Compact TOPOS Montserrat
Compact TOPOS Montserrat
Direction France Montserrat Terrassa N2 Molins de Rei Barcelona Direction Tarragona Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Monistrol de Montserrat 22-25 26-34 Agulles Can Maçana 54 55-58 53 50 11-13 Colonia Piug Frares 41-45 46-49 35-40 1 Ecos 14-15 Vermell 61 18-19 60 Parets 20-21 52 59 Can Jorba 51 7-10 5-6 16-17 Direction Lleida St. Benet 66-67 Vinya Nova 68 Monestir de Montserrat 2-4 El Bruc de Dalt Campsite Gorros Can Jorba 62-65 St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos How to get to Montserrat: N2 Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the areas of Gorros, Sant Benet and the Campsite, turn of at exit 576. To reach Collobató, which is the starting point for Can Jorba and Vinya Nova, use exit 575. To reach Agulles and Vermell, use exit 572. To reach Frares, Ecos and Parets, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). El Bruc residencial C-141 Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré 1. Colonia Piug Can Mascle North, Northeast 20 m. 3 4 9 17 10 1 6 1. Distáncia europea 2. Autiloff 3. ? 4. Patufet 5. Patufet variant 6. Sensació de buit 7. Kendermore 8. Funt Fireforge 9. El enano 10. J'ai perdu..... 11. Deixalles, no gràcies 12. Kokinski 13. Kokorota 14. Picantus ineptus 15. Me abruma.... Direction Manresa 7a 6b 7a 6b 6a 6c 6b 6a 7a 6b+ 5+ 6a 6b 7a 7a Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona 19 2 3, 4, 5 Direction Manresa 16 18 Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 7 8,9,10 16. Kokodrilo 17. Pato mareado 18. Cerdilandia 19. ? 20. Es 3 porquets 21. Ay, que calor 22. Variant of route 21. 23. Los viejos pellejos 24. Spirit of freedom 25. Avuí si, avuí no 26. ? 27. Fen safrà 28. Un article per la fama 29. Golimbrea 30. Cantimpal 11 12 13 14 15, 16 6b+ 6b 6c 6b+ ? 6b+ 6c 7b 7b+ 7b+ ? 7c 6a+ 6b 6b+ 17,18, 19,20 23 24 26 27 25 21 22 28 29 30 Direction Manresa Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. Turn of at exit 576. On the way to Monistir from Monistrol de Montserrat you will pass this crag. Park at a lay-bay somewhere near the crag. This crag is bolted and the short routes offer pleasant sport climbing. Direction Barcelona Monestir Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 2. La Granote 3. Frai Garí North, Northeast North, Northeast 40 m. 1 14 15 16 17 3 4 5 6 ? 5 5 5 5 6b 5+ 6a 6c 19 20 21 11 12 13 2 1. Espermicida 2. Ratpenat 3. X-13 4. Clara 5. Pique-Longue 6. Marcelolandia 7. Media hora más contigo 8. Alucina carabina 9. Isumoto 18 7 8 9 10. Takashi 11. Magnum 12. Moviment dadá 13. Fisura dels debutants 14. ? 15. Esfera luminosa 16. Ester 17. Esfera de cristal 18. Pitufina 10 6a+ 6b 6c 5 ? 4 5 6b 7a 19. Shangai surprise 20. Me dais asco todos 21. Traficants de somnis 5 5 4+ Direction Sant Joan 4 Sant Miquel 2 3 Boulder Hermita How to find the crag: Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Camping Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Can Jorba Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway, turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue to the Monestir (Montserrat monastery). Park at the big car park before the bars (in the low seasons it might be possible to continue to the monastery). Pass the monastery and continue along a small road on the opposite side of the gully in the direction of the campsite. Before you reach the campsite turn right onto a footpath leading to the crag. The routes in this area have become polished with use so don't be disappointed if a grade 6 feels more like a 7b. All the routes are bolted. Direction Monestir Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 4. La Rampingui North, Northeast 50 m. 2b 1. Pasa capa la llastra zapastra 2. Travesera de dalt 2b. Número 82 3. Raticulin 4. La casa de los Martínez 5. Rafaela 6. Alta tensión 6a+ 6c 6b 6b 6a+ 6b 5 4 5 1 6 2 3,4 Direction Sant Joan 4 2 How to find the crag: Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway, turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue to the Monestir (Montserrat monastery). Park at the big car park before the bars (in the low seasons it might be possible to continue to the monastery). Pass the monastery and continue along a small road on the opposite side of the gully in the direction of the campsite. Before you reach the campsite turn right onto a footpath leading to the crag. The routes in this area have become polished with use so don't be disappointed if a grade 6 feels more like a 7b. All the routes are bolted. Sant Miquel 3 Boulder Camping Hermita Direction Monestir Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 5. El Faraó South, sotheast 150 m. The other side III Ae A1 IV V+ How to find the crag: 6a V Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Can Jorba, and the El Faraó crag drive to El Castell from El Bruc de Mig. Park and walk along the track to the crag. You can also drive to the small village of Can Jorba, continue through the village and drive along the small road to a point where you are directly under the crag. Park and walk to the crag. IV IV+ IV V A2 6c Ae IV V 4 Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares V IV V- V+ V 2 IV 8. V Ae Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares 9. 7. Ae 1 6. 5. Direction El Bruc de Dalt III 3 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Can Jobra Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1. Estrany Mirall Llinar 2. Anglada-Guillamón 3. Temple del Sol 4. Via Normal MD+/Ae MD/A2 MDA1 El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 6. L'Agulla de la tempestat North, northeast 40 m. How to find the crag: El Faraó, crag 5. 1. Via Torras -Nubiola Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Can Jorba, and the L'Agulla de la tempestat crag drive to El Castell from El Bruc de Mig. Park and walk along the track to the crag. You can also drive to the small village of Can Jorba, continue through the village and drive along the small road to a point where you are directly under the crag. Park and walk to the crag. IV+ Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares 8. 10. 9. 7. 6. 5. Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Can Jobra Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 1. Marijuana de porrera 2. Fish 3. Ruch 4. Discordia 5. Viatge imaginari 6. Correcamins 7. Variante 8. Ben petat 9. Somni diabòlic 10. Sprint final 11. Same 12. ? 13. Angle invers 14. Accés 15. Mínim esforç 16. Lourdes 17. Un poco loco 7. Agulla del senglar 8. La Proa South 60 m. 6a 7b 7c 7a+ 8a 6b 7a+ 7c+ 8a 8a 7b 7a+ 7c+ 7a 8a 8b 8b How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Can Jorba, and the Agulla del senglar crag drive to El Castell from El Bruc de Mig. Park and walk along the track to the crag. About 50 metres to the left of this crag you will find the L'Agulla de la Proa tower, marked as number 8 on the map. The route on this crag is called Via Torras-Nubiola and the first pitch is graded IV+, the second pitch IV and the last pitch IV. Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares 8. 8 10. 9. 7. 2 3 4 6. 5. 15 5 13 6 Direction El Bruc de Dalt 1 7,8 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros St. Joan Vinya Nova Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 14,15 16 17 10 Can Jobra 11 12 Camping Can Jorba El Bruc del Mig 9 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 9. L'Agulla del Castell South 50 m. 1. Via de les margarides 2. Via Ecològica 3. Via Torras-Nubiola How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the sector Can Jorba, and the Agulla del senglar crag, drive to El Castell from El Bruc de Mig. Park and walk along the track to the crag. You will find the crag alongside the track. Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares IV A1,V Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares V A3 IV,V III, IV IV,IV+ 8. V+ IV+ 10. 9. 7. IV, A1 6. 5. IV,V IV,V IV 1 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Direction El Bruc de Dalt V+ 2 3 Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Can Jobra Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 10. L'Agulla fina South 100 m. 1. Via gede 2. Varinte How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Can Jorba, and the L'Agulla fina crag drive to El Castell from El Bruc de Mig. Park and walk along the track to the crag. You will pass La Proa (crag 8.) and L'Agulla del senglar (crag 7.), then you will reach this crag. V VI A1 Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum 11. Direction Sector Frares V+ V 2 A1 Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares IV 8. A1 10. 9. 7. 6. 5. V Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Can Jobra Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1,2 El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 11. L'Agulla vista 12. L'Agulla del cor de be 13. L'Agulla del miracle III South 25 m. III,IV V IV 3. III III 1. A1 5. 4. 2. 6. Direction Monestir Direction Can Maçana 1. Via gede 2. Paret est 3. Via bages 4. Via normal 5. Via normal 6. Via doble corda Direction Sector Frares Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum 11. 12. 13. 14. Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares 10. 9. How to find the crag: Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Can Jorba and these crags turn of the highway at exit 572. Continue in the direction of the Monestir de Montserrat to a point where you will be just under the crags. Park at a lay-bay and find the track that leads to the left side of the crags, at a T-junction, turn right to reach the crags. Direction Can Jobra Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 14. La vella Northeast side III South and Northeast 45 m. A1 III III+ A2 How to find the crag: A2 Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Can Jorba and these crags turn of the highway at exit 572. Continue in the direction of the Monestir de Montserrat to a point where you will be just under the crags. Park at a lay-bay and find the track that leads to the left side of the crags, at a T-junction, turn left to reach the La vella crag, located to the left of the track after the track has turned from south to east. A1 IV 1. Via Aresta Brucs 2. Via normal 3. Via Torras-Nubiola A1 A0 III A1 3. V IV 2. Direction Monestir Direction Can Maçana IV 1. Direction Sector Frares 11. 12. Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum 13. 14. Direction Sector Frares Direction Manresa Direction Manresa 15. Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Direction Sant Jeroni Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova Direction Can Jobra El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Can Jorba Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 15. El Cilindre North and Southwest 55 m. III,IV II,III North side How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Can Jorba and these crags turn of the highway at exit 572. Continue in the direction of the Monestir de Montserrat to a point where you will be just under the crags. Park at a lay-bay and find the track that leads to the left side of the crags, at a T-junction, turn left, pass the La vella crag, pass a T-junction where a track turns to the left and after this you will find this distinctive crag on your right. IV IV+ A1 V Direction Monestir Direction Can Maçana IV+ A2 IV 1. 1. Direction Sector Frares 11. 12. 13. Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum 2. 14. 1. Via normal 2. Via Ces Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares 15. 10. 16. 17. Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova Direction Can Jobra El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Can Jorba Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction El Castell 16.1. Els Plecs del Llibre Take me to 16.2. South 220 m. III V II III IV,IV+ A2 IV IV A2 IV IV+ IV IV IV+ 1. 1. Via Normal 2. Aresta del Sol 3. Aresta del Bellver 4. Aresta Tobogan 5. Via Arcarons V IV A1 IV+ III IV V 2. How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Can Jorba sector, and the El Plecs del Llibre crag drive to the village Can Jorba from El Bruc de Mig. Park and walk along the track to the crag. IV,IV+ V A1 IV+ Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares IV+ IV V,V+ Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares IV+ IV 14. 15. III+ V V IV+ III,IV 8. A0 10. 9. 7. IV 6. 21. 16. 5. 17. IV Direction El Bruc de Dalt 3. IV A0 V Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares 4. III,IV Can Jobra St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 5. El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 16.2. Els Plecs del Llibre Take me to 16.1. South 220 m. How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Can Jorba sector, and the El Plecs del Llibre crag drive to the village Can Jorba from El Bruc de Mig. Park and walk along the track to the crag. IV IV+ A2e 1. Via Vendrell 2. Via Rosaura 3. Via Trilogi IV+,V IV IV,IV+ IV A1,IV IV IV+,V IV+ V+ Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares 14. IV+ V IV+,V V+ IV+,V A1 Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares 15. IV+ V A1,IV IV IV,V IV IV+ IV+ A1 A1 8. 10. 9. 7. A1 6. 21. 16. 5. 17. III+ A2 IV Direction El Bruc de Dalt A1 IV+ 2 IV III Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana III Ecos Vermell 3 Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Can Jobra Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1 El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 17. La Cajoleta South 155 m. 1. Via Aresta Brucs 2. Via "Rayo" 3. Via Vargas-jové III How to find the crag: IV IV III Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Can Jorba sector, and the La Cajoleta crag drive to the village Can Jorba from El Bruc de Mig. Park and walk along the track to the crag. IV III IV V Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares 14. III IV Direction Sector Frares III A1 15. III V Direction Sant Jeroni 18. IV A1 16. 6. IV III 5. 17. A0 V 1 Direction El Bruc de Dalt IV IV 2 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana 3 Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Can Jobra Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 18. La roca dels Aurons South 65 m. How to find the crag: III II Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Can Jorba, and the La roca dels Aurons crag drive to the village Can Jorba from El Bruc de Mig. Park and walk along the track to the crag. You will pass the La Cajoleta crag and Els plecs del Llibre crag. You can also walk along the track from the other side of the mountain, see approach to crag 11,12,13,14. III III IV Direction Sector Frares A1 19. Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum 14. Direction Sector Frares 15. IV IV Southeast side 16. III1 Direction Sant Jeroni 18. 20. 17. 2 IV 1. Via Bages 2. Aresta nord 3. Via normal V Direction El Bruc de Dalt VV Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares 3 II Can Jobra St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 19. Roques del salt de la nina North 220 m. How to find the crag: II Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Can Jorba sector, and these crags turn of the highway at exit 572. Continue in the direction of the Monestir de Montserrat to a point where you are directly under the crag. Park at a lay-bay and find the track. In a T-junction, turn left to reach the crags. IV,IV+ A2,V+ IV IV+ A1 IV+ V IV,IV+ V A3,VI V IV+ V IV+ A2 V V+ IV V V+ A2 A1 IV V IV V A2 V A2 V+ IV+,V IV+ IV Direction Sector Frares V A1 IV 11. 12. 13. 19. V,A0 Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum V IV+ V A1e IV+ A1e A1e A1 Direction Monestir Direction Can Maçana 14. Direction Sector Frares 15. 18. 20. Direction Sant Jeroni IV II V V III 2 1 IV+ 3 Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Direction Can Jobra 1. Via Tim 2. Díedre Pericman 3. L'Esperó de L'Alba Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Can Jorba Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 20. La Salamandra How to find the crag: North 200 m. Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Can Jorba sector and the crags turn of the highway at exit 572. Continue in the direction of the Monestir de Montserrat to a point where you are directly under the crag. Park at a lay-bay and find the track. In a T-junction, turn left to reach the crags. Route number 2, Via normal, is on the south side of La Salamandra and is graded III, III, III+ and the last 20 metres is graded II. III V A2 V,VI V 1. Via Magda 2. Via normal (not on the TOPO A2 V VI Direction Monestir Direction Can Maçana V A1 VI Direction Sector Frares 19. Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum IV 14. Direction Sector Frares IV III 15. 18. 20. Direction Sant Jeroni 21. III,IV Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Can Jobra 1 St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Can Jorba Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 21. El Montgròs North 240 m. III How to find the crag: IV Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Can Jorba, and the El Montgròs crag drive to the Can Jorba village from El Bruc de Mig. Park and walk along the track to the crag. You will pass the El Plecs del Llibre crags. Continue and take the first track to the left. When you reach a T-junction, keep left and finally to the left again to reach the crag. IV,IV+ III IV,IV+ V IV+ Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares V 14. Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares 1. Via de la graviola bella 15. IV+,V V,A1 8. A1,V 10. 9. 7. 6. 21. 16. 5. 17. V,A1 Direction El Bruc de Dalt IV,V Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Can Jobra 1 St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Can Jorba El Castell Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 22. L'Agulla sense nom 23.1. La Boleta del Portella estret IV+ South 110 m. South 20 m. Take me to 23.2. 1. Via Normal, L'Anec 2. Via Normal, La sense nome 3. Via Normal, LA BOLETA How to find the crag: III III Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to reach this crag. 3 III IV+ III III Direction El Miracle III Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana II Direction Portella 23. 25. 27. 26. 24. 12. 11. 22. 1 III Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 2 Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 23.2. La Boleta del Portella estret North 165 m. Take me to 23.1. III IV III,IV 1. Via SAME 2. Via Iglesias-Torres Casanovas A1e,A2e IV IV V How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to reach this crag. III A1 A1e IV+ A1 A0,V Direction El Miracle A1e V+ Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana A2e IV+ A1e Direction Portella 23. 25. 27. 26. 24. V A1e A1 IV+ 1 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa A2 VI 2 Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana 12. 11. 22. Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 24. L'Agulla passola 25. El Gendarme North 40 m. Northwest 25 m. 1. Del collet 2. G.E.D.L 3. Via normal 4. Via aresta brucs IV A1e IV How to find the crag: 1 2 3 Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to reach this crag. III A2e III,IV Direction El Miracle Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana IV Direction Portella 23. 25. 27-28. 26. 24. 12. 11. 22. III Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares 4 St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 26. La nina North 35 m. V How to find the crag: A2e III Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to reach thhis crag. 1. Via normal IV A1e Direction El Miracle 1 III Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana 29. Direction Portella 23. 25. 27-28. 26. 24. 12. 11. 22. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 27. La boleta foradada 28. LAgulla del centenar III,IV III,IV North 150 m. 1. Via Anglada-Cerdà 2. Via CADE, L'Agulla del centenar IV,V A1 How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, leave the track and head for the crag. V,A0 A2,A3 V,V+ A2 A2 V+ A1 Direction El Miracle IV+ Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana V+,VI 30. 29. V Direction Portella V 25. 27-28. 26. 24. 12. 11. 22. V,V+ V,V+ Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos IV+ Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan III Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt V,A1 Direction Can Jorba Direction El Castell 1 A1 2 Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 29. El Bisbe III A1,IV IV A1 IV North 300 m. V III,IV A0e V+ 1. Via GAM 2. Via Carrizosa-Colt How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn left and walk 100 metres and finally leave the track and head for the crag. A1e A1e,A2 V A2 A1e V+ Direction El Miracle A1e A1,V Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana IV Direction Portella A1,V IV+,A0 V 30. 29. 27-28. 26. 31. 12. 11. IV IV A1e IV IV,V Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana III Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Can Jorba Direction El Castell 1 III 2 Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 30. La miranda del L'loro V IV North 215 m. A V V V How to find the crag: IV+ Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn left and walk 150 metres and finally leave the track and head for the crag. 1. Via Veni, Vidi, Vinci A1 V A1 V IV+ A1 Direction El Miracle V+ Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana V,A1 30. 29. V Direction Portella 27-28. 26. 31. 32. 50. A1 12. 11. V Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana III Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1 Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 31. L'Asiàtica North 125 m. IV,IV+ How to find the crag: 1. Via L'Asiàtica Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn left and walk approximately 200 metres and then finally leave the track and head for the crag. V A1,A2 Direction El Miracle Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana 30. 29. Direction Portella A2 27-28. 26. 31. 32. 50. 12. 11. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana A2 Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Can Jorba Direction El Castell 1 Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 32.1. El Lloro III III IV All point of the compass A2e 75 m. Take me to 31.2. IV The east side IV III A2 A1 III How to find the crag: IV IV A1 Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions, turn left and when the track changes direction from Northeast to South, follow the bend and you will find the crag. A2e IV A0 A2e IV IV,IV+ IV+ III A1e IV 2 A2 V IV Direction El Miracle 4 A2 Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana A2 30. 29. 1 II Direction Portella III 27-28. 26. 31. 32. 12. 11. IV Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1. Via Iglesias-roca-Sanchez 2. Via per sota l'ala 3. Via normal 4.Via cerdà Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden Take me to 31.1. 32.2. El Lloro IV South 120 m. A1e How to find the crag: A1e Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions, turn left and when the track changes direction from Northeast to South, follow the bend and you will find the crag. A2e 1. Via Iglesias-Casanovas A2 IV Direction El Miracle II V Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana 30. 29. IV+ Direction Portella 27-28. 26. 31. 32. 33. IV 12. 11. III Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana II,III Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1 Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 33. La monja IV A1e III South 130 m. 3.Via normal, on the other side, III,IV IV How to find the crag: A0 Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions, turn left and when the track changes direction from Northeast to South, follow the bend and you will find the crag. III III IV V+ A1 IV III Direction El Miracle V Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana 30. 29. IV Direction Portella IV+ 1 IV+ Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles 12. 11. 34. IV Can Massana 31. 32. 33. 2 Direction Manresa 27-28. 26. Ecos 1. Via Anglada-Vergés 2. Via sor Angustias 3. Via normal Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 34. El tub i la patata All points of the compass 40 m. IV How to find the crag: IV Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions keep left. After 5-10 minutes the track changes direction from Northeast to South, follow the bend and you will find the crag on your left. A1 V A2 V V+ 4 IV,V A2 III,IV Direction El Miracle A1 3 A2 Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana 31. Direction Portella III,IV 32. 33. 12. 11. 34. 1 35. 2 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe 43. 44. Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida 1. Via navarro-estorach 2. Xemeneia Barriere 3. Via torras-nubiola 4. Via normal 36. St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 35. La nana All points of the compass 40 m. III How to find the crag: South side III,IV Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions keep left and after the second T-junction you will find the crag to your right. IV+ IV IV+ A1 V A1e V A1 IV Direction El Miracle Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana V IV A2,IV 31. Direction Portella IV 32. 33. 1 III 12. 11. 34. 3 35. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe 2 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1. Via paret Est 2. Via aresta Nord 3. Via aresta Brucs 36. 37. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 36. La mamelluda III North, south and east 60 m. IV How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions keep left and after the second T-junction you will find the crag to your right if you leave the track and walk in the direction of this crag on a smaller track. III+ East side III IV IV+ South side V+ 3 V IV+ III IV+ V Direction El Miracle III Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana 31. Direction Portella 32. III 33. 12. 11. 34. 1 35. 2 38. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1. Via Anglada-Auqué 2. Via Pirenaica 3. Via Normal 36. 37. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 37. L'Agulla Amagada II North 45 m. How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions keep left and after the second T-junction you will find the crag to your right after having left the main track in the direction of the crag. III Direction El Miracle Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana Direction Portella IV 33. 12. 11. 34. 35. 38. 1 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares 1. Via Aresta Nord Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe 39. 36. 37. 40. St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 38. La caputxa North and east 45 m. How to find the crag: V III Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the following T-junction, hold left and in the next one, walk straight forward. You will find the crag to your left after having left the main track in the direction of the crag. IV,V V+ IV,V IV,V IV+ Direction El Miracle Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana IV Direction Portella 1 33. 2 12. 11. 34. 35. 38. Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida 1. Via Normal 2. Via Aresta Brucs Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe 39. 41. 42. 36. 37. 40. St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 39. La piràmide 40. El cap d'en Calventus III II South 50 m. IV South 90 m. A2e III,IV How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the following T-junction, hold left and in the next one, walk straight forward. You will find the crags to your left after having left the main track in the direction of the crag. III III III+ A1e III V 2 III,IV+ Direction El Miracle Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana III Direction Portella 33. 12. 11. 34. 35. 38. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe 39. III Direction Manresa Direction Manresa 40. Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell 37. Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana 41. 42. 36. Direction Can Jorba 1. Via Aresta Brucs 2. Via Aresta dels Brucs 1 Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell 41. Agulla sense nom 42.1. L'Agulla de la grip Take me to 42.2. III A1e IV+ III How to find the crag: All points of the compass 65 m. IV Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions keep left. After 5-10 minutes the track changes direction from Northeast to South, follow the bend and you will find the crag on your right after having left the main track in the direction of the crags. IV 1. Via Aresta Brucs, Agulla sense nom 2. Via Aresta Brucs, L'Agulla de la grip V III,IV Direction El Miracle III,IV Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana Direction Portella 12. 11. 34. 35. 38. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe 39. Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares 36. 41. 42. 43. 44. 37. 40. 1 St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 2 Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden Take me to 42.1. 42.2. L'Agulla de la grip III West side 105 m. V- 1. Via Atxís How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions keep left. After 5-10 minutes the track changes direction from Northeast to South, follow the bend and you will find the crag on your right after having left the main track in the direction of the crags. IV+ III IV- Direction El Miracle IV+ Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana Direction Portella III 12. 11. 34. 35. 38. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe 39. Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Parets 43. 44. 37. Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida 41. 42. 40. Ecos Vermell Can Jorba 36. St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1 Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 43. L'Agulla Aina South 70 m. How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions keep left. After 5-10 minutes the track changes direction from Northeast to South, follow the bend and turn left in the next T-junction. You will find the crag on the right side of the track. IV 1. Via Bresgom IV Direction El Miracle IV Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana Direction Portella 12. 11. 34. IV 35. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction Manresa Direction Manresa 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana 36. Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet IV Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1 Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 44. El dit III North side All point of the compass 105 m. V+ IV East side V V South side IV+ III V+ How to find the crag: IV IV+ Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions keep left. After 5-10 minutes the track changes direction from Northeast to South, follow the bend and continue straight ahead in the next T-junction. You will find the crag on the left side of the track. IV V V IV V El dit inferior 4 V V+ III IV IV,V A1e IV V IV V,V+ A1 III IV+ A1e Direction El Miracle V+ V IV V V V Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana V 3 IV Direction Portella III 1 35. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe 2 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré 12. 11. 34. Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1. Via Aresta Brucs 2. Via Bresgom 3. Via Same 4. Via Normal 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 45. L'Agulla Fàcil 46. El ditet III South 115 m. IV How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions keep left. After 5-10 minutes the track changes direction from Northeast to South, follow the bend and continue straight ahead in the next T-junction. You will find the crags on your left after having left the main track in the direction of the crags. 1. Via Auqué Muñoz 2. Via Aresta Brucs V III IV III Direction El Miracle Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana III,IV III+ Direction Portella 12. 11. 34. III 35. 2 Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe 41. 42. 43. 44. 47. 45. 1 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 47. El Bacallà North, east 35 m. How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions keep left. After 5-10 minutes the track changes direction from Northeast to South, follow the bend and turn left in the next T-junction. Afetr approximately 150 metres you will find the crag after havin left the main track in the direction of the crag. VA2e A2e V,A0 V A2 VA1 A1,A0 Direction El Miracle IV+ Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana IV IV+ Direction Portella III V 12. 11. 34. 1 35. 2 Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe 41. 42. 43. 44. 47. 45. 48. Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Frares Agulles Can Massana Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1. Via Bages 2. Díedre Oest 49. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 48. L'Agulla gran del pas del príncep How to find the crag: IV Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions keep left. After 510 minutes the track changes direction from Northeast to South, follow the bend and continue straight forward in the next T-junction. Continue to the next T-junction where the right track leads to Refugie Vicenç Barbe and the left one in the direction of Coll de Port. Turn left, pass the crag El Bitllot on your right and soon you will reach this crag on the left side of the track. IV North, south 140 m. IV A1 South side V IV A1 V+ A1 II A2,A1,V IV+ III Direction El Miracle 2 A1e,V V Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana Direction Portella VI- 50. 12. 11. V+ V 1 41. 42. 1. Via G.E.D.E 2. Via Normal Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe 43. 44. 47. 45. 48. Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Frares Agulles Can Massana Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida 49. St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 49. El Bitllot IV Northeast 30 m. How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right to find the track that leads to the area with towers. At the two following T-junctions keep left. After 510 minutes the track changes direction from Northeast to South, follow the bend and continue straight forward in the next T-junction. Continue to the next T-junction where the right track leads to Refugie Vicenç Barbe and the left one in the direction of Coll de Port. Turn left and you will find the crag on your right. A1 1. Via Normal IV Direction El Miracle Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana Direction Portella 50. 12. 11. 1 41. 42. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe 43. 44. 47. 45. 48. Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida 49. St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 50. El Frare gros A1e A2 South 250 m. A 1. Via Anglada-Cerdà A2 A1 V How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Frares sector, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow the signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted to Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue on this road as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk to the mountains on the road that soon becomes a track. Pass the track that leads down to El Miracle and at the T-junction, turn right in the direction of Coll de Port. At the crest, in the Tjunction, turn right to find your way to the crag. A1e Direction El Miracle A1e Direction Collet de Guiró Can Maçana Direction Portella A1 50. 12. 11. A1 41. 42. Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe 43. 44. 47. 45. IV Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos 48. IV Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida 49. St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan III Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Can Jorba Direction El Castell 1 Direction Refugi Vicenç Barbe Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 51. El gerro 15 m. Two multi pitch routes, 50 m. How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Agulles sector, turn of the highway at exit 572. From the village El Bruc de dalt you have to find a road in the direction of the L'Era dels Pallers. Drive as far as you are allowed to drive. Park and continue in the same direction to find this crag. III IV+ V Direction El Miracle IV 22. Collet de Guiró 54. III 55. 58. Direction Can Maçana 56. 39. 53. 57. 2 3 Refugi Vicenç Barbe A2 4 5 1 52. 6 AMiranda de les Agulles Direction El bruc de dalt Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1. Per la Nansa 2. Via Normal 3. ? 4. ? 5. ? 6. ? 6b 6c 6c 7a L'Era dels Pallers 51. Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 52. Miranda de la portella How to find the crag: 105 m. Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. To reach the Agulles sector, use exit 572. From the village El Bruc de dalt you have to find a road in the direction of the L'Era dels Pallers. The road turns sharp two times to the left and after that, in a bend to the right, a smaller road turns of to the left. Take that one and continue as far as you are allowed to drive. Walk along the track in the direction of the Rifugi Vicenç Barbe and after approximately 100 metres you will find the crag after having left the main track in the direction of the crag. 1. Cade 2. Capeta Torres 3. Ramonage 6a Direction El Miracle IV 22. Collet de Guiró 54. 55. 58. Direction Can Maçana 56. 39. 53. 57. III Refugi Vicenç Barbe 6a IV IV 52. 1 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction El bruc de dalt Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana 3 Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares AMiranda de les Agulles L'Era dels Pallers St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 2 51. Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 53. L'Agulla del sol ponent How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway, to reach Frares, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted for Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue along this road and when it divides into two take the left fork. Park when you reach a Tjunction and follow the track from there to this particular sector. Take the first track to the left and follow that for approximately 200 meteres and you will find the crag on your left. 35 m. III 6b III Direction El Miracle III IV IV IV 22. Collet de Guiró 54. 55. 58. Direction Can Maçana V+ 56. 39. 53. III 57. III 6a Refugi Vicenç Barbe 1 4 3 2 52. AMiranda de les Agulles Direction El bruc de dalt Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares 1. Via aresta Brucs 2. Via Normal 3. Tot el temps del món 4. Via Aresta nord L'Era dels Pallers St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 51. Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 54. La Bandareta 1. Esperò nord 2. Canal del Ninet 3. Grisèmil 4. Barrufets 5. Ven-Suri-Ven 6. Químics 7. ? 8. Torres Nubiola V+ Ae 165 m. III IV V V V V+ V Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway, to reach Frares, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted for Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue along this road and when it divides into two take the left fork. Park when you reach a Tjunction and follow the track from there to this particular sector. Take the first track to the left and follow that for approximately 400 meteres and you will find the crag on your left. V A2 A2 How to find the crag: IV VI A0 A1 IV V+ IV+ V Direction El Miracle IV+ V VI A2 A1 IV V+ 7 Ae 1 A1 22. Collet de Guiró V+ 54. A1,IV ? A0 IV 55. 58. Direction Can Maçana 56. 39. 53. V A1 A2 6 57. 8 Refugi Vicenç Barbe Ae IV IV+ A2 2 3 52. AMiranda de les Agulles Direction El bruc de dalt 4 5,6 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Ecos Vermell L'Era dels Pallers Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 51. Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 55. Dumbo How to find the crag: V+ Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway, to reach Frares, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted for Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue along this road and when it divides into two take the left fork. Park when you reach a Tjunction and follow the track from there to this particular sector. Follow the track that leads to the Refugi Vicent Barbe and at the T-junction after the Refugi you turn left. The second smaller track to the left leads to this crag. 105 m. 6a 6a 6a+ V+ 1. Esperò dels núvols 2. Edelweis Equipada 3. Lobo estepario 4. Bola de drac 5. Agradable sobremesa con una japonesa 6. Closa-Aznar 7a IV+ 6a+ Direction El Miracle 22. Collet de Guiró 54. 6b 55. 58. Direction Can Maçana 56. 39. 53. 57. 7a V+ 6b V+ Refugi Vicenç Barbe V+ 52. 3 2 4 1 6 AMiranda de les Agulles Direction El bruc de dalt 5 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell L'Era dels Pallers Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 51. Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 56. La bola de la partio How to find the crag: A2 Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway, to reach Frares, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted for Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue along this road and when it divides into two take the left fork. Park when you reach a T-junction and follow the track from there to this particular sector. Follow the track that leads to the Refugi Vicent Barbe and at the T-junction you reach before the Refugi you turn left and continues for about 200 metres. You will find the crag on the right side of the track. 1. Núria 2. Santacana 3. Via Normal 4. Sidharta 5. Santboiana 6. Argonautes 7. Enigmes del temps 8. Original 85 m. A1 6a IV+ IV+ Direction El Miracle IV V IV+ A2 A1 6a 22. Collet de Guiró IV+ 54. 56. 39. IV 53. A1,V V V 55. 58. Direction Can Maçana V 57. 6a 6a Refugi Vicenç Barbe 3 A2 1 V 2 6a Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana 52. III A1 AMiranda de les Agulles Direction El bruc de dalt 6a L'Era dels Pallers V Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt 8 Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Can Jorba Direction El Castell 4 5 6 7 51. Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 57. La Miranda de la Bohigues 140 m. How to find the crag: V+ 6a 8a 1. Daniel 2. La tentació viu a dalt 3. Hiwatta 4. Amor prohibit 5. Argent 6. Jumpin jack flash 7. Montpart 8. Grimpanautes 9. Garcia Vidal 10. Verdauguer Duran 11. Conchi 12. Desarreglos intestinales Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway, to reach Frares, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted for Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue along this road and when it divides into two take the left fork. Park when you reach a T-junction and follow the track from there to this particular sector. Follow the track that leads to the Refugi Vicent Barbe and at the T-junction signposted for the Refugi to the right you continue straight forward for about 200 metres. You will find the crag to the right having left the main track in the direction of the crag. Direction El Miracle 6a A0 6c IV+ V 6a V 6a+ III Ae V V+ 6a 6a A1,IV 54. IV+ A1 V 6b IV 6b 22. Collet de Guiró V 56. 39. 6b 53. A0 1 V 6a A2 7a+ V 2 3 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Refugi Vicenç Barbe V V+ 4 IV 6 7 8 57. V+ 9 V V+ A2 A0 55. 58. Direction Can Maçana IV+ 10 6a 52. 5 12 11 AMiranda de les Agulles Direction El bruc de dalt L'Era dels Pallers Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 51. Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 58. Bessones How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway, to reach Frares, choose exit 572 (Massana) or exit 576 (Monistrol). Follow signpost for Monestir de Montserrat and just before you reach the small village of Can Maçana you should turn right onto a smaller road signposted for Collet de Guirlo, Foradada. Continue along this road and when it divides into two take the left fork. Park when you reach a T-junction and follow the track from there to this particular sector. Follow the track that leads to the Refugi Vicent Barbe and at the T-junction you reach before the Refugi you turn left and continues for about 250 metres. You will find the crag on the left side of the track. 130 m. IV 1. Via Aresta Brucs 2. Hay algo aquí que va mal 3. C.E.S 4. Via Aresta Brucs 5. Via Iglesias-Casanovas A2,V V 6a,A3 IV,A1 Direction El Miracle A2 6a+ 3 6a,A3 V+ 22. Collet de Guiró 54. A2 V,A2e 55. 58. Direction Can Maçana 56. 39. 53. IV 6a 57. Refugi Vicenç Barbe 6a 1 2 52. AMiranda de les Agulles Direction El bruc de dalt 4 5 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Ecos Vermell L'Era dels Pallers Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 51. Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 59.1. El Cavall Bernard 260 m. A2,V 6b A0 A2+ Take me to 59.2. 6a 6c 6b 6c V A0 Northwest side Ae North, northeast side IV 6a V+ How to find the crag: V Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. Turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue to the Tjunction, if you turn left you will reach the Monestir (Montserrat monastery). Turn right and drive in the direction of Monestir de St. Cecilia and park there. Walk about 50 metres back along the road towards the Monestir and go up a path that climbs from the road, it has a signpost with various places on it. Alternatively, walk from the Monestir and walk down in the wood to find the routes. V Ae 6a+ 6a+ A0 V+ V V+ IV,A0 6a+ A0,V 7 A3 V A2,V A3 Direction Monestir de St. Cecilia V A1,V V Direction Monistrol de Montserrat V+ 6a+ V+ IV+ V V 6,7 V+ IV V Hotel 8 V A1 IV+ 61. 60. Ae 1 2 V IV 4 IV 3 5 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova 1. Nanga Pardal 2. Puigmal 3. Gran Ilusión 4. Punsola-Reniu 5. Parsifal 6. Sabadell 7. Josep Barbarà 8. Busquets-Mas-Balaguer 59. El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba Direction Pla dels Ocells Direction Serra de les Lluernes Direction Monestir de Motserrat Direction Monestir de Motserrat Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 59.2. El Cavall Bernard Take me to 59.1. 180 m. 6b IV V A1 III 7b V+ South side V+ IV A2 IV V+ A2,V Ae IV+ Ae,IV How to find the crag: Ae Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. Turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue to the Tjunction, if you turn left you will reach the Monestir (Montserrat monastery). Turn right and drive in the direction of Monestir de St. Cecilia and park there. Walk about 50 metres back along the road to the Monestir and go up a path that climbs from the road, it has a signpost with various places on it. Alternatively, walk from the Monestir and walk down in the wood to find the routes. Ae A1 V 3 1 A2 7c 6b IV Ae A0 A2 7a 2,3 Ae V V- V IV+ 6c+ IV- Direction Monestir de St. Cecilia Direction Monistrol de Montserrat 7 Hotel V IV V+ V+ 6c 8 9 10 11 61. 60. IV V V+ 4 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana 5 Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 6 1. Reina Montesinos 2. Via Normal 3. Gam 4. Aresta cavall màgic 5. Perez-Verges 6. Enigma de citamar 7. ? 8. Xavier Rabat 9. Anglada-Guillamón 10. Edelweis 11. Desiree 59. Direction Pla dels Ocells Direction Serra de les Lluernes Direction Monestir de Motserrat Direction Monestir de Motserrat Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 60. Patriarquese 280 m. 3 4c 4 7a,6b 4c A1 6b 3 4a 6a 4c 3 How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. Turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue to the T-junction, if you turn left you will reach the Monestir (Montserrat monastery). Turn right and drive in the direction of Monestir de St. Cecilia and park there. Follow the track to the crag. 6a Ae A2 6b 5a 5a 5a 5c 7a 5a 6a 1. Alfanhui 2. Danza Vertical 3. Manyos Casanovas 4. TIM 5. Carrilet 6. Cobo-Pamplona 7. Anarquia vertical 4 4c 6b+ A3,6c 5c 3 Ae,7a 5a,A1 Ae A2,5a Direction Monestir de St. Cecilia Direction Monistrol de Montserrat A3 Ae,6b 5c Hotel A1,5c 5b,A1 Ae,6c 3 A2,6c A1 A2,5a A1,7a 60. A1,5c 5a A0,4 1 5 5a A4,5c A1 61. A1 A1,5a 5b 6a A0,6c A1,5 5,A1 59. 4 Direction Monestir de Motserrat 5a 2 6b Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Ecos 3 4 3 Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet 5 Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 6 7 Direction Pla dels Ocells Direction Serra de les Lluernes Direction Monestir de Motserrat Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 61. Serrat del Moro Paret 4c 5c+ 360 m. 5a Take me to the map and give me the name of the routes. Ae A3 Ae 4a 5b 5c 5c 4c 4c 6a Ae 5b 6a 5a 6a 5c 6a A3 5c 4c 5c 6a 5c 5c 5a Ae 6a 12 4b 14 4 7a 5 5c 4b 23 Ae A2 A3 4 5c 5c 5a Direction Manresa 4b Direction Manresa 4b 5b 5a 5b 4c 4c 4c Agulles Can Massana 3 Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba 5a Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova Gorros 3 Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova Serrat dels monjos N2 C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona 5c Direction Martoré 5a Ae,4 4 6a 6a Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares 5c Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Direction Can Jorba Direction El Bruc de Dalt 4c Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1 6b 2 5b A1 17 6 7 5c 4c 5 10 5b 6c 5b 6b 6c A3 6b 5a 3 18 Ae 5b Ae 6b A2 A3 5c 5b A1 3 5c 4 6a A2 A4 6a+ 5 A2 4c 6b 6b A1 Ae 6b 6a 5b 6b Ae Ae A3 4c+ 6a El Bruc de Dalt El Bruc del Mig A1 4c 6a 6a 5a 5a Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares 5c+ A1 7b Ae 6b 5a 5a A4 6a+ A2 Ae A3 6a 5c+ 4b 5 5c A5 5c 7a 6a+ 6c Ae 5c 9 Ae 6a+ 4c Ae A3 5c Ae 6a+ 4b 6a A2 5b 8 5b A2 Ae Ae 6a 5c 6a 6b 5c A4 5c 7a 7a+ 5b 4c 5c 7a+ 4b 5c Ae 5c 5c 5c A1 A2 6c 5b 5 5a 6b Ae 4b 6a A2 A4 6a A1 4c 5 6b Ae 6a 6c 6a 4b 5c Ae 5c 4b 6b 5a 4c A3 7a+ 6a 6a 5c A2+ 6b 11 15 16 13 19 Ae 20 6c 5b 21 22 6b+ 24 5 6a+ 25 26 61. Serrat del Moro Paret, Map and names 360 m. Take me back to the crag. How to find the crag: Direction Monestir de St. Cecilia Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. Turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue to the T-junction, if you turn left you will reach the Monestir (Montserrat monastery). Turn right and drive in the direction of Monestir de St. Cecilia and park there. Follow the track to the crag. Direction Monistrol de Montserrat Hotel 61. 60. 59. Direction Pla dels Ocells Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Monistrol de Montserrat Direction Serra de les Lluernes Direction Monestir de Motserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Direction Monestir de Motserrat Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Copyright coronn AB, Sweden Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Direction Can Jorba Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1. Topo Toni 2. Fil. loxera 3. A donde hostias... 4. Easy Ride 5. Reencuentros 6. Lotus 7. Gesam 8. Màgic stones 9. Expósita Tudons 10. Barra Lliure 11. Pany Farrera 12. Electric ladyland 13. Frangancia tropical 14. Terra i Mar 15. Antonio Garcia P. 16. Antonio Machin 17. Mirall Impenetrable 18. Viatge Sentimentale 19. Anglada-Cerdà 20. Jan-Cullell 21. Valentin Casanovas 22. Cade 23. Olesa 24. Trollryggen90 25. David Aprico 26. Nicolau-Freixas-Benito 62. La Gorra Frígia III North and east 180 m. How to find the crag: IV+ 1. Badalona 2. Snoopy 3. Del carles 4. Adrià 5. Haus 6. ? 7. História Interminable 8. Sombra a la luz... 9. Free-light 10. Bella Easo 11. Opera Prima 12. Magic line IV IV V IV V+ V V V IV V IV IV+ IV V Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. Turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue in the direction of Monestir de Montserrat. When you arrive at the Monestir park and continue into the area. You will find a mouantain railway that will take you to Pla de les Tarántules. Follow the footpath to the West and after a couple of minutes you will find crag 62 to 65 on your left. Direction Pla de la Trinitat Direction Monistrol de Montserrat IV IV+ IV IV IV V III 1 2 12 V+ III 66. V+ IV V 4 3 V Direction St. Jeroni V Monestir de Montserrat V V+ V V V 63. V+ 62. IV V 64. 6 6a 6a IV V V 7 Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Ecos Vermell 65. V V Can Massana 68. 5 V Direction Manresa 67. Direction Pla dels Ocells V+ IV V Sant Miquel V Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares V St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 8 9 10 V+ 11 12 Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 63. El Sentinella How to find the crag: North and east 1. Purple haze 2. Wagner 3. Pisters 4. Sulfúric 5. Pany-Farrera 6. Santaca-Gómez 7. GEDE 125 m. 4c 4a 4a Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. Turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue in the direction of Monestir de Montserrat. When you arrive at the Monestir park and continue into the area. You will find a mouantain railway that will take you to Pla de les Tarántules. Alternatively, take a long walk and pass sant Miquel (more than one hours walk). Follow the footpath to the West and after a couple of minutes you will find crag 62 to 65 on your left. A2 A1 A1 6a 4b 5a 5a Direction Pla de la Trinitat 4a 6a+ A1 5a A1 6b+ A2 67. Direction Pla dels Ocells 5a Direction Monistrol de Montserrat 66. 5b Direction St. Jeroni 68. 4c,A0 A1 Monestir de Montserrat 5c 4c 5c 5 5c 5a 64. 5a 65. 6 3 2 62. 5c 4 1 63. 5b Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida Sant Miquel 5a St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 7 Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 64.1. La Magdalena Superior Take me to 64.2. How to find the crag: All point of the compass 150 m. Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. Turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue in the direction of Monestir de Montserrat. When you arrive at the Monestir park and continue into the area. You will find a mouantain railway that will take you to Pla de les Tarántules. Alternatively, take a long walk and pass sant Miquel (more than one hours walk). Follow the footpath to the West and after a couple of minutes you will find crag 62 to 65 on your left. 4c 5a Northeast side 5b 4c 1. Carlos 2. Simon 3. Amistat d'estiu 4. Ignasi jorba 5. Mingo Arenas 4c 5b 5c 6a Direction Pla de la Trinitat 5c 5b Direction Monistrol de Montserrat 67. Direction Pla dels Ocells 4c 66. 5a Direction St. Jeroni 4b 68. Monestir de Montserrat 4b 63. 4c 62. 4b 3 64. 3 65. 3 Sant Miquel Direction Manresa Direction Manresa 2 Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos 2 2 Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 1 2 3 4 5 Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 64.2. La Magdalena Superior Take me to 64.1. All point of the compass How to find the crag: 150 m. Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. Turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue in the direction of Monestir de Montserrat. When you arrive at the Monestir park and continue into the area. You will find a mouantain railway that will take you to Pla de les Tarántules. Alternatively, take a long walk and pass sant Miquel (more than one hours walk). Follow the footpath to the West and after a couple of minutes you will find crag 62 to 65 on your left. 4a 3 Southwest side 1. Susibel 2. Super frio 3. Cuca 4. ? 5. 98 Octanos 6. Four roses 7. Pirenaic 4a 4a 4a 4a 4a 4b 4a Direction Pla de la Trinitat Direction Monistrol de Montserrat East side A3 4 5a 4c 6b 3 3 3 66. 6a Direction St. Jeroni 7b 2 3 67. Direction Pla dels Ocells Ae,5a 6b 68. A1,4c Monestir de Montserrat 3 63. 4b 1 62. 5c 64. 65. 7 3 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa 6 Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Sant Miquel Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Can Jorba Direction El Castell 5 Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 65. La Magdalena Inferior 6a 4a 4a 4a All point of the compass How to find the crag: 4c 4a 4a Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. Turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue in the direction of Monestir de Montserrat. When you arrive at the Monestir park and continue into the area. You will find a mouantain railway that will take you to Pla de les Tarántules. Alternatively, take a long walk and pass sant Miquel (more than one hours walk). Follow the footpath to the West and after a couple of minutes you will find crag 62 to 65 on your left. 6a 105 m. 4c 4c 5c 5c North side 4c 5a 4c 5c 5a 4c 5a Direction Pla de la Trinitat 5a 4a 4b 4b 5a 4b 7b+ 4c 4b 9 4a Direction Monistrol de Montserrat 4c 6a+ 10 6a 11 5a 4c 4b 17 5a 12 4b 5b 5c 13 1415 67. Direction Pla dels Ocells 66. 16 Direction St. Jeroni 68. 1 Monestir de Montserrat 2 4b 5a 4c 6a 3 Direction Manresa Direction Manresa 4 Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana 4c Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares Monestir Direction Lleida St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction El Castell Direction Can Jorba 5 6 4c 7 8 1. oxigeno 2. ? 3. EAM 4. ? 5. Walt Disney 6. Via Apia 7. Albert 8. Llibertat positiva 9. Benson 10. Bi-Potens 11. Augusta 12. Mingo Arenas 13. Sebastià Patiño 14. La que hi faltava 15. Rantanplan 16. Petit Gerard 17. Xiqui 63. 62. 64. 65. Sant Miquel Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 66. Miranda de Sant Benet How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. Turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue in the direction of Monestir de Montserrat. When you arrive at the Monestir park and continue into the area. Walk in the direction of "Ermita de Sant Benet" and the refugi and after you have passed them, turn left in the T-junction and walk for about 200 metres and then head for the crag. Alternatively, take the track from Monestir de Montserrat in the direction of Pla dels Ocells. Follow the second track to the right and when you reach the T-junction where the track is coming from the rifugi, you will find the crag after having left the main track in the direction of the crag, located to the north behind the crag La Panxa del Bispe. The one pitch routes are bolted. Southeast 50 m. 1. Oio-ioo 2. Stradivarius 3. Aresta Violí 4. Scherzo finale 5. Kegel 6. Allegro fortíssimo 7. Mentes dementes 8. Eugenia ten cuidado con el hacha 9. El chancro 10. Las Cándidas 11. Víctimas del cambio 12. Missatge perdut 7a 6a 6b 6c 6c+ 7a 7a 6c+ 6c+ 6c 6a Direction Pla de la Trinitat Direction Monistrol de Montserrat 1 67. Direction Pla dels Ocells 6c 66. 4c Direction St. Jeroni 5b 68. Monestir de Montserrat 7 6b+ 8 62. 9 3 63. 10 64. 11 12 65. 6 Sant Miquel Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan 2,3 Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Can Jorba Direction El Castell 4 5,6 Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 67.1. La Mòmia Take me to 67.2. North How to find the crag: 130 m. Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. Turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue in the direction of Monestir de Montserrat. When you arrive at the Monestir park and continue into the area. Walk in the direction of "Ermita de Sant Benet" and the refugi and after you have passed them, turn right in the T-junction. After 100 metres you will pass a tower located on your left , that is the La Trumfa crag. Continue 100 metres to reach three towers to your left, the biggest one is this crag. North side IV IV 1. Silvian 2. Gam 3. Horchata de chufa III+ Direction Pla de la Trinitat V+ Direction Monistrol de Montserrat 6b+ 67. Direction Pla dels Ocells IV+ 6b+ 66. Direction St. Jeroni 1 68. V+ Ae Monestir de Montserrat 3 63. 62. 64. 2 65. Sant Miquel Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Can Jorba Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 67.2. La Mòmia Take me to 67.1. South How to find the crag: 160 m. V 6a V 6a+ 6b 6b 6a+ 4 6b IV 15 16 7a 12 IV 7a 1. El Frenao 2. El Yeti 3. ? 4. Brown sugar 5. Albert Cervera 6. Escàndalo público 7. Haus Estrems 8. CESA 9. Kung Fu 10. Pirenaic 11. Kumbaya 12. santacana 13. Valor 14. La Maledicció de Tutan-Jamón 15. ? 16. Mas Guash 17. Serano Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. Turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue in the direction of Monestir de Montserrat. When you arrive at the Monestir park and continue into the area. Walk in the direction of "Ermita de Sant Benet" and the refugi and after you have passed them, turn right in the T-junction. After 100 metres you will pass a tower located on your left , that is the La Trumfa crag. Continue 100 metres to reach three towers to your left, the biggest one is this crag. III 6b III 6a 7a V 6c+ 14 13 IV 6a V 6a+ Direction Pla de la Trinitat 17 6c IV+ IV 6a+ 6b V 6a 67. Direction Pla dels Ocells V+ 66. 6c Direction St. Jeroni 6b V+ IV+ 6a 6b 68. 7a Monestir de Montserrat Ae V+ iii+ IV IV+ 6a 6b 2 1 3 Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana IV+ 6a+ 6c+ 6a 62. 64. 65. 6 6c IV 12 4 5 Direction Manresa 7 63. 7a 6a V Direction Monistrol de Montserrat 10 11 6,7,8 Sant Miquel 9 Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Can Jorba Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden 68. Roca dels cobs How to find the crag: Drive from Barcelona in the direction of Monserrat on the N2 highway. Turn of at exit 576. Turn left in the direction of Monistrol de Montserrat and continue in the direction of Monestir de Montserrat. When you arrive at the Monestir park and continue into the area. If you look down on the mountain railway that arrives from the road down in the valley, you will see a track that leads downwards. Follow this track and at a sharp bend to the right you leave the road/track for a smaller track and continue straight ahead to the crag. South 6c+ 6a+ 6b 6a 6a+ 5c 6a 6a 5b Direction Pla de la Trinitat 6a+ 6a 3 6b 7b 5c 7a 4 2 1 Direction Monistrol de Montserrat 5 67. Direction Pla dels Ocells 66. Direction St. Jeroni 68. Monestir de Montserrat 1. Traversía de los Dioses 2. Noches de blanco satén 3. Por Bulerías 4. Matahari 5. Tepedes 63. 62. 64. 65. Sant Miquel Direction Manresa Direction Manresa Direction Santa Cecília Font del Llum Direction Sector Frares Monistrol de Montserrat Colonia Pulg Frares Agulles Can Massana Ecos Vermell Parets Can Jorba Monestir Direction Lleida Direction Sant Jeroni Direction Sector Frares St. Benet Vinya Nova El Bruc de Dalt Gorros Camping Can Jorba St. Joan Vinya Nova El Bruc del Mig Serrat dels monjos N2 Direction Can Jorba C-141 El Bruc residencial Collbató N2 Direction Barcelona Direction Martoré Direction El Bruc de Dalt Direction Can Jorba Direction El Castell Copyright coronn AB, Sweden
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