epigenetics, Nutrigenetics Orthomolecular Medicine and Medical Acupuncture And Traditional Chinese Medicine Homeopathy Dr. Cristina Sales Dr. Roni Moya Dr. Silvério Cabrita Dr. Marcus Zulian Teixeira Conscience, Memory, And The MindBody Equilibrium Prof. Dr. Mário Simões AGENT AND HOST Antimicrobial Resistance Dr. Luís Caldeira, Prof. Dr. Aida Duarte, Prof. Dr. Constança Pomba Differentiation and Activation of T Lymphocytes: Implications for Immunity to Infection, Autoimmunity and Cancer Immunotherapy Prof. Dr. Bruno Silva Santos 19 15-17 MARCH 2013 4th AIMS MEETING 350 PARTICIPANTS EGAS MONIZ BUILDING, FMUL KEYNOTE LECTURES Music and Medicine Rui Vieira Nery, PhD Stimulating the Disease Mind Albino Oliveira-Maia, MD, PhD Mice Are Not Little Men – Resistance and Susceptibility to Toxoplasma gondii Jonathan Howard, PhD REGENERATIVE MEDICINE PERINATAL CARE Advances in Intensive Care Neonatal André Mendves Graça, MD NIDCAP Approach – A Nikk New Way of Looking Into Conneman, MD, Premature Babies PhD EXIT Procedure Oscar Dias, MD, PhD ADVANCES IN SURGERY Bioengineering strategies to modulate stem cell differenciation Lino Ferreira, PhD Extra-Corporeal Circulation Angelo Nobre, MD Sex Reassignment Surgery Décio Ferreira, MD MicroRNAs for Cardiac Regeneration Miguel Mano, PhD Robotic Surgery and the Da Vinci Surgical System Kris Maes, MD, PhD How to Make a Liver (and other Pedro Baptista, PhD Organs and Tissues) for Dummies 20 Color-Coded Surgery Ryan Orosco, MD 5th AIMS MEETING 7-9 MARCH 2014 430 PARTICIPANTS EGAS MONIZ BUILDING, FMUL KEYNOTE LECTURES The Path to Success in Science Maria Mota, PhD Being a Doctor in the 21st Century Rowan Gillies, MD A Future for Neural Stem Cells Sebastian Jessberger, MD, PhD WAR ON CANCER A Duet to Boost Cancer Maria Themeli, MD, Immunotherapy: Combining CARS PhD and IPSCS Viruses to Treat Cancer: Friends or foes? John Bell, PhD Keeping an Eye on the Enemy: Early Detection of Cancer Cells Tiago Rodrigues, PhD MAIN WORKSHOPS ABC of Pediatric Trauma Air Management and Ventilation Clinical Hypnosis Diagnosis with Low Resources VISION(ARY) MEDICINE Choroidal Neovascularization: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment Rufino Silva, MD Cornea Transplant: Putting New Approaches Into Practice António Limão, MD Optogenetics: Controlling the Brain with Light Michael Hausser, PhD INNOVATION IN MEDICINE Heart Valve Tissue Engineering: Engineered Tissue Models 3D Gamma Knife Surgery: Present and Future Rehabilitation Engineering: The Applicability of Smart Materials Experimental Suture Information Sources for Medical Practice Laparoscopy Jonathan Butcher, MS, PhD Maria Begoña Cattoni, MD Arjan Buis, PhD Mechanical Ventilation Plastic Surgery Care The Basis of Ophtalmology 21 EXTERNAL EVALUATION COMISSION OPINION First of all, the fact that you sought to include and integrate the three main areas that should be part of the current medical education - scientific knowledge, medical practice and the personal attitude - is to be praised. The congress was once again marked by an excellent logistic organization, as seen in regard to the support given to the participants; the AV technical support; keeping on schedule; and the Homestay Program, directed at foreign students. Rui Tato Marinho, MD, PhD Gastroentrologist, Hospital de Santa Maria, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon. Editor-in-chief, Acta Médica Portuguesa. 22 The strict care and management of the whole process must be noted. The dissociation between workshops and thematic modules, as opposed to both being dependent on each other, continues to be a positive aspect to be emphasized. Providing soft-skill training to students is becoming progressively more important. To conclude, we evaluate the congress very positively, with a clear evolution in its organization over time. Miguel Castanho. PhD Main Researcher in Biochemistry, Instituto de Medicina Molecular. Deputy Director, Faculty of Medicine of the University of Lisbon. Ana Valadas Vice-President, National Association of Medical Students (Associação Nacional de Estudantes de Medicina). ORGANIZING COMMITTEE COORDINATION Mariana Constante | 4th year Nelson Descalço | 4th year SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM Nelson Descalço | 4th year Beatriz Costeira | 4th year Beatriz Leal | 3rd year Catarina Vale | 4th year David Amaro | 3rd year David Berhanu | 4th year João Santos | 4th year Miguel Miranda | 3rd year TREASURY Maria Tavares de Pina | 4th year LOGISTICS & FUNDRAISING Mariana Constante | 4th year Ana Raquel Claro | 4th year Inês Vidreiro | 3rd year Pedro Meireles | 4th year Rita Trabulo | 3rd year PUBLIC RELATIONS DESIGN & COMMUNICATION Maria Tavares de Pina | 4th year Gabriel Matos | 4th year João Pedro Nóbrega | 3rd year António Silva | 2nd year Catarina Gouveia | 2nd year 23 SPONSORS Being a partner of the AIMS Meeting means recognizing the effort and dedication of 18 students that, as a team, dedicate their time to this cause. It is a direct contribution to the scientific education of medical science students from all over the world. Supporting this project grants your company or institution the opportunity to not only promote it in our social platforms, but also to establish 24 close contact with students and guests, developing a fruitful relationship with the current and future medical generations, in the national and international fields. If you choose to support the AIMS Meeting you will foster a project that falls into the social awareness and scientific investment categories in any institution or company. PLATINUM SpONsOR Company logo in posters, the Congress Book, website, social media and other public platforms. Space for a stand in the Egas Moniz building lobby, during the 3 main days of the event. Opportunity to include flyers or other materials in the participants’ conference bags. Association of sponsor’s name to a prize for scientific work presentations or academic competitions. Possibility of a satellite session, included in the event’s program. Contribution to the project with a value up to 5000 euros. 25 GOLD SpONsOR Company logo in posters, the Congress Book, website, social media and other public platforms. Space for a stand in the Egas Moniz building lobby, during the 3 main days of the event. Opportunity to include flyers or other materials in the participants’ conference bags. Association of sponsor’s name to the prize for scientific work presentations or academic competitions. Contribution to the project with a value up to 2000 euros. 26 Silver Sponsor Company logo in posters, the Congress Book, website, social media and other public platforms. Opportunity to include flyers or other materials in the participants’ conference bags. Space for a stand in the Egas Moniz building lobby, during the 3 main days of the event. Contribution to the project with a value up to BRONZE SPONSOR Company logo in posters, the Congress Book, website, social media and other public platforms. Opportunity to include flyers or other materials in the participants’ conference bags. Contribution to the project with a value under 1000 euros. 1000 euros. 27 Logistic Partner Oppor tunity to include flyers or other materials in the participants’ conference bags. Company logo in posters, the Congress Book, website, social media and other public platforms. Speaker Supporter All references to the invited speaker in question are followed by the phrase “by company/institution X”. Oppor tunity to include flyers or other materials in the participants’ conference bags. Support in the form of diverse products, such as: • • • food (for the coffee-breaks); office supplies (to include in the conference bags); prizes for the winners of scientific research presentation sessions or academic competitions (e.g. books, courses or academic internships). …among many other options open to discussion with the Organizing Committee. 28 Company logo in posters, the Congress Book, website, social media and other public platforms. Responsability over travel and accomodation expenses of a speaker invited to the AIMS Meeting. CONTACTS AEFML AIMS MEETING Av. Prof. Egas Moniz 1649-028 Lisboa general@aimsmeeting.org (+351) 217 818 890 www.aimsmeeting.org site.aefml.pt