July 2015 - Spokane Guilds School


July 2015 - Spokane Guilds School
Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center
A n d Th e S p ok a n e G u i l d s’ S c ho ol F ou n dat io n
Volume 18, Issue 2
July 2015
V I S IQOuarterNly
Working together to make a difference
Feeling More in Control
Adelaide, Anna, Cody and Hunter
promoting the Penny Drive!
Executive Director’s Message
All-Star Staff Profile
Jennifer Wells
Wilde Flowers
Special Interest
The More You Know
Aquatic Therapy
Contributors to the
Contributors to the
Leaving a Legacy
Child Profile
Chance hanging out with
Laura Papetti from KREM2
how to feed Cody’s senses with various
activities, which make a difference in his
temperament and help him to deal with
everyday life experiences feeling more in
control. Practices such as brushing his body
and compressing his joints are calming to
ody was a seemingly healthy baby at
him and help him become more aware of
birth. He was born on time, ate well, slept
his entire body, which is important because
well, and interacted normally with others.
he is easily distracted by his surroundings,
Around 9 months old, Cody’s parents, Anne
causing him to forget to control his own body.
and Tyler, noticed that he was not meeting
His fine motor skills have also improved
typical developmental milestones. After
through the creative and fun activities his
discussing concerns with their pediatrician,
occupational therapists have introduced.
Cody began physical therapy to improve his
In physical therapy, Cody works on
low core muscle strength. They also noticed
both sides of his body as he
that he would shake when excited and tensely
favors one side over
flex his muscles, all of which
home, Anne and
were affecting his ability
intentional in
to focus on proper muscle
with Cody in
movement and development.
upon his areas
At 12 months, Cody began
physical, occupational
a ball,
and speech therapies at
Spokane Guilds’ School.
both legs as the stabilizing leg
After several months, it
and the kicking leg in order
was determined that Cody
to strengthen both sides of
was ultimately challenged
his body; practice squatting
with Sensory Processing
while playing to stretch out
Disorder, which affects his
his calf muscles; walking up
overall development. He
stairs with a focus on leading
struggles daily with the
with both feet, (rather than his
ability to calm his muscle
preferred one side). Recently,
Cody age 3
tension when excited by
Cody has successfully exited from
movement. He rocks in his seat
speech therapy, as he speaks more clearly
or sways when standing to feed his desire
and answers questions more intentionally. for continuous motion. Also, his heightened
Anne says, “I have been extremely happy
auditory senses pose a challenge with loud
with the love and care from each individual
noises and he is easily agitated by certain
who has worked with Cody. I notice Cody
textures, such as walking barefoot on grass,
coming home with new skills all the time.”
and wearing a heavy coat in the winter.
Cody has always loved cars and trucks
However, in addition to improving
more than any other toy, especially his
Cody’s fine motor skills, his occupational
“Lightning McQueen” car. Although he
therapists have helped Anne and Tyler learn
loves cars and trucks, he loves nothing
We would like you to meet one of the inspirational
children who recently received services at the
SGS&NMC. His name is Cody, and this is his story
as told by his mom and dad, Anne and Tyler.
(continued on page 2)
Page 2
July 2015
Executive Director’s Message
his month’s edition of the VISION
is so interesting. I hope you
enjoy all of the great articles and
information. You can see that the staff,
boards, and organization have been
busy fulfilling the agency’s mission
statement. The children and families
are truly blessed to have such a
gigantic family standing behind them
and coming up with the time, treasure,
and talent to help them succeed.
The Annual Appreciation Dinner
on June 18th was so inspiring. Thirtyfive individuals and groups were
recognized for their great support of
the program. This year’s Outstanding
Person of the Year was Kelly Lee,
who has chaired our Annual Auction
Gala for the past 3 years. Kelly’s
husband, Stu, has been the auction’s
auctioneer for over 30 years and
Kelly has been by his side the whole
time. She is a true believer in the
spirit of the Spokane Guilds’ School
(SGS) and has done her very best
in supporting the school over a long
period of time. Way to go Kelly!
The Outstanding Parents of the
Year are Kevin and Stefanie Spilker.
(continued from front page)
more than playing and laughing
with his older brother, Hunter. Cody
graduated this past April and Anne
states, “We will always remember
the important role each individual
at the Spokane Guilds’ School has
played in Cody’s life journey…
our family is forever grateful!”
Since graduating from the
Spokane Guilds’ School, Cody has
been enjoying his time at home with
his family. His summer is filled with
exciting activities like swimming
lessons, soccer, gymnastics, and time
at the lake with cousins and friends. He is anxiously waiting for September,
when he will begin preschool.
If you would like to receive
information via e-mail, please
send your e-mail address to
They are the parents of SGS Alum
Mila, her twin brother Ronin, who was
a peer model, and big sister Norah.
Each of these children is blessed
to have Kevin and Stefani as their
parents. We are so fortunate to have
the whole Spilker Family helping
us through Stefanie’s service on the
Board of Directors, their commitment
to doing school presentations for
the Penny Drive, working as Site
Directors for the Penny Drive,
their work with the High School
Advisory Board, and their willingness
to do public speaking whenever
we needed them to serve in that
capacity. Way to go Spilker Family!
Debra Wilde, our Mistress of
Ceremonies, and Spokane Guilds’
School Ambassador Jason Brill kept
the audience’s attention the whole
evening as we recognized all of the
people and groups that make for
a very special event. I’m so proud
of being involved with the school
each day and the Appreciation
Night Dinner was a happy evening
for me and the organization.
Dick Boysen
© Follger Photography
The mission statement is more
than a series of words strung together,
it is a way of life. The lifetime
commitment made to the children and
their families is a reality. The spirit
of the organization is alive and well.
Thanks to all of you for helping us
“Circle of Hope”
October 6th, 2015
The Davenport Grand Hotel, Spokane, WA
RSVP: 509-326-1651 or korinm@guildschool.org
Page 3
July 2015
I Love Working with the Kids
We’d like to introduce you to the special
people who devote themselves to the
daily operation of SGS&NMC – the
therapists, teachers, management and
staff. All-Star Staff will appear in each
issue of VISION and will profile a different
member of our team every quarter.
By Ken Daniel
peech and language pathologist,
Jennifer Wells, is one of the many
treasures that we have here at the
Spokane Guilds’ School. Her passion
for helping children with disabilities
and her absolute love of her work make
her a perfect fit for the job. However,
beyond the Jennifer that we know at
work, is a loving and devoted mom,
and dare I say, a spunky free spirit.
Jennifer was born and raised in
Bishop, California, until her early
teens, when her family moved to
Bend, Oregon. She is the middle child
of three, with an older brother and
a younger sister. From an early age,
Jennifer loved working with kids.
“Everything I ever did for work in
high school was babysitting, daycare,
and just kid-oriented. I knew that I
wanted to do something with kids.
My parents being teachers steered
me away from being a teacher and
more at becoming a specialist that
could do more one on one.”
Her first awareness of speech
therapy was when her cousin was
diagnosed with autism and she
saw the progress in interaction,
communication, and language
development. “I think my mom was
the one that cut out an article on
speech language pathologists. Then
I went to a seminar on becoming a
speech therapist on feeding, and said
that is it, that is what I want to do.”
After high school, Jennifer
attended the University of Oregon
where she earned a Bachelor
of Science in Psychology &
Communication Disorders and
Sciences, in 2002. Then in 2005, she
received a Master’s of Science degree
in Communication Disorders from
Eastern Washington University.
Jennifer’s first job after graduate
school was with Pediatric Therapy
Specialists, an outpatient clinic, which
worked with children birth to eighteen
years old. “I knew of the Spokane
Guilds’ School because some of our
kids came from there, but I did not
know much. When I was looking
for a change, I did some visiting
and touring of different places, and
found the Spokane Guilds’ School.
It seemed like a good match.”
When asked what she loves
the most about her job, she said, “I
definitely love the feeding aspect
and I love the medical aspect. I love
working with the kids.” Jennifer
is thankful to her parents for their
wise advice to specialize, which has
given her a tremendous satisfaction
in working one on one, building that
relationship. “I think that is what I
love about this job; you get to really
build a relationship with the kids
Go Electronic
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electronically please fill out the following information and mail it in the return envelope provided in this
edition of the VISION or email to karinc@guildschool.org.
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____ Yes, I would like to receive information via e-mail. I understand that my information will be
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and the families.” Jennifer also finds
satisfaction in working in a team
environment, where she is constantly
learning, becoming a better therapist.
“It gives you the ability to see the
whole child, and treat the whole
child.” This is what keeps her here.
She enjoys that the focus is the quality
of service versus productivity.
Jennifer met the love of her life,
Tyler, while in school. They have
two wonderful girls, Emma, seven,
and Kaliah, four, and two pugs, Kona
Jennifer Wells,
Speech and language pathologist
and Kiarra. As foster care parents,
they had a wonderful little boy for
a year and a half. They are part of
his family’s life, and consider them
a part of their family as well. She
feels her greatest accomplishment has
been finding that balance between
working, and being a mom. “I have
found a good balance between being
a mom and loving that, and having a
professional career and loving that.”
Jennifer is also big on health, exercise,
making meal binders, hiking, walking
their dogs, and she especially loves
spending time with her family.
No matter what Jennifer is doing,
her enthusiasm and joy for life shines
through. She reminds us that new
ideas bring positive change. Jennifer,
the Spokane Guilds’ School is blessed
to have you as part of our family!
Page 4
July 2015
Wilde Fl wers: Stories from the Guilds’ School Garden
Debra Wilde
he first few months of her life,
Kyla was known as Mystery
Girl. There were NO issues, or
problems to indicate there was
even a minor concern with the
baby as she grew in her mother,
Julie’s, womb for 9 months.
Then, two weeks before Kyla was
due, Julie had serious contractions,
AND, the baby was breach. “An
emergency C Section NOW!” said her
doctor. Fortunately, her mom and dad
were in town helping a very pregnant
Julie move into their new home while
husband and Daddy to be, Ryan, was at
work. When he got word “boy did he
race to the hospital, run down the hall,
throw on a gown, and was in the room
on time!” Julie told me, smiling. She
was impressed and so grateful he was
there to greet his baby girl with her.
All seemed OK after Kyla made
her dramatic entrance into the world.
However, that euphoric, “everything’s
fine” happiness was about to get
cloudy. Baby Kyla could not maintain
her temperature or her blood sugars.
“We’re going to take her to the
NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit),
just for precautions,” Ryan and Julie
were told. The phrase, “Don’t worry”
echoed through their minds as the
days stretched on. The “don’t worries”
turned into 7 weeks and 2 days before
they could take their little baby home.
Now, there were things to worry about.
So many they could not have imagined.
Many of you reading this article
understand how having a baby in
the NICU flips life upside down and
sideways for family and friends.
“We spent the first few weeks in a
daze,” Julie told me, “holding on to
any shred of hope we could.” Their
family and friends stepped up to
help, rearranging their schedules
to be there in this time of need.
In the beginning, the Changs
learned one by one the sort of issues
their baby was facing as the doctors
tried to figure out what to do. Kyla had
heart and lung problems immediately,
and her hips were out of place. After
a few weeks, and terrible aspiration
pneumonia, they learned she could not
swallow. She had her first heart surgery
at just 4 weeks old, a Coarctation of the
Aorta Repair. A G-Tube (gastrostomytube) was inserted into Kyla’s stomach
a week later to feed, vent, and/or drain.
It bypasses her mouth completely so
she was able to be nourished safely.
Kyla was called Mystery Girl
by some medical staff for at least
6 months, because it took that long
for an official diagnosis. It was a
tough one. Kabuki Syndrome. It is
a rare genetic disorder with a wide
range of characteristics, including
intellectual disability, distinctive facial
features, and skeletal abnormalities.
This syndrome affects males and
females the same. It strikes one in
every 32,000 births a year. There is
no cure. Mom told me Kyla is on the
severe end of the Kabuki spectrum.
I could fill up multiple pages of
stories Julie told me about what her
baby has been through. She described
such things as getting the news that
Kyla was deaf in both ears and the
tiny baby size hearing aids they used.
She recently had Cochlear Implant
Surgery on one ear. They hope she will
talk soon. The Nissan Fundoplication
procedure she had in the NICU, which
took part of Kyla’s stomach and
wrapped it around her esophagus, to
stop her life threatening reflux from
making her vomit all her food given
by G-Tube. Kyla now has a GJ-Tube
(gastrostomy-jejunostomy tube) which
bypasses her stomach completely and
allows the food to go directly into
her small intestine. They are not sure
when Kyla will be able to safely eat
by mouth. The incredible work the
doctors at Shriners did for repairing
Kyla’s hips and the fact that Kyla was
in a Spica cast for a combined total of
6 months. The numbers of specialists
on speed dial, etc. I listened in awe
to the stinging reality of Kabuki
Syndrome this family deals with 24/7.
She has had 12 surgeries since she
was born a mere 2 ½ years ago, as well
as several MRI’s, CT scans, and Spica
cast changes. All under anesthesia,
which adds up to about 18 times. Not
to mention the constant pneumonia
she battles due to her heart issues and
lung problems and the many hospital
stays. This is one tough, fighting, girl!
Kyla Chang
Takes some time to
digest, doesn’t it?
This family has been through so
much. Yet they carry on as a tight,
dedicated, loving family. Their son,
4 ½ year old Kasen, is an “amazing”
big brother. “If I could have hand
picked the perfect sibling to go through
life with Kyla, I would have picked
Kasen,” Julie said. Ryan was not able
to be there the day I interviewed Julie.
She said, “He works so hard to support
us so I can stay home with our kids.”
I do not want to embarrass her, but
when she talked about her husband, her
voice softened, she smiled sweetly and
(continued on page 5)
Page 5
Wilde Flowers
(continued from page 4)
Kyla, Julie, Ryan, and Kasen Chang
lovingly, “We have got each other’s
backs. We are good partners, two
peas in a pod,” she laughed. A
major key to their relationship? “Ya
gotta laugh!” The Spokane Guilds’
School (SGS) adds so much joy
and hope to them. SGS has been a
part of their lives since Kyla was
in the NICU. They loved it when
Joy Eastgate, Occupation Therapist
July 2015
and Sally Hamilton, Speech and
Language Pathologist, started coming
to their home when Kyla was about
4 months old. After Sally retired,
Breanna Schmitt, Speech
and Language pathologist,
took over. Kyla’s progress
has been amazing. She is
walking now, which a doctor
told them she would never
do. Right now, she is working
with Ann Pirttima, Speech
and Language Pathologist,
Suzie Scarborough, Special
Education Teacher, and
Monique Fisher, Occupational
Therapist in a group
setting at the school.
In a few months, Kyla
will turn three. Julie is not
sure which avenue they will
take for their daughter. “It is
scary to imagine not coming here,
where her family feels so loved and
cared for,” Julie told me. It will be
tough. Outside of the SGS, the Changs
belong to a Facebook “family” of
people who have a child with Kabuki
Syndrome. “We exchange questions,
frustrations and just anything we
are going through. It is a huge
support system and really helps.”
Something Julie said softly, as
if she was thinking aloud, keeps
running through my mind. What is
most important? “I was so adamant
about getting those pink curtains
up in her room before we took her
home from the hospital. Thinking
about little girl dresses and bows and
those kinds of things, which deemed
to be so important at the time.” She
was silent for a few seconds, then
smiled at me and carried on, just as
the whole family does every day.
How far Kyla will come, and
what she will be capable of doing
in the future, is a mystery. What
is not a mystery is how tough,
beautiful, and happy this little girl
is! I was in awe of her and the way
she acted like most 2 ½ year olds…
curious, fun, and full of life.
Each quarter Debra Wilde takes the time
to get to know one of our SGS&NMC
families to share their story with our
readership. Debra has been involved with
the School for many years, and served
on the SGS&NMC Board of Directors.
Thank you to all of you who helped support our 2014-2015
Penny Drive! It was a huge success!!
Special thanks to our sponsors and the numerous volunteers who made this event possible!
East Valley High School Cheerleaders
helping out on Community Day!
Margaret Britenbach
Country Homes Building Supply
Hagan Foundation
KREM2 News
Julia McIntyre
Numerica Credit Union
PrimeSource Credit Union
Travis Pattern & Foundry
Volunteers from Sullivan &
Sprague location
Alumni Family, the Conway’s were
all smiles supporting SGS!
Mead High School Student’s
representing at our
Wandermere location
Page 6
July 2015
Of Special Interest…
Our continued thanks to JOHN TIFFANY of DIRECT MAIL ENTERPRISES for providing his mailing service for the
quarterly distribution of the VISION free of charge.
A group of students from North Central High School’s Teen Outreach Program helped plan and throw a “thank you”
picnic for this year’s presentation families. Approximately eight families attended the beach-themed party complete with
sensory tables, face painting, a photo booth, an obstacle course, and “island” food. It was the perfect way to end the school
year, celebrating the families who shared their story at nearly 100 presentations, with over 45,000 students and faculty in
Spokane County schools, hearing the message of acceptance and philanthropy through the “Kids for Kids” Penny Drive.
Thank you North Central students, you are an awesome group of individuals.
The neuromuscular center has a new and improved scale, thanks to the Elizabeth
Pool Charitable Trust. Children’s therapy and their diet are often adjusted in
relation to their weigh change. It is imperative that we have an accurate weight and
height scale, because as little as 1 to 2 ounces can make a huge difference in their
medical treatment plan.
Charles Alpers, Spokane Club CEO, and Dick
Boysen, SGS&NMC Executive Director
Thank you Spokane Club for your
commitment to help non-profit agencies in
our community. The Spokane Guilds’ School
was the big winner this year earning $7,796.88
Beth Barton, former Nurse Coordinator, with
from this 3rd Annual Charity Bracket Buster
the new scale
Auction during the NCAA March Madness
games. Fourteen non-profits participated in the event and six agencies walked away
with a check. This has been a creative and exciting way to raise critical funds for many
not-for-profit organizations. Many thanks to everyone
at the Spokane Club for showing your community
support in this magnificent way.
Thank you Wilbur Church for sharing the quilts
with our families and this donor’s story as she filled
her final days will love. An elderly woman was dying of cancer. In order to keep her
mind busy her daughter transferred pictures from kiddos coloring books to fabric so she
could embroider them. The woman embroidered over 144 squares before passing away.
Her daughter did not want to throw them out so she made them into quilt tops. She heard
about “Do-it-Day” so she matched bottoms to them and gave 12 quilts to the Wilbur
church women to quilt. Many hands have taken part in passing on this woman’s beautiful
handiwork and memory.
Ben Joyce working in his studio
Local artist and alumni dad ben joyce unveiled
the first release of his limited Artist and Studio
Editions and limited Archival Prints at the
One of 12 quilts made by the
Marmot art space in Kendall Yards, Spokane
Wilbur Church Women
the first week in June. These new art editions
will make it a little easier for individuals to “LOVE YOUR PLACE”…. With this
new variety of options available, anyone who has shared in the “Love of Place”
through his artwork can now hang one on their wall. Ben has generously decided
to team up with the Spokane Guilds’ School and donate 15% of all proceeds for
the month of June to the school. As an alumni dad Ben has close ties to the school
as his daughter Nora was diagnosed with 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome at the age of
one. Ben and his entire family believe strongly in the incredible foundation that the
school provides for special needs children. Thank you Ben.
Page 7
July 2015
Eastern Washington University (EWU) students, Carolene, Liz,
Brandon and Hailey approached the Spokane Guilds’ School with the
idea of donating their Capstone Mechanical Engineering project, a robot,
to the school. The students worked with Marilyn Henderson, Program
Coordinator, in the design of this lovable character, Olaf, from the Disney
movie “Frozen” that will be used by the therapists for the children’s
program. What an excellent, fun, lovable character to choose because the
children are completely fascinated as they touch different parts of the robot,
i.e. nose, eyes, head etc., which activates a command for the children to
complete. This creative therapy tool is sincerely appreciated and will be
used lovingly by all. Thank you EWU students for your time and creativity
in designing our very first robot therapy tool for the wonderful children we
have the privilege to serve. Many KUDOS to each of you.
Carolene Guinn, Liz Eskola, Brandon Meade
and Hailey Helm
Thank you to 78 Spokane County schools for raising a total of $45,922.08 through the Kids for Kids Penny Drive! Your
continued generosity and hard work is greatly appreciated!
Congratulations to St. George’s Upper School
for winning the Golden Penny Spirit Award! High
School Advisory Board representatives included:
Manisha Sinha, Emily Tender, and Abigail
Stickney. Thank you for your involvement in the
Penny Drive—we appreciate your love and support
of the Spokane Guilds’ School!
2014-2015 High School Advisory Board
Are you a high school student who wants to make
a difference in the community? The High School
Advisory Board is accepting applications for
representatives: Please visit: www.guildschool.
org/hsab or contact Tammy Sweeney, Assistant
Events Manager, at 509-326-1651 or tammys@
guildschool.org for more information.
Liberty Mutual volunteers, Larue Drager, Ronda Hayes, Hailey Brown, and
Maria Roy stepped up to help spread bark at the playground and in front of the
school. Without these community-minded volunteers, generous with their gift
of time, the Spokane Guilds’ School would not be able to complete these types
of tasks in such a timely manner. Thank you Liberty Mutual volunteers you are
In May, Boise Cascade hosted an event for their employees and clients, where
participants had an opportunity
to compete for prizes and raise
money for the Spokane Guilds’
School! Thank you, Troy Ford
and Alumni Dad, Eric Conway
for making this possible! They
raised $485!!
Larue Drager, Ronda Hayes, Hailey Brown,
and Maria Roy from Liberty Mutual
Troy Ford, Sales Manager from Boise Cascade
and Alumni Dad Eric Conway
Page 8
The More You Know…
By Tammy Sweeney
he Spokane Guilds’ School
provides aquatic therapy, which
offers a low impact, buoyant and
gravity-reduced environment that
allows for an increased range
of motion. In water, children
can move freely and improve
body movement, balance and
coordination. Additional benefits
include: gains in range of motion,
increased strength, achievement of
gross motor milestones, increased
tactile input and breath support
and better social interaction.1
As the warm weather approaches,
there are several activities you can
do with your child (even in the bath
tub) to help with development. As a
reminder, do not ever leave your child
unattended and be sure they are always
an arm’s length away when in or near
water. Some activity ideas are:2
Rocket Ship: Have your child lie
on his back in the water and place his
feet on the wall of the pool or bath
tub. Encourage him to kick off the
wall so he can get some momentum
July 2015
Aquatic Therapy
in the water. We like to count down
“5, 4, 3, 2, 1... blast off!” like a
rocket ship. The movement feels
great plus it’s a good leg exercise.
Kicking: Simply kicking in
Carrie Wardian, Physical Therapist, working with Sawyer
the water is a fantastic exercise.
It’s also a lot of fun for babies and
young children to create all that
splashing and commotion all by
themselves. Practice kicking while
on their tummy and on their back.
Be prepared to get wet yourself!
Seal Walk: In a wading pool
or bathtub, encourage her to lay on
her tummy and “walk” forward on
extended arms like a seal. Great
for upper body strength and head
extension out of the water.
Blowing Bubbles: Here’s another
simple game that is fun and great
developmentally. Encourage your
child to blow bubbles or hum in the
water. She’ll enjoy the sound and
bubbles, plus she’s also strengthening
her lungs and mouth. This is also
an important first step in learning to
hold your breath while swimming.
For more information or to view
the full articles, please visit the
websites that are referenced below.
Remember to always supervise
children when near or in any body
of water, including the bath tub.
Enjoy some fun in the sun, while
engaging in beneficial water activities!
SGS&NMC Welcomes New Staff Members
Karin Cook
Development Assistant
April 2015
Donna Riggers
Administrative Assistant
May 2015
Dr. Matt Thompson
Associate Medical Director
May 2015
Christina Fox
Nurse Coordinator
May 2015
We are pleased and fortunate to welcome new members to the Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center staff.
Please help us welcome Karin, Donna, Dr. Thompson, and Christina to our SGS&NMC family.
Page 9
July 2015
Page 10
Kelly Lee
Person of the Year
Dr. Robert Piston
Community Service Award
July 2015
Kevin and Stefani Spilker
Parents of the Year
On Thursday, June 18th, we gathered at
The Lincoln Center for our Annual Appreciation Dinner.
This evening was a special way to thank the staff,
donors, and individuals who help serve our wonderful
school and keep our mission of helping children
close to their hearts.
With the help of Debra Wilde, Mistress of Ceremonies, we
recognized 35 outstanding honorees who have given
their time, energy, and resources in 2014-2015.
On behalf of the children who attend the Spokane
Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center, we thank you!
Page 11
July 2015
Honor Roll of School Donors February 16—June 17, 2015
Contributors to the
Anonymous (12)
209 Group, Inc.
7Storms Advertising Inc
Deanna Adams
Mike & Molly Adolfae
Alliant Insurance Services
Gregg & Shandra Amend
American Marketing
& Cable
AmericanWest Bank
Kay Anderson
Frances Arden
Gail Atherley
Avista Utilities
Brian & Ann Backus
Allan & Christy Bafus
Bank of Fairfield
Ron & Darlene Bauer
Stan & Lynn Baycroft
Stephen & Cinda Beert
Dr. John Belknap
Luae Benlitifah
Jason & Molly Bergan
Juanita Best
Valerie & Ted Biladeau
Jacke & Bette Blair
John & Christeena Blasen
Jay & Rachel Boehm
Vern & Kathy Bott
Richard Mark Boysen
Anna Bozo
Savannah Brosvik
Donald Brown
Jane Brown
Sandy & Herb Brown
Kathy & Joe Bruce
Donna Bruna
Kevin Budworth
Nikki & Christopher Butler
Ted & Karen Carl
Lawrence & Jetty Carrick
Tim Cassels
Century Marketing, Inc.
Perry & Melissa
Chad & Julie Cherry
Ciena Cares
Lorraine Citkovich
Annette Clausen
Emily Clavel
Clemens Electrical Services
Meaghan & Rick Cobb
Thomas & Barbara Cochran
Richard & Mary Conley
Dave Coombs
Sheryl Cooney
Mitch & Karen Cornwell
Wanda Cowles
Michael & Michelle
Rick & Francine Dullanty
DuPont Crop Protection
Gayle Earling
Eide Bailley
Greater Spokane Elks
Lodge #228
Gary & Bobbie Ellerbeck
Empire Health Foundation
Alyssa Farrell
Congratulations to Carol Glenn, Nikie Noldin, Dan Fall, Carol Hendershot and
Cathie Wescombe celebrating milestone work anniversaries of 20 or 25 years.
Charles & Sharon Cox
Traci Cromwell
Bob & Nancy Crotty
D.A. Davidson
Robert & Roxanne
Frank & Vicki Danahey
Siobhan Danahey
Kenneth & Kristi Daniel
Greg Date
Denny & Genia Denholm
Nicole De Rose
Marianne & Walter DeWitt
Karina & Travis Dierks
Direct Mail Enterprises, Inc.
Hal & Vicki Dixon
Dr. Mike Donlan
Don & Sue Downing
Larue & Jeremy Drager
Gayleana Dschaak &
Thomas Boling
Rudy Duenas
Karrie Fay
Kim & Patricia Fell
Jo Fister
Shaun & Sascha Flanigan
Doug & Oweta Floyd
Patricia Foster
Christina & Matthew Fox
Joe Frank
Fresh Nature Foods
Jerry & Barb Frislie
Thomas Fuget
Theresa Gabel
Dr. R. Thomas &
Dolores Gardner
Kristin Garves
Linda Geier
Anthony Giardino
Duane Giese
Christina Glass
Jim & Carol Glenn
Julia Goltz & Kent Larson
David Goodwin
Greg & Paula Gorton
Dr. Jeff Graham
Vicky Green
Janet Guest
Sherie & Donald Hackney
JoAnn Hagen
Todd & Sue Hagen
Robert & Beverly Hagseth
Patty & Rohn Hahn
Linda Hansford
Steve & Melanie Harman
Harrington United
Methodist Church
Judy Harris
Ilene & Melinda Hein
Jim Hemingway
Richard & Carol
Marilyn Henderson
Jean Hendrikson
Dean & Donna Hepper
Peter & Ellen Higgins
Robert & Barbara Higgins
Ronald Hink
Genia Hoffman
Dr. Creigh & Janice House
Chance Hughs
Michael R. Hunt
Richard & Nancy Hydzik
Mark & Stephanie Ingoldby
Inland Northwest Bank
Carrie L. Irmer
Jacklin Land Company
Melanie Jeffery
Jensen Distribution Services
Nancy Jewett
JJ’s Grill and Brewhouse
Doug Jones
Melissa & Greg Juran
Shari Kain
Kalispel Tribal Economic
Michael Kerr
Michael & Mary Jo Kester
Walter Kieckbusch
Mike & Debbie Kirwin
Northeast Spokane
Kiwanis Club
Peter & Joann Klager
Michelle & William Kohler
Page 12
July 2015
Honor Roll of School Donors February 16—June 17, 2015
Jerry Kostelecky
Tyler & Kelly Lafferty
Eleanor Law
La-Z-Boy Furniture
Galleries, High
Mountain Sales, Inc.
Richard & Bobbie League
Suzanne Leupold
Caitlin & Patrick Lewis
Levi & Teresa Liljenquist
Caren Lincoln
Shadle North Lions Club
Lions Club Southeast
Kathy Lloyd
Lorraine Loeffler
Yanina Longo &
Mikhail Zimoglyad
Lukins & Annis P.S.
Colin MacPhee
Skip & Kathy March
Mark Martin
Tim McCann
Matthew McCoy
Grady McCurry
Margaret McGilvray
Dana McKinley
McNaughton & Nate
Insurance Group
Rick Melanson
Cheryl Mercer
Merck Foundation
Kenneth & Barbara Merkel
Dave Michaud
Chris & Kris Mikkelsen
Joan Milton
Cailin Mitchell
Mitchell’s Harvest Foods
Cheryl Mitchem
Philip Monroe
Monterey Cafe & Pub Inc.
Roger & Nancy Moore
Sandra & Michael Moore
Dennis Morissey &
Dolores Wilber
Sandra & Mahlon Morris
Ted & Barbara Morse
Mother’s Cupboard, Inc.
Marc Mowrer
Monte & Carolyn Nesbitt
Scott Niemeier
Mark & Laura
Karisa Nord
Northside Vision
Center, Inc.
Northwest Farm
Credit Services
Geoffrey & Robyn
Novation Racing, Inc.
Mary Lou O’Donnell
David Olmsted
John & Kathy Olsufka
Loraine Orness
Katie Owens
John & Diane Packard
Padek, LLC
Gregg & Barb Pryde
Quantum Financial
Planning Services, Inc.
David & Susie Raines
Al & Kathy Redman
Kim Reetz
Maggie Reisenauer
Ben Richardson
Mary Richards-Treptow
Joanne & William Riepl
Joseph & Marilyne Rizzuto
Lois Robertson
Spokane East Rotary
Maria Roy
Sean & Amanda Russell
William Ryan
Breanna Schmitt
KHQ’s Allison Flicker, Kalae Chock and Sean Owsley visiting with
SGS student Colton Brazington, his parents Staisha and Allen,
and Tammy Sweeney in the development office of the SGS.
Parkway Auto Center
Pat Patterson
Ken & Carol Pelo
Grant & Gina Pemberton
PEMCO Insurance
Dr. William & Carol
Cindy Phillips
Jake Phillips
Paul & Kandee Pierce
C.J. Pounder, Jr.
Providence Health Care
Nan Schrag
Mark & Wendy Schuller
Dale & Barbara Schultz
Karen Schultz
Screen Tek, Inc.
Houston & Alene Scrudder
Lorus & Judy Scrupps
Pam Sheldon
Jennifer Sherick
Mary Sherwood
Alan & Mindy Simmons
Sip N’ Paint LLC
Audrey Sjoquist
Dr. Paul Skrei
Bob & Joyce Sleeth
Lee Sonderman
Rick & Joni Sorenson
Robert & Frances Soule
Tawni Spargur
Trinity Spencer
John & Abbi Spilker
Ken Spilker
Kevin & Stefani Spilker
Nancy Stachofsky
Dennis & Karen Sterner
Dr. Otto & Shirley Stevens
Doug Stewart
Tricia Stone
Stone Rivard McGonigle
Development, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Stretch
Tim & Debbie Stulc
Carl & Mary Sturm
Monica Stutz
Jere & Theresa Sullivan
Sundance Contractors
Aaron & April Sweatt
Mark & Marsha Swenson
Chris Terry
The Creek at Qualchan
Golf Course
Thrivent Financial
Bill & Margie Tibbits
Ernesto Tinajero & Lace
John & Karen Tonani
Lynn & Doris Tower
Town & Country Auto
Body & Paint
Travelers Community
Connections Matching
Gifts Program
Truist Credit
Ken Turnbull
Ron Turner
Cheryl Vandusen
Mark & Amber Wagenblast
Jamison & Jennifer Wagner
Anita Wallen
Washington Trust Bank
Donald & Mary Watts
Robert & Suzanne Weathers
Lyle & Marilyn Webber
Page 13
July 2015
Honor Roll of School Donors February 16—June 17, 2015
Ed & Mona Weber
Robert & Earlene Weishaar
Wells Fargo Foundation
Patricia Werle
Jay & Debbie Wernz
Keith Western
Vernon L. White &
Corene McMorris
Richard White
Wilbur Lutheran
Church Women
Joan Williams
Dr. Ryan Wilson
Bill Wrigglesworth
James & Wendy Wynd
Dawn Yamada
Zagball, Inc.
Violet Abernathy
Steve & Peggy Colvin
Beth Barton
Marilyn Henderson
Colton J. Brazington
Larue & Jeremy Drager
Gabrielle Cassels
Deanna Scott &
Randy Koster
Ignatia Charon
Vern & Mary Byrd
Keigan Clavel
Emily Clavel
Johnny Cox
Duane & Mary Higginson
Alexia Duckett
Linda Alexander
Ken & Diane Karg
Donna Egger
Walter & Kathy Egger
Aiden Fitzgerald
Darleen Fitzgerald
Thomas P. Fuchs
Philip & Colleen Thompson
Al Gordon
Joe & Maureen Shogan
Marlan Gordon
Joe & Maureen Shogan
Sarah Graham
Susan Frers
Nash D. Henderson
Marty Robinson
Chance K. Huntoon
Terri Aungst
Gary & Bobbie Ellerbeck
Michael Kirstein
Richard & Margaret Kirstein
Jackson Klim
Kevin & Stacey Klim
Douglas Landa
Marian & Henry Landa
Roberta S. League
Joy Donahoe
Dennis & Donna Kelly
James & Wendy Wynd
Julia Notske
Heather & Rob Notske
Logan Notske
Heather & Rob Notske
Lisa Ostrom-King
Christina Glass
Lindsey Overlie
Cindy Phillips
Brandon M. Schuller
Gary Luebbers
Joe Seefried
Lowell & Barbara Barr
SGS Graduates
Karl & Trina Schmid
Joseph Shogan
Joe & Maureen Shogan
Eloise Shogan
Joe & Maureen Shogan
John T. Sinsel
John & Tammi Sinsel
Desiree St. Germain
Spokane Teachers C.U.
Charlie Sweatt
Melissa & Greg Juran
Ashlynn Wilbur
Russ Wilbur
James Wynd
Richard & Bobbie League
Joshua Batchelder
Janet Guest
Sallie Beaupre
Mary Jane Krupke
Nancy Benthin
Ken & Vicky Moland
Jungle Bob
Lawrence & Jetty Carrick
Robert J. Boysen
Richard Mark Boysen
Helen Briggs
Ken & Vicky Moland
Bob Brown
Wandermere Golf Course
Beverly Canfield
Ken & Diane Karg
Jennifer Colliton
Sherry Colliton
Kim F. Cuff
Dan & Patsy Fall
Linda Cunningham
Michael Cunningham
Marie Draper
Chris & Kris Mikkelsen
The Geier Family
Sandra Geier
Sandra K. Goben
John & Tammi Sinsel
Virginia Hall
Beverly McIntosh
Carolyn Hinman
Dr. Darl Vander Linden &
Shirley Carlson
Lynda Maiola
Rocky Maiola
Lola Masters
Don & Jan Young
Sam Norisada
John & Joanne Norisada
Ralph E. Oscarson
Bill & Nell McIntosh
Roger & Janet Swan
Winston & Cashatt
Jean Petry
Dan & Patsy Fall
Jovi S. Preston
Luke & Mathea Manley
Maury Rager
Marilyn Henderson
Paul Reedy
Leona Reedy
Judge John J. Ripple
Dr. Harold & Arlene
Barbara Rutherford
Nic & Jan Bachhuber
Lorraine Kennedy
David Solomon &
Kathleen Long
Beatrice A. Ryan
National Association of
Credit Management
Alice A. Sprenger
William Sprenger
Dave Steegstra
D.A. Davidson
Brett & Marcia Lemaster
Benjamin Milbrath
National Christian
Foundation Seattle
Neighbors of Dave Steegstra
John & Louise Steegstra
Memorial Fund
Richard Steegstra
Lloyd & Virginia Zimmerman
Arlene Town
Paul Town
Lily Winant
Bill & Sandy Winant
Lela Wogman
Larry & Margaret Erickson
Calendar of Events
(August - October 2015)
24-31 School Break (School Closed)
School Break (School Closed)
Labor Day (School Closed)
Board of Directors Meeting
Foundation Trustee Meeting
6 “Circle of Hope” Benefit Breakfast
10 Wisdom Earned Premiere
20 Board of Directors Meeting
28 Foundation Trustee Meeting
Page 14
July 2015
Honor Roll of Foundation Donors February 16—June 17, 2015
Congratulations to the following members of the SGS&NMC
staff who celebrated anniversaries during the months of
March, April, May and June. Your commitment to the Spokane
Guilds’ School children and their families is inspirational.
Mar. 22
May 8
May 18
May 27
June 9
June 20
June 23
Carol Hendershot, Physical Therapist
Marilyn Henderson, Program Coordinator
Steve White, Maintenance Manager
Cheryl Morgan, Physical Therapist
Bobbie League, Planned Giving Officer
Robert Piston, M.D., Medical Director
Ginette Kerkering, Physical Therapist
Carol Glenn, Family/Staff Liaison
Virginia Knight, Occupational Therapist
Carrie Wardian, Physical Therapist
Breanna Hansen, Speech/Language Pathologist
Janet Cook, Special Education Teacher
Meaghan Cobb, Speech/Language Pathologist
Anonymous (3)
5 Mile Laundry
Gayle Adams
Adams Elementary
Mike & Cathy Ainsworth
Sandy Alderman
Linda Alexander
Mary Alexieve
Deidre & Cameron Allen
Michael Altringer
Corey & Kalena Anderson
Lane Anderson
Mark & Christie Anderson
Ryland T. Anderson
Betty Apling
Arlington Elementary
Assumption Parish School
Gail Atherley
Margaret Austin
Avalon Care Center
Anne Marie Axworthy
William & Sharon Bacon
Balboa Elementary
Lawrence & Janet Barber
Tom & Sandy Bassett
Jeffrey & Kristine Bell
Bemiss Elementary
Greg & Deb Bever
Bruce & Kathy Bixler
25 years
38 years
4 years
23 years
11 years
19 years
9 years
20 years
23 years
7 years
1 year
34 years
7 years
Bonney Lake High
School ASB
Bob Bonuccelli
Boone Electric
Richard Mark Boysen
Kelly Bradford
Margaret Breitenbach
Terri Brereton
Deanna & Dale Bright
T.J. & Kris Brill
Bryan & Lisa Brock
Diane & Hunter Brown
Browne Elementary
Brownstone Work Release
Mike Brunett
Sharma Cain
PJ & Bridget Carstens
Maureen Cashatt
Tim Cassels
Centennial Middle School
Central Valley High School
Central Valley School
District No. 356
Clint & Vikki Champion
Dr. Ed & Faris Charbonneau
Chase Middle School
Cheney Federal
Credit Union
Chester Elementary
Eric & Carrie Christiansen
Classic Autos & Rods
of Spokane
Steve & Karen Clemens
Thomas & Barbara Cochran
Richard & Diane Collins
Jerry & Nola Combs
Laura Cook-Crotty &
Matthew Crotty
Cooper Elementary
The Rob & Stacy
Cossey Family
Costco Wholesale #670
Joyce Costello
Molly & Gary Coulter
Wanda Cowles
Dr. Johnny & Barbara Cox
David & Cherie Crouse
Christi Culp
Virginia Czechowski
Gordon & Trudie Damskov
Frank & Vicki Danahey
Kenneth & Kristi Daniel
Pat Davey
Donald & Pat Davis
Mike & Jeanne DeBardi
Gurdial & Sarah Dhatt
Dale Dietrich
Vern & Shannon Digiovanni
Doug Dittamore
John Downey &
Alexis Nelson
Robert Du-Ell
Rick & Francine Dullanty
Vicki Dunn
Andrew Dyson
Eagle Peak School
East Valley High School
C Edgar
Jim & Sharon Engh
Robert & Karen Fairburn
E.J. Ferguson
Ferris High School
Finch Elementary
Monique Fisher
Jo Fister
Michael Flannery
Doug & Oweta Floyd
Alden & Cindy Forbes
Tom & Bev Forkner
Kimberly A. Fox
Franklin Elementary
Martha Frazier
Patricia Freeman
Freeman Elementary
Freeman School
District No. 358
Tara & Anthony Frieske
Roger Fruci &
Sharon Murphy
Theresa Gabel
Gamma Epsilon
Garfield Elementary
Lynn Mount, Peggy King, Kathleen Screiber,
Sandy Mangis, Rashelle Crippen, and Kristi Ray
present a check from Cheney Federal Credit
Union staff and members. They raised $300 for
the “Kids for Kids” Penny Drive! Every penny
does count! Thank you for your generous support
of the children attending the Spokane Guilds’
Page 15
July 2015
Honor Roll of Foundation Donors February 16—June 17, 2015
Garland Business District
Garry Middle School
Ed & Helen Gately
Jeff & Lonna Gately
Eric & Kristin Genoway
Bill Genoway
Kathryn & Martin Gibson
Janis Gilson
Frederick Glaesemann
John & Bev Glass
Jim & Carol Glenn
Golden Law Office
Julia Goltz & Kent Larson
Gonzaga Preparatory School
David Goodwin
Rick & Susan Gordon
Kathleen Govett
Jerry & Charlotte Graves
Greenacres Middle School
Ramona Griffin
Joyce Gunning
Nikki & Jim Hanley
Jon Hansen
Ronald & Judith Harris
Cmsgt. David & Bonnie
Scott & Joanne Hoffman
Hogan Law Group PLLC
Holmes Elementary
Linda Honn
Shannon Hoots
Drs. Jim & Jody Howard
Cole E. Hudson
Todd Humphreys
Klaus Huschke
Richard & Nancy Hydzik
Indian Trail Elementary
Inland Northwest Bank
Barry & Kayse Iverson
Janis Jackson
Johanna Jackson
Harriett & Lloyd Jacobson
Jefferson Elementary
Sarah Jess
Thomas & Diane Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Terry Judge
Jack Kelly
Nancy Ross Kennedy
Larry & Joanna Kiewert
Don & Margreta Kilgore
Diane King
Cars for Charity
Offers a Win-Win
Cars for Charity is an easy way for you to help
the SGS&NMC kids. When you donate your unneeded
vehicle, we receive cash to help fund the operation of the
School, thereby helping local kids with developmental
disabilities and their families. Thanks to the many generous donors
who designate the SGS&NMC when donating vehicles! The following
individuals made donations from Feb. 16, 2015 – June 17, 2015:
John Matthews
Melinda Shulkin
Kevin Freeman
Rick & Joan Haynes
William & Lynn Hein
Mary Helmer
Marilyn Henderson
Wayne & Shirley Hendren
Dean & Donna Hepper
Fred & Carole Herrlinger
Dennis & Jane Hession
Robert & Barbara Higgins
Lesley Quick
Jacob Kratt
Sara Hodges
Michael Magee
Patricia Kingsbury
Patrick & Maureen Kirby
James & Victoria Knapp
Janis Krepcik
Rodney Kuntz
Terry & Kathy Lackie
Gregg & Jill Larson
Bob & Mary Helen Larson
Paul & Nadine Larson
North Central High School Cheer Squad trying to stay dry on Community Day
Don & JoAnn Laughlin
Dave & Denise Lawless
Raymond & Caryl Lawton
Clare League
Richard & Bobbie League
Henry & Barbara Lewis
Lewis & Clark High School
Libby Center
Liberty Lake Lions
Lidgerwood Elementary
Lil Hawks Preschool
T.W. & Vicki Liljenberg
Linwood Elementary
John & Liz Little
Bobby & Barbara Lock
Logan Elementary
Nancy Loman
Deban Lothspeich
Lynn & Marilyn Lund
Colleen Macaulay
William & Gail Madison
Pete & E.J. Magera
Bob & Elinor Magnuson
Diane Mangano
Shawna & Christian Manion
Keith Martin
Kenneth Martin
Daniel & Trixie Martin
Marcia Mayberry-Peters
Tom & Teresa McCabe
Ron & Sharon McCloskey
Dale McCuistion
McDonald Elementary
Wayne & Claudia
Steve & Linda McIntosh
Cheryl McMahon
Brian & Carolynn
Paul McNaughton
Bruce & Jennifer Medeiros
MEDEX Northwest
Medical Lake Alternative
High School
The Melanson Family
Jodi Menne
Mr. & Mrs. Howard
K. Mewhinney
Carole & Daniel Meyer
Dan & Debbie Michielli
Midway Elementary
Chris & Kris Mikkelsen
Diane Miller
Dick Miller
Don & Margaret Miller
Margaret Miller
Hal & LaDonna Moore
Moran Prairie Elementary
Page 16
July 2015
Honor Roll of Foundation Donors February 16—June 17, 2015
Lynda Parry
Pamela Parry
Bitsy Peffer
PEMCO Foundation
Don & Sandie Peterson
Mike & Carmen Piccolo
Debra & Stephen Piper
William & Wanda Podobnik
Karch & Linda Polgar
Michael Pontarolo
Sophia Post
Debby Powell
Tom & Wendy Putman
Gail Quaid
John McKinnon & Maureen
Redeemer Preschool
Robert & Lucille Reimer
Gene & Janet Ressa
Teresa & Todd Reuter
Lois Richards
Rick’s Kar Korner
Ridgeview Elementary
River Ridge Hardware
Ken & Sharon Roberts
Rockwood Retirement
Community at Hawthorne
Rocky Rococo
Clint & Linda Rogel
Kathy & Ken Rogers
Rogers High School
Morrison Construction
Terri & William Mortenson
Mother’s Cupboard, Inc.
Mountain View Middle
School Imprest Fund
Mt. Spokane High School
Karen Muzzy
Elaine Myers
Mary Naber
Ben & Judy Naccarato
Nick & Lori Naccarato
Aaren & Kim Newman
Newtech Skills Center
Nine Mile Falls
Elementary School
Nancy L. Norbury-Harter
North Central High School
Northside Vision
Center, Inc.
Geoffrey & Robyn
Jim & Sharon O’Connell
Leon Olney
James & Barbara Olson
Hal & Anne-Marie Ophus
Ann Osten
Jerry & Bernadette Rohner
Dr. John Roll & Dr.
MaryAnn Chapman
Roosevelt Elementary
Jeffrey Ropp
Rotary Club of Liberty Lake
Centennial Foundation
Rachel & James Rowley
Dan & Nancy Rumpeltes
Sacajawea Middle School
Saint George’s School
Salk Middle School
Debora Schilling
Breanna Schmitt
Bob & Tamara Schuller
Jason & Cami Schultz
Scribbles Preschool
Houston & Alene Scrudder
Ann Sebright
Peggy Self
Shadle Park High School
Dr. Ron & Margaret Shapiro
Sheridan Elementary
Mary Sherwood
Jerry & Juli Shogan
Douglas & Linda Shurtleff
Joann Skaufel
Christine Smith
Deborah Smith
Eric & Mery Smith
Hollie Smith
Congratulations and Happy Birthday to our most recent graduates. Many of you
celebrated your third birthdays and other were no longer in need of SGS&NMC
services. Our hope is that you will each go on to accomplish, achieve, triumph, and
fulfill your every dream.
Matthew Smith
Snowden Elementary
Louise & Daryl Soles
Katherine Soter
Fred & Monica Spicker
Richard Splichal
Insurance Agency
Spokane Association
of Realtors
Spokane Public Schools
Maintenance Department
Spokane Shock
Jerry & Cary Sprecher
St. John Vianney School
Nate & Mary Steilen
Rob Steiner
Shirley Stentz
Barbara Stevens
Stevens Elementary
Ben & Ann Stuckart
Tammy & Justin Sweeney
Robert & Donna Sword
Jayne Symmes
Synergy Properties
Jeff Talbot
Temple Lodge #42
Gregory & Janet Tenold
Greg Terhaar
The Community School
The Spokane Club
Ron & Sherri Thies
Chuck Thomas
Sam Thompson
Susan Thompson
Paul & Cathy Thorvaldsen
Bill & Margie Tibbits
Don & Sis Tocher
Lillian Trapp
Travelers Community
Connections Matching
Gifts Program
Peg & Jim Troske
University Elementary
Robert & Michelle Wagner
Nancy & Don Walker
Connie & Harvey Waller
Dr. Jim & Lynn Watts
Eileen Wells
Dick & Carol Wendle
Page 17
July 2015
Honor Roll of Foundation Donors February 16—June 17, 2015
Hannah Sylvester from NC High
School volunteering at the phon-a-thon.
Noel & Cathie Wescombe
Western Dance Center
Westview Elementary
Vernon L. White &
Corene McMorris
Whitman Elementary
Kathleen Wiebers
Karl & Tamy Wilkinson
Willard Elementary
Drs. Randy & Betty
James & Beverly Williams
Vandetta Williams
Williams’ Paint
and Coatings
Charles & Melissa Willis
Wilson Elementary
Windsor Elementary
Larry & Dian Wiwatowski
Alvin Wolff
Woodridge Elementary
Jack & Phyllis Worden
Donald & Janet Workman
WPX Courier LLC
Nancy Wynia
Zip’s Northwest Inc.
Zoo Crew Pre-School Zion Lutheran Church
Landmark Aviation
Heather Churape
Cora J. Cox
Donna Cox
Colin Harris
Laura Van Noy
Lance Cox
Michael & Mary King
Thomas P. Fuchs
Gene & Sharon
John Guarisco
Joshua Henderson
Kevin & Cheryl Morgan
Mica Kropidlowski
Kevin & Cheryl Morgan
Julia McIntyre
Richard Mark Boysen
Tiffany & Eric Byrd
Dan Carney
Daniel & Patricia Chester
Circle Corral Ranch
Dominic & Denise Decaro
Mary Eckenrode
Grand Pediatrics
Mark & Sally Greaby
John Hackney
Sherie & Donald Hackney
Marjorie Heberling
Darci Helbling
Cheryl Kingen
Richard & Bobbie League
Andrea McIntyre
Numerica Credit Union
Daniel & Barbara Paluch
Elizabeth & Sean Runnels
Glenn Shepard
Sisters of The Holy
Names Pinehurst
Jim Solan
David & Janet Solberg
Spokane County United Way
Sister Patricia Wasson,
Paul & Monica Wasson
Vincent Wasson
Shelby Miltner
Kevin & Cheryl Morgan
Julia Notske
Kevin & Cheryl Morgan
Heather & Rob Notske
Logan Notske
Heather & Rob Notske
Hobbs A. Smith
Eric & Mery Smith
Jean S. Stover
Bob & Barbara Forth
Meagan Varecha
Kevin & Cheryl Morgan
“Swede” Axelson
Kathleen R. Wolfe
Sallie Beaupre
Marylou & Ray Smith
Cyril J. Boysen
Mary Ann Eicher
Dolores Boysen
Kay Anderson
Gail Atherley
Jess Boysen Family
Laura Boysen and
Sandi Bangert
Paul Boysen Family
Richard Mark Boysen
Dr.Thomas C. Boysen,
Sr. & Wendy Temira
Tom & Catherine Boysen
Rebekka Boysen-Taylor &
Erik Taylor
Brent & Gloria Brigham
Kenneth & Kristi Daniel
Denny & Genia Denholm
Bob & Barbara Forth
Julia Goltz & Kent Larson
Marilyn Henderson
Debra & Steven Klein
Linda Klein
Richard & Bobbie League
Brian & Carolynn
Dave Michaud
Deborah Mitchell
Kevin & Cheryl Morgan
Dr. William &
Irene Norwood
Mike & Cindy Noyes
Dr. Robert & Jane Piston
Dolores Boysen (cont.)
Anne-Marie Ross
Peggy & Gary Shelton
Sisters of The Holy
Names Pinehurst
Merle Stone
Jean & Ron Stover
John F. Boysen
Brent & Gloria Brigham
Robert J. Boysen
Richard Mark Boysen
Mary Ann Eicher
Rose E. Boysen
Brent & Gloria Brigham
Zorre L. Dearborn
Dr. Ed &
Faris Charbonneau
Patricia A. Donlan
Dr. Mike Donlan
Judith Desmond Little
Bill & Charlotte Desmond
Dereck G. Miller
Ivan & Leslie Miller
Alan Redinger
Mary Ann Eicher
Chester Riddle
Dick & Bonnie Vandervert
Richard Runyon
Cheney High School
Beatrice A. Ryan
Gail Quaid
Chase Warrington
Scott & Tami Warrington
Emma Wasson
Sister Patricia Wasson,
Benjamin J. Wasson
Sister Patricia Wasson,
We apologize if your name is
missing from the Honor Roll.
Please call the SGS&NMC
Development Office to report
any errors or omissions.
Page 18
Leaving a Legacy:
By Bobbie League
leven years ago I was asked by
the then Development Director,
Tracy Penna, if I would start writing
the “Leave a Legacy” articles for
the school’s VISION newsletter. I
will have to admit that I was a little
apprehensive at first but looking back,
this has been one of the highlights of
my job, proving to be rewarding and
fun. At first glance we thought this
would be the opportunity to write
about all types of giving instruments
(i.e. wills, trusts, and annuities etc.)
but after some thought I decided
Lane Anderson
writing human-interest stories
about the unique ways people give
of their time, talents and treasure
would be much more worthwhile.
The Spokane Guilds’ School &
Neuromuscular Center (SGS&NMC)
possesses a treasure chest of material
that is rich in content when it comes
to leaving a legacy. I have never grown
short of topics or ideas to write about.
The storylines arrive each week with
the generosity of caring individuals
wanting to help make a difference
in the lives of the children we serve.
Over time, I have written articles
about service clubs, surprise endof-life gifts, alumni success stories,
companies/businesses, matching
gifts, guild ladies, foster parents, staff,
foundation gifts and many more. This
story is about three amazing young
individuals, in Generation Z, who have
been touched by the work done at the
SGS&NMC and wanted to give back.
The millennial generation, also
known as Generation Y, born after
1980, is being followed by a generation
of independent, curious, and driven
talent. This new generation is growing
up behind the scenes – Generation
Z (born starting in the mid-90s to
the early 2000’s). Gen Zers are being
Tommy Fuchs
schooled in emotional intelligence,
prefer in-person to online interactions,
and want to make their own success.
Gen Zers are growing up in a healthier
environment and just want to be let
go. They want to take an active role in
their communities and their futures.
Generation Z is a generation of highly
educated, tech-savvy, innovative
thinkers. They look for solutions
on their own and set out to make
things happen. They love the idea of
volunteer work and want hands-on
opportunities to make up their own
personal approach to philanthropy.
This year we were touched by
three of this Generation Z youth
who wanted to do something for
July 2015
Building a solid future
for the kids of tomorrow
the Spokane Guilds’ School, please
meet Lane Anderson (14), Tommy
Fuchs (15), and Julia McIntyre (11).
*Lane Anderson, a graduate
from the Spokane Guilds’ School
in 2004, called her project “Paying
Back Kindness.” Lane launched her
own “Lane’s Change Drive for Kids”
coin collection at her middle school
on the west side of Washington State
in conjunction with the Spokane
Guilds’ School annual Penny Drive
fundraiser. Lane is very thankful
for the services she received from
the Guilds’ School and in return
for their kindness she wanted to
give back. Lane collected $823.43,
which was a tremendous amount of
Julia McIntyre
pennies collected to help others. It is
so wonderful to know that a young
person like Lane and her family have
not forgotten about the SGS&NMC
and how the program continues to
change the lives of the smallest in our
community. Lane is a Generation Z
example of making things happen.
*Tommy Fuchs has just graduated
from 8th grade and will be entering
high school next year. Tommy is also
a graduate of the Spokane Guilds’
School and wants to give back. Tommy
approached me one day this spring and
asked if he wrote a presentation speech
could I connect him with businesses
or clubs that would be interested in
(continued on page 19)
Page 19
July 2015
Leaving a Legacy
(continued from page 18)
hearing his story. At the conclusion
of his presentation, he would ask for
contributions for the school. You
can imagine how moved I was by
Tommy’s initiative, independence,
and desire to help the school. I
made arrangements right away
for his first presentation. Tommy
plans to continue sharing his story
in high school hoping to continue
raising funds for the SGS&NMC.
Tommy is a bold example of
the Generation Z character.
*Julia McIntyre has been raising
monies for the Spokane Guilds’
School “Kids for Kids” Penny Drive
since she was in first grade, turning
her grade-school social justice project
into an awareness campaign for
children with special needs. Julia’s
energy and passion for the school
is unparalleled. Julia’s uncle Ben
attended the SGS&NMC and she
knew what the school had done for
her uncle and their entire family.
This year Julia raised $5,917.76 for
the Penny Drive. As a 6th grader
her goal was $600 but circumstances
changed when the word got out about
her Young Philanthropist Award this
year. Two larger entities in Spokane
stepped up contributing matching
gifts to her efforts. Julia is truly a
Generation Z example of a driven
and independent talent wanting to
make her own success for others.
Many thanks to all of our
Generation Z friends for the
difference they are making in
the lives of others…you are
generous, caring individuals.
This is my final “Leaving a
Legacy” article and a perfect way to
conclude. This story has brought me
full circle from donors, to children
served, to alumni students giving
back: “Kids for Kids.” I am most
grateful for the opportunity to share
so many stories with you over the
years; now on to retirement. Thank
you for continuing to “Keep the
Dream Alive” for the children and
families served at the SGS&NMC.
Steve Harmon, Kurt Walsdorf,
Mark Macklyn and Randy Legg
Making the perfect putt.
Thank you to all who participated in the
This year’s tournament was held June 1st at the
beautiful Manito Golf & Country Club.
We are happy to report that we raised $49,584!
Special thanks to all of our sponsors
who made the event possible:
Bank of
of America
D.A. Davidson
DMC Properties
Eide Bailly
Greenstone Corporation
Jacklin Land Company
King Beverage, Inc.
Larry Miller Spokane Lexus
Latah Creek Winery
Merrill Lynch
Moloney+O’Neill Insurance
Padek LLC
Pepsi Cola Spokane
Screen Tek, Inc.
SRM Development
Travis Pattern & Foundry
Washington Trust Bank
Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers
Wolff Companies
Non-Profit Org.
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Child Profile... Meet Amelia
By Tammy Sweeney
Amelia had a routine newborn
hearing screening done, just like
every baby. However, the first
time she failed it. Thinking she
might have fluid in her ears, her
parents Melissa and Jeremiah
waited a day and tested again,
but she failed again. It was finally
determined that Amelia was
profoundly deaf in both ears, with
no answers as to why. Melissa
and Jeremiah decided that
they wanted a cochlear implant
for Amelia, which could not be
implanted until she was a year old.
Amelia began receiving
speech and physical therapy
services at the Spokane Guilds’
School at 5 months old. While
waiting to receive her cochlear
implants, Amelia learned sign
language and worked on her
balance. Being deaf affects her
equilibrium, which made it hard
for her to stand, walk and hold
herself up in a sitting position.
In January 2015, her implant
was turned on and she could
hear for the first time. It was
scary for her and she cried, but
that day has changed her life
forever. Currently 20 months
old, Amelia can understand and
sign 15 different words. She
will respond when her name is
called, can run, walk, push her
toys all over and even catches
herself when she falls.
Her biggest job right now
is learning how to be a big
sister. Melissa states, “Having
these therapies in place for
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her have really helped these
accomplishments. Without them
she might not have progressed
this far so fast. The Spokane
Guilds’ School has really been
a blessing to us. We are very
thankful everyday for all the
help they have provided to us.”