
Projects and Activities
Centro interdipartimentale per la
ricerca nelle scienze ambientali
The mission of the Environmental Management Research Group is to connect scientific research and
the operational needs of companies and public institutions that are facing practical problems
Edited by:
Prof. Andrea Contin
Dr. Diego Marazza
Interdepartmental Research Center for Environmental Sciences
Technopole of Ravenna
Via S.Alberto 163
48123 Ravenna
web site: www.emrg.it
e-mail: andrea.contin@unibo.it
© EMRG, 2015
Centro interdipartimentale per la
ricerca nelle scienze ambientali
In 2002, on request by some of the graduate students of the Environmental Science Courses of the University of Bologna, Ravenna Campus, I have undertaken the hard job of learning the meaning and the
potentialities of environmental management.
After 12 years I am convinced that not only my work was useful to the education of tens of students
who have worked for some period in the Research Group, but that it has also contributed to a greater
understanding of the role of the Environmental Science Graduates within the society at large.
The mission of the Environmental Management Research Group derives from the observation that it is
essential to promote the development of environmental management methodologies, that constitute the
connection between scientific research and the operational needs of companies and public institutions
that are facing practical problems. It is also essential to develop data presentation systems that encourage the understanding of environmental variables by the policy makers and by the public, allowing the
former to take informed decisions and the latter to understand the parameters which guide those decisions. Hence the need to apply, and if necessary to develop, management systems that allow to measure
and to control the environmental parameters, and methods for processing and presenting data in support to the decision process.
Since the beginning, one of the objectives of the Group has been an increasing integration with the activities of other research groups of CIRSA (Geologists, Geochemists, Ecologists, Oceanographers and
Physiologists), in the belief that integration is the added value of Environmental Sciences, compared to
single groups that deal with specific environmental issues. External expertise has also been involved as
Finally, the Group considers a priority the training and the work placement of the graduate students in
Environmental Sciences, without compromising the scientific rigor that must characterize scientific research.
These ideas have been applied in the works that the Group has undertaken during the past 12 years and
in other ancillary activities which are described in the following.
I am grateful to every and each of the undergraduate and graduate student, researcher and professional
I worked with, for what I have learned from them. But I must thank in particular Dr. Diego Marazza,
without whom nothing would have been possible.
Ravenna, December 20, 2014
Prof. Andrea Contin
Via S. Alberto 163
48123 Ravenna
e-mail: andrea.contin@unibo.it
Forewords ......................................................................................................................................3
Activities and Products..................................................................................................................5
AmbienteFaenza Project (2002-2012).............................................................................................6
EMAS - Mountain Community Faenza Apennines (2004-2014) .....................................................8
EMAS - Marine Reserve Tor Paterno (2004-2005) .......................................................................10
ISO14001 - Palermo Airport (2008-2014) ....................................................................................12
Airport Carbon Accreditation - Bologna Airport (2009) .............................................................14
Sustainable agriculture (2007) .....................................................................................................16
Environmental Labels for Products (2008-2009) ..........................................................................18
Sustainable Consumption (2008-2010) .........................................................................................20
Mitigation measures for underground gas storage (2008) ............................................................22
Sustainability Report - Unigrà S.p.A. (2010-2013).......................................................................24
Ravenna Province Energy Plan (2008-2009) ................................................................................26
Ravenna Province Energy Counter (2010-2014) ...........................................................................28
Data Management
Web Sites for Environmental Management Systems (2002-2014) .................................................30
Espace Riviere Europe InterReg IIIC Project (2006-2008)...........................................................32
Organization of ecological data for the Ural Delta Park Project (2011) ......................................34
Discussion Round Table on Biomasses (2012) ..............................................................................36
Biorefineries in Emilia-Romagna (BiorefER) (2011-2012) ............................................................38
Life Cycle Assessment of energy production chains (2011-2014) ..................................................40
Biodigestion of industrial byproducts (2013-2014) .......................................................................42
Energy from Biomasses and Energy Storage (2013-2014).............................................................44
BioHorizons Project (2013-2014) ..................................................................................................46
MuBiGen Project (2013-2014)......................................................................................................48
Education, Innovation and Technology Diffusion
Faenza Center for Environmental Education (2006-2011) ...........................................................50
Summer School on Sustainable Consumption (2009) ..................................................................52
Summer School on Environmental Risk Management (2009-2010) .............................................54
Workshop: Advanced Radiation Detectors for Industrial Use (2013) ...........................................56
Workshop: Innovative products, New processes, Future markets: Meet Fraunhofer UMSICHT
(2014) ...........................................................................................................................................58
University teaching ......................................................................................................................60
Scientific publications ..................................................................................................................61
Composition of the Group ............................................................................................................62
Activities and Products
• Implementation of Environmental Management Systems (ISO14001/EMAS)
• Environmental Reporting according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
• GHG savings according to Dir. 2009/28/CE applied to bioenergy projects and
• Sustainable development
Risk analysis and assessment
Authorizations and permit procedures
Technological risk assessment
Environmental economics
Public finance
Analysis of toxic effects from exposure to airborne and waterborne contaminants, radioactive and microbiological agents
Data Management
• Data organization
• Web sites
• Sustainable supply of biomass
• Energy and chemicals from biomasses
• LCA of plants and processes in the bio-based business sector
Innovation and Technology Diffusion
• Environmental education
• Organization of Summer Schools, Seminars and Workshops
AmbienteFaenza Project (2002-2012)
AmbienteFaenza Project (2002-2012)
Municipality of Faenza (Italy)
Municipality of Faenza (Italy)
• Implementation of an Environmental Management System according to the EMAS
- implementation of the various parts of the environmental management system;
- development and application of the procedures;
- resolution of non-conformities;
- adjustments to the internal structure.
• Agenda 21 process for the adoption of the Local Action Plan:
- drafting of the plan;
- drafting of guidelines for the monitoring of the plan;
- communication with the public and the institutional parts.
• Environmental Education Centre:
- connection with the regional system of the INFEA centers;
- training of operators and adaptation of the method;
- connection with the local system of information, communication and environmental education: schools, HARP, local associations, etc.;
- systematic link with the processes and tools within the Administration
(EMAS, Agenda 21, Interreg, etc.);
- long-term planning and execution of specific activities.
• Dashboard of sustainability:
- development of the communicative platform named "Dashboard of Sustainability", concerning air quality, waste management and water consumption.
• Environment Web Portal:
- creation of an "Environment Web Portal" where all the activities and news
connected to the environment are presented and explained;
- link with the environmental management system of the Municipality of Faenza and the Local Action Plan (Agenda 21).
Main contributors:
Vittoria Bandini
Patrizia Giacomin
Diego Marazza
Masimiliano Nurra
Donata Ramazzotti
Devarghes Savelli
EMAS - Mountain Community Faenza Apennines (2004-2014)
EMAS - Mountain Community Faenza Apennines (2004-2014)
Municipalities of Riolo Terme, Casola Valsenio, Brisighella (Italy)
Municipalities of Riolo Terme, Casola Valsenio, Brisighella (Italy)
• Implementation of an Environmental Management System according to the EMAS
- drafting of the Initial Environmental Analysis;
- implementation of the various parts of the environmental management system;
- development and application of the procedures;
- resolution of non-conformities;
- adjustments to the internal structure.
• Maintenance of the system after obtaining the certification:
- implementation the IT platform: maintenance and updating of the contents of the site;
- maintenance of the regulatory compliance and implementation of the
needed corrective / preventive actions;
- revision, integration and updating of the documentation of the EMS
(manual, procedures, instructions, forms, etc.);
- definition of the best strategies to achieve objectives / goals / actions defined in the Environmental Program and their execution;
- communication to the public;
- identification of the training needs and assistance with preparing the training program;
- measurement of the environmental performance and of the performance of
the system;
- revision of the system of internal auditing and assistance;
- implementation of the changes to the system as a result of internal and external audits;
- assistance in drafting the annual Environmental Declaration.
Main contributors:
Vittoria Bandini
Arianna Cecchi
Diego Marazza
Marta Quaranta
Devarghes Savelli
EMAS - Marine Reserve Tor Paterno (2004-2005)
EMAS - Marine Reserve Tor Paterno (2004-2005)
Marine Reserve Tor Paterno (Italy)
Romanatura, Rome (Italy)
• Environmental Report of Romanatura activities.
• Drafting of the Initial Environmental Analysis of the Tor Paterno Marine Reserve.
• Identify and rank Environmental Aspects
Main contributors:
Federica Focaccia
Diego Marazza
ISO14001 - Palermo Airport (2008-2014)
ISO14001 - Palermo Airport (2008-2014)
Airport “Falcone e Borsellino” of Palermo (Italy)
GESAP S.p.A., Palermo (Italy)
• Implementation of an Environmental Management System according to the ISO
14001:2004 Standard:
- implementation of the various parts of the environmental management system;
- development and application of the procedures;
- resolution of non-conformities;
- adjustments to the internal structure.
• Maintenance of the system after obtaining the certification:
- implementation the IT platform: maintenance and updating of the contents
of the site;
- maintenance of the regulatory compliance and implementation of the
needed corrective / preventive actions;
- revision, integration and updating of the documentation of the EMS (manual, procedures, instructions, forms, etc.);
- definition of the best strategies to achieve objectives / goals / actions defined in the Environmental Program and their execution;
- communication with the public;
- identification of the training needs and assistance with preparing the training program;
- measurement of the environmental performance and of the performance of
the system;
- revision of the system of internal auditing and assistance;
- implementation of the changes to the system as a result of internal and external audits.
• Energy certification of the office building.
Main contributors:
Diego Marazza
Marta Quaranta
Devarghes Savelli
Airport Carbon Accreditation - Bologna Airport (2009)
Airport Carbon Accreditation - Bologna Airport (2009)
Airport of Bologna (Italy)
CERMET, Bologna (Italy)
• Airport Carbon Accreditation Phase 1:
- Analysis of the processes related to facilities and equipment that are potential sources of GHG;
- calculation of emissions according to specific emission factors, according to
the GHG Protocol and of ISO 14064 standards;
- assistance during third-party verification;
- training of airport personnel.
Main contributors:
Devarghes Savelli
Ilga Christine Thomsen
Sustainable agriculture (2007)
Sustainable agriculture (2007)
Municipalities of Castel Bolognese, Casola Valsenio, Riolo Terme (Italy)
Confederazione Italiana Agricoltori (Italy)
The Project concerned the evaluation of the impact of agriculture on the environment
and how to make it more environmental friendly.
Actions performed:
• Characterization of the study area (Municipalities of Castel Bolognese, Casola
Valsenio, Riolo Terme)
• Examination of the manufacturing practices of the agro-feedstock sector
• Agri-tourism activities
• Changes in the use of the territory
• Environmental accounting
- population
- effects of the climate changes
- water resources
- use of fertilizers
• Contribution to renewable energy
• Ecological landscape
• Economic studies
• Development of a "Decalogue" for farmers
Main contributors:
Lorenzo Benini
Diego Marazza
Environmental Labels for Products (2008-2009)
GHG Protocol
Environmental Labels for Products (2008-2009)
CERMET, Bologna (Italy)
CERMET, Bologna (Italy)
• Market analysis on the level of interest and applicability of environmental labels in
the Emilia-Romagna region.
• Study of guidelines and standards at the International level on Product and Corporate Carbon Footprint.
• Development and maintenance of a database of comparative guidelines and certification standards.
• Experimentation and application of the “Footprint Expert” software tool.
• Organization of the annual european "lightCF” Conference in 2010.
Main contributors:
Ilga Christine Thomsen
Sustainable Consumption (2008-2010)
Sustainable Consumption (2008-2010)
Faenza (Emilia-Romagna Region) and Ascoli (Abruzzo Region)
COOP Adriatica, Villanova di Castenaso (Italy)
Measurement of consumer willingness to purchase food and non-food commodities
according to their environmental value.
• Characterization of 193 products according to features that are explicitly deducible
from the product label
• Definition of a sustainability index
• Monitoring of the retail sales of all the products for 6 months, before and after a
communication campaign targeting a subset of products
• Analysis of the results
• Inclusion of the index in the Environmental Declaration required by the EMAS
Registration of the Ascoli retail point
Results show that the index can measure the consumer response to the communication campaigns, and can distinguish the consumer propensity to buy environmental
friendly food and non-food products in different retail points.
Main contributors:
Diego Marazza
Donata Ramazzotti
Mitigation measures for underground gas storage (2008)
Mitigation measures for underground gas storage (2008)
Municipality of Bagnacavallo (Italy)
Edison Stoccaggio S.p.A. (Italy)
The Project concerned the evaluation of the impact of a natural gas storage system
and the mitigation measures to be taken to compensate the impacts.
Actions performed:
• Characterization of the study area (Municipality of Bagnacavallo, Ravenna Province)
• Environmental Impact Assessment (emissions, subsidence, groundwater, wastes)
• Proposal of mitigation actions:
- environmental education;
- reduction of NOx emissions by financing the diffusion of thermal solar systems;
- expansion of the SIC-ZPS zone to improve water drainage.
Main contributors:
Stefano Costa
Sustainability Report - Unigrà S.p.A. (2010-2013)
Sustainability Report - Unigrà Srl (2010-2013)
Unigra S.p.A., Conselice (Italy)
Unigra S.p.A., Conselice (Italy)
• Sustainability Report according to the GRI standard:
- creation of a consistent set of indicators as reported in the document
“Guidelines for sustainability Reporting - version 3.0”, prepared by the
Global Reporting Initiative in 2006;
- verification, completion and organization of information;
- identification of the stakeholders;
- sharing of information with institutional bodies (municipality, province, region) and with the Industrial Associations;
- implementation of a dedicated software to maintain the indicator system
- elaboration of the Sustainability Report;
- drafting of a communication plan defining obstacles and opportunities with
respect to the goals set by the Organization.
Main contributors:
Diego Marazza
Anna Ricci Petitoni
Devarghes Savelli
Ravenna Province Energy Plan (2008-2009)
Provincia di Ravenna
Proposta di Piano di Azione per
l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Sostenibile
Ravenna Province Energy Plan (2008-2009)
Ravenna Province (Italy)
Ravenna Province (Italy)
• Energy Plan:
- collection of the data concerning the production and the consumption of energy in the Ravenna Province in the reference year;
- energy planning in accordance with the regional and national energy policy
and the European Union directives, with the promotion of energy conservation and energy efficiency, the promotion of renewable energy sources, the orderly development of the energy networks of provincial interest, including the
upgrading and rehabilitation of existing systems;
- preparation of the documents to be presented to the municipalities and to the
- development of scenarios according to Business As Usual (BAU) and to the
planned actions, using the LEAP software (Univ. of Lund, Sweden).
• Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of the Plan.
Main contributors:
Vittoria Bandini
Antonella Gagliardi
Claudia Ozzi
Anna Ricci Petitoni
Ravenna Province Energy Counter (2010-2014)
Ravenna Province Energy Counter (2010-2014)
Ravenna Province (Italy)
Ravenna Province (Italy)
• Setting up of a Counter accessible to citizens of the Province.
• Assistance in the authorization procedure for renewable energy plants, in accordance with local regulations.
• Monitoring of the Province Energy Plan.
• Creation of a geo-referenced data base of traditional and renewable energy systems
installed in the Province.
• Implementation of an action plan for energy efficiency.
• Preparation of brochures on renewable energy and energy savings.
• Implementation and update of the website of the Energy Desk of the Province.
• Analysis of the opportunities offered by the credit system for energy efficiency
measures in buildings and in the installation of renewable energy plants.
• Analysis of the opportunities offered by the EU, national and regional tenders.
• Support and coordination to public bodies for the participation in tenders.
Main contributors:
Fabiola Farina
Antonella Gagliardi
Bruno Mignogna
Claudia Ozzi
Web sites for EMSs (2004-2014)
Web sites for EMSs (2004-2014)
• Setting up of a web site for the management of:
- documents
- environmental aspects
- legal requirements
- action planning
- indicators
- deadlines
related to the implementation of the Environmental Management Systems according to the ISO14001 scheme
The high amount of data and prescriptions associated with a certifiable Environmental Management System requires the use of databases (DB) and database management systems (DBMS). The maximum operational effectiveness is obtained with a
centralized system accessible from everywhere to allow the remote management of
data (consultation, insertion, modification, deletion) and continuous improvement.
The databases are physically stored in a server which guarantees security and data
integrity by:
- a professional firewall;
- login by password to perform operations on the site;
- regular back-ups.
Main contributors:
Vittoria Bandini
Diego Marazza
Marta Quaranta
Devarghes Savelli
Espace Riviere Europe Project (2006-2008)
Espace Riviere Europe InterReg IIIC Project
Lamone River, Ravenna Province (Italy)
InterReg IIIC, European Union
• Development of a methodology for the classification of all the subjects, skills,
sources of legislation, policy papers, studies, projects underway on the Lamone
• Description of the area trough indicators classified according to the DeterminantPressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) scheme:
- Determinants: Agricultural soil use, Urban sprawl, Water treatment (potabilization), Buildings and other structures, Industrial activities;
- Pressure: Municipal wastewater into sewer, Municipal wastewater into surface water, Water intake from underground reservoires, Water intake from
surface water;
- State: Macrodescriptor parameters in surface waters, River flows, Water
balance, Morphostructural conditions of the riverbed and the territory, Agricultural systems in the river banks, Extreme climate events;
- Impact: River habitat quality, Subsidence;
- Response: Biological agriculture, Biological breeding, Artificial basins, Water treatment systems, Ecological nets creation, Environmental certifications, Protected areas.
• Development of a Decision Support System to analyse the modifications of land use
needed to respond to critical elements, e.g. low water during summertime
Main contributors:
Lorenzo Benini
Diego Marazza
Ural Delta Park Project (2011)
Organization of ecological data for the Ural Delta
Park Project (2011)
Ural River Delta (Kazakhstan)
ENI (Italy)
Project goal: inclusion of the Ural River Delta into the UNESCO Man and Biosphere
(MAB) program
• Implementation of a Database including:
- Taxonomic information
- Habitats
- Major threats
- Redlists of Threatened Species
• Development of a conservation value map for the study area, using a consistent
methodology against the limited availability of data
• Provide guidelines to policy makers
Main contributors:
Bruno Tomasello
Discussion Round Table on Biomasses (2012)
Discussion Round-table on Biomasses (2012)
Emilia-Romagna Region
Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy)
The goal was to develop criteria to support the Region Government on the financing
of biomass plants.
• Criteria and indicators developed:
- savings of greenhouse gas (GHG) computed using the Biograce software
- biodiversity conservation,
- territorial efficiency,
- energy efficiency,
- biorefinery,
- use of water,
- emissions in the atmosphere,
- innovation.
• Case studies:
- a palm oil refinery,
- a farm producing biodiesel from rapeseed,
- biogas cogeneration from dedicated crops (corn silage),
- biogas cogeneration from livestock sewage.
Main contributors:
Diego Marazza
Luciano Vogli
Biorefineries in Emilia-Romagna (2011-2012)
Biorefineries in Emilia-Romagna (BiorefER)
Emilia-Romagna Region
ASTER S. Cons. p. A., Bologna (Italy)
This report was commissioned to enhance the existing biobased economy background
in Emilia-Romagna and the forward opportunities using renewable, non-genetically
modified, non-food crop based feedstocks.
The study concluded that:
• There is a large availability of biomass, not only bioenergy crops. A conservative
appraisal accounts for 20 Mtons of bulk residual biomass produced corresponding
to 5 Mton of dry matter (DM). A large share of this production is suitable for bioenergy, biomaterials and added value products.
• This is a new and thriving sector; in Emilia-Romagna active and leading companies
are operating in the biotechnological, agro-industrial and bioenergy sector. The
Green Economy revenue of the sector in the region is estimated 57 billions euro.
• New industrial alliances are binding together chemical, industry, agro-food industry,
and biotechnological industry. The Novamont and Genomica alliance, Novamont
and Versalis and Orogel, SFIR and Biosphere are respectively examples of international, national and regional strategic alliances which track new ways of doing business in this sector.
• Emilia-Romagna has a strong relevant science and technology base that could underpin the development of the necessary supply chains. It’s worth notice that not
only public research is operating in this domain, but also many private labs are
flanking chemical, agro-industrial industry.
Main contributors:
Fabiola Farina
Diego Marazza
Luciano Vogli
LCA of energy production chains (2011-2014)
Life Cycle Assessment of energy production chains
Various locations
Unigrà Srl,, Conselice (Italy), Romagna Compost, Voltana (Italy), Emilia Romagna
Region and others
Various activities have been carried out by applying the principles of Life Time
• GHG Projections and Mitigation Analysis according to the prescriptions of EU Directive 2009/28/CE using the BioGrace software.
- Palm Oil chain
- Bio-oil from pyrolysis
• LCA emission inventory and environmental externalities.
- Biodigestion of organic wastes
- Energy storage using hydrogen as intermediate
• Water management and water footprint.
- Biogas production from maize
- Biogas production from sewage
- Biofuel production from Palm Oil
Main contributors:
Vittoria Bandini
Diego Marazza
Evgenia Pongrebnyakova
Serena Righi
Biodigestion of industrial byproducts (2013-2014)
Biodigestion of industrial byproducts (2013-2014)
Unigra S.r.l.
Unigra S.r.l.
The activity concerned the optimization of the performance of a biodigestor, feed
with non-standard materials like bleaching earth and residues from the transformation of vegetable oils.
Diagnosis of the system and testing of technological solutions:
• reconstruction of the history of the plant, the operations performed since the commissioning date, the existing monitoring system, the inputs and outputs from the
• preliminary inquiries and formulation of hypotheses to understand the critical factors and parameters
• small-scale experimentation and field evaluation of the performance of biodigestors
to get a deep knowledge of the system, of the limiting factors and of the risks
The work has been carried out in collaboration with RES (Reliable Environmental
Service Soc. Coop., Ravenna)
Main contributors:
Diego Marazza
Devarghes Savelli
Energy from Biomasses and Energy Storage (2013-2014)
Energy from Biomasses and Energy Storage (2013-2014)
Ravenna Technopole
Institute Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Sulzbach-Rosenberg Branch, Germany
In December 2013, a Collaboration Agreement has been signed between the University of Bologna and the Institute Fraunhofer UMSICHT, Sulzbach-Rosenberg
Purpose of the Collaboration Agreement is to respond to the industry needs,
proposing solutions to meet the challenges of the future, by joining german
technology and scientific competencies from the University of Bologna.
We intend to apply to the Emilia-Romagna Region and to Italy at large the
Fraunhofer model, which consists in a continuous close work with both large and
small industrial partners to bring innovative products successfully to market.
The programme of activities in the first two years are concentrated on the market
development for the Thermal Catalitic Reforming, a technique to process biomass
feedstocks of different origin (mainly wastes) with a unique quality of the final
products (biochar, gas and oil suitable for combined heat & power production):
• Development of fast analytical method for the characterization of pyrolysis oil
and bio-char
• Biological upgrading of pyrolysis slurry and obtainment of hydrocarbons, chemicals and coal substitutes
• System analysis
• Development of projects in the Climate KIC and Horizon 2020 framework
• Analysis of marketing opportunities
Main contributors:
Vittoria Bandini
Fabiola Farina
Diego Marazza
Marta Quaranta
Bruno Tomasello
Luciano Vogli
BioHorizons Project (2013-2014)
BioHorizons Project (2013-2014)
Ravenna Technopole
Climate-KIC (EU)
• Horizon scanning of the Bio-Based industry in Europe.
• Quantification and characterisation of bio-based businesses by using a “maxdiff”
survey design:
- simple but robust technique;
- statistically reliable comparisons between regions and sectors;
- sectorial groups: enterprise, academia, and governance as representative of
the “innovation triangle”.
• Identification of current and future key molecules, products and technologies and
the potential direction for growth and innovation
• Compile market data
• Expand network contacts and create a European bio-based business directory
Main contributors:
Vittoria Bandini
Diego Marazza
Evgenia Pongrebnyakova
Luciano Vogli
MuBiGen Project (2013-2014)
MuBiGen Project (2013-2014)
Ravenna Technopole
Climate-KIC (EU)
• Application of the IFBB-technology (Integrated generation of solid Fuel and Biogas
from Biomass): hydrothermal conditioning and mechanical dehydration of the biomass.
• Grass cuttings - Kassel and Reggio Emilia:
- Investigation of the availability of input materials in sufficient quantity and
- Exploration of the regional context in regard to the market conditions and
the regional waste and emission regulations.
- Provision of a study on the general economic feasibility in the regions.
- Provision of a study on the climate impact of the supply chain that will be
implemented in both cities.
Main contributors:
Vittoria Bandini
Diego Marazza
Faenza Center for Environmental Education (2006-2011)
Faenza Center for Environmental Education (2006-2011)
Faenza (Province of Ravenna)
Municipality of Faenza
The Faenza Center for Environmental Education is credited by the Emilia-Romagna
Region, following the Regional Law n.15/96
• Promotion of Agenda 21 and dissemination of the report on the state of the environment in Faenza
• Monitoring of the Local Action Plan (PAL)
• Promotion of communication activities and awareness raising among citizens on environmental issues and sustainability;
• Support for communication activities concerning the environment of the city of
Faenza, also in relation to the EMAS process;
• Relationships with schools in the field of sustainability and support for the coordination of the INFEA Projects on Environmental Education;
• Promotion of tourism and knowledge of the area.
• Formulation, activation and promotion of projects in the field of communication,
education, environmental documentation for citizenship
• Stable relationship with schools in order to build a check point
• Promoting, maintaining and updating the Dashboard of sustainability
• Technical and scientific support to the Web Portal on Environment of the Municipality of Faenza
• Seeking funds for financing sustainability projects
• Creation of newsletters and internal information services
• Opportunities for training and exchange with partners of the center
• Optimization and enhancement of the relations with the network INFEA
Main contributors:
Vittoria Bandini
Diego Marazza
Donata Ramazzotti
Devarghes Savelli
Summer School on Sustainable Consumption (2009)
Summer School on Sustainable Consumption (2009)
Ravenna Technopole
Teaching was delivered on the following items:
• Life cycle analysis
• Matter and energy cycles in production and consumption
• Energy consumption in buildings
• Environmental management of large events (music, sport, culture)
• Social responsibility in big retail chains
• Environmental labels
• Lifestyles
• Eco-design
• Urban planning to reduce consumption of energy and to minimize wastes
• Worldwide production, trade and consumption of goods and services, fair trade
• Tourism
Summer School on Environmental Risk Management
Summer School on Environmental Risk Management
Ravenna Technopole
Teaching was delivered on the following items:
• introduction to risk assessment and management basic measures, methods and approaches
• decision theory: classical approaches; new methods; fast and frugal rules
• dose-response methods and causal reasoning
• fault and event-tree analysis
• epidemiology and ecotoxicology
• cost-benefit analysis
Workshop: Advanced Radiation Detectors for Industrial
Workshop: Advanced Radiation Detectors for
Industrial Use (2013)
Ravenna Technopole
European Physical Society (EPS),European Organization for Nuclear Research
(CERN, Geneva, Switzerland)
The 2013 Workshop of the Technology and Innovation Group of the European
Physical Society has been held in Ravenna (Italy) on November 11 and 12, 2013.
The Worshop has been dedicated to the description of the latest results on technologies to detect ionizing radiation (charged particles, neutrons, gamma and X
rays) and to industrial applications in Medicine, Mechanics and Material Studies.
Research - Technology - Industry
Prof. Dr. Karsten Buse (Fraunhofer, Institut IPM (D))
Knowledge Transfer Activities at
Dr. Giovanni Anelli (Group Leader) & Prof. Manjit Dosanjh, CERN KT
Group (CH)
Knowledge Transfer Activities at
Dr. Andrea Vacchi (Resposible TT INFN (I))
Pure and Applied Physics and
the EU Economy
Prof. Colin Latimer (University of Belfast (UK) and EPS Executive Board)
Review of microelectronics and
Dr. Erik Heijne (Fellow IEEE, CERN PH Department, also at IEAP of Czech
Technical University Prague (CZ) and NIKHEF, Amsterdam (NL))
Molecular imaging
Dr. Julia Jungmann (Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen (CH), formerly at
AMOLF, Amsterdam (NL))
PET technique and applications
Prof. Dr. Alberto Del Guerra (University of Pisa (I))
Silicon Drift Detectors
Prof. Dr. Chiara Guazzoni (Politecnico di Milano and INFN Milano (I))
Diamond Detectors
Dr. Erich Griesmayer (CERN - EMCE (CH))
Detectors in Diamond Light
Dr. Nicola Tartoni (Diamond (UK))
Sensors in Space
Dr. Carlos Granja (Czech Technical University, Prague (CZ))
Workshop: Meet Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Workshop: Innovative products, New processes, Future markets: Meet Fraunhofer UMSICHT (2014)
Ravenna Technopole
Fraunhofer UMSICHT - Branch Sulzbach-Rosenberg, CIRSA
Based on the collaboration between the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and the University of
Bologna, the Fraunhofer Institute UMSICHT, the Interdepartmental Center for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRSA) and the Interdepartmental Center for Industrial Research – Energy Environment (CIRI-EA) has hosted a seminar in Ravenna
on April 3rd 2014.
This research to business seminar presented the industrial research activities of the
participating institutes and focused on the following topics:
• thermal and chemical energy storage
• production of energy from biomass and waste
• resource management and recycling
• development of surfaces and materials for innovative energy technologies
An exposition of selected technologies has been organized in the congress venue.
University teaching
• 2002-now : Advanced Physics
• 2011-now : Renewable Energies and Energy Management
• 2010-now: Environmental Management, Politics and Economics
• 2011: Biofuels and Biorefineries
• 2012-now: Environmental impact and risk assessment for the society in water
and coastal management
• 2012-now: Environmental economics and resource management in water policy
• 2004-2007: Diego Marazza, “Application of Environmental Management Systems
at the local scale”
• 2006-2009: Vittoria Bandini, “Application of Instruments and Methods for the
Environmental Management of a large territory”
• 2008-2010: Lorenzo Benini, “Sustainability indicators for environmental management and decision-making”
• 2013-now: Bruno Tomasello, “Role of virtual stakeholders in the search for balance between environmental, economic and social requirements in policy choices
• 2014-now: Peter Hense, “Development and optimization of a thermal-chemical
process for recycling WEEE”
Selected Publications
• D. Marazza, V. Bandini, A. Contin. (2010). Ranking environmental aspects in environmental
management systems: A new method tested on local authorities, ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL. vol. 36, pp. 168 - 179.
• Benini, V. Bandini, D. Marazza, A. Contin. (2010). Assessment of land use changes through an
indicator-based approach: A case study from the Lamone river basin in Northern Italy ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS. vol. 10, pp. 4 - 14.
• Bandini V., Monari C., Righi S., Contin A.. "Life Cycle Assessment della produzione di energia
da microalghe: analisi dello stato dell’arte". Atti Ecomondo 2011, ISBN: 8838769869
• Oliviero L., Righi S., Buscaroli A., Primante A., Della Casa C., Comparative LCA between anaerobic co-digestion of organic fraction of MSW and treated sludge, and the actual management
system adopted in a small Italian town, in: SETAC Europe 17th LCA case study symposium Sustainable Lifestyles, BUDAPEST, s.n, 2011, pp. 124 – 125
• Righi S., Morfino A., Galletti P., Samorì C., Tugnoli A., Stramigioli C., Comparative cradle-togate life cycle assessments of cellulose dissolution with 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride
and N-methyl-morpholine-N-oxide, «GREEN CHEMISTRY», 2011, 13, pp. 367 – 375
• Benini L., Bandini V., Torri C. “ Agricultural residues for energy production and carbon storage
into soils: a win-win option?” 9th International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics Conference “Advancing Ecological Economics”, 14-17 June, Istanbul.
• Ricci P. F., Journal of Dose-Response, UMass Amherst. Guest Editor for the Special Issue on:
Causal models in public policy, (2011).
• Ricci P. F., Principles and Practices of Risk Assessment and Management, Springer, Dordrecht,
The Netherlands (2006).
• Ricci P. F., Environment International, Editor (with T. Beer and D. McDonald): Modelling and
Simulation: Environmental Risk Analysis, (1999).
• Yuchao Z. and Ricci, P. F., (2010), Modeling Dose-Response at Low Dose: A Systems Biology
Approach for Ionization Radiation, Dose-Response, (In Press)
• D.B. Donato, O. Nichols, H. Possingham, M. Moore, P.F. Ricci and B.N. Noller, A critical review of the effects of gold cyanide-bearing tailings solutions on wildlife, Environment International, 33 (7):974-983, 2007
• Cox, L. A. Jr. and Ricci P. F., Causal Regulations vs. Political Will: Why Human Zoonotic
Infections Increase Despite Precautionary Bans on Animal Antibiotics, Environment International, (2007))
• Ricci, P. F. and S. Straja, Hospital Admissions and Fine particulate Air Pollution, J. American
Medical Assoc. (JAMA), 296 (16): 1966 (2006).
• Roy, S.B., Ricci, P.F., Summers, K.V. and Goldstein, R.A., Evaluating the Sustainability of
Water Withdrawals in the United States, J. America Water Resources Assoc., 41(5): 1091-1108
Composition of the Group
Present composition
Andrea Contin (Full Professor of Physics, University of Bologna)
Serena Righi (PhD Nuclear Engineering, Researcher, University of Bologna)
Lucio Quadrani (PhD Physics, Technician, University of Bologna)
Diego Marazza (PhD Environmental Sciences, Research Fellow)
Vittoria Bandini (PhD Environmental Sciences, Research Fellow)
Marta Quaranta (PhD Cultural Heritage, Research Fellow)
Stefano Macrelli (PhD Chemical Engineering, Research Fellow)
Luciano Vogli (MSc Environmental Sciences, Research Fellow)
Bruno Tomasello (PhD student in Environmental Sciences)
Peter Hense (PhD student in Environmental Sciences)
Evgenia Pongrebnyakova (MSc Environmental Sciences)
Mirta D'Angeli (Master Student in Environmental Sciences)
Federica Salvi (Master Student in Environmental Sciences)
Former participating scientists
Marat Karatev (PhD Environmental Sciences, EU Program Silk Route Fellow – 10/2014-3/2015)
Fabiola Farina (MSc Environmental Sciences, Research Fellow – 05/2013-12/2014)
Devarghes Savelli (MSc Environmental Sciences, Research Fellow – 04/2012-04/2014, now Unigrà Srl)
Antonella Gagliardi (MSc Geology, Research Fellow – 05/2008-10/2014, now Ravenna Province)
Anna Ricci Petitoni (MSc Environmental Sciences, Research Fellow – 12/2010 – 06/2012, now High
School Teacher)
Bruno Mignogna (MSc Environmental Sciences, Research Fellow – 01/2011-01/2012, now Bosch Diesel
Center, Campobasso)
Lorenzo Benini (MSc Environmental Sciences, PhD student – 01/2007-12/2010, now JRC, Ispra)
Claudia Ozzi (MSc Environmental Sciences, Research Fellow – 05/2008-12/2010, now Rimini Province)
Ilga Christine Thomsen (MSc Environmental Sciences, Research Fellow – 11/2008-11/2010, now Consultant)
Donata Ramazzotti (BSc Environmental Sciences, Research Fellow – 03/2008-03/2010, now farmer and
B&B host)
Massimiliano Nurra (Research Collaborator, 03/2007-05/2007, now Environmental Educator)
Federica Focaccia (MSc Environmental Sciences, Research Fellow – 05/2004-04/2005, now ERVET)
External Consultants
Francesco Matteucci (PhD, Dhitech Scarl, Lecce)
Arianna Cecchi (MSc, ASTER, Bologna)
Patrizia Giacomin (MSc, Marche Regional Government, Ancona)
Stefano Costa (MSc, Servizi Ecologici Soc. Coop., Faenza)
Leonardo Marotta (PhD, Entropia S.n.c., Recanati)
Paolo F. Ricci (PhD, MPA, LLM, Massachusetts University, Amherst)