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10006 - 101 street / edmonton / alberta / t5j 0s1 tel: 780.429.5400 fax: 780.498.5602 A division of connecting A division of 20 eleven planbook "Our job is to invest in where consumers are engaging with media." - John Galloway to connect with the Edmonton Journal on your smartphone. visit to download the free app. EJ mobile media kit scan this print online social media graphic design kelle cloutier 2011 calendar january S market research kathleen samida important dates .......... January 1 New Year’s Day.................................. ....... February 14 ........ ........ ........ ........ . Day. tine’s Valen ......February 21 ........ ........ ........ ........ Family Day.......... .............March 9 Ash Wednesday ................................ ..........March 13 Daylight Savings Time Begins............ .........March 17 ........ ........ ........ ........ St. Patrick’s Day.. ...... April 22 ........ ........ Good Friday.............................. ............ April 24 ........ ........ ........ ........ ay.... Sund r Easte ........... May 8 Mother’s Day.......................................... ... May 23 ........ ........ ........ Victoria Day.......................... ...........June 19 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ . Day. r’s Fathe ..............July 1 Canada Day.......................................... .....August 1 ........ ........ ........ Civic Holiday.................... ... September 5 Labour Day.......................................... .... October 10 Thanksgiving Day.................................. October 31 ........ ........ ........ Halloween. ........................ .....November 6 Daylight Savings Time Ends................ .......November 11 Remembrance Day.......................... ......December 25 ........ ........ Christmas Day.................. ....December 26 Boxing Day.......................................... special days "Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand." - Chinese proverb Ukrainian Christm as.......................... .......... January 7 Ukrainian New Ye ar’s.......................... ........January 14 Groundhog Day...... ............................ .........February 2 Chinese New Year. ............................. .........February 3 Spring Equinox.... ............................ .............March 20 April Fool’s Day...... ............................ ............... April 1 Palm Sunday. ........ ............................ ............. April 17 Passover............... ............................ .............. April 19 Earth Day.............. ............................ .............. April 22 Easter Monday.... ............................ ............... April 25 Admin. Professiona ls Day...................... ......... April 27 Holocaust Rememb rance Day.............. ............. May 1 Summer Solstice.... ............................ .............June 21 First Day of Rama dan.......................... ..........August 1 Rosh Hashanah..... ............................ .... September 29 Autumn Equinox.... ............................ ... September 23 Yom Kippur........... ............................ ........... October 8 Hanukkah............ ............................ ..December 21-28 Winter Solstice...... ............................ .....December 22 M T W T F 1 S february S M T 2 W 3 T 4 F 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 23 24 march S M april 1 T 2 W 3 T 4 F 5 S S M T W T 1 F 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 may 1 S 2 M 3 T 4 W 5 T 6 F 7 S june S M T 1 W 2 T 3 F 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 july S M T W T 1 F 2 S august S 1 M 2 T 3 W 4 T 5 F 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 24 S 31 30 S S S 31 september S M T W 1 T 2 F 3 S october S M T W T F 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 23 24 30 november S Thanks to Michelle Dekker for staff photography 1 M 1 T 2 W 3 T 4 F 5 S S 31 december S M T W 1 T 2 F 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S publisher’s message...........................3 connecting to edmonton arts & attractions...............................5 shopping & tourism.............................6 education & sports..............................7 economic growth................................8 going further.....................................10 connecting to the community marketing..........................................12 social media......................................14 connecting 7 days a week 2011 media everyday in the journal.....................16 columnists.........................................20 newsroom.........................................21 awards & recognition........................21 kit why advertise? benefits of advertising......................23 creating a good ad............................24 advertising products print advertising...............................26 features calendar..............................33 pre-prints + specialty products.........35 insert distribution.............................36 online display advertising............................40 other opportunities........................... 41 expanding your reach ......................42 ipad + eReader editions....................43 digital + mobile editions...................44 mobile barcodes...............................44 online properties...............................45 showcase..........................................45 extra! extra!......................................46 planning calendar 2011 month by month................................47 advertising budget planner...............60 contact us.........................................62 digital ad submission........................64 | customer sales assistants | kirsta. karen. christine. crystal. what's inside "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin 3 publisher's message As with most entities, evolution and adaptation are key to thriving in an ever-changing environment. The Edmonton Journal is no different. Digital media has forever changed how news is delivered, as well as consumed. The Edmonton Journal has transformed beyond the printed page to become a powerful, vibrant multi-platform brand. No longer defined by printed circulation, our successes in audience development and social engagement allow us to connect with our community in exciting new ways throughout the day. And we’re listening to what they have to say. Consumers have come to expect information on their terms – news as they want it, when they want it. With breaking news headlines transmitted to mobile devices, stories continuously posted and updated online, in-depth print coverage and social media interaction, the Edmonton Journal is able to deliver content that can be found nowhere else, yet is delivered everywhere. We are connecting to our community, and in turn, they are connecting to us. John Connolly, Publisher media kit 20 eleven planbook connected “Advertising says to people, ‘Here’s what we’ve got. Here’s what it will do for you. Here’s how to get it.’” – Leo Burnett to connecting edmonton | sales representatives national | kim. peter. lori. 5 In early 2010, the Art Gallery of Alberta opened its doors to a new $88 million state-of-the art facility – an architectural masterpiece in Canada. As one of the premier exhibition spaces in the country, the new Art Gallery of Alberta has almost 30,000 square feet of exhibition space, dedicated gallery space for over 6,000 works of art, an expanded education centre, a 150-seat theatre, plus unique facility rental opportunities. With optimal environmental conditions for installations, the AGA will attract more of the most sought-after touring art exhibitions.1 As the professional orchestra of Alberta’s creative capital city, the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra presents over 85 concerts a year of symphonic music in all genres. The ESO’s artistic mission is to bring the highest quality of live orchestral performance to a broad spectrum of the community. Celebrating its 60th season in 2011, the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra has taken its place as one of Canada’s foremost orchestral ensembles. Its current roster includes 56 musicians from Canada and around the world, performing a wide-ranging repertoire from the great classical masterworks to pops and to children’s concerts.2 Edmonton’s festivals make us a pleasurable place to live and an exciting place to visit. There are as many ways to enjoy our festivals as there are individuals who attend. People love to experience as much as they can of theatre in the streets, music in the parks, art in public squares, and everything in between. Explore your options and join in.3 When summer rolls around, the Fringe comes to town. The Edmonton International Fringe Festival is North America’s largest and oldest Fringe Festival. For 11 days, more than 500,000 visitors come to check out over 1,200 shows and performances in 29 venues. The Fringe allows people to experience bizarre and outrageous live theatre; it is human creativity at its finest. It is second only to the famous Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland.4 SOURCE: 1 Art Gallery of Alberta / 2 Wikipedia / 3 / 4 attractions Where to begin? Edmonton provides visitors and residents with an abundance of things to see and do throughout the year. As North America’s largest interactive historic park, Fort Edmonton Park is a place where time has stopped and is waiting for you to experience life as it was through the days of the fur trade, and the pioneer years of 1885, 1905 and 1920. Providing the best in living history, Fort Edmonton Park is situated on 64 hectares (158 acres) of parkland in Edmonton’s river valley.1 Plan to discover the bold and beautiful at the Muttart Conservatory. As Edmonton’s premier horticultural attraction, the Muttart is a botanical garden located in the river valley, across from downtown Edmonton. Filled with rare and wonderful plants from all over the world, the conservatory consists of four glass, pyramid-shaped structures that showcase plants from arid, tropical, and temperate climates, providing a welcome oasis of warmth during winter. The fourth pyramid hosts a theme that changes throughout the year.2 Often called the “8th Wonder of the World,” West Edmonton Mall (WEM) offers visitors a place to play, shop and stay. With over 800 stores and services, and 100-plus eating establishments, there promises to be something for everyone in your family. WEM features world-class attractions such as Galaxyland, the world’s largest indoor amusement park, the Ice Palace and the World Waterpark, the world’s largest indoor wave pool.3 things you didn’t know about 1. Edmonton is one of Canada’s leading centres for technology development. It is the home of the National Institute for Nanotechnology and cutting-edge companies engaged in microsystems and nanotechnology research and commercialization. SOURCE: 1 Fort Edmonton Park / 2 Wikipedia / 3 West Edmonton Mall media kit 20 eleven planbook connected connecting to edmonton arts Edmonton’s vibrant arts and culture community offers a diverse selection of year-round performances, events and festivals – something to delight everyone. 6 tourism There’s so much for you to see and do in Edmonton, you might want to set priorities and make a plan for each day. “If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn’t thinking.” – George S. Patton shopping There is no better place than Edmonton to shop ’til you drop. Edmonton offers shoppers an unbelievable selection of products and services. From popular brand names to rare, exclusive items, you are sure to find what you are looking for. The EIA (Edmonton International Airport) is the fastest growing major airport in Canada in terms of passenger growth rate. The EIA recently picked up the top prize for Marketing and Communications for the third year running at the North American Airports Council marketing awards. An expansion planned for 2012 means new gates, a new control tower complex, an integrated baggage room, a new passenger concourse and expanded parking. In 2010, Edmonton selected 5 international design firms as finalists to compete for the chance to deliver the winning plan to redevelop the 216-hectare site into a sustainable, transit-oriented community.1 Edmonton is also served three times per week by VIA Rail Canada’s “The Canadian” route. Situated near the geographic centre of Alberta, two major highway routes run right through Edmonton. SOURCE: 1 Edmonton International Airports, City of Edmonton There are a number of major malls and community shopping areas around Edmonton. West Edmonton Mall (WEM) is Edmonton’s largest and most recognized mall, but other malls around the city also offer outstanding selection and services. As the second-largest mall in Edmonton, Kingsway Mall offers more than 200 shops and services and hosts 10 million shoppers annually. The shopping centre’s major $70-million renovation, completed in late 2009, featured a number of new sustainable building features, and the mall recently won two prestigious Canadian Shopping Centre Awards from the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) in recognition of its Grand Opening and renovation events. Over four decades, Southgate Centre has seen three major renovations and expansions, almost tripling the original floorplan, and bringing some of the very best names in fashion to Edmonton. With the most recent expansion, completed in 2009, the centre is now over a million sq. ft. and features more than 165 stores and services. South Edmonton Common takes shopping to a whole new level. It is a retail power centre with over 100 stores now open (taking up over 1.7 million square feet of space), including a number of retailers who have selected it to showcase their first stores in Edmonton. South Edmonton Common is a unique, one-stop shopping and entertainment experience. When fully developed, South Edmonton Common will spread over 320 acres and will contain approximately 2.3 million square feet of retail space. It is the largest open-air retail development in North America. connected media kit 20 eleven planbook jared. | manager human resources | 7 things you didn’t know about 2. Recognized as number one for online marketing, Edmonton hit the top of the Canadian Cities Online marketing 2010 Index. The index evaluates how well Canadian cities are marketing their territories for investment and attraction using Web 2.0 tools and current site information. connecting to edmonton education Founded a century ago, the University of Alberta consistently ranks as one of the top universities in Canada. Historically the university has produced 65 Rhodes Scholars and 1 Nobel laureate. The 2010 QS World University Rankings ranked the university 78th overall in the world. $1.6 billion dollars in construction is currently underway, and is expected to greatly expand the University of Alberta’s research capacity in the field of health in particular. Currently the University of Alberta attracts approximately $500 million in external research funding a year, the second highest in Canada, and is a talent magnet that draws some of the world’s best students and researchers to this city.1 In September 2009, the Government of Alberta made an historic announcement when it granted Grant MacEwan College the authority to be become Grant MacEwan University. As the largest transfer institution in the province, this vibrant, innovative educational institution fosters student success and student contributions within local, national and international communities.2 Educated, skilled, and successful learners: that is NAIT’s mission. NAIT (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology) is Alberta’s third largest post-secondary institute and is the largest apprenticeship trainer in Canada. Offering students 250 programs to choose from, including 35 apprenticeship trades and more than 1,400 continuing education courses, NAIT recognizes the need to educate and train students to meet the growth and demand for Alberta’s industries.3 SOURCE: 1 University of Alberta / Wikipedia / 2 Grant MacEwan University / 3 NAIT sports Edmontonians are crazy about sports, and there’s nothing as exciting as a football game. The Edmonton Eskimos are the most successful CFL franchise of the modern era (1949-present), having won the league’s Grey Cup championship thirteen times, including an unmatched five consecutive wins between 1978 and 1982, and most recently in 2005. The Eskimos play their home games at Commonwealth Stadium. In 2010, Edmonton was the host city for the 98th Grey Cup. 63,317 people attended the game, and thousands more cheered on their teams from locations around Edmonton. The week-long HuddleTown festivities were further proof that no city can put on a party like Edmonton. The Edmonton Oilers aren’t just a sports team, they are an integral part of Edmonton life. Originally founded in 1972 as part of the World Hockey Association, they were admitted into the NHL in 1979 and Edmonton’s obsession with all things hockey began. The club has won 5 Stanley Cups, 3 President’s Trophies/League Championships, and 7 Western/Campbell Conference Championships.1 There are sporting events for everyone in and around Edmonton, as well as a number of teams that provide fans with action all year round. The Edmonton Oil Kings (WHL-Western Hockey League), the Edmonton Capitals (Golden Baseball League) and the Edmonton Rush (NLL-National Lacrosse League) all give Edmontonians reason to cheer. SOURCE: 1 Edmonton Oilers media kit 20 eleven planbook connected 8 edmonton is... economic growth Edmonton’s economy continues to be one of the top performers in Canada. Alberta’s capital region enjoys a stable business environment and compelling long-term opportunities for growth. Investment activity in Edmonton is expected to remain relatively busy with projects such as the $1.2-billion Century Park mixed-use development, the $465-million Centennial Centre for Interdisciplinary Science building, and the $160.1 million Terwillegar Community Recreation Centre already under construction. Although these projects are expected to wrap up by early 2011, several others are under construction, like the Edmonton International Airport expansion, the Edmonton Clinic at the University of Alberta, and the EPCOR office tower. Projects like these will keep non-residential investment activity humming along through the year. All in all, total construction output growth is forecast to reach 4.3 per cent in 2011. With Edmonton home to several refineries, the provincial energy sector has been a main factor driving manufacturing output. Greater Edmonton supports the energy industry as a centre for upgrading and refining petrochemicals, pipelines, manufacturing, transportation and logistics. Edmonton is also at the crossroads of international trade routes linking Asia Pacific with eastern North America and Mexico with Alaska. A few developers are still waiting for economic conditions and commodity prices to improve, but there is enough energy-related investment in the oil sands to remain optimistic. Indeed, the latest estimates show that about $27.4 billion in projects are under way in Alberta, while another $16 billion in projects are expected to begin soon. In addition, about $46.2-billion worth of oil and gas development is proposed to get under way in Alberta over the medium term. All of this activity will allow output growth in Edmonton’s manufacturing sector to average a solid 4.1 per cent per year from 2010 to 2014. More confident consumers have allowed wholesale and retail trade output to rebound sharply from the global downturn. On top of that, the public sector is projected to maintain its strong output growth, enabling total services sector output to post 3.5 per cent growth in 2011. Sources:, Conference Board of Canada, Metropolitan Outlook, Autumn 2010 gord. joseph. | executives advertising & marketing | john. connected media kit 20 eleven planbook Alberta’s capital city Canada’s 6th largest market Projected 3.5% economic growth in 2011 Average Household Income: $87,685 +2% employment increase forecast for 2011 Projected retail sales +4.7% in 2011 Projected manufacturing sector growth +4% in 2011 CMA Population 1,155,383 Part government centre, part university town, part energy provider Sources: Statistics Canada 2009 Population Estimates, Conference Board of Canada, Metropolitan Outlook, Autumn 2010; NADbank 09-10 GOING further going further 10 Population Stats 1 the metro Edmonton region The Edmonton Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) is a unique region in Canada due to the expanse of geography that surrounds the city’s boundary. Edmonton’s metro area encompasses 35 towns, villages and rural municipalities up to 80 kilometres from the downtown core. Edmonton’s unique geography has created an attractive lifestyle advantage for the residents of the region by combining the sophistication of a major city with the warmth of western, rural hospitality. our northern Alberta market Edmonton, near the geographic centre of Western Canada, is known as the Gateway to the North. The city is strategically positioned to provide the most cost-effective location for businesses, with access to consumers in the northern territories, the western provinces and the northwestern United States. | sales representative retail | scott. Edmonton (city)........ 782,439 4 Edmonton (CMA).... 1,155,383 1 Beaumont.................... 11,794 3 Bon Accord.................... 1,534 3 Bruderheim................... 1,215 1 Calmar........................... 2,033 3 Devon............................ 6,361 1 Fort Saskatchewan...... 17,469 3 Gibbons......................... 2,848 3 Leduc........................... 20,529 3 Leduc County............... 12,730 3 Morinville...................... 7,228 1 Parkland County.......... 30,089 3 Redwater....................... 2,192 1 Spruce Grove............... 23,326 2 St. Albert..................... 58,501 3 Stony Plain.................. 12,363 1 Strathcona County...... 87,998 3 Sturgeon County........... 9,165 3 Wabamun.........................601 SOURCE: 1 2009 Municipal Census / 2 2008 Municipal Census / 3 2008 Official Population List, Alberta Municipal Affairs / 4 Conference Board of Canada, Autumn 2010 Metropolitan Outlook (Forecast) connected media kit 20 eleven planbook to the connecting community “If the community is happy, then they support your business and if your business is doing well, then you can give back even more to the community.” - Magic Johnson 12 marketing The Journal’s Marketing department manages promotions and sponsorships, community relations, corporate advertising and educational services. Promotions are used to support circulation, readership and advertising sales. Marketing works closely with other operational departments, and designs, implements and assesses promotional programs. Through focused sponsorships of special events, community and cultural development activities, the Edmonton Journal reinforces its role as a responsible corporate citizen and a significant contributor to the economic and cultural vibrancy of northern Alberta. marketing Events such as Edmonton’s summer festivals, the Edmonton Journal Little Big Run, Raise-a-Reader, Edmonton Journal Indoor Games, and the Christmas Bureau Radiothon all reflect on-going community involvement. Each year, Sponsored Newspaper Program Looking for a more valuable branding opportunity? The Edmonton Journal Sponsored Newspaper Program is an inspired choice. Edmonton’s most read newspaper can be labeled with your corporate brand and delivered to your target audience, providing a world of insight and a reminder of who brought it to them, right on the front page. Arden Theatre 1.Delivery to households in targeted FSAs – more powerful than direct mail and at a much lower investment Art Gallery of Alberta 3.Distribution in high pedestrian traffic locations such as transit centres and downtown 4.Distribution at your business so you can offer your customers a complimentary copy every day Your message can be customized with: 1.Full color stickers or post-it-notes affixed to the front of the newspaper to grab attention. An eye-catching way to promote a new product, distribute a coupon, or advertise a special event. 2.Four-page full colour wrap – the wrap will convey your message to readers. A high impact tool to promote your company. | assistant marketing | Alberta Ballet Sponsored Newspapers can be delivered in the following ways: 2.Special Events such as grand openings, festivals, and sporting events christopher. the Edmonton Journal participates in more than 200 community events including: To customize the Sponsored Newspaper Program, contact your Advertising Sales Representative or the Edmonton Journal’s Reader Sales Department. A Taste of Edmonton Festival Christmas in November Citadel Theatre Edmonton’s Food Bank Edmonton Folk Music Festival Edmonton Heritage Festival Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival Edmonton International Jazz Festival Edmonton International Street Performers Festival Edmonton Oilers Edmonton Opera Edmonton Symphony Orchestra Festival of Trees Santa’s Breakfast Freewill Shakespeare Festival Edmonton Humane Society Pets in the Park Telus World of Science The Works Art & Design Festival connected media kit 20 eleven planbook 13 Raise-a-Reader Edmonton Journal Little Big Run Established in 2007 with the University of Alberta, Alberta Health Services and the City of Edmonton, this event has become one of our premier lifestyle programs. Thousands of people and families “spring into action” during the last weekend of May to promote physical fitness and energetic community living. Consisting of 1 km, 5 km and 10 km events (both walk and run), all ages and abilities are encouraged to attend. Edmonton Journal John Bright Memorial Awards Presented annually to one graduating Greater Edmonton area high school student of each gender who best encapsulates the qualities which defined the late John Bright. First presented in 1984 to recognize exceptional high school students who excelled in three integral areas: academics, athletics and citizenship. It continues to remain dedicated to honouring the late John Bright by recognizing those applicants best possessed with the same qualities. This memorial award will be presented for the 28th time at the finish of the 2010-2011 school term. News in Education (NIE) Each year, more than 300 schools across northern Alberta participate in our News in Education program, a key initiative of our Reader Sales Department. Teachers use the Edmonton Journal, be it the print or digital version, to teach all manner of subjects and grade levels. The newspaper, therefore, becomes a living textbook, teaching students about events happening both locally and globally. Currently, we offer 10 different resource guides to teachers to aid them in teaching newspaper-based curriculum. During special events like elections or Olympic competitions, we develop special resource guides for these events to help teachers use the newspaper to follow these events in their classrooms more closely and educate simultaneously. Edmonton Journal Indoor Games Now in its 33rd year, this community track and field event allows children grades 3-12 the opportunity to experience the thrill of competition against themselves, and each other. Track events for girls and boys include 200m and 800m individual events, as well as 8x200m relay events. Mixed relay events are offered for small elementary and junior high schools. Long jump competitions for elementary students, a teachers’ 4x200m relay race and select individual events (like the Master’s Mile) round out the program. The Journal Indoor Games hosts over 6000 school aged athletes on an annual basis and is an event that is truly family-friendly fun. The CAPPIES The Journal brought the Cappies, the Critics and Awards Program for High School Theatre, to Edmonton in 2007. The Cappies program, originally established in Washington D.C. in 1999, involves high school students throughout North America. By 20092010, the Edmonton region chapter, governed by a nonprofit society, had registered 20 schools from Edmonton, Sherwood Park, St. Albert and Spruce Grove. High school students are trained as critics, attend shows at other schools, write reviews and publish those reviews in The Journal’s arts section and on the At the end of the school year, the student critics vote for awards for acting and stagecraft which are presented at a formal Cappies Gala at the Citadel Theatre. Participating critics are also eligible for awards and in past years top critics have had an opportunity to spend a week in The Journal newsroom, getting an inside peek at the daily tasks of reporters, photographers and editors and trying their hand at some critical writing of their own. NEWSINEDUCATION In the 2009-2010 school year, 126 critics wrote Cappies reviews. During the gala, 167 performers and backstage workers were recognized with nominations for Cappies awards. Teachers and directors from all the schools volunteer their time to make the program a rich learning experience for the students. And Journal marketing staff and newsroom editors helped to organize events and mentor critics. connect with us on connect with us on Edmonton Journal Cappies Edmonton Journal News in Education media kit 20 eleven planbook connected sponsored events The Raise-a-Reader campaign is an award-winning national fundraising initiative. It is a unique philanthropic program that increases awareness and raises money and other resources in support of family literacy programs throughout Canada. Since its inception in 2002, the national campaign has raised more than $15 million for literacy programs across Canada. It has grown into a yearround initiative, with various local and national fundraising components occurring throughout the year, culminating with Raise-a-Reader Day. 100% of all donations stay in the community in which they were raised. 14 social media The Edmonton Journal reinforces our strong community ties by integrating and optimizing various social media. On every story, readers can “share,” and link to the story through email, Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Stumbleupon and more. i like this The Journal’s main Facebook page is the most “liked” of any Alberta newspaper. With links to current news stories, contests, galleries, blogs, and more, there’s always something new to inspire comment and conversation. Popular Journal sections such as Venting, Arts & Life, and Business all have their own Facebook pages, as do Journal-sponsored events such as the Recreational Property Show, News in Education, Job Find and Little Big Run. The Edmonton Journal has a large Twitter following on our main feed, which has been one of the most consistently retweeted Twitter feeds in Edmonton. Journal Tweeters are some of the most prolific in town, with many of our editorial staff on Twitter including well-known Journal personalities Paula Simons, David Staples, and Todd Babiak. We also have a large number of Twitter feeds targeted to specific content. The Journal’s YouTube channel is ranked in the top 100 of most viewed reporter channels in Canada, and has featured some immensely popular videos. Journal videographer Ryan Jackson’s video (and Canadian Online Publishing Awards nominee) of a world-record breaking dodge ball game at the University of Alberta has garnered over 600,000 views. The Edmonton Journal is also a fast growing business venue on Foursquare with a substantial friend following. We include tips for specific events and places in town tied into our content, such as restaurant reviews. marty. | social media strategist | “Information technology And business are becoming inextricably interwoven. I don't think anybody can talk meaningfully about one without talking about the other.” - Bill Gates connected media kit 20 eleven planbook "Tug on anything at all and you'll find it connected to everything else in the universe." - John Muir connecting days a week 16 every day monday A section Sports Arts & Life Business Classified tuesday A section Sports Arts & Life Business Driving Classified wednesday A section CityPlus Sports Food Arts & Life Business Travel Classified thursday A section CityPlus Sports Arts & Life Business AutoAdvantage Classified friday A section CityPlus Sports Arts & Life Business Friday Movies Whats On tab Driving Classified saturday A section CityPlus Sports Arts & Life Business Travel Homes Working Style Religion Real Estate Marketplace Classified sunday A section Sports Sunday Reader Books and Arts Business Classified Colour Comics where it's at in the “A” Section Seven days a week, our readers know that the world awaits them in “A”. When readers dive into this first section, they are treated to a selection of the most current stories from home and around the globe. The front page and the Top Copy pages – A3 and A4 – contain the hottest news stories, the most interesting features and the occasional oddity or quirky story. Then come the World and Canada pages – comprehensive files of what’s happening in Canada and abroad. Our CityPlus pages, encompassing the unique people and events around Edmonton, appears in this section on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays. CITYPLUS From Wednesday to Saturday (though subject to change), CityPlus is its own section, with extensive coverage of news and stories from Edmonton and the capital region. Our strong focus on local news makes CityPlus one of our best-read sections. We know Edmonton, we love Edmonton, and it shows in this always on-point, often witty, and sometimes laugh-out-loud funny section. Therese Kehler, Editor connected media kit 20 eleven planbook CityPlus may appear in A section 17 SPORTS Our Sports section puts readers in the front row. We provide coverage and insight on both professional and amateur sports seven days a week, with extra emphasis on the weekend editions, including Hockey Hall of Famer Jim Matheson’s popular Hockey Paul Cashman, Editor World every Sunday. We add seasonal pages throughout the year, such as our extensive Golf pages, and of course extra features on hockey and football. Our in-depth local coverage by fan-favourite writers such as Mario Annicchiarico and John MacKinnon gives this section a truly Edmontonian flair. where it's at Arts & Life Our newest section, Arts & Life, is packed with the stories that make your world go round. Our previous sections such as Body & Health, Look, and At Home have been amalgamated into this one sensational daily section. Arts & Life digs deeply into the fascinating world of Edmonton’s hot theatre scene, local artists, galleries and festivals, along with everything from pet advice, music events, health topics, the latest fashions and international movie and celebrity news. This light and lively section has a strong focus on local events, and is a firm favourite amongst readers. Movie Listings and TVtimes are also included. Arts & Life is published Monday through Saturday, with Books and Arts on Sundays. Keri Sweetman, Editor Business The Business section delivers the most current local, national and international information on profits, losses, mergers, financial trends and more. Business offers insights and analysis about the capital region’s businesses and business leaders. Saturday’s Business section is the biggest of the week, with the best package of local features and personal financial advice. Also included every day are the Personal Finance pages by the National Post, as well as FP Markets, for a truly national view of the business world. Food Our Food section heats up The Journal every Wednesday, whether you’re a foodie or an industry professional. Quick meals at home, culinary masterpieces from local chefs, cooking accessories, wine advice, unique recipes and so much more. Passionate foodie and columnist Liane Faulder gives this section it’s own unique flavour (with Nick Lees to let you know what wine will go with it). In late 2010, Food welcomed Taste Alberta to its pages and online. Taste Alberta is a partnership initiative between the Edmonton Journal and ALMA (Alberta Livestock and Meat Agency) that highlights the quality of Alberta products, with original stories as well as acquired information such as recipes, photos, videos, links, etc. Taste Alberta empowers Albertans to make more informed choices about the food they purchase and consume. Peter Maser, Editor Kerry Powell, Editor media kit 20 eleven planbook connected 18 where it's at classified Our Classified section boasts more than 200 diverse product and service categories. Jobs, cars, merchandise, homes – Classified really does have everything for everyone. Our new selfserve Classified lets you create your own ad online and in the newspaper. It is a bustling marketplace open seven days a week, 24 hours a day. TRAVEL Our full Saturday Travel section, plus a Travel page every Wednesday at the back of Arts & Life, are responsible for more daydreams than any other sections of the paper. Travel takes readers away to exciting destinations both near and far. Weekend getaways, local hideaways, exotic adventures or relaxing retreats, it’s all here. On Wednesdays in the winter, the Travel page becomes SnowTravel, with ski hill reports and more. REAL ESTATE MARKETPLACE When looking for a place to call home, readers turn to our Real Estate Marketplace section to keep up with the latest listings in the market. As a section front for Classified every Saturday, Real Estate Marketplace showcases homes for sales in the Edmonton area, both in print and online. DRIVING Driving covers the latest in automotive news and products, and includes a full range of vehicle display advertising. Available every Tuesday in a convenient tab format and every Friday in a comprehensive broadsheet format, readers will discover articles on everything from motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles and of course cars, trucks and SUVs. Extensive listings, reviews and photos make Driving the perfect car-shopping companion. things you didn’t know about 3. Edmonton is now a city in the popular virtual world, Second Life. Virtual visitors can get to know the city better and start making connections they can take back to the real world. | sales representative national | christine. | customer sales assistant | connected media kit 20 eleven planbook kim. 19 venting HOMES Our readers keep up with the Edmonton area’s vigorous real estate market with the Homes section. Every Saturday, Homes takes our readers on a tour of the latest showhomes, and examines the newest trends and designs from this area’s top new home builders. A Condos section is produced once or twice a month that offers the latest in design solutions for condos, as well as highlighting new developments downtown and in the suburban communities. The Journal’s Second Homes pages are also included in Homes, featuring stories of interest to those in the market for a vacation home or an investment property. STYLE Bursting with colour, great photography and sharp design, Saturday’s Style section covers fashion and fine food, shopping, local events and personalities, love and relationships. Watch for fun, fascinating profiles, consumer tips and ideas for eco-conscious living. This appealing, eclectic section connects you to the best things in life. FRIDAY MOVIES Get all the news and reviews about the latest movies to hit the big screen in the Friday Movies section. The Friday section also offers indepth coverage of upcoming concerts, art gallery openings, theatre happenings and more. It includes our popular What’s On pullout tab, a complete guide to events around town. workING Published every Saturday, our Working section is a proven, essential resource for both job seekers and employers. Working represents the most extensive collection of career display advertising in the market, which are packaged with a variety of highly effective online elements to take your job or candidate search around the world. Working ads also appear in the business section on Wednesdays. If there is one feature our readers tell us they turn to first, it’s Venting. What makes this column so popular? Said one contributor: “It’s the closest we get to democracy in this country.” A forum for readers to express concise opinions on every subject imaginable, Venting appears in Wednesday and Saturday CityPlus, and Sundays in Sports. SUNDAY READER This unique section delves deeply behind the headlines and offers a unique perspective on the issues that affect you. Each week, Sunday Reader takes an in-depth, investigative look at the biggest news stories at home and around the world. The perfect accompaniment to a leisurely Sunday morning. books & Arts The act of delving into a novel and luxuriously lingering over a story is a joy that people are ever more passionate about in this age of being bombarded by snippets of information across multiple media. Losing yourself in a good book has never fallen out of fashion. The Journal’s Books & Arts section on Sunday features books of all genres, with a strong focus on Canadian works. Author news and profiles, book-related features and stories, at least two pages of book reviews, plus the best of the arts scene and so much more. FRIDAY WHAT’S ON colour comics SUNDAY media kit 20 eleven planbook connected journal columnists 20 Todd Babiak has lived in Quebec and France but it seems he is happiest living and writing in Edmonton. He is a bestselling and awardwinning novelist: see Choke Hold, The Garneau Block, The Book of Stanley and Toby: A Man. His series on life in France, Learning French, was published over an almost-year in the Edmonton Journal. Todd’s column, The T Intersection, is a never-ending, often narrative search for the strange, funny, sad, quivering muscle in the heart of Edmonton. Who are these Edmontonians? What are they doing? Why do they live here in the northernmost major city on the continent? Can they whistle loudly, with their fingers? Do they sometimes walk onto their balconies at night and look up at the stars and cry? This is what we really want to know. Follow Todd on Twitter @babiak and at Dan Barnes has covered sports in Alberta for over 25 years, including the past decade as a columnist with the Edmonton Journal. He has covered the Olympics in Calgary, Sydney, Salt Lake City, Athens and Turin as well as six Stanley Cup Finals, seven Grey Cups, two World Hockey Championships, two Labatt Briers, two World Athletic Championships, two World Figure Skating Championships and many, many more. Follow Dan on Twitter @jrnlbarnes. Liane Faulder is food columnist for the Edmonton Journal. A graduate of Ryerson’s school of Journalism, Liane is also the author of The Long Walk Home: Paul Franklin’s Journey from Afghanistan, and a recipient of the prestigious Canadian Journalism Foundation fellowship from the University of Toronto. When she’s not thinking of new ways to eat chocolate, Liane is the mother of two ravenous, 20-something sons who enjoy her beat as much as she does. Liane loves yoga and pilates (important, given previous reference to chocolate) and walking in the river valley. Follow Liane on Twitter @EatMyWordsBlog. connected media kit 20 eleven planbook Gary Lamphier, as the Edmonton Journal’s business columnist, is a numbers guy. So here are his numbers: In his 56 years on the planet he has lived and worked in four of Canada’s six major cities, spanning three provinces and three time zones. He has travelled to 13 countries on four continents, and has worked as a journalist for more than three decades, including stints at The Wall Street Journal, The Globe & Mail, the Vancouver Sun and seven other publications. Gary has covered billionaire tycoons, the film industry, techies, white collar crooks, stock markets, energy issues and just about every other business topic you can think of. He also spent five years as a communications consultant in Vancouver. Gary still finds the world of business fascinating, inspiring, depressing, and weird – much like life itself. Gary has one very charming Italian wife, two smart adult children, one cuddly grandson, and one pampered wussy dog. He figures he is the luckiest man on earth. Nick Lees was raised and educated in London, where he worked as a reporter in Fleet Street and for a television station before coming to Canada to write for the Edmonton Journal. Travelling across Edmonton to find material for a thrice-weekly column in CityPlus on Tuesdays, Fridays and Sundays, he also writes a monthly wine column in Food. Lees was presented with the City of Edmonton Award for Excellence for Sport in 2000 and in 2003 he received the Queen’s Jubilee Medal. Grant MacEwan University has also awarded Lees with an honorary diploma for being a Distinguished Citizen. John MacKinnon has been playing the keyboard for fun and profit since 1981. Throughout his career, and especially at The Journal, MacKinnon has tried to live up to the old school newspaper motto: Join the Georgian and see the world! Hired by The Journal as sports editor in January ‘99, MacKinnon has written a sports column for the paper since October 2003. It’s a wide ranging column that, were it a boarding house, would welcome many and varied guests from around the world of sports. Follow John on Twitter @rjmackinnon. Paula Simons is funny, provocative and brash – whether she’s enraging Edmontonians, inspiring them, or making them laugh out loud, Paula Simons’ columns always get the city talking. Over the years, Paula’s earned five National Newspaper Award Citations of Merit for her editorials, columns, and investigative reporting. She’s been honoured for her passionate writing on civil society by the Canadian Bar Association, the Canadian Mental Health Association, the Edmonton Historical Board, and the Alberta Civil Liberties Research Centre. A graduate of the University of Alberta, Stanford University and the Poynter Institute for Media Studies, she lives in the centre of Edmonton with her husband and daughter. Follow Paula on Twitter @Paulatics. David Staples is an awardwinning journalist and bestselling author. Born and raised in Devon, Alberta, and a resident of Edmonton since 1985 when he began working at The Journal, Daviud has been a journalist for 30 years, reporting on crime, politics, sports, the arts and current events. He has won two National Newspaper Awards and two National Newspaper Award citations for his hockey blog, The Cult of Hockey, which has been the most popular sports blog in the Postmedia network. David has written major profiles of numerous prominent Albertans and Canadians, including Mark Messier, Kevin Lowe, Wiebo Ludwig, Thomas Svelka, Lois Hole, Peter Lougheed, Ralph Klein and many, many more. Follow David on Twitter@dstaples. Graham Thomson writes on Alberta politics with occasional side trips into federal politics and very occasional trips into Afghanistan. Graham came to Alberta in 1984 as a reporter with CBC, and after 14 years as a radio and television reporter Graham jumped into print journalism at The Journal. In the past 15 years he has covered stories across Canada and written investigative pieces from the United States, Mexico and Russia – and spent two ‘tours’ with Canadian troops in Afghanistan. He has been nominated twice for National Newspaper Awards (winning once) and spent eight months at the University of Toronto after being awarded a Canadian Journalism Foundation fellowship in 2008-09, rediscovering the joys of university life but without the Bee Gees and bell-bottom pants. 21 Karen Kleiss....................Provincial Affairs Bill Mah..........................Business Jim Matheson.................Hockey Liz Nicholls.....................Theatre Critic Jodie Sinnema................Health Sandra Sperounes..........Music Curtis Stock....................Golf Elise Stolte.....................Education/Aboriginal Affairs Alexandra Zabjek............Courts Mario Annicchiarico.......Football Hanneke Brooymans.......Environment Dave Cooper...................Energy/Business Jennifer Fong..................Fashion & Home Decor Ben Gelinas.....................Arts Keith Gerein....................Provincial Affairs Marta Gold.....................Fashion & Home Decor Joanne Ireland................Oilers Gordon Kent...................City Hall photographers & videographers Shaughn Butts Bruce Edwards Candace Elliott Brian Gavriloff Ryan Jackson Ed Kaiser John Lucas Rick MacWilliam Chris Schwarz Greg Southam Larry Wong awards & recognition our readers 470,800 TOTAL WEEKLY READERSHIP • National Newspaper Awards – 6 nominations 2010 saw The Journal receive 6 nominations for 2009, a record number. Health writer Jodie Sinnema was nominated for her work on health issues in the province, columnist Paula Simons was nominated for her work on protecting the Human Rights Act, columnist Graham Thomson was nominated for a variety of work, Malcolm Mayes was nominated for his editorial cartoons, and Journal photographers Ed Kaiser and Chris Schwarz were nominated in sports photography. 50% • Canadian Online Publishing Awards Edmonton Journal is a finalist in 5 categories for excellence in online editorial and innovation in 2010. Nominated in News, Blog, Cross Platform, Mobile App, and Video. 50% • Education writer Sarah O’Donnell Received Alberta Teacher’s association Education News Writers Award in the Daily Newspaper category in 2010. MALE FEMALE 41% AGE 25-49 $90,897 AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD INCOME 60% AVERAge household income 75K+ 55% SOME POST SECONDARY EDUCATION OR UNIVERSITY GRADUATE 81% HOME OWNERS SOURCE: NADbank 09 -10 Base: 941,000 Edmonton area adults 18+ • Curtis Stock Journal Sports Writer Curtis Stock, won a record 10th Sovereign Award for Most Outstanding Newspaper Article in 2010. • Graham Thomson Awarded a citation from the Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society in 2010 for his work on environmental issues. • Communications Award from the Canadian Mental Health Association The Journal won this in 2010 for ongoing, in-depth coverage of mental health issues. • Excellence in Media Award The Journal won the 2010 award given by the Alberta Rehabilitation Coordinating Council for raising awareness in Alberta about rehabilitation. • 2010 Canadian Food Blog Award – Liane Faulder Setting the standard for national food blogs, the canadian Food Blogger’s Association awarded Liane Faulder with the Best Regional Award for her Eat My Words blog. another tweetable truth about newspapers† Readers spend 48 minutes with their daily newspaper on a weekday (same as 2005) and 68 minutes on Saturday. media kit 20 eleven planbook connected journal newsroom + awards beat reporters why advertise "Many a small thing has been made large by the right kind of advertising." - Mark Twain | executives advertising & marketing | joseph. john. lyn. gord. 23 benefits of advertising why advertise? in the Edmonton Journal Strong Credibility A leader in the community, the Edmonton Journal is the most-respected source for news and information in the Edmonton area, lending credibility and impact to the advertising messages that appear in its pages. Committed Readership Our readers are committed to our products – they pay for the information that the newspaper contains. Audience Attention Newspapers are an active medium inviting a high degree of reader involvement. Advertising is integral to the product; consumers read the newspaper as much for the advertising as for the editorial content. High Frequency Daily newspapers allow you to advertise often, which quickly increases your reach to your target market and talks to your audience when they are ready to buy. Shopping Guide Daily newspapers are the most-used source for information about most products and services. When a consumer is ready to buy, newspaper advertising has the greatest impact and drives the sale. Timely You are able to get your message into the Edmonton Journal with as little as two days’ notice, allowing you to respond to changing competitive and market conditions. Extended Reach In addition to strong readership in the Edmonton CMA, the Edmonton Journal also blankets northern Alberta. key reasons to advertise 1. Advertising establishes contact Print advertising is instrumental in making contact with consumers and initiating the sales process. 2. Advertising builds awareness and preference Advertising generates awareness, which leads to brand preference and a predisposition to buy a specific product or shop at a specific business. 3. Advertising helps maintain and grow market share If your competition is advertising and you are not, who has the advantage? Current customers are moving away and potential ones are moving into the market. Introduce your company to them through your advertising. 4. Advertising helps make the sale Advertising generates store traffic and attracts a knowledgeable consumer who is ready to buy. 5. Advertising frequently maintains presence People have new needs and wants every day. Consumers are constantly coming into the market at different times and advertising keeps your company top-of-mind. Attractive Audience While providing strong reach to all demographic targets, the Edmonton Journal demonstrates exceptional strength in reaching adults who are well-educated, high-income earners. Home Delivery Most Edmonton Journal readers read their newspaper at home where important purchasing decisions are made. The majority of copies of the Edmonton Journal are sold to home subscribers. another tweetable truth about newspapers† Daily print newspapers are read by 3 out of 4 Canadians each week. media kit 20 eleven planbook connected 24 c r e a t i n g a good ad where do you start? Most advice on creating good ads begins with the art (i.e. copy and layout). Believe it or not, that’s not where good ads start: they start with sound marketing. So before you even think about copy or layout, you must first develop an on-target marketing strategy. • What is your company’s point of difference? • Who is your target market? • What is your advantage over your competitors? copy that sells Good ads have four things in common: they create attention, interest, desire and action. Attention Grab the reader’s attention with headlines, type, white space and visuals. & present Enter the Health Club Challenge to Your own team of personal health experts from the YMCA of Edmonton! Trip for 2 to Scottsdale, Arizona with accommodations at the PLUS, a 1-year YMCA Membership Plus Membership! Enter today at 12 weeks to a leaner, healthier, happier you. Interest Make the copy interesting, easy to understand and benefit-oriented. Desire People read ad copy to find out how your product or service benefits them. So make sure the copy answers the reader’s question: “What’s in it for me?” Action Urge the reader to act now and make it easy to do so. Include the basics. Give complete and specific information – include all styles, colours and sizes in your ad. Give good ordering information. Include phone numbers, store address store hours and website address. layout that attracts customers • is well-organized and attracts the reader’s eye by using the basic principles of advertising design: proportion, balance, contrast, movement and unity. you things need to know Know your customers Know what sells Know your market Know what makes your business unique • features a dominant element, such as a photo, to grab the reader’s attention and convey the sales message at a glance. Know your competition • uses white space to direct the eye and allow it to focus on a particular element in an ad. Know what’s hot • goes for an uncluttered look – key points should stand out. • uses no more than three typefaces. • uses either spot colour or four-colour photos or illustrations to grab the reader’s attention. • draws the reader’s eye to your logo. "When you live your life with an appreciation of coincidences and their meanings, you connect with the underlying field of infinite possibilities." -Deepak Chopra connected media kit 20 eleven planbook Know your budget advertising PRODUCTS linda. amy. guy. barb. deb. | sales representatives automotive | 26 The Edmonton Journal was named one of Alberta’s Top Employers in 2011. The Edmonton Journal has been delivering superior results to advertisers for over a hundred years. Whether you are looking to build brand awareness, launch a new service or product, or drive traffic in-store or online, the Edmonton Journal will target your needs and offer solutions that are specific to you. With our exceptional creative team, our online expertise and our highly trained sales staff, you can be sure that your advertising message is reaching its full potential. The following pages demonstrate how we can help your advertising investment go further with unique programs and positions. There is virtually no limit to what the Edmonton Journal can do for you. your complete resource The Edmonton Journal offers a full line of advertising, marketing, campaign planning and creative services. We can help you build and maintain customer relationships, increase consumer awareness and market more of your product or services than ever before. research The Edmonton Journal’s research department is one of the most knowledgeable and well respected in the industry. We have invested in the latest training and software to help find and reach your customers in the most high-impact and cost-effective manner. creative services The Edmonton Journal’s award-winning creative team includes graphic and web designers, writers, illustrators, photographers and cartoonists. This talented group combines innovation and artistic flair with state of the art digital technology to create ads, campaigns and publications that deliver results. things you didn’t know about 4. Edmonton is a leader in environmental advocacy. In 2010, Edmonton won 3 national environmental awards by the federation of Canadian Municipalities; two for managing unique water programs, and one for championing sustainability programs. connected media kit 20 eleven planbook | customer sales assistants | rosie. alexis. angie. 27 More than ever, we are seeing a strong trend towards more innovative ad types and positions. By creative use of structure and the way the information is presented and communicated, advertisers are able to demand the attention of consumers like never before. Unique flexforms, high-impact gatefolds, and unusual ad locations... if you have an unusual design concept, let us know. We will work with you to devise the ideal campaign for you. advertising products Newspapers can provide strong brand support. gatefolds A gatefold is the best opportunity to have your advertising message be the first thing readers notice. A gatefold is the flap (1/3 or 1/2) that goes across the front page of the paper or section and is a premium advertising position. It includes the flap (front & inside) and both the outside and inside back covers. Now offered seven days a week for all inside sections, as well as the front cover. premium positions The breaking news story of the day usually continues off the front page, making the following pages highly desirable ad positions. A2/A3 5 columns x 70 agate lines black & white only B3 10 columns x 100 agate lines black & white only A5 5 columns x 155 agate lines limited colour availability another tweetable truth about newspapers† Daily print newspaper readership over the past five years has been stable. media kit 20 eleven planbook connected 28 earlugs advertising products Located at the top right-hand corner of section fronts, earlugs combine the pricing of a small-space ad with the impact and targeting capabilities of section-front positioning. An excellent tool for teasing an event or supplementing a campaign. section front banners With attention-grabbing impact, a section-front banner puts your message front and centre with our readers. Banners give your ad exclusivity, visibility and a targeted audience. hanging banners "Advertising is the 'wonder' in Wonder Bread." - Jef I. Richards triple banners "A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise your creative instincts." - Richard Branson connected media kit 20 eleven planbook 29 Think outside the box. Flexform ads grab the reader’s attention with their unusual shape, which the design of the ad uses to full advantage. island ads Positioned in the middle of the stock listings within our Business section or the movie listings within our Arts & Life section, island ads stand out and demand the reader’s attention. An excellent way to target your message. small space frequency promotions They are the events you hear about and wonder how you could make happen for your business. Promotions can take your advertising to a whole new level. The Edmonton Journal can help you with nontraditional methods of advertising, access to events, and innovative and effective partnerships and sponsorships. We are also able to develop unique promotional programs for clients on an individual basis. Effective, affordable tools for advertising with frequency – sign language (3 col. x 35 lines) or ad boards (3 col. x 40 lines) – are all about building awareness for your business. Tease a new campaign or boost an existing one in the section of your choice. sindy. | sales representatives multi-market | wayne. another tweetable truth about newspapers† Almost half of Canadians read a daily print newspaper on a weekday. media kit 20 eleven planbook connected ADVERTiSING PRODUCTS flexform ads 30 advertising products what our readers are saying “The articles in this publication are always informative.” – Betty “I enjoy the interesting stories and quite often try the recipes as they are always relevant to the growing season!” – Monica sarah. | editor country asides | “I like the stories written by local folks, and the humourous tidbits throughout!” – Anita connect with us on Edmonton Journal Country Asides Country Asides From sophisticated agricultural communities to beautiful estate developments, Edmonton’s rural communities are thriving. Country Asides, a highly read weekly publication with a loyal audience, is delivered to up to 50,000 surrounding homes, cottages and acreages every Friday. A favourite read for rural residents in the Edmonton area, Country Asides is distributed to homes within an hour and a half commuting radius of the city. Local stories about interesting people and places, reader-submitted photos, stories and community events make readers feel like they are part of the Country Asides family. This popular publication offers an excellent, cost-effective way to target consumers outside of Edmonton. TVtimes TVtimes is distributed in the Edmonton Journal every Friday. It combines easy to read TV listings and advertising into a package that is a fixture in the home for a full week. TVtimes is read by all demographics. connected media kit 20 eleven planbook 31 vendor support Discover the secret to making more noise for your next big event. With a Vendor Support program, you can access your suppliers’ advertising dollars to support a special event such as a grand opening, anniversary or seasonal celebration. We will help you create an event and coordinate the execution of the program from start to finish. An Advertising Feature For Beauty, Fit and Function T he commitment at Grace Denture Clinic is to ensure that each patient receives the most personalized denture treatment possible, and the confidence that brings. As Denture Specialist Jason Trombley says, “We are creating a natural looking denture achieving stability for chewing, while educating the patient on denture care.” The process begins with a series of detailed measurements of the individual’s mouth and facial dimensions. The teeth are chosen complementing the patient’s appearance, allowing men to look more masculine and women to look more feminine. Tooth color is carefully evaluated to find the perfect shade. The dentures are designed to fit securely and comfortably. Improved function and better stability can make you a more confident denture wearer. No longer must dentures cause you pain and embarrassment. The friendly staff at Grace Denture Clinic are expertly trained to give you, the patient, the look you want. There is no reason to settle for generic when you can have a personalized precision denture that can make you look years younger and serve you well throughout the day. You’ll appreciate the care. You’ll love the look. Whatever you need by way of denture treatment – complete, partial, or implant retained – Grace Denture Clinic can help. With advances in dental implant treatment you can now have stable retained dentures that were only dreamed of in the past. Imagine your confidence with a denture that is held firmly in place by implants at an affordable price. Please ask for more information when you visit Grace Denture Clinic for your free consultation. Over time a denture may not fit as snug as it once did. Relining and refitting dentures to fit the existing tissue and accommodate for Before any changes that have occurred is another treatment that is avai av aila labl ble. bl e. available. After Repairs at Grace Denture Clinic are handled well in stride. Accidents happen and dentures crack, or teeth pop out, usually when you least expect it. Just call in and the staff will book you for an emergency repair – no need to hide your smile and suffer through the day. For all treatment procedures, Grace Denture Clinic follows current protocols of sterilization, and strict quality control is maintained using premium products in an on-site laboratory. Personalized precision dentures as close to natural as possible, created promptly and expertly in a friendly atmosphere. Grace Denture Clinic is where you want to be! Before Call today for a FREE consultation After You’ll leave smiling! G race Denture Clinic is located conveniently in Argyll Crossing at the corner of Argyll Road and 75 Street, next to Boston Pizza. The clinic has plenty of free parking and is wheelchair accessible. Call (780) 490-5509 now for your FREE co consultation. Clinic hours are 9 am to 5 pm Mo Monday through Friday with evening an Saturday appointments available. and 780-490-5509 7629 Argyll Rd. Corner of 75 St. & Argyll Rd. Jason Trombley DD Denture Specialist business profiles Newspaper is an information medium, and the strength of a Business Profile is its ability to provide information about your business. We will bring together an editorial story and photos to create an eye-catching, informative and effective newspaper ad. Business Profiles are an essential advertising tool for new companies or businesses that have new products to introduce to the marketplace. special publications Certain subject matter lends itself to a specialized format. This can be in the form of a feature, magazine, guide or even a hardcover book. These special publications are loved by advertisers as they provide a more specific location for their message, as well as presenting a longer shelf life. The Edmonton Journal publishes special publications with the same dedication to quality content that goes into our paper each and every day. The impact and value of these special publications have been proven to both our readers and our advertisers. "Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected." - William Plomer design services Our design team is ready to work with you, and they have the ability and experience to take your project from concept to creation. Whether you need a corporate identity or a t-shirt design, our design team will use their talents to create something memorable. Brochures, logos, business cards, flyers, annual reports or whatever your company needs, we can do it all. Our years of experience allow us to interpret the information you give us in order to bring your idea to reality. media kit 20 eleven planbook connected 20 eleven features calendar 33 "Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don't quit." - Conrad Hilton january april july october Hockey Country* New Condos* Babies of the Year Snowsport Edmonton Motor Show* January Clearance Auto Showcase* RV Showcase National Volunteer Week New Condos* Camps & Classes Destination West Magazine Edge: Guide to Education Easter Churches Hockey Country* Going Green - Earth Day* Consumers Choice Awards Recreation & Investment Properties Magazine* Travel & Loyalty* Edmonton Motor Show* New Homes Today* RV Showcase Capital Ex / Indy Guide Golf - The Open Championship* New Condos* Recreation & Investment Properties Magazine* Digital Entertainment* NHL Preview* New Condos* Online Trading* Trucks and SUVs* Small Business Week* Off-site Magazine Venture Prize New Homes Today* august november february RRSP’s* New Condos* Edge: Guide to Education APEGGA Hockey Country* RV Showcase Personal Final Planning* New Homes Today* Auto Showcase* march New Condos* Small Business Week* RV Showcase Pharmacist Awareness Week Fraud Prevention* Hockey Country* Green Technology* Mortgages* Going Green - Earth Hour* New Homes Today* Today's Senior Auto Showcase* may RV Showcase New Condos* Driving Green* Going Green* New Homes Today* june RV Showcase Environment Week Golf - U.S. Open* New Condos* Energy Report* Entertainment, HDTV, Gaming, Smart Phones* Digital Photography* New Homes Today* Dance & Music RV Showcase Edge: Guide to Education New Condos* Golf - PGA Championship* New Homes Today* september New Condos* Recreation & Investment Properties Magazine* Travel & Loyalty Seniors Housing Forum Automotive Outlook Fire Prevention Week Fall Fashion* Bridal New Homes Today* Canadian Finals Rodeo* New Condos* Christmas Gift Guides 1 & 2* Canada Career Week Consumers Choice Awards New Vehicle Preview* Getting Started Guide to Post Secondary Education New Homes Today* december Snow Towns of the Rockies* Christmas Gift Guides 3 & 4* Christmas Eve Churches Edge: Guide to Education New Condos* New Homes Today* *Denotes newsroom feature, all others listed are advertising features. For a complete list of features, contact your Edmonton Journal Sales Representative. another tweetable truth about newspapers† 79% of online newspaper readers also read the print edition of the newspaper. media kit 20 eleven planbook connected features by month Target specific readers with special interests at key times of the year. Special features and profiles generate traffic and sales with their added impact. Each feature covers a subject or event of interest to a specific segment of readers, allowing you the opportunity to target potential customers. Readers tend to keep special features in the home for a longer period of time. and pre-prints specialty products "In business, one of the challenges is making sure that your product is th easiest to experience and complete a sale." - Mark Cuban jessica. | coordinator pre-print distribution | 35 Journal Direct is the efficient and economical solution for delivering pre-prints to urban and rural consumers throughout northern Alberta. We provide precise analysis to build customized distribution options which maximize the effectiveness of your flyer distribution. Using various statistical databases, we can locate your best customer prospects and target your distribution geographically. Let us put our effective targeting capabilities to work for your business. • Deliver your pre-prints with the newspaper. • Offer custom delivery options to reach non-subscribers in homes and apartments. • Offer delivery of product samples and specialty products such as poly bags, belly bands, Post-It notes and tag-a-longs. • Accommodate your campaign strategy and target your customers. rebecca. | coordinator pre-print distribution | specialty products In addition to regular newspaper pre-print delivery, the Edmonton Journal can distribute unique advertising products. Our innovative specialty products allow you to tease readers with something unique and unexpected. The Edmonton Journal’s specialty advertising products include poly bags, belly bands, Post-It notes and tag-a-longs. ad direct AdDirect is a custom designed advertising piece. Consider the benefits of having just one contact for creative design, production, printing and distribution of your flyer. AdDirect has proven effective for businesses of all types and sizes. 1. Choose two-colour or full colour printing. 2. Select the geographic delivery area: POLY BAG •You can target as few as 10,000 customers or reach the entire metro Edmonton market. BELLY BAND •You can select distribution within the newspaper to subscribers and/or EMC* delivery. TAG-A-LONG •Your advertising sales representative works with you to target your customers through the use of geographic and or demographic information. *Extended market coverage POST-IT media kit 20 eleven planbook connected pre-prints + specialty products journal direct 36 GEA (Greater Edmonton Area) – Urban Core distribution by FSA* | Rural distribution by zone Our distribution options have been designed to avoid duplication, maximizing your ROI.** subscribers GEA Urban Core Newspaper Your flyer can be inserted in the Edmonton Journal. You can distribute to all Edmonton inserts distribution Two delivery options: Journal subscribers in Edmonton, Sherwood Park, St. Albert, Spruce Grove, Stony Plain, Fort Saskatchewan, Beaumont and Leduc, or you can select specific areas by FSA. Newspaper subscribers and nonsubscriber homes and apartments As above – plus you can have your flyer distributed by FSA to non-subscriber homes and/ or apartments. Flyers are distributed via Flyer Force to the doors of non-subscriber homes on Tuesday or Thursday in Edmonton, Sherwood Park and St. Albert and on Friday in Fort Saskatchewan, Spruce Grove and Stony Plain. Flyers are distributed to non-subscriber apartments on Friday only. By selecting subscriber and non-subscriber distribution you can get full coverage without duplication. For distribution in Beaumont and Leduc see Country Asides TMC delivery option. GEA Rural Core Two delivery options: Slave Lake Swan Hills Whitecourt (T7S) Newspaper subscribers Barrhead Westlock (T7P) (T7N) Mayerthorpe Your flyer can be inserted in the Edmonton Journal. You can distribute to all Edmonton Journal subscribers within an approximately two hour communting radius of the city. Athabasca (T9S) Morinville St. Albert Spruce Grove Stony Plain Devon Leduc Redwater Fort Saskatchewan Edmonton Sherwood Park Beaumont Tofield Wetaskiwin (T9A) Viking Camrose (T4V) Sedgewick Stettler Castor Wainwright (T9W) Provost Coronation Consort Country Asides Weekly (Total Market Coverage via Canada Post) Your flyer is inserted in Country Asides, a weekly Edmonton Journal editorial product and mailed to homes within an hour and a half commuting radius of the city. This product is delivered by Canada Post on Fridays (with a three day delivery window). You can choose your coverage from various zones T4X........................ Beaumont T9E........................ Leduc NE ZONE................ NE of Edmonton surrounding Fort Saskatchewan EAST ZONE............ East of Edmonton surrounding Sherwood Park SOUTH ZONE......... South of Edmonton surrounding Leduc & Beaumont WEST ZONE........... West of Edmonton surrounding Spruce Grove & Stony Plain NW ZONE............... NW of Edmonton including Morinville NE ZONE NW ZONE WEST ZONE EAST ZONE SOUTH ZONE *Forward Sortation Area (FSA) – first three digits of a postal code | ** Return on Investment (ROI) connected media kit 20 eleven planbook 37 FSA map NW Zone Large dashed border lines represent the GEA Rural Core Fort Saskatchewan 86 AVE T5Y Lancaster Park T8L Evergreen Trailer Park T6V 121 ST T5L 170 ST T5N 92 ST 34 ST Sherwood Park T8H T6A T5J 98 AVE 100 AVE T5K ARGYIL ROAD T6H T6E T8A T6P Maple Ridge Trailer Park HWY 14 T6B 76 AVE 109 NW 62 AVE Sherwood Park T6C T6G 34 ST T5R 79 AVE T5H 75 ST T5T T6S T5W 97 ST T5P 50 ST T5B 111 AVE 109 ST 100 AVE 149 ST 231 ST Westview Village Stony Plain T7Z T5G T5M T5A YELLOWHEAD 127 AVE 118 AVE 137 AVE 82 ST 113A ST T5C T5E 118 AVE T5S NE Zone 153 AVE 137 AVE T5V T5Z 97 ST 127 ST T5X 66 ST 142 ST St. Albert T8N Spruce Grove T7X insert distribution Light shaded areas represent rural or industrial areas T6M 31 AVE T6J T6K EAST Zone 34 ST Quadrant Ave. QUADRANT AVE 9 AVE 101 ST 215 ST WEST Zone T6N T6T T6L 91 ST T6R MERIDIAN ST WHITEMUD FREEWAY T6W T6X 41 AVE SW Beaumont T4X SOUTH Zone Leduc T9E another tweetable truth about newspapers† Advertising in newspapers is trusted more than any other medium. media kit 20 eleven planbook connected edmontonjournal .com “With targeting technologies, the discovery of search by major advertisers, and real measurement and planning tools, the Internet is ready to fulfill its early promises of effectiveness, reach and trackability” – Gary Stein 39 The Edmonton Journal is committed to delivering news and information wherever our users desire it, whether it’s on their computer, on their mobile phone or in the paper. In short, wherever they are, that’s where we want to be. At, we focus on three advantages of the Internet as a medium: Immediacy: We deliver the news as soon as it breaks and build it throughout the day, and we let people know via alerts and social media; Interactivity: We converse with our readers on blogs, Twitter and Facebook, and we solicit their pictures, comments and news tips for publication on the website and in the newspaper; Multimedia: We tell stories in whatever way they can best be told: with video, interactive graphics, live chats, audio and more, in addition to the traditional words and pictures. All of this is powered by the biggest and best newsroom in the city. We have always been Edmonton’s deepest, most reliable news source. Now we can live up to that legacy even better, with the ever-changing and exciting digital tools at hand. Karen Unland | Online Editor karen. | editor online | media kit 20 eleven planbook connected “The Internet is not just one thing, it’s a collection of things - of numerous communications networks that all speak the same digital language.” – Jim Clark 40 online opportunities standard rotational ads Big Box 300 x 250 pixels A large messaging space that is hard to ignore as it’s placed right next to editorial content online. This is an ideal space for ads with video. Leaderboard 728 x 90 pixels The Leaderboard offers top-ofpage horizontal placement, the first ad position that catches the eye. Expandable dynamic rotational ads Expandable ads, when scrolled over, increase in size two or three times to reveal a large messaging space. Expanded ads can feature multiple layers for hosting photos, video, sound or other content. The user who expands an ad should be rewarded with valuable additional content. Top Layer 500 x 500 pixels Top layer ads float on or across the page for 7-8 seconds and work as an excellent means for delivering a tactical message. The most effective Top Layer ads are built to transition into standard ad positions such as the Leaderboard or Big Box. Peelback Peelback ads appear in the upper right-hand corner of a webpage and tempt viewers by teasing them to scroll over the flapping corner. When scrolled on, the ad peels back to reveal a much larger messaging space. Catfish The Catfish ad unit is a horizontal execution at the bottom of the page. As the user scrolls down the page, the ad remains in place until it is closed by the user. non-rotational ads Impulse Ads The Impulse ad is a non-rotational horizontal ad unit located on all index pages throughout, directly right of the latest news updates. This fixed position gives advertisers exclusive ownership for the duration of the campaign and is excellent for campaigns requiring either high visibility (index page) or content targeting (sub-index). connected media kit 20 eleven planbook 41 sponsorship opportunities Header Sponsorship Category Sponsorship Advertisers can sponsor a given category of content allowing them page and section dominance. Category Sponsorships include the Leaderboard, Impulse, top and bottom Big Box advertising positions, providing 100% exclusivity. Story Tool Sponsorship Place your brand logo on every story page within a content section such as Business, Sports, or News. This clickable logo provides an excellent opportunity to strengthen your brand with a low cost price point that links advertisers directly to your website. GooseCam The Edmonton Journal’s incredibly popular GooseCam, a live streaming video of a mother goose hatching her eggs, was an incredible success in 2010 with more than 210,000 page views in a month, 5,000 comments, and over 2,500 views on the wrap-up video showing the gosling and the parents waddling their way to the local pond. The eGooseCam excitement included a live online chat with a nature specialist and even downloadable wallpaper. Here’s hoping Mother Goose returns in 2011! Headline Wrap Sponsorship A Headline Wrap Sponsorship wraps static headline boxes on index and or sub-index pages. advertorial Standard Advertorial Strategically place an image and short message within the content of a sub-index page. Labeled as an “Ad Feature”, this ad unit can take a user to your web site to provide in-depth information on your products or services. This is an excellent content-targeting tool. Premium Advertorial Instead of clicking to your site, your image and short message will take the user to an Ad Feature Story Page hosted on the site. Leverage the trusted environment of Edmonton Journal to tell the story of your business. Content requires editorial approval. other opportunities Video Pre-roll Extend the television viewing experience of sight, sound and motion to a new medium by placing a commercial or flash ad prior to a user-selected video clip. Pre-roll ads can contain text, images, animation and or audio/video. sona. | sales representative inside | Mobile The Edmonton Journal’s mobile-optimized site represents our fastest growing audience segment. An exclusive horizontal ad position is available on the top of every page, with the ad pushing to the advertiser’s site. This strategy can be used to build your brand with a valuable target audience or it can be used as a tactical means of reaching consumers close to point of purchase. Splash Pages A mobile optimized page is an important part of any mobile advertising campaign. To ensure a positive user experience on a mobile platform, we can create a mobile-optimized landing page for your mobile campaign. Page views to the Journal’s mobile news site increased by over 1000 % in just one year. media kit 20 eleven planbook connected online opportunities A pure branding strategy, the Header Sponsorship allows an advertiser to place their logo in a content-specific section that relates or compliments their brand. 42 expanding your reach expanding your reach MARKETPLACE SwarmJam Sweet Deals Daily In late 2010, Postmedia Network announced the launch of SwarmJam, a group buying site. Consumers can now access great deals via Postmedia’s vast and trusted network of newspapers and online properties. With deals offering 50% or better savings and catering to local businesses, consumers have access to products and services that are relevant, timely and valuable. how SwarmJam works • An offer is tailored for your business around a discounted voucher. • The value of the voucher is established, which allows the purchaser to sample one of your goods or services without an added commitment (aside from add-ons). • A discount schedule based on progressive discount thresholds tied to increasing purchases. dene. | digital specialist | The Edmonton Journal Automotive Network has combined with Facebook Marketplace to give unlimited auto listings maximum exposure. Vehicle listings enjoy strong exposure through the power of Facebook, thereby exposing those listings to millions of prospective buyers through their social networks. things you didn’t know about 5. Edmonton can rightfully say it is the “tidiest city in Canada”. In 2010, Edmonton took home the Tidiness Award at the National Communities in Bloom Awards in Halifax. Edmonton was also a finalist for the “Tree Canada” Urban Forestry Award, just edged out by Kamloops. • Maximum number of vouchers to be sold is set. • Buyers commit at one of a pre-set number of price points. • Meeting the pre-set cumulative buyer thresholds trigger the corresponding price point. • All bidders get the lowest achieved price. • The incentive to get the lowest price is the motivation for bidders to recruit friends through their social networks. It’s a win-win for advertisers – low risk and no upfront cost. connected media kit 20 eleven planbook The Edmonton Journal has some of the best bloggers in town. Covering everything from pets and hockey to health and politics, our bloggers know Edmonton better than anyone...and they love to share their opinions while promoting discussion amongst readers. Talk to our Digital Specialists about sponsoring a blog. 43 iPad The app gives users a rich and personalized experience, and allows us to target audiences in a dynamic new way. Features include: Heat Map – readers see and read “Stories Around Me” and check out which stories are most popular in their neighbourhoods and across the country. "The best way to get a good idea is to get a lot of ideas." - Linus Pauling My Articles – saves and stores articles that users want to read later. Social Media Tools – the ability to comment live on stories and share with friends through Facebook, Twitter and email. Integrated Video Player (coming in 2011) – readers can view a variety of videos within articles. Photo Gallery – a wealth of high resolution photos and online photo galleries. In 2011, advertising positions for both local and national advertisers will become available. edmonton journal – other eReader editions The Edmonton Journal is also available as a paid subscription for the Amazon Kindle eReader, (with free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet), as well as the Kobo and Sony eReaders. All eReader editions of the Edmonton Journal contain articles found in the print edition, but will not include some images and tables. Also, some features such as the crossword puzzle, box scores and classifieds are not currently available. media kit 20 eleven planbook connected ipad + eReaders The Edmonton Journal, along with 10 other of Postmedia Network’s major newspapers, broke new ground in late 2010 in the digital world, launching an innovative app for the Apple iPad. The Edmonton Journal app, available as a free download and supported by sponsorships, takes advantage of the iPad’s large, high-resolution display and innovative Multi-Touch interface, and features customized newspaper content pulled from the best of the web and print editions as well as mobile specific content. Readers can download, save, comment, interact and customize the content. digital + mobile editions 44 edmonton journal digital Now you can read the Edmonton Journal anytime, anywhere. Edmonton Journal Digital is available to you at home or at work, and is the same edition as the printed copy available at the newsstand. Sections and supplements are laid out just as in the print edition, but complemented by a variety of digital tools which enhance the printed newspaper’s look and feel. • • • • • • • • • • Customize your page view Download and save the paper for offline reading, using PressReader Print pages or custom areas Sort by section/contents View a gallery of all pictures and advertisements Translate articles into other languages Share an article by email, blog or on social networks Listen to the newspaper with the “Interactive Radio” feature Create an RSS feed to the front page or entire newspaper Access the service on your mobile device • Export to your eReader mobile news With internet-enabled mobile phone usage increasing exponentially, along with the increasing variety and affordability of “smartphones”, more and more businesses are recognizing the importance of launching a mobile-optimized version of their online website. The Edmonton Journal’s mobile website is the definitive mobile news source for Edmonton, providing the latest in local and national breaking news on-the-go. Within one year, page views of this site have increased by over 1000%...strong evidence of the value consumers place on getting quality local news when and how they want it. The site features breaking local, business, and entertainment news; live sports scores, stories and features; current weather conditions and five-day forecast, and so much more. At the top of every mobile-optimized page is a position for a static (gif or jpeg file) ad, the only ad on that page. Mobile advertising is the perfect complement to a traditional campaign to reach a certain segment of the population to a more in-depth level. With a mobile device never being more than an arm’s reach away, the high levels of user engagement and low levels of clutter all contribute to increased brand impact. Throughout 2011, The Journal will be implementing new ways to interact and share news and content through mobile devices. It’s going to be an exciting year for digital engagement for both advertisers and consumers, so stay tuned. mobile barcode scanning As anyone who has ever struggled to manually input a URL into a mobile phone browser will tell you, there are relatively few joys to be had in the physical act of “texting.” scan this Inputting long lines of text on such devices, even with normal-size fingers, is a clumsy experience at best that can leave even the deftest “text-er” feeling ham-handed. This poses a huge barrier to mobile internet service adoption and, of course, marketing. In June 2010, the Edmonton Journal introduced 2D mobile barcodes to our readers. These 2-dimensional codes tie the virtual to the real through a user’s smartphone. To read the code, a user simply launches a “reader” on their mobile device and scans the image. The software will then trigger the appropriate response, which can include anything from launching a URL in the phone’s browser to streaming a video or MP3...the possibilities are endless. In fact, it’s not hard to imagine a not-too-distant future where 2D codes will become the primary bridge connecting real and virtual worlds. The Edmonton Journal offers turnkey programs for integrating mobile barcodes into your advertising campaign. The Journal’s experience and credibility in exploring this technology with our readers has uniquely positioned us to advise on usage, content, placement, and more. connected media kit 20 eleven planbook to connect to The Journal on your smartphone Visit on your smartphone to download the free ScanLife app. During the 2010 Grey Cup festivities in Edmonton, The Journal’s Grey Cup code was scanned over 3,000 times, with 8,500 page views. 45 “One of the Internet’s strengths is its ability to help consumers find the right needle in a digital haystack of data.” – ~Jared Sandberg, powered by, is the largest recruitment network in the Prairies, reaching a broad audience with the most job listings as a result of its extensive syndication. Job seekers can search by employer, job category, job location and type of work. For employers, provides candidate searching, company profiles and conversion of print ads to online plus online-only enhancements to bring important job postings the exposure they need., powered by, is Canada’s premiere source for automotive news and information online. By combining editorial content and traditional classified print listings, provides consumers with the information they desire to help them make their next vehicle purchase. offers road tests, reviews, auto news and shopping advice with detailed vehicle search tools for dealer listings and local classified ads, and is at the core of an extensive syndication network. Truly a one-stop shop for all automotive needs., powered by, combines the vast resources of Canada’s largest newspaper network with relevant and timely local real estate information and interesting editorial content. Users will find everything related to homes including new and resale home listings, rental properties and a variety of related search, articles and design tools., powered by Oodle, pulls together listings from all classified sites including JOBS CARS and HOMES along with directory and local private party listings. Consumers can sign up for email alerts to be notified as new listings that match their criteria appear.’s shopping site is a 24/7 online local shopping site where consumers can search for up-to-date local deals in the Edmonton area. Most Edmonton Journal print ads are re-purposed and available for users to search through. They are presented in a user-friendly way that makes navigation easy and allows the consumer to search for what they are looking for by advertiser, product name, and description., powered by, is an extension of the Edmonton Journal and partner newspapers, delivering obituaries and memorials to an extensive online audience. Obituaries that appear in the printed paper are hosted online for 30 days in a user-friendly and interactive environment. Visitors can add photos or express their condolences through the personalized guest books. another Edmonton Journal Showcase presents you with some of the best ads, campaigns, articles and even new technologies to inspire you. While the ads in this online gallery represent some of our favourites, they are by no means the limit of the opportunities available to you. tweetable truth about newspapers† After seeing or reading something in the printed newspaper, 68% of Canadians go online to garner more information. media kit 20 eleven planbook connected online properties 46 Edmonton Journal’s Career Planning & Job Find is Edmonton’s original and largest career event. Career Planning & Job Find can help promote your company while meeting face-to-face with quality candidates looking for full-time, part-time, temporary, permanent and contract work. extra! extra! Career Planning & Job Find is an essential tool for companies recruiting in the service, hospitality, clerical, sales, trades, transportation and other industries. It is an excellent opportunity for educational organizations to reach those who are looking to change careers. By participating, your company benefits from: •Extensive promotion of the event •Booth at Job Find for your organization •Access to thousands of candidates •Interview booths on site •Ads in the Edmonton Journal Classified section, Career section, Country Asides publication, presence on Facebook, Twitter, and connect with us on Job Find The Edmonton Journal’s Recreational Property Show is an exciting opportunity for property developers to showcase their recreational, retirement and investment properties in a highly interactive and visual environment. You will meet face-to-face with a qualified group of potential investors to show them how your development or services suit their needs. Participants receive: • Daily promotion of the Recreational Property Show in the Edmonton Journal for a month prior to the show • As exhibitors commit to participating, their company name is noted in each promotional advertisement including flyer distribution, full page advertisement in the Country Asides publication, and full page advertisement in The Edmonton Journal Recreational and Investment Property Magazine • A booth at the show (including carpet, drapes, electricity) connect with us on Edmonton Journal Recreation Property Show rhonda. | supervisor inside sales | connected media kit 20 eleven planbook ShopSmart Shop AuctionMart AuctionMart has become a key advertising vehicle for our advertisers. It’s a unique program that allows businesses to turn their inventory into advertising dollars. Advertisers simply commit goods and services to the Edmonton Journal’s online auction. The Journal promotes the items and businesses. Readers browse the items in print and online, and place their bids. The Journal keeps the bid amount, and the advertiser receives the full retail value in advertising credit for a successful bid. Basically, advertisers are receiving advertising equal to the retail value of items that they purchased wholesale. The Edmonton Journal’s achievements with the AuctionMart program have been built on the success of our advertisers. 47 media kit 20 eleven planbook planning calendar "You can't overestimate the need to plan and prepare. In most of the mistakes I've made, there has been this common theme of inadequate planning beforehand. You really can't over-prepare in business!" - Chris Corrigan connected january planner 20 eleven The most popular New Year’s resolution Canadians make? 26 27 28 29 30 31 New Year’s Day % 1 Percentage of primary income earners age 18+ in the metro Edmonton area to be paid Relax! January 8th is ‘Have a Bubble Bath’ day! 17.3% 2 Lose weight. 3 4 5 6 7 8 20 years already? The GST took effect on January 1st, 1991. Orthodox Christmas 9.3% 9 10 11 12 17.3% 13 14 15 Orthodox New Year 7.6% 17 18 19 20 9.3% 23 24 25 Edmonton Bridal Fantasy 30 26 27 11.2% 31 connecting to february 22.4% ryan. Edmonton Motorcycle Show January 14-16 Minor Hockey Week January 14-23 Ice On Whyte January 13-23 16 | sales representative inside | 34.3% 21 16.4% 22 Edmonton Pet Expo January 22 & 23 28 27.5% edge: guide to education will have guest student writers and photographers, our new Technology Blog, ScanLife and more! We reach more people than any other daily newspaper and our audience includes students, teachers and those thinking about furthering their education. 29 30 31 1 Groundhog Day 2 % 3 Chinese New Year 4 5 Year of the Rabbit Percentage of primary income earners age 18+ in the metro Edmonton area to be paid Northern Alberta Landscapers and Contractors Expo February 2 & 3 6 8 7 2010 Renovation Show February 4- 6 11.0% 9 10 30th Annual RV Expo & Sale February 10-13 7.6% 13 14 Valentine’s Day 17 12 Canadian Birkebeiner Ski Festival February 11 & 12 16.4% 18 National Flag of Canada Day Buddhist Nirvana Day 17.4% 20 21 22 9.3% 19 23 24 17.2% 25 Family Day Alberta Gift Show February 20- 23 Downtown Family Festival 8.9% 27 30.4% Don’t be shy! Celebrate February 11th and ‘Make a New Friend Day’. february 23.1% 28 connecting to march planner 16 11 Winefest February 18 & 19 Silver Skate Festival February 18-20 In 1990, Alberta became the first province to celebrate the third Monday in February as Family Day. Saskatchewan joined in 2007, followed by Ontario in 2008. The lowest temperature recorded in Canada is -63 degrees Celsius at Snag, Yukon on February 3rd, 1947. 15 17.7% 20 eleven Hockey Country, The Edmonton Journal’s series of special editorial reports, keeps you well informed on hockey activities. These sections will put a strong emphasis on our professional teams, but will also offer coverage on hockey at all levels. 26 march planner 20 eleven 2011 is the 27 28 1 2 3 Expanse Movement Arts Festival March 3-6 Downtown Dining Week March 4-13 11.0 % 6 7 8 International Women’s Day 9 10 Daylight Savings Time Begins 15 “Year of the Cat” Edmonton Health and Wellness Show March 5 & 6 11 12 ‘Mardis Gras’ celebrations begin on March 8th. 7.6% 14 17.7 % 5 Ash Wednesday Lent begins Trends: the Apparel Show Spring March 10-14 13 4 16 17 Mom, Pop & Tots Fair March 10 & 12 share a grin! 16.4% 18 19 St. Patrick’s Day Commonwealth Day Open wide March 6th for ‘Dentist’s Day’. 42nd Edmonton Boat and Sportsmen’s Show March 17-20 17.4% 20 21 22 9.3% 23 24 16.4% 25 26 First Day of Spring kelle. | graphic designer | Edmonton Home & Garden Show March 24-27 8.9% 27 28 29 30 23.1% 31 connecting to april Northlands Farm & Ranch Show March 31 – April 1 7.1% % Percentage of primary income earners age 18+ in the metro Edmonton area to be paid 31.3% Recreation and Investment Properties Magazine is your connection to target and reach your customers in this booming industry. Edmonton and northern Alberta’s economy continues to shine. The Edmonton Journal reader is typically a high income professional – a prime candidate for purchasing real estate as an investment. 27 28 29 30 31 % April Fool’s Day 1 2 Percentage of primary income earners age 18+ in the metro Edmonton area to be paid 22.6% 3 4 5 6 7 charmon. | assistant administration | 8 Edmonton Log and Cottage Show April 8-10 7.6% 10 11 12 13 16.4% 14 9 Spring Edmonton Women’s Show April 9 &10 15 16 shelley. | assistant strategic partnerships | Spring Career & Job Find National Volunteer Week April 10-16 10.6% 17 18 Palm Sunday 19 20 33.0% 21 Passover begins 22 23 29 30 Good Friday Earth Day Edmonton Kiwanis Music Festival April 18 – May 7 24 Easter Sunday Eastern Orthodox Easter 25.7% 25 26 Administrative Professionals Week April 24-30 5.8% How do they get the popcorn ones to taste so buttery? Have a handful April 22nd, it’s ‘Jelly Bean Day’! planner april 27 28 Administrative Professionals Day Easter Monday 20 eleven 10.6% 47.8% connecting to may RV Showcase is your complete guide to the RV lifestyle. Publishing eight times in 2011, it is the perfect opportunity to target this growing market. may planner 20 eleven Always pick it up! 1 2 May Day Holocaust Remembrance 3 4 5 Beauty Show May 1 & 2 Allied Beauty Association Exhibition May 1 & 2 6 They may soon be harder to find find but for now May 23rd is ‘Lucky Penny Day’ 7 Edmonton Body, Soul & Spirit Expo May 6-8 North American Occupational Safety & Health (NAOSH) week May 1-7 8.0 % 8 9 10 11 National Nursing Week May 6-12 17.3% 12 13 Dirt Fest – The Off-Road Show May 7 & 8 14 Mother’s Day In December 2010, The Canadian Senate Finance Committee recommended the government stop production of the penny as soon as possible and that the coins currently in circulation be withdrawn during the next two years. It costs an estimated 1.5 cents to produce each penny coin. 9.3% 15 16 17 18 19 7.6% 22 23 24 25 34.3% 20 21 16.8% 26 27 28 Victoria Day Corporate Challenge May 27 – June 10 St. Albert Kinsmen Rainmaker Rodeo and Exhibition May 27-29 9.3% 29 30 International Children’s Festival May 31 – June 4 % Percentage of primary income earners age 18+ in the metro Edmonton area to be paid 26.2% 31 connecting to june 5.7% FORCE FLYER ,-05 RNAL 0/$ ON JOU 1./ '$+ EDMONT 0]Xo OF THE'$+)0$,*( DUCT A PRO g_fe\1./ 24.1% Target rural readership with Country Asides, an effective and affordable advertising medium. Published weekly, it has earned a reputation as an entertaining publication with local stories about interesting people, reader-submitted photos, and community events. tories ‘Inven ere ope, whng is in Eur followi a month spent England. 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Edmonton Humane Society’s 19th Annual Pets in the Park Freewill Shakespeare Festival June 28 – July 24 June 6th is ‘National Yo-Yo Day’! june 57.1% The Condos Section offers all the amenities specific to the condo lifestyle and market. Reaching everyone from first-time buyers to Baby Boomers, the Edmonton Journal’s Condos section holds the greatest potential to reach your target audience. Publishing 19 times in 2011. ‘Around the world’ and ‘Loop the loop”... planner 24 First Day of Summer The Works, Art and Design Festival June 23 – July 5 June 26th is the EHS 19th Annual Pets in the Park at Hawrelak Park. Dogs, cats, ferrets, turtles, rabbits and more are all welcome! 16.4% 20 eleven 25 july planner 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 8 9 Canada Day % Percentage of primary income earners age 18+ in the metro Edmonton area to be paid Silly Summer Parade 3 4 5 6 7 20 eleven Always celebrated on July 1st, before being officially named in 1982, Canada Day had been known as Dominion Day! Colour tv was first introduced across Canada on July 1, 1967! Remote controls, though, were still over a decade away. Great White North Triathalon 10 9.3% 11 12 13 14 8.9% 17 18 19 20 21 9.3% 24 25 26 27 5.4% 31 connecting to august 28 8.9% Edmonton International Street Performers Festival July 8-17 % 16.4 15 16 33.0% 22 23 Honda Edmonton Indy July 22-24 A Taste of Edmonton July 22-31 Capital Ex Festival July 22-31 18.1% 29 51.8% 30 35th Edmonton Heritage Festival July 30 – August 1 Every Monday from April through September, the Edmonton Journal’s Golf pages are packed with golf news and information for the casual player and the golf fanatic. With extra coverage on all five major golf tournaments during the season, a special feature will appear on the first day of the tournament. | sales representative local | linda. 31 2 1 3 4 5 6 Civic Holiday First of Ramadan Edmonton Folk Music Festival August 4-7 35th Edmonton Heritage Festival July 30 – August 1 7 Cariwest Festival August 5-7 9.3 17.7% % 8 9 10 11 12 13 Edmonton International Fringe Theatre Festival August 11-21 7.6% 14 15 16 17 17.7% 18 19 Edmonton Labatt Blues Festival August 19-21 Edmonton Dragon Boat Festival August 19-21 Alberta Gift Show August 14-17 17.0% 21 9.3% 22 23 24 25 16.4% 26 Get your party hat on! August is what really gives Edmonton it’s Festival City moniker! Music, plays, street performances, parades... so much to see and do this month so get out and enjoy! 7.6% 28 29 30 31 Wiggle Your Toes Day There is some debate over the date but whether it is on August 6 or 7, take off your socks, find a pool and wiggle away. % Percentage of primary income earners age 18+ in the metro Edmonton area to be paid Eid Ul-Fir 6.1 % 24.2 % connecting to september In this special supplement, The Journal puts the spotlight on interesting and “hot” travel destinations for 2011 and the latest in travel loyalty options and how, as a consumer, to maximize rewards. Travel and Loyalty targets the readers you want to market to. planner 20 August 20 eleven 24.4% 27 SEPTEMBER planner 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 Symphony Under the Sky September 2-5 12.9% 4 Labour Day 5 6 7 20.2% 8 9 10 7.6 11 12 13 14 15 Play a game old school. September 23 is ‘Checkers’ day. In 1871, Canada did it’s first Census with the population listed as 3,689,257. Current estimates has us at just over 34.3 million, growing by one unit every minute and 16 seconds.* *Source: Statistics Canada, Demography division. Trends: the Apparel Show Fall September 8-12 % 20 eleven 16.4 % 16 17 Grandparent’s Day 25.9% 18 19 20 21 22 Edmonton Chante Festival September 22-October 1 7.6% 26 27 23 24 First Day of Autumn International Day of Peace 25 16.4% 28 29 Edmonton Body, Soul & Spirit Expo September 23-25 18.1% 30 Rosh Hashanah connecting to october 4.8% 11.1% 49.6% OFF-SITE Meeting & Event Planner is a glossy magazine designed to provide Alberta companies with information on planning meetings, conferences and other business, events or activities. If attracting corporate business is high on your priority list, don’t miss the opportunity to talk to these prospective clients in a targeted magazine. 25 26 27 3 4 28 29 30 1 5 6 7 8 % Percentage of primary income earners age 18+ in the metro Edmonton area to be paid 2 World Teachers’ Day Yom Kippur Arachnophobia is one of the most commonly reported phobias. Fear of cupcakes though is rare. 7.6% 9 10 11 12 17.7% 13 14 15 Thanksgiving Mmmmmmm! Celebrate Dessert Day on October 14th! Fire Prevention Week October 9-15 9.3% 16 17 18 19 34.3% 20 21 22 Rocky Mountain Food and Wine Festival October 21 & 22 7.6% 23 24 25 26 16.4% 27 28 29 United Nations Day sindy. | sales representative multi-market | 12.9% 30 Halloween 31 SADDLE connecting to november planner october 20 eleven 27.5% UP AND BE PART OF THE CFR! Canadian Finals Rodeo is a world-class rodeo event that consistently sets new attendance records while attracting the best contestants and stock in the land. The Edmonton Journal will once again take readers to witness “where the west turns wild” in Edmonton. NOVEMBER planner 20 eleven “eh” 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 Origin: 13th century Middle English Downtown Annual Chili Cook-Off FarmFair International November 4-14 5.3% 6 Daylight Savings Time Ends 7 9.3% 8 9 11 12 14 15 16 When in doubt, throw it out! “Clean Your Fridge Day” is November 15th. The worst culprits are usually the scary workplace fridges. Remembrance Day Canadian Finals Rodeo November 9-15 13 17.7% 10 Eid al-Adha Definition of: used to ask for confirmation or repetition or to express inquiry; used especially in Canadian English in anticipation of reader’s agreement 25.7% 17 18 19 gina. | sales representative real estate | Christmas on the Square Holiday Light Up 20 18.3% 21 22 7.6% 23 16.4% 24 25 26 Muharram begins Canada’s National Child Day 10.6% 27 28 29 30 connecting to december 28.7% 22.5% The Journal’s Christmas Gift Guides aim to make holiday shopping as easy as possible. As people are searching for the best gift, ensure that you are advertising in this season’s best resource for holiday ideas. 27 28 29 30 1 2 World AIDS Day 3 International Day of Disabled Persons Festival of Trees December 1-4 11.2% 4 5 6 7 8 19.4% 9 10 Ashura Jingle On – Downtown’s Indoor Santa Claus Parade 9.3% 11 12 13 14 15 24.2% 18 19 20 21 Hanukkah doesn’t rhyme with Orange... 22 16.4% 16 16.4% 23 Muharram ends Other unrhymed words include penguin, secret, angel and elbow! 9.3% 25 Watch the skies – part 2 December 10th will be the second total lunar eclipse of 2011. The eclipse will be visible throughout most of Europe, eastern Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean, and North America. planner Christmas Day 26 27 28 29 18.9% 30 Boxing Day 31 New Year’s Eve 5.7% 9.4% What ever you have planned for 2012, The Journal will be your top resource for targeting customers and building your business. Happy New Year! No tinsel please! Festivus is December 23. DECEMBER 24 Christmas Eve First Day of Winter December 21-28 17 20 eleven 46.0% New Year’s Eve Downtown connecting to january 2012 advertising budget planner 60 monthly plan & results january february march Total Budget Contract Line Rate Total Lineage Budget Colour Budget Actual 2010 Planned 2011 Actual 2010 Planned 2011 Actual 2010 Planned 2011 Sales $ Ad Budget $ # of Ads # of Lines comments monthly plan & results april may june Total Budget Contract Line Rate Total Lineage Budget Colour Budget Actual 2010 Sales $ Ad Budget $ # of Ads # of Lines comments connected media kit 20 eleven planbook Planned 2011 Actual 2010 Planned 2011 Actual 2010 Planned 2011 61 august september advertising budget planner july monthly plan & results Total Budget Contract Line Rate Total Lineage Budget Colour Budget Actual 2010 Planned 2011 Actual 2010 Planned 2011 Actual 2010 Planned 2011 Sales $ Ad Budget $ # of Ads # of Lines comments october november december monthly plan & results Total Budget Contract Line Rate Total Lineage Budget Colour Budget Actual 2010 Planned 2011 Actual 2010 Planned 2011 Actual 2010 Planned 2011 Sales $ Ad Budget $ # of Ads # of Lines comments "The man who stops advertising to save money is like the man who stops the clock to save time" - Anon media kit 20 eleven planbook connected contact us randy. | graphic designer | 63 Publisher: John Connolly Editor-in-Chief: Lucinda Chodan advertising switchboard 780-429-5400 Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Phone........................................ 780-429-5400 Fax.............................................. 780-498-5602 To inquire about service, rates or payment options. Phone.................................. 780-498-5500 or 1-800-249-4695 Fax....................................... 780-498-5793 Monday – Friday 6:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. / Saturday, Sunday & holidays 8 a.m. – noon Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. insert distribution to reach our newsroom The Edmonton Journal provides total market and zoned distribution for inserts and product samples in Edmonton and area. Contact your Edmonton Journal sales representative for more information. We welcome news tips and story suggestions by mail, fax, e-mail or phone. Although we can’t promise to follow through on every suggestion, we will give each one consideration. classified advertising Phone.................................. 780-429-5386 Phone........................................ 780-428-1234 Fax.............................................. 780-429-5308 Monday - Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. / Saturday 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. / Closed Sundays & holidays Mail........... Edmonton Journal Classified P.O. Box 2421 / Edmonton, AB T5J 2S6 In Person. 10006 – 101 Street, Edmonton Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. / Closed Saturdays, Sundays and holidays e-mail. another tweetable truth about newspapers† Newspapers (and their sites) are the primary medium for checking ads. Fax....................................... 780-429-5500 e-mail........... Mail........... City Editor/Edmonton Journal P.O. Box 2421 / Edmonton, AB / T5J 2S6 opinion & commentary If you have a question, suggestion or comment about our editorial pages, we invite you to write letters to the editor. A maximum of 275 words is preferred. Letters must carry a first name or two initials with surname, and an address and daytime telephone number. All letters subject to editing. Mail...... Letters Editor/Edmonton Journal P.O. 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January 1 New Year’s Day.................................. ....... February 14 ........ ........ ........ ........ . Day. tine’s Valen ......February 21 ........ ........ ........ ........ Family Day.......... .............March 9 Ash Wednesday ................................ ..........March 13 Daylight Savings Time Begins............ .........March 17 ........ ........ ........ ........ St. Patrick’s Day.. ...... April 22 ........ ........ Good Friday.............................. ............ April 24 ........ ........ ........ ........ ay.... Sund r Easte ........... May 8 Mother’s Day.......................................... ... May 23 ........ ........ ........ Victoria Day.......................... ...........June 19 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ . Day. r’s Fathe ..............July 1 Canada Day.......................................... .....August 1 ........ ........ ........ Civic Holiday.................... ... September 5 Labour Day.......................................... .... October 10 Thanksgiving Day.................................. October 31 ........ ........ ........ Halloween. ........................ .....November 6 Daylight Savings Time Ends................ .......November 11 Remembrance Day.......................... ......December 25 ........ ........ Christmas Day.................. ....December 26 Boxing Day.......................................... special days "Tell me and I’ll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I’ll understand." - Chinese proverb Ukrainian Christm as.......................... .......... January 7 Ukrainian New Ye ar’s.......................... ........January 14 Groundhog Day...... ............................ .........February 2 Chinese New Year. ............................. .........February 3 Spring Equinox.... ............................ .............March 20 April Fool’s Day...... ............................ ............... April 1 Palm Sunday. ........ ............................ ............. April 17 Passover............... ............................ .............. April 19 Earth Day.............. ............................ .............. April 22 Easter Monday.... ............................ ............... April 25 Admin. Professiona ls Day...................... ......... April 27 Holocaust Rememb rance Day.............. ............. May 1 Summer Solstice.... ............................ .............June 21 First Day of Rama dan.......................... ..........August 1 Rosh Hashanah..... ............................ .... September 29 Autumn Equinox.... ............................ ... September 23 Yom Kippur........... ............................ ........... October 8 Hanukkah............ ............................ ..December 21-28 Winter Solstice...... ............................ .....December 22 M T W T F 1 S february S M T 2 W 3 T 4 F 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 23 24 march S M april 1 T 2 W 3 T 4 F 5 S S M T W T 1 F 2 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 may 1 S 2 M 3 T 4 W 5 T 6 F 7 S june S M T 1 W 2 T 3 F 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 july S M T W T 1 F 2 S august S 1 M 2 T 3 W 4 T 5 F 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 31 24 S 31 30 S S S 31 september S M T W 1 T 2 F 3 S october S M T W T F 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 23 24 30 november S Thanks to Michelle Dekker for staff photography 1 M 1 T 2 W 3 T 4 F 5 S S 31 december S M T W 1 T 2 F 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 S 10006 - 101 street / edmonton / alberta / t5j 0s1 tel: 780.429.5400 fax: 780.498.5602 A division of connecting A division of 20 eleven planbook "Our job is to invest in where consumers are engaging with media." - John Galloway to connect with the Edmonton Journal on your smartphone. visit to download the free app. EJ mobile media kit scan this print online social media