August 2010 - Spokane Guilds School


August 2010 - Spokane Guilds School
Spok ane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscul ar Center
A n d Th e S p o k a n e G u i l d s ’ S c h o o l F o u n d a t i o n
Volume 13, Issue 3
August 2010
V I S IQOuarterNly
Working together to make a difference
Opening Life’s Possibilities
Josephine in the tube.
Annual Report
We would like you to meet one of the
inspirational alumni that received services
at the SGS&NMC from 1979 to 1981. His
name is Shawn, and this is his story, as
retold by Bobbie League.
E dition
Executive Director’s
President’s Message
2009-2010 Annual
Report Budget Report
All-Star Staff profiles
Tricia Goodman
Wilde Flowers
Evening of Appreciation
The More You Know…
Contributors to
Contributors to the
Leaving a Legacy
Child Profile
Meet DeMarcus
Trey learning his veggies
Trey learning his veggies
he VISION cover story is traditionally
written about one of our current children
by their parents. However, this being our 50th
Anniversary Annual Report publication we
wanted to highlight an alumni student. We
believe that all of our children have success
stories and we are honored to walk alongside
them on their journey. I am humbled to have this
opportunity to share Shawn’s story because I was
there to hear his remarks at Appreciation Night
in 2003.
Shawn Murinko is currently the Washington
State Department of Transportation’s Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance Officer
and was appointed by Governor Christine
Gregoire in 2006 to serve as a commissioner
to the Washington State Human Rights
Commission. Shawn is also a member of the
Olympian’s Diversity Panel and writes an opinion
column for the Olympian newspaper. Shawn is
the current Chair of the Washington Attorneys
with Disabilities group. Just think, who would
have ever dreamed in 1976 that
this boy, born with cerebral palsy
and using a wheelchair most of
his 34 years, would be working in
Olympia, WA focusing his career
on disability rights issues?
Shawn fully understands what
it means to “Keep the Dream
Alive.” In 1976 his parents, John
and Shirley Murinko, were left
in the tube
with more questions Josephine
than answers
from the medical community, as
often happens to parents with
children experiencing a developmental disability
or delay. Rather than getting bogged down,
Shawn shared, “My
parents did the only
thing they could
do. They trusted
their instincts and
forged their own
path. That path
started out with a
lot of hard work,
patience, and the
help and expertise
of the professionals
at the Spokane
Shawn receiving therapy in 1979
Guilds’ School &
Center (SGS&NMC). My parents gained the
tools to ensure that I could be successful and the
vision to look past the todays and into what life’s
possibilities were for my tomorrows.” This is their
family’s story.
Between the age of two ½ years and the
time he entered public school, Shawn attended
the SGS&NMC. He graduated from University
High School in the Spokane Valley in 1995 and
Central Washington University in 1999, with a
BA degree in Political Science. He went on to get
a law degree from Gonzaga University in 2003.
Shawn told me that his desire to
attend law school was motivated
by his aspiration to be an advocate
for others, in particular those who
experienced a disability.
Shawn said, “I never imagined
that I would graduate with a law
degree. I never imagined I would
have a wife who would be there to
see it happen. I never imagined
that I would see my own child come
into the world. These are things
Shawn, 31 years later
(continued on page 2)
Page 2
August 2010
Executive Director’s Message
ur program is blessed to have so
many people and organizations
working together to provide such a
comprehensive and compassionate
effort on behalf of the children and
their families. The talent and level
of commitment is impressive. As you
review this edition of the VISION,
which is our Annual Report, I know
you will be struck by the effort and
its outcomes. The children enjoy a
concerted effort on behalf of their
community to help them in their growth
and development. Thank you, Spokane,
for fifty years of outstanding support!
One of our highlights in the past
several months has been the board
securing John Hancock of Deep Creek
Consulting to assist us in determining
the organization’s readiness to address
its facility needs. He has been
working with representatives of the
school and foundation boards, staff
and others on a committee called
the Vision Confirmation Committee.
The committee has reviewed the
organization’s goals and objectives and
its desire to serve more of the eligible
children in the community who do not
currently have a way to get services
here. We only serve 30% of the
children in the county who need us.
That means 70% can’t get in. We also
have a strong desire to assist our higher
education partners in training more
of their students in pediatric special
education, physical, occupational and
speech therapy, social work, nursing
and other allied service areas. The
school desires to become a research
center where its techniques can be
measured for effectiveness and adoption
by others. Northwest Architecture
Company (NAC), along with Bouten
Construction, has been hired to do a
predesign study. John Hancock thinks
we are ready and he has helped us to
move our facility initative along.
We owe a debt of gratitude to our
community. Each year we need to secure
30% of the income to run the school
from the private sector. We appreciate
our many government funders but 30%
is a big number. Our donors come
through for us and that speaks well for
our community. As we move ahead it is
clear that we will need to become even
more efficient at raising private dollars.
Many thanks to the thousands of people
in Spokane who care and understand
Opening Life’s Possibilities (continued from page 1)
unimaginable to many, but most of all
to me. When I look back on my life
thus far, I’m reminded of a time when I
signed up for band class. I showed up the
first day of class, drum in hand, in my
wheelchair, looking up onto a long flight
of stairs between me and the classroom.
Experiences like this one are painful, but
I’m grateful for them now. They serve to
remind me of how far I have come and
also of how far we have yet to go.”
This article would not be complete
without a word about his family. Shawn
will tell everyone that his proudest
accomplishments in life are that of being
a husband to his beautiful wife, Rebecca,
and the father to their amazing six year
old daughter, Grace. We here at the
SGS&NMC feel a part of Grace’s life as
Shawn has sent us pictures and kept us
updated on the many fun and exciting
adventures of life as a parent with a
darling daughter.
During the Appreciation Night
festivities in 2003, Shawn spoke the
following words. I repeat them here
because I believe they exemplify the
man Shawn has become. They are, and
were then, straight forward, realistic
and thought provoking. Shawn shared,
“Lessons learned along the way do not
come in a manual, but from the heart.
Therefore, dream with courage and
flexibility. Doing so will not only assure
all children’s tomorrows are infused with
growth and opportunity, it will also
equip all of us to deal with the arduous,
yet very rewarding, journey ahead for
all children and those that serve them.
Life after the Spokane Guilds’ School
Dick Boysen
enough to help. The outcome is positive
and shows that Spokane does love its
children and is willing to support them
and their families. Thanks to all of you
who are helping to KEEP THE DREAM
If you would like to receive
information via e-mail
please send your
e-mail address to
will undoubtedly bring with it new
challenges, new triumphs, new joys, and
definitely new frustrations. None of this,
whether good or bad, easy or difficult,
means the dream is extinguished. But
for this dream to have the enduring and
lasting legacy it deserves, for the sake of
your child, and all children, you must
realize that a dream does not come to
fruition overnight. It comes through
years of trials and tribulations, and yes, a
lot of laughter along the way.”
With great appreciation and
gratitude, we sincerely thank Shawn
for reminding all of us about life’s
possibilities and the importance of
“Keeping the Dream Alive” for those
who have attended the SGS&NMC in
the past fifty years and for those who will
follow in the next fifty years.
Page 3
August 2010
Looking ahead to 50 more years of service!
Chris Olney, Board President
Spokane Guilds’ School &
Neuromuscular Center
s I finish up my 1st year as
the Spokane Guilds’ School
& Neuromuscular Center School
Board President, I stand in awe of
this magnificent organization which
is celebrating its 50th year serving
our community. Since its humble
beginnings in 1960, the SGS&NMC
has served literally thousands of
children and their families.
I would like to thank all those
who gave of their time and talents
this past year for the Penny Drive,
Annual Auction, Wendy’s Classic Golf
Tournament, and “Circle of Hope”
Benefit Breakfast. Each of these events
plays such an important part in being
able to continue to Keep the Dream
Alive! These events were all extremely
successful this past year because of your
I am pleased to report that even in
these challenging economic times we
were able to finish our past school year
in the black. This would not have been
possible without the tremendous support
from our dedicated staff and community
As we move into the future, our
biggest challenge will be addressing
our need to expand our vision and our
building. At one time we were able to
serve up to 90% of the children who
needed our services. The growth in the
number of children and families needing
our help has outpaced our ability to keep
up. Today we are only able to serve 30%
2010-2011 Board of Directors
SGS&NMC Calendar of Events
(all activities August 10 –
November 30, 2010)
23-31—School Break (School Closed)
1-3—School Break (School Closed)
6—Labor Day (School Closed) 14—Board of Directors Meeting
20—Wendy’s Classic Golf Tournament 22—Foundation Trustee Meeting
13—Foundation Benefit Breakfast
19—Board of Directors Meeting
20—Foundation Trustee Meeting
11—Veteran’s Day (School Closed) 16—Board of Directors Meeting
17—Foundation Trustee Meeting
25-26—Thanksgiving (School Closed) President
Chris Olney
First Vice President
Shaun Flanigan
Second Vice President
Barb Pryde
Geoff Norwood, CPA
Assistant Treasurer
Tim Cassels
Debby Ogan
Kay Anderson
Helen Black
Kris Brill
Vicki Dornbos
Ben Joyce
Ryan Kile
Stacey Klim
Jude Martin, MD
Dave Michaud, JD
Steve White
of the community’s need.
As a parent of a special needs
child who attended the school the first
three years of his life, I remember how
rough those first three years were even
with the help of the SGS&NMC. I
cannot imagine what we would have
done without the help and support we
The school board, foundation
trustees & staff have begun taking
bold steps to address this next phase of
our growth. I consider it an honor to
have this opportunity to serve such an
amazing group of people as our Executive
Director, Dick Boysen, and the dedicated
staff of the Spokane Guilds’ School
& Neuromuscular Center. I feel the
positive energy and love every time I
walk into the building. Thank you all
for your dedication, hard work, and the
unconditional love you show the kids
and families each and every day.
2010-2011 Foundation
Trustee Board
Sandy Alderman
Vice Presidents
Pat Maguire
Dennis Kelly
Gregg Larson, C.P.A.
Assistant Treasurer
Houston Scrudder
Rick Dullanty, J.D.
Immediate Past President
Jim Powers
Jerry Altig, Lisa Arsenault,
T.J.Brill, Sandy Brown,
Dale Burgeson, Rudy Dueñas,
Jean Edwards, Ken Fry, Jeff Gately,
Robb Heinrich, Brian McNaughton,
Rick Melanson, Kilmer Nichols,
Chris Olney, Chuck Olsen,
Mike Schneider, Dan Schnell,
Mike Thompson, Tomie Zuchetto
Page 4
August 2010
Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center
Financial Statement July 1, 2009—June 30, 2010
(subject to audit by McDirmid, Mikkelsen, and Secrest, P.S.)
Government Fees & Grants
Insurance & Service Fees
United Way
Special Events
Interest Income
Program Expenses
Occupancy Expenses
Net Revenue Over Expenses
United Way
& Grants
Special Events
Interest Income
Insurance &
Service Fees
Fees & Grants
& Benefits
Boysen honored with the ECDAW Founder’s Award
ver 30 years ago, Dick Boysen
and four of his colleagues created
an organization called the Early
Development Association
of Washington (ECDAW). Their
mission was to provide communication,
education and information about early
childhood development, to provide
support for existing early childhood
programs, and to foster development
of new programs. To celebrate Dick’s
leadership and vision as one of the
founders of ECDAW, and in recognition
of his contributions to the field of early
childhood development, Dick was
honored with an ECDAW Founder’s
Award at this year’s conference. Other
founders honored were Judi Moore from
the Boyer Children’s Clinic (deceased);
Rich Makowski who is now retired
from the Progress Center; Linda Gil
from DSHS; and Mimi Siegal from the
Kindering Center.
From the beginning, ECDAW has
worked to help pass legislation intended
to benefit children with disabilities. The
organization helped convince legislature
to pass the Preschool Mandate in 1982,
the Neurodevelopment Treatment Act
in 1989 and most recently the Wee Care
Bill in 2007. They also worked at the
federal level to help pass the Individuals
with Disabilities Act as it relates to
“natural environments” in 2004.
The association’s first Infant and
Early Childhood Conference, held in
1980, was attended by 50 people. This
year, thanks to the efforts of Dick
and the other ECDAW founders, over
1,600 early childhood development
professionals attended the 30th
conference from all over the Pacific
Northwest. Thank you, Dick, for your
continued commitment to children and
families, not just here in Spokane, but
all over our region. We are lucky to have
you leading the Spokane Guilds’ School
and Neuromuscular Center forward into
the next 50 years!
Page 5
We’d like to introduce you to the
special people who devote themselves
to the daily operation of SGS&NMC
– the therapists, teachers,
management and staff. All-Star Staff
will appear in each issue of VISION
and will profile a different member of
our team every quarter.
s one of the youngest and one
of the smallest in her family,
Tricia learned early that relationships
make the difference. She is the sixth
of eight children and the youngest of
five girls. Growing up in Connecticut
with her siblings she learned how to get
along with different personalities as a
matter of survival. You can imagine the
sibling squabbles in such a large family
particularly when five girls are arguing
over who wore whose clothes and whose
turn it is to get into the bathroom to get
ready for a date.
Tricia was always fascinated by how
different her siblings were from her and
from each other despite having grown up
in the same household. She liked learning
why they reacted in certain ways and
what made them tick. She liked learning
ways to get along with everyone. This
generalized into a broader curiosity about
people in general and why they do the
things they do and how to help them
understand one another.
With a large family raised by a single
mom, they did not have much in material
things, but her mother always taught them
that the most important thing in life is
the people you love and your relationships
with them. These early lessons led
Tricia to seek a career in social work.
After graduating from the University of
Connecticut, Tricia moved to Boston
where she worked in a Mental Health
Unit of a general hospital providing
therapy to a diverse group of people. She
returned to the University of Connecticut
where she received a Masters degree in
Social Work in 1978.
Since that time she has worked in a
variety of social work settings, primarily
mental health working as a Licensed
Independent Clinical Social Worker
August 2010
Loves helping others to
understand one another
By Ken Daniel
providing therapy for adults, children,
and families. “One of the most enjoyable
elements of my work is that even after
many years it continues to be fascinating.
Although we all have commonalities,
every person is different and views life
from a slightly different angle. I still love
learning about why a person sees things
the way they do.”
It was while in graduate school
that she met her husband, Frank. It was
Frank’s work that led them to Spokane,
after a side trip to New Jersey. The couple
moved to Spokane 28 years ago with their
newborn baby girl, Jamie. They decided
that Spokane was a great place to raise a
family so the Goodmans stayed, adding
another little girl, Alison, to their family
three years later. Jamie, 28, remained
in Seattle after graduating from the
University of Washington and now works
in pharmaceuticals. Alison also graduated
from the University of Washington but
returned to Spokane. In June she received
her Master of Social Work from Eastern
Washington University and is now
working at a local mental health agency
providing therapy to children and adults.
Working in a program for pregnant
women is what led Tricia to her position
as a medical social worker (also referred to
as a Family Staff Liaison) at the Spokane
Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center
(SGS&NMC) in 1999. “What I saw in
these women was such an overwhelming
love and a strong desire to do the best
for their unborn child. It is such a
hopeful, optimistic time. I see this in
the SGS&NMC families also. Although
they may be heartbroken at first, they
are very resilient, focusing on doing what
their child needs. It is an honor to be a
part of that process by helping families
understand the early intervention world,
link them with resources, or just listen to
their story.”
A large part of the appeal of being
a social worker at the SGS&NMC is
working as part of a professional team
helping families with their child’s
special needs. Tricia finds hearing the
Tricia Goodman, Medical Social Worker
different views of each discipline and
watching their different approaches very
informative. As a part of the team her
role is to help ensure that these differing
views gel with the desires of the family. In
2008, Tricia had the opportunity to attend
an intensive training on the Circle of
Security which focused on understanding
and improving relationships between
young children and their families and
caretakers. This training has helped
her to understand how, despite our best
intentions, sometimes we misconnect with
those who are most important to us.
In her spare time Tricia enjoys golfing
with her husband or friends, reading,
and sending amusing pic messages to her
daughters. She enjoys traveling, especially
to Connecticut to visit her extended
family and Seattle to visit her daughter.
Tricia also likes to quilt and has recently
taken up yoga and knitting. Now that
their children have left, Tricia and Frank’s
focus of attention has shifted to their
irritable, ornery cat that is the subject of
many of those amusing pic messages.
As you can see, no matter what she’s
doing, Tricia gives a tremendous amount
of dedication, effort and enthusiasm. She
is a very special woman and, because
of her experience and knowledge, the
children truly benefit. We are lucky to
have her as part of our staff!
Page 6
August 2010
Kacey Bode, Teacher’s Aide
Jason Brill, Ambassador
Richard Mark Boysen, MA, MACE, Executive Director
Shirley Carlson, MS, PT, PCS, Physical Therapist
Janet Cook, MSpEd, Certified Special Education Teacher
Meaghan Cooney, MA, CCC-SLP, Speech/Language Pathologist
Kenneth Daniel, MA, Development Director
Genia Denholm, Medical Secretary
Jeremy Durheim, Maintenance Department
Joy Eastgate, BS, OT, Occupational Therapist
Bob Edens, Maintenance Manager
Barbara Eliason, Data Specialist
Karen Elmendorf, RN, BSN, Nurse Coordinator
Dan Fall, BS, OT, Occupational Therapist
Carol Glenn, MSW, Family/Staff Liaison
Tricia Goodman, MSW, Family/Staff Liaison
Alicia Green, DPT, Physical Therapist
Jennifer Griffith, BS, OT, Occupational Therapist
Sallie Hamilton, MA, CCC-SLP, Speech/Language Pathologist
Carol Hendershot, BS, PT, Physical Therapist
Marilyn Henderson, BS, Special Education, Program Coordinator
Ginette Kerkering, BS, PT, Physical Therapist
Virginia Knight, BS, OT, Occupational Therapist
Roberta “Bobbie” League, MA, Planned Giving Officer
Cyndi Lucke, Secretary
Liz McAndrews, MSW, Family/Staff Liaison
Chrys Metts, RN, BSN, Staff Nurse
Cheryl Morgan, BS, PT, Physical Therapist
Nikie Noldin, MS, CCC-SLP, Speech/Language Pathologist
Heather Notske, BA, Development Assistant
Cindy Noyes, Administrative Coordinator
Darla Parr, RN, BSN, Staff Nurse
Rhonda Pawlicki, MA, Assistant Events Manager
Peggy Perlongo, Staff Accountant
Ann Pirttima, MS, CCC-SLP, Speech/Language Pathologist
Robert E. Piston, MD, Medical Director
Maureen Rager-McKinnon, MS, PT, Physical Therapist
Shirley Riley, BA Ed, Certified Special Education Teacher
Lois Robertson, Teacher’s Aide
Robert E. Rutherford, MD, Orthopedist
Susie Scarborough, MAT, Certified Special Education Teacher
Robin Van Houten, BS, OT, Occupational Therapist
Amber Walker, Teacher’s Aide
Carrie Wardian, DPT, Physical Therapist
Jennifer Wells, MS, CCC-SLP, Speech/Language Pathologist
Cathie Wescombe, BS, OT, Occupational Therapist
Kathy Yates, BA, Billing Agent
Janice Young, MS, CCC-SLP, Speech/Language Pathologist
Your help is needed to ensure no child is ever turned away
t the Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center (SGS&NMC), every effort is made to
focus on our successes instead of our challenges. A child with cerebral palsy, for example, may
be unable to walk, but she is developing better coordination of her hands and fingers. Another child
may be unable to speak, but is learning sign language as a means of communication. With all of our
successes, we don’t always voice our needs and our concerns for the future.
As many as 85% of the families we serve at SGS&NMC fall at or below the 250% poverty
level. Did you know that even for families with insurance coverage, it is not unusual for the therapy
benefit to run out before the need for services expires? A family may have wonderful insurance
coverage, but frequently the therapy benefit is exhausted by July or August of the calendar year,
leaving several months where services are provided, but no fees are collected to pay for those
services. What that means is that a great deal of the services we provide for these kids and families
go uncompensated or are underfunded.
More and more, the SGS&NMC relies on the spirit of giving for which our donors are known.
Children like Keigan benefit
Because we never turn a family away due to their inability to pay, we rely on the generosity of
from the services provided at
our donors to ensure services are available for every child who needs them. We continue to work
the SGS&NMC.
diligently to build our Foundation’s fund in the hopes that one day the SGS&NMC will not be so
dependent on government funding sources. Until that time, however, and as we work to build that fund, your contributions are
what keep us moving forward. Your contributions provide the means for our program to continue. Your contributions ensure we
will never have to turn a family away because of their inability to pay for services. On behalf of our families and our kids, thank
you for your continued support.
Page 7
August 2010
Of Special Interest…
•Our continued thanks to
providing his mailing service
for the quarterly distribution of
the VISION free of charge.
• A special
thank you to
Stefani Byrd,
parent, for
our special
50 Anniversary school logo!
•Thank you to all of the schools
who helped raise money for the
Spokane Guilds’ School Foundation
through our “Kids for Kids” Penny
Drive. Here are the 5 schools that
raised the most this year. Thank you
for your generosity! Chase Middle
School—$1,411.86, Moran Prairie
Elementary—$1,144.07, Lincoln
Heights Elementary—$1,009.43,
Hamblen Elementary—$920.54, and
Lewis & Clark High School—$917.35
• Thank you to the Inland Empire Ford
Model –T Club of Spokane and the
Millwood Dairy Queen for hosting
the 4th Annual Millwood Classic Car
& Truck Show Car Show to benefit
the Spokane Guilds’ School “Kids for
Kids” Penny Drive. Together, they
raised over $1,600 for the SGS&NMC.
Thank you for your generosity!
•Thank you to the A-Team from the
Spokane Valley Kohl’s store. They
assisted with the reorganization of our
Penny Drive storage area in June.
the Spokane
Guilds’ School
an benefit
alumni student
and Lewis and Clark HighCenter
graduate, who has been appointed by
September 20, 2010
Mayor Mary Verner to the Spokane
Manito Golf
& Country
Human Rights Commission.
Manito Golf & Country Club
For more information,
at 326-1651
For more
or register
Ken atonline
register you
of Hein’s Divine
Check out some
live items
for bid
at live items
Check out
of our
our Presentation
up for bid at
Family Picnic!
John Thompson & Roseann Tschabold
Alan & Susan Roberts
Kohl’s A-Team volunteering in the Gym
SGS&NMC graduate
• Congratulations
to Greg Terhaar,
Golf Tournament
•It is with heavy heart that we say
goodbye to Roseann Tschabold and
Alan Roberts, our two bus drives.
As we end three and half decades of
transportation service, we want to let
Roseann and Alan know that we have
appreciated the dedication and love
they gave to the job and to the children
they transported. You will be missed!
You’re invited to attend the SGS Foundation’s
to attend
SGS Foundation’s
Come learn
Come learn aboutatthe
at the School &
Spokane Guilds’
Spokane Guilds’ School
and how you can help
how you
can help
with specialandneeds
full potential!
with special needs reach their full potential!
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
7:30 a.m.October
to 8:30
The Davenport Hotel
Davenport Ballroom
Grand Pennington Ballroom
For more information or reservations,
contact Ken
more information
or reservations,
at 326-1651
Ken Daniel,
at 326-1651 or
Page 8
August 2010
Wilde Fl wers:
Stories from the Guilds’ School Garden
from his
shaky start,
Liam made
Debra Wilde
the decision to
live. That’s what his Mom and Dad, Luke
and Chelsea Lollis, emphasized in our
visit. Liam’s journey began on December
18th, 2007 when Mom woke up and
felt “funny.” That day Liam and his
twin sister, Olivia, were born at only 26
weeks—14 weeks early! Olivia weighed 1
pound, 9 ounces. Liam weighed 1 pound,
15 ounces and his Apgar scores were
low. Four days before Christmas, Liam
suffered a brain bleed, stage 4 on one
side, stage 3 on the other. He was still on
a ventilator in the NICU at that time.
Luke and Chelsea both had a strong
sense that those who were caring for him
thought it would be best to just “pull the
plug.” But they couldn’t, and were even
more inspired not to do so by physician
Kara Arvin, who told them Liam had a
lot of brain tissue and 24 hours later, he
was breathing on his own. God bless Dr.
Next came the ventricle taps, pulling
fluid out of his skull daily to relieve
pressure on his brain until he weighed
enough to so that a shunt could be
put in. Following this surgery he had
another surgery to relieve the pressure
on his brain. This surgery resulted in
another brain bleed and this point he
was in critical condition. He did recover
and weeks later he weighed enough to
have his shunt placed. At 18 weeks, 5
days after the shunt was placed, he was
ready to come home. Sadly, leaving the
NICU and coming home didn’t mean
the worst was over. His shunt clogged
and Liam was once again fighting for his
life. A second shunt was placed to make
up for the clogged one.
In two and a half years of life this
precious child has experienced more than
most at this tender age. I could tell from
the start that Liam was a trooper. The
realities for Liam are great, to date he has
already experienced six brain surgeries,
had a feeding tube put in and is still
being fed through this G-Tube. Liam has
cerebral palsy which significantly affects
the left side of his body. The therapists at
the SGS&NMC are working hard to get
Liam accustomed to having food in his
mouth and working on the techniques
of the swallowing process will come
next. He is not walking yet, but Liam’s
therapists are hopeful he will start soon.
Liam also has Septo-Optic Dysplasia.
Simply put, his eyes do not work very
well but there is always hope for the
future and the progress that may occur.
As I observed this happy, smiling
little face it was hard to imagine all that
this precious little human being has
endured in such a short time. However,
Liam has a lot going for him. He has the
most devoted and loving parents and
extended family in the world. Liam now
weighs 25 pounds and is getting around
by scooting on his bottom. In particular,
he loves music as well as busses and
cars. His parents shared that when he is
falling asleep Liam says, “Sleepy, sleepy.”
Liam has devoted grandparents and
during visits to Grandma’s house he loves
to play on the piano. He can also sing
“Twinkle Twinkle.” Liam has been a part
of the SGS&NMC family since he was
only five months old. He is a real people
person and absolutely adores his twin
sister, Olivia.
Let’s talk about Liam’s SGS family.
I love it when moms and dads talk
over each other when I ask them about
their child’s experience at the school.
They take the question very seriously,
and a lot of the time, talk at the same
time. It must be because the therapists
and all the folks who work there change
their lives and their child’s life for the
A very happy Liam
better. “It’s unbelievable what he’s
learned. The therapists are caring and
compassionate, and passionate about
your child’s potential,” Chelsea told me.
Dad described his son’s therapists as
“a great bunch of people who do what
they do because they care and the last 6
months have been amazing. Liam learns
in chunks!” Both parents told me what
a happy little guy their son is. I saw it
myself when I met Liam. He has this aura
that exudes happiness.
On a side note, Luke and Chelsea
asked me if I had children. “Yes, Elliot,
Sam and Max,” I replied. Luke then said
“Is Elliot Wilde your son?” “Yes, he is.”
Turns out Elliot worked for Luke at a
fitness gym in Spokane. His compliments
about my son made me sit up a little
bit taller! Days later I talked to Elliot,
who is teaching in Japan and told him
I met Luke. He said “Luke’s the greatest
guy ever, and he loves that little guy of
theirs.” That makes two Wildes who
think these parents are amazing and
loving. It was an honor to meet them and
their son. He’s absolutely darling!
Each quarter Debra Wilde takes the time
to get to know one of our SGS&NMC
families and shares their story with our
readership. Debra has been involved
with the SGS&NMC for many years,
and served on its Board of Directors.
Page 9
August 2010
A n e v e n i n g o f A p p r e c i at i o n
n Thursday, June 10th, over
165 guests attended our annual
Appreciation Night at Northern
Quest Resort & Casino’s Pend Oreille
Pavilion. The Spokane Guilds’
School & Neuromuscular Center
(SGS&NMC) took this evening to
recognize just a few of the outstanding
individuals and organizations who
Andy & Heidi Kirstein,
Outstanding Parents of the Year
have made the past year memorable.
They enjoyed a mini-carnival with
games courtesy of LCD Exposition, a
photo booth, and entertainment by
Corey Jenkins, juggler extraordinaire.
Special thanks to the Kalispel Tribe of
Indians and Northern Quest Resort &
Casino for underwriting a portion of
our dinner expenses this year!
Jim Powers,
Outstanding Person of the Year
With the help of Debra Wilde,
Mistress of Ceremonies, and Jason
Brill, SGS&NMC Ambassador, we
recognized 36 outstanding honorees
who have given their time, energy,
and resources in 2009-2010 on behalf
of the children who attend the
SGS&NMC. Congratulations to all of
the recipients!
Brian Nichols,
Community Service Award
Corey Jenkins,
ach year The Arc of Spokane recognizes people, businesses and organizations throughout
our community who are working to make a meaningful difference in the lives of people with
developmental disabilities. This year, the recipient of the Hazel Skog Award is SGS&NMC
physical therapist Shirley Carlson!
Nominator Michelle Dullanty says that Shirley’s career as a therapist is not just a job, it is
a calling. She has selflessly devoted over 30 years to working with children with developmental
disabilities in five states and many settings. For the past 18 years she has been a dedicated team
member of the Spokane Guilds’ School and Neuromuscular Center and also serves children
Shirley Carlson,
in the Freeman school district. She possesses an innate ability to help children reach their
Physical Therapist
maximum potential. “Watching her with my son, Tyler,” Michelle says, “I saw that she truly loves
what she does and excels at it. She touches the lives of children and of their families, providing
them with hope, empowerment and determination. We will be forever grateful to her.” Congratulations, Shirley! We
are proud to call you part of our family!
Support the 30th Annual Auction!
We’re kicking off the school year with an auction procurement drive! You can support our 30th Annual
Auction by donating an item or service to be auctioned off on Saturday, March 5, 2011. Corporate sponsorships
are available. For more information or to donate, please visit or
contact Ken at (509) 326-1651 or
Page 10
August 2010
The More You Know…
By Rhonda Pawlicki
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)
is a chronic lung condition that often
affects premature and low birth weight
newborns. “Broncho” refers to the
airways that oxygen travels through
to reach the lungs. “Pulmonary” refers
to the air sacs, called aveoli, in the
lungs where oxygen is exchanged with
carbon dioxide. Finally, “dysplasia” is
any change that occurs to the structure
of a group of cells. In the case of BPD,
some sort of damage has occurred to
an infant’s lungs and/or airways. After
asthma and cystic fibrosis, BPD is the
most common chronic lung disease
found in children in the United States:
there are approximately 5,000 – 10,000
reported cases per year.
What causes BPD?
Infants are not born with BPD. It
may develop due to other circumstances,
such as being on respirator or catching a
respiratory infection. Most infants with
BPD are preemies whose lungs were
underdeveloped at birth to the point
where breathing must be assisted with a
respirator. The respirator uses pressure
to move air through a tube placed in the
infant’s airway via the nose or mouth.
The air infants receive on a respirator
often contains a higher concentration of
oxygen than room air. Current theory is
that pressure and higher concentration
of oxygen may damage and scar the
delicate tissues found in the lungs,
causing BPD.
BPD can also develop in an infant
who has experienced one or more
severe respiratory infections, such as
What is the treatment for BPD?
While most infants will outgrow
BPD, recovery time can be lengthy.
There is no specific treatment, except
to decrease any interventions that may
be contributing to lung injury. As
the baby grows new lung tissue that
is normal, the overall function of the
respiratory system will improve. As the
lungs improve, weaning the infant off
of the ventilator can occur, with careful
monitoring of blood oxygen and carbon
It is very important during the
recovery period to keep these infants
away from anyone with any respiratory
illness. With their vulnerable
lungs, these infants are especially
susceptible to catching whatever germ
or viral infection is going around. It
is important to make sure anyone
handling the infant has clean hands.
It may even be necessary to for family
members to wear a mask during any
illnesses, until the infant gets stronger.
How does BPD affect development?
The stresses of being on a respirator
and then recovering from BPD can
affect the infant’s growth rate, although
this result can vary depending on the
severity of the BPD and the presence
of any other medical issues. Infants
with BPD also need a higher intake of
calories than other babies the same age
because they work harder to breathe and
to feed. It is important to make sure
they have the energy they need to deal
with this extra work as well as to keep
growing and meeting developmental
milestones. With the proper care and
attention, many infants with BPD have
a good prognosis.
With so many developmental
disabilities, delays, and rare
syndromes, it’s not surprising
that many people are
overwhelmed. For that very
reason, we have created “The
More You Know”, a column
that focuses on a different
diagnosis in every issue of
Vision to aid understanding
and address the basic
questions many have never
had the opportunity to ask.
Congratulations to the following members of the SGS staff who celebrated anniversaries during the months of May, June, and
July. Your commitment to the SGS&NMC’s children and their families is inspirational.
May 8
May 18
May 27
June 1
June 1
June 1
June 20
June 23
Carol Glenn, Family/Staff Liaison
15 years
Virginia Knight, Occupational Therapist
18 years
Carrie Wardian, Physical Therapist
2 years
Patricia Goodman, Family Staff Liaison
11 years
Jeremy Deerheim, Maintenance Department
1 year
Kacey Bode, Teacher’s Aid
1 year
Janet Cook, Special Education Teacher
29 years
Meaghan Cooney, Speech/Language Pathologist 2 years
July 1
July 1
July 1
July 1
July 6
July 8
July 25
July 27
Alicia Green, Physical Therapist
4 years
Maureen Rager-McKinnon, Physical Therapist 28 years
Robin Van Houten, Occupational Therapist 4 years
Jan Young, Speech/Language Pathologist
11 years
Rhonda Pawlicki, Assistant Events Manager
1 year
Ann Pirttima, Speech/Language Pathologist 24 years
Darla Parr, Staff Nurse
3 years
Susie Scarborough, Special Education Teacher 10 years
Page 11
August 2010
Honor Roll of Donors July 1, 2009 — June 30, 2010
Contributors to the
Anonymous (5)
Charles & Sydne Abernathy
Abigail’s Closet
Howard & B.J. Adams
Donna Adams
The Aden Family
Eric & Jennifer Akins
Alan Alda
Sandy Alderman
William Aleson
Spencer & Judith Alexander
Jim & Patty Allen
Michele Allen
ALSC Architects, P.S.
Brett Aman
Jerry & Virginia Amicarella
Kathy Amistoso
Ira Amstadter
Amber Anderson
Arthur Anderson
Kay Anderson
Brian & Frances Arden
Alan Arkin
Frank Armstrong
Assistants, Inc.
Leonard & Stacy Aune
Joan Baez
Pauline Bafaro
Allan & Christy Bafus
Marilyn Bafus
Donald & Joanne Baird
Edwin Baker
Steve Baker
Baker Commodities, Inc
Richard Baldasty & Trudy Tatham
Bank of America
Bank of America Foundation, Inc.
Bank of Fairfield
Banner Bank
Brent & Connie Barratt
Wesley & Julie Barringer
Barrister Winery
Dr. Mike & Ann Barsotti
Stan & Lynn Baycroft
Myrle Bean
Bean Me Up Espresso
Rick Bechtolt
Bonnie Becker
Vern & Carol Belke
Buzz & Joan Bellessa
Bellezza Salon
Bennidito’s Pizza
Bernardo-Wills Architects, P.C.
Ben & Lorie Berriochoa
Eleanor Best
Big 5 Sporting Goods
Harold & Mary Bishop
Bistro on Spruce
Donald & Helen Black
Tom & Catherine Black
Jacke & Bette Blair
Jennifer Blair
Steve & Fran Blum
Kacey & Christopher Bode
Steve & April Boharski
Frank & Sharon Bouten
John & Catherine Bovey
Richard Mark Boysen
Hilda Bradshaw
Bill & Cheryl Bragg
Lloyd & Corinne Breeden
Beverly & Mark Breidenbach
Allen D. Bremner
Brenda’s Hair Studio
T.J. & Kris Brill
Gene & Harlene Brisbois
Brix Restaurtant
Jacki Bronsch
Edna Brooks
Bob & Pat Brown
Donald Brown
Kelly & Frances Brown
Lee & Sue Brown
Lester & Mary Brown
Suzanne Brown
Dr. Terrance & Cordelia Brown
Tom & Mary Brown
Donna Bruna
Dr. Dan Brutocao
Jason Bryant
Jimmy Buffett
Building Maintenance
Supply Co., Inc.
Barbara Bumann
Burroughs & Associates
Edward Burtts
Steve & Angie Bush
Dr. LeRoy and Irene Byrd
Loralea Clare
Bruce Clark
Julie Clarke
Dan Clavel
Clemens Electrical Services
Click Distributing East
Sean Clyburn
Frank & Jill Cobb
Cochrane & Co.
Mary Coerver
Coldwell Banker /
Tomlinson - North
John Collins
Sandi Collins
Mary Colouzis
Casey Colt
Colvico Inc.
John & Janet Cook
Jessie Cooley
Dave Coombs
Steve & Kim Coombs
Tom & Sheryl Cooney
Charlie Cory
Costco Wholesale #66
Steve & Fay Cover
Wanda Cowles
Charles & Sharon Cox
Vyvyan Cox
Christopher & Debra Crall
Craven’s Coffee Co.
Gene & Doreen Criswell
Gary & Terri Critzer
Traci Cromwell
David & Cherie Crouse
Rob & Ruth Crow
Timothy & Karen Crum
Gerald Cullen
Bob & Mariam Cummings
Michael & Linda Cunningham
Ron & Connie Curty
Fred & Mary Cutler
Philip Camp
Carl Carbon Charitable Trust
Carey’s Auto Body, Inc.
Ted & Karen Carl
Heather Carling-Smith
Kenny Carlson
Dr. Darl Vander Linden
& Shirley Carlson
Carl & Susan Carlsteen
Cascade Prosthetics &
Orthotics, Inc.
Hazel Cascaden
Tim & Kathalene Cassels
Cedar Property Management
Century Marketing, Inc.
Elise Chadwick
Dr. Ed & Faris Charbonneau
Perry & Melissa Charbonneau
Robert Cherry
Timothy & Vicki Chervanak
Chic-A-Ria Restaurant & Lounge
Chuck E. Cheese’s Pizza
Cinola Restaurant
Kenneth & Kristi Daniel
The Davenport Hotel & Tower
Davenport-Edwall United
Methodist Church
Bill & Sharon Davis
Josh Davis
Eric & Mary Davis
Jeremy Deerheim
Mary DeGuire
DeLeon Foods
Molly Delpae
Bill & Charlotte Desmond
Lynette Destefano
April Dexter
Austin & Christina Dickey
Kris Diehl
Direct Mail Enterprises, Inc.
David & Mavis Dittberner
Gary & Julie Doerschlag
Randy & Connie Dollar
Matthew Doneen
Dr. Mike & Patty Donlan
Spokane Guilds’ School
& Neuromuscular
Center Wishes…
We are in need of the
following items:
4 Weighted blankets
4 Construction Paper
4 Powdered, washable
tempera paints
4 Gift Cards from
WalMart & Costco
If you are able to help with
these items, please contact
the Development Office at
Doubletree Hotel Spokane
City Center
Downriver Grill
Dr. Pepper
Edward & Pam Drozdov
Gayleana Dschaak
Hallie Duck
Michael & Michelle Dullanty
Rick & Francine Dullanty
Nancy Duncalfe
Dupree Building Specialties
Alvin & Marsha Easter
Ardell Easterday
Eastern Washington University
Athletic Dept.
Trent Carey & Joy Eastgate
Chester & Donna Echelbarger
Jon & Barbara Eliason
Greater Spokane Elks Lodge #228
Lorine Elliott
Louise Ellis
David & Shareen Elloy
Karen Elmendorf
Bob & Chris Eslick
Please help us clean
up our mailing list
If the name and address on this
issue of VISION is incorrect,
if you are receiving multiple
issues of VISION, or if you
prefer to be removed from our
mailing list, please let us know.
Please call at 509-326-1651 or send
an e-mail
Thank you for your assistance.
Page 12
August 2010
Honor Roll of Donors July 1, 2009 — June 30, 2010
Europa Pizzaria & Bakery
Ceanne Evans
Paul & Marian Evenson
Ever Clever Connection
Dr. Mark & Teresa Everett
Express Personnel Services
Kim & Patricia Fell
Daniel Finney
James & Jene Fisher
Richard & Kris Fisher
Neva Fisk
Five Mile Heights Pizza
Jamie & Camille Flaget
Marian Flahavin
Broden Flanigan
Tom & Colleen Flanigan
Rosemary Fleming
Gavin & Rita Flynn
Ria & Tony Flynn
Patricia Foley
Jean Francis
Tammy Francis
Fred Meyer
Jerry & Barb Frislie
Karen Fritz
Ted Fronckowiak
Frontier West
Kenneth & Cecilia Fry
Wayne Funk
Cindy Garcia
Garco Construction, Inc.
Mark & Connie Gardner
Garland Avenue Alliance Church
Garland Vision Source, Inc.
Brice Gately
Ed & Helen Gately
Jeff & Lonna Gately
Linda Geier
Sandra Geier
Gemini Incorporated
Charles & Terry George
Michael & Linda Geraghty
John & Barbara Gibb
Gibby Media Group
Michael Gilmartin
Edward Gilmore
Ginger Asian Bistro
Marcia Girnus
Rene Gisler
Give with Liberty
Jim & Carol Glenn
Global Impact
Gloria’s All Breed Dog Grooming
Charlie & Kristen Goligoski
Gonzaga University
Athletic Department
Gonzaga Zag Shop
Dr. Frank & Patricia Goodman
Joe Gore
Greg & Paula Gorton
Art & Claudia Graham
Dr. Jeff Graham
Loran & Kjirstin Graham
Stann Grater & Mary Jane Willard
Bret & Faun Gravatt
Bill & Lisa Greenhoot
Kelly & Heidi Greenwood
Bindy Groh
Sheila Groh
Group Health Cooperative
Joyce Gunning
Dorothy Haenle
Sammy Hagar
Dr. Brett & Lisa Hagen
Todd & Susan Hagen
Robert & Beverly Hagseth
Connie Hakola
Tom Halberg
Thomas & Nola Hall
Marc & Sallie Hamilton
Amber Hamlin
Barbara Hammett
Bob Haney
Jim & Nicolette Hanley
Celia Hanning
Hannum-Trapp Living Trust
Dick Hanson
Dr. Jon & Molly Harding
David Hargreaves
Joseph & Sharon Harkrader
Steven & Joni Harman
Arthur & Ruby Harper
Ruth W. Harris
Debbie Harrision
Mike & Lisa Hartin
Cmsgt. David & Bonita Hartman
Stephen & Martha Haskell
Sterling Haskins
Carol Hawkins
John and Nadine Hawley
Michael Hawley
Dana Haynes
Donald Head
Dale & Paula Hearn
Ilene Hein
Bob Heinemann
Dr. Robb & Kim Heinrich
Hein’s Divine Swine
Doug Heiskell
Randy & Frankie Heiskell
Heiskell MacGillivray & Assoc. P.S.
Erik & Kayla Helleson
Jim Hemingway
Rich & Carol Hendershot
Don & Marilyn Henderson
Don & Tammy Henderson
Robin Hendrick
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Henry
Heritage Church Joy Guild
Heritage Properties
Amie Heuschkel
David Hicks
Walter & Marilyn Highberg
Hill AeroSystems Inc.
Dr. Layne Hinckley
Shevonne from Khols delivers Cat in the Hats
Ronald Hink
Charlie & Dolores Hinton
Kevin & Libby Hodges
Genia Hoffman
Corinne Hogan
Cliff Hogue
Renee Hoke
Joe Holcombe
Kevin & Marci Holland
Holy Trinity Parish
Nathaniel & Shelloy Hoover
Jen & Chuck Hormel
Dr. Creigh & Janice House
Robert Howard
Eunice Hubble
Nancy Huck
Wendy Hughes
Jay Hunt
Terry & Roberta Hunt
Charles & Diane Hunter
Rich & Karla Hydzik
Inland Center for Autism
& Related Disorders
Inland Empire Tours
Inland Medical & Rehab
Inland Northwest Community
Inland Northwest Genetics Clinic
Cathy Inouye
Isabella’s Restaurant & Gin Joint
Ken & Nancy Isserlis
Duane Jacklin
Jacklin Land Company
Clayton & Kelsey Jacobs
Loretta James
Don Jamison
Jean Jarvis
Ben & Helen Jeffords
Willa Marie Johns
Dawn Johnson
Jami Ann Johnson
Jim & Bev Johnson
Lisa Johnsrud-Bennett
Quincy Jones
Herman & Marianne Kaiser
Kalispel Tribal Economic Authority
Kappa Delta Sorority
Eugene & Christina Karjalahti
Rob & Kelly Kasberger
Donavan & Lisa Kaufman
Ronald & Diane Kaufman
Matthew & Carol Keller
Dennis & Donna Kelly
John & Paula Kennedy
Michelle Keon
Ginette Kerkering
Barb Kile
Ryan & Deanna Kile
Mike Kilgore
Kilgore Architectural Products
Kim Hotstart Manufacturing Co.
Robin Kinerk
King Beverage, Inc.
King of Clean
Roger & Cindy Kinney
Richard & Margaret Kirstein
Mike & Debbie Kirwin
Richard & Joan Kjose
Peter & Joann Klager
Kevin & Stacey Klim
Beulah Klug
Kay Klungland
James & Victoria Knapp
Mike & Virginia Knight
Buck & Cindy Koerper
Dennis & Nola Koesel
Kohl’s Department Store
Dean Koontz
L. Adrianne Kordash
Shelly Kuney
Marisa Kurtz
Kristen Kynkaanniemi
We apologize if your name is missing
from the Honor Roll. Please call the
SGS&NMC Development Office
to report any errors or omissions.
Page 13
August 2010
Honor Roll of Donors July 1, 2009 — June 30, 2010
Ladies of FREON Guild
Tyler & Kelly Lafferty
Landmark Restaurants
Hubert Langenhorst, C.P.A.
Amanda Larsen
Bob & Mary Helen Larson
Kathy & Andre LaSalle
Latah Creek Wine Cellars
James F. LaVigne
LCD Exposition Services
Clare League
Richard & Bobbie League
Scott & Taryn League
Kay LeClaire
Stuart & Kelly Lee
The Leija Family
Maynard & Margaret Lerner
Les Schwab Tire Center - N.W. Blvd.
Henry & Barbara Lewis
Henry and Gayle Libutti
Richard & Susan Lightfoot
Lilac City Doll Club
Lilac City Mopars Unlimited
T.W. & Vicki Liljenberg
Levi Liljenquist
Lincoln Event Center
Linoleum & Carpet City, Inc.
Spokane Hillyard Lions Club
Lions Club Southeast
Gordon & Lorna Litton
Deborah Livingstone
Claudia Lobb
Ray & Cathy Lobdell
Local Union No. 73 Intnl.
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Lorraine Loeffler
Andrew & Kristin Logsdon
Terri Lonam
Robert & Patricia Loomis
Jennifer Lopez
Torge Lorentzen
Dave & Cyndi Lucke
Sarah Lucke
Luigi’s Italian Restaurant
Luna Restaurant
Mark Lupton
Robert & Nancy Lutchendorf
Jan Lydig
Andy & Kathy MacGillivray
Dr. Phil MacGraw
Thomas & Sylvina Machtolf
Romel & Susan Mackelprang
Bob Mackie
William & Gail Madison
Magner Sanborn
Pat & Donna Maguire
Rocky Maiola
Paul & Janet Mann
Mike & Kim Manus
Scott & Joline Marczynski
Market Equipment Company
Gary Marks
Susan Marshall
Janet Martin
Mark Martin
Vi Martin
Dan & Anna Martinez
Benita Mason
Randy & Kathy Maurer
Anita Maxwell
Bill & Liz McAndrews
Bob & Karen McBride
Tom & Teresa McCabe
Ron & Sharon McCloskey
Grady McCurry
McDirmid, Mikkelsen & Secrest P.S.
McDonald’s Restaurants
Dr. and Mrs. Scott McDougall
Dee McGonigle
Pat & Carol McGurk
Stephen & Linda McIntosh
William & Mary McKay
Angela McKean
Vernon McLaughlin
Vernon L. White &
Corene McMorris
Chris McNaughton
Stanley & Kathy McNaughton
Heather Mead
Bruce & Jennifer Medeiros
Media Specialists
The Melanson Family
John Mellencamp
Merck Employee Giving Campaign
James & Marie Meredith
Messiah Lutheran Church
Andrew & Chrys Metts
Mike & Stacy Meyer
Alan & Roberta Meyers
Dave Michaud
Craig & Gina Middaugh
Timothy & Michelle Middlebrook
Chris & Kris Mikkelsen
Military Order of the Devil
Dog-Pack of Washington
Carol Ann Miller
Don & Margaret Miller
Margaret Miller
MJ Takisaki Inc
Moczulski Limited Partnership
Maureen Moehle
Ken & Vicky Moland
Moloney, O’Neill, Corkery
& Jones Inc.
Mom’s Club of North Spokane
Jerry & Clara Monks
Larry Moran
Tom Morin
Dennis Morissey & Dolores Wilber
Betty Morris
Sue Morris
Clarence & Ethel Moser
Jackie Mosgrove
Mother’s Cupboard, Inc.
L S Mottram
Mt. Spokane Ski & Snowboard Park
J. Tim Murphy
Frank & Jeanine Neeri
Aaron & Rachel Nepean
Steven & Pamela Nepean
Rhonda Newton
Janet Niederstadt
Bob & Shelly Niehenke
Jim & Nikie Noldin
Samantha Noldin
Northwest Farm Credit Services
Northwest Protective Service
Geoffrey & Robyn Norwood
Dr. William & Irene Norwood
NOVA Contract Interiors, LLC
Mike & Cindy Noyes
Numerica Credit Union
Thomas & Barbara O’Brien
Eric & Teri Ochs
Patrick & Marcie O’Connor
Michael & Phyllis O’Connor
O’Doherty’s Irish Grille
Rick & Debby Ogan
David Olmsted
Chris & Jean Olney
Chuck & Sheri Olsen
Eric Olsen
The Frank O’Neill Family
Hal & Anne-Marie Ophus
Marge Orlicky
Toni Orness
Jennifer Ostby
Jeff Oswalt
Dr. Dave & Linda Ott
Dan Ouren
Anganeta Natasha Oussenko
Katie Owens
Ricky & Angela Owens-Davis
P & T Partners
Panhandle State Bank
Kevin & Kerry Parker
Partners Investment Network, Inc.
Elsie Patterson
Margaret Patterson
Pat Patterson
Roberta Paulitz
Warren & Martha Pavlat
David & Carol Pawlicki
Rhonda & Joe Pawlicki
Marie Pechous
PEMCO Insurance Company
Pepsi Bottling Group
Peters & Sons Flowers & Gifts
Marjorie Peterson
Ron & Christy Peterson
Peggy Phillips
Mark & Bonnie Phillipy
Molly Philopant
Physicians Clinic of Spokane
Mike & Carmen Piccolo
Chuck & Donna Pierce
Kandee Pierce
Paul & Kandee Pierce
Pilgrim’s Pride Co.
Eric & Ann Pirttima
Dr. Robert & Jane Piston
Pitney Bowes Inc. Matching
Gift Program
The Pizza Pipeline
Player Magazine
Carey & Greg Piukkula
Maxine Polich
Polynesian Resort
Postlethwaite Chiropractic
Nan Powell
James & Klaire Powers
Prairie Home Companion
Productions, LLC
Pre-Built Structures, Inc.
Premier Signs & Banners
Bing & Julie Preston
Christina M. (Peggy) Price
Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
Mary Prozorac
Barbara L. Pryde L.M.P.
Gregg & Barb Pryde
Pryor’s Restaurant
Tom & Wendy Putman
Steve & Gail Quaid
Quality Inn Oakwood
Quality Inn Valley Suites
Adelaide & Red Quebodeaux
Qwest Foundation
Jordan Rabe
Raffle Tickets
Edward & Joyce Ranniger
Raw Sushi & Island Grill
Lynn Rawlins
Richard & Joanne Raymond
Marlene & Butch Reagan
Dick Reames
Jack & Linda Reber
Red Lion & West Coast Hotels
Mary Redman-Hill
Glenn & Glenda Reed
Michelle Rega
David & Jerilyn Reid
Ralph & Geraldine Reifenberger
Maggie Reisenauer
Michael Rennaker
Patricia Richard
Lois Richards
Dr. Sherrill Richarz
Erich Richter
Robin & Gordon Rickert
Darby Riley
Leonard & Evelyn Riley
John Riley & Shirley Hart Riley
Steve Riley
James & Beth Rivard
River Ridge Hardware
Joseph & Marilyne Rizzuto
Page 14
August 2010
Honor Roll of Donors July 1, 2009 — June 30, 2010
Roast House
Robert Karl Cellars
Alan & Susan Roberts
Alta Robeson
Greg & Mary Robinson
Rick Robinson
Robbie & Kinsey Robinson
Martin & Genn Rollins
Rosauers Supermarkets, Inc.
Jack Rosenbaum
Doug & Darci Ross
Lisa Ross
Spokane East Rotary
Spokane Aurora Northwest Rotary
Spokane North Rotary
Spokane #21 Downtown Rotary
Alan & Suzanne Rubens
Sharie Ruegsegger
Rene Russo
Dr. Robert & Diane Rutherford
Gary & Marilyn Rutledge
Sadir Khan Grotto
John Santillanes
Santillanes & Sellers LLC-Best
Western Peppertree Airport In
Mike & Christine Schardt
Angelique Schavez
Karl & Trina Schmid
Steven & Stephanie Schmutz
John & Kathleen Schneider
Mike & Mary Kay Schneider
Ron & Shirley Schoenberger
Schreiber Foods
Mark & Jenny Schuetzle
Dale & Barbara Schultz
Karen Schultz
Ian Schumacher
Ken & Linda Schwartz
Schweitzer Mtn. Resort
Deanna Scott
Screen Tek, Inc.
Donna Scripture
Houston Scrudder
Lorus & Judy Scrupps
Mauro & Gina Seghetti
Senske Lawn and Tree Care
SGS Staff and Volunteers
Friends of the SGS&NMC
Mardelle & JC Shagool
Suzanne D. Shannon
Dr. Ron Shapiro
Wallace & Linda Sharpe
Garry & Mary Jane Shea
Sheffels Family Trust
Joel & Amy Shepherd
Mary Sherwood
Allen & Donna Shilliam
Jerry & Juli Shogan
Russell & Lynda Shrewsbury
William Silverthorne
Daniel & Annette Simonson
Simply Gourmet Personal
Chef Service
James & Ann Slack
Kim Slovarp
Scott & Delena Smith
Steve Smith
Thomas & Linda Snyder
Denny Soller
Lee Sonderman
Edward & Ginger Sonneborn
Rick & Joni Sorenson
Spalding Auto Parts, Inc.
Robert & Sandy Spears
Special Touch Florist
Spencer’s Restaurant
Ken Spilker
Philip & Marcia Spohn
Spokane Chapter, No. 163, O.E.S.
Spokane County Regional
Animal Protection Service
Spokane County Title
Spokane House of Hose
Spokane Indians Baseball Club
Spokane Regional Labor
Council, AFL-CIO
Spokane Restaurant Equipment
Spokane Symphony Society
Spokane Valley Firefighters’
Benevolent Association
The Spokesman Review
William Sprenger
Squaw Peak Anesthesia, Inc.
SSI Foods, Inc.
Nancy Stachofsky
Dan & Pat Stainbrook
LeRoy & Thelma Staley
Mark Stambaugh
Vicki Stauduhar
Phil & Judy Stephens
Ron & Diane Sterling
Sterling Savings Bank
Dennis & Karen Sterner
Dr. Otto & Shirley Stevens
Tom Stoeser
Phill Stohs
Charles & Ann Stone
Wendy Mae Strzelecki
Carl & Mary Sturm
Jonas & Stutzman
Suburbanites Club
Summit Professional Center, LLC
Jeremy Sumpter
Aaron Sweatt
John & Sheelagh Sweitzer
Duane & Janet Swinton
Gregory Sypolt
Systems Services of America
Taco Time- Airway Heights
Phillip & Sally Taylor
Team 3
Mark & Kelly Tellez
Joe & Mary Terhaar
Gayle Terry
John Tesh
The Doctors
The Glover Mansion
The Make-up Studio
The Upper Deck Company, LLC
Dorothy Therriault
Michael & Judy Thew
Ron & Sherri Thies
Mary Jane Thompson
Mike & Linda Thompson
Danielle Thonure
Eileen Thorpe
Becky Tiller
Timber Creek Buffet
Brian & Beth Toone
Doug & Sandi Toone
Dale L. Torgerson
Joe & Janelle Tostenrude
Jayme Toth
Lynn & Doris Tower
Paul Town
Travis Pattern & Foundry
Barbara Traynor
Katharine Tremaine
Mary Ann Tripp
Tune Tech
Katherine Turnbow
Ken Turnbull
Twin Lakes Village
U.S. Bank National Association
Bob Uecker
United States Bakery
URM Cash and Carry
Don & Carolyn Van Leuven
Nancy Van Noy
Jay Vandegriff
Jacob VanKnowe
Chris & Serina Varallo
Susan Varga
Vehrs Inc.
Lori Veitenheimer
Ventilation Power Cleaning
Kathy Vergon
VFW Post 3067 Auxiliary
Vibralife Physcial Training
Vino! A Wine Shop
Vintages @ 611
Vision Marketing, LLC
Ann Vogrig
Genevieve Voss
Bob & Patricia Wachter
Waddell’s Neighborhood Pub & Grill
Jamison & Jennifer Wagner
Bridget Walden
Mort Walker
Walker Construction
Rusty Wallace
Wal-Mart -- Wellesley
Steve & Sue Walther
Tonya Ward
Carrie Wardian
Tom Warrick
Washington State Quilters-Spokane Chapter
Washington State University
Washington Trust Bank
Washington Trust Bank
- Private Banking
Deb Watts
Ed & Mona Weber
Debbie Weiler
Micki Weisbarth
Tyler and Jennifer
Wells Fargo Community
Support Campaign
Wells Fargo Foundation
Wendle Ford
Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers
Lewis & Patricia Werle
Jay & Debbie Wernz
Dr. Noel & Cathie Wescombe
Jim Wessels
Kevin & Jennifer West
Westerman Living Trust
Brian Westermann
Western States Insurance Agency
Donna Whalen
Whimsical Creations
Steve & Karla White
White Elephant
White House Grill
Dolores Wilber
Russ Wilbur
Charlene Wilcox
Kenneth Waters & Ann Wilkinson
Karl & Tamy Wilkinson
Drs. Randy & Betty Williams
Joan Williams
Dr. Michael & Nancy Williams
Tom & Joyce Williams
Whitney Wilson
WM Winkler Co.
Witherspoon Kelley
Sally Wittlinger
Wolfe Architectural Group, P.S.
Karen Wolfson-Bellmore
Carol Woodward
Jim & Karen Woodworth
Mary-Dean Wooley
Greg Workland
Gene & Della Wright
Jaime Wright
Lawrence & Mary Wright
Bob Yeoman Merchandise
Sales, LLC
Don & Jan Young
Page 15
August 2010
Honor Roll of Donors July 1, 2009 — June 30, 2010
Zagball, Inc.
Lloyd & Virginia Zimmerman
Zip’s Northwest Inc.
Bill Zobrist III
John & Tomie Lee Zuchetto
Bill & Carole Zuppe
All Children
Rich & Carol Hendershot
Dennis Allen
Ernest & Wanda Dieterich
Jerry Altig
United Galaxy Associates, LLC
Whitney Baker
Elmer & Joan Hays
Jason Brill
Eric Zimmerman
Richard Mark Boysen
Dr. Donna El-Din
Bob & Barbara Forth
Erik Taylor and Rebekka
Emma Brown
Bob & Pat Brown
Phillip J. Bryant
Jim & LeeAnn Pierce
Douglas Burke
Mary Cooney
Jesus Christ
Lois Larsen
Dennis Combs
Ernest & Wanda Dieterich
Karson Cornwell
Paul & Laura Canter
Derald Dieterich
Ernest & Wanda Dieterich
Hal Dixon
Cassandra Dixon
Avi C. Dobson
Fred & Paula Potts
Brice Donaldson
Ernest & Wanda Dieterich
Evan S. Doty
Dana Sewall
Alexia Duckett
Linda Alexander
Beverly Canfield
Tyler Dullanty
John T. Little
Michelle Rega
Dan C. Fall
Dan & Patsy Fall
Broden Flanigan
BNI Eastern Washington
& North Idaho
Joletta Flanigan
Tom Flanigan
Joe Troy & Shari Deberg
Jim Frank
Peter Witherspoon
Thomas P. Fuchs
Philip & Colleen Thompson
Molly Gamber
Linda Ashlock
Alexander W. Gonzalez
Allen & Donna Shilliam
Grandchildren of the Greens
Jim & Betty Green
Jennifer Griffith
Christie Armitage
Gerald & Sherry Beyersdorf
Lorraine Cordova
Scott & Calli Griffith
Rachelle Mulder
Karen Paddock
Michael Rennaker
Isaac Grove
Wonderland Family Fun Center
Charlotte Hare
Martin & Sheri Hare
Carol M. Hendershot
Karen Elmendorf
Gracey Heidel
David & Michele Heidel
Isaac J. Hood
Allen & Donna Shilliam
Noah M. Hoppe
Connie Girard
Chaylean M. Hill
Walter & Bergy Morbeck
Michael Hoyt
Lynn & Marilyn Lund
Dana Hydzik
Jim Hydzik & Simmi Bath-Hydzik
Irelynn Isbelle
Yoke’s Fresh Market #3
Jazmyne Jacobs
Duane Giese
Riley Kibbe
William & Lynn Hein
Michael Kirstein
Richard & Margaret Kirstein
Gregory & Diane Royal
Jackson Klim
Anne Dixon
David & Patricia Dixon
Ed & Ann Klim
Sandy Rutledge
Mica Kropidlowski
Tesha Kropidlowski
Raymond W. Lawton
Carol Lawton
Martha Legel
Dr. Johnny & Barbara Cox
Ruth Lloyd
Dr. Robert G. Wendel & Staff
Michael Magin
Maria Roy
Elinor W. Magnuson
Joseph & Joan Gagliardi
Mike Matthews
Barbara Slaughter
Scott McGlocklin
Gladys Jasper
Cathy McMorris-Rodgers
Healing the Culture
Cole McMorris-Rodgers
Vernon L. White &
Corene McMorris
Bob Moen
Ernest & Wanda Dieterich
Sophia K. Munter
Lynn & Sandra Knuttgen
Jesse R. Nesbitt
Karl & Tamy Wilkinson
Julia Notske
Richard & Alice Gingrich
Pam Glass & The Power Babes
Heather & Rob Notske
Robert & Diane Notske
Aaron & Amy Rogers
Haleigh Olsen
Jerry Hansen
Lucille Olsen
Ethan Oscarson
Ralph & Beverly Oscarson
Lisa Ostrom-King
Christina Glass
Brooklyn Page
Colby Fetters
Melissa Hoang
Brandon Hudgeons
Ron & Dana Morgan
Ann Pirttima
Alice Jones
Eva Sebright
Anni Sebright
Joey Seefried
Jeff & Janice Seefried
SGS&NMC Families
Bill & Liz McAndrews
SGS&NMC Management & Staff
John & Kathy Coley
Pat Showman
Charles & Terry George
John T. Sinsel
John & Tammi Sinsel
Kim Stachofsky
Nancy Stachofsky
Emma Stauffer
Rita Stauffer
Michael Stephens
Phil & Judy Stephens
Michael Stradley
Robert & Sherrie Ann Stradley
Elaine Thaden
Roxann McNaughton
Jordyn Thompson
Roger & Cindy Kinney
Silas Todhunter
David Olmsted
Kathy & Theodore Vollmer
Kaitlyn Smith
Andrea Swenson
Mark & Marsha Swenson
Jim Stack
Greg & Paula Gorton
Samuel J. Wasley
Neal & Joann Skaufel
Larry & Nancy Wasley
Joan Williams
Dale & Kathryn Larsen
for Charity
offers a win-win
Cars for Charity is an easy way
for you to help the SGS&NMC
kids. Donating an unneeded
vehicle creates cash to help fund
the operation of the School,
thereby helping local kids with
developmental disabilities and
their families. Thanks to the
many generous donors who
designate the SGS&NMC when
donating vehicles. The following
individuals made donations
during the months of July 1,
2009, through June 30, 2010:
Patty Alder
Sandy Bailey
John Berry
Perry Blom
Toni Brown
Chad and Tammy Burchard
Nancy Butz
Jerry Cesaratto
Brian Christoferson
David Cole
Steven and Meg Cronin
John Davis
Brett Davis
Susan Derrick
Nathan and Vicki Dodson
Keith A. Fauerso
Cheryl Green
Paul Hawkins
Kimberly Hobbs
Cheryl Howe
Kristy Inui
Cary Jenson
Tesha Kropidlowski
Ruthie Lakin
Sarah Laudenbach
Patrick Mario
Brian Rodgers & Cathy McMorrisRodgers
Melissa Morse
Mr. Richard Parker
Chuck and Donna Pierce
Collyn Pullam
Velma Riddle
Thomas and Debra Robinson
Raymond Smith
Tracy Starke
Danelle Van Sloten
Tony Wiggins
Page 16
August 2010
Honor Roll of Donors July 1, 2009 — June 30, 2010
Amber J. Woodworth
Dominic Frucci
Stephanie Zobrist
Bill Zobrist III
Beverley J. Abramson
Clifford Abramson
Leslie Allen
Shirlee Personeus
Gloria Smith
Gerald A. Anderson
Lorraine Anderson
Roy Anderson
Dale & Kathryn Larsen
Vera Banta
Dixie Banta
Joshua Batchelder
Janet Guest
Naomi Benner
Bill & Sherry Hieb
Hattie E. Bethel
John & Gertrude Bliss
Mark Iksic
Jessy J. Biotti
Margaret Miller
Keneth T. Biotti
Margaret Miller
Cyril Boysen
Mary Ann Eicher
Julie Lewis
John Francis Boysen
Bill & Dolores Schmalz
Michael Charles Boysen
Mary Ann Eicher
Bob & Barbara Forth
Robert John Boysen
Richard Mark Boysen
Mary Ann Eicher
Bob & Barbara Forth
Pauline Brazda
Cecilia Cote
Olivia L. Chaffin
Leonard & Jean Larson
Elfrieda Chouinard
Ronald Hink
Jennifer Colliton
Sherry Colliton
Ned Conley
Robbie & Kinsey Robinson
Judy Dollar
Randy & Connie Dollar
Colleen Donlan
Dr. LeRoy and Irene Byrd
Dr. Johnny & Barbara Cox
Dr. & Mrs. Kapstafer
Dr. Pat & Sharon Lipton
Dr. Judith Martin and
Dr. Bob Kuwik
Doris Matsch
Dr. Robert & Jane Piston
Dr. Ron Shapiro
Joe & Maureen Shogan
James & Carol Skahan
Philip & Colleen Thompson
Thomas F. Draper
Larry & Pat Garvin
Mildred Kazanis
Chris & Kris Mikkelsen
Julia Weber
Eagle Heights Homeowners Assoc.
John Enquist
Olga Pasher and Marvin Smith
Dairy Queen
Lawrence Ertner
Arlene Ertner
Barbara Ferrell
Leonard & Jean Larson
Eugene H. Fink
Ardell Easterday
Howard Fode
Leonard & Jean Larson
Carl Forth
Bob & Barbara Forth
Joan Forth
Bob & Barbara Forth
Bill & Jean Fritzen
Robert & Nancy Schultz
Jesse & Kathryn Turner
Thelma Giampietri
Hilda Bradshaw
Sharon Johnson
Jim Knapp
Sam & Evelyn Lappano
Theresa Manos
Helen Martello
Etter Milla
Mary Milla
Candace Nelson
Elsie Pascuzzi
Passionate About Pastels
John Pelle
Donna Raglund
Nellie Stickelmeyer
Karen Glassley
John & Carole Oliveri
Sandra K. Goben
John & Tammi Sinsel
Stephen Guy
Ken & Betty Bratlie
Bill Colyar
Christopher Crall
Ria Flynn
Mel & Norma Headley
Don & Roxanne Manfred
Mr. and Mrs.Vaughn E. Murphy
Vandervert Development
and Hotels
Sally Wittlinger
Charles Hargrove
James & Sue Riddle
Colin Hart
John & Beth Hart
Linda M. Hendershott
Ron & Shirley Hendershott
Hilde Hink
Ronald Hink
Lyle I. Honn
Margaret Schmick
Gene J. Hopf
Bill & Nell McIntosh
Lynn & Doris Tower
Billie Howard
Mary Ann Eicher
Jim Huff
Linda Geier
Milton L. Isserlis
Vic & Joan Forni
Ashlyn James
Red & Sandie James
David James
Lori Veitenheimer
Brian Jeffords
Ben & Helen Jeffords
Greg Johnson
Robert & Sandy Spears
James G. Johnson
Jim & Carol Glenn
Tony Juhlin
Dorothy Juhlin
Leo Keller
Walter Kieckbusch
Helen Kingsley
Gloria Smith
John V. Kingsley
Gloria Smith
Richard G. Kingsley
David Johnson
Jack & Kathryn Johnson
Jack Johnson
Robert & Jan Kingsley
Willis R. Homer
Doug & Oweta Floyd
Jimmy Lange
Jerry & Joy Donahoe
Caroline LaSorella
Bonnie Birchill
Harry Leigh
Joseph Scholze & Brenda
Margaret Lohman
Dan & Patsy Fall
Lynda Maiola
Rocky Maiola
Stan Malnar
Dr. Johnny & Barbara Cox
Lola Masters
Don & Jan Young
Darlene McCollim
Kelli Lemley
Michael M. McGarvey
Dr. Eleanor Bromberg
Richard & Bobbie League
Dr. Michael R. McGarvey
Mickey Rabel
Barbara Sass
Ruby R. McGarvey
Dr. Michael R. McGarvey
Carrie McNaughton
Paul McNaughton
Robert McNeilly
Jan McNeilly
Judy Michaud
Barbara Rice
Mary Morse
Richard Morse
Dick Moss
Robbie & Kinsey Robinson
Kristin Muller
Lowell & Barbara Barr
Dr. Terry Novak
Dr. Terrance & Cordelia Brown
Margaret Olney
Leon Olney
Carl E. Ottoson
Bob & Pat Brown
Arlene & Robert Sanborn
Shereen Paff
Linda Geier
Lloyd & LaVerne Paff
Canon S. Peplinski
Marcea Mandsager
Mike Peplinski Construction
Brad Personeus
Shirlee Personeus
Gloria Smith
Patricia Pleas
Thomas Pleas
Thresa Poffenroth
John & Tammi Sinsel
Rudy Polich
Maxine Polich
Kathryn J. Putzler
Kathleen R. Wolfe
Bernard Quaid
Lillian Quaid
Geri Rasmussen
Annette Gregory
Gail & Loren Miles
Janet Rose
Christopher Redmond
David & Karin Redmond
Jean Reeves
Earl Reeves
Alisa Repp
Rick & Lisa Repp
Eleanor C. Richards
Gloria Smith
Judge John J. Ripple
Dr. Harold & Arlene Ripple
Pat Robeson
Alta Robeson
Darwin Rutledge
The Buonerba Family
Jodi Lauer Colgate
Eagles Lodge
William Holleman
Kevin & Stacey Klim
Jeff Mauldin
The Greg and Brad
Mauldin Families
Lincoln Salem
Squaw Peak Anesthesia, Inc.
Virginia Salveson
Leonard & Jean Larson
Marc Sanders
Shirlee Personeus
Dalles Schuster
Ladonna Schuster
Kate Schmidt
Leon & Pamela Schmidt
June Scott
Drs. Harry & Janet Burcalow
Michael & Nancy Maggart
Lloyd & LaVerne Paff
Page 17
August 2010
Honor Roll of Donors July 1, 2009 — June 30, 2010
Karen Skogman
Dale Anderson
Marlys Busch
Mayrene Feider
Sandy Kennedy
Beverly Kvamme
Libby Center
Carol Rinehart
Lora Wu
Selma H. Sonntag
Louise Lansberry
Clarence & Martha Legel
Mary Martinez
Sara Turner
Peggy Williams
Alice A. Sprenger
William Sprenger
Lloyd Stannard
Dr. Terrance & Cordelia Brown
Catherine Stohs
Howard & Sandra Beloved
Gene & Sandra Fiksdal
Fred & Carole Herrlinger
Thomas & Nadine Jones
Elsie Patterson
Barbara L. Pryde L.M.P.
John & Kirsten Redinger
Donald Taylor
Willa Marie Johns
Philip Thompson
Philip & Colleen Thompson
Arlene Town
Paul Town
Cor Van der Meer
Dr. Terrance & Cordelia Brown
Lynn Volz
Leonard & Jean Larson
Ben J. Wasson
Richard Mark Boysen
Sheilagh Chambers
Daniel & Patricia Chester
Steve & Meg Cronin
June Davis
Rita Giebel
Don & Nancy Giese
Gonzaga Prep Teacher’s Assoc.
Marilyn Henderson
Carl Hueber
Greg Johnson
Cheryl Kingen
Robert & Wendy Miller
Leonard Nelson
Jack & Kathy Ossello
Mike & Kathy Paukert
Tina Shepard
Joe & Maureen Shogan
David & Janet Solberg
Philip & Colleen Thompson
Tom Webb
Alvina Webb
Art Weissman
Leonard & Evelyn Riley
Lily Winant
Bill & Sandy Winant
Contributors to the
Mark Bitz
T.J. & Kris Brill
Bruce & Kathy Bixler
Mike & Vickie Brooks
Tom & Catherine Black
Monica & Cliff Brower
Jacke & Bette Blair
Diane Brown
Jennifer Blair
Earl E. Brown
Anonymous (2)
& with
Susan an
Jim & drive!
Nancy Brown
You can support our 30th
Abigail’s Closet
Loretta Bombino
Robert & Pam Brown
to be&auctioned
2011. Corporate sponso
Networkan item or service Steve
Janice Boots
Linda Browne
Adamsinformation or to donate,
For more
Kyla Boucher
Browne Elementary
Wayne & Danielle Adams
Frank & Sharon
Madeline Buescher
Kim & Gayle Adams
Jim Bowden
Rae Lee Bunnell
Adams Elementary
Richard & Sandy Bowe
Dale & Marilyn Burgeson
Agilent Technologies Employee
Richard Mark Boysen
Amy Burns
Giving Campaign
Lodean Brantley
Adam Burton
Mike & Cathy Ainsworth
Michael & Corey Branum
Mike Busch
Cathy Akers
Joseph Brasch
Barry & Jo Buth
Sandy Alderman
Dewey & Linda Bray
Butler, Robinson & Associates, P.S.
Dana Alderson
Clark and Dawn Brekke
L. M. Butto
Alene Alexander
Dale & Deanna Bright
Chadwick & Camilla Byrd
Mary Alexieve
Luis Alier
All Saints Middle School
Elise Al-Sharif
Sally Alston
Chris & Pam Altig
Jerry & Judy Altig
Michael Altringer
John & Katherine Ames
Barry Anderson
Dr. Terry & Rita Anderson
Dr. Trent Anderson & Darlene
Bill Anderson
April Anundson
Arlington Elementary
Joel & Kristen Armstrong
Steve Armstrong
Jacci Aronow
Lisa Arsenault
Audubon Elementary
Dan & Colleen Austin
Terrie Austin
Angelica Avalos & Bernardo Ruelas
Balboa Elementary
Mark & Kerri Baldwin
Bancroft Center
Bank of America Foundation, Inc.
J.K. & Sheri Barnard
Ned & Linda Barnes
Shannon Barratt
Mike & Cindy Bass
Tom & Sandy Bassett
William Batty
Steven & Cindy Baumann
Martin & Cindy Beck
John & Marianne Becker
Bemiss Elementary
John Bennehoff
Greg Benner
Doug & Sarah Bennyhoff
Jerry & Terry Beuhl
John & Ann Beutler
Julie Biggerstaff
Valerie Biladeau
Linda Birchard
Support the 30th Annual Auction!
Page 18
August 2010
Honor Roll of Donors July 1, 2009 — June 30, 2010
Dr. LeRoy and Irene Byrd
Heidi Byrum
Brighten a child's day
with your smile!
Whiten your teeth for just $99!
October 1 - November 30, 2010
Receive a referral to a
participating dentist by calling
Proceeds benefit the children like
Abigail who attend the Spokane Guilds'
School & Neuromuscular Center.
Carol Cameron
Kammi Cameron
Cannon Hill Dental
Dan Cantu
Sara Cargill
Chris & Marcia Carlson
Nancy Carlson
Vickie Carpenter
Loretta & Larry Carr-Aucutt
PJ & Bridget Carstens
Cascade Dental Care
Maureen Cashatt
Ronald & Cheryl Casselman
Tim & Kathalene Cassels
Randy & Michaelyn Casto
The Cathay Inn
Centennial Middle School
Central Valley School
District No. 356
Century 21 Beutler & Assoc.
Jose Cervantes Jr.
Dr. Ed & Faris Charbonneau
Pam Charter
Chase Middle School
L.K. & J.C. Chen
Kathy & Roy Cheney
Julie Cherry
Jeff & Karen Christensen
Marcia Christenson
Citigroup Matching Gifts
Pat Clark
Tom Clemson
Thomas & Barbara Cochran
Cochrane & Co.
Coldwell Banker /
Tomlinson - South
George Cole
Jerry & Nola Combs
Tom Connolly
Connor & Kelly Insurance Brokers
Theresa L. Considine
Kirk C. Constable
Jean Cook
Cooper Elementary
Cortner Architectural Company
The Rob & Stacy Cossey Family
Cotton Family Dentistry
Charles & Sharon Cox
Deborah Cox
Ernest Cox
Patricia Cramer
Carolyn Craven
Heather Crawford
Margaret Crawford
Heather Crawford-Wirth
Christi Culp
Dan Cummings
Bob & Marian Cummings
Fred & Karen Cunningham
Michael Currin
Jo Ann Curtis-Flaherty
& Kevin Flaherty
Virginia Czechowski
D.A. Davidson
Rick & Linda Dahmen
Kathy Dale
Gordon & Trudie Damskov
Dan Sherfey Construction
Kenneth & Kristi Daniel
The Davenport Hotel & Tower
Pat & Edith Davey
Jeff Davies
Bill & Sharon Davis
Deb Davis
Kirk & Rose Davis
Donald & Pat Davis
Stacie Davis
Stacie & Shawn Davis
Joe Dawson
Verla Dearborn
Mike & Jeanne DeBardi
Danielle Denison
Doug & Sara Desmond
Lynette Destefano
Gurdial & Sarah Dhatt
Susan Dickinson
Marilyn Dickson
Bill & Merilee Dinneen
Discovery School
David & Mavis Dittberner
Travis Dix
Hal & Vicki Dixon
Bobbie Domonoski
Dr. Don Marshall.
George & Mary Doran
Bryan & Vicki Dornbos
Dr. James P. Dorosh
Don & Sue Downing
Dr. Jeff Henneberg
Laney & Debbie Draper
Linda Dreher
Michael & Michelle Dullanty
Rick & Francine Dullanty
Hoa & Robyn Duong
P. I. Dupape
Jennifer Durang
Eagles Lodge
East Valley High School
Aron & Vi Thuan Eaton
Jean Edwards
Ray & Lynn Edwards
Catherine Eickmeyer
Linda Elkin
Conni Ellern
Graciela Ellestad
Ellingsen Endodontics, PLLC
Karen Elmendorf
Lu Envery
Kirk & Monique Etherton
Rachelle Evans
Page 19
August 2010
Honor Roll of Donors July 1, 2009 — June 30, 2010
Evans, Craven & Lackie, P.S.
Evergreen Cosmetic Dentistry
Judith Fife
Finch Elementary
Robert Fischbach
Sandra Fitzgerald
Marian Flahavin
Shaun & Sascha Flanigan
Will Flanigan
Michael Flannery
Rosemary Fleming
Leslie Flinn
Darci Floch
Doug & Oweta Floyd
James & Doreen Flynn
Dave & Laura Foedisch
Randy & Christy Folkins
Ronald Forsberg
Robert & Laura Forsyth
Denise Fox
Franklin Elementary
Tom & Renae Frantz
Mike & Brenda Fredericks
Freedom Riders Motorcycle Club
Hannah Freije
Roger Fruci & Sharon Murphy
Kenneth & Cecilia Fry
Joseph & Joan Gagliardi
Adriana P. Garcia
Garco Construction, Inc.
Mark & Connie Gardner
Garfield Elementary
Ed & Helen Gately
Natalya Gaydarzhi
Gary Gemar
Eric & Kristin Genoway
Scott & Jen Genoway
Bill Genoway
George & Susan George
Ron Giachetti
Mary Giannini
Gibby Media Group
Janis Gilson
John & Bev Glass
Glover Middle School
Lynda Godsey
Ben & Jen Goin
Adriana Gonzalez
Fred & Connie Goodman
Dr. Frank & Patricia Goodman
Colleen Goodwin & Darrell Haase
Rick & Susan Gordon
Kathy Gossett
Jim & Kristi Gotzian
Kathleen Govett
William Graham
Grant Elementary
Jerry & Charlotte Graves
Jason & Alicia Green
Ruth E. Green
Greenacres Middle School
Greenstone Corporation
James Greenup
Kelly Greenwood
Gwen Grieb
Ramona Griffin
Jennifer Griffith
Elizabeth Guerrero
Jim & Jennifer Gumm
Courtney Haase
Haase Greenhouse, Inc.
Mel & Debbie Haberman
Andrew Hail
Hamblen Elementary
Jody Hamilton
M. A. Hamilton
Beth Hamlin
Stacy Hammond
Jim & Nicolette Hanley
Jeff & Alice Hardin
Bob & Ada Hargrove
Timothy & Patricia Harkins
Jay & Kim Harless
Ann Hartman
Cmsgt. David & Bonita Hartman
Steve Hawk
Don Hay
Roberta Hay
Arthur & Lynda Hayashi
Cassandra Hayes
Rick & Joan Haynes
Vivian Heasley
Cindy Hedin
Dr. Robb & Kim Heinrich
Patti Helring
Jim Hemingway
Rich & Carol Hendershot
Don & Marilyn Henderson
Chuck & Ruth Hensley
Debbra Henze
Dean & Donna Hepper
Dennis & Nadia Herkelrath
Janice Hicks
Rachel Hicks
Walter & Marilyn Highberg
Karen J. Hiller
Tammy & Joseph
John & Lisa Hluboky
David Hoak
Ms. Katrina M. Hoehner
Scott & Cynthia Hoffman
Cheryl Holman
Angela Holmes
Heather Holmes
Holmes Elementary
Areta Holms
Diane Hoover
Bobby Hopkins
Dr. James C. Hoppe & Staff
Paul & Maureen Horn
Susan Horton
Dr. Creigh House, Dr. James
Mengert & Staff
Drs. Jim & Jody Howard
Donald & Kristine Howell
Congratulations and Happy Birthday to our most
recent graduates. Many of you celebrated your
third birthdays, and others were no longer in
need of SGS services. Our hope is that you will
each go on to accomplish, achieve, triumph and
fulfill your every dream.
Lois Howes
Jeresa Hren
Jay Hughes & Donna Gilmore
Mary Ann Hume
Lesley Hutson
Lena Huynh
Richard & Nancy Hydzik
Indian Trail Elementary
Inland Construction &
Development Co.
Inland Empire Convertible Club
Inland Northwest Community
Inland Northwest Region
Porsche Club of America
Anne & Matt Isom
Barry & Kayse Iverson
Charlie & Rhoda Jackson
Fred & Dianne Jacot
Don Jamison
Dione Jantz
Jean Jarvis
Jefferson Elementary
Matthew & Rose Jensen
Carol A. Johns
Bruce & Maxine Johnson
Martin & Andrea Jones
William Jones
Jack Joss
Dr. and Mrs. Terry Judge
George & Shari Kain
Jim & Trac Kalamon
Kappa Delta Sorority
Michael & Ryna Kaufman
Patricia & Joseph Keane
Karen Keeble
Darcy Kelly
Dennis & Donna Kelly
Don & Diane Kelly
Ronald & Wendy Kennedy
Andy Keys
Marsha Khalar
Don & Alva Kiesbuy
Dawn & Mike Kight
Ryan & Deanna Kile
Diane King
Craig & Donna Klindworth
Dr. Susan Kohls
Kohl’s Department Store
Jazmin Koons
Pauline Koontz
Chris Kopczynski & Michelle Mullin
Jerry Kostelecky
Joseph Kramarz
Shelly Krasselt
Janis Krepcik
Jan Krogh
Kimberly Krogh
Colleen Kruse
Wendy Lamorte
Landmark Restaurants
Dave & Lori Largent
Larry Larison
Dale & Kathryn Larsen
Sheryl Larsen
Gregg & Jill Larson
Bob & Mary Helen Larson
Dr. Bob & Marilyn Laugen
Don & JoAnn Laughlin
Eleanor Law
Tim & Mary Lawlor
Raymond & Caryl Lawton
Ray & Caryl Lawton
Lawton Printing, Inc.
LCD Exposition Services
Clare League
Richard & Bobbie League
Scott & Taryn League
Betty Lee
Bob & Joan Leeds
Craig & Linda Lenhart
Di Anne Lewis
Lewis & Clark High School
Libby Center
Lidgerwood Elementary
Lilac City Doll Club
Page 20
August 2010
Honor Roll of Donors July 1, 2009 — June 30, 2010
Lincoln Heights Elementary
Alene Lindstrand
Liquidation Auto Group, Inc.
John T. Little
Nancy Loberg
Jenny Lobos
Local 504 Wa St Emp
Dorothy Lochhead
Barbara Lockard
Gerald & Julie Lockhart
Ken Logan
Logan Elementary
Annette & Robert Long
Longhorn BBQ
Greg & Randi Longmeier
Anthony & Katharine Lowman
James & Jennifer Lucke
Ben Luety
Mark Lupton
Garman & Jane Lutz
Cynthia & Allen Lyden
Jackie Lynn
Barbara J. Maasch
William & Gail Madison
Madison Elementary
Pete & E.J. Magera
Richard Maglund
Bob & Elinor Magnuson
John Doerschlag &
Kammy Magnuson
Pat & Donna Maguire
Deborah Maher
Emily Maiani
Bill & Norma Main
Rocky Maiola
Larry Malicki
Paul & Janet Mann
Market Equipment Company
Patti Marquis
Stanley A. Marsh, Jr.
Dr. Jeff Marshall Dentistry & Staff
Diana Martinez
Clinton & Patti Marvel
Linda Mastronarde
Audrey Mathis
Steve & Karen Matsko
Randy & Kathy Maurer
Bill & Liz McAndrews
Bob & Karen McBride
Tom & Teresa McCabe
Bing & Betty McClelland
Ron & Sharon McCloskey
Joan McCluskey
Matt McCoy
McDonald Elementary
Shelley & Mick McDowell
Diana McEvoy
Ray & Sharon McGriff
Andrea McIntyre
Julia McIntyre
Kirk McKee
Pat McKenzie
Dan & Erin McLaughlin
Dennis McLaughlin
Thomas McLaughlin
Marilynn McLean
Karen McMaken
Vernon L. White &
Corene McMorris
Travis McNamee
Brian & Carolynn McNaughton
Clara McNaughton
Paul McNaughton
Stanley & Kathy McNaughton
Mead School District #354
Meadow Ridge Elementary
Bruce & Jennifer Medeiros
The Melanson Family
Michael & Jeri Merritt
John & Betty Mertens
Betty & Ken Mewhinny
Mike & Stacy Meyer
Dave Michaud
Midway Elementary
Diane Miller
Diane C. Miller
Garry & Leslie Miller
Luke Miller
Margaret Miller
Ricarda Miller
Alyce Millhorm
Cheryl-Anne and Bruce Millsap
Mitch & Moczulski
Ray Mohney
John & Lori Moloney
Mike & Mary Moloney
Moloney, O’Neill, Corkery
& Jones Inc.
Monsanto Fund Matching
Gift Center
Christopher & Shannon Montague
Jesse & Mayra Monteon
Betty Moore
Kathy Moore
Roger & Nancy Moore
Moran Prairie Elementary
Nancy Morbey
Billy Moreland
Raymond Morgan
Tom Morin
Kevin Morrison
Jan Moseanko
Jackie Mosgrove
Mullan Road Elementary School
Steve Mumm
Vicki Munch
Dan & Joyce Murphy
J. Tim Murphy
Michael & Muffy Murphy
Ed Musser
Stephen & Kara Muto
Bob & Karen Muzzy
Ben & Judy Naccarato
Napora Contracting, LLC
National Students of Speech
Language and Hearing Association
Steven Neff
Neil’s Truck & Diesel Repair
Curtis & Liz Nelson
Enid Nelson
Kent Nelson
Tina Nelson
Monte F. Nesbitt
Rep. George Nethercutt
Chris Newton
Thuy Nguyen
Carol Nichols
Joseph K. Nichols, Sr.
Michael & Jessica Nichols
Suzanne Nichols
Benson & JoAnn Nielsen
Brenda & Larry Nord
Geoffrey & Robyn Norwood
Mike & Cindy Noyes
Numerica Credit Union
Peter & Bonnie Nussbaum
NW Cruiser’s PT Cruiser Club
Eric & Teri Ochs
Jim & Sharon O’Connell
Kerry O’Connor
The Odom Corporation
Richard & Debby Ogan
Old Firehouse Dental
Chris & Jean Olney
Chuck & Sheri Olsen
Haleigh Olsen
John Olsen
Arlene Olson
James & Barbara Olson
Larry & Sharon Olson
Nancy Olson
Randy & Kathie Olson
Dr. Kathrine Olson & Staff
Barb O’Neill
The Onion Restaurants, Inc.
Oral Surgery Plus, P.S.
Bruce Osso
Dr. Tom & Ann Osten
Jay Overholser
Marnie Oye
Pacific Northwest Title
Lloyd & LaVerne Paff
Panhandle State Bank
Mike & Kelly Pankey
Lynda Parry
Elsie Patterson
Kevin Paulson
Tamera Paulson
Janice Payne
Dr. P. Z. Pearce
Bitsy Peffer
PEMCO Foundation
Denny Penna
Jeff & Tracy Penna
Peppi’s Pizza, LLC
Sheila Peters
William & Carol Petersen
Dr. David G. Petersen, DDS & Staff
Jessica Peterson
Steve Peterson
Michelle Pettina
Mike & Carmen Piccolo
Pamela Pierce
Penny Pierson
Kelly & Terry Piger
Debra Piper
Pitney Bowes
Ron Plummer
Karch & Linda Polgar
Ponderosa Elementary
Michael Pontarolo
Eric & Teresa Popham
Nan Powell
Viki Powell
James & Klaire Powers
Precision Collision
Sharon Preston
Ann Price
Gary & Jennifer Price
Lisa Primrose
Prosperity Club
Charles & Pamela Pschirrer
Quantum Financial Planning
Services, Inc.
Donald & Christine Querna
Ken & Lynne Quimby
Stephanie Quist
R.S. Properties
Dave & Shelbie Rabe
David & Susie Raines
Hubert Randall
Randall/Danskin, P.S.
Rosemary Reagan
Anita Reel
Robert & Lucille Reimer
Michael Rennaker
Gene & Janet Ressa
Bobbie J. Reynolds
Dione Reynolds
Jessica Reynolds
Galen Rhoades
Dr. Richard Weigand
Lois Richards
Larry Rider
Marilyn Rider
Ridgeview Elementary
Kathryne Ringo
River Ridge Hardware
Alma Rivera
Linda Roach
Dr. Robert Granly
Ken & Sharon Roberts
Virginia Roberts
Jilynn Robertson
Alta Robeson
Larry & Jamie Robinson
Rockwood Retirement
Community at Hawthorne
Page 21
August 2010
Honor Roll of Donors Please
July 1, 2009
June up
help us
mailing list
If the name or address on this issue of the VISION is incorrect, if you are receiving multiple issues of the VISION, or if
~Y~ and ask for Heather, or send an e-mai
John & Isabelle Roehm
Robert &from
to be removed
mailing list, please~U~
let us know. Please call 509-326-1651
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Young’s Columbia
Clint & Linda Rogel
South Hill Family Dentistry Thank you for your assistance!
Kathy Rogers
Richard Splichal Insurance Agency
Jerry & Bernadette Rohner
Spokane Area Classic Chevy Club
David & Faith Van Belle
Leslie Zilka
Kemper Rojas
Spokane Association of Realtors
Vandervert Developments & Hotels
Lloyd & Virginia Zimmerman
Peggy Rolando
Spokane Model T Club
Christopher Varallo
Zip’s Drive-In
Joe & Susie Roope
Spokane Oral &
Maxillofacial Surgery
Matthew & Mary Veeder
Zip’s Drive-In -- East Sprague
Roosevelt Elementary
Jerry & Cary Sprecher
Kathy Vergon
Zip’s Drive-In--North Monroe
John & Joyce Roskelley
Debbie Squires
J. Verhaag
Vi Roskelley
St. Aloysius School
VFW Post 3067 Auxiliary
Lisa Ross
St. Peter’s Golden Singers
Janet Viegas
Marla Ross
Dan & Pat Stainbrook
Dave Vik
Spokane Aurora Northwest Rotary
Eric & Brenda Stapleton
John & Erna Vinje
Roving Gamblers Motorcycle Club
Michael Steffy
Paul & Beth Viren
Richard & Kathy Roy
Therese Beuhl
Are you
in leaving a legacySee Vue
& Mary Steilen
Gregory & Diane Royal
Kevin & Cheryl Morgan
for theRob
that follow yours? There
Sharie Ruegsegger
Diane Boysen
& Julie
Gordon Ruehl
Jeff Boysen
are so Jack
things you can do~W~
Step & Stretch
Gary Wakeley
Belky Ruiz
Dolores Weighted
Barbara Stevens
Amber Walker
Linda Rumiser
Jeff Boysen
& Neuromuscular
Construction paper
Robert Walker
Emma Brown
Thomas &continues
Gail Stevenson
to exist and Kathleen J. Walmsley
washable tempera paints
& Katie
Stewart to the children
Bill & Margaret Walter
Sacajawea Middle School
Vicki Maravel
gift cards
Jess & Darel Lyn Stolworthy
Carrie Wardian
Sadir Khan Grotto
Fred A. Cunningham
and families
of the future.
Nancy Stradley
Paul & Monica Wasson
Dr. Ed Saffer, Dr.
Fred &Wal-Mart
Melissa Cunningham
gift cards
CynthiaThiel & Staff
Jay & Stephanie Suko
Cheryl Waters
Alexia Duckett
to help
us share the SGS&NMC sto
Sandy Sage
& Gina Sundberg
Dr. Jim & Lynn Watts
& Diane Karg
Saint George’s Lower School
Super Valu, Inc.
Charles Weatherby & Sara
Duggin resources
to help all children who need
Karen Elmendorf
Debora Schilling
Cathy Sutherland
the& SGS&NMC
in your will Leslie Weatherhead
John & Kathleen Schneider
Amy Swanson
Robert & Suzanne Weathers
If you Marilyn
are ableHenderson
to help with these items please
the &
as a
Terri Schneider
Jeff Sweat
Candace Webb-Krall
Brian Gately
Office at 509-326-165
Kirsten Schneidmiller
Ed & Helen Gately
beneficiary in a life insurance
Dan & Sherry Schnell
Robert & Donna Sword
Tami Weisgerber
policy or IRA
Mike Schnell & Mary Fagan
Sylvan Learning Center
Jacob & Joan Wendel
William Graham
real estate
Ron & Shirley Schoenberger Leaving
Dick & Carol Wendle
Karen Schultz
William & Jayne Symmes
Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburgers
Giving gifts of stocks, mutual funds orNoel & Cathie Wescombe
Mike Schumacher
Houston Scrudder
Ms. Gertrude Weston
Peggy Self
Setting up a Charitable Lead Trust or Susan
a White
Vern Semb
Jacqui Tarter
Whitman Elementary
Have a story you’d like to share
Alison Taylor
Marc & Rebecca Whitney
about either a current Spokane
Phyllis Taylor
Jeff & Amy Wilcox
Guilds’ School &
Trevert Shelley
Team Oasis
John & Kristine Wilcox
Center student
Burton & Kathy Sheppard
Stephen E. Teets
Steve & Karen Wilcox
or one of our alumni?
at (509)
Mary Sherwood
& Janet
Tenold or
Juli Wilhite
Pamela Shilliam
Terry’s Breakfast & Lunch
Bobby & Danielle Williams
Mary Shinavier-Swanson
Jerry Thomas
James & Beverly Williams
We’d love to print it in the Vision.
Candi Sibley
Louann Thomas
Terry Willingham
Stories and photos may be
Diane Siegel
Keith & Betty Thompson
Harold Willis
emailed to:
Norma Silva
Mike & Linda Thompson
Charles & Melissa Willis
Richard Silva
Valerie Thompson
Wilson Elementary
Daniel & Annette Simonson
Paul & Cathy Thorvaldsen
Windermere Marketing Group
mailed to:
Dr. Pramod Sinha
Bill & Margie Tibbits
Windermere Real Estate
City Group, LLC
Melissa A. Sisich
Tomlinson North, Inc.
Windsor Elementary
Neal & Joann Skaufel
Leif Torgenrud
Heather Notske
Witherspoon Kelley
Craig & Rhonda Skeesick
Albert & Bernadetta Toutant
Guilds’ School
Larry & Dian Wiwatowski
Patty Skimming
Leo & Mary Tracy
Garland Ave
Dr. Daniel & Rhonda Skinner
Travis Pattern & Foundry
Spokane, WA 99205
Victoria & Michael Wiykovics
Doug & Susan Smith
Lucy Turner
Shannon Wood
Hollie Smith
Jon & Diana Tutt
Jack & Phyllis Worden
Donald Smock
Julie J. Tyner
All photos will be returned.
Nick & Marilyn Worthington
Cheryl Socci
Pat & Mary Tyrie
Carolyn Wright
Larry Soehren
Lloyd Wright & Karen Tuomi
Peter Soligon
Dan & Nancy Wynia
Rick & Joni Sorenson
Make a Difference...
Leave a Legacy
School Wishes…
We are in need of the following item
Please help us clean up our mailing list
If the name or address on this issue of the VISION is incorrect, if you are receiving multiple issues of the VISION, or if you prefer
to be
removed from our mailing list, please let us know. Please call VISION
509-326-1651 and ask for Heather, or send an e-mail to
August 2010 Thank you for your assistance!
Honor Roll of Donors July 1, 2009 — June 30, 2010
Make a Difference...
Leave a Legacy
Are you interested in leaving a legacy
for the lives that follow yours? There
are so many simple things you can do
now to ensure that the Spokane Guilds’
School & Neuromuscular Center
(SGS&NMC) continues to exist and
provide critical services to the children
and families of the future.
Please consider:
Listing the SGS&NMC in your will
Naming the SGS&NMC as a
beneficiary in a life insurance
policy or IRA
Leaving a gift of real estate
Giving gifts of stocks, mutual funds or
appreciated securities
Setting up a Charitable Lead Trust or a
Remainder Trust
For more information, contact Bobbie
League at (509) 326-1651 or
Carol M. Hendershot
Gordon D. Hart
Richard Mark Boysen
John Riley & Shirley
Hart Riley
Ken & Kristi Daniel
Nathanie Alder
Hilde Hink
Karen Elmendorf
Josephine Alder
Richard Mark Boysen
Marilyn Henderson
Bernice Alsaker
Kenneth & Kristi Daniel
Mike & Cindy Noyes
Dr. Ed & Faris Charbonneau
Karen Elmendorf
Irelynn Isbelle
Joshua Batchelder
Marilyn Henderson
Trent Carey & Joy Eastgate
Mike & Cindy Noyes
Jackson Klim
Hattie E. Bethel
William Holestine
Ed & Ann Klim
Elena Chambers
Roberta S. League
Bill ZobristBlankets
Glenna Hunt
Phil & Jennifer Hawkins
Mignonette Bond
Marilynn McLean
Patrick J. Maguire
Dr. Ed & Farispaper
Connie Powers
Phil & Jennifer Hawkins
Joseph Boysen
tempera paints
J. McClelland
Cynthia Noyes
Dolores Boysen
Costco gift cards
Dr. Ed & Faris Charbonneau
Marilyn Henderson
John Francis Boysen
Verla Dearborn
Kathryn Parry
gift cards
Bill & Dolores
Michael M. McGarvey
Mary Sherwood
Projector to help us share the SGS&NMC story
Richard Mark Boysen
SGS&NMC Families
Jeff Boysen
Bill & Liz McAndrews
Enough resources to
all children who need
Beverly McIntosh
SGS&NMC Management
Richard Mark Boysen
& Staff
Nancy Nethercutt
If you are ableRonald
to helpR.with
items please Verla Dearborn
contact the Development Office at 509-326-1651
Mike & Karen Krei
June Scott
Gene & Doreen Criswell
SGS Staff and Volunteers
Ladies of the FREON Guild
Bonnie Cuzzetto
Rich & Carol Hendershot
Karl & Trina Schmid
Mary Sherwood
Stephanie Zobrist
Mary Sherwood
Orman Day
Bill Zobrist III
Selma H. Sonntag
Gene & Doreen Criswell
Ellomae DeMond
Zorre L. Dearborn
Ben J. Wasson
Dr. Ed & Faris Charbonneau
Marjorie Heberling
Grace Dixon
Have a story
to share
Teresa Kulik
& Vicki
Curtis Wasson
about either
Marjorie Donlan
Emma Wasson
& Donlan
Dr. Mike
& Patty
Marjorie Heberling
Dr. Donna
Guilds’ School Wishes…
We are in need of the following items:
or oneRichard
of our Mark
Stephen Guy
We’d love to
print it in the Vision.
Construction, Inc.
Stories and photos may be
emailed to:
mailed to:
Put Education on Your Shopping List
Register Your Safeway Club CardHeather
and Earn Money for Your School
Club Card number required for
If card number is unknown,
Guilds’ School
2118 W Garland Ave
please call 1-877-723-3929
to obtain it.
Spokane, WA 99205
Safeway Club Card Number
Spokane Guilds School________________________________ 500007021
All photos will be returned.
Group Name Group ID # (if unknown, leave blank)
Last Name First Name
City State Zip
Email Address Phone Number
Note: All lines required. Confirmation email will be sent to email listed above.
Return form to: Spokane Guilds’ School & Neuromuscular Center c/o Kenneth Daniel 2118 West Garland Avenue, Spokane WA 99205
Page 23
August 2010
eaving a Legacy:
Building a solid future
For the kids of tomorrow
By Bobbie League
ho would have ever predicted
five decades ago that
the Spokane Guilds’ School &
Neuromuscular Center (SGS&NMC)
would be going strong fifty years
later? Who would have ever
imagined that thousands of families
and children would walk through
the SGS&NMC doors looking for
answers, services and support? It is
truly an amazing story of dedication
and care, love and support,
perseverance, flexibility and courage.
An idea born from caring individuals
that wanted to make a difference in
their community and a community
that needed their idea to change
the lives of families, especially the
lives of children who experienced a
developmental disability or delay.
We are grateful for the women
who organized a local affiliate of
the Washington Association for
Retarded Children in 1956 to begin
this amazing journey and build this
outstanding agency. The first guild
was called the Robbie Richards Guild
in honor of the nephew of one of the
founders, Shirlee Personeus. I think
I can speak for all of us that have
had the good fortune of working at
the SGS&NMC. Each day is filled
with new adventures, unbinding
possibilities and limitless expectations
of what lay ahead for the precious
children we serve.
Once again it has become very
evident that the Guild ladies were a
group of individuals willing to think
outside the box to guarantee the
success of their goal. We salute and
thank all of the Guild members that
gave generously of their time and
resources to make it happen.
Today two Guilds remain active,
the FREON Guild (“Friend”
in Greek) and the Angels in
Disguise Guild (AID) both
founded in 1968. Within the
history of the SGS&NMC
there were four additional
guilds that served the school;
Helping Hands Guild started
in 1957, Shamrock in 1960,
Tommy Guild chartered in 1964 and
LUV Guild in 1971, in all a total of
seven guilds. 2010 has been a reflective
year for us talking about our past,
and pouring over archival photos
and documents. It has been a year of
emphasizing our 50th Anniversary in
all our events.
Fifty years has been a time of
great accomplishment and with
that accomplishment comes loss.
Throughout the years we have lost
some of our precious children and
alumni students. We have also
lost some of the beloved women
that worked tirelessly to make the
SGS&NMC a continued reality. In
recent months we have lost Selma
Sonntag of the Robbie Richards Guild,
Cathy Stohs of the Angels in Disguise
Guild and Caroline Jean Hopf of the
Helping Hands Guild. We also want to
recognize all those current and alumni
guild members that moved away from
Spokane throughout the years and
who may have passed from this earth
without our knowledge.
We continue to dream about the
next fifty years for the SGS&NMC.
Beginning in 1960 our first location
of the school was in the Westminster
Congregational Church here in
Some of the founding Guild members
Spokane. In 1982 we moved to our
current location in the Garland
Elementary school building owned
by Spokane School District #81. If
things work out we will forge ahead
with dreams of a new, bigger and
better facility to serve twice as many
children as we are physically able to
serve today. Our successful fifty year
history has been possible because of
our extended Spokane Guilds’ School
family, friends and benefactors who
are leaving their legacy and dreaming
with us. We will never be able to
adequately thank you enough for your
generosity in taking us this far and
for “Keeping the Dream Alive” for the
children we serve today and in the
years to come
Mary Sherwood, Linda Reber, Barb Pryde, and Kay
Anderson, current Guild Members
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Spokane, WA
Permit #410
2118 W. Garland Avenue
Spokane, WA 99205-2598
Child Profile
By Rhonda Pawlicki
Visit us online
Meet DeMarcus…
When DeMarcus
smiles at you, he
lights up the room
around him. No
one here at the
SGS&NMC is immune
to his grin. He was
born on April 14,
2009, eight weeks
before his due date,
and had to spend
his first two months of life in the
hospital NICU. During his stay, he
was diagnosed with Down syndrome.
DeMarcus has been coming to the
SGS&NMC since he was just a few
months old. He receives physical,
occupational and speech therapies,
all of which are helping to give him
a great head start at life. He is
now 15 months old and is working on
learning how to walk and to say a few
His mother, Shameka says “You
can say he has Down syndrome, but
Down syndrome definitely doesn’t
have him!”
He has two older brothers and
an older sister who all watch out
for him. All three of his siblings are
committed to helping him overcome
his challenges. His father, Dave,
spends countless hours with him
on various strengthening skills,
playing with him and just letting him
know that he is daddy’s boy. He’s
a pretty active kid, but taking care
of DeMarcus is a family affair, and
a child couldn’t ask for a better
support team!

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