e-CATALOGUE - International Academy of Astrology


e-CATALOGUE - International Academy of Astrology
A complete list of all lectures given
during BDTB-2
…plus quick links to BDTB-1 lectures and other talks by our great speakers!
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Contact information
Noelle Rattray
Tem Tarriktar, Publisher
The 20th Federation of Australian Astrologers
International Conference will be held from
23-27 January 2014 in Hobart, Tasmania,
at the Wrest Point Conference Centre.
As the established leader in online astrological education, the International Academy of
Astrology is dedicated to raising the standard for astrological practice around the world.
The curriculum at IAA is designed specifically to guide students on the path to becoming fully
qualified professional astrologers.
The IAA also offers specific courses and professional modules to the practicing professional
astrologer who wants to specialize.
Contact information
Ani Bettati
Evan Bortnick
Planetary Cycles: Saturn
Tracing Energy Flow as Motivation
and Intention
The Cycle of Saturn has clear manifestations in our
lives, because this energy develops the spinal cord of
our growth and allows us to integrate higher levels of all
the Natal Chart. The energy that active Saturn through
the 12 phases enables us to become totally conscious,
and overcome concepts of restriction, fears, feelings of
limitation and as a consequence, to contact with
freedom. We can observe in a chart the cycles of Saturn
and its path through the twelve houses on one hand,
and simultaneously, through the conjunction, squares
and opposition to the natal Saturn, on the other hand.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Ani Bettati:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Seven Years Crisis
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Sun is in Gemini. Mercury rules Gemini. Mercury
"disposits" that Sun. That means that the motivationenergy and intention-energy of the Sun flows to Mercury
as ruler of the sign the Sun is in. With this key
knowledge it is possible to create a flow map of this
motivational and intentional energy. Many important
aspects of habit formation, learning strategies, cognitive
dissonance, modes of thinking and much more come to
light through the precision of these dispositor maps. Join
me in a discussion of their power and potential in
consultation and in self-awareness.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Greg Bogart
Progressing the Birth Chart
The birth chart is not a fixed or static structure. It implies
movement, growth, and evolution, which can be
measured by various techniques of planetary
progressions. Utilizing the natal and progressed charts
of several workshop participants, Greg will demonstrate
how an astrologer can look at any chart and see its
implicit unfolding through secondary and solar arc
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Greg Bogart:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Astrology and Dreams
Also, check out by Evan Bortnick:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Encountering Resistance in the
Astro-Consultational Setting
Christian Borup
The Psychology of Prediction –
Fatalism in the 21st Century
Astrology is the sublime art of prediction. If Free Will
ruled supreme, there would be no reason to do
astrology. If Fate ruled supreme, then why can’t
astrology predict everything? This lecture explores ways
to reconcile the modern psychological worldview with
classical predictive techniques. To what degree can we
change the fate that our birth chart contains? What are
the limits of interpretation shown by the natal chart? Are
there fixed limits to the degrees of change and growth
for each individual? How does the inevitable stream of
time and age change the individual’s perception of
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Christian Borup:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Both Sides Now: An Opposing
View on the Opposition
Breaking Down the Borders - 2
Br - Ca
Chris Brennan
Nick Campion
Philosophical Issues in Ancient
Johannes Kepler's Mundane
A lecture on the four primary philosophical positions
held by astrologers in the ancient world, focusing on
the issue of the mechanism underlying astrology as
well as the degree to which things are viewed as
predetermined. This talk will also involve a discussion
about how these positions are still relevant to
astrologers today.
Johannes Kepler threw out most of medieval
astrology, realising that it had failed, in its own terms,
to predict the future. Instead he proposed a reformed
astrology which could be used to understand political
processes and, perhaps, maintain peace and stability.
So, what would Kepler have said about the world
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Chris Brennan:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Fundamental Techniques in
Hellenistic Astrology
Peter Burns
How to Interpret Relationships
Using Ancient Techniques
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Does he love me? Will she come back? What does
my natal chart say about relationships? The use of
ancient astrological techniques to unlock the secrets
of relationships remains relatively unexplored in
modern times. However this is one area particularly
suited to ancient astrology. The application of basic
techniques offers clear insights into motivation and
attitude, how feelings are reciprocated, and whether a
relationship is likely to take place. In this lecture, Peter
Burns explains techniques drawn from traditional
astrology in plain English and describes simple
methods for applying these techniques in horary and
natal astrology. These techniques are part of the
missing keys to interpretation that bring the chart
Coming soon to IAA store
Also, check out by Peter Burns:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Interpreting Fixed Stars
Other talks:
• Astrology in the Hands ($9.95)
• Astro Palmistry ($9.95)
Caroline Casey
Dancing with Demons - the Strictly
Plutonic Choreography of Squares
and Oppositions
Knowing that we strengthen whatever we resist, we
are invited to step into a more intimate dance with all
the inner and outer dementors. Tibetan Buddhist
practice guides us to imagine a lazer beam emanating
from our third eye, sizzling off the lock holding back
the demons, and extending the invitation, "Come on
out, you demons, no one's as ugly as Yaman Taka,
the Lord of Death. In fact, Yaman Taka, you come on
out, too!" Only scary on the other side of the locked
door. Squares and oppositions delineate honorable
assignments we have taken on: getting illusorily
estranged principles to dance together in ourselves
and in the world. Squares represent an illusory
estrangement brokered by the Reality Police, as a
mean trick, to keep people obedient to empire. We
gather with the Wrathful Dakinis, who metabolize
poison, laughing and dancing as they feast on painful
negativity transforming toxin into tonic. We call on the
Artful Intelligence of all in myth, fairy tale, plant and
fungal realms that metabolize poison.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Caroline Casey:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Trickster Training in Pragmatic
Mysticism and Democratic
Animism: Cooperating with the
Astrological Meta-Story of Now!
Breaking Down the Borders - 2
Ca - Cl
Gary Caton
Tom Chaplin
Rahu & Ketu: Transformation via
the Cosmic Dragon
Converting the Astrological
Shadow to Gold
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This talk is about using eclipses for personal
empowerment. We take a look at the mythology of
eclipses and the astronomy of the eclipse as a
Shadow phenomenon and a disruption of the
dark/light fractal of time. We also cover the basic
mechanics of the lunar nodes and bendings, and
identify nodal themes in the chart. We will learn how
the Dragon’s Head is bringing in new energy
forgrowth and the Dragon’s tail is releasing old energy
which is no longer useful.We'll conclude with a
specific look at the eclipse of November 13, 2012, and
practical tips for channeling the energy into useful
Finding the shadow within the horoscope, what the
shadow means, how to recognize it and heal it.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Gary Caton:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Synodic Cycles of the Inner
Other talks:
• Goddess Astrology Revisited ($9.95)
• Cycles of Mercury (4 hr workshop) ($25.00)
• Cycles of Venus (4 hr workshop) ($25.00)
Clare Chandler
Astrological Symbolism in Ancient
Astrological symbolism is apparent in many ancient
magical spell books. What can we say about the
ancients' use of astrology and how does this reflect on
our own?
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Clare Chandler:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Seven Squares Uranus Pluto
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Tom Chaplin:
Other talks:
Vocational Astrology. With Linda Furiate.
(4 hr workshop) ($25.00)
Gregory Clare
Modified Solar Return (MSR)
The Ascendant, Sun and Moon are used to calculate
the Lot of Fortune. Thus using this formula we can
begin to understand how a Ternary or threefold
relationship is formed. In this lecture I will demonstrate
another way of casting Solar Returns. This method
was touched on some years back by Rob Hand, but
drifted off the radar. It first appears in Vettius Valens
work, The Anthology. Rob Hand and Rob H. Schmidt
did the translation and editing. Since 1998 I have
been using this method in my mundane forecasting
and natal work and have gone on to developed this
method and find it an excellent tool for understanding
the year ahead.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Gregory Clare:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Hell Hath no Fury like Money
Breaking Down the Borders - 2
Cl - Co
Brian Clark
Geoffrey Cornelius
The Absence of Presence: Voids in
the Horoscope
Katarchic Astrology and the True
Nature of Horary
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What is missing may be as potent as what is
observable in the horoscope. In this lecture we will
concentrate on what is "missing," especially
concentrating on the occurrence of intercepted signs
when using unequal houses, the astrological
significance of the phenomenon of planets turning
retrograde as well as many other "voids" in the chart.
Katarche is a term from early Greek astrology, applied
to a range of non-natal practices. These include what
later tradition distinguishes as electional, inceptional
and interrogational (horary) astrology. It may be
translated as "initiative," and the astrology of the
katarche responds to human intention and initiative. A
mystery of astrology's origins lies here, since the word
has an augural connotation, locating the reading of
horoscopes as a taking of omens for the initiative
being undertaken. This raises the question of a
divinatory and non-deterministic interpretation, with
significant implications for our practice. In this seminar
we take up contemporary debates concerning the
katarchic approach, especially in horary and
inceptions. Illustrated with examples.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Brian Clark:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): NOSTOI: Considering
Astrological Returns
Colleen Coffey
The Quindecile - the Aspect of
The Quindecile, 165°, an aspect of the 24th
Harmonic. Perhaps the most notable observation
about this aspect of Compulsion and Obsession, is
that those who advocate its use are quite fanatical
about its value in the natal chart, dynamics and
synastry. I really did not need another aspect, but I did
stop and look, and to this point I have enjoyed the
view. This lecture serves as an introduction to the
Quindecile, with some background on harmonics and
quick way to find the aspect using your computer
program. Example charts of the famous and the notso-famous show that compulsion and obsession exist
at many different levels and not all are negative. The
Warning is you may just get hooked!
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Colleen Coffey:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Hidden Dimension - The
Lunar Phase Personality
Other talks:
The Progressed Lunation Cycle ($9.95)
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Geoffrey Cornelius:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Astrology: The Post-Modern
Shape Shifter
Darby Costello
Pluto in Capricorn with Neptune in
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In the last 3,000 years Pluto has been in Capricorn
twelve times before now. Neptune has been there with
it six of those times. This talk will look at the previous
transits of this combination and pick out themes that
run through these periods, so to illuminate our
understanding of the present in ways that allow us to
navigate better the times in which we are living.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Darby Costello:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Three Faces of Venus:
Inanna, Ishtar and Aphrodite. Our
capacity for Rapture, Love and
Cr - Du
Breaking Down the Borders - 2
Monica Cromhout
Donna Cunningham
Curiosity Killed the Cat! Astrology
as a Way of Life
How to Get the Most from Your
Stellium or Multiple Conjunction
Astrology is a topic for intense study, one which
engages the mind in delightful and fascinating ways.
The more we study, however, the more we are drawn
to think beyond the boundaries of our present life.
When our curiosity takes us beyond those boundaries
-- like a cat using up its nine lives -- some aspect of
our life-as-it-is-now has to go, has to die. Invariably
one of the first bits of cargo to jettison is our
philosophy of life, our world view. When that happens,
our actions and our daily lives change. And so we
embark on a voyage of discovery, encountering
adventure, challenge, victories and disappointments,
and profound personal change.
Donna Cunningham draws on a lifetime of experience
with her own stellium and two multiple conjunctions to
share strategies and practical tools she developed for
realizing the potentials and avoiding the pitfalls of
these planetary concentrations. Helpful for people
who have them, and for astrologers counseling the
new wave of clients born in the '80s and '90s who
have many planets in Sagittarius, Capricorn, or
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Monica Cromhout:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Astrologer-Shaman
Other talks:
Astrologers: Behaving normally while within
the flame of madness burns bright ($9.95)
Also, check out by Donna Cunningham:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): How a Blog Can Build your
Astrology Practice
Other talks:
• Building an Astrological Practice ($15.00)
• Clients in Crisis ($15.00)
• Conducting Effective Readings ($15.00)
• English for Astrologers ($15.00)
• Reading the Charts of Children ($15.00)
Tess Cullen
Adrian Ross Duncan
Witches, Goddesses or Wise
Women - The Asteroids
Embarrassing Truths and How to
Present Them
Who are the witches? Where do they come from?
Maybe your great, great grandmother was one?
Witches are wise, wise women they say, there’s a little
witch in every woman today. Where is the goddess
walking today? That wild and wise aspect of the
feminine, the spirit of the witch that oozes passion and
intuition and drives us deep into our inner senses. The
first of the asteroids found was named Ceres, in 1801,
after a powerful feminine archetype of the Great
Mother. Ceres was soon joined by Vesta, Juno, Pallas
Athene and many other Olympian goddesses to mark
the re-emergence of empowered feminine forces.
What effect has the awakening of these archetypes
had on our modern psyche? Man or woman, our
choices have been affected.
We all spend a lot of time concealing our demons, but
when it comes to the crunch, out they come to create
chaos. Every challenging aspect from inner planets to
outer planets has a specific unwanted behavior. For
example the Sun opposite Jupiter for this conference
shows fantastic intellectual qualities, but the
embarrassing truth for Sun/Jupiter individuals is their
innate sense that they are better. Mercury aspecting
Pluto? Anxiety about being listened to means you
dominate the conversation. Venus to Saturn.
Insecurity about love inclines you to make a match
below you. In this talk we will allow twenty-five
(self)important demons to run around a bit, then we
will put them back in the box. Oh. We may also try to
remove the box.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Tess Cullen:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Healers in the Chart: Chiron
& Hygeia
Breaking Down the Borders - 2
Er - Ga
Michael Erlewine
Marcha Fox
Buddhism and Meditation in
Defending Our Universe
I have been trained in meditation and Buddhist
practice for over 35 years, read Tibetan, have
published several books on meditation and related
topics, and have run a dharma center teaching these
topics for over 25 years. This talk covers how
meditation can be approached by the counseling
astrologer, and instruction in the various methods.
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$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Monica Escalante-Ochoa
Who Is Right: Western Astrology or
Vedic Astrology?
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Western and Vedic Astrology use different ways to
understand a birth chart, both of them are equally
good systems and give an accurate interpretation of a
birth chart, therefore they are equally valuable and it
only depends on the astrologer’s knowledge to do a
better interpretation. We will explain the basic points
of each system, the main differences, and their
common points, finally we will see few examples
about how both types of astrology are accurate.
Most astrologers have encountered scientists or
wannabe scientists who treat us as if we are
superstitious, delusional nitwits. While they say never
argue with a fool because people may not be able to
tell the difference, what scientific arguments can
astrologers present to give these closed-minded
individuals something to think about? Comparisons to
quantum theory and other remaining mysteries of the
unseen world will be presented to demonstrate that
astrology is as feasible as blackholes and other
theoretical phenomena which have little if any tangible
evidence. Examples from Frijof Capra’s classic work,
The Tao of Physics will demonstrate how the logical
knowing associated with science and the intuitive
knowing associated with mysticism are two parts of a
larger whole. In the words of William James, "In
psychology, physiology, and medicine, wherever a
debate between the mystics and the scientifics has
been once for all decided, it is the mystics who have
usually proved to be right about the facts, while the
scientifics had the better of it in respect to the
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Marcha Fox:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Chiron Process
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Monica Escalante-Ochoa:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Predictive Techniques
Tom Gazis
The Amazing Similarities and
Discrepancies between the
Babylonian and the Mayan Venus
The Mayan astrology is quite different from our
modern western astrology. Surprisingly though it is
very similar to the ancient Babylonian astrology! In
particular, planet Venus was very prominent to both
the Maya and Babylonian astrologers, who revered it
as a "dual" deity (matutine and vespertine) and
assigned to it similar belicose properties!
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Breaking Down the Borders - 2
Ge - Ho
Pat Geisler
Rob Hand
Aspects to your Angles – Why They
Matter and What They Do
Saturn as a Benefic
Some can steer your entire life.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Pat Geisler:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Family Heritage
Other talks:
• Electional Astrology ($9.95)
• Venus and Jupiter: the Getting and the
Giving ($9.95)
Most modern astrologers are aware of the positive
attributes of Saturn -- discipline, structure, order, etc. - but are unaware that in both the ancient world and
the Renaissance Saturn has another set of positive
qualities as a transcendental planet. From our point of
view it would be the first of the transcendental planets
continuing with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. Ideas
from Marsilio Ficino and other Renaissance and later
sources will be used.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Rob Hand:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): What Are We Doing, Anyway?
Roy Gillette
Joyce Hoen
Understanding World Change
Prenatal Progressions
What is the fundamental nature of current political and
economic change? For how long will its stresses and
strains affect the key nations involved? Roy will study
national charts, focusing upon the roles USA, China,
the European Union, Turkey and Brazil will play in our
rapidly changing times.
With this technique we dig up some of our family
history which we inherited in our genes prior to birth,
and are influenced by in our life, as per our charts. We
will use plenty of examples and if time permits maybe
one or two examples from the audience, if they wish.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Roy Gillette:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Zodiac Meanings as a Source of
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Joyce Hoen:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Mercury Transit Cycle:
Scheduling Our Year
N atal
Continuous Education
for Professionals
For more details, see the last page of the e-Catalogue
Jessica Murray, MotherSky Astrology
Email: jessica@mothersky.com
Website: www.mothersky.com
Jessica offers individual readings, lectures, and regular
blogs. Her most recent book, At the Crossroads, is a
collection of essays about the years 2008-2023.
Contact: support@myastrology.net
Website: www.myastrology.net
MyAstrology.net offers free daily forecasts, free
astrology e-book downloads, current planet positions,
astrology primers, astrology blogs, and other
astrological resources.
Breaking Down the Borders - 2
Im - Ko
Aleksandar Imsiragic
Hakan Kirkoglu
Fixed Stars in Karmic Astrology
How Your Prenatal Eclipse and
Lunations Shape Up Your Life
Astrology helps us to reveal the strings between the
incarnations and also to see Soul path from one
incarnation to the other, its task in the present
incarnation and its connection to the next one. So the
Fixed Stars enable us to get a view of clear
connection between previous, present and past
incarnation -- that by itself represents an important
part of complete Soul integration.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Aleksandar Imsiragic :
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Hermetic Astrology and Strings
between Incarnations
Other talks:
Life after Death and next Incarnation in a
Natal Chart ($9.95)
Although there is not extensive material on prenatal
eclipses and their relation to our life stories, I consider
them especially useful in pinpointing major life themes
within the astrological counseling when it is used side
by side with the natal chart. The themes of the sign of
the prenatal eclipse and the natal condition of its
traditonal ruler cast valuable information about the
general direction in life and the certain issues of the
native. We can look at the prenatal eclipse’s sign as a
broad canvas which can be painted by our natal chart.
Furthermore, it is the prenatal lunation, syzygy or
prevention which gives us interesting additional clues
about how we realise our natal promise. In this talk,
we are going to have practical examples showing the
effectiveness of these crucial astrological points.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Jeff Jawer
The Wisdom of Water
Lynn Koiner
The Progressed Moon
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In the midst of seven squares between revolutionary
Uranus and potent Pluto are other planetary patterns
that will shape the coming years. In July of 2013 a
precise Grand Trine between Jupiter, Mars, Saturn
and Neptune in the water signs Cancer, Scorpio and
Pisces represents a rare opening that connects
emotions and ambitions. The creative brilliance of this
pattern can act as an inspiring counter-force to the
volatile cycles that are shaking our world.
Coming soon to IAA store.
Also, check out by Jeff Jawer:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Astrology and Community
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In this lecture I will discuss the progressed Moon's
Perigee and Apogee periods in a person's life
together with the minor aspects such as the septile,
quintile etc.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Lynn Koiner :
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Depression: The Acute Mars
Other talks:
• Using Natal Chart to Maintain Good Health
(Chat Series) ($9.95)
• Beginning and Ending Planets (4hr
workshop) ($25.00)
Breaking Down the Borders - 2
La - Mc
Alphee Lavoie
Rick Levine
Why Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are
So Important to a Counseling
Venus and Mars are All Right
These planets help us to understand the shadow side
of the personality that goes deeper than the reality of
life. Understanding these energies can make us see
more clearly into the situations in our life. And in
transit they help us with timing to understand our inner
growth and how it relates to life as a whole.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Lee Lehman
In a natal chart, what can the cosmic lovers by sign,
house and aspect tell us about a person? What do
they say about relationships using synastry? If men
are from Mars, why is Venus in their charts at all? If
women are from Venus, what does that say about
Mars? Do Venus and Mars hold the keys to the
Kingdom (or Queendom) of Love? What about gender
stereotypes? These topics and others addressed.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Rick Levine:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): 2020 Vision: Extending our
Astrological View Past 2012
When the Chart Says "No"
Karen McCauley
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If we are honest about it, the old cartoon, "If my natal
chart were a horary, the answer would be no!" is true.
This fact should not be disturbing to us as astrologers,
but instead should be the demonstration for why our
craft is so needed to understand life. A statement of
"no" is merely the realization that we need to think
outside the box to get a "yes." Join Lee for this mindbending exploration of how we trip ourselves up on
the way to our free will.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Lee Lehman :
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Electional Astrology: Is It Worth
Doing at All?
Other talks:
The Astrology of Sustainability ($9.99)
Jack Fertig Memorial Lecture
In memory of Jack Fertig (who was originally
scheduled to lecture at BDTB-2 in this session), this
lecture will be given by Jack's long-time friend and
colleague, Karen McCauley, to celebrate his life and
accomplishments. All proceeds from registrations for
this lecture will be used to establish the Jack Fertig
Memorial Scholarship for students at IAA.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Breaking Down the Borders - 2
Me - Oj
Bill Meridian
Michael Munkasey
Determination of the Proper Natal
Compatibility: It's More
Complicated than Sun Signs
One can only know the personal eclipse path by
following Johndro's rules. This lecture will review and
apply these rules so that you will know which Eclipse
and path is yours for life.
It's actually more complicated than just about anything
else too! After years of studying this subject, I think
that Astrology does not "measure"• compatibility, but
it does make valid assessments of attraction and
tolerance for another. In the past 40 years over 50
books have been written on "astrological compatibility"
-- espousing at least as many different ideas on how
to measure this elusive item. So? What works? Let's
look at the seven visible planets in and between two
charts and see what those can tell us. Then too, don't
forget those chart angles!
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Bill Meridian:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Eclipse Paths in Personal Charts
Eric Meyers
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
The Planets and Awakening
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Every planet can be in service to the ego or to the
soul. In this lecture we'll explore how the 10 major
planets function differently depending on the
consciousness we bring to them. Are we going to use
astrology to cooperate with nature, or only to see to
our self-interests?
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Eric Meyers:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Between Past and Presence
Other talks:
Lunar Phases: Spiritual Growth (4hr
workshop) ($25.00)
Dorothy Oja
The Davison Relationship Chart
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Most of us know the Composite Chart for combining
individual charts to create the relationship dynamic.
The Davison Relationship Chart is less widely used
and known, but is an amazingly accurate relationship
indicator. Because of the way it is calculated, an
actual date with time and location results. This then
allows for the easier use of progressions, solar
returns, solar arc and any other favorite method that
you would typically use with any other natal chart!
Learn the fine points of the Davison chart.
Coming soon to IAA store.
Also, check out by Dorothy Oja:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Compatibility and Conflict Synastry
Breaking Down the Borders - 2
Pa - Re
Julene Packer-Louis
Glenn Perry
The Vertex and the Law of
Venus-Neptune: From Sacrificial
Relations to Undefended Love
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The Vertex is the least conscious point in the chart,
where "fated people and events" come into our life. In
working with the Vertex for over 8 years, I have found
that the reason it appears to be the least conscious is
because these are our serendipitous encounters and
events we bring about due to the feelings our thoughts
are vibrating. What we think about we bring about and
the Vertex show us how to most efficiently work with
the power of attraction in our own lives.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Julene Packer-Louis:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Saturn–Uranus Cycle and
the Real Estate Market
Other talks:
• Stages of Timing (4hr workshop) ($25.00)
• Astronomy 101 ($9.95)
Hard aspects between Venus and Neptune often
compel us to sacrifice the very thing we want.
Unconscious guilt is usually the culprit, which
manifests in a menagerie of self-defeating relationship
choices: imaginary lovers, substance-abusing
partners, cheating spouses, secret affairs, and
addictions to people that cause us suffering. There
are positive outcomes, too, if the proper sacrifice is
offered. In this lecture, we’ll explore how to uncover
and resolve unconscious guilt and open to our
potential for undefended love.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Glenn Perry:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Process of Integration in the
Norma Jean Ream
Fidaria Sequence: A Time Lord
Joni Patry
The Astrology of Happiness: an Indepth Look at the 4th House
The 4th house is the one of the moksha houses
meaning spiritual liberation. The water houses 4, 8
and 12 are the most misunderstood houses of a chart
because they rule the mysteries of life. On the surface
the 4th house is known to signify home, security and
mother. But there is a much deeper level to this
powerful house. This is the house of "Happiness"
which is actually based on our past and the deeper
essence of security. This class will discuss and
demonstrate the profound quality of this house, for it is
essentially the house of the soul and the end of life.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Joni Patry:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Most Powerful Predictive
System in Astrology
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Life unfolds differently for day and night births. The
technique of Fidaria is based on the nativity being
diurnal or nocturnal. Each traditional planet rules a
period of years, with sub-periods co-ruled by a series
of rulers of shorter periods. This technique can be
very useful as a preliminary tool for rectification. The
rulers of the time color life events falling in a particular
period. This lecture will outline the basic principles of
the technique and then apply it to several nativities
and their biographical events to determine whether
the native is diurnal or nocturnal birth. When the birth
time is unknown or questionable, or if the time is near
sunrise or sunset, the Fidaria sequence can define the
time. The technique of Fidaria is available in Solar
Fire software under "Ancient Techniques."
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Norma Jean Ream:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Inner Parent Dynamics in the
Natal Chart
Breaking Down the Borders - 2
Ri - Si
Jane Ridder-Patrick
Maria Kay Simms
The Fixed Signs in Medical
Becoming Whole
Each of the crosses is associated with characteristic
psychological profiles and a spectrum of related
symptoms. In this lecture we will examine the medical
conditions most commonly found in the fixed signs
and investigate the likely effects and possible
preventatives and correctives.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Bruce Scofield
What We Really Know about the
Mayan Calendar
The Mayan calendar, properly called the Long Count,
is a kind of mundane astrology that developed in
Mesoamerica some 2 to 3 thousand years ago. The
use and implications of this calendar have been
distorted over the past decade by a large number of
self-appointed, non-native prophets. In this talk I will
outline the astrological system of the Maya as I
understand it, look at the only written Maya
prophecies which are found in the Short Count, and
consider carefully the meaning and implications of
12/21/2012 in context of the Long Count.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
By understanding the ancient elements (fire, earth, air
and water) and polarities (masculine, feminine) as
they are used in astrology, you gain a highly
significant key to chart analysis. As you gain a deeper
understanding of this underlying symbolism of the
signs and of their corresponding processes, you’ll find
it easier to recognize blockages and blind spots.
Then, visualize and project how these challenges
might be transformed into assets and abilities.
Through increased awareness, the tools of the
ancients can become your tools of the Now. As you
expand your ability to bring your own elements and
polarities into a balance that works well in your life,
you become Whole and are empowered to create
your future with confidence.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Maria Kay Simms:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Prenatal Eclipses from Obscurity
to Enlightenment
Moses Siregar
Alchemy in Astrology: The
Transition between the 6th and 7th
The 6th house is under-recognized as a
transformative realm, as is the transition between the
6th and 7th houses. This territory offers a profound
opportunity for growth, with potential that can easily
be squandered. With impacts on personal healing,
envisioning one's life, and improving one's
relationships, this territory offers a challenging but
invaluable opening. By understanding this more fully,
our astrology becomes a greater force for evolution
and awakening.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Moses Siregar:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): What You Might Not Know About
Breaking Down the Borders - 2
Sk - St
Christeen Skinner
Gloria Star
The Astrology of Childhood
We can of course spot oppositions, trines, sextiles
and squares with the naked eye. This does not
invalidate other aspects. Several of these -- especially
the 5th, 7th, and 9th -- tell us so much about a
person's potential. In this talk we will also look at the
impact of the recent Neptune-Pluto septile and look
ahead to some of the rare patterns forming in 2013.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Christeen Skinner:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Neptune: Bringer of Wealth and
Prosperity in Financial and
Business Astrology
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Exploring the astrological chart of a child requires a
different approach. Children are works in progress,
and are only beginning the journey of personal
development. One of the unique areas of her work as
a professional astrologer, Gloria has written books,
articles, and even astrological report software
dedicated to the application of the astrology of
childhood. Whether you're interested in a better
understanding of a child of your own, children you are
teaching, ... or your own early development, join us.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Richard Smoot
I’ve Got a Feeling: First Impression
Horoscope Judgment
The computer prints the chart in seconds. You only
have an hour or so to do your consultation. Who is
this person behind the chart and how do I begin to
piece my understanding of the person and the chart
together? Before your in-depth chart analysis, first
impression judgments of the horoscope can provide
the answers you need to gain a firm understanding of
your client’s personal style. This lecture provides
basic and systematic tools an astrologer can use to
become a quick judge of a horoscope and the person
to whom it belongs.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Richard Smoot:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Gonzo Rectification
Other talks:
Understanding Life on the “Edge”: Solstice
Points and Antiscia (4hr workshop) ($25.00)
Also, check out by Gloria Star:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Right Time, Right Place: The
Significance of Location,
Coordinated with Cycles
Georgia Stathis
Rulerships: from a Modern
Georgia Stathis, a professional astrologer since 1978,
demonstrates how to delineate a chart using modern
rulerships -- the key to reading a chart accurately.
Using the concept of rulerships assists you in refining
the smaller, often unseen details in a horoscope.
Georgia Stathis taught this course at Kepler College
and will walk you through the process -- first
comparing older rulership ideas to the more modern
slant. Neither is wrong nor right. However, modern
events often require modern rulerships particularly
when analyzing more mundane events and current
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Georgia Stathis:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Solar Arcs
Other talks:
Financial Cycles and the Nodes ($9.95)
Breaking Down the Borders - 2
Su - Su
Erin Sullivan
Rod Suskin
Cosmic Shamanism: The Sighting
of the Outer Planets and their
transits to the Horoscope
Astrology for Spiritual Guidance
The charts of the sighting of the outer planets,
Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were times of massive
metamorphosis in the global experience. Each
sighting birthed a new consciousness AND
established a new motif/theme of people's potential,
activity, major changes in options in lifestyle and
world-views. We will explore the charts and their
relevance to new discoveries, alternatives and
potentials in the human experience, and what that did
for individuals. This talk leads into the interpretation of
the transits of the outer planets as "shamans"...in that
they lead us to an horizon never before seen, and
across that horizon to new developments in our own
consciousness and options! A powerful tool in
counseling people with outer planet transits, as well
as analysing global trends.
Astrology is frequently approached as a guide to the
spiritual life, but much of what is offered to the client is
frequently based on broad new-age generalities and
contemporary ideas about modern planets and
planetary ages. In this lecture, Rod makes use of
classical techniques to reveal how astrologers can
take an authentic astrological approach to spiritual
guidance. This lecture will enable you to offer clients
insights into their karma, challenges, and their spiritual
path based firmly in ancient methods and combined
with proper use of the modern planets.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Kira Sutherland
The Astrology of Body Issues
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Erin Sullivan:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): The Justice of Zeus: The Morality
of the Sky God
Kelly Surtees
Active Aspects
Where did aspect theory come from? Why is a sextile
flowing? Why is a square so fractious? Re-visioning
aspects, including an overview of the origins of the
five Ptolemaic aspects, as well as a fresh look at how
to prioritise aspects in practice. When is a trine more
important than an opposition? Find out how to
systematically approach the myriad aspects in a chart
practically. Discusses the importance of aspects
involving angular house rulers.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Kelly Surtees:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Layering Transits and
Other talks:
The Arabic Parts ($9.95)
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Is there a person alive that doesn’t have issues with
body image, weight control or self-esteem? Why is it
such a struggle to love the body we are in and how
can we be kinder to our bodies rather than fight
against them? In this double lecture Kira will take you
on a journey of weight issues, body image, eating
styles, exercise habits and how this is all played out in
our astrology. What help and hindrances has our natal
chart given us, and how can we learn to work with
these issues?
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Kira Sutherland:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Houses of Healing
Breaking Down the Borders - 2
Ta - To
Ed Tamplin
Christina Thomas
The Keys to Mundane
40 Days and 40 Nights - Venus
"The Keys to Mundane" explores the astrological
techniques of world prediction. The lecture examines
cycle work, and how it applies to specific countries. Ed
also clarifies national charts to use, and/or discard,
and improved methods of predicting without using
national horoscopes. He explains exactly how he was
able to pinpoint things the global recession to the
week, the Egyptian changing of the guard, rise of
Muslim Brotherhood, etc., and many other welldocumented and published predictions.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Ed Tamplin:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Living Your Bliss Vocationally
Pemo Theodore
Clarifying All Levels of Intimacy
through the Love Asteroids
Do you ever feel limited trying to understand the
complexities about how we relate and our needs in
relationship by looking at Venus, the Moon and the
7th house? Do you really want to get to the heart of
relationship issues? The Love Asteroids provide
incredible detail and clarity when looked at natally in
relation to Venus and the 7th house. Any relationship
when viewed through the lens of the composite chart
is also brought into high definition and clarity when
using the Love Asteroids. Relationships and relating
are full of mysteries, and understanding the asteroids
can help shine a light on what can sometimes appear
pretty foggy. To attend this lecture you need to know
the basics of astrology and have an interest in
relationship astrology. Be prepared to add new tools
to your toolbox.
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Did you know that Venus retrogrades for a period of
approximately 40 days and 40 nights on a fairly
regular basis? Does this time frame sound vaguely
familiar to you? What could it mean when Venus, the
planet of love, looks back? Could hindsight in
relationships be relevant to these periods? If so, thank
goodness. How does being born under a Venus
retrograde period play out in one’s life? When a
Venus retrograde transit is about to take place, what
may we expect to see happening in the world and in
our lives? Do patterns that Venus forms in the sky
have any meaning? If so, what? Christina explores
this planetary period in detail. With plenty of chart
examples, it is hoped you build a better understanding
of Venus retrograde periods. Umbrellas unnecessary
and definitely no boat building will occur! Join
Christina as she takes you under the covers to look
into a world of love, beauty and romance (let’s not
forget finance) to see what happens when... "The
Goddess of Love looks back."
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Donna Van Toen
A Look at Astrea
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Astraea was the last of the Pantheon to leave earth
once it became clear that the mortals had succumbed
to the nasties in Pandora's box. In your chart, she
symbolizes where you can inadvertedly get tangled up
in other people's problems and where you will stay to
the bitter end even after you're pretty sure of the
ending. Join us to see what she says about your
$24.95 Get it now at IAA e-store!
Also, check out by Donna Van Toen:
BDTB-1 ($19.95): Mediating the Nodal Dilemma
Other talks:
The Three Faces of Lilith ($9.95)
Complete online source
for Professional Astrologers since 1997
Comprehensive Professional Training Program in Western Astrology
(fulfills education requirements for N CGR Level IV and ISAR CAP exams)
Specialty training courses
Astro-Shop: books, e-books, recordings of past lectures and workshops by
renown astrologers, and self-study courses
Learning from the astrological community: Free Lectures each 1 ST Saturday of
the month, organized in collaboration with Conjunction group.
 N atal Astrology
Why choose IAA:
Get a premier education in the
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Systematic approach that weaves
together various techniques and
broadens your toolkit as an
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Personal attention from your
Relationship Astrology
Forecasting / Predictive Astrology
Timing / Elective Astrology
Traditional Astrology
History of Astrology
Medical Astrology
Practice on your own charts
Vedic Astrology
Build up network of fellow
Mesoamerican Astrology
Synodic & Helical Cycles (N EW!)
Palmistry (N EW!)
Developing Counseling Skills
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Discover new techniques
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... and much, much more!