Are your ready for more? Autumn Astrology Forecast


Are your ready for more? Autumn Astrology Forecast
By Mark F. Dodich. Providing Astrology & Intuitive Consultations since 1980.
Quarterly Astrology Forecast for Autumn 2016
Autumn Astrology Forecast
Blending the Positive and Negative
Overall, the fall season brings relief from the
heavy energies occurring earlier this year. That’s
not to say that you can kick back and relax, but at
least there is breathing room if you are willing to
push forward during a mixture of challenges and
opportunities. If you are one of those people who
like to wait for an easy opening or spare time to
work on your backburner goals, then you need to
change your thinking this autumn.
There is the opportunity to work on the goals and
changes you desire, but you need to consciously
access those opportunities rather than waiting for
them to come to you. It’s kind
of like having to pull the right
rubber band out of a pile of
mixed sizes and colors. It requires focused attention on
your intention.
The two eclipses of Sept. 1 and 16 are in Virgo and
Pisces, effective three months before and after
they occur. Virgo opens you to new levels of work,
service, healing and the opportunity to reorganize
and simplify your life. There is added emphasis
with Mercury retrograde in Virgo Aug. 30-Sept 21.
The Pisces lunar eclipse on the 16th asks you to
look at the higher vision of your life during the
coming quarter. Although it bursts your illusions
on one level, it also helps you bring those intuitive
ideals in from outside the veils of this material
world. Be willing to step away from your life for a
short time to open to that higher vision.
(Astrology Forecast continues Pg. 2)
Sept. 9, 2016—Oct 10, 2017
Are your ready for more?
More Quality in Relationships?
More Beauty & Balance in your life?
It is no wonder astrologers talk in optimistic terms
when discussing the god of abundance, Jupiter. He
is associated with generosity, optimism, and faith.
The god of thunder helps you expand your belief
system to take a risk on yourself, helping you to
manifest your goals and dreams.
Jupiter spends about one year in each sign during
his 12-year orbit. During this past year in Virgo, he
helped you cleanse and purify, be it in your body or
your overflowing closets. He was involved in an
environmental summit in France, the call for humility and service by Pope Francis, and animal rights
after a dentist killed a famous lion for sport.
Now Jupiter moves into relationship-focused Libra
for a year. He urges you to rebalance your life and
who belongs in it.
(article continues on page 6, column 2)
The Jupiter in Libra talk was recorded.
It includes information on autumn energies and
Presidential elections. $15 EMAIL/ $18 POSTAL
MAIL CD, with handout, mp3 audio file.
Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, or check to the PO Box
Mark’s office is closed Sept. 1-21.
Calls & Emails returned after the 21st.
In the print and digital newsletter:
Pg. 2:
Quarterly Forecast continues from page 1, Halloween
Pg. 3:
EARTHLINES™ (ACG) Map: Senator Tim Kaine
Pg 4:
Class Summary, USA Thanksgiving energies
Pg 5:
Soul Rays for Simone Biles, Price Summary
Pg 6:
Jupiter in Libra continues, Libertarian candidate
Included in the digital newsletter only:
Pg. 7
Upcoming talks, Mark your calendar, Travel w/Mark
Pg. 8-9 Fall Equinox chart, map
Pg. 10
September Eclipses, Free astrology primer
Pg. 12
Elephant wisdom
Here are your THREE FREE astrology forecast options:
1) A Free email newsletter at the New and Full moon. Quick &
to the point current energies.
Register to receive it:
1) This Quarterly Astromark newsletter. Download the full
digital version at
2) A Weekly Astrology Forecast is at
No internet connection? Mail me two self-addressed, self-stamped
envelopes. I shall mail winter & Spring paper newsletters.
Interested in an astrology consultation?
Contact Mark F. Dodich at (503) 252-1558 or
( Astrology Report continues from page 1
You may remember that ambitious Mars was
retrograde in Scorpio and Sagittarius from April
through June. You had to review your actions and
ambitions to see if they were in alignment with what
you are actually doing in your daily life. As Mars
passes through builder Capricorn for six weeks, you
can make practical adjustments to your life to work
on the goals that shifted last spring. Capricorn is a
hard worker and works toward long term goals, and
they can keep a dry sense of humor as they do it.
 Mars in Capricorn 
Sept. 27-Election Day Nov. 8
Taking the Next Step after it’s spring retrograde.
One particular note of caution is for Oct. 19-28
when Mars is challenging death & destruction
Pluto and blow up everything Uranus. This is not
the time for road rage, engaging angry people, or
using a sledge hammer to put square pegs into
round holes. The positive use of this highly
challenging energy is to take action steps to let go of
people and situations that drain your power. It is also
helpful to explore new methods, improve your
technology skills/equipment, and try out new groups
or friendship circles.
Fortunately, loving Venus will be moving through
generous Sagittarius Oct. 18-Nov. 11 to help reduce
any tensions and help bring out your playful,
flirtatious, and adventurous side. Venus aligns with
Saturn on Oct. 29 which supports business deals and
conservative expansion. Mars continues this friendly
energy starting Election Day when it moves into
Aquarius until Dec. 19. This brings a newness to the
elections and your life. (Note: also see Thanksgiving Day on
page 4, Jupiter in Libra page 1 & 6)
What could be better–
the dark of the New
Moon in Scorpio for
the night when the
world and the next are
at their thinnest?
Scorpio rules the dark side and sexuality, so
dress up as sexy Cat Woman, Darth Vadar, a prohibition mobster, or the Angel of Death.
This is the most common starting place. A
natal, or birth, chart looks at life
opportunities, talents, and challenges. Your
consultation addresses issues important to
you including soul purpose, vocation,
partnership and family. $ 195, 1½ hr.
After the Initial Astrology Consultation : you can get
updates, such as transits, progressions, and birthday
solar return charts to help keep you in tune with
changing energies. $160/hr, $85/ ½ hour,
(¼ hr by phone $50)
For romance, family and business: Relationship astrology improves partnership communications, understanding, and speeds
getting to know someone. Good for romance, family and business relationships. Parents
use it to better understand how to help their child.
Businesses use it to help choose new employees or
improve supervisor/employee communications.
Complete Composite Consultation: $210 1½ hour,
Comprehensive long term compatibility analysis, includes all of the synastry consultation below and a
chart that merges two people into one to look at purpose together.
Synastry Relationship Consultation: $185
Good for new relationships; shows opportunities/
challenges. Synastry compares two charts for talents,
challenges, and what is activating you to come together now.
This is an astrology consultation based upon a branch of astrology known as Esoteric
Astrology. Where regular (exoteric) astrology uses the planets to help you, esoteric
astrology goes further to give you the universal frequencies called Rays that you
were born under.
Knowing the “rays” you were born under
helps you activate the speed button of
spiritual growth and service.
Think of a chess board that has more than one level
of playing field. Everyone operates on the base level
to take care of core life needs. Those who have decided that their life is about spiritual growth and
soul service resonate with this consultation.
Gift Certificates
It includes information on your current cycles. Excellent for taking your astrology chart to a soul level.
Easy for You, Sacred for Them
(Side note: If you have never done astrology, consider starting with the Initial Astrology Consultation.
Need more info: Email
Request 7RayPhotos.pdf (also see pages 5 & 10)
Mark Dodich Astromark PO Box 16267 Portland, OR 97292-0267
This quarterly newsletter is provided at solstices and equinoxes for
free as a pdf download at
$195 /1½ hr ( includes transits & progressions)
Where is the Best Place
for Me to Be?
Find out with a consultation to find
your best locations for:
EARTHLINES™ for Senator Tim Kaine
Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon, Aries Ascendant
2/26/58 7:59 AM St Paul, MN (from BC)
( AstroCartoGraphy® + other locality techniques)
EARTHLINES™ Relocation Astrology gives you a
tool that you will use for the rest of your life.
Knowing your personal planetary power zones helps
you to make life choices including relocating,
vacationing, career, or seeking to emphasize specific
activities in your life. 85% of this consultation is good
for the rest of your life. The maps provide major
power zones as well as minor power lines to help you
narrow your focus.
In addition to the detailed locality maps, an additional
Local Space Map is provided It is your personal &
astrological Feng Shui and comes on a transparency
to put over other maps, helping you to choose a
restaurant for an important meeting, a good direction
to place your exercise bike so you get maximum use
out of it, or for a variety of directional decisions even
if you never move away from home.
This consultation is quite extensive, and goes way
beyond the commonly known basic ACG map that has
been around for years. Accurate birth time is needed.
This tool is
useful for life!
$210 1½ hr. consultation
Now that Jupiter is expanding into
the relationship sign of Libra, the
next year supports changes in relationships– all types of relationships.
This photo is one of the laminated
ascended master and archangel photos for your altar, called Dolphin Rapture (DR, $7.50). It helps remind you
of the blissful nature of healthy relationships. Dolphins represent the
playful mana energy of Creation.
See the photos at
Senator Kaine of Virginia was born in Minnesota
and grew up in Kansas. His Pluto  and Saturn
Midheaven  lines were not the easiest lines
to live under, but he did get a law degree in Missouri which is associated with Saturn. The Midheaven represents career and public matters,
and he graduated with honors. Pluto transforms a person to be in their power.
When he moved to Virginia, he moved to numerous and easier power lines. Directly over
Richmond is Mars  on the Midheaven and
Ceres  on the IC. Mars as a career and public
line is very ambitious. He constantly progressed
up the ranks from mayor to governor to senator. Ceres is a healer and business goddess, and
the IC has to do with family. Kaine worked to
improve racial issues under this healer energy.
Just off the Atlantic coast and within the 300
mile strong range of these lines is the spiritual
destiny node , expansive Jupiter , visionary
Neptune and goddess of service Vesta .
“ I just want to serve the people. I
know it sounds like a simple cliché.”
Senator Tim Kaine
Jupiter is the optimist that wants to take on big
projects. Neptune holds the higher vision until
everyone else can see it. The North Node represents what you need to step up into in this life.
All three are in Scorpio which matches well with
Hillary’s numerous Scorpio planets. Scorpio
goes below the surface to get to the bottom of
the matter. It is the sign that helps people uncover and heal self-defeating behaviors so they
can go beyond limiting beliefs.
On Election Day, Mars moves into Aquarius on
his natal Venus, indicating a marriage in his 11th
house of serving the group consciousness.
(Kaine and Hillary continues on page 6 lower left column)
Relocation & Travel Maps by Mark F Dodich
USA Thanksgiving Day Nov 24
When you rise in the morning, give
thanks for the light, for your life,
for your strength.
Give thanks for your food
and for the joy of living.
If you see no reason to
give thanks, the fault lies
in yourself.
Chief Tecumseh
Ohio Shawnee
There is an interesting and complicated
series of energy surrounding the Nov. 24th
holiday. The family oriented moon is in Libra and aligned with positive Jupiter. That
is a very happy combination with the tendency to overdo on a holiday that is known
for... well, overdoing. Simultaneously, they
make a challenging square relationship to
Venus and Pluto in serious Capricorn. This
makes for an odd mixture of light-hearted
fun and serious conversations. Mercury
aligns with Saturn on Nov. 23rd so watch
your speed when driving, and also know
that some drivers will be tired while driving
under this combination.
Jupiter is your highest philosopher, philanthropist, and mentor. Pluto is the great
transformer, helping you to release the
past, deal with challenging issues, and step
into your power. Be willing to transform
your beliefs to have a higher perspective.
Aggressive Mars in friendly Aquarius makes
harmony to emotions. Then, talkative Mercury makes harmony with eccentric Uranus
to keep the conversations from getting boring or too serious. So it will be a day of
changing energies and topics to discuss.
On one level there is the need for closeness to loved and trusted people, and simultaneously, the need to reach out beyond
your comfort zone circle of friends.
Note to shoppers on Nov. 24-25:
There is a weird combination of being generous and being cheap on these days–
spending too much on one thing and not
enough on another. On Black Friday, the
moon goes void-of-course at 5:52 AM PST.
Be sure to save receipts and only buy what
you can exchange in case you get it home
and find it isn’t quite right.
Astrology & Intuitive Consultations ~since 1980
Register for the free email newsletter at
Upcoming Lecture & Events Summary
Details at:
Note: Because the African Safari required a large energy
input, I decided not to do classes for 4th Quarter.
Schedule your consultation to understand how current
planetary energies are helping or challenging you.
*** *** ***
Mark’s next talk:
“Planetary Shifts of 2017”
Join Mark for his most popular talk of the year to understand how to take advantage of astrological energies in the
New Year. Your spiritual destiny is shifting and relationship changes continue. Venus  (See page 7; recorded)
Save these dates in January 2017:
PORTLAND: Fri Jan 13, 6:30-8:30 PM, $20, Talk
“Planetary Shifts of 2017”
New Renaissance Books, 1338 NW 23rd Ave, (503) 224-4929
TACOMA, WA: Thurs. Jan 19 Mark provides consultations at Crystal Voyage , Schedule in advance. (503) 252-1558
TACOMA, WA: Thurs. Jan 19, 7-9 PM, $20 cash or check
at the door, Talk: “Planetary Shifts of 2017”
Crystal Voyage, 3802 S. Cedar (253) 272-4367
BELLEVUE, WA: Fri Jan 20 Mark provides consultations
at Stargazer’s in Bellevue, Schedule with the store
(425) 885-7289
BELLEVUE, WA: Fri Jan 20, 6:30-8:30 PM, $20 cash or
check at the door; Talk: “Planetary Shifts of 2017”
Stargazer’s 425) 885-7289
12727 NE Northrup Way (NE 20th)
PORTLAND: Fri Jan 27, 6:30-8:30 PM, $20, Class
“How to Read an Astrology Calendar” Learn the basics
to use an astrology calendar to be in tune with 2017 energies. (503) 224-4929
Notice: Price increase coming Jan 1, 2017
Increasing costs have been constant and I have not had
a price increase in many years. It will not be large.
Purchase your holiday, birthday and even
Valentine’s Day gift certificates by Dec. 30th
to get the old price.
March 14, 1997, Columbus, OH , Pisces Sun, Gemini Moon, Mars Retrograde
Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles is strong in the 2nd and 6th Soul Rays. The 6th
Ray of devotion and idealism helps a person focus on their goals and lets nothing
get in the way of achieving those goals. It is the ray of working in partnership with
Spirit rather than trying to carry the load yourself. It is associated with Pisces, Sagittarius and Virgo. She has strong Pisces in her chart and athletic Mars was retrograde in her chart.
When a planet is retrograde in your chart, you must reclaim its energy in this life.
Simone has certainly reclaimed her Mars through her aggressive athleticism. Pisces is also associated with
drugs. Her biological mother had to give her and her siblings up due to drug related issues. Jupiter transited
over her Virgo Mars in August, so the god of abundant blessings certainly rewarded her for hard work.
The 2nd Ray represents unconditional love and wisdom. Although young, she has certainly showed good sportsmanship with her teammates and competitors. We shall see how she uses this energy with her heightened
fame as she matures. She also has a bit of the 5th Ray that uses systematic and repeatable methods, which is
certainly required in her practice regimen.
A soul ray is a universal frequency that each person incarnates on to provide opportunities for growth and service in this life. Where your zodiac sun sign is of our solar system
and has a lot to do with personality, a soul ray is Universal in nature.
Information on the rays and esoteric astrology, go to:
(Also see page 2 lower right column and page 10 left column,
or Email and request 7 Ray Photos pdf for explanation of the rays)
Astromark Services: Extensive preparation goes into your session. Please schedule ahead.
INITIAL ASTROLOGY CONSULTATION includes transits & progressions
$195 / 90 min.
ASTROLOGY UPDATES for clients after the initial consultation
$160 / 60 min., $85 / 30 min.,
$50 /15 min. by phone
EARTHLINES™ For your best locations (AstroCartoGraphy Maps®)
$210 / 90 min.
SOUL RAY ESOTERIC ASTROLOGY includes transits & progressions
$195 / 90 min.
RELATIONSHIP ASTROLOGY (for romance, business, family)
 Full Composite Compatibility
 Synastry Comparison
$210 / 90 min.
$185 / 60 min.
BUSINESS ASTROLOGY (for your company or organization)
$185 / 60 min.
ELECTION ASTROLOGY (choosing an auspicious date):
Call for quote! ($85-$400…)
$145 / 60 min., $85 /30 min.,
$50 /15 min.
If you need to re-schedule your appointment call 503-252-1558 A lot of work goes into the preparation of your
session and I am not able to use your time for other clients. Rescheduled consultations less than 24 hours notice =
$50 fee, Appointments cancelled altogether within 48 hours where preparation is already complete=$75 preparation fee. Thanks for your understanding.
Audio MP3 Recordings of your consultation are not guaranteed: In spite of my best efforts to provide a
quality recording, on rare occasions, recordings fail. You are welcome to use your own recorder as a backup.
Payments accepted: Cash, Check, Money Order, Paypal, Visa/MasterCard
Skype Available!
It’s my way of wishing you a Happy Birthday and to buy you a cup of tea!
This discount coupon is good for $5 off any 1 hour or longer consultation within 30 days of
your birthday. A birthday chart called a Solar Return can be run to give you an astrology
forecast for the coming birthday year.
Gary Johnson—Libertarian Candidate
Jan. 1, 1953 Sun in Capricorn
Moon is probably in Cancer but possibly Leo
Former Republican Governor of New Mexico is a
fiscal conservative who left office with a surplus
budget. When he was excluded
from running for office by the Republican Party, he became a Libertarian.
Although his chances of being included in Presidential debates are
somewhere between slim and none,
his chart has several favorable
transits on the Nov. 8 Election Day.
Venus aligns with his natal Mercury in Sagittarius.
With so many people not wanting to vote for either
Trump or Clinton, this could indicate a nice showing
for the Libertarian Party. “Expect the unexpected”
Uranus will also make a helpful trine to his Mercury,
another indicator of a good showing.
The moon will be in Aquarius through early afternoon Pacific Time, and that aligns with his spiritual
destiny North Node, and good luck Jupiter also
makes a happy trine to his soul destiny. His destiny
node in Aquarius means he came into this life to
bring higher ideals to people, creating win-win environments for the collective consciousness.
As stated in past issues and the Jupiter in Libra talk,
Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton have very favorable
charts on Election Day. So unless the missing emails
turn up or she does something stupid, it’s Hillary’s
election. But Johnson could very well present a
wake-up call to the establishment parties.
(Kaine and Hillary continues from page 3 right column)
It represents the marriage of Tim and
Hillary and the collective consciousness
of the USA. Also on Election Day, transiting Venus aligns with his authority figure Saturn,
another good sign for being elected. Finally, the
planet of power, Pluto aligns with his natal Mars in
his career house. So power and ambition come
together. Remember that he was born under a
Pluto power line in St. Paul, MN, so now Pluto is
bringing him into his power.
The last transit is a bit abstract so we shall need to
see how it plays out. The transiting South Node
represents the past, both talents and challenges. It
will be moving across his Pisces Sun in December
and his communications planet Mercury for Inauguration Day. Is that a higher vision or an illusion?
I guess it depends upon your perspective!
Register to receive the New & Full Moon
Email Newsletter at
Mark F. Dodich PO Box 16267, Portland, OR 97292-0267 USA
(Jupiter in Libra continues from page 1)
Although Jupiter is highly regarded in astrology, it does have characteristics that
many people find uncomfortable. If you
have outgrown something, such as a relationship (s) in Libra, then you must release that which
you have outgrown before going on to a better relationship– and do so without a guarantee the next one
will come in accord with your expectations. This is not
limited to your love life, but all types of relationship
including work and family. Change is required if you
want to go to the next level.
Jupiter asks you to take a risk on manifesting
your goals. You must take a leap of faith to show
your intent. He is more than willing to help you, but
you must use your free will to set your desired goal in
On the personal level, Libra is associated
with Venus, goddess of beauty and marriage. She helps you open to greater grace
and harmony in your relationships. Libra
helps you learn to be strong, but diplomatic.
On the esoteric level, Libra revolutionizes
your value system so that you can live in
a higher balance. It is associated with alchemical transmutation through the master St. Germaine and the Violet Flame. It
is also part of a triad of signs with the
Third Ray, where you must translate esoteric knowledge into a language that all can understand, and do so without judgment.
(Email and request 7 Ray photo pdf
document for an explanation of the Rays).
In society, Libra rules justice. Issues surrounding how
we appoint Supreme Court justices will be in the news
as will the proper balance between police and crime
suspects. Diplomacy will help improve difficult situations in problem places in the world. At the risk of
being overly optimistic, I hope Congress will improve
to play nicely together after the coming election. Relationships will change due to the Brexit vote in the UK
and dynamics with Turkey regarding extradition law
after their failed coup.
The main thing to remember is that Jupiter wants to
help you succeed. He reminds you that this is an
abundant universe and that you must practice prosperity consciousness in your actions, not just your
words. When you hear people talk about the good
they will do for the world after they win the lottery,
know that they do not understand universal law. You
must begin to do good at the level you are at now,
before you can go to the next level.
Free Basic Prosperity Enhancement Guide at
You must grease the wheels of the universe if you want more, and that means
taking the first step to show the universe
you walk your talk by setting your intent.
There is a great opportunity here for the next year.
Take advantage of it by taking the first step!
Advance notice, Mark’s most popular talk of the year,
Mark your calendar for January 2017
There is plenty to talk about including an eclipse right over the Pacific NW and northern USA
and spiritual destiny nodes moving into heart-centered Leo. Venus enters her less common retrograde cycle to work on love and money while lucky Jupiter moves through her favorite sign.
Portland, OR: Fri. Jan. 20 at 6:30 PM, New Renaissance Books
Tacoma, WA: Thurs. Jan. 19 at 7 PM, Crystal Voyage Books
Bellevue, WA: Fri. Jan. 20 at 6:30 PM, Stargazer’s Books
Tacoma: Consultations with Mark on Thurs. Jan. 19 at Crystal Voyage.
Schedule in advance Mark’s land line (503) 252-1558
Bellevue: Consultations with Mark at Stargazer’s on Fri. Jan. 20.
Schedule with Stargazer’s (425) 885-7289
The 2017 talk will be recorded for out of area friends. Details in the winter newsletter.
Class: Portland, OR: Fri. Jan. 27 at 6:30 PM, “How to Read an Astrology Calendar”
Join Mark to learn the basics of using the Celestial Influences astrology calendar so that you can
improve opportunities for success by being in harmony with natural planetary cycles.
New Renaissance Books 1338 NW 23rd Ave PDX (503) 224-4929
Travel to Sacred Places with Mark Dodich
We have traveled to Egypt, Greece and Tanzania
Which sacred sites would you like to go to next?
Tell me:
I am in the early stages of planning the next journey. A small group of spiritual growth oriented friends journey to participate in meditation and healing ceremonies, look at our personal astrology of the time, and
create spiritual activities associated with the locations we visit. If you have an interest in future trips, please
drop Mark and email with your top choices. Either Fall 2017 or 2018.
Some ideas:
Greece: We did the land trip last time. Next – a water based trip to hit the islands-Crete, Santorini, etc.
Egypt and Jordan: You feel like you have gone to your ancient home when you travel to Egypt. Include an
optional side trip to Petra in Jordan (World Heritage site, think Indiana Jones/Holy Grail)
Turkey: With so many sacred places, Turkey is high on my list, after things settle down there.
New Zealand Israel and Jordan
Scandinavia Bali
Chile Other ???
Astrology, Intuitive Consultations and Travel to Sacred Places
Mark Dodich
(503) 252-1558
Astromark PO Box 16267 Portland, OR 97292-0267 USA
Fall Equinox, Thurs. Sept. 22 at 7:22 AM PDT
Jupiter  has just moved
into Libra  for the coming
The god of thunder is aligned
with the Fall Equinox Sun 
that has just entered Libra .
This is a highly optimistic and
generous combination.
The air and fire elements
are strong now, so bring
out your passionate ideas
now, and make them big.
The “fixed” signs of Taurus,
Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius are
essentially missing now. That
means it is a better time for
bringing out those expansive
plans than actually doing the
necessary follow through to
make them happen (that
comes later this fall).
Violet Flame
The Violet Flame is associated with the sign Libra,
as it relates to the 7th Ray
of alchemy transmutation.
Invoke the Violet Flame
to help you change the frequency of energy
of your self, your environment, etc.
Remember that you are a channel of the
divine, bringing forth this transmuting energy. That means that you cannot judge
what you think the desired result should
be. Your job is just to raise the vibration so
that it can better seek its highest good.
There are four Violet Flame photos for sale
$10 each. Sweep, Drive, Boil, Spin.
Request photo thumbnails at
There are numerous challenges between the mutable
signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.
It is similar to last June when there were Grand Cross
patterns that pulled you apart to put you back together. However, these challenges are not as large as last
spring, but they still require flexibility and adaptability
in the coming three months.
You must create a way for your higher vision to work
in the mundane world.
Make an effort so that your emotions, ideas and actions are working with each other. The challenge is
that they can argue with each other over which one
gets first priority.
Ambitious Mars is just about ready to leave Sagittarius, where it was retrograde in Sag. and Scorpio April
17-June 29. So a fresh, assertive start is coming out
this quarter.
Register for the New & Full Moon email newsletter with a quick forecast at
Autumnal Equinox Map 2016
This map shows power zones based upon the fall equinox chart on the previous page.
The challenging Uranus and Pluto power lines are circled in red on the power map for fall equinox above. Tensions can rise to the surface here. This includes Afghanistan, Pakistan and the
part of India near Pakistan. In North America, it is primarily the SW USA and Mexico that are
activated. The South Pacific islands near the Solomon’s and Fiji are affected. Finally, far NW Africa, Portugal and Spain are activated. It is common to see political or earth changes news coming from areas being activated by equinox, solstice and eclipses.
The black squares represent where the Sun and Jupiter are highlighted. Normally you would
look at this as a good thing, but sometimes Jupiter tends to overdo things. Actions can become
bigger than life under Jupiter, and with the Sun shining on it, everyone will see it!
A Relocation Astrology consultation helps you find your best places on
planet earth—career, relationship, vacations, business, etc.
See the Earthlines™ (AstroCartoGraphy® ) on page 3 of this newsletter.
There is a small price increase coming in 2017.
Consider getting your consultation
or a gift certificate before the end of 2016.
More Free Astrology from Mark Dodich
Written Forecast in New Connexions Journal
 Audio: New Spirit Journal
5 minute Internet Radio Forecast at
Astrology & Intuitive Consultations
by Mark Dodich ~ since 1980 (503) 252-1558
I am doing a monthly radio show on Let’s Find Out at station 2. Sunday evenings, Get details at
psychic Elizabeth Joyce’s
See the weekly report is at
New & Full Moon email newsletter at
Sept. 1, 2017 Solar Eclipse over southern Africa, 10° Virgo
Watch for news ranging from southern Africa to Indonesia and western
Australia 3 months before and after
this eclipse.
You would benefit by looking at the
natal chart house where 10° Virgo
lands in your chart, and if it lands
on any natal planets in your chart.
Virgo is associated with service, natural healing such as herbs, simplifying your life, getting rid of clutter
and getting organized.
Circled zones are active zones based upon a planetary pattern called a T-Square. This represents a challenge
to bring your higher vision into form through higher service on the planet. It challenges you to take action in a
humble way. It is strongest over southern Africa since that is where the eclipse is strongest.
Sept. 16, 2016 Lunar Eclipse, 25° Pisces/Virgo, seen in area between the brackets.
There is another challenging T
-Square in this chart, slightly
different and hopefully less
intense than the solar eclipse.
A lunar eclipse in Pisces is a
call for a vision quest. You
have the opportunity to open
to a higher vision for yourself
and your life. Mars, as the focal point of the T-Square, creates a mandate to put that vision into action.
To better understand the planets, houses, and signs, download the
Free Basic Astrology Primer at
There are also free pdf documents on State & City Zodiac signs, Prosperity Enhancement Guide, etc.
Register for the New & Full Moon email newsletter for a short, quick forecast for the coming two weeks.
Contact Mark Dodich for consultations:
land line (503) 252-1558
The best forecasts are not those that come true,
but those that warn, teach, and prepare~anon
$ 145/hour , $ 85½ hr In person or telephone /Skype
$50 1/4 hr. by telephone/Skype only
Note to new telephone clients for tarot: I prefer to receive a handwritten
note from you prior to the consultation so I can hold onto it during the session.
Astromark, PO Box 16267, Portland, OR 97292-0267 USA
Seven Soul Rays for MAHATMA GANDHI
This Great Soul brought independence to
India through his Seventh Soul Ray. A person
activates their soul ray when they choose to
serve a higher good beyond their small self.
The 7th is the ray of transmutation
( changing energy that is less than loving into
Love). It is the energy of magic. A 7th Ray
person Initiates a New Order. Gandhi’s soul
Gandhi’s Personality Ray was the 5th Ray of Concrete
Knowledge and Science. He had a systematic approach
to his work which was especially shown earlier in life as
he studied to become an Oxford graduated attorney.
“Gandhi continues what the Buddha began, In the
Buddha, the spirit of Love sets itself the task of creating
different spiritual conditions in the world; in Gandhi it
undertakes to transform all worldly conditions.”
~Albert Schweitzer
(This quote reflects Gandhi’s 7th Ray Soul)
Available Worldwide
For the Child or Grandchild
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Mail Order Report:
CHILD Report helps you understand your
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potentials. Guides you in a positive way. The
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What is a Seven Soul Ray consultation?
This reading uses esoteric astrology and methods to
calculate the frequencies (rays) that you incarnated on in
this life. You will learn about your soul and personality
rays. This information is based in the channellings of the
Tibetan Master Djwahl Kuhl through Alice A. Bailey.
Understanding the ray upon which you have incarnated
helps you to work more fully with your energies of soul
service. This reading is best for people who have
reduced the need to ask “what’s in it for me?” and
increased the need to know, “what is my soul purpose
and spiritual service in this life?” This is an esoteric
astrology consultation that looks at how you can bring
your soul service into earthly form.
Personal Child Consultations:
Shortened Consultation For children 16 and
under, a 45-minute consultation is available
looking at the basics of their chart, vocation, and
what’s upcoming. $125
Consultation The normal full adult
consultation can be done, or an adapted reading
can be done to include the parents and their
relationship. $195
Ascended Master Photos
$195 / 1½ hr. includes current transits and progressions.
For your meditation altar
or wherever you need a
reminder that there is help
from the unseen, and that life
is bigger than what you see
in the mirror.
More information is at
or request the & Ray Masters Photo free pdf document
Astrology & Intuitive Tarot Since 1980
Mark F. Dodich
St Germaine
Photo thumbnails at
Relaxed in Greece a
couple years ago.
I am out of the office Sept. 1-21 to accomplish a bucket list dream of
safari in Africa.
After all the politics and world events, I am looking forward to getting
away from computers and phones and even reduce being near electricity.
Abundant thanks to all of you who read or hear my words, attend talks, or
come for consultations. I am honored to do the work that I do. You have
made me a better person.
I have been doing this work full time for 21 years now, and part time 15
years before that when I was in the world of an industrial sales rep. I can’t
imagine ever going back to that world.
I wish for you the joy I have found in my service, and will soon be back
refreshed with a new world view.
Blessings to you.
As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest
appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.
John F. Kennedy
Wisdom of Elephant
The little one is Tsavo- One of my
foster elephants at Kenya’s
I met Elephant in the realm of the Animal Spirits. He offered his trunk
to me and lifted me up onto his back. Elephant spoke as we started our journey through an enchanted landscape.
"I can do many things with my trunk," he said. "My trunk is similar to your talents and abilities." Elephant trumpeted, powerfully announcing his presence.
"How are you announcing your presence in the world?", Elephant asked. "Are
you using your talents and abilities to create a beautiful existence for yourself
and those you love?" I was pondering this question when we heard a response to Elephant's trumpeting. It
was his family. Elephant opened wide his ears to hear the call. "Are you listening?", he asked. "To the universe? To Mother Earth? To what others are telling you?
How are you using your ears?"
We arrived upon a large group of Elephants. "We elephants are very family oriented". Elephant said. "All
generations are looked after, especially the young ones. How are you affecting the generations to come?
How are you affecting the young ones around you now? Your choices today affect all on this planet tomorrow. Are you living with this in mind?"
Elephant continued. "Within your bones exists the knowledge of your ancestors. Those who have lived before you and your ancestors from the stars. We Elephants can help you to hear this ancient information
within you. You are like libraries. This planet is a library. All's you need is a card and that card is your inner
Elephant trumpeted again. "Access this information and make your presence known in the world. Use it to
better your experience and the life of those around you." Elephant offered his trunk once more and I
climbed down off of his back. I thanked him for his message and began to walk out of his realm. Wanishi