the outreach - Mission Community Outreach Center


the outreach - Mission Community Outreach Center
Winter 2015 Vol. 5 Issue 4
A Very Merry Christmas to You!
Your contribution to the caring help given by our volunteers,
donors, corporate sponsors and church families gave us the
resources and people power needed to provide gifts of new
clothing to over 900 children, ages 13 and younger, at our Outreach
Center December 11th and 12th. Families waited patiently, enjoying hot
chocolate, with good weather both days, to be greeted by our eager volunteer team. New blue jeans and shirts, infant outfits, underwear, hats,
gloves and scarves and a wonderful selection of books awaited shoppers when they arrived. Beautiful hand carved wooden cars, trucks and
trains lovingly made by our faithful friend Jerry Wahl and our new carpenters Jerry Malone and the Hoo Hoo Club were given to families with
young children. The Spokane Fire Department called during the event
with a surprise contribution of warm blankets this year for families to add
to the gifts they chose. All gifts were lovingly giftwrapped for parents by
Taylon was a great representative of the many young
our volunteers.
adult volunteers at the event this year.
Thank you to the many
donors and volunteers who made this great event happen! More than
900 children will open gifts of new clothing this Christmas because of
MCOC supporters like you!
Our book station volunteers personalized every choice with
shoppers for the perfect book!
Jerry Wahl personally built and donated 220
wooden toys and Jerry Malone of the Hoo Hoo
Club gave 120 hand painted cars.
Santa gave a fond farewell to each
This Year's Event was Dedicated to the Loving Memory of Ross LeMasterA Man Who Blessed the Center and Worked Tirelessly to See Children Delight in
All That God has Given!
Client Spotlight: A Center Servant and Sender!
Sometimes our volunteers are also able to be blessed as clients and sometimes they are able to extend the caring hand of MCOC to reach globally.
I am a Russian lady and have been living in America more of 10 years. Like anyone of the people I have watch for everything I’ve seen around me. Everything
was interesting. Many things for first years were unusual for me and some of them just wonderful! I think this is, isn’t it? Every country is different with customs, rules and habits.
I have plunged into abundance of the blessed country but I’m not forget my people. Having here everything for living I said to myself, “Let never my hand be
closed for those who is needy. Since then at the summer time on Garage Sales. I’ve bought clothing for [packages and have sent them every year as a rule for my
family and friends. On Yard Sales I could buy very good thing for very chip price by the way. Garage Sales it is something surprising.
All these years I was attending school to learn English and then my teacher Lundy said to me, “You know books it is good, but you will never understand American people very well while you begin to talk with them by yourself. The best way is –you need to find a community center and be a volunteer in. you will hear
how people talk, you will need to talk to them by work’s questions, or just answer on their questions. You cannot imagine how it scared me! - Me? - Talk? No!!! But I saw that time is up and up and no progress. Finally I used a chance that was given to me. In some day I’ve met a man here, MCOC, and asked him
about my wish to be a volunteer, I had no idea who he was…O, mama mia! I would die if I had known that he is a director…Mark, Mark, Mark! By you I’ve
began my new school here. Thank you guy! Mark! Later I got acquainted with a team and Connie. Then I asked Connie’s permission to gain some things for
packages I do. I am thankful for her I am also thankful God for the open door for me at that place at often as I can I come to help my team. And I love this time!
And I love my team!
Almost three months ago I have sent 6 huge packages to my country. I wanted them to be like surprises! I wanted my friends to be glad at the Christmas a little
bit. Finally I got a call that packages come. On the Skype I talked with friends. To say that they were glad-it does mean to say nothing. Their smiles, their thankfulness-it is wat would be better to see!!! And more of that, I was smiling and crying at the same time, “ I did it Lord! I did what I could! I know You love it!”
Yes, I am very happy that my gifts came to friends safe, just to the doors of the houses, especially if to remember that in the country there is a war. Poor my
Homeland, especially the Eastern part…lack of everything. I believe that all who received their gifts are really happy, and who knows who is more happy of us
they or me?!
I know God blesses those who bless another, and my experience says about!
Charter Donors for our New Endowment have given $3,000.00 to
date bringing the Endowment value to $18,00.00
God is Faithful! A word form Bob
2016 Marks 20 Years of Service for MCOC
We would like to form a team of supporters who would like to
spend the year designing vital ways to celebrate this benchmark.
Please email or call Ruth Wagley if you would like to join. Our
first effort will be to compile history, memories and thoughts about
our first 20 years of service into a keepsake journal.
20th Anniversary Commemorative Verse: Psalm 82:3-4
Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain
the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak
and needy.
Journal Entry #1 by an unnamed Center friend:
While many older and younger folks are not able to care for
themselves, many are still capable and can care for others in various ways. We often find that our own loads are not as heavy
when we begin helping others. Our choices determine our destiny and when we make choices with the Lord Jesus at the center,
life’s journey can be purposeful and filled with hope that one
day we will be reunited with all those who have impacted our
Wonder appeared while volunteers served shopping
Anna and Christie wrapped gifts with elegance and joy!
Donor Highlights for 2015
Volunteer Spotlight: The MCOC Quilting Community
This year Messiah Lutheran
brought in their last batch of quilts.
Their quilt outreach held a final
meeting in September.
This vital ministry is a dying art
that needs the support of a new
generation. In October Pilgrim Lutheran Church brought in more than 20 quilts for families in
need. In December Redeemer Lutheran brought in 30 beautiful blankets and quilts that we desperately need to care for
the families that come in each day.
Yesterday I was blessed to help a 9th grade young man,
originally from a Burmese refugee camp on the Thailand
border, choose a beautiful quilt for his Mother’s Christmas
This loving ministry is a vibrant part of the MCOC team.
Let’s pray in 2016 for ways to inspire coming generations to
embrace this skill and craft anew. Thank you Messiah Lu-
Independent Brokers of Spokane designated the Center
as a recipient of their annual Christmas live and silent
Thrivent Financial Programs provided over $3,000.00.
Amerigroup generously supported the fall School Shoes
for Kids event for $2,500.00
Spokane Club sponsored two new- jeans collection barrels for the second time this year for CCJ.
Fellow agencies Project Warm-up and the Pajama Program and our local Division Carter’s donated hats,
gloves, books and pajamas.
Community Partners Rotary 21, Downtown Rotary ,
Spokane Kiwanis Charities, and East Side Kiwanis
blessed the Center with strong gifts of support.
NextIT, Ecova, Spa Paradiso, Molina Health Care, and
the Mariner’s Club gave to the CCJ event through their
employee party giving and serving events.
River City Chiropractic made the event their special organization to benefit during their annual giving tree
God provided again day in and day out!
Director's Thoughts
Each day at MCOC we answer many questions. When are you open?
What ID do I need to bring? How many days before my next visit? We
also ask many questions. How can we help? Are we meeting the right
need? Are we making a difference? Do we have more toothpaste?
Jesus met many people throughout His life on earth with questions that
needed answers and immediate needs that were pressing. He answered
and miraculously met needs. Sometimes He spoke with gentleness and
care and sometimes He spoke with confrontation and challenge. Sometimes He acted with healing and provision and sometimes he acted with
commands and expectations. Always He brought forgiveness and salvation to those who asked the right questions and understood their real
He spoke into lives impacted by the humiliation of poverty and the
pride of power. He had answers for the suffering, the seeking and the
The Center is a crossroad much like the stable of Christ’s birth. Many
people come here each week with questions and needs. People come to
volunteer, donate and receive. People come who are suffering, seeking
and cynical and Jesus is still answering. All kinds of people meet at the
Center and help each other answer life’s questions by sharing in one
simple way to meet pressing needs.
Thank you for your part this year at this Crossroad. As a sponsor, volunteer, donor and client we all share in the work Jesus does here each
day. He is answering our questions and meeting our needs. This ministry is given in His name and for His glory and at this time of year we
remember Jesus is Immanuel; God with Us!
Thank you for this year of privileged service.
Merry, Merry Christmas,
Ruth Wagley
Executive Director
Essential general operations church
grants came from First Presbyterian,
Hamblen Park Presbyterian, St. Pascal's Catholic Church, Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church and Holy Cross
Lutheran Church.
Our faithful team of Church families
continued their foundational support
and include Christ the King Anglican,
St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, St.
John’s , Millwood Pres., Redeemer
Lutheran, Zion Lutheran, Messiah
Lutheran, and Spokane Valley United
Methodist Church.
Online Giving!
You can make a secure online donation to Mission Community Outreach Center through our website
or by clicking on this link: http://
donate/ donate-money/. We are a
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization; all
contributions are tax deductible to
the extent allowed by law. Your
support is both needed and appreciated. Thank you!
Amazon Smile is another form of percentage giving that is a
convenient way to give
through Amazon. Amazon contributes a portion of your purchases monthly or quarterly. Go to Amazon and search for Amazon Smile and
then follow the prompts to sign up.
A Quarterly Publication of Mission Community Outreach Center
The Outreach
Mission Community Outreach Center
of Spokane Washington
P.O. Box 3581
Spokane, WA 99220-3581
Winter is here: we need warm clothing,
outer wear and blankets
We are in great need of blankets, warm clothing, including coats and hats
and gloves through March 2016. Also, please consider donating sleeping
bags in any condition. Sleeping bags only last a week or two for a homeless person in harsh conditions. We are also always in need of children’s
clothing in toddler through teen sizes and men’s clothing in all sizes.
If you’re able to donate these much-needed items, please stop by our outreach center during business hours; M, W, Th—1:30-4:00 PM. Thank you!
Thank you Thrivent Members
The combination of various forms of support from
Thrivent Financial has been critical to our ability to
serve others in 2015. Thrivent Choice Dollar designations, gift matching, chapter support, and community
engagement funds provided much-needed help
throughout the year; thank you to all who provided support in various forms.
Our Board of Directors for 2014 are:
Save the Date: April 27, 2016 Civic Theater Fundraiser-We want to unite to sell all of the tickets
this year and enjoy a great night together celebrating our Center volunteers and supporters.
Tickets will be available Jan. 1 . Consider giving a set as an unique Christmas gift.
Our Board Plans for the Future
Pray with us as we consider the possibility of renting the adjoining building in 2016.
Our Charter Endowment effort continues through April 2016.
Our 2016 Board of Directors are
President, Bob Fisher; Vice President, Dave Troyke; Treasurer, Greg Griffin; Secretary, Christie Jones;
members at large Madelyn Bafus, Don Kaufman. We would like to add two board members in 2016.
1906 E. Mission Avenue | 509.536.1084|